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Safety of child and mother during pregnancy

DU-A'A 235 write verses 91 to 93 of Anbiya on a piece of paper and wear as a tawid for 40 days from the day of pregnancy, then remove it, and wear it again in the 9th month and after the birth tie it to the child. (Remember) her (Maryam) who guarded her chastity. Then We breathed into her of Our spirit, and We made her and her son a sign for all peoples. Verily, this is your group, one group, and I am your Lord, therefore, worship Me, But they have rent asunder their (this) affair among themselves (into sects). All shall return to Us. WALLATEEE AH'S'ANAT FARJAHAA FANAFKHANAA FEEHAA MIR ROOH'INAA WA JAA'LNAAHAA WABNAHAAA AAYATAL LIL-A'ALAMEEN INNA HAAD'IHEE UMMATUKUM UMMATAW WAAH'IDATAW WA ANAA RABBUKUM FA'BUDOON WA TAQAT'T'A -O'OO AMRAHUM BAYNAHUM KULLUN ILAYNAA RAAJI-O'ON DU-A'A 236 For the safety of child and mother during pregnancy and no miscarriage, write verse 1 of Surah Hajj with saffron and tie it to the mother, preferably around her belly or abdomen.

O people, fear your Lord. Verily, the quake of the hour is a terrible thing. YAAA AYYUHAN NAASUT-TAQOO RABBAKUM INNA ZALZALATAS SAA-A'TI SHAY-UN A'Z'EEM DU-A'A 237 For the safety of child and mother during pregnancy, and no miscarriage, write a portion of verse 64 of Yusuf and verse 8 of ar Rad with saffron and bind it as a tawid around the belly or abdomen of the mother. But Allah is the best of guardians; and He is the most merciful of the merciful. Allah knows what every female bears, and that which the wombs fall short (of completion) and that which they exceed. And every thing with Him is measured. FALLAAHU KHAYRUN H'AAFIZ'AW WA HUWA ARH'AMUR RAAH'IMEEN ALLAAHU YA-LAMU MAA TAH'MILU KULLU UNTHAA WA MAA TAGHEEZ'UL ARH'AAMU WA MAA TAZDAAD WA KULLU SHAY-IN I'NDAHOO BIMIQDAAR DU-A'A 238 For the safety of child and mother during pregnancy, write with saffron surah al Bayyinah (chapter 98) wash it with pure water and give it to the mother to drink. DU-A'A 239 To remain safe from the danger of miscarriage or premature birth, take a cotton thread equal to mother's height, dye it in saffron and make 9 knots, then recite verses 127 and 128 of an Nahl on each knot separately and blow breath on it.

Be patient (O Muhammad)! And your patience is only with (the help of) Allah; and do not grieve for them, and do not be distressed because of what they devise. Verily Allah is with those who safeguard themselves against evil and those who do good. WAS-'BIR WA MAA S'ABRUKA ILLAA BILLAAHI WA LAA TAH'ZAN A'LAYHIM WA LAA TAKU FEE Z'EEQIM MIMMAA YAMKUROON INNALLAAHA MAA'LLAD'EENAT-TAQAW WAL-LAD'EENA HUM MUH'SINOON DU-A'A 240 Jafar as Sadiq advised to recite the following du-a'a at the time of birth of a child for a safe and smooth delivery. O my Allah, do not leave me alone (childless), though You are the best of inheritors. Sorrowfulness due to loneliness and sense of abandonment made me fall short of what I should have done to thank You, but (I beseech You to) give me an upright and honest posterity, male and female. On account of them change my loneliness with companionship and let there be ease and comfort instead of desolation, so that I should thank You on the completion of bounty, O the great, the giver of greatness, then keep me continuously in ease and comfort, till I am favoured with Your pleasure, because of my truthfulness in whatever I say, I promise and I do. ALLAAHUMMA LAA

TAD'ARNEE FARDAW WA ANTA KHAYRUL WAARITHEEN WAAH'IDEAN WAH'SHAN FAYAQS'URU SHUKREE A'N TAFAKKUREE BAL HAB LEE A'AQIBATAN S'IDQAN D'UKOORAN WA INAATHAN AANIS BIHIM MINAL WAH'SHATI WASKUN ILAYHIM MINAL WAH'DATI WA ASHKURUKA I'NDA TAMAAMIN NI'MATI YAA WAHHAABU WA YAA A'Z'EEMU WA YAA MU'A'Z'Z'IM THUMMA A'T'INEE FEE KULLI A'AFIYATIN SHUKRAN H'ATTAA TABLUGHANEE MINHAA RIZ'WAANAKA FEE S'IDQIL H'ADEETHI WA ADAA-IL AMAANATI WA WAFAA-IM BIL A'HD DU-A'A 241 According to Jafar Sadiq if it is stipulated that the childbirth may not be easy, write the following portions of verses 35 of al Ahqaf, 46 of an Nazi-a't and 35 of Ali Imran on the hide of a deer and tie it as a tawid around the woman's right thigh. On the day when they will see what they have been promised, (they will realize) that they had not tarried but an hour of the day. On the day they see it, it will seem as if they had not tarried (in their graves) but a (single) evening, or the following morning. When (Hannah) the wife of Imran said: My Lord, verily I have vowed to You that whatever is in my womb to be (exclusively) dedicated (to Your service). KA-ANNAHUM YAWMA YARAWNA MAA YOO-

