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What is deference between feeder stripe knit fabric with engeenering stripe knit fabrics?

Feeder stripe is the terminolgy been used when stripe is manufactured on regular single jersey M/C. & auto strpe is the fabric knitted on auto stripe M/C specially. the m/c specially manufacured for knittin bigger stripe repeat. genreally maximum repeat size possible on feeder stripe m/c is 27 mm. this is considering m/c is of 30" dia & 96 feeder. in regular M/C maximum repeat size depends on no of feeder of m/c. if you find m/c with 144 feeder than repeat size of as big as 40 mm. you can easily diffentiate feeder stripe and auto stripe if you have edge to edge fabic. the edge of feeder stripe will be difrnet from aut stripe ( this is helpful to understand when repeat size is more than normal & still u need to find out wehter it is knitted on auto stripe or not. ) eenering_stripe_knit_fabrics#ixzz1rhpJbDPG feeder stripe VS auto stripe VS engine stripe

what are their differences?

feeder stripe = the ttl no. of feeder on cir. knitting machine which can set up to the fixed repeat length of the stripe pattern. auto stripe = operated by auto choose yarn color devise. the stripe pattern cassn be non-repeat for a very long ( body length) pattern . engineer stripe is a repeatable stripe pattern longer than a feeder stripe can be made - usually knitted by cir. machine which has auto yarn selection devise. Is it clear?

Feeder stripe is the terminolgy been used when stripe is manufactured on regular single jersey
M/C.genreally maximum repeat size possible on feeder stripe m/c is 27 mm. this is considering m/c is of 30" dia & 96 feeder. in regular M/C maximum repeat size depends on no of feeder of m/c. if you find m/c with 144 feeder than repeat size of as big as 40 mm auto strpe is the fabric knitted on auto stripe M/C specially. the m/c specially manufacured for knittin bigger stripe repeat

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