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Topic: Embryonic Development upto Gastrula,Placentation

1- In which type of egg, total cleavage is possible? (A) Oligolecithal (B) Macrolecithal (C) Centrolecithal (D) Telolecithal

2- Solid ball of cells formed during cleavage is (A) Blastula (B) Morula (C) Trophoblast (D) Blastocyst

3- Which of the following is formed during gastrulation? (A) Archenteron (B) Notochord (C) Myotome (D) Nerve cord

4- Gastrulation involves the differentiation of (A) Ectoderm & mesoderm

(B) Ectoderm & endoderm (C) Mesoderm & endoderm (D) Ectoderm,mesoderm & endoderm

5- Termination of gastrulation is indicated by (A) Closure of neural tube

(B) Obliteration of blastocoel (C) Obliteration of archenteron (D) Closure of blastopore

6- How many cleavages are completed in a 16 cell stage of frogs egg? (A) Three (B) Eight (C) Four (D) Twelve

7- The fertilized eggin human female implanted in the uterus after (A) After two weeks of fertilization (D) Three weeks of fertilization 8- In mammals the body of embryo is formed from (A) Trophoblast (B) Outer cell mass (C) Cells of Rauber (D) Inner cell mass (B) About 7 days of fertilization (C) One month of fertilization

9- Retina and lens of eyes in vertebrates are derived from (A) Ectoderm (B) Mesoderm (C) Endoderm (D) All of these

10-Notochord forms from embryonic (A) Mesoderm (B) Ectoderm (C) Endoderm (D) None of these

11- Coelom of frog and other vertebrates is derived from embryonic (A) Blastocoel (B) Ectoderm (C) Endoderm (D) Mesoderm

12- Gonads are derived from embryonic (A) Mesoderm-Endoderm (B) Endoderm (C) Mesoderm (D) Ectoderm

13- The extraembryonic membranes of mammalian embryo are derived from (A) Inner cell mass 14- Human placenta is (A) Haemochorial (B) Haemo-endothelial (C) Syndesmo-chorial (D) Epitheliochorial (B) Trophoblast (C) Follicle cells (D) None of these

15- Human embryo is protected by (A) Pleural cavity (B) Blastocyst cavity (C) Amniotic cavity (D) Allantois

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