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Wh at if

a human evolution theory.

What would happen if our knowledge of extraterrestrials is challenged? What if an extraterrestrial is in fact terrestrial, thats to say human beings, flesh and blood, just like you and me? Will the skeptics become believers and believers skeptics, or will we all just simply believe in a third possibility? Proving this with facts and figures and not just make believe mumbojumbo is what lays ahead, and with this we all can have an intelligent, constructive debate, worldwide if

A human evoluti on theory

WHAT IF? Human evolution

possible over the future evolution of the human race.

Section I . . . . pg. 3

Section II. . . . pg. 4

Believers, Skeptics, third group

Section III. . . .pg. 5


Section IV. . . .pg. 8

Basic human needs: How essential are they?

WHAT IF? Human evolution

Section IV. . pg. 28

Lack of basic human needs

Section V. . . pg. 16

Section VI .pg. . .17

If true, then why?

Section VII. . pg. 19

At a glimpse

Section VIII. .pg. 20

The debate

WHAT IF? Human evolution

This book, to some may seem to be yet another science fiction book. One more reason for skeptics to increase their skepticism; and for believers, this book may just well be the reason they were looking for, not only to support their belief, but to further deepen their faith. My personal purpose of this book is, believe it or not, neither. My purpose is to simply pose a question and follow it by a debatable answer. So what is the question? Well, here it goes...What if an extraterrestrial is in fact terrestrial? Thats to say, what if these extraterrestrials that we constantly hear about and that people swear to having seen (some claim to even been abducted by them, but thats another book) are in fact us; human beings, flesh and blood, just like you and me? Simply, what if?

WHAT IF? Human evolution Well to begin with, just by writing this it feels like Im almost physically present observing the skeptics saying such things as, Oh, what a bunch of crap, or how about this one better be good, or even better, and I paid how much for this book? But as soon as I turn to believers, their immediate response is so much the opposite. Finally, someone understands, or I always knew I was different, and my personal favorite, where have you been all my life? It doesnt matter under which category you fall under: Skeptical or Believer, the purpose is the same, to have an intelligent debate, worldwide if possible. Why not? After all, do we have anything more positive to think about as a race aside from debating on our world economic situation? We are so consumed with pointing fingers as to whos to blame and looking for quick fix answers, wondering how are we going to survive until our next pay check (that is if we are still getting one), and are using up all of 5

WHAT IF? Human evolution our energy on something so negative. Why not start using our reasoning part of our brain for something more intellectual, something more positive? Our financial crisis isnt going anywhere soon, unfortunately, and our world leaders will continue to try and solve the problems that they got us into in the first place by implementing screwy initiatives and hoping one of them will actually work. So why not, in the meantime, do something together as a whole, as one race and challenge one another on this one simple question of What If....

WHAT IF? Human evolution


Believers: Who would be classified as a believer? A person, that without a shadow of a doubt believes 110% that extraterrestrials do, undoubtedly, exist; that they are in fact beings from another planet, including another galaxy. This book to them will bring another perspective to this belief. Skeptics: What characteristic would a skeptic person have? This person does not believe nor does it even cross its mind for a second that extraterrestrials exist; or at least not the way they are portrayed. A skeptic may, kind of, sort of, believe in life outside our planet, but not the way the sightings demonstrate. Skeptics dismiss 7

WHAT IF? Human evolution extraterrestrial sightings (including UFOs) as pranks or hoaxes. Third group: There is a third category though. The who cares/not-made-up-mymind group. This is the group that I feel is going to be more of a challenge to convince in participating in this worldwide debate. Because this is the group who believes in not giving a darn or not-making-up-their-mind are not set, they lack the emotional involvement that believers and skeptics have. Although their reasons for not caring/not-madeup-their-mind are respectable, for example some may say Who cares if in fact extraterrestrials are us. I`ll be long dead and won`t be affected by this, so why even entertain this possibility? And in other cases, this book may well be what they needed to make up their mind of choosing a side: Believer of Skeptic. If at any point someone from this group decides to take sides, that person can start 8

WHAT IF? Human evolution discussing their choice by means of a constructive, open-minded debate. Whatever side you the reader choose, the purpose would be the same, to debate. If you opt to not take sides, that is also perfectly fine, too. Also, this book is not to convince anyone of anything. It`s only posing a question followed by a debatable answer and the reader can then choose a side, if any.

