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DEFINE table_criteria = "table_name = all tables" -- all tables -- REM DEFINE table_criteria = "table_name !

= 'TEST'" -- REM DEFINE table_criteria = "table_name LIKE 'LOOKUP%' OR table_nam e LIKE 'C%'"

DEFINE column_criteria = "column_name = all columns" -- all columns --REM DEFINE column_criteria = "column_name NOT IN ('CREATED', 'MODIFIED')" --REM DEFINE column_criteria = "column_name NOT LIKE '%_ID'" --REM DATABASE LINK TO be used TO ACCESS the remote SCHEMA: -- DEFINE d = "remote_db" SET SERVEROUTPUT ON SIZE 1000000 SET VERIFY OFF DECLARE CURSOR c_tables IS SELECT table_name FROM user_tables WHERE &table_criteria ORDER BY table_name; CURSOR c_columns (cp_table_name IN VARCHAR2) IS SELECT column_name, data_type FROM user_tab_columns WHERE table_name = cp_table_name AND &column_criteria ORDER BY column_id; TYPE t_char80array IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(80) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; v_column_list VARCHAR2(32767); v_total_columns INTEGER; v_skipped_columns INTEGER; v_count1 INTEGER; v_count2 INTEGER; v_rows_fetched INTEGER; v_column_pieces t_char80array; v_piece_count INTEGER; v_pos INTEGER; v_length INTEGER; v_next_break INTEGER; v_same_count INTEGER := 0; v_diff_count INTEGER := 0; v_error_count INTEGER := 0; v_warning_count INTEGER := 0; --- Use dbms_sql instead of native dynamic SQL so that Oracle 7 and Oracle 8 -- folks can use this script. -v_cursor INTEGER := dbms_sql.open_cursor; -BEGIN --- Iterate through all tables in the local database that match the -- specified table criteria. -FOR r1 IN c_tables LOOP --

-- Build a list of columns that we will compare (those columns -- that match the specified column criteria). We will skip columns -- that are of a data type not supported (LOBs and LONGs). -v_column_list := NULL; v_total_columns := 0; v_skipped_columns := 0; FOR r2 IN c_columns (r1.table_name) LOOP v_total_columns := v_total_columns + 1; IF r2.data_type IN ('BLOB', 'CLOB', 'NCLOB', 'LONG', 'LONG RAW') THEN --- The column's data type is one not supported by this script (a LOB -- or a LONG). We'll enclose the column name in comment delimiters in -- the column list so that the column is not used in the query. -v_skipped_columns := v_skipped_columns + 1; IF v_column_list LIKE '%,' THEN v_column_list := RTRIM (v_column_list, ',') ' /*, "' r2.column_name '" */,'; ELSE v_column_list := v_column_list ' /* "' r2.column_name '" */ '; END IF; ELSE --- The column's data type is supported by this script. Add the column -- name to the column list for use in the data comparison query. -v_column_list := v_column_list '"' r2.column_name '",'; END IF; END LOOP; --- Compare the data in this table only if it contains at least one column -- whose data type is supported by this script. -IF v_total_columns > v_skipped_columns THEN --- Trim off the last comma from the column list. -v_column_list := RTRIM (v_column_list, ','); BEGIN --- Get a count of rows in the local table missing from the remote table. -dbms_sql.parse ( v_cursor, 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' 'SELECT ' v_column_list ' FROM "' r1.table_name '"' ' MINUS ' 'SELECT ' v_column_list ' FROM "' r1.table_name '"@&dblink)', dbms_sql.native ); dbms_sql.define_column (v_cursor, 1, v_count1); v_rows_fetched := dbms_sql.execute_and_fetch (v_cursor); IF v_rows_fetched = 0 THEN RAISE NO_DATA_FOUND; END IF; dbms_sql.column_value (v_cursor, 1, v_count1); --- Get a count of rows in the remote table missing from the local table.

-dbms_sql.parse ( v_cursor, 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' 'SELECT ' v_column_list ' FROM "' r1.table_name '"@&dblink' ' MINUS ' 'SELECT ' v_column_list ' FROM "' r1.table_name '")', dbms_sql.native ); dbms_sql.define_column (v_cursor, 1, v_count2); v_rows_fetched := dbms_sql.execute_and_fetch (v_cursor); IF v_rows_fetched = 0 THEN RAISE NO_DATA_FOUND; END IF; dbms_sql.column_value (v_cursor, 1, v_count2); --- Display our findings. -IF v_count1 = 0 AND v_count2 = 0 THEN --- No data discrepencies were found. Report the good news. -dbms_output.put_line ( r1.table_name ' - Local and remote table contain the same data' ); v_same_count := v_same_count + 1; IF v_skipped_columns = 1 THEN dbms_output.put_line ( r1.table_name ' - Warning: 1 LOB or LONG column was omitted ' 'from the comparison' ); v_warning_count := v_warning_count + 1; ELSIF v_skipped_columns > 1 THEN dbms_output.put_line ( r1.table_name ' - Warning: ' TO_CHAR (v_skipped_columns) ' LOB or LONG columns were omitted from the comparison' ); v_warning_count := v_warning_count + 1; END IF; ELSE --- There is a discrepency between the data in the local table and -- the remote table. First, give a count of rows missing from each. -IF v_count1 > 0 THEN dbms_output.put_line ( r1.table_name ' - ' LTRIM (TO_CHAR (v_count1, '999,999,990')) ' rows on local database missing from remote' ); END IF; IF v_count2 > 0 THEN dbms_output.put_line ( r1.table_name ' - '

