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Jenn Lee What does feminism mean to you?

The word feminist probably conjures up the image of some hairy, militant woman who hates men and has no sense of humor. But we think this isn't the case; everyone can be a feminist! Others may think feminism isn't needed anymore; it ceased being necessary after women gained the right to vote. Feminism is still alive and well in this day and age, and still very necessary. You may have seen images of the Who Needs Feminism? campaign at Duke University ( We, the women of Who Needs Feminism? at NC State ( are trying to start the same thing on this campus in order to raise awareness for issues feminism is concerned with and start an open and honest conversation. We're looking for people interested in getting involved with us, either to volunteer their time or to take a photo for the campaign. If you are interested, please like our page and email us at We think NC State needs feminism. Do you?
Like Unfollow Post 7 hours ago

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Jenn Lee Please consider that this post is intended to be a safe space for discussion. We will remove any comments that are intended to harass, intimidate, belittle, attack, or ridicule, for they will be considered harmful to the positive and safe community that we hope to create. If you choose to express an opposing viewpoint, please do so without resorting to personal attacks, sexist remarks, petty insults, or lewd commentary. We hope that your power of persuasion is above resorting to these tactics. Challenge yourself to debate in a constructive and open-minded manner. 7 hours ago Like 1

Bobby Ralston In the post, you say that feminism isn't "some hairy, militant woman who hates men and has no sense of humor", but do not share what the correct view of feminism is. Would you care to elaborate on what Feminism is supposed to look like, and what it's goals are? 7 hours ago Like 2

Jenn Lee Feminism is a huge, broad movement that doesn't have one definition. All feminists share the view of securing equality between the genders, but many feminists focus on different issues within that broad scope. Yes, some feminists are hairy. But some aren't. There isn't one definition of feminism, or one definition of a feminist. Feminists can be women, men, young, old, white, black, purple, gay, straight and everything in between. We are simply asking that people open their minds to the possibility that feminism can be, and is, something different, something necessary.

7 hours ago Like

Bobby Ralston Are there any particular issues that feminists are currently focusing on to secure equality between the genders? What would be the focuses of the Feminist movement at NCSU? 7 hours ago Like 1

Jenn Lee There's about a million issues feminists are working on. These range from equal pay to rape culture to reproductive rights. The Who Needs Feminism? movement at NC State will simply be focusing on getting the word out there and open people's minds to the possibility that they need feminism. 7 hours ago Like

Bobby Ralston What do you mean by "get the word out there"? Are you going to pass out pamphlets letting the masses know the issues at hand for women? Are you going to organize protests in areas where you think that men are oppressing women? or are you going to stand out in the brickyard and yell "FEMINISM" for an hour a day? 7 hours ago Like 1

Bobby Ralston ^I'm being serious by the way... because I'm genuinely confused as to what the purpose of feminism is in todays world, and so far all I've been able to grasp is Feminism is a group of anybody, focusing on a million different issues. 7 hours ago Like 1

Jenn Lee While the mental image of standing in the brickyard and yelling "FEMINISM" is a truly hilarious one, I don't think we'll be taking that route. We are simply looking to have conversations, like this one, where we answer people's questions about the issues feminism focuses on. So if you have any specific questions, please feel free to ask us! And it seems you're looking for a more general set of information; for that, I encourage you to check out the original Who Needs Feminism? page ( and this website: which has a list of some reasons why feminism is still important.

Think women have achieved equality? Think again. | Official Blog This list is modified every so often to fix broken links, add new points, and ot...See More 7 hours ago Like 1

Bobby Ralston So the goal of Feminism is to expunge gender roles from society completely? Would this mean changing the English language completely? And example of what I mean would be from number 1 from the article 1)Men are the default and women are the Other - how would the feminist movement go about changing this, and instead of saying "he caught the ball", would it be better to say "she caught the ball"? or would you use a different word such as "it caught the ball"? 7 hours ago Edited Like 2

Sam Mazany If its about gender inequality then why call it feminism? Why not something gender neutral? 7 hours ago via mobile Like 10

Jimmy Pagett I prefer to write "(s)he"...but I doubt it will catch on 6 hours ago Like 3

Sam Mazany I've always seen feminism positioned as some sort of superiority complex to men. I know society has perpetuated male dominance but why is swinging it the other way any better? I've always felt a general contempt from feminists because I'm a male, which is just as backwards. 6 hours ago via mobile Like

Alexandra Anastasi It is referred to as feminism because it is promoting the issues that women face and why women aren't treated as equal to men. Feminists are promoting equality for all, but referring to the issues women face with inequality. 6 hours ago Edited Like

Alexandra Anastasi We, as feminists, are in no way trying to prove ourselves better than men. We simply want to be treated as equals and to get rid of the oppression that face women in today's society. 6 hours ago Like

Rutger Blankley Bobby I think I have a point on what you were mentioning. Think about the word "guys" such as "How are you guys doing tonight?" a common phrase used by some servers. It is a word that started out as just a word to mean a group of men but has transformed some into just a meaning group of people regardless of sex. I personally don't address a group of women by going "Hey guys!" (I use you all because I think saying "Hey ladies" can come across as creepy) but some people do and it is fairly acceptable. This change has made the word more gender neutral. I think for your ball example one it needs to be for a group of people. One way in which you can see that men are the default is in certain languages, take spanish for instance. If it is a group of mixed company, men and women, the default is to use the male form (Ellos versus Ellas). So I think some are working to make it more neutral. Most aren't going to try and change an entire language but I guarantee you there is probably some feminist groups out there that do want that. 6 hours ago Like

Alexandra Anastasi Exactly. We aren't trying to change the English language, we are just trying to raise awareness to the issues and create honest and respectful conversations. 6 hours ago Like

Andi Hughes to answer your direct question with a direct answer: No. 6 hours ago Like

Alyssa Doman I ask both a serious and joking question as a result of this post: If women aim to be equal to men, why complain about the lack of chivalry to women from men? If a women believes she can take care of things just like a man can, what reason does that man have to assist her? This is not to say that I don't believe in chivalry, dislike gentlemen, or think that all men are rude, blah blah blah, but it's a question that I want to ask, because oppression is not the only thing that comes from differing gender roles. 6 hours ago Like 2

Zachary McGee I'm impressed that this conversation has stayed respectable. I'll put forth my opinion in a very modern way. LOL @ Feminism See that? Texting lingo to reach out to a younger generation with idea 6 hours ago via mobile Unlike 2

Alexandra Anastasi To answer your question, Alyssa, we are not promoting chivalry. We are simply promoting equality. 6 hours ago via mobile Like

Jenn Lee Alyssa, I think your question is a result of people in our society who think we do and don't need feminism. There are women who complain about a lack of chivalry. Then you have me, who argue that chivalry is benevolent sexism and we should do away with it. 6 hours ago Like 1

Alexandra Anastasi And again, we ask you to remain respectful on this post. We sincerely thank those who have. 6 hours ago Edited Like 1

Jenn Lee And Bobby, to explain further about pronouns and such, there is a large movement for gender neutral pronouns, such as xe. Here's a wikipedia article about it:

Gender-neutral pronoun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A gender-neutral pronoun is a pronoun that is not associated with any gender. It...See More 6 hours ago Like

Jenn Lee Sam, to answer both your questions: First, there are many people who share views with feminists who chose to call themselves intersectionalists, humanists, and equalists. Even though feminism fights for equality for all people, and even seeks to end the ways in which our society hurts men, it has retained the moniker 'feminism' in recognition that in our society, men have the power. Second, I'm sorry you have felt that way from feminists before. Personally, I believe that feminism is for everyone and I know some great male feminists! 6 hours ago Like

Zachary McGee If a person that sends most of their time on the Internet and is a decent linguist has never heard of the movement or XE then obviously it isn't one. Also you are giving men the right to be chauvinistic bastards 6 hours ago via mobile Like

Jenn Lee Zachary, am I understanding you right in saying that you have never heard of xe? And can you please explain further how we are giving men the right to act like chauvinistic bastards? 6 hours ago Like

