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L Greetings

- Hello!
- Hello, Jane. Is everything ok?
- )'s, thanks.
John: Good evening, Mary!
Mary: Good evening, John. How are you?
John: I'm well, and you?
Mary: I' m fine, thanks.
Good morning!
Bom-dia! A palavra morning significa manh.
Usa-se a saudao good morning at o meio-dia.
GQod afternoon!
A palavra after significa depois. A pala
vra noon significa meio-dia.
Good evening!
Boa-noite! Usa-se good evening ao encontrar
uma pessoa noite.
Good night!
Boa-noite! Usa-se good night ao despedir-se de
algum noite.
- Good morning, Mr. Kanashiro.
- Good morning, Miss Loren. How are you?
- I' m fine, thanks.
A good beginning makes a good endfng.
(Um bom comeo leva a um bom final.)




Tire suas dvidas sobre o significado
de palavras consultando o vocabulrio
no final do livro.

John: Oh, Mary! We are late today!
Mary: Oh, yes! Let's go to school then.
So long! ..
At logo! Usa-se so long em despedidas comuns.
Good bye!
At logo! Good bye significa at logo e tambm
adeus. Pode-se tambm dizer apenas bye, que a

forma abreviada.
See you tomorrow! ..
At amanh! (See = vejo, you = voc, tomorrow
= amanh).

Oi! Ol! Saudao comum entre amigos.

Al! Ol! Saudao comum entre amigos.

Forma abreviada,
Forma por extenso

Vou are
He is
She is
It is
We are
Vou are
"rhey are
(Eu sou ou estou)
(Voc ou est)
(ELe ou est)
(ELa ou est)
(Neutro: ele ou ela ou est)
(Ns somos ou estamos)
(Vocs so ou esto)
(ELes ou elas so ou esto)
1. Complete com as formas verbais am, is ou are:
a) How Vou todav?
b) I fine.
c) Vou late.
2. Escreva os cumprimentos
a) Bom-dia, Maria.
b) Boa-tarde, Joo.
c) At amanh.
d) Boa-noite.

em ingls:
3. Reescreva as frases, colocando os verbos na for
ma abreviada:
a) I am fine.
b) We are late.
c) She is a student.
d) It is a school.
comum na conversao

All good things come to an end.
(Todas as coisas boas chegam
a um fim.)
4. Traduza as frases:
a) I'm well, and Vou?
b) We are late todaV.
c) Let's go to school then.
5. Complete a cruzadinha:
, est r--, vamos
I I atrasado
escola I-
sou, estou I-
hojel I
ento f--
bom, boa I _
bons, boas r- ela
obri 9ado'--lf--l
6. Escreva as frases no plural:
a) I am well. We are well.
b) I am late. _
c) She is well. _
d) He is fine. _
e) How is she? _
Everything must have a beginning.
L What are they?
(Tudo deve ter um comeo.)
Are they singers?
No, they are not singers.
They are dancers.
Is he a player?
No, he is not a player.
He is a painter.
Is it a lion?
No, it is not a lion.
It is a tiger.
(Eu sou, estou)
Affirmative form

I am
Negative form
I am

not (Eu no sou, eu no estou)
Interrogative form

I? (Sou eu?, Estou eu?)

Vou are (Voc , est) Vou are not Are you?
He is (Ele , est) He is not Is he?
She is (Ela , est) She is not Is she?
It ;s (Ele, eLa , est) It is not Is it?
We are (Ns somos, estamos) We are not Are we?
Vou are (Vocs so, esto) Vou are not Are you?
They are (ELes, elas so, esto) They are not . Are they?
1. Para se ter a forma negativa em ingls com 3. Na forma interrogativa, o verbo vem antes
os verbos auxiliares, basta colocar not (no) de do sujeito:
pois do verbo.
Vou are good. (affirmative form)
2. Observe as duas formas negativas abreviadas
Are you good? (interrogative form)
do verbo to be no presente do indicativo:
Contracted form (forma abreviada)
Aren't r?
I'm not
(Forma irregular para interrogativa-negativa na
You're not Vou aren't
1 pessoa do singular.)
He's not He isn't
She's not - 5he isn't
It's not It isn't
We're not We aren't
You're not Vou aren't
They're not They aren't
A (AN) no tem plural.
c) You are not a good friend.
e) They are not teachers.
d) It is not an orange.
b) He is not a singer.
AN usado no singular, diante de vogal ou h mudo (h no
pronunciado: an hour). Significa um, uma.
A usado no singular, diante de consoantes. Significa um, uma.
e) We are good students.
c) It is an orange.
Passe para a forma interrogativa:
a) You are a teacher.
Are Vou a teacher?
b) She is a secretary.
f) You are well.
d) They are doctors.
-i ~
~ < " ~
.,1'.A teacher
A doctor
f) Jane is not well today.
g) He is late.
2. Passe para a forma negativa:
a) He is a doctor.
He is not a doctor.
b) She is a painter.
c) You are a good singer.
d) It is an apple.
e) John is well.
3. Passe para a forma negativa abreviada:
a) She is not a secretary.
She isn't a secretary.
She's not a secretary.
4. Escreva a diante de consoante e an diante de
vogal ou h mudo:
a) teacher d) apple
b) elephant e) book
c) hour f) , player
5. Complete a cruzadinha:
professor ~
secretria f-----
eles, elas f---- ~
L--t---1I---''"""'""'1--l", um, uma
amigo I---- L...-L...-L...-L--L--L.....J
" ,r,"
Knowledge ts ,...'
.3am At the bus statiol1
(Saber poder.)
- Excuse me. Is this seat free?
- No, it is not, but you can sit on that one on the comer.
- Thank you very much.
THIS usado para pessoa, animal ou objeto que est perto.
This significa este, esta, isto.
THAT usado para pessoa, animal ou coisa que est longe.
That significa aquele, aquela, aquilo.
Veja o modelo e continue:
a) rose:
This is a rose.
b) tree:
c) car:
d) plane:
e) boy:
f) girl:
g) pen:
h) peneil:
2. Observe o modelo, faa a pergunta e responda:
book al What is this7
This is a book.
house b) _
apple c) _
dog d) _
table e) _
elephant f) _
pen g) _
magazine h) _
tree i) _
orange j) _
3. Veja o modelo e continue:
This is E)(D9k and that is il magazine.
b) apple/orange:
c) dog/cat:
d) car/bus:
4. Leia e traduza:
Bob: Good afternoon. How are you?
Jirn: I'm fine, thanks.
Bob: This is my fami1y.
This is John, my brother.
This is my sister Carol.
RonaId, my father.
And that is TeIma, my mother.
10 I
5. Complete a cruzadinha:
- casa

Experience is the mother of wlsdom.
(A experincia a me da sabedoria.)
- ..
c ,
- What are those beautiful birds flying over the trees?
Are they parrots?
- Oh, yes! They are parrots. They are very .birds.
- And these birds on the cows? /'0 c'
, ,:" ,,, ,,!
- They are cowbirds.
- Why are they on the cows?
- Because they eat the larvas and insects that disturb the cows.



This (este, esta, isto) These (estes, estas)
That (aquele, aquela, aquilo) Those (aqueles, aquelas)
Em geral, forma-se o plural dos substantivos, em ingls, acrescentando-se s ao singu
lar: car, cars; book, books; bird, birds.
1. Escreva no plural:
a) boy: t:.o. '
b) pen: _
c) tree: _
d) dog: __--' _
e) house: _
f) book: _
g) table: _
h) cat: _
i) apple: _----..., _
2. Escreva as frases no plural. (Observe que o arti
go the e o adjetivo ficam invariveis).
a) The boy is good.
The boys are good.
b) The apple is red.
c) The house is yellow.
-"-\..9'(,\ \'L l (), '( ''-tA_t. i, .. (
d) The magazine is new. J
(.()yq?jfA 1:i-'''aR- -O ov,.Q i ( 't:.
e) She is beautiful.
3. Escreva as frases no plural. (Observe que o arti
go indefinido a, an desaparece no plural).
a) This is a book.
These are books.
b) This is a beautiful flower.
c) This is a new caro
n 1), (Y\9.J...t,i C n 'i . ,"
d) That is a yellow bird.
' r .
4. Escreva as frases no singular e no plural. Siga (
a) an egg
This is an egg.
These are eggs.
b) a car
. ,
" .
d) a book
That is a book.
Those are books.
e) a plane
1. Leia com ateno e traduza:
lobo: Mary, these are my friends Jane and Rose.
Mary: Hello, girls. I'm glad to meet you!
And those people over there?
Jobn: Those people are my parents.
t".ary: And that boy and that girl over there?
The boy is my brother and the girl is my
sister. My sister is a teacher of English and
my brother has a shop downtown.
2. Escreva em ingls:
a) Bom-dia: ~
b) Boa-tarde:
c) Boa-noite
(ao chegar):
(ao despedir-se):
d) Adeus:
e) At amanh:
3. Escreva as formas verbais abreviadas:
a) I am = I'm
b) Vou are =
c) He is =
d) She is =
e) We are =
f) They are =
4. Escreva no plural:
a) This girl is my friend.
~ _
b) That boy has a new caro
Escreva a ou an:
a) He is
b) She is
c) I am
d) This is
e) We have
f) Paul is
Escreva no plural:
American singer.
English painter.
shop downtown.
intelligent boy.
Complete as frases com palavras do quadro:
this - am - is
who is - color is
a) is a hot dog.
b) What the chair?
c) That isn't window.
d) I a dentist.
e) this a cheeseburger?
f) The apple is _
g) Vou the secretary.
h) Tim Foster?
Complete os espaos em branco traduzindo os
pronomes demonstrativos:
a) Aquele meu melhor amigo.
~ is my best friend.
b) Esta a casa onde moro.
_____ is the house where I live in.
c) Aqueles alunos so inteligentes.
_____ students are smart.
d) Este um exerccio fcil.
_____ is an easy exercise.
e) Estas pessoas so especiais.
_____ people are special.
f) Aquela uma mulher muito fascinante.
_____ is a very fascinating woman.
Escreva as frases no singular:
a) These bracelets are expensive.
a) Hqw is she? b) Are these your friends?
b) How is he? c) Those churches are old.
c) I am well. dI Are those good stores?
d) You're a singer. e) These books are not interesting.
. ~
No presente do indicativo, os verbos em ingLs geraLmente seguem os modeLos abaixo:
United we stand, divided we fall.
(Unidos ns nos mantemos de p;
divididos, ns camos.)
I go (eu vou)
Vou go
He gaes
She gaes
We go
Vou go
They go
Forced love does not las1
(Amor forado no dura.)
This picture shows a girl and a boy: Bob
and Simone.
They seem very happy.
Simone loves Bob very much. Bob loves
Simone, too.
Bob has a good job. He is a young engineer
and works for a big company.
Simone is a secretary and works in an
They plan to get married soon.
I study (eu estudo)
Vou study ,
He studies
She studies
We study
Vou study
They study
I wish (eu desejo)
Vou wish
He wishes
She wishes
We wish
Vou wish
They wish
, OS verbos no presente do indicativo recebem um s na terceira
a do singular (he loves, she works). Mas note-se o seguinte:
Os verbos que terminam em s, sh, ch, o, x recebem es.
que terminam em y precedido de vogal recebem apenas s.
'$ue terminam em y precedido de consoante mudam o y por ies.
I pLay (eu jogo)
Vou pLay
He plays
She plays
We pLay
Vou pLay
They pLay
I Lave (eu amo)
Vou Lave
He laves
She laves
We Lave
Vou Lave
They Lave


1. Escreva no singular:
a) They play football.
He plays football.
b) They study History.
c) They dance well.
d) They go to school.
e) They wash the caro
f) They like musico
g) They watch televison.
h) The students read books.
i) The boys like apples.
j) The birds fly in the sky.
k) lhe girls play the piano.
I) The students relax after class.
2. Preencha os espaos com a forma verbal correta:
a) We sports.
(Iike - likes)
b) She flowers in the garden.
(plant - plants)
c) The planes in the sky.
(fly - flies)
d) The bus the station.
(reach - reaches)
e) Mary to the park.
(go - goes)
f) The child sweets.
(want - wants)
g) She very happy.
(seem - seems)
3. Escreva em ingls:
a) Simone ama Bob.
b) Eles planejam casar logo.
c) Bob tem um bom emprego.
d) A figura mostra duas garotas.
e) Ela vai para a escola.
4. Complete a frase de acordo com o pronome.
Observe o modelo:
a) I read a book.
b) You _
c) He _
d) She _
e) We _
f) You
g) They _
5. Leia em voz alta e traduza:
Love is patient, love is kind. It is not
proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it
is not easily angered, it keeps no record of
wrongs. lt always protects, always trusts,
al}"ays hopes, a'lwys perseveres.
L9yenever fails.
From lhe Holy Bible - 1 Corinthians, 13.

