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UNIDENSE isasimpleandfastloading technology for loading reformer tubes with catalyst,applicable to tubesizes from3to10internaldiameter. UNIDENSErequires nopresockingof catalystandnovibrationofthe reformertubes.UNIDENSEcombines being ahighqualityandfastloading technology Reloading of tubes is technology.Reloading oftubesis normallyavoided,andlesscatalyst is wasted. UNIDENSEprinciple:Catalyst isloaded intothetubeandtheloadingropeis graduallypulledoutofthetubeasthe catalystlayerbuildsup.Thebrushes withflexiblespringsreducethespeed ofthecatalystparticlessothat breakageisavoided.Thecatalyst particlesareloaded withoutbridges andunnecessaryvoids,hencethere isnoneedforvibration.

TheUNILOADERisamachineto automaticallyloadreformertubeswith catalystusingtheUNIDENSE principle.UNIDENSEisaleadingand proventechnologyusedwithinthe SYNGASmarkettoloadprimary reformerswithcatalyst. Th UNILOADER b i fi The UNILOADERbrings new b benefits to theUNIDENSEtechnology.The possibilityforhumanerroriseliminated asalltubesareloadedatexactlythe samemannerandspeed,resultingin highuniformityandreducingthe pressuredropvariationto3%(For newreformers,2%ispossible).This improved performanceisachieved up to20%faster l di A 20% f loading.Attachedvacuum h d cleanerandcarefullydesignedairflow ensuresdustfreeloading.

Fast reformer loading, No presocking of catalyst, No vibration of the tubes, Uniform pressure drop, Uniform Less waste of catalyst, No bridging or extra voids: Minimises hot spots, Reduces catalyst settling, High uniform density: Lower tube wall temp., Prolonged tube life, Increased reforming, capacity.

Human failure eliminated, Improved uniform pressure p p drop variation 3%), Faster reformer loading (up to 20% faster as manual), Highly uniform loading, Dustfree loading.

ByapplyingtheUNIDENSEtechnology theloadingtimeoftheprimary reformer can be substantially reduced reformercanbe whilst maintaining highquality loading. UNIDENSEtechnology ensures even gasflowinthetubes,andthepressure dropvariationiskepttoaminimum. The densitywillnormallybehigher thanwiththesockmethod,resulting inslightlyincreased,butmoreeven pressuredrop,duetobetterpacking. Since there arenoextravoids,further settlingofthecatalyst,andthus pressuredropincrease,willbeminimal. UNIDENSEgives highuniformdensity alongthefulllengthofthetube, decreasingtheriskofhotspotsand contributingtolowertubewall p p g temperaturesandprolonged tubelife.

UNIDENSEtechnologyisusedfor loadingofallcommoncatalysttypes andsizes.Reformertubedesignswith varyinginternaldiameter,narrow orwidetopsection,havesuccessively beenloaded. For further information, please directyour enquiry to:

Dieses Vorhaben wurde mit Mitteln des Ministeriums fr Wirtschaft des Landes Brandenburg und der EU gefrdert. Die Verantwortung fr den Inhalt der Verffentlichung liegt beim Autor. This project was funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Brandenburg and the EU. The responsibility for the content of the publication is the author.

UNIDENSETechnology GmbH AlexandervonHumboldtStrae 2 l d b ld D01987Schwarzheide Tel +6012 9073528 Fax +603 76609393 Email Web

TheDOSSIER systemisthelatest technologyinnovationbyUNIDENSE asanaddedvaluetotheclientwhen combined togetherwiththe UNILOADER.Itisamachinethat ensuresachievingtheenhancedsafe& healthyworkingenvironment,catalyst y g , y weighingaccuracy,minimumattrition, dedustingofcatalyst,further minimizingtherequirementof manpowerhenceavoidinghuman error.Ultimatelyitalsoachievesamore efficientscheduledurationas comparedtoconventionalmethodof manualhandling. NotonlydoestheDOSSIERSystem appliestocatalystweighingfor reformertubeloading,itisalsowidely useforbulkcatalystrepacking.

correctly,restrictionorificetoachieve y, criticalairflowduringdPmeasurement test. TheUNIDENSEdPEquipmentisvery userfriendlywithitslightweightdesign anddigitalreadinguptothree(3) decimalpoints.Thisincreasesthe accuracyofthemeasurementand reducesthetimeconsumedwithout compromisingthequalityifthedata obtained.


