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What are Chemtrails ? These are trails seen behind some aircraft which are not ordinary contrails but the result of high altitude spraying of some kind of chemicals or biological agents for a purpose undisclosed to the general public.(or to deliver poisonous or mind controlling substances to the general population for population control and/or mind control). Many believe that this is a purported government program to deliver poisonous or mind controlling substances to the general population by spraying from airplanes. This is being done on purpose. It is part of their population control. The US has a long history of spraying chemicals on innocent people. The Freedom of Information Act has allowed people to access information about these experiments, including the spraying of biological agents in the 1950s to see which people got sick. In the early days of the program, aircraft would fly relatively low about 10.000ft or below and they were developing the program. The aircraft used were mostly contract or CIA aircraft. Now the Chemtrail program has been expanded and now commercial airlines have been fitted with aerosol units that are controlled through computer systems and satellites to dispense a barium salts mixture. This mixture is not released through the engine but through aerosol units fitted on airlines.

Aerosol units from which Chemtrails are released.

What is the difference between normal contrails and chemtrails ? Normal contrails from regular airline jets are made up mostly of water vapour and ice crystals. These water vapour trails dissipate rather quickly, usually in less than a minute. In contrast, chemtrails begin like normal chemtrails from aircraft , but they do not fade away like normal contrails. They expand from their original fine line size. Chemtrails crisscross the whole sky releasing a familiar X pattern. Chemtrails are also much denser than normal contrails. They feather or spread out over time and form a layer of overcast blocking out the sun. As a direct result of the spreading and feathering out, the sky takes on a hazy character becoming increasingly more and more overcast. After several hours, the trails spread out to where they are almost indistinguishable from naturally formed cloud formation. Cloud formations are formed (from the chemtrails), which are anything but natural.

The crisscrossing characteristics of chemtrails often seen over cities.

Contents of chemtrails: It is believed that these trails contain toxic substances deliberately sprayed from flying aircraft into the atmosphere, and that this activity is directed by government officials. Many allege that various chemical or biological compositions and purposes are behind the aerial sprayings. There is no evidence that these trails are anything but normal aircraft contrails consisting of water vapor and ice crystals. Chemtrals contain Barium salts which are 10,000 times more toxic to your nervous system than lead. They contain microbacteria, viruses, pseudominises ferenses, bacteria, human plasma. Bill Deagle who worked for the CIA, and also was in charge of the Secret Service Agents spraying the Chemtrails, states that the Agents were told the reason for the spraying was to prevent global warming. Deagle also shared the contents of chemtrails that were being sprayed over cities: Fungi bacteria viruses desiccated red blood cells crystalline substances carbon metal cations lithium other chemicals heavy metals, other organisms that are destroying the health and immune system of people.

These can then cause: Flu and exhaustion Asthma Pneumonia Headaches and allergy Pesticide smell in air Barium and aluminium causing severe sickness

What effects does barium have on the body ? Short term exposure can lead to anything from stomach to chest pains. Long term exposure causes blood pressure problems. Barium could be meant to wear down a persons immune system because anything that causes ill effects on the body long term chronically and constantly works on the body, wears down a persons immune system. This mixture of Barium salts isnt released from the engine but from aerosols units on the aircraft.

