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ACADEMIA ROMN Institutul de Arheologie Vasile Prvan'' Bucureti

Ruxandra Alaiba n colaborare cu: Mihail Zahariade, Oleg Leviki, Simina Stanc Alexandra Coma, Georgeta Miu, Vasile Alaiba, Lazr Bireescu

Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic. Preistorie - primul mileniu, secolele III-VI (I)
Cunoaterea prin cercetri interdisciplinare a vechilor aezri rurale din spaiul carpato-dunrean

Coralia Costa, Ctlin Hriban traducere n englez

Editura Junimea 2008

Coperile I, IV: fragment de construcie cu reprezentarea unei ovicaprine n relief, locuina uor adncit nr. 2, cpl. 31, sec. III-IV. 1st, 4th Covers: fragment of adobe with the representation in relied of an ovicaprine, slightly buried dwelling no. 2, cpl. 31, 3rd4th centuries.

Consultant tiinific / scientific consultant: Dr. Ion Mitrea Consultant tiinific / scientific consultant: Prof. Univ. Dr. Dan Gh. Teodor
CNCSIS Grant nr. 517

Editura Junimea, Iai - ROMNIA Bd. Carol I, nr. 3-5, cod. 700506, tel./fax: 0232-410427 e-mail: Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naionale a Romniei ALAIBA RUXANDRA Banca Gar - apte case, monografie arheologic ISBN 978-973-37-1326-5 Ruxandra Alaiba Iai, Junimea. 2008. 902(398) S.C. "IRIMPEX" S.R.L. Brlad Str. C-tin Hamangiu nr. 15 Ionel Irimia: tel. / fax 0742040097 / 40235 415669 E-mail: Editura rspunde la comenzi n limita tirajului disponibil. The printing house answers requests within the limit of the available number of copies. Reproducerea n orice form, inclusiv prin fotocopiere, fr acordul scris al editurii, intr sub incidena legii drepturilor de autor. Reproduction in any form, including photocopying, without the written consent of publisher.

ROMANIAN ACADEMY "Vasile Prvan" Archaeology Institute Bucharest

Ruxandra Alaiba with contribution: Mihail Zahariade, Oleg Leviki, Simina Stanc Alexandra Coma, Georgeta Miu, Vasile Alaiba, Lazr Bireescu

The settlement of Banca Gar - apte case the archaeological monograph, Prehistory - the first millenary, 3rd6th centuries AD (I).
The knowledge by means of interdisciplinary researches about the ancient rural sites throughout the Carpathian Danubian space

Coralia Costa english translation

Junimea Publishing House 2008

Participare temporar la spturile arheologice / Temporary participation to the archaeological expeditions: Eugenia Popuoi, Vasile Palade 1987 Cornel Hobincu, Gheorghe Gherghe

Restaurare - conservare / restoration - conservation Cornel Hobincu, Cristian Pntea

Tehnoredactare computerizat / Computer typing Vasile Alaiba

Desene / Drawings Ileana Plugariu, Mihaela Tudose, Ana-Maria Zahariade, Elisabeta Zahariade, Luminia Cosma i/and Georgeta Vrnceanu, Ruxandra Alaiba

Plane / Figures Ruxandra Alaiba Loredana Alaiba

CNCSIS Grant nr. 517

Sufletul satului Sufletul satului flfie pe lng noi, ca un miros sfios de iarb tiat, ca o cdere de fum din streini de paie, ca un joc de iezi pe morminte nalte. Lucian Blaga

Village's soul Village's soul flutters beneath us, as a shy scent of cut grass, As a smoke falling out of thatch, as a kids play on tall graves. Lucian Blaga

Soului meu Vasile Alaiba, pentru nelegere i sprijinul dat necondiionat / My late husband Vasile Alaiba, for his understanding and support unconditional given

Anexe/Annexes. II. Simina Stanc. Studiu arheozoologic / The archaeo-zoological study Cuprins / Contents

Cuvnt nainte / Foreword .......................................................................................................................................11, 15 Partea I I. Specificul geografic al zonei / The specific geographic area .................................................................................21, 26 II. Staiunea Banca Gar, punctul apte case istoricul cercetrilor .............................................................................. 29 The Settlement of Banca Gar, point apte case history of the Researches ........................................................... 30 III. Campaniile arheologice i metoda de cercetare, sectoarele A-E ................................................................................ 34 Campaigns archaeological and research method sectors A-E ................................................................................... 38 Complexe / Complexes .............................................................................................................................................. 40 IV A. Bronz timpuriu / Early Bronze (I-IV A. Ruxandra Alaiba) ................................................................................ 49 IV B. Descoperiri hallstattiene n staiunea Banca Gar - apte case/The Hallstatt discoveries at Banca Gar - apte case settlement ..................................................................................................................... 54, 55 Banca Gar nivelul de locuire din perioada culturii getice / Banca Gar Habitation level of the Getic culture (IV B. Oleg Leviki) ............................................................................................................................................... 57,60 V. Banca Gar. Aezri datate n secolele III-V / Banca Gar. Settlements dating from 3rd5th centuries ............... 63, 74 Locuine / Dwellings ............................................................................................................................................ 66, 75 Repertoriul locuinelor, secolele III-V / Dwellings repertory, 4rd5th centuries .................................................... 71, 79 Aglomerri de materiale / The agglomeration of materials .................................................................................. 82, 83 Materiale de construcie / Construction materials (Ruxandra Alaiba) ............................................................... 84, 85 Gropi / Pits. Repertoriul gropilor, secolele III-VI / Pits repertory, 3rd6th centuries (Mihail Zahariade) ........... 86, 89 VI. Banca Gar - apte case. Materiale arheologice / Archaeological materials (Ruxandra Alaiba) ............................. 90 VI A. Unelte i ustensile / Tools and utensils ......................................................................................................... 90 Unelte i ustensile de lut / Tools and utensils of clay ....................................................................................... 90, 91 Unelte i ustensile de metal / Tools and utensils of metal ................................................................................ 92, 94 Piese de os sau corn / Bone or horn items ........................................................................................................ 94, 95 Unelte i ustensile de piatr / Tools and utensils of stone ............................................................................... 96, 99 "Ceii de vatr" / Firedogs .............................................................................................................................. 99, 101 VI B. Ceramica / Ceramic ............................................................................................................................ 102, 104 Ceramica modelat cu mna / Hand built pottery ........................................................................................ 106, 109 Ceramica din past zgrunuroas / Coarse ceramic paste ............................................................................. 113, 115 Ceramica din past puin zgrunuroas / Slightly coarse ceramic paste ....................................................... 119, 123 Ceramica din past fin / Fine ceramic paste ............................................................................................... 128, 136 Atelierul de olrie, secolele IV-V / Pottery workshop, 4rd5th centuries ...................................................... 146, 148 Amfore / Amphorae ...................................................................................................................................... 150, 152 Vase de sticl / Glass vessels (Ruxandra Alaiba) ......................................................................................... 154, 155 Ceramica reprezentarea grafic a parametrilor tehnici i a tipurilor de forme, sec. III-VI / Ceramic graphical representation of the technical parameters and form types, 3 rd6th centuries (Ruxandra Alaiba, Vasile Alaiba) .................................................................................................................... 156, 157 Ceramica, forme, funcii, proporii, secolul al III-lea / Ceramic, forms, functions, proportions, 3 th century ..... 159 Complexe arheologice 1-4 / Archaeological complexes 1-4 ............................................................................ 160 Ceramica, forme, funcii, proporii, sec. III-IV/Ceramic, forms, functions, proportions, 3 rd4th centuries . 163, 164 Complexe arheologice 1-18 / Archaeological complexes 1-18 ........................................................................ 165 Ceramica, forme, funcii, proporii, sec. IV / Ceramic, forms, functions, proportions, 4 th century ............ 175, 176 Complexe arheologice 1-28 / Archaeological complexes 1-28, 4rd century ..................................................... 178 Ceramica, forme, funcii, proporii, sec. IV-V / Ceramic, forms, functios, proportions, 4rd5th centuries . .190, 191 Complexe arheologice 1-17 / Archaeological complexes 1-17 ........................................................................192 Ceramica, forme, funcii, proporii, sec. V-VI/Ceramic, forms, functions, proportions, 5 rd6th centuries ..........202 Complexe arheologice 1-4 / Archaeological complexes 1-4 ............................................................................203 Banca Gar - apte case. Funcionalitatea ceramicii / Ceramic functionality ........................................................204 Repartizarea ceramicii: pe secole, complexe, n raport cu tehnica folosit pentru ardere ................................ 206 Ceramic distribution of the centuries, complexes, in relation to the firing technique ........................................206 Ceramica forme i funcionaliti / Ceramic forms and functionality ..................................................... 209, 210 Forme categoria ceramicii modelate cu mna / Forms hand-made ware ceramic category .................212, 215 Forme categoria ceramicii lucrate la roat / Forms potters wheel ceramic category ......................... 218, 219 Forme categoria ceramicii din past zgrunuroas / Forms coarse ceramic category .......................... 219, 221 Forme categoria din past puin zgrunuroas / Forms slightly coarse ceramic category ........................... 223 Forme categoria ceramicii fine / Forms fine ceramic category ........................................................... 224, 231

Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Ceramica de import / Imported ceramic ............................................................................................................ 234 Proporiile categoriilor ceramice. Calculul procentelor .........................................................................................235 Estimri demografice / Demographic Estimations .................................................................................... 236, 237 Proportions of the ceramic categories. Percentage calculations ........................................................................ 238 VII. Obiceiuri de port / port customs. Podoabe / beads, pendants (Mihail Zahariade)................................................. 239 Obiecte de toalet / Toilet Items .............................................................................................................................. 241 Accessorii vestmentare / Clothing items and accessories for vestments ................................................................. 242 VIII. Ocupaii steti / The rural occupations (Ruxandra Alaiba) ..................................................................................245 Agricultura / Agriculture ................................................................................................................................. 247 Pescuit, vntoare, creterea animalelor / Fishing, hunting and animal husbandry ....................................... 248 Meteuguri ............................................................................................................................................................. 250 Prelucrarea metalelor / Metal processing ................................................................................................ 251, 252 Prelucrarea osului i cornului / Processing bone or horn ................................................................................ 252 Prelucrarea pietrei / Stone processing ............................................................................................................. 253 Torsul, esutul, mpletitul / Spinning, weaving, knitting ................................................................................ 254 Prelucrarea lutului. Olritul / Clay processing. Pottery ........................................................................... 255-256 IX. Practici comunitare, religioase sau magice/The practicing of community, religious or magic ................................. 257 Ceramica decor / Ceramic the ornamentation ................................................................................................ 257, 261 Cultul focului i al vetrei, cultul apei / Cult of fire and of the hearth, cult of water ...................................................... 263 X. Consideraii generale / General considerations (Ruxandra Alaiba) .................................................................. 265, 267 Partea II I. Capaciti i funcionaliti ale ceramicii descoperite n staiunea Banca Gar - apte case, sec. III-V p.Hr. ........... 272 Capacities and functionalities of the pottery ware found at Banca Gar - apte case settlement, 3rd4th centuries (Vasile Alaiba) ........................................................................................................................................................ 277 II. Studiul arheozoologic al resturilor faunistice de la Banca Gar - apte case ............................................... The archaeo-zoological study of the faunal remains within the site of Banca Gar - apte case (Simina Stanc). . 281 III. antierul arheologic Banca Gar - apte case, jud. Vaslui. Interpretarea ecologic a solului / The archaeological settlement of Banca Gar - apte case, Vaslui county. Ecological interpretation of the soil (Lazr Bireescu) ...... 321 IV. Complexe / Complexes (Ruxandra Alaiba) ............................................................................................................. 329 Preistorie / Prehistory ............................................................................................................................................ 331 4.1. Cpl. 38. Aglomerare de materiale nr. 1, bronz timpuriu (fig. 11-12) ............................................................... 331 The agglomeration of materials no.1,Early Bronze Age (fig. 11-12) ................................................................... 332 4.2. Cpl. 111. Aglomerare de materiale nr. 2, bronz timpuriu (fig. 13-14) ............................................................. 334 The agglomeration of materials no. 2 (fig. 13-14), Early Bronze Age ................................................................. 334 4.3. Cpl. 118. Mormnt de nhumaie M6, bronz timpuriu (fig. 15-16).................................................................... 335 The inhumation grave M6 (fig. 15-16), Early Bronze Age (Alexandra Coma, Georgeta Miu) ......................... 338 Ceramic descoperit pe nivel. / Pottery found on the level ................................................................................... 340 4.4. Cpl. 24. Complex hallstattian (fig. 17/cpl. 24; 18/1-4, 7-8; 23/6), perioada hallstattian (fig. 18/5-6) ............ 341 Hallstatt complex (fig. 17/cpl. 24;18/1-4, 7-8; 23/6), Hallstattian period (fig. 18/5-6) (Oleg Leviki) ................ 343 Perioada getic / Getic period ............................................................................................................................... 344 4.5. Cpl. 5a. Locuina uor adncit, nr. 1 (fig. 17/1), perioada getic (fig. 20) ..................................................... 345 The slightly buried dwelling, no. 1 (fig. 17/1), Getic period (fig. 20) (Oleg Leviki)............................................ 345 4.6. Cpl. 6a. Aglomerare de materiale nr. 1 (fig. 21), perioada getic / ................................................................... 346 Agglomeration of materials no. 1 (fig. 21), Getic periode ................................................................................... 347 4.7. Cpl. 9. Aglomerare de materiale nr. 2 (fig. 22), perioada getic ...................................................................... 347 Agglomeration of materials no. 2 (fig. 22), Getic period ..................................................................................... 347 4.8. Cpl. 25. Groapa nr. 1, perioada getic (fig. 23/1-5, 7-8) / Pit no. 1, Getic periode (fig. 23/1-5, 7-8) .............. 348 4.9. Cpl. 27a. Aglomerare de materiale nr. 3, perioada getic/Agglomeration of materials no. 3, Getic period ..... 350 4.10. Cpl. 108. Groapa nr. 2 (fig. 17/3), perioada getic (fig. 25) / Pit no. 2 (fig. 17/3), Getic period (fig. 25) ..... 350 Dacii liberi - carpii, daco-romanii i goii / Free Dacians-The Carpians, Dacian-Romans and Goths ...........351 4.11. Cpl. 1. Locuina de suprafa nr. 1 (fig. 26), secolul al IV-lea (fig. 27-28) ................................................... 354 Surface dwelling no. 1 (fig. 26/L1), 4th century (fig. 27-28) ................................................................................. 357 4.12. Cpl. 4. Locuina uor adncit nr. 1 (fig. 26/L4), secolele IV-V (fig. 29-30) ................................................. 358 The slightly buried dwellinog no. 1 (fig. 26), 4rd5th centuries (fig. 29-30) ......................................................... 359 4.13. Cpl. 10. Locuina uor adncit nr. 1 (fig. 31/1), secolele III-IV (fig. 32) ..................................................... 360 The slightly buried dwelling no. 1 (fig. 31/1-32), 3rd4th centuries (fig. 32) ........................................................ 362 4.14. Cpl. 12a. Locuina de suprafa nr. 1 (fig. 31/2), secolele III-IV (33-34/1-8) ................................................ 363 12a. Surface dwelling no. 1 (fig. 31/2), 3rd4th centuries (33-34/1-8) ................................................................... 363

Anexe/Annexes. II. Simina Stanc. Studiu arheozoologic / The archaeo-zoological study

4.15. Cpl. 13. Groapa nr. 1, secolele III-IV (fig. 34/9)/Pit no. 1, 3rd4th centuries (fig. 34/9) ................................. 364 4.16. Cpl. 14. Locuina de suprafa nr. 1 (fig. 35/1), secolele IV-V (fig. 36-38) ................................................... 365 Surface dwelling no. 1 (fig. 35/1), 4rd5th centuries (fig. 36-38) .......................................................................... 367 4.17. Cpl. 15. Locuina de suprafa nr. 2 (fig. 35/2), secolul al IV-lea (fig. 39) .................................................... 369 Surface dwelling no. 2 (fig. 35/2), 4th century (fig. 39) ........................................................................................ 370 4.18. Cpl. 17. Locuina de suprafa nr. 2 (fig. 40/1), secolele III-IV (fig. 41-42) ................................................. 370 Surface dwelling no. 2 (fig. 40/1), 3rd4th century (fig. 41-42) ............................................................................. 372 4.19. Cpl. 18. Groapa nr. 1 (fig. 40/2), secolul al IV-lea (fig. 43)/Pit no. 1 (fig. 40/2), 4th century (fig. 43) .......... 374 4.20. Cpl. 19. Groapa nr. 2 (fig. 46/6), secolul al IV-lea (fig. 44) / Pit no. 2 (fig. 46/6), 4th century (fig. 44) ......... 375 4.21. Cpl. 20. Mormnt de nhumaie nr. 3 (fig. 45-46), secolul al IV-lea .............................................................. 377 The inhumation grave, no. 3 (fig. 45-46), 4th century (Alexandra Coma, Georgeta Miu) .................................. 376 4.22. Cpl. 21. Groapa nr. 1 (fig. 46/7), secolul al III-lea (fig. 47) / Pit no. 1 (fig. 46/7), 3th centuries (fig. 47) ....... 380 4.23. Cpl. 21a. Aglomerare ceramic nr. 1 (fig. 46/7), secolul al IV-lea (fig. 48-49) .............................................. 381 Ceramic agglomeration no. 1 (fig. 46/7), 4th century (fig. 48-49) ......................................................................... 382 4.24. Cpl. 24a. Groapa nr. 1 (fig. 50-51), secolele IV-V/Pit, no. 1 (fig. 17), 4rd5th centuries (fig. 50-51) ............. 383 4.25. Cpl. 26. Locuina de suprafa nr. 2 (fig. 52/1), secolele IV-V (fig. 53-55) .....................................................387 Surface dwelling no. 2 (fig. 52), 4rd5th centuries (fig. 53-55) ............................................................................. 389 4.26. Cpl. 26a. Groapa nr. 2 (fig. 52), secolele IV-V (fig. 56)/Pit no. 2, 4rd5th centurie (fig. 52) ........................... 390 4.27. Cpl. 27. Locuina uor adncit nr. 2 (fig. 52/2), secolele IV-V (fig. 57) ...................................................... 391 The slightly buried dwelling no. 2 (fig. 52/2), 4rd5th century (fig. 57) ................................................................ 392 4.28. Cpl. 28. Locuina uor adncit nr. 1 (fig. 58/1), secolul al III-lea (fig. 59) ................................................... 393 The slightly buried dwelling no. 1 (fig. 58/1), 3th century (fig. 59) ....................................................................... 394 4.29. Cpl. 29. Locuina de suprafa nr. 3, secolele III-IV (fig. 60-61) ................................................................... 396 Surface dwelling no. 3 (fig. 58/2), 3rd4th centuries (fig. 60-61) ........................................................................... 397 4.30. Cpl. 30. Locuina de suprafa nr. 3 (fig. 62/1), secolul al IV-lea (fig. 63) .....................................................398 Surface dwelling no. 3 (fig. 62/1), 4th century (fig. 63) ......................................................................................... 400 4.31. Cpl. 31. Locuina uor adncit nr. 2 (fig. 62/2), secolele III-IV (fig. 64-65) ................................................. 400 The slightly buried dwelling no. 2 (fig. 62/2), 3rd4th centuries (fig. 64-65) ......................................................... 402 4.32. Cpl. 32. Groapa nr. 2 (fig. 66/1), secolele III-IV (fig. 67-69)/Pit no. 2, 3rd4th centuries (fig. 67-69) ............ 404 4.33. Cpl. 33. Locuina de suprafa nr. 4 (fig. 66/2), secolele III-IV (fig. 70-73) ................................................. 407 Surface dwelling no. 4 (fig. 66/2), 3rd4th centuries (fig. 70-73) .......................................................................... 408 4.34. Cpl. 33a. Groapa nr. 3 (fig. 66/3), secolul al IV-lea (fig. 74-76)/Pit no. 3, 4th century (fig. 74-76)..................410 4.35. Cpl. 34. Locuina de suprafa nr. 5 (fig. 77/1), secolele III-IV (fig. 78) .........................................................413 Surface dwelling no. 5 (fig. 77/1), 3rd4th centuries (fig. 78) ................................................................................ 415 4.36. Cpl. 35. Locuina de suprafa nr. 3 (fig. 77/2), secolele IV-V (fig. 79) ......................................................... 417 Surface dwelling no. 3 (fig. 77/2), 4rd5th centuries (fig. 79) ................................................................................. 418 4.37. Cpl. 36. Locuina de suprafa nr. 4, sec. IV-V (fig. 81-83)/Surface dwelling no. 4, 4rd5th centuries ........... 419 4.38. Cpl. 37. Groapa nr. 4 (fig. 80/2), secolul al IV-lea (fig. 84/1-4, 6-8) ..............................................................423 Pit no. 4 (fig. 80/2), 4th century (fig. 84/1-4, 6-8) ................................................................................................. 424 4.39. Cpl. 39. Groapa nr. 5, secolul al IV-lea (fig. 84/5)/Pit no. 5, 4th century (fig. 84/5) ....................................... 425 4.40. Cpl. 42. Aglomerare de ceramic nr. 1, secolele IV-V (fig. 85) .................................................................... 425 Agglomeration of ceramic no. 1, 4rd5th centuries (fig. 85) .................................................................................. 426 4.41. Cpl. 43. Aglomerare de materiale nr. 2, secolul al IV-lea (fig. 86) .................................................................426 Agglomeration of materials no. 2, 4th century (fig. 86) .........................................................................................427 4.42. Cpl. 48. Locuina de suprafa nr. 4 (fig. 87/1), secolul al IV-lea (fig. 88) .................................................... 428 Surface dwelling no. 4 (fig. 87/1), 4th century (fig. 88) ........................................................................................ 429 4.43. Cpl. 49. Groapa nr. 6, secolul al IV-lea (fig. 89-90)/Pit no. 6 (fig. 80/3), 4th century (fig. 89-90) ................. 430 4.44. Cpl. 50. Groapa nr. 7 (fig. 80/4), secolul al IV-lea / Pit no. 7 (fig. 80/4), 4th century .................................... 434 4.45. Cpl. 51. Locuina de suprafa nr. 5 (fig. 87/2), secolele IV-V (fig. 91-92) ....................................................434 Surface dwelling no. 5 (fig. 87/2), 4rd5th centuries (fig. 91 92) ........................................................................ 436 4.46. Cpl. 57. Locuina de suprafa nr. 5, sec. IV (fig. 94/1-12) ............................................................................ 437 Surface dwelling no. 5, 4th century (fig. 94/1-12) ................................................................................................. 438 4.47. Cpl. 60. Aglomerare de ceramic nr. 3, secolul al IV-lea (fig. 94/13-17) ...................................................... 439 Agglomeration of ceramic nr. 3, 4th century (fig. 94/13-17) ................................................................................ 440 4.48. Cpl. 61. Aglomerare de materiale nr. 4, secolul al IV-lea (fig. 95) ................................................................. 440 The agglomeration of materials no. 4, 4th century (fig. 95) .................................................................................. 440 4.49. Cpl. 62. Groapa nr. 3 (fig. 93), secolele III-IV / Pit no. 3 (fig. 93/2//), 3rd4th centuries ................................. 442 4.50. Cpl. 64. Aglomerare de materiale nr. 2, secolele IV-V (fig. 96) .................................................................... 442 The agglomeration of materials no. 2, 4rd5th centuries (fig. 96) ........................................................................... 442


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

4.51. Cpl. 65. Atelierul de olrie, secolul al IV-lea - prima parte a secolului al V-lea (fig. 97A-c -104)................. 444 The potters workshop, the 4th century first part of the 5th century (fig. 98-104) .............................................. 458 4.52. Cpl. 66-66a. Mormntul de nhumaie nr. 4, M4 (fig. 105-106), secolul al IV .............................................. 463 The inhumation grave M4 (fig. 105-106), 4th century (Alexandra Coma, Georgeta Miu)................................... 464 4.53. Cpl. 66a. Groapa nr. 8, secolul al IV-lea (fig. 107)/Pit no. 8, 4th century (fig. 107) ........................................ 464 4.54. Cpl. 69a. Groapa nr. 3 (fig. 93/4), secolele IV-V / Pit no. 3 (fig. 93/4), 4rd5th centuries ............................... 466 4.55. Cpl. 70. Aglomerare de materiale nr. 1, secolele IIIIV (fig. 108) ................................................................. 467 Agglomeration of materials no. 1, 3rd4th centuries (fig. 108) .............................................................................. 469 4.56. Cpl. 71. Groapa nr. 9 (fig. 93/5;109-110), secolul al IV-lea/Pit no. 9 (fig. 93/5; 109-110), 4th century.......... 470 4.57. Cpl. 72. Locuina de suprafa nr. 6, secolele III-IV (fig. 112) ....................................................................... 470 Cpl. 72. Surface dwelling no. 6, 3rd4th centuries (fig. 112) ................................................................................. 473 4.58. Cpl. 73. Aglomerare de ceramic nr. 2, secolele III-IV (fig. 113) ................................................................. 473 Agglomeration of ceramic no. 2, 3rd4th centuries (fig. 113).................................................................................. 473 4.59. Cpl. 74. Groapa nr. 4, secolele III-IV (fig. 114) / Pit no. 4 (fig. 114), 3rd4th centuries (fig. 114)................... 474 4.60. Cpl. 76. Mormntul de nhumaie nr. 5, secolele III-IV (fig. 115)................................................................... 475 Cpl. 76. The inhumation grave M5, 3rd4th centuries (fig. 115) (Alexandra Coma, Georgeta Miu)................... 477 4.61. Cpl. 77. Locuina uor adncit nr. 1, secolul al IV-lea (fig. 117) ................................................................. 478 The slightly buried dwelling no. 1, 4th century (fig. 117) .................................................................................... 480 4.62. Cpl. 78. Locuina uor adncit nr. 3, secolele III-IV (fig. 118) ................................................................... 481 The slightly buried dwelling no. 3, 3rd4th centuries (fig. 118) ............................................................................. 482 4.63. Cpl. 79. Groapa nr. 4 (fig. 119/1), secolele IV-V (fig. 120)/Pit no. 4, 4rd5th centuries (fig. 120) .................. 486 4.64. Cpl. 80. Groapa nr. 10 (fig. 119/2; 121), secolul al IV-lea / Pit no. 10 (fig. 119/2; 121), 4th century.............. 486 4.65. Cpl. 86. Aglomerare de materiale nr. 1, secolul al VI-lea (fig. 122) .............................................................. 488 The agglomeration of materials no. 1, 6th century (fig. 122) ................................................................................ 489 4.66. Cpl. 88. Aglomerare de materiale nr. 5, secolul al IV-lea (fig. 123) ...........................................................489 Agglomeration of materials no. 5, 4th century (fig. 123) .......................................................................................489 4.67(66a). Cpl. 91. Locuina uor adncit nr. 2, secolul al IV-lea (fig. 124) ..........................................................490 The slightly buried dwelling no. 2 (fig. 119/3), 4th century (fig. 124) ...................................................................491 4.68. Cpl. 92. Groapa nr. 11 (fig. 119/3; 125), secolul al IV-lea (fig. 126/1-12) .....................................................493 Pit no. 11 (fig. 119/4; 125), 4th century (fig. 126) ..................................................................................................494 4.69. Cpl. 93. Groapa nr. 5 (fig. 119/4), secolele III-IV/Pit no. 5 (fig. 119/5), 3rd4th centuries ..............................495 4.70. Cpl. 94. Groapa nr. 6, secolele III-IV (fig. 126/13-18)/Pit no. 6, 3rd4th centuries (fig. 126/13-18) ...............495 4.71. Cpl. 95. Groapa nr. 1 (fig. 119/), secolul al VI-lea (fig. 127)/Pit no. 1 (fig. 119/6), 6th century (fig. 127) ......497 4.72. Cpl. 96. Locuina de suprafa nr. 6 (fig. 128/1), secolele IV-V .....................................................................498 Surface dwelling no. 6 (fig. 128/1), 4rd5th centuries .............................................................................................499 4.73. Cpl. 104, 104a. Gropile nr. 12 i 12a=13 (fig. 128/2), secolul al IV-lea .........................................................499 Pits no. 12 and 12a=13), fig. 128/2), 4th century ....................................................................................................499 4.74. Cpl. 106. Groapa nr. 7, secolele III-IV/Pit no. 7, 3rd4th centuries ..................................................................499 4.75. Cpl. 106a. Locuina uor adncitur, nr. 4, secolele III-IV (fig. 129-131; 132/1-10) .....................................500 The slightly buried dwelling no. 4, 3rd4th centuries (fig. 129-131; 132/1-10) ......................................................504 4.76. Cpl. 113. Groapa nr. 4, secolul al III-lea (fig. 132/11-16) ...............................................................................506 Pit no. 4 (fig. 128), 3th century (fig. 132/11-16) ....................................................................................................507 4.77. Cpl. 114. Groapa nr. 5 (fig. 128), secolele IV-V (fig. 133) .............................................................................507 Pit no. 5 (fig. 128), 4rd5th centuries (fig. 133) ......................................................................................................508 4.78. Cpl. 115. Groapa nr. 14, secolul al IV-lea (fig. 134)/Pit no. 14, 4th century (fig. 134) ...................................509 4.79. Cpl. 116. Groapa nr. 15, secolul al IV-lea (fig. 135)/Pit no. 15, 4th century (fig. 135) ....................................510 4.80. Cpl. 119. Groapa nr. 16 (fig. 136), secolul al IV-lea (fig. 137) .......................................................................512 Pit no. 16 (fig. 136), 4th century (fig. 137) .............................................................................................................514 4.81. Cpl. 120. Groapa nr. 2, secolul al V-lea (fig. 138) / Pit no. 2, 5th century (fig. 138) .......................................514 4.82. Cpl. 121. Groapa nr. 3, secolul al III-lea (fig. 139-140) / Pit no. 3, 3th century (fig. 139-140) .......................516 4.83. Cpl. 122. Locuina uor adncit nr. 3, secolele IV-V (fig. 141/1) .............................................................519 Above ground dwelling, no. 3, 4rd5th centuries (fig. 141/1) .............................................................................520 Cpl. 122a. Groapa nr. 8, secolele III-IV/Pit no. 8, 3rd4th centuries .........................................................................521 Abrevieri /Abbreviations .............................................................................................................................................524 Bibliografie / Bibliography .............................................................................................................................................525 Indice / Index ...................................................................................................................................................................537 Indice de culturi / Culture index ...............................................................................................................................537 Indice de nume / Names index ..................................................................................................................................537 Index toponimic / Toponymical index ......................................................................................................................539

Cuvnt nainte / Foreword


Cuvnt nainte
Volumul, Cunoaterea prin cercetri interdisciplinare a vechilor aezri rurale din spaiul carpato-dunrean: staiunea Banca Gar, punctul apte case, preistorie - mileniul nti, secolele III-VI p.Hr., realizat sub forma unei monografii arheologice, prezint datele obinute prin cercetarea a 84 de complexe, din 144 descoperite prin investigaiile arheologice ntreprinse aici timp de aproape zece ani, trei din bronzul timpuriu, unul din perioada hallstattian, ase getice i 74, cele mai numeroase, din mileniul nti, secolele III-VI p.Hr. Complexele din aceast ultim perioad au surprins specificul unui sat, prin acesta o mic parte din specificul vieii rurale de la est de Carpai, mai puin cunoscut pentru perioada amintit. Prima parte a monografiei Staiunea Banca Gar, punctul apte case, dup Cuvnt nainte, ncepe cu prezentarea Cadrului geografic, capitol I, n care s-a urmrit omul n mediul su natural la mijloc de mileniu i s-au adus cteva Consideraii generale de geografie istoric. n al II-lea capitol s-a trasat istoricul cercetrilor privind staiunea Banca Gar, punctul apte case, i s-au menionat punctele arheologice semnalate prin periegheze n preajma staiunii. De asemenea, tot aici s-a urmrit cadrul cultural istoric al Europei de sud-est din aceast perioad. n al III-lea capitol s-au consemnat campaniile arheologice i metoda de cercetare, s-au precizat sectoarele A-E, s-a discutat stratigrafia i litologia i s-a menionat specificul celor 144 de complexe descoperite la Banca Gar - apte case, marcndu-se cele discutate n acest prim volum. n partea a doua, cu al IV-lea capitol, s-a nceput prezentarea complexelor. Primele au fost cele din bronzul timpuriu, apoi, de ctre Oleg Leviki, apte complexe hallstattiene sau getice. n capitolul al V-lea s-au discutat pe larg descoperirile din secolele III-VI, locuine, materiale de construcie, gropi, aglomerri de materiale. n urmtorul, capitol, al VI-lea, s-a analizat inventarul arheologic descoperit n cele 74 de complexe din aceast perioad, din care trei morminte, ceramica pe categorii, modelat cu mna, din past zgrunuroas, puin zgrunuroas, fin i ceramica din atelierul de olrie, s-au prezentat amforele, vasele de sticl, podoabele, obiectele de toalet i accesoriile de vestimentaie. n capitolul VII, Mihail Zahariade a surprins i cteva obiceiuri de port, relevate de prezena unor podoabe, obiecte de toalet, accesorii de vestimentaie. De asemenea, n capitolul VIII s-au discutat ocupaiile i meteugurile practicate de comunitatea de aici, olria, prelucrarea fierului, precizndu-se complexele n care era zgur de fier, folosirea unor unelte sau ustensile, s-a consemnat prezena ''ceilor de vatr'', cu rol practic i de cult iar n capitolul IX s-au adus cteva consideraii generale. n ultima parte a monografiei s-au ataat Anexele. n prima Anexa I, Vasile Alaiba a calculat capacitatea recipientelor mai bine conservate, 18 vase ntregibile, din secolele III-V p.Hr., n a doua II, semnat de arheozoolog Simina Stanc, s-au publicat detaliat resturile faunistice recuperate cu ocazia spturilor arheologice iar n Anexa III, semnat de Lazr Bireescu, s-a realizat o util interpretare ecologic a solului. Cu Anexa IV , s-a nceput prezentarea complexelor arheologice cercetate, mai nti cele din preistorie, dou aglomerri ceramice construcii sezoniere (fig. 9-14, cpl. 38, 111) i un mormnt specific grupului ivotilovka Volansk Bursuceni, cpl. 118 (fig. 15-16), datat larg n perioada de tranziie de la eneolithic la epoca bronzului bronz timpuriu; Oleg Leviki a analizat descoperirile din perioada hallstattian, cpl. 24 (fig. 17/cpl. 24-18) i din perioada getic, o locuin uor adncit, cpl. 5a (fig. 17/1; 20), trei gropi, cpl. 25, 27a, 108 (fig. 17/2-3; 23-24) i dou aglomerri de materiale, cpl. 6a, 9 (fig. 21-22). n continuare s-au prezentat complexele legate de ntinsa silite din secolele III-VI, care a fost locuit de una dintre comunitile steti daco-romane, neconsemnate n izvoarele scrise, literate sau epigrafice (fig. 20; 25-149) i care s-a stabilit n spaiul menionat, la rsrit de Carpai, i s-a dezvoltat n anii de dup retragerea autoritilor romane din Dacia (274-275 p. Hr.) i din teritoriul nordic al Moesiei. Aceast ntins, dar modest silite din sudul Moldovei, dintr-un areal geografic bine cunoscut


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

pentru secolele III-IV p.Hr., a supravieuit i n secolele urmtoare. S-a dezvoltat n perioada ptrunderii sarmailor i goilor la est de Carpai, ulterior migraia hunilor a dus la decderea comunitii steti nu i la renunarea la aceast vatr de sat, cum indic puinele urme materiale din secolul al V-lea i al VI-lea, gsite n complexe i n stratul de cultur. n secolele VII-IX/X, pe grindurile din apropierea Brladului se vor construi alte multe locuine (fig. 1-3, 5-6), cel puin o parte dintre ele din lemn sau pe structur de lemn. Rezumnd, cele 84 de complexe descoperite aparin unor perioade diferite:
3 complexe din bronzul timpuriu, 2 aglomerri de materiale nr. 1-2 cpl. 38 (fig. 11-12), cpl. 111 (fig. 13-14) i 1 mormnt de nhumaie, M6 cpl. 118 (fig. 15-16); 1 complex Hallstatt, cpl. 24 (fig. 17/cpl. 24; 18); 6 complexe din perioada getic, locuin uor adncit - 1 L1 cpl. 5a, 2 gropi, nr. 1-2, nr. 1 cpl. 25, nr. 2 cpl. 108, i 3 aglomerri de materiale, nr. 1-3, nr. 1 cpl. 6a, nr. 2 cpl. 9, nr. 3 cpl. 27a; 4 complexe din secolul al III-lea, 1 locuin uor adncit - 1 Lad1, cpl. 28 i 3 gropi, nr. 1-3, nr. 1 cpl. 21, nr. 2 cpl. 113, nr. 3 cpl. 121; 19 complexe din secolele III-IV: 6 locuine de suprafa, nr. 1 cpl. 12a, nr. 2 cpl. 17, nr. 3 cpl. 29, nr. 4-5 cpl. 33-34, nr. 6 cpl. 72; 4 locuine uor adncite, nr. 1 cpl. 10, nr. 2 cpl. 31, nr. 3 cpl. 78, nr. 4 cpl. 106a; 7 gropi, nr. 1 cpl. 13, nr. 2 cpl. 32, nr. 3 cpl. 62, nr. 4 cpl. 74, nr. 5-6 cpl. 93-94, nr. 7 cpl. 106; 2 aglomerri de materiale, nr. 1 cpl. 70, nr. 2 cpl. 73; 28 complexe din secolul al IV-lea, 5 locuine de suprafa, nr. 1 cpl. 1, nr. 2 cpl. 15, nr. 3 cpl. 30, nr. 4 cpl. 48, nr. 5 cpl. 57; 2 locuine uor adncite, nr. 1 cpl. 77, nr. 2 cpl. 91; 16 gropi, nr. 1-2 cpl. 1819, nr. 3 cpl. 33a, nr. 4 cpl. 37, nr. 5 cpl. 39, nr. 6-7 cpl. 49-50, nr. 8 cpl. 66a, nr. 9 cpl. 71, nr. 10 cpl. 80, nr. 11 cpl. 92, nr. 12-12a(13) cpl. 104-104a, nr. 14 cpl. 115, nr. 15 cpl. 116, nr. 16 cpl. 119; 5 aglomerri ceramice, nr. 1 cpl. 21a, nr. 2 cpl. 43, nr. 3 cpl. 60, nr. 4 cpl. 61, nr. 5 cpl. 88; 17 complexe din secolele IV-V: 6 locuine de suprafa, nr. 1 cpl. 14, nr. 2 cpl. 26, nr. 3 cpl. 35, nr. 4 cpl. 36, nr. 5 cpl. 51, nr. 6 cpl. 96; 3 locuine uor adncite, nr. 1 cpl. 4, nr. 2 cpl. 27, nr. 3 cpl. 122; 5 gropi, nr. 1 cpl. 24a, nr. 2 cpl. 26a, nr. 3 cpl. 69a, nr. 4 cpl. 79, nr. 5 cpl. 114; 2 aglomerri de ceramic, nr. 1 cpl. 42, nr. 2 cpl. 64; 1 atelier de olrie, cpl. 65, secolul al IV-lea - prima parte a secolului al V-lea (fig. 97a-c -104); 3 complexe din secolele V-VI: 2 gropi, nr. 1-2, cpl. 95, 120; 1 aglomerare de materiale, nr. 1 cpl. 86; 3 mormnte de nhumaie, nr. 3 cpl. 20 (fig. 45-46), nr. 4 cpl. 66, M4 (fig. 105-106), secolul al IV i nr. 5 cpl. 76, secolele III-IV (fig. 115).

84 Complexe n total s-au descoperit 84 de complexe = 3 perioada de tranziie sau bronz timpuriu + 1 Hallstatt + 6 perioada getic, 4 + 19 + 28 + 17 + 3 + 3 = 74 sec. III-VI [17Lsp + 10Lad + 33G + 10A + 1 atelier de olrie + 3 M (+ 1 preistoric)]. Din aceast ndelungat perioad n care s-au ncadrat 84 de complexe, din cele 144 cercetate, 74 de complexe au dus la dezvelirea unei pri din modesta aezare rural format aici n a doua jumtate a secolului al III-lea, care i-a continuat existena i n secolele urmtoare. Din aceasta s-au dezvelit 17 locuine de suprafa i 10 uor adncite, formate dintr-o singur ncpere, cu interioarele amenajate specific perioadei, nclzite cu vetre simple, 33 de gropi i 10 aglomerri ceramice. Tot aici se afla cel puin cte un atelier de olari, unul de fierari. n staiune s-au spat i 3 morminte, nr. 5 din secolul al III-lea (cpl. 66) i dou, nr. 3-4 din secolul al IV-lea (cpl. 20, 76). Din ntinsa staiune, n perimetrul cercetat s-au investigat pn n prezent ase morminte din perioade diferite: dou din secolele X-XIII, publicate deja, unul sarmatic, dou specifice secolului al IV-lea i unul din bronzul timpuriu, specific pentru grupul nmormntrilor tumulare de tip ivotilovka Volansk Bursuceni, definit ca un orizont extins ntr-un areal vast, de la vest de Prut pn la Don. Menionm i prezena unor fragmente osoase HOMO SAPIENS, care au aprut n cpl. 1, locuina de suprafa nr. 1, datat n secolul al IV-lea, plus alt inventar faunistic, 37 resturi osoase

Cuvnt nainte / Foreword


i dentare care provin de la mamifere domestice; pentru secolele III-IV, cpl. 34, locuina de suprafa nr. 5 cu inventar specific i inventar faunistic, 105 resturi osoase i dentare, plus o vertebr uman i cpl. 93, groapa nr. 8, unde alturi de inventarul faunistic recoltat, 30 de resturi osoase i dentare, era i un fragment de frontal de provenien uman; i din nou din secolul al IVlea, cpl. 96, locuina de suprafa nr. 12, n care inventarul faunistic a nsumat 74 resturi osoase i dentare i unul singur de provenien uman i cpl. 113, groapa nr. 15, n care erau i dou fragmente de oase de provenien uman. Publicarea in extenso a complexelor preistorice i a celor din prima jumtate a mileniului I, descoperite de noi n cadrul staiunii, a pornit de la descrierea ntregului inventar arheologic al acestora, n mare parte aflat in situ, n raport cu locul descoperirii, planurile i profilele de complexe, tipurile de locuine. Prezentarea tuturor aspectelor legate de fiecare complex va pune la dispoziia celor interesai de aceast perioad un material arheologic destul de bogat i diversificat. S-au adus date cantitative cu privire la: ceramica uzual lucrat cu mna, ceramica zgrunuroas i puin zgrunuroas, fin modelat la roat sau de import, vase de sticl, unelte, ustensile casnice i de uz gospodresc, precum cuite de fier, topoare, accesorii pentru veminte, catarame, fibule, obiecte de toalet, oglinzi cu tamga i piepteni de os sau podoabe, mrgele, pandantivi, lnioare de bronz, pri de la materialele folosite pentru construcia locuinelor, resturi de faun. Desenele pieselor descoperite, planul general, diferite alte planuri i profile, fotografii, vor fi cuprinse ntr-un total de 149 plane. La acestea se adaug cele 14 plane (fig. 150-163), n care am ncercat s realizm o tipologie a formelor. Banca de date a Ministerului Culturii / Date bank of The Ministry of Culture:
VS-I-s-B-06672 Situl arheologic/Archaeological site Gara Banca Vaslui BANCA Gara Banca apte Case locuire civil / civil inhabitance aezare / settlement 3400 m2 Data ultimei modificri a fiei/To date of last modification of card 23.6.2009 Descoperiri n cadrul sitului / The discoveries in environement site: CategorieTip Epoca (Datare) Cultura/Faza cultural Descriere/ cod LMI Category-typ Age (Dating) Culture / Cultural phase Description mormnt/ Epoca bronzului/Bronze Age Observaii VS-I-m-B-06672.02 aezare/settlement Bronz timpuriu/Early Bronze ivotilovka-Volansk-Bursuceni Observation VS-I-m-B-06672.01 Epoca migraiilor, sec. IV/ Sntana de Mure - Cerneahov - '' Migrations Age, 4thcentury Sec. VII-X / 7rd-10thcenturies Dridu - '' Latne Carpic / carpian - '' Epoca medieval,sec.X-XIII/ neprecizat / unspecify - '' Mediaeval Age, 10rd-13th c. Epoca modern/Modern Age XVII-XVIII - '' 162201.01 cod LMI 2004 Nume / Name Jude / County Unitate administrativa / Administrative shape Localitate / Locality Punct / Point Categorie / Category Tip / Type Suprafaa sitului / Surface site

n secolul al VII-lea, pe grindurile din apropierea rului Brlad, au nceput s apar din nou, destul de rzle, alte locuine. Numrul lor a crescut considerabil n secolele VIII-IX, probabil i X. Majoritatea complexelor datate n a doua jumtate a acestui mileniu, cum s-a precizat, vor forma


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

obiectul celui de-al doilea volum, care va cuprinde n principal o prezentare a celor 38 de locuine investigate arheologic, la fel cu inventar modest. Acestora se adaug dou morminte turanice trzii, specifice secolelor X-XIII, gsite n timpul lucrrilor de hidroamelioraie, publicate deja. n final se vor aduce cteva informaii privind locuirea medieval i modern. Relum citatul la care s-a oprit cunoscutul arheolog de la Bucureti, Alexandru Suceveanu, din monumentala sintez, The Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire, a marelui savant Mihail Ivanovici Rostovtzev, care afirma, n 1926, pentru a sublinia importana nelegerii satului, "Cetile ne-au povestit istoria lor, satul (n schimb) a rmas tcut i rezervat" (1971, p. 192, dup Al. Suceveanu 2001-2002, p. 162). Astfel de comuniti steti au fost i cele de la Banca Gar, din punctul apte case, n care s-au desfurat zece campanii de cercetri arheologice, care au adus la lumin pentru prima jumtate a mileniului I, 27 de locuine i pentru a doua jumtate nc 38 de locuine. Locuine modeste, specifice unor comuniti steti care au ncercat s-i acopere necesarul zilnic prin propriile activiti, dar care ntreineau i legturi de schimb cu vecinii, dar i cu zone mai ndeprtate.

Pl. 1. Staiunea arheologic Banca Gar - apte case. The archaeological settlement of Banca Gar - apte case.

Am dori s exprimm i pe aceast cale ntreaga noastr gratitudine celor care au sprijinit publicarea monografiei, director Prof. univ. Dr. Alexandru Vulpe, membru al Academiei Romne, director Dr. Eugen Nicolae, din cadrul Institutului de arheologie ''Vasile Prvan'' Bucureti, de asemenea, doamnei Mariana Popescu i doamnei Dana Ionescu, pentru ncrederea acordat i pentru coordonarea financiar. Sumele pentru desfurarea spturilor au fost alocate de Muzeul "tefan cel Mare" Vaslui, iar pentru anul 1987 de Muzeul Vasile Prvan Brlad sau obinute prin sponsorizri, de

Cuvnt nainte / Foreword


la IEELIF Iai. Ele au permis realizarea unor ample campanii de cercetri arheologice. Mulumim i cu acest prilej celor care ne-au ajutat prin cei care au reprezentat cele dou instituii, director Constantin Popescu, care, n decursul anilor a sprijinit efectiv cercetrile noastre, contribuind prin aceasta la realizarea lor i ing. Dumitru Purcrea, din cadrul Direciei de Ape Prut. Din cadrul muzeului "tefan cel Mare" Vaslui, mulumim i restauratorilor Cornel Hobincu i Cristian Pntea, desenatoarei Georgeta Vrnceanu - pentru realizarea pieselor mai dificile. Materialul ilustrat al volumului reprezint efortul realizat de Ileana Plugariu, Mihaela Tudose, Ana-Maria Zahariade, Elisabeta Zahariade, Luminia Cosma, desenatori temporari ai acestei instituii sau permaneni, Georgeta Vrnceanu. Majoritatea pieselor intrate n discuie au fost ns lucrate n creion de noi, Ruxandra Alaiba, fapt pentru care suntem rspunztori pentru eventualele erori n proiectarea la scar a formei sau a elementelor de decor. Nu n ultimul rnd adugm mulumirile noastre directorului colii Generale din comuna Banca, profesorului de istorie Gheorghe Gherghe, pentru sprijinul acordat prin participarea elevilor la lucrrile antierului. De asemenea, inem s mulumim Editurii Junimea i tipografiei S.C. "IRIMPEX" S.R.L. Brlad, care au nlesnit apariia acestei lucrri, ntre publicaiile de nalt inut tiinific i editorial. n ncheiere a sublinia efortul deosebit de mare depus de noi pentru publicarea acestui antier arheologic, mult prea mare n raport cu nlesnirile care ar trebui acordate pentru prelucrarea i editarea cercetrilor arheologice deja realizate, pentru toate perioadele. Totui, s-a reuit finanarea acestei monografii prin aprobarea acestui binevenit Grant CNCSIS, numrul 517, fapt pentru care mulumim celor care au favorizat realizarea lui, cu deosebire doamnei Mihaela Fril, din cadrul Ministerului Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului, responsabil Comisie Specialitate UEFISCSU-CNCSIS, tiine Socio-Umane i Economice.

The volume entitled The knowledge by means of interdisciplinary researches about the ancient rural sites throughout the Carpathian Danubian Space: the settlement of Banca Gar, Point apte case, Prehistory, the First Millenary, 3rd6th centuries AD, achieved as an archaeological monograph study, aims at surprising some data about the archaeological complexes of transition from the Bronze Age or Early Bronze Age, Hallstatt, Getic period, especially a small part from the specificity of the rural life east of the Carpathians, mostly in relation to the world of the less known first millenary, characterized from many points of view by a provisory statute. The publication of the archaeological researches carried out in the village Banca Gar, commune Banca, Vaslui county, from the point referred to by the local inhabitants as apte case, situated on the left bank of River Brlad and of Iai Bucharest Road, 12 km north of the municipality of Brlad, in the shape of a final report monographically structured in two volumes, aims at comprising the information accumulated by the author of the excavations during almost one decade of systematic researches. During these years, 1981-1989, with the interruptions of 1984, by the excavation of a surface of 3400 m2, about half of its old surface, there were discovered 144 archaeological complexes of various periods, out of which 84 shall be presented in this volume. To illustrate their photo was just surprised more special situations, but they were recorded with a greatest number of technical information, plans, profiles, location of the complexes, reconstruction. The material was drawn, sometimes entire graph and for all was said ceramic forms mouth or base diameter. The materials of iron, bronze, glass and bone have been preserved separate. This first part a monograph, after the Foreword, begins with the presentation of the Geographic Framework, chapter I, which revealed the man in His Geographic environment at mid-millenary and pointed out several General considerations of historical geography, were given sectors, followed by the second, chapter II, History of the researches concerning the settlement of


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Banca Gar, point apte case, and the Archaeological points identified by surface researches around the settlement. Also, and of the Cultural historical framework of the south east of europe of the concerned period. Another chapter III, first were recorded archaeological campaigns and the research method, were noted sectors A-E, and discussed it the stratigraphy and lithology and presented the Archaeological campaigns complexes with Banca Gar - apte case. With the IV chapter began their presentation. The first complex was the period of Early Bronze Ag or transition period and Eneolithic to Bronze Age, period Hallstatt and the Getic period, Oleg Leviki. In chapter V were discussed at length the findings of 3rd6th centuries, dwellings, construction materials, pits. In the following, chapter VI, was examined archeological inventory, ceramic, hand-made vessels and wheel-made vessels, with coarse paste, slightly coarse paste and fine pottery, ceramics from the potters workshop of 4rd5th centuries, were presented amphorae, glass vessels. After pottery art discussed the other crafts practiced by the here community, iron manufacturing, were noted the complexes was iron slag, the use of tools or utensils. Finally, by Mihail Zahariade were surprised and some port customs, ornaments, toilet articles, accessories for vestments, in chapter VII. This last part a monograph, after the occupation, chapter VIII, in chapter IV discussed it the general considerations. Was examined archeological inventory in four annexes. V. Alaiba, in Annex I, presented information as capacities and functionalities of the pottery, 18 vessels, discovered in the rural settlement dated to the period between second half of the 3 rd century beginning of the 5th century, of Banca Gar, point apte case; in Annex II, Simina Stanc, the presented information of the faunal remains recovered within the archeological excavations provide information on both the characteristics of the ancient economics of the population that inhabited this settlement and in Annex III, Lazr Bireescu, were discused ecological interpretation of the soil and the palaeo-climate and its changing throughout time. Annex IV, the largest area to give the presentation of results of archaeological research 84 complexes. The same was discovered to be true for the settlement in the point of apte case, where, although the researches were carried out throughout several campaigns, the results of such investigations revealed a modest rural community that tried to cover their daily necessary items by their own activities and that would also maintain exchange relations both with the neighbors, and with the further areas as well. The presentation of the discovered archaeological complexes, starting with the prehistoric ones: two ceramic agglomerations specific to the transition period from the Eneolithic to the Bronze Age (9-14, cpl. 38, 111); a tomb that belongs to the ivotilovka Volansk Bursuceni cultural group, its spread from the west bank of Prut River to the Don River (fig. 15-16, cpl. 118); a dwelling dated to the Hallstatt (fig. 17-18, cpl. 24) and other Getic period, 1 slightly buried dwelling - 1 Lad1, cpl. 5a (fig. 17/1; 20), 3 pits, nos. 1-3, cpl. 25, 27a, 108 (fig. 17/2-3; 23-24) and 2 agglomeration of materials, 6a, 9 (fig. 21-22). Such community occupied between the 3rd century and the beginning of the 5 th century AD a space situated near the valley of River Brlad (fig. 1-3, 5-6), north of the new Roman province Scythia Minor, reaching between 284-378 AD the south of Moldavia. The largest space was assigned to the results of the researches referring to the knowledge of the wide meadow inhabited by one of the Dacian - Roman rural communities, unspecified in the literate or epigraphic written sources (fig. 25-149), that were created throughout the space east of the Carpathians and developed during the years following the Romans retreat from Dacia (274-275 p.Hr.) and the northern territory of Moesia. Out of a geographic area well known for the 3 rd4th centuries AD, the wide yet modest meadow in south Moldavia survived also at the beginning of the 5th century. Probably the last migrations of the Sarmatians, Goths, later on of the Huns, led to the decay but not to the complete abolition of this village core, as indicated by the few material traces of the second half of the 5th century and of the 6th century, discovered in the culture layer.

Cuvnt nainte / Foreword


Summing up, cpl. 84, dating from this period were identified:
3 complexes dated to Early Bronze Age - the agglomeration of materials no. 1, cpl. 38 (fig. 11-12); the agglomeration of materials no. 2, cpl. 111 (fig. 13-14), Early Bronze Age, The inhumation grave M6, cpl. 118 (fig. 15-16); 1 Hallstatt complex (fig. 18), Hallstattian period, cpl. 24 (fig. 17/cpl. 24; 18); 6 complexes dated to the getic period, slightly buried dwelling - 1 Lad1, cpl. 5a, pits nos. 12, cpl. 25, cpl. 108 and 3 the agglomeration of materials, nos. 1-3, cpl. 6a, no. 1, cpl. 9, no. 2, cpl. 27a, no. 3; 4 complexes dated to the 3th century, 1 slightly buried dwelling - 1 Lad1 cpl. 28 and 3 pits, nos. 1-3, cpl. 21, no. 1, cpl. 113, no. 2, cpl. 121, no. 3; 19 complexes dated to the 3rd4th centuries: 6 surface dwellings, nos. 1 cpl. 12a, 2 cpl. 17, 3 cpl. 29, 4-5 cpl. 33-34, 6 cpl. 72; 4 slightly buried dwelling, 1 cpl. 10, 2 cpl. 31, 3 cpl. 78 4 cpl. 106a; 7 pits, 1 cpl. 13, 2 cpl. 32, 3 cpl. 62, 4 cpl. 74, 5-6 cpl. 93-94, 7 cpl. 106; 2 ceramic agglomerations, 1-2 cpl. 70, 73; 28 complexes dated to the 4th, surface dwellings, nos. 1 cpl. 1, 2 cpl. 15, 3 cpl. 30, 4 cpl. 48, 5 cpl. 57; 2 slightly buried dwelling, nos. 1 cpl. 77, 2 cpl. 91; 15 pits, nos. 1-2, cpl. 18-19, 3 cpl. 33a, 4 cpl. 37, 5 cpl. 39, 6-7 cpl. 49-50, 8 cpl. 66a, 9 cpl. 71, 10 cpl. 80, 11 cpl. 92, 12-12a, cpl. 104-104a, 14 cpl. 115, 15 cpl. 116, 16 cpl. 119; 5 ceramic agglomerations, nos. 1, cpl. 21a, 2 cpl. 43, 3 cpl. 60, 4 cpl. 61, 5 cpl. 88; 17 complexes dated to the 4rd5th centuries: 6 surface dwellings, 1 cpl. 14, 2 cpl. 26, 3 cpl. 35, 4 cpl. 36, 5 cpl. 51, 6 cpl. 96; 3 slightly buried dwelling, nos. 1 cpl. 4, 2 cpl. 27, 3 cpl. 122; 5 pits, nos. 1 cpl. 24a, 2 cpl. 26a, 3 cpl. 69a, 4 cpl. 79, 5 cpl. 114; 2 ceramic agglomerations, nos. 1 cpl. 42, 2 cpl. 64; 1 the potters workshop, cpl. 65, 4rd5th centuries (fig. 97a-c -104); 3 complexes dated to the 5rd6th centuries: 2 pits, nos. 1 cpl. 95, 2 cpl. 120; 1 ceramic agglomerations, no. 1, cpl. 86; 3 tombs, one of them, no. 5 dated to the 3 rd century (cpl. 66) and two others nos. 3-4 dated to th the 4 century (cpl. 20, 76). 84 Complexes

There were discovered 74 complexes of this period, and out of these, in the modest rural settlement, there were uncovered 17 surface dwellings and 10 slightly buried ones, consisting in a single room, heated with simple hearths, 33 pits, 10 agglomerations of ceramic materials. It was also there that existed a potters workshop, and an ironmongers workshop. In the settlement there were also excavated three tombs, no. 5 dated to the 3 rd century (complex 66) and nos. 3 and 4 dated to the 4th century (complexes 20, 76). The analysis of the specific inhabitance down there started from the positioning of the settlement and from the types of dwellings, their frequency and duration, and less from the specificity of the necropolis mostly destroyed by the deepening of the new riverbed of the Brlad. Specific to the complexes with 3rd6th centuries:
- 3th century - 4, 1 slightly buried dwelling - 1 Lad1 cpl. 28, 3 pits, no. 1-3, cpl. 21, cpl. 113, cpl. 121; - 3rd4th centuries - 19, 6 surface dwellings, nos. 1-6, cpl. 12a, 17, 29, 33-34, 72; 4 slightly buried dwelling, nos. 1-3, cpl. 10, 31, 78, 106a; 7 pits, nos. 1-7, cpl. 13, 32, 62, 74, 93-94, 106; 2 agglomerations of materials, no. 1, cpl. 70, no. 2, cpl. 73; - 4th century - 28, 5 surface dwellings, nos. 1-5, cpl. 1, 15, 30, 48, 57; 2 slightly buried dwelling, nos. 1-2, cpl. 77, 91; 16 pits, nos. 1-15, cpl. 18-19, 33a, 37, 39, 49-50, 66a, 71, 80, 92, 104-104a, 115, 116, 119; 5 agglomerations of ceramic, nos. 1-5, cpl. 21a, 43, 60, 61, 88; - 4rd5th centuries - 17: 6 surface dwellings, nos. 1-6, cpl. 14, 26, 35, 36, 51, 96; 3 slightly buried dwelling, nos. 1-3, cpl. 4, 27, 122; 5 pits, nos. 1-5, cpl. 24a, 26a, 69a, 79, 114; 2 agglomerations of ceramic, nos. 1-2, cpl. 42, 64; 1 the potters workshop, cpl. 65 (fig. 97a-c - 104); - 5rd6th centuries - 3: 2 pits, nos. 1-2, cpl. 95 120; 1 agglomerations of materials, nos. 1 cpl. 86; - 3 tombs,

74 Complexes


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

The in extenso publication of the prehistoric complexes and of those of the first half of the first millennium discovered by us within the settlement started from the description of the whole archaeological inventory, most of it preserved in situ, in relation to the place of the discovery, the plans and profiles of the complexes, types of dwellings. The presentation of all the data pertaining to each complex will make available to those interested in this period a rather rich and varied archaeological material. Quantitative data were provided as for: hand-made domestic ceramic ware, finely wheelmodeled or imported, glass ware, tools, domestic utensils such as iron knives, axes, accessories for vestments, clips, fibulas, toilet objects, mirrors with tamga and bone combs or jewels, beads, pendants, bronze necklaces, parts of materials used for the construction of the dwellings, fauna remains. The drawings of the inventory, the general plan, various other plans and profiles shall be included in a total of 149 plates. During the 7th century, on the rises near River Brlad, there started appearing again, rather rarely, other dwellings. Their number considerably increased during the 8 th9th centuries and probably also during the 10th. The complexes dated to the second half of this millenary shall be the object of the second volume, which shall include the archaeologically investigated, also with a modest inventory. To these, two late Turanic tombs are to be added, being specific to the 10 th13th centuries, identified during the hydro-amelioration works carried out in the area, and already entered in the historiographic circuit. In the end, there also shall be presented information as for the mediaeval and modern inhabitance. We take over in this context the quotation invoked by researcher Al. Suceveanu, in order to point out the importance of knowing the village, according to the great scholar Mihail Ivanovici Rostovtzev, who in 1926 would state, "The fortresses told us their history, the village (in its turn) remain quite and reserved", in his monumental The Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire (1971, p. 192; apud Al. Suceveanu 2001-2002, p. 162). We would like to thank director Prof. Univ. Dr. Alexandru Vulpe, member of Romanian Academy, and director Dr. Eugen Nicolae, the coordinators of "Vasile Prvan" Archaeology Institute of Bucharest, who encouraged published present monograph and not least Msr. Mariana Popescu and Msr. Dana Ionescu, because gave us confidence and for financial coordination. We would also like to use this opportunity to thank restorers Cornel Hobincu and Cristian Pntea, draughtswoman Georgeta Vrnceanu for the elaboration of the most difficult items. The illustrations of the volume were possible thanks to the efforts of Ileana Plugariu, Mihaela Tudose, Ana-Maria Zahariade, Elisabeta Zahariade, Luminia Cosma collaborator draughtsmen of our institution and R. Alaiba. Most of the discussed items were yet drawn by us, and therefore we are responsible for the possible errors in the scale translation of the shape or ornamentaition elements. Last but not least, we would like to thank the Principal of the Primary and Secondary School of Banca commune, history teacher Gheorghe Gherghe, for the support assigned to us. The amounts for carrying out the archaeological excavations were allocated by "Stephen the Great" Museum in Vaslui or obtained by sponsorship from IEELIF - Iai, and allowed the implementation of exhaustive campaigns of archaeological research. Also like to thank the representatives of the two institutions, director Constantin Popescu, who throughout the years really supported our researches, thus contributing to their implementation and eng. Dumitru Purcrea, within the Prut Water Direction. We also want to express our whole gratitude to Junimea Publishing House and S.C. "IRIMPEX" S.R.L. Brlad, which enabled the publication of this work, at a high scientific and editorial level. Finally, I would like to point out our effort in the publication of the results of these excavations, far too large in relation to the facilitations that should be assigned for edited the archaeological excavations already achieved, for all the periods. However, by the approval of the

Cuvnt nainte / Foreword


very useful CNCSIS Grant no. 517. the publication of the present monograph became possible, and for this reason we thank all those who were in favor of the implementation of such project, especially Mrs. Mihaela Fril, within the Ministry of Education, Research and Youth, responsible of the Specialized Commission Socio-Humanistic and Economic Sciences of UEFISCSU-CNCSIS.

Pl. 2. Banca Gar - apte case. n apropiere de Brlad - noua albie, Vasile Palade n vizit pe antier - n prima campanie 1981, lng cuptor. Vasile Palade visit on archaeological site - in the first campaign 1981.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Pl. 3. Banca Gar - apte case. Ruxandra Alaiba, aspecte de antier - campania 1987 / Aspects of the archaeological site campaign 1981.

Specificul geografic / The specific geographic


Capitolul I. Specificul geografic al zonei

Geografic i istoric, staiunea Banca Gar - apte case, se afl n nordul culoarului de trecere a popoarelor migratoare din zona stepelor, nordul Mrii Negre, spre sudul Dunrii de Jos, fapt ce a implicat aceste teritorii, din perioada de sfrit a eneoliticului - culminnd n mileniul nti -, n repetatele fenomene ale migraiilor. Cercetrile arheologice au scos la iveal fragmente ceramice caracteristice epocii bronzului, perioadei getice, culturii carpice, Sntana de Mure, culturii Dridu, dar i numeroase urme de locuire din secolele XV-XVII. Unele perioade istorice nu au fost suficient documentate, dar vestigiile descoperite aduc numeroase noi date legate de aceast zon. Din punct de vedere geografic, teritoriul comunei Banca reprezint o parte din zona colinar din interfluviul Siret i Prut.

Pl. 4. Staiunea arheologic Banca Gar - apte case. The archaeological settlement of Banca Gar - apte case.

Comuna se ntinde mai ales pe Dealurile Flciului i la vest de acestea pe Dealurile Tutovei, n microzonele de sud ale Podiului Brladului. Podiul nu se reduce la teritoriul traversat de rul Brlad, nici la cel ocupat de aflueni, ci la un spaiu mai ntins. n cadrul acestuia, conform sintezei coordonate de Vasile Bcuanu, n 1980, pornind i de la alte opinii, vezi n acest sens volumul publicat de Pierre Jeanrenaud, Aurel Saraiman, n 1995, se contureaz cteva principale subuniti geografice cu specificul lor: Podiul Central Moldovenesc, Colinele Tutovei, Dealurile i Cmpia Flciului. Satul Banca Gar, n forma administrativ-teritorial dat de organizarea din 1968, mpreun cu satele, Ghermneti, Micleti, Slcioara, Srbi, Stoieti, formeaz comuna Banca, judeul Vaslui. Satul Banca, aezat pe cursul mijlociu al prului Banca, cunoscut i sub numele de Recea, este cel mai mare i unul din cele mai vechi sate ale comunei. Gh. Gherghe, n scurta


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

monografie despre satul Banca, a menionat toate dealurile ce mrginesc satul, n partea de sud, de la vest la est, se afl dealuri cu o altitudine maxim de 200 m, Feredeu, Podiul Magninei, Rzeilor, Bncii i Coasta Dumbrvii, care coboar spre valea Bujorni de la sud, pentru a fi mai abrupte cu alunecri de teren prezentnd un aspect de cuest, spre nord i est. n partea estic a satului Banca, Dealurile Chirei i Coasta Recea au o altitudine maxim de 251 m. ntre satul Banca i valea Loavei (fosta Lahova), pe direcia est-vest se ntinde Dealul Podi iar ntre vile Loavei i Ghermneti, Dealurile Ghinoaia, Holmului, Dealul Ghermneti cu altitudine maxim de 270 m, care se conti nu spre est cu cel al Stejarului. La nord de Ghermneti se ridic Dealul Rdule cu altitudine de 175 m, care spre vest se prelungete cu un platou numit de localnici Podi. La nord de satul Stoieti sunt Dealurile Hncu, Dumbrava, Dealul Mare, toate cobornd prin intermediul platoului Porceana spre lunca Brladului.

Pl. 5. Banca Gar - apte case. Aspecte de antier - campania 1981. Aspects of the archaeological site - campaign 1981.

Specificul geografic / The specific geographic


Pl. 6. Banca Gar - apte case. Aspecte de antier campaniile 1981-1984. Aspects of the archaeological site - campaigns 1981-1984.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Coborrea repetat i discontinu a vii Siretului, prin aciunea de subzisten din zona Siretului inferior, a dus la adncirea rurilor consecvente i implicit i a vii Brladului, care i-a stabilit cursul mijlociu n raport cu vile Prutului i Siretului (A. Rou 1980, p. 412-416). Sub aspect morfometric terasele Brladului au altitudini relative ntre 10-20 m, 40-70 m i peste 100 m iar cele din mprejurimi au altitudini de 250-300 m, cu o medie ponderal hipsometric de aproape 200 m (V. Bcuanu et alii 1980, p. 297-323). Totodat s-a modificat cursul Brladului n aval de Crasna. Prin cotirea acestuia spre vest s-a format o asimetrie interfluvial de mari proporii iar versantul su de stnga a primit un caracter de cuest fragmentat de numeroase bazine toreniale. Cert este prezena n albia major a rului, cu o lime medie de 2 km, cea mai joas form de relief, a urmelor a dou vechi trasee ale Brladului, ce se mai vd, una mult mai la vest i alta la est, mai apropiat de marginea oselei Vaslui - Brlad. n cea mai mare parte lunca Brladului este acum folosit pentru cultivarea viei de vie, a cerealelor i ca islaz. La est i vest de vechile albii ncep dealurile acoperite astzi cu vi de vie sau pomi fructiferi. La nceputul secolului nostru, dup cum spun btrnii, acestea au fost acoperite cu pduri. n mileniul nti rul curgea, probabil, pe albia dinspre vest, situat mai aproape de aezare. Pe stnga luncii Brladului apar grinduri mai mici sau mai nalte, separate de vi, pe care oamenii primului mileniu s-au aezat. Presupunem c unele dintre ele au fost vi de priae astzi secate. Revrsrile repetate au distrus mult, de-a lungul anilor, complexele aflate pe nivelul antic de clcare. Vile mici subsecvente, de pe latura de sud-vest a Dealurilor Flciului, au i ele versanii sub forma unor cueste secundare, ceea ce a dat acesteia un aspect morfologic specific, modelat n timp mai ales de alunecri i de procese active de eroziune (V. Bcuanu et alii 1980, p. 297-30; I. Gugiuman et alii, 1973). Astzi staiunea ocup albia major a actualului curs al rului Brlad, mai puin teritoriul din dreapta i mai mult cel din stnga, dar i terasa inferioar dinspre limita de vest a satului Banca Gar, o zon de lunc n parte inundabil, numit de localnici cu un toponim mai vechi, apte case, toponim pe care l-am preluat i noi pentru localizarea acesteia. Recent zona se numete i La Sltioara, dup numele podului ce trece peste Brlad, la sud de staiune. Partea de vest a satului Banca Gar se afl la limita de est a Dealurilor Flciului, subgrupa Dealurilor Banca Grivia i la limita de est a colinelor Tutovei, cu nlimi de 150-200 m, n perimetrul ocupat de Dealurile Iapa, Uneti i Seaca. Limita dintre ele o traseaz rul Brlad, ce traverseaz Podiul Brladului, parte component a Podiului Moldovei (V. Bcuanu et alii 1980, p. 321, fig. 42), continuat spre nordest cu Podiul Wolhyno Podolian i Podiul Niprului i spre sud-est i sud-vest cu stepa Bugeacului i Cmpia Romn, ca limite apusene ale stepelor euro-asiatice. Rul Brlad reprezenta i un mijloc de aprare natural, favoriza protejarea aezrii prin luncile acestuia iar deschiderea vii permitea observarea, n lungul ei, a existenei unor eventuale pericole. Din punctul apte case, valea se putea supraveghea spre sud i nord, pe o distan de peste 10 km. Accesul spre aezare era probabil ngreunat de terenul mltinos dinspre vest / sud-vest i nord-vest. Pdurile de pe versanii dealurilor i din preajm, precum dealul pe care se situeaz n zilele noastre satul Banca, ofereau un adpost sigur n caz de pericol i condiii asemntoare pentru continuarea vieii steti, cum este i cazul aezrii datate tot la sfritul mileniului nti de la Banca - Sat, din care au fost cercetate deja cteva complexe. Locuitorii staiunii apte case i-au stabilit vatra aezrilor lor, nu pe platoul mai nalt de la vest, ci pe cel mai scund, din stnga vechii albii a rului Brlad. Pentru desfurarea diferitelor activiti umane sau economice, au avut astfel la ndemn bogate resurse de ap, posibilitatea de a pescui, pmnt foarte bun pentru practicarea agriculturii, terenuri ntinse de punat i, cu siguran, lemn din pdurile din apropiere, locuri bune pentru cules, vntoare. Multe din descoperirile de suprafa din primul mileniu, sunt caracterizate, cum indic spturile arheologice sistematice de la Banca Gar - apte case, nu prin locuiri de scurt durat, ci prin aezri suprapuse stratigrafic cum este i cazul binecunoscutelor staiuni cercetate de profesorul ieean Dan Gh. Teodor, de la Dodeti - ipot i Clugreasca, situate la mai puin de 15 km nord de

Specificul geografic / The specific geographic


Banca Gar (1984) sau aceea cercetat de Vasile Palade, de la Brlad - Valea Seac. Stratigrafia i litologia aparin pliocenului, reprezentat n special prin nisipuri i argile. Acest tip de teren ne-a fcut s lucrm, n sectoarele A i B, cu deosebire toamna, dup ploi. Vara terenul argilos i nisipos se ntrea. Se spa doar cu trncopul. Stratigrafia prezint cteva caracteristici. De la nivelul de clcare ncepe solul mzros negru, de 0,20-0,30 m, mai gros n sectoarele C i D, n care se gsesc deja mici fragmente ceramice, oase de animale i chirpici. Solul cultivabil are o grosime mai mic sau lipsete n interiorul albiei, de unde a fost mpins pentru formarea digului. Astzi, prin acumularea de vrst holocen, pe terenurile arabile predomin cernoziomurile uor levigate, solurile de pdure cenuii iar pe vi solurile aluvionare i lcovitile. Relieful staiunii, cu altitudinea absolut de 75 m, formeaz o micromorfologie caracteristic, nscut din procese de eroziune, transport i depozitare (V. Bcuanu et alii 1980, p. 62; C. D. Chiri, C. Punescu, D. Teaci 1967). n volum, cum s-a precizat, Lazr Bireescu a realizat interpretarea ecologic a solului, pe straturi, i a definit principalele caracteristici morfologice ale solului aluvial molic, nsuirile fizice, chimice i biologice. Cursuri de ape. Zona de grinduri este traversat de mai multe cursuri de ape, de la nord la sud: Petrioara, cu Ghermnetiul, valea Luavei, priaele Bncii i al Bujorenilor. Toate se vars n valea Brladului, ce strbate teritoriul comunei pe aproximativ 14 km. Cunoaterea faunei i analizele sporopolinice dovedesc existena la Banca, n primul mileniu, n preajma aezrilor de aici, a pdurilor dese cu luminiuri. n timp pdurile au fost defriate excesiv iar climatul acestor locuri s-a modificat devenind excedent uscat (S. Haimovici 1985-1986, p. 171-185). Specificul reliefului, vegetaia de silvostep, dintre colinele Tutovei i subgrupa Dealurilor Banca Grivia, a favorizat practicarea agriculturii i creterea animalelor. n preajma staiunii Banca Gar - apre case s-au semnalat, prin perieghezele ntreprinse de noi mpreun cu profesorul de istorie din comun, i alte puncte. Din perioada dintre prsirea Daciei de ctre romani i formarea statelor feudale, prin cercetri de teren s-au descoperit peste 50 de puncte pentru secolele IV-V (R. Maxim, Gh. Gherghe 1987-1988, p. 247-268), ntre care i aezarea de la Banca Gar - apte case i deosebit de importanta i cunoscuta aezare i necropol de la Brlad - Valea Seac, datat ntre sfritul secolului al III-lea i prima jumtate a secolului al V-lea (V. Palade 1987-1989, p. 69), de asemenea din secolele VI-VII alte ase staiuni (Ibidem).

Consideraii generale de geografie istoric

Clima continental de astzi cunoate influene de aer euro-asiatic, dat de contrastul temperaturii, - 4 n ianuarie, + 21 n iulie, cu media anual de 9, cu precipitaii medii mai slabe i vnturi ce bat dinspre nord-nord-vest i sud (V. Bcuanu et alii 1980, p. 297-301). Resturile faunistice recuperate, eantionul arheozoologic, studiul acestora ntreprins de Sergiu Haimovici i Simina Stanc, i alte analize, ofer informaii asupra caracteristicilor paleoeconomiei i eventualele schimbri n timp ale acesteia. Dovedesc existena la Banca, n preajma vii Brladului, a pdurilor dese cu luminiuri. n timp, defriarea excesiv a acestora a dus i la modificarea climatului, astzi foarte uscat (S. Haimovici 1985-1986, p. 171-185; S. Stanc, n volum). Vegetaia specific zonei este de silvostep, cu elemente de trecere spre step. Aceste particulariti ale reliefului au fcut ca zona dintre colinele Tutovei i subgrupa Dealurilor Banca Grivia s fie prielnic practicrii agriculturii i mai ales creterii animalelor (S. Haimovici 19851986, p. 180-181). Mamiferele slbatice nu au fost numeroase, din totalul resturilor faunistice, erau 38 (Anexa II, tabel 4 i 22). Speciile de mamifere slbatice identificate de S. Stanc, cuprind, Cervus elaphus (cerb), fragmente de la minimum trei indivizi, toi maturi Capreolus capreolus (cprior), minimum trei indivizi maturi, Sus scrofa (mistre), trei maturi, dintre care doi masculi, estimai pe baza caninilor, Canis lupus (lup) i Lepus europaeus (iepure), un individ imatur. n eantionul


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

pentru aezarea din secolele VIII-IX (X), de la Banca Gar, Sergiu Haimovici, a identificat n plus vulpea i bourul (1985-1986). Locuitorii staiunii din punctul numit astzi apte case i-au stabilit vetrele, nu pe platoul mai nalt de la vest, ci pe cel mai scund, din stnga vechii albii a rului Brlad. Pentru desfurarea diferitelor activiti umane sau meteugreti, au avut astfel la ndemn bogate resurse de ap, posibilitatea de a pescui, pmnt foarte bun pentru practicarea agriculturii, terenuri ntinse de punat i, cu siguran, lemn din pdurile din apropiere, locuri bune pentru cules sau vntoare. Pn n mileniul I, n zona din preajma Dealurilor Banca - Grivia, nu s-au semnalat importante aezri (R. Maxim, Gh. Gherghe 1987-89, p. 247-248). Tocmai terenul instabil din apropierea vii Brladului, afectat n anii ploioi de inundaii, a fcut ca terasele joase s nu fi fost preferate de comunitile umane rspndite n interfluviul Brlad - Prut. Totui, n ultimele decenii ale secolului al III-lea, aici a nceput s se ntind vatra unui sat dispersat, o form de structurare geografic analizat de etnologul Traian Vuia, ''Satul rsfirat se gsete de obicei n regiunea colinelor Acest tip este cel specific romnesc, el se gsete nu numai n nordul Transilvaniei, dar i n zona periferic i subcarpatic din Moldova i Muntenia'' (1975, p. 78-79). Dispunerea distanat a locuinelor, uneori la peste zece metri, ne-a creat multe dificulti pentru depistarea lor n timpul spturilor. Au fost situaii n care, pe seciunile arheologice trasate paralel unele de altele, nu s-au surprins astfel de complexe. Cu toate acestea am continuat sparea terasei, spernd mereu c urmtoarea seciune va scoate la lumin bazele unei alte locuine. n Podiul Brladului, cu deosebire n sudul acestuia, n teritoriile aflate la trecerea de la Dealurile Flciului la Colinele Tutovei, din punct de vedere fitogeografiec se ntlnesc att aspectele caracteristice pentru Europa Central, ct i cele specifice Europei de est, cu zone de trecere de la step la silvostep. n zona comunei Banca, n primul mileniu, cum indic datele obinute prin cercetrile pedologice, realizate de Lazr Bireescu Anexa III, predominau mai ales solurile cenuii de pdure iar spaiul forestier, cu pduri de foioase, era mai larg rspndit dect acum. Aceleai consideraii au adus datele obinute prin cercetri arheozoologice, realizate de Sergiu Haimovici (1985-1986, p. 171 i urm.) i Simina Stanc Anexa II. n primul mileniu, datorit ntinderii pdurilor de gorunete-fgete, era dominant specificul climatic vestic, cu pduri ntinse. Cerbul i mistreul, precum i bourul, identificate ntre speciile de animale slbatice din eantioanele de la Gara Banca, au preferat ntinsele pduri de foioase, dumbrvile umede, spre deosebire de cprior i iepure care au preferat zonele de deal, la Banca cu altitudini de 200-300 m, acoperite n parte de pduri de foioase, stejar brumriu i gorun i pdurile de stejar brumriu pe vi, la Banca cu altitudini de 100-200 m. n ultimele decenii cum spun i stenii vrstnici, defririle au cedat locul culturilor agricole. Aridizarea natural a climei din ultimele secole, reducerea numrului de pduri i de lacuri, a favorizat naintarea stepei. De asemenea, a dus la modificarea faunei, a dusprut bourul iar cerbul este prezent doar n zona carpatic. Sunt specii care la sfritul mileniului I erau nc prezente pe Dealurile Flciului. The village Banca Gar, in its administrative territorial shape assigned within the organization of 1968, is part of the Banca commune, Vaslui county. Geographically and historically, the territory of the settlement is situated toward the north of the passage corridor of the migrants arriving from the steppes to the north of the Black Sea, towards south the Danube, and this also involved these territories, starting with the end of the Eneolithic and culminating with the first millennium, in the repeated phenomena of the migrations. Geographically the Banca commune is part of the hilly area of the interfluvium Siret - Prut. The western side of Banca Gar village is situated at the eastern limit of Flciului Hills, subgroup of the Banca - Grivia Hills and at the eastern limit of Tutovei Hills, with heights of 150-200 m, within

Chapter I. Geographic Framework and natural resources

Specificul geografic / The specific geographic


the perimeter covered by Iapa, Uneti and Seaca Hills. The name of Brlad Plateau comes from the river basin that drains almost its whole area and provides cohesion by integrating its several subunits. As outlined within the synthetic work coordinated by Vasile Bcuanu as well as in several other more recent works (the book published by Pierre Jeanrenaud and Aurel Saraiman in 1995) the sub-units of the Brlad Plateau are as follows: the Central Moldavian Plateau, the Tutova Hills, the Falciu Hills and Plain. The small subsequent valleys on the southwestern side of Flciului Hills have the versants shaped as secondary cuestas, and this resulted in a specific morphological aspect, given especially by the sliding and active corrosion processes (V. Bcuanu et alii 1980, p. 297301; C. D. Chiri, C. Punescu, D. Teaci 1967). Morphometrically, the terraces of River Brlad have relative altitudes between 10-20 m, 40-70 m and even over 100 m and those in the surroundings have heights of 250-300 m, with a hypsometrical weighted average of almost 200 m (Ibidem, p. 297-323). The limit between Banca - Grivia Hills and Tutovei Hills is drawn by River Brlad, which crosses Brladului Plateau, integral part of the Moldavian Plateau (Ibidem, p. 321, fig. 42), continued to north-east with the Wolhyno - Podolian Plateau and the Dnieper Plateau and towards the sou theast and southwest with the Bugeacului steppe and the Romanian Plain, as western limits of the Euro-Asian steppes. The repeated and discontinuous descent of the valley of River Siret, by the subsidence action in the area of Lower Siret, led to the deepening of the consequent rivers and implicitly of the valley of River Brlad, which established its middle course, on the twinning line of valey Prut with the Siret (A. Rou 1980, p. 412-416). At the same time the course of River Brlad got modified downstream of Crasna and by its turn to the west there was created a considerable interfluvium asymmetry and its left slope acquired the look of a cuesta fragmented by numerous torrential basins. The main river bed, 2 km wide and which is the lowermost relief form, shows undoubtedly the traces of two ancient terraces of the Brlad, still visible nowadays, one much to the east, toward the railway line Iai Brlad and the other much closer to the point apte case, to the west, near the road Vaslui Brlad. During the first millennium the river would probably flow on its western bed, closer to the settlement. Nowadays, the site is spread in the main bed of the present course of River Brlad, less for its right side and more for its left side, but also the rises towards the western limit of the Banca Gar village, an area of partly floodable meadow. The repeated floods considerably destroyed in time the complexes on the ancient treading level. River Brlad would also be a natural means of defense, favoring the defense of the settlement by its meadows and the opening of the valley allowed the observation of the possible dangers arising along it. The access to the settlement was probably burdened by the marshy land of the west southwest and northwest. From the point apte case the valley could be watched over towards the south and the north, over a more than 10 km distance. The forests on the versants of the hills and the surroundings, as well as the hill where the village Banca is nowadays situated, provided a sure shelter in case of danger and similar conditions for continuing the rural life, such as the case of the settlement dated also to the end of the first millenary of Banca - Sat, out of which several complexes were already researched. On the left side of River Brlad there were lower or slightly higher rises, separated by valleys. It is hard to suppose whether some of them correspond to the ancient valleys of dried creeks. Gh. Gherghe mentioned all the hills bordering the village Banca, in the south, from west to east, are the hills with a maximum altitude of 200 m, Feredeu, Podiul Magninei, Rzeilor, Bncii and Dumbrava Slope, which descends to the valley Bujoreni from the south, for presenting an Cuesta aspect from the north and east. In the east of the village Banca, the hills Chirei and Coasta Recea have a maximum altitude of 251 m. Between the village Banca and valley Loava (former Lahova), east-west direction, extends Hill Plateau, and the valleys Loava and Ghermneti, Ghinoaia Hills, Holmului, Ghermneti Hills, the maximum altitude of 270 m and continues to the


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

east with at the Stejarul. North of Ghermanesti amounts Hill Rdule, with altitude of 175 m, which is extended to west a plateau called by locals the local Podi - Plateau. North of the village Stoieti are hills Hncu, Dumbrava, Dealul Mare, all down through the shelf Porceana to meadow Brlad. In the east of the village relief rises by Hill ifu to altitude with 251 m, then descends to the valley thief Ginari. The western village lies already in the hills Tutova, heights of 150-200 m in area occupied by Hills Iapa, Uneti and Seaca (Gh. Gherghe 2002, p. 18-19). At the beginning of the 20th century, as old people would say the meadow of River Brlad was mostly forested. At present it is used for vine and cereal growing, and as a pasturing place too. Similarly the areas eastward and westward of the settlement, on the Flciului and Tutovei Hills, have been mostly turned into vineyards or orchards.

General Considerations of Historical Geography

The nowadays continental climate presents influences of Euro-Asian air, given by the temperature contrast, of - 4 in January, + 21 in July, with the yearly average of 9, with weaker average rains and winds blowing from north / northwest and south (V. Bcuanu et alii 1980, p. 297-301). The vegetation specific to the zone is the one of forested steppe, with elements of transition to the steppe. Such peculiarities of the relief favored the practice of agriculture and animal husbandry in the area between the Tutovei hills and the subgroup of Banca - Grivia hills (S. Haimovici 1985-1986, p. 180-181). Wide mammals were not numerous among the total of fauna remains, there were 38 (Annex II, table 4 and 22). The species of wild mammals identified by Simina Stanc, contain Cervus elaphus (red deer), fragments of minimum three individuals, all mature Capreolus capreolus (roe deer), minimum three mature individuals, Sus scrofa (wild boar), three mature, out of which two male, estimated on the basis of the canines, Canis lupus (wolf) and Lepus europaeus (European hare), a young individual. In the sample for the 8 th9th (10th) century settlement of Gara Banca, Sergiu Haimovici also identified the fox and the aurochs (1986). The identified fauna remains resulted from the bovid, ovicaprine and porcine, a triple offering, of three different animal species. Archeozoologist Simina Stanc mention the presence among the gastropods identified in the mollusk remains of the settlement, of very important shells, one unidentified as genus, together with another one, identified as Viviparus sp., which points out the possibility of the existence in the area of compounds of Sarmatian fossils. The inhabitants of the settlement apte case established their hearths not on the higher plateau to the west, but on the lower one, to the left of the Brlad riverbed. Thus, for carrying out various human activities, domestic or craftsmanship-related ones, they had rich water resources available, which provided them the possibility of fishing, very fertile land for practicing agriculture, large pasturing lands and of course wood from the nearby forests, which were very good places for foraging or hunting. Until the 1st millenary, in the area around Banca Grivia Hills, no important sites were pointed out (R. Maxim, Gh. Gherghe 1987-89, p. 247-248). It was precisely due to the unstable land near the valley of River Brlad, affected by floods in rainy years, that the lower terraces were not preferred by the human communities. The situation was different during the last decades of the 3 th century AD, when a dispersed village existed in this area. Such village was both specific to this period and well known in the ethnographic literature. For ethnologist Romulus Vuia ''The spread village is usually discovery in the hilly areas This type of village is specifically Romanian, it is discovery not only in north Transylvania but also in the peripheral and sub-Carpathian zone of Moldavia and Walachia'' (1975, p. 78-79). The distanced disposal of the dwellings, sometimes at more than ten meters, determined during the excavations situations in which the archaeological trenches did not identify the complexes. In spite of these, we continued digging the terrace continuing hoping that the next trench would bring to light a new dwelling.

II. Banca Gar apte case Istoricul cercetrilor / History of the Researches


Capitolul II. Staiunea Banca Gar, punctul apte case istoricul cercetrilor
Prima dat am aflat despre existena staiunii din satul Banca Gar, punctul apte case, n vara anului 1981, de la domnul Ion Ciomaga, un localnic pasionat de istoria satului, inginer ef al Fermei Viticole Banca, ferm amplasat pe atunci la limita de est a sitului. Ghenu Coman, n cunoscutul Repertoriu arheologic al Judeului Vaslui, nu a semnalat punctul, fiind amplasat spre albia Brladului nu-l descoperise, dei era deosebit de bun cunosctor al zonei (1980, p. 55-60; R. Alaiba 2003, p. 591 i urm.). n acest fel, aceast prim informaie, a devenit primul reper din istoricul cercetrilor. Punctul a fost precizat prima dat n lucrarea semnat de noi mpreun cu profesorul de istorie din comun Gheorghe Gherghe, legat de vechile locuiri din zona Dealurilor Banca Grivia, cu deosebire din comuna Banca (1987-1989), date reluate de acelai profesor i Marin Rotaru, n monografia Comunei Banca, aprut la Brlad (2002). Tot n anul 1981 s-a realizat aici i prima campanie de spturi, pe care, atunci, am considerat-o doar de salvare. Era i firesc s o discutm astfel. Spturile realizate n acel an au salvat parial cteva din distrugerile pricinuite de construirea digului. Lucrrile de ndiguire att de necesare acestei zone afectate de mbtrnirea prematur a reelei hidrografice dintre Siret i Prut (M. Filipescu 1950), impuneau nlturarea consecinelor acestui fenomen. Din pcate ele au deranjat o parte din staiune, dar, de la IEELIF Iai am primit ajutor financiar pentru salvarea complexelor. * mprejurrile ns ne-au fost favorabile n acei ani i am avut posibilitatea de a face cercetri sistematice, pe o suprafa ntins de-a lungul Brladului, n aproape ntreg deceniul nou al secolului XX, ncepnd cu anul 1981 pn n 1989. n anii acestui deceniu, inclusiv n cei n care nu s-a spat, 1984 i 1990, s-a prelucrat materialul descoperit. Practic, n total au fost zece campanii de spturi, avnd n vedere realizarea, n anii 1982-1983, a cte dou pe an. Am meniona i faptul c, una dintre campanii s-a realizat cu o mic finanare din partea Muzeului ''Vasile Prvan'' Brlad, cu participarea arheologilor Vasile Palade i Eugenia Popuoi, la spturile din 1987. De asemenea, una dintre campanii a fost mult mai ndelungat, campania anului 1986, ce s-a desfurat ntre lunile iunie i octombrie, inclusiv. Este anul n care s-a spat cu finanare de la IEELIF. Restul campaniilor s-au derulat cu finanare din partea Muzeului judeean "tefan cel Mare" din Vaslui. * Spturile ntreprinse de noi n aceti ani au dus la cercetarea sistematic a unor vestigii arheologice din mai multe perioade istorice. Cum s-a precizat deja, cel mai mare spaiu n prezentul volum s-a acordat modestei aezri rurale, din secolele III-V p.Hr., din care s-au dezvelit 27 locuine, 17 de suprafa i 10 uor adncite, 33 de gropi, 10 aglomerri de materiale, cel puin un atelier de olari, poate i unul al unui meter fierar discutat la locuine, suprapus de alte locuiri, tot modeste, al cror spaiu de habitare s-a restrns n secolele V-VII, pentru a se dezvolta n secolele urmtoare, VIII-IX/X. n total, din locuirile datate ntre mijlocul secolului al III-lea i secolul al VI-lea s-au spat 74 de complexe iar din locuirile datate dup secolul al VI-lea s-au spat alte 59 de complexe, din secolele VII-IX/X 52, din care 38 au fost locuine uor adncite, din secolele X-XIII dou morminte i din epoca modern alte cinci complexe. La acestea adugm 10 complexe datate nainte de primul mileniu. Istoricul staiunii s-a completat an de an, nu numai prin extinderea investigaiilor arheologice sistematice, dar mai ales prin publicarea parial a lor. Primul raport a aprut n 1983, n Materiale i cercetri arheologice, n volumul sesiunii anuale de rapoarte de la Ploieti (R. Maxim 1983, p. 355-359). n anul 1987 au aprut, n Arheologia Moldovei, nr. XI, date


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

ample privind cele dou morminte turanice trzii i tot n aceeai revist, n numrul XIII, informaii preliminare legate de viaa spiritual a locuitorilor aezrii specifice culturii Dridu (R. Maxim 1987, p. 235 i urm.; Eadem 1988, p. 253 i urm.). n numrul dublu din anii 1987-1989, n Acta Moldaviae Meridionalis, anuarul Muzeului judeean "tefan cel Mare" - Vaslui, s-au publicat date privind perioada de tranziie de la eneolitic la epoca bronzului sau bronzul timpuriu, n volum datate n bronzul timpuriu (R. Maxim, Gh. Gherghe 1987-1989, p. 252, fig. 2; 3/1-2, 4). Descoperirile din perioada de tranziie - bronzul timpuriu au fost publicate integral tot n Acta Moldaviae Meridionalis, nr. XXV-XXVII (R. Alaiba 2007, p. 608-618). Date legate de atelierul de olrie specific secolului al IV-lea s-au publicat prima dat n Symposia Thracologica, n 1990 (R. Maxim 1990, p. 221-224). Complexul s-a prezentat detaliat n 2007, n Acta Musei Tutovensis, nr. II (p. 18-36). La Brila, n 1996, s-a dat un rezumat al campaniilor arheologice din perioada 1983-1992 (1996, p. 7). n 2005, prin colaborarea colegilor antropologi, Alexandra Coma i Georgeta Miu i arheozoolog Simina Stanc, s-au analizat alte patru morminte de inhumaie i inventarul faunistic aflat n preajm, descoperite n suprafaa investigat, atribuite unor perioade de timp diferite, ntre ele M6 (descoperit n 1988, n sectorul C), specific bronzului timpuriu. O prezentare detaliat a acestui mormnt va aprea n International Symposium, The 85th Birth Anniversary of Eugen Comsa, cu tema ''The Neo-Eneolithic Period in Central and South-Eastern Europe, october 6-12 2008, Bucharest'' (G. Miu, R. Alaiba 2009). Toate mormintele, ultimul menionat, dar i M3 sau M4 (ambele descoperite n sectorul A, primul n 1983 i al doilea n 1986), datate n secolul al IV-lea (de tip Sntana de Mure) i M5 (descoperit n 1988 tot n sectorul A), din secolele III-IV, au fost prezentate la ''Zilele academice ieene'', 27-28 octombrie 2005 iar comunicarea a fost publicat n unul dintre volumele Editurii Academiei Romne, n Memoriile Seciilor tiinifice, seria IV, tomul XXVIII (R. Alaiba, G. Miu i S. Stanc 2005, p. 153-160). Studiul semnat de Robert Simalcsik i Angela Simalcsik, s-au analizat aspectele paleodemografice specifice unor populaii din secolul al IV-lea de pe actualul teritoriu al Judeului Vaslui, un studiu comparativ de ansamblu, att din punct de vedere paleodemografic, ct i paleoantropologic, asupra unor populaii aparinnd culturii Sntana de Mure, care au trit n secolul al IV-lea i la nceputul secolului al V-lea p.Hr, n cteva zone geografice din actualul jude Vaslui (2009, p. 74 i urm.). De asemenea, o fi a staiunii a aprut n lucrrile Comisiei Naionale de Arheologie, n cadrul prezentrii siturilor arheologice cercetate n perioada 1983-1992, n volumul organizat de Muzeul Brilei (R. Alaiba 1996, p. 7). n 2008, la Complexul Muzeal Naional Moldova, n urma participrii la un simpozion legat de probleme de restaurare, s-a dat spre publicare lucrarea, Reconstituirea atelierului de olrie din aezarea Banca Gar - apte case, secolele IV-V; n Arheologia Moldovei, nr. XXXI, s-au prezentat locuinele din secolele III-IV (R. Alaiba, S. Stanc 2008, p. 173-202) i Banca Gar, comuna Banca, jud. Vaslui, punct apte case, cod sit. 162201.01 (nr. 7). La ultima Sesiune Naional de Rapoarte Arheologice de la Trgovite, s-a prezentat primul raport final (I), legat de descoperirile din preistorie mijlocul primului mileniu, tiprit n Cronica cercetrilor arheologice din Romnia / Campania 2008, a XLIII-a, Valachica, 21-22 / 2008-2009, p. 73-74 i n romn/englez, n Cunoaterea prin cercetri interdisciplinare a vechilor aezri rurale din spaiul carpato-dunrean / The knowledge by means of interdisciplinary researches aboutthe ancient rural sites throughout the Carpathian Danubian Space, M. Zahariade editor, Junimea, prezentarea antierului (p. 119-132), atelierelor de olrie (p. 133-143) i a rspndirii staiunilor de sec. IV n judeele Iai i Vaslui (p. 17-37 i 38-73, n colaborare), n acelai volum, de asemenea, a laboratorului de restaurare, de Ileana - Ildiko Zahariade (2009, p. 116-118.). Ultimele studii, se refer la Cuptoarele performante de ars ceramica, n spaiul dintre Carpai i Prut, secolele III a.Hr. - V p.Hr. (Editura Junimea 2008) i la Cuptoarele performante de ars ceramica din primul mileniu i au fost prezentate i la Sesiunile anuale ale muzeelor de arheologie din Ploieti i Constana.

II. Banca Gar apte case Istoricul cercetrilor / History of the Researches


Chapter II. The Settlement of Banca Gar point apte case history of the Researches
We found out of the existence of the settlement of Banca Gar, point apte case, for the first time, in summer 1981, from Mr. Ion Ciomaga, a local inhabitant passionate of the history of the village, chief engineer of Banca Vineyards, situated back then at the eastern limit of the site. In his famous Repertoriu arheologic al Judeului Vaslui, Ghenu Coman had not point out the above point, he had not discovered it although he had very good knowledge of the zone (1980, p. 55-60; R. Alaiba 2003, p. 591 et sq.). Point was mentioned first time in the paper Acta Moldaviae Meridionalis, IX-XI (1987-89, p. 247-268), we signed togethersigned by me with Gheorghe Gherghe, history teacher in commune Banca. Thus, this first piece of information, became the first reference in the history of the researches. Old data were incorporated in the short monograph study of the settlement Banca Gar - apte case, of the hills Grivitza Bank, especially in the commune Bank, published by the same teacher and Marin Rotaru (2002). The settlement, although present in the specialized literature, was not included in the Enc iclopedia arheologiei i istoriei vechi a Romniei, either in the volume containing the letter B or in the one containing the letter G, of years 1994 or 1996 and was not specified either in the Repertoriul descoperirilor specifice culturii Dridu. It was also in 1981 that a first excavation campaign was carried out down there, and at that moment we considered it just a salvage excavation campaign. It was in fact natural to consider it as such. The excavations carried out with the above occasion partly prevented some of the destructions caused by the construction of the dyke. The damming works, so necessary to the area, affected by the early ageing of the hydrographic network between Siret and Prut (M. Filipescu 1950), imposed the removal of the consequces of this phenomenon. Unfortunately, they considerably disturbed the settlement. The circumstances were though favorable to us as we had the possibility of carrying out systematic investigations throughout a wide surface along River Brlad, almost continuously in the 1980, starting with 1981 until 1989. During this decade, including the year when no excavation was carried out that is 1984, the material discovered in the previous years was processed. Practically, there were nine-ten excavations campaigns, taking into account that in 1982 and 1983 there took place two such campaigns per year. We should also point out that one of the campaigns lasted quite long, taking place between the months of June and October 1986. This was the year when the excavations took place thanks to the funding by IEELIF. The excavations that were carried out during all these campaigns resulted into the systematic research of archaeological vestiges dated to several historical periods. As already pointed out, the largest space in the present volume has been assigned to the modest rural settlement dated to the second half of the 3rd century and the first half of the 5th century AS, out of which there resulted 17 surface dwellings and 10 slightly buried ones, with at least one potters workshop, an ironmongers workshop, settlement to which other later inhabitances got superposed. These latter dwellings were also modest, with a smaller habitation space during the 6 th7th centuries and then again with a larger one during the 8th10th centuries. During the ten campaigns of the archaeological researches, in the village Banca Gar - apte case, there were discovered 144 archaeological complexes of various periods, numbered as of marker used during excavation. Out of which, three of the transition from Eneolithic to the Bronze Age - the Early Bronze Age, one with the Hallstatt period, 6 with the habitation level of the Getic culture, 74 with 3rd4th / 4rd5th centuries, by the found 27 dwellings, 17 the surface dwelling and 10 the slightly buried dwellingde, 33 pits, 10 agglomeration of materials - seasonal constructions above ground. During the 7th century, on the rises near River Brlad, there started appearing again, rather rarely, other dwellings. The 59 complexes were mostly specific for 7 th9rd/10th centuries, be presented in this, 38 the slightly buried dwellings with 7th9rd/10th centuries. Their number considerably increased during the 8th9th centuries. To these, two late Turanic tombs are to be


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

added, being specific to the 10th13th centuries, the inhumation grave 1, M1, sector A, the inhumation grave 2, M2, sector B, disturbed. In the end, there also shall be presented information as for the mediaeval and modern inhabitance. The history of the settlement was year by year completed, by extending the systematic archaeological investigations and by partly publishing their results. In 1983 there were published the first report of information in Materiale, the volume of session reports Ploiesti (R. Maxim 1983, p. 355-359), when several dwellings specific to the 3rd4th centuries and in Arheologia Moldovei, nr. XI, there were published large amounts of data as for two late Turanian tombs, with anthropological analyses carried out by Dan Botezatu (1987, p. 235-240) and also in the same publication, nr. XIII, in the next issue, preliminary considerations concerning the spiritual life of the inhabitants of the site specific to the Dridu culture (1988, p. 253-261). It was only in 2005, by means of a collaboration with an anthropologist colleagues, Alexandra Coma, Georgeta Miu and an archaeo-zoologist colleague, Simina Stanc, that four other tombs were analyzed. These were inhumation tombs discovered in the investigated area and assigned to different time periods: M3 and M4 (both discovered in sector A, the former in 1983 and the latter in 1986), dated to the 4 th century (of Sntana de Mure type), M5 (discovered in 1988 also in sector A) dated to the 3rd6th centuries and M6 (discovered in 1988 in sector C), specific to the early Bronze Age n 2005. Communication was presented to the ''Zilele academice ieene'', 27-28 octomber, and published in one of volumes of Publishing Romanian Academy, the memories of scientific sections, series IV, tome XXVIII (R. Alaiba, G. Miu, S. Stanc 2005, p. 153-160). A detailed presentation of the last tomb shall be published in the International Symposium The 85th Birth Anniversary of Eugen Comsa, on the topic The Neo-Eneolithic Period in Central and SouthEastern Europe, October 6-12, 2008, Bucharest (G. Miu, R. Alaiba 2008). It is also recently that the few materials of the early Bronze Age have been published in Acta Moldaviae Meridionalis (R. Alaiba 2007, p. 608-618). The potters workshop dated to the 4th century was pointed out in Simposia Thracologica (R. Alaiba 1990, p. 221-224) and presented in details in 2007, in Acta Musei Tutovensis (Eadem 2007, p. 18-36) and the dwellings dated to the 3 rd4th centuries shall be published in Arheologia Moldovei, 2008, www. Arheologia Moldovei, istoric, 12/1988. A sheet of the settlement has also been published in the Works of the National Commission of Archaeology, Archaeological settlements researched between 1983-1992, published in the volume organized by Brila Museum (R. Alaiba 1996, p. 7). In 2008, to Complexul Muzeal Naional Moldova, organized a symposium about the problems of restoration, of which volume was given to publishing the work, Reconstituirea atelierului de olrie din aezarea Banca Gar - apte case, secolele IV-V. In the Arheologia Moldovei, nr. XXXI, present the dwellings dated to the 3rd4th centuries, antierul arheologic Banca Gar, punctul apte case, secolele III-IV locuine (R. Alaiba, S. Stanc 2008, p. 173-202). At the last National Sesssion of Archaeological Reports from Trgovite the first final report (I) was presented, about the discoveries from prehistoric middle of the first millenia, emerging throughout Cronica cercetrilor arheologice din Romnia / Campania 2008, a XLIII-a, Valachica, 21-22 (2008-2009, p. 73-74) In romanian/english was published in Cunoaterea prin cercetri interdisciplinare a vechilor aezri rurale din spaiul carpato-dunrean/The knowledge by means of interdisciplinary researches aboutthe ancient rural sites throughout the Carpathian Danubian Space, M. Zahariade editor, Junimea, excavation presentation (p. 119-132), pottery workshops (2009, p. 133-143) the situation of the settlements from 4 th century in Iai and Vaslui counties (p. 17-37 and 38-73, in collaboration); and Ileana - Ildiko Zahariade, Restaurarea i conservarea materialului ceramic / Restoration and Conservation of the pottery, in Ibidem (2009, p. 116-118) and a study both from the paleoanthropological discoveries in the area of the present county of Vaslui (R. Simalcsik, A. Simalcsik 2009, p. 74 et sq.). Also, important settlements from Poieneti Dealul Teilor (M. Babe 1988, p. 3 et sq.; Idem 2000, p. 337 et sq.; ~ et alii 1980, p. 35 et sq.),

II. Banca Gar apte case Istoricul cercetrilor / History of the Researches


Bogdneti - Flciu, Brlad - Valea Seac (V. Palade 2004, p. 106, nr. 8,-9, 12), Polocin - Izlaz, Pogoneti (M. Mamalauc et alii 2005, p. 107, nr. 21-25). The latter study, Cuptoarele performante de ars ceramica, n spaiul dintre Carpai i Prut, secolele III a.Hr. - V p.Hr. (Junimea Publishing House, 2008) and Cuptoarele performante de ars ceramica din primul mileniu, was presented and to the International Symposiums to Ploieti and Constana.

Puncte arheologice semnalate prin perieghezele realizate n preajma staiunii

Din perioada de prsire a Daciei de ctre romani i pn la formarea statelor feudale, cercetrile de teren au dus la semnalarea unor vestigii nu numai n staiunea de la Banca Gar apte case, dar i n alte puncte din comuna Banca sau din mprejurimile acesteia. Astfel, pentru secolul al IV-lea, s-au menionat 33 de puncte, pentru IV-V, 14, ntre care i deosebit de importanta aezare i necropol de la Brlad - Valea Seac, datat ntre sfritul secolului al III-lea i prima jumtate a secolului al V-lea (V. Palade 1987-1989, p. 69); pentru secolul al VI-lea dou, din secolele VI-VII altele patru, VII-VIII - dou, VIII-IX - 11, pentru secolele IX-X - nou, X-XI - 17, XI-XII - trei, XI-XIII - apte, XII-XIII - trei, XIII-XIV i XV - patru, ntre care i punctul menionat de la Banca Gar - apte case i cel de la Gura Bncii, datat n secolele XV-XVI (R. Maxim, Gh. Gherghe 1987-1988, p. 247-268). Multe din descoperirile de suprafa din primul mileniu, s-au caracterizat, cum indic spturile arheologice sistematice de la Banca Gar - apte case, nu prin locuiri de scurt durat, ci prin aezri suprapuse stratigrafic cum este i cazul binecunoscutelor staiuni cercetate de profesorul ieean Dan Gh. Teodor, de la Dodeti - ipot i Clugreasca, situate la mai puin de 15 km nord de Banca Gar (1984). De o importan deosebit pentru nelegerea rolului istoric al spaiului aflat la nordul Dunrii de Jos, n sudul interfluviului Prut - Siret, au fost i cercetrile arheologice din staiunea Brlad - Valea Seac, cum am precizat din secolele III-V sau din aezarea de la Iai Nicolina, din secolele IV-VI i a celei de la Dodeti - ipot sau Clugreasca, din secolele III-V, cercetate sistematic de Vasile Palade, Ion Ioni i Dan Gh. Teodor, staiuni n care s-au surprins importante succesiuni de locuire (I. Ioni 1966, p. 189 i urm.; Idem 1985, p. 30; D. Gh. Teodor 1997, p. 221 i urm.). Concerning the period comprised between the Roman retreat of Dacia and the creation of the feudal states, the archaeological surveys resulted in the identification of 33 points dated to the 4th century, 14 points dated to the 4th5th centuries, out of which the settlement of Banca Gar apte case and the particularly important site and cemetery of Brlad - Valea Seac, dated to end of the 3rd century and the 1st half of the 5th century (V. Palade 1987-1989, p. 69); 2 points dated to the 6th century, 4 other points dated to the period of the 6 th and 7th centuries, 2 points to the 7th8th centuries, 11 to the 8rd9th centuries, 9 to the 9rd10th centuries, 17 to the 10rd11th centuries, 3 to the 11rd12th centuries, 7 to the 11rd13th centuries, 3 to the 12rd13th centuries, 4 to the 13rd14th centuries and 4 to the 15th century and amid them the above mentioned point of Banca Gar - apte case and the one of Gura Bncii, dated to the 15rd16th centuries (R. Maxim, Gh. Gherghe 19871988, p. 247-268). Many of the surface discoveries dated to the first millenary were characterized as shown in the systematic archaeological excavation of Banca Gar - apte case not by short-term habitations but by stratigraphically overlapped sites as it happened in the case of the famous sites investigated by the professor of Iai, Dan Gh. Teodor, that is the sites of Dodeti - ipot and Clugreasca, situated less than 15 km north of Banca Gar (1984). Particularly important for the understanding of the role of the southern part of Moldavia during this period were also the wide archaeological investigations concerning the settlement of Iai - Nicolina, dated to the 4rd5th centuries, and the one of Brlad - Valea Seac, with 4rd5th centuries, where an impressive sequence of habitations was pointed out (1997, p. 221 et sq.).

Archaeological points identified by surface researches in the area of the settlement


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Capitolul III. Campaniile arheologice i metoda de cercetare, sectoarele A-E

n anii n care s-au realizat cercetrile arheologice sistematice, aproximativ deceniul nou al secolului trecut, terenul arabil era n proprietatea CAP Banca iar valea rului Brlad, cum am menionat deja, intrase n planul de amenajare hidroameliorativ pentru oprirea revrsrilor, realizat de IEELIF Iai. Lucrrile de regularizare a vii Brladului, efectuate mecanizat de unitatea amintit, ntre anii 1978-1980, au traversat i terenul unde, nc n stratul arabil apreau urmele unei ntinse i bogate staiuni cu locuiri mai ales din primul mileniu. Sparea noii albii la mare adncime i ndiguirile cu pmnt adus din preajm, au dus la dezvelirea i distrugerea unui numr de complexe din extremitatea de vest a acesteia. Astfel, terenul dinspre diguri s-a decapat circa 0,30 - 0,50 m, fapt care a dus la dislocarea sau doar deranjarea unor complexe. Dar, staiunea se ntindea mult i spre est, pe grindurile din apropiere. Cercetarea noastr s-a ntins n aceast zon deranjat, n care am spat mare parte din complexele dezvelite. i aici, pe pantele mai mari ale grindurilor solul vegetal era n parte splat iar lucrrile agricole din ultimul timp au deranjat unele complexe aflate mai la suprafaa solului actual, ntre - 0,25-0,30 m. De asemenea, ntinsa locuire din secolele VII-X, mai puin aceea modern, din secolele XVIII-XIX, a afectat i complexele din secolele III-V/VI, n principal a dus la deteriorarea inventarului. Din cauza dificultilor de spare, a timpului secetos, n genere s-au trasat seciuni cu limea de 1-1,5 m i lungimea de 15-20 m. Distana dintre seciuni a fost de 2 sau 2,5. n preajma complexelor sau a atelierului de olrie descoperit n sectorul A, s-a spat n suprafa s-au prin trasarea unor mari casete n spaiile dintre seciuni.

Pentru ordonarea n spaiu a complexelor descoperite, pentru o mai bun localizare a celor aflate pe diversele forme ale terenului, spaiul cercetat s-a mprit n ase sectoare, notate cu literele A - F, delimitate topografic n raport cu actuala vale a Brladului i cu oseaua Slcioara - Banca. Primele dou A i B, au fost situate pe terenul dintre cele dou diguri construite n anul 1980, rezervat albiei minore, primul pe stnga rului Brlad, al doilea pe dreapta. Sectorul C continu spre est de sectorul A, pe grindurile din exteriorul digului. La acestea adugm i Sectoarele D i E, aflate la nord, respectiv la sud de C. n afar de aceste cinci sectoare s-au realizat spturi i spre vest de dig, unde s-a marcat sectorul F. Sector A, situat pe partea stng a vii actuale a rului Brlad, a fost primul cercetat prin spturi de salvare sau sistematice. Din punct de vedere arheologic s-a verificat aproape n ntregime. Aici s-au descoperit complexe ale culturii Sntana de Mure, atelierul de olrie i complexe Dridu, datate n ultimele secole ale primului mileniu. Pe seciunile S I i S II s-au surprins dou bordeie din secolul al XVIII-lea, spate parial, datate prin prile de vase rmase aici, unele acoperite cu smal i decorate cu incizii. Acestea au aprut mpreun cu fragmente de sticl, o parte dintr-o mrgic, multe scoici, oase de animale, crbune i cenu. Cele dou bordeie descoperite fac parte, probabil, dintr-un ctun ce exista n zon acum 200 de ani. De asemenea, i dup dig, ntr-un spaiu restrns au nceput s apar cteva bordeie de epoc modern, care ns au deranjat foarte puin complexele din primul mileniu. Acestui grup de locuine se datoreaz, foarte probabil, toponimul staiunii apte case.

Anexe/Annexes. II. Simina Stanc. Studiu arheozoologic / The archaeo-zoological study



Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

III. Banca Gar apte case. Campanii, metod, sectoare / Campaigns, method, sectors


Pl. 9. Banca Gar - apte Case. Sector A. Profil Valea Brladului - dig, sector SX. Profile, dyke Brlad Valley, sector SX.

Pl. 10. Banca Gar - apte Case. Sector C. Locuine Dridu, care au suprapus complexe de secol IV, L8, 13, 23, 88. Dwellings Dridu culture, L8, 13, 23, 88.



Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Sectorul B, include partea dreapt a vii actuale a rului Brlad, tot n albia minor, ca i sectorul A, reprezint partea cel mai puternic distrus de ape. Spre vest de acesta este o zon mai joas, o fie de teren mltinos, inundabil i neprielnic locuirii, dup care ncep pantele colinelor Tutovei. Cteva seciuni spate pe aceste pante, considerate sectorul F, nu au dus la descoperirea nici unui complex, doar, n strat, a ctorva fragmente ceramice Sntana de Mure, semn al folosirii acestuia pentru agricultur, de comunitile din secolul al IV-lea. Sectorul C, al treilea, se ntinde pe grindurile de la est de dig pn la Ferma Viticol Banca, amintit deja, ntre dig i solare. Sectorul C se afla la nord de oseaua Slcioara - Banca, spre est de sectorul A, pe terenul dinspre sat, din exteriorul digului. Sectorul D, n care s-au semnalat situri arheologice doar spre est. Perieghezele realizate aici au dus la descoperirea unor urme de locuire specifice tot secolului al IV-lea i culturii Dridu, fapt pentru care am realizat aici dou seciuni. Pe una s-a spat un complex specific secolelor IV-V, ce ne-a permis stabilirea contemporaneitii cu sectoarele A-C. Groapa aprut pe prima seciune, n dreptul M3,40, G5 cpl. 114 (=1,80 cm), se adncea de la - 0,40, la - 1,20 m. Sector E, se ntinde numai pe terasa din stnga Brladului, mai la nord de oseaua Slcioara - Banca, peste 2 km. n urma sprii canalelor de irigaii au fost descoperite alte locuine care aparin acelorai perioade istorice precum cele din sectorul D. Aici s-au spat 14 locuine.

Chapter III - campaigns archaeological and research method sectors A-E

In years when there has been systematic archaeological research, around the decade of the ninth century, in the ninth decade of last century, rable land was owned CAP Banca and and Barlad valley, as already mentioned, entered in landscaping hydraulic improvement plan to stop overflows, conducted by IEELIF Iasi. The work of regularization of the Barlad valley, made mechanized of the institution already mentioned, between 1978-1980, and crossed the land where appeared the remains of a vast and rich archaeological site, with traces of habitation especially of the first millennium. Digging the new great valley and impoundments with ground retrieved from around, led to the unveiling and destroying a number of complex from its west end. Earliest settlements,during the 7th10th centuries and the 18th19th centuries, partly affected the complexes dated to the 3rd5/6th centuries, and mainly resulted in the deterioration of the inventory, especially of the ceramic. So, the land from the dykes was etched, around 0.30 to 0.50 m, which led to the deployment or only disturbance old complexes. But, this settlement is stretched far to the east, on the banks nearby. Our research has extended into this area, that was investigated most of the complex uncovered so far. The agricultural works carried out lately disturbed some complexes situated closer to the surface of the current soil, between - 0,25-0,30 m. Due to the excavation difficulties, of the draught time, generally the excavated sections were 1 m wide and 15-20 m long. The distance between the trenches was of 2 or 2,5m, more rarely 3 m. Near the complexes or the potters workshop discovered in sector A, the excavation was superficial, by drawing cassettes in the spaces between the trenches.

The investigated site was split into six sectors, marked with letters A - F, for a better localization of the complexes on the various shapes of the land, topographically delimited in relation to the current valley of Brlad and to the road Slcioara - Banca. The first two sectors, A

III. Banca Gar apte case. Campanii, metod, sectoare / Campaigns, method, sectors


and B, were situated in the space between the two dykes built in 1980, the first on the left the second on the right side of the lower river bed of the Brlad. Sector C continues east of sector A, on the rises outside the dyke. To these, we should add also sectors D and E, to the north and respectively to the south of sector C. Apart from these five sectors there were made also excavations west of the dyke, on the slow slopes continuing with Tutovei Hills, sector F. Sector A, situated on the left side of the current valley of the Brlad, was the first one investigated by means of safeguarding or systematic excavations. Archeologically, it was almost fully checked. There were discovered complexes of Sntana de Mure culture, the potters workshop and Dridu complexes, dated to the last two centuries of the first millennium. On trenches S I and S II there were identified two huts dated to the 18 th century, partly excavated. It was dated by means of the parts of vessels discovered here, some still showing the enamel, decorated with incisions, or by means of the glass fragments, a part of a bead, many shells, animal bones, coal and ash. The two identified huts are probably part of a hamlet which existed in the area about 200 years ago. Even beyond the dyke, in a limited space, there started appearing few huts of the modern epoch, which though disturbed only to a small extent the 1 st millennium complexes. It is to this group of dwellings that is due, most probably, the site toponym of apte case. Sector B, situated on the right side of the low river bend of the Brlad, is the area which was mostly destroyed by waters. Westwards the land is lower, and rather marshy, floodable and unfavorable to inhabitance, and there follow the slopes of Tutovei hills, considered as sector F. Few trenches excavated here did not lead to the identification of any complex, only in the lawy of the several potsherds of Sntana de Mure culture, thus testifying the fact the memb ers of the community established there would cross this land or even cultivate it. Sector C, the third, spreads on the rises east of the dyke up to the Vineyard Banca, already mentioned above, between the dyke and greenhouses. Sector C was situated to the north of the road Slcioara - Banca, east of sector A, on the land toward the village, outside the dyke. Sector D, which contains archaeological traces only to the east. The ground surveys carried out here led to the identification of traces of inhabitance specific also to the 4 th century and the Dridu culture, reason why we created here two trenches. On one of them we found a specifically 4 th century complex that allowed us to establish it as being contemporary to sectors A-C. The top of the pit identified in the first trench at the level of M3,40, complex 114 (=1,80 cm), was situated at 0,40, while its base at - 1,20 m. Sector E. Much to the north of the above road, more than 2 km away, following the excavation of the irrigation canals, there were identified other dwellings that belong to the same historical periods as in the case of the previous sector, respectively sector E and it extends only on the terrace to the left of the Brlad. 14 dwellings were identified and studied by excavations in this sector.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Complexe / Complexes
During the ten campaigns of the archaeological researches, in the village Banca Gar - apte case, there were discovered 144 archaeological complexes of various periods, numbered as of marker used during excavation. By the discovery 26 dwellings, 17 the Surface dwelling and 9 the slightly buried dwellingde, 33 pits, 10 agglomeration of materials. Out of which 84 with 3 rd4th / 4rd 5th centuries and 39 dwellings with 7th9rd/10th centuries, shall be presented in this volume, the 74 were mostly specific for 3rd4th / 4rd 5th centuries.
Preistorie / Prehistory Cpl. 38. Aglomerare de materiale nr. 1, bronz timpuriu sau perioada de tranziie de la eneolitic la bronz (fig. 11-12). The agglomeration of materials no. 1, Early Bronze Age or period of the transition from Eneolithic to the Bronze Age (fig. 11-12). Cpl. 111. Aglomerare de materiale nr. 2 (fig. 13-14), bronz timpuriu, 1988, sector E, SIV. The agglomeration of materials no. 2 (fig. 13-14), Early Bronze Age, 1988, sector E, SIV. Cpl. 118. Mormnt de inhumaie M6 (fig. 15-16), bronz timpuriu - perioada de tranziie de la eneolitic la bronz, 1988, sectorul C, S XVII. The inhumation grave M6 (fig. 15-16), Early Bronze Age or transition period from Eneolithic to the Bronze Age, 1988, sector C, S17. Perioada hallstattian Hallstatt period Cpl. 24. Complex hallstattian (fig 17-18), 1983, sector C, S XIX. Hallstatt complex (fig. 17-18), sector C, S XIX. Perioada getic Getic period Cpl. 5a. Locuina uor adncit (fig. 17/1), perioada getic (fig. 20). The slightly buried dwelling (fig. 17/1), Getic period (fig. 20). Cpl. 6a. Aglomerare de materiale nr. 1, perioada getic (fig. 21), 1981, sector A, S III. Agglomeration of materials no. 1, Getic period (fig. 21), 1981, sector A, S II. Cpl. 9. Aglomerare de materiale nr. 2 (fig. 22), perioada getic. Agglomeration of materials no. 2 (fig. 22), Getic period. Cpl. 25. Groap (fig. 17/2), perioada getic (fig. 23), 1982, sector C, S XVIII-XIX (fig. 24). Pit (fig. 17/2), the Getic period (fig. 23), 1982, sector C, S XVIII-XIX (fig. 24). Cpl. 27a. Aglomerare de materiale nr. 3, perioada getic, 1983, sectorul A, S XXVIII. Agglomeration of materials no. 3, Getic period, 1983, sector A, S XXVIII. Cpl. 108. Groapa nr. 2 (fig. 17/3), perioada getic (fig. 24), 1988, sector C, S XV. Pit no. 2 (fig. 17/3), Getic period (fig. 24), 1988, sector C, S XV. Dacii liberi-carpii, daco-romanii i goii, romanicii/Free Dacians-The Carpians, Dacian-Romans and Goths, romances Cpl. 1, locuina de suprafa nr. 1 (fig. 25ab-26), secolul al IV-lea, cultura Sntana de Mure (fig. 27-28), 1981, sector A, SI. Surface dwelling no. 1 (fig. 25ab-26), 4th century, Sntana de Mure (fig. 27-28), 1981, sector A, S I. Cpl. 2, locuina uor adncit, L1 (fig. 25ab-26), cultura Dridu, 1981, sector A, S I. The slightly buried dwelling, L1 (fig. 25ab-26), Dridu culture, 1981, sector A, S I. Cpl. 3, locuina uor adncit, L2 (fig. 25ab-26), cultura Dridu, 1981, sector A, S I. The slightly buried dwelling, L2 (fig. 25ab-26), Dridu culture, 1981, sector A, S I. Cpl. 4, locuina uor adncit nr. l (fig. 25ab-26), secolele IV-V (fig. 29-30), 1981, sector A, SI. The slightly buried dwelling no. l (fig. 25ab-26), 4th century (fig. 29-30), 1981, sector A, S I. Cpl. 5, locuina uor adncit L3, cultura Dridu, 1981, sector A. The slightly buried dwelling, L3, Dridu culture, 1981, sector A. Cpl. 5a. Cpl. 6, locuina uor adncit L4, cultura Dridu, 1981, sector A, S II. The slightly buried dwelling, L4, Dridu culture, 1981, sector A, S II. Cpl. 6a. Cpl. 7, mormnt de nhumaie turanic nr. 1, M1, 1981, secolele X-XIII, sector A, deranjat. The inhumation grave 1, M1, 1981, 10rd13th centuries, sector A, disturbed.

Complexe / Complexes


Cpl. 8, mormnt de nhumaie turanic nr. 2, M2, 1981, secolele X - XIII, sector B, deranjat. The inhumation grave 2, M2, 1981, 10rd 13th centuries, sector B, disturbed. Cpl. 9. Cpl. 10, locuina uor adncit nr. 1 (fig. 31/1), secolele III-IV (fig. 32), 1981, sector A, S III. The slightly buried dwelling no. 1 (fig. 31/1), 3rd 4th centuries (fig. 32), 1981, sector A, S III. Cpl. 11, locuina uor adncit L5, cultura Dridu, 1981, sector A, S III. The slightly buried dwelling, L5, Dridu culture, 1981, sector A, S III. Cpl. 12, locuina uor adncit L6, cultura Dridu, 1982, sector A, S IV. The slightly buried dwelling, L6, Dridu culture, 1982, sector A, S IV. Cpl. 12a, locuina de suprafa nr. 1 (fig. 31/2), secolele III-IV (fig. 33-34/1-8), parial distrus de locuina Dridu, L6, 1982, sector A, S IV. Surface dwelling no. 1 (fig. 31/2), 3rd4th centuries (fig. 33-34/1-8), partly destroyed by the Dridu dwelling, L6, 1982, sector A, S IV. Cpl. 13, groapa nr. 1, secolele III-IV (fig. 34/9), 1982, sector A, S V. Pit no. 1, 3rd 4th centuries (fig. 34/9), 1982, sector A, S V. Cpl. 14, locuina de suprafa nr. 1 (fig. 35/1), secolele IV-V (fig. 36-38), 1982, sector A, S V. Surface dwelling no. 1 (fig. 35/1), 4rd 5th centuries (fig. 36-38), 1982, sector A, S V. Cpl. 15, locuina de suprafa nr. 2 (fig. 35/2;39), secolul IV, Sntana de Mure,1982, sector A, S VI. Surface dwelling no. 2 (fig. 35/2), 4th century, Sntana de Mure (fig. 39), 1982, sector A, S VI. Cpl. 16, locuina uor adncit, L7, cultura Dridu, 1982, sector A, S IX. The slightly buried dwelling, L7, Dridu culture, 1982, sector A, S IX. Cpl. 17, locuina de suprafa nr. 2 (fig. 40/1; 41-42), secolul al IV-lea, cultura Sntana de Mure, 1982, sector A, S VII. Surface dwelling no. 2 (fig. 40/1), 4th century, Sntana de Mure (fig. 41-42), 1982, sector A, S VII. Cpl. 18, groapa nr. 1 (fig. 40/2; 43), secolul IV, Sntana de Mure, 1982, sector A, SXVII-XVIII. Pit no. 1 (fig. 40/2), 4th century, Sntana de Mure culture (fig. 43), 1982, sector A, S XVII-XVIII. Cpl. 19, groapa nr. 2 (fig. 46/6), secolul IV, Sntana de Mure (fig. 44), 1982, sector A, S XVII. Pit no. 2 (fig. 46/6), 4th century, Sntana de Mure culture (fig. 44), 1982, sector A, S XVII. Cpl. 20, mormnt de nhumaie nr. 3, M3, secolul IV, Sntana de Mure (fig. 45), sector A, S XVII. The inhumation grave no. 3, M3, 4th century, Sntana de Mure culture (fig. 45), sector A, S XVII. Cpl. 21, groapa nr. 1 (fig. 46/7), secolul al III-lea (fig. 47), 1982, sector A, S XVII. Pit no. 1 (fig. 46/7), 3th century (fig. 47), 1982, sector A, S XVII. Cpl. 21a, aglomerare ceramic nr. 1, sec.IV, Sntana de Mure (fig. 48-49), 1982, sector A, S XVII. Ceramic agglomeration no. 1, 4th century, Sntana de Mure (fig. 48-49), 1982, sector A, S XVII. Cpl. 22, vatr portativ nr. 1, cultura Dridu, 1982, sector A, S XVI. Portabl fireplace no. 1, Dridu culture, 1982, sector A, S XVI. Cpl. 23, locuina uor adncit, L8, cultura Dridu, 1983, sector A, S XXIII. The buried dwelling L8, Dridu culture, 1983, sector A, S XXIII. Cpl. 24. Cpl. 24a, groapa nr. 1 (fig. 17), secolele IV-V (fig. 50-51), 1983, sector C, S XIX. Pit no. 1 (fig. 17), 4rd 5th centuries (fig. 50-51), 1983, sector C, S XIX. Cpl. 25. Cpl. 26, locuina de suprafa nr. 2 (fig. 52/1), 1983, sector A, S XXV, secolele IV-V (fig. 53-55). Surface dwelling no. 2 (fig. 52/1), 1983, sector A, S XXV, 4rd5th centuries (fig. 53-55). Cpl. 26a, groapa nr. 2 (fig. 52/1), secolele IV-V (fig. 56), 1983, sector A, XXV. Pit no. 2 (fig. 52/1), 4rd 5th centuries (fig. 56), 1983, sector A, XXV. Cpl. 27, locuina uor adncit nr. 2 (fig. 52/2), secolele IV-V (fig. 57), 1982, sect. A, SXXV-XXVI. The slightly buried dwelling no. 2 (fig. 52/2), 4rd5th centuries (fig. 57),1982, sect.A, SXXV-XXVI. Cpl. 27a. Cpl. 28, locuina uor adncit nr. 1 (fig. 58/1), secolul al III-lea (fig. 59), 1983, sectorul A, S XXIII. The slightly buried dwelling no. 2 (fig. 58/1), 3th century (fig. 59), 1983, sectorul A, S XXIII. Cpl. 28a. locuina uor adncit, L9, cultura Dridu, 1983, sector A, S XXIII. The slightly buried dwelling, L9, Dridu culture, 1983, sector A, S XXIII. Cpl. 29, locuina de suprafa nr. 3 (fig. 58), sec. III-IV (fig. 60-61), 1983, sector A, S XXIII-XXIV.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Surface dwelling no. 3 (fig. 58), 3rd4th centuries (fig. 60-61), 1983, sector A, S XXIIIXXIV. Cpl. 30, locuina uor adncit nr. 3 (fig. 62/1), secolul al IV-lea, cultura Sntana de Mure (fig. 63), 1983, sector A, S XXVI. The slightly buried dwelling no. 3 (fig. 62/1), 4th century, Sntana de Mure culture (fig. 63), 1983, sector A, S XXVI. Cpl. 30a, locuina uor adncit, L10, cultura Dridu, 1983, sector C, S XXVI. The slightly buried dwelling, L10, Dridu culture, 1983, sector A, S XXVI. Cpl. 31, locuina uor adncit nr. 2 (fig. 62/2), secolele III-IV (fig. 64-65), 1983, sector A, S XXVI. The slightly buried dwelling no.2 (fig. 62/2), 3rd4th centuries (fig. 64-65), 1983, sector A, S XXVI. Cpl. 32, Groapa nr. 2 (fig. 66/1), secolele III-IV (fig. 67-69), din apropierea locuinei specifice culturii Dridu, L11, 1983, sector C, S XL. Pit no. 2 (fig. 66/1), the 3rd4th centuries (fig. 67-69), situated near dwelling L11, specific to the Dridu culture, 1983, sector C, S XL. Cpl. 32a, groapa nr. 5 (fig. 66/1), secolul al III-lea (fig. 67-69), 1983, sector C, S XL. Pit no. 5 (fig. 66/1), 3th centuries (fig. 67-69), 1983, sector C, S XL. Cpl. 32b, locuina uor adncit, L11, cultura Dridu, 1983, sector C, S XL. The slightly buried dwelling, L11, Dridu culture, 1983, sector C, S XL. Cpl. 33, locuina de suprafa nr. 4 (fig. 66/2), secolele III-IV(fig. 70-73), 1983, sector C, S XL. Surface dwelling no. 4 (fig. 66/2), 3rd4th centuries (fig. 70-73), 1983, sector C, S XL. Cpl. 33a, groapa nr. 3 (fig. 66/3; 74-76), secolul al IV-lea, Sntana de Mure, 1983, sector C, S XL. Pit no. 3 (fig. 66/3), 4th century, Sntana de Mure culture (fig. 74-76), 1983, sector C, S XL. Cpl. 34, locuina de suprafa nr. 5 (fig. 77/1), secolele III-IV (fig. 78), 1983, sector C, S XLII. Surface dwelling no. 5 (fig. 77/1), 3rd 4th centuries (fig. 78), 1983, sector C, S XLII. Cpl. 35, locuina de suprafa nr. 3 (fig. 77/2), secolele IV-V (fig. 79), 1983, sector C, S XLII. Surface dwelling no. 3 (fig. 77/2), 4rd 5th centuries (fig. 79),1983, sector C, S XLII. Cpl. 36, locuina de suprafa nr. 4 (fig. 80/1), secolele IV-V (fig. 81-83), 1986, sector C, S XL. Surface dwelling no. 4 (fig. 80/1), 4rd 5th centuries (fig. 81-83), 1986, sector C, S XL. Cpl. 37, groapa nr. 4 (fig. 80/2; 84/1-4, 6-8), secolul al IV-lea, Sntana de Mure, 1986, sector C. Pit no. 4 (fig. 80/2), 4th century, Sntana de Mure culture (fig. 84/1-4, 6-8), 1986, sector C. Cpl. 38. Cpl. 39, groapa nr. 5 (fig. 84/5), secolul al IV-lea, cultura Sntana de Mure, 1983, sector, SXI. Pit no. 5 (fig. 84/5), 4th centuries, Sntana de Mure culture, 1983, sector, SXI. Cpl. 40, aglomerare ceramic nr. 1, cultura Dridu, 1983, sector C. Ceramic agglomeration no. 1, Dridu culture, 1983, sector C. Cpl. 41, groapa nr. 1, 1983, cultura Dridu, sector C. Pit no. 1, 1983, Dridu culture, sector C. Cpl. 42, aglomerare ceramic nr. 1 (fig. 85), secolele IV-V, 1983, deranjat de o locuin a culturii Dridu, L12, sector C, S XL. Ceramic agglomeration no. 1 (fig. 85), 4rd 5th centuries, 1983, disturbed by a dwelling specific to the Dridu culture, L12, sector C, S XL. Cpl. 43, aglomerare ceramic nr. 2, secolul al IV-lea, cultura Sntana de Mure (fig. 86), 1983, deranjat de o locuin a culturii Dridu, L13, sector C, S XLIII. Ceramic agglomeration no. 2, 4th centuries, Sntana de Mure culture (fig. 86), 1983, disturbed by a dwelling specific to the Dridu culture, L13, sector C, S XLIII. Cpl. 44, locuina uor adncit, L12, cultura Dridu, 1983, sector C, S XL. The slightly buried dwelling, L12, Dridu culture, 1983, sector C, S XL. Cpl. 45, locuina uor adncit, L13, cultura Dridu, 1983, sector C, S IX. The slightly buried dwelling, L13, Dridu culture, 1983, sector C, S IX. Cpl. 46, locuina uor adncit, L14, cultura Dridu, 1983, sector C, S XIV. The slightly buried dwelling, L14, Dridu culture, 1983, sector C, S XIV. Cpl. 47, locuina uor adncit, L15, cultura Dridu, 1983, sector C, S III. The slightly buried dwelling, L15, Dridu culture, 1983, sector C, S III. Cpl. 48, locuina de suprafa nr. 4 (fig. 87/1), secolul al IV-lea, cultura Sntana de Mure (fig. 88),

Complexe / Complexes


1983, sector B, S XLIII. Surface dwelling no. 4 (fig. 87/1), 4th century, Sntana de Mure (fig. 88), 1983, sector B, S XLIII. Cpl. 49, groapa nr. 6 (fig. 80/3), secolul al IV-lea, Sntana de Mure (fig. 89-90), 1983, S XX. Pit no. 6 (fig. 80/3), 4th centuries, Sntana de Mure culture (fig. 89-90), 1983, S XX. Cpl. 49a, complex medieval nr. 1, 1983, sector C, S XX. Mediaeval complex no. 1, 1983, sector C, S XX. Cpl. 50, groapa nr. 7 (fig. 80/4), secolul al IV-lea, cultura Sntana de Mure, 1983, sector C, S XII. Pit no. 7 (fig. 80/4), 4th century, Sntana de Mure culture, 1983, sector C, S XII. Cpl. 51, locuina de suprafa nr. 5 (fig. 87/2), secolele IV-V (fig. 91-92), 1983, sector, S XLIII. Surface dwelling no. 5 (fig. 87/2), 4rd5th centuries (fig. 91-92), 1983, sector, S XLIII. Cpl. 52, locuina uor adncit, L16, cultura Dridu, 1983, sector A, S XLIII prelungire. The slightly buried dwelling, L16, Dridu culture, 1983, sector A, S XLIII prolongation. Cpl. 53, locuina uor adncit, L17, cultura Dridu, 1986, sector B, S XVII. The slightly buried dwelling, L17, Dridu culture, 1986, sector B, S XVII. Cpl. 54, locuina uor adncit, L18, cultura Dridu, 1986, sector C, S VI. The slightly buried dwelling, L18, Dridu culture, 1986, sector C, S VI. Cpl. 55, aglomerare ceramic, 1986, medieval, sector C, S XV. Ceramic agglomeration, 1986, mediaeval, sector C, S XV. Cpl. 56, groap medieval nr. 1, 1986, sector C, S XV. Mediaeval pit no. 1, 1986, sector C, S XV. Cpl. 57, locuina de suprafa nr. 5 (fig. 93; 94/1-12), secolul al IV-lea, cultura Sntana de Mure, 1986, sector C, S XV. Surface dwelling no. 5 (fig. 93), 4th century, Sntana de Mure (fig. 94/1-12), 1986, sector C, S XV. Cpl. 58, bordei medieval, 1986, sector C, S XV. Mediaeval hut, 1986, sector C, S XV. Cpl. 59, locuina uor adncit, L19, cultura Dridu, 1986, sector B, S VI. The slightly buried dwelling, L19, Dridu culture, 1986, sector B, S VI. Cpl. 60. aglomerare ceramic nr. 3, secolul al IV-lea, cultura Sntana de Mure (fig. 94/13-17), 1986, sectorul C, S XX. Ceramic agglomeration no. 3, 4th century, Sntana de Mure (fig. 94/13-17), 1986, sectorul C, S XX. Cpl. 60a, groapa medieval nr. 2, 1986, sector C, S XVII. Mediaeval pit no. 2, 1986, sector C, S XVII. Cpl. 61, aglomerare ceramic nr. 4, secolul al IV-lea, cultura Sntana de Mure (fig. 95), 1986, sector C, S XV, deranjat de bordeiul medieval, cpl. 58. Ceramic agglomeration no. 4, 4th century, Sntana de Mure (fig. 95), 1986, sector C, S XV, disturbed by the mediaeval hut, cpl. 58. Cpl. 62, groapa nr. 3, secolele III-IV, 1986, sector C, S XV. Pit no. 3, 3rd4th centuries, 1986, sector C, S XV. Cpl. 63. locuina uor adncit, L20, cultura Dridu, 1986, sector A, S XXII. The slightly buried dwelling, L20, Dridu culture, 1986, sector A, S XXII. Cpl. 64, aglomerare ceramic nr. 2, secolele IV-V (fig. 96), 1986, sector C, SXXIII. Ceramic agglomeration no. 2, 4rd 5th centuries (fig. 96), 1986, sector C, SXXIII. Cpl. 65, atelier de olarie (fig. 97a-b -104), secolele IV-V, 1986-1988, sector A, S. The potters workshop (fig. 97a-b -104), 4rd 5th centuries, 1986-1988, sector A. Cpl. 66, mormnt de inhumaie nr. 4 (fig.105), secolul IV, Sntana de Mure, 1986, sector A, S XXI. The inhumation grave no. 4 (fig. 105), 4th century, Sntana de Mure, 1986, sector A, S XXI. Cpl. 66a, groapa nr. 7 (fig. 105), secolul al IV-lea, cultura Sntana de Mure, 1986, sector A, S XXI. Pit no. 87 (fig. 105), 4th century, Sntana de Mure culture, 1986, sector A, S XXI. Cpl. 68, locuina uor adncit, L21, cultura Dridu, 1986, sector A, S XXIII. The slightly buried dwelling, L21, Dridu culture, 1986, sector A, S XXIII. Cpl. 69, locuina uor adncit, L22, cultura Dridu, 1986, sector A, S XXII. The slightly buried dwelling, L22, Dridu culture, 1986, sector A, S XXII. Cpl. 69a, groapa nr. 3, secolele IV-V, 1986, sector A, S XXII.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Pit no. 3, 4rd5th centuries, 1986, sector A, S XXII. Cpl. 70, aglomerare ceramic nr. 1, secolele III-IV (fig. 108), 1986, sector A, SXXII. Ceramic agglomeration no. 1, 3rd4th century (fig. 108), 1986, sector A, SXXII. Cpl. 71, groapa nr. 9 (fig. 93/5), secol IV, Sntana de Mure (fig. 109-110), 1986, sector D, SIII. Pit no. 9, 4th century, Sntana de Mure culture (fig. 109-110), 1986, sector D, SIII. Cpl. 72, locuina de suprafa nr. 6 (fig. 111), secolele III-IV (fig. 112), 1986, sector C, S VIII. Surface dwelling no. 6 (fig. 111), 3rd4th centuries (fig. 112), 1986, sector C, S VIII. Cpl. 73, aglomerare ceramic, nr. 2, secolele III-IV (fig. 113), sector C, S II. Ceramic agglomeration, no. 2, 3rd4th centuries (fig. 113), sector C, S II. Cpl. 73a, locuina uor adncit, L23, cultura Dridu, 1986, sector C, S II. The slightly buried dwelling, L23, Dridu culture, 1986, sector C, S II. Cpl. 74, groapa nr. 4, secolele III-IV (fig. 114), 1986, sector E, S II. Pit no. 4, 3rd4th centuries (fig. 114), 1986, sector E, S II. Cpl. 74a, locuina uor adncit, L24, cultura Dridu, 1988, sector B, SI The slightly buried dwelling, L24, Dridu culture, 1988, sector B, SI. Cpl. 75, locuina uor adncit, L25, cultura Dridu, 1988, sector E, SI. The slightly buried dwelling, L25, Dridu culture, 1988, sector E, SI. Cpl. 76, mormnt de inhumaie nr. 5, secolele III-IV (fig. 115), 1988, sector A, S XVIII. The inhumation grave no. 5, 3rd4th centuries (fig. 115), 1988, sector A, SXVIII. Piepteni (fig. 116) Cpl. 77, locuina uor adncit nr. 1, secolul IV, Sntana de Mure (117), 1988, sector, SXVIII. The slightly buried dwelling no. 1, 4th centuries, Sntana de Mure (117), 1988, sector, SXVIII. Cpl. 78, locuina uor adncit nr. 3, secolele III-IV (fig. 118), 1988, sectorul C, pe SX. The slightly buried dwelling no. 3, 3rd4th centuries (fig. 118), 1988, sectorul C, pe SX. Cpl. 79, groapa nr. 4 (fig. 119/1), secolele IV-V (fig. 120), 1988, sector C. Pit no. 4 (fig. 119/1), 4rd5th centuries (fig. 120), 1988, sector C. Cpl. 80, groapa nr. 10 (fig. 119/2; 121), secolul IV, cultura Sntana de Mure, 1988, sector D, SI. Pit no. 10 (fig. 119/2), 4th century, Sntana de Mure culture (fig. 121), 1988, sector D, S I. Cpl. 81, locuina uor adncit, L26, cultura Dridu, 1988, sector D, S I. The slightly buried dwelling, L26, Dridu culture, 1988, sector D, S I. Cpl. 82, locuina uor adncit, L27, cultura Dridu, 1988, sector D, S I. The slightly buried dwelling, L27, Dridu culture, 1988, sector D, S I. Cpl. 83, aglomerare ceramic nr. 2, cultura Dridu, 1988, sector D, S I. Ceramic agglomeration no. 2, Dridu culture, 1988, sector D, S I. Cpl. 84, aglomerare de materiale nr. 3, cultura Dridu, 1988, sector D, S I. The agglomeration of materials no. 3, Dridu culture, 1988, sector D, S I. Cpl. 85, Complex ceramic nr. 4, cultura Dridu, 1988, sector D, S I. Ceramic complex no. 4, Dridu culture, 1988, sector D, S I. Cpl. 86, aglomerare de materiale, nr. 1 (fig. 122), secolele V-VI, 1988, sector D, S III. The agglomeration of materials, no. 1 (fig. 122), 5rd6th centuries, 1988, sector D, S III. Cpl. 87, locuina uor adncit, L28, cultura Dridu, 1988, sector D, S I. The slightly buried dwelling, L28, Dridu culture, 1988, sector D, S I. Cpl. 88. aglomerare de materiale nr. 5, secolul IV, Sntana de Mure (fig. 123), 1988, sector D, SII. The agglomeration of materials no. 5, 4th century, Sntana de Mure (fig. 123), 1988, sector D, SII. Cpl. 89, groapa nr. 2, cultura Dridu, 1988, sector C. Pit no. 2, Dridu culture, 1988, sector C. Cpl. 90, groapa nr. 3, cultura Dridu, 1988, sector C. Pit no. 3, Dridu culture, 1988, sector C. Cpl. 91, locuina uor adncit nr. 2 (fig. 119/5; 124), secolul IV, Sntana de Mure, 1988, sector E. The slightly buried dwelling no. 2 (fig. 119/5; 124), 4th centuries, Sntana de Mure, 1988, sector E. Cpl. 92, groapa nr. 11 (fig. 119/3), 1988, secolul al IV-lea, cultura Sntana de Mure (fig. 125), sector C, S II, resturi osoase care provin de la un purcel, probabil ngropat ntreg. Pit no. 11 (fig. 119/3), 1988, 4th century, Sntana de Mure culture (fig. 125), sector C, S II, skeletal and dental remains, originate from a piglet, which was probably buried whole.

Complexe / Complexes


Cpl. 93, groapa nr. 5 (fig. 119/4), secolele III-IV, 1988, sector C, S II. Pit no. 5 (fig. 119/4), 3rd4th centuries, 1988, sector C, S II. Cpl. 94, groapa nr. 6 (fig. 119/5), secolele III-IV (fig. 126/13-18), 1988, sector D, S III. Pit no. 6 (fig. 119/5), 3rd4th centuries (fig. 126), 1988, sector D, S III. Cpl. 95, groapa nr. 1, secolul al VI-lea (fig. 127), 1988, sectorul D, S XX. Pit no. 1, 6th century (fig. 127), 1988, sectorul D, S XX. Cpl. 96, locuina de suprafa nr. 6, secolele IV-V, 1988, sector D, S VII. Surface dwelling no. 6, 4rd-5th centuries, 1988, sector D, S VII. Cpl. 97, complex modern, sector C, 1988, S XX. Recent complex, sector C, 1988, S XX. Cpl. 98, locuina uor adncit, L29, cultura Dridu, 1988, sector, D VII. The slightly buried dwelling, L29, Dridu culture, 1988, sector, D VII. Cpl. 99, locuina uor adncit, L30, cultura Dridu, 1988, sector D, S IX. The slightly buried dwelling, L30, Dridu culture, 1988, sector D, S IX. Cpl. 100, vatr portativ nr. 2, cultura Dridu, 1988, sector C, S XXIII. Portable fireplace no. 2, Dridu culture, 1988, sector C, S XXIII. Cpl. 101, groapa nr. 4, cultura Dridu, 1988, sector C, S XXIV. Pit no. 4, Dridu culture, 1988, sector C, S XXIV. Cpl. 102, complex cultura Dridu, nr. 5, 1988, sector C, S XXVII. Cpl. Dridu culture complex, no. 5, 1988, sector C, S XXVII. Cpl. 103, locuina uor adncit, L31, cultura Dridu, 1988, sector C, S VIII-IX. The slightly buried dwelling, L31, Dridu culture, 1988, sector C, S VIII-IX. Cpl. 104-104a, gropile nr. 12-12a (fig. 128), secolul IV, Sntana de Mure 1988, sector C, S XII. Pit no. 12-12a (fig. 128), 4th century, Sntana de Mure culture, 1988, sector C, S XII. Cpl. 105, aglomerare ceramic nr. 6, cultura Dridu, 1988, sector C, S XII. Ceramic agglomeration no. 6, Dridu culture, 1988, sector C, S XII. Cpl. 106, groapa nr. 7 (fig. 128/3), secolele III-IV, 1988, sector C, S XIV. Pit no. 7 (fig. 128/3), 3rd4th centuries (fig. 129-131; 132/1-10), 1988, sector C, S XIV. Cpl. 106a, locuina uor adncit, L4, secolele III-IV, 1988, sector C. The slightly buried dwelling, no. 4, 3rd4th centuries (fig. 129-131; 132/1-10), 1988, sector C, S XIV. Cpl. 107, locuina uor adncit, L32, cultura Dridu, 1988, sector C, S XIV-XV. The slightly buried dwelling, L32, Dridu culture, 1988, sector C, S XIV-XV. Cpl. 108. Cpl. 109, groapa nr. 5, cultura Dridu, 1988, sector D, S XVI. Pit no. 5, Dridu culture, 1988, sector D, S XV. Cpl. 110, locuina uor adncit, L33, 1988, cultura Dridu, sector C, S XVII. The slightly buried dwelling, L33, 1988, Dridu culture, sector C, S XVII. Cpl. 111. Cpl. 112, locuina uor adncit, L34, cultura Dridu, 1988, sector C, S XVIII. The slightly buried dwelling, L34, Dridu culture, 1988, sector C, S XVIII. Cpl. 113, groapa nr. 4 (fig. 128), secolul al III-lea (fig. 132/11-16), 1988, sector E, S XI. Pit no. 4 (fig. 128), 3th century (fig. 132/11-16), 1988, sector E, S XI. Cpl. 114, groapa nr. 5 (fig. 128), secolele IV-V (fig. 133), 1988, sector C, S XVII. Pit no. 5 (fig. 128), 4rd 5th centuries, 1988 (fig. 133), sector C, S XVII. Cpl. 115, groapa nr. 14 (fig. 128; 134), secolul IV, cultura Sntana de Mure, 1988, sector D, S II. Pit no. 14 (fig. 128), 4th century, Sntana de Mure culture (fig. 134), 1988, sector D, S II. Cpl. 116, groapa nr. 15, 1988, secolul al IV-lea, cultura Sntana de Mure (fig. 135), sector D, S II. Pit no. 15, 4th century, Sntana de Mure culture (fig. 135), 1988, sector D, S II. Cpl. 117, groapa nr. 6, cultura Dridu, 1988, L35, sector C, S XVII. Pit no. 6, Dridu culture, 1988, L35, sector C, S XVII. Cpl. 118. Cpl. 119, groapa nr. 16 (fig. 136-137), secolul IV, cultura Sntana de Mure, 1988, sector C, S XVII. Pit no. 16 (fig. 134), 4th century, Sntana de Mure culture (fig. 137), 1988, sector C, S XVII. Cpl. 120, groapa nr. 2 (fig. 136), secolele V-VI (fig. 138), 1988, sector E, S XX.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Pit no. 2 (fig. 136), 5rd6th centuries (fig. 138), 1988, sector E, S XX. Cpl. 121, groapa nr. 3 (fig. 136), secolul al III-lea (fig. 139-140), 1988, sector E, S XX. Pit no. 5 (fig. 136), 3th century (fig. 139-140), 1988, sector E, S XX. Cpl. 122, locuina uor adncit, nr. 3 (fig. 136), secolele IV-V (fig. 141), 1988, sector C, S VIII, lng locuina culturii Dridu, L34. Surface dwelling no. 3 (fig. 136), 4rd5th centuries (fig. 141), 1988, sector C, S VIII, from the Dridu dwelling, L34. Cpl. 123, locuina uor adncit, L36, cultura Dridu, 1988, sector D, S II. The slightly buried dwelling, L36, Dridu culture, 1988, sector D, S II. Cpl. 124, locuina uor adncit, L37, cultura Dridu, 1988, sector D, S III. The slightly buried dwelling, L37, Dridu culture, 1988, sector D, S III. Cpl. 125, locuina uor adncit, L38, cultura Dridu, 1989, sector E, S IV. The slightly buried dwelling, L38, Dridu culture, 1989, sector E, S IV.

Complexele ordonate cronologic

Morminte Cpl. 20. Mormnt de nhumaie nr. 3 (fig. 45-46), secolul al IV-lea, cultura Sntana de Mure. Cpl. 66-66a. Mormntul de nhumaie nr. 4, M4 (fig. 105-106), secolul IV, cultura Sntana de Mure. Cpl. 76. Mormntul de nhumaie nr. 5 (fig. 115), secolele III-IV. Perioada getic Cpl. 5a. Locuina uor adncit nr. 1 (fig. 17/1), perioada getic (fig. 20). Cpl. 6a. Aglomerare de materiale nr. 1 (fig. 21). Cpl. 9. Aglomerare de materiale nr. 2 (fig. 22), complex getic. Cpl. 25. Groapa nr. 1, complex getic (fig. 23). Cpl. 27a. Aglomerare de materiale nr. 3, perioada getic. Cpl. 108. Groapa nr. 2 (fig. 17/3), complex getic (fig. 24). Secolul al III-lea Cpl. 21. Groapa nr. 1 (fig. 46/7) (fig. 47). Cpl. 28. Locuina uor adncit nr. 1 (fig. 58/1) (fig. 59). Cpl. 113. Groapa nr. 2 (fig. 132/11-16). Cpl. 121. Groapa nr. 3 (fig. 139-140). Secolele III-IV Cpl. 10. Locuina uor adncit nr. 1 (fig. 31/1) (fig. 32). Cpl. 12a. Locuina de suprafa nr. 1 (fig. 31/2) (33-34/1-8), cu o casserol de sec. IV. Cpl. 13. Groapa nr. 1 (fig. 34/9). Cpl. 17. Locuina de suprafa nr. 2 (fig. 40/1) (fig. 41-42). Cpl. 29. Locuina de suprafa nr. 3 (fig. 60-61). Cpl. 31. Locuina uor adncit nr. 2 (fig. 62/2) (fig. 64-65). Cpl. 32. Groapa nr. 2 (fig. 66/1) (fig. 67-69). Cpl. 33. Locuina de suprafa nr. 4 (fig. 66/2) (fig. 70-73). Cpl. 34. Locuina de suprafa nr. 5 (fig. 77/1) (fig. 78). Cpl. 62. Groapa nr. 3. Cpl. 70. Aglomerare de materiale, nr. 1(fig. 108). Cpl. 72. Locuina de suprafa, nr. 6 (fig. 112). Cpl. 73. Aglomerare de ceramic, nr. 2 (fig. 113). Cpl. 74. Groapa, nr. 4 (fig. 114). Cpl. 78. Locuina uor adncit, nr. 3 (fig. 118). Cpl. 93. Groapa, nr. 5 (fig. 119/4). Cpl. 94. Groapa, nr. 6 (fig. 126/13-18). Cpl. 106. Groapa, nr. 7. Cpl. 106a. Locuina uor adncit, nr. 4 (fig. 129-131; 132/1-10). Secolul al IV-lea Cpl. 1. Locuina de suprafa, nr. 1 (fig. 26) (fig. 27-28).

Complexe / Complexes


Cpl. 15. Locuina de suprafa, nr. 2 (fig. 35/2), (fig. 39). Cpl. 18. Groapa, nr. 1 (fig. 40/2), (fig. 43). Cpl. 19. Groapa, nr. 2 (fig. 46/6), (fig. 44). Cpl. 21a. Aglomerare ceramic, nr. 1 (fig. 46/7) (fig. 48-49). Cpl. 30. Locuina de suprafa, nr. 3 (fig. 62/1) (fig. 63). Cpl. 33a. Groapa, nr. 3 (fig. 66/3) (fig. 74-76). Cpl. 37. Groapa, nr. 4 (fig. 80/2) (fig. 84/1-4, 6-8). Cpl. 39. Groapa, nr. 5 (fig. 84/5). Cpl. 43. Aglomerare de materiale, nr. 2 (fig. 86). Cpl. 48. Locuina de suprafa, nr. 4 (fig. 87/1). Cpl. 49. Groapa, nr. 6 (fig. 89-90). Cpl. 50. Groapa, nr. 7 (fig. 80/4). Cpl. 57. Locuina de suprafa, nr. 5 (fig. 94/1-12). Cpl. 60. Aglomerare de ceramic, nr. 3 (fig. 94/13-17). Cpl. 61. Aglomerare de materiale, nr. 4 (fig. 95). Cpl. 66a. Groapa, nr. 8 (fig. 107). Cpl. 71. Groapa, nr. 9 (fig. 93/5; 109-110). Cpl. 77. Locuina uor adncit, nr. 1 (fig. 117). Cpl. 80. Groapa, nr. 10 (fig. 119/2; 121). Cpl. 88. Aglomerare de materiale, nr. 5 (fig. 123). Cpl. 91. Locuina uor adncit, nr. 2 (fig. 124). Cpl. 92. Groapa, nr. 11 (fig. 119/3; 125; 126/1-12). Cpl. 104, 105. Gropile, nr. 12 i 12a (fig. 128/2). Cpl. 115. Groapa, nr. 14 (fig. 134). Cpl. 116. Groapa, nr. 15 (fig. 135). Cpl. 119. Groapa, nr. 16 (fig. 136-137). Secolele IV-V Cpl. 4. Locuina uor adncit, nr. 1 (fig. 26; 29-30). Cpl. 14. Locuina de suprafa, nr. 1 (fig. 35/1; 36-38). Cpl. 24a. Groapa, nr. 1 (fig. 50-51). Cpl. 26. Locuina de suprafa, nr. 2 (fig. 52/1; 53-55). Cpl. 26a. Groapa, nr. 2 (fig. 52; 56). Cpl. 27. Locuina uor adncit, nr. 2 (fig. 52/2; 57). Cpl. 35. Locuina de suprafa, nr. 3 (fig. 77/2; 79). Cpl. 36. Locuina de suprafa, nr. 4 (fig. 81-83). Cpl. 42. Aglomerare de ceramic, nr. 1 (fig. 85). Cpl. 51. Locuina de suprafa, nr. 5 (fig. 87/2; 91-92). Cpl. 64. Aglomerare de materiale, nr. 2 (fig. 96). Cpl. 65. Atelierul de olrie (fig. 97a-c -104). Cpl. 69a. Groapa, nr. 3 (fig. 93/4). Cpl. 79. Groapa, nr. 4 (fig. 119/1; 120). Cpl. 96. Locuina de suprafa, nr. 6 (fig. 128/1). Cpl. 114. Groapa, nr. 5 (fig. 128; 133). Cpl. 122. Locuina uor adncit, nr. 3 (fig. 141/1). Secolele V-VI Cpl. 86. Aglomerare de materiale, nr. 1, secolele (V) VI (fig. 122). Cpl. 95. Groapa, nr. 1 (fig. 119), secolul al VI-lea (fig. 127). Cpl. 120. Groapa, nr. 2 (fig. 136), secolul al V-lea (fig. 138).

Tipuri de complexe
Locuine de suprafa i uor adncite, gropi, aglomerri de materiale Secolul al III-lea - 4 Locuina uor adncit, nr. 1 cpl. 28.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Gropi, nr. 1 cpl. 21, nr. 2 cpl. 113, nr. 3 cpl. 121. Secolele III-IV - 19 Locuine de suprafa, nr. 1-6 cpl. 12a, cu o caserol, cpl. 17 cpl. 29, cpl. 33-34 cpl. 72. Locuine uor adncite, nr. 1 cpl. 10, nr. 2 cpl. 31, nr. 3 cpl. 78, nr. 4 cpl. 106a. Gropi, nr. 1 cpl. 13, nr. 2 cpl. 32, nr. 3 cpl. 62, nr. 4 cpl. 74, nr. 5-6 cpl. 93-94, nr. 7 cpl. 106. Aglomerri de materiale, nr. 1 cpl. 70, nr. 2 cpl. 73. Secolul al IV-lea - 28 Locuine de suprafa, nr. 1 cpl. 1, nr. 2 cpl. 15, nr. 3 cpl. 30, nr. 4 cpl. 48, nr. 5 cpl. 57. Locuine uor adncite, nr. 1 cpl. 77, nr. 2 cpl. 91. Gropi, nr. 1-2 cpl. 18-19, nr. 3 cpl. 33a, nr. 4 cpl. 37, nr. 5 cpl. 39, nr. 6-7 cpl. 49-50, nr. 8 cpl. 66a, nr. 9 cpl. 71, nr. 10 cpl. 80, nr. 11 cpl. 92, nr. 12-12a cpl. 104-104a, nr. 14-16 cpl. 115, 116, 119. Aglomerri ceramice, nr. 1 cpl. 21a, nr. 2 cpl. 43, nr. 3 cpl. 60, nr. 4 cpl. 61, nr. 5 cpl. 88. Mormnt, unul dintre ele, nr. 5 datat n secolul al III-lea, cpl. 66. Secolele IV-V - 17 Locuine de suprafa, nr. 1 cpl. 14, nr. 2 cpl. 26, nr. 3-4 cpl. 35-36, nr. 5 cpl. 51, nr. 6 cpl. 96. Locuine uor adncite, nr. 1 cpl. 4, nr. 2 cpl. 27, nr. 3 cpl. 122. Gropi, nr. 1 cpl. 24a, nr. 2 cpl. 26a, nr. 3 cpl. 69a, nr. 4 cpl. 79, nr. 5 cpl. 114. Aglomerare de ceramic, nr. 1 cpl. 42, nr. 2 cpl. 64. Atelierul de olrie, cpl. 65, secolul al IV-lea - prima parte a secolului al V-lea (fig. 97a-c -104). Morminte, dou nr. 3-4 datate n secolul al IV-lea, cpl. 20, 76. Secolele V-VI - 3 Gropi, nr. 1 cpl. 95, nr. 2 cpl. 120. Aglomerare de materiale, nr. 1 cpl. 86. 74 Complexe

Types of complex: surface dwellings, slightly buried dwelling, pits, agglomerations of ceramic materials and the potters workshop
3th Centuries Slightly buried dwelling, no. 1 cpl. 28. Pits, no. 1 cpl. 21, no. 2 cpl. 113, no. 3 cpl. 121. 3rd4th Centuries Surface dwellings, nos. 1-5, cpl. 12a, with a casserole, cpl. 17, cpl. 29, cpl. 33-34, cpl. 72. Slightly buried dwelling, no. 1 cpl. 10, no. 2 cpl. 31, no. 3 cpl. 78, no. 4 cpl. 106a. Pits, no. 1 cpl. 13, no. 2 cpl. 32, no. 3 cpl. 62, no. 4 cpl. 74, nos. 5-6 cpl. 93-94, nos. 7 cpl. 106. Agglomerations of ceramic materials, no. 1 cpl. 70, no. 2 cpl. 73. 4th Century The surface dwellings, no. 1 cpl. 1, no. 2 cpl. 15, no. 3 cpl. 30, no. 4 cpl. 48, no. 5 cpl. 57. Slightly buried dwelling, no. 1 cpl. 77, no. 2 cpl. 91. Pits, nos. 1-2 cpl. 18-19, no. 3 cpl. 33a, no. 4 cpl. 37, no. 5 cpl. 39, nos. 6-7 cpl. 49-50, no. 8 cpl. 66a, no. 9 cpl. 71, no. 10 cpl. 80, no. 11 cpl. 92, nos. 12-12a cpl. 104-104a, nos. 14-16 cpl. 115-116, 119. Agglomerations of ceramic materials, nos. 1-5, cpl. 21a, cpl. 43, cpl. 60, cpl. 61, cpl. 88. 4rd5th Centuries Surface dwellings, no. 1 cpl. 14, no. 2 cpl. 26, no. 3 cpl. 35, no. 4 cpl. 36, no. 5 cpl. 51, no. 6 cpl. 96. Slightly buried dwelling, no. 1 cpl. 4, no. 2 cpl. 27, no. 3 cpl. 122. Pits, no. 1 cpl. 24a, no. 2 cpl. 26a, no. 3 cpl. 69a, no. 4 cpl. 79, no. 5, cpl. 114. Agglomerations of ceramic materials, nos. 1-2 cpl. 42, 64, potters workshop, cpl. 65. 5rd6th Centuries Pits, no. 1 cpl. 95, no. 2 cpl. 120. Agglomerations of ceramic materials, no. 1 cpl. 86. The inhumation grave, cpl. 76, grave 5, 3rd4th centuries (fig. 115); cpl. 66-66a, grave 4 (fig. 105 106), cpl. 20, grave 3 (fig. 45-46), 4th century. 74 Complexes

IV. Banca Gar apte case. Bronz timpuriu / Early Bronze


Capitol IV. Complexe descoperite la Banca Gar - apte case Chapter IV. Complexes discovered in Banca Gar - apte case
Bronz timpuriu
Redactarea monografiei arheologice Banca Gar, punctul apte case, a avut n vedere i prezentarea descoperirilor specifice bronzului timpuriu (fig. 9-16) sau perioadei de tranziie de la eneolitic la epoca bronz, conform cronologiei mai des utilizate. Din cele ase sectoare investigate (A-F), provin trei complexe, din care s-au recuperat cteva materiale, unelte de silex i de piatr, precum i ceramic de tradiie cucutenian, fragmente decorate cu mici proeminene, incizii, crestturi sau alveole i vase cu toarte uor nlate, specifice bronzului timpuriu. Rzlee fragmente ceramice au aprut aproape n toate sectoarele aezrii, pe micile grinduri naturale formate n lunca inundabil a Brladului, la o adncime de - 0,60-0,70 m. Dou aglomerri de materiale, probabil i construcii sezoniere de suprafa, au fost mai clare, una din sectorul E, SIV, M 6-8, -0,70-0,80 m, spat n 1988 i alta din sectorul C, seciunile S XV, XVII-XVIII, spat n 1986. Bucile friabile de chirpic, conservate nc, i un fragment de margine de vatr (fig. 12/9), pot proveni de la construcii sezoniere. Din aceast perioad pn n prezent au fost publicate date legate de ceramic i de mormntul nr. 6, din bronzul timpuriu, analiza antropologic a acestuia i datele paleofaunistice ale resturilor descoperite (R. Maxim, Gh. Gherghe 1987-1989, p. 252, fig. 2; 3/1-2, 4; R. Alaiba, G. Miu, S. Stanc 2007, p. 154-156). Obiecte diferite Dintre piesele de silex menionm un vrf de sgeat (fig. 9/1; h=1,6 cm), cteva unelte pe achii sau lame, mai ales gratoare (fig. 9/5-9, 11-12, 15-16) i unele achii atipice (fig. 9/2-4, 10). Gratoare s-au descoperit i n aezarea de la Stoicani - Cetuie, Dealul de pe rp, specific grupului Folteti (M. Petrescu-Dmbovia, M. Dinu 1974a, p. 85; Ibidem 1974b, p. 31, fig. 7; 11/810). mpreun cu diferite fragmente ceramice, n 1988, n sectorul E, pe S IV, M 7,40, - 0,60 m, s-a gsit i un zdrobitor lucrat din gresie cenuie (fig. 10/5; =7,1; h=4,6 cm). Dou din feele acestuia s-au aplatizat puternic prin utilizare. De asemenea, din nivelul preistoric provin i cteva pri de rnie plate, simple, pstrate parial (fig. 10/9, 11-12; h=8,7; 8,8; 9,4 cm). Dintr-o gresie alb-glbuie s-a realizat o alt pies lefuit pe o fa (fig. 10/10; h=17,5/2,6 cm). n aezarea de la Folteti - Ruptura, s-au semnalat 12 astfel de percutoare sau zdrobitoare i pri de rnie plate, simple. Dintre ele unele au, ca i exemplarul de la Banca Gar, partea activ finisat prin cte dou fee lefuite (M. Petrescu-Dmbovia, M. Dinu 1974b, p. 31). Semnalm i descoperirea, n 1982, a dou topoare fragmentare lucrate din piatr dur, bine lefuite, de mari dimensiuni. Primul a aprut pe SII, M 7, la adncimea de - 0,70 m. Spre ti are o uoar deteriorare iar pe lungime a fost zgriat recent. Din el s-a pstrat partea cu tiul uor convex (fig. 10/8; L=6,1; l=4,4 cm). Toporul prezint axul longitudinal al profilului uor curbat. Din al doilea, aprut pe SXLII, M16,50, - 0,68 m, la fel s-a pstrat partea de la ti (fig. 10/7), pn la perforarea cilindric (L=80; l=3-3,5 cm). Piesele, deosebit de fin lefuite, se pot apropia de topoarele de parad sau de lupt, precum cel descoperit n mormntul de la Rcciuni, jud. Bacu (Al. Vulpe, E. Tudor 1970, p. 424-427, fig. 1; E. Tudor 1973, p. 285-286, fig. 2). Din lut fin s-au modelat dou mici obiecte neclare (fig. 11/4, 7) iar din lut degresat cu resturi vegetale, un mosor (fig. 10/1; h=10,2; =5,6/3,9 cm). n preajma materialelor s-a gsit i un fragment de margine de vatr (fig. 12/6; h=3,7 cm), alb - crmiziu, semn al existenei unei locuiri de scurt durat din perioada de trecere spre bronzul timpuriu sau din bronzul timpuriu.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Ceramica Acestora se adaug ceramica descoperit n staiune, aspr la pipit, modelat din past bine frmntat, ce are ntre incluziuni nisip uneori i amot fin. S-a ars semioxidant sau semireductor i are o culoare galben - crmizie sau cenuie cu pete brune. Mai des s-au modelat vase de dimensiuni mici i mijlocii, pahare cu marginea profilat n S, cratere, vase ovoidale. Ceramica de tradiie cucutenian Dintre formele ceramice pstrate fragmentar, unele au fost modelate din past de tradiie cucutenian, cu puine incluziuni, prfoas la exterior i ars crmiziu. Un fragment provine de la un pahar, cu profil n S (fig. 11/2). Un crater, descoperit n strat, pe S XVII, n 1989, modelat din past fin, degresat cu nisip, a fost ars incomplet, cum indic culoarea cenuie cu pete roietice (fig. 11/9). O parte dintr-un castron are peretele profilat n S (13/1; =20 cm), cu forme ntlnite i pe vasele cucuteniene i pe acelea de tip Cucuteni C (R. Alaiba 2004, p. 298, fig. 256/1). Dintr-un vas cu partea superioar bombat, spre baz tronconic s-a pstrat tot un fragment (fig. 11/11, gt=12,5; h=11,5 cm), gsit n sectorul C, pe S XVIII/M20, n 1989. Majoritatea prilor de vase descoperite la Banca Gar provin de la recipiente cu corpul ovoidal, de dimensiuni medii, arse glbui-crmiziu, cu pete brune sau cenuii, prevzute uneori pe maxima bombare cu proeminene (fig. 11/1, 5-6). Dintr-un vas de mari dimensiuni s-a conservat deschiderea superioar, cu gura aproximativ cilindric, la baz cu o nuire (fig. 11/3; h=7,7 cm; =26 cm). A aprut n aglomerarea de materiale din sectorul E, pe SIV, M7,40, la - 0,80 m adncime. Marginea i o parte din corpul unui alt vas, lucrat din aceeai past, provine probabil tot de la un recipient ovoidal (fig. 11/10). Bazele au fost drepte, cum indic i fragmentul descoperit pe nivel, de culoare crmizie, modelat din past cu incluziuni naturale (fig. 11/8; h=2,5; baz=4,5; 13/9; =9 cm). Ceramica brun-crmizie Alte fragmente ceramice s-au lucrat din past ars semioxidant, de culoare cenuie sau bruncrmizie. Menionm o buz, probabil tot de la un pahar, prevzut pe margine cu o mic proeminen (fig. 12/3; h=4; =14,2 cm), o parte dintr-un perete de vas (fig. 12/5) i marginea altuia ornat sub buz cu impresiuni realizate cu unghia (fig. 13/3). Cteva pri de vase aprute n sectorul C, pe S XV, n 1976 i pe S XVII, n 1988, au marginea uor evazat (fig. 12/1, 4; =27 i 20 cm), unul prezint pe umr dou mici proeminene (fig. 12/2), altul provine de la o mic strachin sau de la o baz cu muchia crestat (fig. 12/6, 8). Cteva mici pri de vase pot proveni de la baze reliefate i alveolate, precum ale unor exemplare de la Horoditea Gordineti. Ele s-au pstrat i n grupul Trpeti - Rpa lui Bodai (S. Marinescu-Blcu 1981, fig. 210/24-26; Fl. Burtnescu 2002, p. 161 i urm.). Ceramica brun-cenuie Vasele lucrate din past grosier, amestecat cu amot, mai puin omogen, de culoare brun-crmizie, nu au fost bine finisate la exterior. Dou fragmente ceramice provin de la vase cu buza evazat, crestat sau alveolat dezordonat, prevzut interior cu o uoar nuire (fig. 13/6-7; h=2,9; 2,4 cm). Alte pri de vase au fost ornate cu benzi liniare incizate vertical sau orizontal (fig. 13/4-5). Un singur fragment provine de la un vas ornat cu incizii orizontale pe gt i oblice pe margine i pe umr, unde erau nscrise n triunghiuri. Forma se poate lega de ceramica prezentat mai sus, dar poate fi i o parte de la un vas care se poate data n bronzul mijlociu (fig. 14/7). ntre fragmentele pstrate au fost i cteva de la vase prevzute cu proeminene, fie plate neperforate (fig. 14/3, h=4,4 cm), fie perforate cilindric (fig. 14/1-2; h=3,7 cm). Ultimul s-a modelat din past mai fin, ars oxidant, de culoare roietic cu pete brune. Astfel de mici apuctori sau creste au strchinile prezente pe ceramica grupului cultural Horoditea Gordineti, neperforate, perforate orizontal pentru agat, cu rol practic, dar au fost frecvente i n grupul cultural Trpeti, pe ceramica de la Trpeti - Rpa lui Bodai (S. Marinescu-Blcu 1981, p. 96, fig. 212/4, 6, 8, 10, 13-

IV. Banca Gar apte case. Bronz timpuriu / Early Bronze


15; M. Florescu, C. Buzdugan 1972, p. 103-205, 211/13; 212/13-14), dar i pe aceea de la Bodeti Frumuica (C. Matas 1946, p. 69, pl. XII/56, 59, 67), n structura sa cu elemente specifice bronzului timpuriu. Trei fragmente ceramice (fig. 14/4-6; h=53-54; 57 cm), provin de la vase prevzute cu toarte, una modelat unghiular i perforat dreptunghiular, alta modelat din past mai fin, cu incluziuni naturale, ars crmiziu, se arcuiete circular de sub buza vasului. Pe ultima se poate vedea mai clar forma gtului unui vas modelat din argil degresat cu pietricele. Din dreptul buzei rotunjite se desprinde toarta arcuit aproape circular (fig. 14/5). n urma spturilor de la Folteti - Ruptura, profesorul Mircea Petrescu-Dmbovia a adus n discuie existena unor aezri cu urme de locuire sporadice, ce se pot data mai trziu n raport cu aceasta. Situaia s-a ntlnit i n alte staiuni, unde materialele formeaz rar o depunere compact i bine precizat stratigrafic, ntre ele fiind i Banca Gar, punctul apte case. De obicei s-a semnalat sporadic doar ceramic, risipit i fragmentat, precum la Stoicani - Cetuie, Dealul de pe rp i Cetuie (M. Petrescu-Dmbovia 1953, 112-114, fig. 49; Idem 1953a, p. 161-166 fig. 4-6; Idem, M. Dinu 1974, 71-87, fig. 2-5), Valea Lupului (M. Dinu 1959, p. 252-254), Hangu - Bicaz (C. S. Nicolescu-Plopor, M. Petrescu-Dmbovia et alii 1959, p. 57 i urm.). O parte din inventarul ceramic se poate data n perioada de tranziie de la eneolitic la bronz, alte cteva fragmente se apropie de ceramica epocii bronzului. ntre ele un loc aparte au cele cu toarte uor nlate neperforate sau perforate, care se apropie cel mai mult de ceramica semnalat la Bogdneti sau Mndrica (M. Florescu, C. Buzdugan 1972, p. 103-205).

Early Bronze Age

The elaboration of the archaeological monograph Banca Gar, point apte case, was also aimed at presenting the discoveries specific to the early Bronze Age (fig. 9-16), or Eneolithic to Bronze Age transition period. Throughout the six investigated sectors (A-F), there were found some materials, flint and stone tools, as well as ceramic ware of Cucutenian tradition, several fragments decorated with small prominences, incisions, notches or alveoli and vessels with slightly heightened handles, specific to the early Bronze Age. Two agglomerations of materials, probably seasonal constructions above ground, were more easy to read, one in sector E, SIV, M 6-8, - 0,70-0,80 m, excavated in 1988 and another one in sector C, sections S XV, XVII-XVIII, excavated in 1986. The friable pieces of adobe, still preserved, and a fragment of a hearth edge (fig. 12/9), may be the remains of temporary constructions. Isolated potsherds were found in almost all sectors of the site, on the small natural mounts formed in the floodable meadow of River Brlad, at the depth of - 0,60-0,70 m. Some information concerning the ceramic ware and tomb no. 6 dated to the Bronze Age, the anthropological and palaeo-faunistic analyses thereof have been published since that period to the present days (R. Alaiba, G. Miu, S. Stanc 2007, p. 154-156). Various items Among the flint items, mention should be made of a arrowhead (fig. 9/1; h=1,6 cm), several implements on flakes or blades, especially scrapers (fig. 9/5-9, 11-12, 15-16) and some atypical flakes (fig. 9/2-4, 10). Scrapers were also found in the site of Stoicani - Cetuie, Dealul de pe rp, specific to the Folteti group (M. Petrescu-Dmbovia, M. Dinu 1974, p. 85). Together with other potsherds, in 1988, in sector E, on S IV, M 7,40, - 0,60 m, there was found also a crusher made of grayish sandstone (fig. 10/5; =7,1 cm; h=4,6 cm). Two of its faces were massively flattened by usage. Also, from the prehistoric level, there were obtained several parts of simple flat querns, partly preserved (fig. 10/9, 11-12; h=8,7; 8,8; 9,4 cm), one quern have the active part polished (fig.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

10/10; h=17,5/2,6 cm). In the site of Folteti - Ruptura, there were pointed out 12 such stone hammers or crushers and parts of simple flat querns. Some of them, and this is the case of the item in Banca Gar, have the active part finished by two polished faces (M. Petrescu-Dmbovia, M. Dinu 1974, p. 31, fig. 7; 11/8-10). We would also like to point out the discovery, in 1982, of two fragmentary axes made of tough stone, well polished and of large dimensions. The former was excavated in SII, M 7, at the depth of -0,70 m. Toward the cutting edge, it has a slight damage, and its length was recently scratched. The part with the slightly convex cutting edge was preserved out of it (fig. 10/8; L=6,1; l=4,4 cm). The axe has the longitudinal axis of its profile slightly curved. The second one appeared in SXLII, M16,50, - 0,68 m, and in this case too also the part with the cutting edge was preserved as well (fig. 10/7), up to the cylindrical perforation (L=80; l=3-3,5 cm). The items, particularly well polished, can be compared to the parade or fighting items, such as the one found in the tomb of Rcciuni, Bacu county (Al. Vulpe, E. Tudor 1970, p. 424-427, fig. 1; E. Tudor 1973, p. 285-286, fig. 2). Two small items were made of fine clay, their usage being rather unclear (fig. 11/4, 7) while a reel was made of clay degreased with vegetal remains (fig. 10/1; h=10,2; =5,6/3,9 cm). Around these materials there also was found a fragment of a hearth edge (fig. 12/6; h=3,7 cm), of white brick red, indicating the existence of a short-term habitation dated to the Eneolithic to Bronze Age transition period or Early Bronze Age. The ceramic ware To the above, there should be added the ceramic ware found on the site, shaped of well trodden paste, showing sometimes inclusions of sand and fine broken potshards, rough when touching it. It was fired in half oxidizing atmosphere or half-reducing atmosphere, the color being yellow-brick red or grayish with brown stains. Small and average size vessels were more frequently shaped, such as beakers with S-profiled edge, craters, ovoid vessels. Ceramic ware of Cucutenian tradition Among the ceramic shapes preserved in fragmentary condition, some were modeled of paste of Cucutenian tradition, with few, of exterior dusty aspect and brick-red fired. A fragment resulted from a beaker, of S profile (fig. 11/2). A crater, found on SXVII, in 1989, shaped of fine paste, degreased with sand, was incompletely fired, as indicated by the grayish color with reddish stains (fig. 11/9). A part of a bowl has the wall showing an S profile (13/1; =20 cm), with shapes encountered also in the Cucutenian ceramic ware and also in the one of type Cucuteni C. A vessel with the upper part rounded and conical toward the base was also preserved in fragmentary condition (fig. 11/11, gt=12,5; h=11,5 cm), being found in sector C, on S XVIII/M20, in 1989. Most of the parts of vessels found in Banca Gar are the remains of vessels with ovoid body, have average dimensions, are yellowish brick red fired, with brown or grayish stains, showing sometimes prominences on the maximal diameter (fig. 11/1, 5-6). A large vessel was also partly preserved as a fragment representing the upper part, with the approximately cylindrical mouth, and a groove at the base (fig. 11/3; h=7,7; =26 cm). It appeared in the agglomeration of materials in sector E, on SIV, M7,40, at the depth of - 0,80 m. The edge and a part of a vessel body made of the same paste are probably the remains of an ovoid vessel (fig. 11/10). The bases were straight, as indicated by the fragment discovered on a level, of brick-red, shaped of a paste with natural inclusions (fig. 11/8; h=2,5; basis=4,5 and fig. 13/9; basis=9 cm). Brown- brick-red ceramic ware Other potsherds were made of paste fired in half oxidizing atmosphere, of grayish or brown brick red color. Mention should be made of a rim, probably also of a beaker, showing on the edge a small prominence (fig. 12/3; h=4 cm; =14,2 cm), a part of a vessel wall (fig. 12/5) and the edge of another one ornamented under the rim with nail-made impressions (fig. 13/3). Some potsherds found in sector C, on S XV, in 1976 and on S XVII, in 1988, have the edge slightly flared (fig. 12/1,

IV. Banca Gar apte case. Bronz timpuriu / Early Bronze


4; =27 and 20 cm), one showing on the shoulder two small prominences (fig. 12/2), another one resulting from a small dish or from a base with notched edge (fig. 12/6, 8). Several parts of vessels may be the remains of bases in relief and with alveoli, as may be seen in the case of vessels of Horoditea Gordineti. They were also preserved in the Trpeti group (S. Marinescu-Blcu 1981, fig. 210/24-26; Fl. Burtnescu 2002, p. 161 et sq.). Brown Grayish Ceramic Ware The vessels made of rough paste, mixed with broken potshards, less homogenous, of browngrayish, were not well finished on the exterior size. Two ceramic fragments result from vessels with flared rim, with random notches or alveoli, with a slight grooving inside (fig. 13/6-7; h=2,9 and 2,4 cm). Other parts of vessels were ornamented with linear stripes vertically or horizontally incised (fig. 13/4-5). Only one fragment resulted from a vessel ornamented with horizontal incisions on the neck and oblique on the edge and shoulder, where they were included in triangles. The shape may be connected to the one of the ceramic ware presented above, but may also be a potsherd that may be dated to the Middle Bronze Age (fig. 14/7). Among the preserved fragments there were also some from vessels equipped with prominences, be them flat without perforations (fig. 14/3, h=4,4 cm), or with cylindrical perforations (fig. 14/1-2; h=3,7 cm). The last one was shaped of a finer paste, fired in oxidizing atmosphere, of reddish with brown stains. Such small handles or crest appear on the dishes of the pottery specific to the Horoditea Gordineti cultural group, being either without perforations, or with horizontal perforations for hanging, with a practical role, but they were also frequent in the Trpeti cultural group, on the ceramic ware of Trpeti - Rpa lui Bodai (S. Marinescu-Blcu 1981, p. 96, fig. 212/4, 6, 8, 10, 13-15; M. Florescu, C. Buzdugan 1972, p. 103205, 211/13; 212/13-14), and also on the one of Bodeti - Frumuica (C. Matas 1946, p. 69, pl. XII/56, 59, 67), in its structure with elements specific to the early Bronze Age. Three potsherds (fig. 14/4-6; h=53-54, 57 cm) are the remains of vessels with handles. One was angled and with a rectangular perforation, another one shaped of finer paste with natural inclusions was brick red fired and circularly arched from underneath the vessel rim. More clearly can be seen the shape of the neck of one of them, a part of a vessel shaped of clay degreased with small gravel. From the level of the rounded rim one can see the handle, almost circular (fig. 14/5). Following the excavations of Folteti - Ruptura, professor Mircea Petrescu-Dmbovia brought under discussion the existence of sites with traces of sporadic habitation, that can be dated later on in relation to it. Such situation was also found in other settlements, where the available materials only rarely consist in a compact and stratigraphically well set deposit, such a case being Banca Gar, point apte case. Usually, only the ceramic ware was sporadically identified, being spread and fragmented, as it is the case of Stoicani - Cetuie, Dealul de pe rp and Cetuie (M. Petrescu-Dmbovia 1953, 112-114, fig. 49; Idem 1953a, p. 161-166 fig. 4-6; Idem, M. Dinu 1974, 71-87, fig. 2-5), Valea Lupului (M. Dinu 1959, p. 252-254), Hangu - Bicaz (C. S. NicolescuPlopor, M. Petrescu-Dmbovia et alii 1959, p. 57 et sq.). Part of the ceramic inventory is specific to the Eneolithic to Bronze Age transition period, some other fragments being closer to the ceramic ware of the Bronze Age itself. Among these, a special place is the one of the vessels with slightly heightened handles with or without perforations, which are mostly similar to the ceramic ware identified in Bogdneti or Mndrica (M. Florescu, C. Buzdugan 1972, p. 103-205).


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Capitolul IV A. Descoperiri hallstattiene n staiunea Banca Gar

Nivelul de locuire din epoca hallstattian, n aezarea de la Banca Gar - apte case, dup cum arat complexele i materialele arheologice recuperate este reprezentat de vestigiile unei locuine de suprafa i de fragmente de ceramic atestate sporadic n straturile de sptur. Vestigiile locuinei de suprafa, conturate la adncimea de - 0,70 m de la nivelul actual de clcare, ocup un perimetru de aproximativ 2,5x3,5 m (fig. 17) i reprezint o aglomeraie format din buci de chirpici, destul de mari, arse parial, ce aveau pe o parte amprente adnci lsate de nuiele, crengi sau urme de trestie i un strat cu mult cenu care acoper podeaua bttorit. n interiorul ei erau fragmente mrunte de lipituri de la o vatr fixat direct pe pmnt, creia nu i s-a reconstituit forma. Prezena printre fragmentele ceramice din locuin a unor cioburi de la vase diferite, uor lustruite decorate cu caneluri orizontale, n unele cazuri asociate cu nguste caneluri arcuite n ghirlande (fig. 18/2-4) presupune apartenena acesteia la complexul hallstattian timpuriu cu ceramic canelat de tip Chiinu Corlteni. n acelai timp, atestarea n stratul de cultur a aezrii i a unui fragment ornamentat cu motive incizate (fig. 18/6), precum i a altuia cu decor imprimat (fig. 18/5), caracteristice deja celuilalt complex hallstattian timpuriu cu ceramic incizat (grupul Tmoani) i imprimat (grupul Cozia), fac aceast ncadrare cultural-cronologic mai puin cert. Stadiul actual de cercetare a culturilor i grupurilor culturale hallstattiene timpurii din spaiul est-carpatic, pentru materialele de la Banca Gar - apte case, permit urmtoarele constatri. Locuinele de suprafa de tipul celei atestate la Banca Gar - apte case sunt caracteristice cu precdere pentru cultura Corlteni Chiinu, din partea vestic a arealului, aflat n centrul i nordul Moldovei. Aici, prezena locuinelor s-a dedus, n general, pornind de la existena unor aglomeraii de chirpic ars i cenu, precum i a vetrelor deschise (A. Lszl 1994, p. 107). Pentru grupul Tmoani s-a presupus folosirea colibelor simple, construite la suprafaa solului, pe un schelet din plante peste care se aplica un strat superficial de lut (Idem, 1986, p. 66), iar referitor la grupul Cozia sunt cunoscute doar locuinele adncite n sol (Idem, 1972, p. 208-209). Astfel, construcia de la Banca Gar - apte case ar putea fi atribuit cu mai mult certitudine grupului Corlteni. n acelai timp, informaiile cu privire la construciile de locuire ale comunitilor hallstattiene timpurii din aria pruto-nistrean, unde locuinele de suprafa - cu toate variantele locale erau mai bine conservate -, inclusiv complexele de tip Saharna Solonceni (O. Leviki 1994b, p. 162, 169, 180), ne ndeamn la o mai mare pruden. Referitor la fragmentul de ceramic ornamentat cu caneluri orizontale, inclusiv i fragmentul ornamentat pe ambele pri n exterior canelat orizontal sub care este plasat un motiv n ghirland din caneluri mai nguste iar pe partea interioar numai cu motivul ghirlandei, putem afirma c ambele provin de la strchini tronconice larg deschise, una din formele definitorii culturii Chiinu Corlteni (O. Leviki 1994, p. 89-94; A. Lszl 1994, p. 113-114). Totodat, prezena motivului ghirlandei sau a ''stelei'' pe ambele suprafee ale strchinii, n aria Chiinu Corlteni, este atestat foarte rar precum n aezarea de la Lucaeuca, pe ambele suprafee asociindu-se cu benzi de caneluri orizontale (O. Leviki 1994, fig. 16/14), mai frecvent acest ornament fiind cunoscut doar pe una din suprafeele vasului - interioar -, n aezrile de la Negreti (Ibidem, fig. 23/6), Chiinu (Ibidem, fig. 13/5), Petrueni (Ibidem, fig. 36/2) sau pe aceea exterioar Costeti VII (Ibidem, fig. 28/19), R. Moldova, Slobozia Mgurii (Ibidem, fig. 46/10), posibil Trpeti - Rpa lui Bodai (Ibidem, fig. 32/7) i Trueti - uguieta (Ibidem, fig. 18/9). Tot ceramicii de uz comun a culturii Chiinu Corlteni, pot fi atribuite i dou fragmente de vase aflate n umplutura gropilor nr. 1 i 2, ncadrate n nivelul getic de locuire din aezare

IV. Banca Gar apte case. Hallstatt


ambele provenind de la recipiente de tip borcan cu pereii drepi n partea superioar i marginea tiat drept, unul prevzut sub margine cu mnere-suporturi masive (fig. 23/6) i al-doilea cu tortieurechiue, amplasate similar (fig. 18/1), care au analogii directe n complexele ceramice din aezrile Chiinu, Lucaeuca, Zicana, Mndreti (O. Leviki 1994, fig. 14/1; 17/7; 21/12, 14; 25/14, 18) i respectiv Chiinu, Zicana, Mndreti, Costeti, Ivancea, Petruha, Republica Moldova (Ibidem, 14/13; 15/4-5, 11; 22/6; 25/9; 29/11; 34/11; 40/2). Oala de dimensiuni mici, cu corpul uor rotunjit n partea median, gtul scurt i marginea subiat, evazat, ornamentat pe umr cu un bru alveolat dispus orizontal, aflat n aglomeraia de materiale nr. 1 (fig. 18/8), cu unele rezerve, de asemenea ar putea fi atribuit complexului ceramic Chiinu Corlteni, deosebirea dintre ele constnd n faptul c pe ultimele, elementele decorului au fost amplasate mai jos de marginea vasului (O. Leviki 1994, fig. 29/6; 37/5; C. Iconomu 2002, fig. 7/1, 4, 6; C. Iconomu, L. ovan 1997, fig. 2/4; 4/4). Decorul dintr-o band orizontal format din linii oblice scurte, amplasat pe umrul vaselor de mari proporii, piriforme, reprezint o caracteristic pentru grupurile est-carpatice ale complexului Tmoani Holercani Balta (O. Leviki 1994a, pl. 17), iar benzile orizontale din amprente scurte dispuse oblic, singure sau n asociere cu alte motive ornamentale, au fost specifice pentru cultura Cozia Sah arna (O. Leviki 1994b, p. 181, fig. 7). Aezarea de la Banca Gar - apte case, avnd n vedere amplasarea geografic la limita de vest a Dealurilor Flciului i la limita de est a Colinelor Tutovei, era situat la periferia de sud-est, mai puin dens populat de comunitile grupului Corlteni, ulterior ncadrat n aria grupului Cozia (A. Lszl 1994, Harta 3). Mai mult, n aceast regiune, n perioada de existen a culturii Corlteni Chiinu, spre nord de valea rului Prut se extind i unele comuniti ale grupului Tmoani, ale cror vestigii sunt atestate mult mai la nord de Banca, la Brdiceti - Dealul Beschiei, jud. Iai (C. Iconomu 2002, p. 99). Astfel, prezena n aezarea de la Banca Gar - apte case, a ceramicii caracteristice acestor formaiuni culturale, prezint o situaie mai mult dect fireasc.

Chapter IV A. The Hallstatt discoveries at Banca Gar settlement

The habitation level of the Hallstatt age, in the settlement of Banca Gar - apte case, as indicated by the archaeological complexes and materials recuperated therein is represented by the vestiges of a surface dwelling and potsherds sporadically confirmed in the excavation layers. The vestiges of the surface dwelling, identified at the depth of 0,70 m from the current treading level, covers a perimeter of about 2,50 x 3,50 m (fig. 17) and represents an agglomeration consisting in rather large partly fired pieces of adobe, showing deep impressions lefts by twigs, branches or traces of reed and a layer containing plenty of ash covering the trodden floor. Inside it, there were small fragments of daub from a hearth embedded directly on the ground, whose shape could mot be identified. The presence among the potsherds found inside the dwelling of shards resulting from different vessels, slightly polished decorated with horizontal grooves, in some cases associated with narrow arched grooves forming garlands (fig. 18/2-4), involves its inclusion into the early Hallstatt complex with grooved ceramic ware of the Chiinu Corlteni type. At the same time, the confirmation in the culture layer of the settlement of a fragmentted with incised motifs (fig. 18/6), and of another one with impressed ornaments (fig. 18/5), specific to the other early Hallstatt complex with incised (Tmoani group) and impressed (Cozia group) ceramic ware, somehow make this cultural chronological inclusion rather doubtful. The current phase of research of early Hallstatt cultures and cultural groups in the east-Carpathian space, in the case of the materials of Banca Gar - apte case, allow the following remarks. The surface dwellings such as the one acknowledged in Banca Gar - apte case are characteristic especially to the Corlteni Chiinu culture, in the western part of the area, situated


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

in the center and north of Moldavia. There, the presence of the dwellings was generally assumed starting from the existence of agglomeration of burned adobe and ash, as well as of open hearths (A. Lszl 1994, p. 107). In the case of the Tmoani group, there was assumed the usage of simple huts, built above the ground level, on a vegetal structure covered with a superficial layer of clay (A. Lszl 1986, p. 66), while in the case of the Cozia group, only sunken dwellings have been acknowledged (Ibidem 1972, p. 208-209). Thus, the construction of Banca Gar - apte case could be assigned more definitely to the Corlteni group. At the same time, the information concerning the dwelling constructions of the early Hallstatt communities in the Prut Dniester area, where the surface dwellings with all locale variants were better preserved including the complexes of the Saharna Solonceni type (O. Leviki 1994b, p. 162, 169, 180), makes us more careful. Regarding the potsherd ornamented with horizontal grooves, and also the fragment with ornaments on both faces on the exterior with horizontal grooves under which there was a garland motif made of narrower grooves, and on the interior only with the garland motif, we can state that both are remains of wide open conical dishes, one of the defining shapes of the Chiinu Corlteni culture (O. Leviki 1994, p. 89-94; A. Lszl 1994, p. 113-114). At the same time, the presence of the garland motif or of the ''star'' on both sides of the dish, in the Chiinu Corlteni area, is very rarely acknowledged such is the case of the settlement of Lucaeuca, on both surfaces being associated with stripes of horizontal grooves (O. Leviki 1994, fig. 16/14), there ornament being more frequently known only on one side of the surfaces of the vessel - the interior one -, in the settlements of Negreti (O. Leviki 1994, fig. 23/6), Chiinu, Petrueni (Ibidem, fig. 13/5 and 36/2) or on the exterior one at Costeti VII (Ibidem, fig. 28/19), Republic of Moldova, Slobozia Mgurii (Ibidem, fig. 46/10), possibly Trpeti - Rpa lui Bodai (Ibidem, fig. 32/7) and Trueti - uguieta (Ibidem, fig. 18/9). It is also in the category of common usage ceramic ware of the Chiinu Corlteni culture that can be included two potsherds found in the fillign of pits 1 and 2, assigned to the Getic habitation level of the settlement both being remains of jar-like vessels with straight walls in the upper par and straightly cut rim, one with massive handles supports under the rim (fig. 23/6) and the other with small handles ears, placed in a similar position (fig. 18/1), showing direct analogies in the ceramic complexes of the settlements of Chiinu, Lucaeuca, Zicana, Mndreti (O. Leviki 1994, fig. 14/1; 17/7; 21/12, 14; 25/14, 18) and respectively Chiinu, Zicana, Mndreti, Costeti, Ivancea, Petruha (Ibidem, 14/13; 15/4-5, 11; 22/6; 25/9; 29/11; 34/11; 40/2). The small pot, with slightly rounded body, in the median part, short neck and narrowed flared rim, ornamented on the shoulder with a alveoli belt horizontally placed, found in agglomeration no. 1 (fig. 18/8), could be also assigned with certain reserves to the ceramic complex Chiinu Corlteni, the difference between them being the fact that on the last ones the ornamental elements were placed below the rim of the vessels (O. Leviki 1994, fig. 29/6; 37/5; C. Iconomu 2002, fig. 7/1, 4, 6; C. Iconomu, L. ovan 1997, fig. 2/4; 4/4). The ornamentation consisting in a horizontal stripe formed of short oblique lines, placed on the shoulder of the large pear-shaped vessels, is a characteristic of the east-Carpathian groups of the Tmoani Holercani Balta complex (O. Leviki 1994a, pl. 17), and the horizontal stripes in the short impressions obliquely arranged, alone or associated with other ornamental motifs, were specific for the Cozia Saharna culture (O. Leviki 1994b, p. 181, fig. 7). The settlement of Banca Gar - apte case, according to the geographic location, at the western limit of the Flciului Hills and at the eastern limit of Tutovei Hills, was situated at the southeast periphery, less populated by the communities of the Corlteni group, later included in the area of the Cozia group (A. Lszl 1994, Map 3). Moreover, in this region, during the period of existence of the Corlteni Chiinu culture, north of the valley of River Prut, there expanded also certain communities of the Tmoani group, whose vestiges are acknowledged north of Banca, at Brdiceti - Dealul Beschiei, Iai

IV. Banca Gar apte case. Nivel de locuire getic / The habitation level of the Getic culture


county (C. Iconomu 2002, p. 99). Thus, the presence in the settlement of Banca Gar - apte case, of the ceramic ware specific to these cultural groups, is a natural situation.

Capitolul IV B. Banca Gar nivelul de locuire din perioada culturii getice

Dup cum reiese din prezentarea materialelor arheologice depistate n procesul spturilor efectuate n aezarea de la Banca Gar - apte case, nivelul de locuire din perioada culturii getice este reprezentat prin vestigiile unor complexe de habitat, parial conservate, precum i printr-o cantitate limitat de material ceramic. Complexele de habitat de tipul celor investigate aici locuina adncit, gropi i construcii sezoniere de suprafa, sunt proprii aezrilor getice ale secolelor VI-III a.Hr. sau de la sfritul secolelor VII-III a.Hr., din ntregul spaiu est-carpatic (S. Teodor 1999, p. 27-33; T. Arnut 2003, p. 33-43). Totodat, referitor la locuinele adncite, de form oval cu podeaua bttorit, de tipul celei din aezarea de la Banca Gar - apte case (fig. 19a/1-2) se cere a fi menionat faptul c acestea sunt caracteristice cu precdere pentru aezrile din perioada mai timpurie, datate n secolele VI-V a.Hr., precum cele de la Curteni - Dealul Viei (C. Iconomu 1981-1982, p. 127-128, fig. 3), Curteni - Dealul Pietrriei (Ibidem, p. 134, fig. 10), Curteni - Valea Merilor (Idem 19781979, p. 179), prima etap de locuire din incinta I a cetuiei de la Stnceti - Cetatea (A. Florescu, M. Florescu, 2005, p. 30 i urm.) etc., atunci cnd n perioada ulterioar, a secolelor V-III a.Hr., erau deja predominante cele de form rectangular (S. Teodor 1999, p. 27-28), ultimele, dup cum relev materialele din aezrile Brdiceti - Dealul Beschiei (C. Iconomu 1999, p. 53) i Cotu Morii - Toloac (C. Iconomu, M. Tanasachi 1992, 41, pl. 1/2), de asemenea, erau utilizate ncepnd cu secolul al VI-lea a.Hr. Atribuirea locuinei adncite, de la Banca Gar - apte case, perioadei timpurii a culturii getrice, n raport cu particularitile ei constructive, n primul rnd forma acesteia n plan oval, este susinut i de aspectele tehnologic i morfologice ale ceramicii, precum i de elementele ornamentale, inclusiv locul amplasrii lor pe corpul vaselor. Dup cum deja s-a consemnat, fragmentele de ceramic din umplutura bordeiului provin de la mai multe recipiente, printre care se identific: - vase cu corpul uor bitronconic, marginea evazat i puin subiat interior (fig. 19b/5-6); - un recipient cu corpul puin lrgit n partea mijlocie (cvazibitronconic), cu gtul uor evideniat i marginea evazat ornamentat puin mai jos de buz cu bru alveolat (fig. 19b/4); - un vas de tip borcan cu pereii verticali uor rotunjii ctre gur, cu marginea subiat, ornamentat puin mai jos de buz cu bru alveolat (fig. 19b/3); - dou tipsii cu marginea puin ridicat, n forma unui mic perete i uor subiat, tiat drept (fig. 19b/1-2). Vasele bitronconice, n complexele ceramice traco-getice, reprezint moteniri ale epocii hallstattiene (E. Moscalu 1983, p. 15 i urm.), care n Moldova dispar complet n perioada secolelor IV-III a.Hr. (C. Iconomu 1978-1979, p. 181; T. Arnut 2003, p. 71). Starea fragmentar a celor de la Banca Gar - apte case nu permite identificarea cu certitudine cu variantele propuse de E. Moscalu. n acelai timp, ponderea extrem de limitat a acestora, chiar i n repertoriul morfologic al ceramicii din complexele traco-getice est-carpatice timpurii de la Curteni - Dealul Pietrriei (C. Iconomu 1981-1982, p. 139), Curteni - Valea Merilor (Idem 1978-1979, p. 181), Stnceti Cetatea (A. Florescu, M. Florescu 2005, p. 91-92), respectiv i a altor situri investigate (S. Teodor


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

1999, p. 66-67; T. Arnut 2003, p. 71), posibil, indic indirect apartenena lor la o perioad timpurie a culturii getice. Recipientele cu corpul uor bitronconic i marginea evazat ornamentate mai deprtat de margine cu bru alveolat, n repertoriul morfologic al ceramicii traco-getice se ntlnesc rar. Ca analogie indirect se poate considera exemplarul ce provine din orizontul din epoca fierului din situl de la Cucuei - Slatina Veche, jud. Bacu, atribuit aspectului Canlia (R. Munteanu et alii 2007, p. 67, fig. 14/6), care conform celor publicate de E. Moscalu, n zonele est-carpatice deriv din aspectul de tip Trestiana - Cimbala (1983, p. 191), atribuit de A. Lszl, secolului al VII-lea a.Hr. (1989, p. 128). Vasele de proporii mici i mijlocii, de tip borcan uor rotunjit ctre gur, ornamentate puin mai jos de margine cu bru alveolat, att dup aspectul morfologic, ct i dup locul amplasrii brului pe corpul vasului, atest cele mai apropiate analogii cu recipientele din siturile din secolele VI-V a.Hr., de la Curteni - Valea Merilor (C. Iconomu 1978-1979, pl. VIII/1), Brdiceti - Dealul Beschiei (C. Iconomu 1999, fig. 9/1), Cotu Morii - Toloac (C. Iconomu, M. Tanasachi 1992, p. 41, fig. 4/9, 10; 5/2), Stnceti - Cetatea (A. Florescu, M. Florescu 2005, fig. 85/6, 8, 9; 86/8), orizontul din epoca fierului specific sitului de la Cucuei - Slatina Veche, jud. Bacu (R. Munteanu et alii 2007, p. 67, fig. 14/5) i fortificaiei din secolele V-III a.Hr., de la Cotu - Coplu (L. ovan, M. Ignat 2005, pl. 13/1-2). Tipsiile discoidale cu marginea puin ridicat, n forma unui mic perete uor subiat, cu buza tiat drept, n aezrile est-carpatice sunt ntlnite rar i ntr-un numr limitat de situri la Poiana Cetate, Tecuci (S. Teodor 1999, p. 69, fig. 34/4) i Stnceti - Cetatea (A. Florescu, M. Florescu 2005, p. 89, fig. 90/7, 14, 21; 91/2-5, 13, 26, 28, 29). Exemplarele similare de la Cotu - Coplu (L. ovan, M. Ignat 2005, p. 42-43, fig. 16/4-6, 8-9), dup T. Arnut (2003, p. 78) sunt desemnate tigi cu fundul plat iar cele de la Hui - Corni (S. Teodor 1981, p. 182, fig 20/3, 4) i Curteni - Dealul Pietrriei (C. Iconomu 1981-1982, p. 140, fig. 14/8, 10), prevzute cu proeminene sau tori orizontale au forma unor strchini tronconice cu partea superioar vertical, respectiv, strchini cu buza aproape vertical. Urmtorul complex arheologic nchis, care n baza materialului ceramic, de asemenea fragmentar, atest apartenena sigur la cultura getic este groapa nr. 1 (fig. 23/1-5, 7-8). Analogii n aceast privin, cu vasele cu partea superioar reconstituit grafic s-au realizat pentru: - vasul de tip borcan de dimensiuni mijlocii cu gtul uor evideniat i marginea vertical, uor ngroat i rotunjit, ornamentat pe buz cu alveole i pe umr cu mici proeminene conice (fig. 23/2) cu analogii n aezrile de la Hui - Corni, Poiana - Cetate sau Lunca Ciurei, datate n secolele IV-III a.Hr. (S. Teodor 1999, p. 67-68, fig. 29/5) i vasul cu gt nalt i corp bombat (fig. 23/1), care credem c reprezint o can cu corpul bitronconic, nalt, cu gtul tronconic, buza uor arcuit la exterior, de la care nu s-a pstrat toarta supranlat, form ceramic atestat n majoritatea aezrilor i necropolelor traco-geice est-carpatice datate att n secolele VI-V a.Hr., ct i IV-III a.Hr., n proporii similare cu cele ale borcanelor i strchinilor (S. Teodor 1999, p. 71, fig. 38/10-11; T. Arnut 2003, p. 75-76). n acest context, considerm necesar s ne referim i la recipientul de tip borcan cu pereii drepi n partea superioar i marginea tiat drept, ornamentat puin mai jos de margine cu mneresuporturi masive (fig. 23/6) tip morfologic caracteristic perioadei hallstattiene timpurii, aprut aici din stratul de cultur anterior. ntre puinele analogii atestate n complexele ceramice traco-getice, spre deosebire de vasul examinat, este cel descoperit n locuina de suprafa V/I din etapa a II-a de locuire din incinta I de la Stnceti - Cetatea, sec. V-IV a.Hr. (A. Florescu, M. Florescu 2005, p. 40, fig. 86/10), care are marginea subiat, iar mnerul-suport amplasat la o distan relativ mai mare de margine n asociere cu brul alveolat. Aspectul tehnologic al ceramicii din umplutura gropii nr. 2 i fragmentele din prile superioare a dou vase bitronconice cu marginea evazat (fig. 24/2-3), similare celor deja examinate

IV. Banca Gar apte case. Nivel de locuire getic / The habitation level of the Getic culture


din locuina adncit i groapa nr. 1 asigur aceiai ncadrare cultural-cronologic i a acestui complex. Fragmentul de perete cu toart aflat n aceast groap (fig. 18/1), dat fiind faptul c n cadrul ceramicii tuturor etapelor culturii getice, vasele cu pereii drepi prevzute cu tori de acest tip lipsesc, acestea ns ntlnindu-se n epoca hallstattian, considerm prezena lui n groapa nr. 2 ntmpltoare i c el aparine nivelului de locuire anterior, hallstattian din aezare. Referitor la materialul ceramic care formeaz aglomeraiile nr. 1 (fig. 21) i nr. 2 (fig. 22), precum i cele provenite din straturile de sptur (fig. 20) din aezarea de la Banca Gar - apte case, consemnm aspectul lor n general traco-getic, cu multiple paralele directe n siturile investigate. Astfel, strchinile tronconice, de nlime diferit, reprezentate la Banca Gar - apte case prin trei variante: a) - cu marginea arcuit n interior (fig. 20/2-4; 21/1); b) - cu partea superioar vertical i marginea vertical, subiat, tiat drept (fig. 20/1); c) - cu partea superioar vertical i marginea tiat drept prevzute pe umr cu proeminene masive orizontale (fig. 21/4), deriv din formele precedente hallstattiene i reprezint una din cele mai rspndite forme de vase din cadrul complexului ceramic al culturii getice, care evolueaz pn din secolele III-II a.Hr. (E. Moscalu 1983, p. 72 i urm.; S. Teodor 1999, p. 68-69; T. Arnut 2003, p. 72-75). Strchinile tronconice larg deschise cu marginea mai mult sau mai puin arcuit n interior, subiat, rotunjit sau ngroat, din aezarea Banca Gar - apte case, din punct de vedere tipologic sunt mult apropiate celor utilizate n epoca hallstattian, atribuirea lor nivelului de locuire tracogetic fiind condiionat n primul rnd de caracteristicile lor tehnologice i lipsa decorului n partea superioar a vasului. Varianta strchinilor tronconice, cu partea superioar vertical i marginea uor subiat, tiat drept, fr ornamentate (fig. 20/1) n spaiul est-carpatic au cunoscut o larg rspndire, cele mai apropiate analogii gsindu-se n aezrile din secolul al VI-lea a.Hr., de la Curteni - Valea Merilor (C. Iconomu 1978-1979, pl. XV/4-5), Brdiceti - Dealul Beschiei (C. Iconomu 1999, fig. 9/6, 8), Stnceti - Cetatea (A. Florescu, M. Florescu 2005, fig. 75/9), necropola din secolele V-IV a.Hr. de la Slobozia (C. Buzdugan 1968, fig. 3/2, 5), fortificaia din secolele V-III a.Hr. de la Cotu Coplu (L. ovan, M. Ignat 2005, p. 41-42, pl. 5/12) i n siturile din secolele IV-III a.Hr., precum aezarea Hui - Corni (S. Teodor 1981, fig. 20/1; 21/2-7), cetuia Buneti - Dealul Bobului (V. V. Bazarciuc 1980, fig. 5/5), necropola Vaslui - Curile Domneti (Al. Andronic 1981-82, fig. 7/1) etc. Vasele cu partea superioar vertical i marginea tiat drept, prevzute pe umr cu proeminene masive orizontale similare exemplarului de la Banca Gar - apte case (fig. 21/4) au fost caracteristice pentru aezrile de la Curteni - Dealul Pietrriei (C. Iconomu 1981-1982, p. 139141, fig. 14/5, 9, 11), locuina de suprafa VI/I, din etapa a II-a de locuire a incintei I de la Stnceti - Cetatea, secolele V-IV a.Hr. (A. Florescu, M. Florescu 2005, p. 41, fig. 76/7), Hui Corni (S. Teodor 1981, p. 180, fig. 19/1; 20/3), fortificaia din secolele V-III a.Hr., de la Cotu Coplu (L. ovan, M. Ignat 2005, p. 41-42, pl. 6/1, 2, 13), necropola de la Slobozia (C. Buzdugan 1968, fig. 4/4, 5; 2/5, 8) i altele. Categoria cetilor n aezarea Banca Gar - apte case este reprezentat de vase scunde, de dimensiuni mici, fr tori, de form tronconic cu marginea ascuit (fig. 20/5-6), iar a paharelor prin exemplare de form cilindric cu marginea subiat uor tras n interior (fig. 20/7-8), tipuri morfologice specifice repertoriului ceramic traco-getic i getic (S. Teodor 1999, p. 69; T. Arnut 2003, p. 77). Examinarea vestigiilor din nivelul de locuire din perioada culturii getice a aezrii Banca Gar - apte case a fost efectuat cu precdere n baza materialelor siturilor arheologice investigate din spaiul carpato-prutean, amplasate att n apropiere de aceasta (Curteni - Dealul Pietrriei, Hui - Corni, Vaslui - Curile Domneti, Buneti - Dealul Bobului, Slobozia), ct i mai ndeprtate


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

(Brdiceti - Dealul Beschiei, Cotu Morii - Toloac, Stnceti - Cetatea, Cotu - Coplu) (S. Teodor 1999, fig. 1) i mai puin apelndu-se la cele similare din interfluviul Prut Nistru, cu care materialele de la Banca Gar - apte case, de asemenea au elemente comune.

Chapter IV B. Banca Gar the habitation level of the Getic culture

As resulting from the presentation of the archaeological materials found during the excavations undertaken in the settlement of Banca Gar - apte case, the habitation level of the period of the Getic culture is represented by the vestiges of partly preserved habitation complexes, as well as by a limited amount of ceramic material. The habitation complexes such as those investigated here the sunken dwelling, pits and seasonal constructions above ground, are specific to the Getic settlements of the 6 th3rd centuries BC or to the end of the 7th3rd century BC of the whole east-Carpathian space (S. Teodor 1999, p. 2733; T. Arnut 2003, p. 33-43). At the same time, regarding the sunken (buried) dwellings, of oval shape with trodden floor, such as the one in the settlement of Banca Gar - apte case mention should be made of the fact that these are mostly characteristic to the settlements of the earlier period, dated to the 6 th5th centuries BC such as those of Curteni - Dealul Viei (C. Iconomu 1981-1982, p. 127-128, fig. 3), Curteni Dealul Pietrriei (Ibidem, p. 134, fig. 10), Curteni - Valea Merilor (Idem 1978-1979, p. 179), the first habitation phbase of precinct I of the fort of Stnceti - Cetatea (A. Florescu, M. Florescu, 2005, p. 30 et sq.) etc., while in the later period of 5 th3rd centuries BC those of rectangular shape were already prevalent (S. Teodor 1999, p. 27-28). These latter shapes, as indicated by the materials of the settlements of Brdiceti - Dealul Beschiei (C. Iconomu 1999, p. 53) and Cotu Morii Toloac (C. Iconomu, M. Tanasachi 1992, p. 41, pl. 1/2), were also used starting with the 6 th century BC. The assignment of the sunken dwelling of Banca Gar - apte case, to the early period of the Getic culture, in relation with its constructive peculiarities, first of all its oval shape, is also sustained by the technological and morphological aspects of the ceramic ware, as well as by the ornamental elements, including their location on the body of the vessels. As already pointed out, the potsherds in the filling of the sunken feature are the remains of several complexes, such as: - several vessels with slightly biconical body with flared margin, slightly thinned to the inside (fig. 19b/5-6); - a vessel with slightly enlarged body in its median part (quasi - biconical), with slightly pointed out neck and the flared rim ornamented below the rim with an alveoli belt (fig. 19b/4); - a jar-like vessel with vertical walls slightly rounded to the mouth, with thinned rim, ornamented below the rim with an alveoli belt (fig. 19b/3); - two round trays with slightly raised border, so to suggest a small wall with slightly thinned straightly cut rim (fig. 19b/1-2). The biconical vessels, in the Thracian-Getic ceramic complexes, were inherited from the Hallstatt age (E. Moscalu 1983, p. 15 et sq.), which fully disappeared from Moldavia during the 4th 3rd centuries BC (C. Iconomu 1978-1979, p. 181; T. Arnut 2003, p. 71). The fragmented condition of the vessels of Banca Gar - apte case does not allow the 100% sure identification of the variants advanced by E. Moscalu. At the same time, their very low percentages even in the morphologic repertoire of the ceramic ware of the early east-Carpathian Thracian-Getic complexes of Curteni Dealul Pietrriei (C. Iconomu 1981-1982, p. 139), Curteni - Valea Merilor (Idem 1978-1979, p. 181), Stnceti - Cetatea (A. Florescu, M. Florescu 2005, p. 91-92), and respectively of other investigated sites (S. Teodor 1999, p. 66-67; T. Arnut 2003, p. 71) may indicate their inclusion in an early phase of the Getic culture. The vessels with slightly biconical body and flared rim distanced from it with an alveoli belt

IV. Banca Gar apte case. Nivel de locuire getic / The habitation level of the Getic culture


in the morphologic repertoire of the Thracian-Getic ceramic ware are rather rare. An indirect analogy can be considered the vessel found in the horizon dated to the Iron Age in the site of Cucuei - Slatina Veche, Bacu, assigned to the Canlia aspect (R. Munteanu et alii 2007, p. 67, fig. 14/6), which according to E. Moscalu, in the east-Carpathian zones derives from the Trestiana Cimbala aspect (E. Moscalu 1983, p. 191), dated by A. Lszl, to the 7th century BC (1989, p. 128). The small and average jar-like vessels slightly rounded to the mouth, ornamented slightly below the rim with an alveoli belt, confirm, both according to the morphological aspect and to the location of the belt on the body of the vessel, the closest analogies with the vessels of the 6 th5th century BC settlements of Curteni - Valea Merilor (C. Iconomu 1978-1979, pl. VIII/1), Brdiceti Dealul Beschiei (C. Iconomu 1999, fig. 9/1), Cotu Morii - Toloac (C. Iconomu, M. Tanasachi 1992, p. 41, fig. 4/9, 10; 5/2), Stnceti - Cetatea (A. Florescu, M. Florescu 2005, fig. 85/6, 8, 9; 86/8), the horizon of the Iron Age of the settlement of Cucuei - Slatina Veche, Bacu (R. Munteanu et alii 2007, p. 67, fig. 14/5) and the fort of the 5th3rd centuries BC of Cotu - Coplu (L. ovan, M. Ignat 2005, pl. 13/1-2). The discoid trays with slightly raised borders, suggesting a small walls slightly thinned with straightly cut rim, in the east-Carpathian settlements are rarely found and only in few of these sites at Poiana - Cetate (S. Teodor 1999, p. 69, fig. 34/4) and Stnceti - Cetatea (A. Florescu, M. Florescu 2005, p. 89, fig. 90/7, 14, 21; 91/2-5, 13, 26, 28, 29). Similar vessels of Cotu - Coplu (L. ovan, M. Ignat 2005, p. 42-43, fig. 16/4-6, 8-9), are referred to by T. Arnut (2003, p. 78) as pans with flat base and those of Hui - Corni (S. Teodor 1981, p. 182, fig 20/3, 4) and Curteni - Dealul Pietrriei (C. Iconomu 1981-1982, p. 140, fig. 14/8, 10), with horizontal prominences or handles have the shape of conical dishes with vertical upper part, respectively, dishes with almost vertical rim. Another archaeological complex, which on the basis of the ceramic material, fragmentary too, confirms the inclusion in the Getic culture is pit no. 1 (fig. 23/1-5, 7-8). In this regard, analogies with the vessels with the upper part graphically reconstructed were made for the following: - the jar-like vessel of average size with the slightly pointed out neck and vertical border, slightly thickened and rounded, ornamented on the rim with alveoli and on the shoulder with small conical prominences (fig. 23/2) with analogies in the settlements of Hui - Corni, Poiana - Cetate or Lunca Ciurei dated to the 4th3rd centuries BC (S. Teodor 1999, p. 67-68, fig. 29/5) and the vessel with high neck and rounded body (fig. 23/1), which, according to us represents a mug with high biconical body, conical neck, with the rim slightly arched toward the exterior, from which the over heightened handle has not been preserved, a ceramic shape confirmed in most east-Carpathian Thracian-Getic settlements and necropolises dated both to the 6 th5th centuries BC and to the 4th3rd centuries BC in similar percentages to those of pots and dishes (S. Teodor 1999, p. 71, fig. 38/10, 11; T. Arnut 2003, p. 75-76). In this context, we consider necessary to refer also to the jar-like vessel with straight walls in the upper part and straightly cut border, ornamented slightly under the border with massive handles supports (fig. 23/6) a morphologic type specific for the early Hallstatt period, found here in the anterior cultural layer. Among the few analogies confirmed in the Thracian-Getic ceramic complexes, unlike the examined vessel, there is the one found in the surface dwelling V/I of 2 nd habitation phase of precinct I of Stnceti - Cetatea, 5th4th centuries BC (A. Florescu, M. Florescu 2005, p. 40, fig. 86/10), which has a thinned border and the handle support placed at a relatively larger distance to the border in association with the alveoli belt. The technological aspect of the ceramic ware in the filling of pit no. 2 and the fragments of upper parts of two biconical vessels with flared border (fig. 24/2-3), similar to those already analyzed in the sunken dwelling and pit no. 1 confirm the same cultural-chronological inclusion of this complex. The fragment of vessel wall with a handle found in this pit (fig. 18/1), due to the fact that within all phases of the Getic culture, vessels with straight walls with handles of this type have


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

not been pointed out, while these are encountered during the Hallstatt period, we consider its presence in pit no. 2 as due to chance and that it belongs to the anterior habitation level, that is the Hallstatt level, of the settlement. Regarding the ceramic material that forms agglomerations no. 1 (fig. 21) and no. 2 (fig. 22), as well as those resulting from the excavation layers (fig. 20) of the settlement of Banca Gar apte case, we point out their general Thracian-Getic aspect, with multiple direct parallels in the investigated sites. Thus, the conical dishes, of different heights, represented at Banca Gar - apte case by three variants: a). with border arched to the interior (fig. 20/2-4; 21/1); b). with the upper vertical part and vertical border thinned and straightly cut (fig. 20/1); c). with the upper vertical part and the border straightly cut and showing on the shoulder massive horizontal prominences (fig. 21/4), derive from preceding Hallstatt shapes and are one of the most frequent shapes of vessels within the ceramic complex of the Getic culture, that evolves until the 3 rd2nd centuries BC (E. Moscalu 1983, p. 72 et sq.; S. Teodor 1999, p. 68-69; T. Arnut 2003, p. 72-75). The widely open conical dishes with the border more or less arched to the interior, thinned, rounded or thickened, of the settlement of Banca Gar - apte case, from the typological point of view are much similar to those used in the Hallstatt age, their assignment to the Thracian-Getic habitation level being conditioned first of all by their technological features and the absence of ornamentation in the upper part of the vessel. The variant of the conical dishes, with the vertical upper part and slightly thinned straightly cut border, without ornamentation (fig. 20/1) in the east-Carpathian space acknowledge a wide dissemination, the closest analogies being those found in the 6 th century BC settlements of Curteni Valea Merilor (C. Iconomu 1978-1979, pl. XV/4-5), Brdiceti - Dealul Beschiei (C. Iconomu 1999, fig. 9/6, 8), Stnceti - Cetatea (A. Florescu, M. Florescu 2005, fig. 75/9), the necropolis of the 5th4th centuries BC of Slobozia (C. Buzdugan 1968, fig. 3/2, 5), the 5 th3rd centuries BC fortification of Cotu - Coplu (L. ovan, M. Ignat 2005, p. 41-42, pl. 5/12) and the 4th3rd centuries BC settlements, such as the one of Hui - Corni (S. Teodor 1981, fig. 20/1; 21/2-7), the fort of Buneti - Dealul Bobului (V. V. Bazarciuc 1980, fig. 5/5), the necropolis of Vaslui - Curile Domneti (Al. Andronic 1981-1982, fig. 7/1) etc. Vessels with vertical upper part and straightly cut border, with massive horizontal prominences on the shoulder similar to the find of Banca Gar - apte case (fig. 21/4), were specific to the settlements of Curteni - Dealul Pietrriei (C. Iconomu 1981-1982, p. 139-141, fig. 14/5, 9, 11), the surface dwelling VI/I of the 2 nd phase of inhabitance of precinct I of Stnceti - Cetatea, the 5th4th centuries BC (A. Florescu, M. Florescu 2005, p. 41, fig. 76/7), Hui - Corni (S. Teodor 1981, p. 180, fig. 19/1; 20/3), the fortification of the 5 th3rd centuries BC of Cotu - Coplu (L. ovan, M. Ignat 2005, p. 41-42, pl. 6/1, 2, 13), the necropolis of Slobozia (C. Buzdugan 1968, fig. 4/4, 5; 2/5, 8) and so on. The category of the mugs in the settlement of Banca Gar - apte case is represented by small vessels, without handles, of conical shape, with sharpened rim (fig. 20/5-6), and of the tumblers represented by vessels of cylindrical shape with thinned border slightly turned to the interior (fig. 20/7-8), morphological types specific to the Thracian-Getic and Getic ceramic repertoire (S. Teodor 1999, p. 69; T. Arnut 2003, p. 77). The analysis of the vestiges in the habitation level of the period of the Getic culture in the settlement of Banca Gar - apte case was carried out especially on the basis of the materials resulting from the investigated archaeological sites in the Carpathian Prut space, placed both near it (Curteni - Dealul Pietrriei, Hui - Corni, Vaslui - Curile Domneti, Buneti - Dealul Bobului, Slobozia), and further away (Brdiceti Dealul Beschiei, Cotu Morii - Toloac, Stnceti - Cetatea, Cotu - Coplu) (S. Teodor 1999, fig.1) and using to a smaller extent similar cases identified in the interfluvium Prut Dniester, where the materials of Banca Gar - apte case also found perfect parallels.

V. Banca Gar. Aezri, secolele III-V / Settlements, 3rd-5th centuries


Capitolul V. Aezri din secolele III-V de la Banca Gar - apte case

Precum i alte staiuni arheologice din arealul geografic aflat la nordul Dunrii de Jos, n vecintatea noii provincii romane Scythia Minor, i staiunea din punctul numit astzi semnificativ apte case, din satul Banca Gar, era amplasat n apropierea unei ape, a vechiului curs al vii Brladului, aprat spre vest i est de dealuri mpdurite (fig. 1-4). Investigaiile arheologice, prin dezvelirea urmelor de vieuire din secolele III-V, locuine, construcii sezoniere, gropi, vetre, un atelier de olrie i parial necropola, au ngduit cunoaterea direct a modestelor comuniti steti care au vieuit aici. Din pcate, necropola a fost distrus aproape complet, s-au salvat doar trei morminte, dar este posibil ca, spre vest de albia Brladului, s mai fi rmas i altele necercetate. Din fericire, urmele vechilor aezri s-au pstrat n mare parte, cu excepia zonei de vest, tiate de noua albie minor a rului Brlad. Stratigrafic, conform succesiunii cronologice a complexelor acestei staiuni, s-a surprins o locuire datat n a doua jumtate a secolului al III-lea, care a suferit unele schimbri n prima parte a secolului al IV-lea, ai crei locuitori au folosit ceramica de gospodrie modelat cu mna, iar ntre vasele lucrate la roat pe cele acoperite cu angob roie. Pe platou se vor construi alte locuine n secolul al IV-lea i n prima parte a celui urmtor, al cror inventar reflect noile schimbri. Sarmaii i ulterior goii s-au infiltrat n rndurile comunitii locale contribuind la mbogirea i transformarea acesteia (V. Bierbrauer 1994; Idem 1999, p. 212 i urm.). Inventarul complexelor nea permis urmrirea ocupaiilor practicate de locuitorii care au ncercat s-i acopere necesarul zilnic prin propriile activiti (R. Alaiba 2007, p. 18-36), avnd totodat i legturi de schimb cu vecinii, dar i cu zone mai ndeprtate. S-au semnalat i cteva complexe i ceramic din secolele urmtoare, V-VI, doar aglomerri de materiale rmase pe nivel de la construciile sezoniere i cteva gropi. Complexe: locuine de suprafa i uor adncite, construcii sezoniere, gropi, ateliere, morminte Dintre cele 74 de complexe datate n aceast perioad s-au descoperit, pe secole:
4 complexe din secolul al III-lea, o locuin uor adncit nr. 1 Lad1, cpl. 28 i 3 gropi, nr. 1-3, cpl. 21, cpl. 113, cpl. 121; 19 complexe datate n secolele III-IV, 6 locuine de suprafa, nr. 1 cpl. 12a, nr. 2 cpl. 17, nr. 3 cpl. 29, nr. 4-5 cpl. 33-34, nr. 6 cpl. 72; 4 locuine uor adncite, 1 cpl. 10, 2 cpl. 31, 3 cpl. 78, 4 cpl. 106a; 7 gropi, nr. 1 cpl. 13, nr. 2 cpl. 32, nr. 3 cpl. 62, nr. 4 cpl. 74, nr. 5-6 cpl. 93-94, nr. 7 cpl. 106 i 2 aglomerri ceramice, nr. 1 cpl. 70, nr. 2 cpl. 73; 28 complexe datate n secolul al IV-lea, 5 locuine de suprafa, nr. 1-5 cpl. 1, 15, 30, 48, 57; 2 locuine uor adncite, nr. 1-2 cpl. 77, 91; 16 gropi, nr. 1-2, cpl. 18-19, nr. 3 cpl. 33a, nr. 4 cpl. 37, nr. 5 cpl. 39, nr. 6-7 cpl. 49-50, nr. 8 cpl. 66a, nr. 9 cpl. 71, nr. 10 cpl. 80, nr. 11 cpl. 92, nr. 12-12a, cpl. 104-104a, nr. 14-15 cpl. 115-116, nr. 16 cpl. 119; 5 aglomerri ceramice, nr. 1, cpl. 21a, nr. 2 cpl. 43, nr. 3-4 cpl. 60-61, nr. 5 cpl. 88; 17 complexe datate n secolele IV-V: 6 locuine de suprafa, nr. 1 cpl. 14, nr. 2 cpl. 26, nr. 3 cpl. 35, nr. 4 cpl. 36, nr. 5 cpl. 51, nr. 6 cpl. 96; 3 locuine uor adncite, nr. 1 cpl. 4, nr. 2 cpl. 27, nr. 3 cpl. 122; 5 gropi, nr. 1 cpl. 24a, nr. 2 cpl. 26a, nr. 3 cpl. 69a, nr. 4 cpl. 79, nr. 5 cpl. 114; 2 aglomerri ceramice, nr. 1 cpl. 42, nr. 2 cpl. 64. 1 Atelier de olrie, cpl. 65; 3 complexe datate n secolele V-VI: 2 gropi, nr. 1-2 cpl. 95, 120; aglomerare ceramic, nr. 1, cpl. 86; 3 morminte, unul dintre ele, nr. 5 datat n secolul al III-lea (cpl. 66) i altele dou nr. 3-4 datate n secolul al IV-lea (cpl. 20, 76).


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Pl. 11. Banca Gar - apte case. Locuine / Dwelling.

V. Banca Gar. Aezri, secolele III-V / Settlements, 3rd-5th centuries


Pl. 12. Banca Gar-apte case. Locuine de suprafa,sec. III-V p.Hr./ Surface dwellings with 3th5rd centuries AD.

Complexele structurate grafic:

17 locuine de suprafa: 6 sec. III-IV + 5 sec. IV + 6 sec. IV-V; 9+1 locuine uor adncite: 1 sec. III + 4 sec. III-IV + 2 sec. IV + 3 sec. IV-V; 33 gropi: 3 sec. III + 7 sec. III-IV + 16 sec. IV + 5 sec. IV-V + 2 sec. V-VI; 10 aglomerri de materiale: 2 sec. III-IV + 5 sec. IV + 2 sec. IV-V + 1 sec. V-VI; 1 atelier de olrie, sec. IV-V; 3 morminte, 1 din sec. III, 2 sec. IV; total complexe = 74
TOTAL COMPLEXE 74 Locuine de suprafa 17 Locuine uor adncite 10 Gropi 33 Aglomerare de materiale10 Atelier de olrie 1 Morminte 3 0 20 40 60 80


17 locuine de suprafa, 6 din sec. III-IV, nr. 1 cpl. 12a, nr. 2 cpl. 17, nr. 3 cpl. 29, nr. 4-5 cpl. 3334, nr. 6 cpl. 72; 5 din sec. IV, nr. 1 cpl. 1, nr. 2 cpl. 15, nr. 3 cpl. 30, nr. 4 cpl. 48, nr. 5 cpl. 57; 6 din sec. IV-V, nr. 1 cpl. 14, nr. 2 cpl. 26, nr. 3 cpl. 35, nr. 4 cpl. 36, nr. 5 cpl. 51, nr. 6 cpl. 96; 10 locuine uor adncite, sec. III, 1 cpl. 28; 4 sec. III-IV,1 cpl. 10, 2 cpl. 31, 3 cpl. 78, 4 cpl. 106a; 2 sec. IV, nr. 1 cpl. 77, nr. 2 cpl. 91; 3 sec. IV-V, nr. 1 cpl. 4, nr. 2 cpl. 27, nr. 3 cpl. 122, atelierul de olrie, cpl. 65.

Locuine de suprafa i uor adncite, dimensiuni, orientarea, amenajri interioare, amplasarea diferitelor unelte sau ustensile


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Cercetrile arheologice realizate n satul Banca Gar, n punctul apte case, aflat pe malul stng al rului Brlad i n stnga oselei Iai - Bucureti, n suprafaa spat, de 3400 m 2, aproximativ jumtate din vechiul areal al acesteia, au dus la descoperirea unui numr de 27 de locuine, 17 de suprafa i zece uor adncite, dintre care din secolul al III-lea 1 locuin uor adncit, cpl. 28, din secolele III-IV, 6 locuine de suprafa, nr. 1 cpl. 12a, nr. 2 cpl. 17, nr. 3 cpl. 29, nr. 4-5 cpl. 33-34, nr. 6 cpl. 72 i 4 uor adncite, 1 cpl. 10, 2 cpl. 31, 3 cpl. 78, 4 cpl. 106a; din secolul IV, 5 locuine de suprafa, nr. 1 cpl. 1, nr. 2 cpl. 15, nr. 3 cpl. 30, nr. 4 cpl. 48, nr. 5 cpl. 57 i 2 uor adncite, nr. 1-2, cpl. 77, 91; din secolele IV-V, 6 locuine de suprafa, nr. 1 cpl. 14, nr. 2 cpl. 26, nr. 3 cpl. 35, nr. 4 cpl. 36, nr. 5 cpl. 51, nr. 6 cpl. 96 i 3 uor adncite, nr. 1-3 cpl. 4, cpl. 27, cpl. 122. Cele 27 de locuine fac parte din ntinsa silite ocupat de comunitile steti dacoromane (fig. 25-149), care s-a format n spaiul de la rsrit de Carpai i s-a dezvoltat n anii de dup retragerea autoritilor romane din Dacia (274-275 p. Hr.) i din teritoriul nordic al Moesiei. ntinsa, dar modesta silite de la Banca Gar - apte case, dintr-un areal geografic bine cunoscut pentru secolele III-IV p. Hr., a supravieuit i n secolele V-VI, pentru a se extinde din nou n secolele VII-IX/X (R. Maxim 1988, p. 253-261). Locuine de suprafa i adncite, sistemul de constucie, perimetrul, amenajarea interioar a acestora, s-au stabilit n funcie de amplasarea resturilor pstrate. Pereii lor s-au ridicat pe o structur de pari, ntre ei cu mpletituri de nuiele. Pe una sau pe ambele pri ale acestui schelet se ntindeau straturi subiri de lut amestecat cu paie, cu urme de reamenajare. Podeaua locuinelor era format dintr-un strat de lut amestecat cu pmnt, bine bttorit, de 2-3 cm sau 3-4 cm. Pe ea s-au mai pstrat cteva fragmente de la pereii locuinei, dar, printre ele erau i buci de crust de la vatra acestora, groase de 2-3 cm, realizate din lut amestecat cu mult nisip, albicioase de la arderile la tem peraturi ridicate i refuite, distrus complet din vechime, intenionat conform unor ritualuri legate de cultul vetrei i de pstrarea focului. Vetrele de obicei erau nconjurate cu pietre de ru sau gresie, arse parial, unele erau folosite drept supori "cei de vatr". Locuinele nu au fost prsite n grab, astfel se explic numrul mic al pieselor rmase i numrul mic al celor ntregi, cu deosebire a ceramicii, de asemenea, i distrugerea intenionat a vetrelor. Locuine construite pe sol, secolele III-IV Orientarea, majoritatea caselor din aceast perioad s-au amplasat dup nclinaia pantei grindurilor, est-vest, precum Lsp5 cpl. 34, nord-sud, ca Lsp1 cpl. 12a, Lsp6 cpl. 72, cu anumite devieri, Lsp2 cpl. 17, nord-nord-est / sud-sud-vest, dar i est-vest, precum Lsp5 cpl. 34, cu intrarea n josul pantei, est precum Lsp1 cpl. 12a. Dimensiuni. Cele ase locuine de suprafa din secolele III-IV au suprafee de: 8,10 m2 Lsp1 cpl. 12a, 9,60 m2 Lsp6 cpl. 72, 11,61 m2 Lsp2 cpl. 17, 14 m2 Lsp4 cpl. 33, 15,30 m2 Lsp5 cpl. 34 i 16,86 m2 Lsp3 cpl. 29. Locuina cea mic are o suprafa de 8,1 m2, Lsp1 cpl. 12a, iar construcia cu dimensiunile cele mai mari, are 16,86 m2, Lsp3 cpl. 29. Media celor ase locuine construite pe sol este de 12,5 m2. Amenajri, puine au avut podeaua bttorit i parial ars, precum Lsp2 cpl. 17, care poate indica fie o incendiere, fie o amenajare intenionat. De asemenea, n locuine vasele au fost ordonate dup modul de ntrebuinare, precum cele din Lsp3 cpl. 29, unde spre peretele de nord-est se aflau vase mari de provizii, dar i cteva mici, care probabil iniial se aflau pe o poli sau agate de suporii fixai n perete (fig. 61/1-7). Vatra mozaicat era amplasat diferit, fie spre nord-est n Lsp2 cpl. 17, n partea de sud-vest n Lsp3 cpl. 29, spre peretele de nord-vest n Lsp4 cpl. 33 i spre centru n Lsp5 cpl. 34 sau n Lsp6 cpl. 72, unde era o vatr circular, =65x55 cm. Diferitele unelte i ustensile au fost gsite fie n centru, n Lsp2 cpl. 17, o fusaiol i o cute de gresie (fig. 42/3, 6), n Lsp4 cpl. 33, un disc, o cute pentru lame i spre colul de sud-vest, o greutate cilindric i o fusaiol (fig. 73/1-4, 7), n Lsp5 cpl. 34 n colul de est erau o fusaiol, o cute, o greutate de lut (fig. 78/3-4), trei oase prelucrate, ntre ele o patin (fig. 78/1-2, 5).

Dimensiuni, orientare, amenajri, unelte i ustensile, ceramica

V. Banca Gar. Locuine. Repertoriu / Dwellings. Repertory, 4rd-5th centuries


Pl. 13. Banca Gar apte case. Locuine uor adncite, sec. III-V p.Hr. / Slightly buried dwellings with 3th5rd centuries AD.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Ceramica, n Lsp1 cpl. 12a, ntre cele 21 de vase erau cinci modelate cu mna (fig. 33/5-6, 9-11; 34/2), 16 la roat, ase din past puin zgrunuroas (fig. 33/3, 7-8; 34/5-6, 8), 10 fine - una crmizie (fig. 34/1), una maronie (fig. 34/7) i 8 cenuii (fig. 33/1-2, 4; 34/1, 3-4); Lsp2 cpl. 17, 28 vase, trei au fost modelate cu mna (fig. 41/8-9; 42/9), 25 la roat, apte din past puin zgrunuroas, dou glbui (fig. 41/6), unul roietic (fig. 41/4), patru cenuii (fig. 41/2; 42/5), 16 fine (fig. 41/1, 3, 5, 7, 11-12; 42/1-2, 4, 7-8, 10), nspre colul de sud-est al locuinei se gsea un castron deosebit, la exterior acoperit cu angob roie i decorat pe umr cu protome zoomorfe (fig. 41/10), altul negru (fig. 42/2); Lsp3 cpl. 29, din 26 de vase, unul era modelat cu mna (fig. 60/7), opt din past puin zgrunuroas, una crmizie (fig. 60/3, 6), 13 fine, 3 foarte fine, unul ars negru, dou crmizii (fig. 60/4-5; 61/3-4, 6-7), primul era o caserol sud-dunrean de secol IV (fig. 61/2), plus o amfor; Lsp4 cpl. 33, 45 vase, 16 modelate cu mna (fig. 70-71), 26 la roat, unul era cenuiunegricios (fig. 72/9), dou roii, 23 cenuii (fig. 72/1-5, 7-8, 11-15), plus trei amfore (fig. 72/6, 10); Lsp5 cpl. 34, 18 vase, trei erau din past puin zgrunuroas, 14 fine (fig. 78/6, 8-11, 14), nou fine cenuii - unul negru (fig. 78/13), unul angobat rou (fig. 78/12), dou glbui i dou amfore (fig. 78/7); Lsp6 cpl. 72, 15 vase, unul era modelat cu mna (fig. 112/9), trei din past zgrunuroas, nou fin (fig. 112/2-3, 5-7, 11-13), un vas bitronconic negru (fig. 112/2), un import de sec. IV, pri de la un pahar de sticl (fig. 112/4) i de la o amfor (fig. 112/14).
Locuine uor adncite, secolele III / III-IV Sec.III, III-IV Dimensiuni, prima, datat n secolul al III-lea, avea 12 m2, L1 cpl. 28 iar altele dou, din secolele III-IV, aveau suprafee de, 10,92 m2 L1 Locuinta usor adancita,L1,cpl.28,12mp cpl. 10 i 20,16 m2 L2 cpl. 31. Media suprafeei Locuinta de suprafata,L1, cpl.12, 8,10 mp locuite pentru primele dou este de 11,46 m 2, aproximativ cu un metru ptrat mai mic n raport Locuinta de suprafata,L2 cpl. 17,11,61 mp cu cele de suprafa din aceast perioad. Ultima, cu orientarea aproximativ nord-sud, s-a detaat nu Locuinta de suprafata,L5,cpl. 34, 15,30 mp numai prin dimensiuni, 20,16 m2 L2 cpl. 31, dar i prin specificul construciei. Media: 11,46 mp Spre peretele de nord-est, pe un fragment de construcie, era modelat n uor relief Locuinta usor adancita,L2 cpl. 31, 20,16 mp reprezentarea unei ovicaprine din profil (fig. 65/10 5 10 15 20 3). Se distinge i prin inventar, 20 de vase, ntre care o cuie deosebit un vas pentru iluminat sprijinit pe trei picioare, considerat de cunoscutul arheolog Victor Teodorescu, la sesiunea de rapoarte din 1983, ca o form preluat din olria roman (1972, p. 75 i 2009, p. 150 i urm.). Orientarea, Lad1 cpl. 28, sud-sud-est / nord-nord-vest cu intrarea probabil spre sud, n zona n care nu apare inventar; Lad1 cpl. 10, 1500o sud-sud-est i 3300o nord-nord-vest, cu orientarea nord-sud i la fel cu intrarea n zona n care nu apare inventar iar Lad2 cpl. 31, cu orientarea 320 0 nord-nord-vest i 1400 sud-sud-est i intrarea la sud-est. Amenajri ale podelei s-au observat n cazul Lad1 cpl. 28 iar n Lad3 cpl. 78, chirpicii cu marginile uor arcuite erau probabil de la ui sau ferestre (fig. 118/11). Vatra, n Lad1 cpl. 28, era spre colul de nord-est; n Lad1 cpl. 10, spre colul de sud-est iar n colurile opuse ei erau gropi de pari, h=15; 30 cm; n Lad2 cpl. 31, spre centru era un "cel de vatr" i gardin iar n Lad3 cpl. 78 era situat aproximativ central, o piatr ars s-a folosit drept "cel de vatr". Doar Lad1 cpl. 28, credem c a fost prsit n urma unui incendiu, precum cum indic urmele de cenu rspndite pe aproape toat suprafaa podelei. Piese, din Lad1 cpl. 28, s-a recuperat un fragment de corn de cerb, o cute i un cuit de fier (fig. 59/1-2, 10); n Lad2 cpl. 31, spre nord-est era un fragment de construcie care avea modelat, n uor relief o ovicaprin (fig. 65/1-3), la sud-vest se afla un mpungtor de os (fig. 64/1), un corn (fig. 64/2), un cilindru de gresie (fig. 64/4), dou cute (fig. 64/3, 5) i la nord-vest o fusaiol (fig. 64/6); din Lad3 cpl. 78, s-a recuperat o greutate de lut (fig. 118/3), o achie de silex atipic i o cataram de bronz (fig. 118/1), una dintre puinele accesorii vestimentare rmase n locuine. Ceramica, n Lad1 cpl. 28, din cele 34 de vase, 10 erau din past puin zgrunuroas, 22 fine cenuii

V. Banca Gar. Locuine. Repertoriu / Dwellings. Repertory, 4rd-5th centuries


(fig. 59/3-6, 8-9), un castron angobat rou i o amfor; n Lad1 cpl. 10, din opt vase, unul era modelat cu mna (fig. 32/3), ase la roat, trei fine, un vas a fost ars cenuiu (fig. 32/5) i dou roietice (fig. 32/6), n colul de sud-sud-est erau dou vase de import, unul negru i o amfor (fig. 32/1-2); n Lad2 cpl. 31, din 20 de vase, trei s-au modelat cu mna (fig. 64/10-11), unul cu trei picioare - tripes (fig. 65/4), dou borcane i 16 la roat, ase din past puin zgrunuroas (fig. 64/12), 10 fin - unul roietic, apte cenuii (fig. 64/9), dou au fost acoperite cu angob roie (fig. 64/7), o amfor (fig. 64/8); n Lad3 cpl. 78, din cele 35 de vase, apte s-au modelat cu mna (fig. 118/4, 6-10, 14, 16) iar din cele 28 lucrate la roat, 12 vase erau la exterior puin zgrunuroase, dou de culoare roie, alte trei cenuii-negricioase, dou roietice-glbui, cinci cenuii, 13 cenuii fine (fig. 118/15) sau roietice (fig. 118/2, 5), un vas s-a acoperit cu angob roie i dou amfore.
Locuine construite pe sol, secolul IV

Dimensiunile celor cinci locuine Sec. IV cercetate au fost diferite, dou aveau suprafee mai mici - de 9,28 i 9,30 m2, Lsp1 cpl. 1 i Media, 13,5 mp Lsp5 cpl. 57; urmeaz alte trei locuine cu Locuinta de suprafata,L4 cpl. 48, 17mp suprafee apropiate, de 15,84, 16,20 i 17 m2, Locuinta de suprafata,L3 cpl. 30, 15,84mp Lsp3, 2, 4, cpl. 30, 15, 48. Media este de 13,5 Locuinta de suprafata,L2 cpl.15, 16,20 mp m2, cu 1 m2 mai mare n raport cu locuinele Locuinta de suprafata,L1 cpl.1, 9,28mp din perioada anterioar. Locuinta usor adancita L2 cpl.91 Orientarea locuinelor era diferit, n Locuinta usor adancita L1 cpl.77,11,65 mp funcie de nclinarea pantelor, a locuinei Lsp2 cpl. 15, nord-nord-est / sud-sud-vest iar a 0 2 4 6 8 1012141618 locuinei, Lsp3 cpl. 30, nord-sud. Intrarea n Lsp1 cpl. 1 era la est, n Lsp2 cpl. 15 pe latura sudic iar n Lsp3 cpl. 30 la sud, n josul pantei. Amenajri se pot distinge pentru locuina, Lsp1 cpl. 1, unde la vest exista un mobilier, pentru Lsp4 cpl. 48, n care patru recipiente au aprut spre peretele de sud, ntr-un spaiu adncit special, pentru a se obine un loc mai rcoros (fig. 88/5-9). Vatra s-a amplasat uor diferit, n Lsp1 cpl. 1 era spre centru, pentru ca o alt amenajare s fie n faa locuinei, pe ea era i un "cel de vatr", n Lsp2 cpl. 15, fragmentele vetrei erau spre centru i nord, n Lsp3 cpl. 30, spre sud-est, aproximativ central era n Lsp4 cpl. 48, cu o form circular (=0,82x0,75 m), iar n Lsp5 cpl. 57, se afla spre peretele de sud. Piesele descoperite n interiorul celor cinci locuine au fost amplasate diferit, n Lsp2 cpl. 15, erau dispuse spre peretele de sud-sud-est, o pies de fier, o cute de gresie (fig. 39/6) dar i o pictur de material topit (fig. 39/2); n Lsp1 cpl. 1, n preajma vetrei se aflau, un cuit (fig. 27/4), dou pietre de ru, un lustruitor, o cute pentru ascuit lame (fig. 27/5-6), trei buci de tabl, dou de bronz, una de fier (fig. 27/2-3) iar n colul de nord-est s-a gsit i o mrgea de lut (fig. 27/1); n Lsp3 cpl. 30, dinspre peretele de sud-est sau adunat, 1 corn de cerb tiat (fig. 63/7), o gresie plat, 1 cilindric, una cilindric-aplatisat (fig. 63/6, 8-9) iar din Lsp5 cpl. 57, o fusaiol (fig. 94/1) i o cute de gresie (fig. 94/10). Ceramica, Lsp1 cpl. 1, 26 vase, unul s-a modelat cu mna, 24 la roat, patru din past zgrunuroas (fig. 28/5-7), dou puin zgrunuroas, 14 fine (fig. 27/7-8; 28/2-4), unul negru (fig. 28/1), dou brunnegricioase, altul alb-glbui; n Lsp2 cpl. 15 erau apte vase lucrate la roat, trei din past zgrunuroas (fig. 39/5, 7), trei fine cenuii (fig. 39/3), un altul angobat (fig. 39/4), la care se adaug o parte dintr-un pahar de sticl (fig. 39/1), situat relativ central; Lsp3 cpl. 30, 12 vase, trei din past zgrunuroas (fig. 63/3), trei puin zgrunuroas, roietice sau cenuii, patru cenuii fine (fig. 63/1, 5), un altul era acoperit cu angob glbuie i o amfor; n Lsp4 cpl. 48 erau nou recipiente, patru din past zgrunuroas (fig. 88/5-9), trei fin cenuie (fig. 88/1-2, 4) i dou importuri (fig. 88/3, 10); n Lsp5 cpl. 57, din 23 vase unul era din past zgrunuroas (fig. 94/3), patru puin zgrunuroas (fig. 94/9, 11), 13 fine cenuii (fig. 94/2, 4-6, 7-8, 12), cte unul era negru lustruit, roz-glbui sau alb-roziu (fig. 94/12), plus dou amfore. Locuine uor adncite, secolul al IV-lea Dimensiunile s-au stabilit pentru o singur locuin, L1 cpl. 77, 11,65 m2, nu i pentru L2 cpl. 91. Vatra n Lad1 cpl. 77 era n colul de nord, n Lad2 cpl. 91, pe ea s-a pstrat un suport - "cel de vatr". Piese puine, n Lad1 cpl. 77, era un os cu o nuire i cu urmele unei uzuri circulare (fig. 117/6-7). Ceramica, n Lad1 cpl. 77 erau ase vase, dou din past zgrunuroas (fig. 117/3, 8-9), patru fin cenuie (fig. 117/2, 4-5); n Lad2 cpl. 91, din ase vase unul s-a modelat cu mna (fig. 124/2), un altul era din past puin zgrunuroas cenuie, trei erau cenuii fine i numai unul era deosebit de fin (fig. 124/1, 3, 5).