Alyssa Doman I personally believe that pure gender equality should really only exist on an economic level. In a society, pure gender equality will be impossible, as there are certain gender roles that we cannot avoid. Also, though many of us believe that all people are created equally, how people actually WANT to be treated will vary from person to person. I, for example, actually enjoy being treated as a lady (though not pampered) by members of the opposite sex. 6 hours ago Like 12

Zachary McGee WHAT ALYSSA SAID!!! 6 hours ago Like 1

Jenn Lee And Alyssa, that is your right to feel that way! Personally, I think it's important for everyone to hold open doors for everyone else and treat everyone politely, and my problem only comes from men doing it specifically because I am a woman or my perceived weakness. Here's a specific example: There was this guy who would always open the door for me. I'm cool with that. But my problem came when he would refuse to walk through a door I opened for him, or went so far out of his way as to be inconvenient to both of us to open a car door for me, as in, he would unlock the driver door (no power locks), unlock the other door, then run all the way around the car to open my door. That's just too much work! 6 hours ago Like 1

Rickey E Smith 5 hours ago Like 6

Rickey E Smith 5 hours ago Like 7

Rickey E Smith 5 hours ago Like 7

Alexandra Anastasi Rickey E Smith, we ask that you be respectful. Thanks. 5 hours ago Like 2

Rickey E Smith 5 hours ago Like 4

Rickey E Smith 5 hours ago Like 6

Rickey E Smith 5 hours ago Like 5

Rickey E Smith 5 hours ago Like 3

Rickey E Smith Alexandra Anastasi 5 hours ago Like 4

Rickey E Smith 5 hours ago Like 5

Rickey E Smith 5 hours ago Like 5

Rickey E Smith I could keep going, but I have schoolwork to do. This feminism stuff is a load. There are plenty of resources already available to women on campus. If one was really concerned with equality, they would work on integrating these networks with already-existing networks on campus. 5 hours ago Like 1

Rickey E Smith Let's go ahead and combine the womens center w/ the counseling center 5 hours ago Unlike 2

Rickey E Smith Lets Open up WISE to men, and just make it an Engineering Village 5 hours ago Unlike 4

Rickey E Smith Women of Welch? Let's go ahead and make it "Team of the Triad" 5 hours ago Edited Unlike 1

Zach Rice So then what about areas in which females receive more benefits, or a greater preference than men? if equality is truly the issue, why not speak just as much about these issues? 5 hours ago Like

Alexandra Anastasi Could you further explain what benefits you are talking about? But, to answer your second question, we are trying to address all issues of inequality. Men should be treated just as equally as women. And if men aren't being treated equally, we will stand for that as well. But, in the majority of situations, women are the ones being treated unequally. But we stand for equality for all. 5 hours ago Like

Rickey E Smith Last meme post. Everyone read this one! It's NCSU-Specific 5 hours ago Like 6

Bobby Ralston Could you further explain what issues Feminism would address on campus? 5 hours ago Like

Jenn Lee Zach, these programs give women special treatment to help them to break into fields where women are underrepresented, similar to the goals of affirmative action. Once the original stigma keeping women from entering these fields is eliminated, these special programs won't be needed because we will see equal population representation in all things, that is to say, roughly half men and half women. 5 hours ago Like

Alexandra Anastasi On campus, we are trying to make people more aware of issues regarding rape culture, unequal pay, sexism, etc. 5 hours ago Like

Rickey E Smith Maybe it's because I dont keep too many close female friends, but I've never heard anything about a stigma. I mean of course you're going to have different percentages (I'm in FS, and it's 70% female, and I'm not claiming stigma), but I just feel like that's not the case at NCSU. 5 hours ago Like

Jenn Lee Bobby, our goal is to open people's minds to the possibility of feminism in the hope they will then find specific issues to be active about. Alex and I, and everyone else involved in Who Needs Feminism? at NC State are looking to raise awareness about the feminist movement through education, not to change specific things on campus through lobbying. 5 hours ago Like 1

Rickey E Smith I lied, I'm not done posting memes: 5 hours ago Unlike 5

Rickey E Smith If you're worried about the lack of female engineers, pick up a TI-83 and get to working. 5 hours ago Like 5

Bobby Ralston I think what it really boils down to for those of us that think Feminism is a load, is that we have mothers, sisters, female friends... and to accuse us (as men) of discriminating against the ones that we feel the most protective of pisses us off. 5 hours ago Like 7

Ally Andi Rogers As someone who has been hurt by sexist comments and actions, I appreciate the movement. Both genders face issues and stereotypes that are harmful. The big issue to tackle is closed minds and people who dont understand/don't want to understand. 5 hours ago via mobile Like 2

Jenn Lee Bobby, in no way are we trying to blame men for the the problems feminism is trying to fight. Sexism is perpetuated by both women and men, and we are tying to change everyone's opinions. 5 hours ago Like 1

Alexandra Anastasi We are not saying that as all. We are in no way saying that all men discriminate against women. Most men treat women fairly and equally. We are just trying to raise awareness for the issues. 5 hours ago Like

Rickey E Smith Considering Ally's statment, I rescind about 76% of my statements. 5 hours ago Like

Jenn Lee Ricky, you are correct that you may not be aware, because you are a male. Personally, I have faced opposition from peers and teachers telling me that I should not be in science, that I should drop out change majors, change my passions because what I chose to do is not traditionally female. When everyone is against me trying to pursue a degree in science, it makes it rally hard to succeed, and it's not as simple as picking up my calculator. That is the stigma we're talking about, and it is the reason fields like engineering are so overwhelmingly male. 5 hours ago Like

Rickey E Smith ALLY DID YOU BLOCK ME?!? WTF. 5 hours ago Like

Zach Rice Did you know that men cannot be legally raped in the state of north carolina (and many others)? 5 hours ago via mobile Like

Bobby Ralston Ok, then let me rephrase myself... To accuse society (that we have been raised by) to be oppressive to the ones we love and protect the most (as men) pisses us off 5 hours ago Like

Zach Rice I assume you know that men had very limited paternity leave rights until very recently. How bout those issues? 5 hours ago via mobile Like

Bobby Ralston Zach... "until very recently" is your answer there 5 hours ago Like

Bobby Ralston and as far as the rape thing, those are the issues that feminism is trying to address... 5 hours ago Like

Bobby Ralston and as far as your debating skills... work on them

5 hours ago Like 3

Ally Andi Rogers Limited paternal rights are another issue. This isn't about taking rights away from men. This "movement" is for equality of both men and female. Just because someone says "feminist" doesn't mean "a man hater" 5 hours ago via mobile Like 2

Jenn Lee That's a issue a lot of feminists are fighting for, Zach. Feminists look towards places like Switzerland, where there is a very long paternity leave as well as maternity leave, as an ideal place. Destigmatizing male rape is another issue feminists work on. Feminists want everyone to be treated equally, including equal rights for men and women when it comes to paternity and rape. 5 hours ago Like

Kristen Michele I don't want to get to deep into this discussion, but for those who think that feminism is outdated. I pose a question to you. Do you think that men are smarter then women, more equipped to lead, or inherently better in the field of business? If you do not that then why are there only 3% of Fortune 500 CEOs who are female. On the opposite, why are men not encouraged to pursue careers in education. We need to move this country in a direction where a person's talents and desires dictate what they do in life, not the predisposed ideals of others. As a woman in engineering who repeated has been told in the workplace that as a girl, I should sit back and let the men work, I know that equality has not propagated into the workplace. For all those who think that the fight for equality is superfluous, I challenged to think about how you would feel if your daughter, sister, or wife was told they were not able to do something purely because they weren't born a man. 5 hours ago Like 3

Rickey E Smith I've got to go, but I just want to leave by saying that I asked jenn to sit down and talk w/ me about these issues, and the over/under on the number of excuses that she gives for not being able to do it is 4.5 5 hours ago Like

Rickey E Smith the over/under on the number of days that it takes to actually get such a meeting: 9.5 5 hours ago Like 1

