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Sltring ./ sltmmcr rangc:

Comptoir des Cotonnigrs I 107 Marylebone High Street O2O 7 446 4425 I www.comptoi rdescoton n helc: is a rc;rson tirar ii'cnc:h \\:olllcn :lrc

c'onsidclcd tirc mo-sl stvlislr ir the tor-lcl. As

Fr anr:r,- bcing rhe uturc, llrcnch \\'on1cn h:l c lbl vcals l'racl acccss to blirncls sricl-r as Cornptoir clcs Cotonnicrs rvhich proviclc hish stvlc. hi-^h clualitv basics lbr lorv to rnicl rartge pliccs. \ r'cletir, lr rr, rr ,rtltlirior r,,

rr,cll :rs

crzrcllc ol- haur tc'-c

\Irrrlcbonc High Stlect. C<;n-rptoir'


Clotonnicrs shor,tlcl pr(-)\'(' :r l'abulotrs

lcsollrcr' iitl those tiri.r ilzrr.rt to takc a tip {ionr ouL Irrcnr:h sistcrs ancl not sacrificr comlbrt lbl stvlc- f)r'rc ol thc


r-r-ra.jor plus lroin{.s is its use of natLu'zrl fiirrcs. '.['his is :r goclsi:ncl.

l)articularlv in thc sumncr. (lonr1;toirclcs Clotor-rnicrs also plor-icles a riurg-c of'

lal.lulous b:rsic i-ricccs trouscrs. skilts. j;rclicLs, shilts llouncl which vou can

bliilcl an outfit. \vhcthcr lbi uolk or lirr lcistrlc.'I'l-ris spring/sr-rmmcr'. Ciornptoir rl, s (ill,rtrrrir't. rrill lrc [irr rr.sirtq,,rr ncutr:rl colouls ancl '{':rlsc t'irites' zrlong rr.itlr boick:r prints. Shapr:s *,ill ltc spiit bclu-ct'n tnilolccl silhoucrtcs ancl nrolc clcc onstlnctccl oncs.
Conrptoir" clcs (lotonnicr',s has uscd

rcai-iilir llo[h(]rs

:r.ncl ciaus^htcr-c



xchl'rts firl mzrn\ \'eirrs. 'f his {Lrcus on thc mothr:r'lcllu-ig*htcr boncl has It:cl Lo a iirrli up rvith thc Iilcnch ci-ralitr
\{eclrcins clu \ Ionclc rrlridr dris )'car

sLlpPort nrothc|s ancl cirilch'cn iD Ncp:rl.


special t-slrirl in conjnnclion u'ith thc

chaliLr; callccl I.,iron ancl liirturing a linc ch'al ing of- a dog, u'ill bc ar':rilarl.rlr,' 1i'oru 20rir .\plil to il lst r\I:n: ,'Uso- C.ior-r-rptoir dcs (lotonnici's is lookin-- lor nerv r.r-ro{hcr :incl cl:rrrg^lrtci' combos to lcatrn'tr

in tht-il upcorning ach'clts.

a castinq



Balmoral dress:
Bering belt:


ir thc \lalrlcbon('




23rd {l-r'il fi',:rm 5-Bprrr.

Bever/y shoes:

[]rc Lonr Strrlicr' (.r,llccriorr
Space NK I 83a Marylebone High Street O2O7 486 8791 I

hc cult bcautr, l;r'ancl

Lhat it u.ill suit r,our skin. Evcn


lir.c Lon'r hz'Ls clcfir-ritc loots in thr trI:u-vlcbonc

irlc:r. Ir,c L,orn hclscll"
mrts hcr ci)on\:rnoLrs iirci:rl clinic in Spanish Place. rrlrele laitir-rg- lists c:rn lun upu,arcls ol liu'cr


xi gi



'I'hc ]ive Lonr Startcl Collcction

tltc irtst lanqcs. cont:iining thc i:rrsl irrg-rcclie nts. cirn provokc an Lrnlolcsccn lcaction in sornc skin"

thcr-clirr-c, :ur r:xccrllcn t. :.rliblcl ab] c

lnorllhs. E\'c [,om plocllrcts ciln lto\\: bc fbuncl in a laurgt' ol luxulv sltas ancl shops alriuncl tl-rc torlcl.
incluclins thc blirncl'r ol SP:rcc NI{ on Ilalrlclronc llieh Strcet.

