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Bibliografie selectivă :

1. Sobotta & Hammerssen : “Histology”, Urban Schwartzenberg, 1980

2. P.R. Wheater et al.: “Basic Histopathology”, Churchill Livingstone, 1985
3. Ian A.R. More, Ian L. Brown: “General Pathology”, Churchill
Livingstone, 1991
4. A. Stevens, J. Lowe: “Pathology”, 2nd edition, Mosby, 2000
5. E. Rubin, J. Farber: “Pathology”, 3rd edition, Lippincott Raven, 1999
6. Fl. Hălălău, C. Ardeleanu: “Anatomie Patologică”, ed. Medicală, 2003
7. I. Roitt, Brostoff, Male: “Immunology”, Mosby, 2001
8. F. Lang, S. Silbernagl: “Pathophysiology”, Thieme, 2000
9. S.L. Robbins, R.S. Cotran, V. Kumar: “Pathologic Basis of Diseases”,
Saunders, 2005
10. Rosai J.: “Ackerman’s Surgical Pathology”, Mosby, 9th ed., 2004
11. Sternberg S.: “Diagnostic Surgical Pathology”, Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins, 1999
12. L.P. Gartner, J.L. Hiatt : “Color textbook of Histology”, 2nd ed., W.B.
Saunders, 2001
13. PR Murray, KS Rosenthal et al.: “Medical Microbiology”, 3rd ed.,
Mosby, 1998
14. B Alberts, D Bray et al.: “Molecular biology of the cell”, 3rd ed., Garland
Publishing, 1994
15. S Hauptmann, M Dietel, M Sobrinho-Simoes : “Surgical Pathology
Update”, ABW Wissenschaftsvelag, 2001
16. Peter Lydyard et al. : “Pathology Integrated”, Arnold, 2000
17. Mac Sween R.N.M., “Muir’s textbook of Pathology”, Arnold, 1992
18. Ivan Damjanov, Peter A Mac Cue : “Histopathology – Colour Atlas and
Textbook”, Williams & Wilkins, 1996
19. F. Hălălău, C. Ardeleanu, M. Ceauşu: “Curs de anatomie patologică »,
Ed. Cartea Universitară, 2004
20. G.P. Canellos, T.A. Lister, J.L. Sklar : « The lymphomas », Saunders
Company, 1998
21. David J. Dabbs: “Diagnostic Immunohistochemistry”, Mosby, 2001
22. C. Ardeleanu, V. Comănescu: “Imunohistochimie”, ed. Sitech, 1999

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