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( (E E- -S Speech peech A Application through pplication through N Network for automated etwork for automated C Communication ommunication H Help

Help elp A And nd R Response) esponse)

Integration of IT with Mobile Telephony
Integration of IT with Mobile Telephony
A Government of Rajasthan Initiative A Government of Rajasthan Initiative
e-SANCHAR proj ect is an innovat ive and yet simple in
e-Speech Application through Network for automated
Communication Help And Response
This is aut omat ic informat ion disseminat ion (AI D)
syst em
I t is harnessing t he benefit s of t he t elecom t echnology
in providing informat ion t o rural cit izens
I t int egrat es mobile / t elephony net work wit h I .T. for
generat ing voice calls t o rural cit izens under various
beneficiary programmes
I n 2007, I T growt h was 2% which increases t o 5% in
I n 2009, only t elecom growt h is 8% (Source - I DC)
Rat io bet ween mobile and landline subscribers in
t elecom sect or is 91% & 9% respect ively
35% year-on-year growt h in mobile handset t ill 2010
15 millions subscribers add per
year in t elecom
Cost of mobile handset is Rs. 500-onw.
and Comput er set is 15K-onw.
Maj or drawback of I T in rural sect or:
Lack of power
Lack of connectivity
Lack of portability
Telecommunicat ion has a significant social, cult ural
and economic impact among cit izens
Great er spread in societ y in comparison t o I .T.
especially in rural areas
Extent of e-SANCHAR
Transmit informat ion on real t ime basis in respect of:
Individual beneficiary programmes:
Old age, Physically handicap, Widow pension
Scholarship to students of economically weaker section
Social security schemes
Public Distribution System (PDS)
Distribution of relief
Social messaging
Campaigns etc.
Traditional way to convey info
News paper
Pamphlet s
Announcement s
E-Sanchar Project
GoR successfully complet ed a pilot proj ect for rural
beneficiaries of:
Handicap &
Widow pensioners
Shahpura sub-t reasury was select ed where 3800
pensioners regist ered of it s surrounding rural areas:
No. of bank accounts - 2100
opened (voluntarily)
Money orders issued - 1700
New PPOs add per month - 50
E-Sanchar Project
Aut omat ed voice calls (AI D: Aut omat ic I nformat ion
Disseminat ion) are generat ed for sanct ion & mont hly
releases t o t hose:
Whose mobile / land-line number (own / reference) were
Verificat ion of aut omat ed calls generat ed done on
numbers randomly select ed
Test imonials and feedbacks were capt ured
Existing System
PPO (only once) is conveyed t o pensioners which
t akes t ime
Bulk money-orders are print ed and issued for t ransfer
of pension payment
No inst it ut ionalized syst em available wit h pensioners
t o confirm st at us of t heir applicat ion
Prevalence of int ermediaries who t hrives on ignorance
& illit eracy of t his age group
I nabilit y of t his age group t o frequent ly commut e
Possibilit y of exploit ing t ransact ion cost cannot be
ruled out
Treasury / Sub-Treasury
Pensioner (s)
Pension Payment Order by post
Existing System
1. First Disbursement through cheque
2. Subsequent Releases Through MO
Pensioners Identity verification
Timely communicat ion t o cit izens about t heir
PPOs/ payment / releases
Brings informat ion delivery at t he doorst ep of t arget
Syst em removes int ermediaries
Removal of confusions / anxiet y of payment /
t ransact ion cost
I nformat ion flows over a t elephone/ mobile net work
which has a much larger penet rat ion in rural areas as
compared t o I T
Cit izens shall feel t hat government is concerned about
t heir welfare and cares for t hem, enhances t he dignit y
of t he t arget group in t he eyes of t he local communit y
I nformat ion flow also present s
t he humane face of
administ rat ion and helps build
t rust and fait h in government
Voice call does away wit h t he
problem of illit eracy which is
quit e common in t his age group & gives a
personalized t ouch of administ rat ion
Great er t ransparency, responsiveness, accessibilit y
I t can be used:
as a effective IEC tool for social messages
for reality check and feedback mechanism for different
individual / group beneficiary programmes
No subst ant ive ext ra burden on t reasury offices or
exist ing process
E-Sanchar Workflow
Data Entry &
processing of
pension data
File Extraction:
1. New PPOs
2. Old PPOs
(monthly releases)
Text File For Up-loading
to Central Site
& Mobile