Good company on the road is the shortest way.
. Atrip
(Boa companhia na estrada faz o caminho mais curto.)
Hi, John!
Hi, Jack!
Welcome back!
How was your trip?
Oh, it was fantastic!
I had a wonderful time.
Where were you?
I was in Las Vegas, Miami Beach,
Washington and New York.
To be
Affirmative form

I was (era, estava)
Vou were
He was
5he was
It was
We were
Vou were
They were
Interrogative form

Negative form

Was I? I was not
Were you? Vou were not
Was he? He was not
Was she? 5he was not
Was it? It was not
Were we? We were not
Were you? Vou were not
Were they? They were not
I wasn't
You weren't
He wasn't
5he wasn't
It wasn't
We weren't
You weren't
They weren't
1. Mude os verbos em negrito para o tempo passa
a) John has an old house.
John had an old house.
b) 1 am very tired.
c) They are in Italy.
d) Vou are sick.
e) She is very beautiful.
f) It is there.
2. Escreva as frases no plural:
a) I was late.
We were late.
b) She was beautiful.
c) I am here.
d) She was well.
This is a ruler.
Success has many friends.
(O sucesso tem muitos amigos.)
Twin Towers of lhe World Trade Center.
This is a weighing
machine. It weighs things
and people in grams and
This is a measuring tape.
Measuring tapes, meters and rulers are used to measure
things in meters, centimeters and millimeters.
7. How many...
3. Passe para a forma negativa:
a) We have an interesting book.
We have not an interesting book.
b) They were in the house.
c) She was at school.
4. Passe para a forma interrogativa:
a) She was in Rio.
Was she in Rio?
b) They were good boys.
c) You were sick.
5. Treine seu vocabulrio resolvendo a cruzadinha:
.1. viagem 5. tempo
2. capital dos EUA 6. onde
3. bem-vindo 7. maravilhoso
4. plural de was

1. one
2. two
3. three
4. four
5. five
6. six
7. seven
8. eight
9. nine
10. ten
11. eleven
12. twelve
13. thirteen
14. fourteen
15. fifteen
16. sixteen
17. seventeen
18. eighteen
19. nineteen
20. twenty
21. twenty-one
22. twenty-two
23. twenty-three
30. thirty
31. thirty-one
40. forty
50. fifty
60. sixty
70. seventy
80. eighty
90. ninety
100. a hundred
105. a hundred and five ou one hundred and five
107. a hundred and seven
120. a hundred and twenty
200. two hundred
201. two hundred and one
300. three hundred
310. three hundred and ten
400. four hundred
425. four hundred and twenty-five
500. five hundred
540. five hundred and forty
600. six hundred
700. seven hundred
800. eight hundred
100. a hundred ou
900. nine hundred
one hundred. Depois
1000. one thousand
de hundred, use ando
1. Now think and answer:
a) How manv centimeters are there in a meter?
There are centimeters.
b) How manv millimeters are there in a centimeter?
There are millimeters.
c) How tall are vou?
Iam tall.
d) How much do vou weigh?
I weigh kilos.
e) How high were the twin towers of the World
Trade Center in New York?
TheV were and _
meters high.
f) How high is Mount Everest in Nepal, Asia?
2. Make vour personal card indicating:
Your first name: _
Your surname: _
Age: _
Height: _
Weight: _
Address: _
Telephone number: _
3. Escreva nas cruzadinhas os nmeros por exten
so em ingls:
16 11 12
13 L...-L...-L...-L...-L...-L...-L...-L..-..I
70 100 80 60
40 L...-L...-L...-L...-I-J
Time t5 morteJ.::'
d What 'time is it?
(Tempo dinheiro.)
It's seven o'clock now.
IT'S 7=30j
Time flies.
(O tempo voa.)
Observe como dizemos as horas exatas em ingls:
It' 5 two o' clock. It' 5 five o' clock. 11'5 seven o'clock.
Agora, observe as maneiras de dizer as horas e os minutos:
It's fifteen past seven.
It's a quarter past seven.
11'5 seven fifteen.
11'5 twenty-five to eight.
It's seven thirty-five.
It's twenty-five past seven.
It's seven twenty-five.
It's twenty to eight.
It'5 seve n fo rty.
~ .
It's half past seven.
It's seven thirty.
It's a quarter to eight.
11'5 seven forty-five.
1. Observe os relgios e escreva a pergunta e as
respostas, como no modelo:
a) What time is iH
l1's five past seven.
l1's seven five.
b l ~
9 I'...
6 5
2. Reescreva a frase, completando-a com a hora
por extenso:
a) I get up at (6:00):
b) I have breakfast at (7:00):
c} 1 have lunch at (11 :30r:
6 5
d) I have dinner at (8: 15):
e) I go to bed at (11 :45):
There i5 no place like home.
~ ~ T I What can vou see in the picture?
(No existe lugar como o lar.)


I can see a large room with a very long table surrounded by many comfortable arm
chairs. On the long table there are four ashtrays.
- And what can you see in the background of the room?
I can see a vase of fIowers on a little table. It is near the long table.
In the background I can also see two different rooms with sofas, chairs, little tables,
vases and a table lamp.
And on the walls there are three different pictures.
Affirmative and interrogative form ~ Observe these sentences:
1) There is a flower in the vase.
2) There are pictures on the wall.
3) Are there chairs around the table?
Present tense ~ 'rhere is = h (singular) There is a bird.
There are = h (plural) There are birds.
Past tense ~ There was = havia (singular) There was a b"ird.
There were = havia (plural) There were birds.
Interrogative form ~ Is there ... ? H ? (singular)
Are there .,. ? H ? (plural)
Was there ? Havia .. , ? (singular)
Where there i5 a will, there i5 a way.
Were there ? Havia ... ? (plural)
(Onde h uma vontade, h um caminho.)
. 1. Escreva there is ou there are:
a) a bus on the comer.
b) a yellow car.
c) many birds.
d) roses in the garden.
e) four girls playing.
2 Escreva there was ou there were:
a) a rose in the vase.
b) roses in the vase.
c) a boy in the street.
d) a yellow house.
e) birds on the wire.
3 Escreva as frases no plural:
a) There is a rose in the vase.
There are roses in the vases.
b) There is a flower in the garden.
c) There is a boy in the caro
d) There was a bird on the wire.
e) There was a girl in the street.
f) There is a blue car in the street.
4 Escreva as frases no tempo passado:
a) There is a red rose in the vase.
There was a red rose in the vase.
b) There are many pictures in this book.
c) There is a bus on the comer.
d) There are dogs in the garden.
e) There are boys playing football.
5. Passe as frases para a forma interrogativa:
a) There are cars in the street.
Are there cars in the street7
b) There was a plane in the sky.
c) There are girls playing in the park.
d) There were roses in the garden.
6. Traduza as frases:
a) There are many birds on the wire.
b) You can also see some cats.
c) I can see many things.
7. Escreva em ingls:
a) Quantos quadros h na parede?
H trs quadros.
b) Quantos vasos de flores h na sala?
H um vaso de flores.
8. Leia em voz alta e traduza oralmente.
Telephoning (Wrong number)
A - HelIo! This is Janet. Can I speak to
B - Paul???! There is no Paul here!
A - Please, what's your telephone number?
B - My telephone number is 1 2 5 O 7. (one,
two, five, zero, seven)
A - Isn't it number 1 2 6 O7? (one, two, six,
zero, seven)
B - No, it's number 1 2 5 O 7.
A - I'm sotry! Excuse me...
B - O.K.
Empregamos a expresso how old para perguntar a idade de aLgum.
How old are you? (Quantos anos voc tem? - Qual a sua idade?)
How old i5 5he? (Quantos anos ela tem? - Qual a idade dela?)
How old are they? (Quantos anos eles tm - QuaL a idade deles?)
E se responde assim:
I am twenty year5 old ou I am twenty. (Tenho vinte anos).
5he i5 fifteen year5 old ou 5he i5 fifteen. (ELa tem quinze anos).
Emprega-se a expresso how much para se perguntar a quantidade em geral de coisas
que no costumamos contar, como gua, tempo, etc.
How much time? (Quanto tempo?) How much water? (Que quantidade de gua?) How
much sugar? (Quanto acar?)
A expresso how many emprega-se com elementos contveis:
How many books? (Quantos Livros?) ttow many people? (Quantas pessoas?)
1. Observe a figura e escreva as idades corretamente:
I am four.
I am seven.
I am eleven.
I am fourteen .
I am eighteen.
I am twenty.
In wine there is truth.
(In vino ventas:
no vinho h verdade.)
Jtl An interview
- How oId are you, Iady?
- I' m 80 years oId.
- Oh, are you oId!
- OId? No! My mother is 99 years oId.
And you? How oId are you?
- I'm 35.
- OnIy that? You are still a child!
- Oh, thank you, grandmother!
One is never too old to
(Nunca se velho demais
para aprender.)
2. Siga o modelo:
a) How old are vou? (10):
I am ten years old.
b) How old are they? (12):
c) How old is she? (20):
d) How old is he? (19):
e) How old are vou? (15):
f) How old are vou? (40):
g) How old is Mary? (25):
h) How old is Peter? (27):
3. Siga o modelo:
a) Is Paul old?
No, he is not old.
He is very young.
b) Is Mary old?
c) Is Peter old?
d) Are Paul and Ann old?
e) Are Ted and Bob old?
4. Escreva much ou many:
a) Is there water in the cup?
b) There are eggs in the refrigerator.
c) Were there books on the table?
d) There was not time to study.
e) How people can Vou see?
f) How coffee is there in the cup?
5. Escreva em ingls:
a) Quantos anos voc tem?
b) H muito caf na xcara?
c) Eu tenho vinte anos.
d) Meu av muito velho.
e) Maria muito jovem?
6. Escreva as horas por extenso:
a) 7:00 _
b) 9:15 _
7. Treine seu vocabulrio resolvendo a cruzadinha:
dinheiro muito
jovem ~
~ l h O ~
I ela I I
bom f--
t- t
1. Leia com ateno e traduza.
I have many friends: Mary, Alfred, John, Rose,
Robert and Susan.
They seem very happy and they like me very
They are young. Mary is twenty years old,
Alfred, John and Rose are nineteen, Robert and
Susan are twenty-one.
They study in a big university. Mary and
Alfred study Medicine. Rose studies English.
Susan and Robert study History. John wants to
study Medicine... but he has not money.
My friends work for a big company downtown.
I wish success to my friends.
Times change.
(Os tempos mudam.)
2. Conjugue o verbo to love no presente do
I love
3. Agora. conjuge o verbo to 90:
4. Conjugue o verbo to be no tempo passado:
5. Escreva no plural:
a) I am a happy boy.
b) She was a beautiful girl.
c) He likes my friend.
d) You are an engineer.
\ ~ 6
' ~ : : .
Never judge by appearances.
(No julgue pelas aparncias.)
Negative form
Obtm-se o imperativo negativo antepondo-se ao
verbo a negao don't (do not).
Run! (Corra!)
Don't run! (No corra!)
Imperative with please
Para se abrandar a dureza de uma ordem ou para
se fazer um pedido de uma maneira delicada, polida,
usa-se a palavra please, no comeo ou no fim da
Shut the door, please. (Feche a porta, por favor.)
Please speak aloud! (Por favor, fale alto!)
A forma let (let's ou let us) usada para expres
sar convite ou pedido.
Let's read the lesson! (Vamos ler a lio!)
Let's go to the beach! (Vamos praia!)
Emprega-se o modo imperativo para expressar or
dem, pedido, conselho, proibio.
1. Ordem:
Get out! (Retire-se! Saia!)
2. Pedido:
Come with me. (Venha comigo.)
3. Conselho ou pedido:
Drive slowly. (Dirija devagar.)
4. Proibio:
Don't smoke! (No fume!)
oimperativo provm do infinitivo. Basta suprimir
a partcula to, indicadora de infinitivo, para se obter
o imperativo.
to stop = parar
Stop! = Pare!
to come = vir
Come! = Venha!
~ Imperative
1. Escreva as frases de acordo
a) Get out!
b) Come in, please.
c) Shut the window!
d) Don't smoke!
com as figuras: e) to get up (levantar)
f) to stand up (ficar de p)
g) to go there (ir l)
h) to read on page 10 (ler pg. 10)
3. Passe para o imperativo negativo:
a) Go there!
Don't 90 there!
b) Smoke here!
:"! f'.<1.Ai ,.........................................
. . ~ : .
'\ . : 0 ~
~ "" , ~
./.' e "'
~ L ~ 5 >
c) Eat now!
d) Write on the wall!
e) Speak aloud!
f) Sit down!
g) Open the window!
h) Pay the bill!
2. Passe os verbos do infinitivo para a forma impe
a) to get out (sair)
Get out! (Saia!)
b) to shut the door (fechar a porta)
4. Use a palavra please no comeo ou
a) Come in!
Come in, please!
Please come in!
b) Stand up!
c) Sit down!
no fim das
c) to come back (voltar)
d) Don't smoke!
d) to come in (entrar)
e) Drive slowly!
t2. What is Jack doing?
Jack is not a lazy boy.
He is getting up now.
He gets up early every day.
Jack sleeps late every day.
Jack dorme tarde todos os dias.
Jack plays footbaLL every day.
Jack joga futebol todos os dias.

o simple present (presente simples) indica uma
ao que se faz costumeiramente, que se repete nor
Observe a conjugao do verbo to sleep (dormir)
no presente simples:
I sleep
Vou sleep
He sleeps
She sleeps
It sleeps
We sleep
Vou sleep
They sleep
Muitas vezes o simple present vem acompanhado
dos advrbios usually, generally, always...
Jack likes to play football.
He is playing football with
Bob and Jim.
Jack is sleeping now.
Jack est dormindo agora.
Jack is playing footbaLL now.
Jack est jogando futebol agora.

