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MCQ Hemodynamics AJ-07 1-The characteristic that differentiate the clot from the thrombous is(A) a- Thrombous is attached

to the wall and have layers of fibrin b- Thrombous is friable and gelatinous, the clot is firm c-Thrombous is red in color and surrounded by film of yellow chicken-fa t cover d-Thrombous is composed of red blood cells, macrophages and neurtophils . e-Thrombous is mainly composed of gram-negative bacteria 2-One of the following statement regarding thrombous formation is not correct(D) a-Antithrombin and protein c deficiency result in thrombous formation in arterie s and veins b-Sluggishness of blood flow cause venous thrombosis formation c-Vasculitis (inflammation of the blood vessels) causes arterial thrombosis form ation d-Immoblization enhance the possibility of arterial thrombosis formation e-Endothelial injury favors arterial thrombosis formation 3-Thrombi are formed in all the following conditions except(A) a-Trauma with vessels rupture b- Long periods of bed rest c-Surgical intervention of the abdominal area d-Fracture of long bone e-Cross-countries travailing (long traveling time) 4 Vegetations are thrombi formed in a- large arteries b-Large veins c-Small capillaries d-Cardiac Valves e-Heart chamber

5-Embolization frequently originated from the following except a-Heart chamber b-Atherosclerotic plaques c-Saphenous veins d-Popliteal viens e- Aortic Aneurysm 6-At the microcirculation level the component that control the interstial fluid are the following except. a-Arteriolar hydrostatic pressur b-Venular osmotic pressuer c-Lymphatic vessesls d-Blood pressure e-protein content of the plasma 7- A 56-year-old man has had increasing dyspnea for 6 years. He has no cough or fever. He had chronic exposure to inhalation of silica dust for many years in hi s job. A chest x-ray now shows increased interstitial markings and parenchymal 1 to 3 cm solid nodules. His pulmonary problems are most likely to be mediated th rough which of the following inflammatory processes? A Neutrophilic infiltrates producing leukotrienes B Foreign body giant cell formation C Plasma cell synthesis of immunoglobulin D Mast cell histamine release E Macrophage elaboration of growth factors

E) CORRECT. Growth factors are released from macrophages that have ingested sili ca crystals, and these factors stimulate collagen production by fibroblasts, pro ducing interstitial fibrosis and nodule formation that reduces the amount of nor mal lung parenchyma and makes breathing more difficult. 8-Question 7 A 20-year-old woman has premature labor with premature rupture of fetal membrane s at 20 weeks gestation. Prior to that time, the pregnancy had been proceeding n ormally. A stillbirth occurs two days later. Microscopic examination of the norm al-sized placenta reveals numerous neutrophils in the amnion and chorion, but no villitis. These events are most likely to be mediated by the effects from relea se of which of the following substances? A Immunoglobulin B Prostaglandin C Complement D Fibrinogen E Lymphokines 9(A) CORRECT. This non-caseating granulomatous inflammation is typical for sarcoi dosis. Granulomas are a form of type IV hypersensitivity reaction. There are cyt okines such as interferon gamma produced by lymphocytes that recruit blood monoc ytes and stimulate macrophages to develop a granulomatous response.

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