Alexandra Anastasi Bobby Ralston, I am very sorry that you feel that way. We are trying to change that stigma. As mentioned earlier, we are in no way trying to say that all men are oppressing women. We are simply trying to make people aware of the issues, that both men and women have caused in society. 5 hours ago Like 1

Zach Rice I was answering Alexandra's question "could you further explain what you're talking about?" bobby. She asked where men receive an unfair "advantage" on women. I answered. Your reading skills... Work on them. 5 hours ago via mobile Like 1

Bobby Ralston In switzerland there is a movement to force men to pee sitting down 5 hours ago Like 4

Rickey E Smith Wait...other guys dont pee sitting down?!? 5 hours ago Like 2

Jenn Lee Ricky, I have responded to you as you can see inviting you to visit our booth in the brickyard we hope to hold on Thursday. Your comments are hurtful that you think I will try to avoid talking to you and discuss an issue that is very important to me. 5 hours ago Like

Hanna Miller What time will you be in the brickyard on Thursday 5 hours ago Like

Jenn Lee Hanna, we have applied for 11-2 5 hours ago Like 1

D.j. White "Men's rights*" "Reverse racism" etc... sigh..I kind of wish there was a general education quarter-half semester course or seminar written into all curriculums...because apparently we still have a looong way to go >.< 5 hours ago Like 2

Bobby Ralston I understand exactly what you were attempting to do Zach, but the "for instances" you offered were too easily shot down. The reason I said work on your debating skills is because we are sharing the same attack stance, and even I can't agree with the points you're offering 5 hours ago Like

Alexandra Anastasi Once again, we thank everyone who has participated respectfully. 5 hours ago Like

Bobby Ralston What do you mean D.j.?... could you elaborate? 5 hours ago Like

Jenn Lee I think DJ is asking for a class where students are encouraged to learn to recognize their own privilege and better understand the oppression of others. 5 hours ago Like 3

Bobby Ralston ^is this what you mean D.j.? 5 hours ago Like

Zach Rice I'm not sharing any attack stance. Jenn is a friend of mine and I support her in her endeavors. As far as I know, this forum is also is also to ask questions about what this organizations goals are. I asked due to my curiosity with a topic put forward against many feminist programs. Curiosity satisfied, I was done until you misunderstood me. I care neither way personally about the outcome of this argument, and shall continue to not care. Maybe I should've said work on your understanding skills then? 5 hours ago via mobile Like 1

Jenn Lee Thanks Zach! Let me know if have any more questions. 5 hours ago Like

Bobby Ralston understanding skills?... will work on em 5 hours ago Like 1

Brady Nemeth I eagerly await the petition in the brickyard to have women join the selective service system. 4 hours ago Like 5

Jenn Lee Brady, that's an issue some feminists focus on (fighting for women to be included in selective service and also the ability to fight on the front lines), but as we stated above, we are seeking to spread awareness rather that focusing on lobbying for specific issues. Personally, I am against the selective service for all citizens, but that's based more on my views as a pacifist than anything else :) 4 hours ago Like

D.j. White Oh, just saying... just because these issues exist in society doesn't mean any one person is being villainized or generalized and thus needs to activate a defense mechanism "but in this one instance ____" These -isms are about a global change in the way we think and how they hinder or aid certain aspects of equality in society. The overall trends of where certain groups or classes are oppressed causing there to be *some sort of inherit disadvantage. Not "this one time a lady was mean to me and thus I'm not privileged". As a person, I feel like one should be looking more towards discussions about how we can influence these overarching inequalities or at least keep recognizing them (and to answer the OP, that's why we need *real feminism, and real pro equality discussion in any social aspect. Awareness--->Education--->Change). It's not about individual "misandrists" or whatever because you know what, at the end of the day they aren't in a privileged class of power and it's not going to hinder me in society in any way (legally, socially, financially etc). As a man, I can just be like "haters gonna hate" and go about my business. 4 hours ago Edited Like 6

Will Harding Women in college are possibly one of the least discriminated against groups in the United States. I mean look at the fact that over 55% of the entire college populace is female, thanks primarily to Title IX, which oh by the way has led to the elimination of over 5,000 men's varsity sports programs across the US (that's a lot of freaking scholarships that men just lost out on, because of women). You're the majority, men are the minority. The fact that women can receive scholarships for being women is ridiculous, or the fact that they do not have to sign up for the Selective Service Act, which I had to do in order to attend freaking college. The complaint that women earn less is garbage as well, considering that men on average work more hours per week than women. And I'm sorry but I've yet to meet a feminist that has been able to validly provide me with an instance of them being heavily discriminated against in comparison to their male counterparts with the exception of abortion issues. But then again is that even an applicable comparison as men cannot naturally give birth? The point being that the "feminist movement" is not needed in Modern Day America, I have plenty of relatives that are women (duh) that have all gone on to be successful in life, and there were no gender-based barriers that prevented them from doing so. Look if you want to fight for women's equality that's all fine and dandy, but that fight is not really applicable in the US, your endeavors would be much more valid in say Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, Syria, Egypt or Qatar. So I ask you Feminists why not attempt to aid the women in those nation-states, would that not be a more noble cause? 4 hours ago Like 14

Sean Luse Both Jenn Lee and Alexandra Anastasi mention that an issue is unequal pay yet neither of you are engineers, you guys can be the difference. In addition, you stated that you intend to help women get into fields they are

underrepresented in, does this include men getting into nursing, teaching and child care? Lastly, I will fully support your cause if you can get me into the clubs downtown for free without having to dress in drag. 4 hours ago Like 4

Rutger Blankley and one of the best ways to help those women can be by spreading information 4 hours ago Like

Zachary McGee I Will Harding 4 hours ago Like 1

D.j. White Yes, I believe so. Just to answer the question about nursing, teaching etc. Most programs (that I've talked to and read about) try to fill all underrepresented holes...but I'm not sure what the 'neither of you are engineers' is referring to. 4 hours ago Like

Alexandra Anastasi You are correct. I am not an engineer because I am not passionate about the subject. We feel as though it is highly important that men not be discriminated against if they chose to enter underrepresented fields. And, I personally feel it is ridiculous that men have to pay to enter a club, just like it is ridiculous that only women can receive free drinks before 11pm or whatever the situation. 4 hours ago Like 1

Charlie Brooks Grab your popcorn guys! This one is getting good! 4 hours ago Like 4

Alexandra Anastasi To clarify, we are not just representing women in college. We are trying to represent all women around the world and fight for their causes. 4 hours ago Like 1

Jenn Lee You're right, Will, women who have the ability to go to college are extremely privileged. We're not arguing that we're not. That does not mean that we do not face sexism. As I posted above, I have been repeatedly discouraged from pursuing my degree. Women on college campuses face a 1 in 4 chance that they will be raped (there are no accurate statistics for male rape, due to low reporting rates, but it is still understood that women face a greater chance of being raped then men). Also as I stated above, programs which prioritize women over men are currently necessary to bump women up to a point where they are equally represented without these programs being necessary. I also referenced feminists fighting to be included in selective service (or doing away with selective service altogether). All studies, including the most recent one which found the pay gap has not changed in ten years, which look at the pay gap account for every possible difference, including time worked. You claim you have never met a feminist who has been legitimately discriminated against; I again cite the multiple people trying to discourage me from my field of study. Have you ever had your peers surround your desk in chemistry class and repeatedly tell you to go home, to leave, that you don't belong there? No? I have. The main issue with reproductive rights is that men, who you correctly identified as not being able to give birth, are trying to control women's choices. Feminists are trying to fight for equality of all women everywhere. 4 hours ago Like

Will Harding That's fine. But what if career fields and the success rate of each gender in said career field is just like sports and the success rate of varying races in said sport. Does career succes not depend upon specialization and interest, just like success in sports? Could it then be possible that more men are interested in engineering while more women are interested in healthcare, just like the fact that more African-American Males are interested in basketball and more Caucasian-American males are interested in swimming? I find the belief that because less women are engineers, engineering colleges discriminate against women a little naive, at best. 4 hours ago Like 3

