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List of chess traps The term chess trap refers to a trap in the game of chess.

List of chess traps Ordered by chess opening: Albin Countergambit Lasker Trap Blackmar-Diemer Gambit Halosar Trap Bogo-Indian Defence Monticelli Trap Budapest Gambit Kieninger Trap Italian Game Blackburne Shilling Gambit Petrov's Defence Marshall Trap Philidor Defence Lgal Trap Queen's Gambit Declined Elephant Trap, Rubinstein Trap Ruy Lopez Mortimer Trap, Noah's Ark Trap, Tarrasch Trap, Rombaua Trap Sicilian Defence Magnus Smith Trap, Siberian Trap Vienna Gambit Wrzburger Trap Many more opening traps, all ending in checkmate, are given under Checkmates in the opening. Checkmates in the opening Fool's mate Scholar's mate Swindle (chess) Retrieved from " did=417820993"

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