LTRIM (TO_CHAR (v_count2, '999,999,990')) ' rows on remote database missing from local' ); END IF; IF v_skipped_columns = 1 THEN dbms_output.put_line ( r1.table_name ' - Warning: 1 LOB or LONG column was omitted ' 'from the comparison' ); v_warning_count := v_warning_count + 1; ELSIF v_skipped_columns > 1 THEN dbms_output.put_line ( r1.table_name ' - Warning: ' TO_CHAR (v_skipped_columns) ' LOB or LONG columns were omitted from the comparison' ); v_warning_count := v_warning_count + 1; END IF; --- Next give the user a query they could run to see all of the -- differing data between the two tables. To prepare the query, -- first we'll break the list of columns in the table into smaller -- chunks, each short enough to fit on one line of a telnet window -- without wrapping. -v_pos := 1; v_piece_count := 0; v_length := LENGTH (v_column_list); LOOP EXIT WHEN v_pos = v_length; v_piece_count := v_piece_count + 1; IF v_length - v_pos < 72 THEN v_column_pieces(v_piece_count) := SUBSTR (v_column_list, v_pos); v_pos := v_length; ELSE v_next_break := GREATEST (INSTR (SUBSTR (v_column_list, 1, v_pos + 72), ',"', -1), INSTR (SUBSTR (v_column_list, 1, v_pos + 72), ',/* "', -1), INSTR (SUBSTR (v_column_list, 1, v_pos + 72), ' /* "', -1)); v_column_pieces(v_piece_count) := SUBSTR (v_column_list, v_pos, v_next_break - v_pos + 1); v_pos := v_next_break + 1; END IF; END LOOP; dbms_output.put_line ('Use the following query to view the data ' 'discrepencies:'); dbms_output.put_line ('('); dbms_output.put_line ('SELECT ''Local'' "LOCATION",'); FOR i IN 1..v_piece_count LOOP dbms_output.put_line (v_column_pieces(i)); END LOOP; dbms_output.put_line ('FROM "' r1.table_name '"'); dbms_output.put_line ('MINUS'); dbms_output.put_line ('SELECT ''Local'' "LOCATION",'); FOR i IN 1..v_piece_count LOOP dbms_output.put_line (v_column_pieces(i));

END LOOP; dbms_output.put_line ('FROM "' r1.table_name '"@&dblink'); dbms_output.put_line (') UNION ALL ('); dbms_output.put_line ('SELECT ''Remote'' "LOCATION",'); FOR i IN 1..v_piece_count LOOP dbms_output.put_line (v_column_pieces(i)); END LOOP; dbms_output.put_line ('FROM "' r1.table_name '"@&dblink'); dbms_output.put_line ('MINUS'); dbms_output.put_line ('SELECT ''Remote'' "LOCATION",'); FOR i IN 1..v_piece_count LOOP dbms_output.put_line (v_column_pieces(i)); END LOOP; dbms_output.put_line ('FROM "' r1.table_name '"'); dbms_output.put_line (');'); v_diff_count := v_diff_count + 1; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN --- An error occurred while processing this table. (Most likely it -- doesn't exist or has fewer columns on the remote database.) -- Show the error we encountered on the report. -dbms_output.put_line (r1.table_name ' - ' SQLERRM); v_error_count := v_error_count + 1; END; END IF; END LOOP; --- Print summary information. -dbms_output.put_line ('-------------------------------------------------'); dbms_output.put_line ( 'Tables examined: ' TO_CHAR (v_same_count + v_diff_count + v_error_count) ); dbms_output.put_line ( 'Tables with data discrepencies: ' TO_CHAR (v_diff_count) ); IF v_warning_count > 0 THEN dbms_output.put_line ( 'Tables with warnings: ' TO_CHAR(v_warning_count) ); END IF; IF v_error_count > 0 THEN dbms_output.put_line ( 'Tables that could not be checked due to errors: ' TO_CHAR(v_error_count) ); END IF; dbms_sql.close_cursor (v_cursor); END; /

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