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Benji Kurnick R Arye Sufrin ____________________________:

[ ] Part I 1. What is the first taught in ?

The Leviyim cannot have any share of the booty during the time of the conquering of any land. 2. What question arises from ? How does the answer the question?

Why does it say the Leviyim and the Kohanim and then it says all of Shevet Levi. The Sifree is saying that being a Kohen or a Levi is your one and only purpose in life. 3. Summarize all the s in .

4. List what items must be given to the When any ox or sheep is slaughtered, the Kohan has to be given the shoulder (right arm to slaughter so thank you) of the animal for food and we give him the tongue (use mouths to bless us) and the end-stomach (before slaughters, checks the stomach for blemishes) of the animal. 5. Who were the ?

The Groups of Kohanim that took shifts at the Beis HaMikdash. It started out being only 8 and then it turned into 24. 6. List all the listed in ?

7. How does

explain an animal charmer? Or one who inquires of

It is a person who captures any beast for the sole purpose of witchcraft. It is a form of witchcraft where a person would speak our of their armpit to the dead or puts a bone of an animal and have them speak.

Benji Kurnick 8. How is one to be with G-d according to and ?

Rashi- Do everything with the intent to follow the ways of God. Ramban- It means Perfect. We have to be perfect in out faith in god that we cannot rely on fortunetellers. 9. What is the next taught in the ?

Listen to all Prophets.

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