Project Cloverleaf
*Project cloverleaf: is the CIA's covert Chemtrail program in the Aircraft industry. An airline Managers Statement: "I read the email you received from the anonymous mechanic and felt compelled to respond to it. I, too, work for an airline, though I work in upper management levels. I will not say which airline, what city I am located, nor what office I work for, for obvious reasons. I wish I could document everything I am about to relate to you, but to do so is next to impossible and would result in possible physical harm to me. Airline companies in America have been participating in something called Project Cloverleaf for a few years now. The earliest date anyone remembers being briefed on it is 1998. I was briefed on it in 1999. The few airline employees who were briefed on Project Cloverleaf were all made to undergo background checks, and before we were briefed on it we were made to sign non-disclosure agreements, which basically state that if we tell anyone what we know we could be imprisoned. About twenty employees in our office were briefed along with me by two officials from some government agency. They didn't tell us which one. They told us that the government was going to pay our airline, along with others, to release special chemicals from commercial aircraft. When asked what the chemicals were and why we were going to spray them, they told us that information was given on a need-to-know basis and we weren't cleared for it. They then went on to state that the chemicals were harmless, but the program was of such importance that it needed to be done at all costs. When we asked them why didn't they just rig military aircraft to spray these chemicals, they stated that there weren't enough military aircraft available to release chemicals on such a large basis as needs to be done. That's why Project Cloverleaf was initiated, to allow commercial airlines to assist in releasing these chemicals into the atmosphere. Then someone asked why all the secrecy was needed. The government reps then stated that if the general public knew that the aircraft they were flying on were releasing chemicals into the air, environmentalist groups would raise hell and demand the spraying stop. Someone asked one of the government men then if the chemicals are harmless, why not tell the public what the chemicals are and why we are spraying them? He seemed perturbed at this question and told us in a tone of authority that the public doesn't need to know what's going on, but that this program is in their best interests. He also stated that we should not tell anyone, nor ask any more questions about it. With that, the briefing was over. All documents in our office pertaining to Project Cloverleaf are kept in locked safes. Nobody is allowed to take these documents out of the office. Very few employees are allowed access to these documents, and they remain tight-lipped about what the documents say. I am no fool. I know there's something going on. And frankly, I am scared. I feel a high level of guilt that I have been aware of this kind of operation but unable to tell anyone. It's been eating away at me, knowing that the company I work for may be poisoning the American people. I hope this letter will open some eyes to what's happening. Again, I wish I could give you documented information, but you have to understand why I must remain totally anonymous. Lab Testing Bill Nichols from Arkansas U.S.A, after seeing chemtrails in the sky, noticed particles in the air, which then dropped to the ground. He noticed the material collecting on the ground which he collected and was then tested in a lab. The results showed a high level of Barium. More than 3 times the toxic level set by the EPA. Taken to the Louisiana Department of Environmental quality, it was stated that these levels are very unusual. Barium is also the hallmark of other Chemtrail testing. Federal agencies have received thousands of complaints from people who have demanded an explanation. Officials from four agencies in the United States jointly published a fact sheet to refute the rumors and to explain the science of contrail formation.

NSA Agent Reports on Chemtrails

A.C Griffith was associated with the National Security Agency (he was an ex government employee that is blowing the whistle on Chemtrails) What is the purpose of the spraying ? Apart from weakening the immune system of people, causing health problems, the pupose of spraying chemtrails is to create an atmosphere that will support: electromagnetic waves, ground-based, ionospheric heaters, electromagnetic field oscillators called gyrotrons Particulates make directed energy weapons work better. It has to do with "steady state" and particle density for plasma beam propagation. They spray barium powders and let it photo-ionize from the ultraviolet light of the sun. Then, they make an aluminumplasma generated by "zapping" the metal cations that are in the spray with either, electromagnetics from HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program), the gyrotron system on the ground (Ground Wave Emergency Network GWEN), space-based lasers. The barium makes the aluminum-plasma more particulate dense. This means they can make a denser plasma than they normally could from just ionizing the atmosphere or the air. More density [more particles] means that these particles which are colliding into each other will become more charged because there are more of them present to collide. What are they ultimately trying to do up there - is create chargedparticle, plasma beam weapons. Chemtrails are the medium GWEN pulse radars, the various HAARPs, and space-based lasers are the method, or more simply: Chemtrails are the medium - directed energy is the method. It is an offensive and defensive system against EM attacks and missiles. It uses ionospheric particle shells as defense mechanisms against missiles and EM attacks. When these shells are created using the oscillating, electromagnetic, gyrotron stations, it "excludes" and displaces the background magnetic field. The chemtrail sprays have various elements in them like carbon which can used to absorb microwaves. Some of these sprays have metal flakes in them that make aerial craft invisible to radar. Sprays like these can be used to create colorful, magnetized plasmas to cloak fighter jets. There are satellite weapons involved. Activists are using meters and are getting readings of microwaves, x-rays, and some other kind of emission that they are not sure of, maybe a low-intensity laser. They are also photographing gas plasma generation due to the heating of chemtrails by electromagnetics. The technical names for vertical and horizontal plasma columns are columnar focal lenses and horizontal drift plasma antennas. Various size of gas plasma orbs are associated with this technology. These orbs can be used as transmitters and receivers because they have great, refractory and optical properties. They also are capable of transmitting digital or analog sound. Barium, in fact, is very refractive -- more refractive than glass. Where is this taking place? This system appears to be occurring regularly in: North America (U.S.A and Canada) All over Europe Australia Russia Turkey

Weapons can be mobile, stationary, land-based, aerial, or satellite.

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