:< i,,

9 i rf-

...,..,.. .,.-


srvzrpl.rirlg tcl tr


!! '.dl
,t I
a: -'

introclLrction to thc lanq-c. Thc chic" ltitc tin contains tl,o :;nrirll pots ol livc Lonr's lcgcnclalv cleanser', along rrith onc pot oflnoistr.lriscr'. onc o1- hcl lescut' nursk :rnd hcr signatulc lnuslin

skiucalc r':uqc, it ciut sccll

clauntine= to spend a lclt

i: a!

'-i. L rL

\/ f,,

. .,*.

cloth (rlhiclr is usccl to tholoug-hll

rcmoYc Ll're cleanser'). Thc sLrpplY sirould last filr a lbln.rieht..JLrst ibllor.r. instructions anci rrait Ibr' r,oul skirt to bc rurcl't'cl. f25


on clczrnscr ancl lacc creanr. ;\1iL'r' all. trrr-r havc no lc:rson to knorv

- '. .::: J.t:v.::..a*n .*-4 ,

FUMHIV &frfuTEffi
Filma Belt
Paul & Joe I 38 Marylebone High Street O2O 74AG 3930 I www.paulandjoe.coJm



have bccrr :ill thc rirgc sctcr':rl srasolts no\\,.


skinn-r' to mctal. [l'om o]ri to nrilitzrrr' inspilccl. Part ol ti-re

rcason lol tl'reir poprilalitl is thiit lrchs c:rn bc an indispcr-rsirblc palt

o[- anvonL:'-q u'alr]r'obc. r\ statcnL:rt bclt such as this cramplt: lirrnr Pirril ct.Joc carr insteLntlr .rli.::.:, a, .

availablc in :r sclcction ol- r"rcutr':rl coloLrrs zrncl can. tirclclblc. bc rvon.r uith most olhcl colours. r\lthor,rgh I.rcut|al, thc bch is r-cscuecl [lonr bcc-on"rinq boling bl tirc ovcrsizeci bu1tcll]r. orlr?lmcl]t at thc lront"

'l-his buttcrflr- illso mcalis that thc bclt kccps its shapc. r'callr. i'rc\;in-to clcfiuc thc rv;rist. -fhc itt lt buckles ull aI tlle llick" -fhc strbtlc, re.iined clcsign ot' thr: lxrttcrf'lr is such that the bclt is sar-cd h'om beina cxcllrsile lr 'litt|:-gillr.' urcl can bc l.orn lrr 1\'o1]ren oI nranv di{lclcnt ascs. 'l'hc ,r]ri Trrlrrr'lt :rdegr is tr rr, '

bur chcapcr- ciotlrcs.



Irligh tcn oI ulrclatc

t l



acccssolics. acccssorics can


'I'his llx'lL
ii,:r 1,.:l l-r: rr,'r,i:

;11i ()Ltt[11.


li !.

makc all outfit

zr lot bcttcr' thali thc surn o1- its





palts. f196

tsEF{rru& TFrs ffiASQU

Outer Pe:rce Cooline Nfascluc bv A'ccla
Aveda Lifestyle Salon I 28-29 Marylebone High Street 0870 192 5353 I hc ler:cnth r-c{iu-bishccl

;\'ccla salon is r-:rpictlr,



'f l'ris issr-rc's leatur-ccl bcalrfl ' proch-ic1 is csccption. 'l'l-rc l:rtcsl nclclitiol tr-r Avccla's successlui Outel Pc:rcc rangc.
this ct.roling mask is clcsiqrreci as a oncca-u,eek trc.itmcnl to hclp soothe skin reclncss ancl irritation, olten associirLecl u.ith selLsitivc .rcne-pl'o1rc skin, lrut zrlso a prodr,rct ol thc halsh rr.intcr-l'incl. That ma-kcs dris a great procluct fi-rr this time of year. Packccl u'itl'r the licshest.

salon. Paltnerecl


the saion is lhc A'ccla

shop. stockecl


a cornplchensive






tl w1s7,.1iqfig5 rsl Q

thc conrpanr"s plant-basecl hair c:rre. skirr c;rle aucl urake-lqr proclucts. As er raug*c. :\'eclzr has long been lcror.r n lbr its cmphirsis on grrocl clualilv nzrtulalh base d pr-oclucts. proclr-rced u.ith a kcen ethical ;nyarcness. \\ihcn \ou purchase an i\l'ccla item. von lqrorv


most cfli'ctivc n irtulal ins-1'cclierrts, including n'intelgreerr oil. tzrmanu oil


bostcllia. tht- mirscprc can bc


that all steps o{'its ploduction, li'om ingleclielt sourcinq to nanufhcture to packaeing, h;l.c bcen carriccl out to ecologicall-v au':l'c stanclalcls.