Jenn Lee Sean, I don't quite understand your argument... You know I take many engineering classes and my major is very similar to that of an engineer, and my job title this summer was that of Process Engineer, so I really don't understand your argument... And yes, feminists are looking for equal representation between the genders in all fields. 4 hours ago Like

D.j. White I'm not sure who was saying engineering colleges discriminate against women, but yeah, that's definitely not true. 4 hours ago Like

Alex Ellis If you're mentioning anecdotal evidence based on your own personal experience, people you know, or even things like paying to get into a club/women in college have privilege, you are missing the point entirely. 4 hours ago Like 1

Will Harding "I'm not sure who was saying engineering colleges discriminate against women, but yeah, that's definitely not true."- The Women in Engineering program at my university has suggested as much. 4 hours ago Like

Alyssa Doman Will Harding basically said everything. Many of the points he brought up are good reasons why college communities don't really need feminism. Now, if feminist groups based in a college community want to reach out to communities where women are known to be underrepresented, that is fine. In fact, that's probably a better route than trying to appeal to your fellow college students. 4 hours ago Like 4

D.j. White So you're saying that WISE is saying that NCSU's college of engineering discriminates against women? Do I have that correct?... Edit: to shorten the dialogue. No. 4 hours ago Edited Like 1

Jenn Lee The issue isn't engineering colleges discriminating against women, it's society teaching people that women shouldn't be engineers and the stigma against women entering the field which keeps them from it. 4 hours ago Like 1

Jenn Lee Alyssa, there are a lot more issues feminism focus on which are important for college campuses, such as rape culture. 4 hours ago Like

Alexandra Anastasi As mentioned earlier, we are simply trying to raise awareness of the issues at hand. The more people that are educated, the more people that can go out and make a change. That is why we are starting a campaign at NCSU, so that our wonderful student population can learn about the issues and go out and make a difference. 4 hours ago Like 2

Alexandra Anastasi ^That too. 4 hours ago Like

Will Harding ^Alyssa Doman FTW. Part of my point was that you're preaching to a group of women that are just as privileged as any of their male counterparts. if you want to change gender equality, this is not the the place to do it. The place to do it is in areas where women are clearly underprivileged, a college campus is surely not that place. Also if you want to change "rape culture" petition for concealed carry on campus, nothing deters a rapist faster than a .38 slug to his junk. 4 hours ago Like 3

Alexandra Anastasi The majority of rapes on campus are done by men the women personally know, actually. Not random men. 4 hours ago Like

Will Harding D.j. White, the WISE chapter at my university (OSU) has previously suggested this. I'm using my anecdotal evidence like the women on here who have previously used theirs. 4 hours ago Like

D.j. White ^To add on to Alexandra's comment, just saying, saying that they need to defend themselves better instead of the 'stop raping' and awareness part is pretty much rape culture. 4 hours ago Like 5

Alexandra Anastasi ^yepyepyep 4 hours ago Like

Alex Ellis The issue isn't that women aren't armed to defend themselves from their rapists - that actually defines rape culture/victim blaming. 4 hours ago Like 3

Ellie June I think feminism is a little silly. I like having doors opened for me. I like when my meal is paid for on a date. I like the feeling of protection a man can offer. Every girl has gotten an unwanted comment from a male. Feminism isn't going to stop that. There will still be creeps in the world. 4 hours ago via mobile Like 8

Jenn Lee Will I don't think you fully understand what rape culture is. Rape culture isn't about deterring rapists, who you seem to think of as just the hide-in-the-bushes type. Rape culture is about teaching women don't get raped (like carrying guns) rather than teaching men not to rape, the proper elements of consent, etc. Rape culture is about rape jokes and

using 'rape' to describe how you did on a test instead of what one person did to take away the rights of others. Rape culture is about saying that a woman who was drinking or wearing a skirt was 'asking' to be raped. Rape culture is about our legislators believing that women can't get pregnant from rape. 4 hours ago Like 2

Alyssa Doman WISE does not say that the college of engineering discriminates against women in engineering. I was in WISE for two years (one of the reasons I have my opinions), and though the presence of feminism is rather strong, all of its aims were to encourage women to aim high in their careers. WISE at NC State, that is. Now as far as rape culture goes, that's a whole different story. How I feel rape should be defined as simply non-consentual sex, however such a general definition gets very hazy in laws. I'll go again with what Will said, I want, and plan on getting a concealed carry license as soon as I can afford it. 4 hours ago Like

Will Harding I'm saying that by allowing for women to arm themselves you'll stop rape far more efficiently than by increasing awareness. Show me one instance where allowing for the implementation of self-defense was less efficient than the process of spreading information. "Rape culture is about rape jokes and using 'rape' to describe how you did on a test instead of what one person did to take away the rights of others. Rape culture is about saying that a woman who was drinking or wearing a skirt was 'asking' to be raped. Rape culture is about our legislators believing that women can't get pregnant from rape." - I have done none of this. Thank you for generalizing me as a male that is clearly somehow ignorant of rape culture. 4 hours ago Like 3

D.j. White Not saying I believe in the "take no precautions" approach. Shouldn't have to and staying safe are different. We shouldn't have to have keys for anything, because everyone "shoooould" have self control. Also, Ellie June, I don't think the topics of feminism they are focusing on include a personal want for chivalry. 4 hours ago Like 1

Alexandra Anastasi Will Harding, if a women were to be drugged and then raped, a concealed weapon would do no good. 4 hours ago Like 1

Zachary McGee Jenn you have an issue with all of american culture because sex and violence is intertwined in the culture. It has very little to do with actual rape. If you can convince girls to not call eachother bitches or whores then you can start on trying to get rid of the rest of our culture in this free society 4 hours ago Like 3

Alexandra Anastasi Also, to include, rape culture also refers to the dismissing of the possibility of men being raped, which is also a very important issue. 4 hours ago Like

Will Harding Once again, I never said that women need to be better at defending themselves, I said there need to be measures that allow for them to better defend themselves. reading comprehension folks. 4 hours ago Like 3

Alexandra Anastasi It is a lot to keep up with, I apologize for misreading. 4 hours ago Like

Jenn Lee Women and men both perpetuate rape culture, Will. I didn't say you had ever done any of that, but those are the issues feminists are fighting. And you asked for a situation in which a concealed carry would do no good, and Alexandra gave you one. 4 hours ago Like

Will Harding Alexandra Anastasi, i will agree with you that education on date-rape drugs is a necessity.

4 hours ago Like

D.j. White ^^^ Omg, this has totally derailed and the point is on Mars. Good evening.. 4 hours ago Like 1

Ellie June @D.j. Someone said they don't like men going out of their way to open car doors. Fits in perfectly. 4 hours ago via mobile Like 2

Sean Luse More men are raped in the US every year than women. 4 hours ago Like

Zachary McGee Well as a I man I say that it is right to dismiss it. Maybe that is why the reporting rates of it are so damn small. Rape is bad, but so is bullying. You have to care about the little kid getting bullied before you can work on the rest of the victims 4 hours ago Like

Jenn Lee Ellie, I was talking about going out of both their way and mine. In the same post I said that I was all about everybody opening doors for everybody, because it's common courtesy. 4 hours ago Like 1

Will Harding ^^Interesting, any proof of that statement? This was at Sean Luse 4 hours ago Edited Like

Sean Luse Prison system, look up the stats. 4 hours ago Like 1

Alex Ellis Ellie June, that individual disliking an action is irrelevant to feminism as a whole, which is something you decided was silly based on that one unrelated point. 4 hours ago Like 2

Zachary McGee and yes I called women little. you wanna know why? because that is a fact. Women are on avg smaller. deal with it? it is not sexist to be a larger and stronger sex 4 hours ago Like 2