J o present continuous (presente contnuo) in
dica uma ao que se est fazendo agora, que come
ou e continua ainda neste momento.
Observe a conjugao do mesmo verbo no presen
te contnuo:
I am sleeping
Vou are sleeping
He is sleeping
5he is sleeping
It is sleeping
We are sleeping
Vou are sleeping
They are sleeping
O present continuous formado pelo verbo to
be (verbo estar) no presente + o gerndio do verbo
1. Mude para o gerndio. Siga o modelo:
a) to read: reading
b) to teach:
c) to go:
d) to look:
e) to study:
f) to build:
2. Mude para o presente contnuo:
a) She drinks water.
She is drinking water.
b) I read a book.
I am reading a book.
c) She paints well.
d) I eat an apple.
e) I go to school.
f) They study History.
g) He teaches English.
Mude para o plural:
a) I am studying History.
We are studying History.
b) I am playing tennis.
c) I am drinking milk.
d) She is working.
e) He is going to school.
f) She is helping me.
g) You are dancing well.
h) He is reading a newspaper.
4. Mude para o presente simples:
a) I am studying History now.
I study History every day.
b) I am drinking milk now.
c) I am playing tennis now.
d) I am going to school now.
e) I am eating rice now.
f) She is writing a letter now.
g) She is helping me now.
5. Escreva os gerndios em ingls:

lendo It----=;T
When ali men speak, no man hears.
(Ouando todos falam, ningum escuta.)

-----c .-;--;---,--t-;--,--,
What are they doing?
, : ) ~ ...
Responda, de acordo com a figura:
1. What is Paul doing? He is kicking a ball.
2. What is Jeff doing?
He ~
3. What is Jane doing?
4. What is Mary doing? She
5. What is Bob doing?
6. What is Meg doing?
7. What is Betty doing? She
8. What is Joe doing?
9. What is Mark doing? He
10. What is Peter doing? He
a ball.
a ball.
a ball.
a ball.
a pail.
under a rope.
over a rape.
14. My office (
I am in my office. It is very large. We can see four new tables in it and a basket
under a table.
There are computers on two tables. There are a telephone and a fax on another
There is a map on the wall. There are books and papers on the tables and many
pencils in a box.
Jane and Monica are talking about a letter. I aro talking about business with Mr.
Peterson. We are near the door.
Observe o emprego de aLgumas preposies em ingLs:
in: em, dentro de There are penciLs in a box.
(H Lpis dentro de uma caixa).
on: sobre, em cima There are papers on the tabLes.
(H papis sobre as mesas).
under: sob, embaixo There is a basket under a tabLe.
(H um cesto embaixo de uma mesa).
with: com I am in a roam with my friends.
(Estou numa saLa com meus amigos).
about: sobre, a respeito de We are taLking about bus;ness.
(Estamos conversando a respeito de negcios).
near: perto Mr. Peterson ;s near the door.
(O Sr. Peterson est perto da porta).
of: de This is a book of EngLish.
(Este um Livro de ingLs).
to: para I am going to schooL.
(Estou indo para a escoLa).
We are all slaves of opinions.
(Ns somos todos escravos de opinies.)
1. Observe a indicao das flechas e escreva in, on
ou under:
2. Escreva na forma interrogativa:
a) There is a cat under the table.
Is there a cat under the table7
b) There is a pencil in the box.
c) There is a bird on the tree.
d) There are girls in the park.
e) There are people in the room.
f) Peter is talking about Vou.
g) Mr. Peterson is near the door.
h) TheV are going with Vou.
i) You are going to the park.
3. Escreva em ingls:
a) Onde est o carro?
Where is the car7
Ele est perto da casa.
It is near the house.
b) Onde esto os livros?
Eles esto sobre a mesa.
c) Onde esto as mesas?
Elas esto no escritrio.
d) Estou na sala com meus amigos.
e) Estou lendo um livro de ingls.
f) Estamos conversando sobre negcios.
4. Escreva as preposies em ingls:
embaixo perto
com ~ !'""""""1---r---r---r--r-..., L
I - - + - + - " ' - - - + - - + - ~ - r - " " T " " " "
em I-
a respeito de
Out of sight, out of mind.
(Longe dos oLhos, Longe do corao.)
Who cannot obey, cannot command.
JCan... Cannot
(Quem no sabe obedecer, no sabe mand
I am Jane. I can swim very Look at Lucy. She can't swim. I am Bob. My leg is broken. I
well. She is crying out: "Help! Help!" cannot walk.
VERB CAJt,._. , _
Can um verbo auxiliar e defectivo.
Significa poder, no sentido de capacidade nsica ou mental. No recebe s na 3 pessoa
do singular do presente do indicativo.
Present tense

Past tense

Negative form

I can I could Can possui duas formas negativas:
Vou can Vou coul.d cannot
He can He coul.d can't
She can She coul.d Aforma negativa de could
It can It could could not ou couldn't.
We can We could
Vou can Vou could
They can They could
o verbo can pode indicar: 5. No ingls moderno can freqentemente em
pregado no lugar de may (poder) para denotar
1. Capacidade fsica: I can walk.
permisso, licena:
Eu posso caminhar.
Vou can go =Vou may go.
2. Capacidade mental: I can think. Voc pode ir.
Eu posso pensar.
6. Could pode indicar uma solicitao polida:
I can love. Could you tell me the time?
Eu posso amar.
Voc poderia me dizer as horas?
He could come today.
7. Can um verbo defectivo porque no possui
algumas formas verbais como imperativo, futu
Ele podia vir hoje.
ro, etc.
3. Capacidade moral:
1. Responda s perguntas, usando as seguintes
I ean write. I ean toueh.
I ean speak. I ean hear.
I ean eat. I ean work.
I ean see. I ean smell.
a) What can vou do with vour hands?
b) What can vou do with vour mouth?
c) What can vou do with vour eves?
d) What can vou do with vour nose?
e) What can vou do with)vour ears?
2. Mude as frases para o tempo passado:
a) I can help vou.
I could help vou.
b) You can speak aloud.
c) She can get up ear1v.
d) You can drive slowlV.
e) You can come back ear1v.
f) TheV can get a lot of monev.
g) You can't drive the caro
h) Can Vou hear me?
3. Escreva as frases na forma negativa por extenso
e abreviada:
'a) I can walk.
I cannot walk.
I can't walk.
b) I can see well.
c) I could work in the morning.
d) She can drink hot coffee.
e) He could swim in the river.
4. Escreva na forma interrogativa:
a) You can hear me.
b) You can see that bird.
c) TheV could do the exercise.
d) She can work as a cook.
5. Substitua can por may:
a) Can I gol
May I g01
b) Can I read this book?
c) Can I help vou?
d) Can I enter the house?
While there is life there 15 hope.
J. Why? Because...
(Enquanto houver vida, h espera
~ E . ~ U S ~ ! " ~ . ~
Quando queremos perguntar para saber a causa, o motivo de algo, usamos a palavra
why. Para responder, empregamos because.
1. Leia e traduza.
John: Why are you studying?
Robert: I am studying because I like it.
I want to get a good job and be
great man in the future.
John: I am glad to hear that from you.
I wish you success in your life.
2. Relacione as perguntas s respostas:
a) Why are they running?
b) Why are Vou so happy?
c) Why is the boy crying?

Because he is hungry.
Because they are late.
Because today is my birthday.
d) Why are vou so happy? My team is winning
Responda s perguntas abaixo, seguindo o mo
the game.
j ~
~ .
~ Why are vou running? I am late.
}, I am running because I am late.
ti) Why is the boy crying? He is hungry.
e) Why is the boy going to get the book? He
wants to read it.
c) Why are vou taking your umbrella? It is
1. Leia em voz alta e traduza.
;l\yelyn, a beautifuI gir!, is twenty years oId.
~ . a secretary and works in a big office near
st8.t.on downtown.
Evelyn has many good friends.
Now she is going to the office with a friend.
y are taIking about many things: job, business,
rts, studies, etc.
They live near their office and reach it in seven
2. Escreva no imperativo negativo:
a) Smoke here.
b) Open the window.
c) Shut the door.
d) Speak aloud.
3. Mude para o presente contnuo:
a) She drinks water.
b) I go to school.
c) He teaches English.
d) They dance well.
4. Veja a figura e responda:
a) What is he doing?
b) What is she doing?
JZ. An interview
Who are you?
I am John Baker.
What are you?
I aro a dentist.
How oId are you?
I am forty years oId.
And where is your office?
It's near my house.
I have many clients.
And how much is a filling?
It costs five dollars.
It's not expensive. It's cheap.
Why is your price so Iow?
Because peopIe can't pay more.
They are not rich. They are poor.
1. Who: Quem
Who is that man? (Quem aquele homem?)
Who are those people? (Quem so aquelas pessoas?)
Who wants to drink coffee? (Quem deseja tomar caf?)
2. What: O que, quaL (empregado tambm para perguntar sobre profisso ou cargo).
What is she? She is a secretary. (O que ela? ELa uma secretria.)
What's your name? My name is Bob. (Qual seu nome? Meu nome Bob.)
What is that? (O que aquilo?)
3. Where: Onde
Where's the book? !t's on the table. (Onde est o livro? Est sobre a mesa.)
Where are you? (Onde est voc?)
4. How: Como
How are you? (Como vai voc?)
How is your father? (Como vai seu pai?)
5. How oLd are you? I'm twenty. (Que idade voc tem? Eu tenho vinte.)
How oLd is she? She's fifteen years old. (Que idade ela tem? ELa tem quinze anos.)
6. How many: Quantos, quantas
How many birds can you see? (Quantos pssaros voc pode ver?)
7. How much: Quanto
How much is it? (Quanto custa?)
8. Why: Por que... ?
Who lives by hope die by hunger.
Why are you sad? (Por que voc est triste?)
(Quem vive de esperana morre de fome.)
1. Traduza as seguintes perguntas:
f: c) How old are vou?
d) Where is vour book?
e) How much is it?
f) How are vou?
2. D respostas para as seguintes perguntas:
a) Who are vou?
b) What are vou?
c) How old are vou?
d) Where is vour book?
e) How much is this watch?
f) How are vou?
g) WhV are vou working?
h) What is vour name?
i) How old is vour father?
3. Formule as perguntas de acordo com as respostas:
a) _
MV name is John Baxter.
b) _
I am a doctor.
c) _
I am fortv-five vears old.
d) _
MV book is on the table.
e) _
I have ten pencils.
4. Preencha os espaos com as palavras interroga
tivas adequadas:
a) is mv pen?
It is in the drawer.
b) is a filling?
It costs ten dollars.
c) is the babV crving?
Because he is not well.
d) old are Vou?
e) is this?
f) are vou?
5. Escreva em ingls:
a) Ela uma secretria.
b) Eu tenho vinte e dois anos.
c) Quem so aquelas pessoas?
d) Quanto uma obturao?
18. To save money
Bad news travels fast.
(Notcia ruim anda
Tourists love to buy souvenirs everywhere they go.
Things are very expensive today.
It's very difficult to get money but. .. it's very easy to spend it.
We must save money and buy only what is necessary.
To: para (indica movimento para algum lugar).
He is going to the shop.
(ELe est indo para a loja).
From: de, desde (indica movimento de algum lugar para outro e origem).
He is coming from the shop. Perfume from Paris.
(ELe est vindo da loja). (Perfume de Paris).
1. Complete com to ou from:
a) We are coming the park.
b) Are vou going school?
c) I have some perfume France.
d) The cat is running the door.
e) I am glad to hear that vou.
f) She is taking a book the table.
g) Please, go the door.
h) Don't go the station.
2. Escreva no passado:
.a) TheV are going to the c1ub.
b) She is coming from the shop.
c) He is absent from c1ass.
d) We are talking about wine from Italv.
3. Observe os modelos com as expresses de sentidos opostos going to e coming from e continue:
a) Alain/painter/Paris
Alain is a painter. He is going to Paris.
b) Joaquim/baker/Lisbon
c) Leila/ltalian/Rome.
d) Franois/French/Paris.
4. Escreva em ingls:
a) As coisas esto muito caras.
b) difcil ganhar dinheiro.
c) muito fcil gastar dinheiro.
d) Ns devemos economizar dinheiro.
Alain is a painter. He is coming from Paris.
5. Treine seu vocabulrio, resolvendo a cruzadinha:
ganhar, francs
coisas I
I mUito

hoje I
What soberness conceaLs, drunkeness reveaLs.
(O que a sobriedade disfara, a bebedeira revela.)
;' ,

