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Queen of Peace Catholic Community

A Total Stewardship Parish

July 14-15, 2012

MISSION STATEMENT: As Christians we receive Gods gifts gratefully, cultivate them responsibly, share them lovingly in justice with others, and return them with increase to the Lord.

Weekend Masses: Saturday Vigil-6:00pm Sunday-8:00am, 10:00am, 5:30pm 12:30pm in Spanish Daily Masses: Monday - Friday 8:00am

Rosary Devotion:
Chapel SundayFriday 7:30am

Liturgy of the Hours:

Sunday-Friday following 8:00am Mass

Saturdays 5:00-5:45pm

Queen of Peace Catholic Community 10900 SW 24th Ave., Gainesville, FL 32607 (352) 332-MARY fax (352) 331-7347

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time READINGS FOR THE WEEK Sunday: Am 7:12-15; Ps 85:9-14; Eph 1:3-14 [3-10]; Mk 6:7-13 Monday: Is 1:10-17; Ps 50: 8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23; Mt 10:34 -- 11:1 Tuesday: Is 7:1-9; Ps 48:2-8; Mt 11:20-24 Wednesday: Is 10:5-7, 13b-16; Ps 94:5-10, 14-15; Mt 11:25-27 Thursday: Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19; Ps 102:13-21; Mt 11:28-30 Friday: Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8; Is 38:10-12, 16; Mt 12:1-8 Saturday: Mi 2:1-5; Ps 10:1-6; Mt 12:14-21 Sunday: Jer 23:1-6; Ps 23:1-6; Eph 2:13-18; Mk 6:30-34

Saturday, July 14 6:00 PM Ron & Frida Pase (RIP) Sunday, July 15 8:00 AM John McMahon (RIP) 10:00 AM Special Intentions 12:30 PM Javier Olvera Mendez (RIP) 5:30 PM Vivien Swanson (RIP) Monday, July 16 8:00 AM Dick Omura (RIP) Tuesday, July 17 8:00 AM Father Patrick (RIP) Wednesday, July 18 8:00 AM Poor Souls in Purgatory (RIP) Thursday, July 19 8:00 AM Frances H. Bahan (RIP) Friday, July 20 8:00 AM Florence Giovanetti (RIP) Saturday, July 21 6:00 PM Carl Gabriel (RIP) Sunday, July 22 8:00 AM Larry Chiocca (RIP) 10:00 AM Special Intentions 12:30 PM Maria Christina Blacha (RIP) 5:30 PM Stephenie Brockish (SB)

Remember in Your Prayers:

For those who are sick:

352-332-6279 Please note the new extensions

Rev. Fr. Jeffrey A. McGowan, Pastor Rev. Fr. Kazimierz Ligza, Parochial Vicar Glen Vassou Parish Administrator x136 Amy Barber Office Manager and Pathfinders (Grades 6-8) x112 Sr. Beatrice Caulson, I.H.M. DRE, Adult Formation and RCIA x117 Ronnie Eisele Visions (Grades 9-12) x119 Lisa McQuagge
Faith Formation PK3 to 5th Grade x120

Tom D. Sharon W. Christine D. Doug D. Anne M

Zach D. Bob M. Mary K. Marilyn C. Joella G.

All our injured servicemen and women For those who died: All servicemen and women

First Friday Masses:

Jason Chaney Pastoral Associate of Liturgy x114 Gary Kneal Music Director x118 Erica Hartge PA: Director of Stewardship x129 Stephenie Brockish Stewardship Assistant x116 Mari Hamilton Fiscal Administrator x128 St. Anthonys Gift Shop 352-331-2035 Academy 352-332-8808

Church Office Hours Monday through Friday 8:30am to 5:30pm. The Office is Closed from 12:30pm to 1:30pm for lunch

Mass Schedule and Parish News Line

Mass schedules and other important news are available to you 24 hours a day by accessing the QOP office voice mail system. Call 332-6279 and press 2 for Mass schedule or 4 for important news, including changes to Mass Schedules for Holidays.