Sarah Butz As a female in engineering at NC State, I don't feel I've ever been discouraged from pursuing my major. In fact, I've felt just about the opposite. Every time someone asks me my major and I reply with "Industrial and Systems Engineering," I get nothing but congratulatory remarks, "That's impressive," "that must be difficult, stick with it," "good for you, we need more women in engineering." I'd also argue that one of the greatest things to encourage the feminist movement is for women to go into a male dominated field and simply succeed, regardless of gender, regardless of others who may or may not have a bias against them. For some people, it helps to identify with other "feminists," not the stereotypical, radical, hairy ones, but rather people like the number of extremely successful female professors and researchers that work at our school. I personally have never felt that I need feminism because I feel if I work hard in my field and in life, people will view me as a successful PERSON not a successful female in a male dominated field. So, for the number of people that like having the solidarity that the label "feminism" provides, stick with it. For others, continue to lead by example and call it whatever you want. 3 hours ago Edited Like 9

Will Harding Oh well that's completely different haha 4 hours ago Like

Zachary McGee What engineer walks into their Statics or Organic class and says "oh crap, more women." When you answer that, you can determine how many feminists there should be on a engineering based college campus 3 hours ago Like 2

Alex Ellis These conversations always derail into unrelated topics because people feel that their individual experiences with feminism are important to the issue as a whole, as though ONE PERSON not experiencing the consequences of male privilege means it does not exist/is not harmful. 3 hours ago Like 4

Will Harding Alex Ellis, could the inverse of that statement not be applicable as well? Food for thought... 3 hours ago Like 2

Alexandra Anastasi Once again, we are trying to make people aware of all inequalities. Whether you've personally experienced it or not, it still exists. 3 hours ago Like 2

Alex Ellis I'm not sure what you mean by the inverse of that statement, so I can't think about it. 3 hours ago Like

Detric Robinson I think a lot of you all are linking "feminism" to a stereotypical "hail women, hate men" ideology. For a common population of level headed individuals it is just recognizing and attempting to balance the inequalities that women face in the world. Nothing more.

3 hours ago Like 7

Zachary McGee Alex Ellis Your profile picture is of Wonder Woman. What kind of image does that portray on woman? Women superheroes can only be successful if scantily clad. Think about how that reflects on your view of woman 3 hours ago Like 2

Alexandra Anastasi Thank you for your comment, Detric Robinson. 3 hours ago Like 1

D.j. White LOL Alex You have no idea how much I just laughed out loud LOLOLOL 3 hours ago Like 1

David Kehrli 3 hours ago Like

Rutger Blankley I think Detric made a good point on this. A lot of the feminist movements are not necessarily solely about women like we think but more on the broad spectrum of equal rights for all. 3 hours ago Like 3

Zachary McGee Detric Robinson THEN DONT CALL IT FEMINISM. There are men discriminated against too. there is your problem. it is all in the name. Crusade for Christ had massive numbers join when they changed their name to just CRU. 3 hours ago Like 1

Will Harding Inverse: These conversations always derail into unrelated topics because people feel that their individual experiences with feminism are important to the issue as a whole, as though ONE PERSON experiencing the consequences of male privilege means it does exist/is harmful, in comparison to the inequalities others receive. 3 hours ago Like

D.j. White I'm dead. Deceased. Little is it known that 3 people here have doctorates on Wonder Woman. edit: (With a minor in female super heroes) 3 hours ago Edited Like 2

Alex Ellis Zach, bye. Talk to me when you know the first thing about Wonder Woman's flawlessness.. 3 hours ago Like 1

Detric Robinson Zachary McGee So...just because you can't grasp the definition of a term I have to call it something else? I think not. Stop generalizing and stereotyping and it won't be a problem. 3 hours ago Edited Like 2

Will Harding Resorts to ad-hominem attack in a debate on Facebook, okay.jpg. 3 hours ago Edited Like 2

Alex Ellis Will, you're suggesting that male privilege does not exist/the experiences of marginalized groups with sexism do not matter to the issue as a whole? 3 hours ago Like 1

Zachary McGee Detric Robinson You missed the conversation earlier about how they want to get rid of gendered words all together. So go read the entire post and you can get back to me 3 hours ago Like 1

Jenn Lee Zachary, as I stated before, feminism recognizes that both women and men are descriminated against, but retains the monniker of feminism because in our society, white, heterosexual, christian, men have the power and everyone else is just trying to catch up to the basic rights they have. 3 hours ago Like 3

Will Harding No, I'm suggesting that male privilege is far less existent than you suggest. If male privilege were so powerful, why is it that more women are accepted to college than men? 3 hours ago Like 1

Adam Crum Feminism Points: Have being female taken off of 'affirmative action'. Have all scholarships aimed specifically at women taken away. No maternity leave. Pay for half of the dates. No preference given in college applications. No preference given in employment applications. Once the 'feminist movement' starts supporting all of that I may actually consider it. Or, you could be part of an 'antisexism' movement. Which would actually make sense. 3 hours ago Edited Like 7

Detric Robinson Zachary McGee [they] is a term used for generalizing and should not be applied to the group as a whole. For example, I am a feminist, but I couldn't care less about the gender of words. 3 hours ago Edited Like

Zachary McGee Let me know the next time I have any power and then you can catch up 3 hours ago Like 1

Alex Ellis Zach, just because you have failed to obtain a position of power, doesn't mean it wouldn't be easier for you to obtain one than for a woman/homosexual/any other marginalized group. 3 hours ago Like 1

Jenn Lee Adam, I'm not sure I understand you're argument... 3 hours ago Like 2

Will Harding Lol at the WASP anecdote and as WASPs being more privileged. This isn't 1950's Salem, Alabama folks. If anything white, caucasian males have a harder time with many things, especially when it comes to receiving aid for college. 3 hours ago Like 3

Detric Robinson Will Harding usually people in a privileged state do not recognize the advantages of said privilege. I say that as a member of multiple privileged and underprivileged groups. 3 hours ago Like 2

Will Harding "Zach, just because you have failed to obtain a position of power, doesn't mean it wouldn't be easier for you to obtain one than for a woman/homosexual/any other marginalized group"- Then if it's fairly difficult for all, wouldn't that be equal. 3 hours ago Like 1

Zachary McGee Alex so I will be able to gain power over any woman/gblt/racial minority? Why didnt i know this sooner? 3 hours ago Like 2

Zachary McGee OH SHIT. SOMEONE PULLED THE RACE CARD 3 hours ago Like 2

Jenn Lee Zachary, when was the last time you felt fear walking to your car at dusk? When was the last time a woman approached you when you were alone and you checked all of your escapes in case she decided to physically assault you? Those are both examples of male power and privilege. 3 hours ago Like 3

Rutger Blankley Zachary if you actually want to learn about this subject I know someone who wrote their phd on white privilege 3 hours ago Like 1

Alex Ellis It is clear that people need increased education and awareness on the topics of white/male privilege. 3 hours ago Like 4

Will Harding I'm a Caucasian, Jewish male. I literally have no advantages over anyone else in this group. As of know we all have the ability to earn the same amount in life and success in life. 3 hours ago Like

Alyssa Doman Okay, based on this discussion here, maybe there should be an organization dedicated to defining feminism. I'm not sure if I made my points clear before, but but my view on feminism is that there are social gender roles that would be impossible to breach on a societal level. That doesn't mean I think it's illogical to aim for gender equality, but I think that it is unrealistic to force true gender equality upon an entire society, especially a society that has been positively progressing toward it since its existence (I am referring to the United States, for those who couldn't tell). 3 hours ago Like 1

Will Harding Jenn Lee, I don't fear walking to my car because I have a gun... 3 hours ago Like

Zachary McGee NO IT IS NOT. WOMEN ARE SMALLER AND WEAKER. Blame evolution not society 3 hours ago Like 2

Alexandra Anastasi Once again, we are simply trying to raise awareness to issues of inequality, for all individuals. 3 hours ago Like 2

Zachary McGee Then call it that and not feminism 3 hours ago Like 2

Alexandra Anastasi Concealed weapons aren't allowed on campus. 3 hours ago Like 1

Alex Ellis There's no need to rename the concept because people misunderstand, the responsibility lies with people to become educated. 3 hours ago Like 1

