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Tonometry Schiotz

Tonometry may be done

As part of a regular eye examination to check for increased intraocular pressure (IOP), which increases your risk of glaucoma. To check the treatment for glaucoma. Tonometry can be used to see if medicine is keeping your IOP below a certain target pressure set by your doctor.

Tonometry may not be done

When for example corneal defect is present Mata sedang infeksi

Where to put your hands/How to hold the thing

And this is the Tonometry Schiotz

Wash hands Introduction Permission Equipment

2. Pasien suru telentang/setengah duduk 3. Anestesi kornea dengan pantocain 0,5% 4. Sambil tunggu
Ambil beban yang 5,5 gram & pasang Kalibrasikan di tempat alat Bersihkan ujungnya dengan alkohol swab biarkan kering

5. Kalau mata kanan tangan kiri angkat, lihat ke jempol 6. Taruh tonometer pada kornea 7. Baca jarum penunjuk 8. Kasih antibiotik buat jaga-jaga kalo prosedur td malah bkin infeksi 9. Catet hasil pemeriksaan & konversi ke tabel Schiotz laporkan dalam mmHg (N 10-21) 10. Terima kasih ke pasien!

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