Eucharistic Adoration from 8:30am to 3:00pm Benediction/Divine Mercy 3:00pm

Queen of Peace Catholic Community 10900 SW 24th Ave., Gainesville, FL 32607 (352) 332-MARY fax (352) 331-7347

Queen of Peace Catholic Community 10900 SW 24th Ave., Gainesville, FL 32607 (352) 332-MARY fax (352) 331-7347


In order to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion, Children must attend Faith Classes for two years, and then attend the Sacrament Preparation classes during the second year. For those not attending Queen of Peace Academy or St. Patrick School, Faith Classes are held on Sunday mornings from September through May. Please contact Lisa McQuagge at 352-332-6279 Ext 120 for more information. Registration forms may also be found on our parish website. If your child is older than 1st grade and not yet enrolled in Faith Formation Classes, please contact Sr. Beatrice Caulson at Ext 117.

Do you find yourself wondering about what Catholics do? Do you desire to become Catholic? Then RCIA is for you. RCIA classes are currently forming for adults. Call today and get the information you need to make this very important decision. Call Sr. Beatrice at 332-6279, ext. 117

Is your spiritual life awakening? Have you been away from the church and are now thinking of returning? Then Landings is for you! The program consists of eight to ten weekly meetings in a comfortable setting. If you are searching, or have a friend who is, Landings may be the answer. For registration information please call: David or Ginny Kotait 352-275-1858, 352-514-6765 OR send a quick email to

We will be attending Night of Joy at Disney on Saturday September 8. If you are already registered in Pathfinders you will receive a Pathfinders permission slip via e-mail. To hold your space, please complete the permission slip and return to Amy in the church office by Monday, August 6th. Pathfinders registration forms for next school year are available on our parish website, and in the narthex of the church. If you have any questions please call Amy in the office at 352-332-6279 ex. 112

Queen of Peace Catholic Community 10900 SW 24th Ave., Gainesville, FL 32607 (352) 332-MARY fax (352) 331-7347


Our Joyful Response of Total Stewardship: Time, Talent and Treasure

Wee Worship & Faith Formation Teachers are Needed

Leaders and Assistants are needed for the Wee Worship (ages 3-5) program held during the 10:00 mass. Catechists are also needed for Faith Formation (Grades K-5)held at 8:45-9:40 AM or 11:20-12:25. Our Faith Education programs run from September 9th through May 5th. Classes are not held during Holiday weekends. Lesson plans, materials and guidance are provided. Teaching responsibility rotates between a team of two adults, and substitutes can be provided with notice. All volunteers working with children are required to attend a Protecting God's Children class, provide references, and to be fingerprinted. Continued success of these programs depends on volunteers. Please contact Lisa McQuagge for more information. 352-332-6279 Ext 120

GOD IN ALL In everything, be it a thing sensed, or a thing known, God is hidden within. --St. Bonaventure
SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: Our Lady of Mount Carmel Wednesday: St. Camillus de Lellis Friday: St. Apollinaris; Ramadan (Islamic month of fasting) begins this week Saturday: St. Lawrence of Brindisi; Blessed Virgin Mary Living Word Prayer Group Come and join us every Thursday evening at 6:30 pm in our St. Patrick room for a special time of spirited prayer with the Lord. We begin with the rosary, meditating on the saving mysteries of Christ and praying with Mary. Jesus said "Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in their midst of them"(Matthew18:20). We are looking forward to seeing you on Thursday!!! May God bless you and yours.

Queen of Peace Catholic Community 10900 SW 24th Ave., Gainesville, FL 32607 (352) 332-MARY fax (352) 331-7347

Can We Count on You? We are thankful for the many ways our parishioners support our Queen of Peace Community. Through participation and consistent, committed giving so much is possible. We are grateful for these gifts and understand that sometimes circumstances change or we simply need a little extra time to discern what our pledge should be for the year. Wont you please prayerfully consider making your 2012 covenant? I completed a card last year - do I need to do another one this year? Yes please! We do not presume that your ministry selections or your financial gifts will remain the same from one year to another. It is important for us all to take time to assess how we are doing in our walk with the Lord. Completing a covenant card is an opportunity to check our progress. Where do I find a Covenant Card? Stewardship Handbooks are located at each entrance to the church. The covenant cards are inside the back cover of the handbooks. You may complete a covenant card and drop it in the offertory basket. If you prefer, you can complete a covenant card online at commitment. Even it you decide to complete the card online, you may like to have a handbook for your home. It's got all kinds of helpful information - about the parish - who to contact - ministry info maps - etc.

