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You are my Delight,

Emphasis on LIGHT
~A Notebook of Mystical Poetry

by Cezarina Trone~
BE Still and KNOW that you are THAT…

Live each moment fully and deeply through the intensity of your heart…
Be TRUE to your inner Self and love your soul.
Life is blissful when you allow everyone (every aspect of yourself)
to amaze you each moment. Becoming aware and alive to all energy
around you, observe the deep connection of the multitude of forms
sharing ONE Divine Consciousness.

BLISSful is this moment

of your existence.

Retracing the steps of my soul…

WHO are you when

is taken away?
in front of this MIRROR,
You are un-masking
your Self…

I AM being rewired
on a different kind of energy now…
It shows me Eternity in each breath.
I AM sitting still on the mountain top
while this body vibrantly dances its playful part
before the hungry eyes of a make-believe world –
I AM the only truth there is.
I AM the deep voice inside the One strength.
Invisible is this unfolding force
that carries me through visible Lila.
I AM smiling for I am in love with all creation.
Only love flushes out the impurities of fear,
the dust particles in my eyes…
the last fanthom thought forms
still haunting my being… To let go and watch,
to be here completely.
Divine Love was called into existence
for such a vessel as this.
I AM the only truth there is… I AM.
Letter to My SELF

My Beloved Father, my Mother, my brother, my sister,

my lover, my friend and my child... Your Love is a powerful lighthouse
sitting on the highest cliff at the edge of the Universe.
Your laser light pierces my heart in places unknown.
You're performing surgery on my very soul --
These tears are not for anyone to see for only you collect them
in the flowing river of human devotion. They wash me
from inside out... Most blessed I am to see you now
in a different world, to hear you speak in a new prayer
language at the mosque, to tremble within at your
majestic posture as you walk by each day
dressed in African clothes, carrying a heavy load on your head.
My Beloved father, my Mother, my brother, my sister,
my lover, my friend and my child... I bow before you
within this small hand scribbling poetic words on paper
in a desperate need to breathe your love
as air in my lungs, to be filled with your divine essence
to the brink of exhaustion, that I may fall asleep
every night in your healing embrace,
that I may wake up every morning
into your new day to uncover
my deep love for you once again.

The fire whispered an ancient tune

and drew me into its presence.
My dark-skinned teacher…
She said she was a great incense maker,
this trade she learned as a child does
from her mother. I saw her poke the embers
underneath the cauldron
and white sizzling sugar crystals
turned to heavy syrup.
‘La Patience est la cle, ’ my child…
I saw her arm twist and turn,
shadows danced around,
hovered over the bubbling pot.
A piece of driftwood she used to stir
the insides of this magic moment
when a fresh incense batch was being made
simply to worship the very breath responsible
for its inception. One by one, perfumes were
blended into the night air…the wood shavings,
the animal nails from Mecca crushed to powder –
Void of time, my human presence embraced
this new year’s ritual of muslim life art…
My Being was being prepared again to become just
like this handful of homemade incense,
an offering of Love to all.
A Nigerien Poem

There are some beautiful people

who sleep on the bosom of the Earth herself
and hear her drumming heart each moment –
Their notion of time is obsolete.
Life flows like a river and
it greets all with warmest blessings and smiles.
The wealth of the Universe lays in open places
on the top of sand piles and dirt
where goats and naked children sleep together in the sunlight.
There are some beautiful people
who still feed out of our Earth mother’s bare hands.
Gratefully they bow down to pray five times a day
in the fields, on the sandy roads, and at the mosques.
Then they chant their hearts out to God
in the form of Allah. And all these beautiful people
have entered my Being. One by one, they took their place
in my inner medicine room –
Do I need something to take for my wilderness hunger?
The cure is already here…in each thorny bush before my eyes,
in each white-winged flight of bogo-bogo birds
landing on cows’ backs…
I AM healing the separation
one breath at a time.
The JOURNEY beyond the journey…

Every little thing I may think happens to me shows up to simply teach me a higher truth
about my Self… It doesn’t happen to me, it happens just for me.

AM I ready to See, Embrace and Celebrate my deeper lessons today? AM I ready to Receive the
Infinite Universal Wisdom hiding beneath either a smile or a grin, in every visible form of creation
reflecting my own soul, and within every aspect of my self-created identity?

I was born for such a moment as this: I Am you... You are I... We are ONE

She used to pray in front of an altar

each day… She prayed until she became
the altar itself – she found she was a movie
overflowing with running pictures and sounds.
In yet out of the dramatic scenes
she was still and solemn
like a statue while life spinned
around her weaving threads
of human consciousness.