WHAT IF? Human evolution

UFO and Extraterrestrial sightings have become a common thing since as far as we can recall, all the way through to our present century. These sightings have caused intrigue, wonder, and even more so, controversy. Some believe in this, while others explain them as pranks or hoaxes. What both sides do agree on is that whatever it is that people have seen is definitely not human, up to now at least. This is where the debate comes in. What would happen if what we believe in, or in some cases dont, is challenged? What if all our so called knowledge of these beings, is false? Will the skeptics become believers and believers skeptics, or will we all just simply believe in a third possibility? We all know that once we have a firm believe in something, its extremely hard for us to be convinced of otherwise. In order to 10

WHAT IF? Human evolution do so, we not only need proof of it but require it as a first step to at least grab our attention. Just like when we were first told that the earth was round after centuries of believing that it was flat. No one believed it, laughed off the idea and demanded proof of this non-sense. This new theory is no different, and it too needs to be proven or at least have a darn good leg to stand on. Well, here it goes Extraterrestrials or aliens have been depicted in fairly the same way by actual eye witnesses. They describe the aliens as small, thin, frail, pale in color, with big eyes, two tiny openings in the middle of their face which represents the nose and their mouth is more like a slant, no body hair on any part their skin and elongated extremes, such as fingers and certain limbs. As far as ears are concerned, they either have small openings on either side of their heads or not have any at all. This is a typical alien


WHAT IF? Human evolution description from actual witnesses, for the most part. eye

Hollywood, on the other hand, has created aliens in ALL shapes and sizes. From sweet, tender looking extraterrestrials, to huge maneating animal like beings that devour us like a snack. Obviously, were going to focus on eye witness accounts and stay away from the big screen. Before we get into the unveiling of this theory, we first have to do two things: 1) clarify the fact that this book is not, in any way, questioning religious beliefs, nor is it trying to convince the existence of life beings outside our universe. Its simply questioning our process of evolution. And 2), if we all agree on the fact that all living creatures are a product of their immediate environment then we can view this possibility with a much wider perspective. Biology 101 teaches us that all living things are the product of their 12

WHAT IF? Human evolution environment. Hence, WE are a product of the environment in which we live in. If we look at any animal we will notice that their physical characteristics are designed for their specific surroundings. This also holds true for us as human beings. Our surroundings play an important part on our physical characteristics. Thats to say, we are ideally designed to live in our beautiful, perfect environment. Mother Nature freely gives us provisions (food: fruits, vegetables, meats, poultry, fish), liquids (water), oxygen (air), warmth/nutrients (sun). The word freely is used in a very literal way. All these essential needs are provided to us for free by Mother Nature. Although now-adays we have to pay for food and water, that wasn`t the case for caveman, though. As time has passed and we have evolved, we no longer have to hunt for our food. Modern conveniences have allowed for us to simply pay someone to not only hunt for us, 13

WHAT IF? Human evolution but to also breed, raise and sacrifice and prepare our food for us. The only reason we still receive air and sun free of charge is because no one has found a way to bottle it and sell it. Of course were not talking about the oxygen bars and Vitamin D capsules.. How empty would our lives be if this ever happened?


