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Topic: Phylum- PROTOZOA

1- Select the matching pair (A) Giardia-diarrhoea (B) Plasmodium-pyorrhoea (C) Leishmania-dysentry (D)Trypanosoma-Kala azar

2- Kala azar is transmitted by (A) Phlebotomus (B) Glossinia (C) Ades (D) Pediculus

3- Movements in pseudopodia of Amoeba are due to change in (A) Pressure (B) Temperature (C) Nature of water (D) Viscosity

4- Cerebral malaria is due to (A) Plasmodium falciparum 5- Quartan malaria is due to (A) Plasomodium falciparum (B) P. ovale (C) P. malarie (D) P. vivax (B) P. ovale (C) P. malarie (D) P. vivax

6- The infective stage of malarial parasite that enters human body is (A) Trophozoite (B) Merozoite (C) Signet ring stage (D) Sporozoite

7- Trypanosomiasis is spread by (A) House fly (B) Tse-Tse fly (C) Sand fly (D) Culex

8- Which stage of Plasmodium is infective for mosquito ? (A) Trophozoite (B) Gametocyte (C) Ookinite (D) Sporozoite

9- Which species of Paramecium contains only three nuclei? (A) P. caudatum (B) P. aurelia (C) P. multimicronucleatum (D) P. polycarpum

10- Sand fly is causative agent of (A) Kala azar (B) Sleeping sickness (C) Dysentry (D) Malignant tertian fever

11- Chloroquinone is given for treating (A) AIDS (B) Cancer (C) Amoebic Dysentry (D) Malaria

12- Protozoan found commensal in human colon is

(A) Entamoeba coli

(B) P. vivax

(C) A. aegypti

(D) None of these

13- Which have large number of Chromosomes (A) Heliozoans (B) Foraminiferans (C) Radiolarians (D) Ciliates

14- Micronucleus & macronucleus occur in (A) Entamoeba & Plasmodium (B) Entamoeba & Vorticella (C) Paramecium & Vorticella (D) Volvox

15- Motile elongate zygote of Plasmodium occurs in (A) Human PBCs (B) Human Liver (C) Salivary glands of mosquito (D) Gut of mosquito

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