A'DOONA LAM YALBATHOOO ILLAA SAA-A'TAM MIN NAHAAR. KA-ANNAHUM YAWMA YARAWNAHAA LAM YALABATHOOO ILLAA A'SHIYYATAN AW Z'UH'AAHAA ID QAALATIM-RA-ATU I'MRAANA RABBI INNEE NAD'ARTU LAKA MAA FEE BAT'NEE MUH'ARRARAN DU-A'A 242 Jafar Sadiq said that write verse 30 of Anbiya and verses 37 to 44 and 51 of Ya sin on one side of a piece of paper and verse 35 of Ahqaf and verse 46 of Nazi-at on the other side, wrap a strip of paper lightly around it, and then fasten it on the middle of a woman who has entered her month of delivery. When the child is born do not leave it on for an instant.

Have not those who disbelieve seen that the heavens and the earth were closed up, and that We clove them asunder? Out of water We made all things alive. Will they not then believe? There is a sign in the night for them. We draw off the day from it, an lo! They are in darkness. The sun travels to an appointed place. This is the decree of the mighty, the all-knowing (Lord). And the moon-We have determined stages for it till it returns like the old (dried) branch of a palmtree. It is not permitted to the sun that it should overtake the moon, nor can the night outsrip the day; each in an orbit, they float. A sign unto them is that We bear their offspring in the laden ark; And We have created for them of the like thereof whereon they ride. If We will, We can drown them, then there shall be no one to help them, nor shall they be rescued. Save by way of mercy from Us (to enable them) to enjoy themselves for a while. When the trumpet is blown, then lo! From their graves unto their Lord they shall be hastening. AWLAM YARALLAD'EENA KAFAROOO ANNAS SAMAAWAATI WAL ARZ'A KAANATAA RATQAN FAFATAQNAAAHUMMA WA JA-A'LNAA MINAL MAAAI KULLA SHAY-IN H'AYY A-FALAA YOOMINOON WA AAYATULLAHUMUL LAYL NASLAKHU

On the day when they will see what they have been promised, (they will realize) that they had not tarried but an hour of the day. A (clear) deliverance (of the message this is). So none will be destroyed save those who transgress. On the day they see it, it will seem as if they had not tarried (in their graves) but a (single) evening, or the following morning. KA-ANNAHUM YAWMA YARAWNA MAA YOOA'DOONA LAM YALBATHOOO ILLAA SAA-A'TAM MIN NAHAAR BALAAGH FAHAL YUHLAKU ILLAL QAWMUL FAASIQOON KA-ANNAHUM YAWMA YARAWNAHAA LAM YALBATHOOO ILLAA A'SHIYYATAN AW Z'UH' AAHAA Dua'a 243 Ali ibn Abi Talib advised to write the following du-a'a with saffron on a piece of paper and tie it to the right arm or the neck of the mother as a ta'wid for as safe childbirth. O He who creates life from life, O He who brings out life from life, O He who delivers life from life, deliver (the child from the womb). YAA KHAALIQAN NAFSI MINAN NAFSI WA MUKHRIJAN NAFSI MINAN NAFSI WA MUKHLIS'AN NAFSI MINAN NAFSI KHALLIS'HAA Dua'a 244 It is written in Tibb al A-immah that Imam Muhammad bin Ali al Baqir advised one of his companions, whose wife was in on the threshold of death from the severity of labour pains, to recite over her verses 23 to 25 of Maryam.

The birth-pangs led her to the trunk of a palm-tree. Would that I had died before this, she said, and had been a thing forgotten, lost in oblivion! Then (a voice) called her from beneath her: Do not grieve; verily your Lord has made a river flow right below you. Shake the trunk of the palm-tree towards yourself, it will drop fresh and ripe dates on you. O my Lord, do not leave me alone (childless), though You are the best of inheritors. FA-AJAAA-A HAL MAKHAAZ'U ILAA JIDI'N NAKHLAH QAALAT YAALAYTANEE MITTU QABLA HAAD'AA WA KUNTU NASYAM MANSIYYAA FANAADAAHA MIN TAH'TIHAAA ALLAA TAH'ZANEE QAD JA-A'LA RABBUKI TAH'TAKI SARIYYAA WA HUZZEEE ILAYKI BIJID -IN NAKHLATI TUSAAQIT A'LAYKI RUT'ABAN JANIYYA WALLAAHU AKHRAJAKUM MIM BUT'OONI UMMAHAATIKUM LAA TA'-LAMOONA SHAY-AW WA JA-A'LA LAKUMUS SAM-A'WAL ABS'AARA WAL AF-IDATA LAA'LLAKUM TASHKUROON

