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In the previous two issues we discussed the technicalities related to Mercury, in Ashtakavarga. In this edition we will take a look at the various concepts relating to Jupiter in Ashtakavarga system. Before we venture into the Karakatwas (or governed areas)of Jupiter, we need to understand why we need to know them beforehand. I wish to cite one analogy here. Bhagwan Sri Sathya Saibaba of Puttaparthi has explained this in the following manner. If you file an application before the wrong department, that will not get processed. If you wish to attain prosperity, you should worship Kubera along with goddess Lakshmi. On the other hand if you pray for prosperity before Goddess Saraswathy your prayer will not be answered. What is the reason? Goddess Saraswathy has lordship only over education and nothing else. So before you start praying to God, understand what is the portfolio allocated to that deity. Coming to our subject, if Jupiter is afflicted in a particular birth chart, all the portfolios handled by Jupiter in general and the significations of Jupiter with reference to lordship over houses in that chart will all get spoiled. If Jupiter has rulership over a particular area of the body, in that chart, then afflictions to that part of the body are likely. On the other hand a strong Jupiter will boost fortunes in general and in a stricter sense, improve the fortunes over those areas over which it has attained lordship. For instance if Venus conjoins Jupiter in a particular birth chart, then that person will only be moderately wealthy. The reason is that in this conjunction, Jupiter is a stronger planet compared to Venus. Money is one area ruled by Venus. So when Venus conjoins Jupiter, to some extent, inflow of wealth gets curtailed. SIGNIFICATIONS OF JUPITER From Jupiter one should seek information about the following: 1) Knowledge 2) Nobility 3) Children 4) Minister 5) Good conduct 6) Teaching profession 7) Magnanimity

8) Knowledge of Shruti (oral tradition) and Smiriti (Written tradition) relating to Vedic and puranic knowledge. 9) Reverence to Gods and intelligentsia 10) Yagna or Vedic rituals. 11) Tapas or penance 12) Religious belief 13) Treasure 14) Wisdom 15) Control over passions 16) Honour 17) Compassion 18) Husbands happiness (in a female chart) Having understood the significations let us analyse some of the important concepts we need to know. Basically Jupiter stands for dignity and a magnanimous outlook. It also gives one a broad outlook. Mercury denotes learning while Jupiter denotes Wisdom. A man with strong Mercury has analytical and logical skills whereas a strong Jupiter gives Wisdom. I wish to cite one commonplace example here. In olden days a journey from Madras to Bombay by train might take a day and a half. Bombay mail, if my memory serves me right used to start at 10 pm, travel the whole of the succeeding day and reaches Bombay on the third day at about 5 am. Some passengers used to have a time table prepared of when to open which packet and eat during the course of the journey! Actually such elaborate preparation for this sort of a journey is unnecessary. I have even seen some passengers come prepared with basic ingredients for preparing bhel puri, prepare it then and there and have it. True, the logic is right. One may even have to starve if the train were to stop endlessly between stations. But over elaborate preparation is always denoted by Mercury, with its emphasis on nuts and bolts details. If you were to ask a Jupiter dominated person travelling he will simply say, We have taken whatever is required and it will be served whenever it is required. This approach smacks of real wisdom; no unnecessary thoughts about potential problems which may not crop up at all, and at the same time well prepared. As we all know Sun denotes the Atman or soul. Conjunction of Jupiter with Sun bestows knowledge of the self. What happens when that knowledge is conferred? It

