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Assalamualaikum Wr Wb Good morning ladies and gentlemen Ladies and gentlemen, at this time, I would like to present my research

paper about judul paper penelitian kita In this presentation, there are some points that I would like to explain..As you can see in my powerpoint slide, the outline are (sambil menunjukkan slide outline kita dan membacakan isi outline kita, ex : first is back ground of the study, next is, xxxxxxxxxxxx and the last is conclusion) Ok, first of all I would like to explain about my background of the study. The background of the study will tell about my reason to choose the topic for my research paper. (Setelah itu, kita membaca background yang ada di research paper kita) Next is my research question, at least there are (bisa one, two, or three) question in my research paper. They are, first xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, second xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, third xxxxxxxxxxxxxx and so on. Next is thesis statement, (baca thesis statementnya) Next is Literature Review that will define the meaning of some keywords in my research paper. The first is about (sebutin kata kunci yang akan kita jelaskan di LR, misalnya the first is about the meaning of gasoline subsidy) that was taken from (sebutin sumbernya, misalnya that was taken from wikipedia, dsb) (setelah itu kita baca LR-nya) second is about (xxxxxxxx) that was taken from (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx), dst Next is my research methodology. Baca satu-satu yang ada di slide, pakai improvisasi juga boleh Next is findings, (yang ditampilkan di slide yaitu point-pointnya saja, yang kita baca yaitu yang ada di research paper) The last is conclusion, baca saja conclusion yang ada di powerpoint. Ketika membaca conclusion, jika bisa intonasinya lebih tinggi

Ok, thats all I can explain about my reseacrh paper about sebutin judul paper kita..Thank you for your attention..Any questions..

Wss Wr Wb

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