~ S e a s o n s
Winter is a cold season.
There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer,
autumn and winter.
Spring is the season of flowers.
In summer it is hol. We go to the beach.
Autumn is the season of fruil. The wind blows and
the leaves fall from the trees.
Winter is a cold season. It snows.
There are tweLve months in a year:
Autumn (or fall) is the season offruit.
In autumn the leaves fall from the trees.
There are twelve months in a year.
The names of the months are not difficull.
The number of the days in every month is not the
same. For example: There are 31 days in January, 28
or 29 in February, 30 in April and so on.
There are ten months in a school year. January and
July are vacation months. Boys and girls spend these
months in vacation places.
1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 -
8 -
9 -
lO -
Love me little, but love me long.
(Ame-me pouco, mas por muito tempo.)
~ , ";', "Co',mplete:
. Y I ~ OF "
a} The first month of the year is
b) The second month IS
c) The third month is
d) The fourth month is
e} The fifth month is
f) The sixth month is
2. Responda s perguntas:
a} What are the seasons of the year?
The seasons of
b) What is the hot season of the year?
c} What is the cold season of the year?
d) What is the season of flowers?
e} What is the season of fruit?
f} How many months are there in a year?
g} How many months are there in the school
h) What are the vacation months?
i) How many days are there in January?
j) How many days are there in February?
3. Complete a cruzada com os nomes dos meses:
1. agosto
2. janeiro
3. fevereiro
4. novembro
5. dezembro
6. junho
7. maro
8. maio
9. abril
10. julho
11. outubro
12. setembro
4. Complete as frases:
a) Spring is the season of _
b) is the hot season.
c) The season of fruit is _
d) Winter is a season.
e) The number of the days in every _
is not the _
f) January and July are _
It is love that makes the world 90 round.
.20. Dates
( o amor que faz o mundo girar.)
Alice: What day is today?
Mary: Today is Friday.
Alice: Are you sure?
Mary: Yes, yesterday was Thursday.
Today is Friday, December seventh.
My birthday!
Alice: Congratulations and my best wishes!
Nas datas, o ingls usa uma ordem diferente da do portugus para os dias e os meses.
Diana was bom on July 7, 1972.
Diana was bom on July seventh, nineteen seventy-two.
Diana nasceu no dia 7 de julho de 1972.
Porm, quando o ano for omitido, escreve-se o dia em ordinaL.
John was bom on January 7th.
He was bom on January seventh.
Ele nasceu no dia sete de janeiro.
1. A maneira de se ler os anos a seguinte: lem-se primeiramente os dois algarismos
iniciais e depois os dois ltimos:
1982: nineteen eighty-two.
2. Cabealho de cartas: normalmente, adota-se a seguinte ordem em ingls:
So Paulo, January 17th, 1982.
So Paulo, seventeenth January, nineteen eighty-two.
So Paulo, 17 de janeiro de 1982.
3. Os dias da semana escrevem-se com inicial maiscula.
There are seven days in a week: 11 eleventh 19 - nineteenth
Monday 12 - twelfth 20 - twentieth
Tuesday 13 - thirteenth 21
- twenty-first
Wednesday 14 - fourteenth 22
- twenty-second
Thursday 15 - fifteenth 23
- twenty-third
Friday 16 - sixteenth 30
- thirtieth
Saturday 17 - seventeenth 40
- fortieth
Sunday 18 - eighteenth 50 - fiftieth
1. Responda s perguntas:
a) What day is today? (Monday)
Today is Monday.
b) What day is today? (Tuesday)
c) What day is today? (Wednesday)
d) What day is today? (Thursday)
e) What day is today? (Friday)
f) What day is today? (Saturday)
g) What day is today? (Sunday)
2. Complete as frases. Observe o modelo:
a) Today is Sunday.
Vesterday was Saturday.
b) Today is Monday.
Vesterday was Sunday.
c) Today is Tuesday.
d) Today is Wednesday.
e) Today is Thursday.
f) Today is Friday.
g) Today is Saturday.
3. Faa frases, seguindo a ordem dos dias da se
mana e do ms. Observe o modelo:
a) Today is Sunday, May first.
b) Today is Monday, May second.
4. Escreva os anos por extenso:
a) 1942: Nineteen forty-two
b) 1965:
c) 1974:
d) 1981:
5. Responda s perguntas. Observe o modelo:
a) When were vou bom? (7/5/72)
I was born on May 7, 1972.
b) When were vou bom? (10/8/1960)
c) When were vou bom? (9/12/1968)
d) When were vou bom? (22/11/1975)
e) When were Vou bom? (4/1/76)
e) When were vou bom? (5/7/87)
Appearances aften dece;ve.
2tWhere are they from1
(As aparndas freqentemente enganam.)
< 1 . : ~ "
These tourists are from different countries.
They are walking in a big park.
Joe: Where are you fram?
Peter: I am fram So Paulo, a large city in Brazil.
Joe: Is it a beautiful city?
Peter: I think it is. I was bom there.
Joe: Are you planning to stay here a long time?
Peter: No, I am visiting your country for a short time.
I must return because I have an important date
next week in Brazil.
Essas preposies so usadas nos seguintes casos:
anos: I was bom in 1965.
meses: I was bom in May.
in paises: I was bom in Brazil.
estados: I was bom in Paran.
cidades: I was bom in Fortaleza.
dias da semana: I was bom on a Sunday.
datas: I was bom on May 7, 1967.
ruas: I was bom on Columbia Street.
horas: The baby was bom at 10 o'clock.
n ~ de ruas: I tive at 77 Columbia Street.
Indica durao de tempo: I am visiting your country for a short time.
for {
(Eu estou visitando seu pas por um curto espao de tempo.)
Indica origem: I come from Brazil. (Eu venho do Brasil.)
from {
Cheese and butter come from milk. (O queijo e a manteiga vm do leite.)
Pode indicar posio dentro de uma rea:
lhe ball is in the box.
(A bola est dentro da caixa.)
,Pode tambm ser usado para indicar um espao de
Aempo delimitado:
I must finish my exercise in five minutes.
(Eu preciso terminar meu exerccio em 5 minutos.)
Pode indicar posio de contato com uma superfcie:
lhe book is on the table. (O livro est sobre a mesa.)
tambm usado em expresses idiomticas como:
Go on! (Continue!)
Put on your hat. (Coloque seu chapu.)
lum on the right. (Vire direita.)
lum on the left.1Vire esquerda.)
lum on the Iight:':{Acenda a luz.)
Pode indicar presena ou proximidade:
He is.-ll school. (Ele escola.)
He is at the door. (Ele est porta.)
usado tambm em expresses como:
at first: primeiramente
at last: finalmente
at the end: no fim
at fuI! speed: a toda velocidade
at once: imediatamente
at least: pelo menos
at present: atualmente
at home: em casa (in the house)
1. Siga o modelo, escrevendo as preposloes on,
in, at de acordo com as frases:
a) I was bom in 1964.
b) I was bom ctt May.
c) I was bom a Sunday.
d) I was bom CZe March 7th.
e) I was born 7 o'clock.
f) I was bom .JJv\ Brazil.
g) I was bom
h) I was bom Aro Florida Street. >
i) I was bom 65 Florida Street.
j) He goes to Rio ,iN\. 1983.
k) He goes to Rio a Monday.
I) He goes to Rio January.
m) He goes to Rio January 4th.
n) He goes to Rio 7 o'clock.
2. Preencha os espaos com as preposies in, on,
a) My birthday is June 2nd.
b) lhe lesson starts 7 o'clock and ends
___ 10.
c) He lives 44 Sun Street but works
___ Madison Avenue.
d) lhe Independence Day of Brazil IS
September 7th.
e) lhe Independence Day of the United States is
___ July 4th.
f) I get up six and go to work _
g) We go to school Mondays.
h) I go to the movies Sundays.
i) We have breakfast 7, lunch _
12 and dinner 8 o'clock.
,2,2. Running after the hats
my - meu, minha, meus, minhas
your - seu, sua, teu, tua, seus, suas, teus, tuas
his - dele, seu, sua, seus, suas
her - dela, seu, sua, seus, suas
its - dele, dela (neutro)
our - nosso, nossa, nossos, nossas
your - seu, sua, vosso, vossa, seus, suas, vos
sos, vossas
their - deles, delas
His name is Paul.
His refere-se a uma pessoa do sexo masculino.
Her name is Mary.
Her refere-se a uma pessoa do sexo feminino.
Every man has his price.
(Todo homem tem seu preo.)
Os adjetivos possessivos his e her variam de
acordo com o possuidor e no com a coisa pos
Peter has a caro His car is red.
(Pedro tem um carro. Seu carro vermelho.)
Mary has a caro Her car is blue.
(Maria tem um carro. Seu carro azul.)
1. Escreva his ou her:
a) Jane has a caro
Her car is blue.
b) Paul has a bike.
____ bike is red.
e) Fred has a house.
____ house is new.
d) Meg has a ball.
____ ball is yellow.
e) Lucy has a book.
____ book is interesting.
2. Preencha os espaos com his ou her:
a) Mary is studying her lesson.
b) John is studying lesson.
c) Betty is reading magazine.
d) Jeff is reading newspaper.
e) Meg is dancing with friend.
f) Fred is dancing with friend.
g) Albert is driving car.
h) Monica is driving caro
i) She is writing name.
j) He is writing name.
k) name is George.
I) name is Patricia.
3. Escreva as frases no plural:
a) His book is on the table.
Their books are on the table.
b) Her pencil is in the bago
_____________ in the bago
c) He is playing with his friend.
______ playing with _
d) She is writing to her friend.
4. Complete as frases usando o adjetivo its:
o adjetivo possessivo its refere-se a uma
coisa ou a um animal.
a) This is a giraffe.
(neck - long)
Its neck is long.
b) This is a ball.
(color - red)
c) This is a pig.
(legs - short)
d) This is a donkey.
(ears - long)
e) This is monkey.
(ears - short)
5. Escreva no plural:
a) My blouse is red.
Our blouses are red.
b) This is my house.
c) My car is c1ean.
d) Open your book.
e) Write your name.
f) That is his friend.
g) His hat is blue.
1. Observe o modelo e responda:
a) My house is blue, and yours? (red)
Mine is red.
b) My car is yellow, and yours? (green)
c) My name is Jane, and yours? (Daisy)
d) My book is blue, and hers? (red)
e) My teacher is English, and his? (American)
f) Our ball is red, and theirs? (yellow)
2. Observe o modelo e faa:
a) My coat is black. Your coat is blue.
My coat is black and yours is blue.
b) My tie is red. Your tie is green.
c) My pants are blue. Your pants are brown.
d) My shoes are black. Your shoes are black too.
e) My shirt is white. Your shirt is white too.
3. Responda de acordo com o modelo:
a) Where is your car?
(in the garage/his over there)
My car is in the garage but his is over
b) Where is your book?
(in the bag/hers on the table)
c) Where is your mother?
(is at home/his is working)
d) Where is your friend?
(at school/hers is traveling)
4. Preencha a cruzadinha com pronomes posses
1. deles
2. vossos, teus
3. nosso, nossos
4. dele (homem)
5. meu
6. dela (mulher)
5. Complete as sentenas com adjetivos posses
sivos ou pronomes possessivos:
a) Barbara likes ______ teachers. Do
vou like ?
b) I have a beautiful house.
house is white but doors are
c) The teacher is talking about water and
______ properties.
d) That is not Peter's caro _ is
tJ Ilrmrrrl Z
1. Preencha os espaos com a preposio correta:
/"\ :1 /" ,'. '11' ,
b((t .. '. ,- i"" (; O(,r L --,.-lo' 1
a) How far is Caxias do Sul tO<, Porto
'. (\" r""
b) Is 6 o'clock too early rOf$. vou?
2. Complete as oraes a seguir com a preposio
correta. Use on, in ou from:
vtZ E. v/)', :)i
a) Are vou (. the USA? Yes, I'm
',,' . !' '\ /L l
b) Where do vou live? 'I live . [ v' Tatuap,
Ar Rua Tuiuti.
I. ; ,r" f
c) When do Vou have English classes? have
.. t ,., ...., "
them r iN Mondays and __
. .
d) I work' . 11\) a public hospital.
CI .
e) I like to go jogging I t0 the morning.
3. Sublinhe a preposio correta:
a) My sister is (in, on, at) home.
b) They are on) 229 Paulista Avenue.
c) Thomas is studying (on, at,.La) Minas Gerais
(at, in, Q!l) PUC.
d) Fred is going to the USA (Qu, in, at) Sunday.
e) I usually get up (on,..s:t. in) 6 o'clock.
f) I was born (on, l!1 at) July 30, 1962.
4. Complete a frase com as preposies in, on, to:
I tJ the United States, Father's
Day is TN the 3rd Sunday O/IJ June.
People send cards and flowers TI) their
fathers and they usually take them () 1'\.1 a
restaurant for dinner.
5. Observe o modelo e faa:
Is your brother 10 years old? (no, 12)
No, he is noto He is 12 years old.
a) Is Sharon at the club now? (no, home)
b) Are your parents from Italy? (no, Canada)
c) Were your parents in Europe last year? (no,
United States)
d) Are vou and your brother good at History?
(no, Mathematics)
. - .
e) Is it 8 o'clock now? (no, 11)
r---(""IO J, t' c\\, \)::- ,t
6. Use as preposies corretas:
) y\
a) I studied there V/\ 1965

