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The Pupose of Life Avadhesh Varshneya Please read a book called "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Swarmi Yoganand. The book summarily answers all the questions of yours.
24 days ago Like 2 Follow venugopal venugopal maganti I believe that the primary purpose of life is to re produce and keep the species going ,like all other animals.The more important purpose,as humans, is to improve lives of as many people as possible,whether or not they related to you,.The universe exists to support the earth,which alone can support life.The question of life on other planets will be a matter of conjecture for ever.,for,man is an animal with infinite capacity to dream and imagine. 23 days ago Like 1 Follow Ravi Kant Ravi Kant Maheshwari Ravi Kant Maheshwari I am also excited to know opinions.....keep on posting.. 23 days ago Like 1

Follow Steve Steve Dufourny Hi Dear all, I beleive humbly that we are catalyzers of the universal 3D sphere. Inside this sphere, we have a center, the most important sphere.After we have the cosmological fractal with the moons, the planets, the stars, the BH, the groups of Super BH .......we have also inside this sphere, quantum spheres, coded since the begining. The evolution is a road of optimization towards the eternal creativity. We are still young at the universal scale. 13.7 to 15 billions years, it is young still. All is light in fact, a light became mass on the line of time. All is composed by the same essence, spheres turning ..... If we are on Earth , there are reasons, we are catalyzers of spherization and harmonization. The consciouness and the intelligence are tools of spherization and harmonization. All is linked since the begining.... 23 days ago Like 2 Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Thank you @Avadesh. I will check it out. I would also be interested in knowing from common people like us how they feel about life. Sometimes when I flood the dish to drain out ants I feel may be someone is also draining us out. May be we are also one sort of bacteria some spoiling and some cleaning up or rejuvenating the earth. What are we in someone else's eyes (like may be god?) 23 days ago Like 2 karthikeyan arumugathandavan Chiranjeevi, interesting topic ........ to share a similar thought, when we are forced chase the ants of many types in many situations , I used to wonder One mug of water is complete flooding for them and a bucket poured is literal Tsunami ..!! But could we adjust to live, as suggested by some schools of thought to accommodate all beings & creatures ...... next to impossibility. The compromise is the purpose of life . 23 days ago 3

Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Chiranjeevi Tallapragada: I am a fence sitter. Neither religious nor irrligious. Let me explain. Do you know the mayawadis they say "Neti-Neti" or "Na-iti", meaning "this is not it". I prescribe to it in my own way ..not all of science nor all of religion! What I like about the Rigveda is its Nasadiya sukta, where the concept of the beginning of time and space is described. It states that before Cosmos evolved out of Chaos, there existed a single entity the veda calls Hiranya Garbha. "The one with light within". It is interpreted as the Brahmanda or the cosmic egg. Formal religion loses its bearings in such an era. Where time and space have no meaning, when chaos pervades all. Described as "Gahanam agbhiram Saleela", the water of space. Narayan (the one who came over the waters - of space), is the god underpinning Brahma. (Narayan is no doubt a later addition). here is a good translation in english...from wikipedia. Who really knows? Who shall declare it here? Whence was it born? Whence issued this creation? Even the Gods came after its emergence. Then who can tell from whence it came to be? None knows when creation has arisen; Whether He made it or did not make it, He who surveys it in the highest heaven, Only He knows, or maybe even He knows not. Hinduism is the only religion that asked such questions thousands of years ago. No wonder Sankhya's godless creed developed here. (impersonal formless god). Read the real sukta here and may be you will get some answer. This ekam eva advitiya was infested with Ahankara (awareness of the self, ego) and it thought "I am one let me be many" and that started the world. In such a scenario, there will be many like us, at other places in the cosmos, some much more ancient than us! 23 days ago Like 3 Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Now using Neti-Neti, switch your position and go the scientefic/logical way. Penguins, to impress their females gather stones all around their legs. The lady-penguin is impressed with the guy with most stones. The guy thinks "hey I am rich"! Presto, the lady uses the nest to breed. Both are happy. They breed, raise young and die. The stones are forgotten. Now look at humans ..they amass riches and power, (stones on a beach), impress women, raise children, fight some wars (sangharsh), win some lose some, then die. The riches stay back, are used up and gone. Who gains? What is the gain? I sometimes feel it is all a jaal. The ultimate gainer is the impersonal collection we call the species. People come and go, the only objective is the simplest one! Perpetuation of the species. And higher up somewhere, the super organism GAIA straddles the planet in splendid isolation. It plans, It plots, Its ultimate purpose entirely out of our puny ambit, and drives life throughout. Kasmai devaya

havisha vidhema? Who is this GOD, that we shall worship? 23 days ago Like 2 Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye The sukta link... . 23 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Thank you @Jayendra. Some I understood some I didn't. May be that is why I asked this question. As they say one who knows won't have any questions and one who doesn't know also won't have any questions. I liked your Penguin's example. The only difference is both men, women as well as children are after the pebbles in case of human beings. There is this movie 'In Time'. Where everyone remains young but lives only for one year after they are 20. The transactions are all in terms of time. Very interesting concept. Everyone spends the time left to gain time so that they can live longer. I wonder if this is the purpose of life on earth to keep working to extend one's life. Those who have plenty of time don't know what to do with their time. Their time goes in protecting that nobody steals their time. It sounds funny when seen in this way. But how different is real life anyway? 23 days ago Like 1 Follow venugopal venugopal maganti I am no fence sitter,and the universe is supposed to have started from soonya,--a point which has no dimensions,but from it emerge lines,figures in 2,3 and multi dimensions-and the entire universe-when did this happen?from the dimension less point emerged the universe in an in finitely tiny fraction of a second,and that is the beginning of the cosmic time scale,on which ,again the appearance and extinction of human beings is ,but a small fraction-and when does it end,and how?it will go back in to the dimension less point,from which it once emerged,again in a tiny fraction of a second-and when?when the cosmic time scale decides to stop--and who decides?the same one who initiated the creation--whether that some body exists or not,is a question with out answer--one should ask him/her self,what gives a person conscious ness,and what happens to it ,when he leaves the world--it is an oscillating pendulum,between life and death ,with no resting point--only life and death are certain,and even that appears to be a maya,if you think too much--that is why mere mortals like me are happy with a

simplistic explanation,AS I MENTIONED IN MY EARLIER COMMENT and carry on with my work in the time left for me on this great earth(I,WHO?) 23 days ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .( then ) .......What is the purpose of the Universe ?!?! 23 days ago Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Karthikeyan, mere mortals dont bother with that question. But it is entirely possible that if there is a creator, the purpose may be so alien and lofty, we wont accept it even if someone were to tell it. Read "Childhood's end" (Clarke / Aldiss). It is powerful SF. It deals with this question. 22 days ago Like Follow Syed Syed Imam I think answer to this question is that its a test for us and who pass will be rewarded Heaven and failure to this test will thrown to Hell 22 days ago Like 1 Follow Ujwal Ujwal Jha I find this post a bit Childish. Young people like to ask these question, there is no answer to this question however there are many people searching for the answers everyday. We do have better understanding to the world we live. To understand this we need to know what we are, you may not enjoy to learn that we humans are! We are the most dangerous virus, and as we know that the viruses (most of them) are tuned to use the available resources and grow as fast as one virus can. We are doing the same, consuming the resources as and growing our population. If you look at scientific researches made through out the history until today has two basic purposes. 1. Provide human longer life. Which of course has got lots of success as well. We live twice as longer

than just 100 years ago our ancestors could even imagine. 1. Find ways to travel faster. If we want to know what is around earth and what is in our solar system, we must travel faster. We have had great success in knowing about our solar system. There is nothing called Grand Design of GOD. Life is evolved. There are 16 episodes of The universe series on History Chanel. Watch them ....... It has latest information from different Probes in Space updated till 2010. If the knowledge of these discoveries becomes common, most of religion will lose its holds. But the truth is truth. We are a kind of virus and we need more and more resources to live comfortably and healthy so that we can travel faster and gather all the resources available in the universe. 22 days ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Ujwal, I think about religion / tradition / culture on this subcontinent , you have unscientific view. All Indian practices have a very strong scientific basis . There are many many examples ..........!! 22 days ago 4 Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Ujawal.." travel faster and gather all the resources available in the universe. " and do what? THAT was the question. What is the purpose of life on earth? Why does the universe exist? Does anyone or anything else knows about existence other than us? Truly speaking, we dont know the answer. If self replicating DNA evolved into what we are today, WHY did that happen? Sirely there needs to be a purpose? You can understand the uselessness of ear sleep breed die cycle after cycle..surely? 22 days ago Like 1 Follow jayendra

jayendra upadhye We need to know the higher purpose. Some claom to see it. Others theorize only. But try we must. Even if childishly. 22 days ago Like Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Syed Imam: I have nothing against religion, but... What is the point of sending people to eternal damnation and eternal heaven? That would be a sheer waste of resources. Even for god! Furthermore, a god who makes us, and whom you call Rahim (merciful), why the heck would he behave llike some D company Don, being judgemental on his own creation! What would be the difference then in such a vengeful angry god and a village hegemon? Break out of this shell of human values plastered on a god. A universal god is above all this. Has to be. Vedic aryans had these jealous gods (Indra). European aryans had Thor and Odin. But later the Indian aryans realized their error and talked of the one god that is all encompassing. Even later, came the nirishwarvadis godless creeds who were equally respected. Buddha himself did not advocate any god. He stressed more on Pancha-Shila. Something akin to a chinese religion that stresses more on right actions. THAT is nore honest than saying god will eternally damn or reward some one for their actions. THAT leaves NO room for improvement / refornation. Yes the concept of Tauba is there, but what of prople who never repent? Eternal hell? Karma siddhanta atleast holds out promise of salvation even to the damned of the damned. 21 days ago Like 2 Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Good Zinnia M, but it pains me when perfectly well educated people stick to this "angry god heaven hell" stuff just as an article of faith. I expect educated people NOT to take anything as just "articles of faith" Afterall here we are, discussing higher things and here is "alice in wonderland stuff"! Its a bit difficult to sromach once we see that historically these heaven / hell guys have between them killed more people than most other religions. The Bible with its inquisition, and crusades, and Islam with its sowrd. The massacres in India are legend. Are we to endure these things again and again? Akbar the great's massace at Chottod after Haldi Ghati is famous. And so is Nadir Shah's at Delhi. There is something barbaric and uncouth about this pious heaven / hell bullshit, and someone has to call a spade a spade. Enough of Nehruvian hypocrisy of sugar coating things and calling all that "historical ties"! All I can say is "My foot"! 21 days ago Like

Follow venugopal venugopal maganti I find odd comments like childish--,a bit too harsh--for thosands of years,Indians spent millions of hours on this subject and concluded that every thing you feel,see and enjoy is momentary and later a myth.Every thing is dependent on man's imagination,invention,and through his constant endeavor man has always tried to modify,nature ,rather than adapt and live with it in peace.If the chinese had advanced science and maths ,back in 4th or 5th centiuries,the europeans re discovered the likes of telescope,only in 14 th century from the chinese version--and the Indians had astronomy and maths with them for thousands of years--while the animal lurking in the man always tells him to live to feed and re produce,even at the expense of others,religion,philosophy,culture,traditions,and civility tried to reign in these animal instincts,and hence this 7 billion population today--simultaneously,Indian philosophy sought to put the limitations and illusions of human mind through several texts in perspective,which were developed by the best possible minds over thousands of years. A regular example quoted is ,there are a thousand earthern pots with water,and in each pot the Sun is present--it's image gives you the impression that the sun is present in each one of them--and this is the illusion,that the man feels,as he is himself the earthern pot(body) ,and the conscious of self being the image,the Sun here represents the universal/cosmic conscious,which itself can be an illusion,and consequently,the image in the earthern pot By the way,I too am an engineer,and know that science has improved human life,and has given it many pleasures--but,it also threatens to destroy the species,and whether we will bequeath anything to future generations ,again depends on the wisdom of humans--science,my friends,is no gospel of truth,and often contradicts it self--and the knowledge TV channels also dish out several programmes on Egyptian mummies,allegedly based on re search by western scholars,re searchers,and intellectuals--the visual impact of all those stars exploding,formation of earth,moon,evolution of life etc,, are theories,my friends,there is no video of the original events--yes,they give you enough logic,and create the illusion in audience that what they propose is absolutely true and nothing but true--what they do not show,how ever are the views of a plethora of scientists,who oppose these views as mere imagination,and full of false assumptions--if theory of relativity it self is disputed,what else can be an etenal truth?And by the way,ALBERT EINSTEIN was no atheist--why? Be cause science helps you only to understand nature and not create it--and to day,as now science says,the axiom that energy can not be produced or destroyed,but can only be transformed from one form to other--it self stands contradicted,with big bang theory--no body is sure,whether energy got created first,or matter,as they are both interchangeable.Let's keep science and religion separate,but I must remind you,both are dependent on faith of their followers 21 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan Venugopal .........Nice posting there but please have one point for further thoughts / consideration ................ as far this sub-continent is concerned, religion was and is Science !! 21 days ago

Follow Vivek Vivek Srivastava The purpose of life is to live on this earth enjoy the resources without any damage to nature or hurting anyone.If you enjoy your life your creator will also feel happy ( Like a parent feel happy if Kids are happy ).why some one created this life system , to my understanding its all to maintain the flow of life itself, thats why the reproduction capabilities.There is no sperate Heven or Hell , its all in this life only.there are five mahaboot which controls the life - kaam, krodh, lobh, moh and ersya.for more information please refer book Gita. 21 days ago Like 1 Follow Syed Syed Imam @ Jayendra, Yes Allah is Rahim, but also He is the best Judge, and in law Good and Evil cannot be equal, and according to law Evil is bound to be panalised for his acts. You are free to have your own views. 21 days ago Like Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Syed thanks for the magnanimous "allowance"! 21 days ago Like Follow Syed Syed Imam Its my "pleasure" Sir 21 days ago Like Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Imam.. My problem with "He is the best Judge, and in law Good and Evil cannot be equal, and according to law Evil is bound to be panalised for his acts." is that who is to say what is good and bad? THIS attachment to heaven / hoors / hell can have devastating results as many in Pakistan are learning every day. I attended a show titled "Islam religion of peace" by a man muslims idolise. (Zakir Naik). At the end of the show, a fellow got up and asked Zakir.."I have a hindu friend who is pious, takes care of his parents, has no vices like smoking and drinking, is kind to all, will he go to heaven?"..and then came the Zakir Gem.

Please consider Zakir's answer and why I hate "heaven hell" preachers / believers. Zakir said. "That hindu will go to hell, simply because he is not a muslim! He is failing to offer Namaz 5 times a day. Plain and simple". I was stumped by the arrogance of that statement. Islam has killed thousands simply because they were not good enough as they were not muslims. (Hajjaj's order to Mohammad Bin Qasim that he was being too easy on the Kaffirs and the massacres at Debal and Brahmanabad). Christians under Cortes and Pizzaro decimated whole civilizations in south America and plundered their gold. All because the natives were NOT christian and so were good enough for the kill. What happened in 26/11 and who were the planners every one knows. Can you negate all that? We all know who perpetrated the kiilings in Bangladesh and why. One of the politicians in Pakistan had gloated during the killings "aaj Iman taaza ho gaya". (Reodad Khan 1971). Wah! kya iman logon ko marte dekh taza hota hai !! THIS blood lust can come only in people who believe in heaven/hell and not to forget, the 72 hoors waiting for them in heaven if they kill people declared vajib-ul-qatl" (ex:- salman taseer) THIS is my opposition to jahil thoughts of heaven / hell. 21 days ago Like Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Imam: Crime and its punishment by Allah apart, what is your take on the three questions posed by Chiranjeevi? Just turning the beads of the rosary and going to heaven and enjoying hoors / twanging a silly harp "forever" could not possibly be the answers. Any thing more concrete than that? 21 days ago Like Follow Ujwal Ujwal Jha Sorry for harsh words. I did not mean anything. Friends.... I know what you do not want to know and have very little knowledge. Even if I pest link of references, but you wont consider because of the situation you are in. Let me put it this way. Do we know what is life mean on earth? Life as we know it .... created by god and which is why we had lots of myth. We believed that the earth is in center and our early scientists were killed or jailed because it was a threat to religion and god. Today its almost gone. We or any other species are basically an energy transforming device. Our job is to harvest energy. True, modern scientific researches has destroyed many species. So it will be worse in future because the new understanding is very different. We human need more and more energy. We are growing on rapid speed. To secure the required energy we will take away all the animals from planet earth.

I know you do not like to hear that but I am telling you what you would see after 50 years. For an example cow collects energy and gives us back in the form of milk and beef. But cow as an energy transforming device is not very efficient, or not as efficient as we can make our own, result they will not be allowed to live on earth for too long because we need efficient tools. It is the future science, you like it or not but it will certainly happen. Just today Netherlands has decided to ban all kinds of Halal meat. Things will change rapidly and people wont go against it because that will give human a longer life. If you are not biased and follow the modern method of life, you may live up to 125 years. The reason we need longer life and faster travelling device so that we can explore the universe. With this life spam and speed of travel we cant go far. Which is why if you look at the scientific researches made in last two decades are generally to answer two problems. 1. How can we live longer? 2. How can we travel faster?? I am born in a Brahman Family. I am well aware of Hinduism and its ideology. I like to see tomorrow. I believe that every thing has its life and religions are about to finish their life cycle. It is probably not so great but Islam is certainly challenged very strongly, the future of any religion is not bright. 21 days ago Like Follow Ujwal Ujwal Jha I had a Poem in my high school Hindi book. Fir kya hoga uske baad? Ravi se Ujjwal, shashi se sundhar nav badhu ghar aayegi, Fir kya hoga uske baad?? What will happen next? The boy goes on asking this question and finally mother gets annoyed and says. Fir may mar jaungi.... She says she will die out. So the question what is the purpose of life has got very similar answer. Right now the purpose of life is to explore the universe we live and find more resources so that we can keep growing. We will have new purpose once we have got what we are searching today. 21 days ago Like Follow Ujwal Ujwal Jha @Mr. Karthikeyan..... I think you do not understand me. You wont understand me. I have some questions for you, try to answer them if you can. I bet your answers would reveal why India is still

a developing country! You have said "All Indian practices have a very strong scientific basis." Really is that so?? Have you seen a movie Water? Directed by Mira Nayar? If not watch and tell me which science suggests to through widows to Varanasi? Burning a dead body is not something we should argue but tell me how scientific it is to take the left over of ashes of dead and carry it to river Ganges? Is it scientific to kill those who wants to marry in the same Gotra?? Well Islam permits it?? One of them must be unscientific? How scientific is Mundan Or janau or Shradha ?? At least I do not find these culture has any scientific background. Please do answer and explain how these act of Hindus are scientific?? 21 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Some exotic news, 'We could live inside a super massive black hole eventually... but super-aliens may have already beaten us to it,' claims Russian cosmologist . Most advanced civilization in the galaxy could already be living inside, claims Vyacheslav Dokuchaev. Despite being considered the most destructive force in space and absolutely uninhabitable, the conditions for life exist inside supermassive black holes, a Russian cosmologist has theorised. more comments --20 days ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan @ Ujwal, Don't believe it , forget it and there is no hurry to Discover IT :) 20 days ago

Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Ujwal jee you think like me! I always ask this question ..what is scientific in religion? Mind you philosophy and religion are two different things. 20 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .One example, the traditions in this subcontinent were ( is ? ) highly scientific ! ___________ * The Timing and Quality of Early Experiences Combine to Shape Brain Architecture * 'Critical aspects of brain architecture begin to be shaped by experience before and soon after birth, and many fundamental aspects of that architecture are established well before a child enters school ' ' The architecture of the brain depends on the mutual influences of genetics, environment, and experience. Genetics supplies a basic plan for brain development, just as an architect supplies a blueprint for building a house. The genetic plan instructs the basic properties of the nerve cells and lays down the basic rules for interconnecting nerve cells within and across circuits. In this manner, genes provide the initial construction plan for the brains architecture. The environment in which the brain begins to develop can have a profound influence on its initial architecture. Just as the selection of the best building materials enables the realization of the full potential of an architects blueprint, a healthy environment beginning in the prenatal period allows the full potential of the genetic plan for the brain to be expressed. This includes an abundant supply of nutrients, an absence of toxins, and the healthy personal and social' ...................................................................................................................... Read more: ___________ ..........It is a well-known story how Narada Mamuni hijacked an offspring of Asura and literally brain washed him in the womb itself ......... Discover IT :) ________

20 days ago Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Dear Karthikeyan you are referring to whom? Prahlada? or Dhruva? 20 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ..Jayendra I sincerely do not know who is ' Dhruva ' :) -20 days ago Follow Syed Syed Imam @Jayendra, I wondered why you shifted each discussion towards Pakistan, actually i am here to participate in creative discussions not to abuse anyone. on the other hand you are quite poor in history (e.g you don't know why Bin Qasim attacked Dibal?). I also want to tell you that you don't try to think on issues and take media reports as truth. Tell me why India is failed to provide concrete evidence to Pakistan regarding 26/11 just as US failed to provide any evidence relating to Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. Furthermore, you are also biased, why you don't say anything about 700,000 Indian soldiers voilating humanity by killing innocent Kasmiris, why you don't talk about UN resolutions on Kashmir Issue,why you don't say anything on Indian voilation of Sind Taas Treaty by building almost 54 dams, why you dont take up the issue of Khalistan, Why you don't say anything what Indian army did in Golden Temple, why you don't tell me about WADA and about more than 25 independence movements in india,why you don't say anything regarding Moody's crimes in Gujrat, Why you don't say anything for Shiv Sina and baal Thakure for their sheer harassment to Minorities,why you dont say anything about involvement of Indian serving Colonel Prohit in Train Bombings which has been proved by your own agencies,why you don't say anything against US attacks on Iraq and Afghanistan. Are muslims not human????? If you really have love for humanity then have courage to talk on these issues??? Otherwise it will be a proof of your biasedness. Now answers to Questions of Chiranheevi, Ans-1) Its a test for us Ans-2) universe is an Examination Hall Ans-3) Allah and Farishte 20 days ago Like

Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Dear Syed, You really mean this universe was built by allah for all of us to appear in some sillly examination? Give us a break. Regarding all the other stuff you have written, the less said the better. Have you even read the UN resolutions? They clearly state that Pakistan is to go back to status quo ante, ie return all of kashmir the guys looted from India in 1948 under the guise of Tribals. (old habit that surfaced again in Kargil). Then the Indians would demilitarise. Now PAKISTAN HAS ALREADY ILLEGALLY CEDED POK to the Chinese. So the Pakistani government knows implementing the UN resolutions is impossible. That figure of 700,000 is so much mugged up by most writers, they forget they are bombing their own people with planes and artillery on waziristan. Dont we all know how the Kashniri Pundits were driven oit by slogans "aap ki biwi Behenen yahin chhod jaao" over the loudspeakers? so dont bring in Kashmir. Your records in Bangladesh are all over the net. Regarding dams, see what your own ministers say about the Indus water treaty, that there is no vilation at all. Your poor upkeep of canals is to blame. Most are breached by interested parties as happened during the flood this year itself, and reported in your own papers. Stop quoting the bible to us please. Aksai chin China se wapas le lo, POK free karo fir kashmir ki baat karo. 20 days ago Like 1 Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye I have to bringall this up simply because of non serious answers to a serious discussion. no one is interested in harp twanging heavens and fire and brimstone hells. we want something higher than that stone age stuff. 20 days ago Like Follow Syed Syed Imam @ Jayendra, You are even manner less, you know that muslims are much conscious about the word Allah, and you intentionally didnt start the word with capital letter. So in my opinion you are not a person with whom any discussion could be made.You are also full of hate for Pakistan. My father migrated from Bihar to Bengal (East Pakistan) so i have very well aware that what were happened in East Pakistan. 20 days ago Like

Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye My posts are full of typos..always. Many know this may be you dont. All my arguments have been against incorrect facts. International opinion seems to be opposite of most of your views. Which you then dismiss as incorrect journalism. Ok with me. Now any deeper thoughts on the 3 questions? Apart from fire and brimstone that is.. 20 days ago Like Follow Steve Steve Dufourny Indians and pakistanians are brothers like the israelians and palestinians....please dear thinkers, how could you solve the probelms if already the high thinkers of the country are not in agreement ??? The responsbility of universal thinkers is so important,you must show to your countries that it is possible to find concrete solutions with universlism and rationality. 19 days ago Like 1 Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Dear @Syed @Jayendra Has god created humans or humans created god is another question that can never be answered. To me one god created humans but they have become extra smart and created so many gods. He has given us one tongue but we have created so many languages, he has given us one earth and we have created so many boundaries, he has given us two hands and we created weapons so powerful that can kill millions with one finger tip. So, I am wondering if God has really made us or have we made God? God, religion are given to us by our parents. We don't choose them (at least a majority of us.) Its like a name, an identity. Period. I have no dispute with your name so why should I have any dispute with your religion? What makes me feel bad is every discussion turns into a verbal dispute between two people. This way our minds are not expanding they are just exploding. 19 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan Steve

Who is Israel , India or Pakistan - that might bring in some peace out here :) 19 days ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Verrry smart...@Karthikeyan 19 days ago Like Follow Steve Steve Dufourny the peace and the love like the compassion are the only things which remains us....on this earth is also the only things which can solve our global problems... 19 days ago Like NimuUnfollow Nimu Shenoy, MBA Chiranjeevi, I will think about your questions and provide a response soon. You also made the following comment,"What makes me feel bad is every discussion turns into a verbal dispute between two people. This way our minds are not expanding they are just exploding." Thank you for saying this. I personally abandoned a few interesting discussions because there was constant battle. It is fine to have differing opinions, but I think one should be tactful and respect the others' thoughts. Hopefully, we will all use this forum to learn from each other. If not, I feel that ILN may start losing some of its good members. 19 days ago Like Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye So are we to take hook line and sinker some argument that god made the universe for all of us to pass some silly exam and then go on playung a silly harp forever on some cloud if we pass, and burn eternally in brimsrone if we fail? And all this to be facilitated by a 100 turns of the rosary or bowing xyz times to the ground, destroying other prople's places of worship, beheading and bombing them to hell and then preaching this silly practice over the net? Do you want me to put up with that crap? Just so that the discussion remains goody goody? I hope we have the honesty to call bullshit just that. Prople who feel I am harsh need to read the book "the subtle subversion", by an ex extremist. He

describes how his comrades laughed every time after a bomb blast poliricians came out and said "it is not the religion that is bad it is the practitioners". And all the time, the book continued to be a primer on how to kill kafirs and enjoy their women and children. Clear instructions of "kill all able bodied men and use the women without impregnating them" being some of those holy instructions! We are fiddling when Rome is about to burn. Come on! call a spade a spade at least. 19 days ago Like 1 Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye I suggest keep religious talk away from this forum. But if it is indeed discussed, then at least let us not condone silly and shallow talk. High philosophy is ok, not some barbaric stone age stuff. Secondly all I have done is clarify wrong facts, and pull down some silly conspuracy theories. One of these guys told me in Dubai, "hum ne India mein bomb fode usliye app log chup ho gaye". (Musharraf recently said the same thing when talking of Dawood Ibrahim). And he was an ordinary person, an engineer. He and his friends used to refularly harangue us on statue worship. He was openly cheering the Pakistani side during 20-20. He would regularly force us to reduce TV volume the moment the namaz started. He is now employed in Reliance Bombay. Imagine, with this mindset, what can happen if god forbid there is a war tomorrow. And then they say "aap log hamein shak ki nagahon se dekhte ho". Come on! Syed jee ne bade garv se kaha ki unka iman pahele dharam par hai, country comes bad mein. And not one soul here stirred. No pious lectures were heard. Cant you see if that outlook is practiced, how dangerous it is to any country? Yet the slumber is so deep. The mounting of high moral horses continues. Pahele swarg jana hai, achha dikhna gayi bhad mein. On top I am hearing pious talk of two people arguing. Nero is surely busy in India, with his fiddle! 19 days ago Like 1 Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye I am quitting this "all is well" rollypolly thread NOW. Surely some people can reach a step closer to sainthood in the mean time. And as I said, the country may go to..... 19 days ago Like Follow jayendra

jayendra upadhye Kindly refer:- Or read the holy book itself ! And be enloghtened as to why Bangladesh rapes happened. And be enlightened what awaits you if you continue to slumber like now. Bye all. 19 days ago Like NimuUnfollow Nimu Shenoy, MBA Chiranjeevi, I personally liked your question and feel that it is a topic that is good to answer for oneself. It really should be thought-provoking because it is quite philosophical too. Often times, a lot of questions on ILN are either directly leadership-related or politically-inclined. It is important for a leader to also consider philosophical topics because it encourages brainstorming and goalsetting. I took some time to quickly read through these comments. This question should be one's own reflection of existence and purpose in life. It is okay if one has feelings that religion is a part of it, but it is not necessary to express your own set of beliefs. For me, as time passes, I believe that my purpose is to share light-heartness and joy with people. Deep down, I am not happy all the time, but I would like others to feel that they can smile and laugh through their life journey. Arif K. has a post about abundance mentality, and this is what I believe is my purpose. Bring something for others and joy will return to me. Well, at least I have an answer to one of your questions! Remember everyone -- The Universe is balanced with the good and the bad. We all contribute to both good and bad whether intentional or not. This is what makes the Universe whole. 19 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .............When one is born , physical form as a human being - what all does one bring along with them. Nothing !! or they just appear in a preexisting space because mountains , oceans sun, moon ... all exist before and after their life time -. do they at least come with knowledge / information of such paces ............ they can always leave a dent in the space , effects which could be felt for a long time to come how do people collectively build spaces or clear off each other's space for fun one builds one's space to keep it's form , should it destroy other ones forms & space

does one and one&all have thought space too.............................. Life is an empty space ! 19 days ago Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Haha! Karthikeyan! My firm resolve to stay away from this thread had to go once I read your statement! But then do you mean thinking "all this was there before I came and will be there after I go", one should remain passive and not react to the obvious? With this philosophy (similar to the mayavadis running away from the "real world"), people will stop defending even their own country! (Precisely what ailed India in the midddle ages and ails india even now). If you look at history, Buddhism had this effect on countries that adopted it. (Central asian republiks and even Mongolia of all countries, were / was Buddhist for a time in the middle ages. These firece people were soon overtaken by others the moment they were introduced to pacifism of the Buddhists. Why! Buddhism was taken to China not by Indian monks but by Turkish Buddhist missionaries! Kalhan in Rajatarangini mentions that Lalitaditya of Kashmir had a Turkish Buddhist as his minister. I feel savages conquer peaceful states, themselves get civilized and soft in turn to be conquered by ongoing process..the wheel of time, the Kaala-Chakra! Example: The turks conquered the eastern Roman empire at constantinople some time in 1500 AD. In due course, The wily Brits overthrew them easily as they had become soft! Another case is that of the Arabs. Once a mighty conquering power, the savage Mongols under Halaku Khan overran Baghdad (1250 AD) and raised a mountain of dead people by strangulating the whole populace, and killing the Caliph by putting him in a carpet and making horses/elephants tread on it! The righteous Halaku it appears had made a treaty with the Khalif that he would take the city without shedding blood! What do you think? 19 days ago Like Follow Syed Syed Imam @ Nimu@Chiranjeevi, Everyone is allowed to express his/her ideas but he/she should not be allowed to impose them on others, i had just given my input on your question.I think this forum is not a place of battle, so i asked everone that just give your opinion without any offensive remarks. 19 days ago Like 1 Follow jayendra

jayendra upadhye Just completing my last post. This action of Halaku (sack of Baghdad) had the most salutory effect on the Arabs and their worldview (the mutazilites-asharites debate: search the net for that). This debate is important as in a way it also applies to Indians. While on the Mongols, we should give credit where it is due, The Egyptian Arabs (under Beibers) routed the Mongols conclusively at the battle of Ain-jalut (Spring of Goliath) If that had not happened, the "scourge of god" would have made all Europe subservient to Mongol supremacy. No womder children had Ming the merciless as villain in flash gordon tales! It also explains the European gut feeling about people with mongoloid features. Coming to the questions, I somerimes feel humans may not be qualified yet to answer them. For we are not very much above the animals as of now, to put things honestly. 19 days ago Like THOMASUnfollow THOMAS AW Sure Chiranjeevi, Every morning the Flowers know how to smile at you, and the Plants know how to communicate with you, they know that, you are there for them, to keep their spirit High. Universe is a large DREAM, we exist to play as actors & actresses, according to the script of, the Invisible mystic power of NATURE. THOMAS AW 19 days ago Like 2 karthikeyan arumugathandavan Jayendra, * ' to provide livelihood for his subjects ' *. News article, The Tamil inscription also says that Rajaditya was killed while seated on the elephant (aanai mel thunjiya Chola deva). The Karhad plates mention that one of the aims behind Krishna III's invasion of the Chola territory was * ' to provide livelihood for his subjects ' *. .........Essentially If one decides to fill their space as King or Carpenter ....etc, One has to convert necessary spaces and clear of the space of some living beings too. Imagine how many such space fights happen and likely to extend to space & outer space . Part and parcel of space clearance for again nothing in the end ................

China Will Own the Moon, Space Entrepreneur Worries more comments --19 days ago Follow Syed Syed Imam @Thomas, i think you are inspired by Shakespear ideology, am i right??? 19 days ago Like 1 THOMASUnfollow THOMAS AW Syed, you still read Shakespear ? That was donkey years ago, when He was the compulsory textbook, in my kiddy school term. I am a Thinking person, * NO Ideology needed to strangle my neck. Cheers ! THOMAS AW 19 days ago Like 1 Follow Syed Syed Imam @Thomas, my dear friend a considerable number of people think that Shakespear was a great philosopher of his times specially in UK. He also Laid that " the world is a stage and all of us are actors, we all play our role and then left the stage" 19 days ago Like THOMASUnfollow THOMAS AW Hi Syed, Correct - Shakespear is talking about the Worldly mundane stage, whereas;

Chiranjeevi is asking for the cosmic Universe of infinity. So, she has an Omni Dream with bigger players, looks similar but, once you examine closer, the Difference is tremendous. * Mere physical players of Shakespear : appeared once in the Theatre of life. THOMAS AW 19 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi on flow Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi asks, "What makes a life worth living?" Noting that money cannot make us happy, he looks to those who find pleasure and lasting satisfaction in activities that bring about a state of "flow." 19 days ago Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Karthikeyan: for once dear fellow do let us YOUR OWN views minus the links! By now I am kind of dying to know :) 19 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .................Okay :) 19 days ago AtulUnfollow Atul Saksena I find all comments very interesting and showing different perceptions. Keep Posting.. 19 days ago Like THOMASUnfollow

THOMAS AW Atul : Welcome to action, participate and give us some comment on what do you Think, all members can discuss on this interesting Topic. Thanks, THOMAS AW 19 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada @Jayendra I am sure you will agree that all our philosophy, thinking is but belief. You may not also dispute the fact that there is no hierarchy in beliefs. My guess is there is no hierarchy even in evolution of life because there is no direction in space. Which way is up and which way is down. I think this is how it is intended to be. If we accept that every thought is equally important or unimportant, the choice to connect to any idea is based on something that is inside us rather than outside us. From: India Leadership Network 18 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada @Karthikeyan, one thing one definitely brings (back) with them is mass, which is formed through the processes in the womb. Wow, we are nothing but the indestructible energy converted into mass. If so we are but recycled energy. That is why may be we cannot escape from the thoughts that have existed before us or if it we have to do it, may be our mind needs escape velocity to get rid of the gravity of thoughts that keep us hooked. 18 days ago Like 2 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Chiranjeevi Good one, ..............Discover IT :) .18 days ago

Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Chiranjeevi, can you make some sense out of your 2 posts above? Some beliefs we can surmise are truths. example:- Fire burns whether Iam in my house, in America or on a different planet. (As long as fire as we know it can exist there. Based on that, I can surmise that fire Burns! Period. Likewise, (as said in the Nasadiya and hiranyagarbha suktas), everything that starts, has an end. The gods all started some time (they have their tales of genesis), so perforce they will end some day. This universe by the law of mathematical induction, was not there once (before the big bang), is there currently, so will not be there some day. What is THAT which remains through out? Which is THAT ('tat' in sanskrit) entity which we shall worship? Is the Rigvedic question. About an attributeless 'it'. No gender, no attributes (Nirguna). THIS we can understand. Like understanding the null set which is subset of all sets, this IT pervades all cosmos since time immemorial. This we can understand too. IT, (GOD) is all around you. The wind passing over your hair is IT's touch! Think that and it can be really enthralling. Have you read the Gaia theory? Clarke's A encounter with Rama is a similar story. That is why Yogis attempt to Yoke (Yuj) with IT during Samadhi. Now belief is NOT there in this as most of it is pure simple logic. Once the yoke is established (sayujya) by inference all the powers of creation are at ones disposal. (Holographic universe, gagar mein sagar). HUM ye sab jaan sakte hain, lekin janna aur samajhna isme antar hai. Like writing code, and having a compiler. We deal with code (emotions and thoughts and physical experiences). The yogi has the cosmic compiler. Like in the movie matrix, he can then alter reality by actually compiling the 3d world's modified code. (Sankalpa). I always joke that the actual cosmic compiler is with the Guru. THAT is why no yogi can succeed without a Guru! :) 18 days ago Like Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Chitanjeevi: On this topic there is much to know. The 3 Gunas, the Pancha Tattvas. The purush as the drashta, Prakriti as the energy driving the cosmos. These are not beliefs, we can easily find and agree that any action has two components. The driver and the driven. The sayujya of the two forms what we call "action". Going back along this chain to the root, we reach the concept of Purush and Prakrit that is why it is called the Adim Dwandwa (Primal couple / original duality). Shankara had to face it up and brought up vishishta advaita to explain how this duality is but an illusion. Prakriti being just an aspect of the purusha. I wonder if you shall agree to all the above. But this is what is there in the Vedanta. 18 days ago Like

Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye @Zinnia: You are right no offence felt here. But may I know what has stirred you up so much? I have not done any zabardastee with any one, nor insisted "only I am right". I merely put forward some thruths conveyed by Vedanta and Sankhya. As I found them scientrfic and logical. Vivekananda did something etc, that is his problem and he must have had his reasons. That does not mean that Vedanta is "tyaajya"! Hum ek admi ki karni se ja nahi sakte. And I am sure Vivekananda would also not like that! It is YOU who are using him to say what you want to say ..that hell with Vedanta. Khul ke kahiye, why use poor Vivekananda foe that? :) You are doing something that Zakir Naik does, and which has become fashionable. Praise the vedas then curse hindus for idol worship, as it is not found in the Vedas. Then tell them on the same breath while the iron is hot, to start eating animal flesh because Vedic people ate meat a lot, and thus follow the true religion. Rather INSIST on it. This is the thought process of someone who does not believe in change. It is classic case of devil qioting bible. by this logic, we should start INSISTING that people should follow and emulate The person who tried sacrificing his child, and see if god intervenes! Iam simply following Zakir's path! Be true to the religion, start attempting to sacrifice you kids to appease god. Afterall Zakie is an authority even on the Vedas! Then comes hypocrisy. Iska ek fayda hai! You get to curse the hindus using hearfelt reformist zeal as a shield! How delectably enjoyable. No one can curse you for it, it is delightful exercise! I too am going to try it now. Some people Criticise others on statue worship, and then look towards a certain object (quibla) themself when it is prayer time. Is THAT any different from statue worship? This fixation with an object is exacrly identical to statue worship. Why criticise village Jahils when they worship a stone then? Lekin in se logically bat karna fizool hai. They think they are free to criticize, destroy (temples and statues, akshardham attack). lekin unhe koi criticise kare to tauba!! Marne Maarne pe utar ayenge! Ye hypocrisy pe madam aap kuchh kahengi? Any creative juices flowing on that one? 18 days ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .................God is a ' concept ' and it is ........................ OMni P........., OMni P........,OMni .S......., X.... .Y .... ... etc See a Snake swallowing a Toad , Oh ....., one god eating another god ........ one is dead and for the other it is just a day's- meal 's - side dish !! .18 days ago Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Kartikeyan, in one of your previous posts you said you did not about Dhruv. But you knew about Prahlad. Why? I supposed most knew about both vaishnav favorites! 18 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan Jayendra, Expecting this question only , I said ' sincerely I do not know ' . The name is not registered with me at all , ready to have some highlights on him . 18 days ago Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Dhruv the son of UttaanPaad is quite senior of Prahlad the son of Hiranyaka-Shipu. Both were great VishnuBhaktas. Dhruv asked for and got a place that was Achyut (infallible). He got to be the Dhruva Tara and ruled 26,000 years. Actually this is a take on the precession of the equinoxes, an astronomical phenomenon. The axis of the earth describes a cone in the sky, as the earth wobbles slowly on its axis. Polaris ceases to be the pole star once every 26000 years. The axis points to other stars and after 26,000 years again points to Polaris. This is the great cycle of which Indians and Egyptians were aware. THAT also means both these people have a history of astronomical observations going far back in time, before the universal flood 11,500 years ago. This flood was caused by the sudden rapid melting of the ice caps as the last ice

age ended. (Indra killing Vritrasur who had locked up all water). It flooded the Bering straits and cut off America from Asia. Imagine! Not a single forest on earth is older than 11,500 years ago. Because then 90 % of the earth's potable water was locked up in ice caps extending to the tropics! A mile thick! And all land was arid and dry, between the two tropics. It also submerged the "Ram ka pul" between Lanka and India. (That pul is actually geologically much older, 17,00,000 years old). Many places on the globe still have ancient Indian place names attached to them. But more on that in a later post. 18 days ago Like 2 Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye @Zinnia M; You are putting words in my mouth. I suggested nothing. It is a fact that many many Hindus dont eat meat. Period. If you go to these verisame people and tell them how their Vedic people ate meat, and therefore they MUST eat meat, and how if they dont do as told they are wrong! THAT is definitely a wrong thing to do. I said some thing tough to syed, and he called me mannerless. Aap Vedanta to tyajya bataa rahee thi to kya main aap ko mannerless bataa sakta hoon? Nahi! The whole holier than thou brigade will pull me down and go one step nearer to sainthood at my expense! I really suspect now that you are in a habit of doing this. Put words in other people's mouths and start quoting the bible next. I knew caste, sati, staines, Bangalore everything would come up, you would scour everything you could pin on hindus, and I had even predicted that. But as I said, NOT say a thing on the mentality that caused so many deaths in Bomb blasts. NOT a word on the Akshardham attack, NOT a word on 26/11.. Oh! Its NOT fashionable to criticise muslims, poor fellows were just doing a bit of pious and righteous Jihad isnt it? THEY were misguided werent they, Why blame them? AND secondly who knows they might take it to heart and pass a fatwa or two and you could come to grief! So criticise only Hindus who never retaliate, but rather pull each other down in their haste to show the world how great they are, and so you can read sermons chapter and verse and throw in Vivekananda for good measure. Aur kam ban jayega. Wah wah. Im impressed! 18 days ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan ........Now I have found the meaning of life :) .. find out where ever there is dirt and keep cleaning , welcome sign for the ecology !! .18 days ago Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Zinnijee if you dont know Zakir Naik, Ignotance is bliss! For apart from being a memory sharp (like a crd sharp) he has nothing to contribute. He is I suspect under Wahabi influence. Many in Pakistan and even India (Muslims themselves) dont agree with his rather strong approach. For example he detests sufis. Hindostan se Sufu tradition nikalo to kya bachta hai on Islamic front? Ajmer, Salim Chisti, Nizamuddin auliya in ke dargah aaj bhi mane jate hain. Lekin ye sahab hai ki isko achha nahi mante! 18 days ago Like Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Karthikeyan bhai sahab kam se kam hamen galiyan to mat do! :) Itna kam bhi mat boliye ki meaning samajhna kathin ho jaye. Wo kam Patanjali sahab kar gaye hain. People have to write whole books just to explain his few lines! 18 days ago Like Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Masternijee jara busy hoon, will get back agter some time. Sure, and will wite in english too. They say venom is needed to fight venom..right? 17 days ago Like Follow venugopal venugopal maganti Is this not getting a too un comfortable,with words like venom,crap,bull shit?

I think it is time to leave this group--I thought,people can exchange views here, not necessarily convince and win over dissenters--or condemned to be burnt in brim stone,to quote one of the hyper active participants--already,some one advised a tone down of the PH of the acidic comments,but there seems to be no respite coming 17 days ago Like Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Venugopal, the 3 words you mention are used by most people in everyday language. Honestly tell me dont you use them to describe something untenable? Do you seriously believe the purpose of this universe is to be examined by god and then go to heaven for ever? And what does one do there? The questions asked are serious ones and demand serious answers. Why so uncomfortable with strong debate? Are we here to scratch each others backs and give off prizes for being nice? And for that matter, I have NOT maligned anyone personally, but others have called me mannerless etc. But surely that you wont notice. I have only criticised viewpoints, and this is a sort of interaction so one indeed has a right to try and put forward things that are logical. What is the problem. How come I never have issues with Karthikeyan and others but only one or two people here? Most of my arguments I try to rest on solid foundation. (Almost all) Even the historical facts (some seem to not like that) are as solid as I can make them. Nowhere have I claimed greatness or anysuch thing. All I do is cut wrong views down to size. And that is about it. Do think along those lines. If someone were to logically come up with something I appreciate them, I always appreciate Kartikeyam's coolness, Arif's 'tp the point' thinking..uf you care to read other threads you will find that out. But I dont suffer fools. 17 days ago Like Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye @chiranjeevi: Can you expand your last qiestion? "Does anyone or anything else knows about existence other than us?" Because if you mean on earth, all other rest of the animals do know about existence. The primates are quite "conscious", and crows have been known to keep track of "how many people went into a room and how many came out!". On the universal scale we have the aliens! In a galaxy of 100 billion stars how can we say we are the only people around? I asked because I wondered if you meant anything else? 17 days ago Like

Follow venugopal venugopal maganti I am myself an agnostic,but veering more towards theistic side,simply because,there is no other alternative to co habit for human beings--it is the culture,traditions,based on what has been passed on to us by our predecessors,and is based essentially on belief system--now if some body turns in to a religious terrorist,blame the extremist views--in any case if we cannot tolerate an alternate view point,can not get along with others with their own weaknesses,and want to forcefully change other's views,I think this is the very anti thesis of a management philosophy--I would look at how to live a purposeful life,rather than worrying about an INVISIBLE GOD,and break my head on his existence-after all, human society is not produced by a single mould,and it's characteristics,both physical and mental vary --no 2 humanbeings are alike--we can only exterminate,what is bad for the society,not what some intellectuals do not like--the spat between you and Kartikeyan is not in good taste,and a mediatory effort by madam Zinnia also turned some what vitriolic--we are not trying to win a debate,nor can we bring about a revolutionary change like MAO or LENIN,who must be licking their wounds,in hell,if it exists--for,they forced a change in their countries,extirpating all dissenters,but you know what had happend--I believe a more relavant discussion would be does economic prosperity exist ?or is it an illusion,which keeps appearing once in a while?can such prosperity be perpetuated?you do not need to be an economist to gloat about such questions 17 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan -. Venugopal " -the spat between you and Kartikeyan is not in good taste,and a mediatory effort by madam Zinnia also turned some what vitriolic " I will repeat the comment for your sake :) "" .......Now I have found the meaning of life :) .. find out where ever there is dirt and keep cleaning , welcome sign for the ecology !! "" .17 days ago Follow Gloria Gloria OMarrah I haven't met any thats smart enough to answere that question, just I think answeres.I would suggest drwing an invisable box and cocentrate on whats going on in that area before asking such big questions. Why do you need to know that answere? People that are depressed usually ask simulair questions. They don't want to think about themself or solutions so they keep asking why. They want someone tell tell them why.I know for sure its helping grow the grass behind you thats feeding that cow so you can have milk on your cheerios.

17 days ago Unlike 1 Follow KP KP SaiRaj we do not know even 1% of entire universe. Only 5% is matter, 95% is dark matter and dark energy filled in this universe. So no one can answer your question with any near perfection. But we know at least one thing that we are all part of universe. Just help each other and forget about purpose of life. 17 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .There could be lot of purposes for life and the Universe , because they are existing ...... oh ..... well ......purposeless existence of everything ....... another definite possibility which cannot be ruled out ...... one thing for sure is that ... we need to survive , A GUIDE TO SURVIVAL IN THE 21st CENTURY Mans consciousness is as powerful as a microscope. It can grasp and analyse experience in a way no other animal can achieve. But microscopic vision is narrow vision. We need to develop another kind of consciousness that is the equivalent of the telescope..................... --- Colin Wilson ............................................................................................................................... Ideals are primarily visual. Dreams, for example, are full of subconscious ideals. Small wonder ideals work so well in visual media like geometry and the alphabet. Whether scientific, social or spiritual, theyve been driving our historical record from the start, often for the better. But as projections of reality, they have one drawback. Time and again its been shown that ideals, like their intentions, are only good for 99% fulfillment. And so in their abundance they clutter the field of reason. Many a wildflower has sprouted from the garden of rhetoric. The Existentialists, sick of it all, declared a vacuum. And they are right, for now that the artificial environment we have extended has its own timeless current, we become like the jellyfish, which has no mind of its own, just a direct line to the outside world. Yet to deny it consciousness is misleading, for it reproduces, and its evolved. We got the first part. Nows our chance to make good on the second, now that with our circuits reintegrating we behold the very organism of the global village. .17 days ago

Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye @Gloria: "Depression".. You have used a word in a completely new context from Indian point of view. But it was refreshing to connect with western context. In hindu terminology, this state of mind is something similar but not exacrlt identical with the state described by "Vairagya" and a related word "Audasinya / Udasinata" meaning "apathy". Great saints in India were led vis this path to self realization. refer:- There is also another aspect that breeds such thoights about "where/why/whither" and that is excerss of comfort and riches. Siddhartha's metamorphosis into the Buddha shows this. Again in Indian tradition, one need not be depressed to reach these Qs, one may be plain curious! 17 days ago Like Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye @Sairaj...Has 'Kali" or any of the 10 (some black some white) mahavidyas to do something with this dark energy? Just wondering,.. and ofcourse ready for any tongue lashing that comes my way for coming up with spurious stuff! :) Karthikeyan which avatar of mine had a spat with you of all people? I have already started to check if any imposter has used my name to take you on! :) will let you know asap. 17 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan Jayendra Soap & Surf are costly too, these days...... do not bother about cleaning , Relax :) 17 days ago Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Karthikeyan: You literally sent me to the cleaners! :) Soap and all! Chalo I am now hunkyDory white. :) But ek vinantee hai! (one request) Raham karo aur Laconic terseness chhodo. There is genuine danger of mis-interpretation. (Akin to the famous "Naro va-Kunjaro va"). 17 days ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .I will keep it mind to adhere to it ......... but for the fact ............ calling Yudhisthira , the lier as one who upholds Dharma .......... :) 17 days ago Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye fear may be telling a truth to someone but in your short style, and the pooe guy would interpret it as a lie along the narova Kunjarova lines! :) Too much brevity can be dangerous. But again let me not dwell too much on that. By the way what is your take in Gloria's refreshing coincidental view of Vairagya? 17 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .One should have ' vairagya' in life for it to be meaningful and there will not time for anyone to ask as told earlier ' what is life ' .... - that apart, it does not mean negating our desires or reducing consumption or avoiding luxurious lifestyle ... etc . .........somehow each one fixes some attitudes and targets to achieve in their lifetime and it could be triggered and concreted any time in life . After that what/ how best are their efforts and direction to achieve the same against all environmental / societal hurdles sets them far up in the ' vairagya ' scale . I think anyone who is sure, he does have ' Vairagya ' can explain it still better .16 days ago AkshayaUnfollow Akshaya Bhatia Purpose of life, it seems, is to experience, explore, toil, struggle and interact through our senses within the self as well as with the ultimate perceptible creativity called Universe and be a part of it till our life span.!!... 16 days ago Like

Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye You see Gloria I presume (I may be wrong) represents western view. She may never have heard this concept. But she did imagine one had to have some kind of apathy in order to ask these questions. From her perspective she thought of it as depression. The Indians will call it audasinya which is first step of Vairagya. 16 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .I only know ' Adu Pompe ' , ............ what is that ' Audasinya ' ! ? 16 days ago Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Are! Udas = apathetic (adjective) Udasin = apathetic (adjective) Audasinya = apathy (Noun) Udasinta = apathy (Noun) This was all in that web link I gave Gloria. Nice dictionary that one. Audasinya removes apeksha (expectation) and improves "sama drishtee" tendency to look on all favorable / unfavorable circumstances with equanimity. Which later on leads to Vairagya. Buddhists (Tantra sadhana) to my knowledge used Vipashyana to observe bodies decay in smashana to fix oneself in the Anityata of the body. Buddhists use the word Aniccha which is Pali apabhraunsha of Anitya. Currently the fashionable Vipassana (Pali word) is much more sukhad than the one I described. Do Correct me If I am wrong, cause I read about these Buddhist practices long ago.. But what is Adu Pompe ? 16 days ago Like Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Karthikeyan what words you use for apathetic in Tamil / Malayalam / Telugu? I dont know which you follow. 16 days ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .' ' - not much bothered about the events around .16 days ago Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye should have written that in english as I write hindi in english! :) Ler me see what online translarion I get.."indifference, negligence, carelessness." So you are Tamil. 16 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .....put it in google translate ..... and listen to Aaudio :) 16 days ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan .' ' ..... this also looks more nearer to carelessness about one's goals, .16 days ago Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye My goodness! It has no phonetic similarity at all. You mean you never really came across the sanskrit audasinya? I was of the impression Tamil has more sanskrit words than Marathi. 16 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .................people could be weak in languages :)

.16 days ago Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Hmm. Possible, anyway all expertise is always a question of degree! Your hint on google translate was a good one. You seem to be a samyamee like me! (Joke intended) For the geeta says "Ya nisha sarva bhutanam, Tasyam Jagarti samyami"! When the world sleeps, the samyami (Yogi) wakes! :) May be we are "discussion / web yogis! Chalo I am retiring. Enough web yoga for today. 16 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan :) 16 days ago Follow Sreenivasa Sreenivasa Madenahally Very interesting thread. Ujwal, I totally agree with you, human beings are most dangerous virus consuming resources at alarming rate and replicating at alarming rate. However, whatever Discovery, National Geographic or BBC tell is not the ultimate truth, perhaps not even a tiny bit of the big truth. Many a times these "science/truth" channels exagerate things several fold. I watched a program in BBC sometime last year - conclusion was that no one knows how life started on earth, perhaps it came from somewhere else! How did it start there? Millions of brains are trying to understand what is there in human body, how it works but still picture is not clear. Off course, with limited understanding we are able to "fix" few things! If millions of focussed brains struggle to understand what is there and how it works, think of the intelligence who thought about and experimented and created it. Such an intelligent thing called life which complements the surrounding, self improving, self replicating can't be accident or some collision/explosion/implosion. What Darwin, Einstein or Stephen Hawking found are truth but few drops in the ocean of truth. My gut feel is that, before we find/realize that ocean of truth, we will be extinct. Darwin didn't explain how life originated, he just explained how they evolved/collapsed with changing climate/time. Till now there are no proper explanations on how different species came-up or life started. Till few hundred years back, atom (a-tom = in-divisible) was considered as the smallest particle of matter. Later we found/theorized sub-atomic particles - protons, neutrons and electrons. We are now thinking of some more - bosons/god particles. Yesterday's news paper reported that there is some "matter" in

vacuum! According to science today, nuclear fission is the source of energy in stars. But how did atoms have such immense eneregy in them (1 gram of hydrogen can generate energy equivalent to 300 million tons of coal!)? What started big bang explosion/implosion (if they were ever happened)? If mass and energy are interchangeable, how did they come to existence? How did cells/atoms come to existence? How did cells acquired "self" feeling/boundaries? What explains the origin of feelings, thoughts, care, love, belongingness, jealousy/hatred/possession? In curiosity of understanding these and greed of using our limited knowledge for our "comfort and convenience" we will trigger something that will wipe-us out and starts new system. Am I thoroughly confused? You bet, but I am pretty sure, life/universe were not mere accident, there is a grand design/order controlled by bigger intelligence! 16 days ago Like 2 Follow Gloria Gloria OMarrah KP, good thought, maybe by helping each other, we find our purpose. The end always follows the beginning. 16 days ago Like Follow Gloria Gloria OMarrah I don't know know about you guys, but I'm getting more confused with each sentence. Spelling bees and anger I think. It's hard to feel words. I can't tell if everyone is fighting or talking. I took a class in shiatsu. I always was reading a western medical book. One book said earth, wind,water and fire. The other said stomach,lungs,liver and heart. The symtoms were the same, the cures were the same, the words were all differant. But yet everything was the same. Were never going to use 100% of our brains untill we can reach a state of total happiness and be filled with love. Thats when they say we can answere all those questions. 16 days ago Like Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye @Sreenivasa Madenahally: A slight correction. (No offense intended) It is Fusion not fission that drives the stars. But Sreenivasa Madenahally dont you think by the time we know answers to all those 'q's, we ourselves will be gods? :) On one person had asked a similar question. "What was before the bang?" I had told him the same thing. Not all questions are answerable. We mught only guess / surmise. What happens after death? (to us). What causes gravity (if spacetime curvature, why does mass warp space? Why time only

flows in one direction? All unanswerable questions. Why not leave them thus? In the fitness of things, we may some day know or perhaps we might not. Asimov has a wonderful take on that. But I have quoted that so many times, I will let that pass now. :) 16 days ago Like Follow Gloria Gloria OMarrah Jayendra, Depression here is considered a diesease. You thought is correct as far as what happens to depressed people. They get so bad, reach bottom, and finally get their feet on the floor, instead of just floating throw the air, and can see reality. The problem is, they seem to keep repeating the process over and over. Up and down and up and down. Got any words for that. Maybe they arn't there long enough to see the light. 16 days ago Like 1 Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye @Gloria: Nice take on the lighter side. But no, Audasinya and Vairagya (degrees of Apathy) as applied to saints in India are not externally enforced constructs. Once internalized, the person is NOT UNDER STRESS when in that state. He by nature loses interest in all dependent dualities such as "rich/poor" (the most obvious), even "clean/dirty" which you as a westerner will NOT digest easily. Regarding clean/dirty, comfort/discomfort there are many interesting tales about the Sai of Shirdi and Gajanan of Shegaon (both in Maharashtra). Try and check them out on the web. From the western perspective, Jesus, who really was from the sect of the Essenees, and who was thus used to the performance of austerities, bore the event on the cross and lived, thanks to his internalized natural un-enforced detachment from comfort/discomfort duality. For such people the ultimate duality to overcome is life/death. And there have been cases where the dead have been brought back. Lazarus by Jesus, and Sacchidananandbaba by Dnyaneshwar. 16 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Now it is absolutely clear, the grand purpose of life and the universe !! ....every atom is depressed with compressed energy stored inside , waiting to explode ... like electron , it can prefer to run around a nucleus .... OOh that what the moon does and .....

stars do ................anything & everybody dances ..if one is shy of dancing alone , dance as a group or team ........ . if one is depressed to dance, give it a shock it will start running around .... .. if one is having extra compressed energy , it is going to burst ....... What kind of a design is this ..................... Now it cannot be absolutely clear, the grand purpose of life and the universe !! Discover IT :) 16 days ago Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Karthikeyan, you have certain properties of Narada! He made light of most things! And often left his subjects in doubt about what he really said!! But I have to say this, you have broken long tradirion and NOT posted a link! The lord be praised.. Now dont complain I used roo many exclamations. :) ;) 16 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .O Narada ma Muni ..... na ma ha ! fact he is so powerful that he manifests in so many people's heart ?! ___________________ The Joker effect: cooperation driven by destructive agents Abstract Understanding the emergence of cooperation is a central issue in evolutionary game theory. The hardest setup for the attainment of cooperation in a population of individuals is the Public Goods game in which cooperative agents generate a common good at their own expenses, while defectors free-ride this good. Eventually this causes the exhaustion of the good, a situation which is bad for everybody. Previous results have shown that introducing reputation, allowing for volunteer participation, punishing defectors, rewarding cooperators or structuring agents, can enhance cooperation. Here we present a model which

shows how the introduction of rare, malicious agentsthat we term jokersperforming just destructive actions on the other agents induce bursts of cooperation * The appearance of jokers promotes a rock-paper-scissors dynamics, where jokers outbeat defectors and cooperators outperform jokers, which are subsequently invaded by defectors. * paradoxically, the existence of destructive agents acting indiscriminately promotes cooperation. _______________ 16 days ago Follow Gloria Gloria OMarrah Jayendra, I see the big differance. The depressed person has the feeling of being a failure, unloved, unworthy and feels sorry for themself. That would be a totally differant character.They would be dirty. 16 days ago Like Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Gloria, nice you see the difference. People advanced along the track of finding the answers to these questions, finally reach the stage where one more duality is to be breached. That of self/other. Once this is breached, the ego ceases to be an impediment for them. And they connect with the higher reality (whatever that may be). I am not certainly qualified to say anything on that! :) But Patanjali in his yoga sutras calls that "connecting" samadhi. I am still at loggerheads with his most basic "yogah Chitta Vritti Nirodhaha". Because to me Nirodha implies suppression. "yogah Chitta Vritti Nirodhaha". Meaning Yoga is the control of Chitta and Vritti. (mind and ones nature) loosely translated. 16 days ago Like Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena The purpose of life is to live life. Experience it . Feel it. Sense it. Perceive it. Enjoy it. Celebrate it. Fight for it. Read it. Listen to it. Discover it. Think/Mull over it. Universe exists to give us the infrastructure to do the above. It doesnt matter whether anyone else knows about our existence as long as we continue to live Life. 16 days ago Like

2 Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Sanjayjee..and here I was wasting my time on "Yogashchittavrittinirodhaha". Ill have a soda on that one! 16 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .........doine^ ........ doine^ .............. doine^ .......... * ...................* .......................* ........ narada's deva ganam Positive Cynicism How to keep your cynics integrity without making yourself miserable. the rare opportunity to live in harmony with your values freedom from self-deception immunity against faddish "groupthink" development of an independent, contrarian mind and spirit realistic expectations from a less-than-perfect world self-protection against disappointment (we already know what to expect, dont we?) the joy of using irreverent humor to retaliate against our oppressors more here... .16 days ago 1 Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Karthikeyan..who asked you to give out my ultra secret behaviour recipe so easily? You ARE Narada in disguise, I am convinced now. 16 days ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .........doine^ ........ doine^ .............. doine^ .......... * ...................* .......................* ........ narada's deva ganam :) .16 days ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan ....................It is not only a multipolar world it is a Universe of multiple Universes . I think that is what is mythological / metaphysical / religious studies of this sub-continent point to ........... _________________________________ The Pluralistic Universe ---- by Nathan Schneider Science has a handle on the age of the universe. Now multiverse theorists are asking a vexing question: Which one? One universe is baffling enough. What little we know is that its composed of tiny blips of light in a cloud of black holes, dark matter, and dark energy, which are in turn describable only through the tunnel vision of quantum indeterminacy and chronic uncertainty. Not to mention the matter of where everything came from and what it ultimately means. But even this may not be all. As scientists work to understand the cosmos we inhabit, some have come to suspect it might be only one among many. .......................................................................................................................... Without the benefit of empirical data, guided by imagination and a body of carefully wrought mathematics, thinking about a multiverse inevitably challenges scientists, theologians, and laypeople to ask what far-fetched possibilities they are willing to entertain. Which can you stand, at least long enough to work out its implications: that you are a program on some aliens computer, the creature of an intelligent designer beyond space and time, or a quitter in the search for a theory of everything? Or that, perhaps, youll never know? .16 days ago

1 Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Thanks @Ujwal calling this childish because I don't want to lose that child like awe and wonder about life. You have also shared your thoughts and suggested watching episodes of history channel. Again I would like to thank you for that. As at an individual level even at the scientific level every probe, every discovery has only led to more questions. I guess the day one feels all the puzzles solved is only when one is resting in peace. 15 days ago Like Follow Gloria Gloria OMarrah Jayendra, Iwasgoingtolookthatupongooglebutiknewiwouln'tfindananswere 15 days ago Like Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Gloria...what's that! "Iwasgoingtolookthatupongooglebutiknewiwouln'tfindananswere" You are attempting to sanskritise English? Yogah Chitta Vritti Nirodhaha when combined in Sanskrit becomes "YogashChittaNivruttiNirodhaha". The "sh" gets inserted after yoga and the h disappears. But what answers were tou searching and did not find? 15 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada @Gloria thanks for bringing up some of the origins for such questions and the futility of thinking in that direction. Let me share the reason for my asking these questions. As you said one can go on living without thinking of any purpose or following someone who seems to have understood the purpose. I too do it but occasionally even simple events like washing off of ants out of a food item could make one think and connect to the state they must be in. It reminds me of the millions of people who die in natural disasters or even accidents. Should one feel sad or take it as part of the routine cleaning up of someone like us? We go around our business like those other ants which come back to the same spot looking for food. Is that the purpose of life? One doesn't stop living one's life but these thoughts create some sense called

'vyragya' (detachment) that might reduce some of the greed and need for accumulation, which is on the rise. 15 days ago Like Follow Ujwal Ujwal Jha @ Jayendra Jee.... What is your purpose?? You are a logical person and you should see that many of the members do not have consistency in their post. I read most of your posts and giving you an idea. Do not waste your time here. People like you can be a lot more constructive than giving free education. 15 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ............ ' detachment ' is not the direct meaning of word . One should have ' vairagya' in life for it to be meaningful and there will not time for anyone to ask as told earlier ' what is life ' .... - that apart, it does not mean negating our desires or reducing consumption or avoiding luxurious lifestyle ... etc . .15 days ago Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye And here is Naradjee hinting detachment so I should head for the himalayas! :) Ujwal, you may have noticed I can be quite scathing with people who just open their mouths and throw out pompous hot air. Like I was told on another thread here, by an educated person that Hindu scriptures sanctioned sacrifices so that viruses could then stick to the blood and air would be pure! People go on and on about "our vedas, our shastras" without an iota of an idea what the damned things actually say, and neither bothering to read the originals. And then they get all het up when I cut their views to size. But tell the truth we must. Even if one from them were to get the hint and start reading the stuff, my day will be made. Kam se kam sahi cheez to jano...that is what I say. People become CEOS and what not and the first thing we know they start babbling home truths like that blood attracting Viruses stuff.

One guy told me. on another thread...the mind works completely independent of the brain. I wondered if he meant it resided in cyverspace or the 4th dimension! :) Trivial statements all. How can the mind that needs to think, and thought itself needing memory be independent of the brain? But majority has to win kya karein baba!! So one tries. That is the only thing in ones control. And one is regaled by "great posts"! Aap bhi yahi kariye is my advice. 15 days ago Like Follow Ujwal Ujwal Jha As long as you live in your home country at home with your family and friends around you. It would be very difficult to conceive life without GOD. God and religions were created by Kings, advocated by Pundits / monks to keep the citizen in order. The era of kingdom is long gone but there are several social beliefs that exists through out planet earth and has a very strong social hold. Evolution works and religion is losing its grip on society. Those religions will be destroyed soon if they do not change their orthodox acts. It will not be allowed to kill in the name of religion. People are developing more and more logical ideas and that is the process by which society will be completely religion free. Finally as I said it earlier.... We Humans are the most dangerous virus on planet earth. Our main job is to grow rapidly and explore more. I am very confident that earth is not the only inhabitable planet in the universe. It might take time but we will certainly be able to reach several galaxies and grow more rapidly. That is the purpose. Help other humans and develop our self. 15 days ago Like 1 Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye have overlooked the limitation on resources. There is a very powerful study of what happens in unbridled growth. The polynesian Easter Islands were a mystery for many decades. The Isles had strange statues on them but no people. The last easter islander who could use their language died on another island many years ago. Archeologists painfully reconstructed what had happened. It was a disaster of huge proportions. The islanders had cultivation and lived on fishing and farm produce. But soon their population grew so much that those resources (island afterall) were insufficient. Cannibalism set in and in the end there was no one left. (That happened in Stalingrad too during the 2 year siege). If we are a virus, we have to stop ourselves from self destruction. Afterall a virus colony lives only as long as the victim!

15 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .................just observe how people are living in Kasi, Madura and Kanchi ...Cities alive with buzzing human beings alive for more than 3000 years . Almost you can compare it with an ANT Colony ... people ... people .... every where .. there is no empty space or nothingness for nothing . where is life hidden inside Virus Life is living , live let live ......Life is living , live let live..........Life is living , live let live .15 days ago Follow venugopal venugopal maganti In the Rig Veda, the poet wonders what existed before everything else. And after much pondering he concludes, the first to exist, even before breath, is desire - kama. Without kama, there would no movement from formlessness (asat) to form (sat), from darkness (tamas) to light (jyoti), from hopelessness (mrityu) to hope (amrita). This is what tamasoma --song means--whose desire is it remains an un answered question--I repeat it can be any one--who knows ,even one of the passionate debators even 15 days ago Like 1 Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena The purpose of life is very simple which is made unnecessarily complicated by some people. 15 days ago Like Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye The rigVeda is clear. on the Hiranyagarbha and Nasadiya sukta. ("Na sat asit na asat" becomes Nasadasit...and hence Nasadiya sukta and "HiranyagarbhaSamVartate" so Hiranyagarbha sukta). That primeval undifferentiated "It" had the first Vikar as Ahankar. Kam needs Ahankar.

That "IT" once infested with Ahankara, thought "Ekoham Bahusyam" "I am one let me be many", and this was Kama! The desire to multiply. And THAT as you said rightly started the world as per that veda. Though I cannot place where this sentence occurs "EkohamBahusyam".. Nay be you can throw some light on that. 15 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ........... the original Sin ! ...... vedam ne iniya ganam ne ........ sadur vedam ne .15 days ago Follow Ujwal Ujwal Jha Guys can we talk a little bit different things? Did I see it properly that the name of this is "India Leadership Network"??? I cant believe it. I tried for a while and I think its really too much. Why the hell all of us are searching answers in a Religion? I am sorry but I feel its not a business group. There are many countries in the world and I really do not know such country where people seek answers only in religion. May be you guys should go to a temple and preach rather doing some business. 15 days ago Like Follow Buddhi Buddhi Singh The purpose of life on the earth is to know about self through intution and discovery of the almighty . The universe is the creation of nature and is the extended form of human body.The universe and human body are synonimous.Even though, we all are unaware about the existense of all this.To know should be our ultimate motto but we are in sleeping mode and by making walls of sorrows and agonies we are expecting for ultimate happiness in the universe. 15 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .That is a good one .

.15 days ago Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Ujwal, no. This particular question demands a philosophical answer. So we are giving out such answers. On other topics I have raised, you wont find religion at all. For example my thread about all Indians wanting to be managers. Some references to caste may have come there as it affects the indians worldview and behaviour in general. It is like joining a south african blog and expecting nothing racial there. Why south africa! Right here on linked in you can find it being practiced subtly. I joined the hp Tandem Nonstop blog here. I posted a lot and suddenly I was locked out. Upon inquiring with Linked in I got the interesting reply "Talk to the group owner"! I did so. And what dd that snooty Scandinavian lady say? You are posting too much technical stuff! Its clogging our mail boxes, please go elsewhere! Can you believe it, She looked upon me as a pest! And all this after many of the Americans there had actually interacted favorably and heavily with me. Some of them took up the issue with her but she did not budge! Racism is alive and kicking on this very Linkedin forum! But it is cloaked unde "Babugiri" like "talk to the owner"! If I had been a scandinavian I would have been greeted with great Bonhommie I am sure of that. No ones mail boxed would be clogged then. :) And then these people come and lecture us on how to improve India and pull the chinese down over child labor. These same people used extensive child labor in their own countries 50 to 100 years ago. Now sau choohe kha ke billi jah pe nikli hai. :) 15 days ago Like Follow Floyd Floyd Vaz MBC If any of you want a Christian perspective, please watch this with an unbiased mind. Some amazing photography. v=LlroUGiihx8&feature=related v=7cxEThPNtlQ&feature=related 15 days ago Like

Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye The god referred to therin is muslim/hindu/christian? Does he favor one over the other? (For the Buddhists and Jains dont believe in God as such but believe humans can strive to something akin to godhood). Is he male or female? If male does he need a mate? Does he wear clothes as humans do? Where does he stay and what does he eat and sleep? How does he pass his time? By what mechanism does creation happen? When did it happen? Archbishop Ussher's date of 4004 BC is ok? In the Christian perspective what happens after armageddon? Does the universe cease to be? I ask because The questions asked here are more far reaching than that. Surely the purpose of things is not so limited as just please a god and go to heaven? Does Christianity say anything on the deeper mysteries? Whence / whither / why? (Im afraid most religions are mum on that). 15 days ago Like NimuUnfollow Nimu Shenoy, MBA I am a bit perplexed as to why Ujwal made his comment about discussing religion on a business site. I remember leaving the India vs China thread because Ujwal was supporting the fact that religion is what makes India stronger than China. Both Jayendra and I recognize the fact that this question is valid because of philosophical implications. I believe that part of leadership is to be able to think about very diverse topics. I was surprised that Navin's prostitution post cleared for approval, but this goes to show that leaders should be able to handle all sort of topics. My purpose to be a part of India Leadership Network is to be able to connect on an intellectual level with other Indians. Unfortunately, where I live now, I do not have the ability to meet the quality people that I have on ILN. If the nature of subjects is not in your favor, there is always the choice of dropping a group. Why does the universe exist? I think it exists to find a balance between good and evil. One side is usually never greater than the other. If there is too much good, the universe responds with evil. If there is too much evil, the universe tries to calm things with good. Just watch weather, politics, economics, religion, culture, etc -- it is TRUE! 14 days ago Like

1 Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena Some of the questions which no religion answers or touches upon are who is God? Who created God? Who gave them the powers? What was before God? If there was nothing before God, then who created nothing out of which something gets created? Who built that kind of process? Why did God create species which slowly evolves? Why did God create humans who are so weak that even a small virus can kill it? Why did God walked on Earth only in ancient times? Why dont they help Mankind now when they need them most? Do they watch us from Heaven? Is it some kind of Soap Opera? Why did God create Good & Evil? What provoked them to do such crazy things? Why do have want to maintain such balance? Can they do something better? If Men is in a miserable situation today then it means that God has decided that & planned that because everything is pre-destined since God knows everything be it past, present or future. If God had decided everything in advance then what wrong did Hitler do? He just fulfilled his duties like a puppet. 14 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Except the 5 (earth, air, water, fire and is the 5th one the sky?) elements and the trees I guess everything else is impure because there is selfishness and purpose behind their activities. Does anyone here agree? 14 days ago Like NimuUnfollow Nimu Shenoy, MBA Sanjay, I really like the line of your questioning. I do not think there will ever be exact answers for those questions. We can spend our time prophesying about these subjects ourselves or we can simply rely on the faith of our religion to show us the answers. I think the reason that this topic is so difficult and complicated to grasp is because the concept is not tangible. When we cannot see, hear, smell or feel something (taste - not valid), then we must rely on more than our senses. Some believe in the Third Eye -- there may be some truth to this insight. Chiranjeevi, I think the 5th element is metal. I agree that there is purpose behind certain creations such as selfishness and selflessness alike. However, I feel that creations become impure with time, but they begin as a pure creation. Perhaps this is why there is some ambition to move towards enlightenment....the descendence from impurity back to it original purity. Just a thought! 14 days ago Like

Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Nimu, Chiranjeevo is referring to the Pancha Maha-bhutas (5 greate beings). Beings does not mean living creatures here! Sanskrit Bhu means to be to exist. These 5 came into being after the Indian equivalent of the Bang happened. The mind matter Mahat of Brahma the ever expanding one (Sagan had a nice take on that one in his book Cosmos), differetiated into the 3 Gunas Satva Rajas and Tamas, and after these came these states of being "Bhuta"s. Prithvi - Solid - Quality: Sparsha Aap - Liqiid - Quality: To wet Tej - A state not clearly understood. - Quality: Akin to heat Vayu - Gas Aaakash - Space - Quality: Shabda. Our current understanding and the old understanding differ as then the concept that sound cannot travel in a vacuum was unknown. During Pralaya the reverse happens and each tattva is consumed by the other bottom up ending with Aakash that is absorbed back into Mahat. So much for the Panch Mahabhutas. Blavatsky (Helena Petrova) wrote a giant work "the secret Doctrine" that reads like science fiction. Read and enjoy. She borrowed heavily from the Indian Shastras and cosmogony. 14 days ago Like Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Nimu...patience...we need to learn from Karthikeyan. 14 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ..........god is a concept , Discover IT :) .14 days ago AkshayaUnfollow Akshaya Bhatia GOD-Generator-Organizer-Destroyer....!!!!....iteration in an infinite loop... 14 days ago Like Follow jayendra

jayendra upadhye Carl sagan in his book "Cosmos" has richly complimented Indian tradition that says that the universe is but a Kalpa (Idea) in the mind of Brahma. The chaturyuga concept says 1000 Chaturyuga cycles form a day of Brahma, And there is an equal night. Brahma lives such 100 years after which He is regenerated by another equally longer cycle. Fifty years have elapsed since creation began (as per Hindu theory) and that period is really really large. I have said all this just to make things known to those indians who do not know and want to know for the sake of it. Others are free to criticise. I studied these things out of interest, and not necessarily because I believe in them. I am a fence sitter, as I always say. And practice Neti-Neti. Truth can be mutlifaceted and no one claim to truth may be right. The Astronomer eddington may have been close. He said it is a multidimensional cosmos, we limit it by our own 3 dimensional perception. We may be mites in front of the cosmos, But why not try to understand it? 14 days ago Like Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Karthikeyan, even mighty Narada came down to earth once in a while. So for a few days come down to us and speak the language of us mortals so we may understand you! Oblige us maharaj! :) 14 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Jayendra ............divide an Atom by the Universe and call it X ................ I am one of those X I am down in the earth down to earth :) .14 days ago Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Now remain there for a few days so we can cross some decent swords! It is difficult to catch you in the Narad phase.

14 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .' Selfishness ' ..............Selfish Gene is demystified at least with respect to bacteria colonies and it is likely to hold true for other higher organisms !! All beings are generally not that selfish as we expect them to be ?! .14 days ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan ........................The natural Purpose of Mankind is to become God ................... Precise comprehension of a role of mankind in the Nature, - is extremely important for the natural purpose of the purpose of its existence for a correct choice of the general direction of movement of a society. The god as an able essence is not that other as higher Reason (Supreme Mind). He will be created by scientific and technical progress. The mankind already became the God (the Supreme Mind, Reason) in our Solar System and the Nature has given mankind an opportunity to participate in Great Space Race of Reasons to become the God of our Milky Way Galaxy, and then it is possible also the God of the Universe in the form of Great Reason. The mankind should soon realize the applicability of this concept; this great natural purpose and the opportunity given to him/her and to do everything, to borrow (occupy) leading position, to not appear in slavery at higher civilizations, and even to disappear from the Universe. In this race mankind can hope only on itself. The only means of victory is our own scientific and technical progress and knowledge of the world environmental about us. Dr.Sci. Alexander A. Bolonkin, July, 2005. USA. ____________________________________________ ...... Discover IT ........... oh .. I am sorry , Become God :) .14 days ago

Follow Steve Steve Dufourny Dear Nimu Shenoi, You know I beleive that the good is stronger than the evil. Imagine you are the well, the good, imagine that your picture in the mirror is the bad. If you break the mirror, the bad disappear. It is the same with the entire universe, the bad is purely dedicated to disappear in time space evolution, like the borders and frontiers, like the arms and weapons, like the monney and the power and the vanity,....the bad is dedicated to disapear .The evolution is a pure road of optimization. We have the capacity to evolve and to understand what is the real meaning of this universal sphere. So we have the capacity to see this immensity in improvement, and so we can understand that it exists an equation of optimization, of spherization. It implies a logical humility in regard to this universal sphere and its secrets. Best Regards 14 days ago Like NimuUnfollow Nimu Shenoy, MBA Believe me, Steve....I think what you said is very beautiful and pure; however, I do not think that good conquers evil only. I think it is a fairly equal effort. For example, how do you explain global warming? This is a negative act by the environment because of our carbon footprint on Earth. Today, we are struggling to do things to counteract this dilemma. Whether this is a correct comparison or not, I would rather have a more peaceful logic, but in my mind, I have seen both good and evil occur simultaneously. Like yin and yang from Chinese culture. :-) 14 days ago Like Follow Chandra Chandra Vishy A practical answer at the best of times a) Purpose of Life on earth --- To Live b) Why Does Universe exist --- To support the need for people to live c) Does anyone else know about the existence of us --- Yes they do. Look around and you'd find loads of people who know they do. For example, I now know that you do. Vishy 14 days ago Like

Follow Steve Steve Dufourny Hello Nimu, I beleive strongly that the bad will disappear. You know Nimu, for example frankly me in my mind, never I have had hate. I have never had this state.But I am conscious that it is not the case for all people.Why? I think it is just due to education and environments. The real secret is there I think, fight the evil simply. First in the mind if you prefer, and in the reality after. The yin and the yang are more subtle than this meaning I think. The complementarity, in an evolutive optimization, is evident. Like the Bohrian complementarity at the quantum scales, the equilibriums are prefered. It is a little if I said that the sun is the yang and the planet Earth is the yin.....all is light, this mass polarizes light...and mass is light, so the duality and the binar system of equilibriums is respected like the + and the - in a pure universal road. The evil has no its place in this reasoning of complementarity. Lao Tseu,Buddah,Confucius,...shall agree No ? :) Best Regards 14 days ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .---- That is the whole problem / solution ..... sequence , never stays stable beyond a certain point in time . No one can have that easily, the life cut out for themselves with out referring to some one Else's life or at least some mundane objects like rock, gold .... etc ...... Discover IT ........... oh .. I am sorry , Become God :) ,14 days ago Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena @Vishy, I agree...Some cynics may have soda over for this, giving such simple answer to such complicated question. 14 days ago Like SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah we're a part of god's (or someone somewhere that we don't know of) experiment, just like a batch of bacteria cultivated on a tray and being observed under a microscope. Or a bunch of monkeys ina cage with cameras to understand their social behavior.

For each one of us the universe is big as one's own immagination. If you don't care about what's happening beyond your house that's it, its your universe and to hell with the gardens lakes and roads or other cities too. If you stretch your imagination you could go beyond the solar system into other galaxies and then that's it, Probanly the experiment will end along with ourselves once we all find out what the purpose of this experiment is. 14 days ago Like 1

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .................Mysteries of the Sacred Universe world and universe from the Srimad Bhagavatam's cosmological viewpoint. .14 days ago

Follow venugopal venugopal maganti Sanjay asked the relavant questions--man is the only animal capable of thinking,and all animals have satva,raja ha ,tamo gunas built into them--those who fall prey to the constant inner urge of feeding and breeding at others' expense are the demons,and the rest have to fight them.In any case,you will find that in nature,there is no new growth,without the old being vanquished.Did Hitler carry out a pre ordaind course of action?if this is so,NEWTON,EINSTEIN,GANDHI AND MOTHER THERESA too would have followed such a course only.I believe man is a cultured,crafty animal,perfectly capable of cheating and mobilising masses,by using irrefutable arguments ,to resort to genocide--be it BUSH,HITLER,CHANGIZ KHAN(,they are historically acceptable chracters),but come in the same pantheon of RAVANAS,BAKASURAS,etc,,.in other words,control your basic instincts,and use your time on earth to improve the lives of others,along with your own,and use your intellectual capabilities to this end,rather than indulging in some kind of end less debates --after all, for those who sit on the fence,my question is ,is this not the same activity,all those brilliant people tried to do over thousands of years,and

produced volumes and volumes of end less philosophy,which confuses more,the already confused?I also believe that they did this only be cause they had very little to do with their intelligence other than this ,but is it the same case today also,in the face of 7 billion population,each of whom,trying to find food and energy,in competition with the rest of us? 14 days ago Like

Follow Chandra Chandra Vishy @Venugopal --- Small correction then --- Everyone has asked relevant questions. Everyone except me who has contributed with their thoughts, has a point and all of them have their questions. To your post --- I am trying to find traces of context of this topic, but couldn't find any. If you could provide a snapshot of what you are trying to say, it would make things simple for me (A nut like me). Thanks Vishy 14 days ago Like

Follow venugopal venugopal maganti @chandra,if you look at the topic,it is purpose of existence of universe,life,and if any E.Ts exist--the discussion took several violent turns,and in stead of simple answers,it has become a verbal duel between atheists and the rest--most of the time,at least when I commented,it was a re action to some body like a sanjy,rather than proving a point,and I do acknowledge the high levels of intellectual exchanges that take place,but I am dismayed at the lack of tolerance towards dissent--contexts are far from the point of discussion--pl. read all my posts,to get a total idea on what I have been costantly trying to say ,i.e. if you have the patience,and if you don't,just forget it--and if you find my comments in coherent,and even meaning less,well ,just go ahead and say that--no offence taken-14 days ago Like

Follow Chandra Chandra Vishy @Venugopal --1) My first point was when you said, "Sanjay has asked the relevant questions". That told me that others' questions were not so relevant. And that's why Para 1. 2) For Para 2, I only read through your last post before commenting, and that is why I did what I did. For a guy with a simple philosophy to life, I don't need to look forward or backwards than my simple answers. Keeps me going Venugopal for that matter. 3) I had a quick snapshot of what you wrote and must say it is intellectually simulating. That said, I need some ounces of intellect up my head to understand it, which I must admit, am short of at this point of time. Thanks and keep writing. Vishy 14 days ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Getting and seeing Something out of Nothing is neither a Joke nor a Magic ............ it gets one the Nobel prize too !! __________________________________________ Chalmers Scientists Create Light From Vacuum The experiment is based on one of the most counterintuitive, yet, one of the most important principles in quantum mechanics: that vacuum is by no means empty nothingness. In fact, the vacuum is full of various particles that are continuously fluctuating in and out of existence. They appear, exist for a brief moment and then disappear again. Since their existence is so fleeting, they are usually referred to as virtual particles. ...... the main value of the experiment is that it increases our understanding of basic physical concepts, such as vacuum fluctuations the constant appearance and disappearance of virtual particles in vacuum. It is believed that vacuum fluctuations may have a connection with "dark energy" which drives the accelerated expansion of the universe. The discovery of this acceleration was recognised this year with the awarding of the Nobel Prize in Physics. _____________________

After all Life is not nothing , it is getting something out of it even if it is Nothing !!! Discover IT :) ..14 days ago

Follow venugopal venugopal maganti These are the questions that most of the successful and well to do people face in their 40s--a kind of mid life melancholy--how ever,you would have found in education,at work,and in life in general,the more intelligent people work out their own convenient way of finding solutions to their problems,i.e. there is no specific book,custom built for every individual in his journey at various points in his life..the more ambitious of such people,cleverly manipulate people,processes and systems around them ,to rise to leadership levels in their profession.And as for those who can not quite figure out how to get around difficult questions,the easier option is to follow the leaders.By their 40s ,most people mentioned above would have had a reasonable taste of material wealth and carnal pleasures,and it is at around this time,that the man/woman sheds a part of his/her pure biological skin(neural epidermis?),and starts thinking about the purpose of life--I have no pretense of being an intellectual,but I did struggle for about 5 years,when I read several books,talked to many a philosopher,consultant--but ,finally it was life as JRD TATA saw it,that changed my mind for ever---I stopped looking for answers and in stead related and correlated all that I read,I saw,and I heard over the years,and got to a reasonably satisfying theory about the questions that disturb most people,with an inclination to thinking out side their biological lives(spiritual?,I am not sure) . I find in this group, people at both ends of the hindu spectrum,having wild flings at established traditions--not surprising,since some Brahmins always thought they must resist orthodoxy(probably more in search of personal liberty,rather than for universal good),and the victims at the other end of the spectrum,the un touchables rightly revolt against oppression--both types of iconoclasts are not new to hindus,as we find mention of them in Ramayana and vedas. To debate is one's right,but it must be purposeful,and must benefit the particular individual personally,as he must be able to figure out his own theory at the end of the day--I find violent attacks on traditions,and meek resistance from the supporters--and it serves neither if they are unable to take away some thing in the end,except bruised/boosted pride,as the case may be.. 13 days ago Like

Follow Sanjay

Sanjay Saxena @Venugopal, I am unable to understand the exact message that you want to convey. It looks like you are upset with some comments. By any chance if it is me that let me clarify.. By asking about God I am not ridiculing God. On the contrary I am probing further. Trying to look with a fresh perspective rather than just from the view provided by Shastras.By giving example of Htiler I am just trying to find the loophole in karma theory. What did Hitler do in his past life that he became a Hitler in this life? Did many people killed him & so in this life he takes his revenge? Accepting things purely on faith could be very dangerous. An extremist accepts the faith that only his religion is good & rest all are sinful people & by killing them he is doing a holy act. Do you think he is wrong? From his point of view he is doing a holy act. 13 days ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan ........ Life is simple & simple if one's wants it to be and makes it that way . ............ Life is complex too if one wishes it that way . ....................Life is somewhere in between simple to complex .... to do nothing . It is not only the Seas that disappear and mountains that raise , it is also the people and their ideas & ideals , they come and go , they raise & fall .............. some linger over the passage of people's own time ............ haunting Ghosts or God's Sermons ........... or Discover complexity to make life simple :) .13 days ago

AkshayaUnfollow Akshaya Bhatia If GOD-Generator-Organizer-Destroyer is biased to any particular ideology then GOD becomes convergent to human being line of the ideology that demarcates actions of living beings on the line of Karma theory-Good or Bad.., thereby differentiation between GOD and any living sentient being

becomes extinct, which will be principally undermining the authority of GOD... Logically, GOD has to be unbiased if one assumes that GOD is creator of everything,... creator of the TIME, that encapsulate both day and night (darkness and light), not just the extremes but also shades of every character as well characteristics prevalent and perceptible in our existence ..!!!!... 13 days ago Like

Follow venugopal venugopal maganti I have pretty much said ,what I wanted to--and have no skill to elucidate further-those who are interested,may kindly make their own inferences,jsut as I managed to deduce from my experiences,thoughts,and studies--thanks for reading my posts-13 days ago Like

Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada @Venugopal, your postings have been interesting and I have been reading them all. I definitely agree with you that one should not take extreme stand on anything. Good to know that what we consider as truth is only our belief and someone else may have some other belief. To know what is the right path, I have realized that we just need to choose the right Guru and he/she will guide us. The right kind of guidance will never suggest a change outside, it will always be a change inside us. 13 days ago Like 2

Follow Milind Milind K Kulkarni Let me start by saying how one defines life. From science perspective, something that grows is a life. It is as per list of perceivable characteristics accepted by History channel or other scientists to draw conclusions. A lot of science is built on principles, theories and observations. What we know through science is still too abstract to understand life. Its

because whats concrete for humans may be influenced by a temporary phenomenon in this era. In fact definition of atom or even universe is relative. It is purposely done for simplicity and start the thought process somewhere. However have we been able to enough relate the transformation process universe or life goes through. Note there is nothing right or wrong. Its all perception as you accept it for yourself. From time(chronology) perspective, Had we been part of the rigveda era when, we would still found some evidences pointing to life's story billion years back. You will realize that there is element of relativity. From spiritual and nature perspective, At times I feel, is nature influencing me or I am influencing nature. I can feel vacuum of sky or atmosphere inside me. I can feel coolness and calmness of the water inside me. Most of you also would have loved looking at sky, water and moments you spend with nature. Is that really me ? Are we different ? Its all perception as you accept it for yourself. Every perspective scientifically, spiritually, chronologically or thousand others not mentioned here will finally take you to a point of "individual perception and theory of relativity". You may draw a pattern(or people may call it a scientific theory). It(theory) may be acceptable to set of people, but not sure whether thats truth. Is everything mere perception and as infinite as time and universe. Well that depends on individual again, for no one can prove anything right or wrong. Diversity is integral part of life and there will be space of every individual opinion. Enlightenment is essential step in life for anyone to take it in a direction one wants. 12 days ago Like 1

karthikeyan arumugathandavan ..................... Enlightening ! .12 days ago

Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena A though experiment -- Imagine you have microscopic eye.. what will be you see.

Bacteria, Virus all around. A whole world of microscopic living being. Now imagine you have electron microscopic eye. You will seeing structures of all things. Magnify further. You will see only atoms. You will see a whole world only of space & atoms. You may also see virtual particles popping in & out of existence. In this scenario how would you distingush between a living being & non-living being since you see only concentrated network of atoms all over which is constantly moving around at high speeds. Possibly in this case you may feel one with nature. In this case there is no up/down, big/small, etc only atoms jingling around. So are Atoms God? God is omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent. Evens Atoms have similar properties. It is there everywhere & it can have form yet it is formless, it is nowhere to be seen yet it is out there everywhere. It is tiny & yet become gigantic. It is weak yet it has greater power. :-) 12 days ago Like 1

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Wow ..........continuous Enlightening ......... ........ To meet our friend ' neutrino ' ...... we need few 100km s Structure ..... all in the hope that he has something Big Inside ............. may be ................... .12 days ago

Follow Mathivanan Mathivanan Subramaniam Universe is endless. It exits not created. All the systems are part of Universe including the human beings. The purpose of of birth is not to take the rebirth...... 12 days ago Like

Follow Mathivanan

Mathivanan Subramaniam Universe is endless. It exits not created. All the systems are part of Universe including the human beings. The purpose of of birth is not to take the rebirth...... 12 days ago Like

Follow Mathivanan Mathivanan Subramaniam Universe is endless. It exits not created. All the systems are part of Universe including the human beings. The purpose of of birth is not to take the rebirth...... 12 days ago Like 1

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .........* .Paradox * ...... People are already born and there are many on the way, seems no stopping at all .......people aren't disappearing also ............ .12 days ago

Follow venugopal venugopal maganti @Milind,highly engrossing--a look at human evolution from a wild animal to a compassionate political animal to day,--I feel the order is like this ,if you ignore how the first man appeared on earth--arboreal--hunter gatherer--organised farming--purposeful co habitation--societal rules--customs,traditions--superistitions--politics--accumulation of material wealth--efforts to perpetuate prosperity by transfer to own progeny--quest for glory--now, tell me if man has evolved from this stage-all the while,fear of un known(invisible omni potent,later leading to idol worship),and rational thinking(which lead to all the developments ,starting with simple hunting tools by aborigines to nuclear weapons at the height of scientific development) have been lurking some where in man's mind and the debate we see is a result of that-- in fact,these two are complementary,just like day and night,birth and death etc,,--but, we must remember that all the material wealth we enjoy and all the food that we eat

comes from the earth,and eventually returns to it(NAMAH SARVAYA CHA--in rudra namaka suktam)-as science will some time in future try to tinker with human genes,it will create new species,which could potentially host all those millions of deadly viruses,which the human immune system now resists succesfully,and man can potentially be the cause for his own extinction--whether the omni potent willed the creation of humans can be a debatable point,but, certainly, no body can argue that his extinction is not in his own hands--it is some thing akin to, a boy can be brought up by parents,can be educated,but if he suddenly turns criminal in his adulthood,can we blame his parents?and if he faces the gallows,it is purely of his own making--so belief is the anchor ,and purpose is the direction and goal of life--what belief and what purpose is purely in one's own realm of things--the debate about existence of GOD ,to me, is like the sixth fingure of man,which serves no purpose. 12 days ago Like

Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena Well, the Universe started with a Big Bang. So it implies that it didnot exist before big bang. Even Stars have a cycle of birth & death. Second law of thermodynamic states that entropy (State of Disorder) of the system will keep on increasing. Even if humans act & behave like Gods they will still all die eventually due to heat death of the Universe.Moreover even Sun is slowly moving towards its death. So extinction is inevitable. 12 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .one HAIKU Waiting to live Slog the Year Bear the fruit Hear the Luck .12 days ago Follow Rajagopal

Rajagopal Sevilimedu I guess the first question that comes to mind is why are we even asking this question? Why do we need to believe there is an eternal and transcendental purpose to life? Answering that question itself probably brings us closer to the answer 12 days ago Like SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah The whole universe and life exists on the fundamental principal of "F&(K" That's how all the life came into existence and ends when its F%(ked up.. the universe/ purpose will cease to exist the day you don't give a F&(k Life will become great once you stop taking F%(k (Since the moderators are on a break I hope to survive) Well Then I don't give a F&(k.. :-D 12 days ago Like Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye woh break aapkeliye acchhee sabit ho rahi hai.. Lekin there is a loooong interval between the f and the k, which propels people to ask such questions! take on your take is that humans hate lack of information. So they populate "what happens after death", "why /how" questions as in this topic with "lot of hot air" we call religion. Some of this hot air is a bit logical, other part of it says "it all started in 4004 BC ofcourse (Archbishop Assher)m and end with Armageddon". An Armageddon always predicted but never happening. 12 days ago Like AkshayaUnfollow Akshaya Bhatia Please also refer:Which stream of endeavor is more competent to unravel (unearth) mysteries of life, Spiritualism or Science??..!!!... 12 days ago Like

Follow David David Dayalan We are created by God in His likeness to rule over the creation. So in a sense a custodian of all that we see, To love one another, care for the creation and to safe guard the nature. And above all to love the creator and to do our duty as an act of worship. 11 days ago Like Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye David, if we are god's likeness, you by inference mean such a god also has arms legs and human emotions like jealousy and hate? By inferemce them he would need to eat, he would need a wife and he would have many in so long a time? Come on these are concepts of an angry stone age god that needed to be pacified by sacrifices. (Thor/Odin/Indra/Jehovah). It boggles the mind that in this century people should be thinking of a bearded god staff in hand lording it over lesser mortals and extracting revenge and doling gifts to "chosen people"! I remember in Singapore a couple of ardent guys wanted so much to save my soul, they made a point to visit me sundays, book in hand. One sinday I got tired and asked them...why are you toiling so futilely, when only 14,4000 jews will go to heaven as per revelation? The figure and the chapter may be wrong but 144 figures in it. I told them if your scriptures gaurantee heaven to only "some" after armageddon, you are barking up the wrong tree! Now upon searching the web I find this has put many in a tizzy as they are unsure if "they" will be on the "in" list or "out" list!! 11 days ago Like Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye So David, isnt there any higher philosophical thought you can share apart from simplistic stuff of a controlling domineering angry/jealous/loving/hating anthropomorphic god (with attendent logical issues with that) and his servile fallible children? Somerhing secular and philosophical? 11 days ago Like Follow bhattathiri bhattathiri mulavana It is clearly explained in Bhagavad Gita.

