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A conversation with God

Unlocking the truth

By Neha Copyright 2012 Neha Smashwords edition Smashwords Edition License Notes: Thank you for downloading this free e Book Although this is a free !ook" #t remains the co$yrighted material of the author" and may not !e re$roduced" co$ied % distri!uted for commercial % non commercial $ur$ose #f you like this !ook" $lease encourage others to read it &r share it with your friends" relatives Thank you for your su$$ort

You are a soul & Your Father is Supreme Soul. Now He has come on Earth-To destroy this old age & to lay the foundation of a new olden age.!

'This lesson is very easy (ee$ on s$reading this message This is the sim$lest way to get the (ingdom of the new age) *e said % everyone listened to what he said carefully with Love # never thought that # would !e in a meditation class But there # was Still" # was glad that # chose this centre for my classes #t was so different #t felt like a family # could s$end a whole day here % would never get !ored # always felt !lessed !ecause # had all the things # wanted +areer" caring family" Loving $artner" ,riends to s$end time with Today, when I am sitting on a stool outside the Meditation centre in front of a Park. I see where I was a few days before. I see what I was missing in my life. A spiritual corner. That was all left to be achieved in my Life and now here I am .Accomplishing this important target of my life. I always wanted to have all I want. I m Passionate about everything I love. I ve one good thing! I see hope. "verywhere. And I wanted to groom my good part. -here could # find it then. #ere # smiled Someone $laced a $alm on my shoulder # looked !ehind She was the Lady who introduced me to this $lace #/d !e always thankful for her this selfless service )*ow was the class.)She asked with an innocent smile *er face was glowing with something # never reali0ed !efore # mean how was it $ossi!le to stay so calm when there was a com$lete rush for com$etition around you So much to achieve There were so many things to do in life 1ind was always !usy in serving this need or the other $lanning if nothing else #t ke$t on running as if it was all alone in the race21y mind was never calm at the very least Sometimes # was !usy in weaving a !etter future for myself % sometimes # was !usy in collecting my $resent and sometimes # was !usy in digging in my $ast # smiled )#t was good) # said # wanted that $eace of mind % it never occurred to me !efore that day2The day when # cried for no good reason # didn/t know what ha$$ened But there was one thing missing 2+ontrol # was ruining everything # had !ecause of my fault My behavior #t was the time when # missed the values2that could have hel$ed me in dealing these situations -hat was really missing. 1y 3ualities. 1y am!itions. 1y $ersonality45elationshi$s Everything was 6ust !lurred But there was always a ray of ho$e then # knew #/d handle the things way out of this % #/d find a

'&m Shanti" Sister *ow are you.)A lady in a !eautiful yellow saree asked" coming towards our side 'Good *ow a!out you '# asked with a $leasant smile '# am good Thank you )She re$lied with her contented smile )# !rought some notes for you 'She showed me the 7iary she was holding in her delicate hands )These are my $ersonal notes # $re$ared from the 1urlis )1urlis as they call it literally meant $weet voice. # really didn/t know everything a!out it yet % # didn/t know if it was the influence of these classes But they were all so loving % they shared it with everyone they came in contact The !est thing # liked there2They never 6udged # was comforta!le She sat !eside me # was e8cited to hear it Because" Sukarma sister said something s$ecial a!out 1urlis once) it gives solution of your all the $ro!lems % it never fails #/ve tested it myself )-hen # asked what it was She sim$ly said it was a collection of %&'L( T"A)#I*%$ *ere # was ,inally" listening to a few of 1urlis She started reading her notes so that # could listen to it She didn/t add even a single word from her side in it As it was considered wrong to modify what su$reme Soul has taught She ke$t on reading carefully yet en6oying every $art of it # went with the flow listening to these lovely murlis" Su$reme Soul Says '#/m called the ocean of love !ecause # love all of you !eyond any limit So *ave ,aith in me Believe #9ll Take the !est care of you every time :# smiled ;es God loved me too Su$reme Soul Says": ;&U9re a <eace Loving Soul 1y love" Be *a$$y % make everyone else around you ha$$y :5emem!er #9m Always with ;&U # smiled again # would do that Su$reme Soul Says": # come &N+E in the end of =>>> years" to Lay the ,oundation of a new age for you2-hich is known as *EA?EN@ Golden Age @AANNAT@<aradise To remind you all who you are # come here to !less you all with the lifetime ha$$iness and $eace Because" # Love you ) Su$reme soul says: 1editate u$on su$reme soul9s Bualities &n what # say ;ou9ll automatically get all the 3ualities in you % the immense strength to change your surroundings % the world Aust the ?#B5AT#&NS of your mind will !e ca$a!le of influencing others % the whole world -hen you can love a $erson so much who 6ust $ossess a <A5T of the 3ualities then how easy it is to love your father :

Su$reme soul says ';our father2Su$reme Soul is the only ABS&LUTE truth No one else can claim that he@she is a C>> D truth &nly A God9s name is an a!solute truth % nothing else So sweet children" you should N&T !e influenced !y AN; other com$any Be only in the com$any of the A!solute T5UT* % give T*#S influence to others *ere" you !ecome a flower with fragrance So it9ll !e 6ust nice to give a $art of your fragrance to others 5E1E1BE5 1E in every moment of your life Lots of love to sweet children from your father % grandfather) # felt !eloved immensely !y someone At $eace as # was now # started meditating % not only me !ut everyone could see a change in me A positive change # learnt to control my mind for something good # felt like # was feather light # could feel that # was not alone 2That there was always someone to stand !y my side2to give me the immense strength # needed2 to hold me in arms when # needed a hug !adly # was not alone in my 6ourney % only this feeling gave me the strength to live my life ha$$ily -hy should have # even !othered a!out anything else when there was someone 2the centre of whole Universe2The God" was there to care a!out me # smiled As if # was lifted u$ from inside # started everyday like a new day2-ith a !right smile '*ey 1ikeE # want to share something with you )# could not hold the ha$$iness And # was $rom$ted to tell this to everyoneE

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