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Por Syra Jimnez-Pajarero Arias

C/ Los Loros, 2 (Nazaret, Teguise). Horario:

tectos alemn-uruguaya Dominik LOCATION AND TIMETABLE von Boettinger y Beatriz Van Hoff. C/ Los Loros , 2 (Nazaret, Teguise). Abre sus puertas en 1997.

ARQUITECTURA -Museo: de martes a domingo, de

10.00 a 18.00 horas. Entrada: 5 (Residentes: 2) Sbados: residentes gratis. Tel. 672 46 15 55 / Web: -Restaurante: de martes a sbado, de 12.00 a 23.00 horas. Viernes y sbado por la noche: msica en directo (saxo, jig y flauta). Domingo, de 12.00 a 18.00 horas. Lunes cerrado. Reservas: 928 845 665 Web: -Bar La Cueva: de 18.30 a 2.30 horas. Enclavado en una cantera de piedra volcnica. Formas irregulares de lava. Laberintos y cuevas. Marrn, blanco y verde definen su esencia verncula. Materiales recuperados: maderas, vidrio, hormign. Flora local: cactus, palmeras, pitas y buganvillas dibujan un oasis dentro de la roca.

Visiting hours:

Dominik von Boettinger (Germany) and Beatrice Van Hoff (Uruguay). It opened its doors in 1997.

-Museum: Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Entrance fee: 5 (residents: 2) Saturdays: free for residents. Tel. 672 46 15 55 / Web:

The House is located on a volcanic stone quarry. We find irregular forms of lava, labyrinths and caves. Brown, white and green define its essence. It is constructed from recycled wood, glass and concrete. Local flora of cactus, palm trees, pitas and bougainvillea create an oasis within the rock.

La casa fue construida por el artista Csar Manrique y diseada por Jess Soto Morales, maestro artstico en los Centros de Arte, Cultura y Turismo del Cabildo de Lanzarote, para el promotor britnico Sam Benady. A principios de la dcada de los 70, el famoso actor egipcio Omar Sharif lleg a Lanzarote para rodar La isla misteriosa. Se enamor del mgico lugar y compr la casa que, segn cuenta la leyenda, perdi en una partida de bridge al ser retado por Sam Benady, campen de Europa. En 1989, la propiedad es adquirida por los arqui-


-Restaurant: Tuesday to Saturday from 12 noon to 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday night: live music (saxophone, jig and flute). Sundays from 12 noon to 6 p.m. Closed on Mondays. SITUACIN ACTUAL Reservations: 928 845 665 ALSO OF INTEREST Web: La visita comprende: -Galera de arte: exposicin de la -Bar The Cave: from 6.30 p.m. to The visit includes: -Art Gallery: exhibition by the painter pintora Anneliese Guttenberger y el 2.30 a.m. Anneliese Guttenberger and the ceramista Stefan Schultz. HISTORY -La casa de Omar Sharif (3 plantas) The House was built by the artist ceramist Stefan Schultz. alberga en el segundo nivel la sala Csar Manrique and designed by -The House of Omar Sharif (3 floors) inaugurada en honor a Jess Soto Jesus Soto Morales, art master in the includes on the second floor a room el 1 de agosto 2009 con imgenes Centres of Art, Culture and Tourism dedicated to Jesus Soto, displaying del proceso de construccin. of the Cabildo of Lanzarote, for the images of the construction process. British promoter Sam Benady. In the -Lake and gardens. -Lago y jardines. -Exposicin permanente del artista early 1970s, the famous Egyptian -Permanent exhibition by the French francs Mick Gonnel en el restau- actor Omar Sharif came to Lanzarote artist Mick Gonnel in the restaurant. to shoot The Mysterious Island of rante. [Note]. An homage to Jesus Soto, Captain Nemo. He fell in love with [Nota. En homenaje a Jess Soto, the magical place and bought the (Fuerteventura 1928 - 2003 (Fuerteventura 1928- Lanzarote House that, according to legend, he Lanzarote), Adopted Son of 2003), Hijo Adoptivo de Lanzarote lost in a bridge game, challenged by Lanzarote which reflects brilliantly que plasm con brillantez su inte- Sam Benady itself, then champion his intelligence and creativity. He is a ligencia y creatividad. Ejemplo de of Europe. In 1989, the property model of respect for the environment, respeto por la naturaleza, el medio was acquired by the architects nature and sustainability.
ambiente y la sostenibilidad.

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