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Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord He is more than a shepherd, he is more than bread He is Lord of the living; he is Lord of the dead Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord. There was a man named Peter, he was Jesus man He followed the way, He followed the plan He told the good news to his fellow Jews Jesus is the man for you. Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord. One day Peter was in prayer so deep, He remembered Jesus saying, Feed my Sheep A vision came down full of evry beast, A voice said, Come and eat. Peter said, No, those are not for me, I never touched unclean foods like these. The voice said, Peter, what God makes clean, You must not call it unclean. Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord He is more than a shepherd, he is more than bread He is Lord of the living; he is Lord of the dead Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord Cornelius sent his Roman soldiers down, Ceasarea to Joppa, bring Peter to town. Peter said now God has made it clear. He wants all of us to be here. A man or a woman, a Greek or a Jew, Wherever you live, whatever you do. His love is the same in every land. Jesus is the man for you. Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord, Jesus

Copyright 2012

by S. Garth Sorensen

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