Furthereliminationof humanerror, Furtherreducesthenumber ofworkersrequired, Fast&accuratecatalyst h weighing, Minimumattrition, Dedustingcapability

UNIDENSEVideoscopeisthemost importantequipmentrequiredbefore anycatalystloadingactivitycommence. Ithelpsclienttoinspectthetube internaltoensurethatitiscompletely emptywithnodebris,usedcatalystor otherobstructionsremaining.Itisalso usedtodetermineconditionofthe outletcatalystsupportgrid.This tl t t l t t id Thi camerainspectiongivesthe UNIDENSEsupervisorandclient confidenceinthetubeconditionand cleanlinesspriortoanyloading. Anyirregularitiesobservedduringthe inspectionmustbecorrected inspection must be corrected immediatelyandpriortoanyloadings. Suchirregularitiesare,forexample, poortubecleaningand/ordamageto tubeorsupportgrid(mousetrap).


Accurate UserFriendly Simple & Fast Consistent Reliable

DOSSIERSystemprinciple:Catalystis pouredintothetopfunnelandthen weighed accordingtothedesiredmass selection.Thisiscontrolledviaspecial designed control panel where the designedcontrolpanelwherethe parametersarebeingsettoachieve optimumresult.Theweighedcatalystis thenconveyedtotheoutletdistributor directlyintobucketsoranyothertype ofpackagingmaterial;i.e.drums,etc.

UNIDENSEdPEquipment q p
UNIDENSETechnologyprovidesan accurateandreliableequipmentfor reputableaccuracyofpressuredrop measurement.ThedPequipment comescompletewithavarietyof inflatablebladdertocatertheclients reformertubeinternaldiametersize

Forfurtherinformation,pleasedirect yourenquiryto:

Dieses Vorhaben wurde mit Mitteln des Ministeriums fr Wirtschaft des Landes Brandenburg und der EU gefrdert. Die Verantwortung fr den Inhalt der Verffentlichung liegt beim Autor. This project was funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Brandenburg and the EU. The responsibility for the content of the publication is the author.

UNIDENSETechnology GmbH AlexandervonHumboldtStrae 2 Al d H b ld S D01987Schwarzheide Tel +6012 9073528 Fax +603 76609393 Email Web


OutTube Cleaneris the latest technology advancementtosafe and efficientmethod forexternal cleaning ofreformertubesand/orfurnace heatertubes,applicabletotubesizes from3to10nominaldiameter. OutTubeCleanerincorporatesthe OutTube Cleaner incorporates the highest regardstowardssafety.With theOutTubeCleaner,itisproventhat workinginheightiseliminatedand confinedspaceentryisminimizeto essentialpersonnelonly.Ultimately timesavingisalsoachievedastheneed forscaffoldingisnolongerrequired. g g q Asuctiondevice isalsodesignedtothe OutTubeCleanertopreventthe dispersionofanycontaminantparticles intotheenvironmentandprovidesa cleanerandhygienicworkspace.

Fastreformertubecleaning, Reduceoverallshutdown schedule, schedule Optimizeoverallcostand potentialcostsaving Noscaffoldingrequired, Noworkingatheight required, Reductionofmanpower requirement, Dustfreecleaning, Highcleaningefficiency: improvedheattransfer, Prolongedtubelife

OutTubeCleanerprinciple:It consists oftwoairdrivenmotors;responsible fortherotationofaheadwithsteel brushesforcleaningthetubesandto drivetheverticalmovementonthe tubesforoptimumcontamination tubes for optimum contamination removalsuchasdust,carbondeposit andscale.TheOutTube Cleanerisalso equipedwithanautomaticlimitswitch ontheupperpartofthemachinein ordertodrivedowntheunitupon reachingthecompleteheightofthe tube.

ByapplyingtheOutTubeCleaner technologytheoverallcleaning durationforthetubeexternal canbe substantiallyreducedwhilstachieving desiredcleaningrequirement.Itismore efficientthantheconventional cleaningmethodwithhighercapability cleaning method with higher capability tocovermoreareawhicharedifficult toaccess.Withconsiderationof safetyaboveanyotherfactor, OutTubeCleaneristheleading technologyinensuringsafeandhealthy workenvironment.It decreasestherisk of potential hazards related to working ofpotential hazardsrelatedtoworking atheight andreduces thenumberof peoplerequiredtoworkinaconfined spacecondition. OurreferencesforOutTubeCleaner includesAgriuminCanada,Shell StanlowinUK,YaraSluiskilin Stanlow in UK Yara Sluiskil in Netherlandsandmuchmore. For furtherinformation,pleasedirectyour enquiryto:

Dieses Vorhaben wurde mit Mitteln des Ministeriums fr Wirtschaft des Landes Brandenburg und der EU gefrdert. Die Verantwortung fr den Inhalt der Verffentlichung liegt beim Autor. This project was funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Brandenburg and the EU. The responsibility for the content of the publication is the author.

