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/v/ GRAND STRATEGY GAMES (BEGINNER) CIV 5 EU3 Rome: Total War Victoria 2 Crusader Kings 2 Shogun 2 Anno

2070 Strategic Command: European Theater Magna Mundi ZELDA (BEGINNER) Go older -> newest; or alternatively: timeline order, and after Oot go adult -> child -> failure. Link's Awakening (2D), OoT (3D); skip MM, TP, TLoZ 1 and 2 A Link to the Past Majoras Mask (3D) Zelda CD-I Skyward Sword Wind Waker /g/ RICING Install homebrew, rice xterm, fullscreen the X11 app. INSTALLING HOMEBREW X11 Create an xresources file in your home directory (touch ~/.Xresources) and play around with it (check the Resources section in man xterm). ctrl + left click ctrl + right click The apps that come with X11 are in /usr/X11R6/bin. For example: xfontsel: for selecting fonts. xcalc: a basic calculator. xedit: a basic editor. xclock xeyes xlogo xload: system load. MUSIC PLAYERS Foobar2K WALLPAPERS Fork bombs: :(){ :|:& };: or :(){ :|:& };: & disown as the original fork is kill able through closing the terminal emulator. disown detaches the running process from the terminal. Gentoo: Gentoo Prefix ( to run Gentoo in a chroot. You can also run Gentoo from inside Windows using it.

MAC OS X Press cmd + shift + . to toggle hidden file view on/off. /co/ Preacher Y: The Last Man The Unwritten Hellboy Transmetropolian Sandman Northlanders Fables Planetary From Hell The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Astro City Silver Surfer Requiem The Invisibles Cerebus: Church and State Through Melmoth Enigma Love and Rockets Like A Velvet Glove Cast In Iron The Life Force Ex Machina Squadron Supreme (the original maxi-series) /lit/ Arbitrarism: Slapstick, Kurt Vonegut Existentialism: Myth of Sisyphus The Stranger Nausea Notes from Underground Stop Being Shy: Healing the Tosix Shame That Binds You *Prometheus Rising, Robert Anton Wilson The Book of Pook Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Six Pillars of Self Exteem Psychocybernetics The Game The Tunnel, Ernesto Sabato

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