b) She has been telephoning \ hours
ar 10 o'clock c9/}!, the morning.
7. Escreva em ingls:
a) Onde voc mora?
b) Meu nome Joo. E o seu?
c) Minha camisa verde e a dela verde tam
meu av. de
My grandfather's
Casa Davis.
Casa Betty.
Betty is showing her house to a friend.
1. No caso possessivo, invertemos a posio do possuidor e da coisa possuda.
2. Normalmente se colocam apstrofo e s ('s) depois do possuidor.
3. Quando a palavra que indica o possuidor terminar por s, basta acrescentar o aps
Charles' - Davis'
, ~
4. Quando o possuidor for indicado por uma expresso, colocamos o 's no fim dessa
My old grandfather's house.
5. Quando h mais de um possuidor para a mesma coisa possuda, s o ltimo rece
be o 's:
Ted, Meg and 8ob's house.
6. Quando o possuidor coisa, geralmente no se usa o genitivo com '5, e sim a pre
'posio of:
The door of the caro
Observe os recursos utilizados pela lngua inglesa para estabelecer a relao de posse
entre o possuidor e a coisa possuda:
,24.. Betty's house
1. Siga o modelo:
a) Whose car is this? (Peter)
It's Peter's.
b) Whose pen is this?
l1's (John).
c) Whose skirt is this?
l1's (Monica).
d) Whose shirt is that?
l1's (Charles).
e) Whose tie is that?
l1's (Mr. Clark).
f) Whose blouse is that?
l1's (Davis).
g) Whose books are these?
They are (Elvis).
h) Whose pencils are these?
They are (Ann).
2. Responda conforme o modelo:
a) My hair is black, and yours? (blond)
Mine is blond.
b) His eyes are brown, and hers? (blue)
Hers are blue.
c) His nails are white, and hers? (red)
d) Your house is old, and theirs? (new)
e) His hands are dirty, and hers? (c1ean)
f) Her father is tall, and his? (short)
3. Transforme as frases como no modelo:
a) Jane has a purse.
It's Jane's purse.
b) Peter has a watch.
c) Charles has a caro
d) Davis and Bob have a motorbike.
e) My old grandmother has a flat.
4. Faa como no modelo:
a) This dress belongs to Mary.
It's Mary's dress.
b) This skirt belongs to Betty.
c) This hat belongs to John.
d) This shirt belongs to Davis.
5. Escreva em ingls:
a) Estes quadros pertencem minha me.
b) De quem so estes quadros?
6. Traduza:
a) Those books are Mary and Jane's.
b) Are these things theirs?
c) Is this car Paul's?
d) These pencils are mine.
Young people
Many young people think that their families do
not understand their problems.
Young people generally make their decisions
alone or with the help of a friend of the same age.
Very often this happens because there is no
communication between parents and children.
Parents, sometimes, have no time to talk with
their children and boys and girls move and live their
There are, of course, different remedies for this
situation. For example:
Parents must talk frankly to their children and try
to understand their problems. C
1. postcard - postcards Regra geraL: forma-se o pluraL dos substanti
place - places vos, geralmente, acrescentando-se s ao singuLar.
car - cars
Many young peopfe generally make their decisions
afone or with the help of a friend.
2. boy - boys Os substantivos terminados em y precedido de
toy - toys vogaL seguem a regra geral: acrescenta-se s ao
key - keys singular.
3. city - cities Os substantivos terminados em y precedido de
Lady - Ladies consoante formam o plural mudando-se o y por i e
secretary - secretaries acrescentando-se es.
4. bus - buses Aos substantivos terminados em s
gLass - gLasses sh
ash - ashes ch
fLash - flashes x
beach - beaches z
church - churches o
watch - watches geraLmente se acrescenta es para se formar o
box - boxes pluraL.
fox - foxes Excees: photo - photos; piano - pianos.
topaz - topazes
potato - potatoes
tomato - tomatoes
People are known by the company they keep.
negro - negroes
(Conhecemos as pessoas pelas companhias que procuram.)
1. Escreva no plural:
a) This lady is my friend.
b) Take the key.
c) I am visiting a wonderful beach.
d) She likes to see his photo.
e) I am visiting an important city with my child.
f) The new watch is in the box.
g) There is a tomato in the refrigerator.
h) Is there a potato in the cupboard?
i) This lady likes to play the piano.
26. Richard's farm
2. Traduza:
a) There are many
--H:i t9hkr11 MO
b) Are those beadies dlrty?
c) Are their parents young or old?
3. Escreva em ingls:
a) As praias esto limpas.
b) Quem so aquelas senhoras?
4. Resolva a cruzadinha:
cinzas ----r- nibus (pl.)
caixas I

copos I---
s I---
I j
Richard bought a Iarge farm Iast year. He paid a
Iot of money for it. And now he is showing his farm to
a friend that carne from the city.
There are many animaIs on Richard's farm such as
horses, cows, oxen, pigs, geese, many sheep, etc.
There are two Iakes near the house with many
fish. There are also many kinds of fruit in the orchard.
Men and women work daily on the farm and do ali
sorts of jobs.


IBLURAL Of NOUNS (continued) .
1. leaf - leaves (folha - folhas)
life - lives (vida - vidas)
knife - knives (faca - facas)
wife - wives (esposa - esposas)
wolf - wolves (lobo - lobos)

Os substantivos terminados em f ou fe no
singular geralmente mudam o f por v no plural e
acrescentam es.
2. man - men (homem - homens) Os substantivos com o final man no singular
woman - women (mulher - mulheres) mudam o a por e no plural.
policeman - policemen (policial - policiais)
fireman - firemen (bombeiro - bombeiros)
mailman - mailmen (carteiro - carteiros)
postman - postmen (carteiro - carteiros)
gentleman - gentlemen (cavalheiro - cavalheiros)
3. foot - feet (p - ps) Esses substantivos mudam 00 no singular por
tooth - teeth (dente - dentes) ee no plural.
goose - geese (ganso - gansos)
4. child - drildren (criana - crianas)
ox - oxen (boi - bois)
mouse - mice (rato - ratos)
5. fish - fish (peixe - peixes) Esses substantivos tm a mesma forma para o
sheep - sheep (ovelha - ovelhas) singular e para o plural.
fruit - fruit (fruta - frutas)
bread - bread (po - pes)
6. news: Geralmente s se emprega no singular:
Is there any news? (H alguma novidade?)
What's the news? (Que h de novo?)
7. people: A palavra people pode ter dois sentidos:
a) povo, nao
Nesse caso, tem uma forma para o singular e outra para o plural:
people: povo
peoples: povos
The Brazilian people is good.
There are many peoples in the worl.d.
b) pessoas, gente
Nesse sentido, a palavra people fica invarivel e exige o verbo no plural:
There are many people in the room.
(H muitas pessoas na sala.)
1. Escreva no plural:
a) A white tooth.
White teeth.
b) ' big foo!.
c) A little tooth.
QJ. t 1/.) 1JJ..ikl
d) A little foo!.
I \-/\". '"
.' ; \ ,.'i \
e) A wild mouse.
\/ '\\\
f) A white goose.
\JJ) ,'lt; X.
g) An old ox.
h) A green leaf.
<2A\ -. -< .
-- ,'\ ,
2. Escreva no plural:
a) There was a goose in the lake.
There were geese in the lakes.
b) There was a mouse in the old house.
'l h.J\J.J J).l2 ;M tt)lj,l
3. Resolva a cruzadinha:
27: Traveling
I am preparing for a trip. ' .. \'J" ) .
..- - '. '-=,
I am not taking many things because I am going to
traveI by plane and there are some weight restrictions.
Last year I visited London and Paris. I stayed
three days in Paris and four in London. I liked both
cities very much. It was a wonderful trip but very
1. Os verbos regulares, em ingls, possuem uma nica terminao para o passado: ed.
Observe: I visited (Eu visitei, visitava)
Vou visited (Voc visitou, visitava)
He visited (Ele visitou, visitava)
5he visited (Ela visitou, visitava)
We visited (Ns visitamos, visitvamos)
Vou visited (Vocs visitaram, visitavam)
They visited (Eles visitaram, visitavam)
2. Os verbos terminados em e, no infinitivo, acrescentam apenas d, no passado.
Exemplo: to dance - I danced (Eu dancei, danava), you danced ...
3. Os verbos terminados em y precedido de consoante formam o passado mudando o y por ied.
Exemplo: to study - I studied (Eu estudei, estudava), you studied ...
1. to paint 6. to march 11. to dance
2. to walk 7. to cook 12. to rest
3. to observe 8. to watch 13. to like
4. to work 9. to close 14. to lave
5. to call 10. to answer
g) The boys plant many trees.
'11villci ttJ'O/V
3. Complete a cruzadinha com o passado destes
j I .l
d) We play football i,n.the afternoon.
\ "', 'l "
e) to paint:
' . e) hey o, farm.
21m 011 c1 $aMl\
f) he elean IJhouse. . (
=\W, .QaM.2d
2. Escreva as frases no passado:
a) John works in an office.
John worked in an office.
b) I study in the morning.
1 . tA
1 'S .\\("\ 2d N'I' - X\ j ; I ':, " ' '!
c) I wash my face in the morning.
J W. iJ;', \ IX\ '.\ I ",' t1 (; I' "I ,I /" ' .
1. Escreva o passado dos seguintes verbos:
a) to answer: answered
(}() \
b) to call: cC\uec\
c) to cross: _
d) to dance: _----'--",....,0""-/..!-;'_(----'9_.""'""1 _
=:?\.tf\1:9 d
f) to rest: --:.,:--:.A _
g) to save: .._A:....- _
h) to I,
sten. __--"-v---"-'i _
.' ..' <.' '. , ' ,.
28. Yesterday and today
When I was a boy I went to school in a little I finished my studies two years ago. Now I work
village near my house. There I learnt to read and to in a big bank. I work 8 hours a day. Every morning at
write. My teachers were very good but I forgot their 7 o' clock I go to work by caro
Traduo Traduo
So verbos irregulares aqueles que no tm o
passado terminado em ed:
Verb to go - Past tense
I went (eu fui, eu ia)
Vou went (tu foste, tu ias, voc foi, voc ia)
o past tense corresponde, em portugus, aos
He went (ele foi, ele ia)
pretritos perfeito e imperfeito do indicativo.
She went (ela foi, ela ia)
Como os verbos irregulares so muito freqen
We went (ns fomos, ns amos)
tes no uso dirio, necessrio aprend-los de cor.
Vou went (vocs foram, vocs iam)
Veja a lista dos verbos irregulares pgina 133.
They went (eles ou elas foram ou iam)
~ )
---.... ~ '
1. Escreva (R) para os verbos regulares e (I) para os
Infinitive Simpie Past
a) to live lived R
b) to work worked
c) to take took
d) to sleep slept
e) to see saw
f) to play played
g) to study studied
h) to look looked
i) to like liked
j) to forget forgot
k) to be was, were
I) to visit visited
m) to dance danced
n) to eat ate
2. Complete as frases, usando os verbos no passado:
a) I Mary yesterday. (to see)
b) Paul and Mary
the morning. (to gol
to school in
c) They back at 1. (to come)
d) My mother at 6. (to get up)
e) I breakfast at 7. (to have)
f) She to me in English. (to
g) I a glass of milk. (to drink)
h) They in the library. (to bel
i) She at home. (to bel
j) They the books from the
shelf. (to take)
k) She a coin in the street. (to
I) She to the man in English.
m) I a lot this morning. (eat)
22. Dialogue
Father: Waiter! Please!
Waiter: Yes! WhatJlo. you want to eat?
Father: We want fish and rice.
Mother: Oh! No! The children like chicken and
fried potatoes.
Father: Well. Bring chicken and fried potatoes for
three and fish for me.
Waiter: want to drink?
Father: Beer. Bring me beer.
Children: Beer?! We prefer lemonade.
Father: Well. Bring beer for two and lemonade for
the children.
Waiter: Ok.
Com verbos no-auxiliares, usa-se o auxiliar to do na interrogativa.
1. Vou love me.
Do you love me?
2. Vou speak Portuguese.
Do you speak Portuguese?
3. He comes from BraziL.
Does he come from Brazil?
4. She speaks E n g ~ s h .
Does she speak English?
Observe o emprego de do e does:
Do I dance weLL?
Do you dance weLL?
Does he dance weLL?
Does she dance weLl?
Do we dance weLL?
Do you dance weLL?
lhe only people who do not make mistakes are those who do nothing.
Do they dance weLL?
(As nicas pessoas que no cometem erros so aquelas que nada jazem.)
.... ;'9"Verbos auxiliares, basta inverter o sujeito e o verbo para se obter a forma
e is your friend. Is he your friend?
She can help John. Can she help John?
Paul likes beer. Does Paul like beer?
Note-se que, com o emprego de does, no h s na terceira pessoa do verbo:
She likes apples. Does she like apples?
1. Preencha com
b) Ar?ld
c) o
d) 'l.1;
f) d&t\
g) do
do ou does:
Vou like apples?
she like apples?
they go to the beach?
he write a letter?
Vou work in that store?
it start at 7 o'c1ock?
vou drive well?
2. Escreva na forma interrogativa, observando se
h verbo auxiliar ou no:
a) She can go with me.
,Pto , r "(f \: l
\! :(tI,
1 C C)
----W.)!' '_'I .. ; JI '_",1 _ ;Cl)'"
b) They are good teaChers.
, R)w tt\L'j (3(,[' r\ 12
cl'\JJJA "/
c) You drive well.
----Do '1r;y },
,j ,"i',
d) They speak English.
(i\ x{)\' 1\ "' J' ..' n, t}
vQ W\J-"; '0110) n >\ \
e) Paul anJ Mary were friends.
fAJ1 ruYd VhA l
J .
3. Escreva na forma interrogativa, observando o
no-emprego do s na terceira pessoa do singu
b) John drinks beer.
: ,. K- n)
I VW'(\1l )\ Vi
c) Jane loves her parents.
[j(\ U, Qj}\i2 JI\J/t ixv\ 91) j- I)
d) She goes to school by caro
(})fi 9. 1>. %l9. to ';1 V/,C) n.; by CoA :)
4. Escreva na forma afirmativa:
a) Does she like me?
b) John go to school? \ A
j cl ,f)t:'",X
c Do they work In an offlce?
'(1 . n!\ .
'\ :'/S"rf \)fY\k,lM ctN\. QJq) C!
e) Do they visit their parents?' , ,
. " I' .-,". -1"l! .' ) ,.-1,'
:..lYJUl '\ LA}.. J.J. )Y(\')J /\ "f'O' , ti / ,\( ..
5. Escreva na interrogativa:
a) He buys newspapers.
Do j . /\J !i/Ji ;'.
b) You like me. ,
---.." \.}('.' \ I,
) ,
'Lt> J:
c) She likes me.
/' 'I . I
\/, " .)
Do not put new wtne in old bottteL ""
.3,() In a restaurant
(No ponha vinho novo em garrafas vethJ.J,
1. Emprego de don't ou do not:
Emprega-se don't ou do not em frases negativas, no presente, com os pronomes I,
you, we, they.
Vou don't l.ike coffee. Voc no gosta de caf.
They don't Like coffee. ELes no gostam de caf.
I don't agree with you. Eu no concordo com voc.
We don't agree with you. Ns no concordamos com voc.
2. Emprego de doesn't ou does not:
Emprega-se doesn't ou does not em frases negativas, no presente, com os prono
mes he, she, it.
He doesn't Like miLk. ELe no gosta de Leite. OBSERVAO
She doesn't Like miLk. ELa no gosta de Leite.
Do substitui o veirbo da pergunta:
It doesn't bark. ELe no Late.
Do you want some fish?
Yes, I do.
Esquema da forma interrogativa com verbos no Esquema da forma negativa com verbos no-auxi
auxiliares (no presente): Liares (no presente):
Verbo Verbo no Verbo Verbo no
auxiliar Pronome infinitivo Pronome auxiliar infinitivo
Do We