Many great and notable individuals from modern times as well as bygone eras have read the BhagavadGita and have extolled its universal message. We are naming some of them: Albert Einstein stated that when reading the Bhagavad-Gita he thinks about how God created the universe and then everything else seemed so superfluous. Mahatma Gandhi stated that the Bhagavad-Gita calls on humanity to dedicate mind, body and soul to purity. Dr. Albert Schweizer stated that the Bhagavad-Gita has a profound influence on the spirit of mankind by its devotion to God which is manifested in all actions. Sri Aurobindo stated the Bhagavad-Gita has a new message for every age and every civilization. Herman Hesse stated that the wonder of the Bhagavad-Gita is its beautiful revelation of life's wisdom which has made philosophy blossom into religion. Ramanuja has stated that the Bhagavad-Gita reveals the goalof the all the Vedic scriptures. Aldous Huxley stated that the Bhagavad-Gita is the most comprhensive statement of perennial philosophy. Madhvacarya has stated that the Bhagavad-Gita is apauruseya which means of divine origin and eternal. 11 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .....Yes, it has said everything,................. except this one - a small poem ^^^^ Oh mighty the almighty where is my might Hidden out of sight Might your sight fall upon this soul's plight Creative heights is your might Shower your sight on this soul's might ^^^ .11 days ago

Follow bhattathiri bhattathiri mulavana every human being has approximately 43,000 separate births and life cycles. So the figure is astronomical if one calculates how many human lifetimes transpire in a only year of Brahma's lifetime. So in this present chapter the truth about redemption from this transmigration from the cycle of birth and death is being revealed for this fulfilment. As it is not even remotely possible to achieve the fulfilment of redemption without atma-tattva or realisation of the eternal soul within. So in order to inoculate this knowledge of truth this chapter will delineate the relationship between prakriti or the material substratum pervading physical existence and the Pususa or the Supreme Consciousness pervading spiritual existence that is the source of all existence. It is the lack of discrimination and discernment between the prakriti and Purusa which causes delusion and binds the atma or eternal soul which is an infinitesimal spark of the Purusa within the etheric heart of the jiva or embodied being, keeping them in bondage locked by samsara or the perpetual cycle of transmigratory existence birth after birth, life after life. It is by the power of first Purusa and then prakriti that the Supreme Lord Krishna manifests all creation and they are distinctly different from each other. Prakriti is related to the ksetra or the field and the Purusa is related to ksetrajnam or knower of the field. The ksetra is the material body which is the basis for all physical enjoyment and the sprouting ground for endless transmigration. The ksetrajnam is that which is conscious of itself and thinks in terms of I and mine and is called the jiva by those who have factual discriminative knowledge of both. This is because the jiva is the beneficiary of the results of the actions performed by the body like the farmer who reaps the harvest of his field. 7 days ago Like Follow bhattathiri bhattathiri mulavana The Evolution of the Universe Prakriti or the matrix of the universe, animated by a reflection of Consciousness or Brahman, divides itself in the beginning into the cosmic forces called Sattva (equilibrium), Rajas (distraction) and Tamas (inertia). These three properties of Prakriti are really its very constituents, not merely qualifications or adjuncts, and stand to Prakriti in the relation of the three strands of a rope to the rope itself. Cosmic Sattva is called Maya. On account of its transparency and the absence of the property of Rajas in it, it is omnipresent and reflects in its essence Brahman in a universal manner. The cosmic reflection of Brahman in the Sattva aspect of Prakriti is called Isvara, the Sovereign of the universe. It is Isvara who is the Creator, Preserver and Destroyer of the universe. In Isvara the universe exists in a seed-form, and all the Jivas who had not the opportunity to attain Self-realisation at the time of Pralaya or cosmic dissolution, lie latent in Isvara prior to the subsequent creation. This condition may be compared to a cosmic sleep (Yoganidra), where everything lies dormant as the tree exists in a seed. When the cosmic seed slightly manifests itself, showing symptoms of creation, the faint outlines of the universe, it goes by the name of Hiranyagarbha. The fully manifested aspect of this universe as informed by the presence of Brahman, is called Virat. Thus, Isvara, Hiranyagarbha and Virat are manifestations in Cosmic Sattva, and are Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent. 7 days ago Like

Follow bhattathiri bhattathiri mulavana Questionout of so many human beings who are suffering, there are a few who are actually inquiring about their position, as to what they are, why they are put into this awkward position and so on. Unless one is awakened to this position of questioning his suffering, unless he realizes that he doesn't want suffering but rather wants to make a solution to all suffering, then one is not to be considered a perfect human being. Humanity begins when this sort of inquiry is awakened in one's mind. In the Brahma-sutra this inquiry is called brahma jijnasa. Athato brahma jijnasa. Every activity of the human being is to be considered a failure unless he inquires about the nature of the Absolute Truth. 7 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ............ at times vedantham & siddantham just ooze out in our Life :) ' Every activity of the human being is to be considered a failure unless he inquires about the nature of the Absolute Truth. ' .6 days ago Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye @bhattathiri mulavana: Athato brahma jijnasa! The first time I read that one, the hair on my arms literally stood out on end. The next to elicit such a reaction was ofcourse Patanjali's "Yigahshcittavrittinirodhaha". You seem to be a well versed man, in Adhyatmik literature. Can you throw some light on this paradox? In the Gita, Krishna says "Hato va Praapyasi swargam, jito va praapyasi mahim". I have always wondered how this sentence has had two opposite effects on people of different psyche. For Hindus it was all about the neccessity of killing in a just battle. DharmaYuddha For some others it became a call for cruel killings in jihad, where people kill for the hoors either of heavenly or earthly variety! For the Taliban use the verisame battle doctrine! But see where it has taken them...only to ignominy. 6 days ago Like Follow bhattathiri bhattathiri mulavana 1. Up to ten years children get love from everywhere. 2. During ten to twenty years one will have curiosity of everything to study and understand.

3. From twenty to thirty years one should settle in life with a job and family life independently. 4. From thirty to forty years one should be mature foe balanced use of acquired knowledge with challenge and problems of day today life. Its value lies in accepting challenges and finding solutions. 5. From forty and fifty years one should take the responsibility to fulfil family and social obligations with self confidence and should achieve good name and reputation. 6. Fifty to sixty years is the period of anxiety regarding children? Its value lies in forbearance and fortitude. 7. Sixty to seventy years is the period of self auditing and reflection of assessing retrospectively about the past failures and achievements and of acquisition and transmission of wisdom to others. This entails giving ones best for the benefit of others and relaxing. Its value lies in adjusting with changing scenario personal, social and declining energy and with dignity and patience. 8. Seventy to eighty is the period of health problems and may be neglected by close relative and friends. One should adjust to live as a guest forgiving all ill-treatment by others. 9. Eighty to ninety is the period of suffering with diseases. Spiritual life is good by controlling food, thoughts and work. Always keep body clean and turn mind for an inward journey. 10. Ninety to hundred years is the most dependable period to adjust with all surroundings and circumstances, better to spend time in prayer in silence, solitude and peace. Try to renounce everything and be free from all possessions, desires and worries to have a peaceful life. 6 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .There is an interesting trick ( Magic ) out there.................. .................keep the brains busy searching for some Truths , very very actively ....introduce some Truths ( which sells One's products )....silently .... silently ________________________________________________ Read this small article, especially the images India is in the midst of a unique identity revolution. After years of consuming imported products, the youth here is rising to define their own needs and wants. They still want the western appeal but desire the Indian look. This concept is Indianization ................................ .................................................................................. Indianization is perhaps having the biggest impact in the Fashion space. This concept has now blurred the lines between the traditionally distinct western wear and Indian wear. From high fashion to kitsch, the use of everyday Indianness is everywhere to be seen ......................... _____________________________________________ Truths..Truths.... absolute truths many Search for the Practical Truth !!

Discover IT .... Oh ... No No .......... Extract Out IT :) .6 days ago

Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Karthikeyan! Indians WERE most modern 2000 years ago! Just look at the old sculptures, the "traditional wear of that time" could match any fashion show in Paris, the turbans, the minimal clothes, the taste depicted in the elegant designs of whatever they wore. Even the delicate Tribhanga statuettes show a liking for quality and grace. At the present moment our cycle is at the lowest, and the west is ascendent., no rather just beginning to decline. We stilll see tribalism in out present situation with huge gaudy and garish idols used during festivals, accompanied by so much noise they call music, with no place for taste and finesse any where. The "downtrodden" whi have inherited things partly by governmental support and partly by sheer numbers, are freaking out. Once they have had their say, they will feel the cultural vacuum of these things and turn inwards and hopefully, they will also raise themselves to the higher standards currently seen in western enterprise in workmanship and technology, and the ancient standards set by Indian philosophy. 6 days ago Like Prof.SureshUnfollow Prof.Suresh Kumar Very philosophical queries calling for deeply metaphysical answers-there is a deeper question like why should universe exist,and what is the meaning of life which stimulated thought on concepts lke spirit,Brahman and ParaBrahman,Maya and evoultion. Spirit ,a the esence of energy principle,Brahman as the subtle and singular source of all universe and existence,Maya as the evolutionary principle and ParaBrahman as the immutable constant and reference point that powrrs all else. That is a symmetric perfection giving meaning 6 days ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .What is * Indianization * in the whole scheme of the Life & Universe ???

.6 days ago Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye @Prof.Suresh Kumar: To these deep questions we have had answers like it is all an exam held by god, and after passing which, we all will go to an eternal heaven and failing which we will go to an eternal hell!!! Sooooo Simplem it boggles the mind. And this is 2011 A.D. 6 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .........doine^ ........ doine^ .............. doine^ .......... * ...................* .......................* ........ ....introduce some Truths (which sells One's products)...silently ... silently .. SILENTLY .6 days ago Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena I wonder what the people in 4011 AD think about people in 2011 AD. and what would change? Flying cars, Robots, Genetically engineered man/woman, animals, food, flora & fauna. World free of diseases. All humans monitored by computers. Even thoughts could be read & whenever any criminal thought come in any human being it will be immediately transmitted to centralized computer which will take appropriate action.Everything will be driven by strict rules & regulation. There will be no crimes, no prostitution, no wars, no bad people, no evil people, no hate & no divorce because match making will be done by computers which has database of genetic maps of all human beings.Production of new babies will be customized & planned by the centralized body so that we have only exact number of professionals needed in the society. Imagine what would be the meaning of life then? 6 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .-

my mind , my life ...........does that hold True !! something to find out :) Network - "I'm as mad as hell" speech [english subtitles] .6 days ago Follow bhattathiri bhattathiri mulavana Our real, spiritual nature is to seek enjoyment. That's what everybody does. The Vedas talk about the purpose of life in great detail: Krishna is the cause of all causes, the Supreme Enjoyer, and He expands Himself unlimitedly to make unlimited enjoyable relationships possible. That's what He does. If we want to enjoy, there are basically two ways to go about it: 1) the self-centered approach, and 2) the Absolute Truth-centered approach. 6 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Interesting let us have more of it ................ What is SELF What is Absolute TRUTH it will be nice to have it in the most ... most ... ENJOY able Way Krishna is no doubt a manifestation of fun & frolic, but at times cunning Killer ......... .6 days ago

Follow Mike Mike Rana On my group The Universe, this topic is being discussed very seriously and objectively. I am taking all the inpouts for my next book Some of my friends on this group may be glad to know that my book has been acquired by the US library of Congress. see more in my blog wordpress.mikerana 6 days ago Like Follow bhattathiri bhattathiri mulavana How Bhagavad Gita has charmed US corporates Business 2 Nov 2006 Has the Bhagavad Gita replaced The Art of War as the hip new ancient Eastern management text? Signs of worldly success abounded as ... 6 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Hi Mike, if any thing is lifted in to the book from here, pay suitable royalties :) .6 days ago Follow Mike Mike Rana If someone curious and innocent wanted to know what is life and what are the stars and what happens there, how would you explain to such a person. I have two Eskimo friends who know nothing in life except ICE and they do not have earth below their feet... It is only frozen sea .. 6 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ... that is the absolute Truth and the beauty of Life Gita in one Line,

.* every being sees & experiences, What it is supposed to see & experience in that life *. .6 days ago Follow venugopal venugopal maganti pardon me if I sound childish,but I am curious to know from your eskimo friends,if the ice under their feet is salty--and also,how their ancestors managed to get drinking water in that 6 month long winter! 6 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Good Question :) Salty Ice Cubes : or / and .6 days ago Follow Mike Mike Rana @Venu, To know about their life please go to google and search for Novaya Zemalia 5 days ago Like Follow Mike Mike Rana Hi Karthikeyan, I paid back in sharing of my knowledge with wise people on this forum 5 days ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .That is cool Mike, I was just kidding and wondering on your return after you have said bye bye to all of us here .... !! .5 days ago Follow Mike Mike Rana I returned because I felt it was necessary to share with you all some news, and I hoped that some people had promised me to buy the book ... would be reminded. For paper versions (hard and soft) the best price I can offer because they sent me the books in bulk from USA. Individually it means shipping. In stores, only a few of the large ones will have in Delhi and Bombay. I focus on my blog, and my group The Universe. It was too much for me to handle the communications in this group, I mean volumes. 5 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Thanks Mike , sincerely appreciate your efforts and all the best . .5 days ago NimuUnfollow Nimu Shenoy, MBA Congrats Mike on your Citizen's Manifesto being acquired by the U.S. Library of Congress. That is quite an achievement!!! This good feeling certainly gives you motivation to continue to Book II. Wishing you plenty of success! 5 days ago Like Follow Kishan Kishan Lal I think it is just like that and question not to think about. 5 days ago Like

Follow Mike Mike Rana Nimu and Karithikeyan, As I mentioned before my ideas were were validated and questioned by people on this network and I have acknowledged this fact in the book. I also wrote a chapter on media and social networking. There are a few difficulties on social networks People divert from the question and the thread of discussion becomes muddled up People praise or belittle each other in order to gain publicity Some of the discussions are too long and therefore they become contradictory Also, out of the 12 people who offered to buy the book only two have bought so far. This means people do not mean what they say This is one of the reasons that I focus more on the blog, where controls can be exercised 5 days ago Like Prof.SureshUnfollow Prof.Suresh Kumar Bhattathiri,nice to hear about that piece on Bhagavad Gita. There is a definite reason why American corporates are taking a relook at it,since it offers more practical wisdom for all times,including in troubled times especially-there it scores over Machiavelli,Art of War,Ying-Yang,or Kautilya. That is because Gita is a more holistic and practicable philosophy and metaphysics in relation to the physicalism,and reductionist materialism in the other approaches[except perhaps the yin-yang,to some extent] The method to physically and psychologically,not merely philosophically,attain a state of detached action,while being involved[action in inaction and inaction in action]is a supreme principle and percept for practice being extolled in Gita. Of course,it is all so grosly misunderstood and misinterpreted that it has lost all its real shine and glory. Inspite of that it is regaining lost ground,in the troubled corporate circles in US where the need for detached action is at its most now 5 days ago Like Follow Yuvaraj Yuvaraj Gandipan What is the purpose of life on earth?. 1. The important thing to remember when you ask this question to your self is you are not really you. You are born some 600 billion years ago through a marriage of sun and the sea and you have no idea when are you going to die may be tomorrow or after billion years. Basically you are not reproducing, you are evolving.

2. Pick a drop of water from the Ocean. Does it know it's purpose. We are made of cells, but each cell in each organ functions differently. Do these cell know their purpose. 3. I strongly believe that earth constitutes as a vital organ of the universal. We the humans are cells of the organ. If we are evolving, the universe also evolves. 4 days ago Like Prof.SureshUnfollow Prof.Suresh Kumar Chiranjivi,very philosophical and practical questions,at once Of course self realisation is a real and far away goal,since there are layers of selves to be unravelled,and images in mind and ego consciousness to be refined and ennobled through breath and its spiritual internalisation[I have discussed this in detail in another thread of discussion on this very forum] Universe is a reflection of our self and ego consciousness,since we project our mental images on to the world,and as a consequence the real world is not perceived,but only the pheneomenological universe is apparent. That is the root problem to be addressed,in science,psychology,philosphy and management,and our physical=psychical=spirtual life is towards that end 4 days ago Like Follow Kishan Kishan Lal I have earlier commented on this as " It is just like that " further to add by this means actually this is the process how lives come into existence and vanishes. Being human we communicate, such feelings but how know this may amongst the animal or going deeply may in non leaving things too. It is said nothing created nothing destroyed everything keeping coming and going again and again in different form, to keep with the momentum to times, so everything exists for time itself. 4 days ago Like SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah To get answers to such questions, Gautam Buddha spent a considerable amount of his lifetime in meditation. Those who hope to get the answers quick through Linkedin Questions, please reconsider the "F&*k" theory. There's no other reason that we're born for, and that's the reason we've to life for. 4 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi

Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Siddharth you seem to have found the meaning and purpose for your life. May be that is why you are Sidharth (the Gautam Budha.) 4 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Prof...I am not too good with philosophy but I thought Bhagavad Gita is all about that: " Philosophy in practice." Today we use some of the philosophy without knowing the real meaning behind it. For instance we do our job and not bother about the consequences. Unfortunately though this seems to be something similar to what the Gita says like don't worry about the results...somewhere I think there is a little difference. 4 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Thank you Prof. Suresh for adding a most interesting point "reference point." In a way life generally understood to be learning, correcting and progressing. For instance take the Fukushima nuclear disaster, now all the countries, scientists, ordinary people are thinking that they have learnt their worst lessons and now we should all change and be more careful, whatever. One funny feeling one gets is, suppose it is like, those who are learning, the experience from which we are learning, the ones which led to this experience, all are but one and the same. Then what do we mean by learning, who is learning about whom, how this learning is hidden from those forces which are causing these disasters, if it is not hidden then how useful is this learning. This is where the need for the reference point comes. If we are moving at all, changing at all, learning at all, it all needs to be with respect to a reference point, which obviously has to be out of this circle. Who or what is this reference point? When we don't know the answer to this question, how do we know we are learning? 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .............' Learning without knowing what we are learning '................ .............................that is certainly funny and as well a fact !! .4 days ago

SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah @Chiranjeevi, but I'm keen on searching the exceptions. :-D No matured life form that i know of has come into existence by any other means. Your brain is qualified to make such irrelevant questions because of selective reproduction practices by your ancestors, i.e. apes. Which means we're all related. Anyone who's putting their logic into your question is welcome to put his/her logic in contradicting my theory.. 4 days ago Like Follow George George Ballester Do you know the story about the India Buddhist monk who was visited by a university student who asked the monk what the meaning of life is? The monk answers, "The sound of one hand clapping." The student looks puzzled and says, "One hand cannot clap and make a sound. It takes two hands to clap." The monk looks annoyed and slaps the student on the side of the head with one hand. 4 days ago Like 1 Follow Rajan Rajan Nagane @Chiranjeevi Tallapragada, It is normal for every thinking human to have such questions It has been a long human history of thinking & searching. One day you are certain to get the right answer to all your questions. I am so sure because I have been a inquiring mind myself for a long time. Today I feel to be the most privileged person, now there are no confusions no mysteries, no riddles. The Brahmavidya is a easy & very practical & logical way for any individual to learn about whatever the world is & whatever that we are! 4 days ago Like Follow venugopal venugopal maganti I think this guy was not a monk,but must be a martial art expert,like one from 36 chamber of Shaolin,with a deceptive air of equanimimity around them--and as for Gita preaching kartas to act without worrying about result,it was only for the doubting Thomases,and as Arjuna was one--he was told to do his duty as a self respecting warrior,to uphold truth and justice ,and exterminate evil--but his doubt was whether it was worth it,whether it was really right on his part to kill so many of his own ilk.We can not interpret that we should be impassionate or in sincere about our duty/task--after all there is un certainity lurking all around us,no body can truly guarantee success in any task in life--in fact I have

come to believe that the chance of success of your attempt to achieve something in life is roughly ,directly proportional to the the degree of your desire for sucess in that matter. 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .391. Lore worth learning, learn flawlessly Live by that learning thoroughly. .4 days ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Knowledge Expansion Manual Intellectual Development Foundation My Nature, Your Nature & The Nature of Everything ............., Interesting manual How can I expand my knowledge about anything? You can expand your knowledge about anything by finding: 1. What are its parts? 1. Who/what has the equivalents of those which it has? 1. Who/what is connected by it? 1. Who/what can affect it? 1. What are its forms? 1. Who/what can substitute it? 1. Who/what will be satisfied by it? .4 days ago

Follow Shobhita Shobhita Rawal Chiranjivi this is spritual question,visit the website 3 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Thanks Shobhita. I want to share my view about spirituality. I believe there were times, much long ago when sipirituality was not separated from the day to day questions one faced. In fact Gita's origin owes to a practical question of whether to kill my brother to get my kingdom. My question on purpose of life also originates from the same type of confusion like what is development, what is duty as an employee or a leader or a CEO of a company etc. Given the scale of things happening, who has the control to ensure that we are moving in the right direction? One will either go with the trend or find a separate path. But there could also be another path, which is the collective consciousness. Forums like this I believe should build such collective consciousness. It is not always possible though. 3 days ago Like Prof.SureshUnfollow Prof.Suresh Kumar Chiranjeevi,thanks for the comments,and very relevant thoughts there,that you have posed,not just metaphysical. Unawares of us or thru us operates the forces of Karma and Yajna in self and universe. That is powered by the energy field of Universal spirit and the consciousness of a Mind or knowledge and intelligence principle in universe. There subtle principles of Dharma or order[Rik] in universe of which we are not aware in our ego conscious states of self:we become aware of these subtle and vital forms,forces and patterns only when we attain or try to attain true realisation of self through an internalisation process[of vital energies in and around us] Then we will see a larger picture where the right merges with the wrong in a larger integration where there is place for the rights and the wrongs ,as we see from a grosser or mundane plane. There is an awesome relationality in universe ,of which we are not conscious fully in our mundane and materially focussed stage of existence.Only when we internalise our vital energies and refine our self and ego field that we see a brader picture in the events and people and situations around us. We see the place of things and people,and come to develop a sort of detachment despite all our involvement based on action in the world and intentionality in us. These are not entirely in our control in this mortal plane, though at a higher spiritual plane we connect with the universal principles of order and action,and a broader picture emerges ,and there you are not at the center of universe[as in our ususal self or ego conscious states],and yet you feel a unitariness with the universal forces and patterns 3 days ago Like 1

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .............There are different circles, the BIG and the Small, they have their respective centers ....., every soap bubble blown has it's respective centers ................... .3 days ago Follow Rajneesh Rajneesh Kumar Dear Friends, I've spent years pondering about such questions and found a lot of meaning out of this quest. It is worth of engaging oneself into this journey. I have reflected upon so much of theological, spiritual kind of perspective. I also attended logical and scientific approaches to such questions. All led me to an ever widening horizons of thoughts and contemplation. It made me more and more and more open to every possible perspective. Anyone seek to embrace a quicker yet serious journey of such things, then I probably would recommend to start with downloading the DVD of 'What's the bleep do we know: Quantum Edition". Though a sequential series of books written by James Redfield have largely satisfied my existing queries already. These are "Celestine Prophecy", "The Tenth Insight", "In search of Shambhala". My journey seems to indicate me that I would certainly need to read one day a book or a set of two books, "The Secret Doctrine: Cosmogenesis" and "The Secret Doctrine: Anthropogenesis" by H.P. Balavatsky. This book I personally believe would be able to answer few deep.......deeper curiosities I have developed. Thanks, RK 2 days ago Like Follow Rajneesh Rajneesh Kumar Dear Chiranjeevi, Two of your statements don't make any sense with me. "..........This is where the need for the reference point comes. If we are moving at all, changing at all, learning at all, it all needs to be with respect to a reference point, which obviously has to be out of this

circle. Who or what is this reference point? When we don't know the answer to this question, how do we know we are learning?" "...............Given the scale of things happening, who has the control to ensure that we are moving in the right direction? One will either go with the trend or find a separate path. But there could also be another path, which is the collective consciousness. Forums like this I believe should build such collective consciousness. It is not always possible though." Reason is that yours or anybody's need of any reference point in itself is the root cause of always feeling 'lacking inside'. Why to have a need of any parameter to judge the progress of one's self? Because this need for a reference point is externally oriented and since it is external, it does not lead to anywhere. It never did to anybody. A version of the same thought-system is search for collective consciousness or collective wisdom. A sum of Zeros would always be Zero. A sum of emptiness would always remain empty. A sum of averages is always average. Thus there is only one path: the path of self's journey, very individual, very personal. I have placed this summary of thought on my blog. If you feel, you can visit to the link: %e2%80%99t-decide-for-others/ and With thanks, RK 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ............Bubbles and bubbles, can they make a one single big bubble ??? Alka-Seltzer added to spherical water drop in microgravity ....... doubts, Discover IT :) .2 days ago Follow venugopal

venugopal maganti @RK,without a reference point,how do we know where we are,what we are doing,why we are doing,where we are going,and why?the fact that zero exists also demands that there should be something other than zero ,and if it is there ,what is it?what we do ultimately is for self fulfilment,and the question is who is this self/is it a part of a universal conscious ness or is it\a separate entity?lacking in side of what?self? I think since this is a leadership forum,seeking to understand purpose of our existence,and we do have measure of our actions,the consequences of such actions or lack of action,the zero concept ,I am not sure is in the realm of this discussion--pardon me if I sound offensive. 2 days ago Like Follow David David Wittenberg I'm fascinated by Hindu philosophy and have had several enlightening discussions on topics such as this one. Rather than propose an answer, let me point out a salient fact: When it comes to discovering our purpose, there are only two METHODS (not conclusions). First method: speculate. Second method: learn the answer from the one who knows the answer. The search for purpose is universal. People from every culture want to know their purpose. A best-selling book in the US is called "The Purpose-Driven Life." As I understand it, books such as the Gita, the Bible, and the Qur'an claim to hold the answer as revealed by a higher authority. The only problem is that these sources don't all agree on our purpose in life. I wish everyone success in his personal search for purpose in life. 2 days ago Like 1 Follow Rajneesh Rajneesh Kumar Dear Venugogal, Thanks for your thoughts. Why am I thanking you? Is it because of social etiquette I have learnt or because of feeling thankful heartfelt. This question belongs to me and my personal query only. The same question is about your last words, "pardon me if I sound offensive". Yes, you are correct that------- I mean by the lack of ..........having actually a 'self', pure original self, pervert of social learning & devoid of beliefs, principles, conditioning, attitudes, thoughts, judgments, preconceived notions etc acquired from external systems------be it family, friends, society at large. How much of our claimed 'Self' is actually 'Our Self'? Everybody derives his generally conceived notion of self mostly from external systems. Nothing wrong

with it. That's the way the world, the societies, and the countries moves along generations after generations. But I have learnt in my own life that there must come a point in time down the path of life, where we can attempt to dig into our own concept of 'Self'. It takes some pounding initially as to remove of fabricated layers acquired from externals. After some time our 'own' layers of self start revealing themselves and we get much space needed in our psyche for possibly newer thoughts, possibly newer beliefs, newer attitudes and newer understandings. As we continue to evolve inside and contemplate, we just go our own path of understandings about phenomena. That's the way it goes, everybody who reached to some meaningful understandings had to chart their own paths. Like anybody else, they also didn't knew where they would land up. There is one quote in Zen traditions, "If you see Buddha on the way, Kill him". It holds simple message that if you find that the Buddha or his teachings about anything comes in your way to progress, get rid of it. Don't behold any thought if it comes in your way. Your movement is more important, than falling in love with any concept........... If you have some time spared anytime soon, you can make a choice of visiting to the hyperlinks mentioned in previous comment. With thanks, ( fully recognizing that there is no need to thank actually, because I am writing for my own sake) RK 2 days ago Like 1 SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah The purpose will be lost if you got to know what it actually is. In other words the purpose of life is not finding the purpose of life and thereby deviating from the actual purpose which wasn't supposed to be known until you have fulfilled the purpose unknowingly. So rather than knowing the purpose which cannot be known, and not living to that purpose knowingly to know what is not known, which may not be the real purpose..... just get back to what you have been doing... hugh!!!! 1 day ago Like 1 Follow Vikrant Vikrant Dhoke Thats the ultimate and real smart answer Siddharth "Karmayogi". You said I what I did not want to say and actually participate to make this discussion bloat. But this this one comment made me join, for you Siddharth, not for "Chiranjeevi" It is not for us to go seek purpose of life on earth. Lets think what is the purpose of "My life" and do that.

1 day ago Like Follow Gloria Gloria OMarrah Ragneesh, I like the quote. It sounds horrible at first untill you get the real meaning. 1 day ago Like Follow Gloria Gloria OMarrah Vikrant, it's hard to find that one answere. Where is it written, who do we ask, how do we know. I still don't know if I did it yet, am doing it, or will do it next year. 1 day ago Like Prof.SureshUnfollow Prof.Suresh Kumar Gloria,and Vikrant,aKarma Yogi comes to evolve to a jnana yogi ,once he seeks the meaning and purpose of life.Pure consciousness is a state of mind to be attined at the end of such a spiritual search thrugh true techniques that internalise your vital energies for a real baptism in the fire of inner spirit[and you become a true Brahmin and a Christian at once] Knowledge is the intrinsic property of mind in such purified and refined states,as also inner bliss and joy,when you realise for yourself the oneness with the universe and its being That is the essence of karma yoga which eventually leads to jnana or true knowledge,as the purpose and meaning of life,as a self fulfilling tryst with true destiny 1 day ago Like 1 Follow Ramakrishna Ramakrishna Chowdappa PMP LIFE IS ETRNAL CELEBRATION, ENTHUSIASM, AND SHARING LOVElove and regards to all divine beingsSw Prabu Arpan 1 day ago Like 1 Follow Vikrant Vikrant Dhoke Professor - I am reminded of line from Hari Om Sharan's Bhajan - "Main Gyan ki Baato me khoya... Aur Karam heen Padkar Soya... Jab Aankh Khuli toh Man Roya..."

You said "That is the essence of karma yoga which eventually leads to jnana or true knowledge,as the purpose and meaning of life,as a self fulfilling tryst with true destiny " So Gyan itself is self-fulfilling? Oh, then people who go to libraries, read 40-50 books a year, but do not contribute to anything to change this world are the people who reach 'salvation?" Is Gyan yoga Next to Karma Yoga? Does that mean you no longer remain a Karma Yogi in order to become a Gyan yogi ? 1 day ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .We need to urgently find out who all could have taught Siddhartha - Buddha .:) ...........>...........The purpose of the life is revealed to the individual just few seconds before his death ..............>.......... ................... ; ...................... .1 day ago 2 Follow Vikrant Vikrant Dhoke For all those who can't read Tamil. Those curves rolling with dots before and after mean this : Its a Tamil saying kaNtavar viNtilar; viNtavar kaNtilar (One who had seen did not convey. One who conveyed did not see). Karthi - I can't read Tamil but the english statement before that is a gem. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Vikrant That Tamil sentence comes in one of the Siddhar's songs and many people interpret it in many different

ways. We can also take it to mean my own English statement , easy to get the point across !! .1 day ago Follow Rajneesh Rajneesh Kumar Search of Gyan or jnana or true knowledge with limited faculties to perceive ..................???? Karma yog without the basic ability to understand of what makes you move inside our individual mind systems (at the exact moment) when any so called Karma is performed.............???? I think this question points to the answer and the way. 'Aham Brahmasmi' It conveys that "The core of my being is the ultimate reality, the root and ground of the universe, the source of all that exists." The understanding is profound to grasp as "I consists of everything the universe consists of." I hold all the answer inside. In order to know the universe I only need to know what I am. This is exactly the messages all the sages have rendered. Even Buddha said after awakening: As I was surveying the world with the eyes of an Awakened One, I saw being with little dust in their eyes, with much dust in their eyes, with acute faculties, with dull faculties, of good dispositions, of bad dispositions, docile, indocile; and a few seeing danger in sins and the world beyond. Even as in a pond of blue lotuses or in a pond of red lotuses, or in a pond of white lotuses, (there) a few red and blue and white lotuses are born in water, grow in water, DO NOT RISE ABOVE THE WATER but thrive while altogether immersed; a few blue or red or white lotuses are born in the water, grow in the water and REACH THE SURFACE OF THE WATER; a few blue or red or white lotuses are born in the water, grow in the water, and STAND RISING OUT OF THE WATER, undefiled by the water. Yet the lotuses all they are. And the lotuses we all are. 23 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .............what one does generally on missing a bus is to catch the next one ............... .*.bus <= => life ,..... applies clearly to all - the bus creator, owner , operator .... etc .*.

Gita asks nicely, .................' What did one bring to this life to take it back with them ' ............... ........ pick someone's luggage or loose one's own luggage ... options are many ......happy Journey :) 12 hours ago SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah TG!!!!! I'm still breathing ... @Karthikeyan :-D 11 hours ago Like Follow venugopal venugopal maganti @RK,I just want to add what Sri Tyagaraja said in one of his famous compositions-parama aanandamane,kamalamu pai,baka, bekamulu chelage--o manasa--meaning,(as I interpret it),ON THE LOTUS OF BLISS,the frog (from inside the water,)and the crane(from out side the water)move-and he tells his self--all the three--the lotus,frog and crane are transient- probably engaged in an eternal journey 10 hours ago Like Prof.SureshUnfollow Prof.Suresh Kumar Vikrant,nice questions there. The jnan that I refer to is not the knowledge from books but from pure consciousness and mind,since true knowledge inheres there,and we have access to it through appropriate brain centers ,in meditative mentation ,when our mental images are refined through internalising our vital energies[through the right kind of breathing techniques] and through Karma Yoga. Karma does not merely refer to action,but the center in mind that propels one to act,our seat of action impulses and intentionality in mind.This is due to mental imagery ,which we are refining trough Karma yoga [and the vital energy internaliastion techniques] That leads to jnana yoga and finding the meaning of life internally 10 hours ago Like Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye In one of my earlier posts I had looked into the possibility that the purpose of life may be too alien for us to know! "Our" human thinkers are just busy (including myself before I am

accused of any elitism), populating this lacuna with 'known' ideas like anthropomorphic gods, and a primordial timeless attibuteless singularity the vedic guys called "It" (Tat), and which science calls the mother of all singularities just before the Big Bang... Any takers for this line of thinking? 7 hours ago Like Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena Ya sure why not. The point of singularity has extremely high concentration of Mass which causes infinite warping of space-time. There is a possibility that black hole keep getting so concentrated by sucking galaxies that after a certain critical limit they just explode thereby creating another universe. Our Universe is one such Universe out of multiple other parallel universes. The point is that something comes of out of nothing looks wrong. Offcourse there is a talk that virtual particles pop in and out even in empty spaces. Who knows they come out of Dark matter since as of now we cannot identify dark matter or dark energy. There are infinite possibilities & all that we can do is move from good to better to best explanation & that's it. Knowing everything may be actually bad because it will kill our curiosity to know further because there is nothing more to learn. Life would become boring..... 7 hours ago Like Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Sanjay ..something irrelevent but just sharing some gyan.. As the mass of a black hole increases, the radius of it's event horizon expands outwards and its density decreases! Asimov (I believe) in scientrfic American had said sometime in the eighties..that Since the universe has infinite mass, it is actually a black hole of infinite size and very low density! If you want to know why, just look at the concept of the word universe. It includes everything known and unknown to man! Light never escapes it, because by definition, every place light reaches is technically "inside" such an avaricious universe! So by definition, a universe, because light can never escape it, is indeed a black hole! Asimov ki bat mein dum hai. 7 hours ago Like Follow venugopal venugopal maganti Well,all I know as a science student is 1/0=infinity,,and 1/infinity=0--as also 0/0=infinity--big bang or no bang--wonder what is finite and what is infinite 7 hours ago Like

Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Venugopal...if we continue along these lines, the moral police will kill us for derailing things! (Just joking baba, before you unsheath any weapons..) 6 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ......let us not get bored !! IT needs just few things to know it clearly . Nothing, something, all things , everything ..... etc let us take the first one ' Nothing ' ......... Know nothing we know everything . Nothing for sure cannot be the Purpose of Life . Everything other than nothing then is a possible candidate for the purpose . IT is not Nothing :) .6 hours ago Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena yes...IT is nothing yet it is everything IT is nowhere yet it is everywhere IT is abstract yet it is concrete IT is finite yet it is infinite IT has form yet it is formless IT is the end yet it is beginning IT is the source yet it is the sink IT is the creator yet it is the destroyer IT is time yet time is timeless IT is mass, Mass is energy IT is so many things so how can it be Nothing But yet since there is something like Nothing, it implies that IT is also nothing. :-) 5 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .-

Good one there but still.............!!. Nothing is nothing but an impossibility of everything being discounted of its presence !! IT implies everything and hence ........ implies ... Nothing .........> for more on Nothing .......> here, .5 hours ago Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena All objects we see are just illusions caused by our brain & quantum effects. We also have limited power of seeing, hearing, taste, smell and sensing. Imagine a state where we come out of our body which has severe design constraints. But how can we come out of our body & then see/hear because then we will not have eyes, nose, ear & brain to translate electrical activities. Maybe we can do some kind of simulation to see the effect in a computer. A dog or any animal see only in black and white. Does that mean the world is only black & white? So what the animals see is a partial truth. Man also has limited power & hence sees only partial truth. It sees a highly concentrated energy vibrating at high speed as Mass. So does Mass really exists? What if we reduce the speed of vibration of atoms by 99% then how do we see the same Mass in slow motion? What would happen if we reduce the speed of light by 99%.? Whatever we will see then will be past. We will find it difficult to see the present. Why? Because light will take that much longer time to travel to the eye. So what does all that implies? Everything is Mithya? So what is the purpose of Life if we assume everything is Mithya? Realizing presence of God? Let's assume there is God & everyone realizes it, so now what? Is the purpose just to realize God? What will happen after realization? What will be our next Goals & Objectives? 4 hours ago Like Follow David David Wittenberg Great questions, Sanjay! Asians and Westerners tend to take their views of the universe as accepted truth, but in fact, the two systems differ at a fundamental level. Many Asians believe in the unity of all things, a view known as Monism. Most Westerners believe in the separateness of each thing, which is known as Dualism. Understand, therefore, that to many Indians, Western ideas seem utterly foolish. Likewise, to Westerners, some of the philosophies of Asia seem

equally foolish. So, I commend you for proposing the kinds of questions that philosophers should pose. Why do I believe what I believe? What convinced me that it is true? What have I observed? What, if any, evidence did I encounter? What potential logical inconsistencies arise if the propositions of my philosophy are true? If you'll review this chain, you'll see a lot of non-answers to the question, "What is the purpose of life/existence." There's a lot of philosophizing, and there are some beautiful words and phrases, but I don't remember seeing any direct answers. Why do you suppose that definitive answers are missing? I'd be interested in your ideas on the same. 4 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Sanjay S ..................What is Illusion by Quantum effects :) .3 hours ago Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena Thank you David. Your questions are challenging & would take time to answer. However one of the possible quick answers is that people have been sold to an idea, concept, ideology & that concept is so badly ingrained in their mind that they stopped applying their own imagination, their own quest to know the truth or solve the riddle. In some culture infact it would be blasphemy or sacrilege to even think of other concepts & some would be afraid to propose any new concept because of fear of social ostracism. In some cases the ideology has become part of identity of a person & has assumed a larger than life role, undermining their own identity. So we are so badly trapped in this maze of existing concepts/ideology that we will find it difficult to think out of the box. 3 hours ago Like RamUnfollow Ram Navale Beautiful Thoughts Sanjay and David... Reason for existence of universe : ..........................................................

Frog in the well says well is the universe. We need to get out of our observable universe and study it independently from outside (???) to answer this question :-) 3 hours ago Like Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye David Wittenberg: Why dualism? Shouldnt the word "manyism" apply? Afterall dualism applies to two things only. As per what you saidm the western viewpoint believes in separateness of the many. Can you expand on that one? Also what is your own definitive answer to these Questions, or are you like me a fence sitter saying "not this, not this"? (Sometimes fence sitting has its advantages. When one is honestly unsure of answers, what is the harm in admiting one is not sure? And differ committing to an answer hopefully wisely?). So do tell us. Meanwhile in eastern parlance, dualism means the Adim dwandwa (Primal duality of Prakriti (acting agent) and Purusha (causal non acting agent / observer). Hindus also term this duality as Kshetra / Kshetradnya (the field and its knower). This was later merged into monism in (13th century?) by Shankaracharya who said that both are two aspects of the same thing. He termed that A-dwaita oe "absence of duality" / non-duality.. Do expand on your perspective. 2 hours ago Like Follow David David Wittenberg Thanks for asking, Jayendra. Dualism's name comes from the idea that the universe consists of two different, separate elements, a creator and creation. The belief in the separateness of individual things arises from that first principle, and it is supported by our observations. Everything we observe seems to be separate. Living beings, including those with whom we interact daily, seem so obviously separate from ourselves that, to most Westerners, the proposition of separateness seems self-evident. I heard a Western philosopher state that the axiom upon which he builds his case for all his further claims is that our senses are trustworthy. Many Hindus, by contrast, start from the axiom that our senses are not trustworthy. In this very chain, someone has posted that all we see is actually illusory. With such diametrically opposed axioms, it is hard to imagine a meaningful dialog or any possibility of agreement

between the two philosophical systems. Western thought is based on Aristotelian logic, one of whose fundamental principles is that A=A and A does not = B. The monist idea that all is one goes against that fundamental principle, which is another reason why Asians and Westerners have such a hard time communicating about philosophy, epistemology, and even logic. I have discovered the purpose of existence. Prior to discovering it, I had attempted to find it through speculation. Later, I met the one who assigned my purpose to me, and I learnt it from him. If I'm guessing correctly, then many readers of this chain will dispute my claim. They will argue that there is no such purpose-assigner, and if there is one, it is impossible to meet him and learn from him. If they cannot accept my method of discovering my purpose, then they will not respect anything I say about my purpose or theirs. Therefore, let's not talk about our conclusions, but about our axioms (presuppositions) and our methods of discovering the answer to the question as originally proposed in this thread. 2 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .okay a simple axiom :) It is easy to prove what is right as right with many wrongs . It is not easy to prove what is wrong as wrong with many rights . .1 hour ago Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Really strange! Dualism creator and creation. There is a similarity in Hindu thought! Prakriti amd Purusha! In Hindu understanding, Purusha does not take part in creation at all. That is the work of Prakriti. The difference in the two systems is but a subtle one. That assigner of purpose is the GURU! Attempt to find it thru speculation (if logical speculation), is "sadhana", meaning "purposeful action". (Sadhya is the purpose / object of action, and sadhana is action towards achieveing that object or purposeful action / striving).

So you are telling me you undertook sadhana, a guru found you (because you were ready), and assigned you a purpose! (May be an objective more suited to your nature). Now how is it different from numerous treaders of the path in eastern philosophy? Mind you eastern philosophy does no exclude anything as "apocryphal". The 6 paths have people who dont believe in god, to people who are dualists, to people who are non-dualists! So welcome! No one here will dispute your purpose as long as it does not turn out to be along the lines of "go out and convert the heathen etc"!!! which would be no purpose at all! Hindus consider all 6 paths with equanimity, not denouncing either. Any serious path that rests its own premise on denunciation of the other is itself false. [ Shankaracharya unfortunately had to resort to "Khandan" or "demolition" of the logical foundations on which the edifice of Buddhism had rested. Lord knows what the buddha actually had said, as he never discussed god. But his later followers made a god out of him! Even later some ambitious Brahmins had joined the band wagon and added a huge body of Sanskrit Pali canon to Buddhist texts. We can see Sankhya philosophy impact on Buddhist thought, as well as Vedic thought too..(similarities in the Vajra-Chhedika Diamond sutra and the vedic Nasadiya sukta). ] 36 minutes ago Like Follow David David Wittenberg Jayendra, your response is based on your presuppositions. When I said I met my purpose-giver, you supposed I was referring to a guru. That's a method you're familiar with and you accept as valid. What if I told you I had met a space alien, a god, an author, a deva, an angel, or an avatar, and that being had communicated with me about my destiny? Would you be as willing to acknowledge my experience then, or would your presupposition say that I was either crazy or wrong, because in your world view, such beings either don't exist or can't communicate with us? Then you say that you have insight into which purposes are legitimate and which are not. You're ready to reject the people who say they want to convert others, but how did you decide that they are wrong? You cite 6 paths because you were taught these 6 paths; whereas I was not taught this lesson. What would you say to convince me that there are six paths and only six paths? See what I mean about axioms? Most of us, as Sanjay commented, are so convinced that our axioms are true, that we are not open to either questioning them or having them challenged by others. Thus, when people of opposing views discuss these issues, it usually degenerates into shouting their beliefs at one another. I hope the followers of this thread are more interested in honest inquiry and understanding, and that we

won't waste time on pointless assertions unsupported by some sort of rational argument or evidence. 6 minutes ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ..... the thread is really getting serious & interesting :) Shobhita Rawal Hi Chiranjeevi u started real interesting discussion and all are involved in it.i have question to brainstorm,what do u think guys about rebirth / reincarnation jayendra upadhye David, the more the merrier! As long as there is no one up manship and coersion! I am convinced of nothing! I just pointed out in so many words that we believe in all inclusiveness, nothing is apocrpyphal! (except "I am right you are wrong type of teachings). So now what is it? An alien or an angel? I am curious to know. Ofcourse you may not tell. :) Lets say for the sake of this discussion I was speaking things you find Bullxxxx. Now can we go ahead and hear what you want to say about "I have discovered the purpose of existence"..? I am eager to understand what that is (meaning ofcourse the much vaunted purpose of existence). Do tell us. David Wittenberg Jayendra, You remind me of my college professors. They based their Bachelor's degree course on the statement that "there is no absolute truth," but they were blind to the fact that their own statement was presented as an absolute truth! If you actually believe that "I am right you are wrong type of teachings" are not acceptable, then you are declaring yourself to be right and you are declaring absolutists to be wrong. In other words, you're contradicting yourself. Somehow, I don't think that was your intention. For the time being, I'll demur on discussing the purpose of my own existence. I'm far more interested in discovering how my Asian friends think and reason through this question. In constructing a truth table (such a Western, absolutist approach!) the first question I would pose is whether an individual -- or, indeed, our species or the universe itself -- has a purpose or not. That's a simple yes-or-no question. If this chain is any indication, then one common local view is that either it doesn't matter, or it's unknowable until after the fact. If the answer is that there is no purpose, then the discussion is over. If the answer is yes, there is a purpose, then the next question I might pose is where that purpose comes from. Here's where monism vs. dualism may affect the response. Many of my Hindu friends are striving

to attain moksha, which they define variously as full awareness, oneness with the cosmic mind, shedding mara to discover the divine essence within, etc. The purpose of existence is deduced logically from two beliefs: the unity of all things and the illusory nature of the perceived differences between them. No Western philosophy recognizes any purpose remotely related to moksha because dualists don't believe that such a state exists. Westerners don't typically look within for purpose; they look upward toward God or outward toward others in the world. Some believe their purpose is defined by evolution, to propagate the species. Some believe in striving for a positive afterlife (no Western religion teaches a cycle of rebirths, but all of them teach the persistence of the soul after death and a day of divine judgment). Some believe in serving humanity, the planet, animals, or some other noble cause. Still others believe in hedonism, that the purpose of life is to seek pleasure. Does anyone care to take a position and give direct answers to these questions: Does life have a purpose? If yes, where does that purpose come from? If yes, can it be discovered? If it can be discovered, then how? karthikeyan arumugathandavan ...1) Yes . ..2) Birth ..3) Living ..4) End of Life .jayendra upadhye David. Clever! :) Did it occur to you (since you condemn the poor professors to be dim wots who failed to understand such a simple irony, I think we must give them some respite) that what the poor guys meant was just that "The statement that there is only one absolute path to truth need not be true". Or "There are multiple paths to turth". Truth lends itself to interpretations so that both interpretations are true. what then? A glass half full is also half empty! no one can negate that. Amd that is what they meant. Now are you telling us you are basing your whole premise and grouse against the professors over such a trivial issue? THAT would be a pity! I said 6 paths were well known in ancient India (not exactly in so many words, but I feel we are above such silly hair splitting). I personally have NOT taken any position at all. How did you surmise I said I WAS right?

In plain english (your language not mine), I said any absolitist position that rests itself on pullong other down, and which was serious, would be rejected. THAT is different from sayin I was right! I negated absolutism, but did not say I alone was right, in fact I discussed fence sitting. So let us argue if we have to using logic and not foisting words on each other that we never spoke, or meant even. Your questions...myanswers. I do not claim to know the purpose. My first answer makes rest of the questions redundant. Now some simple questions from me, hope you will expand on the same. "they look upward toward God "..well any description of that God? I hope by up you dont mean skywards! Is it a he or a she or It? How old, does he live somewhere? Is it an anthropomorphic god, or has to hide in a bush for some reason? Is he vengeful? Expecting some answers on those. David Wittenberg Karthik, I saw your four answers. They are a bit hard for me to understand. Do you really mean to say that: + The purpose of life comes from birth? If that's true, then wouldn't it also be true that all of us have the same purpose, since all of us have the same birth? And, if purpose comes from birth, does this mean that purpose is also hidden and unknown, since most people who are born still claim that they don't know the purpose of their lives? + Purpose can be discovered by living life according to your third answer but, according to your fourth answer, the way to discover purpose is by death? Perhaps I'm misunderstanding this, but it seems that you've contradicted yourself. Would you care to clarify? karthikeyan arumugathandavan .David Your answer for the 4 , and then I will clarify or at least to the 1st - according to you the answer to 1st , which then may negate few others !! ------------------------------------------------jayendra upadhye What I found interesting with david was he has found all people contradicting --themselves, but himself has not said anything! :) Now what happens if he answers those questions? Will that law hold true? (Mathematical induction) ..First the profs were self contradictory, then you, then me, ... I am wondering and fearing for David himself already! ...what happens when he answers? :)

David Wittenberg Jayendra, Someone has written that the basic difference between Westerners and Easterners is that Westerners are driven to reconcile. With our Aristotelian view, when people like me encounter propositions that appear to be contradictory, we are driven to resolve the contradictions. For us, focusing on the words is not trivial nor is it hairsplitting. We are looking for the truth. A speaker or writer who believes two contradictory statements to both be true appears to a Westerner to be unreliable. A person who asserts that a statement known to be contrary to fact is true appears to be insane. My Indian friends seem untroubled by seemingly contradictory propositions. See Sanjay's post of short sentences about "IT" earlier in this chain for an example. It's fine to assert that truth lends itself to interpretation, as long as you are willing to state that, at the core, there is a truth to be known. If you deny that truth is knowable, then this and all similar discussions are exercises in futility. My Indian friends seem to believe that everyone is entitled to his own truth. My Western friends say that everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but no one is entitled to his own facts. There could be multiple paths to truth if truth exists somewhere waiting to be found. If, on the other hand, truth is invented/owned/controlled by something or someone, then the controller of truth could decide to limit the number of correct paths to just one. So, when you say that there are multiple paths to truth, you are also rejecting the possibility that a single source has the truth. My question to you is, "What led you to believe as you do?" If it is accepted that there is a truth to be known, then it follows logically that there are untruths, as well. Westerners don't hesitate to state that a proposition about philosophy and religion is untrue. They all believe that there is a single source of truth -- they just don't agree on which source it is! Christians believe, in accordance with their holy book, that Jesus is the only begotten son of God. Muslims say that's untrue because their holy book says Allah neither begets nor is begotten. Empiricists say that both are wrong because the single source of truth is science, and science has never observed God in the first place, let alone his son. Even though you claim to be a fence-sitter, you still feel offended by the conversion advocates who are presumptuous enough to consider their views absolutely true and desi views absolutely false. Beware of the faulty reasoning that goes, "I have not figured out the truth, therefore, no one else has, either." You asked about God. The modern Western faiths all view God as omnipotent, eternal (without beginning or end), sovereign, sentient, communicative, and existing in the spirit (invisible) world yet occasionally appearing to mankind in natural time and space. All the major Western faiths present God as masculine, though some attribute feminine traits to him, as well. God is seen as the creator and sustainer of the universe and everything in it. God is understood as the giver of laws and the judge of mankind's compliance with those laws. He will reward in the afterlife those who, in life, met his conditions and punish those who did not. In the ancient European religions, gods were anthropomorphic (some male, some female), dwelling on earth or in a heavenly kingdom in some sort of physical way and occasionally encountered directly by people. They were prone to internecine fighting and capricious actions. The gods gave no laws, but sought devotion and sacrifices from their followers, offering divine favors in exchange. The Greco-

Roman concept of afterlife was that the departed soul would travel to the netherworld and cross a river to reach the abode of the dead. All comments and responses are welcome. David Wittenberg Oh, Jayendra, I must have touched a very sensitive nerve in you to provoke such a bitter and angry response! I'm trying hard to limit my discussion to methods of finding purpose (the original theme of this chain). I stated first thing that dialog between those who hold Asian presuppositions and those who hold Western presuppositions is very difficult. Your response shows why. I pointed out the two different ways of dealing with contradictory statements, and I pointed out that each thinks the other wrong, and you accused me of thinking that Westerners are superior. Then, your anger made you unable to accept what I pointed out about your position. Your strong, historybased dislike of Westerners for their intolerance, violence and rapaciousness has caused you to reject their propositions about the universe. You despise the triumphalist views of the Westerners, but you are blind to your own triumphalism. You are just as intolerant of "one-way" believers as they are of the "multiway" believers. Argue all you wish, but that's a case of doing the same thing you profess to hate in others. You display exactly the reaction that Sanjay Saxena predicted. When I questioned one of your fundamental beliefs, you became upset and angry. You display exactly the reaction that I predicted. When I revealed my own path to purpose, you accused me of being wrong because in your world view, my claim is both untrue and nefarious (you implied that anyone who claims to be in touch with the inventor of life, or who believes that there might be only one path to truth, is a mass-murdering crusader in waiting). If you want to continue discussing and comparing different paths to finding the purpose of life, kindly resume a respectful tone and I'll be happy to continue the dialog. If you wish only to attack me, I'll ignore your posts. @David I respect your knowledge and contribution. Let me put my thoughts... If life has an inventor, who created him? this is a cycle of creation and creator in our view. The cycle ends only when the creation and creators are the same. This is where Dualism and Monoisum meet each other. Life or Universe doesn't change because of the western or eastern thinking process, it is the same. It's only the way we look at it that changes. Purpose of life... Dinosaurs ruled the world for over 160,000,000 years. What was the purpose of their existence??? Size of observable universe 93,000,000,000 light years. What is the purpose of having earth and a man on it? We can't even travel 1 light minute in the space. Does life have a purpose? I don't know.

Chandra Vishy I will again showcase my simple answers Purpose of life on earth --- To live Why does universe exist --- To let us live Anyone else watching us --- By the evidence of all the sci-fi movies, probably yes, but will not comment unless supported by scientific evidence. David --- Point well made. Vishy Ram Navale @David, let us look at the word 'beginning' as it appears in all-most all description we take for discussion. We view creation happened at some point time or it was there all the time. Invariably we deal with time scale. When we look at the time-space 4D picture of the universe and the big-bang theory, we learn that the TIME itself is a creation. TIME itself has a start!!! It's a challenge to think of something that is without TIME. I agree with you, when we can't answer (something beyond our limits), we try to answer with religion, philosophy,.... Gloria OMarrah Karthikeyan, so I have learned that nothing is a (void) that something can be put into. Therefore it deffinately is something. :)

Sanjay Saxena Interesting discussion. Now since Religion & philosophy has been removed it would be indeed challenging to discuss further. Now we are forced to think of our own & come up with innovative ideas :-) venugopal maganti @david,your posts are very sobre and logical-I agree that every body is entitled to his views,and can choose his own path to truth,of which we have many in India,as we had thousands of philosophers,with multitudes of followers,for over 3000 years.Though we are geographically more isolated from the rest of the world,with sea on 3 sides,and the mighty Himalayas in the north,we do have influence of western thinking on us.How ever,with a relatively easy life supporting environment,where people did not have to work too hard for their liveliehood,argumentative mind set dominated our people genetically,as opposed to the west,where survival and control of land and resources was a major issue,as opposed to religion--History tells us that even religion has been used mainly to control people and resources world over--be it South /latin Americas,Asia/Africa--I would like to presume that religion in the west was not used exactly for spiritual emancipation of man--but, I am not trying to claim that Indians are no holy cows,and fought wars in the name of religion too--but ,the fact remains that this is one of the most tolerant land to foreign religions and cultures,and is a great melting pot.Iconoclasts,atheists too had always been a part of our system ,even in our epics--I only hope that our people would get rid of the fatalistic view of life,with out compromising on our culture and value system(and also temper their jigoism in English language). Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Talking about time, is time linear or circular. I guess this is one of the differences in thinking between the west and east. May be our beliefs about god originate from here. David Wittenberg Welcome back to your discussion, Chiranjeevi.

You make an extremely insightful observation about Asian vs. Western views of time. It relates to purpose as follows: If time is cyclical, then any failure to find or fulfill my purpose is transitory. The opportunity and the time for discovering and fulfilling my purpose may come again. If time is linear, then I get only one moment and one chance to find and fulfill my purpose. Then, I'm either finished or I have an eternity to live with the consequences of how I used my single chance. Sanjay Saxena Why do we have think in terms of East Vs West.? We Good Vs They Bad. Finding the purpose of life has nothing do with East & West. It is Universal. It would be nice to remove this East Vs West Baggage & think beyond.. David Wittenberg Sanjay, if everyone agreed, there would be no issue. If the source of the disagreement were something other than culture, we wouldn't use terms like East and West. For whatever reason, Eastern culture prepares us to deal with questions one way, and Western culture prepares us to deal with them another way. Look back at the first few posts in this thread. All the contributors were native Indians. Everyone was dancing around the issue of purpose, but no one made a definitive statement that the purpose of life is X. Later, when such statements emerged, they tended to be vague (see Karthik's list of four answers for an example of vagueness), or even self-contradictory (see your own list). I barged in on the discussion and introduced my approach to the question, which is informed by my Western upbringing and education. I pressed people to examine their method of seeking purpose. I drove toward propositional truth as opposed to experiential truth. Eventually, some got very uncomfortable with my approach. If we only discuss with those who grew up where we did and approach problems as we do, we are not likely to learn much. If we are able to analyze our differences, including any differences between Western and Eastern thinking systems, then we have the opportunity to learn a lot. The good/bad part is the hardest to avoid. Often, in India, merely pointing out differences is seen as arrogance or condemnation. We value relational harmony over many other things, so disagreements are not always aired. Even our laws place the feelings of communities over the freedom to criticize their beliefs and practices, whereas in the US, the law protects free expression of even the most offensive ideas rather than attempting to keep feelings from being hurt. So, if East/West differences are relevant to the topic, I say let's identify and examine them with respect and civility. Gloria OMarrah It's #3 that you have to fill in yourself, some people don't know how, they let other people fill that part in, so they have no purpose in ther own life. Sanjay Saxena David, my self-contradictory (my own IT list), is based in knowledge in Quantum Physics. For example lets assume IT is atoms. So we cannot see atoms meaning it is nowhere yet actually atoms & virtual particles are everywhere. Atoms can be wave & particles also. Which means they are abstract & yet concrete.

Atoms has no form (previously thought as point particles) so it is formless but yet when they combine with other formless atoms they emerge into a form Atoms can neither be created nor destroyed. Scientist are trying to find out the basic particles & discovered more than 36 particles. If they find out one such particles let assume electrons then does it mean they are made of nothing? It means that from nothing something has emerged. There are other weird contradictory facts in quantum physics. So we need to accept contradiction too. jayendra upadhye David, your last two posts I can connect with easily. But I was all ears for that alien business. But again for some reason you did not directly answer my question. Why is that? "Jew" is a race related answer, not a religious answer. Ok I You believe in Jehovah the thundering god of the old testament, who spoke out of bushes! So be it! As I said, the moment a thundering jealous god enters the pavilion, I head for the exit! But tell me, and I ask you as you are a jew, why did God need "chosen" people? I find the concept troublesome as it inculcates the sense of exclusiveness and also the sense that others are by inference (since they are NOT chosen) weaker / unfit / uncouth etc etc etc. Gloria OMarrah Sounds like everyones mad to me. I'm catholic, believe we all have the same God and believe everyone should believe whatever they want, there is no right or wrong way to think. I just talked to God about this. He said it's good people fight over their religion, that means they believe and thats all he ever wanted. He never said how or when or where. All the stories change with whoever is telling them, thats we have so many books in the world. We are ALL right. Plus, as far as north south east or west were all the same, I found that info in an anatomy book. 2 hours ago David Wittenberg Jayendra, Your posts illustrate precisely the reason why I did not wish to comment on my own beliefs. Such discussions seem to degenerate quickly into shouting matches about whose religion or philosophy is better. Such discussions often involve mockery and insults. You have already decided that my religion, my holy book and my God are silly nonsense, and you seem to take great delight in posting pejorative phrases about them. I feel no need to defend my beliefs or to convince you to change yours. If you're interested in discussing methods of inquiry, epistemology, definitions of truth, logical consistency and inconsistency, and the original theme of this chain, which was the meaning of existence, then I'll be happy to dialog with you. Otherwise, this will be my last response to you. jayendra upadhye Gloria: Are you then saying people who did not fill in #3 are purposeless indivisuals? If we agree for the sake of understanding what you meant, did you als oinfer anything more? Such as a) - These purposeless indivisuals are also some how "lesser" dir to that fact? b) - They are less intelligent c) - Any other inferences? Has it crossed your mind the poor fellows may hust be honest and saying a truth, that they dont really

know the purpose? If you do know kindly enlighten us what the purpose is! And please dont tell is it is to please god who will then place us in heaven forever etc.. THAT could never be a purpose as per eastern parlance. jayendra upadhye David: But havent you also decided your religion is the only true path for which you have unhdertaken this whole excercise of saying people are contradicting themselves etc? You yourself are cleverly doing the same thing you are accusing me now of! It requires arrogance and cleverness of a kind to do that. First enter a discussion politely. Then start pointing out errors in others arguments (somerimes even where they dont exist). (ofcourse not all people will be good at arguments, and they will be polite as hell) Be forceful. Keep your own ideas that others may poke fun at, close to your chest. Then declare there is only one truth! (Your truth). (THAT is the arrogant part) And when asked to come clean on that, come out with a god who is so jealous, a woman's jealousy will pale by comparison. A god who uproots and scatters his people to the wind because they broke some covenant with him or worshipped images! A perfect role model for a warlord! And after doing all this, you have the nerve to sermonize! Good going Dave! But has it occured to you, just as you went into pack up mode about your beliefs and god, (when I criticised) others have a right to do the same! Why question their faith, when you yourself are not ready to give up on a god you believe created the universe in 7 days! As if some one was there to witness the event and clocked it!! But If I ask this plain question to you, you will hide behind respecting others viewpoints etc! Wow!

jayendra upadhye David: "Otherwise, this will be my last response to you"... So be it! I will also get to know where all this cat and mouse thing in the end leads... But I make a prediction... After you have had your say...the book shall be thumped! And the heathens shall rightly be vanquished, or at least shown their place in the scheme of things! :) :) So it suits me like hell to see this game unfold. (This game concept was introduced by some high souls on another thread...but I agree..this IS a game). And with a purpose to boot! I will stop my posts and have a ringside view of how to vanquish heathens! :):) 1 hour ago Chiranjeevi Tallapragada David my take is that one may never know the purpose of life though that doesn't stop us from living, wondering and doing things. Not knowing the purpose makes some to be careless about their activities, where as it makes some others to be more wary of their activities.

Also linearity in time could mean that there is no point in learning because past will not repeat. In a way linearity of time seems to dominate our thinking because we are always looking for something new. We seem to think that to stop is to die...and there ends our search for purpose. Therefore we need to keep these thoughts aside and find some purpose. But why? Sanjay Saxena David, I think it would be better if you can do some straight talk. What is it that idea which you would like to propose? Is it a new idea or is it a pre-existing idea? If somebody has given a response which hurts you then possibly it is because he felt/sensed some hint of you advocating your religion which possibly is not what you intended. Comparing Eastern thinking with western thinking or religion will not help since it is like comparing two boxes. Our differences or finding will still lie within the combined boundaries of two boxes. Is there a possibility to come out of the box? Propose a new way to understand the purpose of life rather than use pre-existing ideology to understand or answer such basic question. Rajneesh Kumar Dear Friends, I am just copying and pasting some part of my previous comments. ..................Reason is that yours or anybody's need of any reference point in itself is the root cause of always feeling 'lacking inside'. Why to have a need of any parameter to judge the progress of one's self? Because this need for a reference point is externally oriented and since it is external, it does not lead to anywhere. It never did to anybody. A version of the same thought-system is search for collective consciousness or collective wisdom. A sum of Zeros would always be Zero. A sum of emptiness would always remain empty. A sum of averages is always average. Thus there is only one path: the path of self's journey, very individual, very personal................ First, I believe we need to ponder upon the booms and banes of this debate of 'Individualism' Vs 'Collectivism'. Ayan Rand in her famous novel 'Fountainhead' dealt with the same question about faiths, religions, dogmas and ethos of all kind. You can get the major chunk of her view-line on the hyperlinks given below: %e2%80%99t-decide-for-others/ and Christianity, Jew-ism, and Islam all have originated from the same city of Jerusalem and were not founded any before than 2500-3000 BC. All derived and adopted so many of mythological instances from previous pagan, Egyptian, Sumerian system of faith. I fully understand and condemn the atrocities done over Jews world across and they were denied their own country for approx. 1500-2000 years till very late in 1940s. But what was the element of faith before the foundation of these three religions. What was the definition of faith, say, 5000-8000 BC?...............I don't know and I don't want to know? It does not matter to me. It also does not matter to me what today's religions, sects, faiths or sects , including my own, hold as far as what a man should do or how a man should perform in his lifetime. What would be the face of a God from a Horse's eyes? A horse only.

I don't believe, in that sense, the existence of God at all. Yes this universe is there and it may have very knowable and un-knowable forms. That's the point I am more comfortable with the explanations attempted in the world of Quantum Mechanics. For I have already suggested my fellows to get a copy of "What The Bleep Do We Know - The Movie + Down The Rabbit Hole 5 Disc set". So as to arrive at imagination that can assist us in contemplating about such questions. Even in India, we as common people, are boost-full of our cultural and religious heritage (Sanatam Dharma), but don't have access to better knowledge it may hold and we don't have any body of distilled wisdom now which we can learn and make good use of, in living a better life. Even for a Hindu traveler it is still a personal quest and quite a journey. H.P. Blavatsky visited India 150 years ago and found something and she wrote about such theosophical questions from very wide perspectives. I choose only to suggest 'Secret Doctrine' out of her set of writings. As somehow I could get zeroed upon. What it may hold for can be found at Yet we all need to keep our own faculties of knowledge open. With thanks, RK Prof.Suresh Kumar Chiranjeevi,I find your comments very thoughtful and intrinsically interesting and truly metaphysical. Space time perspectivity the way we know as sectiones of past present and future,and here ,there,nowhere,everywhere are simply artefacts in brain due to our localised and illusory self concepts. Science also tells us that-that our self in the brain is a virtul entity. We create t by internalssing world images. But if we can internalise our vital energies then we have a more objective and less subjective universal self perception ,and a different take on space time cognition. We are not bound by ego and bodily consciousness in its gross embodiment. We can even see a time scape and experience subtle spaces and block time. In fact quantum science tells us that we do not see reality since we alter the world by our act of observation and measurement. Only in transcendent self states we perceive reality nd truth. That is the essence of all religion and its spiritual processes. The great masters have spoken through metaphors and symbols for their true disciples and the rest of the world has misinterpreted it and pudits[so called] spread this misunderstanding. The result is the fight over religions and the shouting matches we see here and elsewhere. The birth-rebirth cycles bind us to temporality and space in a material way,since our soul has a subtle body and mind and material images as its ego. We can refine it and resurect ourselves thru true baptism in the fire of our spirit and prana,by internalisation processes that is the essence of spirituality. NOT THE EXTERNALISED WORSHIP AND RITUALISTIC PRACTICES Sanjay Saxena David, Possibly I guess you intended to discuss about Kabbalah. There is a possibility to compare Indian scriptures with Kabbalah as both are above any specific religion or any form of God. There are some commonalities & differences which you could highlight. But will that answer the basic

question Nitesh Ambuj To glorify the almighty who created all this - not by force but by our own free will :) jayendra upadhye Rajneesh : You are the one guy I have come across who has read Blavatsky. But are you aware in later life she was proved a hoax? She had conjured up elaborate "visitations by Mahatmas at Adyar for the benefit of some valued guests, and it later transpired she has a nice system of hidden chambers from which the visitations could be materialised and dematerialised. She had assisstants trained in that, and even props and mannequins! I gave up on the Secret doctrine after takung what was already said in the Shastras, and additionally in Greco-Roman doctrine *Hermes" etc, and the Egyptian lores. Wonder what theosophists are up to now, after they were done in by their great "find", J.KrishnaMurty. (Not Juddu). He was a theosophical wonderboy, who went sour on them! What I like about the 6 paths is that some of them are godless! Indians tolerated that approach so many 1000 years ago. THAT sets the eastern religions apart from the middle eastern religions that are extremely intolerant and blood thirsty. You wont find secular upanishadic stuff in those religions. Just turn the rosary so many times, bang your head on the ground so many times, kill kaffirs by the dozens and presto! The hoors befin queueing up! :) Easy!! karthikeyan arumugathandavan .David, This is beauty of civility and reasonably straight forward arguments .......:) "" Look back at the first few posts in this thread. All the contributors were native Indians. Everyone was dancing around the issue of purpose, but no one made a definitive statement that the purpose of life is X. Later, when such statements emerged, they tended to be vague (see Karthik's list of four answers for an example of vagueness), or even self-contradictory (see your own list). "" If the purpose is X .................. then what ? ! ? ! ......... still the table to your is question is left in the air OOOO ___________________________________________________________________ is the table and your answer has made it self explanatory ! .......................................................1*1*1*1*1*......................2*2*2*2*2*2

..( 1 ) Life has a Purpose .....................Yes............................... Yes .. ( 2 ) From where ..............................Birth ............................ Assigned by Inventor .. ( 3 ) Discovery ..................................Living ........................... Call Inventor .. ( 4 ) How ..........................................end of Life .................... Back to Inventor _______________________________________________________________________ where is 3*3*3*3*3*3* ? .David Wittenberg Interesting response about 50 minutes ago, Sanjay. You ask for straight talk. I admit to asking a lot of questions and to not conveying conclusions very often, but I thought that all my posts were straightforward. Then again, I come from a low-context culture, where the words are all that matters. In high-context cultures, such as India, the words are not usually enough. In fact, speakers in a high-context culture sometimes use words that directly contradict the intended message. They expect their hearers to draw the correct meaning from the context, not the content. On the Internet, the context is absent, so high-context communicators may feel uncomfortable. Anyone can propose a purpose for life, but answers without evidential or logical support are not often helpful. That's why I focus so much on the preconditions for deciding on life's (or the individual's) purpose and the best process for finding the same. Some here, including Chiranjeevi himself, have proposed that the purpose of life is not knowable. If it's not knowable, then why even discuss it? We will end up equally ignorant after the discussion as we were before the discussion. I believe purpose is discoverable. I pointed out with straight talk my view that the intended purpose of each thing is assigned by its inventor. No one has yet agreed or disagreed with this view, which I think is crucial to the discussion. If the purpose selected is other than the inventor's intended purpose, then that assignment comes from a source other than the inventor. The second source might be smarter than the inventor (having used the invention for a better purpose) or self-motivated (having used the invention for the second source's goals) or even opposed to the inventor (having used the invention for a purpose inimical to the inventor's purpose). From this question arise many others that may be discussed and debated.

Does life have an inventor? If so, who or what is that inventor? What was the inventor's intended purpose for life? Where can we learn that purpose? I've shared my belief that the God described in the Jewish holy book is the inventor of life and the one who assigns it meaning. Prof. Suresh Kumar has a different view about the meaning of life. I've shared my belief that the way to discover my purpose is to get in contact with the inventor of life, which I can do in my current state. Prof. Suresh Kumar shared his view that the superior way of seeing is to achieve a transcendental state. I'm eager to learn what others believe about the purpose of life. I'm eager to learn the different methods and processes that others use to discover that purpose. For those who don't believe purpose can be known, I'm eager to know how you manage and evaluate your life, and whether the desire to know your purpose, which I thought was universal, has ever touched you. Let's not slide into a childish series of "I'm right and you're wrong" posts. Instead, let's compare our views, our approaches and our processes. Let's hold them up to the light of logic. We can all learn so much from each other. Kathikeyan .An all purpose maxim , It is easy to prove what is right as right with many wrongs . It is not easy to prove what is wrong as wrong with many rights . .Sanjay Saxena David, Fine..If inventor invents human being then who invents the Inventor? we can go on then such as who invents the Inventor's Inventor? There is no end to this. There lies the problem. What is the purpose of Inventor inventing human being & then assigning tasks to them? Why deliberately create weak human being & expect them to show great strength? What are the inventor doing right now? Are they watching us? Since we do not have straight forward answers to these fundamental question, we have no option but to rely on faith. Faith has been forced upon people by creating fear. So in different region people have different faith. The Inventor theory also suggests that whatever has happened or happening is the wish of Inventor. If that is true then the Inventor is surely a Sadist. It also implies that our purpose is to live like puppets since our purpose is defined & controlled by Inventor. So it is difficult to follow this train of thoughts since we come into a deadend in all instances. Hence we need to propose a better explanation. This does not mean I am right or you are wrong. It only means that we are all ignorant & we together make an attempt to find the real purpose. David Wittenberg Karthik, I confess to being too dim (or too low-context) to understand the meaning of your four answers without

more explanation. Here are the four questions: Does life have a purpose? If yes, where does that purpose come from? If yes, can it be discovered? If it can be discovered, then how? Question 2 asked, "Where does purpose come from?" You said "Birth." I was trying to find out the source or assigner of purpose. So, I couldn't figure out the role that birth plays in assigning life's purpose. Question 3 asked for a yes/no answer. Can purpose be discovered or not? You answered "Life." I don't understand how that answers the question. Question 4 asked how purpose can be discovered. You answered "end of life" which I took to mean death. It's not clear to me how death can serve as a method to discover purpose, but if you did mean that death is the way to discover purpose, I'm very curious to know how that works. I'd be most grateful for more explanation if you care to offer it. Sanjay Saxena David, I also offered my explanation for that contradictory IT lists. Waiting for you response on the same. Akshaya Bhatia Does life have a purpose?-Yes,... "Life- Loop Intercepted For Eternity".. Not here by choice (so cried at birth, not liking to come out in unknown uncertain environment...),..... transition->developed desires, likes plus dislikes, relationships,...Not willing to leave and pass away in time, got entrapped in the beauty of our environ and love for the self.... If yes, where does that purpose come from?- The purpose comes from our developed instincts and desires, our relationships, our passion, our struggle, our successes and failures, from what our senses consume and how the "TIME" plays with us and get us in an interaction mode with our environ, other life and even non living... If yes, can it be discovered?- Yes, if analyzed objectively within our conscience, normally, high probability of deciphering when the End is near... If it can be discovered, then how?- Just analyze objectively within conscience, why did it happened whatever happened, Who is the controller of our life??.!!.. Do we make use of Time or is it the Time that uses us?? view=&gid=3664353&type=member&item=52696315&trk=group_search_item_list-0-bttl&goback=.gna_3664353 What is the speed of time ?

view=&gid=3664353&type=member&item=64127225&trk=group_search_item_list-0-bttl&goback=.gna_3664353 David Wittenberg Sanjay, You are absolutely right that in such matters, it usually boils down to faith. The most common problem is that people assert their beliefs as if everyone should automatically agree. Even worse, some people have forced others to accept their beliefs. My own people, the Jews, have been coerced at the point of a sword to convert on multiple occasions by both Christians and Muslims. Let me share my views on your questions: > If inventor invents human being then who invents the Inventor? we can go on then such as who invents the Inventor's Inventor? There is no end to this. I posted earlier on the widely-shared notion of a First Cause. Indians, Ancient Greeks and Westerners have all deduced logically that there must be a First Cause with no precursor, or else something came from nothing. As a student of physics, you know that's not possible by any observable natural process. > What is the purpose of Inventor inventing human being & then assigning to them? Why deliberately create weak human being & expect them to show great strength? What are the inventor doing right now? Are they watching us? Since we do not have straight forward answers to these fundamental question... Many holy books and many philosophers of all stripes give straightforward answers to these questions. Answers are not hard to find. The question is which answer, if any, is correct. That's harder to discover. > in different region people have different faith. That also suggests that whatever has happened or happening is the wish of Inventor. If that is true then the Inventor is surely a Sadist? Many critics of various religious systems have accused the various gods of being sadistic. It's entirely correct, in my view, to wonder about the motives and morals of the inventor of life (assuming that we believe that life has an inventor). It's entirely correct to wonder about the multiplicity of beliefs in the world. Each of us searches for answers in his own way, and each of us has his own requirements before he will be satisfied. I've found my own answers in my holy book and in my contact with the inventor. I'd love to know how you and others here have answered these questions. > It also implies that our purpose is to live like puppets since our purpose is defined & controlled by Inventor. I think your analysis is brilliant and insightful. If we say that every invention is designed to fulfill its inventor's purpose, then we can end up as nothing but puppets of our inventor. Consider what I posted recently, however. Often, inventions are used for other purposes than the ones for which they were intended. Who gets to decide what purpose our lives will be used for? Whose interests and goals must be served? To me, that's an important question. I believe that I control my own life. I believe that I've discovered my inventor's purpose for me. It's up to me if I will use my life for my inventor's purpose, my own purpose, or someone else's purpose. (Chiranjeevi, this is perhaps my most relevant comment regarding the CEO question you posed much

earlier in this thread.) > So it is difficult to follow this train of thoughts since we come into a deadend in all instances. Hence we need to propose a better explanation. This does not mean I am right or you are wrong. It only means that we are all ignorant & we together make an attempt to find the real purpose. You've seen at least two people here, Prof. Suresh and me, who claim that we are no longer ignorant about this matter. We have discovered our purpose. Our conclusions and our processes differ, but we are each convinced that we understand our purpose. If you sense that your personal search for purpose has not yet reached its goal, then I would urge you to continue searching until you find your own answer. karthikeyan arumugathandavan .() <> () () <> () () <> () () <> () () <> () () <> () Discover IT :) .-

Sanjay, Regarding your self-contradictory list of ITs, I would answer that it might be appropriate as an explanation of the Hindu concept of the Paratma. I thought that the purpose of this thread is to answer the question posed by Chiranjeevi, namely, what the purpose of life and the universe might be. If a question calls for an answer in the form of propositional truth and the medium of expression is words, then making two contradictory statements does not get us any closer to an answer. If your son asks you, "Papa, what is the purpose of life," and you answer, "IT is nothing yet it is everything IT is nowhere yet it is everywhere IT is abstract yet it is concrete IT is finite yet it is infinite IT has form yet it is formless IT is the end yet it is beginning IT is the source yet it is the sink IT is the creator yet it is the destroyer

IT is time yet time is timeless IT is mass, Mass is energy IT is so many things so how can it be Nothing But yet since there is something like Nothing, it implies that IT is also nothing." then I would not blame your son for walking away scratching his head. If you said, instead, "Son, the purpose of life is to earn as much money as you can," then he would understand perfectly what you meant, because the answer is given in the form of unambiguous, propositional truth. Again, can you see why our cultural differences in ways of thinking and ways of speaking sometimes make it so difficult for Westerners and Easterners to communicate on these issues?

Sanjay Saxena David, Physics is full of contradiction. Electron can be both wave & particle. Atom has no form but yet when these formless atom combine a form emerges. Electron can be found in two places at the same time. Electrons are supposed to be one of the most fundamental particle. Does It mean that they are made of nothing?. The other fact is atoms are neither created not destroyed. So physics does tend to say that there is something which has been existing without creation & also cannot be destroyed. There is no first cause here. Also quantum mechanical effects are not deterministic. Cause & effect does not apply in quantum world. Also virtual particles pop in and out even in empty spaces suggesting that something is coming out of nothing. Further Inventor also seems to be existing without creation. First cause does not apply to them it seems. Did the Inventor come out of nothing? We are also not sure that are there only one inventor? There is a possibility that there could be multiple Inventors? Are these multiple inventor friends or competitor? In a multiple Inventor scenario, how can we find out our parent Inventor? Sanjay Saxena I think you missed the following comment posted earlier...I reply to my son in the following way to make things easier for him to understand David, my self-contradictory (my own IT list), is based in knowledge in Quantum Physics. For example lets assume IT is atoms. So we cannot see atoms meaning it is nowhere yet actually atoms & virtual particles are everywhere. Atoms can be wave & particles also. Which means they are abstract & yet concrete. Atoms has no form (previously thought as point particles) so it is formless but yet when they combine with other formless atoms they emerge into a form Atoms can neither be created nor destroyed. Scientist are trying to find out the basic particles & discovered more than 36 particles. If they find out one such particles let assume electrons then does it mean they are made of nothing? It means that from nothing something has emerged. There are other weird contradictory facts in quantum physics. So we need to accept contradiction too.

Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Hi Shobhita, its an interesting question. I don't know if there is incarnation but if there is then it may be to fulfill the unfulfilled purpose. If there is purpose to life then there could possibly be incarnation too. I think everyone will experience at least one moment in life when one feels this is it. The 127 hours movie protagonist at one point says ' this rock has been waiting for me here for

ages and everything I have been doing has been driving me towards this rock." That was a moment of realization for him. I also wonder if Gandhiji felt this way when the bullet hit him because it looks like everything he did in his life seemed to have led him toward that point. I wonder if anyone of us has already felt that way. Shayeri Roy Jayendra Upadhye: I really appreciate your thoughts. This discussion was about purpose of life, existence of universe and coexistance in the universe....Is there a necessity for the intervention of religion and God in this?...I am not a believer nor a nonbeliever in either of these...However I feel religion is man's creation, with a purpose ...disciplining our lives....People have misinterpreted or used it for their own convenience. Sanjay Saxena Purpose of Life: To experience Living and death. This is a practical answer since everybody who is alive is experiencing something/manything & sooner or later experience death too. If the experience is bad then one can strive to improve their experience by defining or aiming for the kind of experience they want & strive for it. That becomes the purpose for those who are unhappy with the current state of affairs. Happy people who are satisfied and enjoying life may not have the time to think about such questions. But wait it cant be all that simple. What about God? Transcendental stages, connecting with Inventor & all that mumbo-jumboWell out of 1 lakh ILN members only 2 people could claim to achieve it. Success rate is extremely poor or even negligible. You can imagine the success rate when we consider 6 billion people. Moreover what happens after achieving a state or connecting with people? Can you solve the problems of the world? Can you eradicate poverty, hunger & other social problem? Perhaps not. So what purpose does this spiritual mumbo-jumbo serve? We can be better off learning Moral science & Humanity without religion. It will help us to stay disciplined & also avoid religious conflicts. jayendra upadhye Thank you Shayeri Roy! Of late, I had decided to see what the rest were doing about some "one god one religion" cloak and dagger stuff going on here. As was expected, (and has been happening for past god knows how many thousand years), most jumped onto the fray without even understanding that in the end such people always "look down on you' no matter what. After chaptes of dicsussion they always end with "But you just contradicted yourself at line numer such and such"! Our people welcome these guys with open hands, and what do they do? Start demolishing their arguments, picking "logical defects" etc, and if accosted, accuse us of being impolite! Sahab ko disturb karne ke liye:) WHEN are Indians going to learn??? (the multiple '?' has its appeal I have begun to see the light now and understand why Pakis use them the mos)! Mike Rana This thread has now become unreadable Rajneesh Kumar I'm complete deep inside me ..............I am at peace inside me......................I am free to live, learn and believe whatever I want.................................I am free to un-live, un-learn and un-believe whatever I want and whenever I want..................................I am free to choose whatever I want to make a choice about...............I am free to feel pleasure or happiness when I get what I want.................I am also free to feel sad, agitated or sorrowful when I don't get what I want.....................................My lucidity is my choice is my freedom and successes are my failures are my celebrations..................................because I'm complete inside me even if I feel incomplete inside

me....................................I am at peace inside me even if I am at war within myself..........................I am free even if I feel strangulated inside at times. I know....................Sometimes when I think that I am on the way, I have actually lost the way........sometimes when I think that I have lost the way, I am actually on the way.............the purpose of my life is still being realized even if I feel that it is something that is yet to be realized. And the day when I will die, a whole universe will die with me, till then, there is a whole world which lives around life. Thanks, RK karthikeyan arumugathandavan ............every being born comes with a package to live as long as it can............. ... practically making one to dash with the other for it's own survival & longevity one's extension need not necessarily be at the expense of other's life .. practically that is again not possible back to an old comment , " One mug / bucket Tsunami on ants and other little beings " ...............!!! ........ still there is some beauty in one being supporting the other being's life ........ that again comes packaged inside all beings dig it out , see it ..................... there IT is ? , the purpose ............ .......... put that in to action, live a purposeless life . where is then life & death :) jayendra upadhye Naradjee I thought by now you would have been passed thru the logical tests and declared self contradictory and hence redundant! Unless you sudddenly fell on love with one book one god one truth that is! Kya hal hai? Are all joints and bones ok? Are you suddenly seeing the world with unitary vision? 2 days ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Jayendra, *( dig it out , see it ..................... there IT is ? , the purpose ............ .......... put that in to action, live a purposeless life . where is then life & death * ) ..... as many * life s as they escape .......... as many Gods :) .2 days ago

NimuUnfollow Nimu Shenoy, MBA Jayen, I think you should star in your own Comedy Show. (apologies for interruption.) 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Nimu .... a small gift for the interruption, help us solve this :) ....... ........... Nothing is the center of the Universe .................. .2 days ago Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Nimu...But I would make a very dark comedian, literally, and any which way you would look at it. I enjoy pinpricking people high up on morals, as I feel too much of morals somehow takes one closed to sinning..difficult to explain, and will retract the statement of you guys wring my neck sufficiently! ...I always say I am a beilever of PAN! On that creativity thread by Arif..he IS one of the enlightened souls haunting this nerwork...

Karthikeyan are taxing my overloaded nerves with brevity! Do take a long breath and expand on what it is you are saying...the air is not being mercifully taxed yet so use it by the lungful. 2 days ago Like Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye topic...a centerless universe a 4d bubble of 3d space! Karthik..the centre resides on the inside of that bubble, "out" of 3d space! 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Get out of the Life Cycle, I me my you we us .. ant tiger virus .... all can become God ?! .2 days ago Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Oh now I understand are speaking Mandarin right, Karthikeyan? My bad :) 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .these ones have a better language .2 days ago Follow CA Sudhir CA Sudhir Shenoy Profound questions. From what I learnt from books, discourses and debates I have

the following to offer. These can neither be proved nor disproved. With this disclaimer I proceed. What is our purpose of life on earth We are not human beings having divine experiences, but divine beings having human experiences. For those who believe in rebirth, the soul (for those who believe in soul) is on an ongoing journey of learning and experiencing everything that is needed to reach that ultimate state - which is described as moksha by some and nirvana by some others. In this journey the soul progresses upwards and assumes higher life forms by virtue of the good deeds performed by the name and form currently assumed by it. Conversely if the deeds performed are otherwise than good it assumes lower life forms like plants and animals. So the purpose of life is to help the soul to attain higher and higher forms of existence till there is no higher form other than the highest at which point the soul will merges with that highest form and becomes one with it just as a drop of water falls into the ocean and becomes the ocean. Why does the universe Exist I do not think Science has an answer to that yet. The term universe means different things to different life forms. For the fish in the deep seas, for the animals in the dense forests, for the insects, for the people in remote places untouched by civilization - for each of them the term universe has a different meaning. What is the universe to you? Universe need not be only what is commonly understood as a collection of planets, stars galaxies and the space between these. Universe does not be limited to what can be perceived by our five senses. Universe need not be confined to that which is visible, audible or tangible. Universe need not also be what is outward to our physical self. There is a whole universe within each of us for e.g when you sleep you dream. Who is the author of this dream? You are. Who directs this dream? You do. Who creates the characters of your dream? You do. Who all are able to see your dream? None but You. When you wake up what happens to your dream and all the characters? Everything ends within you.Can you share your dream with anyone else while you are experiencing the dream? No way. Your dream is born in you, lives in you and also ends in you. You create it, you sustain it and you destroy it, You are the Bhrama, Vishnu and Shiva of your dreams. What then is your Universe when you dream? Only what you experience in your dream And not the 'Real' and 'Physical' world in which your physical form is sleeping. At this point suppose we ask Does the 'physical' and 'real' universe exist for you when you are asleep the answer would be NO because at this point your universe is your Dream alone. Now that Science has no answer, we turn to our ancient texts which mentions that we are characters in a cosmic dream which is being dreamt by the supreme being by whatever name called. He creates us, watches us for some time and after some time puts us to rest and conjures up fresh characters and this play goes on. Here we introduce the concept of 'Maya' or Illusion and the corresponding concept of reality with the following story. King Janaka once was very disturbed and when inquired of him he said "Last night I dreamt that I was a butterfly". The minister said that was no reason to be disturbed to which King Janaka said 'I am disturbed

because now I am not really sure if I am King Janaka who dreamt that he is a butterfly or am I a butterfly who is dreaming that it is King Janaka" He was wondering if he was living in reality and being a butterfly was only a temporary illusion or was he in reality a butterfly and living in the the illusion of being the King. To conclude, instead of asking why does the universe exist it would be more appropriate to ask does the Universe really exist in reality or is it only an illusion that we are experiencing? 2 days ago Like Follow CA Sudhir CA Sudhir Shenoy Does anyone or anything else knows about existence other than us? That is an easy one after all that has been said in response to Q2. Firstly I would ask Does this "nyone or anything" exist in reality or do they only exist in someone dream like we all do. Secondly assuming Anyone of Anything exists in reality then I would ask you Do you know about the existence of all the life forms on earth? Leave alone earth, in your own Country? Leave alone your country, in your City? Or your own house? Or within your own body (virus, bactria etc) Are you aware about the different insects, the different types of spiders, mosquitoes, ants , bugs etc that live in and around your house? The answer, I am sure is again NO. Now if you ask are all these life form know YOU exist? It would be ego shattering but it again is NO. They do not know about our existence and I dont think they care. Lastly to Know about our existence that level of intelligence is required to be present in the Anyone or anything. Just as Higher forms of Intelligence i.e. us humans are aware of the lower forms of life mentioned above and not vice versa, in my view and belief there exists an form of Intelligence much higher than us which is aware of our existence though most of us refuse to acknowledge existence of that higher form without tangible proof Sudhir 2 days ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Sudhir, Great posting ........... just a small query ! Maya and Illusion .............. interchangeable or there are differences in their ...................................................................................................meanings ?!

.2 days ago Follow CA Sudhir CA Sudhir Shenoy Yes Interchangable. Both refer to the same thing - in different languages. Sudhir 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan Thanks Sudhir. 2 days ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Thank you Prof. It is easy asking questions especially the ones that one can't answer. I like this group a lot because everyone is honest and open with their true opinions. There are so many learned people in this group like Jayendra, it amazes me how much he reads. Your thoughts on these questions are I guess is the essence of all learning about life. In my own experience there were moments when one feels close to realizing the moment of truth. What has always held me back from continuing in that state is my own fear of losing all that I have been living for. My attachment to my world. This I realize is like wanting to continue a dream. I really liked the example of King Janaka when he wonders if he is a butterfly or a king. Fortunately we are ignorant enough not to have such doubts. I am sometimes scared of being enlightened. As a child I felt sad that Budha left his kingdom, wife and child because he was bothered by all the sadness he saw around him. Do I want to become Budha? Absolutely not. But I want to be careful that I don't go to the other extreme either, though I don't know what it would be. 2 days ago Like SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah When I'm dreaming I prefer not to think about waking up, and prefer not to dream while awake. I bet there's got to be some post in some ancient scripture for its validation. :-) 2 days ago Like

Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Hi Siddharth These questions are also part of my dream. Its like why am I dreaming? 2 days ago Like Follow CA Sudhir CA Sudhir Shenoy Dear Siddharth, The option and therefore the preference, not to think about waking up does not exist at the point at which you are experiencing your dream. This is because at that point you do not think of yourself as a dreamer but you identify yourself with the character you play in your dreams. Think about it. Suppose you are one of the characters of the cosmic dream, as you read these lines or at any other time (in the so called reality) , has a thought ever occurred to you like, "Ok man, I have dreamt enough for the day, let me now wake up and get back into the real world" The second part of of your statement i.e. ''prefer not to dream while awake" happens in your state of awakefullness(if there is such a word) and the first part of your statement i.e. prefer not to think about waking up when dreaming, ALSO happens AFTER you come out of your dreams and not in the state of dream. Wishing you more and most of everything. Sudhir Shenoy 2 days ago Like Follow CA Sudhir CA Sudhir Shenoy Chiranjeevi, After reading about King Janaka, most people are inclined to think about it and it helps the most when our life takes us through testing times. We can stop worrying and replace that with the thought that it is all a dream we are experiencing and that we shall soon wake up to the good times of life and simultaneously work on finding our way out of the problems The last part is important though. Sudhir Shenoy 2 days ago Like

SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah @Chiranjeevi, Let me assure you, I'm also a part of your dream, I too am a creation of your subconscious mind just like everyone else. Also listen to this with great attention Chiranjeevi : Sudhir is trying to capture your mind, He's an inception, he's a creation of your mind which will totally make you go crazy and you might wake up exhausted. Chiranjeevi, When this life is a dream why are you being told about your life in awakening that too by a man who says you really have no option of thinking about awakening while dreaming??? And if you are living a real life why is he telling you that you're dreaming. He's a hypnotist who's purpose is to drive you mad... don't fall from him... enjoy your dream, make the best out of it. Go back to sleep, don't think of anything, let your mind rest, can your feel your eyes heavy and brain empty, TRY IT!!!! There's only a few hours of sleep left make the best of it.. Sweet dreams Chiranjeevi. 2 days ago Like Prof.SureshUnfollow Prof.Suresh Kumar This dialogue about wakeful stage and dream state are very interesting and relevant. Let me point out that science has found out that dream state cognition and wakeful thought are unified ,and the difference is only in the quality of contents.Both are along a perception-emotion-hallucination continuum in brain. WE come out of it only when we are along a perception-meditation continuum,to the right of the dreamwakeful thought emotional continuum in brain. That is posssible through some special yogic methods,not widely known or practiced. WE have mental images which we project to the world,and in dreams we experience it internally,in a hallucinatory stage,and in wakeful thought we replay it emotionally,and externally ,in this world of phenomenology. That is why philosophers and scientists and psychologists study dreams and say that both dream state and wakeful thought are unified,in terms of contents,though not in qualitative terms. Real awakening is possible only in pure consciousness states of eastern meditation[our ancient yogis have descibed it] That is when and where we see real perceptions of reality and experience the truth of world and existence 2 days ago Like Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye While on dreams, Has anyone read up on one of the 10 Maha-Vidyas of Indian

Tantrism? I am referring to Tripur-Sundari. At one time I used to look down (and many of you do so too) on everything that had anything to do with Tantra. Then I learned Raman Maharshi (Arunachal fame) considered it (Tripura-Rahasya) his favorite! Then I learned (read up) Tripura Rahasya by Haritayan, as was taught by Parashuram and Datta-Atreya. These personalities were no mean personalities and if they thought highly of something, it was worth having a second look. Tripura-Sundari is the diety presiding on th three states of the mind. Jagriti-Swapna-Sushupti (wakefulness - deams - deep sleep). Worth a read by all who inquire after the questions under consideration here. By the way, few know that Laxmi is also worshipped under Tantra as "Lalita / Kamala". There is likewise a connection between Nila-Tara and Saraswati. 2 days ago Like Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye There is one state of the mind that is often referred to by yogis, but which I have difficulty interpreting. It is a state between wakefulness and sleep. It is called "Turiya". Dnyaneshwar has referred to it If I am not mistaken. 2 days ago Like Follow Vikrant Vikrant Dhoke Going too deep into anything may make you disoriented 2 days ago Like Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Yes Vikrant, but If one can "go deep" and learn complex subjects as medicine / engineering, whats to prevent one from learnig these things! And remember, these things were once university level stuff in Nalanda and Taxshila! (You may call it philosophical archeology)! Because the Tara I mentioned above also was part of Vajrayan Buddhism which is heavily Tantrik in nature. The Buddhits "came to life" at a period when people had tired of hinduism! (Familiarity breeding contempt). Plus the lower casts wanted their share of Adhyatmic pie too. Buddhism offered a way out. The Brahminic Bastile of sanskrit purity was was thus stormed and breached by its corrupt, but popular sister Pali. There is on the net an interesting thesis that finds resonance in things half a world away. Archeologists found graves in America that showed the occupants were a priestly family of red Indians, all slaughtered together. It was the priod of a very long draught. So long, the people lost faith in their gods and slaughtered the

useless priests wholesale. Now this theory says in India too something like that happened. A droughty period lasting decades. (Was that the one when a famous Rishi got by on dog meat?). There is mention of a twelve year drought. It says that was when Hinduism lost its grip on the populace, as all the gods failed to deliver! (As ordered by the praying masses, in the end all gods are but slaves of the masses). I personally ascribe the Bharatan war to the demise of hinduism. The ruling classes suffered, causing loss of patronage to the Brahmins, causing wholesale breakup of the Varnashram. The third tier the Vaishyas prospered and thats why Jainism has more followers amongst the Vaishyas. Buddhism was altohether classless. 2 days ago Like KarunaUnfollow Karuna Manke Well friends...I was going through the comments but didnt have the patience to go through all the comments. I would just give my inputs.... The purpose of everyone's life is enlightenment and we are all knowingly or unknowing on our path of salvation. Some of us may be aware about it and some may not be aware that is the only difference. but yes all of us are already on our path. Gautam Buddha, Jesus, Lord Mahavir had reached Z in there journey, I , you and we may be at H, I, J, K or L anywhere. This I feel is more of a spiritual question. To go more deeply to understand this I would recommend you guys to read Osho's books. One by one the Master has revealed everything beautifully. regards 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Illusions are many Kinds . ' Maya ' as refereed by the old scriptures is bit different and very special ............ happy to hear some details from the exalted souls !! .2 days ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Yes are also part of my dream and I never take my dreams very seriously. So don't worry, I will sleep, wake up intermittently...look wise and then go back to my dream again.