Our Joyful Response of Total Stewardship: Time, Talent and Treasure

Exercising Good Stewardship During the Summer

For us, July is the heart of a long, hot summer. Its vacation time for many, time to rev up the grill, skip out to the swimming pool or head out to the beach. Our schedules seem more relaxed and even our reading material may change; that heavy biography becomes an easy-on-the beach thriller. So its probably true that our approach to stewardship changes with the seasons as well it changes but doesnt disappear. In fact, July can be a wonderful time to reexamine our own attitude towards our faith and our stewardship commitments. Sunday Mass and an occasional weekday liturgy are just as important as ever. But we are freer in the summer, especially if you have kids in Sunday faith formation classes during the school year, to try different Mass times or experience a new parish while on vacation. Get out of your pew and experience the Church from a different perspective. But remember that summer offers the parish no respite from its bills. Our parish needs your consistent commitment of support. You can use ParishPay or your banks bill pay system as an efficient means of making your gift. The summer months often bring a break in other parish commitments. The faith formation class you enthusiastically teach takes the summer off. Your ministry team may meet next in late August. July is a great time to reflect on those commitments. How does it feel, taking a break? Do you look forward to picking up your role in the fall? Does something else excite you, or call to you? The summer gives you a good time to reassess and reenergize for the next chance to say yes! For Christian stewards, theres no summer vacation from nurturing their spiritual lives. But there are plenty of opportunities to explore prayer, giving, and parish involvement in new ways.

Queen of Peace Catholic Community 10900 SW 24th Ave., Gainesville, FL 32607 (352) 332-MARY fax (352) 331-7347

We Gratefully Return Our Gifts to the Lord
The parishioners and guests of Queen of Peace Catholic Community joyfully returned financial gifts of $51,880 the weekend of June 30th-July 1st. Gifts received from the childrens offering were $316. Over 305 hours were served during those weeks in the following: providing eldercare, pulling weeds around the church and school campus, serving on the Day of Reflection Retreat team, Catholic Charities, Altar Servers, St. Anthony Gift Shop, Hospitality Ministry, Living Your Strengths and more! Thank you to everyone who came to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel last month. Over 475 hours of prayer and devotion were offered. Our childrens envelopes show how they loved and served God and others by: cleaning my room, going to Mass, helping a lost dog, helping with the neighbors pets, and saying prayers before meals. During the month of June, our parish tithe supported important ministries such as Arbor House, Catholic Charities, Covenant House, Franciscan Missionary of Our Lady, Hands Together, Interfaith Hospitality Network, Missionaries of Charity, Peaceful Paths, St. Boniface Haiti Foundation, St. Francis House, St. Gerard Campus, St. Vincent de Paul, our Gainesville Catholic Schools and more! Also during June, Queen of Peace made a special $323 gift to Peters Pence and a gift of $200 to Call to Action.

Our Joyful Response of Total Stewardship: Time, Talent and Treasure

Weekend of July 14/15, 2012 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Letter to the Ephesians relates to us that God, the Father has established a divine plan to bring all of creation to Christ and that He has blessed us with the divine gifts to help implement that plan. Christian stewards know what their gifts are and are committed to using them in the service of the Lord.

Do we know what our gifts are? Do we believe that God has given us these gifts? Are we committed to using our gifts to serve the Lord?

Welcome home to our teens and the entire team who spent the last week working as the hands and feet of Christ through service at Catholic Heart Work Camp. This year the team served in the Knoxville, Tennessee are in a multitude of ways. Special thanks to our adults leaders without whom this trip would not be possible. God bless you all!

