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1 of 3 Examzone: Answers to practice questions

Unit 1 Topic 1
1 a diastole / atrial systole; reason 1: aortic / pulmonary artery / semilunar valve(s) closed; reason 2: atrioventricular / mitral / tricuspid valve(s) open; b A: prevents valve inverting; B: adjusts tension in A/name/contracts to pull on A; (2) (Total 5 marks) 2 Points accepted in correct context only 1 Polysaccharides are {polymers / eq} of monosaccharides / correct general formula (C6H10O5)n; 2 Linked by glycosidic bonds; 3 (monomers are) -glucose; 4 Starch made up of amylose and amylopectin; 5 Credit reference to structure of {amylose / amylopectin}; 6 Glycogen branched chains; 7 Starch is an energy store in plants; 8 Glycogen is an energy store in animals; 9 Broken down to glucose for respiration; 10 Amylopectin and glycogen broken down faster/can be used to produce energy faster than amylose because more ends for enzymes to break off glucose molecules; (max. 10 marks) 3 H2O; (di)polar; hydrogen / H; solvent; (specific) heat capacity; [not latent heat capacity] (Total 5 marks) 4 a (i) glycerol / propan 1,2,3 triol (1) (1) (3)

(ii) ester b {Stearic acid / saturated fatty acids} have more hydrogen atoms; {Stearic acid / saturated fatty acids} have no double carboncarbon bonds; {Stearic acid / saturated fatty acids} have no kinks; [allow converse statements about unsaturated fatty acids]


Edexcel AS Biology Implementation and Assessment Guide for Teachers and Technicians Pearson Education Limited 2008

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2 of 3 Examzone: Answers to practice questions

Unit 1 Topic 1 (cont.)

c 1 Energy stores; Qualification: {More than / twice as much as) carbohydrate OR Insoluble / compact / minimise mass OR Subcutaneous / adipose / blubber;

2 Protection / mechanical insulation; Qualification: Around {organs / named organ} OR Reference to adipose tissue OR Ear wax giving protection against infection;

3 Waterproofing; Qualification: 4 Electrical insulation; Qualification: Reference to myelin sheath / nerve cells / neurones / axons / dendrons OR Non-polar; Of skin / fur / feathers / insect cuticle / ear wax OR Hydrophobic / insoluble / repels water;

5 Heat insulation; Qualification: 6 Buoyancy; Qualification: 7 Making beeswax; Qualification: 8 Membrane fluidity; Qualification: Reference to cholesterol; Formation of honeycomb; Less dense than {water / muscle}; Subcutaneous / adipose / blubber OR Prevents heat loss from body;

9 Cell membrane structure; Qualification: Reference to phospholipids;

10 Reference to hormones; Qualification: As steroids;

11 Source of metabolic water; Qualification: Reference to respiration OR Desert adaptation (2 x 2 marks) (Total 8 marks)

Edexcel AS Biology Implementation and Assessment Guide for Teachers and Technicians Pearson Education Limited 2008

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3 of 3 Examzone: Answers to practice questions

Unit 1 Topic 1 (cont.)

5 a Coronary artery ; b (i) (Increase in cholesterol level) gives increase in risk (ignore reference to smokers) ; Slight / insignificant /eq increase between 5 and 6 (mmol dm3) (not time reference so not faster / slower) ; Increase in risk greater above 6.06.5 (mmol dm3) ; Risk at 8 (mmol dm3) 2 that at 5 (mmol dm3) / (sensible use of figures); (ii) Risk in both increases as cholesterol level increases; At low cholesterol /OR 5 mmol dm3 little difference between smokers and non-smokers (not time references so not faster / slower); As cholesterol level increases, risk increases more in smokers than in non-smokers / bigger difference at 8 than at 5; Credit use of figures; Smokers always at greater risk than non-smokers /eq; (iii) Age; Weight / mass / BMI; Reference to lifestyle, qualified / occupation / stress level; Reference to exercise level / type / frequency of exercise; Reference to genetic / family history; Reference to other diseases / illnesses / e.g. diabetes; Blood pressure; c (i) Reference to absence of double bonds (in (hydro)carbon chains of constituent fatty acids) /eq ; (max. 2) (1) (1) (1) (4) (max. 2) (1)

(ii) Japan; (iii) As ratio / proportion of polyunsaturated to saturated fat increases, risk of heart disease seems to decrease (allow converse);

(Total 12 marks)

Edexcel AS Biology Implementation and Assessment Guide for Teachers and Technicians Pearson Education Limited 2008

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1 of 2 Examzone: Answers to practice questions

Unit 1 Topic 2
Process Diffusion Facilitated diffusion Osmosis Active transport Takes place against a concentration gradient Requires energy in the form of ATP

Any two correct boxes for one mark 2 a large surface area; thin lining; (partially) permeable (lining); concentration gradients maintained by mass flow systems;

(Total 4 marks)

(max. 3)

b contraction of diaphragm muscles lowers / flattens diaphragm; contraction of external intercostal muscles raises ribcage; volume of thorax / lungs increases thus intrapulmonic pressure falls / eq; reference to control by medulla / eq;

(max. 3)

(Total 6 marks) 3 a (i) O C N H; (ii) peptide; (1) b An explanation to include two from: 1 chain folds into secondary structure / reference to -helix or pleated sheets; 2 then folds into tertiary structure; 3 {bonds / interactions} between R groups; 4 reference to named bond; [reject peptide] (2) c (i) An explanation to include: 1 substrate concentration limiting the rate / eq or converse; 2 correct reference to not all active sites occupied by substrate / eq; outline to include four from: identify independent variable and dependent variable; select suitable range of concentrations (at least 5); fixed volumes of enzyme / substrate; control of named variable(s); description of apparatus used; correct method of obtaining quantitative results; reference to replication / calculation of rate / mean values; (4) (1)


(ii) An 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Edexcel AS Biology Implementation and Assessment Guide for Teachers and Technicians Pearson Education Limited 2008

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2 of 2 Examzone: Answers to practice questions

Unit 1 Topic 2 (cont.)

(Total 10 marks) 4 a Tryptophan - glycine - lysine - valine - glycine; [all correct = 2 marks, 1 error = 1 mark] b (i) Substitution / point mutation; (2) (1)

(ii) Codes for a different amino acid / could be a stop codon / changes sequence of amino acids; affects primary structure of protein; reference to different bonding in protein; this affects the tertiary structure; could change shape of protein / active site / changes activity in protein; possibly has no effect if doesnt change protein shape; (3) (Total 6 marks) 5 a parents do not show disorder ( not dominant); affects both male and female ( not sex-linked); b (radioactive) gene probe / marker / indicator; identify DNA sequence of gene / allele; c can be done earlier than 14th15th week/eq; results quicker / sooner / within 24 hours; cells actively dividing so no need to culture; less risk to fetus / allow converse;

(2) (2)

(max. 2) (Total 6 marks)

Edexcel AS Biology Implementation and Assessment Guide for Teachers and Technicians Pearson Education Limited 2008

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