Adam Crum If 'Feminists' actually cared about 'equality' the points I listed would be points they strive to change. As it is, (at least, from the ones I've met/chatted with) they seem to only want to make women equal to men to areas where women are 'worse' off. They don't care about the areas where women are better off. Frankly, I'm quite fine with the way things are. Evolution/natural selection has given us different personality traits(on average). We are not equal. We are not better than one another. But we are not equal. When women have a high value in X, men have a high value in Y. 3 hours ago Edited Like 3

Alex Ellis The issue of weapons is irrelevant. Even if you did not have a gun, you would face less of a chance of being raped than a woman would. 3 hours ago Like

Will Harding By stating that feminism isn't primarily about women and their gender equality issues, that is akin to saying a horse is a fish. 3 hours ago Like 2

Jenn Lee Feminism focuses on issues related to the inequality of all peoples because feminists recognize the intersectionality of oppression, and that one group cannot advance without all groups advancing. That is why we are calling it feminists. 3 hours ago Like

Detric Robinson Will Harding you have a plethora of advantages. You just haven't been educated on them. This is one of those things that you should really take the initiative in looking up. As a straight male, you can disregard being abused, intimidated, and discriminated against in MANY places. As a male, you can rest assured that the only real thing you have to do to protect yourself from rape is avoid jail. 3 hours ago Like 4

Jenn Lee Adam, that is why we stated above that feminists are arguing for things like mandated paternity leave (and fun fact, mandated maternity leave does not exist in our country). We also explained why programs currently having an advantage to females were currently necessary. 3 hours ago Like

Will Harding I have a lot of advantages? I'll be damned, because I sure as Hell haven't experienced them.. 3 hours ago Like

Alex Ellis You have in fact experienced them without knowing about them - that is the definition of privilege. 3 hours ago Like 6

Alexandra Anastasi Detric Robinson, good read if you haven't read it already. 3 hours ago Like 2

Will Harding I have class, may all of you be successful in your endeavors. 3 hours ago Like

Alex Ellis It's not a bad thing to be privileged. I am quite privileged myself. The important thing is to be aware of the effects of privilege in society. 3 hours ago Like 1

Alexandra Anastasi Thank you. 3 hours ago Like

Will Harding Not the definition of privilege, but please keep rewriting the Oxford Dictionary for us. 3 hours ago Like 4

Alex Ellis Let me amend what I said - it's bad that there is privilege, but it's not your fault that you have it. The best thing we can do is work to correct it. 3 hours ago Like

Zachary McGee no it isnt go read a dictionary 3 hours ago Like 2

Alex Ellis You're misunderstanding privilege as a social justice term versus a dictionary definition. That is why we need education on these issues. 3 hours ago Like 1

Detric Robinson Will Harding, What do you expect a certificate every time your advantage helps you? Read over white privilege. You can "pretend" it's not there. You can also pretend that gravity isn't really. But the reality is... 3 hours ago Like

Zachary McGee "the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men." and that is a generally accepted definition of it 3 hours ago Like

Rutger Blankley Will and Zachary I have found the paper I was referring to. It is written by one of our current faculty members about the subject matter of white privilege. This is his PhD paper: 3 hours ago Like

Alex Ellis I had no idea people were so ignorant of these basic ideas. I can see even more why we have feminism programs on campus. 3 hours ago Like 2

Detric Robinson Pause. So... "A feminist is "an advocate or supporter of the rights and equality of women" ? And you somehow got "man hater" from that? What's wrong with this picture. 3 hours ago Edited Like 5

Zachary McGee stop defining terms in your own words and calling it a real definition. it is your OPINION 3 hours ago Like 4

Jenn Lee Zachary, that may be the dictionary definition of feminism, but I can give you many examples of feminist leaders who give a definition closer to what the rest of us are arguing. 3 hours ago Like

Zachary McGee Jenn Lee then please go change the dictionary and then come back to campus 3 hours ago Like 2

D.j. White What I see on the sidebar every time there is a reply: "I" "I" "I" "I" "I" "I" therefore it is not./Therefore it is. *disregards history, disregards inherited (your family, their resources and privilege to educate you and provide you with the tools for your own success) privilege in any form* *disregards the real purpose for any kind of underrepresented minority benefit program such as scholarship programs or diversity recruitment* Newsflash, it's not about YOU. It's the grand scheme of stats, history and what tools and opportunities time and society have given you due to a certain characteristic. Whether or not you feel like acknowledging your privilege. It is there. That is not the argument. Alexandra has said the same thing like 5 times and it's still resorting to "but I" "but this one instance" ignoring the global scale of inequality and the simple purpose of raising awareness and provoking thought. *Thought---for action. Not for how many personal exceptions we can think of to invalidate 7 billion other experiences and facts. The only thing real feminism does is positive, why complain about it? It seems as though it's turning into a "I'm ashamed of privilege, don't undermine my work" thing when that's NOT even the goal of the OP or anything related to feminism. 3 hours ago Like 4

Alex Ellis No, it is a group of terms that people use to communicate social issues. These terms do exist, you just have to be informed of their use in the context of social justice, something I suppose you can't be aware of if you're not concerned about the issues. 3 hours ago Like 3

Zachary McGee Then use those terms and stop putting it all under the feminist label 3 hours ago Like 1

Detric Robinson I'm going to go out on a limb here, but why is this even an issue right now? We broke down this false feminist stereotype. We [told] you that privilege exist. We [gave] you resources. are now caught up on the fact that feminism is being used as an umbrella term? Look at your life. Look at your choices. I think we have come to the place where no productive dialogue is available. I'm out. 3 hours ago Like 7

Zachary McGee Go read all of Will's posts and he will counteract most of your sketchy baseless arguments 3 hours ago via mobile Like

Jenn Lee We would like to thank everyone for the insightful discussions that have arisen out of this post; at this time, we feel like the discussion has digressed to a point in which no further points can be made. We ask that no further comments are made after this, and look forward to continuing the conversation in the future. Please visit our page, for more opportunities to have a discussion as well as to find out about when we will be in the brickyard to take photos for the campaign and answer more questions. You can also follow us on twitter @NCSUFeminism or email us at . We once again thank you for the quality of the arguments displayed here; few people descended into personal attacks, which was our goal! 2 hours ago Edited Like 8

Robert Sweet "stop defining terms in your own words [lol wtf] and calling it a real definition [lolz]. it is your OPINION [brilliant deduction]" That's a generous illustration of a rather banal precept to establish it as your main argument. Do you even know what patriarchy is? Also, your interpretation of Wonder Woman was rather sanctimoniously dull. Your antithetical, conservative (i'm assuming you are conservative based on your awareness and arguments), megalomaniac predilection vis-a-vis feminism and white-male privilege engenders the archetypical white-middle-class male who believes that something doesn't exist just because you are not cognizant of it.

2 hours ago Like

Derek Spicer Can't take someone that says they work at "Being a fucking fabulous bitch" seriously 2 hours ago Like 3

Robert Sweet That is completely irrelevant. Thats like pointing out that you have a star wars cover, therefore we shouldn't take you seriously. 2 hours ago Like 1

Derek Spicer Yeah but I'm not spouting apologist feminist talking points about privilege while simultaneously attacking someone with an alleged "conservative" worldview 2 hours ago Edited Like 1

Jenn Lee Robert and Derek, thank you for your contribution but at this point we ask no more comments be made on this post (as I'm sure everyone else in the group is tired of our discussion taking the top spot!) as we fear it may dissolve into personal attacks and that is against what we stand for. Please continue your conversation in private, or visit or page for more opportunities for discussion! 2 hours ago via mobile Like

Derek Spicer Its ok Rickey E Smith's memes said pretty much everything I needed to say 2 hours ago Unlike 6

Brian Clements ^^yep

about an hour ago Like

Brian Clements mfw feminism about an hour ago Like 1

Brian Clements I will start a masculism movement, guys. Don't worry. We will raise awareness about things, and stuff. about an hour ago Like 4