I surrender
to the One and Only
I surrender to LOVE emanating
in all forms and shapes
as life finds its flowing dance
in you and I, in all of us…
Each moment is Eternal,
each moment is my teacher of Truth…
I am within your heart,
you are within mine,
a flame of fire burning
through the night…

I am the great motion of life, the watcher...

the Formless One in this body is making its way
through the endless crowds of other forms.
This cauldron of heat and turbulence was simply
created by the mind games they've played...
this hide-and-seek dramatic play lost
its sheen for me... I am STILL,
yet moving at incredible speed.
I am the scream of the emerald caged birds
in the market scene
on a quiet Saturday morning;
You can see me in the smile of
the naked children seeking expression
of freedom while leaping twice in the air
before getting ready to jump in
the wide mouth of the Niger river...
I am the tree holding an entire universe
of bogo-bogo birds in its arms after sunset
I am you... you are I in this earthly mirror
hanging on the vast ceiling of the ocean sky.
She Went…

She went to greet the Niger river

at sundown… She drowned her reality
for a surreal moment of Absolution.
It’s not enough we strive for Becoming
if we forget our true breath
in the first place. It is breathing us
from the outside in. The river flowed
through her veins with dead bodies on the bottom
and purple hyacinths floating on top –
How lovely the voice of the Beloved
at nightfall… He sweetly laughed at her,
skipped stones on water and jumped erratically
along the stony path taking the forms
of beautiful wild children, dear friends
and night birds caught in mid flight.
Humming Joy

What is remembrance?
The ethereal wonder of Oneness…
One day the two of us,
yet One was sitting on the rocks
facing the mirror of endless waters…
She broke through an invisible
Portal of Light, the hummingbird of paradise,
the messenger of truth
reflected back the Pure Joy
humming the Universal song of Love…
My Love, even now as I close the door
to the world to enter the silence of my chambers
the humming joy
is ever buzzing in my ear.
Nature Musings…

I have always been, my Beloved

I AM and I will always be –
This moment I am turning into
a white butterfly resting on a red flower
becoming another one of its fragrant petals…
I am adding white swirls to
the red velvety cup of throbbing life
I am bursting out in each bird song
I am Beauty manifested in all forms…
Nature is my breathtaking canvas
I am the sweeping wind
that wipes away the motionless colors
and paints the sky again and again at dusk…
Placing the singing birds into roles of wonder
in this marvelous play of I AM
I have always been, my Beloved
I AM and I will always be.

How much more love

Can you possibly give me, my King of Hearts?
I had just danced with you at river’s edge
at dusk…we said goodnight,
yet you grab at my heart
with your sweet smile
and your prayer beads
as You appear before me
on a mat, on your knees
begging for more love
to be set free tonight. And here I stand
barefoot in the high grass
the starlight is my witness
these tears, my offering of gratitude.
I am the grass itself
so that your holy feet can tread upon it,
I am the mirror so that you can look through
at your radiant face,
I am your whisper of love,
each lover’s embrace
turning night dreams
into the One Breath.

Today I saw my Beloved in a flash

while paying a visit to a Nigerien baby
sucking milk from the mother’s dark breast;
their eyes embraced with a sparkle
and the way the fresh milk spilled
unto the baby’s neck caught
my eager eyes in wonder…
Divine warm milk transported
the baby into everlasting peace
while his tiny body laid still
in a simple hut with sand floors…
Pigeons came to pay homage
to the ONE being birthed again;
they pecked millet grains
out of the sand,
they did their feather dance,
they scurried away… and then I heard
my Beloved’ deep cry
bursting out of baby lungs…
‘You are I, He said, ‘I have longed
for you since time everlasting…’
Whose streams of tears filled my eyes
in that painful moment of joy? She who
walks in her own dark skinned kingdom
cannot reveal such mystery.

Beloved One, you love teasing this form

with encounters of itself…
One smile in different splashes of color,
one big laugh in different tunes I hear;
I see your art performances and
watch your Being dance with the children.
How marvelous your paradoxical life design,
your playfulness is beyond imagination itself.
String my heart unto your crown of bliss…
I get so dizzy in your presence that I weep
and every time these eyes open from slumber,
you welcome me to a new existence
of everlasting joy without borders of fear…
Find me

I am your own Self…

I threw myself in the depths
of the deepest fears to set soaring higher
than you and I could ever imagine
with these minds we had borrowed
from the world market.
Look how, I - Isa, this power you hold within
is ready to burst out of your whole Being…
Do you really think that resisting the breaking
will help sustain anything?
The gateway is here now.
Stand by and watch or run through it.
Make a choice. One word of warning:
If you run through it,
you might lose your self and
find me.
Divine Marriage

In mid January you’ve entered

my inner chamber with scents of summer,
laid your offerings of love down then washed my feet
with joy and wonder -- The magical child within you
awoke once again to the sounds of crystalline voices and
you saw the world’s children, all gathered in one place
and brought them together in the drumming circle.
They jumped with joy to greet your divinity
every time you walked through that door.
Resting on your lap, they rejoiced in God’s nurturing arms.
Look at the moment you created; how it was born
out of the pure flowing motion within the river of life
splashing strokes of color on the blank canvas of this eternal moment.
Look at your ocean eyes in the mirror, please and tell me…
what do you see, my dear? A beautiful form, God resurrecting
the idea of resurrection itself. Please stand there
soak in these waters of thought until you know that
you know that you know Who is pulling your every breath,
Who is seeing your every form,
who is drumming your every heartbeat
Ever longing for the wedding day,
for His true bride to join
the divine marriage of your soul.
You are my Delight, Emphasis on LIGHT…

He whispers words of love

into my ear. I sit before this candlelight
and I hear the Universe sing,
Forgive yourself for good. You are
my delight, emphasis on LIGHT.
I smile because nothing is as it seems.
Love has come into Being more alive
than the loveliest notion I had…
Love longs to bear my name and yours
and everyone else’s. It sits at each street corner
begging for attention for it can’t remember
a thing about color, race, status or place.
Rising above mortal love into the arms of pure bliss:
for such a task we were born, my Love.

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