they They
you Vou

Dqes she work? She does work.
doesn't it It
1. Escreva na forma negativa e observe o desapa
recimento do s na terceira pessoa:
a) The boy wants beer.
The boy doesn't want beer.
b) He plays the piano.
f '
(\'"'---"_ '\'-"-""'O"'--1.N.....:.,
c) She drives well.
I,) nn
\ LU
d) She reads well.
1/ '

e) Fred sings well.
_bX (00/ 1
f) She wor1<ls here.
/ \
'.l/No) k 'r
g) Paul likes ham.
h) He goes to school.
i) Nancy helps her brother.
2. Escreva na forma negativa:
a) I work at night.
I don't work at night.
b) She eats very well.
She doesn't eat very well.
c) I like ice cream.
d) We study in the morning.
e) She plays the piano well.
f) Mary likes marmalade.
g) You know the lesson.
h) They go to school.
3. Siga o modelo:
a) (I - pears - an apple):
I don't like pears.
I prefer an apple.
b) (He - ham - cheese)
c) (She - marmalade - ice cream)
d) (They - milk - orange juice)
e) (We - bread - cake)
f) (Paul - coffee - beer)
4. Complete com do ou does:
a) What time Ben get up?
b) When he play basketball?
c) How Mary and Carlos
d) What vou like to eat?
e) Where Janet work?
f) When John come back?
g) Where vou live?
h) What your sister do?
go to
,jtA thief
Forma interrogativa no passado
Did you steal her purse?
"Y "Y
Voc roubou a bolsa dela?
Para se fazer uma pergunta em ingls, no passado,
com verbos no-auxiliares, usa-se a forma verbal did.
(Nesse caso, did no tem traduo. simplesmente um indicador de que a pergunta est
sendo feita no passado.)
Observe o esquema de perguntas no passado:
Verbo auxiliar Sujeito Verbo no infinitivo
(sem traduo) "y "y
Did you go?
Voc foi?
Did she dose the doar?
Ela fechou a porta?

to buy
Simple Past

Past Participle

bought (comprar)
to steal stole stolen (roubar)
to catch caught caught (pegar)
to give gave given (dar)
to seU sold sold (vender)
to faLL feLL faUen (cair)
to feel felt felt (sentir)
to send sent sent (enviar)
to read read read (ler)
to write wrote written (escrever)
to shut shut shut (fechar)
to cost cost cost (custar)
to cut cut cut (cortar)
to have had had (ter)
to begin began begun (comear)
to know knew known (conhecer)
to bring brought brought (trazer)
to buHd buiLt buiLt (construir)
to choose chose chosen (escolher)
to drive drove driven (dirigi r)
~ 9 ' \
' ~
1. Preencha a cruzada com os verbos
p a ~ s a d o :
1. to send 6. to speak
2. to see 7. to drink
3. to read 8. to have
4. to catch 9. to shut
no tempo
5. to find 10. to be (singular)
9 10
- r-
c- c-
2. Escreva as frases na forma interrogativa:
a) The boys played football yesterday.
Did the boys play football yesterday7
b) They worked in a big factory.
____ they in a big factory?
c) The girls studied their lesson.
____ the girls
d) Mary c1eaned her house.
____ Mary
e) Vou helped your friends.
f) They invited vou to the party.
g) The people caught the thief.
h) The thief stole her purse.
their lesson?
her house?
i) The boys took their books.
j) She went to school.
k) They came by bus.
I) The boy found the coin.
m) Vou saw Jane yesterday.
n) She drank much wine.
o) lhe guide spoke in French.
p) She wrote a long letter.
q) Bob sold his caro
r) The c1ass began at 7.
s) They brought their children.
t) Many leaves fell from the trees.
Catching a thief
A forma negativa, no passado, com verbos no-auxiliares, con
siste em colocar did not ou didn't antes do verbo no infinitivo.
I worked yesterday. Eu trabalhei ontem.
I did not work yesterday. Eu no trabalhei ontem.
I didn't work yesterday. Eu no trabalhei ontem.
I took her purse. Eu peguei a bolsa dela.
I did not take her purse. Eu no peguei a bolsa dela.
I didn't take her purse. Eu no peguei a bolsa dela.

to go
5imple Past

Past Participle

gone (i r)
to come carne come (vir)
to find found found (encontrar)
to see saw seen (ver)
to take took taken (pegar, levar)
to drink drank drunk (beber)
to speak spoke spoken (falar)
to be was, were been (ser, estar)
to have had had (ter)
to get up got up got up (levantar)
to buy bought bought (comprar)
to eat ate eaten (comer)
to steal stole stolen (roubar)
to catch caught caught (pegar, agarrar)
to sleep slept slept (dormir)
to give gave given (dar)
to send sent sent (enviar)
to seU sold sold (vender)
to write wrote written (escrever)
to shut shut shut (fechar)
to cost cost cost (custar)
to cut cut cut (cortar)
to read read read
Observe o modelo e escreva as frases na forma
a) Your mother called Vou.
Vour mother did not cal! vou.
Vour mother didn't cal! vou.
b) The guide showed the way.
c) They liked to play tennis.
d) We lived on a farm.
e) The maid cleaned the house.
f) The thief stole my money.
The thief did not steal my money.
The thief didn't steal my money.
g) My mother bought many presents.
h) They got up at 7.
i) They sold their house.
j) They found the key.
k) She slept until 10.
I) The cat caught the bird.
m) It cost 10 dollars.
n) She cut her finger.
o) Gordon ate yesterday.
p) She wrote her name in ink.
q) We had much time.
r) The teacher spoke in English.
s) The baby drank ali the milk.
t) My friend came yesterday. ---- --- .._-- _
A wilful man will have
,: ..3.5 Amarriage
his way.
(Um homem de vontade
encontrar seu caminho.)
Paul and Mary are going to get married next month. They love each other very much.
But will their marriage be successful?
I will help you. (Eu ajudarei voc.)
Para se transformar um verbo em futuro do presente, basta antepor ao infinitivo o
auxiliar will.
Oingls britnico usa shall para as primeiras pessoas (I, we):
We shall leave London on May 7. (Ns partiremos de Londres no dia 7 de maio.)
Veja tambm o Immediate Future na lio 13.
Affirmative form

I will help (eu ajudarei)

Vou will help
He will help
5he will help
We will help
Vou will help
They will help
Negative form

I will not help

Vou will not help
He will not help
5he will not help
We will not help
Vou will not help
They will not help
Contracted form

I'U help
Vou'll help
He'll heLp
5he'll help
We'll help
Vou'll help
They'Ll help
I won't help
Vou won't help
He won't help
5he won't help
We won't help
Vou won't help
They won't help
Interrogative form

Will I help?
WHl you help?
Will he help?
Will she help?
Will we help?
Will you help?
Will they help?
Won't I help?
Won't you help?
Won't he help?
Won't she help?
Won't we help?
Won't you help?
Won't they help?
Work won't kill, but
worry wiU (kill).
(Trabalho no matar,
mas preocupao matar.)
1. Escreva no futuro:
a) He - be - in So Paulo tomorrow.
He will be in So Paulo tomorrow.
b) I - be - in the second grade next year.
c) She - be - angry with me.
d) Mr. Green - be - my teacher next year.
2. Passe para o futuro:
a) I - change - my c1othes.
I will change my clothes.
b) I - go - to the chemist's.
I will go to the chemist's.
c) He - get - some aspirins.
d) She - come - late.
e) She - wait - for vou.
f) John - pay - his bills on Friday.
g) It - cost - five dollars.
h) I - take - the purse to her.
i) We - go shopping - with you.
j) I - meet - my friends at the beach tomorrow.
k) I - take - a taxi.
3. Escreva na forma interrogativa:
a) Paul will be in So Paulo.
WiII Paul be in So Paulo?
b) You will be in the second grade next year.
c) She will be angry with me.
d) She will wait for vou.
e) John will pay his bill.
f) Jane and Ted will come late.
g) He will take a taxi.
4. Escreva na forma negativa:
a) He will be in So Paulo.
He will not (won't) be in So Paulo.
b) She will be angry with vou.
c) We will be there next week.
d) She will wait for vou.
e) I will take a taxi.
f) Bob and Jim will come late.
-- -------
Li!a, be calm and !leepl
Tomorrow I will call the
plumber to repair the tapo
. ----- -_.. ~ ~ - -
1------ --_.- .-..--"---

If everybody respected
~ ; ~ : ~ ~ V V h 8 t would vou...
nature, we would Uve
(Se todos respeitassem
a natureza, viveramos
W9f' '.
( ,
Affirmative form Contraeted form
I would buy (eu compraria) I'd buy
Vou would buy You'd buy
He woul.d buy He'd buy
She would buy She'd buy
We woul.d buy We'd buy
Vou would buy You'd buy
They would buy They'd buy
Negative form

I would not buy I wouldn't buy

Vou would not buy Vou wouldn't buy
He would not buy He wouldn't buy
She would not buy She wouldn't buy
We would not buy We wouldn't buy
Vou would not buy Vou wouldn't buy
They would not buy They wouldn't buy
1. Conditional tense - futuro do pretrito
I would buy a big truck.
(Eu compraria um grande caminho.)
Para se transformar um verbo em futuro do
pretrito, basta antepor ao infinitivo o auxiliar
/ O ingls britnico usa should para as primei
ras pessoas (I, we).
2. Emprego da conjuno "if"
If it is necessary the firm will instaI! a
computer. (Se for necessrio, a firma insta
lar um computador.)
The firm wil! instaI! a computer if it is
(A firma instalar um computador se for
Interrogative form