2 days ago Like 2 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .........I think once quantum computing is realized in full scale , it should be easy to related dreams with happenings in individual's Life.............:) .2 days ago Follow Krishna Krishna Garg Purpose of life is to know more and more how life came to this planet which can be approached only asymptotically. 2 days ago Like Follow Rajneesh Rajneesh Kumar For having a go at such altered states of mind and experience the expanded states of awareness first hand, we can choose to download the 'The Gateway Experience' by Monero Institute. I had two such encounters with their type of hemi-sync music. With thanks, RK 2 days ago Like SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah @Chiranjeevi, You know what , you really don't have to tell me anything (Since I'm just your brain barking inside your head). You just need to convince yourself of the truth and take control over your thoughts and dreams. 2 days ago Like Follow Vikrant Vikrant Dhoke Donkeys love thinking on this subject - sometimes standing quietly in the middle of a

street - Why do I exist ? 2 days ago Like 1 Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena It is amazing , dreams & all...Sounds more like masturbation of thoughts to get some vicarious experience :-) 2 days ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan ......................All animals too have their birth right to know their purpose of existence , many times it is just quite unfortunate that we need to bend before them to Learn about Ourselves............... sad but not a bad reality :) Rats Free Trapped Friends, Hint at Universal Empathy Rats help other rats in distress. That means its a biological inheritance, said neurobiologist Peggy Mason of the University of Chicago. Thats the biological program we have. ........................................................................................................................ The experiment built on research conducted several years ago by geneticist Jeff Mogil at McGill University, where mice were shown capable of emotional contagion a slightly scary-sounding term denoting a tendency to become upset when cagemates were in pain. This might not seem surprising, but anecdotes from wild animal observations dont pass academic scrutiny, and it hadnt before been shown in captive mice. It hinted at unexpectedly sophisticated cognition: Mice were supposed to feel pain, but not each others, at least not outside childrens stories. "" .2 days ago SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah Hello Sanjay ji, Good to see you after a long time. You reminded me of the FU(k theory I proposed earlier in this discussion. And nobody is ready to believe

in such simplistic phenomenon where a species is reproducing to give birth to new species for continued nonsense time over time as our friendly lesser brained species are doing. The best they do is outfight each other to compete over food and mating partners. But we humans found alternative foods, we literally started eating every bloody piece of crap lying around on the face of the earth and thus we had too much time to fuck around with ourselves and our thoughts. 2 days ago Like Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena Hi Siddharth, I agree with this theory. It is a bitter truth. 2 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Thanks for the suggestion Sidharth..I guess I have the right to do what I feel right, even if I am a donkey. Poet Thyagaraja says " endaro Mahanubhavulu, andhariki vandhanamulu' meaning so many enlightened people, salute to all of them. 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ..F... theories implications are huge , for example see this fun : [Carbon Diokside] [Oxygen] [Nitrogen] [Hidogen] translated to, Shakti is carbon di oxide Vishnu is oxygen Brahma is Nitrogen Maheswara is hydrogen

.2 days ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Light Higgs Discovered And About To Destroy The Universe ......... after all, life & death is nothing for the Universe too :) .2 days ago Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Dearies ...why bring the F word here? Or are there any chhupa Rajneeshites here? Out to corrupt innocent minds? :) 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .There are two groups of metals one rusts ......... keeps rusting to the core one rusts .......... forms a film , protective coating to prevent further rusting ..109 Elements & 108 Gods .2 days ago Follow Manoj Manoj Acharya Agreed that sometimes there is no better way to express a feeling without the F-word, but allowing it in the public forum invites copying by those who don't understand. So please be politically correct. It is also good professionally.

The comment was flagged and has been removed. 2 days ago Like Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Manoj! And I was telling Nimu on the other thread that a 'sergeant at arms' was somerimes required! Think of the devil....:) 2 days ago Like Follow Manoj Manoj Acharya The devil never sleeps. And now that Siddharth is back, there is more reason not to ;-) 2 days ago Like 1 Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye You are scaring me now! :) 1 day ago Like NimuUnfollow Nimu Shenoy, MBA I am starting to think that Manoj knows that I like suspense thrillers! 1 day ago Like Follow Gloria Gloria OMarrah Manoj article about swearingWhy do people swear?By John M. Grohol, PsyD Founder & Editor-in-Chief Swearing is like using the horn on your car, which can be used to signify a number of emotions (e.g., anger, frustration, joy, surprise). Swearing injects a direct, succinct emotional component into the discussion, usually in order to express frustration, anger or surprise. when you want to emphasize how great you feel something is, a swear words emphasizes the positive

feelings you have Virtually all people swear, and people swear pretty consistently throughout their lifetime Personality research suggests that people who swear more, not surprisingly, score higher on traits such as extraversion, dominance, hostility and Type A personalities. Swearing is not just for the uneducated or people of a lower socioeconomic class it knows no social boundaries in its expression. Swearing is a natural part of human speech development We then learn that we may be able to say a swear word in one social context, but not another 1 day ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .doine^ ....... doine ^ ...............hope it is back to business Illusions are many Kinds . ' Maya ' as refereed by the old scriptures is bit different and very special ............ happy to hear some details from the exalted souls !! ....... doine ^ .1 day ago Follow Gloria Gloria OMarrah Improvements in Hell An engineer died and ended up in Hell. He was not pleased with the level of comfort in Hell, and began to redesign and build improvements. After awhile, they had toilets that flush, air conditioning, and escalators. Everyone grew very fond of him. One day God called to Satan to mock him, "So, how's it going down there in Hell?" Satan replied, "Hey, things are great. We've got air conditioning and flush toilets and escalators, and there's no telling what this engineer is going to come up with next." God was surprised, "What? You've got an engineer? That's a mistake. He should never have gotten down there in the first place. Send him back up here." "No way," replied Satan. "I like having an engineer, and I'm keeping him." God threatened, "Send him back up here now or I'll sue!"

Satan laughed and answered, "Yeah, right. And just where are YOU going to get a lawyer?" Read more: 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Gloria, thanks - good One. How / why did engineer land up in the Hell :) .1 day ago SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah .................... Now pls dont flag this one. Its by Osho. 1 day ago Like Follow Manoj Manoj Acharya Nimu, actually suspense and thrill are genres missing from this forum. Someone has to find out how to get here. 1 day ago Like SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah Manoj, in my dictionary "Awesome" starts with an 'F'. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Osho doubt he is ..... out of 26 countries :) .1 day ago Follow Gloria Gloria OMarrah Karthikeyan, I guess he did bad things. The benifits he had to offer must have forgiven his sins so God was willing to take him.. That happens alot on earth. Or, maybe he was a good guy all along trying to make life better for all. 1 day ago Like Follow Gloria Gloria OMarrah My license plate is awesom and it starts with A 1 day ago Like Follow Gloria Gloria OMarrah Sunglasses make words differant 1 day ago Like Follow Gloria Gloria OMarrah Vikrant, I had to take care of horses, they never think those thoughts. He was probable thinking happy thoughts, like this is the life, no one is on my back, but, where is the food? Every brain has their own program. 1 day ago Like Follow Gloria Gloria OMarrah Vikrant, I agree with that saying, going to deep will disconnect you. Some answeres are so obvious and right infront of are face, I think thats the common sense factor. We don't use that but instead try looking for 100 other reasons. It's like a parent watching their child jumping off the kitchen table. Common sense would be to stop them. Or you could take him to theraphy, or maybe he has a talent to jump out of planes, or maybe he needs glasses.

1 day ago Like Follow Gloria Gloria OMarrah All this dreaming going on. Dreams happen when asleep. It is info you have in your brain that is randomly running around. Day dreaming is when you decide to think about stuff in a way you want, pretend. Uncontrolled dreaming is an hallucination caused by drugs or a brain disorder. Pretending that you lost your job is just a dream is an escape from reality. You can feel everything will turn out right, thats a good attitude. To escape into dreaming is not dealing with reality. It will always be there, deal with it.We can keep telling ourself that something is real because we want to believe it. Some things have proof, like I know he loves me and he says, never did, end of dream. Some things we can't prove, like I saw God, can't ask God can we, so that dream you can keep because no one can prove otherwise, and it makes you superior to others and cravy to the other others. 1 day ago Like Follow Gloria Gloria OMarrah Jayendra, I like brevity, usually it means an answere. Sometimes words get you lost or say nothing, people use them to avoid the answere that they don't have. Agree sometimes they are incomplete thoughts, or meant to make you think and see the answere yourself. It's like going to a psychiatrist, who dose all the talking? When the patient stops talking and realizes what he just said, he has an awakening. 1 day ago Like Follow JV JV Raj This question is fundamental. It has troubled minds through out. It is important to know life's purpose. First of all, there is a purpose for life. and we can know it. We have been created with a purpose. We are not a product of accident. There is a fine book, " purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren. Gold Meir said, she knew the purpose of her life when she was 9years of age,,,direction and not details. 1 day ago Like Follow Prof Prof Kamalakar I am happy that Chiranjeevi started this discussion. It shows that at least some one among today's youth is interested in the answers of this type. Yes this is very much needed albeit childish. I also congratulate Jayendra for his knowledge and the replies. This is bringing out interesting facts and i hope would create necessary interest inthe youth. Are you all aware that the scientific search is on for the missing energy ? which the "Purusha Sukta " says is some where in the cosmos. Only a quarter of the creation has been manifested according to it and the modern science is also able to account for only about

30% of the energy that should be available according to the theories of Physics. The point I am trying to make is, both religion and science have to meet at some point they are not parallel like a rail road. I do hope more and more considered opinions will pour in in response to chiranjeevi's question and will lead us some waht nearer to that point. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ......... that is real sad story as far as this sub-continent is concerned, all traditional / spiritual / religious practices were based on Scientific queries .............. but these days all are dumped as myth , funny stories , useless adherence ...... added to that is the fact Swamiji's are straight away labelled as frauds ,.......... but not without reason ?! Difficult to discover and tough to recover !! .1 day ago SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah Dear karthi, true about 26 countries. But just also do a count of no. of countries at Pune Ashram. Sunglasses cut out the glare and colors, providing a clearer vision. Anyways I'm not a follower of Osho or any other guru for that sake. Cursing in air is different from making personal abuses at someone. What Osho missed is that F can be used as a good punctuation mark too, and attracts great attention on the stuff you need to highlight. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Siddharth, .... though he is not liked by all, he is a great Orator and what he has done is no mean achievement.............. he even made the whole life look very simple !! One of the great & notorious Gurus , No doubts :) .-

1 day ago Prof.SureshUnfollow Prof.Suresh Kumar One may not confuse the missing energy or dark energy in the universe with spirit and its energy.Dark energy or its equivalent vacuum energy/cosmological constant like entities are energy of empty space or what our ancients referred to as VAYU[element air] What is mentioned in our ancient texts like Purusha Suktha refers to Spirit as Purusha which is the cource of life and all energies of a vital nature. That may not be mistaken for dark energy[which constitutes empty space and its energies comprising more than 75 percent of universal energy density] or electromagnetic and radiant energies since these are elements of Prakrithi or material nature ,and not Purusha. Our ancients referred to radiant energy as AGNI[or element theyu-our fire is only a very gross equivalent] 1 day ago Like Follow venugopal venugopal maganti Some times I find some crazy analogies,and when I see a spider,I am reminded of a human soul--now,a spider weaves it's own web(different species weave more complex ,creative designs),engrossed in the the task ,and happily feeding and breeding(living it's own dream),till suddenly a breeze of air blows the whole web away --I don't know if the spider ruminates over the loss, but soon it starts creating one more web--human soul is the spider and the web is the body it creates--and the spider prefers dark places for it's web--my analogy ends here,but I am certain that time is linear and not circular,-for, the repetetion of history ,is purely on account of man's inability to learn from the mistakes of his predecessors and change his thinking pattern,which determines his actions, (for his own good).And ,as for the thory of reincarnation to fulfil one's purpose of life,I believe man has a pre determined prologue,but a self written epilogue.--and each chapter of the book of soul ,has it's own prologue and epilogue. confusing? some point logic must end, and faith begins. Somehow,looking at the depth of the arguments here,I feel a strange urge to end it somewhere--(physical attraction leads to procreation,where as deep dissection and anatomical knowledge can lead to repulsion).,not with standing the intellectual intensity of the arguments,bordering on abysmal depths. 1 day ago Like Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Gloria..thanks for the gyan! :) But Karthikeyan knows what I was referring to when I brought up the context "Naro-VaKunjaro-Va"! Since you may not know the looong background behind that phrase, you disposed off some gyan into an empty vessel.

So be it ! As I always say nothing ever goes waste! Somewhere at the back of my mind it may have an effect. But I am incorrigible! Nature being what it is..better to be oneself..whether others like you or hate you! :) Honesty being the best of policies. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .doine^ ....... doine ^ ...intellectual intensity of the arguments, ( bordering on ) jumping to abysmal depths. :) Illusions are many Kinds . ' Maya ' as refereed by the old scriptures is bit different and very special ............ happy to hear some details from the exalted souls !! ....... doine ^ .1 day ago 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Latest Fermi studies find no trace of dark matter " Independent analyses of data from the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope have found no trace of lowmass dark matter the mysterious substance thought to make up much of the universe. The results appear to go against recent direct evidence for low-mass dark matter, although some physicists believe there is no conflict. " .1 day ago Follow Gloria Gloria OMarrah Jayendra, yes honest is best, people that don't like you, don't know you and yes, I don't know what your talking about most of the time and can't even pronounce the words. 1 day ago Like

1 Follow Gloria Gloria OMarrah Thought this was good CHOOSING...WITH KNOWLEDGE

"Many people are held in bondage by illogical ideas and faulty concepts. Their knowledge usually consists of someone else's theories. Not willing to analyze and experiment for themselves, they become engulfed in a web of fantasy and theory devoid of fact....

"Every day we are choosing in an attempt to avoid pain and obtain pleasure. With knowledge we may have greater pleasure. The 'borning process' us not without incident. Painful as they may be, setbacks or reverses-when understood--always bring new ideas. Ideas implemented bring new experiences. Observation and analysis of experiences according to law adds much knowledge. Only through the use of KNOWLEDGE can confusion be eliminated and greater PEACE and PLEASURE be gained."

from "Knowledge Brings Greater Pleasure," Dr. L.L. Chesney, printed in The Beamer, SeptemberOctober, 1964, pg 7 1 day ago Like Follow Gloria Gloria OMarrah Siddharth, The sun glasses may give you clearer vision, but you will never see the red in the apple and you will be blind at night. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Gloria, Yes , that is what this ' Thriukural ' too says............dates back to few centuries .. .

Lore worth learning, learn flawlessly Live by that learning thoroughly. .... learn whatever should be learned , ... most thoroughly and after learning stand by or practice what one has learned with avid interest ....... .1 day ago Follow Gloria Gloria OMarrah Religion and science are better if they are side by side running together and never getting in each others way.. Meeting is temporary. A dog sled is joined side by side and will take you where you want to go.It's like a husband and a wife. They have to keep teir own identities our one is lost. 1 day ago Like 1 Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Each one of us has a parent, child and an adult in us. The parent says stop fooling around, get serious and be polite. The child says have fun, be careless, be selfish and clever, get what you want. The adult says give space, listen, apply knowledge, learn. Our responses to any stimulus could come from any of these ego states. One can be natural or one can choose from which ego state to respond. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Gloria, ......... I think here there is some trouble with what you know :) .1 day ago SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah @Gloria, when the colors and glaze is removed the real textures and patterns are revealed. Which make much more sense: 05/6410949075/ And the F- theory of universe is an absolutely original piece of work. Nobody ever dared to attempt such a bold explanation, you are lucky to be reading the first references of it. Maybe later on it will sell as a very high priced 5th grade school book. :-) 1 day ago Like Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Karthikeyan...Now you are going to be the next recipient of "Glorious" Gyan! After she said "those who do not like you do not know you".. I am in two minds...she likes me, she likes me not...and .. she knows me , she knows me not.. Karthikeyam ab tumhati bari hai.. Gloria: [ "Many people are held in bondage by illogical ideas and faulty concepts. Their knowledge usually consists of someone else's theories. Not willing to analyze and experiment for themselves, they become engulfed in a web of fantasy and theory devoid of fact.... ] Now you will know why I cant stand "the book" and world being made to order in 7 days!!!...Fantasy devoid of fact...illogical ideas and faulty concepts ...all the right ingredients satisfying that "quoted quote"! True, I am indeed at peace, having the right knowledge...:) After all who decides which knolwdge is right? The ignorant fundamentalist who in his ignorance is blissfull, or the scientist who in "his knowledge" is blissfull? 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Jayendra, ' ab tumhati bari hai..' , ....... put it in Hindi Script :) .1 day ag

Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Karthikeyan, my r/t interchange is killing me. Ab tumhari bari hai....Its your turn now! you .....:) 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan . , ..:) .1 day ago Follow Adnan Adnan Khan if you think too much on what our purpose of life here, you would loose that purpose. just go with the flow 1 day ago Like 1 Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Adnan what is your take on the questions? can you re-iterate it for me? 1 day ago Like Prof.SureshUnfollow Prof.Suresh Kumar Purpose is intrinsic to being and inherent in the mind as intentionality and ego substrate. The search for a higher purpose than purely the material and the apparent or evident is also a part of that ego substrate or intentionality in mind[karma] That is anyway not for all and sundry but only for the evolved beings to look beynd the flow and its mundane material existence 14 hours ago Like Follow JV JV Raj Purpose is related to destiny and hence always out side of the individual seeking it.

12 hours ago Like Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye @Prof.Suresh Kumar: Have pity on guys like me and re-translate what you said in that last post! It is all chinese to me, in simpler english. 11 hours ago Like Follow Gloria Gloria OMarrah Don't know if thats chinese or polish.. JV is speaking the same language. Destiny is our choices that take us to the place we end up. So it can't be on the outside, unless he is referring to actions. 10 hours ago Like Follow Gloria Gloria OMarrah Adnan, going with the flow is good to a point. If you get on a boat and you need to get to a certain place, and you go with the flow, what are your chances of getting there? 10 hours ago Like

Follow CA Sudhir CA Sudhir Shenoy Gloria, Jayendra is referring to the post by Karthikeyan wherein he has put in the following line in devanagari script , ..:) Which when translated means, If knowledge is Knowledge then there is no problem Sudhir 10 hours ago Like

Follow Gloria Gloria OMarrah Jayendra,speaking only from my own experiance, every person I hated or didn't like, once I got to know them, I liked them. Were all the same inside but we all have differant faces. 10 hours ago Like 2 Follow CA Sudhir CA Sudhir Shenoy That is right Gloria. The last line in your post is especially true. The Traditional Indian way of greeting each other by joining the palms of the hand in front of the chest (called Namaskar or Namaste) conveys the same truth, 'You in spirit and I in spirit are one and the same' Sudhir 10 hours ago Like Follow Gloria Gloria OMarrah So what is the debate? The deffinition of knowledge? 10 hours ago Like AkshayaUnfollow Akshaya Bhatia Derive it from here:Labyrinth of colors inside World is changing, pixel by pixel Choose the one you like Oh lord, so low on senses Seems like choices are many Eyes blink through shutter of lenses Love devours Who knows, seems real Desire haunts Looking out, still there Tears flow unguided intermittently Catch me, hold me In case you care..... 10 hours ago Like

Follow Gloria Gloria OMarrah To bad only children seem to be able to grasp that concept, one and the same. When I was a child I had a friend, he was black. When my mom found out I was forbidden to play with him. I never noticed he was black. I never knew why that meant I couldn't play with him. 10 hours ago Like 2 AkshayaUnfollow Akshaya Bhatia Good glorious inference, Gloria,...Child is always smarter than adult because thinking is yet to become much adulterated or biased, yet open to learning, understanding and exploring without much inclination to conflict or self glorification....So, nearer to GOD,.... Please also refer, a great query from a child:How Did God Create Himself? view=&gid=3664353&type=member&item=42729431&trk=group_search_item_list-0-bttl&goback=.gna_3664353 9 hours ago Like Follow Palash Palash Chatterjee Life is something existing in our thoughts and feelings. Going to its roots leads us to a facinating world. This is what I have experienced 9 hours ago Like 1 Follow Gloria Gloria OMarrah Some people are afraid to go there, they have choosen to close the door. Maybe they know whats there and don;t want to see it face to face. 8 hours ago Like 1

Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye @Gloria: "So what is the debate? The deffinition of knowledge?". Well the questions stated in the topic seemed obvious, but then we had some really smart people tell us how every other guy had faulty logic, including the poor professors who presumed to teach them, and then we had other prople say "those who say they do not know the purpose are no good...and then some guys who said they definitely had that knowledge about who they were and what was their purpose. But for some esoteric reason, they never divulged that divine purpose to us lesser mortals... Now we are here ...discussing how children are smarter and awaiting some more "glorious Gyan" so that we may get properly started again. So now let us continue from here. 8 hours ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan ....... Jayendra , so you want the Truth ....' the purpose of life in earth ' The purpose of life in the Earth is to never come back here again :) .6 hours ago

Follow Bal Krishna Bal Krishna Gupta PURPOSE OF LIFE: FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS We keep wondering about life, its purpose/futility and existence of God etc. We keep on searching for answers from religious tomes, Gurus and parents. Still, we feel unsatisfied and unconvinced. I put forth my views on some of such questions. Who am I? Once you learn how to live, this question becomes redundant. What is life? Life is a 70-80 years long journey into pleasant and bitter experiences, relationships, financial highs and lows which are unique to each one of us. Life can be fun if lived positively and hell if lived grudgingly. Is God there? Why should we bother? If our conscience is clear we need not worry about His presence. But, to share a secret with you, He is there. Why am I what I am? If you were not what you are presently, the question would remain the same. Why is there so much tension in this world? We have become artificial and hypocritical in our thoughts, speech and action (manasa, vacha, karmana). We have acquired affectations and gone far away from

nature. We have surrendered ourselves totally to materialism. Spiritual and religious aspects of living have been relegated to the background. Why does evil seem to prevail? When the good become passive and docile, the evil doers have a field day. To split a bucketful of milk, a single lemon and to break a glass pane, a single pebble is sufficient. Materialism has made us a bunch of cowards. People act selfish for the smallest of apparent gains. Why should we live? Do we have an alternative? And pray, why should this question arise, at all, in anybodys mind? For any doer, life is too short to do so many things he has planned and enjoy all aspects of life. Enjoy life to the hilt. Remain cheerful under all circumstances. Learn from nature. All flora and fauna live through the vagaries of weather, without even once questioning the maker. 6 hours ago Like 2 Follow Bal Krishna Bal Krishna Gupta How can I manage my feelings and emotions? When we are sad, depressed, frustrated or disheartened we question the very purpose and existence of life. We must learn the life processes completely to understand them. Then we shall have no trouble with the self and the soul. The soul shall remain restless till we dont learn to relate to happenings around us with a non-aligned and detached state of mind. Excessive attachment or total lack of feelings/compassion both lead to misery. How should I manage my time? Basic principle of time management is to devote 7 hours (29%) on self development, 8 hours (33%) on sleep and 9 hours (38%) on career/business. Sleep is the most important aspect of living. Unless you sleep for at least 8 hours daily, you cannot perform well in the waking hours. Similarly, unless you spend at least 7 hours on eating, exercise, leisure and self development, you cannot achieve much in life. Most successful persons follow these principles. How much is enough? In nature, whenever any excess takes place, overt signals start appearing at regular intervals. With experience, we should be able to judge when a thing or act is being given undue importance or time. To a balanced person, the sense of proportion comes effortlessly. How should I decide on a career? Lucky are the ones who make their hobbies their career. Dont think in terms of engineering/medicine/IAS only. Develop your faculties in the field you feel most comfortable at. Go for theatre, personal effectiveness, public interest litigation and the like. How to avoid temptations? Do a quick SWOT analysis of each such opportunity and take the most reasoned view. How much education should I receive? Level of formal education depends on many factors: economic status of parents and their attitude towards education, your place of birth, your own I.Q., aptitude and dedication. However, learn to read, write and speak at least your mother tongue, national language and English and specialize in some discipline. Be conversant with computers and internet. You should have a fair idea of the different parts of body and their functions. Keep yourself current with the local, national and international happenings and the latest in your profession. Basic knowledge of Economics, Sociology, General Science, History and Geography and the law of the land is equally important. How should we take the criticism by others? Take it sportingly and treat it as a feedback to improve yourself. It is an occasion to introspect and correct. But if you feel that the criticism is born out of jealousy/ignorance/with an intention to discourage you from the chosen path, vehemently shrug it off yours shoulders. Otherwise, you shall be handing over the remote control of your self-esteem, selfrespect and decision making into the hands of your critics. 6 hours ago Like

2 Follow Bal Krishna Bal Krishna Gupta What sustains life? The lust for life sustains it. This feeling is intrinsic to all living beings. Interest in life is also created by hope, ambition and attachment to near and dear ones/fellow beings. What is the purpose of life? Every living being is programmed to grow, learn while growing, mature, realise the potential in totality and live a full life till death. Distortions are caused by societal interference, misleading advice by fellow beings and wastage of substantial time in unwarranted pursuits. Artificial way of living, synthetic products for natural ones, diversions, excessive automation and commercial way of thinking have made life miserable for most of us. Blessed are those who have seen through it all at an early age, and taken corrective steps. They have understood the purpose of life, in its true sense. Upon them lies the task of making maximum people aware of the basic purpose of life and to guide them to lead a contented and fuller life. What obligations do I have towards society/world? You owe your very existence to the world and the society. Whatever you have received from them, you should repay with interest. The society moulds you, sustains you and supports you. You should do like wise. It is a symbiotic relationship. What should I do to live longer? Living life correctly itself ensures longevity. Balanced food, moderate physical exercise, noble thoughts, positive outlook, lofty ideals and pious deeds make life longer and living worthwhile. What is the right mix of work and play? Please follow the principle of 6,8, 10. Depending on your current situation, you may slightly vary the ratio. But in the long run, this ratio is just appropriate. What is the place of love in life? Where there is no love there is no life. Love for others, for near and dear ones, love for humanity, love for ones place of birth, love for self- these are the most ardent feelings of human beings. One devoid of love leads a miserable life- rather does not live. Who should decide about my future? Upto 12 years, let your parents take decisions. After 12, they should consult you for all major decisions. Should I believe in luck? In life, chance plays a major role. Avail the chance if it comes your way. But dont waste your time waiting for lady luck to smile at you. If you keep working, the smile is not far away. The Sanskrit word for purpose in life is dharma. As per dharma, we each have unique talents which we are most likely to discover when we ask What can I give? Rather than What can I get? We were given magnificent birth gifts, talents, capacities, privileges. Because of these gifts, the potential within an individual is tremendous, even infinite. The more we use and magnify our talents, the more talents we are given and the greater our capacity becomes. Steven Covey 6 hours ago Like 4 karthikeyan arumugathandavan . , ........ :)

Thanks Bal Krishna. .6 hours ago 1 Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye hahaha Naradji! 4 hours ago Like SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah Mr. Bal Kishan, didn't know you had a copy of MOU that every human signs with the god before landing on the third rock from the sun. 4 hours ago Like Follow David David Wittenberg Siddharth, You wrote: Mr. Bal Kishan, didn't know you had a copy of MOU that every human signs with the god before landing on the third rock from the sun. Finally a comment that makes sense! Thank you! Most of this chain has been pretty poetry, citation of ancient texts, and know-it-alls spouting that their way of thinking or believing is true and anyone who disagrees with them must be stupid or evil. To my way of thinking, that's no way to answer a question. Siddharth, thanks for challenging someone who simply asserts an answer without explaining why that answer is trustworthy, logical, or correct. 3 hours ago Like 1 Follow Vikrant Vikrant Dhoke Thats not MOU, Sid, its the Instruction Manual for life. But most people fail to read manuals and end up in misery using the thing called Life.

Great - Bala , loved it. 3 hours ago Like Follow Vikrant Vikrant Dhoke Narad ji - We call it the fountain of Gyan - why did you choose to cite a water "fall"? ( All that goes up, comes down eventually ?) or because there is no fountain on earth large enough to praise Bala ? 3 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Vikrant .... no known fountain name that is quite popular and as well most of us are aware ! .... may be we can list few now :) .3 hours ago 1 Col PuneetUnfollow Col Puneet Sehgal What is the purpose of life on earth? My purpose be useful to somebody. At higher level - Self realisation. Why does the universe exist? The Cosmic vacuum was the original cause of the universe, life and our thoughts. Our achievements are only reflections of its infinite wisdom. Can any human subsisting in the endless ocean of consciousness claim originality or individuality? ( Mandukya Upanishad ) Does anyone or anything else knows about existence other than us? We ourself are not clear about our existence thats why this question has been raised. Only enlightened mind will have answer to this. 2 hours ago Like 1

NimuUnfollow Nimu Shenoy, MBA David W, before your comment gets washed away by more of the same, I want to acknowedge that you are not the only one who feels that way. A lot of comments are either beautiful flowery words or fighting..even if done in jest. Chiranjeevi posted a philiosophical question, and most people went "nutszoid." The poster is forcing members to think and use their own insight. This is certainly a good test for all to challenge themselves to decide what this question really means to them. When I posted my purpose on this Earth a while ago, my comments were ignored and not acknowledged because it did not fall into the realm of poetry or "sweet battle." I feel that Chiranjeevi has given us poetic freedom to interpret the universe in any way we like. It does not have to be scientfic. I am still thinking about this question and may decide to post my answer to the questions at a later time. 2 hours ago Like Follow David David Wittenberg Thanks, Nimu! After about 500 posts, if anyone's still reading, I'll be stupid or daring enough to repeat my proposed path of inquiry into the question. Before deciding what the purpose is, I think we should first determine where the purpose -- if there is a purpose -- comes from. I proposed that life is an invention, so its intended purpose is assigned by its inventor. Col. Puneet, above, suggested otherwise. He suggested that life is not an invention, but it springs from a vacuum. Others may have other ideas. 2 hours ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan ...* few liters or one bucket full of knowledge from Niagara ( BK G ) "" What is the purpose of life? Every living being is programmed to grow, learn while growing, mature, realise the potential in totality and live a full life till death. Distortions are caused by societal interference, misleading advice by fellow beings and wastage of substantial time in unwarranted pursuits........... ""

.48 minutes ago 1 Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena There are several other ideas such as Platonism, Aristotelianism, Cynicism, Epicureanism, Stoicism, Classical liberalism, Kantianism, Utilitarianism, Nihilism, Pragmatism, Existentialism, Absurdism, Secular humanism, logical positivism, Postmodernism, Evolutionary psychology, Naturalistic pantheism, Mohism, Confucianism, and Legalism. The other is religious perspectives which include western and Middle Eastern religions, south Asian religion, East Asian religion etc apart from scientific inquiry & perspectives. It apparently looks like that the purpose of life is to experience life by seeing it through different perspectives/lenses & make the experience richer. It would be unwise to experience things through limited perspectives such as only religion, science or any specific philosophy. 39 minutes ago Like DDUnfollow DD Mishra IMHO, there is something which is super conscious but we do not know and neither we can feel it. There is so much of intelligence that I wonder how it can be a coincidence. There is a balance in nature. There is cause and effect. All these things, rationally thinking must have some governing principle. I can only say that my intelligence can go upto the point that there is something which is so intelligent which has made it happen from galaxy to earth, from black holes to supernova and why the get created has reasons. What is beyond these reasons, I am not able to understand but can speculate only that there is something more conscious than everything else. 36 minutes ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .That is being too goody, goody ................humble , humble ..simple Can X , the one who feels it's limits negate that no other Y, Z has the ability to find out - the purpose......> .30 minutes ago

Follow David David Wittenberg Great list, Sanjay! You wrote: It apparently looks like that the purpose of life is to experience life by seeing it through different perspectives/lenses & make the experience richer. I, too, want a richer experience in life! I agree that variety is the spice of life (hey, I even shifted from another country to India to experience variety). I also agree with your much earlier comment that we must embrace contradiction. If I associate your list with your comment about different perspectives, I might conclude that the best purpose in life is to keep shifting my philosophy say from cynicism to epicureanism to stoicism and my religion from time to time, say, from Judaism to Hinduism, to Zoroastrianism. I might conclude that none of those philosophies and religions is correct, just like no type of food is correct, and that we should go through life sampling them like we sample foods at a buffet. Have I understood your view and your post correctly? If not, then what was the intended meaning.

Siddharth Shah Exactly Sanjay ji, Jesus wasn't a born christian , Mohammad wasn't a born Muslim, Buddha wasn't a born Buddhist, Mahaveer wasn't a born Jain, just like the way Ram bhagwan never celebrated Diwali. They found the purpose by themselves and people who follow them blindly are fools who actually wasted their lives for their purpose rather than their own.

Gloria OMarrah Krisna never said he had a manuel or a MOA, you just didn't like his certainty. Sounds more like common sense to me. I usually don't read manuals because I'm to smart. I read them after I do it wrong. 8 hours ago Like

Follow Gloria Gloria OMarrah I always ware sunglasses to, but not in pictures. 8 hours ago Like Follow Gloria Gloria OMarrah How many people talk a walk through the woods and go off the path. The path is easy and tells you were you are going, how long it will take. Thats good enough for some, otherwise they

probable wouldn't go into the woods at all.At least they get some benifit because someone else had the iniiative to do it. Buffets are good, why waste $3o on a meal you won't like. Most of us order the same food all the time, who wants to leave hungry 8 hours ago Like Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena You asked for other ideas so I gave a list of ideas available. This list is like lenses. A photographer uses different lenses to shoot a particular picture. Some time the same picture can be captured in a different way by using different lenses. A creative & professional photographer does not use compact digital camera. They dont buy different camera every time. By applying different perspectives I dont think it is necessary to change or convert to a new religion or change to a new ideology/philosophy. I dont have to become Chinese first to eat Chinese food. Also when we discuss a topic in any forum we are trying to understand different views/opinions of other people and make our learning richer. Discussion in forum would be meaningless or time waste if the person just adheres to his/her viewpoint. If that is the case then why debate. 3 hours ago Like Prof.SureshUnfollow Prof.Suresh Kumar There are subtle worlds of which we are not aware.There are also subtle life forms,and forces and powers we are not cognizant of.But we are capable of knowing all this given our cognitive capabilities in brain and its expanded space.Human brain is proportionately much larger than the brain size of mammals and primates,and we are not using this capacity to be awre of subtle worlds. Certain specific metaphysical and vital energy techniques help humans to develop their subtle powers and sense of a third eye kind to experience and be aware of there subtle worlds and its forms and powers. Of course there are hallucinatory experiences along an emotional continuum,that is physically and phenomenologically different from the above. The experiences of the human organism along a perception-meditation continuum based on such subtle and vital methods can be truly exhilarating and emancipating. It is part of the true spiritual journey through the depths of the universe in us that correspond subtly to the external world.That journey takes us through the subtle worlds of which we are not now aware,for a true tryst with our destiny-that is oneness with the unveral spirit and its being,right thru us Siddharth Shah @Gloria my vision of the world is squint, I see sideways, That's why the glasses to prevent people from getting disoriented... *-) As far as reading 'manuals' is concerned, One may be referring to a washing machine manual for a TV. And guess what even they wouldn't have a clue until the TV breaks down. When destination is not known, path is irrelevant. Wandering and getting lost can be fun, that's how half the world was explored.

6 days ago Like

Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Siddharth..your last post reminded me of an old debate...whether reaching the goal is more joyful, or the journey to the goal is more joyful! There are many many things written on this and I believe many Urdu poets have emptied their Inkbottles expanding on that. In Urdu shayari I believe the journey is considered as more important than the goal. Because once the goal is achieved, what remains? The thril and fun of the hunt is in the chase! Kisee asli Shikari se poochho to voh yehee kahega. 6 days ago Like Follow Amrit Amrit Bindra The question-answer is blind asking the blind, and blind responding to blind. Just as we can't witness our own indivdual conception we can't know the purpose behind the universe. Look within to know who you are. The knower can't express while the talker does not know. Jayendra is well read and has expressed it well but has no answer for the original query. But even the Vedas claim that they don't know. However, effort to know yourself brings internal peace and it could be experimented by any one. That has the most practical value. God depicted as an egoistic and ruthless father who subjects his children to eternal hell or heaven while proclaimng him to be merciful is the most irrational concept beleived by the two prominent cult religions. Further, claiming a specific person as the path to God or a creed devised by a self declared prophet as the only path being followed by even educated people is the height of absurdity. It proves that man can't be God's best creation or be in his own image. Because if he is then that God has a lot of room for improvement. 6 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Interesting , ......... having more than two eyes is as good as being blind ...Yes , there is room for everyone to improve .........> .6 days ago

Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena But since we are blind we cannot look within ourself to know who we are. How can we look since we are blind? 5 days ago Like Follow David David Wittenberg Hi, Amrit! I guess you think that people like me who follow what you call "cult religions" must be stupid fools, right? You called me absurd and irrational, so I'd like to know the rational basis for your conclusion. I thought I was pretty intelligent and rational, but if I have a blind spot, I'd really appreciate it if you could correct me and set me straight! You wrote: "God depicted as an egoistic and ruthless father who subjects his children to eternal hell or heaven while proclaimng him to be merciful is the most irrational concept beleived by the two prominent cult religions. Further, claiming a specific person as the path to God or a creed devised by a self declared prophet as the only path being followed by even educated people is the height of absurdity." These seem like pure opinions to me. They are backed by neither evidence nor logic. Would you care to provide some evidence and logic? Or did you reach your conclusion by raw emotion or by blind faith in some other system? 5 days ago Like Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye Amrit, I think you may not have read all my posts. Right at the outset I had said I am a fence sitter, and even said that the vedas ask in the HiranyaGarbha and Nasadiya Suktas "Kasmai devaya havisha vidhema" whom shall we worshup if in the befinning even gods did not exist? In fact I also propounded that may be the truth behind the universe may be too alien for us to know. And that we populate that one lacuna with various myths to sort of "fill in the blanks". But I agree and endorse your views on cult religions 100%. I cant imagine perfectly well read guys suddenly thumping a book and proclaiming frpm the rooftops "Our god is the ONE living God, all others are false gods"! In Singapore it has reached epidemic proportions. There in front of every church we find banners proclaiming loudly "Come to Jesus only he can offer salvation". As though they were advertising some brand of pain balm!! :) On top of that they hold subversive meetings where new converts come out of the group holding "meetings" at a beach, and denounces his old religion, one the poor fellows parents are still following, explains how coming to Jesus has made him somehow feel superior, and there is merry making all around. I attended one such meeting as some one thought I was the next convert in making. Some of them persistently called at my residence with long faces and stories of impending doom and how only Jesus could save me. I asked them if the reveletions says that only 144,000 jews will go to heaven

why are you toiling fruitlessly to convert me? When even you are not assured heaven as you are not jews? THAT put them off. The funniest part was the Europeans have usurped Jesus completely. In Christmas cards in India he is shown as a European man, complete with white skin, blue eyes, golden hair etc tec while the actual Jesus was a dark person with Negroid curls. Churches in Constantinople and Italy did show a negroid Jesus for a while, only to have him transformed into an European guy! Asimov's story of Ruth is telling. It is titled "Lost in translation". It precisely dwells on this subject. And on top of all that they say "you have eaten his flesh and drunk his blood!" On one hand they will lambast Indians for Sati, and in the same breath have this cannibalistic stuff in their formal prayers! Too much. If the Indian Europhils came to know that Jesus resembles a Negro, Most of the "flock" would revert to their old religions overnight!! :) The glamor would be gone. 5 days ago Like Follow Steve Steve Dufourny spherization harmonization optimization..... 5 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Look carefully at Nothing ................ incessantly & bit deep, we will end up with something :) .5 days ago Follow Steve Steve Dufourny Look at the truth, like a bird flying above its hopes, look at the contemplations, like a flower smiling to this truth. Look at the all, the whole, the SPHERE ... 5 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ......though the bird is flying high, it's eyes are on the Ground :)

.5 days ago Follow Nirmal Nirmal Bajwa There is no purpose, those who find the purpose will gain lost in finding the purpose of purpose. the existance is there for you in is there to be enjoyed, each and every moment of it is to be relished. is there any purpose of Sun if so can anyone define. it was there before we invented words, its beyond words. still if one want to attempt, then how many suns, how many milky ways and so on................... fell the communion with nature and enjoy the existance. 4 days ago Like Follow Steve Steve Dufourny they turn these spheres and they build like a music, harmonious of evolution, the universal sphere and its center ....... 4 days ago Like Follow Gorripaty Gorripaty Ramprasad I like the question, Purpose of life on earth, others existing else where. First of all, I appreciate chiranjeevi for the thought she had. Let me start this way, every one who born on the earth has come with a purpose including animals, trees, Plants, water, fruits, vegetable and many to say. Every one on the earth has a destiny to reach in a righteous way having godly qualities. Humans are born with a special gift from the creator having mind to think to implement the thought without hurting the environment that gifted to us by the God. like leaving & non living beings on the earth like animals, plantation, water, air, fire, land, space and many, positively to create unity with love by elevating one to the higher levels of life to attain oneness.We have born for this purpose and this is the way we have to attain and leave the body with smile. It is not related to any religion or any caste or any creed and it is just human. In this love is the catalyst to act to move forward with all the things that are surrounded around us, living and non livings things to be as one family. Anyone who follows the conscious but not the mind, that is the inner heart filled with love will end with destined purpose, designed by the creator of the earth and enjoys the life to the fullest having inner bliss that is permanent, which takes to higher levels of life and leaves the body with smile. If we follow the mind without considering the conscious(love within), we will start getting in to confusion, attachments, ego, pride, jealousy, anger, commenting others, abusing others, misbehaving, loosing control, selfish, identifying ourselves, lack of understanding others, foolishness, mentally instable, feeling as we are carrying lot of burden on us, more hunger towards everything that we come across, sickness, no confidence, depending on others. no happiness, full of sarrow, becoming difficult to leave with lot of ups and downs in life and many. Finally we forget the purpose for which we have come to the earth and die with sickness having lot of attachments with face as if we lost everything as we failed

the exam and lost everything in life by not knowing for what purpose we have come. Coming to existence of others in other worlds. First of all we are wasting our valuable time on thinking on this subject. In the present world, neighbor does not know who exist next to him and finally his existence as a role to act. Where the question comes to think of others existence in other worlds. Rather it would be better, healthy and very good to us to think, whom we are, from where we have come, why we are existing here and what is our purpose here? Once we know the answer, we will know everything automatically and we will enjoy meaning and purpose of life and we say thanks from the bottom of heart to the creator for giving us an opportunity to be human. My sincere request with love, to start searching within to know the above mentioned question to enjoy the ultimate bliss to reach higher levels of life and die with a smile on face as a gift given to us by the creator. 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan . - - ...> There is a mendicant / saint with only a loin cloth Requested to be molded in to a POT which takes about 4+6 months Pot is shattered in dancing with IT to hearts glee .......> .4 days ago 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan ..........It is worth knowing what UNESCO thinks of the purpose and hence Education for the upcoming generations "" Everything we know is subject to error and illusion. The education of the future should confront this double-faced problem of error and

illusion. The greatest error would be to underestimate the problem of error, the greatest illusion to underestimate the problem of illusion. Recognition of error and illusion is all the more difficult in that error and illusion are not recognized as such. Error and illusion have been parasitizing the human mind from the first days of homo sapiens. When we consider the past, including the recent past, it seems to us that people were blinded by countless errors and illusions. In German Ideology, Marx and Engels observed that men have always had misconceptions about themselves, about what they are doing and what they ought to do, and about the world in which they live. But neither Marx nor Engels was able to avoid the same kind of errors.................................."" more : .4 days ago Follow Steve Steve Dufourny each creation is unique and precious without exception ! Not need of an ocean of words to see the universal love ! 3 days ago Like Follow Evelyn Evelyn Sayos Its what you can do to yourself and to others... 3 days ago Like Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah No matter what your opinion or my opinion, the Truth is only one. It our job to find the truth. Tried to answer all the questions that I can think of in 'Metamorphosis of an Atheist- A life journey to the Truth' More information about the book- Foreword, Preface, Contents and First Chapter listed at or Book also available at and OM Book stores in India. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .It is difficult to understand people many times ,

............searching for purpose life without knowing that it is already written in the books :) .1 day ago NimuUnfollow Nimu Shenoy, MBA I think it is fascinating that if you ask this same question five years from now, each contributor may change his or her answer. The purpose of life on Earth and the existence of the universe are honestly based on what has happened in the world and what has been discovered in space exploration. Almost as if one backs into an answer rather than giving a direct answer. In Science, changing your answer so many times is not very accurate. It seems that what is taught is Faith in lieu of actual Science. Faith is our belief that a purpose of life on Earth exists in our Universe and in many galaxies beyond. I sometimes wonder if there is another Nimu somewhere is another galaxy? How is her life? Does she look like me? Is Nimu even a human being or another soul? So many questions to ask and no real answers. This is precisely why philosophy feeds some of its reality to Science so that some of the answers can be discovered. Until then, we are just contemplating. 1 day ago Like Follow Mike Mike Rana I did not want to enter into discussions, since I was busy lecturing on Bhutan. But I would request that the members may distinguish between the dualism and non-dualism aspects as outlined by Samkhya and Vedanta philosophies. They oppose each other. Budhhism and Jainism is close to Samkhya. 21 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .w e . h a v e . N o . c o n t r o l . o v e r . D e s t i n y ---------- Non Dualism ..............w e . h a v e .. c o n t r o l . o v e r . D e s t i n y ---------- Dualism .21 hours ago Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah What follows is from the 18th Chapter- the Purpose unveiled' of the book entitled

'Metamorphosis of an Atheist- A life journey to the Truth. The theme of the book is related to the purpose of life. All the world religions are brought in the book to answer the purpose of life, and to show how one answer is related to the other. To do justice to the subject, it can't be answered in a few sentences as that will cause misunderstanding and confusion. The book is available at 29 OM book stores in India in all the majoe cities and their website Also available at The Book Cover, First Chapter, Preface, Foreword and contents are listed at Once we were working in the clinical lab. In a clinical lab, samples taken from sick patients are cultured, and the bacteria causing the disease, if any, isolated and studied as to the type of antibiotics that will wipe it out; this result is given to the doctor. One day a telephone call came from a doctor. One of the senior technologists attended the call. Th e doctor required a preliminary report of a patient who was suff ering from urinary tract infection. Th e Purpose Unveiled 161 Chapter 18 162 Metamorphosis of an Atheist Th e technologist who attended the phone was supposed to open the incubator, fi nd this patients plate used to culture the urine, and give a preliminary report to the doctor. While the call came from the doctor, the senior technologist was discussing his research project with another one. Irritated by this interruption, the senior technologist asked the doctor to hold for a minute, came back and talked two minutes to the other person, and reported to the doctor, No growth at twenty-four hours, without looking at the culture plate. What do you think of the faithfulness of this technologist? He was not faithful in his job. If you are not faithful in the small responsibilities entrusted to you, who will entrust you with greater things? If you cannot do the job of a lab technician faithfully, do you think God will entrust to you or your children, jobs requiring greater responsibility? Mother Th eresa once said that she was called not to be successful, but to be faithful. She considered it the purpose of her life. Jesus once summarized it in the following two commandmentsto know your creator and love Him with all your heart, and to love your neighbor as yourself. On another occasion Jesus summarized the purpose of life in a single verse combining the essence of both in Mathew 5:16 Make your light

shine, so that others will see the good that you do and will praise your Father in heaven. (Matt. 5:16) 20 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .What is the answer for this.................> .w e . h a v e . N o . c o n t r o l . o v e r . D e s t i n y ---------- Non Dualism ..............w e . h a v e .. c o n t r o l . o v e r . D e s t i n y ---------- Dualism .20 hours ago Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah We have control over our destiny as man is created with a Free-Will. Both good and bad are out there. It is your choice and reap the consequences. On the other hand things are set according to a Master Plan the creator has for man. Within the frame work of that Master Plan, we have Limited Free-Will only. We can't do anything outside that Master Plan. God has set a time and place for All the cultures of the world to rise, reach its pinnacle, decline and set. That is part of the Master Plan. We can't change it. 18 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Ninan, Thanks As I understand , if someone believes that he has Control over his destiny then he is at risk to face the consequences ............ which is most likely , from the way it is presented above . So it is advisable to forget the destiny and surrender to something ?! Non Dualism .-

18 hours ago Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah Whether you belive a certain way or not will not change the Truth. You can believe anything anyway you want based on your knowledge, experience, revelations and the resultant understanding. For example you can believe that there is a God or you can believe that there is no God. Based on your belief the Truth will not change. About choice of Good and Bad, all religions are basically the same in this respect. Even if you do not believe in any religion, still God has given a conscience as to the Good and Bad of a behaviour. If you do not follow the conscience, you have to reap the consequences. 18 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ................The question is then God or Gods if we assume God is definitely there somewhere or everywere .....> What is IT ? .8 hours ago Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena IT is there everywhere although seen nowhere. Atoms and Photons. :-). Tell me a place where IT isn't :-) 4 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .................IT is There and There is No Doubt on IT............... It so happens that IT one was looking for is not the IT one wanted to see IT or feel IT . What is IT :) Ninan Mathullah A desire to know IT is the first step to know IT.

Our knowledge of God is limited to what is revealed to us by God. God has given in us a desire to know God. All religions are man's search for God and God's interaction in that search; little by little. Nature reveals the presence of God. Nature proclaims the manifestations of the glory of God. There must be a reason behind anything as nothing comes from nothing. God is the reason behind nature. Now you might ask who created God. God has not revealed that to us yet. If you choose not to tell something in your mind to me, there is no way to find that out. I can only assume things and not necessarily true. Let us Go to Vedas and Upanishads Om Asato Maa Sad-Gamaya | Tamaso Maa Jyotir-Gamaya | Mrtyor-Maa Amrtam Gamaya | Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih || Meaning: 1: Lead us from Unreal to the Real, 2: Lead us from the Darkness to the Light, 3: Lead us from the Fear of Death to the Knowledge of Immortality. 4: Om Peace, Peace, Peace. What you see is not real. God is the ultimate reality or Truth. What you see is manifestations of the Truth. Bible says that the color of God is light and God resirdes in light that nobody can approach. Light is a form of energy and you know that matter is energy and matter can be converted to energy and energy to matter. God the supreme source of energy can convert energy in to matter to create the nature you see. 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .IT is not IT , .....................IT is IT, IT, IT, .....> .4 days ago

Follow shailendra

shailendra kumar logically to understand the human would be possible only by something superhuman. obviously then, we can only have questions like what is my purpose on earth , why universe exists and so on. but we are 'most unlikely' (i wouldn't say impossible) to be able to understand the answers due to the limitation of our brains, and limitation of time in life .Hence the simplest way would be to believe that god exists , i do my karma and get on with it. or even simpler , be an animal, don't bother about,eat ,love and if you think you are human you may pray. 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .That sounds like a Cool Life Policy :) One person can lift one stick and 100 persons can lift more than 101 sticks One Human understands one or few and ............................, ........................Super Human is Nothing !! .4 days ago Follow David David Wittenberg Fantastic analysis, Shailendra! If we (or the universe, for that matter) have any purpose at all, it is only because whatever invented us assigned us a purpose. If we can't reach our inventor, then we are doomed to never know our assigned purpose. Or, if we weren't invented, then we're just the product of some cosmic accident. We're no better than wild animals. We can invent our own purpose or borrow one from a parent, guru, or political leader, and no one can call it correct or incorrect, because purpose is then nothing more than a matter of opinion. A mass murderer and a saint can both justify their chosen purposes, and there is no counter-argument. One additional comment: this forum is India Leadership. I wonder how our view of our purpose affects our leadership. 4 days ago Like 1 Follow Alok Alok Misra you are wrong if if you believe animals have no direction.they have and I think it can be

proved. 4 days ago Like Follow JOY JOY MUKHERJEA Dear madam...this is your spiritual quest and I welcome you in this discussion as it has arrested my attention today. With my humble regards to every other participant in this discussion, I will try to sum it up in short, the chief purpose of human life is to "REALIZE GOD", the creator of this universe and the souls living therein. Now the question is how? One can only be enlightened with "GOD KNOWLEDGE" and "REALIZE GOD" through the blessing of living "TRUE MASTER" and nobody else. In this context, let me tell you further that GOD is "FORMLESS ENTITY", which is also known as the "ABSOLUTE COSMIC ENERGY" or "THE SUPREME ENTITY", while a true master, who can only reveal god is the "HUMAN FORM OF THIS FORMLESS ENTITY". And one can not realize God unless there is a human guidance through communication. Interestingly, one can realize God in the fraction of a second if he is blessed by the true master. And God realization leads to self realization, which means you will be able to know who you are, where have you come from and where will you go. Therefore, please note that nothing which is limited by its extent in this universe like earth, sun, air, sky, water, stars, fire etc. can be termed as God in any remote logic of faith. Its because... 1. Any FORM is the manifestation of "maya", only illusion and nothing else as a. It is subject to change, not eternal as its finite b. It is destructible c. It can never be omnipresent in the same form / texture 2. GOD is formless and that never changes, its the only "CHANGELESS ENTITY" in this changing universe, thus remaining omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, infinite and eternal Just imagine...we see everything like the sky, sun, moon, stars, birds, mountain, ocean, falls...but we fail to see the "SPACE".....and that's the vital link to this spiritual quest! Actually we all have only one religion....the religion of "HUMANITY" & "LOVE...however disrespectful or cynical we always are towards other religions leaving our own. And this sense of enlightenment can only touch you once you actually know "THE INFINITY (THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH)" and never before that. Knowing GOD is GOD REALIZATION...and knowing about GOD is only some knowledge as "knowing about something" is miles different from "knowing something". Therefore, those who worship idols in the name of devotion to God, are ignorant about this fact (say truth!) and superstitiously challenged. However, although spiritual enlightenment comes through ignorance with only fewer exceptions and hence everyone in this world can realize God with the blessing of a living true master to "KNOW & UNITE WITH ONE". Yes...the ONE! If you find sense in my observation through my experience this far...your next question "why does

universe exist" has an answer embedded in the process of knowing the ONE through the living true master like I said before. If you like to know and discuss more, I cordially invite you to go through or write back to me at HERE I EARNESTLY PRAY, MAY ALL BE BLESSED BY HIS HOLINESS, THE LIVING TRUE MASTER TO KNOW ONE & CONNECT WITH THE POWER OF ONE! All other endless barrage of spiritual queries / curiosity ends there the moment you are able to connect with the living true master. Sincere regards, Joy Mukherjee 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .One Human understands one or few and ............................, ........................Super Human is ( Nothing !! ) something !! ( Now ) . .4 days ago Follow Mike Mike Rana Yahoo news Moscow, Dec 17 (IANS) Bhagvad Gita, one of the most sacred Hindu religious texts, is facing a legal ban and the prospect of being branded as 'an extremist' literature across Russia, with a court in Siberia's Tomsk city all set to deliver its final verdict Monday in a case filed by state prosecutors. The final pronouncement in the case will come just two days after Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was here for a bilateral summit meeting with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev from Dec 15 to 17. The case, which has been going on in Tomsk court since June this year, seeks to get a Russian translation of 'Bhagvad Gita As It Is' written by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the founder of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), on the Hindu religious text banned in Russia and declaring it as a literature spreading 'social discord', apart from rendering its distribution on Russian soil illegal.

In view of the case, Indians settled in Moscow, numbering about 15,000, and followers of the ISKCON religious movement here have appealed to Manmohan Singh and his government to intervene diplomatically to resolve the issue in favour of the Hindu religious text, an important part of Indian epic 'Mahabharat' written by Sage Ved Vyasa. The ISKCON followers of Russia have also written a letter to the Indian Prime Minister's Office in New Delhi seeking immediate intervention, lest the religious freedom of Hindus living here be compromised. 'The case is coming up for a final verdict on Monday in Tomsk court. We want all efforts from Indian government to protect the religious right of Hindus in Russia,' Sadhu Priya Das of ISKCON and a devotee of a 40-year-old Krishna temple in central Moscow, told IANS. The court, which took up the case filed by the state prosecutors, had referred the book to the Tomsk State University for 'an expert' examination Oct 25 this year. But Hindu groups in Russia, particular followers of the ISKCON, say the university was not qualified, as it lacked Indologists. The Hindus had pleaded with the court that the case was inspired by religious bias and intolerance`from a majority religious group in Russia, and have sought that their rights to practice their religious beliefs be upheld. The prosecutor's case also seeks to ban the preaching of Prabhupada and ISKCON's religious beliefs, claiming these were 'extremist' in nature and preached 'hatred' of other religious beliefs. 'They have not just tried to get the Bhagvad Gita banned, but also brand our religious beliefs and preachings as extremist,' Das said. In fact, the ISKCON devotees have taken up the matter with the Indian embassy in Moscow too, apart from writing to the Prime Minister's Office in New Delhi, for an early diplomatic intervention, before things get worse and the court passes an adverse verdict banning the 'Bhagvad Gita' and Krishna consciousness teachings. In the Nov 1 letter, addressed to Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister Pulok Chatterji, ISKCON's New Delhi branch Governing Body Commissioner Gopal Krishna Goswami, said the prosecutor's affidavit claims Lord Krishna 'is evil and not conforming to Christian religious view'. Goswami also urged Singh to accord priority to the matter during his Moscow stay and to take it up with the Russian authorities. Indian diplomatic corps officials at the embassy here, who were unwilling to be named, told IANS that they have been following up the case since the time it was brought to their notice earlier this year and that they had also taken up the matter at the appropriate levels in the Russian government to get the case either withdrawn or get the defence to fight the case to obtain a favourable verdict. Officials at the Indian Prime Minister's office, who are part of the Indian delegation accompanying Singh, confirmed the case and the letter they received from ISKCON in this regard to IANS.

4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Mike, Thanks. That is real apt news here. Coming to Bhagwad Geeta ( in my view ) .......... That is beauty of a philosophical treatise ........ . We can read , reread ,... debate N number of times and still each individual can draw his likes / dislikes of characters portrayed ............still never get tired off IT !! May be they are facing the wrath of their own misinterpretation :) .* every being sees & experiences, What it is supposed to see & experience in that life *. .4 days ago SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah Don't worry Karthikeyan, banning a scripture or any other media will only make it more popular and generate more interest in it. There will be a wave of readers who'll now read Geeta just to check the validity of its extremist nature, followed by analysis which will generate more gyan. 2 days ago Like Prof.SureshUnfollow Prof.Suresh Kumar One should also understand that there are presently a lot of charlatans and show men or god men who misrepresent ,and misinterpret gita and the texts like mahabharatha ,in the name of spirituality and religion and bhakthi cult making it all appear very superstitious and bigotry,blind and nonsensical. The real meanings are not being projected by these ignoramuses who proclaim themselves to be pundits and upholders of ancient knowledge without understanding a wee bit logically and semantically correctly They are the real culprits and scoundrels and not the Russians for such outcomes and actions eventually 2 days ago Like 1

SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah Completely agree with Prof. Suresh Kumar. In modern era of easy language conversion there remains no scope of these Godsmen to tamper with the original works. Its time the original works to be preserved and presented. Otherwise it won't take much time before someone uses it to create another Hindu Taliban with Geeta instead of Quran. 2 days ago Like Follow JV JV Raj Around 2 million Jews wandered for forty years in the wilderness and did not find their way, though the journey could have been over in 11 days. Do The string of comments in response to the question indicate that all of us like who have lsot our way? 2 days ago Like SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah @JV Raj, We're chit chatting our way to the destination in typical boring Indian Rail Journey. Its more fun that way. Anyone got Pickles??? I got some Namkeen... :-D 2 days ago Like Prof.SureshUnfollow Prof.Suresh Kumar Sidharth,true--now it looks more like that-only that the destination is predetermined,as such 2 days ago Like Follow JV JV Raj good one 2 days ago Like SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah and we're all on the same train.... some got upper 'birth' some got side one and some

traveling in first class, some in general.... But the destination is the same. 2 days ago Like Prof.SureshUnfollow Prof.Suresh Kumar Eventually,of course,and that is the evolutionary one,in the longest run,and then purpose and purposelessness coalesce holistically beyond all words and its science and semantics 2 days ago Like SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah Oh yes!!! and everyone has there own purpose of traveling, some for work, some for family, some for wandering, some just boarded the wrong train. Some will travel throughout while some will just get off and board another train. 2 days ago Like Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena Since God is all knowing it can be logically deduced that final destination has been preplanned & everything that is happening is also well planned. If everything is not planned then it would mean God is not aware of the future which would mean God is not all knowing which is not possibly true based on the definition of God. Hence it is obvious that everything is well planned. We can further explore as to why God planned the way they planned --meaning their purpose. If we can find their purpose then our purpose can be deduced. 2 days ago Like Follow JV JV Raj Some will get off the train enroute? Some might catch the wrong train? Different trains, different destinations?? 2 days ago Like Prof.SureshUnfollow Prof.Suresh Kumar When the path is one and narrow and long [where parallels eventually converge] then predeterminism is convergent and all paths lead to rome ,only that immortality is an heavenly essential reference,unlike the mortal mights of yesteryears on earth

2 days ago Like Follow JV JV Raj Do parallels converge? I thpought they dont? 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ...............God is a concept ..............Gods are Travel Agents for all the Journey by all the ' beings & matter ' around the Universe ...........> BTW, I should check whether I have the right Ticket , boarded the right Train and have ...........the ID Card :) .2 days ago Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena If everything is well planned then it can also be deduced that we are just puppets & our job is just to experience since our spiritual growth is also planned. In such a case our purpose seems to be just to experience & wait for final destination. 2 days ago Like Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena @KA, whether you boarded the right or wrong train is immaterial. It is all planned..:-) 2 days ago Like Prof.SureshUnfollow Prof.Suresh Kumar The so called free will is found to be a mirage in he brain since the unconscious is found to predetermine the conscios cognition. Similarly we see a point space with no space having dimensions and parrallellism,and its pathways,from our illusory space-time prspectivity, which is part of the brain based illusion of self and the Kantian

notuions of space time built into our brains as a virtuality. We eventually get out of it to the point beyond the parrallels,and where the whole space-time fabric converges,and towards a measurement -invariant reality which is the ultimate either by scince[quantum,relativistic and neuro] and philosophy[east or west,and psychology[phenomenology or physiol9gy 2 days ago Like Follow JV JV Raj An Interesting idea, God is a concept!!. Alternately, God is Spirit. God is a person, who can be experienced. A vocation is often found at the intersection of a compassionate heart and an overwhelming need around. What does your heart want to do in life's context is one clear way to find direction in life. Often, only be hindsight many have known that their life has fulfilled a purpose..? 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Sanjay S .............. you mean the famous DestinY :) .2 days ago Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena Reminds me of Bell's theorem in quantum physics in which two particles seperated by thousands of kilometer can communicate faster than speed of light which is against the theory of relativity. So possibly in real world space time just converge. It could also mean that we are inside a black hole since spacetime curvature becomes infinite in black hole. So what could be the purpose of God to create such mirage? 2 days ago Like Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena @KA, yes, offcourse the famous Destiny. Whatever happens, happens as per the will of God since they are all powerful. If anything happens against their will then it means that there is something which is more powerful than God which is possibly not true since God is all powerful. Hence

it is can be deduced that everything is planned. 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ..... the most simple one I can think is you play , I play and we all play - inclusive of all gods !! ( more if interested , Do Gods live inside the Black Holes ?! ?! ?! 'We could live inside a supermassive black hole eventually... but super-aliens may have already beaten us to it,' claims Russian cosmologist ) .2 days ago Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena Our playing together with Gods inside a supermassive black hole is a will of God.:-). But it also means that there is other Universe outside the black hole & hence since you have localized God within black hole, there are other Gods in other Universe which is against the definition since there is only one God who is all powerful and they are everywhere. Hence it can be deduced that atleast God should not be living inside black hole or rather they should be in all places simultaneously. It also mean that the black hole in which we live will sooner or later will evaporate completely due to Hawking radiation. 2 days ago Like Follow JV JV Raj Some theories of Physics about the Metaphysical. Interesting, but getting no where? 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .-

Sanjay S That is Your God ............ my God is different , his god is different , her god is different and their god is different ... etc so many, many Gods are out there .......> But one needs to be purposeless & playful to see IT :) .2 days ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan ............How does the driver of the Train ( or even the guard ) knows the Purpose of every passenger traveling in the Train ??? .2 days ago Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena @KA, God is formless. Man give God a form due to their limitation, constraints, characteristics. When you give a form to God they become localized & limited by the boundary of the form created. But that will down grade God. Hence God has to be formless since they are all powerful, knowing and present everywhere. The purpose of Train driver & guard is predetermined. They just drive from A to B. We cannot become purposeless to see IT. The will of God will decide whether we become purposeless & playful to see IT and whether we go nowhere or reach somewhere :) 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .........I do not agree, we can become God ! .2 days ago Follow Sanjay

Sanjay Saxena In that case we need to redefine the definition of God. Perhaps God to you means a highly idealized form of Man. A vision set by Man so that they transform themselves to this ideal form.But still when you define or set a form or vision, the boundaries are set and once Man becomes God they becomes localized. 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .........Escape........... No arguments :) .2 days ago Follow davuloori davuloori bheemeswar Try to do some self realization works or listen to some tatva geethas ( songs with metaphysical aspects full of logic for life's). We are born as humans to live as humans and to see that humans continue to live on this earth in peace, harmony ans serene conditions. 2 days ago Like Follow Mike Mike Rana For those friends who care, the book has been sold 200 copies, most of them in Canada 2 days ago Like Follow Rajesh Rajesh Chopra Lets Keep Things simple; do not get into complex solutions. Inspite of hovering on these issues, facts, why dont we look into something like this Make a gift of your life and lift all mankind by being kind, considerate, forgiving, and compassionate at all times, in all places, and under all conditions, with everyone as well as yourself. This is the greatest gift anyone can give. By: David R. Hawkins Also, lets learn to enjoy & celebrate the struggle part of our life to make the entire life an enjoyable one, each moment a celebration. This is very important as a part (major or minor) of our life goes in struggle whether its career, money,

family, relations, spouse, children. The success part - in all circumstances we are celebrating & enjoying. Once this art of enjoying & celebrating struggles & failures is mastered, the entire life becomes a celebration, an enjoyable one. And believe me. this can be practiced & mastered. We cant allow ourselves, at any cost, to make any part (small or big, this will depend from person to person) of our this valuable life to be sad, a burden, a thing to mourn. Happy Living! 2 days ago Like Follow JOY JOY MUKHERJEA True religion unites, never divides. So... No God, no peace. Hence know God, know peace (and every other query that one have have!). 2 days ago Like Follow Alok Alok Misra there are certain ratios that are baffling,.the ratio between the distance of electron to nucleus and that of sun to earth is the same in multiples between the navel and center of the head.if it is an exact multiple then the man in question would be a saintly figure. recent discoveries in universe has proved this point- life is expected more on such planets which has near about multiples of this ratio from their sun.atleast two such planets have been discovered in two solar systems even though millions or billions of light years away. That means there can be life on other planets ! If we artificially duplicate this we can create life serving planets.But this is not possible in this solar system In order to travel faster than light we need to enter the dark space or the black hole which means extinquish our existance.Time will then collapse meaning we will go back billions of years in effect see the creation.At that point of time we may get the clue to the energy which create life which in my View is the energy that collapses light into dark hole and is a particle whose existance could last for a pico second.I believe it is generated when we leave our body or die.Extreme sensation of spirituality can help us see this- this is part of that we call GodCollectively in Cosmos 2 days ago Like Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah Is this science or magic?

Ninan Mathullah Author: Metamorphosis of an AtheistA life journey to the Truth 2 days ago Like Follow davuloori davuloori bheemeswar It is all maya, a magical bliss that makes us all to feel what we think is right and the ignorance creates all the problems. Whether GOD. whose GOD, is there or not is immaterial first recognize others as humans like one it self. Most of the problems are settled. If one has the right to live even others have the same right, some may be poor some may be wealthy it has nothing to do for life how harmoniously and peacefully people live is the criteria and making the environment serene that's all. No comparisons please that makes the degrees rise up tempers flare up and we are all in trouble which is the present situation. If any body has read carefully the Ramayana Hanuman is a savak of Rama, but god himself becomes slave to the devotee also. But most of the Indian's pray to Hanuman as well Rama. the story tells only one thing be humble with other fellow humans trust and build the faith in each other, any thing can be solved on this earth. Trust and faith comes from culture and culture teaches ethics and moral, ones somebody degrades his or her own culture means they are culture-less. if this so this entire world is full of uncultured people who are defacing the humanism if any thing left on this earth. It is left to individuals whether they wanted to see to that humans are left on this earth or not if they have any humanism left in them. The purpose of the human life is to make humanism stays on this earth for this one should not become slave of satanic forces. If people of the world do recognize what is humanism then every thing is possible to make the life continue on this earth. 2 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Thank you Joy...I agree with you on many things like knowing about something is not the same as knowing it, and to know God/your creator is the ultimate purpose of any life. My only concern is that humans with all our brains and knowledge and intelligence may be moving away from our purpose. Does living in sync with nature is the way to get closer to our creator? Like not killing everything that is not useful to us. Or accepting the fact that how much ever the science progresses nature will always be one step ahead of it because science is not outside the nature but within it. 2 days ago Like Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah Dear Davuloori, I like to get some clarification here. Peace is good. Everybody wants it. Now nations go to war for the

sake of Dharma as Krishna advice Arjuna in Gita. Arjuna lost all courage thinking of killing all those people. He doesnot want to fight for the sake of peace, and if the price to be paid is high he doesnot want to fight for Dharma. Now Krishna is advising why it is necessary to take action. How do you justify that?. If Hitler had won that war many ethnic groups in India would have gone to the Gas Chamber. British, Americans and Russians were ready to sacrifice the life of their children for the sake of the peace we are enjoying now. Gandhiji wholehrartedly supported the British and Indian soldiers were fighting for the British in the Second World War.Now Gita is being banned in Siberia as some consider it extremist view. Regards Ninan Mathullah 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ........ most of the Wars are fought in the name of Gods ..... it is even claimed that it is his instruction , we are just executors of HIS Vision ..... either they were lying or the gods want us to fight with others ..... boils down to the fact it is quite Natural among beings .........................Discover the Purpose through ' Fight or Flight ' .............................. .1 day ago Follow ANAND ANAND B V We are guests who are invited to this earth.There are many levels of existence within and outside our sphere 1 day ago Like Follow JAMES EUGENE JAMES EUGENE BARBUSH I believe that it is all about our relationship with God, not just now as we live, but also in eternity after we leave this life. God wants relationship with us. If we give that to Him, we will find our purpose here now and have a level of understanding about our future.

1 day ago Like Follow jayendra jayendra upadhye James..what does one really do in that "eternity"? One kills someone in a fit of rage, does that mean the poor fellow will roast in hell for "eternity"? Another does nothing useful in life except thump a book or two, turn the rosary a couple of times, harangue crowds on "sin", lives off their money, makes them feel lowly and miserable...will he be in "heaven" for "eternity"? I ask because I am troubled by the concept of "remaining static" for an eternity! (And eternity never ends)!! Is'nt life (even in heaven/hell) all about change? The cave man had his heaven (the happy hunting ground), we of the 21st century have "our own version" of heaven, if the concept itself is changing, what happens to the zillion cavemen souls in their eternal caveman heaven? Do you feel it is worth considering anything "eternal"? (except the primal cause and truth that is). 1 day ago Like Sanjay Saxena What does relationship with God means? If God created us then why does God seek relationship with us? By default God is our parent. Why does God throws puzzles? Why can't they give the purpose straight? Perhaps it is the will of God. 1 day ago Like 1 Follow Gloria Gloria OMarrah The facts are, no one has any. All we have are stories. Stories are made up information. We have more info on dinorsours, bones and stories we make to go with them. 1 day ago Like 1 Follow Rajesh Rajesh Iyer The purpose of life is living. The Universe exists because a higher power(GOD) wills so. Whether there exists life forms similar to us elsewhere in the Universe, time will tell. Do they think like us? Possibly, yes. When you keep things simple, suddenly you find you have all the answers. 1 day ago Like

1 Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena What does it mean "keep things simple"? What things? How Simple? How many people suddenly got all answers? Let's invite them to ILN! 1 day ago Like Prof.SureshUnfollow Prof.Suresh Kumar The answer might comefrom the concepts of ParaBrahman and Brahman in Indian thought,where the two are clearly diferentiated.Brahman is refferred to as Basic Nature with its operations of creation,maintenance and destruction ,as represented by the trinity ,by the interactions of which Prakrithi or nature evolves ,and the phenomenology of illusion or Maya statrts. So Brahman as the source of the natural world has life force embedded in it as its energy principle,and that spiritual energy causes the flux in Brahamn[in sanskrit Brahm denotes flux and change eternally]But ParaBrahman is the beyond, and the potential energy principle that is unchanging and a reference point for all universe and powering Brahan,as source of nature and evolution,by induced energy.ParaBrahman is the spirit in us as the mute witness and not getting involved whwereas our subtle body comes from Prakrithi which is in a flux. So there is a flux and beyond as ONE,at the end state 1 day ago Like Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena How can we verify the concept of ParaBrahman? Different religion/philosophy come out or invent different concepts? How can it be verified? 1 day ago Like Follow Gloria Gloria OMarrah concepts, thoughts, represented by, sources, but no proof 1 day ago Like Prof.SureshUnfollow Prof.Suresh Kumar Of course by objective perception of reality possible through mystic methods[though not widely known and practiced,despite all the hue and cry over

meditation,yoga,pranayama etc]and handed down ages by experienced teachers,and representing the science and socialengineering of spirituality[concept of spirit for self and society] Search u will find out,but have an open mind. Spirituality is physical and practical,not merely psychological and philosophical,as many seem to believe ,in all their `profound` wisdom [or is it ignorance camouflaged] 1 day ago Like Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena If answers are all there then why are we discussing these questions? Why do people who have realized the ultimate unable to give this realization to others? Why are they still unable to help the society? Why do they still weak against the ignorance of the people? 1 day ago Like Prof.SureshUnfollow Prof.Suresh Kumar That is the story of evolution,like that of humans,and we are all moving towards it,at different paces and stages,to reach there eventually,as one matures That is not an overnight story,since nature is more intelligent and powerful than us,though we revel in our pitty ego and its mirages[reflecting in thoguhts of weakness,good and bad,right and wrong,now or then ,here or there] There is no sppon feeding needed,since humans are all equipped to find their way to truth,as they evolve and mature in mind Your time will also come-keep the quest,for now 1 day ago Like Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena So that answers the question about the purpose of Life. It is dependent on the will of God and our destiny. It is like you will not find love if you look at with that objective in mind. Love just is not planned. Planning for love is not love, it is an arrangement. But offcourse there is a possibility of falling in love even after arrangement & possibility of hate even after falling in love. But then it is all destiny. Looking forward for the time to come soon for attaining bliss. 1 day ago Like Follow JV JV Raj Over forty years ago, I discovered the over arching purpose of my life is " encouraging Divine Connections". Though I have done many things, they are some how related to this theme in my life.

1 day ago Like Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena It could be helpful if you can elaborate more on what 'encouraging divine connection' actually means... 1 day ago Like Follow Alok Alok Misra you guys are confused.there is a miniature black hole inside us which has miniscule cosmic energy when we die this converts the light trapped in the black hole to actual light and this stays for some days.this energy can bend global level we call it god. 1 day ago Like Follow davuloori davuloori bheemeswar People fight because of the ignorance and also due influence of others, who make these people to believe that they are okay and lure innocents into this dirty religion politics. But non of them understand the basics of the religions. It is just like this narration between two had Clerk's: 1) I am christian why should I go to my equal rank person and ask the other clerk whether such a OM has been issued or not if not when shall I wait for it 2) You do not honor me as senior clerk, that too I belong to Hindu community and also you feel that you need not discuss with me what is the problem. It is just like right hand and left does not wanted to cooperate each other, then a what a person can do with these people, The other person who is in powerful position can take independent decision on any file after talking with the people and asking them to give proper justification and then move the file along with that. To the affected party I know what is to be done but I am helpless, Another person who was in-charge of the first two says that I have been given such good understanding people, I do not have hands even though i have done good job, nobody cooperates are tries to understand what is required and do it accordingly, I do not have management background as these three people together are eating my brain, MOU's we had with others for which what they agreed upon do not know how to implement, and even do not know how to extend the facilities that are there as per the rules and guidelines of the council or organization. If asked some of the files may miss, no accountability and no responsibility, that too being responsible officers. When they all misinterpreted and misrepresented the religious texts. It is all brains problem and the treatment is only in the mental hospital for all these. 1 day ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .... this is a good one ( Alok Mishra's ) , but still there are many gods ... with advancement in philosophical sciences or science of philosophy we are likely to end up with spectrum of Holes , not only Black Holes .. the moment we say everything is one , then it is just great escape . .1 day ago Follow Sandhya Sandhya Yelavarthy Raju hi dont you think life is already so loving with, so many things & so many reasons to live for & your loved ones. dont you think the beloved ones,the nature, the feelings . the urge to do so much for our loved ones, to love something like god , such a magnificient nature, so gentle, so caring, even if we actually dont see in real. What is all this ?how can we feel somethings even if does not exist in front of the eyes, dont you think the sum total of all the good & bad's we talk so subjectively actually make the sum total of the god. so lovely to feel the sun, the way it paints the sky giving us the taste of how the universe actually is so full life. How much we smile when we meet our loved one & that wow! feeling to feel so small in front of a mountain , yet so proud to feel its enigmatic structure . live in the moment is actually such a bliss. how nice a cup of coffee tastes in the december mornings, & cool lemonade in summer. this is feeling is god. god experiencing through you , Me & all of us. :) oh my god we all love you.:) 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .the logic is simple and look deep it is funny ! no one says ' oh God ' , all or most of us say ' Oh My God ' ........ every one has his/her God , there are many Gods .1 day ago Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena @KA, But everything is made up of One. Atoms...and everything has a single

source...Big Bang ..Since God exists in the Mind of the Beholder...various Gods exists since Mind is not same eventhough the structure of brain is same.Watches can be of different make such as Rolex, Titan etc but they all show Time. Religion is branding of God & you can see Gods in different flavours but all religion talks about God. It is maya afterall. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Sanjay I think you are aware of the chase for God's particles ! Atoms are 19 & 20 Century materials muon, Hibbs ... lot others are 21 century materials Beings with progressive minds have many ..many Gods .1 day ago Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena @KA, I am sure you are aware of String theory which talks of strings of energy which vibrate in different ways due to which we get different kind of particles. Many Gods has defintely progressed towards increasing violence as seen from history to till date 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ...... May be string theory is the culprit trying to unite every one in a single strand ! .1 day ago Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena Forget about string theory....We all look different but we all have same structure & colour of blood is red. Unity in Diversity :-)

1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .That is a good one ' Unity in Diversity ' , .............. conglomeration of Gods :) .1 day ago Follow Nirmal Nirmal Bajwa Freinds, there is no purpose. 1 day ago Like Follow Subash Subash Sivakumaran There are answers to all our questions. It is for us to seek. When we find the answers and understand the true essence, we become enlightened and humble. When it is your time, your question will get answered. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Good friends definitely have no hidden purpose :) .23 hours ago Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @SS God reveals His secrets and mysteries to the humble and they only get enlightened. www. 22 hours ago Like

Follow bipinkumar bipinkumar vagal i feel, once u understand your existance in this universe, your querry will be answered. 21 hours ago Like Follow JAMES EUGENE JAMES EUGENE BARBUSH Hello Jayendra. Good comments and questions. My God says that his people will rule and reign with Him in eternity. Rule and reign over what? Only God knows, but consider the unfathomable size of the universe. It's never ending to us. There will surely be things to do in eternity in God's Kingdom. When comparing how people live in this world, God knows those who are seeking Him. Regardless of one's sins, though we should not consider ourselves free to sin, God will take those with Him who seek Him truly and from the heart, not just the mind. I don't think that conditions in heaven or hell are static. Things are going on, and souls are involved in what is going on, whatever that is, in whatever place. One comment on ETERNITY, a word that is hard to understand here on earth in our time. God lives outside of time. Therefore, everything for Him is NOW, thus no time. That's why He knows the beginning from the end, all that has happened, is happening, and will happen. It is all now. For me, that helps me understand eternity without time. 20 hours ago Like Prof.SureshUnfollow Prof.Suresh Kumar One interesting thing is that,despite all the argumnts and differences,or complexex of all sorts,there is some point in what most of the people comment,and there are many overlaps which point to its universality and connectedness,and hence make it more purposeful,as something to be realised in oneself 15 hours ago Like Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena @KA, Conglomeration of Gods Progressive Minds have many Gods so 6 billion people should have 6 billion Gods..Why just follow or restrict yourself to popular God?...

10 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .......... come on , we cannot have even 6 lakh MPs ! .10 hours ago Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena so what could stop a person from inventing their own God? 10 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Their own mind is suppose be responsible for all discoveries & inventions !! .10 hours ago Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena and you talked about Beings with Progressive Minds!! 9 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .....................Yes :) .9 hours ago Follow Susmita

Susmita Barua Who am I? Who am I not? Our every thought, speech and action defines that. Our purpose is to be love. Recognize and accept many suffering and distress within us and others. See how dukkha arises with clinging or attachment to desire (ideas, people, things and events). See how the pain dissolves slowly by training the mind through meditation to stay fully present here and now with our whole spirit-mind-body. Conquering our greed, anger, pride, hatred, jealousy and delusion brings great peace, joy and freedom. Practicing mindful living as Buddha discovered would unfold our purpose from within and then we put it in practice. Not too tight not too loose, following the middle way of the Noble eightfold path of peace, awakening, knowledge and freedom is what makes Dharma life (life of true purpose) possible in this dark age of corruption and clinging to materialistic values (driven by ego or false-self). Peace 3 hours ago Like 1 Follow pn pn sundaresh purpose of life- to do good karma, Universe exist- to play our part,Everyone knows about existence,but arrogant 1 hour ago Like Follow Uday Uday Pasricha How come finite answers are being sought for what is clearly infinite. if for most of us this is not our last day on earth then lets keep evolving as everything around is doing the same. There is no reason to seek answers as to why something is? because it is yet to complete its evolution. Hopefully none of us believe that we have arrived at some final destination. 1 hour ago Like Follow Uday Uday Pasricha To the non philosophical type, the simple objective in life should be to always add value while we are here. That can go beyond wealth and include love, creation, invention or knowledge. One must be conscious and insure that one leaves behind more than one has taken or consumed. To go beyond that one should read philosophy books.

Indroneil Mukerjee This page has 2300 plus words ... Words that imprison the flow of consciousness ... Words that are creation of man made philosophy ... Let there be silence, pure stillness

For therein lies The Answer. 2 days ago Like

Prof.SureshUnfollow Prof.Suresh Kumar The power of stillness and silence and the sound of internal music that rhyme with the subtle breath and its bugle,with omkara in soul and omniscient mind and body merging in that om as salt in water That is science and spiritual bliss at once 2 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada While it is much easier to be sure of life's purpose at an individual level, what happens to the collective purpose of human kind? Is it a simple summation of individual purposes? If we are kind to our neighbors but hate people of another country what are we contributing to the purpose of human kind? It is much easier when we keep it at the individual level but one feels helpless as even individual life has become difficult to control. You may chose to live in an area based on your purpose of life but the purpose may not be served because of what happens around you. For instance the tribals getting dislocated for various projects, what's happening to their individual lifes' purposes? What is over riding their life's prupose? Or even you and me wanting to live in a corruption free society, whose life's purpose violates our purpose in life? So looking inside oneself is a solution to the external problems or an attempt to escape from the reality? I agree it is much more peaceful when one starts looking inside but my deliberate resistance to it is my fear of becomiing an escapist. 2 days ago Like Follow JP JP Singh 'coz persons like you wanna explore past/future - and don't just vanish, and if vanish then where?! 2 days ago Like Follow Prof Prof Kamalakar Chiranjeevi, I do not think looking inside will lead to escapism or even deviate one from the path of serving the cause of the humanity. On the contrary, such an effort itself will make an individual more sober, peace loving, empathetic, helpful, tolerant and one would have shed greed, selfishness. 2 days ago Like

Prof.SureshUnfollow Prof.Suresh Kumar When and where the inner world coalesces with the outer then and there one has served one`s life purpose 1 day ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada I completely agree with you Prof. Kamalakar and Prof. Suresh and I was thinking of the modern gurus. Unlike the earlier times these Gurus practice the spiritual activities but also are active in worldly affairs. Have times changed? Like earlier times one could separate the pure spiritualists from materialists but now they seem to go hand in hand. In fact spiritualism these days seems to be more for making one's materialistic comforts more enjoyable. 1 day ago Like Follow JV JV Raj In the world but not of the world ??? It is a reality that we live in two realms. The spiritual within us ought to guide us in this material world. The Spiritual is the compass and the material is the geography of this world. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Wow ..... that is how the world was colonized :) .1 day ago Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah Dear All If you have time please read the article, 'Sin of Omission and Commission- A call to Action' posted on my blog, Tried to bring the material and spiritual together using Gita and Krishna's wordsto Arjuna to explain the purpose of life. 1 day ago Like

Follow JV JV Raj Doubt your doubts,believe your beliefs,do not doubt your beliefs and believe your doubts? 1 day ago Like 1 Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah JV Raj, If I believe or not believe will not change the Truth 1 day ago Like Follow JV JV Raj He who believes,will see an ocean in a drop. But,he who does not, will not see a drop even in an ocean 1 day ago Like Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah Belief is good. We need to make sure what we believe is the Truth also, and not just wild imagination or illusion. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .That is quite a large logic , ...................Doubts & Beliefs !! Should someone believe or doubt this ...........> "" Our species might have also hybridized with a now-extinct lineage of humanity before leaving Africa, according to findings this year from Hammer and his colleagues. Approximately 2 percent of contemporary African DNA might have come from a lineage that first diverged from the ancestors of modern humans about 700,000 years ago. For context, the Neanderthal lineage diverged from ours within the past 500,000 years, while the first signs of anatomically modern human features emerged only about 200,000 years ago."" .1 day ago Follow JV JV Raj All information is not knowledge. All knowledge is not wisdom. All wisdom is not truth. It is Truth that sets us free. The Hebrews acknowledge that Truth is experiential. Belief is the way to experience. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ........................The natural Purpose of Mankind is to become God ................... Precise comprehension of a role of mankind in the Nature, - is extremely important for the natural purpose of the purpose of its existence for a correct choice of the general direction of movement of a society. The god as an able essence is not that other as higher Reason (Supreme Mind). He will be created by scientific and technical progress. The mankind already became the God (the Supreme Mind, Reason) in our Solar System and the Nature has given mankind an opportunity to participate in Great Space Race of Reasons to become the God of our Milky Way Galaxy, and then it is possible also the God of the Universe in the form of Great Reason. The mankind should soon realize the applicability of this concept; this great natural purpose and the opportunity given to him/her and to do everything, to borrow (occupy) leading position, to not appear in slavery at higher civilizations, and even to disappear from the Universe. In this race mankind can hope only on itself. The only means of victory is our own scientific and technical progress and knowledge of the world environmental about us. Dr.Sci. Alexander A. Bolonkin, July, 2005. USA. .1 day ago

karthikeyan arumugathandavan ...............there are many such simple & exciting Purposes. Hydro Train .1 day ago Follow Indroneil Indroneil Mukerjee WHAT IS YOUR LIFES PURPOSE Myths & Mis-beliefs The key to human transformation is to get a failry accurate sense of purpose and be able to live it, consciously. However, it is ironical that though your lifes purpose, consciously or unconsciously, is at work every moment of your existence, you rarely have an accurate sensing what it really is. It is not you who is entirely responsible for this ignorance. It is primarily some of the social constructs built around the meaning of lifes purpose the myths and mis-beliefs - that is somewhere leading you astray. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .beings blood group can not be changed , that is what many people believe ...........!! .23 hours ago Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah To belive what @ka said without verifying it for yourself takes more faith than the faith to believe that God created man.

21 hours ago Like Follow JV JV Raj Truth can be explored, experimented and experienced. The key requirements are an open mind and an open heart. If one is so full of oneself, ones ideas, how can any exploration take place? It's often the simple minded that encounter the truth. The profound are often lost in their profundity. 20 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Exactly, one previous comment ..* few liters or one bucket full of knowledge from Niagara ( BK G ) "" What is the purpose of life? Every living being is programmed to grow, learn while growing, mature, realise the potential in totality and live a full life till death. Distortions are caused by societal interference, misleading advice by fellow beings and wastage of substantial time in unwarranted pursuits........... "" .20 hours ago Follow JV JV Raj Purpose of life can be like the emergency exit in an airplane, just behind you, while you scamper all around looking for it? 15 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .True, when life's purpose is dictated by external environment that is what happens In Europe, migration history repeats itself Back in the days of empire have-nots used to head out to the colonies. Guess what? They are doing it again. Although the colonies are now independent, prosperous nations

.15 hours ago Prof.SureshUnfollow Prof.Suresh Kumar The species as predecessors to us attained bipedal motion by over 4 million years aga[Ma] and the energetics helped to evolve to the more modern species of H.Sapiens around 2.5Ma,when human brain coevolved with techno-culture,as reflected in the oldowan and later tool kit.This was accompanied by a proces of evolution of brain and capacity of cognition,based on glial scaffolding and its cellular computation capacity in addition to growing neurons and axonal growth.This process of encephalisation caused an almost 3 fold increase in brain capacity and cranial space from 2.5Ma to 0.25Ma when we developed the potential for further advancements from stone age to apace age,through developed capabilties in brain. Language,grammar,semanticc and symbolic stuctres evolved around .25Ma as an internalisation of information envoronment,and its knowledge components and embodiments in society. Social learning played a great role in this process of encephalisation. Hence there are theories that a further spurt is possible thru glial scaffolding and its information entropy function in brain based on the external envoronment of social networking and its interactioanl space of semantics and symbols 12 hours ago Like Follow Mike Mike Rana My views are elaborated in my blog. I provide a link since the text is long for insertion here. 12 hours ago Like Follow davuloori davuloori bheemeswar It is the positive attitude and aptitude that only can make to make this world a good home for all the humans to live, by shedding the differences on the basis of religion or region or race or cast or sub-cast white color or black color. Most of the political parties projecting mediocre people or other wise putting somebody from elated family and then through coterie controlling the government makes the problems. Most of these persons getting elected have been misleading the people and over exploiting their feelings and beliefs of trust and faith. 11 hours ago Like

Follow Manix Manix M Hiii Chiranjeevi, Here are my two nickels: There may be a Desire To Be a single, universal principle that motivates every living organism to conform to the predispositions determined by its body. An organisms every desire is a manifestation of its desire to be. An Apple is an Apple because it desires to be so. An apples physiology is consistent with its desires, and it will seek out those experiences that are consistent with its apple-like form, and which will predispose it to behave in a apple-like manner. Its a choice of its own organisms. The moment its organisms deicde to depart or think that there are no more surprises being an apple, then it starts disintegrating and gets rotten and die. To put in otherwords, it may be the choice or the desire of the organisms to be organized as an apple and it may be the choice of the same organism to disintegrate and die. This may be applicable to anything from apple to orange, to companies, to buildings, to human beings, to any structures be it living, non-living organisms. So we may see everything as the manifestations of choices. The principle of Desire To Be may be the single seed from which the beam of energy chooses to get organized in a mind-body combination and hits and refracts through the bodies of various organisms and reflect like multitudes of choices through different forms, norms, shapes, consicous or sub-consicous or super-consicous media. This is what Adhi Sankara the great sage of Hindu religion mentioned as "Aadhi Kaamam" (The first desire). The journey of each choice returns back as conseqeunce. Each choice can become its consequence. Its like the two ends of a same stick. As a Zen goes, Every stick has two ends. So every choice has an equal but opposite consequence. As each choice diverges from the single Desire To Be seed, it also returns back as consequence that converges back to the same point as Satisfaction to the seed of Desire To Be node. This is like the closure of an electrical circuit. It starts and ends at the same node. Its a Zero-Sum-Game. Rest are all the the manifestations of the same energy in the form of choices and consequences. So, maybe, may be, both life and death are our choices in conscious or unconscious domains. And may be people who quit life is one such manifestation of choice of the same energy from that Desire-To-Be and it in the form of them chose to make a neat or nasty exit based on their choices. Or my mother may be, may be, yet another manifestation of such energy who recently died due to a silent heart-attack chose her death unconsciously. May be, or May be not it was the choice of her. :) Trred of reading? Choice is yours Chiranjeevi. :) Regards, Manix. 6 hours ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R "What is the purpose of life on earth? Why does the universe exist? Does anyone or anything else knows about existence other than us?"