UNIDENSETechnology GmbH AlexandervonHumboldtStrae2 l d b ld D01987Schwarzheide Tel +6012 9073528 Fax +603 76609393 Email Web


InTube Cleaneris the latest technology advancementtosafe and efficientmethod forinternal cleaning ofreformertubesand/orfurnace heatertubes,applicabletotubesizes from3to8nominaldiameter. InTubeCleanerincorporatesthe InTube Cleaner incorporates the highest regardstowardssafety.With theInTubeCleaner,itisthefirstever inventionspecificallybuilttocaterthe cleaningrequirementforreformer tubes.TheInTubeTM Cleaneralsohas undergonerigoroustestingtoensure itsfunctionalityiseffectiveandatthe y sametimedoesnotcomprimisethe tubeinternalmetallurgy. Asuctiondevice isalsodesignedtothe InTubeCleanertoextractthescales, cokeddepositandothercontaminant particleswhichhasbeendislodgedby thecleaningbrushes. Diagram Before &AfterResults Cleaning with the InTubeTM Cleaner CleaningwiththeInTube Cleaner

Fastreformertubecleaning, Reduceoverallshutdown schedule, schedule Optimizeoverallcostand potentialcostsaving Dustfreecleaning, Highcleaningefficiency: Improvedheattransfer, Prolongedtubelife, 100% contact on cleaning 100%contactoncleaning surfacearea


InTubeCleanerprinciple:It consists ofanairdrivenmotor;responsiblefor therotationofaheadwithsteel the rotation of a head with steel brushesforcleaningthetubesandat thesametimetodrivethevertical movementonthetubesforoptimum contaminationremovalsuchasdust, carbondepositandscale.

ByapplyingtheInTubeCleaner technologytheoverallcleaning durationforthetubeinternal canbe substantiallyreducedwhilstachieving desiredcleaningrequirement.Itismore efficientthantheconventional cleaning method with higher capability cleaningmethodwithhighercapability tocovermoreareawhicharedifficult toaccess.Withconsiderationof safetyaboveanyotherfactor, InTubeCleaneristheleading technologyinensuringsafeandhealthy workenvironment. OurreferencesforInTubeCleaner includesEiffelIndustriesinFranceand muchmore. Forfurtherinformation, pleasedirectyourenquiryto:

Dieses Vorhaben wurde mit Mitteln des Ministeriums fr Wirtschaft des Landes Brandenburg und der EU gefrdert. Die Verantwortung fr den Inhalt der Verffentlichung liegt beim Autor. This project was funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Brandenburg and the EU. The responsibility for the content of the publication is the author.

UNIDENSETechnology GmbH AlexandervonHumboldtStrae2 l d b ld D01987Schwarzheide Tel +6012 9073528 Fax +603 76609393 Email Web

CALYDENS isasimpleandfastloading technologyforloadingfixedbed reactors,applicabletoaxialflowand/or radialflowreactordesign.CALYDENS loadingmethodalsocanbeappliedto multiplebedreactorsaswell. CALYDENScombinesbeingahigh qualityandfastloadingtechnology. CALYDENSprinciple:Catalystisloaded intothereactorandtheloading machineshallensurefullcontrolofthe loadingparametersformaximum catalystprotection.CALYDENSalsois designedtoachieveoptimalparticle dispersionandefficientcatalyst distributionacrossthereactorinternal diameter. di CALYDENStechnologyensureseven liquid/gasflowinthereactors,andthe pressuredropvariationiskepttoa minimum.The densitywillnormallybe higherthanwiththesockloading method,duetobetterpacking. CALYDENSgiveshighuniformdensity alongthefullheightofthereactor, decreasing the risk of channeling decreasingtheriskofchanneling.

Fast reactor loading, Optimal catalyst particle dispersion, Efficient distribution, Efficient Uniform pressure drop, No channeling, Reduces catalyst settling, High uniform density, Easy to handle & install, Easy to operate, Plug & Play machine. COMPARISON:
Rotating& Reversible

TheCALYDENSmachineiseasyto operateandfeaturesauniqueuser friendlyequipmentsetupand friendly equipment setup and installation.Theoperationofthe machineissimpleandwillfiteasilyto mostreactorinternalconfiguration.The CALYDENSisalsoequippedwithafail safemechanismtostopthecatalyst flowincaseofanyinterruptiontothe pnuematicairsupplydrivingthemotor.
Sock Loading CALYDENS Loading

DustControl Capability BedProfile Viewing Loadingaround TransferPipe Loading without obstructionto Centerof CatalystBed Loadingtothe maximum heightbeneath theDistributor

ByapplyingtheCALYDENStechnology theloadingtimeofthefixedbed reactorcanbe substantially reduced whilst maintaining highquality loading.