Queen of Peace Catholic Community 10900 SW 24th Ave., Gainesville, FL 32607 (352) 332-MARY fax (352) 331-7347

Service Opportunities and News From Queen of Peace

Our Joyful Response of Total Stewardship: Time, Talent and Treasure

ST. ANTHONY GIFT SHOP Your ONE STOP Catholic Gift Shop! We have just what you are looking for in Religious articles including Bibles, Jewelry, Crucifixes, Books, Rosaries Music, Statues, Baptism, Wedding, and ALL of your Spiritual growth needs! Come visit us to see what is new! We are here to serve you and to help you with ALL of your Sacramental needs! When you support St. Anthony Gift Shop, you support Queen of Peace. We are here to serve you 7 days a week. Monday - Friday 8:30 - 12:00, 1:30 - 5:00 Saturday, 10:00 - 12:00 BEFORE and AFTER ALL MASSES 352-331-2035 COME VISIT US TODAY

Bishop Felipe J. Estvez wants to hear from you! Join him in a Listening Session
Bishop Estvez has initiated a comprehensive strategic planning process for the Diocese of St. Augustine. As part of the process, he invites you to participate in a listening session. The bishop will be present to hear your wisdom, your insights and your hopes for our local church. Your input is important in helping Bishop Estvez establish priorities for the diocese. Registration is not required.
July 30: St. Paul Catholic Church, Jacksonville Bch, 7-9 p.m. July 31: Epiphany Catholic Church, Lake City, 7-9 p.m. August 1: St. Joseph Academy, St. Augustine, 7-9 p.m. August 2: St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, Interlachen, 7-9 p.m.

MATT OLESNEVICH FOOTBALL CAMP ST. FRANCIS CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL July 30th-Aug 2nd 8:30-11:30am Ages 5-18 Camp includes T-shirt (724) 991-0756

August 13: St. Matthew Catholic Church, Jacksonville, 7-9 p.m. August 15: St. Joseph's Cody Enrichment Center, Jacksonville, 2-4 p.m. August 16: San Jos Catholic Church, Jacksonville, 7-9 p.m. (Spanish Listening Session)

August 9: Holy Faith Catholic Church, Gainesville, 7-9 p.m.

Queen of Peace Catholic Community 10900 SW 24th Ave., Gainesville, FL 32607 (352) 332-MARY fax (352) 331-7347

Service Opportunities and News From Queen of Peace

Our Joyful Response of Total Stewardship: Time, Talent and Treasure

MINISTRY July 2012

Yoga: New Schedule Ea. Mon. & Wed. enjoy yoga & gentle stretching. IndepenDance Studio 10:00 11:00 a.m. No class Wed. July 4th. New members welcome any me. Kathy Kay 367-4418 Book Club: 3rd Tues. July 17th St. Theresa Room- Church 11:00a.m.-1:00 p.m. Eileen Williams - 336-3892 Card Club: Last Wed. of month July 25th - Noon Church, Men are welcome to join us for the card games. Ruthie Moss 386-462-2425 Mah Jong New Group contact Ruthie Moss 386-462-2425 3rd Thurs. July 19th 1:00 p.m. 4th Mon. July 23rd 1:00 p.m.

D & M WIDOWMAKER CHILI 1ST PLACE AT 2012 QUEEN OF PEACE CHILI COOKOFF DEREK AKEY, MARTIN RAVAL GRADE 5, QUEEN OF PEACE ACADEMY Since the office has had several calls about this recipe lately, Derek and Martin have graciously shared their recipe! 1 lb ground venison 2 diced onions 1 diced green pepper 1 finely chopped jalapeno and habanero pepper too 1 14 oz can of Mexican style tomatoes, (I use Rotel) 2 8 oz cans of tomato sauce 2 tablespoon of cumin 2 tablespoon of spicy chili powder 1 teaspoon of salt teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder teaspoon of paprika 1 - 14oz can kidney beans, drained and rinsed 1 14oz can of black beans drained and rinsed 1 cup of water Toppings: sour cream, chives, cheddar cheese Directions: 1. Cook venison with onions and peppers in dutch oven or large pot. 2. Add tomatoes, seasonings and water, bring to a boil. 3. Add beans, reduce heat to medium for 1 hour. Reduce heat to simmer for 1 hour stirring occasionally. Transfer to crock pot to keep warm. 4. Serve with toppings. The secret was the venison - Derek Akey The habanero peppers were hot - Martin Raval


Boy Scout Troop 416 is collecting used ink and toner cartridges, cell phones, iPods, MP3 players, digital cameras and radar detectors. Please drop off in the labeled box in our church Welcome Area.