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Locuine construite pe sol, secolele IV-V Dimensiunile, suprafaa aproximativ, s-a Locuinte, sec.IV-V reconstituit pentru cinci din ase locuine, nu s-a conservat bine nr. 6 cpl. 96. Mai mic a fost locuina de 9 m2 Lsp3 Lsp3 cpl. 35, 9 mp cpl. 35, dup care altele dou au dimensiuni apropiate, de 2 2 Lsp4 cpl. 36, 10,20 mp 10,20 m Lsp4 cpl. 36 i 11,10 m Lsp2 cpl. 26. Mai mari 2 2 au fost locunele de 14,57 m , Lsp1 cpl. 14 i 15,75 m , nr. Lsp2 cpl. 26, 11,10 mp 5 cpl. 51. Media celor cinci a fost de 12,12 m2, mai mic Lsp1 cpl. 14, 14,57 mp dect a celor din secolele III-IV. Lsp5 cpl. 51, 15,75 mp Orientarea celor ase locuine era diferit, Lsp1 Media 12,12 mp cpl. 14, era est-nord-est / vest-sud-vest, cu intrarea spre sud, a locuinei Lsp2 cpl. 26, nord-nord-est / sud-sud-vest, Lad2 cpl. 27, 8,64 mp la fel i orientarea altor dou, Lsp3 cpl. 35, Lsp5 cpl. 51. Lad1 cpl. 4, 20,50 mp Amenajrile surprinse mai clar au fost puine, n Lsp1 cpl. 14, podeaua era bttorit i ars parial iar pentru Lsp4 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 cpl. 36, menionm prezena unor gropi menajere n apropiere G3 i G5. Vatra mozaicat a locuinelor era amplasat aproape central, n Lsp1 cpl. 14, n plan de form circular, =80 m; n Lsp2 cpl. 26 spre nord-est; n Lsp4 cpl. 36 din centru spre est; n Lsp5 cpl. 51 spre latura de nord-vest; n Lsp6 cpl. 96 mai ales n centru (fig. 128/1), la -0,45-0,70 m, era crust de vatr i un suport - "cel de vatr". Diferite unelte - ustensile, Lsp1 cpl. 14, dou greuti perforate (fig. 36/4-5), o rni de gresie (fig. 36/3; h=24 cm), o lup de fier (fig. 36/8); Lsp2 cpl. 26, la nord-est i est de ea se afla o greutate (fig. 55/1), o rni (fig. 55/5), ase cute (fig. 53/3, 8; 54/8; 55/2, 8-9), un mic mojar (fig. 55/4); Lsp3 cpl. 35, o patin (fig. 79/8), zgur topit; Lsp4 cpl. 36, o rni din gresie perforat (fig. 82/1), dou greuti perforate de lut, una cilindric (fig. 82/4), alta discoidal (fig. 82/2), o cute de gresie pentru ascuit lame i vrfuri (fig. 82/3), o fusaiol (fig. 81/10); Lsp5 cpl. 51, o sfer, o mrgic i o cochilie (fig. 91/1-2, 6), s-au gsit spre peretele de vest, pot indica spaiul de dormit iar greutatea perforat (fig. 92/6), din colul de sud-vest, indic locul n care era un rzboi de esut vertical, o argea fixat cu tlpici pe podea i la partea superioar de grinzi. Ceramica, n Lsp1 cpl. 14, din 35 de vase concentrate spre peretele de sud-sud-est, dou au fost modelate cu mna (fig. 36/1-2), 33 s-au lucrat la roat patru din past zgrunuroas (fig. 38/8-9), 20 fin (fig. 37/6-7, 10; 38/1-7), trei glbui-cenuii, unul negru, trei roii (fig. 37/8-9) i dou amfore (fig. 37/1-5), una de Herakleia, varianta 4 AD (fig. 37/1); n Lsp2 cpl. 26, din 23 de vase dou s-au modelat cu mna (fig. 53/7), 21 la roat ase din past zgrunuroas, dou negricioase, patru cenuii (fig. 54/4, 6; 53/2), patru puin zgrunuroase negricioase (fig. 54/3), 11 fine, unul glbui, altul crmiziu (fig. 54/1), nou cenuii (fig. 54/2, 5, 7; 53/2, 4-6); n Lsp3 cpl. 35, erau 12 vase, unul modelat cu mna (fig. 79/6), 11 la roat, unul din past zgrunuroas (fig. 79/7), dou puin zgrunuroas (fig. 79/4-5), trei fine (fig. 79/3), trei negricioase (fig. 79/1-2) i o amfor; n Lsp4 cpl. 36, din 59 de vase, cinci au fost modelate cu mna (fig. 83/1-2), 54 la roat, 20 s-au realizat din past puin zgrunuroas, patru roii (fig. 81/3), unul negru, 15 cenuii (fig. 81/1, 11), 33 fine (fig. 81/5-9, 12; 83/3-4), unul lustruit (fig. 81/4), altul rou lustruit (fig. 81/2); n Lsp5 cpl. 51, din 37 de vase, ase au fost modelate cu mna, dou borcane, o cuie (fig. 91/5, 7, 9-10), 31 la roat, ase din past zgrunuroas - trei roii sau glbui-cenuii (fig. 92/1, 3, 5), trei cenuii, ase puin zgrunuroase (fig. 92/7-8), unul rou (fig. 91/3-4), 17 fin (fig. 91/7; 92/2, 4), dou amfore, o mrgic (fig. 91/2) i o cochilie pandantiv de Cerithium sp. (fig. 91/6). Locuine uor adncite, secolele IV-V Dimensiunile s-au stabilit pentru dou din cele trei locuine din secolele IV-V, pentru una nu s-au stabilit, nr. 3 cpl. 122, una avea dimensiuni mai mici, de 8,64 m2 Lad2 cpl. 27 iar alta era mai mare, de 20,5 m2 Lad1 cpl. 4, cercetat n primul an, 1981, n care pe vatr se afla un suport din piatr folosit drept "cel de vatr". Era apropiat ca dimensiuni de locuina de suprafa din secolele III-IV, L2 cpl. 31. Inventarul ceramic al acesteia se compune din 14 vase, din care apte borcane, trei modelate cu mna (fig. 29/5-6), una din past zgrunuroas (fig. 29/4), trei din past fin (fig. 29/2-3, 8; 30/4-5, 8-9) i patru importuri, un castron lustruit decorat cu motive geometrice imprimate (fig. 29/1, 7) i trei amfore (30/1-2, 7). n locuina Dridu, L 1, din apropiere s-a gsit i o mrgic de cornalin (fig. 30/6), care provenea din aceast locuin de secol IV. Subliniem faptul c, pe acelai loc, n secolele VIII-IX s-au construit alte dou locuine uor adncite, cu

V. Banca Gar. Locuine. Repertoriu / Dwellings. Repertory, 4rd-5th centuries


inventar caracteristic culturii Dridu, n care s-au conservat cele mai multe vase ntregi sau ntregibile. Pentru cele trei locuine din sec. IV-V, intrarea era diferit, n L1 cpl. 4, era spre sud. Alte amenajri se aflau n L1 cpl. 4, unde ordonarea inventarului sugereaz amplasarea spaiului de odihn la nord iar pentru Lad2 cpl. 27, se poate distinge structura din brne a locuinei, din care n colul de sud-est s-a pstrat urma unei brne. Vatra n L1 cpl. 4, era spre nord, pe ea se afla i un suport - "cel de vatr", ca i pe vatra amplasat spre nord n Lad3 cpl. 122. n L1 cpl. 4 s-a gsit o bil de gresie (fig. 30/3). Ceramica, n L1 cpl. 4, din cele 14 vase, trei s-au modelat cu mna (fig. 29/5-6; 30/5, 8), 7 la roat, 1 din past zgrunuroas (fig. 29/4), 6 fin (fig. 29/2-3, 8; 30/4, 9), trei erau importuri (fig. 29/1, 7; 30/1-2, 7); n Lad2 cpl. 27, din cele 11 vase, 8 erau fine (fig. 57/1-8), 1 import, dou roii, o amfor (fig. 57/9/10); iar n Lad3 cpl. 122, era un borcan din past fin (fig. 141/1).

Repertoriul locuinelor, secolele III-V

Locuina uor adncit, secolul al III-lea: Lad1 cpl. 28 (fig. 58/1; 59), de form patrulater, 12 m2, L=3,65; l=3,26 m, orientarea sud-sud-est / nord-nord-vest. Urmele de cenu de pe aproape toat suprafaa indic incendierea acesteia. Intrarea se afla probabil spre sud, n zona n care nu apare inventar. Vatra era spre colul de nord-est iar spre centru s-au gsit, 1 corn de cerb, 1 cute, 1 cuit de fier (fig. 59/1-2, 10); 34 vase, 10 din past puin zgrunuroas, unul roietic, altul negru, opt cenuii (fig. 59/7), 22 fine (fig. 59/3-6, 8-9), 1 castron angobat rou, 1 amfor. Locuine de suprafa, secolele III-IV: Lsp1 cpl. 12a (fig. 31/2; 33-34/1-8), patrulater, 8,1 m2, L=2,91; l=2,78 m, orientarea nord-sud, intrarea la est; chirpicii pereilor prbuii se afl mai ales pe latura de sud; 21 vase, 5 modelate cu mna (fig. 33/5-6, 9-11; 34/2), 16 lucrate la roat, 6 past puin zgrunuroas (fig. 33/3, 7-8; 34/5-6, 8), 10 fine 1 crmiziu (fig. 34/1), 1 maroniu (fig. 34/7) i 8 cenuii (fig. 33/1-2, 4; 34/1, 3-4). Lsp2 cpl. 17 (fig. 40/1; 41-42), cu podeaua bttorit i parial ars, a fost amplasat n panta uoar a grindului, patrulater, 11,61 m2, L=4,30; l=2,70 m, orientarea nord-nord-est / sud-sud-vest, cu intrarea spre sud-est. Vatra, spre nord-est apar mai multe lipituri, pietre de ru i gresie mprejmuiau vatra, n apropiere cu: 1 fusaiol bitronconic (fig. 42/3), 1 cute de gresie (fig. 42/6); 28 vase, 3 modelate cu mna (fig. 41/8-9; 42/9), 25 la roat, 7 past puin zgrunuroas, dou - glbui (fig. 41/6), unul roietic (fig. 41/4), patru cenuii (fig. 41/2; 42/5), 16 fine (fig. 41/1, 3, 5, 7, 11-12; 42/1-2, 4, 7-8, 10), pe latura de sudest, 1 angobat rou, decorat pe umr cu protome zoomorfe (fig. 41/10), altul negru lustruit (fig. 42/2). Lsp3 cpl. 29 (fig. 58/2; 60-61), forma patrulater a bazei 16,86 m 2, L=4,37; l=3,86, cu vatra mozaicat, cel puin trei vase mari i altele mai mici erau spre peretele de nord-est (fig. 61/1-7); 26 vase, 1 modelat cu mna (fig. 60/7), 8 din past puin zgrunuroas, 1 crmiziu (fig. 60/3, 6), 13 fine cenuii, 3 foarte fine, plus un vas ars negru, dou crmizii, (fig. 60/4-5; 61/3-4, 6-7), primul o form sud-dunrean din sec. IV, o caserol (fig. 61/2), 1 amfor. Lsp4 cpl. 33 (fig. 66/2; 70-73), patrulater 14 m 2, L=4,10; l=3,40 m, cu vatra mozaicat situat spre peretele de nord-vest (fig. 73/6), s-au recuperat 17 buci de chirpici (fig. 73/5); spre centru se aflau: 1 disc de gresie, 1 cute pentru lame, spre colul de sud-vest 1 fusaiol bitronconic, 1 greutate cilindric (fig. 73/1-4, 7); 45 vase, 16 modelate cu mna (fig. 70-71), 26 la roat, 1 cenuiu-negricios (fig. 72/9), 2 roii i 23 cenuii (fig. 72/1-5, 7-8, 11-15), 3 amfore (fig. 72/6, 10). Lsp5 cpl. 34, patrulater (fig. 77/1), 15,30 m 2, L=3,40; l=4,50 m, orientarea est-vest, bucile de crust de vatr erau rspndite spre centru; 3 oase prelucrate ntre care i o patin (fig. 78/1-2, 5), n colul de est: 1 fusaiol, 1 cute, 1 greutate de lut (fig. 78/3-4); 18 vase, 3 past puin zgrunuroas, 14 fine (fig. 78/6, 8-11, 14), 9 fine cenuii -1 negru (fig. 78/13), 1 angobat rou, 2 glbui, 2 amfore (fig. 78/7, 12). Lsp6 cpl. 72 (fig. 112), suprafaa, 9,6 m 2, L=3,20; l=3,0 m, orientarea nord-sud, vatra circular, =65x55 cm; 15 vase, 1 modelat cu mna (fig. 112/9), 3 past zgrunuroas, 9 fin (fig. 112/2-3, 5-7, 1113), 1 vas bitronconic negru (fig. 112/2) 1 import sec. IV, 1 pahar de sticl (fig. 112/4), amfore (fig. 112/14; 167/). Locuine uor adncite, secolele III-IV: Lad1 cpl. 10 (fig. 31/1), patrulater 10,92 m 2, L=3,90; l=2,80 m, orientarea 1500 o sud-sud-est i 3300o nord-nord-vest, vatra spre colul de sud-est, n colurile opuse ei erau gropi de pari, h=15; 30 cm; 8 vase,


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

1 borcan modelat cu mna (fig. 32/3), 6 lucrate la roat, 3 fine (fig. 32/5), 2 roietice (fig. 32/6), n colul de sud-sud-est, 2 vase de import, unul negru, 1 amfor (fig. 32/1-2). Lad2 cpl. 31 (fig. 62/2; 64-65), 20 m 2, L=5,60; l=3,60 m, orientarea laturilor 320 0 nord-nord-vest i 1400 sud-sud-est, vatra era situat spre centru, n preajm un "cel de vatr", gardin, 21 buci de chirpici, pe un fragment de construcie, descoperit spre peretele de nord-est, s-a modelat n uor relief reprezentarea, din profil, a unei ovicaprine (fig. 65/1-3); la sud-vest, 1 mpungtor de os (fig. 64/1), 1 corn (fig. 64/2), 1 cilindru de gresie (fig. 64/4), 2 cute pentru lame (fig. 64/3, 5), la nord-vest 1 fusaiol (fig. 64/6); 20 vase, 3 modelate cu mna (fig. 64/10-11) 1 vas cu trei picioare - tripes (fig. 65/4), 2 borcane, 16 roat, 6 past puin zgrunuroas (fig. 64/12), 10 past fin 1 roietic, 7 cenuii (fig. 64/9), 2 angobate rou (fig. 64/7), 1 amfor (fig. 64/8). Lad3 cpl. 78, chirpici uor arcuii, poate de la ui sau ferestre (fig. 118/11); vatr situat aproximativ central, puine pietre una n form de coarne - "cel de vatr", o greutate de lut (fig. 118/3), o achie de silex atipic i dintre accesoriile vestimentare, o cataram de bronz (fig. 118/1), 35 vase, 7 modelate cu mna (fig. 118/4, 6-10, 14, 16) iar din cele 28 lucrate la roat, 12 vase erau la exterior puin zgrunuroase, dou de culoare roie, alte trei cenuii-negricioase, 2 roietice-glbui, 5 cenuii, 13 cenuii fine (fig. 118/15) sau roietice (fig. 118/2, 5) i un vas acoperit cu angob roie, 2 amfore. Lad4 cpl. 106. (fig. 128/3; 129-131; 132/1-10), form dreptunghiular cu colurile rotunjite. Cu o suprafa de 16,184 m2, L=4,76; l=3,40 m. Unelte: o fusaiol (fig. 131/2), dou cute i o pies de piatr (fig. 129/10; 131/4) i 35 fragmente ceramice lucrate cu mna, de la circa 20 de vase i a 63 modelate la roat, de la aproximativ 45 de vase. La fel de bogat este i inventarul faunistic, 153 de resturi ce au fost atribuite molutelor i mamiferelor, att domestice, ct i slbatice. Locuine de suprafa, secolul al IV-lea: Lsp1 cpl. 1 (fig. 26/L1; 27-28), patrulater, 9,28 m2, L=3,20; l=2,90 m, orientarea aproximativ est-vest, ntre chirpici era o bucat de la un col (fig. 27/9-10); n colul opus intrrii, la est, exista un mobilier; spre centru era vatra, n apropiere se aflau, 1 cuit (fig. 27/4), 2 pietre de ru, una folosit ca lustruitor, 1 cute pentru ascuit lame (fig. 27/5-6), 3 buci de tabl, 2 bronz, 1 fier (fig. 27/2-3); 1 mrgea de lut se afla n colul de nord-est (fig. 27/1), n faa locuinei erau pietre arse parial, ntre ele 1 "cel de vatr"; 26 vase, 1 modelat cu mna, 24 la roat 4 past zgrunuroas (fig. 28/5-7), 2 puin zgrunuroas, 14 cenuie fin (fig. 27/7-8; 28/2-4) - 1 negru (fig. 28/1), 2 brun-negricioase, 1alb-glbui. Lsp2 cpl. 15 (fig. 35/2; 39), patrulater, 16,20 m 2, L=4,5; l=3,6 m, orientarea nord-nord-est/sud-sudvest; central i spre nord apar pri de vatr, intrarea pe latura sudic; la peretele de sud-sud-est: 1 pies de fier, 1 cute de gresie (fig. 39/6), 1 pictur de material topit (fig. 39/2), 7 vase lucrate la roat, 3 past zgrunuroas (fig. 39/5,7), 3 cenuii (fig. 39/3), 1 angobat (fig. 39/4), central un pahar de sticl (fig. 39/1). Lsp3 cpl. 30, patrulater 15, 84 m2, L=44; l=36 m, orientarea aproximativ nord-sud, intrarea la sud, n josul pantei, chirpici (fig. 63/2, 4, 10-11), spre sud-est erau pri de crust de vatr; spre peretele de sudest s-au adunat: 1 corn de cerb tiat (fig. 63/7), 1 gresie plat, 1 cilindric, 1 cilindric-aplatisat (fig. 63/6, 8-9); 12 vase, 3 past zgrunuroas (fig. 63/3), 3 puin zgrunuroas, roietice sau cenuii, 4 cenuii fine (fig. 63/1, 5), 1 acoperit cu angob glbuie, 1 amfor. Lsp4 cpl. 48 (fig. 87/1), 17 m 2, L=4,6; l=3,7 m, vatra circular (=82x75 cm); 9 recipiente, 4 past zgrunuroas au aprut spre peretele de sud, ntr-un spaiu adncit probabil special, pentru a se obine un loc mai rcoros (fig. 88/5-9), 3 fin cenuie (fig. 88/1-2, 4), 2 import (fig. 88/3, 10). Lsp5 cpl. 57, 9,30 m2, L=3,30; l=2,85 m; vatra spre peretele de sud, n apropiere o fusaiol sferic, perforat bitronconic, probabil datorit uzurii (fig. 94/1), 1 cute de gresie (fig. 94/10); 23 de vase, 1 past zgrunuroas (fig. 94/3), 4 puin zgrunuroase (fig. 94/9, 11), 13 fine cenuii (fig. 94/2, 4-8, 12), 1 negru lustruit, 1 roz-glbui, 1 alb-roz (fig. 94/12), 2 amfore. Locuine uor adncite, secolul al IV-lea: Lad1 cpl. 77 (fig. 117), 11, 65 m2, L=4,30; l=2,71 m, n colul de nord erau buci de crust de vatr, 1 os cu o nuire, cu urmele unei uzuri circulare (fig. 117/6-7), 6 vase, 2 din past zgrunuroas (fig. 117/3, 8-9), 4 fin cenuie (fig. 117/2, 4-5). Lad2 cpl. 91 (fig. 124; h=30 cm), chirpici (fig. 124/6-7), 1 "cel de vatr"; 6 vase, 1 modelat cu mna (fig. 124/2), 1 puin zgrunuroas cenuie (fig. 124/1, 5), 3 cenuii fine (fig. 124/5), 1 mai fin (fig. 124/3). Locuine de suprafa, secolele IV-V: Lsp1 cpl. 14 (fig. 35/1; 36-38), patrulater 14,57 m2, L=4,70; l=3,10 m, orientarea est-nord-est / vest-

V. Banca Gar. Locuine. Repertoriu / Dwellings. Repertory, 4rd-5th centuries


sud-vest i cu podeaua bttorit parial ars, intrarea la sud, vatra mozaicat circular, =0,80 m, h=0,30-0,35 cm, chirpici; 2 greuti perforate (fig. 36/4-5), 1 rni de gresie (fig. 36/3; h=24 cm), 1 lup de fier (fig. 36/8); 35 vase concentrate spre peretele de sud-sud-est, 2 modelate cu mna (fig. 36/1-2), 33 lucrate la roat - 4 past zgrunuroas (fig. 38/8-9), 20 fin (fig. 37/6-7, 10; 38/1-7), 3 glbui-cenuii, 1 negru, 3 roii (fig. 37/8-9), 2 amfore (fig. 37/1-5), una de Herakleia, varianta 4 AD (fig. 37/1). Lsp2 cpl. 26 (fig. 52/1; 53-55), suprafaa 11,10 m2, L=3,7; l=3 m, orientarea nord-nord-est / sud-sudvest; chirpic (fig. 55/3, 6), buci de vatr (fig. 55/7), la est de ea o greutate, o rni (fig. 55/1, 5), cute (fig. 53/3, 8; 54/8; 55/2, 8-9), 1 mic mojar (fig. 55/4); 23 vase, 2 modelate cu mna (fig. 53/7), 21 lucrate la roat - 6 past zgrunuroas, 2 negricioase, 4 cenuii (fig. 54/4, 6; 53/2), 4 puin zgrunuroase negricioase (fig. 54/3), 11 fine, 1 glbui, 1 crmizie (fig. 54/1), 9 cenuii (fig. 54/2, 5, 7; 53/2, 4-6). Lsp3 cpl. 35 (fig. 77/2), 9 m2 (8,997), L=2,95; l=3,05 m, orientare nord-nord-est, urme de pari, buci de vatr spe colul de nord, chirpici i cu lemne despicate, spre vest o mic albiere (=60 cm), 1 patin (fig. 79/8), 1 zgur topit; 12 vase, 1 modelat cu mna (fig. 79/6), 11 roata olarului, 1 past zgrunuroas (fig. 79/7), 2 puin zgrunuroas (fig. 79/4-5), 3 fine cenuii (fig. 79/3), 3 negricioase (fig. 79/1-2), 1 amfor. Lsp4 cpl. 36 (fig. 80/1), patrulater 10,20 m2, L=3,4; l=3,0 m, n apropiere G3, 5, vatra n centru; spre est, 1 rni din gresie perforat (fig. 82/1), 2 greuti perforate de lut, 1 cilindric (fig. 82/4), 1 discoidal (fig. 82/2), 1 cute de gresie pentru ascuit lame i vrfuri (fig. 82/3), 1 fusaiol (fig. 81/10); 59 vase, 5 modelate cu mna (fig. 83/1-2), 54 la roat, 20 past puin zgrunuroas, 4 roii (fig. 81/3), 1 negru, 15 cenuii (fig. 81/1, 11), 33 fine (fig. 81/5-9, 12; 83/3-4), 1 lustruit, 1 rou lustruit (fig. 81/2, 4). Lsp5 cpl. 51 (fig. 87/2), patrulater 15,75 m2, L=4,70; l=3,35 m, orientarea nord-nord-est / sud-sudvest; lipituri de vatr spre nord-vest; sfera, mrgica, o cochilie (fig. 91/1-2, 6), s-au gsit spre peretele de vest, pot indica spaiul de dormit iar greutatea perforat (fig. 92/6), din colul de sud-vest, indic locul n care era un rzboi de esut vertical, o argea fixat cu tlpici pe podea i la partea superioar de grinzi; 37 vase, 6 modelate cu mna, 2 borcane, 1 cuie (fig. 91/5, 7, 9-10), 31 lucrate la roat, 6 past zgrunuroas - 3 roii sau glbui-cenuii (fig. 92/1, 3, 5), 3 cenuii, 6 puin zgrunuroase (fig. 92/7-8), 1 rou (fig. 91/34), 17 fin (fig. 91/7; 92/2, 4), 2 amfore, 1 mrgic, o cochilie pandantiv de Cerithium sp. (fig. 91/2, 6). Lsp6 cpl. 96 (fig. 128/1), - 0,45-0,70 m, chirpici, crust de vatr, 1 "cel de vatr". Secolele IV-V, locuine uor adncite: L1 cpl. 4 (fig. 26; 29-30), patrulater 20,50 m2, L=5,40; l=3,80 m, chirpici, vatra era n partea opus intrrii dinspre sud, 1 "cel de vatr", 1 bil de gresie (fig. 30/3), ordonarea inventarului sugereaz amplasarea spaiului de odihn la nord; 14 vase, 3 modelate cu mna (fig. 29/5-6; 30/5, 8), 7 roat, 1 zgrunuroas (fig. 29/4), 6 fin (fig. 29/2-3, 8; 30/4, 9), 3 import (fig. 29/1, 7; 30/1-2, 7). Lad2 cpl. 27 (fig. 52/2), patrulater 8,64 m 2, L=3,20; l=2,70 m, rotunjit la coluri, cel de sud-est pstreaz urma unei brne; 11 vase, 8 fine cenuii (fig. 57/1-8) - 1 import, 2 roii, 1 amfor (fig. 57/9/10). Lad3 cpl. 122, vatra era spre nord, 1 "cel de vatr", 1 borcan din past fin (fig. 141/1). Chapter V. Settlements dating from 3rd6th centuries in Banca Gar - apte case Surface dwellings and slightly buried dwelling, pits, ceramic agglomerations 17 Surface dwellings: 6 3rd4th centuries + 5 4th century + 5 4rd5th centuries; 10 Slightly buried dwellings: 1 3th century + 4 3rd4th centuries + 2 4th century + 3 4rd5th centuries IV-V; 33 Pits: 3 3th century, 7 3rd4th centuries + 16 4th century + 5 4rd5th centuries + 2 5rd6th centuries; 10 Agglomerations of ceramic materials: 2 3rd4th centuries + 5 4th century + 2 4rd5th centuries + 1 4rd5th centuries; 1 Potters workshop, 4rd5th centuries; 3 Graves, 1 - 3th century, 2 4th century.
TOTAL COMPLEXES 74 Surface dw elings 10 Slightly buried dw elings 10 Pits 33 Ceramic agglomer. 10 Potter's w orkshop 1 Graves 3 0 20 40 60 80

Summing up, 74 complexes dating from this period were identified:


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

4 complexes dated to the 3th century, one slightly buried dwelling - no. 1, cpl. 28 and 3 pits, nos. 1-3, cpl. 21, cpl. 113, cpl. 121; 19 complexes dated to the 3rd4th centuries: 6 surface dwellings, nos. 1 cpl. 12a, 2 cpl. 17, 3 cpl. 29, 4-5 cpl. 33-34, 6 cpl. 72; 4 slightly buried dwelling, 1 cpl. 10, 2 cpl. 31, 3 cpl. 78, 4 cpl. 106a; 7 pits, 1 cpl. 13, 2 cpl. 32, 3 cpl. 62, 4 cpl. 74, 5-6 cpl. 93-94, 7 cpl. 106; 2 ceramic agglomerations, 1 cpl. 70, 2 cpl. 73; 28 complexes dated to the 4th, surface dwellings, nos. 1 cpl. 1, 2 cpl. 15, 3 cpl. 30, 4 cpl. 48, 5 cpl. 57; 2 slightly buried dwelling, nos. 1 cpl. 77, 2 cpl. 91; 15 pits, nos. 1-2, cpl. 18-19, 3 cpl. 33a, 4 cpl. 37, 5 cpl. 39, 6-7 cpl. 49-50, 8 cpl. 66a, 9 cpl. 71, 10 cpl. 80, 11 cpl. 92, 12-12a, cpl. 104-104a, 14 cpl. 115, 15 cpl. 116, 16 cpl. 119; 5 ceramic agglomerations, nos. 1, cpl. 21a, 2 cpl. 43, 3 cpl. 60, 4 cpl. 61, 5 cpl. 88; 16 complexes dated to the 4rd 5th centuries: 6 surface dwellings, 1 cpl. 14, 2 cpl. 26, 3 cpl. 35, 4 cpl. 36, 5 cpl. 51, 6 cpl. 96; 3 slightly buried dwelling, nos. 1 cpl. 4, 2 cpl. 27, 3 cpl. 122; 5 pits, nos. 1 cpl. 24a, 2 cpl. 26a, 3 cpl. 69a, 4 cpl. 79, 5 cpl. 114; 2 ceramic agglomerations, nos. 1 cpl. 42, 2 cpl. 64; The potters workshop, cpl. 65, 4rd5th centuries (fig. 97a-c - 104); 3 complexes dated to the 5rd6th centuries: 2 pits, nos. 1 cpl. 95, 2 cpl. 120; 1 ceramic agglomerations, no. 1, cpl. 86; 3 tombs, one of them, no. 5 dated to the 3th century (cpl. 66) and two others nos. 3-4 dated to the 4th century (cpl. 20, 76). In order of discovery were marked by a complex number. However, his presentation began with prehistoric complexes, after which they gave the Getic complex that was not discovered pottery wheel model.

17 Surface dwelling, 6 3rd 4th centuries, no. 1 cpl. 12a, no. 2 cpl. 17, nr. 3 cpl. 29, nos. 4-5 cpl. 33-34, no. 6 cpl. 72; 5 4th century, no. 1 cpl. 1, no. 2 cpl. 15, no. 3 cpl. 30, no. 4 cpl. 48, no. 5 cpl. 57; 6 4rd5th centuries, no. 1 cpl. 14, no. 2 cpl. 26, nos. 3-4 cpl. 35-36, no. 5 slightly buried dwelling cpl. 51, no. 6 cpl. 96. 9 Slightly buried dwelling, 3th century, 1 cpl. 28; 3 3rd4th centuries, nos. 1-3 cpl. 10, 31, 78; 2 4th century, nos. 1-2 cpl. 77, 91; 3 4rd5th centuries, no. 1 cpl. 4, no. 2 cpl. 27, no. 3 cpl. 122, potter's wheel cpl. 65.

The archeological researches carried out in the village of Banca Gar, in the point apte case, on the left bank of River Brlad and of the road Iai - Bucureti, with an excavated surface of 3400 m 2, approximately half of the old area hereof, led to the discovery of 27 dwellings, out of which 17 aboveground dwellings and 10 slightly buried. 6 above ground dwellings, no. 1 cpl. 12a, no. 2 cpl. 17, o. 3 cpl. 29, nos. 4-5 cpl. 33-34, no. 6 cpl. 72 and 4 slightly buried dwellings, 1 cpl. 10, 2 cpl. 31, 3 cpl. 78, 4 cpl. 106a, were dated to the 3rd5th centuries; 5 above ground dwellings, no. 1 cpl. 1, no. 2 cpl. 15, no. 3 cpl. 30, no. 4 cpl. 48, no. 5 cpl. 57 and 2 slightly buried dwellings, nos. 1-2, cpl. 77, 91 were dated to the 4 th centuries; 6 above ground dwellings, no. 1 cpl. 14, no. 2 cpl. 26, no. 3 cpl. 35, no. 4 cpl. 36, no. 5 cpl. 51, no. 6 cpl. 96 and 3 slightly buried nos. 1-3 cpl. 4, cpl. 27, cpl. 122 were dated to the 4 th5th centuries. The 26 dwellings are part of the wide plain occupied by the Dacian-Roman rural communities (fig. 25-148), which were formed on the territory east of the Carpathians and developed during the years following the Roman retreat from Dacia (274-275 p.Hr.) and from the northern territory of Moesia (V. Bierbrauer 1994; Idem 1999, p. 212 et sq.). The wide but modest plain of Banca Gar - apte case, of a geographic area well known for the 3rd4th centuries, also survived in the 5 th6th centuries and then extended again in the 7 rd9/10th centuries (R. Maxim 1988, p. 253 et sq.).

V. Banca Gar. Locuine. Repertoriu / Dwellings. Repertory, 4rd-5th centuries


The surface and slightly buried dwellings, the construction system, the perimeter, the interior arrangement thereof were established according to the location of the preserved remains. Their walls were raised on a structure of posts, with wattle in between. On one or both sides of such skeleton there were laid thin layers of clay mixed with straw. In most cases, the slight firing of the dwellings following a fire led to the collapse of the walls. Out of these, there remained only small pieces, partly fired, of adobe on one side with traces of rods, with diameters of 3-4 cm approximately and of posts, with diameters of 6-10 cm. Following the firing, their color turned yellowish-brick red, with grayish blackish stains. Among the materials that remained from the construction there also was a piece of a corner and three other larger pieces, finished on one side, with traces of processed wood on the other (fig. 27/9-10).The interior arrangements. On its floor, with the depth of 3-4 cm with traces of rearrangement, there were preserved few fragments of the dwelling walls, adobe with impressions of wattle with diameters of 3-4 cm and of posts, with diameters of 6-10 cm. Among the small fragments of adobe there are also few pieces of crust from a hearth nowadays fully destroyed. South of them there were also few large stones, partly fired, which probably surrounded the hearth, some were used also as fire dog. The dwelling was built on the surface of the soil. The natural clay served as floor, without being though covered with a layer of clayey, as indicated by the treaded traces thereof. The walls made of wattle were raised on a pillar structure. On both sides of such structure there were lined thin layers of clay mixed with straw. The light firing of the dwelling following a fire led to the demolition of the walls, out of which small pieces of adobe with prints of branches were preserved. As a result of their firing, their color became brick - yellow with grayish-blackish stains. On the clay floor there are fragments of the crust preserved from the hearth of the dwelling, about 2-3 cm thick, made of clay mixed to a lot of sand, their color being whitish due to the firing and showing a finishing that was remade. It is also around the hearth that there were several implements.
3th century Dimensions, orientation, arrangements, tools Slightly buried D1,cpl.28,12msq. and utensils, ceramic ware 3rd-4th centuries Dwellings built on the ground, 3rd4th centuries Surface, D1, cpl.12, 8,10 msq. Dimensions. The six above ground dwellings Surface, D6 cpl.72, 9,60 msq. dated to the 3rd4th centuries have the surfaces of 8.10 m2 Surface, D2 cpl. 17,11,61 msq. 2 2 Lsp1 cpl. 12a, 9.60 m Lsp6 cpl. 72, 11.61 m L2 cpl. 17, Surface, D4 cpl. 33, 14 msq. 14 m2 Lsp4 cpl. 33, 15.30 m2 Lsp5 cpl. 34 and 16.86 m2 Surface, D5,cpl. 34, 15,30 msq Lsp3 cpl. 29. The smallest dwelling has the surface eof Surface,D3 cpl. 29, 16,86 msq. 8.1 m2, Lsp1 cpl. 12a, and the construction with the Average: 11,46 msq. 2 largest dimensions the surface of 16.86 m , Lsp3 cpl. 29. Slightly buried, D1 cpl.10, 10,92 msq. The average of the six dwellings built on the ground is of Slightly buried, D2 cpl. 31, 20,16 msq. 12.5 m2. Orientation. Most of the dwellings of this period were placed according to the slope of the islets, 0 5 10 15 20 approximately east-west, such as in the case of Lsp5 cpl. 34, north-south, as in the case of Lsp1 cpl. 12a, Lsp6 cpl. 72, with certain deviations, Lsp2 cpl. 17, north-north-east/south-south-west and east-west, as well as Lsp5 cpl. 34, with the entrance to the east, as for Lsp1 cpl. 12a. Arrangements. Few dwellings showed a trodden and partly fired floor, such as in the case of Lsp2 cpl. 17, which may indicate either a firing or an intentional arrangement. Equally, inside dwellings, vessels were probably ordered according to the way they were used, such as those of Lsp3 cpl. 29, where towards the northeast wall there were large food storage vessels, and also several others, smaller, which were probably placed on a shelf or hung to the wall-mounted props (fig. 61/1-7). The fragmented hearth had a different location, either to the northeast as in Lsp2 cpl. 17, in the southwest in Lsp3 cpl. 29, towards the northwest wall in Lsp4 cpl. 33 and towards the center in Lsp5 cpl. 34 or in Lsp6 cpl. 72, where there was a circular hearth, = 65 x 55 cm. The different implements and utensils were found either in the center, as in Lsp2 cpl. 17, a spindle whorl and a whetstone (fig. 42/3, 6) and in Lsp4 cpl. 33, a disc, a whetstone for blades and to the southwest corner a cylindrical weight and a spindle whorls (fig. 73/1-4, 7), in Lsp5 cpl. 34 in the eastern corner there was a spindle whorl, a whetstone o cute, a clay weight (fig. 78/3-4) and three other processed bones, out of which a skate-shaped one (fig. 78/1-2, 5).


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

The ceramic ware, in Lsp1 cpl. 12a, out of the 21 vessels five were hand-shaped (fig. 33/5-6, 9-11; 34/2), 16 wheel-shaped, six were made of a slightly grainy paste (fig. 33/3, 7-8; 34/5-6, 8), 10 of fine paste a brick red one (fig. 34/1), a brownish one (fig. 34/7) and 8 grayish (fig. 33/1-2, 4; 34/1, 3-4); Lsp2 cpl. 17, out of the 28 vessels, three were hand-shaped (fig. 41/8-9; 42/9), 25 were wheel-shaped, seven were made of slightly grainy paste, two yellowish (fig. 41/6), one reddish (fig. 41/4), four grayish (fig. 41/2; 42/5), 16 fine (fig. 41/1, 3, 5, 7, 11-12; 42/1-2, 4, 7-8, 10), and to the southeast corner of the dwelling there was also discovered a bowl covered with red slip decorated on the shoulder with zoomorphic protomae (fig. 41/10), another one black (fig. 42/2); Lsp3 cpl. 29, out of the 26 vessels, one was hand-shaped (fig. 60/7), eight out of slightly grainy paste, one brick red (fig. 60/3, 6), 13 of fine paste, 3 of very fine paste, one black, two brick red (fig. 60/4-5; 61/3-4, 6-7), one of them being a south Danubian casserole of the 4 th century (fig. 61/2), and an amphora; Lsp4 cpl. 33, out of the 45 vessels, 16 were hand-shaped (fig. 70-71), 26 were wheelmade, one was grayish blackish (fig. 72/9), two were red and 23 grayish (fig. 72/1-5, 7-8, 11-15), plus three amphorae (fig. 72/6, 10); Lsp5 cpl. 34, out of the 18 vessels, three were made of slightly grainy paste, 14 of fine paste (fig. 78/6, 8-11, 14), nine were of fine grayish paste one was black (fig. 78/13), another one was covered with red slip (fig. 78/12), two were yellowish and two amphorae (fig. 78/7); Lsp6 cpl. 72, out of the 15 vessels, one was hand-shaped (fig. 112/9), three were made of grainy paste, nine of fine paste (fig. 112/2-3, 5-7, 11-13), one black vessel was biconical (fig. 112/2), an imported vessel of the 4 th century, to these being added a piece of a glass beaker (fig. 112/4) and an amphora (fig. 112/14). Slightly buried dwellings, 3rd / 3rd4th century Dimensions, one dated to the 3 rd century had the surface eof 12 m2, L1 cpl. 28 and the two others, of rd the 3 4th centuries had the surfaces of 10.92 m2 L1 cpl. 10, 20.16 m2 L2 cpl. 31 and 16,184 m2 (L=4,76x3,40 m), L4 cpl. 106a. The average inhabited surface for the first two is of 11.46 m 2, approximately one square meter less in comparison to the above-ground dwellings of the period. The last one, with the orientation approximately north-south, was pointed out not only by dimensions, 20 m2 L2 cpl. 31, but also by the specificity of the construction. To the northeast wall, on a fragment of construction, there was shaped, slightly in relief, the profile representation of an ovicaprine (fig. 65/1-3). The inventory is also remarkable, consisting in 20 vessels, out of which a special three feet small cup used for lighting, considered by the famous archaeologist Victor Teodorescu, within the archaeological report session of 1983, as a shape taken over from the Roman pottery. For him, the vessel was a proof of the continuity of the Roman shapes (1972, p. 75 and 2009, p. 150 et sq.). Orientation, Lad1 cpl. 28, south southeast / north northwest with the entrance probably to the south, to the area where no inventory has been found; Lad1 cpl. 10, 1500 o south southeast and 3300o north northwest, with the orientation north south and with the entrance in the same position, in the area without inventory while in Lad2 cpl. 31, with the orientation 320 0 north northwest and 1400 south southeast and the entrance on the southeast. Arrangements of the floor were noticed in the case of Lad1 cpl. 28 and in Lad3 cpl. 78, where the pieces of adobe with slightly arched borders were probably resulting from doors or windows (fig. 118/11). The hearth, in Lad1 cpl. 28, was situated to the northeast corner; in Lad1 cpl. 10, to the southeast corner and the corners opposite to it there were post hole, h = 15; 30 cm; in Lad2 cpl. 31, towards the center there was a fire-dog and a raised border while Lad3 cpl. 78 had an approximately central position, with a stone fire-dog on it. A smaller number were deserted following a fire, such as Lad1 cpl. 28, as indicated by the traces of ash spread on almost the whole surface of the floor. The items, recovered from Lad1 cpl. 28, consisted in a fragment of antler, a whetstone and an iron knife (fig. 59/1-2, 10) and in Lad2 cpl. 31, to the northeast there was a fragment of construction on which there was shaped slightly in relief, an ovicaprine (fig. 65/1-3), to the southwest there were also found a bone piercer, a horn, a gritstone cylinder (fig. 64/1-2, 4), two whetstones for blades and to the northwest a spindle whorl (fig. 64/3, 5-6); from Lad3 cpl. 78, there were recovered a clay weight (fig. 118/3), an atypical silex flake and a bronze buckle (fig. 118/1), one of the few clothing accessories remaining from the dwellings. Ceramic ware. In Lad1 cpl. 28, out of the 34 vessels, 10 were made of a slightly grainy paste, 22 were made of fine grayish paste (fig. 59/3-6, 8-9), there also were found a bowl covered with red slip and an amphora; in Lad1 cpl. 10, out of the eight vessels, one was hand-shaped (fig. 32/3), six were wheel-shaped, out of which three were made of fine paste, a vessel was grayish (fig. 32/5) and two reddish (fig. 32/6), in the south southeast corner two were imported vessels, a black one and an amphora (fig. 32/1-2); in Lad2 cpl. 31, out of 20 vessels, three were hand-shaped (fig. 64/10-11), vessel a three-feet tripes (fig. 65/4), two pots and 16 wheel-made vessels made of slightly grainy paste (fig. 64/12), 10 were made of fine paste one was

V. Banca Gar. Locuine. Repertoriu / Dwellings. Repertory, 4rd-5th centuries


reddish, seven were grayish (fig. 64/9), two were covered with red slip (fig. 64/7), an amphora (fig. 64/8); in Lad3 cpl. 78, out of the 35 vessels, seven were hand-made (fig. 118/4, 6-10, 14, 16) and out of the 28 which were wheel-made 12 vessels were slightly grainy on the exterior, two of them were red, three other were grayish-blackish, two reddish-yellowish, five grayish, 13 fine grayish (fig. 118/15) or reddish (fig. 118/2, 5), a vessel covered with red slip, and two amphorae. Above ground dwellings, 4th century The dimensions of the five dwellings investigated were different, two had smaller surfaces, of 9.28 and 9.30 m2, Lsp1 cpl. 1 and Lsp5 cpl. 57; there follow three other dwellings with similar surfaces, of 15.84, 16.20m2 and 17 m2 respectively, Lsp3, 2, 4, cpl. 30, 15, 48. The average of these five dwellings is of 13.5 m2, with one square meter more than the dwellings of the previous period. The orientation of the dwellings was different, according to the slope, as for dwelling Lsp2 cpl. 15, it was north-northeast / south southwest and in the case of dwelling, Lsp3 cpl. 30, north-south. The entrance in Lsp1 cpl. 1 was to the east, in Lsp2 cpl. 15 it was on the south side and in Lsp3 cpl. 30 it was to the south, down the slope. Arrangements can be distinguished for the dwelling Lsp1 cpl. 1, where to the west there was a furniture item, for Lsp4 cpl. 48, where four vessels were found towards the south wall, in a space which was probably deepened on purpose, so to provide a cooler environment (fig. 88/5-9). Also, the heath has a slightly different position, in Lsp1 cpl. 1 it was found to the center, while another

structure was in front of the dwelling, on top of it there was also a fire dog, in Lsp2 cpl. 15, the fragments of the hearth were towards the center and the north, in Lsp3 cpl. 30,to the southeast, in an approximately central position it was found in Lsp4 cpl. 48, with a more visible circular shape (=0,82x 0,75 m), and in Lsp5 cpl. 57, it was situated to the south wall. 4th century

The items discovered inside the five dwellings were Slightly buried DL1 located differently, in Lsp2 cpl. 15, there were found cpl.77,11,65 mp Slightly buried DL2 towards the south-southeast wall, an iron item, a whetstone cpl.91 made of gritstone (fig. 39/6) and a drop of melted material Surface,DL1 cpl.1, (fig. 39/2); in Lsp1 cpl. 1, around the hearth there were 9,28mp found a knife (fig. 27/4), two river stones, a polisher, a Surface,DL2 whetstone for sharpening blades (fig. 27/5-6), three pieces of cpl.15, 16,20 mp metal sheet, two of bronze, one of stone (fig. 27/2-3), and in Surface,DL3 cpl. the northeast corner there was also found a clay bead (fig. 30, 15,84mp 27/1); in Lsp3 cpl. 30, from the southeast wall there were Surface,DL4 cpl. gathered one cut antler (fig.63/7), a flat gritstone, cylindrical 48, 17mp one, another cylindrically flattened (fig. 63/6, 8-9) and from Average: 13,5 mp 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Lsp5 cpl. 57, a spindle whorl (fig. 94/1) and a whetstone made of gritstone (fig. 94/10). The ceramic ware, of Lsp1 cpl. 1, of the 26 vessels, one hand-shaped, 24 wheel-shaped out of which four of grainy paste (fig. 28/5-7), two of slightly grainy paste, 14 of fine paste (fig. 27/7-8; 28/2-4), one black (fig. 28/1), two blackish small, another one yellowish white; in Lsp2 cpl. 15, all seven vessels were wheel-made three of them were made of grainy paste (fig. 39/5, 7), three of grayish paste (fig. 39/3) and another one was covered with grayish slip (fig. 39/4). Apart from these there was also found a glass beaker (fig. 39/1), situated in a relatively central posit ion; in Lsp3 cpl. 30 there were 12 vessels, three of grainy paste (fig. 63/3), three of slightly grainy grayish or reddish paste, four were made of fine grayish paste (fig. 63/1, 5), another one covered with yellowish slip, and an amphora; in Lsp4 cpl. 48, there were nine vessels four of which were made of grainy paste (fig. 88/5-9), three of fine grayish paste (fig. 88/1-2, 4) and two were imported (fig. 88/3, 10); in Lsp5 cpl. 57, out of the 23 vessels one was made of grainy paste (fig. 94/3), four were of slightly grainy paste (fig. 94/9, 11), 13 of fine grayish paste (fig. 94/2, 4-8), one was of black paste, another one yellowish pink and another one yellowish white (fig. 94/12), plus two amphorae. Slightly buried dwellings, the 4th century The dimensions were established for one dwelling only, L1 cpl. 77, 11.65 m2, but not for L2 cpl. 91. The hearth in Lad1 cpl. 77 was found in the northern corner, in Lad2 cpl. 91, on it there was preserved a support a "fire dog". The items were not too numerous, in Lad1 cpl. 77, there was a bone with a groove and


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

with the traces of a circular wear (fig. 117/6-7). The ceramic ware, in Lad1 cpl. 77 there were six vessels, two of grainy paste (fig. 117/3, 8-9), four of fine grayish paste (fig. 117/2, 4-5); in Lad2 cpl. 91, out of six vessels one was hand-shaped (fig. 124/2), another one was made of grayish grainy paste, three were made of fine grayish paste and only one was made of very fine paste (fig. 124/1, 3, 5). Above ground dwellings, the 4th5th centuries The dimensions. The approximate surface was established for five of the six dwellings, no. 6 cpl. 96 was not well preserved. The smallest dwelling is Lsp3 cpl. 35, with the surface of 9 m2, followed by Lsp4 cpl. 36 with 10.20 m2 and Lsp2 cpl. 26 with 11.10 m2 and the larger dwellings, that is Lsp1 cpl. 14 of 14.57 m2 and no. 5 cpl. 51 of 15.75 m2. The average of the five dwellings is of 12.12 m2. The orientation of the six dwellings was different, for Lsp1 cpl. 14, it was east-northeast / west-southwest, with the entrance on the south side, of dwelling Lsp2 cpl. 26, north-northeast / south-southwest, the same for the orientation of two other Dwellings, 4rd-5th centuries dwellings, Lsp3 cpl. 35, Lsp5 cpl. 51. The clearly identified arrangements were few, in Lsp1 cpl. 14, the Dlsp3 cpl. 35, 9 mp floor was beaten and partly fired and in the case of Lsp4 Dlsp4 cpl. 36, 10,20 mp cpl. 36, we specify the presence of domestic pits near G3 Dlsp2 cpl. 26, 11,10 mp and G5. The fragmented hearth of the dwellings was placed almost centrally in Lsp1 cpl. 14, having an almost Dlsp1 cpl. 14, 14,57 mp circular shape, =80 m; in Lsp2 cpl. 26 to the northeast; in Dlsp5 cpl. 51, 15,75 mp Lsp4 cpl. 36 from the center to the east; Lsp5 cpl. 51 Average 12,12 mp toward the northwest side; Lsp6 cpl. 96 especially in the Dlad2 cpl. 27, 8,64 mp center (fig. 128/1), 0.45-0.70 m, there was hearth crust and DLad1 cpl. 4, 20,50 mp a support, the so-called "fire dog". Implements tools. In Lsp1 cpl.14, there were 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 found two perforated weights (fig. 36/4-5), a grinder made of gritstone (fig. 36/3), a pig iron ingot (fig. 36/8); Lsp2 cpl. 26, to the northeast-east of it, a weight and a grinder (fig. 55/1, 5), six whetstones (fig. 53/3, 8; 54/8; 55/2, 8-9), a small mortar (fig. 55/4); Lsp3 cpl. 35, a skate (fig. 79/8), melted slag; Lsp4 cpl. 36, a grinder made of perforated gritstone (fig. 82/1), two perforated clay weights, one cylindrical (fig. 82/4), the other discoid (fig. 82/2), a whetstone made of gritstone for sharpening blades and points (fig. 82/3), a spindle whorl (fig. 81/10); Lsp5 cpl. 51, a sphere, a bead, a shell (fig. 91/1-2, 6), were found to the western wall and may indicate the sleeping space while the perforated weight (fig. 92/6) in the southwest corner the place where there existed a vertical loom, an upright embedded on the floor and in the upper part to the beams. The ceramic ware, in Lsp1 cpl. 14, out of the 35 vessels concentrated to the south-southeast wall, two were hand-shaped (fig. 36/1-2), 33 were wheel-shaped four of grainy paste (fig. 38/8-9), 20 of fine paste (fig. 37/6-7, 10; 38/1-7), three of yellowish grayish paste, one of black paste, three of red paste (fig. 37/8-9) and two were amphorae (fig. 37/1-5), one of which was made in Herakleia, variant 4 AD (fig. 37/1); in Lsp2 cpl. 26, there were found 23 vessels, two of which were hand-shaped (fig. 53/7), and 21 wheelshaped. Out of the latter ones, six were made of grainy paste, two of them being blackish and the other four grayish (fig. 54/4, 6; 53/2), four others were made of blackish slightly grainy paste (fig. 54/3), 11 were made of fine paste, out of which one was yellowish, another one brick red (fig. 54/1), nine grayish (fig. 54/2, 5, 7; 53/2, 4-6); in Lsp3 cpl. 35, there were 12 vessels, one was hand-shaped (fig. 79/6), 11 was wheel-made, one was made of grainy paste (fig. 79/7), two of slightly grainy paste (fig. 79/4-5), three were made of fine paste (fig. 79/3), three of blackish paste (fig. 79/1-2) and an amphora; in Lsp4 cpl. 36, out of the 59 vessels, five were hand-shaped (fig. 83/1-2), and 54 wheel-shaped, 20 were made of slightly grainy paste, four were red (fig. 81/3), one black, 15 were grayish (fig. 81/1, 11), 33 were of fine paste (fig. 81/5-9, 12; 83/3-4), one was polished (fig. 81/4), another one was red and polished (fig. 81/2); in Lsp5 cpl. 51, out of the 37 vessels, six were hand-shaped, and within these there were two pots, a small cup for lighting (fig. 91/5, 7, 9-10), 31 were wheel-shaped, six of grainy paste three were red or yellowish grayish (fig. 92/1, 3, 5), three were grayish, six were slightly grainy (fig. 92/7-8), one was red (fig. 91/3-4), 17 were made of fine grainy paste (fig. 91/7; 92/2, 4), two amphorae, a bead (fig. 91/2) and a shell of Cerithium sp. used as a pendant (fig. 91/6).

V. Banca Gar. Locuine. Repertoriu / Dwellings. Repertory, 4rd-5th centuries


Slightly buried dwellings, the 4th5th centuries The dimensions were established for two of the three dwellings, for one - no. 3 cpl. 122 - they could not be determined, while L2 cpl. 27 was rather small, with the surface of 8.64 m2 and L1 cpl. 4, much larger, with the surface of 20.5 m2 being researched during the first year, 1981. In this last dwelling, on the hearth there was also found a support used as fire dog. The dimensions of this were similar to those of the 3 rd4th century dwelling, L2 cpl. 31. The ceramic inventory consists in 14 vessels, out of which seven are pots, three of them hand-shaped (fig. 29/5-6), one of grainy paste (fig. 29/4), three of fine paste (fig. 29/2-3, 8; 30/4-5, 8-9), and four imported, a polished bowl ornamented with impressed geometric motifs (fig. 29/1, 7) and three amphorae (30/1-2, 7). In the nearby dwelling, L 1, Dridu culture, there was also found a cornelian bead (fig. 30/6), which probably resulted from this 4 th century dwelling. We should point out that on the same spot, during the 8rd9th centuries, there were built two other slightly buried dwellings, with an inventory specific for the Dridu, in which there were preserved several vessels whole or in a reconstructable form. For the three 4th5th century dwellings, the entrance was different, in L1 cpl. 4, it was to the south. Other structures were found in L1 cpl. 4, where the location of the inventory items indicated the positioning of the resting space to the north, and in the case of Lad2 cpl. 27, one can identify the beam structure of the dwelling, out of which in the southeast corner the trace of a beam was preserved. The hearth in L1 cpl. 4 was to the north, on it there was also a support, the so-called fire dog and so was also on the hearth to the north in Lad3 cpl. 122. In L1 cpl. 4 there was found a gritstone ball (fig. 30/3). The ceramic ware. In L1 cpl. 4, out of the 14 vessels, three were hand-shaped (fig. 29/5-6; 30/5, 8), 7 were wheel-made, 1 was made of grainy paste (fig. 29/4), 6 of fine (fig. 29/2-3, 8; 30/4, 9), three were imported items (fig. 29/1, 7; 30/1-2, 7); in Lad2 cpl. 27, out of the 11 vessels, 8 were fine (fig. 57/1-8), 1 was imported, two were red, an amphora (fig. 57/9/10); and in Lad3 cpl. 122, there was a pot made of fine paste (fig. 141/1). The slightly buried dwelling, 3th century: BDL1, cpl. 28 (fig. 58/1; 59), form is quadrangular, 12 m2 (3,65x3,26 m), the south-southeast / northnorthwest orientation. Traces of ash are found almost throughout the whole surface. The light firing of the dwelling following a fire led to the demolition of the walls, out of which small pieces of adobe with prints of branches were preserved. The entrance was probably towards the south in the area without inventory. Few pieces of hearths as well as few stones were placed toward the northeast corner. The removal of the filling down to the well trodden, slightly fired floor, led to the identification in the northeast corner, near the hearth, of several items, a fragment of an antler, a whetstone and an iron knife (fig. 59/1-2, 10). Out of the 34 fragmentary vessels, 10 slightly coarse paste, 1 reddish, 1 black, 8 grayish (fig. 59/7), 22 made of grayish fine ceramic ware (fig. 59/3-6, 8-9), 1 red, 1 amphora. Surface dwelling, 3rd4th centuries: SDL1 cpl. 12a (fig. 31/2; 33-34/1-8). The rectangular shape 8,1 m 2, L=2,91; l=2,78 m, with the southnorth orientation, indicates the possibility that the entrance was situated to the east. The adobe of the collapsed walls are of the same nuance as those of other dwellings, that is yellowish-brick-like, with grayish-blackish stains, and such accumulations are found especially on the south side; 21, out of which 5 are hand made ware (fig. 33/5-6, 9-11; 34/2), 16 wheel-made, 6 slightly coarse grayish paste (fig. 33/3, 78; 34/5-6, 8), 10 fine, 1 reddish (fig. 34/1), 1 brownish (fig. 34/7), 8 grayish (fig. 33/1-2, 4; 34/1, 3-4). SDL2 cpl. 17 (fig. 40/1; 41-42), with the treaded and partly fired floor, is situated in the light part of the raised ground, 11, 61 m2, L=4,3; l=2,7 m, at the basis of the coffee brown agglomeration and the orientation does not differ considerably from the one of the prior constructions, north-northeast / southsouthwest. It is from there that were recuperated a biconical piece (fig. 42/3) and a whetstone made of grayish gritstone (fig. 42/6), situated near the hearth, as well as 28 vessels, out of which 3 hand made pots ware (fig. 41/8-9; 42/9); 25 wheel-made ones, distributed according to the technique used in: two models made of slightly coarse paste, of a yellowish a reddish one (fig. 41/6, 4), three grayish ones (fig. 41/2; 42/5), 16 fine grayish (fig. 41/1, 3, 5, 7, 11-12; 42/1-2, 4, 7, 8, 10), 1 covered with a red slip and decorated on the shoulder with zoomorphic protomae (fig. 41/10) was situated to the southeast side, and 1of black polished paste (fig. 42/2). SDL3 cpl. 29 (fig. 58/2; 60-61), the quadrangular, 16,86 m2, L=4,37; l=3,86 m, at least three large vessels and others smaller were situated toward the northeast wall (fig. 61/1-7); 26 vessels, hand made pot (fig. 60/7), 8 of brick-red slightly coarse paste, (fig. 60/3, 6), 3 fine paste, one of them being black and the


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

other two red-brick, 13 grayish (fig. fig. 60/1-2, 4-5; 61/2-4, 6-7), as a form of the south Danube, with the 4th century, 1 casserola (fig. 61/2), 1 amphora. SDL4 cpl. 33 (fig. 66/2; 70-73), the quadrangular shape of the basis 14 m 2; L=4,1; l=3,4 m, the hearth destroyed already in ancient times (fig. 73/6), situated toward the northwest wall, there were recovered 17 large pieces of adobe (fig. 73/5); toward the centre of the dwelling, there were: 1 gritstone disk, 1 whetstone for blades and toward the southwest corner a biconical piece and a cylindrical clay weight (fig. 73/1-4, 7); 45 vessels, 16 were hand made (fig. 70/-71/), 26 potters wheel, 1 grayish-blackish (fig. 72/9), 2 red, 23 grayish (fig. 72/1-8, 10-15), 2 handles, three brick-red amphorae (fig. 72/6). SDL5 cpl. 34 (fig. 77/1; 78), it shape is rather quadrangular, 15,30 m 2, L=3,40; l=4,50 m, orientation of the sides is approximately east-west, pieces of hearth crust were spread all over the centre, 3 processed bones among which a skate too were found near the hearth (fig. 78/1-2, 5), in the eastern corner there were found, 1 ''fusaiol'', 1 whetstone, 1 clay weight as well (fig. 78/3-4); 18 vessels, 3 slightly coarse, 9 fine grayish (fig. 78/6, 8-11, 14) - 1 black and polished (fig. 78/13), 1 covered with red slip (fig. 78/12), 2 yellowish, 2 amphorae (fig. 78/7). SDL6 cpl. 72 (fig. 112), quadrangle shape, 9,6 m 2, L=3,20; l=3,0 m, the north-south orientation, the better preserved hearth had a circular shape, =65x55 cm; 15 vessels, 1 hand made (fig. 112/9), 3 coarse paste, 9 specific to the grayish fine pottery (fig. 112/2-3, 5-7, 11-13), 1 biconical vessel is black (fig. 112/2); the imported ceramic, 1 rim from the mouth, 1 glass beaker, parts of amphorae (fig. 112/4, 14). Slightly buried dwelling, 3rd4th centuries: BDLad1 cpl. 10 (fig. 31/1), quadrangle shape,10,92 m2, L=3,90; l=2,80 m, with the 1500o southsoutheast orientation and 3300o north-northwest orientation. In both opposite corners the hearths were two post pits, with depths of 15 and 30 cm respectively; hearth crust were found to the southeast of the dwelling; 8 vessels, 1 of these being a hand made jar (fig. 32/3), 7 wheel-made, 3 fine, 2 of reddish (fig. 32/5-6), imported, one with black exterior, 1 amphora, found in the south-southeast corner (fig. 32/1-2). BDLad2 cpl. 31 (fig. 62/2; 64-65), 20 m 2, L=5,60; l=3,60 m, with the hearth situated approximately to the centre thereof, near it there also were few stones, and among them one with a hornlike shape, strongly fired ass a result of its usage as fire dog - ''cel de vatr'', 1 fragment of hearth raised edge, 21 pieces of adobe, discovered toward the north-east wall, there was shaped slightly in relief the profile representation of an ovicaprine (fig. 65/1-3); 1 bone piercing tool (fig. 64/1), 1 horn (fig. 64/2), 1 gritstone cylinder (fig. 64/4), 2 whetstones for blades (fig. 64/3, 5), and toward the northwest, biconical piece (fig. 64/6); 20 vessels supposedly left in the dwelling, 3 hand made were (fig. 64/10-11) - 1 with three legs tripes (fig. 65/4), 16 were wheel-made, 6 slightly coarse (fig. 64/12), 10 fine ceramic ware, 1 reddish, 7 grayish paste (fig. 64/9), 2 a red slip on the exterior (fig. 64/7) and 1 amphora (fig. 64/8). BDL3 cpl. 78, or slightly arched adobe, maybe from doors or windows (fig. 118/11); hearth crust situated centrally, one horn-shaped, fire dogs, a clay weight (fig. 118/3), an atypical flint and a bronze buckle (fig. 118/1), 35 vessels, 7 hand made (fig. 118/4, 6-10, 14, 16), 28 potter's wheel, 12 vessels were slightly coarse, 2 were red, 3 grayish-blackish, 2 reddish-yellowish, fine, 1 reddish (fig. 118/2), 5 grayish; 13 fine grayish (fig. 118/15), reddish (fig. 118/2, 5), 1 pot covered with slip red, 2 amphorae. BDL4 cpl. 106 (128/3; 129-132), approximately rectangular 16,184 m 2, L=4,76; l=3,40 m, but expanded to basic dug, larger at, - 0,74 m deep, or slightly arched adobe, hearth crust situated centrally, unelte sau ustensile, 1 fusaiol (fig. 131/2), 2 cute, 1 pies de piatr (fig. 129/10; 131/4); 70 vessels, models at hand, 12, finally burned gray and polished were 16 boats, in various shades of yellow fine 17 vessels, 20 + 12 the medium-coarse category, 16 the fine grayish, 17 the fine yellowish-reddish, 3 fine reddish, 2 amphorae, one piece (fig. 130/2), one whetstone and stone item (fig. 129/10; 130/4). Surface dwelling, 4th century: SDL1 cpl. 1 (fig. 26/L1; 27-28), quadrangle shape of 9,28 m 2, L=3,20; l=2,90 m, east/west oriented, a piece from a corner (fig. 27/9-10), the concentration of the inventory toward the opposite corner of the entrance, involves the existence in front of the western wall of a piece of furniture, around the hearth that there were several implements, 1 knife (fig. 27/4), 2 large brownish river stones, one used as a polisher, the other a whetstone for sharpening blades (fig. 27/5-6), 2 pieces bronze, 1 of iron (fig. 27/2-3); 1 cylindrical clay bead, with a perforation, was placed in the northeast corner (fig. 27/1), one had the exterior blackened by firing, with a shape similar to the one of the horns, and was used as fire dog; 26 vessels, 1 hand made ware, 24 wheel-made pots, 4 coarse paste (fig. 28/5-7), 2 slightly coarse, 14 grayish

V. Banca Gar. Locuine. Repertoriu / Dwellings. Repertory, 4rd-5th centuries


fine (fig. 27/1-4, 7-8; 28/2-4), 4 very fine, 2 black (fig. 28/1), 1 grayish, 1 white-grayish, 1 amphora. SDL2 cpl. 15 (fig. 35/2; 39), patrulater, 16,20 m 2, L=4,5; l=3,6 m, was situated approximately northnortheast / south-southwest. Centrally and to the north there appear fragments of hearth crust, with several stones around; 1 iron item, 1 whetstone of brownish gritstone (fig. 39/6), 1 drop of melt metal of greenish color (fig. 39/2); near the south-southeast wall: 7 made vessels, 3 coarse paste (fig. 39/5, 7), 3 grayish fine (fig. 39/3), 1 was covered with slip (fig. 39/4), 1 glass with greenish iridescences (fig. 39/1). SDL3 cpl. 30, the quadrangular shape, 15,84 m2, L=4,4; l=3,6 m, the approximate north-south orientation were drawn following the surface of the floor fragments of adobe with traces of posts (fig. 63/2,4, 10-11), the entrance was situated to the lower part of the slope; hearth crust, 1 antler which had been cut (fig. 63/7), 1 wide gritstone, 2 cylindrical (fig. 63/6, 8-9); 12 vessels, 3 coarse paste (fig. 63/3), 3 slightly coarse, reddish or grayish, 4 fine (fig. 63/1, 5), 1 covered with yellowish slip, 1 amphora. SDL4 cpl. 48 (fig. 87/1), 17 m2, L=4,6; l=3,7 m, of circular hearth (=82x75 cm); 9 vessels, 4 of food storage vessels shaped out of coarse paste, in a deeper area, probably especially arrange, widened to obtain a cool place (fig. 88/5-9). Apart from these, there are also three vessels made of grayish paste used for cooking, two bowls and a pot (fig. 88/1-2, 4), plus two potsherds of amphorae (fig. 88/3, 10). SDL5 cpl. 57, cpl. 57, 9,30 m2, L=3,30; l=2,85 m; toward the south wall, we found the traces of the hearth, near 1 biconically perforated, probably due to wear (fig. 94/1), 1 whetstone of gritstone with oval cross-section (fig. 94/10); 23 vessels, 1 coarse pottery (fig. 94/3), 4 slightly coarse (fig. 94/9, 11), 13 grayish fine (fig. 94/2, 4-6, 7-8, 12), 1 blackish and polished, 2 yellowish pink or white-pink (fig. 94/12). Slightly buried dwelling, 4th century: BDL1 cpl. 77 (fig. 117), there are also traces of hearth crust was situated toward the north corner of the dwelling, 1 bone with a longitudinal groove, 1 with traces of circular wear (fig. 117/6-7), 6 vessels, 2 coarse (fig. 117/3, 8-9), 4 grey fine paste (fig. 117/2, 4-5). BDL2 cpl. 91 (fig. 124; h=30 cm); 2 fragments of adobe (fig. 124/6-7) located in its southern area, 1 fire dogs; 6 vessels, 1 hand made (fig. 124/2), medium coarse (fig. 124/1), 3 fine (fig. 124/3,5, =32 cm). Surface dwelling, 4rd5th centuries: SDL1 cpl. 14 (fig. 35/1; 36-38), rectangular shape 14,57 m2, L=4,70; l=3,10 m, the orientation northnortheast /south-southwest, the treaded floor partly burnt, the hearth has a circular shape, =0,80 m, the entrance was probably to the south, adobe (fig. 36/6-7), 2 weights cylindrically perforated (fig. 36/4-5); 1 quern made of gritstone (fig. 36/3), 1 lenses iron (fig. 36/8); 35 vessels, concentrated toward the southsoutheast: 2 hand-made (fig. 36/1-2), 33 wheel-made, 4 coarse paste (fig. 38/8-9), 20 grayish fine (fig. 37/6-7, 10; 38/1-7), 3 yellowish-grayish, 1 black (fig. 37/9), 3 red (fig. 37/8), 2 amphorae (fig. 37/1-5). SDL2 cpl. 26 (fig. 52/1; 53-55), quadrangular shape of 11,10 m 2, L=3,7; l=3 m, orientation eastnortheast /west-southwest, adobe (fig. 55/3, 6), the hearth of east wall, 1 weight, 1 quern (fig. 55/5), 1 whetstone (fig. 53/3, 8; 54/8; 55/2, 8-9), 1 a small grinding mortar (fig. 55/4); 23 vessels, 2 hand made (fig. 53/1, 5, 7), 21 wheel-made, 6 coarse, 1 blackish, 2 grayish (fig. 54/4, 6; 53/2), 4 slightly coarse blackish (fig. 54/3), 11 fine, 1 yellowish, 1 brick-red (fig. 54/1), 9 grayish (fig. 54/2, 5, 7; 53/2, 4-6). SDL3 cpl. 35 (fig. 77/2), quadrangular shape of 9 m 2, L=3,05; l=2,95; h=0,26 m, the north-northeast side, pieces of hearth were found in the north corner, where on the soil there was a lot of ash and fragments of coals. Among the preserved construction materials we would like to point out several pieces of walls with width of 6-9 cm, with traces of posts, of branches with diameters of 2-4 cm, split wood, generally east-west oriented, less north-south. On one can see the traces of posts, and west to form a small rivera, with =60 cm; 1 skate (fig. 79/8), 1 greenish-bluish melt slug; 12 vessels, 1 hand made (fig. 79/6), 11 potters wheel, 1 coarse paste (fig. 79/7), 2 less coarse (fig. 79/4-5), 3 fine grayish (fig. 79/3), 3 blackish (fig. 79/1-2), 1 amphora. SDL4 cpl. 36 (fig. 80/1), 10,20 m2, L3,4; l=3,0 m, near pits 3 and 5. The hearth was probably situated in the centre. To the east, there was found a quern made of perforated gray gritstone (fig. 82/1), 2 weights shaped out of clay - 1 cylindrical (fig. 82/4), 2 discoid shape (fig. 82/2), 1 whetstone of gritstone for sharpening blades and points (fig. 82/3) and piece - "fusaiol" (fig. 81/10); 59 vessels, 5 hand made (fig. 83/1-2), 54 with the potters wheel, 20 slightly coarse paste, 4 red (fig. 81/3), 1 blackish, 15 grayish (fig. 81/1, 11), 33 fine grayish (fig. 81/5-9, 12; 83/3-4), 1 grayish, polished, 1 red polished (fig. 81/4 and 2). SDL5 cpl. 51 (fig. 87/2), 15,75 m2, L=4,70; l=3,35 m, north-northeast/south-southwest orientation, the hearth (fig. 91/1-2, 6) found toward the west wall may indicate the sleeping space, and the perforated


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

weight (fig. 92/6) found toward the south-west corner indicate probably the place where there was a vertical loom, frame embedded in the floor, and in the upper part the beams of the house; 37 vessels, 6 hand made, 2 jars, 1 primitive lamp (fig. 91/5,7, 9-10); 31 wheel-made pottery, 6 coarse paste - 3 red or grayish yellowish (fig. 92/1, 3, 5), 3 grayish, 6 slightly coarse (fig. 92/7-8), 1 reddish (fig. 91/3-4), 17 grayish fine (fig. 91/7; 92/2, 4), 2 amphorae, 1 shell of Cerithium sp. with a perforation (fig. 91/2, 6). SDL6 cpl. 96 (fig. 128/1), 0,45 - 0,70 m; fragments of adobe, of fireplace crust, 1 fire dog. Slightly buried dwelling, 4rd5th centuries: BDLad1 cpl. 4 (fig. 26; 29-30), relatively rectangular, 20,50 m 2, L=5,40; l=3,80 m; adobe, the hearth was in the opposite side of the southern entrance, as indicated by the agglomeration of several pieces and partly fired stones, among them which one, horn-shaped, used as fire dog. The ordering of the inside inventory suggests a positioning of the resting space toward the northern wall; 14 vesels, 3 hand made jars (fig. 29/5-6; 30/5, 8), 7 wheel-made, 1 coarse (fig. 29/4), 6 fine (fig. 29/2-3, 8; 30/4, 9), 3 imported (fig. 29/1, 7; 30/1-2, 7), 1 a gritstone ball (fig. 30/3). BDL2 cpl. 27 (fig. 52/2), a quadrangular shape with rounded corners, 8,64 m 2, L=3,20; l=2,70 m, outheast one preserving the trace of a beam; 11 vessels, 8 grayish fine (fig. 57/1-8) 1 imported, 2 covered with slip red (fig. 57/9), 1 amphora (fig. 57/10). BDL3 cpl. 122, its north corner hosted the hearths, 1 fire dog, pot made of gray fine paste (fig. 141/1).

Aglomerri de materiale - construcii sezoniere de suprafa

ntre complexele arheologice definitorii pentru nelegerea specificului unui sat erau locuinele, cu amenajrile din preajm. mpreun cu acestea s-au mai descoperit, pe nivelul antic de clcare, construcii sezoniere, din care s-au conservat doar aglomerri de inventare arheologice, cu deosebire de ceramic, uneori i bucele de chirpic mai rar urme de vatr. De regul inventarul acestor aglomerri este srac n urme arheologice i poate documenta fie o locuin de suprafa distrus din vechime fie o locuire sezonier.
10 aglomerri ceramice, 2 din sec. III-IV, nr. 1 cpl. 70, nr. 2 cpl. 73; 5 sec. IV, nr. 1, cpl. 21a, nr. 2 cpl. 43, nr. 3 cpl. 60, nr. 4 cpl. 61, nr. 5 cpl. 88; 2 sec. IV-V, nr. 1 cpl. 42, nr. 2 cpl. 64.

Aglomerri ceramice, secolele III-IV A1 cpl. 70 (fig. 108), 1 lustruitor (fig. 108/1), 1 vrf de fier (fig. 108/3), 1 gresie finisat (fig. 108/10), 6 vase (fig. 108/2, 4-9, 12-13), 1 amfor (fig. 108/11); A2 cpl. 73 (fig. 113); 6 vase, 1 past zgrunuroas (fig. 113/4), 1 puin zgrunuroas (fig. 113/2), 4 cenuie fin (fig. 113/1, 3-6). Aglomerri ceramice, secolul al IV-lea A1 cpl. 21a (fig. 46/7); 13 vase; 2 modelate cu mna (fig. 49/4, 6), 3 past zgrunuroas (fig. 49/2-3,5), 2 puin zgrunuroas (fig. 48/5, 7), 6 fin (fig. 48/3-4, 6, 8; 49/1, 7); 2 bile de gresie (fig. 48/1-2); A2 cpl. 43, (circa 2x2 m), amenajare sezonier aflat pe nivelul antic de calcare, 1 cute pentru ascuit lame (fig. 86/2); 21 vase, 3 past zgrunuroas, 4 puin zgrunuroas - 1 roietic, 3 cenuii, 10 fin, 8 cenuii (fig. 86/1, 4, 6-7), 3 glbui (fig. 86/5), 1 past negricioas (fig. 86/3), 1 amfor - datat n a doua jumtate a secolului al IV-lea (fig. 86/8; 167/12), 1 amfor glbuie; A3 cpl. 60; 12 vase, 2 modelate cu mna (fig. 94/17), 10 la roat, 1 past zgrunuroas, 1 puin zgrunuroas, 1 negru lustruit (fig. 94/13),5 cenuii fine (fig. 94/14-15), 1 vas cu decor imprimat (fig. 94/1 6), 1 amfor; A4 cpl. 61 (fig. 95), 1 fusaiol (fig. 95/9); 31 vase, 2 modelate cu mna (fig. 95/8), 29 roat, 2 past zgrunuroas, 4 puin zgrunuroas, 20 ceramica fin - 1 roietic, 17 cenuii fine (fig. 95/1-6, 10-15), 2 negre lustruite (fig. 95/7), 3 amfore; A5 cpl. 88, 7, 1 zgrunuroas, 1 puin zgrunuroas (fig. 123/2, 4), 5 fin cenuie (fig. 123/1, 3, 5-7). Aglomerri ceramice, secolele IV-V A1 cpl. 42, chirpici uor ari, pot indica prezena aici a unei construcii sezoniere, resturile vetrei, pe care se aprindea focul, folosindu-se fragmentul de silex atipic descoperit aici (fig. 85/6), uneltele se

V. Banca Gar. Gropi. Repertoriu / Pits repertory, 3rd-5th centuries


ascueau cu o cute de gresie (fig. 85/4), 22 vase, 1 modelat cu mna, 21 roat, 3 past zgrunuroas - 1 borcan cenuiu-negricios, un import (fig. 85/1) - 1 glbui, 7 puin zgrunuroase (fig. 85/2) - 1 glbui, 9 ceramic fin (fig. 85/5, 7-8), 1 cenuiu-negricios (fig. 85/3), 2 amfore; A2 cpl. 64 (fig. 96, - 0,60 m), chirpici pe o parte cu urme de nuiele, poate o locuin de suprafa, 6 vase, 1 puin zgrunuroas (fig. 96/8), 5 fine (fig. 96/2-6), 2 amfore (fig. 96/4, 6). Aglomerri ceramice, secolele V-VI A1 cpl. 86, fragmente de chirpici, 1 astragal lustruit pe feele laterale (fig. 122/7), 1 gresie (fig. 122/8); 7 vase, 5 modelate cu mna (fig. 122/1, 3-4, 6, 9-10), 1 puin zgrunuroas (fig. 122/5), 1 fin (fig. 122/2).

Agglomeration of ceramic - seasonal constructions above ground

10 agglomeration of ceramic, 2 3rd4th centuries, no. 1 cpl. 70, no. 2 cpl. 73; 5 4th century, no. 1, cpl. 21a, no. 2 cpl. 43, no. 3 cpl. 60, no. 4 cpl. 61, no. 5 cpl. 88; 2 4rd5th centuries, no. 1 cpl. 42, no. 2 cpl. 64.

3rd4th Centuries A1 cpl. 70 (fig. 108), 1 polished bone (fig. 108/1), 1 iron point (fig. 108/3), 1 gritstone with finishing on one side (fig. 108/10), 6 vessels (fig. 108/2, 4-9, 12-13), 1 amphora (fig. 108/11). A2 cpl. 73 (fig. 113); 6 vessels, 1 food storage (fig. 113/4), 1 slightly coarse paste (fig. 113/2), 4 grayish fine paste (fig. 113/1, 3-6). 4th Century A1 cpl. 21a (fig. 46/7; 48-49); 13 vessels; 2 hand made ware (fig. 49/4, 6), 3 coarse paste (fig. 49/2-3, 5), 2 slightly coarse paste (fig. 48/5, 7), 6 grayish fine paste (fig. 48/3-4, 6, 8; 49/1, 7); 2 balls of grayish gritstone should be added (fig. 48/1-2). A2 cpl. 43 (about 2x2 m), a seasonal structure situated on the ancient treading level, 1 whetstone for sharpening blades (fig. 86/2); 21 vessels, 3 coarse paste, 4 slightly coarse paste - 1 reddish, 3 grayish, 10 fin, 8 grayish (fig. 86/1, 4, 6-7), 3 yellowish (fig. 86/5), 1 blackish paste (fig. 86/3), 1 amphora - a doua jumtate a secolului al IV-lea (fig. 86/8; 167/12), 1 yellowish amphora. A3 cpl. 60; 12 vessels, 2 hand made (fig. 94/17), 10 wheel-made, 1 coarse, 1 slighly coarse, 1 black polished (fig. 94/13), 5 fine (fig. 94/14-15), 1 pot has an imprinted ornament (fig. 94/16), 1 amphora. A4 cpl. 61 (fig. 95), 1 was also found (fig. 95/9); 31 vessels, 2 hand made (fig. 95/8), 29 were wheelmade, 2 coarse paste, 4 slightly coarse paste, 20 fine paste 1 red, 17 fine grayish (fig. 95/1-6, 10-15), 2 black polished paste (fig. 95/7), 3 amphorae. A5 cpl. 88, 7, 1 gray coarse paste, 1 medium coarse (fig. 123/2, 4), 5 gray fine paste (fig. 123/1,3, 5-7). 4rd5th Centuries A1 cpl. 42, the few traces of adobe, slightly fired, may indicate the presence down there of a seasonal constructio, where there would be put fire, as indicated by an atypical flint-stone (fig. 85/6), the items identified and a whetstone made of gritstone (fig. 85/4); 22 vessels, 1 hand-made, 21 potters wheel, 3 coarse - 1 imported blackish pot (fig. 85/1), 7 less coarse fragments (fig. 85/2) - 1 yellowish, 9 fine pottery (fig. 85/5, 7-8), 1 blackish - grayish (fig. 85/3), 2 amphorae. A2 cpl. 64 (fig. 96, - 0,60 m), adobe with traces of wattle, the contour of a surface dwelling, 6 vessels, 1 slightly coarse (fig. 96/8), 5 fine (fig. 96/2-6), 2 amphorae (fig. 96/4, 6). 5rd6th Centuries A1 cpl. 86, fragments of adobe walls, 1 astragal polished on its both sides (fig. 122/7), 1 whetstone with a slightly concave face (fig. 122/8); 7 vessels, 5 hand made (fig. 122/1, 3-4, 6, 9-10), 1 coarse paste (fig. 122/5), 1 fine grayish (fig. 122/2).

Materiale de construcie
Majoritatea materialelor provin de la pereii caselor realizate la Banca Gar - apte case, pe grindurile din apropierea Brladului, adncite sau la suprafa. n locuinele aflate pe grinduri i n preajma lor se gsesc fragmente de chirpici de la perei, rar de la colurile sau geamurile ncperilor, uneori i pri de la structura din brne a pereilor, acum carbonizat, buci mozaicate de la vetrele distruse, semn al prsirii


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

intenionate a caselor. Secolul al III-lea. G1 cpl. 113, chirpicii aflai aici aveau multe urme de pleav (fig. 132/6), tot aici sa gsit i o bucat de lemn pietrificat; G3 cpl. 121, ntre materiale erau i patru fragmente de chirpici cu urme de plante. Secolele III-IV. Dintre materialele rmase de la locuinele de suprafa s-a recuperat, din L3 cpl. 33, 17 buci mai mari de chirpici (fig. 73/5) i apte pri de crust de vatr (fig. 73/6), cu urme de reamenajare. i n locuinele uor adncite se aflau astfel de fragmente, care proveneau fie de la pereii construii deasupra solului, fie din umplerea ulterioar a acestora, n locuina uor adncit, L2 cpl. 31, degajarea inventarului a dus la descoperirea, spre peretele de sud-vest, a unui fragment de chirpic pe o fa cu reprezentarea n relief a unei ovicaprine (fig. 65/1-3), poate n construcia de aici exista o amenajare cu rol de cult, avem n vedere ntregul inventar. De asemenea, n L3 cpl. 78, erau fragmente de chirpici de la pereii locuinei, unele cu urme de pari (fig. 118/12), cu diametre diferite (=9,5-12 cm) sau uor arcuii, poate pri de la ui sau ferestre (fig. 118/11), alte cinci fragmente au finisate ambele suprafee, doar unul singur are feele drepte (fig. 118/13) iar aproximativ n centrul locuinei erau i cteva buci de crust de vatr, puine pietre arse parial, una n form de coarne - "cel de vatr", care indic locul n care se prepara mncarea. Secolul al IV-lea. Din locuina de suprafa, L1 cpl. 1, provine un chirpic de la un col i alte buci ntre care trei mai mari de la perei, finisate doar pe o parte, pe alta cu urme de lemnrie prelucrat (fig. 27/910), tot aici s-a pstrat, ntre lipiturile vetrei mozaicate i un "cel de vatr". i n locuinele uor adncite se aflau astfel de fragmente, de la pereii construii deasupra solului, astfel, n locuina uor adncit, L2 cpl. 91, s-au gsit pri mai mari de chirpici (fig. 124/6-7), aglomerate mai ales spre sud, cenu, mici crbuni, puine pietre arse, ntre care i cele folosite drept "cei de vatr". Numeroase de fragmente s-au recuperat din gropi. Astfel de materiale de construcie provin din, G1 cpl. 18, dou fragmente de chirpic, probabil de la perei, finisai neordonat pe ambele pri (fig. 43/9), din G6 cpl. 49 s-au recuperat 23 de buci, unele cu urme de pari (fig. 89/8); din G11 cpl. 92, probabil o groap ritual, avea la baz scheletul unui purcel i un fragment de gardin de vatr (fig. 125/12), buci de crust de vatr, cenu, pietre arse, o cute de gresie lefuit pe cele patru fee (fig. 125/1); G16 cpl. 119, chirpici, pe unul s-a imprimat forma unui par despicat (fig. 137/5), pe alii apar urme de plante (fig. 137/8), dou fragmente au fost degresate cu resturi vegetale, unul brun, altul negru, cu grosimi diferite, unele fuite pe ambele pri (fig. 137/4, 6; h=13-15 cm), altele doar pe o parte, pe cealalt avnd urme de pari (fig. 137/7). Secolele IV-V. Atelierul de olrie, chirpicii mruni aflai aici provin de la pereii exteriori, iar sfrmturile n past cu resturi vegetale cu deosebire de la bolta cuptorului (fig. 104/10). De la locuina de suprafa L1 cpl. 14, s-au pstrat 15 fragmente de chirpici mai mari de la perei, cu grosimi diferite (h=2,1 cm; 3 cm), cu urme de nuiele i pari, cu diametre de 3-5, rar de 7 cm, majoritatea fuite pe o parte (fig. 36/67), uneori pe ambele; n alt locuin de suprafa L2 cpl. 26, apar tot pri de chirpici din lut amestecat cu resturi vegetale, nisip, pietricele, de la pereii incendiai (fig. 55/3, 6) i resturi de la construcia vetrei din lut amestecat numai cu nisip (fig. 55/7), tot din locuin provin i fragmente de gardin (fig. 138/4). n L 6 cpl. 96, ntre fragmentele mozaicate ale vetrei se afla i o piatr semilunar ars, folosit drept "cel de vatr". Din locuina uor adncit, L3 cpl. 122, provin lipituri de la vatr, n preajm cu urme de cenu, crbune i un aa numit "cel de vatr" format dintr-o piatr rulat la o extremitate cu aspectul unor coarne, un suport de vatr cu utiliti casnice dar i de cult. Totodat, n G1 cpl. 24a, se afla o vatr pe fa cu o crust albicioas de la repetatele folosiri, din care s-au pstrat 15 fragmente (fig. 50/9) i alte multe buci de chirpic. Din G5 cpl. 114, pe cteva fragmente de chirpici se vd impresiunile tulpinilor de cereale (fig. 133/13-14). Secolele V-VI i VI n G2 cpl. 120, pe lng vatra mozaicat erau i fragmente de gardin (fig. 138/4).

Construction materials
Most of the fragments of adobe are the remains of house walls on the raises near Brlad. The 3th century and 3rd4th centuries G1 cpl. 113, the pieces of adobe found here had more traces of chaff (fig. 132/6), also here there was found a petrified piece of wood; in G3 cpl. 121, between the remains thrown in the pit, there were also four

V. Banca Gar. Gropi. Repertoriu / Pits repertory, 3rd-5th centuries


fragments of adobe with traces of plants. From surface dwelling L3 cpl. 33, there were recovered 17 pieces of adobe (fig. 73/5) and 7 parts of hearth crust (fig. 73/6), with traces of re-usage; in the slightly buried dwelling, L2 cpl. 31, during the picking of the finds there was found to the southwest wall a fragment of adobe having on one side the representation in relief of an ovicaprine (fig. 65/1-3), possibly, in this construction there was a structure with ritual role, we think here of the whole inventory. The 4th century Among the materials remaining from the surface dwelling L1 cpl. 1, there was found a piece of adobe from a corner and other pieces too, with three larger ones among them, from walls, finished only on one side, on the other with traces of processed wood (fig. 27/9-10), also here among the pieces of daub of the mosaic hearth, there was a fire dog; thus, in L2 cpl.91, there were found larger pieces of adobe (fig. 124/6-7), agglomerated especially to the south side hereof, ash, small coal, several fired stone, and among them also those used as fire dogs - "cel de vatr". The pits also contained numerous fragments of construction materials, in G1 cpl. 18, there were fragments of adobe, probably from the construction of the walls, finished irregularly on both sides (fig. 43/9); in G6 cpl. 49, there were found 23 pieces, some with traces of posts (fig. 89/8), G11 cpl. 92, probably a ritual pit, had at the basis the skeleton of a pig and a fragment of a hearth raised edge (fig. 125/12), pieces of hearth crust, fired stones and a whetstone polished on the four sides (fig. 125/1); G16 cpl. 119, on an adobe there was impressed the shape of a split post (fig. 137/5) and on others the traces of plants (fig. 137/8), two fragments of adobe were degreased with vegetal remains, one being brown, the other black they have different widths and were facetted on both sides, while others are facetted only on one side, the other showing traces of posts (h=13-15 cm; fig. 137/4, 6-7). The 4rd5th century The potters workshop included the small adobe smashed here which are the remains of the exterior walls, and the very small shards whose paste contains vegetal remains, unlike those of the oven vault (fig. 104/10). Also in surface dwelling, L1 cpl. 14, there were preserved 15 larger fragments of adobe from walls, of various width (h=2,1 cm; 3 cm), with traces of wattle and posts, with diameters of 3-5 cm, rarely of 7 cm, most of them faced only on one side (fig. 36/6-7), sometimes on both sides; in L2 cpl. 26, there appear also parts of adobe made of clay mixed with vegetal remains, sand, small gravel, from fired walls (fig. 55/3, 6) and remains from the construction of the clay hearth mixed only with sand (fig. 55/7); also in the dwelling there were found fragments of the raised edge of the hearth (fig. 138/4) and in L6 cpl. 96, among the mosaic fragments of the hearth there was also a fired half moon shaped stone used as a fire dog. In the slightly buried dwellings, L3 cpl. 122, there were found daub pieces of a hearth, having around it traces of ash, charcoal and a so-called fire dog - ''cel de vatr'', formed of an eroded stone at one end with the aspect of zoomorphic protomae, of horns, a support of a hearth with both domestic and cult utilities. In G1 cpl. 24a, there was a hearth shaped out of clay mixed with sand, with a whitish crust on the face, due to the repeated usage, out of which 15 fragments were preserved (fig. 50/9; h=3,5 cm) and many other pieces of adobe; with G5 cpl. 114, which resulted either from walls built above the ground (fig. 133/13-14). The 6th century In G2 cpl. 120, near the mosaic hearth there were also fragments of hearth high edge (fig. 138/4).

Fig. 1. Banca Gar - apte case. Materiale de construcie. Construction materials.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

33 gropi: 3 sec. III, nr. 1-3, cpl. 21, 113, 121; 7 sec. III-IV, nr. 1 cpl. 13, nr. 2 cpl. 32, nr. 3 cpl. 62, nr. 4 cpl. 74, nr. 5-6 cpl. 93-94, nr. 7 cpl. 106; 16 sec. IV, nr. 1-2, cpl. 18-19, nr. 3 cpl. 33a, nr. 4 cpl. 37, nr. 5 cpl. 39, nr. 6-7 cpl. 49-50, nr. 8-9 cpl. 66a, cpl. 71, nr. 10 cpl. 80, nr. 11 cpl. 92, nr. 12-12a=13, cpl. 104-104a, nr. 14-16 cpl. 115-116, 119; 5 sec. IV-V, nr. 1 cpl. 24a, nr. 2 cpl. 26a, nr. 3 cpl. 69a, nr. 4-5 cpl. 79, cpl. 114.

Gropi, secolul al III-lea

G1 cpl. 21, din cele trei gropi descoperite, una era de provizii (fig. 46/7; 47, =1,25x0,92; h=0,60 m),

cum indic pereii lutuii, uor ari i reamenajai. S-au reconstituit prin desen 19 vase, 2 modelate cu mna, 8 din past puin zgrunuroas (fig. 47/3), 6 fin cenuie (fig. 47/1-2, 6-7), 2 roie (fig. 47/4-5), 1 amfor (fig. 47/8), de Heraklea, din secolele III-IV. G2 cpl. 113 (fig. 128; 132/11-16; =0, 87x1,10; h =1,95 m); chirpici (fig. 132/16), 1 lemn pietrificat; 9 vase, 1 modelat cu mna (fig. 132/14), 3 puin zgrunuroase, 2 roii (fig. 132/12, 15), 5 fine, 1 glbui (fig. 132/11), 1 cenuiu-deschis (fig. 132/13), 2 foarte fragmentare. G3 cpl. 121 (fig. 139-140; =0,95; h =1,22 m); 1 greutate cilindric (fig. 139/6), cute de gresie (fig. 139/5, 8; 140/2-3), 4 buci de zgur de fier, 1 lup, 2 buci de zgur negre-albstrui, 4 chirpici, 12 vase, 4 modelate cu mna (fig. 139/2-3,7), 2 past puin zgrunuroas (fig. 139/4; 140/6), 3 cenuie (fig. 139/1), lustruit (fig. 140/5, 11), 2 angobate rou (fig. 140/1, 10), 2 amfore (fig. 140/7-9). Gropi, secolele III-IV G1, cpl. 13 (=1,26x0,60; h=0,62 m), la baz cu 1 cuie (fig. 34/9). G2, cpl. 32 (fig. 66/1; 67-69) (=2,70 x 21; h=1,84 m), G5, cpl. 93 (fig. 119/4; =1,36 x 1,18; h=0,801,44 m), unelte, ustensile, 1 fusaiol, 1 os lustruit (fig. 69/1), 1 cute de gresie pentru ascuit lame, 1 greutate cilindric (fig. 69/2-3); 33+1 vase, 13 modelate cu mna (fig. 67/1-14), 20 la roat, 7 past puin zgrunuroas - 2 glbui-roietice (fig. 68/6-7), 5 cenuii (fig. 68/8-10), 13 din ceramic fin cenuie (fig. 68/1, 3-5), ntre care un vas fin ars rou (fig. 68/2), 1 amfor. G3 Cpl. 62 (fig. 93/2), form de clopot (gur/baz=0,56x6,5; h=5,4 cm), 4 vase fine, 1 amfor. G4 cpl. 74 (fig. 114; =74x51; h=0,56 cm), 1 cuie (fig. 114/6), unelte de fier (fig. 114/1-5). G5 cpl. 93 (fig. 119/4; =1,36x1,18; h=0,80-1,44 m). G6 cpl. 94 (fig. 126/13-18; =1,20; h=1,38 m), 1 greutate cilindric de lut (fig. 126/14), 1 gresie plat (fig. 126/13); 4 vase fine cenuii (fig. 126/15-18). G7 cpl. 106 (128/3; 129-132; gur/baz=0,90 /1,47; h=0,94 m). Gropi, secolul al IV-lea G1 cpl. 18 (fig. 40/2; 43; L=3,4 m; l=1,5 m, h=0,86 m), 2 fragmente de chirpic de la construcia pereilor (fig. 43/9), 1 cute (fig. 43/3); 9 vase lucrate la roat, 3 puin zgrunuroas (fig. 43/6-7, 14), 5 fin, 1 glbuie (fig. 43/1), 4 cenuii (fig. 43/2, 4-5, 8, 10-13), 1 amfor. G2 cpl. 19 (fig. 46/6; 44). n plan oval (L=1,67 m); 23 vase, 2 modelate cu mna (fig. 44/8-9), 5 past zgrunuroas (fig. 44/6), 4 puin zgrunuroas (fig. 44/7, 10), 12 aparin ceramicii fine - 5 cenuii (fig. 44/2, 5), 2 maronii (fig. 44/1), 2 roii, 3 negricioase (fig. 44/3-4). G3 cpl. 33a (fig. 66/3; 74-76; L=1,70, l 1,40, h=0,90 m); 35 vase lucrate la roat, 5 past zgrunuroas (fig. 75/1, 3-4; 76/1, 4), 6 puin zgrunuroas - 2 crmizii (fig. 75/7), 1 brun-cenuiu (fig. 74/8), 3 cenuii (fig. 75/5-6), fin, 2 cenuii-negricioase (fig. 74/1), 3 roii (fig. 75/2) i 17 cenuii (fig. 74/3-7, 9-10, 1213), amfore (fig. 74/11; 76/3), 1 pahar de sticl (fig. 76/2). G4 cpl. 37 (fig. 80/2; 84/1-4, 6-8); obiecte diverse, 1 fusaiol bitronconic (fig. 84/2), 1 corn mpungtor (fig. 84/3), 1 rni concav de gresie roietic, cu o adncitur pentru mnuit (fig. 84/5), 1 cute de gresie glbuie pentru lame i vrfuri (fig. 84/4); 11+2 vase, 4 past zgrunuroas, 6 fine - 1 glbui, 4 albicioase (fig. 84/8), 1 cenuie (fig. 84/7), 1 amfor, 1 vas de sticl (fig. 84/1). G5 cpl. 39, -0,60 m. G6 cpl. 49 (fig. 89-90; =1,05; -0,64 m); buci de chirpici (fig. 89/8), 1 fibul cu piciorul ntors pe dedesubt (fig. 89/2), 1 greutate de lut (fig. 89/9), 1 pies de os tiat, poate un mner (fig. 89/5); 36 vase, 1 castron cu toarte s-a modelat cu mna, 6 past zgrunuroas, 6 puin zgrunuroas, 23 fin, 4 roii (fig. 90/8, 10), 1 cenuiu-albicios, 14 cenuii (fig. 89/3, 6, 7; 90/2, 4, 6-7, 11), 4 neagre (fig. 90/1, 3). G7 cpl. 50 (fig. 80/4; =0,7, h=-0,60 m).

V. Banca Gar. Aglomerri de materiale / The agglomerations of materials


G8 cpl. 66a (L=1,29; l=0,53, h=0, 84 m), 1 pahar de sticl (fig. 107/1), 1 disc, 1 galet-lustruitor (fig.

107/5, 7); 8 vase, 4 puin zgrunuroase, 4 fine cenuii (fig. 107/6, 8-10). G9 cpl. 71 (fig. 93/5; 109-110), 1 fusaiol de lut (fig. 110/2), 1 cuit (fig. 110/3), 1 cute (fig. 110/4), 1 greutate de lut (fig. 110/7) 1 pandantiv dreptunghiular de argint (fig. 110/1); 30 vase, 15 past zgrunuroas (fig. 109/1-7); 13 ceramica fin - 1 negru lustruit (fig. 110/5), 1 negru (fig. 110/8), 1 glbui, 10 cenuii, 1 decorat prin imprimare (fig. 110/6), 1 amfor. G10 cpl. 80 (fig. 119/2; 121; h=1,70), 2 cute (fig. 121/4, 7); 13 vase, 1 modelat cu mna, 12 la roat, 2 past zgrunuroas (fig. 121/8), 6 puin zgrunuroase - 2 cenuii (fig. 121/6), 2 albicioase, 1 roietic, 4 cenuii, 1 alb-roz (fig. 121/1-3, 5), 1 amfor. G11 cpl. 92, groap ritual (fig. 119/3; 125; 126/1-12), la baz era depus scheletul unui animal purcel, 1 fragment de gardin de vatr (fig. 126/12), buci de crust de vatr, 1 cute de gresie lefuit pe cele patru fee (fig. 126/1); 20+1 vase, 4 modelate cu mna (fig. 126/8), 2 past zgrunuroas cenuie, 5 puin zgrunuroas brun-roietic (fig. 126/2-5), 9 fine, 3 cenuii (fig. 126/7, 9-11), 1 ars glbui (fig. 126/6), 2 cenuiu-alburii, 3 negricioase, 1 amfor. G12, 13 (12a), cpl. 104-104a (fig. 128/2; =1,20; h =1,60 m). G14 cpl. 115, n plan oval (L=0,69 m); 1 cute de gresie glbuie, cu una din fee lefuit (fig. 134/6), 5 vase, 1 modelat cu mna (fig. 134/5), 1 past zgrunuroas (fig. 134/2), 3 fin cenuie (fig. 134/3-4). G15 cpl. 116, forma de sac (h=0,60 m), 1 gresie glbuie, 2 cute din gresie pentru ascuit lame i vrfuri (fig. 135/10-11); 10 vase, 2 modelate cu mna (fig. 135/2, 5), 3 puin zgrunuroas (fig. 135/3, 6-7), 4 fin cenuie (fig. 135/1, 4, 8-9) 1 amfor. G16 cpl. 119 (fig. 136-137) (=1,82 x 1,78; h=1,45 m, cu trepte la - 0,15 i la - 1,20 m), dar numai spre sudul acesteia; pereii ari cenuiu, cu pete crmizii; materialele de construcie, buci de chirpici de la perei (fig. 137/5), cu urme de plante (fig. 137/8), cu resturi vegetale (h=15; 3 cm; fig. 137/4, 6), cu urme de pari (fig. 137/7), 4 fragmente de zgur cu miez verzui; 5 vase, 1 probabil baza unei cui (fig. 137/1), 2 puin zgrunuroase (fig. 137/2), fine cenuii, 1 amfor crmizie (fig. 137/3). Gropi, secolele IV-V G1 cpl. 24a (fig. 17; 50-51) (=1,4x1,07 cm, se micoreaz spre baz, la - 1,6 m iar la - 1,4 m formeaz o treapt), 13 fragmente de crust de vatr (fig. 50/9; h=3,5 cm), chirpici, 1 greutate (fig. 50/6), 1 obiect tiat din perete de vas (fig. 50/8), rnie de gresie, cute, 1 mic mojar, 1 lustruitor (fig. 50/3), 1 falang perforat cu baza nuit i bine lustruit prin folosirea ei (fig. 50/10); 29 vase, 2 modelate cu mna (fig. 51/8, 12), 3 past zgrunuroas (fig. 50/4, 11), 2 puin zgrunuroas (fig. 50/7; 51/9, 11, 13), 16 fin cenuie (fig. 50/2, 5; 51/1-3, 6-7) 1 rou (fig. 51/5), 4 glbui (fig. 51/10), 1 amfor (fig. 51/4). G2 cpl. 26a (fig. 52/1), 3 vase, 1 modelat cu mna (fig. 56/1), 2 past zgrunuroas (fig. 56/3-5). G3 cpl. 69a (fig. 93/4). G4 cpl. 79 (fig. 119/1; 120, =2,4; h=0,93 m), 1 fusaiol (fig. 120/1), dou oase perforate cilindric (fig. 120/2-3), o cute cu dou fee (fig. 120/6), 1 plac lefuit de gresie cenuie (fig. 120/7), 20+2 vessels, 1 modelat cu mna (fig. 120/15); 19 roat, 2 zgrunuroase, 1 cenuiu-roietic, 2 puin zgrunuroase (fig. 120/14), 14 fine cenuii (fig. 120/8, 10, 13, 17, 20-21), 1 amfor (fig. 120/16), 2 vase de sticl (fig. 120/4, 9), 1 fragment de sticl deformat (fig. 120/5). G5 cpl. 114, aproximativ cilindric (fig. 128; =1,80; h=1,20 m), 1 lup de fier (fig. 133/10), chirpici, unul pe spate cu urme de pari, curai sau despicai sau pe ambele fee cu urme de tulpini de cereale (fig. 133/13-14); 18 vase, 5 modelate cu mna (fig. 133/8, 11-12), 13 roata olarului, 5 puin zgrunuroase (fig. 133/5-6), 4 past cenuie (fig. 133/1-2, 4), 3 fine negricioase lustruite (fig. 133/3), 1 amfor. Gropi, secolele V-VI G1 cpl. 95 (fig. 119; fig. 127; h=0,40-0,60) m, 1 cute de gresie lefuit pe dou fee (fig. 127/3), 4 vase modelate la mn (fig. 127/1-4); G2 cpl. 120 (fig. 136; 138), 7 vase, 2 modelate cu mna, un castron (fig. 138/3, 7), 3 past zgrunuroas (fig. 138/5-6, 8), 2 fine cenuii (fig. 138/1-2).

33 Pits: 3 3th Century, nos. 1-3, cpl. 21, cpl. 113, cpl. 121; 7 3rd4th centuries, no. 1 cpl. 13, no. 2 cpl. 32, no. 3 cpl. 62, no. 4 cpl. 74, nos. 5-6 cpl. 93-94, no. 7 cpl. 106; 16 4 th century, nos. 1-2, cpl. 18-19, no. 3 cpl. 33a, no. 4 cpl. 37, no. 5 cpl. 39, nos. 6-7 cpl. 49-50, no. 8 cpl. 66a, no. 9 cpl. 71, no. 10 cpl. 80, no. 11 cpl. 92, nos. 12-


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic 12a, cpl. 104-104a, no. 14 cpl. 115, no. 15 cpl. 116, no. 16 cpl. 119; 5 4rd5th centuries, no. 1 cpl. 24a, no. 2 cpl. 26a, no. 3 cpl. 69a, no. 4 cpl. 79, no. 5 cpl. 114.

Pits - 3th century It was a food storage pit, with fired base and carefully finished walls, with an average storage capacity, PG 1 cpl. 21 (fig. 46/7; 47), =1,25 x 0,92 m, it goes down to - 0,60 m. The clay lined and slightly fired walls were rearranged. 19 Vessels (out of which, two of hand made vessels, eight shaped of slightly coarse paste (fig. 47/3), six of fine grey paste (fig. 47/1-2, 6-7), two of red paste (fig. 47/4-5) and one body of an amphora (fig. 47/8). PG 2 cpl. 113 (fig. 128; 132/11-16; =0,87x1,10; h=1,95 m); 9 vessels, 1 hand made (fig. 132/14), 3 medium coarse paste, 2 reddish and 1 pot dark-grayish (fig. 132/12, 15), five polished, 1 bowl yellowis, 1 grayish (fig. 132/11), 1 light-gray (fig. 132/3), 2 very fragmented bowls. PG 3 cpl. 121 (fig. 139-140; =0,95; h=1,22 m), 1 cylindrical clay weight with central conical perforation (fig. 139/6), whetstone in red or grayish sandstone (fig. 139/5, 8; 140/2-3), 4 pieces of rusted iron slag, 1 lentil-shaped ingot, 2 pieces of blue-black slag. The building materials found inside included also four fragments of adobe with vegetal traces; 12 vessels, 4 were hand made (fig. 139/2-3, 7), 2 of the gray, medium-coarse paste category (fig. 139/4; 140/6), 3 of gray fine category (fig. 139/1), 1 polished (fig. 140/5, 11), 3 of very fine, pottery, covered in red slip (fig. 140/1, 10), 2 amphorae (fig. 140/7-9). Pits, 3rd4th centuries PG1 cpl. 13 (L=1,26; l=0,60; h=0,62 m), its basis there was only one primitive lamp (fig. 34/9). PG2 cpl. 32 (fig. 66/1; 67-69) (L=2,70; l=21; h=1,84 m), 1 polished bone (fig. 69/1), 1 whetstone made of whitish gritstone for sharpening blades, 1 cylindrical weight (fig. 69/2-3); 33+1 vessels, 13 were hand made (fig. 67/1-14), 20 wheel-made, 7 slightly coarse paste, 2 reddish-yellowish (fig. 68/6-7), 5 grayish (fig. 68/8-10); 13 grayish fine (fig. 68/1, 3-5), 1 well fired pot of red very fine (fig. 68/2), 1 amphora. PG3 cpl. 62 (fig. 93/2), it is bell-shaped (gur/baz=0,56; 6,5; h=5,4 cm), 4 fine vessels, 1 amphora. PG4 cpl. 74 (fig. 114;=74x51, h=50-106 cm), 1 primitive lamp (fig. 114/6), few iron tools (fig. 114/1-5). PG5 cpl. 93 (fig. 119/4; =1,36 x 1,18; h=0,80-1,44 m). PG6 cpl. 94 (fig. 126/13-18; =1,20; h=1,38 m), 1 cylindrical clay weight (fig. 126/14), 1 weight (fig. 126/13); 5 vessels gray fine pottery (fig. 126/15-18). PG7 cpl. 106 (128/3; 129-132) (gur/baz=0,90; 1,47, h=1,24 m), 1 piece (fig. 130/2), 2 whetstone, 1 a stone item (fig. 129/10; 130/4); 70 vessels, 20 hand made, 48 wheel-made, 12 the medium-coarse category, 2 whitish and 8 grayish (fig. 132/1-2, 4, 6, 8, 10), 36 with fine paste, 16 grayish (fig. 130/1, 5-6; 132/3, 9), 2 blackish, 15 fine yellowish (fig. 132/1-2, 6-8), 3 was covered with slip and 2 amphorae. Pits, 4th century PG1 cpl. 18 (fig. 40/2; 43; L=3,4 m i l=1,5 m, h =0,86 m), 2 fragments of adobe, probably from the construction of the walls, carelessly finished on both sides (fig. 43/9), 1 whetstone (fig. 43/3); 9 wheelmade vessels, 3 slightly coarse paste (fig. 43/6-7, 14), 1 yellowish nuance (fig. 43/1), 4 grayish paste (fig. 43/2, 4-5, 8, 10-13), 1 amphora. PG2 cpl. 19 (fig. 46/6; 44). n plan oval (L=1,67 m); 23 vessels out of which, 2 hand made jars (fig. 44/8-9), 5 vessels made of coarse paste (fig. 44/6), 4 made of slightly coarse paste (fig. 44/7, 10), 12 belonging to the fine ceramic, 5 grayish (fig. 44/2, 5), 2 brownish (fig. 44/1), 3 black (fig. 44/3-4), 1 red. PG3 cpl. 33a (fig. 66/3; 74-76; L=1,70, l =1,40; h=0,90 m); 35 wheel-made vessels, 5 coarse paste (fig. 75/1, 3-4; 76/1, 4), 6 slightly coarse - 2 red-brick (fig. 75/7), 1 brown-grayish (fig. 74/8), 2 grayish (fig. 75/5-6), fine ceramic - 2 blackish grayish polished (fig. 74/1), 3 red (fig. 75/2) 17 grayish (fig. 74/37, 9-10, 12-13), 2 amphorae (fig. 74/11; 76/3), 1 glass beaker (fig. 76/2). PG4 cpl. 37 (fig. 80/2; 84/1-4, 6-8; =1,6 m, h=1,04 m); 1 biconical piece (fig. 84/2), 1 horn used as piercing tool (fig. 84/3), 1 concave quern of reddish gritstone, with a deeper area for manipulating it (fig. 84/5) and a whetstone of yellowish gritstone for blade and pcpoints (fig. 84/4); 11+2 vessels, 4 coarse ceramic, 6 fine, 1 yellowish, 4 whitish, 1 grayish (fig. 84/6-7), 1 amphora, 1 greenish glass (fig. 84/1). PG 5 cpl. 39, - 0,60 m; PG6 cpl. 49 (fig. 89-90; =1,05; -0,64 m), fragments of adobe (fig. 89/8), 1 fibula with under-turned stem (fig. 89/2), 1 clay weight (fig. 89/9), 1 bone item that had been cut, maybe a handle (fig. 89/5); 36

V. Banca Gar. Materiale de construcie / Construction materials


vessels, 1 hand made (fig. 90/9), 6 coarse paste (fig. 89/1, 4), 2 slightly coarse (fig. 90/5), 23 fine, 4 red, 1 whitish-grayish, 14 grayish fine, 4 black ceramic ware (fig. fig. 89/3, 6-7; 90/1-4, 6-8, 10-11). PG7 cpl. 50 (fig. 80/4; =0,7, h=- 0,60 m). PG8 cpl. 66a (L=1,29; l=0,53, h=0, 84 m), 1 glass beaker (fig. 107/1), 1 disk, 1 river stone polished (fig. 107/5, 7); 8 vessels, 4 slightly coarse, 4 fine paste (fig. 107/6, 8-10). PG9 cpl. 71 (fig. 93/5; 109-110), 1 clay piece (fig. 110/2), 1 knife (fig. 110/3), whetstone (fig. 110/4), 1 clay weight (fig. 110/7), 1 rectangular silver pendant (fig. 110/1) 30, 15 coarse paste (fig. 109/1-7), 13 fine ceramic - 1 black polished paste (fig. 110/5), 1 black pottery (fig. 110/8), 10 grayish, 1 decorated by impression (fig. 110/6), 1 amphora. PG10 cpl. 80 (fig. 119/2; 121; h=1,70), 2 whetstone (fig. 121/4, 7); 13 vessels, 1 hand made 12 potter's wheel, 2 made of coarse paste (fig. 121/8), 5 medium coarse paste, 3 grayish (fig. 121/6), 2 light gray, 1 red-baked with luster, 5 fine paste, light pink in color (fig. 121/1-3, 5), 1 amphora. PG11 cpl. 92, probably a ritual pit (fig. 119/3; 125; 126/1-12), its bottom it was laid the skeleton of a piglet, 1 hearth raised edge (fig. 126/12), 1 fireplace crust, 1 whetstone polished on its four faces (fig. 126/1); 21 vessels, 4 hand made (fig. 126/8), 2 coarse paste, 5 medium coarse, 1 reddish-brown (fig. 126/2-5), 3 grayish (fig. 126/7, 9-11), 1 fine yellow (fig. 126/6), 2 light gray, 3 black, 1 amphora. PG12, 12a (13), cpl. 104-104a (fig. 128/2; =1,20; h=1,60 m). PG14 cpl. 115, slightly oval in plan (L=0,69 m); 1 yellow whetstone polished on one side (fig. 134/6), 5 vessels, 1 hand made vessel (fig. 134/5), 1 coarse paste (fig. 134/2), 3 fine gray paste (fig. 134/3-4). PG15 cpl. 116, is bottle-shaped (L=0,60 m), 1 gresie glbuie, 2 whetstone for sharpening blades and a piece of yellow gritstone (fig. 135/10-11); 10 vessels, 2 hand made (fig. 135/2, 5), 3 medium-coarse paste (fig. 135/3, 6-7), 4 fine gray paste (fig. 135/1, 4, 8-9) 1 amphora. PG16 cpl. 119 (fig. 136-137) (=1,82 x 1,78; h=1,45 m, featuring one step at - 0,15 and at - 1,20 m), only on its south side; The walls of the pit were burned to gray, with brick-red spots; fragments of building materials, pieces of wall, one of them flat, with split stake marks in the back, (fig. 137/5), adobe fragments with traces of vegetal remains (fig. 137/8), two fragments of adobe mixed with plant fibers, one brown, the other one black with different thickness (h=15; 3 cm; fig. 137/4, 6), 2 both these were facing on both faces and one of them was smoothed only on one face, 1 bearing stakes marks (fig. 137/7), 4 fragments of green-cored slag were also found; 5 vessels, 1 probably a primitive lamp (fig. 137/1), 2 medium-coarse paste (fig. 137/2), fine gray, 1 amphora (fig. 137/3). Pits, 4rd5th centuries PG1 cpl. 24a (fig. 17; 50-51) (=1,4 x 1,07 cm, decreases toward the basis, at - 1,6 m, and at - 1,4 m, it forms a step), 13 fragments of hearth crust (fig. 50/9; h=3,5 cm), numerous pieces of adobes; 1 weight (fig. 50/6), 1 item cut out of the pot wall (fig. 50/8), river stone, probably a small grinding mortar, 1 polished bone (fig. 50/3), 1 a perforated phalange, the basis thereof grooved and well polished, indicating its usage (fig. 50/10); 29 vessels, 2 hand made (fig. 51/8, 12), 3 coarse paste (fig. 50/4, 11), 2 slightly coarse paste (fig. 50/7; 51/9, 11, 13), 16 fine grayish paste (fig. 50/2, 5; 51/1-3, 6-7), 1 red slip (fig. 51/5), 4 yellowish (fig. 51/10), 1 amphora (fig. 51/4). PG2 cpl. 26a (fig. 52/1), 3 vessels, 1 hand made (fig. 56/1), 2 coarse paste (fig. 56/3-5). PG3 cpl. 69a (fig. 93/4); PG4 cpl. 79 (fig. 119/1; 120, =2,4; h=0,93 m), 1 ''fusaiol'' (fig. 120/1), 2 perforated bones (fig. 120/2-3), 1 whetstone with two faces (fig. 120/6), 1 polished plate of grayish gritstone (fig. 120/7), 20+2 vessels, 1 hand modeled (fig. 120/15), 19 potter's wheel, 2 coarse - 1 reddish-greyish, 2 slightly coarse (fig. 120/14), 14 fine (fig. 120/8, 10, 13, 17, 20-21), 1 amphora (fig. 120/16), 2 made of glass (fig. 120/4, 9), 1 deformed fragment of glass (fig. 120/5). PG5 cpl. 114, is almost cylindrical (fig. 128; =1,80; h=1,20 m), 1 quite deep, 1 iron lentil-ingot, (fig. 133/10), fragments of adobe, with traces of stakes on the back, probably split or barked, as well as another piece of adobe, with traces of vegetal remains on both sides (fig. 133/13-14), 18 vessels, 5 hand made (fig. 133/8, 11-12), 13 potter's wheel, 5 medium coarse (fig. 133/5-6), 4 made of fine grey paste (fig. 133/1-2, 4), 3 fine darker-baked polished (fig. 133/3), 1 amphora. Pits, 5rd 6th centuries PG1 cpl. 95 (fig. 119; 127/1-4; h=40-60 cm), 1 whetstone polished on two faces, 4 hand made; PG2 cpl. 120, 7 vessels, 2 hand made (fig. 138/3, 7), 3 coarse (fig. 138/5-6, 8), 2 fine (fig. 138/1-2).


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Capitolul VI. Banca Gar - apte case. Materiale arheologice

VI A. Unelte i ustensile
Numeroase obiecte realizate din materiale perisabile, lemn, piele, textile .a. nu au ajuns pn la noi, dar s-au conservat cele din argil, sticl, os, corn, piatr sau fier. Inventarul aezrii cuprinde, pe lng un numr considerabil de vase pstrate mai ales fragmentar, unelte sau ustensile de lut, os i corn, bronz, fier, sticl, piatr. Din argil s-au semnalat cteva fusaiole, greuti conice, piramidale i sferoidale, mpungtoare de corn sau os, patine, mnere, din fier obiecte de uz casnic, cuite, o coas, un topor, burghie, dornuri, de asemenea pietre de ascuit, rnie i alte piese necesare pentru practicarea unor ndeletniciri, accesorii vestimentare, fibule, catarame, obiecte de toalet - piepteni, obiecte de podoab, pandantive - amulete, mrgele i cochilii de Cerithium sp.

Chapter VI. Banca Gar - apte case, archaeological materials VI A. Tools and utensils
The inventory of the settlement includes, apart a considerable number of vessels preserved in fragmentary condition, tools or implements of bronze, iron, glass, clay, bone, stone. Among the clay items, mention should be made of pieces conic, pyramidal and spheroid weights made of bone, piercing tools, skate blades, handles; among the domestic items made of iron, we would like to point out a briquette, knives, whetstones, querns and others for practicing certain occupations, a scythe, an ax, drills, punchers, piercing tools, vestment accessories, fibulas, clips, spurs, toilet items - combs, jewelry items, beads, pendants amulets, beads and shells of Cerithium sp. Tools and utensils. Numerous items made of perishable materials, wood, leather, textiles etc have not reached our times, but those of clay, bone, horn, stone or iron did.

Unelte i ustensile de lut


Fusaiole, greuti pentru rzboiul de esut i alte piese a cror funcionalitate este mai puin

Secolul al III-lea G3 cpl. 121, o greutate de lut cilindric a fost prevzut central cu o perforare tronconic, pe una din fee are adncite alveolri circulare (fig. 139/6). Secolele III-IV Din locuinele de suprafa, L2 cpl. 17, s-a recuperat o fusaiol bitronconic (fig. 42/3); la fel i n locuina de suprafa L4 cpl. 33, spre centru se afla o fusaiol bitronconic (fig. 73/1) i o greutate cilindric de lut degresat cu amot, pe margine cu nguste caneluri arcuite (fig. 73/7); o alta din L5 cpl. 34, care mpreun cu o greutate de lut degresat cu amot se aflau spre colul de est (fig. 78/4). n cele uor adncite, n L2 cpl. 31, spre peretele de nord-vest era o fusaiol bitronconic (fig. 64/6); n L3 cpl. 78 s-a gsit i o greutate de lut amestecat cu amot, sferoidal-aplatisat, la exterior culoare brun-cenuie (fig. 118/3); din G2 cpl. 32, provine o fusaiol bitronconic i o greutate cilindric cu marginile rotunjite (fig. 69/3); din G6 cpl. 94, tot o greutate cilindric, pe una din fee cu o adncitur alungit (fig. 126/14) iar din G7 cpl. 106, o fusaiol (fig. 131/2). Secolul al IV-lea Din locuinele de suprafa: L5 cpl. 57, provine o fusaiol sferic (fig. 94/1), perforat bitronconic, probabil datorit uzurii; iar din locuina uor adncit L1 cpl. 77, tot o greutate de lut (fig. 117/1); G4 cpl. 37, o fusaiol bitronconic (fig. 84/2); G6 cpl. 49, o greutate discoidal de lut

VI-A. Unelte i ustensile / Tools and ustensils


pstrat fragmentar (fig. 89/9); G9 cpl. 71 o fusaiol (fig. 110/2) i o greutate de lut (fig. 110/7); iar din A4 cpl. 61, o fusaiol sferic cu perforarea cilindric spre extremiti tronconic (fig. 95/9). Secolele IV-V Din locuinele de suprafa provin: L1 cpl. 14 dou greuti tronconice perforate cilindric, pstrate parial (fig. 36/4-5); L4 cpl. 36, dou greuti modelate din lut amestecat cu cioburi pisate, perforate, una de form cilindric (fig. 82/4), alta discoidal, ars la rou, friabil (fig. 82/2) i o fusaiol (fig. 81/10); L5 cpl. 51, o bil - sfer de lut cu o adncitur cilindric (fig. 91/1), o greutate tronconic perforat, de la rzboiul de esut (fig. 92/6), gsit spre colul de sud-vest, indic probabil locul n care era un rzboi de esut vertical, o argea fixat pe podea cu tlpici, nu se vd urmele unor pari i la partea superioar de grinzile casei; G1 cpl. 24a, un obiect tiat n perete de vas (fig. 50/8) i o greutate aproximativ cilindric perforat, pe una din fee cu o adncitur circular (fig. 50/6); G4 cpl. 79, o fusaiol (fig. 120/1); G5 cpl. 51, o bil cu o adncitur cilindric (fig. 91/1) i o greutate tronconic, perforat, de la rzboiul de esut (fig. 92/6).

Fig. 2. Banca Gar - apte case. 1-3. Greuti pentru rzboiul de esut; 4 fusaiol. Biconical weights with cylindrical perforation.

Greuti piramidale folosite la rzboiul de esut s-au semnalat la Brlad - Valea Seac, n L14, L19 (V. Palade 2004, fig. 14 /2-4, 8-9; 19/1) i n cteva bordeie, n B4, B20-21 (Ibidem, fig. 28/1; 44/3; 45/1), ultima tot piramidal, la partea superioar avea o cruce adncit. Tot la Valea Seac, alte piese de lut perforate s-au semnalat n L16 i o pies n trunchi de con, n B18 ( Ibidem, fig. 16/5, 9; 42/15). The 3th century PG3 cpl. 121, a cylindrical clay weight with a conical central perforation, with circular alveoli on one of the faces (fig. 139/6). The 3rd4th centuries Of the surface dwellings, DL2 cpl. 17, there was recovered a biconical piese for spindle (fig. 42/3); in DL5 cpl. 34, a biconical pieces for spindle and a weight made of clay degreased with broken potshards were found in the east corner (fig. 78/3-4). In the slightly buried dwellings, DL2 cpl. 31, to the northwest wall, there was a biconical piece for spindle (fig. 64/6); in DL3 cpl. 78, inside the dwelling there was also found a flattened spheroid weight made of clay degreased with

Tools and utensils of clay


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

broken potshards, of brown-grayish on the exterior (fig. 118/3); the same in the surface dwelling, DL4 cpl. 33, to the centre there was found a biconical piece a spindle (fig. 73/1) and a cylindrical weight made of clay degreased with broken potshards, the narrow edges being ornamented with arched grooves (fig. 73/7), of pits PG4 cpl. 94, also a cylindrical clay weight, with an elongated notch on one of the faces (fig. 126/14); PG7 cpl. 106, piece a spindle (fig. 131/2). The 4th century Of the surface dwellings, DL5 cpl. 57, a spherical clay spindle// with biconical perforation, probably due to the wear (fig. 94/1); and in the slightly buried dwelling, DL1 cpl. 77, a clay weight (fig. 117/1); PG4 cpl. 37, a biconical piece a spindle (fig. 84/2); in PG6 cpl. 49, a discoid clay weight partly preserved (fig. 89/9); PG9 cpl. 71, a clay piece a spindle (fig. 110/2) and a clay weight (fig. 110/7); in A5, cpl. 61, a spherical piece a spindle with cylindrical perforation toward the conical ends (fig. 95/9). In Cpl. 66, grave 4 - M4, dated to the 4th century, funeral fragmented inventory, an item cut from the wall of a vessel made of grayish fine paste (fig. 46/3). The 4rd5th centuries In the surface dwellings the following items were found: in DL1 cpl. 14, two weights with cylindrical perforations, partly preserved (fig. 36/4-5); in DL4 cpl. 36, two weights made of clay mixed with smashed shards, perforated, one of cylindrical shape (fig. 82/4), another one discoid, red fired, friable (fig. 82/2) and piece a spindle (fig. 81/10); in DL5 cpl. 51, a ball sphere of clay with a cylindrical notch (fig. 91/1), a conical perforated clay weight, from the loom (fig. 92/6), was found in the southwest corner indicating probably the place where once there was a vertical loom, a metal rod embedded in the floor with bases, as no traces of posts are visible, and in the upper part to the house beams; in PG1 cpl. 24a, there was an item whose wall was cut by the vessel (fig. 50/8) and a cylindrical perforated weight with a circular notch on one of the faces (fig. 50/6); in PG4 cpl. 79, piece a spindle (fig. 120/1); in PG5 cpl. 51, a ball with a cylindrical notch (fig. 91/1) and a perforated conical weight from the loom (fig. 92/6). Weights for the loom were pointed out in DL14, DL19 (V. Palade 2004, fig. 14 /2-4, 8-9; 19/1), hut - B4, B20-21 (fig. 28/1; 44/3; 45/1), the last of which, pyramidal with a notched cross in the upper part, while such clay items, perforated, were identified in DL16 and a conical item in B18 (fig. 16/5, 9; 42/15). Secolul al III-lea Unelte de acest fel au aprut n: locuina uor adncit L2 cpl. 28, unde se afla i un cuit de fier (fig. 59/10). O parte din ele s-au pstrat fragmentar, ades cu un nalt grad de uzur. La Banca Gar, punctul apte case, s-a consemnat tipul specific pentru ntreg mileniul, cu lungimi i limi variabile, cu uoare modificri n modul de mbinare a mnerului spre lam. Secolele III-IV Din G4 cpl. 74, provin cteva fragmente de la uneltele de fier, probabil cuite (fig. 114/1-4) iar n A1 cpl. 70, s-a pstrat un vrf de fier (fig. 108/3). Secolul al IV-lea La Banca Gar s-a consemnat i un cuit curb pentru vie, lucrat din fier, foarte corodat, n preajma locuinei de suprafa, L1 cpl. 1. O pies asemntoare se menioneaz pentru staiunea Lunca Ciurei (I. Ioni 1971, p. 205, fig. 3), pies legat de practica cultivrii viei de vie. Din locuinele de suprafa, L1 cpl. 1, provin trei buci de tabl, dou de bronz i una de fier (fig. 27/2-3), cteva cuite (fig. 26/4; 27/4); 2 buci de tabl de bronz (fig. 26/3) i alta de fier (fig. 26/2); DL2 cpl. 15, o pies de fier cu seciune cilindric i o cute de gresie maronie (fig. 39/6), unde erau aglomerate lng peretele de sud-sud-est; PG9 cpl. 71, un cuit de fier (fig. 110/3).

Unelte i ustensile de metal

VI-A. Unelte i ustensile / Tools and ustensils


Bucile de zgur de fier, acoperite parial de rugin, sau alt metal, provin din complexe n care s-au topit astfel de minereuri. Patru pri, o lup i trei buci de zgur, dintre care trei ruginii i una de culoare neagr-albstruie se aflau n G3 cpl. 121, secolul al III-lea. n complexele din secolul al IV-lea s-au descoperit mai multe fragmente, n locuina de suprafa, L6 cpl. 35, era un fragment topit de culoare verzui-albstruie; n G5 cpl. 114, s-a gsit o lup de fier (fig. 133/10) i n G15 cpl. 119, patru fragmente de zgur cu miez verzui. Adugm i alte fragmente descoperite passim, n total aproape 5 kg.

Fig. 3. Banca Gar - apte case. 1-6 Unelte de fier. 1-6 Metal tools.

The 3th century In the slightly buried dwelling DL2 cpl. 28, there was also an iron knife (fig. 59/10). At Banca Gar there was found the type specific for the whole millenary, with variable lengths and widths, with slight modifications in the type of joining the blade handle. Many of them were preserved in fragmentary condition, often with a high degree of wear.

Tools and utensils of metal


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

The 3rd4th centuries In PG4, cpl. 74, iron tools, probably knives (fig. 114/1-4); a spur (fig. 114/5); A1 cpl. 70, an iron point (fig. 108/3). The 4th century This type of tools appeared in: Also here appeared a curved knife for the vine, made of iron, very corroded, near DL1 cpl. 1. A similar item was found at Lunca Ciurei (I. Ioni 1971, p. 205, fig. 3), in connection to the occupation of the local population for vine growing. The Slug The pieces of iron slug, partly covered by rust, result from the archaeological complexes where such ores were melt. Four parts, a magnifying glass and three pieces of slug of bluish black existed in G3 cpl. 121, dated to the 3 th century. In the complexes dated to the 4 th century there were discovered several fragments, in the surface dwelling L6 cpl. 35, there was a fragment of melted slug of greenish bluish; in G5 cpl. 114, there was found an iron magnifying glass (fig. 133/10) and in G15 cpl. 119, four fragments of slug with greenish core. We should also add the fragments discovered passim, summing up to almost 5 kg, plus two magnifying glasses.

Piese de os sau corn

Secolul al III-lea n locuina uor adncit, L2 cpl. 28, s-a gsit un fragment de corn de cerb (fig. 59/1).

Fig. 4. Banca Gar - apte case. Piese de os sau corn. Bone or horn items.

VI-A. Unelte i ustensile / Tools and ustensils


Secolele III-IV n locuina de suprafa, L5 cpl. 34, trei oase prelucrate ntre care i o patin, se aflau n prejma vetrei (fig. 78/1-2), din locuin provine i o pies de os tiat pe margine cu suprafaa lustruit (fig. 78/5); din locuina uor adncit, L4, cpl. 31, provine un mpungtor de os (fig. 64/1), un corn (fig. 64/2) i din G2 cpl. 32, un os lustruit (fig. 69/1). Secolul al IV-lea Din locuina de suprafa, Lsp3 cpl. 30, s-a recuperat un corn de cerb tiat (fig. 63/7); iar din locuina uor adncit, L1 cpl. 77, un os cu o nuire longitudinal i altul cu urmele unei uzuri circulare, realizate intenionat (fig. 117/6-7); din G4 cpl. 37, provine un mpungtor realizat dintr-un corn (fig. 84/3) iar din groapa G6 cpl. 49, o pies de os tiat la un capt, cu suprafaa cioplit i lustruit (fig. 89/5). Secolele IV-V O patin de os (fig. 79/8) s-a semnalat n locuina de suprafa L6 cpl. 35; din locuina uor adncit nr. 2, ntre materiale era i un os prevzut cu o nuire (fig. 117/6, cpl. 77); n G1 cpl. 24a, s-a gsit o falang perforat, baza acesteia ntuit i bine lustruit, indic folosirea ei (fig. 50/10) i din G4 cpl. 79, dou oase perforate (fig. 120/2-3). Secolele V-VI Din prima aglomerare datat n aceast perioad, A1 cpl. 86, s-a recuperat un astragal lustruit pe feele laterale (fig. 122/7). The 3th century In the slightly buried dwelling DL2 cpl. 28, there was found a fragment of antler (fig. 59/1). The 3rd4th centuries In the surface dwelling DL5, cpl. 34, three processed bones, out of which a skate blade, were found near the hearth (fig. 78/1-2), a bone item cut on the edge with polished surface (fig. 78/5); in the slightly buried dwelling DL4 cpl. 31, a bone piercing tool (fig. 64/1), a horn (fig. 64/2).

Bone or horn items

Fig. 5. Gara Banca - apte case. 1-6 piepteni. 1-6 Combs.

The 4th century In the slightly buried dwelling, L1 cpl. 77 a bone with a longitudinal grooving and another one with the traces of a circular wear, made on purpose (fig. 117/6-7) and of in pit no. PG4 cpl. 37,


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

a piercing tool made of a horn (fig. 84/3), in pit PG6 cpl. 49, a bone item cut at one end, with the surface chopped and polished (fig. 89/5). The 4rd5th centuries In the surface dwelling PG6 cpl. 35, a bone skate blade (fig. 79/8); locuina uor adncit DL1 cpl. 77, un os prevzut cu o nuire (fig. 117/6); in PG1 cpl. 24a, a perforated phalange, the base with grooves and well polished, indicates its usage (fig. 50/10); in pit PG4 cpl. 79 two perforated bones (fig. 120/2-3). The 5rd6th centuries A1 cpl. 86, an astragal polished on the sides (fig. 122/7).

Fig. 6. Banca Gar - apte case. 1-3Cute de gresie. 1-3 Whetstone.

Unelte i ustensile de piatr

Percutoare, lustruitoare, cute, bile s-au realizat din pietre de ru sau gresie. Secolul al III-lea Din locuina uor adncit, L2 cpl. 28, o alt cute de gresie maronie pentru lame (fig. 59/2); G3 cpl. 121, mai multe cute de gresie, una de culoare roietic, pentru lame i vrfuri (fig. 139/5), o alt cute de gresie roietic, foarte bine lefuit pe ambele fee, era acoperit toat de calcar alb (fig. 139/8), o cute pentru lame cu seciune aproximativ patrulater (fig. 140/2) i un fragment de cute sau de rni cu o fa finisat (fig. 140/3).Secolele III-IV Din locuinele de suprafa provin, din L2 cpl. 17, o cute de gresie (fig. 42/6), aflat n apropierea vetrei; din locuina de suprafa L4 cpl. 33, s-a recuperat un disc de gresie cenuie (fig. 73/3) i dou cute pentru lame (fig. 73/2, 4); L5 cpl. 34, o cute pentru lame (fig. 78/3); L6 cpl. 72, dou silexuri cenuii, un nucleu i o achie pe o latur cu retue, o cute lucrat pe o piatr de ru (fig. 112/1) i un fragment probabil dintr-o rni de gresie cenuie (fig. 112/8); din locuinele uor adncite, L6 cpl. 72, dou silexuri cenuii, un nucleu i o achie pe o latur cu retue, o cute lucrat pe o piatr de ru (fig. 112/1) i un fragment probabil dintr-o rni de gresie cenuie (fig. 112/8). De asemenea, din locuinele uor adncite, L2 cpl. 31, un cilindru de gresie (fig. 64/4) i dou cute pentru lame (fig. 64/3, 5); L3 cpl. 78, o achie de silex cenuiu, fr urme de retuare; G2 cpl. 32, o cute de gresie albicioas pentru ascuit lame (fig. 69/3); G6 cpl. 94, o rni primitiv (fig. 126/13); G7 cpl. 106, dou cute (fig. 129/10) i o pies de piatr (fig. 131/4); A1 cpl. 70, un galet folosit ca lustruitor (fig. 108/1); o gresie finisat pe una din fee (fig. 108/10). Secolul al IV-lea G9 cpl. 71, o cute de gresie (fig. 110/4); G10 cpl. 80, o cute cu patru fee pentru ascuit lame i alta realizat dintr-un galet (fig. 121/4, 7); G11 cpl. 92, o cute de gresie lefuit pe cele patru fee

VI-A. Unelte i ustensile / Tools and ustensils


(fig. 125/1); G13 cpl. 115, o cute de gresie glbuie, cu una din fee lefuit (fig. 134/6); A1 cpl. 21a, dou bile de gresie cenuie (fig. 48/1-2); G14 cpl. 116, o parte de rni din gresie glbuie i dou cute pentru ascuit lame i vrfuri, ultima are pe o fa incizii neordonate (fig. 135/10-11); A2 cpl. 43, o cute pentru ascuit lame de gresie cenuie (fig. 86/2).

Fig. 7. Banca Gar - apte case. Unelte i ustensile de piatr. Percutoare, lustruitoare, cute, bile, din pietre de ru sau gresie. Stone tools. Hammers, polishers, whetstones, balls were made of river boulders or of sandstone.

Secolele IV-V L1 cpl. 1, dou pietre de ru maronii, una folosit probabil ca lustruitor, alta o cute pentru ascuit lame (fig. 27/5-6); L2 cpl. 15, o cute de gresie maronie (fig. 39/6); L3 cpl. 30, o bucat de gresie plat, una cilindric (fig. 63/6, 8) i o gresie cilindric aplatisat pe o fa cu urmele unor cercuri circumscrise (fig. 63/9); L5 cpl. 57, o cute de gresie n seciune transversal oval (fig. 94/10); G1 cpl. 18, o cute cu adncituri formate prin ascuirea unor vrfuri (fig. 43/3); G3 cpl. 33a, o achie de silex cenuie (fig. 74/2); G4 cpl. 37, o rni concav de gresie roietic,


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

cu o adncitur pentru mnuit (fig. 84/5) i o cute de gresie glbuie pentru lame i vrfuri (fig. 84/4); G6 cpl. 49, o cute pentru lame i vrfuri; G7 cpl. 50, o cute de gresie glbui-cenuie, finisat pe o fa (cpl. 51); G8 cpl. 66a, un galet de culoare maronie cu feele lustruite, o gresie de forma unei calote sferice, finisat pe suprafaa plan (fig. 107/5, 7). Tot pentru aceast perioad, din interiorul atelierului, provine un frector (fig. 104/7) i din locuinele de suprafa: L1 cpl. 14, un fragment de rni de gresie maronie (fig. 36/3; h=24 cm); L2 cpl. 26, 1 rni (fig. 55/5), mai multe fragmente de la diferite cute, unele plate, trei de gresie glbui-cenuie pentru lame i vrfuri gsite lng vatr (fig. 53/3, 8; 54/8; 55/2-3, 8-9) i un mic mojar (fig. 55/4); L3 cpl. 35, o patin de os (fig. 79/8); din L4 cpl. 36, provine o piatr de rni din gresie cenuie, perforat (fig. 82/1), o cute de gresie pentru ascuit lame i vrfuri (fig. 82/3); L5 cpl. 51, o cute de gresie glbui-cenuie, finisat pe o fa; din locuina uor adncit, L1 cpl. 4, ntre obiectele acesteia menionm o bil de gresie cenuiu-albicioas (fig. 30/3). Din gropi, G1 cpl. 24a, dou fragmente de rnie de gresie roietic din care una finisat pe ambele fee, trei cute de gresie glbuie-cenuie cu pete roietice i o pies concav pe ambele pri, poate un mic mojar i 1 lustruitor (fig. 50/3); G2 cpl. 26a, un frector (fig. 56/2); G4 cpl. 79, o cute cu dou fee (fig. 120/6) i o plac lefuit de gresie cenuie (fig. 120/7); iar din aglomerarea de materiale, A1 cpl. 42, sec. IV-V, o cute de gresie (fig. 85/4) i un silex atipic (fig. 85/6).

Fig. 8. Banca Gar - apte case. Rnie de tip roman lucrate din gresie, passim. Cuern a Romanian type made of reddish gritstone, passim.

Secolele V-VI i n aceast perioad continu utilizarea uneltelor din gresie, n G1 cpl. 95, o cute de gresie lefuit pe dou fee, pentru ascuit vrfuri (fig. 127/3); aglomerrile de materiale, A1 cpl. 86, o

VI-A. Unelte i ustensile / Tools and ustensils


gresie, pe partea finisat uor concav (fig. 122/8). Piesele de acest tip au fost frecvente n aezri, o cute prismatic din roc marnoas s-a descoperit prin cercetri de suprafa n aezarea de secol IV de la Doroban - La ieztur, com. Aroneanu (V. Chirica, M. Tanasachi 1984, p. 42, III.2.E; N. Zaharia, M. Petrescu-Dmbovia, Em. Zaharia 1970, p. 188-189). "Cei

de vatr"

Am aduga i alte piese nediscutate nc, precum - "ceii de vatr" (germ. Feuerbock, engl. Firedog, fr. chenet) modelai din lut, mai rar metale, folosii pentru sprijinirea lemnelor de foc pe vatr, rezervnd astfel un spaiu pentru tiraj. Piesele au fost ntrebuinate n cultul casnic, n realizarea unor ritualuri casnice (Gh. Bichir 1973, p. 145; Idem 1984, p. 82-83). Cum a menionat istoricul de la Iai, Nelu Zugravu, "ceii de vatr" au servit la svrirea cultului domestic de ctre tracii nord-dunreni (1997, p. 134, 326). Mircea Babe i Virgil Mihilescu-Brliba, au conturat trei arii principale de utilizare a lor, celtic, traco-dacic i germanic (1972, p. 176 i urm.). Ulterior, Gh. Bichir, a inclus n grupa traco-dacic, tipul traco-scitic i tipul traco-dacic, n care este i varianta carpic (1973, p. 144). S-au semnalat n complexele geto-dacice cu forme prevzute la capete cu protome zoomorfe, de cai sau de berbeci (M. Babe 1994, p. 272-273), precum cele de la Rctu - Cetuia, Brad - La Stnc, jud. Bacu, Ocnia sau Poiana - Cetate, Tecuci (R. Vulpe, E. Vulpe, 1933, p. 317, 319, 321, fig. 97/1, 3, 99/3, fig. 102/11-12; 129/6; R. Vulpe et alii 1951, p. 196, fig. 18/2; 1952, p. 201, fig. 14/3-4). "Ceii de vatr" din lut s-au folosit i n epoca roman, precum cei de la Poiana Pe Varni, Dulceti, jud. Neam. Aici, piesa mai ntreag se afla pe podeaua bordeiului, B13, ceea ce presupune i alte utiliti ale lor. Erau modelate din past amestecat cu cioburi pisate i prevzute la capete cu protome de animal, cal sau berbec. Gheorghe Bichir, dup pasta din care s-au realizat i dup ornarea lor cu brie n relief, le-a considerat de origine traco-dacic (1973, p. 142, pl. CLIV/5, CLV/3-4). Dei, aceti "cei de vatr" pn n prezent nu au fost consemnai n cadrul culturii Sntana de Mure, la Banca Gar - apte case s-au documentat forme din piatr de ru, la o extremitate cu dou protome zoomorfe cu aspectul unor coarne, parial sau puternic arse, aflate pe vetrele din locuine i avnd aceleai funcionaliti precum cei de lut. Aproape pe fiecare vatr din aceast aezare se gseau astfel de piese cordiforme, cu extremitile mai mult sau mai puin prelungite n form de coarne. Forme mai apropiate de capul unor cornute erau cele din complexele din secolele III-IV, n locuina uor adncit, L3 cpl. 78, dar i n locuinele de suprafa din secolul al IV-lea, L1 cpl. 1 i n locuina uor adncit L2 cpl. 91 sau n cele din secolele V-VI, precum locuina de suprafa, L6 cpl. 96, folosite ca suporturi de vatr cu utiliti casnice dar i de cult. Forme de piatr s-au descoperit n Bulgaria la Orlandovtzy, considerai de influen celtic (T. Gherasimov 1960, p. 177), dar modelai n piatr, precum cei realizai de greci (Gh. Bichir 1973, p. 144).

Tools and utensils of stone

Hammers, polishers, whetstones, balls were made of river boulders or of sandstone. The 3th century And in the slightly buried dwelling, DL2 cpl. 28, another whetstone made of brownish sandstone for blades (fig. 59/2); PG3 cpl. 121, several sandstone whetstones, one red for blades and points (fig. 139/5), a reddish sandstone whetstone very well polished on both sides, all covered with white lime (fig. 139/8), a whetstone for blades with approximately quadrilateral cross-section (fig. 140/2) and a fragment of whetstone or of a quern with a finished face (fig. 140/3). The 3rd4th centuries


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

The surfaces dwellings also brought to light the following: in DL2 cpl. 17, a sandstone whetstone (fig. 42/6), near the hearth; in DL5 cpl. 34, a whetstone for blades (fig. 78/3); in DL6 cpl. 72, two grayish flint stones, a core and a flake with retouches on a side, a whetstone made of a river boulder (fig. 112/1) and a fragment probably from a grayish sandstone quern (fig. 112/8); the slightly buried dwellings provided the following items: in DL2 cpl. 31, a cylinder of sandstone (fig. 64/4) and two whetstones for blades (fig. 64/3, 5); in DL3 cpl. 78, a flake of grayish flint stone, without traces of retouching; in the pits the following items were found: in PG2 cpl. 32, a whetstone of whitish sandstone for sharpening blades (fig. 69/3); in PG6 cpl. 94, a quern (fig. 126/13); in PG9 cpl. 106, two whetstones (fig. 129/10) and a stone item (fig. 131/4); and from the agglomerations of materials, in A1 cpl. 70, a pebble later used as polisher (fig. 108/1); a sandstone with one of the faces finished (fig. 108/10). The 4th century In the surface dwellings, in DL1 cpl. 1, two brownish river stones, one probably used as polisher, another one a whetstone for sharpening blades (fig. 27/5-6); in DL2 cpl. 15, a brownish sandstone whetstone (fig. 39/6); in DL3 cpl. 30, a piece of flat sandstone, a cylindrical one (fig. 63/6, 8) and a cylindrical sandstone flattened on one side with the traces of circumscribed circles (fig. 63/9); DL5 cpl. 57, a sandstone whetstone of oval cross-section (fig. 94/10); in PG1 cpl. 18, a whetsto ne with grooves formed by the sharpening of some points (fig. 43/3); PG3 cpl. 33a, a grayish flint stone flake (fig. 74/2); in PG4 cpl. 37, a reddish sandstone concave quern, with a notch for handling (fig. 84/5) and a yellowish sandstone whetstone for blades and points (fig. 84/4); cpl. 49, a whetstone for blades and points; PG7 cpl. 50, a whetstone a yellow-gray sandstone, dressed on one side; PG8 cpl. 66a, a brownish pebble with polished faces, a spherical calotte sandstone, finished on the flat surface (fig. 107/5, 7); PG9 cpl. 71, a sandstone whetstone (fig. 110/4); G10 cpl. 80, a four faced - whetstone for sharpening blades and another one made of a pebble (fig. 121/4, 7); in PG11 cpl. 92, a sandstone whetstone polished on the four sides (fig. 125/1); in PG13 cpl. 115, a yellowish sandstone whetstone, with one of the faces polished (fig. 134/6); PG14 cpl. 116, a part of a yellowish sandstone quern and two whetstones for sharpening blades and points, the last of which shows irregular incisions on one side (fig. 135/10-11); A1 cpl. 21a, two balls of grayish sandstone (fig. 48/1-2); A2 cpl. 43, a grayish sandstone whetstone for sharpening blades (fig. 86/2). The 4rd5th centuries Inside the workshop there was found 1 rubber (fig. 104/7) and in the surface dwellings: DL1 cpl. 14, a fragment of a brownish sandstone quern (fig. 36/3; h=24 cm); DL2 cpl. 26, a quern (fig. 55/5), several fragments of different whetstones, some of them flat, three made of yellowish grayish sandstone for blades and points found near the hearth (fig. 53/3, 8; 54/8; 55/2-3, 8-9) and a small mortar (fig. 55/4); in DL4 cpl. 36, a perforated quern stone made of grayish sandstone (fig. 82/1), a sandstone whetstone for sharpening blades and points (fig. 82/3); in DL5 cpl. 51, a yellowish - grayish sandstone whetstone with one face finished; and from the slightly buried dwellings, DL1 cpl. 4, among the items found down there mention should be made of a whitish - grayish sandstone ball (fig. 30/3). In PG1 cpl. 24a, two fragments of reddish sandstone querns one of them finished on both sides, three yellowish grayish sandstone whetstones with reddish stains and an items with both sides concave, maybe a small mortar; 1 polisher (fig. 50/3), in PG2 cpl. 26a, a rubber (fig. 56/2); PG4 cpl. 79, a two faced- whetstone (fig. 120/6), a polished grayish sandstone plate (fig. 120/7); in A1 cpl. 42, dated to the 4 th5th centuries, a sandstone whetstone (fig. 85/4), an atypical flint stone (fig. 85/6). The 5rd6th centuries. PG1 cpl. 95, a sandstone whetstone with two polished faces, for sharpening points (fig. 127/3); agglomerations of ceramic materials, A1 cpl. 86, a sandstone, slightly concave on the finished part (fig. 122/8).

VI-A. Unelte i ustensile / Tools and ustensils


We should also discuss other items not presented so far such as the firedogs (germ. Feuerbock, engl. Firedog, fr. chenet) shaped of clay, more rarely of metals, used for sustaining firing wood on the hearth, thus reserving a space for the air flow. The firedogs were used in the domestic cult, in carrying out domestic rituals (Gh. Bichir 1973, p. 145; Idem 1984, p. 82-83; Idem 1994, p. 272-273), as shown by Nelu Zugravu, they served at the implementation of the domestic cult to the north Danubian Thracians (1997, p. 134, 326). Mircea Babe and Virgil Mihilescu-Brliba pointed out three main areas of firedog usage, that is the Celtic one, the Thracian Dacian one and the Germanic one (1972, p. 176 et sq.). Later on, Gh. Bichir included in the Thracian Dacian group the Thracian Scythian type and the Thracian Dacian type, which also contains the Carpic variant (1973, p. 144). In the Getae-Daciane complexes, the firedogs have shapes ending in zoomorphic protomae, suggesting horses or rams (M. Babe 1994, p. 272-273), such as those of Rctu - Cetuia, Brad La Stnc, jud, Bacu, Ocnia or Poiana - Cetate, Tecuci (R. Vulpe, Ecaterina Vulpe, 1933, p. 317, 319, 321, fig. 97/1, 3, 99/3, fig. 102/11-12; 129/6; R. Vulpe et alii 1951, p. 196, fig. 18/2; 1952, p. 201, fig. 14/3-4). The clay firedogs were also used during the Roman period, such as those of Poiana - Pe Varni, Dulceti, Neam county. There, the most complete item was found on the hut floor, in B13, which indicates also other usages of such items. They were shaped out of paste mixed with smashed shards and their ends were decorated with animal protomae, of horse or ram. According to their paste and ornamentation with relief belts, Gh. Bichir considered them as of Thracian Dacian origin (1973, p. 142, pl. CLIV/5, CLV/3-4). Although these firedogs have not been pointed out so far within the Sntana de Mure culture, at Banca Gar - apte case there were found items made of river pebble, showing at one end two zoomorphic protomae suggesting horns, strongly fired, on the hearths of dwellings, and having as such the same functionality as those made of clay. On almost each and every hearth of this settlement there were found such heart-shaped items, with more or less extended horn-shaped ends. Shapes reminding better the head of horned animals were those found in the 3 rd4th centuries complexes, in the slightly buried dwelling, DL3 cpl. 78, and also in the 4th century complexes, more precisely in the surface dwellings L1 cpl. 1 and the slightly buried dwelling L2 cpl. 91, or in the 4rd 5th centuries, in L6 cpl. 96, used as stands for the hearth, with domestic and cultic usages as well. Stone shapes were discovered also in Bulgaria at Orlandovtzy, and were considered as of Celtic influence, but shaped in stone as if from the Greek (T. Gherasimov 1960, p. 177; Gh. Bichir 1973, p. 144).


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Capitolul VI B. Ceramica
Ceramica descoperit n cele 26 de locuine investigate arheologic a fost analizat pentru fiecare complex n parte. Dup splarea i marcarea n laboratorul de restaurare al Muzeului Judeean ''tefan cel Mare'' Vaslui, de noi i de colegii restauratori, conservatori i supraveghetori, fragmentele s-au ordonat pentru fiecare complex n funcie de numrul recipientelor. De cele mai multe ori dintr-un vas s-a conservat o parte, mai rar mai multe. Astfel, descrierea s-a realizat urmrind numrul de recipiente, nu pe cel al fragmentelor ceramice. Aceast etap de ordonare a ceramicii ne-a permis s realizm o difereniere n primul rnd n raport de tehnica de realizare, n al doilea rnd dup funcionalitatea vaselor. Pentru categoriile stabilite s-a descris separat fiecare vas din cadrul ceramicii modelate cu mna, ct i a celei lucrate la roat, puin zgrunuroase sau zgrunuroase, fine, inclusiv de import, precum i prile de la amfore sau de la vasele de sticl. S-au analizat statistic vasele datate ntre secolele III-VI, din cele 71 de complexe cercetate: sec. III 4 cpl., 86 (Lad1 cpl. 28 + G1-3: cpl. 21, 113, 121 + 10 pass) + sec. III-IV 18 cpl., 372 vase, Lsp1-6 cpl. 12a, 17, 29, 33, 34, 72, Lad1-4 cpl. 10, 31, 78, 106a, G1-7: cpl. 13, 32, 62, 74, 93-94, 106, A1-2: cpl. 70, 73 + 25 pass + sec. IV cu 28 complexe - 382 vase, Lsp1-5: cpl. 1, 15, 30, 48, 57, Lad1-2: cpl. 77, 91, G1-16: cpl. 18-19, 33a, 37, 39, 49-50, 66a, 71, 80, 92, 104-104a, 115-116, 119 + A1-5: cpl. 21a, 43, 60, 61, 88 + sec. IV-V 17 cpl., atelierul de olrie, 288 vase, Lsp1-5: 14, 26, 35-36, 51 + Lad1-3: cpl. 4, 27, 122 + G1-5: cpl. 24a, 26a, 69a, 79, 114 + A1-2: cpl. 42, 64 + sec. V-VI 3 cpl, 28 vase, G1-2: cpl. 95, 120, A1 cpl. 86. Ceramica, specificul acesteia pe secole 86 + 372 + 407 + 442 + 28 = 1335 + 7 = 1342 vase - sec. III, 76 + 10 = 86 vase = 7m + 25pz + 41f + 10 passim + 3 amfore, 38 forme; - sec. III-IV, 347+25 = 372 vase = 75m+4z+62pz+189f+17 amfore + 25 pass, 221 forme; - sec. IV, 382+25 = 407 vase = 20m+66z+64pz+210f + 22 amfore + 25 pass, 220 forme; - sec. IV-V, 417+25 = 442 vase = 28m + 23z + 51pz + 169f + 17amfore + 129atelier (3m +12z + 18pz + 90f + 6 amfore) + 25 pass, 194 forme + 54 atelier de olrie 249 forme; - sec. V-VI, 18+10 = 28 vase: 11m + 3z + 1pz + 3f + 10 pass = 3 forme; amfore 64 = 3 sec. III + 17 sec. III-IV + 21 sec. IV + 23 sec. IV-V = 3+17+22+23; vase de sticl 7 = 1 sec III-IV + 5 sec. IV + 1 sec. IV-V. Total = 1335 vase pstrate fragmentar, din care 64 amfore, - 1271 + 7 vase de sticl = 1335 + 7 = 1342 vase fragmentare. Dintre ele s-au reconstituit 742 forme. Ceramica, specificul acesteia pe categorii Din complexe s-au recuperat 1271 vase n mare parte pstrate fragmentar, din care aproximativ 95-100 descoperite passim i 64 de amfore = 1335 vase, din care:
159 + 133 + 246 + 727 = 1265 + 64 = 1329 + 6 = 1335 + 7 = 1342 - modelate cu mna 144+15 = 159 vase = 7 sec.III 4,4% + 75 sec.III-IV 47,17% + 20 sec.IV 12,58% + 28+3 sec.IV-V 19,49% + 11 sec.V-VI 6,91% +15pass 9,03%= 7+75+20+28+3+11 i 4,4%+47,17%+12,58% +19,49%+ 6,91%+9,03% = 100% din totalul ceramicii reprezint 11,91 %. 159 + 1176 (133 + 246 + 727+64+6) = 1335 vase Past lucrat la roat 133 + 246 + 727 +6 = 1176 vase - past zgrunuroas 108+25 = 133 vase: 0 sec.III + 4 sec.III-IV 3% + 66 sec.IV 46,62% + 23+12 sec.IV-V

VI-B. Ceramica / Ceramic


26,31% + 3 sec.V-VI 2,25%+ 25 18,79% = 0+4+62+35+3; 1,34%+46,61%+26,02%+2,25%+18,79% = 100% din totalul ceramicii reprezint: 9,96 sau 10%; - past puin zgrunuroas 221+25 = 246 vase: 25 sec. III 10,16% + 62 sec. III-IV 25,20% + 64 sec. IV 26,01% + 51+18 sec. IV-V 28,04% + 1 sec. V-VI 0,4 % + 25 10,16% = 25+62+64+ 69+1+25; 10,16%+25,20%+26,01 % + 28,04% + 0,4% + 10,16% = 100% din totalul ceramicii reprezint: 18,43 % sau 18,4%; - past fin 702+25 = 727 vase: 41 sec.III 5,64% + 188 sec.III-IV 25,86% + 210 sec.IV 28,88% + 169+90 sec.IV-V 35,62% + 3 sec.V-VI 4,2% = 41+189+210+259+3; 5,64%+25,86%+28,88%+35,62%+4,12% =100% din totalul ceramicii reprezint: 54,456 % sau 54,5 %; - amfore 64: 3 sec. III 4,7% + 16 sec. III-IV 25% + 21 sec. IV 32,8% + 23 sec. IV-V 35,9% = 3+16+22+23; 4,7% + 25% + 32,8% + 35,9% = 100% Din totalul ceramicii reprezint: 4,79 % sau 4,8 %; - din care vase descoperite passim 95 =15 sec. III + 25 sec. III-IV+ 25 sec. IV + 25 sec. IV-V; - plus 6 vase de import; - plus paharele de sticl, 8 + 1335 = 1343: 2 sec. III-IV + 4 sec. IV + 2 sec. IV-V; din totalul ceramicii reprezint: 0,60 %.

Din complexele cercetare, din cele 1335 de vase, inclusiv amforele i alte vase de import, modelate cu mna erau 159 vase - 11,9 %; din past zgrunuroas 133 vase - 10 %; din past puin zgrunuroas 246 vase - 18,4 %; din past fin 727 vase - 54,5 % i amfore 64 - 4,8 %, plus paharele de sticl 8 - 0,640%. Total 1235 vase pe categorii = 159m + 133pz + 246z + 727f = 1270 vase + 64 amfore = 1335. Dintre ele s-au reconstituit 742 forme. Inventarul ceramic, precum n toate aezrile din aceast perioad, s-a pstrat fragmentat, n total, din spturile realizate pn n prezent provin 1335 vase, pe secole, 86 sec. III + 372 sec. IIIIV + 407 sec. IV + 442 sec. IV-V + 28 sec. V-VI vase fragmentare, doar cteva au fost ntregibile iar ntregi cuile i capacul. Pe categorii ceramice, din spturile realizate pn n prezent, din perioadele stabilite, din cele 1335 pri recuperate de la diferite vase se pot detaa 159 vase modelate din cu mna + 133 ceramica lucrat la roat din past zgrunuroas + 246 puin zgrunuroas + 727 past fin, din care 123 provin din atelierul de olrie, 64 de amfore. Acestora se adaug 8 vase de sticl, n total recipiente 1343 vase. Ceramica din complexele ordonate n funcie de specificul lor: locuine de suprafa, locuine uor adncite, gropi, aglomerri de materiale i atelierul de olrie, s-a analizat pornind de la o structurare a acesteia, n primul rnd n funcie de datarea ei, n perioade distincte, n cinci subcapitole, 1-5, 1335 vase fragmentare, sec. 86 vase III, 372 vase sec. III-IV, 407 vase sec. IV, 442 vase sec. IV-V, 28 vase sec. V-VI. Pentru fiecare complex s-au stabilit categoriile ceramice, ceramica modelat cu mna, zgrunuroas, puin zgrunuroas, ceramica fin, importurile, cu deosebire amforele i vasele de sticl, n final s-a dat numrul total n raport de funcionalitatea lor. Vasele considerate importuri reprezint, pentru mediul stesc de la nordul Dunrii de Jos, n care se afl i staiunea de la Banca Gar, alturi de paharele de sticl, de piesele de toalet i vestimentaie, articole venite mai ales din lumea roman de la sud de Dunre. O analiz mai detaliat a ceramicii, a unor forme ntregi sau ntregibile, s-a realizat pentru vasele din necropole. Pentru ceramica din cimitirul de inhumaie de la Spanov, din secolul al IVlea p.Hr., s-au stabilit patru tipuri: I. lucrat la roat fin, din care s-au difereniat cteva vase din past galben, strchini, o can (B. Mitrea et alii 1953, p. 233, fig. 14-16); II. din past zgrunuroas negricioas, degresat cu nisip sau piatr pisat mrunt, care d, att interiorului ct i exteriorului un aspect zgrunuros, cu forme nalte, umr uor arcuit, gt scurt ce se termin cu o buz rsfrnt


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

puin nafar, se reproduce astfel forma lui ''olla'' romana, frecvent fr toart, dar cu urme de arsur i funingine; III. categoria vaselor modelate cu mna, dintr-o past cu multe impuriti, cu forme ce pot fi urmrite n Latne ct i n epoca ulterioar, ntre ele i ceaca dacic, precum afumtoarea din M190 (Ibdem, fig. 18); IV. categoria vaselor de import romane, amfore sau ulcioare de factur roman aflate n morminte (Ibidem). Cum am precizat, n cadrul acestor perioade s-au discutat complexele cercetate pn n prezent, conform specificului: a. locuine de suprafa i uor adncite, b. gropi, c. aglomerri de materiale, cu deosebire de ceramic i atelierul de olrie.

The ceramic. Potery Inventory total by century

We analyzed the discovered ceramic ware according to each particular complex. After the operations of washing and marking, that we carried out in the restoration laboratory of the ''tefan cel Mare'' County Museum of Vaslui, together with our colleagues restorers, conservators and attendants, the shards were ordered pending on the number of vessels. Most of the times, each potsherd corresponded to an individual vessel, while it was more rarely several potsherds belonged to one and the same vessel. Thus, the description was created following the number of vessels, not the number of potsherds. Moreover, we could differentiate between hand-made vessels and wheelmade vessels. Out of this latter category, we individually described each particular vessel belonging to the fine ceramic ware, including the imported one, the slightly coarse ceramic ware or the coarse ware, as well as parts of amphorae or of glass vessels. For each complex were established categories ceramic, the hand-made, coarse paste, slightly coarse paste and fine paste, imports, especially amphorae and the glass vessels, finally given the total number compared to their functionality. The preserved parts of vessels were analyzed pending on the known categories: Total number:
- of the 3th century = 86 (76+10) vessels = 7m + 0z + 25pz + 41f + 3 amphorae + 10 pass, 38 forms; - of the 3rd4th centuries: 347 - 372 vessels = 75m + 4z + 62pz + 189f + 16 amphorae + 25pass, 221 forme; - of the 4th century: 382 - 407 vessels = 20m + 66z + 64pz + 210f + 22 amphorae + 25pass, 220 forme; - of the 4rd5th centuries: 417 - 442 vessels = 28m + 23z + 51pz + 169f + 129 workshop (3m +12z + 18pz + 90f + 6 amphorae) + 17(+6) amphorae + 25 pass, 194 forms + 54 workshop = 249 forms (with neck on the potter's wheel there were parts of the ceramic vessels 123+6 = 43 pit A + 36 pit B + 12G1 + 21G2 + 1G3 + 10 interior + 6 amphorae); - of the 5rd6th centuries: 18 - 28 vessels = 11m + 3z + 1pz + 3f + 10 pass, 3 forms. - amphorae 65: 3 3th century + 17 3rd4th centuries + 21 4th century + 23 4rd5th centuries = 64 amphorae, 3+17+22+23; - vessels, was found passim: 95 = 10 3th century + 25 3 rd4th centuries + 25 4 th century + 25 4 rd5th centuries + 10 5rd6th centuries; - glass vessels 7 = 1 3rd4th centuries + 5 4th century + 1 cpl. 79, 4rd5th centuries.

--------------------------------------------------------------Total = 1335 fragmentary ceramics, with 64 amphorae + 7 the glass vessels = 1342 fragmentary vessels.

VI-B. Ceramica / Ceramic


And parts of vessels, 1335 = the centuries 86 of the 3th century + 372 of the 3rd4th centuries + 407 of the 4th centuries + 442 of the 4rd5th centuries + 28 of the 5rd6th centuries. Potery Inventory total by category
159 + 133 + 246 + 727 = 1265 + 64 = 1329 + 6 = 1335 + 7 = 1342 - hand-made: 144+15 = 159 vessels = 7 of the 3th century 4,4 % + 75 of the 3rd4th centuries 47,17 % + 20 of the 4th century 12,58% + 28+3 of the 4rd5th centuries 19,49% + 11 of the 5rd6th centuries 6,91% + 15pass 9,03%= 7+75+20+28+3+11+15; 4,4%+47,17%+12,58%+19,49%+ 6,91%+9,03% = 100% with total ceramic category representing: 11,91% sau 11,9%; 159 + 1176 (133 + 246 + 727+64+6) = 1335 vessels potters wheel ceramic: 133 + 246 + 727 + 6 = 1176 vessels - coarse paste: 108+25 = 133 vessels = 0 3th century + 4 of the 3rd4th centuries 3% + 66 of the 4th century 46,62% + 23+12 of the 4rd5th centuries 26,31 % + 3 of the 5rd6th centuries 2,25% + 25 18,79% = 0+4+62+35+3; 1,34%+46,61%+26,02%+2,25%+18,79% = 100% = 0+4+62+ 23+12 +3; with total ceramic category representing: 133 vessels, 9,96% - 10%; - slightly coarse paste: 221+25 = 246 vessels = 25 of the 3th century 10,16% + 62 of the 3rd4th centuries 25,20% + 64 of the 4th century 26,01% + 51+18 of the 4rd5th centuries 28,04% + 1 of the 5rd6th centuries 0,4% + 25 10,16% = 25+62+64+ 69+1+25; 10,16%+25,20%+26,01 % + 28,04% + 0,4% + 10,16% = 100% with total ceramic category representing: 17,84 % sau 18,4 %; - fine paste: 702+25 = 727 vessels = 41 of the 3th century 5,64% + 188 of the 3rd4th centuries 25,86% + 210 of the 4th century 28,88% + 169+90 of the 4rd5th centuries, 35,62% + 3 of the 5rd6th centuries 4,2% = 41+189+210+169+90+3; 5,64%+25,86%+28,88%+35,62%+4,12% =100% with total ceramic category representing: 54,456 % - 54,5 %; - amphorae 64: 3 3th century 4,7% + 16 3rd4th century 25% + 21 4th century 32,8% + 23 4rd5th centuries 35,9% = 64 amphorae, 3+16+22+23; 4,7% + 25% + 32,8% + 35,9% = 100% with total ceramic category representing: 4,79% - 4,8 %; - with, 123 the potters workshop = 43 kiln A + 36 kln B + 12G1 + 21G2 + 1G3 + 10 inside the workshop; with total ceramic category representing: - with, 95 passim vessels = 10 of the 3th century + 25 of the 3rd4th centuries + 25 of the 4th century + 25 of the 4rd5th centuries + 10 of the 5rd6th centuries. - and glass vessels, 8 + 1335 = 1343: 2 3rd4th centuries + 4 4th century + 2 4rd5th centuries; with total ceramic category representing, with 1335+8=1343: 0,60 %; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total =159 + 133 + 246 + 727 = 1265 + 64 = 1329 + 6 = 1335 + 7 = 1342 vessels 159 hand-made vessels - 11,9 %; coarse paste 133 vessels - 10%; slightly coarse paste 246 vessels 18,4%; fine paster 727 vessels - 54,5% and amphorae 64 4,8%, and glass vessels 8 - 0,60 %.

The frequently used categories ceramic =159m + 133pz + 246z + 727f, with 64 amphorae = 1335 vessels. The shapes were reconstructed in drawing 742 forms. The ceramic inventory as it is the case in all settlements dated to this period was preserved only as fragments, with the possibility of putting together only few whole items. As a total, the excavations carried out so far, for the determined periods, we recuperated, 1335 parts from various vessels = 159m + 133pz + 246z + 727f, with 64 amphorae and 7 glass vessels, summing up to vessels 1342 vessels. Starting from the frequently used categories, ceramics was analyzed first according to their dating, in distinct periods, in relation to its specificity, the centuries, in subchapters 1-5, total 1335 vessels in their, have been discussed so far investigated complexes studied to date, according to their specific, a. surface dwellings and slightly buried dwelling, b. pits, c. agglomerations of ceramic materials and the potters workshop.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Banca Gar - apte case. Ceramica modelat cu mna

Total vase modelate cu mna pe secole: 144+15 = 159 vase = 7 sec. III + 75 sec. III-IV + 20 sec. IV + 28+3 sec. IV-V din care 3 din atelierul de olrie + 11 sec. V-VI + 15 pass (7+75+20+28+3+11+15) Dintre complexele datate n primele secole din mileniul I s-au analizat statistic cele din secolul al III-lea, separndu-se ceramica modelat cu mna de ceramica lucrat la roata olarului. 1. Ceramica modelat cu mna din secolul al III-lea Sec. III, total complexe, 4 (0Lsp + atipice Lad28+2G1 cpl. 21+1G2 cpl. 113+4G3 cpl. 21). Total vase fragmentare modelate cu mna: 7 vase = 0L (0Lsp + 0ad) + 7G + 0A. Vase din complexele n care se afla mpreun cu ceramica lucrat la roata olarului, 7 = 2+1+4 vase. b-c. Ceramica modelat cu mna, din cele patru complexe menionate s-a descoperit n: gropile, nr. 1-3, cpl. 21, 113, 121 i n locuina uor adncit, nr. 2 cpl. 28, doar cteva fragmente atipice. n G1 cpl. 21, din 19 vase fragmentare erau dou baze de la vase diferite modelate cu mna; n G2 cpl. 113, din 11 vase doar unul era lucrat cu mna, din care s-a pstrat baza (fig. 132/4); iar din G3 cpl. 121, din 12 vase patru au fost lucrate cu mna, dou borcane, unul cu buza rotunjit, altul cu ea tiat oblic, cu marginile uor evazate (fig. 139/2-3), un fragment probabil de la un castron emisferic, un ciob cu nuirea specific vaselor din past mai fin (fig. 139/7) i trei baze slipuite, una dreapt i alta puin evazat, 7 = 2 cpl. 21 + 1 cpl. 113 + 4 cpl. 121. Forme reconstituite prin desen din secolul al III-lea: 2 borcane (fig. 139/2-3), 1 castron emisferic. 2. Ceramica modelat cu mna din secolele III-IV Total numr de complexe 18 = 6Lsp + 3Lad + 7G + 2A, din care ceramic a aprut n 5Lsp + 3Lad + 4G = 12 complexe. Total vase fragmentare: ceramica modelat cu mna, n cele 12 complexe n care a aprut n aceast perioad, nsumeaz 75 vase = 40 (26Lsp + 14Lad) + 35G. Ceramic modelat cu mna s-a descoperit n Lsp1 cpl. 12a 5, Lsp2 cpl. 17 3, Lsp3 cpl. 29 1, Lsp4 cpl. 33 16, Lsp6 cpl. 72 1, Lad1 cpl. 10 1, Lad3 cpl. 78 10, Lad4 cpl. 31 3, G1 Cpl. 13 1, G2 cpl. 32 13, G4 cpl. 74 1, G7 cpl. 106 20 = 75 vase, nu a aprut n Lsp5 cpl. 34, Lad2 cpl. 31, n G3 cpl. 62 i n G5-6 cpl. 93-94, A1 cpl. 70, A2 cpl. 73. a. Locuine. n cele 6 locuine de suprafa ceramica modelat cu mna nu a fost prea numeroas, L1, cpl. 12a, din 21 de vase cinci au fost lucrate cu mna, o buz probabil de la un castron (fig. 34/2); o cuie (fig. 33/6); un ciob decorat cu bru alveolat de la un borcan (fig. 33/10) i patru baze (fig. 33/5, 9, 11); L2 cpl. 17, din 28 de pri de la vase diferite, trei erau lucrate cu mna, un castron (fig. 41/9), un vas miniatural (fig. 41/8), o buz de borcan (fig. 42/9); L3 cpl. 29, din 26 de vase unul avea un bru alveolat (fig. 60/7), n L4 cpl. 33, din cele 42 de vase 16 au fost lucrate cu mna, trei cui (fig. 70/3; 71/1), dou castroane (fig. 70/6; 71/3), un capac (fig. 71/2), un borcan (fig. 70/1), patru borcane (fig. 70/4-5, 7-8), dou vase ovoidale (fig. 70/2, 5), un corp de la un vas mai mare, trei cioburi cu brie alveolate (fig. 71/4-6), opt baze uor evazate (fig. 70/9-11; 71/7-10), unul cu o nuire i o alt baz marcat de o adncitur iar din L6 cpl. 72, din 14 vase era doar un castron emisferic (fig. 112/9) 26 vase = 5+3+1+16+1. Din cele trei locuine uor adncite, ceramic modelat cu mna apare n L1, cpl. 10, ntre cele patru vase rmase aici, era un borcan cu bru alveolat (fig. 32/3); L2 cpl. 31, din 20 de vase, trei au fost lucrate cu mna, dou borcane cu bru alveolat (fig. 64/11) i alta cu marginea evazat (fig. 64/10) iar de la ele provine o

Ceramica modelat cu mna / Hand buiilt pottery


baz dreapt i unul cu trei picioare tripes (fig. 65/4); L3 cpl. 78, din 33 de vase zece s-au lucrat cu mna, un taler cu uoare nuiri pe ambele fee (fig. 118/10), dou castroane cu marginea dreapt i trei cu profil n S (fig. 118/8), trei borcane cu gtul arcuit exterior, unul are pe buz incizii oblice (fig. 118/6; 9), un borcan de mari dimensiuni cu buza evazat (fig. 118/7) i alte margini (fig. 118/4, 14), 3 baze groase (fig. 118/16) 14 vase = 1+3+10. Total 40 vase = 26+14. b. Gropi. Ceramica modelat cu mna nu era n trei gropi, n G3 cpl. 62 i n G5-6 cpl. 9394, dar s-a gsit n altele ase. n G1 cpl. 13, era doar o cuie cu toart masiv prins sub buz (fig. 34/9); G2 cpl. 32, din 38 de vase fragmentare, 13 erau modelate cu mna, o cuie (fig. 67/1), dou castroane (fig. 67/10), opt borcane cu gtul drept sau arcuit exterior dar i interior, unele cu buza ngroat (fig. 67/2-3, 5-9, 11-12), un perete de vas (fig. 67/4), trei baze conice sau rotunjite (fig. 67/14) i un fragment cu o proeminen (fig. 67/13); G4 cpl. 74, o singur cuie cu toarta masiv (fig. 114/6) i cteva unelte de fier; G7 cpl. 106, din 65 de vase circa 20 au fost modelate cu mna, din cele 35 de cioburi rmase de la vasele lucrate cu mna, 15 au fost buze i 20 baze, astfel c, n locuin trebuie s fi fost cel puin 20 de vase arse diferit, o cuie de culoare brun, n interior ars puternic, cu baza uor lrgit (fig. 129/12); dou castronae tronconice, primul cu o nuire interioar (fig. 129/5-6); trei borcane de culoare glbui-crmizie cu buza evazat, gtul drept, alungit sau uor nclinat (fig. 129/3); dou borcane de culoare roietic (fig. 129/9), primul se apropie de forma cnilor lucrate la roat; trei borcane cu gt scurt, corp uor bombat (fig. 129/1, 7); un borcan cu o nuire interioar (fig. 129/2) i altele dou, unul glbui altul crmiziu, o buz (fig. 129/10) i un ciob cu o proeminen (fig. 129/4), din cele 20 de baze, ase erau glbui-cenuii slipuite i finisate neglijent i altele patru crmizii-cenuii (fig. 129/11), o baz roietic, interior negricioas, ase evazate (fig. 129/8) i trei alb-crmizii 35 vase = 1+13+1+20. c. Nu a aprut n aglomerrile de materiale, L1 cpl. 70, L2 cpl. 73. Forme reconstituite, locuine de suprafa: 1 vas miniatural (fig. 41/8), 4 cui (fig. 33/6; 70/3; 71/1), 1 capac (fig. 71/2), 5 castroane (fig. 34/2; 41/9; 70/6; 71/3; 112/9), 5 borcane (fig. 42/9; 70/4-5, 7-8), 1 borcan (fig. 70/1), dou vase ovoidale (fig. 70/2, 5), 4 perei cu brie alveolate (fig. 33/10; 60/7; 71/4-6) i un corp de la un vas mare; uor adncite: 1 vas cu trei picioare tripes (fig. 65/4), 1 taler (fig. 118/10), 5 castroane (fig. 118/8), 3 borcane cu bru alveolat (fig. 32/364/11), 5 borcane (fig. 64/10; 118/6-7 9). Gropi. 4 cui (fig. 34/9; 67/1; 114/6; 129/12), 2 castronae (fig. 129/5-6), 2 castroane (fig. 67/10), 19 borcane (fig. 67/2-3, 5-9, 11-12; 129/1-4, 7, 9-10), 1 perete cu proeminen (fig. 67/13). Total: 1 vas miniatural, 9 cui, 1 taler, 1 capac, 2 castronae, 12 castroane, 32 borcane, 2 vase ovoidale, 4 perei i un vas borcan cu brie alveolate, 33 vase diferite + 31 borcane = 64 vase. 3. Ceramic modelat cu mna din secolul al IV-lea Total numr complexe 28 = 7(5Lsp+2Lad) + 16G+5A, apar n 11 = 1Lsp+1Lad+7G+2A Total vase fragmentare 20 vase = 2L(1Lsp + 1Lad) + 12G + 6A. Ceramica modelat cu mna, din cele 28 complexe s-a descoperit n 12 complexe, n cte o locuin, de suprafa i adncit, n apte gropi i n trei aglomerri ceramice, Lsp1 cpl. 1 1, G2 cpl. 19 2, G6 cpl. 49 1, G10 cpl. 80 l, L2ad cpl. 91 1, G11 cpl. 92 4, G14 cpl. 115 1, G15 cpl. 116 2, G16 cpl. 119 1, A1 cpl. 21a 2, A3 cpl. 60 2, A4 cpl. 61 2 = 20 vase. Nu apare n Lsp2 cpl. 15, Lsp3 cpl. 30, Lsp4 cpl. 48, Lsp5 cpl. 57, Lad1 cpl. 77, Lad2 cpl. 91, G1 cpl. 18, G3 cpl. 33a, G4 cpl. 37, G5 cpl. 39, G8 cpl. 66a, G9 cpl. 71, G10 cpl. 80, A2 cpl.43, A5 cpl. 88. a. Din toate locuinele de suprafa ceramica modelat cu mna era doar n L1 cpl. 1, unde din 26 de vase s-a pstrat un perete de borcan iar din cele uor adncite nu era n L1 cpl. 77 dar s-a pstrat n L2 cpl. 91, unde din 9 vase un castron s-a lucrat cu mna (fig. 124/2) 2 vase. b. Ceramic modelat cu mna s-a descoperit n gropile, G2 cpl. 19, G6 cpl. 49, G10 cpl. 80, G11 cpl. 92, G14 cpl. 115, G15 cpl. 116, G16 cpl. 119 i nu apare n gropile G1 cpl. 18, G3 cpl.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

33a, G4 cpl. 37, G5 cpl. 39, G7 cpl. 50, G8 cpl. 66a, G9 cpl. 71, G12-12a, cpl. 104-104a. n gropi au aprut 12 fragmente ceramice lucrate cu mna: G2, cpl. 19, din 26 de vase dou buze i o baz provin de la dou borcane (fig. 44/8-9); G6, cpl. 49, ntre cele 39 de vase era i un castron pe umr cu toarte late; G10 cpl. 80, din 15 fragmente un perete provine de la un vas lucrat cu mna, ars oxidant, cu bru simplu; G11 cpl. 92, din 21 de vase patru erau lucrate cu mna, un castrona sferoidal, dou castroane cu marginile drepte i patru baze (fig. 125/6); G14 cpl. 115,un borcan pe umr cu bru alveolat (fig. 134/5); G15 cpl. 116, ntre cele nou vase, dou au fost lucrate cu mna, o can cu toart (fig. 135/2) i un borcan cu buza invazat i gt cilindric (fig. 135/5); G16 cpl. 119, probabil o cuie (fig. 137/1) 12 vase = 2+1+1+4+1+2+1. c. Ceramic modelat cu mna a aprut n cteva aglomerri de materiale, n: A1 cpl. 21a, A3 cpl. 60, A4 cpl. 61, nu a aprut n, A2 cpl. 43 i A5 cpl. 88. Au aprut n A1 cpl. 21a, din cele 11 vase dou provin de la un perete de prevzut cu un bru i de la o baz (fig. 49/6); A4 cpl. 60, din 8 vase dou s-au lucrat cu mna, un perete cu bru i o buz de borcan (fig. 94/17); A5 cpl. 61, din 33 de vase dou provin de la baze, din care un castron (fig. 95/8) 6 vase = 2 + 2 + 2. Forme reconstituite, 2 vase din locuina de suprafa, un borcan, uor adncit, un castron (fig. 124/2) , gropi, 12 fragmente, dou borcane (fig. 44/8-9), un castron cu toarte late, vas cu bru, un castrona sferoidal, dou castroane cu margini drepte, patru baze (fig. 125/6), un borcan pe umr cu bru alveolat (fig. 134/5), o can (fig. 135/2) i un borcan cu buza invazat (fig. 135/5), o cuie (fig. 137/1); 6 vase din aglomerrile de materiale, perei de la dou borcane cu bru (fig. 49/6; 94/17), un castron (fig. 95/8). Total: o cuie, o can, 6 castroane, 3 borcane cu bru. 4. Ceramica modelat cu mna din secolele IV-V Total numr de complexe: 17 = 9(6Lsp + 3Lad) + 5G + 2A, a aprut n 12 = 7(5Lsp + 2Lad) + 4G + 1A + atelierul de olrie 123+6 vase Total vase fragmentare modelate cu mna 28 vase = 18L(14Lsp + 4Lad) + 9G + 1A Lsp1 cpl. 14 2, Lsp2 cpl. 26 2, Lsp3 cpl. 35 l, Lsp4 cpl. 36 5, Lsp5 cpl. 51 6, Lad1 cpl. 4 3, G1 cpl. 24a 2, G2 cpl. 26a 1, G4 cpl. 79 1, G5 cpl. 114 5, A1 cpl. 42 1 = 2+2+1+5+5+ 3+2+1+1+5+1 = 28m + 3 atelier olrie = 31 vase. a. Din cele ase locuine de suprafa, ceramic modelat cu mna a aprut n, L1 cpl. 14, L2 cpl. 26, L3 cpl. 35, L4 cpl. 36, L5 cpl. 51, nu a aprut n ultima locuin, L6 cpl. 96. n L1 cpl. 14, din 35 de vase dou s-au lucrat cu mna, o margine de borcan i o baz (fig. 36/1-2), de la vase diferite; L2 cpl. 26, din 23, dou, un borcan i o baz (fig. 53/7); L3 cpl. 35, din cele 10 vase fragmentare, un borcan s-a modelat cu mna (fig. 79/6); L4 cpl. 36, din cele 59 de vase cinci s-au lucrat cu mna, trei castroane i trei baze drepte (fig 83/1), o cuie spre marginea bazei cu alveole (fig. 83/2) i un vas decorat cu bru alveolat; L5 cpl. 51, ntre cele 31 de vase cinci s-au lucrat cu mna, dou borcane (fig. 91/5), o cuie, un perete (fig. 91/8) i dou baze, una poate de la o cuie (fig. 91/9) 14 = 2+1+1+5+5. Din cele trei locuine uor adncite, nu apare n Lad2 cpl. 27, Lad3 cpl. 122, A2 cpl. 64. n L1 cpl. 4, din 13 vase erau patru buze de la borcane diferite (fig. 29/5-6; 30/8), de la care s-a pstrat i o baz (fig. 30/5) 4. Total 18 vase = 14+4. b. n gropi: G1 cpl. 24a, G2 cpl. 26a, G4 cpl. 79, G5 cpl. 114, dar nu n G3 cpl. 69a. n G1 cl. 24a, doar un borcan pe buz ornat cu alveole (fig. 51/8), un ciob pe care s-a pstrat un bru simplu (fig. 51/12) i o baz; G2 cpl. 26a, un borcan s-a lucrat cu mna (fig. 56/1); G11 cpl. 79, din 20 de vase un borcan era modelat cu mna (fig. 120/15); G5 cpl. 114, din 17 vase aflate cinci au fost lucrate cu mna, 4 borcane brune din care dou au nuiri interioare pe buze (fig. 133/8, 11); 3 baze evazate din care una alb-rozie (fig. 133/12), 2 drepte 9 = 2+1+1+5. c. Aglomerri de ceramic, A1-3 cpl. 42, 64, 42, din 22 s-a lucrat cu mna 1 vas. Forme reconstituite: locuine de sup., 2 cui (fig. 91/9; 83/2), 4 castroane (fig 83/1;138/3), 15 borcane (fig. 29/5-6; 30/8; 36/1; 51/8; 53/5, 7; 56/1; 79/6; 91/5; 120/15; 138/7-8, 11); 1 vas cu bru alveolat.

Ceramica modelat cu mna / Hand buiilt pottery


5. Ceramic modelat cu mna din secolele V-VI Total numr de complexe 3 = 2G + 1A. Total vase fragmentare 11 = 6G + 5A. b. n gropi, fragmente ceramice s-au descoperit n, G1 cpl. 95, dou borcane din care unul cu umr marcat i buza evazat (fig. 127/1, 4), un castron (fig. 127/5) i un perete decorat cu incizii n val (fig. 127/2) iar din G2 cpl. 120, provine un castron cu profil n S, ce imit vasele lucrate la roat (fig. 138/3), un borcan, o form specific secolelor V-VI (fig. 138/7) 6 vase = 4+2. c. n aglomerarea ceramic, A1 cpl. 86, s-au reconstituit cinci vase din apte, o cuie (fig. 122/4), patru borcane din care dou pe buz cu alveole (fig. 122/1, 3, 6, 9), i o baz (fig. 122/10) 5 vase. Total: o cuie (fig. 122/4), dou castroane (fig. 127/5; 138/3) i un perete de vas decorat cu incizii n val (fig. 127/2), dou borcane (fig. 127/1, 4) i cinci borcane (fig. 122/1, 3, 6, 9-10).

Banca Gar - apte case. The hand-made pottery

Total number complexes, 9 (2+5+2) = 1DLad cpl. 28 + PG1 cpl. 21, PG2 cpl. 113, PG3 cpl. 121) + 2A (A1 cpl. 6a, A2, cpl. 9). Total number = 144+15 = 159 vessels: 7 3th century + 75 3rd4th centuries + 20 4th century + 28+3 4rd5th centuries + 11 3th century + 15 pass Among them, were statistically analyzed only complexes that found hand-made pottery. Overall, the excavations carried up to the present unearthed 144 fragmentary vessels, from the 3rd (7 pcs.), 3rd4th (77 pcs.) 4th (20 pcs.), 4th5th (28 pcs.) and 5th6th (11 pcs.) centuries. None of the vessels is whole, with the exception of the primitive lamps and the lid, which are reconstructable. 1. The hand-made pottery, the 3th century Total number complexes 4 (0Lsp + 1DLad + 3G), atypical ceramic DL1 cpl. 28 + PG1-3, cpl. 21, 113, 121, 3th century Total number 7 vessels = 0DL (0DLsp + 0ad) + 7PG + 0A. Out of the four archaeological complexes excavated so far, the hand-built pottery amounts to 7 vessels (2+1+4), and inside two of the three pits PG1-3, cpl. 21, 113, 121, but not in the halfburied ones cpl. 28. Inside PG1, cpl. 21, the pieces making for the 19 fragmentary vessels contained two bases; PG4 cpl 113 the base of one hand-built vessel (fig. 132/4), out of a total of 11; nad PG3, cpl 121 four hand-built vessels from a total of 12: two pots, one with rounded rim, the other with angled cut rim, and slightly flared edge (fig. 139/2-3), one fragment of hemispheric bowl, another fragment grooved in the manner specific to the fine-paste pottery (fig. 139/7), as well as three bases covered in slip, one straight and another slightly flared 7 = 2 cpl. 21+1 cpl. 113+4 cpl. 121 vessels. The shapes were reconstructed in drawing: 2 jars (fig. 139/2-3), 1 tureens. 2. The hand-made pottery, the 3rd4th century Total number complexes, 18 = 6Lsp + 3Lad + 7G + 2A, it appeared in, 5Lsp + 3Lad + 4G = 12 complexes. Total number vessels. The archaeological complexes 14, dated in this interval produced 75 hand-built vessels 75 vessels = 40DL (26 DLsp + 14DLad) + 35PG + 3 potters workshop. Hand-mode ceramic was found in, DLsp1 cpl. 12a 5, DLsp2 cpl. 17 3, DLsp3 cpl. 29 1, DLsp4 cpl. 33 16, DL6 cpl. 72 1, DLad1 cpl. 10 1, DLad4 cpl. 31 3, DLad3 cpl. 78 10, PG1 Cpl. 13 1, PG2 cpl. 32 13, PG4 cpl. 74 1, PG7 cpl. 106 20 = 75 vessels, not appeared


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

in Lsp5 cpl. 34, Lad2 cpl. 31, in PG3 cpl. 62 and in PG5-6 cpl. 93-94, A1 cpl. 70, A2 cpl. 73. a. With five surface dwellings, the aboveground dwellings produced parts of 10 vessels, as follows: DL1, cpl 12a five hand-built vessels from a total of 21: one rim, possible from a bowl (fig. 34/2), one primitive lamp (fig. 33/6) a potsherd with alveoli-decorated ribbons (fig. 33/10) and four bases (fig. 33/5, 9, 11); DL2, cpl 17 three hand-built vessels from a total of 28: one bowl (fig. 41/9), one miniature vessel (fig. 41/8) and one pot-rim (fig. 42/9); DL3 cpl. 29, one vessel, with alveoli-decorated bands (fig. 60/7), from a total of 26. Thus, in the aboveground dwelling DL4, cpl 33, out of the 42 vessels found, 16 were hand-built: three primitive lamps (fig. 70/3; 71/1), two bowls (fig. 70/6; 71/3), one lid (fig. 70/1), four pots (fig. 70/4-5, 7-8), two ovoid vessels (fig. 70/2, 5), a body fragments from a larger vessel, three potsherds with alveoli-decorated ribbons (fig. 71/46), eight slightly flared bases (fig. 70/9-11; 71/7-10), one with and indentation and another one grooved. DL6, cpl 72 one hemispherical bowl (fig. 112/9), from a total of 14 vessels 26 = 5 cpl. 12a + 3 cpl. 17+ 1 cpl. 29 + 16 cpl. 33 + 1 cpl. 72, 26 vessels = 5+3+1+16+1. Appears in all three slightly buried dwellings. The half-buried dwellings produced parts of 15 different vessels, as follows: DL1, cpl 10 one jar with alveoli-decorated bands (fig. 32/3), from a total of four vessels; DL4, cpl 31 four hand-built vessels from a total of 20: two pots with alveoli-decorated bands (fig. 64/11) and another one with flared rim (fig. 64/10), with two bases remaining from these, one flat and one tripod-shaped, which is an imitation of an vessel with three legs tripes (fig. 65/4); DL5, cpl 78 ten hand-built vessels from a total of 33: a platter with shallow grooves on both faces (fig. 118/10), two straight-rimmed bowls and three with S-shaped rims (fig. 118/8), three pots with outward-arched necks and one with diagonal incisions on the rim (fig. 118/6; 9), one large pot with flared rim (fig. 118/7) as well as several fragments of rims (fig. 118/4, 14) and three thick bases (fig. 118/16) 15 vessels = 1 cpl. 10 + 4 cpl. 31 + 10 cpl. 78 = 1+4+10. Total 40 vessels = 26+15. b. Pits. Hand-made pottery was discovered in the three pits, in PG3 cpl. 62 and in PG5-6 cpl. 93-94, but was found in the other six. Fragments 36 from different vessels were unearthed from the six pits, as follows: PG1 cpl 13 one primitive lamp, with a large and thick handle below the rim (fig. 34/9); while inside PG5 cpl 32, out of the 38 fragmentary vessels, 14 were hand-built, consisting in: one primitive lamp (fig. 67/1), two bowls (fig. 67/10), eight pots, with straight, outward or inward arched necks, several with thickened rims (fig. 67/2-3, 5-9, 11-12), a wall fragment of a vessel (fig. 67/4), three conical or rounded bases (fig. 67/14) and one fragment with a ''nipple'' (fig. 67/13); PG7, cpl 74 one primitive lamp pot with thick handle (fig. 114/6) and several iron tools; PG7 cpl 106 20 hand-built vessels from a total of 65 and the 35 hand-built potsherds consist in 15 rim fragments, 20 base fragments, resulting in a minimum estimate of 20 vessels, of different types of firing: one brown-baked primitive lamp, intensely burned on the interior, with slightly flared base (fig. 129/12), two small conical bowls, one with inwardly grooved rim (fig. 129/5-6), three yellowish brick-red pots with flared rims and straight, elongated or slightly tapered necks (fig. 129/3), two reddish pots with flared rims (fig. 129/9), one of them similar in shape with the wheel-thrown pitchers, three short-necked and slightly round-bodied pots (fig. 129/1, 7), one arched-necked pot, with inwardly-grooved rim (fig. 129/2) and another two, one yellow and the other brick-red-baked, one rim (fig. 129/10) and one ''nipple'' potsherd (fig. 129/4). Out of the 20 bases, six are yellowish gray-baked, covered in slip and finished roughly and another four of mixed color, gray and brick-red (fig. 129/11), one reddish base, with dark-gray inner surface, six flared ones (fig. 129/8) as well as another three of mixed color, white and brick-red 35 = 1 cpl. 13 + 14 cpl. 32 + 1 cpl. 74 + 20 cpl. 106 = 1+14+1+20. c. Was not appeared in agglomerations of ceramic materials: A1 cpl. 70, A2 cpl. 73. The shapes were reconstructed in drawing - the 3rd4th centuries: surface dwelling, 1 miniature vessel (fig. 41/8), 4 primitive lamps (fig. 33/6; 70/3; 71/1), 1 one lid (fig. 71/2), 4 tureens (fig. 34/2; 41/9; 70/6; 71/3); 1one hemispherical bowl (fig. 112/9), 6 jars (fig. 42/9; 70/1, 4-5, 7-8);

Ceramica modelat cu mna / Hand buiilt pottery


2 ovoid vessels (fig. 70/2, 5), 4 fragments from vessels with alveoli-decorated ribbons (fig. 33/10; 60/7; 71/4-6); slightly buried dwellings: 1 vessel with three legs tripes (fig. 65/4), 1 platter (fig. 118/10), 5 tureens (fig. 118/8), 1 jar with alveoli-decorated bands (fig. 32/3), 2 pots with alveolidecorated bands (fig. 64/11), 5 jars (fig. 64/10; 118/6-7 9). Pits: 4 primitive lamps (fig. 34/9; 67/1; 114/6; 129/12), 2 small conical tureens (fig. 129/5-6), 2 tureens (fig. 67/10), 19 jars (fig. 67/2-3, 59, 11-12; 129/1-4, 7, 9-10), and one decorated with a ''nipple'' (fig. 67/13). Hand-mode ceramic was found in, Lsp1 cpl. 12a 5, Lsp2 cpl. 17 3, Lsp3 cpl. 29 1, Lsp4 cpl. 33 16, L6 cpl. 72 1, Lad1 cpl. 10 1, Lad4 cpl. 31 3, Lad3 cpl. 78 10, G1 Cpl. 13 1, G2 cpl. 32 13, G4 cpl. 74 1, G7 cpl. 106 20 = 75 vessels, not appeared in Lsp5 cpl. 34, Lad2 cpl. 31, n G3 cpl. 62 i n G5-6 cpl. 93-94, A1 cpl. 70, A2 cpl. 73. Total: 1 primitive lamp, 1 mug, 6 tureens, 3 jars, pots with alveoli-decorated bands. 3. The hand-made pottery, the 4th century Total number complexes 28 = 7DL(5DLsp + 2DLad) + 16PG + 5A, it appeared in 11 = 1DLsp + 1DLad + 7PG + 2A. Total number vessels 20 vessels = 2DL(1DLsp + 1DLad) + 12PG + 6 A Lsp1 cpl. 1 1m, G2 cpl. 19 2m, A1 cpl. 21a 2m, G6 cpl. 49 1m, A3 cpl. 60 2m, A4 cpl. 61 2m, G10 cpl. 80 lm, L2ad cpl. 91 1m, G11 cpl. 92 4m, G14 cpl. 115 1m, G15 cpl. 116 2m, G16 cpl. 119 1m = 20 vase. a. The hand-made pottery with surface dwellings. The aboveground dwellings produced parts of 1 vessel, as follows: DL1 cpl 1 only one wall-fragments from a hand-built pot from a total of 26 vessels. The hand-made pottery with slightly buried dwellings, nu era n L1 cpl. 77 i s-a pstrat n DL2 cpl 91 one hand-built bowl from a total of 9 vessels (fig. 124/2) 2 vessels. b. Pits. The hand-made pottery ware discovered in, PG2 cpl. 19, PG6 cpl. 49, PG10 cpl. 80, PG11 cpl. 92, PG14 cpl. 115, PG15 cpl. 116, PG16 cpl. 119, not appeared in pits, PG1 cpl. 18, PG3 cpl. 33a, PG4 cpl. 37, PG5 cpl. 39, PG7 cpl. 50, PG8 cpl. 66a, PG9 cpl. 71, PG12-12a, cpl. 104104a. Pits - 12 fragments from hand-made pottery, from different vessels were unearthed from the pits, as follows: PG1, cpl 19 two rims and one base, from two pots (fig. 44/8-9), from a total of 26 vessels; PG6, cpl 49 one bowl with wide ears on its shoulder, from a total of 39 vessels; PG10 cpl 80 from a total of 15 vessels there is one fragment from a hand-built, red-baked vessel, decorated with a plain band; PG13 cpl 92 four hand-build vessels from a total of 21: one small spherical bowl, two bowls with straight edges and four bases (fig. 125/6); G14 cpl. 115, un borcan pe umr cu bru alveolat (fig. 134/5); G15 cpl. 116, dou au fost lucrate cu mna, o can cu toart (fig. 135/2) i un borcan cu buza invazat i gt cilidric (fig. 135/5); PG16 cpl 119, fragment probably from a primitive lamp (fig. 137/1) 12 = 2+1+1+4+1+2+1. c. The hand-made pottery with agglomerations of material: A1 cpl. 21a 2, A3 cpl. 60 2, A4, cpl. 61 2, nu a aprut n, A2 cpl. 43 i A5, cpl. 88. Six fragmentary hand-build vessels (A1 cpl. 21a, and 60-61), which were unearthed as follows: heap A1 cpl 21a, two fragments from the wall of a vessel with a plain ribbon and one base (fig. 49/6), out of a total of 11 vessels; A4 cpl 60, two hand-built vessels from a total of 8: a wall fragment from a jar decorated with a plain ribbon and one rim of a pot (fig. 94/17); and in pit A5 cpl 61, two fragments of bases, one from a wide-opening bowl (fig. 95/8), from a total of 33 vessels, 6=2+2+2. 4. The hand-made pottery, the 4-5th century Total number complexes: 17 = 9 (6DLsp + 3DLad) + 5PG + 2A, appeared in 12 = 7


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

(5DLsp + 2DLad) + 4PG + 1A + and potters workshop Total number 28 vessels = 2 Lsp1 cpl. 14 + 2 Lsp2 cpl. 26 + 1 Lsp3 cpl. 35 + 5 Lsp4 cpl. 36 + 5 Lsp5 cpl. 51 + 3 Lad1 cpl. 4 + 2 G1 cpl. 24a + 1 G2 cpl. 26a + 1 G4 cpl. 79 + 5 G5 cpl. 114 + 1 A1 cpl. 42 = 28+3 potters workshop a. From a total of six surface dwellings, the hand-made pottery appear in, DL1 cpl. 14, DL2 cpl. 26, DL3 cpl. 35, DL4 cpl. 36, DL5 cpl. 51, was not appear in the last, DL6 cpl. 96, DL1 cpl 14 two hand-built vessels from a total of 35, one pot-rim and one base (fig. 36/1-2) from two different vessels; a similar situation for DL4, cpl 26 two vessels, a pot and a base (fig. 53/7), from a total of 23; DL6, cpl 35 one hand-built pot (fig. 79/6), from a total of 10 vessels; DL7, cpl. 36 five hand-built vessels from 59: three bowls and three flat bases (fig 83/1), one primitive lamp decorated with alveoli-ribbons below the rim (fig. 83/2) and one vessel with alveoli-decorated bands; DL5 cpl. 51 five hand-made vessels from a total of 31: two pots (fig. 91/5), one primitive lamp, one wall fragment of a vessel (fig. 91/8) and two bases, one of which coming from a possible primitive lamp (fig. 91/9-10) 14 = 2+1+1+5+5. From a total of three slightly buried dwellings, DL1 cpl. 4, DL3 cpl. 122, first two and as ceramic, does not appear in DL2 cpl. 27. The two half-buried dwellings, revealed several fragments of hand-built pottery: in DL1 cpl 4 three rims from different pots (fig. 29/5-6; 30/8), from a total of 13 vessels, together with on of their bases (fig. 30/5); in DL no. 3 cpl. 122, one bowl with S-shaped walls, imitating the wheelthrown pottery (fig. 138/3) and one pot (fig. 138/7) 4 vessels = 3 + 1. Total 18 = 14+4. b. In the pits to hand-made pottery fragments have been reported: PG1 cpl. 24a, PG2 cpl. 26a, PG4 cpl. 79, PG5 cpl. 114, not in PG3 cpl. 69a. In PG4 cpl 24a one pot decorated with alveoli on the rim (fig. 51/8), one potsherd decorated with a plain ribbon (fig. 51/12) and one base; PG2 cpl 26a one hand-built pot our of the three vessels unearthed (fig. 56/1); PG11 cpl. 79, one hand-built pot (fig. 120/15), from a total of 20 vessels; PG2 cpl 26a one hand-built pot our of the three vessels unearthed (fig. 56/1); PG5 cpl 114, five hand-build vessels from a total of 17, 4 brown jars under with inner lips (fig. 133/8, 11); 3 flared base, one from which white-pinkish (fig. 133/12), 2 straight 9 vessels = 2+1+1+5. c. Agglomerations of ceramic materials: A1 cpl. 42, A2 cpl. 64 only one hand-built vessel from a total of 22 1 vessels. The shapes were reconstructed in drawing: 2 primitive lamp (fig. 91/9-10; 83/2), 4 tureens (fig 83/1; 138/3), 15 jars (fig. 36/1), 53/5, 7); 29/5-6; 30/8; 51/8; 56/1; 79/6; 91/5; 120/15; 138/7-8, 11); 1 pot decorated with alveoli. 5. The hand-made pottery, the 5-6th century Total number complexes 3 = 2PG + 1 A; total number vessels 11 = 6PG + 5 A Total number fragment of a vessel 11 = 4+2+5. b. Fragment of a the hand-made vessel ware discovered in pits, PG1 cpl. 95, 2 jars, of which one with marked shoulder (fig. 127/1, 4), 1 tureens (fig. 127/5) and 1 wall decorated with incisions in the wave (fig. 127/2), and in pit PG2 cpl. 120, comes 1 tureens wuith with S-shaped rims, why imitate pottery wheel (fig. 138/3) and 1 jars, a specific form 5 rd6th centuries (fig. 138/7) 6 vessels = 4 + 2. c. In the only agglomerations of ceramic: A1 cpl. 86, were five ships of seven, 1 primitive lamp (fig. 122/4), 4 jars, decorated with alveoli of the rim, 1 base (fig. 122/1, 3, 6, 9 and 10) 5.

Ceramica din past zgrunuroas / Coarse ceramic paste


Banca Gar - apte case. Ceramica din past zgrunuroas

Total numr complexe = 4 (3G + 1A29) sec. III-IV + 22L [(18sp + 4ad) + 6G + 1A] + 58[18L (15sp + 3ad) + 34G + 6A] + 4 [3L (3sp + 0ad) + 1A] Total vase fragmentare din past zgrunuroas: 108 + 25 = 133 vase = 0 sec. III + 4 sec. III-IV+ 66 sec. IV + 23+12 atelierul de olrie sec. IV-V + 3 sec. V-VI = 25 pass = 0+4+66+23+12+3+25. 1. Secolul al III-lea, nu apare 2. Ceramica zgrunuroas, secolele III - IV Total numr de complexe 18 = 6Lsp+3Lad+7G+2A, a aprut n 2, 1 Lsp+0Lad+0G+1A. Total vase fragmentare 4 vase = 3L (3sp + 0ad) + 1A. a. Din secolele III-IV, din cele ase locuine de suprafa cercetate, pri de la vasele modelate din past zgrunuroas au aprut n, L6 cpl. 72, 3 vase i nu n L1 cpl. 12a, L2 cpl. 17, L3 cpl. 29, L4-5 cpl. 33-34. Nu a aprut n cele trei uor adncite L1 cpl. 10, L2 cpl. 31, L3 cpl. 78, nu era n una din cele apte gropi, G1 cpl. 13, G2 cpl. 32, G3 cpl. 62, G4 cpl. 74, G5 cpl. 93, G6 cpl. 94, G7 cpl. 106 iar din cele dou aglomerri era n A2 cpl. 73a, 1 vas i nu n A1 cpl. 70. Pri de la vase din past zgrunuroas s-au aflat n una dintre locuinele de suprafa, L6 cpl. 72, trei eru din past zgrunuroas cenuie, un vas de provizii, o baz evazat i altele drepte sau spre baz rotunjite i n una din cele trei aglomerri de materiale, A2 cpl. 73, unde erau cinci pri de la vase diferite, din care un vas de provizii din past zgrunuroas (fig. 113/4) 4 cenuii. Forme de vase reconstituite prin desen: L6 cpl. 72, 1 vas de provizii ars cenuiu, A2 cpl. 73a, 1 vas de provizii cenuiu (fig. 113/4). Total: 2 vase de provizii arse cenuiu. 3. Ceramica zgrunuroas, secolul al IV-lea Total numr de complexe 27 = 5Lsp + 2Lad + 16G + 5A din care a aprut n 20 = 4Lsp + 1Lad + 9G + 4A. Total numr de vase fragmentare 66 vase = 13L(11sp + 2ad) + 43G + 10A. a. Locuine de suprafa. Pri de vase au aprut n patru din cele cinci, L1 cpl. 1 4, L2 cpl. 15 3, L3 cpl. 30 3, L5 cpl. 57 1, n una din cele dou adncite, L1 cpl. 77 2, = 13 vase, i nu au fost n, Lsp4, 6, cpl. 48, 96, Lad2 cpl. 91 i n atelierul de olrie. Numrul de fragmente din gropi: G2 cpl. 19 5; G3 cpl. 33a 5; G4 cpl. 37 4; G6 cpl. 49 6; G9 cpl. 71 15; G10 cpl. 80 2; G11 cpl. 92 2; G14 cpl. 115 2; G16 cpl. 119 2 = 43 vase. Nu s-au gsit n G1 cpl. 18, G5 cpl. 39, G7 cpl. 50, G8 cpl. 66a; G12 i 12a cpl. 104-104a, G15 cpl. 116 iar din A1 cpl. 21a 3, A2 cpl. 43 3, A3 cpl. 60 1, A4 cpl. 61 2, A5 cpl. 88 1 = 10. Total 13+43+10 = 66 vase. Tehnici de ardere. Din locuinele de suprafa: L1 cpl. 1, 1 glbui, 1 brun-glbui, 2 cenuii, L2 cpl. 15, 3 cenuii, L3 cpl. 30, 3 cenuii, L4 cpl. 48, 4 cenuii, L5 cpl. 57, 1 cenuiu = 11 vase, locuine adncite: L1 cpl. 77, 2 cenuii. Total 13 = 1 glbui i 1 brun-glbui din Lsp cpl. 1; 15 cenuii, 2 L1sp cpl. 1, 3 L3sp cpl. 15, 3 Lsp3, cpl. 30, 4 L4 cpl. 48, 1 L5sp cpl. 57, 2 L1ad cpl. 77. Ceramica zgrunuroas din locuinele de suprafa, L1 cpl. 1, 4 a fost modelat din past zgrunuroas, un borcan glbui cu gt nalt i corp bombat, un vas de provizii ars brun-glbui (fig. 28/6) i alte dou vase de provizii cenuii (fig. 28/5, 7); L2 cpl. 15, 3 cenuii, un gt de borcan (fig. 39/7), dou vase de provizii cu buza lit i corp bitronconic (fig. 39/5); L3 cpl. 30, trei vase de provizii cenuii, unul cu buza invazat, n seciune triunghiular (fig. 63/3) i o baz; L4 cpl. 48, patru vase de provizii cenuii, cu buze n T (fig. 88/5-7, 9), ultimele dou pe corp cu benzi de linii incizate drept sau vlurit, trei baze drepte i una inelar (fig. 88/8); L5 cpl. 57, un borcan cenuiu cu


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

buza nuit interior pentru capac (fig. 94/3). Locuine uor adncite: L1 cpl. 77, dou, un vas de provizii, o baz (fig. 117/8-9) i un ciob cu incizii (fig. 117/3) 13 = 4+3+3+1+2. Forme n locuinele de suprafa: L1 cpl. 1, 1 borcan glbui, 1 vas de provizii ars brunglbui (fig. 28/6), 2 vase de provizii cenuii (fig. 28/5, 7); L2 cpl. 15, cenuii, 1 borcan (fig. 39/7), 2 vase de provizii cu buza lit i corp bitronconic (fig. 39/5); L4 cpl. 48, 4 vase de provizii (fig. 88/5-7, 9), L5 cpl. 57, 1 borcan cenuiu (fig. 94/3). Locuin uor adncit: 1 borcan (fig. 29/4); L1 cpl. 77, 1 vas de provizii cenuiu (fig. 117/8-9). Total forme ntregibile 11: 4 borcane, 1 glbuie, 3 cenuii; 10 vase de provizii, 1 brun-glbui, 9 cenuii. b. Gropi. Numrul total de vase n raport cu specificul arderii = 43 vase: G1 cpl. 19, 1 crmiziu, 4 cenuii; G3 cpl. 33a, 5 cenuii; G4 cpl. 37, 4 cenuii, G6 cpl. 49, 6 cenuii, G9 cpl. 71, 15 cenuii, G10 cpl. 80, 2 cenuii, G11 cpl. 92, 2 cenuii, G14 i 16 cpl. 115, 119, cte 2 cenuii = 43 vase. Tehnici de ardere: 1 G1 cpl. 19, 1 crmiziu, 42 cenuii, 4 G2 cpl. 19, 5 G3 cpl. 33a, 4 G4 cpl. 37, 6 G6 cpl. 49, 15 G9 cpl. 71, 2 G10 cpl. 80, 2 G11 cpl. 92, 2 G14 cpl. 115, 2 G16 cpl. 119. Ceramica zgrunuroas din gropi. G2 cpl. 19, 1 crmiziu, 4 cenuii, G3 cpl. 33a, 5 cenuii, din care patru vase de provizii aveau buzele n T (fig. 75/1, 3-4; 76/1), altul buza evazat (fig. 76/4) i o baz inelar; G4 cpl. 37, 4 cenuii, dou borcane pe buze cu alveolri pentru capac, un vas de provizii cu incizii orizontale sau vlurite, dou fragmente de baze de la acelai vas; G6, cpl. 49, 6 cenuii, dou borcane, patru vase de provizii, prima crmizie cu buza lit orizontal, pe corp cu registre acoperite cu linii vlurite sau canelate (fig. 89/1, 4) i trei baze; G9 cpl. 71, 7 vase de provizii (fig. 109), G10 cpl. 80, 2 cenuii, un corp decorat cu incizii i o baz de la un vas cu pereii groi (fig. 121/8); G11 cpl. 92, 2 cenuii, un vas de provizii cu buza lat n T i o baz; G14 cpl. 115, un borcan cu buza rotunjit (fig. 134/2), plus baza; G16 cpl. 119, 2 cenuii, un corp de vas i dou baze (fig. 137/2) 43 = 5+5+4+6+15+2+2+2+2. Total forme ntregibile toate cenuii: G2 cpl. 19, 1 vas de provizii (fig. 44/6), patru borcane, G3 cpl. 33a, 4 vase de provizii (fig. 75/1, 3-4; 76/1), altul cu buza evazat (fig. 76/4), G4 cpl. 37, 2 borcane, 1 vas de provizii, G6 cpl. 49, 2 borcane, 4 vase de provizii (fig. 89/1, 4), G9 cpl. 71, 7 vase de provizii (fig. 109); G11 cpl. 92, 1 vas de provizii, G14 cpl. 115, 1 borcan (fig. 134/2). Total forme ntregibile: 27 vase = 9 borcane, 18 vase de provizii. c. Aglomerri ceramice. Ceramic zgrunuroas apare n, A1 cpl. 21a, 3 pri de vase, A2 cpl. 43, 3 cenuii, A3 cpl. 60, 1 ciob decorat cu incizii n val i n A4 cpl. 61, 2 cioburi decorate cu incizii vlurite unul cu buza n T; A5 cpl. 88, 1 vas de provizii (fig. 123/4) 10 vase = 3+3+1+2+1. Total forme ntregibile, cenuiu: A5 cpl. 88, 1 vas de provizii (fig. 123/4) 1 vas. Numr total de vase n raport cu specificul arderii: A1 cpl. 21a, 1 cenuiu, 2 crmizii, A2 cpl. 43, 3 cenuii, A3 cpl. 60, 1 cenuiu, A4 cpl. 61, 2 cenuii, A5 cpl. 88, 1 cenuiu = 10 vase. Ardere: 2 crmizii A1 cpl. 21a, 8 cenuii, 1 A1 cpl. 21a, 3 A2 cpl. 43, 1 A3 cpl. 60, 2 A4 cpl. 61, 1 A5 cpl. 88. Aglomerri ceramice: A1 cpl. 21a, un borcan cu marginea invazat (fig. 49/2), 2 crmizii, baza unui vas finisat interior cu o spatul (fig. 49/5), un corp de vas decorat cu benzi incizate orizontal i n val (fig. 49/3); A2 cpl. 43, 3, un corp de vas decorat cu o canelur vlurit, dou baze; A3 cpl. 60, 1 ciob decorat cu incizii n val; A4 cpl. 61, dou decorate cu incizii vlurite unul cu buza n T; A5 cpl. 88, 1 vas de provizii (fig. 123/4). Forme: A1 cpl. 21a, 1 borcan, A5 cpl. 88, 1 vas de provizii (fig. 123/4). Total forme ntregibile: 2 vase = 1 borcan i 1 vas de provizii. 4. Ceramica zgrunuroas, secolele IV-V Numr de complexe 16 = 9L(6sp + 3ad) + 5G + 2A, a aprut n 9 = 6L(5sp+1ad)+2G+1A. Total vase fragmentare: 23 vase = 18L(17sp + 1ad) + 4G + 3A. 4Lsp1 cpl.14 + 6(2n+4)Lsp2 cpl. 26 + 1Lsp3 cpl. 35 + 6(2r+1g-c+3)Lsp5 cpl. 51 + 1Lad1 cpl. 4 + 2(1cr+1c)G1 cpl. 24a + 3c-nA1 cpl. 42 = 23 vase + 12 atelier, nu apare n L4, 6 cpl. 36, 96. a. Ceramica zgrunuroas din locuinele de suprafa, pri de la vasele modelate din past zgrunuroas au aprut n, L1 cpl. 14 4, L2 cpl. 26 6, L3 cpl. 35 1, nr. 5, cpl. 51 6 = 17 vase.

Ceramica din past zgrunuroas / Coarse ceramic paste


Locuine uor adncite: L1, cpl. 4 1. Tehnica de ardere. n raport cu specificul arderii erau, L1 cpl. 14 4 cenuii, L2 cpl. 26 2 negricioase, 4 cenuii, L3 cpl. 35 1 cenuiu, L5 cpl. 51 5, 2 roii, 3 cenuii, L5 cpl. 51 5, 2 roii, 1 cenuiu, uor adncite, L1 cpl. 4, 1 negricios, 3 cenuii. Ceramica zgrunuroas din locuinele de suprafa: L1 cpl. 14 4, din care, 3 fragmente de la un vas de provizii decorat cu incizii n val i orizontale (fig. 38/8, 2 de la un vas bitronconic (fig. 38/9), 2 margini cu buza evazat i rotunjit, 3 baze drepte; L2 cpl. 26, 8, din care dou negricioase, 1 toart n seciune oval i 6 cenuii, 2 borcane cu buza rotunjit, cenuie, 1 borcan cu buza evazat ngroat, gt scurt, corp bombat (fig. 54/4), 2 vase de provizii din care o buz cu seciunea n T, gt marcat, corp bombat, 1 fragment vas de provizii pe corp cu o linie n val (fig. 54/6), 2 corpuri canelate, 1 baz dreapt; L3 cpl. 35 1, vas de provizii pe umr cu linii n val (fig. 79/7); L5 cpl. 51, 5, 2 roie, 1 buz de la un vas de provizii i 3 fragmente decorate cu fine benzi liniare suprapuse de altele n val, 1 glbui-cenuie, cu miez negru, 1 baz, 3 cenuii, din care 2 borcane, buza unuia are interior cteva incizii concentrice (fig. 92/1), 1 baza uor evazat (fig. 92/3, 5), 3 baze. n locuinele uor adncite s-a descoperit n, L1, cpl. 4, 1 borcan negricios (fig. 29/4) i alte 3 borcane (fig. 29/2, 8; 30/9), 2 baze inelare (fig. 29/3; 30/4), 17 =4+6+ 1+6. Forme: din locuinele de suprafa: L1 cpl. 14, 1 vas de provizii (fig. 38/8, 1 vas bitronconic (fig. 38/9), L2 cpl. 26, 3 borcane (fig. 54/4), 3 vase de provizii (fig. 54/6), cpl. 35 1, vas de provizii (fig. 79/7); L5 cpl. 51 5, 1 vas de provizii crmiziu, 2 borcane (fig. 92/1). Din locuinele uor adncite provine, din L1, cpl. 4, 1 borcan negricios (fig. 29/4) i 3 borcane cenuii (fig. 29/2, 8; 30/9). Total forme ntregibile 11 = 4 borcane, 6 vase de provizii, 1 vas bitronconic. b. Gropi. Numrul de fragmente ceramice descoperite: G1 cpl. 24a 2 = 2 vase, nu a aprut n G3 cpl. 69a, G5 cpl. 114. Tehnici de ardere: G1 cpl. 24a, 2 cenuii. Forme, G1 24a, 2 borcane (fig. 50/4, 11), 1 baz (fig. 50/7), 1 borcan. c. Aglomerri ceramice, ceramica zgrunuroas cenuie, A1 cpl. 42, 3, 1 borcan negricioas cu buza rotunjit i corp bombat (fig. 85/1), 1 buz glbui-alburie, 1 buz cenuie i nu apare n A2 cpl. 64. Total vase 3, forme ntregibile cenuii 1 borcan. 5. Ceramica zgrunuroas, secolele V-VI Numr de complexe 3 = 0L + 2G + 1A Total vase fragmentare: 4 = 3G + 1A b. Gropi, G2 cpl. 120, 3 castroane decorate cu benzi de linii vlurite (fig. 138/5-6), 1 baz (fig. 138/8) i nu apare n G1 cpl. 95, total 3 vase. c. Aglomerare de materiale, A1 cpl. 86, 1 baz cenuie (fig. 122/5) 1 vas.

Banca Gar - apte case, the coarse ceramic ware

Total number of complexes = 4 (3PG + 1A29) sec. III-IV + 22 DL [(18sp + 4ad) + 6PG + 1A]+ 58 [18DL (15sp + 3ad) + 34PG + 6A] + 4 [3DL(3sp + 0ad) + 1A]. Total fragmentary of the coarse ceramic ware: 103 vessels, 0 3rd century + 4 3th4th centuries + 70 3th4th centuries + 25 3th4th centuries + 4 3th4th centuries. 1. The coarse ceramic ware, the 3th century Complexes 6 = 3L+3PG No coarse ceramic ware was found in any archaeological complex. 2. The coarse ceramic ware, 3th4th centuries Total number of complexes 18 = 6DLsp + 3DLad + 7PG + 2A, of which occurred in 2 = 1Lsp + 0DLad + 0PG + 1A


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Total fragmentary of the coarse ceramic ware: 4 vessels = 3DL(3sp + 0ad) + 1A With 3rd4th centuries, with six surface dwelling, vessels made of coarse paste were found in, DL6 cpl. 72 3 vasses, was not in DL1 cpl. 12a, DL2 cpl. 17, DL3 cpl. 29, DL4-5 cpl. 33-34. It appeared in the three slightly buried dwellings, DL1 cpl. 10, DL2 cpl. 31, DL3 cpl. 78, one was in any of the seven pits, PG1 cpl. 13, PG2 cpl. 32, PG3 cpl. 62, PG4 cpl. 74, PG5 cpl. 93, PG6 cpl. 94, PG7 cpl. 106, and in two agglomerations of ceramic, A2 cpl. 73a 1 pot and was not in A1 cpl. 70. Vessels made of coarse paste were found in the surface dwelling P-L6 cpl. 72; there were three vessels of grayish coarse paste, a food storage vessel, a slightly flared base and other straight or rounded toward the base; A2 cpl. 73a, there were five, out of which a food storage vessel (fig. 113/4) 4. Shapes of vessels reconstructed by drawing: DL6 cpl. 72, 1 food storage vessel, gray fired, A2 cpl. 73a, 1 grayish food storage vessel (fig. 113/4) 2 = food storage vessels, gray fired. Dwellings - agglomerations of ceramic materials total no. of vessels in relation to the type of firing 4 grayish: DL6 cpl. 72, 3 grayish, A2 cpl. 73a, 1 grayish. 3. The coarse ceramic ware, the 4th century Total number of complexes 27 = 6Lsp+ 2Lad + 16G + 5A 20 = 5Lsp+1Lad+9G+5A Total number of shapes that can be reconstructed: 70 = 13L(12sp+1ad+ 43PG+10A) a. Surface dwellings. In 5 of the 5 surface dwellings there appeared parts of vessels modeled out of coarse paste, as follows DL1 cpl. 1 4, DL2 cpl. 15 3, DL3 cpl. 30 3, DL4 cpl. 48 4, DL5 cpl. 57 1, in two of the buried dwellings too, DL1 cpl. 77 2, = 17 vessels. No parts of vessels made of coarse paste were found in the potters workshop, cpl. 65, in the surface dwellings, L4 cpl. 48, DL6 cpl. 96 and in a slightly buried one, DL2 cpl. 91. The number of pottery fragments found in: PG2 cpl. 19 5; PG3 cpl. 33a 5; PG4 cpl. 37 4; PG6 cpl. 49 6; PG9 cpl. 71 15; PG10 cpl. 80 2; PG11 cpl. 92 2; PG14 cpl. 115 2; PG16 cpl. 119 2 = 43 vessels. No parts of vessels in PG1 cpl. 18, PG5 cpl. 39, PG7 cpl. 50, PG12 i 12a cpl. 104-104a, PG15 cpl. 116 and in A1 cpl. 21a 3, A2 cpl. 43 3, A3 cpl. 60 1, A4 cpl. 61 2, A5 cpl. 88 1 = 10 vessels. Total 13+43+10 = 70 vessels. Dwellings total no. of vessels in relation to the firing technique, in the surface: DL1, cpl. 1, 1 yellowish, 1 brown-yellowish, 2 grayish, DL2, cpl. 15, 3 grayish, DL3, cpl. 30, 3 grayish, DL4 cpl. 48, 4 grayish, DL5, cpl. 57, 1 grayish, buried dwellings: DL1 cpl. 77, 2 grayish. Total number to the firing technique, 17 vessels = 1 yellowish L1sp cpl. 1; 1 brown - yellowish Lsp1 cpl. 1; 15 grayish, 2 Lsp1. cpl. 1, 3 Lsp3. cpl. 15, 3 DLsp3. cpl. 30, 4 Lsp-4-5. Cpl. 48, 57, 2 L1ad cpl. 77. Surface dwellings: DL1 cpl. 1, 4 there were shaped of coarse paste a yellowish pot with high neck and rounded body, a food storage vessel brown-yellowish fired (fig. 28/6) and two other grayish large vessels for food storage (fig. 28/5, 7); DL2 cpl. 15, 3 grayish, a pot neck (fig. 39/7), two food storage vessels with widened rim and biconical body (fig. 39/5); DL3 cpl. 30, three grayish food storage vessels, one with inner-turned rim, of triangular cross-section (fig. 63/3) and a base; L4 cpl. 48, patru vase de provizii cenuii, cu buze aproximativ n T (fig. 88/5-7, 9), ultimele dou pe corp cu benzi de linii incizate drept sau vlurit, trei baze drepte i una inelar (fig. 88/8); 4 food storage vessels with approximately T-shaped rims (fig. 88/5-7, 9), the latter two have on the body incised registers covered with straight or wavy lines, 3 bases straight and 1 basis annular (fig. 88/8); DL5 cpl. 57, a grayish pot with the inner side of the rim grooved so to sustain the lid (fig. 94/3). Slightly buried dwellings: DL1 cpl. 77, two, a food storage vessel, a base (fig. 117/8-9) and a potsherd with horizontal incisions (fig. 117/3) 17 =4+3+3+4+1+3. Shapes DL1 cpl. 1, 1 food storage vessel brown-yellowish fired (fig. 28/6) and 2 grayish vessels for food storage (fig. 28/5, 7); DL2 cpl. 15, 2 food storage vessels (fig. 39/5); DL3 cpl. 30, 3

Ceramica din past zgrunuroas / Coarse ceramic paste


grayish food storage (fig. 63/3); DL5 cpl. 57, 1 pot (fig. 94/3). Slightly buried dwellings: DL1 cpl. 77, 1 food storage vessel (fig. 117/8-9). Total number of shapes that can be reconstructed 11 vessels: all gray: G2 cpl. 19, 1 food storage vessel, 4 jars, G3 cpl. 33a, 5 food storage vessels (fig. 75/1, 3-4; 76/1, 4), G4 cpl. 37, 2 jars, 1 food storage vessel, G6 cpl. 49, 2 jars, 4 food storage vessels (fig. 89/1, 4), G9 cpl. 71, 7 food storage vessels (fig. 109); G11 cpl. 92, 1 food storage vessel, G14 cpl. 115, 1 jars (fig. 134/2). Total 27 vessels = 9 jars, 18 food storage vessels. b. Pits coarse ceramic ware. Pits total no. of vessels in relation with the firing technique =43 vessels: PG1 cpl. 19, 1 red-brick, 4 grayish; PG3 cpl. 33a, 5 grayish; PG4 cpl. 37, 4 grayish, PG6 cpl. 49, 6 grayish, PG9 cpl. 71, 15 grayish, PG10 cpl. 80, 2 grayish, PG11 cpl. 92, 2 grayish, PG14 cpl. 115, 2 grayish, PG16 cpl. 119, 2 grayish, = 43 vessels. Firing techniques: 1 red brick, 1 PG1, cpl. 19, 42 grayish, 4 PG1, cpl. 19, 5 PG3 cpl. 33a, 4 PG4 cpl. 37, 6 PG6 cpl. 49, 15 PG9 cpl. 71, 2 PG10 cpl. 80, 2 PG11 cpl. 92, 2 PG14 cpl. 115, 2 PG16 cpl. 119 = 43 vessels. Pits coarse ceramic ware. PG1 cpl. 19, 1 red brick, 4 grayish, PG3 cpl. 33a, 5 grayish, out of which four food storage vessels with T-shaped rims (fig. 75/1, 3-4; 76/1), another one with flared rim (fig. 76/4) and a ring-like base; PG4 cpl. 37, 4 grayish, two pots with alveoli on the rims for the lid, a food storage vessel with horizontal or wavy incisions, two fragments of bases from the same vessel; PG6 cpl. 49, 6 grayish, two pots, four food storage vessels, the first brick red with horizontally widened rim, with registers of wavy or grooved lines on the body (fig. 89/1, 4) and three bases; PG9 cpl. 71, 15 grayish vessels for food storage (fig. 109) and eight rims; PG10 cpl. 80, 2 grayish, a body ornamented with incisions and a base from a vessel with thick walls (fig. 121/8); PG11 cpl. 92, 2 grayish, a food storage vessel with wide T-shaped rim and a base; PG14 cpl. 115, a pot with rounded rim (fig. 134/2), plus the base; PG16 cpl. 119, 2 grayish, a body of vessel and two bases (fig. 137/2) 43 vessels = 5+5+4+615+2+2+2+2. Shapes all grayish ware: PG1 cpl. 19, 5, out of which a food storage vessel (fig. 44/6), four pots, PG3 cpl. 33a, 4 food storage vessels (fig. 75/1, 3-4; 76/1), another one with flared rim (fig. 76/4), PG4 cpl. 37, 5, 2 pots, 1 food storage vessel, PG6 cpl. 49, 2 pots, 4 food storage vessels (fig. 89/1, 4), PG11 cpl. 79, 1 food storage vessel, PG11 cpl. 92, 1 food storage vessel, PG14 cpl. 115, 5, 1 pot (fig. 134/2), PG2 cpl. 120, 2 bowls (fig. 138/5-6). Total shapes that can be reconstructed: 21 vessels = 9 pots, 12 food storage vessels. Forms: A1 cpl. 21a, 1 jar, A5 cpl. 88, 1 food storage vessel (fig. 123/4), 2 vessels = 1 jar and 1 food storage vessel. c. Agglomerations of ceramic materials: A1 cpl. 21a 3, A2 cpl. 43 3, A3 cpl. 60 1, A4 cpl. 61 2, A6 cpl. 88 1. No such ware was found in A5 cpl. 64. Coarse ceramic ware, in A2 cpl. 43, 1 potsherds with wavy incisions, 2 bases, A3 cpl. 60, 1 potsherds with wavy incisions; A4 cpl. 61, 2 potsherds with horizontal incisions with wide T-shaped rim; A5 cpl. 88, 1 food storage vessel (fig. 123/4) 10 vessels =3+3+1+2+1. Total shapes that can be reconstructed, grayish: A5 cpl. 88, 1 food storage vessel (fig. 123/4) 1 vessel. Agglomerations of ceramic materials - total no. of vessels in relation to the firing technique: A1 cpl. 21a, 1 grayish, 2 red-brick, A2 cpl. 43, 3 grayish, A3 cpl. 60, 1 grayish, A4 cpl. 61, 2 grayish, A5 cpl. 88, 1 grayish, = 10 vessels. Tehnici de ardere: 1 reddish A1 cpl. 21a, 9 grayish, 2 A1 cpl. 21a, 3 A2 cpl. 43, 1 A3 cpl. 60, 2 A4 cpl. 61, 1 A5 cpl. 88. Agglomerations: A1 cpl. 21a, a pot with inner-turned edge (fig. 49/2), 2 brick-red, the base of a vessel whose interior was finished by means of a spatula (fig. 49/5), a body of a vessel ornamented with horizontal and wavy incised stripes (fig. 49/3); A2 cpl. 43, 3, the body of a vessel ornamented with wavy grooves, two bases; A3 cpl. 60, 1 ornamented potsherd with wavy incisions; A4 cpl. 61, two potsherds decorated with wavy incisions one with T-shaped rim; A5 cpl. 88, 1 food storage vessel (fig. 123/4). Shapes: A1, cpl. 21a, 1 pot, A2, cpl. 42, IV-V, 1 pot, A6 cpl. 88, 1 grayish vessel for food storage (fig. 123/4) 6 vessels =2+1+2+1. Forme: 1 food storage vessel.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

4. The coarse ceramic ware, 4th5th centuries Total number of complexes, 16 = 9DL (6sp + 3ad) + 5PG + 2A, of which appeared in 9 = 6DL (5sp + 1ad) + 2PG + 1A. Total number of shapes that can be reconstructed, 25 vessels = 18DL(17sp+1ad)+6PG+3A a. Coarse ceramic ware with surface dwelling, parts of the vessels appeared in five surface dwelling, DL1 cpl. 14 4, DL2 cpl. 26 6, DL3 cpl. 35 1, DL5 cpl. 51 6, = 17 vessels, no such ware was found in DL4 cpl. 36, DL6 cpl. 96. With surface dwelling comes only from DL1,cpl. 4 4. Firing techniques: DL1 cpl. 14 4 grayish, DL2 cpl. 26 2 blackish and 6 grayish, DL3 cpl. 35 1 grayish, DL5 cpl. 51 5, 2 reddish and 3 grayishs, with DL5 cpl. 51 6, 2 reddish, 4 grayish and with slightly buried dwellings, with DL1 cpl. 4, 1 blackish and 3 grayish. Surface dwelling: DL1 cpl. 14 4, din care, 3 3 fragments of a food storage pot decorated with waved and horizontal incisions (fig. 38/8), 2 of a biconical pot (fig. 38/9), 2 edges with flared and rounded rim; 3 straight bases; DL2 cpl. 26, 8, in which either 2 blackish, 1 handle and 6 grayish, 2 jars with thickened flared rim, short neck, rounded body (fig. 54/4; 2 food storage vessel, 1 wall of food storage vessel (fig. 54/6), 2 walls, 1 base; DL3 cpl. 35 1, food storage vessel (fig. 79/7); DL5 cpl. 51, 5, 1 red coarse ceramic paste, rim of a food storage pot and 3 fragments decorated with fine linear stripes superposed by other wavy stripes; grayish yellowish, yet with black core, 1 basis (basis=11 cm); grayish, 1 pot, its rim has inside few concentric incisions (fig. 92/1; 4 bases (fig. 92/3, 5). With slightly buried dwellings comes with L1, cpl. 4, 1 blackish jars (fig. 29/4) i 3 grayish jars (fig. 29/2, 8; 30/9), 2 bases annular (fig. 29/3; 30/4). Forms: with surface dwelling: DL1 cpl. 14, 1 food storage vessel (fig. 38/8), 1 vessel bitronconic (fig. 38/9), DL2 cpl. 26, 3 grayish jars (fig. 54/4), 3 food storage vessels (fig. 54/6), DL3 cpl. 35 1, food storage vessel (fig. 79/7); DL5 cpl. 51 6, 1 reddish food storage vessel, 2 jars (fig. 92/1). Of slightly buried dwellings comes, of DL1, cpl. 4, 1 pot blackish (fig. 29/4) and 3 grayish jars (fig. 29/2, 8; 30/9), 17 = 4+6+1+6. Total number forms can be reconstructed 11 vessels = 4 pots, 6 food storage vessels and 1 vessel bitronconic. Total number of vessels with surface dwelling: DL1 cpl. 14 4, DL2 cpl. 26 8, DL3 cpl. 35 1, DL5 cpl. 51 5, 2 reddish i 3 grayis. b. Pits. The number of pottery fragments found in: PG2 cpl. 26a 2, PG4 cpl. 79 2 = 4 vessels, not appeared in G3 cpl. 69a, G5 cpl. 114. Firing techniques: PG2 cpl. 26a, 2 grayish, PG4, cpl. 79, 1 grayish-reddish and 1 grayish. The coarse ceramic 4 vessels = PG2 cpl. 26a, 1 potsherd with food storage vessel (fig. 56/3), 2 bases (fig. 56/2), PG4, cpl. 79, 1 potsherd with food storage vessel, 1 wall with incisions, 1 basis. Not found in PG3 cpl. 69a, PG5 cpl. 114, 3 vessels. c. Agglomerations: A1 cpl. 42, 3, 1 blacgish jar (fig. 85/1), 1 yellow-whitish lip, 1 grayis lip, and no such ware was found in A2, cpl. 64. Total number of forms can be reconstructed 1 jar. 5. The coarse ceramic ware, 5th6th centuries Total number of complexes, 3 = 0L + 2PG + 1A. Total fragmentary vessels, 4 vessels = 3PG + 1A. b. Pits, PG2 cpl. 120, 3 tureens, basis (fig. 138/5-6, 8), 4 vessels, not appear in L1 cpl. 95. c. Agglomerations of ceramic materials, A1 cpl. 86, 1 grayish base (fig. 122/5), 1 vas.