WHAT IF? Human evolution

Typical alien reproduction


WHAT IF? Human evolution



1 Abraham Maslow pyramid

Now, lets break down our primary body needs. According to Abraham Maslow`s hierarchy of human needs1, it states that our most important needs are: food, water, air, sex, sleep, excretion, and homeostasis, as figure one demonstrates. I would also add one 16

WHAT IF? Human evolution more factor, the sun. Why? Well, proper skin exposure (before 11:00 am and 3:00 pm, and a very moderate amount of sun contact) provides our bodies with nutrients that are needed. Most of our primary needs are fully met by our environment, and then some. Nature did all the work, and the only responsibility we had was the maintaining of this Eden. But of course, that didnt happen. Not only did nature provide us with most of our primary needs, but also positioned us on the top of the food chain, and we`re also the only specie that has an advanced thinking and reasoning ability, giving us such an upper hand to all other living creatures in almost every sense. Almost is the key word. We may be dominant compared to other species, but yet we are very vulnerable in other ways. Other species may be at the bottom of the food and thinking chain, but have stronger traits than we do, the ability to evolve in a much faster way than we do. This 17

WHAT IF? Human evolution means that if their immediate surroundings were to suffer the slightest change, their bodies would be capable of evolving in a relatively fast amount of time, ensuring the continuation of their kind. Whereas we humans are more vulnerable to these environmental changes and instead of evolving we would be more susceptible to becoming extinct. We have the capability to do a world of good, just as easily as a world of evil. Because of us many animals, plants and complete ecosystems are now slowly reflourishing, and also, because of us many animals, plants and complete eco-systems have totally vanished. We have damaged our environment so much that the ozone layer by the South Pole is so thin that it seems to be punctured. This layer protects us from stronger UV rays from the sun. We`ve also contributed to a large extent to global warming and worse yet have impacted our environment in such an adverse manner that even with all our efforts to try to stop it, this 18

WHAT IF? Human evolution would take in some cases centuries to fix and in others it would be useless to remedy since it would have been too late. The damage that we have caused to our environment is so huge that we have negatively impacted animals and their surroundings. Examples of this are birds. These animals are vital to our ecosystem with pollination, seed dispersal, as well as being prey to some animals and predator to others. These, however, have recently been reported to have changed their habits in terms of breeding. Due to global warming, springs and summers have been prolonged, causing confusion to the natural reproduction cycle of birds and other animals. The cycle is beginning a lot sooner causing a series of consequences. Every single specie has a natural cycle that coincides with the rest of nature with perfect rhythm. This cycle obviously includes food resources, so if birds breed earlier, their off-springs may not have the 19

WHAT IF? Human evolution proper food resources required because these may not be ready or available, reducing the chances of survival for their off-springs, effecting animals that prey on these, causing a domino effect throughout the entire ecosystem. And this is only taking one specie as an example. Once magnified to reality, you can see how big the problem can really be. Basically most animals have two options. Either the specie has a strong survival instinct, thus allowing it to survive by evolving in some manner in order to readjust to their new environment. Or, if they are less adaptable and/or change occurs too fast, their bodies will not be able to evolve and risk becoming extinct. With luck, they evolve and readjust to their new surroundings. This evolution may include some type of mutation, such as the case of birds. A good example of evolution is the bird specie. Most paleontologists believe that birds have the most 20

WHAT IF? Human evolution direct lineage to dinosaurs, evolving through a period of millions of years directly from dinosaurs. In other words, our current birds are the product of an evolution and mutation process throughout many earth eras. So, knowing this, what makes us think that it wont happen to us? Weve damaged eco-systems to the degree of causing physical changes in smaller creatures, its only a matter of time for these damages to spread and cause harm to us. Once this happens, we too will suffer irreversible physical effects. Lets go back to our basic needs; food, water, air, sex, sleep, excretion, homeostasis. Some of these needs have a bigger impact than others depending on the purpose. Now, out of these 6 needs, the ones that we want to focus on are the first three and we`re also going to include the sun since it too plays a huge part on this possibility, and we`re going to 21

