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Cmo reparar un desgarramiento en una chaqueta de cuero

Un tajo en una chaqueta de cuero puede arruinar su aspecto. Los desgarramientos de ms de 6 pulgadas de largo son casi imposibles de arreglar en casa. Sin embargo, puedes reparar tajos y desgarramientos ms pequeos como lo haras con muebles de cuero. La mejor manera de reparar el cuero es contar con un equipo de reparacin que quepa en el desgarramiento con un relleno suave de cuero que har desaparecer el problema. Tmate tu tiempo cuando quieras reparar el tajo para obtener los mejores resultados. Nivel de dificultad: Moderada


Alcohol rectificado Paos suaves Trincheta Gnero de lienzo Tijera Pinzas Pegamento para cuero Relleno para cuero Parche de cuero Tintura para cuero Acondicionador de cuero

1. 1

Limpia la zona que rodea al desgarramiento con alcohol rectificado y un pao suave para quitar la grasa y el aceite. 2. 2 Usa una trincheta afilada para recortar todo borde agrietado o daado alrededor del tajo. 3. 3 Corta un trozo de tela de lienzo de 1 pulgada ms larga que alrededor del desgarramiento. Corta la tela con bordes redondeados para evitar que se desprenda. Desliza el trozo de lienzo debajo del desgarramiento del cuero usando pinzas. 4. 4 Agrega pegamento para cuero entre el parche de lienzo y la chaqueta de cuero con un palillo. Espera a que seque el pegamento, te dars cuenta cuando est seco al tacto. 5. 5 Coloca, ejerciendo presin, algn relleno de cuero en el espacio que queda libre entre los dos lados del desgarramiento. Coloca bastante relleno para cubrir el agujero y extindelo levemente desde la parte superior del cuero a toda la zona que lo rodea. Coloca ejerciendo presin un parche de cuero sobre la superficie del relleno para darle una textura de cuero. Deja que el relleno se seque antes de proseguir. 6. 6 Tie el relleno con tintura para cueros aplicando el color en el relleno con un pao suave. Agrega la cantidad suficiente de tintura como para que el relleno y el resto de la chaqueta tengan un color uniforme. Deja que la tintura seque por completo antes de tocar la chaqueta o de usarla. 7. 7 Coloca acondicionador en el cuero alrededor de la zona emparchada para que nuevamente el material se ablande y resulte terso. Quita todo exceso de acondicionador de cueros con un trapo suave.

How To Repair a Tear In Leather

This guide will show you how to fix a tear in leather. The same procedure applies to tears in all type of leather: furniture, car interior, clothes and all other leathers.

This photo shows a tear in a panel from a leather sofa. To fix the tear you will need the following products. Products Required Leather Repair Kit - To fix the tear Leather Touch Up Kit or a Leather Colourant Kit - depending upon the area needing repaired.

The tear we are fixing is quite large, and there is cracking around it, so I have chosen to use a leather colourant kit to restore the colour afterwards. This is because a large area needs restored, rather then just needing to apply colour to the tear, in which case I would have used a leather touch up kit.

So, as shown in the above photo. I have prepped and alcohol cleaned the tear and the surrounding leather. This cleans the surface making the colour (later applied) adhere better. In this photo, I am using a scalpal to trim the worn edges off the tear making for a cleaner edge and smarter repair.

This photo shows the tear after the edges have been trimmed. If you compare the two edges, you can see that before they are cut, they stick out like lips. By trimming them down, they become flat, which is very important when it comes to filling the gap - without trimming them the repair would be raised.

Using the tweezers and canvas cloth supplied in the leather repair kit. Insert the cloth behind the tear.

Once the cloth is behind the leather, use a small pointed object to apply the glue onto the underside of the leather. Basically - put the glue inbetween the cloth and the leather. Press the leather down onto the cloth once the glue has been applied to all the edges and leave it to dry. This technique re-creates the backing of the leather making for a very strong repair. The next step is to apply the heavy filler into the tear. This will fill the gap in the leather making it level with the rest of the leather. The filler is applied in several thin layers and a grain pattern can be embossed into the final layer to further blend the tear in with the rest of the leather.

Apply one thin layer to start with and then dry it off with a hair drier for a few minutes. Repeat this process until the tear is about 3/4's full. Then apply one last layer to the tear and smooth it off with the palette knife making it level with the leather. For a perfect repair you can use a grain pad to emboss the grain pattern into the filler.

In this photo I am sponging on the base coat of colour. The first thing to do is apply 2 or 3 coats of colour, only to the filler so that the colour becomes fully opaque. Then, sponge the colour around the wider area to blend it in better. This leather is two tone so the base colour is applied first and then the top colour afterwards.

This photo shows the tear with the base colour applied ontop of it. When applying the base colour, some cracks were exposed, which have been filled again with the heavy filler. Wipe the filler over the leather with the palette knife. Leave for 5 minutes and then gently sand to make smooth, using 1200 grit paper.

As said before, this leather is two tone, which is where it has a light coloured base, with a darker colour sprayed over the top of it. So, I have sprayed the top coat of colour over the base to blend it in properly. The leather is then sealed in with the leather finish for a strong, long lasting, invisible repair!

This is a close up photo of the tear after it has been fixed. You can see that by using the correct products, taking your time, and finishing well, that you can quite easily get a perfect repair.


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