Ceramica din past puin zgrunuroas / Slightly coarse ceramic paste


Ceramic din past puin zgrunuroas - nisipoas

Total complexe = 25 [10L (0sp + 10ad) + 15G] sec. III + 62 [42L (24sp + 18ad) + 19G + 1A] sec. III-IV + 64 [17L (13sp + 4ad) + 35G + 12A] sec. IV + 51 [36L (35sp+1ad) + 9G + 6A] + 18 sec. IV-V+ 1 sec. V-VI Total 222 + 25 = 246 vase = 25 sec. III + 62 sec. III-IV + 64 sec.IV + 51+18 sec. IV-V + 2 sec. V-VI = 25+62+64+51+18+1+25. 1. Ceramic din past puin zgrunuroas din secolul al III-lea Total numr de complexe, 4 = 1 L(0sp + 1ad) + 3G + 0A. Total vase fragmentare din past puin zgrunuroas: 25 vase. 10pz (1r+1n+8c) Lad1 cpl. 28 + 8pz G1 cpl. 21 + 5pz (2r +3c) G2 cpl. 113 + 2pz G3 cpl. 121) = 10L (0Lsp + 10Lad) + 15G + 0A = 10pz (1r + 1n + 8c) + 8pz + 5pz (2r+3c) + 2pz. n complexele din aceast perioad, spate pn n prezent, ceramic puin zgrunuroas s-a gsit n locuina uor adncit, L1 cpl. 28 10 i n gropi, G1 cpl. 21 - 8, G2 cpl. 113 - 5, G3 cpl. 121 2, total 25 vase = 10+8+5+2. Tehnica de ardere. n raport cu specificul arderii, 1 ars roietic L1 cpl. 28; 1 negru L1 cpl. 28; 8 cenuii L1 cpl. 28; G1 cpl. 21, 1 roietic, 1 negricios, 6 cenuii; G2 cpl. 113, 2 roietice, 3 cenuii-nchis (fig. 132/2, 5); G3 cpl. 121, 2 cenuii (fig. 139/3; 140/6). Total. n raport cu specificul arderii, 4 arse roietic, 2 negre, 19 cenuii. a. n locuina uor adncit, L1 cpl. 28, 10 vase pstrate fragmentar aveau un aspect puin zgrunuros, ntre ele unul ars roietic, o baz uor evazat, altul negru, tot o baz i 8 cenuii, din care patru borcane cu buze ngroate (fig. 59/7) i trei vase de provizii, dou buze ngroate, o baz dreapt i una inelar, total 10 vase. b. Ceramica zgrunuroas din gropi, G1 cpl. 21, 8 vase, din care un vas mic de culoare negricioas cu buza arcuit exterior, un castron cu umrul canelat, un borcan cu buza lit, pe mijloc cu o nuire pentru capac (fig. 47/3), un ciob cu incizii orizontale, trei baze din care una arcuit exterior i trei desprinse de pe masa olarului cu sfoara; G2 cpl. 113, 5 un perete de vas i o baz roie-cenuie, 2 cenuii-nchis, o buz de borcan i dou baze (fig. 132/2, 5); G3 cpl. 121, 2, un perete de vas (fig. 139/4) i un gt de can cenuiu nchis (fig. 140/6), total 15 vase. Forme reconstituite prin desen, 4 borcane (fig. 59/7) din L1 cpl. 28; 3 vase de provizii din L1 cpl. 28; 1 vas mic negricios G1 cpl. 21, 1 borcan G1 cpl. 21 (fig. 47/3); 1 borcan din G2 cpl. 113 (fig. 132/2, 5); 1 can (fig. 140/6), din G3 cpl. 121. Tipuri de vase: 11 = 1 mic vas negricios i cenuii, 1 can, 6 borcane, 3 vase de provizii. 2. Ceramic din past puin zgrunuroas din secolele III-IV Numr de complexe 18 = 9L (6sp+3ad) + 7G + 2A, din care a aprut n 9 = 6L (4sp+2ad) + 2G + 1A. Numr de vase din past puin zgrunuroas: 62 vase = 42L (24sp + 18ad) + 19G + 1A 6 Lsp1, cpl. 12a + 7 Lsp2 cpl. 17 + 8(1r+7c) Lsp3 cpl. 29 + 3 Lsp5 cpl. 34 + 6 Lad2 cpl. 31 + 12 (2r+2r-g+3cn+5c) Lad3 cpl. 78 + 7(2g-r+5c) G2 cpl. 32 + 12 (1r-g+2a+1gr+8c) G7 cpl. 106 + 1 A2 cpl. 73 Din cele ase locuine de suprafa ceramica puin zgrunuroas a aprut n cinci, L1 cpl. 12a 6, Lsp2 cpl. 17 7, Lsp3 cpl. 29 8, Lsp5 cpl. 34 3, 24 vase, n dou dintre locuinele adncite, Lad4 cpl. 31 6 i Lad3 cpl. 78 12, 18 vase. Nu era n locuina de suprafa, Lsp4 cpl. 33 sau n aceea uor adncit, Lad1 cpl. 10, din cele apte gropi, nu era ceramic puin zgrunuroas n, G1 cpl. 13, G3 cpl. 62, G4 cpl. 74, G5 cpl.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

93 i G6 cpl. 94, pentru ca s fie n G2 cpl. 32 7pz(2g-r + 5c), G7 cpl. 106 12, 19 vase iar din cele dou aglomerri de materiale, nu era n A1 cpl. 70, dar se afla n A2 cpl. 73, 1 vas. Total 62 vase = 24+18+19+1. Tehnici de ardere, past puin zgrunuroas: 2 albicioase G7 cpl. 106, 4 roietice-glbui, 2 L3ad cpl. 78, 2 G7 cpl. 106; 2 glbui-rozie G2 cpl. 32, 3 roietice, 1 L3sp cpl. 29, 2 L3ad cpl. 78; 3 cenuii-negricioase, L3ad cpl. 78; 48 cenuii, 6 L1sp cpl. 12a, 7 L2sp cpl. 17, 7 L3sp cpl. 29, 3 L5sp cpl. 34, 6 L2ad cpl. 31, 7 L3ad cpl. 78, 5 G2 cpl. 32, 8 G7 cpl. 106, 1 A2 cpl. 73. a. Locuine i gropi, aglomerri de materiale nr. total de vase n raport cu specificul arderii: L1 cpl. 12a, 6 cenuii, L2 cpl. 17, 7 cenuii, L3 cpl. 29, 1 roietic, 7 cenuii, L5 cpl. 34, 3 cenuii = 24 vase (6+7+8+3+3), uor adncite, L2 cpl. 31, 6 cenuii, L3 cpl. 78, 2 roietice-glbui, 2 roii, 3 cenuii-negricioase, 5 cenuii = 18 vase (6+12). Gropi, G2 cpl. 32, 7, dou glbuiroietice (fig. 68/6-7) iar cinci din past cenuie (fig. 68/8-10); iar din G7 cpl. 106, 1 roietic-glbui, 1 glbui-roziu, 12 cenuii = 19 vase. Aglomerri, A2 cpl. 73, 1 cenuiu = 1 vas, total = 62 vase (24+18+19+1). a. n locuinele de suprafa, past puin zgrunuroas s-a gsit n, L1 cpl. 12a, din 21 de vase aflate aici, ceramicii puin zgrunuroase aparineau ase, dou mari i o baz (fig. 34/5-6, 8), trei buze ngroate rotunjit, prima de la un borcan de culoare neagr-cenuie (fig. 33/3, 7-8) i o baz cu urme circulare; L2 cpl. 17, 7, dou vase de provizii glbui-crmizii (fig. 41/6), o can roietic (fig. 41/4), patru cenuii, o buz de borcan (fig. 41/2), dou buze evazate (fig. 42/5) i un corp decorat cu o canelur vlurit; L3 cpl. 29, 8, o amfor nisipoas roietic, spre gt cu dou perforri (fig. 60/6), 7 cenuii, trei buze invazate, o baz uor concav (fig. 60/3) i trei vase de provizii din care, un fragment cu decor incizat i dou baze drepte, din care una cu incizii concentrice; L5 cpl. 34, 3, o baz, un castron cu marginea arcuit exterior, cu buza tiat i trei baze drepte, cu apropiate de 8-10-10,5 cm; L6 cpl. 72, 3, un vas de provizii, o baz uor evazat i altele drepte sau spre baz rotunjite. Locuine uor adncite, L2 cpl. 31, 6 cenuii, un vas de provizii i ase baze de la vase diferite, dou cu urme circulare (fig. 64/12), una uor evazat, dou drepte; L3 cpl. 78, 12, 2 pri de la vase roietice-glbui, 2 din past roie, o toart i un perete, 3 cenuiinegricioase, dou pri de la un castron cu profil n S, un gt de borcan cu marginea evazat, nu prea mare i un castron cu peretele vlurit, 5 cenuii, un vas mic cu baza evazat, altul de provizii i pri de perete de la vasele acoperite cu benzi incizate drepte, care alterneaz cu altele vlurite, total 42 vase = 24 (6+7+8+3) + 18 (6+12). b. Gropi. G2 cpl. 32, glbui-roietic, 1 buz lit invazat (fig. 68/6), 1 corp decorat cu linii vlurite i adncite limitate de altele orizontale (fig. 68/7); 5 cenuii, 2 buze rotunjite; 1 buz de borcan; 2 corpuri decorate cu uoare incizii orizontale distanate (fig. 68/9-10), 1 baz desprins cu sfoara, alta simpl (fig. 68/8); G7 cpl. 106, 10, ntre ele o baz roietic-glbuie (fig. 130/7), o baz glbuie-rozie (fig. 130/10) iar 8 cenuii, dou borcane cu marginea invazat, cu dou uoare caneluri (fig. 130/3), opt cioburi de la vase cu pereii acoperii cu linii scurte, orizontale, dou buze, una rotunjit i alta mult lit, dou toarte masive, un perete de la un vas de provizii, exterior canelat larg, opt baze din care una inelar, patru drepte i trei uor evazate, total 19 vase (7+12). c. Aglomerri de materiale, n prima nu era, A1 cpl. 70, doar n A2 cpl. 73, o baz din past roie puin zgrunuroas (fig. 113/2) = 1 vas. Forme reconstituite prin desen din ceramic din past puin zgrunuroas: locuine de suprafa, L1 cpl. 12a, 2 vase mari cenuii (fig. 34/5-6), 1 borcan negru-cenuiu (fig. 33/3), L2 cpl. 17, 2 vase de provizii glbui-crmizii (fig. 41/6), 1 can roietic (fig. 41/4), 1 borcan cenuiu (fig. 41/2), L3 cpl. 29, 8, 1 amfor roietic (fig. 60/6), 3 vase de provizii cenuii, L5, cpl. 34, 3, 1 castron cenuiu; L6 cpl. 72, 1 vas de provizii cenuiu; uor adncite, L2 cpl. 31, un vas de provizii cenuiu; L3 cpl. 78, 1 castron i un borcan cenuiu-negricios, cenuii, 1 vas mic, 2 de provizii. Gropi, G7 cpl. 106, 2 borcane cenuii (fig. 130/3). Aglomerri de materiale, A2 cpl. 73, o baz din past roie puin zgrunuroas (fig. 113/2). Tipuri de vase: 1 can roietic L2 cpl. 17 (fig. 41/4), 1

Ceramica din past puin zgrunuroas / Slightly coarse ceramic paste


vas mic cenuiu L3 cpl. 78, 2 castroane, 1 cenuiu-negricios L3 cpl. 78, 1 cenuiu L5 cpl. 34; 1 amfor roietic L3 cpl. 29 (fig. 60/6); 5 borcane, 2 negre-cenuii, 1 L1 cpl. 12a (fig. 33/3) i 1 L3 cpl. 78, 3 cenuii, 1 L2 cpl. 17 (fig. 41/2), 2 G7 cpl. 106 (fig. 130/3); 11 vase de provizii, 2 glbuicrmizii L2 cpl. 17 (fig. 41/6), 9 cenuii, 3 L3 cpl. 29, 1 L6 cpl. 72, 1 L5, cpl. 34, 1 L2 cpl. 31, 2 L3 cpl. 78; 2 vase mari cenuii L1 cpl. 12a (fig. 34/5-6). 3. Ceramic din past puin zgrunuroas, secolul al IV-lea Numr de complexe 28 = 7L (5sp + 2ad) + 16G + 5A, din care a aprut n 18 = 5L (4sp + 1ad) + 8G + 5A Total vase fragmentare 64 = 17L (13sp + 4ad) + 35G + 12A 2 Lsp1 cpl. 1 + 3 Lsp3 cpl. 30 + 4 Lsp4 cpl. 48 + 4 Lsp5 cpl. 57 + 4 Lad2 cpl. 91 + 3 G1 cpl. 18 + 4 G2 cpl. 19 6(2r+1bc+3c) G3 cpl. 33a + 6 G6 cpl. 49 + 4 G8 cpl. 66A + 4 (2c+1a+1r) G10 cpl. 80 + 5pzb-r G11 cpl. 92 + 3 G15 cpl. 116 + 2 A1 cpl. 21a + 4 (1r+3c) A2 cpl. 43 + 1 A3 cpl. 60 + 4 A4 cpl. 61 + 1 A5 cpl. 88. Ceramica din past puin zgrunuroas s-a descoperit n 17 din cele 27 de complexe spate pn n prezent pentru aceast perioad, nsumeaz 64 vase, din cele apte locuine, din care cinci de suprafa, n Lsp1 cpl. 1 2, Lsp3 cpl. 30 3, Lsp4 cpl. 48 4, L5 cpl. 57 4, 13 vase, i nu este n L2 cpl. 15; se gsete i n una din cele dou locuine uor adncite, L2 cpl. 91 4, 4 vase i nu apare n L1 cpl. 77. Din cele 16 gropi ceramic puin zgrunuroas se afla n nou, G1-2 cpl. 18 3, cpl. 19 4, G3 cpl. 33a 6, G6 cpl. 49 6, G8 cpl. 66a 4, G10 cpl. 80 4, G11 cpl. 92 5, G15 cpl. 116 3, = 35 vase, nu apare n altele opt, G4 cpl. 37, G5 cpl. 39, G7 cpl. 50, G9 cpl. 71, G12-12a, 104-104a, PG14 cpl. 115, G16 cpl. 119. Apare n toate aglomerrile ceramice, A1, cpl. 21a 2, A2, cpl. 43 4, A3 cpl. 60 1, A4 cpl. 61 4, A5 88 1, 12 vase = total 64 vase. Locuine i gropi nr. total de vase n raport cu specificul arderii. Locuine de suprafa, Lsp1 cpl. 1, 2 cenuii, Lsp3 cpl. 30, 1 rou, 2 cenuii, Lsp4 cpl. 48, 4 cenuii, Lsp5 cpl. 57, 4 cenuii; uor adncite, L2 cpl. 91, 1 cenuiu. Gropi, G1 cpl. 18, 3 cenuii, cpl. 19, 4 cenuii, G3 cpl. 33a, 2 crmizii, 1 brun-cenuiu, 3 cenuii, G6 cpl. 49, 6 cenuii, G8 cpl. 66a, 4 cenuii, G10 cpl. 80, 1 albicios, 1 roietic, 2 cenuii; G11 cpl. 92, 1 brun-roietic, 4 cenuii, G15 cpl. 116, 3 cenuii. Aglomerri ceramice, A1 cpl. 21a, 2 cenuii, A2 cpl. 43, 1 roietic, 3 cenuii, A3 cpl. 60, 1 cenuiu, A4 cpl. 61, 4 cenuii, A5 cpl. 88, 1 cenuiu. Tehnici de ardere: 1 albicios G10 cpl. 80; 6 roii, 1 L3 cpl. 30, 2 G3 cpl. 33a, 1 G10 cpl. 80, 1 roietic A2 cpl. 43; 1 brun-roietic G11 cpl. 92, 1 brun-cenuiu G3 cpl. 33a, 56 cenuii, 2 L1 cpl. 1, 2 L3 cpl. 30, 4 Lsp4 cpl. 48, 4 L5 cpl. 57, 4 L2 cpl. 91, 3 G1 cpl. 18, 4 cpl. 19, 3 G3 cpl. 33a, 6 G6 cpl. 49, 4 G8 cpl. 66a, 2 G10 cpl. 80, 4 G11 cpl. 92, 3 G15 cpl. 116, 2 A1 cpl. 21a, 3 A2 cpl. 43, 1 A3 cpl. 60, 4 A4 cpl. 61, 1 A5 cpl. 88. a. Locuine de suprafa, L1 cpl. 1, dou puin zgrunuroase cenuii, un vas cu pereii groi i buza rotunjit, un borcan cu buza n T; L3 cpl. 30, 3, 1 perete din past roie, 2 buze i o baz cenuii; Lsp4 cpl. 48 4 vase de provizii; L5 cpl. 57, patru cenuii, o buz de vas de provizii, o baz inelar i dou drepte (fig. 94/9, 11); uor adncite, L2 cpl. 91, 4, 1 margine cu buza ngroat din ceramic puin zgrunuroas (fig. 124/1), dou castroane (fig. 124/5), un borcan, total 17 vase =13+4. b. Gropi, past puin zgrunuroas, G1 cpl. 18, 2 castroane, o baz (fig. 43/6, 8, 14); cpl. 19, 4, trei borcane (fig. 44/7, 10) i o margine de vas dreapt; G3 cpl. 33a, 6 vase, din care dou au fost arse crmiziu, un castron emisferic cu buza rotunjit (fig. 75/7), o baz, un borcan bruncenuiu cu marginea invazat (fig. 74/8), trei cenuii, un vas cu gt nalt i corp bombat, altul cu gt scund (fig. 75/6), un vas de provizii decorat cu linii adncite (fig. 75/5) i patru baze drepte; G6 cpl. 49, 2, o can cu buza lobat, cu burlui de scurgere (fig. 90/5) i o baz inelar (fig. 90/5); G8 cpl. 66a, 4 baze i alte pri de perei; G10 cpl. 80, 6, dou pri atipice albicioase, o baz roietic


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

lustruit, 3 cenuii (fig. 121/6), un borcan cu marginea invazat, o buz alungit i ngroat i alta cu profil nalt dreptunghiular (fig. 121/6); G11 cpl. 92, 5, o parte de la un vas de mari dimensiuni brun-roietic, 4 cenuii, perei cu linii sau benzi incizate, cu benzi din 6 linii vlurile (fig. 125/2-5); G15 cpl. 116, 3, 2 borcane (fig. 135/6), din care una cu buza alungit i ngroat (fig. 135/7); 1 vas cu buza nuit pentru capac (fig. 135/3), total = 35 vase. 57 = 17L (13sp + 4ad) + 35G + 12A c. Aglomerri ceramice, past puin zgrunuroas, A1 cpl. 21a, dou vase de provizii cu buze lite unul decorat cu segmente de cerc (fig. 48/5, 7); A2 cpl. 43, 4, o baz roietic; trei cenuii, un pahar, dou baze, A3 cpl. 60, o baz, A4 cpl. 61, 4, un castron cu profil n S, o buz, dou baze drepte i dou inelare; A5 cpl. 88, o buz (fig. 123/2) 12. Total 51 vase = 9+1+29+12. Forme reconstituite prin desen, din past puin zgrunuroas: locuine de suprafa, L1 cpl. 1, 1 borcan, Lsp4 cpl. 48 4 vase de provizii, L5 cpl. 57, 1 vas de provizii, G1 cpl. 18, 2 castroane, G2 cpl. 19, 3 borcane (fig. 44/7, 10), G3 cpl. 33a, 1 castron, 1 borcan (fig. 74/8), 1 vas de provizii (fig. 75/5), G6 cpl. 49, 1 can (fig. 90/5), G10 cpl. 80, 1 borcan, G11 cpl. 92, 1 vas de mari dimensiuni brun-roietic, G15 cpl. 116, 2 borcane, aglomerri ceramice, A1 cpl. 21a, 2 vase de provizii (fig. 48/5, 7), A2 cpl. 43, 1 pahar, A4 cpl. 61, 1 castron. Tipuri de vase: 34 = 1 vas mic, 1 pahar, 1 can, 3 castroane, din care 1 crmiziu i 2 cenuii, 9 borcane cenuii, 8 vase de provizii cenuii, 1 vas de mari dimensiuni brun-roietic. 4. Ceramic din past puin zgrunuroas, secolele IV-V Total numr de complexe 16 =9L(6Lsp + 3Lad) + 5G + 2A, din care a aprut n 10 = 5L (4Lsp + 1Lad) + 3G + 2A Total numr de vase, 51 =32L(32sp + 0ad) + 11G + 8A + 18 atelierul de olrie = 65 vase 4nLsp2 cpl. 26 + 2 Lsp3 cpl. 35 + 20(4r+1+15) Lsp4 cpl. 36+6(1r+5) Lsp5 cpl. 51 + 3 G1 cpl. 24a + 2 G2 cpl. 26a + 2 G4 cpl. 79 + 4 G5 cpl. 114 + 7 A1 cpl. 42 + 1 A2 cpl. 64 + 18 atelier olrie Din secolele IV-V pri de la vasele modelate din past puin zgrunuroas, care au aprut n cele 10 complexe spate pn n prezent pentru aceast perioad, nsumeaz 51 vase, din cele cinci locuine, din care patru de suprafa, L2 cpl. 26 4, L3 cpl. 35 2, L4 cpl. 36 20, L5 cpl. 51 6, 32 vase, nu au fost pri de vase n locuinele de suprafa, L1 cpl. 14, L3 cpl. 69a, L6 cpl. 96, nu a aprut n locuinele uor adncite, L1 cpl. 4, L2 cpl. 27, L3 cpl. 122; din cele 5 gropi ceramic zgrunuroas se afl n, G1 cpl. 24a 3, G2 cpl. 26a 2, G4 cpl. 79 2, G5 cpl. 114 4, = 11 vase, nu a aprut n G3 cpl. 69a; dar s-a gsit n toate aglomerrile ceramice, A1 cpl. 42 7, A2 cpl. 64 4 1, 8 vase. Total 51 vase = 32+11+8. Locuine i gropi nr. total de vase n raport cu specificul arderii, locuine de suprafa, L2 cpl. 26, 4 negricioase, L3 cpl. 35, 2 cenuii, L4 cpl. 36, 4 roii, 16 cenuii, L5 cpl. 51, 1 rou, 5 cenuii, 32 vase. Gropi, G1 cpl. 24a, 3 cenuii, G2 cpl. 26a, 2 cenuii, G4 cpl. 79, 1 rou, 1 cenuiu, G5 cpl. 114, 4 cenuii, 11 vase; aglomerri ceramice, A1 cpl. 42, 7 cenuii, A2 cpl. 64, 1 cenuiu, 8 vase. Total pe complexe: 6 roii, 4 L4 cpl. 36, 1 L5 cpl. 51, 1 G4 cpl. 79, 4 negricioase L2 cpl. 26, 41 cenuii, 2 L3 cpl. 35; 16 L4 cpl. 36, 5 L5 cpl. 51, 3 G1 cpl. 24a, 2 G2 cpl. 26a, 1 G4 cpl. 79, 4 G5 cpl. 114, 7 A1 cpl. 42, 1 A2 cpl. 64. a. Locuine de suprafa, L2 cpl. 26, patru din past negricioas, 3 borcane cu marginile evazate (fig. 54/3), trei fragmente probabil de la acelai vas cu buza ngroat, o toart i o baz; L3 cpl. 30, din trei era 1 perete de vas din past roie, 2 buze i o baz cenuie; L3 cpl. 35, 2, un borcan cu marginea evazat, buza tiat, pe corp, de sub gt, acoperit cu linii late (fig. 79/4), un perete de vas (fig. 79/5) i o baz; L7 cpl. 36, 20, 4 roii, un picior cilindric (fig. 81/3), un perete cu incizii, o buz n seciune triunghiular, o toart i din ceramic roie cu miez negru, un perete de la un vas cu linii incizate, cu baza imprimat cu cercuri concentrice; 16 cenuii, cinci castroane (fig. 81/1), patru vase de provizii cu buze n T sau ngroate exterior i pri de la pereii altora, cinci baze drepte (fig. 81/11), trei evazate, dou uor inelare, una desprins de pe masa olarului cu sfoara (fig.

Ceramica din past puin zgrunuroas / Slightly coarse ceramic paste


81/9); L5 cpl. 51, 6 roii, un gt de vas ornat cu incizii adnci (fig. 91/4) i o baz de vas, 6 fin cenuie, dou borcane fine degresate cu nisip i foarte puine pietricele pe gt i corp cu benzi incizate (fig. 92/7-8), un borcan cu buza alungit i ngroat cu nuire pentru capac, un borcan cu marginea invazat, dou baze evazate, fragment de corp avnd interior urme adnci de la finisare; locuine uor adncite, L1 cpl. 4, un borcan degresat cu amot (fig. 29/4) 32 vase =4+2+20+6. b. Gropi. G1 cpl. 24a, 3, perete de la un borcan cenuiu i probabil i baza (fig. 51/9, 11), dou baze (fig. 51/13); G2 cpl. 26a, 2, negricioas, 3 borcane cu marginile evazate (fig. 54/3), 3 fragmente probabil de la acelai vas cu buza ngroat, 1 toart i 1 baz; G4 cpl. 79, 2, 1 perete rou, cu decor incizat; 1 altul cenuiu canelat (fig. 120/14); G5 cpl. 114, 4, dou castroane, unul emisferic (fig. 133/5), altul cu buza evazat i uor ngroat, 1 borcan cu buza n T (fig. 133/6), 1 perete de vas modelat neglijent, cu benzi din 4-5 linii lustruite vlurit sau orizontale, intersectate (fig. 133/7), 11 vase = 3+2+2+4. c. Aglomerri ceramice, A1 cpl. 42, 7, 5 buze uor ngroate, baze inelare (fig. 85/2); A64 cpl. 64, un borcan (fig. 96/3), 8 vase =7+1. Forme reconstituite prin desen n locuinele de suprafa, 3 borcane negricioase (fig. 54/3) L2 cpl. 26, 1 borcan (fig. 79/4) L3 cpl. 35, 5 castroane L7 cpl. 36 (fig. 81/1), 4 vase de provizii L7 cpl. 36, 4 borcane L5 cpl. 51, locuine uor adncite, 1 borcan L1 cpl. 4. Forme de vase 21: 7 castroane, 10 borcane, 3 negricioase, 7 cenuii, 4 vase de provizii. 5. Ceramic din past puin zgrunuroas din secolele V-VI Cele dou complexe au fragmente ceramice atipice, G1 cpl. 95, G2 cpl. 120.

Banca Gar - apte case. Slightly coarse ceramic ware-sandy

Total number of complexes: 25 [10L(0sp + 10ad) + 15G] 3thcentury + 62 [42L (24sp + 18ad) + 19G + 1A] 3rd-4th centuries + 64 [17L (13sp + 4ad) + 35G + 12A] 4 th centuries + 51 [36L (32sp + 0ad) + 11G + 8A]+ 18 + 1 5rd 6th centuries Total 222 vessels = 25 3th century + 62 3rd4th centuries + 64 4th centuries + 51+18 4rd5th centuries + 2 5rd6th centuries. The researches carried out so far have totalized 222 vessels in fragmentary condition, none of them whole. 1. Slightly coarse ceramic ware. The 3th century Total number of complexes: 4 = 1 L(0sp + 1ad) + 3G + 0A Total fragmentary vessels: 25 vessels = 10DL(0DLsp + 10DLad) + 13PG + 0A 10pz (1r+1n+8c) Lad1 cpl. 28 + 8pz G1 cpl. 21 + 5pz (2r + 3c) G2, cpl. 113 + 2pz G3 cpl. 121) = 10L (0Lsp + 10Lad) + 15G + 0A = 10pz(1r + 1n + 8c) + 8pz + 5pz (2r + 3c) + 2pz In the archaeological complexes dated to this period that were excavated until now, the slightly coarse ceramic ware was found in the slightly buried dwelling DL1 cpl. 28 10 and in pits, PG1 cpl. 21 8, PG2 cpl. 113 5, PG3 cpl. 121 2, 25 vessels =10+8+5+2. Firing techniques: 1 grayish reddish L1 cpl. 28; 1 blackish DL1 cpl. 28; 8 grayish L1 cpl. 28; PG1 cpl. 21, 1 reddish, 1 blackish, 6 grayish; PG2 cpl. 113, 2 reddish-gray, 3 dark gray (fig. 132/2, 5); PG3 cpl. 121, 2 grayish (fig. 139/3;140/6). Total, in relation to combustion specific, 4 reddish, 2 blackish, 19 grayish. a. The slightly coarse ceramic of slightly buried dwelling, DL1 cpl. 28, the 10 vessels preserved in fragmentary condition had a slightly coarse aspect, among them being one reddish fired, a slightly flared base, another one black, also a base, and 8 grayish out of which four pots with thickened rims (fig. 59/7) and three vessels for food storage, two thickened rims, a straight


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

base and a ring-like one, total = 10 vessels. b. The slightly coarse ceramic of pits, PG1 cpl. 21, 8 vessels, out of which a small blackish vessel with outer turned rim, a bowl with grooves on the shoulder, a pot with widened rim, with a groove for the lid amid the rim (fig. 47/3), a potsherd with horizontal incisions, three bases out of which one outer-turned and three detached with the rope; PG2 cpl. 113, 5, a wall of a vessel and a grayish red base, 2 dark grayish, a base of a pot and two other bases (fig. 132/2, 5); PG3 cpl. 121, 2, a wall of a vessel and a neck of a mug of dark grayish paste (fig. 140/6), total = 15 vessels. Shapes recreated by means of drawing, DL1 cpl. 28, grayish, 4 pots, 3 vessels for food storage DL1 cpl. 28; 1 small blackish an 1 jars PG1 cpl. 21 (fig. 47/3); 1 jar PG2 cpl. 113 (fig. 132/2, 5); 1 mug PG3 cpl. 121 (fig. 140/6). Forms of 11 vessels: 1 small blackish; grayish vessel, 1 mug, 6 jars, 3 vessels for food storage. 2. Slightly coarse ceramic ware 3rd 4th centuries Total number of complexes 18 = 9DL (6sp + 3ad) + 7PG + 2A, of which appeared in 9 = 6L (4sp + 2ad) + 2G + 1A. Total fragmentary vessels: 62 vessels = 42DL (24sp + 18ad) + 19PG + 1A 6 DLsp1, cpl. 12a + 7 DLsp2 cpl. 17 + 8 (1r+7c) DLsp3 cpl. 29 + 3 DLsp5 cpl. 34 + 6 DLad2 cpl. 31 + 12(2r+2r-g+3cn+5c) DLad3 cpl. 78 + 7(2g-r+5c) PG2 cpl. 32 + 12(1r-g+2a+ 1gr+8c) PG7 cpl. 106 + 1 A2 cpl. 73 The slightly coarse ceramic ware was identified in most of the 9 archaeological complexes excavated so far. Out of the six surface dwellings, of them being, did not contain slightly coarse ceramic ware, while the five surface dwellings such pottery was found in: DL1-2 cpl. 12a 6, cpl. 17 7, DL3 cpl. 29 8, DL5 cpl. 34 3 = 24 vessels, and not in L4 cpl. 33, DL6 cpl. 72. The first slightly buried dwelling did not contain such pottery DL1 cpl. 10, but it was found in DL2 cpl. 31 6 and in DL3 cpl. 78 12, 18 vessels, and out of the pits, contained no slightly coarse ceramic ware, PG1 cpl. 13, PG3 cpl. 62, PG4 cpl. 74, PG5 cpl. 93 and PG6 cpl. 94, while it was present in PG2 cpl. 32 7, PG7 cpl. 106 12, 19 vessels, and in of the two agglomerations of materials, not in A1 cpl. 70, but it was found in A2 cpl. 73, 1 vessel. Total 62 vessels =24+18+19+1. Dwellings and pits, agglomerations of materials total no. of vessels related to the type of firing: DL1 cpl. 12a, 6 grayish, DL2 cpl. 17, 7 grayish, DL3 cpl. 29, 1 reddish, 7 grayish, DL5 cpl. 34, 3 grayish, 24 vessels (6+7+8+3+3), slightly buried, DL2 cpl. 31, 6 grayish, DL3 cpl. 78, 2 yellowish reddish, 2 red, 3 grayish-blackish, 5 grayish = 18 vessels (6+12), and in the pits, PG2 cpl. 32, 2 reddish-yellowish, 5 grayish; PG7 cpl. 106, 1 reddish-yellowish, 1 yellowish-pink, 10 grayish. Agglomerations, A2 cpl. 73, 1 grayish = 62 vessels (24+18+19+1). Firing techniques: 10 = 2 albicioase PG7 cpl. 106, 4 reddish yellowish, 2 DL3ad cpl. 78, 2 PG7 cpl. 106; 2 yellowish-pink PG2 cpl. 32, 3 reddish, 1 DL3sp cpl. 29, 2 DL3ad cpl. 78; 3 grayish-blackish, DL3ad cpl. 78; 54 grayish, 6 DL1sp cpl. 12a, 7 DL2sp cpl. 17, 7 DL3sp cpl. 29, 3 DL5sp cpl. 34, 6 DL2ad cpl. 31, 7 DL3ad Cpl. 78, 5 PG2 cpl. 32, 8 PG7 cpl. 106, 1 A2 cpl. 73. a. In the surface dwelling, DL1 cpl. 12a, out of the 21 de vessels found down there, only six belonged to the category of the slightly coarse ceramic ware, two large ones and a base (fig. 34/5-6, 8), three rounded thickened rims, the first one from a blackish grayish pot (fig. 33/3, 7-8) and a base with circular traces; DL2 cpl. 17, 7, two brick-red yellowish vessels for food storage (fig. 41/6), a reddish mug (fig. 41/4), four grayish, a pot rim (fig. 41/2), two flared rims (fig. 42/5) and a body decorated with a wavy groove; DL3 cpl. 29, 8, a reddish sandy paste amphora, with two perforations toward the neck (fig. 60/6), 7 grayish, three inner-turned rims, a slightly concave base (fig. 60/3) and three vessels for food storage out of which a fragment with incised ornamentation and two straight bases, out of which one with concentric incisions; DL5 cpl. 34, 3, a base, a bowl with outer turned edge, with cut rim and three straight bases, with similar diameters, more precisely

Ceramica din past puin zgrunuroas / Slightly coarse ceramic paste


being 8-10-10,5 cm. Slightly buried dwellings, DL2 cpl. 31, 6 grayish, a food storage vessel and si bases of different vessels, two with circular traces (fig. 64/12), one slightly flared, two straight; DL3 cpl. 78, 12, 2 parts of reddish yellowish vessels, 2 of red paste, a handle and a wall, 3 grayish blackish, two parts of a bowl with S profile, a neck of a pot with flared edge, not too large and a bowl with wavy wall, 5 grayish, a small vessel with flared base, another one for food storage and parts of vessels decorated with straight incised stripes, total 42 = 24 (6+7+8+3) + 18 (6+12). b. Pits, PG2 cpl. 32, 7, out of which two yellowish reddish, an inner-turned widened base with two grooves under the neck and two wavy lines (fig. 68/6), a body ornamented with grooved wavy lines limited by other horizontal ones (fig. 68/7) and 5 grayish, two rounded rims, a pot rim, two bodies decorated with distanced slight horizontal incisions (fig. 68/9-10), a base detached with the rope and another one simple (fig. 68/8); PG7 cpl. 106, 10, among them a reddish-yellowish base (fig. 130/7), a yellowish-pink base (fig. 130/10) and 8 grayish, two pots with inner turned edge, with two slight grooves (fig. 130/3), eight potsherds from vessels with the walls ornamented with short horizontal lines, two rims, one rounded and another one considerably widened, two massive handles, a wall from a food storage vessel, with large exterior grooves, eight bases out of which a ring-like one, four straight ones and three slightly flared, total = 19 vessels (7+12). c. Agglomerations of materials, the first one, A1 cpl. 70, did not contain any such pottery, only A2 cpl. 73, contained one base (fig. 113/2), = 1 vessels. Shapes recreated by means of drawing: surface dwellings, DL1 cpl. 12a, 2 large grayish vessels (fig. 34/5-6), 1 blackish-grayish jar (fig. 33/3), DL2 cpl. 17, 2 brick red yellowish vessels for food storage (fig. 41/6), 1 reddish mug (fig. 41/4), 1 grayish pot (fig. 41/2), DL3 cpl. 29, 8, 1 reddish amphora (fig. 60/6), 3 grayish vessels for food storage, DL5 cpl. 34, 3, 1 grayish bowl, slightly buried dwellings, DL2 cpl. 31, a grayish food storage vessel, DL3 cpl. 78, 1 bowl and a pot grayish-blackish, grayish, 1 small vessel, 2 food storage vessels; pits, PG7 cpl. 106, 2 grayish pots (fig. 130/3). Types of vessels: 1 reddish mugs DL2 cpl. 17 (fig. 41/4), 1 small vessel DL3 cpl. 78, 2 tureens, 1 blackish-grayish DL3 cpl. 78, 1 grayish DL5 cpl. 34; 1 reddish amphora DL3 cpl. 29 (fig. 60/6); 5 jars, 2 blackish-grayish, 1 DL1 cpl. 12a (fig. 33/3) and 1 DL3 cpl. 78, 3 grayish, 1 DL2 cpl. 17 (fig. 41/2), 2 PG7 cpl. 106 (fig. 130/3); 11 vessels for food storage, 2 red-yellowish DL2 cpl. 17 (fig. 41/6), 9 grayish, 3 DL3 cpl. 29, 1 DL5, cpl. 34, 1 DL2 cpl. 31, 2 DL3 cpl. 78; 2 big grayish vessels DL1 cpl. 12a (fig. 34/5-6). Forms: 1 reddish mugs, 1 small vessel, 2 tureens, 1 blackishgrayish, 1 grayish, 1 reddish amphora, 5 jars, 2 blackish-grayish, 3 grayish; 11 vessels for food storage, 2 red-yellowish, 9 grayish; 2 big grayish vessels. 3. Slightly coarse ceramic ware, the 4th century Total number of complexes 28 = 7DL (5sp + 2ad) + 16PG + 5A, of which appeared in 18 =5DL(4sp + 1ad) + 8PG + 5A. Total fragmentary vessels, 64 = 17L (13sp+4ad) + 35G + 12A 2 Lsp1 cpl. 1 + 3 Lsp3 cpl. 30 + 4 Lsp4 cpl. 48 + 4 Lsp5 cpl. 57 + 4 Lad2 cpl. 91 + 3 G1 cpl. 18 + 4 G2 cpl. 19 6(2r+1bc+3c) G3 cpl. 33a + 6 G6 cpl. 49 + 4 G8 cpl. 66a + 4(2c+1a+1r) G10 cpl. 80 + 4+1b-r G11 cpl. 92 + 3 G15 cpl. 116 + 2 A1 cpl. 21a + 4 (1r+3c) A2 cpl. 43 + 1 A3 cpl. 60 + 4 A4 cpl. 61 + 1 A5 cpl. 88. The slightly coarse ceramic ware discovered in the 17 out of the total number of 27 archaeological complexes excavated so far for this period sum up 64 vessels, as follows: in the 7 dwellings, out of which 5 surface dwelligns, DL1 cpl. 1 2, DL3 cpl. 30 3, DLsp4 cpl. 48 4, DL5 cpl. 57 4, 13 vessels, it has not been identified in L2 cpl. 15, Lsp6 cpl. 96, in one of the slightly buried dwellings, DL2 cpl. 91, 4 vessels and does not appear in DL1 cpl. 77. Out of the 16 pits, contained slightly coarse ceramic ware more precisely, PG1-2, cpl. 18 3, cpl. 19 4, PG3


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

cpl. 33a 6, PG6 cpl. 49 2, G8 cpl. 66a 4, PG10 cpl. 80 6, PG11 cpl. 92 5, PG15 cpl. 116 3, = 35 vessels, it has not been identified in PG4 cpl. 37, PG5 cpl. 39, PG7 cpl. 50, PG10, cpl. 71, PG12-12a 104-104a, PG14 cpl. 115, PG16 cpl. 119. And in agglomerations of ceramic materials, A1 cpl. 21a 2, A2 cpl. 43 4, A3 cpl. 60 1, A4 cpl. 61 4, A5 cpl. 64 1, 88 1, 12 vessels. Dwellings and pits total no. of vessels in relation to the firing technique. Surface dwellings, DL1 cpl. 1, 2 grayish, L3 cpl. 30, 1 reddish, 2 grayish, DLsp4 cpl. 48, 4 grayish, DL5 cpl. 57, 4 grayish; slightly buried dwellings, DL2 cpl. 91, 1 grayish 1; pits, PG1 cpl. 18, 3 grayish, cpl. 19, 4 grayish, PG3 cpl. 33a, 2 reddish, 1 brown-grayish, 3 grayish, PG6 cpl. 49, 6 grayish, PG10 cpl. 80, 2 whitish, 1 reddish, 3 grayish; PG11 cpl. 92, 1 brown-reddish, 4 grayish, PG15 cpl. 116, 3 grayish. Agglomerations of ceramic materials, A1 cpl. 21a, 2 grayish, A2 cpl. 43, 1 reddish, 3 grayish, A3 cpl. 60, 1 grayish, A4 cpl. 61, 4 grayish, A5 cpl. 88, 1 grayish. Firing technique: 2 whitish PG10 cpl. 80; 6 reddish, 1 DL3 cpl. 30, 2 PG3 cpl. 33a, 1 PG10 cpl. 80, 1 reddish A2 cpl. 43, 1 reddish-brown PG11 cpl. 92, 1 brown-grayish PG3 cpl. 33a, 56 greyish, 2 DL1 cpl. 1, 2 DL3 cpl. 30, 4 Lsp4 cpl. 48, 4 DL5 cpl. 57, 4 DLad2 cpl. 91, 2 PG1 cpl. 18, 4 cpl. 19, 3 PG3 cpl. 33a, 6 PG6 cpl. 49, 4 G8 cpl. 66a, 2 PG10 cpl. 80, 4 PG11 cpl. 92, 3 PG15 cpl. 116, 2 A1 cpl. 21a, 3 A2 cpl. 43, 1 A3 cpl. 60, 4 A4 cpl. 61, 1 A5 cpl. 88. a. In the surface dwellings, DL1, cpl. 1, there were found two grayish slightly coarse vessels, a vessel with thick walls and rounded base, a pot with T-shaped rim T; DL3 cpl. 30, 3, 1 wall of a red paste vessel, 2 rims and a grayish base; DL5 cpl. 57, four grayish, a wide base from a food storage vessel, a ring-like base and two straight ones (fig. 94/9, 11); slightly buried dwellings, DL2 cpl. 91, a vessel with thickened rim made of slightly coarse ceramic paste (fig. 124/1), two tureens (fig. 124/5), oane pit, total 17 vessels =13+4. b. Pits, PG1 cpl. 18, 3 tureens, one basis (fig. 43/6, 8, 14); PG2 cpl. 19, 4, three pots (fig. 44/7, 10) and a straight edge of vessel; PG3 cpl. 33a, 6, out of which two were brick-red fired, a hemispheric bowl with rounded rim (fig. 75/7), a base, a brown-grayish pot with inner-turned edge (fig. 74/8), three grayish, a vessel with high neck and rounded body, another one with short neck (fig. 75/6), a food storage pot ornamented with deepened lines (fig. 75/5) and four straight bases; PG6, cpl. 49, 6, a mug with lobed rim, with prominence for pouring (fig. 90/5) and a ring-like base (fig. 90/5); 4 G8 cpl. 66a 4, 2 bases, 2 walls; PG10 cpl. 80, 4, two atypical whitish parts, a reddish polished base, 3 grayish, a with inner turned edge, an elongated and thickened rim and another one with high rectangular profile (fig. 121/6); PG11, cpl. 92, 5, a part of a brown-reddish large vessel, 4 grayish, walls with line or stripes of incised lines, with stripes of 6 wavy lines (fig. 125/2-5); PG15 cpl. 116, 3, 2 jars, 1 a vessel with grooved rim so to sustain the lid (fig. 135/3), total = 35 vessels. c. Agglomerations of ceramic materials, A1 cpl. 21a, two vessels for food storage with widened rims one ornamented with circle segments (fig. 48/5, 7); A2 cpl. 43, 4, a reddish base; three grayish, a beaker and two straight bases, A3 cpl. 60, a base, A4 cpl. 61, 4, a bowl with S profile, a rim, two straight bases and two ring-like ones, A6 cpl. 64, a pot (fig. 96/3); A7, cpl. 88, a rim (fig. 123/2) 12 vessels. Shapes reconstructed by means of drawings: DL1, cpl. 1, 1 pot, 4 Lsp4 cpl. 48 4 food storage vessel, DL10 cpl. 57, 1 food storage vessel, PG1 cpl. 18, 2 tureens, PG2 cpl. 19, 3 jars (fig. 44/7, 10), PG3 cpl. 33a, 1 tureen, 1 jar (fig. 74/8), 1 food storage vessel (fig. 75/5), PG6, cpl. 49, 1 mug (fig. 90/5), PG10 cpl. 80, 1 pot PG11 cpl. 92, 1 brown-reddish large vessel, PG15 cpl. 116, 2 jars; agglomerations, A1 cpl. 21a, 2 vessels for food storage (fig. 48/5, 7), A3 cpl. 43, 1 beaker, A4 cpl. 61, 1 bowl. Formes, 34: 1 small vessel, 1 beaker, 1 mug, 3 tureens -1 reddish, 2 grayish, 9 jars, 8 vessels for food storage, 1 reddish-brown large vessel. 4. The slightly coarse ceramic ware, the 4rd 5th centuries Total number of complexes 16 = 9DL (6sp + 3ad) + 5PG + 2A, of which appeared in 10 = 5DL (4sp + 1ad) + 3PG + 2A. Total fragmentary vessels, 51 =32L (32sp+0ad) + 11G + 8A

Ceramica din past puin zgrunuroas / Slightly coarse ceramic paste


slightly coarse paste: 4n Lsp2 cpl. 26 + 2 Lsp3 cpl. 35 + 20(4r+1+15)Lsp4 cpl. 36 + 6(1r+5) Lsp5 cpl. 51 + 3 G1 cpl. 24a + 2 G2 cpl. 26a +2G4 cpl. 79 + 4 G5 cpl. 114 + 7 A1 cpl. 42 + 1A2 cpl. 64 = 51pz+18 potters workshop = 65 vessels. From the 4rd5th century, parts of the vessels modeled of coarse ceramic ware appeared in the 10 complexes excavated so far for this period, sums 51 vessels, of four surface dwellings, DL2 cpl. 26 4, DL3 cpl. 35 2, DL4 cpl. 36 20, DL5 cpl. 51 6, 32 vessels, were not parts of vessels in surface dwellings, DL1 cpl. 14, DL3 cpl. 69a, DL6 cpl. 96, in one of slightly buried dwellings, DL1 cpl. 4, DL2 cpl. 27 and DL3 cpl. 122; of the 5 pits the coarse ceramic ware is in, PG1 cpl. 24a 3, G2 cpl. 26a 2, PG4 cpl. 79 2, PG5 cpl. 114 4, = 11 vessels, not appeared in PG2 cpl. 26a and PG3 cpl. 69a; but was found in all agglomerations of ceramic, A1 cpl. 42 7, A2 cpl. 64 1, 8 vessels. Total 51 vessels =32+11+8. Dwellings and pits shapes reconstructed by means of drawings: surface dwellings, DL2 cpl. 26, 4 blackish, DL3 cpl. 35, 2 grayish, DL4 cpl. 36, 4 reddish, 16 grayish, DL5 cpl. 51, 1 reddish, 5 grayish, 32 vessels. Gropi, PG1 cpl. 24a, 3 grayish, G2 cpl. 26a, 2 grayish, PG4 cpl. 79, 1 reddish, 1 grayish, PG5 cpl. 114, 4 grayish, 11 vessels; agglomerations of ceramic, A1 cpl. 42, 7 grayish, A2 cpl. 64, 1 grayish, 8 vessels. Total number of complexes: 6 reddish, 4 DL4 cpl. 36, 1 DL5 cpl. 51, 1 PG4 cpl. 79, 4 blackish DL2 cpl. 26, 41 grayish, 2 L3 cpl. 35; 16 L4 cpl. 36, 5 L5 cpl. 51, 3 G1 cpl. 24a, G2 cpl. 26a, 1 G4 cpl. 79, 4 G5 cpl. 114, 7 A1 cpl. 42, 1 A2 cpl. 64. a. Surface dwellings, cpl. 26, four blackish paste vessels, 3 grayish pots with flared edges (fig. 54/3), three fragments probably from the same vessels with thickened rim, a handle and a base; cpl. 30, 3, 1 wall of a red paste vessel, 2 rims and a grayish base; DL3 cpl. 35, 2, a pot with flared edge, cut rim, with wide lines on the body, from underneath the neck (fig. 79/4), a wall of a vessel (fig. 79/5) and a base; DL7, cpl. 36, 20, 4 red vessels, a cylindrical stem (fig. 81/3), a wall with incisions, a rim with triangular cross-section, a handle; the ceramic ware of red paste with black core was represented by a wall of a vessel with incised lines, with the base showing impressed concentric circles; 16 grayish, five bowls (fig. 81/1), four vessels for food storage with T-shaped rims or outer thickened rims and parts of the walls of other vessels, five straight bases (fig. 81/11), three flared ones, two slightly ring-like, one detached with the rope (fig. 81/9); DL5 cpl. 51, 7, red, un a neck of a vessel ornamented with deep incisions (fig. 91/4) and the base of a vessel, 6 of grayish fine paste, two pots of fine sand-degreased paste containing a very low percentage of gravel, showing on the neck and body incised stripes (fig. 92/7-8), a pot with elongated thickened base with a groove for the lid, a base with inner-turned edge, two slightly flared bases, a fragment of a body with deep interior grooves from the finishing; slightly buried dwellings, DL1 cpl. 4, a grayish jars made of paste degreased with broken potshards (fig. 29/4), 32 vessels =4+2+20+6. b. Pits. PG1 cpl. 24a, 3, 1 parts of a jars (fig. 51/9, 11), 1 right base (fig. 51/13), PG4 cpl. 79, 2, 1 reddish wallt; 1 grayish grooved (fig. 120/14); G2 cpl. 26a, 2 blackish, 3 jars (fig. 54/3), 3 fragments, 1 handle and 1 basis; G4 cpl. 79, 2, 1 perete rou, cu decor incizat; 1 altul cenuiu canelat (fig. 120/14); PG5 cpl. 114, 4, 2 tureens, one hemispherical (fig. 133/5), another with flaring lip and slightly thickened, 1 jars of the rim in T (fig. 133/6), 1 one wall modeled negligent, with strips of 4-5 or horizontal wavy lines (fig. 133/7), 11 vessels =3+2+2+4. c. Agglomerations, A1 cpl. 42, 5 lip slightly thickened, 2 ring-like bases (fig. 85/2); A64 cpl. 64, 1 jars (fig. 96/3), 8 vessels = 7+1. Shapes reconstructed by means of drawings: in surface dwellings, 3 blackish jars (fig. 54/3) DL2 cpl. 26, 1 jar DL3 cpl. 35 (fig. 79/4), 5 tureens DL7 cpl. 36 (fig. 81/1), 4 vessels for food storage DL4 cpl. 36, 4 jars DL5 cpl. 51, slightly buried, 1 jar DL1 cpl. 4. Forms, 21: 10 jars, 3 blackish, 7 grayish, 7 tureens, 4 vessels for food storage. 5. The slightly coarse ceramic ware, the 5-6th century In either complexes was not have the coarse ceramic ware, PG1 cpl. 95, PG2 cpl. 120.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Banca Gar - apte case. Ceramica din past fin

Numr total de vase fragmentare: past fin 702 vase: 41 sec. III + 189 sec. III-IV + 210 sec. IV + 169+90 sec. IV-V + 3 sec. V-VI =41+189+210+169+ 90+3. Ceramica fin, cel mai frecvent ars n nuane de cenuiu, descoperit n cele 70 complexe spate pn n prezent din aceast perioad, nsumeaz 702 vase, pri de la diferitele recipiente. Numr pe complexe: 41 [23 L (0sp + 23ad) + 18 G] sec. III + 189 [122L(93Lsp + 29Lad) + 57G + 10A] sec. III-IV + 210 [54L(46sp + 8ad) + 113G + 50A] sec. IV + 169 [114L(97sp + 17ad) + 42G + 12A + 90 atelier] sec. IV-V + 3 (2G + 1A) sec. V-VI. 1. Ceramica fin - secolul al III-lea Numr complexe 4 = 1L(0sp+1ad)+3G+0A, toate au ceramic fin=1L(0sp+1ad) +3G+0A Numr total de fragmente ceramice 41 vase = 23 L (0sp + 23ad) + 18G = 22f+1ang-r L1 cpl. 28 + 6fc+2fr G1 cpl. 21 + 5fc G2 cpl. 113 + 3f+2ang-r G3 cpl. 121 =23+8+5+5 Datarea, n acord cu fragmentele ceramice lustruite i acoperite cu angob roie, corespunde secolului al III-lea p.Hr. Din complexele arheologice s-au recuperat pri de la vase din past fin: L1 cpl. 28 23 iar d in gropi, G1 cpl. 21 - 8, G2 cpl. 113 - 5, G3 cpl. 121 5, 41 vase. Locuine i gropi nr. total de vase n raport cu specificul arderii, locuina uor adncit, L1 cpl. 28 23, 1 angobat rou, 22 cenuii (fig. 59/4-5, 8), n cele trei gropi G1 cpl. 21 2 roii, 6 cenuii, G2 cpl. 113 5, 1 glbui i 4 cenuii, G3 cpl. 121 2, acoperite cu angob roie, 3 cenuii, total 41 vase =23+8+5+5. Total, tehnici de ardere: 1 glbui G2 cpl. 113, 3 acoperite cu angob roie, 1 L1 cpl. 28, 2 G3 cpl. 121, 2 roii, 2 G1 cpl. 21, 35 cenuii (22+5+5+3), 22 L1 cpl. 28, 6 G1 cpl. 21, 5 G2 cpl. 113, 3 G3 cpl. 121. a. Locuina uor adncit, L1 cpl. 28, 1 ceramic acoperit cu angob roie, 1 castron; 22 din ceramic fin cenuie, din care un platou (fig. 59/4), ase castroane cu profil n S (fig. 59/8), alte trei (fig. 59/5), dou buze lite de la vase bombate, dou vase cu gt drept (fig. 59/6, 9), apte buze (fig. 59/3) i cte dou buze arcuite exterior sau ngroate, una cu o canelur pentru capac, o buz ngroat interior, o alta cu o nuire pentru capac i o baz inelar 23 vase. b. Gropi. G1 cpl. 21, cu 18 vase, dou toarte de la vase roii diferite (fig. 47/4-5) i ase cenuii, un castron cu marginea dreapt ornat cu un zigzag lustruit limitat de nervuri (fig. 47/7), dou castroane cu profil n S (fig. 47/1-2), patru margini, gt pe mijloc cu o nervur, patru baze inelare (fig. 47/6) i una dreapt; G2 cpl. 113, din 11, un castron glbui i cinci cenuii, altul n jumtatea inferioar avea linii oblice lustruite (fig. 132/1), un bol (fig. 132/3), perete canelat, corp de vas mare, borcan cenuiu-nchis (fig. 132/2), dou baze (fig. 132/5); G3 cpl. 121, 5 vase, dou angobate rou, din care un capac (fig. 140/1) i o baz inelar (fig. 140/10) iar trei cenuii, un castron (fig. 140/11), un perete ornat cu benzi liniare lustruite (fig. 139/1), cenuie fin lustruit, dou vase tronconice cu buze evazate, poate capace (fig. 140/4-5), 18 vase =8+5+5. Forme: 1 castron angobat rou L1 cpl. 28, 1 platou L1 cpl. 28 (fig. 59/4), ase cu profil n S (fig. 59/8), alte trei (fig. 59/5) din L1 cpl. 28, G4 cpl. 113, 1 glbui, 52 castroane cenuii, 1 bol (fig. 132/3), 1 vas mare, 1 borcan cenuiu-nchis (fig. 132/2); G3 cpl. 121, 1 capac (fig. 140/1), 2 castroane (fig. 132/1; 140/11), 2 capace angobate rou (fig. 140/4-5). Forme 34: 1 castron angobat rou, 1 glbui, 1 capac acoperit cu angob roie (fig. 140/1), cenuii: 2 capace (fig. 140/4-5), 1 platou (fig. 59/4), 1 bol (fig. 132/3), 23 castroane (fig. 47/1-2, 7; 59/5, 8; 132/1; 140/11), 1 borcan (fig. 132/2), 2 vase cu gt drept (fig. 59/6, 9), 1 corp vas mare. 2. Ceramica fin - secolele III-IV Numr de complexe, 18 vase = 9L (6sp + 3ad) + 7G + 2A, din care a aprut aproape n

Ceramica din past fin / Fine ceramic paste


toate 15 =9L (6sp + 3ad) + 4G + 2A Total fragmente ceramice, 189 vase = 123L [92Lsp (10+18+16+26+13+9) + 29Lad (6+10+13)] + 57G (13+4+4+36) + 10A (6+4) 10f (2r+1b+7c) Lsp1, cpl. 12a + 18f (16c+1r+1n) Lsp2 cpl. 17 + 16f (13fc+1n+2angr) Lsp3 cpl. 29 + 26f (1n+2r+23c) Lsp4 cpl. 33 + 13f (9c+2g+1n+1ang-r) Lsp5 cpl. 34 + 9, 8c, 1n Lsp6 cpl. 72 + 6f (3fc+2r+1n) Lad1 cpl. 10 + 10f (1r+7c+2ang-r) Lad2 cpl. 31 + 12+1ang-r Lad3 cpl. 78 + 13f (12c+1r) G2 cpl. 32 + 4fc G3 cpl. 62+ 4c G6 cpl. 94 + 16fc+17fg+3ang-r G7 cpl. 106 + 6fc A1 cpl. 70 + 4fc A2 cpl. 73 = 189 vase (146c+19g+10r+ 5n+9ang-r) Din cele 18 complexe arheologice datate n aceast perioad s-au recuperat cteva pri de vase din past fin, din locuinele de suprafa, L1 cpl. 12a 10, L2 cpl. 17 18, L3 cpl. 29 16, L4 cpl. 33 26, L5 cpl. 34 13, L6 cpl. 72 9, = 92 vase, din cele trei uor adncite, L1 cpl. 10 6, L2 cpl. 31 10, L3 cpl. 78 13, = 29 vase sau n cele apte gropi din care doar patru se afla ceramic fin, G2 cpl. 32 13, G3 cpl. 62 4, G6 cpl. 94 4, G7 cpl. 106 36, = 57 vase, nu a aprut n trei gropi, G1 cpl. 13, G4 cpl. 74, G5 cpl. 93; aglomerri de ceramic, A1 cpl. 70 6, A2 cpl. 73 4, = 10 vase. Total 189 vase. a. Ceramica fin - secolele III-IV. Locuine nr. total de vase n raport cu specificul arderii: de suprafa, Lsp1 cpl. 12a, 10, 2 roie, 1 maronie, 8 cenuii; L2 cpl. 17, 18, 1 angobat rou, 1 negru, 16 cenuii; L3 cpl. 29, 16, 1 negru, 2 angobate rou, 13 cenuii; L4 cpl. 33 26, 1 cenuiu-negricios (fig. 72/9), 2 roii, 23 cenuii; L5 cpl. 34, 13, 1 negru, 1 angobat rou, 2 glbui, 9 cenuii; L6 cpl. 72, 1 negru (fig. 112/2), 8 cenuii, 92 vase; G2 cpl. 32, 1 rou, 12 cenuii, G3 cpl. 62, 4 cenuii, G6 cpl. 94, 4 cenuii, G7 cpl. 106, 36, 3 angobate rou, 17 glbui, 16 cenuii = 57 vase, locuineuor adncite, L1 cpl. 10, 6, 2 roii, 3 cenuii, 1 negru; L2 cpl. 31, 10, 2 angobate rou, 1 roietic, 7 cenuii, L3 cpl. 78, 13, 1 angobat rou, 12 cenuii, 29 vase, din cele dou aglomerri de materiale A1 cpl. 70, 6 cenuii, A2 cpl. 73, 4 cenuii. Tehica de ardere: 19 glbui, 2 L5 cpl. 34, 17 G7 cpl. 106, 8 roii, 2 Lsp1 cpl. 12a, 2 L4 cpl. 33, 1 G2 cpl. 32, 2 L1 cpl. 10, 1 L2 cpl. 31; 10 angobate rou, 1 L2 cpl. 17, 2 L3 cpl. 29, 1 L5 cpl. 34, 3 G7 cpl. 106, 2 L2 cpl. 31, 1 L3 cpl. 78; 1 maroniu, Lsp1 cpl. 12a, 5 negre, 1 L2 cpl. 17, 1 L3 cpl. 29, 1 L5 cpl. 34, 1 L6 cpl. 72, 1 L1 cpl. 10; 2 cenuiu-negricioase 1 L4 cpl. 33, 1 L1 cpl. 10 = 44; 145 cenuii: 8 Lsp1 cpl. 12a, 16 L2 cpl. 17, 13 L3 cpl. 29, 23 L4 cpl. 33, 9 L5 cpl. 34, 8 L6 cpl. 72, 12 G2 cpl. 32, 4 G3 cpl. 62, 4 G6 cpl. 94, 16 G7 cpl. 106, 3 L1 cpl. 10, 7 L2 cpl. 31, 12 L3 cpl. 78, 6 A1 cpl. 70, 4 A2 cpl. 73. Locuine de suprafa, din L1 cpl. 12a, 10, o can roie (fig. 34/1), o baz maronie (fig. 34/7) i opt cenuii, un bol (fig. 33/2), o caserol (fig. 33/1), patru gturi de borcane (fig. 33/4) i dou buze de la vase diferite (fig. 34/3-4); L2 cpl. 17, 18, un castron acoperit cu angob roie, pe umr cu protome zoomorfe (fig. 41/10) i altul negru, prevzut cu o nervur la baza gtului iar pe umr cu o linie lustruit n val (fig. 42/2); 17 cenuii, un bol (fig. 41/12), un castron emisferic, alte patru cu profile n S (fig. 41/1, 3, 5, 7), trei cu marginea dreapt, dintre care unul pe corp cu benzi n zigzag (fig. 42/1), un castron cu buza lit, altul sub gt cu dou nervuri, un borcan cu buza nuit pentru capac (fig. 42/7), 13 baze inelare i dou drepte; L3 cpl. 29, 16, un borcan negru lustruit, o fructier acoperit cu angob roie (fig. 61/1), ca i un picior (fig. 61/5), 13 cenuii, patru castroane, din care trei cu peretele n S (fig. 60/2; 61/4), patru borcane cu gt invazat, dou borcane, un vas globular (fig. 61/3), o baz dreapt cu urme circulare, tiate de o raz (fig. 60/6) i patru inelare; L4sp cpl. 33, ntre cele 26 de vase modelate la roat, din past fin dar arse diferit era un gt de borcan cenuiu-negricios (fig. 72/9), dou pri de vase roii, un perete i o baz inelar i 23 pri de la vase cenuii, trei pahare ovoidale, dou cni (fig. 72/4-5), opt castroane bitronconice (fig. 72/3, 7, 11-12), patru emisferice, patru borcane (fig. 72/13), trei buze rsfrnte probabil tot de la borcane (fig. 72/1-2, 8), dou baze drepte i 13 inelare (fig. 72/14), o toart (fig. 72/15), corpuri ornate cu linii orizontale, L5 cpl. 34, 13, un castron negru lustruit (fig. 78/13), altul acoperit cu


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

angob roie (fig. 78/12), dou vase glbui, ase cenuii, dou cni (fig. 77/6, 8), trei castroane (fig. 77/10, 14) i trei baze inelare; L6 cpl. 72, 9, ceramica neagr fin: 1 vas bitronconic (fig. 112/2); cenuie, 2 borcane (fig. 112/3, 10), 2 buze cu nuiri pentru capac (fig. 112/5, 7), 3 vase cu corp alungit, ovoidal (fig. 112/6, 11-12), 1 ciob decorat (fig. 112/13), 92 vase (10+18+16+26+13+9). Locuine uor adncite: L1 cpl. 10, 6, dou vase roii lustruite, un fragment de borcan i un vas cu toarte (fig. 32/6), trei cenuii, un vas cu baza ngroat, o buz faetat (fig. 32/5), dou baze inelare i de import un vas cu motive imprimate (fig. 32/1) i un castron bitronconic negru lustruit, cu buza ngroat, profil arcuit n unghi; L2 cpl. 31, 10, un borcan angobat rou, cu buza lit (fig. 64/7) i dou corpuri de vas, din past roietic o baz inelar i 7 cenuii, trei buze ngroate, o toart lat (fig. 64/9) i patru baze inelare; L3 cpl. 78, 13, dou vase cu angob roie, un castron roietic-glbui cu marginea aproape dreapt, umr n unghi obtuz i baza inelar (fig. 118/5), un perete ars roietic, pe marginea exterioar a buzei cu fine incizii (fig. 118/2), 10 cenuii, probabil o can, un castrona cu marginea dreapt invazat, alte trei bitronconice, din care unul acoperit de linii fin lustruite negre i un altul pe corp cu linii lustruite paralel, un borcan pe gt cu o nervur i alta cu buza n T (fig. 118/15), o buz ngroat i baze, dou inelare i dou drepte, pri de perete de la dou vase, unul cu dou nervuri i altul cu linii scurte incizate orizontal, 29 (6+10+13)]. Total locuine = 121 vase. Forme de vase reconstituite prin desen din locuinele de suprafa, L1 cpl. 12a, 1 can roie (fig. 34/1), 1 bol (fig. 33/2), 1 caserol (fig. 33/1), 4 borcane (fig. 33/4); L2 cpl. 17, 1 castron angobat rou cu protome zoomorfe (fig. 41/10), altul negru (fig. 42/2); 1 bol (fig. 41/12), 10 castroane (fig. 41/1, 3, 5, 7; 42/1), 1 borcan (fig. 42/7); L3 cpl. 29 1 borcan negru, 2 fructiere angobate rou (fig. 61/1, 5), cenuii, 4 castroane (fig. 60/2; 61/2, 4), 6 borcane, 1 vas globular (fig. 61/3); L4 cpl. 33, 1 borcan cenuiu-negricios (fig. 72/9), cenuii, 3 pahare, 2 cni (fig. 72/4-5), cenuii, 12 castroane (fig. 72/3, 7, 11-12), 4 borcane + 3 probabile (fig. 72/13 i 1-2, 8), L2ad; L5 cpl. 34, 13, 1 castron negru (fig. 78/13), altul angobat rou (fig. 78/12), 2 cni (fig. 77/6, 8), 3 castroane (fig. 77/10, 14); L6 cpl. 72, 9, 1 vas bitronconic negru (fig. 112/2), 2 borcane cenuii (fig. 112/3, 10), 3 vase ovoidale (fig. 112/6, 11-12); L3 cpl. 122, 1 borcan cenuiu (fig. 141/1). Locuine uor adncite: L1 cpl. 10, roii, 1 borcan i 1 vas cu toarte (fig. 32/6), 1 castron bitronconic negru; L2 cpl. 31, 1 borcan angobat rou (fig. 64/7); L3 cpl. 78, 13, 1 castron roietic-glbui (fig. 118/5), probabil 1 can, 1 castrona, 3 vase bitronconice, 1 borcan (fig. 118/15); L3 cpl. 78, 13, 1 castron roietic-glbui (fig. 118/5), cenuii, 1 can, 1 castron, 3 castroane, 1 borcan (fig. 118/15). Total, vase semnalate: din locuinele de suprafa, 3 pahare, 5 cni, 1 roie, 4 cenuii; 2 boluri, 1 caserol, 22 castroane, 2 angobate rou, din care 1 cu protome zoomorfe, 2 negre, 29 cenuii, 23 borcane, 1 cenuiu-negricioas, 1 neagr, 21 cenuii, 2 fructiere angobate rou, 1 vas globular, 1 vas bitronconic negru, 3 vase ovoidale. Din locuine uor adncite: 2 cni, 1 castrona, castroane, 1 negru, 2 roietice-glbui, 4 cenuii, 1 vas cu toarte, 1 borcan roietic, 3 borcane, 1 angobat rou, 2 cenuii, 3 vase bitronconice. b. Ceramica fin - secolele III-IV. Fragmente de la vasele modelate din past fin, descoperite n gropi. G2 cpl. 32, din 13 vase, un fragment provenea de la un buton de capac rou (fig. 68/2) i 12 vase erau lucrate din ceramic fin cenuie, un bol (fig. 68/3), o can (fig. 68/4), dou castroane emisferice unul ornat cu un motiv n reea (fig. 68/1) i dou cu buza ngroat, apte fragmente de buze diferite, dou toarte (fig. 68/5), trei corpuri i opt baze inelare; G3 cpl. 62, 8 pri de la vase nentregibile; G6 cpl. 94, 4 cenuii, dou castroane (fig. 126/15, 7), o toart (fig. 126/16) i un ciob decorat (fig. 126/18); G7 cpl. 106 din 36, 17 vase au fost arse glbui i lustruite, un borcan (fig. 130/1), opt perei ornai cu incizii (fig. 130/2) i doi cu registre acoperite cu zigzaguri, mrginite de linii (fig. 130/4, 8), trei borcane glbui-albicioase i ase borcane glbuicenuii ornate cu linii orizontale, unul cu un zigzag (fig. 130/6), un castron roz-glbui, un mic borcan, o baz inelar, una dreapt, alta evazat i un corp glbui nchis lustruit, o toart i o baz roie; fragmentele acoperite cu angob roie, patru margini ntre care una cu buza lit, probabil o

Ceramica din past fin / Fine ceramic paste


fructier i o baz roie; negricioase o baz finisat neglijent, o toart lustruit; cenuie nelustruit fin, un borcan cu marginea invazat cu buza n seciune triunghiular (fig. 130/5), o toart alveolat (fig. 131/6) i nou baze inelare; 16 vase arse cenuiu fin lustruite, o cni, dou cni (fig. 131/1), un castrona, un castron cu buza invazat i unul acoperit cu linii negre (fig. 131/5), alte dou castroane, unul cu marginea dreapt pe mijloc cu o nervur, altul cu peretele arcuit exterior, un borcan cu gt scurt invazat, corp alungit i decorat, trei borcane cu marginea nalt invazat, un borcan cu buza evazat, ngroat i rotunjit i patru margini cu buze trase exterior (fig. 130/9), o buz arcuit exterior i rotunjit de la un vas cu profil n S (fig. 131/3), 57G (13+4+4+36). Forme de vase reconstituite prin desen descoperite n gropi: G2 cpl. 32, 1 capac rou (fig. 68/2), cenuii, 1 bol (fig. 68/3), 1 can (fig. 68/4), 4 castroane (fig. 68/1); G7 cpl. 106, 1 borcan glbui (fig. 130/1); 3 borcane glbui-albicioase, 6 borcane glbui-cenuii (fig. 130/6), 1 castron rozglbui, 1 mic borcan, 1 can, 1 fructier; 1 borcan cenuiu nelustruit, fin (fig. 130/5), cenuii lustruite, 1 cni, 2 cni (fig. 131/1), 1 castrona, 3 castroane (fig. 131/5), 5 borcane (fig. 130/9); Total din cele 58 de vase semnalate: 2 cnie i 3 cni; 1 castrona, 10 castroane, din care, 1 angobat glbui, 1 roz-glbui, 8 cenuii; 1 mic borcan i 23 borcane, din care 1 glbui, 3 glbuialbicioase, 6 glbui-cenuii, 14 cenuii, 3 capace, unul cenuiu i alte 2 angobate rou. c. Ceramica fin - secolele III-IV. Aglomerri ceramice, nr. total de vase n raport cu specificul arderii: A1 cpl. 70, 5 cenuii (fig. 108/2, 4-9, 12-13), A2 cpl. 73, 4 cenuii = 9 vase. Aglomerri de ceramic A1 cpl. 70, 5 cenuii, o can (fig. 108/5), un castron cu buza invazat (fig. 108/12), trei borcane (fig. 108/4, 6, 8), o toart (fig. 108/7), dou baze (fig. 108/9), un buton de capac (fig. 108/13) i un perete de vas (fig. 108/2). n A2 cpl. 73, 4, din care o can (fig. 113/3), o baz inelar (fig. 113/6) i trei pari de vas (fig. 113/1, 5, 7) 10A (6+4). Forme de vase reconstituite prin desen din aglomerrile ceramice: A1 cpl. 70, 1 can (fig. 108/5), 1 castron (fig. 108/12), 3 borcane (fig. 108/4, 6, 8), 1 capac (fig. 108/13); A2 cpl. 73, 1 can (fig. 113/3). Total din 10 vase semnalate: 7 vase = 2 cni, 1 castron, 3 borcane, 1 capac. 3. Ceramica fin secolul al IV-lea Total number de complexe, 28 = 7L(5sp + 2ad) + 16G + 5A, of the fine pottery was discovered in, 7L (5sp + 2ad) + 12G + 5A Total fragmente de vase din past fin, 209 vase = 51L (46sp+5ad) + 109G + 49A 18,1n-b,1g-a,2n,14c Lsp1 cpl. 1 + 3+1ang-r Lsp2 cpl. 15 + 4+1ang-g Lsp3 cpl. 30 + 3 Lsp4 cpl. 48 + 13+1n+1roz-g+1a-roz Lsp5 cpl. 57 + 4 Lad1 cpl. 77 + 1 Lad2 cpl. 91 + 5 (4+1g) G1 cpl. 18 + 12 (5+2b+3n+2r) G2 cpl. 19 + 22 (2cn+3r+17) G3 cpl. 33a + 6f (1gc+4a+1c) G4 cpl. 37 + 23 (4r+14c+1ca+4n) G6 cpl. 49 + 4 G8 cpl. 66a + 13(2n+1g+10) + 1 decor imprimat G9 cpl. 71 + 5 (4+1a-r) G10 cpl. 80 + 9 (3c+1g+2c-a+3n) G11 cpl. 92 + 4 G14 cpl. 115 + 4 G15 cpl. 116 + 1 G16 cpl. 119 + 6 A1 cpl. 21a + 12(8+3g+1n) A2 cpl. 43 + 6(5+1n) + 1 decor imprimat A3 cpl. 60 + 20 (17+ 1r+ 2n) A4 cpl. 61+ 5 A5 cpl. 88. Ceramica cenuie fin descoperit n 24 de complexe nsumeaz 209 vase, n cele 7 locuine, 5 de suprafa, L1 cpl. 1 18, L2 cpl. 15 4, L3 cpl. 30 5, L4 cpl. 48 3, L5 cpl. 57 16 = 46 vase (18+4+5+3+16) i trei uor adncite, L1 cpl. 77 4, L2 cpl. 91 1 = 5 vase (4+1), gropi, G1 cpl. 18 5, G2 cpl. 19 12, G3 cpl. 33a 22, G4 cpl. 37 6, G6 cpl. 49 23, G8 cpl. 66a 4, G9 cpl. 71 14, G10 cpl. 80 5; G11 cpl. 92 9, PG14 cpl. 115 4; G15 cpl. 116 4, PG16 cpl. 119 1, 109 vase (5+12+22+6+23+4+14+5+9+4+4+1), nu era n G5 cpl. 39, G7 cpl. 50, G12-12a cpl. 104-104a; aglomerri de materiale, A1 cpl. 21a 6, A2 cpl. 43 12, A3 cpl. 60 6, A4 cpl. 61 20, A5 cpl. 88 5, 49 vase =6+12+6+20+5. Total 209 vase (46+5+109+49). a. Locuine ceramica fin din locuine n raport cu specificul arderii: de suprafa, L1 cpl. 1, 18, 3 brun-negricioase, 1 alb-glbui, 14 cenuii, L2 cpl. 15, 4, 1 angobat rou, 3 cenuii, L3 cpl. 30, 5, 1 angobat glbui, 4 cenuii, L4 cpl. 48, 3 cenuii, cpl. 57, 16, 1 negru, 1 roz-glbui, 1


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

angobat alb-roziu, 13 cenuii i locuine uor adncite, L1 cpl. 77, 4 cenuii, L2 cpl. 91, 1 cenuiu. Tehnici de ardere, 1 alb-glbui, Lsp1. cpl. 1; 1 angobat alb-roziu Lsp5. cpl. 57; 3 brunnegricoase, Lsp1. cpl. 1; 1 angobat glbui Lsp3 cpl. 30; 1 roz-glbui, Lsp5. cpl. 57; 1 angobat rou, Lsp3. cpl. 15; 1 negricios, cpl. 57 = 9 vase, 42 cenuii = 14 Lsp1. cpl. 1, 3 Lsp3. cpl. 15, 4 Lsp3 cpl. 30, 3 Lsp4 cpl. 48, 13 Lsp5 cpl. 57, 4 Lad1 cpl. 77, 1 Lad2 cpl. 91. Locuine de suprafa, L1 cpl. 1, 18 vase reconstituite, un castron negru (fig. 28/1), dou borcane brun-negricoase, un borcan alb-glbui, 14 cenuii, o can (fig. 28/3), dou castroane cu profil n S i dou buze (fig. 28/4), dou borcane, dou vase bitronconice, un vas cu buza faetat i corp bombat (fig. 28/2), trei baze inelare; L3 cpl. 15, 4 cenuii, dou castroane, unul uor bitronconic (fig. 39/3) i altul cu peretele n S, o buz i o toart angobat rou (fig. 39/4); L3 cpl. 30, 5, unul angobat glbui, cenuii, trei castroane cu profil n S (fig. 63/1, 5), un gt nalt cu buza evazat i trei baze inelare; L4 cpl. 48, 3 cenuii, dou castroane, unul cu marginea invazat (fig. 88/1), altul emisferic (fig. 88/2) i un borcan (fig. 88/4); L5 cpl. 57, 16, un perete negru lustruit, un castron ars roz-glbui, o toart acoperit cu angob alb-rozie (fig. 94/12), 13 cenuii, o can, dou castroane cu profil n S (fig. 94/2), un borcan, un vas cu gt cilindric i corp bombat, trei margini invazate (fig. 94/4-6), o margine dreapt, un vas cu o nuire, o baz inelar, patru corpuri din care dou cu incizii orizontale, unul cu linii vlurite (fig. 94/8), unul simplu (fig. 94/7), o toart 46 vase (18+4+5+3+16); locuine uor adncite, L1 cpl. 77, 4 cenuii, un castron (fig. 117/5), o toart (fig. 117/7), o baz desprins de pe masa olarului cu sfoara (fig. 117/2), un vas (fig. 117/4); L2 cpl. 91, un castron (fig. 124/3) 5 vase (4+1). Total 51 vase (46+5). Forme de vase reconstituite prin desen din locuine de suprafa, L1 cpl. 1, 11, 1 can (fig. 28/3), 3 castroane, din care 2 cenuii i una fin neagr (fig. 28/4), 5 borcane, din care 3 cenuii, 1 brun-negricios, 1 galben-alburiu i 2 vase bitronconice; L2 cpl. 15, 2 castroane (fig. 39/3), din care 1 angobat rou (fig. 39/4); L3 cpl. 30, 3 castroane (fig. 63/1, 5); L4 cpl. 48, 3, 2 castroane (fig. 88/12), 1 borcan (fig. 88/4); L5 cpl. 57, 6, 1 can, 1 castron roz-glbui, 3 castroane (fig. 94/2), 1 borcan. Locuine uor adncite, L1 cpl. 77, 1 castron (fig. 117/5); L2 cpl. 91, 1 castron (fig. 124/3), - 25+2 = 27 vase (11+2+3+3+6+1+1). Total forme reconstituite 27: 2 cni + 16 castroane (2c,1n+ 2,1ang-r +3+2+1+3+1+1) + 7 borcane (3c,1b-n,1g-a+1+1) + 2 vase bitronconice. b. Ceramica fin secolul al IV-lea. Gropi nr. total de vase n raport cu specificul arderii: G1 cpl. 18, 5, 1 angobat glbui, 4 cenuii; G2 cpl. 19, 12, 5 cenuii, 2 roii, 3 negricioase, 2 maronii; G3 cpl. 33a, 22, 2 negricioase, 3 roii, 17 cenuii; G4 cpl. 37, 6, 1 glbui-crmizie, 4 albicioase, 1 cenuiu; G6 cpl. 49, 23, 4 roii, 1 cenuiu-albicios, 4 negre, 14 cenuii; G8 cpl. 66a, 4 cenuii; G9 cpl. 71, 14, 2 negre, 1 glbui, 10 cenuii, 1 decor imprimat; G10 cpl. 80, 5, 1 alb-rozie, 4 cenuii; G11 cpl. 92, 9, 1 glbui, 2 cenuii-alburii, 3 negricioase, 3 cenuii; G14 cpl. 115 4 cenuii; G15 cpl. 116 4 cenuii, G16 cpl. 119, 1 cenuiu. Tehnici de ardere a ceramicii fine: 4 albicioase, G4 cpl. 37; 1 alb-roziu G10 cpl. 80; 3 angobate glbui, 1 G1 cpl. 18, 1 G9 cpl. 71, 1 G11 cpl. 92; 1 glbui-crmiziu, G4 cpl. 37; 9 roii, 2 G2 cpl. 19, 3 G3 cpl. 33a, 4 G6 cpl. 49; 2 brune G2 cpl. 19; 14 negricioase, 3 G2 cpl. 19, 2 G3 cpl. 33a, 4 G6 cpl. 49, 2 G9 cpl. 71, 3 G11 cpl. 92; 34 vase, 3 cenuii-albicioase, 1 G6 cpl. 49, 2 G11 cpl. 92, 3+72 cenuii, 4 G1 cpl. 18, 5 G2 cpl. 19, 17 G3 cpl. 33a, 1 G4 cpl. 37, 14 G6 cpl. 49, 4 G8 cpl. 66a, 11, 10 G9 cpl. 71, 1 decor imprimat, 4 G10 cpl. 80, 3 G11 cpl. 92, 4 G14 cpl. 115, 4 G15 cpl. 116, 1 G16 cpl. 119, 72 = 109 vase. Ceramica fin: G1 cpl. 18, 9, 1 angobat glbui (fig. 43/1), 4 cenuii (fig. 43/2, 4-5); 1 castron cu profil n S, pe umr cu o nervur (fig. 43/2), dou borcane mici cu gtul drept sau evazat (fig. 43/4-5), 3 baze inelare (fig. 43/11-13) i 1 dreapt (fig. 43/10), G2 cpl. 19, 12, 5 cenuii, un castron cu marginea evazat, o buz (fig. 44/5), un corp de la un vas cu incizii vlurite (fig. 44/2), un ciob ars secundar, dou baze evazate i dou drepte; 2 roii, dou toarte, 3 negricioase: 1 castrona cu profil n S; 1 borcan ars negru (fig. 44/4); 1 perete de vas canelat; 1 baz (fig. 44/3); 2 castroane maronii fine (fig. 44/1); G3 cpl. 33a, 22, cenuie-negricioas, un castron ornat cu 3-6 linii

Ceramica din past fin / Fine ceramic paste


negre lustruite n zigzag (fig. 74/1), roie, un corp cu linii incizate, o baz inelar de vas mic i o toart (fig. 75/2), cenuie, trei pahare ovoidale, dou cni (fig. 74/3, 5), opt castroane bitronconice (fig. 74/4, 7, 9), un castron emisferic (fig. 74/6), altul cu nervuri i zigzaguri lustruite (fig. 74/13), dou buze invazate (fig. 74/10, 12); G4 cpl. 37, 6, una aparine celei fine arse glbui-crmiziu, o baz, patru fragmente albicioase - o buz i dou baze, din care una cu un mic picior (fig. 84/7-8), cenuii, un mic vas cu buza evazat (fig. 84/8); G6 cpl. 49, 23, patru roii, un pahar pe corp cu mpunsturi (fig. 90/8), dou borcane, canelate pe gt (fig. 90/10) sau sub buz, un borcan pe buz cu nuire pentru capac; cenuie-albicioas, un castron, patru negre, un pahar (fig. 90/3), un castron (fig. 90/1), un vas cu marginea invazat i un vas cu buza lat, 14 cenuii, o can (fig. 90/9), patru castroane, unul cu marginea dreapt, pe gt cu o nervur i zigzaguri lustruite (fig. 90/4), dou cu profil n S i altul cu linii vlurite (fig. 90/6), dou borcane una pe gt cu o band lustruit, dou vase din care unul cu buza evazat (fig. 89/7), dou buze, trei cioburi cu motive n val i zigzag (fig. 89/3, 6; 90/7, 11), un perete perforat, dou baze drepte, una cu un unghi incizat (fig. 90/2) i patru inelare; G8 cpl. 66a, patru, dou borcane, una cu buza tras mult exterior (fig. 107/6, 10) i dou baze (fig. 107/8-9); G9 cpl. 71, 13, 1 pahar negru lustruit (fig. 110/5; =12 cm), 1 castrona bol negru (fig. 110/8), 1 negru decor imprimat, 10 buze diferite (=5x8; 3x9; 9,6; 10 cm), 5 baze (=2x7; 7,6; 2x8 cm); G10 cpl. 80, 5, alb-rozie, o buz de castron cu o perforare (fig. 121/2), patru cenuii, un castron cu marginea dreapt (fig. 121/1), un borcan cu umrul cu linii incizate (fig. 121/5), o buz rotunjit i patru baze inelare (fig. 121/3); G11 cpl. 92, nou, un castron fin glbui (fig. 125/6), dou cenuii-alburii, trei castroane cu marginea dreapt, negricioase, trei cenuii, o strachin (fig. 125/7), o buz rsfrnt (fig. 125/7), o toart, un perete; G14 cpl. 115, patru cenuii, dou castroane (fig. 134/3-4), ultimul decorat, o baz i o toart (fig. 134/7); G15 cpl. 116, 4, 1 can cu gt nalt (fig. 135/1); 1 castron (fig. 135/8); 1 borcan care avea corpul bombat i buza arcuit exterior (fig. 135/9); 1 buz (fig. 135/4); G16 cpl. 119, un castron cenuiu cu peretele profilat n S, 109 vase (5+12+22+6+23+4+14+5+9+4+4+1). Forme de vase din gropi reconstituite prin desen: G1 cpl. 18, 1 castron (fig. 43/2), 2 borcane mici (fig. 43/4-5), G2 cpl. 19, 1 castron (fig. 44/5), 2 castroane brun-maronii fine lustruite (fig. 44/1), negricioase, 1 castrona cu profil n S i 1 borcan (fig. 44/4); G3 cpl. 33a, 1 vas mic rou, 3 pahare, 2 cni (fig. 74/3, 5), 1 castron cenuiu-negricios (fig. 74/1), 10 castroane (fig. 74/4, 6-7, 9, 13); G4 cpl. 37, 1 mic vas cu buza evazat (fig. 84/8); G4 cpl. 49, 2 pahare, 1 negru, 1 rou (fig. 90/3, 8), 1 can (fig. 90/9), 6 castroane, 1 cenuiu-albicios, 5 cenuii (fig. 90/1, 4, 6-7), 3 borcane roii (fig. 90/10); G8, cpl. 66a, 2 borcane (fig. 107/6, 10); G9 cpl. 71, 1 pahar negru (fig. 110/5), 1 bol negru (fig. 110/8); G10 cpl. 80, 1 castron alb-roziu (fig. 121/2), 1 castron (fig. 121/1), 1 borcan (fig. 121/5); G11 cpl. 92, 9 castroane, din care, 1 fin glbui (fig. 125/6), 2 cenuii-alburii, 3 negricioase, 3 cenuii, 1 strachin (fig. 125/7); G14 cpl. 115, 2 castroane (fig. 134/3-4); G15 cpl. 116, 1 can cu gt nalt (fig. 135/1), 1 castron (fig. 135/8), 1 borcan cu corp bombat i cu buza arcuit exterior (fig. 135/9; G16 cpl. 119, 1 castron cenuiu cu profil n S. Total forme din cele 109 vase semnalate: 2 vase mici, 1 rou PG3 cpl. 33a, 1 cenuiu PG4 cpl. 37; 6 pahare, 3 PG3 cpl. 33a, 2,1n,1r PG6 cpl. 49, 1n PG9 cpl. 71; 4 cni, 2 PG3 cpl. 33a, 1 PG4 cpl. 49, 1 PG15 cpl. 116; 1 strachin PG11 cpl. 92, 1 bol PG9 cpl. 71, 1 castrona G2 cpl. 19, 36 castroane, 1 G1 cpl. 18, 3,2b G2 cpl. 19, 11,1c-n G3 cpl. 33a, 6,1c-a,5c G4 cpl. 49, 2,1a-r,1c G10 cpl. 80, 9,1g,2c-a,3n,3c G11 cpl. 92, 2 G14 cpl. 115, 1 G15 cpl. 116, 1 G16 cpl. 119 (1+3,2b+11,1c-n+6,1c-a+2,1a-r+9,1g,2c-a,3n,3+2+1+1), 10 borcane, 2 PG1 cpl. 18, 1 negru PG2 cpl. 19, 3 roii PG6 cpl. 49, 2 PG6 cpl. 66a, 1 PG10, cpl. 80, 1 PG15 cpl. 116, 71 forme, 2 vase mici, 1r,1c + 6 pahare, 2n,1r,3c + 4 cni + 1 strachin + 1 bol, 1 castrona + 36,2b,1c-n,3c-a,1ar,1g,3n,25c castroane + 10,1n,3r,6c borcane. c. Ceramica fin secolul al IV-lea. Aglomerri de materiale 49 nr. total de vase n raport cu specificul arderii din cele cinci complexe: A1 Cpl. 21a, 6 cenuii, A2 cpl. 43, 12, 3 glbui, 1 negricios, 8 cenuii, A3 cpl. 60, 6, 1 negru, 5 cenuii, A4 cpl. 61, 20, 1 rou, 2 negre, 17


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

cenuii, A5 cpl. 88, 5 cenuii, 49 vase. Tehnici de ardere: 3 glbui, 3 A2 cpl. 43; 1 rou, 1 A4 cpl. 61; 3 negricioase, 1 A2 cpl. 43, 1 A3 cpl. 60, 2 A4 cpl. 61; 1 cenuiu-negricios, cenuii, 6 A1 Cpl. 21a, 8 A2 cpl. 43, 5 A3 cpl. 60, 17 A4 cpl. 61, 5 A6 cpl. 88. Aglomerri de materiale, A1 Cpl. 21a, ase cenuii, patru castroane, unele pe umr cu zigzag-uri lustruite, unul bitronconic (fig. 48/4; 49/1, 7), dou borcane (fig. 48/3, 6) i o baz inelar (fig. 48/8); A2 cpl. 43, 12, trei borcane glbui (fig. 86/5), o buz din past negricioas (fig. 86/3) i opt cenuii, o can, un castron (fig. 86/1), trei buze (fig. 86, 6) i trei baze inelare (fig. 86/7); A3 cpl. 60, ase, un castron negru lustruit (fig. 94/13), patru cenuii, unul cu o nervur (fig. 94/14), trei buze (94/15), o baz i probabil o can lustruit, un vas cu motive imprimate (fig. 94/16); A4 cpl. 61, 20, o baz roie, un castron bitronconic (fig. 95/7) i probabil o can neagr lustruit, 17 cenuii, cinci castroane din care unul cu profil n S (fig. 95/10), altul cu umrul carenat (fig. 95/3), dou cu marginea evazat (fig. 95/12), trei borcane pe umr cu nervuri, unul cu dou zigzaguri (fig. 95/1-2, 15), dou buze (95/6), dou fragmente cu motive imprimate (fig. 95/4) i lustruite n zigzag (fig. 95/5), dou baze din care una cu marginea alveolat (fig. 95/11) i dou toarte (fig. 95/14); A5 cpl. 88, 5, din care dou buze (fig. 123/1, 5), o can (fig. 123/3), o baz (fig. 123/6) i un perete cu incizii (fig. 123/7), 49 vase (6+12+5+20+3+4). Forme de vase reconstituite prin desen din aglomerrile de materiale, A1 Cpl. 21a, 4 castroane (fig. 48/4; 49/1, 7), 2 borcane (fig. 48/3, 6); A2 cpl. 43, 3 borcane glbui (fig. 86/5), 1 can, 1 castron (fig. 86/1), A3 cpl. 60, 1 castron negru (fig. 94/13), 1 castron (fig. 94/14), A4 cpl. 61, 1 castron negru (fig. 95/7), 1 can neagr, probabil, 5 castroane, 3 borcane, 1 castron (fig. 96/2), A5 cpl. 88, 1 can (fig. 123/3). Total 26 forme, din cele 49 de vase semnalate: 3 cni, 1 neagr; 14 castroane, 2 negre, 12 cenuii, 8 borcane, 3 glbui, 5 cenuii. Activitatea meteugreasc de la Histria (M. Coja 1962, p. 19 i urm.; M. Coja, P. Dupont 1979), a dus la descoperirea n stratul de locuire din secolul al IV-lea, a unor forme de vase apropiate cu cele de la Banca Gar, ntre ele chiupurile cu peretele gtului aproape vertical, erau decorate cu benzi formate din 3-4 linii dispuse pe buza lit sau pe gt (Em. Condurachi et alii, 1953, p. 95, fig. 29/3). 4. Ceramica fin - secolele IV-V Total numr de complexe, 17 =9L(6sp + 3ad) + 5G + 2A, din care ceramic fin s-a descoperit n 14 = 8L(5sp + 3ad) + 4G + 2A + atelierul de olrie. Total vase modelate din past fin: 169 vase = 115 L (97sp + 18ad) + 42G + 12A. 2719f+3gc+1n+4fr Lsp1 cpl. 14 + 11 (1g+1+9)Lsp2 cpl. 26 + 3+3n Lsp3 cpl. 35 + 33+1r Lsp4 cpl. 36 + 17 Lsp5 cpl. 51 + 7 Lad1 cpl. 4 + 8+2r Lad2 cpl. 27 + 1 Lad3 cpl. 122 + 16+1r+4ang-g G1 cpl. 24a + 14 G4 cpl. 79 + 4+3 fn G5 cpl. 114 + 9 (2g+7c) A1 cpl. 42 + 3 A2 cpl. 64 = 169 vase + 90 (32+29+8+13+1+7) atelier de olrie. Ceramica fin s-a descoperit n aproape toate complexele din aceast perioad, Lsp1 cpl. 14 29, Lsp2 cpl. 26 11, Lsp3 cpl. 35 6, Lsp4 cpl. 36 34, Lsp5 cpl. 51 17, 97 vase (29+11+6+34+17), n cele trei locuine uor adncite: L1 cpl. 4 7, cpl. 27 10, L3 cpl. 122 1, 18 vase (7+10+1) i n gropi, G1 cpl. 24a 21, G4 cpl. 79 14, G5 cpl. 114 7, 42 vase (21+14+7), fragmente ceramice atipice au aprut n G2 cpl. 26a i PG3 cpl. 69a; aglomerri de materiale, A1 cpl. 42 9, A2 cpl. 64 3, 12 vase (9+3). Total 169 vase = 97+18+42. a. Locuine nr. total de vase n raport cu specificul arderii: de suprafa: L1 cpl. 14, 29, 3 glbui-cenuii, 1 negru, 1 angobat rou, 3 roii, 20 cenuii; L2 cpl. 26, 11, 1 glbui, 1 crmiziu (fig. 54/1), 9 cenuii; L3 cpl. 35, 6, 3 negricioase, 3 cenuii, L4 cpl. 36, 31, 2 cenuii, 1 rou, 28 cenuii, L5 cpl. 51, 18 cenuii; locuinele uor adncite L1, cpl. 4, L2 cpl. 27, 2 roii, 8 cenuii; L3 cpl. 122, 1 cenuiu. Locuine de suprafa: L1 cpl. 14, 29, trei glbui-cenuii, o can, un mic castron

Ceramica din past fin / Fine ceramic paste


bitronconic, un gt cu o nervur i o baz, din ceramic neagr, un castron bitronconic (fig. 37/9) i o baz inelar, trei fragmente erau roii i proveneau de la un bol (fig. 37/8), un vas cu gt nalt, o baz inelar, un perete cu incizii. Mai erau 20 de pri de la vase cenuii, o can, patru castroane bitronconice cu o nervur pe gt (fig. 38/4) sau pe umr i ase castroane din care una cu gt drept, trei cu profil n S (fig. 38/1-3) iar dou cu gura larg (fig. 37/10), cinci borcane (fig. 38/6), patru margini cu nervuri (fig. 37/6-7; 38/5, 7), dou gturi, dou toarte, opt baze inelare i trei drepte; L2 cpl. 26, 11, un perete ars glbui, o can crmizie (fig. 54/1) i nou cenuii, dou castroane cu profil n S sau emisferice (fig. 53/1, 5), un castron (fig. 54/7), trei borcane ovoidale (fig. 54/2; 53/2, 4), patru bombate (fig. 54/5), una cu nuire pentru capac, alta cu nervur sub gt (fig. 53/6), un perete cu o band haurat, dou fragmente canelate i patru baze inelare; L3 cpl. 35, 6, cenuie: 3 buze de castroane, 2 ngroate, 1 baz inelar (fig. 79/3), trei castroane negricioase lustruite, fie cu buza cu seciune triunghiular, fie cu buzele evazate (fig. 79/1-2); L4 cpl. 36, 34, cenuie lustruit, probabil o fructier (fig. 81/4) i alt vas fragmentar iar din past roie fin, un castron lustruit (fig. 81/2), cenuii, un vas bitronconic miniatural (fig. 81/7), un pahar (fig. 81/6), un castron, trei cu jumtatea superioar cilindric, din care unul ornat cu trei linii vlurite (fig. 81/5), altul cu o nervur sub buz, cinci castroane cu profil n S, opt gturi arcuite interior cu buze rotunjite poate de la borcane, trei aproape verticale, trei cu buze evazate i trei lite spre exterior, trei perei de la vase bombate, unul ornat cu un val lustruit (fig. 83/4); patru toarte, 26 baze inelare (fig. 81/12; 83/3), o baz cu cercuri circumscrise (fig. 81/8); L5 cpl. 51, 17, un pahar (fig. 91/7), patru castroane cu profil n S (fig. 92/4), unul emisferic, patru cu pereii evazai, trei borcane, una cu nuire pentru capac, un vas bitronconic i dou baze inelare (fig. 92/2). Din locuinele uor adncite, L1 cpl. 4, 7, 3 borcane (fig. 29/8; 30/9), o buz (fig. 29/2), dou baze inelare (fig. 29/3; 30/4); 1 castron de culoare cenuie, lustruit i decorat cu motive geometrice imprimate, un import (fig. 29/1); L2 cpl. 27, de aici provin 10 vase, din care dou roii, un perete i un vas cu toarte (fig. 57/9) iar opt erau cenuii, o can (fig. 57/6), trei castroane, unul cu jumtatea superioar dreapt, sub buz i pe mijloc cu nuiri (fig. 57/1), dou cu profil n S (fig. 57/3, 5), dou buze invazate (fig. 57/4, 8), o baz inelar, pri de la dou vase de provizii diferite (fig. 57/2, 7); din a doua locuin adncit, L3 cpl. 122, provine 1 borcan, 115 vase (97sp + 18ad). Forme. Locuine de suprafa, L1 cpl. 14, 27, 2 cni, una glbuie, alta cenuie, 1 bol angobat rou (fig. 37/8), 12 castroane, 10 cenuii, una glbuie, alta neagr (fig. 37/10; 38/1-4), 5 borcane fine (fig. 38/6); L2 cpl. 26, 11, 1 can crmizie (fig. 54/1), 3 castroane (fig. 53/1, 5, 7), 7 borcane (fig. 53/2, 4, 6; 54/2, 5); L3 cpl. 35, 6, 3 castroane negricioase (fig. 79/1-2) i 3 cenuii (fig. 79/3); L4 cpl. 36, probabil o fructier (fig. 81/4), 1 castron rou fin (fig. 81/2), 1 pahar (fig. 81/6), 1 vas bitronconic miniatural (fig. 81/7), 10 castroane (fig. 81/5), 8 probabil borcane; L5 cpl. 51, 1 pahar (fig. 91/7), 9 castroane (fig. 92/4), 3 borcane, 1 vas bitronconic; locuine uor adncite, L1 cpl. 4, 3 borcane (fig. 29/8; 30/9), L2 cpl. 27, vas cu toarte (fig. 57/9), 1 can (fig. 57/6), 5 castroane (fig. 57/1, 3-5, 8), 2 vase de provizii (fig. 57/2, 7); L3 cpl. 122, borcan cenuiu lustruit (fig. 141/1). Total din 110 vase semnalate: locuine de suprafa, 2 pahare, 1 L4 cpl. 36, 1 L5 cpl. 51; 4 cni, 1 glbui-cenuiu, 1 crmizie L2 cpl. 26, 2 cenuii L1 cpl. 14; 1 bol angobat rou L1 cpl. 14; 6+35 castroane, 6 din care 2 glbui-cenuii L1 cpl. 14, 1 rou L4 cpl. 36, 3 negricioase L3 cpl. 35, 35 cenuii (10+3+3+10+9), 10 L1 cpl. 14, 3 L2 cpl. 26, 3 L3 cpl. 35, 10 L4 cpl. 36, 9 L5 cpl. 51; 23 borcane (5+7+8+3), 5 L1 cpl. 14, 7 L2 cpl. 26, 8 L4 cpl. 36, 3 L5 cpl. 51; 1 fructier, 1 L4 cpl. 36; 2 vase bitronconice, din care 1 miniatural L4 cpl. 36, 1 L5 cpl. 51; locuine uor adncite, 1 can L2 cpl. 27 (fig. 57/6), 5 castroane L2 cpl. 27 (fig. 57/1, 3-5, 8), 5 borcane, L1, cpl. 4, 1 L3 cpl. 122; 1 vas cu toarte L2 cpl. 27 (fig. 57/9); 2 vase de provizii diferite L2 cpl. 27 (fig. 57/2, 7). Total forme 74 vase (2+4+1+41+23+1+2), 2 pahare, 4 cni, 1 bol, 6+35 castroane, 23 borcane, 1 fructier, 2 vase bitronconice, din care 1 miniatural. Locuine uor adncite, 1 can L2 cpl. 27 (fig. 57/6), 5 castroane L2 cpl. 27 (fig. 57/1,3-5,8), 2 vase de provizii diferite L2 cpl. 27 (fig. 57/2, 7), L2 cpl. 27, un vas cu toarte L2 cpl. 27 (fig. 57/9),


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

5 borcane (4+1), 4 L1, cpl. 4, 1 L3 cpl. 122. Total 14 vase (1+5+2+1+5), 1 can, 5 castroane, 2 vase de provizii, 1 vas cu toarte, 5 borcane. Total 88 vase = 74+14 vase. b. Gropi nr. total de vase n raport cu specificul arderii: G1 cpl. 24a, 1 roie (fig. 51/5), 2 glbui (fig. 51/10), 16 cenuii; G4 cpl. 79, 14 cenuii; G5 cpl. 114, 7 cenuii. Tehnici de ardere: 1 roie G1 cpl. 24a (fig. 51/5), 2 glbui G1 cpl. 24a (fig. 51/10), 37 cenuii (16+14+7), 16 G1 cpl. 24a, 14 G4 cpl. 79, 7 G5 cpl. 114. Gropi, G1 cpl. 24a, 21, 1 toart roie (fig. 51/5), 2 glbui, 1 castron (fig. 51/10) plus 1 perete decorat cu o incizie n val i 16 cenuii, 1 cni, probabil (fig. 51/1), 1 castron (fig. 51/2), 1 borcan i 1 castron cu marginea invazat (fig. 50/2; 51/7); 6 margini de borcane (fig. 51/3), 6 margini arcuite cu buza rotunjit, 7 baze inelare, unele glbui, corpuri lustruite cu piatra n zigzag, val, romburi sau doar striaii (fig. 50/1, 5; 51/6); G4 cpl. 79, 14, cenuie, 1 castron scund cu umrul carenat poate un import (fig. 120/8), 6 vase cu profil n S (fig. 120/10, 17, 20-21), 2 buze (fig. 120/13); 2 baze inelare (fig. 120/18-19), prima de la un mic vas posibil un import, 2 cioburi decorate cu incizii orizontale i n zigzag (fig. 120/11-12), 1 toart cu nuire longitudinal; G5 cpl. 114, 7, cenuie, 3 buze invazate (fig. 133/1-2), 1 vas cu profil n S (fig. 133/4), negricioas lustruit, 1 castron cu marginea dreapt (fig. 133/3), 1 baz inelar, 1 borcan cu buza simplu arcuit exterior, 1 toart lat cu dou nuiri (fig. 133/9), 1 baz, 42 vase (21+14+7). Forme de vase reconstituite prin desen, G1 cpl. 24a, ceramica fin glbuie, lustruit: 1 castron, cenuie: 1 cni (fig. 51/1), 1 borcan, 2 castroane (fig. 50/2; 51/2, 7), 6 borcane (fig. 51/3), G4 cpl. 79,1 castron (fig. 120/8), 6 vase cu profil n S (fig. 120/10, 17, 20-21), G5 cpl. 114, 1 vas cu profil n S (fig. 133/4), 1 castron negricios (fig. 133/3), 1 borcan. Forme, 1 cni, 5 castroane - 1 glbui, 4 cenuii, 8 borcane, 7 vase cu profil n S, total 26 vase (1+5+1+4+8+7). c. Aglomerri de materiale, A1 cpl. 42, 9 vase fine, 1 margine de castron de culoare glbuie cu exteriorul slipuit ars, cenuii, 1 gt de can cenuie-negricioas decorat sub buz cu un zigzag lustruit (fig. 85/3); 1 margine de vas cu profil n S (fig. 85/8), 2 vase cu gt nalt (fig. 85/7), 5 buze diferite (fig. 85/5), 1 toart lat cu seciune oval; 2 baze inelare; A2 cpl. 64, cenuie, 1 pahar (fig. 96/1), 1 castron (fig. 96/2), 1 vas cu toarte (fig. 96/5), 1 baz inelar (fig. 96/8), 1 baz dreapt (fig. 96/7), 12 vase (9+3). Forme, 1 pahar, 1 can cenuie-negricioas, 2 castroane, 1 glbuie, 1 cenuie, 1 vas cu profil n S, tot castron, 1 vas cu toarte, 6 vase (1+1+3+1). 5. Ceramica fin - secolele V-VI Total numr de complexe, 3 =2G + 1A Total fragmente din complexe, 3 vase: G1 cpl. 95 4, A1 cpl. 86 7, G2 cpl. 120 7. a-c. Ceramica fin s-a descoperit n dou din cele trei complexe, n groapa, G2 cpl. 120, 2 vase, i nu n G1 cpl. 95. Fragmente atipice au aprut n, A1 cpl. 86 3, G2 cpl. 120, 2, pahare cu profil n S, ultimul are incizate pe corp, trei zigzaguri (fig. 138/1-2), A1 cpl. 86, mai bine s-a pstrat un mic picior de la un vas din past fin (fig. 122/2). Total 3 vase. Forme, 2 pahare.

Banca Gar - apte case. The fine ceramic ware

The fine ceramics, most often burned in different shades of gray, discovered in the complexes excavated so far in this period, totaling 702 vessels, by parties from different pots was found in three dwelling. Fragmented vessels 702 vessels = 41 3th century + 189 3rd4th centuries + 210 4th century + 169+90 4rd 5th centuries + 3 3th century = 41+189+210+169+ 90+3. 1. The 3th century Total number of complexes, 4 = 1 L(0sp + 1ad) + 3G + 0A, n toate s-a descoperit ceramic fin, 4 = 1 L (0sp + 1ad) + 3 G + 0 A

Ceramica din past fin / Fine ceramic paste


Total fragmented fine paste ceramic, 41 vessels = 23+8+5+5 = 23L (0sp+23ad) + 18G = = 22f+1ang-r L1 cpl. 28+6fc+2fr G1 cpl. 21 + 5fc G2 cpl. 113 + 3f+2ang-r G3 cpl. 121 = 23+8+5+5 The dating in accordance with the polished potsherds covered with red slip, corresponds to the 3th century AD. In the archaeological complexes dated to this period that were excavated until now, the fine paste ceramic ware was found in the slightly buried dwelling DL1 cpl. 28 23 and in pits, G1 cpl. 21 - 8, PG2 cpl. 113 - 5, PG3 cpl. 121 5, 41 vessels =23+8+5+5. Dwelling and pits total no. of vessels in relation to the firing techniques, the slightly buried, DL1 cpl. 28 23 vessels, 1 with red slip, 22 grayish (fig. 59/4-5, 8) an in pits, PG1 cpl. 21 5 vessels, 2 reddish, 3 grayish, PG2 cpl. 113 5, 1 yellowish, 4 grayish; PG3 cpl. 121 5, 2 with red slip, 3 grayish, total, 41 vessels =23+8+5+5. Firing techniques: 1 yellowish - 1 PG2 113; 3 with red slip - 1 DL1 cpl. 28 and 2 PG3 cpl. 121; 35 grayish (22+5+5+3), 22 DL1 cpl. 28, 6 PG1 cpl. 21, 4 PG2 cpl. 113, 3 PG3 cpl. 121. a. In the slightly buried dwelling DL1 cpl. 28, the 23 vessels preserved in fragmentary condition had a fine aspect, 1 ceramic ware with red slip: 1 tureen and 22 made of grayish fine ceramic paste: 1 a plateau with thickened rim (fig. 59/4); 6 tureens of S-profile, out of which 1 a nervure under the neck (fig. 59/8); 3 with wide mouth (fig. 59/5); 2 with widened rim and rounded body; 2 vessels with straight neck (fig. 59/6, 9); 7 rims, and among them one flattened mostly on the exterior side (fig. 59/3); 2 rims arched toward the exterior; 2 thickened rims one with a groove in the middle; 1 inner thickened rim; 1 rim with a groove for the lid; 1 basis annular 23 vessels. b. Pits. PG3 cpl. 21, with 18 vessels, two handles of different reddish vessels (fig. 47/4-5) and six of fine greyish paste, a straight edge bowl, with a polished zigzag, limited by nervures (fig. 47/7), two S-profileed bowls (fig. 47/1-2), four bent edges, a high inner-turned neck with a nervure on the middle, four ring-like bases(fig. 47/6) and a straight one; PG5 cpl. 113, 11, 5 fine polished, a yellowish tureen, five greyish ones, bowl with oblique polished lines in the lower part (fig. 132/11), a bowl (fig. 132/13), a ridged wall, a body of a large vessel, a dark greyish pot (fig. 132/12), two bases (fig. 132/15); PG5 cpl. 121, fine pottery, two covered with red slip, 1 lid (fig. 140/1), 1 basis annular (fig. 140/10) and two conical vessels with flared rims, probably used as lids (fig. 140/4-5), unpolished, 1 tureen with S-profiled walls (fig. 140/11), 1 potsherd decorated with bands of polished lines (fig. 139/1) 18 vessels =8+5+5. Total number forms can be reconstructed,1 tureen with red slip DL1 cpl. 28,1 plateau DL1 cpl. 28 (fig. 59/4), 6 tureens of S-profile (fig. 59/8), 3 with wide mouth (fig. 59/5) with DL1 cpl. 28, 1 yellowish tureen, five greyish ones, a bowl (fig. 132/11), 1 bowl (fig. 132/13), 1 big pot, 1 dark greyish pot (fig. 132/12); PG cpl. 121, 1 lid (fig. 140/1), 1 tureen (fig. 140/11), 2 two lids, probably (fig. 140/4-5). Forms 34, 3 lids, 2 bowl, 1 tureen with red slip,1 yellowish tureen, 14 grayish tureens, 1 plateau, 1 big pot, 1 dark greyish pot. 2. The fine paste ceramic ware the 3rd 4th centuries Total number of complexes, 18 = 9DL (6sp + 3ad) + 7PG+2A,15 = 9DL (6sp + 3ad) + 4PG + 2A. Total fragmentary vessels: 189 vessels = 123DL [92DLsp (10+18+16+26+13+9) + 31DLad (7+10+14)] + 57PG (13+4+4+36) + 9A (5+4). 10f (2r+1b+7c) DLsp1, cpl. 12a + 18f (16c+1r+1n) DLsp2 cpl. 17 + 16f (13fc+1n+2ang-r) DLsp3 cpl. 29 + 26f (1n+2r+23c) DLsp4 cpl. 33 + 13f (9c+2g+1n+1ang-r) Lsp5 cpl. 34 + 9, 8c, 1n DLsp6 cpl. 72 + 6f (3fc+2r+1n) DLad1 cpl. 10 + 10f (1r+7c+2ang-r) DLad2 cpl. 31 + 12+1ang-r DLad3 cpl. 78 + 13f (12c+1r) PG2 cpl. 32 + 4fc PG3 cpl. 62+ 4c PG6 cpl. 94 + 16fc+17fg+3ang-r PG7 cpl. 106 + 6fc A1 cpl. 70 + 4fc A2 cpl. 73.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

The fine ceramic ware discovered in the 18 complexes excavated so far, as one may notice, was found in the nine dwellings, six of them being surface dwellings, DL1 cpl. 12a 10, DL2, cpl. 17 18, DL3 cpl. 29 16, L4 cpl. 33 26, DL5 cpl. 34 13, DL6 cpl. 72 9 = 92 vessels, three slightly buried, DL1 cpl. 10 6, DL2 cpl. 31 10, DL3 cpl. 78 13 =29 DLad (7+10+14), or in the seven pits out of which only four contained fine ceramic ware, PG2 cpl. 32 13, PG3 cpl. 62 4, PG6 cpl. 94 4, PG7 cpl. 106 36 = 57 PG, not appeared in four pits, PG1 cpl. 13, PG4 cpl. 74, PG5 cpl. 93; two agglomerations of ceramic, A1 cpl. 70 6, A2 cpl. 73 4, 9A = 189 vessels. a. Dwellings total no. of vessels in relation to the firing technique: surface dwellings, DLsp1 cpl. 12a, 10, 2 red, 1 black, 8 greyish; DL2 cpl. 17, 18, 1 with red slip, 1 black, 16 greyish; DL3 cpl. 29, 16, 1 black, 2 with red slip, 13 greyish; L4 cpl. 33 26, 1 greyish-blackish (fig. 72/9), 2 reddish, 23 greyish; DL5 cpl. 34, 13, 1 black, 1 with red slip, 2 yellowish, 9 greyish; DL6 cpl. 72, 1 black (fig. 112/2), 8 greyish, 92 vessels; PG2 cpl. 32, 1 reddish, 12 greyish, PG3 cpl. 62, 4 greyish, PG6 cpl. 94, 4 greyish, PG7 cpl. 106, 36, 3 with red slip, 17 yellowish, 16 greyish = 57 vessels, and slightly buried dwellings, DL1 cpl. 10, 6, 2 reddish, 3 greyish, 1 black; DL2 cpl. 31, 10, 2 with red slip, 1 reddish, 7 greyish, DL3 cpl. 78, 13, 1 with red slip, 12 greyish, 29 vessels, with two agglomerations of ceramic ware A1 cpl. 70, 6 greyish, A2 cpl. 73, 4 greyish. Firing techniques: 19 yellowish, 2 L5 cpl. 34, 17 PG7 cpl. 106, 8 red, 2 DLsp1 cpl. 12a, 2 DL4 cpl. 33, 1 PG2 cpl. 32, 2 DL1 cpl. 10, 1 DL2 cpl. 31; 10 with red slip, 1 DL2 cpl. 17, 2 DL3 cpl. 29, 1 DL5 cpl. 34, 3 PG7 cpl. 106, 2 DL2 cpl. 31, 1 DL3 cpl. 78; 1 brown, DLsp1 cpl. 12a, 5 blackish, 1 DL2 cpl. 17, 1 DL3 cpl. 29, 1 DL5 cpl. 34, 1 DL6 cpl. 72, 1 DL1 cpl. 10; 2 grayblackish, 1 DL4 cpl. 33, 1 DL1 cpl. 10 = 44; 145 greyish: 8 DLsp1 cpl. 12a, 16 DL2 cpl. 17, 13 DL3 cpl. 29, 23 DL4 cpl. 33, 9 DL5 cpl. 34, 8 DL6 cpl. 72, 12 PG2 cpl. 32, 4 PG3 cpl. 62, 4 PG6 cpl. 94, 16 PG7 cpl. 106, 3 DL1 cpl. 10, 7 DL2 cpl. 31, 12 DL3 cpl. 78, 6 A1 cpl. 70, 4 A2 cpl. 73. In the surfaces dwellings, there were identified, in DL1, cpl. 12a, 10, a red mug (fig. 34/1), a brownish base (fig. 34/7) and eight greyish bases, a bowl (fig. 33/2), a casserole (fig. 33/1), four pot necks (fig. 33/4) and two rims of different vessels (fig. 34/3-4); DL2 cpl. 17, 18, a bowl covered with red slip, with zoomorphic protomae on the shoulder (fig. 41/10) an another one black, with a nervure at the base of the neck and on the shoulder with a wavy polished line (fig. 42/2); 17 greyish, a bowl (fig. 41/12), a hemispheric bowl, four other S-profiled bowls (fig. 41/1, 3, 5, 7), three with the straight edge, out of which one with zigzag stripes on the body (fig. 42/1), a bowl with widened rim, another one with two nervures under the neck, a pot with grooved rim so to sustain the lid (fig. 42/7), 13 ring-like bases and two straight bases; DL3 cpl. 29, 16, a black polished pot, a fruit tray covered with red slip (fig. 61/1), as well as a stem (fig. 61/5), 13 greyish ones, four bowls, out of which three with S-shaped wall (fig. 60/2; 61/2, 4), four pots with inner-turned neck, two pots, a globular vessel (fig. 61/3), a straight base with circular traces, crossed by a ray (fig. 60/6) and four ring-like ones; DL4 cpl. 33, among the 26 fine paste wheel-shaped vessels, but showing different firing techniques, there was a greyish blackish pot neck (fig. 72/9), twp parts of red vessels, a wall and a ring-like base and 23 parts of greyish vessels, three ovoid beakers, two mugs (fig. 72/4-5), eight biconical bowls (fig. 72/3, 7, 11-12), four hemispherical bowls, four pots (fig. 72/13), three flared rims probably also from pots (fig. 72/1-2, 8), two straight bases and 13 ring - like ones (fig. 72/14), a handle (fig. 72/15), bodies decorated with horizontal lines; DL5 cpl. 34, 13, a black polished bowl (fig. 78/13), another one covered with red slip (fig. 78/12), two yellowish vessels, six greyish ones, two mugs (fig. 77/6, 8), three bowls (fig. 77/10, 14) and three ring-like bases; DL6 cpl. 72, 9, a black biconical vessel (fig. 112/2), two greyish pots (fig. 112/3, 10); DL3 cpl. 122, a greyish polished pot (fig. 141/1); DL6 cpl. 72, 9, 1 black biconical pot (fig. 112/2), 2 greyish pots (fig. 112/3, 10), 3 ovoid vessels (fig. 112/6, 11-12), 92 vessels (10+18+16+26+13+9). Slightly buried dwelligns: DL1 cpl. 10, 6, two red polished vessels, a fragment of a jar and a vessel with handles (fig. 32/6), three greyish vessels, a vessel with thickened base, a facetted rim (fig. 32/5), two ring-like bases and imported vessels: a vessel with impressed motifs (fig. 32/1) and

Ceramica din past fin / Fine ceramic paste


a black polished biconical bowl, with thickened base and angled profile; DL2 cpl. 31, 10, a pot with red slip, with widened rim (fig. 64/7) and two bodies of vessels, made of reddish paste, a ring-like base and 7 greyish, three thickened rims, a wide handle (fig. 64/9) and four ring-like bases; DL3 cpl. 78, 13, two vessels with red slip, a reddish - yellowish bowl with almost straight edge, obtuse angled shoulder and ring-like base (fig. 118/5), a reddish fired wall, with fine incisions on the exterior side of the rims (fig. 118/2), 10 greyish, probably a mug, a small bowl with straight inner turned edge, three other biconical, out of which one covered with black polished fine lines and another one with parallel polished lines on the body, a pot with a nervure on the neck and another one with T-shaped rim (fig. 118/15), a thickened rim and bases, two ring-shaped and two straight, parts of walls of two vessels, one with two nervures and another one with horizontally incised short lines, 29 (6+10+13)]. Total dwelligns 121 vessels. Shapes of vessels discovered in surface dwellings and reconstructed by means of drawings are grouped as follows: DL1 cpl. 12a, 1 red mug (fig. 34/1), 1 bowl (fig. 33/2), 1 casserole (fig. 33/1), 4 pots (fig. 33/4); DL2 cpl. 17, 1 bowl with red slip with zoomorphic protomae (fig. 41/10), another one black (fig. 42/2); 1 bowl (fig. 41/12), 10 bowls (fig. 41/1, 3, 5, 7; 42/1), 1 pot grayish (fig. 42/7); DL3 cpl. 29, 1 black pot, 2 fruit trays with red slip (fig. 61/1, 5), greyish, 4 bowls (fig. 60/2; 61/2, 4), 6 pots, 1 globular vessel (fig. 61/3); DL4sp cpl. 33, 1 jar greyish-blackish (fig. 72/9), greyish, 3 beakers, 2 mugs (fig. 72/4-5), greyish, 12 bowls (fig. 72/3, 7, 11-12), 4 pots + 3 probably pots (fig. 72/13 and 1-2, 8); DL5 cpl. 34, 1 black bowl (fig. 78/13), another one with red slip (fig. 78/12), 2 mugs (fig. 77/6, 8), 3 bowls (fig. 77/10, 14); DL6 cpl. 72, 9, 1 black biconical pot (fig. 112/2), 2 greyish pots (fig. 112/3, 10), 3 ovoid vessels (fig. 112/6, 11-12). Slightly buried dwellings: DL1 cpl. 10, red, 1 jar and 1 vessel with handles (fig. 32/6), 1 black biconical bowl; DL2 cpl. 31, 1 pot with red slip (fig. 64/7); DL5 cpl. 78, 13, 1 reddish-yellowish bowl (fig. 118/5), probably 1 mug, 1 small bowl, 3 biconical vessels, 1 pot (fig. 118/15). Shapes of vessels discovered in surface dwellings and reconstructed by means of drawings. Surface dwellings: 1 red mug (fig. 34/1), 1 black bowl (fig. 78/13), 1 black pot, 1 jar greyish-blackish (fig. 72/9), 1 tureen with reddish slip with zoomorphic protomae; 42/1), 2 fruit trays with red slip (fig. 61/1, 5), bowl with red slip (fig. 78/12); grayish: beakers, 4 mugs (fig. 72/45; 77/6, 8), 29 tureen (fig. 33/2; 41/1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12; 42/2; 60/2; 61/2, 4; 72/3, 7, 11-12), 3 bowls (fig. 77/10, 14), 1 casserol (fig. 33/1), 11 pots (fig. 33/4; 42/7), 1 globular vessel (fig. 61/3), 6 pots 112/3, 10) + 3 probably pots (fig. 72/13 and 1-2, 8), 1 black biconical pot (fig. 112/2), 3 ovoid vessels (fig. 112/6, 11-12). Slightly buried dwellings: 1 pot with red slip (fig. 64/7), 1 black biconical bowl, 1 reddish-yellowish bowl (fig. 118/5), grayish, 1 mug, 1 small bowl, 3 biconical vessels, 1 pot (fig. 118/15), 1 jar and 1 vessel with handles (fig. 32/6). Out of the total of vessels that were pointed out, surface dwellings, 3 beakers, 5 mugs, 1 red; 4 greyish, 2 bowls, 1 caserol and 22 tureens, out of which 2 with red slip, one with zoomorphic protomae, 1 reddish-yellowish, 2 blackish and 29 greyish, 23 jars, 1 grayish-blackish, 1 blackish, 21 grayish, 2 fruit trays, with red slip, 1 globular vessel, 1 biconical blackish vessels, 3 vessels ovoid. Slightly buried dwellings: 2 mugs, 1 small tureen, 7 tureens, 1 blackish, 2 yellow-reddish, 4 greyish, 1 vessel with handles, 1 jar reddish, 3 jars grayish, 1 with red slip, 2 greyish, 3 vessel bitronconic. b. Pits total no. of vessels in relation to the firing technique: PG2 cpl. 32, 1 reddish, 12 greyish, PG3 cpl. 62, 4 greyish; PG6 cpl. 94, 4 greyish; PG7 cpl. 106, 37, out of which 17 fired until they with different shades of gray, 5 yellowish, 3 yellowish-whitish, 6 yellowish-greyish, 3 yellowish-pink, 2 red, 16 greyish, 2 blackish. The greyish ceramic ware was not identified in 4 pits, PG1 cpl. 13; PG4-6 cpl. 74, 93-94. Firing techniques: 2 red, PG7 cpl. 106; 17, different shades of yellowish, 5 yellowish, 3 yellowish-whitish, 6 yellowish-greyish, 3 yellowish-pink PG7 cpl. 106; 2 blackish, 2 PG7 cpl. 106, 24 greyish, 4, PG3 cpl. 62; 4, PG6 cpl. 94; 16 PG7 cpl. 106. PG2 cpl. 32, included 13 vessels, out of which a fragment of a red button lid (fig. 68/2) and 12 vessels made of fine greyish paste, a bowl (fig. 68/3), a mug (fig. 68/4), two hemispheric bowls


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

decorated with a net motif (fig. 68/1) and two with thickened rim, seven fragments of different rims, two handles (fig. 68/5), three bodies and eight ring-like bases; PG3 cpl. 62, 8 parts of vessels that cannot be reconstructed; PG9, cpl. 94, 4 greyish, two bowls (fig. 126/15, 17), a handle (fig. 126/16) and a decorated shard (fig. 126/18); PG7 cpl. 106, 36, 17 yellowish fired and polished vessels, a pot (fig. 130/1), eight walls ornamented with incisions (fig. 130/2) and two with registers covered with zigzags delimited by lines (fig. 130/4, 8), three yellowish-whitish pots and six yellowish-greyish pots decorated with horizontal lines, one with a zigzag (fig. 130/6), a yellowish-pink bowl, a small pot, a ring-like base, a straight base, another one flares and a dark yellowish polished body, a handle and a red base; the fragments covered with red slip, four edges out of which a widened one, probably a fruit tray, and a red base; blackish: a coarsely finished base, a polished handle; greyish, without fine polishing: a pot with inner-turned edge with rim of triangular cross-section (fig. 130/5), an alveoli handle (fig. 131/6) and nine ring-like bases; 16 greyish fired finely polished vessels, a small mug, two mugs (fig. 131/1), a small bowl, a bowl with inner turned rim and one covered with black lines (fig. 131/5), two other bowls, one with the straight edge showing a nervure in its middle, another one with outer bent wall, a pot with inner turned short neck, long ornamented body, three pots with inner turned high edge, a pot with outer turned thickened and rounded rim, and four edges with outer-turned rims (fig. 130/9), an outer-rounded rim of a S-profiled vessel (fig. 131/3) 57 PG (13+4+4+36). Shapes of vessels discovered in pits and reconstructed by means of drawings: 1 red, PG cpl. 32, lid (fig. 68/2), greyish, 1 bowl (fig. 68/3), 1 mug (fig. 68/4), 4 tureens (fig. 68/1); PG6 cpl. 94, 2 bowls (fig. 126/15, 17); PG7 cpl. 106, 1 pot yellowish (fig. 130/1); 3 pots yellowish-whitish, 6 pots yellowish-greyish (fig. 130/6), 1 bowl yellowish-pink, 1 small pot, 1 mug, 1 fruit tray; 1 greyish pot with fine polishing (fig. 130/5), polished pottery, 1 small mug, 2 mugs (fig. 131/1), 1 small bowl, 3 tureens (fig. 131/5), 5 pots (fig. 130/9). Out of the total of 58 pots that were identified: 1 small mug, 4 mugs, 1 red lid, 1 bowl yellowish-pink, 1 small bowl, 7 tureens, 1 small pot, 1 pot yellowish, 3 pots yellowish-whitish, 6 pots yellowish-greyish, 6 pots, 1 fruit tray, 2 bowls c. Ceramic agglomerations total no. of vessels in relation to the firing technique: A1 cpl. 70, 6 greyish (fig. 108/2, 4-9, 12-13), A2 cpl. 73, 4 greyish = 10 vessels. Ceramic agglomerations, A1 cpl. 70, 5 greyish, a mug (fig. 108/5), a bowl with the inner turned rim (fig. 108/12), three pots (fig. 108/4, 6, 8), a handle (fig. 108/7), two bases (fig. 108/9), a lid button (fig. 108/13) and a vessel wall (fig. 108/2). In A2 cpl. 73, 4, out of which a mug (fig. 113/3), a ring-like base (fig. 113/6) and three parts of vessels (fig. 113/1, 5, 7) 9A (6+4). Shapes of vessels discovered in ceramic agglomerations and reconstructed by means of drawings: A1 cpl. 70, 1 mug (fig. 108/5), 1 bowl (fig. 108/12), 3 pots (fig. 108/4, 6, 8), 1 lid (fig. 108/13); A2 cpl. 73, 1 mug (fig. 113/3). Formes total of 10 vessels that were identified: 7 = 2 mugs, 1 tureens, 3 jars, 1 lid. 3. The fine paste ceramic ware, the 4th century Total number of complexes, 28 = 7L(5sp+2ad) + 16G + 5A, in 7L(5sp+2ad)+12G+5A. Total fragmented fine paste ceramic, 208 vessels = 51DL(46sp+5ad) + 109PG + 49A 18, 1n-b,1g-a,2n,14c DLsp1 cpl. 1 3+1ang-r DLsp2 cpl. 15 + 4+1ang-g DLsp3 cpl. 30 + 3 DLsp4 cpl. 48 + 13+1n+1pink-g+1a-pink DLsp5 cpl. 57 + 4 DLad1 cpl. 77 + 1 DLad2 cpl. 91 + 4+1g PG1 cpl. 18 + 12(5+2b+3n+2r) PG2 cpl. 19 + 22(2cn+3r+17) PG3 cpl. 33a + 6f(1gc+4a+1c) PG4 cpl. 37 + 23(4r+2c-a+4n) PG6 cpl. 49 + 4 PG8 cpl. 66a + 13(2n+1g+10) + 1 print decor PG9 cpl. 71 + 5(4+1a-r) PG10 cpl. 80 + 9(3c+1g+2c-a+3n) PG11 cpl. 92 + 4 PG14 cpl. 115 + 4 PG15 cpl. 116 + 1 PG16 cpl. 119 + 6 A1 cpl. 21a + 12(8+3g+1n) A2 cpl. 43 + 6(5+1n) + 1 print decor A3 cpl. 60 + 20(17+1r+2n) A4 cpl. 61+ 5 A5 cpl. 88. The fine greyish ceramic ware that was discovered in the 24 archaeological complexes sums

Ceramica din past fin / Fine ceramic paste


up 213 vessels in the 7 dwellings, out of which 5 surface dwellings, DL1 cpl. 1 18, DL2 cpl. 15 4, DL3 cpl. 30 5, DL4 cpl. 48 3, DL5 cpl. 57 16 = 46 vessels (18+4+5+3+16), and three slightly buried, DL1 cpl. 77 4, DL2 cpl. 91 1 = 5 vessels (4+1), gropi, PG1 cpl. 18 5, PG2 cpl. 19 12, PG3 cpl. 33a 22, PG4 cpl. 37 6, PG6 cpl. 49 23, PG8 cpl. 66a 4, PG9 cpl. 71 13, PG10 cpl. 80 5; PG11 cpl. 92 9, PG14 cpl. 115 4; PG15 cpl. 116 4, PG16 cpl. 119 1, 109 vessels (5+12+22+6+23+4+14+5+9+4+4+1), was not in PG5 cpl. 39, PG7 cpl. 50, PG12-12a cpl. 104-104a; agglomerations of materials, A1 Cpl. 21a 6, A2 cpl. 43 12, A3 cpl. 60 6, A4 cpl. 61 20, A5 cpl. 88 5, 49 vessels = 6+12+6+20+5. Total 209 vessels (46+5+109+49). a. Out of the total of vessels in relation to the firing technique: surface dwellings, DL1 cpl. 1, 18, 1 black, 2 brown-blackish, 1 white-yellowish, 14 greyish, DL2 cpl. 15, 4, 3 greyish, 1 covered with red slip, DL3 cpl. 30, 5, 1 with yellowish slip, 4 greyish, DL4 cpl. 48, 3 greyish, cpl. 57, 16, 1 blackish, 1 pink-yellow, 1 white-pink, 13 greyish and slightly buried, DL1 cpl. 77, 4 greyish, DL2 cpl. 91, 1 greyish = 51 vessels. The firing technique: 1 white-yellowish, DL1sp cpl. 1; 1 covered with white-pink slip DL5sp cpl. 57; 3 brown-blackish, DLsp1. cpl. 1; 1 covered with yellowish slip DLsp3 cpl. 30; 1 pink-yellow, DL5sp cpl. 57; 1 covered with red slip, 1 DL3sp cpl. 15; 1 blackish, 1 DLsp5 cpl. 57, 9 vessels. 42 greyish = 14 DLsp1 cpl. 1, 3 DLsp3 cpl. 15, 4 DLsp3 cpl. 30, 3 DLsp4 cpl. 48, 13 DLsp5 cpl. 57, 4 DLad1 cpl. 77, 1 DLad2 cpl. 91. Shapes of vessels discovered in surface dwellings and reconstructed by means of drawings: DL1 cpl. 1, 18, 1 bowl black (fig. 28/1), 2 blackish-brown pots, 1 yellowish white pot, 14 grayish, 1 mug (fig. 28/3), 2 bowls (fig. 27/7-8; 28/4), 2 pots, 2 biconical vessels (fig. 28/2); DL3 cpl. 15, 4 greyish, 2 bowls (fig. 39/3), out of which 1 with red slip (fig. 39/4); DL3 cpl. 30, 5, one with yellowish slip, greyish: three S profile bowls (fig. 63/1, 5), a high neck with flared rim and three ring-like bases; DL4 cpl. 48, 2 bowls (fig. 88/1-2), 1 pot (fig. 88/4); DL5 cpl. 57, 18, a black polished wall, a yellowish-pink fired bowl, a handle covered with pinkish white slip (fig. 94/12), 15 greyish: a mug, two S-profile bowls (fig. 94/2), a pot, a vessel with cylindrical neck and rounded body, three inner-turned edges (fig. 94/4-6), a straight edge, a vessel with a groove, a ring-like base, four bodies out of which two with horizontal incisions, one with wavy lines (fig. 94/8), one simple (fig. 94/7), a handle 46 vessels (18+4+5+3+16); slightly buried dwellings, DL1 cpl. 77, 4 greyish, a bowl (fig. 117/5), a handle (fig. 117/7), a base detached from the potters wheel with the rope (fig. 117/2), a vessel (fig. 117/4); DL2 cpl. 91, eight, three greyish bowls (fig. 124/5) and another one, finer (fig. 124/3) 5 vessels (4+1). Total 51 vessels (46+5). Shapes of vessels discovered in surface dwellings and reconstructed by means of drawings: DL1 cpl. 1, 1 mug (fig. 28/3), 3 tureens, of which 2 grayish and one fine blackish (fig. 28/4), 5 jars, of which 3 greyish, 1 brown-blackish, 1 yellowish white, 2 biconical vessels; DL2 cpl. 15, 2 tureens (fig. 39/3), out of which 1 with red slip (fig. 39/4); DL3 cpl. 30, 3 tureens (fig. 63/1,5), a high neck with flared rim and three ring-like tureens; DL4 cpl. 48, 2 tureens (fig. 88/1-2), 1 pot (fig. 88/4); DL5 cpl. 57, 1 mug, 1 yellowish-pink fired tureen, 3 tureens (fig. 94/2), 1 pot, 5 vessels (4+1). Slightly buried dwellings, DL1 cpl. 77, 1 tureen (fig. 117/5); DL2 cpl. 91, 4 tureens (fig. 124/3, 5) - 25+2 = 27 vessels (11+2+3+3+6+1+1)30 vessels. Total, 27 vessels: 2 mugs + 16 tureens (2c,1n+2,1ang-r+3+2+1+3+1+1) + 7 jars(3c,1b-n,1g-a+1+1) + 2 biconical vessels. b. The fine paste ceramic the 4th century. Pits. All the vessels in relation to specific combustion: PG1 cpl. 18, 1 covered with yellowish slip, 8 grayish; PG2 cpl. 12, 5 grayish, 2 reddish, 3 blackish, 2 brownish; PG3 cpl. 33a, 22, 2 blackish, 3 red, 17 grayish; PG4 cpl. 37, 6, 1 bricks-yellowis, 4 white, 1 grayish; PG6 cpl. 49, 23 fine, 4 reddish, 1 white-grayish, 4 blackish, 14 grayish; PG8 cpl. 66a, 4 grayish; PG9 cpl. 71, 14, 2 blackish, 1 yellowis, 10 grayish, print decor; PG10 cpl. 80, 5, 1 white-pink, 4 grayish; PG11 cpl. 92, 9, 1 yellowis, 2 grayish-white, 3 blackish, 3; PG14 cpl. 115, 4 grayish; 4 PG15 cpl. 116, 1 grayish, PG16 cpl. 119, 1 grayish. The firing technique: 4 white, PG4 cpl. 37; 1 white-pink cpl. 37; 9 reddish, 2 PG2 cpl. 19, 3 PG3 cpl. 33a, 4 PG6 cpl. 49; 2 brown PG2 cpl. 19; 14 blackish, 3 PG2 cpl. 19, 2 PG3 cpl. 33a, 4 PG6 cpl. 49, 2


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

PG9 cpl. 71, 3 PG11 cpl. 92, 34 vessels; 3 grayish-white, 1 PG6 cpl. 49, 2 PG11 cpl. 92, 3+72 grayish, 4 PG1 cpl. 18, 5 PG2 cpl. 19, 17 PG3 cpl. 33a, 1 PG4 cpl. 37, 14 PG6 cpl. 49, 4 PG8 cpl. 66a, 11, 10 PG9 cpl. 71, 1 decor imprimat, 4 PG10 cpl. 80, 3 PG11 cpl. 92, 4 PG14 cpl. 115, 4 PG15 cpl. 116, 1 PG16 cpl. 119, 109 vessels. The fine paste ceramic ware of pits. PG1 cpl. 18, 9, a wall resulted from a vessel with yellowish slip (fig. 43/1) and four of greyish vessels, a tureen with S profile (fig. 43/2), two small pots with straight or flared neck (fig. 43/4-5), three ring/like bases (fig. 43/11-13) and a straight one (fig. 43/10); in PG1 cpl. 19, 12, 5 greyish, a tureen with flared edge, a rim (fig. 44/5), a body of a vessel with wavy incisions (fig. 44/2), a potsherd with secondary firing, two flared bases and two straight ones; 2 red, two handles, 3 blackish, small bowl with S profile, 1 black fired pot (fig. 44/4); 1 vessel wall with a grooving; 1 base (fig. 44/3); 2 fine brownish tureens (fig. 44/1); PG3 cpl. 33a, 22, blackish greyish: a tureen decorated with 3-6 black polished zigzag lines (fig. 74/1), red: qa body with incised lines, a ring-like base of a small vessel and a handle (fig. 75/2), greyish, three ovoid beakers, two mugs (fig. 74/3, 5), eight biconical tureens (fig. 74/4, 7, 9), a hemispherical tureen (fig. 74/6), another one with nervures and three polished zigzags (fig. 74/13), two inner turned rims (fig. 74/10, 12); PG4 cpl. 37, 6, one belonging to the fine brick red yellowish fired one, a base, four whitish fragments a rim and two bases, out of which one with a small stem (fig. 84/7-8), greyish: a small vessel with flared rim (fig. 84/8); PG6 cpl. 49, 23, four red ones, a beaker with pits on the body (fig. 90/8), two pots, with grooves on the neck (fig. 90/10) or under the rim, a pot with a grooving for the lid; whitish greyish, a tureen, four black ones, a beaker (fig. 90/3), a tureen (fig. 90/1), a pot with inner turned edge and a vessel with wide rim, 14 greyish, a mug (fig. 90/9), four tureens, one with straight edge, with a nervure and polished zigzags on the neck (fig. 90/4), two with S profile and another one with wavy lines (fig. 90/6), two pots one with a polished stripe on the neck, two vessels out of which one with flared rim (fig. 89/7), two rims, three potsherds with wavy and zigzag motifs (fig. 89/3, 6; 90/7, 11), a perforated wall, two straight bases, one with incised angle (fig. 90/2) and four ring-like ones; PG cpl. 66a, four, two pots, one with the rim drawn much to the exterior (fig. 107/6, 10) and two bases (fig. 107/8-9); PG cpl. 71, 13, a fragment if a black polished imported vessel with impressed ornamentation (fig. 110/6), a beaker (fig. 110/5) and a bowl (fig. 110/8), yellowish: a vessel wall with a nervure and 10 greyish, 10 rims of different vessels, 5 bases and a handle; PG10 cpl. 80, 5, pink-white: a rim of a tureen with a perforation (fig. 121/2), four greyish ones, a tureen with straight eddge (fig. 121/1), a pot with the shoulder with incised lines (fig. 121/5), a rounded rim and four ring-like bases (fig. 121/3); PG cpl. 92, nine, a yellowish fine paste tureen (fig. 125/6), two whitish greyish tureens, three blackish tureens with straight edge, three greyish one, a dish (fig. 125/7), a broken rim, a handle, a wall; PG14 cpl. 115, four greyish ones, two tureens (fig. 134/3-4), the last one with decorative motifs, a base and a handle (fig. 134/7); PG15 cpl. 116, 4, a mug (fig. 135/1), a small bowl (fig. 135/8), a pot with outer-rounded rim (fig. 135/9) and a rim (fig. 135/4); PG16 cpl. 119, a greyish S-profile tureen. Out of the total of 113 pots that were identified, 109 vessels (5+12+22+6+23+4+14+ 5+ 9+4+4+1). Shapes of vessels discovered in pits and reconstructed by means of drawings: PG1 cpl. 18, 1 tureens (fig. 43/2), 2 small pots (fig. 43/4-5); PG2 cpl. 19, 1 tureens (fig. 44/5), a small S-profile blackish tureen and a pot (fig. 44/4); 2 fine paste brownish tureens (fig. 44/1); PG3 cpl. 33a, 1 red small vessel, 3 beakers, 2 mugs (fig. 74/3, 5), 1 greyish-blackish tureen (fig. 74/1), 10 tureens (fig. 74/4, 6-7, 9, 13); PG4 cpl. 37, a small vessel with flared rim (fig. 84/8); PG6 cpl. 49, 2 beakers, 1 red (fig. 90/8), 1 black (fig. 90/3), 1 mug (fig. 90/9), 6 tureen, 1 greyish-whitish, 5 grayish (fig. 90/1, 4, 6-7), 3 red pots (fig. 90/10); PG6 cpl. 66a, 2 pots (fig. 107/6, 10); PG9 cpl. 71, 1 black beaker (fig. 110/5), 1 black bowl (fig. 110/8); PG10, cpl. 80, 2 tureens, 1 pink-white (fig. 121/2), 1 cenuiu (fig. 121/1), 1 pot (fig. 121/5); PG11 cpl. 92, 9 tureen, 1 yellowish (fig. 125/6), 2 whitishgreyish, 3 blackish, 3 greyish ones, 1 dish (fig. 125/7); PG14 cpl. 115, 2 tureen (fig. 134/3-4); PG15

Ceramica din past fin / Fine ceramic paste


cpl. 116, 1 mug (fig. 135/1), 1 small bowl (fig. 135/8), 1 pot with outer-rounded rim (fig. 135/9); 1 tureen PG16 cpl. 119. Out of the total of 109 vessels that were identified: 2 small vessel, 1 reddish, 1 PG3 cpl. 33a, 1 grayish PG4 cpl. 37; 6 beakers, 3 PG3 cpl. 33a, 2,1blackish,1red PG6 cpl. 49, 1blackish PG9 cpl. 71; 4 mugs, 2 PG3 cpl. 33a, 1 PG4 cpl. 49, 1 PG15 cpl. 116; 1 dish PG11 cpl. 92, 1 bowl PG9 cpl. 71, 1 small tureen PG2 cpl. 19, 36 tureens, 1 PG1 cpl. 18, 3,2 brown PG2 cpl. 19, 11,1 greyishblackish PG3 cpl. 33a, 6,1 greyish-whitish, 5 PG4 cpl. 49, 2,1white-pink,1 PG10 cpl. 80, 9,1yellow, 2 greyish-whitish, 3 blackish, 3 PG11 cpl. 92, 2 PG14 cpl. 115, 1 PG15 cpl. 116, 1 PG16 cpl. 119 (1+3,2b+11,1c-n+6,1c-a+2,1a-r+9,1g,2c-a,3n,3+2+1+1), 10 jars, 2 PG1 cpl. 18, 1 blackish PG2 cpl. 19, 3 red PG6 cpl. 49, 2 PG6 cpl. 66a, 1 PG10, cpl. 80, 1 PG15 cpl. 116, 71 forms, 2 small vessel, 1r,1c + 6 beakers, 2n,1r,3c + 4 mugs + 1 dish + 1 bowl, 1 small tureen + 36,2b,1c-n,3c-a,1ar,1g,3n,25c tureens + 10,1n,3r,6c jars. c. Agglomeration of materials total no. of vessels in relation to the firing technique out of the seven: A1 Cpl. 21a, 6 greyish; A2 cpl. 43, 12, 3 yellowish, 1 blackish, 8 greyish; A3 cpl. 60, 6, 1 black, 5 greyish; A4 cpl. 61, 20, 1 reddish, 2 blackish, 17 greyish, A5 cpl. 88, 5 greyish. Firing techniques: 3 yellowish 3 A2 cpl. 43; 1 red, 1 A5 cpl. 61; 3 blackish 1 A2 cpl. 43, 1 A3 cpl. 60, 2 A4 cpl. 61, 49 greyish, 6 A1 Cpl. 21a, 8 A2 cpl. 43, 5 A3 cpl. 60, 17 A4 cpl. 61, 5 A6 cpl. 88. Agglomeration of materials, A1 cpl. 21a, six greyish, four bowls, some with polished zigzags on the shoulder, a biconical one (fig. 48/4; 49/1, 7), two pots (fig. 48/3, 6) and a ring-like base (fig. 48/8); A2 cpl. 43, 12, three yellowish pots (fig. 86/5), a rim of blackish paste (fig. 86/3) and eight greyish, a mug, a bowl (fig. 86/1), three rims (fig. 86/4, 6) and three ring-like bases (fig. 86/7); A3 cpl. 60, five, a black polished bowl (fig. 94/13), four greyish, a bowl with a nervure (fig. 94/14), three rims (94/15), a base and probably a polished mug, a vessel with impressed motifs (fig. 94/16); A4 cpl. 61, 20, a red base, a biconical bowl (fig. 95/7) and probably a black polished mug, 20 greyish: five bowls out of which a S-profiled one (fig. 95/10), another one with ridged shoulder (fig. 95/3), two with flared edge (fig. 95/12), three pots with nervures on the shoulder, one with two zigzags (fig. 95/1-2, 15), two rims (95/6), two fragments of impressed motifs (fig. 95/4) and zigzag polished motifs (fig. 95/5), two bases out of which one with alveoli edge (fig. 95/11) and two handles (fig. 95/14); A5 cpl. 88, two rims (fig. 123/1, 5), a mug (fig. 123/3), a base (fig. 123/6) and a wall with incisions (fig. 123/7), 49 (6+12+5+20+3+4). Shapes of vessels reconstructed by means of drawings, A1 cpl. 21a, 4 tureens (fig. 48/4; 49/1, 7), 2 pots (fig. 48/3, 6); A2 cpl. 43, 3 yellowish pots (fig. 86/5), 1 mug, 1 bowl (fig. 86/1), A3 cpl. 60, 1 black bowl (fig. 94/13), 1 bowl (fig. 94/14), A4 cpl. 61, 1 black bowl (fig. 95/7), 1 black mug, 5 bowls, 3 pots, A5 cpl. 88, 1 mug (fig. 123/3). Out of the total 26, of 49 vessels that were identified: 3 mug (1 + 1 + 1) 1 black A4 cpl. 61, 1 A2 cpl. 43, 1 A5 cpl. 88; 14 tureens, 2 black, 1 A3 cpl. 60, 1 A4 cpl. 61, 12(4 + 1 + 1 + 5) grayish, 4 A1 cpl. 21a, 1 A2 cpl. 43, 1 A3 cpl. 60, 5 A4 cpl. 61; 8 jars, 3 yellowish A2 cpl. 43, 5 grayish, 1 A1 cpl. 21a, 3 A4 cpl. 61. 4. The fine greyish paste ceramic ware, the 4rd 5th centuries Total number of complexes, 17 vessels = 9DL (6sp+3ad) + 5PG + 2A, din care a aprut aproape n toate 15 = 9L (6sp+3ad) + 4G + 2A Total fragmented fine ceramic: 169 vessels = 115 L(97sp + 18ad) + 42G + 12A 27 (19+3gc+1n+4r) Lsp1 cpl. 14 + 11 (1g+1+9)Lsp2 cpl. 26 + 3+3n Lsp3 cpl. 35 + 33+1r Lsp4 cpl. 36 + 17 Lsp5 cpl. 51 + 7 Lad1 cpl. 4 + 8+2r Lad2 cpl. 27 + 1 Lad3 cpl. 122 + 16+1r+4ang-g G1 cpl. 24a + 14 G4 cpl. 79 + 4+3 fn G5 cpl. 114 + 9 (2g+7c) A1 cpl. 42 + 3 A2 cpl. 64 = 169 vessels + 90 (32+29+8+13+1+7). The fine ceramic was discovered in almost all complexes of this period, in surface dwellings DL1 cpl. 14 29, DL2 cpl. 26 11, DL3 cpl. 35 6, DL4 cpl. 36 34, DL5 cpl. 51 17,


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

97 vessels (29+11+6+34+17), and in slightly buried dwellings: DL1 cpl. 4 7, cpl. 27 10, DL3 cpl. 122 1, 18 vessels (7+10+1); in pits, PG1 cpl. 24a 21, PG4 cpl. 79 14, G5 cpl. 114 7, 42 vessels (21+14+7), atypical fragmented occurred in PG2 cpl. 26a, PG3 cpl. 69a; agglomerations of materials in, A1 cpl. 42 9, A2 cpl. 64 3, 12 vessels (9+3), 169 vessels. Is not in, DL6 cpl. 96. a. Total of vessels in relation to the firing technique: surface dwellings: DL1 cpl. 14, 29, 3 yellowish-grayish, 1 blackish, 3 reddish, 20 grayish; DL2 cpl. 26, 11, 1 yellowish, 1 reddish (fig. 54/1), 9 grayish; DL3 cpl. 35, 6, 3 blackish, 3 grayish, DL4 cpl. 36, 31, 2 grayish, 1 reddish, 28 grayish, DL5 cpl. 51, 18 grayish; slightly buried dwellings, DL1, cpl. 4, DL2 cpl. 27, 2 reddish, 8 grayish; DL3 cpl. 122, 1 grayish. Surface dwellings DL1 cpl. 14, 29, three yellowish-greyish, a mug, a small biconical bowl, a neck with a nervure and a base, one of black paste, a biconical bowl (fig. 37/9), a ring-like base and three red: a bowl covered with slip (fig. 37/8), a vessel with high neck, a ring-like base, a wall with incisions and 20 greyish vessels, a mug, four biconical bowls with a nervure on the neck (fig. 38/4) or on the shoulder and six bowls out of which one with straight neck, three with S-profile (fig. 38/13) and two with wide mouth (fig. 37/10), five pots (fig. 38/6), four edges with nervures (fig. 37/6-7; 38/5, 7), two necks, two handles, eight ring-like bases and three straight ones; DL2 cpl. 26, 11, a yellowish fired wall, a brick-red mug (fig. 54/1) and nine greyish ones, two S profile or hemispherical bowls (fig. 53/1, 5), a bowl (fig. 54/7), three ovoid pots (fig. 54/2; 53/2, 4), four rounded ones (fig. 54/5), one with a grooving for the lid, another one with a nervure under the neck (fig. 53/6), a wall with a hatched stripe, two grooved fragments and four ring-like bases; DL6, cpl. 35, 6, three blackish polished bowls (fig. 79/1-2), three greyish bowls (fig. 79/3); DL7, cpl. 36, 34, polished greyish paste, probably a fruit tray (fig. 81/4) and another vessel preserved only in fragmentary condition, fine red paste: a bowl (fig. 81/2), greyish: a miniature biconical vessel (fig. 81/7), a vessel (fig. 81/6), a bowl, three with the upper cylindrical part, out of which one ornamented with three wavy lines (fig. 81/5), another one with a nervure under the rim, five S profile bowls, eight necks arched toward the interior with rounded rims possibly of pots, three almost vertical, three with flared rims and three widened toward the exterior, three walls of rounded vessels, one ornamented with a polished wavy line (fig. 83/4); four handles, 26 ring-like bases (fig. 81/12; 83/3), a base with circumscribed circles (fig. 81/8); DL5 cpl. 51, 18, a beaker (fig. 91/7), four S-profile bowls (fig. 92/4), a hemispherical one, four with flared walls, three pots, one with a groove for the lid, a biconical vessel and two ring-like bases (fig. 92/2); slightly buried dwellings, DL1, cpl. 4, 7, 3 pots (fig. 29/8; 30/9), a rim (fig. 29/2), two ring-like bases (fig. 29/3; 30/4); 1 grayish polished tureen, decorated with geometric print, imports (fig. 29/1); DL2 cpl. 27, contained 10, out of which two were covered with red slip, a wall and a vessel with handles (fig. 57/9), eight were greyish, a mug (fig. 57/6), three bowls, one with straight upper part, under the rim and with grooving on the middle (fig. 57/1), two of S profile (fig. 57/3, 5), two inner-turned rims (fig. 57/4, 8), a ring-like base, parts of two separated food storage vessels (fig. 57/2, 7); the second slightly buried dwellign, DL3, cpl. 122, a greyish polished pot (fig. 141/1), 115 vessels (97sp + 18ad). Forms, surface dwellings, DL1 cpl. 14, 27, 2 mug, a yellow, another gray, 1 bowl red (fig. 37/8), 12 tureens, 10 grayish, one yellow and one black (fig. 37/9-10; 38/1-4), 5 jars (fig. 38/6); DL2 cpl. 26, 11, 1 reddish mug (fig. 54/1), 3 tureens (fig. 53/1, 5, 7), 7 jars (fig. 53/2, 4, 6; 54/2, 5); DL3 cpl. 35, 6, 3 blackish tureens (fig. 79/1-2) and 3 grayish (fig. 79/3); DL4 cpl. 36, probably a fruit tray (fig. 81/4), 1 reddish fine tureen (fig. 81/2), 1 a beaker (fig. 81/6), 1 biconical vessels miniatural (fig. 81/7), 10 tureens (fig. 81/5), 8 jars, probably; DL5 cpl. 51, 1 beaker (fig. 91/7), 9 tureens (fig. 92/4), 3 jars, 1 biconical vessels miniature; slightly buried dwellings, DL1 cpl. 4, 3 jars (fig. 29/8; 30/9), DL2 cpl. 27, a vessel with handle (fig. 57/9), 1 mug (fig. 57/6), 5 tureens (fig. 57/1, 3-5, 8), 2 food storage vessels (fig. 57/2, 7); DL3 cpl. 122, grayish polished jars (fig. 141/1). Total of 110 vessels: surface dwellings, 2 beaker, 1 DL4 cpl. 36, 1 DL5 cpl. 51; 4 mugs, 1 yellowish-grayish, 1 reddish DL2 cpl. 26, 2 grayish DL1 cpl. 14; 1 reddish bowl DL1 cpl. 14; 6 +

Ceramica din past fin / Fine ceramic paste


35 tureens, 6 2 yellowish-grayish DL1 cpl. 14, 1 reddish DL4 cpl. 36, 3 blackish DL3 cpl. 35, grayish, 35(10+3+3+10+9) grayish, 10 DL1 cpl. 14, 3 DL2 cpl. 26, 3 DL3 cpl. 35, 10 DL4 cpl. 36, 9 DL5 cpl. 51; 23 jars (5+7+8+3), 5 DL1 cpl. 14, 7 DL2 cpl. 26, 8 probably jars DL4 cpl. 36, 3 jars DL5 cpl. 51; 1 fruit tray, 1 DL4 cpl. 36, 2 biconical vessels, with one miniature DL4 cpl. 36, 1 DL5 cpl. 51; Total forms, 74 vessels (2+4+1+41+23+1+2), 2 beakers, 4 mugs, 1 bowl, 6+35 tureens, 23 jars, 1 fruit tray, 2 biconical vessels, with one miniature. Slightly buried dwellings, 1 mug DL2 cpl. 27 (fig. 57/6), 5 tureens DL2 cpl. 27 (fig. 57/1, 3-5, 8), 5(4 + 1) jars, DL1 cpl. 4, 1 DL3 cpl. 122; 1 a vessel with handle DL2 cpl. 27 (fig. 57/9); 2 food storage vessels DL2 cpl. 27 (fig. 57/2, 7). Total 14 vessels (1+5+2+1+5), 1 mug, 5 tureens, 2 food storage vessels, 1 vessel with handle, 5 jars. Total 88 vessels = 74 + 14 vessels. b. Pits nr. total of vessels in relation to the firing technique: PG1 cpl. 24a, 1 reddish (fig. 51/5), 2 yellowish (fig. 51/10), 16 grayish; PG4 cpl. 79, 14 grayish, G5 cpl. 114, 7 cenuii. The firing technique: 1 reddish PG1 cpl. 24a (fig. 51/5), 2 yellowish PG1 cpl. 24a (fig. 51/10), 37 grayish (16+14+7), 16 PG1 cpl. 24a, 14 PG4 cpl. 79, 7 G5 cpl. 114. Pits. PG1 cpl. 24a, 16 vessels, one reddish (fig. 51/5), two yellowish, out of which a bowl and a wall with a wavy incision (fig. 51/10), 13 greyish, a small mug (fig. 51/1), two bowls (fig. 51/2, 7), six edges of pots (fig. 50/2), a widened rim of a pot (fig. 51/3), six edges with rounded rim seven ring-like bases, some yellowish ones, parts of polished vessels with zigzags, waves, rhombi or only ribs (fig. 50/1, 5; 51/6); PG4 cpl. 79, 14, 14, a low bowl with straight ridged shoulder possibly imported (fig. 120/8), six S-profiled vessels (fig. 120/10,17, 20-21), two rims (fig. 120/13), two ring-like bases (fig. 120/18-19), the first one of a small vessel possibly an imported one, two parts of vessel walls with horizontal and zigzag incisions (fig. 120/11-12) and a handle; G5 cpl. 114, 7, greyish, three edges (fig. 133/1-2), one S-profiled vessel (fig. 133/4), blackish polished, 1 tureen (fig. 133/3), 1 ring-like basis, 1 jar, 1 hamdle (fig. 133/9), 1 basis, 42 vessels (21+14+7). Shapes of vessels discovered in pits and reconstructed by means of drawings, PG1 cpl. 24a, yellowish fine ceramics, polished, 1 tureens, grayish fine, 1 small mug (fig. 51/1), 1 tureen (fig. 51/2), 1 jar, 1 tureen (fig. 50/2; 51/7), 6 jars (fig. 51/3); PG4 cpl. 79, 1 tureen (fig. 120/8), 6 Sprofiled vessels (fig. 120/10, 17, 20-21); G5 cpl. 114, 1 S-profiled vessels (fig. 133/4), 1 blackish tureen (fig. 133/3), 1 jar. Forms, 1 small mug, 5 tureens, 1 yellowish fine, 1 blackish, 3 grayish, 8 jars, 7 S-profiled vessel, total 26 vessels (1+5+1+4+8+7). c. Agglomerations of materials, A1 cpl. 42, 9, 1 greyish-blackish mug (fig. 85/3), 1 yellowish tureen, a neck of a blackish greyish mug with a polished zigzag under the rim (fig. 85/3), eight greyish ones, an edge of an S profiled vessel (fig.85/8), two vessels with high neck (fig. 85/7), five different rims (fig. 85/5), a handle, two small ring-like bases; A2 cpl. 64, 1 beaker (fig. 96/1), a tureen (fig. 96/2), a vessel with handle (fig. 96/5) a straight base and a star-like one (fig. 96/7-8), 12 vessels (9+3). Forms, 1 beaker, 1 grayish-blackish mug, 3 tureens, 1 yellowish, 2 grayish, 1 Sprofiled vessel, 1 vessel with handle, 7 vessels (1+1+3+1+1). 5. The fine paste ceramic ware, 5th century Total number of complexes, 3 = 2PG + 1A Total fragmented fine paste ceramic of complexes, 3 vessels = 2PG + 1A. The fine ceramic ware discovered in the three complexes excavated so far, in twoo pits, PG2 cpl. 120 2, 2 vessels, and in agglomerations, A1 cpl. 86 1, 3 vessels. It was in the PG1 cpl. 95. b-c. Pits and agglomerations of materials, PG2 cpl. 120, 2, beaker of an S profiled vessel, last is incised on the body, ordered three zigzags (fig. 138/1-2), din A1 cpl. 86, a small stem of greyish paste (fig. 122/2). Forme, 2 beaker.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Banca Gar - apte case. Atelierul de olrie, secolele IV-V

Complex 65 (fig. 97a-c -104). Total numr fragmente ceramice = 43 cuptor A + 36 cuptor B + 12G1 + 21G2 + 1G3 + 10 interior + 6 amfore = 129 vase 129 = 43CA (7z + 1zn + 3pz + 3fn + 5fcn + 19f + 2fr + 3fn) + 36 CB(3pzr + 4pzc + 29f (5fr + 2c-n + 22c) + 12 G1[4pz (3c + 1n) + 8f (1cn + 7c)] + 21 G2 (4z + 4pz + 13fc) + 1fc G3 + 10 interior (3m + 7f) + 6 amfore

n cuptoarele atelierului, n pmntul de umplutur, n Ceramica din atelier preajma lor i n amenajrile din ncperea atelierului s-au gsit Cupt.A43=1zr1n6+3pzn+32f fragmente ceramice, cupt. A43, B36, G112, G221, G31, CB=36=3pzr4+29f-5r2n22 10 int. G1 12=3z+1zn+1fn+7fc Ceramica din atelierul de olrie nsumeaz 123 vase: 43 cuptor A din care 8 din past zgrunuroas (6c+1n+1r) + G2 21=4z+4pz+13fc 3c-n din past puin zgrunuroas + 32 din past fin (3g+2r+6cG3 1 n+6n+15c); 36 cuptor B 7 din past puin zgrunuroas Interior 10=3m+7c (3r+4c), 29 din past fin (5r+2c-n+22c); 12G1, 4 din past Amfore 6 puin zgrunuroas (3c+1n) + 8 din past fin fin (1c-n+7c); 21G2, 4 past zgrunuroas, 4 puin zgrunuroas + 13fc; 1G3, Atelier olarie 129 1c; 10 int., 3 modelate cu mna + 7c past fin. 0 50 100 150 Categorii ceramice: 123 vase = 3m + 17z + 14pz + 10fgr + 6fn + 9fcn + 64fc = 3 cu mna Int. + 17 past zgrunuroas [8 cupt.A (1n+1r+6c) + 5G1(3c+2n) + 4G2c] + 14 puin zgrunuroas (3c-n cupt.A + 7 cupt.B (3r+4c) + 4G2c + 10 fin [5 cupt.A (3g+2r) + 5r cupt.B] + 9fc-n [6 cupt.A + 2 cupt.B + 1G1] + 6n cupt.A + 64fc (15 cupt.A + 22 cupt.B + 6G1 + 13G2 + 1 G3 + 7 int.atelier).

3 Vase modelate cu mna: interiorul atelierului, 3 baze cenuii (fig. 104/9, 12).

17 Vase din past zgrunuroas, cuptor A, 8, 1 negricios, 1 baz, 1 perete (fig. 98/40); 1 roie, 1 baz inelar crmizie (fig. 98/39); 6 cenuii, 2 vase de provizii (fig. 98/8, 23-24), 3 perei (fig. 98/19-21), 6 baze - 1 dreapt, 2 inelare (fig. 98/14, 39, 43), 3 - desprinse cu sfoara (fig. 98/37; 99/14), total 8 vase (1+1+6); G1, 5, 3 cenuii, 3 perei canelai de la dou vase (fig. 103/8, 12-13), 2 negre, 1 perete lustruit fin (fig. 103/13); baz (fig. 98/41), total 5 vase (3+2); G2, 4, 3 baze (fig. 103/30, 36, 39), 1 perete (fig. 103/32), total 4 vase (3+1). Total vase pe complexe, 17 (8+5+4). Tehnica de ardere: cuptor A, 1 negricios, 1 rou, 6 cenuii, 8 (1+2+6); G1 3 cenuii, 2 negre, 5 (3+2); G2, 4 cenuii, 4 (3+1). Total, 17 vase, 3 negricioase, 2 roii, 12 cenuii.

14 Vase din past puin zgrunuroas, cuptor A, 3 cenuii-negricioase, 3 perei (fig. 98/19, 22; 100/7), 1 baz (fig. 98/41), de la 3 vase; cuptor B, 3 roietice, 2 mate, 1 perete vas de provizii (fig. 101/36), 1 margine (fig. 101/21); 1 baz inelar roie cu angob alb-roietic (fig. 102/8); 4 cenuii, 1 margine (fig. 101/19), 1 perete canelat (fig. 101/15), 2 baze (fig. 101/34; 37), de la 7 vase (3+4); G2, 4 cenuii, 2 borcane (fig. 104/1, 7), 1 buz (fig. 103/16), 1 baz dreapt (fig. 103/31), 1 fragment ceramic canelat (fig. 103/37), de la 4 vase (2+1+1). Total vase pe complexe, 14 (3+7 (3+4)+4). Tehnica de ardere: cuptor A, 3 cenuii-negricioase, cuptor B, 3 roietice, 4 cenuii, G2, 4 cenuii. Total tip de ardere, 14 vase, 3 roietice, 3 cenuii-negricioase i 8 cenuii.
10 Vase din past fin glbuie i roie, cuptor A, 3 glbuie pri de vase, probabil de import (fig. 98/16-18), 2 roietice, 2 baze inelare (fig. 98/31, 39); cuptor B, 5 fin roie, 1 castron (fig. 102/7), 1 margine de castron (fig. 101/21), 1 toart (fig. 102/5), 3 baze inelare (fig.101/26, 28-30), 2 baze (fig. 101/33, 38). Total 10 vase (3+2+5). Tehnica de ardere: cuptor A,

Atelierul de olrie, secolele IV-V / Pottery workshop, 4rd-5th centuries


3 glbui, 2 roietice, cuptor B, 5 roii. Total tip de ardere, 10, 3 glbui, 7 roii.
15 Ceramic din past fin, negricioas, cuptor A, 6, 2 castroane i 1 borcan (fig. 100/1-3), 2 buz i margine de borcan (fig. 98/6 i 99/7), 1 perete (fig. 98/13), 6 baze, 2 cenuiunegricioase (fig. 98/4), 4 inelare (fig. 98/33; 100/4-5, 8), 12 vase (6+6); cuptor B, 2 fine cenuiunegricioase, 1 baz inelar (fig. 101/27), 1 baz (fig. 101/35), 2 vase; G1, 1 fin cenuienegricioas, 1 margine (fig. 103/4), forme 1 vas. Total 15 vase (6n (2+1+1+1+1) + 6cn (2+4)+ 2cn+1cn). Tehnica de ardere: cuptor A, 6 negricioase i B, 9 cenuiu-negricioase.

64 Ceramic din past fin cenuie, din cuptor A, 15, 1 can (fig. 99/11), 6 castroane (fig. 99/1, 4-5, 8-9, 13), penultimul - un import, 2 borcane (fig. 99/2; 100/6), 6 buze (fig. 98/4-5, 10, 12, 20; 99/6), 3 perei (fig. 98/7, 11, 36), 1 toart (fig. 98/15), 9 baze inelare (fig. 98/2530, 32, 34-35; 99/10), 15 vase, cu 9 baze (1+6+2+6); din cuptor B, 22 fin cenuie + 3, 10 castroane (fig. 101/1, 3-4, 6, 7-9; 102/1, 3-4, 15); 3 borcane (fig. 101/5, 8, 13-14), 9 margini (fig. 101/2, 6, 10-12, 16-18, 20, 22-23, 25, 39), 2 baze inelare (fig. 101/32, 38), 3 perei de vase, folosii pentru astuparea perforrilor grtarului (fig. 102/15-17) i alte fragmente (fig. 101/31, 41-42, 44-47; 102/2, 12; 103/26), 22 vase (10+3+9); G1, 6, 1 castrona (fig. 103/3), 4 margini (fig. 103/1-2,5-6), 2 perei (103/9, 12), 6 vase (1+4+1); G2, 13 cenuie, 5 castroane (fig. 103/14-15, 18-19; 28), 1 castrona (fig. 103/24), 6 buze (fig. 103/20-23, 25,33), 1 borcan (fig. 103/26), 1 perete (fig. 103/27), 1 toart (fig. 103/17), 2 baze inelare (fig. 103/35, 38), 1 baz dreapt (fig. 103/29), 13 cenuie (5+1+6+1); G3, 1 baz inelar (fig. 104/10); 7 interior, cenuie, 2 cni (fig. 104/2, 15), 2 castroane (fig. 104/1, 11), 1 castron cu umr carenat (fig. 104/14), 2 buze (fig. 104/5, 17), baz inelar (fig. 104/3), fragment ceramic ars pn la topire (fig. 104/8), 7 vase (2+2+1+2). Total 64 vase, cuptoare (A15 + B22) + G1 6 + G2 13 + G3 1 + Int. 7. Tehnica de ardere, 64 vase cenuii.

Total forme: - past zgrunuroas, 2 vase de provizii cenuii, cuptor A (fig. 98/8, 23-24); - puin zgrunuroas, 3: 1 vas de provizii rou, cuptor B, 2 borcane, G2 (fig. 101/36 i 104/1, 7); - past fin, 40 vase: 3 cni, cuptor A (fig. 99/11), 4 castronae, 2 interior (fig. 104/2, 15), 1G1 (fig. 103/3), 1G2 (fig. 103/24); 26 castroane (2n+6c+10c+5c+3c), 2 negricioase (fig. 100/1-2), 24 cenuii [6 cuptor A (fig. 99/1, 4-5, 8-9, 13), 10 cuptor B (fig. 101/1, 3-4, 6-9; 102/1, 3-4, 15), 5 G2 (fig. 103/14-15, 18-19, 28), 3 interior (fig. 104/1, 11, 14)]; 9 borcane (5 + 3 + 1), 5 cuptor A [3 roii (fig. 98/6; 99/7; 100/3), 2 cenuii (99/2; 100/6)]; 3 cuptor B (fig. 101/5, 8, 13-14), 1 G2 (fig. 103/26); 7 interior, cenuii, 2 cni (fig. 104/2, 15), 3 castroane (fig. 104/1, 11, 14). Total numr vase ntregibile: 45 (3+4+24+11+3): 3 cni din past fin, 4 castronae din past fin, 24 castroane din past fin: 2 negricioase i 22 cenuii, 11 borcane, 2 din past puin zgrunuroas, 9 din past fin, din care 3 roii i 7 cenuii, 3 vase de provizii cenuii, 2 past zgrunuroas, 1 puin zgrunuroas. Atelier de olrie. Categorii ceramice, 123 vase = 3m + 17z + 14pz + 89f, 45 forme


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Banca Gar - apte case. Pottery workshop, 4rd5th centuries

65 Complex (fig. 97a-c -104). The potters workshop, total of vessels = 43 kilnA + 36 kilnB + 12PG1 + 21PG2 + 1PG3 + 10 inside the workshop = 123 vessels 43 kilnA (7c+1cb+3scb+3fb+5fgb+19fg+2fr+3fb) + 36 kiln B(3scr+4scg+29f-5fr+2g-b+22g) + 12 PG1 [4sc(3g+1b)+8f(1gb+7g)] + 21PG2 (4c+4sc+13fg) + 1PG3 + 10 inside (3h+7f)+6 amphorae The ceramic with the potters workshop, in each of the kiln, A B, and in facilities room, sums 123 vessels, of which were: 43 in kiln A 8 coarse paste + 3 greyish-blackish slightly coarse paste + 32 fine paste (3 yellowish + 2 reddish + 6 grayish-blackish + 6 blackish + 15 grayish); 36 kiln B, 7 slightly coarse (3 reddish + 4 greyish), 29 fine paste (5 reddish + 2 grayish-blackish + 22 grayish); 12PG1 4 coarse paste (3 grayish + 1 blackish) + 8 fine greyish paste; 21PG2 4 greyish slightly + 4 greyish slightly coarse + 13 fine greyish; 1 PG3 1 fine greyish; 10 inside the workshop 3 hand-made vessels + 7 the fine greyish paste. Ceramic category: 123 vessels = 3m + 17z + 14pz + 10fgr + 6fn + 9fcn + 64fc = 3 handmade vessels, inside the workshop + 17 slightly coarse [8 kiln A (1 blackish + 1 resish + 6 greyish) + 5 PG1(3 greyish + 2 blackish) + 4 PG2 greyish] + 14 slightly coarse (3 kiln A greyish-blackish + 7 kiln B (3 reddish + 4 greyish) + 4 PG2 greyish + 10 the fine paste [5 kiln A (3 yellowish + 2 reddish) + 5 kiln B reddish] + 15 the fine greyish-blackish paste [6 kiln A + 2 kiln B + 1 PG1] + 6 fine blackish, kiln A + 64 fine greyish (15 kiln A + 22 kiln B + 6 PG1 + 13 PG2 + 1 PG3 + 7 workshop).

2 Hand-made vessels: inside the workshop, 3 bases (fig. 104/9, 12).

17 Vessels made of coarse paste, kiln A, 8, 1 blackish, 1 straight basic, 1 wall (fig. 98/40); 1 reddish, 1 reddish ring-like basic (fig. 98/39); 6 greyish, 2 food storage vessel (fig. 98/8, 23-24), 3 walls (fig. 98/19-21), 6 bases, 1 straight, 2 ring-like (fig. 98/14, 39, 43), 3 - detached with the rope (fig. 98/37; 99/14), 8 (1+1+6); PG1, 5, 3 greyish, 3 groove walls (fig. 103/8, 12-13), 2 blackish, 1 wall, finely polished (fig. 103/13); 1 ring-like (fig. 98/41), 5 (3+2); PG2, 4, 3 bases (fig. 103/30, 36, 39), 1 wall (fig. 103/32), 4 (3+1). Total vessels from complexes, 17 (8+5+4). The firing technique: 1 blackish, 2 reddish, 6 greyish, 8 (1+1+6); 3 greyish PG1, 2 blackish, 5 (3+2); 4 greyish PG2, 4 (3+1). Total firing technique, 17, 3 blackish, 2 reddish, 12 greyish.
14 Vessels made of slightly coarse paste, kiln A, 3 greyish-blackish, 3 walls (fig. 98/19, 22; 100/7), 1 straight bases (fig. 98/41), 3 vessels; kiln B, 2 reddish, matt, 1 wall from food storage vessel one (fig. 101/36), 1 edge (fig. 101/21); 1 ring-like basic one detached with the rope, red and white with-reddish slip (fig. 102/8), 3 red; 4 greyish, 1 edge (fig. 101/19), 1 groove wall (fig. 101/15), 2 bases (fig. 101/34; 37), 7 (3+4); PG2, 2 jars (fig. 104/1, 7), 1 edge (fig. 103/16), 1 bases (fig. 103/31), 1 grooved fragmentary ceramic (fig. 103/37), 4 vessels (2+1+1). Total vessels from complexes, 14 vessels (3+7(3+4)+4). The firing technique: 14 vessels, 3 reddish, 3 greyish-blackish, 8 greyish. 10 Vessels made of yellowish and redyish fine paste, kiln A, 3 yellowish parts of vessels, probably import (fig. 98/16-18), 2 reddish, 2 ring-like bases (fig. 98/31, 39), kiln B, 5 reddish fine, 1 tureen (fig. 102/7), 1 edge (fig. 101/21), 1 handle (fig. 102/5), 3 ring-like bases (fig. 101/26, 28-30), 2 bases (fig. 101/33, 38), 10 vessels (3+2+5). The firing technique: kiln A, 3 yellowish, 2 reddish, kiln B, 5 reddish. Total: 10, 3 yellowish, 7 reddish.

15 Vessels made of fine paste, blackish, kiln A, 6, 2 tureen (fig. 100/1-2), 1 jar (fig.

Atelierul de olrie, secolele IV-V / Pottery workshop, 4rd-5th centuries


100/3), 2 edges (fig. 98/6 (fig. 99/7), 1 walls (fig. 98/13), 6, 2 straight bases greyish-blackish (fig. 98/42), 4 ring-like bases (fig. 98/33; 100/4-5, 8), 12 (6+6); kiln B, 2 greyish-blackish fine paste, 1 ring-like bases (fig. 101/27), 1 straight bases (fig. 101/35), 2 vessels; PG1, 1 greyish-blackish, 1 edge (fig. 103/4), 1 vessels. Total, 15 vessels (6b(2+1+1+1+1) + 6gb (2+4) + 2gb + 1gb). The firing technique: kiln A, 6 blackish, kiln B, 9 greyish-blackish, 15 vessels.
64 Vessels made of fine greyish paste, from kiln A, 15, 1 mug (fig. 99/11), 6 tureens (fig. 99/1, 4-5, 8-9, 13), penultimate - imports, 2 jars (fig. 99/2; 100/6), 6 edges (fig. 98/4-5, 10, 12, 20; 99/6), 3 walls (fig. 98/7, 11, 36), 1 handle (fig. 98/15), 9 ring-like bases (fig. 98/25-30, 32, 3435; 99/10), 15 vessels, in which 9 bases (1+6+2+6); from kiln B, 22 the fine greyish + 3, 10 tureens (fig. 101/1, 3-4, 6, 7-9; 102/1, 3-4, 15); 3 jars (fig. 101/5, 8, 13-14), 9 edges (fig. 101/2, 6, 10-12, 16-18, 20, 22-23, 25, 39), 2 ring-like bases (fig. 101/32, 38), 3 walls of vessels use for filling up the perforations of the kiln plate (fig. 102/15-17) and other fragmentary (fig. 101/31, 41-42, 4447; 102/2, 12; 103/26), 22 vessels (10+3+9); PG1, 6, 1 small tureen (fig. 103/3), 4 edges (fig. 103/1-2, 5-6), 2 walls (103/9, 12), 6 vessels (1+4+1); PG2, 13 greyish, 5 tureens (fig. 103/14-15, 18-19; 28), 1 small tureen (fig. 103/24), 6 edges (fig. 103/20-23; 25; 33), 1 grayish jar (fig. 103/26), 1 wall (fig. 103/27), 1 handle (fig. 103/17), 2 ring-like bases (fig. 103/35, 38), 1 straight bases (fig. 103/29), 13 greyish (5+1+6+1); PG3, 1, 1 ring-like bases (fig. 104/10); 7 inside, greyish, 2 mugs (fig. 104/2, 15), 2 tureens (fig. 104/1, 11), 1 tureen (fig. 104/14), 2 edges (fig. 104/5, 17), 1 ring-like bases (fig. 104/3), fragmentary ceramics burned by melting (fig. 104/8), 7 vessels (2+2+1+2). Total, kilns A15 + B22 + PG1 6 + PG2 13 + PG3 1 + inside 7, 64 greyish vessels.

Total number forms can be reconstructed 45 vessels = 4 pots, 6 food storage vessels, vessels made of coarse paste, kiln A, greyish, 2 food storage vessels (fig. 98/8, 23-24), slightly coarse paste, kiln B, 1 food storage vessels (fig. 101/36), PG2, 2 jars (fig. 104/1, 7); vessels made of greyish fine paste, with kiln A, 2 blackish tureens (fig. 100/1-2), 3 reddish jars, 1 (fig. 100/3) plus a rim of pot (fig. 98/6) and 1 edge of jars (fig. 99/7); greyish, kiln A, 1 mug (fig. 99/11), 6 tureens (fig. 99/1, 4-5, 8-9, 13), penultimate - imports, 2 jars (fig. 99/2; 100/6); kiln B, 10 tureens (fig. 101/1, 3-4, 6-9; 102/1, 3-4, 15); 3 jars (fig. 101/5, 8, 13-14), PG1, 1 small tureen (fig. 103/3), PG2, 5 tureens (fig. 103/14-15, 18-19, 28), 1 tureen (fig. 103/24), 1 jar (fig. 103/26), 7 inside the workshop, greyish, 2 mugs (fig. 104/2, 15), 2 tureens (fig. 104/1, 11), 1 tureen (fig. 104/14). Total forms: vessels made of coarse paste, 2 food storage vessels, kiln A (fig. 98/8, 23-24); vessels made of slightly coarse paste: 1 food storage vessels, kiln B (fig. 101/36), 2 jars, PG2 (fig. 104/1, 7); vessels made of greyish paste: 3 mugs, kiln A (fig. 99/11), 2 inside the workshop (fig. 104/2, 15); 2 small tureens, 1 PG1 (fig. 103/3), 1 PG2 (fig. 103/24); 24 tureens (6 + 10 + 5 + 3), 2 blackish (fig. 100/1-2), 24 greyish [6 kiln A (fig. 99/1, 4-5, 8-9, 13), 10 kiln B (fig. 101/1, 3-4, 6-9; 102/1, 3-4, 15), 5PG2 (fig. 103/14-15, 18-19, 28), 3 inside the workshop (fig. 104/1, 11, 14)]; 9 jars (5+3+1), 5 kiln A [3 reddish (fig. 98/6; 99/7; 100/3), 2 greyish (99/2; 100/6)]; 3 kiln B (fig. 101/5, 8, 13-14), 1 PG2 (fig. 103/26). Total number forms can be reconstructed 45 (3+4+24+11+3): 3 mugs of greyish fine paste, 4 small tureens of greyish fine paste, 24 tureens 22 of greyish fine paste and twoo blackish, 11 jars, 2 made of coarse paste, 9 of greyish fine paste with 3 reddish and 7 greyish, 3 food storage vessels 1 slightly coarse paste and 2 of coarse paste. Vessels made of greyish fine paste 45. The potters workshop, 129 vessels = 3m+17z+14pz+89f+6 amphorae, with 45 forms


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Banca Gar - apte case amfore

Total 64: 3 sec. III 0,22 % + 17 sec. III-IV 1,27 % + 21 sec. IV 0,16 % + 23 sec. IV-V 1,17 % = 3+17+21+23; din totalul ceramicii reprezint: 4,8 % ntre importurile de ceramic predomin amforele, pstrate foarte fragmentar. Pri de la amfore diferite, s-au pstrat n o parte din complexele datate n secolele III-V, descoperite la Banca Gar - apte case. Amforele din secolele III-IV au fost modelate din past amestecat cu mult nisip i diverse particule minerale, fapt care face ca suprafeele acestora s fie zgrunuroase, s-au ars albglbui sau crmiziu deschis. Au fost modelate cu marginea uor evazat, gtul nalt i ngust, corpul bombat, la baz cu un mic suport, de form conic, la exterior aveau dungi canelate orizontal. Mnuile arcuite, n seciune ovale, au pe lungime una, dou sau trei nuiri longitudinale. S-au lucrat, n genere, ntr-o manier mai puin ngrijit. Amforele, folosite pentru coninutul lor preios, au avut n antichitate o larg rspndire, fapt pentru care i n cazul staiunii de la Banca Gar, pentru secolele III-IV, se dovedesc a fi fost importante surse de cunoatere a relaiilor economice dintre diferitele areale geografice. Dei, n genere amforele romane nu au fost tampilate, prin forma specific, uneori i prin marcarea lor cu un semn, acestea reprezint un important element de datare. Forme apropiate s-au semnalat n mediu carpic la Poieneti - Dealul Teilor (R. Vulpe 1953, p. 290, fig. 78). Dei teritoriul de astzi al Moldovei Meridionale, n secolele I-III p. Hr., nu a fcut parte din Imperiul Roman, a intrat sub influena acestuia, a ntreinut strnse relaii cu provinciile romanizate nvecinate sau coloniile greceti, legturi indicate mai ales de prezena amforelor. Descoperirea lor n apropierea albiei Prutului, indic o cale de acces spre Moldova. Menionm n acest sens, gsirea aproximativ a ase amfore la Vetrioaia, jud. Vaslui, care au fost ngropate pe un promontoriu aflat la aproximativ 200-300 m de albia Prutului (eiva Sanie 1968, p. 345). Secolul al III-lea Din aceast perioad au aprut n: L1 cpl. 28 1, G1 cpl. 21 1, G3 cpl. 121 1 = 3 amfore. n complexele din secolul al III-lea, n locuina uor adncit se aflau, L1 cpl. 28, trei fragmente de la o amfor. De asemenea n G3 cpl. 21, dou pri de la o amfor (fig. 47/8) i n G5 cpl. 121, erau alte trei pri de la o alt amfor (fig. 140/7-9). Secolele III-IV Din aceast perioad au aprut n: L3 cpl. 29 1, L4 cpl. 33 3, L5 cpl. 34 2, L6 cpl. 72 2, Lad1 cpl. 10 1, Lad2 cpl. 31 1, Lad3 cpl. 78 2, G2 cpl. 32 1, G3 cpl. 62 1; G7 cpl. 106 2, A1 cpl. 70 1 = 17 amfore (1+3+2+2+1+1+2+1+1+2+1). Din secolele III-IV, din locuinele de suprafa provin, din Lsp3 cpl. 29, un fragment de amfor crmizie; Lsp4 cpl. 33, provin trei baze de amfore crmizii (72/6, 10; 167/13), Lsp4 cpl. 34, 2, un fragment de corp i o baz de amfor (fig. 78/7; 149/10); din locuina de suprafa, Lsp6 cpl. 72, 2, 15 fragmente de la amfore crmizii nisipoase, o mnu, o parte de gt i alte fragmente ce provin din corpul unor amfore canelate sau de la baz (fig. 112/14; 149/15) iar din locuinele uor adncite, Lad1 cpl. 10, 1, 4 fragmente de la o amfor lucrat din past glbui-crmizie (fig. 32/4), Lad2 cpl. 31, o toart de amfor (fig. 64/8); Lad3 cpl. 78, fragmente de amfore, un perete, o toart, crmizie i alta alb-glbuie. Din gropi, din G2 cpl. 32, 1, 4 fragmente de la o amfor de culoare crmizie, canelate; G3 cpl. 62, alte trei pri de la o amfor; G7 cpl. 106, 2, o mnu de amfor i un gt, A1 cpl. 70, un perete de la o amfor (fig. 108/11). Secolul al IV-lea Din aceast perioad au aprut n: L1 cpl. 1 1, Lsp3 cpl. 30 1, L4 cpl. 48 2, L5 cpl. 57 2, G1 cpl. 18 1, G3 cpl. 33a 2, G4 cpl. 37 1, G5 cpl. 39 1, G9 cpl. 71 1, G10 cpl. 80 1, G11 cpl. 92 1, G14 cpl. 116 1, G15 cpl. 119 1, A2 cpl. 43 1, A3 cpl. 60 1, A4 cpl. 61 3 =

Amfore / Amphorae


21 amphorae (1+1+2+2+1+2+1+1+1+1+1+1+ 1+1+1+3). Din locuinele de suprafa provin: L1 cpl. 1, o baz de amfor roman, lucrat din past nisipoas, ars glbui; Lsp3 cpl. 30, fragmente de la o amfor; L4 cpl. 48, 2, o baz i un corp de la amfore diferite (fig. 88/3, 10); L5 cpl. 57, 2, o mnu crmizie i un corp de amfor.

Pl. 14. Banca Gar - apte case. 1-5 Vase de sticl/Glass vessels, 6-17 amfore/amphorae: 1 G3 cpl. 33a, fig. 76/2; 2 L2 cpl. 15, fig. 39/1; 3 L6 cpl. 72, fig. 112/4, 4 G4 cpl. 37, fig. 84/1, 5 G4 cpl. 79, fig. 120/4; 6 L1 cpl. 14, fig. 37/1; 7 G3 cpl. 121 fig. 140/9; 8 Lad1 cpl. 10, fig. 32/4; 9 fig. 29/1; 10 L4 cpl. 34, fig. 78/7; 11 Lsp4 cpl. 48, fig. 88/10;12 A2 cpl. 43, fig. 86/8; 13 L4 cpl. 33, fig. 72/6; 14 A2 cpl. 64, fig. 96/4; 15 L6 cpl. 72, fig. 112/14; 16 Lad1 cpl. 4, fig. 29/7, 17 cpl. 65, fig. 104/9. 7 Sec. III/3th century; 3, 8, 10, 13, sec. IIIIV/3rd-4th centuries; 1-2, 4, 11-12 sec. IV/4th century; 5-6, 14-17 sec. IV-V/4 rd5th centuries.

De asemenea, n groapa, G1 cpl. 18, era o alt toart de amfor (fig. 43/7), G3 cpl. 33a, 2, pri de perete de la 2 amfore (fig. 74/11; 76/3); G4 cpl. 37, o toart masiv (fig. 84/5); G5 cpl. 39, o toart masiv de amfor (fig. 84/5), G9 cpl. 71, o toart de amfor; G10 cpl. 80, un alt fragment; G11 cpl. 92, un corp de la o amfor crmiziu-maronie cu caneluri de circa 1 cm; G15 cpl. 116, un corp de amfor crmizie iar din G16 cpl. 119, o mnu de amfor crmizie (fig. 137/3). Din aglomerrile de materiale, A2 cpl. 43, 2, un corp de amfor glbuie i o baz de amfor roietic (fig. 86/8; 167/12), considerat de Andrei Opai o amfor de ulei LRA2 (1996); A3 cpl. 60, o mnu de amfor roz-crmizie iar din A4 cpl. 61, 3, o mnu de amfor roz-crmizie i dou corpuri unul de la o amfor roietic, altul de la una albicioas. Secolele IV-V Din aceast perioad au aprut n: atelierul de olrie, cpl. 65 6, complexe, L1 cpl. 14 2, L3 cpl. 35 1, L5 cpl. 51 2, Lad1 cpl. 4 3, Lad2 cpl. 27 1, G4 cpl. 79 1, G5 cpl. 114, 1, A1 cpl. 42 2, din A2 cpl. 64 2, 17+6 vase. Fragmentele de amfore au fost mai numeroase n complexele din secolul al IV-lea. Din atelierul de olrie, cpl. 65, s-au recuperat din cuptorul A, dou cioburi la exterior glbui, interior roietice, canelate, unul din past glbuie i o baz de amfor (fig. 100/3) i alta din umplutura degajat (fig. 104/9). Din locuinele de suprafa, L1 cpl. 14, un gt de amfor (fig. 37/1; 167/6), patru toarte (fig.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

37/2-4) i alte pri din past glbui-crmizie (fig. 37/5), din L3 cpl. 35, un perete i o baz, dou locuine uor adncite, din L5 cpl. 51, un fragment de mnu roietic i un perete de culoare crmizie pe el cu o band lat alb. Dintre locuinele uor adncite, menionm Lad1 cpl. 4 (fig. 29/7; 167/16); n Lad2 cpl. 27, de unde s-au recuperat dou tori de amfore crmizii i o parte de perete (fig. 57/10); G4 cpl. 79, tot o parte de corp canelat larg (fig. 120/16); G5 cpl. 114, un gt de amfor din past nisipoas, crmizie. De asemenea, pri de la amfore au aprut i n cteva aglomerri de materiale: A1 cpl. 42, pri de la dou amfore, o toart n seciune oval i un perete canelat; din A2 cpl. 64, provine un fragment de corp de amfor i o baz (fig. 96/4, 6; 149/14). Dup Andrei Opai, cteva baze pot fi Herakleia (fig. 37/1 = 149) i (fig. 104/9; 149/17), ultima poate i de la un ulcior amforoidal -, iar altele se pot apropia de cele est mediteraneene (fig. 29/7; 149/16; 72/6, 10; 149/13; 78/7 = 149/10; 88/3, 10 = 149/11 = 96/4, 6; 112/14 = 149/15 = 149/14). Mai multe pri de amfore provin din atelierul de olrie, cpl. 65. Din cuptorul A s-au recuperat mai multe fragmente crmizii, interior roietice, canelate de la perei, toarte sau baze de amfore, ntre care dou provin din cuptorul A (fig. 98/16-18; 99/3; 100/3) i alte pri de amfore provin din cuptorul B (fig. 101/24, 43; 102/10). Total 64 amfore = 3 sec. III + 17 sec. III-IV + 21 sec. IV + sec. 23 IV-V

Banca Gar - apte case amphorae

64 parts of different amphorae = 3 dated to the 3th century 0,22 % + 17 dated to the 3rd4th centuries 1,27 %, 21 to the 4th century 0,16 %, 23 to the 4th5th centuries 1,17 %. = 3+17+21+23 4,8 % Within the imported ceramic ware the fragments of amphorae are prevalent. Parts of different amphorae have been preserved, consisting in 48 parts discovered in Banca Gar - apte case and from PG11, cpl. 116, a body of brick-red amphora. The 3rd4th century amphorae were modeled out of paste mixed with a lot of sand and various mineral particles, fact that determines the grained surface or the yellowish white or light brick red color. They were modeled with the border slightly flared, the neck high and narrow, rounded body, at the base with a small conical stand, on the exterior with horizontal grooved stripes. The arched handles of oval section show along their length one, two or three longitudinal grooves. They were generally made in a less careful manner. The amphorae, used for their precious content, were very common in Antiquity, reason why they prove to be also in the case of the settlement of Banca Gar, of the 3 rd4th centuries, important sources for the knowledge of the economic relations between the different geographic areas. Although, generally, the Romanian amphorae were not stamped, by they specific shape, sometimes also by the marking of a particular sign, they represent an important element from the dating perspective. Similar shapes were pointed out also in the Carpian environment of Poieneti - Dealul Teilor (R. Vulpe 1953, p. 290, fig. 78). Although the nowadays territory of Middle Moldavia, of the 1st3rd centuries, was not part of the Roman Empire, it entered under the influence thereof. It also had tight relations with the neighboring Romanized provinces or with the Greek colonies, links indicated especially by the presence of the amphorae. Their discovery close to the River Prut bed indicates an access way to Moldavia. We should mention in this regard the identification of approximately six amphorae at Vetrioaia, Vaslui county, which were buried on a promontory of approximately 200-300 m from the River Prut bed (eiva Sanie 1968, p. 345).

Amfore / Amphorae


The 3th century During this period appeared in several complexes: L1 cpl. 28 1, G1 cpl. 21 1, G3 cpl. 121 1 amphorae. In the 3rd century complexes there are, also, in slightly buried dwellings, DL1 cpl. 28, three fragments of an amphora; PG1 cpl. 21, two parts of an amphora (fig. 47/8) and in PG3 cpl. 121, were three parts of an amphora (fig. 140/7-9). The 3rd4th centuries In the complexes there are in the surface dwellings from, L3 cpl. 29 1, L4 cpl. 33 3, L5 cpl. 34 2, L6 cpl. 72 2, in the slightly buried dwellings, Lad1 cpl. 10 1, Lad2 cpl. 31 1, Lad3 cpl. 78 2, and in pits, G2 cpl. 32 1, G3 cpl. 62 1; G7 cpl. 106 2, A1 cpl. 70 1 = 17 amphorae (1+3+2+2+1+1+2+1+1+2+1). The 3rd4th centuries, in the surface dwellings, there were found in, DL3 cpl. 29, a fragment of brick-red amphora; DL4 cpl. 33, three bases of brick red amphorae (72/6, 10; 167/13); DL4 cpl. 34, 2, a fragment of a body and a base of an amphora (fig. 78/7; 149/10); in the surface dwelling; DL6 cpl. 72, 2, 15 fragments of brick red amphorae of sandy paste, a handle, a part of a neck and other fragments resulting from the body of a grooved vessels or from the base (fig. 112/14; 149/15), and from the slightly buried dwellings, Lad1 cpl. 10, 1, 4 fragments of amphora of yellow-brick paste (fig. 32/4), DLad2 cpl. 31, a handle of an amphora (fig. 64/8); DL3 cpl. 78, fragments of amphorae, a wall a brick red handle, and a yellowish white one. From pits, DG2 cpl. 32, 1, 4 fragments of of brick-red amphora; DG3 cpl. 62, in PG6, three other parts of an amphora; PG7 cpl. 106, a handle of an amphora and a neck, A1 cpl. 70, a wall of an amphora (fig. 108/11). The 4th century During this period appeared in several complexes: DL1 cpl. 1 1, DLsp3 cpl. 30 1, DL4 cpl. 48 2, DL5 cpl. 57 2, PG1 cpl. 18 1, PG3 cpl. 33a 2, PG4 cpl. 37 1, PG5 cpl. 39 1, PG9 cpl. 71 1, PG10 cpl. 80 1, PG11 cpl. 92 1, PG14 cpl. 116 1, PG15 cpl. 119 1, A2 cpl. 43 2, A3 cpl. 60 1, A4 cpl. 61 3 = 21 amphorae (1+1+2+2+1+2+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+3). The parts of amphorae were more numerous in the 4th century complexes. From surface dwelling: in DL1 cpl. 1, a base of a Romanian amphora, made of sandy paste, yellowish fired; DL4 cpl. 48, a base and a body of different amphorae (fig. 88/3, 10 = 149/11); DL5 cpl. 57, a handle of a red-brick amphora and a body of vessel. The inventory of pits was equally fragmented, from, PG1 cpl. 18, a handle of amphora (fig. 43/7); PG3 cpl. 33a, a wall of an amphora (fig. 74/11; 76/3); in PG4 cpl. 37, a massive handle (fig. 84/5); in PG9 cpl. 71, a handle of an amphora; in PG12, cpl. 80, another fragment; in PG11 cpl. 92, a body of a brick red brownish amphora with circa 1 cm grooves; and in PG18, cpl. 119, a handle of a brick-red amphora (fig. 137/3). The agglomeration of materials, A2 cpl. 43, a body of a yellowish amphora and the base of a reddish (fig. 86/8; 149/12), considered by Andrei Opai as an oil amphora LRA2 (1996); A4, cpl. 60, a handle of a pink-brick red amphora and a vessel with impressed ornaments (fig. 94/16) and in A5, cpl. 61, handle of a pink- brick red amphora and two bodies, one from a reddish amphora, the other from a whitish one. PG14 cpl. 116, one wall of reddish amphora. The 4rd5th centuries During this period appeared in several complexes and in the potters workshop, cpl. 65 6, complexes, L1 cpl. 14 2, L3 cpl. 35 1, L5 cpl. 51 2, Lad1 cpl. 4 3, Lad2 cpl. 27 1, G4 cpl. 79 1, G5 cpl. 114, 1, A1 cpl. 42 2, din A2 cpl. 64 2, 17+6 vessels From the potters workshop cpl. 65, there were recovered, from kiln A, two shards with yellowish exterior and reddish interior, with grooves, one made of yellowish past and a base of an amphora (fig. 100/3) and another one found in the removed filling (fig. 104/9; 149/17). In the surface dwellings there were found. From surface dwelling, DL1 14, 2, a neck of an amphora (fig. 37/1; 149/6), four handles


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

(fig. 37/2-4) and other parts of yellowish red brick paste (fig. 37/5), in DL3 cpl. 35, a wall and a base, two slightly buried dwellings, in DL5 cpl. 51, a fragment of red brick handle and a wall of red brick with a wide white stripe on it. Dintre slightly buried dwellings, menionm DLad1 cpl. 4 (fig. 29/7; 149/16); DLad2 cpl. 27, wherefrom there were recovered two handles of brick red amphorae and a part of a wall (fig. 57/10); PG4 cpl. 79, part of body with grooves (fig. 120/16); PG5 cpl. 114, a neck of a brick red amphora of sandy paste. Also, parts of amphorae appeared in several agglomerations of materials: A1 cpl. 42, parts of two amphorae, a handle of oval cross-section and a wall with grooves; in A2 cpl. 64, there was found a fragment of an amphora body and a base (fig. 96/4, 6; 149/14). According to A. Opai (2010, p. 207 et sq.), several bases may belong to Herakleia (fig. 37/1 = 149/6) and (fig. 104/9; 149/17), the latter maybe also from an amphora-like pitcher, while others may be similar to those east-Mediterranean (fig. 29/7; 149/13, 16; 72/6, 10; 78/7 = 149/10; 88/3, 10 = 149/11; 96/4, 6; 112/14 = 149/14-15). Several parts of amphorae were found in the potters workshop, cpl. 65. Several parts of brick amphorae, red inside, walls with horizontal grooves, handles or bases, were found near the kiln A (fig. 98/16-18; 99/3; 100/3) and the kiln B (fig. 101/24, 43; 102/10). Total 64 amphorae = 3 3th century + 17 3rd4th centuries + 21 4th century + 23 4rd5th centuries

Banca Gar - apte case vase de sticl

8 vase de sticl 2 sec. III-IV 0,15 % + 4 sec. IV 0,3 % + 2 sec. IV-V 0,15 %; din totalul ceramicii reprezint, din 1235+8 = 1243: 0,6 %. Pentru c sticla este deosebit de friabil, vasele au fost foarte rare. S-au pstrat apte pri de la diferite forme, cte un mic fragment de la fiecare, cel mai frecvent din partea de la buz, unul singur dintr-o locuin datat n secolele III-IV i altele cinci din complexe datate n secolul al IVlea iar unul din secolele IV-V. Secolele III-IV 1 pahar de sticl n locuina de suprafa L6 cpl. 72, s-a descoperit i un pahar de sticl cu buza ngroat (fig. 112/4; =7,2; h=3,3 cm). Secolul al IV-lea 4 pahare de sticl n complexele din aceast perioad vase de sticl s-au aflat n locuina de suprafa L2 cpl. 15, relativ central era un gt de pahar de sticl verzuie, sub buz cu o nervur (fig. 39/1); n G3 cpl. 33a (fig. 76/2; buz=7 cm), era tot un pahar de sticl cu nuane verzui (fig. 76/2); G4 cpl. 37, un vas de sticl verzuie (fig. 84/1; buz=7 cm; h=3,4 cm) iar n G8 cpl. 66a, n umplutur era i un pahar de sticl fragmentar (fig. 107/1). Secolele IV-V 2 pahare de sticl G4 cpl. 79, de aici provin alte dou vase de sticl (fig. 120/4, 9) i un fragment de sticl deformat (fig. 120/5) cm), mai greu de explicat. Mai bine conservate au fost cele din morminte, precum cele din necropolele de la Spanov, M7, 10 (B. Mitrea, C. Preda 1966, fig. 20), Independena - Vatra satului, M6, 20, mai fragmentare la Olteni (Ibidem, fig. 134, 267), la Sntana de Mure, jud. Mure (I. Kovcs 1912, p. 327), dar i de la Obreni - Voineti, din nordul colinelor Tutovei (I. Mitrea 1969, p. 219 i urm.; Idem 1972).

Vase de sticl / Glass vessels


8 vase de sticl = 2 sec. III-IV + 4 sec. IV + 2 sec. IV-V

Banca Gar - apte case Glass vessels

Because is particularly friable, vessels were very rare. Seven parts of vessels of various shapes were preserved. In all cases, this was a small fragment, most frequently from the rim, only one resulted from a 3rd4th century dwelling, while the six others were resulting from archaeological complexes dated to the 4th century. The 3rd4th centuries 1 glass beaker In surface dwelling DL6, cpl. 72, there was also discovered a glass beaker with thickened rim (fig. 112/4). The 4th century 4 glass beakers In the archaeological complexes dated to this period, glass vessels were found in surface dwelling DL2 cpl. 15, where in a relatively central position there was a neck of a greenish glass beaker, with a grooving under the rim (fig. 39/1); in PG3 cpl. 33a, there was a glass beaker of greenish (fig. 76/2) and in PG4 cpl. 37, there was also a greenish glass vessel (fig. 84/1); PG8 cpl. 66a, in the filling, there was also a glass beaker in fragmentary condition (fig. 107/1). The 4rd5th centuries 2 glass beakers In PG11 cpl. 79, two other glass vessels (fig. 120/4, 9) and a deformed fragment of glass (fig. 120/5), more difficult to explain. Better preserved were those found in tombs, such as those in the necropolis of Spanov, M7, 10 (B. Mitrea, C. Preda 1966, fig. 20), Independena - Vatra satului, M6, 20, in more fragmentary condition at Olteni, jud. Teleorman (Ibidem, fig. 134, 267), at Sntana de Mure, Mure county (I. Kovcs 1912, p. 327). The identified shapes were grouped in three types (B. Mitrea, C. Preda 1966, p. 143). ---------------------------------------------------------------------7 glass beakers = 1 3rd4th centuries + 4 4th century + 2 5rd6th centuries


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Ceramica reprezentarea grafic a parametrilor tehnici i a tipurilor de forme, sec. III-VI / Ceramic graphical representation of the technical parameters and form types, 3rd6th centuries
Ruxandra Alaiba, Vasile Alaiba Metoda de lucru Analiza materialelor descoperite la Banca Gar - apte case, s-a bazat pe forma clasic de investigare, descrierea cronologic a complexelor, n primul volum ncepnd cu prezentarea celor din preistorie, geto-dacice, urmnd, cu deosebire, a celor specifice primului mileniu, din secolele III-VI, ale dacilor liberi - carpilor, culturii Sntana de Mure, mai puine urme materiale specifice culturii Costia Botoana, din secolele V-VII, urmnd ca n al doilea volum s se descrie cu deosebire complexele specifice culturii Dridu, din secolele VIII-IX/X. Pentru fiecare complex din secolele III-VI, fiecare locuin de suprafa, uor adncit sau sezonier, groap, vatr sau cuptoare, atelierul de olrie, s-au descris separat condiiile de descoperire, specificul construciilor i materialele recuperate. Analiza matematic, statistic a inventarului, pentru matematicianul Grigore C. Moisil o disciplin este tiin n msura n care face apel la modelele matematice , a adugat numeroaselor informaii obinute prin folosirea vechilor metode de prelucrare, date noi. Prin utilizarea calculatorului, ceramica a fost ordonat numeric pe categorii iar cunotinele legate de aceasta au fost ordonate dup modele axiomatice n form algoritmic. Astfel, informaia adunat cu mare atenie pe antier, cu toate aspectele oferite de condiiile de descoperire, se poate considera relevant pentru stabilirea unor statistici corecte, oferind eantioane complete de date. Obinerea acestor noi informaii prin folosirea unei metode moderne de lucru, prelucrarea matematic prin intermediul calculatorului, ne-a nlesnit stabilirea, pentru fiecare complex a procentelor fiecrei categorii de inventar. Piesele descoperite, n funcie de materia prim din care au fost realizate, au fost ordonate pe categorii. ntre acestea un loc aparte a deinut ceramica. Ordonarea recipientelor a urmrit: n primul rnd, o difereniere din punctul de vedere al parametrilor tehnici, pasta i incluziunile utilizate, specificul modelrii, cu mna sau lucrate cu ajutorul roii olarului i specificul arderii, avndu-se n vedere i raportul dintre grosimea pereilor i diametrul maxim, considerat ca o formul de modelare (Gh. G, M. imon, D. Galbenu 1997, p. 139; Gh. G, D. Galbenu 1998-2000, p. 599); n raport de aceti parametrii s-au separat prile de vase - modelate cu mna, lucrate la roat din past zgrunuroas sau puin zgrunuroas nisipoas i din past fin sau foarte fin; n al doilea rnd s-a descris ceramica, fiecare vas cu specificul dat de tehnicile de confecionare - cunoaterea acestor date a ngduit stabilirea numrului de recipiente, n raport cu formele ntregibile, dar cel mai ades n funcie de buzele i bazele pstrate. Analiza numeric a complexelor statistica descriptiv , ne-a ngduit s nsumm datele cu privire la: specificul ceramicii, de la o locuin la alta, din spaiul fiecrui sector A-F, i din punct de vedere cantitativ i calitativ; a adus date noi cu privire la locuine statistica inferenial, ne-a dat noi informaii despre structura acestora i relaiile dintre ele. Procentele obinute oglindesc nu numai specificul veselei ntrebuinate n fiecare locuin, al recipientelor destinate pentru gtit, servit sau pentru depozitare i transport dar i o estimare a

Ceramica reprezentare grafic, sec.III-VI / Ceramic graphical representation, 3rd-6th centuries


numrului membrilor unei locuine. Calculul numrului de recipiente, pentru fiecare complex, locuin, groap, atelier, s-a realizat urmrind inventarul, n ordine cronologic, dar pstrnd i numerotarea de pe antier, de la 1-70, plus trei morminte analizate 74 complexe, cu excepia complexelor datate n secolele VII-IX. Pentru vasele pstrate prea fragmentar nu s-a reconstituit forma, dar ele au fost incluse n numrul stabilit pentru fiecare complex. Ele fac parte din tipurile uzuale de recipiente. Metoda de lucru a ngduit verificarea tuturor informaiilor adunate. Analiza matematic i statistic a ceramicii, prin prelucrarea automat a datelor, ne-a fost nlesnit de ordonarea de la nceput a ntregului inventar, cu deosebire a formelor de recipiente. Statistica matematic a categoriilor ceramicii de aici a pornit de la ordonarea - gruparea acesteia pe complexe, apoi de la analiza i interpretarea datelor referitoare la un singur complex, n funcie de ceea ce s-a descoperit prin cercetarea arheologic. Efortul de a strbate toate aceste etape de prelucrare a materialelor descoperite, reprezint i susin baza teoretic a investigaiei, n explicarea datelor cantitative rezultate din cercetrile arheologice, a ansamblurilor de locuire specifice unei perioade mai restrnse, apoi cumularea datelor pentru ntreaga perioad cercetat arheologic aproape ntregul prim mileniu, cum am precizat, care va fi prezentat n dou volume. n continuare, pentru fiecare complex enumerat n ordine cronologic vom reda grafic structura tehnic i funcional a ceramicii descoperite, nu a descrierii lor, realizat n Anexa IV, n care s-au prezentat complexele.
Pentru simplificare am adugat la numrul de vase specificul acestora, reconstituite prin desen, m modelat cu mna, pz past puin zgrunuroas, z zgrunuroas i f fin dar i ang angob, a albicioas, b brun, c cenuiu, g glbui, r roietic, crmiziu, rt roat, n negru, negricioas. Dar i combinaiile lor, fc fin cenuie, zg zgrunuroas-glbuie L DL = locuina / dwelling; G P = groapa / pit PG; A A = aglomerare / agglomeration

Working method The analysis of the materials discovered at Banca Gar - apte case, was based on the classical investigation method, chronological description of complexes, starting in the first volume with the prehistoric, geto-dacian, especially those specific to the 1 st millenium, 3rd4th centuries, of the free dacians carpians, Sntana de Mure culture, at a lesser extent material evidence specific to Costia Botoana culture, of centuries Vth-VIIth, continuing in the second volume with the description of complexes specific to the Dridu culture, of 7 th9th / 10th centuries. For each complex of 3rd4th century, every surface dwelling, lightly deepened or seasonal, pit, fireplace or furnace, pottery workshop, were described discovery conditions, the specificity of the construcitons and recovered materials. Inventory analysis with mathematical, statistical methods, to mathematician Grigore C. Moisil a discipline is a science to the extend it can appeal to mathematical models , added numerous informations obtained by usage of old processing methods, new data. By using the computer, the pottery was numerically ordered by categories, and knowledge connected to this were ordered by axiomatic models in an algorhitmical way. Thus, the carefully collected information during the site's excavation, with all the aspects offered by the discovering conditions, can be considered relevant to the establishment of correct statistics, offering complete data samples. Gathering of these new information was done using modern methodology, processing through computer, eased us to establish, for each complex, the percentage of each inventory category. The discovered items, depending on the raw material it was made of, was ordered by category. A special place is, of course, held by pottery.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Ordering of recipients was done with the purpose to: Primarily, to differentiate the paste and used includings from a point of view of technical parameters, modeling specifics, with hand or worked with a potter's wheel and the specific of burning, shows a single modelling type because of identic relations between thickness and diameter (Gh. G, M. imon, D. Galbenu 1997, p. 139; Gh. G, D. Galbenu 19982000, p. 599); along these parameters the pot parts were separated: modeled with hand, worked at wheel out of coarse paste or less coarse sandy and also fine and extra-fine. Secondary, the pottery was described, each pot with the specifics given by the molding techniques knowing these data allowed for the establishment of the number of recipients, reported to the wholeable shapes, but most common depending on the lips and bases preserved. Numerical analysis of complexes descriptive statistics , allowed us to sum up the date pertaining to: pottery specifics, from one dwelling to the next, from the space of each A-F sector, quantitatively and qualitatively. bringing new data on the dwellings inferential statistics, gave us new information on their structure and the relations between them. Gathered percentages not only mirror the specific of the used pottery in each dwelling, of the recipients destined to cooking, serving or just for deposit and transport, but also estimate the number of occupants in each dwelling. The number of recipients, for each complex, dwelling, pit, workshop, was done cronologicaly tracing the inventory, but keeping the excavation numbering, from 1 to 70, adding three analysied graves 73 complexes, excepting the complexes dated 7 th9th century. For the excessively fragmented pots the shape was not reconstructed, but they were included in the determined numberfor each complex. They are part of the usual recipient type. Working method allowed the validation of all information gathered. Mathematical and statistical analysis of pottery, by automated processing of data, was eased by ordering the entire inventory from the beginning, especially the recipient shapes. Statistic analys s of pottery categories started by ordering grouping the data by complexes, then analysis and interpretation of data pertaining to a single complex, depending on what was discovered through archaeological research. The effor to go through all these processing stages of the discovered materials, represent and sustain the theoretical base of the investigation, explaining the quantitative data resulted out of archaeological reserach, of dwelling ensembles specific to a narrower period, then cummulating the data for the entire archaeological researched period almost the entire first millenium, as mentioned, will be presented in two volumes. Following, for each enumerated complex, in chronological order, we will graphically depict the technical and functional structure of the discovered pottery, not of its description, done in the Appendix with respect to the presentation of complexes.
In order to simplify we added the number of pots their specificity, reconstituted forms, m hand-made ware ceramic category, rt wheel ceramic category, pz coarse ceramic category, z slightly coarse ceramic category and f fine ceramic category with slip ang, a albicioas, b brun, c grey, g yellowish, r red, reddish, rt roat, n black, blackish. And wich combination, fc fine grey, zg yellowish-coarse. L DL = locuina / dwelling; G P = groapa / PG pit; A A = aglomerare / agglomeration

Ceramica reprezentare grafic, sec.III-VI / Ceramic graphical representation, 3rd-6th centuries


Secolul al III-lea / 3th century Ceramica, forme, funcii, proporii / Forms, functions, proportions
86 vase = 7m + 0z + 25pz + 41f + 3 amfore + 10 pass, 38 forme a. Total ceramic din 4 complexe, 86 vase: Lad1 cpl. 28 34 + G1 cpl. 21 19 + G2 cpl. 113 11 + G3 cpl. 121 12 + 10 pass
Total 86 vase: 34+19+11+12 = 76+10 Locuine uor adncite, L1 cpl. 28, 34 vase = 10pz(1r+1n+8c) + 22f + 1ang-r + 1 amfor, 16 forme. Gropi: G1 cpl. 21, 19 vase = 2m + 16rt(8pz+ 6fc+2fr) + 1 amfor, 7 forme. G2 cpl. 113, 11 vase = 1m + 5pz (2r+3c) + 5fc, 6 forme. G3 cpl. 121, 12 vase = 4m + 2pz + 3f + 2ang-r + 1 amfor, 9 forme. Total forme reconstituite: 16+7+6+9, 38 forme

b. Tehnic total categorii ceramice, 86 vase:

7m + 25pz [18, (8+8+2) + 6r + 1n] + 41f [36fc (6+22+5+3) + 2fr + 3ang-r] vase diferite + 3 amfore + 10 pass: modelate cu mna: 2 G1 cpl. 21 + 1 G2 cpl. 113 + 4 G3 cpl. 121 = 7m vase; past zgrunuroas: 0; past puin zgrunuroas: 10pz (1r+1n+8c) Lad1 cpl. 28 + 8pz G1 cpl. 21 + 5pz(2r +3c) G2 cpl. 113 + 2pz G3 cpl. 121 = 25pz vase; past fin: 22f+1ang-r L1 cpl. 28 + 6fc+2fr G1 cpl. 21 + 5fc G2 cpl. 113 + 3f+2ang-r G3 cpl. 121= 41f vase; amfore: 1 L1 cpl. 28 + 1 G1 cpl. 21 + 1 G3 cpl. 121 = 3 amfore.

c. Total forme diferite pstrate fragmentar, din 86 vase s-au detaat 38 forme de vase pentru care se poate stabili i funcionalitatea, 9 tipuri din toate categoriile ceramice:
1+1+1+2+3+14+9+4+3 = 1pzn vas mic cpl. 21; 1pz can cpl. 121; 1fc platou cpl. 28; 2 boluri: 2 cpl. 113 (1fc+1fg); 3 capace: cpl. 121 (1ang-r+2fc); 14 castroane: 4 cpl. 21 (1pz+3fc), 7 cpl. 28 (1ang-r+6c), 1 fc cpl. 113, 2 cpl. 121 (1m+1fc); 9 borcane: 1pz cpl. 21, 4pzc cpl. 28, 2 cpl. 113 (1m+1pzc), 2m cpl. 121; 4 vase de provizii: 3pzc cpl. 28, 1fc vas mare, cpl. 113; 3 amfore: 1 cpl. 21, 1 cpl. 28, 1 cpl. 121 1pzn vas mic; 1pz can; 1fc platou; 2 boluri (1fc+1fg); 3 capace (1ang-r+2fc); 14 castroane (1m+1pz+ 11fc+1ang-r); 9 borcane (3m+6pz); 4 vase de provizii (3pzc+1fc); 3 amfore modelat cu mna: 1 castron cpl. 121, 3 borcane cpl. 113 i 2 cpl. 121; puin zgrunuroas: 1n vas mic, 1 can, 1 castron, 6 borcane, 3 vase de provizii; fin: 1 platou, 2 boluri (1fc+1fg), 3 capace (1ang-r+2c), 12 castroane (11fc+1ang-r), 1 vas de provizii, import 3 amfore: 1 cpl. 21, 1 cpl. 28, 1cpl. 121. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sec. III total 86 vase = 7m + 0z + 25pz + 41f + 3 amfore + 10 pass, 38 forme

3th Century forms, functions, proportions

86 vessels = 7m + 0z + 25pz + 41f + 3 amphorae + 10 pass, 38 forms a. Total the pottery from the 4 complexes, 86 vessels:
DLad1 cpl.28 34 + PG1 cpl.21 19 + PG2 cpl.113 11 + PG3 cpl.121 12 + 10pass = 34+19+11+12+10 Total vessels: 34+19+11+12+10 = 86 vessels Slightly buried dwellings, Lad1 cpl. 28, 34 vessel = 10pz (1r+1n+8) + 22f+1ang-r + 1 amphora, 15 forms. Pits, PG1 cpl. 21, 19 vessels = 2m + 16rt (8pz+ 6fc+2fr) + 1 amphora, 6 forms. PG2 cpl. 113, 11 vessels = 1m + 5pzr + 5fc, 6 forms. PG3 cpl. 121, 12 vessels = 4m + 2pz + 3f + 2ang-r + 1 amphorae, 8 forms. Total reconstituted forms: 16+7+6+9, 38 forms

b. Technique - total ceramic category, for 86 vessels:

7m + 25pz [18(8+8+2) + 6r + 1n] + 41f [36fc, (6+22+5+3) + 2 fr + 3ang-r] + 3 amphorae + 10 pass hand-made vessels: 2 G1 cpl. 21 + 1 G2 cpl. 113 + 4 G3 cpl. 12 = 7m vessels;


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

coarse paste: 0; slightly coarse paste: 10pz (1r+1n+8c) Lad1 cpl. 28 + 8pz G1 cpl. 21 + 5pz(2r +3c) G2 cpl. 113 + 2pz G3 cpl. 121 = 25pz vessels; fine paste: 22f+1ang-r L1cpl. 28 + 6fc+2fr G1cpl. 21 + 5fc G2 cpl. 113 + 3f+2ang-r G3 cpl.121 = 41f vessels; amphorae: 1 L1 cpl. 28 + 1 G1 cpl. 21 + 1 G3 cpl. 121 = 3 amphorae.

c. Total forms established in the 86 different vessels preserved fragmented, were separate, 38 forms which has been established form, so the functionality:
1+1+1+2+3+14+9+4+3 = 1pzn small vessels cpl. 21; 1pz mug cpl. 121; 1fc plateau cpl. 28; 2 bowls cpl. 113 (1fc+1fg); 3 lids cpl. 121 (1ang-r+2fc); 14 tureens: 4 cpl. 21 (1pz+3fc), 7 cpl. 28 (1ang-r+6), 1 fc cpl. 113, 2 cpl. 121 (1m+1fc); 9 jars: 1pz cpl. 21, 4pzc cpl. 28, 2 cpl. 113 (1m+1pzc), 2m cpl. 121; 4 food storage vessels: 3pzc cpl. 28, 1fc big pot; 3 amphorae: 1 cpl. 21, 1 cpl. 28, 1cpl. 121 1pzn small vessels; 1pz mug; 1fc plateau; 2 bowls (1fc+1fg); 3 lids (1ang-r+2fc); 14 tureens (1m+1pz+11fc+1ang-r); 9 jars (3m+6pz); 4 food storage vessels (3pzc+1fc); 3 amphorae technique: hand-made vessels: 1 tureen, 3 jars; slightly coarse paste: 1 small vessel 1 mug, 1 tureens, 6 jars, 3 food storage vessels; fine: 1 plateau, 2 bowls (1fc+1fg), 3 lids (1ang-r+2c), 12 tureens (11fc+1ang-r), 1 food storage vessel, import, 3 amphorae. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3th Century total: 86 vessels = 7m + 0z + 25pz + 41f + 3 amphorae + 10 pass, 38 forms

Complexe 1-4 / Complexes 1-4

Lad1 cpl. 28, sec.III 01. Lad1 cpl. 28, sec. III 34 vase = 10pz (1r+1n+8c) + 22fc + 1ang-r + 1 amfor, 16 forme inelare 1pzc+1fc Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 10pz (2 baze, 1r,1n, =6x2 + buze 15fc cm) + 8c [4 borcane (fig. 59/7; =13-14; 20 cm) + 3 vase de provizii vase de provizii3pzc (=8 cm) + 1 baz inelar, =10 cm] + 22fc [1 platou (fig. 59/4; =28 cm) + 6 castroane (fig. 59/5, 8; =14; 16; 21-22 cm) + 1 castron castroane1ang-r+6fc ang-r + 2 vase cu gt drept (fig. 59/6, 9; =19-20 cm) + 13 buze (fig. FORME RECONST.16 59/3; =24 cm) + 1 baz inelar (=10 cm)] + 1 amfor. Forme: 1fc platou + 7 castroane (1ang-r + 6fc) + 4pzc borcane pasta fina 22c + 3pzc vase de provizii + 1 amfor = 16 forme reconstituite, + TOTAL VASE 34 15fc buze + 2pz baze (1r+1n) + 2 inelare (1pzc+1fc). 0 5 10 15 20 25 Din vesela de mas lucrat din past fin s-au pstrat, un platou i apte castroane, dintre care unul angobat rou. Pentru gtit s-au folosit patru borcane din past puin zgrunuroas i din aceeai past trei vase de provizii iar pentru depozitare i transport o amfor. Dup numrul de vase obinuite, castroane, n locuin erau ase-opt persoane, din care patru maturi.

30 35

Lad1 cpl. 28, 3th century 34 vessels = 10pz(1r+1n+8) + 22f+1ang-r + 1 amphora, 16 forms Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 10pz (1r basis + 1n basis, =6x2 cm) + 8c [4 jars (fig. 59/7; =13-14; 20 cm) + 3 food storage vessels (=8 cm) + 1 annular bases (=10 cm)] + 22fc [1 platou (fig. 59/4; =28 cm) + 6 tureens (fig. 59/5, 8; =14; 16; 21-22 cm) + 2 vessels with neck as (fig. 59/6, 9; =19-20 cm) + 13 rims (fig. 59/3; =24 cm) + 1 basis annular (=10 cm)] + 1 tureen ang-r + 1 amphora. Forms: 1fc plates + 7 tureens (1ang-r + 6fc) + 4pzc jars + 3pzc food storage vessels + 1 amphora = 16 reconstituted forms, + 15fc rims + 2pz bases (1r + 1n) + 2 annular (1pz + 1fc). Among the fine paste tableware, there were kept one plateau and seven tureens, one covered with red slip. Four pots made of less coarse paste were used for cooking and the same paste was used for three food storage vessels, other vessels in fragmentary condition and storage vessels, to transport an amphora. For other vessels, preserved too fragmentary, not reconstituted form, but they are part of the usual types. After

Ceramica reprezentare grafic, sec.III-VI / Ceramic graphical representation, 3rd-6th centuries


number of usually ceramics, tureens, in dwelling were six - eight persons, from which four adult. 02. G1 cpl. 21, sec. III 19 vase = 2m + 16rt (8pz + 6fc + 2fr) + 1 amfor, 7 forme Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 2m baze (=8; 10 cm) + 8pz, 1n vas mic, 7c [1 castron (=14 cm) + 1 borcan (fig. 47/3, =15 cm) + 1 perete cu incizii, 6 baze (=8; 10; 18 cm), 3 desprinse cu sfoara (=7-8; 10 cm)] + 6fc [1 castron cu marginea dreapt (fig. 47/7; =16 cm) + 2 castroane cu profil n S (fig. 47/1-2; =13; 20 cm) + 5 margini (=14 cm) + 4 baze inelare (fig. 47/6; =12; 9; 10; 12,5 cm) i una dreapt (=10 cm) + 2fr toarte diferite (fig. 47/4-5)] + 1 amfor (fig. 47/8) = 19 vase. Forme: 1pzn vas mic + 4 castroane (1pz + 3fc) + 1pz borcan + 1 amfor = 7 forme reconstituite, + 5f margini + 12 baze (2m + 6pz, 3 desprinse cu sfoara + 1fc) + 4f inelare + 1pz perete incizat + 2fr toarte. n complex numrul de forme ntregite a fost de ase, un vas mic, pahar, din past puin zgrunuroas, poate un vas pentru un copil, un castron i un borcan din aceeai past, acestora se adaug alte trei borcane din past fin i pentru depozitare i transport o amfor, n total 19 vase. Pentru vasele pstrate prea fragmentar nu s-a reconstituit forma, dar ele fac parte din tipurile de recipiente uzuale.

G3,cpl.21,sec.III, forme G1 cpl. 21, 3th century toarte 2fr 19 vessels = 2m+16rt (8pz+6fc+2fr)+1 amphora, 7 forms perete incizat 1pz Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 2m bases (=8; 10 cm) + 8pz, inelare 4fc 1pzn small pot, 7pzc [1 tureen (=14 cm) + 1 jar (fig. 47/3, =15 drepte 2m+6pz+1fc baze cm) + 1 with incisions wall, 6 bases (=8; 10; 18 cm), 3 bases with + margini 5fc deep traces circularly (=7; 8; 10 cm)] + 6 [1 tureen with edge 7 forme amfora 1 straight (fig. 47/7; =16 cm) + 2 tureens with S-profile (fig. 47/1-2; oala 1pz =13; 20 cm) + 5 edges (=14 cm) + 4 annular bases (fig. 47/6; =910; 12, 12,5 cm) + 1 straight (=10 cm) + 2fr handles (fig. 47/4-5)] + 1 castroane 1pz+3fc vas mic 1pzn amphora (fig. 47/8) = 19 vessels. total vase 19 Forms: 1pzn small pot + 4 tureens (1pz + 3fc) + 1pz jar + 1 0 5 10 15 20 amphora = 7 reconstituted forms, + 5 fc edges + 12 straight bases (2m + 6pz - 3 bases with deep traces circularly + 1fc) + 4fc annular bases + 1pz with incisions wall + 2fr handles. Within the complex the number of completed shapes was 6, a small vessel, a pitcher, made of less coarse paste, maybe for the preparation of a childs food, a bowls and a pot ma de of the same paste, and three other pots of fine paste, to which there should be added five borders, as well as the two handles of different vessels. To transport and storage, an amphora, summing up to the total number of 19 vessels.
03. G2 cpl. 113, sec. III 11 vase = 1m + 5pz (2r+3c) + 5fc, 6 forme Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 1m borcan (fig. 132/14; =10 cm) + 5pz [1r ciob + 1r-c baz (=7 cm) + 1c borcan (fig. 132/12; =10 cm) + 2 baze (fig. 132/15; =8; 10,5 cm)] + 5fc [1 castron (fig. 132/11; corp = 10 cm) + 1 bol (fig. 132/13; =18 cm) + 2 perei, 1 vas de provizii + 1fg bol] = 11 vase. Forme: 2 boluri (1fc + 1fg) + 1fc castron + 2 borcane (1m + 1pzc) + 1fc perete de vas mare = 6 forme reconstituite + 1fc perete + 3 baze (1pzr + 2pzr-c). n groap, din ceramica pentru gtit erau dou borcane modelate cu mna i din past zgrunuroas, pentru servit era un castron i dou boluri, pentru pstrat un vas mare, ultimele din past fin iar pentru depozitare i transport era o amfor.

G2 cpl.113,sec.III
perete 1fc oale 1m+1pzc boluri 1fc+1fg fina 5fc roata olarului 10 TOTAL VASE 11 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

G2 cpl. 113, 3th century 11 vessels = 1m + 5pz (2r+3c) + 5fc, 6 forms Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 1m jar (fig. 132/14; =10 cm) + 5pz [1r wall + 1r-c basic (=7 cm) + 1c jar (fig. 132/12; =10 cm) + 2 bases (fig. 132/15; =8; 10,5 cm)] + 5fc [1 tureen (fig. 132/11;


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

body=10 cm) + 1 bowl (fig. 132/13; =18 cm) + 2 walls, 1 food storage vessel + 1fg bowl] = 11 vessels. Forms: 2 bowl (1fc + 1fg) + 1fc tureens + 2 jars (1m + 1pzc) + 1fc wall of a large vessel = 6 reconstituted forms, + 1fc wall + 3 bases (1pzr + 2pzr-c). In the pit, of ceramic for cooking were twoo different pots, was served three bowl, to keep an food storage vessels, last in fine paste, to transport and storage, an amphora. 04. G3 cpl. 121, sec. III G5 cpl.121,sec.III 12 vase = 4m + 2pz + 3fc + 2ang-r + 1 amfor, 9 forme TOTAL VASE 12 Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 4m [2 borcane (fig. 139/2-3; modelate la mana 4 =14; 17 cm) + 1 castron sferoidal ( corp=24 cm) + 1 perete decorat (fig. putin zgr. 2 139/7) + 3 baze (=16; 16,5; 5,5 cm)] + 2pz [1 can (fig. 140/6; =6,2 fina3f+ang-r2 cm) + corp (fig. 139/4)] + 3f [2 capace (fig. 140/4-5; =16;22 cm) + 1 FORME RECONST. 9 castron cu profil n S (fig. 140/11) + 1 decorat (fig. 139/1)] + 2ang-r cana1f [1 capac (fig. 140/1; =8,2 cm) + 1baz inelar (fig. 140/10; =14 cm) + capace1ang-r+2fc 1a-g gt, past alb-glbuie] + 1 amfor (fig. 140/7-9) = 12 vase. castroane1m+1fc Forme: 1pz can + 3f capace (1ang-r+2c) + 2 castroane (1m + amfora 1 1fc) + 2m borcane + 1 amfor = 9 forme reconstituite, + 3 perei gat,1a-g ornai (1m+1pz+1fc) + 4 baze (3m+1 inelar) + 1a-g gt, alb-glbui. peretiorn1m+1pz+1fc baze3m+inelara1f Pentru but s-a pstrat o can din past zgrunuroas, probabil i vasul din past alb-glbuie, din vesela de mas dou vase ornate, pstrate 0 2 4 6 8 10 1214 fragmentar, unul din past fin cenuie, altul din past puin zgrunuroas dar i a trei capace iar din vesela pentru gtit vasele modelate cu mna, un castron i cele dou borcane. Pentru depozitare i transport o amfor. G3 cpl. 121, 3th century 12 vessels = 4m + 2pz + 3fc + 2ang-r + 1 amphora, 9 forms Ceramic, paste, firig: 4m [2 jars (fig. 139/2-3; =14; 17 cm) + 1 tureen sferoidal ( body=24 cm) + 1 decorated wall (fig. 139/7) + 3 bases (=5,5; 16-16,5 cm)] + 2pz [1 mug (fig. 140/6; =6,2 cm) + wall (fig. 139/4)] + 3f [2 lids (fig. 140/4-5; =16; 22 cm) + 1 tureen with S-profile (fig. 140/11) + 1 decorated (fig. 139/1)] + 2ang-r [1 lid (fig. 140/1; =8,2 cm) + 1 annular basis (fig. 140/10; =14 cm) + 1a-g neck yellowish-white] + 1amphora (fig. 140/7-9) = 12 vessels. Forms: 1pz mug+3 lids (1ang-r+2fc) + 2 tureens (1m + 1fc) + 2m jars + 1amphora = 9 reconstituted forms, + 3 wall decorated (1m + 1pz + 1fc) + 4 bases (3m + 1ang-r annular) + 1a-g neck. To drink to keep a cup of coarse paste, probably the dish of white-yellow paste, with table ware two vessels decorated, kept fragmented, one of the fine gray paste, another of slightly coarse paste, but also of three lids and of cooking utensils shaped modeled in hand, one tureen as the two pots . To transport and storage vessels, an amphora.

Ceramica reprezentare grafic, sec.III-VI / Ceramic graphical representation, 3rd-6th centuries


Secolele III-IV / 3rd4th centuries Forme, funcii, proporii / Forms, functions, proportions
372 vase = 75m + 4z + 62pz + 188f + 17 amfore = 347 + 25pass, 221 forme a. Total ceramic din 18 complexe: 372 vase =
Lsp1 cpl. 12a 21 + Lsp2 cpl. 17 28 + Lsp3 cpl. 29 27 + Lsp4 cpl. 33 45 + Lsp5 cpl. 34 18 + Lsp6 cpl. 72 14 + Lad1 cpl. 10 8 + Lad2 cpl. 31 20 + Lad3 cpl. 78 38 + Lad4 cpl. 106a 68+2 + G1 cpl. 13 1 + G2 cpl. 32 34 + G3 cpl. 62 5 + G4 cpl. 74 1 + G6 cpl. 94 4fc + G7 cpl. 106 + A1 cpl. 70 7 + A2 cpl. 73 6 = 347 + 25 pass. Total vase 372 = 21+28+27+45+18+14+8+20+38+1+34+5+1+4+70+7+6+25 Locuine de suprafa, Lsp1, cpl. 12a, 21 vase = 5m + 16r [6pz+10f (2r+1b+7)], 13 forme. Lsp2 cpl. 17, 28 vase = 3m + 25rt [7pz + 18f(16c+1r+1n)] + 1 amfor, 19 forme. Lsp3 cpl. 29, 27 vase = 1m + 25rt [8pz(1r+7) + 16f(13f+1n+2ang-r)] + 1 amfor, 19 forme. Lsp4 cpl. 33, 45 vase = 16m + 26f (1cn+2r+23) + 3 amfore + 1 pahar de sticl, 39 forme. Lsp5 cpl. 34, 18rt vase = 3pz + 13f (9+2g+1n+1ang-r) + 2 amfore, 9 forme. Lsp6 cpl. 72, 14+1 vase = 1m + 12r [3z+9fc] + 1 amfor + 1 pahar de sticl, 7+1 forme. Locuine uor adncite, Lad1 cpl. 10, 8 vase = 1m + 6f (3fc+2r+1n) + 1 amfor, 6 forme. Lad2 cpl. 31, 20 vase = 3m + 6pz + 10f (1r+7c+2ang-r) + 1 amfor, 6 forme. Lad3 cpl. 78, 38 vase = 10m + 26r [12pz (2r+2r-g+3cn+5c) +13fc + 1ang-r] + 2 amfore, 22 forme. Lad4 cpl. 106, 70 vase=20m+48rt[12pz(2rg+2a+8c) +36f(16fc+17fg+3ang-r)]+2 amfore, 48 forme. Gropi, G1 cpl. 13, 1 cuie. G2 cpl. 32, 34 vase = 13m + 20rt [7pz (2g-r + 5c) + 13f (12c+1r)] + 1 amfor, 18 forme. G3 cpl. 62, 5 vase = 4fc + 1 amfor, 1 form. G4 cpl. 74, 1 cuie cu toart masiv, 1 form. G5-6, cpl. 93 i 94, 4fc, 2 forme. G7 cpl. 106, 70 = 20m+48rt [12pz (2rg+2a+8c) + 36f (16fc+17fg+3ang-r)] + 2 amfore, 48 forme. Aglomerri de materiale, A1 cpl. 70, 7 vase = 6fc + 1 amfor, 7 forme. A2 cpl. 73, 6rt vase = 1z + 1pz + 4fc, 3 forme. Total forme 221 = 13+19+19+39+9+7+6+6+22+1+18+1+1+2+48+7+3

b. Tehnic total categorii ceramice, 372 vase:

75m + 4z + 62pz + 188f (146c + 19g + 10r + 5n + 9ang-r) + 17 amfore = 347 + 25 vase, din care 221 se reconstituie ca form i funcionalitate: modelat cu mna: 5 Lsp1, cpl. 12a + 3 Lsp2 cpl. 17 + 1 Lsp3 cpl. 29 + 16 Lsp4 cpl. 33 + 1 Lsp6 cpl. 72 + 1 Lad1 cpl. 10 + 3L2 cpl. 31 + 10Lad3 cpl. 78 + 20Lad4 cpl. 106 + 1G1 cpl. 13 + 13 G2 cpl. 32+ 1G4 cpl. 74 = 75m vase; past zgrunuroas: 3 Lsp6 cpl. 72 + 1 A2 cpl. 73 = 4z vas; past puin zgrunuroas: 6 Lsp1, cpl. 12a + 7 Lsp2 cpl. 17 + 8 (1r+7c) Lsp3 cpl. 29 + 3 Lsp5 cpl. 34 + 6 Lad2 cpl. 31 + 12 (2r+2r-g+3cn+5c) Lad3 cpl. 78 + 12Lad4 (1r-g+2a+ 1gr+8c) + 7 (2g-r+5c) G2 cpl. 32 + 1 A2 cpl. 73 = 62 vase 2a+3r 6r-g+3cn+48fc = 62pz vase; past fin total: 10f (2r+1b+7c) Lsp1, cpl. 12a + 18f(16c+1r+1n) Lsp2 cpl. 17 + 16f (13fc+1n+2ang-r) Lsp3 cpl. 29 + 26f (1n+2r+23c) Lsp4 cpl. 33 + 13f (9c+2g+1n+1ang-r) Lsp5 cpl. 34 + 9c Lsp6 cpl. 72 + 6f (3fc+2r+1n) Lad1 cpl. 10 + 10f (1r+7c+2ang-r) Lad2 cpl. 31 + 13+1ang-r Lad3 cpl. 78 + 16fc+17fg+3ang-r Lad4 cpl. 106 + 13f (12c+1r) G2 cpl. 32 + 4fc G3 cpl. 62+ 4c G6 cpl. 94 + 6fc A1 cpl. 70 + 4fc A2 cpl. 73 = 189 vase (146c+19g+10r+5n+9ang-r) din care: fin cenuie: 3 + 7 + 16 + 13 + 7 + 12 + 23 + 9 + 4 + 6 + 9 + 4 + 13 + 4 A2 cpl. 73 + 16 = 145fc vase; glbuie: 2g + 17fg = 19fg vase; roie: 2r + 1b + 2r + 1r + 1r + 1r + 2r = 10r vase; neagr: 1n + 1n + 1n + 1cn + 1n = 5n vase; angobat: 2r + 2r + 1ang-r + 1ang-r + 3ang-r = 9ang-r vase; amfore: 1 Lsp3 cpl. 29 + 3 Lsp4 cpl. 33 + 2 Lsp5 cpl. 34 + 1 Lsp6 cpl. 72 + 1 Lad1 cpl. 10 + 1 Lad2 cpl. 31 + 2 Lad3 cpl. 78 2 Lad4 cpl. 106 + 1 G2 cpl. 32 + 1 G3 cpl. 62 + 1 A1 cpl. 70) = 17 amfore. pahare de sticl, 1 cpl. 33, 1 cpl. 72 = 2 pahare de sticl.

c. Total forme stabilite din 372 vase diferite pstrate fragmentar, s-au detaat 221 vase pentru care s-a stabilit funcionalitatea:
1+4+9+1+12+3+1+3+3+3+89+3+46+13+2+5+4+2+17+2) = 1m vas miniatural cpl. 17; 4 pahare: 3fc cpl. 33, 1pzc cpl. 78; 9 cui: 2 cpl. 12a, 1 cpl. 13, 1 cpl. 3, cu trei


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

picioare - tripes, 1 cpl. 31, 2 cpl. 33, 1 cpl. 74, cu toart masiv, 1 cpl. 106; 1fc cni, cpl. 106; 12 cni: 1r cpl. 12a, 1zr cpl. 17, 1f cpl. 32, 2f cpl. 33, 2f cpl. 34, 1f cpl. 70, 1f cpl. 73, 1f cpl. 78, 2f cpl. 106; 3 capace: 1 fr cpl. 32, 1m cpl. 33, 1fc cpl. 70 buton de capac; 1 taler: 1m cpl. 78; 3 boluri: 1f cpl. 12a, 1f cpl. 17, 1f cpl. 32; 3 fructiere cpl. 29, 106 (2ang-r+1fc); 3 castronae: 1fc cpl. 78, 2 (1m+1fc), cpl. 106; 89 castroane (1+1+11+4+4+14+5+1+1+1+1+7+4+14+ 4+5+1+1+1+1+7): 1fn cpl. 10, 1m cpl. 12a, 11 cpl. 17 (1m+8fc+1fr protome+1fn), 4fc cpl. 29, 4 cpl. 32 (2m+2fc), 14 cpl. 33 (2m+12fc), 5 cpl. 34 (1pz+1fn+3fc), 1fc cpl. 70, 1m cpl. 72, 1fc cpl. 73, 1fc cpl. 77, 7 cpl. 78 (2pz+4fc+1fr-g), 4 cpl. 32 (2m+2fc), 14 cpl. 33 (2m+8fc) i 4fc cpl. 33 emisferice, 5 cpl. 34 (1pz+1fn+3fc), 1fc cpl. 70, 1m cpl. 72, 1fc cpl. 73, 1fc cpl. 77, 7 cpl. 78 (2pz+4fc+1fr-g); 3 borcane: 3 cpl. 10 (1m+1fc+1fr); 46 borcane: 6 cpl. 12a borcane (1m cu bru alveolat+1pzn+4f), 3 (1m+1zc+1fc), 7 cpl. 29 (6fc+1fn), 1m cpl. 29 vas cu bru alveolat, 3 cpl. 31 (2m+1ang-r), 9 cpl. 32 (8m+1pz), 6 cpl. 33 (4m+2fc+1fc-n), 1m cpl. 33 borcan, 3fc cpl. 70, 2fc cpl. 72, 5 cpl. 78 (4m+1pzc-n); 13 vase de provizii: 2pz cpl. 12a, 2zg cpl. 17, 3pz cpl. 29, 1pz cpl. 31, 2z cpl. 72-73, 1z cpl. 77, 2pz cpl. 78; 2(1f+1pzr) vas globular + vas cu toarte, cpl. 29; 5 ovoidale: 2m cpl. 33, 3fc cpl. 72; 4 bitronconice: 1fn cpl. 72; 2 profil n S: 2m cpl. 78; 2 import: 1 cpl. 10 imprimat cenuiu, 1f cpl. 12a caserol; 17 amfore: 1 cpl. 17, 1 cpl. 29, 3 cpl. 33, 2 cpl. 34, 1 cpl. 72, 1 cpl. 10, 1 cpl. 31, 2 cpl. 78, 1 cpl. 32, 1 cpl. 62, 2 cpl. 106, 1 cpl. 70; 2 pahare de sticl, 1 cpl. 33, 1 cpl. 72. 1m vas miniatural, 4 pahare (3fc+1pz), 9m cui, 1fc cni, 12 cni (1zr+11f(10fc+1fr), 3 capace (1m+1fr+1fc), 1m taler, 3f boluri, 3f fructiere (2ang-r+1fc), 3 castronae (1m+2fc), 85 castroane (12m+6pz+60fc+4fn+ 1fr+2fr-g), 3 borcane (1m+1fc+1fr), 46 borcane (22m+1zc+1pz+1pzn+1pzc-n+17fc+1ang-r+1fn+1fc-n), 13 vase de provizii (3z+8pz+2zg), 2 vas globular + vas cu toarte (1f + 1pzr), 5 ovoidale (2m+3fc), 4fn bitronconice, 2m cu profil n S, 17 amfore, 2f import (1 imprimat cenuiu + 1 caserol), 2 pahare de sticl = 221 forme reconstituite. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total sec. III-IV, 372 vase = 75m + 4z + 62pz + 188f + 25pass + 17 amfore, 221 forme

3rd4th Centuries forms, functions, proportions

372 vessels = 75m + 4z + 62pz + 189f + 17 amphorae + 25 pass, 221 forms a. Total the pottery from the 18 complexes, 372 vessels:
Lsp1 cpl. 12a 21 + Lsp2 cpl. 17 28 + Lsp3 cpl. 29 27 + Lsp4 cpl. 33 42+3 + Lsp5 cpl. 34 18 + Lsp6 cpl. 72 13+2 + Lad1 cpl. 10 8 + Lad2 cpl. 31 20 + Lad3 cpl. 78 38 + Lad4 cpl. 106 68+2 + G1 cpl. 13 1 + G2 cpl. 32 34 + G3 cpl. 62 5 + G4 cpl. 74 1 +G6, cpl. 94 4fc + A1 cpl. 70 7 + A2 cpl. 73 6 = 347 + 25 pass. Total vessles 372: 21+28+27+45+18+14+8+20+38+1+34+5+1+4+70+7+1 Surface dwelling, Lspl cpl. 12a, 21 vessels = 5m + 16r [6pz+10f (2r+1b+7)], 13 forms. Lsp2 cpl. 17, 28 vessels = 3m + 25rt [7pz + 18f (16c+1r+1n)] + 1 amphora, 19 forms. Lsp3 cpl. 29, 27 vessels = 1m + 25rt [8pz(1r+7) + 16f(13f+1n+2ang-r)] + 1 amphora, 19 forms. Lsp4 cpl. 33, 42+3 vessels = 16m + 26rt(1cn+2r+23) + 3 amphorae + 1 glass beaker, 30 forms. Lsp5 cpl. 34, 18rt vessels = 3pz + 13f (9+2g+1n+1ang-r) + 2 amphorae, 7 forms. Lsp6 cpl. 72, 13+2 vessels = 1m + 12r [3z+9fc] + 1 amphora + 1 glass beaker, 8 forms. The slightly buried dwelling, Lad1 cpl. 10, 8 vessels = 1m + 6rt (3fc+2r+1n) + 1 amphora, 5 forms. Lad2 cpl. 31, 20 vessels = 3m + 6pz + 10f (1r+7c+2ang-r) + 1 amphora, 5 forms. Lad3 cpl. 78, 38 vessels = 10m + 26r [12pz (2r+2r-g+3cn+5c) +13fc + 1ang-r] + 2 amphorae, 20 forms. Lad4 cpl. 106, 70 = 20m + 48rt[12pz (2rg+2a+8) + 36f (16f+17fg+3ang-r)], 45 forms + 2 amphorae Gropi, G1, cpl. 13. 1 primitive lamp. G2 cpl. 32, 34 vessels = 13m + 20rt [7pz (2g-r + 5c) + 13f (12c+1r)] + 1 amphora, 17 forms. G3 cpl. 62, 5 vessels = 4fc + 1 amphora, 1 forms. G4 cpl. 74, 1 primitive lamp, to massive handle, 1 forms. G5-6, cpl. 93 and cpl. 94, 4fc, 2 forms. G7 cpl. 106. The agglomeration of materials, A1 cpl. 70, 7 vessels = 6fc + 1 amphora, 6 forms. A2 cpl. 73, 6rt vessels = 1z + 1pz + 4fc, 3 forms. Total reconstituted forms: 221 = 13+19+19+39+9+7+6+6+22+1+18+1+1+2+48+7+3.

b. Technique - total ceramic category, 372 vessels, 75m + 4z + 62pz + 18f (146c + 19g + 10r + 5n + 9ang-r) + 17 amphorae = 372 + 25 pass.
hand-made vessels: 5 + 3 + 1 +16 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 10 + 1 + 13 + 1 + 20 = 75m vessels; coarse paste: 3 +1 = 4z vessels; slightly coarse paste: 6 + 7 + 8 (1r+7c) + 6 + 12 (2r+2r-g+3cn+5c) + 7 (2g-r+5c) + 12 (1rg+2a+

Ceramica reprezentare grafic, sec.III-VI / Ceramic graphical representation, 3rd-6th centuries


1gr+8c) + 3 + 1 = 62 vessels 2a + 3r + 6r-g + 3cn + 48fc = 62pz vessels; fine paste: 10f (2r+1b+7c) + 18f (16c+1r+1n) + 16f (13fc+1n+2ang-r) + 26f (1n+2r+23c) + 13f (9c+2g+1n+1ang-r) + 9c + 6rt(3fc+2r+1n) + 10f (1r+7c+2ang-r) + 13 + 1ang-r + 13f (12c+1r) + 4fc + 4c + 16fc + 17fg + 3ang-r + 6fc + 4fc = TOTAL 189 vessels; grayish fine: 3 + 7 + 16 + 13 + 7 + 12 + 23 + 9 + 4 + 6 + 9 + 4 + 13 + 4 + 16 = 145 vessels; yellowish: 2g + 17 fg =19 fg vessels; reddish: 2r + 1b + 2r + 1r + 1r + 1r + 2r = 10r vessels; blackish: 1n + 1n + 1n + 1cn + 1n = 5n vessels; with red slip: 2r + 2r + 1ang-r + 1ang-r + 3ang-r = 9ang-r; amfore: 1 Lsp3 cpl. 29 + 3 Lsp4 cpl. 33 + 2 Lsp5 cpl. 34 + 1 Lsp6 cpl. 72 + 1 Lad1 cpl. 10 + 1 Lad2 cpl. 31 + 2 Lad3 cpl. 78 + 2 Lad4 cpl. 106 + 1 G2 cpl. 32 + 1 G3 cpl. 62 + 1 A1 cpl. 70) = 17 amfore; glass beaker: 1 cpl. 33, 1 cpl. 72 = 2 glass beaker.

c. Total forms established in the 372 different vessels preserved fragmented, were separated, which was established functionality, 221 forms:
5+8+10+2+1+3+2+1+51+3+46+13+1+5+4+2 = 5 miniature vessels, 1m cpl. 17; beaker: 3fc cpl. 33, 1pzc cpl. 78; 7 primitive lamp: 2 cpl. 12a - 13, 1 cpl. 13, 1 cpl. 31 with three feet, 1 cpl. 32, 2 cpl. 33, 1 cpl. 74, to massive handle; 10 mugs: 1r cpl. 12a, 1zr cpl. 17, 1f cpl. 32, 2f cpl. 33, 2f cpl. 34, 1f cpl. 70, 1f cpl. 73, 1f cpl. 78; 2 lids: 1 fr cpl. 32, 1fc cpl. 70 button lids; 1 plate: 1m cpl. 78; 3 bowls: 1fc cpl. 12a, 1fc cpl. 17, 1fc cpl. 32; 3 fruit tray, 2ang-r, 1 cpl. 29; 1 small tureen: 1fc cpl. 78; 51 tureens: 1fn cpl. 10, 1m cpl. 12a, 11 cpl. 17 (1m+8fc+1fr protomae+1fn), 4fc cpl. 29, 4 cpl. 32 (2m+2fc), 14 cpl. 33 (2m+8fc+4fc hemispherical), 5 cpl. 34 (1pz+1fn+3fc), 1fc cpl. 70, 1m cpl. 72, 1fc cpl. 73, 1fc cpl. 77, 7 cpl. 78 (2pz+4fc+1fr-g), 4 cpl. 32 (2m+2fc), 14 cpl. 33 (2m+8fc) and 4fc cpl. 33 hemispherical, 5 cpl. 34 (1pz+1fn+3fc), 1fc cpl. 70, 1m cpl. 72, 1fc cpl. 73, 1fc cpl. 77, 7 cpl. 78 (2pz+4fc+1fr-g); 3 jars: 3 cpl. 10 (1m+1fc+1fr); 46 jars: 6 cpl. 12a jars (1m with alveoli belt +1pzn+4f), 3 (1m+1zc+1fc), 7 cpl. 29 (6fc+1fn), 1m cpl. 29 with alveoli belt, 3 cpl. 31 (2m+1ang-r), 9 cpl. 32 (8m+1pz), 6 cpl. 33 (4m+2fc+1fc-n), 1m cpl. 33 jars, 3fc cpl. 70, 2fc cpl. 72, 5 cpl. 78 (4m+1pzc-n); 13 food storage vessels: 2pz cpl. 12a, 2zg cpl. 17, 3pz cpl. 29, 1pz cpl. 31, 2z cpl. 72-73, 1z cpl. 77, 2pz cpl. 78; 1 globular vessel, 1fc cpl. 29; 5 ovoid vessels: 2m cpl. 33, 3fc cpl. 72; 4 biconical pot: 1fn cpl. 72; 3fc cpl. 72, 2 with S profile: 2m cpl. 78; 17 amphorae: 1 cpl. 31, 1 cpl. 32, 2 cpl. 34, 2 cpl. 62, 1 cpl. 70, 1 cpl. 72, 2 cpl. 78; 2 glass beaker: 1 cpl. 33, 1 cpl. 72; 2 imported: 1 cpl. 10 printed gray vessels, 1fc cpl. 12a casserole 5 miniature vessels, 8 primitive lamps, 10 mugs, 2 lids, 1 plate, 3 bowls, 2 fruit tray, 1 small tureen, 51 tureens, 49 jars, 13 food storage vessels, 1 globular vessel, 5 ovoid vessels, 4 biconical pot, 2 with S-profile, 2 imports, 1 print pot, 1fc casserole and 17 amphorae, 2 glass beakers 1 cpl. 33, 1 cpl. 72. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total 3rd4th centuries: 372 vessels = 75m+4z+62pz+189f+25pass+17amphorae, 221 forms Complexe 1-18 / Complexes 1-18 01. Lsp1, cpl. 12a, sec. III-IV 21 vase = 5m + 16r 6pz + 10f (2r + 1b + 7c), 14 forme Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 5m [1 castron + 2 cui (fig. 33/6; 34/2), 1 vas cu bru alveolat (fig. 33/10), 4 baze (fig. 33/5, 9, 11; =12,5; 14; 7,5 cm)] + 16r [6pz, 2 vase de provizii (fig. 34/5-6) + 1 baz (fig. 34/8) + 1 borcan negru-cenuiu (fig. 33/3) + 3 buze (fig. 33/7-8; =10-11-12 cm) + 1 baz desprins cu sfoara (=12 cm)] + 10f [1r can (fig. 34/1) + 1b baz concav (fig. 34/7) + 1 bol (fig. 33/2; =8 cm) + 3 buze (fig. 34/3-4) + 1 caserol (fig. 33/1; =38 cm) + 4bg borcane (fig. 33/4; =12; 14,5; 14-15 cm)] = 21 vase. Forme: 1r can + 1fc bol + 1fc caserol + 1m castron + 2m cui + 6 borcane (1m perete bru alveolat + 1pzn + 4f) + 2pz vase de provizii = 14 forme reconstituite, + 7 buze (1m + 3pz + 3f) + 7 baze (4m + 2pz, una desprins cu sfoara + 1fb concav). Prile pstrate de la cele 21 de vase utilizate n locuina construit pe sol, cuprind din vesela de but, o can din past fin roie i vesela de gtit, borcane modelate cu mna, unul din past zgrunuroas dar i patru din past fin, plus dou vase de provizii. Buzele provin probabil de la castroane. Menionm i prezena unei caserole un import. De asemenea, a unui vas pentru iluminat, a unei cui. Probabil, dup numrul de borcane n locuin erau ase persoane. Lsp1, cpl. 12a, 3rd4th centuries 21 vessels = 5m + 16r 6pz + 10f (2r + 1b + 7c), 14 forms


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 5m [1 tureen (fig. 34/2), 2 primitive lamps (fig. 33/6; 34/2), 1 pot with alveoli belt (fig. 33/10), 4 bases (fig. 33/5, 9, 11; =12,5; 14; 7,5 cm)] + 16r [6pz, 2 food storage vessels (fig. 34/5-6), 1 basis (fig. 34/8) + 1 blackish-grayish jar (fig. 33/3) + 3 rims (fig. 33/7-8; =10; 11; 12 cm), 1 basis with deep traces circularly cut by a ray (=12 cm)] + 10f [1r mug (fig. 34/1) + 1b basis concav (fig. 34/7) + 1 bowl (fig. 33/2; =8 cm) + 3 rims (fig. 34/3-4) + 1 caserole (fig. 33/1; =38 cm) + 4cbg jars (fig. 33/4; =14; 12; 14,5; 15 cm)] = 21 vessels. Forms: 1r mug + 1fc bowl + 1fc caserole + 1m tureen + 1m one primitive lamp + 6 jars (1m with alveoli belt + 1pzn + 4f) + 2pz food storage vessels = 14 reconstituted forms, + 7 rims (1m + 3pz + 3f) + 7 bases (4m + 2pz, 1 basis with deep traces circularly + 1fb concave). The parts preserved from the 21 vessels used in the dwelling built on the ground also include the drinking vessels, a mug made of fine red paste and the cooking ware, hand-made pots, one of coarse paste and also four of fine paste, plus food storage vessels. The rims are probably from bowls. We should also mention the presence of a casserole, representing an imported item. Mention should also be made of a vessel used for lighting, as a primitive lamp. Probably, after number of jars in dwelling were six persons. 02. Lsp2 cpl. 17, sec. III-IV 28 vase = 3m + 25rt, [7z+18f (15c+1ang-r+1r+1n)] + 1 Lsp2 cpl.17,sec.III-IV TOTAL VASE 28 amfor, 20 forme Ceramica, past, ardere: 3m [1 castron + 1 vas miniatural roata olarului 25 (fig. 41/8-9; =22; 6,2 cm) + 1 borcan (fig. 42/9; =14 cm)] + 25, 7zr [2gc vase de provizii (fig. 41/6; =34 cm) + 1r can + 1c fina 15c+1ang-r+1r+1n borcan (fig. 41/2, 4; =9; 26 cm) + 2c buze (fig. 42/5; =14 cm) + 1c vas miniatural 1m perete], 15f [1 bol (fig. 41/12; =7,5 cm) + 8 castroane + 4 cu bol 1fc profile n S (fig. 41/1, 3, 5, 7; =22; 25-26, 29-31, din care trei cu oale 1m+1zc+1fc marginea dreapt i unul decorat (fig. 42/1) + 1 borcan (fig. 42/7; =10,5 cm) + 6 buze (fig. 42/8, 10; =21 cm), cu trei toarte (fig. baze 13fc+1f r+2fc 42/4) + 13 baze inelare (=3x6; 2x7; 3x8; 3x9; 10-11 cm), + 2 drepte toarte 3fc (=8; 16 cm)] + 1ang-r perete + 2 castroane (1r cu protome zoomorfe (fig. 41/10; =25 cm) + 1n (fig. 42/2; =28 cm) = 28 vase. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Forme: 1m vas miniatural + 1zr can + 1fc bol + 11 castroane (1m+8fc+1fr+1fn) + 3 borcane (1m+1zc+1fc) + 2zg vase de provizii + 1 amfor = 20 forme reconstituite, 8zc buze (2zc+6fc) +16 baze (13fc+1fr inelare+2f drepte) + 2 perei (1zc+1ang-r) + 3fc toarte. ntre cele 28 de vase s-au detaat mai clar 19, un vas miniatural, o can pentru but, un bol, o parte dintr-un vas acoperit cu angob roie i 11 castroane pentru servit i pentru gtit trei borcane, unul modelat cu mna, unul din past zgrunuroas i altul din past fin, pentru buctrie, dar i dou vase de provizii din past zgrunuroas. Dintre castroane, unul tot pentru gtit, s-a modelat cu mna, altele opt din past fin cenuie, unul din past ars negru i altul acoperit cu angob i prevzut cu protome zoomorfe i cu rol de toarte, s-a ars rou-crmiziu. Suprafaa de 11,61 m2 presupune locuirea acesteia de ase persoane. Lsp2 cpl. 17, 3rd4th centuries 28 vessels = 3m + 25rt [7z + 18f(11c + 1ang-r + 1r + 1n)] + 1 amphora, 20 forms Ceramics, paste, firing, forms: 3m[1 tureen (fig. 41/9; =22) + 1 miniature pot (fig. 41/8; =6,2 cm) + 1 jar (fig. 42/9; =14 cm)] + 25r 7z[2gc food storage vessels (fig. 41/6; =34 cm) + 1r mug (fig. 41/4; =9 cm) + 1c jar (fig. 41/2; =26 cm) + 2c rims (fig. 42/5; =14 cm) + 1c wall], 15f[1 bowl (fig. 41/12; =7,5 cm) + 8 tureens + 4 with S profile (fig. 41/1, 3, 5, 7; =31; 29; 26; 25, 3 straight edge (=22) and 1 decorated (fig. 42/1) + 1 jar (fig. 42/7; =10,5 cm) + 6 rims (fig. 42/8, 10; =21 cm), 3 handles (fig. 42/4), 13 basis annular (=3 x 6; 2x7; 3x8; 3x9; 10; 11 cm), 2 straghts (=8; 16 cm)] + 3f[1ang-r wall + 1r tureen, with zoomorphic protome (fig. 41/10; =25 cm) + 1n tureen (fig. 42/2; =28 cm)] = 28 vessels. Forms: 4fc tureens + 7 jars (6fc + 1fn) + 2 fruit tray and 1 leg + 1fc vas globular + 1pzr pot with handles + 3pzc food storage vessels + 1m pot with alveoli belt + 1 amphora = 20 reconstituted forms + 4 rms (3pzc + 1fc) + 8 bases (4 straight, 3pzc, one basis with deep traces circularly, 1 concave, 1fc and half from the basis + 4fc annular) + 1pzc with incisions wall + 1fc handle. Among the 28 vessels, 19 were detached, as they were represented by fine paste traditional shapes,

Ceramica reprezentare grafic, sec.III-VI / Ceramic graphical representation, 3rd-6th centuries


two fruit plateaus covered with red slip, four small bowls and seven pots, one black, and also more rare shapes, such as a grayish globular vessel, another one reddish with handles and a wall probably from a food storage vessel and an amphora. Probably, after surface 11,61 m2, in dwelling were six persons. 03. Lsp3 cpl. 29, sec. III-IV 26 vase = 1m + 25rt [8pz (1r + 7c)] + 16f [(13 fc + 1n + 2ang-r)] + 1 amfor, 20 forme Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 1m vas cu bru alveolat (fig. 60/7; =14 cm) + 25rt, 8pz [1r vas cu toarte (fig. 60/6) + 7c, 1 perete incizat + 3 buze (=12; 14; 18 cm) + 1 baz concav (fig. 60/3) + 3 vase de provizii + 2 baze drepte (=20 cm), din care una cu incizii concentrice (=6 cm)] + 16f [13fc, 4 castroane din care trei cu peretele n S (fig. 60/2; 61/2, 4; =22; 21; 25 cm) + 4 borcane (fig. 60/1; =16; 18 cm) + 2 borcane + 1 vas globular (fig. 61/3; =14,5 cm) + jumtatea dinspre baz (fig. 61/6; =11 cm) + 1 buz (fig. 60/4; =7,5 cm) i 1 toart (fig. 61/7), 1 baz (=7; 21 cm), 1 desprins cu sfoara (fig. 60/5; =6,3 cm) i 4 baze inelare (=3,6; 7; 8 cm)] + 1fn borcan (=16 cm) + 2ang-r [1 fructier (fig. 61/1; =40 cm) + 1 picior (fig. 61/5)] + 1 amfor = 26 vase. Forme: 4fc castroane + 1pzr vas cu toarte + 2 fructiere, 1 picior + 7 borcane (6fc + 1fn) + 1fc vas globular + 3pzc vase de provizii + 1m vas cu bru alveolat + 1 amfor = 20 forme reconstituite + 4 buze (3pzc + 1fc) + 8 baze (4 drepte, 3pzc, 1 desprins cu sfoara, 1 concav + 5fc, jumtatea dinspre baz + 4fc inelare) + 1pzc perete incizat + 1fc toart. Din 27 s-au detaat 19 vase, ntre ele formele tradiionale din past fin, dou fructiere acoperite cu angob roie, patru castroane i apte borcane, unul negru, dar i unele mai rare, un vas globular cenuiu, altul roietic cu toarte i un perete probabil de la un vase de provizii plus pentru transport i depozitare, o amfor. Suprafaa mai mare, 16,86 m2, i prezena mai multor castroane, presupune locuirea acesteia de un numr mai mare de persoane, probabil opt. Lsp3 cpl. 29, 3rd4th centuries 26 vessels = 1m + 25rt [8pz (1r + 7c) + 16f (13 fc + 1n + 2ang-r)] + 1 amphora, 20 forms Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 1m pot with alveoli belt (fig. 60/7; =14 cm) + 25rt, 8pz [1r pot with handles (fig. 60/6) + 7c, 1 with incisions wall + 3 rims (=12; 14; 18 cm) + 3 food storage + 4 bases, 1 concave (fig. 60/3), 2 straight (=20 cm), with deep traces circularly (=6 cm)] + 16f, 13fc [4 tureens (fig. 60/2; 61/2, 4; =22; 21; 25 cm) + 4 jars (fig. 60/1; =16;18 cm) + 2 jars + 1 vas globular (fig. 61/3; =14,5 cm) + mid-inferiority of a pot (fig. 61/6; =11 cm) + 1 rim (fig. 60/4; =7,5 cm), 1 handle (fig. 61/7), 2 basis (=7; 21 cm), 1 basis with deep traces circularly (fig. 60/5; =6,3 cm), 4 annular bases (=3,6; 7-8 cm)] + 1fn jar (=16 cm) + 2ang-r [1 fruit tray (fig. 61/1; =40 cm) + 1 leg (fig. 61/5)] + 1 amphora = 26 vase. Forms: 4fc tureens + 7 jars (6fc + 1fn) + 2 fruit tray and 1 leg + 1fc vas globular + 1pzr pot with handles + 3pzc food storage vessels + 1m pot with alveoli belt + 1 amphora = 20 reconstituted forms + 4 rms (3pzc + 1fc) + 8 bases (4 straight, 3pzc, one basis with deep traces circularly, 1 concave, 1fc and half from the basis + 4fc annular) + 1pzc with incisions wall + 1fc handle. Among the 27 vessels, 19 were detached, as they were represented by fine paste traditional shapes, two fruit plateaus covered with red slip, four small bowls and seven pots, one black, and also more rare shapes, such as a grayish globular vessel, another one reddish with handles and a wall probably from a food storage vessel and an amphora. Probably, after number of tureens and jars in dwelling were eight persons. 04. Lsp4 cpl. 33, sec. III-IV 45+1 vase = 16m + 29rtf (1cn + 2r + 23c) + 3 amfore + 1 pahar de sticl, 39 forme Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 16m [2 cui (fig. 70/3; 71/1; =13; 14,4 cm) + 2 castroane (fig. 70/6; 71/3) + 1 capac (fig. 71/2) + 1 borcan (fig. 70/1) + 4 borcane (fig. 70/4-5, 7-8; =2x14; 20 cm) + 2 vase ovoidale (fig. 70/2, 5; =36; 39 cm) + 2 perei, 4m vas mare (=32 cm) + cu brie alveolate (fig. 71/4-6; =18 cm) + 8 baze evazate (fig. 70/9-11; 71/7-10; =2x10; 2x11; 12; 13; 14; 16,5; 17; 18 cm), una cu o nuire (=14 cm), 1g baz (=16 cm)] + 26f, 3f [1n corp incizat (=34 cm) + 1r baz inelar (=8 cm) + 1fc-n gt de borcan (fig. 72/9; =12 cm)] + 23fc [3 pahare (=8; 12, 14 cm) + 2 cni (fig. 72/4-5; =4; 10 cm) + 8 castroane bitronconice (fig. 72/3, 7, 11-12; =7; 16; 14; 21-22; 24 cm) + 4 emisferice (=13; 20; 16; 25 cm) + 2 borcane (fig. 72/13; =14 cm) + 2 buza ngroat (=10; 19 cm) + 3 buze (fig. 72/1-2, 8; =1516; 18 cm), corpuri ornate (=30 cm) + 2 baze drepte (=6; 8 cm), 13 inelare (fig. 72/14; =5; 2x7; 2x8; 2x9;


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

3x10; 12-13-14 cm) + 3 toarte (fig. 72/15)] + 3 amfore (fig. 72/6, 10; 167/12; baz=4-5 cm) = 42 vase. Forme: 3fc pahare + 2fc cni + 2m cui + 14 castroane (2m + 8fc) + 4fc emisferice + 7 borcane (4m + 2fc + 1fc-n) + 1m borcan + 2m vase ovoidale + 1m capac + 3 amfore = 39 forme reconstituite, + 1m perete de vas mai mare + 6 buze (2fc + 3fc + 1fc), 1fn corp incizat (=34 cm) + 3fc toarte. ntre cele 39 de forme, detaate din cele 45 de vase aflate n Lsp4 cpl.33,sec.III-IV locuina de suprafa, erau dou cui pentru iluminat, din past fin, TOTAL VASE 42+3 pentru but erau trei pahare, dou cni, la care se adaug vesela pentru mas, opt castroane, patru vase emisferice i trei borcane, din care una fina 1cn+2r+23c neagr. De asemenea, din ceramica modelat cu mna, s-au detaat pahare 3fc+cani 2fc dou castroane, patru borcane, un borcan, dou vase ovoidale. Pentru depozitare i transport s-au folosit trei amfore. Menionm i paharul castroane 2m+12fc de sticl. Dup suprafa, 14 m2, i numrul mare de castroane, erau cel puin opt persoane n locuin. amf ore 3
peretevasmare1+inciz.1fn Lsp4 cpl. 33, 3rd4th centuries 45+1 vessels = 16m + 29rt (1cn + 2r + 23c) + 3 amphorae + toarte 3fc 1 glass beaker, 39 forms Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 16m [2 primitive lamps (fig. 0 10 20 30 40 50 70/3; 71/1; =13; 14,4 cm) + 2 tureens (fig. 70/6; 71/3) + 1 lid (fig. 71/2) + 1 jar (fig. 70/1) + 4 jars (fig. 70/4-5, 7-8; =2x14; 20 cm) + 2 vessels ovoidale (fig. 70/2, 5; =36; 39 cm) + 1 wall de vas mare (=32 cm), 3 wall with alveoli belt (fig. 71/4-6; =18 cm), 8 flared bases (fig. 70/9-11; 71/7-10; =2x10; 2x11; 12; 13; 14x2; 16,5; 17; 18 cm), 1g basis (=16 cm)] + 26f 3f [1n body incised (=34 cm), 1r annular basis (=8 cm) + 1fc-n jar (fig. 72/9; =12 cm)]+ 23fc [3 beakers (=8; 12, 14 cm) + 2 mugs (fig. 72/4-5; =4; 10 cm) + 8 tureens biconical (fig. 72/3, 7, 11-12; =7; 16; 14; 21-22; 24 cm) + 4 emisferice (=13; 20; 16; 25 cm) + 2 jars (fig. 72/13; =14 cm) + 2 lip thickened (=10; 19 cm) + 3 rims (fig. 72/1-2, 8; =15; 18; 16 cm) + decorated wall (=30 cm), 2 straight bases (=6; 8 cm) + 13 annular (fig. 72/14; =5; 2x7; 2x8; 2x9; 3x10; 12; 13; 14 cm) + 3 handles (fig. 72/15)] + 3 amphorae (fig. 72/6, 10; 167/12; =4-5 cm) = 42 vessels. Forms: 3fc beakers + 2fc mugs + 2m primitive lamp + 14 tureens (2m+8fc), four vessels hemispheric + 7 jars (2fc+4m+1fc-n) + 1m jar + 2m vessels ovoidale + 3 amphorae = 39 reconstituted forms, + 1m wall + 1m lid + 6 rims (2fc+3fc+1fc), 1fn incised body (=34 cm) + 3f handles + glass beaker. Among the 39 shapes, detached among the 45 vessels in the surface dwelling, there were two lighting vessels, fine paste vessels for drinking three pitchers, two mugs, and also fine paste tableware eight bowls, four hemispheric vessels and three pots, one of which black. Mention should also be made of the hand-made vessels for cooking, two bowls, four pots, one jar, two ovoid vessels and also others in too fragmentary condition and a glass beaker. To transport and storage vessels, three amphorae. Probably, after surface 14 m2, and number of tureens were eight persons. Lsp5 cpl.34,sec.III-IV 05. Lsp5 cpl. 34, sec. III-IV TOTAL VASE 18 18 vase =3pz+13f(9c+2g+1n+1ang-r) + 2 amfore, 9 forme putin zgrunturoasa 3 Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 3pz [1 castron (=12 cm) + 3 fina 9c+2g+1n+1ang-r baze drepte (=8; 10; 10,5 cm)] + 9fc [2 cni (fig. 77/6, 8; =8; 9,5 FORME RECONSTIT.9 cani 2fc cm) + 3 castroane (fig. 77/10, 14; =2x11; 20 cm) + 4 buze (fig. 77/9, 11; =9,5; 13 cm) + 3 baze inelare (=4,5; 8; 16 cm)] + 2fg vase castroane1pz+3fc+1fn amfore 2 decorate + 1fn castron (fig. 78/13; =12 cm) + 1ang-r toart (fig. 77/12) + buze4fc + 2 amfore (fig. 78/7; 167/10) = 18 vase. vase decorate2fg Forme: 2fc cni + 5 castroane (1pz + 1fn + 3fc) + 2 amfore = 9 toarta ang-r forme reconstituite, + 4fc buze + 2fg vase decorate + 1ang-r toart. 0 5 10 15 20 Din cele 18 recipiente ceramice, s-a dat funcionalitatea pentru 7, din vesela fin pentru but dou cni, din aceeai past, din vesela de mas, patru castroane, trei arse cenuiu i unul negru iar din past zgrunuroas, un castron, pentru depozitare, transport erau dou amfore. Erau ase sau opt persoane, dup dimensiunile mari ale locuinei, 15,30 m2, totui ceramica era puin.

