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Theory Bomb calorimeter is a device used to determine heating value of any fuel.

It is a container which is able to tolerate high pressure. A sample of fuel attaching with an ignition wire is filled into tested cup. It is placed inside the bomb, and pressurized by 30 bar of oxygen. The bomb is placed inside a 2 litre water bucket, and closed to complete the preparation. The bomb is ignited by pressing the red button for 2-3 seconds until light occurs. The temperature of water is mostly measured every 30 seconds through the experiment. However, the water temperature is to be measured at 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, and 120 seconds after firing. The bomb calorimeter can also be adjusted its efficiency by having two water bucket. The water temperature in the extra bucket is adjusted to be the same as the water temperature of the inner bucket continuously. It is the same as adding perfect insulator to prevent loss during the experiment. As a result, more accurate figures are obtained. The reason why 30 bar of pure oxygen is compressed into the bomb is that complete combustion is needed. The whole amount of examined fuel is to be reacted with oxygen and produces CO2. If fuel composes of hydrogen, it is necessary to drop 1-2 drop of water to make sure that the combustion occurs in saturation condition which water cannot condenses. After the combustion process, there is 2 phase of water that can be produced. If it is in liquid phase, the obtained heating value is high heating value. In the contrary, if it is in vapor phase, the obtained heating value is low heating value. The relationship between these two is QHHV = QLHV + hfgH2O(mH2O / mf) The volume of the bomb calorimeter is constant, so the equation for heating value is QHV = U. This equation is also applied with constant volume combustion (Benzene engine). If the combustion occurs with constant pressure (Diesel engine), the equation is QHV = -H. The heating value obtained from this experiment is high heating value at constant volume.

Mr.Nopharut Laopornpichayanuwat


ID 5222781569 ME#3

According to the experiment, we studied about bomb calorimeter. Bomb calorimeter is a device used to find heating value of any substance. In this case, we determine the heating value of fuel including benzoic and diesel. The bomb is filled with examined fuel and the fuel is attached with ignition wire. The bomb is then compressed by 30 bar of oxygen. The reason why high pressure of oxygen is needed is the reaction which takes place in the bomb should be complete combustion. If it is a complete combustion, the measured heating value will be precise. The bomb is placed in a water bucket and sealed before testing. Furthermore, a stirrer is used to equalize the water temperature so that the result will be even more precise. After the preparation, the water temperature is recorded every 30 seconds for 5 minutes. Then, the bomb is ignited. After firing, the water temperature is recorded at 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, and 120 seconds because the temperature rises quickly. Then, the graph of water temperature vs time is plotted to determine point a, b, and c. Finally, heating value of fuel can be calculated using these data. Two types of fuel are used in this experiment. Basically, we know heating value of benzoic, so we need to find energy equivalent before we can determine heating value of diesel. The main equation in this experiment is qg = (tEeq - e1 - e2 - e3) / mf. However e1 and e2 are equal to zero because there is no formation of sulfuric acid and nitric acid in the experiment. t can be obtained by the formula t = tc ta r1(b-a) r2(c-b). mf = 1 g. qg for benzoic is 26.454 MJ/kg. After we have calculated, Eeq for benzoic is equal to 10.913 kJ/C and is equal to Eeq for diesel. As a result, for 1 g of diesel is equal to 45.882 MJ/kg. If water forms in liquid phrase, the heating value in this experiment is high heating value. However, if water forms in vapour phrase, the heating value in this experiment is low heating value. The relationship between high heating value and low heating value is QHHV = QLHV + hfgH2O(mH2O / mf).

Bomb calorimeter is a device used to determine heating value of any fuel. Heating value is important because it is a property which is able to provide combustion efficiency of the fuel. The higher the heating value, the better the fuel is. In this experiment, diesel provides better energy than benzoic. As we can see from the graphs, when benzoic is tested, the water temperature rose only 2.5 degree celcius. On the other hand, the water temperature rose around 4 degree celcius when diesel is ignited. This comparison also shows that diesel provides better work of heat than benzoic. The errors in this lab may not occur much because the combustion is complete combustion and is operated in a very high efficient device. Moreover, if there is 2 water buckets, the results will be more precise, because the water temperature of the outer bucket will be adjusted to be the same as the inner one. It is the same as a perfect insulator is installed.

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