Would I buy?
Would you buy?
WouLd he buy?
Would she buy?
Would we buy?
WouLd you buy?
Would they buy?
Wouldn't I buy?
Wouldn't you buy?
Wouldn't he buy?
Wouldn't she buy?
Wouldn't we buy?
Wouldn't you buy?
Wouldn't they buy?
Com a conjuno if (se), havendo verbo na for
ma do presente simples, o outro verbo ter a
forma do futuro do presente.
If it *were necessary the firm would install a
(Se fosse necessrio, a firma instalaria um com
lhe firm would instaI! a computer if it were
(A firma instalaria um computador se fosse ne
Com a conjuno if (se), havendo verbo na for
ma do passado, o outro verbo ter a forma do
futuro do pretrito.
*Obs. - Com a conjuno if usa-se were em to
das as pessoas verbais.
1. Siga o modelo:
a) I - buy - a car - had - money.
I would buy a car if I had money.
b) You - buy - a house - had - money.
c) We - buy - a truck - had - money.
2. Escreva na forma negativa:
a) I would buy a caro
I would not buy a caro
I wouldn't buy a caro
b) She would take a taxi.
c) They would go with Vou.
3. Mude para a interrogativa:
a) They would install a computer.
Would they instaI! a computer?
b) Jane would read that book.
ACTIVITIES Tomorrow wfll be anottler
(Amanh ser um outro dio.j
c) She would leave tomorrow.
4. Complete com will ou would:
a) If John gets a rise in salary he will buy a new
b) If John 90t a rise in salary he would buy a
new caro
c} If my mother permits I return late.
d} If the prices were high 1 not eat in
that restaurant.
e} I not eat in that restaurant if the
prices are high.
f} If I had money I pay the bill.
g) He pay his bill if he had money.
h} They be the champions if they
had good players.
i} You marry Betty if she loved vou.
5. Escreva em ingls:
a) Eu pagaria a conta se eu tivesse dinheiro.
b} Se eu tiver tempo eu irei.
With friends
Yesterday Bob took Jane to a party. When they
arrived at the party Bob left Jane with some friends
and went out for a few minutes.
When he carne back he didn't see her any more.
- Where is Jane?, he asked one of his friends.
- Let me see... 1 can't see her... Look! She is
there. At the comer.
- Who is dancing with her?
- l1's Jeff, my friend.
- Stay here. 1 will meet them.
f) Tell me the truth.
e) Work for uso
d) I will go with them.
Se o objeto indireto vier depois do objeto dire
to, dever ser precedido de preposio.
0.0. 0.1.
Give an apple to me.
D uma ma para mim.
c) I gave her a book.
b) I saw her last week.
Se o objeto indireto vier antes do objeto direto,
no se usar preposio.
0.1. 0.0.
....... .......
Give me an apple.
D a mim uma ma.
1. Traduza estas frases:
a) I saw him yesterday.
~ ( '
Subject Object Subject Object
Pronouns Pronouns Pronouns Pronouns

I me (me, mim) It it (o, a, lhe, a ele, a ela)
Vou you (te, a voc) We us (nos)
He him (o, lhe, a ele) Vou you (vos, a vocs)
She her (a, lhe, a ela) They them (os, as, lhes, a eles, a elas) -- -- - - --------------
2. Substitua os nomes pelos pronomes sujeitos:
a) Alice lives in Salvador.
She Uves in Salvador.
b) Robert is a tourist guide.
c) Salvador is a beautiful city.
d) Jane and I live in So Paulo.
e) At noon the tourists stop for lunch.
3. Substitua as palavras em negrito por um prono
me oblquo:
a) I bought this watch for vou.
I bought it for you.
b) I know the lesson very well.
c) We visited Mary yesterday.
d) I saw John last week.
e) Give the camera to me. ~ 1
f) I like Mary very much.
4. Use o pronome correto:
a) Come with _
) I ) me
b) She is playing tennis with _
) he him
c) What can I do for ?
( ) he vou
5. Siga o modelo:
a) My cousin shows them the beaches.
My cousin shows the beaches to them.
b) He sent me a letter.
c) She gave me a present.
d) I offered him some money.
1. Traduza:
Patricia is lohn's daughter. She went to
London in 1995. When she arrived there her
English was very poor.
While she was in England she spoke
_English alI the time. As a resuIt she Iearned it.
Now she speaks English very well.
2. Responda, de acordo com o texto:
a) Who is Patricia?
b) Where did she go to?
( ) She went to London.
( ) She is going to London.
No, she didn't.
a) to buy
b) to sell
e) to drive
c) Monica speaks Spanish very well.
d) to know
b) The secretary writes many letters.
c) to fali
When did she go to London?
,,/ She went to London _
d) How was her English when she arrived in
c) The guide spoke French.
b) They caught the thief.
Her English was _
e) Did she speak English ali the time?
( ) Yes, she did. ( ) No, she didn't.
f) Did she learn English?
( ) Yes, she did. (
g) Now Patricia:
( ) speaks English very well.
( ) doesn't speak English.
3. Escreva o passado e o particpio dos verbos
(com a traduo):
5. Escreva na forma interrogativa:
a) The players went to the stadium.
4. Escreva no passado:
a) Our class begins at 8.
6. Escreva na forma negativa:
a) They came by plane.
b) He gave her a flower.
7. Escreva no futuro:
a) Vou - be - happy
b) She - meet - her friends
8. Escreva na forma interrogativa:
a) They will sell their house.
b) She will be angry with me.
9. Escreva na forma negativa:
a) She will wait for vou.
b) John will pay his bills.
10. Escreva em ingls:
Maria e Rose chegaro amanh?
11. Traduza:
a) I would pay the bill if I had much money.
b) I would go with them if I had time.
12. When I asked Jim if he liked his job he replied
that he _
D a) did D d) doing
D b) does D e) has done
D c) do
13. If Vou don't go, very angry.
D a) I feel D d) 1'11 be
D b) I am D e) I have been
D c) I was

dtComing back home WHAT DID VOU SEE THERE?
Esquema da forma interrogativa com verbos regulares
e irregulares:
Verbo auxiliar Sujeito Verbo no infinitivo
Do ~
Does ..............................., ,,, ...... ,..... ?
Did ?
Do you go?
Voc vai?
Does she go?
Ela vai?
Did they go?
Eles foram?
Esquema da forma negativa:
Sujeito Verbo auxiliar Verbo no infinitivo
I don't know.
Eu no sei.
He doesn't know.
ELe no sabe.
Vou didn't know.
Voc no sabia.
Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle

begin began begun (comear)

to bri ng brought brought (trazer)
to feel feLt feLt (sentir)
to forget forgot forgotten (esquecer)
to get got got (ou gotten) (consegui r)
to keep kept kept (guardar)
to know knew known (conhecer)
to lose Lost Lost (perqer)
to make made made (fazer)
to pay paid paid (pagar)
to put put put (pr)
to run ran run (correr)
to say said said (dizer)
to teLL toLd toLd (contar, dizer)
to sing sang sung (cantar)
to sit sat sat (sentar)
to spend spent spent (passar, gastar)
to teach taught taught (ensinar)
to understand understood understood (compreender)
19 20
f- -
- -
f- - f-
- -
4 5 61
- -
t ) ~ ' I '
3. to say (dizer)
4. to lose (perder)
8. to put (pr)
9. to
10. to make (fazer)
11. to lend (emprestar)
12. to fali (cair)
13. to learn (aprender)
15. to think (pensar)
16. to pay (pagar)
17. to bring (trazer)
a) She drives well.
b) John
reencha a cruzada com o tempo passado dos verbos:
1. to build (construir) 18. to have (ter)
2. to begin (comear) 19. to spend (passar)
20. to drive (dirigir)
21. to meet (encontrar)
14 15
5. to teach (ensinar)
6. to leave (partir, sair)
7. to hear (escutar)
run (correr)
12 7 I
14. to understand (compreender)
11 I
Escreva as frases nas formas interrogativa e ne g) They spent much money in horse races.
Does she drive well?
She doesn't drive well.
h) She left for Rio last night.
saw her yesterday.
Did John see her yesterday?
John didn't see her yesterday.
c) She began to work at 7. i) Bob tells Iies.
d) She brought her brother. j) He lost his wallet.
e) They paid the bill. k) You understand English.
f) She sat near George. I) She got a good job.
lt takes two to make a quarrel.
4.t Friends
(Quando um no quer, dois no brigam.)
Mary: Hi, Jane.
Jane: Hi, Mary.
Mary: What day was yesterday?
Jane: Yesterday was Monday.
Mary: Did you go to school?
Jane: Yes, I went to school but I didn't see you there.
Mary: I wasn't at school. I went to the doctor's. My mother wasn't well.
1. to buy bought bought (comprar) 14. to pay paid paid (pagar)
2. to catch caught caught (pegar) 15. to say said said (dizer)
3. to come came come (vir) 16. to see saw seen (ver)
4. to cut cut cut (cortar) 17. to seU sold sold (vender)
5. to do did dane (fazer) 18. to send sent sent (enviar)
6. to drink drank drunk (beber) 19. to sLeep slept slept (dormir)
7. to eat ate eaten (comer) 20. to speak - spoke spoken (falar)
8. to find found found (encontrar) 21. to steaL stole stolen (roubar)
9. to give gave given (dar) 22. to swim swam swum (nadar)
10. to know knew known (conhecer) 23. to take took taken (pegar)
11. to make made made (fazer) 24. to think thought thought (pensar)
12. to run ran run (correr) 25. to win won won ( g a n h a ~ vence0
13. to read read read (ler) 26. to write wrote written (escrever)
1. Faa a pergunta e responda. Observe o modelo:
a) (school) Did Vou 90 to school?
Yes, I went to school.
b) (park)
c) (movies)
d) (doctor's) ?
2. Faa as perguntas e responda de acordo com o
a) (school) Did Vou 90 to school?
No, I didn't 90 to school.
b) (park) ?
No, _
c) (movies) _
d) (doctor's) _
e) (beach) ?
e) (beach) _
o. modelo e faa o mesmo:
.. ~ t w l ) I went to school but I didn't see Vou
c) (movies) _
d) (doctor's) _
e) (beach) _
4. Observe o modelo, faa as perguntas e res
a) (eggs)
What did VOU eat vesterdav1
I ate eggs.
b) (cheese)
c) (ham)
d) (rice and beans)
e) lbeef)
5. Responda negativamente:
a) Do Vou run fast?
No, I don't.
I don't run fast.
b) Does Mr. Green teach Englsh?
No, he doesn't.
He doesn't teach English.
c) Do Vou sit on this chair?
d) Does Miss Carol sing well?
e) Do Vou pav the bill?
6. Responda negativamente:
a) Did Vou understand the lesson?
No, I didn't.
I didn't understand the lesson.
b) Did Vou spend vour vacation in Rio?
c) Did Vou pav the bill?
d) Did Vou lose vour kevs?
e) Did she know vour father?
7. Mude para a forma negativa:
a) I know the president.
I don't know the president.
b) He drives well.
c) She forgot vour name.
d) She came from Rio.
e) I spent two davs in Rio.
f) She keeps the house in arder.
g) Saioko understands Japanese.

lf .ou W'O' , 'hloO dooe weU. do" yoursoll. .,
4.5. Stars (Se quiser uma coisa bem-feita, faa-a voc mesmo.)l
Tag uma pergunta curta e rpida no final de uma frase para se pedir uma confirma
o do que se disse antes.
12 parte afirmativa fi nal negativo
He is a singer, isn't he? (ELe um cantor, no ?)
_/ ~ .
1 parte negatlVa fi nal afi rmativo
He isn't a singer, is he? (ELe no um cantor, ?)
Observe outros exemplos:
It is hot today, isn't it?
She was here, wasn't she?
Paul is a good boy, isn't he?
They were friends, weren't they?
Mary has a car, hasn't she?
She can't run, can she?
I am a good singer, aren't I?
Vou can help him, can't you?
Na primeira pessoa, na forma negativa, usa-se
They can work, can't they?
...aren't I?
They could work, couldn't they?
Quando os verbos no so auxiliares, empregamos as formas verbais:
a) do, does, don't, doesn't para o presente
b) did, didn't para o passado
- Vou know England, don't you? (Voc conhece a Inglaterra, no conhece?)
- Vou knew England, didn't you? (Voc conheceu a Inglaterra, no conheceu?)
- She doesn't speak English, does she? (Ela no fala ingls, fala?)
- She didn't speak English, did she? (Ela no falou ingls, falou?)
1. Complete, usando tags:
a) The car is red, isn't it?
b) She is beautiful, \)
c) They are good friends, t -1 ?
d) She was sick, V JOFwi''l:\ I t
e) Mary is coming, Jt)CD\ t ")
f) It was necessary, 0'J0<1I)\ l-t y:t?
g) She can drive the car, ()f).r0 L1: /
h) He is a busy man, lJ"0 I l N e /)
i) She was very sick, J;-.Jrf) ) t
j) They are very tired, f\ , 10 r! Ir r)
k) You were busy men, IJ-1ellR.m I t 'jOJJ.)
I) They are hungry, &rRrYI \--r A ')
m) She was happy, WOJ;;:lfrt :J"J\:'
n) He's sleepy, I C \-\ e ?
o) You were wrong,
p) They are so careful, f\vJN\ t )(k-Jj--4
2. Complete, usando tags:
a) You aren't an artist, are vou?
b) She isn't beautiful, lt, ()
I ' ..
c) They aren't enemies, f\ .'\ E: A., \\, \J.
. (-,
d) She wasn't in the garden, \..)0./) (0$" Ir. -:
el Vou aren't alone, ;
f) They weren't happy, Uv tiJ& ,1;\: t 1 >'
g) They can't walk, CoJ)'l t<J'ltd-j '''- '
h) You weren 't friends: (Jj-Ent '1 ()
i) He isn't busy, \b ti . r.
3. Escreva em ingls:
a) Eles so cantores, no so?
C'-' 'C Gl rsp\}.
b) Elas estavam na festa, no estavam?
.u_ +-.
/ I \..l<QJ\C, lCO =une e01Yj \",V)'iA.i
c) Vcs podem andar, no podem?
J1) uJei K I (.crn) t \( (, 'M /
d) E bom, no ?
---ll: J 1NC': '--
4. Complete com tags. Ooserve se os verbos es
to no presente ou no passado:
a) Romeo loves Juliet doesn't he?
b) She loves the boy, 'C)QIJ:..r:::t1'\ ' r",'
c) They changed words of love, (iJ 'cr' r;' ..(
d) Romeu fell in love with Juliet, l-\
e) He took Juliet's hands, (tC 'i, )c,,\"
f) She wants to marry me, (:t ( :';""
g) They dance very well, O cyy\'l t- "";':\"'1
;,V' .'1
h) They speak loud, \ \ .. )'I 'Ylj
i) She arrives early, i.J ()\... ..J() ',:- -;d&tt:
j) You wait for me, b>C'ti' r-t-- __
k) You Pisa, \.Ji olr0 }t "-! \:1:..)
I) She to school, QtC.\ r(\ \ r ;::'/'{ .
m) He wants coffee, DC.EhJ'D 1-t H-e
44. Ii YOU
Keep company wtth the wtses
and you wtll become wtse.
(Conserve a companhia dos sbios
e voc se tornar um sbio.)
Folk dance in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
- If you have money... you will visit Brazilian cities, won't you?
- If you have time you will get to know Brazilian folklore, won't you?
- If you go to a ball you will dance, won't you?
- If you had a girl friend you would give her a present, wouldn't you?
li! parte afirmativa