Ceramica reprezentare grafic, sec.III-VI / Ceramic graphical representation, 3rd-6th centuries


Lsp5 cpl. 34, 3rd4th centuries 18rt vessels = 3pz + 15f (9c+2g+1n+1ang-r) + 2 amphorae, 9 forms Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 3pz [1 tureen (=12 cm) + 3 annular bases (=8; 10; 10,5 cm)] + 9fc [2 mugs (fig. 77/6, 8; =8; 9,5 cm) + 3 tureens (fig. 77/10, 14; =2x11; 20 cm) + 4 rims (fig. 77/9, 11; =9,5; 13 cm) + 3 annular bases (=4,5; 8; 16 cm)] + 2fg vessels decorate + 1fn tureen (fig. 78/13; =12 cm) + 1ang-r handle (fig. 77/12) + 2 amphorae (fig. 78/7) = 18 vessels. Forms: 2fc mugs + 5 tureens (1pz + 1fn + 3fc) + 2 amphorae = 9 reconstituted forms, + 4fc rims + 2fg walls decorated + 1ang-r handle. Among the 18 ceramic recipients, seven could be identified in terms of functionality, the fine paste drinking ware being represented by two mugs, the table ware of the same type of paste being illustrated by four bowls, three grayish fired and another one black, and of the coarse paste, there was a bowl and plus to transport and storage vessels, two amphorae. Probably, after surface 15,30 m2, were eight persons. 06. Lsp6 cpl. 72, sec. III-IV 14+1 vase = 1m+12r (3z+9f, 8c, 1n) + 1 amfor + 1 pahar de sticl, 9 forme Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 1m castron emisferic (fig. 112/9) + 12r 3z (1 vas de provizii, 1 baz, =12 cm, altele drepte sau rotunjite, Lsp6 cpl.72,sec.III-IV =10x2 cm] + 9fc [2 borcane (fig. 112/3, 10), 2 buze (fig. 112/5, 7) + 3 TOTAL VASE 15 vase ovoidale (fig. 112/6, 11-12), 1 perete cu incizii (fig. 112/13) + 1fn roata olarului 12 vas bitronconic (fig. 112/2; corp=16 cm)] + 1 amfor (fig. 112/14) + 1 f ina 9c pahar de sticl (fig. 112/4) = 15 vase. Forme: 1m castron + 1z vas de provizii + 2fc borcane + 1fn vas castron 1m bitronconic + 3f vase ovoidale + 1 amfor = 9 forme reconstituite,+1 1fn+ovoidale3f pahar de sticl + 2f buze + 1z baz + 1f perete incizat. ntre cele zece forme era un castron modelat cu mna, dou amfora 1 borcane, un vas bitronconic, trei ovoidale, pentru depozitare i transport un vas de provizii i o amfor, un fragment de la un pahar de sticl. +buze2fc+baza1z Conform suprafeei, 9,60 m2 i numrului mic de vase, n locuin erau aproximativ cinci persoane. 0 5 10 15 20 Lsp6 cpl. 72, 3rd4th centuries 14+1 vase = 1m + 12r (3z + 9f, 8c, 1n) + 1 amphora + 1 glass beaker, 9 forms Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 1m tureen emisferic (fig. 112/9) +12r 3z [1 food storage vessel + 1 basic (=12 cm) and other straight or rounded (=10 cm)] + 9fc [2 jars (fig. 112/3, 10), 2 rims (fig. 112/5, 7) + 3 vessels ovoidale (fig. 112/6, 11-12), 1 wall with incisions (fig. 112/13) + 1nf biconical vessels (fig. 112/2; wall=16 cm)] + 1 amphora (fig. 112/14)] + 1 glass beaker (fig. 112/4) = 15 vase. Forms: 1m tureen + 1z food storage vessel + 2fc jars + 1fn biconical vessels + 3fc ovoidale vessels + 1 amphora + 1 glass beaker = 9+1 reconstituted forms,+ 2fc rims + 1z basic + 1fc with incisions wall. Between the ten forms was a tureens made of hand, one food storage vessel of coarse paste, twoo jars, biconical vessels and three ovoid vessel of fine paste, as well as parts of glass beaker and amphora, to transport and storage vessels. Probably, after surface, 9,60 m2 were five persons. 07. Lad1 cpl. 10, sec. III-IV 8 vase = 1m + 5f (2+2r+1n)+ 1 decor imprimat + 1 amfor, 6 forme Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 1m borcan cu bru alveolat (fig. 32/3) + 5fc[1 borcan (fig. 32/5) + 2 buze (=10 cm) cu 2 baze inelare (=5,7; 12,7 cm) + 1n castron (fig. 32/2; =14,5 cm) + 2fr 1 vas cu toarte (fig. 32/6) + 1 borcan] + 1fc decor imprimat (fig. 32/1; corp=18 cm) + 1 amfor (fig. 32/4) = 8 vase. Forme: 1fn castron + 3 borcane (1m + 1fc + 1fr) + 2 import, 1 vas imprimat + 1 amfor = 6 forme reconstituite, + 2fc baze inelare + 1fr vas cu toarte. Ordonarea vaselor s-a realizat urmrind formele - 5, la care s-au adugat dou buze, o toart i vasul cu decor imprimat. De la cele ase vase fine s-au pstrat dou baze inelare. De asemenea, pentru depozitare i transport era o amfor. Conform suprafeei, 10,92 m2, i numrului mic de vase, n locuina uor adncit au locuit probabil cinci persoane.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Lad1 cpl. 10, 3rd4th centuries 8 vessels = 1m + 5frt (2c + 2r + 1n) + 1c print decor + 1 amphora, 6 forme Ceramic, paste, firing: 1m jar with alveoli belt (fig. 32/3) + 5f [2fc, 1 jar, fig. 32/5 + 2 rims (=10 cm) + 2 annular bases (=5,7; 12,7 cm) + 1n tureen (fig. 32/2; =14,5 cm)] + 2fr (1 pot with handles, fig. 32/6 + 1 jar) + 1fc pot with print decor (fig. 32/1; wall=18 cm) + 1 amphora (fig. 32/4) = 8 vessels. Forms: 1fn tureen + 3 jare (1m + 1fc + 1fr) + 2 import, 1 grayish pot with print decor + 1 amphora = 6 reconstituted forms. Vessels ordering was achieved following forms 5, which added a second lip and handle and vessel decorated with printed and from grayish fine paste two annulars bases. To transport and storage vessels, an amphora. Probably, after surface, 10,92 m2 were five persons. 08. Lad2 cpl. 31, sec. III-IV 20 vase = 3m + 6pz + 10f (1r + 7c + 2ang-r) + 1 amfor, 6 forme Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 3m [2 borcane (fig. 64/10-11; =13; 18 cm) + 1vas cu trei picioare - tripes (fig. 65/4) + 1 baz dreapt (=12,5 cm)] + 6pz [2 vase de provizii, cu 6 baze drepte (=8; 12) - din care 2 urme circulare (fig. 64/12; =8; 17,5 cm), 1 uor evazat (=11,5 cm), 1 inelar (=14 cm)] + 10f [1fr baz inelar (=14 cm) + 7c, 3 buze ngroate + 1 toart lat (fig. 64/9) + 4 baze inelare (=2x8; 9; 12 cm) + 2ang-r + 1 borcan (fig. 64/7; =16 cm)] + 1 amfor (fig. 64/8) = 20 vase. Forme: 1m vas cu trei picioare - tripes + 3 borcane (2m + 1ang-r) + 1pz vas de provizii + 1 amfor = 6 forme reconstituite, 3fc buze + 12 baze (1m + 5pz + 6 inelare, 1pz, 1fr, 4fc). Din locuina adncit s-a recuperat o cuie vas pentru iluminat, de asemenea, dou borcane modelate cu mna pentru gtit, un borcan din past fin acoperit cu angob roie i, firete, specificul vas de provizii din past zgrunuroas. Numrul vaselor este dat n primul rnd de cel al bazelor - 12, la care se adaug dou vase acoperite cu angob roie, unul ars rou i pentru depozitare i transport o amfor. Probabil dup suprafaa mare, 20 m2 i specificul inventarului era o locuin public. Lad2 cpl. 31, 3rd4th centuries 20 vessels = 3m + 6pz + 10f (1r + 7c + 2ang-r) + 1 amphora, 6 forms Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 3m [2 jars (fig. 64/10-11; =13; 18 cm) + 1 primitive lamp, vessel with three legs tripes (fig. 65/4) + 1 straight basic (=12,5 cm)] + 6pz [2 food storage vessels, 6 straight bases (fig. 64/12; =8x2; 12; 17,5 cm), 1 slightly flaring (=11,5 cm), 1 annular (=14 cm)] + 10f [1fr annular basis (=14 cm) + 7c, 3 rims + 1 handle (fig. 64/9) + 4 annular bases (=2x8; 9; 12 cm)] + 2ang-r, 1 jar (fig. 64/7; =16 cm)] + 1 amphora (fig. 64/8) = 20 vessels. Forms: 1m primitive lamp vessel with three legs + 3 jars (2m + 1ang-r) + 1pz food storage vessel + 1 amphora = 6 reconstituted forms, 3fc rims + 12 bases (1m + 5pz + 6f annular, 1pz, 1fr, 4fc). From the partly buried dwelling there was recovered a vessel used at lighting, two hand-made cooking pots, one fine paste covered with red slip and of the specific coarse paste food storage vessel. The number is given first of all by the bases - 12, to which there are added two vessels covered with red slip, one red fired and the amphora. Probably, after surface, 20 m2, and ceramics were public dwelling. 09. Lad3 cpl. 78, sec. III-IV 35 vase =7m + 26r [12pz(2r + 2r-g + 3cn + 5c) + 13fc + 1ang-r] + 2 amfore, 22 forme Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 7m [1 taler (fig. 118/10; =24 cm) + 2 vase cu profil n S (fig. 118/8; =13; 10; 22 cm) + 4 borcane (fig. 118/6-7; 9; =10; 22-24 cm) + 2 margini (fig. 118/4, 14) + 3 baze (fig. 118/16; =9,5; 8 cm)] + 12pz [2r (1 toart + 1 perete) + 2r-g perete + 3c-n (2 castroane, unul cu profil n S, =18; 20 cm + 1 borcan, =8 cm) + 5pzc (1 vas mic, =6,7 cm + 2 vase de provizii + 2 vase decorate)] + 13f[10fc,1 can+4 castroane - 3 bitronconice ( buz=14; baz=4,6 +14;18;20 cm) + 1 castrona (=12 cm) + 2 borcane (fig. 118/15; =12;14 cm) + 1 perete + 2 baze inelare (=8; 10 cm) + 2 drepte (=2x10 cm) + 2 perei + 1 cu linii incizate (=10 cm) + r-g, 1 castron

Lad3 cpl.78,sec.III-IV,forme
f orme 22 vase de provizii 2pzc oale 4m+1pzc-n castronas 1fc cana 1fc total vase 35 0 10 20 30 40

Ceramica reprezentare grafic, sec.III-VI / Ceramic graphical representation, 3rd-6th centuries


(fig. 118/5; =20,5; h=9,7cm) + 1 perete roietic cu incizii (fig. 118/2)] + 1ang-r + 2 amfore = 35 vase. Forme: 1pzc vas mic + 1fc can + 1m taler + 1fc castrona + 7 castroane (2pz+4f+1fr-g) + 5 borcane (4m + 1 pzc-n) + 2m vase cu profil n S + 2pz vase de provizii + 2 amfore = 22 forme reconstituite, + 2m margini + 3m baze + 1pzr toart + 12 perei, 8pz (1r+2r-g+3c-n+2c) + 4fc perei decorai (3+1r) + 1fc vas + 4fc baze (2 inelare + 2 drepte) + 1ang-r. Din past fin, menionm vasele de but, o can, vasele de mas, cinci castroane, patru cenuii i unul roietic, un castrona, din past puin zgrunuroas un vas mic, dou castroane, dou vase de provizii iar modelate cu mna, din vesela de mas, un taler, din vesela de buctrie patru borcane, dou vase cu profil n S iar pentru depozitare - transport dou amfore. Lad3 cpl. 78, 3rd4th centuries 35 vessels =7m+26r, [12pz(2r+2r-g+3cn+5) + 13f + 1 with reddish slip] + 2 amphorae, 22 forms. Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 7m [1 plate (fig. 118/10; =24 cm) + 2 with S-profile (fig. 118/8; =13; 10; 22 cm) + 4 jars (fig. 118/6-7, 9; =10; 22; 24 cm) + 2 edges (fig. 118/4, 14) + 3 bases (fig. 118/16; =9,5; 8 cm)] + 12pz [2r, (1 handle + 3 wall, 1r + 2r-g + 3c-n, (2 tureens + one with S-profile, =18, 20 cm + 1 jar, =8 cm)] + 5pzc, [1 small bowl (=6,7 cm) + 2 food storage vessels + 2 decorated walls] + 13f [10fc, 1 mug + 4 tureens - 3 biconical vessels (rim=14; =4,6; 14; 18; 20 cm) + 1 small tureen (=12 cm) + 2 jars (fig. 118/15; =12; 14 cm) + 1 wall + 2 annular bases (=8; 10 cm) + 2 straight (=2x10 cm) + 3 walls, 1 with incisions (=10 cm), 1r-g tureen (fig. 118/5; =20,5; h=9,7 cm) + 1r wall with incisions (fig. 118/2)] + 1 covered with reddish slip + 2 amphorae = 35 vessels. Forms: 1pzc small pot + 1fc mug + 1m plate + 1fc small tureen + 7 tureens (2pz + 4fc + 1fr-g) + 5 jars (4m + 1pzc-n) + 2m vessels with S-profile + 2pzc food storage vessels + 2 amphorae = 22 reconstituted forms, + 2m edges + 3m bases + 1pzr handle + 10 walls, 8pz (1r + 2r-g + 3c-n + 2c) + 4fc decorated (3fc+ 1fr) + 1fc pot + 4fc bases (2 annular + 2 straight) + 1 covered with slip.With fine paste, mention the drinking vessels, a mug, the fine wares, five tureens, four grayish and one reddish, a small tureen, and vessels modeled out of slightly coarse paste, a small pot, two tureens, two food storage vessels and hand-made vessels, the fine wares, one plates and with cooking wares, four jars, two vessels with S profile add to transport and storage vessels, two amphorae.
G7 cpl.106,tehnica 10. Lad4 cpl. 106, sec. III-IV amfore 2 70 vase = 20m + 50rt, 12pz (2gr+2a+8c)+ 36f (16fc+2fn+ 16fc+2fn+15fg+3ang-r 15fg+3ang-r) + 2 amfore, 48 forme pasta fina 36 Ceramica: 20m 2 castronae (fig. 129/5-6; =8 cm) + 1 cuie (fig. 129/12; =9 cm) + 10 borcane [3gc (fig. 129/3; buz=12; 14; 15,5 cm)putin zgr.1rg+2a+1gr+8f + 3r (fig. 129/9; buz=16; 18; 26 cm)+ 4b (fig. 129/1-2, 7; buz=10; 15; 24; roata olarului 11 26 cm)] =13 vase reconstituite din 20 + 14 baze, 5 drepte (=7; 8; 8,5x2; 8) modelate la mana 20 + 1 inelar (=12 cm), 4 drepte (=5,6; 9; 10; 11 cm) + 3 evazate (=8; 9,6; 10 cm) + 1g-rozie (fig. 132/10; =7,7 cm)] + 48rt, 12pz [1rg baz (fig. TOTAL VASE 70 132/7; =14 cm) + 2a+1rg borcane (fig. 132/3; =15; 22 cm) + 8pzc (8 0 20406080 perei (=7; 8; 2x8,5; 10x2; 11 cm) + 7 buze (fig. 130/3; 132/9; =12; 14; 2x20; 22 cm) + 2 toarte + 1 n past calcar + 1 vas de provizii = s-a reconstituit forma pentru 4 vase din 12] + 36f9fc lustruit [1 borcan (fig. 132/5; buz=34 cm) + 1 toart (fig. 130/6) + 9 baze inelare (=4; 6; 3x8; 3x10; 12 cm)] + 27fc lustruit fin [2 cni (fig. 132/1; buz=10,5; 13 cm) + 1 cni (buz=6/8,3 cm) + 1 castrona (=10 cm) + 4 castroane (fig. 132/5; buz=10; 12; 16; 22 cm) + 6 borcane (4c, buz=12; 15; 18 cm + 1g + 1gc, buz=14 cm) + 1 buz (fig. 129/9), cu 20 baze 6g-c (=2x10; 2x11; 11,5; 16 cm) + 4c (fig. 129/11; baz=16; 12-13-14 cm) + 1r-n (=15 cm) + 6fc evazate (fig. 129/8; =9; 2x10; 2 x 12; 14 cm) + 3a-crmizii (=11,5; 12; 18 cm] + 1 proeminen (fig. 129/4) + 2fn [1 baz (=9 cm) + 1 torti] + 15fg [2gc, 2 borcane (fig. 132/1-2; buz=10,5; 13 cm); 11 perei ornai (fig. 132/2, 8) + 3fga borcane + 6fgc borcane (fig. 132/6; buz=22 cm) + 2froz-g, 1 castron + 1 borcan ( buz=8; 20 cm) + 3 baze, 1 inelar, 1 dreapt, 1 evazat (=5, 9, 10 cm) + 1 perete glbui (corp=19 cm) + 1 toart + 3ang-r [2 buze, 1 fructier (=14x2; 24 cm)], 2r baze, =9; 12 cm = 20+48+2 amfore = 70 vase.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Forme: 1m cuie + 1f cni + 2f cni + 3 castronae (2m+1f) + 5 castroane (4f+1roz-g) + 1 fructier + 32 borcane (10m+3pzc+7fc+2fg+3fga+6fgc+1roz-g) + 1pz vas de provizii + 2 amfore, = 48 forme reconstituite, + 13 margini (7pz+4f+1fr+1ang-r) + 21 perei (9pz+11f+1g) + 5 toarte (2pz+2fc+1fn) + 41 baze (14m + 1pz + 6g-c + 1r-n + 2r + 1ang-r + 2fc + 14fc inelare). n complex, ntre cele 70 de vase, s-au aflat aproape toate formele, 48, o cuie utilizat pentru iluminat, pentru but trei cni din past fin, una mai mic, din vesela de mas opt castroane (4f+1roz-g), din care trei mici (2m+1f) i o fructier. Vesela pentru gtit este mai numeroas, 32 borcane (10m+3pzc+7fc+2fg+ 3fga+ 6fgc+ 1roz-g), se adaug un vas de provizii din past zgrunuroas i 2 amfore. Cele 13 margini (7pz+4f+1fr+1ang-r), 21 perei (9pz+11f+1g) i cinci toarte (2pz+2fc+1fn), provin de la aceleai tipuri
de vase. De reinut numrul mare de baze, 41 baze (14m+1pz+6g-c+1r-n+2r+1ang-r+2fc+14fc inelare), aproape egal cu cel al formelor reconstituite.

G7 cpl. 106, 3rd4th centuries, 48 forms 68+2 vessels = 20m + 50rt [12pz (2gr+2a+8c) + 1ang-r+2fc+14fc inelare 36f (16f+2fn+15fg+3ang-r) + 2 amphorae, 48 forms toarte2pz+2fc+1fn Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 20m [2 tureens (fig. 129/5-6; =8 cm) + 1 primitive lamp (fig. 129/12; =9 cm) + buze7pz+4f+1fr+1ang-r 10 jars (3gc (fig. 129/3; rim=12; 14; 15,5 cm) + 3r (fig. 129/9; vas de provizii 1pz rim=16; 18; 26 cm) + 4b (fig. 129/1-2, 7; rim=10; 15; 24; 26 cm) =13 vessels with 20 + 14 bases [5 straight (=7; 8; 8,x2; 8) oale10m+3pz+7fc+2fg + 1 annular, 4 straight (=12 and 5,6; 9; 10; 11 cm) + 3 evazate (=8; 9,6; 10 cm)] + 1g-pink (fig. 132/10; =7,7 cm) + 48rt, castroane (4f+1roz-g) 12pz [1rg basis (fig. 132/7; =14 cm) + 2a+1rg jars (fig. canita 1f+cani 2f 132/3; =15; 22 cm) + 8c (8 walls (=7; 8; 2x8,5; 10x2; 11 cm) + 2 rims + 2 handles massive + 1 wall of limestone + 1 TOTAL:70-RECONSTIT.48 food storage vessel + 5 edges (fig. 130/3; 132/9; rim=12; 14; 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 2x20; 22 cm) = 4 vessels din 12] + 36 fine 9 fc polished [1 jar (fig. 132/5; rim=34 cm) + 1 handle (fig. 130/6) + 9 annular bases (=4; 6; 3x8; 3x10; 12 cm)] + 27 fc fine polished [2 mugs (fig. 132/1; rim=10,5; 13 cm) + 1 small mug ( rim=6/8,3 cm) + 1 small tureen (=10 cm) + 4 tureens (fig. 132/5; rim=10; 12; 16; 22 cm) + 6 jars (4c, rim=12; 15; 18 cm + 1g + 1c, rim=14 cm) + 1 rim (fig. 129/9) + 20 bases [6g-c (=2x10; 2x11; 11,5; 16 cm) + 4c (fig. 129/11; =16; 12; 13; 14 cm) + 1r-n (=15 cm) + 6 evazate (fig. 129/8; =9; 2x10; 2x12; 14 cm) + 3a-reddish (=11,5; 12; 18 cm)] + 1 prominence (fig. 129/4) + 2fn [1 basis (=9 cm) + 1 small handle] + 15fg [2fc, 2 jars (fig. 132/1-2; rim=10,5; 13 cm) + 11 decorated walls (fig. 132/2, 8); 3fga, 3 jars] + 6fgc [jars (fig. 132/6; rim=22 cm) + 2 fpink-g + 1 tureen (rim=20 cm) + 1 jar (rim=8 cm) + 3 bases, 1 annular + 1 straight + 1 flaring (=5; 9-10 cm) + 1 wall yelloish (wall=19 cm) and handle] + 3ang-r1 edge, rim=14 cm + 1 basis + 1 fruit tray ( rim=24 cm) + 2 reddish bases (=9;12 cm) = 20+48+2 amphorae = 70 vessels.. Forms: 1m primitive lamp + 1fc small mug + 2fc mugs + 3 small tureens (2m+1fc) + 5 tureens (4fc+1froz-g) + 1r fruit tray + 32 jars (10m+ 3pzc+7fc+2fg+3fga+6fgc+1roz-g) + 1pz food storage vessel + 2 amphorae, total = 48 reconstituted forms, + 13 edges (7pz+4f+1fr+ 1ang-r) + 21 wals (9pz+11f+1g) + 5 handle (2pz+2fc+1fn) + 41 bases (14m+1pz+ 6g-c+1r-n+2r+1ang-r+2fc+14fc annular). In complex, between the 70 vessels, were nearly almost all forms - 48, a primitive lamp used for lighting, to drink three cups of fine paste, a smaller, eight tureens of table ware (4f+1roz-g), in which three smaller (2m+1f) and a fruit tray. Containers for cooking is bigger, 32 pots - jars, add an food storage vessels made of coarse sandy paste and two amphorae. The 13 edges, 21 walls and five handles, originating from the same types of vessels. Note the large number of bases - 41, almost equal to that of reconstituted forms. 11. G1 cpl. 13, sec. III-IV O singur cuie (fig. 34/9). G1 pl. 13, 3rd4th centuries A single primitive lamp (fig. 34/9). 12. G2 cpl. 32, sec. III-IV

G7 cpl. 106,sec.III-IV

Ceramica reprezentare grafic, sec.III-VI / Ceramic graphical representation, 3rd-6th centuries


35 vase = 14m+20rt [7pz (2g-r+5) + 13f(12c+1r)] + 1 amfor, 18 forme Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 14m [1 cuie (fig. 67/1; =14 cm; h=7,5 cm) + 2 castroane, unul mai ntreg (fig. 67/10; =24 cm) + 8 borcane (fig. 67/2-3, 5-9, 11-12; =13; 4x14; 15; 2x16 cm) + 1 corp bombat (fig. 67/4; =20 cm), 3 baze conice sau rotunjite (fig. 67/14; =12; 13,5; 14,5; 18 cm), 1 proeminen (fig. 67/13)] + 20rt, 7pz [2g-r, 1 buz (fig. 68/6; =22 cm) + 1 corp decorat (fig. 68/7) + 5pz, 2 buze + 1 borcan (=7 cm) + 2 perei ornai (fig. 68/9-10; =20 cm) + 1 baz desprins cu sfoara (=7 cm) + alta simpl (fig. 68/8; =6,5 cm)] + 13f [12c, 1 bol (fig. 68/3; =7 cm) + 1 can (fig. 68/4; =12 cm) + 2 castroane emisferice (fig. 68/1; =30; 32 cm) + 9 buze + 2 toarte (fig. 68/5) + 3 corpuri (=12; 14; 20 cm) i 8 baze inelare (=6; 6,8; 2x8; 3x10; 12 cm) + 1r buton capac (fig. 68/2; =9 cm)] + 1 amfor = 35 vase. Forme: 1fc bol + 1f can + 1m cuie + 1fr capac + 4 castroane (2m + 2fc) + 9 borcane (8m + 1pz) + 1 amfor = 18 forme reconstituite prin desen, + 1m corp bombat + 13 buze de vase (2pz + 1pzg-r + 9fc + 1 g-r) + 6 corpuri (3fc + 2pz decorate + 1pzg-r) + 1 proeminen + 2fc toarte. ntre cele 17 forme erau i vasele din past fin, pentru but o can, pentru servit masa, un bol, dou castroane dar i un capac. Lor se altur vasele modelate cu mna, o cuie pentru iluminat, dou castroane, opt borcane, specificul vas de provizii din past zgrunuroas, iar pentru depozitare i transport o amfor.

G2 cpl. 32,sec.III-IV,forme G2 cpl. 32, 3rd4th centuries amfora 1 35 vessels = 14m + 20rt [7pz (2g-r + 5c) + 13f( 12c + 1r)] + toarte 2fc 1 amphora, 18 forms proemineta 1m Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 14m [1 primitive lamp (fig. 67/1; oale 8m+1pz =14 cm; h=7,5 cm) + 2 tureens (fig. 67/10; =24 cm) + 8 jars (fig. 67/2-3, castroane 2m+2fc 5-9, 11-12; =13; 4x14; 15; 2x16 cm) + 1 wall (fig. 67/4; =20 cm), 3 capac 1fr conical bases (=12; 13,5; 14,5 cm) or rounded (fig. 67/14; =18 cm), 1 catuie 1m prominence (fig. 67/13)] + 20rt, 7pz [2g-r, 1 rim (fig. 68/6; =22 cm) +1 cana 1fc decorated wall (fig. 68/7) + 5pzc, 2 rims + 1 jar (=7 cm) + 2 decorated bol 1fc wall (fig. 68/9-10; =20 cm) + 1 basis with deep traces circularly (=7 cm) total vase 35 + another simple (fig. 68/8; =6,5 cm)] + 13f [12c, 1 bowl (fig. 68/3; 0 10 20 30 40 =7 cm) + 1 mug (fig. 68/4; =12 cm) + 2 hemispherical tureens (fig. 68/1; =30; 32 cm) + 2 lips + 7 rims; 2 handles (fig. 68/5) + 3 wall (=12; 14; 20 cm), 8 annular bases (=6; 6,8; 2x8; 3x10; 12 cm) + 1r button lid (fig. 68/2; =9 cm)] + 1 amphora = 35 vessels. Forms: 1fc bowl + 1fc mug + 1m primitive lamp + 1fr lid + 4 tureens (2m + 2fc) + 9 jars (8m + 1pz) + 1 amphora = 18 reconstituted forms, + 1m wall + 13 rims (2pz + 1pzg-r + 9fc + 1 g-r) + 6 wall (3fc + 2pz decorated + 1pzg-r) + 1 prominence + 2fc handles. Among the 17 shapes, there were also fine paste drinking vessels - a mug, for serving food - a bowl, two pots and a lid. To these there should be added also the hand-made vessels, a lighting vessel, two bowls and eight pots, and the specific food storage coarse paste vessel and an amphora.
13. G3 cpl. 62, sec. III-IV 10 vase =8fc + 1 amfor G3 cpl. 62, 3rd4th centuries 10 vessels = 8fc + 1 amphora 14. G4 cpl. 74, sec. III-IV 1 cuie cu toart masiv (fig. 114/6; =6 cm). G4 cpl. 74, 3rd4th centuries 1 Primitive lamp with massive handle (fig. 114/6; =6 cm). 15. G5 cpl. 93, sec. III-IV G5 cpl. 93, 3rd 4th centuries


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

16. G6 cpl. 94, sec. III-IV Forme: 4fc vase = 2 castroane (fig. 126/3, 5) = 2 forme reconstituite; 1 toart (fig. 126/4); 1 perete decorat (fig. 126/6). PG6 cpl. 94, 3rd4th centuries Forms: 4fc vessels = 2 tureens (fig. 126/3, 5) = 2 reconstituted forms; 1handle (fig. 126/4) + 1 decorated wall (fig. 126/6). 17. A1 cpl. 70, sec. III-IV 7 vase = 6fc 86% + 1 amfor, 7 forme Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 6fc [1 can, 1 castron (fig. 108/5, 12), 3 borcane (fig. 108/4, 6, 8) + 1 buton de capac (fig. 108/13), 1 toart (fig. 108/7) + 2 baze (fig. 108/9; =4; 8 cm)] + 1 amfor (fig. 108/11) = 7 vase. Forme: 1f can + 1f castron + 3f borcane + 1f buton de capac+ 1 amfor = 7 forme reconstituite, + 1f toart + 2f baze. Din aglomerarea de ceramic nr. 1 s-au reconstituit, o can, un castron, trei borcane, un capac i pentru depozitare i transport, o amfor. A1 cpl. 70, 3rd4th centuries 7 vessels = 6fc + 1 amphora, 7 forms Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 6fc [1 mug (fig. 108/5) + 1 tureen (fig. 108/12) + 3 jars (fig. 108/4, 6, 8) + 1 handle (fig. 108/7) + 2 bases (fig. 108/9; =4; 8 cm) + 1 button lid (fig. 108/13)] + 1 amphora (fig. 108/11) = 7 vessels. Forms: 1fc mug + 1fc tureen + 3fc jars + 1fc button lid + 1 amphora = 7 reconstituted forms, + 1fc handle + 2fc bases. With agglomeration of materials no. 1 were reconstituted a mug, one tureen, tree jar, a lid and an to transport and storage vessels, an amphora. 18. A2 cpl. 73, sec. III-IV 6rt vase = 1z + 1pz + 4fc, 3 forme Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 1z vas de provizii (fig. 113/4) + 1pzr buz (fig. 113/2) + 4fc [2 buze (fig. 113/1, 5) + castron (fig. 113/7) + 1 can (fig. 113/3) + 1 baz inelar (fig. 113/6)] = 6 vase. Forme: 1f can + 1f castron + 1z vas de provizii = 3 forme reconstituite, + 3 buze (1pzr + 2f) + 1 baz inelar (fig. 113/6). ntre forme era un vas pentru but - can, pentru gtit i pstrat alimentele un castron i un vas de provizii. A2 cpl. 73, 3rd4th centuries 6rt vessels = 1z + 1pz + 4fc, 3 forms Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 1z food storage vessel (fig. 113/4) + 1pzr rim (fig. 113/2) + 4fc[2 rims (fig. 113/1, 5) + tureen (fig. 113/7) + 1 mug (fig. 113/3) + 1 annular basis (fig. 113/6)] = 6 vessels. Forms: 1fc mug + 1fc tureen + 1z food storage vessel = 3 reconstituted forms, + 3 rims (1pzr + 2fc) + 1 annular basis (fig. 113/6). Between forms was a drinking vessel, a mug, a cookin wares, a tureens and a food storage vessel..

Ceramica reprezentare grafic, sec.III-VI / Ceramic graphical representation, 3rd-6th centuries


Secolul al IV-lea / 4th century Forme, funcii, proporii / Forms, functions, proportions
407 vase = 382 + 25 pass = 20m+66z+64pz+210f+22 amfore, 220 forme reconstituite a. Total ceramic din 28 complexe: 382 vase =
Lsp1 cpl. 1 26 + Lsp2 cpl. 15 7 + Lsp3 cpl. 30 12 + Lsp4 cpl. 48 9 + Lsp5 cpl. 57 23 + Lad1 cpl. 77 6 + Lad2 cpl. 91 6 + G1 cpl. 18 9 + G2 cpl. 19 23 + G3 cpl. 33a 35 + G4 cpl. 37 11 + G5 cpl. 39 1 + G6 cpl. 49 36 + G8 cpl. 66a 8 + G9 cpl. 71 30 + G10 cpl. 80 13 + G11 cpl. 92 21 + G14 cpl. 115 7 + G15 cpl. 116 10 + G16 cpl. 119 5 + A1 cpl. 21a 13 + A2 cpl. 43 21+ A3 cpl. 60 12 + A4 cpl. 61 31 + A5 cpl. 88 7. Total vase: 382 = 26+7+12+9+23+6+6+9+23+35+11+1+36+8+30+13+21+7+10+5+13+21+12+31+7 Locuine de suprafa, Lsp1 cpl.1, 26 vase = 1m+25rt(4z+2pz+18f,1n-b,1g-a,2n,14c+1 amfor),20 forme. Lsp2 cpl. 15, 7rt+1 = 3z + 3f + 1ang-r + 1 pahar de sticl, 5 forme. Lsp3 cpl. 30, 12rt vase = 3z + 3pz + 4fc + 1ang-g + 1 amfor, 7 forme. Lsp4 cpl. 48, 9rt vase = 4pzc + 3fc + 2 amfore, 7 forme. Lsp5 cpl. 57, 23rt vase = 1z + 4pz + 13fc + 1n+ 1roz-g sau 1 a-roz + 2 amfore, 10 forme. Locuine uor adncite, Lad1 cpl. 77, 6 vase = 2z + 4fc, 2 forme. Lad2 cpl. 91, 6 vase = 1m + 4pz + 1fc, 5 forme. Gropi, G1 cpl. 18, 9rt vase = 3pz + 5f (4c+1g) + 1 amfor, 5 forme. G2 cpl. 19, 23 vase = 2m + 5z + 4pz + 12fc(5c+2b+3n+2r), 15 forme. G3 cpl. 33a, 35+1 = 5z + 6pz (2r+1bc+3c) + 22f(2cn+3r+17) + 2 amfore, 28 forme,+ 1 pahar de sticl. G4 cpl. 37, 11+1 vase = 4z + 6f (1gc + 4a + 1c) + 1 amfor, 5 forme + 1 pahar de sticl. G5 cpl. 39, 1 toart masiv de amfor, 1 form. G6 cpl. 49, 36 vase = 1m + 35rt [6z+6pz+23f(4fr+14c+1c-a+4n)], 23 forme. G7 cpl. 50, fragmente ceramice atipice. G8 cpl. 66a, 8+1 vase = 4pz + 4fc + 1 pahar de sticl, 2 forme. G9 cpl. 71, 30rt = 15z + 13f (2n+1g+10fc) + 1 decor imprimat, + 1 amfor, 11 forme. G10 cpl. 80, 13 vase = lm + 2z + 4pz (2c+1a+1r) + 5f (4c+1a-r) + 1 amfor, 5 forme. G11 cpl. 92, 21 = 4m +16rt 2z + 5pzb-r + 9 (3fc+1g+2c-a+3n), + 1 amfor, 7 forme. G12 i 12a 13 Cpl. 104-104a. G14 cpl. 115, 7 vase = 1m + 6rt(2z+4fc), 4 forme. G15 cpl. 116, 10 vase = 2m + 3pz + 4fc + 1 amfor, 8 forme. G16 cpl. 119, 5 vase = 1m + 2z + 1fc + 1 amfor, 2 forme. Aglomerri de materiale, A1, 13 vase = 2m + 11rt (3z+2pz+6fc), 10 forme. A2 cpl. 43, 21rt vase = 3z + 4pz (1r+3c) + 12f (8c+3g+1n) + 2 amfore, 8 forme. A3 cpl. 60, 12 = 2m + 9rt [1z + 1pz + 6f(5c+1n) + 1 decor imprimat] + 1 amfor, 5 forme. A4 cpl. 61, 31 vase = 2m + 26rt2z + 4pz + 20f (17fc+1r+2n) + 3 amfore, 19 forme. A5 cpl. 88, 7 vase = 1z + 1pz + 5f, 2 forme. Total forme reconstituite220 = 20+5+7+9+10+2+5+5+15+28+5+1+23+2+11+5+7+4+8+2+10+8+7+19+2

b. Sec. IV. Tehnic total categorii ceramice, 407 vase:

20m + 66z + 64pz (1a + 3r + 1bc+ 59c) + 210f + 22 amfore = 382 vase + 25 pass modelat cu mna: 1 Lsp1 cpl. 1 + 1 Lad2 cpl. 91 + 2 G2 cpl. 19 + 1 G6 cpl. 49 + 1 G10 cpl. 80+ 4 G11 cpl. 92 + 1 G14 cpl. 115 + 2 G15 cpl. 116 + 1 G16 cpl. 119 + 2 A1 cpl. 21a + 2 A3 cpl. 60 + 2A4 cpl. 61 = 20m vase; past zgrunuroas: 4 Lsp1 cpl. 1 + 3 Lsp2 cpl. 15 + 3 Lsp3 cpl. 30 + 1 Lsp5 cpl. 57 + 2 Lad1 cpl. 77 + 5 G2 cpl. 19 + 5 G3 cpl. 33a + 4 G4 cpl. 37 + 6 G6 cpl. 49 + 15 G9 cpl. 71+ 2 G10 cpl. 80 + 2 G11 cpl. 92 + 2 G14 cpl. 115 + 2G16 cpl. 119 + 3 A1 cpl. 21a + 3 A2 cpl. 43 + 1 A3 cpl. 60 + 2 A4 cpl. 61 + 1A5 cpl. 88 = 66zc; past puin zgrunuroas: 2 Lsp1 cpl. 1 + 3 Lsp3 cpl. 30 + 4 Lsp4 cpl. 48 + 4 Lsp5 cpl. 57 + 4 Lad2 cpl. 91 + 3 G1 cpl. 18 + 4 G2 cpl. 19 + 6 (2r+1bc+3c) G3 cpl. 33a + 6 G6 cpl. 49 + 4 G8 cpl. 66a + 4 (2c+1a+1r) G10 cpl. 80 + 5pzb-r G11 cpl. 92 + 3 G15 cpl. 116 + 2 A1 cpl. 21a + 4 (1r+3c) A2 cpl. 43 + 1 A3 cpl. 60 + 4 A4 cpl. 61 + 1 A5 cpl. 88 = 1a+3r+1bc+59c = 1a+3r+1bc+59c = 64pz vase; past fin: 18, 1n-b,1g-a,2n,14c Lsp1 cpl. 1 + 3+1ang-r Lsp2 cpl. 15 + 4+1ang-g Lsp3 cpl. 30 + 3 Lsp4 cpl. 48 + 13+1n+1roz-g+1a-roz Lsp5 cpl. 57 + 4 Lad1 cpl. 77 + 1 Lad2 cpl. 91 + 5 (4+1g) G1 cpl. 18 + 12(5+2b+3n+2r) G2 cpl. 19 + 22 (2cn+3r+17) G3 cpl. 33a + 6f(1gc+4a+1c) G4 cpl. 37 + 23 (4r+2c-a+4n) G6 cpl. 49 + 4 G8 cpl. 66a + 13(2n+1g+10) + 1 decor imprimat G9 cpl. 71 + 5(4+1a-r) G10 cpl. 80 + 9 (3c+1g+2c-a+3n) G11 cpl. 92 + 4 G14 cpl. 115 + 4 G15 cpl. 116 + 1 G16 cpl. 119 + 6 A1 cpl. 21a + 12(8+3g+1n) A2 cpl. 43 + 6 (5+1n) + 1 decor imprimat A3 cpl. 60 + 20 (17+ 1r+ 2n) A4 cpl. 61+ 5 A5 cpl. 88 = 45 (1roz-g + 1a-roz + 4c-a + 1a-r + 6g + 1ang-r +


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

1ang-g + 2b + 10r + 14n + 2cn + 2 decor imprimat) + 149 = 210 vase; amfore: 1 Lsp1 cpl. 1 + 1 Lsp3 cpl. 30 + 2 Lsp4 cpl. 48 + 2 Lsp5 cpl. 57 + 1 G1 cpl. 18 + 2 G3 cpl. 33a + 1 G4 cpl. 37 + 1 G5 cpl. 39 + 1 G9 cpl. 71 + 1 G10 cpl. 80 +1 G11 cpl. 92 + 1 G15 cpl. 116 + 1 G16 cpl. 119 + 2 A2 cpl. 43 + 1 A3 cpl. 60 + 3 A4 cpl. 61 = 22 amfore; pahare de sticl: 1 cpl. 15, 1 cpl. 33a, 1 cpl. 37, 1 cpl. 66a = 4 pahare de sticl.

c. Total forme stabilite, din 396 vase diferite pstrate fragmentar s-au detaat 220 vase:
1+1+7+13+1+1+2+72+55+2+40+3+22 = 1m cuie, 1f mic vas + 7 pahare, 6f(3c + 1r + 2n) + 1pz + 13 cni, 1m + 1pz + 11f (10f+1n); + 1m bol + 1fc strachin + 2 castronae, 1n + 1fc + 72 castroane, 5m + 5pz + 1pz-r + 49fc + 6fn + 1fca + 3(2fb+1fa-r) + 1roz-g + 1fg + 50 borcane, 8m + 10z +1zg + 8pz + 1pzbc +16f+1fn+1n-b+1g-a+3fg + 2fc vase bitronconice + 39 vase de provizii, 28zc + 1zb-g + 11pz +2c + 3f decor imprimat + 22 amfore = 220 1 cuie cpl. 119 + 1f mic vas cpl. 37 + 7 pahare, 3fc 33a, 1pz cpl. 43, 2 cpl. 49 (1fr+1fn), 1n cpl. 71; 13 cni, 1f cpl. 1, 2f cpl. 33a, 1f cpl. 43, 3 cpl. 49 (2f+1pz), 1f cpl. 57, 1f+1n cpl. 60-61, 1f cpl. 88, 2f cpl. 116 (1m+1fc); 1 bol, 1m cpl. 92; 1 strachin, 1fc cpl. 92; 2 castronae, 1n cpl. 19, 1f cpl. 71; 72 castroane (3+2+3+3+4+3+14+1+ 2+6+4+ 2+11+1+1+2+7+2+1), 3 cpl. 1 (2f+ 1fn), 2f cpl. 15, 3 cpl. 18 (2pz+1f), 3 cpl. 19 (1f+2fb), 4f cpl. 21a, 3f cpl. 30, 14 cpl. 33a (1pz-r+2fn+11f), 1f cpl. 43, 2f cpl. 48, 6 cpl. 49 (1m+3f+1fca+ 1fn), 4 cpl. 57 (3f+1roz-g), 2 cpl. 60 (1f+1n), 11 cpl. 61 (1m+1pz+1n+ 8f), 1f cpl. 71, 1fc cpl. 77, 2 cpl. 80 (1f+1fa-r), 7 cpl. 91-92 (1f+1m+2pz i 2m+1fg), 2f+1f 115-116; 55 borcane (8+1+2+10+4+1+2+8+1+2+2+3+2+2+1+2+4), 8 cpl. 1 (1m+1zg+ 1pz+3f+1fn-b+1fg-a), 1z cpl. 15, 2f cpl. 18, 10 cpl. 19 (2m+ 4z+3pz+1fn), 4 cpl. 21a (1m+1z+2f), 1pz-bc cpl. 33a, 2z cpl. 37, 8 (2z + 3fr + 3fc) cpl. 49, 1f cpl. 48, 2 cpl. 57 (1f+1z), 2m+3f cpl. 60-61, 2f cpl. 66a, 2 cpl. 80 (1fc+1pz), 1pz cpl. 91, 2 cpl. 115 (1m+1z), 4 cpl. 116 (1m+2pz+1fc); 2fc vase bitronconice cpl. 1; 40 vase de provizii (5+2+1+2+3+ 6+1+4+4+1+1+ 7+1+1+1), 5 cpl. 1 (3zc-1zb-g+1pz), 2pz cpl. 15, 1z cpl. 19, 2pz cpl. 21a, 3z cpl. 30, 6 cpl. 33a (1pz+ 5z), 1pz cpl. 37, 4pz+4z cpl. 48-49, 1pz cpl. 57, 1z cpl. 60, 7z cpl. 71, 1z cpl. 77, 1z cpl. 88, 1zc cpl. 92; 3 vas cu decor imprimat, 2 cpl. 60-61, 1 cpl. 71; 22 amfore (1+1+1+2+1+1+2+ 2+2+1+3+1+1+1+1+1), 1 cpl. 1, 1 cpl. 18, 1 cpl. 30, 2 cpl. 33a, 1 cpl. 37, 1 cpl. 39, 2 cpl. 43, 2 cpl. 48, 2 cpl. 57, 1+3 cpl. 60-61, 1 cpl. 71, 1 cpl. 80, 1 cpl. 92, 1 cpl. 116, 1 cpl. 119; 4 pahare de sticl, 1 cpl. 15, 1 cpl. 33a, 1 cpl. 37, 1 cpl. 66a. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total, sec. IV, 407 vase = 382 + 25 pass = 20m + 66z + 64pz + 210f + 22 amfore, 220 forme

4th Century forms, functions, proportions

407 vessels = 382 + 25 pass = 20m+66z+64pz+210f + 22 amphorae, 220 forms a. Total: the pottery from the 28 complexes, 371 vessels:
Lsp1 cpl. 1 26 + Lsp2 cpl. 15 7 + Lsp3 cpl. 30 12 + Lsp4 cpl. 48 9 + Lsp5 cpl. 57 23 + Lad1 cpl. 77 6 + Lad2 cpl. 91 6 + G1 cpl. 18 9 + G2 cpl. 19 23 + G3 cpl. 33a 35 + G4 cpl. 37 11 + G5 cpl. 39 1 + G6 cpl. 49 36 + G7 cpl. 50 0 + G8 cpl. 66a 8 + G9 cpl. 71 30 + G10 cpl. 80 13 + G11 cpl. 92 21 + G12-13 cpl. 104104a 0 + G14 cpl. 115 7 + G15 cpl. 116 10 + G16 cpl. 119 5 + A1 cpl. 21a 13 + A2 cpl. 43 21+ A3 cpl. 60 12 + A4 cpl. 61 31 + A5 cpl. 88 7. Total vessels: 407 = 26+7+12+9+23+6+6+9+23+35+11+1+36+8+30+13+21+7+10+5+13+21+12+31+7 Surface dwelling, Lsp1 cpl. 1, 26 vessels = 1m+25rt (4z+2pz+18f, 1n-b,1g-a,2n,14c+1 amphora), 20 forms. Lsp2 cpl. 15, 7rt = 3z + 3f + 1ang-r + 1 glass beaker, 5 forms of vessels. Lsp3 cpl. 30, 12rt vessels = 3z + 3pz + 4fc + 1ang-g + 1 amphora, 7 forms of vessels. Lsp4 cpl. 48, 9rt vessels = 4pzc + 3fc + 2 amphorae, 9 forms of vessels. Lsp5 cpl. 57, 23rt vessels = 1z + 4pz + 13fc + 1n+ 1roz-g sau 1roz-a) + 2 amphorae, 10 forms of vessels. The slightly buried dwelling, Lad1 cpl. 77, 6 vessels = 2z + 4fc, 2 forms of vessels. Lad2 cpl. 91, 6 vessels = 1m + 4pz + 1fc =5 forms of vessels. Gropi, G1 cpl. 18, 9rt vessels = 3pz + 5f (4c+1g) + 1 amphora, 5 forms of vessels. G2 cpl. 19, 23 vessels = 2m + 5z + 4pz + 12fc (5c+2b+3n+2r), 15 forms of vessels. G3 cpl. 33a, 35r = 5z + 6pz(2r+1bc+3c) + 22f (2cn+3r+17c) + 2 amphorae, 28 forms + 1 glass beaker. G4 cpl. 37, 11+1 vessels = 4z + 6f (1gc + 4a + 1c) + 1 amphora, 5 forms + 1 glass beaker. G5 cpl. 39, 1 amphora. G6 cpl. 49, 36 vessels = 1m + 35rt [6z + 6pz + 23f (4fr+14c+1c-a+4n)], 23 forms of vessels. G7 cpl. 50, atypical fragments. G8 cpl. 66a, 8 vessels = 4pz + 4fc, 2 forms of vessels + 1 glass beaker. G9 cpl. 71, 30rt = 15z + 13f (2n+1g+10fc) + 1 printed decor + 1 amphora, 11 forms of vessels. G10 cpl. 80, 13 vessels = lm + 2z + 4pz(2c+1a+1r) + 5f (4c+1a-r) + 1 amphora, 5 forms of vessels.

Ceramica reprezentare grafic, sec.III-VI / Ceramic graphical representation, 3rd-6th centuries G11 cpl. 92, 21 = 4m +16rt 2z + 5pzb-r + 9 (3fc+1g+2c-a+3n) + 1 amphora, 7 forms of vessels. G12 and 12a 13 Cpl. 104-104a; G14 cpl. 115, 7 vessels = 1m + 6rt (2z+4fc), 4 forms of vessels. G15 cpl. 116, 10 vessels = 2m + 3pz + 4fc + 1 amphora, 8 forms of vessels. G16 cpl. 119, 5 vessels = 1m + 2z + 1 amphora, 2 forms of vessels. The agglomeration of materials, A1 cpl. 21a, 13 vessels = 2m + 11rt (3z+2pz+6fc), 10 forms of vessels. A2 cpl. 43, 21rt vessels = 3z + 4pz (1r+3c) + 12f (8c+3g+1n) + 2 amphorae, 8 forms of vessels. A3 cpl. 60, 12 = 2m + 9rt [1z + 1pz + 6f (5c+1n) + 1 printed decor] + 1 amphora, 7 forms of vessels. A4 cpl. 61, 31 vessels = 2m + 26rt 2z + 4pz + 20f (17fc+1r+2n) + 3 amphorae, 19 forms of vessels. A5 cpl. 88, 7 vessels = 1z + 1pz + 5f, 2 forms of vessels. Total recontituted forms: 220 = 20+5+7+9+10+2+5+5+15+28+5+1+23+2+11+5+7+4+8+2+10+8+7+19+2


b. Technique - total ceramic category: 407 vessels:

20m + 66z + 64pz + 210f + 22 amfore = 382 vessels + 25 pass: hand-made vessels: 1 Lsp1 cpl. 1 + 1 Lad2 cpl. 91 + 2 G2 cpl. 19 + 1 G6 cpl. 49 + 1 G10 cpl. 80+ 4 G11 cpl. 92 + 1 G14 cpl. 115 + 2 G15 cpl. 116 + 1 G16 cpl. 119 + 2 A1 cpl. 21a + 2 A3 cpl. 60 + 2A4 cpl. 61 = 20m vessels; coarse paste: 4 Lsp1 cpl. 1 + 3 Lsp2 cpl. 15 + 3 Lsp3 cpl. 30 + 1 Lsp5 cpl. 57 + 2 Lad1 cpl. 77 + 5 G2 cpl. 19 + 5 G3 cpl. 33a + 4 G4 cpl. 37 + 6 G6 cpl. 49 + 15 G9 cpl. 71+ 2 G10 cpl. 80 + 2 G11 cpl. 92 + 2 G14 cpl. 115 + 2G16 cpl. 119 + 3 A1 cpl. 21a + 3 A2 cpl. 43 + 1 A3 cpl. 60 + 2 A4 cpl. 61 + 1A5 cpl. 88 = 66z vessels; slightly coarse paste: 2 Lsp1 cpl. 1 + 3 Lsp3 cpl. 30 + 4 Lsp4 cpl. 48 + 4 Lsp5 cpl. 57 + 4 Lad2 cpl. 91 + 3 G1 cpl. 18 + 4 G2 cpl. 19 + 6 (2r+1bc+3c) G3 cpl. 33a + 6 G6 cpl. 49 + 4 G8 cpl. 66a + 4 (2c+1a+1r) G10 cpl. 80+ 5pzb-r G11 cpl. 92 + 3 G15 cpl. 116 + 2 A1 cpl. 21a + 4 (1r+3c) A2 cpl. 43 + 1 A3 cpl. 60 + 4 A4 cpl. 61 + 1 A5 cpl. 88 = 1a+3r+1bc+59c = 1a+3r+1bc+59c = 64pz vessels; fine paste: 18 Lsp1 cpl. 1 + 3+1ang-r Lsp2 cpl. 15 + 4+1ang-g Lsp3 cpl. 30 + 3 Lsp4 cpl. 48 + 13+1n+1rozg+1a-roz Lsp5 cpl. 57 + 4 Lad1 cpl. 77 + 1 Lad2 cpl. 91 + 5 (4+1g) G1 cpl. 18 + 12 (5+2b+3n+2r) G2 cpl. 19 + 22(2cn+3r+17) G3 cpl. 33a + 6f (1gc+4a+1c) G4 cpl. 37 + 23 (4r+2c-a+4n) G6 cpl. 49 + 4 G8 cpl. 66a + 13(2n+1g+10) + 1 decor imprimat G9 cpl. 71 + 5(4+1a-r) G10 cpl. 80 + 9 (3c+1g+2c-a+3n) G11 cpl. 92 + 4 G14 cpl. 115 + 4 G15 cpl. 116 + 1 G16 cpl. 119 + 6 A1 cpl. 21a + 12 (8+3g+1n) A2 cpl. 43 + 6 (5+1n) + 1 decor imprimat A3 cpl. 60 + 20 (17+ 1r+ 2n) A4 cpl. 61+ 5 A5 cpl. 88=45 (1roz-g + 1a-roz + 4c-a + 1a-r + 6g + 1ang-r + 1ang-g + 2b + 10r + 14n + 2cn + 2 decor imprimat) + 149 = 210f vessels; amphorae: 1 Lsp1 cpl. 1 + 1 Lsp3 cpl. 30 + 2 Lsp4 cpl. 48 + 2 Lsp5 cpl. 57 + 1 G1 cpl. 18 + 2 G3 cpl. 33a + 1 G4 cpl. 37 + 1 G5 cpl. 39 + 1 G9 cpl. 71 + 1 G10 cpl. 80 +1 G11 cpl. 92 + 1 G15 cpl. 116 + 1 G16 cpl. 119 + 2 A2 cpl. 43 + 1 A3 cpl. 60 + 3 A4 cpl. 61 = 22 amfore. glass beakers: 1 cpl. 15, 1 cpl. 33a, 1 cpl. 37, 1 cpl. 66a = 3 glass beakers.

c. Total forms established 407 different vessels preserved fragmented, were separate 220 forms:
1+1+7+13+1+1+2+72+55+2+39+3+22 = 1 primitive lamp, cpl. 119, 1f small vessel, cpl. 37 + 7 beakers, 3fc 33a + 1pz cpl. 43, 2 cpl. 49 (1fr+1fn), 1n cpl. 71 polished; 13 mugs, 1f cpl. 1, 2f cpl. 33a, 1f cpl. 43, 3 cpl. 49 (1f+1pz), 1fc cpl. 57, 1f+1n 60-61, 1f cpl. 88, 2f cpl. 116 (1m + 1fc); 1 bowl, 1m cpl. 92, 1 dish, 1fc cpl. 92, 1 small tureen, 1n cpl. 19, 1fc cpl. 71, 72 tureens (3+2+3+3+4+3+14+ 1+2+6+4+2+11+1+1+2+7+2+1), 3 cpl. 1 (2f+1fn), 2f cpl. 15, 3 cpl. 18 (2pz+1f), 3 cpl. 19 (1f+2fb), 4f cpl. 21a, 3f cpl. 30, 14 cpl. 33a (1pz-r+2fn+11f), 1f cpl. 43, 2f cpl. 48, 6 cpl. 49 (1m+3f+1fca+ 1fn), 4 cpl. 57 (3f+1roz-g), 2 cpl. 60 (1f+ 1n), 11 cpl. 61 (1m+1pz+1n+ 8f), 1fc cpl. 71, 1fc cpl. 77, 2 cpl. 80 (1f+1fa-r), 7 cpl. 9192 (1f+1m+2pz and 2m+1fg), 2fc+1fc cpl. 115-116; 55jars (8+1+2+10+4+1+2+8+1+2+2+3+2+2+1+2+4), 8 cpl. 1 (1m+1zg+1pz+3f+1fn-b+1fg-a), 1z cpl. 15, 2f cpl. 18, 10 cpl. 19 (2m+ 4z+3pz+1fn), 4 cpl. 21a (1m+1z+2f), 1pz-bc cpl. 33a, 2z cpl. 37, 8 (2z + 3fr + 3fc) cpl. 49, 1f cpl. 48, 2 cpl. 57 (1f+1z), 2m+3f cpl. 60-61, 2f cpl. 66a, 2 cpl. 80 (1fc+1pz), 1pz cpl. 91, 2 cpl. 115 (1m+1z), 4 cpl. 116 (1m+2pz+1fc); 2fc biconical vessels; 40 food storage vessels (5+2+1+2+3+6+4+4+1+1+7+1+ 1+1), 5 cpl. 1 (3zc-1zb-g+1pz), 2pz cpl. 15, 1z cpl. 19, 2pz cpl. 21a, 3z cpl. 30, 6 cpl. 33a (1pz+5z), 1pz cpl. 37, 4pz+4z cpl. 48-49, 1pz cpl. 57, 1z cpl. 60, 7z cpl. 71, 1z cpl. 77, 1z cpl. 88, 1zc cpl. 92; 3 printed decor, 2 cpl. 60-61, 1 cpl. 71; 22 amphorae (1+1+1+2+1+1+2+2+2+1+3+1+1+1+1+1), 1 cpl. 1, 1 cpl. 18, 1 cpl. 30, 2 cpl. 33a, 1 cpl. 39, 2 cpl. 43, 2 cpl. 48, 2 cpl. 57, 1+3 cpl. 60-61, 1 cpl. 71, 1 cpl. 80, 1 cpl. 92, 1 cpl. 116, 1 cpl. 119 and 4 glass beakers, 1 cpl. 15, 1 cpl. 33a, 1 cpl. 37, 1 cpl. 66a 1f small vessel + 7 beakers, 6f(3c + 1r + 2n) + 1pz + 13 mugs, 1m + 1pz + 11f (10f+1n); + 1m bowl + 1fc dish + 2 small tureens, 1n + 1fc + 72 tureens, 5m + 5pz + 1pz-r + 49fc + 6fn + 1fca + 3(2fb+1fa-r) + 1roz-g + 1fg + 51 jars, 8m+10z+1zg+8pz+1pz-bc+16f+1fn+1n-b+1g-a+3fg) + 2fc biconical vessels + 41 food storage vessels, 27zc + 1zb-g + 11pz +2c + 3f printed decor + 22 amphorae + 3 glass beaker.

Total 4thcentury, 407 vessels = 382+25 pass = 20m+66z+64pz+210f + 22 amphorae, 220 forms


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Complexe 1-28 / Complexes 1-28 01. Lsp1 cpl. 1, sec. IV 25+1vase = 1m + 25rt (4z + 2pz + 18f, 14c,1n-b,1g-a,2n + 1 amfor), 20 forme Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 1m borcan + 25rt, 4z [1g borcan, =20 + 1b-g vas de provizii (fig. 28/6) + 2 buze de la vase de provizii (fig. 28/5, 7; =27; 30)] + 2pz [1 vas de provizii, pereii groi + 1 borcan] + 18f, 14fc [1 can (fig. 28/3) + 2 castroane, profil n S + 4 buze (fig. 27/7-8; 28/2, 4; =12; 15; 20 cm) + 3 borcane (=9; 10x2 cm) + 2 vase bitronconice (=20 cm) + 3 baze inelare (=2x10; 12), 1 cu picior] + 4 [1n castron (fig. 28/1; max.=16 cm) + 2 borcane (1n-b+1g-a, =12; 16 cm) + 1n perete] + 1 amfor = 25 vase. Forme: 1fc can + 3 castroane (2fc + 1fn) + 8 borcane (1m + 1zg + 1pz + 3fc + 1n-b + 1g-a) + 2fc vase bitronconice + 5 vase de provizii (3zc + 1zb-g + 1pz) + 1 amfor = 20 forme reconstituite, + 2f buze + 1n perete + 3fc baze inelare. Vasele pstrate foarte fragmentar - 26, utilizate n locuina construit pe sol, probabil realizate n cea mai mare parte n atelierul de olrie local, au avut funcionaliti diverse. Era prezent vesela de but, o can din past fin, vesela de mas din past fin, dou castroane cenuii i unul negru, probabil un import, vesela pentru buctrie, borcanele n care se prepara hrana i recipientele n care se pstra hrana, cereale lichide sau fructe. Cele opt borcane pstrate fragmentar s-au lucrat din fiecare categorie de past, unul s-a modelat cu mna, cte unul s-a lucrat din past zgrunuroas, respectiv nisipoas iar cinci din past fin, din care trei erau cenuii, unul brun-negru, altul glbui deschis. Acestora se adaug dou vase de dimensiuni medii i patru vase de provizii, din past nisipoas, pentru depozitare - transport o amfor. Prezint dimensiunile cele mai mari, 28 m2, ceramica nu a fost prea numeroas, era probabil o locuin public. Lsp1 cpl. 1, 4th century 25+1 vessels = 1m + 25rt (4z + 2pz + 18f,1n-b,1g-a,2n,14c) + 1 amphora, 20 forme Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 1m jar + 25rt 4z [1g jar (=20) + 1g-b food storage vessel (fig. 28/6) + 2c rims, food storage vessel (fig. 28/5, 7; =27; 30)] + 2pz [1 pot with thick walls + 1 jar] + 18f, 14fc [1 mug (fig. 28/3) + 2 tureens with S-profile + 4 rims (fig. 28/2, 4; 27/7-8; =12; 15; 20 cm) + 3 jars (=9; 10x2 cm) + 2 biconical vessels (=20 cm), 3 annular bases (=2x10; 12), 1 with leg] + 4 [1n tureen (fig. 28/1; max.=16 cm) + 1n wall + 2 jars (1n-b + 1g-a, =12; 16 cm)] + 1 amphora = 25 vessels. Forms: 1fc mug + 3 tureens (2fc+1fn) + 8 jars (1m+1zg+1pz+3fc+1n-b+1g-a) + 2fc biconical vessels + 5 food storage vessels (3pz+1zb-g+1zc) + 1 amphora = 20 reconstituted forms, + 2fc edges + 1n wall + 3fc annular bases. The 26 vessels preserved in very fragmentary condition, used in the dwelling built on the ground, probably made most of them in the local workshop, had various functionalities. They were drinking vessels, a mug made of fine paste, the tableware made also of fine paste, two grayish pots and a black one, probably an imported item, the kitchen ware, pots for cooking the food and recipients for storing it, cereals, liquids or fruits. The eight pots preserved in very fragmentary condition were made of each category of paste, one was hand-made, one was made of coarse sandy paste, and five of fine paste, out of them three being grayish, one brownish-black and another one light yellowish. To these there should be added two other pots of average size and four storage vessels made of coarse sandy paste. To transport and storage vessels, an amphora. Probably, after surface, 28 m2, and ceramics were one public dwelling. 02. Lsp2 cpl. 15, sec. IV 7+1 vase = 7rt (3z + 3f + 1ang-r) + 1 pahar de sticl, 7 forme Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 7rt, 3z [1borcan (fig. 39/7; =12 cm), 2 vase de provizii (fig. 39/5; =34 cm)] + 4f [2 castroane + 1 buz + 1ang-r toart (fig. 39/4) + 1 pahar de sticl (fig. 39/1; =8 cm)] = 7 vase. Forme: 2fc castroane + 1z borcan + 2pz vase de provizii = 5 forme reconstituite, + 1 pahar de sticl + 1fc buz + 1ang-r toart. ntre vase se remarc paharul de sticl iar din past zgrunuroas, borcanul, dou castroane i dou vase de provizii. Tot aici s-a pstrat i o toart de la un vas acoperit cu angob roie, mai vechi ca datare. Erau ase sau opt persoane, dup dimensiunile mari ale locuinei 16,20 m 2, totui ceramica era puin.

Ceramica reprezentare grafic, sec.III-VI / Ceramic graphical representation, 3rd-6th centuries


Lsp2 cpl. 15, 4th century 7+1 vessels = 7rt(3z + 3f + 1ang-r) + 1 greenish glass beaker, 5 forms Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 7rt, 3z [1 jar + 2 food storage vessels (fig. 39/7, 5; =12, 34 cm)] + 4f 2 tureens + 1 rim + 1ang-r handle (fig. 39/4) = 7 vessels + 1 glass beaker (fig. 39/1; =8 cm). Forms: 2fc tureens + 1z jar + 2pz food storage vessels = 5 reconstituted forms, + 1 greenish glass beaker + 1fc rim + 1ang-r handle + 1 glass beaker. Among the eight vessels mention should be made of the pitcher of greenish glass beaker and among those of coarse paste, a pot, two bowls and two food storage vessels. Also here there was preserved a vessel covered with a red slip, older as dating. Probably, after surface 16,20 m2, were eight persons. 03. Lsp3 cpl. 30, sec. IV 12rt vase = 3z + 3pz + 4fc + 1ang-g + 1 amfor, 7 forme Lsp3 cpl.30,sec.IV Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 3z [3 vase de provizii (fig. 63/3; =26 cm) cu 1 baz (=12 cm)] + 3pz [1r perete + 2c buze ngroate + 1 bazedrepte1z+1pz3finelare baz (=10 cm)] + 4fc [3 castroane cu profil n S (fig. 63/1, 5; =2x12; amfora 1 14 cm) + 1 gt nalt cu buza evazat, cu 3 baze inelare (=5; 2x6 cm)] + 1 amfor = 12 vase. castroane3fc Forme: 3fc castroane + 3z vase de provizii + 1 amfor = 7 fina 4fc+1ang-g forme reconstituite, + 3 buze (2pzc + 1fc) + 5 baze (2 drepte, 1z, 1pz + 3fc inelare) + 1ang-g perete. pasta zgrunturoasa3 Din locuin provin puine vase, trei castroane specifice veselei de mas lucrat din past fin, trei recipiente din past puin zgrunuroas n TOTAL VASE 12 care se pstra hrana, o amfor i alte fragmente de la vase care nu au fost 0 5 10 15 reconstituite ca form. Erau ase sau opt persoane, dup dimensiunile mari 2 ale locuinei, 15,84 m , totui ceramica era puin. Lsp3 cpl. 30, 4th century 12rt vessels = 3z + 3pz + 4fc + 1ang-g + 1 amphora, 7 forms Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 3z [3 food storage vessels (fig. 63/3; =26 cm), 1 basis (=12 cm)] + 3pz [1r wall+2 rims + 1 basis (=10 cm)] + 4fc [3 tureens with S-profile (fig. 63/1, 5; =2x12; 14 cm) + 1 high neck, 3 annular bases (=5; 2x6 cm) + 1g wall] + 1 amphora = 12 vessels. Forms: 3fc tureens + 3z food storage vessels + 1 amphora = 7 reconstituted forms, 3 rims (2pzc + 1fc) + 5 bases (2 straight, 1z, 1pz + 3fc annular) + 1pzr wall. In the dwelling there were found only few vessels, three bowls specific to the tableware made of fine paste, three recipients of less coarse paste in which food was stored, an amphora and other fragments. Probably, after surface 15,84 m2, were eight persons. 04. Lsp4 cpl. 48, sec. IV 9rt vase = 4pzc+3fc+2 amfore, 9 forme. n procente: 4pzc = 66%, 3fc = 44% i 2 amfore = 22%. Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 4pzc [4 vase de provizii (fig. 88/ 5-7, 9; =29; 2x34; 36 cm) + 3 baze drepte (=10; 14; 22 cm) + 1 baz inelar (fig. 88/8; =8 cm)] + 3fc [2 castroane, marginea invazat (fig. 88/1) + 1 emisferic (fig. 88/2) + 1 borcan (fig. 88/4)] + 2 amfore (fig. 88/3, 10; 167/11) = 9 vase. Forme: 2fc castroane + 1fc borcan + 4pz vase de provizii + 2 amfore = 9 forme reconstituite, + 4 baze, 3pz drepte + 1pz inelar. Din cele nou pri de vase s-au reconstituit, din past fin dou castroane i un borcan iar din past zgrunuroas patru vase de provizii i dou amfore pentru depozitare i transport. Locuina prezint dimensiuni mari, 17 m2, dar ceramica descoperit aici nu a fost prea numeroas, conform acestor date familia era format, probabil, din opt persoane. Lsp4 cpl. 48, 4th century 9rt vessels = 4pzc + 3fc + 2 amphorae, 9 vessels. The percentage of 9 vessels, they are: 4pzc, 66%, 3fc, 44% and 2 amphorae, 22%. Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 4pzc [4 food storage vessels (fig. 88/ 5-7, 9; =29; 2x34; 36 cm) + 3


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

straight bases (=10; 14; 22 cm) + 1 annular basis (fig. 88/8; =8 cm)] + 3fc [2 tureens (fig. 88/1) + 1 emisferic (fig. 88/2) + 1 jar (fig. 88/4)] + 2 amphorae (fig. 88/3, 10; 167/11) = 9 vessels. Forms: 2fc tureens + 1fc jar + 4pz food storage vessels, + 2 amphorae, 9 reconstituted forms. Among the nine parts of vessels there could be completed two bowls and a pot made of fine paste and four food storage vessels made of coarse paste and two amphorae to transport and storage vessels. Probably, after surface 17 m2, were eight persons. Lsp5 57, tehnica 05. Lsp5 cpl. 57, sec. IV 23rt vase = 1z + 4pz + 16f (13fc+1n+ 2roz, 1g+1a) + 2 amfore, 10 forme Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 1z borcan (fig. 94/3) + 4pz [1 vas de provizii + 3 baze, 1 inelar, 2 drepte (fig. 94/9, 11; =8; 2x10 cm)] + 16f, 13fc 1 can (=11 cm) + 2 castroane (fig. 94/2) + 1 vas cu profil n S + 1 borcan (=24 cm) + 1 vas (=8 cm) + 5 margini (fig. 94/4-6; =14,5; 18; 20x2; 24 cm), cu 1 baz inelar (=10 cm) + 5 corpuri, din care 2 decorate (fig. 94/8), unul simplu (fig. 94/7), cu 1 toart + 1cn corp, =15 cm + 1frozg castron (=22 cm) + 1a-r toart (fig. 94/12) + 2 amfore = 23 vase. Forme: 1f can+4 castroane (3fc+1roz-g)+2 borcane (1f+1z) + 1pz vas de provizii + 2 amfore = 10 forme reconstituite, + 6fc margini + 4 perei (3fc, din care 2 decorai, 1fcn + 1fc alb-roziu). S-au reconstituit 11 forme, din past fin o can, patru castroane, trei cenuii, unul 1roz-glbui, un borcan; din past puin zgrunuroas pri de la dou vase decorate, un perete provenea de la un vas negru lustruit, o toart de vas alb-roziu, un borcan, din past zgrunuroas, un vas de provizii iar pentru depozitare i transport dou amfore. De mici dimensiuni, 9,30 m2, dup ceramic erau probabil cinci persoane.
amfore fina r-g fina neagra pasta f ina putin zgrunturoasa pasta zgrunturoasa roata olarului total vase 0 10 20 30

Lsp5 cpl. 57, forme

pereti vas, 1 decorat margini, fc cana, 1fc inelara vas de provizii, 1pz

Lsp5 cpl. 57, 4th century total vase 23rt vessels = 1z + 4pz + 16f (13fc+1n+2pink, 1g+1a) + 2 0 5 10 15 20 25 amphorae, 10 forms Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 1z jar (fig. 94/3) + 4pz [1 food storage vessel + 1 annular basis and 2 straight (fig. 94/9, 11; =8; 2x10 cm)] + 16, 13fc [1 mug (=11 cm) + 2 tureens (fig. 94/2) and one with S-profile + 1 jar (=24 cm) + 1 pot (=8 cm) + 5 (fig. 94/4-6; =14,5; 18; 20x2; 24 cm), 1 annular basis (=10 cm) + 5 walls, of them 2 decorated (fig. 94/8) and one simple (fig. 94/7), 1 handle] + 1cn[wall (=15 cm)] + 1f-r pink-g tureen S (=22 cm) + 1a-pinkish handle (fig. 94/12) + 2 amphorae = 23 vessels. Forms: 1fc mug + 4 tureens (3fc + 1pink-g) + 2 jars (1fc + 1z) + 1pz food storage vessel + 2 amphorae = 10 reconstituted forms, + 6fc edges + 4 walls (3fc, 2 decorated, 1fcn + 1fc whitish-pink). 11 Shapes were completed of fine paste: a mug, four bowls, three of them grayish and another one yellowish pink, a pot; to which there should be added parts of two ornamented vessels, a wall from a black polished vessel and the handles of a pinkish white vessel, and made of less coarse paste: a pot and of coarse paste, a food storage vessel and two amphorae. With small size, 9,30 m2, after ceramic were five persons. 06. Lad1 cpl. 77, sec. IV 6 vase = 2z + 4fc, 2 forme Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 2z [1 vas de provizii + 2 baze (fig. 117/8-9) + 1 perete incizat (fig. 117/3)] + 4fc [1 castron (fig. 117/5; =22 cm) + 2 baze (fig. 117/2) + 1f vas (fig. 117/4)] = 6 vase. Forme: 1f castron + 1z vas de provizii = 2 forme reconstituite, + 2 baze + 1z perete incizat + 1 vas din past fin. Dintre puinele fragmente din locuin s-a detaat un castron i un vas de provizii. Dup dimensiuni, 11,65 m2 i ceramic erau probabil cinci persoane.

Ceramica reprezentare grafic, sec.III-VI / Ceramic graphical representation, 3rd-6th centuries


Lad1 cpl. 77, 4th century 6 vessels = 2z + 4fc, 2 forms Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 2z [1 food storage vessel + 2 bases (fig. 117/8-9) + 1 wall with incisions (fig. 117/3)] + 4fc [1 tureen (fig. 117/5; =22 cm) + 2 bases (fig. 117/2) + 1 vessel in fine paste (fig. 117/4)] = 6 vessels. Forms: 1fc tureen + 1z food storage vessel = 2 reconstituted forms, + 2 bases (1z + 1fc) + 1z wall with incisions + 1 vessel in fine paste. Among the few fragments of detached one tureens to a food storage vessel. After size, 11,65 m2 and after ceramic were five persons. 07. Lad2 cpl. 91, sec. IV 6 vase = 1m 17% + 4pz 66% + 1fc 17%, 5 forme Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 1m castron (fig. 124/2) + 4pz-c [1 margine (fig. 124/1) + 2 castroane (fig. 124/5; =32 cm) + 1 borcan (fig. 124/4)] + 1fc castron (fig. 124/3) = 6 vase. Forme: 4 castroane (1fc + 1m + 2pz) + 1pz borcan = 5 vase, + 1pz margine. n locuin s-au pstrat pri de la patru castroane, unul modelat cu mna i dou pe roata olarului, unul din past fin, altul din past zgrunuroas, din care era lucrat i un borcan. Lad2 cpl. 91, 4th century 6 vessels =1m 17% + 4pz 66% + 1fc 17%, 5 forme Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 1m tureen (fig. 124/2) + 4pz-c [1 edge (fig. 124/1) + 2 tureens (fig. 124/5; =32 cm) + 1 jar (fig. 124/4)] + 1fc tureen (fig. 124/3) = 6 vessels. Forms: 4 tureens (1fc + 1m + 2pz) + 1pz jar = 5 reconstituted forms, + 1pz edge. In the dwelling has been preserved parts of the four tureens, one modeled on hand and two on the potter's wheel, one of fine paste and other of coarse paste, which was worked and a pot. 08. G1 cpl. 18, sec. IV 9 vase = 3pz + 5f (4c + 1g) + 1 amfor, 5 forme Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 3pz [2 castroane + 1 baz dreapt ( (fig. 43/6, 8, 14; =22x2; 12,5 cm)] + 5f, 4c [1 castron cu profil n S (fig. 43/2; =21 cm) + 2 borcane (fig. 43/4-5; =8,6; 19 cm) + 3 baze inelare (fig. 43/11-13; =2x6,5; 8 cm) + 1 dreapt (fig. 43/10; 8 cm) + 1g perete angobat (fig. 43/1)] + 1 amfor (fig. 43/7) = 9 vase. Forme: 3 castroane (2pz + 1f) + 2f borcane = 5 forme reconstituite, + 4f baze drepte (1pz + 1f) + 3fc inelare + 1g perete angobat. Din cele nou vase fragmentare recuperate din groap, mai bine s-au conservat cinci, trei castroane, dou din past zgrunuroas pentru gtit, unul din past fin i dou borcane tot din past fin. Acestora adugm fragmentul de la un vas angobat glbui. Pentru depozitare i transport o amfor. G1 cpl. 18, 4th century 9rt vessels = 3pz + 5f (4c + 1g) + 1 amphora, 5 forme Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 3pz [2 tureens (fig. 43/6, 8; =22x2) + 1 straight basis (fig. 43/14; =12,5 cm)] + 5f 4c[1 tureen with S-profile (fig. 43/2; =21 cm) + 2 jars (fig. 43/4-5; =8,6; 19 cm) + 3 annular bases (fig. 43/11-13; =2x6,5; 8 cm) + 1 straight (fig. 43/10; 8 cm) + 1g covered with reddish slip (fig. 43/1)] + 1 amphora (fig. 43/7) = 9 vessels. Forms: 3 tureens (2pz + 1fc) + 2fc jars = 5 reconstituted forms, with 4fc bases + 1g wall, 2 straights (1pz + 1fc) + 3fc annular. Among the 9 fragmentary vessels recovered from the pit, five were better preserved, three of them being bowl - two made of rough paste and being used for cooking, while the third one was made of fine paste-, while the remaining two were pots made of fine paste. Apart from these undoubted shapes, mention should also be made of the potsherd with yellowish slip. To transport and storage vessels, an amphora. 09. G2 cpl. 19, sec. IV 23 vase = 2m + 5z + 4pz + 12fc (5c+2b+3n+2r), 15 forme


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 2m [2 borcane, cu 1 baz (fig. 44/8-9; =14; 8,5 cm)] + 5z[1c perete + 1 vas de provizii (fig. 44/6; =26 cm) + 4 borcane (=2x12; 2x14 cm), cu 2 baze drepte (=10; 12 cm)], 4pz[3 borcane (fig. 44/7, 10; =20 cm), 1 margine + 12f, 5c [1 castron + 1 buz (fig. 44/5) + 1 perete (fig. 44/2) + 1 perete ars secundar, cu bazele, 2 inelare (=8,5; 12 cm), 2 drepte (=2x14 cm)] + 2fb toarte + 3n [1fn castrona cu profil n S + 1fn borcan (fig. 44/4; =11 cm) + 1fn perete + 1fn baz (fig. 44/3; =8 cm)] + 2fr castroane (fig. 44/1; =13; 14 cm) = 23 vase. Forme: 1fn castrona cu profil n S, 3 castroane (1fc + 2fr), 10 borcane (2m + 4zc + 3pz + 1 fn) + 1z vas de provizii = 15 forme reconstituite, 2 buze (1pz + 1fc) + 8 baze (1m + 2zc + 4fc + 1fn) + 7 perei (1zc + 2fc + 1fn) + 1 ars secundar + 2fr toarte. Vasele s-au numrat n funcie de formele reconstituite prin desen 15 din 23 de vase, patru castroane din past fin dar arse diferit, cenuiu, negru, brun, zece borcane, pentru buctrie, din past poroas, dou modelate cu mna, patru din past zgrunuroas, trei puin zgrunuroas, numai unul din past fin i un vas de provizii. Acestora se adaug pereii ornai cu incizii de la un vas din past zgrunuroas, toartele de la dou vase roietice i perei de la dou vase negre. G2 cpl. 19, 4th century 23 vessels = 2m + 5z + 4pz + 12fc (2b + 3n + 2r), 15 forms Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 2m [2 jars, 1 basic (fig. 44/8-9; =14; 8,5 cm)] + 5z [1c wall + 1 food storage vessel (fig. 44/6; =26 cm) + 4 jars (=x12; 2x14 cm), 2 staight bases (=10; 12 cm)], 4pz [3 jars (fig. 44/7, 10; =20 cm), 1 edge + 12f [tureen + 1 rim (fig. 44/5) + 1 wall (fig. 44/2) + 1 secondary burning wall, 2 bases annular (=8,5; 12 cm) - 2 straight (=2x14 cm)] + 2fb handles + 3n [1fn small tureen + 1fn jar (fig. 44/4; =11 cm) + 1fn wall + 1fn basis (fig. 44/3; =8 cm)] + 2fr tureens (fig. 44/1; =13; 14 cm) = 23 vessels. Forms: 4 tureens (1fc + 1fn + 2fb) + 10 jars (2m + 4zc + 3pz + 1fn), 1zc food storage vessel = 15 reconstituted forms, + 2 rims (1pz + 1fc), 8 bases (1m + 2zc + 4fc + 1fn) + 7 walls (1zc + 2fc + 1fn) + 1 secondary burning + 2fr handles. The vessels were also counted pending on the shapes recreated by drawing, 15 of the 23 vessels, four being bowls made of fine paste, but fired differently, grayish, black, brown, ten pots for kitchen, made of porous paste, two of which were hand-made, four of coarse paste, three of less coarse paste and only one of fine paste, and one food storage vessel. Apart from these, mention should also be made of the walls ornamented with incisions of a vessel made of coarse paste and from another one, grayish, the handles of two reddish vessels and the walls of two black vessels. 10. G3 cpl. 33a, sec. IV 35 = 5z+6pz (2r+1bc+3c) + 22f (2cn+3r+17c) + 2 amfore, 28 forme, + 1 pahar de sticl Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 5z 5 vase de provizii (fig. 75/1, 3-4; 76/1; 76/4; =2x26; 32; 36; 40), 1 baz inelar (=12) + 6pz 2r, [1 castron emisferic (fig. 75/7; =14 cm), 1 baz (=10 cm)] + 1bc borcan (fig. 74/8; =27 cm) + 3pzc, [1 vas cu gt nalt (=14 cm), gt scund (fig. 75/6; =29 cm), 1 vas de provizii (fig. 75/5; =34 cm) + 4 baze drepte (=8; 2x10; 15 cm)] + 22f 2fcn, [1 castron (fig. 74/1; =21 cm)] + 3r [corp incizat + 1 baz inelar (=34; 8 cm) + 1 toart (fig. 75/2)] + 17c, [3 pahare + 2 cni (fig. 74/3, 5; =4; 10 cm) + 10 castroane (fig. 74/3-4, 7, 9, 13; =2x16-18, 24x2 cm) + 1 castron emisferic (fig. 74/6; =14 cm) + 2 buze (fig. 74/10, 12; =14; 12)] + 2 amfore + 1 pahar de sticl = 36 vase. Forme: 3f pahare + 2f cni + 14 castroane (1pz-r+2cn+11f) + 1pz-bc borcan + 6 vase de provizii (1pz+5z) + 2 amfore = 28 forme reconstituite, + 1 pahar de sticl + 4 margini (2pz+2fc) + 1fr perete incizat + 1fr toart. ntre cele 28 de forme stabilite, din 36 de vase, mai ales n funcie de partea superioar a lor, era i vesela n past fin, de but, trei pahare, dou cni i vesela pentru mas, 13 castroane. Din past puin zgrunuroas s-a modelat un castron ars rou, un borcan, ase vase de provizii, unul dintre ele din past zgrunuroas i altele mai greu ntregibile, pentru transport i depozitare, dou amfore i un pahar de sticl. G3 cpl. 33a, 4th century 35+1 vessels = 5z+6pz (2r+1bc+3) + 22f (2cn+3r+17) + 2 amphorae, forms + 1 glass beaker Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 5z [5 food storage vessel (fig. 75/1, 3-4; 76/1; 76/4; =2x26; 32; 36;

Ceramica reprezentare grafic, sec.III-VI / Ceramic graphical representation, 3rd-6th centuries


40), 1 annular basis (=12)] + 6pz, 2r [1 tureen emisferic (fig. 75/7; =14 cm), 1 basis (=10 cm)] + 1bc jar (fig. 74/8; =27 cm) + 3pzc [1 high-necked pot (=14 cm), short neck (fig. 75/6; =29 cm), 1 food storage vessel (fig. 75/5; =34 cm), 4 straight bases (=8; 2x10; 15 cm)] + 22f 2cn [1 tureen (fig. 74/1; =21 cm)] + 3r [body with incised lines (=34 cm), 1 annular basis (=8 cm), 1 handle (fig. 75/2)] + 17c [3 beakers, 2 mugs (fig. 74/3, 5; =4; 10 cm), 10 tureens biconical (fig. 74/3-4, 7, 9, 13; =2x16-18, 24x2 cm), 1 tureen emisferic (fig. 74/6; =14 cm), 2 rims (fig. 74/10, 12; =14; 12)] + 2 amphorae + 1 glass beaker =36 vessels. Forms: 3fc beakers + 2fc mugs + 14 tureens (1pz-r + 2cn + 11fc) + 1pz-bc jar + 6 food storage vessels (1pz + 5z) + 2 amphorae = 28 reconstituted forms, + 1 glass beaker + 4 edges (2pz + 2fc) + 1fr body with incised lines + 1fr handle. Among the 28 shapes determined out of the 36 vessels, especially according to their upper part, there was also the fine paste drinking ware represented by three pitchers, two mugs and the tableware, represented by 13 bowls. Out of less coarse paste, there was modeled a red fired bowl, a pot, six food storage vessels, one of them being of less coarse paste and also other vessels more difficult to complete. At the same time there were identified two amphorae and one glass beaker. 11. G4 cpl. 37, sec. IV 11+1 vase = 4z + 6f (1gc+4a+1c) + 1 amfor, 5 forme + 1 pahar de sticl Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 4z [2 borcane (=16 cm) + 1 vas de provizii + 2 baze] + 6f [1gc baz (=10,5 cm) + 4a1 (1 buz + 2 baze + 1c mic vas] + 1 amfor + 1 vas de sticl = 12 vase. Forme: 2z borcane + 1z vas de provizii + 1f mic vas + 1 amfor = 5 forme reconstituite, + 1 pahar de sticl + 1fa buz + 5 baze (2z+1fg+2fa). ntre puinele pri de vase erau ase din past fin, din care s-a detaat doar un mic vas i patru din past zgrunuroas, din care s-a reconstituit forma unui borcan i a unui vas de provizii . Acestora se adaug paharul de sticl i pentru depozitare i transport o amfor. G4 cpl. 37, 4th century 11+1 vessels = 4z + 6f (1gc+4a+1c) + 1 amphora, 5 forms + 1 glass beaker Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 4z [2 jars (=16 cm) + 1 food storage vessel + 2 bases] + 6f [1gc basis (=10,5 cm) + 4a1 1 rim + 2 bases + 1c mic vas] + 1 amphora + 1 glass beaker =12 vessels.. Forms: 2z jars+1z food storage vessel+1fc mic vas+1 amphora = 5 reconstituted forms,+1 glass beaker + 5 bases, 2z,2fa,1fgc + 1fa rim. Among the few parts of vessels, there were detached six, made of fine paste, among them being a small vessel, and also four others made of coarse paste, the shape of a pot and the one of a food storage vessel being completed. There should be added the amphora and the glass beaker.
TOTAL VASE 12 pasta zgrunturoasa 4z fina 1gc+4a+1c FORME RECONSTIT.5 mic vas 1f oale 2z vas de provizii 1z amfora 1 pahar de sticla 1 + buza 1fa baze,2z+1fg+2fa

G4 cpl. 37,sec.IV

10 15

12. G5 cpl. 39, sec. IV Ceramic de import: 1 toart masiv de la o amfor pentru depozitare i transport (fig. 84/5). G5 cpl. 39, 4th century Import pottery: 1 handle massive of amphora to transport and storage vessels (fig. 84/5). 13. G6 cpl. 49, sec. IV 36 vase = 1m + 35rt [6z + 6pz + 23f (4fr + 14c + 1c-a + 4n)], 23 forme Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 1m castron (=34 cm) + 6z[2 borcane (=12; 14) + 4 vase de provizii - 1 crmiziu (fig. 89/1, 4; =49), 3 baze (=10; 14; 22)] + 6pz [1 can cu burlui (fig. 90/5; =24 cm) + 1 baz inelar (=8 cm) + 3 cioburi decorate (fig. 89/3, 6; 90/8, 11), 1 corp cu o perforare + 6 baze, 2 drepte, 4 inelare (fig. 90/2; =6; 8x2; 9; 10 cm)] + 23f, 4fr [1 pahar (fig. 90/7; =6 cm) + 3 borcane (fig. 90/10; =14 cm)] + 14c [1 can (fig. 90/9) + 1 castron cu marginea dreapt (fig. 90/4; =20 cm) + 2, unul cu profil n S (fig. 90/6; =20; 22 cm) + 2 vase (fig. 89/7; =24 cm) + 3 borcane (=10; 18; 20 cm) + 2 buze


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

(=8; 10 cm) + 3 perei decorai (fig. 89/3, 6; 90/8, 11) + 1 corp perforat + 2 baze drepte (fig. 90/2; =8 cm) + 4 inelare (=6; 8; 9; 10 cm)] + 1c-a castron (=10 cm) + 4n [1 pahar (fig. 90/3; =10 cm) + 1 castron (fig. 90/1; =19 cm) + 1 vas cu marginea invazat (=16 cm) + 1 vas cu buza lat (=22 cm)] = 36 vase. Forme: 2 pahare (1fr + 1fn) + 3 cni (2fc, una cu burlui + 1pz + 6 castroane (1m + 3fc + 1fca + 1fn) + 8 borcane (2z + 3fr + 3fc) + 4z vase de provizii = 23 forme reconstituite + 6 margini (4fc + 2fn) + 12 baze + 12 drepte (3z+2pz+2fc) + 5 inelare (1pz+4fc) + 6 perei ornai (3pz+3fc) + 2 perforai (1pz+1fc). Din 36 de vase s-au stabilit 22 forme, din vesela de but fin dou pahare, unul rou i altul negru, dou cni, cinci castroane, trei cenuii, unul cenuiu-albicios, altul negru, ase borcane, trei roii, cinci cenuii, din past puin zgrunuroas o can, zgrunuroas dou borcane i patru vase de provizii iar cu mna s-a modelat un castron. ntre fragmente erau i dou perforate, semn al ncercrii unei reparri. S-au adugat 6 margini i vasele perforate i ornate, 36 vase. Acestora le corespund 12 baze, 7 drepte i 5 inelare.

G6 cpl. 49, forme G6 cpl. 49, 4th century margini, 2fn 36 vessels = 1m + 35rt 6z+6pz+23f (4fr+14c+1c-a+ 4n), 23 forms pahar, 1n Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 1m tureen (=34 cm) inelare, 4fc + 6z [2 jars (=12; 14) + 4 food storage vessels 1 baze, 6fc reddish (fig. 89/1, 4; =49), 3 bases (=10; 14; 22)] + 6pz [1 mug (fig. 90/5; =24 cm) + 1 annular basis (=8 cm) + 3 cu pereti ornati,3fc decorated (fig. 89/3, 6; 90/8, 11), 1 1 body piercing and 6 Oale, 3 fc bases, 2 straight (fig. 90/2; =8 cm), 4 annular (=6; 8; 9; cana, 1c 10 cm)] + 23f 4fr [1 beaker (fig. 90/7; =6 cm) + 3 jars (fig. 90/10+1, =12 + 1=14 cm)] + 14c [1 mug (fig. pahar, 2fr 90/9) + 1 tureen with edge straight (fig. 90/4; =20 cm) + 2 drepte pot - one with S-profile (fig. 90/6; =20; 22 cm) + 2 vessels (fig. 89/7; =24 cm) + 3 jars (=10; 18; 20 cm) + 2 rims perete perforat, 1pz (=8; 10 cm), cu 3 decorated potsherd (fig. 89/3, 6; 90/8, cana cu burlui, 1pz 11), 1 body pierced, 2 straight bases (fig. 90/2; =8 cm) vase de provizii, 4m and 4 annular (=6; 8; 9; 10 cm)] + 1c-a tureen (=10 cm) Total vase + 4n [1 beaker (fig. 90/3; =10 cm) + 1 tureen (fig. 90/1; =19 cm) + 1 vessel (=16 cm) + 1 vas cu buza lat 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 (=22 cm)] = 36 vessels. Forms: 2 beakers (1fr,1fn) + 3 mugs (2fc,1pz) + 6 tureens (1m + 3fc + 1fca + 1fn) + 8 jars (2z + 3fr + 3fc) + 4z food storage vessels = 23 reconstituted forms, + 6 edges (4fc + 2fn) + 12 bases + 12 straight (3z + 2pz + 2f) + 5 annular (1pz + 4fc) + 6 walls decorated (3pz + 3fc) + 2 with puncture (1pz + 1fc). Among the 36 vessels there could be completed 22 shapes, the drinking ware being represented by two pitchers, one red and the other black, two mugs, five bowls, three grayish, one grayish-whitish, one black and six pots, three red, and one grayish, made of less coarse paste - a mug, made of coarse paste two and food storage vessels and hand-made a bowl. Among the fragments, two were perforated, this being an indication of the fact a previous attempt of repairing was undertaken at a certain moment.
14. G7 cpl. 50, sec. IV Fragmente ceramice atipice. G7 cpl. 50, 4thcentury Ceramic, fragments atypical. 15. G8 cpl. 66a, sec. IV 8+1 vase = 4pz + 4fc + 1 pahar de sticl, 2 forme Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 2pz baze i alte pri de perei + 2fc [2 borcane (fig. 107/6, 10; =19; 21 cm) + 2 baze (fig. 107/8-9; =12-13 cm)]+ 1 pahar de sticl (fig. 107/1) = 9 vase. Forme: 2fc borcane = 2 forme reconstituite, + 1 pahar de sticl. S-a schiat forma a dou borcane din past fin, plus paharul de sticl.

Ceramica reprezentare grafic, sec.III-VI / Ceramic graphical representation, 3rd-6th centuries


G8 cpl. 66a, 4th century 8+1 vessels = 4pz + 4fc + 1 glass beaker, 2 forms. Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 2pz bases and parts of the walls + 2fc [2 jars (fig. 107/6, 10; =19; 21 cm) + 2 bases (fig. 107/8-9; =12-13 cm)] + 1 glass beaker (fig. 107/1) = 9 vessels. Forms: 2fc jars = 2 reconstituted forms. Given as two pots of fine paste, plus one glass beaker. 16. G9 cpl. 71, sec. IV 30rt vase = 15z + 14f (2n + 1g + 10fc) + 1 vas cu decor imprimat + 1 amfor, 11 vase Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 15z [7 vase de provizii (fig. 109) + 8 buze (=9-10-11; 2x12; 14,5; 16; 18 cm)] + 13f [2n, 1 pahar lustruit (fig. 110/5; =12 cm) + 1 castrona (fig. 110/8)] + 1g ciob cu o nervur + 10fc [10 buze diferite (=5x8; 3x9; 9,6; 10 cm) + cu 1 negru-decorat prin imprimare 1 toart + 5 baze (=2x7; 7,6; 2x8 cm)] + 1 negru-decorat prin imprimare (fig. 110/6) + 1 amfor = 30 vase. Forme: 7z vase de provizii + 1n pahar lustruit + 1fc castrona + 1 negru-decorat prin imprimare + 1 amfor = 11 vase, + 8z buze + 11fc buze + 1fg ciob cu o nervur + 1 negru-decorat prin imprimare + 1fc toart. ntre formele reconstituite - 17, menionm vasele din past fin, paharul lustruit, castronaul, fragmentul din past neagr-decorat prin imprimare i vasele din past zgrunuroas, apte vase de provizii i alte buze, plus pentru depozitare i transport o amfor. G9 cpl. 71, 4th century 30rt vessels = 15z + 14f (2n + 1g + 11fc) + 1 pot with print decor + 1 amphora, 11 forms Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 15z [7 food storage vessels (fig. 109) + 8 rims (=9-10-11; 2x12; 14,5; 16; 18 cm)] + 14f [2n, 1 beaker lustruit (fig. 110/5; =12 cm) + 1 small tureen (fig. 110/8)] + 1g wall with a rib + 10fc{10 other rims (=5x8; 3x9; 9,6; 10 cm), 1 handle, 5 bases (=2x7; 7,6; 2x8 cm)] + 1 blackish - with print decor (fig. 110/6) + 1 amphora = 30 vessels. Forms: 7z food storage vessel + 1n polished beaker, 1fc small tureen + 1 blackish with print decor + 1 amphora = 11 reconstituted forms, + 11fc different rims, 1fg wall with a rib + 1fc handle. The reconstructed forms, 10, we included the vessels of fine paste, polished beaker, small tureen, blackish fragments of decorated print and to those of the coarse ceramic, seven food storage vessel and other rims. To transport and storage vessels, an amphora.

TOTAL VASE 30 pasta zgrunturoasa 15 pasta fina11fc+2n+1g FORME RECONST.11

G9 cpl.71,sec.IV

pahar 1n castronas 1fc decor imprimat 1n amfora 1 + buze 1z+11fc pereti 1fg+1n toarta 1fc 0 10 20 30 40

17. G10 cpl. 80, sec. IV 13 vase = lm + 2z + 4pz (2c + 1a + 1r) + 5f (4c + 1a-r) + 1 amfor, 5 forme Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 1m perete cu bru simplu + 2z [1 perete cu incizii + 1 baz (fig. 121/8; =10 cm)] + 4pz [1c borcan + 1c buz (fig. 121/6)+ 1a 2 cioburi atipice + 1r baz (=12 cm)] + 5f 4fc [1 castron (fig. 121/1; =20 cm) +1 borcan (fig. 121/5; =14) + 1 buz + 4 baze inelare (fig. 121/3; =4; 7; 8; 10 cm) + 1fa-r castron (fig. 121/2; =22 cm)] + 1 amfor = 13 vase. Forme: 2 castroane (1fc + 1fa-r) + 2 borcane (1fc + 1pzc) + 1 amfor = 5 forme reconstituite, + 2 buze (1pzc + 1fc) + 3 perei (1m + 1z + 1pza) + 6 baze (1z + 1pzr + 4fc inelare). Din vesela de mas fin s-au pstrat dou castroane, unul cenuiu, altul roietic, din vesela pentru buctrie, dou borcane, unul fin, altul din past zgrunuroas, o amfor pentru depozitare i transport. G10 cpl. 80, 4th century 13 vessels = lm + 2z + 4pz (2c + 1a + 1r) + 5f (4c + 1a-r) + 1 amphora, 5 forms Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 1m wall with simple belt + 2z[1 with incisions wall + 1 basis (fig. 121/8; =10 cm)] + 4pz [1c jar + 1c rim (fig. 121/6)+ 1a 2 atypical + 1r basis (=12 cm)] + 5f 4fc [1 tureen (fig. 121/1; =20 cm) +1 jar (fig. 121/5; =14) + 1 rim + 4 annular bases (fig. 121/3; =4; 7; 8; 10 cm)


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

+ 1fa-r tureen (fig. 121/2; =22 cm)] + 1 amphora = 13 vessels. Forms: 2 tureens (1fc + 1fa-r) + 2 jars (1fc + 1pzc) + 1 amphora = 5 reconstituted forms, + 2 rims (1pzc + 1fc) + 3 walls (1m + 1z + 1pza) + 6 bases (1z + 1 pzr + 4fc annular). With fine wares were preserved twoo tureens, grayish and reddish, with cooking wares, twoo jars, one fine, one with coarse paste, and storage vessels an to transport and storage vessels, an amphora. 18. G11 cpl. 92, sec. IV 20+1 vase = 4m + 17rt 2z + 5pzb-1r + 9 (3fc + 1g + 2c-a + 3n) + 1 amfor, 7 forme Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 4m [1 castrona sferoidal (=16 cm) + 2 castroane, margini drepte + 4 baze (fig. 125/6; =13; 7; G11 cpl.92,sec.IV 2x 9)] + 2zc (1 vas de provizii + 1 baz, =11 cm) + 5pz [1b-r TOTAL VASE 21 corp + 4pzc perei (fig. 125/2-5; =14; 16 cm)] + 9f 3fc[1 strachin roata olarului17 (fig. 126/7) + 1 toart + 1 corp (=20 cm) + 3 baze (fig. 126/9-11; =6 cm)] + 1fg castron (fig. 126/6; =22 cm) + 5 buze, 2c-a + 3cn (=10; putin zgrunturoasa5pzb+1r 2x12; 14-15 cm) + 1 amfor =21 vase. Forme: 1fc strachin+1m bol +3 castroane (2m+1fg) + 1zc vas FORME RECONSTITUITE7 de provizii + 1 amfor = 7 forme reconstituite, + 6 perei (1pzbcastroane2m+1fg r+4pzc+1fc)+1fc toart + 8 baze (4m+1zc+3fc) + 5f buze (2c-a + 3cn). S-au pstrat pri de la vesela de mas, o strachin, un bol, un amfora 1 castron din past fin i dou modelate cu mna, un vas de provizii din past zgrunuroas iar pentru depozitare i transport o amfor. pereti1pzb-r+4pzc+1fc G11 cpl. 92, 4th century 0 5 10 15 20 25 20+1 vessels = 4m + 17rt 2z + 5pzb-r + 9 (3fc + 1g + 2ca + 3n) + 1 amphora, 7 forms Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 4m [1 bwol (=16 cm) + 2 tureens + 4 bases (fig. 125/6; =13; 7; 2x9)] + 16rt 2zc (1 food storage vessel + 1 basis, =11 cm) + 5pz[1b-r body (=14 cm) + 4pzc walls (fig. 125/2-5; =16 cm)] + 9f 3f [1 tureen (fig. 126/7) + 1 handle + 1 body (=20 cm) + 3 bases (fig. 126/9-11; =6 cm)] + 1fg tureen (fig. 126/6; =22 cm)+2c-a rims (=10;12)+3cn rims (=12; 14-15 cm)]+1 amphora = 21 vessels. Forms: 1fc dish + 1m bowl + 3 tureens (2m + 1fg) + 1zc food storage vessel + 1 amphora = 7 reconstituted forms, + 6 walls (1pzb-r+4pz+1f)+ 1f handle + 8 bases (4m+1z+3f) + 5f rims (2ca+3cn). In the pit have been preserved parts of the fine wares, a dish, a bowl and three tureens, one in fine paste, and a second of hand-built vessel and a food storage vessel. To transport and storage, an amphora. 19-20. G12 i /and12a 13 Cpl. 104-104a 21. G14 cpl. 115, sec. IV 7 vase = 1m + 6rt (2z + 4fc), 4 forme Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 1m borcan pe umr cu bru alveolat (fig. 134/5) + 2z [1 borcan cu buza rotunjit (fig. 134/2, =9 cm) + 1 baz (=95 cm)] + 4f[2fc castroane (fig. 134/3-4; =12; 14 cm) + 1 baz (=11 cm) + 1 toart (fig. 134/7)] = 5 vase. Forme: 2 borcane (1m + 1z) + 2fc castroane = 4 forme reconstituite, + 2fc baze + 1fc toart. G14 cpl. 115, 4th century 7 vessels = 1m + 6rt (2z + 4fc), 4 forms Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 1m jar decorated with alveoli belt (fig. 134/5) + 6rt 2z [1 jar (fig. 134/2, =9 cm) + 1 basis (=95 cm)] + 4f [2fc tureens (fig. 134/3-4; =12; 14 cm) + 1 basis (=11 cm) + 1 handle (fig. 134/7)] = 5 vessels. Forms: 2 jars (1m + 1z) + 2fc tureens = 4 reconstituted forms, + 2 bases (1z + 1c) + 1fc handle. 22. G15 cpl. 116, sec. IV 10 vase = 2m + 3pz + 4fc + 1 amfora, 8 forme

Ceramica reprezentare grafic, sec.III-VI / Ceramic graphical representation, 3rd-6th centuries


Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 2m [1 can (fig. 135/2; =9 cm) + 1 borcan (fig. 135/5; =10 cm)] + 3pz [2 borcane (fig. 135/6-7; =8; 14 cm) + 1 vas (fig. 135/3; =19 cm) + 4fc [1 can (fig. 135/1; =11,5 cm) + 1 castron (fig. 135/8; =9,5 cm) + 1 borcan (fig. 135/9; =15,5 cm) + 1 buz (fig. 135/4)] + 1 amfor = 10 vase. Forme: 2 cni (1m + 1fc) + 1fc castron + 4 borcane (1m + 2pz + 1fc) + 1 amfor = 8 forme reconstituite, + 1pz vas + 1fc buz. G15 cpl. 116, 4th 10 vessels = 2m + 3pz + 4fc + 1 amphora, 8 forms Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 2m [1 mug (fig. 135/2; =9 cm) + 1 jar (fig. 135/5; =10 cm)] + 3pz[2 jars (fig. 135/6-7; =8; 14 cm) + 1 pot (fig. 135/3; =19 cm) + 4fc [1 mug (fig. 135/1; =11,5 cm) + 1 tureen (fig. 135/8; =9,5 cm) + 1 jar + 1 rim (fig. 135/4, 9; =15,5 cm)] + 1 amphora = 10 vessels. Forms: 2 mug (1m + 1fc) + 1fc tureen + 4 jars (1m + 2pz + 1fc) + 1 amphora = 8 reconstituted forms, + 1pz vas + 1fc rim. 23. G16 cpl. 119, sec. IV 5 vase = 1m + 2z + 1fc + 1 amfor, 2 forme Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 1m cuie (fig. 137/1) + 2z [1 corp + 2 baze (fig. 137/2)] + 1 castron, 1 amfora (fig. 137/3) = 4 vase. Forme: 1m cuie + 1fc castron + 1 amfor = 2 forme reconstituite. G16 cpl. 119, 4th century 5 vessels = 1m + 2z + 1fc + 1 amphora, 2 forms Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 1m primitive lamp (fig. 137/1) + 2z[1body + 2 bases (fig. 137/2)] + 1 tureen + 1 amphora (fig. 137/3) = 4 vase. Forms: 1m primitive lamp + 1 amphora = 2 reconstituted forms. 24. A1 cpl. 21a, sec. IV 13 vase = 2m + 11rt (3z + 2pz + 6fc), 10 forme Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 2m [1 vas cu bru simplu (fig. 49/4) + 1 baz (fig. 49/6)] + 3z [1 borcan (fig. 49/2; =12 cm) + 1 baz (fig. 49/5; =7 cm) + 1 perete decorat (fig. 49/3; =46 cm) + 2pz vase de provizii (fig. 48/5, 7) + 6fc [4 castroane (fig. 48/4; 49/1, 7; max.=16; 24 cm) + 2 borcane (fig. 48/3, 6; =20; 13 cm), 1 baz inelar (fig. 48/8; =17 cm)] = 13 vase. Forme: 4fc castroane + 4 borcane (1m + 1z + 2fc) + 2pz vase de provizii = 10 forme reconstituite, + 3 baze (1m + 1z + 1fc inelar) + 1z perete decorat. Pe nivelul antic de clcare erau aglomerate pri de la un vas cenuiu de import, patru castroane fine vesela de masa i patru borcane, cte unul modelat cu mna sau din past zgrunuroas, dou fine iar pentru pstrat hrana dou vase de provizii. Le corespund dou baze drepte i una inelar de la un vas fin. A1 cpl. 21a, 4th century 13 vessels = 2m + 11rt (3z + 2pz + 6fc), 10 forms A2 cpl.43,sec.IV TOTALVASE21 Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 2m [1 pot with simple belt zgrunturoasa 3z (fig. 49/4) + 1 basis (fig. 49/6)] + 3z [1 jar (fig. 49/2; =12 cm) + 1 putinzgrunt.1r+3c basis (fig. 49/5; =7 cm) + 1 decorated wall (fig. 49/3)], 2pz food fina8c+3g+1n storage vessels (fig. 48/5, 7) + 6fc [4 tureens (fig. 48/4; 49/1, 7; FORMERECONST.8 max.=16; 24 cm) + 2 jars (fig. 48/3, 6; =20; 13 cm) + 1 annular basis pahar1pzc (fig. 48/8; =17 cm)] = 13 vessels. cana1fc Forms: 4fc tureens + 4 jars (1m + 1z + 2fc) + 2pz food storage castron1fc vessels = 10 reconstituted forms, + 3 bases (1m+1z+1fc annular) + oala3fg 1z decorated wall + 1 basis. amfore 2 On the ancient treading level there were agglomerated parts of buze3fc+1fn a fine paste grayish vessel, an imported item, four fine paste small baze2z+3pz,1r+inelare3f bowls the tableware and four pots, out of which one hand made, one

0 5 10 15 20 25


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

of coarse paste and two of fine paste while there were found two vessels used for food storage purposes. 25. A2 cpl. 43, sec. IV 21rt vase = 3z + 4pz (1r + 3c) + 12f (8c + 3g + 1n) + 2 amfore, 8 forme Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 3z [1 corp cu o canelur + 2 baze (=2x10 cm)] + 4pz [1r baz (=7 cm) + 1c pahar (=10 cm) + 2 baze drepte (=8; 10 cm)] + 12f, 8c [1 can (=12 cm) + 1 castron (fig. 86/1; =24 cm) + 3 buze (fig. 86/4, 6; =16 cm) +3 baze inelare (fig. 86/7; =8; 10 cm)] + 3g borcane (fig. 86/5; =13-14; 16 cm) + 1n buz (fig. 86/3) + 2 amfore (fig. 86/8). Forme: 1pzc pahar + 1fc can + 1fc castron + 3fg borcane + 2 amfore = 8 forme reconstituite, 4 buze (3fc + 1fn) + 8 baze (2z + 1pzr + 2pz + 3fc inelare). Din inventarul ceramic se pot specifica 8 forme, din past fin o can, un castron, trei borcane iar din past puin zgrunuroas, un pahar, la care se adaug dou amfore pentru depozitare i transport. A2 cpl. 43, 4th century 21rt vessels = 3z + 4pz (1r + 3c) + 12f (8c + 3g + 1n) + 2 amphorae, 8 forms Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 3z [1 wall with groove + 2 bases (=2x10 cm)] + 4pz [1r basis (=7 cm) + 1c beaker (=10 cm) + 2 straight bases (=8; 10 cm)] + 12f, 8c [1 mug (=12 cm) + 1 tureen (fig. 86/1; =24 cm) + 3 rims (fig. 86/4, 6; =16 cm) + 3 annular bases (fig. 86/7; =8; 10 cm)] + 3g jars (fig. 86/5; =13; 14; 16 cm) + 1n rim (fig. 86/3) + 2 amphorae (fig. 86/8). Forms: 1pzc beaker + 1fc mug + 1fc tureen + 3fg jars + 4 rims (3fc + 1fn) + 2 amphorae = 8 reconstituted forms, + 8 bases (2z + 1pzr + 2pz + 3fc annular). The ceramic inventory allows the identification of 8 shapes, made of fine paste, a mug, a bowl, three pots and of less coarse paste, a pitcher, to which there should be added two amphorae. 26. A3 cpl. 60, sec. IV 12 vase = 2m 16% + 9rt 75% [1z 8% + 1pz 8% + 6f 50% (5c 42% + 1n 8%) + 1 vas cu decor imprimat 8%] + 1 amfor roz-crmizie 8%, 5 forme Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 2m [1 perete cu bru simplu + 1 buz de borcan (fig. 94/17)] + 1z perete cu incizii, vas de provizii + 1pz baz (=9 cm) + 5fc [1 castron + 3 buze, cu 1 baz (fig. 94/14-15, =11 cm) + 1 probabil o can] + 1n castron (fig. 94/13; =22 cm) + 1 amfor roz-crmizie + 1 vas cu decor imprimat (fig. 94/16) = 12 vase. Forme: 1fc can + 2 castroane (1fc+1n) + 1m borcan i 1 perete cu bru simplu + 1z vas de provizii + 1 amfor = 7 forme reconstituite + 3f buze + 2 baze (1pz+1f) + 1 vas cu decor imprimat. Dintre prile pstrate, din past fin era o can i dou castroane, unul cenuiu, altul negru, o amfor roz-crmizie i un vas cu decor imprimat, din past puin zgrunuroas un vas de provizii i cu mna s-a modelat un borcan i o alta decorat cu bru simplu. Pentru depozitare i transport o amfor. A3 cpl. 60, 4th century 12 vessels = 2m16% + 9rt75% [1z8% + 1pz8% + 6f 50%(5c 42%+1n8%) + 1pot with print decor 8%] + 1 amphora reddish-pink- 8%, 7 forms Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 2m [1 wall with simple belt + 1 rim of the jar (fig. 94/17)] + 1z wall with incisions, food storage vessel + 1pz basis (=9 cm) + 5fc[1 tureen (fig. 94/14) + 3 rims (94/15), 1 basis (=11 cm) + 1 probably a mug] + 1n tureen (fig. 94/13; =22 cm) + 1 amphora reddish-pink + 1 pot with print decor (fig. 94/16) = 12 vessels. Forms: 1fc mug + 2 tureens (1fc + 1n) + 1m jar, 1 wall with simple belt + 1z food storage vessel + 1 amphora reddish-pink = 7 reconstituted forms + 3fc rims + 2 bases (1pz + 1fc)+ 1 pot with print decor. Among the preserved parts, made of fine paste there were a mug and two bowls, one grayish and another one black, a brick red pink amphora and a vessel with impressed ornamentation, while made of less coarse paste: a food storage paste and hand-made: a pot and a vessel with simple belt. To transport and storage vessels, an amphora. 27. A4 cpl. 61, sec. IV 31 vase = 2m + 26rt [2z + 4pz + 20f (1r + 17fc + 2n)] + 3 amfore, 19 forme

Ceramica reprezentare grafic, sec.III-VI / Ceramic graphical representation, 3rd-6th centuries


Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 2m [1 castron (fig. 95/8) + 1 perete, cu 2 baze (=10; 12 cm)] + 26rt 2z perei cu incizii vlurite + 4pz [1 castron cu profil n S (=14 cm) + 1 buz (=13), cu 4 baze, 2 drepte (=2x8 cm) + 2 inelare (=12)] + 20f 1fr 1 baz (=6,5 cm), 17fc [8 castroane, din care unul cu profil n S (fig. 95/11; =11 cm) + 1 umr carenat (fig. 95/3; =14,5 cm) + 2 cu gura evazat (fig. 95/12; =21; 18 cm) + 3 borcane (fig. 95/1-2, 15; =12; 22; 24 cm) + 2 buze (95/6) + 2 perei unul imprimat (fig. 95/4) i altul cu decor lustruit n zigzag (fig. 95/5) + cu 2 baze din care una cu marginea alveolat (fig. 95/11) + 2 toarte (fig. 95/14)] + 2n [1 castron (fig. 95/7; =22 cm) + 1 can] + 3 amfore = 31 vase. Forme: 11 castroane (1m+1pz+1n+8fc) + 1n can + 3fc borcane + 1fc perete cu decor imprimat + 3 amfore = 19 forme reconstituite, + 3 buze (2f + 1pz) + 8 baze, 6 drepte (2m + 2pz + 2f - una cu marginea alveolat + 2pz inelare) + 4 perei (1m + 2z, unul cu incizii + 1fc decor lustruit) + 2fc toarte. S-au detaat 18 vase, din past fin nou castroane, opt cenuii, unul negru, o can neagr, trei borcane, iar din past puin zgrunuroas, un castron, altul modelat cu mna. Pentru depozitare i transport erau
trei amfore.

A4 cpl. 61,sec.IV

A4 cpl. 61, 4 century TOTAL VASE 31 31 vessels = 2m + 26rt [2z + 4pz + 20f (17fc + 1r + 2n)] roata olarului 29 + 3 amphorae, 15 forms Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 2m [1 tureen (fig. 95/8) + 1 putin zgrunturoasa4pz wall, cu 2 bases (=10; 12 cm)] + 2z walls with with incisions + 4pz [1 tureen with S-profile (=14 cm) + 1 rim (=13), 4 bases, 2 straight FORME RECONST.19 (=2x8 cm) + 2 annular (=12)] + 20f 1fr 1 basis (=6,5 cm) castroane1m+1pz+8fc+1fn + 17fc[8 tureens, from which one with S-profile (fig. 95/11; =11 cm), amfore 3 other shoulder increased (fig. 95/3; =14,5 cm) ans 2 cu gura evazat (fig. 95/12; =21; 18 cm) + 3 jars (fig. 95/1-2, 15; =12; 22; 24 cm) + 2 baze2m+2pz+2fc rims (95/6) + 2 walls, one with print decor (fig. 95/4) and another decorated with burnished zigzag (fig. 95/5), 2 bases (fig. 95/11), 2 pereti1m+2z+1f+toarte2f handles (fig. 95/14)] + 2n [1 tureen (fig. 95/7; =22 cm) + 1 mug] + 3 0 10 20 30 40 amphorae = 31 vessels. Forms: 11 tureens (1m + 1pz + 1n + 8fc) + 1n mug + 3fc jars + 1 wall with print decor + 3 amphorae = 15 reconstituted forms, + 3 rims (2fc + 1pz) + 8 bases, 6 straight (2m + 2pz + 2fc) + 4 walls (1m + 2z + 1fc), 2fc handles. 18 Shapes were identified, of fine paste 9 bowls, 8 grayish and 1 black, 1 black mug, three pots; of less coarse paste: one bowl and hand-made: another bowl. For transport and storage three amphorae. 28. A5 cpl. 88, sec. IV 7 vase = 1z 14%+ 1pz 14% + 5f 72%, 2 forms Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 1z vas de provizii (fig. 123/4; =22 cm) + 1pz buz (fig. 123/2; =23 cm) + 5f [1 can (fig. 123/3) + 2 buze evazate (fig. 123/1, 5; =14; 12 cm) + 1 ciob ornat cu incizii (fig. 123/7) + 1 baz (fig. 123/6; =12 cm)] = 7 vase. Forme: 1f can + 1z vas de provizii = 2 forme reconstituite, + 3 buze (1pz + 2f) + 1f perete cu incizii + 1f baz. Din grupul vaselor pentru but, n complex s-a descoperit o can din past fin i din past zgrunuroas un vas de provizii. A5 cpl. 88, 4th century 7 vessels = 1z 14% + 1pz 14% + 5f 72%, 2 forms Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 1z food storage vessel (fig. 123/4; =22 cm) + 1pz rim (fig. 123/2; =23 cm) + 5f[1 mug (fig. 123/3) + 2 rims evazate (fig. 123/1, 5; =14; 12 cm) + 1 wall decorated with incisions (fig. 123/7) + 1 basis (fig. 123/6; =12 cm)] = 7 vessels. Forms: 1f mug + 1z food storage vessel = 2 reconstituted forms, + 3 rims (1pz + 2f) + 1f with incisions wall + 1f basis. Of group for drinking vessels, in the complex was found a cup of fine paste and of coarse paste one food storage vessel.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Secolele IV-V / 4rd5th centuries Forme, funcii, proporii / Forms, functions, proportions
442 vase = 417+25 vase = 288 (28m + 23z + 51pz + 169f + 17amfore) + 123+6 atelier (3m +12z + 18pz + 90f + 6 amfore) + 25 pass; 194 forme + 54 atelier de olrie = 249 forme a. Total ceramic din 17 complexe i atelier de olrie:
Lsp1 cpl. 14 35 + Lsp2 cpl. 26 23 + Lsp3 cpl. 35 12 + Lsp4 cpl. 36 59 + Lsp5 cpl. 51 37 + L ad1 cpl. 4 13 + Lad2 cpl. 27 11 + Lad3 cpl. 122 1 + G1 cpl. 24a 29 + G2 cpl. 26a 3 + G4 cpl. 79 20 + G5 cpl. 114 17 + A1 cpl. 42 22 + A2 cpl. 64 6 = 288 vase Total vase 442: 35+23+12+59+37+13+11+1+29+3+20+17+22+6 = 288 +123 + 6 + 25 Locuine de suprafa, Lsp1 cpl. 14, 35 vase = 2m+31rt (4z + 20f+3gc+3 fr+1n+2fr)+2 amfore,25 forme. Lsp2 cpl. 26, 23 vase = 2m + 21rt [6z(2n + 4c) + 4pzn + 11f(1g + 10c)], 20 forme. Lsp3 cpl. 35, 12 vase = lm + 9rt (1z + 2pz + 3fc + 3n) + 2 amfore, 8 forme. Lsp4 cpl. 36, 59 vase = 5m + 54rt [20 pz(4r + 1 + 15c) + 33fc + 1 fr], 40 forme. Lsp5 cpl. 51, 37 vase = 5m + 32rt 6z(2r + 1g-c + 3c) + 6pz (1r + 5c) + 17fc + 2 amfore, 28 forme. Lsp6 cpl. 96, distrus din vechime. Locuine uor adncite, Lad1 cpl. 4, 13 vase = 3m + 10rt 1z + 6fc + 3 amfore, 11 forme. Lad2 cpl. 27, 11 vase = 8fc + 2r + 1 amfor, 7 forme. Lad3 cpl. 122, 1 vas = 1fc. Gropi, G1 cpl. 24a, 29 vase = 2m + 26rt (3pz + 2z + 16fc + 1r + 4ang-g) + 1 amfora, 18 forme. G2 cpl. 26a, 3 vase = 1m + 2pz, 2 forme. G3, cpl. 69a. G4 cpl. 79, 20 vase = 1m + 18r [2z(1cr + 1c) + 2pz + 14c] + 1 amfor, 10 forme, + 2 vase de sticl i 1 fragment deformat, 12 forme. G5 cpl. 114, 17 vase = 5m + 11rt[4pz + 4fc + 3fn] + 1 amfor, 11 forme. Aglomerri de materiale, A1 cpl. 42, 22 vase = 1m+19rt [3zc-n+7pz+9f (2g+7c)] + 2 amfore, 7 forme. A2 cpl. 64, 6 vase = 1pz + 3fc + 2 amfore, 6 forme. Atelier de olrie, cpl. 65, 123+6 vase = 3m int. + 17z [8A(1n+1r+6)+5G1(3+ 2n)+4G2] + 14pz[(3cnA+7B(3r+4c) + 4G2] + 89f [10f 5(3g+ 2r)A+5rB] + 9fcn (6A+2B+1G1) + 6fnA + 64f (15A+22B+6G1 + 13G2+ 1G3+7int.) + 6 amfore, 55 forme. Total forme 249: 25+20+8+40+28+11+7+1+18+2+10+11+7+6 = 194 forme + 55 atelier olrie

b. Tehnic total categorii ceramice, 442 vase:

288 (28m+23z+51pz+169f+17 amfore) + 123 atelier (3m+12z+18pz+90f+6 amfore) + 25 pass: modelat cu mna: 2 Lsp1 cpl. 14 + 2 Lsp2 cpl. 26 + 1 Lsp3 cpl. 35 + 5 Lsp4 cpl. 36 + 5 Lsp5 cpl. 51 + 3 Lad1 cpl. 4 + 2 G1 cpl. 24a + 1 G2 cpl. 26a + 1 G4 cpl. 79 + 5 G5 cpl. 114 + 1 A1 cpl. 42 = 2 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 5 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 5 + 1 = 28m + 3 atelier olrie = 31 vase; zgrunuroas: 4 Lsp1 cpl. 14 + 6 (2n+4) Lsp2 cpl. 26 + 1 Lsp3 cpl. 35 + 6 (2r+1g-c+3) Lsp5 cpl.51 + 1 Lad1 cpl. 4 + 2 (1cr+1c) G1 cpl. 24a + 3zc-n A1 cpl. 42 = 23z vase + 12 atelier olrie; puin zgrunuroas: 4n Lsp2 cpl. 26 + 2 Lsp3 cpl. 35 + 20 (4r+1+15) Lsp4 cpl. 36 + 6 (1r+5) Lsp5 cpl. 51 + 3 G1 cpl. 24a + 2 G2 cpl. 26a + 2G4 cpl. 79 + 4 G5 cpl. 114 + 7 A1 cpl. 42 + 1A2 cpl. 64 = 51pz + 18 atelier olrie = 65 vase; past fin total: 20+3gc+3r+1n+2r Lsp1 cpl. 14 + 11 (1g+1+9) Lsp2 cpl. 26 + 3+3n Lsp3 cpl. 35 + 33+1r Lsp4 cpl. 36 + 17 Lsp5 cpl. 51 + 7 Lad1 cpl. 4 + 8+2r Lad2 cpl. 27 + 1 Lad3 cpl. 122 + 16+1r+4ang-g G1 cpl. 24a + 14 G4 cpl. 79 + 4+3 fn G5 cpl. 114 + 9 (2g+7c) A1 cpl. 42 + 3 A2 cpl. 64 = 169 vessels + 90 (32+29+8+13+1+7) potters workshop; amfore: 2 Lsp1 cpl. 14 + 2 Lsp3 cpl. 35 + 2 Lsp5 cpl. 51 + 3 Lad1 cpl. 4 + 1 Lad2 cpl. 27 + 1 G1 cpl. 24a + 1 G4 cpl. 79 + 1 G5 cpl. 114 + 2 A1 cpl. 42 + 2 A2 cpl. 64 =17 + 6 atelier olrie = 23 amfore; pahare de sticl: 2 i 1 fragment deformat, G4 cpl. 79 = 2 pahare de sticl.

c. Total 442 vase diferite pstrate fragmentar, din care s-au detaat 249 vase, pentru care s-a stabilit funcionalitatea:
1+3+2+9+1+4+89+1+87+2+2+1+7+17+1+23 = 1 vas miniatural, cpl. 36 + 3 pahare, 1pz cpl. 36, 1fc cpl. 51, 1fc cpl. 64; 2 cui, 1 cpl. 36, 1 cpl. 51; 9 cni, 2 cpl. 14 (1f+1fg), 1f cpl. 24a, 1g-c cpl. 26, 1f cpl. 27, 1c-n cpl. 42, 3f cpl. 65; 1r bol cpl. 14; 4f castronae cpl.

Ceramica reprezentare grafic, sec.III-VI / Ceramic graphical representation, 3rd-6th centuries


65; 89 castroane (12+4+3+3+3+23+1+9+27+1+3), 12 cpl. 14 (10f+1fg+1fn), 4 cpl. 24a (3f+1ang-g), 3f cpl. 26, 3f cpl. 27, 3fn cpl. 35, 23 cpl. 36 (3m+5pz+14fc+1fr), 1g cpl. 42, 9f cpl. 51, 1f cpl. 64; 27 castroane (2fcn+1fr+24fc, 1 import) cpl. 65, 1fc cpl. 79, 3 cpl. 114 (2pz+1fn); 1f fructier cpl. 36; 86 borcane (7+6+12+2+14+1+9+1+13+1+2+10+ 1+6+1); 7 (3m+1z+3f) cpl. 4, 6 cpl. 14 (1m+5f), 12 cpl. 24a (2m+2pz+1z+7f), 2 cpl. 35 (1m+1pz), 14 cpl. 26 (1m+2zn+1z+ 3pzn+7f), 1m cpl. 26a, 9 cpl. 36 (1m+8fc), 1zc-n cpl. 42, 13 cpl. 51 (4m+2z+4pz+3f), 1pz cpl. 64, 2pz cpl. 65, 10f cpl. 65 (2fcn+8f), 1m cpl. 79, 6 cpl. 114 (4m+1pzc+1fn), 1fc cpl. 122; 2 vase bitronconice, 1pz cpl. 14, 1fc cpl. 51; 2f cu gt nalt cpl. 42; 1fc vas cu toarte cpl. 64; 7f vase cu profil n S: 6fc cpl. 79, 1fc cpl. 114; 17 vase de provizii, 1pz cpl. 14, 2z cpl. 26, 1pz cpl. 26a, 2fc cpl. 27, 1z cpl. 35, 4pz cpl. 36, 1zr cpl. 51, 3 cpl. 65 (2z+1pz), 1zc-r cpl. 79; 1fc importuri: motive imprimate, cpl. 4; 23 amfore: 2 Lsp1 cpl. 14, 2 Lsp3 cpl. 35, 2 Lsp5 cpl. 51, 3 Lad1 cpl. 4, 1 Lad2 cpl. 27, 1 G1 cpl. 24a, 1 G4 cpl. 79, 1 G5 cpl. 114, 2 A1 cpl. 42, 2 A2 cpl. 64, 6 cpl. 65; 2 vase de sticl cpl. 79 1f vas miniatural + 3 pahare (1pz+2fc) + 2m cui + 9 cni (6fc+2fg+1c-n) + 1r bol + 4f castronae + 89 castroane (3m+7pz+67f+2fg+1ang-g+2fr+2fcn+7fn) + 87 borcane (17m+4z+3zn+10pz+3pzn+47fc+3r+1fn) + 2 vase bitronconice (1pz+1fc) + 2fc cu gt nalt + 1fc vas cu toarte + 7fc vase cu profil n S + 16 vase de provizii (5zc+2zr+ 7pz+2f) + importuri, 1fc cu motive imprimate + 23 amfore + 2 vase de sticl.

Total, sec. IV-V: 442 vase = 288 (28m + 23z + 51pz + 169 + 17) + 123 atelier ( 3m +12z + 18pz + 90f + 6 amfore) + 25 pass, 249 forme

4rd5th Centuries - forms, functions, proportions

442 vessels = 288 (28m + 23z + 51pz + 169 + 17) + 123 potters workshop (3m + 12z + 18pz + 90f) + 6 amphorae + 25 pass, 249 forms a. Total: the pottery from the complexes and from the potters workshop: Lsp1 cpl. 14 35 + Lsp2 cpl. 26 23 + Lsp3 cpl. 35 12 + Lsp4 cpl. 36 59 + Lsp5 cpl. 51 37 + Lad1 cpl. 4 14 + Lad2 cpl. 27 11 + Lad3 cpl. 122 1 + G1 cpl. 24a 29 + G2 cpl. 26a 3 + G3, cpl. 69a 0 + G4 cpl. 79 20+2 + G5 cpl. 114 17 + A1 cpl. 42 22 + A2 cpl. 64 6 = 288 vessels, 15 complexes Total vessels 442: 35+23+12+59+37+13+11+1+29+3+20+17+22+6 = 288 +123 + 6 + 25 Surface dwelling, Lsp1 cpl. 14, 35 vessels = 2m+31rt(4z+20f+3gc+3 fr+1n+2fr) +2 amphorae, 25 forms. Lsp2 cpl. 26, 23 vessels = 2m + 21rt [6z(2n + 4c) + 4pzn + 11f (1g + 1c + 9c)], 20 forms. Lsp3 cpl. 35, 12 vessels = lm + 9rt (1z + 2pz + 3fc + 3n) + 2 amphorae, 8 forms. Lsp4 cpl. 36, 59 vessels = 5m + 54rt [20 pz(4r + 1 + 15c) + 33fc + 1 fr], 40 forms. Lsp5 cpl. 51, 37 vessels = 5m + 32rt, 6z (2r+1g-c+3c) + 6pz (1r+5c) + 17fc + 2 amphorae, 28 forms. Lsp6 cpl. 96, destroyed the ancient. The slightly buried dwelling, Lad1 cpl. 4, 14 vessels = 3m + 11rt 1z + 7fc + 3 amphorae, 11 forms. Lad2 cpl. 27, 11 vessels = 8fc + 2r + 1 amphora, 7 forms. Lad3 cpl. 122, 1fc vessels. Gropi, G1 cpl. 24a, 29 vessels = 2m + 26rt (3pz + 2z + 16fc + 1r + 4ang-g) + 1 amphora, 18 forms. G2 cpl. 26a, 3 vessels = 1m + 2pz, 2 forms. G3 cpl. 69a. G4 cpl. 79, 20+2 vessels = 1m + 18r[2z (1cr+1c) + 2pz + 14c] + 1 amphora, + 2 glass beakers and 1 deformed fragment, 10+2 forms. G5 cpl. 114, 17 vessels = 5m + 11rt [4pz + 4fc + 3 fn] + 1 amphora, 11 forms. The agglomeration of materials, A1 cpl. 42, 22 vessels = 1m + 19rt [3zc-n+7pz+9f (2g+7c)] + 2 amphorae, 7 forms. A2 cpl. 64, 6 vessels = 1pz + 3fc + 2 amphorae, 6 forms. Potters workshop, cpl. 65, 123 vessels + 6 amphorae, 55 forms. Total forms 249: 25+20+8+40+28+11+7+1+18+2+10+11+7+6 = 194 + 55 potters workshop b. Technique - total ceramic category, 442 vessels = 288 (28m + 23z + 51pz + 169f + 17amphorae) + 123 potters workshop (3m + 12z + 18pz + 90f) + 6 amphorae + 25 pass.

hand-made vessels: 2 Lsp1 cpl. 14 + 2 Lsp2 cpl. 26 + 1 Lsp3 cpl. 35 + 5 Lsp4 cpl. 36 + 5 Lsp5 cpl. 51 + 3 Lad1 cpl. 4 + 2 G1 cpl. 24a + 1 G2 cpl. 26a + 1 G4 cpl. 79 + 5 G5 cpl. 114 + 1 A1 cpl. 42 = 28m + 3 potters workshop coarse paste: 4 Lsp1 cpl. 14 + 6 (2n+4) Lsp2 cpl. 26 + 1 + 6 (2r+1g-c+3) + 1 + 2 (1cr+1c) + 3zc-n =


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

23z vessels + 12 potters workshop; slightly coarse paste: 4n Lsp2 cpl. 26 + 2 Lsp3 cpl. 35 + 20 (4r+1+15)Lsp4 cpl. 36 + 6 (1r+5) Lsp5 cpl. 51 + 3 G1 cpl. 24a + 2 G2 cpl. 26a +2G4 cpl. 79 + 4 G5 cpl. 114 + 7 A1 cpl. 42 + 1A2 cpl. 64 = 51pz + 18 potters workshop = 65 vessels; fine pottery total: 20+3gc+3r+1n+2r Lsp1 cpl. 14 + 11 (1g+1+9)Lsp2 cpl. 26 + 3+3n Lsp3 cpl. 35 + 33+1r Lsp4 cpl. 36 + 17 Lsp5 cpl. 51 + 7 Lad1 cpl. 4 + 8+2r Lad2 cpl. 27 + 1 Lad3 cpl. 122 + 16+1r+4ang-g G1 cpl. 24a + 14 G4 cpl. 79 + 4+3 fn G5 cpl. 114 + 9 (2g+7c) A1 cpl. 42 + 3 A2 cpl. 64 = 169 vessels + 90 (32+29+8+13+1+7) potters workshop = 257 vessels; amphorae: 2 Lsp1 cpl. 14 + 2 Lsp3 cpl. 35 + 2 Lsp5 cpl. 51 + 3 Lad1 cpl. 4 + 1 Lad2 cpl. 27 + 1 G1 cpl. 24a + 1 G4 cpl. 79 + 1 G5 cpl. 114 + 2 A1 cpl. 42 + 2 A2 cpl. 64 = 17 + 6 potters workshop = 23 amphorae; glass beakers: 2 and 1 deformed fragment, G4 cpl. 79 = 2 glass beakers.

c. Total forms established in the 442 different vessels preserved fragmented, were separate 249, which was established functionality:
1 miniature vessel + 3 beakers, 1pz cpl. 36, 1fc cpl. 51, 1fc cpl. 64; 2 primitive lamp, 1 cpl. 36, 1 cpl. 51; 9 mugs, 2 cpl. 14 (1f + 1fg), 1f cpl. 24a, 1g-c cpl. 26, 1f cpl. 27, 1c-n cpl. 42, 3f cpl. 65), 1r; 1 bowl cpl. 14; 4f small tureens cpl. 65, 88 tureens (12+4+3+3+3+17+5+1+9+1+1+24+1+3), 12 cpl. 14 (10f+1fg+1fn), 4 cpl. 24a (3f+1ang-g), 3f cpl. 26, 3f cpl. 27, 3n cpl. 35, 17 cpl. 36 (3m+5pz+9f), 1g cpl. 42, 9f cpl. 51, 1f cpl. 64, vessel with handles, 26f cpl. 65 (2n+22c), 1fc cpl. 79, 3 cpl. 114 (2pzc+1fn); 1f fruit tray cpl. 36 + 84 jars (7+6+10+1+2+8+1+13+1+ 2+9+1+14+1+1+6): 7 cpl. 4 (3m+1z+3fc), 6 cpl. 14 (1m+5fc), 10 cpl. 24a (2m+ 2pz+1z+7f), 1m cpl. 24a, 2 cpl. 35 (1m+1pz), 14 cpl. 26 (1m+2zn+1zc+3pzn+7fc), 1m cpl. 26a, 9 cpl. 36 (8fc+1m with alveoli belt), 1 cpl. 42zc-n, 13 cpl. 51 (4m+2z+4pz+3f), 1pz cpl. 64, 2pz cpl. 65, 10f cpl. 65 (3r+7), 1m cpl. 79, 6 cpl. 114 (4m+1pzc+1fn), 2 biconical vessels, 1pz cpl. 14, 1fc cpl. 51; 2 high necked: 2fc cpl. 42; 7 with S-profile vessels: 6fc cpl. 79, 1 cpl. 114; 16 food storage vessels, 1pz cpl. 14, 2zc cpl. 26, 1 cpl. 26a, 2 cpl. 27, 1zcpl. 35, 4pz cpl. 36, 1zr cpl. 51, 3 cpl. 65 (2z+1pz), 1zcr cpl. 79; 3 imports, printed decor, 1c cpl. 4; 17+4 amfore: 2 Lsp1 cpl. 14, 2 Lsp3 cpl. 35, 2 Lsp5 cpl. 51, 3 Lad1 cpl. 4, 1 Lad2 cpl. 27, 1 G1 cpl. 24a, 1 G4 cpl. 79, 1 G5 cpl. 114, 2 A1 cpl. 42, 2 A2 cpl. 64, 4 cpl. 65; 2 glass beakers, cpl. 79, 1 deformed fragment cpl. 79 1f miniature vessel + 3 beaker + 2 primitive lamp + 9 mugs + 1r bowl + 4f small tureen + 87 tureen + 1f fruit tray (?) + 84 jars + 2 biconical vessels + 2 with high necked + 7 with S profile + 16 food storage vessels + imports, 1 printed decor + 23 amphorae + 2 glass beakers + 1 deformed fragment.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total, 4rd5th centuries: 442 vessels = 288 (28m + 23z + 51pz + 169 + 17) + 123 the potters workshop (3m +12z + 18pz + 90f) + 6 amphorae + 25 pass, 249 forms

Complexe 1-17 / Complexes 1-17 Lsp1 cpl. 14, sec. IV-V 35 vase = 2m + 33rt (4z+19f+3gc+2fr+1n+2fr) + 2 amfore, 25 forme Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 2m [1 borcan (fig. 36/1; =10 cm) + 1 baz (fig. 36/2; =13,5 cm)] + 31rt 4z [1 vas de provizii (fig. 38/8; =34 cm) + 1 bitronconic (fig. 38/9; =30 cm) + 2 margini (=12; 20 cm) + 3 baze (=2x9; 10 cm)] + 20fc [1 can + 10 castroane (fig. 37/10; 38/1-4; =20,5; 10x2; 2x14,5; 15-16; 18-19; 22 cm) + 5 borcane (fig. 38/6; =14; 16 cm) + 6 margini (fig. 37/6-7; 38/5, 7; =10-11; 11,5; 16 cm) + 2 toarte + 8 baze inelare (=2x8; 8,5; 2x10; 2x16; 18 cm) + 3 drepte (=8; 16; 18 cm)] + 3gc [1 can + 1 castron, =12 cm + 1 gt, =16 cm + 1 baz, =10 cm] + 1n castron (fig. 37/9) + 2fr [1r bol ars rou (fig. 37/8; max.=8 cm) + 1 vas (=10 cm) + 1 baz inelar (=8 cm), 1 perete] + 4 toarte diferite (fig. 37/2-4) + 2 amfore (fig. 37/1, 5) = 35 vase. Forme: 2 cni (1fc + 1fg) + 1ang-r bol + 12 castroane (10fc + 1fg + 1fn) + 6 borcane (1m + 5fc) + 1pz vas de provizii + 1pz bitronconic + 2 amfore = 25 forme reconstituite, + 8 buze (2z + 6fc) + 18 baze (1m + 3z + 12fc, 8 inelare, 3 drepte + 1g + 1r inelar) + 6fc toarte. Din cele 35 de vase, 23 s-au reconstituit ca form i au aparinut att veselei de but, dou cni fine, una cenuie, alta glbuie dar, ct i veselei de buctrie. Un bol angobat rou i castroanele pentru servit la fel s-au lucrat mai ales din past fin cenuie zece i doar cte unul din past glbuie sau neagr. Din cele ase borcane una era lucrat cu mna i cinci din past fin i un vas de provizii din past zgrunuroas. Cele 10 margini provin tot de la borcane sau castroane, pentru depozitare i transport dou amfore. Din cele ase

Ceramica reprezentare grafic, sec.III-VI / Ceramic graphical representation, 3rd-6th centuries


locuine de suprafa, nr. 1 cpl. 14, a fost mai mare 14,57 m2, cu 35 vase, avea probabil opt locuitori. Lsp1 cpl. 14, 4rd5th centuries 35 vessels = 2m + 33rt (4z + 19f + 3gc + 2fr + 1n + 2fr) + 2 amphorae, 25 forms Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 2m [1 jar (fig. 36/1; =10 cm) + 1 basis (fig. 36/2; =13,5 cm)] + 31rt, 4z [1 food storage vessel (fig. 38/8; =34 cm) + 1 biconical vessels (fig. 38/9; =30 cm) + 2 edges (=12; 20 cm), 3 bases (=2x9; 10 cm)] + 20fc [1 mug + 10 tureens (fig. 37/10; 38/1-4; =20,5; 10x2; 2x14,5; 15-16; 18; 19; 22 cm) + 5 jars (fig. 38/6; =14; 16 cm) + 6 edges (fig. 37/6-7; 38/5, 7; =11; 11,5; 10; 16 cm), 2 handles, 8 annular bases (=2x8; 8,5; 2x10; 2x16; 18 cm) + 3 straight (=8; 16; 18 cm)] + 3gc [1 mug +cp 1 tureen (=12 cm) + 1 edge (=16 cm), 1 basis (=10 cm)] + 1n tureen (fig. 37/9) + 2fr [1 bowl covered with reddish paste (fig. 37/8; max.=8 cm) + 1 pot (pstr =10 cm), 1 annular basis (=8 cm), 1 wall] + 4 handles (fig. 37/2-4) + 2 amphorae (fig. 37/1, 5) = 35 vessels.. Forms: 2 mugs (1fc + 1fg) + 1 bowl covered with reddish slip + 12 tureens (10fc + 1fg + 1fn), 6 jars (1m + 5fc) + 1pz food storage vessel + 1pz biconical vessels + 2 amphorae = 25 reconstituted forms, + 8 edges (2z + 6fc) + 18 bases (1m + 3z + 12fc, 8 annular, 3 straight + 1g + 1r annular) + 6fc handles. Out of the 35 vessels, 23 allowed the identification of their shape and there belonged to both the drinking ware, two mugs made of fine paste, a grayish one, another one, yellowish, and also to the kitchen ware. A bowl with red slip and the bowls for serving food in them were made especially of fine grayish paste ten such cases and only one was made of yellowish or black paste. Out of the six pots, one was hand-made and five were of fine paste and the food storage vessel was made of coarse paste. The 10 rims are from other pots or tureens. Probably, after surface14,57 m2, and 35 vessels, were
eight persons.
TOTALVASE 23 02. Lsp2 cpl. 26, sec. IV-V 23 vase = 2m + 21rt 6z (2n + 4) + 4pzn + 11f (2g + 9c), roataolarului 21 20 forme putinzgr.4pzn Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 2m [(1 borcan + 1 baz (fig. 53/7; =10 cm)] + 21rt 6z [(2n borcane (=14; 20 cm) cu 1 FORMERECONST.20 toart + 4c[1 borcan (fig. 54/4; =17 cm) + 2 vase de provizii (=32 cm) cu 1 corp cu o linie (fig. 54/6) + 1 cu 2 corpuri de la un vas castroane3fc canelat cu 1 baz dreapt (=8 cm)] + 4pzn [3 borcane (fig. 54/3; vasedeprovizii2zc =9; 20 cm) + 3 fragmente + 1 toart + 1 baz] + 11f 2g-c[(1 perete glbui + 1 can (fig. 54/1; =10 cm)] + 9c [2 castroane, cu baze,1m+1z+1pzn+4f profil n S, emisferic (fig. 53/1, 5; =11; 26 cm) + 1 castron cu marginea dreapt (fig. 54/7) + 3 borcane (fig. 54/2; 53/2, 4; =11; 0 5 10 15 20 25 2x20 cm) + 4 borcane (fig. 53/6; 54/5; =8; 15-16; 12 cm), 1 perete decorat, 2 canelate, 4 baze inelare (=10; 15-16; 22 cm)] = 23 vase. Forme: 1g-c can, 3fc castroane, 14 borcane (1m + 2zn + 1zc + 3pzn + 7fc) + 2zc vase de provizii = 20 forme reconstituite prin desen, 9 perei (4 canelai, 2z+2fc, + 3pzn + 1fc + 1g-c) + 7 baze (2 drepte, 1m+1z + 1pzn + 4fc inelare) + 2 toarte (1pzn + 1z). Dup stabilirea numrului total de recipiente aflate n locuin - 23 de vase - am detaat pe cele a cror funcionalitate se poate stabilii prin cunoaterea formei, 20 de vase. Erau formele frecvent ntlnite, pentru but o can, din vesela de mas trei castroane din past fin iar pentru preparat hrana apte borcane din toate categoriile de past, modelat cu mna, unul din past zgrunuroas cenuie, dou neagr, tot trei din past puin zgrunuroas, dar i apte borcane din past fin cenuie plus dou vase de provizii. Celor 20 de forme stabilite mai clar s-au adugat pereii de la vasele canelate i de la cel negru ornat, 23 vase. Deci, locuitorii casei ce a existat ntre la sfritul secolului al IV-lea i nceputul secolului al V-lea, foloseau, o can, trei castroane i 14 borcane de tipuri diferite i pentru provizii dou vase. Locuina avea suprafaa mic, 11,10 m2, 23 vase, se poate presupune c familia avea cinci persoane.

Lsp2 cpl.26,sec.IV-V

Lsp2 cpl. 26, 4rd5th centuries 23 vessels = 2m + 21rt 6z, (2n + 4c) + 4pzn + 11f (2g + 9c), 20 forms Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 2m [(1 jar + 1 basis (fig. 53/7; =10 cm)] + 21rt [6z (2n jars (=14; 20 cm) 1 handle + 4c [1 jar (fig. 54/4; =17 cm) + 2 food storage vessels (=32 cm), 1 body with a line (fig. 54/6) + 1 2 wall with grooves, 1 straight basis (=8 cm)] + 4pzn [3 jars (fig. 54/3; =9; 20 cm) +


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

3 fragmente, 1 handle, 1 basis] + 11f 2g-c [(1 wall glbui + 1 mug (fig. 54/1; =10 cm)] + 9c [2 tureens, with S-profile, emisferic (fig. 53/1, 5; =11; 26 cm) + 1 tureen with edge straight (fig. 54/7) + 3 jars (fig. 54/2; 53/2, 4; =11; 2x20 cm) + 4 jars (fig. 53/6; 54/5; =8; 15-16; 12 cm), 1 decorated wall, 2 with grooves, 4 annular bases (=10; 15-16; 22 cm)] = 23 vessels. Forms: 1g-c mug, 3fc tureens, 14 jars (1m + 2zn + 1zc + 3pzn + 7fc) + 2zc food storage vessels, 3 bases (1m + 1zc + 1pzn) = 20 reconstituted forms, + 8 walls (4 with grooved, 2z+2fc + 3pzn + 1fc + 1gc) + 7 bases (2 straight, 1m+1z + 1pzn + 4fc annular) + 2 handles (1pzn + 1z). After the total number of recipients in the dwelling was determined - 23 vessels we detached those whose functionality can be established by knowing the shape, which is the case for 20 vessels. These were frequently encountered shapes, for drinking such as a mug, and also among the tableware three fine paste bowls and for food cooking seven pots made of all categories of paste, hand-made, one of grayish coarse paste, two of black paste, also three of less coarse paste, and also seven pots of grayish fine paste plus two food storage vessels. Apart from the 20 shapes established more clearly there should be added the walls of notched vessels and from the black one with ornamentation, 23 vessels. Therefore, the inhabitants of the house which existed there at the end of the 4th century and beginning of the 5th used a mug, three bowls and 14 pots of different types and also kept their reserves in 2 food storage vessels. Probably, after surface, 11,10 m2, and 23 vessels, were five persons. 03. Lsp3 cpl. 35, sec. IV-V 12 vase = lm + 9rt (1z+2pz+3fc+3n) + 2 amfore, 8 forme Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 1m (1 borcan (fig. 79/6) + 1z vas de provizii (fig. 79/7) + 2pz [1 borcan (fig. 79/4; =13 cm) + 1 corp (fig. 79/5), cu 1 baz (=8 cm)] + 3fc [3 buze (=2x18; 19 cm), cu 1 baz inelar (fig. 79/3; =8 cm)] + 3n castroane (fig. 79/1-2; =2x18 cm) + 2 amfore = 12 vase. Forme: 2 borcane (1m + 1pz) + 1z vas de provizii + 3n castroane + 2 amfore = 8 forme reconstituite, + 3fc buze + 2 baze (pz + 1fc inelar) + 1pz corp. Cele 12 vase provin de la diverse forme, din care s-au reconstituit ase, din vesela de mas trei castroane din past fin, din vesela pentru buctrie dou borcane, una modelat cu mna, alta din past puin zgrunuroas i un vas de provizii. Pentru depozitare i transport dou amfore. A fost o locuin mai mic, 9 m2, cu 12 vase, avea cinci persoane. Lsp3 cpl. 35, 4rd5th centuries 12 vessels = lm + 9rt (1z + 2pz + 3fc + 3n) + 2 amphorae, 8 forms Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 1m (1 jar (fig. 79/6) + 1z food storage vessel (fig. 79/7) + 2pz [1 jar (fig. 79/4; =13 cm) + 1 body (fig. 79/5), 1 basis (=8 cm)] + 3fc [3 rims (=2x18; 19 cm), 1 annular basis (fig. 79/3; =8 cm)] + 3n tureens (fig. 79/1-2; =2x18 cm) + 2 amphorae = 12 vessels. Forms: 2 jars (1m + 1pz) + 1z food storage vessel + 3n tureens + 2 amphorae = 8 reconstituted forms, + 3fc rims + 2 bases (pz + 1f annular) + 1pz body. The 12 vessels belong to various shapes, six of which were identified, the tableware being represented by three fine paste bowls and the kitchen ware by two pots, a hand-made one and another one of less coarse paste, plus a food storage vessel. To transport and storage vessels, an amphora. Probably, after surface, 9 m2, and 12 vessels, were five persons. 04. Lsp4 cpl. 36, sec. IV-V 59 vase = 5m + 54rt [20pz (4r+ 1n + 15c) + 33fc + 1fr], 40 forme Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 5m [3 castroane (fig 83/1) + 1 cuie (fig. 83/2) + 3 baze drepte (=2x8; 10 cm) + 1 vas cu bru alveolat] + 54rt, 25pzr [1 picior cilindric (fig. 81/3; =6 cm) + 1 buz, cu toart + 2 perete simplu i cu miez negru, ornate incizaii (=11 cm)] + 15pzc [5 castroane(fig. 81/1; =18; 20; 3x24 cm) + 4 vase de provizii (=15; 22; 34 cm), cu 4 baze drepte (fig. 81/11; =9; 3x10 cm), una cu cercuri (fig. 81/9), 3 evazate (=8; 9; 10 cm); 2 baze uor inelare] + 33fc [1 pahar (fig. 81/6; =8 cm) + 4 castroane (fig. 81/5; =24x2; 12x2 cm) + 5 castroane cu profil n S (=14; 24; 26; 2x30 cm) + 8 borcane (=2x12; 15; 3x16; 18; 24; 26; 30 cm) + 1 vas bitronconic miniatural (fig. 81/7) + 17 margini (=4x12; 1415; 4x16; 18; 14; 2x20; 22; 24; 26; 30 cm), cu 3 perei, unul cu un val (fig. 83/4; =20; 8; 10 cm) + 4 toarte, cu 25 baze inelare (fig. 81/12; 83/3; =12; 4; 6; 7; 6x8; 7x10; 2x11; 4x12; 13,5; 16 cm) + 1 baz desprins cu

Ceramica reprezentare grafic, sec.III-VI / Ceramic graphical representation, 3rd-6th centuries


sfoara (fig. 81/8; =6,5 cm) + 1 fructier (?) (fig. 81/4; =34 cm) + 3 fragmente atipice] + 1f-r castron (fig. 81/2; =22 cm) = 59 vase. Forme: 1fc vas miniatural + 1pz pahar + 23 castroane (3m+5pz+14fc+1f-r) + 1m cuie + 1fc fructier (?) + 8fc borcane? + 1m vas cu bru alveolat + 4pz vase de provizii = 40 forme reconstituite + 18 margini (1pz+17fc) + 39 baze (3m + 10pzc, 2 uor inelare + 25fc inelare + 1fc desprins cu sfoara) + 2pzr perete ornat + 5 toarte (1pz + 4fc). Din cele 59 de pri de vase se distinge forma a 40 de recipiente, din past fin cenuie, un vas miniatural, zece castroane, dintre care unul din past roie, o fructier, opt borcane i alte cteva pri de la vase arse oxidant. Din past puin zgrunuroas era un pahar, cinci castroane, dar i patru vase de provizii. Cteva forme s-au modelat cu mna, o cuie, trei castroane, un vas cu bru alveolat. Suprafaa de 10,20 m2 i numrul de vase, presupune locuirea aici a unei familii de ase persoane.
baze3m+10pz+25fc+1fr Lsp4 cpl. 36, 4rd5th centuries buze 1pz+17fc 59 vessels = 5m + 54rt [20 pz, (4r + 1n + 15c) + 33fc + 1fr], 40 forms vase prov.4pz Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 5m [3 tureens (fig 83/1) + 1fructiera1f+vasbarau1m primitive lamp (fig. 83/2) + 3 straight bases (=2x8; 10 cm) + 1 wall castr.3m+5pz+14f+1r with alveoli belt] + 54rt, 25pzr [1 cylindrical basis (fig. 81/3; =6 catuie+vas miniat.1f cm) + 1 body with incised lines + 1 rim, 1 handle + 1 wall decorated FORME RECONST. with incised lines (=11 cm)] + 15pzc [5 tureens(fig. 81/1; =18; fina 33fc+1fr 20; 3x24 cm) + 4 food storage vessels (=15; 22; 34 cm), 4 straight pasta zgr.4r+1n+15c bases (fig. 81/11; =9; 3x10 cm), with deep traces (fig. 81/9), 3 roata olarului 54 flared (=8; 9; 10 cm); 2 annular bases] + 33fc [1 beaker (fig. 81/6; modelate cu mana 5 =8 cm) + 4 tureens (fig. 81/5; =24x2; 12x2 cm) + 5 tureens with S-profile (=14; 24; 26; 2x30 cm) + 8 jars? (=2x12; 15; 3x16; 18; TOTAL VASE 59 24; 26; 30 cm) + 1 miniatur biconical vessel (fig. 81/7) + 17 edges 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 (=4x12; 14-15; 4x16; 18; 14; 2x20; 22; 24; 26; 30 cm) + 3 walls (fig. 83/4; =20; 8; 10 cm) + 4 handles, 25 annular bases (fig. 81/12; 83/3; =12; 4; 6; 7; 6x8; 7x10; 2x11; 4x12; 13,5; 16 cm) + 1 basis with deep traces circularly (fig. 81/8; =6,5 cm) + 1 fruit tray (?) (fig. 81/4; =34 cm) + 3 fragmente atipice] + 1f-r tureen (fig. 81/2; =22 cm) = 59 vessels. Forms: 1fc miniatur vessel + 1pz beaker + 23 tureens (3m+5pz+14fc+1fr) + 1m primitive lamp + 1fc fruit tray (?) + 8fc jars + 1m wall with alveoli belt + 4pz food storage vessels = 40 reconstituted forms + 18 edges (1pz + 17fc) + 39 bases (3m + 10pz, 2pz annular + 25fc annular + 1fc basis with deep traces circularly + 2pzr decorated wall + 5 handles (1pz + 4fc). Among the 59 parts of vessels, there could be identified the shape of 40 recipients, made of grayish fine paste, a miniature vessel, ten bowls, one of them being made of red paste, a fruit plateau and eight pots, and several other parts of vessels fired in oxidizing atmosphere. The less coarse paste vessels were represented by a pitcher, five bowls Lsp5 cpl.51,sec.IV-V and also four food storage vessels. Several shapes were hand made: a TOTAL VASE 37 lighting vessel, three bowls, a vessel with alveolus belt. Probably, pasta zgr.2r+1gc+3c after surface, 10,20 m2, and 59 vessels, were six persons.

05. Lsp5 cpl. 51, sec. IV-V 37 vase = 5m + 32rt, 6z (2r+1g-c+3c) + 6pz (1r+5c) + 17fc + 2 amfore, 28 forme Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 5m[1 cuie (fig. 91/9; =6 cm) + 2 borcane (fig. 91/5; =14; 16 cm), cu 1 perete (91/7), 1 baz (fig. 91/10; =12 cm)] + 32rt, 6z[3zr, 1 vas de provizii + 3 fragmente decorate] + 1 zg-c baz (=11 cm) + 3zc [2 borcane (fig. 92/1, 3, 5; =20, 14 cm) + 3 baze (=2x7,5; 10 cm)] + 6pz 1pzr [perete incizat (fig. 91/4; =18 cm), cu 1 baz (=10 cm)] + 5pzc [4 borcane (fig. 92/7-8; =14; 17; 12 cm) + 2 baze evazate

pasta fina 17fc catuie1m+pahar1fc oale4m+2zc+4pz+3fc amfore 2 baze1m+3z+2pz+inelare2f 0 10 20 30 40


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

(=10; 10,4 cm) + 1 corp ( corp=12 cm)] + 17fc [1 pahar (fig. 91/8; =6,5 cm) + 2 castroane cu profil n S, primul perforat (fig. 92/4; =10; 12 cm) + 2 castroane cu profil n S + 1 castron emisferic + 4 castroane cu pereii evazai + 3 borcane + 1 cu nuire pentru capac + 1 vas bitronconic (=6 cm) + 2 baze inelare (fig. 92/2; =6; 10 cm)] + 2 amfore = 37 vase. Forme: 1fc pahar + 1m cuie + 9fc castroane + 13 borcane (4m + 2zc + 4pzc + 3fc) + 1zr vas de provizii + 1fc vas bitronconic + 2 amfore = 28 forme reconstituite, + 1pzr gt cu incizii + 10 baze (8 drepte, 1m, 3zc, 1zg-c, 1pzr, 2pzc + 2fc inelare) + 5 perei (1m + 1pzc + 3zr). Din prile de vase recuperate pentru 28 s-au stabilit formele. La acestea se adun, 1 buz, 3 pri de la vase decorate din past zgrunuroas roie, 2 baze zgrunuroase, una glbui-cenuie, alta cenuie (dou provin de la cele 2 borcane) - 34, plus un perete de la un vas modelat cu mna i alii de la vase din past zgrunuroas roie = 36 vase. Pentru depozitare i transport dou amfore. Dup suprafaa de 15,75 m2, i cele 37 de recipiente, aici locuia o familie mai mare, posibil de opt persoane. Lsp5 cpl. 51, 4rd5th centuries 37 vessels = 5m + 32rt, 6z (2r + 1g-c + 3c) + 6pz (1r + 5c) + 17fc + 2 amphorae, 28 forms Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 5m [1 primitive lamp (fig. 91/9; =6 cm) + 2 jars (fig. 91/5; =14; 16 cm), cu 1 wall (91/7), 1 basis (fig. 91/10; =12 cm)] + 32, 6z 3zr [1 food storage vessel + 3 potsherd decorated] + 1 zg-c basis (=11 cm) + 3zc[2 jars (fig. 92/1, 3, 5; =20, 14 cm) + 3 bases (=2x7,5; 10 cm)] + 6pz 1pzr, [neck with incisions (fig. 91/4; =18 cm), 1 basis (=10 cm)] + 5pzc, [4 jars (fig. 92/7-8; =14; 17; 12 cm) + 2 bases (=10; 10,4 cm) + 1 wall (wall=12 cm)] + 17fc [1 beaker (fig. 91/8; =6,5 cm) + 2 tureens with S-profile, first with a perforation (fig. 92/4; =10; 12 cm) + 2 tureens with S-profile + 1 tureen emisferic + 4 tureens + 3 jars + 1 rims with grooves for the lid + 1 biconical vessels (=6 cm) + 2 annular bases (fig. 92/2; =6; 10 cm)] + 2 amphorae = 37 vessels. Forms: 1fc beaker + 1m primitive lamp + 9fc tureens + 13 jars (4m + 2zc + 4pzc + 3fc) + 1zr food storage vessel + 1fc biconical vessels + 2 amphorae = 28 reconstituted forms, + 1pzr neck incisions + 10 bases (8 straight, 1m, 3zc, 1zg-c, 1pzr + 2pzc) + 2fc annular) + 5 walls (1m + 1pzc + 3zr). Among the recuperated parts of vessels in the 28 such cases the shapes could be established. To these there should be added 1 rim, 3 parts of ornamented vessels made of red coarse paste, 2 coarse paste bases, one yellowish grayish, another one grayish (two were connected to the two pots) - 34, plus a wall of a hand-made vessel and others from vessels made of coarse red paste = 36 vessels. To transport and storage vessels, two amphorae, Probably, after surface, 15,75 m2, and 37 vessels, were eight persons. 06. Lsp6 cpl. 96, sec. IV-V Lsp6 cpl. 96, 4rd5th centuries
+buze2fc+3baze1m+2fc amfore 3

Lad1 cpl.4,sec.IV-V

import: decor imprim.1

oale3m+1z+3fc 07. Lad1 cpl. 4, sec. IV-V FORME RECONST.6 13 vase = 3m + 10rt 1z + 6fc + 3 amfore, 11 forme pasta fina 6fc Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 3m[3 borcane (fig. 29/5-6; pasta zgrunturoasa1 30/8) cu 1 baz (fig. 30/5)] + 10rt [1z borcan (fig. 29/4)] + 6fc [3 roata olarului 10 borcane (fig. 29/8; 30/9) + 2 buze (fig. 29/2) + 2 baze inelare (fig. 29/3; modelate la mana 3 30/4)] + 4 importuri [1c castron cu motive imprimate (fig. 29/1) + 3 TOTAL VASE 13 amfore (fig. 29/7; 30/1-2, 7] = 13 vase. Forme: 7 borcane (3m+1z+3f) + 4 import, 1 motive imprimate 0 5 10 15 + 3 amfore = 11 forme reconstituite +2f buze+3 baze, 1m, 2 inelare. Numrul de vase este mic n raport cu alte locuine, dar deosebit. Din cele apte borcane de aici, trei erau lucrate cu mna, una din past zgrunuroas i trei din past fin, la ele adugm probabil i dou castroane din care s-au pstrat pi de la buz, ca vesel pentru servit i pentru buctrie. Acestea se aflau mpreun cu patru vase de import, un castron cu motive imprimate, pentru depozitare i transport trei amfore. Probabil dup suprafaa mare, 20,5 m2 i specificul inventarului era o locuin public.

Lad1 cpl. 4, 4rd5th centuries 13 vessels = 3m + 10rt 1z + 6 fc + 3 amphorae, 11 forms

Ceramica reprezentare grafic, sec.III-VI / Ceramic graphical representation, 3rd-6th centuries


Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 3m [3 jars (fig. 29/5-6; 30/8), 1 basis (fig. 30/5)] + 10rt [1z jar (fig. 29/4)] + 6fc [3 jars (fig. 29/8; 30/9) + 2 rims (fig. 29/2) + 2 annular bases (fig. 29/3; 30/4) + 1c tureen with print decor (fig. 29/1)] + 3 amphorae (fig. 29/7; 30/1-2, 7) = 13 vessels. Forms: 3m jars + 1z jar + 3fc jars + 1c import, tureen with print decor + 3 amphorae = 11 reconstituted forms, + 2 rims + 3 bases, 1m, 2 annular. The number of vessels is low in comparison to those identified in other dwellings, but they are special. Out of the seven pots found here, three were hand-made, one was made of coarse paste and three of fine paste. To these we should add two bowls (probably) which were preserved only as fragments of the rim, these being probably used as tableware and kitchen ware. These were together with four imported items, one bowl with impressed motifs and to transport and storage vessels, three amphorae. Probably, after surface, 20,5 m2, and ceramics were one public dwelling. 8. Lad2 cpl. 27, sec. IV-V 11 vase = 8fc + 2ang + 1 amfor, 7 forme Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 8fc [1 can (fig. 57/6) + 3 castroane (fig. 57/1; =15 cm) + 2 cu profil n S (fig. 57/3,5; =15; 15,5 cm) + 2 buze (fig. 57/4, 8), cu 1 baz inelar (=10 cm) + 2 perei de vase de provizii (fig. 57/2, 7)] + 2ang [1 perete vas + 1 vas toarte (fig. 57/9)] + 1 amfor (fig. 57/10) = 11 vase.. Forme: 1fc can + 3fc castroane + 2 perei de vase de provizii + 1 amfor = 7 forme reconstituite, + 2fc buze, cu 1fc baz inelar + 2ang perei, toart + 1ang vas toarte. Dintre prile de vase pstrate la ase s-a stabilit forma, din past fin o can, trei castroane i pri de vase de provizii, acestora se adaug dou vase roii, pentru transport i depozitare, o amfor. Conform suprafeei, 8,64 m2 i numrului mic de vase, erau cinci persoane. Lad2 cpl. 27, 4rd5th centuries 11 vessels = 8fc + 2ang-r + 1 amphora, 7 forms Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 8fc [1 mug (fig. 57/6) + 3 tureens (fig. 57/1; =15 cm) + 2 with Sprofile (fig. 57/3,5; =15; 15,5 cm) + 2 rims (fig. 57/4, 8) + 1 annular basis (=10 cm) + 2 potsherd with one food storage vessels (fig. 57/2, 7)] + 2ang [1 wall + 1 pot with handle (fig. 57/9)] + 1 amphora (fig. 57/10) = 11 vessels. G1 cpl.24a,sec.IV-V Forms: 1fc mug + 3fc tureens + 2 wall of food storage vessel + 1 amphora = 7 reconstituted forms, + 2fc rims, 1fc annular basis + baze1m+1z+1pz+7g-c 2ang-r walls, handle + 1ang pot with handle. amfora 1 Among the parts preserved, in six such cases, of fine paste, there could be established the shape, three bowls and parts of food storage castroane3fc+1ang-g vessels, apart from these there exist also two red vessels and one amphora. FORME RECONSTIT.18 Probably, after surface, 8,64 m2 were five persons.
putin zgrunturoasa3

09. Lad3 cpl. 122, sec. IV-V 1 vas = 1fc Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: ceramica fin ars cenuiu, lustruit: 1 borcan (fig. 141/1).

roata olarului 27 TOTAL VASE 29 0 10 20 30

Lad3 cpl. 122 4rd 5th centuries 1 vessels = 1fc jar Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: grayish firig ceramic, polished, 1 jar (fig. 141/1). 10. G1 cpl. 24a, sec. IV-V 29 vase = 2m + 26rt (3pz + 2z + 16fc + 1ang-r + 4ang-g) + 1 amfor, 18 forme Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 2m [1 borcan (fig. 51/8; =12 cm) + 1 vas cu bru simplu (fig. 51/12), cu 1 baz] + 26rt 2z[1 borcan (fig. 51/9, 11; =7,5 cm) + 1 baz (fig. 51/13; =6 cm)] + 3pz [2 borcane (fig. 50/4, 11) + 1 baz (fig. 50/7)] + 16fc [1 cni (fig. 51/1; =4,5 cm) + 3 castroane (fig. 50/2; 51/2, 7, =17 cm) + 7 borcane (fig. 51/3; =8; 12; 14; 14,5; 16; 20 cm) + 6 margini (=2x12; 13; 14; 16; 20), cu 7c-g baze inelare (=2x7; 3x8; 10; 12) + 3 corpuri ornate (fig. 50/1, 5; 51/6)] + 5ang [4ang-g, 1 castron


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

(=16 cm) + 3 perei decorai (fig. 51/10) + 1ang-r, cu 1 toart (fig. 51/5)] + 1 amfor (fig. 51/4) = 29 vase. Forme: 1fc cni + 4 castroane (3fc + 1ang-g) + 12 borcane (2m + 2pz + 1z + 7fc) + 1 amfor = 18 forme reconstituite, 6fc buze + 10 baze (1m + 1pz + 1z + 7c-g inelare) + 7 perei ornai (3fc + 4ang, 3g, 1r) + 1ang-r toart. Pentru stabilirea numrului s-au adunat formele 18 din 29, o cni pentru but i patru castroane fine, din past cenuie, unul glbuie, plus ase buze de la alte vase. Pentru depozitare i transport o amfor. G1 cpl. 24a, 4rd5th centuries 29 vessels = 2m + 27rt (2z+3pz+16fc + 1 covered with reddish slip + 4 yellowish slip) + 1 amphora, 18 forms Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 2m [1 jar (fig. 51/8; =12 cm) + 1 pot with simple belt (fig. 51/12), 1 basis] + 26rt 3pz [2 jars (fig. 50/4, 11) + 1 basis (fig. 50/7)] + 2z [1 jar (fig. 51/9, 11; =7,5 cm) + 1 basis (fig. 51/13; =6 cm)] + 16fc [1 small mug (fig. 51/1; =4,5 cm) + 3 tureens (fig. 50/2; 51/2, 7, =17 cm) + 7 jars (fig. 51/3; =8; 12; 14; 14,5; 16; 20 cm) + 6 edges (=2x12; 13; 14; 16; 20), 7c-g annular bases (=2x7; 3x8; 10; 12), 3 decorated walls (fig. 50/1, 5; 51/6)] + 5ang [4ang-g, 1 tureen (=16 cm) + 3 decorated walls (fig. 51/10) + 1ang-r + 1 handle (fig. 51/5)] + 1 amphora (fig. 51/4) = 29 vessels. Forms: 2m jars + 1 pot with simple belt + 1fc small mug + 4 tureens (3fc + 1ang-g) + 10 jars (2pz + 1z + 7fc) + 1 amphora = 18 reconstituted forms, 6fc edges + 10 bases (1m + 1pz + 1z + 7c-g annular) + 7decorated wals (3fc + 4ang, 3g + 1r) + 1ang-r handle. In order to establish the number of vessels, there were added the shapes 18 out of 29, a small mug for drinking and four fine grayish paste bowls, one of yellowish paste, to which there should be added six rims of other vessels. To transport and storage vessels, an amphora. 11. G2 cpl. 26a, sec. IV-V 3 vase = 1m + 2pz, 2 forme Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 1m borcan (fig. 56/1), 2pz [1 vas de provizii (fig. 56/3; =18 cm), 2 baze (fig. 56/2; =8; 5 cm)] = 3 vase. Forme: 1m borcan + 1pz vas de provizii = 2 forme. G2 cpl. 26a, 4rd5th centuries 3 vessels = 1m + 2pz, 2 forme Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 1m jar (fig. 56/1), 2pz [1 food storage vessel (fig. 56/3; =18 cm), 2 bases (fig. 56/2; =8; 5 cm)] = 3 vessels. G4 cpl. 79, tehnica Forms: 1m jar + 1pz food storage vessel = 2 reconstituted forms.
vase de sticla

12. G3 cpl. 69a, sec. IV-V G3 cpl. 69a, 4rd 5th centuries

amfora putin zgrunturoasa pasta zgrunturoasa

13. G4 cpl. 79, sec. IV-V roata olarului 20+2 vase = 1m + 18r [2z (1cr+1c) + 2pz+14c] + 1 amfor, 10lucrate la mana, 1m forme + 2 vase de sticl, 1 fragment deformat 0 10 20 Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 1m borcan (fig. 120/15) + 18rt, 2z (1c-r 1c decor incizat, cu 1 baz (=16 cm) + 2pz (1r perete incizat + 1c perete canelat) + 14fc [1 castron (fig. 120/8) + 6 vase cu profil n S (fig. 120/10, 17, 20-21; =20; 22; 14,5; 16; 10,5; 8,5 cm) + 2 buze (fig. 120/13) + 2 baze inelare (fig. 120/18-19; =3,7; 7,5 cm), prima posibil un import + 2 perei cu incizii (fig. 120/11-12) + 1 toart nuit longitudinal] + 1 amfor (fig. 120/16) + 2 vase de sticl + 1 fragment deformat (fig. 120/4-5, 9) = 20+2 vase. Forme: 1fc castron + 6fc vase cu profil n S + 1m borcan + 1zc-r vas de provizii + 1 amfor = 10 vase, + 2 vase de sticl + 1 fragment deformat = 12 forme reconstituite, + 2fc buze + 5 perei decorai (1zc + 1pzr + 1pzc + 2fc) + 3 baze (1zc dreapta + 2fc inelare) + 1 toart. Din vesela de mas lucrat din past fin s-a pstrat un castron, din vesela pentru buctrie, un borcan modelat cu mna, ase vase cu profil n S, castroane, i un vas de provizii ca recipient n care se pstra hrana, cereale, lichide sau fructe, plus vasul de sticl, un fragment deformat, pentru depozitare i

Ceramica reprezentare grafic, sec.III-VI / Ceramic graphical representation, 3rd-6th centuries


transport o amfor. G4 cpl. 79, 4rd5th centuries 20+2 vessels = 1m + 18r 2z [(1cr + 1c) + 2pz + 14c] + 1 amphora, 20 forms + 2 glass beakers and 1 deformed fragment Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 1m jar (fig. 120/15) + 18rt, 2z (1c-r food storage vessel + 1c with incisions decorated, 1 basis (=16 cm) + 2pz (1r with incisions wall + 1c wall with grooves) + 14fc [1 tureen (fig. 120/8) + 6 vessels with S-profile (fig. 120/10, 17, 20-21; =20; 22; 14,5; 16; 10,5; 8,5 cm) + 2 rims (fig. 120/13) + 2 annular bases (fig. 120/18-19; =3,7; 7,5 cm), one import + 2 with incisions walls (fig. 120/11-12) + 1 handle (fig. 120/4-5, 9)] + 1 amphora (fig. 120/16) + 2 glass beakers + 1 deformed fragment = 20+2 vessels. Forms: 1m jar + 1zc-r food storage vessel + 1fc tureen + 6fc vessels with S-profile + 1 amphora = 10 vessels, + 2 glass beakers + 1 deformed fragment = 12 reconstituted forms + 2fc rims + 5 decorated walls (1zc + 1pzr + 1pzc + 2fc) + 3 bases (1zc straight + 2fc annular) + 1 handle. With fine wares, worked in the fine paste was kept a tureen, with cooking wares, a jars modeled out of hand-made, six vessels with S-profile, and as storage vessels, for grain, liquid or fruit, one food storage vessel. Glass beakers, deformed fragment and to transport and storage vessels, an amphora. 14. G5 cpl. 114, sec. IV-V 17 vase = 5m + 12rt [4pzc+4fc+3fn] + 1 amfor, 11 forme Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 5m [4 borcane (fig. 133/8, 11; =2x10; 13; 14 cm) + 3 baze (fig. 133/12; =18; 12; 14 cm) + 2 drepte (=2x12 cm)] + 11rt 4pzc[2 borcane (fig. 133/5; =13,5; 14 cm) + 1 borcan (fig. 133/6; =28 cm) + 1 perete (fig. 133/7; max.=38 cm)] + 4fc [3 buze (fig. 133/1-2; =12; 14 cm) + 1 vas cu profil n S (fig. 133/4; =16 cm) + 3fn [1 castroane cu marginea dreapt (fig. 133/3; =14 cm) + 1 borcan (=13,5 cm) + 1 toart (fig. 133/9) + 2 baze, 1 inelar, 1 dreapt (=8; 12 cm)] + 1 amfor = 17 vase. Forme: 3 castroane (2pzc + 1fn) + 6 borcane (4m + 1pzc + 1fn) + 1fc vas cu profil n S + 1 amfor = 11 forme reconstituite, + 3fc buze + 1fn toarte + 9 baze (3fn + 1fn inelar + 5m) + 1pzc perete. G5 cpl. 114, 4rd5th century 17 vessels = 5m + 12rt [4pzc + 4fc + 3 fn] + 1 amphora, 11 forms

G5 cpl.114,sec.IV-V
TOTAL VASE 17 roata olarului 10 fina 4fc+3fn castroane,2pzv+1fn vas cu profil in-S1fc buze3fc+toarta1fn perete 1pzc 0 5 10 15 20

A1 cpl.42,sec.IV-V
TOTAL VASE 22 modelata la mana 1m

Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 5m[4 jars (fig. 133/8, 11; =2x10; roata olarului 21 13; 14 cm) + 3 bases (fig. 133/12; =18; 12; 14 cm) + 2 straght (=2x12 pasta zgrunt. 3zc-n cm)] + 11pz4pzc [2 tureens (fig. 133/5; =13,5; 14 cm) + 1 jar (fig. putin zgrunturoasa7pz 133/6; =28 cm) + 1 wall (fig. 133/7; max.=38 cm)] + 4fc [3 rims (fig. fina2g+6c+1c-n 133/1-2; =12; 14 cm) + 1 vas with S-profile (fig. 133/4; =16 cm)] + FORME RECONST.7 3fn [1 tureen with edge straight (fig. 133/3; =14 cm) + 1 jar (=13,5 buze1zg-a+1z+5pz+1f+5f cm) + 1 handle (fig. 133/9) + 2 bases, 1 annular, 1 straight (=8; 12 cm)] perete 1m + 1 amphora = 17 vessels. Forms: 3 tureens (2pzc + 1fn) + 6 jars (4m + 1pzc + 1fn) + 1fc toarta 1fc pot with S-profile + 1 amphora = 11 reconstituted forms, + 3fc rims + 1fn handle + 9 bases (3fn, 1fn annular + 5m) + 1pzc wall.

0 5 10 15 20 25

15. A1 cpl. 42, sec. IV-V 22 vase = 1m + 21rt [3zc-n + 7pz + 9f (2g + 6c + 1c-n)] + 2 amfore, 7 forms Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 1m perete (=8 cm) + 19rt3zc-n [1 borcan (fig. 85/1; =9,6 cm), 1zg-a buz (=16 cm) + 1zc buz] + 7pzc [6 buze uor ngroate (=20; 22; 24 cm) + 1 baz inelar (fig. 85/2; =10 cm)] + 9f 2fg [1 margine cu profil n S (fig. 85/8; =14 cm) + 1g castron] + 6fc [2 vase cu gt nalt (fig. 85/7; =16; 8 cm) + 5 buze (fig. 85/5), cu 1 toart + 2 baze inelare (=7; 8 cm)] + 1c-n can (fig. 85/3) + 2 amfore = 22 vase.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Forme: 1c-n can + 1g castron + 1 zc-n borcan + 2fc vase cu gt nalt + 2 amfore = 7 forme reconstituite + 14 buze (1zg-a + 1zc + 5pzc + 1fg + 5fc) + 1m perete + 1fc toart. Dintre prile pstrate s-au detaat: o can, un castron glbui i dou vase cu gt nalt iar din past zgrunuroas un borcan, plus dou amfore pentru depozitare i transport. A1 cpl. 42, 4rd 5th centuries 22 vessels = 1m + 21rt [3zc-n + 7pz + 9f (2g + 6c + 1c-n)] + 2 amphorae, 7 forms Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 1m wall (=8 cm) + 19rt 3zc-n [1 jar (fig. 85/1; =9,6 cm), 1zg-a rim (=16 cm) + 1zc rim] + 7pzc [6 rims (=20; 22; 24 cm) + 1 annular basis (fig. 85/2; =10 cm)] + 9f 2fg[1 edge with S-profile (fig. 85/8; =14 cm) + 1g tureen] + 7fc [2 vessels with high necked (fig. 85/7; =16; 8 cm) + 5 rims (fig. 85/5), with 1 handle + 2 annular bases (=7; 8 cm)] + 1c-n mug (fig. 85/3) + 2 amphorae = 22 vessels.. Forms: 1c-n mug + 1g tureen + 1 zc-n jar + 2fc vessels with high neck + 2 amphorae = 7 reconstituted forms + 14 rims (1zg-a + 1zc + 5pzc + 1fg + 5fc) + 1m wall + 1fc handle. Among the preserved parts, there should be mentioned a mug, a yellowish bowls and two high neck vessels and of coarse paste a pot, plus two amphorae for transport and storage. 16. A2 cpl. 64, sec. IV-V 6 vase = 1pz 17% + 3fc 50% + 2 amfore 33%, 6 forms Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 1pz borcan (fig. 96/3; =11 cm) + 3fc [1 pahar (fig. 96/1; =6,5 cm) + 1 castron (fig. 96/2; =11,5 cm) + 1 vas cu toart (fig. 96/5) + 1 baz inelar (fig. 96/8; =10 cm) + 1 baz dreapt (fig. 96/7; =15 cm)] + 2 amfore (fig. 96/4, 6) = 6 vase. Forme: 1pz borcan + 1fc pahar + 1fc castron + 1fc vas cu toarte + 2 amfore = 6 forms. Alturi de paharul i castronul din past fin s-a recuperat un vas cu toarte i un borcan din past zgrunuroas. Pentru depozitare i transport dou amfore. A2 cpl. 64, 4rd5th centuries 6 vessels = 1pz 17% + 3fc 50% + 2 amphorae 33%, 6 forms Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 1pz jar (fig. 96/3; =11 cm) + 3fc [1 beaker (fig. 96/1; =6,5 cm) + 1 tureen (fig. 96/2; =11,5 cm) + 1 vas cu handle (fig. 96/5) + 1 annular basis (fig. 96/8; =10 cm) + 1 straight basis (fig. 96/7; =15 cm)] + 2 amphorae (fig. 96/4, 6) = 6 vessels. Forms: 1pz jar + 1fc beaker + 1fc tureen + 1fc vessels with handles + 2 amphorae = 6 reconstituted forms. Along with the beaker and tureen with fine paster, recovered one vessel with handles and a jar of slightly coarse ceramic paste. To transport and storage vessels, three amphorae. 17. Atelier de olrie, cpl. 65, sec. IV-V, cuptoare A-B Categorii ceramice Tehnica: 123+6 = 129 vase = 3m int. + 17z [8A (1n+1r+6)+ Atelier olarie 129 5G1 (3+2n) + 4G2] + 14pz [(3c-nA+7B(3r+ 4c) + 4G2] + 89f [(3g+2r)A + 5rB] + 9fcn (6A+2B+1G1) + 6fnA + 64f (15A+22B+ amfore 6 6G1 + 13 G2+ 1 G3+7 int.) + 6 amfore. fina 9cn+6n Atelier: 43CA [8z + 3pz + 32f (5cn+19c+2r+3n)] + 3 amfore + 36CB [(3pzr+4pz) + 29f (5fr+ 2c-n+22c)] + 3 amfore + 12G1 fina 10gr+64c [4pz(3c+1n) + 8f (1cn+7c)] + 21G2 (4z+4pz+13fc) + 1G3fc + putin zgr. 14 10interior (3m+7f) + 6 amfore. Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 3 cni (1fcCA+2fcG3) + 2 pasta zgr. 17 castronae (1fcG2+1fcG1) + 27 castroane, 8 (2fcn+6fc, 1 import)CA + mana 3m 11 (1fr+10fc)CB + 5fcG2 + 3fcG3 + 12 borcane 4 (2fcn+2fc)CA+ 5fcCB+2pzG2+1fcG2 + 3 vase de provizii (2zCA + 1pzrCB) + 32 buze 0 20 40 60 80 6(1fn+5fc, 1 cu toart)CA + 11(1pzc+1pzr+9fc) CB + 1c-nG1 + 6fcG2 + 4fcG1 + 1pzG2 + 3 (1m+2fc) G3 + 24 perei 9(1z+1pzn+ 2pz+ 1fn cu linii lustruite+1fn+3fc) CA + 1pzc canelat CB + 5 perei (1c-n+4fc) CB + 5(3pzc canelai+1pzn+ 1fc)G1 + 1zG2 + 1pz canelat G2 + 1fcG2 + 1fc perete ars pn la topire G3 + 3 toarte 1fc CA + 1frCB + 1fcG2 + 21

Ceramica reprezentare grafic, sec.III-VI / Ceramic graphical representation, 3rd-6th centuries


baze [12 inelare (1z cu particole albe+2fr+1fn+8fc)+8 drepte (2z desprinse cu sfoara+1zn+ 1pz+4fn)+1fc concav]CA + 8 baze, 5(1pzc+1c-n+3fc+ 3 inelare 1pzr, cu angob alb-roietic+1fr+1fc) CB + 1fc baz inelar G1 + 3z baze G2 + 1pz baz G2 + 2fc baze inelare G2+ 1fc baz dreapt G2 + 1fc inelar G3 + baze (2m+1fc inelar) G3, 123 vase + 6 amfore = 129 vase. Forme: 3fc cni + 4fc castronae + 27f castroane (2fcn+1fr+24fc, 1 import) + 12 borcane (2pz +2fcn+8fc) + 3 vase de provizii (2z+1pzr) = 49 vase + 6 amfore = 55 forme reconstituite, + 32 buze (1m +5pzc+1pzr+1fn+1c-n+26fc) + 24 perei (2z+4pzc+4pzn+1c-n+2fn+10fc) + 3 toarte (1fr+2fc) + 21 baze, 18 inelare (1z+1pz+3fr+1fn+12fc) + 22 drepte (2m+5z+1zn+3pz+1c-n+4fn+6fc) + 1fc concav. The potters workshop, cpl. 65, 4rd5th centuries Atelier olarie - forme 123+6 vessles = 3m inside + 17z [8 kiln A(1n + 1r + drepte2m+5z1zn+3pz+5fn+6 6c) + 5PG1 (3c + 2n) + 4PG2c] + 14pz [(3c-n kilnA + 7 kilnB BazeInel.1z+1pz+3fr+1n+13 toarte 1fr+2fc (3r + 4c) + 4PG2c] + 10f [5(3g + 2r) kiln A + 5r kiln B] + 9fcn [6 kiln A + 2 kiln B + 1PG1] + 6fn kilnA + 64fc (15 pereti2z+4pz4pzn+3fn+10 kiln A + 22 kiln B + 6PG1 + 13PG2 + 1PG3 + 7 inside) + 6 buze1m+5pz+1pzr+2fn+12fc FORME RECONST.55 amphorae, 55 forms. amfore 6 123+6 vessels = 43CA [8z + 3pz + 32f (5cn + 19c + 2r + vase de prov.2z+1pzr 3n)] + 3 amphorae + 36 CB(3pzr + 4pzc + 29f (5fr + 2c-n + 22c) borcane2pz+2fcn+8fc + 3 amphorae + 12G1 [4pz(3c + 1n) + 8f(1cn + 7c)] + 21G2(4z + castroane2fn+1r+10+1imp 4pz + 13f) + 1fcG3 + 10inside (3m + 7f). cani3fc+castronase4fc Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 3 mugs (1fcCA+2fcPG3) TOTAL VASE 129 + 2 small tureens (1fcPG2+1fcPG1) + 27 tureens, 8 (2fcn+6fc, 1 import) CA + 11 (1fr+10fc) CB + 5f PG2 + 3fP G3 + 12 jars 4 0 50 100 150 (2fcn+2f) CA + 5f CB + 2pz PG2 + 1f PG2 + 3 food storage vessels (2z CA + 1pzr CB) + 32 edges 6 (1fn+5fc, 1 with handle) CA + 11 (1pzc+1pzr+9fc) CB + 1c-nPG1 + 6fc PG2 + 4fcPG1 + 1pz PG2 + 3(1m+ 2fc) PG3 + 24 walls 9 (1z+1pzn+2pz+1fn, polished lines +1fn+3fc)CA + 1pzc grooved CB + 5 walls (1c-n+4fc) CB + 5(3pzc grooved+1pzn+1fc) PG1 + 1zPG2 + 1pz grooved PG2 + 1fcPG2 + 1fc wall burned by melting PG3 + 3 handles 1fcCA + 1frCB + 1fcPG2 + 21 bases, [12 annular (1z+2fr+1fn+8fc) + 8 straight (2z bases with deep traces circularly+1zn+1pz+4fn)+1fc concave]CA + 8 bases, 2mPG3 + 5(1pzc+1c-n+3fc)CB + 5 (3z+1pz+ 1fc)PG2 + 7 annular [3 (1pzr, with reddish white slip+1fr+1fc) CB + 1fcPG1+ 2fcPG2 + 1fcPG3] = 123 vessels+ 6 amphorae. Forms: 3fc mugs + 4fc small tureens + 27f tureens (2fcn+1fr+24fc, 1 import) + 12 jars (2pz +2fcn+8fc) + 3 food storage vessels (2z+1pzr) = 49 + 6 amphorae = 55 reconstituted forms, + 32 buze (1m+5pzc+1pzr+1fn+1c-n+26fc) + 24 perei (2z+2pzc+2pzn+2pz+1c-n+2fn+10fc) + 3(1fr+2fc) + 21 baze, 12 inelare (1z+2fr+1fn+8fc) + 22 drepte (2m+5z+1zn+3pz+1c-n+4fn+6fc) + 1fc concav + 6 inelare (1pzr+1fr+4fc).


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Secolele V-VI / 5rd6th centuries Forme, funcii, proporii / Forms, functions, proportions
28 vase = G1 cpl. 95 4, G2 cpl. 120 7, A1 cpl. 86 7 + 10, 12 forme Total 3 complexe: 28 vase, G1 cpl. 95 4, G2 cpl. 120 7, A1 cpl. 86 7, 10pass, 12 forme a. Total ceramic din 3 complexe: 28 vase: G1 cpl. 95 4, G2 cpl. 120 7, A1 cpl. 86 7. Total vase: 4+7+7 = 18+10 = 28 vase G1 cpl. 95, 4m vase, 2 borcane + 1 castron, 3 forme. G2 cpl. 120, 7 vase = 2m + 3z + 2c, 4 forme. Aglomerri de materiale, A1 cpl. 86, 7 vase = 5m + 1pz + 1fc, 5 forme. -------------------------------------------Total: 3+4+5 = 12 forme b. Tehnic total categorii ceramice: 28 vase = 11m + 3z + 1pz + 3f + 10 pass. modelat cu mna: 4 G1 cpl. 95+ 2 G2 cpl. 120 + 5 A1 cpl. 86 = 11 m vase; past zgrunuroas: 3z G2 cpl. 120; past puin zgrunuroas: 1pz A1 cpl. 86; past fin total: 2G2 cpl. 120 + 1 A1 cpl. 86 = 3f vase. c. Total forme, 28 vase diferite pstrate fragmentar,12 forme pentru care s-a stabilit funcionalitatea: 2f pahare, 5 castroane (1m+2z+2f), 5m borcane 2f pahare cpl. 120; 5 castroane: 2f cpl.95, 3 cpl. 120 (2z+1m); 5 borcane, 5m, 4 cpl. 86, 1 cpl. 120. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Total: 28 vase = 11m + 3z + 1pz + 3f + 10 pass, 12 forme Forms, functions, proportions, 5rd6th Centuries 28 vessels = G1 cpl. 95 4, G2 cpl. 120 7, A1 cpl. 86 7 + 10 pass, 12 forms a. Total: the pottery from the 4 complexes:, 28 vessels: G1, cpl. 95 4, G2 cpl. 120 7, A1 cpl. 86 7 + 10. G1 pl. 95, 4m vessels, 2 jars + 1 tureen, 3 forms. G2 cpl. 120, 7 vessels = 2m + 3z + 2c, 4 forms. The agglomeration of materials, A1 cpl. 86, 7 vessels = 5m + 1pz + 1fc, 5 forms. b. Technique - total ceramic category: 28 vessels = 11m + 3z + 1pz + 3f + 10 pass hand-made vessels: 4 + 2 + 5 = 11m vessels; coarse paste: 3z vessels; slightly coarse paste: 1pz vessel; fine paste: 2 + 1 = 3f vessels. c. Total forms established in the 28 different vessels preserved fragmented, were separate 12 forms, which was established functionality: 2f beakers, 5 tureens (1m+2z+2fc), 5m jars 2f beakers, cpl. 120; 5 tureens: 2fc cpl. 95, 3 cpl. 120 (2z +1m); 5m jars: 4m cpl. 86, 1m cpl. 120. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total, ceramics of complexes: 28 vessels = 11m + 3z + 1pz + 3f + 10 pass, 12 forms

Ceramica reprezentare grafic, sec.III-VI / Ceramic graphical representation, 3rd-6th centuries


Complexe 1-4 Complexes 1-4 01. A1 cpl. 86, sec. VI 7 vase = 5m + 1pz + 1fc, 5 forme Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 5m [1 cuie (fig. 122/4; =12,5 cm) + 4m borcane (fig. 122/1, 3, 6, 9; =11; 12 cm) + 1 baz (fig. 122/10)] + 1pz baz (fig. 122/5) + 1fc baz (fig. 122/2; =8 cm) = 7 vase. Forme: 1m cuie + 4m borcane = 5 forme reconstituite + 2 baze (1m + 1pz + 1fc). ntre ele, pentru iluminat era o cuie i pentru prepararea hranei patru borcane modelate cu mna plus un vas din past fin i altul din past zgrunuroas. A1 cpl. 86, 6th century 7 vessels = 5m + 1pz + 1fc Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 5m [1 primitive lamp (fig. 122/4; =12,5 cm) + 4m jars (fig. 122/1, 3, 6, 9; =11; 12 cm) + 1 basis (fig. 122/10)] + 1pz basis + 1fc basis (fig. 122/2, 5; =8 cm) = 7 vessels. Forms: 5m, 1 primitive lamp, 4jars = 5 reconstituted forms + 2 bases (1m+1pz+1fc). Among the pieces found, lighting was a primitive lamp and for cooking wares, four jars of hand-built vessel. 02. G1 cpl. 95, sec. VI Forme: 4m vase = 2 borcane + 1 castron = 3 forme G1 cpl. 95, sec. VI Forms: 4m vessels = 2 jars + 1 tureen = 3 reconstituted forms. 03. G2 cpl. 120, sec. V 7 vase = 2m + 3z + 2c, 6 forme Ceramica, past, ardere, forme: 2m [1 castron cu profil n S (fig. 138/3; =14,5 cm) + 1 borcan (fig. 138/7; =14 cm)] + 3z [2 castroane (fig. 138/5-6; =16; 22 cm) + 1 baz (fig. 138/8; =12 cm)] + 2fc pahare cu profil n S (fig. 138/1-2; =6,5; 7 cm) = 7 vase. Forme: 2fc pahare + 3 castroane (1m + 2z) + 1m borcan = 6 forme reconstituite, + 1z baz. Din vesela pentru gtit menionm un castron i un borcan - modelate cu mna, dou castroane din past zgrunuroas au fost folosite pentru servit sau gtit i pentru but dou pahare. Pentru depozitare i transport o amfor. G2 cpl. 120, 5th century 7 vessels = 2m + 3z + 2c, 6 forms Ceramic, paste, firing, forms: 2m [1 tureen with S-profile (fig. 138/3; =14,5 cm) + 1 jar (fig. 138/7; =14 cm)] + 3z [2 tureens (fig. 138/5-6; =16; 22 cm) + 1 basis (fig. 138/8; =12 cm)] + 2fc beakers with S-profile (fig. 138/1-2; =6,5; 7 cm) = 7 vessels. Forms: 2fc beakers + 3 tureens (1m + 2z) + 1m jar = 6 reconstituted forms, + 1z basis. Of cooking ware mention hand-made domestic ceramic, a tureen and a jar, two tureens with coarse paste and of drinking vessels, two beakers. To transport and storage vessels, an amphora.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Banca Gar - apte case. Funcionalitatea ceramicii

Ceramica, component de baz a unei culturi, i la Banca Gar - apte case reprezint inventarul cel mai numeros, n majoritate de factur local, fr a lipsi importurile, cu deosebire amforele. Planurile i profilele locuinelor de aici consemneaz prezena recipientelor n preajma vetrei, n apropierea pereilor, unde fuseser diferii supori sau n apropierea pereilor exteriori ai locuinelor, cu deosebire n faa acestora, ngropate parial n pmnt. Numeroasele pri de vase descoperite n complexele din secolele III-V, n locuine, gropi i n atelierul de olrie, specifice pentru fiecare perioad, s-au conservat fragmentar. Dintre diversele forme pstrate fragmentar, nsumnd 1335 de vase, se mai pot reconstitui aproximativ 20 de vase. Totui, prin desenarea prilor pstrate s-a reuit, de cele mai multe ori, s se stabileasc formele acestora, deci i funcionalitatea lor. n ilustraie am ncercat s ntregim - pe ct a fost posibil - partea superioar a vaselor, pentru a reui s facem o prezentare pe categorii i funcionaliti i a stabili numrul acestora pe complexe i n total, menionnd pentru fiecare etap specificul. Prin gruparea, analiza i interpretarea datelor referitoare la descoperirile de la Banca Gar apte case, am urmrit desfurarea n timp a acestei culturi. Datele obinute ne-au nlesnit cunoaterea specificului unei locuiri din secolele III-VI, i, de asemenea, sperm s reuim s continum cercetrile pentru cele 38 de locuine din urmtoarele secole ale primului mileniu, VIIIX/X. Cunoaterea ceramicii din complexe, ngduie o cunoatere a acestei comuniti. Din punctul de vedere al tehnicii de confecionare a ceramicii, aceasta s-a ordonat n dou mari grupuri, modelat cu mna i lucrat la roata olarului. Ultima, dup modul de preparare a pastei, incluziunile utilizate, ardere, s-a mprit n patru categorii, ceramica puin zgrunuroas, zgrunuroas i fin sau foarte fin, plus puinele vase de import. i pentru staiunea Banca Gar apte Case, cu deosebire pentru aezarea din secolele IV-V, diversitatea formelor ceramice descoperite aici reprezint principalul izvor documentar pentru cunoaterea nivelului de dezvoltare al meteugului olriei iar atelierul de olrie al tehnicii avansate folosite de olarii stabilii aici pentru realizarea ceramicii. Forma de extragere a informaiei din datele acumulate pe antierul arheologic, ca o ncercare de analiz statistic clasic, reprezint un model matematic care se verific, deci nu se poate ajunge la concluzii eronate. Urmrind parametrii statistici obinui, se pot realiza inferene ntre diferitele categorii, ntre acestea i ceramica altor complexe. Prezentm n continuare o clasificare a cantitii ceramice din complexe din aezare i de pe nivel, n ordinea datrii lor.

Banca Gar - apte case. Ceramic functionality

Pottery, base component of any culture, is also prevalent at Banca Gar - apte case, in majority of local faction, without missing imports, especially amphorae. Plans and profiles of the dwellings outline the presence of recipients near the fireplace, against the walls, were various supports were placed or near the exterior walls of the dwellings, especialy in front of them, partially burried in the ground. Numerous pottery parts discovered in the 3 rd4th centuries complexes, in the dwellings, pits and pottery workshop were partially preserved. Out of the various shapes fragmentary preserved, summing up 1335 pots, about 20 pots can be recontructed. Still, by drowing the preserved parts it was possible, many times, to establish their shapes, thus their functionality. Within illustration we tired to reconstruct as much as possible the superior part of the pots, in order to succeed in creating a presentation on categories and functionalities and to establish their number by complexes and in total, mentioning for each stage its specificity.

Funcionalitatea ceramicii / Ceramic functionality


By grouping, analysis and interpretation of data pertaining to the Banca Gar - apte case discoveries, we followed the temporal evolution of this culture. Gathered data permited the knowledge of the specificity of a living level from 3 rd6th centuries. We also hope to continue the research for the 38 dwellings from the next centuries of the first millenia, 7 rd9th / 10th. The study of the pottery in complexes allows for knowing the culture of this community. From the point of view of pottery manufacturing techniques, this was ordered in two large groups, hand molded and potter's wheel worked. The latter, after the method of paste preparation, used inclusions, burning, was divided in four categories, slightly coarse, coarse, fine and very fine, and a few import pots. For the station Banca Gar - apte Case, especially for the settlement from 4rd5th centuries, the diversity of the pottery shapes discovered represent the main documentary source for the knowledge of development of the pottery craft, and the pottery workshop of the advanced technology used by potters established here in making ceramics. The information extraction method out of the data accumulated on the archaeological site, as an attempt to clasical statistical analysis, represents a verifiable mathematical model, in consequence one can not come to false conclusions. Following the obtained statistical parameters, inferences can be made between different categories, between these and the pottery of other complexes. We continue by showing a classification of the quantities of pottery in complexes of the settlement and on the level, ordered by their dating.

Numr de vase pe complexe / Number vessels of complexes:

Din secolul al III-lea / With 3th century: - 1 locuin uor adncit/slightly buried dwelling - 1 Lad1 cpl. 28 34 vase/vessels; - 3 gropi/pits, nr./nos 1-3, cpl. 21 19, 113 11, 121 12 = 42 vase/vessels. Din secolele III-IV / With 3rd4th centuries: - 6 locuine de suprafa/surface dwelling, nr./nos 1-6, cpl. 12a 21, 17 28, 29 26, 33-34 45 and 18, 72 14 = 152 vase/vessels (21+28+26+45+18+14); - 4 locuine uor adncite/slightly buried dwelling, nr./nos. 1-3, cpl. 10 8, 31 20, 78, 106a 35 = 133 vase/vessels; - 7 gropi/pits, nr. 1-7, cpl. 13 1, 32 35, 62 10, 74 1, 93-94 10 i 4, 106 = 51 vase/vessels (1+35+10+1+10+4); - 2 aglomerri de materiale/agglomeration of materials, nr./nos. 1-2, cpl. 70 7, cpl. 73 6 = 13 vase/vessels (7+6). Din secolul al IV-lea / With 4th century: - 5 locuine de suprafa/surface dwelling, nr./nos. 1-5, cpl. 1 26, 15 7, 30 12, 48 9, 57 23 = 77 vase/vessels (26+7+12+9+23); - 2 locuine uor/slightly buried dwelling, nr./nos. 1-2, cpl. 77 6, 91 6 = 12 vase/vessels (6+6); - 16 gropi/pits, nr. 1-15, cpl. 18-19 9 i 23, 33a 35, 37 11, 39 1, 49-50 36 and 0, 66a 8, 71 30, 80 13, 92 21, 104-104a, 115 7, 116 10, 119 5 = 209 vase/vessels (9+23+ 35+11+1+36+0+8+30+13+21+7+10+5); - 5 aglomerri ceramice/agglomeration of ceramics, nr./nos. 1-5, cpl. 21a 13, 43 21, 60 12, 61 31, 88 7 = 84 vase/vessels (13+21+12+31+7). Din secolele IV-V / With 4rd5th centuries: - 6 locuine de suprafa/surface dwelling, nr./nos. 1-6, cpl. 14 35, 26 23, 35 12, 36


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

59, 51 37, 96 cu 166 vase/vessels (35+23+12+59+37); - 3 locuine uor adncite/slightly buried dwelling, nr./nos. 1-3, cpl. 4 13, 27 11, 122 1; - 5 gropi/pits, nr. 1-5, cpl. 24a, 26a, 69a, 79, 114 = 12 vase/vessels (11+1); - 2 aglomerri de ceramic/agglomeration of ceramics, nr. 1-2, cpl. 42, 64 = 69 vase/vessels (29+3+0+20+17). Din atelierul de olrie, cpl. 65, secolul al IV-lea - prima parte a secolului al V-lea / With potters workshop, cpl. 65, 4th century first part of the 5 th century (fig. 97a-c -104) = 123+6 vase/vessels. Din secolele V-VI / With 5rd6th centuries: - 2 pits, nr./nos. 1-2 cpl. 95 4, 120 7, 11 vase/vessels (4+7); - 1 aglomerare de materiale/agglomeration of materials, nr./no. 1, cpl. 86 7 vase/vessels. 3 Morminte/tombs, nr./no. 5 sec. III/3th century, cpl. 66, nr./no 3-4 sec. IV/4 th century cpl. 20, 76. 74 complexe Numr de vase n raport cu perioadele stabilite / The numerous vessels in relation to the established periode n cele 70 de complexe datate n secolele III-VI i n nivelul antic, s-au descoperit 1240 + 95 pass = 1335 vase pstrate fragmentar: - 4 cpl. sec. III, cu 76 - 86 vase 6,44 % i 38 forme 5,12 %; - 18 cpl. sec. III-IV, cu 346 - 372 vase 27,865 % i 221 forme 29,78 %; - 28 cpl. sec. IV, cu 382 - 407 vase 30,486 % i 220 forme 29,649 %; - 17 cpl. sec. IV-V, cu 417 - 442 vase 33,106 %i 249 forme 33,423 %; - 3 sec. V-VI, cu 18 - 28 vase 2,09% i 14 forme 1,886 %. Verificare: 6,44 % + 27,865% + 30,486 % + 33,106 % + 2,09% = 100% Total = 1335 vase, din care s-au reconstituit prin desen 742 forme 55,58 %. In the 70 complexes together with the 3 rd-4th layer were fragmentarily discovered 1240 + 95 pass = 1335 pots: - 4 cpl. 3th century, with 76 - 86 vessels 6,44 % and 38 forms 5,12 %; - 18 cpl. 3rd4th centuries, with 346 - 372 vessels 27,865 % i 221 forms 29,78 %; - 28 cpl. 4th century, cu 382 - 407 vessels 30,486 % and 220 forms 29,649 %; - 17 cpl. 4rd5th centuries, with 417 - 442 vessels 33,106 %i 249 forms 33,423 %; - 3 5rd6th centuries, with 18 - 28 vessels 2,09% and 14 forms 1,886 %. Verification: 6,44 % + 27,865% + 30,486 % + 33,106 % + 2,09% = 100% Total = 1335 vessels, shapes recreated by means of drawing 742 forms 55,58 %

1. Repartizarea ceramicii pe secole / Ceramic distribution of the centuries:

- sec. III, 4 complexe, 86 vase / 3th century, 4 complexes, 86 vessels: Lad1 cpl. 28 34 + G1 cpl. 21 19 + G2 cpl. 113 11 + G3 cpl. 121 12 + 10 pass = 76+10 = 34+19+11+12+10; - sec. III-IVI, 18 complexe, 372 vase / 3rd4th centuries, 18 complexes, 372 vessels: Lsp1 cpl. 12a 21 + Lsp2 cpl. 17 28 + Lsp3 cpl. 29 27 + Lsp4 cpl. 33 45 + Lsp5 cpl. 34 18 + Lsp6 cpl. 72 14 + Lad1 cpl. 10 8 + Lad2 cpl. 31 20 + Lad3 cpl. 78 38 + Lad4 cpl. 106 68+2 + G1 cpl. 13 1 + G2 cpl. 32 34 + G3 cpl. 62 5 + G4

Funcionalitatea ceramicii / Ceramic functionality


cpl. 74 1 + G6 cpl. 94 4fc + A1 cpl. 70 7 + A2 cpl. 73 6 (21+28+27+45+18+14+8+20+38+1+34+5+1+4+70+ 7+6) = 347 + 25 pass; - sec. IV, 28 complexe, 407 vase / 4th century, 28 complexes, 407 vessels: Lsp1 cpl. 1 26 + Lsp2 cpl. 15 7 + Lsp3 cpl. 30 12 + Lsp4 cpl. 48 9 + Lsp5 cpl. 57 23 + Lad1 cpl. 77 6 + Lad2 cpl. 91 6 + G1 cpl. 18 9 + G2 cpl. 19 23 + G3 cpl. 33a 35 + G4 cpl. 37 11 + G5 cpl. 39 1 + G6 cpl. 49 36 + G8 cpl. 66a 8 + G9 cpl. 71 30 + G10 cpl. 80 13 + G11 cpl. 92 21 + G14 cpl. 115 7 + G15 cpl. 116 10 + G16 cpl. 119 5 + A1 cpl. 21a 13 + A2 cpl. 43 21+ A3 cpl. 60 12 + A4 cpl. 61 31 + A5 cpl. 88 7 (26+7+12+9+23+6+6+9+23+35+1+36+8+30+ 13+ 21+7+ 10+5+ 13+21+ 12+ 31+7) = 382+25; - sec. IV-V, 17 complexe, 442 vase / 4rd5th centuries, 17 complexes, 442 vessels: Lsp1 cpl. 14 35 + Lsp2 cpl. 26 23 + Lsp3 cpl. 35 12 + Lsp4 cpl. 36 59 + Lsp5 cpl. 51 37 + Lad1 cpl. 4 13 + Lad2 cpl. 27 11 + Lad3 cpl. 122 1 + G1 cpl. 24a 29 + G2 cpl. 26a 3 + G4 cpl. 79 20 + G5 cpl. 114 17 + A1 cpl. 42 22 + A2 cpl. 64 6 (35+23+12+59+37+13+ 11+1+29+3+20+17+22+6) = 417 (288+123+6) + 25 = 442; - sec. V-VI, 4 complexe, 28 vase / 4rd5th centuries, 4, complexes, 28 vessels, G1 cpl. 95 4, G2 cpl. 120 7, A1 cpl. 86 7 = 18 + 10 pass (4+7+7+10).

2. Repartizarea ceramicii pe complexe / Ceramic distribution of the complexes:

Total complexe/Total complexes 70, locuine 26, gropi 33, aglomerri de materiale 10 /Total complexes 70, dwellings 26, pits, 33, agglomeration of materials 10: 17 Locuine de suprafa / Surface dwelling: 6 sec. III-IV/3rd4th centuries + 5 sec. IV/4 th century + 6 sec. IVV/5rd6th centuries; 9 Locuine uor adncite / Slightly buried dwelling: 1 sec. III/3 th century + 3 sec. III-IV/3 rd4th centuries + 2 sec. IV/4th century + 3 sec. IV-V/4rd5th centuries; 33 Gropi / Pits: 3 sec. III/3 th century + 7 sec. III-IV/3rd4th centuries + 16 sec. IV/4th century + 5 sec. IV-V/4rd 5th centuries + 2 sec. V-VI/5rd6th centuries; 10 Aglomerri de materiale / The agglomeration of materials: 2 sec. III-IV/3rd4th centuries + 5 sec. IV/4 th century + 2 sec. IV-V/4rd5th centuries + 1 sec. V-VI/5rd6th centuries.

3. Ceramica n raport cu tehnica folosit pentru ardere / ceramic in relation to the firing technique
sec. III/3th century, 76-86 =7m+0z+25pz (3r+1n+21c)+41f (3ang-r+38)+3 amfore/amphorae+10 pass; sec. III-IV/3rd4th centuries, 346 - 372 = 75m + 4z + 62pz (2a+3r+6r-g+3cn+48fc) + 188f (146c+19g+ 10r+5n+9ang-r) + 17 amfore/amphorae + 25 pass; sec. IV/4th century, 382-407: 20m + 66z + 64pz (1a+3r+1bc+59c) + 210f (45, 2 roz,1g,1a+4c-a+1ar+6g+2ang,1r,1g+2b+10r+14n+2cn + 2 impressed ornamentation + 149) + 22 amfore/amphorae + 25 pass; sec. IV-V/4rd5th centuries, 417-442: 28+3m + 23z (1g-c+2r+1cr+3c-n+2n+14c) + 51pz (4n+5r+42fc) + 169f (4ang-g+3gc+3g+ 9r+7n+143) + 17 amfore/amphorae + 123+6 atelier olrie/potters workshop (3m+12z+ 18pz+90f+6 amfore/amphorae) + 25 pass; sec. V-VI/5rd6th centuries, 18-28: 11m + 3z + 1pz + 3f + 10 pass. Total: 1240 + 95 = 1335 vase/vessels modelate cu mna, 144 vase / hand built pottery, 144 = 7 sec. III/3 th century + 75 sec. III-IV/3rd4th centuries + 20 sec. IV/4th century + 28+3 sec. IV-V/4rd5th centuries + 11 sec. V-VI/5rd6th centuries = 75+20+28+3+11; past zgrunuroas, 108 vase/coarse ceramic, 104 vessels: 0 sec. III/3 th century + 4 sec. III-IV/3 rd4th centuries + 62 sec.IV/4th century + 23+12 sec.IV-V/4rd5th centuries + 3 sec.V-VI/5rd6thcenturies = 0+4+62+ 23+12 +3; past puin zgrunuroas, 222 vase/slightly coarse pase, 222 vessels: 25 sec. III/3 th century+ 62 sec. IIIrd th IV/3 4 centuries + 64 sec. IV/4 th century + 51+18 sec. IV-V/4rd5th centuries + 1 sec. V-VI/5 rd6th centuries = 25+62+64+ 51+18 +1; past fin 702 vase/fine paste, 702 vessels: 41 sec. III/3 th century + 188 sec. III-IV/3 rd4th centuries + 210 sec. th IV/4 century + 169 + 90 sec. IV-V/4rd5th centuries + 3 sec. V-VI/5rd6th centuries = 41+189+210+169+ 90+3; amfore/amphorae 64: 3 sec. III/3 th century + 16 sec. III-IV/3 rd4th centuries + 2 sec. IV/4 th century + 23 sec. rd IV-V/4 5th centuries = 3+16+22+23; pahare de sticl 8/glass vessels 8: 2 sec.III-IV/3rd4th centuries + 4 sec.IV/4th century+ 2 sec.IV-V/4rd5th cent. Total 1240 +95 pass = 1335 vase diferite pstrate fragmentar / different vessels preserved fragmented


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

144 modelate cu mn/hand-made ware = 7 sec. III/3th century (2 G1 cpl. 21 + 1 G2 cpl. 113 + 4 G3 cpl. 121) + 75 sec. III-IV/3rd4th centuries (5 Lsp1, cpl. 12a + 3 Lsp2 cpl. 17 + 1 Lsp3 cpl. 29 + 16 Lsp4 cpl. 33 + 1 Lsp6 cpl. 72 + 1 Lad1 cpl. 10 + 3L2 cpl. 31 + 10Lad3 cpl. 78 + 20Lad4 cpl. 106 + 1G1 cpl. 13 + 13 G2 cpl. 32+ 1G4 cpl. 74) + 20 sec. IV/4th century (1 Lsp1 cpl. 1 + 1 Lad2 cpl. 91 + 2 G2 cpl. 19 + 1 G6 cpl. 49 + 1 G10 cpl. 80+ 4 G11 cpl. 92 + 1 G14 cpl. 115 + 2 G15 cpl. 116 + 1 G16 cpl. 119 + 2 A1 cpl. 21a + 2 A3 cpl. 60 + 2A4 cpl. 61 ) + 28+3 sec. IV-V/4rd5th centuries (2 Lsp1 cpl. 14 + 2 Lsp2 cpl. 26 + 1 Lsp3 cpl. 35 + 5 Lsp4 cpl. 36 + 5 Lsp5 cpl. 51 + 3 Lad1 cpl. 4 + 2 G1 cpl. 24a + 1 G2 cpl. 26a + 1 G4 cpl. 79 + 5 G5 cpl. 114 + 1 A1 cpl. 42) + 11 sec. V-VI/5rd6th centuries (4 G1 cpl. 95+ 2 G2 cpl. 120 + 5 A1 cpl. 86); 108 past zgrunuroas/coarse paste: 0 + 4 sec. III-IV/3rd4th centuries (3 Lsp6 cpl. 72 + 1 A2 cpl. 73) + 66 sec. IV (4 Lsp1 cpl. 1 + 3 Lsp2 cpl. 15 + 3 Lsp3 cpl. 30 + 1 Lsp5 cpl. 57 + 2 Lad1 cpl. 77 + 5 G2 cpl. 19 + 5 G3 cpl. 33a + 4 G4 cpl. 37 + 6 G6 cpl. 49 + 15 G9 cpl. 71+ 2 G10 cpl. 80 + 2 G11 cpl. 92 + 2 G14 cpl. 115 + 2G16 cpl. 119 + 3 A1 cpl. 21a + 3 A2 cpl. 43 + 1 A3 cpl. 60 + 2 A4 cpl. 61 + 1A5 cpl. 88) + 23+12 sec. IV-V (4 Lsp1 cpl. 14 + 6(2n+4) Lsp2 cpl. 26 + 1 Lsp3 cpl. 35 + 6(2r+1g-c+3) Lsp5 cpl.51 + 1 Lad1 cpl. 4 + 2(1cr+1c) G1 cpl. 24a + 3zc-n A1 cpl. 42) + 3 V-VI/5rd6th centuries (3z G2 cpl. 120); 221 past puin zgrunuroas/slightly coarse paste: 25 sec. III/3th century(10pz(1r+1n+8c) Lad1 cpl. 28 + 8pz G1 cpl. 21 + 5pz, (2r +3c) G2, cpl. 113 + 2pz, G3 cpl. 121) + 62 sec. III-IV/3rd4th centuries (6 Lsp1, cpl. 12a + 7 Lsp2 cpl. 17 + 8(1r+7c) Lsp3 cpl. 29 + 3 Lsp5 cpl. 34 + 6 Lad2 cpl. 31 + 12(2r+2r-g+3cn+5c) Lad3 cpl. 78 + 12(1r-g+2a+ 1gr+8c) Lad4 cpl. 106 + 7(2g-r+5c) G2 cpl. 32 + 1 A2 cpl. 73) + 64 sec. IV/4th century (2 Lsp1 cpl. 1 + 3 Lsp3 cpl. 30 + 4 Lsp4 cpl. 48 + 4 Lsp5 cpl. 57 + 4 Lad2 cpl. 91 + 3 G1 cpl. 18 + 4 G2 cpl. 19 + 6(2r+1bc+3c) G3 cpl. 33a + 6 G6 cpl. 49 + 4 G8 cpl. 66a + 4(2c+1a+1r) G10 cpl. 80 + 5pzb-r G11 cpl. 92 + 3 G15 cpl. 116 + 2 A1 cpl. 21a + 4 (1r+3c) A2 cpl. 43 + 1 A3 cpl. 60 + 4 A4 cpl. 61 + 1 A5 cpl. 88 (1a+3r+1bc+59c) + 51+18 sec. IV-V/4rd5th centuries (4n Lsp2 cpl. 26 + 2 Lsp3 cpl. 35 + 20(4r+1+15) Lsp4 cpl. 36 + 6(1r+5) Lsp5 cpl. 51 + 3 G1 cpl. 24a + 2 G2 cpl. 26a + 2G4 cpl. 79 + 4 G5 cpl. 114 + 7 A1 cpl. 42 + 1A2 cpl. 64) + 1 V-VI/ 5rd6th centuries (1pz A1 cpl. 86); 702 past fin/fine paste: 41 sec. III/3th century (22f+1ang-r L1 cpl. 28 + 6fc+2fr G1 cpl. 21 + 5fc G2 cpl. 113 + 3f+2ang-r G3 cpl. 121) + 189 sec. III-IV/3rd4th centuries(10f(2r+1b+7c) Lsp1, cpl. 12a + 18f(16c+1r+1n) Lsp2 cpl. 17 + 16f(13fc+1n+2ang-r) Lsp3 cpl. 29 + 26f(1n+2r+23c) Lsp4 cpl. 33 + 13f(9c+2g+1n+1ang-r) Lsp5 cpl. 34 + 9c Lsp6 cpl. 72 + 6f(3fc+2r+1n) Lad1 cpl. 10 + 10f(1r+7c+2ang-r) Lad2 cpl. 31 + 13+1ang-r Lad3 cpl. 78 + 16fc+17fg+3ang-r Lad4 cpl. 106 + 13f(12c+1r) G2 cpl. 32 + 4fc G3 cpl. 62+ 4c G6 cpl. 94 + 6fc A1 cpl. 70 + 4fc A2 cpl. 73) + 210 sec. IV/4th century(18 Lsp1 cpl. 1 + 3+1ang-r Lsp2 cpl. 15 + 4+1ang-g Lsp3 cpl. 30 + 3 Lsp4 cpl. 48 + 13+1n+1roz-g+1a-roz Lsp5 cpl. 57 + 4 Lad1 cpl. 77 + 1 Lad2 cpl. 91 + 5(4+1g) G1 cpl. 18 + 12(5+2b+3n+2r) G2 cpl. 19 + 22(2cn+3r+17) G3 cpl. 33a + 6f(1gc+4a+1c) G4 cpl. 37 + 23(4r+2c-a+4n) G6 cpl. 49 + 4 G8 cpl. 66a + 13(2n+1g+10) + 1 decor imprimat/print decor G9 cpl. 71 + 5(4+1a-r) G10 cpl. 80 + 9(3c+1g+2c-a+3n) G11 cpl. 92 + 4 G15 cpl. 116 + 4 G15 cpl. 116 + 1 G16 cpl. 119 + 6 A1 cpl. 21a + 12(8+3g+1n) A2 cpl. 43 + 6(5+1n) + 1 decor imprimat/print decor A3 cpl. 60 + 20(17+ 1r+ 2n) A4 cpl. 61+ 5 A5 cpl. 88; 45 (1roz-g + 1a-roz + 4c-a + 1a-r + 6g + 1ang-r + 1ang-g + 2b + 10r + 14n + 2cn + 2 decor imprimat/print decor) + 169+90 sec. IV-V/4rd5th centuries (2719f+3gc+1n+4fr Lsp1 cpl. 14 + 11(1g+1+9)Lsp2 cpl. 26 + 3+3n Lsp3 cpl. 35 + 33+1 r Lsp4 cpl. 36 + 17 Lsp5 cpl. 51 + 7 Lad1 cpl. 4 + 8+2r Lad2 cpl. 27 + 1 Lad3 cpl. 122 + 16+1r+4ang-g G1 cpl. 24a + 14 G4 cpl. 79 + 4+3 fn G5 cpl. 114 + 9(2g+7c) A1 cpl. 42 + 3 A2 cpl. 64) + 3 sec. VVI/2 G2 cpl. 120 + 1 A1 cpl. 86); 64 amfore/amphorae: 3 sec. III/3th century(1 L1 cpl. 28 + 1 G1 cpl. 21 + 1 G3 cpl. 121) + 17 sec. III-IV/3rd 4 centuries(1 Lsp3 cpl. 29 + 3 Lsp4 cpl. 33 + 2 Lsp5 cpl. 34 + 2 Lsp6 cpl. 72 + 1 Lad1 cpl. 10 + 1 Lad2 cpl. 31 + 2 Lad3 cpl. 78 + 2 Lad4 cpl. 106 + 1 G2 cpl. 32 + 1 G3 cpl. 62 + 1 A1 cpl. 70) + 22 sec. IV/4th century (1 Lsp1 cpl. 1 + 1 Lsp3 cpl. 30 + 2 Lsp4 cpl. 48 + 2 Lsp5 cpl. 57 + 1 G1 cpl. 18 + 2 G3 cpl. 33a + 1 G4 cpl. 37 + 1 G5 cpl. 39 + 1 G9 cpl. 71 + 1 G10 cpl. 80 +1 G11 cpl. 92 + 2 G15-16 cpl. 116-119 + 2 A2 cpl. 43 + 1 A3 cpl. 60 + 3 A4 cpl. 61) + 23 sec. IVV/4rd5th centuries (2 Lsp1 cpl. 14 + 2 Lsp3 cpl. 35 + 2 Lsp5 cpl. 51 + 3 Lad1 cpl. 4 + 1 Lad2 cpl. 27 + 1 G1 cpl. 24a + 1 G4 cpl. 79 + 1 G5 cpl. 114 + 2 A1 cpl. 42 + 2 A2 cpl. 64);

8 pahare de sticl/glass vessels: 2 sec. III-IV/3rd4th centuries (1 Lsp4 cpl. 33 + 1 Lsp6 cpl. 72) + 4 sec. IV/4 th century (1 cpl. 15, 1 cpl. 33a, 1 cpl. 37, 1 cpl. 66a) + 2 sec. IV-V/4rd5th centuries G4 cpl. 79. Total 1240 +95 pass = 1335, 144m+108+222+702+64 = 1335+8 = 1443 vase / vessels

Ceramica forme i funcionaliti / Ceramic forms and functionality


Ceramica forme i funcionaliti

Ceramica de la Banca Gar - apte case, s-a ordonat n funcie de formele de baz cunoscute acum specifice, unele derivate din cele folosite n secolele anterioare, la care se adaug noile influene. S-au avut n vedere diferitele incluziuni folosite, tehnica modelrii, culoarea dat de sistemul de ardere reductoare sau oxidant, realizat n lipsa sau n prezena oxigenului. Proporia ntre aceste categorii ceramice s-a urmrit n cadrul fiecrui complex, ea difer de la un sit la altul, cum s-a vzut n capitolul legat de reprezentarea grafic a parametrilor tehnici i a tipurilor de forme ceramice din secolele III-VI. Forme 742 = sec. III 38, sec. III-IV 221, sec. IV 210, sec. IV-V, 249, sec. V-VI, 28. Tipuri funcionale 14, cu 742 vase = 19 vase mici i pahare + 1 cni + 35 cni + 12 cui + 2 platouri + 1 strachin + 6 capace + 7 boluri + 9 castronae + 264 castroane + 9 vase cu profil n S + 3 fructiere + 199 borcane + 73 vase de provizii + 2 vase cu gt nalt + 7+5 ovoidale + 3 vase cu toarte + 8 bitronconice + 6 importuri deosebite + 64 amfore plus 7 pahare de sticl. 19 vase mici: 1pzn, sec. III + 1m vas miniatural i 4 pahare (3fc+1pz), sec. III-IV + 7, 6f (3c+1r+2n) sec. IV + 1f vas miniatural + 3 pahare (1pz+2fc) sec. IV-V + 2f, sec.V-VI 3 vase mici: 1pzn sec. III + 1m sec. III-IV + 1f sec. IV-V + 16: 4 (3fc+1pz) sec. III-IV + 7 (1pz+3fc+1fr+2fn) sec. IV + 3 (1pz+2fc) sec. IV-V + 2f sec. V-VI + 1fc cni sec. III-IV + 35 cni (1+12+13+9): 1pz sec. III + 12 (1zr + 11f, 10fc, 1fr) sec. IIIIV + 13 (1m + 1pz + 11f, 10c+1n) sec. IV + 9 (6fc+2fg+1c-n) sec. IV-V + 12 cui: 9 sec. III-IV + 1 sec. IV + 2 sec. IV-V + 2 platouri: 1fc sec. III + 1m sec. III-IV + 1 strachin: 1fc sec. IV + 6 capace: 3 (1ang-r+2fc)sec. III + 3 capace (1m+1fr+1fc) sec. III-IV + 7 boluri: 2 (1fc+1fg) sec. III + 3f sec. III-IV + 1m sec. IV + 1r sec. IV-V + 9 castronae: 3 (1m + 2fc) sec. III-IV + 2 (1n+1fc) sec. IV + 4f sec. IV-V + 264 castroane (14+85+72+88): 14 (1m+1pz+11fc+1ang-r) sec. III + 85 (12m+6pz+60fc+ 4fn+1fr+2fr-g) sec. IIIIV + 72 (5m+5pz+1pz-r+49fc+6fn+1fca+2fb+1fa-r+1roz-g+1fg) sec. IV + 88 (3m+7pz+65f+ 2fg+1ang-g+1fr+7fn) sec. IV-V + 5 (1m+2z+2f) sec. V-VI + 9 vase cu profil n S: 2m sec. III-IV + 7fc sec. IV-V + 3 fructiere: 2ang-r + 1fc sec. III-IV + 199 borcane (9+3+46+49+87+5): 9 (3m+6pz) sec. III + 3 (1m+1fc+1fr), 46 (22m+1zc+ 1pz+1pzn+1pz-n+17fc+1ang-r+1fn+1f-n) sec. III-IV+ 49 (8m+8z+1zg+7pz+ 1pzbc+24f+1nb+1n+1g-a+8g) sec. IV + 87 (17m+4z+3zn+10pz+3pzn+47fc+3r+1fn) sec. IV-V + 5m sec. IV-V + 73 vase de provizii (4+13+39+17): 4 (3pzc+1fc) sec. III + 13 (3z+8pz+2zg) sec. III-IV + 39 (27zc+1zb-g+11pz+2c) sec. IV + 17 (1m+4zc+2zr+8pz+2f) sec. IV-V + 2fc cu gt nalt sec. IV-V + 7 ovoidale (2+5): 2 sec. III-IV + 5(2m+3fc) + 3 vase cu toarte (2+1): 2 (1f+1pzr) sec. III-IV + 1fc sec. IV-V + 8 bitronconice (4+2+2): 4fn sec. III-IV + 2fc sec. IV + 2 (1pz+1fc) + 6 import: 1 decor imprimat + 1 caserol sec. III-IV + 4 decor imprimat, 3 sec. IV, 1 IV-V + 64 amfore: 3 sec. III + 17 sec. III-IV + 21 sec. IV + 23 sec. IV-V + 8 pahare de sticl (2+4+2) = 2 sec. III-IV + 4 sec. IV + 2 sec. IV-V. Numr de vase reconstituite n funcie de tip:
Sec. III 38 forme de vase: 16+7+6+9. Forme 38 tipuri 9, 1+1+1+2+3+14+9+4+3: 1pzn vas mic, 1pz can, 1fc platou, 2 boluri (1fc+1fg), 3 capace (1ang-r+2fc), 14 castroane (1m+1pz+11fc+1ang-r), 9 borcane (3m+6pz), 4 vase de provizii (3pzc+1fc), 3 amfore. Sec. III-IV 221 forme, tipuri 18: 13+19+19+39+9+7+6+6+22+1+18+1+1+2+ 48+7+3.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Forme 221 18 tipuri, 1+4+9+1+12+3+1+3+3+3+89+3+46+13+2+5+4+ 2+17+2, pentru care s-a stabilit funcionalitatea: 1m vas miniatural, 4 pahare (3fc+1pz), 9m cui, 1fc cni, 12 cni (1zr+11f - 10fc+1fr), 3 capace (1m+1fr+1fc), 1m taler, 3f boluri, 3f fructiere (2ang-r+1fc), 3 castronae (1m+2fc), 85 castroane (12m+6pz+60fc+ 4fn+1fr+2fr-g), 3 borcane (1m+1fc+1fr), 46 borcane (22m+1zc+1pz+1pzn+1pzc-n+17fc+1ang-r+1fn+1fc-n), 13 vase de provizii (3z+8pz+2zg), 2 vas globular + vas cu toarte (1f+1pzr), 5 ovoidale (2m+3fc), 4fn bitronconice, 2m cu profil n S, 17 amfore, 2f import (1 imprimat cenuiu + 1 caserol), 2 pahare de sticl. Sec. IV 210 forme de vase: 20+5+7+7+10+2+5+5+15+28+23+2+11+5+7+4+8+ 2+10+8+5+19+2 Forme 210 tipuri 10, 7+13+1+1+2+72+49+2+39+3+21: 7 pahare, 6f, (3c + 1r + 2n) + 1pz + 13 cni, 1m + 1pz + 11f(10f+1n); + 1m bol + 1fc strachin + 2 castronae, 1n + 1fc + 72 castroane, 5m + 5pz + 1pz-r + 49fc + 6fn + 1fca + 3(2fb+1fa-r) + 1roz-g + 1fg + 49 borcane, 8m + 8z +1zg + 7pz + 1pzbc + 24f (1n-b + 1n + 1g-a + 8g) + 2fc vase bitronconice + 39 vase de provizii, 27zc + 1zb-g + 11pz +2c + 3f decor imprimat + 21 amfore. Sec. IV-V forme pe complexe: 25+20+8+40+28+11+7+1+18+2+10+11+7+6 = 194 forme + 55 atelier olrie = 249 forme. Forme 249, tipuri 14, 1+3+2+9+1+4+86+1+86+2+2+1+7+17+3+1+23: 1f vas miniatural + 3 pahare (1pz+2fc) + 2m cui + 9 cni (6fc+2fg+1c-n) + 1r bol + 4f castronae + 88 castroane (3m+7pz+65f+2fg+1angg+1fr+7fn) + 87 borcane (17m+4z+3zn+10pz+3pzn+47fc+3r+1fn) + 2 vase bitronconice (1pz+1fc) + 2fc cu gt nalt + 1fc cu toarte + 7fc vase cu profil n S + 17 vase de provizii (1m+4zc+2zr+8pz+2f) + importuri, 1fc cu motive imprimate + 23 amfore + vase de sticl. Sec. V-VI forme pe complexe 14: 3+4+5 = 12 forme. Forme - tipuri: 2f pahare, cpl. 120; 5 castroane: 2f cpl. 95, 3 cpl. 120 (2z+1m); 5m borcane, 4 cpl. 86, 1 cpl. 120. Forme: 2+5+7, 2f pahare, 5 castroane (1m+2z+2f), 5m borcane.