-One has to define the purpose of his or her existence. "Existence" is not life! But "Living Beings exist"! -The fact that the universe exists is enough. Does anyone wish that he or she is not born at all? -What difference does that make? Why not make the best of what you do? For heavens sake let us stop these useless speculations and get down to business. This topic reeks of highly pessimistic cynicism. 6 hours ago Like Follow JV JV Raj Life on earth is an adventure of Faith, of Hope and of Love. 5 hours ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada I am writing to clarify that these questions don't come out of pessimism or depression and this fact is substantiated by the responses so far we have seen in this context. No one has said that life has no purpose or sorry that they are born not knowing what their purpose in life is. The thoughts and ideas shared here reflect the fact that most of us consciously or sub-consciously at one point or the other have thought about these questions. The question is why? Is it because so many people are not happy about the way their life is, no, it is because it is like pausing in this ever busy life to see where we are, where we are headed to and why? Some have chosen the spiritual way, the others the scientific. Many have shared their own ideas. But everyone is aware that there is no unique answer to these questions. That is why these discussions are continuing. Otherwise, if this is a cult group, it would have headed for a very expected outcome. 5 hours ago Unlike 1 Follow JV JV Raj Be encouraged. This is a very vital question that must be asked by every one. 4 hours ago Like Follow Ninan

Ninan Mathullah It is very important that we have the conviction of the tuth about life. All our priorities in life revolve around this conviction. Read Mike Rana's posts. There are many Truth claims out there by different religions. All these Truth claims are not fully right though there are threads of Truth in all religions. Of all the Truth claims, only one is true. It is my job to find the Truth from acquired knowledge, experiences and revelations to come to a conviction as to what the Truth is. Still it is a faith and can be different from the reality in some cases. When Rana say that Monotheistic religions has to explain God clearly, no religion can do that. Our knowledge of God is limited to what is revealed to us by God through His prophets of different religions. If God choose not to reveal certain aspects of it, there is no way to search for it. Over the years some of these revelations from God got corrupted and man made theories creeped in to Divine revelations. That is how we end up with many theories like Dualism, Advaita etc. Truth can be only one, not both. Ninan Mathullah Author: Metamorphosis of an AtheistA life journey to the Truth 4 hours ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Very few of the responses hitherto signify belief in anything at all, either themselves or in the higher being! Whether "spiritual" or "scientific" , "happiness" is the relative frame of mind. If people start questioning the very basis of their life there is no point in talking of "God" or "rationalism". Nobody solves any problem without even "attempting"! "Brighuvalli" in Taitreya Upanishad says eternal "bliss" is Brahman. Nobody can wail his or her way to the so called eternal "bliss"! I am sorry Chiranjeevi, I will never agree with you. I am a retired person past 60! 4 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ... Those are assumptions, faiths and beliefs ........ there are many Truths ! ........................ even every individual may hang on to a single truth of his own and no Truth can deny that

Fact / Truth .............> .. 4 hours ago Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @KA Generally people get carried away by their own self importance and fail to perceive reality. Or, if you are a Democrat and if I do not like you I am a Republican, even if I do not know the difference in their ideologies. People do not see things objectively always, especially when they get emotional. I grew up in India for 30 years and I am proud of my heritage and in being an Indian. At the same time I grew up in a hut with cow dung floor and thatched roof with coconut leaves. The prosperity I enjoy now is the result of the education I received that was implemented in India by the British. All the developments and prosperity we see in India now can be traced to the after effect of the British rule. Though British came to India for other reasons, God turned it around for our benefit. The watch I have, the shirt I wear and even the pen, pencil and paper and the language I am writing is the contributions of the British. I wish we have a birds eye view of things rather than a narrow sectarian view 4 hours ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R If someone has to be "convinced" of "truth" and if there are "many versions" of "truth", there is no absolute "truth" at all!. Even "Philosophies" while talking of "truth" attempt "deriving" "Truth". "Montheism" in the Semitic sense means just "faith". "Advaita" means that you and god are the same and it is upto you to realize that either by deduction or induction. Choose what you want. One lives the best if he or she lives every moment of it without any reservations or intent to hurt others. Let us "DO" it instead of "TALKING BOUT DOING IT"! 4 hours ago Like Follow Mike Mike Rana Ninan, I apologies, I do not participate in discussions on this forum. Thanks for commenting on the contents of the blog 4 hours ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Ninan ..... appreciate your thoughts on narrow sectarian view and thatched roofs :) .4 hours ago Follow Shobhita Shobhita Rawal @Ninan, you are writing Contributions of British and this is why u are viewing everything from that myopic /limited prespective.To my amusement ,u think all scientific development and other development,prosperity is result British rule..............think again .i think lot development that took place in the country is after Brits left.besides if you read any ancient religious scriptures/book viz...Vedas,Bhagvat Gita and Upanishads u will lot scientic /logical was far much developed India,famous aryabhatt , kautilya's arthashashtra ---------all this has nothing to do with British rule 4 hours ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Leadership is also about knowing and including the big picture. Why do organizations think about their purpose. They just don't let the individual purposes to determine the organization's purpose. Moreover, they keep reconsidering their purpose in line with what they have learnt over time. I assume the same applies for individuals. We need to also sometimes think about the big picture though it looks quite incomprehensible, and realize that we are part of a scheme. Many of the developmental questions need to be answered in the context of purpose of life on earth, increasingly so because the geographical borders are vanishing. 4 hours ago Like Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah I view God as the author of history and His fingers write history. Ancient Babylonian Persian, Greek, Roman empires and the empires that came after and even British empire gave way to another not by just chance but the finger of God writing history. Things are evolving and British rule had its place in the process. 4 hours ago Like

Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Before the British India was the country which everyone was eager to find a route. As per Megashtenis and other "phoren" historians India was the richest country till the 14th 15 th century AD, irrespective of what the hoards of colonial apologists think. The fact is now we are far away from that position. What we should do about it rather than showering encomiums on the British. Past is Past. Living in the metaphorical thatched hut is far better than living in a glass house! But what all this unrelated speculation has got to do with the discussion topic? 3 hours ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan ..........the purpose of life is then ............. rule or be ruled by someone or something or ........ to surrender one's mind to something or ..... That is again a good stand and it is still better & wise to make sure before the surrender :) .3 hours ago Follow Bal Krishna Bal Krishna Gupta Ninan, For your information, God does not write history, He creates it-continually and eternally. 3 hours ago Like

1 Follow Bal Krishna Bal Krishna Gupta .. and how are only the British the purpose of life? 3 hours ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada The truth is that everyone has a "Truth' that gives her/him comfort. I believe in God because I need that belief to be happy and feel protected. If someone challenges that 'truth' I feel uncomfortable. There are stronger people who are comforted in their belief in their own self. Same with religion also. When we challenge a religion we are threatening the comfort zone of the people who follow that religion. Mohan sir, I am not too far behind you and I completely respect your thoughts as well as quite happy to continue with our differences of opinion if any. 3 hours ago Like Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah Agree with Mohanakrishnan here. There was a time when IIndia was held with high esteeem and Europeans were trying for easy access to India. I do not know the difference between create history and write history To me God gave evey culture a time and place in history to rise, reach its pinnacle, decline and set. The Jewish people were slaves in Egypt for 400 years. The present time is the time assigned to a certain culture to impose its will on others. Those who do not know this truth blame and point fingers etc. Nothing stays the same for ever. 3 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .""The present time is the time assigned to a certain culture to impose its will on others."" This is definitely most broad mind , equivalent to a much touted 100GB broadband :) .3 hours ago

Follow davuloori davuloori bheemeswar That god is inside you and you all just invoke it, it your brains that could not get that vision, who prevented you to not have that, it is your own ignorance and reading all misleading and misinterpreted history. All of you are capable of making history by standing on righteous and virtuous path and not on the crooked path of selfish people. The purpose of the life is to live as humans for humans. The nature takes care of other things, live true to your heart and mind that is enough. 3 hours ago Like Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah Thanks Chiranjeevi for the comment. I need to be more careful when I talk about another person's religion It is natural that we hurt another person with our speech and others hurt us also. If the end result will lead to the truth and thus more peace and joy as you said, the hurt is justified. We are all through a journey here. Those who know the destination and the best route to reach that destination, it is their duty to direct others, help others when they wander about not knowing the destination or when they follow a route, with difficulties in that route in leading to the destination comfortably. A route that had worked in the past need not work in the present as its principles may not be applicable the same way in the changed situation of the present time. 3 hours ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R The purpose of life is to make ourselves and the others around us "happy", whether through "faith" or through "intelligence", without any expectations of "reward" from anybody including "GOD". No amount of "speculation" can do this. What we need is purposeful action!. Why bother about what is "truth" and enter into endless arguments. Do not challenge anybody while not trying to impose ones own "faith" on the others. Universal welfare hinges on empathy, vicariousness and a sense of participation in "this world". Leave GOD and religions alone. They serve their own purpose, which we are not discussing now in the sense the question has been phrased. If wheels of fortune change why attach undue importance to it? Are we not better of thinking of ways to mind the present? What You say is not the 100GB broad band. It is just brass band! Let us not presume that we are so great to "direct" others. Leave people on their own. They will find their own path! 2 hours ago Like

Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah We can't leave religion alone as religion is part of life. To an Atheist that is his religion. Mohanachandran, do you apply the same principle at your home to leave your children to do what they please? 2 hours ago Like SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah 'FU(k Theory' doesn't offend any religion :-). It won't boggle your brain to nuts, has pleasure and purpose both. Not even prayers to god and Alms to poor comes close to this Holistic Purpose of Life. And considering our population figures, most widely accepted and practiced too. 2 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ." This topic reeks of highly pessimistic cynicism. " some other A, B, C ,D ,E .... theory or the Kids merry go round , Hydro Train should be entertaining ..........> .2 hours ago SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah Thanks Karthikeyan, I missed the "Entertainment" value of the theory ;-) And yes kids really don't have a purpose in life apart from being HAPPY. 2 hours ago Like Follow Satya Narayana Satya Narayana Palukuru yes . Recently I read a news of existence of one more earth some 600 light yrs

away.. 1 hour ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Very much True . here is a past comment and an interesting article ...................It is not only a multipolar world it is a Universe of multiple Universes . I think that is what is mythological / metaphysical / religious studies of this sub-continent point to ........... _________________________________ The Pluralistic Universe ---- by Nathan Schneider Science has a handle on the age of the universe. Now multiverse theorists are asking a vexing question: Which one? One universe is baffling enough. What little we know is that its composed of tiny blips of light in a cloud of black holes, dark matter, and dark energy, which are in turn describable only through the tunnel vision of quantum indeterminacy and chronic uncertainty. Not to mention the matter of where everything came from and what it ultimately means. But even this may not be all. As scientists work to understand the cosmos we inhabit, some have come to suspect it might be only one among many. .......................................................................................................................... Without the benefit of empirical data, guided by imagination and a body of carefully wrought mathematics, thinking about a multiverse inevitably challenges scientists, theologians, and laypeople to ask what far-fetched possibilities they are willing to entertain. Which can you stand, at least long enough to work out its implications: that you are a program on some aliens computer, the creature of an intelligent designer beyond space and time, or a quitter in the search for a theory of everything? Or that, perhaps, youll never know? .1 hour ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Contrary to what Mr.Ninan believes I am extremely religious in my own way and so are my "children". My "religion" says that happy people are worth millions of theological or abstract concepts!

My "Children" are no longer "children" but adults in responsible jobs in reputed international organizations! But what "religion" has got to with what I have said in this discussion? Even "merry go rounds" are better than constantly bemoaning what we do not have and speaking of the "Ultimate" stuff which has so far remained an elusive Chimera! 1 hour ago Like Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah It is elusive to some not to all. Certainly it is not elusive to me. I know what I belive based on my knowledge, experience and revelations. It is not any abstract thought to me as Mohanakrishnan think. All my life priorities are based on it. The discussion forum here is for those who are keen to find the truth. A person has every right to belive whatever he or she want to belive. Nobody force anything on anybody here, though in our home we force our children the way we want them to be due to a concern for them. If some feel that concern not just to their family alone but to the larger humanity, that person is more broadminded as Gurus in society. All religion have such Gurus. I am free to listen to all and choose what I want to believe. It is good to use professional manners here and avoid profane words and ridicule. When a person is emotional, can't think objectively and then resort to ridicule. 1 hour ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada This is the problem...everyone wants to guide. Everyone wants to be a leader. And the current philosophy is that everyone is capable of doing and being everything. What's wrong in being less able. Everyone can become fair, can become beautiful, become what not. There has to be a limit and everyone and everything has a limit. That's the beauty of being on this earth. Finiteness. Knowing and accepting limits. Problems come when man wants to believe that he can be god. To me life's beauty lies in the fact that there is something beyond me. I am not all capable. There is a chance factor, there is something called luck, surprise or sometimes shock to remind us the times we have been lucky. Sidharth, I have only one last thing to say on your theory about purpose of life, nothing in this world is permanent. There is an end to this purpose also. The question is then what? No life? or no purpose? 52 minutes ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Dear Ninan, the virtual world is as complicated as the real world. You get all

types of responses. You just deal with it the way we deal with them in the real world. Regarding revelations, I have my own revelations and I follow my Guru. Now the question is how come you have revelations from a different source and I have revelations from another source and someone else has revelations from some other source. The answer to this puzzle lies in the fact that the source is one, whether inside us, outside us, i.e in others, or in some external force or God or whatever. Otherwise, if your god or guru is the only real one then my god or guru shouldn't work. But it works. Not only that, if I pray to your god with all belief it still works. So, the need is to really know where is that real source? Not to know how many forms it can take. This has already been proved by the life forms that there is really no limit to the number of forms, shapes, colors etc., life can take. The question we are all trying to address here is to know what or where is this source which is running this world. 42 minutes ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ..................Purpose before or after Life ? .. That will definitely be roller coaster ride to Mars and back :) Asian space race is heating up, US policy expert warns Increasing competitiveness fuels worry of regional tensions and risk of military conflict .42 minutes ago Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah what will happen if you follow a blind person who doesn't know where he is going? 39 minutes ago Like Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah Appreciate the objectivity in Chiranjeevi's response. To find the truth if I do not know, then I need to have a desire to know and ask questions, instead of making statements. Without the desire to know, there is no way to learn.

God is only one, even if I think as my God and your God. God has revealed through religion, to his children, how to lead their life. This revelation has cultural differences. God has sent to all cultures, Prophets, with his messages as to how to lead a productive life. The basic principles are the same- love, peace, well being of everybody, the foundations of God's principles irrespective of culture. Your revelation may not be the same as mine. It is quite possible. You will be judged or rewarded based on your knowledge and revelation only. There are higher levels of revelations. Your eligibility to know that is based on your desire to know and how qualified you are to get that revelation. God reveal these revelations to the humble in spirit. God doen't reveal anything to the proud or the one with the attitude that he or she knows everything. 21 minutes ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ...........there are many Gods and which god said this or asked to convey this ??? ""The present time is the time assigned to a certain culture to impose its will on others."" ...................*...that will be a sure roller coaster ride to Mars as there will be no place in this Earth for the rest of the cultures ...*............. .................Purpose before or after Life ? .12 minutes ago SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah Good Question Chiranjeevi, when its no more a purpose.... Well a Man (male) remains active throughout his life (examples Maderna and ND Tiwari) while a woman has to nurture the results of the purpose i.e. raise kids. Woman's body depletes/weakens with each child she conceives so nature/ god/ evolution put a limit to her purpose of life which changes over time.... A man (in all life forms) has to work on his appearance and collect/ capture maximum resources, maintain his health to find best opportunity of attracting opposite sex. While females have to be appealing (look good and healthy) to attract best genes to transfer to next generation.

BEcause of stiff competition and genetic betterment, in the whole Fu(k business the monkeys/ apes evolved with better brains and bodies to collect most resources and better life for better Partners. And there we're standing after millions of years of evolution with smarter minds better bodies and safe food/ shelter/ resources for the Same FU(k ing reason and thinking what the purpose of our life is, when the reason we exist is the whole PURPOSE of life... 4 minutes ago Like Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena And there is also height of hypocrisy. There are people who sometimes talks about God as concept then talk about God as IT as if IT is only one & one should discover IT and then they talk about several GOD as a bad idea then they also talk about being with progressive mind have several God. Purpose of life is to ....

Siddharth Shah @Sanjay ji, Purpose can sometimes get lost during ctrl C and ^V ;-) 2 days ago Like 1 Follow JV JV Raj Some three decades ago, travelling in Rural Gujarat, I met an elderly farmer. Sipping a cup of tea on his farm, I asked him: what is the most important need in life. After a while, he said, thoughtfully, Freedom. Though he never went to school, he knew some thing I life. On the same trip, stayed with another elderly man in Rajasthan. He was a freedom fighter. He had left every thing in the now Pakistan to come to live in Ajmer. He was a noble man. When the Government offered him land, he refused to accept it saying what about others who came with me? To the same question, he answered, Forgiveness. Our questions often spring from where we come from and the cumulative experiences in life. 1 day ago Like Follow davuloori davuloori bheemeswar If one more earth is there in the universe can we reach there and live, or shall we live on this earth by making more volatile atmosphere. Better we try live with what we have and make this earth worth while for coming generations. Let them find methods to reach those earths by making better space shuttles which can traverse the distance with in the life span of humans. A bird in hand worth

two, why to beet around the bush. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Being's need to migrate cannot be avoided , and research is competitive around that to the outer space !! A new game of "Solar System Monopoly" is under way, and the United States is losing, commercial space entrepreneur Robert Bigelow . The first prize, ownership of the moon, is up for grabs, and China will likely snag it, Bigelow said here at the 2011 International Symposium for Personal and Commercial Spaceflight. .1 day ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Blind persons also know where they are going and they may have better focus than people with vision because they don't get distracted. How many blind die in accidents? Besides, those with vision make way for the blind. 1 day ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Many stories tell us that those who have strayed away from God had the luck of seeing him much more easily. So which way one choses is one's own Samskara but God won't discriminate among his children. 1 day ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada That is so true JV....context matters the most. Truth therefore cannot be taken out of context. Context is an amazing concept and no one knows how many dimensions a context can have. And each individual operates from her/his context. The whole purpose of communication is to understand the context. Unfortunately, words come before understanding the context. Since it may not be possible to know others' context, being aware of one's own context makes a communication less aggressive I guess.

1 day ago Like Follow davuloori davuloori bheemeswar The present logistics do not permit us to go there to so far. But we can build a space home some where but for how many days and how many people. To my knowledge only complex conjugate of can go there much faster than the space crafts, but can one leave the present body like that physically present here on this earth. Forget all those dreams and try live with more purposeful life by making this earths environment better for everybody called humans as well as for other lives. 1 day ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Sidharth I see traces of Darwin's theory of evolution in your argument. Do you also accept the survival of the fittest axiom. Sanjay, I guess there is also something called style of communication. Hypocrisy is a much abused word. One has the right to be inconsistent or appear to be inconsistent. Each of us in this forum is playing a role knowingly or unknowingly. Its much more fun to see how each one of us is different. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .' Forget all those dreams ' ....??? What is purpose with out imagination , creativity .................:) .1 day ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Ms.Chiranjeevi seems to think that if someone thinks that one is God then he or she is committing an unpardonable sin. In fact two of the three most widely followed schools of monotheistic Hinduism seem to emphasize that either every being is GOD or part of GOD. These interpretations are not prescriptive in the sense of THE GOD and THE MESSENGERS. Unfortunately what most modern Gurus say is contrary to what the great Hindu Gurus preached. According to the great gurus, on a conceptual plane GOD (And NOT THE GOD) is the only reality whetehr one seeks such reality or not. I hope Sankara and Ramanuja are not "Sinners" in the eyes of Ms.Chiranjeevi and Mr.Ninan.

All the same all of them prescribe correcting the course of Karma through "action". That is what Buddha preached. In fact he decried all spiritual speculations and emphasized the power of correct action through the eight fold path he advocated. No amount of spiritual speculation can ever be a substitute for correct actions for which the guidance of "GOD" is said to be "guaranteed". It is just enough you do everything necessary and GOD will take care of the rest. Whether one believes in these thoughts or not is left to himself or herself. But at least one should have the mental latitude to admit that people who think this way are not "aimless" fools. 1 day ago Like Follow JV JV Raj Who shall ascend to the presence of the Almighty? He that has a pure heart and clean hands.. Good actions are like good sweets. But hands that offer them could be sore with leprosy. Good life must precede good actions. Man looks at the outward, God looks at the heart. 1 day ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Sir, Mohankrishnan...I want to submit that there is a slight difference between thinking that I am God and believing that there is God in every being (may be everything also.) Moreover, what I am critical about is imitating God, mainly in the scientific arena, not in the spiritual arena. I think it is more like challenging God than being God. The origin of the question of purpose of life lies in my bewilderment about us human beings thinking that we are learning from our mistakes but committing blunders. I have talked in my other comments about how we are moving away from the purpose of life. Many of the responses here point out that purpose of life is very simple but look at the ingenuity of us human beings how complicated we have made it. 1 day ago Unlike 1 Prof.SureshUnfollow Prof.Suresh Kumar Self realisation is verily God consciousness,to know that you are really the omniscient,and omnipotent,immortal and immutable spirit[and not the body]is the highest knowledge,science or philosophy-and that is the essence of spirituality and its universal psyche as god consciousness We develop many subtle bvisions,and powers in the process,and we learn to leverage through

nature,since we are one with Brahman,as nature and beyond,as the spirit of our being,in unison with ParaBrahman. That is the essence of life and Indian metaphysical thought. That is what Induism,as the establishemnt of the pure mind as Indu[moon-the meatphor for mind in many religions]in oneself seeks to convey as the prime dharma 1 day ago Like Follow JV JV Raj Where have you come from? Where are you going? Our history has a bearing on our destiny. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .We came from the Void and going to go back in to the Void , ................................................................................let us fill our present presence !! .1 day ago Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena @Chiranjeevi says Sanjay, I guess there is also something called style of communication. Hypocrisy is a much abused word. One has the right to be inconsistent or appear to be inconsistent. Each of us in this forum is playing a role knowingly or unknowingly. Its much more fun to see how each one of us is different. In another message Many of the responses here point out that purpose of life is very simple but look at the ingenuity of us human beings how complicated we have made it. You see people have the right to be inconsistent as well as make things complicated & move away from the purpose. One should not crib about it. 1 day ago Like Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena How can we fill our present presence which itself is void? What makes you think we came from Void? Big Bang theory -- it is questionable...Religious scriptures --need verification then. People can say that aliens have dumped us in Earth. How can you proove that this is wrong & only your

idea is right? 1 day ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Whether aliens dumped us here or we ourselves came from the void, the purposes need not be different. It could be to go back to where we came from or stay here and enjoy if we like it here. 1 day ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada You are right should not crib...but could one feel and express helplessness...and state that the situation is so... 1 day ago Like Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena Each of us in this forum is playing a role knowingly or unknowingly. Its much more fun to see how each one of us is different. Enjoy the fun....why feel & express helplessness & state that the situation is so.... Since we do not know whether aliens dumped us or we came from Void it implies that we do not know the purpose. Aliens will not accept us back anyways...and Void must be boring ..why not enjoy and have fun... 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .We did not come from the Void and not going to go back in to the Void , ...............................................let us not fill our past & future absence ! .1 day ago Follow Sanjay

Sanjay Saxena What makes you think we have not come from Void? Prove it ! Using your own style of communication. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .We came from the Void and not going to go back in to the Void , ....................................let us not fill our past & future absence ! .1 day ago Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena Same question, What makes you think we came from void & will not go back to Void? Prove it! 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .We came from the Void and going to go back in to the Void , ................................................................................let us fill our present presence !! ."" How can we fill our present presence which itself is void? What makes you think we came from Void? Big Bang theory -- it is questionable...Religious scriptures --need verification then. People can say that aliens have dumped us in Earth. How can you proove that this is wrong & only your idea is right?"" .We came from the Void and not going to go back in to the Void , ....................................let us not fill our past & future absence ! ."" What makes you think we have not come from Void? Prove it ! Using your own style of communication. ""

.We did not come from the Void and not going to go back in to the Void , ...............................................let us not fill our past & future absence ! .-

"" What makes you think we have not come from Void? Prove it ! Using your own style of communication. ""

.We came from the Void and going to go back in to the Void , ................................................................................let us fill our present presence !! .End . 1 day ago Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena Sorry you have not proven it!. BTW Aliens have dumped us! Earth is a dumping ground! Since Aliens have dumped us we are not coming from Void. End 1 day ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada May be both are correct...we have come from void and Aliens actually live there and they dumped us here because they know we are better off here...I can prove that we are better off on earth than in void because otherwise we wouldn't have been here for so long. 1 day ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan

Mohanakrishnan R Hindu belief says that every being is part of an indivisible system that has no beginning or no end. Hence we are infinite and we shall remain infinite for ever. "Dust thou are to dust thou returnst" is Semitic (Juda, Christian and Islamic) belief. Sanjay Saxena: Taking a convenient stand! Unless you say something there is nothing to prove or disprove. What do you say? Where from we came and where we will go! It does not matter where from one came and where one goes. As long as he is here let him do some good, in the manner he thinks! Ms.Chiranjeevi: As a Hindu, I believe that every one should contest god and become god. If any entity feels challenged by anything, that entity is no GOD! There is no Lucifer and Archangel in Hindu faith! Better try to understand one faith properly before trying to confuse yourself with everything! 1 day ago Like Follow davuloori davuloori bheemeswar Probably to become a fool among other fools, idiot among other idiots, stupid among other stupids, now it is left with who is the biggest fool or idiot or stupid. We came from nothing, and we are nothing, but if do some thing using our brains unlike what I said above, we create a void behind us, which has to be filled by the next generations, we have to train then not to be stupid or fool or idiot. Whether alien there or not or god is there or not are not the criteria. But there is a big void due to cultural over lap and also there are big gaps that have to be filled in the science, which can not explain all, what people can do even without food etc for many days, but how could some are still healthy even after crossing the half barrier of the age. How we can get rid of this slavery by the humans to other humans. Can we feed all the people with food and healthy atmosphere. Take your own topic and try to be more purposeful to your life and also lead others lives. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .The University cannot afford to talk about Void & Aliens :) What's Hot in Human Origins Check out the latest human origins discoveries and research findings! This is where we post hot-off-thepresses news in human origins. We read the original articles and summarize them in a clear, understandable way so you can keep up to date on all findings in this vibrant field of science. September 8, 2011 A New Ancestor for Us All? South African skeletons point to the origin of the genus Homo .1 day ago Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena @Mohankrishnan, That's exactly what I said to chiranjeevi a few comments above... Enjoy the fun...till the time we are here... 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Looks like either the mountain is lifted and shifted from Africa or the story along with the migrating people !! Meru history incorporates aspects of Meru mythology and spans about three centuries. .1 day ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan .With advancements in electronic gadgets .. - like wearable blood sugar / glucose , ECG monitors ..- it can be thought of for a wearable stupidity / foolishness level monitor too :) .1 day ago Follow David

David Wittenberg Just minutes after posting, I read the following on the Net. It highlights the difference between how many Indians view purpose and how many Americans view purpose: According to a survey on religion published by Baylor University in September of this year, a clear majority of Americans, 73 percent, agreed or strongly agreed with the statement God has a plan for me. Read more: I don't remember that any of the Indian nationals in this forum posted any similar statement about a plan for their lives. The two leading opinions among the Indians in this forum seem to be: 1) my purpose is to become one with the ParaAtma. 2) my purpose is unknowable or non-existent. So, they believe there is no plan or grand design or overarching purpose for their lives. What consequences arise from these differing views of purpose? 1 day ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @David Wittenberg:You seem to have a totally mistaken idea about what Indians or particularly what Hindus believe. Hindu faith is that all beings are either the same as the GOD concept or at least part of it. It does not matter whether one realizes this or not, it remains a universal fact. In other words whether one believes or likes it, he or she is always "one with the Paramatma". If they "realize" it half the hassles of day to day life will not cause so much of individual or social misery and sorrow. Unfortunately the so called elite spend or rather waste so much of time in speculating the Paramatma and they think that it is the epitome of intellectual greatness. Another overriding concept is Karma. For everything one does there is bound to be a sequence of effects, which in turn become causes with more effects. None can escape from his or her own deeds. The only method is to correct future course of action so that what you will do will counteract what you have already done. This is easier said than done and requires a moment to moment action in the correct manner. The theists pray to the Almighty to show them the proper path to do this. This is what an average Hindu is supposed to do rather than waste his time in philosophical speculations. The Indian masses understand this better than the so called intellectuals who have just enough outlook to call everybody else as "fools" and "idiots"! 1 day ago Like 1 Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah All, including scientists, admit that there is, and there must be a reason behind anything. Nothing come from nothing. So there must be something behind the nature we see. I believe that God is the reason behind nature. God has revealed His presence at several levels. At the basic level

nature proclaims without words or speech the presence of God behind it. At a higher level God has revealed through different religions and their Prophets. We are at different levels of understanding on this. Our understanding or faith in a ceratin religion is based on our knowledge. As our knowledge base is different our faith is different. A person who knows only the Hindu faith react accordingly. A person who knows Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh religious faiths see the revelations in those faith and react accordingly The statements we make here are of two types. Based on our faith, which is based on our knowledge, which can be ever changing as the shifting sands of the seashore. Or, it can be based on verifiable facts. Many of the theories put forward in the name of science like Evolution, Big Bang or Dinausaur etc are just theories. Just like we turn off TV if we do not like the message, some like to turn off difficult questions and close their eyes and make it dark. Others want to know and they ask questions. Those who are curious or ask questions only learn and see the higher revelations of God 1 day ago Like Follow David David Wittenberg Thanks, Mohan, for pointing out my misstatement. I was referring to the pursuit of moksha, which I believe means getting rid of maya (perceptions) so that one can see the ultimate, pure truth of the unity of all things with the universal mind (ParamAtma). Is this correct? The post I tried to send a bit earlier had to do with the self-focused nature of that pursuit and its consequences in the physical world. If the purpose of life is to lose the physical world, then there would seem to be little value in trying to change the physical world. Perhaps that is why one billion Indians -- though we are closing the gap now -- have not contributed as much to mankind and the planet as some smaller countries have, at least during the period since we regained our independence in 1947. The other countries' cultures teach them that the purpose of life is achievement. Ours teaches that the purpose of life is spiritual enlightenment. Dharma and karma tell Indians specifically to not focus on results. I see a link between that philosophy and the kind of individual lives, businesses and government agencies that we have created. What do you think? 1 day ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R "Moksha" is a concept defined differently under different philosophies underlying various Hindu schools of thought, which encompass Monotheism, Polytheism to atheism. In general Karma (Right Action) and Dahrma (the right path) are supposed to lead to Moksha, whether that is intended or not. The emphasis is on "action" and not "inaction". In fact introspection to realize the Ultimate truth is not a must. It was restricted to a few who specifically

opted for such pursuits. For the others "Karma Yoga" or doing your job is considered more important. If you are so engrossed in "doing" you do not care about the outcome and the outcome shall always be good. If you tread a hesitant path measuring your action with the intended results, you never end up doing a good job. That is what the Hindu religion teaches in general though the approach of different schools of thought may be different. This kind of a spirit gives you the strength to continue if you do not realize the desired objective in doing something. Unfortunately ivory tower Hindu thinkers distort the simple message and emphasize speculation more. I do not buy your ideas as India has not contributed anything to mankind. But that is a different topic. It is not for nothing we have the third highest GDP in the world and our annual GDP growth is many multiples of the so called advanced countries! 1 day ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan ........there is Nothing to do philosophy !! "" How valuable is time? It depends. In a modern world with endless opportunities, it is precious. Yet if there is nothing to do, time is worthless. When no alternatives are available, the opportunity cost of idleness, what must be sacrificed or given up to consume it, is zero. Linder notes that cultures with a surplus of time can be found among the poorest citizens of the poorest countries, regions with abysmal productivity and employment and recreational opportunities. Such cultures have no great need of precision and reckoning of time. We find there a manana attitude, with no detailed planning for either today or tomorrow. In fact, what we in rich countries mean by time is a concept difficult to translate into the languages of these cultures.6 On the other hand, growth has created unprecedented prospects for work and play in more prosperous nations. Once-in-a-lifetime opportunities slip through our fingers with every moment of sloth. Punctuality has become a virtue that we demand from those around us. Waiting is a squandering of time that angers people in rich countries....People are dominated by their awareness of the clock. They are haunted by their knowledge that the shining moments are passing without things having been done.7"" .1 day ago

Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @Karthikeyan: Please elaborate the context of the link you have cited to what we are discussing. "growth has created unprecedented prospects for work and play in more prosperous nations........" In the so called "prosperous nations" "growth" itself is becoming a question mark. Let us see the WB statistics for GDP growth of "prosperous nations) for 2009-10. (I would prefer to take 2010-11 after all economic controversies and knee jerk actions settle down) USA -2.67 %(Negative) UK < -4.00 % (Negative) France -3.00% (Negative) Germany < -4% (Negative) Japan < -6.00% (Negative) China 9.2% (Positive) India 9.1% (Positive) Hence these so called "advanced" guys have nothing to preach to us, leave alone religion or attitudes to life. Further it is not our custom to measure religious faith with economic yard stick. Yes the intellectuals are suffering from surfeit of speculation. But at the ordinary level we do have a more vibrant outlook as we do not practice "prescriptive" religions! 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .There is nothing hidden or something exotically new , in my view . It is the same old story from development economics , nevertheless I will try my best to reproduce below . One remote village there is a beautiful river and by the side there is a community living there for ages . One man catches on a routine basis 4 Fish ( in 2hrs ) , sell 1, share 2 and consumes 1......spends the rest of the day in other activities / rest .. Some one from a far off land comes and advices him to catch more fish ( 14hrs ) , sell it in other markets , have more cash and different kinds of entertainment in leisure time ( which is reduced now )... Hopefully the story is recalled and the connection is clear . .............The Purpose & Time have strong connection depending on the philosophy one is subscribed to ............> .1 day ago

1 Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Hello David...welcome back..thanks for sharing the survey...very interesting to see that people in the western world believe that God has a plan for them. I thought we people are more dependent on fate. Anyway at personal level each one is guided by the religion one follows so there is no confusion but as we move to higher levels so many religions, so many gurus, so many interpretations leading to lot of confusion. Even science is not helpful because the findings keep changing every day. Hence these questions. 1 day ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada 100 percent with you Karthikeyan. In todays times one feels guilty to enjoy one's leisure even. Take for instance, today there is a lot of pressure on women to go out to work not financial but social pressure. Earlier it was only for the men but today even women feel guilty to say that they are not employed for money. To be busy has become fashionable. Even office parties become a burden rather than time to relax because one has little choice not to attend. Our lives are filled with unnecessary busy-ness. 1 day ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @Chiranjeevi Tallapragada: What do you want? A single mandatory concept with interpretations dictated by the clergy in power, to avoid your so called "confusions"? If that happens in the context of the Hindu faith, I will cease to be a Hindu! Why science, even in the so called philosophies points of view keep changing by the hour, albeit in a less systematic manner! By the by what "survey" Mr.David has shared with us? @Karthikeyan: Still I do not follow you. What you want anyone to do? Catch 14 fishes or just 4? I would rather say just catch whatever much you think is enough for you. Whether you wile away the resulting leisure or keep doing acrobatic somersaults is your lookout and that of nobody else! It is not a question of philosophy but preference! 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Mohanakrishnan , You can ignore IT ! .1 day ago

Follow David David Wittenberg Exactly so, Chiranjeevi. People who are fatalistic don't benchmark results, while people who believe that they must fulfill someone else's purpose tend to benchmark results. Each view has advantages and disadvantages. Here in India, we've chosen largely to live as if life has no discernible purpose, so we don't like to judge ourselves (or others!) to have succeeded or failed. We trust that our karma will be addressed in future births. There are several benefits to this. We are more relaxed. We pay more attention to our inner lives. However, we give up productivity in exchange. On the other side of the globe, people are very quick to judge themselves (and others) as successes and failures. They use external standards and plans to measure themselves. They think they have only one birth to achieve whatever they are going to achieve, so they are keen to find and fulfill a purpose in their lives. They are highly productive, but their inner lives and their relationships suffer terribly. 1 day ago Like Follow JV JV Raj One of the purposes of life, " Be fruitful and multiply." (in your fruitfulness) 19 hours ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada True David. I think people have adopted values, philosophies as well as lifestyles according to their geo-physical surroundings. For westerners nature was a challenge to overcome. Here in warmer countries nature has been benevolent and there was abundance. Survival was relatively easier. So may be there was less need for aggression more time for philosophical pursuits. Now what we see is that there is abundance in the west and relative poverty in here. So we want to change our value system accordingly. Now, the abundance is not all natural and not all easily attainable. So there is a conflict. We are struggling between our old system of thinking and the new abundance we want to enjoy. This kind of abundance is based more on exclusion by competition (survival of the fittest), which is something not inherent to us. But I think our younger generations are already tuned to this new system. They suffer this friction, less. The question now in front of us is to see whether this is the direction the whole world has to take? Some of the westerners including youngsters are turning to the Asian or Indian philosophy. So where do these two worlds meet? May be it is for the good of everyone. May be these generations across the globe will adopt the best values from all the cultures. 17 hours ago Like

Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R David is trying to preach gospels without any factual basis or exact knowledge of what Hindu scriptures say. Can he please enlighten this forum what the people "who use external standards and plans to measure themselves" have accomplished? Most of them produce considerably less than the so called "Fatalistic" countries. Let him go through the world GDP statistics and talk. I have already shown that they are lacking in annual growth. As long as there was no IT and mass media enabling withholding of info. these guys could succeed, not because of any individual merit. Now he can talk of "per capita" stuff. But that can never negate the fact every year India earns more in USD than almost all European countries. Only USA still remains to be beaten. Looking at the growth pattern we will do that also soon. What else he has to talk about national debt,Gini coefficient? Sorry he is indifferent or impervious to known facts. One of the sterling examples of "external standards" is the fancy ratings galore the West gave to worthless scraps of paper called MBS. I again repeat that accepting responsibility for your actions in the driving force of Karma. Karma is not "fatalism". Karma says that the results of your action may continue to haunt you even after your body dies. Whether you agree with further developments or spin offs of this theory, it is far better than believing that if you pray to God, there will be no adverse results for your acts that have been bad. No Hindu philosophy asks you not to "plan". But once the action starts you should not keep on revisiting the plan and the intended results. That type of hesitant action will lead to self deception and wrong results, invariably. There is a verse in Tamil which puts this idea across very nicely. Think before you act. But while you act keep "thinking" to the minimum! Re. Ms.Chiranjeevi, the less said the better. She seems to be ambling on without any purpose of message like our modern day Netas! 16 hours ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Sir Mohan if Netagiri is being honest then I don't mind being called so. May be my fault is that when I see a point in other person's argument I try to incorporate it into what I understand. While I don't support the western way of life or even thinking, I wouldn't like to compare and say which culture or civilization is great. To the extent possible I try to understand where the other person is coming from. It is another question whether I want to adapt myself to the others' perception. 15 hours ago Like Follow Prem Kumar Prem Kumar Jha What is the purpose of life on earth? Why does the universe exist? Does anyone or

anything else knows about existence other than us? Great Point Raised by Ms Cheeranjeevi for discussion in this group forum Thanks for this noble topic . This has basically three fundamental question and answers of all this three has beautiful link with each other and it has integration and cascading impact . I will put my views one by one . 1. What is the purpose of life on earth? Purpose of life on earth is very complecated as life is meant for earth and earth is meant for life . Both has interdependent on each other relationship to keep the ecological , and social balance . Creation of life is from earth as we know life and human body is made of Five Material Water , Agni , Soil, Sky, & Air All these five is very very essential for life to exist . without this five there is no life at the same time if there is no life these five material will not exist and there will be imbalance in nature and earth will will destroyed . 2. Why does the universe exist? . Why Does Universe Exist because Universe is needed to keep stock of all the above essentials like life , water , Agni , Air , Forest Mountain , Soil , Sky and this diversity of universe essential for earth and life to co exist together for longer time with harmony and prosperity. basically Universe is like a big ware house and logistics of all essentials mentioned above is delivered and controlled by Universe to life and live on earth . 3. Does anyone or anything else knows about existence other than us? Everone , all living beings Knows everything in this universe other than us that that earth is important for life and universe is important for earth as all living beings fully dependent on these . Survival of life is dependent on earth and survival of earth is dependent on Universe and universe without life is meaning less , like a dead element . Growth of life and human being is linked with earyth and universe hence universe is like a god , we need to protect and pray this universe who has given us this beautiful earth to live on 14 hours ago Like Prof.SureshUnfollow Prof.Suresh Kumar I think David and Mohankrishnan have raised some of the most relevant polarities of discussion that reflect on the styles of western and eastern thinking-analytic and holisitc.The eastern culture primes one to think holistically,and here distinctions like me and the universe,success and failure,right and wrong are rather diffuse,and less rigid,than the western notions of analytic

compartmentalisation. Though one cannot say which is good or bad,or more right and hence better,analytic philosophies are by and large more focussed on the details than the whole picture,and so rather less focussed on the larger dimensions or the synergestic whole. So when it comes to planning and detailing within a more localised framework analytic thinking appears appealing,but life and universe and spirituality have more delocalised foci and a larger canvas where holistic thinking of the easterners become relevant and topical. Yet I would not rhyme one with Rudyard Kipling[east is east and west is west ,and never the twain shall meet] in these times of internationalisation and globalisation with its synthetic treatises 13 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .East & West polarization is already a busted Bubble ..........>. No Purpose will be served in staying in that Bubble ....> It is all Economics at the end of the Day < .......> .10 hours ago Follow Payal Payal Kumar I would agree to some extent with Mohankrishnan. The stereotypical image of India as a land of snake charmers and one in which the people are fatalistic, is surely an outdated one. Think about it: karma, the doctrine that every deed has a reaction (which influences your next rebirth), surely puts a huge onus on the individual. It is almost as if God has a master excel sheet on which He is tabulating our good and bad deeds. How can this be construed as being fatalistic? Rather, this doctrine of causality is highly activist in its connotation rather than deterministic. 10 hours ago Like Follow Prem Kr Prem Kr Jha Purpose of life on earth is creating peace , facilitating for peace and living in peace . Creating Harmony among people of various background will have better attachment and cooperation for each other will incease , relationship becomes strong and mutual respect for each other among society will give overall upliftment of life. This will give over all growth for the people and polarization will stop . Economy will be intact when people are united living in peace and harmony . 10 hours ago Like

Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R I am the last person to rake up the economic argument in a discussion on human values. If people start preaching gospels from the ivory tower about the so called failure of the Indians to make meaningful contributions in the international scenario because of our cultural and religious values, I am not Ms.Chiranjeevi to applaud! At least Mr.David should have checked his facts before such condescending tall talk! For clarification, some Hindu Schools of religious thought (Poorva and Uthara Meemamsas, Nyaya, Vaiseshika etc) and Buddhism even derive the concept of GOD from "Karma". When the cycle of causes and effects continues infinitely, how come many beings we see are finite? There should be an explanation. GOD, BRAHMAN etc are also believed to be conceptualizations of the various explanations contemplated. We Indians have not been taught to believe that you can do all sorts of atrocities and just say "Oh God! I am a Sinner" and Hey presto, your slate is washed clean! The religious faith does not encourage wrong action, which can be remedied only by corrective action. God only guides you in the process of "correction" of your own mistakes. Let us better own the consequences of our own action! I have formed different idea of "fatalism"! 9 hours ago Like Follow davuloori davuloori bheemeswar Each and every persons life is destined and ordained and that can not be altered. It is their positive karma that gave them the birth of human being, but they carry forward their bad karma's also, which gives them night dreams, they have to struggle a lot and become positive with their positive karma, the more positive they are the more nearer to the bliss. If all the negatives are thrown out there is nothing left, how to contain the positives, it is an unique experience. in atom outer electrons make the shell if one by one all the electrons are taken away two positives never stay together we need a lot of energy to make them together and much more energy to collide them, the energy that binds them together is actually nothing but still we have to put a lot of lot of efforts and energy to make it happen. But people with positive mind can be put together and work for peace, harmony and serenity. Those who can not do that just have to follow instructions what else. If needs to touch a high tension wire has to rise the voltage of the base on which they are standing or have to wear protective gear. Same way even in spiritual course one has to go step by step towards that high peak, with negatives nobody can reach that. But highly negative people may come back to this high positive attitude provided they realize they are on the negative but not the in between. That's one of the reason Hindu philosophy is different from others. Even in the Hindu philosophy the sinners if they accept their sins are pardoned and given a chance to re-correct themselves. If one helps others also may be taking the part of the sin what others have done, so there are ways and means to get recharged. If the recharging is not known they shall be in the negative only but still get a chance of rebirth to correct them selves. It is all called as Brahmagnanam. that level only few can get. Some people how to support the life systems even without having and negatives on them or from others, such people

are always in bliss and also bliss is them. Nobody other than that blissful person can do that. this is Vishnu Thatyam. It is very difficult one to identify such a person if exists on this earth, only few spiritual personalities may know about it but keep quite. Positives and negatives are all combined to form materials and also life by using the magnanimous power called shakthi, what comes out only Brahmagnani may be knowing and also life supporter. Ordinary people can only use them. It is all not fundamentalism or fanaticism. it is all about Humanism for humans. 7 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Sin is doing or being an accomplice to an immoral activity . What is moral or immoral is fixed depending different faiths, belief , country ... etc How to handle Sinners again varies depending on different faiths, belief , country ... etc for example, ......there is government in Somalia and citizens ( most ) are Pirates !! .7 hours ago Follow David David Wittenberg Payal, If you read Davuloori's post a couple above mine, you will see a fatalistic view. Also, if actions have consequences primarily in later births, then the implication is that this birth was predetermined by past karma. That's a form of fatalism. Prof. Suresh, Very well stated. When I emigrated to India, it was a challenge for me to find a way to communicate with people whose fundamental presuppositions about the nature of the universe were different from mine. I still haven't cracked that code. Mohan's reaction -- taking offense when none was intended -- is far too common. Discussions of differences and comparisons cause discomfort to some, and the unwritten rule in Indian conversations is that one must never cause discomfort. What to do? All, Usually, I don't join discussions like this one. I joined here because I care about the topic: finding one's purpose in life. My own life became more focused and more fulfilling when I discovered my purpose. The confusion here among the diverse views of purpose and the fact that many here view life's purpose as vague, amorphous, internally focused, or even non-existent saddens me. However, if everyone here is content with his chosen purpose or non-purpose, I have no desire to argue that they should change their views. I've enjoyed reading and responding, but I need to move on, so this is my last post here. I wish everyone success in his or her personal search for purpose.

5 hours ago Unlike 1 Follow Frank Frank Reyes In order for the to be something there has to be nothing We are just here to conquer the flesh if your strong enough to go through the journey and learn to overcome the negative aspects of humanity with a smile and be thankful for all the experiences . You'll move on to a higher level of being 4 hours ago Like Follow Vasanth Vasanth Kumar What is the purpose of life on earth? Different creatures have different purpose, Have heard of an insect which will immediately die once it give birth to its off spring, Army ants have been believed to have a sole purpose of gathering food for their off spring and protect their queen. But remember one thing It is all statements which we have heard from people who claimes to have seen them. No live experience can be found on a human for other creatures. Hence if you expect a human being to explain the purpose of life on earth it will not be correct. We have not even found the exact number of living things on Earth. Why does the universe exist? If the universe is not there then I would not be typing this.... (just kidding) Seriously, many renowned and unknown scholers have spent their entire lifetime searching for the answer. One day we may end up with the answer. Does anyone or anything else knows about existence other than us? Even I too have wondered this, but what we call an alien will see us as an alien. Just like in the movie "MIB" we may have lifeforms living among overselves. Even if they know they may fear from identifying themselves. Reason "We are Humans, and we are supreme." This particular thought is inbuild in our mind and we exibit. 4 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Thanks David . ......especially for two items from my view , ..1 ) The article on religious Survey .. 2 ) comments in the last posting and special of special,

..........' I wish everyone success in his or her personal search for purpose.' ............... _____________________________________________________ ( the rude way of saying it , Discover IT :) ) .4 hours ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Knowingly or unknowingly we tend to offend people. Especially in times of argument. It is really a great skill to be able to share one's view point without offending others. I think forums like this are a great opportunity for all of us to practice this skill. David it is OK if you are leaving this topic because you lost interest in it but if you are leaving because you felt unwelcome..then I say you should stay on because only by staying you will learn more about who we are. 4 hours ago Like Follow JV JV Raj I also have decided to recuse myself from this forum. Recent posts are both votriolic and targeting individuals. I am afraid, this is distasteful and offensive to my sensibilities. 3 hours ago Like Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah If we are in a debate or argument mood, there is not much use for all this energy spent here. Each one has self esteem and want to proove that he or she is right. Sometimes we get carried away by our own self importance. This is rooted in our pride as opposed to humility. All have pride in varying degrees. Arguments arise bacause we tend to belive that what I belive is the right thing and I know things better than you and that there is no other truth other than what I believe. This is from a closed mind and difficult to learn anything new and this is an exalted state of the mind rooted in pride. We all go through this from time to time. If we are in an exalted position due to pride, there is only room to go down. Humility is admitting that I do not know everything and that everyday I am learning.It is possible to be in an exalted position and still feel humble, and there is still room to go higher. Otherwise we tend to be like

frogs in a well thinking that the well is the whole world. 3 hours ago Like Follow davuloori davuloori bheemeswar Person is a traveler it is just like a train journey, when the station comes some people get down and some more may come into the train the journey goes on, once the destiny comes one has to get down, or others have to come in to go for their destiny, but people should know how to be human to others. But there are so many theories for life's existence and purpose, but by birth each ones destiny is different, as each one is brought up in different cultures, some in spiritual world and some in physical world. Physical world creates animosity among others and brings the barriers and the root cause of the hatredism. But everybody should know that what we read is nothing from the books but it is some thing to do. this doing requires a lot of practical skills. Due to lack of proper education about life's existence is all causing these misunderstandings. But if one goes on spiritual side it's all part of the life these ups and downs, it is the ignorance that makes all prejudiced views. Most of the Indian spirituality is all well concealed as there are divergent cultures and traditions, if some body has given the perverted views, that is negatives only then when shall we go to the positive side and enjoy the life and make this earth more peaceful by making our life more purposeful as humans and for the life on this earth. The lines what i used in the starting are let what ever come the life should continue on this earth, if one wants to go out it is left to them if others wanted to come in it is also left to them. There are no compulsions are even requests to stay or to come in. it is all individuals choice and one should know how to take it positively. 3 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .from a previous posting / comment , "" ... *....what one does generally on missing a bus is to catch the next one ............ .*.bus <= => life ,..... applies clearly to all - the bus creator, owner , operator .... etc .*. Gita asks nicely, .......' What did one bring to this life to take it back with them ' ............... ....... pick someone's luggage or loose one's own luggage ..... options are many ......happy Journey :) .davuloori bheemeswar Yes Karthy if one remembers the that he/she has carried some ones luggage from the previous birth to this present birth it is okay some corrections can be done. But from where that knowledge comes if one does not put efforts to know about it.

Spiritual philosophy has deeper meanings in between the lines, just do not go by only dictionary meanings, definitely you also may miss the bus and you we have to travel still a long distance along with others to make a meaningful life for our future generations. I WISH YOU ALL A HAPPY NE YEAR, and to have a better understanding among us so as nobody misses the bus or train or kick a bucket. 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Gita asks nicely, ................' What did one bring to this life to take it back with them ' ............... What does it say in between the lines ? ( according to Spiritual philosophy ) .3 days ago

Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Thanks Karthikeyan...yes the bus must move on...people could change their destinations...once I almost got off a bus because some people in the bus were abusing their freedom. 3 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada India is huge, India is complex, India is beautiful, India is the most happening place, India is growing and vibrant. Still lot of people see lot of negative things in India like corruption, poverty, lack of facilities, lack of discipline etc, etc. What I see is its ability to absorb and live with diversity. Nothing that came to India has ever left India. Over time it has nicely blended into its culture and like Ganga the culture kept flowing. Basic character of India lies in its ability to live with multiplicity. No other country which is developed or seen as developed has this kind of multiplicity. With so much of diversity in thinking, being and seeing, if India has made such strides, I would say this is the best model (robust and lasting) of development. Those who think that India is not able to make a contribution that is expected of such a large country should think again. The biggest contribution it has made is to sustain human values. And it is still making. 3 days ago Unlike 1

Prof.SureshUnfollow Prof.Suresh Kumar Sometimes forgetting and losing one`s baggage or identity of imagery overload in mind may be key to a healthy mind,as recent research tend to suggest-the basic concept of internalised breathing of specific yogic pranayama is aimed at such a refinement of the karma field of images and its illusory self and world in mind,to purify one`s samskara as one`s dharma in life[so life is very purposive in a larger spiritual-material sense,in hinduism] ` We can will ourselves to forget; a neural circuit like the one that inhibits actions governs the ability to reject memories we neither want nor need. Emerging data provide support for Sigmund Freuds controversial theory of repression, by which unwanted memories are shoved into the subconscious. The inability to forget can impede emotional recovery in trauma victims; it is also associated with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. If you practice rebuffing recollections, you are likely to get better at it.`according to Russian psychologist Alexander R. Luria, who wrote about the man he called, simply, S in The Mind of a Mnemonist. Human memory is pretty good, says cognitive neuroscientist Benjamin J. Levy of Stanford University. The problem with our memories is not that nothing comes to mindbut that irrelevant stuff comes to mind. The act of forgetting crafts and hones data in the brain as if carving a statue from a block of marble. It enables us to make sense of the world by clearing a path to the thoughts that are truly valuable. It also aids emotional recovery. You want to forget embarrassing things, says cognitive neuroscientist Zara Bergstrm of the University of Cambridge. Or if you argue with your partner, you want to move on. 3 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar We came on to this land with bad karmas might be. But when we leave go with good karmas or bad ones, which are left with individuals as they have their own brain and some thing called conscious or subconscious. Veda means the truth. Vedas means the sciences behind the life. To make a life to move on there so many things required, the thing that makes the life to move on is mystical, specially human life depends on so many materials of life as well as materials, how they get bet balanced earth is known little bit still a long way to go. But humans with their mind can balance the materials in their body to be on the positive side, unless this life moves forward the other marvelous things may not be understood which are still miles apart, for which one has to learn what is all this spirituality is all about. But this is very tricky one each one may be having different kind of experience it shall not be same. Only up to observing the sensations with in the body it may be common, that means after doing some meditations one is trying to concentrate the brain on one of the his/her own part of the body and observe, if I feel a back pain other one may get leg pain for the same type of meditations or may fell elated. Best way of not feeling the pain is just ignore it and put some more efforts to meditate or physical efforts to reduce that pain mostly it shall reduce, just like heat over heat is equal to cold, usnam usnena seethalum. 3 days ago Like

Follow Mukul Mukul Kumar Certainly we are not alone.There is life and it always goes forward with mankind. I think in conclusion we may assume it is cycle. 3 days ago Like Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah To quote Mohanakrishnan "We Indians have not been taught to believe that you can do all sorts of atrocities and just say "Oh God! I am a Sinner" and Hey presto, your slate is washed clean! The religious faith does not encourage wrong action, which can be remedied only by corrective action. God only guides you in the process of "correction" of your own mistakes. Let us better own the consequences of our own action! " Mohanakrishnan has touched on the core faith of Christianity and the difference of Christianity from other faiths. Hope you will understand this difference to have a meaningful dialogue with other faiths. According to Christian scriptures sin is the breaking of the Laws given by God. Laws are of two typesthings you should do and things you shouldn't do. Not practicing this comes out of our own selfishness or the selfish nature in human being. Nobody is immune to this. According to scriptures, even thoughts not according to faith in God is sin. So all are sinners. The reward for sin is death and off from the felloship with God as God is Holy. With our own ability it is impossible to get free from sin and become Holy as we have the selfish nature in us. As a temporary solution to the problem God gave the practice of the sacrifice of animals as mentioned in Vedas and related Laws in Bible for a period of time. We can call this similar to the Karma Yoga of Gita, All ancient religions- Hinduism, Judaism, Budhism and Islam salvation is based on Karma and the relationship with God there is Master-Slave relationship in just following the orders given in the Law. In due time as a permanent solution to the problem of sin, as Karma is unable to solve the problem as all Karmas for justification from sin is like dirty rags in front of God's eye, incapable of declaring a person Holy, God appeared on earth in flesh as Jesus Christ and paid the price for sin which is death on cross and ressurected the third day giving victory for man over death to give man eternal life. Now through Karma Christians can't get Moksha from sin. It is the faith in God and God's ability to justify that justify a person. Good Karma is important for rewards in after life but not for Moksha (salvation) Bible answers Mohanakrishnan's question about washing your slate clean by the analogy of a potter. A potter has all the right on the clay to form a pot in any shape he wants. Mohanakrishnan has every right to do whatever he want to do with that belongs to him. He can give it free to anybody he wants. Bible explains this with a story. Master called labourers to work(Karma) in the Garden and rewards (Moksha) at the end of the day. When it was time to give the rewards, those who came late and worked only a couple of hours, got the same reward as those who was working from the morning. They murmured against the master. Master asked them, Did I do anything bad you? We agreed upon the reward and you received it. Now since I am good, are you jealous? I am pleased to give the one who didn't work also generously with what belongs to me. You take what you were promised and leave.

It is in God's right to justify a person from sin. God can do what is in His right as He please. We can't take a verse from Vedas, or Gita, or Koran or Bible(Some Christian also do not like this generous nature of God) and make a line or circle with our own interpretation of it and then ask that God do not cross that line. God can wipe your slate clean if you pray to God for it with the right faith. If you do not want to choose that path and follow the Karma-Moksha path, or the work plan of Budhism or the pilgrimage and fasting and good work plan of Islam, it is your choice. You will reach Moksha but, the relationship there is Master-Slave relationship. In the other case it is the Father -son relationship as the father is pleased to give to his children the best and forgive them of their sins for their faith in Him as the Father. 3 days ago Like Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla Ninan - You seem to be knowledgeable about this immortal stuff. I am wondering about the triangular relation between 'Human Life on Earth - God - Andromeda Galaxy'. (Andromeda is just an example I have taken, but there infinite number of things in the universe which seem to have some purpose that I do not know. Is it the same purpose of us, the heirs of earth's purpose or is it different? I don't know) Does the almighty have a purpose for Andromeda Galaxy w.r.t Human Life many light years away from milky-way that we can't even think to reach?. Can you please share your thoughts on it?. 3 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @Ninan Mathullah : My response you cite is a specific response to a specific question. I do not deny that the all merciful GOD forgiving your sins is also a plausible point of view. All the same it is not necessary for everybody to believe in it or in the inevitable consequences of Karma, which even God cannot over rule. That is left to the individual concerned. There are also many Bhakti schools of Hindu thought which believe in an omnipotent god who can prevent the results of your Karmas. I am nobody to say that their belief is false. I can only say that I do not hold such beliefs on my part. By the by many Hindus do not believe in the concept of "Master-Slave" relationship between God and other beings. After the editing of the Vedas the "law" part was separated from the philosophy and classified separately as "Smrutis". The Philosophical doctrine in the Upansiads say that no law is "god made" and the so called laws, morals and etics should change in keeping with time and other environmental variables. There are some schools of Hindu thought which even deny the existence of God. Hinduism is not a "prescriptive" religion.

There is no general purpose Hinduism. It comprises of various schools of thought. Some times they may differ between one another. When Hindus themselves have different ideas of Moksha I do not know how you are confident in your assertion that Moksha is "salvation". As per the Vedantic schools of thought there is no "before birth" "after birth" etc. Everything is an indivisible whole. Now is the present state of existence of the indestructible self. "Salvation" implies that one has to "salvage" oneself, presuming that one is inherently impure. We say you are the indivisible whole (Purna) and do not require salvation. Moksha in Vedantic schools of thought is conscious realization of your oneness with the "whole" You may or may not agree with this sort of thinking. But the statement that such thinking has lead to Indians becoming useless and incompetent to achieve results definitely warrants the type of rejoinder I posted. As much as you expect me to understand your position, I expect you to reciprocate as well! thanks for your explanations. 3 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar I am very sorry to say that I do not agree with the just above comment, Jesus and even the bible never says that you go on doing mischief over mischief's and wash your sins every time. It says only one thing if in case one has done sins knowingly or unknowingly pray to that lord whom so ever you believe, here in this case is Jesus, who has shown them a path to end the slavism and treat all as humans. But as usual each and every scripture is misinterpreted and misread by those who wanted to get advantage to show that they are great and bosses of this world or deeds what they do are only the best, others who follow whom ever they believe are all crooks and to be their slaves. Even though Jesus has sacrificed his life the people who follow him ignored it. For them only enjoyment and make materialistic benefits and sit comfortably and pose as managers or bosses. If anybody really understood what Jesus, Krishna, Mohammad or others who got enlightened wanted to see on this earth there wouldn't have been so many problems on this earth. Or other wise those who understood may be keeping quite fearing these people who have ransacked the humanity and life on this earth under what ever be the name and devasted it by all means. It is not too late to make better these conditions if humans work for humanity sake. 3 days ago Like Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Sridhar Since I am not all knowing, Andromeda is new to me. There are many galaxies out there. If there is life out there, I do not think it is practical to reach them. Many imaginative stories by those who do not belive in God. Even if there is life there, God must have a different contract with them. Jesus says that he has sheeps that doesn't belong to this flock. Some scholars interpret that as

Jews, Hindus, Budhist and Muslims. If it is including life in other galaxies, we will find out in eternity. There is no life in our solar system as far as I lnow. @Thanks Mohanakrishnan for the understanding. I believe Vedas and Gita were written by prophets of God. Other Hindu scriptures I am not sure about. Error can creep in to all scriptures through ages and make them corrupt in its details and in interpretation. That will not change the Truth. I am an Indian, and I can't call Indians incompetent or useless. Everything in God's creation is useful with a purpose. Poeple can be ignorant. At the same time until proved otherwise I tend to think that the fatalistic philosophy in Islam has contributed to the Muslims lagging behind in several areas of human development. @davuloori, Bible nowhere encourage mischief or atrocities. It is the selfishness in human mind that do atrocities. What davalooro touch on is an entirely new area of human existance. God in His Masterplan allowed each culture a time and place in history. We are at a certain point in history now. Do you call all the killing in Mahabharatha as atrocities? Short term may be. The long term effect of these wars are different and historians rewrite history as time progress. The long term effect of British rule you might be able to see in a different light. 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Human being is selfish and it is God's Creation , the movie title fits nicely ' Gods Must Be Crazy ' :) .3 days ago Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Karthikeyan, Yes God must be crazy. Occasionally this thought come to my mind also. Proof for it the story of the Master and labourers in Bible as is mentioned above. Who in his proper sense give the same wages to those who work for nine hours and those who work for only a couple of hours. So people who are knowledgeable about this advise us to be careful in His presence due to this eccentric behaviour. God's justice is not our justice. So they warn us to be careful in His presense lest we get punished. 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .-

Gita asks nicely, ................' What did one bring to this life to take it back with them ' ............... what is the answer for this ? .3 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Thanx for your comments Mr.Ninan. When you talk of "religions" there can be no "Proof". Neither Muslims nor anybody owe the onus of proof of their faith, either to you or to anybody else. Many may feel that there is no material difference between Judaism, Christianity and Islam, after a cursory reading of Torah, Bible or Koran. I really do not know how you say the Muslims' are "lagging behind in several areas of human development" because of "Fatalistic Philosophy". Even If we presume for the sake of argument that Muslims are "Lagging behind", I will never be rather too hasty to attribute it to their "religious beliefs". Whatever you believe about the Vedas is your lookout. But the Rigveda tells that Rishis picked up the ideas embodied in the Vedas, from the vibes that were omnipresent. The root for the word Rishi is Rashta, which means discovery, elucidation or compilation. I interpret this to mean these ideas were gathered from people different people who lived in different points of time. If you call all of them "messengers of God" you are welcome! Gita occurs in Mahabharata, the author of which was Veda Vyasa. Vyasa says that the ideas voiced through Krishna in his book belong to God. 3 days ago Like 1 Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah It is our own insecurity or lack of faith in God that God is faithful to meet all our needs that we strive to accumulate possessions. The only thing that follow you to the other world is the memories you created here that is your own- your Karma 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .'' we strive to accumulate possessions "

......there is Nothing to do philosophy !! "" How valuable is time? It depends. In a modern world with endless opportunities, it is precious. Yet if there is nothing to do, time is worthless. When no alternatives are available, the opportunity cost of idleness, what must be sacrificed or given up to consume it, is zero. Linder notes that cultures with a surplus of time can be found among the poorest citizens of the poorest countries, regions with abysmal productivity and employment and recreational opportunities. Such cultures have no great need of precision and reckoning of time. We find there a manana attitude, with no detailed planning for either today or tomorrow. In fact, what we in rich countries mean by time is a concept difficult to translate into the languages of these cultures.6 On the other hand, growth has created unprecedented prospects for work and play in more prosperous nations. Once-in-a-lifetime opportunities slip through our fingers with every moment of sloth. Punctuality has become a virtue that we demand from those around us. Waiting is a squandering of time that angers people in rich countries....People are dominated by their awareness of the clock. They are haunted by their knowledge that the shining moments are passing without things having been done.7"" .3 days ago Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Mohanakrishnan, You are right in my using the term 'lagging behind for Muslims'. It is a view only. God see things different. It is possible that there are reasons beyond by perception in everything I see. By proof I meant until somebody convince me otherwise. Now you convinced me on this. If you really want to find out who wrote vedas, you need to know who you are and where you came from. I mean who your great ancestors are- the ancestors of Aryans. I believe Vyasa was a prophet and Gita is revelation from God. I read Gita three times- a beautiful translation by Ekanatha Eeswaran. I am really enchanted by Gita. I see Gita's teaching a little more difficult to practice than Bible teachings. You must be at a higher level to practice that. 3 days ago Like 1

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Confusion in the Purpose could be logically & rationally another confusion . ...............................Real trees are real ! , see this fun.............................. Trees naturally filter and clean our air, but in todays heavily polluted world, its just too huge of a task to expect Mother Nature to take care of herself. Taking this into account, designers Mario Caceres and Cristian Canonico have designed a set of beautiful air-filtering trees for the SHIFTboston urban intervention contest. Called TREEPODS, the designs harnesses biomimicry to efficiently emulate the carbon filtration qualities of trees. TREEPODS: Carbon-Scrubbing Artificial Trees for Boston City Streets | Inhabitat - Green Design Will Save the World The TREEPODS themselves will be made entirely of recycled/recyclable plastic from drink bottles. Based not only on trees, but on the human lung, the design of the branches will feature multiple contact points that serve as tiny CO2 filters. The proposed design, giant white and translucent canopies of trees, can be installed among existing trees or on their own. Interestingly, the TREEPODS have been compared to urban furniture: sleek yet functional design pieces that would fit into any urban environment. At night, the TREEPODS light up in an array of eye-catching colors. .3 days ago Follow Sreeraj Sreeraj Nair I did like to discuss this topic a bit Pragmatic (practical)... We are in a journey. We have a destination, a purpose. We may realise it or not, sometimes it might be as simple as saving a Bird from fire, and sacrificing your life in never know. But the essence of Human kind is Compassion & Service. Now if we choose to be greater than Human, say achieving higher realms of Existence (if at all), we would have to prepare our body and mind for the Special Travel.... First Disciplining your Physiology, i.e. body parts, body functions (achieved through repeated practise of discipline in Any forms of intake - Physical or Mental- includes food as well), referred as YamaNiyamas in the Vedas...

Then Disciplining your thought, having said this, it would seem tough, but once the 1st stage is clean and complete this one automatically fits in if we are still not bored and still focused. This stage is tricky though (in m y experience)... Later comes higher level of Aasanas and more preparation with Yoga/ Kriya and now your mind gets chanellised easily, you start getting answers instead of you superior control of the body like weightlessness, parakaayapravesa, anha sakthi etc... (lets not go mystic!!) Further comes detachment (you need not do it....others would start practicing that Last comes the Final Call, preparing for Samadhi OR NirvikalpaSamadhi, where your energy plexuses are tuned, and the eternal energy/ chetana in you body (which could be traced using Kirlean Photography) is energised so many times (very high frequency) to achieve the Sahasrara Padma- The Node/ Plug of Samadhi in your Body near the Soft Palatte (as seen in kids) above your skull...When you reach this stage you may decide when to call it a day in the earth.... the 2ND and 3RD questions....About Universe & Existence - ---- contd... 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .'" .......Further comes detachment (you need not do it....others would start practicing that ............. "" Good one :) .3 days ago Prof.SureshUnfollow Prof.Suresh Kumar Sreeraj,very true,and my recent experiences vouchafe for that,since we come to locate a vital energy inner path for emancipation of the soul,as we achieve samadhi and its experience of bliss and knowledge for a few years 2 days ago Like Follow Sreeraj Sreeraj Nair So we discussed Human Life (the highest known life forms), Now Universe... again, its not difficult. Universe is not the sum total of all the things existence, but a group of existences in itself. This is not physics but philosophy.

Physics is even more simple, Once there was a infinitely small existence with infinitely large mass, then some factor 'x' or a spontaneous non-factor caused it to expand and explode, 1st came sound, then light then all other matters & anti-matters prevalent ever. The Big Bang as it is called, made the Universe, the Universe continues to expand as a result of the force of the explosion even now after about 13+ billion years since bang. That mean we all are travelling at great speeds from each other, (refer to my early article..), , there are chances of collision of Galaxies, Blackholes, Dwarfs, Gaints - sub units of universe, and ultimately might end up back to zero i.e Big Crunch (stating that the Universe is Oscilating in its existence, it explodes and reaches peak and then back to size zero). Though this theory is highly contested with other more theoretical models, this ones remains most popular due to its Philosophical angle. Again the Universe might exist for may be a very minuscule of reason, may be to make sure that you save a Bee from falling on to a flame, you never know.....but keep continuing your duty the 3RD is about 'is there any other existence other than us' hmmm, if us is meant for Humans, then there are other forms of life on earth which you have seen and contemplated, even further you may find existence of creatures in the border line of living and non living things on the very earth (including its atmosphere) With regards to life away from earth, SETI (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence) and NASA would be the best guides... My contention is that, there are other higher and lower level intelligent forms of existense on the universe, as there no reason to believe otherwise. It could either be that we don't see them due to Differential Dimensional perception, but htey are very much between us, or more, between our physical existence.i.e You may travel so fast, than the speed of light ad you reach another dimension because you have surpassed the relative velocity required to exist in this dimension and then start seeing other being who are here on that was mystic!! lol.. How many intelligent civilizations can exist in the universe?? Well, please refer the Drakes Equation for a possible answer... Thanks for bearing me. Enjoy. TattwamAsi. Sree 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Universe has gone in to Black holes ! .2 days ago

Follow Sreeraj Sreeraj Nair My many thanks KA and Prof. My initial reluctance to these ideas was washed away when I read An Autobiography of a Yogi, which discusses a comparative study of Life of Swamijis in India and abroad, and the possibilities of the existence of Metaphysical Entities, Siddhis, etc... As I would see it, it gave more clarity to my thought than confusion....hence I liked it... 2 days ago Like Follow Sreeraj Sreeraj Nair Ms. Chiranjeevi, I guess I was able to add something to your already great understanding. My in-advertant references due to ignorance may be please excused.... TattwamAsi Sree 2 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar People are Shell-fish, wolfish, Jackjlish, Tigrish, Elephantish frogish, Kiddish, Childish, leachish, cancerish, monkeyish like that we can add all or other wise wolf or tiger wearing a goats skin. That's one of the reason Jesus said he does not have the goats that belongs to his herd. That means there in-humans along with humans. People are of different mentality, just like in Ramayana, Panchatanthram etc. Where is referring the behavior and characteristics of the people only. 2 days ago Like Prof.SureshUnfollow Prof.Suresh Kumar Sreeraj,Sidhis come to you as you ascend in the spiritual dimension thru the inner vital energy path.Since the whole of universe and nature is within you as a microcosm,you perceive powers and forms of a subtle kind,which lead to mystic and mysterious experiences .These are not hallucinatory,since experiences prove them right,and one develps and experiences psi -phenomena. But that is only a bonus and not the end. The end is jiva parayoraikya-meaning the union of jia and param atman

2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .The end never comes to the middle or the start , then where ( what ) is the end ! There is only one endless loop :) .2 days ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Its just exhilarating to see so much of knowledge being shared here. Most of us don't get to read so much. Such of us are really lucky to get the excerpts and references as well as interpretations of valued works. Thank you all. Thank you Sreeraj. Your thought process has triggered few more rather thoughts in my mind. The purpose you defined or even the philosophical works defined seem to be more for humans. What about other beings like animals, birds, trees etc? I see that their only Dharma or purpose is to live by their own nature or by the biological instincts inside them. Moving on, humans are expected to reform, develop and evolve into better beings (defined by whom?) Moving further on yogis, gurus etc., are already evolved so they have much greater control over their biological and mental states. Are gods further evolved beings who do not need any control? Just wondering. The Treepod excerpt of Karthikeyan is very interesting. It shows how humans change the nature of other beings to clean up the mess they create. I don't know if this is the god willing purpose or just that the robots god created got on to their own. 2 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Mr.Seeraj refers to the black holes-Bethe CN cycle-Star-Galaxy-Universe still remains a speculation and is contested by various theoretical physicists. Alternative theories like steady state flow theory, unified fields theory find support from various scientists like Narlekar, Sudharshan, Stephen Hawkings et all. From the Philosophical angle the Steady State Flow theory that talks of a dynamic equilibrium of constant amount of matter and energy finds support from Eastern Philosophies and Eninstein, who once told "God does not play dice"! Let us leave these things to the serious scientists who know better.

As per the Vedas "Yoga", "Siddhis" etc prepare only the sensory perceptions and intellect and one needs more powerful tools they provide, about which nobody has told anything. There is a popular story of a Fakir who could walk on the surface of the Hoogly river. When he boasted of skills acquired through years of yogic practice, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa seems to have told him that his life time achievement is worth only "Half Ana" ( Re.0.06) per trip! The concept of "Higher" and "lower" levels of beings is also contrary to what the Eastern Religions preach. According to them there is only one level of being that is the "Whole". I am anyway surprised as to how the knowledge of these speculations (not certainties) is going to serve the human beings in their present state. Love, compassion, empathy and service are worth much more than all these speculations put together. ",,,,,,,,,,,,Jo peeda paraye re!" 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .What is Love, Compassion and Empathy ? ? ? - let us have a discourse on those useful items to the humanity .2 days ago Prof.SureshUnfollow Prof.Suresh Kumar Many of the stories about sidhis are mythical and imaginative exaggerations,though there are subtle powers and forms that one comes across as one ascends the spiritual path,and that is the joy and knowledge,and power of getting to the more finer and subtle realms in such states of altered consciousness,for which ,now there is some scientific proof too[but no consensus,as yet] Many people come to coment without actual experience,which is what really gives obnjective percpetions of reality that is the ultimate in science,religion,spirituality and philosophy,or in short life,as such 2 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @karthikeyan arumugathandavan

There is a Vaishnavite Tamil version of "Anbe Sivam", which was put forward by a Tamil Smartha Brahmin who never wore the sacred thread! "Un Kannil Neer Vazhindal en nengil udhiram perugudadi" (In Nayika Bhava- God tells Jeeva If I see tears in your I eyes that draws the blood from my heart.) 2 days ago Like Prof.SureshUnfollow Prof.Suresh Kumar The emotional structures are in the middle or secondary brain,also known as the mammallian brain,in the limbic system in brain,and the glia in brain[and not the neurons] are most associated with afective behaviour and its aspects of subjective feelings The thalamo cortical pathways starting from the ancient structures in the back to more developed frontal lobes and cortical areas in the front,are more advanced in humans than the rest of primates and mammals. There is more space in brain,and our ancients reffered to this as CHIT AKASH. We can use it through breath internalisation methods to go back through the thalamo cortical pathways,from the front to the back,to the reptilian structures and the primary brain stem circuitry,to experience what our ancients have reffered to as the serpent power. That is where mind comes in contact with matter and induces consciousness in brain. Now science is slowly rediscovering it ,though not fully understood The literature on pure consciousness and eastern meditation experiments in science bear partial and rather inconclusive testimony to this,in mainstream science literature 2 days ago Like Follow Prem Kr Prem Kr Jha Purpose of life on earth is life of purpose for the earth and both are made for each other madly attached ., life and purpose is like man and woman relation in love and married Its like this . MAD For Each Other MADE for each other MAD at Each Other MAD bCoz of each other . Universe Exist because of diversity .and the Love and relation one has for each other Earth Exist because of people , Human being Every People is different in Charecter and behaviour due to which their life style is different , their language is different , Food is one item which actually determines the strength in body and persons trait the way we eat some fevourite food Like Dosa it determines persons true charecter . and accordingly relationship varies . Masala Dosa Personality Test...- INSTANT PSYCHOANALYSIS

There are many ways to eat a masala dosa .What ever the way one eats; there is a very good reason for doing that. It shows some traits of the person that is you... Case 1: People who open the masala dosa and eat it: These are the people who are very open about their life. Everyone one the persons friends would know all about him/her. I have generally seen guys do this rather than girls. Some people think that it is a g ross way of eating but in truth, these people are just portraying who they are and how their life is. Case 2: People who start from both end and approach the masala later: These are the people who like to wait for the exiting things to come to their life. Sadly when the times comes, they are not too interested or just do not know how to enjoy it to the fullest. These are the folks who just want life as either dry or exiting. They just do not know how to phase their life and enjoy it no matter what. There are two types of people within this group Case 2.1: People who do not finish all the masala: These folks just do not care as much for the fun times as they are already brought down by the harsh reality of life. The dry periods in their life has left them with so much scars that they do not want to be really happy when the time is right. They just take only as much as they needed and end their life. A very sorry state indeed. Case 2.2: People who finish all the masala with the little dosa they have: These are the folks who just are the extremes. They just go all out in life. No matter it is dark or bright. They may not enjoy life to the fullest but they sure make sure that they get every single good and bad thing out of life. Sometimes these folks are really hard to get along with. They are either your best friends or your worst enemies. They do not have a middle path at all. Case 3: People who start from the middle and proceed to both ends: These are the people who like to get right to what they think is their best part of life. Usually these guys finish of the good portions in a hurry and get stuck with nothing but worst parts of their life. The thing to note among these people is that the tendency to burn out very early in their life. Like the above case, there are two kinds of people in this group too. Case 3.1: People who do not finish the dosa: These folks are really the saddest of people. They are the ones who tend to end their life as soon as it hits the bad patch. For them, they only need and want the best things in life and nothing more. Typically, they are not prepared or tuned to life as a whole. They just want to enjoy from first till last. Sadly, no one in the world can live without even an ounce of sadness in life. Not even the richest of the richest. But to self destruct at the mere sign of distress is very bad. That is what these guys tend to do. Some learn to live life but most of them do not. 2 days ago Like 1 Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla @Ninan - God must have some purpose for creating so much of stuff which is *apparently* useless for us. So much of creation!!. We can understand the value of Sun, but why the other planets are required in our solar system?. If we do not know the answer, then we do not know the God, in my sincere belief.

Thank you. This boils down to the purpose and this is purely my personal view. Inner purpose - Use of us to human life Outer purpose - What purpose do we serve to the universe While the first one is mere relative, everyone sets his/her own purpose through the life which continuously changes. This can be debated for years with no conclusion because it is 'perceptional'. But at the end of the day it is the 'happiness' which makes us content who we achieve it is upto us. Second one is elusive. An Ant-hill, next to Amazon river in massive Amazon rain forest gets flooded one day and all the ants die. What purpose did they serve to the universe?. How are we different from those Ants?. We may have better intelligence than them, but we are the bacteria infesting the earth like the ants on their ant-hill. A little solar flare can get us all fried in no time. Earth may still be rotating around the Sun but with no life, just like Uranus, so where is our purpose in that act?. Layers are slowly getting uncovered. People thought Sun took bath in murky waters everyday. Then they thought Sun was revolving around the earth. There is so much of *spiritual* literature and the *acts of God* around those wonders. But we don't believe them anymore. There are unknown numbers of layers and questions out there. Every layer still un-folded may look like God's act. After all, who were we 30000 years back and what are we now?. We don't know how we will be after 30000 years. For me it is like palatial mansion with unknown number of dark rooms. We keep on revealing them one by one which were actually 'spiritual' secrets before. We may finally get there or give up. Wish you all the very best in your search (if you are still searching) with open approach. My suggestion is - Use the material to support your exploration process, but don't form a base or worst, get stuck with it. Wishing you a wonderful new year ahead too. 2 days ago Like 1 Follow Prem Kr Prem Kr Jha Continuing on Masala Dosa -personality test . Masala Dosa Personality Test...- INSTANT PSYCHOANALYSIS There are many ways to eat a masala dosa .What ever the way one eats; there is a very good reason for doing that. It shows some traits of the person that is you... Case 3.1: People who do finish the dosa: These folks are the typical human beings. We all enjoy the greatest of times in life and push the sad parts thinking about the great times in life. Typically the plate is clean and nothing is left for fate or in life. Happiness and sadness are part of life and these guys know

that and are kind of prepared for it. Life is not always happy but there are moments of happiness here and there. Case 4: People who eat the dosa making sure that the masala lasts for the whole dosa: These people are very rare. These are the people who like to attain balance in their life. It is hard to displease these people and it is hard to make them really happy. They like their balance and are very protective of it. Sadly these are the people who tend to be lonely as anyone else may upset the balance of their system.. Perfectionist to the core and are very careful. These guys do not make the best company but are needed in any group to make the group from going hay wire. Case 5: People who do not share and eat the dosa as if it is precious: These folks are very protective about their life. They do not want anyone to come and interfere in their life. They like to hide their true nature and intensions for their benefit. Beware of such people as they are in every group for their own need and nothing else. Case 6: People who offer their first bite to others: These guys are overly friendly. They do anything to be part of a group and make everyone feel like the group is important than the individuals. They are the glue that holds any group together. They are very friendly and bring the best of all the others in the group. They go out of their way to help other friends. Most groups should have a person like this and they are the ones who plan the group outings and other group activities. Once this person is out of the group, typically the group slowly falls apart. Case 7: People who take one or two bites and then offer the dosa to others: These guys care about friends and friendship but they take their time to get into the group. They take their time in making friends and they typically are very committed once into the friendship. These guys like to always be in the side lines and typically do not jum p into anything in life. They always take their time to analyze the situation and then make a decision. These guys take the better safe than sorry approach. Case 8: People who wait for others to make the offer first: Typical people I must say. They are unsure about everything. Even if they wanted to offer, they will wait till the other person offers the food first. If the other person is silent, so are these people. They are the followers. They do terrific idea, they will pitch it to someone else and get their advice before proceeding. Sadly, most of the elderly world like these types of people. 2 days ago Like Follow Prem Kr Prem Kr Jha Continuing on Masala dosa - Personality Test Series . Masala Dosa Personality Test - 9 and 10 Case 9: People who offer dosa only when they cannot finish it on their own: You all may be familiar with these kinds of people. People who are very generous only when all their needs are fulfilled. These folks are selfish but at the same time not misers or greedy. They just want to satisfy themselves before they give it to the world . They typically do not stuff themselves nor do they tend to starve. They are very good people who would give you the best of advices in life. They would make sure that you are not sad

following their advice. Case 10: People who offer the whole dosa and eat from others plates: These folks are other extreme. They know what they want, they get what they want but they cannot enjoy what they want. Instead they tend to settle for other things in life which satisfies the needs but does not satisfy the person completely. These guys are termed as born losers cause even when they have the thing they wanted, they can't stop others from stealing it from them. So next time you sit with a person eating a masala dosa, look closely and see if he falls into one of the above categories. You may be surprised as how much it reveals about the person* Enjoy eating Masala Dosa/ p> at Week End 2 days ago Like Follow Raf Raf Adams The purpose of life is to find your life purpose, to grow as a spiritual individual and walk your personal life journey. Your life's journey is only for you and no one else can tell you what it is. There is something beyond us that knows about our existence but that is not up to us to know, HE is there to help and guide you on your journey. I've developed a model to help people understand this journey, have a look This model helps people to bring together their spiritual world into their day to day reality. Feel free to share the model with others so they can learn both external and internal worlds. You can walk your journey by following your intuition and ones you do, you know the purpose and existence of life because you will experience it. Joseph Campbell and many other writers have tried to explain this journey through their teachings. 2 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Thanks for bringing some light heartedness into this topic Prem. Next time I will be little more careful when eating Dosa outside. May be I will look out for people eating Dosas and contemplate about their attitude to life. I am also now more curious to read the "Autobiography of a Yogi." Is it a good idea? 2 days ago Like Prof.SureshUnfollow Prof.Suresh Kumar Chiranjeevi,good and bad,like all things in life

2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Prem Kr Masala Dosa is t o o Good . .2 days ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Mohanakrishnan, Thanks . LOVE ..... ( Universal ) => ==> Compassion or Empathy will that really be analogous because ' Empathy ' by definition is a tricky one. ( Sympathy is also there ) .2 days ago Follow Prem Kr Prem Kr Jha Prof Suresh , Good and Bad is all parts of life will happen in this earth it does not have any relation with Purpose one has in life , Purpose is objective of life ,Objective is driver of life . Good and Bad is always like two side of the coin and this can not be controlled as no body can control this as this is dependent on situation . Only one thing which can control this Good and Bad is your Natural Charecter what ever actual and natural Charecter you have provided by the GOD when you come out from the mothers womb . In any situation you get in life always " Live your Charecter " good become better and bad become good or atleast neighter good nor bad neutral .

Read this Story . Live your Character " Anger in response to anger is more anger. Bad as a response to bad is only more bad. Wrong as a response to wrong can never be right. In life, two negatives do not make one positive. Any eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth- where will all this lead us ? Just think We so keenly observe the enemys traits, so much so that we eventually acquire those traits. How often in dealing with the enemy we become like the enemy ! A person was a personification of honesty. However, he found himself in situations where his honesty hurt others. So he began to resort to lying, not wanting to be a source of disturbance to others. The inability to deal with his honesty was the weakness of others. Now, he has developed a weakness to counter the weakness of others. Will weakness as a response to weakness create a better world. A lady has always been plain & simple soul. Of late, she has developed the doubt that her husband is doing things that he doesnt tell her. So she has started policing him; she has been thinking of cunning ways to corner him-all traits that were never a part of her. Maybe, her husband is wrong. But thinking she is dealing with his wrongdoing, she unaware that she is doing things that are completely out of character. Whenever we point out someones mistake, the immediate retort is, what am I doing that the world isnt doing? Never let the weakness of the world become a justification for our weaknesses. We dont have to become a Duryodhana to deal with Duryodhana. In fact, it is by remaining an Arujana or Bheema that we win over Duryodhanas. Why do we appreciate even those who are rude to us. a teammate asked. For simple reason, to appreciate is our character, and to be rude is their character. We do not want other peoples character to have a bearing on our character. replied the team leader. Let us be good even to those who are not good to us. There is no justification for our stooping in character. It is not about whether others deserve our goodness or not; its that we dont deserve anything bad in our heart or in our character. Let us live our character at any cost , at all costs. 2 days ago Like Prof.SureshUnfollow Prof.Suresh Kumar Emotional memories can be the villain,and we think in terms of right and wrong,good and bad,success and failure,in spite of all our philosophies and metaphysical stories. That is why it is important to cultivate an habit of forgetting certain memories and erasing them,where certain breathing practices also help. Next ,we need to learn to ignore some people and their actions,motivations,comments and confabulation. That is something you learn by experience and practice ,and may be true with frinds,relatives

,coleagues ,and very true as part of social networking. There is a lot of superfluousness and senselessness around us that we have to learn to overcome by first ignoring and then accommodating ,since there is good even in the worst case scenario 2 days ago Like Follow Anup Kumar Anup Kumar Sinha an answer to this question lies in the philosophy of Nirvana-realisation of ultimate truth 2 days ago Like Follow Aditya Aditya Donepudi We all know that God has created all( human beings, animals) and Universe too, important fact to recollect is based on individual karma God has created us as human beings with sense.Hence the purpose is to have a dedicated life with conscious mind towards karma which will again transforms to other form( Ref Bhawadgita); there are crores and more other forms in Universe,earth takes years or more to explore and discover the facts to connect to God's world of creation.. 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Enlightened Person , Realized Soul, Moksha , Nirvana , Sivalokam , Vaikundam ....> .........there seems to be many Truths :) .2 days ago Follow Prem Kr Prem Kr Jha Many People think once they achieve success , creat wealth and gets higher position his purpose of life on this earth is achieved ? After getting all this material wealth and the position and success if you are not happy it means you have not achieved anything . This is simply because your purpose of life is not really earned by you it might have come to you throgh gift or by complement given by somebody hence you will never realise the satisfaction you get from this achievement . If you are not happy with your success it means your purpose in life is not fullfilled .

2 days ago Like Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla @Aditya - /* We all know that God has created all( human beings, animals) and Universe too, */ I am sorry sir.. I do not know that. Please exclude me from that list. I am still trying to understand who is behind all this. 2 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @karthikeyan arumugathandavan: Dictionary defines empathy as * intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another. * imaginative ascribing to an object, as a natural object or work of art, feelings or attitudes present in oneself: By means of empathy, a great painting becomes a mirror of the self That is exactly "Jo Peetha Paraye Re" means-Vicariousness. Visisthaadvaitis call the attributes of Narayana (Brahman) as Kalyana Gunas. It is the duty of every Visisthaadvaiti to emulate god's Kalyana Gunas to the extent possible and become GOD eventually. Enlightened Person: You cannot restrict truth to biped humans only (Person). Enlightened means that someone has shed or imparted intellectual or spiritual light upon something. The term is ambiguous and means many things. Realized Soul: "The Soul" is the object or Subject? Phrase still means nothing. Moksha: Derived from Mukthi or liberation. Liberation from what? Nirvana: Buddhist "freedom from the endless cycle of personal reincarnations, with their consequent suffering,"- Many call this also Mukhti or Moksha. Nirvana is the state that is supposed to endow you with enough prowess to exceed the limitations of sensory perceptions and intellect. Whether the power offered by Nirvana is actually used to realize an entities' oneness ("Suchness) with God (Buddhism calls this as Tathatha (Sanskrit)-Tathata (Pali)). Tathata can be obtained by the use of a state of Nirvana. As per Buddha aspiring Tathata need not be the objective of the entire mankind. One can make do without it also. Sivaloka: The abode of the deity (Archavatara) called Siva. I cannot become one with anything only by going to the place where that one resides. Archavatara is also Brahman by Vedantic definitions. But it means something totally different say in Polytheism or Bhakti.

Vaikunta: The abode of the Archavatara called Vishnu. As per Visisthadvaita beliefs one achieves "Kaivalya" and not "Moksha" by going to Vaikunta. Remember Visithadvaita is also a Vedabtic belief. Vishnu is part of or the same as the Brahman. Visisthadvaita uses the word "Narayana" for "Brahman". Hence one achieves the same Kaivalya by going to Sivalokam (Kaliasam) also. Now can you tell me what is the similarity between all these words you have used in your last post? 2 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @Aditya Donepudi: Vedantic Hinduism does not believe in the concept of "GOD THE CREATOR". 2 days ago Like Follow Shainul Bhanji Shainul Bhanji FINBIZ AUDITORS The Purpose of Life on Earth is to KNOW the SELF, to WORSHIP the CREATOR 2 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @Shainul Bhanji FINBIZ AUDITORS: The "religion" in which I believe says that though it is desirable to "know the self" it is not the be all and end all. It does not believe "worship" and "Creator" in the sense others some define those terms. Will you say that people like me are mongrels without any "purpose"? If so, what prevents people like me from calling people like you with similar names? 2 days ago Like Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Sridhar, Appreciate your keen interest to know more and your thought process. Most of the philosophical questions you raise, I have tried to answer in the book 'Metamorphosis of an Atheist- A life journey to the Truth' available through OM Book Stores in all the main cities of India. Time and space may not allow a detailed discussion in this forum. Others may not be equally interested as you are in these subjects. Our knowledge of God is limited to what is revealed by God. It is God's glory to keep things hidden and reveal only at the right time, according to Bible. Planets and other bodies in the sky move in the precise

path they are set to move. The weather, climate and other changes we feel are controlled by these movements. If you believe in Vedic Astrology, each person has a constellation and planet influenzing his or her affairs. Job talks of his birth star in heavens. If this is true, each person need a star in heaven. Scientist say that new stars are being formed everyday. God the supreme source of energy is it impossible to convert energy in to matter to create new stars? This may be mind boggling to many. So let us not worry too much about it. Ants have a useful purpose in creation and they have to propagate to continue here. We as human beings are much more noble in creation compared to other creations. God was pleased to create us this way. As said before our knowledge, understanding and perceptions are ever changing. But the truth remains the same. What has happened and going to happen in history was revealed to Prophet Daniel in Bible. I am a student of History. It is true that everything that has happened in history so far was according to the visions given to Daniel. If you can believe that what is going to happen is also there. You need special grace to understand those revelations. There is not much time left for us here for the current set up. Soon the whole world will be under a single super power for a few years. Dramatic changes are in store for us ahead. 2 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R "..........God the supreme source of energy is it impossible to convert energy in to matter to create new stars.............." I do not know what Mr.Ninan wants to say! Is not matter being converted to energy in fission nuclear reactors and energy being converted into matter in thermo nuclear bombs? Does he want to deny scientific observations by people of wide renown for the sake of "predictions" by somebody unknown? Or he thinks we can live by astrology alone? 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Mohanakrishnan, ""Now can you tell me what is the similarity between all these words you have used in your last post? "" is the query for the differences, I raised * and thanks for the discourse. "" Enlightened Person , Realized Soul, Moksha , Nirvana , Sivalokam , Vaikundam ....>

.........there seems to be many Truths :) "" ..although you give an excellent explanation, You are quite adept at not reading the context !! LOVE is not Empathy (exactly ) Compassion is Not Empathy (exactly ) ......... in many combinations and it is nice to see the definition once more * intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another. * , ascribing, : , * imaginative ascribing to an object, as a natural object or work of art, feelings or attitudes present in oneself: By means of empathy, a great painting becomes a mirror of the self as I understand it ( empathy ) is developed along with the theory of mirror neurons and recent developments point to backtracking with mirror neurons !!! .2 days ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Mohan sir and Karthikeyan...I am completely lost on what's going on...don't know one is questioning the other or answering...please speak little slowly.. 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Chiranjeevi Thanks for the reminder , ....... One at a time, yes ! ________________________________________________________________________

"" Enlightened Person , Realized Soul, Moksha , Nirvana , Sivalokam , Vaikundam ....> .........there seems to be many Truths :) "" ________________________________________________________________________ .... and after a good discourse ""Now can you tell me what is the similarity between all these words you have used in your last post? "" ________________________________________________________________________ ( got entwined with Empathy ) .2 days ago Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Mr.Mohanakrishnan I was giving my opinion to Sridhar's post in reply my post. If you see that post by Sridhar and compare my opinion you will see the connection. Sridhar was asking what is the purpose for all these stars in the sky and that he can understand the purpose of the sun but he is wondering why we need the planets. He think God created lots of things that of no use to us or the universe. About matter being converted to energy and vice versa, I only agree with the scientists. So, is it impossible for God the suprme source of energy to convert His energy in to matter to create this Universe. In Hindu philosophy also matter is the manifestation of God and that is why Hindus worship nature or idols. I mentioned Astrology to clarify the use or purpose of stars. As per vedic Astrology, each persons under the influence of cerain planets and star constellations. Who knows if a star is created when a person is born. Scientists admit that this universe is expanding. If you refer Prophet Daniel as somebody unknown, it is not true. Daniel was the top advisor to Babylonian and Persian emperors before Alexanders time. God used Daniel to reveal His secrets than any other prophets in Bible History. India was under the rule of Persian empire this time and India is mentioned in Bible. Indian soldiers from south India and North India participated in emperor Darius's war against Greeks as is described by Herodotus the Fathur of History. Prophet Daniel was the most well known person during this ancient times. He was advisor to Babylonian and Persian emperors reporting directly to the emperor and the top administrator above administrators and advisors. I do not blame anybody for not knowing ancient History. We do not know our History as to who we are. Our knowledge of who we are is from sources outside our sources. 2 days ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Meandering Purpose ? How one's purpose could change with or without pure consciousness in amply illustrated by this story and the one we enjoyed some time back, * Types of Masala Dosa. ____________________________________________________________ Once penniless in Mumbai, now a crorepati! ...*.... DOSA PLAZA ....*...... Hunger was his only companion when he roamed the streets of Mumbai in search of a job. At age 17, Prem Ganapathy left his native place Nagalapuram in Tuticorin without informing his parents in the pursuit of making money, after a person promised him a job in Mumbai. Destiny, however, willed otherwise. There was no job as the man promised. Instead he was abandoned in Bandra, a Mumbai suburb. But this boy did not lose hope, he decided to stay back and fight for survival. Ganapathy turned his misfortune into the biggest opportunity of his life. He found a job as a dishwasher in one of the bakeries in suburban Mahim. He worked for about two years across restaurants in Mumbai doing all sorts of odd jobs. He soon realised that there was a good potential in the catering business . .2 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @Karthikeyan: Read my response with your own words "............will that really be analogous because ' Empathy ' by definition is a tricky one. " I had to state that I used the word "empathy" exactly in the sense it is defined in the dictionary. By the by the two bullet points in my post are exact reproductions from "", a very widely used online dictionary. Suddenly out of the blue you post "Enlightened Person , Realized Soul, Moksha , Nirvana , Sivalokam , Vaikundam ....> .........there seems to be many Truths :)

This may indicate "similarity" or "difference" between the words. In jurisprudence and legal drafting we (Lawyers and others normally interacting with statutory bodies) use a convention called "ejusdem geniris", which states that unless one specifies a contrary intention a group of words should be interpreted in as ideas connected with one another". Hence there is scope to assume "similarity". Now that you have specified "difference" the point is settled beyond doubt. Now you tell me, Am I really missing the context? By the by please tell me where to get the Tamil font you use. If it uses somewhat phonetic keyborad, that is exactly I want. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .These two tools are very much effective . ..1.) Gmail - Compose - Rich text .. 2 ) Google Translate .1 day ago Follow Alok Alok Misra After so many fundamentals I believe youguys are still not clear why you are on the earth! Clearly you need o ask the vote seekers/ money changers/ black marketeers/ Raul and co/BJP/ Mulayam/and lastly Sadhus in Hardwar etc.You ae not here to seekl nirvana now but to get the 1400 Billion dollar baxk to India and seek your share of Rs 3 lacs out of it as per Ram Jethmalani. Clear or Not!!If in doubt Phone RBI!! 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .... that is having very high hopes :) .1 day ago

davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Why do not you tell some thing about it dear Alok. We do not believe in any politicians nor we wanted to be victims of fascist regiments. Who take the names of all the gods and do nothing for the country or to the people of this country, We have belief in ourselves to progress ahead. 1 day ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @Alok Misra: If you are clear enough in yr head about yr existence that is ok. Others can mind their business without yr. concern! 1 day ago Like Follow Agnes Agnes Sam The purpose of life on earth is happiness. 1 day ago Like Follow Ismail Ismail Siddiqui Life is about compassion, surprise and wonderment - Don't wonder at the purpose of life on earth... feel grateful for the fact that you're alive. And allow this awareness to enrich every moment of your day. That I exist is a constant source of wonder and surprise. .... identify the purpose that reminds you of your being.....being unique.... 1 day ago Like Prof.SureshUnfollow Prof.Suresh Kumar Dogs and Donkeys do not discern,may be man,and a few only ,on purpose and meaning,since for many,it is as good as GREEK OR LATIN,till one day they evolve and mature beyond,just more of b[f]ucks and f[g]oods,and gods and idols in temple or empty philosophies without follow up HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL AND ONE AND BEST WISHES IN THE SEARCH AFTER TRUTH 23 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .-

" Dogs and Donkeys " ............ and for that matter all beings have a purpose ! ....Knowing or not knowing IT is immaterial for the Ultimate Purpose ! . . .*.. Let the New year bring in Meaningful Purpose to One and ALL with IT. . .*.. .18 hours ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada May be earth created us to save it...perhaps it knows that one day it may be absorbed by the universe and perhaps we are its little soldiers who could perhaps crack the mystery and find the purpose of earth's existence and also save it from extinction. Why else did it give us all this abundance and luxuries? Perhaps the humans are the chosen ones to fight on behalf of earth and save it from whatever is impending. Hope 2012 will take us closer to earth's purpose and help save it. Happy New Year leaders. 16 hours ago Like Follow Alok Alok Misra THe purpose is to recover full 1400 Billion Dollar to all of us!Happy in this year of recovery by 21st December 2012 13 hours ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada If money could make us happy Alok, we won't need more of it. Recovering black money is part of the constitutional process. As citizens we better focus on reducing the generation of black money. Let us realize we are all part of the process of creating black money. Every bit counts. Let us resolve not to contribute to this process in this new year. 12 hours ago Like Follow inan Ninan Mathullah Wish You All a Bright and Prosperous

New Year Ahead Best wishes in your search for the Truth 10 hours ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada In time the leading scientific societies of the world accepted my theories and results, and recognized the importance of the Indian contribution to science.4 Can anything small or circumscribed ever satisfy the mind of India? By a continuous living tradition, and a vital power of rejuvenescence, this land has readjusted itself through unnumbered transformations. Indians have always arisen who, discarding the immediate and absorbing prize of the hour, have sought for the realization of the highest ideals in lifenot through passive renunciation, but through active struggle. The weakling who has refused the conflict, acquiring nothing, has had nothing to renounce. He alone who has striven and won can enrich the world by bestowing the fruits of his victorious experience...... All creative scientists know that the true laboratory is the mind, where behind illusions they uncover the laws of truth." excerpts from 'Autobiography of a Yogi, quotation is of Jagdish Chandra Bose. Very interesting. 9 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Getting to the next step is really a challenge to any country and especially India ! ..... ' where behind the illusions they uncover the laws of truth ' ...................... .......they need experimental data to be fed back to the mind to bring some ideas / concepts from mind to reality - a working product, useful to the other Human beings . It calls for resource mobilization, capital formation .... etc but again the fun is that we can again claim, the same illusions will give a solution :) for example , exploring the oceans & moon for rich minerals !! .Gokul Krishna Pai Dear Chiranjeevi, We all have identified the purpose of our lives based on our needs and desires. The question you have asked is If there is a higher purpose? Several Prophets or Gurus have said there is a purpose, a real Goal. As we see the Suns, moons, planets around, we tend to think they all exist for us. Is it true? Is there a purpose in their existence or is it only an illusion? And if I can find someone who could explain better the existence of it, I'd be glad :) 7 days ago Like

Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla @Ninan, Thank you for your detailed response. I will try to get the book "Metamorphosis of an Atheist- A life journey to the Truth". However, I am not the one who would read the book without reading the summary when it comes to spiritual/philosophical stuff because I had enough of spurious material. Please let me know in one sentence what this Atheist tranformed *back* into - A believer or a non-believer?. With so many questions answered with assumptions (like God doesn't reveal everything), I believe in the tranformation of Athiest/beleiver/non-believer into an Agnostic, which is me. The purpose of these particular Ants (which happens on a minutely basis everywhere) losing their lives in the floods, I am not sure what useful purpose they served. All - Back to purpose in question, if we ask this question to a. A 7 Year old boy (so that he may understand the word) b. A 19 year teenager c. A newly married man/woman d. A middle-aged person who has plans to get a own house e. A retired person who is trying to get his kids married f. A patient diagnosed with Cancer with bells ringing fast Lastly but importantly f. A 90-year old person who has seen everything in life I can't help but to vouch for what Siddarth said ' we are, with sophisticated, evolved minds after thousands of years of evolution trying to argue on each others' perception...." 7 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Nothing can be declared as having no purpose ! ....each one's perception is a new beautiful single thread and that is reality ! .. arguments and interactions just weaves them to suit the choice of the individuals ! .this is the modern version of the 5 blind men and elephant Story

The Rubber Hand Illusion * Neuroscience is to some extent an exercise in reverse engineering the brain. Reverse engineering means trying to understand how a complex device works without knowledge of its design or access to the owners manual. One of the basic tools of reverse engineering is to disable one part of the machine and then see what effect that has on the machines function. * In trying to understand how the brain works, scientists cant just disable parts of peoples brains and then see what happens. But they can do some harmless tricks to cause the brain to malfunction a little. This is why neuroscientists like studying illusions. An illusion is basically a failure of the brain to perform one of its most basic tasks creating a subjective experience which corresponds to reality. So by understanding how and why the brain can fail in this function, you can better understand how the function is performed. The rubber hand illusion reveals some interesting facts about the way the brain creates the self image. It also might make a fairly entertaining party trick, provided that you have decided to bring a rubber hand to a party. Heres how it works. .7 days ago 2 Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla KA - /* Nothing can be declared as having no purpose !*/ Yes and the purpose varies according to time and need. But, I believe the discussion is about 'finding a common purpose'. Any discussion based on perceptions will result in n(n-1) dialogues between the blind elephants and we can see beauty there too. 7 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Sridhar Nice that you have made the Elephant also Blind , we can have ( n power n-1) dialogues :) .7 days ago

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .There is much to be learned ! ! ! Symphony of Science - 'We Are All Connected' .5 days ago Follow Varuggheese Varuggheese George Hello folks, in India Leadership Network, a challenging question like the one Chiranjeevi had asked and many comments received thereto, have prompted me to invite all of you leaders' attention to the idea of India. India, that is Bharatam, one among the three key civilizations on Earth -- Egyptian and Mayan being the other two -- had been teaching the world that the Creator and the created are one and not two. The core teachings of Egyptian and Mayan civilizations also were akin to this Indian teaching. Here when the scriptures taught " You are That" (tatvamasi) or "I am Bhrahman" (aham brahmasmi), the scriptures o the other two civilizations spoke "God had created men and women in His own image". Now, the process of the Causeless Cause, the Creator becoming the created worlds including you and me, are called by some as 'creation' while some others call it 'evolution'. If you and I are end results of a long, long process of creation or evolution, obviously then, we are also parts of the Causeless Cause and its becoming which continujes in us now and will continue till the Causeless Cause exists. While the law that controls the evolution in humanrace is known as karma the law of reincarnation, this law is paramount in our lives on minute by minute. The idea of religion, its rituals and restrictions on its followers are all rooted in the management of our evolution. Even State whether by divine kings, priest kings or democratic republican governments are all ideas rooted in the management of people's evolution. The Indian Constitution, through its Preamble, gave the idea of a noble society based on the oneness of human society that is a part of the Causeless Cause. Securing justice, equality and liberty and promoting fraternity among citizens are all compulsory behaviour expected every one of us citizens, to manage our evolution on equitable basis. The purpose of our life,is the purpose of the Law of Evolution which is the purpose of the Causeless Cause. Angels, devas, gods of many hues, stars, planets, and their controlling intelligences are all available to us in folklores and mythological stories. They are the stages of evolutions humanity will have to pass through. But before that, India as state, is directly involved in our lives. The purpose of our lives, is to manage the evolution of the people of India. You and I are born where we

have born with a purpose ordained by the Law of Evolution. Our family, is a major part of the purpose of our lives. Our neighbourhood community, our State and our nation are all parts of the purpose of our lives. (Please see "godimages' sarvodayaCLUB" in the group category in Linkedin Network. and also visit 3 days ago Like Follow Varuggheese Varuggheese George Hello folks, in India Leadership Network, a challenging question like the one Chiranjeevi had asked and many comments received thereto, have prompted me to invite all of you leaders' attention to the idea of India. India, that is Bharatam, one among the three key civilizations on Earth -- Egyptian and Mayan being the other two -- had been teaching the world that the Creator and the created are one and not two. The core teachings of Egyptian and Mayan civilizations also were akin to this Indian teaching. Here when the scriptures taught " You are That" (tatvamasi) or "I am Bhrahman" (aham brahmasmi), the scriptures o the other two civilizations spoke "God had created men and women in His own image". Now, the process of the Causeless Cause, the Creator becoming the created worlds including you and me, are called by some as 'creation' while some others call it 'evolution'. If you and I are end results of a long, long process of creation or evolution, obviously then, we are also parts of the Causeless Cause and its becoming which continujes in us now and will continue till the Causeless Cause exists. While the law that controls the evolution in humanrace is known as karma the law of reincarnation, this law is paramount in our lives on minute by minute. The idea of religion, its rituals and restrictions on its followers are all rooted in the management of our evolution. Even State whether by divine kings, priest kings or democratic republican governments are all ideas rooted in the management of people's evolution. The Indian Constitution, through its Preamble, gave the idea of a noble society based on the oneness of human society that is a part of the Causeless Cause. Securing justice, equality and liberty and promoting fraternity among citizens are all compulsory behaviour expected every one of us citizens, to manage our evolution on equitable basis. The purpose of our life,is the purpose of the Law of Evolution which is the purpose of the Causeless Cause. Angels, devas, gods of many hues, stars, planets, and their controlling intelligences are all available to us in folklores and mythological stories. They are the stages of evolutions humanity will have to pass through. But before that, India as state, is directly involved in our lives. The purpose of our lives, is to manage the evolution of the people of India. You and I are born where we have born with a purpose ordained by the Law of Evolution. Our family, is a major part of the purpose of our lives. Our neighbourhood community, our State and our nation are all parts of the purpose of our lives. 3 days ago Like

Follow arlene arlene delgado god made adam and when he saw adam was very lonely he made eve. life is so good when you know how to handle yourself and obey god and his commandments, god made us equal, got no comment of any religion, we have different believes and culture. we are bless that we are here on earth with abundance of food,water to drink and home . 3 days ago Like 1 davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Dear Arlene, Bible says that god has first created ADAM, then eve, Quron syas that GOD gas created adam-e-salam first and from the back bone of him the Aourat (eve) was created, Indian Scriptures then says that first it adipurusha (man) was created and that man after doing deep meditation has created woman. So which one is to be believed. As I know that Indian Vedas were more than ten thousand years BC. Where as Islam came nearly five thousand years BC and the Christanism was the off spring of Islam and Indian culture. Prophet Mohammad revived the Islam. In the gulf there were so many cultures like parsi, Judaism etc. I am not that much sure about other cultures, Even in India there are so many like Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism etc. But all are initiated by the people who got some enlightenment. And all those religions all are for humans to be as humans and not to fight each other, and who ever likes a particular religion it is left to them. That's how all the religions are treated in India. All these are all for coexistence and survival. Sp for all the people it is essential and the main purpose is to leave the ignorance and live like humans and show humanism to all. All the Indian scriptures and epics do tell the same importance of ones life as a human is to maintain decent ethics and good moral, then only we call it as civilized society are the people have some culture. Utilize the natural materials judiciously. Before that god all are equal, then while live why we can not live peacefully, harmoniously and serenely as humans. 3 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @Davloori: First let us get our facts right. The origins of Hindu religion and its epoch are unknown. Rigveda believed to be dated around any time between 3000 BC to 1700 BC through comparative philology. But it quotes so many earlier anecdotes and some of them describe stone age, homo sapiens etc. in a perspective that sounds highly contemporary. Way down in 1000 BC, the Upanishads refuted many Vedic concepts, particularly the Karma Khanda and are more metaphysical than religious in nature. Hence there is no single version of Hinduism. The panoply of Hinduism includes such diverse concepts

as atheism, monotheism, polytheism, animism and agnosticism. The term Aadipurusha occurs for the first time in Purushasuktham, which is chanted even today. The verse does not call him as the primogenitor of mankind. He is described as the "master entity" of which the various beings form part. Many Upanishadic edicts quote these verses in different contexts. "Svayambhuva Manu" is the originator of the mankind in the "Swetavaraha Kalpa" of which the present Kaliyuga forms part. The description of Svayambhuva Manu and another 15 Manus occurs only in the Puranas. No Vedic verse talks of any Manu. Hence there is no concept similar to Adam and Eve, in most parts of Vedantic Hindu belief. Sankara does not believe in somebody who started off the mankind. He says everything is a single indivisible entity with various elements, the multiple manifestations of which always remain in a dynamic equilibrium, without altering the "whole". There are many speculations about the age of Jesus Chirst when he was crucified. "Christianity" arises from "Christ" and cannot be more than 2011 years old as of now. Most think that Hegira marks the birth of Islam.originated 600 years after Christianity. The current year in the Higri Calender is 1433. There can be no difference of opinion about human virtues and peaceful coexistence. But in order to stress these noble attributes one should not portray wrong picture of various religions. 3 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Dear Mohankrishnan, Hijra calender what you are talking is after the Prophet Mohammad, it was renamed, and entire Egyptian culture was based on Islamic only which was minimum five thousand years BC, the Malayali calender was started after Adi Shankaracharaya, same way the the present Indian calender was renamed after or during the Saka period. There is no dispute over that. Coming to Christian calender it was revised a number of times by adding new months and also numbers specially 13 as it was inauspicious. As per famous historian and literary expert Viswanatha Satyanarayana, who was also an astrologer also the Mahabharata epic occurred some time in before 3000 to 5000 thousand years BC. It is also likely that the in end of Mahbharata the term musalum came in, most probably that was the period when the muslim culture must have raised. If that is the case Ramayana as per the Hindu dynasty structural tree, in which Sakas were also quoted must have been must be ten thousand years BC, it is all Indian History and cultural development. It is also be noted that who ever invaded India have not only burnt the vedas but also eradicated the monuments for the diamonds, gold and silver etc. So people what ever they could remember from their ancestors have rewritten the vedas and the other epics. 3 days ago Like

Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Shridhar, The book is the story about a Atheist and Agnostic becoming a believer. We are all different in our perceptions, based on our knowledge and experiences. We are in different stages of our life journey- some being Atheist, Agnostics, or people of different religions. Irrespective of our faith, the Truth is only one. It is our choice to search for the Truth. Some choose to stay in ignorance as their priorities are different. It is not my job to convince anybody about the Truth. If you have a desire to know and if you ask me I can share what I know with you. Same way things I do not know I ask people who I think are knowledgeable or read their writings or books. This is the searching process. I pray to God to reveal to me His Truth, and to open my inner eye. To receive it I need a humble spirit. Arguments arise usually from pride that I know better. We can listen to debate with an open mind and learn from it. Best wishes in your search for the Truth. 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ...." .Egyptian culture was based on Islamic only "...........!!! watch out Pharaoh 's curse is suppose to be quite powerful :) .3 days ago Follow Prashant Prashant Kashyap Life on earth is just a cosmic coincidence as much as the extinction will be. Actually human being have evolved more than other species so they want to think that life (particularly human being) is there to serve some divine purpose. But as scientists say-history begins and ends at big bang. 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .I believe Scientist is a Human Being ! dar starts after the Prophet went to Medina from Mecca. Say he migrated when he was "y" years old. Now it is Hijri 1433. Hence Islam is 1433+y years old. Since we are talking of 1000s of years x and y may be safely ignored. This is known history. If you want to write your own version of history it is your business. But the others have the right to point out that what you state is not as per history as it is commonly taught.