WHAT IF? Human evolution analyze each one of these needs and see how the slightest change of these can, and will, cause a negative effect on us as a race. FOOD: Our digestive system is designed to consume the food that our body needs by extracting, specifically, vitamins, dietary minerals, essential amino and fatty acids. Food provides us with vitamins such as vitamin D which promotes bone growth, and healthy teeth, which can also come in the form of the sun (in moderate levels of exposure). Vitamin D deficiency, among other causes, is also a part contributor of Rickets disease, not to mention osteoporosis (which is the brittleness of the bones). Although Rickets is a childhood disease, if not handled at an early stage, it will, among other things, deform bone structure by enlarging and/or curving the limbs and in some particular cases the phalange (elongation of fingers and toes, and limbs such as the femur) and have a lasting effect not only in the 22

WHAT IF? Human evolution person affected by it, but by also inheriting this trait to their children. Imagine becoming immune to the treatment of this disease and passing this on to our children. Should this occur, we will start having a variation in our appearance. Also dietary minerals such as potassium are essential to our body needs. Small to cero portions of this mineral can cause muscle loss and weakness. Without these essential foods, and others not mentioned, that aid us with healthy eyes, skin, teeth, muscles, organs, height, etc., our bodies would certainly have a huge physiological impact. Evidence proves that without the food that nature provides for us, our bodies would start to slowly decay and/or change. Lack of essential nutrients will lead to irreversible effects on the human race. For example, a person with anorexia or bulimia will slowly begin to lose their healthy appearance. This includes hair 23

WHAT IF? Human evolution loss, dry skin, circles under the eyes, pale skin, weaker teeth, muscle loss; their growth is stunted, not to mention the damage they are doing to their internal organs such as kidney failure, among others. The person also experiences chronic fatigue, making their movements slower and more pronounced. If we were to look at someone with anorexia or bulimia (only the silhouette of their body structure), and compare it to image 1, there is a strong similarity among them. Both are thin, frail, pale, and if we were to look at them from a distance, it would probably be hard to distinguish which is human and which is not. The focus here would be that the deficiency of food would have visible effects such as skin turning pale (regardless of the ethnicity of the individual), smaller and brittle bones, little to almost no muscle mass, thinner face structure, chronic fatigue making our 24

WHAT IF? Human evolution movements more pronounced, circles around our eyes, hair loss and the list goes on and on. If we were to add to this a condition such as Rickets, which is a deformation of our limbs, we would definitely start to see a strong resemblance to what an extraterrestrial looks like. But were not quite done yet. WATER: The human body is between 60-75% water (this an approximate figure based on body mass and volume of each person), our brain is estimated at 85% of this same liquid and our blood is about 90% H2O. It`s clear to see the importance of water for our bodies. Being properly hydrated gives us energy, cleanses our bodies of toxins, it regulates our body temperature, and so many other benefits. Lack of water causes our energy levels to drop, causing our movements to be slower, more pronounced and less spontaneous. Our skin gets dry, and we will also lose muscle mass. Our internal organs will suffer damage due to the lack of water 25

WHAT IF? Human evolution and will start diminishing in volume, and with this our bodies will also reduce in size and shape. Air: This element is so abundant in our current surrounding that even our body structure has taken it for granted, yet it is vital. Air gives us life, helps clean our blood system, and it oxygenates our brain which in turn allows for a properly working thinking machine. Air is important to almost all living creatures, including us. Our body is designed for this element by way of our nose or mouth with a direct route to our lungs Our lungs are one of the largest muscles in our bodies and responsible for introducing this element into our system by inhaling it through our nose or mouth, send it to our blood stream, and from there to every inch of our body, performing a beautifully orchestrated process that`s called life. Should air become scarce, our bodies would be forced to find different forms of obtaining this necessary element by evolving the


WHAT IF? Human evolution form it absorbs it, such as using the pores on our bodies. SUN: The sun provides us with many benefits as well as dangers. Our entire solar system is based on the components of the sun, such as rotational force, gravitational pull, and so forth. This star`s components are so perfectly balanced that it provides life to all creatures. It`s a clear example of the good and the bad all in one; too much of it would kill life, and the right amount does wonders to our bodies. It provides us with a perfect balance by also giving us night and day. During the day, we receive the sun`s rays needed for the life cycle to do its job and by night, we are sheltered from receiving more than we require. Let`s start with the benefits that we receive from the sun. The ultraviolet rays can be both, beneficial and detrimental to us and our surroundings. The plus of ultraviolet rays are that they work as an antiseptic by cleaning our 27