oice C
Voice Call
Voice C
Broadband Internet
Text-To-Speech (TTS)
Dialer +
PRI Line
Central Site
Execution of E-Sanchar
Field visit of DoI T&C was made
Meet ing held wit h st akeholders:
Directorate of Treasuries & Accounts
Directorate of Social Justice & Empowerment
District Administration
Aft er general consensus, suit able direct ions were issued for
BPR (business process re-engineering):
Redesign of pension application form (inclusion of contact numbers with
bank account details)
Pensioners payment process flow
Transferring pension amount into bank A/c
The exist ing pensioner soft ware was modified for:
Master & sanction/release data entry module
Module for generating text file containing contact numbers, for uploading
Module for generating bank advice & cheque
Execution of E-Sanchar
Det ails were capt ured by field st aff t hrough t he Dist rict
Collect orat e, Jaipur:
Mobile / land-line contact number (own or reference)
Bank account details, if any (voluntarily by the target group)
Work allocat ion (Shahpura Sub-t reasury):
Data got entered
New PPOs and old/regular PPOs
Verification of data
Text files for new PPOs & old PPOs were uploaded through broadband
internet to central site
Bank advice generation
Work allocat ion (cent ral sit e):
Automatic generation of phone calls based on the uploaded text file
Three attempts are made in case of call does not mature
Generation of MIS report (s)
Pilot proj ect was complet ed wit hin 100 days
Voice Call
For new PPOs:
--i, i l -r-^i i ii i |
|-i,|-ln ..... | i| ^ii^-ii,l^i^i,l^in i . ..... ..... li ..... ..... i
i| | n| r| i lin iii - nn | i^i|
(sample voice file)
For r egul ar / ol d PPOs ( pensi on t hr ough money or der ) :
--i, i l -r-^i i ii i | |-i,|-ln ..... | i|
^ii^-ii,l^i^i,l^in i . ..... ..... li ..... ..... i -|i | n| r, ii
n in l^i - -|i l- ni i lin iii - nn |
(sample voice file)
For r egul ar / ol d PPOs ( pensi on t hr ough bank account ) :
--i, i l -r-^i i ii i |
|-i,|-ln ..... | i| ^ii^-ii,l^i^i,l^in i . ..... ..... li ..... ..... i
- -i i | n| r| n r i ili s l^i - i iin - l- ni i
lin iii - nn |
(sample voice file)
For verificat ion of successfulness of pilot proj ect , t est imonials &
feedbacks were collect ed from pensioners randomly select ed
Comment s in video were also collect ed from t he:
District Collector, Jaipur
SDO, Shahpura
Statistics of Voice Calls
June 101 205 101 (B-41) 205 (B-89) - - 04-06-09
May 21 24 - - 21 24 19-05-09
1040 1620 971 1522 69 94 Tot al
28 42 - - 28 42 April 22-04-09
385 654 385 654 - - April 20-04-09
422 547 422 547 - - April 09-04-09
63 120 63 120 - - April 02-04-09
20 28 - - 20 28 March 31-03-09
Mat ured Tot al Calls Mat ured Tot al Calls Mat ured Tot al Calls
Tot al Ol d PPOs New PPOs
Mont h Dat e
Capit al expendit ure (CapEx):
PRI line from basic service provider
Dialer integration with database
Software development
Festival speech synthesis system for TTS
Apache HTTP server, MySQL
Operat ional expendit ure (OpEx):
Call charges (Re. 1/- per voice call)
PRI line rental (approx. Rs. 2000/- pm)
Project Team
Team Leader:
Sh. Tanmay Kumar, Secretary, IT&C
Team Members:
Sh. Pramod Agrawal, Jt. Director (IT)
Sh. Sanjay Karnik, Dy. Manager (Systems)
Sh. Bhuvnesh Kumar, Assistant Programmer
Up-scaling of the project
The Dept t . is int ending t o replicat e it in ot her
t reasuries at Div. H/ Qs first and subsequent ly in t he
ot her dist rict s of t he st at e
Also t he proj ect is now being implement ed for ot her
beneficiary programme for conveying informat ion of:
Supply of ration commodities by District Supply Officer at
FPS through Voice Calls:
--i, i l i i | i -r-^i i, ii i
| i i | ln -~ i i <num> li <date> i li
lii| <district> ,ii l-llin i-n| i i | n| r
. nr <quantity>
z. || <quantity>
s. i| <quantity> |-
Up-scaling of the project
Cost of up-scaling:
(For 2.5 lacs pensioners)
Server x 1
Dialer card x 3
PRI line x 3
Desktop with Printer for FMS/O&M x 1
System software
Operation & maintenance:
Central site
Common cell for day to day problem solving
Training to staff of treasuries
One day operational training at District H/Qs
Cost benefit analysis
7 Di v. H/ Q Pi l ot Head No.
140000 7 Nos.@20K 0 Support M/ power
100000 0 Training (1 t ime)
40000 0 FMS (mont hly)
22,14,000 36,200 Mont hly Savings 5.
536000 5800 Tot al
6000 3 x PRI 2000 Line rent al
250000 3800 Voice Call
Expendit ure: 4.
27,50,000 @ 20/ - 42,000 MO cost saved 3.
1,37,500 55% 2100 Bank A/ Cs 2.
2,50,000 3,800 Pensioners 1.
PCQuest has recent ly awarded t his e-Governance
proj ect s in Maxi mum Soci al I mpact t he cat egory
of Best I T I mpl ement at i on of The Year 2009
(Complet e det ail of t he above can be seen in t he PC-Quest June, 2009)
t anmay@r aj ast n
pr amod@r aj ast n
sj kar ni k@gmai l .com
Comments of pensioners
Comments of pensioners
Comments of pensioners

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