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Impacting Writing Through the Use of Document-Based Questions in History

Amanda G. Shaffer Palm Pointe Educational Research School @ Tradition

How will the use of documentbased questions impact the writing skills of 6th grade advanced history students?

My Wondering

This project involved 26 students in my Advanced World History class. These students scored a level 4 or 5 on the FCAT Reading during the 2010-2011 school year. Amanda Shaffer, World History teacher at Palm Pointe Educational Research School @ Tradition implemented this project.

Who Was Involved?

Document-based questions engages students in high-level critical thinking activities. All students need to learn how to think and the use of document based questions in history courses provides an opportunity for teachers to facilitate this learning experience. I wanted to introduce this type of learning to my Advanced World History students because I believed their writing would be positively impacted by the deep thinking activities this project would engage them in. Through my research project, I wanted to verify to myself and my students that thinking is clarified by writing.

Why This Project?

Step 1: Engage the Student

The Hook

Step 2: Build Context

The Background Essay

Step 3: Clarify the Question

Defining key terms

Step 4: Understanding the Documents

Modeling, document analysis sheets, scaffolding questions

Step 5: Grouping Documents


Step 6: Writing
From Thrash-Out to Essay

Why This Project? : The DBQ Project Method

The target group was chosen based on my desire to work with students who scored Level 4 or 5 on FCAT Reading.

PreSurvey was given to students to establish their personal opinions on their ability to write.

Students participated in three separate DocumentBased Question Sessions, focusing on the topics of Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, and China between December 2011 through March 2012. At the end of each week-long DBQ Session, students completed a DBQ essay.

Teacher analyzed data using scoring rubric for each DocumentBased Question Essay.

Post-Survey was given to students to analyze the impact of the DocumentBased Questions on student writing ability.

Teacher analyzed data from Surveys, DBQEssays, and established the impact of documentbased questions on student writing skills.

What is the Design of My Project?

Students were given a Pre-Survey in early December 2011 to establish student opinions about their perceived writing abilities and goals.

How Was Student Learning Measured?

DBQ Grading Rubric

Student learning was measured using a grading rubric for each DocumentBased Question Essay that the students wrote.

Introduction a) Hook (1) b) Background knowledge (1) c) Acceptable thesis (1) Body Paragraphs a) Baby Thesis (x3) b) Provides evidence from documents to support argument of DBQ (x3) c) Makes a clear argument (x3) Conclusion a) Restates thesis (1) b) Clinches argument (1) Overall grammar, spelling, & neatness (1) Total Score

___________ out of 3 points

___________ out of 9points

___________ out of 2 points

___________ out of 1 points ___________ out of 15 points

How Was Student Learning Measured?

Student learning was measured at the end of each weeklong DBQ Session with the completion of the DBQ Essay. Students completed a 5-paragraph essay with a thesis statement and documented sources.

How Was Student Learning Measured?

Students were given a Post-Survey after all DBQ Sessions were completed in early May 2012 to gain perceived feedback on the impact of the DBQ process on students writing.

How Was Student Learning Measured?

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Student DBQ Essay Scores

Student writing skills were positively impacted as they continued to participate in the DocumentBased Questions writing process.

Egypt Hammurabi China

What Patterns Did the Evidence Show?

Aiden Alejandra Ayanna Celeste Derrick Fabrice Gabriella Isaiah Joseph R Kyle Mackenzie Nina Samantha

Average Student Essay Scores based on DBQ Rubric

96 94 92 90 88 91.538461 54 Avera ge 95.192307 69

84 82

86.423076 92

The average writing scores increased a total of 9% for already proficient writers during the course of the DBQ implementation.

What Patterns Did the Evidence Show?

I learned that document-based questions engaged my students into becoming more thought-provoking learners. I learned that my students could enjoy essay writing when given the appropriate format for learning about the writing topic. I learned that my already advanced learners could become highly proficient writers when given a highly engaging thinking task.

What Did I Learn About My Students?

I learned that Practice makes Perfect. Although I thought I was well-versed on the Document-Based Question process, the first instructional lesson was difficult with new students. I learned that once the students understood the process, it was easier to teach. I learned that teaching writing skills through the use of Document-Based Questions is a meaningful and impactful way to engage students in teaching students how to learn.

What Did I Learn About My Teaching?

Document-Based Questions should be implemented for each unit that I teach. Students should complete a minimum of three but preferably more DBQ Essays during the course of the school year. Teaching students the DBQ process and then allowing them to work in small groups is vital to a highly engaging and successful instructional practice.

Reflections for Future Instruction

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