on its orvn or, most cffbctivelt, as par"t o1- a leo^ime of' Outcl Peace proclucts. \\rho l,oulchr't $'an1 bettel' skini)




Filmorc Bag bvJarnin

o20 7224 6066

Sixty 6 I 66 Marylebone High Street

istv ilol)

Li shorrlcl




bc the {'irsL t ir'lr,, ir

lookirrq li 'r'suntctlrirtr .r Iitil,

toolccl lcatl-rer' :tfc s0lnc of its nrr.rlc clistingr,rishing lcatnres. although thc clcsig^t'rCIs arc
:rlrva\.s couriug


tht, r-rrclinalr,.



clon't n'ant to bur a hanclbag nhic:h vou iirc eoiuq t{) src on 20 crthcr ;rct-rpic cach clrn. thor look no iirrtlrt,rr'. 1'hc bouticluc st.{lcks a particulalh inrplcssivc sr,'lection ol'.]zrr-nin Puccli bzrg-s. such a.s this onc Holcvtr'. thc-r, on.l1'stoc'k a r,cr1 lirnitccl rrunrbcr ol' t-ar-h clcsiqr'. sonrctir-nes onlv onc. so it is ail'avs \rofth q-oinq- in ancl chcckinq oLlt thc cllir'e]rt sr:lcclion. .Jarriin Pueclr is :i Frcncl'r lzrl.rcl q,arrcrlr.rccl lrrr its t:n-rbcllishrcl ancl r,]iiirrr-si,i ail h an ci b :rgs. li: aclins an cl

n,ith ncl'. innrlr':rtitc

clcsigns. Each
b:rg* is


craficcl liorli tl-rc h iehcst c1 u:rlit-r. li:irtlcr,

can rnzrkc a


r:hecr'{ ul,

, ('illl)lfrlrr'r rlilr V lirtirtq..'l-lti. rtt,,,tti 1hat, as l'cll irs bcing bcautilul, i:ach lrag is sulplisirrglr sturdv.J:unin PLrech

stluuing^ aclclition to ari cren'clav outfit ol can I;c a lcal Ibcal


1l,,iitt lnl ir lt)(rl( il)('( i;ll,){'( ttii('ti.


6-:is.'hoihe'to,a ques, but it t?bve of charity second hand

ryri4 g" 9f


f ash

iona b Ie is also a

herc usccl to l;c a certain

stiqm:i attached to
buf ing second hzurci cloihes. Not zrtrv tnore.

street lashioll indtlsrr-v has crcated a level of hornogencitv rvhich is bceinning to blced illto some scctors

particularlv hieh, and r'ou evcn stancl a good chance ol finditg ne\icr-\{orn
clesigrrel names at vasdv recluced prices. Suille(irttr's tltc itcrrts har ctt'l , r'ett l'racl the store labels removccl.

thc clcsiqnel market, 'llhet'e ale

The grow'th ol ecologic:rl awareness in shopping zrrtd the

fashionabilin' ol vintagc looks mezrn
Lhar llulinq {loln clrelin .hoPs is ltor' just anothcr good t'ay ol rcc]'clino. Vintagc clothes hat'e beetl a httgc trend in lashion for a n.'hile non. atrd

non' fbrv tr-ue alternatives lbr those n4ro u'ant to be a bit morc irldiviclual


in their dress. \bu czrn cithcr speucl

thr:usauds on those clesigrers rvhosc:

rlolk r'ttt:ritts morc distirrctivc. )oLr can customise volrr o\,vl"I clothes,
or ),ou can go vintaee. Thc standard o1' clothing in thc scconcl hlrrd sho1.,s itt tlri:;Lrt'rt is

are scveral exccllent charitv shops irr \,Iarv1ebone, as rvell as zr dcsigner resale shop - Catrvalk on Blarrdlord Stleet ' and thc rvceklv Callbagc-.

& Flocks


this shou's no sign


zrbating Todar"s

mass-rnatliet, quick tunrover'. high

into rhc sccond ltatttl tnittkcr tltct c :rrc 'ir kel' mles rvhich 1'on lnust rememl)er:
,r'ou zrre goinq 1cl take a fbrav


Would you buy the itern if it was new?

