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This work describes the application of blablabla to predict the blablabla of a m olecule, i.e.

how much it blablabla, and to acquire a global understanding of ho w blablabla is organized. In order to achieve this we made use of the state of t he art in blablabla and the most comprehensive collection of human blablabla. To our understanding, we are the first to provide a blablabla and to elaborate on its use for blablabla s, specifically in blablabla. The use of blablabla s to classify blablabla and to compare them to other blabla bla has previously been published, but no blablabla papers have appeared. The m ajor contribution of the current work is threefold: Firstly, we employ and valid ate a blablabla to not only predict if blablabla, but also to assign a blablabla to molecules. Secondly, three blablabla sets are used to demonstrate the genera lizability of our models and their applicability for blablabla. Thirdly, we inve stigate which blablabla properties and blablabla are characteristic of the blabl abla. We therefore believe that our work, as described in this manuscript, would be ve ry much of interest to blablabla, but specially to scientists in the field of bl ablabla. Our aim is to show the blablabla community how they can benefit from bl ablabla. Therefore, we devise further development and application of this work t o accelerate discoveries concerning blablabla This work describes two new methods to design wideband microstrip bandpass filte r (BPF). Many research papers have been published in this field, but some drawba cks have appeared like: narrow bandwidth, large size, implementation based on vi a-hole groundings, multilayer substrate,... The major contribution of this work is: Firstly, the designed BPFs have wideband response with compact size, high se lectivity. Secondly, four filters are fabricated on different substrate to demon strate the feasibility of our models. Thirdly, these filters are implemented eas ily beacause the smallest gap between two transmission lines is greater than 0.2 mm.

We therefore believe that our work, as described in this paper, would be very mu ch of interest to blablabla, but specially to scientists in the field of blablab la.

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