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The gut-part 1 Introduction GI tract View the gut via endoscopy, by biopsy, or by pill cam GI system functions include

ude nutrition, excretion, fluid and electrolyte balance, and in the immune system Motility Contractions involve two layers of spindle shaped smooth muscles, that run longitudinally (shorten) and run circularly (constrict). -contractions: excitation spreads in smooth muscle layers through gap junctions and also protein connexons(allow ion movement) Peristalsis Smooth muscle sphincters, which are involuntary, and skeletal muscles, which are voluntary control passage of food along the gut. The mouth and the external anal sphincters are skeletal. NERVES control gut function Autonomic nerves: innvervate smooth muscle and glands in the gut wall. -parasympathetic(rest/digest) using acetycholine to excite the gut motility and secretions -sympathetic (fight) using noradrenaline to inhibit the gut motility and secretions Enteric nerves: ENS/gut brain-part of autonomic system -myenteric plexus: controls circular and long muscle and situates across the length of the gut -submucosal plexus: controls discrete sections. Situated between circular and the bloodstream, so it can control secretions. *enteric neurotransmitters: excitatory might invlude acetylcholine, and inhibitory include nitric oxide Autonomic and enteric nerves innervate the gut-see picture slide in the lecture notes Applications and problems with nerves in the gut Hirschsprungs disease: enlargement of colon due to bowel obstruction, resulting in build up of faeces, or megacolon. The enlargement is due to aganglionic section of the bowel. Treatment might be to surgically remove aganglionic section of bowel.

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