Dua'a 245 Ali ibn Abi Talib said that for a woman experiencing difficulty in childbirth write verses 5 and 6 of Inshirah 7 times and verses 1 and 2 of al Hajj once on the hide of a deer and fasten it to her groin. Verily, with every difficulty there is ease, Verily with every difficulty there is ease. O people, fear your Lord. Verily, the quake of the hour is a terrible thing! The day you shall behold it, every suckling mother shall forsake her suckling, and every pregnant female shall drop her load. Your shall behold the people (as) drunken, yet they will not be drunken, but the wrath of Allah will be terrible. FA-INNA MA-A'L U'SRI YUSRAA INNA MA-A'L U'SRI YUSRAA YAAA AYYUHAN NAASUT-TAQOO RABBAKUM INNA ZALZALATAS SAA-A'TI SHAY-UN A'Z'EEM YAWMA TARAWNAHAA TAD'HALU KULLU MURZ'I -A TIN A'MMAAA ARZ'A-AT WA TAZ'A-U KULLU D'AATI H'AMLIN H'AMLAHAA WA TARANNAASA SUKAARAA WA MAA HUM BISUKAARA WA LAAKINNA A'D'AABALLAAHI SHADEE

Dua'a 246 Muhammad al-Baqir said that: if a woman experiences difficulty during childbirth, write verse 111 of Yusuf, verse 35 of Ajwaf and verse 46 of Nazi-at in a vessel cleaned with musk and saffron then wash it with spring water and give her some water to drink and spring the rest over her body and genitals.

Indeed there is a lesson in their narratives for men of understanding. It is not a forged tale but a confirmation of what went before it, and a detailed exposition of all things, and a guide and a mercy for those who believe. LAQAD KAANA FEE QAS'AS'IHIM I'BRATUL LI-OOLIL ALBAAB MAA KAANA H'ADEETHAY YUFTARAA WA LAAKIN TAS'DEEQALLAD'EE BAYNA YADAYHI WA TAFS'EELA KULLI SHAYIW WA HUDAW WA RAH'MATAL LIQAWMIY YOOMINOON

For the safety of child and mother during pregnancy

1. For the safety of child and mother during pregnancy, and no miscarriage, write a portion of verse 64 of Yusuf and verse 8 of ar Rad with saffon (Zafran) and bind it as a tawid around the belly or abdomen of the mother. FALLAAHU KHAYRUN HAAFIZ AW WA HUWA ARHAMUR RAAHIMEEN [But Allah is the best of guardians; and He is the most merciful of the merciful.] 2. For the safety of child and mother during pregnancy, write with saffron (Zafran) surah al Bayyinah (chapter 98), wash it with pure water and give it to the mother to drink. 3. To remain safe from the danger of miscarriage or premature birth, take a cotton thread equal to mothers height, dye it in saffron (Zafran) and make 9 knots; then recite verse 127 and 128 of Surah an Nahl on each knot separately and blow breath on it. WAS-BIR WA MAA SABRUKA ILLAA BILLAAHI WA LAA TAHZAN ALAYHIM WA LA TAKU FEE ZAYQIM MIMMAA YAMKUROON INNALLAAHA MA-ALLADEENATTAQAW WALLADEENA HUM MUHSINOON

[Be patient (O Muhammad)! And your patience is only with (the help of) Allah; and do not grieve for them, and do not be distressed because of what they devise. Verily Allah is with those who safeguard themselves against evil and those who do good] AMAAL DURING PREGNANCY A tradition from the Holy Prophet (s.a.) states that a woman from the time of pregnancy to delivery, and from delivery to weaning gets the reward of a man who is stationed at the borders to repel the attacks of the infidels; and if a woman dies during that period she will get the reward of a martyr. Remember, the first Madrassah, for a child is the Mother who should try their level best to raise a pious child. During pregnancy, your actions can effect the life of your child in womb, so be very careful with what you do during the pregnancy. DURING FIRST MONTH Every Thursday and Friday recite Sura-e-Ya Seen (36) and Sura-e-As Saffat (37) and blow on your tummy. Take a sweet Apple in the morning. On Fridays before breakfast eat an Anar (Pomegranate). Pray daily prayers on time and put your hand on your tummy while you are Saying Azan and Aqama. DURING SECOND MONTH On every Thursday recite Surah al Mulk and following salawat 140 times with putting your hand on tummy. ALLA HUMMA SALLI ALA MUHAMMADIN WA AALI MUHAMMAD, WA AJIL FARA JA HUM WA AHLIK ADOV WO HUM WA LAAN AADAA HUM MINAL JINNI WAL INS, MINAL AWWALEEN-A-WAL AAKHAREEN [O Allah! Send blessings on Muhammad and his progency and keep them alive; and kill their enemies and curse their enemies (may they be) in human beings or jinn, in the first (generation) of the last.] On every Friday recite Surah al Mulk and recite the aforeside salawat 10 times. Every Saturday, eat Meat, sweet Apples and drink Milk. DURING THIRD MONTH Every Thursday and Friday recite Surah Ali Imran and recite 140 times the same salawat as mentioned in the Second month. Before every obligatory salat, recite same salawat while your hand is on your tummy. Every Saturday, eat Wheat, Meat, Low Fat Milk and eat a little Honey in the morning.