Likewise I learned Hindu scriptures for seven years (Part time) from a proper religious school for 4 hours a day, in Sanskrit and Tamil. I did not learn them from any translated books.I am writing what I was taught. If you think you are smart enough to rewrite the scriptures, you are welcome. It is up to the readers to believe what they want. What is the context to drag subjective history and particular religious beliefs in this regard? Ethical and moral values are common to all human beings. Philosophical theories can be discussed, but not individual faith. I have been avoiding responding your posts. I thought that I have a right to point out what I think is wrong. Now I think that it is better we avoid commenting on each others posts henceforth. . 2 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Moosa or Moses was one who started the Masque at Karbala, which was later renovated by Mohammed. This Moosa has followed rub and also visited India about four to five thousand years back. Hoe was the priest and also adviser to those rulers.. The latest findings of the remains of the mar-moth elephants in different parts of world also shows that they were chased from Himalayan terrains to other parts of the world, those who went in chase of them settled in those parts due rough weather conditions. There are also latest excavations in Andhrapradhesh showing some culture dated back to forty thousand years back. The Harppan and Mohajodharo also are of minimum 5000 years BC and show only Dravidian culture, which comprises all the five states below Vindyahills. History of the world has considered only Egyptian culture from where the present western culture was developed which was once originally started from caves due to bad environmental conditions and also hunters for food. Where as in Egypt and India the culture was from agriculture based. It is there even in Asian countries, They used to dig channels under the earth and bring water to far off places for cultivation as well as for easy transportation of the rulers and advisers to review the situation or to fight with those who invade for the looting and eradicating or snatching the women and children as slaves. Forget about all that just all are humans and should live as humans to continue the life on this earth. The purpose how to and in what fashion, just to go on arguing or moving forward. Life is not theory it is practical just leave all those theories, and be more practical. All are humans and all traditions as important as they are. Nobody has the right to eradicate any culture, only it may transform to another, just like buddhism, islamic, Christian, now in India we have so many Sreeramakrishna ( where one prays to his own wife and stays as brahmachary that is married bachelor), Saibaba, Sathyasai, Amritanandamayi, Sree Ravishankar Ramdev etc. A lot of people are following them for spreading the ideology or having the faith and belief in them as their gods. But so far nobody has followed Gandhi, who was instrumental in getting the freedom as well as gave sleepless nights to those British rulers and their supporters. 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Gandhi Brand is more powerful than Swami's is already demonstrated :)

.2 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Moses known as Moosa in Arabic is a prophet who the Jews consider as the last messenger of GOD. Jesus a.k.a Isa is a prophet who the Christians consider as the last messenger of God. Muslims consider Mohamed as the last messenger of God. Jews do not believe Christ or Mohamed. Christians do not believe in Mohamed. Abraham a.k.a Ibrahim in Arabic dates prior to Moses. The Haj pilgrimage rites is associated with Ibrahim. Muslims cite Thora and Bible in Koran and their Hadiths ("Words of mouth) as reference, just as Buddhists quote Hindu religious texts amd later Hindu religious texts quote Buddha. Go and tell any Jew that he is a Muslim or vice versa and see the reaction! Karbala is a mosque not even recognized by Sunni Moslems. Ali the grandson of the prophet was beheaded by a sect of Muslims in Karbala on the Moharam new years day of 680AD. Even today Shia Muslims mourn Ali on the Moharam day by a ritual called Tazia.For your information even today Muharam is not a public holiday in Saudi Arabia. The religious beliefs of the people of Mohanjadaro and Harappa is still not conclusively established. No one has deciphered the scripts. No Veda or Purana quotes both the towns. People may go ahead and talk of ethics, morals and other philosophies without reference to any history or particular religion. But by propagating erroneous history and religion one may endanger his credibility and his intentions may be considered questionable. 2 days ago Like Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah Christians do not believe that Jesus is the last prophet. Jesus is not a Prophet alone. Jesus is Prophet, Priest and King at the same time. God continue to send Prophets, King and Priests to different cultures. Litterally though Kings are no more, Administrators with the same function are everywhere. Coming to history, most do not write their family history. As a nation or culture we do not know our history as we didn't record it well or preserve it. What we have is myths and legends. Our knowledge of our history is from sources outside us. It is not that bad.Some use Vedas or Purasnas or Quran or Bible to prove that what its says is correct. It is not acceptable as it is called circular reasoning. If anybody need proof to belive it better bring sources outside it and best source is history. Though we do not have our history written and preserved, there are a few cultures that preserved their history. We can trace our history by finding where our origin fit in their history or geneology. 2 days ago Like

Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Thanks for the info Ninan.I have heard many Christians say that they do not believe in going to other sources in the interpretation of the Bible than Jesus. Hence by implication it appears that Jesus is the ultimate messenger conveying the message of GOD as per Christianity. The belief that he is GOD, Prophet and everything as you say tantamount to saying that he is also the ultimate messenger. Many of my Christian friends say that as per the interpretations of St.John, Jesus is the ultimate messenger of God. He may be GOD or anything over and above that. Re. Islam there is confusion. The later part of the Koranic words "La Ilahi illalah, Mohamed Rasoolullah" leaves no doubt. "Mohammed Rasoolullah", that is Mohammed is THE APOSTLE. Eastern Philosophies are not "prescriptive". They leave options open for every Hindu to question anything the scriptures say. We have animistic, dogmatic, atheistic and monotheistic versions of Hinduism living peacefully side by side. They fight with each other. But nobody has the right to say that so and so is not a Hindu or heretic.These differences are ignored through statements like "Like the waters from the sky flow through the rivers and ultimately reach the ocean, all prayers go to the GOD. A Charvaks Hindu can say "GOD what if" and live with it?. But can any Christian say "Christ what if" without attracting a public outcry from believing Christians? The rituals and dogmas of Hinduism vary from place to place. But nobody in one place has any right to call people with different perceptions as Heretics. With so much of basic differences in the outlook between the Eastern and Semitic religions, it will always be dangerous to start public discussions on faith even with genuine participants with a very broad outlooks. Leave it to the preachers of arbitrary theology and history, it will only pave way for avoidable conflict and even bloodshed. 2 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Which country he has ruled if he was King, he not a prophet as he did not predict the future. Some rumor was there he may become the kimg of the world, that's why he was killed while he was helping the poor and deprived persons who were by force were used as slaves and were punished for the non of their faults by those who were ignorant of humans rights, who were ruling that portion during that period. But because of his nailing lots of people gave their hearts to him. Same way as that of prince Siddhartha becoming Gauthama Buddha and took the heart of lots of people. More than three fourths of the worlds population went for Buddhism during that period. In that clan nobody forces others nor lure anybody to go for Buddhism. So is Indian Hinduism. Nor even those who follow strictly Prophet Mohammad say that you convert to Muslim. 2 days ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Chimamanda Adichie: The danger of a single story Our lives, our cultures, are composed of many overlapping stories. Novelist Chimamanda Adichie tells the story of how she found her authentic cultural voice -- and warns that if we hear only a single story about another person or country, we risk a critical misunderstanding. .2 days ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Feel thankful to be introduced to new ways of thinking. Wouldn't have known them without being here. Thanks Karthikeyan and others for introducing new material all the time. 2 days ago Like Follow saideepak saideepak gopinath Every now and again, we hear the clichd question, What is the meaning of life? or What is the purpose of life? or Why are we born?. In most cases, we have our own agenda on what our purpose in life is. However from a spiritual perspective, there are two generic reasons why we are born. These reasons define the purpose of our lives at the most basic level. They are: To complete the give-and-take account we have with various people. To make spiritual progress with the final aim of merging into God and therefore getting out of the cycle of birth and death. For more interesting facts read this article : 1 day ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Yes dear Chiranjeevi, the meaning of the life of humans is to live in peaceful, harmonious and serene conditions and treating each other as humans and other lives as part of universal life, which try to balance some other things that nature has created. It is all coexisting and having greater

understanding to progress as humans and not and satanical means. 1 day ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada I want to share something I have heard my 18 years old son say about purpose of life. I don't know what he has been reading, he says the purpose of life is to achieve atonement. And he explained to me that atonement means 'at one ment' that is being one with the god. He says god says if you follow me you will become one with me. I think we sometimes underestimate the youngsters. Everyday is a learning. He also says in Christianity there is something called evil, which is not there in Hindu or Islam religions. He says the evil is also an angel who has fallen out of favor with the god because he disobeyed god. I wanted to say lot of things about what I understand about evil but I felt happier listening to him. No one has a correct answer to these questions and its a pleasure exploring different lines of thought. 1 day ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Yes Chiranjeevi, He must have read or heard from some Muslim discourses, in which they explained in detail that once the adam-e-salam was alive all the other universal elements started saluting or bowing before him except Saitan, which refuses to bow to adam-e-salam even after God /Allah ordered him to do so. But goes on creating problems and says that he was created for that purpose only so as to create problems to the humans and make them to run away from the righteous and virtuous path. Even our Puranas also do say the same and also The bible. But nobody in Christian communities did say this or even mention it but every thing ends with Jesus. The term atonement is also called as self realization or getting the moksha from rebirths. In Indian philosophy we have to learn from each and every life and also from materials, which is also there in Muslim culture. Hats of to your son, showing some maturity at this stage but be careful. 1 day ago Like Follow RAMESH BABU RAMESH BABU GS Hi all: I am new to this group but found the chain of sharing interesting... However, my understanding so far feels and wish to express... All life forms is driven to survival with un-explainable needs like hunger, sleep and lust to be satisfied without any control...In this process of survival we thrive to show our excellence. Once achieving so called excellence, almost versions of realisation say, "There is something beyond THIS, THAT and THOSE...birth or rebirth or no-birth?!?!? etc"... Whatever, the choice you make is absolutely yours...the purpose is what you make out of your living life and Lifestyle...Out of many options To experience "EXISTENCE" from within is a great feeling...

Seeking to understand this experience of living is a great journey...In this journey you feel and learn many things a larger sense of unexplainable "AWARENESS" leading to many dimensions with many more options. Ultimately, whatever you achieve through existence either " RE-BIRTH or NO-BIRTH...JUST ENJOY LIFE with all the positive vibes to "Live and Let Live" -Thanks for the oppurtunity -:) 1 day ago Unlike 2 karthikeyan arumugathandavan ."Live and Let Live" , Great Slogan :) .1 day ago Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena Nice comment, Ramesh after a long time. Tired of reading all that moral comments, religious comments, Mine Vs Yours religion and God comments,Science Vs Anti-Science comments...even History comments... 1 day ago Like Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla I am sorry for being a spoil-sport. Old but interesting saying "Live and Let Live". Ironically, we have to inadvertantly (or purposely) kill the rights of certain living things in order for us to 'live'. For ex., we kill cockroaches, snakes etc., Or is the scope of 'life on earth' only about human life? 1 day ago Like Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena This is interesting comment..All living being survive by killing other living being which includes plants. The scheme is such that for survival you have to kill other lesser intelligent plant and animals and productively use lesser intelligent human beings..the primary need of all living being is survival under all circumstances and therefore they can also try to accumulate the necessary essentials for survival. Humans are best in accumulation..but this scheme of feeding on others or this chain will break when one takes more than that it is needed for survival which will have a cascading effect...

1 day ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Sridhar That is not spoil sport , a sustainable cycle sports :) ___________________________________________________________________ Generally, Craze for Archaeology & Anthropology and to some extend History never dies ! This is one of the Historic comment : ( this thread ) "" ........ to share a similar thought, when we are forced chase the ants of many types in many situations , I used to wonder One mug of water is complete flooding for them and a bucket poured is literal Tsunami ..!! But could we adjust to live, as suggested by some schools of thought to accommodate all beings & creatures ...... next to impossibility. The compromise is the purpose of life ."" one version or my view of "Live and Let Live" .* . Just remember to allow space for other beings to live around you , on you , above you and below you as much as you are one in to their space .*. .1 day ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan .At times even some select animals can uproot human beings from their dwellings !! Happily uprooted A well-calculated compensation plan eases relocation pain of forest dwellers from the core area of Melghat Tiger Reserve.....> " This is first of its kind relocation in the country where an entire village has been shifted out of forest in one go, says Praveensingh Pardeshi, Principal Secretary (Forest), Maharashtra "" .1 day ago Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Mohanakrishnan, davuloori, You asked some interesting questions. God gets His plans for man done through three instituitions- Prophets, Kings and Priests. Since Jesus is God, these three instituitions are inherent in him. Jesus is different from other prophets in that He is God and in Him is the fullness of revelation about God.He performed the duties of all three instituitions while on earth.davuloori asking which country he has ruled, Jesus used administrative functions in cleansing the temple with a wip and chasing crooks out of the temple. A sign was made and placed by Romans on the cross above his head stating that he is the King of Jews. There is enough and more proof in Bible scriptures to prove to a faithful that Jesus is Prophet, King and Priest.The Last Judgement when all stand before God, Jesus will be on the Throne as per Bible. Jesus will be ruling when the current system is replaced. Even today according to Christian faith, God can use you and I as a Prophet to convey his messages to people in a local circle or wider circle. Since each religion is a faith, a faithful does not need any other scriptures other than his own to believe in it. But when it come to interfaith dialogue, I can't use Bible alone to explain to you. The common denominator for all is History. Yes, there is some confusion there as to the interptetation of Prophet Muhammed as the last prophet. When we say that a prophet is last prophet we are limiting God by saying that God can't send a prophet or messenger anymore. In Quran the word 'seal of the prophet' is interpreted as the last prophet. I think this is an issue with interpretation. When you call religion as Eastern or Semetic, again it is an issue with interpretation. All world religions are Semetic religions as far as I know. Conflict is inevitable at times. There is a purpose for war in history. War will be there always. But peace is in your mind. Even while the sea is raging you can have peace in your mind with the help og God. 22 hours ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Ninan: Faith ceases to be faith when it becomes the subject of a "dialogue". You have your faith in Christianity and Jesus, which I will never justify in universal terms. If it is so there may not be so many people in the world who do not believe either in Christ or Christianity. I stop with saying that your faith is not my faith or vice versa and let us not argue about it. I am puzzled by your statement that "All religions are Semitic". Semitic means people belonging to a particular region extending throughout Arabia and Palestine, Israel, Jordan and Syria in particular.

Religions established by the people of this region are Semitic. But none from these regions has anything to do with Hinduism and Buddhism apart from many other religions elsewhere. When our scriptures say that they have been created by innumerable people, how can you say that Moses, Jesus or Mohamed created Hinduism and Buddhism also. It is contrary to known historical facts. Why an "inter faith dialogue" is necessary? I keep mine and you keep yours. Notwithstanding the differences in faith can't we coexist. 21 hours ago Like Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Mohanakrishnan, I understand your reasoning. Now we are getting in to abstract reasoning. Yes faith is based on your knowledge and experience base and so it can be unique in its higher degree or detail. But generally speaking it is possible to have the same knowledge and same general experience for many individuals at the same time. That is why we have many adherents of Hinduism, Islam and Christianity. Bible says that faith comes from listening and, here what is changing is your knowledge base. Along with that the Spirit of God give you conviction about the matter (experience base) that the faith become strong. So a dialogue is not impossible as the knowledge base can be the same and the experience also the same in general terms. About the word Semetic, the origin of it is from the name Shem one of the three children of Noah, who survived the great flood of ancient times. All the people of the world now are descendants of the three children of Noah- Shem, Ham and Japheth. Bible gives detailed history about them and the area of the earth they settled. All dark skinned people are children of Ham and they settled in Africa and India and some other regions. Children of Japheth settled in Greece and islands of Mediterranean and surroundings. As you said children of Shem settled in the area you mentioned. Ancient Indus Valley civilization was a Hamitic civilization. Aryans that came in BC1500 was a Semetic race and so we can call their religion Semetic. 20 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Generally, Craze for Archaeology & Anthropology and to some extend History never dies ! History <=> High + STORY , anyone can write and rewrite IT any number of times .....still good stories are always FUN & Enjoyment :) .13 hours ago

Follow arlene arlene delgado god created man equal, we inhale good air,good water and good life, it is upto the person what he wants in his life, now we can fly to the moon,jupiter and the stars. 10 hours ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar If we have understood the epics like Ramayana or Mahabharata HIS + Tory (tormented by others) = History, others always torment or humiliate one for their ignorance about life to get materialistic benefits as they were doing with others by isolating and harassing by all means. IT ends and starts with High Tea ( HT, high tension live wires) 10 hours ago Like Follow Dilip Dilip Thosar The real simple and short answer to this grand question about the universe, life and everything, is 42. ref: the restaurant at the end of the universe 9 hours ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Ninan Mathullah: Well I do not believe in the Bible, Noah, Sam etc. Hence I do not believe what you believe. The classification of religious thoughts between Semitic and Eastern is used in most of the books on theology or religion and I just went by it. never bothered to interpret the term. You try to interpret even the labels from a Christian lens. I do not do so. Hence such discussions are meaningless and at worst can only create unwanted hard feelings. That is why I told you that I do not believe in "inter faith dialogue". At max we can share info without trying to argue. 9 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .What harm these people have done to others ???

.........Not understanding the Purpose of their own Government :) "" At times even some select animals can uproot human beings from their dwellings !! Happily uprooted A well-calculated compensation plan eases relocation pain of forest dwellers from the core area of Melghat Tiger Reserve.....> " This is first of its kind relocation in the country where an entire village has been shifted out of forest in one go, says Praveensingh Pardeshi, Principal Secretary (Forest), Maharashtra "" "" .9 hours ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada To me interfaith dialogue could be interesting if we share in terms of what is similar rather than what is different. For instance I find that music (the way it sounds) is very similar across religions. I think religions are based on basic instincts of humans which are same everywhere. My guess is a lot should be similar across different religions. Then what's the need for different religions, its like we have different skins and looks, I guess we also have a different way of looking at the same thing. Though skin colors differ the function of skin is the same across all beings (at least across human beings.) Same way the religions only look different but they serve the same purpose. Unfortunately we feel one skin color is superior to the other just as we think one religion superior to the other. 7 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Skin deep .......> if we probe skin it self is Omniscient !! .................Skin has direct relation to the environment people live ........................ .. it is more than a solar film we paste in cars & windows .. it is more than any osmosis membrane used medical anlysis / water filteration .. it is more any advanced distributed sensor network

.. it has lifetime guarantee , replenishes & repairs on it's own .. it is the best gate keeper is a HVAC machine .. .. .........Skin is Omniscient :) .7 hours ago davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Not only their skin is insensitive but also their brains are full of ego, arrogance and totally ignorant of the life. Jesus was tormented due to the ignorance of others as he was helping the poor and under the impression he may be the next king was nailed down. The same way in Ramayana Rama was sent to forests by his own family members, and he was deprived of his own wife along with him, but some how managed to get back his wife and also the kingdom, but the same ill-motivated people separated them. In Mahabharata all the Kurus were against the pandavas from the starting and spared no opportunity to isolate Bheema or entire family and a number times to kill them and finally making them to go to forests by dubious means. But What these Pandavas earned all was plundered by Kurus. Mohammad's family was assassinated Hazarat Ali has born in a Mosque and may not be knowing his father but Mohammad has accepted him as his son-in-law later, entire family was eradicated by others who were in power just for the sake of drinking water by all dubious methods. History and literary works do give a good background of the conditions of what type of culture one kingdom got. probably after the good education most have lost their ............. 4 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ." probably after the good education most have lost their ............. " skin & kin :) ..---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

What harm these people have done to others ??? .........Not understanding the Purpose of their own Government :) "" At times even some select animals can uproot human beings from their dwellings !! " This is first of its kind relocation in the country where an entire village has been shifted out of forest in one go, says Praveensingh Pardeshi, Principal Secretary (Forest), Maharashtra "" "" .4 hours ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R What is the purpose of life? You define it! There are people who defined the purpose as climbing the Everest and achieved it. I honor such people more than who keep on talking endlessly. Why does the universe exist?: We need not bother about it. We exist because it exists. What is better always questioning why we exist or do the best when we exist. Does anyone or anything else knows about existence other than us?: As per available scientific evidence "nobody"! Why you crave for compliments from the unknown others? This discussion is a waste of time. It has the potential to brew acrimony and end up with teaching nothing worthwhile. 4 hours ago Like Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Mohanakrishnan, It is not my job to convince anybody anything or force anything on anybody. We all hear many things and take what interest us. We were talking about History and you brought in a term 'Semetic' and it is derived from Shem of Bible as per the same History books. 'Hamito' is a word used in Linguistics as a group of languages and again is derived from Bible. When Historians can't find enough ancient documents on History, they have tried to fill in the gaps by tracing from Bible as there is no other ancient detailed History document available as Bible.(Some say they do not consider Bible as History) If a person is prejudiced against things and do not keep an open mind it is hard to learn anything new. I noticed that some of you in the group are well informed through years of learning, thinking and research. Same way the information I share is from years of reading, thinking and research. There is a tendency among people to turn the TV off if the message is not pleasing to the ears. It is our choice. I am the least interested to continue the dialogue if others are not interested as it take so much of my time to write reply with my busy schedule. I like to respond to all but I can't unless specifically asked to respond due to limitations of time. Besides older

people advice not to share your precious thought that you have developed through years of study with people who can't appreciate it as they will laugh at it and ridicule it. When there is a conflict people will come together for dialogue to avoid escation of the conflict. To understand the other side is the best way to avoid a conflict. After 9/11 conflict, books on Islam skyrocked here as people were trying to understand Islam. Is not prevention better than cure, and so a dialogue better to avoid misunderstanding? An open mind is a prerequisite for that. Again, if you are not interested to continue I have no problem with it. Regards Ninan Mathullah 3 hours ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Well Mr.Ninan ".......When Historians can't find enough ancient documents on History, they have tried to fill in the gaps by tracing from Bible as there is no other ancient detailed History document available as Bible......" That is exactly what not many people believe. We believe that our scriptures are the ultimate resort when there is a doubt because they are much older at least by recorded history. This is what "faith" is about. You will only get into trouble if you make "faith" a matter of discussion. ",,...After 9/11 conflict, books on Islam skyrocked here as people were trying to understand Islam....." What all those books did achieve? The problem is that X has Killed Y just because of "faith". Y will in turn kill X and this will go in. That is what public debate on faith has achieved so far! You keep your faith in your private domain and I keep mine in my private domain. Otherwise contemporary common moral values should prevail! Let us stop with learning what each others "faith" is without commenting so that I try by best to avoid hurting your faith and you also do the same. As a Christian you have been conditioned to believe that spreading Christ's message is your duty. Islam talks of similar concept called "Twahid". Hinduism and Buddhism never exhort any Hindu or Buddhist to spread any message. With such fundamental differences in perception it is counterproductive to "discuss" "faith"! 2 hours ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar I think the discussion went well so far but with few flare ups here and there, it is usual for human beings when there is no well recorded history, that is time dependent again. But there is enough literature that is available in oral form as well as written form, the Dravidian culture is as older as

that of Egyptian one at least as far as present records are concerned. The term Dravidian derived from panchendriya gnanam, that is the people who have control over five types of power centers or five types emotional balances in the body. The same term became Druid when they shifted to other parts of the world as they migrated due to some problems, they used to prepare medicines from natural herbs and elements for the betterment of the people. To my knowledge Egypt and India has very good connections in trade as well as cultural exchanges because of which some those genes also are there in South Indian corridor and most of the gulf also has good trade with Indian sub-continent through land as well as sea. They also exchanged some techniques by which water is utilized better way for agriculture and other things. Indians have the technique if adapting to the requirements and work hard. One of the example being the Fampous raja Pulikesi who was ruling some portions of Kerala called Panthalum converted him self to Muslim who incidentally stated Malayali calender after Adi Shankara, which has twelve moths but Hijri calender has only eleven months. Even the Temple at Thirivananthapuram received a lot jewelry and gold from the gulf and also some cultural exchanges were made like building churches and mosques in the entire Kerala region. But most of songs and other things they Indeginized well to incorporate Indian style of praying. Same way when some of the famous Kings of west and south Indian went to Indonesia Cambodia and Malaysia took the Indian cultures and settled there. All the world came to India to discover by sea route as that was only prosperous country during that period. But where as Egyptians have to depend on other countries for their survival so the trade links via sea route. It is south Indian people who guided Vasco da Gama. 1 hour ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .History <=> High + STORY , anyone can write and rewrite IT any number of times .....still good stories are always FUN & Enjoyment :) somebody from gulf should have deposited Gold in Indian Temples ??? .53 minutes ago Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Mohanakrishnan, We come to a fundamental question of 'Freedom of speech' guranteed in Indian Constituition and most other countries. If I am standing in a public space and if I know you, I can come to you and initiate a converstion. If you are interested we can continue the conversation. I receive many mails in my email and by postal mail. They do not arrive at my mail box with my permission. I respond to what interest me only. Something that will not interest me can be intersting to another person. This is a public forum and if I am not interested in the discussion I do not have to respond. If I do not agree with a comment, I can try to understand and if can't agree we can agree to disagree. For any society, freedom of speech is very important for development. Otherwise we will lag

behind. Regards

arlene delgado god created man equal, we inhale good air,good water and good life, it is upto the person what he wants in his life, now we can fly to the moon,jupiter and the stars. 3 days ago Like

davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar If we have understood the epics like Ramayana or Mahabharata HIS + Tory (tormented by others) = History, others always torment or humiliate one for their ignorance about life to get materialistic benefits as they were doing with others by isolating and harassing by all means. IT ends and starts with High Tea ( HT, high tension live wires) 3 days ago Like Follow Dilip Dilip Thosar The real simple and short answer to this grand question about the universe, life and everything, is 42. ref: the restaurant at the end of the universe 3 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Ninan Mathullah: Well I do not believe in the Bible, Noah, Sam etc. Hence I do not believe what you believe. The classification of religious thoughts between Semitic and Eastern is used in most of the books on theology or religion and I just went by it. never bothered to interpret the term. You try to interpret even the labels from a Christian lens. I do not do so. Hence such discussions are meaningless and at worst can only create unwanted hard feelings. That is why I told you that I do not believe in "inter faith dialogue". At max we can share info without trying to argue. 3 days ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .What harm these people have done to others ??? .........Not understanding the Purpose of their own Government :) "" At times even some select animals can uproot human beings from their dwellings !! Happily uprooted A well-calculated compensation plan eases relocation pain of forest dwellers from the core area of Melghat Tiger Reserve.....> " This is first of its kind relocation in the country where an entire village has been shifted out of forest in one go, says Praveensingh Pardeshi, Principal Secretary (Forest), Maharashtra "" "" .3 days ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada To me interfaith dialogue could be interesting if we share in terms of what is similar rather than what is different. For instance I find that music (the way it sounds) is very similar across religions. I think religions are based on basic instincts of humans which are same everywhere. My guess is a lot should be similar across different religions. Then what's the need for different religions, its like we have different skins and looks, I guess we also have a different way of looking at the same thing. Though skin colors differ the function of skin is the same across all beings (at least across human beings.) Same way the religions only look different but they serve the same purpose. Unfortunately we feel one skin color is superior to the other just as we think one religion superior to the other. 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Skin deep .......> if we probe skin it self is Omniscient !! .................Skin has direct relation to the environment people live ........................ .. it is more than a solar film we paste in cars & windows .. it is more than any osmosis membrane used medical anlysis / water filteration

.. it is more any advanced distributed sensor network .. it has lifetime guarantee , replenishes & repairs on it's own .. it is the best gate keeper is a HVAC machine .. .. .........Skin is Omniscient :) .3 days ago davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Not only their skin is insensitive but also their brains are full of ego, arrogance and totally ignorant of the life. Jesus was tormented due to the ignorance of others as he was helping the poor and under the impression he may be the next king was nailed down. The same way in Ramayana Rama was sent to forests by his own family members, and he was deprived of his own wife along with him, but some how managed to get back his wife and also the kingdom, but the same ill-motivated people separated them. In Mahabharata all the Kurus were against the pandavas from the starting and spared no opportunity to isolate Bheema or entire family and a number times to kill them and finally making them to go to forests by dubious means. But What these Pandavas earned all was plundered by Kurus. Mohammad's family was assassinated Hazarat Ali has born in a Mosque and may not be knowing his father but Mohammad has accepted him as his son-in-law later, entire family was eradicated by others who were in power just for the sake of drinking water by all dubious methods. History and literary works do give a good background of the conditions of what type of culture one kingdom got. probably after the good education most have lost their ............. 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ." probably after the good education most have lost their ............. " skin & kin :)

..--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What harm these people have done to others ??? .........Not understanding the Purpose of their own Government :) "" At times even some select animals can uproot human beings from their dwellings !! " This is first of its kind relocation in the country where an entire village has been shifted out of forest in one go, says Praveensingh Pardeshi, Principal Secretary (Forest), Maharashtra "" "" .3 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R What is the purpose of life? You define it! There are people who defined the purpose as climbing the Everest and achieved it. I honor such people more than who keep on talking endlessly. Why does the universe exist?: We need not bother about it. We exist because it exists. What is better always questioning why we exist or do the best when we exist. Does anyone or anything else knows about existence other than us?: As per available scientific evidence "nobody"! Why you crave for compliments from the unknown others? This discussion is a waste of time. It has the potential to brew acrimony and end up with teaching nothing worthwhile. 3 days ago Like Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Mohanakrishnan, It is not my job to convince anybody anything or force anything on anybody. We all hear many things and take what interest us. We were talking about History and you brought in a term 'Semetic' and it is derived from Shem of Bible as per the same History books. 'Hamito' is a word used in Linguistics as a group of languages and again is derived from Bible. When Historians can't find enough ancient documents on History, they have tried to fill in the gaps by tracing from Bible as there is no other ancient detailed History document available as Bible.(Some say they do not consider Bible as History) If a person is prejudiced against things and do not keep an open mind it is hard to learn anything new. I noticed that some of you in the group are well informed through years of learning, thinking and research. Same way the information I share is from years of reading, thinking and research. There is a tendency among people to turn the TV off if the

message is not pleasing to the ears. It is our choice. I am the least interested to continue the dialogue if others are not interested as it take so much of my time to write reply with my busy schedule. I like to respond to all but I can't unless specifically asked to respond due to limitations of time. Besides older people advice not to share your precious thought that you have developed through years of study with people who can't appreciate it as they will laugh at it and ridicule it. When there is a conflict people will come together for dialogue to avoid escation of the conflict. To understand the other side is the best way to avoid a conflict. After 9/11 conflict, books on Islam skyrocked here as people were trying to understand Islam. Is not prevention better than cure, and so a dialogue better to avoid misunderstanding? An open mind is a prerequisite for that. Again, if you are not interested to continue I have no problem with it. Regards Ninan Mathullah 3 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Well Mr.Ninan ".......When Historians can't find enough ancient documents on History, they have tried to fill in the gaps by tracing from Bible as there is no other ancient detailed History document available as Bible......" That is exactly what not many people believe. We believe that our scriptures are the ultimate resort when there is a doubt because they are much older at least by recorded history. This is what "faith" is about. You will only get into trouble if you make "faith" a matter of discussion. ",,...After 9/11 conflict, books on Islam skyrocked here as people were trying to understand Islam....." What all those books did achieve? The problem is that X has Killed Y just because of "faith". Y will in turn kill X and this will go in. That is what public debate on faith has achieved so far! You keep your faith in your private domain and I keep mine in my private domain. Otherwise contemporary common moral values should prevail! Let us stop with learning what each others "faith" is without commenting so that I try by best to avoid hurting your faith and you also do the same. As a Christian you have been conditioned to believe that spreading Christ's message is your duty. Islam talks of similar concept called "Twahid". Hinduism and Buddhism never exhort any Hindu or Buddhist to spread any message. With such fundamental differences in perception it is counterproductive to "discuss" "faith"! 3 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow

davuloori bheemeswar I think the discussion went well so far but with few flare ups here and there, it is usual for human beings when there is no well recorded history, that is time dependent again. But there is enough literature that is available in oral form as well as written form, the Dravidian culture is as older as that of Egyptian one at least as far as present records are concerned. The term Dravidian derived from panchendriya gnanam, that is the people who have control over five types of power centers or five types emotional balances in the body. The same term became Druid when they shifted to other parts of the world as they migrated due to some problems, they used to prepare medicines from natural herbs and elements for the betterment of the people. To my knowledge Egypt and India has very good connections in trade as well as cultural exchanges because of which some those genes also are there in South Indian corridor and most of the gulf also has good trade with Indian sub-continent through land as well as sea. They also exchanged some techniques by which water is utilized better way for agriculture and other things. Indians have the technique if adapting to the requirements and work hard. One of the example being the Fampous raja Pulikesi who was ruling some portions of Kerala called Panthalum converted him self to Muslim who incidentally stated Malayali calender after Adi Shankara, which has twelve moths but Hijri calender has only eleven months. Even the Temple at Thirivananthapuram received a lot jewelry and gold from the gulf and also some cultural exchanges were made like building churches and mosques in the entire Kerala region. But most of songs and other things they Indeginized well to incorporate Indian style of praying. Same way when some of the famous Kings of west and south Indian went to Indonesia Cambodia and Malaysia took the Indian cultures and settled there. All the world came to India to discover by sea route as that was only prosperous country during that period. But where as Egyptians have to depend on other countries for their survival so the trade links via sea route. It is south Indian people who guided Vasco da Gama. 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .History <=> High + STORY , anyone can write and rewrite IT any number of times .....still good stories are always FUN & Enjoyment :) somebody from gulf should have deposited Gold in Indian Temples ??? .3 days ago Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Mohanakrishnan, We come to a fundamental question of 'Freedom of speech' guranteed in Indian Constituition and most other countries. If I am standing in a public space and if I know you, I can come to you and initiate a converstion. If you are interested we can continue the conversation. I receive many mails in my email and by postal mail. They do not arrive at my mail box with my permission. I respond to what interest me only. Something that will not interest me can be

intersting to another person. This is a public forum and if I am not interested in the discussion I do not have to respond. If I do not agree with a comment, I can try to understand and if can't agree we can agree to disagree. For any society, freedom of speech is very important for development. Otherwise we will lag behind. Regards 3 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R In private nobody prevents you from engaging in any sort of discussion with anybody you want provided the other person also wants it. In public fora controversial discussions serve no purpose other than slowly seed mutual acrimonious and bad breadth. Thank god not many care either about linked in or this particular discussion. Try and say that Bible is the oldest religious text in the world in the press and see what happens. There is every risk that the reactions may reach undesirable proportions and the government will step in to curtail "freedom of speech" for the sake of law and order. Further your proving that your faith is superior to mine or more "authentic"' serves no purpose, neither am I going to agree nor you will be proving any "truth". 3 days ago Like 1 Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Mohanachandran, Controversy is part of life for those who see controversy in a subject. It is best to agree to disagree. I did not say Bible is the oldest religious text in the world. If somebody say Quran or Gita is the oldest religious text in the world instead of wasting my energy on it, I would ignore it or agree to disagree. I never tried to prove that my faith is superior to yours or made any statement like that. These are your perceptions. I consider all God's creations. If you say 'No it is evolved, if both are interested we can get in to a dialogue. There need not be any law and order problem because of that. I can't use offensive language to provoke another person. Our faith and opinions related to it are evolving every moment as our understanding changes. Our understanding or perception change every moment as our knowledge changes. What is the use of arguing or fighting about comething the color of which changes every second. I say what I see this moment and you say what you see this moment. Regards 3 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Mere Suffering exists because of the ignorance of the people. No sufferer is found if there is self realization, The deed Is done, but No doer of the deed is found because what it is done is not known by the doer it self, whether it is for self or selfless deed if it is for selfless deed it is for Nirvana. That is to be more happy or to be in the bliss or with the bliss. If it is for self,not a single human enters it, The path is there, but no traveller on it is seen 3 days ago Like

Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada I would say religion is one means to define purpose of life and it also tries to answer questions like the above. Science is another means. Some of us follow a mixed approach of philosophical science. I think faith in whatever we believe in keeps us going. We get disturbed when someone challenges our beliefs and faiths because they form the foundation of our life. So discussions on religion or even science cannot be as objective as they should be. 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .100 % True. Why blame religion alone as of today, even science and especially pseudo sciences project & publish what they want to achieve or the final objectives subjectively . .2 days ago Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar When you read deep and understand properly you come to realise that Bible is not much different from Bhagavad Gita in spirit ,and conveys the same message and vision in a rather different syntax and metaphor. Karma may be rephrased as original sin,emancipation of the soul as ressurrection,Adam and Eve becomes Prana and ASpana or Rama and Sita,Param and Jiva Atma turns into Father and Son, and Life Force becomes JesusChrist,3Gunas represent the Cross and Heaven becomesUnion or Yogic Bliss. May be we become knowledgeable not just by reading and referring and anecdoting but also by reflection,introspection and experiential wise learning,and its assimmilation. There are many anecdotal references to Christ having been in India since he was 10 yeras of age or earlier still ,and returned back with the message from ancient Indian metaphysics as a youth. The holy ghost is cited as an avadhot from the east[and impregnated virgin mary,apparently as a ghost like figure to ordinary mortals] The ancient Sidha lor of S.Tamil Nadu and Kerala has reference to a figure like Christ who went ot Jerusalem[and even to one like Mohd who went to Arabia] and carried the message,to be spoken there in that diction. IT IS ALL THE SAME and represents the higher or more refined or finer realms of thought and purpose,and aspiration and striving. We can keep on rabling and rambling and arguing if we do not get the central message[which is already grossly misrepresented by many so called pundits of yore and now] Of course you can differ n times based on your understanding,and that does not make a wee bit of diference in the central tenet ,if properly grasped ,as common to all religion,and inspired by Induism[purification of mind thru spirit as the life force based on a union of vital breaths for peace,bliss and liberation of thesoul and oneness with cosmic being]

2 days ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan ....................*-- ' Karma ' may be rephrased as ' original sin ' --*................................. Scholarly thoughts, if people can realize such unification ideas /concepts and subsequently words and languages in to one big stream of singular Universe ...... wow , that will be beauty beyond redemption :) .2 days ago davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar karma without kama is considered as the best, here kama means all types of emotional feelings, karma means what one does for living. .................................silence please.............................................? wait for ........................karma phala...........what one earns righteously and virtuously........The genes shall improve or the metabolism is very high as there or no excess toxins in the body scientifically speaking ......................... ...silence please............................serenity................... peace ..................... and life is harmonious. Enjoy in the bliss with what you have. Without working there is no thinking is not work but thinking for creating is an art it self. arguing just for the sake of arguing is bad it is nor scholarly one. .................. silence please.............. 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ....As per historic psychoanalytic school of thoughts there exists, ' karma kama ' or ' kama karma ' or both ?!?! .2 days ago SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah did I hear KAMA as the purpose of life???? YoYoYo!!!!! Isn't that the FUCK theory I

mentioned???? I knew it, there's got to be some ancient text that supports my theory... See even the Rishsi's and Guru's were in agreement with me long back. Karma can be your individual purpose of life, but its 'KAMA' which is the collective purpose of life on EARTH.. Damn!!!! I'm so bloody usually universally correct!!! 2 days ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan ...........................Siddhartha was renamed the Buddha ............................. :) .2 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Sureshji: Karma is the effect of some act, to the extent I have understood our faith. No one has classified causes and effects as "Sins" or otherwise. There is no "good" or "bad" act. All acts will have their effect whether good or bad. "Papa" is an act of social infringement like murder or lying, which are also "acts". Whether Karma is good or bad is relative and depends on the circumstances. A war like Mahabharata war was viewed by that book as "Satkarma" (good deed). In the same book a poor Brahman calls it as an act of Sin. (The story of the golden mongoose). Karma has its effects, God or No God. The effect can be annulled only by "recompense" and not by "atonement". In theistic Hinduism God is supposed to help you in figuring out what is the right recompense to repel the bad effects of an act. Bhagavat Geeta's central theme is Karma Yoga i.e Doing your job irrespective of any expectations of result and leaving the results to GOD. "Doing" with singular attention precludes contemplation while doing. GOD naturally assures the result. Moreover the Gita emphasizes "theistic" concepts while there are many Hindu schools which do not accept the concept of GOD itself. Hinduism is not "person" centric, but "concept" centric-Upanishads. No Jesus, Noah or Adam in Hinduism. The similarities can only be stretched out from the Puranas, that is mythology. It is not possible to "discuss" Hindu faith within the "deterministic" and "prescriptive" framework of Judaism, Christianity or Islam where "faith" should prevail over "thought". People with unquestioned or

unquestionable faith will never agree to our "free for all" approach. Try and find out whether any Christian or Muslim agrees with your statement (which is highly debatable) ".............Karma may be rephrased as original sin,emancipation of the soul as ressurrection,Adam and Eve becomes Prana and ASpana or Rama and Sita,Param and Jiva Atma turns into Father and Son, and Life Force becomes JesusChrist,3Gunas represent the Cross and Heaven becomesUnion or Yogic Bliss. ........" I still hold it firmly that interminable circular arguments do not serve any meaningful purpose. Such divergent views can never be matters of public discussion 2 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R I am sorry Siddharth, the fear of people like you make me feel that esoteric discussions better remain private. Normally the source of thought in people is believed to be the brain which is inside the head. Unfortunately in some people it seems to be located elsewhere in the body or is it that they believe so? The Sanksrit word "Kama" just means desire. 2 days ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Healthy debate is always good and welcome,and the problem comes only if someone conceives of right and wrong in a specific way that suits his knowledge or experience,without understanding of a more comprehensive nature. Neither the Bible nor the Koran is presriptive nor deterministic in its original tenets and metaphysics,and the framed nature has been a consequence of mixing up the material with the spiritual and metaphysical ,and wrong connotations from misunderstanding the holism. All interpretations of Gita,including your own undersdtanding say that Karma Yoga refers to action without attachment to the fruits of labour thereof. But that is not what is meant by it,if you go by the original text and its meanings in metaphysical terms. It simply refers to mind with its aspects of desire and intentionality ,and not to action. Similarly Nishkama Karma referers to mind domain that is prified of its images of desire and its intentionality. Such misinterpretations have creeped over time into ancient texts in all religions causing the confusion,confrontation and consternation as you see now. I have talkedto some learned Christian monks and Sufi muslims who totally concur with my views ,given their level of knowledge and understanding. So we have to spread the unified message and spirit,rather than divergent views based on misunderstanding

2 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar It is not the brain that is out side, their mind's power behind all the metabolism is some where, that's why they get those feelings immediately. that's where all our problems do come into picture, is one knows how to keep that power inside the brain it is better, other wise the person goes after the emotional feelings, and the power reduces to minimum. it is not the muscle power, it is the power that maintains the metabolism at it's best. The wisdom lies in that. 2 days ago Like Follow Arun Arun Sharma It is very interesting that so many people have put in a lot of details about their thoughts, understanding and only a few of us have been able to put in short, precise, simple and direct answers to questions posted. I think we should have a moderator. Open discussions may be good for some, but if we attempt to first answer to the question in one or two sentences, and later dwelve in detailed explanation, it would be the choice of the reader to read more. My answer to the question: My understanding of the purpose of life is evolution. We are born to evolve into a better being. The earth and all the planet exists for the main purpose of maintaining a flow. Life is activity. Those who understand the puzzle are termed as the 'Realized Souls'. They do not have any horse races, lottery, Tsunami or any event that makes them either happy or sad. We play the game of life and find out how to dodge the ball and still work in a team. 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .' Karma ' functions only under ' Maya ' X interprets Y as Z ...............Karma leaves whom :) .2 days ago SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah @Mr. Mohankrishnan : 'Elsewhere' as in 'Lingam' which all Hindu's pray signifying Lord Shiva??? Is that what you mean or something else???

Which is the strongest 'Desire' in a human beings/ all life forms??? Pl note 'desire' and not 'necessity'. Meanwhile the discussion can surely go around in circles (pvt/ Public).. for eternity!! 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ....^........doine^.........doine^...............doine ^........doine^...............doine ^..........^...... .................................*.....One who sees ' Karma in Kama ' ....*.......................... attains eternity ! .2 days ago 1 SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah Want more??? Ok!!! What's the purpose of karma if there's no future (generation). All karma is a net zero if there are no after effects of it. all scriptures and Religions were written keeping the future in mind, and without Kama (Sobered FU(k) there's no future on earth what so ever. Why is lord Shiva the destroyer when he's the preacher of Excessive Self Constrain and total suppression of personal desires and feelings?? Isn't that what the Sadhu's follow??? Because total self constrain Physical/ Mental/ Sexual will eventually lead to destruction of humanity!!!! Any Arguments??? 2 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Prof.Suresh: I am talking from the perspective of the original text. The references to mind etc. in areas like "StithaPrangya" etc. in my opinion define the preconditions for Nishkamya Karma in the overall context of belief in God and surrender of ones' own will in the realization of the cosmic whole. Well I can call yours misinterpretation. I go only by the exact words and do not attempt to derive anything out of it. Thee Vaishnavite faith to which I belong is an elaborate and complex web of faith system derived from Gita apart from portions of other Puranas and the Upansihads to a smaller extent. I believe in the message, but I do not expect others to do so.

But all these things form only a small part of the original scriptures encapsulated by the Upanishads. They say so many things, some bordering on agnosticism and atheism. Charvaka talks of existential philosophy and denies God flatly. Nyaya and Vaiseshika talk only of Karma and relegate God to the side tracks and is extensively quoted by Buddhists, Meemamsas substitute rituals for Karma. The scriptures talk of all shades of opinion and leave the choice to the individual. That is a fact we cannot wish away. When you talk of Hinduism you talk about the entire thing, which is "descriptive" rather than "prescriptive" Whatever you say Semitic religions are deterministic and call all deviations from what is prescribed as a sin and call the proponents of non-conformist views as "heretics". First of all Islam does not recognize Sufi beliefs. Go and talk to Wahabis. They will say that all those who sing Sufi Songs (for that matter any song) and worshipers in the Dargas (cemeteries) as heretics. A few believing Christians and Muslims here and there can accommodate belief systems other than Semitic beliefs in a very limited manner. You still do not know what their establishment thinks of them. We have no establishment and no restriction on thoughts as long as such thoughts do not provoke public inconvenience and disharmony. There is nothing wrong in saying that I am different but we are equal. "Reconciliation" as you say is unwarranted and impossible. Let us remain different, but still tolerant of other peoples views and beliefs. @Siddharth Shah: The Phalanx (Lingam) is the symbolic representation of procreation in many ancient faiths, not just Hindu Polytheism. To say in your language Procreation is the desire and "fucking" is the act. The "whole" includes "procreation". The scriptures for the act of "fucking" are blue films and Porno, while procreation is a philosophical concept. If your scriptures are just "porno" just live with it and do not expect others to endorse your views. 2 days ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan ....^........doine^.........doine^...............doine ^........doine^...............doine ^..........^...... Who can argue with Buddha ? ..but still, and since Invitation ( good ones ) needs to be accepted ....> who can take Brahma's role in his/her Hand .........futile Logic and Attempt ! Shiva burns Kama when Karma is interrupted Kama when performed / fulfilled for Karma is an righteous action , failing which it is a sin :) .-

2 days ago Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar That is right,since my view has been from a broader and larger perspective of self realsation ,and not localised within the narrow confines of religiosity as it is being widely interpretedfrom that latter perspective what you say may be truer,though I do not subscribe to that. Like what has been pointed out,a large segment of the religious hards do think differently from the broader perpspectives of a holistic nature,and that si really sad. I am sorry that the state of affairs does not get better despite the underlying commonality at a larger metaphysical level. Congruence is difficult in that sense without that holistic commonality 2 days ago Like SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah All religions have some description about sexual practices are those chapters titled Porn and excluded??? I used F word just to gain the attention and extract the hidden knowledge. Undoubtedly it works brilliantly. Well!! I used F word in the philosophical context only in the first: Don't give a F to the purpose Don't take F from anyone as regards your own purpose Don't F around finding what's unknown and meant to be unknown just because there's no F-ing definite meaning to life. But you do agree that "Procreation" is definitely a purpose common to all as per various faiths. Which justifies the Evolution theory and is the meeting point of Philosophy Science and Religion!!!! 2 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Dear Siddharth: That is not the be all and end all of life. Why there are so many bachelors and spinsters in this world. The world has to accommodate so many preferences one of which is procreation, which unfortunately works against our countries interests. 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .-

Siddarth, You should be knowing the famous story from the MYTH * , Brahma was put under arrest and later one crazy god decided to produce all uniformed human beings ( not after going to school ) from birth itself . There was no job or purpose for rest of the devas , gods and other celestials . Just simply jumping in the end of the text to a theory, does not validate any argument it is very much not like Buddha !! * many people take it as MYTH .2 days ago Follow Varuggheese Varuggheese George Prof Suresh is absolutely right in his prescription of understanding the core teaching of all religions and scriptures. Otherwise each religion will be meaningless since each of them insist that God is the Father of all creation. In an attempt to divert the debaters' attention to meaningful contexts for India Leadership Network, I have started a discussion on the idea of India that was based on the One God, One Life and One Humanity. But hardly any one showed any interest. I have a question now for all: What was the idea of starting this network? Today, if anything, this country that is India is in doldrums only because, the noble mission statements contained in the Preamble to the Constitution were not interpreted properly and translated into reality. If you create a network calling it India Leadership Network, then serious minded people should inquire what went wrong where? If the Preamble was the set of the mission statements for the Indian Republic to have acted upon these 61 years since it became a republic, then why those missions were not achieved and who were responsible for nonachievement and what are the steps needed at this belated stage etc should have been the topics that we discuss. Yes if you have a concurrent opinion that if people are one in the bondage of brotherhood as dictated by the Preamble, then it is meaningful. In fact, what the Preamble to the Constitution of India says is that since all people are one and since they have oneness among themselves, that should be basis of justice, equality, liberty and the need to promote fraternity. Indeed, the message of the Indian Constitution is that the Creator and the created are one and not two. And all socio-political-economic actions for the welfare of people at 100% population level are to spring from this doctrine that all people are the image of God the Creator as taught by the Upanishads through mantras such as 'tatvamasi' and 'aham brahmasmi' which are again echoed in Bible, Quran and Talmud as God had created men and women in His own image. It is good to inquire the purpose of life which are the core teachings of all religions. The person who shot out the question and the dozen people who go on debating it without any sign of

concluding it only show the disconnect between the core teachings of all religions which are that the Creator and the created are one and democratic republican governance is the right aide to manage THIS ONENESS or the interface between the created and the Creator and between and among the created men and women at 100% population level. For God's sake please discuss things relevant to the India Leadership Network. 2 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Certain desires are taken as necessities and become habits, the maya or magic of that desires keeps one away from doing the work or karma. Any thing in excess is bad for the life. It is considered as sin you are treating your self badly and making others also badly just for your materialistic desires. 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Varuggheese Which god's sake , when the arguments goes there are many gods ? .2 days ago davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Karthikeyan is a god, Suresh is a god, Varugghese George is a god like that Akshay is a god Chiranjeeve is a goddess like that there so many gods and goddesses. That is those who know how share with those some thing to those who are dire need of it to continue their life. 2 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Purpose of the life already was mentioned earlier that live let others also live, but be with in humanistic conditions to bare minimum necessities. All are humans there may be some element of ignorance which may be route cause better eliminate it by better understanding and proceed further. All the theories are useless, be practical. Unless on e tries walk he can not walk, but there are other techniques for those who can not walk for their survival. With a principled life all the goals can be achieved, if not to some extent, but the final goal provider is some body, whom we call Allah, Krishana or Jesus. Shed all the emotional feelings become a human and live like a human who can share the heart

and mind with others so as peace, harmony and serenity prevails on this earth. for this only mind and heart is required education may add up to be more humanly, so as others can be educated. Those who have mind and brain follow let others try to understand who think they have more educational levels. 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Call X god , Call Y god , ......then why Krishna ??? why not Brahma or Mogambika or Muruga or ....... Karthikeyan is a god, Suresh is a god, Varugghese George is a god like that Akshay is a god Chiranjeeve is a goddess that there so many gods and goddesses. :) .2 days ago davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Silencing the heart means controlling the rate of heart, silencing the mind means controlling the emotional feelings. Heart is in the body so body has to be pure and free from all free radicals and deposits. The mind must be pure means balancing the body fluids like hormones etc, for that one needs some sort of ideal conditions, so for that each and every religion has their own methods, which have become traditions and customs and then became religions and then sub-religions etc. It is all for common understanding that we are all humans, once we have taken birth we have live as far as possible. That's is all the religious texts and scriptures do tell some dared to do differently have been termed as gods, as they realized the self as human nothing more than that., 2 days ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .-

Spirituality is so deeply ingrained in India that it can never be * uprooted * from this country, says a leading American yoga guru who has spent six decades spreading Kriya Yoga and 'Sanatan Dharma' The widely travelled Swami Kriyananda says that yogis and god seekers have so intensely meditated for thousands of years in this country that one can feel spirituality even in the air "India, of all ancient cultures, has clung to the highest truth, that god is the only reality, that this universe is His dream, and that our duty is to reunite our souls with Him," the 85-year-old said in an interview. * uprooted * 'Sanatan Dharma' .........Happily uprooted.... .2 days ago davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Then what for the research is all going to improve the conditions of the body either by preventive methods are breakdown methods. Then as one is human some of the desire have become habits, which are not necessary and essential for the human to continue his or her life on this earth. They are like communication, making money for the future, getting all the materialistic advantages for self satisfaction. Then getting awards and laurels has become highly prestigious and has become a status symbol. Using the techniques for educating the people is okay because all can not have the telepathic communications. Education is for the betterment of the life and to teach others and is not for getting the benefits for self at the cost of others, it is for the betterment of the society, so as all humans progress irrespective of their back ground. 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Delhi schools to mint Rs 1,200 cr through nursery form sales: Assocham Leading public schools in Delhi are likely to earn a revenue of over Rs 1,200 crore through the sale of nursery admission forms this year, industry body Assocham said in a report today. Last year, the schools earned Rs 1,000 crore from the sale of nursery admission forms, it said. "Parents these days maintain a budget of about Rs 15,000-20,000 only for applying in leading schools," the report, titled, 'Nursery Admission: Nightmare for parents?', said. * Education is being run like a commercial business enterprise these days*," Rawat said.

admission-procedure-prospectus .2 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @Prof.Suresh Kumar: You talk as if everybody believes in "self realization". The concept means nothing outside Hindu and Buddhist faiths. Others talk of God realization and will never admit that self is god. Talking of religion in explicit terms is not "religiosity". Whatever you talk is not going to change what various religions say. What is so common in the "metaphysical level" between religions which require conformity to specific and particular gods, beliefs, scriptures and dogmas and which hold that people who do not hold similar views require "redemption"? Can such parties ever reconcile themselves in an "inter faith" discussion? You can say so many things, which no one believes at the grassroots level. "Inter faith dialogue" at the mass level may at times lead to bad consequences. Instead teach people to show tolerance of ideas that are "different". It is a known fact that Religions do differ in their perceptions and there is no point in advocating an artificial similarity that does not exist. Why not you advocate instead that we should forget all our differences in our faiths and should work together for the common good. @Varuggheese George: " god.....". Why is such a concept necessary? Christians do not believe in the same god that the others talk about and vice versa. Are you going to steamroll an artificial "uniformity". Where does the preamble to the Indian constitution talk "oneness among people"? You may refer to the preamble in It talks of "LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;". Where is the need for such a statement when everybody confirms to uniform thought, faith and worship? Everyone is entitled to his faith and nobody can interfere with it, though the faith of one may be different from that of another. Why talk of "Unity in diversity". Because diversity is a fact of life. Leave alone the "preamble", can you specifically say where does the constitution say that "THe Creator and Creator are one". Futher the preamble is not the constitution itself. There is no point in a high sounding preamble to a constitution that has been amended 94 time to reflect the self interests of politicans. But that is not our topic.

Where does Bible support the theory of "Aham Brahmasmi"? Saying that X 'created Y as his image' contradicts the very theory that there is no distinct X or distinct Y and everything is the same. The former indicates the subordinate status of Y and the later indicates that there are no distinct identities X or Y. I am not going to argue which perspective is right or wrong. The fact is that the perspectives are "different". I do not think that the so called "disconnect between the core teachings" is so harmful. The intolerance in the name of faith is harmful. Finally show me one discussion where ILN talks about anything meaningful. It keeps on speculating. This yet another example of empty speculation which will never end. 2 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Yes. In fact the way Muslims do prayers I find is very similar to Surya Namaskars. If we do Surya namaskars inside the home it is almost like Namaz. Religion perhaps is perhaps the most comprehensive solution to human needs. I think the problem is we stopped using it for our own good and using to harm others. Also religion seems to have lost its essence in modern times and got limited to rituals and mass hysteria. The science part of religions has slowly taken the back seat. Or got detached and commercialized and what remains in the name of religion is blind faith. 2 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar I think we are away from and drifting But there are in fact THREE POWERS IN THE WORLD ONE IS SWORD AND THEN SECOND ONE IS BRAIN AND THE LAST BUT NOT LEAST THIRD ONE IS A PEN" But all the three combined is the tongue, for that one needs caliber, capacity . and creativity with Vitamin C I call it is common sense, if that is not there what ever be the educational level it is a waste, and it is waste of time to talk about those people who does not know the purpose of the life, purpose of their being educated and in what ever be the capacity they are totally useless. I think we better not to go into too finer aspects, let us try what best we can do with so many positive outcomes for the betterment of the life on this earth. But not battering each other or others. 2 days ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Chiranjeevi,you have hit the nail on the head[out of all the posts I have seen so far] The science part of religion.For those who can go beyond the letter to the spirit,the metaphysical

metaphors of religion convey a science of a real subtle and sublime order,and for understanding that one needs a real grounding in the basic principles and precepts ,as well as philosophies of science,and a scientific training in its basics. That also calls for understanding the spirituality that underlies religion despite the manifest divergences[which is partly due to externalisation of intrnal truths and misreading of metaphors by people who assume they know] Such mistaken religiosity has creeped into all religions and Hinduism is no exception ,with its Temple worship and pantheon of Gods. By the spirit and true metaphysics of Induism there is no room for externalised worship in temples,and idols. In fact Shiva,Vishnu and Braham denote fundamentally the basic energy,consciousness[mind] and material principles and vectors in the universe. The other vector elements like those of space,vacuum energy,radiant energy,liquidity and solidity represent the lesser gods ,as operators in nature at a core level. The life force is the ablest ruler of all these[Iswara] and the governing principle embeedded in nature and its guiding force and principle. One has to understand deeper meanings on a unifying holistic base rather than cling on to diverging thoughts based on hard religiosity that comes from a lack of understanding the science of spirituality,and going by the letter than spirit. But then only a few can truly understand and get to practice spirituality and religion and experience the science at the highest form. Others get to speak and create confusion and confrontation for the sake of empty and circular arguments,as you often find[unfortunately ,as you point out they constitute the majority ,and that is the symptom and curse of Kai yug-the time is coming for a change,and the wise can silently wait,as the crowd roars in its empty ego] 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ."'Such mistaken religiosity has creeped into all religions and Hinduism is no exception ,with its Temple worship and pantheon of Gods."" ............this part is highly unscientific and baseless :) .2 days ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Regarding idol worship my views are little different. When I try to concentrate on a name during my many attempts to do meditation, the focus and concentration is not easy to come. But when I look at the idol of a god and close my eyes I continue to see it which slowly fades out and leaves only a glow and it is little bit easier to get focus in this case. This is in fact based on science. So the process of looking at the god and closing eyes actually has a purpose after all :-) The way our gods

look actually conveys the presence of god in everything irrespective of color, shape, character and life. 1 day ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @Chiranjeevi Tallapragada: Try and find out whether any Muslim says that his Namaz and "Soorya Namaskar" are the same or whether his "Rakad" (Bowing down) is the same as Padahastasana that forms part of Sooryan Namaskar. In the Government Schhols in MP the students do Soorya Namaskar everyday as part of the curriculum. Islamic Ulemas have strongly protested this and have issued a Fatwa preventing Muslim students from Boding Soorya Namaskar. I do not know why you people keep talking of "metaphysical similarities" when most from other religions care two hoots about what you say. Re idol worship that is also part of Hinduism and the religion gives nobody any right to anybody to say that you are wrong. In fact majority of Hindus do idol worship despite holding Vedantic beliefs. Even the Vedantic beliefs do not decry "idol" worship or temple worship. Visisthadvaita gives a nonored place for "Archavataras", that is idols. @Prof.Suresh Kumar: ".............mistaken religiosity has creeped into all religions and Hinduism is no exception ,with its Temple worship and pantheon of Gods......". "...By the spirit and true metaphysics of Induism there is no room for externalised worship in temples,and idols.....". Even Sankara the great exponent of non dualism worshiped idols. How are you so sure that what you think is the only "metaphysics of Hinduism"? All the three Gurus who are considered to be the torchbearers of Hindu metaphysics worshipped idols in temples. From a Vedantic perspective the idols are also "Gods" as "you" are. When millions find solace with this who are we to impose our views. Which Hindu scripture tells you that temples and idol worship are wrong. Hindu religion encompasses all shades of faiths like Polytheism, Animism etc. In fact while the Vedas talk of ritualistic animal sacrifice Vedantic schools call it a sin. Going by the chronicles in the Vedas Polythiesm, Animism and nature worship precede the Vedantic faiths which became popular only after the Upanishads. All beliefs have been existing side by side peacefully for thousands of years. It is not quite uncommon to find a Vedantic scholar carrying the two bags to Aiyappa. You see the images of snakes practically under every tree in Rural India. Hindu deities are scattered all over India in nooks and corners. Why you want to close your eyes to all these obvious things. If it is your wish that only ivory tower Hinduism should be "official", I am sorry not many in this country reflect your wish. Hinduism is a repository of all shades of thoughts. People of different perceptions and shades of fait have been living side by side. To berate the collective wisdom of millions on some archaic extrapolations expressed in high sounding language may appear to be intellectual arrogance for many. 1 day ago Like

SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah BTW, is Hinduism really a religion or is it a culture that originated from Hindu Civilization from around Indus river??? I don't know of any scripture that mentions the word "Hindu". Its a belief system where people of various professions and regions would identify a god based on the needs and environmental conditions and use a common meeting place denoted to 'GOD' (purposeful God/ Respectful/ the one whose views/ preachings are of prime importance/ also some use trees, equipment as god symbols because they feel they are too important to them) Idols in Hindu religion are necessary because there are too many gods (deities) who have varied teachings and provide various lessons of life. Like Ram Bhagwan's life, portrayal and teachings are very different from those of Krishna. So its very important to have a figure of a guru whom you wish to follow. The eyes of Shiva as vs eyes of Krishna as vs Eyes of Lord Buddha say a lot about their personalities. Hinduism (cliche) provides the option of following any god and his teachings that one likes. Which no other faith/religion provides. Though people tend to use idol worship as the means of deriving blessings and benefits rather than absorbing knowledge and wisdom from the teaching of the particular god. (maybe its a work of money monger priests who could collect large sums of alms from devotees in desperate times seeking gods help). Infact the whole concept of Hindu is so large and engulfing that all religions in the world can just be accommodated within Hindu culture which has many gods many beliefs and many rituals and many practices. 1 day ago Unlike 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .I have heard of Soda Openers, ................... now an Eye Opener !! ( not one , Two ? ) .1 day ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Siddharth: Happy that you are back on tracks for a change. What a transition form F(ph)alanx!! The difference between Hindu religion and other religions is that "practice" preceded "precept" in Hindu religion. Looking at the Vedas they appear to be more of chronicles of practices than religious

prescription. At some stage it gelled into a "religion", which the Vedas call just "Dharma". that just means "Natural Law". Vedas comprise of various metaphysical concepts, dogmas, laws and secular subjects. The name "Induism" (Hinduism in Persian) was definitely coined on some later date by foreigners to associate the dharma with the river Indus. The exalted Hindu metaphysics, which all scientists and philosophers quote often is a direct offshoot of the "Upanishads", which are compilations of similar materials extracted out of the Vedas, propounding like views in a monotheistic perspective. It is widely believed that the compilation of Upanishads took place during the reign of the Gupta dynasty, which melted down appx a thousand years before Christ. To call Vedanta as the be all and end all of Hinduism is nothing but distortion of accepted history. Since then all sorts of divergent beliefs have been co-existing peacefully not only in contiguous territory but also under the banner of the same religion. There is no Hindu house without an image of some deity or other irrespective of the fact that the family subscribed to Vedantic beliefs or not. The gift of Hinduism is its "tolerance" of differences of opinion, that is ability to contain different virews and faith systems in a single religion without any central church or like institution for so long. It is not just Vedanta. The world will be far less interesting if everybody is forced to live under a monolithic system. Differences add color and tolerance of differences is a great virtue. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .The Art of The Gathering The Guiding Lights Network specializes in the art of the gathering, creating experiences that spark civic imagination and social change. We bring together leaders, catalysts, and innovators in creative ways to generate new solutions to collective challenges. Our mission is to restore community and compassion through mindful mentoring, imagination and passionate engagement in public life. We ae best known for the annual national conference on the art of citizneship, The Guiding Lights Weekend. .If I am not wrong this is what is the ' Purpose of Temples ' as practiced from ancient times - Modern Avatar now . .1 day ago

Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar I can see that many of you who advocate for temple and idol worsip feel and claim that it is part of Induism,and also claim falsely the backing of science and philosophy and metaphysics for that,and I am sorry to say that you are mistaken,since your body is your own temple as per all ancient texts of Indian metaphysical thought and philosophy. If some fool or crankhead shouts it is unscientific then let him study the texts with some wisdom if he has the knowledge and the capacity,and in the process it will be better if studies some science also in the process rather than assume the knowledge and proclaim all nonsense. The kshetranja is your own vital energy as contained in the life force and its word as breath. This aspect has been reiterated by Christ too. But the problem has cropped up with pseudopundits ,the likes of which abound even now,and whose numbers are unfortunately increasing,and who shout loud on all forums emptily,and senselessly,to confuse and confront. Their only motive is argue,just for the sake of it,and reveal their levels in the process. There is no point in replying or countering since they do not listen nor can they assimmilate at their levels. One can only feel sorry. It is true,as Mohankrishnan points out that those who understand in the right spirit are far and few,as I could rephrase him positively. Some others may not desrve a reply given their `knowledge` 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .You can say it straight, why leave others guessing - for that matter communication is not a Joke before self Realization :) ______________________________________________________ Prof.Suresh Kumar, says " If some fool or crankhead shouts it is unscientific then let him study the texts with some wisdom if he has the knowledge and the capacity,and in the process it will be better if studies some science also in the process rather than assume the knowledge and proclaim all nonsense " " One can only feel sorry. " _________________________________________________________ I repeat my comment, "" ."'Such mistaken religiosity has creeped into all religions and Hinduism is no exception ,with its Temple worship and pantheon of Gods.""

............this part is highly unscientific and baseless :) .- "" .1 day ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan .If I am not wrong this is what is the ' Purpose of Temples ' as practiced from ancient times - Modern Avatar now . The Art of The Gathering The Guiding Lights Network specializes in the art of the gathering, creating experiences that spark civic imagination and social change. We bring together leaders, catalysts, and innovators in creative ways to generate new solutions to collective challenges. Our mission is to restore community and compassion through mindful mentoring, imagination and passionate engagement in public life. We ae best known for the annual national conference on the art of citizneship, The Guiding Lights Weekend. .1 day ago Follow Sunil Sunil Kulkarni Hinduism in few words.... Hinduism is not a religion, it is a Dharma (Its a principle). There is no one founder but has evolved on various principles written by different rishis written in their highest consciousness. Since it is a dharma, it can be just followed, there is no mechanism of converting someone to Hindu. It is based on fellowship. It is individuals decision to follow it or not. There are no rivalries for this religion because one of the important principle of Hinduism is to "Respect others beliefs. It says a garden should have all colored flowers to make it beautiful, and all the plants come out from the same soil. So it says respect other religion, beliefs and faith. Additionally, it has no objectives to expand the community, it is all about you want to follow it or not. It exists like any natural resource on the planet over 5000 years to guide the civilization. It has many domains well researched in it. The domains are Mythology, Metaphysics, Astronomy, Mathematics, spiritual, philosophy, ....etc (1000+). There is universe of knowledge in each domain. One can study it if interested. One Example: Hinduism says that the universe is made up of 33 crore (330 million) energies. Each energy has its own significance. A few energies are very close to us, which are our ingredients and are are spread all over the universe. We as a conscious human beings have to respect and thank these energies for

keeping the universe in equilibrium state (stable). We exist by virtue of these energies. To make this concept simple for common mans understanding these energies are personified. A few to name are light (surya devata), moon (chandra), air (Pavan) , water (Varun), stars (indra), celestial objects and even planets are personified as navagraha. And to name a few very much ingredient in us are wisdom (lord Ganesha), knowledge (Saraswati), on 330 million energies addressed. Hinduism has 330 million Gods on this basis. Idol worship emerges from here. A common man can co-relate if he has his own image in front of him as a god. He can easily share things with God looking alike. We see people speak with idols and feel lighter on their emotions. In one of the animal movies, I saw a bird in trouble (away from its mother) remembers its god (of its own species), wearing white attire, wearing a crown, and blessing all birds in this world. Its has a message! The energy is personified for better connection. We pray and respect wisdom. We are aware that we need wisdom to understand things and lead a better life. We easily connect to wisdom personified God Ganesh and request him to give us more wisdom to understand the situation and circumstances helping us lead better life. This is same wasy Christian connect to God through Jesus (The son of god). If you read the others domains of Hinduism there are equations to directly connect ourselves to the universe that is GOD. We are one billionth part of the energy the universe holds in it. However, remember ...we are part of it...we are constituent of it but not a outcome of it. We are intelligent\conscious being to understand this concept compared to other species we know. The later rituals which got added were baseless only adding confusion to the core concept. I personally feel our existence has no particular purpose. We are like any other universal bodies having a life span. Wherever there is a combination of n number of energies there emerges out a life like us. There is no predefined objective set for us. The universe has never asked us to win wars and kill enemies nor to start a billion dollar business in this world . However, one plain objective, which comes out of common sense, is to make this world better place to live without harming your fellow organism. Thats it! To answer your second question, any place where you find the required combinations of energies, the life is germinated. 1 day ago Unlike 1 Follow Sunil Sunil Kulkarni The space research says there are many celestial objects floating in the universe which are covered by oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen, water etc which can have lives like us. Said this, combination of different energies would be favorable to germinate different species! So we are not the only one in this vast universe. In mythology, these species were named as demons! I have just touched the surface to answer your questions in brief. 1 day ago Like

Follow Narendra Narendra Nath Jayendra has put some positivity in the discussion. Religions have two aspects, philosophical and ritual. In the former goodness prevails over evil and the later is merely dependent on the times these were initiated. Thus, the later needs to conform to the needs of the present and not the apst gone by. The philosophy behind all religions have common meeting points as righteousness is emphasized over evil. If one looks dispassionately modern living has united all religions philosophically if only the practitioner is educated in a secular institution and not a religious madarsa/dharamshala/gurukul. In fact, the vedas/upanishads are ancient scriptures that originated in this continent and these emphasize universal aspects valid for entire humanity, the Snatan Dharma. The word 'Hindu' has never occured in these scripts at all as this word has been coined by invaders who came much later, to conquer this continent from the northwest. They called us 'hindus' as those living east of Sindhu river. This is substantiated by the Hindukush mountain series of Himalayas that lies now in Pakistan. Strangely, the origin of the word 'hindu' will thus include the population of both India and Pakistan together. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .................." Religions have two aspects, philosophical and ritual "..................... Just to be clear of the message conveyed, here is a query below Yoga or .........for that matter simple procedure for Surya Namaskar or just Namaskar , a Philosophy or a Ritual ??? .1 day ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Prof.Suresh: Can you please enlighten us where on the Hindu scriptures say that idol worship and temples are wrong? Even the Puranas talks of incarnations of Gods praying at the temples and chanting hymns like Aditya Hrudaya. The problem is we bend the scriptures to interpret it in the way that suits us. THe proper Seminary method is just to paraphrase the contents of whatever you quote and state your interpretations apart from it. There are so many scientists and great intellectuals who are well recognized by the public worshiping idols and going to temples. As per your interpretation all of them are ignoramuses. Sorry the essense of Hinduism is tolerance and respect.

A religion is not just metaphysics. It comprises of various other things like rituals, organization, dogmas mythology etc as Karthikeyan and manyothers have pointed out herein.. No one can assert that his own interpretation of a small part of religion as correct and go the extent of calling others who do not confirm to his views as fools are non-scientific bigots. The minute anybody does it, I can even go the extent of saying that he no longer remains a Hindu. As I have been stating there are more than a dozen metaphysical streams in Hinduism which say not one word of what you say. Have you read Nyaya, Vaishshika, poorva and Uthara Meemamsas and the various pre Upanishadic Brahmanas? Each of these things is a separate distinct metaphysical system of thought. 1 day ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar For all of your kind information Idols are made of different materials for a purpose and then the abhishekas, baths to the idol, they do gives them the a especial effect and the light reflected from them has some healing effect or change in the hormones/steroids/enzymes in the body, just like Vitamine D converting from cholesterol and the cholesterol converting into sperm or ovulation after a set of chain reactions and also other reactions like antioxidant formations. The science behind all those is entirely different one needs deep knowledge of photo-dynamics and also human physiology, it is also be noted that the place where the idol was placed also has some effects as the geographical conditions are all different. Even the cities and villages were all built only after the study of the natural effects int hat area. all the idols have certain ratios to be maintained to give the best effects. Even the famous Padmanabha temple was constructed after consulting those who have that traditional knowledge and also they know which rock has to be chosen. it same case with other temples. Idols are kept in order to give concentration to the people when they close the eyes they may be visualizing that idol specially women, so as when they give birth to a child may get the some characteristics at least. 1 day ago Like Follow Dr. Usha Dr. Usha Krishna Well for most of us the purpose of life is to be happy and enjoy life with good health and wealth. We, as finite objects, cannot question the 'existence of universe' which is infinite. In order to understand the answers One can find answers to these questions through meditation. Having got the answers, we cannot convince others by our answers, thereby each one of us has to get one's own answer. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .................Through meditation one can know the SELF !

...........Through meditation one can know the Universe ? .1 day ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R I have been saying there is nothing wrong in defining your own purpose and do something. A bit of action is far better than a mountain of speculation. Chiranjivi, are you following the "Soorya Namaskar" controvery on the TV? 1 day ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Well said Usha, it becomes individuals self realization, in the modern science it is not valid as the at least some group should be able to recordically show the evidence that they felt the same, just like other experimental validity. Yes Karthy one can see his or her own universe, that their own limits that.s all. Just like all roads leads to Rome, we are all back to square one, that is whether we are humans or not, if that is the case why we can not live like humans and move together positively. It is all degrees of comparisons that make our brains rotate and get emotional. The desires to be like others by comparing our selves makes all the difference. Even though we have very good examples in the form of great names, those who struggled to make meaning of their own life and for others also, nobody take their path, but just take their names for deriving their own desires to be fulfilled and finally become emotional ruts or losing all the health. Along with the degrees of comparison the degrees they obtain making them to rise their own body in higher degrees. 1 day ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Karthikeyan, Are heavens going to fall if I know neither the "self" nor the "universe"? 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .I need to add the third one then :) ................Through meditation one can know the SELF !

...........Through meditation one can know the Universe ? ..... if Heaven has a chance of falling for both the statements being either false or true !!! .1 day ago davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Karthy is asking us to enjoy the present dear Mohanakrishnan, if you know that you are a human, the entire universe is with you or you are for the universe what ever be the case just try to enjoy, the statement is having some meta-philosophy. A lot of deeper meaning than one goes by dictionary. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .The world has had many great souls who sacrificed their lives for Truth; Even now there are many who have given their lives for the good of others, There are many who have not desired worldly pleasures even in their dreams; But there are few who seek to know why this body has been given. It has been given so that man may realise his true Self. Heaven does not exist in some realm of the gods. It is in the world of human beings. With good qualities if one conducts himself righteously Why seek heaven? This itself will be Heaven. .... anonymous .1 day ago Follow ramzi

ramzi nofal The Hindu view of life is very interesting but controversial. But India has a great wealth of truth and an answer is possible . Unlike all of you the answer to the question of life does merge with science which itself is not a body of knowledge but a process according to what I heared from Brenda Dunn recently . India did have the oportunity to continue the great lesson of life not by the usual method of philososphy but through the utilization of law and juastice and this is a vast departure from India's own current travails with the 'system ' . The truth can still emerge from india but truth and the purpose of life does exist very where - because can not be true if it can not itself be it . 1 day ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Yes Dear Karthy, If all the human heads comes together for the purpose of making a meaning for their life and also for others leaving all the emotional feelings, which due to ignorance about life, what you said can be achieved. For this those who are in power and the supporting mechanism, and their coterie have to come forward by shedding their materialistic attitude and to do good for the society. Dear Ramzi, Indians are well known for Spirituality from ages and also having good tolerance specially forgiving and forgetting for the sake humanity of the world, what ever be their personal problems they just leave aside just leave creed and greed and rise to the occasion irrespective difference of opinions. Especially the people from rural areas just for the sake of a half a loaf of bread they do wonders, now present situation all are exploited by emotional feelings which are not necessary by dividing and polarizing by different techniques. The educated persons have lost their brains and minds with all the perverted, misinterpreted and misleading arts works that are available, now trying to make where they have lost that culture of heritage that used to maintain ethics and moral of the people, which was binding them together. Everybody in India knows some thing wrong but to mechanical way of living and some people going after to satisfy the creed and greed the society has gone to nuts and bolts. The moment they realize that all shall be in line for the development of the human cause of live let others live. There is no other religion bigger than this HUMAN religion on this earth. That's what Bible says, the same thing is also taught by quron and also Indian epics and also others. It is only misinterpretations that made al the difference. 1 day ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada No Mohan sir but I just read about it in the paper today. I do feel that children should be given freedom to choose what they like. That way they will learn to respect religious freedom.

One has to experience something before they allow the same for the others. When I get forced with something I grow up to do the same thing. Now on at least we should allow children to understand and respect different beliefs. By forcing we are creating an opposite force. 23 hours ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Yes children needs freedom to show their creativity but not excess laad it should be with in the limits. The same parents when they become grand parents do not give freedom to their grand children, because of their own personal problems or simply out of love. At this stage every thing is attributed to age factor or generation gap. it is all ethics and moral that are important. that i common sense and we are common feeling, the emotional feeling do play a lot here. That's where we have the stories of Vinayaka, Dhruva, Prahlada etc. 22 hours ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Chiranjivi: You missed the point completely. The M.P Government introduced Surya Namaskar as part of daily exercises for school children in 2007. Muslims do not want their children to do these exercises though their children seem to have no problem. Recently the Head Mufti of Bhopal issued a Fatwa against "Surya Namaskar". Remember you were telling that Surya Namaskar is like Namaz. Go back and read my reply. Then you will fit this news in the correct context. Yesterday in times now the Mufti said that even if the government changes the name of Surya Namaskar as Warm up or something the Mufti said that they do not care about the benefits of Surya Namaskar in whatever name it is called as it is contrary to Islamic belief. One more instance happened in Russia when Bhagavat Gita was sought to be banned by the Russian Orthodox church. Fortunately the court had the good sense to dismiss the case. THis is what is "inter faith discussion", an exercise in futility. 21 hours ago Like 1 Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Yea Mohan garu, I understand. I know there is resistance from Muslims. What I didn't want to say is that if Surya Namaskars are like Namaz, why can't we have all the children do Namaz? Besides if Muslim children do their Namaz in Maszid, why do they need to so Surya Namaskars? Given the insecurities people already have, do we need to create more? Missionary schools enforce their beliefs in their schools. Children from other faiths who get forced to follow them end up mocking at them once they are out of the school. Do we need all this? 20 hours ago Like

Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar What we need is a technique related to something as basic and fundamental as our vital breaths which we can denote as the one and only GOD since without breath no one can live,and thta is also the essence of life force in us. Every one can be taught in schools to internalise one`s vital energies through breath ,and no body can say it is part of a particular religion or spiritual traditon specific to any particualr sect,since breath is basic to all . Every one sleeps and during sleep recharge and revitalise body and refine themind and science and philosophy tells us across board that sleep breathin pattwerns are significant in recuperation[and a whole branch of medicine is now focussed on that] So it is at once scientific and spiritual and religious without confining to any particular denomination,and that will nmot be called by any name reminiscent of any objectionable lineages. Just sleep breathing in awareness program. Spread it whole heartedly and witnesss the transformation in the minds of all people ,including those who simply argue and fight and roar,against all,and without much reason or base ,and create confusion and confrontation based on their postures 19 hours ago Like Follow Sunil Sunil Kulkarni A fish in a aquarium asks another fish..." Do you believe in God? ". The fish replied " Who do you think changes the water in this aquarium regularly?" . 19 hours ago Like Follow Gorripaty Gorripaty Ramprasad I appreciate for the discussions that you have started regarding the purpose of life on Earth (Mother Earth). I would like to address the Earth as Mother Earth and we are the sons of the Mother Earth. What is the meaning of Purpose of life on Mother Earth? By the blessings of Mother Sai, let me try to put in words with the knowledge that was gifted to me by God. We are the angels of the highest forms of living beings, when compared to the Animal & Plant Kingdom present in the nature of Mothers Earth and know as Humans. We are gifted with a special gift of freedom at will to think positive to enjoy the nature and surroundings by taking & giving. Basic fundamental of Human, to enjoy within and help others with Love and Compassion, considering every human, Animals and Plant Kingdom as one family created by God with various names according to the Geography and Environment. Mother Earth that was created by the God to us as a platform to land and to rise to the higher level of understanding self by seeking within to evolve to gain the highest level of wisdom that I am the GOD but not the Animal. We are symbols of Love and Compassion, our main purpose on Mother Earth, just to Love the nature and Help the needy, see our Mother Earth is happy always. Mother Earth takes care of us and everything with Love and Compassion to be healthy. As on today we are surviving because of our Mother Earths immense love on us. In our life span, we

thought, what our Mother Earth wants as a return gift from us? Off course no, we never thought. We became busy in our day to day life by becoming selfish, jealousy, and pride, egoistic and finally greedy. We Humans take all the credit for the good happening, and blaming for the bad. We totally forgotten about the thought, Mother Earth wants? Leaving this behind, very important to us, we became busy in searching for the existence of life in the outer space, without knowing our neighbors residing same colony or building. Are we reflecting the same, what we have learned from Mother Earth as her true children and supposed to be the Angels. Out of all the Animal and Plant Kingdom, we are the only human species forgotten the purpose of life on Mother Earth and behaving more than an animal quality. Animal and Plant Kingdom know as nature, follows exactly the path given to them by God and they never deviate from the path, even they face any problem. We Humans should know the Purpose of Life on Mother Earth; Purpose of life on Mother Earth, to enjoy life by being with nature and by protecting the nature. Apart from the above, we maintain qualities that were gifted to us by God to manage the Life on Mother Earth by Taking and Giving with Love. Human qualities are Loving, Compassion, Humility, Humbleness and many. Trying to eradicate Jealousy, hatred, Pride, Ego, greedy, anger and attachment, negative attitude and many things that effect the harmony in Humans. Universe is the part of the nature and belongs to God, Universe exist until God exist. Coming to the existence like us in anywhere, first of all let us know about the existence of neighbors who are staying with us and neighboring countries that are staying next to our country. Once we rise ourselves to the higher level of thinking and trying to know ourselves by travelling within, we will know automatically about the neighbor who is existing next to us, countries existing next to our country and then finally we will know the existence of others like us. 19 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Hi Prof Suresh, I think you are still , "" Just sleep breathing in awareness program. Spread it whole heartedly and witnesss the transformation in the minds of all people ,including those who simply argue and fight and roar,against all,and without much reason or base ,and create confusion and confrontation based on their postures "" "" ."'Such mistaken religiosity has creeped into all religions and Hinduism is no exception ,with its Temple worship and pantheon of Gods."" ............this part is highly unscientific and baseless :) .- "" Where is the Understanding ???

