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WHO MOVED MY CHEESE? The history begins with the reunion the various friends, who share experiences lived during all the time that had left of be see, reason for the with one the friends Michael decides tell the history of cheese. In a country very distant lived two mouses fisgan and the liliputienses Hem and Haw these characters ead day sought its cheese in a maze. The mouse always is guided for its instinc as the liliputienses that acting with people is guided for its emotions, also had the capacity of implement news strategies for find the cheese, for different that think both groups all the morning is raised in search of cheese, the maze had corridors, rooms and had corners dark and alleys without output, however for gave whith the road, the maze kept secrets that allowed enjoy of a life better. With the time all could find the cheese that wanted. All the morning is raised for go the deposit of cheese, for the that is was back a routine, this the to happy the mouses noticed that the cheese is ended so the now is surprised to note that now had cheese in the deposit and is were in search of cheese new. As that the liliputienses the be give account the now had cheese started to search cheese new, to be in the maze felt fear but continuous, in the road reflect on the done of now have noticed that the cheese is ended, to measure the advanced wrote when you leave back the fears you feel free and was leaving phrases for all the road, was so wit h found all deposit, but only have remains of cheese. Haw return wher Hem for encourage but this now showed interest, for the that Haw returned but only, in some point feared now find cheese new, then of this find a new deposit the with was full of cheese, there is found with a friend and shout change lives as understood the important that is change with speed and that there that adapt the change as that always there cheese new so wether you know recognize to time and is see rewarded with he as soon is leaves back the fears and enjoy of the adventure.

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