DURING FOURTH MONTH On every Thursday and Friday, Recite Surah al Dahr. Recite Surah al Qadr in any one rakat of the obligatory Prayers. After each Salat put your hand on the tummy and recite Surah al Qadr, Surah al Kausar and the salawat mentioned in the Second month, and then recite the following: RUBBANA HUBLANA MIN AZWAJINA WA ZURRIIYATINA QURRAATA A-YUNIW WA JAALNA LIL MUTTQEENA IMAAMA. [O, Our Lord, grant us out of our wives and our offspring that which cheers our eyes, and, make us Imams of those who safeguard themselves against evil.] Then recite Seven times : ASTAGHFIR ULLAHA RABBI WA ATUBU ILAYHI. [I seek forgiveness of Allah, my Lord Cherisher and unto Him I turn repentant.] After daily prayers say salawat 140 times, (as mentioned in the 2nd month.) Eat Sweet Apple and Anar. DURING FIFTH MONTH Every Thursday and Friday, recite Surah al Fath (48). Recite Surah al Nasr (110) in any one of the obligatory Prayers. After Salat rub your hand on the sajda. Then rub your hand on your tummy. Every morning eat some dates (khajoor). Also eat Olives and Sweet Apple with every meal. If possible, say Azan and Aqama in the daily prayer while your hand is on your tummy. DURING SIXTH MONTH Every Thursday and Friday, recite Sura al Waqiya (56). In the Maghrib salat and Isha salat recite Sura Watteen (95) in any one rakat. After daily prayers, rub your hand on sajda and then rub your hand on your tummy. Eat some Fig (Angeer) and Olive in the Breakfast. Eat as little fat as possible. DURING SEVENTH MONTH Every Monday, recite Sura An Nahal (16). Thursday and Friday, recite Surah Ya Seen (36) and Sura al Mulk (67). Recite Sura al Qadr (97) and Sura Al Ikkhlas (112) in the daily Prayers. Recite salawat, 140 times (as mentioned in 2nd month). Daily eat a little Watermelon after every meal. But do not drink water before or after eating the Watermelon.

Daily eat Turnip (Shalgham) at least once. DURING EIGHT MONTH After Salat ul Fajr : Every Saturday, recite Sura-e-Qadr (97) 10 times. Every Sunday, recite Sura-e-Watten (95) 2 times. Every Monday, recite Sura-e-Ya Seen (36) Once. Every Tuesday, recite Sura-e-Furqan (25) Once. Every Wednesday, recite Sura-e-Dahar (76) Once Every Thursday, recite Sura-e-Muhammad (47) Once Every Friday, recite Sura-e-Saffat (37) Once. Keep using Sweet Yogurt and Honey with each meal. On Fridays you must eat Sweet Anar in the breakfast. If it is not harmful, eat a little Vinegar once, on Saturdays.

DURING NINTH MONTH Do not eat any hot spices (Garam Masalah). Eat Dates (Khajoor). Recite Sura al Asr (103) and Surah Waz Wazariyat (51) either in Salat ul Zuhr as Asr. Recite Sura al Hajj (22) on Thursdays. Recite Sura al Fatir (35) on Fridays. Go for a short walk everyday. Should not look at pictures and in the Mirror too often during the month. SOME IMPORTANT POINTS TO NOTE : If you want a brave and strong child, drink Milk. If you want a well-behaved and Good Looking (beautiful) child, eat Watermelon. If you want a child, with a great contentment put your right hand on the tummy and recite Surah al Asr (103).

Try to remain in wuzu all the times. Do not look yourself in the mirror at night. Try your level best not to commit any Sin. Try to perform Mustahib Amaal as much as possible. Eat proper meals. Eating vegetables and dairy products will help to develop beautiful skin of your unborn child. MAY ALLAH (swt) HELP US ALL IN ACHIEVING THE RIGHT PATH. AMEEN.

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