Ceramic forms and functionality

Pottery from Banca Gar - apte case, was ordered according to the now known base shapes specific, some derived out of the ones used in the previous centuries, to which new influences are added. Various inclusions were traced, the modeling technique, the colour given by the burning system, reducing or oxidating, done with the presence or absence of oxygen. In each of the complexes, the proportion between these pottery categories was studied, differing from one site to the next, as it was observed in the chaper related to the graphical representation of technical parameters and of types of pottery shape from 3rd and 4th centuries. Forms 742 = 3th century 38, 3rd4th centuries 221, 4th century 210, 4rd5th centuries 249, 5rd 6 centuries 28

Functionality types 14, with 742 vessels = 19 miniature vessels and beakers + 1 small mug + 35mugs + 12 primitive lamps + 2 plateaus + 1 dish + 6 lids + 7 bowls + 9 small tureens + 264 tureens + 9 vessels with S profile + 3 fruit tray + 199 jars + 73 food storage vessels + 2 with high necked + 7+ 5 ovoidal vessels + 3 vessel with a handle + 8 biconical vessels + 6 imports + 64 amphorae and 7 glass beakers. 19 miniature vessels and beakers: 1pzn miniature vessel, 3th century + 1m miniature vessel and 4 beakers (3fc+1pz), 3rd4th centuries + 7 beakers, 6f (3c+1r+2n) 4th century + 1f miniature vessel + 3 beakers (1pz+2fc) 5rd6th centuries + 2f beakers, 5rd6th centuries 3 miniature vessel: 1pzn, 3th century + 1m 3rd4th centuries + 1f 4rd5th centuries + 16 beakers: 4 (3fc+1pz), 3rd4th centuries + 7 (1pz+3fc+1fr+2fn) 4th cent ury + 3 (1pz+2fc) 4rd5th centuries + 2f 5rd6th centuries + 1fc mug 3rd4th centuries + 35 mugs (1+12+13+9): 1pz 3th century + 12 (1zr + 11f, 10fc, 1fr) rd th 3 4 centuries + 13 (1m + 1pz + 11f, 10c+1n) 4th century + 9 (6fc+2fg+1c-n) 4rd5th centuries + 12 primitive lamps: 9 3rd4th centuries + 1 4th century + 2 4rd5th centuries + 2 plateaus: 1fc, 3th century + 1m taler 3rd4th centuries + 1 dish: 1fc sec. IV + 6 lids: 3 (1ang-r+2fc), 3th century + 3 (1m+1fr+1fc) 3rd4th centuries + 7 bowls: 2 (1f+1fg), 3th century + 3f 3rd4th centuries + 1m 4th century + 1r 4rd5th centuries +

Ceramica forme i funcionaliti / Ceramic forms and functionality


9 small tureens: 3 (1m + 2f) 3rd4th centuries + 2 (1n+1fc) 4th century + 4f 4rd5th centuries + 264 tureens (14+85+72+88): 14 (1m+1pz+11fc+1ang-r) 3th century + 85 (12m+6pz+60fc+ 4fn+1fr+2fr-g) 3rd4th centuries + 72 (5m+5pz+1pz-r+49fc+6fn+1fca+2fb+1fa-r+1roz-g+1fg) 4th century + 88 (3m+7pz+65f+2fg+1ang-g+1fr+7fn) 4rd5thcenturies + 5 (1m+2z+2f) 5rd6thcenturies + 9 vessels with S profile: 2m 3rd4th centuries + 7fc 4rd5th centuries + 3 fruit tray: 2ang-r + 1fc 3rd4th centuries + 199 jars (9+3+46+49+87+5): 9 (3m+6pz) 3th century + 3 (1m+1fc+1fr), 46 (22m+1zc+1pz+ 1pzn+1pz-n+17fc+1ang-r+1fn+1f-n) 3rd4th centuries + 49 (8m+8z+1zg+7pz+1pzbc+24f+1n-b+ 1n+1g-a+8g) 4th century + 87 (17m+4z+3zn+10pz+3pzn+47fc+3r+1fn) 4rd5thcenturies + 5m 5rd6th centuries + 73 food storage vessels (4+13+39+17): 4 (3pzc+1fc), 3th century + 13 (3z+8pz+2zg) 3rd4th centuries + 39 (27zc+1zb-g+11pz+2c) 4th century + 17 (1m+4zc+2zr+8pz+2f) 4rd5th centuries + 2fc with high necked 4rd5th centuries + 7+5 ovoidal vessels (2+5): 2 3rd4th centuries + 5 (2m+3fc) + 3 vessel biconical vesselswith a handle: 2(1f+1pzr) 3rd4th centuries + 1f 4rd5th centuries + 8 biconical vessels (4+2+2): 4fn 3rd4th centuries + 2fc 4th century + 2 (1pz+1fc) + 6 imports: 1f decorated print + 1 casserole 3 rd4th centuries + 4 decorated print (3f sec. IV + rd 1fc 4 5th centuries) + 64 amphorae: 3 3th century + 17 3rd4th centuries + 21 4th century + 23 4rd5th centuries + 8 glass beakers (2+4+2) = 2 3rd4th centuries + 4 4th century + 2 4rd5th centuries. Numerous vessels recreated to types according
3th Century, 38 forms: 16+7+6+9. Forms 38 types 9, 1+1+1+2+3+14+9+4+3, functionality: 1pzn miniature vessels, 1pz mug, 1fc plateau, 2 bowls (1fc+1fg), 3 lid (1ang-r+2fc), 14 tureens (1m+1pz+11fc+1ang-r), 9 jar (3m+6pz), 4 food storage vessels (3pzc+1fc), 3 amphorae. 3rd4th centuries, 221 forms: 13+19+19+39+9+7+6+6+22+1+18+1+1+2+ 48+7+3. Forms 221 types 18, 1+4+9+1+12+3+1+3+3+3+89+3+46+13+2+5+4+2+17+2, functiona-lity: 1m miniature vessels, 4 beakers (3fc+1pz), 9m primitive lamp, 1fc small mug, 12 mugs (1zr+11f, 10fc+1fr), 3 lids (1m+1fr+1fc), 1m plateau, 3f bowls, 3f fruit tray (2ang-r+1fc), 3 small tureens (1m+2fc), 85 tureens (12m+6pz+60fc+4fn+1fr+2fr-g), 3 jars (1m+1fc+1fr), 46 jars (22m+1zc+1pz+1pzn+1pzc-n+17fc+1ang-r+1fn+1fc-n), 13 food storage vessels (3z+8pz+ 2zg), 2+5 ovoidal vessels (2m+5fc), 2 vessel with a handle (1f+1pzr), 4fn biconical vessels, 2m vessels with S profile, 17 amphorae, 2f imports (1 decorated print + 1 casserole), 2 glass beakers. 4th Century, forms: 20+5+7+7+10+2+5+5+15+28+23+2+11+5+7+4+8+2+ 10+8+5+19+2. Forme 210 tipuri 10, 7+13+1+1+2+72+49+2+39+3+21, functionality: 7 beakers, 6f, (3c+1r+2n) + 1pz + 13 mugs, 1m+1pz+11f(10f+1n); + 1m bowl + 1fc dish + 2 small tureens, 1n+1fc+ 72 tureens, 5m+ 5pz+1pzr+49fc+6fn+1fca+3(2fb+1fa-r)+1roz-g+1fg + 49 jars, 8m+8z+1zg+7pz+1pzbc+24f (1n-b+1n+1g-a+8g) + 2fc biconical + 39 food storage, 27zc + 1zb-g + 11pz +2c + 3f decorated print + 21 amphorae. 4rd5th Centuries, forms 194 + 55 potters workshop = 246: 25+20+8+40+28+11+7+1+18+2+10+11+ 7+6. Forms 248 types 15, 1+3+2+9+1+4+86+1+86+2+2+1+7+17+1+21, functionality: 1f miniature vessels + 3 beakers (1pz+2fc) + 2m primitive lamps + 9 mugs (6fc+2fg+1c-n) + 1r bowl + 4f small tureens + 88 tureens (3m+7pz+65f+2fg+1ang-g+1fr+7fn) + 87 jars (17m+4z+3zn+10pz+3pzn+47fc+3r+1fn) + 2 biconical (1pz+1fc) + 2fc with high necked + 1fc vessel with a handle + 7fc vessels with S profile + 17 food storage vessels (1m+4zc+2zr+8pz+2fc) + imports, 1fc decorated print + 23 amphorae + 2 glass beakers. 5rd6th Centuries, forms: 12 = 3+4+5. Forms 14 types 3: functionality: 2f beakers, cpl. 120; 5 tureens: 2f cpl. 95, 3 cpl. 120 (2z+1m); 5m jars, 4 cpl. 86, 1 cpl. 120. Forms: 2+5+7, 2f beakers, 5 tureens (1m+2z+2f), 5m jars.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Forme categoria ceramicii modelate cu mna

Cu mna liber, fr a folosi roata olarului, din past frmntat incomplet, amestecat cu nisip, cioburi sfrmate, mici pietricele, s-au modelat vasele arse de cele mai multe ori semireductoare, incomplet, cu o culoare brun-cafenie cu pete cenuii sau crmizii i un aspect sfrmicios, poros. Oalele de tradiie local, cu forme specifice secolelor III-V, s-au decorat cu bru n relief, alveolat sau crestat. n ceea ce privete formele semnalate pentru ceramica modelat cu mna se disting: ceaca dacic - cuia sau afumtoarea, cana, bolul, talerul, castronul i oala sau borcanul, nici unul ntreg, cu excepia cuilor i a unui alt mic vas. Total vase modelate cu mna pe secole: 144 vase = 7 sec. III + 75 sec. III-IV + 20 sec. IV + 28+3 sec. IV-V din care 3 din atelierul de olrie + 11 sec. V-VI (7+75+20+28+3+11).
Pl. 15. Banca Gar apte case. Ceramica modelat cu mna/ hand made ceramic ware, 14 L11, cpl. 72, sec. III-IV / 3rd4th centuries; 3, 11 A3-4, cpl. 60-61; 4 Lsp2 cpl. 26; 5, 10 G16, cpl. 114; 6 G1, cpl. 19; 12 L9, cpl. 51; 13 L6, cpl. 35; 16 G18, cpl. 119, sec. IV/4 th century; 1, 8 G4, cpl. 79; 7 Lsp1, cpl. 14; 15 Lsp4 cpl. 36; 17 G1 cpl. 24a; 18-20 Lad1 cpl. 4; 21 G2 cpl. 26a, sec. IV-V/4rd5th centuries; 2, 9 G2 cpl. 120, sec. V-VI/5rd6th centuries.

Pentru secolul al III-lea s-au menionat 7 vase, din care s-au reconstituit prin desen dou borcane (fig. 139/2-3) i un castron emisferic. Pentru perioada dintre ultima parte a secolului III i prima a secolului IV, s-au detaat 75 vase, din care 26 n locuinele de suprafa, un vas miniatural (fig. 41/8), patru cui (fig. 33/6; 70/3; 71/1), un capac (fig. 71/2), cinci castroane (fig. 34/2; 41/9; 70/6; 71/3), din care unul emisferic (fig. 112/9), cinci borcane (fig. 42/9; 70/4-5, 7-8), un borcan (fig. 70/1), dou vase ovoidale (fig. 70/2, 5), patru perei cu brie alveolate (fig. 33/10; 60/7; 71/4-6) i un corp de la un vas mare. Alte 14 vase erau n locuinele uor adncite, vas cu trei picioare tripes (fig. 65/4), un taler (fig. 118/10), cinci castroane (fig. 118/8), un borcan cu bru alveolat (fig. 32/3), apte borcane (fig. 64/10; 118/6-7, 9), din care dou cu bru alveolat (fig. 64/11). n gropi, alte 35 de vase, din care, 4 cui (fig. 34/9; 67/1; 114/6; 129/12), 2 castronae (fig. 129/5-6), 2 castroane (fig. 67/10), 19 borcane (fig. 67/2-3, 5-9, 11-12; 129/1-4, 7, 9-10), 1 perete cu o proeminen (fig. 67/13). Dintre ele s-au detaat 64 de forme, un vas miniatural, nou cui, un taler, un capac sau un mic vas pentru copt, dou castronae, 12 castroane, 31 borcane, un borcan, dou vase ovoidale, patru perei de la borcane ornate cu brie alveolate i pri de la alte borcane pe umr prevzute tot cu brie alveolate. Pentru secolul al IV-lea s-au detaat 20 vase, 2 din locuine din Lsp1 cpl. 1, un borcan (fig. 36/1; =10 cm), din Lad2 cpl. 91, un castron (fig. 124/2), 12 din gropi, o can cu toart (fig. 135/2), un castrona sferoidal, alte trei castroane (fig. 125/6), unul cu toarte late, un vas cu bru simplu,un borcan pe umr cu bru alveolat (fig. 134/5), un borcan (fig. 135/5) i nc o cuie (fig. 137/1), iar 6 vase din aglomerrile de materiale, dou borcane prevzute cu bru (fig. 49/6; 94/17) i un

Ceramica forme i funcionaliti / Ceramic forms and functionality


castron (fig. 95/8), n total, o cuie, o can cu toart, ase castroane unul mic, trei borcane, trei borcane cu bru. Din secolele IV-V sunt 28 de vase, din locuinele de suprafa, dou cui (fig. 91/9; 83/2), patru castroane (fig 83/1; 138/3), 15 borcane (fig. 36/1), 53/5, 7); 29/5-6; 30/8; 51/8; 56/1; 79/6; 91/5; 120/15; 138/7-8, 11) i un vas decorat cu bru alveolat. Din secolele V-VI, 11 vase, ase din gropi i cinci din aglomerrile de materiale, o cuie (fig. 122/4), dou castroane (fig. 127/5; 138/3), un perete de vas decorat cu incizii n val (fig. 127/2), dou borcane (fig. 127/1, 4) i cinci borcane (fig. 122/1, 3, 6, 9-10). De menionat i faptul c, aceast categorie fiind mai rezistent la foc, era folosit mai ales pentru pregtirea hranei. n aceast grup au fost puine tipuri. Ea rmne ntr-o proporie redus fa de celelalte categorii de ceramic din aceast perioad.

Pl. 16. Banca Gar - apte case. Ceramica modelat cu mna / hand-made ceramic ware, 23 pass.; 31 G3 cpl. 121, sec. III//3th century; 4, 6, 19, 24, 26, 30 Lad4 cpl. 106; 2, 7, 18, 25 G2 cpl. 32; 3, 9, 11, 27-28 L4, cpl. 33; 5, 14, 22 L4, cpl. 33; 8, 10, 29 L3 cpl. 78; 12 Lad3 cpl. 78; 13 L2 cpl. 31; 17 L1, cpl. 12a; 33 L2, cpl. 17; 20 G4 cpl. 74; 21 G1 cpl. 13, sec. III-IV/3 rd 4th centuries; 8, 32 G14, cpl. 116, sec. IV/4th century; 1 G4 cpl. 79; 10 cpl. 114, G5; 16 L4 cpl. 36, sec. IVV/4rd5th centuries; 15 A1 cpl. 86, sec. VI/6th century.

Vas cu trei picioare - tripes de dimensiuni mici, care s-a pstrat n locuina uor adncit, L2 cpl. 31, ntre alte 20 de vase (fig. 65/4-65a). V. Teodorescu a asociat realizarea ndeletnicirilor siderurgice de la Ceptura cu prezena vaselor tripes, despre care se consider c au fost aduse de ilirii venii n Dacia ca mineri, precum i n Gallia, dar i c era rspndit i la dacii aflai n contact direct cu zona ilir. n Transilvania vasele tripede au fost atestate la Caol Sibu, Calbor Braov i Cristeti Mure (M. Macrea, E. Dobroiu, N. Lupu 1957, p. 414), n Oltnia Gh. Popilian nu le menioneaz (1976), n Muntenia au aprut la Bucureti Struleti, dar lucrat la roat i la Ceptura (V. Teodorescu 1984, p. 101-124; ~, D. Lichiardopol 2009, p. 351-354, fig. 10/1-3, 6, 8-9; 11/7, 10-13, 16). Rar s-au descoperit astfel de vase cu picior n aezrile geto-dace din zon. Apropiate ca mrime au fost cele din staiunea Brlad - Valea Seac, L1 sau din B16 (V. Palade 2004, fig. 2/2; 40/29-30), alta lucrat cu roat din past fin, a aprut n L10 (Ibidem, fig. 10/12). Menionm i vasul tronconic susinut de patru picioare, pe umr cu proeminene, din coleciile Muzeului de istorie a Municipiului Bucureti, aflat mpreun cu un vas cu talerul arcuit n patru muchii, prevzut cu un picior gol nalt (M. Turcu 1969, p. 165, 167, pl. II/2, 6). Ceaca dacic tronconic, cuia sau afumtoarea. La Banca Gar s-au descoperit 12 exemplare cu urme puternice de arsur n interior i n exterior, de la grsimile care se ardeau pentru a lumina. Cele mai


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

multe au fost n complexele din sec. III-IV 9 exemplare, cinci n locuine, patru cui n dou locuine de suprafa, dou n Lsp1, cpl. 12a, dou n Lsp4 cpl. 33 (fig. 70/3; 71/1) i una n locuina uor adncit, Lad2 cpl. 31, de asemenea, n Lad4 cpl. 106, n gropi, G1 cpl. 13 (fig. 34/9), G2 cpl. 32 (fig. 67/1) i G4 cpl. 74, o cuie cu toart masiv (fig. 114/6). Din complexele din secolul al IV-lea este doar cuia gsit n G 16 cpl. 119 (fig. 137/1) iar din sec. IV-V, provin dou, una din Lsp4 cpl. 36 i alta din Lsp5 cpl. 51 (fig. 91/9). Cuile s-au consemnat nc din primele cercetri arheologice, n Muntenia (V. Prvan 1911, p. 189 i urm.), n Transilvania (Z. Szkly 1951, pl. I/1-4). n Podiul Brladului s-a menionat n complexele din staiunea de la Brlad - Valea Seac, unde ceti obinuite au fost gsite n bordeiele nr. 3 sau 5, folosite ca ateliere pentru confecionat piepteni din os (V. Palade 2004, p. 56-57). Alte cui au fost ornate cu alveole spre baz, cele din L13, L16 (Idem, 1969, p. 251, fig. 2/4-5; 4/6-8; 13/3), n mormintele de incineraie s-au semnalat n M313 (Idem 2004, fig. 13/3; 16/1, 3; 137/1), M393 sau M410 (Ibidem, fig. 145/1, 2; 240/2). n sudul Moldovei s-au menionat i la Poiana - Cetate (R. Vulpe 1953, p. 290), Cavadineti sau Blteni Grla Strmbu (I. T. Dragomir 1959, p. 467, fig. 10), Bogdneti (B. Mitrea et alii 1953, p. 233, fig. 18), Poieneti - Dealul Teilor (R. Vulpe 1953, p. 282, fig. 63/1), n zona Iai, n aezrile de la Dancu, Iai Fabrica de crmizi (I. Ioni 1971a, p. 199-201; M. Petrescu-Dmbovia et alii 1955, p. 183), Holboca - La Moar, Rediu Ttar - Dealul Bursucriei (N. Zaharia, M. Petrescu-Dmbovia, Em. Zaharia 1970, p. 198, 214, pl. CLXXVII/13,15; CV/5). Astfel de vase s-au descoperit n cuprinsul Daciei ocupate de romani la Piatra Roie (C. Daicoviciu 1954, p. 99-100, pl. XVIII/8-9 i XX/6), Piscul Crsani (I. Andrieescu 1926, p. 25-27, fig. 62-67), Tinosul (R. Vulpe, E. Vulpe 1924, p. 198, fig. 25/9 i 32), Poieneti - Dealul Teilor (R. Vulpe 1953, p. 233-234, fig. 18). Unul dintre cuptoarele descoperite la Ramna, judeul Cara - Severin, n aezarea rural roman din secolul al III-lea, care i-a continuat existena i n secolul urmtor, coninea fragmente de ceti tronconice dacice, care se produceau n plin epoc roman, semn c erau cerute. S-a considerat c, cei ce cumprau n plin secol III recipientele de tradiie local, ntr-o perioad cnd se producea din abunden ceramica lucrat la roat, aspectuoas i foarte bine ars, nu puteau fi alii dect btinaii daci, locuitorii Daciei romane. Ei le ntrebuinau nu numai pentru necesitile cotidiene, dar, se crede, mai ales n practicarea unor ritualuri legate de cultul morilor (L. Mrghitan 1980, p. 101, nota 104). Cetile dacice nu au aprut la Miorcani (I. Ioni 1971a, p. 201), sau la Lecani (C. Bloiu 1969, p. 137 i urm). Numrul mic a fost raportat de I. Ioni, nu la ponderea populaiei autohtone, ci mai degrab la specificul ritualului funerar (1971, p. 201). Dup el, din punctul de vedere al prezenei cetilor dacice n aezri, se poate realiza o apreciere asupra proporiei populaiei autohtone (Ibidem, p. 201). Cni, boluri, talere. O singur can (fig. 135/2; =9 cm) s-a semnalat n G15 cpl. 116, din sec. IV, menionm i un vas miniatural, L2 cpl. 17, din sec. III-IV. Un bol sau capac (fig. 71/2), se afla n Lsp4 cpl. 33, sec. III-IV, o form apropiat de Andrei Opai, de micile vase pentru copt. Vase din past fin, unele cu prag, s-au semnalat la Brlad - Valea Seac, n L2, L10 sau n M15 (V. Palade 2004, fig. 2/2; 10/2; 68/1), dar i n L11-12, n G41 (Ibidem, fig. Fig. 11/7; 12/1; 56/5), i unele din past zgrunuroas, L16 (Ibidem, fig. 16/10, 20). O parte dintr-un taler s-a recuperat din Lad3 cpl. 78 (fig. 118/10; =24 cm). Castroane. Au fost frecvente n complexe, n sec. III, un castron sferoidal s-a descoperit n G3 cpl. 121 (corp=24 cm). Pentru sec. III-IV, castroane modelate cu mna s-au gsit n Lsp1, cpl. 12a, Lsp2 cpl. 17 (fig. 41/9), dou n Lsp4 cpl. 33 (fig. 70/6; 71/3), unul emisferic n Lsp6 cpl. 72 (fig. 112/9), dou, dintre care unul mai ntreg, n Lad3 cpl. 78(fig. 67/10; =24 cm), la fel din Lad4 cpl. 106, dou castronae (fig. 129/5-6; =8 cm). Probabil castroane mai nalte sunt i fragmentele de vase cu profil n S, precum dou exemplare care provin din Lad3 cpl. 78 (fig. 118/8; =13; 10; 22 cm). Sec. IV, castroane au aprut n G6 cpl. 49 (=34 cm), un castrona i alte dou castronae cu marginile drepte, n G11 cpl. 92 (fig. 125/6; =13; 7; 2x 9). Pentru sec. V-VI, menionm castronul din Lsp4 cpl. 36 (fig 83/1), unul din G1 cpl. 95, iar un altul, cu profil n S, se afla n G2 cpl. 120 (fig. 138/3; =14,5 cm). Emil Moscalu a inclus n acest tip vasele cu form tronconic, modelate cu mna din past brun-crmizie, cu diferite variante, precum cele cu marginea dreapt, buza evazat, rsfrnt oblic, uneori rotunjit sau ngroat, ornamentate sau neornamentate, dar i castroanele mari, unele cu trei mnui laterale. Cum indic deschiderea buzei, medii spre mici, =34-7 cm, castroanele modelate cu mna nu erau prea mari. Borcane. n complexele de sec. III s-au gsit trei borcane, una n G2 cpl. 113 (fig. 132/14; =10 cm) i dou din G3 cpl. 121 (fig. 139/2-3; =14; 17 cm), de dimensiuni medii sau mici, cum indic bazele (=16; 16,5; 5,5 cm). Din locuinele din sec. III-IV, n cadrul veselei utilizate pentru gtit apar i borcanele oale cu bru alveolat n Lsp1, cpl. 12a (fig. 33/10), Lsp3 cpl. 29 (fig. 60/7; =14 cm), cte dou n Lsp2 cpl. 17 (fig.

Ceramica forme i funcionaliti / Ceramic forms and functionality


42/9) i n Lad2 cpl. 31 (fig. 64/10-11; =13; 18 cm). Din una dintre locuinele de suprafa, Lsp4 cpl. 33, sau recuperat mai multe vase, unele au fost folosite pentru gtit, dou borcane, ultimul prevzut cu brie (fig. 70/1; 71/4-6; =18 cm) i patru borcane (fig. 70/4-5, 7-8; =2x14; 20 cm), altele pentru depozitat produsele necesare familiei, dou vase ovoidale (fig. 70/2, 5; =36; 39 cm), sau pentru pstrat lichide, un vas mare (=32 cm). Din locuinele uor adncite provine un borcan cu bru alveolat, gsit n Lad1 cpl. 10 (fig. 32/3) iar patru borcane au fost recuperate din Lad3 cpl. 78 (fig. 118/6-7; 9; =10; 22-24 cm). n locuinele de sec. IV, un borcan se afla n Lsp1 cpl. 1 i altul n G10 cpl. 80. n complexele din sec. IV-V, reprezint forma de vas cel mai des utilizat, cte un borcan i o baz au aprut n Lsp1 cpl. 14 (fig. 36/1-2), Lsp2 cpl. 26 (fig. 53/7), Lsp3 cpl. 35 (fig. 79/6), un vas cu bru alveolat n Lsp4 cpl. 36, dou borcane n Lsp5 cpl. 51 (fig. 91/5; =14; 16 cm), trei n Lad1 cpl. 4 (fig. 29/5-6; 30/5, 8). La fel au fost confecionate alte 10 borcane aflate n Lad4 cpl. 106, unele arse incomplet (fig. 129/1-3, 7; buz=10; 12; 15; 15,5 cm), altele crmizii (fig. 129/9; buz=16; 18; 24; 26 cm). Din gropi s-au adunat cele mai multe fragmente de borcane, dovad a ntrebuinrii frecvente a lor i a nlocuirii celor uzater cu altele noi. Opt borcane arse de la glbui la brun, cu dimensiuni apropiate, cum indic diametrele buzelor pstrate, unele prevzute cu proeminene, se gseau n G2 cpl. 32 (fig. 67/2-3, 5-9, 11-13; =13; 4x14; 15; 2x16 cm). Din sec. IV-V, un borcan i altul cu bru simplu provin din G1 cpl. 24a (fig. 51/8, 12; =12 cm), tot un borcan se afla n G2 cpl. 26a (fig. 56/1), G4 cpl. 79 (fig. 120/15) i n A1 cpl. 42, iar din sec. V-VI, patru borcane s-au gsit n A1 cpl. 86 (fig. 122/1, 3, 6, 9; =11; 12 cm). Din gropi, din ultima perioad menionat provin patru borcane, dou din G1 cpl. 95 i un borcan din G2 cpl. 120 (fig. 138/7; =14 cm). Doar trei fragmente, prea mici pentru a li se stabili forma, de la vase diferite, s-au pstrat n interiorul atelierului de olrie, cpl. 65. Oala lucrat cu mna, avnd corpul alungit sau sferic, cu marginea uor nclinat i baza profilat, tiat drept, a fost folosit frecvent drept urn n secolele II-III p.Hr. (I. Ioni, V. Ursache 1968, p. 217, fig. 5/3-4; I. Antonescu 1959, p. 477, fig. 3).

Pottery shapes hand modeled pottery category

With a free hand, without making use of the potter's wheel, out of incompletely kneaded paste, mixed with sand, broken fragments, small pebbles, few shapes were modeled: cups or thuribles, small pots with various shapes, bugs, tureens and patens, but especially jug pots. Burning, most often demi-reducting, was not complete, pots frequently have a brown coffee-color with gray or brick-colored spots and a general fraily, porous aspect. Pots of local tradition, with shapes specific to the 3 rd century, were decorated with reliefed, celled or notched girdle, none of which whole, except for the thuribles and another small pot. Total: 144 pots = 7 3rd century + 75 3rd4th centurieas + 20 4th century + 28+3 4rd5th 3 with potters workshop + 11 5rd6th centuries (7+75+20+28+3+11). For the 3rd century 7 pots were found, from which two jars were reconstructed in drawing (fig. 139/2-3) and a hemispherical tureen. For the period between the last part of the 3 rd century and first part of the 4th century, 75 pots were recovered, 26 of them in surface dwelling, a small pot (fig. 41/8), four primitive lamps (fig. 33/6; 70/3; 71/1), a lid (fig. 71/2), five tureens (fig. 34/2; 41/9; 70/6; 71/3), one hemispherical (fig. 112/9), five jars (fig. 42/9; 70/4-5, 7-8), a jar (fig. 70/1), two pots with ovoid body (fig. 70/2, 5), four walls decorated with alveoli belt (fig. 33/10; 60/7; 71/4-6) and a body of a large vessel. Other 14 pots were found in the slightly buried dwelling, vessel with three legs tripes (fig. 65/4), a platter (fig. 118/10), five tureens (fig. 118/8), a jar decorated with alveoli belt (fig. 32/3), seven jars (fig. 64/10; 118/6-7, 9), two of them decorated with alveoli belt (fig. 64/11). In pits, other 35 pots, from which four primitive lamp (fig. 34/9; 67/1; 114/6; 129/12), 2 small tureens (fig. 129/5-6), two tureens (fig. 67/10), 19 jars (fig. 67/2-3, 5-9, 11-12; 129/1-4, 7, 9-10), 1 wall with a prominence (fig. 67/13). From them 64 forms were detached, a small pot, primitive lamps, a platter, a lid or a small vessel for baking, 14 tureens, 31 jars, a jar, two pots with ovoid body, four walls with decorated jars with alveoli belt and parts from other jars with alveoli belt on the shoulder. For the 4th century 20 vessels were detached, 2 with dwellings with Lsp1 cpl. 1, a jar (fig. 36/1; =10 cm), Lad2 cpl. 91, a tureen (fig. 124/2), 12 with pits, a mug (fig. 135/2), a small tureen hemispherical, and other three tureens (fig. 125/6), one wih handle, a pot with simple belt, a jar with alveoli belt on the shoulder (fig. 134/5), a jar (fig. 135/5) and some primitive lamps (fig. 137/1), and six pots with the agglomeration of materials, two jars with alveoli belt (fig. 49/6; 94/17) and a tureen (fig. 95/8), in total, a primitive lamp, a mug with handle, six tureens one small, three jars decorated with alveoli belt. From 4rd5th centuries there


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

are 28 fragmentary pots, from surface dwellings, two primitive lamps (fig. 91/9; 83/2), four tureens (fig 83/1; 138/3), 15 jars (fig. 36/1), 53/5, 7); 29/5-6; 30/8; 51/8; 56/1; 79/6; 91/5; 120/15; 138/7-8, 11) and a pot with alveoli belt. From 5th6th centuries, 11 pots, six with pits and with agglomeration of materials, a primitive lamp (fig. 122/4), two grayish tureens (fig. 127/5; 138/3), a wall decorated with a wavy incision (fig. 127/2), two jars (fig. 127/1, 4) and six jars (fig. 122/1, 3, 6, 9-10). It is worth mentioning the fact that this category, being more fire resistent, was used especially for preparing food. In this ceramic group were found few types. It remains in a lesser proportion than the rest of the pottery categories from this period. Conical dacian cup, primitive lamp = cuia or perfumingpan At Banca Gar 12 items were discovered with strong burning marks both on the interior and exterior, from the fats that were burned for light. Most of them were in 3rd4th centuries complexes 9 samples, in five dwellings, four primitive lamps, two in surface dwelling, two in Lsp1, cpl. 12a, two in Lsp4 cpl. 33 (fig. 70/3; 71/1) and one in the slightly buried dwelling, Lad2 cpl. 31, also, in Lad4 cpl. 106, in pits, G1 cpl. 13 (fig. 34/9), G2 cpl. 32 (fig. 67/1) i G4 cpl. 74, a primitive lamp with massive handle (fig. 114/6). The one from the 4th century complex is just a primitive lamp found in G 16 cpl. 119 (fig. 137/1) and two from 4rd5th centuries, one with Lsp4 cpl. 36 and another with Lsp5 cpl. 51 (fig. 91/9). From them we mention one which was a vessel with three legs - probably a primitive lamp, preserved in the slightly buried dwelling, L2 cpl. 31, among other 20 pots (fig. 65/4-65a). Rarely were discovered such pots with leg in the geto-dacic settlements from the area, hand-made ware. Closer to the size of a censer were the ones discovered in the settlement at Brlad - Valea Seac, with dwelling L1 or with hut B16 (V. Palade 2004, fig. 2/2; 40/29-30), another potters wheel, with fine paste, was found in dwelling L10 (Ibidem, fig. 10/12). We also mention the tronconic vessel sustained with four leg, on the shoulder with many prominences, preserved in the collections of the Museum of History of Bucharest, where a vessel with platter, curved in four edges, in a cross, with a vessel with one tall leg (M. Turcu 1969, p. 167, pl. II/6 i p. 165, pl. II/2). Primitive lamps were recorded since the first archaeological researches, in Muntenia (V. Prvan 1911, p. 189 and fol.), in Transilvania (Z. Szkly 1951, pl. I/1-4). In Brlad Plateau is mentioned in complexes from Brlad - Valea Seac settlement, where regular primitive lamps were found in huts no. 3 or 5, used as workshop for making bone combs (V. Palade 2004, p. 56-57). Other primitive lamps were adorned with alveoli towards the base, the ones form L13, L16 (Ibidem, 1969, p. 251, fig. 2/4-5; 4/6-8; 13/3), in cremation tombs in M313 (Idem 2004, fig. 13/3; 16/1, 3; 137/1), M393 or M410 (Ibidem, fig. 145/1, 2 or 240/2). In Southern Moldavia were mentioned also at Poiana - Cetate (R. Vulpe 1953, p. 290), Cavadineti or Blteni - Grla Strmbu (I. T. Dragomir 1959, p. 467, fig. 10), Bogdneti (B. Mitrea et alii 1953, p. 233, fig. 18), Poieneti - Dealul Teilor (R. Vulpe 1953, p. 282, fig.63/1), in Iai area, in the settlement at Dancu, Iai - Fabrica de crmizi (I. Ioni 1971a, p. 199-201; M. Petrescu-Dmbovia et alii 1955, p. 183), Holboca - La Moar, Rediu Ttar - Dealul Bursucriei (N. Zaharia, M. Petrescu-Dmbovia, Em.Zaharia 1970, p. 198, 214, pl. CLXXVII/13,15; CV/5). Such vessels were discovered along the roman occupied Dacia at Piatra Roie (C. Daicoviciu 1954, p. 99-100, pl. XVIII/8-9 i XX/6), Piscul Crsani (I. Andrieescu 1926, p. 25-27, fig. 62-67), Tinosul (R. Vulpe, E. Vulpe 1924, p. 198, fig. 25/9 i 32), Spanov (R. Vulpe 1953, p. 233-234, fig. 18). One of the kilns discovered at Ramna, Cara Severin county, in the rustic roman settlement from 3 rd century, which continued its existence in the following century, contained fragments of dacian tronconic cups, which were produced in the middle of the roman period, a sign that they were in big demand. It was considered that the ones that were buying the full 3rd century, local tradition recipients, in a period when ceramic worked at potter's wheel was abundand, good looking and very well burned, could be no other than the local dacians, the inhabitants of the roman Dacia. They were making use of them not only for day to day needs, but, it is believed, especially practicing rites related to the cult of the dead (L. Mrghitan 1980, p. 101, note 104). Dacian cups did not show up at Miorcani (I. Ioni 1971a, p. 201), or at Lecani (C. Bloiu 1969, p. 137 and fol.). The small numer was reported by I. Ioni, not to the native population, but rather to the specificity of the funeral rite (1971, p. 201). In his opinion, from a point of view of the presence of the dacian cups in settlements, an appreciation can be made about the ratio over the native population (Ibidem, p. 201). Mugs, bowls, platter. A single cup (fig. 135/2; =9 cm) was noticed in G15 cpl. 116, within the 4 th century, we also mention a small pot, L2 cpl. 17, from 3 rd4th centuries. A bowl or a lid (fig. 71/2), was situated in Lsp4 cpl. 33, 3rd4th centuries, a shape closely related to Andrei Opai, of small baking vessels. Pots made of fine paste, some with a still, were noticed at Brlad - Valea Seac, in L2, L10 or in M15 (V. Palade 2004, fig. 2/2; 10/2; 68/1), but also in L11-12 (Ibidem, fig. 11/7; 12/1), in G41 (Ibidem, fig. 56/5), and

Ceramica forme i funcionaliti / Ceramic forms and functionality


pot with coarse paste resembling hand-made ceramic ware, L16 (Ibidem, fig. 16/10, 20). A part of a platter was recovered in Lad3 cpl. 78 (fig. 118/10; =24 cm). Tureens. Were frequent in complexes, in 3th century, a spheroidal tureen was discovered in G3 cpl. 121 (corp=24 cm). For the 3rd4th centuries, tureens hand-made ware were found in Lsp1, cpl. 12a, Lsp2 cpl. 17 (fig. 41/9), two in Lsp4 cpl. 33 (fig. 70/6; 71/3), one and a hemispherical tureen in Lsp6 cpl. 72 (fig. 112/9), two, one more wholer, in Lad3 cpl. 78(fig. 67/10; =24 cm), the same from Lad4 cpl. 106, two tureens (fig. 129/5-6; =8 cm). Probably taller tureens and fragments with tureen with S-profiled walls, such as the two samples from Lad3 cpl. 78 (fig. 118/8; =13; 10; 22 cm). 4th century, tureens were found in G6 cpl. 49 (=34 cm), a small tureen and two other tureens with right edge, in G11 cpl. 92 (fig. 125/6; =13; 7; 2x 9). For 5th6th centuries, we mention tureen in Lsp4 cpl. 36 (fig 83/1), one with G1 cpl. 95, and another, with S-profiled, was found in G2 cpl. 120 (fig. 138/3; =14,5 cm). Emil Moscalu included this type of vessel with tronconic shape, hand-made ware with brown-reddish paste, with various variants, such as the ones with straight edge, elongated rib, oblique turnover, sometimes rounded or bolded, ornamented or not, and big tureens, some with lateral three handles. As the opening of the rib indicate, medium to small, =34-7 cm, tureens hand-made ware were not that big. Jars. In complexes from 3rd century were found three jars, one in G2 cpl. 113 (fig. 132/14; =10 cm) and two in G3 cpl. 121 (fig. 139/2-3; =14; 17 cm), of mediom or small size, as the bases show (=16; 16,5; 5,5 cm). With dwelllings of 3rd4th centuries, within the cooking vessel also appear jars decorated with alveoli belt in Lsp1, cpl. 12a (fig. 33/10), Lsp3 cpl. 29 (fig. 60/7; =14 cm), two each in Lsp2 cpl. 17 (fig. 42/9) and in Lad2 cpl. 31 (fig. 64/10-11; =13; 18 cm). From one of the surface dwellings, Lsp4 cpl. 33, many pots were recovered, some were used for cooking, two jars, the latter decorated with alveoli belt (fig. 70/1; 71/4-6; =18 cm) and four jars (fig. 70/4-5, 7-8; =2x14; 20 cm), others for depositing products necessary to the family, two ovoidal vessels (fig. 70/2, 5; =36; 39 cm), or for keeping liquids, a large pot (=32 cm). From the slightly buried dwellingsa jar with alveoli belt was recovered, found in Lad1 cpl. 10 (fig. 32/3) and four jars were recovered from Lad3 cpl. 78 (fig. 118/6-7; 9; =10; 22-24 cm). In the 4th century dwelling, a jar was in Lsp1 cpl. 1 and another in G10 cpl. 80. In complexes with 4th5th centuries, the most common shape, one jar and one base in Lsp1 cpl. 14 (fig. 36/1-2), Lsp2 cpl. 26 (fig. 53/7), Lsp3 cpl. 35 (fig. 79/6), a pot with alveoli belt in Lsp4 cpl. 36, two jars in Lsp5 cpl. 51 (fig. 91/5; =14; 16 cm), three in Lad1 cpl. 4 (fig. 29/5-6; 30/5, 8). The same were made other 10 jars in Lad4 cpl. 106, some incompletely burned (fig. 129/1-3, 7; lip=10; 12; 15-15,5 cm), other brick-colored (fig. 129/9; lip=16; 18; 24; 26 cm). From pits were gathered most of the jar, a proof of their frequent usage and of replacement of used ones with new. Eight jars burned from yellow to brown, with close sizes, according to the diameter of the preserver ribs, some with bulges, were found in G2 cpl. 32 (fig. 67/2-3, 5-9, 11-13; =13; 4x14; 15; 2x16 cm). From 4rd5th centuries, a pot and another with simple belt come from G1 cpl. 24a (fig. 51/8, 12; =12 cm), again a jar found in G2 cpl. 26a (fig. 56/1), G4 cpl. 79 (fig. 120/15) and in A1 cpl. 42, and from 5rd6th centuries four jars were found in A1 cpl. 86 (fig. 122/1, 3, 6, 9; =11; 12 cm). From the pits, from the last mentioned period four jars, two with G1 cpl. 95 and a jar in G2 cpl. 120 (fig. 138/7; =14 cm). Only three, too small to establish their shape, from different pots were preserved in the potters workshop. Hand made pot, with a prolongued or spherical body, with the edge lightly bended and profiled base, straight cut, was frequently used in 3rd4th centuries (I. Ioni, V. Ursache 1968, p. 217, fig. 5/3-4; I. Antonescu 1959, p. 477, fig. 3).

Forme categoria ceramicii lucrat la roata olarului

Datorat modelrii ceramicii fine de meteri n ateliere special amenajate, ceramica lucrat la roat reprezint o anumit standardizare morfologic. Cu excepia ceramicii de import, mare parte din ceramica fin descoperit la Banca Gar - apte case, trebuie s fi fost lucrat de meterii locali n atelierul prevzut cu dou cuptoare. Numrul mare al vaselor din aceast categorie, a permis realizarea unei clasificri n funcie de specificul formelor, cni i cnie, ulcioare folosite pentru lichide, castroane, unele cu trei mnui laterale, strchini, borcane, chiupuri, amfore sau capace. Diversitatea tipurilor i variantele acestora au rspuns nevoilor comunitii locale de agricultori i cresctori de animale, dar i schimbului. Cele mai multe au fost lucrate la roat din argil local, n care s-a amestecat nisip n cantiti diferite. Prepararea cu grij a pastei, dense i omogene, a dat ceramicii un aspect compact iar arderea reductoare de calitate bun, complet, a dat acesteia, cel mai frecvent, o culoare cenuie, n diferite nuane, de la cele deschise la nchis, aproape negru.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Ceramic Forms potters wheel category

Due to finely modeled pottery by craftsmen in specialized workshops, potters wheel ceramic represents a certain morphological standardisation. Except the imported ceramic, most of the fine ceramic discovered at Banca Gar - apte case, must have been created by local craftsmen in workshops with two kilns. The large number of pots from this ceramic category allowed for a classification by the specificity of the forms, small mugs and mugs, urciors for liquids, big tureens, some with three lateral handles, dishes, jars, ewers, amphorae or lids. The diversity of types and their variants answered the needs of the local agricultural and animal breeder community, but also for trade. Most of them were molded at the wheel from local clay, mixed with sand in various amounts. Careful preparation of paste, dense and homogeneous, gave the pottery a compact aspect and gave the pottery a compact aspect and burning in a reducing atmosphere, of high quality, gave it a frequently grayish color, with various hues, from light to dark, almost blackish.

Pl. 17. Banca Gar - apte case. Ceramica fragmentar/Fragmentary ceramics: past zgrunuroas, vase de provizii/Slightly coarse paste, food storage vessels: 1, 12, 14 G3 cpl. 33a; 2 A5 cpl. 88; 3-4, 6, 15 Lsp4 cpl. 48; 5, 8 Lsp1 cpl. 1; 7, 9 G6 cpl. 49; 10 G2 cpl. 19; 13 G9 cpl. 71, sec. IV/4th century.

Forme categoria ceramicii zgrunuroase

Categoria avea un aspect deosebit prin felul de pregtire a pastei, care era amestecat cu nisip de granulaie mai mare sau pietricele, ce-i ddeau la pipit un aspect zgrunuros iar dup ardere pereilor un aspect poros. Formele aveau frecvent buza rsfrnt orizontal sau oblic, pe umr au fost ornate pe cu incizii caneluri, orizontale sau vlurite i aveau de obicei baza dreapt, mai rar inelar. Past zgrunuroas 104 vase: 0 sec. III + 4 sec. III-IV 0,32 % + 62 sec. IV 5,02 % + 23+12 sec. IVV 2,83 % + 3 V-VI 0,24 % = 0+4+62+ 23+12 +3; din totalul ceramicii reprezint: 8,421 % sau 8,4 %. Fragmentele de vase au fost arse diferit: un vas alburiu, patru glbui - un borcan i trei vase de provizii, dou roii - o can i un vas de provizii crmiziu, trei vase negre - dou borcane i o toart. Ceramica alburie A1 cpl. 42, o buz (=16 cm). Ceramica glbuie zgrunuroas Borcane - oale. Dintre borcanele pstrate fragmentar din categoria ceramicii din past zgrunuroas, nisipoas, din sec. IV, n Lsp1 cpl. 1, s-a gsit un borcan glbui (=20). Vase de provizii. Sec. IV. n Lsp1 cpl. 1, se afla un vas de provizii brun-glbui (fig. 28/6) i alte dou

Ceramica forme i funcionaliti / Ceramic forms and functionality


buze tot de la vase de provizii arse glbui (fig. 28/5, 7; =27; 30). Ceramica roie zgrunuroas Cni ulcior. Sec. III-IV, din Lsp2 cpl. 17, provin pri de la o can (fig. 41/4; =26 cm). Vas de provizii. Sec. IV, G6 cpl. 49, vas de provizii crmiziu (fig. 89/1; =49). Ceramica neagr zgrunuroas Borcane oale. Sec. IV-V, Lsp2 cpl. 26, dou borcane negre (=14; 20 cm) i o toart. Ceramica cenuie zgrunuroas Cni. Un singur exemplar, descoperit n Lad4 cpl. 106, sec. III-IV, avea toarta modelat n torsad (fig. 130/6). Astfel de cni de lux au fost considerate de I. H. Crian adevrate opere de art (1977, p. 408). Borcane. Din sec. III-IV, n Lsp2 cpl. 17, pentru gtit era un borcan (fig. 41/2, 4; =9; 26 cm), iar n Lsp2 cpl. 15, altele trei (fig. 39/5, 7; =34; 12 cm); sec. IV, n G2 cpl. 19, erau patru (=2x12; 2x14 cm), pentru buctrie, din past poroas, provin dou din G4 cpl. 37 (=16 cm); altele dou din G6 cpl. 49 (=12; 14); din A1 cpl. 21a, unul (fig. 49/2; =12 cm) i o baz (fig. 49/5; =7 cm); sec. IV-V, Lad1 cpl. 4, un borcan (fig. 29/4); G1 cpl. 24a, unul (fig. 51/9, 11; =7,5 cm) i o baz (fig. 51/13; =6 cm); Lsp2 cpl. 26, unul (fig. 54/4; =17 cm); Lsp5 cpl. 51, dou (fig. 92/1, 3, 5; =20, 14 cm); G14 cpl. 115, un borcan cu buza rotunjit (fig. 134/2, =9 cm) i o baz (=95 cm); A1 cpl. 42, un borcan (fig. 85/1; =9,6 cm). Vase bitronconice. Sec. IV-V, Lsp1 cpl. 14, vas folosit pentru preparat hrana (fig. 38/9; =30 cm). Vase mari, chiupuri. n sec. III-IV, pentru pstrarea proviziilor, n Lsp2 cpl. 17, se foloseau dou vase de provizii (fig. 41/6; =34 cm); n A2 cpl. 73, era un altul (fig. 113/4); sec. IV, cte unul n Lad1 cpl. 77 (fig. 117/8-9), G2 cpl. 19 i un perete incizat, probabil de la acelai vas (fig. 117/3); la fel n G2 cpl. 19 (fig. 44/6; =26 cm); n Lsp3 cpl. 30, trei (fig. 63/3; =26 cm) cu o baz (=12 cm); n G4 cpl. 37, unul; G6 cpl. 49, trei; G9 cpl. 71, apte vase de provizii (fig. 109) i opt buze (=9-10-11; 2x12; 14,5; 16; 18 cm); G11 cpl. 92, un vas de provizii i o baz, =11 cm); n A3 cpl. 60, un perete cu incizii de la un vas de provizii.

Pl. 18. Fragmente ceramice/Fragmentary ceramics: past fn/fine paste, 4, 22 Lad2 cpl. 91, sec. IV/4th century; neagrcenuie/black-grayish, 1, 3 cuptor/kiln A, cpl. 65; 11 G4 cpl. 79, sec. IV-V/4rd5th centuries; zgrunuroas/ coarse, 8 cuptor/kiln G1 cpl. 65; 19 A1 cpl. 21a, sec. IV/4th century; 20 G4 cpl. 24a, sec. IV-V/4rd5th centuries; puin zgrunuroas/slightly coarse, 24 A7 cpl. 73, sec. III-IV/3rd4th centuries; 5 G3 cpl. 33a; 7, 9, 15 G2 cpl. 19, a doua zgr./two coarse; 23 Lsp3 cpl. 30; 21 G3 cpl. 33a; 17 Lad2 cpl. 91; 22 L2 cpl. 91, sec. IV/4th century; 2, 12 Lsp4 cpl. 36; 10, 13-14 Lsp5, cpl. 51; ultima fin/last fine, 6 G12 cpl. 114; 16, 18 cpl. 65; 25 G5 cpl. 114, sec. IV-V/4rd5th centuries.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Din sec. IV-V, n Lsp1 cpl. 14, era un alt vas de provizii (fig. 38/8; =34 cm); n Lsp2 cpl. 26, alte dou (=32 cm) i cte unul n Lsp3 cpl. 35 (fig. 79/7) i Lsp5 cpl. 51. S menionm i unul din complexele de sec. IV, n care s-au descoperit doar pri de la un vas de mari dimensiuni, G16 cpl. 119. Fragmente din buza unui Krausengefsse, tip de vas frecvent n aezrile perioadei. La Stoicani - Poarta arinii, I. Bauman a identificat alturi de un astfel de vas i o unealt de corn de cerb, cu ajutorul creia se realizau motivele vlurite (1973-1974, p. 43, fig. 1/1). Vasele cu buzele ngroate i evazate sub diferite unghiuri sau n forma literei T, au corpul bitronconic cu diferite simetrii i aproape ntotdeauna baza inelar, cu analogii n arealul culturii Sntana de Mure (Gh. Diaconu 1965, p. 79; B. Mitrea, C. Preda 1966, p. 132-133). The coarse ceramic category, manufactured with a potter's wheel, had a special appearance given by the way the paste was prepared, by mixing it with larger granulation sand or small rocks, giving it a coarse touch, and after burning giving a porous appearance to the walls. Parts of the slightly coarse ceramic are being found frequently. Shapes with horizontally or obliquely outward reflected rims, decorated with incisions grooves, horizontal or wavy, usually had upright bases and rarely annular bases. Differently burned fragments: a whitish pot, four yellowish a pot and three food storage vessels, two red a mug and a reddish food storage vessel, three blackish pots two jars and a handle. Whitish ceramic A1 cpl. 42, a rim (=16 cm). Yellowish coarse ceramic Jars. In Lsp1 cpl. 1, among the jar fragments belonging to the 4th century coarse sandy ceramics, a whitish jar was discovered (=20). Food storage vessels. 4th century. In Lsp1 cpl. 1, there is a brown-yellowish food storage vessel (fig. 28/6) and other two rims coming from the yellowish food storage vessels (fig. 28/5, 7; =27; 30).

Forms coarse ceramic category

Pl. 19. Banca Gar. Fragmente ceramice/ Fragmentary ceramics: past fin cenuie/grayish fine paste, 12, 15 Lad1 cpl. 28, sec. III/3 th century; 1 Lsp3 cpl. 29; 2, 7 Lsp5 cpl. 34; 9-10, 13-14, 20 Lsp4 cpl. 33; 18 G2 cpl. 32; 11 A1, cpl. 70; 5, 8 Lad4 cpl. 106; 132/5; 19 Lsp4 cpl. 33, sec. III-IV/3 rd4th centuries; 2 A1 cpl. 21a; 16 G11 cpl. 116, sec. IV/4 th century; 4 A cpl. 61; 17 Lad3 cpl. 122, sec. IVV/4rd5th centuries; puin zgrunuroas/ slightly coarse, 6 G11 cpl. 116, sec. IV/4th century.

Reddish coarse ceramic Mugs: 3rd4th centuries. Parts from a mug were found in Lsp2 cpl. 17 (fig. 41/4; =26 cm). Food storage vessels. 4th century, G6 cpl. 49, food storage vessels was found inside the pit (fig. 89/1; =49).

Ceramica forme i funcionaliti / Ceramic forms and functionality


Blackish coarse ceramic Jars. 4th5th Centuries, Lsp2 cpl. 26, two blackish jars (=14; 20 cm) and a handle. Grayish coarse ceramic Mugs. Only one mug discovered in Lad4 cpl. 106, 3rd4th centuries, had one handle modeled in cable molding (fig. 130/6). Luxury mugs handle was modeled in cable molding, and were considered by I. H. Crian as being true works of art (1977, p. 408). Jars. From the 3rd4th centuries, in Lsp2 cpl. 17 was a cooking jar (fig. 41/2, 4; =9; 26 cm), and in Lsp2 cpl. 15 were found another three (fig. 39/5, 7; =34; 12 cm); 4th century, G2 cpl. 19, four porous paste jars (=2x12; 2x14 cm) for the kitchen were found in G4 cpl. 37, two jars (=16 cm); another two G6 cpl. 49 (=12; 14); from A1 cpl. 21a, a tureen (fig. 49/2; =12 cm) and a basis (fig. 49/5; =7 cm); 4 th5th centuries, Lad1 cpl. 4, a jar (fig. 29/4); G1 cpl. 24a, a jar (fig. 51/9, 11; =7,5 cm) and a basis (fig. 51/13; =6 cm); Lsp2 cpl. 26, a tureen (fig. 54/4; =17 cm); Lsp5 cpl. 51, two jars (fig. 92/1, 3, 5; =20, 14 cm); G14 cpl. 115, a jar with rounded rim (fig. 134/2, =9 cm), a basis (=95 cm); A1 cpl. 42, a jar (fig. 85/1; =9,6 cm). Biconical pots. 4th5th Centuries, Lsp1 cpl. 14, biconical pots used for cooking (fig. 38/9; =30 cm).

Pl. 20. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice/ Fragmentary ceramics: past fin, angob roie/fine paste, red slip 8 G3 cpl. 121, sec. III/I/3 th century; 1 Lsp1 cpl. 12a; glbuie/yellowish, 6-7 Lad4 cpl. 106, sec. III-IV/3rd4th centuries; puin zgrunuroas/ slightly coarse 2 Lad2 cpl. 28, sec. III/3 th century; 9 L3 cpl. 29; 10 G5 cpl. 32; sec. III-IV/3 rd4th centuries; 5 G1 cpl. 18; 3 G15 cpl. 116, sec. IV/4 th century; 11 cpl. 61; zgrunuroas/coarse 4 G4 cpl. 24a, sec. IV-V/4 rd5th centuries.

Large pots. In the 3rd4th centuries, in Lsp2 cpl. 17, two food storage vessels were used (fig. 41/6; =34 cm); in A2 cpl. 73 was another one (fig. 113/4); 4th century, one in Lad1 cpl. 77 (fig. 117/8-9), G2 cpl. 19 and a wall with an incision, probably from the same pot (fig. 117/3); another pot in G2 cpl. 19 (fig. 44/6; =26 cm); in Lsp3 cpl. 30, three food storage vessels (fig. 63/3; =26 cm) with a basis (=12 cm); in G4 cpl. 37, a food storage vessel; G6 cpl. 49, threee pots; G9 cpl. 71, seven food storage vessels (fig. 109) and eight rims (=9-10-11; 2x12; 14,5; 16; 18 cm); G11 cpl. 92, a food storage vessel and a basis, =11 cm); in A3 cpl. 60, a food storage vessel with wall incision. Belonging to the 4th5th centuries, in Lsp1 cpl. 14 there was another food storage vessel (fig. 38/8; =34 cm); in Lsp2 cpl. 26, another two (=32 cm) and one in Lsp3 cpl. 35 (fig. 79/7) and Lsp5 cpl. 51. In another 4 th century complex were discovered small pieces from a large pot G16 cpl. 119, fragments belonging to a Krausengefsse rim. In Stoicani - Poarta arinii, I. Bauman has also identified, next to such a pot, a buck horn tool that was used for making wavy patterns (1973-1974, p. 43, fig. 1/1). The pots with thickened, flared rims have a biconical body and almost always an annular base, similar to the Sntana de Mure culture (Gh. Diaconu 1965, p. 79; B. Mitrea, C. Preda 1966, p. 132-133).

Forme categoria ceramicii din past puin zgrunuroas

Categoria ceramicii puin zgrunuroase lucrate cu roata, n past cu nisip cu bobul mare, uneori microprundiuri, de cele ai multe ori a fost ars gri-cenuiu sau castaniu deschis, la pipit este lucioas i decorat cu nervuri n relief i prin lustruire cu motive liniare, n zigzag. Aceast categorie ceramic se


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

gsete n mare cantitate, ceea ce permite o clasificare n funcie de specificul formelor, frecvent cu buzele rsfrnte orizontal sau oblic n afar. n funcie de destinaia lor s-au avut n vedere vasele pentru pregtitul mncrii, pentru servitul acesteia, cele pentru pstratul lichidelor i al proviziilor i ceramica decorativ. Ultima grup a fost analizat difereniat. Vasele modelate din past puin zgrunuroas provin de la cteva forme, borcane i vase de provizii. Pentru multe din fragmentele de vase nu s-a stabilit forma. Past puin zgrunuroas 221 vase: 25 sec. III 2,01 % + 62 sec. III-IV 5,02 % + 64 sec. IV 5,18 % + 51+18 sec. IV-V 5,587 % + 1 sec. V-VI 0,08 % = 25+62+64+ 51+18 +1; din total: 17,84 % sau 17,8 %; Ceramica albicioas puin zgrunuroas Borcane. Sec. III-IV. Lad4 cpl. 106, dou borcane albicioase. Ceramica roietic puin zgrunuroas. Lsp4 cpl. 36 un picior cilindric ars rou (fig. 81/3; =6 cm). Oale. Sec. III-IV. Lad4 cpl. 106, borcan glbui-roietic (fig. 132/3; =15; 22 cm) i o baz (fig. 132/7; =14 cm), tot aici un fragment avea n past calcar. Ceramica neagr puin zgrunuroas Vas mic. Sec. III. n G1 cpl. 21, era un vas mic ars negru, poate un vas pentru un copil. Ceramica cenuie puin zgrunuroas Pahare, cni. A2 cpl. 43, un pahar (=10 cm). Sec. III. G3 cpl. 121, o can (fig. 140/6; =6,2 cm); Lad4 cpl. 106, dou toarte poate de la o can; sec. IV, G6 cpl. 49, o can cu burlui (fig. 90/5; =24 cm). Castroane. Sec. III. G1 cpl. 21, un castron (=14 cm); sec. IV, Lad2 cpl. 91, dou castroane (fig. 124/5; =32 cm) i o margine (fig. 124/1); G1 cpl. 18, dou castroane; A4 cpl. 61 castron cu profil n S (=14 cm), sec. IV-V Lsp4 cpl. 36, cinci castroane(fig. 81/1; =18; 20; 3x24 cm). Oale-borcane. Vesela pentru gtit a fost mai numeroas. Sec. III, n Lad1 cpl. 28, patru borcane (fig. 59/7; =13-14; 20 cm), n Lsp2 cpl. 26, trei (fig. 54/3; =9; 20 cm); cte unul n G1 cpl. 21 (fig. 47/3, =15 cm) i n G2 cpl. 113 (fig. 132/12; =10 cm). Sec. IV, Lsp1 cpl. 1, un borcan i vase de dimensiuni medii; cte unul n Lad2 cpl. 91 (fig. 124/4), n G10 cpl. 80 i n G15 cpl. 116, dou (fig. 135/6-7; =8; 14 cm) i o buz (fig. 135/3; =19 cm); sec. IV-V, Lsp2 cpl. 26, un borcan (fig. 54/4; =17 cm); Lsp3 cpl. 35, unul (fig. 79/4; =13 cm); Lsp5 cpl. 51, patru (fig. 92/7-8; =14; 17; 12 cm) i dou baze evazate (=10; 10,4 cm); G2 cpl. 19, patru (fig. 44/7, 10; =20 cm), o margine de borcan din past poroas iar mai multe erau n G4 cpl. 79, patru borcane (fig. 92/7-8; =14; 17; 12 cm); G5 cpl. 114, trei borcane (fig. 133/5-6; =13,5; 14; 28 cm), n A2 cpl. 64, un borcan (fig. 96/3; =11 cm); n atelierul de olrie, cpl. 65, erau alte dou borcane G2. Vase de provizii. Sec. III, n singura Lad1 cpl. 28, erau trei vase de provizii (=8 cm); din sec. III-IV, n G7 cpl. 106, era un vas i apte buze (fig. 130/3; 132/9; =12; 14; 2x20; 22 cm) de la diferite vase; n A2 cpl. 73, doar buze (fig. 113/2). Sec. IV, n Lsp1 cpl. 1, erau dou vase de provizii; n Lsp4 cpl. 48 patru (fig. 88/ 5-7, 9; =29; 2x34; 36 cm) iar din sec. IV-V, G2 cpl. 26a, un vas (fig. 56/3; =18 cm) i n Lsp4 cpl. 36, altele patru (=15; 22; 34 cm), pentru ca dou s fi fost i n A1 cpl. 21a (fig. 48/5, 7); n atelierul de olrie, cpl. 65, erau alte trei vase de provizii (2zCA + 1pzrCB). Fragmente nentregibile provin, sec. IV, din G11 cpl. 92 (fig. 125/2-5; =14; 16 cm); A3 cpl. 60; G8 cpl. 66a; Lsp3 cpl. 30; G5 cpl. 114; G11 cpl. 92. The ceramic manufactured with a potter's wheel in sand paste with high granulation, and sometimes with small gravel, was dark-grey or light brown burned, glossy and decorated with bunchy bots, polished with zigzag liniar patterns. This ceramic category can be found abundantly, which allows a classification based on the forms, usually with horizontally or obliquely outward reflected rims. Varying with their destination, there were pots for cooking, for serving, for liquids, for storage and ornamental ceramics. This last category was analyzed separately. The pots that were modeled with slightly coarse paste have a few shapes: jars and food storage vessels. Many fragments have not yet been associated with a certain form. Slightly coarse ceramic 221 pots: 25 3th century 2,01 % + 62 3rd4th centuries 5,02 % + 64 4th century 5,18 % + 51+18 4th5th centuries 5,587 % + 1 5 th6th centuries 0,08 % = 25+62+64+ 51+18 +1; from the total ceramics it represents: 17,84 % or 17,8 %; Slightly coarse white ceramic Jars. 3rd4th Centuries. Lad4 cpl. 106, two whitish jars. Slightly coarse reddish ceramic Lsp4 cpl. 36 a cylindrical red burned leg (fig. 81/3; =6 cm). Jars. 3rd4th Centuries. Lad4 cpl. 106, yellow-reddish jar (fig. 132/3; =15; 22 cm), a basis (fig. 132/7; =14 cm).

Forms slightly coarse ceramic category

Ceramica forme i funcionaliti / Ceramic forms and functionality


Slightly coarse blackish ceramic. Small pot. 3rd Century. in G1 cpl. 21, a small black burned pot, probably belonging to a child. Slightly coarse grayish ceramic Beakers, mugs. A2 cpl. 43, a beaker (=10 cm), 3rd century; G3 cpl. 121, a mug (fig. 140/6; =6,2 cm); Lad4 cpl. 106, to handles from a mug; 4th century, G6 cpl. 49, a high neck mug (fig. 90/5; =24 cm). Tureens. 3rd Century. G1 cpl. 21, a tureen (=14 cm); 4th century, Lad2 cpl. 91, two tureens (fig. 124/5; =32 cm) and an brim (fig. 124/1); G1 cpl. 18, two tureens; A4 cpl. 61 tureen with S-profiled walls (=14 cm), 4th5th centuries Lsp4 cpl. 36, five tureens (fig. 81/1; =18; 20; 3x24 cm). Jars. There was a larger number of cooking pots. 3 rd century, in Lad1 cpl. 28, four jars (fig. 59/7; =13-14; 20 cm), in Lsp2 cpl. 26, three jars (fig. 54/3; =9; 20 cm); one in G1 cpl. 21 (fig. 47/3, =15 cm) and in G2 cpl. 113 (fig. 132/12; =10 cm). 4 th Century, Lsp1 cpl. 1, a jar and a medium pot; one in Lad2 cpl. 91 (fig. 124/4), in G10 cpl. 80 and in G15 cpl. 116, two jars (fig. 135/6-7; =8; 14 cm) and a basis (fig. 135/3; =19 cm); 4th5th centuries, Lsp2 cpl. 26, a jar (fig. 54/4; =17 cm); Lsp3 cpl. 35, a jar (fig. 79/4; =13 cm); Lsp5 cpl. 51, four jars (fig. 92/7-8; =14; 17; 12 cm) and two slightly flared bases (=10; 10,4 cm); G2 cpl. 19, four jars (fig. 44/7, 10; =20 cm), a jar brim, more were found in G4 cpl. 79, four bases (fig. 92/7-8; =14; 17; 12 cm); G5 cpl. 114, three jars (fig. 133/5-6; =13,5;14; 28 cm), in A2 cpl. 64, a jar (fig. 96/3; =11 cm). Also, in the potters workshop, cpl. 65, there were another two jars, in PG2. Food storage vessels. 3rd Century, in Lad1 cpl. 28, there were three food storage pots (=8 cm); with rd th 3 4 centuries, in G7 cpl. 106, there was a food storage vessel and seven rims (fig. 130/3; 132/9; =12; 14; 2x20; 22 cm) from different pots; in A2 cpl. 73 only rims (fig. 113/2). 4 th Century, in Lsp1 cpl. 1, were two food storage vessels; in Lsp4 cpl. 48 four food storage pots (fig. 88/ 5-7, 9; =29; 2x34; 36 cm) and with 4 th 5th centuries, G2 cpl. 26a, one food storage pot (fig. 56/3; =18 cm) and in Lsp4 cpl. 36, another four food storage pots (=15; 22; 34 cm), two in A1 cpl. 21a (fig. 48/5, 7). Also, in the potters workshop, cpl. 65, were three food storage pots (2zCA + 1pzrCB). Separate fragments come from the 4th century, with G11 cpl. 92 (fig. 125/2-5; =14; 16 cm); A3 cpl. 60; G8 cpl. 66a; Lsp3 cpl. 30; G5 cpl. 114; G11 cpl. 92. Categoria ceramicii fine, lucrate la roata olarului, din past foarte bun, bine frmntat, degresat cu nisip de mic granulaie, a fost bine ars, de obicei printr-o ardere reductoare, care a dus la obinerea unor vase de culoare gri-cenuii, de cele mai multe ori de cenuii deschis, mai rar castanii deschis, la pipit lucioas i decorat. Marginile vaselor au fost modelate diferit, sub buz, pe umr sau pe corp au nervuri n relief (fig. 57/9), iar bazele cel mai des erau inelare, mai rar drepte, unele vase aveau un picior relativ nalt.

Forme categoria ceramicii fine

Pl. 21. Banca Gar apte case. Ceramica fragmentar/Fragmentary ceramics: past fin/fine paste, 1 Lsp11 cpl. 72; 4 A7 cpl. 73, sec. IIIIV/3rd4th centuries; 3, 5 Lsp6 cpl. 35; 9 Lsp4 cpl. 48; 7 L5 cpl. 57, sec. IV/4th century; 2 Lad1 cpl. 4; 8 Lsp1 cpl. 14; 10 G9 cpl. 67; zgrunuroas/ coarse, 6 G9 cpl. 67, sec. IV-V/4rd5th centuries.

Past fin 702 vase: 41 sec. III 5,84% + 188 sec. III-IV 26,78% + 210 sec. IV 29,91% + 169+90 sec. IV-V 36,89% + 3 sec. V-VI 0,42% = 41+189+210+169+259+3; 5,84%+26,78%+ 29,91%+36,89% +0,42%=100%. Din totalul ceramicii reprezint: 52,5842 % sau 52,6 %.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Ceramica lucrat la roat - acoperit cu angob. n secolele III i III-IV, n gospodriile locuitorilor de la Banca Gar s-a folosit i ceramica modelat din past n compoziie cu nisip fin, cu pereii subiri dar fuii, dup cum indic urmele unui penson, cu un slip realizat din colorani minerali, rou mai rar glbui. ntre formele reconstituite menionm cteva, un capac, dou castroane, dintre care unul prevzut cu protome zoomorfe, dou fructiere i nc o parte dintr-un alt vas sau cteva buze. Capace. Sec. III, n G3 cpl. 121, ntre cele trei capace, unul era acoperit cu angob roie (fig. 140/1; =8,2 cm), la fel ca i un vas cu baza inelar (fig. 140/10; =14 cm).

Pl. 22. Ceramica fragmentar/ Fragmentary ceramics: past zgrunuroas: 1, 8 G3, cpl. 33a, fig. 76/1, 4; 7 G14, cpl. 115, fig. 134/2, sec. IV/4th century; 4 Lsp1 cpl. 1; 5, 9 Lsp 5, cpl. 51, fig. 92/1, 3, sec. IV-V/4rd5th centuries; 3-4 G2, cpl. 120, fig. 138/5-6, sec. V; past fin/fine paste, 11 fig. 143/4, pass, sec. III; 14 Lsp2, cpl. 17, fig. 41/3; 13 Lsp4, cpl. 33, fig. 72/1; 10, 15 Lsp5, cpl. 34, fig. 78/6, 8; 16-17 Lad4 cpl. 106, fig. 130/1, 6, sec. III-IV/3rd4th centuries; 12 G15, cpl. 116, fig. 135/1, sec. IV/4th century; 6 A1 cpl. 42, fig. 85/1, sec. IV-V/4rd5th centuries.

Pl. 23. Fig. 161. Ceramica fragmentar/Fragmentary ceramics: past fin/fine paste, 911, 19-21 Lsp6 cpl. 72, fig. 112/56, 7, 10-12; 8, 17 Lad4 cpl. 106, fig. 130/3; 132/12, prima puin zgrunuroas/first slightly coarse, sec. III-IV/3rd4th centuries; 13, 15 G3 cpl. 33a, fig. 74/10, 12; 2 G10 cpl. 80, fig. 121/5; 7 143/3 passim, sec. IV/4th century; 6 Lsp1 cpl. 14, fig. 38/5; 3, 14, 18, 22 Lsp2 cpl. 26, fig. 53/2, 4; 54/2, 13; 1, 4 A2 cpl. 64, fig. 96/1-2; 6 G4 cpl. 79, fig. 120/10, 21, sec. IV-V/4rd5th centuries.

Ceramica forme i funcionaliti / Ceramic forms and functionality


Fructiere. Din Lsp3 cpl. 29, sec. III-IV, provin dou (fig. 61/1, 5; =40 cm), din ultima s-a pstrat doar un picior. La fel s-au datat dou buze angobate tot rou ( =14; 24 cm), Lad4 cpl. 106. Ceramica fin alb Vasele modelate din argil alb, caolin, dup ardere au primit o culoare mai deschis iar pereii acesteia au dobndit o rezonan metalic. Sec. IV, G6 cpl. 49, un castron cenuiu-albicios (=10 cm). Castroane. Sec. III, din Lad1 cpl. 28 provin ase (fig. 59/5, 8; =14; 16; 21-22 cm), dintre care unul angobat rou. Sec. III-IV, din Lsp2 cpl. 17, pentru servit erau opt (fig. 41/1,3,5,7; 42/1; =22; 25-26, 29-31), din care trei cu marginea dreapt i unul decorat, plus altul angobat rou, prevzut cu protome zoomorfe (fig. 41/10; =25 cm) i o parte dintr-un alt vas acoperit cu angob roie. Vasul cu protome zoomorfe prezint analogii cu vasul de la Gabra, M16, cu protome n form de uri, considerat de influen iranian (I. Antonescu 1, fig. 4) sau cu cele de la Poieneti - Dealul Teilor, M211 (R. Vulpe 1953, p. 373, fig. 240). Ceramica fin roie Vasele s-au numrat n funcie de formele reconstituite prin desen. Astfel, s-au detaat cteva vase, cu forme tradiionale din past fin roie, pahare, cni, boluri, castroane, borcane. Pahare, cni. Sec. IV, G6 cpl. 49, pahar din past fin roie (fig. 90/7; =6 cm). Sec. III, Lsp1 cpl. 12a, s-a reconstituit din vesela de but, o can fin roie (fig. 34/1), sec. III-IV, Lsp3 cpl. 29, alta roietic cu toarte (fig. 60/6) i din G2 cpl. 19, dou toarte. Boluri, castroane. Lsp1 cpl. 14, bol angobat (fig.37/8; max.= 8 cm), perete de vas (=10 cm). Sec. III-IV, G2 cpl. 19, dou castroane mici (fig. 44/1; =13-14 cm), altul n G10 cpl. 80 (fig. 121/2; =22 cm); sec. IV-V, Lsp4 cpl. 36, unul fin rou (fig. 81/2; =22 cm) iar n atelierul olarului, un castron i o toart. Oale. Sec. IV, G6 cpl. 49, trei borcane roii (fig. 90/10; =14 cm). Menionm, din sec. IV, A4 cpl. 61 i o baz roie (=6,5 cm) i din sec. IV-V, Lad2 cpl. 27, un perete i o toart (fig. 57/9). Ceramica fin glbuie Cni, boluri. Sec. III, G3 cpl. 121 pentru but lichide era probabil vasul din past alb-glbuie. Sec. III-IV, Lad4 cpl. 106, i o toart roz-glbui; Lsp1 cpl. 14, o can galben-cenuie; Lsp2 cpl. 26, o can glbuie (fig. 54/1; =10 cm). Sec. III. n G2 cpl. 113, se aflau dou boluri, din care unul glbui. Castroane. Sec. III-IV, Lad4 cpl. 106, din vesela de mas menionm un castron roz-glbui, alte ase margini (4f+1fr+1ang-r), 12 perei (11f+ 1g), provin de la aceleai tipuri de vase; Lad4 cpl. 106 roz-glbui, 1 borcan (buz=8; 20 cm); sec. IV, G11 cpl. 9, fin glbuie un castron (fig. 126/6; =22 cm); Lsp1 cpl. 14, un castron galben-cenuiu, =12 cm, 1 gt, =16 cm; sec. IV-V, A1 cpl. 42, un castron i o margine cu profil n S (fig. 85/8; =14 cm). Oale. Sec. III. Lsp1 cpl. 12a, patru borcane brun-glbui pentru gtit (fig. 33/4; =12; 14,5; 14-15 cm); sec. III-IV, Dou borcane din past fin glbuie, G7 cpl. 106 (fig. 132/1-2; buz=10,5; 13 cm), alte trei borcane din past fin glbui-albicioas, ase borcane din past fin glbui-cenuie (fig. 132/6; buz= 22 cm); sec. IV, A2 cpl. 43, trei borcane glbui (fig. 86/5; =13-14; 16 cm) iar din G1 cpl. 18, perete angobat glbui (fig. 43/1); Lsp1 cpl. 1, un borcan, =16 cm). Ceramica fin neagr Pahare, cni. Sec. IV, G6 cpl. 49, pahar din past fin neagr (fig. 90/3; =10 cm); G9 cpl. 71, pahar lustruit negru (fig. 110/5; =12 cm), sec. IV, A4 cpl. 61, una, sec. III-IV, Lad4 cpl. 106, o toart neagr. Castroane. Sec. III-IV, Lsp2 cpl. 17, castron negru (fig. 42/2; =28 cm); sec. IV, Lsp1 cpl. 1, un alt castron negru (fig. 28/1; max.=16 cm); G2 cpl. 19, un castrona cu profil n S + G2 cpl. 19; G6 cpl. 49, un castron negru (fig. 90/1; =19 cm); G9 cpl. 71, castrona negru (fig. 110/8); A4 cpl. 61, castron negru (fig. 95/7; =22 cm); Lsp1 cpl. 14, un castron (fig. 37/9); G5 cpl. 114, sec. IV-V, trei castroane cu marginea dreapt (fig. 133/3; =14 cm); atelier de olrie, dou castroane. Borcane-oale. Din sec. III-IV, din Lsp3 cpl. 29, provine un borcan; din G2 cpl. 19, un altul (fig. 44/4; =11 cm) i un perete, sec. IV, Lsp1 cpl. 1, unul negru-brun (=12 cm) i un perete, sec. IV-V, G5 cpl. 114, un borcan (=13,5 cm) i o toart (fig. 133/9). Fragmente, sec. III-IV, Lad4 cpl. 106, o baz fin (=9 cm) i o torti; sec. IV, din A2 cpl. 43, o buz neagr (fig. 86/3). Ceramica fin cenuie Vasele cenuii pstrate destul de fragmentar, utilizate n locuina construit pe sol, probabil realizate n cea mai mare parte n atelierul de olrie local, au avut funcionaliti diverse. n complexe s-au aflat aproape toate formele cunoscute pentru aceast perioad. Vase mici pahare. G4 cpl. 37, din cele ase pri de vase descoperite aici s-a reconstituit i un mic


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

vas iar n dou complexe din sec. IV-V, a aprut i cte un pahar, n Lsp4 cpl. 36 (fig. 81/6) i n Lsp5 cpl. 51 (fig. 91/8), cu diametre ale gurii apropiate, de 6,5 i 8 cm. Cni. ntre forme, din sec. III, n Lsp2 cpl. 17, erau toarte probabil de la cni pentru but (fig. 42/4); n G1 cpl. 21, erau dou cni arse oxidant de la care s-au pstrat toartele (fig. 47/4-5). Din sec. III-IV, n Lad4 cpl. 106, 36, 48, erau trei cni din past fin, una mai mic, o cni ( buz=6/8,3 cm) i dou cni puin mai mari (fig. 132/1; buz=10,5; 13 cm); n A1 cpl. 70 era o can i o toart (fig. 108/7), precum i n A2 cpl. 73 (fig. 113/3). n complexele din sec. IV, erau cni n Lsp1 cpl. 1 (fig. 28/3), Lsp1 cpl. 14 i patru toarte diferite (fig. 37/2-4); G2 cpl. 19; trei cni, dintre care una cu burlui erau n G6 cpl. 49 (fig. 90/9); n G11 cpl. 9, o toart ca i n G14 cpl. 115 (fig. 134/7); iar cte o can n, G15 cpl. 116 (fig. 135/1; =11,5 cm), A2 cpl. 43 (=12 cm), A3 cpl. 60, A5 cpl. 88 (fig. 123/3) plus dou toarte (fig. 95/14). Din sec. IV-V, din Lsp4 cpl. 36, provin alte patru toarte probabil tot de la astfel de vase iar din atelierul de olrie, cpl. 65, trei cni, una din cuptorul A, dou din G3 i dou toarte, din cuptorul A i G2. La Brlad - Valea Seac, o can cu burlui se afla n L7 i n L9 sau n mormintele de nhumaie M541, 543, 546 (V. Palade 2004, fig. 7/1; 9/5, 292/10, 293/2, 294/7) i M54 (Ibidem, fig. 86/4). Cana sau ulciorul cu gt cilindric i corp bombat, cu forme i dimensiuni diferite, va evolua spre cana cu gt cilindric i corp bitronconic (I. Ioni 1971, p. 204-205). Vase cu gt drept. Sec. III, pentru lichide, n Lad1 cpl. 28, dou vase cu gt drept (fig. 59/6, 9; =19-20 cm); Lsp3 cpl. 29, unele mai rare, un vas globular (fig. 61/3; =14,5 cm), Lsp3 cpl. 30, un gt.

Pl. 24. Ceramica fragmentar/ Fragmentary ceramics: past fin/fine paste, 17 G2 cpl. 21, fig. 47/1, sec. III/3th century; black 10 Lsp6 cpl. 72, fig. 112/2, sec. IIIIV/3rd4th centuries;; 7 Lsp1 cpl. 1, fig. 28/3; 2, 4, G3 cpl. 33a, fig. 74/3, 5; prima nisipoas/first coarse; 9, 14 G6 cpl. 49, fig. 90/1, 5; black 16 A3 cpl. 60 fig. 94/13; grayish 12 A4 cpl. 61, fig. 95/ 7, sec. IV/4th century; neagr 15 Lsp1 cpl. 14, fig. 37/9; crmizie/reddish, 13 Lsp4 cpl. 36, fig. 81/2; 1, 11 A1 cpl. 42, fig. 85/3, 5, prima zgrunuroas/first coarse; 3 potters workshop cpl. 65, fig. 99/11; 5-6 104/7, 15, sec. IV-V/4rd5th centuries.

Platouri, boluri. Sec. III, din Lad1 cpl. 28, s-a reconstituit din vesela de mas un platou (fig. 59/4; =28 cm). n G2 cpl. 113, din sec. III, se aflau dou boluri, unul cenuiu (fig. 132/13; =18 cm), din s ec. IIIIV, Lsp1 cpl. 12a, din vesela pentru servit menionm un bol (fig. 33/2; =8 cm) i din fragmentele pstrate n Lsp2 cpl. 17, s-a reuit s se deseneze un alt bol (fig. 41/12; =7,5 cm). Strchini, modelate din past fin de culoare cenuie sau zgrunuroas cenuie, nu au fost prea numeroase la Banca Gar. Menionm o strachin din G11 cpl. 9 (fig. 126/7), o form specific vaselor scunde cu gura larg (Gh. Iordache 1996, p. 41, fig. 14a). Borcane. Borcane oale, formau vesela pentru buctrie n care se prepara hrana i recipientele n care se pstra hrana, cereale lichide sau fructe. Din sec. III-IV, n Lsp2 cpl. 17, era un borcan (fig. 42/7;

Ceramica forme i funcionaliti / Ceramic forms and functionality


=10,5 cm) i alte buze (fig. 42/8, 10; =21 cm); n Lsp3 cpl. 29, ase borcane iar n Lad4 cpl. 106, tot ase borcane (4c, buz=12; 15; 18 cm + 1g + 1gc, buz=14 cm), unele prevzute i cu proeminene (fig. 129/4); n A1 cpl. 70, trei borcane (fig. 108/4, 6, 8). Sec. IV, n Lsp1 cpl. 1, se aflau trei borcane (=9; 10x2 cm); una n Lsp4 cpl. 48 (fig. 88/4); n G1 cpl. 18, dou borcane (fig. 43/4-5; =8,6; 19 cm); n G6 cpl. 49, teri borcane cenuii (=10; 18; 20 cm) i dou buze (=8; 10 cm); n G8 cpl. 66a, dou borcane (fig. 107/6, 10; =19; 21 cm); n G10 cpl. 80, din vesela pentru buctrie, un borcan (fig. 121/5; =14) i o buz; la fel n G15 cpl. 116 (fig. 135/4, 9; =15,5 cm); n A1 cpl. 21a dou borcane (fig. 48/3, 6; =20; 13 cm); n A4 cpl. 61, trei (fig. 95/1-2, 15; =12; 22; 24 cm) i dou buze (95/6); n Lsp1 cpl. 14, cinci (fig. 38/6; =14; 16 cm); n Lsp2 cpl. 26, trei (fig. 54/3; =9; 20 cm) iar din Lsp2 cpl. 26, provin apte borcane (fig. 54/2; 53/2, 4; =11; 2x20 cm i 53/6; 54/5; =8; 15-16; 12 cm). Din sec. IV-V, din Lsp4 cpl. 36, opt (=2x12;15; 3x16; 18; 24; 26; 30 cm) la fel i din atelierul de olrie, cpl. 65, 2CA+ 5CB, 1fcG2. Oalele, cu forme variabile din punctul de vedere al prii superioare, s-au pstrat fragmentar, fapt ce ngreuneaz stabilirea unor serii tipologice.

Pl. 25. Gara Banca - apte case. Ceramica fragmentar/Fragmentary ceramics. Past fin angobat rou/Fine past covered with red slip, 4 G3 cpl. 121, sec. III/3 th century; roie/ reddish 1, 5 Lsp3, cpl. 29, 6 Lsp2 cpl. 17; 11 Lad2 cpl. 31; 3 G2 cpl. 32; neagr/blackish 18 Lad1 cpl. 10; glbuie/yelloish 7 Lad3 cpl. 78; 9-10 Lad4 cpl. 106; cenuie/grayish 20 A1, cpl. 70; 21 A2 cpl. 73, sec. III-IV/3 rd 4th centuries; 12 G2 cpl. 18; 14 Lsp5 cpl. 51; neagr/blackish 13 G9 cpl. 71; 2 pass, sec. IV/4 th century; 16 Lsp4 cpl. 36; 8 G4 cpl. 79; 19 negricioas/blackish, G12 cpl. 114; 23 Lsp3, cpl. 35, sec. IV-V/4rd5th centuries; zgrunuroas/slightly coarse 25-26 G9 cpl. 71; 17, 24 Lad1 cpl. 77, sec. IV/4th century; 22 G4, cpl. 79, sec. IV-V/4rd-5th centuries; 15 G2 cpl. 120, sec. V/5th century.

Vase bitronconice. Sec. IV, din Lsp1 cpl. 12, provine un vas bitronconic (=20 cm), iar din sec. IV,


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

din Lsp1 cpl. 1, provin altele dou i din sec. IV-V, Lsp4 cpl. 36, un vas bitronconic miniatural (fig. 81/7). Vase de provizii. G2 cpl. 113, pri s-au recuperat din G3 cpl. 121, sec. IV, din Lsp1 cpl. 1, provin alte cinci vase de provizii (3zc + 1zb-g + 1pz); tot unul din A5 cpl. 88 (fig. 123/4; =22 cm). Platouri, boluri. Sec. III, din Lad1 cpl. 28, s-a reconstituit din vesela de mas un platou (fig. 59/4; =28 cm). n G2 cpl. 113, din sec. III, se aflau dou boluri, unul cenuiu (fig. 132/13; =18 cm), din s ec. IIIIV, Lsp1 cpl. 12a, din vesela pentru servit menionm un bol (fig. 33/2; =8 cm) i din fragmentele pstrate n Lsp2 cpl. 17, s-a reuit s se deseneze un alt bol (fig. 41/12; =7,5 cm).

Pl. 26. Banca Gar - apte case. Ceramica fragmentar/Fragmentary ceramics. Past fin/fine paste, 2-3 G2 cpl. 21, fig. 47/1-2; 14, 16 Lad2 cpl. 28, fig. 59/5, 8; angob roie/covered with red slip 6-7, G5 fig. 140/4-5, sec. III/3th century; 5 L1 cpl. 12a, fig. 33/1; neagr, 17 Lsp2 cpl. 17, fig. 42/2; 13 Lsp3 cpl. 29, fig. 60/2; 4, 8 L3 cpl. 29, fig. 61/2, 4; 1, 9, 15 L4 cpl. 33, fig. 72/7, 11-12; 9 Lsp5 cpl. 34, fig. 78/14; Lad4 cpl. 106, fig. 130/5, sec. III-IV/3rd4th centuries; cenuie, 18 G1 cpl. 18, fig. 43/2; A1 cpl. 21a, fig. 48/6; 20 G14 cpl. 116, fig. 135/8, sec. IV/4th century; 19 G1 cpl. 24a, fig. 51/2; 23 G3 cpl. 69a, fig. 96/2, sec. IV-V/4rd5th centuries.

Strchini, modelate din past fin de culoare cenuie sau zgrunuroas cenuie, nu au fost prea numeroase la Banca Gar. Menionm o strachin din G11 cpl. 9 (fig. 126/7), o form specific vaselor scunde cu gura larg (Gh. Iordache 1996, p. 41, fig. 14a). Castroane. n acest tip s-au inclus vasele mai mari i mai adnci ca strchinile (Gh. Iordache 1996, p. 40, fig. 13d), modelate din past fin de culoare cenuie, folosite pentru servit. Pentru servit era prezent vesela de mas din past fin, din sec. III, din Lad1 cpl. 28 provin ase castroane (fig. 59/5, 8; =14; 16; 2122 cm), dintre care unul acoperit cu angob roie, menionat deja; G1 cpl. 21, trei castroane, unul cu marginea dreapt (fig. 47/7; =16 cm) i dou cu profil n S (fig. 47/1-2; =13; 20 cm); n G2 cpl. 113, un castron (fig. 132/11; corp=10 cm); G2 cpl. 113, dou (fig. 140/11), unul decorat prin lustruire (fig. 139/1). Sec. III-IV, din Lsp1 cpl. 12a, o caserol un import (fig. 33/1; =38 cm); Lsp3 cpl. 29, patru castroane din care trei cu peretele n S (fig. 60/2; 61/2, 4; =22; 21; 25 cm); Lad4 cpl. 106,vesela de mas un castrona (=10 cm), patru (fig. 132/5; buz=10; 12; 16; 22 cm); Lad4 cpl. 106, toart (fig. 130/6) =24 cm) 1 buz (fig. 129/9); A1 cpl. 70, 1 castron (fig. 108/5, 12); A2 cpl. 73, pentru gtit i un castron (fig. 113/7), A2 cpl. 73, dou buze (fig. 113/1, 5). Sec. IV. Lsp1 cpl. 1, dou castroane, profil n S, poate i buzele reuperate

Ceramica forme i funcionaliti / Ceramic forms and functionality


provin de la acest tip de vas sau de la borcane (fig. 27/7-8; 28/2, 4; =12; 15; 20 cm); G2 cpl. 193 castroane (2fc+1fn); Lsp2 cpl. 15, dou castroane i o buz; Lsp3 cpl. 30, 3 cu profil n S (fig. 63/1, 5; =2x12; 14 cm); Lsp4 cpl. 48, castroane, unul cu marginea invazat (fig. 88/1), altul emisferic (fig. 88/2); Lad1 cpl. 77, un castron (fig. 117/5; =22 cm); Lad2 cpl. 91, un castron (fig. 124/3); G1 cpl. 18, castron cu profil n S (fig. 43/2; =21 cm); G2 cpl. 19, un castron, o buz (fig. 44/5); G6 cpl. 49, trei castroane cenuii (fig. 90/4, 6, 10; =14; 20 cm); G10 cpl. 80, un castron (fig. 121/1; =20 cm); G14 cpl. 115, dou castroane (fig. 134/3-4; =12; 14 cm); G15 cpl. 116, un castron (fig. 135/8; =9,5 cm); A1 cpl. 21a, patru castroane (fig. 48/4; 49/1, 7; max=16; 24 cm); A2 cpl. 43, un castron (fig. 86/1; =24 cm) + 3 buze (fig. 86/4, 6; =16 cm); A3 cpl. 60, un castron + 3 buze, cu 1 baz (fig. 94/14-15, =11 cm); A3 cpl. 60, un castron (fig. 94/13; =22 cm); A4 cpl. 61, opt, din care unul cu profil n S (fig. 95/11; =11 cm), altul cu umr carenat (fig. 95/3; =14,5 cm), dou cu gura evazat (fig. 95/12; =21; 18 cm); Lsp1 cpl. 14, 10 castroane (fig. 37/10; 38/1-4; =20,5; 10x2; 2x14,5; 15-16; 18-19; 22 cm); Lsp2 cpl. 26, trei (fig. 53/1, 5; =11; 26 cm; 54/7). Din sec. IV-V, menionm castroanele din Lsp3 cpl. 35, trei (fig. 79/1-2; =2x18 cm); Lsp4 cpl. 36, nou castroane (fig. 81/5; =24x2; 12x2 cm i =14; 24); Lsp5 cpl. 51, (=26; 2x30 cm); Lsp5 cpl. 51, nou castroane (fig. 92/4; =10; 12 cm); atelier de olrie, cpl. 65, dou castronae, G2, G1) i 24 castroane, 6 (6fc,1 import)CA+10C5fcG2+3fcG3. Fructiere. Sec. III-IV, Lsp3 cpl. 29, dou acoperite cu angob roie (fig. 61/1, 5; =40 cm); Lad4 cpl. 106, o fructier; sec. IV-V, Lsp4 cpl. 36, probabil o alt fructier (?) (fig. 81/4; =34 cm).

Pl. 27. Banca Gar - apte case. Ceramica fragmentar/Fragmentary ceramics: past fin/fine paste, 12 Lsp2 cpl. 17, fig. 41/6; 13 G2 cpl. 19, fig. 44/1; 6 Lad4 cpl. 106, fig. 130/13; sec. III-IV; 2, 9, 24 A1 cpl. 21a, fig. 38/1, 3-4; 3 Lsp1 cpl. 1, fig. 28/4; 5, 7 A4 cpl. 61, fig. 95/3, 11; 10, 14, 22 G3 cpl. 33a, fig. 74/6-7, 13; 15 Lad3 cpl. 91, fig. 124/3; 16 Lsp2 cpl. 26, fig. 54/7; 17 G17 cpl. 115, fig. 134/3; 18 Lsp3 cpl. 30, fig. 63/5; 21 A3 cpl. 60, 94/2; 23 G6 cpl. 49, fig. 90/4; 26 A1 cpl. 21a, fig. 49/1, sec. IV/4th century; 1, 8, 19, 25, 27 atelier olrie cpl. 65, fig. 99/5; 100/6; 102/14; 104/1, 6; 4 Lad2 cpl. 27, fig. 57/5; 11 G5 cpl. 114, fig. 133/2, sec. IV-V/4rd5th.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

The fine ceramic category manufactured with a potter's wheel in high quality paste, well kneaded, with small granulation sand, was well burned, usually with reduction burn that usually led to obtaining darkgrey or light-grey pottery, rarely dark-brown, glossy and ornated. The brims were differently shaped, having bunchy bots under the rim, on the shoulder or on the body (fig. 57/9), often with annular bases and rarely with upright bases, some pots having a rather tall leg. Fine paste 702 pots: 41- 3rd century 5,84% + 188, 3rd4th centuries 26,78% + 210, 4 th century 9,91% + 169+90, 4th5th centuries 36,89% + 3, 5 th6th centuries 0,42% = 41+189+210+169+259+3; 5,84%+26,78% + 29,91%+36,89%+0,42%=100%. From the total ceramics it represents: 52,5842 % sau 52,6 %. Potters wheel ceramic - covered with slip In 3rd and 3rd4th centuries, within the households of the Banca Gar residents, the ceramics modeled with fine sand paste was used, with thin walls but smoothed probably with a brush and reddish or yellowish mineral dye. Among the rebuilt items there were a few pots, a lid, two tureens, one covered with a red layer and decorated on the shoulder with zoomorphic protomae (fig. 41/10), two fruit trays and some lids. Lids3rd Century, in G3 cpl. 121, among the three lids, one was covered with a red layer (fig. 140/1; =8,2 cm), the same as a pot with annular base (fig. 140/10; =14 cm).

Forms fine ceramic category

Pl. 28. Gara Banca - apte case. Ceramica fragmentar/Fragmentary ceramics: past fin/fine paste, 8-9, 13 L2 cpl. 17, sec. III-IV/3rd4th centuries; 6 L2 cpl. 14; 18 L4 cpl. 36; 14 L1 cpl. 1; 15 L3 cpl. 30; 16 L2 cpl. 15; 25 G6 cpl. 49; 5 A3 cpl. 60; 19, 23 G10 cpl. 80; 20 pass.; 22 G19 cpl. 120; 26 G6 cpl. 49; 27 L1, cpl. 77; 28 A4 cpl. 61, sec. IV/4th century; 1, 24 A2 cpl. 43, 17 atelier de olrie/potters workshop, cpl. 65, 2-4 cuptor/ A, 7, 10 cupt. B; 11-12 L2 cpl. 27; L4 cpl. 36, sec. IV-V/4rd5th centuries.

Tureens. 3rd Century. From Lad1 cpl. 28 came six tureens (fig. 59/5, 8; =14; 16; 21-22 cm), one covered with red paste. 3 rd4th Centuries, in Lsp2 cpl. 17, were eight serving tureens (fig. 41/1, 3, 5, 7; 42/1; =22; 25-26, 29-31), three of them having a upright brim and an ornated one, a red paste burned one with zoomorphic protomae (fig. 41/10; =25 cm) and a piece from a red paste covered pot. The pot ornated on the shoulder with zoomorphic protomae is similar to the ones found in Gabra, where, in M16 there was a pot

Ceramica forme i funcionaliti / Ceramic forms and functionality


shoulder with zoomorphic protomae is similar to the ones found in Gabra, where, in M16 there was a pot ornated with bear shapes, considered to be of iranian influence (I. Antonescu 1, fig. 4), and pot in M211 from Poieneti (R. Vulpe 1953, p. 373, fig. 240). Fruit tray. From Lsp3 cpl. 29, 3rd4th centuries, derived two tureens (fig. 61/1, 5; =40 cm), from the last one only a leg was found. From the same period were found two red rims ( =14; 24 cm), Lad4 cpl. 106. White fine ceramic Pots made of white clay, kaolin, after burning had a lighter colour and the walls had a metallic resonance. Tureens. 4th Century, G6 cpl. 49, a grayish-white tureen (=10 cm). Reddish fine ceramic The pots were counted based upon the shapes reconstructed by drawings. Thus were discovered some reddish fine paste traditionally shaped pots, cups, mugs, bowls, tureens, jars. Beakers. 4th Century, G6 cpl. 49, reddish fine paste (fig. 90/7; =6 cm). Mugs. 4th Century, Lsp1 cpl. 12a, from the drinking pottery a reddish fine paste mug was reconstructed (fig. 34/1), 3rd4th centuries, Lsp3 cpl. 29, another reddish one with handles (fig. 60/6) and in G2 cpl. 19 two handles. Bowls. Lsp1 cpl. 14, engobed bowl (fig. 37/8; max.= 8 cm) and a pot wall (=10 cm). Tureens. 3rd4th Centuries, G2 cpl. 19, two small tureens (fig. 44/1; =13-14 cm), another one in G10 cpl. 80 (fig. 121/2; =22 cm); 4th5th centuries, Lsp4 cpl. 36, a fine red one (fig. 81/2; =22 cm) and another tureen and a handle were found in the potters workshop. Jars. 4th Century, G6 cpl. 49, three reddish jars (fig. 90/10; =14 cm). With 4th century, A4 cpl. 61, a red base (=6,5 cm) and with 4th5th centuries, Lad2 cpl. 27, a wall and a handle (fig. 57/9). Yellowish fine ceramic Mugs. 3rd Century, G3 cpl. 121 a white-yellowish drinking cup. 3rd4th centuries, Lad4 cpl. 106, a pink-yellowish hande; Lsp1 cpl. 14, a yellow-grey mug; Lsp2 cpl. 26, a yellowish mug (fig. 54/1; =10 cm). Bowls. 3rd Century. In G2 cpl. 113 were found two bowls, one of them was yellowish. Tureens. 3rd4th Centuries, Lad4 cpl. 106, a pink-yellowish tureen, six brims (4f+1fr+1ang-r), 12 walls (11f+1g) coming from the same type; Lad4 cpl. 106, 1 pink-yellowish jar ( lip=8; 20 cm); 4th century, G11 cpl. 9, a yellowish tureen (fig. 126/6; =22 cm); Lsp1 cpl. 14, a yellowish-gray tureen, =12 cm, 1 neck, =16 cm; 4th5th centuries, A1 cpl. 42, one tureen and one brim with S-profiled walls (fig. 85/8; =14 cm). Jars. 3rd Century. Lsp1 cpl. 12a, four brown-yellowish cooking jars (fig. 33/4; =12; 14-15 cm); 3 rd th 4 centuries, two yellowish fine paste jars, G7 cpl. 106 (fig. 132/1-2; =10,5; 13 cm), three jars from yellowish-blackish fine paste, six jars from yellowish-greyish fine paste (fig. 132/6; lip= 22 cm); 4th century, A2 cpl. 43, three yellowish jars (fig. 86/5; =13-14; 16 cm) and in G1 cpl. 18, yellowish wall (fig. 43/1); Lsp1 cpl. 1, a jar, =16 cm). Blackish fine ceramic Beakers, mugs. 4th Century, G6 cpl. 49, blackish fine paste beaker (fig. 90/3; =10 cm); G9 cpl. 71, blackish polished beaker (fig. 110/5; =12 cm). 4 th Century, A4 cpl. 61, a mug; 3 rd4th centuries, Lad4 cpl. 106, and blackish handle, probably from a mug. Tureens. 3rd4th Centuries, Lsp2 cpl. 17, black tureen (fig. 42/2; =28 cm); 4 th century, Lsp1 cpl. 1, another black tureen (fig. 28/1; max.=16 cm); G2 cpl. 19, a small tureen with S-profiled walls + G2 cpl. 19; G6 cpl. 49, a blackish tureen (fig. 90/1; =19 cm); G9 cpl. 71, a small blackish tureen (fig. 110/8); A4 cpl. 61, a blackish tureen (fig. 95/7; =22 cm); Lsp1 cpl. 14, a tureen (fig. 37/9); G5 cpl. 114, 4 th5th centuries, three tureens with upright brim (fig. 133/3; =14 cm); two tureens inside the potters workshop. Jars. Wih 3rd4th centuries, in Lsp3 cpl. 29 a jar; G2 cpl. 19, another one (fig. 44/4; =11 cm) and a th wall, 4 century, Lsp1 cpl. 1, a blackish-brown jar (=12 cm) and a wall, 4 th5th centuries, G5 cpl. 114, a jar (=13,5 cm) and a handle (fig. 133/9). From the 3 rd4th centuries, Lad4 cpl. 106, a fine base (=9 cm) a smll handle; 4th century, A2 cpl. 43, a black rim (fig. 86/3). Grayish fine ceramic The fragmented grayish pots used inside the surface dwellings, probably made in the local pott ers workshop, had various functions. Inside the dwellings were found almost all the shapes used in that period. Small pots beakers. G4 cpl. 37, among the six vessel parts discovered here a small pot was reconstructed and inside two 4th5th century dwellings, two cups were found and a beaker in Lsp4 cpl. 36


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

(fig. 81/6) and in Lsp5 cpl. 51 (fig. 91/8), rims with close diameters of 6,5 and 8 cm. Mugs. Among the 3rd century shapes, in Lsp2 cpl. 17, handles were found, probably coming from mugs (fig. 42/4); in G1 cpl. 21, two oxidant burned mugs from which only the handles were found (fig. 47/45). From the 3rd4th centuries, in Lad4 cpl. 106, 36, 48, were three fine paste mugs, a smaller one (=6; 8,3 cm) two larger mugs (fig. 132/1; =10,5; 13 cm); in A1 cpl. 70 a mug and a handle (fig. 108/7), as well as in A2 cpl. 73 (fig. 113/3). Inside the 4 th century dwellings, mugs were found in Lsp1 cpl.1 (fig. 28/3), Lsp1 cpl. 14 and four different handles (fig. 37/2-4); G2 cpl. 19; three mugs, one with a high neck, were found in G6 cpl. 49 (fig. 90/9); in G11 cpl. 9, a handle just linke the one in G14 cpl. 115 (fig. 134/7); a mug in G15 cpl. 116 (fig. 135/1; =11,5 cm), A2 cpl. 43 (=12 cm), A3 cpl. 60, A5 cpl. 88 (fig. 123/3) and two handles (fig. 95/14). From the 4th5th centuries, in Lsp4 cpl. 36, were found four handles belonging to the same type of vesselsand inside the potter's workshop cpl. 65, three mugs were found: one from the A furnace and two from G3, another two from A furnace and G2. In Brlad - Valea Seac, long neck mugs were found in L7 and in L9, or inside the graves M541, 543, 546 (V. Palade 2004, fig. 7/1; 9/5, 292/10, 293/2, 294/7) and M54 (Ibidem, fig. 86/4). The mug or the pot with cylindrical neck and a buldging body in different shapes and sizes will evolve towards the cylindrical neck and biconical body mug (I. Ioni 1971, p. 204-205). Platters, bowls. From the 3rd century, in Lad1 cpl. 28, from the serving pottery one platter was reconstructed (fig. 59/4; =28 cm). In G2 cpl. 113 two bowls were found (fig. 132/13; =18 cm), from 3 rd4th centuries, Lsp1 cpl. 12a, a serving bowl (fig. 33/2; =8 cm) and from the fragments found Lsp2 cpl. 17 another bowl was reconstructed (fig. 41/12; =7,5 cm). Dishes modeled in fine graysh paste or grayish coarse paste, not too many were found in Banca Gar. One dish was found in G11 cpl. 9 (fig. 126/7), having a specific form belonging to short vessels (Gh. Iordache 1996, p. 41, fig. 14a). Tureens. This category includes larger deeper vessels, such as serving dishes (Gh. Iordache 1996, p. 40, fig. 13d), made with fine grayish paste. For serving purposes, 3rd century fine paste serving dishes were found in Lad1 cpl.28, six tureens (fig. 59/5, 8; =14; 16; 21-22 cm), one of them covered with red paste; G1 cpl. 21, three tureens, one with upright brim (fig. 47/7; =16 cm) and two S-profiled tureens (fig. 47/1-2; =13; 20 cm); in G2 cpl. 113 a tureen (fig. 132/11; =10 cm); G2 cpl. 113, two tureens (fig. 140/11), one polished tureen (fig. 139/1). From the 3 rd4th centuries, in Lsp1 cpl. 12a, an imported casserole (fig. 33/1; =38 cm); Lsp3 cpl. 29, four tureens from which three with S-profiled bodies (fig. 60/2; 61/2, 4; =22; 21; 25 cm); Lad4 cpl. 106, a small serving tureen (=10 cm), four tureens (fig. 132/5; lip=10; 12; 16; 22 cm); Lad4 cpl. 106, a handle (fig. 130/6) =24 cm) 1 rim (fig. 129/9); A1 cpl. 70, a tureen (fig. 108/5, 12); A2 cpl. 73 a tureen (fig. 113/7), A2 cpl. 73, two rims (fig. 113/1, 5). From the 4 th Century in Lsp1 cpl. 1 two tureens tureen with S-profiled walls were found, maybe the rims found come from the same vessel type or from the jars (fig. 27/7-8; 28/2, 4; =12; 15; 20 cm); G2 cpl. 19 three tureens (2fc+1fn); Lsp2 cpl. 15 two tureens and a brim; Lsp3 cpl. 30 three tureens with S-profiled walls (fig. 63/1, 5; =2x12; 14 cm); Lsp4 cpl. 48, tureens, one with narrowed brim (fig. 88/1), and another hemispherical tureen (fig. 88/2); Lad1 cpl. 77, a tureen (fig. 117/5; =22 cm); Lad2 cpl. 91, a tureen (fig. 124/3); G1 cpl. 18, and tureen with S-profiled walls (fig. 43/2; =21 cm); G2 cpl. 19, a tureen, a rim (fig. 44/5); G6 cpl. 49, three grayish tureens (fig. 90/4, 6, 10; =14; 20 cm); G10 cpl. 80, a tureen (fig. 121/1; =20 cm); G14 cpl. 115, two (fig. 134/3-4; =12; 14 cm); G15 cpl. 116, a tureen (fig. 135/8; =9,5 cm); A1 cpl. 21a, four (fig. 48/4; 49/1, 7; max=16; 24 cm); A2 cpl. 43, a tureen (fig. 86/1; =24 cm) + 3 rims (fig. 86/4, 6; =16 cm); A3 cpl. 60, a tureen + 3 rims and basis (fig. 94/14-15, =11 cm); A3 cpl. 60, a tureen (fig. 94/13; =22 cm); A4 cpl. 61, eight, one with S-profiled walls (fig. 95/11; =11 cm), another one with careened shoulder (fig. 95/3; =14,5 cm), two having flared brims (fig. 95/12; =21 cm; 18 cm); Lsp1 cpl. 14, ten (fig. 37/10; 38/1-4; =20,5; 10x2; 2x14,5; 15-16; 18-19; 22 cm); Lsp2 cpl. 26, three tureens (fig. 53/1, 5; =11; 26 cm; 54/7). From the 4 th5th centuries, tureens were found in Lsp3 cpl. 35, three (fig. 79/1-2; =2x18 cm); Lsp4 cpl. 36, nine (fig. 81/5; =24x2; 12x2 cm and =14; 24); Lsp5 cpl. 51 (=26; 2x30 cm); Lsp5 cpl. 51, nine (fig. 92/4; =10; 12 cm); inside the potters workshop, cpl. 65, two small tureens, G2, G1) and 24 tureens, 6 (6fc,1 imported) CA+10C5fcG2+3fcG3. Fruit trays. From the 3rd4th centuries, Lsp3 cpl. 29, two covered in red clay (fig. 61/1, 5; =40 cm); Lad4 cpl. 106, a fruit tray; 4th5th centuries, Lsp4 cpl. 36, another fruit tray (?) (fig. 81/4; =34 cm). Upright neck vessels. From the 3rd century, for liquids, in Lad1 cpl. 28 were found two upright neck vessels (fig. 59/6, 9; =19-20 cm); Lsp3 cpl. 29, and rare ones, a roud grey vessel (fig. 61/3; =14,5 cm), Lsp3 cpl. 30, a high neck with flared rim.

Ceramica forme i funcionaliti / Ceramic forms and functionality


Jars and pots were used as cooking and storage pottery for grains, liquids or fruits. From the 3rd4th centuries, in Lsp2 cpl. 17, a jar was foud (fig. 42/7; =10,5 cm), rims (fig. 42/8, 10; =21 cm); in Lsp3 cpl. 29, six jars and in Lad4 cpl. 106, another six jars (4c, lip=12; 15; 18 cm + 1g + 1gc, lip=14 cm), some having bulges (fig. 129/4); in A1 cpl. 70, three jars (fig. 108/4, 6, 8). From the 4 th century, in Lsp1 cpl. 1, three jars were found (=9; 10x2 cm); one in Lsp4 cpl. 48 (fig. 88/4); in G1 cpl. 18, two jars (fig. 43/4-5; =8,6; 19 cm); in G6 cpl. 49, three grayish jars (=10; 18; 20 cm) and two rims (=8; 10 cm); in G8 cpl. 66a, two jars (fig. 107/6, 10; =19; 21 cm); in G10 cpl. 80, from the kitchen pottery- a jar (fig. 121/5; =14) and a rim; the same in G15 cpl. 116 (fig. 135/4, 9; =15,5 cm); in A1 cpl. 21a two jars (fig. 48/3, 6; =20; 13 cm); in A4 cpl. 61, three (fig. 95/1-2, 15; =12; 22; 24 cm) and two rims (95/6); in Lsp1 cpl. 14, five jars (fig. 38/6; =14; 16 cm); in Lsp2 cpl. 26, three jars (fig. 54/3; =9; 20 cm) and in Lsp2 cpl. 26- seven jars (fig. 54/2; 53/2, 4; =11; 2x20 cm and 53/6; 54/5; =8; 15-16; 12 cm). From the 4 th5th centuries, in Lsp4 cpl. 36 eight (=2x12; 15; 3x16; 18; 24; 26; 30 cm) another eight inside the potters workshop, cpl. 65, 2CA+ 5CB, 1fcG2. Frangmented jars, having various upper section shapes, were difficult to fit into a certain category. Biconical pots. From the 4th Century, in Lsp1 cpl. 12, a biconical pot (=20 cm), and from the 4 th century, in Lsp1 cpl. 1, were found another two. From the 4 th5th centuries, Lsp4 cpl. 36, a small bitroncal pot was found (fig. 81/7). Food storage pots. G2 cpl. 113, fragments were found in G3 cpl. 121, from the 4th century, in Lsp1 cpl. 1, another five food storage pots (3zc+1zb-g+1pz); one in A5 cpl. 88 (fig. 123/4; =22 cm).

Ceramica de import
Sec. III-IV. Din locuina de suprafa nr. 3, cpl. 29, provine un mic borcan din past fin neagr lustruit, cu buza invazat (=16 cm) i un altul cenuiu (fig. 60/1; buze=16). De asemenea, pentru locuina uor adncit nr. 1 cpl. 10, dou vase din past fin cenuie pot fi considerate importuri, prin fineea realizrii lor, un castron bitronconic negru, lustruit exterior, cu buza ngroat i profilul arcuit n unghi (fig. 32/2; buz=14,5 cm) i un vas decorat cu motive geometrice imprimate (fig. 32/1; corp=18 cm). Sec. IV. Vase decorate cu motive geometrice imprimate se aflau n locuina de suprafa nr. 1, cpl. 4, un castron de culoare cenuie, lustruit (fig. 29/1), n aglomerarea de ceramic nr. 3, cpl. 60 (fig. 94/16) i n groapa nr. 9, cpl. 71, un vas modelat din past neagr lustruit (fig. 110/6). Vasul din groapa nr. 8, cpl. 66b, cu buza tras mult exterior, dup Andrei Opai era un import (fig. 107/6, 10; buz=19; 21 cm). Sec. IV-V. Borcanul cenuiu-negricios nefinisat bine, din aglomerarea de ceramic nr. 1, cpl. 42, la exterior cu impresiuni de cereale i urme circulare de la roata olarului, a fost considerat tot de Andrei Opai ca fiind un import (fig. 85/1). Din cele ase castroane reconstituite din atelierul de olrie, cpl. 65 (fig. 99/1, 4-5, 8-9, 13), penultimul era un import, ca i alte fragmente glbui (fig. 98/16-18). Din groapa nr. 4, l. 79, un castron scund cu umrul carenat era probabil tot un import (fig. 120/8).

Imported ceramic
3rd4th Centuries. In the surface dwelling no. 3, cpl. 29, a small tureen with blackish fine paste was discovered, well polished, with thickened rims (=16 cm) and another grayish one (fig. 60/1; rim=16). Also, for the slightly buried dwelling, no. 1 cpl. 10, two pots with grayish fine paste may be imported, based upon the way they were made, a blackish biconical tureen, polished, with thickened rim and arched profile (fig. 32/2; lip=14,5 cm) and a pot ornated with gometrical shapes (fig. 32/1; corp=18 cm). 4th Century. Vesels ornated with geometrical stamped shapes were found in the surface dwelling no. 1, cpl. 4, a grayish tureen, polished (fig. 29/1), in the agglomeration of ceramic no. 3, cpl. 60 (fig. 94/16) and inside pit no. 9, cpl. 71, a pot modeled out of polished blackish paste (fig. 110/6). The pot from pit no. 8, cpl. 66b, with the drawn outer rim, possible import apud Andrei


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Opai (fig. 107/6, 10; lip=19; 21 cm). 4rd5th Centuries. Blackish-grayish jar, inside agglomeration of ceramic no. 1, cpl. 42, paste mixed also with gravel, there was found an unfinished pot with the basis having circular traces from the removal from the wheel, possible imports, after Andrei Opai (fig. 85/1). Among the six tureens recreated from the potters workshop, cpl. 65 (fig. 99/1, 4-5, 8-9, 13), the fifth was an import, just like the other yellowish fragments (fig. 98/16-18). Inside pit no. 4, cpl. 79, a short bowl with ridged shoulder also maybe an imported pot (fig. 120/8).

Proporiile categoriilor ceramice

Calculul procentelor categoriilor ceramice 1270 vase: modelate cu mna 144 vase = 7 sec. III 0,57 % + 75 sec. III-IV 6,07 % + 20 sec. IV 1, 6 % + 28+3 sec. IV-V 2,5 % + 11 sec. V-VI 0,89 % = 75+20+28+3+11; din totalul ceramicii reprezint: 11,338 % sau 11,34 %. Calculul procentelor ceramicii lucrate la roat: past zgrunuroas 104 vase: 0 sec. III + 4 sec. III-IV 0,32 % + 62 sec. IV 5,02 % + 23+12 sec. IV-V 2,83 % + 3 sec. V-VI 0,24 % = 0+4+62+ 23+12 +3; din totalul ceramicii reprezint: 8,189 % sau 8,2 %; past puin zgrunuroas 221 vase: 25 sec. III 2,01 % + 62 sec. III-IV 5,02 % + 64 sec. IV 5,18 % + 51+18 sec. IV-V 5,587 % + 1 sec. V-VI 0,08 % = 25+62+64+ 51+18 +1; din totalul ceramicii reprezint: 17,40 % sau 17,4 %; past fin 702 vase: 41 sec. III 3,31 % + 188 sec. III-IV 15,22 % + 210 sec. IV 17,00 % + 169+90 sec. IV-V 20,97 % + 3 sec. V-VI 0,24 % = 41+189+210+169+ 90+3; din totalul ceramicii reprezint: 55,275 % sau 55,3 %; amfore 65 din 1335 vase modelate la roat: 3 sec. III 0,22 % + 17 sec. III-IV 1,27 % + 2 sec. IV 0,15 % + 23 sec. IV-V 1,72 % = 3+17+22+23; din totalul ceramicii reprezint: 4,868 % sau 4,9 %; atelierul de olrie, cpl. 65, sec. IV - prima parte a sec. V (fig. 97a-c -104) 123 vase + 6 amfore; din totalul ceramicii reprezint: 9,21% i 9,66 cu amfore; plus pahare de sticl 8: 2 sec. III-IV 0,15 % + 4 sec. IV 0,3 % + 2 sec. IV-V 0,15 %; din totalul ceramicii reprezint: 0,6 %.

Estimri procentuale
Statistica realizat pentru ceramica descoperit n aezarea i necropola de la Brlad - Valea Seac a pornit de la cele 3332 de vase descoperite n staiune, dintre care 1133 modelate cu mna i 2199 la roat (1587 din past fin cenuie, 589 din past zgrunuroas i 23 romane, provenind din import). Din totalul vaselor (ntregi sau fragmentare), 1592 provin din aezare i 1740 din necropol. Din cele 1740 vase ce provin din necropol, 985 au fost confecionate din past fin cenuie, 442 modelate cu mna, 298 din past zgrunuroas i 15 vase de import (V. Palade 2004, p. 182). Ne vom opri doar la procentele date de componena categoriilor de vase descoperite n aezare 1592, aflate n stadii diferite de conservare, i care cuprind, 693 vase modelate cu mna 43,53 %, inclusiv 13 vase de factur nordic; 899 lucrate la roat, 602 vase din past fin cenuie 37,81%, 289 din past zgrunuroas 18,21 %, n total 56,02 % i 8 de import. Cum concluzioneaz autorul cercetrilor, n raportul dintre ceramica lucrat la roata i aceea modelat cu mna, predomin ultima (V. Palade 2004, p. 182). Noi am calculat procentul numai pentru aezare, din totalul de 1592 de vase, cele modelate

Proporiile categoriilor ceramice, procente / Proportions of the ceramic categories, percentage


cu mna reprezentau 43,53 %, iar cele lucrate la roat, 56,02 %, din care 37,81% vasele din past fin cenuie i 18,21 % cele din past zgrunuroas. Dup Vasile Palade procentele argumenteaz cu prisosin importana vaselor modelate cu mna. Ceramica din necropola de la Lecani prezint alte procente pentru fiecare categorie, din cele 142 de vase, ceramica modelat la mn reprezint doar 1,4 %, la roat 98,6 %, din past zgrunuroas 45,71% iar ceramica din past fin are o proporie de 52,15 %, plus importurile 2,14 %, divers ca forme i decor, dar predomin strchinile i castroanele cu forme bitronconice de diferite simetrii, urmate de cni i ulcioare, borcane i cte un pahar, o amfor, un ulcior i o cup, cu buzele ngroate sau nu, evazate sub diferite unghiuri, sau n forma literei T, de cele mai multe ori cu baza inelar (C. Bloiu 1975, p. 324, tabelul 7). Dup E. A. Rikman, I. A. Rafalovici, ceramica lucrat la roat, n aezrile dintre Prut i Nistru, la Comrat, Delacheu, Budeti, Sobari, are procente cuprinse ntre 96,2 - 99,5 % (1965, p. 377). Pentru aezarea de la Banca Gar - apte case, n complexele cercetare, din cele 1270 de vase, plus 64 amforele i alte vase de import, 1335 + 7 vase de sticl = 1342 vase fragmentare. Dintre ele s-au reconstituit 742 forme. 144 Vase 11,34%, au fost modelate cu mna, pstrate fragmentar. Din ceramica modelat la roat, 1027 vase cu un procent n cadrul ceramicii modelate la roat de 1270, cu un procent de 80,87 %, fr amfore, din past zgrunuroas erau 104 vase - 8,2 %, din past puin zgrunuroas 221 vase - 17,4 %, din past fin 702 vase - 55,3 % i amfore 65 4,9 %, plus paharele de sticl 8 - 0,6 %.

Percentage Estimations
The statistics made for the ceramics discovered inside the settlement and necropolis from Brlad - Valea Seac originated from the 3332 items discovered in the station, from which 1133 were modeled by hand and 2199 were modeled with a potters wheel (1587 made of grey fine paste, 589 made of coarse paste and 23 roman, imported). From among the total number of items, whole or fragmented, 1592 come from the settlement and 1740 come from the necropolis. From among the 1740 items discovered inside the necropolis, 985 were made of grey fine paste, 442 were modeled by hand, 289 were made of coarse paste and 15 pots were imported (V. Palade 2004, p. 182). We shall pitch upon the percentage of the ceramic categories discovered inside the settlement 1592 items having different conservation degrees and comprising 693 pots modeled by hand - 43,53%, including 13 northern pots; 899 modeled with a potters wheel, 602 made of grey fine paste 37,81%, 289 made of coarse paste 18,21%, with a total of 56,02% and 8 imported. As the author of the research concludes, the hand modeled ceramics prevails (V. Palade 2004, p. 182). We have established only the percentage relevant to the Brlad - Valea Seac settlement, from among a total of 1592 pots 43,53% were modeled by hand, 56,02% were made with a potters wheel, from which 37,81% were made of grey fine paste and 18,21% made of coarse paste. According to Vasile Palade the percentage fully justifies the hand made potterys importance. The ceramics discovered inside the Lecani necropolis has a different percentage for each category. From among the 142 pots hand modeled ceramics is only 1,4%, the ceramics made with a potters wheel is 98,6%, from which 45,71% coarse paste pottery, 52,15% fine paste pottery, 2,14% imported ceramics, different in shape and decor. Predominant are the bowls and tureens in biconical shapes, with different symmetries, followed by mugs and jugs, jars and cups, an amphora, a jug and a cup with thickened flared or T shaped rims, mostly with annular basis (C. Bloiu 1975, p. 324, tabelul 7). According to E. A. Rikman, I. A. Rafalovici, inside the settlements located between Prut and Nistru, at Comrat, Delacheu, Budeti, Sobari, the ceramics made with a potters wheel has a percentage between 96,2 - 99,5% (1965, p. 377). In the Banca Gar - apte case settlements, from the 1270 pots, 64 amphoras and other


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

imported vessels 1335 + 7 glass vessels = 1342 fragmented vessels. From among them, 742 items were reconstructed. 144 hand modeled pots 11,34%, were fragmented. 80,87% of the potters wheel modeled items, 1027 pots not including amphoras, 104 pots 8,2% were made of coarse paste, 221 pots 17,4% were made of slightly coarse paste, 702 pots 55,3% were made of fine pase, 65 amphoras 4,9% and 8 glass cups 0,6%.

Estimri demografice
6+69 locuitori: locuin sec. III cu 6 locuitori Lad1 cpl. 28 + 9 locuine din sec. III-IV, 6 de suprafa cu 41 locuitori (6 L1 cpl. 12a + 6 L2 cpl. 17 + 8 L4 cpl. 33 + 6/8 L5 cpl. 34 + 5 L6 cpl. 72 + 8 L3 cpl. 29) + 3 adncite cu 18+10 locuitori (5 Lad1 cpl. 10 + 10 locuin public Lad2 cpl. 31 + 8 Lad3 cpl. 78) + 39+18 locuitori - nou locuine din sec. IV, 5 Lsp cu 39 de persoane (10 Lsp1 cpl. 1 locuin public + 6/8 Lsp2 cpl. 15 + 6/8 Lsp3 cpl. 30 + 8 Lsp4, cpl. 48 + 5 Lsp5 cpl. 57) + 4 Lad cu 18 persoane (5 L1 cpl. 77 + 5 Lad2 cpl. 91 + 8 Lad4 cpl. 106) + 32+20 locuitori - opt locuine din sec. IV-V, 5 Lsp cu 32 de persoane (8 Lsp1 cpl. 14 + 5 Lsp2 cpl. 26 + 5 Lsp3 cpl. 35 + 6 Lsp4, cpl. 3 + 8 Lsp5 cpl. 51) + 3 Lad cu 20 de persoane (10 Lad1 cpl. 4 cas public + 5 Lad2 cpl. 27 + 5 Lad3 cpl. 122). Total persoane, 6 sec. III + 69 sec. III-IV (41+28) + 57 sec. IV (39+18) + 52 sec. IV-V (32+20) = 184 persoane. Se presupune c s-a dezvelit mai puin de jumtate, populaia trebuie s fi fost, n aceast perioad, de aproximativ 400 persoane. Cunoaterea suprafeei fiecrei case, a numrului, funcionalitii i capacitii vaselor utilizate ntr-o gospodrie, unele pstreaz nc urmele folosirii pe vatr, n genere a inventarului acestor locuine ngduie estimarea numrului membrilor fiecrei familii, n final al locuitorilor aezrii. Astfel, pentru secolul III: Lad1 cpl. 28, dup suprafaa ei de 12 m 2 i dup cele 34 de vase, din care relevant este numrul de castroane, n locuin erau probabil ase persoane, din care patru maturi. Pentru secolele III-IV, pentru cele ase locuine de suprafa se poate estima: Lsp1 cpl. 12a, n raport cu suprafaa de 8,10 m2 i numrul de vase 21, ntre care borcanele s-au conservat mai bine i o caserol de import, erau ase persoane; Lsp2 cpl. 17, dup suprafaa de 11,61 m2 i 28 vase, se presupune c erau ase persoane; Lsp3 cpl. 29, dup suprafaa mai mare, de 16,86 m2 i numrul vaselor, 26, ntre care un vas crmiziu cu o form sud-dunrean i o caserol, se presupune locuirea acesteia de un numr mai mare de persoane, probabil opt; Lsp4 cpl. 33, dup suprafaa de 14 m2 i numrul mare de vase, 45, dup numrul castroanelor erau cel puin opt persoane; Lsp5 cpl. 34, cu o suprafa destul de mare, de 15,30 m2, totui cu ceramic puin, 18 vase, n locuin erau ase persoane; Lsp6 cpl. 72, suprafaa mic de 9,60 m2 i cele 15 vase, presupune locuirea aici a cinci persoane. Pentru cele trei locuinele uor adncite s-a estimat: Lad1 cpl. 10, cu o suprafa de 10,92 m2 i un numrului mic de vase, 8, o familie cu cinci persoane; Lad2 cpl. 31, dup suprafaa mare, 20 m2 i specificul inventarului, nu prea numeros, 20 vase, probabil a fost o locuin public; pentru Lad3 cpl. 78 nu s-a reconstituit suprafaa, dar dup cele 38 de vase, erau opt persoane. Pentru secolul al IV-lea, din cele cinci locuine de suprafa numrul membrilor familiei s-a estimat pentru: Lsp1 cpl. 1, cu dimensiunile cele mai mari, 28 m 2, dar cu ceramic puin, 25 vase, se crede c era probabil o locuin public; Lsp2 cpl. 15, erau ase sau opt persoane, dup dimensiunile mari ale locuinei 16,20 m2, totui ceramica era puin, 8 vase; Lsp3 cpl. 30, erau ase sau opt persoane, dup dimensiunile mari ale locuinei, 15,84 m2, i aici ceramica era puin, 12 vase; Lsp4, cpl. 48, cu dimensiuni mari, 17 m2, dar ceramica tot nu a fost prea numeroas, 9 vase, erau probabil opt persoane; Lsp5 cpl. 57, de mici dimensiuni, 9,30 m 2, dup ceramic, 23 vase, erau probabil cinci persoane. Pentru cele patru locuine uor adncite s-a stabilit: n L1 cpl. 77, dup

Proporiile categoriilor ceramice, procente / Proportions of the ceramic categories, percentage


dimensiuni, 11,65 m2 i ceramic, ase vase, posibilitatea ca aici s fi locuit cinci persoane; Lad2 cpl. 91, nu s-a conservat bine, dup ceramic, 6 vase, erau dou persoane; Lad4 cpl. 106, cu o suprafa de 16,184 m2 i 70 vase, familia de aici avea cel puin opt persoane. Pentru secolele IV-V, n cele ase locuine de suprafa erau: n Lsp1 cpl. 14, fiind mai mare 14,57 m2, cu 35 vase, avea probabil opt locuitori; Lsp2 cpl. 26, locuina avea suprafaa mic, 11,10 m2 i 23 vase, se poate presupune c familia avea cinci persoane; Lsp3 cpl. 35, mic, 9 m2 cu 12 vase, cinci persoane; Lsp4, cu 36 de vase, de 10,20 m2, cu 59 de vase, se presupune locuirea aici a unei familii de ase persoane; Lsp5 cpl. 51, dup suprafaa de 15,75 m2 i cele 37 de recipiente, aici locuia o familie mai mare, posibil de opt persoane; Lsp6 cpl. 96, nu s-a conservat bine. Din cele trei locuine uor adncite, Lad1 cpl. 4, era probabil o cas public, dup suprafaa mare, 20,5 m2 i specificul inventarului, 14 vase; Lad2 cpl. 27, conform suprafeei, 8,64 m 2 i numrului mic de vase, erau cinci persoane; Lad3 cpl. 122, pentru aceasta nu s-au stabilit suprafaa, iar numrul vaselor era mic, probabil avea cel puin cinci persoane.

Demographic Estimations
It is assumed that less then half was uncovered, and the population must have been, in this period, of about 400 persons. Knowing the surface of each house, the number, functionality and capacity of the pots used in a household, some of which still preserve traces of fireplace usage, usually of the inventory of these dwellings, allows one to estimate the number of members in each family and, finally, the whole village. As such, for the 3th century it can be: for Lad1 cpl. 28, after its 12 m2 surface and the 34 pots, out of which important is the number of bowls; in the dwelling were probably six persons, four mature persons. For 3rd4th centuries, for the six surface dwellings it can be estimated: Lsp1 cpl. 12a, reported to the surface of 8,10 m2 and the number of pots 21, out of which jars were better preserved, but also an imported casserole, were six persons; Lsp2 cpl. 17, using the surface of 11,61 m2 and 28 pots, it is assumed that there were six persons; Lsp3 cpl. 29, after the bigger surface, of 16,86 m2 and the number of pots, 26, out of which one brick-red colored with a southern-danubian shape and a casserole, and after the number of tureens, it is assumed a higher level of occupancy, possibly eight; Lsp4 cpl. 33, after the sufrace of 14 m2 and the large number of pots, 45, and after the number of tureens, there were at least eight inhabitants; Lsp5 cpl. 34, with a fairly high surface, of 15,30 m2, yet with small amounts of pottery, 18 pots, in the dwelilng there were six persons; Lsp6 cpl. 72, small surface of 9,60 m2 and 15 pots, implies the inhabiting of five persons. For the three lightly deepened dwellings it was estimated: Lad1 cpl. 10, with a surface of 10,92 m 2 and the small number of pots, 8, a family with five members; Lad2 cpl. 31, its surface bigger, 20 m2 and the specifics of the inventory, not too large, 20 pots, most likely it was a public residence; for Lad3 cpl. 78 the surface was not reconstituted, but after the 38 pots, there were eight inhabitants. For 4th century, out of the five surface dwellings the number of family members was estimated for: Lsp1 cpl. 1, the largest of all, 28 m 2, but with few pottery, 25 pots, it is believed to be a public residence; Lsp2 cpl. 15, there were 6 or 8 persons, after the big size of the dwelling, 16,20 m2, still pottery was scarce, 8 pots; Lsp3 cpl. 30, were 6 or 8 persons, after the big size of the dwelling, 15,84 m2, also with little pottery, 12 pots; Lsp4, cpl. 48, with large dimensions, 17 m2, but pottery still not too much, 9 pots, they were most likely eight persons; Lsp5 cpl. 57, of small size, 9,30 m2, after the pottery, 23 pots, they were most likely five inhabitants. For the four lightly deepened dwellings was established: in L1 cpl. 77, after dimensions, 11,65 m2 and pottery, six pots, it is possible that five persons lived here; Lad2 cpl. 91, it was not preserved well, after the pottery, 6


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

pots, there were two persons; Lad4 cpl. 106, with a surface of 16,184 m2 and 70 pots, this family had at least eight persons. For 4rd5th centuries, in the six surface dwellings were: in Lsp1 cpl. 14, being the biggest 14,57 m2, with 35 pots, was probably having eight inhabitants; Lsp2 cpl. 26, the dwelling had a small surface, 11,10 m2 and 23 pots, it can be assumed that the family had five members; Lsp3 cpl. 35, smaller, of 9 m2, with 12 pots, had five persons; Lsp4, with 36 pots, of 10,20 m2, with 59 pots, it is assumed a six person family was living in; Lsp5 cpl. 51, after the surface of 15,75 m2 and the 37 recipients, here lived a large family, possibly eight persons; Lsp6 cpl. 96, did not preserve well. Out of the three lightly deepened dwellings, Lad1 cpl. 4, was probably a public house, after its large surface, 20,5 m2 and the specificity of the 14 pots; Lad2 cpl. 27, according to the surface, 8,64 m 2 and the small number of pots, there were five persons; Lad3 cpl. 122, for this one the surface was not established, and the number of pots small, most likely it had at least five persons.

Proportions of the ceramic categories

Percentage calculations of ceramic 1270 vessels: hand-made ware 144 vessels = 7 sec. III 0,57 % + 75 sec. III-IV 6,07 % + 20 sec. IV 1, 6 % + 28+3 sec. IV-V 2,5 % + 11 sec. V-VI 0,89 % = 75+20+28+3+11; total number of ceramics: 11,338 % sau 11,34 %. Percentage calculations of the ceramics category made with potters wheel: coarse ceramic paste 104 vessels: 0 3th century + 4 3rd4th centuries 0,32 % + 62 4th century 5,02 % + 23+12 4rd5th centuries 2,83 % + 3 5rd6th centuries 0,24 % = 0+4+62+ 23+12 +3; of the total number of ceramics reprezented: 8,189 % sau 8,2 %; slightly coarse paste 221 vessels: 25 3th century 2,01% + 62 3rd4th centuries 5,02% + 64 4th century 5,18% + 51+18 4rd5th centuries 5,587% + 1 5rd6th centuries 0,08% = 25+62+64+ 51+18 +1; of the total number of ceramics reprezented: 17,40 % sau 17,4 %; fine paste 702 vessles: 41 3th century 3,31 % + 188 3rd4th centuries 15,22 % + 210 4th century 17,00 % + 169+90 4rd5th centuries 20,97 % + 3 5rd6th centuries 0,24 % = 41+189+210+169+ 90+3; of the total number of ceramics reprezented: 55,275 % sau 55,3 %; amphorae 65 with 1335 vase modelate la roat: 3 3th century 0,22 % + 17 3rd4th centuries 1,27 % + 2 4th century 0,15 % + 23 4rd5th centuries 1,72 % = 3+17+22+23; of the total number of ceramics reprezented: 4,868 % sau 4,9 %; potters workshop, 4th-5th century, cpl. 65 (fig. 97a-c -104) 123 vessels + 6 amphorae; of the total number of ceramics reprezented: 9,21% and 9,66, with amphorae; plus glass vessels 8: 2 3rd4th centuries 0,16 % + 4 4th century 0,32 % + 2 4rd5th centuries,16 %; of the total number of ceramics reprezented: 0,6 %.

VII. Obiceiuri de port / port customs. Podoabe / beads, pendants


Capitolul VII. Obiceiuri de port / port customs

Pentru realizarea obiectelor de podoab, amuletelor, accesoriilor de vestimentaie i de toalet s-au folosit diferite materiale, lut, sticl, metale.

Podoabe / beads, pendants

Pandantive - amulete, mrgele i cochilii de Cerithium sp.

Pl. 29. Banca Gar - apte case. 1-2 Fibule, 3 oglind cu tamga, 4-5 pandantive, 6 pieptene, 7 os lefuit. 1-2 Fibulas; 3 mirrors with tamga, 4-5 pendants; 6 combs; 7 polished bone.

Un pandantiv dreptunghiular, probabil de argint, se afla n G9 cpl. 71, cu inventar de secol IV (fig. 110/1). O pies cilindric de lut de forma unei mrgele tubulare, folosit drept amulet, perforat longitudinal, provine din locuina de suprafa L1 cpl. 1 (fig. 27/1), din aceeai perioad. Un pandantiv prismatic, perforat la partea superioar, decorat pe cele patru laturi cu cte patru cercuri circumscrise s-a descoperit la Banca Gar n nivelul din secolul al IV-lea (fig. 4/1). Prezint analogii apropiate cu piesele de la Brlad - Valea Seac, jud. Vaslui, decorate cu aceleai


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

cerculee concentrice, cte 2-4, i nu ntotdeauna pe toate feele (V. Palade 1983, p. 402, fig. 1/2; M. Mamalauc et alii 2005, p. 71, nr. 4-8, 10), cele de la numrul ase erau prinse ntr-o verig, ornamentate la fel cu patru cercuri circumscrise, dar pe feele mai mari, de la Mihleni, jud. Botoani (M. Mamalauc et alii 2005, p. 77, nr. 72-73), dar se cunosc i la Lunca, Tecuci, jud. Galai (Ibidem, p. 83, nr. 126, 192). n necropola biritual din secolul al IV-lea e.n. de la Barcea, jud. Galai, n cele 22 morminte din campania 1979, n M74 de adult, n inventarul format din patru vase, o fibul, 11 mrgele, era i un pandantiv fragmentar din corn, cu seciune rectangular, decorat pe toate feele prin incizie, cu compasul cu cercuri cu punct la mijloc (M. Nicu, S. au 1980, 374, fig. 2/9) nu este precizat locul de descoperire; M78 adult, mpreun cu dou vase, un pieptene os i ofranda depus lng craniu, resturi de ou pe stnga, carne pe dreapta, era i un pandantiv din scoic, specia murex, perforat n partea superioar, descoperit la bazin i lng genunchiul stng mai era i o mrgic plat din sticl neagr cu ncrustaii galbene n zig-zag (Ibidem, 374-375, fig. 3/9). Tipul acesta apare i n secolele IV-V la Trgoru Vechi, jud. Prahova (Gh. Diaconu 1965, pl. 84/4; Idem 1968, p. 448), Spanov (B. Mitrea, C. Preda 1966, pl. 84/4); Botoani - Dealul Crmidriei (N. Zaharia et alii, p. 468, fig. 9/2). Pandantivele realizate din materiale de origine animal, cu semnificaie religioas, au fost interpretate drept simboluri ale zeului german Donar/Thor (I. Ioni 1982, p. 111; M. Kazanski 1991, p. 52; N. Zugravu 1997, p. 330). Mrgele, cochilii n timpul dezvelirii locuinei specifice culturii Dridu, L 1, n interiorul acesteia s-a pstrat i o mrgic de cornalin (fig. 30/6), refolosit de comunitatea din secolele VIII-IX. Mrgelele de cornalin se ntlnesc n aezri dar mai ales n necropolele din secolul al IV-lea. Din apropiere menionm necropola mai puin cunoscut de la uletea, jud. Vaslui, unde din cele 11 morminte recuperate, n trei, M2, M3 i M11, se aflau mrgele faetate poliedric (M. Rotaru 1981-1982, p. 243, 246, fig. 2/4-5 i 6, 8 de 3,9 x 2,3 cm sau fig. 3/1). Tot n complexele din secolele IV-V, mrgele din cornalin s-au descoperit la Trgoru Vechi, jud. Prahova (Gh. Diaconescu 1965, p. 62, pl. XCIX), Deduleti (M. Mamalauc et alii 2005, p. 78, nr. 76). n locuina de suprafa L5 cpl. 51, datat n secolele IV-V, spre peretele de vest, probabil n spaiul de dormit, alturi de alt inventar era o mrgic discoidal de sticl (fig. 91/2) i o cochilie de Cerithium sp. cu o perforaie, un pandantiv (fig. 91/6). n mormntul de nhumaie, M5 cpl. 76, tot din secolele III-IV, se afla o alt mrgic de sticl verzuie, de form discoidal cu marginile vlurite (fig. 115/3), iar n mormntul de nhumaie, M4, cpl. 66, datat n secolul al IV-lea, erau mai multe mrgele de sticl i o cochilie de Cerithium sp. Tot n secolul al IV-lea s-a ncadrat o pies asemntoare descoperit la Lecani, jud. Iai, de culoare albastru-vineiu nchis, cu intruziuni colorate diferit (C. Bloiu 1975, p. 221-222), altele provin staiunea Brlad - Valea Seac (V. Palade 2004, p. 74, 514, fig. 174/13), Polocin - Izlaz, jud. Vaslui, Todireti, jud. Suceava, iar din sec. III-IV, de la Trgoru Vechi, jud. Prahova (M. Mamalauc et alii 2005, p. 75, 88, 85, nr. 47, 155 i 180). Piese realizate din cochilii - Mollusca Arheozoolog Simina Stanc, a detaat 78 de resturi de gasteropode, Cepaea virdobonensis, Helix pomatia, Helix sp., Viviparus viviparus, Viviparus sp., Helicella sp., Helicella ovia, Cerithium sp., Specie fosil i lamelibranhiate, Unio pictorum, Unio sp. Unele au fost folosite ca pandantive, cum sugereaz cele cteva cochilii de Cerithium sp., prevzute cu cte o perforare, aflate n mormntul de nhumaie nr. 4, M4 (fig. 106), sec. IV, cpl. 66, n locuina de suprafa nr. 5, sec. IV-V, cpl. 51 (fig. 91/6) i alta n atelierul de olrie, de unde provin cele mai multe resturi de molute, 43 cochilii i valve, ntregi sau fragmentare, de la urmtoarele specii, Cepaea virdobonensis, Cerithium sp., Helicella ovia, Helicella sp., Helix pomatia, Viviparus viviparus, Viviparus sp., Unio sp. Cum a menionat n volum, S. Stanc, actualmente Cerihtium sp. triete n

VII. Obiceiuri de port / port customs. Podoabe / beads, pendants


Mrile Mediteran i Egee, fiind posibil ca la acea vreme s fi fost obiectul vreunui schimb de mrfuri cu alte populaii. Aceste trei cochilii menionate mai sus s-au gsit. Astfel de piese s-au descoperit n cultura Sntana de Mure, la Brlad - Valea Seac, n M5A-B (V. Palade 2004; fig. 65/3), M84 schelet distrus n mare parte, mpreun cu 12 vase depuse n ni, 1 pieptene din os, 77 mrgele de forme diferite dar toate lucrate din sticl albastr, iar la picioare n partea dreapt o fusaiol din lut i n partea stng 1 ghioc cu inel de prindere din bronz, peste care s-a turnat bitum, care s-a ntins pn la o fibul de bronz (Ibidem, p. 376, 384); M87 probabil de copil, unde mpreun cu opt vase, o fibul de bronz, 93 mrgele, era, n zona membrelor inferioare, n dreptul genunchilor, un pandantiv din scoic pstrat fragmentar; M95, un adult, n mormnt erau patru vase, un pieptene din os, dou fusaiole, o cataram de bronz, 67 mrgele la gt, resturi de ofrand, i la fel ca i n cazul precedent, avea la genunchi un pandantiv din scoic marin cu o perforare de prindere (Ibidem, p. 376-378); probabil era tot o cochilie de Cerithium sp. perforat era n iragul cu 11 mrgele (V. Palade 1983, p. 402, fig. 1/2). Scoicile perforate la un capt pentru atrnarea lor fac parte din specia cypreya, iar cel fragmentar din murex (Ibidem, p. 384, fig. 4/8; 6/4). Astfel de pandantive s-au aflat i n mormintele sarmatice de la Licoteanca - Movila olarului, Mo Filon i Movila din Balt, n total 19, la care se adaug altele 40 din descoperirile anterioare, au n inventar i cochilii de ghioc - scoica kaurii. Pornind de la inventar au fost datate n a doua jumtate a secolului II i atribuite probabil sarmailor roxolani, vase sarmatice, carpice i romane, obiecte de bronz, cuite, sbii, pumnale din fier, vrfuri de sgei din bronz i os, mrgele din past sticloas i din os i ghiocuri (N. Haruche 1980, 76, fig. 25/4-6). Obiceiul purtrii la bru a ghiocurilor s-a considerat a fi fost o caracteristic a populaiei sarmatice, care i le procura din zona golfului Persic (B. Mitrea, C. Preda 1966, 151).

Obiecte de toalet
Piepteni La Banca Gar, ntr-un mormnt de nhumaie, M3 cpl. 20, secolul al IV-lea, s-a pstrat un mic fragment de pieptene (fig. 8; 45/2; fig. 46/4), semn al ndelungatei folosiri a acestuia i al obiceiului de a nsoi n morminte pe cel care l-au folosit. Un alt mic fragment i un pieptene ntreg (fig. 115/6), apropiate ca form, s-au descoperit n strat, dar provin de la mormintele distruse. Practica necunoscut n perioada anterioar, era specific populaiilor alogene. Exemplarul ntreg are mnerul semicircular realizat din plci de corn prinse cu nituri de bronz, pe lungime patru i unul pe corp, iar la baz o linie incizat (fig. 8/6; 116/6). Prezint analogii cu unele exemplare descoperite n atelierele de la Brlad - Valea Seac, secolul al IV-lea, jud. Vaslui (V. Palade 1981, p. 179, fig. 25/2-3; Idem, 2004, p. 544, fig. 198/6), ntre ei i unii decorai cu cercuri circumscrise (Idem 1987-1989, p. 124, fig. 12/2). Se apropie mult i de exemplarele de la Mihleni, jud. Botoani (M. Mamalauc et alii 2005, p. 96-97, nr. 31, 35, 39), dar i de cele de la Vadu Soreti, jud. Buzu (Ibidem, nr. 44), Lunca, jud. Galai, Izvoare, jud. Neam (Ibidem, p. 98-99, nr. 56, 63). Majoritatea au aripi scurte laterale, precum cel descoperit la Ioneni - La intirim, jud. Botoani i spinarea arcuit (M. Petrescu-Dmbovia et alii 1955, p. 179, fig. 9).

Accesorii de vestimentaie
Fibule O fibul de bronz cu piciorul ntors pe dedesubt (fig. 9/1-2; 45/2) se afla n mormntul de nhumaie, M3 cpl. 20, la fel n M5 cpl. 76, din secolele III-IV, o alta de acelai tip s-a gsit la


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

nivelul umrului stng, semn al folosirii acesteia pentru prinderea unui vemnt. Femeile aveau dreptul la motenirea postum a podoabelor, obiectelor de toalet i munc (N. Zugravu 1997, p. 330).

Pl. 30. Gara Banca - apte case. 1-3, 6 Fibule; 4 pandantiv; 5 pies de fier; 7 brar. 1, 3, 6 Fibulas, pendants; 5 piece of iron; 7 bracelet.

De asemenea, n G6 cpl. 49 (fig. 89/2), secolul al IV-lea, se afla alta. Fibule de acest tip, apropiate ca form s-au semnalat la Brlad - Valea Seac (V. Palade 2004, p. 106, nr. 8,-9, 12), Polocin - Izlaz, Pogoneti (M. Mamalauc et alii 2005, p. 107, nr. 21-25), Zorleni - Fntnele, jud. Vaslui (Ibidem, p. 110-111, nr. 51-57, 61), Lunca, Barcea, jud. Galai (Ibidem, p. 118, nr. 125, 195201), Mihleni, jud. Botoani, Podeni (Ibidem, p. 111, nr. 66, 74, 179), Vadu Soreti, Pietroasele Cremenea i Gherseni - Lacul Frncului, jud. Buzu (Ibidem, p. 114, nr. 86, 88, 90-92), Independena - Vatra satului, Copuzu - Delu, jud. Clrai (Ibidem, p. 115, nr. 98-101, 104), irna, Boldeti - Grditea, Trgoru Vechi, jud. Prahova (Ibidem, p. 120-121, nr. 148-149, 153-155) dar i la Sntana de Mure, jud. Mure (I. Kovcs 1912, p. 270, 348, fig. 23/3a-3b). O cataram de bronz (fig. 118/1) se afla n locuina uor adncit, L5 cpl. 78, din secolele III-IV. Are veriga de form oval-circular, inegal n grosime, mai subire n zona de prindere a spinului prevzut cu un mic prag la baz. Forme apropiate s-au semnalat la Lunca (M. Mamalauc et alii 2005, p. 117, nr. 116-117, 121-122, 126), n necropola de la Barcea, jud. Galai, cultura Sntana de Mure Cerneahov, din secolul al IV-lea (M. Nicu, S. au 2010, p. 99-115).

Clothing items and accessories for vestments

In order to create jewelry items, amulets, vestment and toilet accessories there were used different materials, clay, glass, metals. Jewelry items, pendants - amulets, beads and shells of Cerithium sp. Pendants - amulets A rectangular pendant, probably from silver, was found in G9 cpl. 71, with a 4 th century inventory (fig. 110/1). A cylindrical clay item having the shape of a tubular bead, used as an amulet, perforated longitudinally, was found in surface dwelling L1 cpl. 1 (fig. 27/1). A prismatic pendant, perforated in the upper part, decorated on the four sides with four circumscribed circles was found on the 4th century layer. It shows analogies that are comparable to the items of Brlad - Valea Seac, Vaslui county, decorated with the same concentric circles, of 2-4, and not always on all sides (V. Palade 1983, p. 402, fig. 1/2; M. Mamalauc et alii 2005, p. 71, nos. 4-8, 10), those of number six were contained by a ring, Mihleni, Botoani county, also ornamented with four circumscribed circles, but on the larger faces (M. Mamalauc et alii 2005, p. 77, nos. 72-73), Lunca, Tecuci, Galai county (Ibidem, p. 83, nr. 126, 192) or Trgoru Vechi, Prahova county (Gh. Diaconu 1965, pl. 84/4; Idem 1968, p. 448). The pendants made of materials

Obiecte de toalet, accesorii / Clothing items, accessories


of animal origin, with religions significance, were interpreted as symbols of the German god Donar/Thor (I. Ioni 1982, p. 111; M. Kazanski 1991, p. 52; N. Zugravu 1997, p. 330). Beads, shells During the uncovering of dwelling, L1, specific to the Dridu culture, there was also found inside it a cornaline bead (fig. 30/6), reused by the 8rd9th centuries community. The cornaline beads are found in sites and especially in tombs dated to the 4 th century. In the neighborhood there exist the less known necropolis of uletea, Vaslui county, where out of the 11 tombs that were recovered, three, M2, M3 and M11, contained beads polyhedrally facetted, made of cornaline (M. Rotaru 1981-1982, p. 243, 246, fig. 2/4-5 i 6, 8 de 3,9x2,3 cm or fig. 3/1). Beads of cornaline were found in other 4th century complexes, more precisely at Trgoru Vechi, Prahova county (Gh. Diaconescu 1965, p. 62, pl. XCIX), Deduleti (M. Mamalauc et alii 2005, p. 78, no. 76). In the surface dwelling L5 cpl. 51, dated to the 4rd5th centuries, toward the west wall, probably in the sleeping space, together with other items, there was also a discoid glass bead (fig. 91/2) and a shell of Cerithium sp. with a perforation, a pendant (fig. 91/6). In the inhumation tomb M5 cpl. 76, also in the 3rd4th centuries, there was also a greenish glass bead, of discoid shape with wavy edges, and in the inhumation tomb M4, cpl. 66, dated to the 4th century, there were several glass beads and shell of Cerithium sp. with perforations. It is also to the 4th century that was dated a similar item discovered at Lecani, Iai county, of dark violet blue, with intrusions of different colors (C. Bloiu 1975, p. 221-222), while other items were found at Brlad - Valea Seac (V. Palade 2004, p. 74, 514, fig. 174/13), Polocin - Izlaz, Vaslui county, Todireti, Suceava county, while to the 3rd4th centuries were dated the finds of Trgoru Vechi, Prahova county (M. Mamalauc et alii 2005, p. 75, 88, 85, nr. 47, 155 and 180). Probably also a perforated shell of Cerithium sp. was in the necklace of 11 beads found at Brlad - Valea Seac, Vaslui county, dated to the 4th century (V. Palade 1983, p. 402, fig. 1/2).

Toilet Items
Combs In an inhumation tomb, M3 cpl. 20, dated to the 4th century, there was found a small fragment of a comb (fig. 8; 45/2; fig. 46/4), sign of its long usage and of the custom of accompanying in the tomb the one who used it. Another small fragment and a whole comb (fig. 116/6), similar as shape, were found in the layer, but they were resulting from destroyed tombs. This practice, unknown during the previous period, was specific to the exraneous populations. The whole comb has the semicircular handle made of plates of horn attached with bronze rivets, on the length, and one on the body, and at the base there is an incised line. It shows analogies with some items discovered in the workshops of Brlad - Valea Seac, Vaslui county, the 4th century (V. Palade 1981, p. 179, fig. 25/2-3; Idem, 2004, p. 544, fig. 198/6), some of these being decorated with circumscribed circles (Idem 1987-1989, p. 124, fig. 12/2). They are even more similar to the items found in Mihleni, Botoani county (M. Mamalauc et alii 2005, p. 96-97, nr. 31, 35, 39), and those of Vadu Soreti, Buzu county (Ibidem, nr. 44), Lunca, Galai county, Izvoare, Neam county (Ibidem, p. 98-99, nr. 56, 63). Most of them have short side wings, as it is the case of the item found in Ioneni - La intirim, Botoani county and the arched back edge (M. Petrescu-Dmbovia et alii 1955, p. 179, fig. 9).


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Vestment Accessories
Fibulas A bronze fibula with underneath turned foot (fig. 9/1-2; 45/2) was found in inhumation tomb M3 cpl. 20, and the same in M5 cpl. 76, dated to the 3rd4th centuries, there was another one of the same type, found at the level of the left shoulder, sign of its usage for attaching a vestment item. Women had the right to inherit posthumously the jewelry, toilet and work items (N. Zugravu 1997, p. 330) Similarly, in G6 cpl. 49 (fig. 89/2), 4th century, there was another fibula. This type of fibulas, similar as shape, were also pointed out at Brlad - Valea Seac (V. Palade 2004, p. 106, nos. 8,-9, 12), Polocin - Izlaz, Pogoneti (M. Mamalauc et alii 2005, p. 107, nr. 21-25), Zorleni - Fntnele, county (Ibidem, p. 110-111, nos. 51-57, 61), Lunca, Barcea, Galai county (Ibidem, p. 118, nos. 125, 195-201), Mihleni, Botoani county, Podeni, Suceava county (Ibidem, p. 111, nos. 66, 74, 179), Vadu Soreti, Pietroasele - Cremenea and Gherseni - Lacul Frncului, Buzu county (Ibidem, p. 114, nos. 86, 88, 90-92), Independena - Vatra satului, Copuzu - Delu, Clrai county (Ibidem, p. 115, nos. 98-101, 104), irna, Boldeti - Grditea, Trgoru Vechi, Prahova county (Ibidem, p. 120-121, nos. 148-149, 153-155) but also at Sntana de Mure, county Mure (I. Kovcs 1912, p. 270, 348, fig. 23/3a-3b). Buckles A bronze buckle (fig. 118/1) was found in the slightly buried dwelling L5, cpl. 78, dated to the 3rd4th centuries. It has and oval-circular ring, irregular as width, thinner in the area of attaching the needle and with a small threshold at the base. Similar shapes were found at Lunca, Galai county (M. Mamalauc et alii 2005, p. 117, nos. 116-117, 121-122, 126).

VIII. Ocupaii i meteuguri / The rural occupations


Capitolul VIII. A Ocupaii steti / The rural occupations

n secolele III-IV, vechea populaie din actuala Moldov Meridional s-a bucurat de o mai mare securitate n faa primejdiilor, astfel economia de caracter mixt a locuitorilor aezrilor din aceast zon geografic, a cunoscut o anumit dezvoltare att n ceea ce privete agricultura i creterea animalelor, dar i n practicarea meteugurilor casnice, prelucrarea osului, pieilor, a lnei i a fibrelor vegetale, a lemnului i pietrei. Cel mai mult s-a prelucrat lutul, pentru realizat construcii, pentru modelarea unor obiecte dat mai ales a ceramicii n ateliere amenajate special, mai puin s-a realizat reducerea mineralelor locale pentru furirea uneltelor. Comunitatea de la Banca Gar - apte Case, a avut acelai specific de via steasc, precum i alte comuniti steti din Podiul Moldovei. / During the 3rd4th centuries, the old population of nowadays Middle Moldavia enjoyed a better safety in front of dangers, so that the mixed economy of the inhabitants of the settlements in this geographic area, acknowledged a certain development both regarding agriculture and animal husbandry, and the practice of domestic crafts, the processing of bones, skins, wool, vegetal fibers, wood and stone. Clay was the most processed material as it was used for construction works, for shaping items and especially the ceramic ware created in specialized workshops, while to the smallest extent there was used the reduction of local ores for tool making. The community of Banca Gar, had the same specificity of peasant life, as many other rural communities in the Moldavian Plateau. Agricultura, ca surs principal de asigurare a existenei, a realizrii produselor necesare unei alimentaii diversificate, n cadrul comunitilor stabile care locuiau n primul mileniu n satele amplasate n apropierea Brladul, se practica pe terasele i luncile prielnice cultivrii plantelor. n preajma vetrei satului terenurile agricole erau suficiente i corespunztoare pentru cultivare, probabil i pentru legumicultur, pomicultur sau viticultur. Prin practicarea agriculturii se asigura hrana locuitorilor, probabil o parte era i pentru schimb. Totui, n majoritatea aezrilor cercetate, inventarul a fost destul de srac. n sprijinul dovedirii practicrii agriculturii la Banca Gar, de ctre fiecare familie, vin uneltele agricole, rniele de diferite forme, pentru nmagazinarea cerealelor recipientele i gropile amenajate special, chiar i prezena plevei i a altor resturi vegetale n lutul folosit pentru realizarea pereilor caselor construite pe grinduri. Practicile agricole, chiar i cele din epoca modern, cum o dovedesc i piesele etnografice pstrate n muzee, argumenteaz folosirea frecvent a uneltelor de lemn. ntre uneltele i ustensilele pstrate menionm n primul rnd rniele, att cele de tip primitiv, plci de gresie i un frector (fig. 6/18), folosite nc de comunitile geto-dacice locale (F. Anastasiu, V. Srbu 1980, p. 164, fig. 5/5-6), dar i n secolele urmtoare, mpreun cu cele de tip roman (fig. 1-2, 4-5). Pentru c rniele nu s-au descoperit n locuine, iar cele gsite nu erau perechi meta i catilus, credem c existau spaii anume amenajate pentru folosirea lor. Cel puin una dintre rnie (fig. 7/2), din care s-a pstrat ntreag, dar cu fisuri, piatra bombat perforat n centru, poate fi specific pentru secolul al V-lea. Exemplare apropiate ca form s-au menionat la Brlad - Valea Seac, n locuina 7, iar din tipul mai nou, format dintr-o piatr concav i alta bombat, n anexa 10, tip apropiat de Vasile Palade de prpria menionat etnografic (~19851986, p. 108; Idem 2004, p. 163, fig. 47/1). Descoperirile arheologice au consemnat i folosirea unor unelte de fier. Un topor, o secer, cteva cuite, poate i un cosor, puternic oxidate. Corespondene pentru toporul de la Banca Gar se gsesc n staiunea Trgoru Vechi - Prahova (D. Gh. Teodor 1996, fig. 9/1), iar pentru secer cu deosebire la Bratei, Sibiu (Idem, fig. 8/4-8). Probabil, mare parte dintre uneltele de fier din locuirile din apropierea vii Brladului nu s-au conservat. Numrul lor, n genere, nu a fost mare nici n alte staiuni, dei rolul acestora s-a dovedit a fi fost important (I. Glodariu, E. Iaroslavschi et alii 1979).



Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Pstrarea cerealelor. Cteva din gropile cercetate au fost arse parial, cum se poate vedea din analiza realizat pentru acestea, caracteristic specific amenajrii lor pentru pstrarea cerealelor, iar capacitatea lor aduce argumente directe cu privire la cuantumul acestei ndeletniciri pentru populaia local. Printre cerealele cultivate la Banca Gar, era meiul (Panicum miliaceum), cteva boabe puternic carbonizate s-au descoperit pe vatra primului cuptor din atelierul de olrie. Vasile Palade, pornind de la propriile observaii legate de descoperirile din aezarea de la Brlad Valea Seac, ntre care i a unui vas cu boabe de mei carbonizate, din mormntul de incineraie 127, crede c meiul a fost una dintre cerealele cultivate intens (2004, p. 163).

necessary to a diversified alimentation, within the settled communities that lived in the first millennium near Brlad, was practiced on the terraces and meadows favorable to growing plants. Near the village core, the agricultural lands were enough and adequate for plant growing, probably also for growing vegetables, fruit trees or vineyards. By practicing agriculture, one would assure the food of the inhabitants, part of which was also probably meant for exchange. Still, in most investigated settlements, the inventory was rather poor. The practicing of agriculture at Banca Gar, by each family, is sustained by the agricultural implements, the grinders of various shapes, for storing cereals, and the pits arranged on purpose, even the presence of chaff and other vegetal remains in the clay used for making the walls of the houses built on raised islands. The agricultural practices, even those of the modern epoch, as the ethnographic items preserved in the museums prove it, sustain the frequent usage of the wooden implements. Among the preserved implements and utensils mention should be made first of all of the grinders, both those of the primitive type, querns and a handstone (fig. 6/18), already used by the local Geto-Dacian communities (F. Anastasiu, V. Srbu 1980, p. 164, fig. 5/5-6), whose usage continued in the following centuries, together with the grinders of the Roman type (fig. 1-2, 4-5). Because the grinders were not discovered inside dwellings, and those that were found were not forming pairs, meta and catilus, our opinion is that there existed spaces especially arranged for their usage. At least one of the grinders (fig. 7/2), whose rounded stone with a central perforation was fully preserved, though with some fissures, may be specific to the 5 th century. Similar shapes were found in Brlad - Valea Seac, in dwelling 7, and the newer type, consisting in a concave stone and a convex one, in adjacent structure 10, type that was compared by Vasile Palade to the socalled prpria ethnographically known (~1985-1986, p. 108; Idem 2004, p. 163, fig. 47/1). The archaeological discoveries also pointed out the usage of iron implements. An axe, a sickle, several knives, maybe also a pruning knife (all strongly oxidized. Correspondences for the axe of Banca Gar can be found in the settlement of Trgoru Vechi - Prahova (D. Gh. Teodor 1996, fig. 9/1), and for the sickle especially in Bratei - Sibiu (Idem, fig. 8/4-8). Probably, most of the iron implements of the habitations near the Brlad valley were not preserved. Their number was not generally high, as other settlements point out, though their role proved to be very important (I. Glodariu, E. Iaroslavschi 1979). The storage of cereals. Few of the investigated pits were partly fired, as one can see from their analysis, and this situation is specific for their cereal storage arrangement. Their capacity provides direct arguments concerning the quantum of this occupation for the local population. Among the cereals cultivated at Banca Gar, mention should be made of millet (Panicum miliaceum), several very carbonized grains were discovered on the hearth of the first kiln in the pottery workshop. Vasile Palade, starting from the own discoveries in the settlement of Brlad Valea Seac, among which of a vessel with carbonized millet grains, in the incineration tomb 127, believes that millet was one of the intensely cultivated cereals (2004, p. 163).

Agriculture Agriculture, as a main source of ensuring the living requirements, providing the products

VIII. Ocupaii i meteuguri / The rural occupations


Pescuit, vntoare, creterea animalelor

Dei n cadrul ocupaiilor populaiei de la Gara Banca, rolul important l-a avut agricultura, creterea animalelor a avut o pondere important pentru aceast aezare, proporia resturilor atribuite mamiferelor domestice fiind 97,85%, din totalul resturilor de mamifere, de 84%, recuperate din staiune (Simina Stanc, fig. 1), mai puin se practica vntoarea, pescuitul i culesul. Resturile faunistice din eantionul de la Banca Gar, 3880 de origine menajer , datate n secolele III-V, au fost analizate de Dr. Simina Stanc. Loturile complete descoperite pe complexe i n strat, au fost discutate separat pentru primele secvene cronologice semnalate aici, Hallstatt, perioadele geto-dacic, dacii liberi i cultura Sntana de Mure. Prin identificarea speciilor de animale existente n primul mileniu s-a documentat practicarea unor ocupaii n cadrul comunitii locale, s-au evaluat resurselor animale utilizate n economia alimentar. ntre speciile de mamifere domestice, frecvena cea mai mare o dein bovinele de tip primitiv, numeroase au fost i ovicaprinele, urmate de suine iar calul avea frecvena cea mai redus. Bovinele, ntre speciile de mamifere domestice, cum am precizat, au avut frecvena cea mai mare. Bovinele erau de tip primitiv, neameliorate, crescute n scopuri utilitare, ca for de traciune, pentru exploatarea produselor secundare, lapte, n final fiind consumat i carnea. Aveau o larg variabilitate a parametrilor corporali i coarne gracile, cu talia relativ mic, cu o valoare medie de 110 cm, dar totui puin mai ridicat fa de aceea nregistrat de prof. Sergiu Haimovici, pentru taurinele crescute n secolele VIII-IX, pe aceleai grinduri de la Banca Gar, cu nlimea la greabn de 105,8 cm, cu o variaie ntre 992-1206 mm (1985-1986). Dup Simina Stanc, talia nregistrat pentru bovinele de la Banca Gar este mai mic fa de a celor din centrul Europei i apropiat de a bovinelor din nord-vestul Europei (tabel 8). Ea a estimat, pe baza extremitilor distale de humerus, 21 indivizi, 17 maturi (cu vrsta peste 20 luni) i patru imaturi, sacrificai nainte de aceast vrst; de asemenea, pe baza stadiului de erupie dentar i a celui de uzur, o treime erau imaturi (6), iar restul maturi (tabel 10), majoritatea aveau vrsta cuprins ntre 57 ani, perioada optim de exploatare a vitelor. Bovinele au fost ordonate n dou categorii de vrst, indivizi imaturi pn la doi ani i jumtate, maturi peste aceast limit; totodat, pe baza metacarpienelor s-au estimat 20 de indivizi, o treime erau reprezentai de cei imaturi i restul de maturi (tabel 9). Ovis aries/Capra hircus, numeroase au fost i ovicaprinele, minim 27 de indivizi estimai pe baza dentiiei de pe mandibul, opt erau imaturi i 19 maturi (tabele 4-5, 11-13), cea mai mare parte din resturi fiind atribuit ovicaprinelor, exemplare deja mature din punct de vedere biologic, dup stadiile de erupie i eroziune a dinilor de pe mandibul, de 4-5 ani i de 2-3 ani (tabel 14). Pentru capra s-au determinat apte resturi, din cpl. 34, cu un fragment de corn tip prisca, retezat cam la jumtatea lui iar pentru oaie 30. n complexul 65 s-a gsit un craniu fragmentar de oaie, de 5-6 ani, parial refcut, probabil era vorba de unul din masculii reproductori din turm. Pentru oaie s-a estimat nlimea la greabn (tabel 12), n medie de 67,5 cm, pe baza a dou metatarsiene i un metacarpian (aplicnd coeficientul Teichert, 1975) i pentru capr, cu o valoare de 64 cm, pe baza unui metatarsian (cu coeficientul lui Schramm, 1967). Datele se apropie de alte determinri realizate pe eantionul de la Podeni, jud. Suceava, pentru aceeai perioad istoric, secolele IV-V, pentru oaie estimndu-se o talie la greabn de 63,1 cm, dar afirmndu-se c multiplele msurtori pe metapodale din necropole au dat o talie n jur de 60 cm, deci ovine relativ mici (S. Haimovici et alii, 1992). Ofranda de animale din necropolele din secolul al IV-lea de la Trgoru Vechi i Spanov, mormntul N48 (Al. Bolomey 1967) indic ca vrst preferat pentru sacrificarea oilor 7-8 i 9-12 luni, ceea ce corespunde perioadei septembrie-octombrie pn n februarie-martie, decesele aveau loc din perioada de toamn pn n primvar. Sus domesticus, porcii erau crescui pentru carne, cele 215 fragmente au fost atribuite unui numr minim de 20 indivizi, 12 imaturi i 8 maturi, dup stadiul de erupie i eroziune al dinilor de pe mandibule erau sacrificai cu deosebire n intervalul de 1-2 ani, patru masculi i dou femele


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

(tabelele 4-5, 15-17). n cpl. 92 i 65 erau i doi porci tineri, de 10-12 luni i respectiv 5-6 luni. Pentru eantionul colectat n nivelul de secole IX-X al acestei aezri, s-a concluzionat c porcii erau de tip primitiv cu botul prelung, de mrime oarecum mic (S. Haimovici 1985-1986). Equus caballus, specia era folosit n alimentaie, lucru indicat de existena pe unele dintre oase a urmelor de tranare, arsur i descrnare, poate n momentele de criz alimentar sau n situaia exemplarelor accidentate. Au fost minimum cinci indivizi (tabelele 4-5), unul s-a sacrificat foarte tnr, pn la doi ani (dinii M2 i M3 inferiori neerupi), al doilea de 10-20 ani (o femel) i doi de 20-30 ani s-au sacrificat la maturitate, chiar spre btrnee. Canis familiaris, 36 resturi, de la un numr minim de opt indivizi, msurtorile indic mai multe tipuri, n funcie de talia lor, un cine de talie supramedie i altul de talie medie, deci unul robust i altul gracil (M. Udrescu et alii 1999) (tabelele 4-5, 20). Un exemplar de 4-5 luni se afla ntr-o groap, n conexiune anatomic. Pescuitul i culesul molutelor prezentau un caracter sporadic. Resturile provenite de la molute 78, sunt reprezentate de cochilii i valve, ntregi sau fragmentare, de gasteropode i lamelibranhiate (tabel 3). De altfel, cele mai multe resturi de molute au fost gsite n complexul 65. Vntoarea, mamiferele slbatice nu au fost prea numeroase, din totalul resturilor faunistice, erau 38 (Anexa II, tabel 4 i 22), identificate de Simina Stanc i ele cuprind cteva specii, Cervus elaphus (cerb), fragmente de la minimum trei indivizi maturi, Capreolus capreolus (cprior), minimum trei indivizi maturi, Sus scrofa (mistre), trei maturi, dintre care doi masculi, estimai pe baza caninilor, Canis lupus (lup) i Lepus europaeus (iepure), un individ imatur. n eantionul pentru aezarea din secolele VIII-IX(X), de la Gara Banca, S. Haimovici, a identificat n plus vulpea i bourul (1985-1986). Vntoarea avea un rol redus din punct de vedere economic, lucru atestat de numrul mic de fragmente osoase de mamifere slbatice identificate (2,15%). Au fost identificate i oase cu patologie: n complexele 72, 96, s-au menionat dou falange proximale care prezentau exostoz de Bos taurus, n cpl. 77, un ram orizontal de mandibul stnga cu paradontoz de vit, de la un exemplar tnr, de circa 6-7 luni, iar pentru cpl. 65 s-a menionat o vertebr de pete cu exostoz i cteva fragmente de coaste, probabil de vit, care prezentau calus de fractur (vezi n volum, S. Stanc, fig. 11). Although within the occupations of the population of Gara Banca, the most important role was played by agriculture, animal husbandry also had a considerable importance for this settlement, the proportion of the remains assigned to domestic mammals being of 97.85%, of the total of mammal remains, and of 84%, of the total remains recovered from the settlement (Simina Stanc, fig. 1). Hunting, fishing and gathering were practiced to a smaller extent. The fauna remains of the sample of Banca Gar, 3880 of domestic origin, dated to the 3 rd 4th centuries, were analyzed by Simina Stanc PhD. The full lots discovered in each complex and in the layer were discussed separately for the first chronologic sequences pointed out here, Hallstatt, the Geto-Dacian, the Free Dacians epochs and the Sntana de Mure culture. By the identification of the species of animals that existed in the first millennium, there could be documented the practice of certain occupations within the local community, there were assessed the animal resources used in the food economy. Among the species of domestic mammals, the highest frequency is the one of the bovines of the primitive type, while ovicaprines were also numerous, following by the swine, the lowest frequency being assigned to the horse. Bovines, among the species of domestic mammals, as we pointed out, had the highest frequency. Bovines were of the primitive type, not ameliorated, grown for utilitarian purposes, as animal power, for the exploitation of secondary products, milk, in the end meat being also consumed. They showed a large variability of the corporal parameters and delicate horns, they were relatively small, with an average value of 110 cm, but still slightly higher than the one recorded by

Fishing, hunting and animal husbandry

VIII. Ocupaii i meteuguri / The rural occupations


prof. Sergiu Haimovici, for the 18 th19th century bovines, on the same raised islands of Banca Gar, with the height up to the shoulder of 105.8 cm, with a small variation contained between 992-1206 mm (1985-1986). According to Simina Stanc, the dimensions of the bovines of Banca Gar is smaller than those of the bovines in central Europe and close to the one of the bovines in the northwest of Europe (table 8). She estimated, on the basis of the distal extremities of the humerus, 21 individuals, 17 grown-ups (aged more than 20 months) and four young ones, sacrificed before this age; on the basis of the study of dental eruption and of tooth wear, it was possible to determine that a third were young individuals (6), and the remaining ones were grown-ups (table 10), most of which had ages between 57 years, the optimal interval of cattle exploitation. Bovines were ordered in two age categories, young individuals up to the age of two year and a half, and beyond this limit there comes the category of the grown-ups; at the same time, on the basis of the metacarpals there were assessed 20 individuals, a third of which were represented by young ones and the rest by the grown-ups (table 9). Ovis aries/Capra hircus. The ovicaprines were also numerous, minimum 27 individuals assessed on the basis of the mandible dentition, eight were young and 19 grown-ups (tables 4-5, 1113), most of the remains being assigned to the ovicaprines that were already biologically mature, that is after the phases of mandible tooth eruption and wear, of 4-5 year old and of 2-3 year old (table 14). For the goat, there were determined seven remains, in complex 34, with a horn fragment, cut at about its half and for the sheep, there were identified 30 individuals. In complex 65 there was found a fragmentary skull from a 5-6 year-old sheep, partly remade, probably it was one of the reproducing males in the herd. For the sheep, the estimated height up to the shoulder (table 12) was in average of 67.5 cm, on the basis of two metatarsal bones and a metacarpal bone (applying the Teichert coefficient, 1975) and for the goat, with a value of 64 cm, on the basis of a metatarsal bone (with Schramms coefficient, 1967). The data are close to other determinations obtained on the sample of Podeni, for the same historical period, that is the 4 th 5th centuries, for the sheep the height up to the shoulder being estimated at 63.1 cm, but pointing out that multiple measurements on metapodal bones in necropolises provided the dimension of about 60 cm, that is rather small ovines (S. Haimovici et alii, 1992). The offering of animals as indicated by the finds in necropolises dated to the 4 th century of Trgoru Vechi and Spanov, tomb N48 (Al. Bolomey 1967) indicate that the preferred age for the scarification of sheep was of 7-8 and 9-12 months, fact that corresponds to the period September October until February March, that is the slaughtering took place between autumn and spring. Sus domesticus, the swine was grown for meat, the 215 fragments were assigned to a minimal number of 20 individuals, 12 young ones and 8 grown-ups. According to the mandible tooth eruption and wear phase, they were sacrificed especially at the age of 1-2 year old, as shown by four male individuals and two female ones (tables 4-5, 15-17). In complexes 92 and 65 there were also two young swine, of 10-12 month old and respectively 5-6 month old. For the sample collected in the layer of the 9th 10th centuries of this settlement, it was possible to conclude that the swine was of the primitive type, with long muzzle, and rather small (S. Haimovici 1985-1986). Equus caballus. This species was used in alimentation, as indicated by the existence on some bones of traces of slaughtering, firing and meat removal, possibly in the moments of food crisis, or in the situation of injured individuals. There were at least five individuals (tables 4-5), one was sacrificed very young, before the age of 2 (the lower M2 and M3 teeth had not erupted yet), a second one of 10-20 year old (a female individual) and two of 20-30 year old, which were sacrificed in full maturity, at a rather old age. Canis familiaris, 36 remains, of at least eight individuals, measurements indicating several types, according to their size, an above-average dog and another one of average size, that is a robust one and a rather tiny one (M. Udrescu et alii 1999) (tables 4-5, 20). An individual of 4-5 month old was found in a pit, in anatomic connexion.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Fishing and gathering of mollusks were rather sporadic. The remains of mollusks 78, are represented by shells and valves, whole or fragmented, from gastropods and lamellibranchiate (table 3). In fact, most of the remains of mollusks were found in complex 65. Hunting. Wild mammals were not too numerous, out of the total of fauna remains, being represented by 38 individuals (Annex II, tables 4 and 22), identified by Simina Stanc. The indicate several species, Cervus elaphus (red deer), fragments of at least three grown-up individuals, Capreolus capreolus (roebuck), at least three grown-up individuals, Sus scrofa (wild boar), three grown-up individuals, out of which two male ones, assessed on the basis of canine teeth, Canis lupus (wolf) and Lepus europaeus (hare), a young individual. In the sample for the 8th9th centuries settlement of Gara Banca, Sergiu Haimovici identified in addition the fox and the aurochs (19851986). Hunting was rather limited economically, as attested by the small number of fragments of bones from wild mammals that were identified (2.15%). There were also identified bones showing a pathology: in complexes 72, 96, there were mentioned two proximal phalanges that showed exostosis of Bos taurus, in complex 77, a horizontal left mandible with cattle periodontitis, from a younger individual, about 6-7 month old, and for complex 65 there was mentioned a fish vertebra with exostosis and few fragments of ribs, probably from cattle, that showed fracture callus (see in volume, S. Stanc, fig. 11).

Chapter VIII. A The rural occupations

The rural occupations, taking into account that raw materials were available for a wider series of such preoccupations, prevailed both with regards to their diversity, and to the intensity of their practice. Craftsmen and artisans tried to obtain the ensemble of items necessary to the reuse of the different occupations, implements, objects, installations, with whose help the local raw materials would be processed. In the 4th century, within the communities situated near the valley of River Brlad and the affluent branches hereof, together with the simple craftsmen, those who chose to be land laborers, who mastered apart the skills of land laboring and animal husbandry also the one of creating simple implements and utensils, that required no modification of the raw material and of repairing the more complicated ones, especially those made of metals, there also existed artisans. The artisans were either coming from Roman pottery centers, or detached themselves among the land laborers, and they had the necessary knowledge for exchanging certain raw materials, transforming them, providing them with an infinity of shapes fully compatible with certain practical usages (Gh. Iordache 1996, p. 11-12; F. Braudel 1984, p. 275). These skills expressed for a long while the level of development of old communities (Gh. Iordache 1996, p. 12). In the settlements investigated along the valley of River Brlad, the craft of pottery making was the most obvious. Mention should be made, among the villages with ancient craftsmen, of the place occupied by the settlement of Brlad - Valea Seac, where they operated in real craftsmens quarter, situated at the southern periphery and in another one to the north, partly destroyed. There were identified 23 workshops specialized in processing combs, five of which were found in dwellings, 18 in huts, two in adjacent constructions, and seven in the open, as indicated by the large number of items in various phases of processing, and in which there worked also craftsmen that knew how to cast metals (V. Palade 2004, p. 167). At Banca Gar there operated a pottery workshop, and probably a smithery. Their products being particularly sought of, the craftsmen were very solicited in their own sphere of activity, probably not participating in land laboring.

VIII. Ocupaii i meteuguri / The rural occupations


VIII B. Meteuguri. Prelucrarea metalelor

Campaniile de spturi arheologice, din anii deceniului nou al secolului trecut, au dus la descoperirea n inventarul unor locuine, n gropi sau n stratul de cultur, a unor fragmente de lupe i zgur de fier, acoperite parial de rugin. Ele sugereaz existena unor complexe n care se prelucrau minereuri. Astfel, n G3 cpl. 121, datat n secolele III-IV, mpreun cu alt inventar era i o lup i trei buci de zgur, din care una de culoare neagr-albstruie. Din perioada urmtoare, din secolul al IV-lea, s-au descoperit i alte fragmente, dar tot n gropi, n G5 cpl. 114, s-a gsit o lup de fier (fig. 133/10) i n G15 cpl. 119, patru fragmente de zgur, una cu miez verzui. Adugm i alte fragmente descoperite passim, n total aproape 5 kg. ntre materiile prime folosite pentru obinerea fierului trebuie s fi fost i minereurile de mlatin, n compoziia chimic a acestora din urm fiind mult fier, mangan. Prezena unor astfel de minereuri nu exclude posibilitatea ca aceste minereuri feroase s fi fost prelucrate n aezare, dar dovezi clare nu sunt. Probabil, la Banca Gar erau meteri care prelucrau minereurile sau doar reparau unele piese de fier necesare n gospodrie, cuite, unelte agricole. n locuina de suprafa, L6 cpl. 35, era un alt fragment de material topit de culoare verzuialbstruie, poate dup aspectul sticlos, argila suportase o ardere la o temperatur foarte nalt, care a dus la topirea acesteia pn la vitrifiere. Trei recipiente ntregi i altele fragmentare arse la fel au fost semnalate i la Brlad - Valea Seac (V. Palade 2004, p. 164, fig. 42/2, 5, 7, 10, 12). The archaeological excavation campaigns of the 1980s led to the discovery in the inventory of certain dwellings, in pits or in the culture layer, of fragments of lens-shaped ingots and iron slag, partly covered with rust. They suggest the existence of complexes where ores would be processed. Thus, in G12 complex 121, dated to the 3 rd 4th centuries, together with another inventory, there were found a lens-shaped ingot and three pieces of slag, one of which was bluish black. For the following phase, that is the 4th century, there were also found fragments, but also in pits, in G5 complex 114, there was found an iron lens-shaped ingot (fig. 133/10) and in G15 complex 119, four fragments of slag, one of which with greenish core. We should also add other fragments discovered passim, weighing in total almost 5 kg. Among the raw materials used for obtaining iron, bog ores must also have been used as the chemical composition of such bog ores indicates a lot of iron, manganese. The presence of such ores does not exclude the possibility that these ferrous ores could be processed in the settlement, although no clear arguments are available in this regard. Probably, at Banca Gar there were craftsmen that processed ores or only repaired certain iron items necessary in the farmyard, knives, agricultural implements. In the surface dwelling, L6 complex 35, there was a fragment of melted material of greenish bluish color, and according to the glassy aspect one might suspect the clay had been subjected to a very high temperature, which led to the melting hereof until vitrification. Three whole recipients and other fragmentary ones fired the same way were also pointed out at Brlad - Valea Seac (V. Palade 2004, p. 164, fig. 42/2, 5, 7, 10, 12).

Metal processing

Prelucrarea osului i cornului

Dei materia prim necesar era disponibil, simplitatea pieselor descoperite i numrul destul de mic nu argumenteaz existena unor ateliere. n locuine, din os sau corn s-au realizat unelte i ustensile simple, mnere, mpungtoare, mpletitoare croete, cum indic piesele n curs de prelucrare. De asemenea, menionm o patin din metacarp stng de vit (cpl. 35). n complexul 106 a fost gsit o poriune de os lung, tiat la capete, cu aspect de jgheab, care provine de la un mamifer de talie mare, utilitatea lui nu se poate preciza.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

ntre piesele care se aflau n diverse stadii de prelucrare, n complexul 49 era un fragment de diafiz de os lung, nedeterminat specific, cu urme de cioplire, o tibie de ovicaprin care la nivelul diafizei prezenta o urm circular, probabil era ntr-o faz incipient de tiere. O parte dintre ele sau descoperit n statul de cultur, o patin, o spatul, o coast cu urme de prelucrare i un os folosit ca recipient (fig. 4/2-3, 6-7). La Banca Gar frecvena resturilor de cerb a fost foarte mic, vntoarea nu avea o pondere mare n contextul celorlalte ocupaii. Fragmentele de corn de cerb aflate aici probabil nu au aparinut unor animale vnate, majoritatea au fost coarne czute n mod natural i ulterior adunate n scopul utilizrii lor ca materie prim n confecionarea diverselor obiecte (fig. 4/4-5). Dei, la acea vreme cornul de cerb reprezenta o materie prim important pentru confecionarea diverselor obiecte, dintre care pieptenii aveau o larg rspndire, fragmentele gsite nu justific argumentarea practicrii acestui meteug. n inventarul arheologic sunt astfel de piese, dar pieptenii descoperii provin din mormintele deranjate din vechime, n nici una dintre locuine nu s-au pstrat piese n stadii intermediare de prelucrare. Pentru prelucrarea acestora am menionat anterior cunoscutul centru meteugresc pentru confecionarea pieptenilor de la Valea Seac (secolele IV-V). Although the necessary raw material was available, the simplicity of the items that were found and the rather low number thereof does not sustain the existence of certain workshops. Inside the dwellings, simple implements and utensils were made out of bone or horn, such as handles, piercers, twiners hooks, as indicated by the items under processing. Mention should also be made of a skate made of the left metacarpal bone of a bovid (complex 35). In complex 106 there was found a part of long bone, with cut edges, with the aspect of a chamfer, that results from a large mammal, its utility being impossible to state. Among the items that were in various processing phases, in complex 49 there was a fragment of diaphysis of long bone, with not specific determination, with traces of carving, a tibia of an ovicaprine that at the level of the diaphysis showed a circular trace, probably it was in an incipient cutting phase. Some of them were found in the cultural layer, such was the case for a skate, a spatula, a rib with processing traces and a bone used as a vessel (fig. 4/2-3, 6-7). At Banca Gar the frequency of the deer remains was rather low, as hunting did not enjoy a considerable percentage in the context of the other occupations. Fragments of deer antlers that were found here, probably did not results from hunted animals, most of them being naturally fallen antlers later one gathered for being used as raw materials for creating various items (fig. 4/4-5). Although, in those times, the deer antlers was an important raw material for making various items, the largest frequency being the one of combs, the identified fragments do not justify the hypothesis of the implementation here of such craft. In the archaeological inventory, there are such items, but the discovered combs result from the tombs disturbed already in ancient times. None of the dwellings has preserved items in intermediary processing phases. For the processing thereof as we mentioned above, there existed the famous crafts center for comb making of Brlad Valea Seac (4th5th centuries).

Processing bone or horn

Prelucrarea pietrei
n inventarul unor locuine s-au descoperit diferite piese lucrate din gresie, ntre care predomin cutele cu una sau patru fee finisate (fig. 5; 7/8-9, 11-18), ciocanele, plcile i frectoarele pentru rniele simple dar i lustruitoarele din pietre de ru folosite pentru finisat ceramica sau suporturile de vatr aa numiii "cei de vatr". Apar unelte pentru care nu reuim s precizm utilizarea. Probabil o parte din cele din gresie s-au folosit i pentru prelucrarea pieilor. Rniele rotative, de factur roman, nu au fost prea numeroase (fig. 7/1-2, 4-5). Procurarea

VIII. Ocupaii i meteuguri / The rural occupations


lor trebuie s fi fost dificil. S-au utilizat i rniele de tip primitiv, realizate din gresie (fig. 6/18), aflat ades n depunerile din malurile Brladului. Frecvente au fost i gresiile pentru ascuit, prezente n locuine, gropi sau n atelierul de olrie, dar i pe nivelul antic de clcare, precum n toate staiunile cercetate arheologic (V. Palade 2004, p. 205). n perspectiv etnoarheologic, Stelian Dumistrcel a legat obiceiul de a pstra cutele din gresie, noi am sublinia prezena lor n apropierea cuptoarelor de olrie, precum n atelierul de la Banca Gar - apte case, a unor buci n cuptorul nr. 1 de la Cucoeni - Butnreti (fig. 25/1) (Gh. Bichir 1973a, pl. XXV/1a), a unor plci groase de gresie n cuptorul 1, de la cheia - Silitea, jud. Suceava (apud Gr. Foit 1969, p. 93), a unei gresii la Banca Gar (R. Alaiba 2009, fig. 102/9) i a altora la Pruteni, cuptoarele nr. 3-4 (Vl. Vornic et alii / E. Nicolae 2007, p. 48, 52; N. Telnov, Vl. Vornic, V. Bubulici, S. Kurciatov 2002, p. 63 i urm.). The inventory of certain dwellings contains various items made of gritstone, among which knives with one or four finished sides are prevalent (fig. 5; 7/8-9, 11-18), together with hammers, plates, querns and handstones for simple grinders and polishers made of river stones used for finishing the ceramics or the hearth supports the so called hearth dogs. There are also implements whose usage cannot be pointed out. Probably some of the gritstone implements were also used for skin processing. Rotating grinders, of Roman influence, were not too numerous (fig. 7/1-2, 4-5). Their procurement must have been difficult. Primitive grinders were also used. They were made of gritstone (fig. 6/18), which was deposited on the banks of River Brlad. Gristones used for sharpening were also frequently found in dwellings, pits or in the pottery workshop, but also on the ancient treading level, like in all archaeologically investigated settlements (V. Palade 2004, p. 205). Within an ethnoarcheological perspective, Stelian Dumistrcel connected the habit of preserving whetstones, we emphasize their presence near the pottery fireplaces, such as the workshop at Banca Gar - apte case, of some pieces in kiln no. 1 from Cucoeni - Butnreti (fig. 25/1) (Gh. Bichir 1973a, pl. XXV/1a), of some gritstone thick plaques in kiln 1, from cheia Silitea, jud. Suceava (apud Gr. Foit 1969, p. 93), of a gritstone at Banca Gar (R. Alaiba 2009, fig. 102/9) and others at Pruteni, kilns no. 3-4 (Vl. Vornic et alii / E. Nicolae 2007, p. 48, 52; N. Telnov, Vl. Vornic, V. Bubulici, S. Kurciatov 2002, p. 63 i urm.).

Stone processing

Torsul, esutul, mpletitul

Pentru acoperitul caselor i alte necesiti ale comunitii, din stuf i nuiele se realizau diferite mpletituri, cum indic amprentele de pe chirpici. Nu trebuie s fi lipsit nici rogojinile pentru acoperit podeaua. Natura organic a majoritii lor, precum i a uneltelor folosire pentru realizarea diferitelor operaii, a fcut ca acestea s nu se fi conservat. Sub cerul liber lucreaz i mpletitorii, rogojinarii avnd probabil cel mai simplu atelier, redus la ghergheful vertical de multe ori prins ntre doi copaci, pe malul apelor, aa cum se mai pot vedea n marile bli ale Dunrii (P. Petrescu 1985, p. 124). Stelian Dumistrcel a valorificat, tot n perspectiv etnoarheologic, urmele lsate de argeaua de esut, n locuine din secolele I-X, urme de pari, greuti de la rzboiul de esut vertical, prin care s-a documentat practicarea acestui meteug (1989, p. 329-359). Fusaiolele de lut, arse n cuptor, folosite drept accesorii necesare pentru a face mai rapid rotirea fusului, nu sunt prea numeroase. Majoritatea au fost realizate probabil din materiale perisabile. O parte din piesele descoperite, cele ornamentate, au fost piese rituale, prezente n aa numitele truse magice, ale comunitilor geto-dacice, de Valeriu Srbu (1987, p. 97-108, fig. 44, 46, 53; Idem 1993, p. 68-69, fig. 44, 46, 53). Dei numrul greutilor de la rzboiul de esut a fost mic, existena acestora s-a documentat


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

prin descoperirea ctorva exemplare prismatice, perforate, prezentate deja. Torsul, esutul, mpletitul i cusutul, cum indic piesele descoperite, argumenteaz practicarea acestora n familiile stabilite n locuinele de la Banca Gar. In order to cover the houses and answer other necessities of the community, wattles were made out of reed and branches, as indicated by the impressions on adobe. The mats for covering the floor must have also been present. Due to their organic nature they could not be preserved and neither could be the implements used for carrying out various operations. The knitters would work under the open sky, the mat makers having probably the simplest workshop, reduced to the vertical tenter, in many cases embedded between two trees, on river banks, as one can still see in the large pools of the Danube (P. Petrescu 1985, p. 124). The clay whorls, fired in the kiln, used as necessary accessories for speeding up the spinning of the spindle, are not too numerous. Most of them were probably made of perishable materials. Some of the items discovered, the ornamented ones, were ritual items, present in the so-called magic kits to use Valeriu Srbus syntagm, of the Geto-Dacian communities (1987, p. 68-69, fig. 44, 46, 53; 1993, p. 129 and the foll.). Although the number of loom weights was rather low, their existence was documented by the discovery of several such items, prismatic, perforated, already presented. Spinning, weaving and sewing, as indicated by the identified items, sustain the practice of these crafts within the families settled in the dwellings of Banca Gar.

Spinning, weaving, knitting

Prelucrarea lutului. Olritul

i n secolele III-V, precum n toat prima parte a mileniului nti, cuptoarele folosite pentru gtit, nclzit, uscat i ars ceramica, erau prezente n locuine, ateliere, sanctuare (Gh. Florescu et alii 1980, p. 228). Atelierele de olrie s-au nmulit considerabil n perioada elenistic i roman. Meteugarii olari de la rsrit de Carpai au ajuns la un nivel de producie diversificat, la stpnirea unor tehnici i tehnologii avansate, datorit legturilor cu marile centre de olrie existente n oraele romane din Dacia sau cu cele de la sud de Dunre. Atelierele descoperite pn n prezent i diferitele forme ceramice aflate n necropole, depozite sau n aezri, n primele de obicei mult mai bine conservate, n aezri doar parial, argumenteaz dimensiunile atinse de acest meteug, stadiul avansat de cunoatere a tehnicii olritului. n aezarea de la Banca Gar - apte case, funciona cel puin un atelier meteugresc pentru practicarea olritului, care a fost amenajat ntr-o ncpere semiadncit avnd pereii amenajai din mpletituri de nuiele lutuite pe o structur din lemnrie, prevzut pentru arderea ceramicii cu dou cuptoare performante. Avea probabil acoperiul surmontat de grind, cu deschideri pe coama acestuia n vederea evacurii fumului, fapt care fcea, cum a remarcat Paul Petrescu , lesne identificabil casa olarului n trecut dar i astzi pentru atelierele de olrie de pe valea Rului Doamnei, de la Leiceti i Coeti (1985, p. 123). n cazul atelierului de la Banca Gara, ncperea olarului nu era i locuina meterului, aceasta se afla ntr-o construcie separat. Dar, probabil, o parte din etapele necesare pregtirii ceramicii se realizau i n atelier, cum indic bruii pstrai ntr-o adncitur lateral (fig. 105). Olarul care practica meteugul se bucura n cadrul comunitii de stim, de preuire, de autoritate (Gh. Iordache 1996, p. 11) i pentru c, el stpnea meteugul prin tradiie. Olarii trebuie s fi aparinut unui sistem meteugresc n care nu se intra dac nu deineai cunotinele necesare, dar cei care stpneau meteugul erau bine primii. Meterilor care realizau ceramica, noua arj, le erau atribuite, - cum remarca S. A. Tokarev trsturi supranaturale, cunotine tainice, puteri magice, caliti minunate (1964, p. 297). Se credea c poziia rezervat olarilor n viaa social, datorit ndemnrii lor de a prepara i modela argila, de a pregti coloranii minerali i de a mnui cuptoarele, era dat prin voina divin numai celor

VIII. Ocupaii i meteuguri / The rural occupations


chemai la ndeplinirea acestui meteug. Cum sublinia Georges Charachidz, discutnd miturile Caucazului, membrii comunitii trebuie s fi avut fa de olari i preuire fa de noua creaie n care se manifest divinitatea, dar i team, pentru c olarul, era hrzit mnuirii focului din nalturi, a crui natur eterogen ine deopotriv de focul din soare i de fulger (1988, p. 201). Ca i ali meteugari, cu deosebire fierarii, olarul era privit tot ca un erou (Ibidem, p. 180-181). Desigur, n istoriografia acestui meteug, realizat prin consemnarea atelierelor care au funcionat n perioade succesive, descoperite prin cercetri arheologice, un anumit loc va ocupa i practicarea olritului n prima jumtate a mileniului nti, la nordul Dunrii de Jos.

Clay Processing. Pottery Making

During the 3rd4th centuries, as in fact throughout the whole first half of the first millennium, ovens used at cooking and heating and kilns used at drying and firing pottery, were present in dwellings, workshops, sanctuaries (Gh. Florescu et alii 1980, p. 228). Pottery workshops became considerably much more numerous during the Hellenistic and Roman periods. Potters east of the Carpathians reached a diversified production level, mastering advanced techniques and technologies, due to the links with the large pottery centers existing in the Roman cities of Dacia or south the Danube. The workshops discovered until now and the various ceramic shapes found in necropolises, deposits or settlements, in the first case being usually much better preserved, in settlements only partly preserved, sustain the proportions reached by this craft, the advanced phase of knowledge of the art of pottery making. In the settlement of Banca Gar - apte case, there functioned at least a craftsmans workshop for pottery making, in a half buried room, with a wooden structure, and walls made of wattle and lined with clay, with two high performance kilns. The roof was probably surmounted by a beam, with openings on the ridge thereof for evacuating the smoke, fact that allows to identify easily the potters house in the past and also nowadays, as remarked by Paul Petrescu for the pottery workshops on the valley of Rul Doamnei, of Leiceti and Coeti (1985, p. 123). In the case of the workshop of Banca Gara, the potters room did not serve also as the craftsmen dwelling, which was a separate construction. But, probably, some of the phases necessary to the preparation of the ceramic ware were also made in the workshop, as indicated by clay rolls preserved in a side niche (fig. 105). The potter practicing his craft within the community was very much esteemed, reckoned and enjoyed great authority (Gh. Iordache 1996, p. 11) also because he had inherited the mastering of the craft by tradition. Potters must have belonged to a craftsmen system in which one was not allowed unless he was having the necessary knowledge, but those mastering the craft were welcome. The masters making the new batch of pottery were assigned as remarked by S. A. Tokarev supernatural powers, secret knowledge, magic powers, wonder making capacities (1964, p. 297). It was considered the position reserved to potters in the social life, due to their skill of preparing and shaping clay, of preparing the mineral colors and of handling the batches in the kilns, was given by divine power only to those called for to fulfill this craft. As pointed out by Georges Charachidz, discussing the myths of Caucasus, the community members must have had towards potters both esteem to the new creation in which the divinity would become manifest, and fear, because the potter was meant to handle the fire in the sky, whose heterogeneous nature pertains both to the sun fire and the thunder fire (1988, p. 201). Like in the case of other craftsmen, especially blacksmiths, the potter was deemed to be a hero (Ibidem, p. 180-181). Certainly within the historiography of this craft, created by the documentation of workshops that operated in successive epochs, discovered by archeological means, a certain place will also have the practice of pottery during the first half of the first millennium, north the Lower Danube.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Capitolul IX. Practici comunitare, religioase sau magice

Ordonarea locuinelor n apropiere de apa Brladului, pe grindurile aflate aici, cu spaii uneori mai largi ntre ele, nu exclude existena unui centru al satului sau a mai multor puncte de interes public (pl. 8). Este greu de spus dac unele dintre locuinele de mari dimensiuni au fost folosite de ntreaga comunitate i dac, n unele dintre cldirile publice s-a practicat oficierea unor culte ale comunitii. Probabil c da, i probabil c tradiia acelui loc s-a pstrat. Cel mai important centru trebuie s fi fost cel descoperit la nceputul cercetrilor arheologice, unde se afla locuina de suprafa nr. 1, cpl. 1, de 9,28 m2, din secolul al IV-lea (fig. 25/L1; 26-28) i locuina uor adncit nr. 1, cpl. 4, de 20,5 m2, din secolele IV-V (fig. 25/L4; 29-30), ultima poate de interes public. n secolele VIII-IX, din nou aici se vor construi alte locuine, L1 i L2, specifice culturii Dridu, n care s-au pstrat cele mai multe vase ntregi descoperite n staiune. De asemenea, o suprafa mare avea i locuina Lsp4 cpl. 48, construit pe sol, de 17 m2, din secolul al IV-lea, dar mai ales, L2 cpl. 31, din secolele III-IV, care s-a detaat nu numai prin dimensiuni, 20,16 m2, dar i prin specificul casei, cu orientarea aproximativ nord-sud i prin existena pe fragmentul de construcie aflat spre peretele de nord-est, a unei reprezentri zoomorfe n uor relief, a unei ovicaprine din profil (fig. 65/1-3).

Ceramica - decor
Ornamentaia ceramicii fine se poate lega de specificul vieii spirituale a vechilor comuniti, de modul de a se exprima al acestora Dei formele ceramice nu au fost ornate bogat, pe marginea buzei, pe gtul, umrul sau corpul vaselor se succed benzi liniare, drepte, vlurite sau dispuse n zigzag, uneori formnd triunghiuri sau romburi, realizate fie prin lustruite, fie adncite n pasta vasului nainte de ardere (S. Sanie 1981; Idem 1995). Motivele decorative sunt constituite din ornamentele cel mai frecvent i mai universal folosite n limbajul simbolurilor (N. Dunre 1979; J. Chevalier, A. Gheerbrant 1995, p. 92-93, 428). Benzi liniare drepte sau uor vlurite, ca simboluri pasive, dar i nlate diferit, ca simboluri active (Ibidem, p. 428). Benzi liniare drepte sau uor vlurite, ca simboluri pasive, dar i nlate diferit, ca simboluri active (Ibidem, p. 428). Ceramica din past zgrunuroas sau nisipoas Sec. IV, past zgrunuroas: Lsp2 cpl. 26, un perete decorat, dou canelate; A1 cpl. 21a, perete decorat cu linii vlurite (fig. 49/3; pl. 16/32); A2 cpl. 43, un corp cu o canelur din past zgrunuroas; sec. IV-V, Lsp2 cpl. 26, un corp cu o linie vlurit (fig. 54/6; pl. 16/24) tot de aici alte dou corpuri de la un vas canelat cu baza dreapt; A4 cpl. 61, perei cu incizii vlurite; Lsp5 cpl. 51, trei fragmente decorate; G4 cpl. 79, decor incizat; G10 cpl. 80, un perete cu incizii (fig. 121/8). Ceramica din past fin Benzi din linii negre lustruite dispuse n ghirland (pl. 16/1), benzi late negre-cenuii orizontale (pl. 16/2-3, 51), oblice cu direcii diferite, sugernd uneori creanga de brad (pl. 16/4, 47, 49-50), mai rar prin ntretierea lor realiznd triunghiuri (pl. 16/29, 41-42), grupuri de linii lustruite drepte i vlurite (pl. 16/5-7, 43), prinse ntre linii orizontale (pl. 16/48), linii orizontale simple (pl. 16/8-9, 31a, 45-46), linii oblice care haureaz anumite suprafee din corpul vaselor (pl. 16/10, 12-13) i mai ales linii vlurite simple (pl. 16/11, 16, 21-22, 24-26, 28, 34, 37-40), formnd benzi vlurite (pl. 16/14, 18, 20, 23, 27, 30, 31-33, 35, 44). Sec. III-IV, G7 cpl. 106, din past glbuie cu diferite nuane, erau i perei de la vase diferite, ornai prin lustruire (fig. 132/2, 8); sec. IV, G6 cpl. 49, trei perei decorai (fig. 89/3, 6; pl. 15/28; 90/8, 11) i un corp perforat; G9 cpl. 71, un perete de la un vas negru-decorat prin

Practici comunitare, religioase sau magice / Practicing community, religious or magic


imprimare, o toart G9 cpl. 71, un perete glbui cu o nervur; A3 cpl. 60, vas cu decor imprimat (fig. 94/16; pl. 16/19); A4 cpl. 61, tot un perete imprimat (fig. 95/4; pl. 15/8a) i altul cu decor lustruit n zigzag (fig. 95/5; pl. 16/21); A5 cpl. 88, un perete incizat (fig. 123/7); sec. IV-V, Lsp4 cpl. 36, un perete cu un val (fig. 83/4); Lad1 cpl. 4, un castron cu motive imprimate (fig. 29/1).

Pl. 31. Fragmente ceramice cu motive decorative modelate cu mna / Fragments ceramic with decorative motifs hand made ware: 1 fig. 32/3; 2 fig. 33/10; 3 fig. 41/8; 4-5 fig. 51/8, 12; 6 fig. 56/1; 7 fig. 60/7; 8 fig. 64/11; 9 fig. 70/10; 10 fig. 71/4; 11-12 fig. 71/4, 6; 13 fig. 83/2; 14-15 fig. 104/9, 12; 16 fig. 118/6; 17 fig. 122/1, 3; 18 fig. 134/5; 19 fig. 96/5; 20 fig. 142/9; 21-22 fig. 127/1-2; 23 fig. 41/10; 24-26 fig. 145/4-5; 27 143/7.

Aceleai motive apar imprimate pe trei vase de import, ordonate n compoziii ornamentale greu de reconstituit, din cauza pstrrii fragmentare a vaselor (pl. 17/1-3). De asemenea, puinele reprezentri zoomorfe, precum protoma de urs prins pe umrul unui castron aflat nspre colul de sudest al locuinei Lsp2 cpl. 17, ntre cele 28 de vase, la exterior acoperit cu angob roie (fig. 41/10; pl. 17/4) i, s menionm din nou, fragmentul de construcie din L2 cpl. 31, cu reprezentarea n uor relief a unei ovicaprine din profil (fig. 65/1-3). Gheorghe Bichir a subliniat, cu deosebire n monografia din 1973, prezena n staiunile din secolele II-IV a unor reprezentri zoomorfe (1973a, p. 136, pl. CL/1). Formele i decorul ceramicii au ngduit discutarea unor aspecte legate de diversitatea vieii spirituale a locuitorilor de la Banca Gar - apte case.

Chapter IX. The practicing of community, religious or magic

The ordering of dwellings near the watercourse of River Brlad, on the raised islands down there, sometimes with wider areas between them, does not exclude the existence of a village center or of several points of public interest (pl. 8). It is hard to say whether some of the larger dwellings


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

were used by the whole community and if, in certain public buildings, there were practiced community cults. Probably yes, and probably the tradition of this place was preserved. The most important center must have been the one discovered at the beginning of the archaeological excavations, where there was the surface dwelling no. 1, complex 1, of 9.28 m 2, dated to the 4th century (fig. 25/L1; 26-28) and the slightly buried dwelling no 1, complex 4, of 20.5 m 2, dated to the 4th5th centuries (fig. 25/L4; 29-30), the latter being possibly of public interest. Durign the 8 th9th centuries, other dwellings were constructed on this place, that is L1-L2, specific to the Dridu culture.

Pl. 32. Motive imprimate i lustruite. / Impressed and polished motifs: 1 fig. 47/3; 2, 5, 24 fig. 54/5, 7; 3-4 fig. 51/2, 11; 5 fig. 54/3; 6, 9 fig. 34/3, 6; 7 fig. 50/4; 8 fig. 110/6; 8a fig. 95/4; 1011 fig. 81/2-3; 12 fig. 137/2; 13, 38, 44 fig. 88/1, 9; 14 fig. 90/7; 15 fig. 120/17; 16-17 fig. 104/2, 7; 18 fig. 124/1; 18a fig. 134/3; 19 fig. 134/1; 20 fig. 102/14; 21 fig. 68/7; 22-23 fig. 51/7, 10; 2526 fig, 57/2, 7; 27 fig. 28/6; 28, 31, 36 fig. 89/3-4, 7; 29, 33, 35 fig. 75/1, 3, 5; 30 fig. 79/7; 32 fig. 49/3; 34 fig. 44/6; 37 fig. 76/4; 39, 40-41, 46 fig. 109/1, 4-6, 8; 42-43 fig. 142/4, 9; 45, 48 fig. 138/5-6; 47 fig. 133/7.

Practici comunitare, religioase sau magice / Practicing community, religious or magic


Pl. 33. Fragmente ceramice cu decor imprimat i lustruit/Fragments ceramic of impressed and polished motifs: 1 fig. 39/3; 2 fig. 139/1; 3,5,8,37-38 fig. 120/10-13, 14; 4 fig. 134/4; 6-7,20,35 fig. 90/4, 6, 11; 9 fig. 110/5; 10,12 fig. 142/1, 3; 11 fig. 85/3; 13,33-34, fig. 43/1, 4, 8; 14 fig. 81/5; 15,32 fig. 74/1, 13; 16 fig. 49/7; 17 fig. 89/1; 18-19 fig. 94/8, 16; 21 fig. 96/5; 22 fig. 110/8; 36,48 fig. 95/1, 5; 23,47 fig. 50/1, 5; 24 fig. 42/2; 25 fig. 141/1; 26,27,40,50 fig. 130/ 4, 6, 8; 28 fig. 47/7; 29 fig. 48/4; 30, 42 fig. 68/1,6; 31,39,45-46 fig. 126/2-3, 5, 17-18; 41 fig. 51/6; 43 fig. 38/8; 44 fig. 138/2; 49 fig. 112/13.

Inside these dwellings there were preserved most of the whole vessels discovered in the settlement. The surface dwelling Surface dwelling 4 in complex 48 was also of large size, above ground, with a surface of 17 m2, dated to the 4th century, and especially mention should be made of L2 in complex 31, dated tot the 3 rd4th centuries, which was individualized not only by its dimensions, 20.16 m2, but also by the specificity of the house, with the orientation north-south and by the existence


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

on the construction fragment towards the northeast wall, of a slightly in relief zoomorphic representation, suggesting an ovicaprine seen in profile (fig. 65/1-3). The ornamentation of the fine ceramic ware can be connected to the specificity of the spiritual life of the ancient communities, the manner of expressing thereof. Although the ceramic shapes were not richly ornamented, on the edge of the rim, on the neck, shoulder or body of the vessels, there follow one another linear stripes, straight, waived or arranged in zigzag, sometimes forming triangles or rhombs, created either by polishing or notched in the paste width before being fired. Decorative motifs are represented by the most frequent and universal ornaments (S. Sanie 1981; Idem 1995; N. Dunre 1979), used in a symbolic language with various magic-cult meanings (J. Chevalier, A. Gheerbrant 1995, p. 92-93, 428). Straight or slightly waved linear stripes, as passive symbols, and also differently heightened, as active symbols (Ibidem, p. 428).

Ceramic the ornamentation

Pl. 34. Fragmente ceramice cu motive: 1-3 imprimate, 4-5 n relief, 6-15 adncite / Fragments ceramic by motifs: 1-3 impressed fig. 42/1; 29/1; 32/1; 4-5 in relief ig. 41/10; 130/6; 121/2; 6-15 deepened fig. 48/5; 76/1; 81/8-9; 90/2; 107/2; 96/8; 139/7; 142/6.

Hand built pottery Some of the preserved fragments have decorative elements considered to be of Geto-Dacian tradition, the alveoli belt in relief placed precisely on the shoulder of the middle-sized or large jars, was associated with buttons (pl. 14/1-5, 7-12, 17-18, 21, 24, 26), only buttons, the simple belt, placed obliquely on a single jar (pl. 14/27). Only one jar shows on the rim as a unique ornament, obliquely

Practici comunitare, religioase sau magice / Practicing community, religious or magic


notched lines and three others show on the shoulder or on the body simple wavy lines wider (pl. 14/6), narrower (pl. 14/19, 22) or simple short lines united in oblique stripes (pl. 14/20). Mention should also be made of the maintained tradition of creating circular alveoli at the base of the small cups used as censers or other vessels (pl. 14/13-15, 25). Coarse ceramic paste The 4th century. Raw paste: Surface dwelling 2, complex 26, a decorated wall, with two grooved lines; A1 complex 21a, decorated walls with wavy lines fig. 49/3; pl. 16/32); A2 complex 43, a vessel body with a grooving made in the raw paste; The 4rd5th centuries. Surface dwelling 2 complex 26, a vessel body with a wavy line (fig. 54/6; pl. 16/24) also here two other vessel bodies with groovings and straight base; A4 complex 61, walls with wavy incisions; Surface dwelling 5 complex 51, three decorated fragments; G4 complex 79, incised decoration; G10 complex 80, a wall with incisions (fig. 121/8). Fine ceramic paste Stripes made of polished black lines placed in a garland (pl. 16/1), horizontal grayish black wide stripes (pl. 16/2-3, 51), oblique with different directions, suggesting sometimes the fir tree branch (pl. 16/4, 47, 49-50), more rarely by their crossing forming triangles (pl. 16/29, 41-42), groups of straight and wavy polished lines (pl. 16/5-7, 43), contained between horizontal lines (pl. 16/48), simple horizontal lines (pl. 16/8-9, 31a, 45-46), oblique lines that hatch certain surfaces of the vessel bodies (pl. 16/10, 12-13) and especially simple wavy lines (pl. 16/11, 16, 21-22, 24-26, 28, 34, 37-40), forming wavy stripes (pl. 16/14, 18, 20, 23, 27, 30, 31-33, 35, 44). The 4th century. G7 complex 106, pot of yellowish paste with different hues, there were also walls from various vessels, ornamented by polishing (fig. 132/2, 8); The 4th century. G6 complex 49, three decorated walls (fig. 89/3, 6; pl. 15/28; 90/8, 11) and a perforated vessel body; G9 complex 71, a wall from a black vessel decorated by impression, a handle G9 complex 71, a yellowish wall with a nervure; A3 complex 60, vessel with impressed ornament (fig. 94/16; pl. 16/19); A4 complex 61, also an impressed wall (fig. 95/4; pl. 15/8a) and another one with polished zigzag ornamentation (fig. 95/5; pl. 16/21); A5 complex 88, an incised wall (fig. 123/7); The 4th 5th centuries. Surface dwelling 4 complex 36, a wall with a wave (fig. 83/4); dug out dwelling 1 complex 4, a bowl with impressed motifs (fig. 29/1). The same motifs appear impressed on three imported vessels, ordered in ornamental compositions hard to recreate, due to the fragmentary preservation of the vessels (pl. 17/1-3). Also, mention should be made of the few zoomorphic representations, such as the bear protoma attached to the shoulder of a bowl in the southeast corner of the surface dwelling 2 in complex 17, among the 28 vessels, on the outside covered with red slip (fig. 41/10; pl. 17/4) and the building fragment found in L2 complex 31, with the representation slightly in relief of an ovicaprine in profile (fig. 65/1-3). In his 1973 monograph, Gheorghe Bichir particularly pointed out the presence of zoomorphic representations in the 2nd4th century settlements (1973a, p. 136, pl. CL/1). The shapes and decoration of the ceramic ware allowed the discussion of certain aspects pertaining to the diversity of spiritual life of the inhabitants of Banca Gar - apre case.

Cultul focului i al vetrei

Vetrele au fost simple, de obicei circulare, cu un diametru aproximativ de 70 cm. Nu s-au descoperit lipituri de vatr n stratul arheologic, dup curarea vetrei sau dezafectarea acestora, resturile nu au fost aruncate la ntmplare. Grija pentru vatr i resturile focului, pentru focul de pe vatr, se leag de o motivaie ritual, de respectarea unor practici specifice comunitii. La fel precum i grija pentru distrugerea vetrelor n momentul prsirii locuinelor i aruncrii vetrei


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

deteriorate n groap nu pot fi legate dect de practicarea unui cult al focului. Nu s-au descoperit vetre decorate, precum cele menionate pentru comunitile geto-dacice, de George Trohani, discutate ca altare de cult (1986, p. 661-666), pe vatra crora se aprindea rugul. Practicarea unui cult al focului s-a dedus i din specificul inventarelor unor morminte de nhumatie. Dup K. F. Smirnov (1948, p. 215) i M. I. Viazmitina (1953, p. 71), dar i ali arheologi, un astfel de cult s-a ntrevzut mai ales la comunitile sarmatice. Gropile cu buci de vetre i urme ale focului realizat, crbune, cenu, reflect grija cu care erau adunate resturile acestora. Dezafectarea vetrei pe care ardea focul, mozaicarea ei i aruncarea fragmentelor n gropi, la Militari, cultura Chilia Militari, Poiana - Dulceti, Butnreti, Mndrica, Boneti, Mtsaru, jud. Dmbovia, Udeni, Scorniceti, a fost asociat, de Gh. Bichir, de un cult al soarelui (1973a, p. 136). n gropi se aruncau prile rmase dup oficierea unui ritual-religios n anumite zile, consemna Radu Vulpe, fie oficierea unui cult al focului, al vetrei, fie realizarea unor sacrificii (~ et alii 1950, p. 50; Idem 1951, p. 185). Astfel de gropi cu resturi de vatr s-au semnalat n toate aezrile, chiar i n cele mai izolate, precum staiunea amplasat pe Silitea de la uletea, cu un singur strat de locuire, tot la limita dintre masivele pduroase ce caracterizeaz Podiul Brladului i enclava de step pe care o brzdeaz Valea Elanului (C. Cihodaru 1950, p. 217, 219). Menionm i descoperirea la Mugeni - Vzlok, jud. Harghita, n aezarea situat pe terasa inferioar a Trnavei Mari, din secolele III-IV, a unui cuptor de ars oale care, dup dezafectare pare s fi fost folosit drept loc de cult, cum indic prezena pe vatra acestuia a dou cranii de mistre (G. i t. Ferenczi 1976, p. 242). Gropi cu oseminte umane, n care alturi de inventarul faunistic recoltat erau i puine fragmente osoase de provenien uman, groapa nr. 8, cpl. 93, un frontal i groapa nr. 15, cpl. 113, alte dou neidentificabile. Alte fragmente osoase HOMO SAPIENS, au aprut, n trei locuine de suprafa, nr. 5, cpl. 34, din secolele III-IV, nr. 1, cpl. 1, o vertebr uman i nr. 12, cpl. 96, un fragment osos de provenien uman, ultimele dou datate n secolul al IV-lea. ntre gropile cu schelete de animale descoperite la Banca Gar - apte case, oase care aparin tuturor regiunilor scheletice, i pe care nu s-au observat urme care s indice consumarea crnii, menionm descoperirea a trei purcei, probabil au fost ngropai ntregi, unul n complexul nr. 92, cu 155 fragmente osoase, alii doi s-au gsit n complexul 65, doi purcei foarte tineri, primul de 10-12 luni iar cel de-al doilea de 5-6 luni. n aceeai situaie se gsesc i cele 104 oase ale unui schelet ntreg de Canis familiaris, de la un individ cu vrsta de 4-5 luni. Astfel de gropi s-au semnlat n aezarea de la Brlad - Valea Seac (V. Palade 1989, p. 206; idem 1990, p. 202), groapa 537 de la Gherseni - Lacul Frncului, jud. Buzu, care coninea cteva oase de cabalin, o jumtate de mandibul, cteva coaste i un metatars (M. E. Constantinescu 1992, p. 199) i Nicolae Blcescu, jud. Clrai (R. Munteanu, M. Udrescu 1987, p. 106-111).

Cultul apei
Numrul considerabil i perfeciunea vaselor descoperite n morminte, poate fi legat i de un cult al apei, al nemuririi sufletului (Gh. Bichir 1973a, p. 278). Hearths were simple, usually circular, with an approximate diameter of 70 cm. No hearth lining was found in the archaeological layer, following the cleaning of the hearth or the renouncement to the same, the remains were not discarded randomly. The care for the hearth and the remains of the fire, for the hearth fire, pertains to a ritual motivation, the compliance with practices specific to the community. Just like the care for the destruction of hearths when dwellings were deserted and the discarding of the deteriorated hearth in the pit, all possible connections indicate the practicing of a cult of fire. No decorated hearth were found, such as those specified for

The cult of fire and of the hearth

Practici comunitare, religioase sau magice / Practicing community, religious or magic


the Geto-Dacian communities, by George Trohani, discussed as cult altars (1986, p. 661-666), on whose hearth the bonfire would be started. The practicing of a cult of fire is also indicated by the specificity of the inventories of certain inhumation graves. According to K. F. Smirnov (1948, p. 215) and M. I. Viazmitina (1953, p. 71), and also to other archeologists, such a cult was acknowledged in the case of the Sarmatic communities. The pits with pieces of hearths and traces of the fire, coal, ash, reflect the care the remains were gathered. The dismantling of the hearth on which the fire would burn, its transformation into little pieces and the throwing of the fragments in pits, as it is the case of Militari, Chilia Militari culture, Poiana - Dulceti, Butnreti, Mndrica, Boneti, Mtsaru, Udeni, Maldr, Scorniceti, was associated by Gh. Bichir, to a cult of the sun (1973a, p. 136). In pits, there would be thrown the parts remaining after a religious ritual was officiated on certain days, as Radu Vulpe specified, or after a cult of fire, of the hearth, or after certain sacrifices were carried out (~ et alii 1950, p. 50; Idem 1951, p. 185). Such pits with hearth remains were pointed out in all settlements, even in the more isolated ones, such as the one placed on Silitea from uletea, with only one habitation layer, also at the limit between the forested massifs that characterize the Plateau of Brlad and the steppe enclave crossed by the Valley of River Elan (C. Cihodaru 1950, p. 217,219). Mention should also be made of the discovery at Vzlok, Harghita county, in the settlement situated on the lower terrace of River Trnava Mare, dated to the 3rd4th centuries,of a kiln which after its normal usage ended seems to have served as a cult place, as indicated by the presence on the hearth thereof of two skulls of wild boars (G. and t. Ferenczi 1976, p. 242). Pits with human bones, in which together with the fauna inventory there were also found few bones of human origin. Pit no. 8, complex 93, a frontal bone and pit no. 15, complex 113, two other bones which could not be identified. Other HOMO SAPIENS bone fragments appeared in three surface dwellings, no. 5, complex 34, dated to the 3 rd4th centuries, no. 1, complex 1, a human vertebra and no. 12, complex 96, a bone fragment of human origin, the last two dated to the 4th century. Between the pits with animal skeletons discovered at Banca Gar - apte case, bones that belong to all skeleton regions, and which did not show traces that would indicate the consumption of meat, mention should be made the discovery of three piglets, probably buried each as a whole, one in complex no. 92, with 155 bone fragments, two others being found in complex 65, two very young piglets, one of 10-12 months and the other of 5-6 month. In the same situation one can find the 104 bones of a whole skeleton of Canis familiaris, from a 4-5 month old individual. Such pits were pointed out in the settlement of Brlad - Valea Seac (V. Palade 1989, p. 206; idem 1990, p. 202), pit 537 of Gherseni - Lacul Frncului, Buzu county, that contained several horse bones, half a mandible, several ribs and a metatarsal bone (M. E. Constantinescu 1992, p. 199) and Nicolae Blcescu, Clrai county (R. Munteanu, M. Udrescu 1987, p. 106-111). The considerable number and their improvement of the vessels found in tombs may be connected to a cult of water, of the immortality of the soul (Gh. Bichir 1973a, p. 278).

The cult of water


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Capitolul X. Consideraii generale

Istoriografia secolelor IV-VI p.Hr., legat de inuturile de la Dunrea de Jos a consemnat prezena unor numeroase comuniti locale, fie prinse ntre graniele Imperiului roman, fie situate n apropierea acestuia sau n apropierea principalelor drumuri comerciale. Evenimentele istorice, cu deosebire aciunile panice dar i rzboinice ale migratorilor, au favorizat creterea unor comuniti sau dimpotriv au dus la dislocarea lor (V. M. Butnariu 1997, p. 59 i urm.). n prima jumtate a mileniului I, la nordul Dunrii de Jos, meteugurile au atins un nalt grad de dezvoltare, cu deosebire al olriei, iar larga practicare a acestuia a fost, n primul rnd, ilustrat de gama variat a ceramicii i a altor piese de lut cu utiliti diverse, dar i a materialelor de construcie. n provinciile nou formate Moesia Inferior i Dacia, sistemul de construcie al caselor i al atelierelor, anexele prezente n apropierea castrelor, numeroase ncepnd cu secolul al II-lea p.Hr., au fost specifice lumii romane (V. Christescu 1929; Idem 2004). Ne referim mai ales la artizanii care-i amplasau cartierele n apropierea unitilor militare, legiuni sau trupe auxiliare. Aceste localiti au devenit, prin activitatea meteugarilor, centre urbane la periferie cu mari cartiere, ndeosebi ale ceramitilor. Cartierele de meteugari ale acestora au continuat s fie intens utilizate pn n secolul al V-lea. Tocmai aceste mari centre trebuie s fi influenat dezvoltarea meteugului olriei n numeroasele sate rspndite la est de Carpai, n Barbaricum, cum indic existena unor ateliere ceramice dotate cu unul sau mai multe cuptoare nalte, cu dou camere, prezentate de noi ntr-un volum aparte (2008). Cunoaterea lor relev o parte din specificul istoriei spaiului dintre Carpai i Prut, din teritoriile stpnite de dacii liberi i alte triburi barbare - extra fines provinciam (E. Nicolae 2007, p. 117), aflate n permanente legturi cu provinciile romane de la Dunrea de Jos, teritorii n care ulterior influena goilor a fost puternic. Publicarea atelierelor de olrie (J. Henning 1977, p. 194; E. Nicolae et alii 2007, p. 70; R. Alaiba 2008), precum i acela cercetat la Banca Gar - apte case, a oferit posibilitatea de a stabili aria de difuziune a acestui meteug n spaiul dintre Carpai i Prut, compararea dezvoltrii acestuia cu acela din inuturile vecine (R. Alaiba 2008). Pentru teritoriile aflate la est de Carpai, care ne-au stat n atenie, intervalul de timp cuprins ntre secolul al III-lea i secolul al VI-lea, reprezint o etap important, cunoscut mai puin din izvoarele scrise, dar mai ales din investigarea arheologic a aezrilor i necropolelor. Cercetarea acestor situri a stat la baza conturrii specificului cultural al zonei, difereniat n raport cu poziia geografic fa de cele dou provincii romane, Dacia i Moesia Inferior. n aceste secole, comunitile aflate n teritoriile dintre Siret i Prut, au meninut legturile cu oraele-ceti romane i romano-bizantine, centre economice, culturale i politice, mai ales cu cele situate de-a lungul Dunrii i n inuturile Dobrogei, aprate de imperiu (Al. Suceveanu 1998; Idem, 2001-2002, p. 172; Al. Suceveanu, Al. Barnea 1991). inuturile nordice trebuie s fi stat sub protecia lor i n perioadele n care influena nu era direct. Acest fapt poate explica neconsemnarea, n izvoarele vremii, a unor forme de organizare social sau politic local. Spaiul dintre Carpai i Prut, cu excepia inuturilor sudice, cuprins din punct de vedere geografic n Podiul Brladului, n care se afl i comunitatea de la Banca Gar, nu a fcut parte din teritoriile romane colonizate la nceputul primului secol, prin formarea provinciei Dacia. Publicarea monografic a descoperirilor arheologice din punctul apte case, unde erau amplasate vechile locuiri din primul mileniu, desigur i cteva preistorice, getice, medievale sau de epoc modern, aflat astzi n satul Banca Gar, a fcut ca aceste investigaii de durat s devin izvorul documentar legitim pentru identificarea acestei vechi localiti. Publicarea monografic a acestor descoperiri a urmat acelai sistem de prezentare i analiz, fapt care, credem, a dat unitate lucrrii, dar mai ales a transformat aceste investigaii realizate prin spturi arheologice de durat, n reale, riguroase, dar mai ales verificabile izvoare istorice.

X. Consideraii generale / General considerations


n primul volum au fost cuprinse mai nti descoperirile preistorice, dou aglomerri ceramice specifice perioadei de tranziie la epoca bronzului sau bronzului timpuriu (fig. 9-14, cpl. 38, 111); un mormnt specific grupului cultural ivotilovka Volansk Bursuceni (fig. 15-17, cpl. 118); o locuin din perioada hallstattian (fig. 18-19, cpl. 24) i alte complexe getice (fig. 2025). n ordine cronologic, cel mai mare spaiu s-a acordat cercetrilor legate de cunoaterea ntinsei siliti din prima jumtate a mileniului I (fig. 26-148), neconsemnate n izvoarele scrise, literate sau epigrafice, ce a supravieuit n anii de dup retragerea autoritilor romane din Dacia (274-275) i din teritoriul nordic al Moesiei. Aceasta a ocupat, ntre secolul al III-lea - pn la nceputul secolului al V-lea, grindurile aflate n apropierea vii Brladului, situate la nord de noua provincie roman Scythia Minor, care stpnea ntre 284-378 i sudul Moldovei. Mai puin numeroase au fost descoperirile specifice secolelor V-VII, de tip Costia Botoana (I. Mitrea 1997, p. 147 i urm.). ncetarea dominaiei hunice la mijlocul secolului al V-lea, care a durat aproape trei sferturi de veac (R. Harhoiu 1999, p. 60 i urm.; Idem 2003), a favorizat probabil reorganizarea i dezvoltarea comunitilor locale, ntre care i aceea de la Banca Gar. Locuirea acestei zone, aflate astzi n comuna Banca, a renceput n secolele VI/VII i a continuat pn n secolele IX/X. Situaia stratigrafic i cronologic stabilit pentru Banca Gar, cu dou perioade de locuire, datate unul n prima i altul n a doua jumtate a primului mileniu, nederanjate prea mult de alte locuiri din secolele ulterioare, face ca specificul acesteia, i al altor staiuni cu astfel de locuiri, s prezinte un interes aparte, ele oferind posibilitatea unei bune cunoateri a acestor perioade (M. Alexianu, Al. Coma 1993, p. 205). Spturile arheologice, de la Banca Gar, au ngduit urmrirea dezvoltrii unor comuniti steti care au evoluat ntr-o zon geografic restrns, dar legat de un spaiu mai larg, cel de la nordul Gurilor Dunrii, traversat de Siret, Brlad i Prut, intens locuit n primul mileniu, cum indic numeroasele puncte investigate arheologic sau doar semnalate prin periegheze. n cadrul acestor comuniti locale cu o structur social stabil s-au semnalat diferene destul de accentuate, cu deosebire n ceea ce privete practicarea unor meteuguri, la Banca Gar a meteugului olriei. Meterii olari de aici au modelat ceramica dup o tehnologie bine cunoscut, respectnd, fr ndoial, pentru fiecare arj succesiunea operaiilor, de la alegerea materiilor prime, frmntarea pastei, modelarea cu ajutorul roii olarului, ornamentarea, uscarea, pn la arderea i rcirea vaselor. Despre existena i evoluia comunitii de la Banca Gar s-au adus multe informaii, chiar dac nu toate directe, care n final ne-au permis i o estimare demografic, n funcie de cele 27 de locuine investigate pn n prezent, plus cele 10 locuine sezoniere. n raport cu vechea ei ntindere s-a dezvelit aproximativ jumtate din acestea, iniial aici credem c au fost cel mult 60 de case. Am considerat c, n fiecare locuin vieuia o familie format din 5-6, 7-8 membrii, pentru locuinele mari spre 9-10, n raport direct cu suprafaa acestora i cu inventarul rmas, ndeosebi numrul de vase necesare gtirii i servirii mesei. Astfel, populaia care a vieuit aceste meleaguri era de cel mult 400 de locuitori. Ne referim doar la perioada cuprins ntre ultima parte a secolului al III-lea i prima jumtate a secolului al V-lea. Populaia de aici, indiferent de limba pe care o vorbeau familiile celor 27 de case, forma o comunitate profund romanizat, aa cum se poate vedea din specificul materialelor descoperite, cu deosebire a ceramicii. Impactul dat de ptrunderea goilor a avut un rol important n dezvoltarea ei, pe ntreg intervalul existenei acestuia. Satul reprezenta i atunci o unitate de baz, n complementaritatea creia era familia. O descriere a vieii cotidiene a satului se poate lega de cunoaterea mediului, de evaluarea specificului acestei perioade prin cunoaterea spaiului locuibil, cum arta ulia, unde erau principalele locuri de comunicare centrul satului. Locuirea privat, individual inea de specificul casei, cum era amenajat ncperea, unde era ua, masa, patul, unde se ineau vasele pentru pstrat rezervele de hran, apa, care erau vasele pentru gtit i care erau cele pentru servit masa, vatra era un loc sacru sau acesta exista i n alt parte, iar urmele perisabile ale lui s-au pierdut. Pentru cunoaterea manifestrilor culturale am ncercat s vedem o creaie a spiritului n decorul ceramicii, prin


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

nsumarea motivelor ornamentale (pl. 14-17). n organizarea satului funciona legea veche a btrnilor cutuma, alturi de normele specifice lumii romane sau a altor grupuri umane ajunse n sat? Cum era viaa ranilor, cum se respectau regulile, mecanismele acestei viei de fiecare zi, exista un spirit colectiv de autoconservare i de pstrare a intereselor vitale ale comunitii, cum se produceau transformrile n domeniul socialului sau al credinei pstrate prin tradiie. Cei mai muli probabil preferau transmiterea tradiiei ca o dovad a poziiei lor locale, fapt care poate fi explicat i prin numrul destul de mic de piese de import. Aezarea de la Banca Gar a evoluat n strns legtur cu satele apropiate sau cu cele mai deprtate, aflate n vecintatea nordic i estic a fostelor provincii romane. Punctele de contact cu zonele vecine s-au urmrit i pentru conturarea unei imagini ct mai veridice a legturilor dintre aceste regiuni (V. M. Butnariu 1988, p. 131 i urm.; Idem 1991, p. 67 i urm.). Schimbrile de ordin social-economic i politic din teritoriile integrate stpnirii romane au influenat i evoluia acestor inuturi. Numrul staiunilor datate n aceast perioad, situate n zona ce ne intereseaz i n perioada de existen a locuirii de la Banca Gar, secolele III-X, este mare, fapt care a i dus la realizarea unor cercetri arheologice de amploare. Dintre numeroasele staiuni investigate arheologic, cu locuiri din primul mileniu, prin cercetrile realizate n colaborare cu prof. Dan Gh. Teodor sau Ghenu Coman, au fost surprinse suprapuneri cronologice asemntoare, la Gura Idrici - La Coere (Gh. Coman, R. Maxim 1980, p. 450-454; R. Maxim 1981-1982, p. 81-97; D. Gh. Teodor, R. Maxim 1983, p. 464-469), Drgeti - Pe Izlaz (D. Gh. Teodor, Gh. Coman, R. Alaiba 1979, p. 285-288), Negreti - Cimitirul evreiesc (Gh. Coman, R. Maxim 1979, p. 333-335; R. Maxim 1985-186, p. 149 i urm.), Blteni (R. Maxim, I. Marin 1987-1989, p. 226-229), din judeul Vaslui i Podul Iloaiei, din judeul Iai. n paralel au fost realizate analize ale mormintelor i resturilor faunistice, de Alexandra Coma, Georgeta Miu i Simina Stanc (R. Alaiba, G. Miu, S. Stanc 2005, p. 153 i urm.; G. Miu, R. Alaiba 2008), s-au discutat problemele legate de aspectele paleoantropologice dar i paleodemografice specifice unor populaii din secolul al IV-lea (D. Botezatu, C. Fedorovici 1973, p. 3 i urm.; D. Botezatu, G. Miu, P. Cantemir 1983, p. 17 i urm.), cu deosebire pentru spaiul ncadrat n actualul teritoriu al Judeului Vaslui, i ca urmare a spturilor arheologice din necropola de la Bogdneti - Flciu, Brlad - Valea Seac (V. Palade 2004, p. 106, nr. 8-9, 12), Polocin - Izlaz, Pogoneti (M. Mamalauc et alii 2005, p. 107, nr. 21-25), realizate de Dan Botezatu, Georgeta Miu, Cezarina Blteanu (1987-1989, p. 91 i urm.), recent sistematizate de Robert Simalcsik i Angela Simalcsik (2009, p. 74 i urm.). Ele au fost raportate aezrilor i necropolelor cercetate mai amplu, precum cele de la Zorleni - Fntnele, jud. Vaslui (Ibidem, p. 110-111, nr. 51-57, 61), Lunca, Barcea, jud. Galai (Ibidem, p. 118, nr. 125, 195-201), Vadu Soreti, Pietroasele - Cremenea i Gherseni - Lacul Frncului, jud. Buzu (Ibidem, p. 114, nr. 86, 88, 90-92), Mihleni, jud. Botoani, Podeni, jud. Suceava (Ibidem, p. 111, nr. 66, 74, 179), Vleni - La Moar, jud. Neam (I. Ioni, V. Ursachi 1988).

Chapter X. General considerations

The historiography of the 4rd5th centuries regions on both banks of the Lower Danube pointed out the presence of numerous local communities, either contained within the limits of the Roman Empire, or situated near it (V. M. Butnariu 1997, p. 59 and the foll.). Historic events, especially peaceful ones, but also the violent ones, of the migratory peoples, favored the increase of communities or on the contrary led to their dislocation. The presentation and the analysis of the materials discovered in archaeological complexes at Banca Gar - apte case, was based on the classical investigation method, chronological description of complexes. Starting in the first volume with the prehistoric ones. For the territories east of the Carpathians, the time interval contained between the 3 rd and 4th centuries, represent an important

X. Consideraii generale / General considerations


phase, less known from the written sources, but especially from the archaeological research of the settlements and necropolises, which were at the basis of the drawing of the cultural specificity of the concerned area, in a differentiated way, in relation with the geographic position compared to the two Roman provinces, Dacia and Moesia Inferior. During these centuries, there were maintained the connections between the population of the territories between rivers Siret and Prut and the Roman-Byzantine fortified cities, economic, cultural and political centers, especially with those situated not only along the Danube but also in the counties of Dobrodgea, defended by the empire. The northern counties must have been under their protection also during the epochs when their influence was not direct. This could explain why the sources of those times do not specify certain forms of social or political organization. Among the villages, mention should also be made of the ancient settlement situated in the village of Banca Gar, in the point nowadays referred to by the local inhabitants as apte case (Seven houses), widely researched by archaeological excavations. The publication of these discoveries of various epochs in a monograph followed the same presentation and analysis system of the complexes, fact which, according to us, provided the unity of the whole work. In the first volume there were included the prehistoric discoveries, two ceramic agglomerations specific to the period of transition to the Bronze Age or early Bronze Age (fig. 9-14, complex 38, 111); a tomb that belongs to the cultural group ivotilovka Volansk Bursuceni (fig. 15-17, complex 118); a dwelling of the Hallstatt period (fig. 18-19, complex 24) and nd continue other with Getic period, 1 slightly buried dwelling - 1 Lad1, cpl. 5a (fig. 17/1; 20), 2 pits, nos. 1-2, no. 1, cpl. 25, no. 2, cpl. 27a, no. 3, cpl. 108 (fig. 17/2-3; 23-24) and 2 agglomeration of materials, 6a, 9 (fig. 21-22). Probably the last migrations of the Sarmatians, Goths, later on of the Huns, led to the decay but not to the complete abolition of this village core, as indicated by the few material traces of the second half of the 5th century and of the 6th century, discovered in the culture layer. In chronological order, the widest space was assigned to the researches pertaining to the knowledge of the wide village inhabited by the Dacian-Roman and Gothic communities (fig. 26150), unspecified in the written literary or epigraphic sources, that survived during the years after the retreat of the Roman authorities from Dacia (274-275) and from the northern territory of Moesia. Between the 3th century and the beginning of the 5th century, this province included the raised islands near the valley of River Brlad, situated north of the new Roman province Scythia Minor, which between 284-378 also occupied the southern part of Moldavia (Al. Suceveanu 1998; Idem, 2001-2002, p. 172; Al. Suceveanu, Al. Barnea 1991). The discoveries pertaining to the 5rd7th centuries, such as those of the Costia Botoana type, were not too numerous. The termination of the Huns domination at mid 5th century, which lasted for almost three quarters of a century, probably favored the reorganization of the local communities, among which also the one of Banca Gar. The inhabitance of this area, nowadays belonging to the commune Banca, started in the 6 th / 7rd9th / 10th centuries. The archaeological excavations of Banca Gar allowed the following of the development during the first millennium of rural communities that evolved in a limited geographic area but anchored in a wider geographic space intensely inhabited during this period, as indicated by the numerous villages archaeologically investigated or only pointed out by means of surface investigations. Within these rural communities with a stable social structure, there were pointed out rather visible differences, especially those concerning the practicing of certain crafts, in the case of Banca Gar the craft of pottery being fully demonstrated. Potters shaped the vessels according to a well mastered technology, complying, undoubtedly for each batch with the succession of the operations, from the selection of the raw materials, the kneading of the paste, the shaping by means of the potters wheel, up to the firing and cooling of the vessels. The impact of the Goths penetration resulted in an important role in the village development, throughout the whole interval of existence thereof, as is evolved in tight connection with the nearby villages, which were part of


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

the eastern vicinity of the former province (V. M. Butnariu 1988, p. 131 i urm.; Idem 1991, p. 67 i urm.). About the existence and evolution of the community of Banca Gar many pieces of information could be gathered although not all of them were direct, and in the end they allowed us to undertake a demographic assessment, taking into account the 27 dwellings investigated so far, taking into account the about half of them were uncovered. We considered that in each dwelling a family of 5 or 7-8 members was living, for the large dwellings 10 members and in direct relation with the surface there and the preserved inventory, mention should be made of the number of vessels necessary at cooking and serving the meals. Thus, the population that lived on these lands was at most of 400 inhabitants. We refer only to the period contained between the last part of the 3 th century and the first half of the 5 th. The population down there, whatever the language the families living in the 27 houses were speaking, formed a deeply Romanized community, as one can see from the specificity of the materials discovered especially the specificity of the ceramic ware. During the first half of the 1st millennium, north the Lower Danube, the craft of potter reached a high degree of development and the long practicing thereof was illustrated first of all by the varied series of ceramic ware and other items made of clay serving various purposes and also by the building materials. The constructive system of the houses and the pottery workshop, the adjacent buildings near the castrums, were specific to the Roman world, being numerous starting with the 2 th century AD in the newly founded provinces of Moesia Inferior and Dacia. They continued to be intensely used until the 5th century. We refer to workshops and artisans that located their quarters near military units, legions or auxiliary troops. They became, by the activity of the craftsmen, urban centers with large workshops, especially ceramic ones. These large centers must have influenced the creation of numerous workshops in the villages spread east of the Carpathians, in Barbaricum, as suggested by the ceramic categories produced in the two chamber-kilns presented by us in a separate volume (2008). The knowledge of these workshops is important for the presentation of the specificity of the history of the space between the Carpathians and the Prut, from the territories ruled by the Free Dacians and other Barbarian tribes - extra fines provinciam (E. Nicolae 2007, p. 117), which were living in permanent connection with the Roman provinces on the Lower Danube, territories where later on the Goths influence was powerful. The publication of certain new workshops, and among them the one studied at Banca Gar apte case, provided us with the possibility of establishing the dissemination area of this craft within the specified space. The workshops of Wallachia and Banat, in the Roman province Dacia, equipped with the same type of kiln (J. Henning 1977, p. 194; E. Nicolae 2007, p. 70) were also tackled. The contact points with the neighboring areas were also approached for creating the truest possible image as for the connections between these regions. The village represented even in those times a basic unit, in whose complementarity there was the family. A description of the daily life of the village can be connected to the knowledge of the environment, the assessment of the specificity of an epoch by the knowledge of the inhabitable space, of how the road that is the center of the village would look like, which were the main communication places, how was the daily time and life spent. Private individual inhabitance would pertain to the specificity of the peasant house, to the way the rooms were arranged, to the location of the door, table, bed, to the place where were kept the vessels for preserving food reserves, to the vessels used for serving the meals, the hearth being a sacred place. We tried to comprehend a creation of the spirit in the ornamentation of the ceramic ware, by summing up the ornamental motifs (pl. 14-17). In the organization of the rural life there existed the old lawthe custom, which was accompanied by norms specific to the Roman world or other human groups that arrived in the village. How was the peasants life, what rules would they obey, which were the mechanisms of this daily life, was there a self-preservation collective spirit meant to

X. Consideraii generale / General considerations


maintain the vital interests of the community, how would the transformations of the traditiontransmitted social and religious habits take place. Most of the people probably preferred to transmit tradition, as a proof of their local position, fact that can be also explained by the rather low number of imported items. The space between the Carpathians and the Prut, geographically contained in the Plateau of Moldavia, except for the southern regions, to which the community of Banca Gar belogns, were not part of the Roman territories colonized at the beginning of the 2 th century, by the creation of the Dacia province. The social-economic and politic changes in the territories integrated to the Roman occupation also influenced the evolution of the neighboring counties. The number of settlements dated to this period, situated in the area of our concern and in the period of existence of the inhabitance of Banca Gar, that is the 3rd 10th centuries, is larger, reason why the amplitude of the archaeological excavations carried out was considerable. Especially those specific to the 1st millenium, 3rd4th centuries, of the free dacians carpians, Sntana de Mure culture, at a lesser extent material evidence specific to Costia Botoana culture, of centuries Vth-VIIth (I. Mitrea 1997, p. 147 et sq.), continuing in the second volume with the description of complexes specific to the Dridu culture, of 7 th9th / 10th centuries. The stratigraphic and chronological situation with two different habitation levels, dated one in the first half and the other in the second half of the first millennium, makes these two habitations particularly interesting, as they allow a better knowledge of the specificity of this periods (M. Alexianu, Al. Coma 1993, p. 205), undisturbed by other habitations dated to the immediately following centuries. For each complex of 3rd4th century, every surface dwelling, lightly deepened or seasonal, pit, fireplace or furnace, pottery workshop, were described discovery conditions, the specificity of the construcitons and recovered materia ls. The largest space was assigned to the results of the researches referring to the knowledge of the wide meadow inhabited by one of the Dacian - Roman rural communities, unspecified in the literate or epigraphic written sources (fig. 25149), that were created throughout the space east of the Carpathians and developed during the years following the Romans retreat from Dacia (274-275 p.Hr.) and the northern territory of Moesia. Out of a geographic area well known for the 3 rd4th centuries AD, the wide yet modest meadow in south Moldavia survived also at the beginning of the century (R. Harhoiu 1999, p. 60 et sq.; Idem 2003). The construction system is connected with the workshops found near the roman camps, numerous starting with the second century A.C., in newly formed provinces Moesia Inferior and Dacia. They continue to be highly used up until the 5 th century. We are talking about the workshops and the artisans which were placing their quarters near the military camps, legions or auxiliary troups. They became, through the craftsmen's activity, urban centers with large pottery workshops. These centers must have been influenced the emergence of numerous workshops East of Carpathians, in Barbaricum, as it is suggested by the pottery categories produced in the two chamber furnaces found in the attached repertoir. Knowing these workshops is important to reveal the historic specificity of the space between the Carpathians and Prut, from the teritories controlled by free dacians and other barbarian trybes - extra fines provinciam (E. Nicolae 2007, p. 117), keeping permanent connections with the roman provinces from Lower Danube, teritories where at a later date the influence of the Goths was strong. Among many settlements with 1st millenia habitations, with stratigraphies similar to those from Banca Gar, we mention the archaeologically investigated ones, in collaboration with prof. Dan Gh. Teodor or Ghenu Coman, important settlements from Gura Idrici - La Coere (~, R. Maxim 1980, p. 450-454; R. Maxim 1981-1982, p. 81-97; D. Gh. Teodor, R. Maxim 1983, p. 464469), Drgeti - Pe Izlaz (D. Gh. Teodor, Gh. Coman, R. Maxim 1979, p. 285-288), Negreti Cimitirul evreiesc (Gh. Coman, R. Maxim 1979, p. 333-335; R. Maxim 1985-1986, p. 149-169), Blteni (R. Maxim, I. Marin 1987-1989, p. 226-229), from Vaslui county and Iai county, Podul Iloaiei. Was structured in the shape of a study both from the paleoanthropological discoveries


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

within the site of Gara Banca, by Alexandra Coma, Georgeta Miu and the archaeo-zoological study of the faunal remains by Simina Stanc (R. Alaiba, G. Miu, S. Stanc, p. 153 et sq.) , as for populations concerning to the Sntana de Mure culture, who lived in the 4 th century and at the beginning of the 5th century

Pl. 36. Banca Gar - apte case. 1-20 Locuine uor adncite, sec. VIIIX/X. 1-20 Slightly buried dwellings with 7rd9th/10th centuries.