Detric Robinson about an hour ago Like 3

Kayla Lorraine DeWald I personally feel that feminism is eventually going to mess up things that women don't realize. I, for one, have no desire to be drafted, which is one "inequality" between men and women. I also do not have any interest in being completely 100% compared to a man. I am a woman, I like doors being opened for me and I like having dinner paid for by my boyfriend. I like the idea of taking my future husband's name and I enjoy the idea of taking care of a home and a family. I don't feel like that is completely expected of me, and if I wanted to become an engineer and do whatever else I wanted, I could. I actually came to State to be an engineer and transferred out because I didn't love it as much as I did in high school. I am an education major (fitting the stereotype, say something) and I did not choose this because I am female. I chose this because I want to help people. I was encouraged my entire high school career, however, by Duke professors and faculty to pursue my dream of engineering. No one has ever "oppressed" me as a woman and I feel that this relates back to the article in the Technician last year that was against someone opening the door for the girl writing it. Why can't women just accept the kindness of some men and be okay with it? Men respect women generally, but you will always have the creeps who will rape women and provide unwanted attention. That's a societal thing that will always be around, no matter how many feminist movements pop up. As for me, y'all do what you want, more power to you, but don't ruin my aspiration to follow in the traditional southern woman's role of housewife who cooks and cleans and takes care of my family. about an hour ago Like 6

Derek Spicer Wow talk about condescending and insulting Detric

about an hour ago Unlike 6

Will Harding Agree that was a pretty sexist statement. about an hour ago via mobile Unlike 4

Adam Crum Detric Robinson, Perhaps you didn't read the first sentence she typed. Note how she said 'feminism is eventually going to mess up things'. The key word there is 'eventually'. about an hour ago Like

Kayla Lorraine DeWald That is productive to me. I vote, but I wouldn't have to if I didn't feel that I needed to as an American. I don't want property. I want my husband's property. Taking care of a family and raising my future children to have respectful, southern values is productive to me. about an hour ago Like

Detric Robinson Its the internet. Deal with it. Doesn't mean anything I said is less true. Just more blunt. about an hour ago via mobile Like

Adam Crum Aside from the fact that it's fallacious, sure. about an hour ago Like 2

Will Harding "If you don't agree with me I'm going to say something vehemently sexist or bigoted."-Someone that somehow professes to be in support of equality issues.

about an hour ago via mobile Like 2

Derek Spicer Yes cause Detric Robinson's opinion is fact...glad you've cleared that up we've all learned from your greatness. Please enlighten us neanderthals more with your wisdom about an hour ago Unlike 3

Will Harding "It's the Internet, that means I get to be an asshole"-fixed. about an hour ago via mobile Like

Detric Robinson Oh I'm sorry. I haven't seen any negative impacts from feminism as definined as a movement to ensure equal rights and treatment of women. Honestly, I could have been a lot less condescending. However feminism is commonly defined by a false stereotype. about an hour ago via mobile Like

Kayla Lorraine DeWald It is the internet and you're free to do and say what you want. We just have different views, which is fine. But don't judge me based on mine. No one has ever had a negative word about my views, with the exception of you, and I believe that that is because I am from a small town where that is an acceptable aspiration. Raising a family and being in the "traditional woman role" is something that I have always wanted. I'm sorry that you don't want a woman to spoil you like I plan to do for my husband and that I do for my boyfriend. about an hour ago Like

Alex Ellis Kayla, nobody wants to take away your right to be a housewife. That's not what feminism is about. about an hour ago Like 3

Derek Spicer My mother did basically what Kayla is describing for almost 50 years. If you told her she wasted her life she would slap you across the face, Detric. Actually she wouldn't because she has class. about an hour ago Edited Like 4

Kayla Lorraine DeWald I know that, but it will eventually turn it around to where being a housewife will be considered "a cop-out" or will give me and others who want that the stigma of lazy, when really its quite opposite. about an hour ago Like

Alex Ellis That's not the case - feminism does not promote the idea that a housewife is lazy. There's no reason to expect that it will eventually adapt that idea. about an hour ago Like 1

Derek Spicer Its already that way Kayla...since we're using anecdotal evidence I've seen many so-called "feminists" treat women that work when they are pregnant or are stay at home moms with scorn and contempt. about an hour ago Like 2

Kayla Lorraine DeWald Detric Robinson's comment is exactly what I mean. and Derek, I know, and I think it's sad. about an hour ago Edited Like 1

Adam Crum

about an hour ago Like

Alex Ellis Detric does not represent the feminist movement as a whole. This conversation has again derailed into specific examples and ideas unrelated to feminism, so I'm out. about an hour ago Like 1

Derek Spicer Yahoo's new CEO, one of the few female CEO's, is getting trashed by feminists because of her choice to work when she is pregnant and forgo maternity leave about an hour ago Edited Like

Adam Crum So instead of comparing all the examples you'll cherry pick? about an hour ago Like 1

Ross Pilotte about an hour ago Like 4

Alexandra Anastasi As previously mentioned, we thank you for your contribution but at this point we ask no more comments be made on this post, for we fear it may dissolve into personal attacks and th...See More about an hour ago Like 1

Detric Robinson I like blue ponies. Just saying. about an hour ago Like

Ross Pilotte 56 minutes ago Like

Detric Robinson 55 minutes ago Unlike 1

Bobby Ralston "Detric does not represent the feminist movement as a whole"... you're right about that, and from what I've gathered the "feminist movement as a whole" is absolutely anything you w...See More 53 minutes ago Like 1

Bobby Ralston and don't you dare say "we want to inform people of feminism"... because I'm more confused about feminism now then I was when I woke up this morning 51 minutes ago Unlike 4

Will Harding Shouldn't anyone in the "feminist movement" be upset by Detric's remarks to Kayla? Merely posing a legitimate question. 44 minutes ago Like 3

Detric Robinson Bobby, two words: "Google Search" We shouldn't have to tell you everything you want to know about a topic that we learn about second hand. WE can give you our own interpretations ...See More

43 minutes ago Like

Adam Crum 42 minutes ago Like 3

Bobby Ralston NO Detric... NO, if your purpose is to "INFORM" people about Feminism, then INFORM ME!!! JEEZ, it's a simple freaking question, WHAT DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE? 42 minutes ago Like 2

Detric Robinson Besides that I do admit "waste away in a kitchen" was a very harsh and critical response that does not represent a feminist view. Which is why it is deleted, because I admit that w...See More 41 minutes ago Like 1

Ross Pilotte This thread has gone way off topic. 40 minutes ago Like 3

Detric Robinson My purpose, apparently according to many on this thread, is to give my opinion on the issue. Which I did. It is up to you to do that extra step in learning more about particular topics of interest. 40 minutes ago Like 1

Bobby Ralston So Feminism is like the dollar... it used to be backed by something, but now it's just an idea, and the idea is different for each person.. Gotcha 39 minutes ago Unlike 8

Bobby Ralston /thread 38 minutes ago Like 1

Derek Spicer Bonus points for introducing fiat currency into a discussion on feminism 38 minutes ago Unlike 3

Detric Robinson 33 minutes ago Like

Bobby Ralston Ok... let me try again, the Feminist movement is like a piece of artwork... some people find deep meaning in it, but the meaning for each person is different, and the rest think little or nothing about it 30 minutes ago Like 3

Detric Robinson 28 minutes ago Like 1

Alexandra Anastasi We are not trying to change anything on campus. We are trying to raise awareness and educate NCSU students.

