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The Reality of "Inner-space" Part 1 It should be easy to grasp the fundamental-values of the Unseen-worlds, if you open-up your clarity

with a new-perceptive approach. Perception is judgeing-reality or its conception by "viewing" the senses of Cosmicthought. The Internal-canals of thought are "aquainted or monopolised by Material-teachings "most" of which are dogmatic and sublime in their necessity to put Universal-theorys forward. Here then, in these treatise are "opened-realitys" to Universal-perception, opened-doorways granted to the few. I am not a teacher of earthly-physics nor Astronomer in Advanced Telescopic-techniques. Such visions only show the Reality of density NOT the internal-framework of space! So here we go/ One Universe, for THERE ARE many, looks something like this: A shimmeringtree held stable within a Shell which suspends or floats within the Abyssmal-garden. (the REAL garden of EDEN!) there are MANY such "Trees" or "Uni-verses", Trees-of-sentient-knowledge which form the framework of space and time, and its various "anomalies". Each "Tree" gives forth a different-hue of colour, a different vibrational-chord, or song! (Which ultimately contributes to the heavenly Orchestra) (heard only by he on high) Lets examine one-tree (Uni-verse) jutting out of this tree at its base are a number of "roots" or tunnels, most escaping into the Abyssmal-garden some leading to a dead-end. From the Centre of this swirling root-system can be seen a downward "spiralling-tube" a Bluecorona alternating down its length, and finally descending into the "Top" of the next-tree (uni-verse). All these "TREES" are linked and it is by their "ASCENSION" the soul or Flame gains spiritual-light. We next see or view by inner- perception, the Branches of this tree, and "see" freely hanging at intervals the "fruits-of-knowledge" the CELESTIAL-spheres. The harbours of sentient-lifeforms and spiritual-development. Along these "branches" are shown "KNOTS", knots which are really "Pylons" or gateways to the deeper-dimensions, where respectively to the left and right of their pylons (gateways) can be found the denizens and entitys "used" by MAGI forever in ageing rituals! Dimensions which harbour "beings" unfathomable to Mans concious or unconcious Imagination. There are approx 49 "Knots" within each tree (uni-verse) There ARE sevenlevels of TIME! A view looking down upon one tree gives forth a Webbed-matrix "intertwining" in a cosmic-cycle. The seven-concentric Circles of time, each showing a variant in "vibrational-colour". Time is a concept of "speed"/"acceleration" of-magnetic-thought through the Fields of Gravitation and Manifest-matter. Each Time-cycle or circle of time, arrays its lifeforms in " systems and galaxys of pools" of inherent matter of planktons cast in an Infinite-ocean! From the Slowest-timescale (Circle-of-time) ( at the Top of the Tree) to the Fastest-timescale, (near the bottom of the tree) are seen the Webbed-lines of space, "The-

corridoors" of Anti-matter. Used "as it were" by some UFOs! We "EARTHLINGS" live in the sixth-scale of time, its accelerated-timescale causing premature molecular-ageing. Alien-froms from say number-one timescale live A VERY LONG TIME! Their molecular assimilation very-slow. Time is two-parralels ,1 the continuous "state of being" of particles spinning in consistency to their Sub-atomic form, their REALISATION of being. Time parrallel 2, the known "Seeing" or perception of Timesreality, where "things" are moved throughout a created Density of atomic-state. This tree like all of the "many-others" harbours knowledge, wisdom creation. And each of us through Ascension of each-tree gains more knowledge more LIGHT! Part two expanding upon this. Outside this tree in the Abyssmal-garden are a number of silver-webs, clearly seen/percieved by my inner-self, my opened cosmic-self. These WEBS furnished by the "Spider-queen-of-space", the Gardener of spiritual-growth one might say? hanging upon some of them a collection of "cocoons", "shells", which contain Immoral-souls trapped for a time. Close by " the QLIPOTH" whom await a chance to "Pierce" these shells and "Feed" upon the Minds within. Nothing in The darkness is as it appears to be. continued Part 2. TRThompson

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