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Chan Kuo Wei Lesson Plan Date Time School Location Form Enrolment Level of Proficiency Subject Topic

Prior Knowledge Curriculum Specifications : : : : : : : : : : 4th April 2007 40 minutes SMK Taman Sri Muda Semi-urban 1 Melur 40 students Intermediate English Language (reading) Family Circle Students have learned about houses in primary school materials in print such as articles in print and electronic media 2.2 Process information by following sequence of ideas Skills Focal skill Sub-skill General Objective Specific Objectives : : : : : Reading, Writing, Speaking Reading Chronological sequence To enable students to understand the sequence of events of a text. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: Pre-reading Orally answer questions related to the topic within 5 minutes While Reading 1. Beginner

: 2.0 Obtain information for different purposes by reading

Complete the flowchart by filling in the blanks with

correct answers given in the text box with at least 80% accuracy. 2. Intermediate Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct answers

from the text box which includes distracters with at least 80% accuracy 3. Advanced Complete the flowchart on the sequence of events in

their own words with at least 80% accuracy Post reading Write an essay titled A House I Want as a Home in 250 words Moral Values Teaching Materials References : : : appreciation, contentment transparency, reading text, work sheets, OHP Ministry of Education, Malaysia (2003), Curriculum Specifications for English Language, Form 1. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Just English Magazine Special Edition 2006. Kuala Lumpur: Just English Sdn. Bhd.

Stage/ Time Pre-reading (5 minutes)

Activity/ Content Whole class activity Teaching Aids: Transparency (Appendix 1), OHP Questions: 1. Where do you live? 2. How many people stay in your house? 3. How would you feel if six or seven more people move into your house? 4. Would you be comfortable sharing your house with a lot of people?

Presentation/ Rationale 1. Students are instructed to do the following: a) Students will be shown a transparency on houses b) They will be required to answer a few questions related to houses. 2. Teacher asks for feedback to check whether students understand the instructions given. 3. Teacher shows transparency using OHP. 4. Teacher asks question 1-5 to randomly selected students 5. Teacher responds to students answers. 6. Teacher relates the activity to the reading text. Rationale: To activate students relevant content schemata before reading the text.


Individual and pair work Teaching Aids:

1. Students are instructed to do the following: a. Read the text The

(18 minutes)

Reading text (Appendix 2), Worksheet (Appendix 3)

Crowded House silently b. Complete the flowchart on the sequence of events c. They will be given 15 minutes to finish this task. 2. Teacher asks for feedback to check whether students understand the instructions. 3. Teacher distributes worksheets (Appendix 3) 4. Students attempt the task individually 5. When students have finished the task, teacher instructs students to compare their answers with an adjacent partner 6. Teacher discusses the task as a class Rationale: To enable students to identify the sequence of events in the story 1. Students are instructed to do the following: a. Write an essay titled A House I Want as a Home in 250 words.

Post-reading (5 minutes)

Individual work Teaching Aid: Worksheet (Appendix 4)

Guidelines: 1) What kind of house do you want? 2) What colour do you want your house to be? 3) Where do you want the house to be? 4) Why do you want such a house? 5) Who do you want to stay with you in the house? 6) Why do you want them to stay with you? 2.

b. They will be given the task as homework c. They will be required to pass up the homework during their next class. Teacher asks for feedback to check whether students understand the instructions. 3. 4. class. 5. Teacher asks for feedback to check whether students understand the guidelines. 6. Students attempt the task as homework. Rationale: To enable students to write a personal response of the text. Teacher gives out Teacher reads the worksheets (Appendix 4) guidelines of the essay to the

Appendix 1

Appendix 2 Read the following passage.

The Crowded House

There once lived a poor Malaysian farmer named Abu who had a very large family, and lived in a very small house. Abus house was so crowded that his children had to take turns to sleep in one tiny bed. At last, Abu could stand it no longer. So he went to the guru to ask him what to do about his impossible situation. The wise guru thought hard and long and at last had an idea. I will tell you what to do, he said. Bring your chicken to live with you inside the house. Abu couldnt understand how the chicken would help, be he trusted the gurus wisdom and did as he was told. But as soon as the chicken was inside the house, it got frightened and flapped around the room, scattering its feathers everywhere. So Abu went to the guru and complained. It only makes things worse, he said. In that case, said the guru, bring in the goat to join your family and the chicken. Abu was even more confused, but did as he was told. Soon the goat was running around eating everything he could see. First he ate Abus bedspread,

and then he started on the childrens clothes. Abu hurried back to the guru. My house is more crowded than ever! he cried. In that case, bring in your cow to live with your family, the chicken and the goat. Abu couldnt understand what was going on at the moment, but he trusted the gurus wisdom. So he went home and brought in the cow. But the huge cow immediately knocked over all the pots and pans and plates. By now the house was so crowded that no one was able to move. Abu rushed off once more to see the guru. Guru, he cried, there is no more room to breathe in my house. If it stays like this, we will all go mad! Dont worry, said the guru. I have another idea. Go home and take the chicken, the goat and the cow out of the house. Abu was completely puzzled, but he did as the guru had said. He put all the animals back into the yard, and then an amazing thing happened. Without the animals, the house seemed as big as a mansion. There was room for all his children, his wife, and himself. So Abu and his family learned to appreciate what they had, and they lived happily ever after in their huge little house.

Appendix 3 (Beginner) Choose the correct answers from the text box and fill in the blanks according to the sequence of events in The Crowded House. The first one is done for you. Abus house was crowded

Abu learned to appreciate what he had Abu asks the guru for help The house became more crowded Finally the guru told Abu to remove the animals from the house. The guru tells Abu to bring in the chicken, the goat and the cow to live with his family. Abus house was crowded

Appendix 3 (Intermediate) Choose the correct answers from the text box and fill in the blanks according to the sequence of events in The Crowded House. The first one is done for you. Abus house was crowded

Abu praised the guru Abu learned to appreciate what he had Abu asks the guru for help The house became more crowded Finally the guru told Abu to remove the animals from the house. The guru tells Abu to bring in the chicken, the goat and the cow to live with his family. Abu enjoyed having the animals in the house Abus house was crowded

Appendix 3 (Advanced) List the sequence of events of The Crowded House in your own words. The first one is done for you.

Abus house was crowded

Appendix 4 Write an essay titled A House I Want as a Home in 250 words. You should use the following guidelines to aid you to write the essay: What kind of house do you want? What colour do you want your house to be? Where do you want the house to be? Why do you want such a house? Who do you want to stay with you in the house? Why do you want them to stay with you?

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