WHAT IF? Human evolution water (in a much slower way than we do with a modern process of purification). The sun`s rays are also a natural provider of vitamin D (in a moderate amount), which helps our bones grow as well as our hair, our skin cells rejuvenate faster and gives us a healthy glow to our skin. Some studies have shown that the amount of UV rays may be linked to the variation of a person`s skin color. This hasn`t been proven though. The sun also provides us with natural light. This form of energy is important to our every day needs and our life cycles. Our eyes are specially designed for this type of energy; if they receive too little, the pupil dilates in order to absorb as much light as possible. And if too much light is obtained, they will automatically reduce in size in order to protect our retina from any damage that may come. The down side to this is excessive exposure. It causes cancer, sunburn, dehydration, among others.


WHAT IF? Human evolution


Now lets imagine a minimization, or worse yet, an elimination of any one of these elements. How would this affect our bodies, from an internal and external perspective? Depending on the magnitude of loss of any of these elements, our bodies would have serious irreversible effects. Our bodies would be forced to adapt themselves to the availability, or lack of elements for which our bodies were designed for. Food, water, air and the sun provide nutrients and energy that are essential to our bodies and our existence. However, we can go without food for approximately 3 weeks, yet without water, only for about 3 days (both of these depend on body size and weight), and without air, a matter of seconds. Out of these four the sun`s rays is the element in which we can last longer without. Lack of the suns 29

WHAT IF? Human evolution components range drastically, from Season Affective Disorder (SAD) which is a form of winter blues to the reduction or even elimination of life cycles, which includes our food, as well as smaller species. Obviously, the first three basic needs are more crucial than the last, but if we were to unbalance this in any way, our bodies would suffer great change. Our bodies must alter themselves in order to survive, if not we as a race would become extinct, and of course this wouldnt happen since we have an automatic survival mechanism built-in. In the manner that our bodies readjust to our different surroundings, will determine our physical appearance, and not to mention our internal organs will also have to readjust. FOOD: This nutritional source is crucial to our existence. The lack of food would cause severe harm to our bodies. Food gives us endless benefits that range from providing energy to our everyday activities, to hydrating our body, to giving our 30

WHAT IF? Human evolution organs, muscles and skin the nutrients it needs to maintain the body functioning properly, to even satisfying our taste buds with the delicious combinations that the different types of cuisine provide. Without food, we would simply vanish. WATER: Lets suppose that our water supply is reduced. If our planets oceans make up 70% of our earths water, can this really happen? Of course it can. This figure alone can be very deceiving in giving the impression that we have all the water we need. This is so far from reality. We may have such a high percentage of water, however, only 2% is fresh water. If we consider that the worlds population is approximately 6,750,301,000 (and counting), 2% is not even close to what we need. If we were living in a miraculous world, this 2% would be shared in equal amounts with every person on this planet, miraculous indeed. Most underdeveloped countries 31

WHAT IF? Human evolution dont have enough drinking water, and the process of purifying water for human consumption is extremely expensive, making this even less likely and unavailable to its people. Developed countries have an upper advantage due to their strong economic system they are able to provide their citizens this valuable liquid. The purification process for these countries is so seamless that is taken for granted by its citizens that water consciousness is not truly applied. This possible lack of water will reduce our energy levels, causing our movements to be more pronounced and less spontaneous. Our skin gets dry, and we will also lose muscle mass, while our internal organs diminish in volume and size, reshaping our body structure to a much smaller, slower, thinner version of ourselves. AIR: Now, what about our air? Are we also at risk of losing this too? Well maybe not lose it all together, but definitely experience a drastic 32