28 minutes ago Like 1

Will Harding Just reread this thread and someone attempted to relate the law of gravity to a theory on privilege. Lol Strawman Argument. 26 minutes ago Like 1

Ross Pilotte We are stardust. 25 minutes ago Like

Rickey E Smith I just want everyone to know that I offered to meet with "Jenn" chick at PCJ, buy her coffee, and talk about each others views for ~30 minutes. She said no. This is why I cant take crap like this seriously. At all. 24 minutes ago Like 4

Derek Spicer Coffee is aggression 24 minutes ago Like

Ross Pilotte "I don't like your views, nor am I open to any others." 24 minutes ago Like 4

Ross Pilotte

23 minutes ago Like 1

Rickey E Smith Apparently, Derek. 23 minutes ago Like

Bobby Ralston How am I acting stupid Detric? I am taking what you are giving, and attempting to put in into words that make sense to me. You are giving me A+B+C, and I am asking "so does that mean D?" 22 minutes ago Like

Derek Spicer Talking is aggression too...oh and don't forget looking 22 minutes ago Like

Will Harding Rickey, why on Earth would you offer to buy her coffee? How misogynistic of you. 22 minutes ago Like 3

Ellie June Rickey E Smith maybe she would have agreed if she could have bought her own. 21 minutes ago Edited Like 4

Bobby Ralston I think the offense comes from you offering to buy coffee... "you pig, thinking I can't buy my own coffee" ^Joking, but thought it was funny 21 minutes ago Like

Sam Mazany You are obviously trying to bed this woman and oppress all of her kind. Our plan for domination continues. *wrings hands* Excellent. 21 minutes ago Unlike 8

Will Harding ^ Holyeffinglol 20 minutes ago Unlike 2

Jenn Lee Ricky, I do not appreciate you slandering me after we have asked multiple times for this conversation on this post to cease. I offered to meet with you in the brickyard, and you said no 20 minutes ago via mobile Like 2

Bobby Ralston Sam Mazany wins the game 20 minutes ago Unlike 3

Will Harding Maybe he wished to enter into a private discourse with you, one in which it would allow for better interaction and discussion, instead of meeting with you in the Brickyard, where you may be distracted due to other factors, like running your booth? 18 minutes ago Like 5

Detric Robinson It shouldn't be hard to put what I said in words. It is literal. I didn't use any sumations or logarithms in what I had to say. You are choosing to come back with these irrelevant ...See More

18 minutes ago via mobile Like

Alex Ellis Stop attacking Jenn and making unfunny jokes, clearly she said earlier in the thread that she responded to Ricky and extended an invitation to the booth. 17 minutes ago Like

Will Harding Also it's not slander when he's reporting the truth, if in fact you did deny to him that you would not meet over coffee, that' not slander. 17 minutes ago Like 1

Charlie McGee What does feminism mean to me? A nice laugh at the end of a long, stressful day. 17 minutes ago Unlike 9

Derek Spicer Humor is aggression 16 minutes ago Like

Ross Pilotte So there I was drinking coffee on the brickyard, whenRickey walks in the door, gets on the floor, everybody walk the dinosaur. 16 minutes ago Like 2

David Kehrli Bbt 15 minutes ago via mobile Like

Derek Spicer If NC State has a teddy bear Rickey E Smith would be that teddy bear 14 minutes ago Like 4

Will Harding Attacking? No one here attacked Jenn. Holy f*cking lols you people need to work on the proper application of words. He did not slander her, and he did not attack her. 13 minutes ago Edited Like 2


Will Harding Uh oh, I said "You people." 13 minutes ago Like 2

Alex Ellis Rickey you clearly called her a bitch in that screenshot. 12 minutes ago Like 3

Derek Spicer Right now he's a Russian angry bear though 12 minutes ago Unlike 4

Bobby Ralston Alright Detric... but get one thing strait, we aren't peers... Anyone who believes that my Grandma "wasted her life" raising my mother and my uncles is not peer of mine. 12 minutes ago Like

Ross Pilotte In response to an accusation of "slander." I'd be throwing the word bitch around too. 11 minutes ago Like 1

Rickey E Smith Hanna Miller is my girlfriend, so I can use a bit different rhetoric with her. 11 minutes ago Like 1

David Kehrli "What do you mean you people " 10 minutes ago via mobile Like

Alex Ellis But you posted it here...for everyone to see...including her. 10 minutes ago Like

Jenn Lee It's slander when he only reports that I refused to meet with him, not that I gave him other options, thereby insinuating I flat out refused to meet with him when that was not true...See More 10 minutes ago via mobile Like

Rickey E Smith We like to use the B-word when we get excited. STAY THE FUCK OUT OF OUR RELATIONSHIP. 10 minutes ago Unlike 5

D.j. White Oh wow. I thought this was over. Some people are just going to refuse to accept education. There is nothing that can change that...the only thing you can do is offer knowledge an...See More 5 minutes ago Edited Like 1

Will Harding You're the only one making that insinuation, it's rather naive of you to make an assumption on my behalf. See I can split hairs too. 9 minutes ago Like

Jude Armand Jackson I'm surprised this discussion derailed so quickly 9 minutes ago Like 1

Derek Spicer Yeah I agree the so-called feminists need to be educated not the other way around 9 minutes ago Like 2

Ross Pilotte ^Ponies. 9 minutes ago Like 1

Will Harding Ahh Hell nah, they be sayin' I ain't got no comprehension skillz. 8 minutes ago Like

Jude Armand Jackson Multiple escape routes? Seriously? Rickey isn't a rapist 7 minutes ago Unlike 7

Derek Spicer I just like how its always us who need to be "educated" 7 minutes ago Like 2

Alex Ellis You clearly posted the screenshot here for all of us to see, putting everyone in the Wolfpack Students group in your relationship...if you didn't want to be criticized, you should have cropped it out at least... 7 minutes ago Like 1

Will Harding If you really want to play the 'education/intelligence' route I'd be more than willing to bet that my ACT score makes yours its bitch. 3 minutes ago Edited Like 1

Rickey E Smith I guess I can see her point, considering she hasn't met me, and I've made a lot of verbal attacks. A lot of opponents of feminism are a bit extreme, so I can understand her caution. 6 minutes ago Like

Charlie McGee ^ I second Will. 6 minutes ago Like

Ellie June D.j. White you don't think I'm a feminist... do you? 6 minutes ago Like

Rickey E Smith Alex Ellis, I dont really care about that part, I just wanted to say "STAY THE FUCK OUT OF OUR RELATIONSHIP" 6 minutes ago Like 3

Bobby Ralston "please step into my shoes and see how I, as a woman, may not want to meet alone"... so you're saying that as a woman, you are different from a man? And have different view points and thoughts? That can't be right... I thought equality was the goal 5 minutes ago Like 2

Detric Robinson Bobby Ralston whether you want me to be your peer or not, I am. Just because we have a differing in opinion that doesn't change the fact that we go to the same school. If your feelings are that easily damaged based on an emotionally based comment then you don't belong on the internet. 5 minutes ago Like

Charlie McGee Bobby wins, again. 4 minutes ago Edited Like

Derek Spicer No one's gonna call me a homophobe if I say there is a lot of butthurt in this thread will they? Cause there is a lot of butthurt in this thread 3 minutes ago Like 2

Jude Armand Jackson Why isn't there such a thing as 'masculineism'? 3 minutes ago Like 1

Bobby Ralston ^because that would be oppressive 2 minutes ago Like

Jenn Lee Alright people, since this post has obviously descended into verbal attacks with no progress being made towards productive argument, we have decided to delete it. We want to thank ...See More 2 minutes ago Like 3

D.j. White Just saying, social equality does not mean there is one biological sex, Bobby >.> 2 minutes ago Like

Derek Spicer Yay once again self-censorship wins :) 2 minutes ago Like 1

Ross Pilotte 2 minutes ago Like

Brian Clements "we get a kick out of pissing people off real quick then deleting the evidence. have a nice day!" about a minute ago via mobile Like 5

Hanna Miller DON'T DELETE IT. about a minute ago Like 1

Marley Pluta about a minute ago Like

Bobby Ralston But why should I take into consideration how she feels "as a woman"? about a minute ago Like

Jude Armand Jackson 5 cacti about a minute ago Like 1

Ross Pilotte Marley is the only one on point right now. about a minute ago Like

D.j. White ^Most of your points were about a minute ago Like

Derek Spicer SCREENSHOT IT ALL QUICK about a minute ago Like 2

Rickey E Smith LEAVE IT UP I NEED TO COUNT MY LIKES. a few seconds ago Like 2

Jude Armand Jackson Darn, too big to print screen a few seconds ago Like

D.j. White That's "why we need feminism" lol Bobby a few seconds ago Like

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