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10) /NOORIGIN /DEPENDENT NumberOfCreditCardsUsedY /METHOD=ENTER FamilySizeV1 FamilyIncomeV2 NumberOfAutomobilesOwned /RESIDUALS HIST(ZRESID) NORM(ZRESID).

Notes Output Created Comments Input Active Dataset Filter Weight Split File N of Rows in Working Data File Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing DataSet1 <none> <none> <none> 10 User-defined missing values are treated as missing. Cases Used Statistics are based on cases with no missing values for any variable used. Syntax REGRESSION /MISSING LISTWISE /STATISTICS COEFF OUTS CI R ANOVA COLLIN TOL CHANGE /CRITERIA=PIN(.05) POUT(.10) /NOORIGIN /DEPENDENT NumberOfCreditCardsUsedY /METHOD=ENTER FamilySizeV1 FamilyIncomeV2 NumberOfAutomobilesOwned /RESIDUALS HIST(ZRESID) NORM(ZRESID). 17-Mar-2012 21:24:25


Processor Time Elapsed Time Memory Required Additional Memory Required for Residual Plots

00:00:01.014 00:00:00.993 1972 bytes 640 bytes


Variables Entered/Removedb Variables Model 1 Variables Entered NumberOfAutomo bilesOwned, FamilySizeV1, FamilyIncomeV2a a. All requested variables entered. b. Dependent Variable: NumberOfCreditCardsUsedY . Enter Removed Method

Model Summaryb Std. Error of the Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Estimate R Square Change 1 .934a .872 .776 .839 .872 F Change 9.087 Change Statistics df1 3 df2 4 Sig. F Change .029

a. Predictors: (Constant), NumberOfAutomobilesOwned, FamilySizeV1, FamilyIncomeV2 b. Dependent Variable: NumberOfCreditCardsUsedY

ANOVAb Model 1 Regression Residual Total Sum of Squares 19.185 2.815 22.000 df 3 4 7 Mean Square 6.395 .704 F 9.087 Sig. .029a

a. Predictors: (Constant), NumberOfAutomobilesOwned, FamilySizeV1, FamilyIncomeV2 b. Dependent Variable: NumberOfCreditCardsUsedY

Coefficientsa Standardized Model Unstandardized Coefficients B Std. Error Coefficients Beta t Sig. 95% Confidence Interval for B Lower Bound Upper Bound Collinearity Statistics Tolerance VIF

(Constant) FamilySizeV1 FamilyIncomeV2 NumberOfAutomobilesOwned

.286 .635 .200 .272

1.606 .271 .119 .470 .566 .416 .108

.178 2.341 1.671 .578

.867 .079 .170 .594

-4.173 -.118 -.132 -1.034

4.745 1.387 .531 1.577 .547 .517 .909 1.827 1.935 1.100

a. Dependent Variable: NumberOfCreditCardsUsedY

Collinearity Diagnosticsa Dimensi Model on Eigenvalue Condition Index Variance Proportions NumberOfAutomo (Constant) 1 1 2 3 4 3.838 .099 .050 .013 1.000 6.227 8.740 17.275 .00 .00 .34 .66 FamilySizeV1 .00 .18 .43 .39 FamilyIncomeV2 .00 .01 .02 .98 bilesOwned .01 .75 .23 .01

a. Dependent Variable: NumberOfCreditCardsUsedY

Residuals Statisticsa Minimum Predicted Value Residual Std. Predicted Value Std. Residual 4.62 -1.192 -1.438 -1.421 Maximum 9.62 .709 1.586 .845 Mean 7.00 .000 .000 .000 Std. Deviation 1.656 .634 1.000 .756 N 8 8 8 8

a. Dependent Variable: NumberOfCreditCardsUsedY


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