WHAT IF? Human evolution reduction of the element. How? Well, first, and once again, pollution. If we continue to contaminate our air the way we are doing now, not only will we lose the energizing rays of the sun, but also our air will become denser. If this happens, our lungs would be inadequately designed considering that these are modeled for an abundant substance, and if this changes, our bodies would have to find a different way to introduce a less available, but vital, substance into our system. These changes may consist of using our pores for this purpose, expanding their size. The shape of our nose may also change, and only leaving the nostrils opened on our face. Air is essential to every living thing on our planet, even species that live under water. Remember, water is composed of oxygen as well and the components of water are H2O (2 parts hydrogen to one part 33

WHAT IF? Human evolution oxygen). It`s obvious that without any air we would all become extinct, but if the amount of air was reduced, all living things would have to evolve including us humans. Our bodies would have to find a different way to breathe that will suffice our needs. This will have a serious impact on our physical structure. There`s really not much to say about the lack of air but to simply state that without this we would immediately become extinct. Too little air would force us to find a different way of inhaling air and possibly start breathing it through our pores on our skin. Communication will also be another issue. If the air is denser, sound will not travel as fast and clear. Should this happen, we will be forced to find a different, more effective communication method other than speech, such as telepathy. It`s not an ability that is farfetched. It`s a reachable, plausible ability that can be developed. This will of course 34

WHAT IF? Human evolution have an impact on our brain size, in order to manage such a skill, and in turn will reflect on the size of our head, making this larger than normal. Our ears would also suffer a change. If telepathy does become our form of communication, we would have no need for ears. These would either reduce in size or complete be eliminated. Also, since we would no longer use our mouth for speaking purposes, this would too will be reduced and only serve for eating. SUN: The sun is the most important component of these. What would happen if we didn`t receive enough sunlight? Of course the sun isnt going away anytime soon, so, how would this be possible? Well, to begin with, pollution. We are contaminating our environment so profusely that layers of pollution are starting to cover our sky and with time, this can cause our air to become 35

WHAT IF? Human evolution denser. In many countries the contamination levels have exceeded safety health standards and public health officials prohibit people from even jogging outdoors. Pollution in the air is so dense in some places that even on a sunny, bright day sun light cannot penetrate the thick layers in the environment created by all the pollution in the air. More and more countries are experiencing this problem due to, in most cases, their excess and inadequate use of modern conveniences, such as vehicles, air conditioners, household appliances, and the list goes on, and on and on The sun also provides us with natural light. This form of energy is important to our every day needs and our life cycles. Our eyes are specially designed for this type of energy; if they receive too little, the pupil dilates in order to absorb as much light as possible. And if too much light is obtained, they will automatically reduce in size in


WHAT IF? Human evolution order to protect our retina from any damage that may come. Considering that the suns rays provide vitamin D, good for our growth, skin, hair, and even the healthy glow on our face, without this, will we still look the same? Don`t think so. We probably will start appearing to be short, pale, bald, and thin with big pupils. Now that we have seen how this may come to be, don`t you think that indeed this theory may be possible? That this in fact is our future. That the manner in which we have defined our belief of extraterrestrials has now been completely questioned. And regardless of whether we believed in them or not, our mind has now been completely challenged to this new theory of evolution.


WHAT IF? Human evolution

Should any of this be true; the changes in our environment caused by either natural course or the contribution of human kind such as global warming, either way these changes can and will cause our physiological structure to have dramatic changes. We can clearly see how the possibility of us, as human beings, be in fact what we currently know as extraterrestrials. The explanation of how these changes can lead to such a change seems to be even more realistic than fiction.


