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Room For Improvement Corner 25th March 2012

CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT by Widya Azreen bt Abdul Aziz ______________________________________________________________________ Classroom management is one of the most important elements that a teacher needs to be aware of in creating an effective classroom environment. The most important thing is the classroom management plan. There are three effective ways that teachers can apply in controlling their pupils. First, a teacher has to stay positive. No matter how bad the pupils behaved, how weakest the pupils are, teachers have to stay positive. A good teacher will also praise their pupils if the pupils do something good. This will motivate the pupils to participate actively in the lesson. A teacher should also use the language of choice in controlling the pupils. Instead of telling them to do something, we can make them to chose to do something. Classroom arrangement is another important element. The setup of the classroom is very important. A comfortable classroom arrangement will help pupils to be productive in learning. The classroom also needs to be ready for learning every day. The classroom must always being managed to ensure that pupils can concentrate during teaching and learning progress. A good quality of classroom arrangement normally will have a reading corner. By having a home feeling reading corner we can promote reading in the classroom. Teachers desk location is another important criterion. In the article written by Debbi Cluff, he suggested that teachers desk should be located at the back of the classroom so that teacher can monitor the whole class at the same time. We can also have a print-rich environment in our classroom to endorse learning literature among pupils. Here, there are five tips to silence a noisy class. First, always remember that teacher is the boss in the classroom. Teachers will control the class and not letting the pupils to ruin the classroom with their misbehavior. Second, teachers should have definite rules on noise and make sure that pupils are clear about the rules. To begin our control over pupils, we should start

outside the classroom, so, teachers must control pupils entry into the classroom. Teachers should also have setting work done and ready for pupils once they enter the classroom. This will make the lesson goes smoothly. Last, but not least, teachers should know the right way to ask for silence. For instance, they may shout and give warning, write on the board or wait until the whole class silence before starting the lesson. In conclusion, classroom management is a huge responsible for a teacher to ensure that teaching and learning process goes smoothly. Perhaps, by applying the suggested ideas above, we can improve our classroom management efficiently.

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