LoOk ogt for acCeSSOriS. CiSaliq
Pay attention to quality.

This is;r kcv qr-restiorr to ask,vor-rr-st:1['l-here's as prict iittle point bu-vine seioncl hand somcthinq l,hicll voLt ilr( ttevet'g,,itlg to 1\-c:t1'. urs thet-e is iluving it lr-rll chtal: thal it r-callv clor:str't mattcr" Thc o'11, esce'tion ro this r.6lc is if sorr-rcthins is so unbelievabll,
can be a Palticuliirh'good t't:sottrct: can brig-l-rtcn r-ql or"r:otrlpietclv change zin ontliL' for.bclts. bags. sciril.cs ancl.jcu,ellc1.r,- These iterns
zrncl scconcl hzrr-rc1 sl'rop,s



Ilspect seams, t-ollars and unclcrzu'nrs in p;u-ticulzrr. Takc notc of an1'pilling orr

llcfcrlc in o, *.ill ogi:i anrthing- ttraL is ioo pool clLrzilirv to be solcl. Lzrrgel cl-ralitv shops also clean clothi-r-re

Donrt go looking for a specific itern. Try before you

strtrcs ancl g-ct Yoru

llathcr'. lct yotu'sclf be open to u,hatertr ther-c is. I{c--uiar' bcc,..,rc stock ran chartgc ver-v qr-ricklv :rncl is alrvavs l'ariccl. trips ars Jro ..,,,or,rr-r'r.,i.lecl buy,;',11r' ,.r'ith clothinc :rncl lootlear'. \itu c:rtlnoi l-tltLtt'tr iltrtrls lo secotrcl hand

urollcl iracli.
\,\'hcner.r:r'\'our ualch'olrt: rrcr:cls t'cll'cshing urake srtr('\!u titlic I'ottt'tttln'rrrlccl

Keep the CyCle gOing.

n the last issue, this column discussed how to exploit vintage and second-hand clorhing as a means ol gaining a more indir.'idual look in a
homogenised fashion market. Vintage

two of London's best resources for customisation: W Rouleaux and The Button Queen. W Rouleau-x is a
treasure-trove of ribbons, tassels, lace, brocade and much more while The

and second-hand clothes are not the only r,vay of producing a more individual effect. You can always customise vour clothes. Ivlarylebone is v-ery lucky to have

Button Queen has an unrivalled raage o{ well, buttons. You can do an aw{ul lot with a humble button, and The Button Queen is certainly the place to iook for
unusual examples. Customisation does not, ol course,

have to be limited to trim. You can alter the length of a garment, remove the sleeves, dye it or use fabric. You don't necessarily have to be a whiz rvith a sewing machine either. There are lots of little tricks which can produce maximum effect with minimum eflort. Nonetheless, if this is still all sounding a little too much like a textiles lesson, then just follow these si,r simple tips:

Restraint should be your watch-word. the buttonS.

Not lbr nothing ctid the legendary Diana Vreeland aclvise that belbre you learre the house you should look in the mirror ancl *ren take one item awali Excess does nothing lor a garment or an oulfit. \4ake sure that ),-our customisation is not outialdish. It u'ill be a"1l the more ellbctive for it.


Change Say 1'or-r have bought a simple plain carcligan from a high street store. The buttons are the same colour as the garment. \{ell, changing the buttons is a simple but elGctive way of mfir-rg the cardigan unique. One trick r'vith a black or narl' cardigan is to bu,v buttons of all diferent colours, one yellow, one red, one green etc. The ellect is r,'ery Sonia Rykiel. And u,hat's more, you don't need any specialist equipment to ser+, on a button.
as my textiles teacher usecl to say This is very r-rseful advice. Never cut something until yoll are absolutely sure that 1'ou are cutling the correct amount or that,vou are cutting in dre correct place. Once somedring has been cut, it can't be put back tosether.

oMeasure twice, cut oncet,

Flirt with current trends. If there Think hard. If the garment is something

is a major lbshion trencl * sa)' neon - lvhich lou are slightly intimidated by, add a subtle touch of it to a garment through vour clrstomisation rvithout going over the top.

rvhich you hope to keep for years, think hard before making any changes. Nlake sure your amendments are timeless and something you truly liIe.