WHAT IF? Human evolution


The next question would be, if these extraterrestrials are in fact us in the future, then why is it that we are seeing them now in the present? Well how about this for an answer We are creatures that look for conveniences, without regard of how we go about accomplishing this, even if we have to sacrifice our environment to obtain it. That`s to say that we create based on our needs, and sadly enough also our whims without any thought or remorse of the effects to our environment. Due to our want of these conveniences, we have destroyed a great part of our environment. Also, technology plays a key role in this. We have advanced drastically 39

WHAT IF? Human evolution in this area and at the rate that we are going it will only depend on our imagination as to what we can create. Once having the technology, we most likely would also have found the way to travel as fast as the speed of light. And because of our desperate need to do something about our continually decaying environment, we will find the way to travel in time. Once we have done this, we are going to go back in time and little by little gather specimens and take back to the future and try to restore Mother Nature by recreating and replanting what we once destroyed. And this would explain our sightings. But if this is true, then why don`t they talk to us and let us know why they are here? Well, believe it or not, I have an explanation for this too. Let`s look at it this way. If it was the other way around and we were the future and had the ability to travel back in time and decided to talk or 40

WHAT IF? Human evolution communicate with the people in the past and explain to them the why we`re there, how the future will be, and so forth, the past will definitely have a strong reaction. In some way or another, they will all try to change something in their present so as not to affect the future. But by doing this, they would have, unwillingly, altered our existence. So would you be prepared to explain our future to people centuries behind in the past, risking an unforeseeable alteration to our entire existence? If we look at it this way, we would as a race decide that what`s best for our survival as a specie is to only go back, do our business and return as soon as possible. This would mean eliminating any and all communication with anyone from the past in order to preserve human kind and not alter our destiny in any way shape or form.


WHAT IF? Human evolution Isn`t it odd that we, as a race, have the most powerful telescopes and radars available to us and yet we have never had a recording of an unidentified flying object (in the form of extraterrestrial aircrafts) entering our atmosphere, but we have sightings of these all over the world flying around in our skies? Some of these telescopes, such as the Hubble have captured such images as the Crab Nebula, Eagle Nebula and the deep field. These
space phenomena are light years away, yet the Hubble is so potent that has clearly and beautifully captured them with an impressive quality in definition, but can`t capture a picture of a UFO entering our solar system .

Could it be true then that in fact these beings are us just travelling in time and that`s why we won`t ever see them coming in from space because they (or we) are already here? What if 42

WHAT IF? Human evolution



WHAT IF? Human evolution

As mentioned, the purpose of this book is not to cause conflict with any religious belief of whether or not life exists outside our planet. It is simply to pose a question and enter in a mature worldwide debate. The debate can be with anyone. The point is simply to bring us as a race closer together, talking about the same thing, regardless of whether we agree with each other or not. Most species work in groups to solve problems, and their thinking ability is minimal compared to us. So why do we try to solve problems separately having a much higher thinking capacity? Wouldnt it be more productive for all of us to join together, not caring about religious beliefs, nationality, color, physical differences, etc., etc., etc. and communicate with each other about situations that involve all of us? Nowadays we have tons and tons of informational resources such as newspapers, television, radio, and so forth. If we 44

WHAT IF? Human evolution were to complement this with technology available to us in the sense of internet, web cams, VOIP (voice over internet protocol, or using the internet to make phone calls) services, and the list goes on and on. True, not every single person on Earth may have access to these resources for many different reasons, but that`s were governments should step in and create Information Centers equipped with these resources for its citizens and promote their participation along with other countries and this way we can all be informed as to what is going on around us and look for improvements, solutions or whatever the case may be to what is affecting us as a race. This task should not only be left to our world leaders, as they not always know the answer, particularly if they got us into the problem in the first place, but also include every day people that are most affected by this in a more direct way. Common 45

WHAT IF? Human evolution Folk are the ones that world leaders should listen to when trying to solve a global problem considering that they live the problem day in and day out and may have a more plausible solution. What if all of this actually happened? Not only will we be able to talk about crucial issues but we would also become more conscientious of the diversity and the beauty of so many different cultures that surround us and who knows, maybe, just maybe eradicate issues that separate us as a race such as hunger, poverty and racism, just to mention a few. This possibility at this stage of maturity as a culture can only be a possibility of What If?


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