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4 Finding Equation of a Straight Line (a) Straight Line which is parallel to the x axis

Substitute the given gradient, m and coordinate (x, y) into y = mx + c to find out the c. Substitute back the m and c into y = mx + c

(d) Straight line which pass through two Point

The equation of a straight line parallel to the x axis with the y intercept, p is y = p. (b) Straight Line which is parallel to the y axis Find out the gradient using the formula

Substitute the gradient (m) into y = mx + c Substitute one of the coordinate to find out the c. Substitute the m and c into y = mx + c again.

The equation of a straight line parallel to the y axis with the x intercept, q is y = q. (c) Straight line which pass through a given Point and has specific gradient.

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