,15 hours ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Ms.Chiranjeevi wants the Hindus to do Namaz. Are there any takers? Surya Namaskar is just wholesome Physical exercise. If somebody belives that it is something else let them call it by some other name. 14 hours ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Dear Karthy if you do not know what is photo-dynamic principles better . Most of the immunity and resistance creative enzymes/steroids/hormones are highly active with some radiations of UV as well IR regions, in the visible region it has little effect on those resistance and immunity. for your information most of these organic materials what we consume have better activity during the early morning periods when there is low range UV transmittance and also good activity during the mid night periods. These all natural elements after forming into required body fluids do resonate and hence have the ability to reduce the free radicals in the body and also toxicants. People require some thing ideal so they have chosen idols and also with different materials that may emit that particular light that has some beneficial effects on the life. For this you all have to study what is Traditional knowledge about temples and it's culture. I regret for any personal offence done, probably some of you may be ignorant of the Jyothishshasthram that tells about the dynamics of the light in the visible as well non-visible regions and also sound effects by soma vedam. Some time earlier you have only mentioned about it light plus sound ........and some equations how energy makes the matter and etc also life. 14 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Davuloori, " Dear Karthy if you do not know what is photo-dynamic principles better" I will be glad to know this is reply in what context or in general ?? .-

14 hours ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Surya Namaskar - Solar Energy is common property of all beings Some good exercises / practices / rituals , part of Yogic sciences is lifted by many and called in different names and that is an ongoing exercise for centuries . It is up do individuals / communities to decide whether amalgamation of words will bring Loss or Gain to each other and is there any attempt for dominance present ? , which is quite natural. IT is all IT's Wish :) .14 hours ago SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah I do vajra-aasan and then stretch my back by putting my face on the ground. If someone thinks I'm praying to Allah, its just fine. If at all, I'd doing either for my own good, its nobody's business to talk about it or advise me as to how I should be doing it and for what reason. 13 hours ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Siddharth: Did I tell you that? But in a similar context the Mufti of Bhopal says so. According to him Surya Namaskar is prayer to the sun and Islam does not allow prayers to anything but Allah. The education minister retorted by saying that he will remove the name Surya Namaskar and substitute another "secular" name. The mufti did not agree. Remember Soorya Namskar is a rotine exercise Physical Education teachers have been teaching since 2007.On the other hand Chiranjeevi wants you offer "Namaz"! What great "inter faith dialogue"! 13 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Dean Ornish talks about simple, low-tech and low-cost ways to take advantage of the body's natural desire to heal itself. He has acknowledged his debt to Swami Satchidananda for helping him develop this holistic perspective

on preventive health. Talk : Help the body heal itself .12 hours ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Sounds absurd isn't it. That's what I meant. Similarity doesn't mean one could be substituted by the other. Coming to secular names. Same works here also. I will call Namaz something else. Does it work for others? The fact of the matter is in India because of religious freedom there is a competition among different religions. Where as in other countries it is a monopoly of one religion or the other. Competition breeds insecurity, especially when one considers one self in a disadvantaged position when compared to the other. What I want to say is that religious freedom need not result in competition of faiths it could also be respecting boundaries. 12 hours ago Like SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah My message was for Chiranjeevi only, Mr Mohankrishnan. The kids will be learning Evolution in science and some chapters of Hindu Religion and history of Indian subcontinent and Mughal atrocities also. While Hindu students will be taught about sati pratha, caste system and about Akbar the Great, importance of Mughal Architecture etc. If you start looking everything from religious POV than there's no point of being educated in modern system We can go back to madarsa's and Gurukuls. But for Chiranjeevi who contests for Pakistani's and think they are same as any Indian I'll excuse her ignorance in making such comments. 12 hours ago Like DDUnfollow DD Mishra @Agee with Karthiekeyan 11 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .-

Chiranjeevi I am sure you are not Joking :) .11 hours ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Its just a perspective. What I want to say is that Its about politics it is not about people. Politics creates problems and people become victims. I think I should stop here. I don't know where the religion crept in here. My mind was way too above all these differences when I asked these questions. 11 hours ago Unlike 1 Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Chiranjivi: You go from one bloomer to another. Real world does not necessarily confirm to utopian idealism based on ignorance of facts. Differences between the thinking of people are real. Learn to live in the world as it is and make the best of it instead of asking speculative questions and offering speculative compromises. "Yoga" is explicitly designed as a system of Physical and Mental exercises even as per Patanjali himself, whereas Namaz is a ritualisitc prayer where perhaps you call the "rakads" as exercise. Do you think any Muslim will put up with this nonsense? By calling his "rakads" as "exercise" you will be insulting him! In Yogic exercises as described by Patanjali, he says that one MAY use Vedic Mantras and Prayers to time the exercises properly. In his opinion this adds spiritual benefits to the benfits of physical exercise. For example strictly as per Patanjali's writings we use a modified version of the Gayatri mantra to time the Anuloma-Viloma Pranayama. The mantra is split and for each word the prefix Om is added and "Om Bhuhu", Om Buvaha" etc chanted mentally to time the Poorakha, Kumbhaka and Rechaka components of the Pranayam. Similarly we conclude the last getting up of Surya Namaskar by slowly chanting "Sarvesam Swasti Bhavatu" syllable by syllable if we follow Patanjali strictly. Have you seen any Yoga Book describing all these things. Swami Kuvalayananda of Maharahstra, a leading writer of volumes on Yoga and a vedic scholar says that there is nothing wrong in just using 1,2,3..... in the place of Vedic chants. Thus in Anuloma-Viloma Pranayam it is enough if you do the three phases with the ratio of time intervals as 4:3;8. He quotes Patanjali himself for this revised timing formula. This is the way the normal Pranayama is taught world over. The same way Karate and Kungfoo also use Zen and Pali religious phrases in timing each breath and Kata (Movement-Stance). Nobdy has changed this. If in doubt go to any Karate school and observe. Has anybody in the world including the Bhopal Mufti objected to Karate and Kungfoo.

You still want to preach "inter faith dialogue" in a world with such deep rooted differences, you are only making a fool of yourself. 10 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan need to say some are Indian 1. 'Modern' Medical Procedures (Are Thousands of Years Old) .5 hours ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada There are as many fools as there are wisemen/women in this world. I grew up as a fool and will remain a fool all my life. I will repeat respecting the boundaries is the key to peace and harmony. Consultation and negotiation is the way forward. There are hundreds of good things to do in this world, what you choose to do will be decided by what your purpose is. To have the right purpose is the most important thing. There there are hundreds of ways of doing right things. If your intentions are clear misunderstandings don't matter at all. 46 minutes ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar It is divinity that shapes ones character and also ones life. That divinity also shows one the path towards the righteous and virtuous, by keeping the ethics and moral high by making ones acts, ones words and thoughts clean and heart free and for the betterment of the life on this earth for which each and every human has taken birth on this earth. The satanic force also make ones character for only negative side, that is only for self materialistic benefits of all the types, which makes the society down graded by ethics and moral and the entire society goes to dogs, life on this earth comes to a stand still and there shall be all sorts of problems and the life almost goes to extinction 31 minutes ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Davuloori, " Dear Karthy if you do not know what is photo-dynamic principles better" I will be glad to know this is reply in what context or in general ?? . karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Surya Namaskar - Solar Energy is common property of all beings Some good exercises / practices / rituals , part of Yogic sciences is lifted by many and called in different names and that is an ongoing exercise for centuries . It is up do individuals / communities to decide whether amalgamation of words will bring Loss or Gain to each other and is there any attempt for dominance present ? , which is quite natural. IT is all IT's Wish :) .4 days ago SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah I do vajra-aasan and then stretch my back by putting my face on the ground. If someone thinks I'm praying to Allah, its just fine. If at all, I'd doing either for my own good, its nobody's business to talk about it or advise me as to how I should be doing it and for what reason. 4 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Siddharth: Did I tell you that? But in a similar context the Mufti of Bhopal says so. According to him Surya Namaskar is prayer to the sun and Islam does not allow prayers to anything but Allah. The education minister retorted by saying that he will remove the name Surya Namaskar and substitute another "secular" name. The mufti did not agree. Remember Soorya Namskar is a rotine exercise Physical Education teachers have been teaching since 2007.On the other hand Chiranjeevi wants you offer "Namaz"! What great "inter faith dialogue"! 4 days ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Dean Ornish talks about simple, low-tech and low-cost ways to take advantage of the body's natural desire to heal itself. He has acknowledged his debt to Swami Satchidananda for helping him develop this holistic perspective on preventive health. Talk : Help the body heal itself .4 days ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Sounds absurd isn't it. That's what I meant. Similarity doesn't mean one could be substituted by the other. Coming to secular names. Same works here also. I will call Namaz something else. Does it work for others? The fact of the matter is in India because of religious freedom there is a competition among different religions. Where as in other countries it is a monopoly of one religion or the other. Competition breeds insecurity, especially when one considers one self in a disadvantaged position when compared to the other. What I want to say is that religious freedom need not result in competition of faiths it could also be respecting boundaries. 4 days ago Like SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah My message was for Chiranjeevi only, Mr Mohankrishnan. The kids will be learning Evolution in science and some chapters of Hindu Religion and history of Indian subcontinent and Mughal atrocities also. While Hindu students will be taught about sati pratha, caste system and about Akbar the Great, importance of Mughal Architecture etc. If you start looking everything from religious POV than there's no point of being educated in modern system We can go back to madarsa's and Gurukuls. But for Chiranjeevi who contests for Pakistani's and think they are same as any Indian I'll excuse her ignorance in making such comments. 4 days ago Like DDUnfollow

DD Mishra @Agee with Karthiekeyan 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Chiranjeevi I am sure you are not Joking :) .4 days ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Its just a perspective. What I want to say is that Its about politics it is not about people. Politics creates problems and people become victims. I think I should stop here. I don't know where the religion crept in here. My mind was way too above all these differences when I asked these questions. 4 days ago Unlike 1 Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Chiranjivi: You go from one bloomer to another. Real world does not necessarily confirm to utopian idealism based on ignorance of facts. Differences between the thinking of people are real. Learn to live in the world as it is and make the best of it instead of asking speculative questions and offering speculative compromises. "Yoga" is explicitly designed as a system of Physical and Mental exercises even as per Patanjali himself, whereas Namaz is a ritualisitc prayer where perhaps you call the "rakads" as exercise. Do you think any Muslim will put up with this nonsense? By calling his "rakads" as "exercise" you will be insulting him! In Yogic exercises as described by Patanjali, he says that one MAY use Vedic Mantras and Prayers to time the exercises properly. In his opinion this adds spiritual benefits to the benfits of physical exercise. For example strictly as per Patanjali's writings we use a modified version of the Gayatri mantra to time the Anuloma-Viloma Pranayama. The mantra is split and for each word the prefix Om is added and "Om Bhuhu", Om Buvaha" etc chanted mentally to time the Poorakha, Kumbhaka and Rechaka components of the Pranayam. Similarly we conclude the last getting up of Surya Namaskar by slowly chanting "Sarvesam Swasti Bhavatu" syllable by syllable if we follow Patanjali strictly. Have you seen any Yoga Book describing all these things. Swami Kuvalayananda of Maharahstra, a leading writer of volumes on Yoga and a vedic scholar says that there is nothing wrong in just using

1,2,3..... in the place of Vedic chants. Thus in Anuloma-Viloma Pranayam it is enough if you do the three phases with the ratio of time intervals as 4:3;8. He quotes Patanjali himself for this revised timing formula. This is the way the normal Pranayama is taught world over. The same way Karate and Kungfoo also use Zen and Pali religious phrases in timing each breath and Kata (Movement-Stance). Nobdy has changed this. If in doubt go to any Karate school and observe. Has anybody in the world including the Bhopal Mufti objected to Karate and Kungfoo. You still want to preach "inter faith dialogue" in a world with such deep rooted differences, you are only making a fool of yourself. 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan need to say some are Indian 1. 'Modern' Medical Procedures (Are Thousands of Years Old) .4 days ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada There are as many fools as there are wisemen/women in this world. I grew up as a fool and will remain a fool all my life. I will repeat respecting the boundaries is the key to peace and harmony. Consultation and negotiation is the way forward. There are hundreds of good things to do in this world, what you choose to do will be decided by what your purpose is. To have the right purpose is the most important thing. There there are hundreds of ways of doing right things. If your intentions are clear misunderstandings don't matter at all. 4 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar It is divinity that shapes ones character and also ones life. That divinity also shows one the path towards the righteous and virtuous, by keeping the ethics and moral high by making ones acts, ones words and thoughts clean and heart free and for the betterment of the life on this earth for which each and every human has taken birth on this earth. The satanic force also make ones character for only negative side, that is only for self materialistic benefits of all the types, which makes the society down graded by ethics and moral and the entire society

goes to dogs, life on this earth comes to a stand still and there shall be all sorts of problems and the life almost goes to extinction 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Davuloori, " Dear Karthy if you do not know what is photo-dynamic principles better" I will be glad to know this is reply in what context or in general ?? .4 days ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan .COSMIC ANCESTRY Life comes from space because life comes from life Can The Theory Be Tested? The theory of Cosmic Ancestry is a serious scientific theory, but it is not proven. As here presented, it probably contains mistakes. It is a working hypothesis, and many of its details are speculative. The direct evidence supporting it is thin. How could Cosmic Ancestry be proven? If true, it should have measurable consequences. How could we test them? Astronomers now generally acknowledge that some interplanetary dust particles contain organic compounds possibly related to life (1-3). But for some reason, most astronomers are not impressed by the very close match between the spectrum of light absorbed and scattered by interstellar dust, and the spectrum of Hoyle and Wickramasinghe's model that includes bacteria. They prefer different models, without bacteria, that do not match the astronomical spectra as well. Since this is so, one wonders if it is fruitful to try to improve Hoyle and Wickramasinghe's spectral analysis of interstellar dust. One obvious test of Cosmic Ancestry would be to look for more tangible evidence of bacteria and viruses in comets. We already have some indirect evidence the fossils from carbonaceous chondrites (meteorites) like Orgueil, Ivuna, Efremovka and Murchison. But to settle the matter we need much more evidence .3 days ago

Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R What all I know about Photo dynamic theory is the use of a photosynthesizer, that is a chemical naturally produced by plants, to specifically target certain types of cancerous tissues. It is different from chemoterapy where chemicals will destroy all sorts of tissues. Chlorophyl is a widely known photosynthesizer. Chemical research has developed lots more of photosynthesizers many of which are yet to be tested on humans. 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Next Generation PDT (NGPDT) has developed a uniquely effective Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) for the treatment of most cancers. By building on proven and existing medical research for PDT cancer treatments, Next Generation PDT is successfully treating a wide variety of cancers non-invasively and with greater effect than conventional therapies. .3 days ago Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Life is inevtably the god principle in universe,and your observation life comes from life tells it all well. Breath being the evidence and expression of life in us,is closest to us as our essential self,and that is the true vehicle to god,as Patanjali also observed thru his codification and systematisation of still ancient knowledge streams. People may think of him as the originator,like Samkhya has been attributed to Kapila. There is a lot of science,method and philosophy there. Life is there everywhere in universe,as the above link too suggests,and once if someone spoke of water or life on moon people would have squinted their eyes,though the ancients knew it only too well thru inner vision and knowledge,which is the bounty of refining your mind in your spirit thru internalised breath. Of late Process Philosophers revived it as internalised breathwork meditation for altered and god consciousness states. These are real once inner light dawns on one,and not for the unfortunate who dread to tread the true way,nor never comes across it. 3 days ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Hi Prof Suresh, So many pending issues are there !!! ______________________________________________________ Prof.Suresh Kumar, says " If some fool or crankhead shouts it is unscientific then let him study the texts with some wisdom if he has the knowledge and the capacity,and in the process it will be better if studies some science also in the process rather than assume the knowledge and proclaim all nonsense " " One can only feel sorry. " _________________________________________________________________ I repeat my comment, "" ."'Such mistaken religiosity has creeped into all religions and Hinduism is no exception ,with its Temple worship and pantheon of Gods."" ............this part is highly unscientific and baseless :) .- "" ____________________________________________________________________ Mohanakrishnan I wish you do not want to follow the foot steps of the Prof. with this Statement .* "" You still want to preach "inter faith dialogue" in a world with such deep rooted differences, you are only making a fool of yourself. "".* I think Chiranjeevi is quite tolerant with all of us , ................ that does not mean misusing the freedom ... ?! .3 days ago

Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Karthikeyan The only point I wanted to stress was that people are different by nature, because environment, religious and social circumstances. Difference does not mean inferiority or superiority. Th go on harping on highly speculative compromises ignoring this basic fact is gullibilty bordering almost on foolishness. Stating ones opinion emphatically is not abusing freedom as long as your words are measured. 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Mohanakrishnan Thanks for the feedback , I have nothing more say . .3 days ago SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah Jack and Mark are walking from religious service. Jack wonders whether it would be all right to smoke while praying. Mark replies, "Why don't you ask the Priest?" So Jack goes up to the Priest and asks, "Father, may I smoke while I pray?" The Priest replies, "No, my son, you may not! That's utter disrespect to our religion." Jack goes back to his friend and tells him what the good Priest told him. Mark says, "I'm not surprised. You asked the wrong question. Let me try." And so Mark goes up to the Priest and asks, "Father, may I pray while I smoke?" To which the Priest eagerly replies, "By all means, my son, by all means. You can always pray whenever you want to." 3 days ago Like 1 Follow Prof.Suresh

Prof.Suresh Kumar Once on the Civil Services Main Exams Board of UPSC[as well as its Engg.Services] as one of its expert panel of Advisers,I had occasion to listen to an interesting answr by one of the candidates who later on went on to become the first rank holder when the result was announced. The question was by the panel chairman[and not by me]and pertained to know-nils and know-halfs assuming the role of know-alls in our society ,and based on their little,or insufficient,or irrelevant ,and mostly superficial pieces of information that cannot be called even knowledge-,questioning,ridiculing,countering and arguing against all observations by others whether knowledgeable,r not[true or false],to derive a sort of satisfaction based on the misinformation being created,or divergences and dissensions being generated ,and the consequent confusion and confrontation that it may entail. How do you respond to that if such a situation comes to you in your professional or personal life,since there are all sorts of people[some who do not have any base,training or experience may talk as if their word is final ,exposing often their ignorance and often not realising that,jsut based on r their misunderstanding or misinterpretation] The candiadte [a lady ]thought for a moment ,and was silent still. Time was of the essence,so I asked her`D you mean silence? The lady replied to the affirmative and added further silence is golden ,and it has the power when someone sits in judgement stupidly and criticises or codemns unwisely. It applies on all forums,not least in social networking,as in society and life in general. On many an occasion I have found following that advise of candidate that I happened t interview very advisable,since sometimes we commit the same mistake that we blame the others for. Silence is the last resort of the wise under all circumstances when foolhardiness rules the reign[that may not exclude me,by the by] 3 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Very wisely said Prof. Suresh...silence does mean that one considers what the other says as foolish or unwise...response (not reaction) is a way of showing respect to the other person. Even if what the other says is not to one's liking...all opinions deserve respect because who knows who is right? 2 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Yes it is better to be silent when other impracticable people are asking such questions those who are supposed to know at least some thing about Indian Traditional Knowledge, which those early people arrived at for the benefit of the mankind. Even with the terminology that what we have and the instrumentation facilities they did excellent analysis used different combinations of elements to give a specific photo-dynamic effect when light falls on that idols or structures. Even big

cites were built by using the geographical conditions, even the people are getting those daily which controls the body dynamics. Even without having the civil engineering background they have dug wells tanks reservoirs and rivers to use water for agricultural and drinking purposes. Even such rain water management never depleted the ground water. Specially people who used to make idols or sculptures know the composition or the rock that can be used. That's is all traditional knowledge. since each one requires a different type of knowledge and managing them all to a specific need of the society we have to appreciate those people who sacrificed and struggled for the society. Now presently most of the people are all confined to their own coffins or cocoons with all misinterpretations and misleading statements about their own culture. All perverted minds who does not know what is their purpose of life it self. There are plenty of books available about the history and literature development about each and every region of this country and how each region has prospered and also how those who are against the society created problems damaged the country and down graded ethics and moral and so the degradation of the society. 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Hi Prof Suresh, Why you broke your silence now....................... and especially often :) ______________________________________________________ Prof.Suresh Kumar, says " If some fool or crankhead shouts it is unscientific then let him study the texts with some wisdom if he has the knowledge and the capacity,and in the process it will be better if studies some science also in the process rather than assume the knowledge and proclaim all nonsense " " One can only feel sorry. " _________________________________________________________________ I repeat my comment, "" ."'Such mistaken religiosity has creeped into all religions and Hinduism is no exception ,with its Temple worship and pantheon of Gods."" ............this part is highly unscientific and baseless :) .- "" 2 days ago

Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R "Extra" scientists and spiritualists are two sides of the same coin. When they read something they do with "wisdom". The others who read have either ulterior motives or "crankheads", "fools" etc. etc. What ever these "extra" types provide is "information" and the others peddle "misinformation". What I say is based on "Science" and what others say is "Dogma"! As Prof Suresh says that it is better not to "share" your thoughts with people with such inflexible attitudes. 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .COSMIC ANCESTRY Life comes from space because life comes from life Can The Theory Be Tested? The theory of Cosmic Ancestry is a serious scientific theory, but it is not proven. As here presented, it probably contains mistakes. It is a working hypothesis, and many of its details are speculative. The direct evidence supporting it is thin. How could Cosmic Ancestry be proven? If true, it should have measurable consequences. How could we test them?.............................. One obvious test of Cosmic Ancestry would be to look for more tangible evidence of bacteria and viruses in comets. We already have some indirect evidence the fossils from carbonaceous chondrites (meteorites) like Orgueil, Ivuna, Efremovka and Murchison. But to settle the matter we need much more evidence .The missing ' s' means a lot , hence worth probing :) .2 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R It is a mystery how could one "conclude" that spectral analysis of interstellar dust "indicate" or "suggest" the presence of large organic molecules or bacterial spores. Spectral analysis uses the presence of light bands of different colors in different shades and dark Frauehnoffer bands in a particulat spectrum to identify the "elements"contained in the electro magnetic source that emits the spectrum. No element other than a radioactive elements emits a spectrum at normal temperature and pressure. It has to be "excited" using an emergy source like heat, particle impact or electro magnetic collision to emit a

spectrum. In the case of compounds spectral analysis process itself is a guess work. In practice each element is "energized" to record the image of the resulting spectrum. This process is repeated over and over several times with the same element and the spectal emission is recorded. After several trials the most frequently repeated spectral image is considered to be unique to that element. The probabilty of like inductive results is almost over 80% in the case of elements. But even in the case of simple compunds this probability falls below 50%. When it comes to complex molecules and chains of molecules (cells, proteins etc.) spectral results are almost just guess work. The maximum one can say is that the source may contain so and so elements. But to arrive at the proportion is of various elements (Compounds comprise of various elements in different proportions) is almost impossible particularly with large organic compunds or living matter. Fred Hoyle's Steady State theory places undue emphasis on spectral analysis. That is why most scientists do not agree with his theories. Despite this he extended his original theory to "cosmic ancestry" theory. That is why cosmic ancestry theory remains higly questionable. 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Agree those are just the latest or the results of the best of scientific tools deployed in exploration . ( spectral analysis ) and * does not prove the Hypothesis, .............................Life comes from space because life comes from life................. One strong logical argument is that , We are miniscule portion of the Universe Life has to be there in rest of the parts of the Universe The question boils down then, " Origin of Life is Earth , and beings spread out from here " ......... is it True ?? ( logical support from myth : some scriptures say even celestials take birth in Earth to cleanse themselves ) .2 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Spectral Analysis dates back to 1651 and is exactly not the "best of tools". In fact

Raman effect is the leader of modern spectral analysis and that itself dates back to early 20th century. In Physics and chemistry the results of spectral analysis are never taken as final proof unless there is adequate support through other methodologies. In biology spectral analysis is generally not believed as much of organic materials transform when subjected to even little heat. We Indians particularly the Hindus are biased towards the steady state theory because it corroborates Hindu metaphysics. 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .See , I am not against or underestimating spectral analysis, the question in hand is beyond its capabilities hence the logic, and the statement is clear to that effect , One strong logical argument is that , .1.We are miniscule portion of the Universe .1a .Life has to be there in rest of the parts of the Universe .2. )The question boils down then, . 2.a) " Origin of Life is Earth , and beings spread out from here " ......... is it True ?? Resurrection, reincarnation , Gods visiting as at least few times ( start , and end of earth) .... and some more stories are some myths in lines of those logical conclusion. .2.b ) Some life forms visit us and may be called Gods .2 days ago Follow Madhusudan Madhusudan Mishra I would not be able to go throught the 984 comments and hence would try to answer the question at the risk of repetition. I too had and still have these questions. At some stage, sooner or later - in this life or other - I believe I will find the answers. Just depends how badly I want the answers. I do not think that I or anyone will be ever satisfied by answers of any scripture or religion or great man. I may hear them and follow them but ultimately I will have to "FIND" the answers purely and solely by "MYSELF". I will have to experience such answers and only then I can truly believe. Unless you

experience my answer, you would not be able to truly accept my answer and vice versa - hence we have to pursue these goals individually. The answers are not too complicated, our collective and cumulative experiences have made this look complicated. If we can get rid of this experience, dogmas, conditioning and start experiencing the world and its effects on us - we will find the answers. They may or may not be the same as any scripture - but its I who have to confirm its veracity. And if you allow me to ask another question on your first two questions and that may LEAD towards to the answers to these questions : WHY DO WE WANT TO KNOW THIS? Why does this question arise in us? 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .all beings born are basically inquisitive ........and subsequently creative ............> How do people go and settle in another place without knowing about the same ! There is an Urgent need to go occupy the Spaces in Space with rising POPULATION . .China Will Own the Moon, Space Entrepreneur Worries ." Origin of Life is Earth , and beings spread out from here " ......... is it True ?? .1 day ago THOMASUnfollow THOMAS AW My answer to * Chiranjeevi and * Madhusudan : Because 9 8 6 sounds like a really Lucky number, to buy this weekend's lottery bet. Take things Naturally as it comes, in Universe. * Ask or don't ask curiously - life goes on Happily.

It is timely to enjoy some SILENCE, with the ending of this Topic discussion - episode ? THOMAS AW 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Hi Thomas, At least your one Vote ( before the closing ceremony ) , ......... is it True ?? .1 day ago Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Thomas,a positive vote for your sensibiltiy. We need a Karman filter to weed out some meaningless noise on net,and mounting lack of sense and silence serves that purpose very true 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Oh Welcome You ............................. :) ____________________________________________________ Prof.Suresh Kumar, says " If some fool or crankhead shouts it is unscientific then let him study the texts with some wisdom if he has the knowledge and the capacity,and in the process it will be better if studies some science also in the process rather than assume the knowledge and proclaim all nonsense " " One can only feel sorry. " _________________________________________________________ I repeat my comment, "" .-

"'Such mistaken religiosity has creeped into all religions and Hinduism is no exception ,with its Temple worship and pantheon of Gods."" ............this part is highly unscientific and baseless :) .- "" 1 day ago Follow Dr.R.P.Ilangho Dr.R.P.Ilangho MD FRCP DTRD There is No purpose ! 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .That implies 990 - 50 ( app. comments in similar lines ) = 940 comments served ........No Purpose ! But that is what Life is :) .1 day ago Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena As such is there is no purpose...but since we have intelligence we have to define our own purpose since we have to live and pass out time in productive, sensible and intelligent way... so majority of people have adopted the purpose of understanding God & related things/concepts, some have taken materialistic purpose, some just enjoy and have fun, for some purpose is to rule the world, for some, purpose is just to serve their masters, for lovebirds, the purpose is just to love, for academics, purpose is just to read books...the list goes on.....:-) 1 day ago Unlike 1 THOMASUnfollow THOMAS AW Thanks * Prof Suresh, * Karthikeyan and all friends here, we are in 9 9 4 now, another few glasses of plain water, we will reach Grand Total of : 1 0 0 0 transactions here.

Would it be a good finale, to call it a Night ? After enjoying, such wonderful knowledge learning. Ready for tomorrow's New discusion topic, from another member - out of the nearly 100, 000 in ILN Global. Regards, THOMAS AW 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .The question of the thread is Clear in its statement , ( the third part ) ...*..' Does anyone or anything else knows about existence other than us?' ..*......... towards the answer .........> all beings born are basically inquisitive ........and subsequently creative ............> ." Origin of Life is Earth , and beings spread out from here " ......... is it True ?? .1 day ago davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar To my knowledge there are few peptides, proteins and amino acids which do florescent in the visible region and also make a complex conjugates when the come across metals like silica, copper etc, these compounds gets temporarily bonded with the elements under UV lights are some light radiations. some of these radiations that emanate from the the metals I have mentioned above while bonded with he coatings have good effects in improving the resistance and immunity in the human body also, actually they induce such reactions to take place. That too early morning between 4.30AM to 6.30 AM the UV radiations are more from the sun light. These all are photo-dynamics behind the temple culture, those ancient persons were able to detect and observe such phenomenon even with out having the present type of education or laboratory equipment facilities. instead of trying to bring out supportive scientific explanations ridiculing is stupidity and idiotic. Most of the facial creams what our women used to use are all having some of the above compounds and hence their skin also shines. 1 day ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .The question of the thread is Clear in its statement , ( the third part ) ...*..' Does anyone or anything else knows about existence other than us?' ..*......... Because of UV radiation earth is losing it's Face Cream , the ionosphere - Co2 and methane helps :) .1 day ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada I would like to believe that life on earth comes from somewhere else. We are here for a purpose. May be we will discover it or we keep taking birth again and again. When we are here we do lot of things or at least try to do lot of things but I think only few go back with the satisfaction that they served the purpose intended for them. Lucky are such people. One thing I had in mind when I wrote those questions was that how confidently we do things as if we know everything and how foolish we are to keep getting pushed back by nature or some other force. We keep getting corrections (not from us) from some force in this world, we keep thinking we have learnt our lessons but keep going on the same path but with a different dream. What needs to be corrected? The dream or the path? 1 day ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar It all started from here and comes back to here, it is cycle of life. the same all the planets and universal elements do send their emissaries in the form of light radiations ( electro-magnetic) and also receive in different form, some thing gets accumulated some where and goes back to he same source in a given time. Only humans have to put efforts to understand and go ahead. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan Chiranjeevi It may be difficult or impossible , ........but an Yes or No will give direction to the next step here

" Origin of Life is Earth , and beings spread out from here " ......... is it True ?? .1 day ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Karthikeyan,my answer would be 'No.' I believe that life comes from anywhere in this universe. May be it is the wish or bonding of the people over here which keeps us or brings us back to this earth. I think once we stop caring for these bonds for whatever reason or lose interest in this earth may be we will not return. 1 day ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R According to known scientific theories (The serious ones!) Sun is a very young yellow star forming part of the Milky way galaxy, formed by cosmic debris, which can clutter the space because of numerous reasons. The earth is just a planet again attracted and consolidated by solar gravity from smaller accumulations of cosmic debris. It is not even the oldest or the largest planet! Cosmic debris arise out of dying stars and galaxies. The universe in turn is defined to be a collection of many galaxies. Then how the earth can be the sole "origin of life"? 1 day ago Like Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @All, Madhusudan Mishra asked an interesting question here. 'Why do we want to know asnwer to this question?' Before that, let me conclude here (can there be a conclusion?) Everything expressed here is your belief or my belief. Some of it blind belief and some supported by knowledge of science, scriptures and life experiences. All have threads of Truth in it. The ultimate Truth is only one. That Truth is not decided my majority or minority vote here. No matter what our decision, the Truth will remain the same. When some say there is no purpose, it is blind reasoning not supported by either science or religion. They do not want to find the aswer, and they want to turn the TV off as the message is not pleasing to their ears; to the life style they follow. They will never find any true answers (rebels against God) Science admit that thre is a reason behind everything. Nothing come from nothing. So there must be a reason behind this nature. Religion says that nature proclaims loud the hand or manifestations of God, without word or speech. To believe that at the basic level a person need not be in any organized religion.

Now coming to Mishra's question, why we want to find answer to this question (there is no conclusion until one find the answer) God has given a desire in every person's heart- a desire to know the creator, to join with that creator to have fellowship with that creator(salvation or Moksha). One will not find peace until he/she find answer to this question. So all religions are man's search for God and God's interaction or revelation in that search by prophets of different religion. This revelation came in bits and peaces through ages. So there are threads of truth in all religions and different religions are at different levels in this revelation. We are all at different levels of knowledge about this revelation about God depending on our desire to know and our eligibility to know as God knows it. It is like four blind people feel for an elephant and come to four different conclusions as to the shape of an elephent depending on where he/she touched. They were all true in a narrow sectarian way. In different religions, God's relationship with man is depicted at different levels- rebels, master-slave, servant, friend and husband-wife. In the after life also it is quite possible that each will continue in that relationship (based on scriptures). When a person is called to just follow the commandments in the scriptures, it is a Master- slave or servant relationship. The humility of our heart is a factor in revelations to the higher level of knowledge of God. I believe based on my knowledge and revelations and life experiences that Jesus Christ is the highest level of God's revelation where the relationship between God and Church is husband-wife. In the after life, I have no problem that some are in hell due to rebellious nature and some in master-slave relationship with God, and some are there as friends and somw in husband wife relationship. This is a mystery impossible for many to perceive. 1 day ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Mr.Ninan: Good post. I repeat Madhusudhan Mishra's question in a different way, Is there anything wrong in not trying to know the "creator" in the sense you mean it and not craving to become one with "God"? I admit I dot know the "answer" for everything in the universe. But still believe me I am quite "peaceful" with myself. I believe in defining my own reachable "purpose" and do the job I am good at to the best of my abilities and not causing any harm to my fellow humans. If "GOD" is going to condemn me to hellfire (if it exists) for this I will not consider him to be the GOD. 1 day ago Like Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Mr.Mohanakrishnan, Just as you are, I do not have answers to all the questions in the universe. Admitting it is humility and I see that in your response. Your question is to God and I am nobody to answer that. I am nobody to condemn anybody to hell. At this moment your stand may be as above . There is no gurantee that tomorrow your perceptions are the same. I was at the same level as you are, once in my life, without much inner peace. I am only glad that you are at peace and may it lead you to perfect peace. 1 day ago Like

Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada God is one but why can't God take different forms like Budha, Christ, Allah and Ram? If he cannot then why did he create so much diversity in his creation? May be he takes different forms based on who he wants to reform meaning which period, what culture and to address what human maladies. He may be sending his message either time and again or may be in bits and pieces or in different forms. I guess that is why all enlightened people read all the Gods' messages. If we could understand and follow even one God's message correctly I think God doesn't have to take birth again and suffer like us. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Thanks Chairanjeevi and Thanks Mohanakrishnan for a categorical ' NO' to the query , " Origin of Life is Earth , and beings spread out from here " ......... is it True ?? It is a false statement and it has to be a false statement . Thanks again :) .1 day ago Follow Arun Arun Sharma I am sorry to say that most of us in this forum do not seem to follow any discipline. One is that the person who poses a question posts a question without proper English grammar, making the question misleading. Secondly people who answer talk about whole lot of nonsense not related to the question. Third surprise is not a surprise that there are so many others who join this band wagon in responding to those irrelevant postings with more irrelevant postings - making the whole list of posting an utterly meaningless crap. I do not care if many of you are professors, doctors and other professionals earning a good livelyhood, but I have to say here that we can make this a wonderful place of learning if each one of us study the question and give short direct simple answers to the question. You may give supporting anecdote or story to make your statement understood. I mean no offense to any individual but only interested in making this place more useful. Chiranjeevi asked : What is the purpose of life on earth? Why does the universe exist? Does anyone or anything else knows about existence other than us? Purpose of this life is evolution.

Our vedic scripts says 'Jagat mithya, Brahma Satya' meaning that this world is an llusion and God alone is true. That means the same world is different for each of us according to how we percieve it. It exists as part of God says the Upanishad. a small cell in our ankle knows only the area surrounding it, not the whole person you. If it were to ask why this ankle exists, the answer is that it is to serve the whole person as an ankle. We know only what we see, hear or experience. The scriptures are the insights of scholars who researched within their souls and exposed it to the rest of us in scriptures. You may believe it or not, But science, or other religions do not seem to answer this. If any one can give us a direct answer it will be good. 'Other than us?' is the part of the question which is based on the assumption that we know. If we knew we should be taking care of the purpose of our life. Arun Sharma 22 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Arun Sharma ................................." Purpose of this life is evolution. "............................... Did that mean ' Darwin's Idea ' in chaste English :) .20 hours ago Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena Purpose of life is evolution....Is this the ultimate purpose or a process towards attaining a final purpose? If purpose of life is evolution then what is the purpose of evolution? Is it Just keep evolving in a purposeless manner... 20 hours ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Arun Sharma: "Brahman alone is real and everything else is an illusion". Does it answer the question "What is the purpose of life?" What about the other qualifiers to the question? "Why does the universe exist? " -Your answer, despite the other words you have used- 'Jagat mithya, Brahma Satya' ! "Does anyone or anything else knows about existence other than us?"- Your answer - 'Jagat mithya, Brahma Satya' !

Have you written anything more than 'Jagat mithya, Brahma Satya' !? If everything is myth, the question as well as your answer are devoid of any meaning. Irrespective of the credentials or CV of who wrote what, just go into what was written. 'Jagat mithya, Brahma Satya' !-Is it the only Vedic perspective? I can quote far different perspectives from the same Vedas. Whether what is known is the aggregate of various parts or it is a single indivisible organic whole. Even the three different Vedantic schools have three different views. Consider other non Vedantic schools of Hindu (Read Vedic) thought you will get even more answers. Go outside Hinduism there are many more perspectives. You have no business commenting about the "grammar" and "spelling" of what others write. If you have understood what X says Grammar is irrelevant, the message is delivered. If not ask. Do not assume the role of an elementary school English teacher.In my opinion the very discussion is about something very subjective and there is no point in expecting it to be a Math text book! 19 hours ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar It is true to a great extent that we are largely wired for survival fitness based on an evolutionary ethic,though humans also have a continuum for perceiving reality and cognition of truth,or knowledge of reality.That becomes then the ultimate purpose beyond the evolutionary ethic that influences our body,brain and behaviour 19 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Oh Welcome You ............................. :) ____________________________________________________ Prof.Suresh Kumar, says " If some fool or crankhead shouts it is unscientific then let him study the texts with some wisdom if he has the knowledge and the capacity,and in the process it will be better if studies some science also in the process rather than assume the knowledge and proclaim all nonsense " " One can only feel sorry. " _________________________________________________________ I repeat my comment,

"" ."'Such mistaken religiosity has creeped into all religions and Hinduism is no exception ,with its Temple worship and pantheon of Gods."" ............this part is highly unscientific and baseless :) .- "" 19 hours ago Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar When you have to go fairly deep into a plethora of scientific areas,as well as fields of research,innovation and technology as part of one`s profession[as a chief scientific Adviser in a national govt institute for interdisciplinary research]and concern oneself even technically with disciplines ranging from functional foods to functional materials,nanotechnology to nanomedicine,optoelectronics to obstretics,PDT to photonics,solar energy to solid state lighting,metals to minerals materials to models ,apart from your own functional areas ranging from climate change to cognitive science,of innovation diffusion and dynamics and policy and philosophy,psychology and physics, then one may swear only by science and philosophy ,and intolerant towards the slightest pretences of irrelevance or speciousness. I know that is a bit egoistic,and am trying to overcome it despite my rebukes and retorts. I consider that also part of my purpose in life alongwith self actualisation professionally and self realisation spiritually If I have hurt anyone by my comments in the process excuse 18 hours ago Like 1 Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Prof.Suresh: You are then a jack of all trades! Many people are forced by their profession to assume such multi disciplinary roles. In a very small way, the electrician driving a jumper on your wall will definitely complain about the civil engineer who built your house, if the wall cracks. But human limitations are such, that one tends to be biased to a particular branch of his learning. It is natural for everyone. Hence if you cease calling names for people who do not have the same perspective as yours, we all will be benefited by your immense learning and experience. 17 hours ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .mistaken .. mistaken ............... wait .... wait ,

.................ness is there in all the comments by the person and not in the Person :) do we want more comments like this ??? .1) the most recent one "It is true to a great extent that we are largely wired for survival fitness based on an evolutionary ethic,though humans also have a continuum for perceiving reality and cognition of truth,or knowledge of reality.That becomes then the ultimate purpose beyond the evolutionary ethic that influences our body,brain and behaviour " .2) " Such mistaken religiosity has creeped into all religions and Hinduism is no exception ,with its Temple worship and pantheon of Gods."" .... etc ......list goes .....> ( locate one good comment / posting .......VOID ! ) .16 hours ago Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah The purpose of life can be summarized under two headings * To know your Lord and serve your Lord with your full heart. This knowledge can be at different levelsRebels(Atheists), Master-servant, Friend, children, husband-wife. Husband-wife level is the highest level of that knowledge with its full romantic mystery. * Do good to fellow human beings as ambassodors of the Lord on this earth, and the good work you do is a reflection of that faith in the Lord. Mohanakrishnan asked 'Is there anything wrong in not knowing God or craving to become one with God?' Though I am not qualified to answer that question, I like add this. If a person knew what the Lord has done for him/her, that vision will change his/her attitude. The following YOU TUBE Video will give a glimpse of that vision if you can cut and paste this to your browser. 14 hours ago Like

Follow venugopal venugopal maganti I have opened this topic today ,and found it to have turned more vitriolic than ever! can some body take a call and close this discussion?is Ms.Tallapragada authorized to do it?for thousands of years,the best minds struggled to find answers to this type of questions and the so called texts you come across ,are a result of such efforts--many of the participants here are doing well in their professions,un like our ancestral pundits,whose sole job was soul searching!--time to move on,I think and I am not looking for any rebuttal please 14 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ...................." Origin of Life is not in the Earth , .... it is from the Universe " ................ probing further let to some interesting facts, the primary one ' Water ' understanding the beauty of this compound from ancient sciences to modern science is literally enlightening Amorphous Ice and Glassy Water ISM, is suppose to hold water in amorphous form and even hottest Sun , nearest Star houses water in vapor form !! more ...........> .13 hours ago davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar sorry venugopal, they are not like some of us I am very sorry to state that, they have done so much good for the betterment of the society, they some how manged all to be together with their philosophy, and given full of very rich tradition to us to explore it further so as with all the scientific and technical talent we have is totally underutilized and some of the people even without trying to find it out what all those all are for talking nonsense and giving misleading and misinterpretation and more over everybody is forgetting that we are called as Indians only because of the efforts put forward by our ancestors. It is just like with out Gandhi we would not have got independence, whether how much of that we are utilizing for the development of the Indians is a question mark. I once again say that our ancestors believed in that the WISDOM is for everybody, and they also know that if that wisdom is shared with all tom and dickey this state affairs do come into picture. What we see all mostly have negative characters like Bhasmasuras, Ravansuras, Narakasuras etc 13 hours ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Any idea about their Origin , .....they came from which Galaxy or .part of the Universe !! .13 hours ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan .ISM, is suppose to hold water in amorphous form and even hottest Sun , nearest Star houses water in vapor form !! more ...........> .............................The chemistry of interstellar space............................... 1. Summary Since the first detection of polyatomic molecules in interstellar clouds more than thirty years ago, the role of molecules in astronomy has grown remarkably. Molecules are detected in both interstellar and circumstellar sources; they are even present in our own Sun, which appears to have large amounts of water vapor! Molecules are detected in our galaxy, the Milky Way, as well as external galaxies. Indeed, molecules have been detected in galaxies in the most distant regions of the universe hurtling away from us at near the speed of light. The study of molecules, especially H2, in the era immediately following the Big Bang is well advancedhere H2 is formed by high-temperature gaseous processes involving the ions H+ and H2 . .13 hours ago Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah Science has helped mankind in several ways. Science is only a tool here. We are missing the whole picture or a birds eye view of things. We are discussing here the purpose of life. Science has nothing to say about the purpose of life. It is beyond the detection range of science, just as Infra red and Ultraviolet rays are beyond the detection range of eyes. Science doesnot have the vocabulary to explain the purpose of life. We have to turn to religion and philosophy if we want to find answers here. 12 hours ago Like

Follow Jeemon Jeemon Thomas God created the worlds and the earth , Humans are not evolved but are made in the likeness of God. But man by his free will choose to stray away from God and evolved to become just a shadow of what he is supposed to be. So when the time was ripe God himself came down as the Son of Man called Jesus who died for the sins of the entire mankind and proved that he is God by signs , wonders , miracles and finally resurrecting from Death. So who ever believes in him will be saved from this fallen world. So the next big thing in this world is the second coming of Jesus !! This is as simple as that ! Bless you all in the mighty name of Jesus ! 12 hours ago Like Follow Jeemon Jeemon Thomas God created the worlds and the earth , Humans are not evolved but are made in the likeness of God. But man by his free will choose to stray away from God and evolved to become just a shadow of what he is supposed to be. So when the time was ripe God himself came down as the Son of Man called Jesus who died for the sins of the entire mankind and proved that he is God by signs , wonders , miracles and finally resurrecting from Death. So who ever believes in him will be saved from this fallen world. So the next big thing in this world is the second coming of Jesus !! This is as simple as that ! Bless you all in the mighty name of Jesus ! 12 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .So all religious people will not read science books and write Software codes ..... etc etc , that will be a funny world then :) .12 hours ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan .( the third part ) ...*..' Does anyone or anything else knows about existence other than us?' ..*......... ..................." Origin of Life is not in the Earth , .... it is from the Universe " ................ ....>

Something astonishing has happened in the universe. There has arisen a thing called lifeflamboyant, rambunctious, gregarious form of matter, qualitatively different from rocks, gas, and dust, yet made of the same stuff, the same humdrum elements lying around everywhere. Life has a way of being obviousit literally scampers by, or growls, or curls up on the windowsilland yet it's notoriously difficult to define in absolute terms. We say that life replicates. Life uses energy. Life adapts. Some forms of life have developed large central processing networks. In at least one instance, life has become profoundly self-aware. .12 hours ago Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah As science admit that there is a reason behind anything, we have to ask what is the reason behind life. As per the rules of science itself it is absured to think that life evolved by itself as there has to be a reson behind it for the nucleotibes to be arranged in the precise sequence giving it its properties to replicate itself. The elements that make up the units of molecules in life forms, where did it come from? We have many theries here, none proved. A person need lots of faith to believe in these theories. There is nothing scientific about these theories or hypothesis. Most of these theories or hypothesis can be classified under philosophy. If you have a fraction of the faith necessary to believe in these wild imaginative theories, then you can believe in a creator behind it. It is all wishful thinking that there is life in some galaxies out there and we that we will be able to prove it, as it is impossible to travel faster than light and the distance between these stars and galaxies is in light years. 11 hours ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada I agree with Ninan that science cannot define the purpose of life. Science will work for it. But Jeemon, should we wait for the next avatar of god or meanwhile is there anything that can be done with whatever God has already taught us. In Economics there is a famous saying by Keynes that in the long run we are all dead. It will be nice if we could talk about purpose of life apart from striving to reach heaven. Science goes parallel to philosophy or the other way round. Most of the philosophers of earlier times were also scientists. How about now? Has philosophy of life changed or science has stopped following philosophy? Or is science leading philosophy? 11 hours ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .What is Science ? ..........better not to have any misunderstandings :) One interesting article, THE PRINCIPAL ELEMENTS OF THE NATURE OF SCIENCE: DISPELLING THE MYTHS ( 15 Myths are listed and discussed , one sample ) "" MYTH 15: SCIENCE IS A SOLITARY PURSUIT Most would likely accept the premise that science builds on prior work, but that essentially great scientific discoveries are made by great scientists. Even the Nobel prizes recognize the achievements of individual scientists rather than research teams. Therefore, science must be a solitary and individual pursuit. Sociologists of science who study scientists at work have shown that only rarely does a scientific idea arise in the mind of a lone individual which is then validated by that individual alone and accepted by the scientific community. The process is much more like a negotiation than the revelation of truth. Scientists work in research teams within a community of like-minded investigators. Many problems in science are simply too complex for a sole individual to pursue alone due to constraints of time, intellectual capital and financing"" CONCLUSIONS The message from the Science and Engineering Indicators Study (National Science Board, 1996) discussed in the first chapter, and from an evaluation of the myths of science presented here is simple. We must rethink the goals for science instruction. Both students and those who teach science must focus on the nature of science itself rather than just its facts and principles. School science must give students an opportunity to experience science and its processes, free of the legends, misconceptions and idealizations inherent in the myths about the nature of the scientific enterprise. There must be increased opportunity for both beginning and experienced teachers to learn about and apply the real rules of the game of science accompanied by careful review of textbooks to remove the creeping fox terriers that have helped provide an inaccurate view of science and its nature. Only by clearing away the mist of half-truths and revealing science in its full light, with knowledge of both its strengths and limitations, will all learners appreciate the true pageant of science and be able to judge fairly its processes and products. .10 hours ago 1 Follow Sandeep

Sandeep Bakshi today it holds no meaning or purpose as it was never supposed to be a habitat of selfish morons... The word OM or Amen has the true essence of life.. but how many of us really understand and follow it... for me it means body is made of 5 elements and before we merge back in them we are supposed to protect and glorify it for the next who comes after create an endless loop... hope we wake up a bit early 10 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Some quotes , Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are a part of the mystery that we are trying to solve. We have no right to assume that any physical laws exist, or if they have existed up until now, that they will continue to exist in a similar manner in the future. Scientific discovery and scientific knowledge have been achieved only by those who have gone in pursuit of it without any practical purpose whatsoever in view. .4 hours ago Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah Mr. Karthikeyan, Thanks for bringing up the limitations of Science. I like to add that some of the basic assumptions of Science are not valid. Science assume that the effect of the Physical laws are the same on individuals. In reality it is not true as perceptions can vary depending on several variavles. Another issue is that when doing research, it is assumed that all other variables other than the one in question stay constant. In reality it is not true. The researcher can be ignorant of all the unknown variables that can have effect on the data collected leading to misleading end results. As you mentioned scientists approach many issues with bias or pre-concepts and can write off things as irrelevant. For example the effect of cosmic and planetary influence on human behaviour and tendencies, Scientists write off such things. It is difficult to conduct research here as each case is unique and the variables involved manifold. 2 hours ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Ninan, I request you take your time with article referred or any other related materials . All your doubts above are busted as myths . No Point in empty rhetoric !! .2 hours ago davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Appreciating the mind as `ALL SILENCE'. The mind that works for the benefit of the society. I AM' is meditation. When one is in meditation means, means I am always in Meditation. It is the brain behind the mind that boggles everybody and so there are so many differences among the people across the world. It is belief and faith that makes the difference. Think positively by using the brain and controlling the mind, by controlling the emotional feelings then one can see the difference. When Mahatma Gandhi has asked another person to slap on other side also, the opposite person has to think if has a mind would not slap, as he has done it because of his own ignorance. The same way somebody spited on the face of Buddha never reacted and indicated to others to keep cool. the next day the same fellow came and apologized, the wordings of Buddha were you are not the same person as yesterday just go and live your full life. It is the ignorance of the people that creates all the problems, to over come that ignorance it is the knowledge of the self that is important, For that the only way is meditation. 2 hours ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Pardon me Davuluringaru in what you said I see a lot of knowledge of the others. What would be the knowledge of the self for Budha and Gandhi in the respective instances. I think we need to reflect on this because we are not Gandhis or Budhas to reform others. We are people who are trying to reform ourselves. It would be nice to think if we were to react the way Gandhi or Budha reacted what would be our learning. What would we know about our own self from such instances. Similarly it is for the other person to reflect on what he has learnt about himself from that instance. 1 hour ago Like

Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Karthikeyan, It was an irony. Almost all scientific discoveries were solitary pursuits until recently. Even today with the team work involved, the original idea take shape in individuals and in its application team work is used. An entirely different outlook of the subject. All the ancient empires and the founders of those empires were intelligent people. Consider Roman emperors. May be they were more intelligent than most of us. Consider Abraham who lived 2000 years before Christ. They had the same DNA or genetic materials responsible for intelligence along with environmental facors. None of the discoveries the fruits of which we enjoy now were available those days. The standard of living of those people were primitive compared to todays standards. I grew up in a hut with no electicity and only kerosine lamps. Mom and dad listened to the clarion call to wake us up. Why these discoveries and inventions didn't happen those days. Can you imagine, God choosing appropriate individuals to reveal the idea behind these inventions in the head of these individuals at appropriate time periods? 44 minutes ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Ninan, Thanks You can enjoy your self , with your Ironic statements :) .THE PRINCIPAL ELEMENTS OF THE NATURE OF SCIENCE: DISPELLING THE MYTHS .34 minutes ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan .As many times, many others and especially Mohanakrishanan has already highlighted the scientific nature of the all religious thoughts in this part of the subcontinent , here is an interesting article from philosophy of science pointing to question-ability of all theories irrespective of its assignment to any sect / sectors . * Why special relativity should not be a template for a fundamental reformulation of quantum mechanics

* Abstract In a comparison of the principles of special relativity and of quantum mechanics, the former theory is marked by its relative economy and apparent explanatory simplicity. A number of theorists have thus been led to search for a small number of postulatesessentially information theoretic in naturethat would play the role in quantum mechanics that the relativity principle and the light postulate jointly play in Einsteins 1. special relativity theory. The purpose of the present paper is to resist this idea, at least in so far as it is supposed to reveal the fundamental form of the theory. It is argued that the methodology of Einsteins 1905 theory represents a victory of pragmatism over explanatory depth; and that its adoption only made sense in the context of the chaotic state state of physics at the start of the 20th centuryas Einstein well knew. .24 minutes ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan ..................." Origin of Life is not in the Earth , .... it is from the Universe " ................ ....> Amorphous Ice, water vapor in ISM Speculations are abound that Cosmos & Clouds have some love for each other !! One related article, CERN investigates connections between cosmic rays and clouds The CLOUD (Cosmics Leaving OUtdoor Droplets) project at CERN is using the proton synchrotron at the LHC to investigate the controversial link between cosmic rays and cloud formation. This week Nature contains a paper on the first round of findings. .................................................................................................................. Early results show that the CLOUD experiment will continue to provide valuable insights into the formation of cloud droplets, but theres a lot of work to be done before arguments about the effect of cosmic rays on climate can be settled.

.13 minutes ago Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Chiranjeevi, appreciate the role of a moderator when we go off at a tangent to bring some balanced view in the discussions. Prof.Suresh Kumar Sometime back I used to conduct courses for senior level university and research academy faculty on success orientation and self development[that is a practical purpose,may be for all] I used to get excellent feedback on the seminar and its outcomes as a follow up. I can share a link here on slideshare for those who would like to view 5 days ago Like

Follow venugopal venugopal maganti Sorry Mr.Davuluri,I did not intend to show any profanity to our ancient philosophers,and I completely agree that cultural practices,mostly embedded in religion,feeding and mating practices ,along with civility confer on people identity--all I said was that today's professions are different from ancient times,and I would like to ask what is the purpose of this discussion?is it to prove somebody else's line of thinking wrong or is it to refine and enrich your own thought processes by agreeing to examine others' perspective on such conandrums!It will be appreciated that all the Hindu scriptures start and end with questions ,with no definitive answers,but only arguments based on reason and logic--The veracity of stories appearing in scriptures need not be questioned,as they help us memorize difficult theories,by helping our brain--ultimately,and I said earlier ,everybody has to work out his own axioms and develop theories around them ,and wisdom and civility require that the right to agree or dis agree rests solely with others! When I read some of our members ,it looks like if they were to face each other suddenly,fisti cuffs might break out spontaneously! 5 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Karthikeyan:Things are not as simple as what you quote. The dichotomy between Reltivity and Quantum Physics is because of the perspective. Relativity tries to address the problem by looking at the universe as a whole and tries to arrive at certain conclusions at the micro level. Thus the underlying approach is that if we explain the universe we can

apply the same principles to the atom, which is after all a part of the universe. In essence this is the "TopDown" approach, Advaita philosophy also follows the "Top-down" approach. It considers the Whole "Poorna" and says whatever that contradicts the Poorna is an "Illusion"-Maya. Thus in Advaidic view matter and life are just illusions or alternate labels stuck on the single Brahman. Quantum physics tries to work out the rules at the atomic or micro level and tries to build a set of working rules of the entire Universe. The bottom up approach. This approach is somewhat similar to Buddhist metaphysics. Visisthadvaita for example does not believe the "whole" or the sole Brahman, It. says that life, matter and GOD are just distinct "PARTS" of the Brahman. Brahman is meaningless without these three parts. Hence the parts of Brahman (matter, life and God) CAN NEVER EXIST INDEPENDENTLY OF ONE ANOTHER. Ramanuja does not preach that Life and Matter are just illusions. Both General Relativity and Quantum Physics do not deny relative interactions determining space and time and inter-convertibility of matter and energy. It is logical that the results arrived at by both quantum and Gen.Rel approaches should converge at some point. Unfortunately in practical experimentation this convergence has not happened. Some quantum rules extended to the universal level are not supported or contradicted by experimental results, Similarly certain quantum physics experimental observations do not match or contradict the lower level derivations from Gen. Rel. This shows that there may be certain logical flaws in one or both the basic theories. Alternatively this dichotomy arises because of the limitations of the experimental platforms. L 5 days ago Unlike 2 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .............doine^............doine^..........doine^ ............doine ^...........doine^............. Sweet is the lore which Nature brings; Our meddling intellect Mis-shapes the beauteous forms of things:-We murder to dissect. Enough of Science and of Art; Close up those barren leaves; 30 Come forth, and bring with you a heart

That watches and receives. Wordsworth .5 days ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada I think there are many moderators in this group. Best is to wait and watch the flow. Guess as against the popular adage here only the rolling stones gather moss. I like what Mohan sir said above. Just want to extend my imagination. Brahman is one but manifested into many but still there is something common to everything. My imagination is why did Brahman manifest itself into so many forms. may be there lies our key to the purpose of this universe. Further may be this process of manifestation is not over. It will continue further. Another stretch of imagination is that earth and all the other cosmic matter in the universe competes with each other. Earth may be working continuously to keep up its edge over the others. The evolution we experience may be part of this process. Does it make its species stronger by putting them through various stresses. I think now I am going too far....into imagination. 5 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .That is IT but not Brahman :) Discover IT ...! ....! ...! .5 days ago Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla @Ninan - I do not honestly and sincerely believe that the 'conversion from agnostic/athiest *back* to believer' can happen unless the person isn't a true agnostic/athiest (both are different though). For me, concept of God puts us in a box and our thoughts get limited within that box. Secondly, I am not very sure that the 'limitations of science' can be used to undermine science or to

glorify religion/God. I do not look at the limitations of science to convince myself against it, but believe in the trajectory set by the science to believe that we may find answers in future rather than blindly accepting what is said by religion. Let me narrate a scenario where I equate religion to person and science to detective. This person says things based on his experience/perception which are 'make-believe' in nature. The detective keeps working (may not be intentionally) to prove or disaprove what the person says. The detective, as he keeps maturing, may still have to unravel quite a few facts which doesn't mean he is ineffective. On the other hand, the fact that some of the claims of the person have been proven wrong, makes us to believe in the detective more than the person. If we all agree on "God Does Exist" theory and then discuss stuff on that basis, then the argument never ends because everyone can prove the miracles of their God. Why to go to foreign places to prove the 'choosy' nature of the God?. Here itself people wrote about "Rama Sethu" from Rameswaram to SriLanka many thousands years back. Now we can make it out from 'google earth', but how could they have known it without such facilities?. There are many such 'intelligent' stuff in our subcontinent itself to admire. So, some of the religions may even provide beautiful and logical answers than the others (not to undermine our own native religions). We might have not done enough in the recent past (1000 years) as we were physically and psychologically occupied by foreign rulers and religions, but we have enough to prove the 'great things' our ancestors did before that era. 5 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .DISCOVERY CHANNEL'S OUT OF EGYPT SPANS THE GLOBE UNRAVELING COMMON THREADS OF ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS The Shape of the Gods The great pyramids at Giza - awe inspiring icons of Ancient Egypt. But these monuments are not unique. Thousands of pyramids have been built all across the globe. Dr Kara Cooney travels from the very first pyramids in Egypt to the temples of Mexico, and even to round pyramids in Sri Lanka, demonstrating that the history of these buildings hides a long and twisted evolution of architecture and form. Ancient pyramid builders everywhere attempted to master an ideal sacred shape, but what did the pyramid really mean to the ancient people? And why did they work so hard to perfect it? The Birth of the Devil The Ancient Egyptians practiced a complex religion of many gods, and yet they had no devil in their mythology. In fact, most ancient cultures had no conception of the devil. It's only with later, monotheistic beliefs that the notion of pure evil emerges, along with its embodiment, the devil. By examining a historic period of dramatic transition in religious beliefs, Kara pinpoints a moment that brought profound change to cultures all around the Mediterranean - a shift in politics and society that molded the very nature of divinity and beliefs still followed by many today. Discover IT :) .5 days ago Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Why did Brahman manifest itself into so many forms,is an interesting question. The answer is that the manifestations are the making of the mind at the phenomenological level,since at the noumenal level there is still only Brahaman as one. That is the essence of the ego consciousness of the self that emerges from this phenomenology. So the illusory self deludes us into thinking that Brahman manifests itself into so many forms. I agree that it is difficult to understand and assimilate this,but that becomes easy with experience and knowledge from perception of reality 5 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan . ............ what to do :) ( ' MahaMaya ' ) .5 days ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada My late grandfather used to quote Manu and used to say that females are nothing but Maya. Now my question is why did God create Maya? I think this is where lot of hypothecation comes in. They say its a great play, god does it for his own entertainment etc., etc. Some say man has to rise above this Maya and discover the truth etc. But what if all men become enlightened? Does this world come to an end? If it has to end that way, why create it in the first place? 5 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .-

Interesting twist, ( M.Maya ) created Gods .... or .....any of the God created Maya ! I think it is a team effort by Gods to enforce her spell anyway :) .5 days ago Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar God did not create Maya,we created thru our ego consciousness and its illusory phenomenology. God is not involved even though he induces-just as life force sustains without getting affected or altered. Maya is the vei over our eyes or inner eye and once we know how to remove it we have the ultimate experience,and then phenomenal nature[or the metaphor for female-sthree,in sanskrit] vanishes. One comes to experience basic nature or MoolaPrakrithi,as one with Brahman,and there is no illusion,or maya there Mental imagery is the cause for maya. 5 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .That is One version ! .5 days ago Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Versions exist when there is no experience of truth and vision of reality. In the absence of that there are innumerable interpretations adding to the confusion and consternation of the ignorant 5 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Then the question is does one lift or come out of Maya at a convenient time? Or is it an evolutionary one goes through the peaks and troughs of life and then develops a balanced view and finally realizes that everything is but Maya? The whole world goes for a toss in this

process of evolution because even as a few get disillusioned there will be a lot of new ones enjoying the Maya and going for wars etc. Is there a problem with thinking that everything is illusionary? Because one usually does not do good things when under illusion. But if we think that this is a real world and there are repercussions for our actions would it make any difference to how we act here? I am not trying to get back to the discussion of great escapist assumption about Indians or Hinduism. This is true for any religion because most religions preach about good life after death. With our increasing short term focus, this theory may not do much good for the earth. 5 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Who is confused and confusing whom ??? -------that is , 's duty :) .5 days ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan .The difference and the versions are discernible from this article , the way things are evolving .... nicely .DISCOVERY CHANNEL'S OUT OF EGYPT SPANS THE GLOBE UNRAVELING COMMON THREADS OF ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS The Shape of the Gods The great pyramids at Giza - awe inspiring icons of Ancient Egypt. But these monuments are not unique. Thousands of pyramids have been built all across the globe. Dr Kara Cooney travels from the very first pyramids in Egypt to the temples of Mexico, and even to round pyramids in Sri Lanka, demonstrating that the history of these buildings hides a long and twisted evolution of architecture and form. Ancient pyramid builders everywhere attempted to master an ideal sacred shape, but what did the pyramid really mean to the ancient people? And why did they work so hard to perfect it? The Birth of the Devil The Ancient Egyptians practiced a complex religion of many gods, and yet they had no devil in their mythology. In fact, most ancient cultures had no conception of the devil. It's only with later, monotheistic beliefs that the notion of pure evil emerges, along with its embodiment, the devil. By examining a historic period of dramatic transition in religious beliefs, Kara pinpoints a moment that brought profound change

to cultures all around the Mediterranean - a shift in politics and society that molded the very nature of divinity and beliefs still followed by many today. Discover IT :) .5 days ago Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar `Then the question is does one lift or come out of Maya at a convenient time? Or is it an evolutionary process..`very relevant thought,Chiranjeevi As I said,Maya is the veil caused by mental images,and pure mind is the inner eye that truly beholds and knows reality. Now,the veil of Maya causes the ignorance and the illusion. Now we lift ourselves out of this darkness due to mental imagery by simply removing the imagery overload. That is where the spiritual process enables us.It lifts and elevates the soul. For that one need to learn to internalise the vital energies. We burn the effigies of yester years in the fire of the inner spirit,a true baptism,and we are reborn as the true Brahmin or true Christian[Holy Spirit or Union of Jiva and Param Atman] 5 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Who is confused and confusing whom ??? -------that is , 's duty :) .5 days ago Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla I wonder if there is anything called "pure mind" because there will always be some illusion forced around it when we think of it, through which we feel or sense it. For ex., a just born baby can't think about it's own mind which is pure and fresh. What does it lack to see the reality?. A baby once gets the imagery overload of 'data' (like us all the experienced) only will start thinking about the pure mind which is already impure by then. So, what to filter and what not to filter from the imagery so that the pure mind is

seen is left to individuals and thus great illusion of perceptions shows up again. The 'entire creation is maya (mystery)' is something people say when they fail to explain beyond a certain point. I take it, because by saying so, we are atleast accepting that we don't (can't) know. I am glad to see the participation from people like Mohan, Jayendra, Sidhartha etc.,else I would have ended up reading the bye-hearted concepts from the holy books. 5 days ago Like Follow Prem Kumar Prem Kumar Jha Mr Karthikeyan Confusion is not very complicated things . It is not difficult phenomena , actually it is sign of intellectual situation created by group of intellectual . Confusion is very very powderfull word and it makes peopel powderfull to handle it . It does not matter who is confused or who has confused whom ? The person who is confused and the person who has confused and the situation arrissing out of this is very very powerfull as it can create lots of ideas and people becomes creative . It creates confusion as this is secret which involves lots of perception and assumption and people get confused when you are confused you will think more and your mind start thinking more and lots of creative idea comes out due to this confusion to your mind and innovation happens as a results of this confusion so you will become a innovative person due to lots of creative ideas hence you are powerful. 5 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Thanks PremKurmar, So, the great philosopher is named ' Confucius ' wonder :) .5 days ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Pure mind Pure speculation follows when the mind is quite pure !! .-

5 days ago SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah @Chiranjeevi : Now its not me but your Grandfather himself telling you Women >> Maya >> Desire >> F theory!!! "My late grandfather used to quote Manu and used to say that females are nothing but Maya. Now my question is why did God create Maya? I think this is where lot of hypothecation comes in. They say its a great play, god does it for his own entertainment etc., etc. Some say man has to rise above this Maya and discover the truth etc. But what if all men become enlightened? Does this world come to an end? If it has to end that way, why create it in the first place? " All gods except Hindu gods are Males. then it was men who created religion for F purpose or say Maya. Everything we do and every thought we make or present is inspired by "F". 5 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada its not about F definitely when my GF talked to me about Maya. It is about the way men get tied down to HH responsibilities. I guess if women are not there men would have been still hunting taking one day at a time. Its the women who invented agriculture and saved the men from running around. 5 days ago Like SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah If women weren't there men would be making beer, eating drinking and running around naked. :-) but only if they could multiply. 5 days ago Like Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Sridhar, Thanks for the feedback. I see your stand on Atheist/Agnostic at this moment. I can believe whatever I want based on my knowledge. My belief changes as knowledge and experience changes. So there is no meaning in arguing about faiths, the color of which is changing every moment.

I am impressed by your and others faith in Science that it can bring answers in future rather than 'accepting what is said by religion' Are you biased here against religion. Can you look at religion also objectively? It is your choice to accept it or write it off as irrelevant. To me God is one. God revealed to different cultures through different prophets of religion in the past. There was cultural differences in this revelation. Now, since time has changed and the world has become small, I think it is God's plan to bring the Truth in religion to you through internet and other communication means. It is your choice also as to what you want to do with that information. 5 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ...........may be even the whole Universe is of F and M :) ____________________________________________________________________ ....................................Particle Physics and String Theory............................... ..........................A hint from nature that we are in a good situation..................... ....................F-theory ...........................and .......................M-theory.................. Charged matter localized at points in X3 ........Charged matter localized on curves in S no candidate model of flavor .................. .....mechanisms for flavor structure Difficult to study............................................Simpler to study .5 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @Chiranjeevi: "Brahman is One" as per Vedantic philosophies. But even there, the three Vedantic Groups, namely Advida, Visisthadvda and Dvaida have different views on the nature of the Brahman. There are only two similarities between what the Gurus say. One is that Brahman is one, though people may call it by different names. The other is the concept of "apparent" deception, that is Maya. But the three Gurus define Maya differently. But let us first get the terms the philosophers use frequently. "Beings" fall into three groups, animate or

living (Cit), inanimate or non living (Acit) and the divine (Iswara). Advita says that Cit, Acit and Iswara are artificial or man made distinctions. They are all Brahman. Any perception of these individual entities is illusion (Maya). Hence the statement "Brahma Satya, Jagat mithya". The other corollaries are I am God and God is myself. "Visisthadvida" says that Cit, Acit and Iswara form part of the "Brahman". Brahman is indivisible. This Implies that Cit and Acit are meaningless outside the context of Brahman and Brahman is meaningless without Cit, Acit and Iswara. As per this philosophy Cit, Acit and Iswara are "Real" and not just illusions. Perhaps they are transcendental and exist only for a small time in the cosmic scale. "Dvita" accepts only two types of beings, apart from the Brahman which are "real", namely Cit and Acit. Brahman is GOD and is real and Cit and Acit are subservient to the will of Brahman. None of the beliefs say that Brahman is "manifested" in many things. There is no place for attributes like GOOD, PURE, or BAD in Hindu Philosophy. Each attribute is neutral and is perceived as "GOOD", "PURE" or "BAD" only on a relative scale of subjective experience. Advita calls these attributes also as Illusions. Visisthadvita believes that such perceptions are very short lived in the cosmic time scale to matter. Dvita believes that GOD can cleanse or accentuate the attributes as and when necessary. Apart from the Vedantic schools of thought, there are other schools which do not accept one, more or all elements of Vedantic Philosophies, like the Polytheism practiced in the worship of village gods, Animism as in Snake worship. Agnostic and atheistic beliefs are also discussed and favored by some Rishis even as per the Vedas and the Upanishads. So Hinduism is like a large and wide Philosophical canvas. What you do with it is your look out. Once you have defined the purpose of your existence, the scriptures are there to guide you with the cumulative experience and intellect of many who lived throughout many ages. 5 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Thank you Mohan sir...I know there is much more to it and one can go on educating oneself...I guess it is a bit addictive also.. 5 days ago Like Follow Shovon Shovon Chakraborty @Ujwal Jha: Are you sure that you have a better understanding about the world

we live in? I guess not. Otherwise, you would not have found the topic childish. I also strongly disagree with your assertion on scientific inventions & discoveries. It will be highly preposterous to say that humans are the deadliest of all the viruses and that behind all scientific studies, the underlying motives have been to live longer & travel faster! Are you serious about these claims? You know, the mean life expectancy rate has increased by around 20-25 years than what it was a 100 years ago. But that does not necessarily mean that the average human being lives longer. On the contrary, the lower life expectancy rate earlier was mainly due to the high rate of child death. I am not going in to the philosophical side, but can only hope that some day science will come up with the answers to these questions. 5 days ago Like Follow Arun Arun Sharma Karthikeyan, The evolution as understood by Darwin is different from what I referred to as evolution. I meant is in terms of our consciousness. If we are conscious of our body and feel the reality is just this body, we have to keep pondering as to why this body of which I attach my identity changing so fast and so differently? Then we see that we actually dwell in our mind more than we dwell in our body. Then further pondering exposes us to the point that we wonder as to why our mind has shifted its values to different things in so many years of our life. Further pondering beyond our mind should reveal that we are the unchanging spirit. But by the time we come to that realization, we have almost spent all our life with wrong kind of attachment. So according to the Keno Upanishad, the essence of life is an ongoing search about your identity. It may not be understood in its real perspective because it is a subject which cannot be understood by some one telling us, but it has to be pondered by oneself. 4 days ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Very apt since purification of soul and its union with pure mind and spirit is the essence of all relgion and spirituality. Purity is an essential aspect and this refers to experience of the subtle element of liquidity in us ,as part of our spirtual being.That is real ganaga snan or holy water.The experience is much more blissful and elevating than a journey to Manasarovar or Gangotri,since that is the essence of mind and happiness. The next stage is of course pure consciousness where there is absence of thinking,since the Karmic domain has been extingushed of its image overload. As you rightly said these are to be experienced,and till then will remain intellectual speculative thinking,bookish knowledge,or interpretive divergences and imaginative thinking. Once the real experience dawns on us we know the ignorance and illusion of all previous states. No amount of reading and thinking and imagining and arguing can be a subtitute for that 4 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow

davuloori bheemeswar Here purity means heart is free and so is the mind is open, no feelings and emotional inequalities. 4 days ago Like Follow Pamela Pamela Soucy we dont have to knwo why we are here on earth justknow that its to our own benefit to enjoy strategic placement of where god puts us and the people we meet daily. I dont thing we need to know the purpose of our being. we arent supposed to question why, use our talents for good not evil. 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Arun, You are absolutely right with " loss or gain " in the meaning for the word ' Evolution ' . That is main reason I put that query , nothing else . Sometimes it is a real wonder to see anything & everything getting refereed to ' Natural Selection ' and other related concepts . It is also interesting to see current conclusion in the thread regarding Life & Universe .................." Origin of Life is not in the Earth , .... it is from the Universe " ................ ....> directly puts the theory in to Doubts ??? Someone has to travel all around the universe and document the species found there and it is most likely to be different gods & celestials........ :) .4 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Arun Sharma: Please tell me where Kenopanioshad tells "the the essence of life is an ongoing search about your identity"? It specifically says that the mind is "Achetana" or "non intelligent", and "non vital". According to Samaveda as a whole, not just its derivative Kenopanishad, the so called mind (Manas) is also a "Physical organ", which processes the data provided by the sensory organs. It is a "distributed processor" residing in each organ, which sends the resultant of sensory perceptions to the brain. Kenopanishad says that the mind is also subject to Maya or relativity and it affects the Five Organs

and the five organs in turn affect them. It says "Listen to your "Atma and GOD". THis Upanishad for that matter any other Upanishad does not "prescribe" anything. They just convey a message. When you are interpreting the message it is usual to quote the message as it is and list your derivations. 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .worth pondering on the meaning ' UPA' Meaning of 'upa' pre. implying near, with, auxiliary, secondary etc. as upakkirakam, a secondary planet, upanati, a tributary. Meaning of pre. implying near, with, auxiliary, secondary etc. as , a secondary planet, , a tributary. .4 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Prof.Suresh: If you believe what all you say why keep harping on "Science"? Karthikeyan: Why try re-inventing the wheel. Upanishad is just "throwing light on the Vedas". It is selective. Vedas talk about cow worship as well as cow sacrifice, Snake worship and so many other things. Whether you want to read the Vedas or the Upanishads is your choice. 4 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Only children have pure mind and open heart. Once the term it is I enters into that mind due to degrees of comparison all that openness and purity is lost, the brain starts playing the games of mirages. One was innocent so far but at this stage the ignorance takes place, the arrogance, selfishness, ego and the satanic forces do start working over the brain. I am sorry to state some of them we have read on these columns and others also. of course it only the way of evolution of mind and brain, which again depends on the type of culture and circumstance one was brought up. because there was lot of information between the lines of ancient Indian history epics and other lit., Bible, Quron and others. The philosophy is so deep for a common human to understand with just a dictionary in hand, specially in Indian poetry the meaning of the poem starts from some where else unlike that of English or other languages it is also true for Urdu lit. Most of the interpretation went wrong and the misquote's were done

to derive the advantage of division of the society by vested interested people. 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Pondering is not re-inventing :) ___________________________________________________________________ worth pondering on the meaning ' UPA' Meaning of 'upa' pre. implying near, with, auxiliary, secondary etc. as upakkirakam, a secondary planet, upanati, a tributary. Meaning of pre. implying near, with, auxiliary, secondary etc. as , a secondary planet, , a tributary. .4 days ago Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Mohanakrishnan, 'Vedas talk about cow worship and cow sacrifice' Who told the authors of Vedas to worship cow or sacrifice cow? If you want to get to the root of vedas and its origin, you need to know who the Aryans were and which other cultures are related to the Aryans? Then the relationship of Aryan religion to other religion become clear. 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ." loss or gain " in the meaning for the word ' Evolution ' as it evolves ..................." Origin of Life is not in the Earth , .... it is from the Universe " ................ ....> directly puts the theory in to Doubts ??? Someone has to travel all around the universe and document the species found there and it is most likely

to be different gods & celestials........ :) .4 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @Ninan Mathullah: I just took that example to illustrate that the Vedas evolved over a very long period and many of the "Authors" are unknown, only some are named. They are called "Rishis". The Rishis themselves say that they collected the Vedic text throuh "Vibrations all around us". I take it to mean that they interviewed people and noted down the ideas. Nowhere do they say that GOD gave them the ideas. Take any Veda, particularly Yajur Veda which describes various yagnas or set of rituals. Practically every description of any Yagna talks of animal and particularly cow sacrifice. At the same time it also talks of worshiping the cow. During the days of Upanishads the rituals were taken out and aggregated under "agamas". The law or Moral was taken out and aggregated under Smruti. The non-secular entries like dance, medicine were classified as "shastras". This was done with a note that they are subject to change from time to time and place to place as the people deem fit. That is why you find that the Hindu marriage, funeral or temple rituals vary from place to place. Even today instances of animal sacrifice in Hindu temples are not uncommon. Only the metaphysics remain in the Upanishads. Vedas are the collective wisdom of many people who lived in different ages. People do evolve from time to time and their ideas will definitely change. We do not say that the Vedas are the words of GOD or his messenger and are "inviolable". @Karthikeyan: You forgot the other part of the word Upanishads. Nishad simply means "notes". Exact translation of Upanishad is "Sub Notes". Sub notes to what? Hence it is sub notes to the Vedas. You may ask where are the "Notes"? Vedas have so many "Notes" dating prior to the Upanishads, the chief of which is called the "Brahmana". 4 days ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Thanks for ' UPA'. , ' Nishad ' additionally , What does the word upanishad mean ? .4 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R What you refer is an "interpretation". It so happens that I agree with it. But do not be so sure that others may do so. That is why rule of speaking or writing in the religious seminaries is that first you quote and then "interpret". Be bold enough to claim your interpretation. It is the same in "Law". 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Okay, Thanks again. let us move on towards discovering / interpreting new laws for Universe, ." loss or gain " in the meaning for the word ' Evolution ' as it evolves ..................." Origin of Life is not in the Earth , .... it is from the Universe " ................ ....> directly puts the theory in to Doubts ??? Someone has to travel all around the universe and document the species found there and it is most likely to be different gods & celestials........ :) .4 days ago Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Mohanakrishnan, You are right, the Vedas or the Rishis who wrote Vedas do not reveal who they are. They did not come out of vacuum. To find the answer and to find the truth about religion, we have to trace the origin of Aryans from Ancient History or Linguistics. There was a culture in Ancient History other than Aryans whose mother tongue was Sanscrit. 4 days ago Like

davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Dear to all The word Upa + anushad becomes upanishad, meaning substitutes for making a meaning of life on this earth for humans, what ever they thought and got through meditations and other practical aspects were all put together in different forms. mostly they are all conversations between two or more persons. All of these were put as Bhagavath Geeta also in a different fashion. There is also a saying first are these Upanishads and then only the Veda's came out. Vedas are the ones which one can follow to get better knowledge and wisdom about the life on this earth. The terminologies are all different, as they were all written in poetic form and it is all left with the persons ability to understand them and all depends on from which line one starts to make a meaning of them. Now what we are doing in English the dialogues are also can be called as Upanishand's as each and every person is contributing with their own limitations of understanding and trying to progress further to give a meaning for ourselves and to the society. 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Universe - Solar System - Earth- moon Vedas - Upanishads - Epics - Purans - Gitas .........and what else ......> Oh ..many .. many .. Gurus :) .4 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Sorry Mr.Ninan, some Rishis have disclosed their names and they appear in the Vedas. But all of them do not "own" the ideas, they simply say that they "read the cosmic vibrations". This is the exact translation of the words as per Rigveda. I interpret it to mean the collective wisdom of many where it has not been possible to name each of them. 4 days ago Like 1 Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar The science of spirituality and religion is the next frontier that will open up a new world of opportunities,and an inner world of greatness for mankind.

Those who swear by science are yet to get to the depths. The concepts of basic qualities as solidity,liquidity and radiance as the substratum for the three guna philosophy is truly scientific since the ancient elements are depicted as vector principles of these noumenal qualities. That way Agni ,Ap and Prithvi are not merely the gross objects that we know and relate to it,but the subtle elements for the field of qualities. At the next step it provides a framework for the grand unification in science. I may not be able to sketch all the details or the maths here,since that is long and complex,and may not interest many who are not directly aware of the details. Suffice to say it is possible. Some evidence to liquidity factor deep in vacuum is also coming from high particle physics probing quark gluon plasma[answering structure of nucleons,and ariving at liquid like behaviuor toppling the current theories] The scientists themselves agree as to being influenced by the ancient concept of vayu as repulsive gravity in defining the modern notions of dark energy. There is reason for my harping on science and believe and experience what I say and that may be a science of the future for which there are present guideposts ,and understanding which may be a challenge for many,though having some semblance of knowledge in science. Real depths are being fathomed here ,and the promise of science is evident 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .What is Science ? ..........better not to have any misunderstandings :) One interesting article, THE PRINCIPAL ELEMENTS OF THE NATURE OF SCIENCE: DISPELLING THE MYTHS ( 15 Myths are listed and discussed , one sample )

CONCLUSIONS The message from the Science and Engineering Indicators Study (National Science Board, 1996) discussed in the first chapter, and from an evaluation of the myths of science presented here is simple. We must rethink the goals for science instruction. Both students and those who teach science must focus on the nature of science itself rather than just its facts and principles. School science must give students an opportunity to experience science and its processes, free of the legends, misconceptions and idealizations inherent in the myths about the nature of the scientific enterprise. There must be increased opportunity for both beginning and experienced teachers to learn about and apply the real rules of the game of science accompanied by careful review of textbooks to remove the creeping fox terriers that have helped provide an inaccurate view of science and its nature. Only by clearing away the mist of half-truths and

revealing science in its full light, with knowledge of both its strengths and limitations, will all learners appreciate the true pageant of science and be able to judge fairly its processes and products. .4 days ago Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Mohanakrishnan, Unless you research and find who the Aryans of India were and who their cousin brothers and ancestors were, you won't be able to trace the origin of Vedas, and where the ideas in Vedas came from. Was those ideas original ideas or taken from their ancestors? 4 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Mr.Ninan: The Vedas talk about Aryans and many other races and do not seem to attach any importance to it. Hence to restrict Vedas to Aryans alone is contrary to known history. You find descriptions of many deities and rishis, which in no way confirm to the racial traits of Aryans as per anthropology, like white skin, non-curly hair. Even Mahabharatha describes Krishna as dark skinned with curly hair, both racial traits are common amongst black races we see now. In my reckoning India is and has been multi racial and the races got mixed up with the passage of time. Why you want to trace the origin of the Vedas? Vedas themselves proclaim it as I have written earlier. Vedas say that they are collections of ideas from many people, some named and some too numerous to name. It is possible that X who conveyed some idea to some Rishi could have heard it from somebody else. Why do we bother? The Upanishads are believed to be dated, appx a thousand years before Buddha. As per history Buddha died in the first millennium BC. So Upanishads are appx at least 2000 years before Christ. Vedas have to definitely belong to an extended period of time ending at the latest with perhaps 2000 BC. May be they are 2000 years, 4000 years or 10000 years older than the Upanishads. Why we should know all that? Is it not enough we read what is written in them? 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .That is the spirit of Science , without questioning nobody should accept anything !!! unfortunately , generally people question other people's belief ?

That is called Scientific Belief :) ( it is worth recalling the story , ' baby asking about the milk to it's mother ' ) .4 days ago Follow Shobhita Shobhita Rawal Mr.Ninan ,I am also keen to know who is author Holy Quran and how Muslim religion came in/established 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ..................." Origin of Life is not in the Earth , .... it is from the Universe " ................ Interesting article, Using gravitational micro-lensing, research team shows exoplanets are virtually everywhere There is on average at least one planet orbiting every star in the Milky Way. This remarkable conclusion comes from an international team of astronomers, including leading scientists from the Zentrum fr Astronomie der Universitt Heidelberg (ZAH), who used a method known as gravitational microlensing. After a six-year search that surveyed millions of stars, the researchers conclude from their comprehensive statistical analysis that planets orbiting stars, or exoplanets, are the rule rather than the exception. .......................................> .4 days ago Follo Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @Shobhita Rawal: The Koran itself says that it was revealed by GOD to prophet Mohamed (pbuh) during the lunar month of Ramadhan. That is a matter of Islamic faith. I do not think we can question it and sit in judgment over whether it is "rational" or Not. 4 days ago Like

Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Mohanakrishnan, If you do not want to know who your long lost little brother is, it is very difficult for me to understand that. A few years before I was born, my Grand Father's two younger brothers moved to the northern parts of our state due to economic reasons. When I grew up I remember this great uncle coming once a year to visit my Grand Father. Most of the time he came alone. He never brought his children with him as transportation facilities were not common as it is now, and it cost lots of money to bring all the children. Same way we never visited them also. After I passed High School, my Dad sent me to a prestegious college in our state St. Berchmans. Grand Father's brother also send his son to the same college. Two years we studied in the same college without knowing each other. If I knew that my long lost little brother is among 8000 students there, I can't sleep until I find that out. 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Yaadon Ki Baaraat (English: Procession of Memories) was a 1973 Bollywood film directed by Nasir Hussain. It starred Dharmendra, Zeenat Aman, Vijay Arora, Tariq, and Neetu Singh. The film became a box office hit.[1] It is still remembered fondly for its soundtrack composed by music director R.D. Burman. One song, "Chura Liya Hai," sung by Asha Bhosle and Mohammed Rafi, is particularly wellknown. It's a classic film of Hindi cinema and among the most remembered of the 1970s. .4 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Mr.Ninan: I understand your personal problem in losing track of somebody with whom you feel a personal bond. But in a country of 1.2 Billion people with over 10000 years of history is it possible to track who your ancestors were? Do you still care about your unknown grandpa of 20 generations back, leave alone the more than 100 generations I am talking about. I am neither proud nor ashamed of my pedigree, I simply do not care about it! When I read the Vedas I do not speculate anything about its innumerable authors, be they Aryan, Black, Mongloid or Hybrid. I only see the perfect logical sense, candid chronicle of various beliefs, transparent recording of the intellectual evolution of the Hindus and above all the spirit of tolerance and universal respect.

4 days ago Like Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Karthikeyan, What is the theme of the movie? Is it history or just myth or story from mythology? 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Hear the song once more , it is revealed :) .4 days ago Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Mohanakrishnan, If it is possible will you be interested? Seems, right now you do not understand the importance of that knowledge. 4 days ago Like Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Karthikeyan, I couldn't get a clue about the theme or story of the movie from the song. If you could send me some more information, please do. If you can tell the meaning of 'Bharat', not any story from mythology, but the true story behind Bharat, it tells the whole story of our history and traditions that are long lost to most. 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ..................." Origin of Life is not in the Earth , .... it is from the Universe " ................ Interesting article,

Using gravitational micro-lensing, research team shows exoplanets are virtually everywhere There is on average at least one planet orbiting every star in the Milky Way. This remarkable conclusion comes from an international team of astronomers, including leading scientists from the Zentrum fr Astronomie der Universitt Heidelberg (ZAH), who used a method known as gravitational microlensing. After a six-year search that surveyed millions of stars, the researchers conclude from their comprehensive statistical analysis that planets orbiting stars, or exoplanets, are the rule rather than the exception. .......................................> .4 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Karthikeyan: I googled "Gravitational Micro lensing". The word has a nice and knowledgeable ring to it! What I understand is that the technology allows sensing of even very faint light not perceptible to ordinary optic or radio telescopes. But it does not answer the question posed by the velocity of light. Elsewhere you say that such planets my be 5 Million to 1.5 Billion light years away. That means you are "seeing" them, irrespective of the fact what instrument you are using, as they existed 5 Million to 1.5 Billion years back. What is the guarantee that such planets are still surviving after such a long time? Your reference does not say anything about it. Even if they exist we do not know whether life exists in any of them. 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Help me with further information :) .4 days ago Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah Bharat is derived from the name of the Great Great ancestor of Aryans 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .-

Yes, That was when on the gods lifted his feet for his third foot of land towards the skies and measured the Universe . Bharat is the Universe and in the next Yuga .................." Origin of Life is not in the Earth , .... it is from the Universe " ................ .4 days ago Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah Hopeless 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .:) .4 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R "Bharata" is the name of the son of Shakuntala and Dhushyanta, characters in Kalidasa's poetic drama called "Abhigyana Shakuntalam" which has been translated into many European Languages way back in the 18th Century AD. Nobody knows when poet Kalidasa lived. Western historians guess that it may be in the 4th century AD. I am not sure. Kalidasa says "Bharata" was the most well known king of Chandravamsha. Bharata is also the name of Rama's third brother as per the Ramyana written by Valmiki. "Pandavas" and "Kauravas" in Mahabharata are depicted by Veda Vyasa, the author of Mahabharata as Chandravamshis. But Mahabharatha does not talk about "Bharath". Vyasa does not talk about the race of either the Pandavas or the Kauravas. But he definitely describes

Krishna, depicted as a cousin of both Pandavas and Kauravas, as having "Cloud Blue" skin and Curly hair, both African racial traits and not definitely Aryan racial traits. The word Bharath does not occur either in the Vedas or Upanishads. Adolf Hitler also claims Aryan ancestry! As per Ramayana Rama's skin color was also "cloud blue". I do not know what makes you to assert that Bharata was "Great Great ancestor of Aryans". You have also started rewriting Hindu mythology? 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Bhageerathan, the Hero suppose to have brought Ganges to the earth / plains , does he appear in the history before or after Bharatha !! .4 days ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan .gandharvas The gandharvas are celestial singers and musicians. They are mentioned in the VEDAS and also play a minor role in the epics (RAMAYANA; MAHABHARATA) and PURANAS. They are minor but ubiquitous characters in Indian mythology. KUBERA, the god of wealth, is considered the lord of the gandharvas. Etymologists have traced the word gandharva to gandha, or scent. Perhaps this is why the gandharvas are sometimes said to have emerged from the creator gods nose. Other sources say their father is the rishi Kashyapa and their mothers are the daughters of another rishi, DAKSHA. Gandharvas are all said to have sweet voices, and they are seen as radiant, graceful, and beautiful. They are known to sing on various mountains including MERU, the central mountain of the earthly portion of the cosmos, but they are also heard in the sky and woods. They usually live in a sky world. The kinnaras, another class of beings who are sometimes considered the best of musicians, are also classified as gandharvas. The gandharvas are known to Buddhist and Jain traditions. .4 days ago Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah ganfharvas, do they have connection with Gandhara the country mentioned in

Mahabharatha? 4 days ago Like Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Shobhita, I believe Prophet Muhammed is a Prophet of God and Quran is a revelation from God, though errors in collecting, editing, and transcription creeped in to the text here and there as it was done after the death of Prophet Muhammed.. Muslim scholars have traced the Geneology of Prophet Muhammed to Biblical Abraham who lived more than 2000 years before Christ. Ismail is the Son of Abraham through Hagar the Egyptian lady. Muhammed's tribe is traced to Abraham through Kedar one of the children of Ismail. Kedar tribe was part of the Nabeotians, from the brother of Nabeoth (Biblical) a prominent culture during Roman times. 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .gandharvas & Gandhara , ........... may be some celestials who could not fly anymore or their love for earthlings would have retained them to form country / region for themselves !! .4 days ago Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Karthikeyan, not may be, but want to know, if your comment has any basis in mythology or tradition. I can also assume many things without any basis. 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .You are perfectly right ! ' Gandhara ' is it there, where is the Proof , that is from your question . .4 days ago

Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah If I am wrong please correct me. I thought, Gandhara is the country from where Panchali is from 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .my story stops here, ( as presented below again ) you can probe further, as for the rest I am not sure and I can only say " may be " .gandharvas The gandharvas are celestial singers and musicians. They are mentioned in the VEDAS and also play a minor role in the epics (RAMAYANA; MAHABHARATA) and PURANAS. They are minor but ubiquitous characters in Indian mythology. KUBERA, the god of wealth, is considered the lord of the gandharvas. Etymologists have traced the word gandharva to gandha, or scent. Perhaps this is why the gandharvas are sometimes said to have emerged from the creator gods nose. Other sources say their father is the rishi Kashyapa and their mothers are the daughters of another rishi, DAKSHA. Gandharvas are all said to have sweet voices, and they are seen as radiant, graceful, and beautiful. They are known to sing on various mountains including MERU, the central mountain of the earthly portion of the cosmos, but they are also heard in the sky and woods. They usually live in a sky world. The kinnaras, another class of beings who are sometimes considered the best of musicians, are also classified as gandharvas. The gandharvas are known to Buddhist and Jain traditions. .4 days ago Follow Arun Arun Sharma Mohanakrishnan, I do not have a copy of the keno upanishad text now to say where it says, but I can quote the text which says: * Kim samsaare saaram? - bahuchoapi vichintyamanam ida meva. * Kim manu jyesh vishta tamam? - Swa para hitaad yodyatam janma What is the essence of life in this world? - All the time pondering on this question (and working to get to this goal as it may lead you to

detachment and freedom from birth and death cycle) * Which is the best that humans should desire? - To spend a life for the welfare of self while working for others' welfare! Please feel free to give your own interpretation of these verses. 4 days ago Like Follow Arun Arun Sharma Here we are all travelling over different areas without having a link to the original question. If we tried a little, we can get a cohersive series of discussion which can collectively for a good book for others to read. We have real experts among us and I like to draw all your attention to try to mention how you are addressing the question? Let us try to list the discussion types that some people were trying to say that vedic scriptures can provide answers to all questions. Others agreed and added that the information from the vedic scriptures also are scientifically true, while a few argued that vedic scriptures were there much before science ever found out some truths of natural laws. They are all good, but just like a judge usually asks the lawyers the purpose of certain questions or where they are leading to in relation to the issue in hand. Likewise, each of us should say first what we are trying to show in relation to the question of this forum. Now, I wish to say that many scientific findings were already there in the vedic scriptures and even the mysteries of science has been already addressed in vedic scriptures and men have not accepted it. Studying from the scriptures, we learn that we are not this body, we are not this mind which are both changing every moment. When we say this is my hand, this is my head, we mean that we are apart from this body. It is not enough for us to read and understand that we are not this body or mind but the spirit behind it. We have to realize it. Once we do, there will be no more birth and death. We will be free like the air that escapes out of a deflated tire of a car or truck. The purpose of life is to evolve to that stage in our several births. 4 days ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .After ' n ' number of births & deaths ' life ' escapes the Earth and goes in to the Universe . Do any ' life ' return back to Earth .......... or is it escape once for all ? .4 days ago Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Upanishads mean nearer to true knowledge and philosophic wisdom[within your head]

In fact many of the sanskrit words and their roots have sometimes twin and triple meanings which one ned to decipher semantically and not just synctatically. Even sanskrit pudits diverge on us,and hence misreading the metaphors in upanisadic texts is common.This leads to delusional knowledge a is widespread. For instnce take the word `go` in sanskrit.In common parlance it refers to cow,but it also means the word and contextually `breath`. So vedas and upanisads never prescribe givng of cow to Bahmin,nor does go vadh nirodh need to denote proscribing slaughter f cow,as part of ritualistic religion or belief. The spirit of it is that one has to learn to conserve the vital energies through the breath and if at all commit the sin of extinguishing it beyond the brief,eat it or consume it to atone for it. That referes to an internalisation of your vital energies thruough the breath,,and this message is spread across christianity and Islam. Similarly there are references to deep scientific truths and principles in upanishads like Brihatharanyaka and Chndgya which may surprise even a modern day scientist with not just superficial knowledge of the subject to discuss it,but deep knowledge to redefine the basics and boundaies based on that knowledge. The beauty of it is that each one who goes along the path systematically can experience the knowledge and have empirical verification within himself of the science and its presaging of perrennial truths. I recently had occassion to come across ne such passage which describes something close to a blackhole [and where there is life of a `higher order`so to say[and recently some Russian scientists where empirically discussing and verifying this in science] There is even mention of conservation ok knowledge[say information],an idea Stephen Hawking promoted. 4 days ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar The wonder is that it also hints at ideas for a science beyond the present knowledge levels,provided one is abreast of its basics and depths,and so enabling one to incorporate the new knowledge from the ancient texts,in the lght of new,and in the process redefine the boundaries for a new science and advancement of its frontiers. That is what scientists do,and that is the difference with a non-scientist who knows science,since he dabbles n the surface,and the scientist plummets the depths to come up with precious new things. That is the promise of upanishads ,and the true religion and science it spells,provided you know the basics and can go to the depths without misreading the metaphors. So one need to understand and learn properly from some one who truly knows the real meanings ,and experienced the same.The beauty here is that science of spirituality and religion and its great jewels in its bowels can be empirically verified thru own experience that bestows not just knowledge,but also bliss and powr. No doubt Keno upanisad emphasies about pondering for evr,since once you have the real experience you will just do that. It is spirit for self and society,since society also benefits from the new knowledge which empowers. The one jewel in upanishad that I was refering to it can even give us a new science and technology without the il effects and with individual enabling,as only experience can convince,and no amount of superficial knowledge or argumentation based on a misreading and imprper understanding or training I cannot reveal all the details one can even formulate a new theory of blackhles and dark energy stars,and beat the world to that as also the fate of information in blackhles ,and its d sitter

space,holographic,isomorphic,horizon assumptions,and redefine a whole lot of that[if one gets hold of deep maths concepts that is nw available] 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .So , Upanishads are not meant for ordinary mortals :) .4 days ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada As I said there are many moderators in this group. I like Aurn's example of Judge asking the lawyer "why are we asking these questions' and 'what connection our answers have' to these questions. I think Arun put a good effort to summarize the discussions. I would like to add to this summary. We were also debating in terms of what different religions say about such questions, which religion has the best answers for these questions and which one of these is actually more right. A side stream to this discussion is a debate of science vs. religion, science in religion etc. Now have we got any agreements, I think Arun has listed the few. A major disagreement is on which religion is more scientific and hence more valid. While some assert that some religions are based purely on belief the others are trying to prove that all religions are. BTW there is also a under current of some of us trying to link all religions (to may be one religion.) Now, as an originator of this debate, I think I have a right to say few things. One I didn't expect such indepth discussions on this topic and such diverse approaches. So that is really great. I am reading at least one book, which I wouldn't have if I didn't start this discussion. That is my personal benefit. Third, I have seen people walking in and walking out and walking in again. So there is no giving up, which is the best part. 4 days ago Like Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah Chiranjeevi, you will be successful in flying colors as a diplomat. 4 days ago Like 1

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Chiranjeevi " After ' n ' number of births & deaths ' life ' escapes the Earth " ... and that is the purpose too, ........any idea of the current ' n ' value :) .4 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Bhageeratha is a king of the Sooryavamsha (Rama belonged to this dynasty), who brought Ganga to the surface of the earth. As per the story he is the grandson of "Asmanga" a mentally deranged prince. The story says that he tried for thousands of years to achieve this purpose. His story illustrates supreme and dedicated effort (Bhageeratha prayatna).There are only minor hints of this story in the Ramayana. Again Kalidasa tells his story in great detail in his beautiful epic poem "Raghuvamsham". As per the stories he is not the same as Bharata, who is a different character in Kalidasa's another work Abhignana Shakuntalam. The Gandharvas are early Vedic deities who are the gods of music. The name has nothing to do with "Gandhara" a place currently called Kandahar in Afganisthan. As per Mahabharatha, the character Shakuni was the king of Gandhar. 3 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada One went into the deep sea and came back and said the sea is full of red fish. Another went in and came out and said the see is full of blue fish. The person sitting on the beach because he/she doesn't know deep sea swimming found lot of sea shells on the beach and was wondering which of the two was correct. One showed the picture of red fish under the sea, the other brought a blue fish. Now again the person sitting on the beach was wondering and thought yaa there are at least blue fish, red fish and some shells in the sea, until a third person came along and asked him/her why in fact he/she was sitting there at all. Best thing is to move on and see better things. 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .-

Quit fishing or catch another colorful exotic fish ... options are many obviously ..........> one good query generated to this article remains to be probed , .1. ) But it does not answer the question posed by the velocity of light. .2.) Elsewhere it says that such planets my be 5 Million to 1.5 Billion light years away. That means we are "seeing" them, irrespective of the fact what instrument we are using, as they existed 5 Million to 1.5 Billion years back. .3. ) What is the guarantee that such planets are still surviving after such a long time? any relevant thoughts & reference articles will be highly appreciated . .3 days ago Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Mohanakrishnan I read from Wikipedia that Gandhari was the daughter of king of Gandhara (real) and as wife of Dhritrashtra, was mother of Duryodhana and the Kauravas. Can you sort out the history and mythology here? 3 days ago Like Follow Arun Arun Sharma We have seen different people feel different purpose of life. The religious people say to reach God's abode. The philosopher says to attain Mukti, The scientist says to live fully to explore the world and beyond. The scholar says to evolve into a better person to be helpful to others. No matter what differences in opinions there are, it boils down to one thing. It is definitely not to procrastinate. Do not delay! Do not waste any more time. VivekaChoodamani alsoreiterates the Gita that it is after so many billions of births and deaths that you get to be born as a human being. Be the best you can be! A musician

or a physician, a gymnast or an astronaut, an artist or an architect, be the best you can be. Try to do it better. Yogaha karmasu kaushalam says Bhagavad Gita. 'Zindagi zinda dili ka naam hai. Murda dil kya khaak jiya karte hain? meaning life is about living lively. What life is that of a man with his soul so dead? Take interest in what ever you do to do it better every time. The sense of accomplishment is equal to none. Spend some time every day to meditate. Be moderate in eating, sleeping. Serve more sleep less. chew more and eat less. Give more take less. Listen more, talk less. 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .one quote to share, If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away. ....Henry David Thoreau .3 days ago 3 Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Ninan: "Gandharvas" are mythical entities. The Vedas describe them as the divine minstrels as believed by early Hindus. 'Gandharva" is a matter of "faith". Gandhara is the name of a historical territory, presently forming part of Afghanistan. The modern name of the city is "Kandahar", which incidentally is the second largest city in present day Afghanistan. As per Mahabharata, Sakhuni the younger brother of Gandhari was the king of Gandhar at the time of Mahabharata. Mahabharata names Gandhari as the wife of Drudrashtra, the father of Duryodana and his 99 bothers and 1 sister. "Panchali" is the wife of Pandavas in Mahabharata. She is portrayed as a princess of the kingdom of Panchal, the present day Punjab in both India and Pakisthan. 3 days ago Like 1

Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Arun, the last one is the most difficult of all I guess at least for a lot of us. But I also know some people, it is so difficult to make them open up. 3 days ago Like 1 Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Arun: Thanks for quoting the Kenopanishad verse. Going by your own translation of what you have quoted, where does the upanishad says that the purpose of life is to unravel the ultimate. In fact no Hindu scriptures say so. They only say "IF YOU WANT TO UNRAVEL the ultimate, here are a few earlier thoughts. That is why I said Hinduism is not a "prescriptive" religion. As you yourself say "Take interest in what ever you do to do it better every time." is the ultimate message of the Hindu scripture. Prof Suresh: Yes there are different dictionaries for Vedic Sanskrit, Modern Sanskrit and Buddhist Sanskrit. The question of "interpretation" arises only when we encounters different figure of speech like similes and metaphors. Where there is no such alternate figure of speech intended the rule is interpret the words as such as per the appropriate dictionaries. You are not free to distort any published work by distorting the written words. In case you have a different opinion or perspective you have to state explicitly "I take the following words "..........." to mean that ":...........". ". "I ate Idly" is a statement. No interpretation. He ate dust. This is a metaphor that can have many perspectives. In writing or quoting the Sanskrit scriptures, modern Sanskrit rules say that one should follow the semantic rules laid down by Panini in his various logical, grammar and linguistic protocols described in Asthayogi, Dathupatha, Gnanapatha etc. This is generally followed meticulously in all Hindu religion related writings. The need for the Guru arises because the scripture talk about a very wide variety of things most of which may not be relevant to the purpose you have in mind. The Guru shortlists the relevant portions and just introduces you to them. The problem is that many have not followed this rigorous system and most Sanskrit writings, translations and treatises are hence not recognized by the scholars. 3 days ago Like 1 Follow Prem Kr Prem Kr Jha Purpose of Life is be happy and try to keep others also happy / Second purpose of life is always be hungry to know more about the life in meaningfull way in depth and live life upto that scale and fill the depth with your action .

