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ALP to transfer a block of data from one memory location to another memory location with overlap

2.ALP to transfer a block of data from one memory location to another memory location without overlap

3. ALP to interchange two blocks of data

4.ALP to add two data bytes

5. ALP to add two data words

6. ALP to add two data double words

7. ALP to subtract two data bytes

8. ALP to subtract two data words

9. ALP to subtract two data double words

10. ALP to multiply two signed numbers

11. ALP to multiply two unsigned numbers

12. ALP to divide two signed numbers

13. ALP to divide two unsigned numbers

14. ALP to convert 8/16 bit BCD to Binary number

15. ALP to convert 8/16 bit Binary number to BCD number

16. ALP to find the square and cube of a given number

17. ALP to find the LCM of a given number

18. ALP to find the GCD of a given number

19. ALP to find the factorial of a given number

20. ALP using AAA instruction

21. ALP using AAS instruction

22. ALP using AAM instruction

23. ALP using AAD instruction

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