Queen of Peace Catholic Community 10900 SW 24th Ave., Gainesville, FL 32607 (352) 332-MARY fax (352) 331-7347


Ronald Rolheiser, a Roman Catholic priest and member of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, is president of the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, Texas. He is a communitybuilder, lecturer and writer. His books are popular throughout the English-speaking world and his weekly column is carried by more than ninety newspapers worldwide.

When what is precious is taken from you Perhaps the reality that is hardest of all to accept in life is the unalterable fact that everything that is precious to us will, in some way, eventually be taken away. Our kids grow up and leave home, friends move away, loved ones die, we lose our health, and eventually we die too. Moreover even what is precious to us in terms of our faith and values suffers in the same way: things change, thoughts and feelings shift, rock foundations that once anchored us unassailably give way, doubt creeps in, the bottom falls out, and we are left wondering what we really believe in and what really can be trusted. Happily this is only half the equation: Everything we lose is eventually given back to us, and in a deeper way. Our kids become wonderful adults who begin to parent us, new bonds of friendship form across distance, we reconnect in a deeper and more permanent way to our loved ones who have died, we find something deeper and more permanent than physical health, death opens us up to the infinite, and the bottom falling out of old beliefs sends us free-falling to a place where we land on bedrock, on a foundation so secure that it can never be shaken again. We see the pattern for this in scripture in the story of the Jewish community and the Babylonian exile. This is the background: After arriving in Palestine ("the Promised Land") it took a number of generations to establish control over the land, unite all the various tribes into one nation, and build a temple in Jerusalem as center for worship. The great kings, David and Solomon, accomplished this and the people were left with a great sense of security, both political and religious. They felt strong, especially religiously. God had promised them a land, and now they had a land; God had promised them a king, and now they had a king; and God had promised them a temple, and now they had a temple. They saw in those three realities: land, king, and temple, sure proof of God's existence and God's providence for them. God's promises were empirically verifiable. But, just when they were most complacent inside of that security, the Assyrians came and conquered the land, deported all the people to Babylon, killed the king, and knocked down the temple to its last stone. With that, the loss of land, king, and temple, the bottom fell out of their world, religiously and literally. Everything that had once anchored their security had been taken away from them and they felt exiled not just from their homeland but also from their God and their religion. If God's presence was assured in land, king, and temple, and these have been taken from us, where is God? How to you continue to believe, trust, and live in joy when all that once anchored these has been taken from you? God's answer was this: You will find me again, when you search for me in a deeper way, with your whole heart, your whole mind, and your whole soul. God gives us that same answer today whenever we feel betrayed, orphaned, and disoriented in this same way. And this is the deep lesson: In terms of our faith and values, everything that isn't God, be it ever so true and wonderful, will eventually be taken away from us. Why? They aren't God. They might serve wonderfully for a time as icons, but icons held too tightly or held too long become idols from which we need to be purged. This is true even for what is most precious to us religiously - scripture, the creeds of our faith, the church itself, great saints, great moral mentors. In the end, wonderful as they are, they aren't God. They can be wonderful vehicles towards God, icons, PowerPoint presentations about God, but they aren't God and always eventually, somehow a needed iconoclasm will occur and we will, not without deep pain and disillusionment, learn this through bitter experience. All good spiritual literature, including scripture itself, makes this clear. Icons help lead to God, idols help block access to God. An idol is simply an icon that has been held on to for too long. And so there is a purifying dynamic written into the DNA of faith itself: We are given certain things
to hang onto for a time, a certain language, certain rituals, certain creeds and dogmas, a certain understanding of our faith, holy men and women as models, spiritual literature that nourishes us, and, not least, a certain inner sense of trust and security that all of this is good, is right, and is in some way God. And this is good, for a while. But the day comes, usually occasioned by deep pain and loss, where the bottom falls out and we go into a free-fall where, no matter what we try to grasp onto will not hold us until eventually we land on something solid, bedrock, God himself.
Queen of Peace Catholic Community 10900 SW 24th Ave., Gainesville, FL 32607 (352) 332-MARY fax (352) 331-7347 10

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