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Sencha Touch 2 List example with buttons such as Add, Delete, Edit
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In this example we are going to display a List of countries along with a button. In the controller we are going to capture the itemptap event and then check whether the button was clicked or the whole row was tapped so we can take the proper action. Adding custom buttons to the list such as Add, Delete, Edit etc. we can program different actions after user taps on these buttons. For back-end programing for this example please refer to the link below... Sencha Touch 2 List examples using Java Servlet and MySQL database

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Source for the application HTML file - index.html

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Source for the JavaScript file - app.js

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 EtLae.eCni( x.odrstofg{ eald tu nbe: re }; ) Etapiain{ x.plcto( nm:'yp' ae MAp, apodr 'p' pFle: ap, rqie:[ eurs 'yp.iwMiPnl, MApve.anae' ] ,

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ves:[MiPnl] iw 'anae', cnrles [DtVeDm', otolr: 'aaiweo]


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cnrles [DtVeDm', otolr: 'aaiweo] luc:fnto( { anh ucin) cnoelg'plcto luc'; osl.o(Apiain anh) Etcet(EtCnanr,{ x.rae'x.otie' flsre:tu, ulcen re lyu:'bx, aot vo' ies [ tm: { fe:1 lx , xye 'anae' tp: miPnl } ] }; ) } }; )

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Source for Country model - Country.js

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 Etdfn(MApmdlCuty,{ x.eie'yp.oe.onr' etn:'x.aaMdl, xed Etdt.oe' cni:{ ofg fed:[ ils 'oe, cd' 'ae, nm' 'otnn' cniet, 'ein, rgo' 'iexetny, lfEpcac' 'n' gp ]

}; )

Source for Country store - Countries.js

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} } }; )

Source for DataView List - MainPanel.js

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Source for the application controller - DataViewDemo.js

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Tutorial Tags: List, Sencha Touch Did you find this article helpful? Share it!

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1 comment:
Anonymous August 1, 2012 3:14 PM Beautiful! Ive been looking all around for a way to handle events on a button inside a list, and you just gave me the answer Reply Etryu cmet. ne or omn..

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