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RPP RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN Nama Sekolah Tingkat Topik Kelas / Semester Waktu Pertemuan Skill I. II. : SMK _________ : Elementary Level : Daily Activities : XI / 1 : 1 x pertemuan (15 menit) : ke- 6 : Writing

STANDAR KOMPETENSI 2. Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Elementary KOMPETENSI DASAR 2.1 Memahami percakapan sederhana sehari-hari baik dalam konteks profesional maupun pribadi dengan orang bukan penutur asli

III. INDIKATOR a. Menggunakan simple expression untuk menyatakan daily activities. b. Memahami paragraf pendek tentang daily activities. c. Penggunaan simple present tense untuk menyatakan daily activities. d. Menulis paragraf pendek tentang daily activities. V. TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN a. Siswa dapat menggunakan simple expression untuk menyatakan daily activities. b. Siswa dapat memahami paragraf pendek tentang daily activities. c. Siswa dapat penggunaan simple present tense untuk menyatakan daily activities. d. Siswa dapat menulis paragraf pendek tentang daily activities. MATERI PEMBELAJARAN 1. Simple expression to explain daily activities : Time Activities (at around) 1.00 Getting up 5.05 Praying, preparing thing 5.30 Taking a bath 6.00 Having breakfast 6.15 Going to school 7.15 Start learning at school 13.45 Going home 14.30 Lunch, Taking a rest after praying 17.00 Helping mother, praying, taking a bath 19.00 Doing home works, watching TV 21.00 Going to bed


2. Language Focus (Simple Present Tense) SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE The simple present tense can be used : a. For habitual activities b. For general statements of fact c. For the action happening now The formula : Affirmative S + V1 + s/es Negative S + do not + V1 Interrogative Does + S +V1 ? Non verbal S + be + Compliment (general statements) The time signal : usually, never, sometimes, seldom, often, once, once a week, every, etc. Note : If the subject He, She, It the verb add s/-es. E.g. : Affirmative : He usually gets up at 5 a.m. The sun rises in the east. Negative : They do not understand. Interrogative : Does she like coffee? VII. MODEL PEMBELAJARAN Teaching Strategy : Three phrase technique VIII. LANGKAH-LANGKAH PEMBELAJARAN 1. Kegiatan Pendahuluan (2 menit) a. Persiapan Menata tempat duduk, mengecek kebersihan kelas, Absensi. b. Apersepsi Siswa diberi pertanyaan tentang materi yang lalu. c. Penyampaian tujuan pembelajaran dan manfaatnya Menulis dipapan tujuan pembelajaran. d. Penyampaian pokok-pokok materi Siswa diberitahu bahwa pokok-pokok materi pertemuan ini. 2. Kegiatan Inti (10 menit) a. Building Knowledge of the field (Pre Writing) - Guru memberikan gambar beserta situasi di dalamnya, menerima siswa secara aktif berbincang dengan teman di sebelah untuk menerka gambar tersebut. - Guru memberikan pertanyaan tuntutan sebagai berikut : a. What is the picture about? b. What time usually you get up? c. Have you ever been write your activity? d. Mention, what are activity on the picture? e. What time usually you go to bed in the night? - Guru menjelaskan tentang simple expression to explain daily activities. Kemudian mengerjakan exercise II. b. Whiles Writing - Guru memberikan contoh teks tentang daily activities. - Guru menjelaskan tentang language focus (Simple Present Tense) - Siswa membuat beberapa kalimat berbentuk simple present tense.

- Guru menyuruh siswa membuat sebuah paragraph tentang daily activity berdasarkan kata-katanya sendiri. - Guru memberikan feed back. 3. Kegiatan Penutup (3 menit) - Guru bertanya apakah ada kesulitan - Guru dan siswa membuat simpulan pelajaran - Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran untuk pertemuan berikutnya VIII. SUMBER BELAJAR / ALAT DAN BAHAN Sumber : Buku BKS SMK Teknik Gambar Kelas XI Semester I, Internet. Bahan : Students worksheet, Power point Alat : Board, marker, paper. IX. PENILAIAN a. Penilaian Kognitif Bentuk : Tes tulis Alat : No Aspek Penilaian 1. 2. Pedoman penilaian Kunci jawaban b. Penilaian Afektif Pedoman penilaian No Aspek Penilaian 1. Presensi 2. Keaktifan berbahasa inggris 3. Paratisipasi 4. Penyelesaian tugas

Skor ............. .............

Skor ............. ............. ............. .............

Mengetahui, Kepala Sekolah

Kediri, Guru Mata Pelajaran,

_______________________ NIP.


STUDENTS WORKSHEET Activity I Observe the picture, then answer the question orally

Daily Activity

a. What is the picture about? b. What time usually you get up? c. Have you ever been write your activity? d. Mention, what are activity on the picture? Activity II Look at the eight pictures, they describe a typical day in the life of a man named Roberto Trevino. Find the sentence that goes with each picture from the list. Then write the sentences on the lines beside the picture. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. He teaches his class from to 3.30. First of all. Roberto gets up at seven oclock every morning. Roberto is exhausted when he gets into at night. He always takes the 7.45 a.m. train to the elementary school where he works. At six oclock he eats dinner and gets ready for his night job. Then he takes the 4 p.m. train back to 11.00 a.m. He plays the saxophone from 8.00 to 11.00 a.m. After dinner Roberto drives to a jazz club where he plays in a band.

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_________________________ _________________________ Activity III Read the text, then answer the question.

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MR. GANIS SCHEDULE ON TODAY Everyday he leaves the house at about 6.15 a.m. And he goes to his school by his old motorcycle. Sometimes he goes by bus when it trains. At about 2.30 p.m., he usually get home and meets his wife and his children. He doesnt have lunch at home once a while. After taking a nap for some minutes, he comes back to his school again to teach his students to prepare for the english national test until 5.30 p.m. At about 6.30 in the evening , he has dinner with his family at home. While he having dinner, he always asks his children what they have studied at school and what they are going to do the next day. Before going to bed, he usually watches The World News program television.

1. What does the first paragraph tell us about? 2. What does he do at about 9.30 in the morning? 3. How often does he go to his school? 4. Where does he eat his dinner? And with whom? Activity IV Make a paragraph about your daily activity.

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