X. Consideraii generale / General considerations


AD (D. Botezatu, C. Fedorovici 1973, p. 3 et sq.; D. Botezatu, G. Miu, P. Cantemir 1983, p. 17 et sq.; ~, G. Miu, C. Blteanu 1987-1989, p. 91), on the territory of localities in the area of the present county of Vaslui (R. Simalcsik, A. Simalcsik 2009, p. 74 et sq.); also, important settlements from Poieneti Mgura Dealul Teilor (M. Babe 1988, p. 3 et sq.; ~ 2000, p. 337 et sq.; ~ et alii 1980, p. 35 et sq.), Brlad - Valea Seac, Bogdneti - Flciu (V. Palade 2004, p. 106, nr. 8,-9, 12), Polocin - Izlaz, Pogoneti (M. Mamalauc et alii 2005, p. 107, nr. 21-25).

Pl. 37. Banca Gar. 21-38 Locuine uor adncite, sec. VIIIX-X / 21-38 Slightly buried dwellings,7th 9rd/10th centuries.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Anexa I. Capaciti i funcionaliti ale ceramicii descoperite n staiunea Banca Gar - apte case, secolele III-V p.Hr.
Vasile Alaiba Cunoaterea, asistat de calculator, fr a folosi un limbaj prea specific informaticienilor, a capacitilor recipientelor mai bine conservate, descoperite prin cercetri arheologice n staiunea Banca Gar, punctul apte case, pentru perioada datat ntre secolele III-V, a urmat o direcie de cercetare relativ recent. Acest demers se nscrie, n efortul generalizat astzi de a aplica calculele matematice i n alte domenii n cazul nostru arheologia , folosind un limbaj specific informaticienilor (V. Alaiba 2008, p. 252-254; C. N. Mateescu, S. Comnescu 1962, p. 190; Ibidem, 1971, p. 418-420), care uureaz accesul la noi cunotine, cu riscul de a nu fi acceptate n totalitate. Aceeai metod a fost teoretizat i utilizat de E. S. Teodor (1996; 1998a, p. 21 i urm.; 1998b, p. 239 i urm.; 2000, p. 623). Teoretic, msurarea formelor ceramice s-a bazat pe calcularea ctorva parametri, nlimea, ades parial restul vasului deducndu-se, diametrele buzei, gtului i bazei, arcuirea dinspre buz sau baz, arcuirile corpului. Msurtorile s-au fcut pentru interioarele vaselor, excluzndu-se astfel diferenele de grosime ale pereilor, folosind facilitile oferite de calculator. Spturile arheologice au scos la lumin numeroase alte complexe sau materiale pentru a cror cunoatere se pot folosi i aceste modaliti de investigare matematic i pentru formele ntregi i pentru cele fragmentare. ntre ele un loc aparte ocup ceramica, care se poate aprecia i dimensional, n raport cu tipurile de vase. Cu deosebire n secolele IV-V, informaiile legate de coninutul i capacitatea unor diferite forme de vase, de obicei amforele folosite pentru transportul produselor lichide, au fost marcate cu inscripii realizate cu vopsea roie sau au fost adncite n past nainte de ardere sau pur i simplu zgriate dup ce vasul era gata (A. Rdulescu, 1975, p. 693 i urm.). Teoretic, msurarea formelor ceramice s-a bazat pe cunoaterea ctorva parametri, nlimea, ades parial restul vasului deducndu-se, diametrele buzei, gtului i bazei, arcuirea dinspre buz sau baz, arcuirile corpului. n legtur cu ceramica de la Banca Gar - apte case, ale crei forme i dimensiuni s-au reconstituit, n parte, prin desen, se pot aduce cteva observaii generale. Prin aceste msurtori, cteva vase au fost discutate i din punctul de vedere al capacitii lor. Majoritatea ceramicii descoperite la Banca Gar, punctul apte case, n campaniile de cercetri arheologice nu s-a conservat bine (R. Alaiba 2007, p. 18 i urm.), s-a pstrat fragmentar i datorit locuirilor ulterioare celei din secolele III-V p.Hr., asupra creia ne-am oprit. n raport cu suprafaa spat materialul ceramic a fost prea puin ntregibil. Din inventarul descoperit - aproximativ 1335 de vase pstrate n majoritate fragmentar, conform calculelor realizate pentru fiecare din cele 71 de complexe din secolele III-VI, un atelier de olrie, locuine construite la suprafaa solului sau adncite, gropi, vetre sau alte aglomerri de materiale locuine sezoniere, ntreg era doar un vas iar altele, aproximativ 30 de vase se pot restaura cu uurin. Dintre ele calcule s-au realizat pe cel puin 20 de vase. n principiu, pentru acestea s-a urmrit o analiz volumetric. Aa cum indic termenul, s-a cutat s se stabileasc volumul, msurarea capacitii vasului pe baze metrice. Desigur, capacitile stabilite sunt aproximative, dar valoarea lor este apropiat celei reale. Vasele descoperite n aezare, dup modul de realizare, se nscriu n dou mari grupuri, a ceramicii lucrate cu mna i a celei lucrate la roat. Din prima s-a calculat capacitatea cuilor i a unui mic vas un capac sau un vas de copt mici pini, cu valori situate ntre 0,1-0,2 l (fig. 16/14-15, 18, 21-22; 71/1-2; 39/4; 67/1; 122/4). De

Anexe/Annexes. I. V.Alaiba. Capaciti i funcionaliti ale ceramicii / Capacities and functionalities of the pottery 273

asemenea, s-a calculat capacitatea unui mic borcan, de 0,9 l (fig. 53/6; 15/4, tab. 1), aflat n locuina de suprafa nr. 2, Lsp2 cpl. 26, datat n secolele IV-V i un pahar pstrat aproape ntreg, cu profil n S, pe corp cu trei zigzaguri incizate neordonat, cu o capacitate de 0,1 l (fig. 138/2; 28/22; buz=7 cm, tab. 2), aprut n groapa nr. 2, cpl. 120, din secolul al V-lea. n toate tabelele realizate, 1-18 , n acest caz, pentru ceramica modelat la mn, n tabelele 1-2, s-au reprodus calculele matematice necesare stabilirii capacitii, mai exact calculele formelor geometrice obinute prin mprirea vasului n volume, forme geometrice msurabile prin formule matematice. Cum am precizat, n fiecare tabel s-au dat calculele necesare msurrii volumului unui singur vas.
Tab. 1. Borcan, locuina de suprafa nr. 2, Lsp2 cpl. 26, secolele IV-V / Jar, surface dwelling no. 2, cpl. 26, 4rd-5th centuries
Banca Gar - apte case, fig. 53/6; 15/4. Corp nscris - scribed body Nr./No. sg. cm - H 1 2 Corp circumscris - circumscribed body 1 2 Volum aproximativ - approximate volume 4.30 3.20 7.50 4.30 3.20 7.50 R1raza - radius 7.30 6.20 6.20 7.40 6.40 6.40 R2 4.30 7.30 4.30 4.40 7.40 4.40 V l-volume 0.46 0.46 0.92 0.48 0.48 0.96 0.94

Tab. 2. Pahar, groapa nr. 2, cpl. 120, secolul al V-lea / Beaker, pit no. 2, cpl. 120, 5 th century
Fig. 138/2; 28/22, sec. V
Corp nscris - scribed body Nr. sg. 1 2 Corp circumscris 1 2 V aproximativ h (cm) 2.80 2.60 5.40 2.80 2.60 5.40 R1 (cm) 2.70 2.50 2.50 3.00 3.20 3.20 R2 (cm) 1.10 2.70 1.10 1.40 3.00 1.40 V (litri) 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.11

Tab. 3. Strachin, atelier de olrie, cpl. 65, secolele IV-V / Dish, potters workshop, cpl. 65, 4rd-5th centuries
Banca Gar - apte case, fig. 99/8; 28/4. Corp nscris - scribed body Nr. sg. 1 2 Corp circumscris - circumscribed body 1 2 Volum aproximativ - approximate volume h cm 3.50 2.40 5.90 3.50 2.40 5.90 R1 cm 9.30 9.30 9.30 9.70 10.00 10.00
R2 cm

V litri 0.41 0.65 1.07 0.47 0.71.133 1.20 1.13

2.30 9.30 2.30 2.70 9.70 2.70

Capacitatea vaselor modelate la roata olarului, a doua categorie, s-a stabilit doar pentru cele cteva forme ntregibile. Dintre cele 123 de vase descoperite n atelierul de olrie, se poate calcula


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

volumul pentru vasele conservate mai bine din cuptorul A, mai puin din cuptorul B. Pentru primul vas msurat, o strachin, s-a stabilit o capacitate de 1,13 l (fig. 28/4; 99/8, tab. 3), pentru al doilea, un castron, posibil un import, o capacitate 2,9 l, volum calculat acum prin msurtori, dar care iniial trebuie s fi fost de 3 l (fig. 28/3; 99/4, tab. 4). Alturi de acest castron erau i alte fragmente ceramice, ntre ele o parte dintr-un vas de dimensiuni mai mari, o caserol probabil cu o capacitate de 4 l, acum s-au stabilit 3,9 l (fig. 28/17; fig. 99/13, tab. 5). Tot din umplutura degajat din cuptorul A s-a recuperat i un castrona, conservat mai bine, cu profil specific castroanelor de tip Sntana de Mure, cu marginea dreapt, pe mijloc cu o nervur, a crui capacitate de 0,7 l, s-a reuit s se msoare (fig. 100/2; 18/3, tab. 6).
Tab. 4. Castron, atelier de olrie, cpl. 65, sec. IV-V / Tureen, potters workshop, cpl. 65, 4rd-5th centuries
Banca Gar - apte case, fig. 28/3; 99/4 corp nscris - scribed body Nr. sg. 1 2 Corp circumscris - circumscribed body 1 2 V olum aproximativ - approximate volume h cm 6.00 2.50 8.50 6.00 2.50 8.50 R1 cm 12.00 10.80 10.80 13.00 11.80 11.80
R2 cm

V litri 1.66 1.02 2.68 2.03 1.21 3.24 2.96

6.50 12.00 6.50 7.50 13.00 7.50

Tab. 5. Caserol, atelier de olrie, cpl. 65, sec. IV-V / Casserole, potters workshop, cpl. 65, 4rd-5th centuries
Banca Gar - apte case, fig. 28/17; 99/13 Atelierul de olrie. Corp nscris - scribed body Nr. sg. 1 2 Corp circumscris - circumscribed body 1 2 V olum aproximativ - approximate volume h cm 3.5 7.20 10.70 3.50 7.20 10.70 R1 cm 10.50 13.50 13.50 10.60 13.60 13.60
R2 cm

V litri 0.62 3.27 3.89 0.63 3.33 3.96 3.93

4.00 10.50 4.00 4.10 10.60 4.10

Tab. 6. Castron, atelier de olrie, cpl. 65, sec. IV-V / Tureen, potters workshop, cpl. 65, 4rd-5th centuries
Banca Gar - apte case, fig. 100/2; 18/3
Atelier de olrie/Potters workshop. Corp nscris-scribed body

Nr. sg. 1 2

h (cm) 1.70 2.70 4.40 1.70 2.70 4.40

R1 (cm) 7.30 7.90 7.90 8.00 8.30 8.30

R2 (cm)

V (litri) 0.15 0.49 0.64 0.200 0.56 0.76 0.70

3.20 7.30 3.20 3.90 8.00 3.90

Corp circumscris

1 2

V aproximativ

Anexe/Annexes. I. V.Alaiba. Capaciti i funcionaliti ale ceramicii / Capacities and functionalities of the pottery 275

Tab. 7. Castron, atelier de olrie, cpl. 65, sec.IV-V / Tab. 7. Tureen, potters workshop, cpl. 65, 4rd-5th centuries
Fig. 102/14; 27/19 Corp nscris Nr. sg. 1 2 Corp circumscris 1 2 V aproximativ h (cm) 4.20 4.20 8.40 4.20 4.20 8.40 R1 (cm) 3.40 9.40 9.40 3.90 9.70 9.70
R2 (cm)

V (litri) 0.57 0.58 1.15 0.66 0.65 1.30 1.23

9.30 3.40 9.30 9.80 3.90 9.80

Vase miniaturale, pahare Din categoria ceramicii lucrate la roata olarului s-a msurat i un vas bitronconic miniatural, din past fin cenuie, de 0,01 l (fig. 81/6; 25/16, tab. 8), aflat n locuina de suprafa nr. 4, cpl. 36, datat n secolele IV-V.
Tab. 8. Vas bitronconic miniatural, locuina de suprafa nr. 4, cpl. 36, sec. IV-V / Miniature biconical pot, surface dwelling, no. 4, cpl. 36, 4rd-5th centuries
Banca Gar - apte case, fig. Corp nscris - scribed body

81/6; 25/16

Nr. sg. 1 2

h (cm) 1.70 1.00 2.70 1.70 1.00 2.70

R1 (cm) 0.70 2.00 2.00 0.80 2.10 2.10

R2 (cm)

V (litri) 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01

1.60 0.70 1.60 1.70 0.80 1.70

Corp circumscris - circumscribed body

1 2

Volum aproximativ - approximate volume

Boluri, castroane Pentru un bol ars cenuiu, s-a obinut o capacitate de 0,56 l (fig. 63/1; 28/15, tab. 9), aflat n locuina de suprafa nr. 3, cpl. 30, datat n secolul al IV-lea. Diferenierea ntre strchini, boluri, castronae i castroane s-a realizat n funcie de profilul vaselor, al primelor mult rsfrnt, al bolurilor emisferic i cu pereii mai nali, al castroanelor.
Tab. 9. Bol, locuina de suprafa nr. 3, cpl. 30, secolul IV / Bowl, surface dwelling, no. 3, cpl. 30, 4th century
Banca Gar - apte case, fig. 63/1; 28/15
Corp nscris - scribed body

Nr. sg. 1 2

h (cm) 2.30 4.30 6.60 2.30 4.30 6.60

R1 (cm) 5.30 5.60 5.60 6.30 5.60 5.60

R2 (cm)

V (litri) 0.09 0.40 0.49 0.15 0.48 0.63 0.56

1.50 5.30 1.50 2.50 6.30 2.50

Corp circumscris

1 2

V aproximativ


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Tab. 10. Castron, locuina de suprafa nr. 2, cpl. 15, secolul al IV-lea / Tureen, surface dweling no. 2, cpl. 15, 4th century
Banca Gar - apte case, fig. 28/16; 39/3
1 Nr./no. sg.

h cm 1.7 5.4 8.8 3.4 5.4 8.8

R1 cm 7.30 15.8 15.8 16 16.6 16.6

R2 cm

V litri 0.15 0.98 1.28 0.4 1.12 1.52 1.4

1 2 1 2

3.20 14.6 6.4 7.8 16 7.8

Corp circumscris - circumscribed body 1

Volum aproximativ - approximate volume

Din locuina de suprafa nr. 2, cpl. 15, datat n secolul al IV-lea, pentru castronaul cu corp adnc descoperit aici, cu pereii aproape drepi i marginea superioar terminat cu o buz lat, cu decor lustruit, acum ters n mare parte, s-a stabilit o capacitate de 1,4 l (fig. 28/16; 39/3; buz=15 cm, tab. 10). Alte dou castronae au capaciti mici, de 0,3 l (fig. 27/3; 28/4, tab. 11) i 0,49 l (fig. 27/20; 47/1, tab. 12) iar un alt castron are dimensiuni medii, 2,62 l (fig. 27/14; 74/13, tab. 13). Primele dou se gseau n locuinele de suprafa, nr. 1 i 2, cpl. 1 i 15, din secolul al IV-lea, probabil erau nc folosite de familiile care locuiau aici. Ultimele dou s-au descoperit n gropi, din secolele III i IV, nr. 2-3, cpl. 33a i cpl. 21, unde au fost aruncate dup spargerea lor. Un alt vas provine din locuina de suprafa nr. 1, cpl. 12a, din secolele III-IV i este o caserol din past fin roie (fig. 33/1; 26/5, =38 cm, tab. 14), din care nu s-a pstrat baza, cu o capacitate de 5,68 l, probabil iniial avea un volum de 6 l. Este vasul cu volumul cel mai mare a crui capacitate s-a msurat.
Tab. 11. Castrona, locuina de suprafa nr. 1, cpl. 1, secolul al IV-lea / Small tureen, surface dwelling, no. 1, cpl. 1, 4th century
Fig. 28/4; 27/3 Corp nscris Nr. sg. 1 2 Corp circumscris 1 2 V aproximativ h (cm) 2.90 3.20 6.10 2.90 3.20 6.10 R1 (cm) 2.40 5.50 5.50 2.80 5.60 5.60
R2 (cm)

V (litri) 0.11 0.16 0.28 0.14 0.18 0.32 0.30

4.50 2.40 4.50 4.90 2.80 4.90

Tab. 12. Castrona, groapa nr. 2, secolul al III-lea, cpl. 21 / Small tureen, pit no. 2, cpl. 21, 3 th century
Banca Gar - apte case, fig. 63/1; 28/15, Corp nscris - scribed body Nr. sg. 1 2 Corp circumscris - circumscribed body 1 2 Volum aproximativ - approximate volume h (cm) 2.90 3.60 6.50 2.90 3.60 6.50 R1 (cm) 3.00 6.30 6.30 3.70 6.60 6.60
R2 (cm)

V (litri 0.18 0.25 0.44 0.24 0.31 0.55 0.49

5.80 3.00 5.80 6.50 3.70 6.50

Anexe/Annexes. I. V.Alaiba. Capaciti i funcionaliti ale ceramicii / Capacities and functionalities of the pottery 277

Tab. 13. Castron, groapa nr. 3, cpl. 33a, secolul al IV-lea / Tureen, pit no. 3, cpl. 33a, 4 th century
Fig. 27/14; 74/13 Corp nscris Nr. sg. 1 2 Corp circumscris 1 2 V aproximativ h (cm) 6.50 5.20 11.70 6.50 5.20 11.70 R1 (cm) 4.40 12.20 12.20 4.20 13.20 13.20
R2 (cm)

V (litri) 1.38 1.21 2.58 1.31 1.35 2.66 2.62

11.50 4.40 11.50 11.30 4.20 11.50

Vesela de mas din past fin pentru servit avea capaciti diferite, n atelirul de olrie o strachin msura 1,13 l, castroanele ntre, 0,70 l; 1,23 l i 2,96 l i o caserol, 3,93 l. Din alte complexe un bol msura, 1,56 l, castronaele ntre, 0,30 l - 0,49 l, castroanele 1,4 l 2,62 l i o caserol, 5,68 l.
Tab.14. Caserol, locuina de suprafa 1, cpl.12a, sec. III-IV/Casserole, surface dwelling 1, 3 rd4th centuries
Fig. 33/1; 26/5 Corp nscris Nr. sg. 1 2 Corp circumscris 1 2 V aproximativ h (cm) 5.00 5.50 10.50 5.00 5.50 10.50 R1 (cm) 14.30 16.50 16.50 14.70 16.80 16.80
R2 (cm)

V (litri) 1.42 4.10 5.52 1.54 4.29 5.83 5.68

3.70 14.30 3.70 4.10 14.70 4.10

Borcane Borcanele din past fin, arse cenuiu, unele avnd pe marginea nalt nervuri, au capaciti de 3,34 l; 2,76 l i 1,01 l i provin din atelierul de olrie, locuina de suprafa nr. 1, cpl. 14 i din groapa nr. 2, cpl. 19 (fig. 100/6; 27/1; 38/5; 22/16, 44/4; 18/15, tab. 15-17), primele dou din secolele IV-V, ultima din secolul al IV-lea.

Annex I. Capacities and functionalities of the pottery ware found at the III-IV centuries Banca Gar - apte case settlement
The work aims at the computer-aided knowledge, without using a too IT specific vocabulary, of the capacities of the better preserved recipients, discovered in the rural settlement dated to the period between second half of the 3 rd century beginning of the 5th century, of Banca Gar, point apte case. Moreover, a relatively recent research direction was followed, that is the general practice of using the mathematical calculations in other fields of knowledge - in our case the archeology, facing the risk of not being accepted, making use of an IT-specific vocabulary, which facilitates the access to such information (V. Alaiba 2008, p. 252-254; Idem 2009, p. 1107 et sq.). Numerous other features brought to light by means of archeological excavations (A. Rdulescu,


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

1975, p. 693 i urm.) can be also investigated by other mathematical methods and modalities (C. N. Mateescu, S. Comnescu 1962, p. 190; Ibidem, 1971, p. 418-420). The same method was theoretized by Eugen S. Teodor and applied in his researches (1996; 1998a, p. 21 et sq.; 1998b, p. 239 et sq.; 2000, p. 623). Most of the ceramic ware discovered at Banca Gar, during the archeological campaigns carried out in the point apte case, has not been well preserved, resulting mostly potsherds situation which was also caused by the later habitations. In comparison to the excavated surface, the ceramic material allowed only to a too little extent its reconstruction. From within the discovered inventory, only one pot was entire, other 30 pots allowed their reconstruction, while the remaining pots whose number would be of up to 1335, in accordance with the calculations given by the ceramic inventories for each feature, were only fragmentary. As a principle, the volumetric analysis was applied only to the pots that could be reconstructed. As indicated by the name of such analysis, our aim was to determine the volume, measure the capacity of the vessel using metrical basis. Given the approximate vale of the capacities, we tried to correlated them to their functionality. On the contrary, the volume of the fine or daily ceramic ware used in the rural sites was discussed in most cases generally, appreciatively, and such pots are referred to as food vessels, large vessels, average size vessels, small vessels and miniature ones. Concerning the ceramic ware of Banca Gar - apte case, whose shapes and dimensions were partly reconstructed by drawing, several general remarks should be stressed upon. Most of such vessels were made by means of the potters wheel using a local paste containing sand in various quantities. By such measurements, several pots were also discussed from the point of view of their capacity as well. Clay was used to shape pots of various sizes, with multiple symmetries, with thickened or flared rims under different angles or T-shaped, with the profile of the body streamlined or rounded and almost always with a ring-like base.
Tab. 15. Borcan, atelier de olrie, cpl. 65, secolele IV-V / Jar, p otters workshop, cpl. 65, 4rd-5th centuries
Fig. 100/6; 27/1 Corp nscris - scribed body Nr. sg. 1 2 Corp circumscris 1 2 V aproximativ h (cm) 12.00 7.00 19.00 12.00 7.00 19.00 R1 (cm) 9.60 5.40 5.40 10.70 7.20 7.20 R2 (cm) 2.50 9.60 2.50 3.60 10.70 3.60 V (litri) 1.54 1.27 2.81 2.09 1.78 3.87 3.34

Tabel 16. Borcan, locuina de suprafa nr. 1, cpl. 14, secolele IV-V / Jar, surface dwelling no. 1, cpl. 14, 4rd5th centuries
Fig. 38/5; 22/16 Corp nscris - scribed body Nr. sg. 1 2 Corp circumscris 1 2 V aproximativ h (cm) 9.00 11.20 20.20 9.00 11.20 20.20 R1 (cm) 3.00 5.60 5.60 4.30 10.30 10.30 R2 (cm) 9.40 3.00 9.40 10.70 4.30 10.70 V (litri) 1.18 0.67 1.85 1.69 1.98 3.67 2.76

Anexe/Annexes. I. V.Alaiba. Capaciti i funcionaliti ale ceramicii / Capacities and functionalities of the pottery 279

The pots discovered in the settlement, according to their manner of achievement, are split in two main groups, more precisely the one of the hand-made ceramic ware and the one of the wheelshaped ceramic ware. The range of pot shapes and within these the range of variants, are rather limited. They may include several types: beakers, large and small mugs of various sizes, large bowls, some of them with three lateral handles, dishes, pots, food storage ware, amphorae or lids.
Tabel 17. Borcan, groapa nr. 2 cpl. 19, secolul al IV-lea / Jar, pit no. 2, cpl. 19, 4th century
fig. 44/4; 18/15, sec.V
Corp nscris - scribed body Nr. sg. 1 2 Corp circumscris 1 2 V aproximativ h (cm) 5.30 6.20 11.50 5.30 6.20 11.50 R1 (cm) 6.80 4.00 4.00 7.40 4.20 4.20 R2 (cm) 1.70 6.80 1.70 2.30 7.40 2.30 V (litri) 0.34 0.58 0.92 0.43 0.67 1.10 1.01

Tabel 18. Cpl. 122. Locuina uor adncit nr. 3, secolele IV-V / Slightly buried dwellinog no. 3, 4 rd5th centuries
Fig. 141/1; 19/17
Corp nscris - scribed body

Nr. sg. 1 2

h (cm) 8.50 6.30 14.80 8.50 6.30 14.80

R1 (cm) 8.00 2.00 2.00 9.10 4.40 4.40

R2 (cm)

V (litri) 0.78 0.55 1.33 1.12 0.94 2.05 1.69

2.30 8.00 2.30 3.40 9.10 3.40

Corp circumscris

1 2

V aproximativ

Also, in order to measure the capacity of a small tureen, of 0,9 l (fig. 53/6; 15/4, tab. 1), situated in surface dwelling no. 2, Lsp2 cpl. 26, dated as 4 rd5th centuries. Within the tables, in this case table no. 1, the necessary calculations to determine the capacities were included, more specific the pot was divided in volumes that can be individually computed. Similarily, in tables, the calculations for the capacities of other pots. The capacity of pots modeled at a potter's wheel, the second cateogory, was established only for a few restoreable shapes. Out of the 123 pots discovered in the pottery workshop, volume can be calculated for the better preserved pots from pit A, and to a lesser extent from pit B. For the first measured pot, a dish, a capacity of 1,13 l was established (fig. 163/4; 99/8, tab. 3), for the second, a tureen, possibly imported, a capacity of 2,9 l, volume calculated by measurements, but initially it must have been of 3 l (fig. 28/3; 99/4, tab. 4). It was found near a larger pot, a casserole probably with 4 l capacity, now measured at 3,9 l (fig. 28/17; fig. 99/13, tab. 5). In pit A was also found a small tureen, better preserved, with a profile characteristic to the tureens of Sntana de Mure type, with straight middle edge with rib, with a capacity of 0,7 l (fig. 100/2; 18/3, tab. 6). The best preserved tureen was found in pit B, with a capacity of 1,23 l (fig. 27/19; 102/14, tab. 7). From kiln A, the capacity of a jar was also measured, of 3,34 l (100/6; 27/1, tab. 15). The best preserved tureen was found in pit B, with a capacity of 1,23 l (fig. 27/19; 102/14, tab. 7). The capacity of a jar was also measured, from kiln A, of 3,34 l (100/6; 27/1, tab. 15).


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

From the potter's wheel worked category a miniatural bitronconic vessel was measured, from fine gray paste, with 0,01 l (fig. 81/6; 25/16, tab. 8), situated in the surface dwelling no. 4, cpl. 36, dated to the 4rd5th centuries AD. Bowls, tureen For a burned gray bowl ars cenuiu, a capacity of 0,56 l was obtained (fig. 63/1; 28/15, tab. 9), situated in surface swelling no. 3, cpl. 30, dated to the 4th century. From the surface dwelling no. 2, cpl. 15, dated in 4 th century, for the small tureen with deep body discovered here, with the walls nearly straight and the upper edge terminated with a wide rim, with polished decoration, now mostly erased, a capacity of 1,4 l was established (fig. 28/16; 39/3; buz=15 cm, tab. 10). Another two tureens have smaller capacities, of 0,3 l (fig. 27/3; 28/4, tab. 11) and 0,49 l (fig. 27/20; 47/1, tab. 12), and another one had medium size, 2,62 l (fig. 27/14; 74/13, tab. 13). The first two were found in the surface dwellings, no. 1 and 2, cpl. 1 and 15, dated to the 4th century AD, probably still used by the families living here. The last two were discovered in pits, from 3th and 4th century, no. 2-3, cpl. 33a and cpl. 21, where they were dumped after they broke. The last vessel comes from the surface dwelling no. 1, cpl. 12a, dated to the 3 rd4th centuries AD and it is a caseerole with fine red paste (fig. 33/1; 26/5, =38 cm, tab. 14), from which the base was lost, with a capacity of 5,68 l, and probably with an initial volume of about 6 l. Jars Jars made out of fine paste, gray burned, having some vein marks on the high rib, with capacities of 2,76 l, 3,34 l, 1,01 l and 1,69 l, and coming from the surface dwelling no. 1, cpl. 14. lightly deepened dwelling no. 3, and from pits no. 2, cpl. 19, form 4 th5th centuries and pits from cpl. 15,116 (fig. 27/1; 38/5; 22/16, 44/4; 18/15, tab. 15-18), from 4th century.

Anexe/Annexes. II. Simina Stanc. Studiu Arheozoologic / The archaeo-zoological study


Anexa II. Studiul arheozoologic al resturilor faunistice de la Gara Banca

Simina Stanc Resturile faunistice recuperate cu ocazia spturilor arheologice ofer informaii asupra caracteristicilor paleoeconomiei populaiei care a locuit aceast aezare, ct i legate de paleoclimat i eventualele schimbri n timp ale acestuia. Analiza arheozoologic urmrete identificarea speciilor de animale cu care comunitile umane vechi au venit n contact, precum i identificarea tipurilor de relaii ntre comunitatea uman i speciile de animale recunoscute (pescuit, vntoare, creterea animalelor). n constituia unui eantion arheozoologic intr, n special, piese rezistente la distrugere, rezistena lor fiind variabil n funcie de structura i proprietile lor, ct i de condiiile de pstrare n sediment. Materiile animale care se pot pstra un timp mai ndelungat, datorit constituenilor primari specifici, sunt mai ales cele cu nalt mineralizare: oasele, dinii, tijele osoase ale coarnelor (care sunt de dou tipuri - cele care provin de la cervide i cele de la cavicorne), plcile osoase ale tegumentului, cochiliile. Eantionul arheozoologic de la Gara Banca are o origine eterogen, n majoritatea lui fiind constituit din resturi menajere, fapt atestat de gradul ridicat de fragmentare al oaselor, ct i de prezena urmelor de cuit sau secure lsate pe oase ca urmare a diferitelor procese de dezarticulare, descarnare, jupuire, tranare; a celor datorate aciunii focului n procesul de preparare a diverselor pri ale corpului animalului. Acestor fragmente li se adaug un numr mare de oase provenite de la amfibieni (specii ale genurilor Rana sp. i Bufo sp.), de la micromamifere, ct i cochiliile de molute, care nu ar avea o origine menajer. De asemenea au mai fost identificate printre resturile faunistice, opt resturi umane, recoltate din complexele 34, 93, 51, 1, 96 i 113. n analiza noastr am fcut distincie ntre cinci grupe de materiale faunistice, pornind de la datarea istoric a complexelor n care s-au gsit: Hallstatt, dacic, secolele III-V, mormnt de nhumaie (secol IV) i secolele V-VI. Repartiia numrului de resturi este urmtoarea (tabel 1): Tabelul 1. Repartiia numrului de resturi colectate.
Complexe datate istoric Hallstatt (complexul 24) Dacic (complexul 25) Secolele III-V: complexele 1, 10, 13, 19, 26, 29, 30, 34, 35, 49, 51, 62, 64, 65, 66b, 69, 70, 71, 72, 76, 77, 78, 80, 91, 92, 93, 94, 96, 106, 113, 115, 116, 120, 121, 122, o groap cu schelet integral de cel Mormnt secol IV (complexul 66a) Secolele V-VI (complexul 95) Total Numr resturi faunistice 4 3 4680 14 44 4745

Din complexul 24 au fost recoltate patru resturi osoase: o falang proximal i o extremitate distal de metatars provenite de la un individ matur de vit, un fragment de tibie de porc i un fragment de vertebr aparinnd unui mamifer de talie mijlocie (ovicaprin sau porc). De remarcat este faptul c falanga de vit prezint o perforaie n partea ei distal, aceasta putnd fi de origine antropic. Materialul faunistic colectat din groapa dacic este redus ca numr de resturi i nu ne ofer prea multe date. Au fost gsite: un fragment de tibie de vit, o coast de la un mamifer de talie mare i un os neidentificat anatomic de la un mamifer de talie mijlocie.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Complexul 66 este un mormnt de secol IV. Materialul faunistic este grupat n dou categorii: cel colectat din mormnt (pe care noi l-am notat complex 66a) i cel care a fost gsit ntro groap lateral fa de mormnt (complex 66b). La sugestia arheologului, oasele din prima categorie (14 piese osoase) le-am considerat ofrand animal, depus cu ocazia ritualului funerar. Noi nu cunoatem care a fost raportul, n momentul executrii spturii arheologice, dintre oasele considerate ca provenind de la ofranda animal i cele ale persoanei decedate. Putem spune c resturile faunistice identificate proveneau de la vit (un dinte molar superior, un os carpian i cte un fragment de femur, humerus, mandibul, tibie), ovicaprine (cte un fragment de mandibul, tibie, coast) i porc (fragment de radius). In acest caz vorbim de o ofrand tripl, resturile osoase provenind de la trei specii animale. Oasele din a doua grup (complex 66b) provin de la aceleai specii animale amintite mai sus, dar ele vor sunt integrate n analiza arheozoologic realizat pentru eantioanele de secole III-V. Din complexul 95 provin 44 resturi faunistice care, cu excepia unei valve de scoic de ru (Unio sp.), au aparinut unor specii de mamifere domestice. Dintre acestea, 14 nu au fost identificate taxonomic. Cele 22 fragmente de vit domestic, cu excepia unui dinte M3 superior, a unei mandibule (de la exemplare adulte, de circa 2,5-4 ani, respectiv 4-6 ani) i a unui fragment de proces cornular, provin din diverse poriuni ale scheletului postcefalic. Pe baza a trei fragmente proximale stnga de radius, s-a estimat un numr minim de trei indivizi. Ca numr de resturi, urmeaz ovicaprinele, de la care s-au identificat patru fragmente, care pot fi atribuite unui singur individ. De la porc provine numai un fragment de maxilar dreapta, de la un individ de circa un an i jumtate. Diafiza de humerus i sacrumul de cine au fost atribuite unui individ de circa doi ani. SECOLELE III-V Resturile de faun descoperite n complexe de secole III-V nsumeaz 4680 i au fost repartizate la ase grupe taxonomice, dominant fiind cea a mamiferelor (tabel 2). Dup cum se poate observa i din tabelul 2, au fost considerate separat oasele umane i cele de animale depuse ntregi, n gropi. Resturile umane sunt reprezentate de: femur, humerus, dou coaste, dou fragmente de frontal, un dinte molar i un corp vertebral. Cele 238 oase de Sus domesticus (dintre care 155 gsite n complexul 92, iar 83 n complexul 65) provenite de la doi indivizi foarte tineri, primul de 10-12 luni, iar cel de-al doilea de 5-6 luni, nu au fost luate n considerare la calculul ponderii acestei specii n cadrul eantionului; este vorba de oase care aparin tuturor regiunilor scheletice i pe care nu s-au observat urme care s indice consumarea crnii, probabil aceti purcei fiind ngropai ntregi. n aceeai situaie se gsesc i cele 104 oase ale unui schelet ntreg de Canis familiaris, gsite n conexiune anatomic ntr-o groap, aceste oase provenind de la un individ cu vrsta de 4-5 luni. Tabelul 2. Cuantificarea resturilor faunistice provenite din situl de la Gara Banca (secolele III-V).
Taxonomic Mollusca Pisces Amphibia Reptilia Aves Mammalia Homo sapiens Schelet integral Canis familiaris Schelete integrale Sus domesticus Total eantion Numr resturi 78 392 450 1 146 3263 8 104 155+83 4680

Anexe/Annexes. II. Simina Stanc. Studiu Arheozoologic / The archaeo-zoological study


reptile 0% psri 4% peti 10%

molute 2%

mamifere 84%

Fig. 1. Proporia resturilor faunistice de origine menajer n eantion.

Astfel, dac lum n considerare numai resturile faunistice de origine menajer (3880 fragmente), adic excludem resturile de la amfibieni, om i cele aparinnd scheletelor n conexiune anatomic, ponderea mamiferelor este de 84% (fig. 1). Au fost identificate i oase cu patologie: dou falange proximale (din complexele 72, respectiv 96) prezentau exostoz, un ram orizontal de mandibul stnga (din complexul 77) de vit (de la un exemplar tnr, de circa 6-7 luni) cu paradontoz, o vertebr de pete (din complexul 65) cu exostoz i cteva fragmente de coaste, probabil de vit, prezentau calus de fractur. n afar de o patin din metacarp stng de vit (complex 35) s-au mai gsit piese care se aflau n diverse stadii de prelucrare: un fragment de diafiz de os lung (nedeterminat specific i gsit n complexul 49) cu urme de la cioplit, o tibie de ovicaprin (la nivelul diafizei prezenta o urm circular, probabil era ntr-o faz incipient de tiere), alte fragmente de corn de cerb aveau urme de cioplire n sens longitudinal sau fuseser tiate cu fierstrul n sens circular. Fragmentele de corn de cerb probabil provin din procesul de confecionare a pieptenilor la trei rnduri, tiut fiind faptul c inventarul arheologic cuprinde i astfel de piese. n complexul 106 a fost gsit o poriune de os lung, tiat la capete, cu aspect de jgheab; acest os provine de la un mamifer de talie mare, dar nu putem preciza care ar fi fost utilitatea lui. Tot din punct de vedere tafonomic trebuie remarcat faptul c numeroase oase au fost roase de ctre cinii care pzeau aezarea, altele au urme lsate de foc, iar altele poart urme de cuit i secure de la tranare, dezarticulare, descarnare. Tabelul 3. Distribuia resturilor de molute.
Grup gasteropode Specie Cepaea virdobonensis Helix pomatia Helix sp. Viviparus viviparus Viviparus sp. Helicella sp. Helicella ovia Cerithium sp. Specie fosil Unio pictorum Unio sp. Numr resturi 11 6 1 1 2 25 3 1 1 18 9



Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

1. Molute Resturile provenite de la molute sunt reprezentate de cochilii i valve, ntregi sau fragmentare, de gasteropode i lamelibranhiate. Au fost colectate 78 astfel de resturi a cror distribuie pe specii este redat n tabelul 3. Una dintre cochiliile de gasteropode care apare n enumerarea de mai sus nu a fost identificat ca gen. Ea este ns important, deoarece mpreun cu una dintre cochiliile de Viviparus sp. sunt fosile sarmaiene. Ar fi interesant de cunoscut dac n zon exist astfel de complexe fosile. Trebuie menionat i cochilia de Cerithium sp. care a fost folosit ca pandantiv, fapt atestat de prezena unui orificiu lefuit; actualmente Cerihtium sp. triete n Mrile Mediteran i Egee, fiind posibil ca la acea vreme aceast cochilie s fi fost obiectul vreunui schimb de mrfuri cu alte populaii. Aceste trei cochilii menionate mai sus s-au gsit n complexul 65. De altfel, cele mai multe resturi de molute au fost gsite n complexul 65, pentru care este caracteristic i cea mai ridicat diversitate specific a acestui grup faunistic. 2. Peti Din totalul de 392 resturi osoase aparinnd acestui grup faunistic, majoritatea (382 fragmente, cele mai multe aparinnd scheletului postcranial) au fost recoltate din complexul 65 i, cu excepia unui solz de acipenserid, toate celelalte oase provin de la teleosteeni. Acestor oase li se adaug un numr mare de solzi de ciprinide, care nu au fost luai n calculul numrului de resturi pentru acest grup. Speciile de peti identificai sunt: Cyprinus carpio (crap), Aspius aspius (avat), Stizostedion lucioperca (alu), Silurus glanis (somn), Esox lucius (tiuc). Din totalul resturilor, un numr redus a putut fi identificat specific, iar frecvena cea mai mare o au crapul, avatul i tiuca. Nu putem preciza specia de acipenserid de la care ar fi provenit solzul gsit n complexul 65. La Gara Banca, acest tip de pete, ar fi putut s fie adus de la Prut sau Dunre. 3. Amfibieni Au fost colectate 450 oase de amfibieni, provenind de la specii ale genurilor Rana i Bufo. Aceste oase nu au aparinut unor animale consumate de ctre locuitorii acestei aezri. Din genul Bufo (broate rioase) la noi n ar sunt cunoscute dou specii, cu o larg rspndire, de la es i pn la munte. Iarna ele hiberneaz fie afundate n ml, fie n gropi spate n pmnt. Ele pot ierna n grupuri, stnd unele peste altele. Genul Rana cuprinde broatele de lac (cele verzi) i cele de pdure (broatele roii). Broatele de pdure ierneaz i ele n pmnt. Cu siguran, depozitele de oase de amfibieni descoperite n sediment nu sunt de origine menajer. Au fost identificate toate tipurile de oase, aparinnd att scheletului postcefalic, ct i celui cefalic, provenind de la un numr foarte mare de indivizi. Dac s-ar fi gsit n principal oase de la membrele posterioare s-ar fi putut pune problema folosirii broatelor n alimentaie. n plus, aceste oase au fost gsite grupat, cele mai multe (434) au fost colectate din cele trei gropi ale complexului 65, iar restul din locuinele de suprafa care reprezint complexele 72, 76 i 77. Procentul foarte ridicat de oase aparinnd acestei categorii faunistice se explic tocmai prin preferina unora dintre aceste specii de a hiberna adunate mai multe la un loc, n gropi spate n pmnt. 4. Reptile Acestui grup i-a fost atribuit un singur fragment de plac osoas dintr-o carapace de Emys orbicularis, gsit n complexul 76. 5. Psri. Oasele de psri fiind subiri i fine erau frecvent consumate de cini, ceea ce duce la o subevaluare a acestei categorii faunistice n cadrul eantionului. De la psri provin 146 resturi osoase, gsite n complexele 35, 65 (cele mai multe dintre resturi), 72, 77 i 94. Cea mai

Anexe/Annexes. II. Simina Stanc. Studiu arheozoologic / The archaeo-zoological study


mare parte dintre ele aparin speciei Gallus domesticus (gina) i altele 66 provin de la psri de talie mic, probabil slbatice.

Fig. 2. Diagrama de dispersie a proceselor cornulare de Bos taurus.

39 37 35 34 33 31 30 29 27 25 mm Todireti (n=4) (IV-VIth) Gara Banca (n=11) (III-Vth) Nicolina (n=13) (IV-Vth) Podeni (n=12) (III-IVth) 29 31 34 37,5 37 36

Fig. 3. Variabilitatea lungimii dintelui M3 (minima, maxima, intervalul de ncredere pentru medie) la Bos taurus, pentru patru eantioane.

6. Mamifere Dintre cele 3263 resturi de mamifere numai 1769 au fost determinate pn la nivel de specie, iar 1494 (reprezentnd fragmente de oase lungi i late, coaste, craniu, vertebre) au fost repartizate la grupe generale cum sunt: mamifer mare (634), mamifer mijlociu (660), mamifer (3), micromamifer (5 oase; probabil de la obolani care triau n preajma locuinelor). 6.1. Mamifere domestice Proporia resturilor provenite de la mamiferele domestice este de 97,85 % din totalul resturilor atribuite mamiferelor. Au fost identificate ase specii de mamifere domestice: Bos taurus, Equus caballus, Sus domesticus, Ovis aries, Capra hircus, Canis familiaris; ultima dintre speciile


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

enumerare nu avea importan direct n economia alimentar, pe resturile osoase neobservndu-se urme care s indice procese de tranare sau descrnare. Pe primul loc ca frecven a resturilor identificate este vita domestic, urmat de ovicaprine, porc i cal. Tabelul 4. Proporiile resturilor de mamifere identificate n eantion.
Specie Bos taurus Equus caballus Sus domesticus Ovis aries/Capra hircus Canis familiaris Total mamifere domestice Capreolus capreolus Cervus elaphus Sus scrofa Canis lupus Lepus europaeus Total mamifere slbatice Total NR 1085 93 215 302 36 1731 15 15 4 2 2 38 1769 % 61,33 5,26 12,15 17,07 2,03 97,85 0,85 0,85 0,23 0,11 0,11 2,15 100 NMI 25 5 20 27 8 85 3 3 3 1 1 11 96 % 26,04 5,21 20,83 28,12 8,33 88,54 3,12 3,12 3,12 1,04 1,04 11,46 100

Fig. 4. Diagrama de dispersie pentru extremitatea distal de metacarp la Bos taurus.

6.1.1. Bos taurus Pentru vita domestic au fost identificate 1085 fragmente care provin de la minimum 25 de indivizi (estimarea NMI s-a realizat pe baza fragmentelor de mandibul) (tabel 4). Resturile aparin tuturor segmentelor scheletului, repartiia lor aprnd n tabelul 5; se poate observa c dominante sunt piesele scheletului apendicular. Exist i un numr mare de dini izolai, faptul datorndu-se gradului ridicat de fragmentare al oaselor flcilor.

Anexe/Annexes. II. Simina Stanc. Studiu Arheozoologic / The archaeo-zoological study


Tabelul 5. Distribuia resturilor de mamifere domestice pe segmente scheletice.

Canis fam. Segment scheletic Bos taurus Eq. cab. Sus dom. Ovis/Capra Ovis aries Capra hircus Procese cornulare 16 4 1 Neurocraniu 66 1 20 6 3 1 Falca superioar 28 1 17 7 1 Mandibula 155 20 30 44 6 3 13 Dini izolai 97 19 36 33 3 Hioid 4 Atlas 2 4 1 1 2 Axis 1 1 1 Sacrum 1 1 Vertebre 27 17 16 2 4 Coaste 20 Omoplat 75 1 10 11 3 Humerus 74 1 10 34 1 2 Radius 62 2 3 35 1 1 Cubitus 30 9 6 2 Metacarp 58 2 4 12 1 Coxal 40 10 5 4 1 1 Femur 32 9 3 7 Rotula 2 1 Tibia 67 8 9 19 5 1 6 Peroneu 2 Maleolar 2 Astragal 28 1 1 Calcaneu 21 1 2 Centrotars 7 Carp/tars 8 2 1 Metatars 69 1 3 14 4 1 Metapod 9 9 8 Falanga 1 57 8 5 2 Falanga 2 30 1 1 Falanga 3 15 Falang 1 Sesamoid 1 Total 1085 93 215 265 30 7 36 O/C ovicaprine; Eq. cab. Equus caballus; Sus dom. Sus domesticus; Canis fam. Canis familiaris.

Pentru opt dintre procesele cornulare s-au putut realiza msurtori (tabel 6), pe baza crora s-a calculat indicele de aplatizare (100 x diametrul mic baz / diametrul mare baz). Din diagrama de dispersie a valorilor se observ c cele mai multe valori (7) indic femele, acestea purtnd coarne de dimensiuni reduse, cu aplatizare medie; valoarea din dreapta norului de dispersie poate fi atribuit unui mascul sau castrat, ea indicnd un corn cu baza mai larg i o aplatizare mai mare (fig. 2). Pe un neurocraniu s-au observat linia intercornular uor convex i frontalul drept, ceea ce caracterizeaz craniile gracile; n mijlocul osului frontal apare sprtura provocat de lovitura aplicat animalului nainte de sacrificare.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Tabelul 6. Date statistice privind osteometria la Bos taurus.

Element anatomic Proces cornular Mandi bula Dimensiune Circumferin baz Indice aplatizare Lungime jugali Lungime molari Lungime M3 Lime M3 Lg.cavitate glenoid La.cavitate glenoid Lg.cap articular La.distal La.articular distal La.proximal La.articular prox Lg.maxim La.proximal La.distal La.minim diafiz D.a/p.cav.acet. La.distal D.a/p.distal Lg.maxim La.distal Lg.maxim La.proximal La.distal La.minim diafiz Lg.maxim La.proximal La.distal La.minim diafiz Lg.maxim La.proximal La.distal Lg.maxim La.articular La.plantar n 8 8 2 7 11 11 5 5 4 8 8 7 8 6 11 16 9 2 6 6 25 23 3 11 13 9 48 43 41 42 29 29 25 14 15 14 Minim Maxim Medie 115 74,074 124 76 30 12,5 47 41 58 65 63 62 58 170 44 48 25 57 51 38 54 33 200 40 45 21 47,5 23 22,5 18,5 32 22 13,5 58 16 18 185 82,962 134 82 37 16,5 55 46 65 87 83 72,5 67 198 59 63,5 32 58 59 43 70 45 211 50 58,5 26,5 64 34 32,5 30 50 36 19 78 23 27,5 Eroare stand. 141,125 9,474 78,135 1,392 79 0,723 33,772 0,647 14,318 0,417 50 42 60 74,312 2,462 70 2,144 69,071 1,477 64 1,183 183,166 4,97 50,909 1,656 56,218 1,335 28,5 0,874 55,5 1,586 40,583 0,879 61,16 0,859 38,413 0,633 205,666 43,363 1,002 50,269 1,321 23,5 0,666 54,812 0,631 27,825 0,399 26,426 0,438 23,428 0,366 38,293 0,776 28,965 0,702 24,04 0,641 69,428 1,798 20,6 0,554 22,535 0,719 Dev. stand. 26,799 3,937 1,914 2,148 1,383 6,963 6,065 3,909 3,348 12,188 5,494 5,341 2,622 3,885 2,154 4,298 3,036 3,324 4,763 2 4,375 2,62 2,805 2,375 4,18 3,784 3,207 6,73 2,148 2,692 N. .m. (95%) 22,404 3,291 1,770 1,443 0,929 5,821 5,070 3,615 2,799 12,791 3,691 2,846 2,015 4,077 2,260 1,774 1,313 2,233 2,878 1,537 1,27 0,806 0,885 0,74 1,59 1,439 1,324 3,886 1,189 1,554 Interval ncredere medie 118,721-163,529 74,844-81,426 77,23-80,77 32,329-35,215 13,389-15,247 68,491-80,133 64,93-75,07 65,456-72,686 61,201-66,799 170,37-195,95 47,218-54,6 53,372-59,064 26,485-30,515 47,346-59,577 38,323-42,834 59,386-62,934 37,1-39,726 41,13-45,596 47,391-53,147 21,963-25,037 53,542-56,082 27,019-28,631 25,541-27,311 22,688-24,168 36,703-39,883 27,526-30,404 22,716-25,364 65,542-73,314 19,411-21,789 20,984-24,089


Humerus Radius Metacarp

Coxal Tibia Astragal Metatars

Falanga 1

Falanga 2

Falanga 3

La. lime, Lg. lungime, D.a/p. diametru antero/posterior, cav.acet. cavitate acetabular, Dev.stand. deviaie standard, N..m. (95%) nivel ncredere medie (95%).

Anexe/Annexes. II. Simina Stanc. Studiu Arheozoologic / The archaeo-zoological study







) ( a t s d e m i l




30 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75

lungime maxim (mm)

Fig. 5. Diagrama de dispersie a astragalelor de Bos taurus.

Tabelul 7. Estimarea sexului i nlimii la greabn pentru Bos taurus. (coeficienii lui Fock, 1966, preluai din M. Udrescu et alii 1999)
Element anatomic Metacarp/ Indici Metacarp/ Indici Metacarp/ Indici Metacarp/ Indici Metacarp/ Indici Metacarp/ Indici Metatars/ Indici Metatars/ Indici Metatars/ Indici Lungime maxim 176 170 185 197 198 173 200 211 206 Lime proximal 45 25,568 46 27,06 55 29,73 57,5 29,18 59 29,79 52,5 30,34 40,5 20,25 42 19,905 41 19,90 Lime diafiz 28 15,91 25 14,70 29 15,67 31,5 15,98 32 16,16 28 16,18 22 11 22,5 10,66 21 10,19 Lime distal 50 28,41 50 29,41 57,5 31,08 60 30,45 62 31,313 53 30,63 47 23,5 48,5 22,98 45,5 22,08 Sex F F F F C F F F F nlime (mm) 1056 1020 1110 1182 1211,76 1038 1070 1128,85 1102,1

Oase n conexiune anatomic au fost gsite n complexele 65 i 29 fiind vorba de oase ale ncheieturii membrelor posterioare: extremitate distal de tibie, astragal, calcaneu i maleolar; aceste oase provin de la doi indivizi aduli (peste 2-2 ani). Cea mai mare parte a resturilor osoase atribuite acestei specii este reprezentat de oase ale scheletului apendicular. Oasele centurilor pectoral i pelvian, ct i cele ale stilopodului i zeugopodului apar cel mai fragmentate, ele suferind cel mai mult n timpul tranrii deoarece aparin regiunilor crnoase ale corpului (excepie face un radius care a fost gsit ntreg). n schimb, multe dintre oasele autopodului sunt ntregi, motiv pentru care la nivelul lor s-au fcut cele mai multe msurtori (tabel 6) care pun n eviden o ampl variabilitate individual a parametrilor corporali ai acestei specii.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Tabelul 8. Valori comparative ale nlimii la greabn (calculat cu coeficienii lui Fock, 1966) pentru Bos taurus.
Eantion arheozoologic Referin bibliografic Nicolina S. Stanc et alii 2000; S. (sec.IV-V) Stanc, 2006 Gara Banca Stanc, ms (sec. III-V) Podeni S. Haimovici, (sec.IV) 1990-1991-1992 Gara Banca S. Haimovici, (sec. IX-X) 1985-1986 Sopron F. Audoin-Rouzeau 1991 (Ungaria, sec.IV-VI) Eketorp II (Suedia, F. Audoin-Rouzeau 1991 sec.V-VI) Walton F. Audoin-Rouzeau 1991 (Anglia, sec.V-VII) MC metacarp, MT metatars, MP metapod. Elemente utilizate i Variaia nlimii, cm Media nlimii, cm nr. lor 3 MC i 6 MT 6 MC i 3 MT 1 MC i 3 MT 4 MC i 4 MT 25 MP 20 MP 4MP 105,7-113,4 102-121,1 97,8-115,4 99,6-120,4 105,6-144 104,5-120,6 106,3-117,2 109,9 110,2 107 106 123 111,2 111

Aceast variabilitate larg se poate observa pentru extremitatea distal a metacarpului (fig. 4), valorile minim i maxim pentru limea epifizei distale fiind 48 mm, respectiv 63,5 mm; un alt exemplu este pentru astragal (fig. 5), valorile pentru lungimea maxim fiind cuprinse ntre 54 mm i 70 mm, valoarea maxim corespunznd unui astragal de la un exemplar masiv, probabil un mascul. Studiul osteometric realizat pe metapodalele ntregi rmase de la animale adulte indic o selecie a bovinelor n funcie de sex; pe baza msurtorilor au fost estimate opt femele i un castrat (tabel 7). Talia la greabn (tabel 7) a fost calculat pe baza a ase metacarpiene i trei metatarsiene (aplicnd coeficienii lui Fock, 1966). Valorile ntre care se nscrie acest parametru pentru femele sunt 1020-1182 mm, cu o medie de 1088,36 mm; pentru individul castrat valoarea obinut este 1211 mm. Talia apreciat (avnd o medie de 110 cm) este relativ mic, dar totui uor mai ridicat fa de cea nregistrat pentru taurinele crescute n secolele IX-X la Gara Banca (S. Haimovici 1986), pentru care valoarea medie a nlimii la greabn este 105,8 cm, cu o variaie ntre 992 mm i 1206 mm. Talia nregistrat pentru bovinele de la Gara Banca este apropiat de cea bovinelor din nord-vestul Europei, dar mai mic fa de a celor din centrul Europei (tabel 8). Cele mai multe bovine erau sacrificate la maturitate, ele fiind exploatate pentru produsele secundare (lapte, for de traciune) i, n final, fiind consumat i carnea. Estimarea vrstei de sacrificare s-a realizat att pe baza stadiului de epifizare a oaselor din scheletul apendicular, ct i pe baza stadiului de erupie i uzur dentar. Studiul stadiului de epifizare s-a bazat pe metapodale, ele avnd ansa mai mare de a fi descoperite ntregi. S-au separat dou categorii de vrst, pn la doi ani i jumtate, considerai indivizi imaturi i peste aceast limit, dup care sunt considerai maturi (la aceast vrst realizndu-se epifizarea distal). Dintre cei 20 de indivizi estimai pe baza metacarpienelor, o treime sunt reprezentai de cei imaturi i restul de maturi (tabel 9). Pe baza extremitilor distale de humerus s-au putut estima 17 indivizi maturi (cu vrsta peste 20 luni) i patru imaturi, sacrificai nainte de aceast vrst; acest lucru evideniaz i el c raportul este n favoarea indivizilor maturi. Dintre cei 23 indivizi pentru care s-a estimat vrsta de sacrificare pe baza stadiului de erupie dentar i a celui de uzur, aproximativ o treime sunt imaturi (6), iar restul maturi (tabel 10). Dintre exemplarele care au ajuns la maturitate, majoritatea aceau vrsta cuprins ntre 5 7 ani, adic n perioada optim de exploatare a vitelor.

Anexe/Annexes. II. Simina Stanc. Studiu Arheozoologic / The archaeo-zoological study


Tabelul 9. Vrsta de sacrificare pentru Bos taurus, conform stadiului de epifizare al metapodalelor.
Metapodale neepifizate Metapodale epifizate NR NMI NR NMI Metacarp 5 5 25 15 Metatars 4 1 16 9 NR numr resturi osoase determinate; NMI numr minim indivizi estimai

Tabelul 10. Vrsta de sacrificare pentru Bos taurus, conform stadiului de erupie i uzur a dinilor.
Dinte Caracterul erodrii Dentiie de lapte M3 Erodat foarte uor M3 Erodat uor M3 Erodat mediu M3 Erodat puternic Total 23 (ase imaturi i 17 maturi) Vrsta aproximativ 15-24 luni 2-3 3-5 ani 5-7 ani 7-10 ani NMI 6 3 2 11 1

6.1.2. Ovis aries / Capra hircus Ovicaprinele, n funcie de proporia resturilor osoase, se situeaz pe locul al doilea, urmnd bovinelor dar, sub raportul numrului minim de indivizi estimai situaia se inverseaz (tabel 4). Pe baza mandibulelor a fost estimat un numr minim de 27 indivizi. Un numr mic de piese osoase a permis separarea celor dou specii, oaie i capr (tabel 5), cea mai mare parte din resturi fiind atribuit grupului ovicaprine. Astfel, pentru capr au fost determinate apte resturi: metatars, tibie, 3 mandibule, radius i fragment de corn tip prisca; acesta din urm provine din complexul 34 i a fost retezat cam la jumtatea lui. Pentru oaie s-au determinat 30 fragmente: patru metatarsiene, cinci tibii, coxal, metacarp, humerus, 3 omoplai, atlas, 6 mandibule, maxilar, 3 fragmente de neurocraniu, 4 procese cornulare; un fragment de frontal poart un proces cornular redus, provenit probabil din craniul unei femele mature acornute. n complexul 65 s-a gsit un craniu fragmentar de oaie, careparial a fost refcut, realizndu-se i cteva msurtori la nivelul lui; craniul provine de la un mascul viguros, de 5-6 ani, probabil era vorba de unul din masculii reproductori din turm. n conexiune anatomic au fost identificate numai un radius i un cubitus stnga, de la un individ de 5-6 luni. Procesele cornulare identificate sunt de tip sbiat (prisca) pentru capr, iar cele ale oilor apar uor curbate i orientate spre napoi. Diametrul mare al bazei unui corn de oaie este 54 mm, indicnd un exemplar mascul. Fragmentele de mandibule au permis msurarea lungimii seriei dinilor jugali (valoarea medie pentru cinci piese este 74,8 mm, iar limitele de variabilitate 66,5 mm - 82,5 mm), a seriei dinilor molari (valoarea medie pentru cinci piese este 49,4 mm), ct i al celui de-al treilea molar (valoarea medie pentru opt molari este 23,4 mm, iar limitele minim i maxim 20 mm i 26 mm) (tabel 11). nlimea la greabn (tabel 12) pentru oaie, cu o medie de 67,5 cm, a fost estimat pe baza a dou metatarsiene i un metacarpian (aplicnd coeficientul Teichert, 1975) i pentru capr, avnd valoarea de 64 cm, pe baza unui metatarsian (cu coeficientul lui Schramm, 1967). Pentru aceeai perioad istoric (secolele IV-V) a fost analizat i eantionul de la Podeni (S. Haimovici et alii, 1992), pentru oaie estimndu-se o talie la greabn de 63,1 cm. Acelai autor afirm c multiplele msurtori pe metapodale din necropole au dat o talie n jur de 60 cm, deci ovine relativ mici. Msurtorile au fost realizate mai ales la nivelul oaselor stilopodului i zeugopodului, cel mai bine pstrate fiind fragmentele distale, aceste date fiind nscrise n tabelele 12 i 13.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Dintre cei 27 indivizi estimai opt sunt imaturi i 19 maturi, estimarea vrstei fcndu-se pe baza dentiiei de pe mandibul. Vrsta de sacrificare a ovicaprinelor, raportat la stadiile de erupie i eroziune a dinilor de pe mandibul indic predominana celor de 4-5 ani, urmate de cele de 2-3 ani (tabel 14), deci exemplare deja mature din punct de vedere biologic. Tabelul 11. Date metrice pentru craniu i dini izolai de Ovis aries/Capra hircus (mm).
Specie O/C O/C O/C O/C O/C O/C O/C O/C O/C O/C O/C O/C O/C O/C O.a. Element anatomic dinte M3 inf. mandibula dinte M3 inf. dinte M3 sup. mandibula mandibula mandibula mandibula dinte M3 inf. dinte M3 sup. dinte M3 sup. dinte M3 sup. dinte M3 sup. dinte M3 sup. neurocraniu 1 76 74 75 66,5 82,5 2 53 49 44 44,5 56,5 3 23,5 26 25,5 20 20 23 22,5 24 23 20 20 19 19 17,5 4 96,5 5 120,5 6 66 7 50 8 81 9 54 10 44

1 - lungime P2-M3 inf.; 2 - lungime serie molari M1-M3 inf.; 3 - lungime dinte M3; 4 - lime eurion-eurion; 5 - lime ectorbital-ectorbital; 6 - lime minim parietal; 7 - lime maxim condili articulari; 8 - lime maxim apofize mastoide; 9 - lungime baz corn; 10 - lime baz corn; O/C ovicaprine; O.a. Ovis aries.

Tabelul 12. Talia la greabn pentru ovicaprine (mm). Element anatomic metatars metatars metatars metacarp Lungime maxim 144 158 120 134 Lime proxim. 21 I2=14,6 22 I2=13,9 20 I2=16,6 25,5 I2=19 Lime diafiz 13 I3=9 13 I3=8,2 12 I3=10 14 I3=10,4 Lime distal 25,5 I4=17,7 26 I4=16,4 26 I4=21,6 27 I4=20,1 Talie la greabn 653,76 Ovis aries 717,32 Ovis aries 640,8 Capra hircus 655,26 Ovis aries

I2- indicele epifizei proximale, I3 indice diafizar, I4 indicele epifizei distale.

Anexe/Annexes. II. Simina Stanc. Studiu Arheozoologic / The archaeo-zoological study


Tabelul 13. Date metrice pentru oase lungi i late de Ovis aries / Capra hircus (n mm).
Spe cie O/C O/C O/C O/C O/C O/C O/C O/C O/C O/C O/C O/C O/C O/C O/C O/C O/C O/C O/C O/C O/C O/C O/C O/C O/C O/C O/C O/C O/C O/C O/C Element anat. metacarp metacarp metacarp tibia astragal humerus omoplat tibia tibia tibia tibia tibia tibia tibia tibia tibia tibia metatars metacarp humerus humerus humerus radius radius radius radius omoplat omoplat atlas atlas femur Lg max 35 32 26 Lg. med. 32,5 La. px. 27 26 24 33,5 33,5 34 30,5 46 La. dt. 26 26 22,5 30 35 27 29 29 27,5 29 31,5 28 25 27 23,5 33 30 29 La.m. diaf. 15 14 Diam. a/p - / 16,5 19 / 19 / - / 20,5 - / 23 - / 21,5 - / 22,5 - / 24 - / 22 - / 21 - / 23 - / 20,5 - / 21 - / 22 - / 16,5 17 / La. max. 72 . lat. 19 . med. 20 Lg. 33,5 34,5 33,5 La. 23 21,5 18,5 -

lg.max lungime maxim, lungime medial, la.px. lime proximal, la.dt. lime distal, la.m.diaf. lime minim diafiz, diam.a/p diametru antero-posterior, la.max. lime maxim, nlime lateral, nlime medial, lungime cavitate glenoid, lime cavitate glenoid.

Tabel 14. Vrsta de sacrificare la ovicaprine, dup dentiia de pe mandibul. Vrsta 0-1 an 1-2 ani 2-3 ani 3-4 ani 4-5 ani 5-7 ani NMI 5 3 6 1 9 3 6.1.3. Sus domesticus Pentru aceast specie au fost identificate 215 fragmente, care au fost atribuite la un numr minim de 20 indivizi (tabel 4). Dup cum s-a menionat deja au mai fost descoperite 238 oase n conexiune anatomic provenind de la doi indivizi tineri, de 10-12 luni i respectiv 5-6 luni. Oasele sunt din toate regiunile


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

corporale, i pe ele nu au fost identificate urme care s indice consumarea crnii. Aceste oase nu au fost luate n considerare pentru calculul proporiilor mamiferelor domestice ca numr de resturi i ca numr minim de indivizi, pentru a nu supraevalua specia n cadrul eantionului. Materialul se caracterizeaz printr-o fragmentare puternic, nct msurtorile s-au realizat pe un numr mic de resturi (tabelele 15 i 16). Aceste fragmente provin din toate regiunile corporale, iar distribuia lor pe segmentele scheletice este redat n tabelul 5. Resturile de maxilare sunt destul de abundente, tot n cantitate mare fiind i dinii izolai. Jumtate dintre fragmentele atribuite acestei specii aparin scheletului postcefalic. Lungimea celui de-al treilea molar inferior a fost prelevat pe trei dini, media acestor valori fiind 31,5 mm. Lungimea maxim pentru dou metacarpiene IV este 67 mm, respectiv 73 mm. Limea distal a tibiei are valori de 27mm, respectiv 29 mm. Pentru eantionul colectat n nivelul de secole IX-X al acestei aezri, s-a concluzionat c porcii erau de un tip primitiv cu botul prelung, de mrime oarecum mic (S. Haimovici, 1986). Tabelul 15. Date metrice (mm) pentru oase lungi i scurte de Sus domesticus.
Element anatomic metacarp IV metacarp IV metatars II tibia tibia metacarp III Lungime maxim 67 73 67 70,5 Lungime medial 66 Lime distal 16 16 27 29 16 Lime minim diafiz 14 14 12

Tabelul 16. Date metrice (mm) pentru dentiie de Sus domesticus.

Element anatomic Dini inferiori M1-M3 Dini inferiori M1-M3 Dini superiori M1-M3 Dinte inferior M3 Lg.M3 32 30,5 25,5 32 La.M3 15 13,5 16 13,5 Lg.molari 66 65 59 -

nlimea la greabn a fost estimat pe baza a dou metacarpiene IV i a unui metacarpian III, valorile nregistrate sunt: 67,61 cm, 73,9 cm, 72,7 cm (media 71,41 mm) (calculate cu coeficienii lui Teichert). Valoarea medie este mai mare dect unica valoare de 57 mm calculat la Podeni (pe baza unui radius) (S. Haimovici et alii, 1992). Pentru stabilirea vrstei la care a avut loc sacrificarea celor 20 de indivizi estimai s-a urmrit stadiul de erupie i eroziune al dinilor de pe mandibule, pe baza acestui criteriu obinnduse un raport de 12 imaturi la 8 maturi. Pe clase de vrst se observ predominana exemplarelor sacrificate n intervalul de 1-2 ani, deci a indivizilor tineri (tabel 17). Porcii erau crescui pentru carne, lucru dovedit de preferina de sacrificare a acestei specii la vrste tinere. Tabelul 17. Vrsta de sacrificare la porc, dup dentiia de pe mandibul. Vrsta NMI Sub 12 luni 3 12-22 luni 9 22-36 luni 3 3-4 ani 3 4-6 ani 2

Anexe/Annexes. II. Simina Stanc. Studiu Arheozoologic / The archaeo-zoological study


n ceea ce privete raportul dintre masculii i femelele sacrificate acesta este n favoarea primilor, n eantion identificndu-se canini care au fost repartizai la patru masculi i dou femele. 6.1.4. Equus caballus Aceast specie era folosit n alimentaie, lucru indicat de existena pe unele dintre oase a urmelor de tranare, arsur i descarnare. Populaia de cai era limitat ca numr, ntreinerea acestei specii fiind costisitoare. Sacrificarea lor se fcea la maturitate, chiar spre btrnee, poate n momentele de criz alimentar sau n situaia exemplarelor accidentate. Tabelul 18. Date metrice (mm) pentru oase lungi, scurte i late de Equus caballus.
Element anatomic coxal coxal coxal falanga 1 falanga 1 falanga 1 falanga 1 falanga 1 falanga 1 metacarp metacarp patela tibia tibia tibia Fragm. apr.ntreg apr.ntreg apr.ntreg ntreag ntreag ntreag ntreag ntreag ntreag apr.ntreg fgt.distal ntreag fgt.distal fgt.distal fgt.distal Lg. max. Lg. lat. 78 81 80 77,5 76 220 68 La. px. 52,5 48,5 51,5 54 50 50 La. dt. 45,5 43 45 45 44 43,5 48 45 72 63 70 La.min. diaf. 35,5 33 32,5 32 30 31 33 29 Diam. La.a. dt. ant/post 40 41,5 41 40 40,5 - / 44 - / 38,5 - / 42,5 La. max. 65,5 D.acet. ant/post 53,5 54 60 -

Lg.max. lungime maxim, lungime lateral, La.px. lime proximal, La.dt. lime distal, La.min.diaf. lime minim diafiz, La.a.dt. lime articular distal, Diam.ant/post diametru antero/posterior, La.max. lime maxim, D.acet.ant-post diametru acetabular antero/posterior.

S-au identificat 93 fragmente osoase, care provin de la minimum cinci indivizi (tabel 4); majoritatea fragmentelor aparin segmentelor scheletului postcefalic (tabel 5). Vrsta la care caii au fost sacrificai a fost estimat pentru patru indivizi: unul foarte tnr, de pn la doi ani (dinii M2 i M3 inferiori neerupi), al doilea de 10-20 ani (o femel) i doi de 20-30 ani. 6.1.5. Canis familiaris Cele 36 resturi identificate pentru aceast specie au fost atribuite unui numr minim de opt indivizi (tabel 4), repartiia acestor piese pe segmente scheletice se poate observa n tabelul 5. Dup cum s-a precizat deja au mai fost gsite ntr-o groap alte 104 oase n conexiune anatomic, de la un exemplar de 4-5 luni, dar de acestea nu inem cont n prezenta analiz. Cele mai numeroase msurtori au fost realizate la nivelul mandibulelor provenite de la indivizi maturi, ele permind i stabilirea lungimii bazale (tabel 19): 169,5 mm; 156 mm; 174,9 mm; 196,7 mm (cu coeficienii lui Brinkmann i Dahr, preluai din Driesch, 1976), care indic faptul c n aezare erau mai multe tipuri de cini n funcie de talia lor. A fost identificat i un craniu, mpreun cu primele patru vertebre cervicale, ale crui date metrice sunt n tabelul 20.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Tabelul 19. Date metrice (mm) pentru mandibule de Canis familiaris.

Nr Dimensiune 1 lg.condil articular-infradental 2 lg.proces angular-infradental lg.incizur condil i proc. 3 artic.-infradental 4 lg.condil-marg.aboral alveol canin lg.inciz.condil i proc.artic.-marg. 5 aboral alv.canin 6 lg.proces angular-marg.aboral alv.canin lg.marg.aboral alv. M3-marg. 7 aboral alv.canin 8 lg.P1-M3 9 lg.P2-M3 10 lg.M1-M3 11 lg.P1-P4 12 lg.P2-P4 13 lg. / la.carnasier 14 lg.alveol carnasier 15 lg. / la.M2 16 nlime ram vertical 17 nlime dup M1 18 nlime ntre P2 i P3 19 lg.bazal (Brinkmann, 1924) (2) x 1,21 20 lg.bazal (Brinkmann, 1924) (4) x 1,37 21 lg.bazal (Brinkmann, 1924) (5) x 1,46 media celor trei lg.bazale calculate la 22 19, 20, 21 23 lg.bazal (Dahr, 1937) (8) x 2,9-44 1 140,5 140 135 123 117 112 79,5 75 21 52 22 17 169,4 168,5 170,8 169,56 2 33,5 20,5/8 9,5/7 25,5 3 25 4 39 23/9 10/7,5 24,5 5 131 110 115 69 65 35 36 31,5 22,5 23,5 19,5 158,5 160,6 156,1 6 154 155 148,5 135 130 137 90 83 78,5 40,5 44 39,5 25/10 24 10,5/8 56,5 26 21 187,55 184,95 189,8 187,43 196,7 7 142 144 137,5 124,5 119 126 82 75,5 70,5 37,5 40,5 36 23/9,5 9/7 56 25 21 174,24 170,56 173,74 172,84 174,95

La nivelul unei mandibule aproape ntregi s-au obinut urmtoarele valori metrice: 158,5 mm pentru lungimea seriei dinilor jugali, 80,5 mm pentru lungimea seriei dinilor molari i 32 mm pentru lungimea celui de-al treilea molar. Datorit numrului redus de oase de cal, ct i fragmentrii lor s-au putut efectua puine msurtori. Limitele de variabilitate pentru lungimea a cinci falange proximale sunt 76 mm i 81 mm, media de 78,5 mm. Alte piese msurabile sunt: trei extremiti distale de tibie, o rotul, dou metacarpiene III i trei coxale, datele aprnd n tabelul 18. Pe baza unui metacarpian III s-a estimat i nlimea la greabn, care are o valoare de 1420,2 mm, indicnd un cal de talie mijlocie, raportat la scara de clasificare propus de Vitt. Pe baza valorilor metrice ale unui humerus i unei tibii (tabel 21) s-a estimat nlimea la greabn, valorile obinute fiind 57,37 cm, respectiv 48,5 cm, care n scara de mrime a taliei (M. Udrescu et alii 1999) indic, n primul caz un cine de talie supramedie, iar n cel de-al doilea unul de talie medie. Pentru aceleai piese s-a calculat i indicele diafizar, iar valorile de 9,42 i respectiv 6,48 raportate la scara de robustee (M. Udrescu et alii 1999) indic un cine robust i altul gracil.

Anexe/Annexes. II. Simina Stanc. Studiu Arheozoologic / The archaeo-zoological study


Tabelul 20. Date metrice pentru neurocraniul de Canis familiaris.

Dimensiune cranian lungime total: acrocranion-prostion lungime condilobazal: condil occipital-prostion lungime bazal: bazion-prostion ax bazicranial:bazion-sinsfenion ax bazifacial: sinsfenion-prostion lg.neurocaniu sup.: acrocranion-mijloc frontal lungime viscerocraniu: nazion-prostion lungime facial: mijloc frontal-prostion lungime nazal: nasion-rinion lungime margine ant.orbite-prostion lungime median palatin: stafilion-prostion lungime palatine: stafilion-palatinooral lungime dini jugali lungime dini molari lungime dini premolari lungime i lime carnasier lungime i lime dinte M1 lungime i lime dinte M2 diametru mare bul timpanic lime craniu: otion-otion lime craniu: margine extern condili occipitali lime craniu (la baza proceselor paraoccipitale) nlime foramen ocipital lime neurocraniu: eurion-eurion lime entoorbital-entoorbital lime palatin, peste alveola molarilor lime palatin, napoia caninilor lime palatin, peste alveola caninilor Valoare (mm) 190 183,5 173 49 125 89 97 119,5 75 82 98 35,5 67 21 51 20 / 10,5 13,5 / 15 8 / 10,5 21,5 69,5 40 56 18,5 53 39,5 66 37 42

6.2. Mamifere slbatice Din totalul resturilor atribuite mamiferelor numai 38 au fost repartizate celor slbatice (tabel 22). Speciile de mamifere slbatice identificate (tabel 4) sunt Cervus elaphus (cerb), Capreolus capreolus (cprior), Sus scrofa (mistre), Canis lupus (lup) i Lepus europaeus (iepure). Pentru cerb s-a estimat c aceste fragmente ar proveni de la minimum trei indivizi, toi maturi. Relativ la fragmentele de corn nu putem spune cu siguran dac ele au aparinut unor animale vnate sau sunt coarne czute n mod natural i ulterior adunate n scopul utilizrii lor ca materie prim n confecionarea diverselor obiecte. La acea vreme cornul de cerb reprezenta o materie prim important pentru confecionarea diverselor obiecte, dintre care pieptenii aveau o larg rspndire. Este cunoscut existena centrului meteugresc pentru confecionarea pieptenilor de la Valea Seac, Brlad (secolele IV-V) i putem presupune c n pdurile din acea zon populaia de cervide era bine dezvoltat. Totui la Gara Banca frecvena resturilor de cerb este foarte mic, vntoarea avnd o importan mic n contextul celorlalte ocupaii. Fragmentele atribuite cpriorului provin de la minimum trei indivizi maturi.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Tot un numr minim de trei indivizi a fost estimat i pentru mistre, fiind vorba de indivizi maturi, dintre care doi masculi (estimai pe baza caninilor). Cele dou oase de iepure, un femur i o tibie, sunt neepifizate distal, ceea ce indic un individ imatur. Cele dou falange (proximal i mijlocie) de lup, gsite n conexiune anatomic, provin de la un individ matur. Pentru niciuna dintre speciile slbatice identificate nu s-au realizat msurtori datorit fragmentrii oaselor. n pofida faptului c eantionul nu conine i resturi osoase provenite de la bour tim c el exista la vremea respectiv n zon, deoarece specia a fost identificat n eantionul de secole IX-X de la Gara Banca (S. Haimovici, 1986). n acelai eantion au mai fost identificate resturi provenind de la cerb, lup i vulpe, fa de eantionul de secole III-V lipsind cele de cprior i mistre. Sub aspect fitogeografic, pe Dealurile Flciului ca i pe ntreg teritoriul judeului Vaslui interfereaz elementele central-europene specifice pdurilor, cu cele est europene, specifice stepelor i silvostepelor continentale. n trecut, influenele climatice central-europene favorabile dezvoltrii pdurilor de gorunete-fgete erau dominante pe cea mai mare ntindere a judeului; n ultimele secole, datorit unui proces de uoar aridizare natural a climei, accentuat i de intervenia omului, a avut loc o naintare spre vestul i nord-vestul judeului a domeniului continental esteuropean, pdurea cednd parial locul stepei i silvostepei (I. Gugiuman et alii 1973). Tabelul 21. Date metrice (mm) pentru oase din scheletul postcefalic de Canis familiaris.
Dimensiune lungime lime lateral lime proximal lime distal lime minim diafiz adncime epifiz proximal diametru ant/post. distal lungime cavitate acetabular lungime regiune arc nlime lungime.regiune corp humerus 175 30 34 16,5 42 tibia 169,5 164,5 29 19 11 14 tibia 25 14 18,5 coxal 122,5 18,5 axis 54 41,5 52

n sprijinul acestor afirmaii vin date de ordin arheozoologic i pedologic. Pe Dealurile Flciului solurile de pdure (dintre acestea n zona Gara Banca mai ales solurile cenuii de pdure) au o extindere mai mare dect subetajul pdurilor de foioase dovedind c n trecutul nu prea ndeprtat domeniul forestier era mai larg rspndit dect acum, dar c prin defriri a cedat locul culturilor agricole. Speciile de animale slbatice identificate n eantioanele de la Gara Banca, cum ar fi cerbul i mistreul au ca biotop preferat pdurile de mare ntindere, n special cele de foioase. Cpriorul i iepurele sunt animale de lizier, prefernd regiunile de deal cu plcuri de pdure, n special pduri de foioase de vrste variate. Bourul era ntlnit n dumbrvi umede. Defririle importante au avut consecine directe asupra faunei, cum ar fi dispariia unor specii (bourul) sau restrngerea arealului altor specii (cerb). Actualmente arealul de rspndire al cerbului s-a restrns numai la zona carpatic, dei la sfritul mileniului I era nc prezent pe Dealurile Flciului.

Anexe/Annexes. II. Simina Stanc. Studiu Arheozoologic / The archaeo-zoological study


Tabelul 22. Distribuia resturilor de mamifere slbatice pe segmente scheletice.

Segment scheletic Neurocraniu Proces cornular Mandibula Dini izolai Vertebre Radius Coxal Femur Tibie Metatars Metapod Falang Total Cervus elaphus 8 1 2 3 1 15 Capreolus capreolus 1 1 1 1 1 10 15 Sus scrofa 3 1 4 Canis lupus 2 2 Lepus europaeus 1 1 2

100 1,27 99 98 97 96 % NR 95 98,73 94 93 92 91 90 Nicolina (945) Gara Banca (1769)

m a mifere domestice

1,1 2,15


99,6 98,9 97,85

Todireti (278)
m a mifere s lbatice

Podeni (1023)

Fig. 6. Proporiile resturilor de mamifere n eantioane arheozoologice din zona extracarpatic de est a Romniei, secolele III-VI (pentru Todireti s-a inut cont n calcularea frecvenelor i de materialul arheozoologic studiat de A. Ungurianu, 2001) (mam.dom. mamifere domestice, mam.slb. mamifere slbatice; n total resturi identificate de la mamifere domestice i slbatice).

7. Evaluarea resurselor animale utilizate n economia alimentar Culesul molutelor i pescuitul prezentau un caracter sporadic n cadrul ocupaiilor populaiei de la Gara Banca. Un rol redus din punct de vedere economic l avea i vntoarea, lucru atestat de numrul mic de fragmente osoase de mamifere slbatice identificate (2,15%).


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Podeni (1019)





Todireti (274)





Bos taurus Ovis/Capra Sus domesticus Alte sp. Gara Banca (1731)
62,68 17,45 12,42 7,45

Nicolina (933)









50 % NR






Fig. 7. Repartiia procentual a numrului de resturi(% NR) pentru principalele specii de mamifere domestice.

Podeni (130)





Todireti (42)




Bos taurus Ovis/Capra Sus domesticus Alte sp.

Gara Banca (85)





Nicolina (59)









50 % NMI






Fig. 8. Repartiia procentual a numrului minim de indivizi (%NMI) pentru principalele specii de mamifere domestice.

Anexe/Annexes. II. Simina Stanc. Studiu Arheozoologic / The archaeo-zoological study


Fig. 9. 1 Canis familiaris craniu i vertebre cervicale (cpl. 65); 2 Bos taurus oase n conexiune anatomic (tibie, astragal, calcaneu, centrotars) (cpl. 65); 3 Bos taurus oase n conexiune anatomic (tibie, astragal, calcaneu) (cpl. 29); 4 Bos taurus mandibula (cpl. 49).

n schimb, creterea animalelor reprezenta o ocupaie important pentru aceast aezare, ponderea resturilor atribuite mamiferelor domestice fiind 97,85 % (din totalul resturilor de mamifere). Analogiile cu alte eantioane arheozoologice aparinnd secolelor III-VI evideniaz faptul c vntoarea, n general, avea o importan redus, ponderea resturilor de mamifere slbatice fiind chiar mai mic la Nicolina i Podeni fa de Gara Banca (fig. 6). Frecvena cea mai mare ntre speciile de mamifere domestice din eantionul de la Gara Banca o are vita, urmat de ovicaprine, porc i cal. Bovinele sunt dominante n eantioanele din aceast perioad istoric. Pe locul al doilea se gsesc ovicaprinele n aezrile de la Gara Banca i Nicolina, n timp ce n aezri din zona subcarpailor (Todireti, Podeni), ovicaprinele sunt ntrecute de porcine (figurile 7, 8). Pentru toate eantioanele, calul are o frecven redus. La Gara Banca, cea mai mare parte a indivizilor de vit, ovicaprine, cal au fost sacrificai la vrsta matur, excepie face porcul la care domin indivizii tineri.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Fig. 10. 1 Bos taurus oase cu urme de prelucrare; 2 Canis familiaris schelet ntreg; 3 Cervus elaphus fragmente de corn; 4 Sus domesticus schelet ntreg (cpl. 92).

Vita domestic aparinea tipului primitiv, neameliorat, cu o larg variabilitate a parametrilor corporali, avnd coarne gracile. n populaia de vite adulte dominante erau femelele. Strategia de exploatare a bovinelor n funcie de vrsta la care au fost sacrificate evideniaz faptul c bovinele au fost crescute i pentru carne dar, mai ales pentru produsele lor secundare i n scopuri utilitare. Ovicaprinele furnizau carne i lapte iar perioada maxim de exploatare era ntre 2 5 ani. Suinele erau crescute pentru carne, fiind sacrificate, n marea lor majoritate, pn la vrsta de 2 ani, cnd atingeau greutatea optim.

Anexe/Annexes. II. Simina Stanc. Studiu Arheozoologic / The archaeo-zoological study


Fig. 11. 1 Equus caballus premaxilar, cpl. 29, mandibula, cpl. 69; 2 Bos taurusfalange cu exostoz, cpl. 72, 96, mandibula cu parodontoz, cpl. 77; 3 Ovis aries neurocraniu, cpl. 65; 4 Cervus elaphus fragmente de coarne i oase, cpl. 35, 72, 78; 5 Sus domesticus oase n conexiune anatomic; 6 Equus caballus coxale, cpl. 65.

Annex II. The Archaeo-Zoological Study of The Faunal Remains WithinThe Site of Gara Banca
The faunal remains recovered within the archeological excavations provide information on both the characteristics of the ancient economics of the population that inhabited this settlement and the palaeo-climate and its changing throughout time. The archaeo-zoological analysis aims at identifying the animal species that were in contact with the ancient human communities, as well as at determining the types of relation between the community and the acknowledged animal species (fishing, hunting and animal husbandry). A normal archaeo-zoological sample consists mainly of destruction-resistant items, their strength depending on their structure and physical properties as well as the sediment laying conditions. The animal materials that can be preserved longer, due to their specific primary constituents, are mainly those with a higher mineralization level, i.e. bones, teeth, bone cores of horns and antlers, dermal bone scales, shells etc. The archaeo-zoological sample from the site of Gara Banca is heterogeneous and mainly consists in household waste, as indicated by the high level of fragmentation, as well as by the knife and axe marks left on bones during the various butchering processes, i.e. disarticulation, boning, flaying, cutting, and burning traces left during various cooking processes of the animal body-parts.


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In addition to the above, a large number of amphibian (Rana sp. and Bufo sp.) and micro-mammals bones was recovered, as well as mollusk shells, which might not result from domestic processes. Eight human skeletal fragments as well as faunal remains were recovered from the archaeological complexes nos. 34, 93, 51, 1, 96 and 113. Our analysis distinguished five groups of faunal remains, on the basis of the historical periods to which the discovery places are dated to: Hallstatt, Dacian, 3rd4th centuries, the 4th century (an inhumation grave) and the 5th6th centuries. The distribution of the faunal remains is given below (table 1): Table 1. The distribution of the recovered faunal remains.
Historical periods to which the archeological complexes are dated Hallstatt (complexe 24) Dacian (complexe 25) 3rd4th centuries: complexes 1, 10, 13, 19, 26, 29, 30, 34, 35, 49, 51, 62, 64, 65, 66b, 69, 70, 71, 72, 76, 77, 78, 80, 91, 92, 93, 94, 96, 106, 113, 115, 116, 120, 121, 122, a pit containing the whole skeleton of a small dog 4th century, an inhumation grave (complexe 66a) 5th6th centuries (complexe 95) Total The number of faunal remains 4 3 4680

14 44 4745

Four bone fragments were recovered from complexe 24: a proximal phalange and a distal metatarsal epiphysis from an adult bovid, a fragment of pig tibia, as well as fragment of vertebra from a medium-size mammal (pig or ovi-caprine). One interesting fact is the presence of a perforation on the distal epiphysis of the bovid phalange, which might be man-made. The faunal remains recovered from the Dacian pit are few as number of fragments and poor in information. The find consisted in: a tibia fragment from a bovid, a rib from a large mammal and an unidentified bone fragment from a medium-size mammal. Complexe 66 is the 4th century grave and its inventory of faunal remains is grouped in two categories: the pieces recovered from the grave proper (expressed by us as complexe 66a) and the pieces recovered from a small adjacent pit (complexe 66b). Following the suggestion of the archaeologist, the bones included in the first category (14 pieces) were regarded as a meat offering, deposed during the funeral rites. We do not posses information regarding the relation between the alleged offering bones and the skeletal remains of the deceased, at the moment of the discovery. We can identify these faunal remains as bones and bone fragments from bovids (an upper molar, a carpal bone and one fragment each of femur, humerus, mandible and tibia), ovi-caprines (one fragment each of mandible, tibia and rib) and pig (a fragment radius). We may consider this case a triple offering, as the bones originate in three different animal species. The bones from the second category (complexe 66b) result from the same animal species as above, but they are integrated in the archaeo-zoological analysis carried for the 3rd4th centuries samples. 44 faunal remains were recovered from the complexe 95 and all but one half-shell of a river clam (Unio sp.) are bones and bone fragments from domestic animals. From this total, 14 pieces were not identified as species. The 22 bones and bone fragments of bovids, with exception of an upper molar (M3), a mandible (both from adult animals 2.5-4 and 4-6 years old, respectively) and a horn-bud, belong to various parts of the post-cephalic skeleton. The minimal number of individual animals was established as three, on the basis of the three fragments of left radiuses (proximal epiphyses). As number of fragments, the following place is taken by the ovi-caprines, with four pieces, which can be assigned to a single animal. There is only one fragment of a right maxilla from

Anexe/Annexes. II. Simina Stanc. Studiu Arheozoologic / The archaeo-zoological study


a pig (a one and half years old animal). The dog bones, a humerus shaft and the sacral bone come from a young animal (two years old). 3rd5th centuries The faunal remains found in the 3rd5th centuries archeological complexes total 4680 pieces, and were distributed into six taxonomic groups, the largest being the mammals one (table 2). As shown in Table 2, the human bones and the animal ones from whole-body offerings laid into pits were considered separately. The human skeletal remains consist in: femur, humerus, two ribs, two fragments of frontal bone, one molar tooth and one vertebral body. The 238 bones of Sus domesticus (out of which 155 were found inside complexe 92, and 83 pieces were found inside complexe 65) originate in two very young animals, 10-12 month- and 5-6 month-old respectively, and they were not considered for the calculation of the species ratio within the sample, being remains from all the parts of the skeleton and with no butchering/cooking marks, which indicate that the piglets were buried whole. There is an identical situation in the case of the 104 bones of a whole skeleton of Canis familiaris, from a 4-5 month-old animal, which were found in anatomical sequence in a pit. This way, if we take into consideration only the faunal remains originating in household activities (3880 fragments), i.e. excluding the amphibian and human bones, as well as the skeletons found in anatomical sequence, the ratio of the mammals within the sample becomes 84% (fig. 1). Fig. 1. The ratio of the faunal remains of household origin within the sample. Several bones with pathological traces were identified as well: two proximal phalanges (from complexes 72 and 96, respectively) with exostosis, one horizontal branch of left mandible (from complexe 77) from a bovid (of a young animal, of about 6-7 months) with periodontitis, one fish vertebra with exostosis (from complexe 65) and several rib fragments, probably from bovids, with fracture healing calluses. Table 2. The quantification of the faunal remains from the site of Gara Banca (3rd5th centuries).
Taxon Mollusca Pisces Amphibia Reptilia Aves Mammalia Homo sapiens Whole skeleton of Canis familiaris Whole skeletons of Sus domesticus Total sample Number of pieces 78 392 450 1 146 3263 8 104 155+83 4680

Apart from a skate made out of a bovid left metacarpal bone (complexe 35), there were also found several pieces in various stages of manufacturing: a shaft fragment of a long bone (with no species identification, found in complexe 49) with chiseling marks, a tibia of an ovi-caprin with a circular mark on the shaft (the beginning of a sawing) and several fragments of deer antlers with axial (cutting, planing) or circular (sawing) marks. The deer antler fragments are probably related to the manufacturing of three-plate hair combs, due to the presence of such items in the archeological inventory. Within complexe 106 there was discovered a long bone, with its epiphyses sawed off, with the appearance of a trough, from a large mammal, without the possibility of identifying its use. From the taphonomic point of view, one can notice that several bones were gnawed by dogs before their burial, several others show burning traces and there are some with cutting marks (axe or knife), from butchering, dismembering or boning.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

1. Mollusks The mollusk remains consist in shells and half-shells, whole and fragmentary, of gastropods and lamellibranches. 78 such pieces were recovered, and their species distribution is given below, in Table 3. One of the gastropod shells of the above list was not identified as genus. It is important though, due to the fact that, together with one of the Viviparus sp. shells, it is a Sarmatian fossil. It would be interesting to find out if there are such fossil complexes in the region. It is also worth mentioning the use of a Cerithium sp. shell as a pendant, as evidenced by a polished perforation. In fact, this species current habitat is the Mediterranean and Aegean Sea, and its presence on the site could be the result of trade with some other populations. These three shells were found inside complexe 65. In fact this complexe produced the largest find of mollusk remains, with the greatest diversity as species within the sample. Table 3. The distribution of mollusk remains.
Group gastropods Species Cepaea virdobonensis Helix pomatia Helix sp. Viviparus viviparus Viviparus sp. Helicella sp. Helicella ovia Cerithium sp. Specie fosil Unio pictorum Unio sp. Number of pieces 11 6 1 1 2 25 3 1 1 18 9


2. Fishes Out of a total of 392 skeletal remains from this group, the majority (382 fragments, most of them from the post-cranial skeleton) were recovered from complexe 65 and all but one sturgeon scale, are teleostean fish bones. In addition, a large number of cyprinid scales were found, which were not considered for makin the total number of remains for this group. The species identified are as follows: Cyprinus carpio (carp), Aspius aspius (asp), Stizostedion lucioperca (pike perch), Silurus glanis (catfish), Esox lucius (pike). Out of the total, only a small number of pieces could be identified as species, with the highest frequency of carp, asp and pike. The species of sturgeon that gave the sole scale found in complexe 65 could not be identified. On the site of Banca, this fish could have been brought from the Prut or the Danube. 3. Amphibians 450 amphibian bones were collected, from various species of genera Rana and Bufo. The bones did not result from consumption by the settlement inhabitants. Throughout the Romanian territory, two species of Bufo (toad) are very common from plains to the mountains. They hibernate during the cold season, either buried in lake mud or in holes they dig in the ground. They sometime hibernate in clusters, one on tope of the others. The genus Rana includes the lake frog (green) and forest frog (red). The latter ones also hibernate buried underground. The bones found in the site sediments do not originate, with certitude, in a household activity. There were identified all types of

Anexe/Annexes. II. Simina Stanc. Studiu Arheozoologic / The archaeo-zoological study


bones, from both cephalic and post-cephalic skeleton, from a large number of animals. If most of the bones would have been from the lower limbs, the question of human consumption would arise. In addition, the bones were found in large piles, the majority (434) being collected from the three pits of complexe 65 and the rest from the aboveground dwellings that are known as complexes 72, 76 and 77. The large percentage of amphibian bones within the sample is due precisely to the preference of these animals for hibernating in large clusters, in holes dug in the ground. 4. Reptiles The group is represented only by a fragment of bony plate, from the shell of a tortoise (Emys orbicularis) found inside complexe 76. 5. Birds As the bird bones are thin and slender, they frequently were eaten by dogs, resulting in an undervaluation of this group within the sample. 146 bird bones and bone fragments were recovered from complexes 35, 65 (the majority), 72, 77 and 94. The largest number is of chicken bones (Gallus domesticus), while other 66 pieces are bones of small birds, probably wild. 6. Mammals Out of the 3263 skeletal remains of mammals, only 1769 were identified as species and 1494 (fragments of long bones, wide bones, ribs, crania and vertebra) were distributed among general groups such are: large mammal (634), medium-sized mammal (660), generic mammal (3), micro-mammal (5 bones; probably from the rats living from the household). 6.1. Domestic mammals The ratio of the domestic animal remains is 97.85% to the total recovered mammal remains. Six species of domestic animals were identified: Bos taurus, Equus caballus, Sus domesticus, Ovis aries, Capra hircus, Canis familiaris; the last without direct importance in the food economy of the settlement, since its skeletal remains did not show any butchering or cooking traces. The largest number of pieces identified as species is that of cattle, followed by ovi-caprines, pigs and horses. 6.1.1. Bos taurus 1085 Pieces were identified as bones and bone fragments from cattle, from a minimum of 25 animals (the NMI estimate is based on mandible fragments) (table 4). The remains pertain to all the segments of the skeleton, with their distribution given in Table 5; and the preponderance of the limb bones is obvious. There is also a large number of isolated teeth, due to the high degree of fragmentation of the jaw-bones. Eight of the horn-buds could be measured (table 6), and on this basis the flattening index was calculated (100 x the small diameter of the base / the large diameter of the base). The value scattering diagram shows that most of the values (7) indicate the sex as female, with smaller horns, of medium flattening, while the value from the right side of the scattering cloud indicate a bull or ox, bearing horns larger at the base and a higher flattening index (fig. 2). The neuro-cranium showed the inter-cornular line slightly convex and the flat frontal bone, complexes of a gracile skull, while the center of the frontal bone shows the shattered hole caused by the butchers blow.
Fig. 2. The value scattering diagram for the Bos taurus horn-buds. Fig. 3. The length variance for the M3 molar (minimal, maximal, the averaging trust interval) of Bos taurus, four samples.

Two whole jaws of the same animal were recovered in complexe 49, and this allowed several measurements. The osteometric data of the two bones, as well as the ones of other similar pieces are given below in Table 6. For the third lower molar the limits of variance for the maximum


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

length are given as 30 and 37 mm. The minimum and maximum values of this parameter are similar to the ones of the samples taken from Nicolina (S. Stanc 2006), Podeni (S. Haimovici et alii 1992) and Todireti (S. Stanc 2006) (fig. 3). Several bones in anatomical sequence were unearthed in complexes 65 and 29, bones of the lower limb joints: a distal epiphysis of a tibia, an astragal, a heel-bone and a malleolar, from two adult animals (older than 2-2 years). Table 4. The ratios of the remains of various mammals identified within the sample.
Species Bos taurus Equus caballus Sus domesticus Ovis aries/Capra hircus Canis familiaris Total, domestic animals Capreolus capreolus Cervus elaphus Sus scrofa Canis lupus Lepus europaeus Total, wild animals Total No 1085 93 215 302 36 1731 15 15 4 2 2 38 1769 % 61,33 5,26 12,15 17,07 2,03 97,85 0,85 0,85 0,23 0,11 0,11 2,15 100 NMI 25 5 20 27 8 85 3 3 3 1 1 11 96 % 26,04 5,21 20,83 28,12 8,33 88,54 3,12 3,12 3,12 1,04 1,04 11,46 10

Most of the bone finds assigned to this species belong to the limb skeleton. The pelvic and pectoral girdles, as well as the stilopod and the zeugopod are the most fragmented, being the most affected areas during butchering, as they belong to the meatiest parts of the carcass (with the exception of a radius that was found whole). However, many of the autopod bones were found whole, which is the reason why most of the measurements were undertaken at this level (table 6), which indicate a large variability of the individual animals in terms of body parameters within the species. This large variability can be seen at the level of distal epiphysis of the metacarpals (fig. 4), the minimal and maximal values for the width of the distal epiphysis are 48 mm and 63.5 mm respectively; another example can be given for the astragal (fig. 5), its values for the maximal length run from 54 mm to 70 mm, the maximum value is that of a large bone, from a massive animal, most probably a bull.
Fig. 4. The value scattering diagram for the Bos taurus metacarpal distal epiphysis. Fig. 5. The value scattering diagram for the Bos taurus astragals.

The osteometric study of the whole metapodals of the adult animals indicates a selection of the cattle according to sex, the measurements indicating an estimate of eight females and one ox (table 7). The shoulder-height (table 7) was calculated on the basis of six metacarpal and three metatarsal bones (applying the Fock indices, 1966). The values of this parameter vary between 1020 and 1182 mm for the females with an average of 1088.36 mm; and the value for the castrated animal is 1211 mm. The estimated height (averaged at 110 cm) is relatively small, although slightly bigger than the one recorded for the cattle raised in the 9 th-10th centuries settlement of Gara Banca (S. Haimovici, 1986), which have an average shoulder-height is 105.8 cm, varying between 992 mm and 1206 mm.

Anexe/Annexes. II. Simina Stanc. Studiu Arheozoologic / The archaeo-zoological study


Table 5. The distribution of the domestic mammal remains, on the basis of the skeleton segments.
Skeleton segment Horn buds Neuro-cranium Upper jaw Mandible Isolated Teeth Hyoid bone Atlas Axis Sacrum Vertebra Ribs Shoulder blade Humerus Radius Ulna Metacarpal Coxal bone Femur Patella Tibia Fibula Malleolar Astragal Bos taurus Eq. cab. Sus dom. Ovis/ Capra 16 66 28 155 97 4 2 1 1 27 75 74 62 30 58 40 32 2 67 2 28 1 1 20 19 4 1 17 1 1 2 2 10 9 1 8 1 20 17 30 36 1 16 20 10 10 3 9 4 5 3 9 2 6 7 44 33 1 2 11 34 35 6 12 4 7 19 1 Ovis aries Capra hircus 4 3 1 6 1 3 1 1 1 5 1 3 1 1 Canis fam. 1 13 3 2 1 4 2 1 2 1 6 -

Heel bone 21 1 2 Centro-tarsal 7 Carp/tars 8 2 1 Metatarsal 69 1 3 14 4 1 Metapodal 9 9 8 st 1 Phalange 57 8 5 2 2nd Phalange 30 1 1 3rd Phalange 15 Phalange 1 Sesamoid 1 Total 1085 93 215 265 30 7 36 O/C ovi-caprins; Eq. cab. Equus caballus; Sus dom. Sus domesticus; Canis fam. Canis familiaris.

The recorded height of the Gara Banca cattle is closer to the one of the north-western Europe cattle and smaller than the central European one (table 8).


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Table 6. Statistical data on the osteometrics of Bos taurus.

Anatomic Dimension element no. Minimum Maximu m 115 74,074 124 76 185 82,962 134 82 37 16,5 55 46 65 87 83 72,5 67 198 59 63,5 32 58 Averag Standard Standard A.t.l. e Error Deviation (95%) 141,125 9,474 78,135 1,392 79 0,723 26,799 3,937 1,914 2,148 1,383 6,963 6,065 3,909 3,348 12,188 5,494 5,341 2,622 22,404 3,291 1,770 1,443 0,929 5,821 5,070 3,615 2,799 12,791 3,691 2,846 2,015 Averaging trust interval 118,721-163,529 74,844-81,426 77,23-80,77 32,329-35,215 13,389-15,247 68,491-80,133 64,93-75,07 65,456-72,686 61,201-66,799 170,37-195,95 47,218-54,6 53,372-59,064 26,485-30,515 Horn-bud Circumference at the 8 base Flattening index Mandible Length, jugal teeth Length, molars Length, M3 molar Width, M3 molar 8 2 7

11 30 11 12,5 47 41 58 65 63 62 58 170

33,772 0,647 14,318 0,417 50 42 60 70 2,144

Shoulder- Length, glenoid socket 5 blade Width, glenoid socket 5 Length, joint end Humerus Distal width 4 8

74,312 2,462

Distal width at the 8 joint Radius Proximal width 7 Proximal width at the 8 joint Metacarpal Maximum length Proximal width Distal width 6

69,071 1,477 64 1,183

183,166 4,97 50,909 1,656 56,218 1,335 28,5 0,874 -

11 44 16 48 25 57

Minimum width of the 9 shaft Coxal Antero-posterior diameter of acetabulum Distal width Distal antero posterior diameter Astragal Metatars Maximum length Distal width Maximum length Proximal width Distal width 2 the 6 -6


51 38

59 43 70 45 211 50 58,5 26,5 64 34 32,5 30 50 36 19 78 23 27,5



3,885 2,154 4,298 3,036 3,324 4,763 2 4,375 2,62 2,805 2,375 4,18 3,784 3,207 6,73 2,148 2,692

4,077 2,260 1,774 1,313 2,233 2,878 1,537 1,27 0,806 0,885 0,74 1,59 1,439 1,324 3,886 1,189 1,554

47,346-59,577 38,323-42,834 59,386-62,934 37,1-39,726 41,13-45,596 47,391-53,147 21,963-25,037 53,542-56,082 27,019-28,631 25,541-27,311 22,688-24,168 36,703-39,883 27,526-30,404 22,716-25,364 65,542-73,314 19,411-21,789 20,984-24,089

40,583 0,879 61,16 0,859

25 54 23 33 3 200 11 40 13 45 21

38,413 0,633 205,666 43,363 1,002 50,269 1,321 23,5 0,666

Minimum width of the 9 shaft Phalange 1 Maximum length Proximal width Distal width

48 47,5 43 23 41 22,5

54,812 0,631 27,825 0,399 26,426 0,438 23,428 0,366 38,293 0,776 28,965 0,702 24,04 20,6 0,641 0,554 69,428 1,798 22,535 0,719

Minimum width of the 42 18,5 diaphysis Phalange 2 Maximum length Proximal width Distal width Phalange 3 Maximum length Articular width Plantar width 29 32 29 22 25 13,5 14 58 15 16 14 18

A.t.l. (95%) averaging trust level (95%).

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Table 7. The sex and height estimation for Bos taurus (Fock indices, 1966, apud M. Udrescu et alii 1999)
Anatomic element Metacarpal/ Index Metacarpal/ Index Metacarpal/ Index Metacarpal/ Index Metacarpal/ Index Metacarpal/ Index Metatarsal/ Index Metatarsal/ Index Metatarsa;/ Index Maximum length 176 170 185 197 198 173 200 211 206 Proximal width 45 25,568 46 27,06 55 29,73 57,5 29,18 59 29,79 52,5 30,34 40,5 20,25 42 19,905 41 19,90 Width of the Distal diaphysis width 28 50 15,91 28,41 25 50 14,70 29,41 29 57,5 15,67 31,08 31,5 60 15,98 30,45 32 62 16,16 31,313 28 53 16,18 30,63 22 47 11 23,5 22,5 48,5 10,66 22,98 21 45,5 10,19 22,08 Sex F F F F C F F F F Height (mm) 1056 1020 1110 1182 1211,76 1038 1070 1128,85 1102,1

Table 8. Comparative values for the shoulder-height of Bos taurus (using the Fock indices, 1966).
Archaeo-zoological sample The elements used Height Height average (cm) and their number variation (cm) Nicolina (4th5th centuries) S. Stanc et alii 2000 and 3 MC and 6 MT 105,7-113,4 109,9 2006 Gara Banca (3rd5th c.) S. Stanc, ms 6 MC and 3 MT 102-121,1 110,2 th Podeni (4 c.) S.Haimovici, 1990-1991- 1 MC and 3 MT 97,8-115,4 107 1992 Gara Banca (9th10th c.) S. Haimovici 1985-1986 4 MC and 4 MT 99,6-120,4 106 th th Sopron (Hungary,4 6 c.) F.Audoin-Rouzeau 1991 25 MP 105,6-144 123 th th EketorpII(Sweden,5 6 c.) F.Audoin-Rouzeau 1991 20 MP 104,5-120,6 111,2 th th Walton (England, 5 7 c.) F.Audoin-Rouzeau 1991 4MP 106,3-117,2 111 MC metacarpal, MT metatarsal, MP metapodal. Fig. 6. The relative quantities of the mammal remains in the archaeo-zoological samples from sites in eastern Romania, in the extra-mountainous regions, dated to the 3 rd6th centuries (for the site of Todireti the pieces studied by A. Ungurianu, 2001 were taken into account in calculating the frequency) (dom.mamm. domestic mammals, wild mammals wild mammals; n total identified remains, from domestic and wild mammals). Fig. 7. The percentage distribution of the remains (% NR) for the main species of domestic mammals. Fig. 8. The percentage distribution of the number of individual animals (%NMI) for the main species of domestic mammals. Reference

Most of the bovids were slaughtered at an adult age, their secondary products (milk, brute force) being exploited during their life and then in the end, the meat was consumed as well. An estimate of the slaughtering age was made on the basis of the epiphyseal growth of the bones in the limbs skeleton, as well as the level of both dental eruption and erosion. The study of the epiphyseal growth used the metapodal bones, based on the higher chances of recovering whole pieces. These were separated in two age categories, the immature animals (up to 2.5 years old) and the adults (above this limit, since this is the age of ending of distal epiphyseal growth). Out of the estimated number of 20 individual animals (based on the number of metacarpal bones), one third is made of immature animals and the rest of adults (table 9). Based on the number of distal epiphysis of humeruses, the estimate is of 17 adult animals (over 20 moths old) and four immature, slaughtered


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before reaching this age; this result is emphasizing as well the dominance of the adult animals. Out of the 23 animals, which had the slaughtering age assessed on the basis of the stage of dental eruption and erosion, almost one third are immature (6), and the rest adults (table 10). Among the adult animals, the majority were 5-7 year-old, i.e. the optimal age interval for cattle utilization. Table 9. The slaughtering age for Bos taurus, on the basis of the level of epiphyseal growth in the metapodal bones.
Metapodal bones without epiphyseal growth Metapodal bones with epiphyseal growth NR NMI NR NMI Metacarpal 5 5 25 15 Metatarsal 4 1 16 9 NR number of identified bone fragments; NMI the minimal estimate for the number of individual animals

Table 10. The slaughtering age for Bos taurus, on the basis of the teeth eruption and wear levels.
Tooth Erosion level Age estimate Milk teeth 15-24 month-old M3 Slightly eroded 2-3 year-old M3 Slightly eroded 3-5 year-old M3 Medium eroded 5-7 year-old M3 Highly eroded 7-10 year-old Total 23 (six immature and 17 adult animals) NMI 6 3 2 11 1

6.1.2. Ovis aries / Capra hircus The number of ovi-caprins comes second after the bovids, on the basis of the bone fragments, but the situation is reversed when we take into account the number of individual animals (table 4). Based on the mandible fragments, the estimated number of animals is 27 at minimum. Table 11. Dimensional data for cranium and isolated teeth of Ovis aries/Capra hircus (mm).
Species Anatomic element 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 O/C tooth M3 inf. 23,5 - - O/C mandible 76 53 26 - - O/C tooth M3 inf. 25,5 - - O/C tooth M3 sup. 20 - - O/C mandible 74 49 20 - - O/C mandible 75 44 23 - - O/C mandible 66,5 44,5 22,5 - - O/C mandible 82,5 56,5 24 - - O/C tooth M3 inf. 23 - - O/C tooth M3 sup. 20 - - O/C tooth M3 sup. 20 - - O/C tooth M3 sup. 19 - - O/C tooth M3 sup. 19 - - O/C tooth M3 sup. 17,5 - - O.a. Neuro-cranium 96,5 120,5 66 50 81 54 44 1 - length P2-M3 inf.; 2 serial length molars M1-M3 inf.; 3 - length tooth M3; 4 - width eurion-eurion; 5 - width ectorbital-ectorbital; 6 - minimal parietal width; 7 - maximum width of the articular condyles; 8 - maximum width of the mastoid apophyses; 9 - length of the horn-base; 10 - width of the horn-base; O/C ovi-caprins; O.a. Ovis aries.

Anexe/Annexes. II. Simina Stanc. Studiu Arheozoologic / The archaeo-zoological study


Table 12. Shoulder-height of ovi-caprins (mm).

Anatomic element Maximal length Proximal width Width of the Distal width diaphysis metatarsal 144 21 13 25,5 I2=14,6 I3=9 I4=17,7 metatarsal 158 22 13 26 I2=13,9 I3=8,2 I4=16,4 metatarsal 120 20 12 26 I2=16,6 I3=10 I4=21,6 metacarpal 134 25,5 14 27 I2=19 I3=10,4 I4=20,1 I2- proximal epiphysis index, I3 diaphysis index, I4 distal epiphysis index. Shoulder-height 653,76 Ovis aries 717,32 Ovis aries 640,8 Capra hircus 655,26 Ovis aries

Table 13. Dimensional data for the long and wide bones of Ovis aries / Capra hircus (mm).
Spec. Anatomic element O/C metacarpal O/C metacarpal O/C metacarpal O/C tibia O/C astragal O/C humerus
Max. length

35 -

Med. Prox. Dist. Min.dia. a/p Glenoid socket width Max. Lateral Medial Glenoid length width width width diameter width height height socket length 26 15 - / 16,5 32,5 27 26 24 33,5 33,5 34 30,5 46 26 22,5 30 35 27 29 29 27,5 29 31,5 28 25 27 23,5 33 30 29 14 19 / 19 / - / 20,5 - / 23 - / 21,5 - / 22,5 - / 24 - / 22 - / 21 - / 23 - / 20,5 - / 21 - / 22 - / 16,5 17 / 72 19 20 33,5 34,5 33,5 23 21,5 18,5 -

O/C Shoulder-blade O/C tibia O/C tibia O/C tibia O/C tibia O/C tibia O/C tibia O/C tibia O/C tibia O/C tibia O/C tibia O/C metatarsal O/C metacarpal O/C humerus O/C humerus O/C humerus O/C radius O/C radius O/C radius O/C radius O/C O/C
Shoulder-blade Shoulder-blade

32 26 -

O/C atlas O/C atlas O/C femur

Prox.proximal, Distdistal, Min.dia.widthminimal width of the diaphysis, a/p diameterantero-posterior diameter.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Only a small number of bone and bone fragments allowed to identify separately the two species, the sheep and the goat (table 5), while the largest number of remains was assigned to the more generic group of ovi-caprins. Therefore, seven pieces were identified as goat bones: metatarsal, tibia, 3 mandible, radius and horn fragment of prisca type; the last one was unearthed in complexe 34 and was found cut in half. 30 fragments of sheep bones were identified: four metatarsals, five tibias, one coxal, metacarpal and humerus, 3 shoulder-blades, atlas, 6 mandibles, maxilla, 3 fragments of neuro-cranium, 4 horn-buds; one fragment of frontal bone bears a reduced horn-bud, probably from and adult, hornless female. Complexe 65 revealed a fragmented sheep skull, which was partially rebuilt, and several measurements were consequently taken; the cranium is from a robust male, 5-6 years old, probably one of the breeding rams of the flock. Only a left radius-cum-fibula were found anatomically connected, from a 5-6 month-old animal. The identified horn-buds are of saber type (prisca), for the goats, while the sheep ones are slightly curved backwards. One of the horn-bases has the large diameter of 54 mm, indicating a male. The mandible fragments allowed the serial length measuring for jugal teeth (the average for a series of five is 74.8 mm, varying between 66.5 and 82.5 mm), molars (the average for a series of five is 49.4 mm), as well as the dimension of the third molar (the average for a series of eight is 23.4 mm, varying between 20 and 26 mm) (table 11). The shoulder-height (table 12) of sheep, with an average of 67.5 cm, was estimated based on two metatarsals and one metacarpal (using the Teichert index, 1975), while the one of goat, of 64 cm, was based on one metatarsal (using the Schramm index, 1967). The measurements of the Podeni sample (the same historical period, 4th5th centuries) were used as comparison (S. Haimovici et alii 1992), where the estimated shoulder-height for sheep is 63.1 cm. The same author concludes that the multiple measurements on the metapodal bones found in the cemeteries showed an average individual size of 60 cm, i.e. relatively small sheep. The measurements were taken mainly on the stilopod and zeugopod bones, the better preserved pieces being the distal fragments, these data being listed in tables 12 and 13. Out of the estimate of 27 animals, eight are immature and 19 are adults, based on the measurements of the mandibles with dentition. The slaughtering age of the ovi-caprins, estimated on the basis of the stage of dental eruption and erosion indicates a dominance of the 4-5-year agesegment, followed by the 2-3-year one (table 14), i.e. animals already in their biologic adulthood. Table 14. The slaughtering age for ovi-caprins, on the basis of the teeth eruption and wear levels
Age NMI 0-1 year-old 1-2 year-old 5 3 2-3 year-old 3-4 year-old 6 1 4-5 year-old 9 5-7 year-old 3

6.1.3. Sus domesticus 215 pieces were identified as pig bones and bone fragments, assigned to a number of minimum 20 animals (table 4). As already mentioned, 238 bones in anatomic sequence were discovered, from two juveniles of 10-21 month-old and 5-6 month-old, respectively. These bones belong to all the segments of the skeleton and there are no butchering or cooking marks. Consequently, these bones were left out from the estimation of the percentages of the domestic animals, both as number of fragments and as minimal number of individual animals, in order to avoid the overvaluation of this species within the sample. The inventory is characterized by a high degree of fragmentation, and consequently the measurements were carried out on a small number of pieces (tables 15 and 16). The fragments pertain to all area of the carcass and their distribution on skeleton segments is listed in Table 5. The mandible fragments are quite abundant, as well as the isolated teeth. Half of the pig bones inventory

Anexe/Annexes. II. Simina Stanc. Studiu Arheozoologic / The archaeo-zoological study


pertains to the post-cephalic skeleton. The length of the third lower molar was measured on three pieces, giving an average of 31.5 mm. The maximum length measured on two 4 th metacarpals is 67 mm and 73 mm, respectively. The distal width of the tibia was measured as 27mm and 29 mm, respectively. As for the 9th10th centuries sub-sample on this site, the authors concluded that the pigs belong to a primitive type, with elongated snouts, and quite small size (S. Haimovici, 1986). Table 15. Dimensional data (mm) for the long and wide bones of Sus domesticus.
Anatomic element 4th metacarpal 4th metacarpal 2nd metatarsal tibia tibia 3rd metacarpal Maximum Length 67 73 67 70,5 Medial length 66 Distal Width 16 16 27 29 16 Minimal Width of the diaphysis 14 14 12

Table 16. Dimensional data (mm) for the dentition of Sus domesticus.
Anatomic element Lower teeth M1-M3 Lower teeth M1-M3 Upper Teeth M1-M3 Lower tooth M3 Length M3 32 30,5 25,5 32 Width M3 15 13,5 16 13,5 Length molars 66 65 59 -

The shoulder-height was estimated on the measurements of two 4th and one 3rd metacarpals, with the following figures: 67.61 cm, 73.9 cm, 72.7 cm (an average of 71.41 cm) (calculated with the Teichert index). The average value is higher than the sole calculation from the site of Podeni, of 57 cm (based on a radius) (S. Haimovici et alii 1992). In order to establish the slaughtering age of the 20 animals (estimate minimal number), the dental eruption and erosion levels were analyzed, using the recovered mandibles. The analysis revealed a immature/adult ratio of 12 to 8. Following the age-segments, the dominance of the 1-2years is observable, i.e. the young animals (table 17). The pigs were bred for their meat, a fact proven by the preference for slaughtering them at a young age. With regards to the male-female ratio of the slaughtered animals, it clearly shows a preponderance of the males, on the basis of the presence within the sample of four canine teeth, four from males and two from females.
Table 17. The slaughtering age for Sus domesticus, on the basis of the teeth found on the recovered mandibles.
Age NMI under 12 month-old 3 12-22 month-old 22-36 month-old 9 3 3-4 year-old 4-6 year-old 3 2

6.1.4. Equus caballus This species was used as a source of meat, a fact indicated by the bones bearing butchering, boning and cooking traces. The horse population was limited, one of the reasons being the high maintenance costs of the animals. The slaughtering was done at end of the working life of the animal, even later, perhaps during food shortages or in case of accident-disabled animals.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Table 18. Dimensional data (mm) for the long, short and wide bones of Equus caballus.
Anatomic element Fragment Max Lateral Proximal Distal Minimal Distal Antero- Maximal Antero-posterior length length width width width of the articular posterior width Acetabular diameter diaphysis width diameter

coxal coxal coxal 1st phalange 1st phalange 1st phalange 1st phalange 1st phalange 1st phalange metacarpal

Nearly whole Nearly whole Nearly whole Whole Whole Whole Whole Whole Whole Nearly whole

78 81 80 77,5 76 68 -

220 -

52,5 48,5 51,5 54 50 50 -

45,5 43 45 45 44 43,5 48 45 72 63 70

35,5 33 32,5 32 30 31 33 29 -

40 41,5 41 40 40,5 -

- / 44

65,5 -

53,5 54 60 -

metacarpal Distal patella tibia tibia tibia

Distal fragment Distal fragment Distal fragment

- / 38,5 - / 42,5 -

93 bone fragments were identified, resulting from a minimum of five animals (table 4); most of the fragments pertain to the post-cephalic skeleton (table 5). The slaughtering age for the horses was successfully estimated in the case of four animals: one very young, less than two year-old (the lower M2 and M3 teeth not erupted), a 10-20 year-old (female) and two 20-30 year-old animals. Several measurements were carried out on a nearly whole mandible, providing the following dimensional data: 158,5 mm for the serial length of the jugal teeth, 80,5 mm for the serial length of the molars and 32 mm for the length of the M3 molar. Due to the small number of horse bones, as well as to their high degree of fragmentation, only few measurements were taken. The limit values in the case of five proximal phalanges are 76 mm for the low and 81 mm for the high, with an average of 78.5 mm. Other measured pieces were three distal epiphyses of tibia, a patella, two 3 rd metacarpals and three coxal bones (see table 18 for the figures). The shoulder-height was also estimated, using the measurements of a 3rd metacarpal, giving the value of 1420.2 mm, indicating an average-height horse, on the Vitt classification scale.
Fig. 9.

Anexe/Annexes. II. Simina Stanc. Studiu Arheozoologic / The archaeo-zoological study


6.1.5. Canis familiaris The 36 identified fragments pertaining to this species were allotted to a number of eight individual animals (table 4), and their distribution among the skeleton segments is given below, in Table 5. As we mentioned above, other 104 bones were found in the pit, anatomically connected, from a young animal (4-5 months old), which were left out of the analysis. Table 19. The dimensional data (mm) for the mandibles of Canis familiaris.
Nr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Measurement 1 Length, articular-infradental condyle 140,5 Length, angular-infradental process 140 Length, condyles incision and articular-infradental 135 process Distance, condyle to the aboral rim of the canine 123 alveolus Distance, condyles incision and articular process 117 to the aboral rim of the canine alveolus Distance, angular process to the aboral rim of the 112 canine alveolus Distance, aboral rim of the M3 alveolus to the 79,5 aboral rim of the canine alveolus Distance, P1-M3 Distance, P2-M3 75 Distance, M1-M3 Distance P1-P4 Distance P2-P4 Length/width carnassial Length, carnassial alveolus Length/width M2 Height, vertical branch Height, after M1 Height, between P2 and P3 Basal length (Brinkmann 1924) (2) x 1,21 Basal length (Brinkmann 1924) (4) x 1,37 Basal length (Brinkmann 1924) (5) x 1,46 The average of the three basal length, 19-21 Basal length (Dahr 1937) (8) x 2,9-44 2 3 25 4 39 23/9 5 131 110 115 69 65 35 36 31,5 6 154 155 148,5 135 130 137 90 83 78,5 40,5 44 39,5 25/10 24 10,5/8 56,5 26 21 187,55 184,95 189,8 187,43 196,7 7 142 144 137,5 124,5 119 126 82 75,5 70,5 37,5 40,5 36 23/9,5 9/7 56 25 21 174,24 170,56 173,74 172,84 174,95

33,5 20,5/ 8 21 9,5/7 52 22 25,5 17 169,4 168,5 170,8 169,56 -

22,5 10/7,5 24,5 23,5 19,5 158,5 160,6 156,1

The largest number of measurements were carried out on mandibles from adult animals, which allowed to set down the basal length (table 19): 169.5 mm; 156 mm; 174.9 mm; 196,7 mm (using the Brinkmann & Dahr coefficients, following Driesch, 1976). This indicates that the canine population of the settlement included several types, differentiated by their size. A skull was recovered as well, together with its four cervical vertebrae, which dimensional data are given below, in Table 20. On the basis of the dimensional data of one humerus and tibia (table 21) the shoulderheights were estimated at 57.37 cm and 48.5 cm respectively, which, on the size scale (M. Udrescu et alii 1999) indicate an over-average sized dog in the former case and an average sized on in the latter.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Table 20. Dimensional data for the neuro-cranium of Canis familiaris.

Cranial measurement Total length: acrocranion-prostion Condylo-basal length: occipital-prostion condyle Basal length: bazion-prostion Basicranial axis: bazion-sinsfenion Basifacial axis: sinsfenion-prostion Length, upper neuro-cranium.: acrocranion-frontal middle Viscerocranium length: nazion-prostion Facial length: frontal center -prostion Nasal length: nasion-rinion Dimension, eye-socket forward rim to prostion Palate median length: stafilion-prostion Palate length: stafilion-palatinooral Length, jugal teeth Length, molars Length, premolars length / width carnassial length / width M1 length / width M2 Great diameter of the temple bowl Skull width: otion-otion Skull width: external edge of the occipital condyles Skull width (at the base of the para-occipital processes) occipital foramen height width neuro-cranium: eurion-eurion width entoorbital-entoorbital Palate width, over the molars alveoli Palate width, behind the canines Palate width, over the canines alveoli Value (mm) 190 183,5 173 49 125 89 97 119,5 75 82 98 35,5 67 21 51 20 / 10,5 13,5 / 15 8 / 10,5 21,5 69,5 40 56 18,5 53 39,5 66 37 42

Table 21. Dimensional data (mm) for various bones in the post-cephalic skeleton of Canis familiaris.
Measurement Length lateral width proximal width distal width Minimal width of the diaphysis Proximal epiphysis depth Distal antero-posterior diameter Acetabular socket length Arc region length height Body region length. humerus 175 30 34 16,5 42 tibia 169,5 164,5 29 19 11 14 tibia 25 14 18,5 coxal 122,5 18,5 axis 54 41,5 52

Anexe/Annexes. II. Simina Stanc. Studiu Arheozoologic / The archaeo-zoological study


The diaphygial index was calculated using the same bones, and its values, of 9.42 and 6.48 respectively which, on the robustness scale give a robust dog and a gracile one. On the basis of the dimensional data of one humerus and tibia (table 21) the shoulder-heights were estimated at 57.37 cm and 48.5 cm respectively, which, on the size scale (M. Udrescu et alii 1999) indicate an overaverage sized dog in the former case and an average sized on in the latter. The diaphygial index was calculated using the same bones, and its values, of 9.42 and 6.48 respectively which, on the robustness scale give a robust dog and a gracile one. 6.2. Wild mammals From the total number of animal remains that may be assigned to mammals, only 38 pieces come from wild animals (table 22). The following species of wild mammals were identified (table 4): Cervus elaphus (red deer), Capreolus capreolus (roe deer), Sus scrofa (boar), Canis lupus (wolf) and Lepus europaeus (hare). The deer bones originate from a number of three adult animals. With regards to the antler fragments, there is no firm conclusion as to their origin: hunted animals or naturally shed antlers which were then collected to be used as raw material fro various household items. In ancient times, the deer antlers were an important source of raw material for manufacturing useful objects, out of which the hair combs were found in large numbers. The Valea Seaca, Brlad, comb manufacturing center (dated to the 4 th-5th centuries) is well known and we can assume that the forests in the region were well populated with deer. Nevertheless, the find frequency of the deer remains on the site of Gara Banca is very low, leading to the conclusion that hunting was considerably less important if compared to the other occupations. The roe deer bones and bone fragments come from a minimum of three adult animals. Table 22. The distribution of the wild mammal remains among the skeleton segments.
Skeleton segment Cervus elaphus Neuro-cranium Horn bud 8 Mandible 1 Isolated Teeth 2 Vertebrae Radius Coxal bone Femur Tibia 3 Metatarsal 1 Metapodal Phalange Total 15 Capreolus capreolus 1 1 1 1 1 10 15 Sus scrofa 3 1 4 Canis lupus 2 2 Lepus europaeus 1 1 2

The same minimal number of three adult animals was estimated for the boar, out of which two were male (as evidenced by their canine teeth). The two wild hare bones, a femur and a tibia, lack the final distal epiphyseal growth, which indicates an immature animal. The two wolf phalanges (one proximal and one median) found anatomically connected, are from an adult animal. None of the wild species identified was estimated in terms of dimensions as measurements could not be done due to the high degree of bone fragmentation.
Fig. 10. Fig. 11


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Although there are no aurochs remains found here, this species was present in the environment of the ancient settlement, as proven by its presence within the 9 th-10th centuries bone sample from (S. Haimovici 1986). The same sample contained remains identified as deer, wolf and fox bones, which differs from the 3rd5th centuries sample by the lack of roe deer and boar bones. Regarding the botanical-geographical aspect, the Falciu Hills, as well as the whole territory of Vaslui County is an area of interference between the Central-European elements of forested ecosystem and the East-European ones of continental steppe and forested steppe. In the past, the area was dominated mostly by the Central-European influences, favorable to the development of the oak-beech forests; in the last centuries, due to the slow natural drying of the climate, accentuated by the human activities, the East-European continental domain advanced into the western and northwestern reaches of the county, the forest giving way partly to the steppe and forested steppe (I. Gugiuman et alii 1973). The assertion is supported by the archaeo-zoology and pedology data. In the Falciu Hills the forest soils (mainly gray forest soil in the region of Gara Banca site) are spread wider than the area currently occupied by deciduous forests, which proves that in the recent past the forested areas were larger, and were replaced by farmland through deforestation. The species of wild animals identified within the Gara Banca samples, such were the red deer and the boar, prefer the large, mainly deciduous forest.The roe deer and the hare are fringe species, preferring the smaller woods of the hills, mainly of layered deciduous trees. The aurochs preferred the wet wood meadows. The massive deforestations resulted in the extinction of some species (such was the aurochs) and in a much reduced area for others (such as the red deer). Currently, the living area of the red deer is reduced to the mountains, although at the end of the first millennium, it was still present in the Falciu Hills. Nowadays, the Hills are populated by mixed woods of pedunculated oak with other deciduous trees in islands (at altitudes of 300-600m), of mainly downy and pedunculated oak in strips on the slopes and of downy oak on the valleys (at altitudes of 100-200 m). 7. An evaluation of the animal resources used in the local food economy The gathering of mollusks and the fishing were only erratically present in the occupational framework of the Gara Banca population. A similar small role is the one played by the hunt, which is indicated by the small number of bone fragments identified as wild mammals remains (2.15%). Conversely, the animal husbandry was a very important occupation for the inhabitants of the ancient settlements, the relative amount of the domestic animals remains reaching 97,85% (out of the total number of finds). The analogies with other archaeo-zoological samples of the 3 rd6th centuries show that hunting, in general, played a minor role in the settlement economy, the relative importance of the remains of wild animals being even smaller on the sites of Nicolina and Podeni compared to Gara Banca (fig. 6). The larges representation within the domestic animals sample of Gara Banca is that of the cattle, followed by sheep/goat, pig and horse. The bovids are dominant in the faunal samples of the period. The second place is taken by the ovi-caprins in the samples of Gara Banca and Nicolina, while on the sites from the Sub-Carpathians regions (Todireti, Podeni), ovi-caprins are behind the pigs (fig. 7, 8). In all samples, the horse has the smallest representation. On the site of Gara Banca, the largest numbers of animals (cattle, sheep, goat, horse) were slaughtered at an adult age, with the exception of the pig, whose slaughtering age was in the young segment. The domestic cattle are of a primitive, non-ameliorated type, with a large variability of body-size and with slim horns. The cattle population was dominated by females. The utilization strategy for the cattle was age-centered, the evidence of the slaughtering age showing that the animals were bred for their meat but mainly for their secondary products and for utilitarian purposes. Sheep and goats delivered meat and milk, with a maximal utilization period of 2-5 years. Pigs were bred for their meat and they were mostly slaughtered just before reaching the age of 2, when the optimal weight was achieved.

Anexe/Annexes. III. Lazr Bireescu. Interpretarea ecologic a solului / Ecological interpretation of the soil


III. antierul arheologic Banca Gar - apte case, jud. Vaslui. Interpretarea ecologic a solului
Lazr Bireescu 1. Principalele nsuiri morfologice ale solului aluvial molic 2. Principalele nsuiri fizice, chimice i biologice Principalele nsuiri fizice, chimice i biologice ale solului sunt prezentate n tabelul nr. 1 - textura solului este mijlocie (clasa textural SM = lut nisipos mijlociu) cu un procent de argil coloidal sczut, cuprins ntre valorile de 15,6 % n primii 30 cm ai profilului solului (orizontul Am) i 10,1 % n adncimea profilului de sol. - reacia solului este slab acid spre neutru, cu valori ale PH H2O cuprinse ntre 6,5 (n orizontul Am) i 7,2 n adncime; - coninutul de humus are valori mijlocii n orizontul de bioacumulare Am (gros de 30 cm i bine dezvoltat (2,134 %) i sczute pe profil; - coninutul de azot total din sol are valori mijlocii n orizontul Am (0,152 %) i valori mici pe profil (0,101 - 0,015 %); - aprovizionarea solului cu fosfor mobil este mijlocie pe profil, cu valori cuprinse ntre 34 ppm (n Am = 0,30 cm) i 25 ppm n adncime; - aprovizionarea solului cu potasiu asimilabil este mijlocie pe profil, cu valori cuprinse ntre 186 ppm n primii 30 cm (orizontul Am i 108 ppm n adncime; - suma bazelor de schimb are valori mijlocii n primii 50 cm ai solului (24 - 16 me/100 g) i valori mici n adncime; - capacitatea total de schimb cationic (T = me/100 g) are valori mijlocii n primii 45 cm ai profilului solului (26 - 25 me/100 g sol) i mici pe profil i adncime; - gradul de saturaie cu baze cu valori mijlocii, solul fiind submezabazic (v = 81- 89 % pe profil); - indicele sintetic al potenei trofice a solului (troficitatea potenial) are valori ridicate, solul fiind entrofic (Tp = 86 puncte), adic bine aprovizionat cu nutrieni necesari plantelor; - valoarea indicelui sintetic al nsuirilor solului utilizate efectiv d un sol bine aprovizionat cu nutrieni, uor diminuat n sezonul estival secetos (Te = 54 puncte = sol mezotrofic); - aprecierea nivelului activitii biologice a solului, n transformarea resturilor organice supraterane i subterane n direcia humificrii, precum i a mineralizrii humusului i eliberarea elementelor minerale necesare nutriiei plantelor se face prin indicele sintetic global al activitii biologice i anume activitatea dehidrogenazic. Valorile pentru AD de 15,22 mg TPF/100 g.s.u n orizontul de bioacumulare Am i ceva mai mici n orizontul de trecere A/C (de 11,16 mgTPF/100 g.s.u) evideniaz o bun i intens activitate biologic, vital i enzimatic) n direcia humificrii, precum i n direcia mineralizrii, excepie fcnd sezonul estival secetos cnd are loc o uoar ncetinire a activitii biologice din sol. 3. Fia specificului ecologic al ecopedotopului Banca Gar, punctul apte case, jud. Vaslui n vederea unei caracterizri ct mai analitice i ct mai concise a ecopedatopului (biotopului, habitatului) s-au luat n analiz un numr mare de factori i determinani ecologici (edofici i climatici) zonal importani i anume 20: 5 factori ecologici climatici: temperatura medie anual, precipitaii medii anuale, regimul vnturilor, precipitaii medii estivale i umiditatea relativ a aerului n sezonul estival;


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Tab. 1. Principalele nsuiri morfologice ale solului : 3 factori ecologici de cretere i dezvoltare; coninutul de azot total, fosfor mobil i potasiu asimilabil; : 2 factori ecologici, condiie de spaiu i timp: volumul edafic (fiziologic util plantelor) i lungimea perioadei bioactive; : 3 factori ecologici negativi: aciditatea hidrolitic (Ah), consistena estival i alcalitatea soluiei solului; : 7 determinani edafici: coninutul de humus, reacia solului, capacitatea total de schimb cationic (T), suma bazelor de schimb (SB), gradul de saturaie cu baze (v), aeraia solului i indicele sintetic global al troficitii poteniale a solului (TP) (L. Bireescu, G. Bireescu 2002, p. 1251-1258; L. Bireescu, G. Budos, M. Berca, I. Gavrilua 2003; G. Bireescu, Gh. Lupascu, C. Secu 2004, p. 163-170). S-a ntocmit fia de specific ecologic zonal i de interpretare ecologic a solului ntr-un tabel (tabelul nr. 2).

Anexe/Annexes. III. Lazr Bireescu. Interpretarea ecologic a solului / Ecological interpretation of the soil


Tab. 2. Factori ecologici, formula diagnozei ecologice a solului


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

n fia specificului ecologic cei 20 de factori i detrminani ecologici au fost analizai din punct de vedere cantitativ i calitativ. Din punct de vedere cantitativ au fost ncadrai dup valoarea lor n 8 clase de mrime ecologic: - 3 clase de mrime mic: O...m, I i II; - 2 clase de mrire mijlocie: III i IV; - 1 clas de mrire mare: V; - 2 clase extreme: E1 = excesiv cu efecte depresive; : E2 = excesiv cu efecte toxice. De asemeni, n fia specificului ecologic se face ncadrarea factorilor i determinanilor ecologici n 6 clase de favorabilitate ecologic i anume: N...m = negativ sau minim, FS = foarte sczut prin insuficien sau exces, S = sczut, M = favorabilitate mijlocie, R = ridicat i FR = favorabilitate foarte ridicat. Din analiza fiei specificului ecologic prezentate n tabel se constat urmtoarele: - majoritatea factorilor i determinanilor ecologici edafici i climatici si anume un numar de 13 se ncadreaz n clasele III i IV de mrime mijlocie; - factorii ecologici condiie a spaiului i timpului se ncadreaz n clasa V de mrime mare; - 2 factori ecologici climatici (precipitaiile estivale sczute i umiditatea relativ a aerului scazut n sezonul estival), precum i 3 factori ecologici negativi (alcalitate sczut, aciditatea hidroliticsczut i consistena estival ridicat sunt n clasa II de mrime mic. n privina favorabilitii ecologice a factorilor i determinanilor ecologici zonali analizai situaia se prezint astfel: majoritatea factorilor i determinanilor ecologici asigur o favorabilitate mijlocie (n numr 7), ridicat (n numr de 7); - 3 factori ecologici i anume unul climatic (temperatura medie anual) i 2 edafici (volumul edafic i lungimea perioadei bioactive) sunt foarte favorabili pentru creterea i dezvoltarea plantelor; - 2 factori climatici (precipitaiile estivale sczute i nivelul sczut al umiditii relative a aerului n sezonul estival excesiv de secetos) precum i consistena estival dur n stare uscat a solului reprezint principalii factori ecologici limitativi i stresani pentru cultura plantelor. n ansamblul lor, condiiile ecologice i climatice locale asigur o favorabilitate general rezultant ridicat pentru cultura plantelor de cmp si legumicultur. 4. Diagnoza ecologic a solului dup caractere proprii Interpretarea ecologic a nsuirilor solului n contextul climatic zonal permite definirea cantitativ i calitativ a celor 2 cracteristici obiective ale solului: specificul ecologic i potenialul productiv (troficitatea solului). Am artat prin fia specificului ecologic ncadrarea celor mai importani 20 de factori i determinani ecologici zonali i cele 8 clase de mrime i n cele 6 clase de favorabilitate ecologic. Prin cei doi indici sintetici i globali: troficitatea potenial a solului i troficitatea efectiv am exprimat calitativ potenialul productiv al solului. Aceste 2 nsuiri obiective ale solului: specificul ecologic i potenialul trofic exprimate printr-o relaie matematic sub form de fracie reprezint diagnoza ecologic a solului dup caractere proprii evideniate n contextul ecologic zonal. Aceast formul matematic sub form de fracie conine la numrtor cei 2 indici ai troficitii solului i anume Tp - troficitatea potenial i Te - troficitatea efectiv (real utilizabil) iar la numitor 10 factori i determinani ecologici edafici i climatici principali ncadrai n cele 8 clase de mrime ecologic.

Anexe/Annexes. III. Lazr Bireescu. Interpretarea ecologic a solului / Ecological interpretation of the soil


Formula general de calcul este: D = (Tp Te) (N A O C T D) (H t Ve V) unde DE = diagnoza ecologic a solului; Tp = troficitatea potenial; Te = troficitatea efectiv; N = coninutul de nutrieni; A = precipitaiile medii anuale; O = coninutul de aer din sol; C = consistena solului; T = temperatura medie anual; D = lungimea perioadei bioactive; H = coninutul de humus; t = textura solului; Ve = volumul edafic i V = gradul de saturaie cu baze. Aplicnd formula general de calcul la condiiile ecologice zonale de la Banca Gar - Sapte case, jud. Vaslui, rezulta urmtoarea formul a diagnozei ecologice a solului (tabel nr. 2): DE = Tp86 Te54/NIII AIII OIII CII TIV DV) (HIII tIV VeV VIV) Analiznd formula diagnozei ecologice a solului, calculat pentru contextul ecologic zonal, rezult faptul c potenialul trofic al solului este ridicat, solul fiind bine aprovizionat cu nutrieni. Acest potenial trofic este bine valorificat de plante n contextul de specific ecologic local asigurat de sol i clim, mai puin n sezonul estival cu secet excesiv prelungit care streseaz activitatea biologic a solului i buna aprovizionare a plantelor cu ap i hran. 0-30 cm: orizont de bioacumulare Am, de culoare brun nchis n stare umed i brun negricios n stare uscat. Textura solului este mijlocie, iar structura este mic grunoas slab dezvoltat; Solul este reavn (starea de umiditate), afnat, slab coeziv (clasa de consisten n stare uscat) i friabil (clasa de consisten n stare umed), slab plastic (clasa de plasticitate), slab adeziv (clasa de adezivitate), slab compact (clasa de compactitate) i slab cimentat (clasa de cimentare). 30-45 cm: orizont de trecere A/C de culoare brun-glbui cu nuane vineii, n stare umed, i brun glbui ruginiu, n stare uscat. Textura este mijlocie, iar structura este mic grunoas nestabil. Solul este jilav, slab adeziv, slab cimentat, slab compact, moderat plastic i friabil. 45-60 cm: material parental C1G0, moderat gleizat, de culoare brun-ruginie cu nuane vineii, date de produii de oxidare-reducere, cu textur mijlocie i lipsit de structur (astructurat). Solul este umed (starea de umiditate), tare (ferm-clasa de consisten n stare umed) i moderat coeziv (clasa de consisten a solului n stare uscat), moderat compact, moderat plastic. 60-120 cm: material parental C2Gr, cu gleizare de reudcere (Gr.) de culoare brun-glbuivineie, cu textur mijlocie i nestructurat. Tipul genetic de sol: SOL ALUVIAL MOLIC, moderat gleizat, pe materiale aluviale, lut nisipos mijlociu. Unitatea taxonomic de sol: SAmo - g3d2 - s1d1 - a1d1-FM-SM/SM.

Annex III. The archaeological settlement of Banca Gar - Sapte case, Vaslui county. Ecological interpretation of the soil
1. Main morphological features of the molic alluvial soil; 2. Main physical, chemical and biological features. The main physical, chemical and biological features of the soil are presented in table no. 1 - the texture of the soil is average (textural class SM = average sandy clay) with a low percentage of colloidal clay, contained between the values of 15,6 % along the first 30 cm of the soil profile (Am horizon) and 10,1 % within the depth of the soil profile. - the reaction of the soil is slightly acid to neuter, with H2O PH values between 6,5 (in the Am horizon) and 7,2 in depth; - the humus content has average values in the Am bio-accumulation horizon (30 cm thick and well developed (2,134 %) and lowered on the profile;


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

- the total nitrogen content in the soil has middle values in the Am horizon (0,152 %) and low values on the profile; (0,101 - 0,015 %); - providing the soil with mobile phosphor is average on the profile, with values contained between 34 ppm (in Am = 0,30 cm) and 25 ppm in depth; - providing the soil with assimilatable potassium is average on the profile, with values contained between 186 ppm along the first 30 cm (Am horizon and 108 ppm in depth; - the sum of the exchange bases has average values within the first 50 cm of the soil (24 - 16 me/100 g) and low values in depth; - the total capacity of cationic exchange (T = me/100 g) has average values within the first 45 cm of the soil profile (26 - 25 me/100 g sol) and low values on the profile and in depth; - the saturation degree with bases with average values, the soil being under - submezabasic (v = 81- 89 % on the profile); - the synthetic index of the trophic potency of the soil (potential trophicity) has high values, the soil being entrophic (Tp = 86 points), that is well fed with the nutrients necessary to the plants; -the value of the synthetic index of the soil features in use provides a soil well fed with nutrients, slightly diminished during the hot droughty season (Te = 54 points = sol mesotrophic); - the assessment of the level of the soil biological activity in the transformation of the overand underground organic remains in the direction of the humification, as well as of the humus mineralization and the release of the mineral elements necessary to the plant nutrition is done by the global synthetic index of the biological activity, more precisely the dehydrogenasic activity. Values for AD of 15,22 mg TPF/100 g.s.u in the Am bio-accumulation horizon and somehow smaller values in the A/C transition horizon (of 11,16 mgTPF/100 g.s.u) indicate a good and intensive biological, vital and enzymatic activity) in the direction of the humification, as well as of the mineralization, except for the hot droughty season when there takes place a slight slowing down of the biological activity in the soil. 3. The sheet of the ecologic features of the biotope Banca Gar, apte case spot, Vaslui county. In order to achieve a most analytical and concise characterization of the biotope, a large number (20) of regionally important factors and ecological determining elements (edaphic and climatic) were analyzed as follows: 5 climatic ecological factors: the average annual temperature, the average annual precipitations, the wind regime, the summer average precipitations and air relative humidity in summer; 3 growth and development ecological factors; the total content of nitrogen, mobile phosphor and assimilatable potassium; 2 ecological factors pertaining to space and time: the edaphic volume (the physiologically useful volume of the plants) and the length of the bioactive period; 3 negative ecological factors: hydrolytic acidity (Ah), summer consistency and alkalinity of the soil solution; 7 edaphic determining elements: humus content, soil reaction, total capacity of cationic exchange (T), sum of the exchange bases (SB), degree of bases saturation (v), soil aeration and global synthetic index of the soil potential trophicity (TP) (L. Bireescu, G. Bireescu 2002, p. 12511258; L. Bireescu, G. Budos, M. Berca, I. Gavrilua 2003; G. Bireescu, Gh. Lupascu, C. Secu 2004, p. 163-170). The sheet containing the zonal ecological specificity and the soil ecological interpretation has been elaborated in a table format (table no. 2). Within the sheet with the ecological specificity, the 20 factors and ecological determining elements have been analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Quantitatively they were included,

Anexe/Annexes. III. Lazr Bireescu. Interpretarea ecologic a solului / Ecological interpretation of the soil


according to their value, in 8 classes of ecological dimension: - 3 classes of small dimensions: O...m, I i II; - 2 classes of average dimensions: III i IV; - 1 class of large dimensions: V; - 2 extreme classes: E1 = excessive with depressive effects; : E2 = excessive with toxic effects. Similarly, the sheet with the ecological specificity shows the distribution of the factors and ecological determining agents in classes of ecological favorability, that is: N...m = negative or minimal, FS = very low by insufficiency excess, S = low, M = average favorability, R = high and FR = very high favorability. The analysis of the sheet of the ecological specificity presented in the table indicates the following: - most of the factors and edaphic and climatic ecological determining agents, more precisely 13, belong to classes III and IV of average dimensions; - the ecological factors pertaining to space and time are included in class V of large dimensions; 2 climatic ecological factors (low summer precipitations and the low air relative humidity in summer), as well as 3 negative ecological factors (low alkalinity, low hydroalkalinity and high summer consistency are in class II of small dimensions. As for the ecological favorability of the analyzed zonal factors and ecological determining elements the situation is as follows: most of the factors and ecological determining elements provide an average (7 of them) and high (7 of them) favorability; - 3 ecological factors more precisely a climatic one (yearly average temperature) and 2 edaphic ones (edaphic volume and length of the bioactive period) are very favorable to the growth and development of the plants; - 2 climatic factors (low summer precipitations and the low level of air relative humidity in excessively drought summer) as well as the tough summer consistency in the soil dry condition are the main ecological limitative and stressing factors for plant cultivation. In their ensemble, the local ecological and climatic conditions result into a high general favorability locale for the cultivation of field plants and vegetables. 4. The ecological diagnosis of the soil according to its features The ecological interpretation of the soil features in the climate context of the zone allows the quantitative and qualitative definition of the two main objective features of the soil: the ecological specificity and the productive potentiality (soil trophicity). We showed, by means of the sheet with the ecological specificity, which are the most important 20 factors and zonal ecological determining factors and how they are distributed in the 8 dimensional classes and the 6 ecological favorability classes. By the two synthetic and global indexes: the potential trophicity of the soil and the effective trophicity we expressed the qualitative productive potential of the soil. These 2 objective features of the soil: ecological specificity and the trophic potential are expressed mathematically by a fraction, represent the ecological diagnosis of the soil according to the own characteristics pointed out in the zonal ecological context. This mathematic formula expressed as a fraction contains as numerator the two indexes of soil trophicity, that is Tp potential trophicity and Te effective trophicity (real usable one) and as denominator the 10 factors and main edaphic and climatic ecological determining factors included in the 8 classes of ecological dimensions. The general calculation formula is:


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

D = (Tp Te) (N A O C T D) (H t Ve V) where DE = ecological diagnosis of the soil; Tp = potential trophicity; Te = effective trophicity; N = nutrient content; A = yearly average precipitations; O = air content in the soil; C = soil consistency; T = average yearly temperature; D = length of the bioactive period; H = content of humus; t = texture of the soil; Ve = edaophic volume and V = degree of saturation with bases. Applying the general calculation formula to the la zonal ecological conditions of Banca Gar - apte case, Vaslui county, there results the following formula of the ecological diagnosis of the soil (table no. 2): DE = Tp86 Te54/NIII AIII OIII CII TIV DV) (HIII tIV VeV VIV) Analyzing the formula of the soil ecological diagnosis, calculated for the zonal ecological context, there results the fact that the trophic potential of the soil is high, the soil being well fed with nutrients. This trophic potential is well valorized by plants in the context of the local ecological specificity provided by soil and climate, to a lower extent during summer with long excessive drought which stresses the biological activity of the soil and the appropriate provision of water and food to the plants. 0-30 cm: Am bio-accumulation horizon, dark brown, when humid and blackish brown when dry. The texture of the soil is average, and the structure is small grained, poorly developed; The soil is wet and fresh(the condition of humidity), with a weak cohesiveness (the class of consistency when dry) and friable (the class of consistency when humid), poorly plastic (the class of plasticity), poorly adhesive (class of adhesiveness), poorly compact (class of compactness) and poorly cemented (class of cementing). 30-45 cm: A/C transition horizon yellowish-brown with bluish when humid and rust-like yellowish-brown when dry. The texture is average, and the structure is small grained and unstable. The soil is humid, poorly adhesive, poorly cemented, poorly compact, moderately plastic and friable. 45-60 cm: C1G0 parental material, moderately gleized, rust-like brown with bluish, given by the oxidation reduction products, with an average texture and astructured. The soil is humid (the condition of humidity), tough (firm the class of consistency when wet) and moderately cohesive (class of soil consistency when dry), moderately compact, moderately plastic. 60-120 cm: C2Gr parental material, with reducing gleizing (Gr.), bluish yellowish brown, with average astructured texture. The genetic type of soil: molic alluvial soil, moderately gleized, on alluvial materials, average sandy clay. Taxonomic soil unity: SAmo - g3d2 - s1d1 a1d1-FM-SM/SM.

IV. Complexe / Complexes. Preistorie / Prehistory


Anexa IV. Complexe / Complexes (Ruxandra Alaiba) Preistorie

Publicarea cercetrilor arheologice ntreprinse n satul Banca Gar - apte case, a avut n vedere i prezentarea descoperirilor datate n perioada de tranziie de la eneolitic la epoca bronzului sau n bronzul timpuriu. Din cele ase sectoare investigate (A-F), provin cteva materiale, unelte de silex i de piatr, precum i ceramic de tradiie eneolitic, dar i ceramic decorat cu mici proeminene, incizii, crestturi sau alveole sau vase prevzute cu toarte uor nlate deasupra gurii, specifice bronzului timpuriu. n preajma materialelor s-a gsit i un fragment de margine de vatr (fig. 5/6; h=3,7 cm), ars alb-crmiziu, semn al ex istenei aici a unei locuiri de scurt durat, sezoniere. Dintre piesele de silex menionm un vrf de sgeat (fig. 1/1; h=1,6 cm), cteva unelte realizate pe achii sau lame, mai ales gratoare (fig. 1/5-9, 11-14) i mai multe achii atipice (fig. 1/24, 10).

Fig. 9. Banca Gar - apte case. 1-21 Diferite artefacte de silex; 22-23 unelte din piatr. Various artifacts of flint, tools made of grayish gritstone.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Fig. 10. Banca Gar - apte case. 1 Mosor; 2-5 bile de gresie; 6-9 fragmente de rnie. 1 Bobbin, 2-5 a sandstone ball; 6-9 gritstone fragments.

Semnalm i descoperirea, n 1982, a dou topoare fragmentare, lucrate din piatr dur, bine lefuite, de mari dimensiuni. Primul, a aprut pe SII, M7, la adncimea de -0,70 m. Spre ti are o uoar deteriorare iar pe lungime a fost zgriat recent. Din el s-a pstrat partea cu tiul uor convex

Aglomerare de materiale nr. 1, bronz timpuriu / Agglomeration of materials no.1, Early Bronze Age


(fig. 1/16; L=6,1; l=4,4 cm). Toporul prezint axul longitudinal al profilului uor curbat. Din al doilea, aprut pe SXLII, M16,50, -0,68 m, s-a pstrat, la fel, partea de la ti pn la perforarea cilindric a acestuia (fig. 1/17; L=80; l=3-3,5 cm). Piesele, deosebit de fin lefuite, se pot apropia de topoarele de parad sau de lupt, conform tipologiei realizate de prof. Alexandru Vulpe (1959, p. 271-272), precum toporul descoperit n mormntul de la Rcciuni, judeul Bacu sau Poieneti Dealul Teilor, judeul Vaslui (R. Vulpe, Ecaterina Vulpe 1933, fig. 101/10). Din lut amestecat cu resturi vegetale s-a realizat un mosor (fig. 10/1).

The elaboration of the archaeological monograph Banca Gar, point apte case, was also aimed at presenting the discoveries specific to the Eneolithic to Bronze Age, transition period or to the early Bronze Age (fig. 9-16). Around these materials there also was found a fragment of a hearth edge (fig. 12/6; h=3,7 cm), of white brick red clay, indicating the existence of a short-term habitation dated to the Eneolithic to Bronze Age transition period. Throughout the six investigated sectors (A-F), there were found some materials, flint and stone tools, as well as ceramic ware of Cucutenian tradition, several fragments decorated with small prominences, incisions, notches or alveoli and vessels with slightly heightened handles, specific to the early Bronze Age. We would also like to point out the discovery, in 1982, of two fragmentary axes made of tough stone, well polished and of large dimensions. The first was discovered on SII, M7, at the depth of -0,70 m. The part with the convex cutting edge was preserved out of it (fig. 10/8; L=6,1; l=4,4 cm). Toward the cutting edge, it has a slight damage, and its edge was recently scratched. The axe has the longitudinal axis of its profile slightly arched. The second one appeared in SXLII, M16,50, -0,68 m, and in this case too also the part with the cutting edge was preserved as well (fig. 10/7), up to the cylindrical perforation (L=80; l=3-3,5 cm). The items, particularly well polished, can be compared to the parade or fighting items, Alexandru Vulpe (1959, p. 271-272), such as the one found in the tomb of Rcciuni, Bacu county, Poieneti - Dealul Teilor, Vaslui county (R. Vulpe, Ecaterina Vulpe 1933, fig. 101/10). A bobbin was was modeled of clay mixed with vegetal (fig. 10/1).
4.1. Cpl. 38. Aglomerare de materiale nr. 1, o construcie sezoniere de suprafa. Datare: bronz timpuriu sau perioada de tranziie de la eneolitic la bronz (fig. 11-12). S-a descoperit n 1986, sector C, pe SXV-XVI, mai puin pe SXVII-XVIII. La o adncime mai mare, n solul brun, -0,60-0,80 m. Pe o suprafa de aproximativ 51,30 m2, L=1,90 i l=2,70 m, erau aglomerate cteva fragmente ceramice modelate din past fin, argil amestecat cu nisip de mic granulaie i puine cioburi pisate mrunt, mici buci friabile de chirpic i o parte din marginea unei vetre, care probabil proveneau de la o construcie sezonier (fig. 11/9). De aici i din preajm au fost recuperate pri de la 16 vase lucrate din past prfoas, bruncrmizie, cu pete cenuii, dou pahare (fig. 11/2; 12/3), trei cratere cu marginea evazat (fig. 11/9-10; 12/2), alte cinci forme cu marginea evazat sau mai dreapt i corp ovoidal (fig. 11/1, 3, 6, 8; 12/7), dou vase cu gt nalt i corp sferoidal (fig. 12/1, 4), pri dinspre baza lor (fig. 11/5-6, 11; 12/8), un vas mic (fig. 12/6) i dou obiecte de lut (fig. 11/4, 7). Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramic modelat cu mna: 2 pahare (fig. 11/2; buz=10; h=4 cm; 12/3; buz=14,2; h=3,7 cm), 3 cratere (fig. 11/9-10; buz=30; h=5,8; 9 cm i 12/2; corp=41; h=8 cm); 1 margine de vas (fig. 12/6; buz=26; h=5,5 cm), 4 vase ovoidale (fig. 11/1, 3, 8; buz=8; 26; 20 cm; h=4; 7,7; 7,8 cm i 12/7; buz=20; h=9,5 cm); 4 baze (fig. 11/5-6, 11; corp=20; baz=4,5; 8,2; h=11; 2,5; 13 cm i 12/8; baz=15; h=3,8 cm) i dou vase cu gt nalt i corp sferoidal (fig. 12/1, 4; buz=15; 15,6; h=6,7; 7,2 cm). Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 2 obiecte de lut (fig. 11/4, 7; h=2 i 2,2 cm). Materiale de construcie: - 1 margine de vatr (fig. 13/8; h=3,7 cm); buci de chirpici.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Aglomerare de materiale nr. 1, bronz timpuriu / Agglomeration of materials no.1, Early Bronze Age


Fig. 12. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice: past prfoas brun-crmizie 1-2, 4, 6 vase; 3 pahar; 5 perete; 7 strachin; 8 baz; 9 margine vatr. Construcia sezonier nr. 1, cpl. 1, bronz timpuriu. Ceramic fragments: dusty brown-brick, 1-2, 4, 6 vessels; 3 beaker; 5 wall; 7 bowl; 8 basis; hearth border 9. S easonal construction no. 1, cpl. 1, Early Bronze Age.

Cpl. 38. The agglomeration of materials no. 1, seasonal constructions no. 1. Dated to the Early Bronze Age or period of the transition from Eneolithic to the Bronze Age (fig. 11-12). It was discovered in 1986, in sector C, on SXV-XVI, and less on SXVII-XVIII, at a rather depth, of -0,60-0,80 m, in brown soil. Over a surface of approximately, 51,30 m 2, L=1,90 and w=2,70 m, were busy few fragments of pottery shaped in fine clay, mixed with small sand grain, were accumulated small friable pieces of adobe and a fragment of hearth border, probably resulting from a temporary construction (fig. 11/9). Parts of 16 pots made of dusty brown - brick colored paste, with grayish stains and two beakers (fig. 11/2; 12/3), three craters with flared profile (fig. 11/9-10; 12/2), five shapes with flared or rather straight border and ovoid body (fig. 11/1, 3, 6, 8; 12/7), two vessels with high neck and spheroid body (fig. 12/1, 4), lower parts of pots (fig. 11/5-6, 11; 12/8), a small vessel (fig. 12/6) and two clay objects (fig. 11/4, 7) were recuperated from there. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware: 2 beakers (fig. 11/2; mouth=10; h=4; 12/3; =14,2; h=3,7 cm), 3 craters (fig. 11/9-10; mouth=30; h=5,8; 9 cm and 12/2; body=41; h=8 cm); edge vessel (fig. 12/6; mouth=26; h=5,5 cm), 4 vessels with ovoid body (fig. 11/1, 3, 8; =8; 26; 20 cm; h=4; 7,7; 7,8 and 12/7; mouth=20; h=9,5 cm); 4 bases (fig. 11/5-6, 11; body=20; basis=4,5; 8,2; h=11; 2,5; 13 cm; 12/8; basis=15; h=3,8 cm) and two vessels


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

with high neck and spheroid body (fig. 12/1,4; mouth=15; 15,6; h=6,7; 7,2 cm). Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 2 clay items (fig. 11/4, 7; h=2 and 2,2 cm). Construction materials: - 1 hearth border (fig. 12/9; h=3,7 cm); pieces of adobe.

Fig. 13. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice: past prfoas brun-crmizie, 1 castron; 2, 6-7 margini; 3-5 perei ornai; 8 baz. Construcia sezonier nr. 2, cpl. 111, bronz timpuriu. Ceramic fragments: dusty brown- brick colored paste, 1 tureen; 2, 6-7 borders; 3-5 walls with ornaments; 8 basis. Seasonal construction no. 2, cpl. 111, Early Bronze Age.

4.2. Cpl. 111. Aglomerare de materiale nr. 2, construcie sezonier de suprafa (fig. 13-14). Datare: bronz timpuriu. S-a descoperit n anul 1988, n sectorul E, pe SIV, M6-8, -0,70-0,80 m. Bucile friabile de chirpic pot proveni de la o construcie sezonier. Vasele lucrate din past mai puin omogen, amestecat cu nisip, uneori i amot mrunt, de culoare brun-crmizie, cu pete cenuii, nu au fost bine finisate la exterior (fig. 13/1-3, 9). Dou fragmente ceramice provin de la vase cu buza evazat, prevzute interior cu o uoar nuire iar pe marginea exterioar cu crestturi sau cu alveole adncite dezordonat (fig. 13/6-7). Alte fragmente au fost ornate cu benzi liniare incizate, pe gtul vasului vertical sau orizontal iar pe corp vertical (fig. 13/4-5). Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramic modelat cu mna: pri de vase (fig. 13/1-3, 9; buz=20; 24; baz=9 cm; h=4,6 cm), unele cu buza evazat crestat i interior nuit (fig. 13/6-7; buz=24,5; 18 cm; h=2,9 i 2,4 cm), altele au decor incizat (fig. 13/4-5; h=3,4; 3,9 cm), vase cu proeminene sau toarte (fig. 14/1-6), crater (fig. 14/7). Cpl. 111. The agglomeration of materials no. 2, seasonal construction above ground (fig. 13-14). Dated to Early Bronze Age. It was discovered in 1988, in sector E, on SIV, M6-8, -0,70-0,80 m. The friable pieces of adobe may have their origin in a temporary construction. The vessels made of paste less homogenous, mixed with sand, sometimes also broken potshards, of brown - brackish nuance, with grayish stains, were not well finished on the exterior (fig. 13/1-3, 9). Two potsherds result from vessels with flared rim, having inside a slight grooving and on the exterior random notches or alveoli (fig. 13/6-7). Other parts of vessels were ornamented with linear stripes vertically or horizontally incised on the vessel neck and vertically on the body (fig. 13/4-5).

Mormnt de nhumaie M6, bronz timpuriu / The inhumation grave M6, Early Bronze Age


Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware: parts of vessels (fig. 13/1-3, 9; mouth=20; 24;basis=9; h=4,6 cm), some with the flared rim nicked and with an interior grooving (fig. 13/6-7; mouth=24,5; 18; h=2,9; 2,4 cm) others show an incised (fig. 13/4-5; h=3,4; 3,9 cm); vessels with prominences or handles, crater (fig. 14/1-7).

Fig. 14. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice: 1-6 vase cu proeminene sau toarte; 7 crater. Passim. Ceramic fragments: 1-6 vessels with prominences or handles; 7 crater. Bronze Age. Passim.

4.3. Cpl. 118. Mormnt de inhumaie M6 (fig. 15-16), datat n bronzul timpuriu, grupul ivotilovka Volansk Bursuceni, s-a descoperit n campania din 1988, n sectorul C, SXVII. Pentru mormntul de la Banca Gar - apte case, din cauza condiiilor de descoperire, nu se poate preciza dac s-a ridicat sau nu o movil de pmnt deasupra. Situaia stratigrafic a mormntului nr. 6 a fost complex (fig. 15/1; 16). Prin arhitectura construciei se nscrie ntre mormintele cu groap i ni. Groapa de form aproximativ cilindric (=1,77x1,73 m), se adncete pn la -0,65-0,70 m, fa de nivelul actul de clcare (fig. 16/1). De la -0,78 m ncepe s se profileze o alt groap de form patrulater, L=1,51; l=1,62 m, ce se adncete pn la -0,96-1,10 m (fig. 16/2). Spre latura de est se afl un schelet depus n poziie chircit pe partea stng i minile ndoite din coate, cu orientarea aproximativ nord-sud i craniul orientat spre nord, cu o mic deviere. Nu s-au conservat bine oasele mici iar oasele bazinului au fost sfrmate datorit condiiilor de zacere. n preajm sau pe schelet nu s-a gsit ocru. Analiza antropologic, realizat de dr. Alexandra Coma i dr. Georgeta Miu, a precizat depunerea aici a unui individ de sex masculin i de vrst relativ tnr (30-35 ani). Corpurile chircite pe una dintre pri, cum s-a menionat n acest caz pe stnga, pot fi interpretate, fie ca o precauie mpotriva ntoarcerii morilor prin legarea cadavrului (N. Zugravu 1997, p. 328), fie, dimpotriv, ca o speran a renaterii acestora prin nhumarea n poziie foetal (M. Eliade 1981, p. 16; 1992, p. 238-242). Un vas cu o form aproape identic cu a cupei provine din staiunea Rocani, altul de la Taraclia. Toarte unghiulare se vor modela pe umrul vaselori n complexul Komarov Costia Ciomortan (Gh. Dumitroaia 2000, p. 152, fig. 113/3).


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

n partea de est / sud-est, la aproximativ 0,60 m de mormnt, au aprut trei vase (fig. 15/2, 5-6), unul ntreg i dou ntregibile, un castron cu gura larg, cu analogii n mediul horoditean anterior (fig. 15/2), o cup cu marginea n form de plnie, cu o proeminen conic pe gt (fig. 15/5) i o can cu toarta arcuit, de sub buz spre umr, n unghi ascuit (fig. 15/6). Vasele au fost modelate din past compact, amestecat cu amot iar la exterior s-au angobat, au fost arse reductor, ntr-o culoare brun-cenuie cu pete negricioase. n preajma mormntului se afla o bil din gresie cu patru mpunsturi uoare (fig. 15/3-3a). O alta s-a gsit n stratul de cultur (fig. 10/4).

Fig. 15. Banca Gar - apte case. 1 mormnt de nhumaie nr. 6, cpl. 118. Inventar - 2 crater, 5 pahar, 6 can; 3a-4 bile de gresie. Grupul ivotilovka Volansk Bursuceni. 1 The inhumation grave no. 6, cpl. 118. Inventory - 2 crater, 5 beaker, 6 mug; 3a-4 a sandstone ball. ivotilovka Volansk Bursuceni group.

Inventar ceramic: La vest de Prut, n acelai orizont, complexul de la Banca prezint analogii cu mormintele de la Brilia, M19 (?) i 20 (N. Haruche, F. Anastasiu 1976; I. T. Dragomir 1959, p. 685, fig. 8), Corlteni - Dealul Stadole, jud. Botoani, M1, publicat de E. Coma (1982, p. 92-93), ulterior i de I. Manzura (1993, p. 23-24; ~, E. Sava 1994, p. 143 i urm.), Lieti - Movila Arbnau, M22, descoperit de M.

Mormnt de nhumaie M6, bronz timpuriu / The inhumation grave M6, Early Bronze Age


Brudiu. Acesta din urm probabil este mai timpuriu, prin vasul pictat n stil Horoditea Gordineti, dar depete etapa prin cnia modelat din past degresat cu cioburi i calcar sfrmat, de culoare cenuie cu pete negre, prevzut pe umr tot cu torti i ornat cu un ir de adncituri realizate cu unghia. Motivul era obinuit folosit n ornamentarea vaselor Precucuteni, Cucuteni, dar i Cucuteni de tip C, de exemplu, apare pe unul din vasele descoperite n aezarea Cucuteni A-B de la Hui - Centrul Oraului, jud. Vaslui,pentru Horoditea Gordineti, vezi vasul de la Cucuteni - Cetuie, jud. Iai (M. Petrescu-Dmbovia et alii 2004, p. 298, fig. 256/1) i castronul de la Trpeti - Rpa lui Bodai, jud. Botoani (S. Marinescu-Blcu 1981, fig. 212/19). Un vas cu o form aproape identic cu a cupei provine din staiunea Rocani, altul de la Taraclia (I. Manzura 1990, fig. 3/10).

Fig. 16. Banca Gar - apte case. 1-2 mormnt de nhumaie nr. 6. Grupul ivotilovka Volansc Bursuceni, cpl. 118. Planuri i profile. 1-2 The inhumation grave no. 6group, cpl. 118. Plans et profiles.

Scheletul din M6 analiza antropologic Mormnt din bronzul timpuriu, descoperit la Banca Gar - apte case, com. Banca, jud. Vaslui, n 1988. Inventariind resturile osoase din acest mormnt putem sublinia starea deficitar de conservare a


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

scheletului i caracterul su incomplet. Din fragmentele craniului s-a putut restaura o calot cranian incomplet creia i lipsete jumtatea posterioar a parietalului drept (din care este prezent un fragment dar fr conexiune anatomic), temporalele (din cel drept pstrndu-se un fragment mai mare) i regiunea bazal. Scheletul facial este reprezentat doar prin patru fragmente osoase: dou provenind din maxilarul superior (unul din partea stng cu premolarii 1 i 2 n alveole i altul din partea dreapt cu molarul 3), unul din mandibul (regiunea gonian dreapt) i un altul reprezentnd osul malar drept. Din scheletul postcefalic s-au pstrat i mai puine piese osoase din care menionm humerusul drept (cruia i lipsete epifiza inferioar) i un fragment din diafiza celui stng, 3 vertebre cervicale, clavicola dreapt, un fragment din osul coxal stng (regiunea simfizei pubiene), cteva metacarpiene i cteva fragmente de coaste. Judecnd dup starea suturilor craniene (care sunt deschise), dup gradul de abraziune dentar (dentiia prezent este slab erodat), ct i dup masivitatea oaselor, n general, opinm pentru apartenena acestui schelet unui individ de sex masculin i de vrst relativ tnr (30-35 ani). Craniul fiind incomplet nu se preteaz la o cercetare biometric ci numai la una morfoscopic. Biometric s-a putut preciza doar lungimea craniului a crei valoare se situeaz pe scara dimorfic n categoria foarte lung (201 mm), ceea ce indic innd cont i de lrgime (apreciat ochiometric), un craniu accentuat dolicocran. De altfel i conturul acestuia n norma vertical este un oval alungit n norma occipital prezentnd un aspect "de bomb". nlimea craniului pare s fi fost moderat. Occipitalul este foarte bombat nalt i cu protuberana occipital extern slab marcat, mai bine exprimate fiind liniile nucale. Apofiza mastoid este puternic (tipic masculin), relieful supramastoidian pare s fi fost i el dezvoltat. La nivel frontal relieful osos este slab marcat (pentru un brbat), fiind mai evident doar n regiunea glabelar. La nivelul feei menionm lrgimea apreciabil a malarului i tipul de gonion dezvoltat i rsfrnt n afar. Asupra scheletului postcefalic subliniem caracterul evident de robusticitate al acestuia i tipul de humerus euribrahic (indicele de seciune: 840). Referindu-se la tipul antropologic autorul studiului pstreaz anumite rezerve dat fiind absena craniului facial i a oaselor lungi (dup care se calculeaz statura). Prin aceste caracteristici (n special macrodimensionarea craniului prin dimensiunea longitudinal de categorie foarte lung) scheletul prezint afiniti cu unele schelete din complexul mormintelor tumulare cu ocru de tip Drevne - Jamnaja (din perioada de tranziie) aa cum sunt cele din tumulii de la Holboca, care, n majoritatea lor aparin tipului protoeuropoid (O. Necrasov, M. Cristescu 1957, p. 73; O. Necrasov, M. Cristescu, S. Antoniu 1964, 1, p. 13-31). Prin compararea mormntului de la Gara Banca cu realitile din regiunile nvecinate, cu mai mult sau mai puin claritate acesta se apropie de cteva morminte tumulare de la est de Prut. ntre ele menionm pe cele de la Costeti M2/T2, Crasnoe, M10/T9, Cazaclia, Kubej, Obileni, Taraclia, Tochile - Rducani ( V. G. Petrenko 1991, p. 74-75). n arealul vestic s-a definit prin mormintele tumulare Costeti Bursuceni Taraclia (Ibidem). Mormntul de la Gara Banca se apropie i de nmormntrile fr ceramic pictat de stil Horoditea trziu, precum cele de la Bursuceni. Grupele de morminte de acest tip au fost definite de I. Ph. Kovaleva, n 1991 (1991, p. 66-67), n cadrul nmormntrilor tumulare Usatovo, din care cele trzii i finale au fost cuprinse ntr-un orizont aparte de tip ivotilovka sau, cum l-a numit ulterior Iu. Ia. Rassamakin (1999), prin ntinderea acestuia de la vest de Prut pn la Don, ivotilovka Volansk Bursuceni. Orizontul cumuleaz elemente trzii ale aa numitei perioade de tranziie de la eneolitic la bronz i din bronzul timpuriu din zona Maikop Novosvobodnoj, din mediul Usatovo Folteti, Horoditea Erbiceni Gordineti i elemente ale amforelor sferice sau trichterbecher (Fl. Burtnescu 2003, p. 15 i urm.). Practica funerar de la Gara Banca este cunoscut nmormntrilor tumulare anterioare fenomenului ptrunderii la vest de Prut a culturii Jamnaja. Mormintele pre-Jamnaja nu sunt att de numeroase. Cpl. 118. The inhumation grave M6 (fig. 15-16), found in 1988, in sector C (S17), as we already mentioned, it is dated in the Bronze Age or in the Early Bronze Age (according to the chronology used by the Romanian archeology), group ivotilovka Volansk Bursuceni. There is no way of asserting if the grave had a tumulus raised on top of it, due to the conditions of its discovery. It pertains probably to the pit-andniche type of graves by means of its architecture. The pit is almost cylindrical (1.73-1.77 m in diameter), with a depth of 0.65-0.70 m from the actual treading level (fig. 16/1). Starting from -0.78 m another, rectangular, pit takes shape (1.51 m by 1.93 m), which has a depth of 0.96-1.10 m (fig. 15/1-16/2).

Mormnt de nhumaie M6, bronz timpuriu / The inhumation grave M6, Early Bronze Age


On its west side lays the skeleton, oriented north-south with a slight deviation, the skull towards north, in fetal position on its left side, its arms bent from the elbows. The small bones were hardly preserved at all, while the pelvic bones shattered by the pressure of the earth. There were no traces of red ochre. On the ESE side of the grave, 0.60 m from it, three pots were found (fig. 15/2, 5-6), one whole and the other two as fragments: one wide-mouth dish, with analogies in the preceding Horodistea culture (fig. 15/2), a funnel-shaped rim cup, with a conical prominence on its shoulder and a mug with the handle stuck on its shoulder at a sharp angle from under its rim (fig. 15/5-6). The pots were finely crafted from a compact paste, mixed with ground potsherds and fired in a reducing atmosphere. They are grayish-brown in color with dark spots. Also near the grave a sandstone marble was found (fig. 15/3-3a). Another find of this type surfaced from the habitation layer (fig. 15/4). A pot of very similar shape to the cup was discovered on the site of Rocani, another one at Taraclia (I. Manzura 1990, fig. 3/10). The angular handles will also be found in the environment of Komarov Costia Ciomortan culture (Gh. Dumitroaia 2000, p. 152, fig. 113/3). Fragmented ceramic inventory: - The first vessels discovered in the pit of the grave is a dish with wide mouth, which with regards to its shape, shows analogies in the prior Horoditea environment (fig. 15/2; h=9,5 cm), a cup with funnelshaped border, with a conical prominence on the shoulder (fig. 15/5; h=6,5 cm), a mug with a narrow angled handle attached to the shoulder from underneath the rim (fig. 15/6; h=10,4 cm) and a sandstone ball, with four light depths on its surface (fig. 15/3-3a). West of Prut river, the analogies for the Banca Gar complex are to be found in the graves of Brailita (M19 and M20) (N. Haruche, F. Anastasiu 1959, p. 685, fig. 8), Corlteni - Dealul Stadole, Botosani county, M1, reported by E. Comsa (1982, p. 92-93), and further by I. Manzura (1993, p. 23-24; see also Idem, E. Sava 1994, p. 143 etc.), Lieti - Movila Arbnau (M22), reported by M. Brudiu (1996, p. 241-242). The last one is probably the earliest one chronologically, by its painted pot in the style of Horoditea Gordineti (but later than this stage, as proven by the small mug of ground shell and limestone mixed paste, gray with dark spots, with a small handle on its shoulder and decorated with a row of nail marks). This motif is known in the area of Cucuteni pottery, as well as Cucuteni C, as on the pot found at Husi - Centrul Oraului, Horoditea Gordineti, the pot found at Cucuteni - Cetuie (R. Alaiba 2004, p. 298, fig. 256/1, in M. PetrescuDmbovia et alii 2004) and the bowl found at Tarpesti - Rpa lui Bodai, Botoani county (S. MarinescuBlcu 1981, fig. 212/19). The anthropological analysis The skeleton inside M6 belongs, following the anthropological analysis, to a young male individual (30-35 years). It is incomplete and poorly preserved and it is represented by bone fragments from both the cephalic and post-cephalic segments. The skull was restored only as an incomplete cranial vault (without its basal region of the posterior half of the right parietal bone), which study, extended also to the facial bone fragments, was limited to the morphological observations. From the biometric point of view only the length of the cranium could be established, which places it into the over-long category of the dimorphic scale (201 mm), which indicates, together with its width (upon visual assessment), a positively dolichocranic skull. In the same respect, its outline in the vertical norm is ovoid-ellipsoidal, while in the occipital norm is of bombshell shape. The height of the cranium seems to be a moderate one. The occipital is very convex, tall and with a weak outward occipital protuberance. The mastoid apophysis is strong and the supra-mastoid ridge is well-developed. At the level of the forehead, the bone ridging is evident only in the glabellar region. At the level of the face, the significant width of the malar bone should be mentioned, as well as the gonion of a well-developed and doubled-over type. In respect to the post-cephalic skeleton, its robust character must be mentioned, as well as the humerus of eurybrachial type (the cross-section index of 84.1). As for the anthropologic type, we are reserved in asserting a certain type, due to the absence of the facial skeleton and the long bones (for calculating the body height). The strong dolichocranic appearance of the skull, the large width of the malar bone, as well as the obvious robustness of the skeleton are elements found within the structure of the proto-Europoid type. These features (especially the macro-dimensioning of the cranium on its length, the so-called overlong category) relate this skeleton to the certain ones from the complex of tumular tombs with red ochre of Drevne-Yamnaya type (the transition period), as the ones of Holboca tumuli, which skeletons belongs, most of them, to the proto-Europoid type (O. Necrasov, M. Cristescu 1957, p. 73 etc.).


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Furthermore, it shows analogies also with certain skeletons from the Yamnaya graves of the second phase of Smeeni, especially the grave M16, by the longitudinal dimension of its cranium also over-long (203 mm) and by its ovoid-ellipsoidal shape (O. Necrasov, M. Cristescu, S. Antoniu 1964, 1, p. 13-31; I. Ph. Kovaleva 1991, p. 66-67). By comparing the grave of Banca Gara against the situations in the neighboring regions, we can assert that it is more or less similar to certain tumular tombs east of Prut River. We will mention some of these: Costesti (M2/T2), Crasnoe (M10/T9), Cazaclia, Kubej, Obileni, Taraclia, Tochile - Raducani (V. G. Petrenko 1991, p. 74-75). West of Prut River, the region is defined by the tumular tombs of Costeti Bursuceni Taraclia (Ibidem). The grave of Banca Gara is also similar to the graves without Late Horodistea painted pottery, such is the one of Bursuceni. In general, the grave groups of his type were defined by I. Ph. Kovaleva in 1912 (1991, p. 66-67), within the group of Usatovo tumular tombs, out of which the late and the final were included in a separate horizon, the hivotilovka type or, as named by Iu. Ia. Rassamakin following its spread from the west bank of Prut River to the Don River, hivotilovka Volchansk Bursuceni (1999). This horizon cumulates the late elements of the so-called transition period from the Eneolithic to Bronze Age and the Early Bronze Age within the region Maikop Novosvobodnoy, from the cultural groups of Usatovo Folteti and Horoditea / Erbiceni Gordineti, as well as spherical amphorae and funnel beaker (Fl. Burtnescu 2002, p. 84-85). Bodies crouched on one of the parties, as noted in this case on the lef, can be interpreted either as a precaution against the return of the dead by linking corpse (N. Zugravu 1997, p. 328), or, conversely, that a rebirth of hope by interment in fetal position (M. Eliade 1981, p. 16; Idem, 1992, p. 238-242). Ceramic descoperit pe nivel Tot la Banca Gar - apte case au aprut i pri de vase specifice pentru bronzul timpuriu sau mijlociu, modelate din past amestecat cu cioburi pisate, ars reductor, finisat destul de neglijent, pe umr prevzute cu proeminene, fie plate neperforate (fig. 14/3; h=4,4 cm), fie perforate cilindric (fig. 14/1-2); trei pri de la vase cu toarte arcuite diferit (fig. 14/4-6) i un fragment de crater ornat cu incizii (fig. 14/7). Dintre cele trei fragmente ceramice, de la vase prevzute cu toarte (fig. 14/4-6; h=53; 54 cm), una avea arcuirea toartei modelat unghiular i perforarea dreptunghiular, alta, lucrat din past mai fin, cu incluziuni naturale i ars brun - crmiziu, se arcuiete circular de sub buza vasului. Mai clar se poate vedea forma gtului unui alt fragment ceramic, modelat din argil amestecat cu puine pietricele. Din dreptul buzei rotunjite se desprinde toarta arcuit aproape circular (fig. 14/6). Un singur fragment provine de la un vas ornat cu incizii orizontale pe gt i oblice pe margine i pe umr, nscrise n triunghiuri. Forma se poate lega de ceramica prezentat mai sus, dar poate fi i un fragment de la un vas care se dateaz n bronzul mijlociu (fig. 14/7). Pottery found on the level Every a Banca Gar - apte case, appeared potsherds from different vessels dated to the Early of the Middle Bronze Age, fragment of prominences (fig. 14/3), cylindrically perforated (fig. 14/1-2); three parts of vessels with handles (fig. 14/4-6) and incision-ornamented crater (fig. 14/7). Among the preserved fragments there are also some from the vessels with prominences, which were either flat and without perforation (fig. 14/3; h=4,4 cm), or cylindrically perforated (fig. 14/1-2). Three potsherds (fig. 14/4-6; h=53 and 54 cm) result from vessels with handles. One was angularly modeled with a rectangular perforation, another one modeled out of a finer paste, with natural additives, of brackish nuance after firing, is circularly arched from underneath the vessel rim. The shape of the neck of another potsherd is more obvious, it was modeled of clay mixed with few gravel. From the rounded rim there detaches almost circular arched handle (fig. 14/6). Only one fragment comes from a pot ornamented with horizontal incisions on the neck and oblique on the sides and shoulder, where these were contained in triangles. Its shape can be connected to the pottery presented above, but can also be a fragment of pot that can be dated to the middle of the Bronze Age (fig. 14/7).

Complex hallstattian / Hallstatt complex


Fig. 17. Banca Gar - apte case. Locuire Hallstatt, cpl. 24; groapa nr. 1/cpl. 24a, sec. IVV. 1 Locuina uor adncit, cpl. 5a; 2-3 gropi, cpl. 25, i 108. Perioada getic, planuri i profile. Housing Hallstatt, cpl. 24; pit no. 1/cpl. 24a, 4rd 5th centuries. 1 The slightly buried dwelling, cpl. 5a; 2-3 pits/cpl. 25 and 108, Getic period. Plans et profiles.

4.4. Cpl. 24. Complex hallstattian (fig. 17), conservat parial. Datare: probabil grupul Chiinu Corlteni (fig. 18/1-4, 7-8). Locuire hallstattian descoperit n anul 1983, n sectorul C, SXIX (fig. 17). O groap din secolele IV-V, cpl. 24a, l-a secionat spre limita de sud-est (fig. 17; 50-51). Dup amplasarea geografic la limita de vest a Dealurilor Flciului i la limita de est a Colinelor Tutovei, aezarea de la Banca Gar - apte case era situat la periferia de sud-est, mai puin dens populat de comunitile grupului Corlteni, ulterior ncadrat n aria grupului Cozia (A. Lszl 1994, Harta 3). n aceast regiune se extind i unele comuniti ale grupului cu ceramic imprimat Cozia (fig. 18/5), sau cu ceramic incizat Tmoani (fig. 18/6), ale cror vestigii au fost atestate mai la nord de Banca, la Brdiceti - Dealul Beschiei, jud. Iai (C. Iconomu 2002, p. 99). Astfel, prezena n aezarea de la Banca Gar - apte case, a ceramicii caracteristice acestor formaiuni culturale, reprezint o situaie mai mult dect fireasc. Perimetrul acestei locuine, 87,5 m 2, L=2,50 i l=3,50 m, s-a conturat la adncimea de -0,70 m, de la nivelul actual de clcare, urmrind forma podelei bttorite i acoperite cu mult cenu i rspndirea bucilor de chirpici, arse parial, destul de mari, ce aveau pe o parte nuiri adnci lsate de nuiele, crengi sau urme de trestie. n interiorul ei erau fragmente mrunte de lipituri de la o vatr fixat direct pe pmnt, creia nu i s-a reconstituit forma, astzi mozaicat, n preajm cu mult cenu.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Fig. 18. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice, 1-4, 7-8 cultura Chiinu Corlteni, 5 grupul Cozia, 6 grupul Tmoani. Hallstatt. Ceramic fragments, 1-4, 7-8 Chiinu Corlteni culture, 5 Cozia group, 6 Tmoani group. Hallstatt period.

Aezarea de la Banca Gar - apte case, dup amplasarea geografic la limita de vest a Dealurilor Flciului i la limita de est a Colinelor Tutovei, era situat la periferia de sud-est, mai puin populat, a comunitilor grupului Corlteni, ulterior ncadrat n aria grupului Cozia (A. Lszl 1994, Harta 3). Mai mult, n aceast regiune, n perioada de existen a culturii Corlteni Chiinu, spre nord de valea rului Prut se extind i unele comuniti ale grupului Tmoani, ale cror vestigii au fost atestate, mult mai la nord de Banca, la Brdiceti - Dealul Beschiei, jud. Iai (C. Iconomu 2002, p. 99). Astfel, cum a subliniat n volum Oleg Leviki, analiznd complexul din perioada hallstattian i pe cele descoperite passim, prezena n aezarea de la Banca Gar - apte case a ceramicii caracteristice acestor formaiuni culturale, prezint o situaie mai mult dect fireasc. ntre mruntele fragmente ceramice au aprut i patru pri de la vase diferite, canelate orizontal, n benzi sau ghirlande (fig. 18/2-4) (O. Leviki 2009, p. 102 i urm.). Inventarul faunistic nsumeaz patru resturi osoase provenite de la dou specii de mamifere domestice, din care un fragment de vertebr nu a fost determinat specific, fiind atribuit unui mamifer de talie mijlocie. Dou resturi osoase au urme lsate de dinii carnivorelor.

Complex hallstattian / Hallstatt complex


Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica fin uor lustruit: toart i protom (fig. 18/1, 7); ceramic fin lustruit, 3 pri de la vase diferite decorate cu benzi canelate (fig. 18/2-4), 1 borcan (fig. 18/ 8; =12,5 cm), cultura Chiinu Corlteni. - Tot ceramicii de uz comun a culturii Chiinu Corlteni, pot fi specifice i dou fragmente de vase aflate n umplutura gropilor nr. 1 i 2, atribuite nivelului getic de locuire din aezare ambele provenind de la recipiente de tip borcan cu pereii drepi n partea superioar, cu buza tiat drept, unul prevzut sub margine cu mnere-suporturi masive i al-doilea cu tortie-urechiue amplasate similar (fig. 18/1, 7), care au analogii directe n complexele ceramice din aezrile Chiinu, Lucaeuca, Zicana, Mndreti (O. Leviki 1994, fig. 14/1; 17/7; 21/12, 14; 25/14, 18) i respectiv Chiinu, Zicana, Mndreti, Costeti, Ivancea, Petruha (Ibidem, 14/13; 15/4-5, 11; 22/6; 25/9; 29/11; 34/11; 40/2). Inventar faunistic fragmentar: - Bos taurus: un fragment de tibie de vit; - 1 coast de la un mamifer de talie mare; - 1 os neidentificat anatomic de la un mamifer de talie mijlocie. Cpl. 24. Hallstatt complex (fig. 17/cpl. 24), partly preserved. Dated to: probably the Chiinu Corlteni culture (fig. 18/2-4). Discovered in 1983, sector C, SXIX. A pit, cpl. 24a, 4 rd5th centuries, crossed it toward the southeastern limit. The perimeter, of approximately 2,50x3,50 m, appeared at the depth of -0,70 m from the present treading level, following the shape of the clay floor covered with a lot of ashes and the distribution of the adobe, on one side deep grooves left by the wattle, branches or reeds. The settlement of Banca Gar - apte case, according to the geographic location, at the western limit of the Flciu Hills and at the eastern limit of Tutova Hills, was situated at the southeast periphery, less populated by the communities of the Corlteni group, later included in the area of the Cozia group (A. Lszl 1994, Map 3). Moreover, in this region, during the period of existence of the Corlteni Chiinu culture, north of the valley of Prut River, there expanded also certain communities of the Tmoani group, whose vestiges are acknowledged north of Banca, at Brdiceti - Dealul Beschiei, Iai county (C. Iconomu 2002, p. 99). Thus, the presence in the settlement of Banca Gar - apte case, of the ceramic ware specific to these cultural groups, is a natural situation. Inside it there were small fragments of daub from a fireplace embedded directly to the ground, whose shape was not recreated, as it was too broken, and around it a lot of ash. Among the small ceramic fragments appeared four parts from different vessels, ornamented with horizontal deep grooves, displayed as stripes or garlands (fig. 18/2-4) (O. Leviki 2009, p. 102 et sq.). The fauna inventory sums up four bony remains resulting from species of domestic mammals, out of which a fragment of vertebra was not specifically determined, being assigned to a middle size mammal. Two bony remains show traces left by the teeth of the carnivores. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - potsherds (fig. 18/1, 7), 3 decorated with grooved stripes (fig. 18/2-4); 1 jar (fig. 18/8; =12,5 cm), Chiinu Corlteni culture. - It is also in the category of common usage ceramic ware of the Chiinu Corleteni culture that can be included two potsherds found in the fillign of pits 1 and 2, assigned to the Getic habitation level of the settlement both being remains of jar-like vessels with straight walls in the upper par and straightly cut rim, one with massive handles supports under the rim and the other with small handles ears, placed in a similar position (fig. 18/1, 7), showing direct analogies in the ceramic complexes of the settlements of Chiinu, Lucaeuca, Zicana, Mndreti (O. Leviki 1994, fig. 14/1; 17/7; 21/12, 14; 25/14, 18) and respectively Chiinu, Zicana, Mndreti, Costeti, Ivancea, Petruha (Ibidem, 14/13; 15/4-5, 11; 22/6; 25/9; 29/11; 34/11; 40/2). Fragmented fauna inventory: - Bos taurus: 1 tibia fragment; - 1 large mammal rib; - 1 bone anatomically unidentified of a middle sized mammal.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Perioada getic / The Getic period

Pl. 20. Banca Gar - apte case. Locuina uor adncit, cpl. 5a; aglomerare de materiale, cpl. 6a, perioada getic, locuin - L4 cultura Dridu, cpl. 6. The slightly buried dwelling, cpl. 5a. Agglomeration of materials no. 1, cpl. 6a. Getic period, the dwelling - L4 Dridu culture, cpl. 6.

Locuina uor adncit, nr. 1 / The slightly buried dwelling, no. 1


4.5. Cpl. 5a. Locuina uor adncit nr. 1, conservat parial (fig. 17/1; pl. 20). Datare: perioada getic (fig. 19a/1-2). Locuina s-a spat n anul 1981, n sectorul cel mai afectat de lucrrile de hidroamelioraie - A. n momentul cnd am cercetat complexul, apele Brladului l secionasepe jumtate. Are o form oval, din care s-a conservat o suprafa de aproape 14 m 2, iniial a avut n jur de 16 m 2, Lps=3; l=4,65 m. Podeaua bttorit se afla la o adncime de -1,16 m, de la nivelul actual de clcare. Prile recuperate provin de la 10 vase, n past cu cioburi pisate, nisip, puine pietricele, ars incomplet, brun cu pete cenuii sau crmizii, din care trei tipsii (fig. 19/1-2), o oal cu bru prins sub buza invazat (fig. 19/3), pri de vase cvazibitronconice sau uor bitronconice, o proeminen (fig. 19/4-8). Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - 3 tipsii de mrimi apropiate (fig. 19/1-2; buz=19-20; 21 cm); 1 borcan (fig. 19/3); 6 vas cvazibitronconic i vase uor bitronconice i 1 proeminen (fig. 19/4-8; buz=22; 8,5; 21,6; 24 cm).

Fig. 19. Banca Gar - apte case. Ceramica modelat cu mna. Fragmente: 1-2 tipsii; 3 borcan; 4 vas cvazibitronconic; 5-6 vase cu corp uor bitronconic; 7 proeminen. Locuina uor adncit nr. 1, perioada getic, cpl. 5a. Hand made ceramic ware. Fragments: 1-2 round trays; 3 jar; 4 quasibiconical pot; 5-6 vessels with slightly biconical body; 7 prominence. The slightly buried dwelling no.1. Getic period, cpl. 5a.

Cpl. 5a. The slightly buried dwelling, no. 1 (fig. 17/1; pl. 20), partly preserved. Dated to: the Getic period (fig. 19a/1-2). The dwelling was excavated in 1981, in the sector that was the most affected by the hydro-amelioration works - A. When we researched the feature, the waters of the new riverbed of Brlad River had cut half of it. It has an oval shape, almost 14 m 2, was initiated around 16 m 2, Lpreserv=3 and w=4,65 m. The treaded floor was at the depth of -1,16 m, from the current treading level. The recuperated potsherds resulted from 10 vesses mainly paste mixed with broken potshards andsand, few gravel usually brown with grayish or brick stains, out of which three round trays, two withdrawings (fig. 19/1-2), a jars with a belt under the slightly in-turned rim (fig. 19/3) and other parts of quasi-biconical vessel and with slightly biconical body, with out-turned rim, out of which one was decorated with a belt with alveoli and another one withprominences (fig. 19/4-8). Fragmented ceramic inventory: - 3 round trays (fig. 19/1-2; mouth=19-20; 21 cm); 1jar (fig. 19/3); 6 quasi-biconical pot and pots with slightly biconical body (fig. 19/4-6, 8; buz=22; 8,5; 21,6; 24 cm); 1 prominence (fig. 19/7).


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Ceramica descoperit pe nivel Investigaiile arheologice realizate n perimetrul staiunii au dus la descoperirea i a altor pri de vase. Unul este specific grupului Tmoani (fig. 18/6), altul grupului Cozia (fig. 18/5). Perioada hallstattian. Unele fragmente au fost arse brun-crmiziu (fig. 20/1-3, 5), altele negrecenuii lustruite (fig. 20/4, 6-8) i provin de la strchini (fig. 20/1-4), tvi (fig. 20/5-6), pahare (fig. 20/7-8). Dup factura lor aparin tot perioadei getice. Pottery found on the level Within the perimeter of the settlement, appeared potsherds from different vessel, one fragments, they belonged to Tmoani group (fig. 18/6), and one cearmic fragments to Cozia group (fig. 18/5). Hallstatt period. Were also recovered, of the investigated ditches few bowls made of black or brown-brick (fig. 20/1-3, 5), black-gray polished paste (fig. 20/4, 6-8), dishs (fig. 20/1, 4), salvers (fig. 20/5-6), beakers (fig. 20/7-8). Their shape shows they belonged to getic period.

Fig. 20. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice: 1-3, 5 brun-crmizii i 4, 6-8 negre-cenuii lustruite, 1-4 strchini; 5-6 ceti; 7-8 pahare. Passim. Fragments ceramic: 1-3, 5 brown-brick; 4, 6-8 black-gray polished, 1-4 dishs; 5-6 mugs; 7-8 beakers. Passim.

4.6. Cpl. 6a. Aglomerare de materiale nr. 1, construcie sezonier de suprafa (fig. 21; pl. 20). Datare: complex getic. Aflat n apropierea locuinei L 4, specific culturii Dridu, spat n 1981, n sectorul A, SIII. Datarea s-a realizat conform celor cinci vase modelate din past amestecat cu amot, nisip, puine pietricele, arse de obicei semioxidant, de culoare brun-crmizie cu pete cenuii, din care se pot reconstitui castroane arcuite emisferic (fig. 21/1, 4), plus cioburile cu toarte sau cu proeminene-apuctori (fig. 21/2-3).

Aglomerare de materiale nr. 2 / Agglomeration of materials no. 2


Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna: castroane (fig. 21/1, 4; buz=27 cm), toarte, protome (fig. 21/2-3). Cpl. 6a. Agglomeration of materials no. 1, seasonal construction above ground (fig. 21; pl. 20). Dated to: Getic periode. Situated near dwelling L 4, specific to the Dridu culture, excavated in 1981, in sector A, SIII. The dating was done on the basis of the five vessels mixed with broken potshards, sand, few gravels usually fired in semi-oxidizing atmosphere, of brick-brown color with grayish, stains out of which the semispherically rounded bowls (fig. 21/1, 4), and potsherds with handles or with prominences (fig. 21/2-3). Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic: bowls (fig. 21/1, 4); potsherds with handles or with prominences (fig. 21/2-3).

Fig. 21. Banca Gar apte case. Ceramic modelat cu mna, brun-crmizie. 1, 4 castroane; 2, 3 cioburi. Aglomerare de materiale nr. 1, perioada getic, cpl. 6a. Ceramic fragments: hand made ware of brick-brown color, 1, 4 bowls; 2, 3 potsherds. Agglomeration of materials no. 1, Getic culture, cpl. 6a.

4.7. Cpl. 9. Aglomerare de materiale, nr. 2, construcie sezonier de suprafa. Datare: perioada getic (fig. 22). S-a descoperit n anul 1981, n sectorul A, pe SII. Stratigrafic s-a surprins o uoar alveolare aproximativ circular, suprapus de un sol cenuos. Forma i inventarul acesteia par a indica o construcie sezonier, folosit probabil i pentru mcinat cereale: dou borcane, o rni i o piatr finisat pe o parte. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna: 2 borcane (fig. 22/3-4). Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 1 parte dintr-o rni (fig. 22/4); 1 o piatr finisat pe o parte (fig. 22/2). Cpl. 9. Agglomeration of materials no. 2, seasonal construction above ground. Dated to: the Getic period (fig. 22). It was discovered in 1981, in sector A, on SII. Stratigraphically, an approximate circular alveolus was noticed, being superimposed by a grayish soil. The shape and inventory thereof (fig. 22) seem to indicate a temporary o construction, probably used also for grinding cereals: two jars, a quern and 1 whetstone. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware: 2 jars (fig. 22/3-4).


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Various artifacts - tools, implements, other items: - 1 part of a stone grinder (fig. 22/4); 1 whetstone (fig. 22/2).

Fig. 22. Banca Gar - apte case. 1 Fragment de rni; 2 cute. Ceramic modelat cu mna, brun-crmizie, 3-4 borcane. Aglomerare ceramic nr. 2, cpl. 9, perioada getic. 1 Fragment of stone grinder; 2 whetstone. Hand made ceramic ware, of brick-brown color, 3-4 jars. Agglomeration of materials no. 2, cpl. 9, Getic periode.

4.8. Cpl. 25. Groapa nr. 1. Datare: complex getic (fig. 23). Se afla pe SXVIII, sector B, 1982, n plan circular (fig. 17/2; =2,4 m) i n profil uor tronconic. De la nivelul actual de clcare are o adncime de -1,20 m. Pentru sparea ei s-a trasat o caset. Inventarul este format din apte vase modelate din argil amestecat cu amot, nisip, pietricele, de culoare brun-cenuie, din care trei castronae (fig. 23/3), un vas cu gt nalt i corp bombat (fig. 23/1), mai multe borcane (fig. 23/2, 4, 8), din care unul decorat pe buz cu alveole i pe umr cu o mic proeminen, la care se adaug alte fragmente cu toarte sau cu proeminene-apuctori (fig. 23/7). Dintre cele trei fragmente osoase recoltate, o tibie provine de la specia Bos taurus i poart urme ale colilor de cine, celelalte dou nefiind determinate specific. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna: 1 castrona (fig. 23/3); 1 vas cu gt nalt i corp bombat (fig. 23/1); 3 borcane (fig. 23/2, 4, 8); toarte i proeminene - apuctori (fig. 23/7), un perete de vas (fig. 23/5).

Groapa nr. 1 / Pit no. 1


Fig. 23. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice: 1 vas cu corp bombat; 2, 4, borcane; 3 castrona; 5-7 pri de vase. G1, 1-5, 7-8 perioada getic, cpl. 25; 6 cultura Corlteni Chiinu. Ceramic fragments: 1 pot with rounded body; 2, 4 jars; 3 bolus; 5-7 potsherd. PG1, 1-5, 7-8 Getic periode, cpl. 25; 6 Corlteni Chiinu culture.

Fig. 24. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice: 1 perete lustruit; 2-3 borcane. Groapa nr. 2, cpl. 108, perioada getic. Ceramic fragments: 1 wall polished; 2-3 jars. Pit no. 2, cpl. 108, Getic period.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Inventar faunistic fragmentar: - Bos taurus, fragment de tibie. Cpl. 25. Pit no. 1, dated to: the Getic periode (fig. 23/1-5, 7-8). In 1982, on SXVIII, sector B, there appeared a pit of circular plan (=2,4 m) and slightly conical profile (fig. 17/2). For its excavation the drawing of a cassette. Starting from the current treading level, its depth is of -1,20 m. The inventory is made of seven brown-grayish vessels, paste mixed with broken potshards, sand, few gravel, out of which three bolus (fig. 23/3), a pot with high neck and rounded body (fig. 23/1), several jars (fig. 23/2, 4, 8), and amid them one decorated with alveoli on the rim and a small prominence on the shoulder, to which other fragments with handles or with prominences are to be added as well (fig. 23/7). Among the three bone fragments that were sampled, one tibia comes from the species Bos taurus and bears traces of the dog fangs, the two other samples remaining without specific determination. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware: 1 bolus (fig. 23/3); 1 pot with neck and rounded body (fig. 23/1); 3 jars (fig. 23/2, 4, 8); handles and prominences (fig. 23/7). Fragmented fauna inventory: - Bos taurus, tibia fragment. 4.9. Cpl. 27a. Aglomerare de materiale, nr. 3, ceramic. Datare: complex, perioada getic. Multe cioburi mici s-au surprins n sectorul A, 1983, S XXVIII, la o adncime de circa -0,30-0,40 m. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna: lucrat din past cu amot i multe pietricele. Cpl. 27a. Agglomeration of materials, no. 3, ceramic. Dated to: the Getic period. Many potsherds were identified in 1983, in sector A, on SXXVIII, at a depth of about -0,30-0,40 m. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ware: was of paste mixed with broken potshards. 4.10. Cpl. 108. Groapa nr. 2 (fig. 17/3), nederanjat. Datare: complex getic (fig. 24). Groapa s-a descoperit n anul 1988, n sectorul C, pe SXV, de la M12, la M13,85. Se adncete pn la -1,10 m. n plan are o form uor tronconic, =2,3x1,8 m, cu baza dreapt. n ea se aflau cioburi de la cel puin 4 vase. Unul era specific ceramicii fine lustruite. Altele provin de la vase uzuale, modelate din past amestecat cu nisip cu granulaie mare i amot, de culoare bruncrmizie. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna, lustruit ars cenuiu: 1 ciob (fig. 24/1); uzual: 2 borcane cu buza arcuit exterior (fig. 24/2-3; buz=2x16,5 cm); cioburi atipice. Cpl. 108. Pit no. 2 (fig. 17/3). Dated to: the Getic period (fig. 24). The pit was discovered in 1988, in sector C, on SXV, from M12, to M13,85. Its depth is of -1,10 m. Its profile is slightly conical, =2,3x1,8 m, with a straight rim. It contained potsherds from at least four vessels. One is specific to the polished fine. Others are remains of daily vessels, modeled out of brick-brown color paste mixed with large grain sand, broken potshards. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware: polished grayish, 1 potsherd (fig. 24/1); 2 jars with out-turned rim (fig. 24/2-3; mouth=2x16,5 cm); atypical potsherds.

Dacii liberi carpii, daco-romanii i goii / Free Dacians The Carpatians, Dacian-Romans and Goths


Dacii liberi-carpii, daco-romanii i goii romanicii / Dacians Carp, Dacian - Romans and Goths romances

Pl. 21. Banca Gar - apte case. Cpl. 1-4, sec. IV-V i VIII-IX. Cpl. 1-4. 4rd5th centuries and Dridu culture.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Pl. 22. Banca Gar - apte case. Cpl. 1-4, sec. IV-V i VIII-IX. Cpl. 1-4. 4rd5th centuries and Dridu culture.

Locuina de suprafa nr. 1, sec. al IV-lea / Surface dwelling no. 1, 4th century



Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Fig. 26. Banca Gar apte case. 1-6, 8-12 Fragmente ceramice; 7 zgur de fier, sec. IV; 1314 vas i cute, sec. V-VI. 1-6, 8-12 Ceramic fragments; 7 iron slag, 4th century; 13-14 vessel and whetstone, 5rd-6th centuries.

4.11. Cpl. 1. Locuina de suprafa nr. 1 (fig. 25), conservat parial. Datare: secolul al IV-lea (fig. 26-28). n inventar sunt i forme de vase apropiate celor de secol III. S-a descoperit n anul 1981, n albia minor a rului Brlad, n partea de sud a sectorului A, pe SI, la adncimea de -0,30-0,40 m, de la nivelul actual de clcare. Prile de nord-vest i sud-est din podea au fost tiate de locuinele culturii Dridu, L2 i L3, iar latura vestic a fost distrus de lucrrile de hidroamelioraie. Cu toate acestea, suprafaa podelei bttorite rmase, arse parial i rspndirea inventarului, a permis conturarea formei patrulatere, un perimetru de circa 9,28 m2, L=3,20 i l=2,90 m, cu laturile orientate aproximativ est-vest. Materialul aflat n pmntul de umplutur era diferit (fig. 26) i amestecat cu cel specific secolelor urmtoare (fig. 26/13-14; pl. 21-22). Locuina s-a construit la suprafaa solului. Lutul natural a servit de podea, cum indic urmele de bttorite ale acestuia, fr a fi ns acoperit cu o lipitur special amenajat. Pereii formai din mpletituri de nuiele s-au amenajat pe o structur de pari. Pe ambele pri s-au ntins straturi subiri de lut amestecat cu paie. Arderea uoar a locuinei n urma unui incendiu a dus la drmarea pereilor, din care s-au pstrat mici buci de chirpici pe o parte cu amprente de nuiele. Fragmentele de chirpici se aglomerau mai ales pe latura de nord-est, pe celelalte erau mai mrunte i mai dispersate. n urma incendierii culoarea lor a devenit glbuicrmizie, cu pete cenuii-negricioase. ntre materialele rmase din construcie era i o bucat de la un col de cas i alte trei mai mari, finisate doar pe o parte, pe alta cu urme de lemnrie prelucrat (fig. 27/9-10). Concentrarea inventarului spre colul opus intrrii, presupune existena n faa peretelui de vest, a unui mobilier. Pe podeaua de lut, spre centru, se mai gsesc fragmente de crust de vatr ars puternic, groase de 2-3 cm, realizate din lut amestecat cu mult nisip, albicioase, refuite. Tot n apropierea vetrei se aflau cteva ustensile, un cuit (fig. 27/4), dou pietre de ru maronii, una folosit probabil ca lustruitor, alta o cute pentru ascuit lame (fig. 27/5-6), dar i trei buci de tabl, dou de bronz i una de fier (fig. 27/2-3). O mrgea aproximativ cilindric de lut, perforat longitudinal, se afla n colul de nord-est (fig. 27/1). Cteva din pietrele din faa locuinei erau arse parial. ntre ele, una nnegrit la exterior prin ardere, cu o form apropiat de a coarnelor de animale, a fost folosit drept "cel de vatr". Fragmentele ceramice provin de la 26 de vase: un vas modelat cu mna, 25 la roat i 1 baz de amfor. Din ceramica lucrat la roat patru vase au fost modelate din past zgrunuroas (fig. 28/5-7), dou

Locuina de suprafa nr. 1, sec. al IV-lea / Surface dwelling no. 1, 4th century


din past puin zgrunuroas, 14 din categoria cenuie fin (fig. 27/7-8; 28/2-4) i patru au fost arse diferit, dintre ele unul la exterior negru (fig. 28/1), dou brun-negricioase i ultimul alb-glbui. S menionm i descoperirea n locuin a unui fragment de os uman i a 37 de resturi osoase i dentare care provin de la mamifere domestice. Din acestea, numai 28 au fost determinate taxonomic, celelalte fiind atribuite la dou grupe: mamifere de talie mare (7) i mamifere de talie mijlocie (2). Tafonomie: un os ars, dou au urme de la tranare i cinci au fost roase de carnivore.

Fig. 27. Banca Gar - apte case. 1 Mrgic; 2-3 tabl bronz i fier; 4 cuit; 5-6 galei lustruitoare i cute. Fragmente ceramice modelate la roata olarului, past fin cenuie, 78 borcane; 9-10 materiale de construcie. Locuina de suprafa nr. 1, cpl. 1, sec. IV. 1 Bead; 2-3 bronze and iron sheet; 4 knife; 5-6 river stones polisher and whetstone. Ceramic fragments made with the potters: fine grayish paste, 7-8 jars; 9-10 construc-tion materials. Surface dwelling no. 1, cpl. 1, 4th century.

Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna: 1 perete de la o oal de culoare brun-glbuie, lustruit exterior; - ceramica din past zgrunuroas: 1 oal glbuie, cu buza ngroat, gt nalt i corp bombat (buz=20 cm); 1 vas de provizii ars brun-glbui, din care s-au pstrat nou fragmente (fig. 28/6; buz=32 cm); 2 vase mari de provizii cenuii (fig. 28/5, 7; buz=27; 30 cm); - ceramic din past puin zgrunuroas: 1 vas cu pereii groi i buza rotunjit; 1 oal cu buza n T; - ceramica fin ars cenuiu: 1 can cu gt nalt, la baz cu o nervur (fig. 28/3); 2 castroane cu profil n S i 2 buze (fig. 27/7-8; 28/4; buz=12; 20 cm); 2 oale cu buza ngroat i evazat ( buz=9; 10 cm); 2 vase bitronconice, unul cu o canelur pe diametrul maxim ( buz=20 cm); 1 vas cu buza faetat i corp


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

bombat (fig. 28/2; buz=15 cm); 3 baze inelare (baz=2x10; 12 cm) i 1 baz cu picior; ars diferit: 1 castron negru n past cu nisip, pietricele (fig. 28/1; buz=16 cm); 2 oale arse negru-brun, respectiv cenuiu, cu buza ngroat, gt marcat (buz=12; 10 cm); 3 fragmente de la o oal glbui-albicioas ( corp=16 cm); - ceramica de import: 1 baz de amfor roman, lucrat din past nisipoas, ars glbui. Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 1 cuit (fig. 27/4); 2 buci de tabl de bronz (fig. 27/3) i alta de fier (fig. 27/2); - 2 pietre de ru maronii, una folosit probabil ca lustruitor, alta o cute (fig. 27/5-6); 1 cel de vatr. Podoabe: - 1 mrgic (?) cilindric (fig. 27/1; h=6,1 cm; =8/11 cm). Inventar faunistic fragmentar: - Bos taurus: 1 astragal stnga, 2 fragmente neurocraniu, 2 cubitusuri, doi dini molari superiori (stnga), 3 fragmente humerus, 4 fragmente mandibul, 1 metacarp dreapta, cte un fragment de metatars (stnga), radius, scapula; - Equus caballus: 4 dini jugali; - Ovis/Capra: radius i cubitus n conexiune anatomic (de la un individ de circa 6 luni), cte un fragment de metapod, radius i scapul; - Sus domesticus: diafiz de tibie (stnga). Homo sapiens: - 1 diafiz de humerus. Materiale de construcie: - 1 chirpici, fragmente de la vatr.

Fig. 28. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice modelate la roata olarului: past fin cenuie, 1, 4 castroane; 2 oal; 3 vas cu gt nalt; past zgrunuroas, 5-7 vase de provizii. Locuina de suprafa nr. 1, cpl. 1, sec. IV. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: fine grayish paste, 1, 4 tureens; 2 jar; 3 mug with neck; coarse grayish paste, 5-7 food storage vessels. Surface dwelling no. 1, cpl. 1, 4th century.

Locuina de suprafa nr. 1, sec. al IV-lea / Surface dwelling no. 1, 4th century


Cpl. 1. Surface dwelling no. 1 (fig. 25/L1), partly preserved. Dated to: the 4 th century (fig. 27-28). It was discovered in 1981, in the minor riverbed of the Brlad, in the southern part of sector A, on S I, at the depth of -0,30-0,40 m, from the current treading level. The northwest and southeast parts of the floor were cut by dwellings, L2 and L3, specific to the Dridu culture, and the western side was destroyed by the hydro amelioration works. In spite of these, the surface of the preserved treaded and partly fired floor, and the dissemination of the inventory, allowed the identification of a quadrangle shape, of a perimeter of about 9,28 m2, L=3,20 and w=2,90 m, approximately east-west oriented. The dwelling was built on the surface of the soil. The natural clay served as floor, without being though covered with a layer of clayey, as indicated by the treaded traces thereof. The walls made of wattle were raised on a pillar structure. On both sides of such structure there were lined thin layers of clay mixed with straw. The light firing of the dwelling following a fire led to the demolition of the walls, out of which small pieces of adobe with prints of branches were preserved. The fragments of adobe were especially agglomerated on the northeast side, on the other sides they were smaller and more dispersed. As a result of their firing, their color became brick - yellow with grayish-blackish stains. Among the materials preserved from the construction there was also a piece from a corner and three others, of larger dimensions, on one side with finishing and on the other with traces of processed wood (fig. 27/9-10). The concentration of the inventory toward the opposite corner of the entrance into the dwelling involves the existence in front of the western wall of a piece of furniture. On the clay floor, towards its centre, there are still fragments of the crust preserved from the hearth of the dwelling, about 2-3 cm thick, made of clay mixed to a lot of sand, their color being whitish due to the firing and showing a finishing that was remade. It is also around the hearth that there were several implements, a knife (fig. 27/4), two large brownish river stones, one used probably as a polisher, the other a whetstone for sharpening blades (fig. 27/56), and also three pieces of metal sheet, two of bronze and one of iron (fig. 27/2-3). Probably a cylindrical clay bead, with a longitudinal perforation, was placed in the northeast corner (fig. 27/1). Few of the stones in front of the dwelling were partly preserved. Among them, one had the exterior blackened by firing, with a shape similar to the one of the horns, and was used as fire dog - cel de vatr.

Fig. 29. Banca Gar. Fragmente ceramice mo-delate la roat: fin, 1 perete decorat; 2 buz; 3 baz, 8 oal; zgrunu-roas neagr, 4 oal; 7 baz de amfor; modelate cu mna, 5-6 buze. Locuina uor adncit nr. 1 cpl. 4, sec. IV-V. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: fine, 1 wall; 2 rim; 3 basis, 8 jar; blackish coarse, 4 jar; imported, 7 basis of an amphora; hand made ware, 5-6 rims of jars. The slightly buried dwelling no. 1 cpl. 4, 4rd5th centuries.

The ceramic fragments are the remains of 26 vessels, out of which, a hand made ware - 1, 25 wheelmade pots and a basis of an amphora - 1. Out of the wheel-made ceramic ware, four were modeled out of coarse paste (fig. 28/5-7), two of slightly coarse paste, 14 of grayish fine paste (fig. 27/1-4, 7-8; 28/2-4) and


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

four of very fine paste out of which two with black exterior (fig. 28/1), one grayish and one white-grayish. Let's remind also the discovery in the dwelling of a fragment of human bone and of 37 bony and dental remains from domestic mammals. Out of these, only 28 were taxonomically determined, the others being attributed to two groups: mammals of large dimensions (7) and mammals of average dimensions (2). Taphonomy: a burnt bone, two have traces of portioning and five were gnawed by carnivores. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware: 1 wall of a yellowish - brown pot, with polished exterior; - coarse ceramic: 1 yellowish pot, with thickened rim, high neck and rounded body ( mouth=20 cm); 1 food storage vessel of yellowish brown paste, out of which nine fragments were preserved (fig. 28/6; mouth=32 cm); 2 vessels for food storage (fig. 28/5, 7; mouth=27; 30 cm); - slightly coarse ceramic: 1 pot with thick walls and rounded rim; 1 pot with T-shaped rim; - grayish fine ceramic: 1 mug with high neck, with a grooving at the basis (fig. 28/3); 2 bowls with Sprofile and 2 rims (fig. 27/7-8; 28/4; mouth=12; 20 cm); 2 jars with thickened and flared rim ( mouth=9; 10 cm); 2 biconical vessels, one with a grooving on the maximal diameter (=20 cm); 1 pot with facetted rim and rounded body (fig. 28/2; mouth=15 cm); 3 annular bases (=2x10; 12 cm) and 1 basis with a stem; fine ceramic ware: 1 black tureen whose paste contains sand and few gravel (fig. 28/1; mouth=16 cm); 2 jars of brown-black and grayish nuances, respectively, with the thickened rim, outlined neck ( mouth=12; 10 cm); 3 fragments of a yellowish-whitish pot (=16 cm); - imported ceramic: 1 basis of Roman amphora, made of sandy paste, yellowish after firing. Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 1 knife (fig. 26/4); 2 pieces of bronze sheet (fig. 26/3) and another one of iron sheet (fig. 26/2); - 2 brownish river stones, one probably used as a polisher, the other one as a whetstone (fig. 26/5-6); 1 fire dog - cel de vatr. Jewels: - 1 cylindrical bead (?) (fig. 26/1; h=6,1; =8/11 cm). Fragmented fauna inventory: - Bos taurus: 1 left astragal, 2 neurocranium fragments, 2 ulnae, 3 upper molars (left), 3 fragments of humerus, 4 fragments of mandible, 1 right metacarpal al, 1 fragment of metatarsal (left), radius, scapula; - Equus caballus: 4 jugal teeth; - Ovis/Capra: radius and ulna in anatomic connection (from an about 6 month-old individual), one fragment of metapodal bone, radius and scapula; - Sus domesticus: diaphisis of tibia (left). Homo sapiens: - 1 diaphisis of humerus. Construction materials: - 1 pieces of adobe and of hearth. 4.12. Cpl. 4. Locuina uor adncit nr. 1 (fig. 25/L4), conservat parial. Datare: secolele IV-V (fig. 29-30). Ca i locuina de suprafa 1, din apropiere, prezentat mai sus, s-a spat n 1981, sectorul A, din stnga Brladului. Dei este conservat mai bine i aceasta a fost distrus de lucrrile de hidroamelioraie. Planul ei s-a conturat la -0,50 m, de aici s-au mai spat nc 20 cm pn la podeaua bttorit i ars parial, relativ patrulater dar avnd colurile rotunjite, cu o suprafa de 20,50 m 2, L=5,40 i l=3,80 m. Bucile de chirpici de la pereii locuinei au fost refuite. Sunt resturile unei locuine construite parial la suprafaa solului pe un schelet de brne, ntre ele cu nuiele mpletite orizontal, pe altele fixate vertical, ulterior acoperite cu o feuial finisat mai ngrijit la exterior. Vatra se afla n partea opus intrrii dinspre sud, cum indic aglomerarea ctorva buci i pietrele arse parial, ntre care una n forma coarnelor de animale, folosit drept "cel de vatr" - suport folosit pe vatr. Ordonarea inventarului din interior sugereaz o amplasare a spaiului de odihn spre peretele de nord. ntre obiecte menionm o bil de gresie (fig. 30/3). n locuina specific culturii Dridu, L 1, din apropiere, se afla i o mrgic de cornalin (fig. 30/6), o form des ntlnit n aezrile sau necropolele de secol IV, probabil se afla n locuina de secol IV din apropiere. n locuin, n momentul sprii ei, n total erau cel puin 14 vase, 3 oale modelate cu mna (fig. 29/5-6; 30/5, 8) i apte la roat, din care 1 oal din specia amestecat cu amot (fig. 29/4) i ase fin cenuie (fig. 29/2-3, 8; 30/4, 9), plus patru vase de import, un castron cu motive imprimate i pri de la trei amfore (fig. 29/1, 7; 30/1-2, 7).

Locuina uor adncit nr. 1, sec. IV-V / The slightly buried dwelling no. 1, 4rd-5th centuries


Fig. 30. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice modelate la roata olarului, 1-2, 7 pri de amfore; fin cenuie, 4 baz; 9 borcan; modelat cu mna, 5, 8 borcane; 3 bil de gresie. Locuina uor adncit nr. 1, cpl. 4, sec. IV-V. 6 Mrgic de cornalin, L1, cpl. 2 - cultura Dridu. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: 1-2, 7 amphorae; grayish fine paste, 4 basis; 9 jar; hand made, 5, 8 jars; 3 sandstone ball. Slightly buried dwelling 1 cpl. 4, 4rd5th centuries. 6 Cornalian bead, D1, cpl. 2 - Dridu culture.

Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna: 3 buze de oale (fig. 29/5-6; 30/8); 1 baz (fig. 30/5); - ceramica din past zgrunuroas negricioas: 1 oal (fig. 29/4); - ceramica fin cenuie: 3 oale (fig. 29/8; 30/9); 2 buze (fig. 29/2); 2 baze inelare (fig. 29/3; 30/4); - ceramica de import: 1 castron de culoare cenuie, lustruit i decorat cu motive geometrice imprimate (fig. 29/1); 4 fragmente de la 3 amfore crmizii (fig. 29/7; 30/1-2, 7). Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 1 bil de gresie cenuiu-albicioas (fig. 30/3). Podoabe: - 1 mrgic de cornalin (fig. 30/6). Materiale de construcie: - 1 buci de chirpici i de vatr. Cpl. 4. The slightly buried dwelling no. 1 (fig. 25/L4), partly preserved. Dated to: the 4rd5th centuries (fig. 29-30). Like the surface of the nearby dwelling no.1, presented above, it was also excavated in 1981, in sector A, to the left of the Brlad. Although it has been better preserved it was also destroyed by the works of hydro-amelioration. Its plan appeared at -0,50 m, and from this level the excavations went further 20 cm down to the treaded and partly fired floor, relatively rectangular, with rounded corners, with a surface of about 20,50 m2, L=5,40 and l=3,80 m. The pieces of adobe of the walls of the dwelling were re-coveres with a layer of clayey on both faces. These are the west iges of a dwelling partly above the ground on a structure of beams filled with wattle horizontally knitted, some others being vertically embedded, later on


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

covered with adobe, more carefully finished on the exterior. The hearth was in the opposite side of the southern entrance, as indicated by the agglomeration of several pieces and partly fired stones, among them which one, horn-shaped, used as fire dog - cel de vatr. The ordering of the inside inventory suggests a positioning of the resting space toward the northern wall. In the dwelling, when it was excavated, there were, altogether, at least 14 vessels, 3 hand made jars (fig. 29/5-6; 30/5, 8) and seven wheel-made vessels, out of whic h a pot of coarse paste - 1, paste mixed with broken potshards (fig. 29/4) and six made of fine paste (fig. 29/2-3, 8; 30/4, 9), and four imported vessels (fig. 29/1-2, 7; 30/1-2, 7). Among the items, mention should be made of a gritstone ball (fig. 30/3). In the nearby dwelling L1, specific to the Dridu culture, there was also found a carnalian bead (fig. 30/6), frequently encountered in the sites or cemeteries of the 4 th century, probably found in the 4th century dwelling. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware: 3 rims of jars (fig. 29/5-6; 30/8); 1 basis (fig. 30/5); - blackish coarse ceramic: 1 pot (fig. 29/4); - grayish fine ceramic: 3 jars (fig. 29/8; 30/9); 2 rims (fig. 29/2); 2 annular bases (fig. 29/3; 30/4); - imported ceramic: 1 wall polished and decorated with impressed geometric motifs (fig. 29/1); 4 fragments of brick amphora (fig. 29/7; 30/1-2, 7). Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 1 ball of whitish - grayish gritstone (fig. 30/3). Jewels: - 1 cornalian bead (fig. 30/6). Construction materials: - 1 pieces of adobe and of hearth.

Fig. 31. Banca Gar. Locuina uor adncit nr. 1, cpl. 10, de suprafa, nr. 1, cpl. 12a, sec. III-IV. Planuri i profile. The slightly buried dwelling no. 1, cpl. 10, surface dwelling, no.1, cpl. 12a, 3rd4th centuries. Plans and profiles.

4.13. Cpl. 10. Locuina uor adncit nr. 1 (fig. 31/1), cu fundaia conservat integral. Datare: secolele III-IV (fig. 32). Locuina, spat n anul 1981, se gsea n stnga Brladului, n sectorul A, pe SIII, la sud de mormintele turanice i la nord i n apropierea primei locuine, L 1. Stratigrafic a fost surprins la -0,25-0,30 m, de la nivelul actual de clcare. De la acesta s-a adncit pn la -0,78 m. Podeaua amenajat simplu din lut amestecat cu pmnt, cu o grosime de 2-3 cm, s-a pstrat aproape pe ntreg perimetrul relativ patrulater al acesteia. Dimensiunile aproximative se nscriu ntre: L=3,90 m i l=2,80 m, iar suprafaa a fost de circa 10,92 m2, cu orientarea 1500o sud-sud-est i 3300o nord-nord-vest. n ambele coluri opuse vetrei erau dou gropi de pari, cu adncimi de 15 i 30 cm. Buci de crust de vatr se aflau spre colul de sud-est al locuinei. Tot de aici provin nou fragmente de chirpici, n lut cu resturi vegetale, pietricele, groase de 1,4 cm, cu ambele suprafee faetate.

Locuina uor adncit nr. 1, sec. III-IV / The slightly buried dwelling no. 1, 3rd-4th centuries


Inventarul ceramic, destul de srac, nsumeaz cioburi de la opt vase, din care un borcan modelat cu mna (fig. 32/3) i apte lucrate la roat, trei din past fin cenuie (fig. 32/5) i dou din past roietic (fig. 32/6). La acestea se adaug i dou vase de import, unul negru la exterior i o amfor, aflate n colul de sudsud-est (fig. 32/1-2). Din umplutur i de pe podea s-au recoltat 16 oase, n majoritate fragmentate, atribuite exclusiv mamiferelor, dintre care unul slbatic. Pentru cinci din ele, ce aparin unor mamifere de talie mare, nu se pot face mai multe determinri. Din punct de vedere tafonomic au fost identificate dou oase cu urme de tranare i dou cu urme lsate de dinii carnivorelor. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna: 1 borcan decorat cu bru alveolat (fig. 32/3); - ceramica fin: 1 borcan cu buza faetat (fig. 32/5); 2 baze inelare (=5,7; 12,7 cm); 7 fragmente de la dou vase cu baza ngroat (=10 cm); roie, 1 toart lustruit (fig. 32/6), 1 fragment de borcan; - ceramica de import: din past fin cenuie, 1 vas decorat prin imprimare (fig. 32/1; corp=18 cm); neagr, 1 castron bitronconic uor lustruit exterior, cu buza ngroat, profil arcuit n unghi (fig. 32/2; buz=14,5 cm); 4 fragmente de la o amfor lucrat din past glbui-crmizie (fig. 32/4). Inventar faunistic fragmentar: - Bos taurus: calcaneu (dreapta), 3 femur (individ imatur), mandibul dreapta, radius stnga; - Equus caballus: cte un fragment de atlas i femur; - Ovis/Capra: cte un fragment de humerus stnga, radius, mandibul (de la un individ imatur), scapula dreapta; - Cervus elaphus: fragment de metatars. Construction materials: - 1 pieces of adobe and of hearth.

Fig. 32. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice modelate la roat: import, past cenuie, 1 perete decorat; neagr, 2 castron; 4 gt de amfor; fin, 5 margine; roie, 6 toart; modelat cu mna, 3 perete de oal cu bru alveolat. Locuina uor adncit nr. 1, cpl. 10, sec. III-IV. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: imported, grayish paste, 1 wall decorated; 2 tureen and 4 neck of an amphora; fine grayish paste, 5 border; red paste, 6 handle; hand made ware, 3 wall of jar with alveoli belt. The slightly buried dwelling no. 1, cpl. 10, 3rd4th centuries.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Cpl. 10. The slightly buried dwelling no. 1 (fig. 31/1), with the foundation fully preserved. Dated to: the 3rd4th centuries (fig. 32). The dwelling, excavated in 1981, was situated to the left of the Brlad, in sector A, on S III, south of the Turanic tombs and to the north and near the first dwelling L 1. Stratigraphically it was identified at -0,25-0,30 m, from the current treading level. It was further deepened down to -0,78 m. The floor arranged simply of clay mixed with soil, with a thickness of abut 2-3 cm, was almost fully preserved throughout the whole relatively rectangular perimeter thereof. The approximate dimensions are inscribed between 10,92 m2, L=3,90 and w=2,80 m, with the 1500o south-southeast and 3300o northnorthwest orientation. In both opposite corners the hearths were two post pits, with depths of 15 and 30 cm respectively. Piece of hearth crust were found to the southeast of the dwelling. It was also there that were found nine fragments of adobe, paste mixed with vegetal remains and few gravel, 1,4 cm thick, with both surfaces facetted. The ceramic inventory, rather poor, sums up potsherds of eight vessels, one of these being a hand made jar (fig. 32/3) and wheel-made vessels, 7 fine paste, three of fine gray paste (fig. 32/5) and two of reddish paste (fig. 32/6). Apart from these the inventory also contains two imported vessels, one with black exterior and 1 amphora, found in the south-southeast corner (fig. 32/1-2). From the filling and from the floor, 16 bones were picked up, they were mostly fragments, exclusively assigned to the mammals, out of which a wild one. As for five of the above bones, which belong to large mammals, no further determinations were possible. Taphonomically, two bones with butchering traces and two other bones with traces left by the carnivore teeth.

Fig. 33. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice modelate la roata olarului: past fin cenuie, 1 fructier; 2 bol; 4 oal; past puin zgrunuroas, 3, 7-8 buze; modelat cu mna, 6, 9 cuie; 10 perete cu bru alveolat; 5, 11 baze. Locuina de suprafa nr. 1 cpl. 12a, sec. III-IV. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: fine grayish paste, 1 fruit pot; 2 bowl; 4 jar; slightly coarse, 3, 7-8 rim; hand made, 6 primitive lamp; 9 jar, 10 wall of jar with alveoli belt; 5, 11 bases. Surface dwelling no. 1 cpl. 12a, 3rd4th centuries.

Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware: 1 jar decorated with alveoli belt (fig. 32/3); - grayish fine ceramic: 7 fragments of two pots with thickened rim ( mouth=10 cm); 1 facetted rim (fig. 32/5); 2 annular bases (=5,7; 12,7 cm); red, 1 polished handle (fig. 32/6), 1 jar; - imported ceramic: of fine gray paste, 1 pot decorated by impression (fig. 32/1; body=18 cm); black, 1 biconical tureen, slightly polished on the exterior, with thickened rim, and S-profile, sharply bent (fig. 32/2; mouth=14,5 cm); 4 fragments of an amphora made of brick-like yellowish paste (fig. 32/4).

Locuina de suprafa nr. 1, sec. III-IV / Surface dwelling no. 1, 3rd-4th centuries


Fragmented fauna inventory: - Bos taurus: calcaneus (right), 3 femurs (from a young individual), right mandible, left radius; - Equus caballus: one fragment of atlas and one of femur; - Ovis/Capra: one fragment of left humerus, one of radius,one of mandible (from a young individual), right scapula; - Cervus elaphus: fragment of metatarsal. Construction materials: - 1 pieces of adobe and of hearth. 4.14. Cpl. 12a. Locuina de suprafa nr. 1 (fig. 31/2), conservat parial. Datare: secolele III-IV (fig. 33-34/1-8). S-a descoperit n anul 1982, prin trasarea seciunii S IV, n sectorul A. Perimetrul acesteia a fost distrus n mare parte de locuina specific culturii Dridu, L6, i de lucrrile de hidroamelioraie. Nivelarea terenului a dus la surprinderea acesteia la mic adncime, 8,1 m 2, L=2,91; l=2,78, h=0,25-0,30 m, la baza humusului. Forma patrulater, cu orientarea sud-nord, indic posibilitatea ca intrarea s fi fost n partea de est, n josul pantei, cum indicat i aglomerrile de fragmente de chirpici i de inventar, ndeosebi ceramica. Nu are particulariti de construcie deosebite. Chirpicii pereilor prbuii au, la fel ca i n alte locuine, o culoare glbui-crmizie, cu pete cenuii-negricioase i se afl mai ales pe latura de sud. Pe celelalte laturi acesta este mai mrunt i dispersat. Numrul total al vaselor gsite n complex este de aproximativ 21, cinci modelate cu mna (fig. 33/56, 9-11; 34/2) i 16 lucrate la roat, repartizate n funcie de tehnica de realizare a lor: ase vase de mari dimensiuni din past puin zgrunuroas (fig. 33/3, 7-8; 34/5-6, 8), 10 fine, din care unul a fost ars crmiziu (fig. 34/1), altele tot din pasta fina s-au ars maroniu (fig. 34/7) i cele mai numeroase, opt, cenuii (fig. 33/12, 4; 34/1, 3-4). Prima, o caserol, a fost datat de Andrei Opai n secolul al IV-lea. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna: 1 buz probabil de la un castron (fig. 34/2); 1 cuie (fig. 33/6); 1 ciob decorat cu bru alveolat (fig. 33/10), 2 buze i 4 baze (fig. 33/5, 9, 11; baze=12,5; 14; 7,5 cm); - ceramica din past puin zgrunuroas cenuie: 2 vase mari (fig. 34/5-6) i 1 baz (fig. 34/8); 3 buze ngroate rotunjit, prima de la o oal de culoare neagr-cenuie (fig. 33/3, 7-8; buz=10; 11; 12 cm); 1 baz desprins de pe masa olarului cu sfoara (=12 cm): - ceramica fin roie: 1 can (fig. 34/1); maronie, 1 baz concav (fig. 34/7); cenuie, 1 buz (fig. 34/3) i 2 buze din past nisipoas (fig. 34/4); 1 bol (fig. 33/2; buz=8 cm); 1 caserol (fig. 33/1; =3,8 cm); 4 gturi de oale cu buza ngroat de la vase arse cenuiu sau brun-glbui (fig. 33/4; =12; 14; 14,5; 15 cm). Materiale de construcie: - 1 chirpici, fragmente de la vatr. Cpl. 12a. Surface dwelling no. 1 (fig. 31/2), partly preserved. Dated to: the same as the nearby slightly buried dwelling, 3rd4th centuries (fig. 33-34/1-8). It was discovered in 1982, when trench S IV was created, in sector A. The perimeter thereof was mostly destroyed by the dwelling, L6, specific to the Dridu culture, and the hydroamelioration works. The leveling of the ground led to its identification at a small depth, 8,1 m2, L=2,91 and w=2,78, h=0,25-0,30 m, at the basis of the humus. The rectangular shape, with the southnorth orientation, indicates the possibility that the entrance was situated to the east, in the lower part of the slope, as indicated by the accumulations of adobe and inventory, especially the ceramic ware. It does not show any particular construction peculiarities. The adobe of the collapsed walls are of the same nuance as those of other dwellings, that is yellowish-brick-like, with grayish-blackish stains, and such accumulations are found especially on the south side. On the pieces of adobe are rather small and dispersed. The total number of vessels found in the feature is of about 21, out of which five are hand made ware (fig. 33/5-6, 9-11; 34/2) and 16 wheel-made, distributed pending on their technique of execution in: six large vessels of slightly coarse paste (fig. 33/3, 7-8; 34/5-6, 8), 10 fine paste, two modeled out of fine red paste (fig. 34/1), one of brownish paste (fig. 34/7) and eight of grayish paste (fig. 33/1-2, 4; 34/1, 3-4). Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware: 1 rim, probably from a tureen (fig. 34/2); 1 primitive lamp (fig. 33/6); 1 potsherd decorated with alveoli belt (fig. 33/10), 2 rims and 4 bases (fig. 33/5, 9, 11; =12,5; 14; 7,5 cm); - grayish slightly coarse ceramic: 2 large vessels (fig. 34/5-6) and 1 basis (fig. 34/8); 3 rounded thickened rims, the first of a black-grayish pot (fig. 33/3, 7-8; mouth=10; 11; 12 cm); 1 basis with traces from


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

the detachment from the wheel (=12 cm); - red fine ceramic: 1 mug (fig. 34/1); brownish, 1 concave basis (fig. 34/7); grayish, 1 rim (fig. 34/3), 2 rims of sandy paste (fig. 34/4); 1 bowl (fig. 33/2; mouth=8 cm); 1 casserole (fig. 33/1; mouth=3,8 cm); 4 jar necks with thickened rim off grayish or yellowish-brown vessels (fig. 33/4; =14; 12; 14,5; 15 cm). Construction materials: - 1 pieces of adobe and of hearth.

Fig. 34. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roat, past fin roie, 1 buz, 7 baz; fin cenuie, 3-4 buze; puin zgrunuroas, 5-6 perei de vase; 8 baz; modelat cu mna, 2 gt de vas; 9 cuie. 1-8 Locuina de suprafa nr. 1 cpl. 12a; 9 groapa nr. 1 cpl. 13, sec. III-IV. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: fine red paste, 1 rim, 7 concave basis; grayish fine, 3-4 rims; slightly coarse, 5-6 valls of vessels; 8 basis; hand made ware, 2 rim from a vessel; 9 primitive lamp. 1-8 Surface dwelling no. 1 cpl. 12a; 9 pit no. 1 cpl. 13, 3rd4th centuries.

4.15. Cpl. 13. Groapa nr. 1, nederanjat. Datare: secolele III-IV (fig. 34/9). A aprut pe SV, M1617. De form oval n profilul transversal, =1,26x0,60 m. S-a adncit pn la -0,62 m. La baza ei se afla o singur cuie (fig. 34/9). n schimb, mai numeroase erau resturile osoase provenite exclusiv de la mamifere domestice - 28. Patru oase nu au fost determinate specific (un mamifer de talie mare, trei de talie mijlocie). Tafonomic s-au identificat dou fragmente cu urme de tranare, unul de la jupuirea pielii i patru roase de carnivore. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna: 1 cuie cu toart masiv (fig. 34/9), prins de sub buz. Inventar faunistic fragmentar: - Bos taurus: 2 fragmente craniu, 3 mandibul (1 dreapta i 2 stnga), 2 astragal stnga, 1 falang proximal, 1 falang mijlocie, 3 metacarp, 1 rotul, cte un fragment de tibie, vertebr cervical, metatars, coxal i cubitus; - Equus caballus: fragment vertebr toracic; - Ovis/Capra: cte un fragment de metatars dreapta (de la individ matur), scapula i tibie; - Sus domesticus: cubitus stnga; - Canis familiaris: mandibul dreapta (de la un individ matur).

Locuina de suprafa nr. 1, sec. IV-V / Surface dwelling no. 1, 4rd-5th centuries


Cpl. 13. Pit no. 1, undisturbed. Dated to: the 3rd4th centuries (fig. 34/9). It appeared to the southwest, SV, in M16-17. The cross profile was oval (=1,26x0,60 m). It was deepened down to -0,62 m. On its basis there was only one primitive lamp (fig. 34/9). In exchange, the bone remains were more numerous and they resulted exclusively of domestic mammals - 28. Foru bones could not be specifically determined (one large mammal, three medium size mammals). Taphonomically two fragments with butchering traces were identified, one with traces from skinning and four gnawed by carnivores. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware: 1 primitive lamp with massive handle (fig. 34/9), attached under the rim. Fragmented fauna inventory: - Bos taurus: 2 fragments of cranium, 3 mandibles (1 right and 2 left ones), 2 left astragals, 1 proximal phalange, 1 middle phalange, 3 metacarpal bones, 1 knee cap, 1 tibia fragment, 1 cervical vertebra, 1 metatarsal, 1 hipbone and 1 ulna; - Equus caballus: fragment of thoracic vertebra; - Ovis/Capra: one fragment of right metatarsal (of an adult), scapula and tibia; - Sus domesticus: left ulna; - Canis familiaris: right mandible (of an adult).

Fig. 35. Banca Gar - apte case. Locuine de suprafa, nr.1, cpl.14, sec. IV-V, nr.2, cpl.15, sec. IV. Planuri i profile. Surface dwellings, no. 1, cpl. 14, 4rd5th centuries and no. 2, cpl. 15, 4th century. Plans and profiles.

4.16. Cpl. 14. Locuina de suprafa nr. 1 (fig. 35/1), conservat mediu. Datare: secolele IV-V (fig. 36-38). S-a descoperit n sectorul A, n anul 1982, n partea de sud, prin casetarea spaiului dintre seciunile IV-V i pe SV, ntre M12-17, la -0,40-0,50 m. Era deja distrus, n parte, de lucrrile de hidroamelioraie. Cteva fragmente de chirpici, pietre i ceramic i traseaz conturul aproximativ patrulater 14,57 m 2, L=4,70; l=3,10 m, cu orientarea laturilor lungi est-nord-est / vest-sud-vest i cu podeaua bttorit, parial ars. Vatra are o form circular, =0,80 m, cu o grosime de 3-3,5 cm, astzi mozaicat. Intrarea era probabil la sud. ntre materialele de construcie de la perei s-au descoperit 15 fragmente de chirpici, cu grosimi diferite (h=2,1; 3 cm), cu urme de nuiele i pari, ce au diametre de 3-5, rar de 7 cm, majoritatea fuite doar pe o parte (fig. 36/6-7), rar pe ambele. Tot din locuin provin i dou greuti perforate cilindric, pstrate parial (fig. 36/4-5), un fragment de rni de gresie maronie (fig. 36/3; h=24 cm) i o lup de fier (fig. 36/8). Cele 35 de vase pstrate fragmentar, au fost concentrate spre peretele de sud-sud-est i provin: dou de la vase modelate cu mna (fig. 36/1-2) i 33 de la vase lucrate la roat, din care patru din past


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

zgrunuroas (fig. 38/8-9). De asemenea, 20 sunt din past cenuie (fig. 37/6-7, 10; 38/1-7), trei glbuicenuii, unul negru (fig. 37/9), trei din past fin roie (fig. 37/8). Din prile de la dou amfore (fig. 37/1-5), se distinge gura uneia de Herakleia, conform precizrilor date de Andrei Opai, varianta 4 AD (fig. 37/1). Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mn: 1 oal (fig. 36/1; buz=10 cm); 1 baz (fig. 36/2; =13,5 cm) i o buz de amfor; - ceramica din past zgrunuroas cenuie: 3 fragmente de la un vas de provizii decorat cu incizii n val i orizontale (fig. 38/8; =34 cm); 2 de la un vas bitronconic (fig. 38/9; buz=30 cm); 2 margini cu buza evazat i rotunjit (buz=12; 20 cm); 3 baze drepte (=2x9; 10 cm);

Fig. 36. Banca Gar - apte case. 1-2 Fragmente ceramice modelate cu mna; 3 rni; 4-5 greuti; 6-7 materiale de construcie; 8 lup fier. Locuina de suprafa nr. 1, cpl. 14, sec. IV-V. Ceramic fragments: 1-2 hand made; 3 gritstone; 4-5 weights; 6-7 construction materials; 8 lenses iron. Surface dwelling no. 1, cpl. 14, 4rd5th centuries.

- ceramica fin ars cenuiu: 1 can cu toart; 4 castroane bitronconice cu cte o nervur pe gt (fig. 38/4; buz=20,5; 10; 22 cm) sau pe umr ( buz=19 cm); 6 castroane din care, 1 cu gt drept ( buz=16 cm), 3 cu profil n S (fig. 38/1-3; buz=10; 2x14,5 cm), 2 cu gura larg (fig. 37/10; buz=18; 15 cm); 5 oale din care, 1 cu gt nalt, 1 cu gt arcuit i buza uor ngroat ( buz=16 cm), 1 cu trei nervuri dispuse sub buz, la baza gtului i pe umr (fig. 38/6; buz=14 cm); 4 margini nalte decorate tot cu nervuri (fig. 37/6-7; 38/5, 7; buz=11; 11,5; 10; 16 cm), din care dou au alveolri sub buza ngroat; 2 gturi arcuite, unul simplu, altul cu o nervur; 2 toarte prevzute cu nuiri longitudinale; 8 baze inelare (=2x8; 8,5; 2x10; 2x16; 18 cm) i 3 drepte (=8; 16; 18 cm); - glbui cenuie, deschis: 1 can; 1 castron bitronconic ( buz=12 cm); 1 gt nalt pe el cu o nervur (buz=16 cm); 1 baz (=10 cm); - ceramica neagr lustruit: 1 castron bitronconic (fig. 37/9; buz=14 cm), 1 baz inelar (=9 cm); - past fin, roie: 1 bol (fig. 37/8; max.=8 cm); 1 vas cu gt nalt, pe el cu o nervur ( corp=10 cm); 1 baz inelar (=8 cm); 1 perete decorat cu linii incizate;

Locuina de suprafa nr. 1, sec. IV-V / Surface dwelling no. 1, 4rd-5th centuries


- ceramica de import: 2 amfore de care s-au pstrat mai multe fragmente din past glbui-crmizie: 1 gt de amfor Herakleia 4 AD (fig. 37/1), 4 toarte (fig. 37/2-4), 1 perete (fig. 37/5). Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 2 greuti de lut, perforate cilindric, pstrate parial (fig. 36/4-5); - 1 fragment de rni din gresie maronie (fig. 36/3, h=24 cm). Materiale de construcie: - chirpici de la perei, cu urme de refuire i buci de vatr.

Fig. 37. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roata olarului: 1-5 pri de amfore; past fin cenuie 6-7, oale; 10 castron; roie, 8 bol; neagr, 9 castron. Locuina de suprafa nr. 1, cpl. 14, sec. IV-V. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: 1-5 parts of the amphorae; grayish paste, 6-7 jars; 10 tureen; fine red, 8 bowl; blackish, 9 tureen. Surface dwelling no. 1, cpl. 14, 4rd5th centuries.

Cpl. 14. Surface dwelling no. 1 (fig. 35/1), average state of conservation. Dated to: the 4 rd5th centuries (fig. 36-38). It was discovered in 1982, in sector A, on the southwest side, between M12-17, at -0,40-0,50 m, to the south, by the cassettes created in the space between trenches IV-V. It was already partially destroyed by the hydro-amelioration works. Few fragments of adobe, stones and ceramic ware indicate its approximately rectangular shape 14,57 m 2, L=4,70; w=3,10 m, with the orientation of the long sides east-northeast /west-southwest and the treaded floor, partly burnt. The hearth has a circular shape, =0,80 m, with a width of 3-3,5 cm, nowadays fragments. The entrance was probably to the south. Among the construction materials remaining from the walls there were identified 15 fragments of adobe, of various widths (h=2,1; 3 cm), with traces of wattle and posts, =3-5, rarely 7 cm, most of them facetted only on one side (fig. 36/6-7), rarely on both. It is also within the dwelling that there were identified two weights cylindrically perforated, partly preserved (fig. 36/4-5), one fragmentun of quern made of brownish gritstone (fig. 36/3; h =24 cm) and a lenses iron (fig. 36/8).


