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How to calibrate touchscreen (if toucscreen panel is damaged): 1. connect cable from box to phone 2.

run "Infinity-Box Shell" software 3. select required model 4. run required software module 5. select required model 6. go to software "Settings" page and select COM port 7. make full flash backup for emergency case 8. go to software "Service" page 9. select calibration "mode-1" 10. make "Reverse calibration order" un-checked 11. press "Calibrate touchscrren" button and follow instruction given by software 12. if software can not make calibration with "detection failed" error: - select other calibration mode (f.e. "mode-2", "mode-3" etc. one by one) - repeat calibration process - test phone after each "mode" try 13. if calibration process finished without errors but touchscreen can not work well: - DO NOT change calibration "mode" ! - make "Reverse calibration order" option checked - repeat calibration process again - test phone 14. if still no luck with calibration after all tries: - make full flash backup for emergency case - make "format ffs" - Power-On phone - Power-Off phone by "Power" button (do NOT remove battery) - Repeat "Calibration" operation again - if still no luck read full flash and send to support with subject: touchscreen calibration failed

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