fi nal negativo

Vou wiLl go, won't you? (Voc ir, no ir?)
She would come, wouldn't she? (Ela viria, no viria?)
li! parte negativa

fi nal afi rmativo

He won't come on time, will he? (Ele no vir a tempo, vir?)
He wouldn't go, would he? (Ele no iria, iria?)
Observe outros exemplos:
They will come next year, won't they?
Vou would buy this house, wouldn't you?
1. Complete com tags (futuro e condicionai):
a) They will come tomorrow, won't they?
b) They would come tomorrow, wouldn't they?
c) He will work in a factory, won't he?
d) He would work in a factory, _
e) Vou will go next month, _
f) John won't show the photos, _
g) Mary would tell alie, _
h) Vou will live in Paris, _
i) She would need money, _
j) They would read the book, _
k) She will not marry vou, _
2. Assinale as respostas certas na loteria e comple
te as frases:
1. Jim invited Clara to his graduation dance,

2. The children were entertained by the clown,
3. He was innocent, vJQ/y{)lt H-C?
4. The bus stops at that comer, CaVe""! (J ?
5. Vou didn't call the doctor, od ?
6. We aren't disturbing Vou, OJJ 2 \)i ?
7. The store is managed very well, /}JC/ (.; t?
. I
8. The water wasn't boiling, \}:
11), A'r ?
9. "\h!3 .. ineyv.rspapers didn't the crisis,
10. It's difficult to tell someone bad news,
. , y
\ 1b:t\\ ' )1 ?
11. It's to wait a long time for a bus,
\.( U ?
r\ o /\ !--(' , !
12. He writes short I f !-fi?
. ---1
13. The girls aren't ready, Qf \ ,) J J)?
1 X 2
1. did he 'j didn't he didn't she
)( weren 't they were they was he
3. was he
wasn't he was she
doesn't it does it does he
5. didn't Vou do vou
did Vou
are we aren't we are Vou
isn't it is he isn't he

was it wasn't it was he
did it did they does he
10. is it is he X
isn't it
11. isn't he
isn't it is it
12. does it
doesn't he does he

are they is she aren't they
4.5 Prepositions
Juliet is in the house.
Mary is going to cross the street. She lives across
Juliet is inside the house.
the street.
Romeo is out oI the house.
Romeo is outside the house.
/ - -:=-- - - ~ ; . . ' "
~ - _ . _ .. ---/
"" -- p-_.- ./
/. -:. :_-: - ~ - -:'/'
/" .--- --
Juliet is at the window.
Romeo is at the door.
There is a picture of a boy at the top oI the page.
There is a picture of a tree at the bottom oI the
The boys are playing behind the house.
The girls are playing in Iront oI the house.
Some birds are flying over the trees.
Some birds are flying above the trees.
There are cows under the trees.
There are cows below the trees.
loho is beside Mary.
loho is by Mary.
loho is near Mary.
loho is next to Mary.
loho is dose to Mary.
She is goiog up the stairs while he is goiog down.
1. Faa frases, empregando a preposio at:
a) John - home
John is at home.
b) The family - the table
c) They - the airport
d) John - school
e) She - live - 45 Main Street
f) He - go to bed - midnight
g) Read - the top of the page
2. Reescreva as frases, empregando o antnimo
das preposies destacadas:
a) The submarine is above sea leveI.
b) The boys are inside the house.
c) There is a tree in front of the house.
dlS I Hl nu
d) She is going up the stairs.
e) Read at the top of the page.
f) There is a box under the chair.
3. Substitua a preposio destacada por outra sin
a) The sky above our heads is blue.
lhe sky over our heads is blue.
b) Look at the kite over the building.
c) There is a boat passing below the bridge.
d) Jane is sitting beside Mary.
e) He is standing ahead of the house.
1. Escreva na forma interrogativa:
a) I ate cheese yesterday.
b) They go to school.
c) She forgot my name.
d) Vou lost your key.
e) Miss Carol sings well.
2. Escreva na forma negativa, observando em
que tempo esto os verbos e se so auxiliares
ou no:
a) She drives well.
b) He came from Rio last Saturday.
c) They were busy and tired.
d) H likes to play tennis.
3. Complete com tags, observando os tempos dos
verbos e se so auxiliares ou no:
a) Vou are my friend, _
b) She was happy, _
c) They can't walk, _
d) She goes to school, _
e) He likes vou, _
f) They went to the beach, _
4. Escrva em ingls:
a) Eles so cantores, no so?
b) Vocs podem andar, no podem?
c) Voc esteve em Londres, no esteve?
d) Eu no conheci teu amigo, conheci?
5. Escreva no futuro:
a) Vou are vsiting Rio, aren't vou?
b) Vou are not going to a party, are vou?
c) He writes short stories, doesn't he?
6. Escreva no condicional:
a) She dances well, doesn't she?
b) Vou live in Paris, don't vou?
c) Vou don't need money, do vou?
7. Reescreva as frases, empregando o antnimo
das preposies destacadas:
a) The submarine is above sea leveI.
b) The men are inside the house.
c) The bank is far from the school.
d) There is a tree behind the house.
The man is walking through the field to reach the
The farmer planted many trees along the road.
Tuesday is after Monday.
Tuesday is before Wednesday.
Tuesday is between Monday and Wednesday.
(Between: entre dois; among: entre muitos.)
"Romeo and luliet" was written by Shakespeare.
I cut my finger with a knife.
I prefer to traveI by plane.
Without money you can't buy anything.
The mouse is jumping into the box.
The mouse is jumping in the box. Now it is jumping out of the box.
1. Use as preposies after e before, segundo o
a) Sunday: Sunday comes after Saturday and
before Monday.
b) Monday: _
c) Tuesday: _
d) VVednesday: __
e) Thursday: __
f) Friday: _
g) Saturday: _
2. Empregue a preposlao between, de acordo
com o modelo:
a) (January -- February -- March)
February is between January and March.
b) (April - May -- June)
c) (July -- August -- September)
d) (October -- November - December)
3. Responda de acordo com o modelo:
a) Do vou like to travei by car?
Ves, I Iike to travei by caro
b) Do Vou like to travei by bus?
c) Do vou like to travei by ship?
d) Do vou like to travei by plane?
e) Do vou like to travei by train?
4. Traduza as frases:
a) I will go by bus.
b) This book was written by James Cooper.
c) There are many trees along the road.
d) I can see a camel walking through the deserto
e) Life is a fascinating adventure with or without
5. Reescreva as frases, usando o antnimo das
preposies destacadas:
a) The mouse is jumping into the box.
b) VVe went to the park before class.
c) He is waiting inside the caro
Violence attracts violente.
.jfThe World Trade Center
(VioLnda atrai vioLnda.)

The Twin Towers before the attack.
The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York (417 and 415 meters high),
the symbol of the American power, were destroyed by terrorists on 11th September, 2001.
Everyone in the world was astonished.
Do you know why they did it?
The twin towers were destroyed by terrorists.
As torres gmeas foram destrudas por terroristas.
. Em ingls no sempre necessrio mencionar o agente da passiva. O que interessa a
ao feita e no a pessoa que a pratica.
(Se tiver dvida quanto aos particpios de verbos irregulares, consulte a lista da pgina 133).
Mude da voz ativa para a passiva, observando os
tempos verbais:
a) Many people saw the attack.
(to see - saw - seen)
The attack was seen by many people.
b) She left the money in the drawer.
(to leave - left - left)
c) The cat drinks milk.
(to drink - drank - drunk)
d) The cat drank the milk.
(to drink - drank - drunk)
e) Mary did the work.
(to do - did - done)
f) The gardener plants flowers.
(to plant - planted - planted)
g) Graham Bell invented the telephone.
(to invent - invented - invented)
h) Water covers a great part of the Earth.
(to cover - covered - covered)
i) The mother took the children to the park.
(to take - took - taken)
2. Escreva no futuro:
a) The work was done by Mary.
The work will be done by Mary.
b) The car was made in Brazi!.
d) The leaves were eaten by the oxen.
c) The beaches were visited by the ladies.
e) The cars were sold by Tom.
3. Escolha a forma verbal que preenche correta
mente a lacuna:
a) The car was by him.
) to sell
) sold
b) The flowers will be by him.
) to give
) given
c) The door will be _
by the
( ) to repair
( ) repaired
d) These photos were by her.
) to see
) saw
) seen
e) The cheese was by the
) to eat
) ate
) eaten
f) The leaves were by the
) to eat
) ate
) eaten
g) The glasses were by the
) to break
) broke
) broken
Simple Past Simple Past
Infinitive Past Participle Translation Infinitive Past Participle Translation
to be was, were been ser, estar to.make made made fazer
to become became become tornar-se to mean meant meant significar
to begin began begun comear to meet met met encontrar-se com
to blow blew blown soprar to pay paid paid pagar
to break broke broken quebrar to put put put pr
to bring brought brought trazer to read read read ler
to buil.d built built construir to ride rode ridden cavalgar
to burst burst burst arrebentar to ring rang rung tocar a campainha
to buy bought bought comprar to rise rase risen erguer-se
to cast cast cast arremessar to run ran run correr
to catch caught caught pegar
said said dizer
to choose chose chosen escolher to see saw seen ver
to come carne come vir to seU sold sold vender
to cost cost cost custar to send sent sent enviar
.tQ..cut_ cut cut cortar to set set set colocar, fixar
to deal dealt dealt negociar to shake shook shaken sacudir
to dig dug dug cavar to shine shone shone brilhar
to do did dane fazer to shoot shot shot atirar, disparar
to draw drew drawn desenhar to show showed shown mostrar
to dream dreamed, dreamt dreamt sonhar to shut shut shut fechar
to drink drank drunk beber to sing sang sung cantar
to drive drove driven dirigir to sink sank sunk afundar
to eat ate
comer to sit sat sat sentar
to faU feU fallen cair to sleep slept slept dormir
to feed fed fed alimentar to slide slid slid escorregar
to feel felt
sentir to slit slit slit fender, rachar
to fight fought fought lutar to smell smelt smelt cheirar
to find found found encontrar to speak spoke spoken falar
to fly flew flown voar to speed sped sped apressar-se
to forget forgot forgotten esquecer to spend spent spent gastar
to freeze froze frozen gelar to spoil spoiled, spoilt spoilt estragar
to get got got conseguir to spread spread spread espalhar
to give gave given dar to spring sprang sprung saltar
to go went gane ir to stand stood stood ficar de p
to grow grew grown crescer to steal stole stolen roubar
to hang hung hung pendurar to strike struck struck bater
to have had had ter to swear swore sworn jurar
to hear heard heard ouvir to sweep swept swept varrer
to hide hid hidden esconder to swim swam swum nadar
to hit hit hit bater to swing swung swung balanar
to hold held held segurar to take took taken tomar
to hurt hurt hurt machucar to teach taught taught ensinar
to keep kept kept guardar to tell told told contar, dizer
to know knew known conhecer to think t ~ o u g h t thought pensar
to lay laid laid pr, deitar to throw threw thrown arremessar
to lead led led guiar
. to-Iidf"stand
understood understood entender
to learn learned learned aprender to wake woke woken acordar
to leave left left deixar, partir to wear wore worn vestir, usar
to lend lent lent emprestar to wed wed wed desposar
to let let let deixar, permitir, alugar to wet wet wet umedecer
to lie lay lain jazer, estar deitado to win won won ganhar, vencer
to light lit lit iluminar, acender to wring wrung wrung espremer
to lose lost lost perder to write wrote written escrever
'r C-b-P J !t

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