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

The 35 ceramic fragments, concentrated especially toward the south-southeast side have the following origin: two from hand-made vessels (fig. 36/1-2) and 33 wheel-made vessels, out of which four made of coarse paste (fig. 38/8-9). Also, 20 are made of grayish paste (fig. 37/6-7, 10; 38/1-7), three of yellowish - grayish, one of black, three of fine red (fig. 37/8-9), to these, two amphorae (fig. 37/1-5).

Fig. 38. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roat: past fin cenuie, 1-4 castroane; 5-7 oale; past zgrunuroas, 8-9 vase de provizii. Locuina de suprafa nr. 1, cpl. 14, sec. IV-V. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: fine grayish paste, 1-4 tureen; 5-7 jars; coarse grayish paste, 8-9 vessels for food storage. Surface dwelling no. 1, cpl. 14, 4rd5th centuries.

Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand-made ceramic ware: 1 pot (fig. 36/1; =10 cm); 1 basis (fig. 36/2; =13,5 cm); - gray coarse ceramic ware: 3 fragments of a food storage pot decorated with waved and horizontal incisions (fig. 38/8; =34 cm); 2 of a biconical pot (fig. 38/9; =30 cm); 2 edges with flared and rounded rim (=12; 20 cm); 3 straight bases (=2x9; 10 cm); - gray pottery: 1 mug with handle; 4 biconical bowls with one nervure on the neck (fig. 38/4; =20,5; 10; 22 cm) or on the shoulder (=19 cm); 6 bowls out of which, 1 with straight neck (=16 cm), 3 with S profile (fig. 38/1-3; =10; 2x14,5 cm), 2 with large mouth (fig. 37/10; =18; 15 cm); 5 jars, 1 with high neck, 1 rounded neck, the slightly thickened rim (=16 cm), 1 with three nervures placed under the rim, at the basis of the neck and on the shoulder (fig. 38/6; =14 cm); 4 high borders, decorate also with nervures (fig. 37/6-7; 38/5, 7; =11; 11,5; 10; 16 cm), out of which two have alveoli under the thickened rim; 2 bent necks, one simple, the other with a nervure; 2 handles with two longitudinal grooves each; 8 ring-like bases (=2x8 cm; 8,5 cm; 2x10 cm; 2x16 cm; 18 cm) and 3 straight ones (=8; 16; 18 cm); grayish-yellowish, light: 1 mug; 1 biconical bowl (=12 cm); 1 high neck with a nervure on it (=16 cm); 1 basis (=10 cm); - black polished ceramic ware: 1 biconical bowl (fig. 37/9; =14 cm), 1 ring-like basis (=9 cm); - fine red pottery: 1 bowl covered with reddish paste (fig. 37/8; maximal=8 cm); 1 pot with high neck, with a nervure on it (preserved =10 cm); 1 ring-like basis (=8 cm); 1 potsherd decorated with incised lines;

Locuina de suprafa nr. 2, sec. IV / Surface dwelling no. 2, 4th century


- imported pottery: 1 amphora neck (fig. 37/1); 4 handles (fig. 37/2-4); 2 amphorae to which belong several fragments of yellowish brick-like paste (fig. 37/5). Various artifacts - tools, implements, other items: - 2 clay weights, with c ylindrical perforation, partly preserved (fig. 36/4-5); - 1 fragment of brownish gritstone quern (fig. 36/3, h=24 cm). Construction materials: - pieces of adobe and of hearth. 4.17. Cpl. 15. Locuina de suprafa nr. 2 (fig. 35/2). Datare: secolul al IV-lea (fig. 39). Locuina a fost gsit n anul 1982, n sectorul A, prin sparea seciunilor VI-VII, n partea de nord a lor, n pant. A fost dezvelit i prin trasarea unei casete, dei aceasta se ntindea mai ales pe S VII. Starea de conservare este n general bun, cu excepia unor deranjamente datorate lucrrilor de hidroamelioraie. Locuina aflat la circa -0,40-0,60 m, are orientarea aproximativ nord-nord-est / sud-sud-vest. Avea iniial, o form patrulater cu dimensiunile de circa 16,20 m 2, L=4,5; l=3,6 m. n momentul sprii, spre colul de nord-est, n preajma unor pietre, unele cu urme de ardere, s-au gsit i resturi de la o pies de fier, o cute de gresie maronie (fig. 39/6), o pictur de material topit de culoare verzuie (fig. 39/2). De asemenea, apte vase lucrate la roat, din care trei din past zgrunuroas (fig. 39/5, 7), trei cenuii (fig. 39/3), unul acoperit cu angob (fig. 39/4), plus unul de sticl cu irizri verzui (fig. 39/1). Se aglomerau mai ales lng peretele de sud-sud-est iar vasul de sticl era situat relativ central. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica din past zgrunuroas cenuie: 1 gt de oal (fig. 39/7; buz=12 cm); 2 vase de provizii bitronconice, cu buza lit (fig. 39/5; buz=34 cm); - ceramica fin ars cenuiu: 2 castroane din care, 1 uor bitroncecor lustruit, acum ters n mare parte (fig. 39/3; buz=15 cm); onic, cu buza tras mai mult exterior, pe umr cu decor lustruit, acum ters n mare parte (fig. 39/3; buz=15 cm); 1 castron cu peretele n S; 1 buz uor ngroat; roie, 1 toart, oval n seciune transversal, din past amestecat cu amot, pe lungime cu dou nuiri, finisat neglijent, angobat (fig. 39/4); ceramica de import: 1 fragment de gt de la un pahar de sticl cu irizaii verzui, sub buz cu o nervur (fig. 39/1; buz=8 cm).
Fig. 39. Banca Gar - apte case. 1 Pahar de sticl; 2 pictur de material topit; 6 cute. Fragmente ceramice: past fin cenuie, 3-4 castroane; zgrunuroas 5 vas de provizii; modelat cu mna, 7 oal. Locuina de suprafa nr. 2 cpl. 15, sec. IV. 1 Glass beaker neck; 2 drop of melt metal; 6 whetstone. Ceramic fragments: fine paste, 3-4 tureens; coarse, 5 vessels for food storage; hand made, 7 jars. Surface dwelling no. 2 cpl. 15, 4th century.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 1 pictur de metal topit de culoare verzuie (fig. 39/2); - 1 pies de fier cu seciune cilindric; - 1 cute pentru ascuit lame i vrfuri din gresie maronie (fig. 39/6). Materiale de construcie: - 1 buci de chirpici i de la vatr. Cpl. 15. Surface dwelling no. 2 (fig. 35/2). Dated to: the 4th century (fig. 39). The dwelling was identified in 1982, in sector A, by the excavation of trenches VI-VII, to the north, on the slope. It was uncovered also by the creation of a cassette although this was mostly in SVII. The state of conservation was generally good, except for disturbed areas due to the hydroamelioration works. The dwelling situated at about -0,40-0,60 m was situated approximately north-northeast / south-southwest. It probably had, initially, a rectangular form with the sizes of about 16,20 m 2, L=4,5; w=3,6 m. Centrally and to the north there appear fragments of hearth crust, with several stones around. As the land indicates, the entrance was to the south, in the lower part of the slope. When excavated, toward the northeast corner, around some stones, there were found also remains of an iron item, a whetstone of brownish gritstone (fig. 39/6), a drop of melt metal of greenish color (fig. 39/2). Also, seven wheel-made vessels, out of which three made of coarse paste (fig. 39/5, 7), three of grayish paste (fig. 39/3), one was covered with slip (fig. 39/4), plus another one made of glass with greenish iridescences (fig. 39/1). They were especially accumulated near the south-southeast wall and the glass pot was placed relatively in a central. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - grayish coarse ceramic ware: 1 pot neck (fig. 39/7; mouth=12 cm); 2 biconical pots for food storage, with widened rim (fig. 39/5; mouth=34 cm); - grayish fine ceramic: 2 tureens out of which 1 slightly biconical, with the rim drawn more to the exterior, on the shoulder with a polished ornament, nowadays mostly faded (fig. 39/3; mouth=15 cm); 1 tureen with S-shaped wall; 1 slightly thicken rim; red, 1 handle, of oval cross section, paste mixed with broken potshards, with two grooves on the length, negligently finished, with slip (fig. 39/4); - imported ceramic: 1 greenish glass beaker neck, with a nervure under the rim (fig. 39/1; =8 cm). Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 1 drop of melt metal of greenish nuance (fig. 39/2); - 1 iron item with cylindrical cross-section; - 1 whetstone for sharpening blades and blades made of brownish gritstone (fig. 39/6). Construction materials: - pieces of adobe and of hearth. 4.18. Cpl. 17. Locuina de suprafa nr. 2 (fig. 40/1), conservat mediu. Datare: secolele III-IV (fig. 41-42). A aprut n sectorul A, n anul 1982, pe SVII, la adncimea de -0,20-0,35 m. Starea de conservare este n general bun, cu excepia unor deranjamente datorate lucrrilor de hidroamelioraie. Locuina, cu podeaua bttorit i parial ars, este situat n panta uoar a grindului, la baza depunerii brun-cafenii, la o adncime de -0,60 m. Dimensiunile aproximative erau de 11,61 m 2, L=4,3; l=2,7 m, iar orientarea nu difer mult de a construciilor anterioare, nord-nord-est / sud-sud-vest, intrarea spre sud-est. Cteva amenajri interioare erau situate n preajma vetrei, pstrat fragmentar. Spre nord-est apar mai multe pietre de ru i gresie, care, probabil iniial mprejmuiau vatra. Alte pietre se afl n partea de est a locuinei, unde au fost suprapuse de mai multe buci de chirpic, unele pe o parte cu amprente de nuiele, pe alta fauite i refuite. Pstrarea unei poriuni din pmnt cruat mai nalte, spre peretele de vest, cel mult 30 cm, s-a realizat pentru formarea unei lavie pentru dormit. Din umplutura acesteia s-a recuperat o fusaiol bitronconic (fig. 42/3) i o cute de gresie (fig. 42/6), aflate n apropierea vetrei, ct i 28 de vase, din care 3 modelate cu mna (fig. 41/8-9; 42/9), iar 25 la roat, repartizate dup tehnica folosit n: apte modelate din past puin zgrunuroas, dou - glbui (fig. 41/6), unul roietic (fig. 41/4), patru cenuii (fig. 41/2; 42/5), 16 fin cenuie (fig. 41/1, 3, 5, 7, 11-12; 42/1, 4, 7-8, 10), unul acoperit cu angob roie i decorat pe umr cu protome zoomorfe (fig. 41/10), se afla spre latura de sud-est, ca i cel ars negru i lustruit (fig. 42/2).

Locuina de suprafa nr. 2, sec. III-IV / Surface dwelling no. 2, 3rd-4th centuries


Fig. 40. Banca Gar - apte case. 1 Locuina de suprafa nr. 2, cpl. 17; 2 groapa nr. 1 cpl. 18, sec. III-IV i IV. Planuri i profile. 1 Surface dwelling no. 2, cpl. 17; 2 pit no. 1 cpl. 18, 3rd4th centuries and 4th century. Plans and profiles.

Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna: 1 castron (fig. 41/9; buz=22 cm); 1 vas miniatural cu buza spart din vechime (fig. 41/8; buz=6,2 cm), 1 buz de oal de culoare glbuie (fig. 42/9; buz=14 cm); - ceramica din past puin zgrunuroas glbui-crmizie: 2 vase de provizii cu buzele prevzute cu nuiri pentru capac (fig. 41/6; buz=34 cm); roietic, 1 can (fig. 41/4; buz=9 cm); cenuie, 1 buz de oal (fig. 41/2; buz=26 cm); 2 buze evazate, una de la un castron (fig. 42/5; buz=14 cm), 1 corp decorat cu o canelur vlurit larg, limitat de o alta orizontal; - ceramica fin cenuie: 1 bol (fig. 41/12; buz=7,5 cm); 4 castroane cu diferite profile n S (fig. 41/1, 3, 5, 7; buz=31; 29; 26; 25 cm); 1 castron cu marginea dreapt, decorat pe corp cu benzi triliniare n zigzag, ntre ele cu grupe de linii oblice, nclinate simetric (fig. 42/1); 1 castron emisferic, exterior, sub buz prevzut cu o nuire (buz=22 cm); 2 castroane cu marginea dreapt, unul are buza lit i faetat, altul are sub gt dou nervuri; 1 oal cu buza prevzut cu o nuire pentru a sprijini capacul (fig. 42/7; buz=10,5 cm); 2 vase cu gt nalt (fig. 42/8, 10; buz=21 cm); 5 buze evazate, unele ngroate; 3 toarte cu seciunile transversale ovale, nuite longitudinal (fig. 42/4); 13 baze inelare (=3x6; 2x7; 3x8; 3x9; 10-11 cm); 2 drepte (=8; 16 cm); acoperit cu angob roie: 1 castron decorat pe umr cu protome zoomorfe, exterior era lustruit (fig. 41/10; buz=25 cm); - ceramica neagr lustruit: 1 castron ce are la baza gtului o nervur iar pe umr a fost ornat cu o linie n val, lustruit (fig. 42/2; buz=28 cm) i 1 fragment de amfor. Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 1 fusaiol bitronconic (fig. 42/3); - 1 cute gresie roietic-maronie (fig. 42/6). Materiale de construcie: - buci de chirpici i de vatr.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Fig. 41. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roat: past fin cenuie, 1, 3, 5, 7 castroane; 11 buz; 12 bol; puin zgrunuroas, 2 buz de oal; roietic, 4 can; glbui-crmizie, 6 vas de provizii; 9 castron; acoperit cu angob roie, 10 castron; modelat cu mna, 8 vas miniatural. Locuina de suprafa nr. 2 cpl. 17, sec. III-IV. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: fine grayish paste, 1, 3, 5, 7 tureens; 11 rim; 12 bowl; slightly coarse, 2 rim of jar; reddish, 4 mug; yellowish - bricklike slightly, 6 vessels for food storage; 9 tureen; ware covered with red slip, 10 tureen; hand made ware, 8 miniature pot. Surface dwelling no. 2 cpl. 17, 3rd 4th centuries.

Cpl. 17. Surface dwelling no. 2 (fig. 40/1), average state of conservation. Dated to: the 3 rd4th centuries (fig. 41-42). It appeared in sector A, in 1982, on SVII, at the depth of -0,20-0,35 m. The state of conservation is generally good, except for some disturbed areas caused by the hydro-amelioration works. The dwelling, with the treaded and partly fired floor, is situated in the light part of the raised ground, at the basis of the coffee brown agglomeration, at the depth of -0,60 m. The approximate dimensions are of, 11,61 m 2, L=4,3; w=2,7 m, and the orientation does not differ considerably from the one of the prior constructions, north-northeast / south-southwest, the entrance was situated to the south-east. Few interior arrangements were situated near the partly preserved hearth. To the northeast there appear several river stones and gritstones, which probably initially surrounded the hearth. Other stones were also situated in the east side of the dwelling, where they were overlapped by several pieces of adobe, some on one side with traces of wattle and on the other facetted and re-facetted. The preservation of a higher area of spared soil, towards the west wall, of at most 30 cm, was made in order to create a bench for sleeping.

Locuina de suprafa nr. 2, sec. III-IV / Surface dwelling no. 2, 3rd-4th centuries


Fig. 42. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roat: past fin cenuie, 1 castron; 4 toart; 7 oal; 8, 10 vase cu gt nalt; neagr, 2 castron; puin zgrunuroas, 5 buz de oal; modelat cu mna, 9 buz de oal; 3 fusaiol; 6 cute. Locuina de suprafa nr. 2 cpl. 17, sec. III-IV. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: fine grayish paste, 1 tureen; 4 handle; 7 jar; 8, 10 pot with high neck; blackish, 2 tureen; slightly coarse, 5 rim of jar; hand made ware, 9 rim of jar; 3 biconical piece; 6 whetstone. Surface dwelling 2 cpl. 17, 3rd4th centuries.

It is from there that were recuperated a biconical piece (fig. 42/3) and a whetstone made of gritstone (fig. 42/6), situated near the hearth, as well as 28 vessels, out of which 3 hand made pots (fig. 41/8-9; 42/9), and 25 wheel-made ones, distributed according to the technique used in: two models made of slightly coarse paste, of a yellowish paste (fig. 41/6), a reddish one (fig. 41/4), three grayish ones (fig. 41/2; 42/5), 16 of fine grayish paste (fig. 41/1, 3, 5, 7, 11-12; 42/1, 4, 7-8, 10), one covered with a red slip and decorated on the shoulder with zoomorphic protomae (fig. 41/10) was situated to the southeast side, and so was the one of black polished paste (fig. 42/2). Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware: 1 tureen (fig. 41/9; mouth=22 cm); 1 miniature pot with the rim broken in ancient times (fig. 41/8; =6,2 cm); 1 rim of a yellowish paste (fig. 42/9; mouth=14 cm); - yellowish - bricklike slightly coarse ceramic: 2 vessels for food storage (fig. 41/6; mouth=34 cm); reddish, 1 mug (fig. 41/4; mouth=9 cm); grayish, 1 rim of a pot (fig. 41/2; mouth=26 cm); 2 flared tureen (fig. 42/5; mouth=14 cm); 1 body decorated with one largely waved groove, limited by another one, horizontal; - grayish fine ceramic: 1 bowl (fig. 41/12; mouth=7,5 cm); 4 tureens with various S-profiles (fig. 41/1, 3, 5; 7; mouth=31; 29; 26; 25 cm); 1 tureen with straight edge, decorated on the body with three- zigzag stripes, with groups of oblique lines, symmetrically bent (fig. 42/1); 1 tureen, of hemispheric exterior, with a groove under the rim (mouth=22 cm); 2 tureens with straight edge, one has the rim widened and facetted, another one has two nervures under the neck; 1 pot with the rim showing a groove for sustaining the lid fig. 42/7; mouth=10,5 cm); 2 vessels with high neck (fig. 42/8, 10; mouth=21 cm); 5 flared rims, some thickened; handles with oval cross sections, longitudinally grooved (fig. 42/4); 13 annular bases (=3x6; 2x7; 3x8; 3x9; 10-11 cm); 2 straight (=8; 16 cm);


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

- ceramic ware covered with red slip: 1 tureen decorated on the shoulder zoomorphic protomae, with polished exterior (fig. 41/10; mouth=25 cm); - black polished ceramic: 1 tureen with a nervure at the basis of the neck and on the shoulder decorated with a waved polished line (fig. 42/2; mouth=28 cm), 1 aphora. Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 1 biconical piece (fig. 42/3); - 1 whetstone made of brownish - reddish gritstone (fig. 42/6). Construction materials: - pieces of adobe and of hearth.

Fig. 43. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roata olarului: past fin glbuie, angobat, 1 gt; cenuie, 2 castron; 4-5 oale; 10-13 baze; past puin zgrunuroas cenuie; 6, 8 castroane, 14 baz; import, 7 toart de amfor; 3 cute; 9 chirpic. Groapa nr. 1 cpl. 18, sec. IV. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: yellowish fine paste covered with slip, 1 neck; grayish paste, 2 tureen; 4-5 jars; 10-13 bases; slightly coarse paste grayish; 6, 8 tureens, 14 basis; imported, 7 handle of an amphora; 3 whetstone; 9 pieces of adobe. Pit no. 1 cpl. 18, 4th century.

4.19. Cpl. 18. Groapa nr. 1 (fig. 40/2), nederanjat. Datare: secolul al IV-lea (fig. 43). Groapa s-a descoperit n anul 1982, n sectorul A. A fost surprins prin sparea unei casete ntre seciunile SXVII-XVIII, M10-11,80 m. Forma iniial era probabil ovoidal, n seciune transversal oval iar aspectul de astzi este datorat prbuirii pereilor. Dimensiunile oscileaz ntre, L=3,4 i l=1,5 m, cu adncimea medie de -1,16 m, msurat pe fundul gropii de la nivelul actual de clcare. Ceramica a fost n inventar majoritar, nu apar pri de la vasele modelate cu mna. S-au pstrat dou fragmente de chirpic, probabil de la construcia pereilor, finisai neordonat pe ambele pri (fig. 43/9) i o cute (fig. 43/3). n groap apar cioburi de la nou vase lucrate la roat, trei din past cenuie puin zgrunuroas (fig.

Groapa nr. 2, sec. IV / Pit no. 2, 4th century


43/6-7, 14), cinci din past fin, unul de culoare glbuie (fig. 43/1), patru cenuii (fig. 43/2, 4-5, 8, 10-13) i o mnua de amfor. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica din past puin zgrunuroas cenuie: 1 castron cu pereii groi i profil n S, cu buza evazat (fig. 43/6; buz=22 cm); 1 castron cu pereii groi, decorat cu 4 linii vlurite (fig. 43/8; buz=22 cm); 1 baz dreapt (fig. 43/14; =12,5 cm); - ceramica fin ars cenuiu: 1 castron cu profil n S, pe umr cu o nervur (fig. 43/2; buz=21 cm), dou mici oale cu gtul drept sau evazat (fig. 43/4-5; =8,6; 19 cm); 3 baze inelare (fig. 43/11-13; =2x6,5; 8 cm) i 1 dreapt (fig. 43/10; 8 cm); ceramica fin glbuie: 1 ciob acoperit cu angob (fig. 43/1); - ceramica de import: 1 mnu de amfor fig. 43/7). Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 1 cute cu adncituri formate prin ascuirea vrfurilor (fig. 43/3). Materiale de construcie: - buci de chirpici (fig. 43/9). Cpl. 18. Pit no. 1 (fig. 40/2), undisturbed. Dated to: the 4 th century (fig. 43). The pit was discovered in 1982, in sector A. It was surprised by digging a cassette in trenches SXVII-XVIII, between M10-11,80 m. The initial shape was probably oval and the nowadays aspect is due, possibly, to the partial collapse of the walls. The dimensions oscillate between: L=3,4 and w=1,5 m, with the average depth of -1,16 m, measured on its floor, from the current treading level. Within the inventory, the ceramic ware was prevalent,there are not parts of hand made vessels. There were two fragments of adobe, probably from the construction of the walls, carelessly finished on both sides (fig. 43/9) and a whetstone (fig. 43/3). In the pit there appear potsherds of nine wheel-made vessels, three made of grayish slightly coarse paste (fig. 43/6-7, 14), one of yellowish nuance (fig. 43/1), four of grayish paste (fig. 43/2, 4-5, 8, 10-13) and an amphora. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - grayish slightly coarse paste: 1 tureen with thick walls, S-profile and flared rim (fig. 43/6; mouth=22 cm); 1 bowl with thick walls, decorated with 4 waved lines (fig. 43/8; mouth=22 cm); 1 straight basis (fig. 43/14; =12,5 cm); - grayish fine ceramic: 1 tureen with S-profile and with a nervure on the shoulder (fig. 43/2; mouth=21 cm), two small jars on the straight or flared neck (fig. 43/4-5; mouth=8,6; 19 cm); 3 annular bases (fig. 43/1113; =2x6,5; 8 cm) and 1 straight (fig. 43/10; 8 cm); yellowish fine ceramic: 1 potsherd covered with slip (fig. 43/1); - imported ceramic: 1 amphora handle fig. 43/7). Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 1 whetstone with deeper spots created by the sharpening of the points (fig. 43/3). Construction materials: - pieces of adobe (fig. 43/9). 4.20. Cpl. 19. Groapa nr. 2 (fig. 46/6), nederanjat. Datare: secolul al IV-lea (fig. 44). Groapa a aprut n 1982, n sectorul A, SXII, ntre M2,1-3,3, i s-a profilat la baza solului cenuiu-mzros, n plan oval, uor alungit spre sud-sud-vest. Se adncete pn la -1,97 m de la nivelul actual de clcare. n profil are tot o form oval, mai larg spre baz. Inventarul este alctuit din pri de la 23 de vase: dou oale modelate cu mna (fig. 44/8-9), cinci din past zgrunuroas (fig. 44/6), patru puin zgrunuroas (fig. 44/7, 10), 12 aparin ceramicii fine, din care cinci de culoare cenuie (fig. 44/2, 5), cte dou maronii (fig. 44/1) i roii, trei negricioase (fig. 44/3-4). Nici inventarul faunistic nu este prea bogat, 28 de resturi provin de la molute i mamifere domestice. Trei fragmente osoase nu au fost determinate specific (mamifere, 1 de talie mare, 2 mijlocie). Din punct de vedere tafonomic s-au identificat un os cu urme de la descrnare i dou roase de carnivore. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna: 1 baz i 2 oale (fig. 44/8-9; buz=14; 8,5 cm); - ceramica din past zgrunuroas crmizie: 1 fragment acoperit de linii incizate n val; cenuie, 1 vas de provizii cu buza n T, decorat cu benzi de linii incizate orizontal sau vlurit (fig. 44/6; buz=26 cm); 4 oale cu buze ngroate, marginile invazate (buz=2x12; 2x14 cm); 2 baze drepte (=10; 12 cm);


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

- ceramic din past puin zgrunuroas cenuie: 3 oale (fig. 44/7, 10; buz=20 cm), 1 margine; - ceramica fin cenuie: 1 castron cu marginea evazat, buza rotunjit; 1 buz (fig. 44/5); 1 corp de la un vas decorat cu incizii vlurite (fig. 44/2); 1 perete ars secundar; 2 baze evazate (=8,5; 12 cm); 2 baze drepte (=2x14 cm); roie: 2 toarte una n seciune aproximativ circular alta oval cu trei nuiri; negricioas: 1 castrona cu profil n S; 1 oal ars negru (fig. 44/4; buz=11 cm); 1 perete de vas canelat; 1 baz (fig. 44/3; =8 cm); brun: 2 castroane (fig. 44/1; buz=13; 14 cm). Inventar faunistic fragmentar: - Molute: 3 fragmente cochilie de Helix pomatia, 2 valve Unio pictorum; - Bos taurus: fragment craniu, astragal, 3 dini (doi M 1 i unu P2), 2 falange, fragmente de femur - 1, humerus - 3; vertebrae - 2; - Ovis/Capra: cte un fragment de maxilar superior, mandibul, scapul i tibie; - Sus domesticus: fragment coast i humerus; - Canis familiaris: diafiz de tibie.

Fig. 44. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roata olarului: past fin cenuie, 1, 5 castroane; 2 perete decorat; past puin zgrunuroas, 3 baz; 4, 7, 10 oale; past zgrunuroas, 6 vas de provizii; modelat cu mna, 9 borcan. Groapa nr. 2 cpl. 19, sec. IV. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: fine grayish paste, 1, 5 tureens; 2 wall decorated; slightly coarse, 3 basis; 4, 7, 10 jars; coarse paste, 6 vessels for food storage; hand made, 9 jar. Pit no. 2 cpl. 19, 4th century.

Cpl. 19. Pit no. 2 (fig. 46/6), undisturbed. Dated to: the 4 th century (fig. 44). The pit appeared in SXII, between M2,1-3,3, at the basis of the grayish granulated soil, in plan with an oval shape, slightly longer to the south-southwest. Its depth goes to -1,97 m measured from the current treading level. In the profile, its shape is also oval, larger toward the basis. The inventory is made of parts of 23 vessels out of which two hand made jars (fig. 44/8-9), five vessels made of coarse paste (fig. 44/6), four made of slightly coarse paste (fig. 44/7, 10), 12 belonging to the fine ceramic ware category, out of which five of grayish nuance (fig. 44/2, 5), two of brownish nuance (fig. 44/1), three black vessels (fig. 44/3-4) and two red ones. Neither the fauna inventory is too rich, 28 remains result from mollusks and domestic mammals.

Mormnt de nhumaie nr. 3, sec. IV / The inhumation grave, no. 3, 4th century


Three bony fragments were not specifically determined (1 large mammal, 2 middle mammal). Taphonomically there were identified bones with traces from the meat removal, two gnawed by carnivores. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware: 1 basis and 2 jars (fig. 44/8-9; mouth=14; 8,5 cm); - brick-like coarse ceramic: 1 fragment of pot covered with incised wavy lines; grayish: 1 pot with Tshaped rim, decorated with stripes of horizontally incised or wavy lines (fig. 44/6; mouth=26 cm); 4 jars with thickened rims, inner-turned edges (mouth=2x12; 2x14 cm); 2 straight bases (=10; 12 cm); - grayish slightly coarse ceramic: 3 jars (fig. 44/7, 10; mouth=20 cm), 1 straight edge; - grayish fine ceramic ware: 1 tureen cu flared edge, rounded rim; 1 rim (fig. 44/5); 1 body of a vessel decorated with wavy incisions (fig. 44/2); 1 potsherd with secondary firing; 2 flared bases (=8,5; 12 cm); 2 straight bases (=2x14 cm); red fine ceramic: 2 handles, one of approximate circular section the other oval with three grooves; blackish fine ceramic: 1 small tureen with S-profile; 1 pot fired in reducing atmosphere (fig. 44/4; mouth=11 cm); 1 pot wall with grooves; 1 basis (fig. 44/3; =8 cm); brownish fine paste: 2 tureens (fig. 44/1; mouth=13-14 cm). Fragmented fauna inventory: - Mollusks: 3 fragments of shells of Helix pomatia, 2 valves Unio pictorum; - Bos taurus: fragments of cranium, astragal, 3 teeth (two M 1 and one P2), 2 phalanges, fragments of femur - 1, humerus - 3; vertebrae - 2; - Ovis/Capra: one fragment of upper mandible, lower mandible, scapula and tibia; - Sus domesticus: fragment of rib and humerus; - Canis familiaris: diaphysis of tibia. 4.21. Cpl. 20. Mormnt de nhumaie nr. 3 (fig. 45-46), datat n secolul al IV-lea. S-a descoperit n anul 1983, n sectorul A, pe SXVII, este conservat mai bine ca restul mormintelor de la Banca Gar. Forma gropii era rectangular-alungit (fig. 6/1), avnd colurile rotunjite, L=2,31; l=0,71 m, orientat pe axa nordsud, cu o mic deviere. Groapa s-a spat pn la -0,60-0,80 m, fa de nivelul actual. La baza gropii era depus un schelet ntins pe spate, cu orientare nord-sud i craniul spre nord. Inventarul funerar fragmentar, nu prea bogat, se compune dintr-o pies din ceramic fin, cenuie, tiat asimetric (fig. 46/3), un fragment de pieptene (fig. 45/3; fig. 46/4) i o fibul de bronz cu piciorul ntors pe dedesubt (fig. 45/5; 46/2). Scheletul din M3, a aparinut unui subiect de sex feminin, de vrst matur (40-45 ani). Analiza antropologic Dei deficitar conservat, a fost posibil restaurarea scheletului cefalic aproape n totalitate (mai puin regiunea sa bazal), majoritatea oaselor lungi (cu excepia peroneelor) i parial, oasele bazinului. Scheletul cefalic Neurocraniul se caracterizeaz prin valori absolute de categorie mare pentru lungime (179 mm) i nlime (116 mm) i mijlocie pentru lrgime (138 mm), cele relative, nscriindu-se n categoriile mezocran (77,09 u.i.), hipsicran (64,80 u.i.) i metriocran (84,05 u.i.). Lrgimea minim a frunii (96 mm) este situat la limita dintre categoriile mijlocie i mare iar cea maxim (119 mm) n categoria mare, valorile relative indicnd o frunte oval (80,67 u.i.) i eurimetop (69,56 u.i.). Occipitalul este mijlociu de bombat i de larg att prin valoarea absolut (105 mm) ct i relativ (76,08 u.i.). Relieful cranian este atenuat (glabelar - gr. 2; protuberana occipital - gr. 1; apofizele mastoide gr. 2). Conturul craniului este ovoid-ramboid n norma vertical i de cas n cea occipital. Craniul facial. Inlimea total a feei ct i cea a etajului facial superior sunt de tip mijlociu (107 mm i respectiv 64 mm) iar lrgimea maxim - de tip larg (129 mm), indicii rezultai fiind de tip euriprosop (facial total: 82,94 u.i.) i respectiv eurien (facial superior: 49,61 dar la limita categoriei mezene). Orbitele sunt joase (31 mm) i mijlocii de largi (40 mm), indicele orbitar fiind mezoconc (77,50 u.i.). Nasul ofer dimensiuni absolute de tip mijlociu pentru lungime (49 mm) i de tip ngust pentru lrgime (23 mm), prin indicele nazal situndu-se n categoria leptorin (46,93 u.i., la limita superioar a categoriei), apertura piriform fiind antropin. Raportul cranio-facial se plaseaz n categoria mezopsid (93,47 u.i). Malarele au o dezvoltare moderat i o poziie intermediar, fosa canin fiind destul de profund.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Bolta palatin este adnc avnd un contur paraboloid. Mandibula este mijlociu de adnc (76 mm) cu ramul orizontal jos (27 mm) i de grosime mijlocie, indicele de robusticitate situndu-se n categoria formelor moderate (40,74 u.i.); ramul vertical este mijlociu de larg i de nalt, gonioanele nefiind dezvoltate. Scheletul postcranian se caracterizeaz prin humerusuri de tip euribrah (78,94 u.i.), femure hiperplatimere (70,96 u.i.), tibii mezocneme (indicele de platicnemie fiind mai accentuat la osul stng fa de cel drept: 70,0 u.i. i 64,51 u.i.) i relief osos, n general, slab exprimat. Statura, prezint o medie ce se plaseaz n categoria de talii nalte (162 cm). Tipul antropologic corespunde unui fond predominant mediteranoid cu slabe influene nordice (prin nlimea calotei i a taliei). Inventar funerar fragmentar: - 1 o pies din ceramic fin, cenuie, tiat asimetric (fig. 46/3); - fragment de pieptene (fig. 45/3; fig. 46/4); - 1 fibul de bronz cu piciorul ntors pe dedesubt (fig. 45/5; 46/2).

Fig. 45. Banca Gar - apte case. 1 Mormnt de inhumaie nr. 3. 2-3 Inventr: 2 piepten fragmentar; 3 fibul, cpl. 20 sec. IV. 1 The inhumation grave no. 3. 2-3 Inventory: 2 fragment of a comb; 3 fibula, cpl. 20, 4th century.

Cpl. 20. The inhumation grave, M3 (fig. 45/1, 3, 5; 46/1-5), also dated in the 4 th century, was found in 1983, in Sector A (S17) and was better preserved than the rest of the graves of Banca Gar - apte case. The shape of the grave-pit is oblong-rectangular (fig. 46/1),with rounded corners (2.31 by 0.71 m) and northsouth orientation, with a slight deviation, as well as 0.60-0.80 m deep (from the actual treading level) (fig. 46/5). On the pit floor is laid the skeleton, in supine position, oriented north-south, with the head towards

Mormnt de nhumaie nr. 3, sec. IV / The inhumation grave, no. 3, 4th century


north. The grave goods were poor and fragmentarily preserved and consisted in a potsherd of fine, gray paste, asymmetrically cut, a fragment of a comb and a bronze shoulder clasp, of the type with under turned foot (fig. 46/2-4).

Fig. 46. Banca Gar - apte case. 1, 5 Mormnt de nhumaie nr. 3. Inventar: 2 fibul; 3 perete de vas tiat; 4 fragment de pieptene. Gropi: 6 nr. 2 cpl. 19, sec. IV; 7 nr. 1, cpl. 21 sec. III i aglomerarea ceramic nr. 1, cpl. 21a, sec. IV. Planuri i profile. 1 The inhumation grave no. 3. Inventory: 2 fibulae; 3 item cut from a vessel; 4 fragments of a combs. Pits: 6 no. 2, cpl. 19, 4th century; 7 no. 2, cpl. 21, 3rd4th centuries and ceramic agglomeration no. 1, cpl. 21a, 4th century. Plans and profiles.

The anthropological analysis The skeleton in the grave M3. In our opinion, it belongs to a mature female individual (40-45 years) Although poorly preserved, the cephalic skeleton was almost completely restored (apart from its basal region). The preserved skeletal remains included also in the long bones (except for the fibulae) and parts of the pelvic bones. The cephalic skeleton The neuro-cranium is characterized by large absolute values for its length (179 mm) and height (116 mm) and medium for its width (138 mm), while by the relative values it falls in the categories mesocranial (77.09), hypsicranial (64.80) and metriocranial (84.05). The minimum forehead width (96 mm)


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

places it at the limit between the medium and large categories, while the maximum forehead width (119 mm) places it in the large category. The relative values give the result of a forehead that is oval (80.67) and eurymetopic (69.56). The occipital is medium convex, as well as wide, both by the absolute (105 mm) and relative (76.08) values. The cranial ridging is weak (the glabellar group 2, the occipital protuberance group 1 and the mastoid apophyses group 2). The skull outline is oval-lozenge in the vertical norm and house-shaped in the occipital one. The facial cranium, the overall height of the face, together with the one of the upper facial features give a medium type (107 mm and 64 mm respectively), while the maximum width - a large type (129 mm), the resulting indexes giving the euryprosope type (overall facial: 82.94) and eurian type respectively (upper facial: 49.61, at the limit being of mesene type). The eye-sockets are low (31 mm) and of average width (40 mm), with an orbital index of mesoconcal type (77.50). The nose is characterized by medium absolute values for its length (49 mm) and narrow for its width (23 mm), the nasal index placing it in the leptorrhyne type (46.93, at the upper limit of the category), while the piriform aperture is antropinic. The malar bones are moderately developed and positioned medially, the canine fosse is quite deep and the palate vault is deep, with a parabolic outline. The mandible is medium in depth (76 mm) with a low horizontal branch (27 mm) and of medium thickness, the index of robustness placing it in the category of moderate shapes (40.74); the vertical branch is medium in width and height, with underdeveloped gonions. The post-cephalic skeleton is characterized by eurybrachial humeral bones (78.94), hyperplatimere hipbones (70.96), mesocnemic tibiae (the platicnemy index is more pronounced on the left tibia compared to the right one: 70.0 and 64.51) and generally weak ridging. The height is a computed average that falls inside the tall category (162 cm). The anthropological type corresponds to a largely mediterranoid background with some north ic influences, by the tallness of the cranial vault and the body height. Funeral fragmentary inventory: - 1 item cut from a vessel wall made of fine grayish paste (fig. 46/3); - 1 fragment of a comb (fig. 46/4); - 1 bronze fibula with under-turned stem (fig. 46/2). 4.22. Cpl. 21. Groapa nr. 1 (fig. 46/7), nederanjat. Datare: secolul al III-lea (fig. 47). S-a descoperit n cadrul staiunii n sectorul A, pe SXVII, ntre M11-14. De la nivelul antic de clcare, de form oval n plan, =1,25x0,92 m, se adncete pn la -0,69 m. Pereii lutuii i uor ari au fost reamenajai. n groap se aflau fragmente de la 19 vase din care dou modelate cu mna, opt din past puin zgrunuroas (fig. 47/3), ase din past fin cenuie (fig. 47/1-2, 6-7), dou roie (fig. 47/4-5), plus pri de la o amfor Heraklea (fig. 47/8), considerat astfel tot de Andrei Opai, din secolele III-IV. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna: 2 baze (=8; 10 cm), brun-cenuie, din care una slipuit exterior; - ceramica din past puin zgrunuroas: 1 vas mic de culoare negricioas cu buza arcuit exterior (buz=8 cm); 7 cenuii, 1 castron cu umrul canelat ( buz=14 cm); 1 oal cu buza lit, pe mijloc cu o nuire pentru capac (fig. 47/3; buz=15 cm); 1 ciob cu incizii orizontale; 3 baze (=8; 10; 18 cm), din care una arcuit exterior; 3 baze desprins de pe masa olarului cu sfoara (=7; 8; 10 cm); - ceramica fin ars cenuiu: 1 castron cu marginea dreapt, decorat cu un desen lustruit n zigzag, limitat de nervuri (fig. 47/7; buz=16 cm); 2 castroane cu profil n S (fig. 47/1-2; buz=13; 20 cm); 4 margini arcuite exterior cu buze ngroate; 1 gt nalt, invazat, pe mijloc cu o nervur ( buz=14 cm); 4 baze inelare (fig. 47/6; =12; 9; 10; 12,5 cm) i una dreapt (=10 cm); ceramica roie: 2 toarte de la vase diferite cu seciuni ovale i nuiri longitudinale (fig. 47/4-5); ceramica de import: 2 fragmente de amfor (fig. 47/8). Cpl. 21. Pit no. 1 (fig. 46/7), undisturbed. Dated to: the 3 th century (fig. 47). It was discovered within the settlement in sector A, on SXVII, between M11-14. On the ancient treading level, =1,25x0,92 m, it goes down to -0,69 m. The clay lined and slightly fired walls were rearranged. In the pit there were fragments of 19 vessels (out of which, two of hand made vessels, eight shaped of slightly coarse paste (fig. 47/3), six of fine gray paste (fig. 47/1-2, 6-7), two of red paste (fig. 47/4-5) and

Aglomerare ceramic nr. 1, sec. IV / Ceramic agglomeration no. 1, 4th century


one body of an amphora (fig. 47/8).

Fig. 47. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roata olarului: past fin cenuie, 1-2 castroane; 6 baz; 7 perete; roietic, 4-5 toarte; puin zgrunuroas, 3 oal; import, 8 perete de amfor. Groapa nr. 1 cpl. 21, sec. III. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: grayish fine paste, 1-2 tureens; 6 basis; 7 wall; reddish, 4-5 handles; slightly coarse, 3 jar; imported, 8 wall of an amphora. Pit no. 1 cpl. 21, 3th century.

Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware: 2 bases (=8; 10 cm), of brown-grayish nuance, out of which one covered with slip to the exterior; - slightly coarse ceramic: 1 small pot of blackish nuance with the out-turned rim ( mouth=8 cm); 1 tureen with grooves on the shoulder ( mouth=14 cm); 1 pot with widened rim, with a groove on the middle for the lid (fig. 47/3; mouth=15 cm); 1 potsherd with horizontal incisions; 3 bases (=8; 10; 18 cm), out of which one out-turned bent; 3 string-separated bases (=7; 8; 10 cm); - grayish fine: 1 tureen with straight edge, decorated with a polished, zigzag drawing, limited by nervures (fig. 47/7; =16 cm); 2 tureens with S-profile (fig. 47/1-2; mouth=13; 20 cm); 4 out-turned edges with thickened rims; 1 high neck, inner turned, with a nervure on the neck ( mouth=14 cm); 4 annular bases (fig. 47/6; =12; 9; 10; 12,5 cm) and a straight one (=10 cm); red fine: 2 handles of different amphorae with oval cross-sections and longitudinal grooves (fig. 47/4-5); imported: 2 fragments of an amphora (fig. 47/8).
4.23. Cpl. 21a. Aglomerare ceramic nr. 1 (fig. 46/7). Datare: secolul al IV-lea (fig. 48-49). Pe S XVII, groapa nr. 1 cpl. 21 a tiat o aglomerare ceramic, marcat de noi, cpl. 21a, se poate data mai timpuriu. Degajarea inventarului, deranjat n parte de lucrrile de hidroamelioraie, a permis recuperarea unor fragmente ceramice, care provin de la 13 vase modelate diferit: dou cu mna (fig. 49/4, 6), trei din past zgrunuroas (fig. 49/2-3, 5), dou modelate din past puin zgrunuroas (fig. 48/5, 7) i ase din past fin cenuie (fig. 48/3-4, 6, 8; 49/1, 7). Acestora se adaug dou bile de gresie cenuie (fig. 48/1-2). 4.24.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna: 1 perete de la un vas ornat cu bru simplu (fig. 49/4); 1 baz ars brun -deschis, din past amestecat cu amot, spre baz pereii au fost acoperii cu striuri (fig. 49/6); - ceramica din past zgrunuroas: 1 oal cu marginea invazat, buza lit cenuie (fig. 49/2; buz=12 cm); baza unui vas ars crmiziu finisat interior cu o spatul, cu baza concav (fig. 49/5; =7 cm); 1 corp de vas tot crmiziu decorat cu benzi de linii incizate orizontal i n val (fig. 49/3; =46 cm); - ceramica din past puin zgrunuroas: 2 vase de provizii cu buze lite unul decorat cu segmente de cerc (fig. 48/5, 7); - ceramica fin ars cenuiu: 4 castroane din care unul fin decorat pe umr cu un zigzag lustruit i altul bitronconic (fig. 49/1, 7; corp=16; 24 cm) sau cu zigzaguri (fig. 48/4); 2 oale (fig. 48/3, 6; buz=20; 13 cm); 1 baz inelar (fig. 48/8; =17 cm). Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 2 bile de gresie cenuie (fig. 48/1-2).

Fig. 48. Banca Gar - apte case. 1-2 Disc i bil de gresie; fragmente ceramice lucrate la roat: past fin, 3, 6 oale, 4 perete; 8 baz inelar; past zgrunuroas, 5, 7 vase de provizii. Aglomerare ceramic nr. 1 cpl. 21a, sec. IV. 1-2 Disc and sandstone ball; ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: grayish fine paste, 3, 6 jars, 4 wall; 8 basis annular; coarse paste, 5, 7 vessels for food storage. Ceramic agglomeration no. 1 cpl. 21a, 4th century.

Cpl. 21a. Ceramic agglomeration no. 1 (fig. 46/7). Dated to: the 4th century (fig. 48-49). On SXVII, pit no. 1 - cpl. 21 it cut a ceramic agglomeration, marked by us, cpl. 21a, which can be of earlier date. The removal of the inventory, partly disturbed by the hydro-amelioration works, allowed the cleaning of the ceramic fragments, resulting from 13 vessels differently modeled: two hand made ware (fig. 49/4, 6), three made of coarse paste (fig. 49/2-3, 5), two of vessels shaped of slightly coarse (fig. 48/5, 7) and six of grayish fine (fig. 48/3-4, 6, 8; 49/1, 7). To these, two balls of grayish gritstone should be added (fig. 48/1-2).

Groapa nr. 1, sec. IV-V / Pit no. 1, 4rd-5th centuries


Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware: 1 potsherd showing a simple belt (fig. 49/4); 1 basis light brownish paste mixed with broken potshards (fig. 49/6); - coarse ceramic: 1 pot with the inner-turned edge with widened rim (fig. 49/2; mouth=12 cm); the basis of a pot, red-baked interiorly finished with a spatula, concave basis (fig. 49/5; =7 cm); 1 pot body also brick-like decorated with incised horizontally and wavy lines (fig. 49/3; =46 cm); - slightly coarse ceramic: 2 vessels for food storage with widened rims, one decorated with circles segments (fig. 48/5, 7); - grayish fine ceramic: 4 tureen out of which one finely decorated on the shoulder with a polished zigzag and another one, biconical (fig. 49/1, 7; body=16; 24 cm) or with zigzags (fig. 48/4); 2 jars (fig. 48/3, 6; mouth=20; 13 cm); 1 (basis annular (fig. 48/8; =17 cm). Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 2 balls made of grayish gritstone (fig. 48/1-2).

Fig. 49. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roat: past fin, 1, 7 castroane; zgrunuroas, 2, 5 oale; 3 vas de provizii; modelat cu mna, 4 vas cu bru simplu; 6 baz. Aglomerare ceramic 1 cpl. 21a, sec. IV. Fragments ceramice made with the potters: grayish fine paste, 1, 7 tureens; coarse, 2, 5 jars; 3 vessels for food storage; hand made ware, 4 vase decorated with simple belt; 6 basis. Ceramic agglomeration no. 1 cpl. 21a, 4th century.

4.24. Cpl. 24a. Groapa nr. 1, nederanjat (fig. 17). Datare: secolele IV-V (fig. 50-51). S-a descoperit n anul 1983, n sectorul C, pe SXIX, ntre M2,40-3,60. Groapa taie locuina hallstattian, cpl. 24, spre limita de nord-est a ei. Forma oval a gurii gropii, cu =1,4x1,07 cm, se micoreaz pn spre baza de la -1,6 m, unde la -1,4 m formeaz o treapt. n ea se aflau 13 fragmente de crust de la o vatr modelat din lut amestecat cu nisip, cu faa ars, de culoare albicioas (fig. 50/9; h=3,5 cm) i alte multe buci de chirpic.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Tot din groap provin i cteva obiecte degradate: o greutate (fig. 50/6), un obiect tiat din perete de vas (fig. 50/8), rnie de gresie, cute, un mic mojar, un lustruitor (fig. 50/3), o falang perforat, cu baza acesteia nuit i bine lustruit de la folosirea ei (fig. 50/10) i 29 de vase repartizate prin tehnic n: dou modelate cu mna (fig. 51/8, 12), trei din past zgrunuroas (fig. 50/4, 11) i dou puin zgrunuroas (fig. 50/7; 51/9, 11, 13), 16 fin cenuie (fig. 50/2, 5; 51/1-3, 6-7), unul ars rou (fig. 51/5), patru glbui (fig. 51/10), plus o amfor (fig. 51/4). Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna: 1 oal pe buz ornat cu alveole (fig. 51/8; buz=12 cm); 1 ciob pe care s-a pstrat un bru simplu (fig. 51/12); 1 baz ars brun-deschis; - ceramica din past zgrunuroas cenuie: 2 oale (fig. 50/4, 11); 1 baz (fig. 50/7); - ceramica din past puin zgrunuroas cenuie: 1 perete de la o oal din past amestecat cu nisip i probabil baza ei (fig. 51/9, 11; buz=7,5 cm); 1 baz dreapt (fig. 51/13; =6 cm); - ceramica fin ars cenuiu: 1 cni probabil (fig. 51/1; buz=4,5 cm); 1 castron (fig. 51/2, buz=17 cm); o oal i un castron cu marginea invazat (fig. 50/2; 51/7); 5 margini de oale ( buz=8;12; 14; 16; 20 cm); 1 vas cu buza invazat lit triunghiular, tot de la o oal (fig. 51/3; buz=14,5 cm); 6 margini arcuite cu buza rotunjit (buz=2x12; 13; 14; 16; 20 cm); 7 baze inelare, unele glbui (=2x7; 3x8; 10; 12 cm); corpuri lustruite cu piatra n zigzag, cu motive n val, romburi sau altele cu striaii (fig. 50/1, 5; 51/6); - ceramica fin glbuie, lustruit: 1 castron (buz=16 cm) i un perete decorat cu o incizie n val (fig. 51/10) i alte dou pri; roie, 1 toart lat cu o nuire longitudinal (fig. 51/5); - ceramica de import: baz i corp canelat de la o amfor crmizie (fig. 51/4; =7,6 cm).

Fig. 50. Banca Gar - apte case. 3 Lustruitor pe galet; 6 greutate; 8 pies tiat din perete de vas; 9 crust de vatr; 10 falang perforat. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roat: past fin glbuie, 1 perete ornat; cenuie, 2 oal; 5 castron; zgrunuroas, 7 baz; puin zgrunuroas, 4, 11 oale. Groapa nr. 1 cpl. 24a, sec. IV-V. River stone-polished; 6 weight; 8 item cut out of the pot wall; 9 fragments of hearth crust; 10 perforated phalange. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: yellowish fine paste, 1 wall with ornament; grayish fine, 2 jar; 5 tureen; coarse, 7 basis, slightly coarse, 4, 11 jars. Pit no. 1 cpl. 24a, 4rd5th centuries.

Groapa nr. 1, sec. IV-V / Pit no. 1, 4rd-5th centuries


Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 1 greutate aproximativ cilindric, perforat, ce are pe una din fee o adncitur circular (fig. 50/6; =5,8 cm); 1 obiect din ceramic tiat (fig. 50/8); - 2 fragmente de rnie de gresie roietic, din care una finisat pe ambele fee; 3 cute de gresie glbui-cenuie cu pete roietice; 1 pies concav pe ambele pri, poate un mic mojar; 1 lustruitor (fig. 50/3); - 1 falang perforat (fig. 50/10). Materiale de construcie: - 13 fragmente de crust de vatr (fig. 50/9).

Fig. 51. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roata olarului: past fin cenuie, 1 cni; 2 oal; 3 buz; 6 perete ornat; 7 castron; import, 4 baz; roie, 5 toart, glbuie, 10 perete; puin zgrunuroas, 9, 11 oal i baz; zgrunuroas, 13 baz; modelat cu mna, 8, 12 buz, corp cu alveole. Groapa nr. 1 cpl. 24a, sec. IV-V. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: grayish fine paste, 1 primitive lamp; 2 jar; 3 rim; 6 wall; 7 tureen; imported, 4 basis; red fine, 5 handle, yellowish, 10 wall; hand made ware; 8, 12 rim, wall with alveoli; slightly coarse: 9, 11 jar and basis; coarse paste, 13 bases. Pit no. 1 cpl. 24a, 4 rd5th centuries.

Cpl. 24a. Pit, no. 1, undisturbed (fig. 17). Dated to: the 4 rd5th centuries (fig. 50-51). It was discovered in 1983, in sector C, on S XIX, between M2,40-3,60. The pit cuts the Hallstatt dwelling, cpl. 24, toward the northeast limit thereof. The oval shape of the pit mouth with =1,4x1,07 cm, decreases toward the basis, at -1,6 m, and at -1,4 m it forms a step. It contained 13 fragments of hearth crust, left from a hearth shaped out of clay mixed with sand, with fired exterior, of whitish nuance (fig. 50/9; h=3,5 cm) and other numerous pieces of adobe. Also, 1 approximately cylindrical perforated weight (fig. 50/6; =5,8 cm);


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

1 object of cut pottery (fig. 50/8), two fragments of reddish gritstone querns, three whetstones made of yellowish-grayish gritstone with reddish stains; 1 item concave on both sides, maybe a small mortar, 1 polished bone (fig. 50/3), 1 perforated phalange (fig. 50/10) and 29 vessels: two hand made ceramic ware1 pot with the rim ornamented with alveoli (fig. 51/8; mouth=12 cm); 1 potsherd showing a simple belt (fig. 51/12); 1 basis of light brown nuance, three grayish coarse ceramic, two jars, one basis (fig. 50/4, 7, 11), two grayish slightly coarse ceramic (fig 51/9, 11, 13), 16- fine grayish pottery (fig. 50/2, 5; 51/1-3, 6-7), of reddish paste (fig. 51/5), four yellowish fine (fig. 51/10), and brick-red amphora (fig. 51/4). Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware: 1 pot with the rim ornamented of alveoli (fig. 51/8; mouth=12 cm); 1 potsherd showing a simple belt (fig. 51/12); 1 basis of light brown nuance; - grayish coarse ceramic: 2 jars (fig. 50/4, 11); 1 basis (fig. 50/7); - grayish slightly coarse ceramic: 1 wall of pot of paste mixed with sand and probably the basis thereof (fig. 51/9, 11; =7,5 cm); 1 straight basis (fig. 51/13; =6 cm); - grayish pottery: 1 primitive lamp (probably) (fig. 51/1; mouth=4,5 cm); 1 tureen (fig. 51/2, mouth=17 cm); a pot and a tureen with flared border (fig. 50/2; 51/7); 5 jar borders ( mouth=8; 12; 14; 16; 20 cm); 1 inner turned triangularly widened rim (fig. 51/3; =14,5 cm); 6 arched borders with rounded rims ( mouth=2 x 12; 13; 14; 16; 20 cm); 7 annular bases, out of which some of yellowish paste (=2x7; 3x8; 10; 12 cm); stonepolished bodies with zigzag, wavy, rhomboidal or only fold-shaped traces (fig. 50/1, 5; 51/6); yellowish fine: there were found one tureen ( mouth=16 cm) and one wall decorated with a wavy incision (fig. 51/10); others of yellowish paste, of reddish paste, 1 wide handle with a longitudinal groove (fig. 51/5); - imported ceramic: basis and grooved body of a brick-red amphora (fig. 51/4; =7,6 cm).

Fig. 52. Banca Gar - apte case. 1 Locuina de suprafa nr. 2, cpl. 26, lng groapa nr. 2, cpl. 26a. 2 Locuina uor adncit nr. 2 cpl. 27, sec. IV-V. Planuri i profile. 1 Surface dwelling no. 2, cpl. 26, next of pit no. 2, cpl. 26a. 2 The slightly buried dwelling no. 2 cpl. 27, 4 rd5th centuries. Plans and profiles.

Locuina de suprafa nr. 2, sec. IV-V / Surface dwelling no. 2, 4rd-5th centuries


Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 1 approximately cylindrical perforated weight, which has on one of its sides a circular groove (fig. 50/6; =5,8 cm); 1 object of cut pottery (fig. 50/8); - 2 fragments of reddish gritstone querns out of which one finished on both sides; 3 whetstones made of yellowish-grayish gritstone with reddish stains; 1 item concave on both sides, maybe a small mortar; 1 polished bone (fig. 50/3); 1 perforated phalange (fig. 50/10). Construction materials: - 13 fragments of hearth crust (fig. 50/9). 4.25. Cpl. 26. Locuina de suprafa nr. 2 (fig. 52/1), conservat parial. Datare: secolele IV-V (fig. 53-55). Locuina a aprut n anul 1983, n sectorul A, pe S XXVIII, ntre M4,20-6,20, la adncimea de -0,200,35 m, orientarea nord-nord-est / sud-sud-vest. A fost amplasat lng groapa nr. 2, cpl. 26a, cu inventar din secolele IV-V, ambele deranjate n parte de lucrrile de hidroamelioraie. Locuina de form patrulater, cu o suprafa de 11,10 m2, cu dimensiunile laturilor de aproximativ, L=3,70 i l=3,00 m, s-a delimitat dup podeaua bttorit i aglomerrile de cioburi, chirpici sfrmai, resturi de oase. Cele cteva fragmente de chirpic, de la pereii incendiai, au fost realizai din lut amestecat cu resturi vegetale, nisip, pietricele (fig. 55/3, 6) iar cei de la construcia vetrei numai cu nisip, resturile s-au aflat spre nord-est (fig. 55/7). Tot din locuin provine i o greutate (fig. 55/1), aflat spre peretele de est, o rni (fig. 55/5), mai multe pri de cute - 6 (fig. 53/3, 8; 54/8; 55/2, 8-9) i un mic mojar (fig. 55/4), gsite lng vatr.

Fig. 53. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roata olarului: past fin cenuie, 1 castron, 2, 4, 6 oale; modelat cu mna 5 oal, 7 baz; 3, 8 cute; Locuina de suprafa nr. 2 cpl. 26, sec. IV-V. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: grayish fine paste, 1 tureen, 2, 4, 6 jars; hand made ware 5 jar, 7 basis; 3, 8 whetstones. Surface dwelling no. 2 cpl. 26, 4rd5th centuries.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Din 23 de vase fragmentare, dou au fost lucrate cu mna (fig. 53/5, 7) i 21 la roat. Din ultimele, ase erau din past zgrunuroas, fie negricioas - dou, fie cenuie (fig. 54/4, 6); patru din past puin zgrunuroas, negricioas (fig. 54/3) iar 11 din past fin, cte una ars glbui sau crmiziu (fig. 54/1) dar mai ales cenuie - nou (fig. 53/1-2, 4, 6; 54/2, 5, 7). Cele 45 de resturi osoase i dentare din inventarul faunistic au fost atribuite exclusiv mamiferelor, dintre care i o specie slbatic. ntre acestea, 15 fragmente osoase nu au fost determinate specific (10 mamifer de talie mare, 5 mamifer de talie mijlocie). Tafonomie: un os are urme de arsur i apte au urme lsate de colii carnivorelor. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica lucrat cu mna: 1 oal (fig. 53/5) i 1 baz (fig. 53/7; =10 cm); - ceramica din past zgrunuroas negricioas: 1 toart n seciune oval; 2 oale cu buza rotunjit (buz=14; 20 cm); cenuie, 1 oal cu buza evazat ngroat, gt scurt, corp bombat (fig. 54/4; buz=17 cm); 2 vase de provizii din care o buz cu seciunea n T, gt marcat, corp bombat ( buz=32 cm) i un fragment decorat pe corp cu o linie lat n val (fig. 54/6); 2 corpuri de la un vas canelat; 1 baz dreapt (=8 cm); - ceramic din past puin zgrunuroas negricioas: 3 oale cu marginile evazate (fig. 54/3; buz=9; 20 cm); 3 fragmente probabil de la acelai vas cu buza ngroat; 1 toart i 1 baz; - ceramica glbuie fin lustruit: 1 un perete; crmizie, 1 can (fig. 54/1; buz=10 cm); cenuie, 2 castroane cu profil n S sau emisferice (fig. 53/1; buz=11; 26 cm), ultimul cu marginea dreapt, pe mijloc cu o nuire; altul cu marginea aproape dreapt (fig. 54/7); 3 oale cu buza invazat (fig. 54/2; 53/2, 4; buz=11; 2x20 cm); 4 oale (fig. 54/5; buz=15; 12 cm); una cu nuire pentru capac, alta cu nervur sub gt (fig. 53/6; buz=8; 16 cm); 1 perei, cu o band haurat sau canelate; 4 baze inelare (=10; 15-16; 22 cm).

Fig. 54. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roat: past fin cenuie, 1 can; 2-5 oale; 7 castron; puin zgrunuroas, negricioas, 6 perete decorat; 8 cute. Locuina de suprafa nr. 2 cpl. 26, sec. IV-V. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: grayish fine paste, 1 mug; 25 jars; 7 tureen; slightly coarse, blackish, 6 wall; 8 whetstone. Surface dwelling no. 2 cpl. 26, 4rd5th centuries.

Locuina de suprafa nr. 2, sec. IV-V / Surface dwelling no. 2, 4rd-5th centuries


Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 1 greutate (fig. 55/1); 1 rni (fig. 55/5); 3 cute de gresie glbui-cenuie pentru ascuit lame i vrfuri (fig. 53/3, 8; 54/8; 55/2-3, 8-9); 1 mojar (fig. 55/4). Inventar faunistic fragmentar: - Bos taurus: 2 calcanee (1 dreapta, 1 stnga - de la individ matur), 1 carpian (piramidal, dreapta), fragment corn, 4 fragmente mandibul (3 dreapta), 2 dini (molari superiori), 2 humerus (stnga, dreapta), 3 tibie, 2 scapula, cte un fragment de femur, metatars, metacarp, radius, vertebr toracic; - Equus caballus: vertebr toracic; - Ovis/Capra: cte un fragment de humerus (dreapta), coxal (stnga), metacarp, tibia (dreapta); - Sus domesticus: premaxilar (dreapta), humerus (stnga); - Capreolus capreolus: vertebr toracic. Materiale de construcie: - buci de chirpici i de vatr.

Fig. 55. Banca Gar - apte case. 1 Greutate; 2, 8-9 cute; 4 mojar mic; 5 rni; 3, 6 materiale de construcie; 7 vatr. Locuina de suprafa nr. 2 cpl. 26, sec. IV-V. 1 Weight; 2, 8-9 whetstone; 4 small mortar; 5 quern; 3, 6 construction materials; 7 hearth. Surface dwelling no. 2, cpl. 26 4rd5th centuries.

Cpl. 26. Surface dwelling no. 2 (fig. 52/1), partly preserved. Dated to: the 4 rd5th centuries (fig. 53-55). The dwelling appeared in 1983, in sector A, on S XXV, between M4,20-6,20, at the depth of -0,20-0,35 m. Was was located near pit no. 2, cpl. 26a, the 4rd5th centuries, partly disturbed by the hydro-amelioration works. The dwelling of quadrangular shape, an area of 11.10 m 2, with the dimensions of the sides of approximately L=3,7; w=3 m, it


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

was delimited after the trodden floor and the agglomerations of potsherds, crashed adobe, bone remains. The few fragments of adobe, from the walls that were put fire at, were mixed with vegetal remains, sand, fewgravel (fig. 55/3, 6) and the remains from the construction of the hearth only with sand (fig. 55/7). It is also in the dwelling that were found a weight (fig. 55/1), situated toward the eastern wall, a quern (fig. 55/5), several fragments of various whetstones, some of them flat (fig. 53/3, 8; 54/8; 55/2, 8-9) and a small mortar (fig. 55/4), found near the hearth. Out of the 23 fragmentary vessels, two were hand made (fig. 53/5, 7) and 21 wheel-made. Among the latter ones, seven were made of coarse paste, either blackish - two, or grayish - five (fig. 54/4, 6); three of slightly coarse paste, blackish (fig. 54/3), and 11 of fine paste, one yellowish or brick-red after firing (fig. 54/1) but especially grayish - nine (fig. 54/2, 5, 7; 53/1-2, 4, 6). The 45 bony and dental remains of the fauna inventory were exclusively assigned to mammals, and among them also a wild species. Among such inventory, 15 bone fragments were left undetermined specifically (10 of large mammals, 5 of average size mammals). Taphonomy: one bone has traces of firing and seven have traces left by carnivore fangs. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware: 1 pot (fig. 53/5) and 1 basis (fig. 53/7; =10 cm); - blackish coarse ceramic ware: 1 handle of oval cross-section; 2 jars with rounded rim ( mouth=14; 20 cm); grayish 1 pot with thickened flared rim, short neck, rounded body (fig. 54/4; =17 cm); 2 food storage vessels out of which the rim of T-shaped cross-section, marked neck, rounded body ( mouth=32 cm); 1 fragment of food storage pot decorated on the body with one wavy wide line (fig. 54/6); 2 vessel bodies with grooves; 1 straight basis (=8 cm); - blackish slightly coarse ceramic: 3 jars with flared edges (fig. 54/3; mouth=9; 20 cm); 3 fragments probably from the same vessel with thickened rim; 1 handle and 1 basis. - yellowish fine polished ceramic: 1 fragment of pot wall; brick-red, 1 mug (fig. 54/1; mouth=10 cm); grayish, 2 tureens with S-profile or hemispheric (fig. 53/1; mouth=11; 26 cm), the latter with straight edge, with a groove; 1 tureen with almost straight edge (fig. 54/7); 3 jars with inner-turned rim, ovoid - shaped (fig. 54/2; 53/2, 4; mouth=11; 2x20 cm); 4 jars with rounded body (fig. 54/5; mouth=15; 12 cm); one with a groove for the lid, another one with a nervure under the neck (fig. 53/1, 6; =8; 16 cm); 1 potsherd decorated with a hatched stripe; 2 potsherds decorated with deep grooves; 2 annular bases (=10; 15-16; 22 cm). Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 1 weight (fig. 55/1); 1 quern (fig. 55/5); 3 whetstones made of yellowish-grayish gritstone for sharpening blades and points (fig. 54/8; 53/3, 8; 55/2-3, 8-9); 1 mortar (fig. 55/4). Fragmented fauna inventory: - Bos taurus: 2 calcaneus (1 right, 1 left of an adult), 1 carpal (pyramidal, right), fragment corn, 4 fragments of mandibles (3 right), 2 teeth (upper molars), 2 humeri (left, right), 3 tibia, 2 scapulae, one fragment of femur, metatarsal, metacarpal al, radius, thoracic vertebra; - Equus caballus: thoracic vertebra; - Ovis/Capra: one fragment of humerus (right), hipbone (left), metacarpal al, tibia (right); - Sus domesticus: pre-maxillary (right), humerus (left); - Capreolus capreolus: thoracic vertebra. Construction materials: - 1 pieces of adobeand of hearth. 4.26. Cpl. 26a. Groapa nr. 2 (fig. 52/1), nederanjat. Datare: secolele IV-V (fig. 56). Groapa s-a descoperit n anul 1983, n sectorul A, pe SXXV, se gsea n apropierea laturii de sud-est a locuinei de suprafa nr. 2, cpl. 26, din secolele IV-V. Cele cteva cioburi provin de la trei vase, o oal modelat cu mna (fig. 56/1), pe umrul acesteia s-a ncercat incizarea unui zigzag i dou lucrate la roat, din past zgrunuroas (fig. 56/3-5). Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna: 1 oal (fig. 56/1); - ceramic din past zgrunuroas: 1 buz de vas de provizii; 2 baze (fig. 56/2-3; =8; 5; 18 cm). Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 1 frector (fig. 56/2).

Locuina uor adncit nr. 2, sec. IV-V / The slightly buried dwelling no. 2, 4rd-5th centuries


Cpl. 26a. Pit no. 2 (fig. 52/1), undisturbed. Dated to: the 4rd5th centuries (fig. 56). Pit no. 2, discovered in 1983, in sector A, on S XXV, was situated near the southeast side of surface dwelling no. 2, cpl. 24, 4rd5th centuries. The few potsherds result from the three vessels, one hand made pot (fig. 56/1), on whose shoulder a zigzag ornament was incised an d two wheel-made coarse paste pots (fig. 56/3-5). Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware: 1 pot (fig. 56/1); - coarse ceramic: 1 potsherd of a food storage (fig. 56/3; =18 cm); 2 bases (fig. 56/2; =8; 5 cm). Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 1 rubber (fig. 56/2).

Fig. 56. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice: modelat cu mna, 1 oal; modelat pe roata olarului, past zgrunuroas, 3 perete de la un vas de provizii, 4-5 baze; 2 cute. Groapa nr. 2 cpl. 26a, sec. IV-V. Ceramic fragments: hand made ware, 1 jars; the potters wheel, coarse paste, 3 wall of an vessels for food storage; 4-5 bases; 2 whetstone. Pit no. 2 cpl. 26a, 4rd5th centuries.

4.27. Cpl. 27. Locuina uor adncit nr. 2 (fig. 52/2), conservat mediu. Datare: secolele IV-V (fig. 57). S-a spat n campania din anul 1982, n sectorul A, pe SXXVIII. Are o form patrulater, 8,64 m 2, L=3,20; l=2,70 m, rotunjit la coluri, n colul de sud-est se pstreaz urma unei brne. Se adncete la -1,4 m de la nivelul actual. n acest perimetru apar pri de la 11 vase, din care opt specifice ceramicii fine cenuii (fig. 57/1-8), ultimul un import datat de A. Opai n secolele IV-V, dou roii (fig. 57/9), plus o amfor (fig. 57/10). Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica fin ars cenuiu: 1 toart de can (fig. 57/6); 3 castroane, din care unul cu jumtatea superioar dreapt, sub buz i pe mijloc cu nuiri (fig. 57/1; buz=15 cm) i dou cu profil n S (fig. 57/3, 5; buz=15; 15,5 cm); 2 buze invazate, una rotunjit i alta n seciune triunghiular (fig. 57/4, 8); 1 baz inelar (=10 cm); 2 cioburi de la vase de provizii (fig. 57/2, 7); - ceramica roie: 1 perete de vas; 1 vas cu toart (fig. 57/9);


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

- ceramica de import: 2 toarte de amfore crmizii; 1 peretele unei amfore (fig. 57/10). Materiale de construcie: - buci de chirpici i de vatr.

Fig. 57. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roata olarului: past fin cenuie, 1, 3, 5 castroane; 2, 7 vase de provizii; 4, 8 oale; 6 can; angobat rou, 9 vas cu toart; import, 10 corp de amfor. Locuina uor adncit nr. 2 cpl. 27, sec. IV-V. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: grayish fine paste, 1, 3, 5 tureen; 2, 7 vessels for food storage; 4, 8 jars; 6 mug; covered with slip, 9 pot with handle; imported, 10 wall of an amphora. Slightly buried dwelling no. 2 cpl. 27, 4rd5th centuries.

Cpl. 27. The slightly buried dwelling no. 2 (fig. 52/2), average state of conservation. Dated to: the 4rd5th centuries (fig. 57). It was excavated during the 1982 campaign, in sector A, on S XXVIII. It has a quadrangular shape, 8,64 m2, L=3,20 and w=2,70 m, with rounded corners, the southeast one preserving the trace of a beam. Its depth is of -1,4 m, from the current treading level. Within this perimeter there appear parts of 11 vessels, out of which eight specific to the grayish fine ceramic ware (fig. 57/1-8), two covered with slip (fig. 57/9), an amphora (fig. 57/10). Fragmented ceramic inventory: - the grayish ceramic: 1 handle of a mug (fig. 57/6); 3 tureens, out of which one with the right upper half, with grooves under the rim and on the middle part (fig. 57/1; mouth=15 cm) and two with S-profile (fig. 57/3, 5; mouth=15; 15,5 cm); 2 inner-turned rims, one rounded and another one triangularly thickened (fig. 57/4; 8); 1 basis annular (=10 cm); 2 potsherds of food storage vessels (fig. 57/2, 7); red, 1 wall; 1 vessels with handle (fig. 57/9); imported, 2 handles of brick-red amphorae; 1 wall of an amphora (fig. 57/10). Construction materials: - 1 pieces of adobe, hearth borders.

Locuina uor adncit nr. 1, sec. III / The slightly buried dwelling no. 1, 3rd century


4.28. Cpl. 28. Locuina uor adncit nr. 1 (fig. 58/1), conservat parial. Datare: secolul al III-lea (fig. 59). S-a spat n anul 1983, n sectorul A, pe S XXIII. Se afla n apropierea locuinei L 9 specific culturii Dridu. n momentul investigrii era n parte distrus de lucrrile de hidroamelioraie. Are o form patrulater cu dimensiunile de 12 m2, L=3,65 i l=3,26 m i o adncime medie de -0,65-0,78 m, calculat de la nivelul actual de clcare i orientarea sud-sud-est / nord-nord-vest. Cteva buci de vatr, ca i cteva pietre, se aflau spre colul de nord-est, dar i n centrul acesteia. Urme de cenu se gsesc pe aproape toat suprafaa. Intrarea, cum indic panta, se afla probabil spre sud, n zona n care nu apare inventar. Degajarea umpluturii pn la podeaua bine bttorit, uor ars, a dus la surprinderea n colul de nord-est, n apropierea vetrei, a ctorva piese, un fragment de corn de cerb, o cute i un cuit de fier (fig. 59/1-2, 10). Pe podea erau mprtiate pri de la 34 de vase, din care 10 modelate din past puin zgrunuroas, ntre ele unul roietic, altul negru i opt cenuii (fig. 59/7), 22 din ceramic fin cenuie (fig. 59/3-6, 8-9), unul de la un castron acoperit cu angob roie i fragmente de la o amfor 1.

Fig. 58. Banca Gar - apte case. Locuina uor adncit nr. 1, cpl. 28 i locuina de suprafa nr. 3 cpl. 29, sec. III i III-IV. Planuri i profile. The slightly buried dwelling no. 1, cpl. 28 and surface dwelling no. 3 cpl. 29, 3th century and 3rd4th centuries. Plans and profiles.

Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica din past puin zgrunuroas roietic: 1 baz uor evazat (=6 cm); neagr: 1 baz (=6 cm); cenuie, 4 oale cu buze ngroate i corp bombat (fig. 59/7; buz=13-14; 20 cm); 3 vase de provizii din care s-au pstrat dou buze ngroate i o baz dreapt (=8 cm); o baz inelar (=10 cm); - ceramica fin ars cenuiu: 1 platou cu buza ngroat (fig. 59/4; buz=28 cm); 6 castroane cu profil n S, din care 1 cu nervur sub gt (fig. 59/8; buz=22 cm); 3 cu gura larg (fig. 59/5; buz=21); 2 cu buza + i corp bombat (buz=14; 16 cm); 2 vase cu gt drept (fig. 59/6, 9; =19-20 cm); 7 buze, din care una aplatisat mai mult exterior (fig. 59/3; buz=24 cm); 2 buze arcuite exterior; 2 buze ngroate, una cu o canelur; 1 buz ngroat interior; 1 buz cu o nuire pentru capac; 1 baz inelar (=10 cm);


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

- ceramica vopsit cu angob roie: 1 castron; import: 3 fragmente de la o amfor. Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 1 fragment de corn de cerb (fig. 59/1); - 1 cuit de fier (fig. 59/10); - 1 cute de gresie maronie pentru lame (fig. 59/2). Materiale de construcie: - buci de chirpici i de vatr. Cpl. 28. The slightly buried dwelling no. 1 (fig. 58/1), partly preserved. Dated to: the 3 th century (fig. 59). It was excavated in 1983, in sector A, on S XXIII. It was found near dwelling L 9 specific to the Dridu culture. Upon its investigation, it was partly destroyed by the hydro-amelioration works. Its shape is quadrangular with the following dimensions, 12 m2, L=3,65 and w=3,26 m and an average depth of -0,650,78 m, measured from the current treading level and the south-southeast / north-northwest orientation. Few pieces of hearths as well as few stones were placed toward the northeast corner, but also in the center.

Fig. 59. Banca Gar - apte case. 1 Corn de cerb; 2 cute; 10 cuit de fier. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roata olarului: past fin cenuie, 3 6, 9 buze; 4 platou; 5, 8 castroane; puin zgrunuroas, 7 oal. Locuina uor adncit, nr. 1 cpl. 28, sec. III. 1 Fragment of antler; 2 whetstone; 10 iron knife. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: grayish fine paste, 3, 6, 9 rims; 4 platter; 5, 8 tureens; slightly coarse, 7 jar. The slightly buried dwelling, no. 2 cpl. 28, 3 th century.

Traces of ash are found almost throughout the whole surface. The entrance, as indicated by the slope, was probably towards the south in the area without inventory. The removal of the filling down to the well trodden, slightly fired floor, led to the identification in the northeast corner, near the hearth, of several items, a fragment of an antler, a whetstone and an iron knife (fig. 59/1-2, 10). On the floor there were spread parts of 34 vessels, of of which 10 shaped of slightly coarse paste, among them a reddish one, one black and eight grayish (fig. 59/7), 22 made of grayish fine ceramic ware (fig.

Locuina uor adncit nr. 1, sec. III / The slightly buried dwelling no. 1, 3rd century


59/3-6, 8-9), another one red and a fragment of 1 amphora. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - reddish slightlycoarse ceramic: 1 slightly flared basis (=6 cm); black: 1 basis (=6 cm); grayish: 4 jars with thickened rims and rounded body (fig. 59/7; =13; 14; 20 cm); 3 food storage vessels out of which two thickened rims and a straight basis were preserved (=8 cm); a basis annular (=10 cm); - grayish fine ceramic: 1 tray with thickened rim (fig. 59/4; mouth=28 cm); 6 tureens of S-profile, out of which 1 a nervure under the neck (fig. 59/8; mouth=22 cm); 3 with wide mouth (fig. 59/5; mouth=21); 2 with widened rim and rounded body (=14; 16 cm); 2 vessels with straight neck (fig. 59/6, 9; =19; 20 cm); 7 rims, and among them one flattened mostly on the exterior side (fig. 59/3; mouth=24 cm); 2 rims arched toward the exterior; 2 thickened rims one with a groove in the middle; 1 inner thickened rim; 1 rim with a groove for the lid; 1 basis annular (=10 cm); - ceramic ware with red slip: 1 tureen; imported ceramic: 3 fragments of an amphora. Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 1 fragment of antler (fig. 59/1); - 1 iron knife (fig. 59/10); - 1 whetstone of brownish gritstone for blades (fig. 59/2).

Fig. 60. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roata olarului: past fin cenuie, 1, 4 oale; 2 castron; 5 baze; past puin zgrunuroas, roietic, 3 baz; 6 can; modelat cu mna, 7 perete cu bru alveolat. Locuina de suprafa nr. 3 cpl. 29, sec. IIIIV. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: grayish fine paste, 1, 4 jars; 2 tureen; 5 basis; slightly coarse, reddish, 3 basis; 6 mug; hand made ware, 7 wall decorated with alveoli belt. Surface dwelling no. 3 cpl. 29, 3rd4th centuries.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

4.29. Cpl. 29. Locuina de suprafa nr. 3, conservat mediu (fig. 58/2). Datare: secolele III-IV (fig. 60-61). Situat n sectorul A, locuina de suprafa nr. 3 a fost surprins n 1983, prin trasarea seciunilor SXXIII-XXIV, ntre M10-14. Forma patrulater a bazei locuinei are aproximativ 16,86 m 2, cu dimensiunile, L=4,37; l=3,86; h=0,57 m. Degajarea atent a inventarului, n parte distrus de lucrrile de hidroamelioraie, a permis surprinderea podelei, de 2-3 cm, formate dintr-un strat de lut amestecat cu pmnt, bine bttorit, cu urme de reamenajare. Printre fragmentele mici de chirpic, n partea de sud-vest a locuinei erau i cteva buci de crust de la o vatr acum distrus complet. La sud de ele s-au aflat i cteva pietre mari, arse parial, probabil nconjurau vatra, unele au fost folosite drept "cei de vatr". Cel puin trei vase mari i altele mai mici erau spre peretele de nord-est (fig. 61/1-7). Ceramica nsumeaz 26 de vase din care: un vas modelat cu mna (fig. 60/7), opt din past puin zgrunuroas, din care unul crmiziu (fig. 60/3, 6), 13 aparineau ceramicii fine cenuii, 3 foarte fine, plus un vas ars negru, dou crmizii (fig. 60/4-5; 61/3-4, 6-7). Primul vas cenuiu a fost considerat de Andrei Opai ca fiind o form sud-dunrean din secolul al IV-lea, iar altul - caserol (fig. 61/2) i o amfor. Inventar faunistic - 36 resturi - provenea de la molute i mamifere domestice. Un numr de 13 fragmente osoase nu a permis determinarea specific. Tafonomie: patru resturi osoase au urme de arsur, unul de la descarnare i cinci roase de carnivore.

Fig. 61. Banca Gar apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roata olarului: past fin roie, 1, 5 fructiere; cenuie, 2, 4 castroane; 3 perete; 6 baz inelar; 7 toart. Locuina de suprafa nr. 3 cpl. 29, sec. IIIIV. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: reddish fine paste, 1, 5 fruits tray; grayish, 2, 4 tureens; 3, wall, 6 basis annular; 7 handle. Surface dwelling no. 3 cpl. 29, the 3rd4th centuries.

Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna: 1 vas decorat cu bru alveolat (fig. 60/7; corp=14 cm); - ceramica din past puin zgrunuroas: 1 amfor nisipoas roietic cu toarta rupt, spre gt cu dou perforri, probabil pentru repararea ei (fig. 60/6); 7 cenuie din care, 1 ciob pe corp decorat cu incizii late; 3 buze invazate (=12; 14; 18 cm); 1 baz uor concav (fig. 60/3); 3 vase de provizii din care, 1 fragment cu decor incizat i 2 baze drepte (=20 cm), din care una cu incizii concentrice (=6 cm); - ceramica fin ars cenuiu: 3 castroane din care dou cu peretele profilat n S (fig. 61/2, 4; buze=21;

Locuina de suprafa nr. 3, sec. III-IV / Surface dwelling no. 3, 3rd-4th centuries


25 cm); o caserol (fig. 61/2; =22 cm), 3 oale cu gt nalt invazat, cu buza tras exterior, pe corp cu nuiri (fig. 60/1; buze=16; 18 cm) i 2 oale de la care s-au pstrat buzele arcuite i ngroate; 1 vas globular (fig. 61/3; buz=14,5 cm); jumtatea inferior a unui vas (fig. 61/6; =11 cm); 1 buz (fig. 60/4; =7,5 cm); 1 toart (fig. 61/7); 1 baz dreapt (=7 cm; 21 cm); 1 baz desprins de pe masa olarului cu sfoara, cu urmele circulare tiate de o raz (fig. 60/5; =6,3 cm); 4 baze inelare (=3,6; 7; 8 cm); - ceramica fin neagr lustruit: 1 oal, buza invazat (=16 cm); acoperit cu angob roie, 1 fructier? (fig. 61/1; buz=40 cm) i un picior de fructier (fig. 61/5); import: 1 oal (fig. 60/1; buze=16 cm), fragment de amfor crmizie. Cpl. 29. Surface dwelling no. 3 (fig. 58/2), average state of conservation. Dated to: the 3 rd4th centuries (fig. 60-61). Situated in sector A, the surface dwelling no. 3 was identified in 1983, by creating trenches SXXIII-XXIV, between M10-14. The quadrangular shape of the basis of the dwelling has approximately 16,86 m2, with the dimensions of L=4,37; w=3,86; h=0,57 m. The careful removal of the inventory, partly destroyed by the hydro-amelioration works, allowed the identification of the floor, of 2-3 cm, formed by a layer of clay mixed with soil, well trodden, with traces of rearrangement. Among the small fragments of adobe there are also few pieces of crust from a hearth nowadays fully destroyed. South of them there were also few large stones, partly fired, which probably surrounded the hearth, some were used also as fire dog. At least three large vessels and others smaller were situated toward the northeast wall (fig. 61/1-7). The ceramic inventory includes 26 vessels out off which: one hand made pot (fig. 60/7), eight of brick-red slightly coarse paste, (fig. 60/3, 6), three were made of fine paste, one of them being black and the other two red-brick, 13 were grayish (fig. fig. 60/1-2, 4-5; 61/2-4, 6-7). The first grayish vessel was considered, by Andrew Opai, as a form of the south Danube, with the 4 th century, and another - casserol (fig. 61/2) and there was also an amphora. The fauna inventory consists in 36 remains resulting from mollusks and domestic mammals. 13 bone fragments did not allow the specific determination. Taphonomy: four bone remains show traces of firing, one of meat removal and five bones were gnawed by carnivores. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware: 1 vessel decorated with alveoli belt (fig. 60/7; body=14 cm); - reddish slightly coarse ceramic: 1 amphora of sandy paste with broken handle, with two perforations toward the neck, probably for its reparation (fig. 60/6); 1 potsherd decorated on the body with wide incisions; 3 inner turned rims ( mouth=12; 14; 18 cm); 1 slightly concave basis (fig. 60/3); 3 vessels for food storage out of which, 1 fragment shows an incised ornament and 2 straight bases (=20 cm), one of them with concentric incisions (=6 cm); - grayish fine ceramic: 3 tureens out of which two with S-profiled wall (fig. 60/2; 61/4; mouth=21; 25 cm); 1 casserole (fig. 61/2; mouth=22), 4 jars with high inner turned neck, outer turned rim, the body decorated with grooves (fig. 60/1; mouth=16; 18 cm) and 2 jars out of which the thickened arched rims were preserved; 1 globular vase (fig. 61/3; body=14,5 cm); the lower half of a vase (fig. 61/6; =11 cm); 1 rim (fig. 60/4; mouth=7,5 cm); 1 handle (fig. 61/5); 1 straight basis (=7; 21 cm); 1 basis with deep traces circularly cut by a ray (fig. 60/5; =6,3 cm); 4 annular bases (=3,6; 7; 8 cm); - blackish polished ceramic: 1 pot with inner turned rim ( mouth=16 cm); red fine: 1 fruit tray? with slip (fig. 61/1; mouth=40 cm) and 1 stem (fig. 61/5); - imported ceramic: 1 fragment of brick-red amphora. Fragmented fauna inventory: - Mollusks: one shell of Cepaea virdobonensis; - Bos taurus: 3 fragments of cranium m, 2 teeth (upper M1 and P3), one fragment of hipbone (left), one of humerus (left), one of metacarpal al, one of radius, 2 vertebrae (cervical and thoracic), 3 bones in anatomic linkage (left tibia, astragal and calcaneus, of an adult); - Equus caballus: one fragment of pre-maxillary and one of femur; - Ovis/Capra: one fragment of hipbone and one of metacarpal; Ovis aries: tibia; - Sus domesticus: one fragment of rib, one of mandible, and one of scapula. Construction materials: - 1 pieces of adobe and of hearth.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Fig. 62. Banca Gar - apte case. Locuine: 1 de suprafa nr. 3 cpl. 30; 2 uor adncit nr. 2 cpl. 31, sec. IV i III-IV. Planuri i profile. Dwellings: 1 surface no. 3 cpl. 30; 2 slightly buried no. 2 cpl. 31, 4th century and 3rd4th centuries. Plans and profiles.

4.30. Cpl. 30. Locuina de suprafa nr. 3 (fig. 62/1), conservat parial. Datare: secolul al IV-lea (fig. 63). n 1983, spnd n continuare seciunea SXXVI, ntre M69,30-73,50, am descoperit o alt locuin. A fost degajat la adncimea de -0,35-0,50 m, datorit mpingerii pmntului pentru ridicarea digului, s-a pstrat parial. Forma patrulater de 15,84 m 2, cu dimensiunile, L=4,4; l=3,6 m i orientarea aproximativ nord-sud, s-a trasat urmrind suprafaa podelei de lut bttorit cu urme de reamenajare i rspndirea bucilor de chirpici de la perei. Degajarea inventarului a permis surprinderea ctorva fragmente de crust de vatr, situat spre sud-estul locuinei, n apropiere cu mult cenu dar i cu mici buci de crbune, cteva pietre, unele arse parial. Intrarea se afla n josul pantei. ntre materialele de construcie erau i fragmente de chirpici cu urme de pari (=6-9 cm), altele cu amprente de nuiele. Suprafeele fuite ale acestora au mai multe straturi, urmare ale unor refaceri pariale (fig. 63/2, 4, 10-11). Din locuin, dinspre peretele de sud-est s-au adunat: un corn de cerb tiat (fig. 63/7), o bucat de gresie plat, una cilindric, alta cilindric-aplatisat (fig. 63/6, 8-9) i resturi de la 12 vase din care trei lucrate din past zgrunuroas (fig. 63/3), trei puin zgrunuroas diferit arse, roietice sau cenuii, patru din past cenuie fin (fig. 63/1, 5), unul acoperit cu angob glbuie plus o amfor. Inventarul faunistic nsumeaz 21 de resturi osoase i dentare, atribuite exclusiv mamiferelor domestice. Zece fragmente osoase nu au fost determinate specific (9 mamifer de talie mare, un mamifer de talie mijlocie). Tafonomie: un os cu urme de la tranare i trei roase de carnivore. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica din past zgrunuroas cenuie: 2 vase de provizii; 1 vas de provizii cu buza invazat, n

Locuina de suprafa nr. 3, sec. IV / Surface dwelling no. 3, 4th century


seciune triunghiular (fig. 63/3; =26 cm); 1 baz (=12 cm); - ceramic din past puin zgrunuroas roie: 1 perete de vas; cenuie, 2 buze ngroate; 1 baz (=10 cm); - ceramica cenuie: 3 castroane cu profil n S, ultimul cu nervur la baza gtului (fig. 63/1, 5; =2x12 cm; 14 cm); 1 gt nalt cu buza evazat; 3 baze inelare (=5 cm; 2x6 cm). Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 1 corn de cerb tiat (fig. 63/7); - 1 gresie plat i cilindric finisate pe toat suprafaa lor (fig. 63/6, 8); 1 gresie cilindric aplatisat pe o fa cu urmele unor cercuri circumscrise (fig. 63/9). Inventar faunistic fragmentar: - Bos taurus: 2 astragale (dreapta, stnga), 1 calcaneu (stnga), cte un fragment de metacarp, metatars i 2 de radius; - Ovis/Capra: dinte M3 inferior (dreapta), 1 mandibul; - Sus domesticus: cte un fragment de humerus (dreapta), tibie (stnga). Materiale de construcie: - fragmente de chirpici (fig. 63/2, 4, 10-11).

Fig. 63. Gara Banca - apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roata olarului: past fin cenuie, 1, 5 castroane; puin zgrunuroas, 3 oal; 2 materiale de construcie; 4 mic mojar; 6, 8 cute; 7 corn tiat; 10-11 chirpic. Locuina de suprafa nr. 3 cpl. 30, sec. IV. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: past fin cenuie, 1, 5 tureens; slightly coarse, 3 jar; 2 construction materials; 4 small grinding mortar; 6, 8 whetstone; 7 horn cut; 10-11 pieces of adobe. Surface dwelling no. 3 cpl. 30, 4th century.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Cpl. 30. Surface dwelling no. 3 (fig. 62/1), partly preserved. Dated to: the 4 th century (fig. 63). In 1983, while continuing the excavation of trench S XXVI, between M69,30-73,50, am we discovered another feature. The earth was removed down to the depth of -0,35-0,50 m. The partly preserved dwelling was reduced by pushing away the soil for creating the dam. The quadrangular shape with the dimensions of 15,84 m2, L=4,4 and w=3,6 m and the approximate north south orientation were drawn following the surface of the floor of trodden clay with traces of rearrangement and the distribution of the pieces of adobe from the walls. The collection of the inventory allowed the identification of few fragments of hearth crust, situated to the southeast of the dwelling, with a lot of ash nearby and also with small pieces of coal, several stones, some partly fired. The entrance was probably situated to the lower part of the slope. Between the construction materials there were also fragments of adobe with traces of posts, with the diameters of 6-9 cm, some others with traces of wattle. The facetted surfaces thereof have several layers as a result of partial repairing (fig. 63/2, 4, 10-11). From within the dwelling, near the southeast wall, we picked up: an antler which had been cut (fig. 63/7); a piece of wide gritstone, a cylindrical one as well, another one cylindrically flattened (fig. 63/6, 8-9) and remains of 12 vessels out of which three were made of coarse paste (fig. 63/3), three of slightly coarse paste differently fired, reddish or grayish, four of grayish fine paste (fig. 63/1, 5), one covered with yellowish slip and an amphora. The fauna inventory includes 21 remains of bones and teeth, exclusively assigned to domestic mammals. Ten bony fragments could not be specifically determined (9 of large mammals, one of an average size mammal). Taphonomy: one bone with butchering traces and three gnawed by carnivores. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - gray coarse ceramic ware: 2 vessels for food storage; 1 food storage pot with inner turned rim, o triangular cross-section (fig. 63/3; =26 cm); 1 basis (=12 cm); - red slightly coarse ceramic ware: 1 potsherd; grayish, 2 thickened rims; 1 basis (=10 cm); - gray pottery: 3 tureens with S profile, the last of which with a nervure at the basis of the neck (fig. 63/1, 5; =2x12; 14 cm); 1 high neck with flared rim; 3 ring-like bases (=5; 2x6 cm); Various artifacts - tools, implements, other items: - 1 antler which had been cut (fig. 63/7); 1 flat and cylindrical gritstone with the whole surface finished (fig. 63/6, 8); 1 flattened cylindrical gritstone with the traces of some circumscribed circles on one face (fig. 63/9). Fragmented fauna inventory: - Bos taurus: 2 astragal (right, left), 1 calcaneus (left), one fragment of metacarpal, one of metatarsal and 2 of radius; - Ovis/Capra: M3 lower tooth (right), 1 mandible; - Sus domesticus: one fragment of humerus (right), one of tibia (left). Construction materials: - fragments of adobe (fig. 63/2, 10-11). 4.31. Cpl. 31. Locuina uor adncit nr. 2 (fig. 62/2), conservat parial. Datare: secolele III-IV (fig. 64-65). Descoperit n sectorul A, pe S XVI, anul 1983, are dimensiunile aproximativ de 5,6x3,6 m, cu orientarea laturilor 3200 nord-nord-vest i 1400 sud-sud-est. La adncimea de -0,80-0,90 m, se afla podeaua bttorit, cu urme de refacere, cu vatra situat aproximativ spre centrul acesteia. n preajma ei erau puine pietre, ntre care una apropiat de forma coarnelor, era puternic ars n urma folosirii drept cel de vatr. ntre materialele de construcie se afla i un fragment de gardin, ase fragmente de crust de vatr cu urme de reamenajare i 21 de buci de chirpic de la pereii locuinei. Pe un fragment de construcie, descoperit spre peretele de nord-est, s-a modelat n uor relief reprezentarea, din profil, a unei ovicaprine (fig. 65/1-3). Degajarea inventarului a dus la descoperirea, spre peretele de sud-vest, a unui mpungtor de os (fig. 64/1), un corn (fig. 64/2), un cilindru de gresie (fig. 64/4), i a dou cute pentru lame (fig. 64/3, 5), spre cel de nord-vest a unei fusaiole bitronconice (fig. 64/6) i a unei mici aglomerri ceramice situate mai ales n partea de vest a platformei. Din cele 20 de vase presupuse a fi rmas n locuin, dup prsirea ei, trei au fost lucrate cu mna (fig. 64/10-11), dintre care unul era un vas cu trei picioare - tripes (fig. 65/4), iar altele dou proveneau probabil de la oale diferite, iar 16 la roat, din care, ase au fost specifice pentru ceramica din past puin

Locuina uor adncit nr. 2, sec. III-IV / The slightly buried dwelling no. 2, 3rd-4th centuries


zgrunuroas (fig. 64/12) i 10 pentru ceramica din past fin, modelate diferit, unul din past roietic i apte cenuie (fig. 64/9), dou au la exterior angob roie (fig. 64/7) i o amfor (fig. 64/8). Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica lucrat cu mna: 2 oale, una cu bru alveolat (fig. 64/11; =18 cm), alta cu marginea evazat (fig. 64/10; =13 cm); 1 baz de vas cu trei picioare - tripes (fig. 65/4); 1 baz dreapt (=12,5 cm); - ceramica din past puin zgrunuroas: 1 vas de provizii; 6 baze din care, 2 au urme circulare (fig. 64/12; =8; 17,5 cm); 1 uor evazat (=11,5 cm); 2 drepte (=8; 12 cm) i 1 inelar (=14 cm); - ceramica fin roietic: 1 baz inelar (=14 cm); patru cenuii, 3 buze ngroate; 1 toart lat (fig. 64/9); 4 baze inelare (=2x8; 9; 12 cm); - ceramica vopsit cu angob roie: 1 oal cu buza lit i profil triunghiular (fig. 64/7; =16 cm); 2 corpuri de vas; - ceramica de import: toart de amfor (fig. 64/8).

Fig. 64. Banca Gar - apte Case. 1 mpungtor de os; 2 os prelucrat; 3-5 cute i cilindru de gresie; 6 fusaiol; Fragmente ceramice: past fin cu angob roie, 7 oal, import: 8 toart de amfor; fin, 9 toart; puin zgrunuroas, 12 baz; lucrat cu mna, 10 oal; 11 perete cu bru alveolat. Locuina uor adncit nr. 4 cpl. 31, secolele III - IV. 1 Piercing tool made of bone; 2 horn that had been cut; 3-5 whetstone and gritstone cylinder; 6 biconical piece for spindle. Ceramic fragments: fine paste with a red slip, 7 jar, imported: 8 amphora handle; fine, 9 handle; slightly coarse, 12 base; hand-made, 10 jar; 11 jars with alveoli belt. The slightly buried dwelling no. 4 cpl. 31, 3rd-4th centuries.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 1 fusaiol bitronconic (fig. 64/6); - 1 mpungtor de os (fig. 64/1); 1 corn tiat (fig. 64/2); - 1 cilindru de gresie (fig. 64/4); 2 cute pentru lame (fig. 64/3, 5). Materiale de construcie: - fragment de chirpic pe o fa cu reprezentarea n relief a unei ovicaprine (fig. 65/1-3).

Fig. 65. Banca Gar - apte case. 1-3 Fragment de construcie cu reprezentarea n relief a unei ovicaprine; ceramica modelat cu mna, 4 vas cu trei picioare - tripes. Locuina uor adncit nr. 2 cpl. 31, sec. III-IV. 1-3 Fragment of adobe with the representation in relied of an ovicaprine; hand made ceramic ware, 4 basis of a three stem primitive lamp. The slightly buried dwelling no. 2 cpl. 31, the 3rd4th centuries.

Cpl. 31. The slightly buried dwelling no. 2 (fig. 62/2), partly preserved. Dated to: the 3 rd4th centuries (fig. 64-65). Discovered in sector A, on trench S XXVI, in 1983, with an area of 20 m 2, its dimensions are approximately of, L=5,60 and w=3,60 m, with the orientation of the sides 320 0 north-

Locuina uor adncit nr. 2, sec. III-IV / The slightly buried dwelling no. 2, 3rd-4th centuries


northwest and 1400 south-southeast. At the depth of -0,80-0,90 m, there was the trodden floor, with traces of rearrangement, with the hearth situated approximately to the centre thereof. Near it there also were few stones, and among them one with a hornlike shape, strongly fired ass a result of its usage as fire dog. Among the construction materials there were also a fragment of hearth raised edge with traces of rearrangement, six fragments of hearth crust and 21 pieces of adobe from the walls of the dwelling. On one of these, discovered toward the north-east wall, there was shaped slightly in relief the profile representation of an ovicaprine (fig. 65/1-3). The collection of the inventory led to the discovery toward the southwest wall of a bone piercing tool (fig. 64/1), a horn (fig. 64/2), a gritstone cylinder (fig. 64/4), and two whetstones for blades (fig. 64/3, 5), and toward the northwest, respsectively of a biconical piece (fig. 64/6) and a small ceramic agglomeration situated especially in the western side of the platform. Among the 20 vessels supposedly left in the dwelling, after it was deserted, three hand made were (fig. 64/10-11), one of which was a vessel with three legs tripes (fig. 65/4; pl. 23), and 16 were wheelmade, out of which six were characteristic for the slightly coarse ceramic ware (fig. 64/12) and 10 for the fine ceramic ware, differently shaped, one of reddish paste and seven of grayish paste (fig. 64/9), two with a red slip on the exterior (fig. 64/7) and an amphora (fig. 64/8).

Pl. 23. Banca Gar - apte case. Vas cu trei picioare - tripes. Locuina uor adncit nr. 2 cpl. 31, sec. III-IV. Basis of a three stem tripes. The slightly buried dwelling no. 2 cpl. 31, the 3rd4th centuries.

Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware: 2 jars, one with alveoli belt (fig. 64/11; mouth=18 cm), another one with flared edge (fig. 64/10; =13 cm); 1 basis of a three stem, tripes (fig. 65/4); 1 basis (=12,5 cm); - slightly coarse ceramic: 1 food storage pot; 6 bases out of which, 2 have circular traces (fig. 64/12; =8; 17,5 cm); 1 slightly flared (=11,5 cm); 2 straight (=8; 12 cm) and 1 basis annular (=14 cm); - reddish fine ceramic ware: 1 basis annular (=14 cm); grayish, 4 thickened rims; 1 wide handle (fig. 64/9); 4 bases annular (=2x8; 9; 12 cm); - ceramic ware with red slip: 1 pot with triangular profile widened rim (fig. 64/7; mouth=16 cm); 2 pot bodies; imported ceramic: handle of an amphora (fig. 64/8). Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 1 biconical piece (fig. 64/6); - 1 piercing tool made of bone (fig. 64/1); 1 horn that had been cut (fig. 64/2); - 1 gritstone cylinder (fig. 64/4); 2 whetstones for blades (fig. 64/3, 5), 1 fire dog. Construction materials: - 6 fragments of hearth crust; - 21 pieces of adobe; 1 one side with the representation in relied of an ovicaprine (fig. 65/1-3).


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Fig. 66. Banca Gar - apte case. 1 Groapa nr. 2, 2 locuina de suprafa nr. 4 cpl. 32-33, sec. III-IV; 3 groapa nr. 3 cpl. 33a, sec. IV. Planuri i profile. 1 Pit no. 2, 2 surface dwelling no. 4, cpl. 32-33, 3rd4th centuries, and pit no. 3 cpl. 33a, 4 th century. Plans and profiles.

4.32. Cpl. 32. Groapa nr. 2 (fig. 66/1), nederanjat. Datare: secolele III-IV (fig. 67-69). Era situat n apropierea locuinei aparinnd culturii Dridu, L11, n sectorul C, pe SXL i s-a spat n anul 1983. Groapa are n seciune transversal o form oval, cu diametrele: =2,70x21 m). Se adncete pn la -1,84 m. Umplutura este mai bogat n raport cu a altor gropi. n groap s-a gsit i o fusaiol, os lustruit (fig. 69/1), o cute de gresie albicioas pentru ascuit lame i o greutate cilindric (fig. 69/2-3). De asemenea, n raport cu alte complexe ceramica modelat cu mna a fost majoritar, 13 vase fragmentare. n total din groap s-au recuperat 33+1 vase, din care, cum s-a amintit, 13 erau modelate cu mna (fig. 67/1-14), 20 la roat, din care apte din past puin zgrunuroas, arse diferit dou glbui-roietice (fig. 68/6-7) iar cinci din past cenuie (fig. 68/8-10); 13 ceramic fin cenuie (fig. 68/1, 3-5); ntre care i un vas ars rou, foarte fin (fig. 68/2) i o amfor. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna, 1 cuie (fig. 67/1; buz=14; h=7,5 cm); 2 castroane (fig. 67/10; buz=24 cm); 8 oale cu gtul drept sau arcuit exterior dar i spre interior, unele cu buza ngroat (fig. 67/2-3, 5-9, 11-12; buz=14; 16; 13; 2x14; 15-16 cm); 1 corp bombat (fig. 67/4; =20 cm); 3 baze conice (=12; 13,5; 14,5 cm), una rotunjit (fig. 67/14; =18 cm); 1 proeminen (fig. 67/13); - ceramica din past puin zgrunuroas: glbui-roietic, 1 buz invazat sub gtul marcat de dou caneluri apar dou linii n val neordonate (fig. 68/6; buz=22 cm); 1 corp decorat cu linii vlurite, limitate de altele orizontale (fig. 68/7); 5 cenuie: 2 buze rotunjite; 1 buz de oal ( buz=7 cm); 2 corpuri cu incizii orizontale (fig. 68/9-10); 1 baz desprins cu sfoara (=7 cm), alta simpl (fig. 68/8; =6,5 cm); - ceramica fin ars cenuiu: 1 bol (fig. 68/3; buz=7 cm); 1 can cu gt nalt (fig. 68/4; buz=12 cm);

Groapa nr. 2, sec. III-IV / Pit no. 2, 3rd-4th centuries


2 castroane emisferice, unul decorat cu un motiv n reea (fig. 68/1; buz=30; 32 cm) i 2 cu buza ngroat; 7 fragmente de buze diferite; 2 toarte canelate longitudinal, cu seciune oval (fig. 68/5); 3 corpuri (=12; 14; 20 cm); 8 baze inelare (=6; 6,8; 2x8; 3x10; 12 cm); - ceramica fin roie: 1 buton de capac (fig. 68/2; buton=9 cm); - ceramica de import: 4 fragmente canelate de la o amfor de culoare crmizie.

Fig. 67. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice modelate cu mna: 1 cuie; 2-3, 5-9, 11-12 oale; 10 castron; 13 proeminen; 14 baz. Groapa nr. 2 cpl. 32, sec. III-IV. Ceramic fragments: hand made ware, 1 primitive lamp; 2-3, 5-9, 11-12 jars; 10 tureen; 13 prominence; 14 basis. Pit no. 2 cpl. 32, 3rd4th centuries.

Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna, 1 cuie (fig. 67/1; buz=14; h=7,5 cm); 2 castroane (fig. 67/10; buz=24 cm); 8 oale cu gtul drept sau arcuit exterior dar i spre interior, unele cu buza ngroat (fig. 67/2-3, 5-9, 11-12; buz=14; 16; 13; 2x14; 15-16 cm); 1 corp bombat (fig. 67/4; =20 cm); 3 baze conice (=12; 13,5; 14,5 cm), una rotunjit (fig. 67/14; =18 cm); 1 proeminen (fig. 67/13); - ceramica din past puin zgrunuroas: glbui-roietic, 1 buz invazat sub gtul marcat de dou caneluri apar dou linii n val neordonate (fig. 68/6; buz=22 cm); 1 corp decorat cu linii vlurite, limitate de altele orizontale (fig. 68/7); 5 cenuie: 2 buze rotunjite; 1 buz de oal ( buz=7 cm); 2 corpuri cu incizii orizontale (fig. 68/9-10); 1 baz desprins cu sfoara (=7 cm), alta simpl (fig. 68/8; =6,5 cm); - ceramica fin ars cenuiu: 1 bol (fig. 68/3; buz=7 cm); 1 can cu gt nalt (fig. 68/4; buz=12 cm); 2 castroane emisferice, unul decorat cu un motiv n reea (fig. 68/1; buz=30; 32 cm) i 2 cu buza ngroat; 7 fragmente de buze diferite; 2 toarte canelate longitudinal, cu seciune oval (fig. 68/5); 3 corpuri (=12; 14; 20 cm); 8 baze inelare (=6; 6,8; 2x8; 3x10; 12 cm); - ceramica fin roie: 1 buton de capac (fig. 68/2; buton=9 cm); - ceramica de import: 4 fragmente canelate de la o amfor de culoare crmizie. Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 1 fusaiol bitronconic de lut, de culoare cenuie; 1 greutate cilindric de lut cu marginile rotunjite


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

(fig. 69/3; =1,72 cm); - 1 os lustruit (fig. 69/1); - 1 cute de gresie albicioas pentru ascuit lame (fig. 69/3).

Fig. 68. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roata olarului: past fin cenuie, 1 castron; 3 bol; 4 can; 5 toart; past fin roie, 2 buton de capac; past puin zgrunuroas glbuiroietic, 6, oal; 7, 9, 10 perei; 8 baz. Groapa nr. 2 cpl. 32, sec. III-IV. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: grayish fine paste, 1 tureen; 3 bowl; 4 mug; 5 handle; reddish fine, 2 lid button; yellowish-reddish slightly coarse, 6 jar; 7, 9, 10 walls; 8 basis. Pit no. 2 cpl. 32, 3rd4th centuries.

Cpl. 32. Pit no. 2 (fig. 66/1), undisturbed. Dated to: the 3 rd4th centuries (fig. 67-69). It was situated near dwelling L11, specific to the Dridu culture, in sector C, on trench SXL, excavated in 1983. The pit has a slightly oval cross-section, with the dimensions of: =2,7x21 m. It goes down to the depth of -1,84 m. Its filling was richer in comparison to the one of other pits. In the pit there were found one polished bone (fig. 69/1), a whetstone made of whitish gritstone for sharpening blades and a cylindrical weight (fig. 69/2-3). Also, in relation to other features the hand made ceramic ware was prevalent, 13 fragmentary vessels. Out of the pit there were recovered 33 vessels, out of which as shown above 13 were hand made (fig. 67/1-14) and 20 wheel-made and among the latter ones seven were made of slightly coarse paste, differently fired two reddish-yellowish (fig. 68/6-7) and five grayish (fig. 68/8-10); 13 of grayish fine ceramic ware (fig. 68/1, 3-5); among the latter ones also a well fired pot of red very fine paste (fig. 68/2), plus an amphora. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware, 1 primitive lamp (fig. 67/1; mouth=14; h=7,5 cm); 2 bowls (fig. 67/10; mouth=24 cm); 8 jars with straight neck or with the neck inner or outer arched, some with thickened rim (fig. 67/2-3, 5-9, 11-12; mouth=14; 16; 13; 2 x 14; 15; 16 cm); 1 rounded body (fig. 67/4; mouth=20 cm); 3 conical basis (=12; 13,5; 14,5 cm) or rounded ones (fig. 67/14; =18 cm); 1 prominence (fig. 67/13); - slightly coarse reddish-yellowish ceramic: 1 rim inner turned and widened, under the neck marked by two grooves there appear randomly disposed wavy lines (fig. 68/6; mouth=22 cm); 1 body decorated with waved and deepened lines delimited by other horizontal ones (fig. 68/7); or grayish: 2 rounded rims; 1 pot rim (mouth=7 cm); 2 bodies decorated with slightly visible horizontal incisions distanced from one (fig. 68/910; =20 cm); 1 basis with detached from the potters wheel with string (=7 cm), and another simple on (fig. 68/8; =6,5 cm);

Locuina de suprafa nr. 4, sec. III-IV / Surface dwelling no. 4, 3rd-4th centuries


- grayish ceramic: 1 bowl (fig. 68/3; mouth=7 cm); 1 mug with high neck (fig. 68/4; mouth=12 cm); 2 bowls with hemispheric body decorated with a net-like motif (fig. 68/1; mouth=30; 32 cm) and 2 with thickened rim; 7 fragments of various rims; 2 handles with longitudinal grooves, and of oval cross-section (fig. 68/5); 3 bodies (mouth=12; 14; 20 cm); 8 annular bases (=6; 6,8; 2x8; 3x10; 12 cm); - reddish fine ceramic: lid button (fig. 68/2; mouth=9 cm); - imported pottery: 4 fragments of reddish amphorae with grooves. Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - made of clay: 1 biconical piece; 1 cylindrical weight with rounded borders (fig. 69/3; =1,72 cm); - 1 polished bone (fig. 69/1); - 1 whetstone made of whitish gritstone for sharpening blades (fig. 69/3).

Fig. 69. Banca Gar - apte case. 1 Os lefuit; 2 cute; 3 greutate. Groapa nr. 2 cpl. 32, sec. III-IV. 1 Polished bone; 2 whetstone; 3 weight. Pit no. 2 cpl. 32, 3rd4th centuries.

4.33. Cpl. 33. Locuina de suprafa nr. 4 (fig. 66/2), conservat parial. Datare: secolele III-IV (fig. 70-73). Se afla la nord de cpl. 32, n afara digului, n sectorul C, pe S XL. Suprafaa era destul de mare, de circa 14 m2, L=4,1 i l=3,4; h=0,28-0,34 m. Degajarea inventarului a permis surprinderea vetrei distruse din vechime, n preajm cu mult cenu, crbune i pietre arse i a podelei groase de 2-3 cm, constituite dintr-un strat de lut amestecat cu pmnt bine bttorit, ars parial, ct i a unor aglomerri ceramice aflate spre peretele de nord-vest. Dintre materialele de construcie s-au recuperat 17 buci mai mari de chirpici (fig. 73/5) i 7 pri de crust de vatr (fig. 73/6), cu urme de reamenajare. Totodat, spre centrul locuinei se aflau: un disc de gresie, o cute pentru lame iar spre colul de sud-vest o fusaiol bitronconic i o greutate cilindric de lut (fig. 73/1-4, 7). ntre cele 52 de pri de la recipientele recuperate, erau 45 de vase, din care 16 au fost modelate cu mna (fig. 70-71) i 26 la roat din care unul fin lustruit s-a ars cenuiu-negricios (fig. 72/9), dou din past roie i 23 din past cenuie (fig. 72/1-5, 7-8, 11-15) plus fragmente de la trei amfore (fig. 72/6, 10; 167/3). Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna, brun: 2 cui (fig. 70/3; 71/1; buz=13; 14,4 cm); 2 castroane (fig. 70/6; 71/3); 1 capac (fig. 71/2); 1 borcan (fig. 70/1); 4 oale (fig. 70/4-5, 7-8; buz=2x14; 20 cm); 2 vase ovoidale (fig. 70/2, 5; buz=36; 39 cm); 1 corp de la un vas mai mare ( corp=32 cm); 3 cioburi de vase decorate cu brie alveolate (fig. 71/4-6; =18 cm); 8 baze uor evazate (fig. 70/9-11; 71/7-10; =2x10; 2x11; 12-14; 16,5; 17-18 cm), una spre baz cu o nuire (=14 cm); glbuie, 1 baz cu o adncitur (=16 cm); - ceramica din past fin roie: 1 corp cu linii incizate (=34 cm); 1 baz inelar (=8 cm); - ceramica din past fin cenuie-negricioas: 1 gt de oal fin lustruit (fig. 72/9; =12 cm); cenuie, 2 cni cu gt nalt (fig. 72/4-5); 8 castroane bitronconice (fig. 72/3, 7, 11-12; buz=16; 14; 21; 22 cm), unele mai prost conservate (buz=7; 24 cm); 4 emisferice ( buz=13; 20; 16; 25 cm); 2 oale (fig. 72/13; buz=14 cm);


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

2 cu buza ngroat (buz=10; 19 cm); 3 buze rsfrnte (fig. 72/1-2, 8; buz=15; 18; 16 cm); corpuri ornate cu linii orizontale (=30 cm); 2 baze drepte (=6; 8 cm) i 13 inelare (fig. 72/14; =5; 2x7; 2x8; 2x9; 3x10; 12; 13; 14 cm); o toart (fig. 72/15); import, 2 toarte i 3 baze de amfore crmizii (fig. 72/6, 10; 167/12; =4-5 cm); 1 fragment de amfor brun roietic. Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 1 fusaiol bitronconic (fig. 73/1); 1 greutate cilindric de lut amestecat cu amot, decorat pe margine cu arcuiri canelate (fig. 73/7; =16 cm); - 1 disc de gresie cenuie (fig. 73/3); 2 cute pentru lame (fig. 73/2, 4). Materiale de construcie: - buci de chirpici (fig. 73/5); crust de vatr (fig. 73/6).

Fig. 70. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice: modelate cu mna, 1-3, 4-8 oale; 9-11 baze. Locuina de suprafa nr. 4 cpl. 33, sec. III-IV. Ceramic fragments: hand made ware, 1-3, 48 jars; 9-11 bases. Surface dwelling no. 4 cpl. 33, 3rd4th centuries.

Cpl. 33. Surface dwelling no. 4 (fig. 66/2), partly preserved. Dated to: the 3 rd4th centuries (fig. 7073). It was to the north of cpl. 32, outside the dam, in sector C, on S XL. The surface of about 14 m 2, L=4,1 and l=3,4; h=0,28-0,34 m, was rather large. Of the inventory allowed the identification of the hearth destroyed already in ancient times, surrounded by ash, coal and fired stones, and of the 2-3 cm thick floor, represented by a layer of clay mixed with well trodden earth, partly fired, as well as of ceramic agglomerations situated toward the northwest wall. Among the construction materials, there were recovered 17 large pieces of adobe (fig. 73/5) and 7 parts of hearth crust (fig. 73/6), with traces of rearrangement. At the same time, toward the centre of the dwelling, there were: a gritstone disk, a whetstone for blades and toward the southwest corner a biconical piece and a cylindrical clay weight (fig. 73/1-4, 7). Among the 45 vessels, 16 were hand made (fig. 70/-71/) and 26 made with the potters wheel, out of which one was shaped of grayish - blackish fine polished paste (fig. 72/9), two of red paste and 23 of grayish

Locuina de suprafa nr. 4, sec. III-IV / Surface dwelling no. 4, 3rd-4th centuries


paste (fig. 72/1-8, 10-15), 2 handles and 3 bases of three brick-red amphorae (fig. 72/6, 10; =4-5 cm). Fragmented ceramic inventory: - brown, hand made ceramic ware: 2 primitive lamp (fig. 70/3; 71/1; mouth=13; 14,4 cm); 2 bowls (fig. 70/6; 71/3); 1 lid (fig. 71/2); 5 jars (fig. 70/1, 4-5, 7-8; mouth=2x14; 20 cm); 2 ovoid vessels (fig. 70/2, 5; mouth=36; 39 cm); 1 body of a large pot ( body=32 cm); 3 potsherds of vessels decorated with alveoli belts (fig. 71/4-6; =18 cm); 8 slightly flared bases (fig. 70/9-11; 71/7-10; =2x10; 2x11; 12; 13; 14; 16,5; 17; 18 cm), one with a groove toward the basis (=14 cm); yellowish, 1 basis with the stem marked by a deeper spot (=16 cm); - grayish-blackish ceramic: 1 pot neck with finely polished rounded body (fig. 72/9; mouth=12 cm); grayish, 2 mugs with high neck (fig. 72/4-5; mouth=4; 10 cm); 8 biconical bowls (fig. 72/3, 7, 11-12; mouth=16; 14; 21; 22 cm), some with a poorer state of conservation ( mouth=7; 24 cm); 4 hemispherical (mouth=13; 20; 16; 25 cm); 2 vessels with rounded body (fig. 72/13; =14 cm); 2 with rounded rim ( mouth=10; 19-20 cm); 2 thickened rims (fig. 72/1-2, 8; mouth=15; 18; 16 cm); bodies decorated with horizontal lines (mouth=30 cm); 2 straight bases (=6; 8 cm), 13 annular bases (fig. 72/14; bases=5; 2x7; 2x8; 2x9; 3x10; 12-14 cm); one handle (fig. 72/15); red fine: 1 body with distanced incised lines, 1 basis annular (=8; 34 cm); - imported ceramic: 2 handles and 3 bases of brick-red amphorae (fig. 72/6, 10; basis=4-5 cm); 1 fragment of brown reddish amphora.

Fig. 71. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice: modelate cu mna, 1 cuie; 2 capac; 3 castron; 4-6 perei; 7-10 baze. Locuina de suprafa nr. 4 cpl. 33, sec. III-IV. Ceramic fragments: hand made ware, 1 primitive lamp; 2 lid; 3 tureen; 4-6 walls; 7-10 bases. Surface dwelling no. 4 cpl. 33, 3 rd 4th centuries.

Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 1 biconical piece (fig. 73/1); 1 cylindrical clay weight paste mixed with broken potshards, decorated


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

on the edge with narrow arched grooves (fig. 73/7; =16 cm); - 1 disk of grayish gritstone (fig. 73/3); 2 whetstones for blades (fig. 73/2, 4). Construction materials: - pieces of adobe (fig. 73/5); hearth crust (fig. 73/6). 4.34. Cpl. 33a. Groapa nr. 3 (fig. 66/3), nederanjat. Datare: secolul al IV-lea (fig. 74-76). Groapa este relativ tangent cu peretele de sud-est al locuinei de suprafa nr. 4, cpl. 33, descoperit prin trasarea S XL i are o form ovoidal cu dimensiuni cuprinse ntre L=1,70 and l=1,40 m, cu adncimea de -1,20 m.

Fig. 72. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roata olarului: past fin cenuie, 1-2 buze; 3, 78, 11-12 castroane; 4 can; 5, 15 toarte; import, 6, 10 baze de amfore; 9, 13 vase cu corp bombat; 14 baz. Locuina de suprafa nr. 4 cpl. 33, sec. III-IV. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: grayish fine paste, 1-2 rims; 3, 7-8, 11-12 tureens; 4 mug; 5, 15 handles; imported, 6, 10 bases of amphorae; 9, 13 vessels with rounded body; 14 basis. Surface dwelling no. 4 cpl. 33, 3 rd4th centuries.

Din cele 35 de vase lucrate la roat cinci s-au modelat din past zgrunuroas (fig. 75/1, 3-4; 76/1, 4), ase puin zgrunuroas, din care dou au fost arse crmiziu (fig. 75/7), unul brun-cenuiu (fig. 74/8), dou cenuii (fig. 75/6), la acestea adugm un vas de provizii (fig. 75/5), plus patru baze drepte iar din cadrul ceramicii fine dou cenuii-negricioase, lustruite (fig. 74/1), trei roii (fig. 75/2) i 17 cenuii (fig. 74/3-7, 910, 12-13). Adugm prile de amfore (fig. 74/11; 76/3), plus un pahar de sticl (fig. 76/2). Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica din past zgrunuroas cenuie; 4 vase de provizii cu buze n T (fig. 75/1, 3-4; 76/1; buz=2x26; 32; 40 cm) i altul cu buza evazat (fig. 76/4; buz=36 cm); 1 baz inelar (=12 cm); - ceramica din past puin zgrunuroas crmizie, 1 castron emisferic cu buza rotunjit interior (fig. 75/7; buz=14 cm); 1 baz (=10 cm); brun-cenuie, 1 oal cu marginea invazat buza lit orizontal (fig. 74/8; buz=27 cm); cenuie, 1 vas cu gt nalt i corp bombat (=14 cm) sau cu gt scund (fig. 75/6; buz=29

Groapa nr. 3, sec. IV / Pit no. 3, 4th century


cm); un vas de provizii decorat cu linii adncite trasate distanat, alternativ, orizontal sau n val (fig. 75/5; =34 cm); 4 baze drepte (=8; 2x10; 15 cm); - ceramica fin de culoare cenuie-negricioas, lustruit: 1 castron decorat cu linii negre lustruite uor adncite, pe buz i corp are cte 3-6 linii n zig-zag (fig. 74/1; buz=21 cm); roie fin: corp cu linii incizate dispuse distanat (=34 cm); 1 baz inelar (=8 cm); 1 toart (fig. 75/2); - ceramica fin ars cenuiu: 3 pahare ovoidale cu buza uor rotunjit (buz=8; 12 cm) sau tras spre exterior (buz=14 cm); 2 cni cu gt nalt (fig. 74/3, 5; buz=4; 10 cm); 8 castroane bitronconice (fig. 74/4, 7, 9; buz=2x16; 18 cm), unele mai puin bine conservate (=17; 24 cm); 1 castron emisferic (fig. 74/6; buz=14 cm); altul decorat sub buz i sub umrul marcat de o nervur cu trei zigzaguri (fig. 74/13; buz=24 cm); 2 buze invazate (fig. 74/10, 12; buz=14; 12 m); - import: perei de la 2 amfore (fig. 74/11; 76/3); 1 pahar de sticl verzui (fig. 76/2; buz=7 cm). Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 1 achie de silex cenuie (fig. 74/2).

Fig. 73. Banca Gar - apte case. 1 Fusaiol; 2-4 cute; 5-6, buci de chirpic i de vatr; 7 greutate. Locuina de suprafa nr. 4 cpl. 33, sec. III-IV. 1 biconical piece; 2-4 whetstone; 5-6, pieces of adobe and hearth crust; 7 weight. Surface dwelling no. 4 cpl. 33, 3rd4th centuries.

Cpl. 33a. Pit no. 3 (fig. 66/3), undisturbed. Dated to: the 4 th century (fig. 74-76). The pit is relatively tangential to the southeast wall of the surface dwelling no. 4, cpl. 33, discovered by drawing trench S XL and has an ovoid shape with dimensions comprised between L=1,70 and w=1,40 m, and the depth of -1,20 m. Among the 35 wheel-made vessels five were shaped out of grayish coarse paste (fig. 75/1, 3-4; 76/1, 4), six of slightly coarse paste out of which two were red-brick after firing (fig. 75/7), one brown-grayish (fig. 74/8), two grayish (fig. 75/6), and to these food storage pot (fig. 75/5), plus four straight bases are to be added and


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

from within the fine ceramic ware two blackish grayish polished vessels (fig. 74/1), three red ones (fig. 75/2) and 17 grayish ones (fig. 74/3-7, 9-10, 12-13). The parts of amphorae (fig. 74/11; 76/3) and 1 glass beaker (fig. 76/2) are to be added as well.

Fig. 74. Banca Gar - apte case. 2 Cute. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roata olarului: past fin neagr, 1 castron; fin cenuie, 3 can; 4, 6, 7, 13 castroane; 5 buz; 8-10, 12 oale; import, 11 perete de amfor. Groapa nr. 3 cpl. 33a, sec. IV. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: blackish polished paste, 1 tureen; grayish fine, 2 whetstone; 3 mug; 4, 6, 7, 13 tureens; 5 rim; 8-10, 12 jars; imported, 11 wall of an amphora. Pit no. 3 cpl. 33a, 4th century.

Fragmented ceramic inventory: - grayish coarse ceramic ware, 4 food storage vessels with T shaped rims (fig. 75/1, 3-4; 76/1; mouth=2x26; 32; 40 cm) and another one with flared rim (fig. 76/4; =36 cm); 1 basis annular (=12 cm); - red-brick slightly coarse ceramic: 1 hemispheric bowl with inner rounded rim (fig. 75/7; mouth=14 cm); 1 basis (=10 cm); brown-grayish, 1 pot with inner turned edge and horizontally widened rim (fig. 74/8; mouth=27 cm); grayish, 1 vase with high neck and rounded body ( mouth=14 cm) or with short neck (fig. 75/6; mouth=29 cm); one food storage pot decorated with deep lines distanced one from the other, alternatively, horizontal or wavy (fig. 75/5; mouth=34 cm); 4 straight bases (=8; 2x10; 15 cm); - grayish -blackish polished ceramic: 1 bowl decorated with black polished slightly deepened lines, on the rim and body it has 3-6 zigzag lines (fig. 74/1; body=21 cm); - red fine ceramic: body with incised lines distanced from one another (=34 cm); 1 basis annular (=8 cm); 1 handle (fig. 75/2); grayish: 3 ovoid beakers with slightly rounded rim (mouth=8; 12 cm) or outerturned (=14 cm); 2 mugs with high neck (fig. 74/3, 5; mouth=4; 10 cm); 8 biconical bowls (fig. 74/4, 7, 9; mouth=2x16; 18 cm) some in a poorer state of conservation (=17; 24 cm); 1 hemispheric bowl (fig. 74/6; mouth=14 cm); another decorated under the rim and the under neck marked by a nervure with three zigzag

Locuina de suprafa nr. 5, sec. III-IV / Surface dwelling no. 5, 3rd-4th centuries


lines (fig. 74/13; mouth=24 cm); 2 inner turned rims (fig. 74/10, 12; mouth=14; 12 m); imported: two parts of amphorae (fig. 74/11; 76/3); 1 glass beaker with greenish nuances (fig. 76/2; mouth=7 cm). Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 1 grayish flint stone flake (fig. 74/2). 4.35. Cpl. 34. Locuina de suprafa nr. 5 (fig. 77/1), conservat mediu. Datare: secolele III-IV (fig. 78), mai multe elemente de III. S-a spat n anul 1983, n sectorul C, pe S XLII. A aprut la adncimea de -0,44-0,50 m. Are o form aproximativ patrulater, de 15,30 m 2, cu dimensiunile de L 3,40 i l=4,50 m i orientarea laturilor aproximativ est-vest. Bucile de crust de vatr erau rspndite pe toat suprafaa. Spre centru avea mult cenu. Cteva pietre arse marcau, probabil, locul iniial al acesteia.

Fig. 75. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice modelate la roata olarului: past zgrunuroas, 1, 3-5 i 6 puin zgrunuroas, vase de provizii; 2 toart; 7 castron. Groapa nr. 3 cpl. 33a, sec. IV. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: slightly coarse paste, 1, 3-6 vessels for food storage; 2 handle; 7 tureen. Pit no. 3 cpl. 33a, 4th century.

Inventarul locuinei pare mai bogat, trei oase prelucrate ntre care i o patin, gsite n prejma vetrei (fig. 78/1-2, 5). nspre colul de est s-a gsit i cte o fusaiol, o cute i o greutate de lut (fig. 78/3-4). n total s-au recuperat fragmente de la 18 vase specifice perioadei dintre secolele III-IV, din care: trei modelate din past puin zgrunuroas i 14 fine (fig. 78/6, 8-11, 14), 9 cenuii, cte unul din vasele fin lustruite, ars negru (fig. 78/13) sau acoperit cu angob roie (fig. 78/12) i dou din past fin glbuie i dou amfore (fig. 78/7). Din cele 105 resturi osoase i dentare (27 nu au permis determinarea specific) s-au consemnat: 22 mamifer de talie mare, 5 mamifer de talie mijlocie, cu excepia unei vertebre umane, toate celelalte resturi provin de la specii de mamifere, att domestice, ct i dou slbatice. Tafonomie: 17 oase roase de carnivore, opt au urme de arsur (unul calcinat), altul tranat (coxal) iar un fragment de corn de capr a fost retezat cam la jumtatea lui. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica din past puin zgrunuroas cenuie: 1 castron cu marginea arcuit exterior i cu buza tiat drept (buz=12 cm); 3 baze drepte (=8; 10; 10,5 cm);


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

- ceramica fin ars cenuiu: 2 cni (fig. 77/6, 8; baz=8; 9,5 cm); 3 castroane (fig. 77/10, 14; baz=2x11; 20 cm); 4 buze (fig. 77/9, 11; =9,5; 13 cm); 3 baze inelare (=4,5; 8; 16 cm); - ceramica fin glbuie: 2 vase decorate pe corp cu benzi incizate fin; neagr lustruit, 1 castron (fig. 78/13; baz=12 cm); acoperit cu angob roie: 1 toart (fig. 77/12); import: 1 fragment de corp i 1 baz de amfor (fig. 78/7; 167/10). Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 1 fusaiol bitronconic (fig. 78/4); 1 greutate de lut amestecat cu amot; - 1 pies de os tiat pe margine cu suprafaa lustruit (fig. 78/5); 1 os cu urme de prelucrare; 1 patin de os (fig. 78/1-2); - 1 cute pentru lame (fig. 78/3).

Fig. 76. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente: 2 vas de sticl; ceramica modelat la roata olarului, din past zgrunuroas, 1, 4 vase de provizii; import, 3 perete de amfor - corp. Groapa nr. 3 cpl. 33a, sec. IV. Ceramic fragments: 2 glass beaker; ceramic made with the potters wheel: slightly coarse, 1, 4 vessels for food storage; imported, 3 wall of an amphora. Pit no. 3 cpl. 33a, 4th century.

Inventar faunistic fragmentar: - Bos taurus: calcaneu, 2 coxal, 6 fragmente craniu (2 stnga, 1 dreapta; 2 maxilare provin de la indivizi maturi), 1 cubitus, 2 dini (M3 i P4 inferiori), 4 falange (una proximal i 3 distale), 1 femur, 7 humerus (2 dreapta, 2 stnga), 7 mandibul (3 stnga, 2 dreapta; un fragment provine de la un individ imatur), 4 metacarpiene (2 stnga, 1 dreapta), 8 metatarsiene (5 dreapta, 2 stnga; un metacarp i un metatars de la indivizi maturi), 6 radius (2 stnga), 1 centrotars, 3 tibie (2 dreapta; una de la un individ matur); - Equus caballus: cte un fragment de coxal (stnga), metatars i tibia (stnga), falang proximal; - Ovis/Capra: 1 mandibul (dreapta), 2 metatarsiene (dreapta; de la 2 indivizi maturi), cte un fragment metacarp (dreapta), metapod, metatas; Capra hircus: mandibul (stnga) i un fragment craniu; - Sus domesticus: metacarp IV (stnga; de la un individ matur), metatars IV (de la un individ matur), mandibul (stnga; de la un individ imatur), 1 fragment femur (stnga; de la un individ imatur); - Canis familiaris: atlas, 1 tibie (dreapta); - Capreolus capreolus: 2 fragmente tibie (1 dreapta); - Sus scrofa: canin inferior de la un mascul. - Ovis/Capra: 1 mandible (right), 2 metatarsals (right; from 2 adults), one fragment of metacarpal al

Locuina de suprafa nr. 5, sec. III-IV / Surface dwelling no. 5, 3rd-4th centuries


(right), one of metapodial, one of metatarsal; Capra hircus: mandible (left) and a fragment of craniumm; - Sus domesticus: metacarpal al IV (left; of an adult), metatarsal IV (of an adult), mandible (left; from a young individual), 1 fragment of femur (left; from a young individual); - Canis familiaris: atlas, 1 tibia (right); - Capreolus capreolus: 2 fragments of tibia (1 right); - Sus scrofa: lower canine of a male. Homo sapiens: - 1 vertebr uman. Materiale de construcie: - fragmente de chirpici.

Fig. 77. Banca Gar - apte case. Locuina de suprafa nr. 5, cpl. 34, sec. III-IV; locuina de suprafa nr. 3 cpl. 35, sec. IV-V. Planuri i profile. Surface dwelling no. 5, cpl. 34, 3rd4th centuries and surface dwelling no. 3 cpl. 35, 4 rd5th centuries. Plans and profiles.

Cpl. 34. Surface dwelling no. 5 (fig. 77/1), average state of conservation. Dated to: the 3 rd4th centuries (fig. 78), many elements of 3 th century. It was excavated in 1983, in sector C, on trench SXLII. It appeared at the depth of -0,44-0,50 m. It shape is rather quadrangular, de 15,30 m 2, and its dimensions are L 3,40 and w=4,50 m and the orientation of the sides is approximately east-west. The pieces of hearth crust were spread all over the surface. Toward the centre there was a lot of ash. Several fired stones probably marked its initial location. The inventory of the dwelling seems to be richer, three processed bones among which a skate too were found near the hearth (fig. 78/1-2, 5). Toward the eastern corner there were found a piece, a whetstone and a clay weight as well (fig. 78/3-4). As a total there were recovered fragments of 18 vessels specific to the period of the 3 rd4th centuries, out of which: three shaped of slightly coarse paste and 10 fine (fig. 78/6, 8-11, 14), one black and polished (fig. 78/13), one covered with red slip (fig. 78/12) and one of fine paste yellowish and an amphora (fig. 78/7). Among the 105 bones and teeth remains (27 fragments did not allow the specific determination) there were specified: 22 of large mammals, 5 of average size mammals, except for a human vertebra, all the other remains being those of both domestic and wild species. Taphonomy: 17 bones gnawed by carnivores, eight have traces of firing (one being calcinated), another one butchered (the hipbone) and a fragment of goat horn was cut at about its half.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Fig. 78. 1-2, 5 Oase prelucrate; 3 cute; 4 fusaiol. Fragmente ceramice: past fin, 6, 8 cni; 9-10 oale; 11, 14 castroane; 7 baz amfor; angob roie, 12 toart; neagr, 13 castron. Locuina de suprafa nr. 5 cpl. 34, sec. III-IV. 1-2, 5 Bones with traces of processing and skate; 3 whetstone; 4 biconical piece. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: grayish fine paste, 6, 8 mugs; 9-10 jars; 11, 14 tureens; imported, 7 basis of an amphora; red slip paste, 12 handle; blackish polished paste, 13 tureen. Surface dwelling no. 5 cpl. 34, 3rd4th centuries.

Fragmented ceramic inventory: - slightly coarse ceramic ware: 1 basis (=8 cm); 1 bowl with outer turned edge and the straightly cut rim (=12 cm); 3 straight bases (=8; 10; 10,5 cm); - gray pottery: 2 mugs with handles (fig. 77/6, 8; =8; 9,5 cm); 3 bowls (fig. 77/10, 14; =2x11; 20 cm); 3 rims (fig. 77/9, 11; =9,5; 13 cm); 3 ring-like bases (=4,5; 8; 16 cm); - yellowish fine ceramic ware: 2 vessels decorated on the body with finely incised lines; black polished ceramic ware, 1 bowl (fig. 78/13; =12 cm); - ceramic ware with red slip: 1 handle (fig. 77/12); - imported pottery: 1 fragment of a pot body and 1 basis of an amphora (fig. 77/7). Various artifacts - tools, implements, other items: - 1 biconical piece for spindle (fig. 78/4); 1 weight of clay degreased with grog;

Locuina de suprafa nr. 3, sec. IV-V / Surface dwelling no. 3, 4rd-5th centuries


- 1 bone item cut on the sides with the polished surface (fig. 78/5); 1 bone with traces of processing; 1 bone skate (fig. 78/1-2); - 1 whetstone for blades (fig. 78/3). Fragmented fauna inventory: - Bos taurus: calcaneus, 2 hipbone, 6 fragments of cranium (2 left, 1 right; 2 maxillaries of adults), 1 ulna, 2 teeth (lower M3 and P4), 4 phalanges (a proximal one and 3 distal ones), 1 femur, 7 humeri (2 right, 2 left), 7 mandible (3 left, 2 right; a fragment results from a young individual), 4 metacarpal als (2 left, 1 right), 8 metatarsals (5 right, 2 left; one metacarpal al and one metatarsal of adult individuals), 6 radiuses (2 left), 1 centrotars, 3 tibia (2 right; one of an adult); - Equus caballus: one fragment of hipbone (left), one of metatarsal and one of tibia (left), proximal phalange; Homo sapiens: - 1 human vertebra. Construction materials: - 1 pieces of adobe and of hearth. 4.36. Cpl. 35. Locuina de suprafa nr. 3 (fig. 77/2), bine conservat. Datare: secolele IV-V (fig. 79). S-a descoperit n sectorul C, pe SXLII, n anul 1983. De form patrulater, 9 m 2, L=3,05 i l=2,95 m, rotunjit la coluri, adncimea ei este de circa -0,56 m, de la nivelul actual de clcare, orientarea nord-nordest. Buci mici de vatr se aflau spre colul de nord, n preajm cu mult cenu i fragmente de crbuni. ntre materialele de construcie conservate menionm, cteva buci de perei cu grosimi de 6-9 cm, cu urme de pari, de nuiele cu diametre de 2-4 cm, lemne despicate. Pe latura de nord-nord-est se vd urme de pari iar spre vest se formeaz o mic albiere, cu =60 cm. ntre acestea se afla o patin (fig. 79/8) i un fragment de zgur topit de culoare verzui-albstruie. Cele 12 vase fragmentare au fost modelate: una cu mna (fig. 79/6) i 11 cu roata olarului, unul din past zgrunuroas (fig. 79/7), dou puin zgrunuroas (fig. 79/4-5), trei fin cenuie (fig. 79/3), trei la exterior erau negricioase (fig. 79/1-2), lustruite i altele dou provin de la o amfor. Din cele 330 resturi osoase i dentare, 103 nu au fost determinate specific (72 resturi de la mamifere de talie mare i 31 de la mamifere de talie mijlocie). Cu excepia a dou oase care provin de la gin, toate celelalte aparin unor specii de mamifere. Din punct de vedere tafonomic s-au identificat: 23 resturi arse, 20 tranate, dou cu urme de la jupuire, un metacarp de vit transformat n patin, un os cu urme de la descarnare, 41 roase de carnivore. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna: oal (fig. 79/6); - ceramica din past zgrunuroas: 1 vas de provizii decorat cu linii n val distanate (fig. 79/7); - ceramica din past puin zgrunuroas: 1 oal cu marginea evazat, buza tiat, pe corp, de sub gt, acoperit cu linii late, uor adncite (fig. 79/4; buz=13 cm); 1 corp (fig. 79/5) i 1 baz (=8 cm); - ceramica fin ars cenuiu: 3 buze de castroane, 2 ngroate (buz=2x18; 19 cm); 1 baz inelar (fig. 79/3; =8 cm); negricioas lustruit: 3 castroane, fie cu buza cu seciune triunghiular, fie cu buzele evazate (fig. 79/1-2; buz=2x18 cm); - ceramica de import: 1 fragment de corp i 1 baz de la o amfor. Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 1 patin de os (fig. 79/8). Inventar faunistic fragmentar: - Gallus domesticus: tarsometatars de la un coco tnr i un radius; - Bos taurus: astragal (stnga), 3 calcaneu (2 stnga i 1 dreapta), 1 carp-semilunar, 12 fragmente craniu (3 stnga, 2 dreapta), 12 dini jugali, ntregi sau fragmentari, n diverse stadii de erodare, 5 falange proximale, 1 falang mijlocie i urmtoarele piese fragmentate, 9 femur, 6 cubitus (4 stnga, 2 dreapta), 3 coxal (2 stnga), 1 hioid, 11 humerus (4 stnga, 2 dreapta), 19 mandibul (4 dreapta, 5 stnga), 4 metacarp (1 ntreg, stnga, 3 de la indivizi maturi i 1 de la un imatur), 10 metatars (2 stnga, 2 de la indivizi maturi), 9 radius (2 dreapta, 2 stnga), 10 scapula (3 stnga, 1 dreapta), 12 tibie, 1 sacrum, 4 vertebre toracice; - Canis familiaris: 2 mandibule, vertebr cervical, un fragment de cubitus (stnga) i tibie (dreapta); - Capra hircus: tibie (dreapta); Capreolus capreolus: 2 tibie; Cervus elaphus: 3 fragmente corn i unu


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

de mandibul stnga; - Equus caballus: 3 dini jugali ntregi, 1 patela i cte un fragment de coxal (stnga), craniu (stnga), falang proximal, falang mijlocie, femur (de la individ matur), metacarp (de la individ matur) i 3 vertebre; - Ovis/Capra: 2 dini jugali, cte un fragment de coxal, craniu, femur (stnga), 2 humerus, 8 mandibul (4 stnga, 2 dreapta), 7 metacarp, 3 metatars, 10 radius (4 stnga, 6 dreapta), 1 scapula, 3 tibie (1 stnga, 1 dreapta), 1 vertebr toracic; Ovis aries: coxal (stnga), humerus (dreapta), 2 mandibule (dreapta), 2 scapule (stnga), 1 tibie (stnga); - Sus domesticus: dinte canin inferior ntreg, de la o femel i fragmente de coast, craniu (3 maxilare: 2 dreapta, 1 stnga), cubitus (dreapta), dinte molar, femur, humerus (dreapta), 5 mandibule (3 stnga, 2 dreapta; una de la un mascul), 2 radius (1 stnga), scapula (stnga), tibie (dreapta). Materiale de construcie: - fragmente de chirpici.

Fig. 79. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roat: past fin, 1-2 buze; 3 baz; puin zgrunuroas, 4-5 oal; zgrunuroas, 7 perete vas de provizii; modelat cu mna, 6 oal; 8 patin de os. Locuina de suprafa nr. 3 cpl. 35, sec. IV-V. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: grayish fine paste, 1-2 rims; 3 basis annular; slightly coarse, 4-5 jars; coarse, 7 vessels for food storage; hand made, 6 jar; 8 bone skate. Surface dwelling no. 3 cpl. 35, 4rd5th centuries.

Cpl. 35. Surface dwelling no. 3 (fig. 77/2), well preserved. Dated to: the 4 rd5th centuries (fig. 79). It was discovered in sector C, on SXLII, in 1983. Quadrangular shape of 9 m2, L=3,05 and w=2,95 m, its depth is of about -0,56 m, from the current treading level. Small pieces of hearth were found in the north corner, where on the soil there was a lot of ash and fragments of coals. Among the preserved construction materials we would like to point out several pieces of walls with width of 6-9 cm, with traces of posts, of branches with diameters of 2-4 cm, split wood, generally east-west oriented, less north-south. On the north -northeast side, one can see the traces of posts, and west to form a small rivera, with =60 cm. Among these, there was a skate (fig. 79/8) and a fragment of greenish-bluish melt slug. The 12 fragmentary vessels were shaped: one by hand (fig. 79/6) and 11 on the potters wheel, one of coarse paste (fig. 79/7), two of less coarse paste (fig. 79/4-5), three of fine grayish paste (fig. 79/3), three had blackish exterior (fig. 79/1-2), polished and two others result from an amphora.

Locuina de suprafa nr. 4, sec. IV-V / Surface dwelling no. 4, 4rd-5th centuries


Out of the 330 bone and teeth remains, 103 could not be specifically determined (72 remains of large and 31 of average size mammals). Except for two bones resulting from a hen, all other belong to species of mammals. Taphonomically there were identified: 23 fired remains, 20 butchered, two with traces of skinning, one metacarpal al of bovine turned into a skate, one bone with traces of meat removal, 41 gnawed by carnivores. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware: pot (fig. 79/6); - coarse ceramic: 1 food storage pot decorated with distanced wavy lines (fig. 79/7); - slightly coarse ceramic: 1 pot with flared edge, cut rim, on the body, under the neck, covered with wide lines, slightly deepened (fig. 79/4; mouth=13 cm); 1 body (fig. 79/5) and 1 basis (=8 cm); - grayish ceramic: 3 rims of bowls, 2 thickened (mouth=2x18; 19 cm); 1 basis annular (fig. 79/3; =8 cm); blackish polished ceramic: 3 bowls, either with the rim of triangular cross-section, or with flared rims (fig. 79/1-2; mouth=2x18 cm); - imported ceramic: 1 fragment of body and 1 basis of an amphora. Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 1 bone skate (fig. 79/8). Fragmented fauna inventory: - Gallus domesticus: tarsometatarsal of a young rooster and a radius; - Bos taurus: astragal (left), 3 calcaneus (2 left and 1 right), 1 half moon shaped carpal, 12 fragments of cranium (3 left, 2 right), 12 jugal teeth, complete or fragmentary, in various states of erosion, 5 proximal phalanges, 1 middle phalange and the following fragmentary items, 9 femurs, 6 ulna (4 left, 2 right), 3 hipbones (2 left), 1 hyoid, 11 humeri (4 left, 2 right), 19 mandibles (4 right, 5 left), 4 metacarpal al (1 complete, left, 3 of adults and 1 of a non-adult), 10 metatarsals (2 left, 2 of adults), 9 radiuses (2 right, 2 left), 10 scapulae (3 left, 1 right), 12 tibiae, 1 sacrum, 4 thoracic vertebrae; - Canis familiaris: 2 mandibles, cervical vertebra and one fragment of ulna (left) and one of tibia (right); - Ovis/Capra: 2 jugal teeth, one fragment of hipbone, one of cranium, one of femur (left), 2 humeri, 8 mandibles (4 left, 2 right), 7 metacarpal als, 3 metatarsals, 10 radiuses (4 left, 6 right), 1 scapula, 3 tibiae (1 left, 1 right), 1 thoracic vertebra; Ovis aries: hipbone (left), humerus (right), 2 mandibles (right), 2 scapulae (left), 1 tibia (left); Capra hircus: tibia (right); Capreolus capreolus: 2 tibiae; Cervus elaphus: 3 fragments of horn and one of left mandible; - Equus caballus: 3 complete jugal teeth, 1 patella and one fragment of hipbone (left), cranium (left), proximal phalange, middle phalange, femur (of an adult), metacarpal al (of an adult) and 3 vertebrae; - Sus domesticus: whole lower canine, of a female and fragments of rib, cranium (3 maxilaries: 2 right, 1 left), ulna (right), molar tooth, femur, humerus (right), 5 mandibles (3 left, 2 right; one of a male), 2 radiuses (1 left), scapula (left), tibia (right). Construction materials: - 1 pieces of adobe and of hearth. 4.37. Cpl. 36. Locuina de suprafa nr. 4 (fig. 80/1), bine conservat. Datare: secolele IV-V (fig. 81-83). A aprut n sectorul C, pe SXL, n a doua campanie din anul 1986. De la nivelul actual de clcare urmele materiale se aflau la adncimea de -0,46 m. Resturile locuinei, buci cu amprente de nuiele, pari simpli sau despicai, erau dispuse pe o suprafa de 10,20 m 2, alungit de la est la vest, L=3,4; l=3,0 m. Diametrul nuielelor este de cca. 3-4 cm iar a parilor de 6-10 cm. Vatra s-a amplasat probabil n centru. Spre est s-a gsit o piatr de rni din gresie cenuie, perforat (fig. 82/1), dou greuti perforate, modelate din lut amestecat cu amot, una cilindric (fig. 82/4), alta discoidal, ars la rou, n prezent friabil (fig. 82/2), o cute de gresie pentru ascuit lame i vrfuri (fig. 82/3) i o fusaiol (fig. 81/10). Degajarea podelei bine bttorite, cu urme de reamenajare, nu a dus la descoperirea unor gropi. n schimb, n apropierea acesteia s-au spat dou gropi mai mari, nr. 3 i 5. Din cele 59 de vase fragmentare, cinci au fost modelate cu mna (fig. 83/1-2), 54 la roat, din care 20 din past puin zgrunuroas, dar arse diferit, patru roii (fig. 81/3), unul negru interior i cinci din past cenuie (fig. 81/1, 11); 33 fine cenuii (fig. 81/5-9, 12; 83/3-4) din care unul cenuiu lustruit (fig. 81/4) plus altul rou lustruit (fig. 81/2).


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Fig. 80. Banca Gar - apte case. 1 Locuina de suprafa nr. 4, cpl. 36, sec. IV-V; gropi: 2 nr. 4, cpl. 37; 3-4 nr. 5-6 cpl. 49-50, sec. IV. Planuri i profile. 1 Surface dwelling no. 4, cpl. 36, 4rd5th centuries; 2 pit no. 4, cpl. 37; 3-4 pit no. 5-6 cpl. 49-50, 4 th century. Plans and profiles.

Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna: 3 castroane (fig 83/1); 1 cuie spre marginea bazei cu alveole (fig. 83/2); 3 baze drepte (=2x8; 10 cm); 1 vas decorat cu bru alveolat; - ceramica din past puin zgrunuroas: roie, 1 picior cilindric (fig. 81/3; picior=6 cm); 1 corp decorat cu apte incizii distanate; 1 buz n seciune triunghiular i 1 toart cu seciune oval; ceramic oie cu miez negru, pe corp acoperit cu linii orizontale incizate, distanate, pe baz avnd cercuri concentrice (baz=11 cm); cenuie, 5 castroane (fig. 81/1; buz=18; 20; 3x24 cm); vase de provizii cu buze n T sau ngroate exterior (buz=22; 34 cm); 2 corpuri de la un vas de provizii cu perei subiri; 4 baze drepte (fig. 81/11; baz=9; 3x10 cm), una avnd cercuri concentrice (fig. 81/9) i 3 evazate ( baz=8; 9; 10 cm); 2 baze uor inelare; 1 ciob de la un vas de provizii (=15 cm); - ceramica fin ars cenuiu, 1 vas bitronconic miniatural i un mic pahar (fig. 81/6-7; buz=8 cm); castroane, 1 cu buza tiat drept (buz=24 cm); 3 cu jumtatea superioar cilindric din care unul decorat cu trei linii vlurite, buza evazat i rotunjit (fig. 81/5; buz=24; 12 cm) i altul cu o nervur sub buz ( buz=12 cm); castroane cu profil n S ( buz=14; 24; 26; 2x30 cm); 8 gturi arcuite interior cu buze rotunjite poate de la oale (buz=2x12; 15; 3x16; 18; 24; 26; 30 cm); 3 aproape verticale cu buze rotunjite ( buz=12 cm) sau 3 cu buze evazate i rotunjite ( buz=14; 20; 22 cm), 3 lite exterior ( buz=12; 16; 20 cm); 1 vas bitronconic miniatural (fig. 81/7); 3 corpuri de la vase bombate, unul decorat cu un val lustruit (fig. 83/4; corp=20; 8; 10 cm); 4 toarte diferite mici i mijlocii; 25 baze inelare (fig. 81/12; baz=12; 4; 6-7; 6x8; 7x10; 2x11; 4x12; 13,5; 16 cm); 1 baz desprins de pe masa olarului cu sfoara (fig. 81/8; baz=6,5 cm); 1 baz inelar (fig. 83/3); cenuie lustruit, 1 fructier (?) (fig. 81/4; buz=34 cm); 3 fragmente atipice;

Locuina de suprafa nr. 4, sec. IV-V / Surface dwelling no. 4, 4rd-5th centuries


- ceramica roie fin lustruit: 1 castron (fig. 81/2; buz=22 cm). Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 2 greuti modelate din lut amestecat cu amot, perforate, una de form cilindric (fig. 82/4; perf.=18 cm), alta discoidal, ars la rou, friabil (fig. 82/2; perf.=14,3 cm); - 1 piatr de rni din gresie cenuie, perforat (fig. 82/1; =34 cm; perf.=4,6 cm); 1 cute de gresie pentru ascuit lame i vrfuri (fig. 82/3). Materiale de construcie: - buci de chirpici, lipituri de la vatr.

Fig. 81. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roata olarului: past fin cenuie, 1 castron; 2 vas; roie, 4-5 fructiere (?); 6 vas bitronconic miniatural; 7 pahar; puin zgrunuroas roie 8-9, 12 baze cilindrice, 3 picior cilindric. 10 Fusaiol. Locuina de suprafa nr. 4 cpl. 36, sec. IV-V. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: grayish fine paste, 1 tureen; 2 pot; reddish; 4-5 fruit tray (?); 6 miniature biconical pot; 7 beaker; red slightly coarse, 8-9, 12 bases annular; 3 cylindrical stem. 10 Biconical piece. Surface dwelling no. 4 cpl. 36, 4rd5th centuries.

Cpl. 36. Surface dwelling no. 4 (fig. 80/1), well preserved. Dated to: 4 rd5th centuries (fig. 81-83). It appeared in sector C, on S XI, during the second campaign of 1986. From the current treading level the material traces were at the depth of -0,46 m. Remains of the dwelling, pieces of wattle prints, of simple or split posts were situated along a surface, from east to west of L=3,40 and w=3 m, by 10,20 m 2. The width of


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

the branches is of about 3-4 cm and of the posts of 6-10 cm. The hearth was probably situated in the centre. To the east, there was found a quern made of perforated gray gritstone (fig. 82/1), two weights shaped out of clay mixed with broken potsherds, one cylindrical (fig. 82/4), the other of discoid shape, of red, friable paste (fig. 82/2), a whetstone of gritstone for sharpening blades and points (fig. 82/3) and piece - "fusaiol" (fig. 81/10). The bringing to light of a the well trodden floor with traces of rearrangement did not lead to the discovery of new pits. In exchange, near it there were two large pits, nos. 3 and 5. Out of the 59 fragmentary vessels, five were hand made (fig. 83/1-2) and 54 with the potters wheel and among these, 20 were shaped of slightly coarse paste, but differently fired, five were red (fig. 81/3) and five grayish (fig. 81/1, 11), within the fine ceramic ware, another one was grayish and polished (fig. 81/4) and 33 fine grayish (fig. 81/5-9, 12; 83/3-4), and vessel was fired red and polished (fig. 81/2).

Fig. 82. Banca Gar - apte case. 1 Rni; 2, 4 greuti; 3 cute. Locuina de suprafa nr. 4 cpl. 36, sec. IV-V. 1 Quern; 2, 4 weights; 3 whetstone. Surface dwelling no. 4 cpl. 36, 4rd5th centuries.

Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware: 3 bowls (fig 83/1); 1 primitive lamp with alveoli toward the edge of the basis (fig. 83/2); 3 bases straight (basis=2x8; 10 cm); 1 wall decorated with alveoli belt; - slightly coarse ceramic: 1 cylindrical red stem (fig. 81/3; basis=6 cm); 1 body decorated with sevendistanced incisions; 1 rim of triangular cross-section and 1 handle of oval cross-section; red ceramic ware with black core, on the body covered with incised horizontal lines, distanced from each other, with the rim impressed with concentric circles from the removal of the wheel ( body=11 cm); grayish, 5 bowls (fig. 81/1; mouth=18; 20; 3x24 cm); food storage vessels with T shaped or outer thickened rims (=22; 34 cm); 2 bodies of a food storage pot with thin walls; 4 basis straight (fig. 82/11; basis=9; 3x10 cm) and 3 flared ones (basis=8; 9; 10 cm); 2 basis slightly annular; 1 basis straight (fig. 81/11), 1 basis with incised concentric circles (fig. 81/9); 1 wall of a food storage pot ( body=15 cm); - grayish fine ceramic, 1 miniature biconical pot and one beaker (fig. 81/6-7; mouth=8 cm); bowls, 1 with the straight cut rim (mouth=24 cm); 3 with cylindrical upper half out of which one decorated with three wavy lines, flared and rounded rim (fig. 81/5; mouth=24; 12 cm) and another one with a nervure under the rim

Groapa nr. 4, sec. IV / Pit no. 4, 4th century


(=12 cm); bowls with S profile (=14; 24; 26; 2x30 cm); 8 rim, necks interior maybe of jars (=2x12; 15; 3x16; 18; 24; 26; 30 cm); 3 almost vertical with rounded rims ( mouth=12 cm), 3 with flared and rounded rims (=14; 20; 22 cm), 3 outer widened (=12; 16; 20 cm); 1 miniature biconical pot (fig. 81/7); 3 bodies of vessels rounded one decorated with a polished wave (fig. 83/4; body=20; 8; 10 cm); 4 different small and middle handles; 26 bases annular (fig. 81/12; basis=12; 4; 6; 7; 6x8; 7x10; 2x11; 4x12; 13,5; 16; 83/3 cm); 1 basis with circumscribed circles (fig. 81/8; =6,5 cm); grayish polished, 1 fruit tray (?) (fig. 81/4; mouth=34 cm); 3 atypical fragments; - red fine ceramic: polished, 1 bowl (fig. 81/2; mouth=22 cm). Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 2 weights shaped of clay mixed with broken potsherds, perforated, one of cylindrical shape (fig. 82/4; =18 cm), another one discoid, fired red friable (fig. 82/2; =14,3 cm); - 1 quern of grayish gritstone, perforated (fig. 82/1; =34 cm; perf =4,6 cm); 1 whetstone of gritstone for sharpening blades and points (fig. 82/3). Construction materials: - 1 pieces of adobe, of hearth.

Fig. 83. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice: modelate cu mna, 1 castron; 2 cuie; past fin cenuie, 3 baz; 4 oal. Locuina de suprafa nr. 4 cpl. 36, sec. IV-V. Ceramic fragments: hand made ware, 1 tureen; 2 primitive lamp; grayish fine paste, 3 bases; 4 jar. Surface dwelling no. 4 cpl. 36, 4 rd 5th centuries.

4.38. Cpl. 37. Groapa nr. 4 (fig. 80/2), nederanjat. Datare: secolul al IV-lea (fig. 84/1-4, 6-8). Groapa nr. 4 s-a degajat n toamna anului 1986, n sectorul C, prin realizarea unei casete pe SXI, =1,6 m, h =1,04 m. Avea n inventar nu numai ceramic (fig. 84), dar i obiecte diverse, o fusaiol bitronconic (fig. 84/2), un corn folosit ca mpungtor (fig. 84/3), o rni concav de gresie roietic, cu o adncitur pentru mnuit (fig. 84/5) i o cute de gresie glbuie pentru lame i vrfuri (fig. 84/4). Cele 11+2 vase gsite aici aparin, fie ceramicii din past zgrunuroas - 4, fie celei fine 6, arse glbui - una, albicioase - patru (fig. 84/8), una cenuie (fig. 84/7). Plus un perete de la o amfor i un vas de sticl verzuie (fig. 84/1). Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica din past zgrunuroas: 2 oale pe buze cu alveolri pentru capac ( buz=16 cm); 1 vas de provizii decorat cu registre acoperite cu incizii orizontale sau vlurite; 2 fragmente de baze de la acelai vas; - ceramica fin glbui-crmizie: 1 baz (=10,5 cm); 4 ceramica din past albicioas avnd ca incluziuni nisip, pietricele i caolin; 2 buze i 2 baze, din care una cu un mic picior (fig. 84/7; =8; 9 cm); cenuie, 1 mic vas cu buza evazat (fig. 84/8); - ceramica de import: 1 vas de sticl verzuie (fig. 84/1; buz=7; h=3,4 cm); 1 perete de amfor.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 1 fusaiol bitronconic (fig. 84/2); - 1 mpungtor realizat dintr-un corn (fig. 84/3); - 1 rni concav de gresie roietic, cu o adncitur pentru mnuit (fig. 84/6); 1 cute de gresie glbuie pentru lame i vrfuri (fig. 84/4).

Fig. 84. Banca Gar cp- apte case. 1 Vas de sticl verzuie; 2 fusaiol; 3 mpungtor; 4 cute; 6 rni. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roata olarului: 5 mnu de amfor; 7 baz; 8 buz. Groapa nr. 4 cpl. 37, sec. IV. 1 Vessel of greenish glass; 2 biconical piece; 3 piercing; 4 whetstone; 6 quern. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel, 5 handle of amphora; 7 basis; 8 rim. Pit no. 4 cpl. 37, 4th century.

Cpl. 37. Pit no. 4 (fig. 80/2), undisturbed. Dated to: the 4 th century (fig. 84/1-4, 6-8). In autumn 1986, in sector C, by creating a cassette on S XL, Pit no. 4 was uncovered, =1,6, h=1,04 m. Its inventory included not only ceramic, but also various other objects, a biconical piece (fig. 84/2), a horn used as piercing tool (fig. 84/3), a concave quern of reddish gritstone, with a deeper area for manipulating it (fig. 84/5) and a whetstone of yellowish gritstone for blade and points (fig. 84/4). The 11 + 2 - vessels found down there belong either to the coarse ceramic ware four items, six fine pottery, or to the yellowish fired pottery - one, whitish pottery - four (fig. 84/6), grayish - one (fig. 84/7) and an amphora wall. To these a vessel of greenish glass is to be added (fig. 84/1). Fragmented ceramic inventory: - coarse ceramic paste: 2 jars with alveoli on the rims for the lid ( mouth=16 cm); 1 food storage pot decorated with registers covered with horizontal or wavy incisions; 2 fragments of bases of the same vessel; - reddish-yellowish fine ceramic paste: 1 basis (=10,5 cm); 4 of whitish paste mixed with sand and few gravel; 2 rims and 2 bases, out of which one with a small stem (fig. 84/7; =8-9 cm); grayish, 1 small pot with flared rim (fig. 84/8); - imported ceramic: 1 vessel of greenish glass (fig. 84/1; =5,8 cm); 1 amphora wall.

Groapa nr. 5. Aglomerare nr. 1, sec. IV, IV-V / Agglomeration no. 1, 4th, 4rd-5th centuries


Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 1 biconical piece (fig. 84/2); - 1 piercing tool made of a horn (fig. 84/3); - 1 concave quern made of reddish gritstone, with a deeper area for manipulating it (fig. 84/6); 1 whetstone of yefigllowish gritstone for blades and points (fig. 84/4). 4.39. Cpl. 39. Groapa nr. 5, nederanjat. Datare: secolul al IV-lea (fig. 84/5). S-a spat n anul 1983, a aprut la baza depunerii brun-cafenii la adncimea de -0,60 m. Stare de conservare n general bun cu excepia unor deranjamente datorate lucrrilor agricole. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica de import: 1 toart masiv de amfor (fig. 84/5). Cpl. 39. Pit no. 5, undisturbed. Dated to: the 4th century (fig. 84/5). It was excavated in 1983, the basis of the brown soil, at the depth of -0,60 m. The state of conservation generally good except for some disturbances due to the agricultural works. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - imported ceramic: 1 massive handle of amphora (fig. 84/5).

Fig. 85. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roat: past zgrunuroas-negricioas, 1 oal; past fin cenuie, 2 baz; 3, 5 cni; 7-8, vase. 4 Cute; 6 silex atipic. Aglomerare de materiale nr. 1 cpl. 42, sec. IV-V. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: blackis coarse paste, 1 jar; grayish fine paste, 2 basis; 3 mug; 7-8 vase. 4 Whetstone; 6 atypical silex. Agglomeration of materials no. 1 cpl. 42, 4rd5th centuries.

4.40. Cpl. 42. Aglomerare de ceramic nr. 1. Datare: secolul al IV-lea, nceput de secol V (fig. 85). n anul 1986, n sectorul C, pe SXL, pe nivelul antic de clcare, aflat la circa -0,45 m, s-a descoperit o aglomerare de fragmente ceramice, deranjat de o locuin specific culturii Dridu L12. Puinele urme de chirpic, uor arse, pot indica prezena aici a unei construcii sezoniere, distruse de lucrrile de hidroameliorare. De la aceasta s-au pstrat resturile unei vetre, pe care se aprindea focul, folosindu-se


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

fragmentul de silex atipic descoperit aici (fig. 85/6). Uneltele se ascueau cu o cute de gresie (fig. 85/4). Din cele 22 vase, numai unul aparine celei modelate cu mna, majoritatea s-a lucrat la roat, trei din past zgrunuroas, amestecat i cu pietricele, o oal cenuie-negricioas nefinisat bine, la exterior se vd impresiuni de cereale, pe corp cu urme circulare, vas considerat de Andrei Opai ca fiind un import (fig. 85/1), o buz glbui-alburie, o baz cenuie, apte fragmente mai puin zgrunuroase (fig. 85/2), din care cinci erau arse cenuiu i unul glbui. Nou aparin categoriei ceramicii fine, opt cenuii (fig. 85/5, 7-8) i unul cenuiu-negricios (fig. 85/3) i dou amfore. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna glbui-roietic: perete de vas in past cu amot ( corp=8 cm); - ceramica din past zgrunuroas cenuie - negricioas: 1 oal cu buza rotunjit i corp bombat (fig. 85/1; buz=9,6 cm); 1 buz glbui-alburie (buz=16 cm); cenuie, 1 buz; - ceramica din past puin zgrunuroas: 6 buze uor ngroate (buz=20; 22; 24 cm); 1 baz inelar (fig. 85/2; baz=10 cm); - ceramica fin ars cenuiu: fuit neglijent n past cu amot, 1 margine cu profil n S (fig. 85/8; buz=14 cm); 1 margine de castron de culoare glbuie cu exteriorul slipuit; fin, 2 vase cu gt nalt (fig. 85/7; buz=16; 8 cm); 5 buze diferite (fig. 85/5); 1 toart n seciune oval; 2 baze inelare ( baz=7; 8 cm); - cenuie-negricioas, 1 gt de can decorat sub buz cu un zigzag lustruit (fig. 85/3); - ceramica de import: 1 toart n seciune oval i 1 corp, de la amfore diferite. Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 1 cute de gresie (fig. 85/4); 1 silex atipic (fig. 85/6). - Materiale de construcie: - fragmente de chirpici. Cpl. 42. Agglomeration of ceramic no. 1. Dated to: the 4th century, beginning of the 5 th (fig. 85). In 1986, in sector C, on SXL, on the ancient treading level, situated at about 0,45 m, there was discovered an accumulation of ceramic remains, disturbed by a dwelling specific to the Dridu culture L 12. The few traces of adobe, slightly fired, may indicate the presence down there of a seasonal construction, destroyed by the hydro-amelioration works. Where there would be put fire, as indicated by an atypical flint-stone (fig. 85/6), the items identified and a whetstone made of gritstone (fig. 85/4). Among the 22 vessels, only one belongs to the hand-made pottery. Most of them were made at the potters wheel and belongs to the categories specific, 3 coarse grayish - blackish ceramic ware, paste mixed also with few gravel, there was found an unfinished pot, showing on the exterior side the impressions of cereals, with the basis having circular traces from the removal from the wheel (fig. 85/1), possible imports, after Andrei Opai, whitish-yellowish rim, a grayish basis and other seven less coarse fragments (fig. 85/2), out of which four were grayish and another one yellowish. Nine belong to the category of fine pottery, eight grayish (fig. 85/5, 7-8) and one to the blackish - grayish pottery (fig. 85/3) and two amphorae. Inventory of the fragmented ceramic ware: - hand-made ceramic: reddish-yellowish, 1 body of paste mixed with broken potshards (=8 cm); - grayish-blackish coarse ceramic: 1 pot with rounded rim and rounded body (fig. 85/1; body=9,6 cm); yellowish-whitish, 1 rim (mouth=16 cm); - slightly coarse: 6 slightly thickened rims (=20; 22; 24 cm); 1 basis annular (fig. 85/2; =10 cm); - grayish fine pottery: negligently facetted, paste mixed with broken potshards, 1 edge of a pot with S profile (fig. 85/8; mouth=14 cm); 1 edge of a yellowish bowl with slip-covered exterior; grayish fine, 2 vessels with high neck (fig. 85/7; mouth=16; 8 cm); 5 different rims (fig. 85/5); 1 wide handle with oval cross-section; 2 annular bases (baz=7; 8 cm); grayish-blackish, 1 neck of a mug decorated under the rim with a polished zigzag (fig. 85/3); imported, 1 handle of oval cross-section, 1 body, of different amphorae. Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 1 whetstone of gritstone (fig. 85/4); 1 atypical flint stone (fig. 85/6). Construction materials: - pieces of adobe. 4.41. Cpl. 43. Aglomerare de materiale nr. 2. Datare: secolul al IV-lea (fig. 86). Locuina specific culturii Dridu, L13, aprut n sectorul B, pe S XLIII, a tiat o aglomerare de materiale specifice secolului al

Aglomerare de materiale nr. 2, sec. IV / Agglomeration of materials no. 2, 4th century


IV-lea. Era probabil tot o amenajare sezonier aflat pe nivelul antic de calcare, cum indic i inventarul. ntr-un perimetru de circa 2x2 m s-au gsit: o cute pentru ascuit lame (fig. 86/2) i 21 vase din care trei din past zgrunuroas, patru puin zgrunuroas, unul roietic i trei cenuii, plus 11 din ceramic fin, din care opt cenuii (fig. 86/1, 4, 6-7), trei glbui (fig. 86/5), unul din past negricioas (fig. 86/3), o baz de amfor roietic, datat n a doua jumtate a secolului al IV-lea de Andrei Opai (fig. 86/8; 167/12) i un corp de amfor glbuie. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica din past zgrunuroas: 1 corp de vas cu o canelur vlurit; 2 baze (=2x10 cm); - ceramic din past puin zgrunuroas roietic: 1 baz (=7 cm); cenuie, 1 pahar (buz=10 cm) i 2 baze drepte (=8; 10 cm); - ceramica fin cenuie: 1 can cu toart lat (=12 cm); 1 castron (fig. 86/1; buz=24 cm); 3 buze (fig. 86/4, 6; buz=16 cm); 3 baze inelare (fig. 86/7; =8; 10 cm); - ceramica din past glbuie, 3 oale (fig. 86/5; buze=13; 14; 16 cm); negircioas: 1 buz (fig. 86/3); import: 1 baz de amfor roietic (fig. 86/8); 1 corp de amfor glbuie. Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 1 cute de gresie cenuie (fig. 86/2).

Fig. 86. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roat: past fin cenuie: 1, castron; 3, 5-6, buze, 7, baz; zgrunuroas, 4, buz; 8, baz de amfor; 2, cute. Aglomerare de materiale nr. 2 cpl. 43, sec. IV. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: grayish fine paste, 1 tureen; 3, 5-6 rims, 7 basis; coarse, 4 rim; 8 basis of amphora; 2 whetstone. Agglomeration of materials no. 2 cpl. 43, 4th century.

Cpl. 43. Agglomeration of materials no. 2. Dated to: the 4th century (fig. 86). The dwelling specific to the Dridu culture, L13, sector B, SXLIII, cut an accumulation of materials specific to the 4 th century. It was probably also a seasonal structure situated on the ancient treading level, as indicated by the inventory. Within a perimeter of about 2x2 m there were found: a whetstone for sharpening blades (fig. 86/2) and 21 vessels out of which three made of coarse paste, four of slightly coarse paste, a reddish one and three grayish ones, plus


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

11 of fine ceramic ware, out of which eight grayish (fig. 86/1, 4, 6-7), three yellowish (fig. 86/5), one made of blackish paste (fig. 86/3), a basis of a reddish amphora (fig. 86/8) and a body of yellowish amphora. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - coarse ceramic: 1 body of decorated pot with a wavy groove; 2 bases (=2x10 cm); - slightly coarse ceramic, reddish: 1 basis (=7 cm); grayish, 1 beaker ( mouth=10 cm) and 2 straight bases (=8; 10 cm); - grayish fine ceramic: 1 mug with wide handle (mouth=12 cm); 1 bowl (fig. 86/1; =24 cm); 3 rims (fig. 86/4, 6; =16 cm); 3 bases annular (fig. 86/7; =8; 10 cm); yellowish, 3 jars (fig. 86/5; mouth=13-14; 16 cm); blackish, 1 rim (fig. 86/3); imported, 2 amphora, basis of reddish (fig. 86/8), body of yellowish. Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 1 whetstone of grayish gritstone (fig. 86/2).

Fig. 87. Banca Gar - apte case. 1,3 Locuine de suprafa nr. 4-5, cpl. 48, 51 sec. IV i 2-2a nr. 5, cpl. 51, sec. IV-V; 4-6 aglomerri de ceramic nr. 3-4, cpl. 60-61 i 2, sec. IV i IV-V. Planuri i profile. 1, 3 Surface dwellings no. 4-5, cpl. 48, 51, 4 th century; 4, 6 agglomeration of materials no. 3-4, cpl. 60-61 and 2, cpl. 64, 4th and 4rd5thcenturies. Plans and profiles.

4.42. Cpl. 48. Locuina de suprafa nr. 4 (87/1), datare secolul al IV-lea (fig 88), a aprut n sectorul B, pe S XLIII, n anul 1983. n perimetrul acesteia de 17 m 2, L=4,6 i l=3,7 m, ce se adncete la -0,27-0,38 m, se poate urmri amenajarea interioar. n colul de nord era vatra de form circular, cu diametre de 0,82x0,75 m.

Locuina de suprafa nr. 4, sec. IV / Surface dwelling no. 4, 4th century



Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Din interior locuinei s-au recuperat fragmente ceramice. Inventarul, nu prea bogat, era format din 9 vase, din care din ceramic fin cenuie erau trei vase, dou castroane i o oal, din ceramic zgrunuroas patru vase de provizii, iar dou de import. Patru dintre ele, ce provin de la vase de provizii modelate din past zgrunuroas, au aprut spre peretele de sud, ntr-un spaiu adncit, probabil special format pentru pstrarea proviziilor (fig. 88/5-9). La acestea se adaug trei vase din past cenuie folosite pentru gtit, dou castroane i o oal (fig. 88/1-2, 4), plus dou cioburi de amfore (fig. 3/10). Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica fin cenuie: 2 castroane, unul cu marginea invazat, sub buz i pe umr cu nervuri (fig. 88/1) altul emisferic (fig. 88/2); 1 oal (fig. 88/4); - ceramica zgrunuroas: 4 vase de provizii cu buze aproximativ n T (fig. 88/ 5-7, 9; =29; 2x34; 36 cm); ultimele dou au pe corp incizate registre acoperite cu benzi de linii drepte sau vlurite; 3 baze drepte (=10; 14; 22 cm); 1 baz inelar (fig. 88/8; =8 cm); - ceramica de import: 1 baz i 1 corp de la amfore diferite (fig. 88/3, 10; 167/11). Cpl. 48. Surface dwelling no. 4 (fig. 87/1), well preserved. Dated to: the 4 th century (fig. 88). It appeared in sector B, on S XLIII, in 1983. Within its surface, of 17 m 2, L=4,6 and w=3,7 m, and between the depths of -0,27-0,38 m, one can identify the interior arrangements. In the north corner there was the rather circular hearth with diameters of 82x75 m, and one weight (fig. 88/11). From within the dwelling there were recovered ceramic fragments of 9 vessels. Four of them are the remains of food storage vessels shaped out of coarse paste, and were found toward the south wall, in a deeper area, probably especially arrange, widened to obtain a cool place (fig. 88/5-9). Apart from these, there are also three vessels made of grayish paste used for cooking, two bowls and a pot (fig. 88/1-2, 4), plus two potsherds of amphorae (fig. 88/3, 10). Fragmented ceramic inventory: - grayish fine ceramic: 2 bowls, one with inner turned edge, under the rim and on the shoulder with nervures (fig. 88/1) another one hemispheric (fig. 88/2); 1 pot (fig. 88/4); - coarse fine ceramic: 4 food storage vessels with approximately T-shaped rims (fig. 88/5-7, 9; buz=29; 2x34; 36 cm); the latter two have on the body incised registers covered with straight or wavy lines; 3 bases straight (=10; 14; 22 cm); 1 annular basis (fig. 88/8; =8 cm); - imported ceramic: 1 basis and 1 body of different amphorae (fig. 88/3, 10; 167/11). Various artifacts - tools, utensis: - 1 weight. Construction materials: - 1 pieces of adobe, of hearth. 4.43. Cpl. 49. Groapa nr. 6, secolul al IV-lea (fig. 80/3; 89-90). S-a spat n toamna anului 1983, pe SXX, ntre M0-0,90. A aprut la baza depunerii brun-cafenii, la adncimea de -0,94 m, =1,05 m. La gura ei erau multe buci de chirpici (fig. 89/8). n groap s-a descoperit o fibul cu piciorul ntors pe dedesubt (fig. 89/2), o greutate de lut (fig. 89/9) i o pies de os tiat, poate un mner (fig. 89/5). Din cele 36 de vase, un castron cu toarte s-a modelat cu mna, ase din past zgrunuroas i acelai numr din past puin zgrunuroas, 23 fine, din care patru pri de vase aparin ceramicii arse rou (fig. 90/8, 10), unul celei cenuii-albicioase, 14 cenuii (fig. 89/3, 6, 7; 90/2, 4, 6-7, 11) i patru sunt specifice ceramicii negre (fig. 90/1, 3). Din groap s-au recoltat 51 resturi osoase i dentare, dintre care 16 nu au fost determinate specific (5 de la mamifere de talie mare, 11 de la mamifere de talie mijlocie i 1 pentru care nu a fost posibil nici mcar determinarea anatomic). Materialul a fost repartizat exclusiv mamiferelor, dintre care i dou slbatice. Din punct de vedere tafonomic s-au observat urmtoarele urme: pe dou resturi osoase de arsur neagr i pe cte unul semne de tranare, prelucrare sau descarnare. Alte 10 resturi de oase erau roase de carnivore. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna: 1 castron modelat din past ars cenuiu-glbuie, amestecat cu amot, cu toarte late (buz=34 cm); - ceramica din past zgrunuroas: 2 oale (buz=12; 14 cm); 4 vase de provizii, prima crmizie cu buza lit orizontal, decorate pe corp fie cu registre acoperite cu linii vlurite sau canelate (fig. 89/1, 4;

Groapa nr. 6, sec. IV / Pit no. 6, 4th century


buz=49 cm); 3 baze (=10; 14; 22 cm); - ceramica din past puin zgrunuroas: 1 can cu buza lobat, cu burlui de scurgere (fig. 90/5; buz=24 cm); 1 baz inelar (=8 cm); 3 perei cu motive n val i zigzag (fig. 89/3, 6; 90/8, 11); 1 corp cu o perforare spre baz; - past fin roie: 1 pahar (fig. 90/7; buz=6 cm); 1 oal prevzut cu o canelur pe gt (fig. 90/10) i 1 cu o canelur sub buz (buz=12 cm); 1 oal cu buza adncit pentru capac ( buz=14 cm); - fin cenuie, 1 can (fig. 90/9), lustruit, 1 castron cu marginea dreapt i buza uor evazat, cu o nervur pe gt, dedesubt cu un registru ornat cu zigzaguri lustruite (fig. 90/4; buz=20 cm); 2 castroane unul cu profil n S, altul cu un registru decorat cu linii vlurite (fig. 90/6; buz=20; 22 cm); 2 vase din care unul cu buza evazat i ngroat (fig. 89/7; buz=24 cm); 2 oale una ornat pe gt cu o band lustruit ( buz=10; 18 cm), alta cu buza ngroat ( buz=20 cm); 2 buze (buz=8; 10 cm); 3 cioburi decorate cu motive n val i zigzag (fig. 89/3, 6; 90/8, 11); 1 corp cu o perforate spre baz; 2 baze drepte pe una apare un unghi incizat (fig. 90/2; =8 cm) i 4 inelare (=6; 8; 9; 10 cm); - cenuie-albicioas: 1 castron (buz=10 cm); neagr: 1 pahar cu o nervur spre baz (fig. 90/3; buz=10 cm); 1 castron lustruit (fig. 90/1; buz=19 cm); 1 vas cu marginea invazat i buza rotunjit ( buz=16 cm); 1 vas cu buza lat (buz=22 cm). Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 1 fibul (fig. 89/2); - 1 greutate discoidal de lut, pstrat fragmentar (fig. 89/9); - 1 pies de os tiat la un capt, cu suprafaa cioplit i lustruit (fig. 89/5); - 1 cute pentru lame i vrfuri.

Fig. 89. Banca Gar - apte case. 2 Fibul, 5 os cioplit; 8 chirpic; 9 greutate; fragmente ceramice lucrate la roata olarului: past zgrunuroas, 1, 4 vase de provizii; 3, 7 perei decorai; fin cenuie, 6 oal. Groapa nr. 6 cpl. 49, sec. IV. 2 Fibula, 5 bone item cut; 8 pieces of adobe; 9 weight; ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: coarse paste, 1, 4 food storage vessel; 3, 7 walls decorated; grayish fine, 6 jar. Pit no. 6 cpl. 49, 4 th century.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Inventar faunistic fragmentar: - Bos taurus: piese ntregi, 1 astragal (dreapta), 2 dini molari inferiori, 2 mandibule (dreapta, stnga; de la un individ matur), metacarp (dreapta; de la individ matur) i piese fragmentare - 3 coxale, craniu (os temporal), 1 dinte jugal, 3 mandibule (2 stnga), 3 metatarsiene (1 dreapta), 1 scapula (stnga); - Canis lupus: falange proximal i mijlocie, de la acelai individ; - Cervus elaphus: fragment tibie; - Equus caballus: dinte jugal inferior dreapta; - Ovis/Capra: cte un fragment de radius i tibie de la indivizi maturi; Ovis aries: 2 dini molari superiori (de la indivizi maturi), fragmente de metatars (de la individ matur) i scapula (stnga); - Sus domesticus: cte un fragment de calcaneu (stnga), humerus (stnga) i mandibul (stnga), metapod (individ imatur); Sus scrofa: dinte canin de la un mascul, fragment de metapod de la individ matur. Materiale de construcie: - 23 buci de chirpici, unii cu urme de pari (fig. 89/8).

Fig. 90. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roat: past fin neagr, 1, 9 oale; 3 pahar; cenuie; 2 baz; 4, 6 castroane; 7 pahar; 8, 11 perei decorai; 10 oal; puin zgrunuroas, 5 can cu buza lobat. Groapa nr. 6 cpl. 49, sec. IV. Ceramic fragments: blackish fine paste, 1, 9 jars; 3 beaker; grayish; 2 basis; 4, 6 tureens; 7, beaker; 8, 11 walls decorated; 10 jar; slightly coarse, 5 mug with lobed rim. Pit no. 6 cpl. 49, 4th century.

Cpl. 49. Pit no. 6 (fig. 80/3), undisturbed. Dated to: the 4th century (fig. 80/3; 89-90). Excavated in autumn 1983, on SXX, between M0-0,90. It appeared at the basis of the brown soil, at the depth of -0,94 m, =1,05 m. At its mouth there were numerous fragments of adobe (fig. 89/8). In the pit there were discovered a fibula with under-turned

Groapa nr. 7, sec. IV / Pit no. 7, 4th century


stem (fig. 89/2), a clay weight (fig. 89/9) and a bone item that had been cut, maybe a handle (fig. 89/5). Out of the 36 vessels only one was hand made (fig. 90/9). The wheel-made ceramic ware includes six vessels of coarse paste (fig. 89/1, 4), two of slightly coarse paste (fig. 90/5), 23 fine paste, while four belong to the category of red fine pottery (fig. 90/8, 10), one to the whitish, 14 are made of grayish fine paste (fig. 89/3, 6-7; 90/2, 4, 6-7, 11), four are specific to the black ceramic ware (fig. 90/1, 3). It was also from the pit that there were picked up 51 bone and teeth remains, out of which 16 could not be specifically determined (5 of large mammals, 11 of average size mammals and 1 which did not allow even the anatomic determination). The material was distributed exclusively to mammals, out of which two wild ones. Taphonomically the following traces were noticed: on two bony remains black traces of firing and on one signs of butchering, on another of processing and on another of meat removal. Other 10 bone remains were gnawed by carnivores. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware: 1 tureen shaped out of grayish - yellowish paste mixed with broken potshards, on the shoulder there are wide handles (mouth=34 cm); - coarse ceramic: 2 jars (mouth=12; 14 cm); 4 food storage vessels, the first one of brick red nuance with the rim horizontally widened, decorated on the body either with registers covered with waved lines or with grooves (fig. 89/2, 4; mouth=49 cm); 3 bases (=10; 14; 22 cm); - slightly coarse ceramic: 1 mug with lobed rim, with a small beak (fig. 90/5; mouth=24 cm); 1 annular basis (=8 cm); - grayish fine ceramic, 1 mug (fig. 90/9), polished, 1 tureen with straight edge and slightly flared rim, with a nervure on the neck, underneath with a register decorated with polished zigzags (fig. 90/4; mouth=20 cm); 2 tureens one with S profile the other with a register decorated with waved lines (fig. 90/6; mouth=20; 22 cm); 2 vessels out of which one with flared and thickened rim (fig. 89/7; mouth=24 cm); 2 jars one decorated on the neck with a polished stripe ( mouth=10; 18 cm), the other with thickened rim ( mouth=20 cm); 2 rims (mouth=8; 10 cm); 3 potsherds decorated with wavy and zigzag motives (fig. 89/3, 6; 90/8, 11); 1 body with a perforation toward the basis; 2 straight bases one with an incised angle (fig. 90/2; body=8 cm) and 4 annular bases (=6; 8; 9; 10 cm); red fine pottery: 1 beaker with the body decorated with incised dots (fig. 90/7; mouth=6 cm); 1 pot with a groove on the neck (fig. 90/10) and 1 with a groove under the rim ( mouth=12 cm); 1 pot with the rim showing groove for the lid (mouth=14 cm); - whitish pottery: 1 tureen (mouth=10 cm); - black ceramic: 1 beaker with a nervure toward the basis (fig. 90/3; mouth=10 cm); 1 polished tureen (fig. 90/1; mouth=19 cm); 1 vase with inner turned and rounded rim ( mouth=16 cm); 1 vase with widened rim (mouth=22 cm); Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 1 fibula (fig. 89/2); - 1 discoid clay weight, preserved in fragmentary condition (fig. 89/9); - 1 bone item cut at one end, with the surface chopped and polished (fig. 89/5); - 1 whetstone for blades and points. Fragmented fauna inventory: - Bos taurus: whole items, 1 astragal (right), 2 lower molars, 2 mandibles (right, left; of an adult), metacarpal (right; of an adult) and fragmentary items - 3 hipbones, cranium (temporal bone), 1 jugal tooth, 3 mandibles (2 left), 3 metatarsals (1 right), 1 scapula (left); - Canis lupus: proximal and middle phalanges from the same individual; - Cervus elaphus: fragment of tibia; - Equus caballus: lower right jugal tooth; - Ovis/Capra: one fragment of radius and one of tibia of adult individuals; Ovis aries: 2 upper molars (of adults), fragments of metatarsal (of an adult) and scapula (left); - Sus domesticus: one fragment of calcaneus (left), humerus (left) and mandible (left), metapodal bone (of young individual); Sus scrofa: canine of a male and a fragment of a metapodal, of an adult. Construction materials: - 23 pieces of adobe, some with traces of posts (fig. 89/8). 4.44. Cpl. 50. Groapa nr. 7 (fig. 80/4), nederanjat. Datare: secolul al IV-lea. Descoperit n 1983, n sectorul S XII, la adncimea de -0,60 m, =0,7 m.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Din pmntul de umplutur s-au recuperat cteva fragmente ceramice specifice secolului al IV-lea. Cpl. 50. Pit no. 7 (fig. 80/4), undisturbed. Dated to: the 4th century. Discovered in 1983, in sector S XII, at the depth of -0,60 m, =0,7 m. From the filling soil, only few ceramic fragments specific to the 4 th century were discovered. 4.45. Cpl. 51. Locuina de suprafa nr. 5 (fig. 87/2), bine conservat. Datare: secolele IV-V (fig. 91-92). S-a descoperit n anul 1983, pe S XLIII, ntre M18-22. Locuina se afla ntr-o zon mai protejat, la o adncime mai mare, de -0,67 m, fapt pentru care s-a conservat mai bine n raport cu alte amenajri. Pentru ridicarea ei, ca i pentru alte construcii de acest fel, a fost diminuat panta de la sud la nord. Construcia cu orientarea nord-nord-est / sud-sud-vest, s-a realizat pe o structur format din pari, ntre ei cu o mpletitur de crengi i nuiele. Tot acest schelet s-a lutuit. La baza depunerii brun-cafenii, la -0,65 m, din vechea construcie au mai rmas cteva mici grmezi de fragmente de chirpici din lut amestecat cu plante uscate, cu urme de nuiele cu grosimi de circa 3-4 cm sau pari cu diametre de 6-10 cm, dar i de lemne despicate, czute pe podea. Ele indicau, ca i restul inventarului, un spaiu locuibil cu o suprafa de 15,75 m 2, L=4,70; l=3,35 m. n interior, spre latura de nord-vest s-au pstrat cteva fragmente de lipituri de vatr, din lut amestecat cu nisip. n apropiere se aflau mai multe pri de lupe de fier (fig. 91/11-12), indicnd posibilitatea practicrii aici a unei activiti de prelucrare a fierului, prin prezena aici a lupelor de fier.

Fig. 91. Banca Gar apte case. 1 Sfer de gresie; 2 mrgic; 6 cochilie de Cerithium sp.; 11-12 zgur de fier. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roata olarului: past fin cenuie, 3, 8 oale; 4 buz; modelat cu mna, 5 oal, 7 ciob; 9-10 baze. Locuina de suprafa nr. 5 cpl. 51, sec. IV-V. 1 Ball of clay; 2 bead; 6 shell of Cerithium sp.; 11-12 iron slag. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: grayish fine paste, 3, 8 jars; 4 rim; hand made, 5 jar, 7 potsherd; 9-10 bases. Surface dwelling no. 5 cpl. 51, 4rd5th centuries.

Cu deosebire spre peretele de sud-est apar forme ceramice modelate cu mna, dar mai ales la roat. Locul descoperirii diferitelor piese din inventar poate indica, eventual, o modalitate de ordonare a spaiului interior. n acest sens cele patru oale lucrate din past cu mult nisip (fig. 92/1, 3-5, 7), concentrate mai ales n preajma peretelui de sud-est, marcau spaiul folosit pentru pstrarea proviziilor; sfera, mrgica i o cochilie (fig. 91/1-2, 6), gsite spre peretele de vest pot indica spaiul de dormit iar greutatea tronconic perforat (fig.

Locuina de suprafa nr. 5, sec. IV-V / Surface dwelling no. 5, 4rd-5th centuries


92/6), gsit spre colul de sud-vest, indic probabil locul n care era un rzboi de esut vertical, o argea fixat cu tlpici pe podea, nu se vd urmele unor pari, i la partea superioar de grinzile casei. n total, n locuin se aflau un numr de 37 de vase, ntre care din categoria ceramicii modelat cu mna ase vase diferite, dou oale, 1 cuie, un corp de vas i o baz (fig. 91/5, 7, 9-10); 31 din categoria celei lucrate la roat, 6 din past zgrunuroas, din care trei roii sau glbui-cenuii (fig. 92/1, 3, 5), trei cenuii, 6 puin zgrunuroase confecionate din past cu nisip de granulaie mare i pietricele mrunte (fig. 92/7-8), 1 roie (fig. 91/3-4); 17 fin cenuie (fig. 91/7; 92/2, 4). ntre importuri amintim pe lng fragmentele de la dou amfore, una roietic i alta crmizie deschis, o mrgic (fig. 91/2) i o cochilie de Cerithium sp. cu o perforaie, probabil a fost folosit ca pandantiv (fig. 91/6). Inventarul faunistic nu a fost prea numeros, 19 resturi osoase i dentare, dintre care unul de provenien uman iar altele cinci, nefiind determinate taxonomic, au fost atribuite grupului de mamifere de talie mare. n urma determinrilor specifice s-a constatat c resturile provin exclusiv de la mamifere, dintre care i o specie slbatic. Un rest osos avea urme de arsur iar altul a fost ros de carnivore.

Fig. 92. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roat: past zgrunuroas 1, 3 oale, 5 baz; puin zgrunuroas, 7-8 oale; fin, 2 baze; 4 castron; 6 greutate. Locuina de suprafa nr. 5 cpl. 51, sec. IV-V. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: coarse paste 1, 3, 5; slightly coarse 7-8; fine 2, 4. 1, 3, 7-8 Jars; 2, 5 bases; 4 tureen; 6 weight. Surface dwelling no. 5 cpl. 51, 4rd5th centuries.

Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna, crmizie: 1 perete nuit (fig. 91/7); glbuie, 1 baz uor evazat dup arderea puternic putea fi o cuie (fig. 91/9; baz=6 cm); 2 oale acoperite cu slip dar finisate neglijent fapt pentru care au mari denivelri la suprafa (fig. 91/5; buz=14; 16 cm); 1 baz de culoare glbui-cenuie (fig. 91/10; buz=12 cm); - ceramica din past zgrunuroas roie: 1 buz de la un vas de provizii i 3 fragmente decorate cu fine benzi liniare suprapuse de altele n val; glbui-cenuie, dar cu miez negru, 1 baz (=11 cm); cenuie, 1


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

oal, buza acesteia are interior cteva incizii concentrice (fig. 92/1; buz=20 cm); 1 oal, probabil baza uor evazat provine de la vasul cu buza nuit (fig. 92/3, 5; =14 cm) i 3 baze (=2x75; 10 cm); - past puin zgrunuroas roie: 1 gt de vas ornat cu incizii adnci (fig. 91/4; buz=18 cm); 1 baz de vas (=10 cm); cenuie, 2 oale fine din past cu nisip i foarte puine pietricele, pe gt i corp cu benzi incizate (fig. 92/7-8; buz=14; 17 cm); 1 oal cu buza alungit i ngroat cu nuire pentru capac ( buz=12 cm); 1 oal cu marginea invazat buza tras spre exterior; 2 baze puin evazate (=10; 10,4 cm); 1 fragment de corp ce are interior, de la finisare, caneluri adnci ( corp =12 cm); - ceramica fin ars cenuiu: 1 pahar (fig. 91/8; buz=6,5 cm); 2 castroane cu profil n S, primul cu o perforare sub buz (fig. 92/4; buz=10; 12 cm) i alte trei buze de la 2 castroane tot cu profil n S; 1 castron semisferic; 4 castroane cu pereii evazai; 3 oale, 1 cu nuire pentru capac; 1 vas bitronconic (=6 cm); 2 baze inelare (fig. 92/2; baz=6; 10 cm); import: 1 fragment de mnu roietic; 1 fragment de corp de amfor crmizie pe ea cu o band lat acoperit cu alb. Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 1 bil de lut cu o adncitura cilindric (fig. 91/1; =15 cm); 1 greutate tronconic de lut, perforat, de la rzboiul de esut (fig. 92/6); - 1 cute de gresie glbui-cenuie, finisat pe o fa. Obiecte de podoab: - 1 mrgic discoidal de sticl (fig. 91/2; =19 cm); - 1 cochilie de Cerithium sp. (fig. 91/6). Inventar faunistic fragmentar: - Bos taurus: piese ntregi - calcaneu (stnga), dinte molar inferior (dreapta) i piese fragmentare craniu (frontal dreapta), 4 mandibule (1 stnga, 1 dreapta), tibie; - Capreolus capreolus: fragment tibie (dreapta); - Equus caballus: cte un fragment de metacarp i tibie; - Sus domesticus: cte un fragment de mandibul (dreapta, de la un individ matur), scapula (dreapta). Materiale de construcie: - buci de chirpici i de lipituri; - zgur de fier (fig. 91/11-12). Cpl. 51. Surface dwelling no. 5, well preserved. Dated to: the 4rd 5th centuries (fig. 87/2; 91-92). It was discovered in 1983, on SXLIII, between M18-22. The dwelling was situated in a more protected zone, at a bigger depth, of -0,67 m, that is why it was better preserved in relation with other structures. For building it, like in the case of other similar constructions, the slope was diminished from south to north. The construction with the north-northeast / south-southwest orientation was created on a structure of posts, with thick branches and wattle between them. All this structure was then lined with clay. At the basis of the brown soil, at -0,65 m, of the ancient construction there were preserved few pieces of adobe, paste mixed with dry, with traces of branches of about 3-4 cm or posts with diameters of 6-10 cm, but also of split logs, fallen on the floor. They indicated, like for the rest of the inventory, a living space with a surface of 15,75 m 2, L=4,70; w=3,35 m. Inside, to the north-west side, several pieces of hearth a re-layer of clayey, paste mixed with sand were preserved. Especially toward the southeast wall there appear pieces of hand made ceramic, but wheel-made. The places where various elements of the inventory were discovered may indicate, possibly a way of ordering the interior space. In this regard, the four jars made of paste mixed with a lot of sand (fig. 92/1, 3-5, 7), concentrated especially near the southeast wall marked a space used for storing food; the sphere, bead and shell (fig. 91/1-2, 6) found toward the west wall may indicate the sleeping space, and the perforated conical weight (fig. 92/6) found toward the south-west corner indicate probably the place where there was a vertical loom, a loom frame embedded in the floor, there are no traces of post visible, and in the upper part the beams of the house. The dwelling contained a total number of 37 de vessels, among which five of the hand made pottery, two jars, 1 primitive lamp, a pot body and a basis (fig. 91/5, 8-10); 31 - the category of the wheel-made pottery included 6 vessels of coarse paste, out of which three of grayish yellowish paste (fig. 92/1, 3, 5); three red; 6 of slightly coarse paste mixed with large grain sand and small gravel (fig. 92/7-8), 1 red (fig. 91/3-4); 17 vessels of grayish fine pottery (fig. 91/7; 92/2,4) and two amphorae. As for the imported pottery, mention should be made of the fragments of two amphorae, a reddish one and the other light red-brick, and of a bead (fig. 91/2) and a shell of Cerithium sp. with a perforation, probably it was used as a pendant (fig. 91/6).

Locuina de suprafa nr. 5, sec. IV / Surface dwelling no. 5, 4th centuries


The fauna inventory was not too large, it included 19 bone and tooth remains, out of which one of human origin and the others, without taxonomic determination, were assigned to the group of large mammals. Following the specific determination, it was noticed that the remains resulted exclusively from mammals, out of which also a wide species. A bony remain had traces of firing and another one was gnawed by carnivores. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - brick-red hand made ceramic ware: 1 body of a pot, crossed by a groove (fig. 91/8); yellowish, 1 basis slightly flared following the strong firing thereof it could have been a primitive lamp (fig. 91/9; basis=6 cm); 2 jars covered with slip but carelessly finished reason why they show considerable superficial differences of level (fig. 91/5; mouth=14; 16 cm); 1 basis of grayish yellowish paste (fig. 91/10; =12 cm); - red coarse ceramic: 1 rim of a food storage pot and 3 fragments decorated with fine linear stripes superposed by other wavy stripes; grayish yellowish, yet with black core, 1 basis (=11 cm); grayish, 1 pot, its rim has inside few concentric incisions (fig. 92/1; mouth=20 cm); 1 pot, probably the slightly flared basis results from the same pot also with drawn motives (fig. 92/3, 5; =14 cm); 3 bases (=2x7,5; 10 cm); - red slightly coarse ceramic: 1 neck of a pot with deep incisions (fig. 91/4; =18 cm); 1 basis of a pot ( =10 cm); grayish, 2 fine jars, paste mixed with sand and very few gravel showing incised lines on the neck and body (fig. 92/7-8; mouth=14; 17 cm); 1 pot with longer and thickened rim showing a groove for the lid (mouth=12 cm); 1 pot with inner turned edge and rim drawn to the exterior; 2 slightly flared bases (=10; 10,4 cm); 1 fragment of a pot body that has inside deep grooves from the finishing ( body=12 cm); - gray pottery ceramic: 1 beaker (fig. 91/7; mouth=6,5 cm); 2 tureens with S profile, the formerwith a perforation under the rim (fig. 92/4; mouth=10; 12 cm) and three other rims of 2 tureens also with S profile; 1 hemispherical bowl; 4 tureens with flared walls; 3 jars, 1 with a groove for the lid; 1 biconical pot (=6 cm); 2 annular bases (fig. 92/2; =6; 10 cm); imported ceramic: 1 fragment of reddish handle; 1 fragment of a reddish amphora body with a wide stripe covered with white. Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 1 ball of clay with a cylindrical notch (fig. 91/1; =15 cm); 1 perforated conical clay weight which was used for the loom (fig. 92/6); - 1 whetstone made of grayish - yellowish gritstone, finished on one side. Jewelry items: - 1 discoid glass bead (fig. 91/2; =19 cm); 1 shell (fig. 91/6). Fragmented fauna inventory: - Bos taurus: whole items - calcaneus (left), lower molar (right) and fragmentary items - cranium (frontal right), 4 mandibles (1 left, 1 right), tibia; - Capreolus capreolus: fragment of tibia (right); - Equus caballus: one fragment of metacarpal and one of tibia; - Sus domesticus: one fragment of mandible (right, of an adult) and one of scapula (right). Construction materials: - 1 pieces of adobe, of hearth; - iron slag (fig. 91/11-12). 4.46. Cpl. 57. Locuina de suprafa nr. 5, conservat mediu. Datare: secolul al IV-lea (fig. 87/3; 94/1-12). S-a spat n anul 1986, pe S VIII, n uoar pant, n sectorul C. Precum i celelalte complexe de acest fel, a fost n parte distrus din cauza inundaiilor. Nu difer ca sistem de construcie n raport cu restul locuinelor. Podeaua lutuit, de 9,30 m 2, L=3,30 i l=2,85 m, cu urme de refacere, se afla la adncimea de -0,37 m. n interior, spre peretele de sud gsim urmele vetrei, buci de lipituri amestecate cu nisip, depuse direct pe sol, n preajm cu mult cenu, crbune i puine pietre arse. Inventarul apare nc din stratul vegetal dar este mai numeros n solul brun-cafeniu. n apropierea vetrei se afla o fusaiol sferic, perforat bitronconic, probabil datorit uzurii (fig. 94/1) i o cute de gresie n seciune transversal-oval (fig. 94/10). Din cele 23 de vase, unul aparine ceramicii din past zgrunuroas (fig. 94/3), patru celei puin zgrunuroase (fig. 94/9, 11), 13 fine cenuii, iar una era neagr lustruit i cte una a fost ars roz-glbui sau alb-roz (fig. 94/12). Ceramica cenuie fin a fost mai numeroas (fig. 94/2, 4-6, 7-8). Dou fragmente de amfore - ntregesc inventarul. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica din past zgrunuroas: 1 oal cu buza nuit interior pentru capac (fig. 94/3);


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

- ceramica din past puin zgrunuroas: 1 buz lat de la un vas de provizii; 1 baz inelar i 2 drepte (fig. 94/9, 11; =8; 2x10 cm); - ceramica fin ars cenuiu: 1 can cu gt nalt (mouth=11 cm); 2 castroane cu profil n S, gura larg (fig. 94/2); unul cu o nuire pe maxima curbur; 1 oal cu gtul nuit, corp bombat (=24 cm); 1 vas cu gt cilindric i corp bombat (mouth=8 cm); 3 margini invazate cu buze trase exterior ngroate (fig. 94/4-6; mouth=14,5; 20; 24 cm) sau nu; 1 margine dreapt cu buza uor ngroat ( mouth=18 cm); 1 vas cu o nuire pe maxima bombare a corpului din care s-au pstrat dou fragmente (=20 cm); 1 baz inelar (=10 cm); 4 corpuri din care 2 decorate cu incizii orizontale, 1 cu linii vlurite (fig. 94/8) i unul simplu (fig. 94/7); 1 toart prevzut cu dou nuiri longitudinale; - ceramica neagr lustruit: 1 corp de vas ( corp=15 cm); roz-glbuie, 1 castron cu profil uor n S (buz=22 cm); alb-rozie, 1 toart cu seciunea oval, acoperit cu angob (fig. 94/12); - ceramica de import: 1 mnu de amfor crmizie; 1 corp de amfor. Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 1 fusaiol sferic de lut, perforarea cilindric devine spre extremiti tronconic (fig. 94/1); - 1 pies de gresie, n seciunea transversal oval (fig. 94/10). Materiale de construcie: - buci de chirpici.

Fig. 93. Banca Gar - apte case. 1 Fusaiol; fragmente ceramice lucrate la roat: past fin cenuie, 2; 3-6 oale; 7-8; zgrunuroas, 9, 11 baze; alb-rozie, 10, 12 toarte. 1-12 Locuina de suprafa nr. 5 cpl. 57, sec. IV. 1 Biconical piece; ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: grayish fine paste, 2, 3-6 jars; 7-8 rims walls; coarse, 9, 11 bases; pinkish - white, 10, 12 handle. 1-12 Surface dwelling no. 5 cpl. 57, 4th century.

Cpl. 57. Surface dwelling no. 5, average state of conservation. Dated to: the 4 th century (fig. 87/3; 94/1-12). It was excavated in 1986, on S VIII, in a slight slope, in sector C. It was subject, like the other fetures of this kind, to floods. It does not differ as construction system from the other surface dwellings. The clay lined floor of 9,30 m 2, L=3,30 and w=2,85 m, with traces of remaking, was at the depth of -0,37 m. Inside the dwelling, toward the south wall, we found the traces of the hearth, pieces of clayey mixed with

Aglomerare de ceramic nr. 3, sec. IV / Agglomeration of materials no. 4, 4th century


sand, laid directly on the ground, surrounded by ash, coal and few fired stones. The inventory appears already in the vegetal layer but is richer in the brown soil. Near the hearth there was a spherical piece, biconically perforated, probably due to wear (fig. 94/1) and a whetstone of gritstone with oval cross-section (fig. 94/10). Among the 23 vessels, one belongs to the category of coarse pottery (fig. 94/3), four to the category of slightly coarse po ttery (fig. 94/9, 11), 13 grayish fine, one are blackish, polished and one was yellowish pink or white-pink after firing (fig. 94/12). The grayish fine pottery is the most numerous (fig. 94/2, 4-6, 7-8). Two fragments of amphorae complete the inventory. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - coarse pottery: 1 pot with inner grooved rim for the lid (fig. 94/3); - slightly coarse ceramic: 1 wide rim of a food storage pot; 1 annular basis and 2 straight ones (fig. 94/9, 11; =8; 2x10 cm); - grayish fine ceramic: 1 mug with high neck (mouth=11 cm); 2 tureens with S profile, wide mouth (fig. 94/2); one with a groove on the maximal diameter; 1 pot with the neck marked by a groove, rounded body (gt=24 cm); 1 pot with cylindrical neck and rounded body (=8 cm); 3 inner turned edges with thickened rims drawn to the exterior (fig. 94/4-6; mouth=14,5; 20; 24 cm) or not; 1 straight edge with slightly thickened rim (mouth=18 cm); 1 pot with a groove on the maximal diameter of the body out of which two fragments were preserved (body=20 cm); 1 annular basis (=10 cm); 4 pot bodies out of which 2 were decorated with horizontal incisions, 1 with waved lines (fig. 94/8) and one simple (fig. 94/7); 1 handle with two longitudinal grooves; - black polished ceramic: 1 pot body (=15 cm); yellowish - pink, 1 tureen with a slightly S profile (mouth=22 cm); pinkish - white, 1 handle of oval cross-section, covered with slip (fig. 94/12); - imported ceramic: 1 handle of red brick amphora; 1 pot of an amphora. Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 1 spherical clay piece, the cylindrical perforation becomes conical toward the ends (fig. 94/1); - 1 gritstone item, of oval cross-section (fig. 94/10). Construction materials: - 1 pieces of adobe, of hearth.

Fig. 94. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice, past neagr lustruit, 1 castron; fin cenuie, 2 castron; 3-4 buze, perei; modelat cu mna, 5 oal. 1-5 Aglomerare ceramic nr. 3 cpl. 60, sec. IV. Ceramic fragments black polished, 1 tureen; grayish fine paste, 2 tureen; 3-4 rims, walls; hand made, 5 jar. 1-5 Agglomeration of materials no. 3 cpl. 60, 4th century.

4.47. Cpl. 60. Aglomerare de ceramic nr. 3, construcie sezonier de suprafa. Datare: secolul al IV-lea (fig. 87/4; 94/1-5). A aprut pe seciunea XX, n anul 1986, n sectorul C. Din cele 12 vase, dou s-au modelat cu mna (fig. 94/5) i 10 la roata olarului, din care unul din past zgrunuroas, altul din past puin zgrunuroas, unul negru lustruit (fig. 94/1), cinci cenuii fine (fig.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

94/2-3), un vas are un decor imprimat (fig. 94/4), plus o amfor roz-crmizie. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna: 1 ciob decorat cu bru simplu i 1 buz de oal (fig. 94/5); - ceramica din past zgrunuroas: 1 ciob decorat cu incizii n val; - ceramic din past puin zgrunuroas: 1 baz (=9 cm); - ceramica fin; 1 castron cu nervur pe umr (fig. 94/2); 3 buze (94/3); 1 baz (=11 cm); 1 vas cu toart, probabil o can lustruit; neagr: 1 castron lustruit, cu umr carenat (fig. 94/1; buz=22 cm); - ceramica de import: 1 mnu de amfor roz-crmizie; 1 vas cu decor imprimat (fig. 94/4). Cpl. 60. Agglomeration of ceramic no. 3, seasonal construction above ground. Dated to: the 4th century (fig. 87/4; 94/1-5). It appeared in trench XX, in 1986, in sector C. The inventory includes 12 vessels, two hand made (fig. 94/5) and 10 wheel-made ones, out of which one of coarse paste and slighly coarse paste, one of black polished paste (fig. 94/1), five of grayish fine paste (fig. 94/2-3), one pot has an imprinted ornament (fig. 94/4) and a brick-pink amphora. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware: 1 potsherd decorated with a simple belt and 1 pot rim (fig. 94/5); - coarse pottery: 1 potsherd decorated with wavy incisions; - slightly coarse ceramic: 1 basis (=9 cm); grayish fine ceramic ware; 1 tureen with a nervure on the shoulder (fig. 94/2); 3 rims (94/3); 1 basis (=11 cm); 1 pot with handle, probably from a polished mug; blackish: 1 tureen of polished paste, with ridged shoulder (fig. 94/1; mouth=22 cm); - imported ceramic: 1 handle amphora, brick-pink paste; 1 pot with imprinted ornament (fig. 94/4). 4.48. Cpl. 61. Aglomerare de materiale nr. 4, construcie sezonier de suprafa. Datare: secolul al IV-lea (fig. 87/5; 95). S-a spat n anul 1986, n sectorul C, pe S XXI. Aglomerarea a fost deranjat de bordeiul medieval, cpl. 58. Puinele i mruntele fragmente de chirpic se pare c au aparinut unei amenajri sezoniere, n inventarul creia era i o fusaiol (fig. 95/9). Din totalul de 31 de vase, dou au fost modelate cu mna (fig. 95/8), 29 la roata olarului, din care dou provin de la vase lucrate din past zgrunuroas, patru puin zgrunuroas i 20 au fost specifice ceramicii fine, din care unul era roietic, 17 cenuii fine (fig. 95/1-6, 10-15) i dou erau negre lustruite (fig. 95/7). Plus trei amfore, una roz-crmizie, alta roietic i ultima albicioas. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna: 1 castron cu gura larg (fig. 95/8); 2 baze (=10; 12 cm); 1 ciob; - ceramica din past zgrunuroas: 2 cioburi decorate cu incizii vlurite unul cu buza n T; - ceramica din past puin zgrunuroas: 1 castron cu profil n S ( buz=14 cm); 1 buz (buz=13 cm); 2 baze drepte (=2 x 8 cm); 2 baze inelare (=12 cm); - ceramica fin: mat roie, 1 baz (=6,5 cm); cenuie: 5 castroane din care unul cu profil n S (fig. 95/11; buz=11 cm); altul avea umrul carenat (fig. 95/3; buz=14,5 cm); 2 gura larg (fig. 95/12; buz=21; 18 cm); 3 oale pe umr cu nervuri i ornate cu zigzaguri simple sau ntretiate (fig. 95/1-2, 15; buz=12; 22; 24 cm); 2 buze (95/6); 2 cioburi cu decor imprimat (fig. 95/4) sau lustruit n zigzag (fig. 95/5); 2 baze din care una cu marginea alveolat (fig. 95/11); 2 toarte late (fig. 95/14); - ceramica neagr lustruit: 1 castron bitronconic marcat spre diametrul maxim cu o nervur (fig. 95/7; buz=22 cm); 1 vas cu toart probabil o can; ceramica de import: 1 mnu de amfor roz-crmizie; 2 corpuri unul de la o amfor roietic altul de la una albicioas. Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 1 fusaiol de lut sferic, de culoare cenuie, a crei perforare cilindric spre extremiti devine tronconic (fig. 95/9). Materiale de construcie: - 1 buci de chirpic i vatr. Cpl. 61. The agglomeration of materials no. 4, seasonal construction above ground. Dated to: the 4th century (fig. 87/5; 95). It was excavated in 1986, in sector C, on S XXI. The small accumulation was disturbed by the medieval hut, cpl. 58. The few and small fragments of adobe could be part of a temporary structure, in which piece, was also found (fig. 95/9). Out of the total of 31 vessels, two were hand made (fig. 95/8), 29 were wheel-made, out of which

Groapa nr. 3, sec. III-IV / Pit no. 3, 3rd-4th centuries


two resulted from vessels made of coarse paste, four of slightly coarse paste and two of fine paste one red, 20 of fine paste (fig. 95/1-6, 10-15) of which one was reddish, 17 fine grayish (fig. 95/1-6, 10-15) and two of black polished paste (fig. 95/7). Three potsherds, one brick-pink, another reddish and one blackish, resulted from different amphorae.

Fig. 95. Banca Gar apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roata olarului: past fin cenuie, 1-3, 6-7 oale; 4-5 perete decorat; 3, 5-6, 10-12, 14-15 castroane; 4 baz; 7, 13 toarte, ultima neagr; 8 oal; modelat cu mna, 8 castron. 9 Fusaiol. Aglomerare de ceramic nr. 4 cpl. 61, sec. IV. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: grayish fine paste, 13, 6-7 jars; 4-5 wall decorated; 3, 5-6, 1012, 14-15 tureens; 4 basis; 7, 13 handle; 8 jar; hand made ceramic, 8 tureen. 9 Biconical piece. Agglomeration of ceramic no. 4 cpl. 61, 4th century.

Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware: 1 tureen with wide mouth (fig. 95/8); 2 bases (=10; 12 cm); - coarse ceramic: 2 potsherds decorated with wavy incisions one with T-shaped rim; - ceramic ware of slightly coarse: 1 tureen with S profile ( mouth=14 cm); 1 rim (mouth=13 cm); 2 straight bases (=2x8 cm); 2 annular bases (=12 cm); - fine ceramic ware: red mat paste, 1 basis (=6,5 cm); grayish, 5 tureens out of which one with S profile (fig. 95/11; mouth=11 cm); another one with ridged shoulder (fig. 95/3; mouth=14,5 cm); 2 with flared mouth (fig. 95/12; mouth=21; 18 cm); 3 jars with a nervure on the shoulder one decorated and also with two interlaced zigzags (fig. 95/1-2, 15; mouth=12; 22; 24 cm); 2 rims (95/6); 2 potsherds with imprinted (fig. 95/4) and zigzag polished (fig. 95/5) ornament; 2 bases out of which one with alveoli edge (fig. 95/11); 2 wide handles ( fig. 95/14); - black polished ceramic: 1 biconical tureen marked toward the maximal diameter with a nervure (fig. 95/7; mouth=22 cm); 1 vase with handle probably a mug; - imported ceramic: 1 brick-pink handle of amphora; 2 bodies of a reddish amphora another one of a


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

whitish one. Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 1 spherical piece with the cylindrical perforation turned conical toward the ends (fig. 95/9). Construction materials: - 1 pieces of adobe, of hearth. 4.49. Cpl. 62. Groapa nr. 3, nederanjat. Datare: secolele III-IV. S-a gsit n 1986, pe sectorul C, S XV, are form de clopot, cu gurii=0,56; baz=6,5; h=5,4 cm. Inventarul srac cuprinde pri de la patru vase realizate din ceramic cenuie i o amfor. Lor se altur un numr mic de resturi osoase 6, dintre care un astragal de Bos taurus. Alte cinci oase nu au fost determinate taxonomic: 4 de la mamifere de talie mare, 1 de la mamifer de talie mijlocie. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica cenuie: fragmente de la 8 vase. - ceramica de import: 3 pri de la dou amfore. Inventar faunistic fragmentar: - Bos taurus, un astragal dreapta; - 4 de la mamifere de talie mare, 1 de la mamifer de talie mijlocie. Cpl. 62. Pit no. 3, undisturbed. Dated to: the 3 rd4th centuries. It was found in 1986, on sector C, S XV, it is bell-shaped, with mouth=0,56; base=6,5; h=0,54 cm. The poor inventory includes parts of four vessels made of grayish paste and of one amphorae. Apart from these there are also bony remains - 6, out of which an astragal of Bos taurus. Five other bones were not taxonomically determined: 4 resulted from large mammals, 1 from an average size mammal. Fragmented fauna inventory: - Bos taurus, a right astragal: - 4 from large mammals, 1 from an average size mammal. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - grayish ceramic: fragmented with 8 vessels; - imported pottery: 3 parts of rwo amphorae. 4.50. Cpl. 64. Aglomerare de materiale nr. 2, construcie sezonier de suprafa. Datare: secolele IV-V (fig. 87/6; 96). n anul 1986, n sectorul C, pe SXXIII, ntr-o zon nclinat sud-nord, la baza solului brun-cafeniu, la adncimea de -0,60 m, s-au surprins cteva buci de chirpici pe o parte cu urme de nuiele, prea mprtiate pentru a trasa o locuin de suprafa, distrus de iroiri, probabil i a unor inundaii. Datarea s-a realizat pe baza ceramicii, ase pri de la vase diferite i dou de amfore - 8, cinci fine cenuii (fig. 96/2-6), una puin zgrunuroas (fig. 96/8) i 2 amfore (fig. 96/4, 6). Inventarului menionat se altur inventarul faunistic: 18 resturi osoase i dentare, provenite exclusiv de la specii de mamifere domestice; patru fragmente osoase nu au fost determinate specific (3 de la mamifere de talie mare, 1 de la mamifere de talie mijlocie). Pe suprafaa a cinci resturi osoase erau i urme ale dinilor de carnivore. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica din past puin zgrunuroas: 1 oal (fig. 96/3; buz=11 cm); - ceramica fin cenuie: 1 pahar (fig. 96/1; buz=6,5 cm); 1 castron (fig. 96/2; buz=11,5 cm); 1 vas cu toart (fig. 96/5); 1 baz inelar (fig. 96/8; =10 cm); 1 baz dreapt (fig. 96/7; =15 cm); - ceramica de import: 1 fragment de cop de amfor i 1 baz (fig. 96/4, 6). Inventar faunistic fragmentar: - Bos taurus: piese ntregi - 2 dini molari inferiori stnga, 1 falang proximal i piese fragmentare 1 coxal, 2 mandibule (dreapta, stnga), metatars (dreapta), scapula (stnga), 2 tibii (dreapta); - Equus caballus: falang proximal;
- Ovis/Capra: fragment mandibul dreapta;

- Sus domesticus: cte un fragment de craniu i humerus (stnga).

Aglomerare de materiale nr. 2, sec. IV-V / The agglomeration of materials no. 2, 4rd-5th centuries


Fig. 96. Banca Gar apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roata olarului: past fin cenuie, 1 pahar; 2 castron; 3 oale; 5 perete; 7-8 baze; 4, 6 baz i perete de amfor. Aglomerare de materiale nr. 2, cpl. 64; 9-10 fragmente de zgur, groapa 3 cpl. 69a, sec. IV-V. Ceramics fragments made with the potters wheel: fine paste, 1 beaker; 2 tureen; 3 jar; 5 wall; 7-8 bases; 4, 6 bases, wall of amphorae. Agglomeration of materials no. 2, cpl. 64; 9-10 rusted iron slag, pit no. 3 cpl. 69a; 4rd5th centuries.

Cpl. 64. The agglomeration of materials no. 2, seasonal construction above ground. Dated to: the 4rd5th centuries (fig. 87/6; 96). In 1986, in sector C, on SXXIII, in an area with south-north oriented slope, at the basis of the brown soil, at the depth of -0,60 m, there were identified few pieces of adobe with traces of wattle, too spread so to be able to draw the contour of a surface dwelling, destroyed by water trickling, probably also by floods. It was dated on the basis of the five fine grayish ceramic ware (fig. 96/2-6), of one fragment of the slightly coarse pottery (fig. 96/8) and two amphorae (fig. 96/4, 6). To the above inventory the fauna remains are to be added: 18 bone and tooth remains, resulting exclusively of species of domestic mammals; four bony fragments could not be specifically determined (3 from large mammals, 1 an average size mammal). Five of the bony remains showed traces of carnivore teeth. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - slightly coarse ceramic: 1 pot (fig. 96/3; mouth=11 cm); - gray fine ceramic: 1 beaker (fig. 96/1; mouth=6,5 cm); 1 tureen (fig. 96/2; mouth=11,5 cm); 1 a pot with handle (fig. 96/5); 1 annular basis (fig. 96/8; =10 cm); 1 straight basis (fig. 96/7; =15 cm); - imported pottery: 1 fragment of amphora body and 1 basis (fig. 96/4, 6). Fragmented fauna inventory: - Bos taurus: whole items - 2 left lower molars, 1proximal phalange and fragmentary items - 1 hipbone, 2 mandibles (right, left), metatarsal (right), scapula (left), 2 tibiae (right); - Equus caballus: proximal phalange;
- Ovis/Capra: fragment of right mandible;

- Sus domesticus: one fragment of cranium and one of humerus (left).


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

4.51. Cpl. 65. Atelierul de olrie, s-a conservat relativ bine. Datare: secolul al IV-lea - prima parte a secolului al V-lea (fig. 97a-b -105; pl. 23-24).

Pl. 24. Banca Gar - apte case. Cuptorul A, din atelierul de olrie, cpl. 65, sec. IV-V. Kiln A with the potters workshop, cpl. 65, 4rd5th centuries.

La Banca Gar - apte case, atelierul de olrie prevzut cu dou cuptoare performante de ars ceramica, cercetat ntre anii 1986-1987, se afla n sectorul A, n stnga albiei minore a noului curs al rului Brlad (fig. 97a-c). Datorit lucrrilor de hidroamelioraie, care au dus la mpingerea pmntului spre a forma digul, camerele de ardere a vaselor au fost n mare parte distruse. Din ncperea atelierului, o construcie de mari dimensiuni de form oval, 21,78 m2, L=6,6; l=3,3 m, s-au amenajat cuptoarele. Intrarea, n camera de acces la cuptoare, era pe latura de sud-est, unde s-au pstrat urmele ctorva trepte, cu o lime de cel puin 90 cm. n peretele dinspre nord-est s-a construit cuptorul mai mare, la o adncime de aproximativ -0,51-0,72 m fa de nivelul vechi de clcare iar fa de nivelul actual, la 0,9 0-1,15 m, n fa cu groapa folosit pentru evacuarea cenuii din focar. n perimetrul atelierului, spre sud-vest i vest, se aflau alte dou gropi. Ultima era amenajat n faa celui de al doilea cuptor, care a fost spat n partea nclinat a terenului dinspre vechea albie a Brladului, la o adncime de aproximativ -0,44-0,60 m fa de nivelul vechi de clcare iar fa de nivelul actual, la 0,80-1,10 m. Cele dou cuptoare, care se mnuiau de ctre olar din ncperea atelierului, erau dispuse diametral, n prezent unul spre albia actual a Brladului i altul spre dig. Cum indic urmele de chirpici (fig. 98/2-3), aflate n interiorul i n preajma atelierului, pereii ncperii din care se mnuiau instalaiile au fost nlai precum ai locuinelor uor adncite. Pe podeaua i n umplutura atelierului se aflau pri de la 123 + 6 vase sparte din vechime, mult crbune, dou achii de silex. Obiectele de lemn care trebuie s fi fost n atelier, sau distrus n ntregime. Atelier, cuptoare A i B. Cuptoarele, amplasate n afara laturilor lungi, se alimentau din atelier. Precum i n cazul altor ateliere prevzute cu mai multe cuptoare, ntre care cel de la Cucoeni - Butnreti (Gh. Bichir 1966, p. 489-509), instalaiile de ardere a ceramicii aveau dimensiuni diferite. Prin construirea lor, diametral opus, se avea n vedere frecventa schimbare a vnturilor, specific zonelor deschise de lunc.

Atelierul de olrie, sec. IV-V / The potter's workshop, the 4th-5th centuries


Fig. 97a. Banca Gar - apte case. Atelierul de olrie. Planuri i profile, cpl. 65, sec. IV-V. The potters workshop. Plans and profiles, cpl. 65, 4rd5th centuries.

Cuptor A Era de form uor tronconic, =1,84-2; h=1,08 m, i s-a spat pe latura lung dinspre nord-est (fig. 97a-c). Din cuptor s-a conservat bine focarul, gura de alimentare, grtarul i baza bolii camerei de ardere a vaselor. n faa acestuia era gr oapa de acces la cuptor, de aici se realiza alimentarea focarului. Focar / camera de foc - furnium, de form uor tronconic, s-a amenajat n marginea atelierului, din una dintre laturile lungi, prin sparea lui n pmntul crud, la adncimea de 0,87-0,90 m, fa de nivelul


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

actual de clcare. nlimea lui era de aproximativ 0,90 m. n centru avea cruat un perete median (l=0,36; h=0,88 m), acum zgurificat, care mprea focarul n dou camere de foc, cu lrgimi apropiate (l=0,76 i 0,72 m). Interiorul ambelor camere i peretele median au fost acoperite cu un strat de lutuial, gros de 3-5 cm, care prin ardere s-a ntrit i zgurificat diferit. Solul din jurul cuptorului s-a nroit circa 15-20 cm, mai intens spre interior.

Fig. 97b. Banca Gar - apte case. 1 Grtarul cuptorului A; 2-3 planul grtarului i al camerei de foc, cuptor B, sec. IV-V. 1 The perforated plate of the kiln A; 2-3 plan of the perforated pate and fireplace, kiln B, 4rd-5th centuries.

Gura de alimentare - praefurnium, ncepe de la marginea focarului, de unde se prelungete n interiorul ncperii. n exterior era aproximativ semicilindric, mai lat spre cuptor, pentru ca deschiderea interioar s aib bolta oval. S-a construit pe un suport de nuiele, lutuit pe ambele fee (L>1,20; l=1,22 m). Grtarul era, n plan transversal, aproximativ circular ( plac=1,8-2,0 m), diferenele diametrelor se pot datora i distrugerilor din vechime i avea o grosime de 18-21 cm. Iniial s-a construit probabil deasupra nivelului antic de clcare. Se sprijinea pe peretele focarului i pe peretele median. A fost fcut dintr-o mpletitur de nuiele, care s-a acoperit cu lut, amestecat cu resturi vegetale, mai ales pleav. n placa grtarului, pe care se ordona arja, s-au realizat 16 perforri cu forme bitronconice ( interior=5-8), nspre camera de ardere a vaselor uor ovale. Prin ele ptrundea aerul fierbinte din camera de ardere a combustibilului, n camera de ardere a vaselor. Arderea puternic a dus la zgurificarea lor. Perforrile se astupau cu fragmente de vase sparte, cu marginile subiate, cum s-a observat la cuptorul B. Gropile 1-3. n faa gurilor de alimentare ale cuptoarelor au fost spate gropi care aveau dimensiuni diferite, L=2,40; l=1,96; h=0,36 -0,40 m i L=2,10; l=2,2; h=0,40 m, din care se alimentau focarele i n care
Fig. 98. Banca Gar - apte case. 1, 37 Lipituri, 2-3 buci de chirpici. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roata olarului: past fin cenuie, 4-5, 9-10, 12, 20 margini, 6, 11, 36 perei; negricioas, 7 margine, 13, 17 perei, 15 toart, baze, 42 dreapt, 31, 39 inelare roii; zgrunuroas, 8, 23-24 vase de provizii, 14, 43 baze inelare, 37, 40 drepte, ultima negricioas; 16-18 perei de amfore; puin zgrunuroas, 17, 21-22 perei; 25-30, 32, 34 baze inelare, 33 negricioas, 35 concav, 41 dreapt. Cuptor A, cpl. 65, sec. IV-V. 1-3, 37 Pieces of adobe. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: fine paste, 4-5, 9-10, 12, 20 edges, 6, 11, 36 wall; blackish, 7 edge, 13, 17 wall, 15, 42 bases; reddish, 31, 39 annular bases; coarse, 8, 23-24 vessel for food storage, 14, 43 annular bases, 37, 40 straight, graysh, 40 basis; 16-18 wall of amphora; slightly coarse, 17, 2122 walls; 25-30, 32, 34 annular bases, 33 blackish, 35 graysh concave, 41 straight. Kiln A, cpl. 65, 4rd5th centuries.

Atelierul de olrie, sec. IV-V / The potter's workshop, the 4th-5th centuries



Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

se evacuau resturile de la combustibil, crbuni, cenu. Pe latura opus intrrii era o groap cotlonit, alungit, L=1,8; l=1,2; h=1,2 m, care s-a spat din groapa din faa cuptorului mare. n interiorul ei s-au pstrat buci de lut uscat, nears, n parte sfrmate, de la numeroii brui pregtii pentru modelarea ceramicii la roata olarului de lemn. Probabil n apropierea acesteia se afla i masa olarului realizat din lemn. Din camera de ardere a vaselor s-a conservat, pe mici poriuni, baza bolii acesteia. Bolta s-a modelat tot pe un suport de nuiele, pe care s-a aplicat, pe ambele fee, un strat de lut amestecat cu cereale mrunite. n camera de ars ceramica, lipitura pereilor acesteia era acoperit i cu o feuial roietic nchis, fin, ca i a cuptorului de la Piatra Neam - Drmneti pe Cuejdi, unde se consider c avea aceeai compoziie cu feuiala ceramicii roii (Gh. Bichir 1973, p. 57). Inventar cuptor A: dintre prile de recipiente descoperite prin degajarea pmntului din perimetrul primului cuptor A, s-au reconstituit parial 41 de vase (fig. 98-100), 8 vase din past zgrunuroas: 3 vase mari de provizii (fig. 98/8, 23-24; =30 cm), 3 baze inelare (fig. 98/14, 39, 43), 3 baze desprinse cu sfoara (fig. 98/37; 99/14) i unul din past negricioas, 1 corp de vas (fig. 98/40); 2 puin zgrunuroas, 2 perei (fig. 98/19, 22), o baz dreapt (fig. 98/41); 3 ceramic din past fin negricioas, 1 perete (fig. 98/13), 3 baze (100/4-5, 8); 5 fin cenuiu-negricioas, 2 castroane (fig. 100/1-2), 1 oal (fig. 100/3), 1 buz, probabil de oal (fig. 98/6), 1 margine (fig. 99/7); 19 fin cenuie, 1 can (fig. 99/11), 6 castroane (fig. 99/1, 4-5, 8-9, 13), exemplarul cu umrul arcuit - un import, probabil o caserol (fig. 99/4), 2 oale (fig. 99/2; 100/6), 6 buze (fig. 98/4-5, 10, 12, 20; 99/6), 2 perei (fig. 98/7, 11), 1 toart (fig. 98/15), 9 baze inelare (fig. 98/25-30, 32, 34-35; 99/10), plus 2 roietice (fig. 98/31, 39), la fel 1 baz negricioas (fig. 98/33), baz dreapt cenuiunegricioas (fig. 98/42), 1 perete (98/36); ceramica de import: 4 fragmente ceramice glbui, probabil ceramic de import i perei (fig. 98/16-18) i 1 baz de amfor (fig. 99/3). Cuptor B Avea tot o form uor tronconic, cu marginile mai puternic distruse din vechime (=1,74x1,82; h=1,04 m) i s-a spat pe latura lung dinspre nord-est (fig. 97a-c). Cuptorul s-a conservat mai puin ntreg dect primul, din el s-a pstrat mai bine focarul, gura de alimentare a acestuia, grtarul i o mic parte din baza bolii camerei de ardere a vaselor, micorat prin mpingerea pmntului pentru construirea digului. Avea la fel n fa o groap de acces la focar. Focar / camera de foc - furnium, uor tronconic - cu nlimea de aproximativ 0,84 m, s-a amenajat n pmntul crud, din marginea uneia dintre laturile lungi, opus primului cuptor al atelierului, la adncimea de 0,72-0,89 m, fa de nivelul actual de clcare. n centru avea cruat un perete median, l=0,32; h=0,84 m, ce mprea cuptorul n dou camere de foc, cu limi apropiate, L=0,79 i 0,84 m. Tot interiorul s-a acoperit cu un strat de lutuial, gros de 3-5 cm, acum zgurificat i ntrit spre pmntul n care s-a spat, circa 15-20 cm, mai intens spre interior. Gura de alimentare - praefurnium, s-a amenajat n prelungirea focarului i avea L>1,20; l=1,22 m, de form aproximativ semicilindric, mai lat spre cuptor, cu deschiderea interioar a bolii de form oval. S-a construit pe un suport de nuiele, care a fost lutuit pe ambele fee. Grtarul avea diametrul apropiat deschiderii focarului, =1,80; h=0,21 m, o grosime de 22-23 cm i s-a construit probabil pe nivelului antic de clcare. S-a fixat pe pereii focarului i pe cel median. S-a format pe o mpletitur de nuiele, acoperit cu lut amestecat cu resturi vegetale. n plac au fost realizate 26 de perforri bitronconice (interior=6-8 cm), uor ovale spre camera de ardere a vaselor. Probabil o parte dintre ele s-a distrus o dat cu frmiarea n timp a prilor marginale. La fel ca i la primul cuptor, s-au realizat mai ales spre margine, fiind mai numeroase spre gura de alimentare. Prin ele ptrundea aerul fierbinte din camera de ardere a combustibilului, n camera de ardere a vaselor, care a i dus la zgurificarea lor. Cum am precizat, pentru astuparea perforrilor se foloseau fragmente de vase sparte, cu marginile subiate, din care s-au descoperit trei exemplare (fig. 102/15-17), dou de la vase fin lustruite, una pstreaz pe mijloc o nuire, alta linii paralele incizate. n camera de ars ceramica, lipitura era acoperit cu o feuial roietic nchis, fin, ca i la cuptorul de la Piatra Neam - Drmneti pe Cuejdi, unde se consider c avea aceeai compoziie cu feuiala ceramicii roii (Gh. Bichir 1973, p. 57). Baza bolii de la camera de alimentare s-a conservat pe mici poriuni. S-a modelat tot pe un suport de nuiele, pe care s-a aplicat, pe ambele fee, un strat de lut amestecat cu cereale mrunite. Inventar cuptor B. Din perimetrul cuptorului B s-a recuperat o achie de silex (fig. 102/13), o gresie (fig. 102/9) i pri de la 39 de vase, din care de la 4 vase provin mai multe fragmente din past puin zgrunuroas, cenuii (fig. 101/15, 19, 34, 37) i roietice (fig. 101/21, 36; 102/8); 33 din past fin, 2 baze

Atelierul de olrie, sec. IV-V / The potter's workshop, the 4th-5th centuries


inelare cenuiu-negricioase, (fig. 101/27; 102/2); 1 baz dreapt (fig. 101/35), 12 perei (fig. 101/38, 45-47, 102/2, 12; 103/26), 4 fin roie (fig. 101/33, 38; 102/5, 7); 23 fin cenuie (fig. 101/1, 3-9, 13-14, 28-32, 35, 41-42, 44-47; 102/1, 3-4, 15-17; 103/26), 10 castroane (fig. 101/1, 3-4, 7-9; 102/1, 3-4, 6, 14); 13 buze (fig. 101/2, 6, 10-12, 16-18, 20, 22-23, 25, 39); 3 oale (fig. 101/5, 13-14); 3 perei de vase, folosii pentru astuparea perforrilor grtarului (fig. 102/15-17) i roie, 1 castron (fig. 102/7), 1 margine (fig. 101/21), 1 toart (fig. 102/5), 3 baze inelare (fig. 101/26, 28-30; 102/8) i 4 pri de amfore (fig. 101/24, 43; 102/10).

Fig. 99. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roata olarului: past fin, 1, 4-5, 7-9, 12-13 castroane; 2 oal; 6 buz; 10, 14 baze; 11 can; import, 3 baz amfor. Cuptor A, sec. IV-V, cpl. 65. Ceramic fragments: fine paste, 1, 4-5, 7-9, 12-13 tureens; 2 jar; 6 rim; 10, 14 bases; 11 mug; imported, 3 basis of amphora. Kiln A, 4rd5th centuries, cpl. 65.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Fig. 100. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roata olarului: past fin neagr-cenuie, 1-2 castroane; 3, 7 oale; 4-5, 8 baze; past neagr lustruit, 6 oal. Cuptor A, cpl. 65, sec. IV-V. Ceramic fragmentes made with the potters wheel: blackish-grayish fine paste, 1-2 tureens; 3, 7 jars; 4-5, 8 bases; blackish-fine pilished paste, 6 jar. Kiln A, cpl. 65, 4rd5th centuries.

Groapa G1, 12 vase (fig. 103/1-9, 12-13), din care 4 din ceramic zgrunuroas cenuie, perei (fig. 103/8, 12-13); 1 fin cenuie-negricioas, 1 margine (fig. 103/4); 7 fin cenuie, 6, 1 castrona (fig. 103/3), 4 margini (fig. 103/1-2, 5-6), 1 baz inelar (fig. 103/6; baz=9 cm); 2 perei (103/9, 12). Groapa G2, 21 vase (fig. 103/14-39), 3 zgrunuroas, 3 baze (fig. 103/30, 36, 39), 1 perete (fig. 103/32); 3 din past puin zgrunuroas: 2 oale (fig. 104/1, 7; buz=13-14 cm); 1 buz (fig. 103/16), 1 baz (fig. 103/31; baz=5 cm), 1 fragment ceramic canelat (fig. 103/37); 13 din past fin cenuie, 5 castroane (fig. 103/14-15, 18-19; 28), 1 castrona (fig. 103/24), 6 buze (fig. 103/20-23; 25; 33), 1 oal (fig. 103/26), 1 perete (fig. 103/27), 1 toart (fig. 103/17), 2 baze inelare, 1 baz dreapt (fig. 103/35, 38 i 29; =16 cm). Groapa G3, 4 vase (fig. 103/6, 9, 10-12), 2 modelate cu mna, 2 baze (fig. 104/9, 12); 1 fin cenuie, 1 castron, 1 baz inelar (fig. 104/10-11; baz=10 cm). Interiorul atelierului, 8 vase (fig. 104/1-3, 5, 8, 14-15, 17), tot aici s-a gsit i un os lustruit, 8 fin cenuie, 2 cni (fig. 104/2, 15), 3 castroane ornate cu incizii sau nervuri (fig. 104/1, 11, 14), 2 buze (fig. 104/5, 17), 1 baz inelar (fig. 104/3), 1 fragment ceramic ars pn la topire (fig. 104/8).

Atelierul de olrie, sec. IV-V / The potter's workshop, the 4th-5th centuries


Fig. 101. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roat: past cenuie, 1, 3-4, 7-9 castroane; 2, 6, 10-12, 16-18, 20, 22-23, 25, 39 buze; 5, 13-14 oale; roietic, 21 margine; 26, 28-30 baze inelare; cenuie-negricioas, 27 baz inelar; cenuie, 35 baz; 38, 41-42, 45-47 perei; puin zgrunturoas, 15 perete; 19 margine; 34, 37 baze; 24, 42 perei de amfore; zgrunuroas, 31, 36, perei; 32 baz inelar; roie, 33 baz. Cuptor B, cpl. 65, sec. IV-V. Ceramic fragments, potters wheel: fine paste, 1, 3-4, 7-9 tureens; 2, 6, 10-12, 16-18, 20, 22-23, 25, 39 rims; 5,13-14 jars; reddish, 21 edge; 26, 28-30 annular bases; gray-blackish, bases; 27 annular; 35 straight; 38, 41-42, 45-47 walls; slightly coarse, 15 wall; 19 edge; 34, 37 bases; 24, 42 wall of amphora; coarse, 31, 36, walls; 32 annular basis; reddish, 33 basis. Kiln B, 4rd5th centuries, cpl. 65.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Fig. 102. Banca Gar apte case. Fragmente ceramice, la roat: past fin cenuie, 1, 3-4, 6-7, 14 castroane; 15-17 perei de vase pentru astuparea perforrilor grtarului; negricioas, 2 perete; roietic, 5 toart; 7 castron; 8 baz inelar; 10 baz de amfor; 12 perete. 9 Percutor de gresie; 13 achie de silex. Cuptor B, cpl. 65, sec. IV-V. Ceramic fragments, potters wheel: dark grayish fine paste, 1, 34, 6-7, 14 tureens; 15-17 walls of vessels use for filling up the perforations of the kiln plate; blackish, 2 wall; reddish, 5 handle; 7 tureen; 8 annular basis; 10 basis of amphora; 12 wall. Kiln B cpl. 65, 4rd 5th centuries.

Inventar cuptor A, 41 de vase, cuptor B, 39 de vase, G1 12 vase, G2 21 vase i G3, 4 vase,

interiorul atelierului 8 vase.

Atelierul de olrie, sec. IV-V / The potter's workshop, the 4th-5th centuries


Fig. 103. Banca Gar apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roata olarului: fin cenuie, 1-2, 4-6, 20-23, 25-26, 33 margini; 3, 14-15, 18-19, 24, 28 castroane; 7, 10-11, 35, 38 baze inelare; 9, 27, 34 perei; 17 toart; zgrunuroas, 8, 12 perei, 30, 36, 39 baze; neagr, 13 perete; puin zgrunuroas, 31 baz, 32, 37 perei; 9, 12 modelat cu mna. 1-9, 12-13G1; 14-39 G2; 10-11 G3 cpl. 65, sec. IV-V. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: grayish fine, 1-2, 4-6, 20-23, 25-26, 33 edges; 3, 14-15, 18-19, 24, 28 tureens; 7,10-11, 35, 38 annular bases; 9, 27, 34 walls; 17 handles; coarse, 8, 12 walls, 30, 36, 39 bases; blackish, 13 wall; slightly coarse, 31 basis, 32, 37 walls 9, 12 hand made. Kiln B cpl. 65, 4rd5th centuries.

La Butnreti, Neam, bolta pstrat avea o nlime de 1,25 m (Ibidem, p. 16). Alimentarea se realiza prin deschiderea de sus, rmas neastupat. Vasele se stivuiau pe vertical, n spaiul dintre perforri, n funcie de dimensiuni. Interiorul ambelor compartimente, peretele median i placa perforat au fost acoperite


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

cu un strat de lut de 3-5 cm, ars crmiziu dar mai ales zgurificat din cauza temperaturii ridicate din timpul funcionrii. Solul din preajma cuptorului s-a nroit 15-20 cm, mai intens, mai rou spre marginile acestuia i mai deschis la culoare spre solul argilos n care s-a spat. Atelierul de olrie inventar ceramic pstrat fragmentar, cuptoarele A i B, gropile 1-3 i interior, 123 vase = 43CA, (7z + 1zn + 3pz + 3fn + 5fcn + 19fc + 2fr + 3fn) + 3 amfore + 36CB, (3pzr + 4pzc + Int. 29f, (5fr + 2c-n + 22c) + 3 amfore + 12G1, [4pz, (3c + 1n) + 8f, (1cn + 7c)] + 21G2, (4z + 4pz + 13f) + 1G3, fc + 10 interior (3m + 7f) + 6 amfore Cuptor A, 43CA (7z + 1zn + 3pz + 3fn + 5fcn + 19 fc + 2fr + 3fn) + 3 amfore Cuptor B, 36 [(3pzr + 4pzc) + 29f (5fr + 2c-n + 22c)] + 3 amfore - ceramica din past puin zgrunuroas, cenuie: 1 margine (fig. 101/19), 1 perete cu caneluri (fig. 101/15), 2 baze (fig. 101/34; 37; buz=5,3; 8 cm), roietic, mat, 1 margine de vas cu urme de la modelare, n past i cu pietricele, uor prfoas (fig. 101/21; baz=14 cm); 1 perete de vas de provizii (fig.101/36), 1 baz inelar desprins cu sfoara, de culoare roie cu angob alb-roietic (fig. 102/8; baz=20 cm); - ceramica fin roie: 1 castron (fig. 102/7; buz=18 cm), 1 baz (fig. 101/33; 38, =8 cm), 1 toart (fig. 102/5); cenuie-negricioas: 1 baz uor lustruit (fig. 101/27; baz=8 cm), 1 perete din past negricioas mat (fig. 102/2); - ceramica fin cenuie: 3 castroane (fig. 101/1, 6; 102/15; buz=21; 16 cm), 3 castroane cu profil n S (fig. 101/3, 7, 9; buz=17-18 cm), 1 castron cu umrul carenat unghiular (fig. 101/4; buz=18 cm), 3 castroane (fig. 102/1, 3-4), primele dou din past fin cenuie-nchis; 2 margini de oale (fig. 101/5, 8; buz=18; 8 cm), alta invazat (fig. 101/14, =20 cm) i nc dou probabil de la acelai vas (fig. 101/13; 103/26), 9 margini (fig. 101/2, 6, 11, 16-18, 20, 22-23, 25, 28-30, 35, 39; buz=3,5; 8; 10; 8,5; 5,5 cm), 2 drepte nalte, cu o nervur (fig. 101/10), alta mic (fig. 101/12), baz uor inelar (fig. 101/32, 38; baz=8 cm), perete (fig. 101/31; corp=7 cm); 3 fragmente de ceramic cenuie folosite la astuparea perforrilor plcii grtarului cuptorului B, din past lustruit, una are pe mijloc o canelur, alta incizii distanate (fig. 102/15-17) i alte fragmente (fig. 101/41-42, 44-47); - ceramica de import: perete de amfor roie (fig. 101/24, 43); achie de silex (fig. 102/13); gresie (fig. 102/9), baz de amfor roietic (fig. 102/10). Gropile 1-3 34 vase = 12G1 4pz (3c + 1) + 8f (1cn + 7c) + 21G2 (4z + 4pz + 13f cenuie) + 1G3, fc Groapa G1 12 vase = 4pz (3c+1n) + 8f (1cn+7c). - ceramica zgrunuroas: 3 cenuii, perei canelai (fig. 103/8, 12-13), 1 negru, 1 perete, de la un vas lustruit (fig. 103/13); Groapa G2 21 vase (4z + 4pz + 13fc): - ceramica zgrunuroas: baz la exterior alb, acoperit cu un strat de cenu (fig. 103/30; baz=10 cm); 2 baze, prima cu urme de modelare sau impresiuni de la o plas (fig. 103/36, 39); 1 perete (fig. 103/32); - ceramic din past puin zgrunuroas: 2 oale (fig. 104/1, 7; buz=14; 13 cm); 1 buz (fig. 103/16); 1 baz (fig. 103/31; baz=5 cm), 1 fragment ceramic canelat (fig. 103/37);- ceramica fin: 5 castroane (fig. 103/14-15, 18-19; 28; buz=16-17; 22 cm); 1 castrona (fig. 103/24); 6 buze (fig. 103/20-23; 25; 33; buz=20; 18; 16 cm); 1 oal (fig. 103/26); 1 perete (fig. 103/27); 1 toart (fig. 103/17); 2 baze inelare (fig. 103/35, 38; baz=8, 6, 10 cm); 1 dreapt (fig. 103/29, =16 cm). - ceramica fin: 5 castroane (fig. 103/14-15, 18-19; 28; buz=16-17; 22 cm); 1 castrona (fig. 103/24); 6 buze (fig. 103/20-23; 25; 33; buz=20; 18; 16 cm); 1 oal (fig. 103/26); 1 perete (fig. 103/27); 1 toart (fig. 103/17); 2 baze inelare (fig. 103/35, 38; baz=8, 6, 10 cm); 1 dreapt (fig. 103/29, =16 cm). Groapa G3, 1fc vas: - ceramica fin cenuie: 1 baz inelar (fig. 104/10; baz=10). - ceramica fin cenuie-negricioas, 1 margine (fig. 103/4); 7 fin cenuie, 1 castrona (fig. 103/3), 4 margini (fig. 103/1-2, 5-6), 1 baz inelar (fig. 103/7; baz=9 cm); 2 pere?i (103/9, 12).

