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1- Darwins finches provide an excellent evidence in favour of evolution.This evidence comes from the field of (A) Anatomy (B) Biogeography (C) Embryology (D) Palaeontology

2- Evolution will not occur if (A) There is no environmental influence (B) Somatic variations are not heritable (D) Genes are without effect (C) There are no

genetic variations in individuals of a population 3- Doctrine of evolution is concerned with (A) Gradual changes (B) Abiogenesis

(C) Biogenesis

(D) Special creation theory

4- The book Philosophie Zoologique was written by (A) Hugo de Vries (B) Lamarck (C) Payne (D) Cuvier

5- Theory of Use and disuse of organs was given by (A) Darwin (B) Haeckel (C) Lamarck (D) August Weismann

6- Which one does not favour Lamarkian concept of inheritance of acquired characters? (A) Absence of limbs in snakes (B) Presence of webbed toes in aquatic birds (D) Lack of pigment in cave dwellers (C) Melatonisation of

Peppered Moth in industrial areas

7- Which of the following biologists support Lamarkism? (A) Kammerer (B) Summer (C) Tower (D) All of these

8- A scientist cut the tails of mice but their young ones had tails. He disproves the theory of (A) Darwin (B) Lamarck (C) Weismann (D) Hugo de Vries

9- Theory of continuity of Germplasm was propounded by (A) August Weismann (B) Darwin (C) Payne (D) Lamarck

10- The main point of Darwinism is (A) Variation (B) Natural selection (C) Enormous fertility (D) Mutation

11- The idea of survival of the fittest was originally presented by

(A) Malthus

(B) Lyell

(C) Spencer

(D) Darwin

12- Who said that acquired characters are not inherited? (A) Muller (B) Payne (C) Weismann (D) Hugo de Vries

13- The ship on which Darwin was appointed as naturalist was (A) Seagull (B) Beagle (C) Biegle (D) Century

14- Darwin proposed his famous theory Origin of Species alongwith (A) Wallace (B) Haeckel (C) Malthus (D) Lyell

15- The Galapagos islands were associated with (A) Jean Lamarck (B) Charles Darwin (C) Malthus (D) Wallace

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