CALYDENStechnologyisusedfor CALYDENS technology is used for loadingofallcommoncatalysttypes andsizes.Reactordesignswithvarying internaldiameter,havesuccessively beenloaded. For further information, please directyour enquiry to:

Dieses Vorhaben wurde mit Mitteln des Ministeriums fr Wirtschaft des Landes Brandenburg und der EU gefrdert. Die Verantwortung fr den Inhalt der Verffentlichung liegt beim Autor. This project was funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Brandenburg and the EU. The responsibility for the content of the publication is the author.

UNIDENSETechnology GmbH AlexandervonHumboldtStrae 2 Al d H b ld S D01987Schwarzheide Tel +6012 9073528 Fax +603 76609393 Email Web

UOP Dense Loading Service

Catalyst Refining
Research backed by years of refinery experience has established that reducing void fraction and controlling catalyst particle orientation helps to prevent reactor flow maldistribution. UOPs proprietary catalyst dense loading system increases catalyst bed density and uniformity by means of the unique way in which the catalyst bed is loaded. As a result of this increased density and uniformity, producers operating a fixed bed catalytic process unit gain the ability to increase operating severity, run longer cycles and/or process more fresh charge stock in their process units. extrudates, dense loading has been shown to improve the liquid distribution by orienting the spheres closer to the ideal rhombohedral packing. Catalyst Refining

High-capacity loading
With dramatically increased loading rates of up to 45,000 lb/hr (20T/hr), refiners can make significant reductions in the time spent reloading reactors. UOP can provide one or more machines to load reactors in parallel for a more efficient loading.

Improved machine design

After identifying key variables in a detailed statistical analysis, UOP improved the design of the dense loading machine to deliver consistently flat catalyst bed profiles, which translate into improved unit performance. The new dense loading machine has UOP dense loading machine in place. been designed to handle increased catalyst flow while streamlined internal passages minimize catalyst breakage. The new distributor rotor has also been designed to load faster while maintaining better control of catalyst bed profiles. Dimensional control has been improved, resulting in more consistency in loading. Loaders are maintained at our full-service facilities by dedicated machinists with decades of combined experience. All equipment is put through a series of performance tests to ensure its operating condition before it is shipped to your facility.

Typical density improvements

Type of Particle Sphere Extrudate Pills Percent Increase Over Manufacturers Bulk Density 3-5 % 8-10 % 7-9 % Percent Increase Over Sock Loading ~10 % ~25 % ~15 %

UOPs catalyst loading service offers three key advantages: High capacity loading Improved loading machine design Experienced advisors on-site Process improvements resulting from improved density include: More uniform reactant distribution Longer cycle length or higher throughput, or both Better selectivity Lower reactor temperatures The average catalyst particle orientation will also affect liquid distribution depending on how the catalyst particles are oriented. Liquid flows over a catalyst particle in a packed bed and tends to collect at the low points of the individual particles. In a bed of extruded catalyst, liquid will tend to be redistributed to the sides of the reactor if the catalyst bed is mounded, or to the center of the reactor if the catalyst bed is dished. While liquid redistribution in a bed of spheres is not as significant as in a bed of

Experienced advisors on-site

UOP is unique in the quality of personnel that we deploy to customer facilities as part of the dense loading service. Trained process advisors oversee every aspect of the loading operation with an eye

towards maximizing the performance of process units. UOP can work with the customers staff or contractor to ensure that the loading goes as smoothly and quickly as possible. Having an experienced advisor supervising the catalyst loading will provide an additional measure of control over the loading operation. Catalyst density is, in part, a factor of catalyst properties and bed levelness during the dense loading process. UOPs years of research and development have resulted in a good understanding of exactly what settings to use for a wide range of catalyst and reactor types. The combination of years of experience and the UOP advisors attention to detail help ensure a uniform catalyst bed and maximum catalyst performance.

Quality program instituted

We have applied statistical regression to the dense loading process. UOPs position as a catalyst manufacturer and process licensor has allowed us to set up a data base of catalyst loading information. Using this data, we have developed statistical models that give us better than 95% confidence in our expected density results.
UOP advisors have experience with all aspects of catalyst loading.

Licensed suppliers
UOPs catalyst loading technology is also available from select, licensed industrial service companies. Contact UOP for service options in your area.

For more information

For more information, contact your local UOP representative or our Des Plaines sales office: e-mail: fax: +1-847-391-2253 phone: +1-847-391-2000
Machines are maintained at facilities around the globe.

2006 UOP LLC. All rights reserved. The information in this document should not be construed as a representation for which UOP assumes legal responsibility, or an authorization or recommendation to practice a patented invention without a license. UOP 4520-5 0306CREF0E

UOP LLC 25 East Algonquin Road Des Plaines, IL 60017-5017, U.S.A.

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