Go Short. The simplest customisation b)'far is to clrt olf lour old pair of jeans or trousers to make a pair of Il )ou are rea11y adventruous) \ioll can her-n them. If not, the fi'ayed look can sometitnes lvork.Just make
length. Ir!}

sure $m.{ rlou cut them to a flattering

t's latc



I'm at 2r castillg


n-roclcls at the

Cotonniers sl:rop on N{arylebone

Hie'h Strcct. But this is no ordinary castins. It's lookine lor a local mother ancl claugl'rtcr dlto to takc part in dre alrtumn/u:intcr'08 adr,errising
campaign lor the Irench lashion chain. Similar castings are being held at Comptoir clcs Cotonnicrs shops arouncl the worlcl. Each searsor"r. 12 pails are sclcctccl fi:om :rround 10,000 applications. 'l'herc are certainll, no lack o{- intcrcstcd pairs attending the X{alvlcl;one casting -. 30 mothcls and dauglrter turn Llp on the night ancl onlinc applicalions are zrllor,r,ccl fcl- somc rirrc altcr-rvalds. In additior-i to being Ib:rtr.rrccl in the adr'eltisine matcrial, thc successhrl pair r.r'ill also llc Ibatr,Lred in
the brancl's Paris {irshion shor.r' in.]urrc:
ancl rvill

for there to be a spark betlvccn thern,' savs trlariarrrrc Romtst;rin. rnarraging dilector ol the brand. Cor"nptoil des Cotonniels is keen to promote this maternal bond ancl it is proud ol rlrc lact tlret thc br';rnd inrnqc ir rror cn-rbodied by thc sanrc olcl profession:rl n-rodels bnt r:rthcr l.r,v its orvn customers. "lhe il'Iarylebonc casting stzrrts at 5pln irnd thele are soon no shortagt:

N,Ieh.yn Vincent Photographr., is on hand to take the test shots arrcl quickly puts the pairs at easc as the,v pose lbr a ILr'v [i-ames. A special I'eatr-u'c of thc castilrg^ is that every pair l'ill havc ll)c opl)()r'tr-ulitV to Ialc| huv e prinr of thc photo as a keepsakc. So cven

thcv rlnrr't r,r'in rirc t orlpcririnn. rlro''ll stiU lrin c prool ol rlrcir nrolncur in the spotliglrt. Ihe castinp alsc)
proviclcs cverr.'body rvidt
et rcall,v good o1:portnnitv to brorvscr the rails. 'Ihc rurakcslrifi rnoclcls an' soon trvirrq on clotl'rcs ancl makirrg pur-chases.



r-nothers zurcl claughtcrs making tl'rc

the schor-rl rnn home to take thcir chanccs in fi-ont ol thc camcra. The atmospl.rcrc is Iirn ancl light. '\{'e\'c most


ncvcr donc ant'thinq likc this beflore, bLrt it lcallv has bcen cnjovablc.' says Jarrc Roy u'ho h:rs elttullclccl rvidr hcr'
Dauqhtcrs langc Ii'on-l toclcllcrs to \\/omcn in thcir eallv thirtics. '1'his is in keeltine r'r'ith the ethos ol- the ltrancl, rvlrich lrrs li'atrncd thlcc gcrrcletions irr ils advcrtisements in the past. \\re'll harr to u'ait until latcr in thc r,c:u'to sec il one of t-hc \'Iaq'lcbone moLhcL ;r.trcl tl:rnghtcr drros rr'ill r'( plcscitl Lorrclon in ncst
scason's ach.ertisin-* campzrigrr. www.meresetfi

win d500 \\rorth ol'r'ouchcrs.

\\Ihy mothcl ancl clauqhter cluos? For tcn vcars now the compzrnv hzrs ris,'tl rn,rrlrr'r'lrrrl tlau,lirrcl p:rir': in its a.dvcrtising c:arl:paiens and promotion:r'l mzrtclierl, altcl this has bccome an easill iclcntifial;lc I'e:rture of tlie blancl. "l'hc irnportant thing- is for mr.rthcls ancl d;rr-rgh'terc lo {.ook t,otarllr, flatrua]. and

'fhc Lk;mptoir

tr.o danghters. Helcnzr

arrcl Camillzr.

des Cotonnicrs stall' arc

on hand to provicle lelicshmcr-rts ancl

assistancc" The lairv catkcs prolc vt:n populal among the rnungcl children, :rs rlocs thc dl:rn-rPag'lc alnons thc acllllts.


Iiatic Holt. a pl'rotoeraphcr'


S-ar putea să vă placă și