bestows liberation from birth and death, a state often referred to as Mukthi. There is always a dividing line between mere knowledge and application of that in day to day life. Let us say, someone has read Viveka choodamani orYoga Vasishta from cover to cover. Does this mean he is well versed in Hindu Philosophy? The answer is No. Mere superficial learning is one thing, realization is another. Now we go back to point no. 15 in the list of Jupiters significations. Control over Passions. This is the outcome of realization of the Self. Many people think that controlling passions leads to self realization. Actually this is the other way round. If you read the Life History of Bhagwan Ramana Maharishi, he had a near death experience near Tortoise rock, in Tiruvannamalai. Only then he realized that what perishes at the time of death is the physical body - not the soul. Soul has no birth.So How can a birth-less entity meet with death? After this experience Ramana Maharishi learnt about the various aspects of Hindu Philosophy. Hence the statement we saw earlier Control over Passions is the sequel to self realization. There are four areas where a female Horoscope differs from that of a male. In a female Chart: Lagna denotes physical beauty Fourth house denotes chastity Eighth house refers to her Mangalya Sthana (which means the happiness she attains through wedlock). For instance a strong and powerful malefic in the eighth can make her a widow. Ninth house denotes her children Jupiter in a female chart denotes Husbands Happiness. Conversely Venus in a male chart denotes Happiness through Wife. What do we understand from this? Any Astrologer while matching Horoscopes should see how well Jupiter is placed in the brides Chart and how Venus is placed in the Grooms chart. Actually I have been seen the published Horoscopes in matrimonial sites and journals seeking alliance. At first sight it is not possible to make out whether the bio data is for seeking alliance for marriage or seeking a job. Working in a multinational company , a six digit salary, being a green card holder, being very fair in complexion are all excellent virtues but do they ensure a successful and a happy marriage? Now a days people do not know what they are seeking in marriage. If mutual love and affection prevails lifelong between husband and wife, the matter is over. Just this one aspect needs to be looked into apart from longevity, good fortune and progeny. If you want to have good meals just curd rice and Smbar rice is enough. No need to have Rasamalai, Falooda, ice cream, milkshake, dessert etc. It is very important to know what is essential and what is not essential. Today much time is wasted on non essential items and that is why many couples seldom come to know what is true happiness in married life. If you so wish you can personally verify what I have stated. People living in luxuries apartments, owning luxury cars, having all comforts but not enjoying even an iota of happiness. This is where Jupiters blessings are essential. A well placed Jupiter gives serenity of mind, power of discrimination, Knowledge of self and true happiness. Such a person will experience bliss, whatever be the social or economic conditions were he is placed. He will be an automatic recipient of divine grace .Now, we move over to a study of principles applicable to Jupiters transit over bhavas.

When a Jupiter transits over a bhava containing 0-8 bindus, effects are as follows:


EFFECTS One gets the status of a King Access to various kinds of wealth, Happiness, Birth of Children. Good dress, conveyances are acquired Success in undertakings: Destruction of enemies neither profit nor loss will accrue ear diseases are possible, loss of vitality, distress loss of landed property loss of wealth, trouble from enemies deterioration in the matters pertaining to wealth, children and ones intelligence.

6 5 4 3 2 1 0

EFFECTS OF JUPITERS TRANSITS: When Jupiter transits over a bhava having a bindu in his Ashtakavarga increase in wealth, happiness and conjugal bliss are all assured. One gets respect, gains vitality, enjoys prosperity, gains gold and apparel, and enjoys all sorts of happiness in abundance. He gets gifts from people. Now, the above rule is intended to mean that Jupiter in Asthakavargha will be beneficial only if it transits a bhava over which at least one bindu is there. Devoid of a bindu that bhava over which Jupiter transits will not only thwart good things from taking place but also yield bad results. So, how do we make sense of Jupiters effects in transit? Step 1: See what is the house over which Jupiter is moving in Gochara. We know pretty well Jupiter is favorable only in 2,5,7,9 and 11. For example Jupiter moving over Janma rasi is positively bad.It is also said that Lord Rama went into exile when Jupiter was transiting His Janma rasi. Step 2: Apply the vedha criterion .Please note that vedha applies only for houses where results are beneficial for any planet .In other words Jupiter is beneficial in 2,5,7,9,11, provided no planet occupies the vedha house shown as follows: House Vedha 2 12 5 4 7 3 9 10 11 8

Let us say you are born in Cancer rasi. Where is Jupiter now? It is in Pisces Rasi .Let us say that a planet is in Aries Rasi in transit. If you remember right, Jupiter moved over to Pisces in May 2010. At that time, Mercury was moving over Aries rasi. Now that is the time beneficial results will not accrue. The beneficial rays emitted by Jupiter from 9 are blocked by the planet in 10. So it goes without saying that for Jupiter in 9th to be beneficial ,10th house should be vacant in transit. Step 3: After ascertaining the two steps shown above, apply the rules of Ashtakavarga . In other words all effects of Gochara are applicable only in conjunction with Ashtakavarga. If you make pickles but forget to put the salt, you reach no were. Likewise merely talking about Gochara without reference to Ashtakavarga is meaningless. Out of the nine planets six are malefics. Jupiter is favorable only in 5 out of 12 houses .Even these benefits get restricted by the Vedha theory.So if you look at Astrology as a whole the benefits conferred by planets are comparatively much less compared to its adverse features. Maybe this explains why lots of people are going through difficulties. In our next part, we will proceed to discuss, the intricacies of Jupiters transit. THE END

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