3 days ago Like 1 Follow Anthony Anthony Etherton My belief is that there is no pre-ordained purpose sent down by an omnipitent energy, god, deity or alien for that matter. The universe just is, and the only prurpose or meaning is that which we consciously create for ourselves. I think the general reliance on the myth and ledgend of gods and demons only serves to stunt humankind's evolution. We are our own 'lifeboat' so we better make sure it floats and relay on each other more, rather than argue and fight over who's deity or 'club' may be the better. Ants 3 days ago Like Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Mohanakrishnan 'Do you care about your unknown grandpa 20 generations back' I do care. The British could rule over India for 400 years because most Indians did not care. So they used the divide and rule policy everywhere, where people didn't care. They told us that our history is just myth and legends. Since we didn't know our history well, we just believed it. You mentioned about Kalidasa author of Sakundalam. Though these traditions were widespread for a long time it is believed that these books were compiled during Guptha period under Vikramadithya in AD fourth to sixth centuary. You mention the race of Pandavas and Kauravas not known. Since they are cousin to Krishna, and Krishna belong to the Yadhava tribe, is it possible that they also related to Yadhavas. I read that Yadhava stands for Jews (Jehuda) tribe. I will come to the connection later. It is in my book, 'Metamorphosis of an Atheist- A life journey to the Truth' To bring the Dravidians to the Hindu religious fold, it is believed that their symbols (black color) and God (Siva) adopted in to the Hindu religion. People of Germany are not related to the Aryans or people of India. Hitler used the theory for political purposes to conquer the world. Now do you see the importance of knowing my unknown grandpa 20 generations behind. Hitler almost succeeded by exploiting the myth about ancestory. So it is very important to know your ancestors. Bharata is rooted in history.Its meaning is lost to many. Usually place names have historical significance. All this relevant as we are trying to get to the roots of religion and vedas, the root of Hindu religion. The

answer to the purpose of life is in religion only as science has nothing to say about purpose of life or morals or ethics. History is very important as we can't understand religion without history. The following is from Wikipedia on the origin of Bharat "It is also known that Bharat conquered the Gandhara and created his kingdom of Takshasila comprising present day, Punjab region, Pakistan, Afghanistan and parts of Central Asia. It is evident by the Uzbek capital city's name Tashkent that it is derived indeed from the word "Taksh-khand" named after Bharat's son Taksh. The present-day Pakistani city of Taxila is also a mark of his rule. Pushkalavati, which is present day Peshawar was named after his second son Pushkal." 3 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Ninan: All speculations! When Kalidasa lived is immaterial. Just read his great poetry. Anyway 200 years is too small in history, My 4th and yr 6th century. As much as you discard the Dark Skin theory of Krishna, which is anyway written, I am entitled to reject the "Jewish Origin" for which there is no support in Hindu mythology. The word Yadava in Sanksrit just means a shepherd or cowherd. You don't question the dictionary! Is there any history of Bharat conquering Taxila? To me Bharata is just a character in Sakuntala, who might or might not have lived. I do not want to speculate on mythology and half truths. Mythology has to be taken as a matter of faith. I will never question "immaculate conception" through the lens of a Gynecologist! 3 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada To me purpose of life is not definitely to live in the past but to look at our present and better our future. I am not saying we shouldn't bother about the past. We should definitely take lessons from the past but not try to validate periods, people and origins as far as our purpose is concerned. There is a good poem in Telugu which says " Vinadagu nevvaru nerpina" i.e it is good to listen irrespective of who teaches you. This is what I believe if we have to go back to our roots, we don't know where we will end up. The purpose of roots is to give us strength and stability so that we can flourish not to stick to the roots. 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Quit fishing or catch another colorful exotic fish ...

options are many obviously ..........> Black Fish & White Fish , .....ONLY ! exciting anyway :) .3 days ago Follow Arun Arun Sharma Ujjwal bhai, You did point out certain customs which are so cruel and meaningless. We should keep opposing them. But there are two parts of our Hindu religion. One is called vaidhika and the other called aidhika. While vaidhika refers to all practices which are hygienic (have been found to havescientific basis), the aidhika is customs adopted by certain families in certain areas. This has been different in different regions of India because India was not just one country. I can list a lot of ancient cultural (Hinduism was not a religion until other religions came and had to be identified as different) practices which are hygienic and scientific. But before I go into that, we have to note 2 things. 1.Just because you pointed out some aidhika practices which were not only unscientific, but were also unethical, cruel and meaningless, it does not mean that all practices are unscientific. 2. There is not enough space in one posting to list all our cultural practices which are scientific and hygienically good. One example is aachaman. Sipping small quantities of plain cool water first thing early in the morning. 3 days ago Like Follow Arun Arun Sharma 'Saaram' means the essence. Samsaram is our life in this world. Essence of life in this world is to keep pondering on this question of what is the purpose of my life in this world. Who am I ? It is the essence. Yes, God gave us freedom to stand or to fall. Those chose to stand, stood. the rest fell. But still the essence is not changed because I do not want to see what the essence is. Thanks for at least agreeing on the Gita teachings 'yogaha karmasu kaushalam'. 3 days ago Like Follow Shobhita Shobhita Rawal Mr.Ninan i recall your info Muslim scholars have traced the Geneology of Prophet Muhammed to Biblical Abraham who lived more than 2000 years before Christ. Ismail is the Son of Abraham through Hagar the Egyptian lady. Muhammed's tribe is traced to Abraham through Kedar one of the children of Ismail. Kedar tribe was part of the Nabeotians, from the brother of Nabeoth (Biblical) a prominent culture during Roman times. please tell,Kedar mentioned here -------is this person or tribe has been named after kedar

3 days ago Like Follow CA Rishabh Kumar CA Rishabh Kumar Sawansukha I would recommend reading "Manu samriti" wherein the entire system is explained by Manu who survived from last mahapralya. 2012 is so called end of the world year therefore it is never to late to know why we are ? 3 days ago Like Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Shobhita, This is copied from Wikipedia. The Qedarites (also Kedarites/Cedarenes, Cedar/Kedar/Qedar, and Kingdom of Qedar) were a largely nomadic, ancient Arab tribal confederation. Described as "the most organized of the Northern Arabian tribes", at the peak of its power in the 6th century BC it controlled a large region between the Persian Gulf and the Sinai Peninsula.[1][2][3][4] Biblical tradition holds that the Qedarites are named for Qedar, the second son of Ishmael, mentioned in the Bible's books of Genesis (25:13) and 1 Chronicles (1:29), where there are also frequent references to Qedar as a tribe.[2][5] The earliest extrabiblical inscriptions discovered by archaeologists that mention the Qedarites are from the Neo-Assyrian Empire. Spanning the 8th and 7th centuries BC, they list the names of Qedarite kings who revolted and were defeated in battle, as well as those who paid Assyrian monarchs tribute, including Zabibe, queen of the Arabs (ar-rat KUR.a-ri-bi).[6][7] There are also Aramaic and Old South Arabian inscriptions recalling the Qedarites, who further appear briefly in the writings of Classical Greek and Roman historians, such as Herodotus, Pliny the Elder, and Diodorus. It is unclear when the Qedarites ceased to exist as a separately defined confederation or people. Allies with the Nabataeans, it is likely that they were subsumed into the Nabataean state around the 2nd century AD. Arab genealogical scholars widely consider Ishmael to be an ancestral forefather of the Arab people, and assign great importance in their accounts to his first two sons (Nebaioth and Qedar), with the genealogy of Mohammed, the founder of Islam, alternately assigned to one or the other son, depending on the scholar. 3 days ago Like Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Mohanakrishnan, I do not want to argue with you. Sorry If I was in a debate mood.You have your own source to believe and I see that you are well informed of Hindu scriptures. It is better that we do not get in to a debate mode, and the mood change to winning an argument. It is good for peace, if I can see the other person's point of view. In a debate mood when you ask how many mangoes there I might reply oranges are eight on the tree. Besides it is human tendency for a person to

take the opposite side. If I am a Republican the other person may favour Democratic candidate. Getting in to debate, we are not going to learn amuch. Wikipedia information about Bharat is from Ramayana, and it is mythology or half truth. What I said is not blind speculation. Based on circumstantial evidence and available history and mythology people come to conclusions. Especially when we do not know for sure who our grandpa twenty generation back, as we didn't write and keep our history We all need to learn from history. Those who do not learn from the past are condemned to repeat the past. If we do not learn from history, history repeats itself. It is good to know who our friends and family are as in a conflict with outside forces, this information is handy. So it is good to know our kith and kin. 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Quit fishing or catch another colorful exotic fish ... Wormhole Fish, a small video about the universe .3 days ago 1 Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Thanks Karthikeyan...nice fish...I am sure everyone would like to watch the video, almost covers everything we are talking here. Just a small pearl of wisdom I gathered: One of the theories is that we are all but like computer pixels taking shape based on how the others see us. Now I know what we mean by the adage: beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So when I see something I am actually not seeing "IT" but actually that is how it looks to me. Wow...enough material for the weeks ahead to use "IT" and experience the difference. 3 days ago Like Follow Arun Arun Sharma Our culture also includes getting early in the morning, bathing in the river, a pond or

shower with buckets of water from the well followed by a prayer to Sun with a wet towel around the waist and bare body exposed to morning sun. Doing some deep breathing exercise, a few thoppukaranam (sit and stand several times,while holding your ears- right hand for left ear, and left hand for right ear). some push ups or a set of bending and stretching exercises which is called Surya namaskar. -to name a few practices which is also very scientific and very useful for health. 2 days ago Like Follow Prem Kumar Prem Kumar Jha Purpose of life is to keep the earth intact otherwise it will be destroyed due to unbalance , life and no life has to be together . Universe exist because you exist and this is known fact to every body . 2 days ago Like Follow Dr.R.P.Ilangho Dr.R.P.Ilangho MD FRCP DTRD Great Existential debate: I`ll key in a quote from a living Master by name "Eckhart Tolle" , based in Canada.He is German,educated Cambridge-drop-out, enlightened @ ~ 28 years of age.He`s about 60 now.In his masterpiece book ( ~ 300 pages) "The Power of Now" he says thus: * The primary purpose of Life is in being in the "NOW". * Once , you reach-know this primary purpose the secondary purpose flowers " Let me key in my input. Become SILENT.The Vedas will become you. ANY amount of Vitarka (+ive debate- argument) { sometime becoming ;-) Tarka & at times landing into Kutarka} will not solve this question. The answer to THIS existential Question is this: When you become Silent & the answer will dissapear ! TILL THEN , this Question will rage answers many, many; till Silence envelopes your life. This question CAN NEVER EVER BE ANSWERED.Period. Till then ! Good Luck ;-)) ( I have not gone thru` the entire discussion,but sampled it here & there;as it is massive;hence , I may be kindly excused if there is any overlap) 2 days ago Like

Follow Dr.R.P.Ilangho Dr.R.P.Ilangho MD FRCP DTRD Sir Roger Penrose OM FRS (born 8 August 1931) is an English mathematical physicist and Emeritus Rouse Ball Professor of Mathematics at the Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford and Emeritus Fellow of Wadham College. He has received a number of prizes and awards, including the 1988 Wolf Prize for physics which he shared with Stephen Hawking for their contribution to our understanding of the universe.[1] He is renowned for his work in mathematical physics, in particular his contributions to general relativity and cosmology. He is also a recreational mathematician and philosopher In the film A Brief History of Time, he said, "I think I would say that the universe has a purpose, it's not somehow just there by chance ... some people, I think, take the view that the universe is just there and it runs alongit's a bit like it just sort of computes, and we happen somehow by accident to find ourselves in this thing. But I don't think that's a very fruitful or helpful way of looking at the universe, I think that there is something much deeper about it."[27] Penrose is a Distinguished Supporter of the British Humanist Association. 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .As a Scientist he is very clear, ( Roger Penrose ) " I think that there is something much deeper about it. " Atoms inside atoms ( unknown sub-atomic particles ) or Universe inside Universe ( multiuniverse) .2 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Dr.Ilango: I am confused by the post. What do you want to say, not for me, but to all the other participants. 2 days ago Like Follow Dr.R.P.Ilangho Dr.R.P.Ilangho MD FRCP DTRD @ Mohanakrishnan:

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz S I L E N C E ;-) Discussions on Existential questions will never give an answer.Discussions play a role definitely in Science & Philosophy - not in Life.Hence, on the MOST important human existential question( as raised by Chiranjeevi here & discussed in length by all):Silence alone is the best way.Its a paradox;not answerable,not debatable, language cannot help,here ultimately. So, to everyone, Please learn the language of silence.How? ;-) be silent lol. India has taught us over millenias about the "How". You see MK, this is my Input based on my experience,which reflects the eternal truth;which all of us know, at varying degrees. I share my experience, not the Vedas. And it is the PRESENT MOMENT. Existence-Life-is experiential, without thought/language/discussion/debate.Its the "NOW" pristine.Its Silent & Dynamic.Its powerful.Its the StithaPragnya state mentioned in the Gita. What & Why is in the domain of past? Life is the present.We ask questions because we have forgotten to LIVE.A person Living Life 100 % will not ask about Life.He/she will live.And that happens best in silence- meaning a mind which is not chattering -non-stop-24*7*365.I`m here mentioning repetitive,addictive,energy-zapping thought patterns which screw our lives to hell.As humans living in our day-to-day world, minimum thoughts are needed for example to book a movie ticket , find a place,etc I am not trying to push an idea here.But to simply say this:" All the wonders you seek are within yourself". I saw this quote 30 years ago. A Zen quote." Sitting silently, the grass grows by itself" Sit silently.Or learn things which will make you sit silently.This is my weekend message to all. not take it literally.Sitting silently does not mean sitting;it means being passively alert - like a swordsman,waiting moment-to-moment for action. As I know Mohanakrishnan I am replying on this ;-) Life is the greatest teacher & the answer to the beautiful question raised in this forum will also be answered- but , remember- in silence.Do not follow me or anyone or the Vedas.Follow your Inner Guru.till you reach that level - Yes !an external guru is needed. And where to find the Guru.Zen again;"When the pupil is ready, the Master arrives" Ciao . have a great weekend all...;-)) PS: The greatest challenge for a Human( which includes , first me), is to be Silent - mentally.Easier said than done.But at least we can share our experience for a good,na? ZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz S I L E N C E 2 days ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .How to create ' silence ' in a posting / comment ??? .2 days ago Follow Arun Arun Sharma Ramana Maharshi of Thiruvannamalai had sought, searched within himself and taught those who seeked from him that which Tolle is saying in modern fresh language. It is not an answer, it is a question on which you dwell all your life. If you are getting any answer, it is not that. The question is 'Who am I?' Keep active in your life carrying this question constantly in your mind and all attachment will whither and you will become free in degrees. Most of our fights if you examine, will be on a very small issue. Pick your fights. This question will lead you to take it easy policy ( like the song). When you get the answer, you will get everything, but you will not want any thing. (Guide by RK Narayan). Nothing excites you and nothing bothers you. It is ok not to realize the truth. But it is good if we do cry when we lose and laugh when you get some thing. Just do not take to too much or too long. Get over it, move on with your life. 'Zindagi zinda dili ka naam hai. Murda dil kya khaak jia karte hain?' meaning life is to live lively, active and involved. What is life if you were to live with a dead soul? Where ever we go, whatever we do . . Do it with your heart and soul and leave the results to God. Keeping the question constantly in the back of your mind, will enable you to better understanding and face challenges easier in life. Keno Upanishad also teaches the same thing which Ramana Maharshi and now Tolle is telling us. I enjoyed the post 'I prayed to God to give me strength and God gave me challenges.' Most of you have posted wonderful thoughts in this forum. I enjoyed most of them. Only draw conclusions from your post and write a sentence relating your post to the topic in question. My summary is that this question itself is the answer to our present. Let us not get the answer yet . It is good to dwell on this question all your life. Thanks Chiranjeevi! 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .All beings before emancipation need some holding and some hold the hold for their lifetime ! ... what I am trying to convey is that with either older vedic science or the modern sciences , when some one has come out with a very specific but utmost useful / functional theory, people with their understanding, less than the originator always try to apply the same to other areas - sometime it is quite obvious and funny too, some cases it works. example : " loss or gain " in the meaning for the word ' Evolution ' .

Sometimes it is a real wonder to see anything & everything getting refereed to ' Natural Selection ' and other related concepts . Similarly ........claiming Vedic discourses as one which was written for the whole future of the universe as if no new intelligent being is going to come ......... to me it sounds funny !! ............. Silence ............:) .2 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R As far as I have read None of the Vedas have ever prescribed anything "for the future of the entire universe". In fact all the Shastras and Smruthis say that they are subject to change based on various considerations that include time. That is why we have innumerable Smrutis and Shastras, each written at different points of time keeping a particular, society or region in mind. Most of the Smrutis (Legal and moral code) say that wherever there is a conflict between "local customs and practices" and the Smruti the local customs should prevail. This is reflected in the provisions of the Modern Hindu Canonic Law. About "Discourses" I have nothing to say. That is what happens when everybody starts "reading between the lines" and flout all prescribed rules of interpretation. 2 days ago Like Follow Jeemon Jeemon Thomas Hi Chiranjeevi Because God is God , only one avatar is enough and that One is Jesus himself. So it is now for you to respond to what has god already done! Do it call on his name to see the power , seek and pursue with a pure heart , you will reach Jesus. It is not for the pursuit of heaven , but to live victorious in the present and find the will of God about you (purpose of life). Science is about the rules of nature and how things interact in the physical realm. Philosophy is a system of thought trying to figure out how everything fits together. As no science or philosophy can explain everything we are still debating. But the word of God is simple and brief. It is upto you to choose which way you want to take :-) 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .-

Interesting comment by one gentleman ( Howard Davis ) in another thread , nicely relates the purpose of meditation in the end , .* ' Walter Russell its purpose is not just for one's own personal benefit, but rather to benefit of the people of the world in general through the creation of new and better tools and processes.*' "" I was not familiar with Shree Dhirendra Brahmachari until you mentioned him. However, I would not be surprised to learn that he taught something similar since the concept of meditation is much more clearly explained in Hinduism then in most religions. However, my understanding of meditation comes from a very different source. One that I am sure few have heard of. The major source of my knowledge of meditation and how to use it for creating solutions for human problems is the teaching of the University of Science and Philosophy. This school teaches the cosmology of Walter Russell, an American artist and sculptor who lived from 1871 to 1963. Supposedly, Nicola Tesla, was a friend of Russell's who is said to have been in agreement with Russell's cosmology, but who warned Russell that he should bury his teaching in a time capsule because the world would not be ready for it for another thousand years. As you may know, Tesla was very interested in Hindu metaphysics and Walter Russell recommended reading the Bhagavad Gita, so your observation of a possible connection to the teaching of a contemporary Hindu Guru is not surprising. However, in my case, it did not come directly from a Yogi. Rather, it came from my studies of the writings of Walter Russell. He taught that the main purpose of meditation is not to make us feel better or to become more enlightened. For Walter Russell its purpose is not just for one's own personal benefit, but rather to benefit of the people of the world in general through the creation of new and better tools and processes. You can find more information on the Russell's teaching at: "" .2 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @Jeemon Thomas: This is not an Evangelist propaganda or sales promotion forum. Words like "only one avatar is enough and that One is Jesus himself". Many will say that this is a white lie from the perspective of their religion. 2 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Dear Jeemon, it is so nice when you believe that someone all powerful like God is with you. I too have someone who looks after me. Like all of us have mothers and all of them like their children, all Gods love their children and protect them. I won't recommend my mother to you, if you want you can chose to be my mother's child but I cannot recommend because you already have a mother. Second, God/Guru will chose reveal themselves to you based on your readiness. God is not like us to

force himself on anyone. We should be glad that there are enough gods for all of us, not try to limit the number of gods. The link that Karthikeyan provided shows that God is a sense in the mind, it could be stimulated from outside. Please check the link out. We may or may not completely believe in that experiment but that is also a truth. It is also a truth that you and I believe there is God. The scientists chose their way and the believers go their way. Someone is trying to prove that mathematics has a way to prove the existence of God. But for many there is no doubt about it. Those who have doubt will try to prove it. It doesn't mean that they are right and the others are wrong. Everything has a purpose because mind doesn't work without purpose and the world is made such a way that whatever one does it impacts something or the other. Sometimes we won't even know how far and how much is our effect. Therefore it is important to recognize the uncertainty of outcomes of our actions and be more careful. 1 day ago Like Follow S. Saravana S. Saravana Prabhu Chiranjeevi!!! Purpose of life....people who have found it will not tell you... and do not listen to people who tell about this ;) (on a lighter note) Btw.. see if you could do the Art of Living Sudharshana Kriya basic Course soon... 1 day ago Like Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @jeemon, I wouldn't present my views in the fashion you presented it, though I see your conviction and the truth in it. Abrham, the father of nations of the world and the father of all the world Religions was a very hospitable person. He used to welcome people in need to his house and take care of them. Once a traveller was resting in his house, enjoying his hospitality. When it wa time to pray, he began to meditate and pray to the only one true God, as it was revealed to him. The guest also took his idol out of his bag, and began to pray to that idol. Abraham got very disgusted with this. He couldn't stand the guest worshiping idol inside his house. He tried to convice him of the true God, and of no use, and so showed him the door out. It is said in the Jewish Talmud that God appeared to Abraham that night in a vision and asked him why he couldn't stand that person for one night, if I could stand him all these years. There is only one God and all are God's creations though this truth is not understood by all. Some not knowing this call God by different names, and in different relationship with God- rebels (Atheists), servant, friend, children and husband-wife relationship (a mystery to many). Even when people call God by different names, in humility, the prayer reaches only the one and same God. God doen't keep your lack of knowledge against you as most people think. But God reveals to people according to God's mysterious ways that we may not understand. Those who are humble, sure God reveals the truth as they need to

know. People awashed in pride will not see the truth, and their prayer will not reach Heaven, according to scriptures. 1 day ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R "Abrham, the father of nations of the world and the father of all the world Religions" "God reveals the truth as they need to know. People awashed in pride will not see the truth, and their prayer will not reach Heaven," Majority of people in India do not believe in these statements. Hindu religion says "As all waters from the sky reach the ocean, prayers to GOD by whatever name you call him, do definitely reach him". I have already told you that there is an ocean of difference between various beliefs. Please do not convert this forum into a sales promotion drive for Christianity. Such statements are better avoided. Have you seen anybody else making such assertions? 1 day ago Like 1 Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Thank you. I have done basic course in AOL. It is a great process though not able to practice it regularly. Why do we have to believe that of all the concepts of God only one is right and that there is only one God. Please give me one good reason that makes sense. Belief in God should get the focus on God not on the non-believers. Cursing them condemning them is really not the best way to reach God, whichever religion it is. When I go to a Darga I get the same feeling as I go to a Church, Gurdwara or a temple. I feel the presence and blessings of God. It is our human ego that is trying to defend God, how naive could we be. 1 day ago Like Follow ridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla @Jeemon - /* Because God is God , only one avatar is enough and that One is Jesus himself. */ I am eager to find on what basis we could be so sure that only Jesus himself is God?. Is it because you just 'believe' in him?. I believe in "Shirdi Saibaba" like many thousands. What differentiates Saibaba from

Jesus?. Is only one avatar enough?. Is that the reason why he didn't like to show up again during crusades when people were mercilessly killing each other?. Is 'one avatar' enough the reason why he didn't show up for tens of thousands of years of the evolution of human life?. Would showing up just once be enough, leaving the responsibility of letting his presence known through petty messengers who do not know what they speak?. 1 day ago Like Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla Ninan For me, "God has the plan" is the most convenient, but least convincing and elusive answer. I am happy when people say that "no one can understand the acts of God". But they contradict their own statement immediately by saying that God is that, God is that, this is his plan etc., as if they are only gifted to have 'understood God' and rest are ignorants. This interests me to post in this thread. If scripture or such phenominon is the basis for one's conviction, then almost every religion provides such material and our own native culture is rich in it. I will post one more message on how scriptures can mesmerize people to see 'fiction' as 'past reality'. Yes, convinction was in abudance in Jeemon's message, but I am curous to know what 'truth' you have found in there. If God exists, being the most intelligent, he would understand that now is the best time to come onto the earth and say "Guys.. don't get confused.. here I am". For me, his actions are the most erratic. He wasn't there for tens of thousands of years when humans were struggling. He appeared few thousands years back in one place. Then ~2000 years back, he was there in another place and immediately appeared within 600 years later in some other place when there wasn't apparently any need. Since then, there has been no trace of him even during the tough times when people have been killing each other in his name. I also find it interesting that most of the people present their arguments with the (implying) basis that the entire universe is revolving around human life and the purpose of Universe (through God) is for Human Life. If we look from the Universe, we can realize that human life is nothing, like bacteria infesting earth. Does it appear that the existence of human life matter to the Universe?. Dinosaurs existed for millions of years, universe was there. They are now replaced by humans. Universe is still there. Tomorrow few fanatics will bomb the hell out of earth to punish sinners like me, dreaming that they would be rewarded by God with virgins, after death, Universe will still be there. Everything will boil down to the purpose of individuals. "How can I make myself happy". We do everything for this purpose, knowingly or unknowngly. Even if it means making others happy, creating social structures, cultures, rules, customs etc., 1 day ago Like

Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla My last post for this week. Ninan - I believe the basis for your conviction is from the vast amount of time you spent in reading literature, scripture, holybooks etc., It was the same case for me until I realized that I was slowly getting hypnotised myself to believe the fiction as reality, which turned me to be agnostic. At one point of time, I was sincerely believing that Brahma and Saraswati were renamed by others as "Abraham" and "Sarah" (like the name Visakhapatnam been changed to Vizag for convenience) and that "Adi" with Adam etc., Even the basic words such as "Mathruh:" to "mother:", "Pithruh:" to "Father" etc., can be correlated to explain that the culture in Indian Subcontinent is the most ancient. In fact, if we keenly look at "Avatars" of Vishnu, it actually depects the 'evolution of human life' even from scientific angle. Mathsya - Only water was present, Kurma - Both in Water and Land, Varaha - Animal on Land, narasimha - Half animal and half human, Vamana - Human, but not fully evolved, Parashurama - Human but barbarious, Sri Ram - Human with morals, Krishna - Human with morals but with guile, Kalki future avatar. If we have to interpret the epics in this manner, then the above tells us that this is the best reason to believe that the evolution has been closely observed and recorded. Great intellectual extravaganza. But I sincerely feel that in all the scriptures, holybooks etc., literature fiction has been tightly intertwined with the geographical references which are alluring us to believe them as reality. I will give a contemporary example. There is a new author Amish who has been writing "Shiva Triology" where he described Shiva as a Tribal War Lord from Tibet. I am sure he might have done his homework based on 'scriptures' again. He beautifully connects Shiva, Sati, Daksh, Kali, Ganesh, Brihaspati, Brighu etc., which may be pure fiction. However, he also adds the geographical references such as Ganga, Brahmaputra, Godavari, Sundarbans, Meluha, Swadeep very nicely into the story. Now after 2000-3000 years, as people could verify these geographical place, they may sincerely believe the new connections made by the author. All this literature is beautiful, magnificient and more importantly useful in conducting our lives as they were written keeping in view the local culture in view and there is no harm in adopting them by other cultures. They could be true or fictitious, it is tough to verify. However, forming superfluous and firm beliefs based on them, pushing ourselves into the corresponding boxes, and then building logic further on (within) them can be dangerous. I sincerely believe that *it is the reason

why there is so much of unrest in the world on God's account*. Please, do not again push the blame on the *Ignorant* (unselected) humans because God is ultimately responsible and accountable for everything. It is his responsibility to ensure that humans are made wise and should know better routes than the bigoted priests, clerics or evangelists. 1 day ago Like 2 karthikeyan arumugathandavan ............doine^..........doine^.........doine^...........doine^............doine^.........doine^.......... Wow ... Sridhar , Beautiful interpretations , I personally enjoyed the analysis & synthesis to say :) .1 day ago Follow Vijayakumar Vijayakumar Narayanan Be of Service is the sole basis for anyone's existence on earth. I hope this makes sense to you. 1 day ago Like Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah Dear All, Thanks for all the thought provoking questions and statements. Let me answer one by one. Majority of people in India do not believe in these statements. Mohana Krishnan, I cant speak for the majority as I am not authorized by anybody to speak for the majority. Even Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh is not authorized to speak on religious matters for the majority of India but only political matters. Looks like you missed the points in my writing. Through the Abraham story I was telling that God even listen to the person who was praying to God thinking that the idol is God. A person swimming in pride cant pray to God as the pride persons attitude is all knowing and he doesnt really need a God. Prayer is from devotees and it is rooted in humility as he or she needs God to help him/ her in his/her affairs. God will listen to such cry for help. Though Truth is one, and different people hold different beliefs based on their knowledge or ignorance, as far as I know God do not keep your lack of knowledge against you in answering your prayer.

But pride is against the nature of God and those who are proud cant please God. What I say is based on my knowledge of scriptures, including Hindu scriptures. Krishna advices Arjuna of selfless action. Here the self stands for pride. Jesus teaches exactly the same in deny the self and take your cross and follow me. Again you misunderstood me that I am in sales here to make a profit here at your expense. I am not gaining anything materially by your believing in one way or the other. Many assertions were made in past comments by so many people based on Hindu scriptures. I dont accuse them of making sales pitch. Please check previous comments to check those assertions. Freedom of speech is a Basic right the constitution guarantee to its citizens. Do you have any right to take that right from another citizen? If this forum stops giving that right I will stop visiting this forum. I have seen other forums were the organizers want to hear only flattery and they like to stay as frogs in a well thinking that what they believe is the world. I learn from your statements that help me understand you and your concerns and way of thinking. So I listen to it and respond where I think it is necessary, and if the comment of help. In this same forum when you discourage me from commenting, there are others curious to know why I made such a comment. Do they not have equal right to hear from me? Without that curiosity it is difficult to learn anything new. So freedom of speech is vey important for progress. The all knowing pride sometimes prevent me also from asking questions. Regards Ninan 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Frog Imagine traveling back through time millions of years to the age of the dinosaurs. Pterodactyls glide above a soggy marsh. Nearby, a colossal 80-ton Brachiosaurus munches on a tree. On the ground at its feet, something strangely familiar hops by: a frog. Ichthyostega Ichthyostega, prehistoric predecessor to the modern frog, lived 370 million years ago during the Devonian Period. Sometimes referred to as "the first four-legged fish," skeletal remains of this earliestknown amphibian were first discovered in East Greenland. [Click for a larger image.] Illustration by Khristine A. Page. Surprised? Few people realize just how ancient frogs are. For 190 million years, the ancestors of modern frogs have roamed (if not ruled) the earth, looking much the same as they do today. The secret to their success is their amazing adaptability.

As amphibians, frogs have one webbed foot in each of two worlds. The advantages of this double life are clear to see: Are land predators giving you trouble? Dive into the water. Not enough to eat in the pond? Hop out and see what they're serving on shore. Frogs have evolved to live in an astounding variety of climates. They can be found just about anywhere there's fresh water, from the desert to the Arctic, on all continents except Antarctica. Though they thrive in warm, moist tropical climates, frogs also live in deserts and high on 15,000 foot mountain slopes. The Australian water-holding frog is a desert dweller that can wait up to seven years for rain. It burrows underground and surrounds itself in a transparent cocoon made of its own shed skin. Frozen Wood Frog To learn more about the wood frog, visit "Cold-Blooded Solutions to Warm-Blooded Problems." Photo courtesy of Dr. Kenneth Storey. Like all amphibians, frogs are cold-blooded, meaning that their body temperatures change with the temperature of their surroundings. When temperatures drop, some frogs dig burrows underground or in the mud at the bottom of ponds. They hibernate in these burrows until spring, perfectly still and scarcely breathing. Wood frogs can live north of the Arctic Circle, surviving for weeks in a frozen limbo state. This frog uses glucose in its blood as a kind of antifreeze that concentrates in its vital organs, protecting them from damage while the rest of the body freezes solid. Getting Around Frogs have a reputation for leaping that is well deserved. Launched by their long legs, many frogs can leap up to twenty times their body length. (That would be about a 100-foot jump for you or me!) The longest frog jump on record was made by a frog named Santjie at a frog derby held in South Africa. Santjie bested the competition with a jump of 33 feet 5.5 inches .1 day ago Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Chiranjeevi, It is not my business to make anybody believe anything. I only tell what I see. You tell what you see. If it is not clear I ask for clarification. It is my/your choice to believe it or not. It may not make sense to you now. It might make sense to you later as you go through many experiences. When I first came to USA(1985), we had a recession here. I came from a well paid job travelling all over India to a situation where it was difficult to get a job even in a restaurant. I was angry at my brother-inlaw for bringing me here. He advised me to go to school, and get some skills that will land me in a job. So joined a school to get a two year diploma. I made friends with a few class mates and brought them one day to home. My brother-in-law was friendly to them and spend some time talking to them. After two weeks when I brought them again home he just said hi and that is it. I felt very bad and complained to my sister that we must be able to see people as people.

My sister explained to me that, the situation in the village I grew up is different from the situation in Houston the fourth largest city in USA. In the village we know people, five to eight miles around well, and who their relatives are and their background etc. In the city we do not know well even our next door neighbour, and the type of people they associate with or their busines- drug, crime etc. Living as a family for the security of the family and children, it is not possible to socialise. Still I was not convinced. I believed that we must be able to see and treat people as people. Only after I got married and had children and living here for many years I understood somewhat the meaning of what my sister told. Our perceptions are different. It is not my job to make sense to you. If you have to make sense of what I say you must stand at the same knowledge and experience base as I am. Now you may see that to make sense, the ball is in your court. If you ask me I can clarify my points. Still it is your choice as to believe in one God or a thousand Gods, or that you are a God etc. 'Belief in God should get the focus on God, whichever religion it is'. If you look in to history of religion, none of the religions in history expanded by the leaders of the religion focusing on God. As we saw before, Brahmins did many things to bring others in to the fold of Hindu religion. Religion is people business. We are in a journey here. I have a moral obligation to point out to fellow travellers the dangers in following a certain path. It is up to the passengers weather to listen and act on it. In history we see that all religion used force, at least subtle force to convert people to a particular religion. I also agree that cursing or condemning people is not the best way to influenze them. The same word, different individuals perceive in different ways, depending on their own insecurity feelings. Saying a general truth based on scriptures, nobody has to take that as personal. If you get the same feeling going to Gurudwara or temple or church, you may continue to do that until you decide otherwise.. You might consider including others left out. I can only tell why I believe what I believe. Words can have limitations in expressing ideas. I am not not sure if I did a good job of explaining it. Please feel free to ask if I did not make myself clear. Regards Ninan 23 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .'' The day the "need" disappears, we become gods ourselves. For then the "need for needs" vanishes. '' ... anonymous (..... Upadhye )

slightly modified version, ' Purpose in the Earth dissipates, .....,,..... shortly disappears ' Discover IT :) .23 hours ago Follow Arun Arun Chattopadhyay Eat,drink and be merry! But when we are struck somewhere then we should pray! 22 hours ago Like Follow hiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Dear Ninan, all beliefs come from personal experiences and I have the utmost respect for personal experiences. They cannot be explained and made understood by the others the same way as they appear to us. Best thing we can do is to respect them. I am not saying that if a day comes when I have to call out to Jesus Christ or allah, I will stop myself. That is not me. Again about Dargahs, Gurudwaras etc. I have been to the Vatican and many famous cathedrals. I have been to Medak church as a child and it was in the middle of the night they opened the gates and the church for us and let us go around and light candles. I have visited all the churches in Goa. I put a star for Christmas because my son when he as a child liked the Christmas spirit. Now if I have to believe that Jesus Christ is the only God, won't I lose my ability to enjoy so much. If I have to live in USA do I have to hate India? In all the above I have seen the greatness of human beings in the way they built their sacred places, their spirituality, their kindness to other human beings. To appreciate these qualities of the whole concept of religion, we need to believe in goodness and then in God. As for religion I have nothing to argue for or against. To me it is a belief in god and way of life. Each one choses according to one's upbringing and later experience. 22 hours ago Like Follow Gorripaty Gorripaty Ramprasad Be useful for society with love and compassion and start dwelling within to know who are you, from where you have come and where to go. 22 hours ago Like

Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Agri Vijay...only problem could be in what we consider as service...again we get to the square will depend on our purpose of doing service 20 hours ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @Ninan: While you have no right to speak for the majority you have no business questioning the faith of the majority."ABRAHAM, THE FATHER OF NATIONS OF THE WORLD AND THE FATHER OF ALL WORLD RELIGIONS"-Did you not make this statement? Well we consider all Semitic religions are of quite recent origin compared to the Eastern religions. In a public forum you do not have the right the insult the belief of others particularly the majority of this country. As regards God's "conditional guardianship", the way you describe, Hindu religion has a diametric opposite opinion. Theistic Hindus believe that GOD is your guardian without any strings attached. BY "People awashed in pride will not see the truth, and their prayer will not reach Heaven," are you not condeming the majority? We know what your "see the truth" means, it means Bible. Don't you remember that such expressions have provoked bloody sectarian conflicts in Orissa, HP and Madhya Pradesh? When you make such statements, this countries social etiquette demands that you add qualifiers like "According to Christian faith...." or "I believe....". You have no business stating such opinion as if they are universal axioms. No amount of hogwash offered as an afterthought is going to assuage the feelings of the others. Eastern religions do not believe in proselytization. According to our belief proselytization is nothing but sales promotion. When you can asset your belief as an axiom, there is nothing wrong in my toeing your line. Has any Hindu made any assertions here to the effect that "God will not listen to anything other than the Vedas" or "We are the forefathers of the entire Semitic and Hebrew race"? Only you have done so. Suppose you have read article 19 of the constitution. Your "freedom of speech" can be curtailed if it offends or is prejudicial to others. If others assert their freedom of speech the way you do, I thing you will feel extremely sorry! "I have seen other forums were the organizers want to hear only flattery and they like to stay as frogs in a well thinking that what they believe is the world."----I will repeat the same thing about Christianity, if I want to exercise my "Freedom of speech" the way you do! 20 hours ago Like

1 Follow Prem Kumar Prem Kumar Jha Freek out , enjoy and make fun seriously is purpose of Life 19 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .yes :) Eat Drink and Be Merry Part Five .13 hours ago Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah Dear Mohanakrishnan, You have no business questioning the faith of the majority As far as I know, as a secular nation, constitution of India gives the right to each citizen to propagate his/her religion You know very well that I am a Christian and my view points are based mostly on that faith. Same way I see your opinions from a Hindu view point. Father of the nations of the world and father of religions I wished, before coming to conclusion, you asked me why I made such a statement. Father of nations is a phrase from Bible. Abraham is the father of nations. To understand that one need to know the history of mankind from the beginning. There is a story of two brothers decided to clean up their houses. While cleaning up, they threw away the old dusted picture of their great Grand parents. Now they do not know who their grand parents are. Our parents have nothing to tell children as to who we are, as our ancestors did not leave that history for us. Just like Muslim scholars traced the ancestry of Prophet Muhammad to Abraham through Ismail. The Aryans of India are the children of Abraham. People in all the nations of the world can trace their ancestry to Abraham. If you do not know world history you might call this a myth, and that I insulted majority faith. When I shared with a person that Americans landed in moon, he felt insulted as Moon is his God, and he laughed at me for believing that. So insult is a subjective matter. What one get insulted another can find edifying. I called Abraham the father of all religions, as the Prophets of all the major world religions today,

descended from Abraham, if you know history. How can you say that I am condemning the majority when I say that people with pride will not see the truth, and their prayer will not reach heaven? I explained this in the previous post. This is applicable to me also. If I pray with pride my prayer will not reach heaven based on the scriptures I believe. If I want to find fault with a person, I can find fault in each word. Love is the only solution to forget and forgive faults even if it is there. Eastern religions do not believe in proselytization If you learn history of Hinduism and Buddhism, you will change your opinion. I did not make any assertion that God will not listen to anything other than Vedas or Bible. Please show me where I made such assertion. On the contrary through the Abraham story posted above, I was making a statement that God can listens to that person praying to the idol even. We are the forefathers of the entire Semitic and Hebrew race please clarify this. I did not make a statement here. Your freedom of speech can be curtailed if it offends or prejudicial to others. Please clarify what you mean by this. Can you give a case, and does it apply to what I said? If others assert their freedom of speech the way you do, you will feel extremely sorry Many have asserted their freedom of speech in this forum, and I did not question them or got offended by it. Can you give an example of Christianity curtailing the freedom of speech now? As I said before all religions have used force in its propagation, subtle force, if not open force. When a ruler of a country is from a particular religion, there is force there to convert to that religion. Gods invisible hand also might be in work here. Please check in to history to find the truth. Hope I only answered your questions and concerns. It is not my intention to offend anybody. I am the looser when I offend my readers. Regards Ninan 13 hours ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R "I called Abraham the father of all religions, as the Prophets of all the major world religions today, descended from Abraham, if you know history." Which history? Only Biblical myth! We have our own mythologies which say otherwise. Read my post carefully. I said that if I say based on our mythologies "We are the forefathers of the entire

Semitic and Hebrew race" Will you like it. Re proseltityzation Hindu scriptures have no such ritual in the first place. Modern Hindu institutions like Arya Samaj and Nair Service Society may perhaps do it on their own. No Hindu ever claims * who he names as prophet is the greatest. * his scriptures are the ultimate revelations. * Hindu kings never tried to "propagate" his faith. * history of Christianity is one of prosecution of the "heathens'. * fact we do not even have an equivalent word in any Indian language. What I want to emphasize was that this discussion is not the platform for religious propaganda. 12 hours ago Like 1 Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Mohanakrishnan, I will not use Bible alone to prove that what its says is truth. Let us get to history When we talk about history, we must be at the same page to understand and apprecfiate it. Older people says not to share with others your precious thoughts if they are unable to appreciate what you say. I do not know how much history you know for me to go in to the details of history. If you can name a culture in ancient history with Sanscrit as their mother tongue and name the Gods they worshiped, I will be confident that you will not ridicule me for my statements from history. It is always possible to close eyes and make it dark. The strategies the Brahmins used to bring other faiths under its fold is only history. Even Budhism, though originated in India lost its hold here because of this pressure from the ruling class. You do not have to talk for all the Hindu kings in history or defend them as they did not ask your permission to do the things they did. I do not have to defend crusaders, as it was not done with my permission. When you say the history of Christianity is one of persecution, it is a one sided opinion. You do not see the other side of it. Do you see all the developments in India related to the British rule and our leaders getting western education. Our GDP is directly related to this education through those educational instituitions established in their model. I see the invisible hand of God here in history as I believe God is the author of History. As I said before all the world history happened so far is as revealed to Prophet Daniel in Bible. All the future developments will be as it is told there, whether you believe it or not.

I am not here to win a debate. If we can get in to this dialogue in a friendly spirit, then only there will be any use out of it. Otherwise it will be a waste of time and energy. Regards Ninan 11 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .wHAT IS sCIENCE ( jumping to part 5 , rest can be seen in the article ) What Science Isn't, Part V: Science isn't Religion, or a religion Science and religion are very different, both in what they try to do and in the approaches they use to accomplish their goals. Science seeks to explain the origin, nature, and processes of the physically detectable universe. Religion seeks (or religions seek) to explain the meaning of human existence, to define the nature of the human soul, to justify the existence of an afterlife for humans, and to maintain devotion to a diety or deities. Their goals are thus very different. Thier methods are also very different. Science uses physical evidence to answer its questions and relies on modern humans to make inferences from that evidence. Religions, on the other hand, commonly use divine inspiration, interpretation of ancient texts, and (in some cases) personal insight as the source of the answers to their questions. Science and religion thus are not, or should not be, competing approaches, because they seek to accomplish different things, and by different methods. In light of these fundamental differences in goal and method, science and religion are distinct but mutually compatible paradigms (a term we will explore further in the next section) Consideration of these goals and methods shows that science and religion have little overlap. Science has no business making inferences about souls, about afterlives, and about deities, because those are not physically detectable or measurable entities about which hypotheses can be tested. Many religions, especially eastern ones, correspondingly make few claims about the origin and nature of the physically detectable universe. Religions that do make such claims generally do so because of their acceptance of the entirety of an ancient text that includes stories about the origin of the earth and its life. Religions that treat their ancient texts' stories as allegorical rather than literal have little or no conflict with science. To illustrate these differences, some generalizations about religious knowledge, artistic or mystic knowledge, and scientific knowledge are given in the table below. One has to bear in mind the tremendous diversity in both religions (Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, shamanism, Shinto, etc., and the many variations of Christianity) and in science (experimental to observational, physical to biological, etc.), and the almost infinite diversity of mystic experiences. The following isn't meant as a condemnation or idealization of any one of the three, but as a way of seeing each in the light of the other.

.................> .11 hours ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Still you have not quoted any history-only Bible which is just mythology for me. You know the Bible was first written in Aramic, which nobody speaks in any country. All English Bible you read are translations of translations from Hebrew and Greek. Nobody spoke Hebrew till the Zionist movement began in 1940s. There is no "Hebrew Civilization" like Mesopotamian civilization, Egyptian Civilization, Indus valley civilization etc. in history. What India had to do with Aramic or Hebrew or Greek? At this rate you may even start saying that Abraham taught Ramayana to Valmiki! We are talking of India. Hinduism is primarily an Indian religion which went to almost the entire far east like Singapore (Singapura), Malaysia (Swarna dweep), Indonesia, Combodia, Vietnam and the Philippines along with Sri Lanka. Simply Hindus never preached their religion. Hinduism in its original form does not allow any conversion. In the first place Sanskrit is a "formalized" language. People spoke various dialects of Sanskrit all over north, east and western India, called Pali, Parakrit etc. For the purposes of writing and formal communication they used Sanskrit so that there may be no misunderstanding. It is just like modern canton and Mandarin Chinese which are standardizations of hundreds of Chinese versions. Written Arabic is also standard Arabic. Even the words for "How are you" are different between Egyptian and peninsular Arabic. When I talk of persecution by Christian I am not talking of the British rule. British never claimed that their rule was Christian Rule. What about Spanish inquisition, the behavior of the Dutch and Portuguese Clergy in Indonesia and Goa, Christian Conquistadors of South America, opium war and Boxer rebellion in China so on and so forth. Europeans themselves called the period between the 10th and 16th century AD of de facto Papal Rule as the "Dark Period". "Renaissance" that is renewed appreciation of Pagan Hellenistic culture and literature diluted the hold of religion in Europe. This is recorded history and not your Biblical mythology. Till the turn of 20th century persecution and bigotry were rules rather than exceptions in known Christian history. Even as per the doctored history of India written by the Westerners there is no instance of destruction or desecration of Buddhist places of worship or their killing. There was and still there is no central church to propagate Hinduism. Buddhism lost its appeal as it is almost like Hinduism.

Bo Hindu will ever say things like, "....As I said before all the world history happened so far is as revealed to Prophet Daniel in Bible. All the future developments will be as it is told there,......". Civilized expression of opinion demands that you always qualify such statements with "As per Christian belief". If say this is history and not mythology, it is sheer nonsense. You have already wasted a lot of time and no further damage need be done. 10 hours ago Like 1 Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Mohanakrishnan, You did not name that ancient culture from history, who were Aryans, the close cousins of the Aryans of India, who prevailed between BC1600-BC1200 time period in the middle East area, and who worshiped the same Gods as the Indian Gods of those days, and spoke the same language as that of the Indian Aryans. It is not possible to understand religion without history. If you need to understand Hinduism and its mythology, you need to know who you are, and your history as to your anscestors and you kith and kin in history. 10 hours ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Ninan Hepatullah: As per Hindu scriptures the religion dates back many "Yugas" (Each yga > 60000 years) and they do not restrict themselves to any single ethnic or racial group like Aryans. Some of the carbon dated excavations in India date back to 10,000 B.C. . By the by I was citing only examples not providing an exhaustive list. Let us retain faith as faith and not enter into unnecessary arguments 9 hours ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Interesting fact is that Monkeys in most of the regions are very similar to the people around ... I mean color and eyes , overall face form ..etc . For example, Japanese monkeys are different from other parts of Asia / America Japanese Snow Monkeys, Jigokudani .-

9 hours ago Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Mohanakrishnan, As you wish 7 hours ago Like Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Sridhar, I tried to answer all your questions in my book. After reading it if you need any explanation, please email me. Regards Ninan 6 hours ago Like Follow Arun Arun Sharma Dear Mohanakrishnan, I do not see anything wrong in Ninan using the term Abraham the father of all nations and all religions. because what he refers to is the religions which came up to be many many years after the ancient Hindu culture. You and I both know and agree that Hinduism was and is not a religion. It is an eternal priniciple of righterousness. I appreciate as you also do in the second part of what Ninan said that each one of us call God by different names and God will reveal himself to each one of us at the right time his reality. Why not see that Ninan sees Abraham the way he described him. Give him the rope long enough.. . Next we do not have to protest if majority of people will agree or not. It is his views. and he may say it the way he wants to. Truth cannot be hidden. It will show up to each one of us. Let us take another example about drugs. Do you believe that drugs cure diseases? Do you believe that you should take drugs to keep healthy? Do you believe that drugs promote health? I do not. I know drugs are all poisonous, they destroy health and are detremental to our health. I do not take drugs. Drugs are miscalled medicines. Taking drugs as medicine is according to me a sin of meddling with nature. I know truth will reveal itself one day to each of us. Does it matter if more people believe in drug? No matter how many people believe that drugs are useful, every drug will do the mischief that it is made to do. If he is wrong, the truth will come to be known. Each of us do not know the truth in its totality. We all know only a part of the truth. When we know the whole truth, we would not be posting our thoughts here as some one said here.

Arun Sharma Dear Mohanakrishnan, I do not see anything wrong in Ninan using the term Abraham the father of all nations and all religions. because what he refers to is the religions which came up to be many

many years after the ancient Hindu culture. You and I both know and agree that Hinduism was and is not a religion. It is an eternal priniciple of righterousness. I appreciate as you also do in the second part of what Ninan said that each one of us call God by different names and God will reveal himself to each one of us at the right time his reality. Why not see that Ninan sees Abraham the way he described him. Give him the rope long enough.. . Next we do not have to protest if majority of people will agree or not. It is his views. and he may say it the way he wants to. Truth cannot be hidden. It will show up to each one of us. Let us take another example about drugs. Do you believe that drugs cure diseases? Do you believe that you should take drugs to keep healthy? Do you believe that drugs promote health? I do not. I know drugs are all poisonous, they destroy health and are detremental to our health. I do not take drugs. Drugs are miscalled medicines. Taking drugs as medicine is according to me a sin of meddling with nature. I know truth will reveal itself one day to each of us. Does it matter if more people believe in drug? No matter how many people believe that drugs are useful, every drug will do the mischief that it is made to do. If he is wrong, the truth will come to be known. Each of us do not know the truth in its totality. We all know only a part of the truth. When we know the whole truth, we would not be posting our thoughts here as some one said here. 1 day ago Like

SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah Was Abraham a monkey??? Because that's where the whole population emerged. And even though we're from same origin ie. Abraham we all look and behave different. That's evolution and proves Abraham was either a monkey or an Ape. 1 day ago Like 1 Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Abraham might have been the fastest to evolve...some of us seem to be still evolving. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .One logical question is that ' Did different races got formed when we were monkeys or at a later stage ' ...??.. inkling is that ' it was fixed then itself ' as I see from the Japanese ones and other local monkeys here . This is against the current scientific findings as per my understanding , Will appreciate serious

feedback on this observation ! .1 day ago Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla Thank you for your offer Ninan, but tough luck to you. Having seen some of your responses and the basis for them, I am unable to force myself to get interested in going for your book. "God's mysterious ways and his nature to reveal to only selected few" - I have been hearing it since my childhood and honestly it bores me to hell. One more thing, before I get back to my work - "Aryan Migration" theory is a highly debated version of history as it is not supported by Archeological findings and looks like you have taken it as the truth and created your thesis on that basis. Even if it is true, it forces us to believe in our native belief system which emerged (consider my interpretation of human evolution by Avatars of Vishnu) earlier than it's foreign cousin whose relation is difficult to establish. By the way, do you know that a temple aging more than 7000 years has been escavated in Bangalore recently?. It may you help in calibrating the history. 22 hours ago Like 1 Follow Neila Neila Bennett The purpose of life on earth is to: 1. Live forever in perfect health, 2. In peace and harmony with everyone and every thing, 3. On a stunning paradise earth, 4. Reigned by your Kingly Law of Love, 5. Furnished in all things Richly for your Own Enjoyment. The universe exists because: a powerful surge of energy is exacted, energy has mass. Therefore an energy surge creates a mass 'planet/ star'. Each new surge of of energy creates a new planet/ star. Huge surges create multiple planets. In accordance with the intrinsic intelligence of each energy molecule, the mass 'planets/ stars' are distributed into solar systems and the universe at large. The ends of the universe keep on ever expanding with new additions of energy surge 'mass'. The universe is like a circle that opens up and folds back in on itself, thereby accounting for the time/space continuum. Does anyone else know about existence? Universal intelligence is inherent in all molecules of existence. All things are possible in universal intelligence. That said, kids scare themselves with the Boogy Man, a figment of their imagination. Universal intelligence is founded in and on love. You can use your imagination to scare yourself or enjoy yourself, thats your own unique choice. The universe is designed

to help you, there is still much to discover in trust, faith and thanks giving. Thank you for asking such pertinent questions, Neila Bennett. 22 hours ago Like 1 Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Thank you Neila for your message. I am sure there will be more elaborations on the energy surge, universe expanding and folding back unto itself. I like your comparison of kids scaring themselves. I fully agree that universe is like a mirror which shows what you want to see, just like our minds. 21 hours ago Like 1 Follow Peter Peter Stutz wonderful message God bless Peter 38 minutes ago Like SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah @Chiranjeevi are you still looking for the answer to your main question?? So you do believe in evolution, may we consider that you have reached a conclusion??? Congrats and thanks everyone for playing a minor but significant role in evolving human race. F-theory!! Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Sidharth, I believe in any theory until it is proved wrong. To believe that we will find answers to these questions would be naive. Its an on-going quest, sometimes dormant sometimes active these questions are always there at the back of one's mind. I am sure a lot of us have found and lost our purpose of life. As Jayendra once said Neti, Neti...not this one...not this the way life proceeds.. 7 days ago Like

KesavaUnfollow Kesava Somayajula One thing I can say. Living in the fear of hell and living for the greed of heaven, both are not noble ways of living. The purpose of life is definitely not that. 7 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Chiranjjeevi: There is no escape from the fact that this is a purposeless discussion which is a good "time pass"! I have expressed the opinion that each individual defines his or her purpose of life. There can be no such thing as a "Common Purpose". Why just "Earth"? How are you so sure that there is no life elsewhere. If it is are you going to conduct a survey in every place?(What is the purpose of life on earth?) Is not the fact that the universe exists enough for you? Perhaps the questions "How" and "where" may serve some purpose. Has any scientist questioned "Why" gravity exists? They had enough trouble in just finding out that something called gravity exists. They still unable to unravel "How" does it work. (Why does the universe exist?) "Does anyone or anything else knows about existence other than us?" you mean outside the earth? First confirm whether anybody exists outside the planet earth. Then only you will be able to invite them to participate in this discussion. "Why this discussion?" may be more spicy! 7 days ago Like Follow David David Wittenberg Hi, Mohan. Thanks for lending your deep knowledge to this discussion. I must take issue in part with one of your statements. While it is true that the purpose of each individual must differ on a tactical level, it is not logical to conclude that there is no such thing as a "common purpose." Therefore, this discussion need not be purposeless. It can be a genuine search for a common purpose. Follow my logic. Your conclusion appears to rest on the assumption that there is no inventor of mankind. If mankind merely evolved spontaneously, then you are absolutely correct. Man is nothing but an animal, a cosmic accident, a pool of primordial ooze evolved to a more complex order; and mankind has no

common purpose. The alternate assumption is that mankind has an intelligent, intentional inventor (the usual word is creator). If this is true, then humanity was created for a purpose, a common purpose that applies to every human being. That purpose could then be learned from the inventor. Every person must choose a view for himself or herself. Am I an accident, or an intentional invention? Did I evolve spontaneously from lesser primates, or was I made by an intelligent creator? There are strong critical reasons to reject both propositions, and strong reasons to adopt both. Only when we answer the question of our origin can we reach a logical conclusion about our purpose. Any conclusion that does not follow from our origin is based on opinion at best and faulty logic at worst. 7 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Quit fishing or catch another colorful exotic fish ... options are many obviously ..........> This paper argues we became Intelligent because of Pathogens :) .........The rise of non-adaptive intelligence in humans under pathogen pressure......... Abstract : Cleverness made our species the most successful primate on Earth, thus claiming that human intelligence is adaptive sounds to be a triviality. Not surprisingly, when establishing long-lasting pair-bonds, humans exhibit mate preferences in favour of clever partners, apparently to increase the chance that their offspring will be as clever as possible. Contrary to this well-established view, here I argue that the adaptive nature of human intelligence has never been proven in a strict evolutionary sense. Furthermore, the exceptional rise of intelligence in our species (and the lack of comparable phenomena in other apes) is best explained within the context of the HamiltonZuk Hypothesis. Apparently, humans have been subjected to an exceptionally strong selection pressure exerted by pathogens and parasites, and the human brain is particularly vulnerable to infections, thus cleverness is an ideal character to signal heritable genetic resistance against infections. In this scenario, human preference for intelligent mates is to increase the offsprings resistance against pathogens. Among other phenomena, this hypothesis can explain why humans enjoy wasting most of their intellectual capabilities for totally useless purposes, why prehistoric humans developed brains that made them potentially far more intelligent than required by their physical environment, and why we experience a continuous increase of human intelligence even in modern societies. Briefly, I argue that (1) human sexual selection favours intelligence as a signal of genetic resistance against pathogens, and (2) that intelligence enabled the rise of our species (in terms of population size and distribution) as an accidental side-effect. Note : we should generously appreciate the funding source for this kind of research!! Grant from the Hungarian National Research Foundation

.7 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz To Breath the Cosmic Air to Drink the Cosmic Water and to be the most pressous Cosmic being for yourself and maybee later for others ....just like the video says below ! Take out 5 minutes time to watch this message ....and it will change the spirit of this discussion for ever ! God Bless Peter 7 days ago Like SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah I don't know why I have more trust in Devil's advocates than God's messengers. 7 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz because its one and the same ! 7 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Buddha loves all beings .......... may be even Pathogens !! .7 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @David Wittenberg: Economic, intellectual,environmental and other parametric

equality is just an Utopian myth. This difference reflects in each and every individual's thinking, perceptions and so many other things. Hence a "common purpose" is also an Utopian myth. "Enforcing" a "common purpose" is nothing but purposeless regimentation paving way to all sorts of prejudices and stereotyping we are presently witnessing in this world. This is the reason why orthodox Hindus decry such assertions as "So and So is god, such and such is the scripture and so and so is the ultimate messenger". Outwardly these statements may seem harmless. I will recount what happened in Orissa sometime back. There are certain days in a year, the tribals do not tend to their fields. They believe that mother earth is in her mensas cycle during those days and she should not be disturbed. This was a very serious matter of "faith". The tribals believed it and had no doubt about its truth. Some proselytizing "reformers" not only insulted this faith and actively made their recently converted followers to flout the age old customs. What happened next is known history of the recent past. I am not getting into any argument as to who was right or who was wrong in this particular instance. In my opinion both the parties were equally insensitive to the others point of view, though people who considered themselves to be "civilized" could have been more civilized in practice. This is the practical consequence of "common purpose". Real Ramrajya means that everybody is equal to you including those whom you think are not up to your level of evolution, literary or intellectual achievements. Therefore Hinduism values "tolerance" as a greater virtue than esoteric discussions about things like "the ultimate", "God", "Common purpose" etc. "Inventor of mankind"-Substantial number of people do not believe in any such thing. "Mankind evolved" is an article of faith in "advita", which states that "What all we see, we do not see and what all we know form part of a single indivisible entity (Brahman), which is in a dynamic state of equilibrium, with no beginning, no end and is beyond all attributes". Well many other schools of Hindu philosophical thought dispute this statement. Even Sankara himself is the author of many prayer hymns. He says that "faith" is a necessary "intermediate" state of evolution. Even in theoretical Physics there are two conflicting theories, both of which have not been "proved" till date. "Big Bang" says that the universe evolved in an instant from a mere particle, lending credence to your "inventor" theory. Another unproven theory is "steady state theory" which believes that the universe existed and will continue to exist on its own though as an aggregate of constantly changing forms. This contradicts your "inventor" theory. Assuming your assertions of "inventor" are true, is it essential for everybody to query the hypothetical inventor? Hindu religion answers in the negative. It says that an imperfect process of such inquiry is far far inferior to a perfect execution of something else, be it baking bread or shearing meat! 7 days ago Like

Follow David David Wittenberg Hi again, Mohan! I know you're too intelligent to misconstrue my words out of ignorance, so I'll guess that you simply did so out of haste. I made no assertions regarding the origin of man or the role of a creator/inventor in the same. I presented two alternative views, evolution through natural selection and creation by an intelligent being. I stated that there are strong critical reasons to reject both (either) views. I said that there are also strong reasons to adopt both (either) views. I stated clearly that every person has the choice of what to believe. As you rightly observed, many people believe one view and many people believe the other. Apparently, you are concerned about what can happen when people who hold opposite beliefs behave in ways that are mutually distasteful. I share your concern. It is my sincere hope that all can discuss and explore various viewpoints with civility and respect. Having said that, my personal value system places impersonal logical principles above emotion. Here in my adopted country of India, the culture takes the opposite view. Here, it is widely seen as more important to avoid hurt sentiments than to say what one believes to be true. Thus, when one wants to examine, challenge or even contradict another's truth claims, there is a heightened risk of causing offense. I'd hope that everyone would avoid violence in the name of his beliefs, but I recognize, sadly, that this is not the case. Extremists of all stripes see it as their responsibility to force others to accept or renounce religious practices and beliefs. Regarding your final question, I think you are aware that the missionary faiths of Christianity and Islam, as well as the Jewish religion, all insist that only their God has the truth, and each of them claims to know the exclusive way to not only discover our purpose, but to attain eternal bliss. This puts them in direct opposition to Vedic teaching. As you've commented before, this opposition cannot be bridged logically. Opposing versions of origin, purpose and destiny cannot both or all be true. Therefore, it is left to each individual to choose for himself which view of origin, purpose and eternal destiny to believe. I hope only that everyone will make an informed choice based on evidence, critical thinking and logic, not based on less effective methods of discovering the truth. 7 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Hi David, I just tried to throw a different perspective on the same premise. Even scientists do not agree anything about "evolution" or the "origin" of the universe. Scientists claim that science is "intellect" devoid of emotion. But in reality science, at least in higher realms, is full of subjective assertions called "theories", which are far from being "impersonal". "To say what one believes" without any care about the possible consequences, rational or irrational, is again an assertion of ego. These are not "impersonal logical principles". The fact remains what you believe need not be true necessarily. By scoring semantic points, you may win a "war", but never a "battle".

Do you sincerely believe that people who say that what they say is true irrespective of any "logical proof", serve the purpose of "reason" more than the others who admit that they can also be wrong? 7 days ago Like Follow David David Wittenberg What makes you think I believe that, Mohan? I frequently lament that posters on these forums do little more than assert opinions. They offer no rationale and no evidence for those opinions. Yet they assert them as facts. To me, that's illogical and, as you noted, both egotistical and a waste of time. I was a scholastic debater many decades ago. In our debates, we could say anything we wished, but our arguments and evidence were judged according to strict standards. You can only win a scholastic debate if your evidence and your arguments are strong and sound. Of course, this is an open, public forum. Almost no one here would have been trained in formal argument. I don't expect the same level of discourse that one would find in a scholastic debate. Still, I raise a lonely voice for us to improve our critical thinking skills. I also hope we can raise the tenor of our discussions. 7 days ago Like Follow Arun Arun Sharma David, Thanks for bringing out your thoughts, evaluation of postings on this forum and call for improving the quality of postings in relation to offering explanations, proof, or supporting quotes for substantiating a statement. I do recognize that we need improvement all the time in our life. No matter who the poster is. We could also respect the opinion and pointers of other posters and attempt to improve our own presentation to be more cohersive and to the point. It may be a good idea to state in one or two sentences what they are about to say and how that can be true. While appreciating your effort to correct others, would you mind if I point out that most of your postings where you describe your belief , you also do not offer any logical support of evidence to your statement. It does appear that you too have not been trained formal debating. When I point one finger to others, at least three fingers point to me. You at one time snapped at me for saying that religions were started by humans and there is only one God, you strongly objected to my opinion but could not offer any reasons or logical explanations to prove your point. Please bear with me if I have hurt your feelings. There was no such intentions. I respect you and value your statements as your thoughts. But to agree with what you say I need proper explanations. You have not offered any so far ! Coming back to the question of this forum, you have to say how your posting leads to answer the main question. My purpose of this posting is mainly to bring to your attention that we should visit the main question in every post. 7 days ago Like

Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R What makes you say that in this particular forum ALL people asserted their versions of "truth". With the exception of a few, everyone was discussing only "options". My point of view goes beyond the conduct of the participants in this discussion. I question the very purpose of and rationale behind such discussions. Even in science everything is fluid. If you believe quantum interpretation of gravity it makes no sense in terms of General theory of Relativity. What purpose is served in keeping on harping on the quantum interpretations in a forum that discusses General relativity? Both these theories place a limit on human perceptions, intellect and logic. (Einsteins "c") Still they keep such "inter faith" discussions open. The so called "standards" are always subjective fitting the objects of the particular forum. I have also participated in many so called "scholastic" discussions. I found that each such forum had its own dogmas and idioms. If this can happen in the relatively mundane spheres of theoretical physics and medicine, I do not need to elaborate the differences that can exist in highly speculative realms where questions of "purpose of life", "God" etc are under discussion. The ultimate truth is that every human being is basically "irrational". Only degree of "irrationality" varies based on the yardstick you adopt. Let each theory float and prove or disprove itself. Till then let us stop with stating just what we believe! Irrespective of "differences" each country or society had its own ups and downs. The cycle goes on and on. Sometimes you think X is in upswing and Y is in down swing. But later you yourself may aver the vice versa. This has nothing to do with the innate differences between X and Y. If you think of the world as a garden the myriad colors of the flowers enhance its beauty! 7 days ago Like 1 Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Mohan sir, these are three simple questions which could be answered in a simple way like couple of people, who are sure of their purpose have done. We have also seen multi-dimensional discussions, arguments and counter arguments. Why does this happen? Somewhere some/most of us are not happy just being or taking purpose from life. We want to know how different people view life and define their purpose. It is not my intention or belief that there should be a common purpose for all human beings. I am going below the surface and trying to question whether there is a purpose behind life on earth, the way it has been evolving and the way it is today and the way it is going to be in future, is there a continuum or is it just some random development.

Again and again I am asking this question, we sound and live so confidently as if everything is going according to a plan and whatever happens there will be an equilibrium that we or the world returns to. Is this so? 7 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R There is nothing to choose between one speculation and another. After all they are all speculations and not established facts. What are you going to learn if I state what is my "purpose in life" unless I mouth yet another speculation. "I am going below the surface and trying to question whether there is a purpose behind life on earth, the way it has been evolving and the way it is today and the way it is going to be in future, is there a continuum or is it just some random development." Even the Einsteins have not found an answer so far! 7 days ago Like Follow Pamela Pamela Soucy God is not judgemental, he sent his only begotten son jesus on earth for a reason it was his destiny, so we could have a new nature to walk in. Following the Ten Commandments on earth is what we are supposed to do, so ultimately we are to live on earth as God wanted to as heaven on eart, until such tiem as we are called home. we alll have a purpose to fulfill. 7 days ago Like Follow David David Wittenberg Arun, I'm racking my brain trying to figure out which post of mine you're referring to. I don't think I ever said there is only one God. I recently said precisely the opposite: there are many different Gods. However, out of all the gods that have been proposed, the number of them who created the universe can, logically, be only zero or one. (No one, to my knowledge, is proposing a joint creative effort by two or more Gods.) I did say that Judaism, Christianity and Islam all claim that there is only one true God. Each of them also claims that their God is the only true one (although their Gods differ in essential respects). I believe that the Vedas and the Gita make a similar claim regarding the ParamAtma, but the ParamAtma is a different category of God from the Abrahamic one with different attributes and characteristics. I don't know much about Ahura Mazda or the God proposed by Bahai. It's possible that in another post I might have expressed a personal opinion about one of the issues we're discussing, but I would not assert my opinion as a fact unless I could support it with evidence or argument. I would, instead, say that it was my opinion.

Kindly let me know if I've made an error of fact or reasoning in any of my posts. I would be grateful to you if you would point out any flaws in my logic so I can correct them. 7 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @Pamela Soucy: I think you have not been following this discussion. Just add the phrase "according to my belief" as the prefix or suffix to your post. 7 days ago Like 1 Follow David David Wittenberg Arun, thanks for mentioning our earlier exchange. I'll be happy to respond and clarify: You wrote in your newest post: >You at one time snapped at me for saying that religions were started by humans and >there is only one God, you strongly objected to my opinion but could not offer any >reasons or logical explanations to prove your point. In this excerpt you make two assertions of fact: 1) religions were started by humans. 2) there is only one God. In point of fact, most religions claim to be started by God, not humans. Unless you are saying that all such claims of divine origin are wrong, then your opinion must be wrong. If you have evidence to disprove each and every religion's claim of divine origin, then please share it. Obviously, no such evidence exists, because none of us were there at the origin of the religions. We have only the first believers' or first scribes' accounts of the origins. We can accept or reject them, but there is no evidence we can provide to test whether those religions were actually started by God as they claim, or were actually started by humans. So, your view is an opinion and should not be asserted as a fact. Regarding your second assertion, that there's only one God, I recently said precisely the opposite: there are many different Gods. I explained that, logically, they cannot all be the same God unless God is selfcontradictory. It seems insane to me to believe that the same God would describe himself as both a father and childless, as both a punisher of sin and an ignorer of sin, as both a giver of a cycle of births and a giver of only one birth to each individual. A God who contradicted himself so blatantly would be nonsensical according to every meaning of the word. So, logically, the only explanation that makes sense is that there are multiple Gods, not just one. Your opinion, that there is only one God (without further explanation -- see next paragraph), does not make logical sense and should not be asserted as fact. This does not extend to the question of how many creators the universe has. I did say that Judaism, Christianity and Islam all claim that their God is the supreme one and the actual creator of the universe. I believe that the Vedas and the Gita make a similar claim regarding the ParamAtma, but the ParamAtma is

a different category of God from the Abrahamic one with different attributes and characteristics. I don't know much about Ahura Mazda or the God proposed by Bahai. With regard to creators, the only numbers being proposed are zero and one. No one, to my knowledge, is saying that two or more Gods jointly created the universe. So, you could state that only one God created the universe, and you could offer supporting evidence or argument to try to convince others that this is a fact. Others would, of course, disagree and say that no God created the universe. It's possible that in another post I might have expressed a personal opinion about one of the issues we're discussing, but I would not normally assert my opinion as a fact unless I could prove or strongly support it with evidence or argument. I would, instead, say that it was my opinion. Kindly let me know if I've made an error of fact or reasoning in any of my posts. Far from being hurt or offended, I would be very grateful to you if you would point out any flaws in my logic so I can correct them. As one of the ancient sages of my people, King Solomon, wrote in his proverbs, "Do not rebuke mockers or they will hate you; rebuke the wise and they will love you. Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still; teach the righteous and they will add to their learning." 7 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Hindu religion specifically states that the authors of its scriptures are a large number of people who lived in different points of time (Rigveda). Many schools of Hinduism even deny the "creation" concept. Advita emphasizes the perpetual continuation concept. 7 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Dear To all every life would like to live happily as far as possible and also see to that their genes do continue, whether it is humans or any other life as far as the conditions do prevail for that. Since we humans do have brain and also mind and heart to understand the universe and it's existence probably we as humans have to take lead to make it better place to live. There may exist some difference of opinion which may be due to our on ignorance but we should proceed forward. 6 days ago Like Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla David - I am glad to find you who discusses based on logic unlike many who base their arguments on 'mere faith'. There is no need to conclude digitally on 'zero or one' with regard to Gods. There is one more concept

called "Many to One". In Gita, Krishna says that he keeps incarnating time to time to help the man kind. He also says, he appears the way people see him. The earth I am standing now on, is the same you are standing on though you may call it as New York and I call it as Bangalore. However, my stance is not to spread Gita but to say that other logical possibilities do exist. My stance is that any belief/faith can push us into a box and made us to hallucinate within that realm. Under faith, I see two categories 1. Those who blindly believe in faith without reasoning. They do feel that they see "Gods". For ex., if you can visit the 'native festivals' in rural areas of India, particularly in South, people get 'possessed' by Gods. We are talking about the Gods which are not known to others such as Paidamma, Sammakka, Perumamba, Kanakammal etc., Note that they also get easily possessed by spirits. 1. Those who have faith, but also have sophisticated reasoning. They also experience divine bliss which they feel that it can only be experienced by their wisdom. Interestingly, both are hallucinations of the mind. In the first case, uncontrolled and in the second case controlled but 'faith' has an effect in both the cases. I am saying this because you said that you saw God. 6 days ago Like Follow David David Wittenberg Sridhar, you add a valuable dimension. What is an empiricist supposed to do with reports of encounters with the spiritual or supernatural? Gurus, rishis, prophets and ordinary believers throughout the ages have frequently reported that they have experienced, seen, or even communicated back and forth with supernatural beings. If your world view is that such beings do not exist, you have to find a natural explanation for the reports. Usually, it boils down to "they hallucinated," "they imagined it," or "they lied." Logically, those are conclusions based on an unproven assumption. If you merely assume in advance that the supernatural beings don't exist, you haven't done the logical work of proving your assumption. At best, it's a consistent application of your own epistemology. At worst, it's bigotry, prejudice and snobbery. Chiranjeevi clarified that she was asking about a purpose for mankind in general's existence more than for an individual's life. I repeat my contention that the only way to find purpose is to find origin. That which happened by chance has no purpose. That which was invented/created was created for a purpose. Also, to clarify about the number of Gods, are you saying that Hinduism teaches that many Gods created the universe? I have never heard that before.

6 days ago Like Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla David - Mine are not assumptions but derivations out of logic. When I say that people in our villages get possessed by unknown Gods/Goddesses (only known local to them) and spirits, it leaves out two possibilities a. These Gods/Goddesses do exist b. They are hallucinating and it is the work of mind to brain. There is a third argument - Only one God is true out of them. The problem is "which God is true" can never be solved because every faith/religion can argue hell out of their scripture to prove them. And logic that God chooses to be seen by only 'educated' and thus 'enlightened' doesn't stand to the concept of God at all as for him, everyone is his equal creation. "Being Educated" is merely a materialistic activity. If I don't know how to read and write to understand the essence of so much scripture, then I wouldn't have the wisdom to see the God which is a contradiction. So, it throws us back to believe in the possessions of rural people. I am not saying to believe, but I am saying that 'faith' is one which tricks the mind. For ex., when people hear 'very good' news they feel joyous. When 'bad news' is heard, some people collapse. So, emotions and the corresponding reactions in brain play a major role. Number of Gods - Hindusim never says that many Gods created the universe. Only "Paramatma" or the "Ultimate Consciousness" is behind it. Other Gods are nothing but the reincarnations of him and that he shows up in the way his devotees see (like the earth example I gave). This is the very reason why people here do not mind visiting Churches and mosques and worshipping other Gods without any reservations. 6 days ago Like Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla Just to add, I have not added the probability of "lie" because once the possession is over, we can see that they become extremely tired and sometimes it takes days to come to their senses. Some even die during the possession. And interestingly, majority of people who get posessed are women. There are people who lie, but they are easily made out so there is no point discussing the science behind them. 6 days ago Like Follow David David Wittenberg Sridhar, forgive me if I misunderstood, but I thought you presented the hallucination explanation as a fact. Your later post lists another possibility (their gods did possess them). As long as you're not claiming to have proof that one explanation or the other is correct, then I have no issue.

You raise an additional, excellent point. If one God is the true one, then which one is it? You correctly note that each religion makes its case, and each religion disagrees with each other religion. When those arguments take place, I suspect that the speeches are not very helpful to the listeners (or the posts to the readers), but a few people might be convinced in the process. What other tool could someone use to search for an answer to the question (assuming, of course, that there are Gods to be examined and that one of them is, in fact, the actual creator)? I hope Chiranjeevi is still reading, because the last question would be useful to her in her search for answers to her question regarding purpose. 6 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Sridhar, there is a third category of people like Poet Thyagaraja and Meera etc. They also saw god and conversed with him (I don't know why it was not her.) Definitely hallucinations are a part of extreme desire to see God. So they end up seeing the way they have been imagining. It does not prove anything against the existence of God. If we know what is God then we can say what is not. Unfortunately God is everything that individuals want to think as. Each experiences him/her the way they want to and when their god consciousness reaches a peak. Most of us are like one and half foot in the material world and a half foot in the spiritual world. So we struggle with both the worlds. 6 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .One Loud thought There seems to be a meeting point with invisible lesser Gods who act on beings and the modern sciences calling them pathogens ( acting on Intelligence ) . Is there a possibility they are one and the same , .......... a specific way of pacifying those organisms have been codified and converted to a ritual . ( .........The rise of non-adaptive intelligence in humans under pathogen pressure.........) .6 days ago Follow Sridhar

Sridhar Bhaskarla David - Please keep in mind that I am agnostic. I would rather go with the answer that "I still have to find" than with the answer that "I know the God" or that "There is no God". I have already wrote much of it in my early responses. Extending the logic further, if we go back in time people blindly believed in their religious Gods. There were no questions raised because they didn't have information about other possibilities. They simply killed others when questioned. There were many realms created inside one big outer realm called God. People were living in the realms of the religions believing that earth was flat, sun was revolving around etc.,. These misconceptions are being slowly corrected though the concept of God (Whether true or false) and few more remains. Can we see a trend here? Now with the invention of communication and with the world being small and that all the Gods are exposed, scripture being shared, everyone is contemplating on which is true God?. This question wasn't there before, but is appearing now, so does it leave some food for thought?. 6 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Karthikeyan..interesting hypothesis...would like to know more about Pathogens...may be you have provided the links, I will go through them. David talking about non-science, non-religious methods of testing the God hypotheses, I think there are many. One is to live thinking that there is no god and no religion. I think a lot of people already live that way. May be we can check the difference between such people's lives and the others' who believe in the existence of God. Secondly, try and explain everything and every phenomenon rationally or logically. I think this is also being tried out by many. They might still be left with somethings or some phenomenon that are beyond normal logic. Methods are many and all are being used to prove the existence or otherwise of God. Majority would love to keep out of these controversies and follow their own beliefs and faiths. One may be any of the above but each is contributing towards shaping the purpose of life on earth. How many of us do it consciously. 6 days ago Like Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla Chiranjeevi - For me, any theory is fine as long as it doesn't talk as if the entire Universe is at the behest of human life and the God is working only for humans. This indicates the collective selfishness of us humans as a whole and our boxed thinking. 6 days ago Like

Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R David, Hinduism is just not one belief or one philosophy. The Vedas describe everything starting from animism, atheism, agnosticism, Mundane theism like one god rigidly prescribed rituals etc, Polytheism and highly sophisticated monotheism as embodied in the Vedanta beliefs. In polytheistic beliefs the universe is believed to be created Brahma, not independently but with the help of many lietinant gods like, Agni, Vayu, Varuna etc, maintained by Vishnu and destroyed by Shiva. Creation, upkeep and destruction goes on and on in cycles. Many auxiliary gods are also invoked like the rain god Varuna, the Nava Grahas etc. There are prescribed rituals called Yagnas described in the Vedas. Many follow these teachings. Sometimes animistic gods like the snake gods are also accommodated in polytheistic versions. To add to the variety even people with profound Vedantic belief practice the polytheistic rituals and find nothing strange about it. Even the Vedantic beliefs of monotheistic Hinduism are not uniform. Though there are many versions of monotheism the most popular are three schools explained in detail by three different Gurus. In all these beliefs the single GOD is nothing like what Christianity, Judaism and Islam envisage. The generic name for the single GOD is Brahman. In day to day worship people have many names for the same Brahman. Brahman is a sort of composite entity encompassing the three elements of matter, life and the divine. As per Advita it is wrong to segregate Brahman like this and Brahman is an integrated, indivisible whole. In Visisthadvita the three elements are distinct and cannot exit without the other two. In other words the single GOD is more or less a conceptual entity. That is why a Vedantist has no problems with polytheism. He will argue that all the Gods are the same Brahman. This is just for a sketch outline. If you go deep into it you can identify hundreds of streams of faith embodied in Hinduism. So much so, that you can cite any religious belief as Hindu belief. So please do not be so sure of the "One God" stuff! It depends on which stream of Hindu faith you are following. There are self proclaimed atheists who are accepted as Hindus. Some of them are even venerated as Rishis. GOD is after all a matter of faith. Try and logically justify it at your own peril. Whatever you say can be denied even by your next door neighbor. 6 days ago Like 1 Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Sridhar I am completely with you. Don't know if it is our selfishness or arrogance or even stupidity. Many times I see that animals like cats are able to live off humans without really being of any use to them. On the other hand, the kindness many animals show to humans despite being abused by them makes me believe that they have a higher level of consciousness than us humans. 6 days ago Unlike

1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .There is some comments here , ' Animal Consciousness ' "" Is our immense desire to innovation what makes us human? "" .6 days ago Follow David David Wittenberg Mohan, your post educates me, and for that I am thankful. I've asked many selfdescribed Hindus to explain their faith to me, and they all have definite views on these questions. One of them sent me a very useful 99-page "catechism" of basic Hindu beliefs. Yet you say that many different beliefs, including atheism, are welcome and may be legitimately called Hindu. Among Jews, Christians and Muslims, there is a core of shared beliefs and much disagreement outside of that core. Is there such a core set of beliefs in Hinduism? You seem to suggest that with regard to the origin of our universe, there is no shared belief. Therefore, there would be no shared belief about the purpose of human life. Do I understand you correctly? What do our other Hindu friends in this forum have to say about it? I am tolerant of people with different beliefs. Beliefs are personal. I don't think anyone should tolerate illogical teachings (but I do tolerate illogical teachers). I oppose, with civility and respect, those who try to teach others to believe propositions and philosophies that are illogical. If a belief system includes opposing beliefs, it is by definition illogical. You've stated -correctly in my view -- that many views of human purpose are speculations. What do you have to say about Hinduism? 6 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R David: What is "logical" or what is "illogical" is relative. During 15th 16th century AD Christendom, "Flat Earth" was "logical". "Geo-Centric" universe was "Logical". Copernicus and Galileo were "heretics". Hindus and Chinese who thought of Helios-centric universe and spherical earth in perpetual motion were "Pagan" "Heathens" or "Barbarians". This conviction was not restricted just to popes, vicars and padres. Even"rational" scientists like Ptolemy "proved it"!

Even today modern physicists say that at the level of the universe and at the level of the atom, whatever we perceive is most likely to be wrong and what all different people surmise can only be a "scatter of probabilities". Can you tell me purely from the perspective of physics what concept of time and motion, matter and energy are logical? Hence what is "illogical" is just a matter of "speculation". Logic varies between time to time and between different societies. What is more important is the candid acknowledgement that what I say appears reasonable to me and these are the alternative theories. That is what Hinduism and Buddhism do. As such there is no such "core" "Hindu belief". The scriptures just tell you what all different people believed in different ages and allow you free choice. In my opinion, I think "Karma", that is cause and effect is accepted by most Hindus and Buddhists. Karma is a cycle. Any act has a cause behind it and that action itself my become a cause for some other action. This is accepted as a inviolable law from which even GOD is not exempt. "karma" by nature has no beginning or no end. Then why whatever we see, whether matter or life is "finite" when the underlying rule that governs everything is infinite? Most Hindu schools of thought seem to have evolved in the process of answering this question. As regards the evolution of the universe, the Vedantic belief of Dvaita says that "GOD" created the universe. That means genesis happened at an identifiable point of time. This is like "Big Bang". The ultimate end or nemesis is a reality determined by GOD. The other two Vedantic schools Advita and Visishtadvita believe that the universe is an indivisible single system which offers different views every instant. There was no beginning and there will be no end if we consider the system as a whole. Nemesis is just a major transformation of the same entity. Hence nemesis is not "real" but an illusion. This is something like the modern Steady State theory of cosmology. 6 days ago Like 1 Follow Vidya Sagar Vidya Sagar Gautam " We live from minute to minute,hour to hour,day to day,& at each point we are little different.If there is no change,this is the door to death.Life is a progression.It is not standing still.It is either a plus or a minus." a quote from Scott Nearing in a book "This Life is in your hands"by author Melissa Coleman. 6 days ago Like Follow David

David Wittenberg Mohan, when I use the word "logic," I'm referring to principles of formal reasoning such as someone would learn in a college class on logic. I use the word "rational" to mean the same thing. Admittedly, there is at least one axiom underlying formal logic that might not be accepted automatically in India as it is in many other countries. That is the axiom that one's senses are reliable. Some people offer quantum physics as a disproof of the reliability axiom, but that is specious. Any variation at the subatomic level from what is visible at the atomic level is, nonetheless, observed with the same array of senses. Some people offer the example of light as particle and wave as a disproof of the identity principle in formal logic, but that is specious as well. Waves do not equal particles, but light always equals light. As we've improved our scientific tools, we have learned new facts about the behavior of light. Even the traditional example of the snake and the rope does not contradict either the reliability axiom or the identity axiom. Adherents of formal logic admit that our senses have limits. Perception at a distance is understood to be less reliable than close observation. Another axiom of formal logic is that absolute truth can be discovered. This relates to the question of purpose. You believe that all statements of purpose are based on speculation. I'll repeat: if mankind is only a cosmic accident, then you are correct. However, if the religions (including dvaita Hinduism) that teach a creation are correct, then the creator (presumably) created the universe and man for a purpose. If, in turn, that creator is reachable and can communicate, the purpose can be known. It's popular for "new age" thinkers outside of India to deny that there is any absolute truth. I would question those who believe this: if there's no absolute truth, then why do they live their lives as if there is absolute truth? Same thing goes for those who believe their senses are unreliable. Why do they trust their senses in everyday life? 6 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Why even spatial relativity, refraction, diffraction are all veils preventing the functioning of the senses. This happens in day to day life. How do you believe that the star Proxima Centauri is just like what you say? Science says that when you see, you are seeing it as it existed 4 years back. What we are talking about are the most subtle and all encompassing phenomena like GOD where the most subtle perception is needed. When gases, dust, stones etc. in the cosmic scale can never be perceptible to you, how are you so sure of the so called "infallible logic" when dealing with GOD. Definitely there is no AXIOM in these matters. The so called AXIOMs in these areas are just myths, illusions or dogmas. If "absolute truth" can be "discovered" why there is no cure for diseases like Asthma or diabetes in modern medicine, leave alone cosmology or the origin of universe.

Are you aware that most medicines you take nowadays have been discovered not through "logical" deductive process but through speculative "inductive process". It starts with an assumption and conducts repeated trials. If most results justify the ball-park assumption the drug is considered OK. Where is the "logic"? Whatever you say is just "truism". This recognition is the basic difference between the East and the West. The East is not a "melting pot" but a "spectrum". In day to day life we do a lot of approximations to get along. While describing the decimal numbering system the Hindu scriptures say that both 0 and Infinity are just speculative abstractions. 0 is infinity in the reverse direction. Still it did not prevent the ancient Hindus is writing elaborate treatises in numerical math. Differential calculus serves the purpose of this approximation. What is inductive math? What are functional iterations-Just methods of approximation to serve the purpose. Just because Newtonian mechanics works on a day to day plane, can you say that relativity is false? If you call these "approximate workarounds" you engage in constantly, as "absolute truth" you will become laughing stock even before students of science, leave alone Philosophers who dwell in the most subtle realm. India was none the worse for this correct attitude for over thousands of years. Till 17th Century it was the largest manufacturing base with the highest GDP. We do not say that statements of purpose are "speculative". We just say that they are relative and answer only the particular "intended purpose". Karma Yoga says that whatever be the purpose, GOD will reward you only when you put your heart and soul into it. It is not necessary for anybody to believe in any "common purpose". 6 days ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Colorful ... but a Controversial Fish !! Radical Theory Explains the Origin, Evolution, and Nature of Life, Challenges Conventional Wisdom ScienceDaily (Jan. 26, 2012) Earth is alive, asserts a revolutionary scientific theory of life emerging from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. The trans-disciplinary theory demonstrates that purportedly inanimate, non-living objects -- for example, planets, water, proteins, and DNA -- are animate, that is, alive. With its broad explanatory power, applicable to all areas of science and medicine, this novel paradigm aims to catalyze a veritable renaissance. utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed .5 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Water,"Proteins" and DNA are not animate! 5 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Dear freinds, there are some non living mechanisms of structures, which are in gel form, that bind, carbon, water and nitrogen to form some amino acids and also other forms which break the big protein structures into smaller ones. 5 days ago Like Follow Bal Krishna Bal Krishna Gupta Bheeme, Are what we are discussing presently the purposes of life/ i suppose we are talking about the purpose of human life- in the sense; what should a human being do to serve the purpose of his/her life. Scientific discussion of biochemical nature of life does not take us any where. thanks and regards. 5 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Colorful ... but a Controversial Fish !! The new theory is a paradigm shift and more or less a proposal . The attractive point is that , "" Another legendary quarrel is that between biblical creationists and neo-Darwinian evolutionists. In demonstrating that the origin and evolution of life is a consequence of natural laws and physical forces,

this theory synthesizes arguments and dispels assumptions from both sides of the creation-evolution debate "" This gels well with this sub-continent's philosophy / theology as I understand . .Additionally some so called myths , ancient stories that Stars are some Rishis & Celestial s ( life forms ) is in tune with the new paradigm . .5 days ago Follow Dr.R.P.Ilangho Dr.R.P.Ilangho MD FRCP DTRD @ Mohanakrishnan: Fabulous disposition of the present state of affairs;especially the last 2(your) expansive posts - leaving the last-single liner ;-) !!!.Thanx ! 5 days ago Like Follow Jeemon Jeemon Thomas Sorry ,I didnot intend to offend any body by saying that , but if we see the mythycal stories , epics like puranas and illiad and even today the films we can see the anticipation among mankind to see the manifestation or avatar of God to save the people from their current situation. So I just wanted to tell you the Good news that yes God came into this earth taking the form of a man and died for our Karma and resurrrected defying death so that we can enjoy the benefits of God's grace even in this fallen world. Jesus proved himself by signs , wonders, healings and miracles and defeating death. Jesus said he is the truth , the way and life. And the word of God answers all the basic questions about mankind from creation , history and the future of mankind as well. 5 days ago Like Follow Narendra Narendra Nath Looking at the scientific evidence available presently, the Big bang theory dates the creation back to about 14 billion years. It talks about the sudden release of matter and energy that eventually resulted in two parts of matter, one visible and the other dark matter. The latter is dominant part about 40 % , visible only 4/5 % and the balance is a kind of dark energy which is causing the acceleration of the visible world. The dark matter is not open to investigation about its structure as it does not permit any interaction with the visible matter that is baryonic in nature, i.e. consists of nuclei/atoms/ molecules, etc. Dark matter is non-baryonic.