Atelierul de olrie, sec. IV-V / The potter's workshop, the 4th-5th centuries


Interiorul atelierului: 10 vase = 3m + 7f: - ceramica modelat cu mna: 1 buz (fig. 104/6); 2 baze (fig. 104/9, 12; baz=10, 12 cm); - ceramic din past fin cenuie: 2 cni (fig. 104/2, 15; buz=8; 7,5 cm), 2 castroane (fig. 104/1, 11; buz=14; 22 cm), castron cu umr carenat, ngroat i rotunjit (fig. 104/14; buz=16), buze (fig. 104/5, 17, =24 cm); baz inelar (fig. 104/3; baz=4,5 cm); fragment ceramic ars pn la topire (fig. 104/8).

Fig. 104. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roat: ceramica fin cenuie, 1, 11, 14 castroane; 2, 15 cni; 3, 10, 16 baze inelare; 5 oale; 17 margine; puin zgrunuroas, 4, 7 oale; zgrunuroas, 13 vas de provizii; 8 perete ars secundar pn la topire; modelat cu mna, 6, 9, 12 baze. Interior atelier de olrie, cpl. 65, sec. IV-V. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: grayish fine paste, 1, 11, 14 tureens; 2, 15 mugs; 3, 10, 16 annular bases; 5 jar; 17 edge; slightly coarse paste, 4, 7 jars; coarse paste, 13 vessel for food storage; 8 potsherd fired up to the melting; hand made ware, 6, 9, 12 bases. Inside the workshop, cpl. 65, 4rd5th centuries.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Fig. 105. Banca Gar - apte case. Atelierul de olrie reconstituire arhitect Ana Maria Zub, cpl. 65, sec. IV-V. The potters workshop recomposition architect Ana Maria Zub, cpl. 65, 4rd5th centuries.

Analogii: n lumea carpic, menionate prima dat de Gh. Bichir, cuptoarele de ars ceramic din cadrul culturii Vrtecoiu Poieneti, ntre ele cunoscutul atelier de olrie descoperit la Butnreti, cu ambele tipuri de cuptoare (1966 p. 489-509; 1994, p. 321), cheia - Silitea, jud. Suceava, dou din tipul cu perete median (Gr. Foit 1969, p. 25-28), ifeti, Panciu - La Grigoreti (S. Morintz, N. Haruche, 1962, p. 522-523, fig. 2) i altul din tipul cu pilon central n focrie de la Drmaneti, Piatra Neam (C. Matas, Zamoteanu, M. Zamoteanu, p. 345-346, pl. 5), Poiana Dulceti - Pe silite (Gh. Bichir 1973a, p. 53, 57, fig. XIX, XXXIII, XXXVI; 1973b, p. 99 i urm.; Idem 1967), n secolele III-IV i IV, la Blai, jud. Iai (V. Chirica, M.

Atelierul de olrie, sec. IV-V / The potter's workshop, the 4th-5th centuries


Tanasachi 1984, IV.6.F. p. 48), Blteni - Grla Strmbu (I. T. Dragomir 1962, p. 12, fig. 22), Silitea Muncelu (I. Ioni 2010, p. 191); Poieneti - Dealul Teilor (C. Cihodaru 1938, p. 33, fig. 15; R. Vulpe et alii 1950, p. 50), Zorleni - Fntnele (V. Palade 1969a, p. 343-345), Brlad - Valea Seac (Idem, 2004, p. 172). Majoritatea au fost menionate de Maria Coma, nu numai pentru regiunile de la est, dar i pentru cele de la sud de Carpai (1985, p. 171-184). De asemenea, menionm cuptorul de la Ocnia (M. Babe, D. Berciu 2000, p. 217-219),din judeul Cara-Severin, Grdini - Slite (O. Bozu 1996, p. 55-56, fig. 127), cuptoarele de ars ceramica de pe cursul inferior al Argeului, publicate de Vasile Barbu (1999-2000, p. 231-233). Inventar faunistic fragmentar: Din acest complex provine cel mai bogat eantion faunistic, este vorba de 1816 resturi faunistice, atribuite urmtoarelor grupe taxonomice: molute, peti, amfibieni, psri i mamifere. Un numr de 87 oase de la un purcel au fost separate de grupul de oase pentru Sus domesticus deoarece provin de la acelai individ, probabil depus ntreg. Din totalul de resturi faunistice, 501 nu au permis determinarea specific, ele fiind repartizate dup cum urmeaz: mamifere de talie mare - 36, mamifere de talie mijlocie - 289, mamifere - 20, micromamifere 53 i 103 nedeterminate. Din punct de vedere tafonomic s-au identificat urme de: arsur neagr - 32, calcinare - 3, tranare - 17, jupuire - 2, descarnare - 2, roase de carnivore - 40. Amphibia: resturi osoase (434) de Bufo sp. i Rana sp. aparinnd ntregului schelet (craniu 20, ilion 39, crural 58, humerus 41, vertebre sacrale 9, oase ale autopodului 85, femur 59, mandibula 27, radio-cubitus 34, urostil 24, vertebr pro-atlantic 3, vertebr toracic 35) de la un numr mare de indivizi. - Aves: 128 resturi osoase, dintre care 3 de Gallus domesticus (coracoid, metacarp III i sinsacrum), 66 de la psri de talie mic, probabil slbatice (1 craniu, 4 furcule, 1 mandibul, 13 oase late, 39 oase lungi, 6 scapulare, 2 sinsacrumuri), n timp ce pentru celelalte oase nu s-a putut face dect o determinare anatomic general. - Mollusca: 43 cochilii i valve, ntregi sau fragmentare, provenind de la urmtoarele specii-Cepaea virdobonensis, Cerithium sp., Helicella ovia, Helicella sp., Helix pomatia, Viviparus viviparus, Viviparus sp., Unio sp. Pisces: 382 resturi osoase provenind, n principal de la teleosteeni (Aspius aspius, Cyprinus carpio, Esox lucius, Silurus glanis, Stizostedion lucioperca i alii), ct i de la acipenseride (Acipenser sp.) Mamifere Bos taurus: 1 calcaneu (stnga), 1 carp-semilunar (stnga), 1 centrotars, 5 falange proximale, 1 falang mijlocie, 1 falang distal, 5 piese dreapta (astragal, calcaneu, maleolar, tibie, centrotars) n conexiune anatomic, de la un individ matur i piese fragmentare - 6 coxal, 22 craniu (3 stnga, 4 dreapta; un neurocraniu prezint pe osul frontal urma lsat de lovitura aplicat la acest nivel nainte de sacrificarea animalului), 1 cubitus (stnga), 8 humerus (2 stnga, 3 dreapta), 16 mandibul (6 stnga, 4 dreapta), 1 metacarp, 6 metatars (2 stnga, 1 dreapta), 3 radius (stnga), 12 scapula (3 stnga, 2 dreapta), 2 tibie (de la indivizi maturi; una este de pe partea stng), vertebre atlas i axis; - Canis familiaris: coxal (stnga), dinte, tibie (dreapta) i 7 piese osoase provenind de la acelai individ, matur (neurocraniu, 2 mandibule i primele 4 vertebre cervicale); - Capreolus capreolus: fragmente de craniu, mandibul, radius (stnga), tibie-2; - Equus caballus: piese fragmentare - 4 coxale (1 stnga), femur (dreapta), tibie (stnga), atlas, 4 vertebre i piese ntregi - 2 dini jugali superiori stnga, falang proximal; - Ovicaprine: 7 dini jugali i incisivi, frg. craniu - 3, humerus - 2 (1 stnga), mandibul - 4 (1 stnga, 2 dreapta), metacarp - 2 (1 dreapta, 1 individ matur), metapod - 1, radius - 1 (stnga, 1individ matur); Ovis aries: piese fragmentare - 6 craniu, 2 mandibule (stnga, dreapta), 2 tibii (dreapta), 1 atlas; - Sus domesticus: fragmente de coast - 10, craniu - 17, cubitus - 1 (dreapta), mandibul - 4, metapod - 7, scapul - 1, tibie - 2 (de stnga, de la un individ matur), sacrum, vertebre - 7, carp/tars - 1 i piese ntregi: dini -11, falange - 4, metacarp III-2 (stnga). La aceste piese se adaug nc 87 oase fragmentare i ntregi provenite de la un individ foarte tnr, noi credem c ar fi vorba de acelai purcelu: 2 astragal (stnga, dreapta), 2 calcaneu (stnga, dreapta), 3 carpiene -cuboid i scafoid de dreapta, 27 fragmente coaste, 4 fragmente coxal (2 stnga, 2 dreapta), 2 cubitus (stnga, dreapta), 3 falange proximale, 3 femur (1 dreapta), 2 humerus (stnga, dreapta), 1 metacarpian III stnga, 2 metacarpian IV (stnga, dreapta), 1 metapodal, 2 metatarsian III, 1 metatarsian IV, 2 peroneu (stnga, dreapta), 3 radius (stnga, dreapta), 3 scapula (1 stnga, 2 dreapta), 2 tibie (stnga, dreapta), 18 vertebre, 2 mandibul (stnga, dreapta), 1 os lung.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 1 frector (fig. 104/7), silex atipic. Materiale de construcie: - pri de la materialele de construcie ale cuptorului, chirpici mruni (fig. 104/10). Cpl. 65. The potters workshop, relatively well preserved. Dated to: the 4 th century first part of the 5th century (fig. 97a-c -104). The potter's workshop of Banca Gar - apte case, situated in sector A, was researched between 1986-1988 (fig. 97a-c). Due to the hydroamelioration works which pushed the soil toward the water dam, the pot firing chambers are destroyed to a large extent nowadays. The potters workshop was commanding the operation of the two kilns and it was elliptic in shape, L=11 m; w=6.6 m. It was a large building, excavated in the slope of eh old valley of river Barlad, at 0.440.60 m below the ancient treading level and 0.80-1.10 below the current treading level. The entrance of the access room was located on its south-east side, with a few steps around 90 cm wide. As is the case of other multiple-kiln potters workshops such are the one of Cucoeni - Butnreti (Gh. Bichir 1966, p. 489-509), these kilns were different in size. They were located on the long sides of the workshop and there fueled from inside the workshop. Their location, on the opposite sides of the workshop, accounted for the frequent change in the direction of the winds in the area of Barlad valley, a common feature of the open river-meadows. As indicated by the adobe fragments found inside and around the workshop, it can be presumed that the walls of the workshop were raised above the ground, similar to the half-buried houses. The floor of the workshop was littered with, a large quantity of charcoal, two flint flakes, 113 pot fragments broken in antiquity, have not kept wooden objects. There were also found a large number of animal bones, dumped after this fell out of use, investigated by arheozoolog Simina Stanc. The ovens, placed outside the long sides, were fed from the workshop. Their construction in a diametrically opposite position was aimed at changing the winds, specifically to the open meadow areas. In front of the feeding openings there were arranged pits, L=2.40 m; w=1.96 m; h=0.36-0.40 m and L=2.10 m; w=2.2 m; h=0.40 m, used for the evacuation of the ash and charcoal. Out of the front pit it was dug an elongated, channeled side hole, L=1.8 m; w=1.2 m; h=1.2 m, which held inside several pieces of unbaked, dry clay, probably chunks prepared for modeling on the wheel. Kiln A The first is roughly conical, =1,84; h=1,08 m and it was excavated in the long side of the access room, from NE (fig. 97a-c). The access area, the fireplace chamber - furnium, the feeding channel praefurnium the perforated plate and the base of the firing chamber were well preserved. The fireplace chamber - furnium, is somehow conical, hollowed out from the natural clay, at the depth of 0.70-0.90 m from the ancient treading level. In its center was located a median wall, spared from the soil, w=0.36 m; h=0.88 m, which divided the fireplace in two fire compartments, with similar dimensions (w=0.76 and 0.72 m). The interior of both firing chambers and the median wall were covered with a layer of clayey 3-5 cm thick which by firing got hardened and partly scorified. The interior of both compartments and the median wall were covered by a layer of clayey, 3-5 cm thick, hardened and partially scorified by the repeated firing. The soil around the kiln was red-baked to a 15-20 cm depth, the closer the kiln the more vivid the color, more intense towards the edges of the perforated plate. The feeding channel - praefurnium, is roughly cylindrical, wider towards the fireplace, giving an oval shape of this opening. It was built on a wattle support and then coveres with a layer of clayey on both faces (L > 1.20 m; w=1.22 m). The perforated plate is roughly circular (=1.8 - 2.0 m), 18-21 cm thick, and it was located probably above the ancient treading level. It was seated on the median wall and on the top of the fireplace walls. It was built by covering a wattle bed with clay mixed with vegetal particles, mainly chaff. The plate held 16 doubleflared perforations (interior=5-8), oval in shape (<12 mm), ensuring the inflow of hot air from the fireplace to the firing chamber. The intense burning resulted in scorification of these perforations. The perforations were filled with pieces of pot walls, with thinned edges, as indicated by the identified items, two of vessels that were polished, one preserving a groove on the middle, another one showing incised parallel lines. In the pot firing chamber, the a layer of clayey was covered with a fine reddish lining, like in the case of Piatra Neam, Drmneti pe Cuejdi, where it is considered it had the same

Atelierul de olrie, sec. IV-V / The potter's workshop, the 4th-5th centuries


composition with the lining of the red pottery (Gh. Bichir 1973, p. 57). The basis of the vault was preserved on small areas and was built also on a wattle support on which a layer of clay mixed with chopped cereals was applied on both sides. In Butnreti, Neam, it had a height of 1,25 m (Ibidem, p. 16). The feeding was done by the upper opening, left unfilled. The vessels were placed between perforations. The interior of both compartments and the median wall were covered by a layer of clayey, 3-5 cm thick, hardened and partially scorified by the repeated firing. The soil around the kiln was redbaked to a 15-20 cm depth, more intense towards the edges of the perforated plate. The ceramic inventory - preserved is all fragmentary. The potters workshop = 123 vessels = 43CA (7z + 1zn + 3pz + 3fn + 5fcn + 19 fc + 2fr + 3fn) + 36CB (3pzr + 4pzc) + Ins.29f (5fr + 2c-n + 22c) + 12G1 4pz (3c + 1n) + 8f (1cn + 7c)] + 21G2 (4z + 4pz + 13f) + 1G3, fc + 10 inside (3m + 7f) + 6 amphorae Out of the vessel parts discovered in the first kiln A, it was possible to put together 43 vessels (fig. 98-100), 36 of the second kiln B (fig. 102), 12 of P-G1, of 21P-G2, 1P-G3 + 10 of inside the workshop. The inventory of kiln A, 43CA(7z + 1zn + 3pz + 3fn + 5fcn + 19 fc + 2fr + 3fn). Among the 43 vessels found in the first kiln A (fig. 98-100), the one that was first excavated, were: 8 of coarse ceramic, 3 vessel for food storage (fig. 98/8, 23-24; =30 cm), 3 annular bases (fig. 98/14, 39; 43), 3 straight bases detached from the potters wheel with string (fig. 98/37; 99/14) and one blackish, 1 wall (fig. 98/40); 3 slightly coarse paste, 2 vessels (fig. 98/19, 22), one straight basis (fig. 98/41); fine (3fn + 5fcn + 19 fc + 2fr + 3fn) 3 fine blackish paste, 1 wall (fig. 98/13), 3 bases (100/4-5, 8); 5 other fragments of black-grayish fine polished paste resulted from two tureens (fig. 100/1-2), 1 jar (fig. 100/3), 1 rim, probably of jar (fig. 98/6), 1 edge (fig. 99/7); 19 fine grayish, 1 mug (fig. 99/11), 6 tureens (fig. 99/1, 4-5, 8-9, 13), the penultimate - one imported, 2 jars (fig. 99/2; 100/6), 6 rims (fig. 98/4-5, 10, 12, 20; 99/6), 2 walls (fig. 98/7, 11), 1 handle (fig. 98/15), 9 annular bases (fig. 98/25-30, 32, 34-35; 99/10), 2 reddish (fig. 98/31, 39), 1 blackish (fig. 98/33), 3 grayish-blackish (fig. 98/42), 1 wall (98/36); the imported pottery, 4 yellowish fine potsherds, probably imported vessels and an walls of amphorae (fig. 98/16-18), and basis (fig. 99/3). The inventory of kiln B 36CB (3pzr + 4pzc + 29f (5fr + 2c-n + 22c) (fig. 101-102), has recovered a sliver of flint (fig. 102/13), one whetstone (fig. 102/9) and parts of the 36 vessels, of which: 4 slightly coarse paste, grayish, 2 (fig. 101/15, 19, 34, 37), reddish, 2 (fig. 101/21, 36; 102/8); 29, 2 grayish-blackish, bases, annular and wall (fig. 101/27; 102/2); 5 reddish (fig. 101/33, 38; 102/5, 7) and 22 grayish fine, 10 tureens (fig. 101/1, 3-4, 7-9; 102/1, 3-4, 6, 14); 13 rims (fig. 101/2, 6, 10-12, 16-18, 20, 22-23, 25, 39); 3 jars (fig. 101/5, 13-14); walls of vessels use for filling up the perforations of the kiln plate (fig. 102/15-17); reddish, tureen (fig. 102/7), 1 edge (fig. 101/21), handle (fig. 102/5), 3 annular bases (fig. 101/26, 28-30; 102/8), 1 straight (fig. 101/35), 12 walls (fig. 101/ 38, 41-42, 45-47, 102/2, 12; 103/26) and 4 parts an wall of amphorae (fig. 101/24, 43; 102/10). The inventory of pit Ceramics of pits: 12G1 [4pz(3c + 1n) + 8f (1cn + 7c)] + 21G2 (4z + 4pz + 13f) + 1G3, in which of: Pit P-G1, 12 (fig. 103/1-9, 12-13), 4 coarse ceramic, 4 wall (fig. 103/8, 12-13); 1 grayish-blackish, 1 edge (fig. 103/4); 8 grayish fine paste, 1 small tureen (fig. 103/3), 4 edges (fig. 103/1-2, 5-6), 1 annular basis (fig. 103/7; =9 cm); 2 wall (103/9, 12); Pit P-G2 (fig. 103/14-39), 21, 4 coarse paste, 3 bases (fig. 103/30, 36, 39), 1 wall (fig. 103/32); 4 slightly coarse paste: 2 jars (fig. 104/1, 7; mouth=14; 13 cm); 1 rim (fig. 103/16), 1 basis (fig. 103/31; =5 cm), 1 ceramic fragments a groove (fig. 103/37); 13 grayish, 5 tureens (fig. 103/1415, 18-19; 28), 1 small tureen (fig. 103/24), 6 rims (fig. 103/20-23; 25; 33), 1 jar (fig. 103/26), 1 wall (fig. 103/27), 1 handles (fig. 103/17), 2 annular bases (fig. 103/35, 38), 1 straight basis (fig. 103/29); Pit P-G3 (fig. 103/6, 9, 10-12), 1, grayish fine ceramic, 1 tureen, 1 annular basis (fig. 104/10-11). Inside the workshop 10 Inside (3m + 7f) (fig. 104/1-3, 5-6, 8-9, 12, 14-15, 17), of which only 3 hand made ware (104/6, 9, 12), 1 rim (fig. 104/6), 2 bases (fig. 104/9, 12); 8 vessels made of fine grayish paste, there were found a polished bone, vessels of the category of the grayish fine pottery, 2 mugs decorated with incisions or nervures (fig. 104/2, 15), 3 tureens (fig. 104/1, 11, 14), 2 rims (fig. 104/5, 17), 1 annular basis (fig. 104/3), 1 ceramic fragments burned by melting (fig. 104/8). Inventory of the workshop The inventory of kiln A - ceramic - coarse ceramic: 2 vessel for food storage (fig. 98/8, mouth=30 cm), the last were recovered 10


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

fragments decorated with a polished wave (fig. 98/23-24), small annular basis, with particole white in the paste (fig. 98/14; =5 cm), body (fig. 98/21), straight basis detached from the potters wheel with string (fig. 98/37; =10 cm), 2 annular bases with circular incisions and walls covered by white ash dust (fig. 98/39; 43; =10; 8 cm), first bricks; small straight basis blackish, matte (fig. 98/40), straight basis with one vessel for food storage in the paste with few gravel, detached from the potters wheel with string (fig. 99/14 ); - ceramic of slightly coarse paste: body (fig. 98/19; body=14 cm), body of another vessel, to 4 cm of basis with horizontal lines buried, to basic whitish, probably from burning to a high temperature (fig. 98/22), straight basis (fig. 98/41; =4,5 cm);1 grayish-blackish ceramic, porous (fig. 100/7, corp=16 cm); - blackish fine ceramic: wall with fine polished horizontal lines (fig. 98/13); 3 base, one of them polished (100/4-5, 8; basis=7; 2x10 cm); grayish-blackish, 2 tureens polished (fig. 100/1-2, mouth=21 cm), 1 jar (fig. 100/3), matte light, 1 rim, probably from jar (fig. 98/6), 1 edge (fig. 99/7; mouth=21 cm); - grayish fine ceramic, mug (fig. 99/11), 3 tureens (fig. 99/1, 4-5), penultimat with shoulder arched angular - one imported, grayish polished, 1 jar (fig. 100/6; body=22 cm), decorated with lines horizontal polished, 1 jar (fig. 99/2), the paste with more sand, 1 tureen (fig. 99/9; mouth=18 cm), another with mouth wide (fig. 99/13; mouth=32), 1 tureen with edge almost right, type of Santana de Mures culture (fig. 99/8), 1 rim (fig. 99/6), edge (fig. 98/4; mouth=24 cm), with handles (fig. 98/5), 3 rims of paste polished fin (fig. 98/10, 12, 20), wall (fig. 98/7, 11; body=14 cm), handles (fig. 98/15), 8 annular bases (fig. 98/25-30, 32, 34; =7,5; 5,5; 10x2; 7; 11x2; 8 cm), 1 grayish fine (fig. 99/10), 1 reddish fine (fig. 98/31; =6,4 cm) and 1 blackish paste of polished (fig. 98/33; =8,8 cm), all grayish, 1 concave basis (fig. 98/35; =7,5 cm), 1 wall (98/36) or 1 basis reddish (fig. 98/39; =10 cm) and 1 grayish-blackish (fig. 98/42); - the imported pottery: 16-18 wall of amphorae; yellowish outside, reddish inside, coarse paste (fig. 98/16), 19 fragment of amphoraae, yellowish (fig. 98/17), wall reddish (fig. 98/18), an basis (fig. 99/3). Construction materials: - splice fragments of burnt brick-red, the paste with sand, chaff and broken potshards (fig. 98/1, 38); - 2 fragments of adobe, first with traces of a circular beam section, the second with sleek both sides (fig. 98/2-3). The inventory of kiln B - ceramic - hand made ceramic: 1 flared basis (fig. 102/8; =8 cm); - slightly coarse ceramic, 1 edge (fig. 101/19), 1 wall with groove (fig. 101/15), 2 bases (fig. 101/34; 37, mouth=5,3; 8 cm), reddish, matte, 1 edge with traces of modeling, and paste with the gritty, slightly dust (fig. 101/21; mouth=14 cm); 1 wall from vessel for food storage (fig. 101/36), 1 annular basis detached from the potters wheel with string, red with white-reddish engoba (fig. 102/8; =20 cm); - ceramic of blackish fine paste, 1 basis slightly polished (fig. 101/27; =8 cm), 1 wall of blackish matte paste (fig. 102/2); - ceramic of reddish fine paste, 1 tureen (fig. 102/7; mouth=18 cm), 1 basis (fig. 101/33; 38, =8 cm), 1 handle (fig. 102/5); - ceramic of grayish fine paste, 3 tureens (fig. 101/1, 6; 102/15; mouth=21; 16 cm), 3 tureens with profile in the S (fig. 101/3, 7, 9; mouth=17; 18 cm), 1 tureen with shoulder angled bottom (fig. 101/4; mouth=18 cm), 3 tureens (fig. 102/1, 3-4), first two of fine gray paste-closed; 2 edge of jars (fig. 101/5, 8; mouth=18; 8 cm), other invasive edge (fig. 101/14; mouth=20 cm) and two probably from same vessel (fig. 101/13; 103/26), 4 annular bases (fig. 101/26, 28-30, 35, mouth=3,5; 8; 10; 8,5; 5,5 cm), 2 right high, with a string (fig. 101/10), other small (fig. 101/12), 1 slightly annular basis (fig. 101/32; =8 cm), wall (fig. 101/31; body=7 cm); 3 grayish ceramic fragments use for filling up the perforations of the kiln plate for pit B, paste of polished, a means has a groove, other incisions distanced (fig. 102/15-17) and other fragments (fig. 101/4142, 44-47); - the imported pottery: wall of reddish amphora (fig. 101/24, 43); sliver of flint (fig. 102/13); whetstone (fig. 102/9), basis of reddish amphora (fig. 102/10). The inventory of pits Pit P1, 17 (fig. 103/1-9, 12-13) - ceramic of coarse paste: 2 groove walls blackish, 1 wall from a vessel polished (fig. 103/8, 12-13); - ceramic of grayish-blackish fine paste: 1 edge (fig. 103/4); - ceramic of grayish fine paste: 1 edge of tureen (fig. 103/3), 3 edges (fig. 103/1-2, 5), 1 edge with handle (fig. 103/6), 1 annular basis (fig. 103/6; =9 cm; 103/9, 12);

Atelierul de olrie, sec. IV-V / The potter's workshop, the 4th-5th centuries


- the imported pottery: 16-18 wall of amphorae; outside yellowish, inside reddish, coarse paste (fig. 98/16), 19 wall of yellowish amphora (fig. 98/17), reddish (fig. 98/18), and basis amphora (fig. 99/3). Pit P2, 19 (fig. 103/14-39) - coarse ceramic: 1 basis white outside, covered with a layer of ashes (fig. 103/30, =10 cm), 2 basis, first with traces of modeling or impressions from a net (fig. 103/36, 39), 1wall (fig. 103/32); - slightly coarse ceramic: 2 jars (fig. 104/1, 7: mouth=14; 13 cm); 1 rim (fig. 103/16), 1 basis (fig. 103/31, =5 cm), 1 fragment ceramic canelat (fig. 103/37); - ceramic of grayish fine paste: 5 tureens (fig. 103/14-15, 18-19; 28; mouth=16-17; 22 cm), 1 small tureen (fig. 103/24), 6 rims (fig. 103/20-23; 25; 33; mouth=20; 18; 16 cm), 1 jar (fig. 103/26), 1 wall (fig. 103/27), 1 handle (fig. 103/17), 2 annular bases, 1 straight basis (fig. 103/29, 35, 38; = 8, 6, 10, 16 cm). Big pit P3 (fig. 104/6, 9-10, 12) - hand made ware ceramic: 1 rim (fig. 104/6), 2 bases (fig. 104/9, 12, =10, 12 cm); - ceramic of grayish fine paste: 1 annular basis (fig. 104/10, =10). Interior of the workshop: - gray fine ceramic: 2 mugs (fig. 104/2, 15; mouth=8; 7,5 cm), 2 tureen (fig. 104/1, 11; mouth=14; 22 cm), tureen (fig. 104/14; mouth=16), 2 rims (fig. 104/5, 17; mouth=24 cm), 1 annular basis (fig. 104/3; =4,5 cm), ceramic fragments burned by melting (fig. 104/8). -1 bowl (fig. 103/4), pot wall for filling up the perforations of the kiln plate (fig. 103/1-3); - 3 fragmentary bowls (fig. 104/1, 3-4); 2 potsherds decorated with incisions or with nervures (fig. 104/2 10); 3 bases (fig. 104/5-6, 8), 1 basis an amphora (fig. 104/9) and 3 vessels (fig. 104/1-6, 8). Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 1 rubber (fig. 104/7). Construction materials: - remains of kiln daub (fig. 104/10). Analogii: Vrtecoiu Poieneti culture, Cucoeni - Butnreti (Gh. Bichir 1966, p. 489-509; Idem 1994, p. 321), cheia - Silitea, jud. Suceava (Gr. Foit 1969, p. 25-28), ifeti, Panciu - La Grigoreti (S. Morintz, N. Haruche, 1962, p. 522-523, fig. 2), Piatra Neam - Drmneti pe Cuejdi (C. Matas, I. Zamoteanu, M. Zamoteanu, p. 345-346, pl. 5), Poiana Dulceti - Pe silite (Gh. Bichir 1973a, p. 53, 57, fig. XIX, XXXIII, XXXVI; 1973b, p. 99 et sq.; Idem 1967), 3rd-4th centuries, Maria Coma (1985, p. 171-184), Blai, jud. Iai (V. Chirica, M. Tanasachi 1984, IV.6.F., p. 48), Blteni - Grla Strmbu (I. T. Dragomir 1962, p. 12, fig. 22), Silitea - Muncelu (I. Ioni 2010, p. 191); Poieneti - Dealul Teilor (C. Cihodaru 1938, p. 33, fig. 15; R. Vulpe et alii 1950, p. 50), Zorleni - Fntnele (V. Palade 1969a, p. 343-34), Brlad - Valea Seac (Idem, 2004, p. 172), south of the Carpai, Ocnia (M. Babe, D. Berciu 2000, p. 217-219), Grdini Slite, Cara-Severin county (O. Bozu 1996, p. 55-56, fig. 127), Arge (V. Barbu 1999-2000, p. 231-233). Fragmentary fauna inventory: The fauna inventory of this feature represents the richest example - 1816 remains assigned to the following taxonomical groups: mollusks, fish, amphibians, birds and mammals. 87 bones of a piglet were separated from the bone group of Sus domesticus, as they result from the same individual, probably laid as a whole. From the total number of fauna remains, 501 did not allow the specific determination, they being distributed to: the large mammals - 36, average size mammals - 289, mammals - 20, micromammals - 53 and 103 left undetermined. Taphonomically the following traces were identified: 32 black traces of firing, three of which were even calcined, 17 of butchering, two of skinning and two of meat removal, and 40 were gnawed by carnivores. - Amphibians: bone and frg.(434) of Bufo sp. and Rana sp. From the entire skeleton (craniumm 20, ilion 39, crural 58, humerus 41, sacral vertebrae 9, autopodal bones 85, femur 59, mandible 27, radius-ulna 34, urostil 24, pro-atlantic vertebra 3, thoracic vertebra 35) from a large number of individuals. - Aves: 128 bones and fragments, out of which 3 of Gallus domesticus (coracoid, metacarpal al III and sinsacrum), 66 from various small birds, probably wild (1 cranium m, 4 furculae, 1 mandible, 13 flat bones, 39 long bones, 6 scapulars, 2 sinsacrums), while for the other bones there was no possibility for a general anatomical determination. - Mollusks: 43 shells, whole or fragmentary, from the following species: Cepaea virdobonensis, Cerithium sp., Helicella ovia, Helicella sp., Helix pomatia, Viviparus viviparus, Viviparus sp., Unio sp.; - Pisces: 382 bones, mainly from teleosteans (Aspius aspius, Cyprinus carpio, Esox lucius, Silurus glanis, Stizostedion lucioperca and other), and from sturgeons (Acipenser sp.);


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

- Bos taurus: 1 heel-bone (left), 1 half-moon carpal (left), 1 centro-tarsal, 5 proximal phalanges, 1 medial phalange, 1 distal phalange, 5 right member pieces (astragal, heel-bone, kneecap, tibia, centro-tarsal) in anatomic connection, from one adult individual, as well as bone fragments - 6 hipbone, 22 cranial (3 left, 4 right; with a skull showing on its frontal bone the mark of the slaughterers hit), 1 ulna (left), 8 humerus (2 left, 3 right), 16 mandible (6 left, 4 right), 1 metacarpal al, 6 metatarsal (2 left, 1 right), 3 radius (left), 12 scapula (3 left, 2 right), 2 tibia (from adult individuals, one from the left member), atlas and axis vertebrae; - Canis familiaris: hipbone (left), tooth, tibia (right) and 7 other bones from the same, adult individual (skull, 2 mandible and its first 4 cervical vertebrae); - Capreolus capreolus: fragments of the cranium, mandible, radius (left), tibia - 2; - Equus caballus: bone fragments - 4 hipbones (1 left), femur (right), tibia (left), atlas, 4 vertebrae and whole bones - 2 jugal upper left teeth, proximal phalange; - Ovicaprinae: 7 jugal teeth and incisors, fragments of cranium - 3, humerus - 2 (1 left), mandible - 4 (1 left, 2 right), metacarpal - 2 (1 right and one from an adult individual), metapodal - 1, radius - 1 (left, from an adult individual); - Ovis aries: bone fragments - 6 cranial, 2 mandibles (left, right), 2 tibiae (1 right), 1 atlas; - Sus domesticus: ribs fragments - 10, cranium - 17, ulna - 1 (right), mandible - 4, metapodal - 7, scapula - 1, tibia - 2 (left, from an adult individual), sacrum, vertebrae - 7, carpal/tarsal - 1 and whole bones: teeth - 11, phalanges - 4, metacarpal al III - 2 (left). In addition there were found another 87 bones and bone fragments, from a very young individual (the same piglet, in our opinion): 2 astragals (left, right), 2 heel-bone (left, right), 3 carpals - right cuboid and scaphoid, 27 ribs fragments, 4 fragments of hipbone (2 left, 2 right), 2 ulna (left, right), 3 proximal phalanges, 3 femurs (1 right), 2 humeri (left, right), 1 metacarpal al III left, 2 metacarpal al IV (left, right), 1 metapodal, 2 metatarsal III, 1 metatarsal IV, 2 fibulae (left, drepta), 3 radius (left, right), 3 scapulae (1 left, 2 right), 2 tibiae (left, right), 18 vertebrae, 2 mandible (left, right), 1 long bone. The faunal remains recovered from this archeological feature, according to the results of the analyses carried out by PhD Simina Stanc, assemble the richest find of this type within the settlement: 1816, and are assigned to the following taxonomic groups: Mollusks, Amphibians, Fish, Birds and Mammals. From the taphonomic point of vies, there were identified the following types of traces: 32 of black burn, three calcinated; 17 of butchering, two of each skinning and boning and 40 traces of the action of wild carnivores. As reported by the author of the study, the ancient inhabitants were using the local animals as food-source.

Pl. 24. Banca Gar - apte case. Cuptorul A, din atelierul de olrie, cpl. 65, sec. IV-V. Kiln A, with the potters workshop, cpl. 65, 4rd5th centuries.

Mormntul de nhumaie nr. 4, M4, sec. IV / The inhumation grave M4, 4th century


4.52. Cpl. 66. Mormntul de nhumaie nr. 4, M4 (fig. 106), deranjat, a aprut n campania de spturi din anul 1986, n sectorul A, pe S XXI. Se dateaz n secolul al IV-lea. Forma gropii, probabil tot rectangular-alungit (nu se contureaz clar), orientat pe axa nord-sud, cu o mic deviere, L=1,65 m; l=0,53 m, se adncete pn la -1,35 m fa de nivelul actual de clcare. Din groapa acestuia s-a difereniat i un mic inventar faunistic fragmentar. Cele 23 de resturi osoase animaliere recoltate, cercetate de Simina Stanc, au fost separate pe dou grupe. Prima grup, cpl. 66a, a resturilor osoase colectate din mormnt (n numr de 14) este reprezentat prin fragmente ce au aparinut bovinelor (carp-semilunar drept, dinte molar superior i cte un fragment de femur, humerus, mandibul i tibie dreapta), ovicaprinelor (fragmente de coast, mandibul stnga i tibie) i porcinelor (fragment de radius de la un individ tnr), la care se adaug alte 4 fragmente osoase atribuite, cu mult probabilitate, tot bovinelor, fr a se putea identifica piesa osoas cu exactitate. Resturile faunistice identificate proveneau de la vit, ovicaprine i porcine, o ofrand tripl, de la trei specii de animale diferite. A doua grup, nsumeaz resturile faunistice gsite n groapa de deasupra mormntului (n numr de 9) aparinnd acelorai specii, vezi cpl. 66b.

Fig. 106. Banca Gar - apte case. Mormnt de nhumaie nr. 4 i groapa nr. 8 cpl. 66-66a, sec. IV. The inhumation grave no. 4 and pit no. 8 cpl. 66a-66b, 4th century.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Inventar faunistic din mormnt: - Bos taurus (carp-semilunar drept, dinte molar superior i cte un fragment de femur, humerus, mandibul i tibie); 4 fragmente osoase atribuite, cu mult probabilitate, tot bovinelor; - ovicaprine: fragmente de coast, mandibul stnga i tibie; - porcine: fragment de radius; - 4 fragmente osoase atribuite, cu mult probabilitate, tot bovinelor. Analiza antropologic Mormntul conine un schelet depus pe spate, deficitar conservat, fiind reprezentat prin fragmente rezultate din craniul neural (frontal, parietal drept, temporale, occipital) i facial(din maxilarul superior i mandibul), prin diafizele oaselor lungi, oasele bazinului, cteva vertebre, un omoplat, un calcaneu i alte fragmente mici indeterminabile. Dup stadiul de dezvoltare a dentiiei, care pune n eviden prezena molarelor de 6 ani, alturi de unii dini de lapte, a permis precizarea vrstei: cca 6-7 ani (infans I); sexul era probabil feminin (conform inventarului funerar din mormnt). Cpl. 66a. The inhumation grave M4 (fig. 106), also dated to the 4 th century, was found during the 1986 campaign, already disturbed, in Sector A, S21. The shape of the grave-pit was probably oblongrectangular, with north-south orientation, a slight deviation (1.65 m by 0.53 m) and 1.53 m deep (from the actual treading level). The animal bones collected were studied by PhD Simina Stanc. They were separated in two groups: the first consisted in the bones and bone fragments found inside the grave (14 pieces) and is represented by bovid bone fragments (the right half-moon carpal bone, a superior molar, hipbone, right humerus, mandible and right tibia, one fragment of each), ovine bone fragments (rib pieces, left mandible and tibia) and porcine (a radius fragment from a young animal), as well as four also very probable bovid unidentifiable bone fragments. The fauna inventory sums the bone remains by bovid, ovicaprines and i porcine, o ofrand tripl, de la trei specii de animale diferite. Fauna inventory of the tomb: - Bos taurus: straight half moon carpal bone, upper molar and one fragment of femur, one of right humerus, one of mandible and one of right tibia; - ovicaprines: fragments of ribs, left mandible and tibia; - porcines: fragment of radius of a young individual; - 4 fragments of bones assigned with a high degree of probability, to bovines as well. The anthropological analysis The grave holds a skeleton in supine position, in a very poor state of preservation (represented only by fragments from the neuro-cranium: frontal, right parietal, the temporal and occipital bones, and facial cranium m: upper and lower maxillary, the diaphyses of the long bones, the pelvic bones, several vertebrae, a shoulder blade, a calcaneus and various other small, undetermined bone-fragments). Judging from the dental development (the presence both of some deciduous teeth and the permanent molars), we can assess the age of the defunct at approximately 6-7 years (infans 1), and the gender probably female (taking into account the grave goods found). Out of this grave was also collected a small inventory of animal bones. On top of M4 there is present a small more or less circular pit, the G8 (1.90-1.85 in diameter, ch. 66a), which was made probably by grave robbers or it is perhaps the result of a unrelated stratigraphical process, being a more recent archeological feature. 4.53. Cpl. 66b. Groapa nr. 8, deranjat. Datare: secolul al IV-lea. S-a descoperit n anul 1986, n sectorul A, pe SXXI, L=1,29; l=0,53 m i se adncete la -0, 84 m. n inventar era i un pahar de sticl (fig. 107/1), un disc i un galet-lustruitor (fig. 107/5, 7). Ceramica nu a fost prea numeroas 8 vase, patru din grupa puin zgrunuroas cenuie, dou baze i patru cioburi i patru fin cenuie, dou oale (fig. 107/6, 10) i dou baze (fig. 107/8-9). Resturile faunistice gsite n groapa de deasupra mormntului (n numr de 9) aparin speciilor, Bos taurus, ovicaprine, Sus domesticus. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica din past puin zgrunuroas cenuie: 2 baze i alte patru pri de perei; - ceramica cenuie: 2 borcane, unul cu buza ngroat, altul cu buza tras mult exterior, posibil un import, dup Andrei Opai (fig. 107/6, 10; buz=19; 21 cm); 2 baze (fig. 107/8-9; =12-13 cm); - vase de import: 1 pahar de sticl fragmentar (fig. 107/1).

Groapa nr. 8, sec. IV / Pit no. 8, 4th century


Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 1 galet de culoare maronie, cu feele lustruite; 1 gresie de forma unei calote sferice, finisat pe suprafaa plan (fig. 107/5, 7). Inventar faunistic fragmentar: - Bos taurus (cte un fragment de femur, scapula i radius); - ovicaprine (fragment tibie); - Sus domesticus (2 fragmente craniu i 1 scapul), mamifer de talie mijlocie (2).

Fig. 107. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente: 1 pahar de sticl; 5, 7 galet i disc; ceramica lucrat la roat, past zgrunuroas, 2-3 perei; 4 baz; fin cenuie, 6, 10 oale; 8-9 baze. Groapa nr. 8 cpl. 66a, sec. IV. Fragments: 1 glass beaker; 5, 7 river stone, and discoid gritstone. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel, coarse gray pottery, 2-3 wall; 4 basis; gray fine, 6, 10 jars; 8-9 bases. Pit no. 8 cpl. 66a, 4th century.

Cpl. 66b. Pit no. 8, disturbed. Dated to: the 4th century. It was discovered in 1986, in sector A, on S XXI, L=1,29 m, w=0,53 m and it goes down to the depth of -0, 84 m. Eight vessels, the ceramic ware of slightly coarse paste was not too rich, four, two bases and four potsherds, four of grayish fine paste were recovered, two jars (fig. 107/6, 10) and two bases (fig. 107/8-9). One jar of 4th century IV, with the outer lip drawn, possible imports, after A. Opai (fig. 107/6). Among them, there was also a glass beaker (fig. 107/1), a disk and a river stone polished (fig. 107/5, 7). The fauna remains found in the pit above the grave (their number is 9) belong to the species, Bos taurus, ovicaprines, Sus domesticus. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - grayish pottery of slightly coarse paste, 2 bases; 4 potsherds; - gray pottery: 2 jars one with thickened rim, another with the rim drawn much to the exterior (fig. 107/6, 10; mouth=19; 21 cm); 2 bases (fig. 107/8-9; =12-13 cm); imported, fragmentary glass beaker. Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 1 river stone with polished faces; discoid gritstone calotte, finished on the flat surface (fig. 107/5,7).


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Fragmented fauna inventory: - Bos taurus: one fragment of femur, one of scapula and one of radius; - ovicaprines: tibia fragment; - Sus domesticus: 2 fragments of cranium and 1 of scapula, average size mammal (2). 4.54. Cpl. 69a. Groapa nr. 3 (fig. 93/4), nederanjat. Datare: secolele IV-V. Groapa, spat n anul 1986, a fost situat n apropierea locuinei uor adncite L22, cpl. 69, specific culturii Dridu, descoperit n sectorul A, pe S XXII. Puinele fragmente ceramice aflate aici au permis datarea gropii i la nceputul secolului al V-lea. Faunistic s-au recoltat 44 resturi osoase i dentare, provenite numai de la mamifere domestice; pentru 16 dintre fragmentele osoase nu s-a putut realiza determinarea specific (mamifer de talie mare - 8, mamifer de talie mijlocie - 6, micromamifer - 2). Din punct de vedere tafonomic s-au identificat urmtoarele tipuri de urme: cte trei de arsur neagr, tranare, cte unul de jupuire sau descarnare, 8 roase de carnivore. Inventar faunistic fragmentar: - Bos taurus: piese ntregi - falang proximal i rotul i piese fragmentare - coxal dreapta, frontal dreapta, dinte premolar inferior, mandibul, metacarp, metapod, metatars, scapula - 3 (1 stnga, 1 dreapta); - Equus caballus: fragment de mandibul dreapta i scapula dreapta; - Ovicaprine: fragmente de femur, humerus - 2 (1 dreapta) i os lung; Ovis aries: fragmente de mandibul dreapta i metatars; - Sus domesticus: fragmente de mandibul - 3 (2 dreapta, 1 stnga, de la indivizi imaturi, dar 2 dintre ei foarte tineri), coast - 3 i craniu. Materiale: - fragmente de zgur, groapa 3, cpl. 69 (fig. 96/9-10). Cpl. 69a. Pit no. 3 (fig. 93/4), undisturbed. Dated to: the 4rd5th centuries. The pit was excavated in 1986 and found near the slightly buried dwelling L 22, cpl. 69, specific to the Dridu culture, discovered in sector A, on S XXII. The few ceramic fragments that were identified allow the dating of the pit also to the beginning of the 5th century. In terms of fauna, there were picked up 44 bone and tooth remains, resulting not only from domestic mammals; for 16 of the bone fragments it was not possible to carry out the specific determination (large mammal - 8, average size mammal - 6, micromammal - 2). Taphonomically, there were identified the following types of traces: three black traces of firing, three of butchering, one of skinning and one of meat removal and 8 gnawed by carnivores. Fragmented fauna inventory: - Bos taurus: whole items - proximal phalange and knee patella and fragmentary - hipbone right, frontal right, premolar lower tooth, mandible, metacarpal, metapodal, metatarsal, scapula - 3 (1 left, 1 right); - Ovicaprines: fragments of femur, humerus - 2 (1 right) and long bone; Ovis aries: fragments of right mandible and metatarsal; - Sus domesticus: fragments of mandible - 3 (2 right, 1 left, from young individuals, and 2 of them from very young ones), rib - 3 and cranium; - Equus caballus: fragment of right mandible and right scapula. Materials: - Rusted iron slag, cpl. 69 (fig. 96/9-10). 4.55. Cpl. 70. Aglomerare de materiale nr. 1, construcie sezonier de suprafa, construcie sezonier de suprafa. Datare: secolele III-IV (fig. 108). n anul 1986, n sectorul A, pe SXXII, la adncimea de -0,47 m s-au pcluit cteva fragmentele ceramice rspndite pe o suprafa destul de mare. ntre ele se aflau i cteva resturi de chirpici, nu i buci de crust de vatr, un lustruitor (fig. 108/1), un vrf de fier (fig. 108/3) i o gresie finisat pe una din fee (fig. 108/10). Cioburile aflate n perimetrul delimitat al acestei aglomerri provin de la cel puin ase vase din specia fin cenuie (fig. 108/4-9, 12-13), un perete de vas (fig. 108/2), la care se adaug i un perete de la o amfor (fig. 108/11), n total 7, dar i trei resturi osoase. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica fin cenuie: 1 can (fig. 108/5); 1 castron cu buza invazat (fig. 108/12); 3 oale (fig.

Aglomerare de materiale nr. 1, sec. III-IV / Agglomeration of materials no. 1, 3rd-4th centuries


108/4, 6, 8); 1 toart (fig. 108/7); 2 baze (fig. 108/9; baz=4; 8 cm); 1 buton de capac (fig. 108/13); - ceramica de import: 1 amfor (fig. 108/11). Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 1 vrf de fier (fig. 108/3); - 1 galet folosit ca lustruitor (fig. 108/1); 1 gresie finisat pe una din fee (fig. 108/10). Inventar faunistic fragmentar: - 2 Sus domesticus (dinte incisiv i vertebr cervical); - 1 mamifer de talie mijlocie, posibil tot porc (fragment coast).

Fig. 108. Banca Gar - apte case. 1 Lustruitor; 3 vrf de fier; 10 gresie finisat. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roat: past fin cenuie, 2 perete decorat; 4, 6, 8 oale; 5 can; 7 toart; 9 baze; 12 castron; 13 buton de capac; import, 11 amfor - corp. Aglomerare de materiale nr. 1 cpl. 70, sec. III-IV. 1 River stone used; 3 iron point; 10 finishing gritstone. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: gray fine, 2 wall decorated; 4, 6, 8 jars; 5 mug; 7 handles; 9 basis; 12 tureen; 13 lid button; imported, 11 wall of amphora. Agglomeration of materials no.1 cpl. 70, 3rd4th centuries.

Cpl. 70. Agglomeration of materials no. 1, seasonal construction above ground. Dated to: the 3rd4th centuries (fig. 108). In 1986, in sector A, on SXXII, at the depth of -0,47 m there appeared several ceramic fragments spread over a quite large surface. Among these there were also few remains of adobe, but not pieces of hearth crust, a polished bone (fig. 108/1), an iron point (fig. 108/3) and a gritstone with finishing on one side (fig. 108/10). The potsherds that were within the perimeter delimited by this accumulation belong to at least six vessels of the grayish fine pottery (fig. 108/4-9, 12-13), a pot wall (fig. 108/2), to which an amphora wall (fig. 108/11) 7 vessels in all, and also three bone remains are to be added as well. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - gray fine ceramic ware: 1 mug (fig. 108/5); 1 bowl with inner turned rim (fig. 108/12); 3 jars (fig. 108/4, 6, 8); 1 handle (fig. 108/7); 2 bases (fig. 108/9; =4; 8 cm); 1 lid button (fig. 108/13); - imported pottery: 1 amphora (fig. 108/11). Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 1 iron point (fig. 108/3);


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

- 1 river stone used as polished bone (fig. 108/1); 1 gritstone with finishing on one side (fig. 108/10). Fragmented fauna inventory: - 2 Sus domesticus (incisive and cervical vertebra); - 1 average size mammal, possibly also of pig (fragmented rib). 4.56. Cpl. 71. Groapa nr. 9 (fig. 93/5), nederanjat. Datare: secolul al IV-lea (fig. 109-110). Pe SIII, din sectorul D, n anul 1986 s-a investigat o groap sau o construcie fr vatr, n plan aproximativ dreptunghiular, cu un col alungit spre est, L=3,50; l=2,55; h=0,58 m. Inventarul este format din cteva ustensile, o fusaiol de lut (fig. 110/2), un cuit (fig. 110/3), o cute (fig. 110/4), o greutate de lut (fig. 110/7) i un pandantiv dreptunghiular (fig. 110/1-1a). S-au adunat din groap pri de la 30, de vase, 15 modelate din past zgrunuroas cenuie, din care apte vase de provizii (fig. 109/1-7) i opt buze diferite. Din ceramica fin - 13, din care un fragment negru lustruit (fig. 110/5), unul din ceramic neagr mai puin fin (fig. 110/8), tot unul din ceramica glbuie i 10 din ceramic cenuie fin. Un fragment din past neagr lustruit decorat prin imprimare (fig. 110/6) i o toart de amfor, ntregesc inventarul. Numeros a fost i inventarul faunistic, 89 resturi atribuite la trei grupe: peti, psri i mamifere domestice. Pentru 49 fragmente osoase nu s-a stabilit specia de la care provin, ele pot aparine unor grupe generale de mamifere: mamifere de talie mare - 30, mamifere de talie mijlocie - 19. Urmele tafonomice identificate la nivelul oaselor sunt urmtoarele: dou de arsur neagr i cte unul de calcinare, tranare, jupuire, descarnare, plus 12 roase de carnivore.

Fig. 109. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roata olarului: past zgrunuroas, 1-7 vase de provizii. Groapa nr. 9 cpl. 71, sec. IV. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: coarse paste, 1-7 vessel for food storage. Pit no. 9 cpl. 71, 4th century.

Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica din past zgrunuroas cenuie: 7 vase de provizii (fig. 109); 8 buze (=11; 14,5; 9; 10; 2x12; 16; 18 cm);

Groapa nr. 9, sec. IV / Pit no. 9, 4th century


- ceramica fin neagr: 1 pahar lustruit (fig. 110/5; =12 cm); 1 castrona (fig. 110/8); - ceramica fin glbuie: 1 ciob cu o nervur; cenuie, fin, 1 toart; 10 buze diferite (=2x7; 7,6; 3x8; 9; 9,6; 10; 11 cm), 5 baze (=2x7; 7,6; 2 x 8 cm). - import: 1 past neagr lustruit, perete decorat prin imprimare (fig. 110/6); 1 toart de amfor. Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 1 fusaiol de lut (fig. 110/2); 1 greutate de lut (fig. 110/7); - 1 cuit de fier (fig. 110/3); - 1 cute de gresie (fig. 110/4).

Fig. 110. Banca Gar - apte case. Podoabe: 1 pandantiv; 2 fusaiol; 3 cuit; 4 cute; 7 greutate; 9 chirpici. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roat: past neagr, 5 can; 8 castrona; import, 6 perete decorat. Groapa nr. 9 cpl. 71, sec. IV. Jewels: 1 pendant; 2 biconical piece; 3 1 iron knife; 4 whetstone; 7 weight; 9 adobe. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel, blackish polished paste, 5 mug; 8 small tureen; imported, 6 wall decorated. Pit no. 9 cpl. 71, 4th century.

Podoabe: - 1 pandantiv dreptunghiular de argint (fig. 110/1-1a). Inventar faunistic fragmentar: - Pisces - teleosteeni 1; - Gallus domesticus: tibiotars; - Bos taurus: piese ntregi - astragal dreapta, dinte premolar 4 de lapte, falange proximal i mijlocie, maleolar, sesamoid i vertebr cervical i piese fragmentare: astragal, frontal, dini jugali - 2, falang, humerus - 2, mandibul - 3, metacarp - 3 (1 stnga; 2 provin de la indivizi maturi), metapod, metatars dreapta (de la individ matur), tibie - 3, vertebr toracic;


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

- Equus caballus: calcaneu dreapta, de la individ matur; - Ovis/Capra: fragmente de maxilar superior, dinte molar superior, humerus - 3 (1 stnga), metapod, radius, tibie; - Sus domesticus: fragmente de scapul i mandibul. Materiale de construcie: - fragmente de chirpici care provin de la aceeai parte de perete, degresat cu cioburi pisate, de culoare cenuiu-glbuie cu pete roietice. Cpl. 71. Pit no. 9 (fig. 93/5), undisturbed. Dated to: the 4th century (fig. 109-110). On S III, of sector D, pit no. 10 was investigated in 1986. The inventory is formed of few tools, a clay piece (fig. 110/2), a knife (fig. 110/3), a whetstone (fig. 110/4), a clay weight (fig. 110/7) and a rectangular pendant (fig. 110/1-1a). From the pit there - 30, 15, were gathered seven vessels shaped of grayish coarse paste (fig. 109/1-7), eight rims of the same paste and 13 fine ceramic ware: a fragment of black polished paste (fig. 110/5), one of black pottery (fig. 110/8), another one of yellowish and 10 of grayish. A fragment of one black polished ceramic ware decorated by impression (fig. 110/6), a handle of an amphora complete the inventory. The fauna inventory is also rich, consisting in 89 remains assigned to three groups: fish, birds and domestic mammals. For 49 bone fragments it was not possible to establish the species they were resulting from, they could belong to general groups of mammals: large mammals - 30, average size mammals - 19. The taphonomic traces identified on the bones are the following: two with black traces of firing and one with traces of calcinations, one of butchering, of skinning, one of meat removal, plus 12 gnawed by carnivores. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - gray coarse ceramic: 7 food storage vessels (fig. 109); 8 rims (=11; 14,5; 9-10; 2x12; 16; 18 cm); - black ceramic paste: 1 polished beaker (fig. 110/5; =12 cm); 1 small bowl (fig. 110/8); - yellowish ceramic paste: 1 potsherd with a nervure; grayish, fine, 1 handle; 11 different rims (=2x7; 7,6; 3x8; 9; 9,6; 10-11 cm), 5 bases (=2x7; 7,6; 2x8 cm); imported ceramic: 1 potsherd also of black polished ceramic ware, of a pot decorated by impression (fig. 110/6); 1 handle of an amphora. Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 1 piece (fig. 110/2); 1 clay weight (fig. 110/7); - 1 iron knife (fig. 110/3); - 1 whetstone made of gritstone (fig. 110/4). Jewels: - 1 rectangular pendant (fig. 110/1-1a). Fragmented fauna inventory: - Pisces teleosteen 1; - Gallus domesticus: tibiotars; - Bos taurus: whole items - astragal right, 4th premolar (calf's tooth), proximal and middle phalanges, malleolar, sesamoidal and cervical vertebra and fragmentary items: astragal, frontal, jugal teeth - 2, phalange, humerus - 2, mandible - 3, metacarpalal - 3 (1 left; 2 resulting from adults), metapodal, right metatarsal (of an adult), tibia - 3, thoracic vertebra; - Equus caballus: right calcaneus, of an adult; - Ovis/Capra:fragments of upper maxillary, upper molar, humerus-3(1 left), metapodal, radius, tibia; - Sus domesticus: fragments of scapula and mandible. Construction materials: - 1 pieces of adobe, of hearth. 4.57. Cpl. 72. Locuina de suprafa nr. 6, conservat mediu (fig. 111/1). Datare: secolele III-IV (fig. 112), descoperit n anul 1986, n sectorul C, pe S VIII. A fost situat n panta uoar iniial amenajat, cu o suprafa de aproximativ 9,6 m 2, L=3,20; l=3 m, adncime de -0,57 m i orientarea nord-sud. Recent locuina a fost deranjat de lucrrile agricole. Pe podeaua acesteia, cu o grosime de 3-4 cm, s-au mai pstrat cteva fragmente de la pereii locuinei, chirpici pe o parte cu amprente de nuiele cu diametre de cca 3-4 cm i de pari, cu diametre de 6-10 cm. Vatra pstrat mai bine, avea o form circular, =65x55 cm. Numrul vaselor reconstituite prin desen este de cel puin 15, din care un vas a fost modelat cu mna (fig. 112/9), trei din past zgrunuroas cenuie, nou au fost specifice ceramicii fine arse cenuiu (fig. 112/3, 5-7, 11-13), din care un vas bitronconic are o culoare neagr (fig. 112/2). Acestora se adaug ceramica

Locuina de suprafa nr. 6, sec. III-IV / Surface dwelling no. 6, 3rd-4th centuries


de import, o gur de vas, un import din secolul al IV-lea un pahar de sticl (fig. 112/4) i mai multe pri de la amfore (fig. 112/14). Cele 177 resturi din inventarul faunistic au fost repartizate la cinci grupe taxonomice: molute, peti, amfibieni, psri i mamifere (att domestice, ct i slbatice). Dintre acestea, 82 nu au permis, datorit naltului lor grad de fragmentare, determinarea specific, fiind atribuite unor grupe generale.

Fig. 111. Banca Gar - apte case. 1, 4 Gropile nr. 9, 4, cpl. 71, 74, sec. IV i III-IV; 2 locuina de suprafa nr. 6 cpl. 72; 3 aglomerare de ceramic nr. 2 cpl. 73, sec. III-IV. 1, 4 Pits no. 9, 4, cpl. 74, 4 th century and 3rd-4th centuries; 2 Surface dwelling no. 6 cpl. 72; 3 agglomeration of materials no. 2 cpl. 73, 3rd-4th centuries.

Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna: 1 castron emisferic (fig. 112/9); - ceramica din past zgrunuroas cenuie: 3 fragmente de la 1 vas de provizii; 1 baz uor evazat (=12 cm) i altele drepte (=10 cm) sau spre baz rotunjite (=10 cm); - ceramica fin cenuie: 2 oale (fig. 112/3, 10); 2 buze cu nuiri pentru capac (fig. 112/5, 7); 3 vase ovoidale (fig. 112/6, 11-12); 1 ciob decorat (fig. 112/13); neagr: 1 vas bitronconic (fig. 112/2; corp=16 cm); - ceramica de import: 1 pahar de sticl (fig. 112/4; =7,2; h=3,3 cm); 15 fragmente de la amfore crmizii nisipoase; 1 mnu; 1 gt, 1 baz i alte fragmente ce provin din corpul unei amfore (fig. 112/14). Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 2 silexuri cenuii: 1 nucleu i 1 achie pe o latur cu retue; 1 cute lucrat pe o piatr de ru (fig. 112/1); 1 fragment probabil dintr-o rni de gresie cenuie (fig. 112/8). Inventar faunistic fragmentar:


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

- Amphibia: 4 oase (radio-cubitus, crural, femur, mandibula); - Pisces - teleosteeni: 1; - Mollusca: 5 cochilii fragmentate de Cepaea virdobonensis i 3 fragmente de valv de Unio pictorum; - Gallus domesticus: coracoid, femur (stnga), radius - 2 i cte un fragment de clavicular, tibiotars; - Bos taurus: calcaneu (dreapta), craniu - 8 (4 fragmente dreapta, 3 stnga), dinte premolar superior, falang proximal - 4, falang mijlocie - 2, humerus - 4 (2 stnga, 1 dreapta), mandibul - 9 (6 stnga, 2 dreapta), metacarp - 4, metapod - 1, metatars - 7 (2 dreapta, 1 stnga), radius - 2 (stnga), scapula - 5 (1 dreapta), 2 - vertebr lombar; - Canis familiaris: tibie dreapta; - Cervus elaphus: tibie stnga; Capreolus capreolus: coxal; - Equus caballus: coxal; - Ovis/Capra: cubitus, dinte premolar de lapte inferior, dinte molar inferior, humerus, 3 mandibul (1 stnga), 3 tibie (2 dreapta), vertebr lombar; - Sus domesticus: 2 coxal (stnga, dreapta), fragment craniu (dreapta), 2 cubitus (1 dreapta), dinte incisiv, mandibul dreapta, scapul, 2 vertebre. Materiale de construcie: - fragmente de chirpici.

Fig. 112. 8 Cute; fragmente ceramice lucrate la roat: past fin negricioas, 2 oal; cenuie, 3,5-7,11-12 oale; modelat cu mna, 9 bol; import, 4 pahar de sticl, 10 oal; 14 baz amfor. Locuina de suprafa nr.6 cpl. 72, sec. III-IV. 1, 8 Whetstone; ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: blackish fine paste, 2 jar; grayish, 3, 5-7, 11-12 jars; hand made, 9 bowl; 4 glass beaker, 10 jar; 14 basis of amphora. Surface dwelling no. 6 cpl. 72, 3rd4th centuries.

Aglomerare de ceramic nr. 2, sec. III-IV / Agglomeration of ceramic no. 2, 3rd-4th centuries


Cpl. 72. Surface dwelling no. 6 (fig. 111/1), average state of conservation. Dated to: the 3 rd4th century (fig. 112), discovered in 1986, in sector C, on S VIII. It was situated on the slight slope initially arranged, with a surface of about 9,6 m 2, L=3,20 and w=3 m, at the depth of -0,57 m and with the north south orientation. Recently the dwelling has been disturbed by the agricultural works. On its floor, there were preserved few fragments of the dwelling walls, adobe with impressions of wattle with diameters of 3-4 cm and of posts, with diameters of 6-10 cm. The better preserved hearth had a circular shape, =65x55 cm. The number of the vessels that could be recreated by drawing is 15, out of which a pot was hand made (fig. 112/9), three were made of grayish coarse paste, eight are specific to the grayish fine pottery (fig. 112/2-3, 5-7, 11-13), and among them a biconical vessel is black (fig. 112/2). The imported ceramic ware is to be added as well, consisting in, a rim from the mouth of a vessel, in 4 th century imported, one glass beaker (fig. 112/4) and several parts of amphorae (fig. 112/14). The 177 remains of the fauna inventory were distributed in five taxonomic groups: mollusks, fish, amphibians, birds and mammals (both domestic and wild). Among these, 82 did not allow due to their high degree of fragmentation, the specific determination being assigned to general groups. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware: 1 hemispherical bowl (fig. 112/9); - grayish coarse ceramic: 3 fragments of a food storage vessel; 1 slightly flared basis (=12 cm) and other straight ones (=10 cm) or rounded toward the basis (=10 cm); - grayish fine: 2 jars (fig. 112/3, 10); 2 rims with grooves for the lid (fig. 112/5, 7); 3 vessels with long ovoid body (fig. 112/6, 11-12); 1 decorated (fig. 112/13); black, 1 biconical pot (fig.112/2;body=16 cm); - imported: 1 glass beaker (fig. 112/4; =7,2 cm); 15 fragments of sandy brick-red amphorae; 1 handle; 1 neck and other fragments resulting from the body of grooved vessels or of 1 basis (fig. 112/14). Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 2 grayish flint stones: 1 nucleus and 1 flake with retouches on one side; 1 whetstone worked on a river stone (fig. 112/1); 1 fragment probably of a quern made of grayish gritstone (fig. 112/8). Fragmented fauna inventory: - Amphibians: 4 bones (radio-ulna, crura, femur, mandible); - Pisces - teleosteens: 1; - Mollusks: 5 Fragmented shells of Cepaea virdobonensis and 3 fragments of valve of Unio pictorum; - Gallus domesticus: coracoid, femur (left), radius - 2 and one fragment of clavicle, tibiotarsal respectively; - Bos taurus: calcaneus (right), cranium - 8 (4 right fragments, 3 left), upper premolar, proximal phalange - 4, middle phalange - 2, humerus - 4 (2 left, 1 right), mandible - 9 (6 left, 2 right), metacarpal - 4, metapodal - 1, metatarsal - 7 (2 right, 1 left), radius - 2 (left), scapula - 5 (1 right), 2 - lumbar vertebra; - Canis familiaris: right tibia; - Cervus elaphus: left tibia; Capreolus capreolus: hipbone; - Equus caballus: hipbone; - Ovis/Capra: ulna, lower premolar as calfs tooth, lower molar, humerus, 3 mandibles (1 left), 3 tibia (2 right), lumbar vertebra; - Sus domesticus: 2 hipbones (left, right), fragment of cranium (right), 2 ulnae (1 right), incisive tooth, right mandible, scapula, 2 vertebrae. Construction materials: - 1 pieces of adobe, of hearth. 4.58. Cpl. 73. Aglomerare de ceramic nr. 2, construcie sezonier de suprafa (fig. 111/2). Datare: secolele III-IV (fig. 113). Cele cteva cioburi adunate provin de la ase vase, unul de provizii modelat din past zgrunuroas (fig. 113/4), o buz din past roie puin zgrunuroas (fig. 113/2) i patru din past cenuie fin (fig. 113/1, 3-6). Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - past zgrunuroas: 1 vas de provizii (fig. 113/4); - past puin zgrunuroas roie: 1 buz (fig. 113/2); - past fin cenuie: buze, castron (fig. 113/1, 5, 7); 1 can (fig. 113/3), 1 baz inelar (fig. 113/6). Cpl. 73. Agglomeration of ceramic no. 2, seasonal construction above ground (fig. 111/2). Dated to: the 3rd4th centuries (fig. 113). The few potsherds collected resulted from a six vessels, food storage pot


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

modeled out of red coarse paste (fig. 113/4), a rim of slightly coarse paste (fig. 113/2) and the other four of grayish fine paste (fig. 113/1, 3-6). Fragmented ceramic inventory: - coarse ceramic: 1 food storage pot (fig. 113/4); - red slightly coarse ceramic: 1 rim (fig. 113/2); - grayish fine: 3 potsherds of rims and tureen (fig. 113/1, 5, 7); 1 mug, 1 annular basis (fig. 113/3, 6).

Fig. 113. Banca Gar apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roat: past fin cenuie, 1, 5 buze; 4 vas de provizii; 3 can; 6 baz inelar; 7 ciob; puin zgrunuroas, 2 buz; zgrunuroas, 4 vas de provizii. Aglomerare ceramic nr. 2 cpl. 73, sec. III-IV. Fragments made with the potters: fine paste 1, 5 rims; 4 vessel for food storage; 3 mug; 6 annular basis; 7 potsherd; slightly coarse, 2 rim; coarse, 4 vessel for food storage. Agglomeration of ceramic no. 2 cpl. 73, 3rd4th centuries.

4.59. Cpl. 74. Groapa nr. 4, nederanjat (fig. 111/3). Datare: secolele III-IV (fig. 114). Pe seciunea S II, din sectorul E, pe un teren n pant, orientat nord-sud, s-a spat groapa nr. 7. Forma oval a deschiderii, =0,74x0,51 m, s-a putut trasa la baza depunerii brun-cafenii, la adncimea de -0,50 m. Groapa de form tronconic s-a adncit pn la -1,06 m. n groap s-a gsit doar o cuie cu toarta masiv (fig. 114/6) i cteva unelte de fier (fig. 114/1-5).

Fig. 114. Banca Gar - apte case. 1-5 Unelte de fier; ceramica modelat cu mna, 6 cuie. Groapa nr. 4 cpl. 74, sec. III - IV. 1-5 Iron tools; 5 spur; hand made ware, 6 primitive lamp. Pit no. 4 cpl. 74, 3rd4th centuries.

Mormntul de nhumaie nr. 5, sec. III-IV / The inhumation grave M5, 3rd-4th centuries


Mai numeros era inventarul faunistic, 99 de resturi repartizate la cinci grupe taxonomice: molute, peti, amfibieni, reptile i mamifere. atribuite grupelor urmtoare: mamifere de talie mare - 16, mamifere de talie mijlocie - 18, micromamifere - 5 i o pies nerepartizat vreunui grup. Tafonomie: dou au urme de arsur neagr, unul de jupuire i 11 au fost roase de carnivore. Pentru 40 fragmente osoase nu s-a realizat determinarea specific, ele fiind prea fragmentare. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna: 1 cuie cu toarta masiv (fig. 114/6; =6 cm). Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - unelte de fier (fig. 114/1-4). Inventar faunistic fragmentar: - Amphibia: 3 (2 crural, 1 femur); - Chelonia-Emys sp.: o plac osoas din carapace; - Mollusca: o cochilie fragmentat de Helix pomatia i o valv fragmentat de Unio pictorum; - Bos taurus: astragal dreapta, 2 coxal (1 dreapta), 2 fragmente de craniu (condil occipital dreapta i corn), dinte molar superior stnga, 2 falang proximal, 1 falang mijlocie, 2 femur (stnga, dreapta), 3 humerus (2 stnga), 7 mandibul (4 dreapta, 1 stnga), 4 metacarp (1 dreapta), 1 metapod, 1 metatars stnga, 2 radius (stnga, dreapta), 2 scapula (1 dreapta), 3 tibia (2 dreapta, 1 stnga), 1 radius; - Canis familiaris: humerus stnga; - Cervus elaphus: dinte molar inferior; - Equus caballus: dinte molar inferior, falang proximal; - Ovis/Capra: fragmente cubitus, dinte molar inferior, dinte superior, humerus - 3, mandibul stnga, radius, tibie, metacarp dreapta, os lung; - Sus domesticus: cte un fragment de dinte canin i metatars III. Cpl. 74. Pit no. 4 (fig. 111/3), undisturbed. Dated to: the 3rd4th centuries (fig. 114). On trench S II, of sector E, on a sloped land, of north-south orientation, pit no. 7 was excavated. The oval shape of the opening, =74x51 cm, could be drawn at the basis of the brown soil, at the depth of -0,50 m. The biconical pit was deepened down to -1,06 m. In the pit there were found a primitive lamp with massive handle (fig. 114/6) and few iron tools (fig. 114/1-5). More numerous is the fauna inventory, 99 remains being distributed to five taxonomic groups: mollusks, fish, amphibians, reptiles and mammals. In the case of 40 bone fragments the specific determination could not be achieved, they being assigned to the following groups: large mammals - 16, average size mammals - 18, micromammals - 5 and an item that was not assigned to any group. Taphonomy: two have traces of firing black, one of skinning and 11 were gnawed by carnivores. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware: 1 primitive lamp with massive handle (fig. 114/6; =6 cm). Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - iron tools (fig. 114/1-4); Fragmented fauna inventory: - Amphibians: 3 (2 crura, 1 femur); - Chelonia-Emys sp.: a bone plate of the shell; - Mollusk: a Fragmented shell of Helix pomatia and a Fragmented valve of Unio pictorum; - Bos taurus: right astragal, 2 hipbones (1 right), 2 fragments of cranium (right occipital condile and horn), upper left molar, 2 proximal phalanges, 1 middle phalange, 2 femurs (left, right), 3 humeri (2 left), 7 mandibles (4 right, 1 left), 4 metacarpals (1 right), 1 metapodal, 1 metatarsal, 2 left radiuses (left, right), 2 scapulae (1 right), 3 tibiae (2 right, 1 left), 1 radius; - Canis familiaris: left humerus; - Cervus elaphus: lower molar; - Equus caballus: lower molar, proximal phalange; - Ovis/Capra: fragments of ulna, lower molar, upper tooth, humerus - 3, left mandible, radius, tibia, right metacarpal, long bone; - Sus domesticus: one fragment of canine and one of metatarsal III. 4.60. Cpl. 76. Mormnt de nhumaie nr. 5 (fig. 115), nederanjat, descoperit n 1988, n sectorul A, pe S XVIII, se dateaz n secolele III-IV. Groapa de form rectangular - alungit, de mari dimensiuni, L=3,65; l=1,21 m, era orientat pe axa nord-sud. Mormntul conine un schelet n poziie ntins pe spate,


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

avnd craniul orientat spre nord. Analiza antropologic Scheletul din M5. Conform analizei antropologice a aparinut unei femei tinere de cca 18-20 ani. Scheletul cefalic. Neurocraniul de form ovoid n norma vertical i de cas n cea occipital este lung (177 mm), mijlociu de larg (135 mm) i de nalt (110 mm), indicii corespunztori fiind de tip mezocran (76,26, u.i.), ortocran (62,14 u.i.) i metriocran (81,48 u.i.); fruntea este oval i eurimetop (72,59 u.i.) cu relieful osos slab exprimat; occipitalul este mijlociu de larg att n valoare absolut (107 mm) ct i relativ (72,95 u.i.), mijlociu de bombat i cu relieful ters. Faa este mezoprosop, prin indicele facial total (85,36 u.i. - dar la limita inferioar a categoriei) i mezen prin cel facial superior (50,40 u.i.); orbitele sunt de tip cameconc (74,71 u.i.) iar nasul leptorin (46,0 u.i. - la limita dintre categoria leptorin i mezorin). Raportul ntre lrgimea maxim a feei (123 mm) i cea maxim a craniului (135 mm) este de tip micropsid (91,11 u.i.) iar raportul dintre lrgimea mandibulei (88 mm) i cea a feei este de tip mijlociu (71,54 u.i.). Malarele, mijlocii ca dezvoltare, sunt dispuse intermediar cu o uoar tendin frontalizat, fosa canin fiind slab (gr. 2). Bolta palatin, de adncime mic, prezint un contur paraboloid, apertura piriform fiind antropin.

Fig. 115. Banca Gar - apte case. Mormnt de inhumaie nr. 5 cpl. 76, sec. III-IV. The inhumation grave no. 5 cpl. 76, 3rd4th centuries.

Mormntul de nhumaie nr. 5, sec. III-IV / The inhumation grave M5, 3rd-4th centuries


Mandibula, este joas, gracil (37,03 u.i.) cu mentonul de form piramidal i gonioane slab marcate Dentiia integr este neerodat. Scheletul postcranian, n ansamblu, ofer un aspect de robusticitate pentru o femeie tnr. Statura, calculat n bune condiiuni i dup cele trei metode clasice (Manouvrier, Trotter-Gleser i Bach-Breitinger) aparine categoriei mijlocii (154 cm). Diagnoz tipologic: fond mediteranoid n amestec cu elemente protomediteranoide sau un tip protomediteranoid. Avnd n vedere c inventarul funerar, conine, ntre altele, o oglind de tip sarmat ar putea sugera c femeia nhumat n M5 poate fi de origine sarmat. Inventarul se compune dintr-o oglind lucrat din bronz de tip sarmat (cu grosimea de 2 cm i =4,8 cm), poziionat la nord-est de craniu i o mrgic (fig. 115/2-5). Datele antropologice (conform autorului) nu indic ns elemente caracteristice care s ateste originea sarmat a acestei femei (elementele mongoloide fiind absente). Dimpotriv, craniul prezint elemente exclusiv europoide ce se regsesc n amestec, n structura acestui tip - protomediteranoid, tip ntlnit n unele din mormintele de secol IV, atribuite populaiei locale (Valea Seac, Bogdneti, Polocin). Conform ipotezelor puse de ali autori "inventarul funerar, prin el nsui, analizat izolat de contextul datelor de ansamblu pe care le prezint o necropol ... nu poate indica originea sau apartenena etnic a defunctului" (D. Nicolescu-Plopor 1967, p. 107; Gh. Al. Niculescu 2003, p. 177 i urm.). Cpl. 76. The inhumation grave M5 (fig. 115), found undisturbed in 1988, in sector A (S 18), is dated in the 3rd4th centuries AD. The grave-pit is oblong-rectangular, large (3.65 m by 1.21 m) and northsouth oriented. The grave held a skeleton in supine position, with the head towards north. The grave goods consists in a bronze mirror of Sarmatian type (2 cm thick and 4.8 cm in diameter), found in the north-east vicinity of the skull and a bead (fig. 115/2-5). The anthropological analysis The skeleton in the grave M5. According to the anthropological analysis, it belongs to a young female individual of 18-20 years. The cephalic skeleton The neuro-cranium has a ovoid shape in the vertical norm and a house shape in the occipital one. It is long (177 mm), of medium width (135 mm) and height (110 mm), with indexes in the mesocranian (76.26), ortocranian (62.14) and metriocranian (81.48) types; the forehead is oval and eurymetopic (72.59) with weak ridging; the occipital is of medium width, both in absolute (107 mm) and relative (72.95) values, moderately convex and with low relief. The face is mesoprosopic by its facial total index (85.36, but at the lower limit of the category) and mesene by its upper facial index (50.40), the eye-sockets are of cameconc type (74.71) and the nose is leptorrhyne (46.0 at the limit between the leptorrhyne and mesorrhyne categories). The ratio between the maximum width of the face (123 mm) and that of the skull (135 mm) is of micropside type (91.11), while the ratio between the mandible width (88 mm) and that of the face is of median type (71.54). The malar bones, of medium size, are located medially, with a slight frontal tendency and a weakly developed canine fosse (the 2 nd group). The palate vault is of low height, with a parabolic outline and a piriform aperture of antropinic type. The mandible is low, gracile (index 37.03), with pyramidal menton and weakly shaped gonions. The integral dentition is not eroded. The post-cephalic skeleton shows a general robust appearance for a young woman. The height was computed in fair conditions, following all the three classical methods (Manouvrier, Trotter-Gleser and Bach-Breitinger) and falls inside the Medium category (154 cm) Typological diagnosis: mediterranoid background with additional proto-mediterranoid or protomedierranoid type elements. Taking into account that the grave goods included, among others, a Sarmatian type mirror, there might appear the suggestion that the woman entombed in M6 is of Sarmatian origin. The anthropological data do not offer (in our opinion) characteristic features for the Sarmation origin of this woman (provided the absence of the Mongolic features). On the contrary, the skull shows exclusively Europoid features, which can be found mixed in the structure of the proto-mediterranoid type, which type is frequently found in 4th century graveyards that can be attributed to the local population (Valea Seaca, Bogdanesti, Polocin). According to some hypotheses proposed by other authors, the grave goods by


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

themselves, analyzed separately from the whole contextual data of the funeral site, [] cannot indicate the origin or the ethnicity of the deceased (D. Nicolescu - Plopor, 1967, p. 107; Gh. Al. Niculescu 2003, p. 177 i urm.). 4.61. Cpl. 77. Locuina uor adncit, nr. 1, conservat parial (fig. 116). Datare: secolul al IV-lea (fig. 117), s-a descoperit pe seciunea S XVIII, n sectorul C, n anul 1988. Degajarea atent a umpluturii a permis surprinderea podelei, 11, 65 m2, L=4,30 i l=2,71 m, orientate nord-nord-vest / sud-sud-est, i care s-a format prin bttorirea argilei i amestecarea ei cu pmnt. ntre urmele acesteia nu lipsesc bucile de crust de vatr. Iniial vatra se afla spre colul de nord, cum indic puinele resturi de cenu, crbune i pietre arse. Inventarul locuinei era srac, s-a detaat un os cu o nuire longitudinal i altul cu urmele unei uzuri circulare, realizate intenionat (fig. 117/6-7) i ase vase, din care dou lucrate din past zgrunuroas (fig. 117/3, 8-9), penultimul un pithos i patru din past fin cenuie (fig. 117/2, 4-5).

Fig. 116. Banca Gar - apte case. 1-2 Locuinele uor adncite, nr. 1-2, cpl. 77, 91; aglomerare de materiale nr. 5, cpl. 88. Datare: sec. IV; locuin uor adncit nr. 28 cpl. 87, cultura Dridu. Planuri i profile. 1-2 Slightly buried dwellings nos. 1-2 cpl. 77, 91; agglomeration of materials no. 5, 4 th century; slightly buried dwelling no. 28 cpl. 87, Dridu culture. Plans et profiles.

Mai bogat a fost inventarul faunistic. Din acest complex s-a recoltat un mare numr de resturi (589), atribuite la cinci grupe taxonomice: molute, peti, amfibieni, psri i mamifere. O parte dintre aceste oase, datorit fragmentrii puternice, nu au permis determinarea specific i au fost repartizate astfel: mamifere de talie mare - 130, mamifere de talie mijlocie - 121, micromamifere - 5. Din punct de vedere tafonomic s-au identificat urmtoarele urme, de arsur neagr - pe cinci oase, dou de prelucrare, 12 de tranare, iar 46 au fost roase de carnivore. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica din past zgrunuroas: 1 pithos i o baz (fig. 117/8-9); 1 perete incizat (fig. 117/3); - ceramica fin cenuie: 1 castron (fig. 117/5; =22 cm); 2 baze desprinse de pe masa olarului cu

Locuina uor adncit nr. 1, sec. IV / The slighty buried dwelling no. 1, 4th century


sfoara (fig. 117/2); 1 vas din past fin (fig. 117/4). Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 1 greutate de lut (fig. 117/1); - 2 oase prelucrate (fig. 117/6-7).

Fig. 117. Banca Gar - apte case. 1 Greutate. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roata olarului: past zgrunuroas, 2, 4 baze; 3 ciob decorat; 8 pithos; 9 baz; past cenuie fin; 5 castron; 6-7 piese de os. Locuina uor adncit, nr. 1 cpl. 77, sec. IV. 1 Weight; ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: coarse paste, 2, 4 bases; 3 wall decorated; 8 pithos; 9 basis; gray fine paste fin; 5 tureen; 67 processed bones. The slightly buried dwelling no. 1 cpl. 77, 4th century.

Inventar faunistic fragmentar: - Mollusca: 6 valve de Unio sp.; Pisces: 6; Amphibia: 9 (ilion, parasfenoid, falang - 2, humerus - 2, vertebr toracic - 2); - Aves-Gallus domesticus: 5; - Bos taurus: 1 astragal, 4 calcaneu (2 dreapta, 1 stnga), 2 carpiene (scafoid i trapezoid), 5 coxal (2 dreapta), 27 fragmente craniu (7 stnga, 5 dreapta), 6 cubitus (1 dreapta), 20 dini jugali superiori i inferiori, 18 falang proximal, 14 falang mijlocie, 8 falang distal, 2 femur, 3 hioid, 7 humerus (4 stnga, 3 de la indivizi maturi), 28 mandibul (8 dreapta, 6 stnga), 9 metacarp (2 stnga, 2 dreapta), 3 metapod, 16 metatars (1 dreapta), 9 radius (2 stnga, 1 dreapta), 5 scapula (2 stnga), 5 tarsiene, 9 tibia (2 dreapta, 1 stnga; dou de la indivizi maturi), 1 vertebr atlas; - Canis familiaris: 1 cubitus dreapta, 3 mandibul (2 stnga, 1 dreapta), 1 tibie stnga, de la individ matur, 1 vertebr cervical de la individ matur; - Capreolus capreolus: fragment tibie; - Cervus elaphus: 1 fragment corn, 1 dinte molar superior, 1 falang proximal, 1 humerus dreapta, 2 tarsiene (cuneiform i scafoid stnga), 1 vertebr atlas; - Ovis/Capra: 2 coxal, 1 maxilar dreapta, 4 cubitus, 8 dini jugali (6 superiori, 2 inferiori; 3 dreapta),


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

2 falang proximal, 1 falang mijlocie, 3 femur, 10 humerus (2 dreapta, 1 stnga), 5 mandibul (2 dreapta), 2 metacarp dreapta, 3 metapod, 2 metatars, 5 radius (2 dreapta, 2 stnga), 2 scapula, 3 tibia (2 dreapta, 1 stnga), 2 maxilar (stnga, dreapta, indivizi maturi), 2 mandibul (stnga, dreapta; de la indivizi imaturi); Ovis aries: cte un fragment de proces cornular, metacarp dreapta, metatars (stnga; de la individ matur), tibie (dreapta; de la individ matur); - Sus domesticus: 4 coaste, 1 coxal (dreapta; de la individ matur), 2 maxilar (1 stnga, 1 dreapta), 1 premaxilar de la individ imatur, 1 cubitus, 8 dini, 1 falang, 1 femur de la individ imatur, 1 humerus stnga, 2 mandibul dreapta (una de la individ imatur i alta de la individ matur), 1 peroneu, 1 tibie (stnga), 5 vertebr toracic. Materiale de construcie: - fragmente de chirpici i de la vatr. Cpl. 77. The slightly buried dwelling no. 1, partly preserved. Dated to: the 4 th century (fig. 117), it was discovered on trench S XVIII, in sector C, in 1988. The careful uncovering allowed to observe the floor which was formed by treading the clay and mixing it with soil. Among the traces thereof, there are also traces of hearth crust. Initially, the hearth was situated toward the north corner of the dwelling, as shown by the few remains of ash, coal and fired stones. In the dwelling, there was discovered least inventory, one bone with a longitudinal groove and another ones with traces of circular wear, made on purpose (fig. 117/6-7), six vessels, two made of coarse paste (fig. 117/3, 8-9), penultimate one pithos, and four made of gray fine paste (fig. 117/2, 4-5). The fauna inventory was richer. From this feature, there was picked up a large number of remains (589), assigned to five taxonomic groups: mollusks, fish, amphibians, birds and mammals. Part of these bones, due to the massive fragmentation, did not allow the specific determination and were distributed as follows: large mammals - 130, average size mammals - 121, micromammals - 5. Taphonomically there were identified the following: bones with black traces of firing on five bones, two with traces of processing, 12 with traces of butchering, and 46 were gnawed by carnivores. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - coarse pottery: 1 pithos and a basis (fig. 117/8-9); 1 potsherd with horizontal incisions (fig. 117/3); - gray fine ceramic: 1 tureen (fig. 117/5; =22 cm); 2 bases detached from the potters wheel with string (fig. 117/2); 1 pot of fine paste (fig. 117/4). Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 1 weight made of clay (fig. 117/1); - 2 processed bones (fig. 117/6-7). Fragmented fauna inventory: - Mollusks: 6 valves of Unio sp.; - Pisces: 6; Amphibia: 9 (ilium, parasphenoide, phalange - 2, humerus - 2, thoracic vertebrae - 2); - Aves-Gallus domesticus: 5; - Bos taurus: 1 astragal, 4 calcaneus (2 right, 1 left), 2 carpal bones (scaphoid bone and trapezoid), 5 hipbones (2 right), 27 fragments of cranium (7 left, 5 right), 6 ulnae (1 right), 20 upper and lower jugal teeth, 18 proximal phalanges, 14 middle phalanges, 8 distal phalanges, 2 femurs, 3 hyoid bones, 7 humeri (4 left, 3 of adults), 28 mandibles (8 right, 6 left), 9 metacarpals (2 left, 2 right), 3 metapodal bones, 16 metatarsal bones (1 right), 9 radiuses (2 left, 1 right), 5 scapulae (2 left), 5 tarsal bones, 9 tibiae (2 right, 1 left; two of adults), 1 atlas vertebra; - Canis familiaris: 1 ulna right, 3 mandibles (2 left, 1 right), 1 tibia left, of an adult, 1 cervical vertebra of an adult; - Capreolus capreolus: fragment of tibia; Cervus elaphus: 1 fragment of a horn, 1 upper molar, 1proximal phalange, 1 right humerus, 2 tarsal bones (cuneiform and left scaphoid), 1 atlas vertebra; Ovis/Capra: 2 hipbones, 1 right maxillary, 4 ulnae, 8 jugal teeth (6 upper, 2 lower; 3 right), 2 proximal phalanges, 1 middle phalange, 3 femurs, 10 humeri (2 right, 1 left), 5 mandibles (2 right), 2 right metacarpal bones, 3 metapodal bones, 2 metatarsal bones, 5 radiuses (2 right, 2 left), 2 scapulae, 3 tibiae (2 right, 1 left), 2 maxillaries (left, right; of adults), 2 mandibles (left, right; of young individuals); Ovis aries: one fragment of cornular process, right metacarpal bone, metatarsal bone (left; of an adult), tibia (right; of an adult); - Sus domesticus: 4 ribs, 1 hipbone (right; of an adult), 2 maxillaries (left, right), 1 pre-maxillary of a young individual, 1 ulna, 8 teeth, 1 phalange, 1 femur of a young individual, 1 humerus left, 2 right

Locuina uor adncit nr. 3, sec.III-IV / The slighty buried dwelling no. 3, 3rd-4th centuries


mandibles (one of a young individual, another one of an adult), 1 fibula, 1 tibia (left), 5 thoracic vertebrae. Construction materials: - 1 pieces of adobe, of hearth.

Fig. 118. Banca Gar - apte case. Accesorii vestimentare: 1 cataram de bronz; 3 greutate. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roat: past fin roie 2 perete decorat; 5 castron; cenuie 11 oal; modelat cu mna, 4, 6-9, 14-15 oale; 10 taler; 16 baz. 1213 materiale de construcie. Locuin uor adncit nr. 3 cpl. 78, sec. III-IV. Dressing accessories: 1 bronze buckle; 3 weight. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: red fine paste 2 wall decorated; 5 tureen; grayish 11 jar; hand made ware 4, 6-9, 14-15 jars; 13 tureen; 10 platter; 16 basis. 12-13 construction materials. The slightly buried weight no. 3 cpl. 78, 3rd4th centuries.

4.62. Cpl. 78. Locuina uor adncit nr. 3, conservat parial. Datare: secolele III-IV (fig. 118). Sa descoperit n anul 1988, n sectorul C, pe SX. ntre materialele de construcie amintim fragmente de la pereii locuinei, cu urme de pari (fig. 118/12; =9,5 cm), cu diametre diferite (=12 cm), sau chirpici uor arcuii, poate de la ui sau ferestre (fig. 118/13); alte cinci fragmente de chirpici au finisate ambele suprafee, doar unul singur are feele drepte. Cteva buci de la crust de vatr situat aproximativ central, puine pietre arse parial, una n form de coarne - "cel de vatr", indic locul n care se prepara mncarea. Tot n locuin s-a gsit i o greutate de lut (fig. 118/3), o achie de silex atipic i o cataram de bronz (fig. 118/1). Degajarea atent a inventarului a permis surprinderea podelei formate dintr-un strat de lut amestec at cu pmnt, de 2-3 cm. Ceramica destul de numeroas, s-au pstrat pri de la 35+5 de vase din toate categoriile, 15 modelate cu mna (fig. 118/4, 6-9, 14-15) iar din cele 28 lucrate la roat, 12 vase erau la exterior puin zgrunuroase, dou de culoare roie, alte trei cenuii-negricioase, 2 roietice-glbui, 5 cenuii, 13 cenuii fine roietice sau glbui (fig. 118/2, 5, 11) i un vas acoperit cu angob roie. Adugm ceramica de import: fragmente de la


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

dou amfore, una roie i alta alb-glbuie. Inventarul faunistic din locuin nsumeaz 93 de resturi, repartizate la urmtoarele grupe: molute, peti i mamifere. Pentru 33 fragmente osoase nu s-a realizat determinarea specific i au fost distribuite: 25 de la mamifere de talie mare, 7 de la mamifere de talie mijlocie, 1 mamifer. Tafonomie: unul a fost ars i ase roase de carnivore. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna: 1 taler de culoare brun-glbuie, pasta s-a amestecat cu amot, de la modelare are uoare nuiri pe ambele fee (fig. 118/10; =24 cm); cenuiu-glbuie, 2 castroane cu marginea dreapt; cenuie, 3 castroane cu profil n S, umr nalt (fig. 118/8; =13; 10; 22 cm); 3 oale cu gtul arcuit exterior, unul pe buz cu incizii (fig. 118/6; 9; =10; 24 cm); 1 oal de mari dimensiuni cu buza evazat (fig. 118/7; =22 cm); 2 margini (fig. 118/4, 14); 3 baze (fig. 118/16; =9,5; 8 cm); - ceramica din past puin zgrunuroas: 2 roii, 1 toart, 1 perete, 2 din past roietic-glbuie, 3 cenuii-negricioase, 1 castron cu profil n S (=20 cm), 1 gt de oal cu marginea arcuit exterior (=8 cm), 1 castron negru-cenuiu cu peretele vlurit (=18 cm); 5 cenuii, vas mic cu baza evazat (=6,7 cm); 2 vase de provizii, cioburi decorate cu benzi incizate dispuse alternativ, drepte sau vlurite; - ceramica fin ars cenuiu: un vas lustruit exterior probabil o can cu toart din care s-au conservat dou fragmente; 1 corp de castron bitronconic, cu pereii cenuii acoperii de linii fin lustruite orizontale negre, cu baza mic dreapt ( buz=14; 4,6 cm); 2 castroane bitronconice (=14; 18 cm); 1 castrona cu marginea dreapt invazat (=12 cm); 1 oal cu gtul marcat de o nervur (=12 cm); 1 oal cu buza n T (fig. 118/11; =14 cm); 1 vas cu buza ngroat pe ambele pri; 1 castron (=20 cm) din care s-au pstrat patru cioburi pe corp cu linii paralele, lustruite; 1 perete de vas decorat cu dou nervuri distanate la 22 mm; 2 baze inelare i 2 drepte (=8; 2x10; 2x10 cm); 1 perete de vas cu linii scurte incizate orizontal (=10 cm); - ceramica fin roietic-glbuie: 1 castron ntregit, din tipul cu marginea aproape dreapt, umr n unghi obtuz, baza inelar (fig. 118/5; =20,5 cm; h=9,7 cm); 1 ciob din ceramic roietic, decorat pe marginea exterioar a buzei cu incizii, fine (fig. 118/2); - ceramica fin acoperit cu angob roie: 2 fragmente de la un vas de dimensiuni medii; - ceramica de import: fragmente de amfore, 1 perete i 1 toart, crmizii; 1 toart alb-glbuie. Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 1 greutate sferoidal-aplatisat, modelat din lut amestecat cu amot, brun-cenuie (fig. 118/3); - 1 achie de silex cenuiu, fr urme de retuare i un "cel de vatr". Accesorii vestimentare: - 1 cataram de bronz (fig. 118/1). Inventar faunistic fragmentar: - Mollusca: fragment valv de Unio pictorum; Pisces: 1; - Bos taurus: piese fragmentare - astragal, coxal, cubitus, 3 femur (1 stnga, 1 dreapta), 4 humerus (2 dreapta, 2 stnga, toate de la indivizi maturi), 4 mandibul (1 dreapta, de la un individ matur), 4 metacarpian (1 stnga, dou de la indivizi maturi), metatars stnga, radius stnga, sacrum de la individ matur, 6 tibie (2 dreapta, trei de la indivizi maturi), 2 vertebre toracice, i piese ntregi - calcaneu (stnga), 5 dini molari superiori (2 dreapta, 2 stnga), 1 molar inferior stnga, 2 falang mijlocie, 1 falang distal; - Canis familiaris: fragmente de mandibul i radius; - Cervus elaphus: fragment de corn; - Equus caballus: fragmente de coxal (dreapta) i radius; - Ovis/Capra: piese fragmentare - dinte superior, 2 humerusuri (1 stnga), metatars (dreapta, de la un individ matur), 2 radius, scapula (dreapta, de la individ matur); - Sus domesticus: calcaneu (ntreg, de la individ tnr), 2 dini inferiori ntregi (incisiv i molar), piese fragmentare - 2 mandibule (stnga, dreapta), maxilar dreapta de la o femel i cubitus. Materiale de construcie: - chirpici pe o parte cu urme de pari (fig. 118/12; =9,5 cm); uor arcuii (fig. 118/11), cu feele drepte (fig. 118/13). Cpl. 78. The slightly buried dwelling no. 3, partly preserved. Dated to: 3rd4th centuries (fig. 118). It was discovered in 1988, in sector C, on SX. Among the construction materials mention should be made of the fragments of the dwellings, with traces of posts (fig. 118/12; =9,5 cm), with different diameters (=12 cm),

Locuina uor adncit nr. 3, sec.III-IV / The slighty buried dwelling no. 3, 3rd-4th centuries


or slightly arched adobe, maybe from doors or windows (fig. 118/13); other five fragments of adobe were finished on both sides, only one has straight faces. Few pieces of hearth crust situated centrally, approximately, few partly fired stones, one horn-shaped, fire dogs - "cel de vatr", a horn-shaped, indicate the place where food was being prepared. It was also in the dwelling that there was found a clay weight (fig. 118/3), an atypical flint and a bronze buckle (fig. 118/1). The careful uncovering of the inventory allowed the identification of the floor formed of a 2-3 cm layer of trodden clay mixed with earth. Rather numerous, the ceramic ware includes among the 35+5 vessels, all categories, 15 even hand made vessels (fig. 118/4, 6-10, 14, 16), 28 potter's wheel, 12 vessels were slightly coarse on the exterior, two were red, other two grayish-blackish, reddishyellowish, 5 grayish, 13 fine grayish (fig. 118/15), reddish or yellowish (fig. 118/2, 5) and a pot made of red paste covered with slip. We should also add the imported pottery: two amphorae, one red and another one yellowish - white. The fauna inventory of the dwelling includes 93 remains, distributed in the following groups: mollusks, fish and mammals. For the 33 bone fragments, no specific determination has been provided and they were distributed as follows: 25 from large mammals, 7 of average size mammals, 1 mammal. Taphonom: one showing traces of firing and six were gnawed by carnivores. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware: 1 circular tray made of brown yellowish clay, paste mixed with broken potshards, with slight grooves on both sides from the modeling (fig. 118/10; =24 cm); yellowish grayish paste, 2 bowls with straight edge; grayish, 3 bowls with S profile (fig. 118/8; =13; 10; 22 cm); 3 jars with outer arched shoulder, one having on the rim oblique incisions (fig. 118/6; 9; =10; 24 cm); 1 large pot with flared rim (fig. 118/7; =22 cm); 2 edges (fig. 118/4, 14); 3 thick bases (fig. 118/16; =9,5; 8 cm); - slightly coarse ceramic: reddish, 1 handle and 1 body; grayish-blackish 1 bowl with S profile (=20 cm); 1 neck of a vessel with outer arched edge (=8 cm); grayish, 1 bowl made of black-grayish paste with waved wall (=18 cm); small pot with flared basis (=6,7 cm); food storage vessels, 1 potsherd decorated with incised stripes alternating the straight ones with the waved ones; - gray fine ceramic: 3 fragments out of which, 1 body of biconical bowl, with grayish walls covered with finely polished black horizontal lines, with small straight basis ( mouth=14; =4,6 cm); 2 biconical bowls; 1 vessel with thickened rim on both sides (=14; 18 cm); 1 vessel polished on the exterior probably a mug with handle out of which two fragments have been preserved; 1 bowl (=20 cm) out of which four potsherds have been preserved, showing parallel polished lines on the body; 1 small bowl with inner turned straight edge (=12 cm); 1 bowl -pot with the neck marked by a nervure (=12 cm); 1 pot with T shaped rim (fig. 118/11; =14 cm); 1 vessel wall decorated with two nervures 22 mm one from the other; 2 annular bases and 2 straight bases (=8; 10; 2x10 cm); 1 vessel with the walls marked by short horizontal lines (=10 cm); - reddish-yellowish fine ceramic: 1 complete bowl, of the type with almost straight upper border, obtuse shoulder, 1 annular basis (fig. 118/5; =20,5; h=9,7 cm); 1 potsherd of reddish paste, decorated on the exterior side of the rim with fine incisions (fig. 118/2); with red slip: 2 fragments of average size vessels; imported: fragments of amphorae, red-brick, 1 wall, 1 handle; 1 yellowish white handle. Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 1 clay weight, spheroid, flattened, paste mixed with broken potshards, the exterior of brown-grayish nuance (fig. 118/3); - 1 grayish flint flake, without traces of retouching; fire dogs - "cel de vatr". Dressing accessories: - 1 bronze buckle (fig. 118/1). Fragments of fauna inventory: - Mollusks: fragment of a valve of Unio pictorum; Pisces: 1; - Bos taurus: fragmentary items - astragal, hipbone, ulna, 3 femurs (1 left, 1 right) 4 humeri (2 right, 2 left, all of adults), 4 mandibles (1 right, of an adult), 4 metacarpal bones (1 left, two of adults), metatarsal left, radius left, sacrum of an adult, 6 tibiae (2 right, three of adults), 2 thoracic vertebrae, and whole items calcaneus (left), 5 upper molars (2 right, 2 left), 1 lower left molar, 2middle phalanges, 1 distal phalange; - Canis familiaris: fragments of mandible and radius; - Cervus elaphus: fragment of corn; Equus caballus: fragments of hipbone (right) and radius; Ovis/Capra: fragmentary items - upper tooth, 2 humeri (1 left), metatarsal (right, of an adult), 2 radiuses,


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

scapula (right, of an adult); - Sus domesticus: calcaneus (whole, of a young individual), 2 whole lower teeth (incisive and molar), fragmentary items - 2 mandibles (left, right), right maxillary of a female and ulna. Construction materials: - adobe with traces of posts (fig. 118/12; =9,5 cm); cslightly arched (fig. 118/11), with straight faces (fig. 118/13).

Fig. 119. Banca Gar - apte case. 1 Groapa nr. 4, cpl. 79, sec. IV-V; 2 groapa nr. 10 cpl. 80, sec. IV; 3-4 gropile nr. 11-12 cpl. 92, 94, sec. IV; III-IV. 1 Pit no. 4, cpl. 79, 4rd5th centuries; 2 pit no. 10 cpl. 80, 4th century; 3-4 pits nos. 1112 cpl. 92, 94, 4th; 3rd4th centuries.

4.63. Cpl. 79. Groapa nr. 4 (fig. 119/1), nederanjat. Datare: secolele IV-V (fig. 120). A fost spat n anul 1986, sector C. Groapa de form cilindric are dimensiuni mai mari, =2,4; h=1,23 m, de la nivelul actual de clcare. Inventarul cuprinde: o fusaiol (fig. 120/1), dou oase perforate (fig. 120/2-3), o cute cu dou fee (fig. 120/6), o plac lefuit de gresie cenuie (fig. 120/7), la care se adaug ceramica, 19+1 vase. Din acestea, unul era modelat cu mna (fig. 120/15) i la roat 19. Din past zgrunuroas dou, unul s-a ars cenuiu-roietic, din aceeai past dou pri de la un vas s-au ars cenuiu. Altele dou erau din past puin zgrunuroas (fig. 120/14) plus 14 vase fine de culoare cenuie (fig. 120/8, 10, 13, 17, 20-21). Acestora se adaug importurile, un fragment de la o amfor (fig. 120/16) i dou vase de sticl (fig. 120/4, 9). Mai puin se explic fragmentul de sticl deformat (fig. 120/5). Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna: 1 oal (fig. 120/15); - ceramica din past zgrunuroas cenuiu-roietic: 1 ciob de la un vas de provizii; cenuie, 1 ciob

Groapa nr. 4, sec. IV-V / Pit no. 4, 4rd-5th centuries


decorat cu incizii orizontale; 1 baz (=16 cm); - ceramica din past puin zgrunuroas roie: 1 perete incizat; cenuie, perete canelat (fig. 120/14); - ceramica fin cenuie: 6 vase cu umrul profilat n S (fig. 120/10, 17, 20-21; =20; 22; 14,5; 16; 10,5; 8,5 cm); 2 buze (fig. 120/13); 2 baze inelare (fig. 120/18-19; =3,7; 7,5 cm), prima de la un mic vas posibil un import; 2 perei cu incizii orizontale i n zigzag (fig. 120/11-12); 1 toart cu nuire longitudinal; - ceramica de import: 1 castron scund cu umrul carenat poate un import (fig. 120/8); 1 corp de amfor canelat larg (fig. 120/16); 2 vase de sticl i un fragment de sticl deformat (fig. 120/4-5, 9).

Fig. 120. Banca Gar - apte case. 1 Fusaiol; 2-3 oase perforate; 4-5, 9 vase de sticl, fragment deformat; 6 cute; 7 gresie finisat. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roat: past fin roietic, 8 vesela fin de mas; cenuie, 10, 13 oale; 1012, 14 perei decorai; puin zgrunuroas, negricioas, 17, 20 oale; zgrunuroas, 18-19 baze; import, 16 corp amfor; modelat cu mna, 15 oal. Groapa nr. 4 cpl. 79, sec. IV-V. 1 Biconical piece; 2-3 perforated bones; 4-5, 9 vessels of glass and a deformed fragment; 6 whetstone; 7 polished gritstone. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: redysh fine paste, 8 fine vessel; gray, 10, 13 jars; 10-12, 14 wall decorated; blackish slightly coarse, 17, 20 jars; coarse, 18-19 bases; hand made ware, 15 jar; imported, 16 wall amphora. Pit no. 4 cpl. 79, 4rd5th centuries.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 1 fusaiol (fig. 120/1); - 2 oase perforate (fig. 120/2-3); - 1 cute cu dou fee (fig. 120/6); 1 plac lefuit de gresie cenuie (fig. 120/7). Cpl. 79. Pit no. 4 (fig. 119/1), undisturbed. Dated to: the 4rd5th centuries (fig. 120). It was excavated in 1988, in sector C. The pit of cylindrical shape, has large dimensions, =2,4 m; h=1,23 m, of the current treading level. The inventory includes: a piece (fig. 120/1), two perforated bones (fig. 120/2-3), a whetstone with two faces (fig. 120/6), a polished plate of grayish gritstone (fig. 120/7), to which the ceramic ware should be added, 19+1 potter's wheel, 2 vessels made of glass, out of these, one was hand modeled (fig. 120/15) and, a reddish-grayish pot was fired out of coarse paste. Of the same paste, other were fired gray. Two were made of slightly coarse paste (fig. 120/14) and 14 fine vessels of grayish nuance (fig. 120/8, 10, 13, 17, 20-21). To these, the imported pottery is to be added as well, consisting in a fragment of an amphora (fig. 120/16) and two vessels made of glass (fig. 120/4, 9). The deformed fragment of glass finds less explanations (fig. 120/5). Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware: 1 pot (fig. 120/15); - reddish-grayish coarse ceramic: 1 potsherd of a food storage pot; grayish, 1 wall decorated with horizontal incisions; 1 basis (=16 cm); - red slightly coarse ceramic: 1 wall with incised ornament; grayish, 1 potsherd with grooved body (fig. 120/14); - grayish fine ceramic: 6 vessels with S profile (fig. 120/10, 17, 20-21; =20; 22; 14,5; 16; 10,5; 8,5 cm); 2 rims (fig. 120/13); 2 annular bases (fig. 120/18-19; =3,7; 7,5 cm), the former of a small pot possibly an imported pot; 2 potsherds decorated with horizontal and zigzag incisions (fig. 120/11-12); 1 handle with longitudinal grooving; - imported pottery: 1 short bowl with ridged shoulder maybe an imported pot (fig. 120/8); 1 body of an amphora with wide grooves (fig. 120/16); 2 vessels made of glass and a deformed fragment of glass (fig. 120/4-5, 9). Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 1 piece (fig. 120/1); - 2 perforated bones (fig. 120/2-3); - 1 whetstone with two faces (fig. 120/6); 1 polished plate of grayish gritstone (fig. 120/7). 4.64. Cpl. 80. Groapa nr. 10 (fig. 119/2), nederanjat. Datare: secolul al IV-lea (fig. 121). Groapa a aprut n anul 1986, n sectorul E, pe SI, ntre M12-14, la -1,70. Tot aici s-au gsit i dou cute (fig. 121/4, 7). Ceramica nsumeaz 13 vase din care, unul modelat cu mna, restul la roat din care dou din ceramic din past zgrunuroas (fig. 121/8), ase din past puin zgrunuroase, din care trei cenuii (fig. 121/6), dou albicioase, unul roietic lustruit i patru vase din ceramic fin cenuie i unul alb-rozie (fig. 121/1-3, 5), la care se adaug o amfor. Inventar faunistic: 39 de resturi dintre care 14 nu au fost determinate specific (mamifere de talie mare - 7, mamifere de talie mijlocie - 6 i mamifer - 1). Tafonomie: trei cu urme de arsur neagr, trei de tranare i 10 roase de carnivore. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna: 1 ciob ars oxidant, de culoare roietic, decorat cu bru simplu; - ceramica din past zgrunuroas: 1 corp decorat cu incizii; 1 baz de vas cu pereii groi (fig. 121/8; =10 cm); - ceramic din past puin zgrunuroas cenuie: 1 oal cu marginea arcuit interior, pe corp cu incizii fine, paralele, distanate la circa 1 cm; 1 buz alungit i ngroat i alta cu profil nalt dreptunghiular (fig. 121/6); albicioas 2 cioburi atipice; roietic lustruit, 1 baz (=12 cm); - ceramica fin ars cenuiu: 1 castron cu marginea dreapt sub gt are o nervur (fig. 121/1; =20 cm); 1 oal cu umrul decorat cu linii incizate (fig. 121/5; =14 cm); 1 buz rotunjit; 4 baze inelare (fig. 121/3; =4; 7; 8; 10 cm); - ceramica alb-rozie fin: 1 margine de castron sub buz cu o perforare (fig. 121/2; =22 cm); - ceramica de import: 1 fragment de corp de amfor.

Groapa nr. 10, sec. IV / Pit no. 10, 4th century


Fig. 121. Banca Gar apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roat: past fin cenuie, 1-2 castroane, alb-rozie 2; 3 baz inelar, 5 oal; puin zgrunuroas, 6 buz; zgrunuroas, 8 baz. 4, 7 Cute. Groapa nr. 10 cpl. 80, sec. IV. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: gray fine paste, 1-2 tureen, 3 annular basis, 5 jar; light pink fine paste, 3 tureen; slightly coarse, 6 wall; coarse, 8 rim. 4, 7 Whetstnrone. Pit no. 10 cpl. 80, 4rd century.

Unelte ustensile: - 1 cute cu patru fee pentru ascuit lame i alta realizat dintr-un galet (fig. 121/4, 7). Inventar faunistic fragmentar: - Mollusca: cochilie de Cepaea virdobonensis; - Bos taurus: piese ntregi - astragal stnga, 2 dini molari superiori, metatars stnga (de la individ matur) i piese fragmentare, 4 coxal (1 stnga), craniu, 2 mandibul dreapta, 3 metacarp (1 stnga, de la indivizi maturi), 2 radius; - Equus caballus: fragmente coxal dreapta i tibie - 2 (una stnga, de la individ matur); - Ovis/Capra: mandibul dreapta de la individ tnr i cte un fragment de radius (dreapta) i tibie; - Sus domesticus: cte un fragment de cubitus i vertebr toracic. Cpl. 80. Pit no. 10 (fig. 119/2), undisturbed. Dated to: the 4 th century (fig. 121). The pit was discovered in 1986, in sector E, in trench SI, between M12-14, at -1,70 m. There were also found two whetstone (fig. 121/4, 7). Were discovered 13 vessels, out of which one is hand made and the rest on potter's wheel, out of which two are made of coarse paste (fig. 121/8), five are of medium coarse paste, out of which three are grayish (fig. 121/6), two light gray, one red-baked with luster and five vessels are made of fine paste, light pink in color (fig. 121/1-3, 5), with the addition of one amphora. The animal bones inventory: 39 bone fragments out of which 14 were not determined as species (large mammals - 7, medium size mammals - 6 and one unknown mammal). Taphonomy: three bone fragments with races of calcination, three fragments whit butchering marks and 10 gnawed by carnivores. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware: 1 potsherd fired in oxidizing atmosphere, of red color, decorated with a simple ribbon; - slightly coarse: 1 body decorated with incisions; 1 basis with thick walls (fig. 121/8; =10 cm); - gray coarse ceramic: 1 pot with drawn-in rim its body decorated with fine parallel incisions, 1 cm


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

spaced; 1 elongated and thickened rim and another one, with high rectangular cross-section (fig. 121/6); - light gray ceramic: 2 atypical potsherds; - reddish polished, 1 basis (=12 cm); - gray ceramic: 1 tureen with straight edge with a ridge under the neck (fig. 121/1; =20 cm); 1 pot with the shoulder decorated with incised lines (fig. 121/5; =14 cm); 1 rounded rim; 4 annular bases (fig. 121/3; =4; 7; 8; 10 cm); - light pink fine pottery: 1 bowl rim with a perforation under it (fig. 121/2; =22 cm); - imported pottery: 1 body fragment of amphora. Tools and implements: - 1 four-faced whet stone for sharpening blades and another made from a stone river (fig. 121/4, 7). Fragments of animal remains: - Mollusca: a shell of Cepaea virdobonensis; Bos taurus: whole bones - left astragal, 2 upper molars, one left metatarsal (of an adult) and bone fragments, 4 hipbones (1 left), cranium, 2 right mandibles, 3 metacarpals (1 left, of adults), 2 radiuses; - Equus caballus: fragments of right hipbone and tibia - 2 (one left, of an adult); - Ovis/Capra: right mandible from a young individual, fragments of each radius (right) and tibia; - Sus domesticus: fragments of each ulna and thoracic vertebra.

Fig. 122. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice: modelate cu mna, 1, 3, 5, 9 oale; 4 cuie; 10 baz; lucrate la roat: past cenuie, 2 baz; puin zgrunuroas, 6 baz. 7 Astragal lustruit pe feele laterale. Aglomerare de materiale nr. 3 cpl. 86, sec. VI. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: hand made ware, 1, 3, 5, 9 jars; 4 primitive lamp; 10 basis; gray fine paste, 2 basis; gray slightly coarse paste, 6 basis. 7 The astragalus, polished on both lateral faces. Agglomeration of materials no. 3 cpl. 86, 6th century.

Aglomerare de materiale nr. 1, sec. VI / The agglomeration of materials no. 1, 6th century


4.65. Cpl. 86. Aglomerare de materiale nr. 1, construcie sezonier de suprafa. Datare: secolul al VI-lea (fig. 122). S-a semnalat n 1988, n sectorul E, pe SIII, n apropierea cpl. 94. n preajma acesteia au aprut i cteva fragmente de la pereii construii din chirpic, pietre de diferite forme, dar mprtiate ntr-un perimetru larg. S-a descoperit i un astragal lustruit pe feele laterale (fig. 122/7) i o gresie, pe partea finisat uor concav (fig. 122/8). Cioburile gsite aici, apte, provin de la cinci vase modelate cu mna (fig. 122/1, 3-4, 6, 9-10), i de la cte un vas modelat din past puin zgrunuroas cenuie (fig. 122/5) i din pasta fin cenuie (fig. 122/2). Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 1 astragal lustruit pe feele laterale (fig. 122/7); - 1 gresie, pe partea finisat uor concav (fig. 122/8). Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna: 1 cuie (fig. 122/4; =12,5 cm); 4 oale din care dou decorate cu alveole pe buz (fig. 122/1, 3, 6, 9; =11; 12 cm) i 1 baz (fig. 122/10); - ceramica din past puin zgrunuroas cenuie: 1 baz (fig. 122/5); - ceramica fin cenuie: 1 baz cu un mic picior (fig. 122/2; =8 cm). Cpl. 86. Agglomeration of materials no. 1, seasonal construction above ground. Dated to the 6th century (fig. 122). It was discovered in 1988, in sector E, in trench SIII, not far from cpl. 94. Its surroundings revealed also several fragments of adobe walls, stones of different shapes, scattered over a large area. Within it was also uncovered an astragal polished on its both sides (fig. 122/7) and a whetstone with a slightly concave face (fig. 122/8). There were seven potsherds found within, from five hand made vessels (fig. 122/1, 3-4, 6, 9-10), as well as from a gray vessel made from slightly coarse paste (fig. 122/5) and from a fine gray (fig. 122/2). Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware: 1 primitive lamp (fig. 122/4; =12,5 cm); 4 jars, out of which two decorated with alveoli on the rim (fig. 122/1, 3, 6, 9; =11; 12 cm) and 1 basis (fig. 122/10); - slightly coarse paste: 1gray basis (fig. 122/5); - gray ceramic: 1 basis with a small stem (fig. 122/2; =8 cm). Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 1 astragal, polished on both lateral faces (fig. 122/7); - 1 whetstone, with a slightly concave finished face (fig. 122/8). 4.66. Cpl. 88. Aglomerare de materiale nr. 5, construcie sezonier de suprafa. Datare: secolul al IV-lea (fig. 123). S-a spat n anul 1988, n sector E, SII. Din cele apte vase pstrate fragmentar, menionm mai nti cuia (fig. 123/7), unul era din ceramic zgrunuroas cenuie (fig. 123/4), altul din past puin zgrunuroas (fig. 123/2) iar patru au fost realizate din past mai fin, ars cenuiu (fig. 123/1, 3, 5-6). Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna, cuie (fig. 123/7); - ceramica din past zgrunuroas cenuie: 1 oal (fig. 123/4; =22 cm); - ceramic din past puin zgrunuroas: 1 perete vas (fig. 123/2; =23 cm); - ceramica cenuie fin: 2 buze evazate (fig. 123/1, 5; =14; 12 cm); 1 can (fig. 123/3); 1 baz (=12 cm) i 1 perete ornat cu incizii (fig. 123/6). Diferite artefacte, unelte, ustensile: - mpungtor de os (fig. 123/8). Cpl. 88. Agglomeration of materials no. 5, seasonal construction above ground. Dated to the 4th century (fig. 123). Excavated in 1988, sector E, trench SII. The pottery is preserved only as fragments, the reconstructed shapes include a seven vessel, one primitive lamp (fig. 123/7), in gray coarse paste (fig. 123/4) and another one in medium coarse paste (fig. 123/2) as well as five vessels in gray fine (fig. 123/1, 3, 5-7). Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made pottery ware: primitive lamp (fig. 123/7); - gray coarse pottery: 1 jar (fig. 123/4; =22 cm); - slightly coarse pottery: 1 rim (fig. 123/2; =23 cm); - gray fine pottery: 2 flared rims (fig. 123/1, 5; =14; 12 cm); 1 mug (fig. 123/3); 1 basis (=12 cm)


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

and 1 wall decorated with incisions (fig. 123/6). Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - piercing tool made of bone (fig. 123/8).

Fig. 123. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice: modelate la roat, past puin zgrunuroas, 1 vas; past fin 3-5 castroane; modelat cu mna, 2 castron. 8 mpungtor de os. Aglomerare de materiale nr. 5 cpl. 88, secol IV. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: slightly coarse paste 1 pot; gray fine 35 tureens; hand made ware, 2 tureen. 8 piercing tool of bone. Agglomeration of materials no. 5 cpl. 88, 4th entury.

4.67. Cpl. 91. Locuina uor adncit nr. 2 (fig. 119/5; pl. 25/5), conservat mediu. Datare: secolul al IV-lea (fig. 124). Locuina descoperit n 1988, sectorul E, M23-26 s-a adncit circa 30 cm de la nivelul antic de clcare. n umplutura acesteia se aflau fragmente de buci de chirpici (fig. 124/6-7), situate nspre partea de sud, cenu, crbuni, puine pietre arse, ntre care i cele folosite drept "cei de vatr". Ceramica nu a fost prea numeroas, pri de la ase vase, un castron modelat cu mna (fig. 124/2), un vas cu buza ngroat din past puin zgrunuroas cenuie (fig. 124/1) i trei castroane arse cenuiu (fig. 124/5; =32 cm), un castron din past fin (fig. 124/3). Din cele 119, resturi din inventarul faunistic, 36 nu au permis determinarea specific, fiind distribuite urmtoarelor grupe: mamifere de talie mare - 28, mamifere de talie mijlocie - 8, mamifer - 1. De asemenea, din acest total, tafonomic, unul are urme de tranare i 10 au fost roase de carnivore. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna: 1 castron (fig. 124/2); - ceramica din past puin zgrunuroas cenuie: 1 vas cu buza ngroat (fig. 124/1); - ceramica fin, 2 castroane i 1 oal (fig. 124/4-5, =32 cm); foarte fin: 1 castron (fig. 124/3). Inventar faunistic fragmentar: - Mollusca: fragment valv de Unio pictorum; - Bos taurus: piese ntregi - astragal stnga, dinte molar superior stnga, 2 dini molar inferior, 3 falang proximal, i piese fragmentare: calcaneu, 2 coxal, 5 craniu (1 stnga), 5 cubitus, dinte molar inferior, 3 femur, 5 humerus (3 dreapta, dou de la indivizi maturi), 7 mandibul (5 dreapta, 1 stnga, dou de la indivizi imaturi i unu de la matur), 2 metacarp (1 dreapta, de la individ matur), 2 metatars stnga, 2 radius,

Aglomerare nr. 5. Locuina adncit nr. 2, sec. IV / Agglomeration no. 5, Buried dwelling, 4th century


11 scapula (1 dreapta), 6 tibia (una dreapta, de la individ imatur i alta de la individ matur); - Canis familiaris: mandibul stnga; - Cervus elaphus: fragment tibie, de la individ matur; - Equus cabalus: fragment femur; - Ovis/Capra: dinte molar inferior stnga, i piese fragmentare: 2 femur (1 stnga), 2 humerus (stnga, dreapta), 3 mandibul (2 dreapta, 1 stnga, una de la individ imatur i alta de la individ matur), 2 radius (1 stnga), scapula, 2 tibia (1 stnga), atlas; - Sus domesticus: fragmente de coxal, cubitus, dinte canin inferior (de la un mascul) i tibia. Materiale de construcie: - 2 buci de chirpici (fig. 124/6-7).

Fig. 124. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roata olarului: past puin zgrunuroas, 1 oal; fin cenuie, 3, 5 castroane; 4 oal; modelat cu mna, 2 castron; 6-7 buci de chirpici. Locuina uor adncit nr. 2 cpl. 91, sec. IV. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: slightly coarse paste, 1 jar; gray fine, 3, 5 tureens; 4 jar; hand made ware, 2 tureen; 67 pieces of adobe. Slightly buried dwelling, no. 2 cpl. 91, 4th century.

Cpl. 91. Slightly buried dwelling no. 2 (fig. 119/5; 124; pl. 26/5), average state of conservation. Dated to the 4th century. The dwelling was discovered in 1988, sector E, M23-26; it was hollowed out to 30 cm from the ancient treading level. The filling debris included two fragments of adobe (fig. 124/6-7) located in its southern area, ashes, small fragments of charcoal, several burned stones, with the ones used as fire dogs - "cel de vatr" among them. The ceramics inventory is small, consisting of six vessels parts, gray paste, a hand made tureen (fig. 124/2), a vessel with thickened rim of medium coarse (fig. 124/1) and three tureen (fig. 124/5; =32 cm) and a tureen of fine paste (fig. 124/3). Out of the inventory of 119 animal remains, 36 did not allow for an identification of the species, and there were distributed between the following groups: large mammals - 28, average size mammals - 8, and a mammal of unknown size. From the taphonomic point of view, out of this inventory, one bone fragment shows butchering marks and 10 were gnawed by carnivores.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Pl. 25. Banca Gar apte case. 1-4 Groapa nr. 11, cpl. 94, 5 Lad2 cpl. 91, sec. IV; 6 groapa nr. 11 cpl. 92, sec. IV. Pit no. 11, cpl. 94, 4th century; 5 slightly buried dwelling no. 2 cpl. 91, 6 pit no. 11 cpl. 92, 4th century.

Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made pottery ware: 1 tureen (fig. 124/2); - slightly coarse paste, gray: 1 vessel with thickened rim (fig. 124/1); 2 bowls (fig. 124/5; =32 cm); 1 pot (fig. 124/4);

Groapa nr. 11, sec. IV / Pit no. 11, 4th century


- gray fine ceramic: 1 tureen (fig. 124/3). Fragmented fauna inventory: - Mollusca: fragment of Unio pictorum, half-shell; - Bos taurus: whole items - left astragal, upper left molar, 2 inferior molars, 3 proximal phalanges; and fragmentary items: calcaneus, 2 hipbones, 5 cranium fragments (1 left), 5 ulnas, 1 lower molar, 3 femurs, 5 humeri (3 right, two of adults), 7 mandibles (5 right, 1 left, 2 of young individuals and one from an adult), 2 metacarpals (1 right, of an adult), 2 left metatarsals, 2 radiuses, 11 scapulae (1 right), 6 tibiae (one right, of a young individual and another from an adult); - Canis familiaris: one left mandible; - Cervus elaphus: fragment of tibia, of an adult; - Equus cabalus: fragment of femur; - Ovis/Capra: lower left molar, and fragmentary bones: 2 femurs (1 left), 2 humeri (left, right), 3 mandibles (2 right, 1 left, one of a young individual and another from an adult), 2 radiuses (1 left), scapula, 2 tibiae (1 left), atlas; - Sus domesticus: fragments of hipbone, ulna, one lower canine tooth (from a male) and tibia. Construction materials: - 2 fragments of adobe (fig. 124/6-7). 4.68. Cpl. 92. Groapa nr. 11 (fig. 119/3; 125; pl. 26/6), nederanjat. Datare: secolul al IV-lea (fig. 125/1-12), spat n sectorul C, pe S II. A fost probabil o groap ritual. La baza acesteia era depus scheletul unui animal - purcel, dar i un fragment de gardin de vatr (fig. 125/12), buci de crust de vatr, cenu, pietre arse i o cute de gresie lefuit pe cele patru fee (fig. 125/1). Din totalul de 20+1 de vase, patru erau modelate cu mna (fig. 125/8), dou lucrate din ceramic din past zgrunuroas cenuie, cinci puin zgrunuroas brun-roietic (fig. 125/2-5), nou fine, trei arse cenuiu (fig. 125/7, 9-11), unul fin, ars glbui (fig. 125/6), dou cenuiu-alburii i trei negricioase. Se adaug un singur ciob de amfor. Din inventarul faunistic, din cele 156 de resturi osoase i dentare, un humerus s-a atribuit unui micromamifer iar 155 provin de la un purcel, probabil ngropat ntreg. La nivelul acestor oase nu s-au decelat urme tafonomice, cum se va vedea n prezentarea inventarului faunistic. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna: 1 castrona sferoidal (=16 cm); 2 castroane cu marginile drepte; 4 baze (fig. 125/6; =13; 7; 2x9 cm); - ceramica din past zgrunuroas cenuie: 1 vas de provizii cu buza n T; 1 baz (=11 cm); - ceramica din past puin zgrunuroas brun-roietic: 1 corp de la un vas de mari dimensiuni (corp=14 cm); cenuie, 4 cioburi decorate cu linii sau benzi de linii incizate (fig. 125/2-4; corp=16 cm), cu benzi din 6 linii vlurile neordonat (fig. 125/5); - ceramica fin ars cenuiu: 1 strachin (fig. 125/7); 1 buza rsfrnt exterior (fig. 125/8); 1 toart cu nuire longitudinal n seciune oval; 1 corp ( corp=20 cm); 3 baze (fig. 125/9-11; baz=6 cm); glbuie: 1 castron (fig. 125/6; buz=22 cm); cenuie-alburie: 2 buze alungite n seciune dreptunghiulare ( buz=10; 12 cm); negricioas: 3 buze rotunjite de la castroane cu jumtatea superioar dreapt ( buz=12; 14; 15 cm); - ceramica de import: 1 corp de la o amfor crmiziu-maronie canelat (corp=32 cm). Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 1 cute de gresie lefuit pe cele patru fee (fig. 125/1). Inventar faunistic fragmentar: - 1 humerus atribuit unui micromamifer; - 155 resturi osoase i dentare de la un purcel: 2 astragal, 2 calcaneu, 7 carp/tars, 25 fragmente coaste, 8 fragmente coxal, 1 ischion, 17 fragmente craniu, 4 cubitus (2 epifize proximale, 2 diafize), dinte canin superior, 8 falange proximale, 5 falange distale, 3 femur (2 diafize, 1 epifiz), 2 humerus, 2 mandibul (una ntreag i din cea de-a doua numai condilul articular), 3 metacarp, 3 metatars, 5 fragmente metapod, 1 fragment peroneu, 2 radius, 2 scapula, 2 sesamoid, 2 tibia, 2 vertebre cervicale (atlas, axis), 32 fragmente vertebre, 9 fragmente spin vertebr toracic. Materiale de construcie: - 1 fragment de gardin (fig. 125/12).


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Cpl. 92. Pit no. 11 (fig. 119/3; 125), undisturbed. Dated to the 4 th century (fig. 125; pl. 25/6), excavated in sector C, trench S II. Probably a ritual pit. On its bottom it was laid the skeleton of a piglet, as well as a fragment of hearth raised edge (fig. 125/12), fragments of fireplace crust, ashes, burned stones and a whetstone polished on its four faces (fig. 125/1).

Fig. 125. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente lucrate cu mna, 6 baz sau la roat: past puin zgrunuroas crmizie, 2-5 perete decorat; fin glbuie, 9-11 baze; 7 strachin; cenuie, 8 oal; 15, 17 castroane; 16 toart; 18 perete decorat. 1 Cute, 12 margine vatr, 13 rni, 14 greutate. Gropile nr. 11-12: 1-12 cpl. 92, sec. IV; 13-18, cpl. 94, sec. III-IV. Ceramic fragments, hand made, 1 basis, with the potters wheel: reddish slightly coarse paste, 2-5 wall decorated; fine yellow, 6 tureen; grayish, 7 jar; 9-11 bases; 15, 17 tureens; 16 handle; 18 wall decorated. 1 Whetstone; 12 hearth raised edge; 13 grinder; 14 weight. Pit no. 11-12: 1-12 cpl. 92, 4th century; 13-18, cpl. 94, 3rd-4th centuries.

Out of the total of 20+1 vessels, four were hand made (fig. 125/8), 9 fine paste, two were made of gray coarse paste, five of medium coarse, reddish-brown paste (fig. 125/2-5), three of grayish paste (fig. 125/7, 9-11), one of fine yellow paste (fig. 125/6), two light gray and three black. A single fragment of amphora was also found. Fragmented fauna, 156 skeletal and dental remains, which, apart from a humerus of a micromammal, originate from a piglet, which was probably buried whole (there were no taphonomic marks on these bones). Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made pottery ware: 1 small bowl with spherical body (=16 cm); 2 tureen with straight rims; 4 bases (fig. 125/6; mouth=13; 7; 2x9 cm); - gray coarse ceramic: 1 food storage pot with wide, T-shaped rim; 1 basis (=11 cm); - reddish-brown pottery, of slightly coarse paste: 1 body fragment from a large storage jar ( mouth=14 cm); gray fine pottery: 4 potsherds decorated with incised lines and ribbons (fig. 125/2-4; body=16 cm), and with bands of six irregular wavy lines (fig. 125/5); - gray fine ceramic: 1 dish (fig. 125/7); 1 out-turned rim (fig. 125/8); 1 handle with axial groove, oval

Groapa nr. 5 i 6, sec. III-IV/ Pit no. 5 and 6, 3rd-4th centuries


in cross-section; 1 body (body=20 cm); 3 bases (fig. 125/9-11; =6 cm); light-yellow: 1 tureen (fig. 125/6; mouth=22 cm); black, 3 rounded bowl rims with straight upper half ( mouth=12; 14; 15 cm); light-gray ceramic: 2 elongated and thickened rims with rectangular cross-section ( mouth=10; 12 cm); - imported: 1 body fragment of an amphora of brick-brown color, with grooves 1 cm wide (=32 cm). Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 1 whetstone, polished on all four faces (fig. 125/1). Fragmented fauna inventory: - 1 skeletal and dental remains, which, apart from a humerus of a micro-mammal; - 155 originate from a piglet, which was probably buried whole (there were no taphonomic marks on these bones): 2 astragals, 2 calcaneus, 7 carpal/tarsal, 25 fragments of ribs, 8 fragments of hipbone, 1 ischium, 17 skull fragments, 4 ulnas (2 proximal epiphyses, 2 diaphyses), one upper canine tooth, 8 proximal phalanges, 5 distal phalanges, 3 femur fragments (2 diaphyses, 1 epiphyses), 2 humeri, 2 mandibles (a whole one and another preserved only as an articular condyle), 3 metacarpal, 3 metatarsals, 5 fragments of metapodals, 1 fragment of fibula, 2 radiuses, 2 scapulas, 2 sesamoids, 2 tibiae, 2 cervical vertebrae (atlas, axis), 32 vertebrae fragments, 9 fragments of thoracic vertebrae spikes. Construction materials: - 1 fragment of hearth raised edge (fig. 125/12). 4.69. Cpl. 93. Groapa nr. 5, nederanjat. Datare: secolele III-IV, spat n 1988, sectorul E, SII, M 11,40-12,70, -0,80. De form aproximativ ovoidal, =1,36x1,18 m, se adncete pna la -1,44 m de la nivelul actual de clcare i la cel puin 1 m de la nivelul antic. Inventarul faunistic este format din 30 de resturi osoase i dentare. Pe unul singur se observ urme lsate n procesul de tranare. Pentru 13 fragmente osoase nu s-a realizat determinarea specific (mamifere de talie mare - 7, mamifere de talie mijlocie - 6). n plus, un fragment de frontal este de provenien uman. Inventar faunistic fragmentar: - Bos taurus: 2 falange proximale ntregi, i piese fragmentare: 2 craniu (1 dreapta), 3 mandibul (2 dreapta, 1 stnga), 2 scapul (1 dreapta), 1 tibie dreapta, 1 vertebr cervical; - Capra hircus: 1 fragment humerus; - Ovis/Capra: cte un fragment de femur, humerus (stnga), mandibul, tibie. Homo sapiens: - 1 fragment frontal. Cpl. 93. Pit no. 5, undisturbed. Dated to 3rd4th centuries, excavated in 1988, sector E, trench SII, M11,40-12,70, -0,80. Roughly oval in shape, =1,36x1,18 m, its bottom lays at -1,44 m, from the current treading level and at least 1 m below the ancient one. The inventory of faunal remains consists in 30 skeletal and dental remains. Only one bone fragment shows butchering marks. 13 bone fragments were not identified as species (large mammals - 7, medium size mammals - 6). In addition, one fragments comes from a human parietal bone. Fragmented fauna inventory: - Bos taurus: 2 whole proximal phalanges as well as several other bone fragments: 2 skulls (1 right), 3 mandibles (2 right, 1 left), 2 scapulae (1 right), 1 right tibia, 1 cervical vertebra; - Capra hircus: 1 fragment of humerus; - Ovis/Capra: on fragment each of: femur, humerus (left), mandible, tibia. Homo sapiens: - 1 fragment of frontal. 4.70. Cpl. 94. Groapa nr. 6, nederanjat (fig. 119/4; 125/6; pl. 25/1-4). Datare: secolele III-IV (fig. 126/1-6). Tot n 1988, n apropierea cpl. 86, n sectorul E, pe S III, s-a spat groapa nr. 9, cu =1,20 m i adncimea pn la -1,38 m, de la nivelul actual de clcare. n ea s-a pstrat i o greutate cilindric de lut, pe una din fee cu o adncitur alungit (fig. 126/2), o gresie plat (fig. 126/1) i patru fragmente din categoria ceramicii arse cenuiu, din care dou castroane (fig. 126/3, 5). Cele 56 de resturi din inventarul faunistic, au fost repartizate la trei grupe: molute, psri i mamifere. Pentru 23 fragmente osoase nu s-a putut preciza specia de mamifer de la care provin (15 de la mamifere de talie mare, 8 de la mamifere de talie mijlocie). Trei


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

oase poart i urme lsate de colii carnivorelor. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica fin cenuie: 2 castroane (fig. 126/3, 5); 1 toart (fig. 126/4); 1 ciob decorat (fig. 126/6). Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 1 greutate cilindric de lut, ce are pe una din fee o adncitur alungit (fig. 126/2); - 1 gresie plat cu feele lefuite (fig. 126/1).

Fig. 126. Banca Gar - apte case. 1 gresie plat; 2 greutate cilindric. Fragmente ceramice: 3, 5 castroane; 4 toart; 6 perete. Gropi: 1, 3-6 nr. 6 cpl. 94, sec. III-IV; 2 nr. 1, cpl. 95. 1 whetstone; 2 cylindrical clay. Ceamic fragments: hand made pottery, 1, 4 jars; 2 potsherd; 5 tureen; 3 whetstone. Pits: 1, 3-6 no. 6 cpl. 94, 3rd-4th centuries; 2 no. 1 cpl. 95, 6th century.

Inventar faunistic fragmentar: - Mollusca: 2 valve de Unio pictorum; - Aves-Gallus domesticus: 4; - Bos taurus: piese ntregi - astragal (dreapta), calcaneu (dreapta), i piese fragmentare: frontal, nazal (dreapta), maxilar (stnga; de la individ matur), premaxilar i maxilar (dreapta), humerus, 2 mandibul (1 dreapta; de la individ imatur), metacarp, 2 tibia (dreapta, stnga); - Canis familiaris: fragment mandibul dreapta; - Equus caballus: dinte jugal; - Ovis/Capra: piese fragmentare - 1 cubitus, 1 dinte molar inferior, 2 mandibul, 1 radius, 1 scapul dreapta, 1 tibie stnga; - Sus domesticus: 2 dini canini inferiori (stnga, dreapta; de la un individ mascul), 2 dini incisivi (unul inferior, altul superior i de dreapta), dinte premolar 4 inferior, fragment humerus stnga. Cpl. 94. Pit no. 6, undisturbed (fig. 119/4; 125/6; pl. 25/1-4). Dated to the 3 rd4th centuries (fig. 126/1-6). Also in 1988, not far from cpl. 86, in sector E, inside trench S III, was uncovered the Pit no. 9, with =1,20 m and 1,38 m deep, below the current treading level. Inside the pit several items were found: a cylindrical clay weight with an oblong indentation on one of its faces (fig. 126/2), weight (fig. 126/1) and four fragments of gray pottery out of which two tureens (fig. 126/3, 5). The 56 faunal remains were divided in three groups: mollusks, birds and mammals. 23 bone fragments could not be identified as species (15 from large mammals, 8 from medium size mammals). Three bone fragments were gnawed by carnivores. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - gray ceramic paste: 2 tureens (fig. 126/3, 5); handle (fig. 126/4); 1 decorated potsherd (fig. 126/6).

Groapa nr. 1, sec. VI / Pits no. 1, 6th century


Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 1 cylindrical clay weight with an oblong indentation on one of its faces (fig. 126/2); - 1 whetstone with two polished faces (fig. 126/1). Fragmented fauna inventory: - Mollusca: 2 valves of Unio pictorum; - Aves-Gallus domesticus: 4; - Bos taurus: whole bones - astragal (right), calcaneus (right), and bone fragments: frontal, nazal (right), maxilla (left; of an adult), pre-maxilla and maxilla (right), humerus, 2 mandibles (1 right; of a young individual), metacarpal, 2 tibiae (right, left); - Canis familiaris: a fragment of mandible, right; - Equus caballus: a jugal tooth; - Ovis/Capra: fragm.items - 1 ulna, 1 lower molar, 2 mandibles, 1 radius, 1 scapula right, 1 left tibia; - Sus domesticus: 2 lower canine teeth (left, right; from a male), 2 incisive teeth (a lower one and an upper right one), 4 lower premolars and a fragment of left humerus. 4.71. Cpl. 95. Groapa nr. 1, nederanjat. Datare: secolul al VI-lea (fig. 127). n 1988, sectorul E, SXX, M45, la -0,40-0,60 s-a semnalat o alt groap. Inventarul srac era format dintr-o cute de gresie lefuit pe dou fee (fig. 127/3), patru vase modelate cu mna (fig. 127/1-4) i 44 resturi ce provin de la molute i mamifere domestice. Pentru 14 dintre ele nu s-a realizat determinarea specific (7 de la mamifere de talie mare, 6 de la mamifere de talie mijlocie). Tafonomie: cte unul are urme de arsur neagr sau calcinare, dou de tranare i cinci au fost roase de carnivore.

Fig. 127. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice: modelate cu mna, 1, 4 oale; 2 ciob; 5 castron; 3 cute, groapa nr. 1 cpl. 95, sec. VI. Ceramic fragments: hand made pottery, 1, 4 jars; 2 potsherd; 5 tureen; 3 whetstone. Pit no. 1 cpl. 95, 6th century.

Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna: 2 borcane din care unul cu umr marcat buza evazat i corp bombat (fig. 127/1, 4; mouth=20; 28 cm); 1 castron (fig. 127/5; mouth=28 cm); 1 perete cu incizii n val (fig. 127/2).


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Unelte, ustensile: - 1 cute de gresie lefuit pe dou fee i pentru ascuit vrfuri (fig. 127/3). Inventar faunistic fragmentar: - Mollusca: o valv de Unio pictorum; - Bos taurus: 22 piese ntregi (de la exemplare adulte, de circa 2,5-4 ani, respectiv 4-6 ani), - 2 astragale (1 dreapta), 1 falang proximal, i piese fragmentare: frontal cu corn, dinte M3 superior dreapta, 4 humerus (2 dreapta), 1 mandibul dreapta, 1 metacarp, 3 metatars (1 stnga, 1 dreapta), 4 radius (3 stnga), 2 scapula (1 dreapta), 1 atlas, 1 vertebr sacral; p e baza a trei fragmente proximale stnga de radius, s-a

estimat un numr minim de trei indivizi;

- Ovis/Capra: cte un fragment de humerus, metacarp, metatars, tibia (stnga), pot fi atribuite unui

singur individ;
- Sus domesticus: fragment maxilar dreapta, de la un individ de circa un an i jumtate; - Canis familiaris: fragment de humerus stnga, sacrum aproape ntreg, au fost atribuite unui

individ de circa doi ani.

Cpl. 95. Pit no. 1, undisturbed. Dated the 6th century (fig. 127). During the 1988 campaign, in, sector E, trench SXX, M45, at a depth of -0,40-0,60 cm, another pit was uncovered. The inventory was poor and consisted in one whetstone polished on two faces (fig. 127/3), four hand made vessels (fig. 127/1-4) and 44 faunal remains, from mollusks and domestic mammals, 13 of these were determined as species (7 from large mammals, 6 from medium size mammals). Taphonomy: there are one of each piece with traces of burning or calcination, two bones with butchering marks and five gnawed by carnivores. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made: 2 jars, out of which one with raised shoulder, flared rim and round body (fig. 127/1, 4; mouth=20; 28 cm); 1 bowl (fig. 127/5; mouth=28 cm); 1 potsherd decorated with wavy incisions (fig. 127/2); Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 1 whetstone with two polished faces and for sharpening points (fig. 127/3). Fragmented fauna inventory: - Mollusca: one half-shell of Unio pictorum; - Bos taurus: whole items - 2 astragals (1 right), 1 proximal phalange, and fragmentary items: frontal bone with horn, right upper molar (M3), 4 humeri (2 right), 1 right mandible, 1 metacarpal, 3 metatarsals (1 left, 1 right), 4 radiuses (3 left), 2 scapula (1 right), 1 atlas, 1 sacral vertebra; - Canis familiaris: fragment of left humerus, one almost whole sacrum; - Ovis/Capra: one fragment of each humerus, metacarpal, metatarsal and tibia (left); - Sus domesticus: one fragment of right maxilla, from a young individual. 4.72. Cpl. 96. Locuina de suprafa nr. 6 (fig. 128/1), distrus din vechime. Datare: secolele IV-V. S-a spat n 1988, SVII; M11,3; -0,45-0,70 m. Din interiorul acesteia provin i cteva buci de chirpici de la pereii acesteia i spre centru buci de crust de vatr, n preajma lor cu urme de cenu, crbune, puine pietre arse, unele probabil folosite drept "cei de vatr". Alte pietre din faa locuinei erau tot arse parial. Cele cteva mici fragmente ceramice erau din past fin cenuie. Inventar faunistic a fost mai numeros, 74 de resturi osoase i dentare, care, cu excepia unuia singur, de provenien uman, provin de la specii de mamifere domestice. Pentru 14 dintre ele nu s-a realizat determinarea specific (6 de la mamifere de talie mare, 8 de la mamifere de talie mijlocie). Tafonomie: 39 au urme de arsur neagr, unul era calcinat, dou urme de tranare i cinci erau roase de carnivore. Inventar faunistic fragmentar: - Bos taurus: piese ntregi - astragal stnga, 2 falang proximal, 1 falang mijlocie i piese fragmentare: 2 coxal, 2 coarne, 1 maxilar, 3 dini jugali, 1 falang proximal, 1 femur, 1 humerus dreapta, 6 mandibul (2 stnga, 2 dreapta), 4 metacarp (1 stnga; trei de la indivizi maturi), 1 metapod, 1 radius stnga, 9 scapula (1 dreapta, 1 stnga), 4 tibia (2 stnga, 1 dreapta); - Equus caballus: piese ntregi - axis, vertebr cervical, i piese fragmentare - dinte jugal superior, dinte premolar 2 inferior dreapta, radius stnga, tibia (de la individ matur), atlas; - Ovis/Capra: cte un fragment de maxilar dreapta, humerus dreapta, radius stnga, tibia; - Sus domesticus: frontal, maxilar - 2 (stnga, dreapta), humerus, mandibul - 3 (1 dreapta).

Gropile nr. 12-12a, sec. IV / Pits no. 12 and 12a, 4th centuries


Homo sapiens: - 1 fragment frontal. Materiale de construcie: - buci de chirpici i de vatr. Cpl. 96. Surface dwelling no. 6 (fig. 128/1), destroyed in antiquity. Dated to the 4 rd5th centuries. Excavated in 1988, trench SVII; M11,3; -0,45-0,70 m, several fragments of adobe were recovered from its interior, as well as fragments of fireplace crust, accompanied by traces of ash, charcoal and several burned stones, used probably as fire dogs - "cei de vatr". Several other stones, found in front of the dwelling, were also partially burned. The few potsherds found are of gray fine paste. The Inventory of faunal remains is somehow larger: 74 skeletal and dental fragments that, with the exception of a human bone fragment, come from various species of domestic mammals. 14 of these were not determined as species (6 from large mammals, 8 from medium-size mammals). Taphonomy: 39 show traces of burning, one was calcinated, two show butchering marks and five were gnawed by carnivores. Fragmented fauna inventory: - Bos taurus: whole items - left astragal, 2 proximal phalanges, 1 medial phalange and fragmentary items: 2 hipbones, 2 horns, 1 maxilla, 3 jugal teeth, 1 proximal phalange, 1 femur, 1 right humerus, 6 mandibles (2 left, 2 right), 4 metacarpals (1 left; three of adults), 1 metapodal, 1 left radius, 9 scapulae (1 right, 1 left), 4 tibiae (2 left, 1 right); - Equus caballus: whole items - 1 axis, 1 cervical vertebra, and fragmentary items - upper jugal tooth, 2 lower right premolars, 1 left radius, 1 tibia (of an adult), 1 atlas; - Ovis/Capra: one fragment of each right maxilla, right humerus, left radius and tibia; - Sus domesticus: frontal bone, 2 maxillae - (left, right), 1 humerus, 3 mandibles (1 right). Homo sapiens: - fragment of frontal bone. Construction materials: pieces of adobe and of hearth. 4.73. Cpl. 104-104a. Gropile nr. 12 i 12a (fig. 128/2), nederanjate, secolul al IV-lea. S-au investigat n 1988, pe SXII, sector C, ntre M2,70-3,90, cu =1,20 m i cu adncimea de la nivelul actual de clcare de -1,90 m. Inventar ceramic: fragmente atipice. Cpl. 104-104a. Pits no. 12 and 13 (fig. 128/2), found undisturbed, dated to the 4 th century. Excavated in 1988, trench SXII, sector C, between M2,70-3,90, 1,20 m in diameter and 1,90 m deep, below the current treading level. Ceramic inventory: atypical fragments. 4.74. Cpl. 106. Groapa nr. 7 (fig. 128/3), datare: secolele III-IV, n partea dinspre dig s-a spat o groap la gur aproximativ circular, =0,90 m, dar se lrgea spre baz, =1,45 m, cu o adncime de -0,70 m.

Fig. 128. Banca Gar - apte case. Locuina uor adncit, nr. 4 cpl. 106. Plan i profil, sec. III-IV The slightly buried dwelling no. 4 cpl. 106. Plan et profile, 3rd4th centuries.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Pit no. 7 (fig. 128/3), 3rd4th centuries, towards the dike, was found a pit, approximately circular mouth, =0,9m, but expanded to basic dug, =1,45m, larger at, -74 cm deep, below the current treading level. 4.75. Cpl. 106a. Locuina uor adncit nr. 4 (fig. 128/3), nederanjat. Datare: secolele III-IV (fig. 129-131; 131/1-10). n sectorul C, pe SXIV, la M11,60, n partea dinspre dig s-a spat o locuin, care a fost surprins la -0,4 m, de la nivelul actual de clcare. Prezint o form dreptunghiular cu colurile rotunjite. Cu o suprafa de 16,184 m2, L=4,76; l=3,40 m. Degajarea umpluturii a dus la descoperirea multor unelte sau ustensile: o fusaiol (fig. 131/2), dou cute i o pies de piatr (fig. 129/10; 131/4) i a 35 fragmente ceramice lucrate cu mna, de la circa 20 de vase i a 63 modelate la roat, de la aproximativ 45 de vase. 68+2 vase. Din cele 35 de cioburi rmase de la vasele lucrate cu mna, 15 au fost buze i 20 baze, astfel c, n locuin trebuie s fi fost cel puin 20 de vase lucrate cu mna, arse diferit, brun - cenuiu (fig. 129/1-7, 9-10), glbui-cenuiu, crmiziu-cenuiu, roietice sau alb-crmizii (fig. 129/8, 11-12). Din past puin zgrunuroas erau 17 pri de vase, plus 9 baze, toate erau probabil de la 12 vase, ntre ele dou erau roietice-glbui (fig. 131/7). Arse cenuiu au fost dou oale (fig. 130/3), i alte opt cioburi, cte dou buze i toarte, un perete avea incluziuni de calcar i altul era de la un vas de provizii, opt baze, una inelar, patru drepte, trei evazate i o baz glbuie-rozie (fig. 131/1-2, 4, 6, 8, 10). Din categoria ceramicii fine lucrate la roat, se pot numra cel mult 63 de fragmente, de la aproximativ 48 vase. De la vasele fine arse cenuiu i lustruite erau 19 pri i 9 baze, probabil de la 16 vase: dou cni (fig. 130/1), o cni, un castrona i patru castroane (fig. 130/5), cinci oale, cinci margini (fig. 131/3, 9) dar i nelustruite, o oal (fig. 131/5), o toart modelat n torsad (fig. 130/6) i 9 baze inelare.

Fig. 129. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice: past modelat cu mna, 1-3, 7, 9 oale; 4-5 cioburi; 6 castrona; 8, 11 baze; 10 cute; 12 cuie. Locuina uor adncit nr. 4 cpl. 106a, sec. III-IV. Ceramic fragments: hand made pottery, 1-3, 7, 9 jars; 4-5 potsherd; 6 tureen; 8, 11 bases; 10 whetstone; 12 primitive lamp. Pit no. 7 cpl. 106, 3rd4th centuries.

Locuina uor adncit, nr. 4, sec. III-IV / The slightly buried dwelling no. 4, 3rd-4th centuries


La acestea adugm o baz negricioas i o toart. De la vase arse glbui i lustruite erau 24 pri de vase i 4 baze, probabil de la 17 vase, din care o oal (fig. 131/1), 10 perei decorai (fig. 131/2, 8), 3 oale glbui-albicioase, 6 glbui-cenuii (fig, 131/6), roz-glbui, un castron, o oal, o baz inelar, una dreapt i alta evazat, acoperit cu angob glbuie, un perete de la un vas glbui nchis lustruit, o toart i o baz roietic-glbuie (fig. 131/7). Totodat, de la vasele acoperite cu angob roie s-au pstrat trei margini i o baz iar din vasele de import o mnu de amfor i un gt.

Fig. 130. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roata olarului: past fin cenuie, 1 can; 3 oal; 5 castron; 6 toart; 2 fusaiol. Groapa nr. 7 cpl. 106, sec. IIIIV. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: gray fine paste, 1 mug; 3 jar; 5 tureen; 6 handle; 2 biconical piece. Pit no. 7 cpl. 106, 3rd 4th centuries.

La fel de bogat este i inventarul faunistic, 153 de resturi ce au fost atribuite molutelor i mamiferelor, att domestice, ct i slbatice. Pentru 62 dintre fragmentele osoase nu s-a realizat determinarea specific (25 de la mamifere de talie mare, 34 de la mamifere de talie mijlocie, 2 de la mamifere, 1 nedeterminat). Tafonomie: o tibie de Ovis/Capra are un nceput de tiere circular, opt au fost tranate i 11 erau roase de carnivore. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna: 2 castronae tronconice, primul cu o nuire interioar (fig. 129/5-6; buz=8 cm); 1 cuie de culoare brun, n interior ars puternic, cu baza uor lrgit (fig. 129/12; buz=9 cm); 3 oale de culoare glbui-crmizie cu buza evazat, cu gtul drept, alungit sau uor nclinat (fig. 129/3; buz=12; 14; 15,5 cm); 3 oale de culoare roietic cu marginile evazate (fig. 129/9; buz=26; 16; 18 cm),


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

prima se apropie de forma cnilor lucrate la roat; 3 oale cu gtul scurt i corpul uor bombat (fig. 129/1, 7; buz=10; 15; 24 cm); 1 oal cu gtul arcuit, cu o nuire interioar (fig. 129/2; buz=26 cm); 5 baze (=7; 8; 8,5 x 2; 8 din care, 1 inelar ( baz=12 cm), 4 drepte (=5,6; 9; 10; 11 cm) i 3 uor evazate (=8; 9,6; 10 cm); 1 baz de culoare glbui-rozie (fig. 131/10; =7,7 cm);

Pl. 26. Gara Banca - apte case.

- ceramica din past puin zgrunuroas: 1 baz roietic-glbuie (fig. 131/7; baz=14 cm, ); cenuii, 2 oale cu marginea invazat, cu buzele rotunjite, respectiv lite exterior i decorate cu dou uoare caneluri (fig. 131/3; buz=15 cm); 8 cioburi de la vase cu pereii acoperii cu linii scurte, orizontale ( corp=10 x 2; 11 cm); 2 buze, una rotunjit i alta mult lit; 2 toarte masive; 1 ciob ce avea ntre incluziuni i calcar; 1 ciob de la un vas de provizii, exterior canelat larg; 1 oal cu buza arcuit exterior, ngroat i rotunjit (buz=22 cm); 4 margini invazate cu buze trase exterior (fig. 131/9; buz=14; 2x20; 22 cm); 1 buz arcuit exterior i rotunjit, de la un vas cu profil n S (fig. 130/3; =12 cm); - ceramica fin ars cenuiu, nelustruit, 1 bol (fig. 131/11), 1 oal cu marginea invazat cu buza n

Locuina uor adncit, nr. 4, sec. III-IV / The slightly buried dwelling no. 4, 3rd-4th centuries


seciune triunghiular (fig. 131/5; buz=34 cm); 1 toart ngust, modelat n torsad (fig. 130/6); 9 baze inelare (=4; 6; 3x8; 3x10; 12 cm);

Fig. 131. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roat: past fin glbuie, 1-2 oale; 4, 8 perei; cenuie, 5 oal; glbui-cenuie, 6 oal; cenuie, 9 buz; 11 castron; 13 bol; puin zgrunuroas, 3 oal; roietic-glbuie, 7 baz; glbui-rozie, 10 baz; roie, 12 buz. Groapa nr. 7 cpl. 106, sec. III-IV. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: yellowish fine paste; 1-2 jars; 4, 8 wall decorated; gray fine, 5 jar, yellowish-grayish, 6 jar; grayish, 9 wall; 11 tureen; 13 bowl; slightly coarse, 3 jar; reddyellowish, 7 basis; yellowishpink, 10 basis; red, 12 rim. Pit no. 7 cpl. 106, 3rd4th centuries.

- ceramica din past fin cenuie lustruit: 2 cni (?) cu gt aproximativ cilindric (fig. 130/1; buz=10,5; 13 cm); 1 cni cenuie ( buz=6/8,3 cm); 1 castrona cu peretele n S alungit, gt marcat (=10 cm); 1 castron cu marginea dreapt pe mijloc cu o nervur (=10 cm); 1 castron cenuiu-deschis cu profil n S, cu buza invazat (buz=16 cm); 1 castron cu peretele arcuit exterior, prevzut cu o nervur pe maxima curbur, buza ngroat i evazat uor ( buz=12 cm); 1 castron cu profil n S, cu peretele acoperit cu linii negre, foarte uor adncite (fig. 131/5; buz=22 cm); 1 oal cu gt scurt, uor nclinat interior, corp alungit i decorat; 3 oale cu marginea nalt, invazat, cu buza tras exterior n unghi ( buz=12; 15; 18 cm); 2 oale, din care una glbuie, alta crmizie (buz=14 cm); 1 buz (fig. 129/9), 6 baze glbui-cenuii slipuite, finisate neglijent (=2x10; 2x11; 11,5; 16 cm), altele 4 crmizii-cenuii (fig. 129/11; baz=16; 12; 13; 14 cm); 1 baz de culoare roietic, interior negricioas (=15 cm); 6 baze evazate (fig. 129/8; =9; 2x10; 2x12; 14 cm); 3 baze alb-crmizii (=11,5; 12; 18 cm; gr.perete=22 mm); 1 ciob cu o proeminen (fig. 129/4); - ceramica fin negricioas: 1 baz finisat neglijent ( =9 cm); 1 torti lustruit; - ceramica glbuie fin lustruit: 2 oale, 1 buz (fig. 131/1-2, 11; buz=10,5; 13 cm); 8 corpuri ornate; 1 corp de vas cu incizii; 2 fragmente ce au pstrat o parte din registrele ornamentale cu zigzaguri, mrginite de linii (fig. 131/2, 8); ceramica glbui-albicioas, 3 oale; glbui-cenuie, 6 oale pe corp cu registre formate din linii orizontale, primul din 9, ntre ele un zigzag (fig. 131/6; buz=22 cm); ceramica fin roz-glbuie, 1 castron cu marginea invazat, buza ngroat i faetat, pe gt cu o nervur ( buz=20 cm); 1 oal cu buza nclinat unghiular (buz=8 cm); 1 baz inelar (=5 cm) i alta dreapt, evazat (=9 cm), exterior acoperit cu o nuan mai nchis de angob glbuie (=10 cm); 1 corp glbui nchis lustruit (corp=19 cm) i o toart; - ceramica vopsit cu angob roie: 1 margine dreapt cu buza ngroat n cioc ( buz=14 cm) i o


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

mic margine roie; 1 margine cu buza lit orizontal, fructier (?) ( buz=24 cm); 2 baze roii (=9; 12 cm); - ceramica de import: 1 mnu de amfor; 1 gt de amfor (=12 cm). Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 1 fusaiol (fig. 130/2); - 1 pies de piatr (fig. 130/4); 1 cute (fig. 129/10). Inventar faunistic fragmentar: - Mollusca: 5 valve Unio sp., o cochilie de Viviparus sp.; - Bos taurus: piese ntregi - 4 astragal (2 dreapta, 2 stnga), 1 carpian, 1 cubitus dreapta, 4 dini molari (3 superiori, 1 inferior; 2 stnga, 1 dreapta), 3 falang proximal, 3 falang mijlocie, 2 falang distal i, piese fragmentare: 2 coxal (1 dreapta), 1 proces cornular, 1 maxilar, 1 cubitus, 3 premolar inferior, 2 femur, 2 humerus (1 stnga), 8 mandibul (3 stnga, 2 dreapta), 1 metatars (de la individ matur), 3 scapula (2 dreapta; una de la individ imatur, alta de la individ matur), 3 radius (1 stnga), 1 tibia, 5 vertebre cervicale i lombare, tranate pe linia sagital; - Capra hircus: cte un fragment de mandibul stnga, metatars; Capreolus capreolus: 2 fragmente tibie; Cervus elaphus: 2 fragmente corn; - Equus caballus: dinte incisiv ntreg i cte un fragment de astragal, femur, mandibul, tibie stnga; - Ovis/Capra: fragment mandibul stnga, de la individ matur, 2 metacarp ntreg (1 stnga), fragmente de: metacarp - 1, metatars - 2, tibia - 2; Ovis aries: craniu fragmentar de la o femel matur; - Sus domesticus: piese ntregi - dinte incisiv inferior, metapod III/IV neepifizat distal i piese fragmentare - coxal, 2 maxilar superior, (dreapta, stnga; unul cu dini molari erodai foarte puternic), dinte incisiv, humerus, mandibul stnga, 2 scapul (1 dreapta); Sus scrofa: dinte canin superior. Cpl. 106a. Slightly buried dwelling, no. 4 (fig. 128/3), undisturbed. Dated to 3rd4th centuries (fig. 129-131; 131/1-10). In sector C, trench SXIV, at M11,60. Was found a pidwelling, approximately rectangular 16,184 m2, L=4,76 and w=3,40 m, but expanded to basic dug, larger at, -0,74 m deep, below the current treading level. In total: 20 models at hand, 12, finally burned gray and polished were 16 boats, in various shades of yellow fine 17 vessels = 20 + 12 the medium-coarse category + 16 the fine grayish + 17 the fine yellowishreddish + 3 fine reddish + 2 amphorae = 70 vessels. The excavation of its filling resulted in the uncovering of several artifacts: a piece (fig. 130/2), two whetstone and a stone item (fig. 129/10; 130/4) as well as 35 hand made potsherds, from roughly 20 vessels and 63 potter's wheel, from more or less 45 vessels. Out of the 35 hand made potsherds, 15 are rims and 20 are bases, leading to the conclusion that at least 20 hand made vessels should have been inside the dwelling, of various types of firing, grayish-brown (fig. 129/1-7, 9-10), grayish-yellow, brick-reddish-gray, red or brick-pink (fig. 129/8, 11-12). The fine, gray, wheel includes maximum 63 de fragments, from more or less 49 vessels, plus parts from two amphorae, 17 potsherds fall into the medium-coarse category which, together with 9 bases, one of them yellowish-red (fig. 131/7), originate, probably, from 12 vessels. Two jars are grayish (fig. 131/3), as well as other eight potsherds, two rims and two ears, a pot wall fragment with limestone inclusions and another one fro yellowish-red m a storage jar, eight bases including an annular one, four straight ones and three slightly flared, as well as one made of yellowish-pink paste (fig. 131/1-2, 4, 6, 8, 10). The grayish and polished pottery includes 19 fragments and 9 bases, from a probable number of 16 vessels: two mugs (fig. 130/1), a primitive lamp, a small bowl (fig. 131/11), four tureens and bowls (fig. 130/5), five jars, five unpolished rims (fig. 131/3, 9), one pot (fig. 131/5), one handle modeled in cable moulding (fig. 130/6) and 9 annular bases. In addition, there also found some black potsherds: a basis and a handle. The yellowish and polished pottery includes 24 fragments and 4 bases, from a probable number of 17 vessels, out of which two jars (fig. 131/1-2), 12 decorated pot walls (fig. 131/2, 8), three light-yellow jars and six grayish - yellow ones (fig. 131/6), a yellowish-pink bowl, a pot, an annular bases, a straight one and a flared one, covered with yellow slip, a wall fragment from a polished dark-yellow jar and one of each red handle and basis. In addition, the red-slipped pottery is also present, as three rims and one basis, and the imported pottery as one of each ear and neck of 2 amphorae. The inventory of faunal remains is also rich: 153 remains from mollusks and mammals, both wild

Locuina uor adncit, nr. 4, sec. III-IV / The slightly buried dwelling no. 4, 3rd-4th centuries


and domestic. 62 of the bone fragments were not identified as species (25 from large mammals, 34 from medium-sized mammals, 2 from unknown mammals, 1 undetermined). Taphonomy: a tibia of a sheep/goat show the beginning of a circular cut, eight show butchering marks and 11 were gnawed by carnivores. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic: 2 conical small bowls, one with an internal groove (fig. 129/5-6; =8 cm); 1 brown primitive lamp with flared basis, intensely burned at the interior (fig. 129/12; =9 cm); 3 brickreddish-yellow jars with flared rims and straight, elongated or slightly flared necks (fig. 129/3; mouth=12; 14; 15,5 cm); 2 red jars with flared rims (fig. 129/9; mouth=26; 16; 18 cm), one is similar in shape to the potter's wheel mugs; 3 jars with short necks and slightly rounded bodies (fig. 129/1, 7; mouth=10; 15; 24 cm); 1 pot with arched neck and interior groove (fig. 129/2; =26 cm); 2 jars, one yellow, the other brick-red ( mouth=14 cm); 1 rim (fig. 129/10), 6 yellowish-gray bases, covered in slip and roughly modeled (=2x10; 2x11; 11,5; 16 cm) and other 4, grayish-red in color (fig. 129/11; mouth=16; 12; 13; 14 cm); 1 red basis, fired black on the interior (=15 cm); 6 flared bases (fig. 129/8; =9; 2x10; 2x12; 14 cm); 3 brick-pink bases (=11,5; 12; 18 cm; thickness wall, 22 mm); 1 potsherd with prominences for trapped (fig. 129/4); - medium-coarse paste pottery: 1 reddish-yellow basis (fig. 131/7; =14 cm, ); gray: 2 jars with inward-turned, rounded or flared rims and decorated with two shallow grooves (fig. 131/3; mouth=15 cm); 8 potsherds decorated with short, horizontal lines (=7; 8; 8,5x2; 10x2; 11 cm); 2 rims, one rounded, the other widened; 2 massive handles; 1 potsherd with limestone inclusions; 1 potsherd from a storage jar, decorated with wide grooves on the exterior; 8 bases, out of which one is annular (=12 cm), 4 are straight (=5,6; 9; 10; 11 cm) and 3 slightly flared (=8; 9,6; 10 cm); 1 yellowsh-pink basis (fig. 131/10; =7,7 cm); - gray, fine unpolished ceramic, 1 pot with inward turned rim (triangular in cross-section) (fig. 131/5; mouth=34 cm); 1 bowl (fig. 131/11), 1 narrow handle, decorated with alveoli (fig. 131/6); 9 annular bases (=4; 6; 3x8; 3x10; 12 cm); polished ceramic: 2 mugs (?) with nearly cylindrical necks (fig. 130/1; mouth=10,5; 13 cm); 1 primitive lamp grayish with enlarged lower part (=6/8,3 cm); 1 tallish small tureen with S-profiled walls, and marked neck ( mouth=10 cm); 1 tureen with straight edge with a median ridge (mouth=10 cm); 1 light-gray tureen with S-profiled walls and inward-turned rim ( mouth=16 cm); 1 bell-shaped tureen with nervure on the maximal diameter, thickened and slightly flared rim ( mouth=12 cm); 1 tureen with S-profiled walls decorated with black, shallow lines (fig. 130/5; mouth=22 cm); 1 pot with short, slightly tapered neck and elongated and decorated body; 3 jars with tall somehow tapered rim, outward angled at the upper edge (mouth=12; 15; 18 cm); 1 pot with flared, rounded and thickened rim ( mouth=22 cm); 4 inward turned rims, with flared upper edges (fig. 131/9; mouth=14; 2 x 20; 22 cm); 1 rounded, outward arched rim from a vessel with S-profiled walls (fig. 130/3; mouth=12 cm); - black ceramic: 1 basis, roughly finished (=9 cm); 1 small polished pot-ear; yellow fine polished pottery: 2 jars (fig. 131/1-2; mouth=10,5; 13 cm); 8 decorated body fragments; 1 incised body fragment; 2 fragments showing parts of the decorative stripes of bordered zigzagging lines (fig. 131/2, 8); light-yellow pottery, 3 jars; yellowish-gray, 6 jars with decoration of stripes of small horizontal lines on their bodies, one of them with 9 stripes, separated by a zigzag (fig. 131/6; mouth=22 cm); fine yellowish - pink, 1 tureen with inward turned, thickened and facetted rim, decorated with a nervure ( mouth=20 cm); 1 pot cu tapered rim (mouth=8 cm); 1 annular basis (=5 cm) and another one straight, slightly flared (=9 cm); 1 flared basis, with the exterior covered in darker slip; yellow pottery (=10 cm); 1 polished body fragment of dark-yellow color (body=19 cm) and a handle; 1 reddish basis (=9 cm); red-slip pottery: 1 straight edge with thickened rim and an exterior beak (mouth=14 cm), a smaller red dusty rim; 1 edge with horizontal, thick rim, fruit tray (?) (mouth=24 cm); 1 red basis (=12 cm); - imported ceramic: 1 handle of amphora; 1 neck of amphora (=12 cm). Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 1 piece (fig. 130/2); - 1 whetstone; 1 stone item (fig. 130/4); - 1 whetstone (fig. 129/10). Fragmented fauna inventory: - Mollusca: 5 valves of Unio sp., a shell of Viviparus sp.; - Bos taurus: whole items - 4 astragals (2 right, 2 left), 1 carpal, 1 right ulna, 4 molars (3 upper, 1 lower; 2 left, 1 right), 3 proximal phalanges, 3 medial phalanges, 2 distal phalanges; fragmentary items: 2 hipbones (1 right), 1 horn bud, 1 maxilla, 1 ulna, 3 lower premolars, 2 femurs, 2 humeri (1 left), 8 mandibles (3 left, 2 right), 1 metatarsal (of an adult), 3 scapulae (2 right; one of a young individual, the other


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

one of an adult), 3 radiuses (1 left), 1 tibia, 5 cervical and lumbar vertebrae cut on the sagittal line; - Capra hircus: one fragment each of a left mandible, metatarsal; Capreolus capreolus: 2 fragments of tibia; Cervus elaphus: 2 antler fragments; - Equus caballus: one whole incisive tooth and one fragment each of the astragal, femur, mandible, and left tibia; - Ovis/Capra: a fragment of left mandible, of an adult, 2 whole metacarpals (1 left), fragments of: 1 metacarpal, 2 metatarsals, 2 tibiae; Ovis aries: one fragment of cranium from an adult female; - Sus domesticus: whole items - lower incisive tooth, 3 rd4th metapodals with no distal epiphysis; fragmentary items - hipbone, 2 upper maxillae, (right, left; one with highly eroded molars), incisive tooth, humerus, left mandible, 2 scapulae (1 right); Sus scrofa: upper canine tooth.

Fig. 132. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roat: 1 bol, past fin; baze, 2 puin zgrunuroas; 3 modelat cu mna; 4 chirpici n care se vd urme de pleav. Groapa nr. 2 cpl. 113, sec. III. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: 1 bowl gray fine; bases;2 medium-coarse paste; 3 hand made ceramic ware; 4 - adobe with traces of chaff. Pit no. 2 cpl. 113, 3th century.

4.76. Cpl. 113. Groapa nr. 2, nederanjat. Datare: secolul al III-lea (fig. 132/1-4), cercetri 1988, sector E, SXI, M2,70-3,40 m. Groapa de dimensiuni medii avea o form oval neregulat (=0,87x1,10; h=1,95 m). Pe un fragment de chirpici, aprut ntre materialele de aici, se vd impresiuni de pleav (fig. 132/4), iar o bucat de lemn era pietrificat. Din cele 9 vase aflate n groap, unul s-a modelat cu mna, din care s-a pstrat baza (fig. 132/3), trei fac parte din specia puin zgrunuroas, 2 pri de vase roii, o oal era cenuie-nchis, precum i dou baze (fig. 132/2), cinci fine, un bol glbui, unul lustruit s-a ars cenuiu (fig. 132/1) iar altul era cenuiu-deschis, ca i alte dou boluri foarte fragmentare. Toate cele 10 piese din inventarul faunistic, recoltate din acest complex, sunt n stare fragmentar, dou nu au fost determinate specific (1 de la mamifer de talie mare, 1 de la mamifer de talie mijlocie), dou au provenien uman, pe cnd celelalte au fost repartizate mamiferelor. Dou dintre ele purtau urmele lsate de colii unor cini. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna: 1 fragment de perete de oal lucrat din past cu amot i baza aceluiai vas (fig. 132/3; corp=10 cm);

Groapa nr. 5, sec. IV-V / Pit no. 5, 4rd-5th centuries


- ceramica din past puin zgrunuroas roie: 1 ciob; 1 baz roie-cenuie (baz=7 cm); cenuienchis, 1 buz de oal (fig. 132/2; buz=10 cm); 2 baze (baz=8; 10,5 cm); - ceramica fin ars cenuiu: lustruit, 1 castron pe jumtatea inferioar decorat cu linii lustruite oblic (fig. 132/1; corp=10 cm); 1 bol (buz=18 cm); 1 corp canelat pe maxima curbur; 1 corp de la un vas de mari dimensiuni; glbuie, 1 bol cu marginea superioar dreapt i cu buza rotunjit. Inventar faunistic fragmentar: - Bos taurus: humerus dreapta; - Lepus europaeus: femur i tibie dreapta, de la un individ matur; - Ovis/Capra: radius i tibie; - Sus domesticus: metatars IV stnga. Homo sapiens: - 2 coaste. Materiale de construcie: - chirpici n care se vd urmele de pleav (fig. 132/4). Cpl. 113. Pit no. 2, undisturbed. Dated to the 3th century (fig. 132/1-4), excavated in 1988, sector E, trench SXI, M2,70-3,40 m. The average-sized pit is shaped as an irregular ellipse (=0,87x1,10 m; -1,95 m). A fragment of adobe, between the materials here, with traces of chaff, was found within the pit (fig. 132/4), as well as a piece of petrified wood. Out of the 9 vessels found in pit, one is hand made (fig. 132/3), three are made of red medium coarse paste, a pot is dark grayish, as well as the two bases uncovered within (fig. 132/2), five polished, a bowl of fine yellow paste, a tureen is grayish (fig. 132/1) and another one light-gray, like the other two very fragmented bowls. All 10 pieces of the faunal remains inventory, recovered form this feature, are fragmented and two of them were not identified as species (1 from a large mammal, 1 from an average size mammal), two are human bone fragments and the rest are from various animals. Two of these fragments show gnawing marks, from dogs. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware: 1 fragment of pot wall with paste including broken potshards and the basis of the same vessel (fig. 132/3; body=10 cm); - medium-coarse paste, red ceramic: 1 potsherd; 1 red-grayish basis (=7 cm); dark gray, 1 rim (fig. 132/2; mouth=10 cm); 2 bases (=8; 10,5 cm); - gray polished ceramic: 1 bowl decorated with polished diagonal lines in its lower half fig. 132/1; body=10 cm); 1 dark gray bowl (mouth=18 cm) and 1 vessel body, with a groove on its maximal diameter; 1 body fragment of a large vessel; gray, 1 bowl with straight upper edge and rounded rim. Fragmented fauna inventory: - Bos taurus: right humerus; - Lepus europaeus: right femur and tibia, of an adult; - Ovis/Capra: radius and tibia; - Sus domesticus: left metatarsal. Homo sapiens: - 2 ribs. Construction materials: - adobe with traces of chaff (fig. 132/4). 4.77. Cpl. 114. Groapa nr. 5 (fig. 128), nederanjat. Datare: secolele IV-V (fig. 133). Descoperit n anul 1988, n sectorul D, pe S XVII. n plan are o form aproximativ cilindric, se adncete destul de mult de la nivelul actual de clcare (h=1,20 m). Seciunea transversal este aproximativ circular, =1,80 m. n inventarul gropii, pe lng ceramic, resturi faunistice, se afla o lup de fier (fig. 133/10) i cteva fragmente de chirpic, ntre care unul de culoare crmizie-cenuie, cu suprafaa fuit neglijent, pe spate cu urme de pari, probabil curai sau despicai, cum indic striurile; alt chirpic pstreaz pe ambele fee urme de tulpini de cereale (fig. 133/13-14). Din cele 18 vase aflate n groap, cinci au fost modelate cu mna (fig. 133/8, 11-12), cum indic bazele pstrate, restul s-a modelat pe roata olarului, cinci de aspect puin zgrunuros (fig. 133/5-6), patru din


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

past fin cenuie (fig. 133/1-2, 4), trei lustruite au o culoare negricioas (fig. 133/3). Tot aici se aflau pri de la o amfor. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna: 4 oale brune din care dou au nuiri interioare sub buze (fig. 133/8, 11; buz=2x10; 13-14 cm); 3 baze evazate din care una alb-rozie (fig. 133/12; baz=18; 12; 14 cm); 2 drepte (=2x12 cm); - ceramic din past puin zgrunuroas: 2 castroane, unul emisferic (fig. 133/5; buz=13,5 cm), altul cu buza evazat i uor ngroat (buz=14 cm); 1 oal cu buza n T (fig. 133/6; buz=28 cm); 1 perete de vas modelat neglijent, cu benzi din 4-5 linii vlurite sau orizontale, intersectate (fig. 133/7; max.=38 cm); - ceramica fin cenuie: 3 buze invazate (fig. 133/1-2; mouth=12; 14 cm); 1 vas cu profil n S (fig. 133/4; mouth=16 cm); negricioas lustruit: 1 castron cu marginea dreapt, pe mijloc cu o nervur, cu buza evazat (fig. 133/3; mouth=14 cm); 1 baz inelar (=8 cm); 1 oal cu buza simplu arcuit exterior ( mouth=13,5 cm); 1 toart lat cu dou nuiri (fig. 133/9); 1 baz cu piciorul faetat (=12 cm); - ceramica de import: 1 gt de amfor din past nisipoas, crmizie. Materiale: - 1 lup de fier (fig. 133/10). Materiale de construcie: - buci de chirpici (fig. 133/13-14) i de vatr.

Fig. 133. Banca Gar apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roata olarului: past fin cenuie, 1-2, 4 margini; negricioas 3 castron; 9 toart; past puin zgrunuroas 5 castron, 7 perete; 6 vas de provizii; past modelat cu mna, 8, 11 oale, 12 baz; 13-14 buci de chirpici; 10 lup de fier. Groapa nr. 5 cpl. 114, sec. IV-V. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: gray fine, 1-2, 4 borders; blackish 3 tureen; 9 handle; slightly coarse, 5 tureen, 7 wall; 6 vessels for food storage; hand made ware, 8, 11 jars, 12 basis; 13-14 pieces of adobe; 10 lentil shaped iron ingot. Pit no. 5 cpl. 114, 4rd5th centuries.

Cpl. 114. Pit no. 5 (fig. 128), undisturbed. Dated to the 4 rd5th centuries (fig. 133). It was found in 1988, in sector D, trench SXVII. It is almost cylindrical and quite deep, -1,20 m below the current treading level. The pit is approximately circular in cross-section, =1,80 m. In addition to the ceramics and faunal remains, the inventory of the pit included also an iron lentil-ingot (fig. 133/10) and several fragments of

Groapa nr. 14, sec. IV / Pit no. 14, 4th century


adobe, including one fragment of wall with traces of stakes on the back, probably split or barked, as indicated by the striations in the clay, as well as another piece of adobe, with traces of vegetal remains on both sides (fig. 133/13-14). Out if the 18 vessels found in the pit, five were hand made (fig. 133/8, 11-12), as indicated by the preserved bases, and the rest potter's wheel, five of them with a medium coarse appearance (fig. 133/5-6), four made of fine gray paste (fig. 133/1-2, 4), three were polished and darker-baked (fig. 133/3). There were also found pieces of an amphora.

Fig. 134. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roata olarului: past fin cenuie, 1, 3 castroane; 4 perete decorat; zgrunuroas, 2 oal; 7 toart; modelat cu mna, 5 vas cu bru alveolat. 6 Cute. Groapa 14 cpl. 115, sec. IV. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: gray fine paste, 1, 3 tureen; 4 wall decorated; gray coarse paste, 2 jar; 7 handle; hand made ware; 5 pot decorated with an alveoli ribbon. 6 Whetstone. Pit no. 14 cpl. 115, 4th century.

Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware: 4 brown jars out of which two show interior grooves below the rim (fig. 133/8, 11; mouth=2x10; 13; 14 cm); 3 flared bases out of which one is light-pink in color (fig. 133/12; =18; 12; 14 cm); 2 flat bases (=2x12 cm); - medium coarse ceramic: 2 bowls, one of which is hemispherical (fig. 133/5; mouth=13,5 cm), and the other has a flared and slightly thickened rim (mouth=14 cm); 1 pot with T-shaped rim (fig. 133/6; mouth=28 cm); 1 potsherd of rough paste, decorated with ribbons forming 4-5 wavy or horizontal crossing lines (fig. 133/7; max.=38 cm); - gray fine ceramic: 3 rims turned inwards (fig. 133/1-2; mouth=12; 14 cm); 1 vessel with S-shaped wall-section (fig. 133/4; mouth=16 cm); black polished pottery: 1 bowl with straight edge, median ridge and flared rim (fig. 133/3; mouth=14 cm); 1 annular basis (=8 cm); 1 pot with simple, outward arched rim (mouth=13,5 cm); 1 wide handle with two grooves (fig. 133/9); 1 basis with faceted stem (=12 cm); - imported ceramic: 1 neck of amphora, made of sandy, reddish-brick paste. Materials: - 1 lentil-shaped iron ingot (fig. 133/10). Construction materials: - pieces of adobe (fig. 133/13-14) and of hearth. 4.78. Cpl. 115. Groapa nr. 14, nederanjat. Datare: secolul al IV-lea (fig. 134). S-a spat n anul 1988, n sectorul D, pe SII, ntre M1,41 -2,70 m. n plan are o form uor oval i o adncime de -0,69 m. n groap, mpreun cu o cute de gresie glbuie, cu una din fee lefuit (fig. 134/6), se aflau i pri de la cinci vase, unul modelat cu mna (fig. 134/5), unul din ceramica din past zgrunuroas (fig. 134/2), trei din ceramic fin cenuie (fig. 134/3-4) i 16 resturi osoase.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Din acest inventar faunistic, opt nu au permis determinarea specific (3 de la mamifere de talie mare, 5 de la mamifere de talie mijlocie), dou aveau urme de la tranare i 3 urme lsate de colii cinilor. S-au gsit numai oase fragmentare, cu excepia celui de cine. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna: 1 oal pe umr cu bru alveolat (fig. 134/5); - ceramica zgrunuroas: 1 oal cu buza rotunjit (fig. 134/2, buz=9 cm); 1 baz (=9,5 cm); - ceramica fin cenuie: 2 castroane cu marginea dreapt sau uor nclinat (fig. 134/3-4; buz=12; 14 cm), ultimul decorat; 1 baz (=11 cm); 1 toart (fig. 134/7). Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 1 cute de gresie glbuie, cu una din fee lefuit (fig. 134/6). Inventar faunistic: - Bos taurus: 1 coxal, 2 femur, metacarp stnga, metatars stnga, scapula; - Canis familiaris: humerus; - Equus caballus: femur stnga. Cpl. 115. Pit no. 14, undisturbed. Dated to the 4th century (fig. 134). Excavated in 1988, in sector D, trench SII, between M1,41 -2,70 m. It is slightly oval in plan -0,69m deep. Together with a yellow whetstone polished on one side (fig. 134/6), inside the pit there were found 5 ceramic fragments, parts of a hand made vessel (fig. 134/5), a potsherd of coarse paste (fig. 134/2), two fragments of fine, gray paste (fig. 134/3-4) and 16 bones and bone fragments. Out of this inventory of faunal remains, eight did not allow for species identification (3 from large mammals, 5 of medium-size mammals), two pieces showed butchering marks while 3 showed gnawing traces left by dogs. Except of the dog bones, all of them were fragmentary. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware: 1 pot decorated with an alveoli ribbon on the shoulder (fig. 134/5); - coarse pottery: 1 pot with rounded rim (fig. 134/2, mouth=9 cm); 1 basis (=9,5 cm); - gray fine pottery: 2 tureens with straight or slightly flared edge (fig. 134/3-4; mouth=12; 14 cm), the latter with decoration; 1 basis (=11 cm); 1 handle (fig. 134/7). Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 1 whetstone in yellow sandstone, polished on the face (fig. 134/6). Fragmented fauna inventory: - Bos taurus: 1 hipbone, 2 femur, 1 left metacarpal, 1 left metatarsal, 1 scapula; - Canis familiaris: 1 humerus; - Equus caballus: 1 left femur. 4.79. Cpl. 116. Groapa nr. 15, nederanjat. Datare: secolul al IV-lea, unele forme se apropie de cele din prima parte a secolului al V-lea (fig. 135). Se afla n sectorul D, pe S II, n nul 1988. Forma de sac a acesteia are baza la -0,60 m, unde s-a gsit o gresie glbuie i dou cute pentru ascuit lame i vrfuri, tot din gresie, ultima are pe o fa incizii neordonate (fig. 135/10-11). ntre cele 10 vase descoperite dou au fost modelate cu mna (fig. 135/2, 5), trei aparin categoriei din past puin zgrunuroas (fig. 135/3, 6-7), altele patru din past fin cenuie (fig. 135/1, 4, 8-9) i un alt ciob unei amfore crmizii. Inventarul faunistic: 30 de resturi provin de la molute i mamifere. Pentru 17 nu s-a putut face determinarea specific (16 de la mamifere de talie mare, 1 de la mamifer de talie mijlocie. Tafonomie: fragmentul de corn de cerb este un rest de la prelucrare, dou au fost roase de carnivore. n cazul mamiferelor s-au gsit numai oase fragmentare, cu excepia mandibulei de capr. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna: 1 can cu toart (fig. 135/2; buz=9 cm); 1 borcan cu buza invazat i gt cilindric (fig. 135/5; buz=10 cm); - ceramica din past puin zgrunuroas: 2 oale (fig. 135/6; buz=14 cm), din care una cu buza alungit i ngroat (fig. 135/7; buz=8 cm); 1 vas cu buza nuit pentru capac (fig. 135/3; buz=19 cm); - ceramica fin ars cenuiu: 1 can cu gt nalt (fig. 135/1; buz=11,5 cm); 1 castron (fig. 135/8; =9,5 cm); 1 oal cu buza arcuit exterior i corp bombat (fig. 135/9; buz=15,5 cm); 1 buz (fig. 135/4); - ceramica de import: 1 corp de amfor crmizie.

Groapa nr. 15, sec. IV / Pit no. 15, 4th century


Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 2 cute pentru lame i vrfuri, ultima pe o fa cu incizii neordonate (fig. 138/10-11). Inventar faunistic: - Mollusca: valv de Unio pictorum; - Bos taurus: 1 maxilar de la individ matur i scapula; - Capra hircus: mandibul dreapta, de la individ imatur; Cervus elaphus: corn; Ovis/Capra: 1 maxilar dreapta, 2 mandibul dreapta (una de la individ imatur, alta de la individ matur), 1 metapod, 2 metatars, 1 radius stnga; - Sus domesticus: mandibul stnga, de la individ matur.

Fig. 135. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice: modelate cu mna: 2 can; 5 borcan; lucrate la roata olarului: past fin cenuie, 1-2 cni, 5, 9 borcane, 8 castron; past puin zgrunuroas, 3 buz; 6-7 oale; ustensile, 10-11 cute. Groapa nr. 14 cpl. 116, sec. IV. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: gray fine paste, 1-2 mugs; 5, 9 jars, 8 tureen; medium-coarse paste pottery, 3 rim; 6-7 jars; ustensils, 10-11 whetstone. Pit no. 14 cpl. 116, 4th century.

Cpl. 116. Pit no. 15, undisturbed. Dated to the 4th century (fig. 135). Discovered in sector D, trench S II, in 1988. The pit is bottle-shaped, with the bottom at 0,60 m, where there were found two whetstone for sharpening blades and a piece of yellow gritstone, one of the former with irregular incisions on one of its faces (fig. 135/10-11). Out of the 10 vessels found here, two were hand made (fig. 135/2, 5), three are made of mediumcoarse paste (fig. 135/3, 6-7), another four are made of fine gray paste (fig. 135/1, 4, 8-9) while a potsherd comes form a brick-reddish amphora. The inventory of faunal remains consists in 30 fragments from mollusks and mammals. There was no


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

species identification for 17 of the pieces (16 from large mammals, 1 from an average size mammal). Taphonomy: the deer antler fragment is a manufacturing waste, two of the other pieces were gnawed by carnivores. The mammal bones survived only as fragments except the goat mandible. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware: 1 mug with handle (fig. 35; mouth=9 cm); 1 jar with inward turned rim and cylindrical neck (fig. 135/5; mouth=10 cm); - medium-coarse ceramic: 2 jars (fig. 135/6; mouth=14 cm), out of which one with elongated and thickened rim (fig. 135/7; mouth=8 cm); 1 vessel with lid-seating groove (fig. 135/3; =19 cm); - gray fine ceramic: 1 mug with high neck (fig. 135/1; mouth=11,5 cm); 1 tureen (fig. 135/8; mouth=9,5 cm); 1 pot with rounded body and cu outward arched rim (fig. 135/9; mouth=15,5 cm); 1 rim (fig. 135/4); - imported ceramic: 1 body of a brick-reddish amphora. Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items:
- 2 whetstone for sharpening blades, one with irregular incisions on one of its faces (fig. 138/10-11).

Fragmented fauna inventory: - Mollusca: one half-shell of Unio pictorum; - Bos taurus: 1 maxilla of an adult and one scapula; - Capra hircus: one right mandible, of a young individual; Cervus elaphus: antler; Ovis/Capra: 1 right maxilla, 2 right mandibles (one of a young individual and the other one of an adult), 1 metapodal, 2 metatarsals, 1 left radius; - Sus domesticus: 1 left mandible, of an adult.

Fig. 136. Banca Gar - apte case. Groapa nr. 16 cpl. 119. Plan i profil. The pit no. 16 cpl. 119. Plan et profile.

4.80. Cpl. 119. Groapa nr. 16 (fig. 136), secolul al IV-lea (fig. 137). Groapa a fost descoperit n anul 1988, n sectorul C, pe S XVII. Are forma deschiderii aproximativ cilindric, =1,82x1,78 m. Se adncete pn la -1,15 (de la nivelul actual -1,45 m), dar prezint o treapt la -0,15 m i alta la -1,20 m, dar numai spre sudul acesteia. n urma unui incendiu pereii au fost ari ntr-o culoare cenuie, cu pete crmizii. Inventarul este format i din cteva resturi de materialele de construcie, buci de chirpici rmai de la perei, unul cu una din fee plan, pe spate se vd urmele unui par despicat (fig. 137/5), buci de chirpici avnd urme de plante (fig. 137/8), dou fragmente de chirpic, cu resturi vegetale, unul de culoare brun, altul

Groapa nr. 16, sec. IV / Pit no. 16, 4th century


neagr, au grosimi diferite (h=15; 3 cm; fig. 137/4, 6), au fost fuite pe ambele pri; un fragment de chirpic era fuit doar pe o parte, pe cealalt avea urme de pari (fig. 137/7). La acestea se adaug i patru fragmente de zgur cu miez verzui. Nu se exclude posibilitatea folosirii acestora pentru practicarea unor meteuguri. S-au recuperat pri de la cinci vase i de la o amfor. Un vas modelat cu mna provine, probabil, de la baza unei cui (fig. 137/1). Un corp de vas i dou baze au fost lucrate din past mai mult sau mai puin zgrunuroas (fig. 137/2), specific secolului al IV-lea, alte fragmente, de la un castron, aparin categoriei ceramicii fine cenuii i unei amfore crmizii (fig. 137/3). Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica lucrat cu mna, 1 baz evazat probabil de la o cuie (fig. 137/1); - ceramica zgrunuroas: 1 baz uor evazat din argil amestecat cu amot ( baz=11 cm); 1 corp de vas de culoare cenuie din past amestecat cu pietricele i mot, are la exterior linii incizate paralele (fig. 137/2); - ceramica puin zgrunuroas: 1 baz nisipoas de culoare brun, ars incomplet ( baz=8 cm); - ceramica fin cenuie: 1 castron cu profil n S (corp=18 cm); - ceramica de import: 1 mnu de amfor crmizie (fig. 137/3). Materiale: - chirpic fuit pe ambele pri (fig. 137/4, 6-7); chirpic cu o fa plan i alta cu urme de pari despicai sau plante (fig. 137/5, 8). Materiale de construcie: - 4 fragmente de zgur cu miez verzui.

Fig. 137. Banca Gar - apte case. Fragmente ceramice: modelat cu mna, 1 baz; lucrate la roata olarului: past zgrunuroas, 2 ciob; import, 3 mnu de amfor; materiale de construcie, 4-5, buci de chirpici. Groapa nr. 15 cpl. 119, sec. IV. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: hand made ware, 1 basis; coarse paste, 2 potsherd; imported, 3 handle of amphora; construction materials, 4-5 pieces of adobe. Pit no. 15 cpl. 119, 4th century.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Inventar faunistic: - Bos taurus: astragal stnga, dinte jugal, humerus; - Ovis aries: fragment os frontal de la o femel acornut; Ovis/Capra: dinte molar superior, scapula de la individ matur. Cpl. 119. Pit no. 16 (fig. 136), undisturbed. Dated to the 4 th century (fig. 137). The pit was found in 1988, in sector C, trench S XVII. The opening is roughly cylindrical, =1,82x1,78 m. Its bottom lays at -1,45 m, featuring one step at -0,15 m and another one -1,20 m, only on its south side. The walls of the pit were burned to gray, with brick-red spots. The inventory consists of several fragments of building materials, pieces of wall, one of them flat, with split stake marks in the back, (fig. 137/5), adobe fragments with traces of vegetal remains (fig. 137/8), two fragments of adobe mixed with plant fibers, one brown, the other one black with different thickness (h=15; 3 cm; fig. 137/4, 6), both these were facing on both faces and one of them was smoothed only on one face, the other bearing stakes marks (fig. 137/7). In addition, four fragments of green-cored slag were also found. It is possible that the slag was used in crafts. A hand made fragment may be part of the basis of a primitive lamp (fig. 137/1). A pot body and two bases were made of a medium-coarse paste (fig. 137/2), specific to the 4 th century, while the other fragments are pieces of fine gray pottery and brick-reddish amphora, respectively (fig. 137/3). The inventory of faunal remains consists of 10 skeletal and dental fragments, three from cattle, three from sheep/goat and four from generic large mammals. All the pieces are fragmented, with the exception of the bovid astragal and the sheep/goat molar. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware: 1 flared basis, probable from a primitive lamp (fig. 137/1); - coarse pottery: 1 basis slightly flared, mixed with broken potshards (=11 cm); 1 gray pot body of paste with few gravel and broken potshards, decorated with incised parallel lines (fig. 137/2); - medium-coarse ceramic: 1 basis in sandy brown paste, incomplet firing (=8 cm); - gray fine ceramic: 1 tureen with S profile (body=18 cm); - imported ceramic: 1 handle of brick-reddish amphora (fig. 137/3). Raw materials: - one fragment of adobe sleek, finished on both sides (fig. 137/4, 6-7); fragments of adobe with one flattened face and one with tracesand of split poles or plants (fig. 137/5, 8). Construction flattened face and stake materials: - 4 fragments of green-cored slag. Fragmented fauna inventory: - Bos taurus: left astragal, jugal tooth, humerus; - Ovis aries: fragment of frontal bone from a hornless sheep; - Ovis/Capra: upper molar, scapula of an adult. 4. 81. Cpl. 120. Groapa nr. 2 (fig. 136), secolul al V-lea (fig. 138), 1988, sector E, S XX. Din cele apte vase, cteva provin de la dou recipiente modelate cu mna, un castron i o oal (fig. 138/3, 7), altele trei de la forme din past zgrunuroas decorate cu benzi de linii vlurite (fig. 138/5-6, 8), iar dou pahare cu profil n S aparin ceramicii arse cenuiu (fig. 138/1-2). Inventarul faunistic este mai bogat, 154 de resturi proveneau de la molute i mamifere, att domestice, ct i slbatice. Piesele neidentificate taxonomic au fost repartizate: mamifere de talie mare - 57, mamifere de talie mijlocie 14. Tafonomie: dou au urme de arsur neagr, apte de tranare i 12 au fost roase de carnivore. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna: 1 castron cu profil n S, care imit vasele lucrate la roat (fig. 138/3; buz=14,5 cm); 1 oal, o form specific secolelor V-VI (fig. 138/7; buz=14 cm); - ceramica din past zgrunuroas: 2 castroane, primul, cu marginea uor arcuit exterior pentru a marca gura vasului cu buza rotunjit, a fost decorat cu benzi de linii vlurite, al doilea este la fel bogat decorat pe umrul vasului, de data aceasta cu trei rnduri de zigzaguri prinse ntr-un registru prin incizii (fig. 138/5-6; buz=16; 22 cm); 1 baz (fig. 138/8; =12 cm); - ceramica din past fin ars cenuiu, 2, pahare cu profil n S, ultimul are incizate pe corp, neordonat, trei zigzaguri (fig. 138/1-2; buz=6,5; 7 cm).

Groapa nr. 2, sec. V / Pit no. 2, 5th century


Inventar faunistic fragmentar: - Mollusca: o valv de Unio pictorum; - Bos taurus: piese ntregi - 2 astragal (stnga; de la indivizi maturi), calcaneu dreapta, 2 dini M1 inferior dreapta i piese fragmentare: 1 coxal dreapta, 4 cubitus (2 dreapta), 4 dini molari inferiori, 1 dinte M3 superior, 1 falang proximal de la individ matur, 2 femur, 6 humerus (2 stnga, 1 dreapta), 5 mandibul (1 dreapta), 5 metacarp (1 dreapta; dou de la indivizi maturi), 2 metatars, 10 radius (1 stnga), 3 scapula (1 stnga), 2 tibie dreapta, 1 vertebr toracic; - Canis familiaris: 2 fragmente mandibul dreapta, de la individ matur; - Equus caballus: dinte incisiv inferior ntreg i fragmente de dinte jugal superior, femur - 2, tibia - 1 (dreapta); - Ovis/Capra: 4 molari superiori ntregi i piese fragmentare - 2 humerus (1 dreapta), 6 mandibul dreapta (dou de la indivizi maturi), 1 metacarp dreapta, 2 metatars, 1 radius; - Sus domesticus: dinte molar superior ntreg, 3 fragmente mandibul (2 dreapta; dou de la indivizi maturi), 1 metacarp IV ntreg (stnga; de la individ matur), 1 tibia. Materiale de construcie: - fragmente de gardin (fig. 138/4). Cpl. 120. Pit no. 2, undisturbed. Dated to 5th century (fig. 138). Excavated in 1988, sector E, trench SXX, M32,70 - 35,50. Among the building materials found, we mention a fragment of hearts raised edge, of clay mixed with vegetable fibers (fig. 138/4). Some of the potsherds - 7, are hand made, two, a tureens and a pot (fig. 138/3, 7), some other 3, are from coarse paste vessels decorated with stripes of wavy lines (fig. 138/5-6, 8), while two beakers with walls S profiled, are fine grayish paste (fig. 138/1-2).

Fig. 138. Banca Gar apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roat: past fin cenuie, 1-2 pahare; zgrunuroas, 5-6 castroane; 8 baz; modelat cu mna, 3 castron; 7 oal; 4 gardin. Groapa nr. 2 cpl. 120, sec. V. Ceramic fragments made withthe potters wheel: gray fine paste, 1-2 beakers; coarse paste, 5-6 tureens; 8 basis; hand made ware, 3 tureen; 7 jar; 4 fragment of hearth raised edge. Pit no. 2 cpl. 120, 5th century.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

The inventory of faunal remains is richer, with 154 pieces from mollusks and mammals, both domestic and wild. The following pieces were not identified as species: large mammals - 57, medium-sized mammals 14. Taphonomy: two bones were blackened by burning, seven show butchering marks and 12 were gnawed by carnivores. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware: 1 tureen with S-profiled walls, imitating the wheel pottery (fig. 138/3; mouth=14,5 cm); 1 pot, of a shape specific to the 5rd6th centuries (fig. 138/7; mouth=14 cm); - coarse ceramic: 2 tureens, one with slightly flared edge and rounded rim, decorated with ribbons of wavy lines, the other is also richly decorated, with three bands of zigzags on the shoulders, bordered with incised lines (fig. 138/5-6; mouth=16; 22 cm); 1 basis (fig. 138/8; =12 cm); - gray ceramic: 2 beakers, one decorated with three irregular zigzags (fig. 138/1-2; mouth=6,5; 7 cm).

Fig. 139. Banca Gar apte case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roata olarului: past fin cenuie, 1 perei, 5 buz; modelat cu mna, 2-3, 7 oale. 6 Greutate; 8 cute. Groapa nr. 3 cpl. 121, sec. III. Ceramic fragments:made with the potters whee, gray fine paste, 1 walls; 2-3, 7 jars, hand made ware, 2-3, 7 jars. 6 Weight; 8 whetstone. Pit no. 3 cpl. 121, 3th century.

4.82. Cpl. 121. Groapa nr. 3, conservat mediu. Datare: secolul al III-lea (fig. 139-140), 1988, sector E, SXX, M38,70 40,20, =0,95; h=1,22 m. De aici provine i o greutate de lut cilindric, prevzut central cu o perforare tronconic, pe una din fee cu alveolri circulare (fig. 139/6), cute de gresie roie sau cenuie (fig. 139/8; 140/2-3), patru buci de zgur de fier cu rugin, o lup i dou buci de zgur de culoare neagr-albstruie. ntre resturile de materiale de construcie aruncate n groap erau i patru fragmente de chirpic cu urme de plante. n groap s-au gsit 12 vase, din care patru au fost modelate cu mna (fig. 139/2-3, 7), dou din past puin zgrunuroas (fig. 139/4; 140/6), trei din past cenuie fin, lustruit (fig. 139/1, 5; 140/5, 11), dou din specia acoperit cu angob roie foarte fin (fig. 140/1, 10) plus trei pri de amfore (fig. 140/7-9). Inventarul faunistic nsumeaz 61 de resturi osoase i dentare, atribuite exclusiv mamiferelor domestice; dintre acestea, 28 nu au permis realizarea determinrii specifice (22 de la mamifere de talie mare, 6 de la mamifere de talie mijlocie). Tafonomie: trei aveau urme de tranare i 12 au fost roase de carnivore. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica modelat cu mna: 2 oale, una cu buza rotunjit, alta cu ea tiat oblic, cu marginile uor evazate (fig. 139/2-3; buz=14; 17 cm); 1 corp de vas, probabil de la un castron sferoidal ( corp=24 cm); 1 ciob decorat cu o nuire, precum a vaselor din past fin (fig. 139/7); 3 baze slipuite, dou drepte i o alta puin

Groapa nr. 3, sec. III / Pit no. 3, 3rd century


evazat (=16; 16,5; 5,5 cm); - past puin zgrunuroas cenuie nchis: 1 gt de can (fig. 140/6; gt=6,2 cm); corp (fig. 139/4); - ceramica cenuie lustruit: 2 vase tronconice cu buze evazate, capace (fig. 140/4-5; mouth=16; 22 cm); nelustruit, 1 castron cu profil n S; 1 perete cu benzi liniare lustruite, 1 buz (fig. 140/11; 139/1, 5); - ceramica vopsit cu angob fin roie: 1 capac (fig. 140/1; mouth=8,2 cm); 1 baz inelar (fig. 140/10; =14 cm); - ceramica de import: 1 gt din past alb-glbuie; corpuri canelate de la o amfor (fig. 140/7-9). Diferite artefacte - unelte, ustensile, obiecte: - 1 greutate de lut cilindric, perforat tronconic, pe una din fee cu alveolri circulare (fig. 139/6; =15; perf=2/4 cm); - 1 cute de gresie roie pentru lame i vrfuri (fig. 139/5); 1 cute de gresie roie foarte bine lefuit pe ambele fee, deasupra cu un strat de calcar alb (fig. 139/8); 1 cute pentru lame cu seciune aproximativ patrulater (fig. 140/2); 1 fragment de cute sau rni cu o fa finisat (fig. 140/3).

Fig. 140. Banca Gar - apte

case. Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roata olarului: past cu angob roie, foarte fin, 1, 4-5 capace; 2-3 cute; 10 baz inelar; 11 castron; past puin zgrunuroas cenuie, 6 can; import, 7-9 buz i perei de amfore. Groapa nr. 3 cpl. 121, sec. III. Ceramic fragments made with the potters wheel: paste with red slip, very fine, 1, 4-5 lid; 23 whetstone; 10 annular basis; 11 tureen; imported, gray slightly coarse paste, 6 mug; 79 rim and walls of amphorae. Pit no. 3 cpl. 121, 3th century.

Inventar faunistic fragmentar: - Bos taurus: piese ntregi - 1 falang mijlocie, 1 falang distal, 1 centrotars i piese fragmentare: 1


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

coxal dreapta, 1 condil occipital dreapta, 2 dini molari (inferior i superior), 1 falang proximal, 1 femur, 2 humerus, 4 mandibul (1 stnga), 1 metapod, 3 metatars, 2 radius (1 dreapta), 1 scapula, 3 tibie (2 stnga); - Equus caballus: dinte premolar 2 superior stnga, fragment coxal; - Ovis/Capra: cte un fragment de humerus, radius, tibie; - Sus domesticus: 2 fragmente maxilar stnga, de la indivizi imaturi i dinte premolar. Materiale de construcie: - 4 fragmente de chirpic cu urme de plante; - 4 fragmente de zgur de fier cu rugin; 1 lup i 2 buci de zgur de culoare neagr-albstruie. Cpl. 121. Pit no. 3, average state of conservation. Dated to the 3 th century (fig. 139-140), 1988, sector E, SXX, M38,70-40,20, =0,95; h=1,22 m. This is the place of origin of a cylindrical clay weight with central conical perforation and circular socket on one face (fig. 139/6), whetstone in red or grayish sandstone (fig. 139/5, 8; 140/2-3), four pieces of rusted iron slag, one lentil-shaped ingot and two pieces of blue-black slag. The building materials found inside included also four fragments of adobe with vegetal traces. The pit contained fragments of 12 vessels, out of which four were hand made (fig. 139/2-3, 7), two of the gray, medium-coarse paste category (fig. 139/4; 140/6), several others, three, of gray fine paste category (fig. 139/1, 5), and polished (fig. 140/5, 11) and three fragments of very fine, pottery, covered in red slip (fig. 140/1, 10) as well as three fragments of two amphorae (fig. 140/7-9).

Fig. 141. Banca Gar - apte case, 18 ceramic lucrat la roat, 9 modelat cu mna, passim, sec. IV. 1-8 made with the potters wheel, 9 hand made ceramic ware, passim, 4th century.

The inventory of faunal remains consists in 61 skeletal and dental pieces, originating exclusively from domestic mammals, out of these, 28 did not allow for a determination of species (22 from large mammals, 6 from medium-size mammals). Taphonomy: three showed butchering marks and 12 were gnawed by carnivores.

Locuina uor adncit nr. 3, sec. IV-V / Above ground dwelling, no. 3, 4rd-5th centuries


Fragmented ceramic inventory: - hand made ceramic ware: 2 jars, one with rounded rim, the other with the rim cut at an angle both with slightly flared edges (fig. 139/2-3; mouth=14; 17 cm); 1 pot body, probably from a spheric tureen (body=24 cm); 1 potsherd decorated with a groove, imitating the fine pottery (fig. 139/7); 3 bases covered in slip, one straight two slightly flared (=16; 16,5; 5,5 cm); - dark-gray, medium-coarse paste: 1 neck of a mug (fig. 140/6; mouth=6,2 cm); 1 body (fig. 139/4); - gray polished ceramic: 2 conical vessels with flared rims, probably used as lids (fig. 140/4-5; mouth=16; 22 cm); unpolished, 1 tureen with S-profiled walls (fig. 140/11); 1 potsherd decorated with bands of polished lines and mouth (fig. 139/1, 5); covered with red slip: 1 lid (fig. 140/1; mouth=8,2 cm); 1 annular basis (fig. 140/10; =14 cm); - imported ceramic: 1 neck of light-yellow paste; body fragments with grooves, from an amphora (fig. 140/7-9). Various artifacts - tools, utensils, other items: - 1 cylindrical clay weight with central conical perforation and circular socket on one face (fig. 139/6; =15; perf.=2/4 cm); - 1 whetstone in red sandstone for blades and points (fig. 139/5); 1 whetstone in red sandstone, well polished on both faces and covered in white limestone (fig. 139/8); 1 whetstone for blades, square crosssection (fig. 140/2); 1 fragment of whetstone or quern-stone with one polished face (fig. 140/3). Fragmented fauna inventory: - Bos taurus: whole items - 1 medial phalange, 1 distal phalange, 1 centro-tarsal and fragmentary items: 1 right hipbone, 1 right occipital condyle, 2 molars (lower and upper), 1 proximal phalange, 1 femur, 2 humeri, 4 mandibles (1 left), 1 metapodal, 3 metatarsals, 2 radiuses (1 right), 1 scapula, 3 tibiae (2 left); - Equus caballus: 2 premolars (upper left), fragment of hipbone; - Ovis/Capra: one fragment each of the humerus, radius, tibia; - Sus domesticus: 2 fragments of left maxilla, of young individuals and a premolar. Construction materials: - 4 fragments of adobe with vegetal traces; - 4 fragments of rusted iron slag; 1 lentil ingot and 2 pieces of blue-black slag.

Fig. 142. Banca Gar - apte case. Ceramic lucrat la roata olarului, fin lustruit cenuie, 1 oal ntregibil. Locuina uor adncit nr. 3 cpl. 122, sec. IV. Ceramics fragments made with the potters wheel, gray fine polished, 1 entire jar. The slightly buried dwelling no. 3 cpl. 122, 4th century.

4.83. Cpl. 122. Locuina uor adncit nr. 3. Stare de conservare bun. Datat n secolele IV-V, forma regsindu-se i la nceput de secol V (fig. 142/1). S-a descoperit n 1988, n partea de nord a sectorului


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

C, S VIII, n pant, nu departe de locuina Dridu, L34. Vatra, distrus n antichitate, se afla n colul de nord, cu cenu i crbune n prejm. Cteva dintre pietrele arse au servit drept "cei de vatr". Din fragmentele ceramice se poate ntregi o oal lucrat din past fin cenuie (fig. 142/1). Tot de aici provin i cinci fragmente de oase. Inventar ceramic fragmentar: - ceramica cenuie lustruit: 1 oal (fig. 142/1). Inventar faunistic: - Bos taurus - 1 astragal stnga, 2 falang proximal, dintre care una prezenta exostoz; - Equus caballus, 2 falang proximal. Materiale de construcie: - buci de chirpici.

Fig. 143. Banca Gar - apte case. 1-8 Fragmente ceramice lucrate la roat, 1 strachin, 2 capac, 9 vas modelat cu mna. Sec. III. 1-8 Made with the potters wheel, 9 hand made ceramic ware. 3th Century.

Cpl. 122. The aboveground dwelling, no. 3, average state of conservation. Dated to the 4 rd5th centuries (fig. 142/1). It was discovered in 1988, on the north-south directed slope of sector C, S VIII, not far from the Dridu dwelling L34. Its north corner hosted the hearths, destroyed in antiquity. As usually, the hearth was surrounded by fired stones, some of these used probably as fire dog, ashes and charcoal. Among the pottery fragments, it is worth mentioning the polished pot made of gray fine paste (fig. 142/1). In the same spot, there were uncovered five bone fragments, representing inventory of faunal remains. Fragmented ceramic inventory: - gray polished ceramic: 1 pot which can be whole (fig. 142/1). Fragmented fauna inventory: - Bos taurus- 1 left astragal, 2 proximal phalanges, out of which one shows signs of exostosis;

Locuina uor adncit nr. 3, sec. IV-V / Above ground dwelling, no. 3, 4rd-5th centuries


- Equus caballus: 2 proximal phalanges. Construction materials: 1 pieces of adobe and of hearth. Cpl. 122a. Groapa nr. 8. Lng oseaua care leag Banca de drumul naional, aproximativ 500 m nord de podul de peste Brlad, s-a cercetat o groap nenumerotat, 1989, sector C, aproape de sector E, SI, M 3,504,30, de form cilindric, =1,05; h=0,92 m, cu inventar ceramic din secolele III-IV. Din groap s-au recoltat 104 oase n conexiune anatomic, de la un cel ngropat, un exemplar de 45 luni, analizate de Simina Stanc (n vol. Tab. 2). Toate oasele din scheletul celului erau neepifizate, s-au pstrat urmtoarele piese: 2 astragale, 2 calacanee, 3 oase ale bazipodului, 24 coaste ntregi i fragmentate, 2 ilioane, 2 ischioane, 2 pubisuri, 1 craniu aproape ntreg, 2 cubitusuri, 5 falange, 2 femure, 2 humerusuri, 2 mandibule, 7 metapodale, 2 epifize de oase lungi, 2 oase nedeterminate anatomic, 1 patela, 2 peronee, 2 radiusuri, 2 scapule, 2 tibii, 33 vertebre. n afar de acestea erau nc trei oase, un fragment de craniu de Bos taurus, un molar de Homo sapiens i o coast de la un mamifer de talie mijlocie. 4.84. Cpl. 122a. Pit no. 8, average state of conservation. Dated to the 3 rd4th centuries, 1989, sector C, SI, M3,50-4,30, =1,05; h=0,92 m. There is an identical situation in the case of the 104 bones of a whole skeleton of Canis familiaris, from a 4-5 month-old animal, which were found in anatomical sequence in a pit.

Fig. 144. Banca Gar apte case. 1-10 Fragmente ceramice: modelate cu mna, 1-2 cui; 3, 6, 8-10 baze; 4-5 borcane; 7 bol. Sec. III. 1-10 Ceramic fragments: hand made ware, 1-2 primitive lamps; 3,6, 8-10 bases; 4-5 jars; 7 bowl. 3th Century.

O alt aglomerare de ceramic, urmele unei construcii sezoniere de secol III, s-a gsit n sectorul C. Avea numai vase modelate cu mna, dou cui, cinci baze, dou borcane i un bol (fig. 144).


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

Agglomeration of materials, dated to the 3th century. cut an accumulation of materials specific to the 3 century, hand made ceramic ware, two primitive lamps, five bases, two jars and one bowl (fig. 144). It was probably also a seasonal structure situated on the ancient treading level, as indicated by the inventory.

Fig. 145. Banca Gar - apte Case. Fragmente ceramice: 1-7 modelate la roata olarului, 1 can; 2-4 castronae; 5-7, 13, 15 baze; 8 borcan; 12, 14 perei ornai; modelate cu mna; 9-11 borcane, secolele IV-VI. Ceramic fragm ents: 1-7 made with the potters wheel, 1 mug; 2-4 tureens; 5-7, 13, 15 bases; 8 jar; 9-11; hand made ceramic ware, 9-11 jars, 4rd-6th centuries.

Fig. 146. Banca Gar? apte Case. Fragmente ceramice:1-5, 7-9 modelate cu mna; 6, 10-16 modelate la roata olarului, passim. Ceramic fragments: 1-5, 7-8 hand made ceramic ware; 6, 9-16 made with the potters wheel, passim.

Locuina uor adncit nr. 3, sec. IV-V / Above ground dwelling, no. 3, 4rd-5th centuries


Fig. 147. Banca Gar - apte Case. Fragmente ceramice: 1, 2, 5 modelate cu roata rapid, 3, 6 nceat; chirpici 4, 9-10; 7 cute; 8 mpungtor de os, passim. Ceramic fragments: 1, 2, 5 made with potter's whell, 3, 6 slowly; 4, 9-10 pieces of adobe; 7 whetstone; 8 piercing tool made of bone, passim.

Fig. 148. Banca Gar - apte Case. Fragmente ceramice: 1-11 modelate cu roata rapid. Ceramic fragments: 1-11 made with potter's whell, passim.


Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

ActaMM ActaMT ArhMed ArhMold Arta i Arheologia BAR BerRGK = Acta Moldaviae Meridionalis. Muzeul judeean tefan cel Mare, Vaslui. = Acta Musei Tutovensis, Anuarul muzeului Vasile Prvan Brlad. = Arheologia Medieval. Asociaia Arheologilor Medieviti din Romnia. = Arheologia Moldovei. Institutul de (Istorie i) Arheologie (A. D. Xenopol), Iai. = Arta i Arheologia, Iai. = British Archaeological Reports. International Series, Oxford. = Deutsches Archologisches Instituut. Bericht der Rmish Germanische Kommission, Frankfurt am Main. Bibliotheca Memoriae Antiquitatis = Bibliotheca Memoriae Antiquitatis, Piatra Neam. CercetIst = Cercetri istorice, seria nou, Iai. Carpica = Carpica. Muzeul Judeean de Istorie i Art Iulian Antonescu, Bacu. CercetIst = Cercetri istorice. Complexul Naional Muzeal Moldova, Iai. Dacia = Dacia. Recherches et dcouvertes archologiques en Roumanie, Bucarest, I-XII (1924-1947). Dacia, NS = Dacia, Nouvelle Srie, Revue darchologie et dhistoire anciene, Bucarest (1957-). Danubius = Danubius. Istorie. Muzeul Regional de Istorie Galai. Dolgozatok-Travaux = Dolgozatok az Erdlyi Nemzeti Mzeum rem s Rgisgtrbl - Travaux de la Section Numiamatique et Archologique du Muse National de la Transilvanie, Cluj. Drevnejie obnosti = Drevnejie obnosti, Kiinev. EAIVR = EAIVR, Enciclopedia Arheologiei i Istoriei Vechi a Romniei, vol. I-III, 1994, 1996, 2000. Materiale = Materiale i cercetri arheologice, Bucureti. MemAntiq = Memoria Antiquitatis, Acta Musei Petrodavensis, Complexul Muzeal Judeean Neam, Piatra Neam. Pontica = Pontica. Muzeul de Istorie Naional i Arheologie, Constana. Revista arheologic = Revista arheologic, Chiinu. RevMuz = Revista Muzeelor, Bucureti. REF = Revista de etnografie i folclor, Institutul de etnografie i folclor, Bucureti. SAM = Studii de agronomie, Iai, sera Horticultura. SCIV(A) = Studii i cercetri de istorie veche (i arheologie), Institutul de Arheologie Vasile Prvan, Bucureti. SC-Iai = Studii i cercetri tiinifice, Iai. SCA = Studii i cercetri antropologice, Bucureti. SNECMI = Spaiul nord-est carpatic n mileniul ntunecat, coord. Victor Spinei, Editura Universitii Alexandru Ioan Cuza Iai. SymThr = Symposia Thracologica, Institutul Romn de Tracologie, Bucureti. Thraco-Dacica = Thraco-Dacica. Institutul Romn de Tracologie, Bucureti. Thracian World = The Thracian World at the Crossroads of Civilisations. Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Thracology, Constana-Mangalia-Tulcea,mai 1996), Bucureti. Tyragetia = Tyragetia. Muzeul Naional de Istorie a Moldovei, Chiinu. L = lungime; l = lime; h = nlime; = diametru; L1 = locuin; Gr. = groap; A = Aglomerare Cpl. = complex

Bibliografie / Bibliography


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Bibliografie / Bibliography


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Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic

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Indice de culturi / Culture index. Indice de nume / Names index


Indice de culturi / Culture index

Bronz timpuriu - Perioada de tranziie de la eneolitic la bronz - / The Early Bronze Age - Transition from Eneolithic to the Bronze Age, p. 11-13, 15-17, 21, 30-32, 40, 49-53, 265, 267, 329, 331335, 337-338, 340; Perioada bronzului mijlociu/middle Bronze Age, p. 53. Canlia, aspect cultural, p. 58, 61. Carpic/carpi, p 13, 21, 40, 99, 101, 150, 152, 156-157, 241, 269. celi, p. 99, 101. Chiinu Corlteni, complex hallstattian timpuriu cu ceramic canelat/ the early Hallstatt complex and with grooves ceramic, p. 54-56, 341-343, 349. Corlteni Chiinu, cultura/culture, p. 55. Corlteni grup / group, p. 54-56, 341-343. Costeti Bursuceni Taraclia, p. 338, 340. Costia Botoana, cultura/culture, p. 156-157, 265, 267, 269. Cozia Saharna, cultura/culture, p. 56; complex hallstattian timpuriu cu ceramic imprimat/the early Hallstatt complex and impressed ceramic, p. 55-56. Cozia, grup/group, p. 54, 56, 341-343, 346. Cucuteni, cultura/culture, p. 331, 337, 339. Cucuteni C, p. 51, 53, 337, 339. Chilia Militari, cultura/culture, p. 261-262. daco-romani, comuiti steti/Dacian - Roman rural communities, p. 11, 16, 40, 66, 351. Dacii liberi-carpii/Free Dacians-The Carpians, p. 40, 351. Dridu,cultura/culture, p. 13, 21, 30-32, 34, 37-46, 71, 79, 156-157, 240, 243, 256, 269, 344, 346, 351-354, 357-360, 358-360, 363, 394, 404, 406, 425, 427, 466, 478, 519-520. Folteti, grup cultural/cultural group, p. 49, 51. germanic/Germanische, p. 99, 101. gei, perioada/Getic period, p. 11-12, 15-17, 21, 31, 40, 46, 55-62, 74, 264-265, 267, 341, 344-349, 351; geto-daci/Getae-Daciane, p. 102. Goi/Goths, p. 12, 16, 40, 63, 264-265, 267-269, 351. Hallstatt, p. 11-12, 15-17, 31, 40, 54-62, 247-248, 265, 267, 281, 304, 341, 343-344, 346, 385. Horoditea / Erbiceni Gordineti, p. 338, 340. Horoditea Gordineti, p. 50, 53, 336-337, 339, stil/style, p. 339. Huni/Huns, p. 12, 16, 265, 267. Jamnaja, timpuriu/Drevne, p. 338, 340. Epoca fierului/Iron Age, p. 58, 61. Komarovo Costia Ciomortan, p. 335, 339. Latne, p. 13, 103. Maikop Novosvobodnoy, p. 338, 340. Medieval, epoca/Mediaeval Age, p. 13-14, 43, 264, 440. Migraii, epo ca/Migrations Age, p. 13. Modern, epoca/Modern Age, p. 13. Precucuteni, p. 337. Preistorie/Prehistory, p. 11-13, 30, 50, 157, 329330. romani-roman, Imperiul Roman/Roman Empire, p. 11, 14, 16, 18, 25, 28, 33, 40, 63, 66, 68, 7576, 98-99, 101, 103, 150-153, 214, 216, 234235, 241, 245-246, 250, 252-255, 264-267, 269, 351, 356, 358. romanicii/romances, p. 40, 351. Saharna Solonceni, complex, p. 54, 56. sarmai/Sarmatian, p. 12, 16, 63, 241, 284, 477. Sntana de Mure, p. 13, 21, 30, 32, 34, 38, 39-46, 99, 101, 154-157, 220, 222, 241, 242, 244, 247, 249, 267-268, 274, 279. Tmoani, grup/group, p. 54-56, 341-343, 346. Tmoani Holercani Balta, complex hallstattian timpuriu cu ceramic incizat/the early Hallstatt complex with incised ceramic, p. 55-56. traco-gei/Thracian-Getic, p. 57-62. traco-dacic/Thracian-Dacian, p. 99, 101. traco-scitic, tip/Thracian-Scythian type, p. 99 thracii, p. 99. turanic, mormnt/Turanic tombs, p. 14, 18, 30, 32, 40-41, 360, 362. Trpeti, grup cultural/cultural group, p. 50, 53. Trestiana - Cimbala, tip de aspect, p. 58, 61. Usatovo, p. 338, 340. Usatovo Folteti, cultur/culture, p. 338, 340. Vrtecoiu Poieneti, cultur/culture, p. 457, 461. ivotilovka Volansk Bursuceni, p. 11-13, 16, 265, 267, 336-338.

Indice de nume / Names index

R. Alaiba [Maxim], p. 19, 25, 28-33, 50, 52, 64, 67, 76, Al. Barnea, p. 264, 267, 534. 339, 525-526, 532-534, 536. V. V. Bazarciuc, p. 59, 62, 526. M. Alexianu, p. 265, 269, 526, 533. V. Bcuanu, p. 24-25, 27-28, 526. F. Anastasiu, p. 336, 339, 530. V. Bican, p. 529. Al. Andronic, p. 59, 62, 526. C. Blteanu, p. 266, 270, 527. I. Antonescu, p. 215, 218, 526. L. Bejenaru, p. 534-535. S. Antoniu, p. 338, 340, 532. M. Berca, p. 324, 328, 527. T. Arnut, p. 57-62, 526. D. Berciu, p. 457, 461, 526. M. Babe, p. 99, 101, 268, 457, 461, 526. Gh. Bichir, p. 99, 101, 253, 260, 262-263, 445, 448, 456V. Balan, p. 535. 459, 461, 527, 535. N. Barbu, p. 24, 27-28, 527. V. Bierbrauer, p. 63, 75, 527. V. Barbu, p. 457, 461, 526. G. Bireescu, p. 324, 328, 527.

538 L. Bireesc u, p. 16, 25-26, 323-324, 328, 527. C. Bloiu, p. 235-236, 527. D. Botezatu, p. 32, 266, 269, 270, 527. O. Bozu, p. 457, 461, 527. F. Braudel, p. 527. M. Brudiu, p. 336, 339, 527. V. Bubulici, p. 253-254, 534-535. G. Budos, p. 324, 328, 527. A. Buhoiu, p. 535. Fl. Burtnescu, p. 50, 53, 338, 340, 527. V. M. Butnariu, p. 264, 266, 527-528. V. Butur, p. 528. C. Buzdugan, p. 51, 53, 59, 62, 528. P. Cantemir, p. 267, 269, 527. I. Casan, p. 535. G. Charachidz, p. 255, 256, 528. J. Chevalie, p. 257, 261, 528. C. Clinescu, p. 535. D. Chiriac, p. 527. V. Chirica, p. 98, 457, 461, 528, 536. C. D. Chiri, p. 528. V. Christescu, p. 265, 267, 528. C. Cihodaru, p. 457, 461, 528, 535. L. Ciobanu, p. 535. V. Crcot, p. 529. M. Coja, p. 134, 528. Gh. Coman, p. 29, 31, 266, 269, 525-526, 528, 534. G. Comnescu, p. 530. S. Comnescu, p. 272, 277, 531. Al. Coma, p. 265, 269, 338, 340, 380, 477, 526. E. Coma, p. 30, 32, 336, 339, 528. M. Coma, p. 457, 461, 528. Emil Condurachi, p. 134, 528. M. E. Constantinescu, p. 262-263, 528. S. Constantinescu, p. 535. V. Cotiug, p. 533. O. Cotoi, p. 533. M. Cozma, p. 533. M. Cristescu, p. 338-340, 532. I. H. Crian, p. 219, 222, 528. Gh. Diaconu, p. 220, 222, 240, 243, 528-529. M. Dinu, p. 49, 51-53, 528, 533. E. Dobroiu, p. 531. I. T. Dragomir, p. 214, 217, 336, 457, 457, 461, 529. Driesch von den A., p. 295, 317, 529. St. Dumistrcel, p. 253-254, 529. Gh. Dumitroaia, p. 335, 339, 529, 532. P. Dupont, p. 134, 528. N. Dunre, p. 261, 257, 529. M. Eliade, p. 335, 340, 529. C. Fedorovici, p. 266, 270, 527. M. Filipescu, p. 29, 31, 529. C. Florea, p. 535. A. Florescu, p. 57-62, 529. G. Florescu, p. 535. Gh. Florescu, p. 529. M. Florescu, p. 51, 53, 57-62, 529. R. Florescu, p. 529. Gr. Foit, p. 457, 461, 529.

Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic Fock, coeficieni, studiu osteometric / indices, osteometric study, p. 289-290, 308, 311. D. Galbenu, p. 529. D. Garvn, p. 532. I. Gavrilu, p. 324, 328, 527. Gh. G, p. 156, 158, 529. A. Gheerbrant, p. 257, 261, 528. T. Gherasimov, p. 99, 101, 529. Gh. Gherghe, p. 14, 18, 21, 25-26, 28, 30-31, 33, 50, 197198, 201, 525, 529. I. Glodariu, p. 246, 529. M. Grigorau, p. 535. I. Gugiuman, p. 24, 298, 320, 529. S. Haimovici, p. 25-26, 28-29, 247-249, 290-291, 294, 298, 308, 311, 314-315, 320, 529-530, 533. R. Harhoiu, p. 265, 269, 530. N. Haruche, p. 241, 336, 339, 457, 461, 530. C. Hricu, p. 535. E. Iaroslavschi, p. 246, 529. C. Iconomu, p. 55-62, 341-343, 530, 533. M. Ignat, p. 58-59, 61-62, 530, 534. I. Ioni, p. 33, 92, 94, 214-215, 217-218, 228, 233, 240, 243, 266, 457, 461, 530-531. Gh. Iordache, p. 229, 233, 250-251, 255-256, 530. M. Istrate, p. 526. P. Jeanrenaud, p. 21, 27, 530. M. Kazanski, p. 240, 243, 530. t. Kiss, p. 535. I. Kovcs, p. 154-155, 242, 244, 531. I. Ph. Kovaleva, p. 338, 340, 531. S. Kurciatov, p. 534. A. Lszl, p. 55-57, 59, 61, 341-343, 531. AL. C. Lctuu, p. 533. S. Leonov, p. 534. O. Leviki, p. 11, 16, 55-57, 342-343, 531. Dan Lichiardopol, p. 535. Gh. Lupacu, p. 527. N. Lupu, p. 531. M. Macrea, p. 531. I. Manzura, p. 336, 337, 339, 531. C. Marian, p. 533. I. Marin, 337, 339, 525. S. Marinescu-Blcu, p. 50-51, 53, 337, 339, 531. C. Matas, p. 52, 457, 461, 531, 535. C. N. Mateescu, p. 272, 277, 531. V. Mihilescu-Brliba, p. 99, 101, 526. N. Mirioiu, p. 526, 532. I. Mitrea, p. 265, 269, 532. B. Mitrea, p. 103, 154-155, 214, 217, 220, 222, 240-241, 532. G. Miu, p. 30, 32, 50, 52, 335, 338, 340, 376-377, 380, 464, 477, 526-527, 532. S. Morintz, p. 457, 461, 532. E. Moscalu, p. 57-62, 215, 217, 532. R. Munteanu, p. 58, 60-61, 532. Th. Ngler, p. 529. O. Necrasov, p. 338-340, 532. Ec. Negrui, p. 535. D. Nicola, p. 532.

Index toponimic / Toponymical index E. Nicolae, p. 14, 18, 253, 264, 268-269, 532, 535. C. S. Nicolescu-Plopor, p. 51, 53, 532. D. Nicolaescu-Plopor, p. 477, 532. M. Nicu, p. 240, 242, 532. Gh. Al. Niculescu, p. 477, 532. A. Niu, p. 535. A. Opai, p. 151-154, 214, 217, 234, 363, 366, 380, 391, 396-397, 425-426, 464-465, 532. V. Palade, p. 19, 25, 29, 33, 91-92, 214, 216-217, 228, 233, 235-236, 240-246, 250-253, 262-263, 266, 271, 457, 461, 532, 536. M. Pantazic, p. 527. C. Punescu, p. 528. C. C. Petolescu, p. 528. R. Petre, p. 535. V. G. Petrenko, p. 338, 340, 533. M. Petrescu-Dmbovia, p. 49, 51-53, 99, 201, 214, 217, 242, 244, 337, 339, 525, 532-533, 536. P. Petrescu, p. 254, 533. C. Preda, p. 154-155, 220, 222, 240-241, 529, 532, 535. C. Preoteasa, p. 532. P. Radu, p. 535. I. A. Rafalovici, p. 235-236. Iu. Ia. Rassamakin, p. 338, 340, 533. Al. Rdulescu, p. 272, 277, 533. E. A. Rikman, p. 235-236. M. Rill, p. 529. M. I. Rostovtzev, p. 14, 18, 533. F. Audoin Rouzeau, p. 290, 311, 533. A. Rou, p. 24, 27, 533. M. Rotaru, p. 29, 31, 241, 244, 529. S. Sanie, p. 257, 261, 533. eiva Sanie, p. 150, 153, 533. A. Saraiman, p. 21, 27, 530. E. Sava, p. 336, 339, 531. L. Scutelnicu, p. 530. C. Secu, p. 324, 328, 527. A. Simalcsik, p. 30, 266, 270, 534. R. Simalcsik, p. 30, 266, 270, 533. B. i D. Sluanschi, p. 529.

539 V. Srbu, p. 245-246, 254, 534. K. F. Smirnov, 262-263, 534. S. Stanc, p. 11, 16, 25-26, 28, 30, 32, 49, 51, 240, 247-250, 266, 269, 281, 290, 308, 311, 458, 462, 464, 521, 526, 534. Al. Suceveanu, p. 14, 18, 264, 267, 534. Z. Szkly, 214, 216, 534. M. imon, p. 156, 158, 529. L. ovan, p. 55-56, 58-59, 61-62, 530, 534. t. tefnescu, p. 535. M. Tanasachi, p. 98, 457, 461, 528, 530. D. Teaci, p. 528. N. Telnov, p. 253-254, 534-535. D. Gh. Teodor, p. 24, 33, 246, 266, 269, 534-535. E. S. Teodor, p. 273, 279, 534-535. S. Teodor, p. 57-62, 533, 535-536. V. Teodorescu, 68, 76, 535. E. Tudor, p. 49, 52, 535. M. Turcu, 214, 216, 535. St. au, p. 240, 242, 532. M. Udrescu, p. 248, 250, 263, 289, 296, 311, 317, 319, 535. A. Ungurianu, p. 299, 311, 535. Al. Ungureanu, p. 527. V. Ursachi, p. 266, 530. N. Ursulescu, p. 533. M. Vleanu, p. 533. Vl. Vornic, p. 253-254, 532, 535-536. T. Vuia, p. 26, 28, 535. Al. Vulpe, p. 14, 18, 49, 52, 331, 535-536. Ecaterina Vulpe, p. 99, 101, 214, 217, 331, 535. R. Vulpe, p. 9, 101, 150, 152, 214, 217, 224, 231, 263, 331, 457, 461, 536. Em. Zaharia, p. 38, 214, 217, 536. N. Zaharia, p. 38, 214, 217, 249, 536. I. Zamoteanu, p. 457, 461. Ileana - Ildiko Zahariade, p. 30, 32, 535. M. Zahariade, p. 11, 16, 30, 32, 239, 525-526, 531, 535. N. Zugravu, p. 99, 101, 240, 242-244, 335, 340, 536.

Index toponimic / Toponymical index

Arge, p. 457, 461. Bacu, jud/county, p. 49, 52, 58, 60-61, 99-101, 331. Banca = Recea, pru/brook, p. 21. comuna/commune, 15, 18, 21-31, 33-35, 38-39, 56-57, 306, 337, 343; dealurile/Hills, Feredeu, Podiul Magninei, Rzeilor, Bncii, Coasta Dumbrvii, Chirei, Coasta Recea, p. 21, Podi, Ghinoaia, Holmul, Ghermneti, Stejar, Rdule cu/with Podi, p. 22, 27. Banca - Sat, jud./county Vaslui, p. 24; Gura Bncii, p. 33. Banca Gar, sat/village, jud./county Vaslui, p. 15, 19, 25-30, 33. Banca Gar - apte case, p. 11, 13-16, 19-21, 2325, 29-33, 35-37, 40, 49-52, 54-57, 58, 61-67, 74-75, 87, 89-93, 95-99, 101, 103, 106, 109, 113, 115, 123, 128, 134, 136, 146, 148, 150-152, 154-157, 204-205, 209-210, 212-213, 216-218, 220-221, 223, 226-230, 232, 235, 239, 241-255, 258, 261-278, 281-282, 284, 290, 297-299, 301, 303, 305, 308, 310-311, 319321, 325-326, 328-350, 351, 352-359, 360, 361-362, 364-369, 371-374, 376-379, 381-389, 392-399, 401-416, 418, 420-425, 427-429, 431-432, 434-435, 438-439, 441, 443-446, 449-453, 455-456, 458-462, 467-469, 471-472, 474, 477-478, 480-481, 482-485, 487-489, 491-492, 494-495, 497, 499-503, 508, 511515, 517-523; La sltioara, p. 24-26. Barcea, jud./county Galai, 240, 242, 244, 266. Blteni - Grla Strmbu, jud/county Galai, p. 214, 216, 457, 461. Blteni, jud/county Vaslui, p. 266, 269. Blai, jud/county Iai, p. 457, 461.

540 Brlad, ora/city, p. 14-15, 18, 24, 27, 29; ru/River Brlad, p. 12-13, 15-19, 21-22, 24-29, 31, 34, 3739, 51, 63, 66, 75, 87-88, 245-246, 250-251, 254, 257, 266, 345, 354, 357, 359, 360, 362, 444, 521 cu/with Petrioara, Ghermneti, Luavei, Bncii, Bujoreni. Brlad - Valea Seac, jud/county Vaslui, p. 25, 33, 91, 213-214, 216, 226, 232, 234-235, 240-246, 250-252, 262-263, 266, 271, 297, 319, 457, 461, 477. Bodeti - Frumuica, jud/county Neam, p. 51, 53. Boldeti - Grditea, jud./county Prahova, p. 242, 244. Bogdneti - Flciu, jud/county Vaslui, p. 33, 51, 53, 214, 216, 266, 271, 477. Boneti, p. 262. Botoani, jud/county, p. 240, 242-244, 266, 336337, 339. Botoani - Dealul Crmidriei, p. 240. Brad - La stnc, jud/county Bacu, p. 99, 101. Brdiceti Dealul Beschiei, aezare grup/settlement group Tmoani, p. 55-62, 341343. Brilia, jud./county Galai, p. 336, 339. Bucureti/Bucharest, p. 14, 66, 75, 214. Budeti, p. 235. Bugeac, stepe/steppe, p. 24, 27. Bujorni, Vaslui, vale/valley, p. 22, 25, 27. Bulgaria, p. 99, 101. Buneti - Dealul Bobului, jud./county Vaslui, p. 59, 62. Bursuceni, p. 338, 340. Cara-Severin, jud./county, p. 214, 217, 457, 461. Carpai/Carpathians, est, sub~, p. 11-12, 15-16, 28 30, 33, 55-56, 60-62, 66, 75, 255, 265, 268, 320, 457, 461. Carpathian Danubian, p. 11, 15, 30, 32. Cazaclia, p. 338, 340. Cmpia Romn/Romanian Plain, p. 24, 27. Chiinu, aezare/settlement Chiinu Corlteni, R. Moldova/R. of Moldova, p. 55-57, 343. Comrat, p. 235-236. Constana, p. 31, 33. Corlteni - Dealul Stadole, p. 336, 339. Copuzu - Delu, Clrai county, p. 242, 244. Costeti, aezare/settlement Chiinu Corlteni, R. Moldova / R. of Moldova, p. 54-56; grup/group Gordineti, p. 338, 340, 343. Cotu - Coplu, p. 58-59, 61-62. Cotu Morii - Toloac, p. 57-62. Crasna, p. 24, 27. Crasnoe, p. 338, 340. Cucoeni - Butnreti, p. 253, 261-262, 445, 458, 461. Cucuei - Slatina Veche, p. 58, 60-61. Cucuteni - Cetuie, p. 337, 339. Curteni - Dealul Viei, p. 57, 60, Dealul Pietrriei, p. 57-62, Valea Merilor, p. 57-62. Dacia, p. 11, 16, 33, 66, 75, 216, 254-255, 264-265,

Staiunea Banca Gar - apte case monografie arheologic 267-269. Delacheu, p. 235. Dealurile/Hills, Banca Grivia, p. 24-26, 29. Dealurile/Hills, Flciului, p. 21, 24, 26-28, 55-56, 266, 271, 298, 320, 341-343. Dealurile, colinele/Hills Tutova p. 19, 21, 26, 38, 55-56, 266, 271, 341-343; cu/with Iapa, Uneti, Seaca, p. 24, 28. Dodeti - ipot i/and Clugreasca, p. 24, 33. Don, p. 13, 338, 340. Doroban - La ieztur, jud./county Iai, p. 98. Dunre/Danube, de Jos/Lower Danube, p. 21, 33, 63, 99, 103, 255, 264-265, 284. Eketorp II, staiune arheologic/archaeological settlement, Suedia, sec.V-VI/5rd-6th centuries, p. 290, 311. Euro-asiatice, stepe/steppes, p. 24-25, 27-28. Europa, Central, Sud-Est, p. 11, 26-28, 30, 32, 247, 249, 290, 310, 320. Fntnele, Zorleni, jud./county Vaslui, p. 242, 244, 266, 457, 461. Folteti - Ruptura, jud./county Galai, p. 49, 51- 53. Gherseni - Lacul Frncului, jud./county Buzu, p. 242, 244, 262263, 266. Ghermneti, Dealuri/Hills, p. 21-22. Grdini - Slite, p. 457, 461. Hangu - Bicaz, jud./county Neam, p. 51, 53. Heraklea, p. 70, 73, 78, 80, 154. Holboca, p. 338-339. Hui - Centrul Oraului, p. 337, 339, - Corni, 58-59, 61-62 jud/county Vaslui. Iai, ora/city, 14-15, 18, 27, 29, 34, 55, 66, 75, 214, 216, jud/county, p. 30, 32, 56, 341, 240, 243, 266, 269, 341-343, 457, 461. Iai - Fabrica de crmizi, p. 214, 216. Iai - Nicolina, p. 33, 290, 301, 308, 311, 320. Imperiul Roman/Roman Empire, p. 14, 18, 150, 152. Independena - Vatra satului, jud./counti Clrai, p. 142, 155, 242, 244. Ioneni - La intirim, jud./county Botoani, p. 242, 244. Ivancea, aezare / settlement Chiinu Corlteni, R. Moldova / R. of Moldova, p. 55-56, 343. Kubej, p. 338, 340. Lecani, p. 235-236. Lieti - Movila Arbnau, p. 338-339. Lucaeuca, p. 54-56, 343. Lunca, Tecuci, jud./county Galai, p. 240, 242-244, 266. Lunca Ciurei, p. 58, 61, 92, 94. Loavei, valea/valley, fost/former Lahova Vaslui, p. 22, 27. Marea Egee/Aegean Sea, p. 241, 248, 306. Marea Mediteran/Mediterranean Sea, p. 241, 284, 306; mediteranean/Mediterranean, p. 152, 154. Marea Neagr/Black Sea, p. 21, 26. Mtsaru - Mtsaru, cultura Chilia Militari, jud./county Dmbovia, p. 262-263. Mndrica, p. 51, 53, 261-262. Mndreti, Republica Moldova/Republic of Moldova, p. 55-56, 343. Mediterranean, p. 155. Micleti, sat/village, Vaslui p. 21. Mihleni, Botoani jud./county, p. 240, 242-244, 266. Moesia, p. 16, 75, 268, 270.

Index toponimic / Toponymical index Moesia Inferior, p. 265, 268-270. Moldova/Moldavia, p. 12, 16, 26, 28, 57, 150. Moldova Meridional/Middle Moldavia, p. 150, 152, 245. Muntenia/Walachia, p. 26, 28, 213, 216. Mure, p. 154-155. Neam, p. 99, 101, 242, 244, 266, 454, 459. Negreti - Cimitirul evreiesc,jud./county Vaslui, p. 266, 269. Negreti, R. Moldova, aezare/settlement Chiinu Corlteni, R. Moldova/R. of Moldova, p. 54, 56, 57. Nicolae Blcescu, jud./county Clrai, p. 262-263. Nistru/Dniester, p. 56, 59, 62, 235-236. Obileni, R. Moldova/R. of Moldova, p. 338, 340. Ocnia, jud./county Vlcea, p. 99, 101, 457, 461. Olteni, jud. Teleorman, p. 154-155. Orlandovtzy, Bulgaria, p. 99, 101. Petrueni, aezare/settlement Chiinu Corlteni, R. Moldova/R. of Moldova, p. 55, 57. Petruha, aezare/settlement Chiinu Corlteni, R. Moldova/R. of Moldova, p. 55-56, 343. Piatra Neam, p. 346, 448, 459, 461. Piatra Nram - Drmneti pe Cuejdi, p. 346, 448, 459, 461. Pietroasele - Cremenea, jud./county Buzu, p. 242, 244, 266. Ploieti, p. 33, 30, 33. Podeni, jud./county Buzu, p. 242, 244, 247, 249, 266, 290-291, 294, 301, 308, 311, 314-315, 320. Podiul /Plateau Brlad, p. 21, 24, 26, 214, 262, 264. Podiul Central Moldovenesc/Central Moldavian Plateau, p. 21, 27. Podiul Moldovei/Plateau Moldavian, p. 24, 27, 245, 270. Podiul Niprului/Dnieper Plateau, p. 24, 27. Podiul/Plateau Wolhyno Podolian, p. 24, 27. Poiana - Cetate, Tecuci, jud./county Galai, p. 58, 61, 99, 101, 214, 216, 457, 461. Poiana - Pe silite, p. 99, 101, 262-263, 457, 461, Pe Varni, p. 99, 101, jud./county Neam. Poieneti - Dealul Teilor, jud./county Vaslui, p. 32, 150, 153, 214, 216, 225, 231, 271, 331, 457, 461. Polocin - Izlaz, jud./ county Vaslui, p. 33, 242-243, 266, 271, 477. Pogoneti, jud./county Vaslui, 33, 240, 242-244, 266, 271. Prahova, jud./county, p. 240, 242-246. Prut, p. 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 26-27, 29, 30-31, 33, 5556, 59, 62, 150, 152-153, 152-153, 235, 253-254, 264-265, 267-269, 284, 306, 336, 338, 340, 342343. Pruteni, R. Moldova/Republic of Moldova, p. 253254. Rcciuni, p. 49, 50, 331. Rctu, jud./county Bacu, p. 99, 101. Republica Moldova/Republic of Moldova, p. 54, 56.

541 Rocani, p. 335, 337, 339. Slcioara, Vaslui, p. 21, 34, 38-39. Srbi, Vaslui, p. 21. Sntana de Mure, jud./county Mure, p. 13, 21, 30, 32, 34, 38-46, 99, 101, 154-157, 220, 222, 241-242, 244, 247, 269, 274, 279. Scythia Minor, p. 16, 63, 265, 267. Scorniceti, jud./county Olt, p. 262-263. Silitea - Muncelu, jud./county Vaslui, p. 457, 461. Siret, p. 21, 24, 26-27, 29, 31, 33, 264-265, 267. Slobozia Mgurii, aezare / settlement Corlteni Chiinu p. 54, 56, 59, 62. Sobari, p. 235-236. Spanov, p. 103, 154-155, 217, 240, 247-249. Sopron, Ungaria, staiune arheologic/archaeological settlement, sec. IV-VI/5rd-6th centuries, p. 290, 311. Stnceti - Cetatea, p. 57-62. Stoicani - Dealul de pe rp, Cetuie, p. 49, 51, 53, - Poarta arinii 220, 222. Stoieti, p. 21-22, 28, Dealurile/Hills Hncu, Dumbrava, Dealul Mare, platoul Porceana, Dealul ifu, valea Ginari, p. 22, 2728, 30. Suceava, jud. p. 240, 243-244, 247, 253-254, 266, 457, 461. cheia - Silitea, jud. Suceava, p. 253-254, 457, 461. irna, jud./county Prahova, p. 242, 244. uletea - Silitea, jud. County Vaslui, p. 240, 243, 262-263. Taraclia, R. Moldova/R. of Moldova, p. 335, 337-339, 340. Trgoru Vechi, jud./county Prahova, p. 240, 242-247, 249. Trpeti - Rpa lui Bodai, aezare/settlement Corlteni Chiinu, p. 50, 53-54, 56, bronz: 337, 339. Tecuci, p. 58, 99, 101, 240, 243. Tochile - Rducani, jud./county Iai, p. 338, 340. Todireti, p. 240, 242, 299, 301, 308, 311, 320. Transilvania, p. 214, 216. Trueti - uguieta, jud./county Botoani, aezare / settlement Corlteni Chiinu, p. 54, 56. ifeti - La Grigoreti, jud./county Buzu, p. 457, 461. Udeni, p. 262-263. Vadu Soreti, jud/county Buzu, p. 242, 244, 266. Valea Lupului, jud./county Iai, p. 51, 53. Vaslui, ora/village, p. 14-15, 18, 24, 27, 29-30, 102, 104, 331, 337; jud./county, 13, 15, 21, 26, 30, 32, 150, 152, 240, 242-244, 266, 269, 271, 298, 320-321, 325-326, 328, 331, 337. Vaslui - Curile Domneti, jud./county Vaslui, p. 59, 62. Vleni - La Moar, jud./county Neam, p. 266. Vetrioaia, Vaslui, p. 150, 152. Zicana, aezare/settlement Chiinu Corlteni, R. Moldova/R. of Moldova, p. 55-56, 343. Zorleni - Fntnele, jud./county Vaslui, p. 242, 244, 266, 457, 461. Walton, staiune arheoogic/archaeological settlement, Anglia, sec. V-VII, 5rd-6th centuries, p. 290, 311.

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