Next problem is the logic behind the evolution of the universe so created. Human beings appeared only about 50 thousands years back from today. The first to come were shrubs/plants, then trees and then animals. The human appearance is attributed to the carrying of the DNA/RNA structures in a asteroid which hit the earth and left these to generate the human beings, independently of the other life forms including the animals of all kinds. Darwin is wrong in this context! To me , it appears that 'awareness' its degree/level holds the key to what we believe as the sources behind the logical growth of the universe. The better word is ' consciousness' as it can be ascribed degrees/strengths, the lowest ones are for inanimate objects and the successive higher levels generate different life forms. There is only slight but critical difference between human DNA/genome and the other life forms of far lower degree of awareness/consciousness. Consciousness is difficult to investigate scientifically. Only partial success has been attempted by Artificial Intelligence scientists thus far. Regarding God, it may thus be best to designate Him as not a human type but cosmic consciousness that had all the strength and may be far more that partly got converted into mass/matter and energy content of this universe. There can be parallel independent universes present simultaneously but mutually decoupled.These ideas come in a different a language of ancient Vedas /Upanishads of India literature. Regarding the word 'Hindu' it is never mentioned in any of our ancient literature. In fact it is a word first coined by an Invader race that came to our continent to rule much later. They termed the people living east of Indus ( SINDHU ) river as Hindus. That is why there is Hindukush region of Himalayas thus named that exists in North west Pakistan now. I do not claim anything in the above description as mine, as it is my assessment from what i have studiesdabout Cosmology both eastern and western way. 5 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Mr.Narendra Nath; "Big Bang" still remains a "speculation". That is why it is called a "theory". A "theory" becomes a "theorem" when it is put into a verbal or mathematical "model", which will faithfully describe the theory from all possible perspectives. "Big Bang" is still to graduate into becoming a theorem. A "theorem" becomes a principle when nobody is able to disprove the theorem. A "principle" may further evolve into a "fact" only after it is proved by numerous instances of experimental observations. "Big Bang" is quite far away from becoming the "fact". For many GOD is also just a "theory". Hence GOD is at best a faith which many "believe" to be a "fact" despite its being just a "theory" as of date!. 5 days ago Like 1 Follow Jeemon Jeemon Thomas Dear Mohan

Being Logical and illogical are not relative. logical means explained by theory and can be proved by observation "and" experiment. Also christendom was not against copernicus or galielio. But it was the catholic religion who was against scientific thinking and logical reasoning. David : If you expect a logical reasoning with us in India i would say you will be disappointed. becuase the basic paradim is mystical reasoning ( which cannot be verified by scientific logic or socratean questions. hope u got it :-) 5 days ago Like Follow David David Wittenberg Jeemon bhai, I have high hopes for India. Mysticism isn't always a bad thing; it has its place. Moreover, there is tremendous intelligence in this country. Anyone in India who wants to learn formal logic can do so. I have no doubt that those who choose to learn and practice formal reasoning will be global pace-setters. Jai Hind! 5 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Jeemon Thomas : "David : If you expect a logical reasoning with us in India i would say you will be disappointed. becuase the basic paradim is mystical reasoning ( which cannot be verified by scientific logic or socratean questions. hope u got it :-)" This is nothing short of absolute and unadulterated bull shit! IF at all there are religions which are still "logical" they are the Eastern religions. Nobody casts you to hell because you disagree nor GOD is "afraid" of "Archangels" in our beliefs. ".....logical means explained by theory and can be proved by observation "and" experiment. ....." Has anybody seen GOD? Can god be proven by experiments? Can anybody "convince" anybody else about Jesus or Abraham? Are they "logical"? At the time frame I am referring to "Catholics" were the Christendom. Even today they are the majority of Christians! Cromwell who was not a catholic did not behave in any different manner. Remember what the so called "refugees" of persecution of Mayflower did to the Quakers in USA, in the 18th-19th Century.

Had Einstein and Planck lived in the Christendom of early Popes and Cromwells they could have been tortured in the rake and burnt at the stake! David Whittenberg: Do you say that relativity is false? Do you say that quantum physics is false? Both have proved "logically" that your "logic" does not work. There are many things even at the level of the atom and the universe which are beyond your sensory perceptions and intellect. When you are talking of GOD you need to be more accurate and 100% sure than in situations where "atoms" and "universe" are under examination. Do you say that your "Gross" "realities" work even in the realms of Relativity and Quantum Physics? Have you at least read my earlier post? Approximations are neither "truth" nor "logical". They are just workarounds. Newtonian Physics may appear to be "logical" to you as at your level of perception you may understand it. Newtonian logic does not work beyond very limited terrestrial bounds. We thank Newton for our cars and machines etc which work within the Newtonian band. Einstein proved Newtonian physics to be baseless when dealing with a cosmic scope. Planck did so at nuclear scopes. If I go by your "logic" I should renounce Einstein. A dogma even if it is about "fact" and "logic" does nothing but to stunt growth. Remember that even within humans there are many who have better perceptions than you or me. Outside earth human faculties are nothing. Coming to "formal logic" Panini's (2 nd Millennium BC) logical principles form the basis of many modern concepts of "formal logic". Have heard of "syllogism" concept in logic? The very first man to enunciate principles of this concept was a Hindu Indian. Sorry David we need not learn logic from your ilk! Has relativity "explained" anything? Has quantum theory "explained" anything leave alone "proving" anything. They just say that certain things are beyond our comprehension and time and evolution can alone improve the situation. This is true "logic"! That is the Eastern idea of "logic"! The "logic" you are talking about will put even a schoolboy to shame! 5 days ago Like 4 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Syllogism Syllogisms are arguments that take several parts, typically with two statements which are assumed to be true (or premises) that lead to a conclusion. This takes the general form: Major premise: A general statement.

Minor premise: A specific statement. Conclusion: based on the two premises. ____________________________________________________________________ Sukham abhyudayas tatra moko naireyaso mata asya sdhanasakepa raddhpraje samsata Advancing upwards is well-being, freedom is the highest state; while the methods of their realization are faith and wisdom. rddhatvd bhajate dharma prjatvd vetti tattvatah praj pradhna tv anayo raddh prvagamsya tu By faith one opens to the Law, by wisdom one understands reality; Out of this two the ruler is wisdom, but it is faith that goes in front. ______________________________________________________________________ Could we take ' Faith ' in general as a ' Major Premise ' ...... then apply Wisdom ?! .5 days ago 1 davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Dear David, reasoning it self means logical conclusion, but there is nothing called mysticism, it is only utilizing ones energies to the best possible ways for the human kind. once that energy transfers are done the person becomes very weak. ordinary persons may require ages to recover the energy. But there are people who go on energizing their body regularly and use it only for the good of the mankind. It is not just magic but people who make it as a magic are no good for the society. Each and every person can practice and make their mind body pure by rejecting the free radicals and gain full energy as far as possible with in their nature and make. The purpose of each and very person is live happily in harmony with other human beings and making this earth serene as far as possible. 5 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R As per Panini, "Syllogism" is not restricted to two dimensions viz "major" and "minor". It is the technique of deriving at a conclusion where more than one dimension is involved. It is like "Boolean" logic.

If [A > B] .AND. [A x B >=0] AND [C > 0] Then D= A + B + C Do not take this literally. This is an example of syllogism. The conclusion is not "True" unless the following premises ARE ALL "True" A > B; A x B >=0; C > 0. if if one of the condition fails D<> A+B+C Take these statements 1. Our 5 senses of perceptions cannot perceive cosmic realities. 2. GOD can perceive cosmic realities. The conclusion is We can perceive cosmic realities IF AND ONLY IF US = GOD If GOD becomes a matter of "faith" and not "reality, premise 2 fails. Hence Karthikeyan, your statement is "False"! Syllogism works only if the premises can be stated with uncertainty, i.e they should be beyond doubt. Can you then employ this concept in the realm of origin of mankind, concept of God etc? 5 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ..1.) ' Panini ' < = > "Syllogism" a later linkage ( It is not exclusive ) .2.) These statements are beyond explanation by " "Syllogism" alone . It becomes and it is complex Logic . ________________________________________________________ Sukham abhyudayas tatra moko naireyaso mata asya sdhanasakepa raddhpraje samsata Advancing upwards is well-being, freedom is the highest state; while the methods of their realization are faith and wisdom. rddhatvd bhajate dharma prjatvd vetti tattvatah praj pradhna tv anayo raddh prvagamsya tu

By faith one opens to the Law, by wisdom one understands reality; Out of this two the ruler is wisdom, but it is faith that goes in front. _____________________________________________________________ Applying ' Wisdom ' without ' Faith ' ................ In general we will ' Learn ' nothing ! .5 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R To phrase it exactly Panini devised a system of arriving at a conclusion from multiple premises. George Boole gave a mathematical form for doing the same thing. Nobody knows whether Boole had prior knowledge of Panini's works or not. OK? You know I do not decry faith. But faith is not a sine qua non. There are many people who live without any defined faith. If you ask them they will say you are the fool. As I have told you in my post even relativity and Quantum Physics do not always fit in a mathematical framework. Then obviously GOD and other esoteric concepts do not always fit in a mathematical framework.----"Logic". Hence in this context syllogism is not valid. These are the formal "logical" tools David seems to believe in as matter of "faith"! Satisfied? 5 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Thanks Mohanakrishnan . ...The Logical tools fall in to the ' Wisdom ' category and people generally start with some ' Faith ' .....which may or may not be backed by ' Facts ' . imho. .5 days ago

Follow Peter Peter Stutz a great divine list of the great masters working for us: I like to share... please scroll true and find your Master ..... he will be listed for you : ......this also shows who they all connect, in our Cosmos ....and how little our job is here to bring the love to all: God bless the light in us for ever to become even greater ! 5 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Faith is something that keeps one happy but not something that could be transferred to others easily. Questioning faith is futile because the basis of it is quite personal. Even if two people believe in the same thing like religion or god there will be a world of difference in the nature of their faiths or reasons for it. What I feel is that in this world no two people think alike. We tend to form groups based on the benefits. I may group myself with my gender, family, caste, religion, state, country or region based on who I see as my competitor. All matters of faith are also matters of convenience. 5 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Svetaketu, a very young student figures in 3 great Upanishads. Chandogya Upanishad devotes some 16 chapters to the casual conversation he seems to have had with his father, a Rishi called Uddalaka. As per the story he was still a young boy who was in the process of learning his fundamentals. What is so great about a mere casual conversation a kid and his father? The conversation touches very intricate web of "logic". Once Svetaketu and Uddalaka were sitting under a Banyan tree. Casually Uddalaka started a conversation which goes as under. "Fetch me a fruit from the Banyan tree my son" Svataketu brought the fruit-"Here is the fruit Sir" The father said "Break it" Svetaketu did so. Then the father put the question-"What do you see"

Svetaketu replied-"Very tiny seeds Sir" The father asked the son to break a seed and the son did so. Then the father asked-"What do you see"? Svetaketu-"Why nothing Sir"! Then Uddalka said "Dear son, you are now seeing the 'Essence of the Banyan tree. In this essence the mighty Banyan tree exists. The essence my dear son is the most subtle and unseen Brahman which envelopes everything. It is the 'self' of all things You are that self my son" Is this "logic" or "mysticism"? I have never seen a better example of "logical" thinking and explanation. Sanskrit Pundits may please excuse my translation. I have done what best I could with my limited linguistic arsenal. 5 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Banyan Tree From Seed comes Plant , and it is a Cycle .... is there any thing else hidden ?! ." Applying ' Wisdom ' without ' Faith ' ............. In general we will ' Learn ' nothing ! " ' Faith ' means ' Hope ' ( or belief to achieve ) .5 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R If nothing else is hidden nobody would have spared 16 chapters for this anecdote, which is just touched upon in a remote place in the Vedas. This is one of the basis for all Vedantic philosophies. Many have derived interpretations of "faith" out of this. The incident has been interpreted in a multitude of ways. Even Buddha quotes this. Now tell me wisdom came before faith or vice versa? This is the problem of relativistic "logic"! 5 days ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan ......................................' Wisdom started from Faith '.................................. .....sub-clause : and it is my Faith ! .5 days ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada I am sure most of you know this story. I don't remember the details but just want to share the story. It goes like this. Once a specialist in logical reasoning (Tarka sastra Pundit) was passing by a farm house. He sees two bulls tied pulling the oil grinder and going round and round around on their own. He also sees that there were bells tied around the neck of the bullocks. The owner is somewhere else taking care of his other chores. This the Pundit finds interesting and approaches the farmer. He asks the farmer why he tied the bells around the bullocks' necks. The farmer says so that he knows when they stop moving. The Pundit asks him what if they just stand and move their heads. The farmer says they won't do it because thankfully they don't know logic. Logic isn't always very helpful. Faith sometimes works better. 4 days ago Like Follow David David Wittenberg Mohan, I certainly did not mean to question either relativity or quantum physics. I have great faith in scientists to observe and describe the various and sundry phenomena of the natural universe. Even the exciting, recent discovery that subatomic particles can (apparently) travel faster than light, thus calling into question Einstein's view that "c" is the limit of speed, does not make me doubt science. My point had to do with the idea that, according to formal logic, absolute truth can be ascertained. To accept this proposition, it is almost certainly necessary to accept that the senses are reliable. Supposed counterexamples, such as the probabilistic behavior of sub-atomic particles or the counterintuitive properties of matter at speeds approaching "c," do not disprove the reliability of the senses. Formal logic is a subset of critical thinking. I teach that critical thinking rests on the ability to recognize five distinctions: 1. same and different, 2. cause and effect, 3. fact and opinion, 4. logical and illogical, 5. reliable and unreliable.

I seem to recollect various posts from this and another discussion that do not reflect critical thinking. Here are some examples that I recall. + "There is only one God." This fails the critical thinking test of same vs. different. The attributes of the various Gods are different, and they contradict each other. Logically, they must be different, not the same (unless you think that God contradicts himself). + "Mankind's purpose is... [multiple answers were offered]." I think virtually all purposes that were proposed here fail the cause and effect critical thinking test. Lots of purposes (effects) were offered, but I'm not sure any origins (causes) were cited. Logically, there can be no effect without a cause. Logically, there be no purpose without a purpose giver. + "Universal intelligence is inherent in all molecules of existence." This is just one of many, many examples of opinions asserted as facts in this discussion. This fails the opinion/fact critical thinking test because it can only be believed; it cannot be proved by evidence or logic. + "[The God I believe in] is everything and nothing..." Asserting contradictory truths fails the critical thinking test of logic vs. illogic. If words have meanings, then a statement of fact and its exact opposite cannot both be true. + "The Bible says/The Vedas say/The Qur'an says..." Simply asserting that an ancient text is true fails the reliable/unreliable test of critical thinking. Unless the source can be shown to be reliable, its information is open to question and contradiction. Let us test our statements and our beliefs to see if we have thought critically about purpose, origin, religion, philosophy and our lives. For those who believe in mysticism, the supernatural, or other systems that are not subject to objective, scientific verification, please be honest and admit that these are matters of faith. If your particular belief demands that you suspend critical thinking, at least understand the distinction. 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Chiranjeevi Thanks for the story . On Bull we can have Faith and not on Human beings,..... even if one is a Pundit !! .4 days ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada I would say especially not on Pundits. The common man is more faithful than the most enlightened. Like the Pundit most of us have trust in neither faith nor logic. That is why we end up with so much of bureaucracy.

4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ..:) 4 days ago Follow venugopal venugopal maganti I think faith is the major premise and practice is the specific statement(minor premise)--conclusion is GOD( AND RELIGION)--and wisdom is like a cow tethered to a pole by a long rope,which can roam freely only with in the boundaries of GOD AND RELIGION--for those without a syllogism,no premises and hence no conclusions--animals are free from this dilemma and so are people without conclusions! 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .So, the corollary is then " all non - believers are Animals " ........I think that is looking for trouble :) .4 days ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Colorful Natural Fish !! ( Superlative Logic ) Natural selection: A concept in need of some evolution? Abstract In some respects natural selection is a quite simple theory, arrived at through the logical integration of three propositions (the presence of variation within natural populations, an absolutely limited resources base, and procreation capacities exceeding mere replacement numbers) whose individual truths can hardly be denied. Its relation to the larger subject of evolution, however, remains problematic. It is suggested here thata scaling-down of the meaning of natural selection to the elimination of the unfit, as originally intended by Alfred Russel Wallace (18231913), might ultimately prove a more effective means of relating it to larger-scale, longer-term, evolutionary .4 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R "Faith" can never be a subject matter of discussion. If it is so then it is no longer "faith". The difference between the Adi Gurus and people who blindly stand by faith is that the Adi Gurus tried to extend the concepts to the limit of their capacity through scientific or logical methods and said that beyond this limit we have no option but to estimate or assume something to proceed further. Einstein tried out everything before he concluded that the limit of human perception is the velocity of light, beyond which we can only float "theories" in the hope that such theories are resolved one way or another at a later point of time. While it is foolish for believers to say that their faith is the Ultimate, the non-believers can also never say that the believers or fools or sinners. 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ."" Faith is confidence or trust in a person or entity. Depending on the religion, faith is belief in a single god or multiple gods or in the doctrines or teachings of the religion. Informal usage of faith can be quite broad, including trust or belief without proof, and "faith" is often used as a substitute for "hope", "trust" or "belief". "" "" Faith for good reason arises out of the mystery that underlies the very structure and nature of reality, a mystery that in its entirety will never be entirely demystified despite what those who have placed reason on their altar might like us to believe. The mystery of life that gives rise to faith as a supra-rational means of unlocking lifes mysteryone that reason does not hold the key tosuggests that faith is fundamentally rational in that it is a logical response to the mysterious. When faced with the great unknown we must find reason to trust. "" Old story , child asking the Mother about the milk !! .4 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Karthikeyan, people who do not believe in "faith" may say that it is just a workaround which implies admission of incompetence!

4 days ago Like Follow venugopal venugopal maganti This is the problem with logic,deductions we make--and we all suffer from it I presume--I never said all non believers are animals--but,in some in explicable way,ignorance is bliss for the non believers,just as it is for animals ,which have not been so far proved to have skills that are not required for their primary purpose of feeding and mating--evolution of human brain too must have some reason,and it must be linked to the same purpose as animals,and to compensate for the lack of brute strength ,and other abilities like night vision etc,,--in pure anthropological sense,man has out grown or over evolved in to an intelligent creature of un manageable magnitude--a time will certainly come,when like Kalidasa,man will cut the branch of the tree on which he is sitting ,and I guess that such mind less acts will come from un bridled self centered ness,and lack of concern for future generations,and understanding of our own limitations , in terms of time and resources at our command.-GOD or NO GOD!if all of us can bequeath the earth in the same shape,as we have recived it,if not better,we would have served the basic responsibilty of our time on earth--and to this end,if the concept of an invisible GOD helps,I find Him acceptable,for ,like animals,we too are not destroying the unique planet,if not making it a better planet.--and I find nothing derogatory,in accepting the fact that we evolved from animals and certainly have the same instincts lurking inside,..I am inclined to believe that these instincts were probably restrained in the evolving man (from the animal)by the fear of the un known(GOD),AND MADE(tempered) THE ANIMAL INTO A compassionate,social,stable,predictable creature--just as the wolves were domesticated into dogs,where the behavioural change also spurred a genetic change and vice versa--I am inclined to believe that as man evolved from animal,his brain too got more and more sophisticated (mutually bebefiting effect) As for the purpose of life,for those who believe that both their birth and death are mere accidents, I donot know what they believe is the purpose of their time on earth and would not hazard a guess--but for me I defined an individual purpose,and a common purpose (for being part of a community that takes care of all of us from birth to death) 4 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R David Let us come to what the other participants have said in this forum later. You yourself have said "Not all are trained in formal logic". agree. But in my opinion ALL is really ALL irrespective nationality, race or education. 1.Mankind has understood that its sensory perceptions have limited capacity and sometimes what we see is not the real what we observe.People knew it 1000s of years back. Take the example of a coin on the floor of a pond. You estimate that it is at an angle of 45 degrees. If you extend a stick into the water at this exact 45 degrees you will never touch the coin. You have to angle the stick at an angle which is different from 45 degrees.Subsequently man came to know that this happens because of a propertyof light called "refraction".

Had we not known refraction we may still be using an angle different from the angle at which observed the coin for probing with the stick. We use our vision to see things. Vision uses light which has a finite and specific velocity. Suppose an object is moving at twice the velocity of light, by the time your eyes see the object the object would have moved miles away. Suppose your eyes see the object after 1 second, the object under observation would have moved 186000 miles away from the position where you have "seen it". You are "seeing" something that is nowhere near you. Where did your eyes go? In this case what your eyes see is obviously wrong. Think of it you yourself will coin such examples about all sensory perception. So your basic assumption "......To accept this proposition, it is almost certainly necessary to accept that the senses are reliable....." goes out of frame. Whatever you build through "logic" on such a faulty premise is inherently "illogical". Your "logic" is still "speculation", which is not necessarily true. Formal logic breaks down outside the sensory limits. You may think of logic only after science pushes the sensory limits farther. The concept of GOD or Purpose of life is much more complicated than relativity or quantum physics. When your formal "logic" does not work even at the level of relativity, it is futile to expect that fundamentally wrong process of "formal logic" will give you a proper picture of GOD. To me there is nothing to choose between one speculation and another. "Faith" is one such speculation and "formal logic" is another! 2.Nobody has "proved", .......recent discovery that subatomic particles can (apparently) travel faster than light, thus calling into question 2.Einstein's view that "c" is the limit of speed....". Please read carefully. By common sense "velocities higher than C are not perceptible to human faculties or known technology". THis is what Einstein said, The recent CERN model is a purely "logical" model constructed from an experimental frame work that has not overcome the sensory limits. It has been summarily discarded by most physicists in the world. 3. While the concept of GOD is almost the same basically, it is only the "definition" of GOD is different from person to person. 4.Whether rational or irrational, productive or unproductive my purpose is unique to myself. There are people who have lived with a single purpose like climbing the Everest without the help of an oxygen cylinder. Who are we to question them? 5. "......"Universal intelligence is inherent in all molecules of existence."..... is just a theory which one believes. When scientists can believe "Relativity" and "Quantum Physics' which are just "theories", why can't people have their own theories. 6."Religious belief " is just a matter of faith and each one is entitled to his choice. As long as we are not fanatical about our choice and do not call the others fools, religious faith does not do any harm. The topic we are discussing can never be a matter of "critical thinking"!

4 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Self-Realization - the awareness of our complete and indivisible union with God, which we are. This also means that the ego-self has come to know itself so clearly, so lovingly, so wisely that it is no longer run by the Shadow. When one is in the Illumined State or Self-Realized, there ceases to be any more inner or outer drama. The personal ego-self has surrendered fully and willingly into the loving embrace of the Soul god bless the light in us to become even graeter 4 days ago Like Follow Dr.R.P.Ilangho Dr.R.P.Ilangho MD FRCP DTRD @Mohanakrishnan : Thanx again to a critical & exquisite disposition of the art of "Analysis" @ a rare level ! Great insights !!! with regards to your knowledge & critical analysis & debate are very , very helpful - as others too . A few clarifications: "Whatever you build through "logic" on such a faulty premise is inherently "illogical". " Fantastic ! Then what do YOU propose ,in a forum for debate ,as this, on an abstract question? "The topic we are discussing can never be a matter of "critical thinking"! " Then WHAT should it be of ? I am requesting as to what should be the modus operandi, according to you - in Religion & Science - Life in toto ? 4 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Dr.Ilango: People who are far greater than me have failed to overcome this conundrum till date and I think I am not even competent to talk about such exalted matters. Some of the basic rules I humbly suggest in the descending order of importance are, 1. Have you heard the vintage Tamil film song which Sivaji Ganeshan portrayed excellently in Tiruvilayadal? "... ?....". (Know man! Is Is your ego higher than me?). That does not mean that GOD is "preventing" knowledge. He dispenses it only to people who make a humble and selfless effort. Purposeful effort is the key. If you do it without personal ego you will be rewarded with the knowledge of whatever you want to learn. Our Gods do not fear us and we have no

concept of the "sin" of "challenging GOD". Well non-believers can interpret this statement in the manner it suits them. 2.Still today we are following Descartes,Theophrastus,Eudemus and the like in the realms of logic. At least we Hindus have our own repository of text dealing in abstract logic. English texts on logic have treated far more advanced logical concepts of the East with scant respect. Hence the ancient opinions of "Deterministic Rationalism" and "Faith" need revision in the light of what everybody feels throughout the world. The concepts of logic should be "re visited". 3.Put ancient (Not just Western) theories to test and publish the results. 4.Standardize terminology both in science and Philosophy. 5. Keep perfecting the human tools and technology. Who knows one day we may surmount the barrier of perceiving velocities > light in real time and other sub nuclear phenomena. Just ambling thoughts and catchy cliches will never work! Empty philosophical speculation without corresponding efforts is just a waste of valuable time. 4 days ago Like Follow Dr.R.P.Ilangho Dr.R.P.Ilangho MD FRCP DTRD @Mohanakrishnan:Thanx very much ! Appreciate much these inputs ! "Our Gods do not fear us and we have no concept of the "sin" of "challenging GOD"" If I may ask - Do you believe in "God"? If so, what is "him/her/it" to you ? What is your opinion on the phenomenon of "Self-Realization" , so widely prevalent in India ? from the Vedic-time Rishis to the modern Gurus .The reason I am asking this is : Because this is a speciality of the East (primarily) which will be factored as an important tool for " Life Re Search "; removing the mystical nature of it per se & re-styling-phrasing it in Scientific terminology; acceptable-palatable to the West. Ultimately West & East will have to dissolve ! And how do you Tamil-text ? well here ? ;-) I know the song .... Is there a software net-down-loadable ? Happy weekend to all !!! 4 days ago Like Follow venugopal venugopal maganti In a sense,the philosophical pantheon of Indian rishis would have realized that the ultimate truth,they all sought to realize(self realization--the question could be who is I?WHERE DO i

COME FROM AND WHERE DO i GO?,and if my journey ends at all,and if so when and how?),would have been but a momentary feeling of oneness with the universal consciousness-in other words,it is unique to each soul,and the rest can only keep on debating like this for thousands of years--modern technology and science have given us different professions,tools to instantly communicate,but the road to self realization can be taken only by a very few,and I have not come across any one in this path--human being,his intelligence,science,religion,and even his consciousness are a part of nature on earth,which has again it's own life cycle,as a part of the universe,which itself has it's own life cycle--The western religions never sought to open the pandora box of questions on re birth,and hence a major conundrum that bothered the Indians for thousands of years was nipped in the bud--so the concept of an account of sin and the opposite of it(I am yet to find an equivalent of Punya in English--any one help me please!),which can not be reconciled,and balanced and one has to endure the consequences of his own actions is irrelavant to the west..It is therefore inevitable that the west believes that you must live your life full,without bothering about consequences of a sin,which would land you in hell alright,but GOD is so great and kind that He would suffer for the mis conduct of his progeny--I am not trying to be critical of any religion,but would only say that life is not un duly complicated for a westerner,as it is for us, the Hindus 4 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R YES I BELIEVE GOD. But I do not expect other people to do so. His or Her way is the best way for everybody. He (GOD) is there if you think that he is there, otherwise he is not there as per your "perception". (In other words it does not matter anything to HIM) ( , , ). Use this free ware transliteration site, copy and paste. Theists believe that you can get yourself identified with the WHOLE with the help of that WHOLE (GOD). The other method is Gnana, that is through a deductive process. At one stage you will get the necessary powers of induction and intuition as a reward for your efforts. The third is Karma. Simply mind your business as best as you can every moment of your life. Through this selfless activity your faculties will get sufficiently subtle to transcend relativity. 4 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada I don't agree that if God says he will take the suffering for the sins of human beings the tendency will be to feel irresponsible and do whatever one wants to. There are people who are irresponsible in all religions and there are people who don't want to give pain to others even if it God.

My mother used to tell me when I was a child all stories about how Yama would torture us for our small little acts of irresponsibility. It used to scare us but never deterred us. But my father used to reward us whenever we stood up and told the truth despite the fear of punishment. I think my father's methods have worked better than my mother's. No one does something wrong because they want to make someone the scape goat. But the timid people don't own it up and try to push it on to others. Its again what you think as happiness. One may be happier being responsible for one's acts than escape at the cost of others. 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .* " people who do not believe in "faith" may say that it is just a workaround which implies admission of incompetence! " * ______________________________________ Human being , ..... Nature ... ARE mysterious and so is the Universe and so should be GODS ............seriously mysterious !!! One has to start with a ( some ) Faith ? ........even if the FAITH is a mystery :) .4 days ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan .CO2 !! Many times even faith in science is a question mark with .........> ' Motivated Science ' and hence ' Motivated Faith ' No Need to Panic About Global Warming There's no compelling scientific argument for drastic action to 'decarbonize' the world's economy. "" The lack of warming for more than a decadeindeed, the smaller-than-predicted warming over the 22 years since the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) began issuing projections suggests that computer models have greatly exaggerated how much warming additional CO2 can cause. Faced with this embarrassment, those promoting alarm have shifted their drumbeat from warming to weather extremes, to enable anything unusual that happens in our chaotic climate to be ascribed to CO2. The fact is that CO2 is not a pollutant. CO2 is a colorless and odorless gas, exhaled at high concentrations by each of us, and a key component of the biosphere's life cycle. Plants do so much better with more CO2 that greenhouse operators often increase the CO2 concentrations by factors of three or four to get better growth. This is no surprise since plants and animals evolved when CO2 concentrations

were about 10 times larger than they are today. Better plant varieties, chemical fertilizers and agricultural management contributed to the great increase in agricultural yields of the past century, but part of the increase almost certainly came from additional CO2 in the atmosphere."" mod=wsj_share_in_bot .4 days ago Follow Dr. Usha Dr. Usha Krishna I have something to share with you all. What I am sharing is my experience during one of the meditations, where meditation means attaining a state of "thoughtless awareness of my spirit". The objective of meditation is to seek guidance for "Truth". As usual in meditation one may get some guidance which comes in the form of visions, voices, and symbols. One of the Experience in meditative State: " I could see very clearly a white streak of snow colored line extending very fast towards me and I could see it against a transparent background. The extending chord was being drawn by someone but do not know who. The chord was extending fast in front of me, suddenly it got divided into two. One part remained in the horizontal position while the second crossed the horizontal with vertical strand of the same chord. It was a flowing movement where symbols kept coming expectantly. The first symbol took the shape like cross (vertical piece intersecting the horizontal piece.). The cross morphs into Trident, as the horizontal axis took a V shape making the symbol look like Trident. The the V shape morphs into U shape and the symbol gets the shape of hindi Om with a "chandrabindu" where chandrabindu required one more piece of the chord. while Om is created the chord splits a small portion into chandrabindu. Om gets morphed into Gurmukhi Omkar. Omkar gets converted into the symbol of Allah. Thereafter I could see many more shapes like lotus, Swastika etc." Message for me is : All religions have the same basis. What is that basis. It is the chord of " purity" that has created all religions. "Purity" in other words may be called the "divine power" of God. Power of God is "Kundalini" (the real mother of physical self) and part of "divine power". These are two parts that I experienced in the meditation. How could one experience this? Only through meditation. It is important for each one of us have to experiences. It is not easy to get into meditation without deep sense of inquiry about "who am I?" There is difference between physical experiences and spiritual (supernatural) experiences.

Physical experiences (science and knowledge) are the outcome the mind. "The Spirit" or someone could call it "illusion" relates to "spiritual experiences". (Kundalini + Soul) is beyond mind to be experienced by meditation. Death means the death of mind. Kundalini + Spirit is believed does not die with physical body but changes the shape. As the real mother is "kundalini". It guides, resides, loves and grows all creatures. It does not leave the object till death. Father protects the Kundalini till the mind and body want it. At the time of death, Father is like envalope in which Kundalini resides, goes out of the body. +++++++++++ Let me say how does this knowledge help humanity? This knowledge gives humanity "humanity" which is love for all creatures, ethical values, and ability to lead life without questions about self. By the way. today is the Mother Saraswati's birthday. "Basant Panchami." Mother Saraswati wanted me to share the experience with you all. Happy Basant Panchami. 4 days ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan ._ ................................................................................................................ ............................................^.......^.......^.......^.......^......^......^............................. ..... @..@...@.....@.....@......@.....@.....@....@....@......@....@@@@@@@... ........@.@..@..@..@................................................................@.@........@.@.... ......@................@.@....................................................................@..@..@.... .....@...................@............................................................................@..... .......@..............@ ...........@..@ @. .4 days ago 1 Follow Peter

Peter Stutz A personal experience which such great details should not be a Hallucination!! @Dr Usha Krishna Thank you for sharing your awareness in detail. God bless the ones sharing such Personal experiences. 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Personal experience is ( generally ) not questionable and in deep thought (meditation) it could even be a well wish, soft at heart - a Fascination which led to final visualization In another perspective , .... that is how transition towards transformations happen. when few symbols are repeatedly flashed as in branding in marketing . Beautiful example of the " experience " applied in practical sense very successfully could be seen in the * Picture in this article ( I had earlier posted in ' controller ' thread ) . * India is in the midst of a unique identity revolution. After years of consuming imported products, the youth here is rising to define their own needs and wants. They still want the western appeal but desire the Indian look. This concept is Indianization ................................ .................................................................................. Indianization is perhaps having the biggest impact in the Fashion space. This concept has now blurred the lines between the traditionally distinct western wear and Indian wear. From high fashion to kitsch, the use of everyday Indianness is everywhere to be seen ......................... Wonderful thing is that such a process is a well understood TOOL by marketing / design firms ... we obviously need to call them Genius . .3 days ago SiddharthUnfollow Siddharth Shah LSD also has dramatic effects on the senses. Colors, smells, sounds, and other sensations seem highly intensified. In some cases, sensory perceptions may blend in a phenomenon known as synesthesia, in which a person seems to hear or feel colors and see sounds. >>>>Hallucinations distort or transform shapes and movements, and they may give rise to a perception that time is moving very slowly or that the user's body is changing shape. On some trips, users experience sensations that are enjoyable and mentally stimulating and that produce a sense of heightened

understanding.<<<< Bad trips, however, include terrifying thoughts and nightmarish feelings of anxiety and despair that include fears of insanity, death, or losing control. 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Bon Voyage :) Additionally, One can have a better safe trip without any external chemicals .......through rigorous practice ....Yoga ... Meditation ......> .... and may be one needs FAITH Hard Work !! .3 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz As chemical changes in your body do happen extensive deep dives in Meditation,yes I completely agree, based on such thinking. But that should then be stated to be the meaning of such, or the person feels offended. 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .There are school of thoughts accepting ' Soul ' , some starting to appreciate and some asking for physiochemical proof / explanation . on those lines here is one article vehemently arguing for the reason behind people believing in such concepts., some excerpts * Out-of-Body Experiences as the Origin of the Concept of a Soul ""Contemporary philosophical and scientific discussions of mind developed from a proto-concept of mind, a mythical, traditionalistic, animistic and quasi-sensory theory about what it means to have a mind. It can be found in many different cultures and has

a semantic core corresponding to the folk-phenomenological notion of a soul. It will be argued that this notion originates in accurate and truthful first-person reports about the experiential content of a specific neuro phenomenological state-class called out-of-body experiences. They can be undergone by every human being and seem to possess a culturally in variant cluster of functional and phenomenal core properties similar to the proto-concept of mind. The common causal factor in the emergence and development of the notion of the soul and the proto-concept of mind may consist in a yet to be determined set of properties realized by the human brain, underlying the cluster of phenomenal properties described in the relevant first-person reports. This hypothesis suggests that such a neurofunctional substrate led human beings at different times, and in widely varying cultural contexts, to postulate the existence of a soul and to begin developing a theory of mind. "" .In simple words many times simple yogic experiences are classified as disorders and science wants experimental proof - demonstration & repetition in controlled environments on such individualistic feelings / experiences . it fun & learning to dig anyway from both the directions :) .3 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz Yes an Interesting take ...lucky science leaps behind Mankind experiences by far, see our Greatest masters and there capabilities: Healing without medicine; Channeling to greater Powers, coming and going without being born or death, and so on. 3 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Those who have done meditation seriously know that experiences like Usha's are not uncommon. For a short while when I did transcendental meditation couple of times I experienced an involuntary movement of my arms, rising with a jerk. When I shared it with the person who taught me the meditation, he said that happens because the body starts dispelling the stress and the bad energy from the body. I am sure there must be stages in meditation where one moves from such physical experiences to more spiritual experiences. Its up to one to interpret these experiences according to one's own Samskara (values.) 3 days ago Like Follow Narendra

Narendra Nath Dr. Usha 's experiences during Meditation reveal the depth of possibilities one may get during meditation.The correctness of meditation is described by Rishi Patanjali in Yoga shastra, worked out over 2000 yrs. back. I have some experiences through meditation and yoga practice. May be a share one or two here. I was professionally unhappy after a few years of my retirement from University service. After an early morning meditation, spontaneous ideas came that resulted in two Patents that i filed about 4 years back. These idea had the background of my development components of R & D i happen to do with my colleagues and students but these ideas followed only after visited some industries which narrated to me their specific problems. Thus, relevance could work out which i could not realize years back when such R & D studies were being conducted. Unfortunately, retirement can be a sort of sin in India, as you get deprived of the infrastructure to implement such novel features in a practical product of commercial use. Industries in India are still hesitant about Academia and they want risk free efforts only. I will be happy to arrive at a suitable arrangement with industries relevant to my Patents, one concerns Battery Life extension through treatment of grids and their coatings using Plasma Ion beam and nano-structure material small component. The other concerns an Opto-electronic Sizing device used for quality control in assembly /extrusion lines of cable/fibre/wire manufacturing industries. Any takers!! <> for the good of the society at large! 3 days ago Like 1 Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Hello Narendragaru, congratulations on your inventions and I sincerely hope there will be someone in this forum interested in taking your ideas forward. A larger question is how could we garner research and findings that happen post retirement which are outcomes of years of experience applied in leisurely, stress free sort of thought process to practical problems. The forum being as it is, should provide space for such sharing and opportunities for application. 3 days ago Like 1 Follow sanjay sanjay aggarwal Your Call with Deepak Chopra The spiritual guru talks about how the power of mind can be stronger than medicines and why he wants to stay away from any labels. Find yourself and serve!!! Rest will happen automatically.................. 3 days ago Like 1

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .JUnQ .......Fish ! The Journal of Unsolved Question is up for election to become, ................................ University Pearl of the Year.................................... Science is not always about success. Most research projects are unsuccessful stories producing ambiguous or null-results that dont lead to unambiguous conclusion. Nevertheless this failed research provides useful and valuable information for fellow scientists.Currently only research projects with positive results and clear conclusions have the chance to get published in scientific journals. Due to these publication practices a lot information is lost for the scientific community and additionally scientists find themselves in the dilemma of having to overinterpret data. We have set out to change this. With the Journal of Unsolved Questions (JUnQ) we provide a means to gather null-result research and open problems. JUnQ is a platform to communicate projects, which just didnt work, ambiguous data without exaggeration and unfinished investigations, which raise more questions than they answer .One excerpt : Are the Physical Constants Constant ??? 1. Conclusion It has been demonstrated that probably all physical constants can be expressed in terms of cosmic parameters. Therefore it follows, that either all physical constants vary with time, which is contradicted by observation, or that the energy of the universe must increase with time. Since a production rate of one Planck-particle per Planck-time would exactly lead to the presently observed amount of matter in the universe, the question is posed, whether Planckparticles are still produced in our universe and whether they are the primordial particles of matter. Particles in cosmic rays exceeding an energy of 6 1019 eV may lead to an answer of this question. more ...> .3 days ago 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .-

Thanks Sanjay A , Good news Video. .3 days ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Quit fishing or catch another colorful exotic fish ... Sanjay A 's posting is a Gold Fish :) .3 days ago Follow Devender Devender Aggarwal I strongly believe in GOD, rebirth, ghosts etc. If science doesn't have answer to something, it doesn't mean that it does not exist. To those, who negate GOD in favour of science, I would like to ask a question. Do they think that the sceince is perfect, it has achieved everything and no more discoveries would be made in future? But, I really don't understand why GOD made this universe and most importantly life. Sometimes, I feel, like we make toys for our enjoyment, GOD made us. But, since we are GOD's creation, so we are intelligent, we can make further toys similar to ourselves (i.e. procreate) and we live on the concept of "jaisa karoge waisa bharoge". 3 days ago Like 3 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Gods were never far off from Science in this sub-continent , and somehow we are rediscovering as Chopra makes a categorical statement in the show. .3 days ago Follow Ramesh

Ramesh Kumar You may know by reaching at that level. Before this talking is like a student asking what is the vision of a professor. 3 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Yaa Karthik nice program and thanks Sanjay. Is it feasible to follow spiritual practices in this age of multiple interests and avenues of entertainment? I know many would say yes and also elaborate how one could do but my guess is that India today is rated so low on well being (As per Deepak Chopra) is because of a large majority of us being not bothered about being well or not afford it (like the mal nourished etc.) 3 days ago Like Follow Ramesh Ramesh Kumar That is an argument to discuss . The right kind of people decide . At least you will start the journey rather than thinking of it . 3 days ago Like Follow Narendra Narendra Nath Ramesh Kumar responses above are correct for the attention of Karthy, who tends to feel wiser than he is. Self judgement is a sin and only realized souls are entitled to it, none of us here and it includes my own self fully too. Deepak Chopra has written a good from a human angle as a medical practitioner. But he has also been abroad for a long time to know the ground situation in India as experienced by people today. Our politics and ruling Government are at the lowest ebb. People at large are becoming increasingly selfish following the leading class. Only selflessness and integrity can help an individual get a good insight! 3 days ago Like 2 Follow Peter Peter Stutz Have we all ever thought of what the cosmos can? and we keep denying it to each one another in such pitiful ways ! basically everyone is correcting but not sharing ! Go out there and bring the experience home ! Peter

3 days ago Like 1 Follow Narendra Narendra Nath Yes, Peter, an individual's consciousness needs to connect better with cosmic consciousness. Mind is the interface between human brain and the soul. This needs enlightenment to enhance the individual's contribution for the good of the society. Selfish and always desiring selfaggrandizement are parts of ego and needs to be curbed to make an individual more relevant for the society at large. Religions of the day are not contributing and only high level spirituality based on commonality of one humanity can help. 3 days ago Like 2 Follow Dr. Usha Dr. Usha Krishna @Siddartha Shah, I have heard about LSD experiences but do not have any experience of LSD. Yes, the after effect of meditation is wonderful. It leaves one with a better sense of well being, lightness of body, more clarity about one's direction in life, more achievements with least efforts, and supernatural forces guiding you while performing your day to day activities. It is wonderful to get into complete meditative state, it does not happen easily. May be other could share their experiences if any. 3 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz any higher experience in or out meditation is a transformation of the great divine, wishing to become one with all .. at all times /present and for ever ! So go get what you can to elevate yourself to the comfort of consciousness in order to tickle our masters on theyre feet. They will be grateful for every tickle as they now can tickle back and respond. God bless the light to become even stronger in us as what they wish for us. 3 days ago Like Follow Peter

Peter Stutz @Dr. Usha Krishna Personal Experiences.. can often be misunderstood because of the /how we right// to who is reeding / I meditate since 12 as I was chosen to be the first child in Europe to become a grown up mantra. On my way I have learned to meditate without concentration, parallel to go my path in Live. it has been a great trail which I could go, and there has been many big challenges on my way, If I may; I have used a Metronome just like we use in our lessons learning to play the piano, to let the mantra run in myself for ever. I adjust the speed as I go and come into higher or lower surroundings depending on my own moods. This brings me not to be perfect by all means, but it allows me to go without fear and doubt thru Life. Having said that I have always considered that there is many ways to the Ganges of Spirituality so meditation becomes a facet and only one facet of the eye and not the complete picture to be and become. 3 days ago Like Follow Ramesh Ramesh Kumar Thanks for sharing. It is the experience of Mr. Peter Stutz. Though in beginning It may be same for few. The experience will keep on changing till he can share. If he/any one could reach at that level. I hope I am not missunderstood. 3 days ago Like 1 Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena Why did God walked on Earth only in Ancient times? What were they doing when only animals & Dinosaurs existed? What are they doing now? Just like ancient times they still have the option to come down and show us the path. How do Gods pass their time? Do they do planning of some kind? Do they just watch us like something similar to some mega soap opera or Big Boss? Talking about logic, if we see white swan for 10000 years then we may logically deduce that all swans are only white in color which is verified experimentally too. But if one fine day we see a Black swan the we have to update that some swans are white while few could be black too. Then let's assume that we also come across a yellow & Pink swan. Now with all this data we have 2 options, 1) Some swans are white, few black and a few yellow & Pink, 2) It seems a pattern is emerging and we can conclude that swans can exist in all colors but we do not see all swans of all color all at once. So what is your logical conclusion? Option1 or 2 or some other option.. 3 days ago Like Follow Peter

Peter Stutz God allowed all life to be free to go.....on their own feet... have you not noticed? It was your inner wish to be here not his / he has warned you from the steep path your taken. The cosmos is his playground which you are part of. Watch children play and see how wonderful they all bring their experience to the playground and need to learn to be together! This is most valuable to you, in the future to become your own creator. Become humble and kind and you will learn so fast as the trail you go is here for you to accept and learn. God is wonderfully generous and his concept is, to all he ever called life upon on. 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .This may help !! One excerpt : Are the Physical Constants Constant ??? 1. Conclusion It has been demonstrated that probably all physical constants can be expressed in terms of cosmic parameters. Therefore it follows, that either all physical constants vary with time, which is contradicted by observation, or that the energy of the universe must increase with time. Since a production rate of one Planck-particle per Planck-time would exactly lead to the presently observed amount of matter in the universe, the question is posed, whether Planck particles are still produced in our universe and whether they are the primordial particles of matter. Particles in cosmic rays exceeding an energy of 6 1019 eV may lead to an answer of this question. more ...> .3 days ago 1 Follow David David Wittenberg I felt great joy when I read Devender's post. Here is a man of faith who is willing to ask serious, intelligent questions. His logic is impeccable. He says, I was made by GOD. Therefore, I was made for a purpose. His remaining doubt is the exact nature of that purpose. Devender, I've said all along in this discussion that if mankind was made by GOD, then only GOD knows the purpose of mankind. If you (or anyone else who accepts this logic and believes in GOD) still have not

discovered your assigned purpose, then the only option is to search for GOD. Only when you hear from GOD directly or discover someone who has met GOD and has learned our purpose from him, or read a book written by someone who has heard our purpose directly from him, will you have a definitive answer to the question. I wish you well in your search! 3 days ago Like 1 Follow Peter Peter Stutz to answer part of the rest of the title : about existence other than us outhere ? If the great Divine Masters are not all here with us on our Planet, my statement is they are busy in the cosmos building even greater, diviner, temples, as we could possibly imagine! So yes there is life out there and most of all incredible beautiful life. Just lately I have noticed temples on our Sun, which are most stunning in there features as they are build of Light and Golden Rays.( I also know that Nasa has this knowledge since short time). But cannot share because of the government fear that you all become strong individuals to be free of all the chains, such as being attached to the tax system, Law's, Religion and so on. God bless 3 days ago Like Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena @Peter, You mean people in ancient times did not have their own feets? By asking question I am still humble not arrogant. Asking question is part of the search. I am not questioning whether God exists or not but just asking what does God do like a curious child of his.God could be a set of all laws of nature some of which we know and some we don't know. It is strange to logically deduce that God is localized and has preference for any country and its people. Are God regional in character? Gods who walked on Earth in ancient times were very localized i.e their influence were limited to the region where they lived. Possibly they were great leaders and not Gods. 3 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz @Sanjay Saxena I have not questioned your information but how it came across to me. Thanks for approving. It is the religion, mixing political interest, to confuse the whole storie. God bless Peter 3 days ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan ." India today is rated so low on well being is because of a large majority of us being not bothered about being well or not afford it (like the mal nourished etc.) " ....* This one goes beyond our Borders if we take a deep breath and think ??..*......... ______________________________________________________________________ Interesting Visualization and the message here !! 1. - Map of the World's Countries Rearranged by Population What if the world were rearranged so that the inhabitants of the country with the largest population would move to the country with the largest area? And the second-largest population would migrate to the second-largest country, and so on?..................... ........................................>>....................................>>......................................... ake the world's largest country: Russia. It would be taken over by its Asian neighbour and rival China, the country with the world's largest population. Overcrowded China would not just occupy underpopulated Siberia - a long-time Russian fear - but also fan out all the way across the Urals to Russia's westernmost borders. China would thus become a major European power. Russia itself would be relegated to Kazakhstan, which still is the largest landlocked country in the world, but with few hopes of a role on the world stage commensurate with Russia's clout, which in no small part derives from its sheer size. Canada, the world's second-largest country, would be transformed into an Arctic, or at least quite chilly version of India, the country with the world's second-largest population. The country would no longer be a thinly populated northern afterthought of the US. The billion Indians north of the Great Lakes would make Canada a very distinct, very powerful global player. .3 days ago 1 Follow Devender Devender Aggarwal @David In career development trainings, we come across this concept of "knowing what you want to do in your career". Where do you see yourself after 10 or 20 years? If your goals and aspirations are not clear, then your aimless activities won't do any good to your career. But, this is something interesting you have mentioned. Instead of thinkning about what do "I want" to do, I need to know, what job has been assigned to me by GOD?

So, there are 2 questions now. First, why did GOD started life? Second, what purpose has been assigned to my life? Though, second question is more relevant to an individual, but it is difficult/impossible to know the answer to that, without knowing the answer to the first question. Kindly share if anyone knows the purpose of his/her life and how did he come to know about that. 3 days ago Like Follow David David Wittenberg Devender, I just gave a TED talk in Jaipur about the various new beginnings in my life and career that culminated in me doing my dream job. My professional purpose I discovered through a series of assignments I completed during a six-session course. Most were introspective exercises. By the end of the course, I was able to write my ideal job description. Today, it describes my current job. My professional purpose is subsidiary to my life purpose, which was told to me by my God. 3 days ago Like 1 Follow Narendra Narendra Nath i liked the Map of the World's countries Possible Rearrangement in the future by Karthi. His analysis in this post seems probable. Such a change may well take place in the next two decades to change the face of Earth. Though future is difficult to predict as one can only extrapolate on the existing basics, nature can play havoc as has been witnessed in the recent past the world over. So the best is ' Enjoy the present moment' to its best limit and be content that the Creator takes care of its Creation! 3 days ago Like Follow Subhash Subhash Bhasker There are two distinct approaches to this question. The first school of thought consists of the people who believe in finding what the "goal" of their life is, and spend considerable time in pursuing thoughts focussed on this issue whether introspection or otherwise. Whether these thoughts actually translate into achieving their goal is another matter altogether. The second school of thought consists of people who live their life "for the moment" rather than worrying about the past or the future.The lives of such people is activity focussed than being goal oriented. Ideal situation would be to strike a balance between these extremes. 3 days ago Like

Follow Peter Peter Stutz The rearranging can only take place if need be and ready for changes! the freedom in Canada is immense to all beings, the country is based on very strong anti-discrimination and open to all religious believes. It holds a very large part of high desserts very cold which are at this point being safe of most of us to Nature-relax. There is not much vegetation to the tundras there is, however when time comes of the magnetic changes soon all be different. So dont move before that, but wait just a bit longer to see. I bring lots of Indians to Switzerland however, most of the Partners leave soon to go back home as they feel very cold here to be. The adjustment seems to Indians very difficult if they dont have Curry foods warm days and nights and need to their own cooking cleaning clothes washing and so on which is expected here in the west. It could work, but most not wanted by Indians. 3 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz @ Subhash Bhasker please talk of yourself and not what about others, as that would be of value to all. kind regards Peter 3 days ago Like Follow Dr.R.P.Ilangho Dr.R.P.Ilangho MD FRCP DTRD @ Mohanakrishnan : ! (Thank You Sir ! -in Tamila South Indian language) 3 days ago Like Follow Narendra Narendra Nath Indian continent has generated universally applicable human spirituality through the Vedas/ Upanishads/ Patanjali Yoga Sashtra. The word Hindu does not figure anywhere as it was a name given to the residents of this continent much later by the Invaders from North west who wanted to plunder the wealth. The word Hindukush mountain series that now lies in Pakistan, is a testimony to this fact. The secular nature of the Dharma practiced in this continent has been distorted further by The British who had a policy of Divide and Rule and it suited them to project Hindu Muslim divide that even did not exist during the Mughal period of invasion and rule. Syed Imam and other Muslims are our ancient brothers and one in blood , culture and food habits. Our differences apparent today are merely British created and the Congress party widening it further to continue the Divide & Rule policy of the British which they happily established through the creation of Pakistan. Only a look at Pakistan today

confirms that the issue was a non-issue as Muslims apparently fight Muslims. It is all superficial matter that came through our slavery and slavish mentality that continues to get perpetuated. Kashmir was unique as a Centre for Sufis who are secular Muslims, but this artificial hate has distorted the situation between natural brothers of this continent. Now, the Frontier Gandhi, Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan can be appreciated as he along with Gandhiji always opposed partition, which came as a solution through special relationship between Nehru and Mountbattens only. It has been the biggest mistake and failure, otherwise both the brotherly countries would have been far ahead of China today!! 3 days ago Like Follow arlene arlene delgado God the father made the earth, where he make Adam & Eve, to live ,give them a wonderful life till both man and woman temted to eat the forbidden fruit.We have good air to breath, good water to drink and foods. Earth is round and the last calendar day of Mayan's is December 21, 2012. Now the areology is searching how the ancient ancester build the pyramid in Egypt using their hans and stranght, therefore their conclusion is maybe it is the alien on that time give them command how to do it and made the phyramid strong for many billion of years to come. the scientist keep on searching until now. 3 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @arlene delgado: What an escapist post! Are you not responsible for what you do? Egyptians built the pyramid "because aliens gave them the instructions"? I have not heard a more absurd remark. I would rather say that they had the ingenuity and engineering skills to move large rocks. Moreover most pyramids are brick and mortar work. Who told you that the pyramids are "billions of years old". As per anthropology even life started on the earth hardly a hundred thousand years back. Are you selling all your belongings before Dec 21, 2012. Better start putting ads now. A few months later it may be too late! @Narendra Nath: Avery good partial summary of Indian history! What has it got to do with the current topic? 3 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz @ Mohanakrishnan R please become humble... no sense to criticize others just repeating the stories from the books you have been reading. Keep critic to yourself and see that you change to acceleration of others and not other ways. you can disagree but not loudly, as there is a great need to understand Love and only Love towards all and ever. You never know who stands behind the doors there, unless you ask and not shoot. You are old enogh to

show wisdom and respect to all you touch and you have a responsibility to do so, regards Peter 3 days ago Like Follow Alok Alok Misra Who gave instructions to egyptians by the way if not people from outside earth?Why do you not now move that rock without an American Bulldozer?Who said Pyramid are made of Brick and Mortor?There are huge structures which are older than pyramid.I do not believe life was not there when earth was formed.If was there all right even in different form Dwaraka structure about which our govt thinks that it is highly confidential nature has been mapped to be 12000 years old.Why do they think as confidential?Because with that Ayodhya will be at least 1,20,000 years old and what about Ramsetu?THe link between Lanka and South American civilization is unmistakable.What are the signs in South America if not landing strips?Why in Mohan jadaaro every street was laid in the form of Swastika? Why this was followed in the Sanitary system and water distribution>Run your computer and you will find it s the cheapest way to distribute.Do you in Rig veda there is a description of Aircraft and an avionic Engine - Do you know iit is more advanced than present jet engine?A friend of mine got a Doctorate on this. THere is definetly another civlization in space more advanced than us.I suspect NASA has an inkling of it and I furthur believe they are looking for it.THe theory that the distance between the electron and nucleaus is a fixed ratio (whole no) to that of f the distance between earth and sun and if similar conditions exist anywhere the life will exist is probably correct because NASA has said some where that this condition fits in two cases some where far in space and they expect life there from the signals recieved from there. 3 days ago Like 1 Follow Peter Peter Stutz @ Alok Misra.... they the Kumaras always have been here at least 1 of the 12 at all times and goverment agencies are getting more paralized then ever, not having a clue on how to change nor respond to them as they are great and imense beings. Now there are soon all 12 here helping the 6.999'999'999 rest of the world to become theyr own leaders and creators. 3 days ago Like Follow Hari Hari Kumar Ms Chiranjeevi,similar thought often fancied me.But when the concept of zero, infinity,space and time began to trouble me, I found resolute in Yoga and meditation and now feel satisfied.It is very difficult to understand "MAYA".Please read "AUTO BIOGRAPHY OF A YOGI " by SwamyYogananda Param Hamsa.You may get many answers.Best of luck !!!

3 days ago Like 1 Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena It is amazing. Peter is talking about seeing temples in the Sun which till now only NASA and himself knew and now all ILN members following this thread know of this secret. Also there are talks about Area 51 and interrogation of captured aliens and reverse engineering of their technology. Then we also have Noetic science Institute which is doing pioneering work in areas of consciousness and a popular account of recent breakthrough seems to be given in Dan Brown book "The Lost Symbol".Seth Lloyd the quantum computer scientist talks about universe as one big quantum computer and we are living in a virtual reality ..something similiar to what is shown in movie Matrix. We are living in interesting time.. May be Aliens will show us the purpose since it seems they have dumped us on Earth :-) 3 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @Peter Stutz : Sorry your concept of tolerance and that of mine are different. If I am an Egyptian I will say that my forefathers were great engineers whose achievements were extraordinary. For someone to say that the Pyramids are there, no thanks to Egyptians is ignorance amounting to foul stereotyping. Is this "love and only love" to say things like you will dies on 21/12/2012? By the by where you get your ideas from? Not any book? @Alok Misra: Go and ask your questions to an Egyptians. But don't be offended if they retort saying all your stories about Dwaraka etc. are figments of your imagination. Will you accept that the great keystone of the Tanjore temple tower was moved up nearly 220 feet with the help of people from Mars? Please go to Egypt and see how many pyramids are made of brick and mortar and how many are made of stone. 3 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Thanks Hari. I am reading it. Peter your last posting is a mystery to me. It all looks like coded. 3 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz @Chiranjeevi Tallapragada sorry for the question what does coded mean ? one question I have to come you ask but can not take an answer ?

please read of the 4 india Kumaras first befor you answer !! well there are 12 all together ! @ Mohanakrishnan; i been and have seen the Pyramids and Luxor, you can be proud and more so you can be very proud for it but do not attack others no mather ..... as you where not the chosen one to do so. no my information is not from books as I dont read that much! Reading is Believing others, I have learnd to get information another way for long time allready. 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Aliens Some one dropped as here as mere puppets and they are holding the strings from a far of galaxy is a possibility, .......... that cannot be ruled out !! They may be holding the strings or just left it for wilderness to decide . Example ; Eat fruit , we throw the seeds and options are to farm or just forget it for the plants to fight on its own for survival & growth . Ohh ,......... then the impending question is ' What is the purpose of Aliens ' :) .3 days ago 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .When do we get to see the talk :) .3 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz @ Kartik you dont know Kumaras ? ask wikipedia but dont be to suprised seeing what comes to you .... and you will see that you have all the right answers allready ! I love your Ohh,............ question... at least your honest

and Karthik your falling into a hole again, just read your text and the disrespect of your sentence .... wilderness ? are the kumaras aliens to you now ? please answer to us ! 3 days ago Like Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena Possibly the aliens realized that they do not have any purpose and were dead bored with life so they decided to create life to make themselves busy.. first they started with animals and then with more innovation they created humans. They envisaged that they have created an extremely dangerous machine and decided to better dump it on a far away planet Earth. :-). So now can how this be logically proven as wrong.? 3 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Peter Stutz: Nor do I believe you are the "chosen one". Let us not drag people who are not concerned with this discussion into it and lament later when they rightfully react. Theosophy is little known outside Chennai in India and do not presume every Indian knows about the "Kumaras". If you want to talk about them please explain yourself first. 3 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz you all quetsion are space ? become very small watching this with open eyes then see this link below ! if you still believe we are here alone ... keep believing it but just dont ask any more 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .SS .............. we are the Dust Bin of the Universe !!

How many Souls are ready to accommodate such an Idea :) .3 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz @mohan you will not understand even if i would explain it. and yes Im not the chosen one as there are so many here already ! thanks and just be correct to others ! 3 days ago Like Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla David - Your definition of 'formal logic' is still perplexing me, particularly in "God" topic. I have no issues with people who talk from faith unless they talk as if it is universal truth. Logic based on faith can only be listened to, but cannot be verified. If someone proclaims that he/she has seen God, then the credibility of it is only limited to that person and it can't be verified by others. Like our senses have limited capabilities, our 'reasoning' which is the sense of our mind, also has limited capability and we can't just arrive at an 'absolute truth' based on it. It will be like the reasoning that there are only 7 colours and no other colour is possible. I would like to take the example logic you quoted earlier that there could be either one God or many Gods. Either all are true Gods or only one etc., etc., and you finally arrived that there would be only one true God. There was also a comment from you that because so many Gods are there in Hinduism, it is contradictory or on similar lines. I would say - if it can be believed that the God exists, then it is also possible that multiple Gods exist on the 'same basis'. In fact, multiple Gods in Hinduism make more sense than having just one single God because it is tough for our 'human senses' to comprehend what this Lone God is doing out there. Multiple Gods explain the "God Society" in which a hierarchy of Gods exist, taking care of the Universe with their roles and responsibilities clearly defined. Like a role-based organization, a check-and-balance mechanism may be existing with the God's organization structure. In fact, it is very common to see in Hindu Mythology that Gods who appear to enlightened people do talk about their inability to offer certain boons indicating that they don't like to step outside their role. Others - Do not see this from religious angle. This was to discuss the reasoning further. 3 days ago Like

1 Follow Peter Peter Stutz Karthik S= ----- hot air ? as said read your text ! and take responsibility for such ! well you are not one of them (souls) ... that I can live with now ..later it will become difficult. 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Kumaras Four, Five , Seven ............ which number to take in to consideration !! I love 4 Rishis sitting along with dakshinamurhty under constant search & research :) .2 days ago 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Dust Bin of the Universe Incidentally one of the innovative ideas for Recycling / Sustainability ......etc under consideration is that, " Some types of larve grow on human excreta and out of which few are potential canditate for Fuel extraction , straight from them . One Open Innovation challenge was to woo them to climb a ramp sort of arrangement so that it is cost effective, less labor and could be easy for wide spread adoption ......> .." incorporate waste-consuming black soldier fly (BSF) larvae into pit latrines "..... ( If at all we could use ' siri ' to instruct Virus and get some good work done ...... may be high hopes !! ) .2 days ago

1 Follow Peter Peter Stutz Kumaras ther are 12 under the great divine ! and I like your responce .....Karthik I love 4 Rishis sitting along with dakshinamurhty under constant search & research :) and the rest is busy doing what needs to be done ! Thanks to God ! 2 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz reading some text: Often we confuse God with God's and/or the Creation itself. We should be more precise when using the three. In the Greek philosophy they even used half gods. That would total 4 meanings. Just some input in order to produce correct statements und correct understandings. 2 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz @ Mohanakrishnan R Since you are Egiptian, I be very interested in the specific information the Egyptians have in reagards of the subject of the Title. What is the purpose of life on earth? Why does the universe exist? Does anyone or anything else knows about existence other than us? Please share kind regards 2 days ago Like Follow David David Wittenberg Sridhar, Forgive my tendency to be pedantic (teacher-like, nitpicky) about word choice. When dealing with formal logic, it's important. Formal logic deals with the truth or falsehood of statements by examining the relationships between the statements. Looking at discussions about God, we'd have to understand the meanings of the words "true" "supreme" and "creator."

Recall my statement that there are and must be many Gods. Logic says that if different Gods have opposing characteristics, they can't be the same God. So, all attempts to make the various Gods into different manifestations of the same God are bound to fail logically. Next, consider how many gods can be "true." All of them are "true" in the sense that they all have believers. Many of them, including the 33 crores of Hindu gods, could co-exist logically. I did state my opinion that many of the gods that people believe in exist only in their imaginations and not in the physical or spiritual world. Those imaginary gods could be considered "untrue" or false using a different definition of "true." When we ask how many "supreme" Gods there might be, or how many "creators" there might be, the proposition that there are multiple supreme beings or creators becomes doubtful. Recall my point that no religion claims that multiple Gods cooperated in creating the universe. Recall my comment that, in systems where multiple Gods are proposed, there is a hierarchy. One supreme God creates, other gods are subsidiary to the supreme one. Hinduism is fascinating for its highly structured, complex relationships between the ParamAtma, the Triumvirate, and the 33 crores of other gods. Christianity proposes a Holy Trinity, but insists there is only one God. Mormonism proposes a council of Gods and begins its narrative with the assignment of a single God to Earth. Note that the verifiability of these statements is not even in question in the first instance. In formal logic, we are concerned with the relationships of the words and concepts only. We use conditional statements to define our rules, for example, modus ponens, which states: For every situation where this relationship is true: "If p is true then q is true," and we learn that "p is true," we automatically know therefore that "q is true." Hope this helps. 2 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Peter...the Kumaras etc are greek and latin to me, the number looked like some code. Its quite exciting opening new doors but its like opening a lot of doors at a time. 2 days ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar This is getting off ,noisy and rather wild,as it often happens,with a few bent apparently on provoking into a fenzy. Anyway the good thing is there is activity Evidently ,the purpose appears to be provin one`s point at any cost,shouting,strampling,swearing and stampeding-we are all in it together it appears. Sitting in judgement,and blaming,and in the end getting nowhere,since no body shakes out of their beliefs and convictions,right or wrong. Then one way it is positive,every one appears to be busy proving their point,and the negative part is,not

listening to the other or taking in views,rather blindly commenting and countering. It does not get anywhere better that way,and would be better,if after some swearing nad blaming,people also listen for sense and relevance,if at all 2 days ago Like Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla David /highly structured, complex relationships between the ParamAtma, the Triumvirate,*/ I guess I misconstrued one or more of your ealier messages and my apologies if so. It is quite common to see people quoting numerous Gods in Hinduism to emasculate it's credibility and somehow I felt that you were also riding that bandwagon. Thank you for your detailed response. Regarding 'if p is true then q is true', I am saying that taking this statement granted may not be an accurate approach given the limitations of senses we have, which is one more point I made earlier. For ex., a cell of Bacteria may not be able to comprehend the complexity of the human being it is living on. Krishna tells Arjuna that he would not be able to comprehend Krishna's Godly form with his mortal senses and presents him with divine vision to see him. While most of the readers of Gita may get absorbed there with their 'Sacred Love' towards their Supreme Lord in that episode, I recall Eienstein's 'frames of references'. You can leave it there if you want to as I have to get back to my hectic schedule and may not be able to respond for a long period. 2 days ago Like Follow Suresh Suresh Sreenivasaiah great and complex questions. I asked many elders/spiritual persons in my life. couldnt get right answers. I think we (our generation) may have limited knowledge to envision the whole design and architecture of life, universe, etc. And it is like the 7 blinds with the elephant different leaders giving their point of view. Am sure there is a purpose that we learn during every moment of life (the experience) that makes us the person to be, the inner soul that makes the choice within those constraints. But the design is to experience the moments and go through the cycle. I dont know how the results are judged and what happens next. And I believe 'we reap what we sow'. I dont know if Vedas/Nadi Shastras help..if that gives some direction. If somebody has digested that, please share with us. Will be glad to hear others opinion. 2 days ago Like

Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Dear Peter, we did have multiple lines of argument going on as part of this discussion. Some follow most, some follow none and some follow some. I have absolutely no problem in listening to Biblical quotations from Hindu Gurus nor Gita quotations from a Christian Father. I rather welcome such tolerance and mutual appreciation. About the number of doors, I was following your arguments and the Kumaras was a bit of a sudden jump for me. I needed a background to understand it. I went through the links and also searched on the web. Now I know the concept but to believe in it will take much longer. It would be nice to take one concept at a time and give a bit of an introduction when a new terminology is introduced. All of us are here because we are interested to learn something new from the others. 2 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Peter Stutz @ Dear Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Opening a lot of doors! Yes you are correct, just be open to what you ask for, so it may can come to you. You probably needed to hear this from someone else, as myself. If I'am not ready for changes I dont ask the future what will he bring. I thought you meant the question with some great intention. 3 questions in one question can be answered with Because they do! or With the details for some to respect, understand, or questioned ? God bless you in all means, asking the question as I love the subject and the knowledge sharing. By the way ...Egypt still has, and seems to have, a lot of surprises to some of us, they will come forward soon. The part of the government: large groups (Government, Universities, special Intelligence Groups)have been quietly in discussion about theyre scares of having People living without boundries(chains) to the state as they are losing control now rapidly with their old world order(Laws Taxation School system Politics, super large overspendings) and so on. It is the biggest scarres of them at the time and some details of such dicussion's you can read in business magazines more and more. This problem is for the (I call it the old Law and order system) Government truly a very big challenge to come. In particular for the USA as they are running out of ideas to chain people to theyre system believe: God Bless all the ones, who will have the future speaking for them. 2 days ago Like

Follow Peter Peter Stutz @ Dear Chiranjeevi Tallapragada interesting we must have riding in parallel to each other. thanks for the responce above. you have placed 3 questions in one forum. I will respond accordingly soon to your last quest. God bless and kind regards Peter 2 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Dear @ Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Born from Brahma's mind, the four sons are described as great sages who undertook lifelong vows of celibacy (brahmacharya) against the wishes of their father.The Bhagavata Purana lists the Kumaras among the twelve Mahajanas (great devotees or bhaktas)[2] who although being eternally liberated souls from birth, still became attracted to the devotional service of Vishnu from their already enlightened state. Despite being very senior in age the Four Kumaras are said to wander the universe in the forms of small children [3]. They play a significant role in a number Hindu spiritual traditions, especially those associated with the worship of Krishna and Vishnu. Kumaras : 4 of are devoted to India this text is probably the easiest of all to understand and except. 2 days ago Like Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena My philosophy, in essence, is the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute." Ayn Rand in Atlas Shrugged. Objectivism holds that there is no greater moral goal than achieving happiness. But one cannot achieve happiness by wish or whim. Fundamentally, it requires rational respect for the facts of reality, including the facts about our human nature and needs. Happiness requires that one live by objective principles, including moral integrity and respect for the rights of others. Politically, Objectivists advocate laissezfaire capitalism. Under capitalism, a strictly limited government protects each person's rights to life, liberty, and property and forbids that anyone initiate force against anyone else. The heroes of Objectivism are achievers who build businesses, invent technologies, and create art and ideas, depending on their own talents and on trade with other independent people to reach their goals. 2 days ago Like

davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar The numbers of kumaras depends on the context, if it is Kumaraswami or murugan it is six, if it is Hanuman five and also for Brahma, for Siva it is only one, for Vishnu many minimum ten, for Durga nine, and for Rajarjeshwarri is again ten or more. For Lakshmi it is eight only. For Saraswathi again one and Parvathi one. 2 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R David,Highly relativistic concepts, mostly imperceptible to human perceptions and tools of cognition can never be subjected to the process of "formal logic". Speculative principles subjected to this process result only in "theories" and and not facts. A theory based on speculation still remains speculation. That is the meaning of the word "theory" used in theory of relativity and quantum theory. Both the theories do not have specific answers for many questions. Similarly "God" is also a subject matter of theory and there are many who do not accept this concept and still more who do not bother about this concept. Hence the word GOD and Formal Logic can never go together. The concept of God subjected to formal logic can result only in further speculations. 1."Formal Logic" also requires a "premise" and the premise should be "proven". Any unproven basic premise negates all further steps. In logic anything that has been proved is "True" and the rest are "false". Mathematical logic designates the number 1 to truth and 0 to the rest. Any math function which evaluates to 0 can never be mathematically processed any further. As people with knowledge of some math may know that any processing after the function has been evaluated as 0 results in what is known as a "divide overflow error". A process of formal logic which discards this principle is not "formal logic". Using your own methods of "formal logic" I can prove 1=2. Do not expect me to produce this fallacy here. It is there in all school books of math puzzles. If you go by "Formal logic" there is the only definition of truth and you cannot have your own definitions of "truth". 2." systems where multiple Gods are proposed, there is a hierarchy. One supreme God creates, other gods are subsidiary to the supreme one......." Who told you so? Polytheistic religions like the Hellenistic religion, the religion of the Pharohs and pre Vedantic school of Hinduism are different shades of polytheism. Only the Greeks and Indians have left some clues to these practices. All Hellenistic Gods are parallel authorities who sometimes even fight one another. To study the Hindu polytheistic schools, you have to abandon what all you are presently doing. Analyzing it will be a full time job by itself.

Go and tell Peter Shultz that the Sanat Kumaras are second fiddle deities and ask his opinion! Even otherwise why there cannot be multiple creators of the same thing? Have you seen a manufacturing line or assembly line? 3. "The Concept Of Paramatma" and the "Triumvirate" in Hinduism have no connection at all. "Paramatma" is a concept of Vedantic school of Hindu thought. There is no word "trinity" or "triumvirate" used in any Hindu text. If You mean "Brahma", "Vishnu" and "Shiva" they are just three different deities of Hindu pantheon in polytheistic Hinduism. Vedantic Hinduism accepts these words to mean the same "Brahman" (Paramatma). "Formal Logic" has not worked even in General Relativity and Quantum Physics-Both prove the process to be defective, It is never going to work in highly speculative and controversial matters of faith like "GOD". 2 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @davuloori bheemeswar: Peter Shultz is talking Kumaras in the context of Theosophy. You may have to find out what the theosophic belief is before commenting. 2 days ago Like Follow David David Wittenberg As always, Mohan, thanks for your learned and erudite comments. They add much to this thread. Even when talking about God, it is useful to apply concepts of formal logic. If we pursue logical inquiry far enough, we always get down to the levels of semantics, epistemology and presuppositions. I agree with you 100% that we must be clear about our presuppositions, and that at some levels, disagreements in suppositions cannot be resolved. All of us -- even empiricists -- have faith in something, even if it is the uncertainty principle! This is the second time you've suggested that Hinduism may propose a creation by multiple Gods. You gave the analogy of an assembly line. I do not claim expertise in Hindu philosophy, but all my Hindu sources have told me that they believe the universe did have a single originator whom they call Brahman. If there's another school of Hinduism that teaches something different, I'd love to know about that. The Greeks, also, in addition to their Pantheon, spoke of other primordial beings and a single originator of the universe, whose name escapes me at the moment. When I mentioned the Hindu Triumvirate, I was using a common descriptor and not attributing that descriptor to any Hindu text. Again, I am citing what I have heard from third parties, so pardon any error

on my part. I was given to understand that Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma in their various incarnations are not credited with originating the universe, although they do take part in the ongoing cycle of destruction and recreation. If I am misinformed, please let me know the actual belief regarding these three Gods. It is not my intention to analyze all the branches of Hindu thought. That would take a lifetime. I do seek to understand the type of logic used by Hindus to satisfy themselves about the trustworthiness and truthfulness of their statements about the physical and spiritual worlds, especially the concepts of maya, reincarnation, and the universal consciousness, which all present logical challenges for me. 2 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R THe "Paramatma" an alternate word used from a later point of time is the same as "Brahman". "Brahman" is a concept of the Vedanta school of Hindu thought. Quite a majority of the educated Hindus say that believe in this school. Vedic traditions started long before Vedanta culminated into a formal stream of thought. As in many early societies polytheism, animism etc seem to have been much more popular in the early period. In fact the early Vedic deities are numerous like Indra, Varuna, Agni, Rudra, Vayu etc, lording over different functions of the nature. The concept of impersonal and nameless God like entity Brahman was also there side by side. Vedanta accommodates the pantheon as different names for the same Brahman. Even today the polytheistic and ritualistic Hindu polytheism is more popular in rural areas. The educated people who claim to be Vedantists do follow many of the early polytheistic and ritualistic practices. They worship in the temples of many deities following the rtiuals unique to each such temple. Some of them, particularly in the East and South India even offer animal sacrifices while claiming to be Vedantists. They do ritualistic tonsures and other ritualistic renunciations. Even in Hellenistic beliefs only very few have some concept of "primordial" beings. Even they amount to more than one. There is no Hellenistic concept of a single "Originator". The strength of Hinduism is its tolerance and accommodation of difference perspectives. 2 days ago Like 1 Follow Peter Peter Stutz @ davuloori bheemeswar and for the world there are 12 Kumaras in charge ! 1 Kumara is always present at one time ! Thanks @ Mohanankrishnan for the note! You are really enjoying this...I thank you for the profound explanation so far !! Almost desrespectful: Go and tell Peter Shultz that the Sanat Kumaras are second fiddle deities and ask his opinion! Cosmos is not blinded by any religious background and so is not Brahman either !!

2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .KUMARAM .... the subject matter of Order in scheme of things, which is evolving continuously !! .2 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz This is not Theosophic. @ Mohan : Seems to me you are fishing in funny waters. This is from Brahmas mind so please show respect to it ! Born from Brahma's mind, the four sons are described as great sages who undertook lifelong vows of celibacy (brahmacharya) against the wishes of their father.The Bhagavata Purana lists the Kumaras among the twelve Mahajanas (great devotees or bhaktas)[2] who although being eternally liberated souls from birth, still became attracted to the devotional service of Vishnu from their already enlightened state. Despite being very senior in age the Four Kumaras are said to wander the universe in the forms of small children [3]. They play a significant role in a number Hindu spiritual traditions, especially those associated with the worship of Krishna and Vishnu. Kumaras : 4 of are devoted to India this text is probably the easiest of all to understand and except. the world of Kumaras are ruled by12 members listed in india only as Mahajanas in the rest of the world known as Kumaras : and for the world there are 12 Kumaras in charge ! 1 Kumara is always present at one 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ........doine^...........doine^...........doine^...........doine^............doine^..........doine^ ..................Narada was / is a Kumara or Not ??? .2 days ago

Follow Peter Peter Stutz @ Kathik just ........doine^....... its your karma by all means ! The context of Brahmas text and his thoughtful mind to all of us ! what surprises me is the disrespect towards Indias (and the worlds)highest God from you two Intellectuals, but cannot come up with the Heart, Love, and comfort, as it comes from a non Indian to you !!! God bless 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .There is an interesting anecdote from Hindu Mythology, Brahma forgetting ( apparently in that moment ) the meaning of " Om " , and subsequently Kumaran taking over the production machine of ' beings ' and churning out all identical subjects - objects . Wonder struck celestials had no job , especially their duties towards reinforcing ' Karma ' . Nobody wanted that and as the story goes , later normality .( ie ) all kind differences between beings generated at random is reestablished and chaos became the order of the day and still it is going on. Does it not convey the message " Kumaras " are redundant ?... :) .2 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Peter: I know you are a Theosophist and I never belittle not only your but also any others faith. If my words sounded like that I am sorry. When David was talking of Gods and Lieutenant Gods, I was just telling him that apart from the unitary Vedantic belief Hindu religion entertains a whole pantheon of Gods in which many believe, though Vedanta considers them as many names of the same Brahman. Some believe in God X and some in Y out of multitudes named in the scriptures as the supreme truth. TO his remark " systems where multiple Gods are proposed, there is a hierarchy. One supreme God creates, other gods are subsidiary to the supreme one....." I was just saying that this is not correct as per the Vedas. It was only in this context I was remarking that he may ask you whether Sanat Kumaras are Second fiddle gods. David: Hope Peter has responded to your recent post four hours ago.

2 days ago Like Follow David David Wittenberg Mohan, do you happen to know, and could you share with us, how Hindu scholars explain that each of the 33 crores of gods might be considered the same as Brahman as opposed to merely a part of Brahman? You're the first person I've met who has reported this view. Mind you, I'm not doubting what you say. And, I understand that in the monist view, all is one, so there are no meaningful distinctions between individuals and the whole. Moreover, I did not use the word subsidiary to demean or denigrate. Rather, it distinguishes between function (creator/created), power (absolute/limited) and scope of activity (universal/particular). I suppose my exposure has been limited to the view wherein there is a clear sequence of events beginning with Brahman alone. He/it then says, "I am one. let me be many," and the other gods and the rest of creation come on the scene. I'm further given to understand that Ganesha was born to Kali. If so, then he would be considered subsidiary to his parents, no? He would also come later in time and so, could not be considered the creator of the universe. Am I wrong about this? 2 days ago Like Follow Narendra Narendra Nath Peter comments mentions some disrespect shown towards India's highest God. Brahman is the only God. The trinity represents the division of three main duties, viz. Creation, Maintenance & Destruction. These are the three aspects of birth, life and death. The ever living is Brahman, never born and so ever present, omniscient and all pervading. The other name appropriate seems to lie in Cosmic Consciousness. Individual and collective consciousness belongs respectively to individuals and a collection of individuals working in coherence/team/community! The trinity is Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh, also called Shiva and many other names too, being the major one as He control practically the other two functions too! All the rest of the Devas, also designated as Gods, all represent some particular functional aspects of life, like Sun, Moon, major planets and two images of earth called Rahu and Ketu. These latter ones are mainly used in Astrological predictions. Authenticity about such descriptions can be found in Upanishads and later on Rishi Patanjali described these aspects in Yoga Sashtra over 2000 years back. Karma is an aspect associated with actions committed by an individual soul in various births ( different bodies). Thus karma's accumulate if their consequences are not exhausted ( cause and effect) in succession of lives undertaken by soul. Thus, soul defines one's true-self. It is also called Atman and then God is called Paramatman ( another designated name for God ). Thus, the objective of each soul/atma gets completed only when it is able to realise its merging with Paramatma. 2 days ago Like 1

davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Joy is there when we work for others to be happy, whether they recognize us as humans or not, as the source of the life is same for everybody, if others are ignorant not us, who realized their own self. But one has to maintain ethics and moral high and keep trust and faith in one self and proceed for further travel in ones life to make it meaningful, purposeful and effective. 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Om "The syllable om is first described as all-encompassing mystical entity in the Upanishads. Today, in all Hindu art and all over India and Nepal, 'om' can be seen virtually everywhere, a common sign for Hinduism and its philosophy and theology. Hindus believe that as creation began, the divine, allencompassing consciousness took the form of the first and original vibration manifesting as sound "OM". [3] Before creation began it was "Shunyksha", the emptiness or the void. Shunyksha, meaning literally "no sky", is more than nothingness, because everything then existed in a latent state of potentiality. The vibration of "OM" symbolizes the manifestation of God in form ("sguna brahman"). "OM" is the reflection of the absolute reality, it is said to be "Adi Anadi", without beginning or the end and embracing all that exists.[3] The mantra "OM" is the name of God, the vibration of the Supreme. When taken letter by letter, A-U-M represents the divine energy (Shakti) united in its three elementary aspects: Bhrahma Shakti (creation), Vishnu Shakti (preservation) and Shiva Shakti (liberation, and/or destruction).[3]" Courtesy ; Wiki .2 days ago davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar The term Brahman is used for the knowledge who has the creativity. As most of the Indian scriptures or stories are literature do explain this. The creativity of life as well as how the mater has been generated etc. If we observe the minarets that mosques do use are having about five in numbers, the Brahman also has five heads. a person shall be happy what ever be the creativity he or she does. for the life there are five major power centers in the body if any one of them or in combination of two or three or four or all together gives rise to another life, the knowledge about how to get that life and the materials that can be used is called as Brahma gnanam or wisdom of Brahman. These powers can be invoked either by women or by men. Generally it is where the women do concentrate while during that sacred act, those characters do come to children and by the way of growing some add up or gets

subtracted depending upon their level of culture and education or influence from others. but everybody has the right to correct it by adding positives and make their own life and others in peace, harmony and serenity. or take up negatives and go towards in-humanistic side. Those who are coward or timid or arrogant or egoistic or satanic in mentality never accept their mistakes or blunders always goes after materialistic side and hence become head ache to all and makes the life miserable for everybody and even the life goes to the extent of extinction due to their irresponsible nature. But those who accept and change their course and forget and forgive others goes towards the spiritual side, that is those who take only positives and look for better future for themselves and others, become divine and change the entire life on this earth and becomes the trend setters. 2 days ago Like Follow Robert Robert Forrey, B.A., M.A. To enjoy yourself, live fully and bless others. 2 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar the word OM improves ones resistance and immunity. 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Om __________________________________________________________________ .* Black *. " Those who are coward or timid or arrogant or egoistic or satanic in mentality never accept their mistakes or blunders always goes after materialistic side and hence become head ache to all and makes the life miserable for everybody and even the life goes to the extent of extinction due to their irresponsible nature." .*White *. " But those who accept and change their course and forget and forgive others goes towards the spiritual side, that is those who take only positives and look for better future for themselves and others, become divine and change the entire life on this earth and becomes the trend setters " _______________________________________________________________________

"" Wonder struck celestials had no job , especially their duties towards reinforcing ' Karma ' . Nobody wanted that and as the story goes , later normality .( ie ) all kind differences between beings generated at random is reestablished and chaos became the order of the day and still it is going on. "" ......Random machine generates Spectrum of Beings ( very colorful , not B / W )....... . . and that is " Om " . .2 days ago Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena @Peter Stutz, The knowledge you possess on Hinduism is truly amazing. I had never heard of Kumaras before. Hats off to you!. What is your views on I ching, kabalah, zoroastrianism, buddhism, shinto, confucianism, jainism and taoism. What about Urantia? Do you know the significance of the number 5,342,482, 337,666? 2 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R David: Correction please---The Vedas talk of 33 Crores of "Devas" and not Gods. Deva means "angel" as per strict translation. In polytheistic Hinduism the GODS are different from Devas. Gods may be Devas, exalted humans and even animals or inanimate objects. Different groups of people worshiped one or more of these many gods and sometimes considered one of their choice as the main God and the rest as secondary gods. Each such deity has its own modes of worship which differs from place to place. The "trinity" are just three of the pantheon about whom there are different beliefs in different parts of India. Generally the worshipers of Brahma are not many. Quite a large number of people consider one of the remaining two as the "Chief God" and the rest as secondary Gods. As Peter says, the Sanat Kumaras, the four sons of Brahama are elevated to the level of "chief gods" in theosophy. The fact that one deity is considered as the offspring of another deity does not relegate them to secondary status. There are people who worship Vinayaka (Ganesha) or Karthikeya (Subrahmanya) as the "Chief Gods" even though they may describe the two as the offspring of Shiva. For people who worship Shiva as the chief deity these two are just divine offspring. The mythology of the "Trinity" forms part of this polytheistic school. The Brahma and Narayana in Polytheistic schools are conceptually different from the like names used in Vedantic philosophy. Vedantic Hinduism gained popularity and larger following during the later periods of evolution of Hinduism though the roots are there in the Vedas. Upanishads or notes on the Vedas elevated Vedantic beliefs to the status of almost the single school of faith of millions of people.

Vedantic beliefs reduce GOD to an impersonal belief. It uses the term Brahman for the aggregate of the Cit (life), Acit (matter) and Ishwara (Energy or divine). Vedantic schools believe that by whatever name you call the Brahman, it denotes the single Brahman. This Brahman is not the same as the Brahma of polytheistic Hinduism. Even within different schools of faith classified as Vedantic, the nature of Brahman may differ between different schools of faith. In practice many people who claim to be Vedantists do engage in many non Vedantic practices like elaborate rituals, sacrifices etc. The polytheistic beliefs and Vedantic beliefs overlap constantly, despite the fact that Vedanta has condemned such practices to start with. If you want to read more about polytheistic Hindu beliefs try to get hold of Shankaras treatise on "Shanmatas" or six major beliefs of idol worship. He talks of Saivas, Sakthas, Vaihnavas, Kaumara etc. 2 days ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Om The population problem is not only pertaining to the Earth ......> ......> applies to Gods, Celestials, ......aliens, who ever may be there in the Universe But ... but how do we mortals under ' Alien / Gods ' control know this ???.. ..' Om' santhi ...santhi .... santhi Om .2 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz by using Om as the attracting one and not by sending Aum Om Santhi arrive Om santhi let me be part of it !! 2 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz @ Sanjay Saxena as soon as saw the numbers this is what I could fell very deep !

are you working with this ? please tell me more as I can feel every Rock coming alive in my hands Metamorphic rock is the transformation of an existing rock type, the protolith, in a process called metamorphism, which means "change in form". 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .' Om' ..' Om' santhi ...santhi .... santhi ............. Om santhi ...santhi .... santhi Om ..' Om' santhi ...santhi .... santhi Om ....Om ....Om ....... ' Om' .2 days ago Follow Dr. Usha Dr. Usha Krishna Peter has been meditating since the age of 12, no wonder his knowledge and level of understanding is very high as compared to most Hindus. After reading his comments, it leads me to believe that Hindu (non-believers in God) might change their minds. The point I want to make is that knowledge (Gyana) and devotion (Bhakti) are equally important. For example, a child's disposition before the Almighty is more powerful than a knowledgeable person. So, what is the difference between the two = innocence. The Act of removing the (knowledge head) of Lord Ganesha and putting an elephant Head meant that we do not hanker after knowledge alone, but be submersed in devotion (Bhakti). In any case, the body is going to be dead eventually, why not put its use to soak it with the love for our own self, our family, community, society, country, and above all Mother Earth (environment). This aspect of worshiping trees, animal kingdom, solar system, universe and ................ father, mother, sisters and brothers....... by wishing with the word "Namaskar" meaning "I bow to Thee - your soul" should come naturally to all of us. That is the bhakti part of our being. Hence the knowledge head "the ego" is gone and a person without "ego" manifests the wisdom of Ganesha. Ganesha is not the idol but manifestation of certain qualities like egoless wisdom, innocense,

etc.etc........and one who achieves these becomes Ganesha. Likewise, the Gods and Goddesses, and Kumaras and .......... have certain qualities, understanding of those qualities and imbibing those is more important. 2 days ago Unlike 3 Follow Peter Peter Stutz Erased becasue of typo... so sorry ... so here one more time your Eyes receive your Nose receives your Ears receive all senses recieve Love the most ! So why do we want to send the most pressures vibration to Him ?(OM ) God is the one who send's, OM as it is the deepest sound in our cosmos for ever. If we can recieve ! we become for what we need to be, as this is his greatest wish for us ! Om shanti arrive to all and bless all there is as I can see now the perfection within ! God bless the unconditional light in us, for that that we can receive the true meaning of Life and yourself. 1 day ago Like ManojUnfollow Manoj Narayan Dr. Usha Krishna, your explanation about Ganesha and the Egoless wisdom is enriching and really gives the Philosophical/Spiritual take on the Mythology . Let us all throw out EGO and the Color of Life would become Violet, the highest form in the Light frequency.Let there be VIOLET encompassing all Life on this Earth 1 day ago Like Follow Dr.Ashis Kumar Dr.Ashis Kumar Dash,ITS Purpose of life is to know thyself.Universe exists for deontologically.we can know outer only by putting our reason which is nothing but the part of unlimited universe 1 day ago Like 1

Follow Ramesh Ramesh Kumar I may try to explain with a crude example It is like the purpose of agriculture is known to the farmer.But the result is food grains which is part of the plant.(Hidden in the Plant ) But plant may not be able to answer this 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Plant may know by reaching at that level, .....seed ! ..... " Before this talking is like a student asking what is the vision of a professor."......... .1 day ago Follow Ramesh Ramesh Kumar Crudely speaking Yes : 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Refined Statement : .......Purpose of the Plant is not to ask the Farmer what is he going to do with IT ....... :) .1 day ago davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Ha dear ones, now we are after the plants for their seeds. It is their nature to grow more, out of so many few may grow again if the conditions are good. We humans and other animals use them as our food. only humans using their brains do some and without understanding their own

purpose of life go on and on doing all in excess and later repent if understand in time. What I meant to say all other things in the world including universal elements and other form of life follow trends as per their characteristics only humans because of their brains live with out any purpose. self created racism, regionalism, etc. if god exists he must be very crazy to generate a human with brains. 1 day ago Like Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla Interpreting mythological incidences is like a sword with two edges and both are equally sharp. One edge can certainly help to condition naive and brood. However, cursing not only Chandra (the moon God) for laughing at him, but also all who see Chandra on Bhadrapada Shukla Chavithi for no fault of them doesn't explain Ganesha's ego-less wisdom very well. I am sure there will certainly be a spiritual interpretation, but is hard to believe. In my view, ego is more felt than seen, so I would rather say to control the 'reactive ego' than one is shown by others as it adds the fuel to the fire. Dear Mohan - Like most of the members, I come here to learn but I stopped coming here lately because most of the responses including mine were like the recent advertisement of where children disguise as grown-ups. A large number of responses are Utopian without reasoning or the practical understanding of reality. Gems were certainly there, but are hard to find, at least for me. But Sir - I have to say that I learnt enormously from your posts (not only here, but in other threads as well) though they may appear as debate to some. What you displayed is a rare combination of wisdom and intelligence and I personally thank you for enriching my knowledge. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ." if god exists he must be very crazy to generate a human with brains. " ..............................................Gods must be Crazy ...................................... movie worth watching !! .1 day ago Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar David,I find your posts very studied and reflecting deep knowledge,though I have some diferences of opinion.Also ,you need to realise that just because some one takes a different positon

he need not be wrong. In fact your takes on Trinity are very true,and Trimurthis are important as primary god heads in Induism ,and do differ from the pantheon of gods,n that they are the fundamntal operators in basic nature ,in Brahma.They are however powered by the enegy field of Param Atman induced in Brahma by Para Brahma,and which gets emebedded or reflected in Jiva Atman in nature as it evolves from Brahamn through the flux of basic nature and the action of Trimurtis. The 3 quality fields of nature are so derived from this and the elements are described as vector principles of this quality field controlled by the Trimurthis,as the basic operators ,and life force or Atman,as the governing principle. Trimurthis are hence shown worshipping this Purusha. It is definitely a very logical description,and a reflection of Nyaya Vaisesika philosophies in spirituality and religion as epitomised by Smkhya and allied schools in Induism and Indian philosophy. I have gone at some lenth and depth into these ,and I find a promise of science in spirituality and religion through such logical structures. But spirituality and religion goes beyond formal logic in terms of experience and empirical evidence,as linked to eastern meditation. But these have subsequently degraded to ritualistic religion and personification,as part of expalanations by so called pundits,who never experienced reality,but only read and guessed 1 day ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Prof.Suresh: Are you saying anything different from the Veantic view that the "Trimurthies" are also the same as Brahman? Leaving alone your interpretation of them through the lens of science, can you tell me in which part of the Vedantic philosophy they are assigned the roles commonly perceived. The roles are through pre Vedantic polytheistic texts as elaborated by the Puranas. Sometimes what you wish is not the same as what is actually found in text. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Om+ KUMARAM .... the subject matter of Order in scheme of things, which is evolving continuously !! It is interesting to recall another legend associated to the story ' Brahma < = > Creator ' was under arrest and ' Shiva ' coming for his release to continue the existence of beings and other things ( Original form ) in the Earth / Universe . Son asks the Dad, " then you tell me the meaning for Om "

Silence . Silence........ The answer was " I too do not know , please teach me " After the Dad is ready for learning with right postures and " ' Faith ' in learning " the answer flows as ' Silent Sruthis ' in to his ears from the Son . . ** The message from the Legend is Clear ** Om-.1 day ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Fish from Folktales.........> ..................... Meme Haylay Haylay and His Turquoise ........................... At a cursory glance, the Bhutanese folktale Meme Haylay Haylay and His Turquoise1 might be sidelined as a simple wisdom (or idiotic) tale unworthy of in-depth investigation and analysis. A closer look, however, reveals how much the tale reflects the very psyche of Bhutan. It is only as the story is considered in light of its symbolic meaning that Campbells heros journey framework becomes evident and allows for a fuller understanding and appreciation of the tale. In brief, the story is about a poor old man who goes to his fields and uncovers a valuable turquoise stone. On the way home, he trades the stone for a horse, the horse for an ox, the ox for a sheep, the sheep for a goat, the goat for a rooster, and the rooster for a song. He continued home feeling the happiest, richest and most successful businessman in the world........> Figure 1: Primary Symbolic Meanings in the Story Old Man: happiness in a family Lameness: ineffectiveness Field: sphere of action or opportunity Turquoise: wealth Road: happiness Horse: success, wealth Ox: abundance, quiet happiness Sheep: good omen Goat: fertility, agility Rooster (Cock): success Song: joy, happiness

Source: Dictionary of Mythology, Folklore and Symbols by G. Jobes

( Story can be seen in the attachment ) here is the end ! .........>.......After learning the song, Meme Haylay Haylay gave away his rooster and went home singing the song, feeling the happiest, richest and most successful businessman in the world............>........ .1 day ago KesavaUnfollow Kesava Somayajula Don't know about the purpose but one thing is common among human beings is living a happy life. Nobody in the world says that "I am working really hard to be sad and be in troubles" . We have a natural inclination towards happiness. This doesn't change from childhood to old age. It is just that some see happiness outside in objects and some see inside and be equally happy without objects. Somewhere I heard that the stress levels experienced by a beggar who has greed for Rs 10 more is equal to the stress experienced by a millionaire who has greed for few hundred thousands more. For now, until we find the purpose (scientifically established or logically deducted or directly told by GOD if he exists and appears) maybe the purpose is to live happy. 1 day ago Like 1 KesavaUnfollow Kesava Somayajula Read deducted as deduced in my previous message. Sorry :) 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .-

Happiness Fish......> What is "Gross National Happiness" explained in 3 min .( any coincidence to Kumaram -. ** The message from the Legend is Clear ** is not intentional ) .1 day ago Follow Jeemon Jeemon Thomas Will the real God stand up ? other than the phantoms and mandrakes who are in centuries old comics and myths? 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ..-.............God is a ' thing' , one powerful concept defined by something and nothing at the same time & space . .1 day ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Jeemon Thomas: Tell me who is the "real God" and who are the "phantoms and mandrakes who are in centuries old comics and myths". Then I will answer your question! 1 day ago Like 1 Follow Peter Peter Stutz Serapis Bey - Chohan of the Fourth Ray - Serapis Bey, an ascended master associated with Luxor in Egypt, who holds open the Temple doors on the etheric level, and is one of the great teachers of ascension on the planet. Serapis Bey originally came from Venus and is the Keeper of the White flame.

He works with Archangel Chamuel on the ray of compassion and is the only Ascended Master who works with the Seraphim. He has an ascension seat Luxor. In past incarnations he was a priest in Atlantis and was the Pharaoh Akhenaton !V and also Amenophis. He is the master of the third ray, the yellow ray of active, creative intelligence, helping to bring perfection, focus and independence to artists, musicians, peacemakers, philosophers and metaphysicians. He works to balance and activate artistic beauty in all areas of life. He helps 1 day ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Very nice thought Kesava and Karthik very nice story. Agree that we all want to be happy and for most of us being happy is the ultimate objective but sadly no one seems to be happy. Is it because we do everything else other than that which gives us happiness? 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Pharaoh ...........Cosmic beings have agents here ?? ... must be, that is why they curse the Intruders :) .1 day ago Follow Sanjeev Sanjeev Jha I see only purpose of life - Enjoy and make sure other enjoy the life. No one can change past, no control on Future. Why discussion? 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Music Fish.......> Native American Music/ Ly-o-lay-ale-loya

Ly-o-lay-ale-lo-ya .1 day ago Follow Dr. Dr. krishna cys Madam!! hello!! if you can please visit the answer for ur questions are First, we are not here on the earth, for lamenting.....whatever be the situation or whatever be the achievement or non-achievement. we are here, forever, to rejoice and celebrate!!! Rejoicing is the natural result when we understand that every so called 'failure' is nothing but a stepping stone for subsequent success!! Every regret is a fresh blunder! We may commit mistakes are natural...but we should not indulge in prolonged regrets. Secondly, every moment should be utilized creatively and productively!!! 'AWARENESS....the third stage" only enlightened people are perfectly aware in any given moment and in any given situation!! Awareness means to come back to the 'here' and 'now'....from the 'there' and 'then'!! In the acquisition of awareness, intense companionship with the MASTERs becomes crucial. A Master is a paragon of awareness!! 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Ly-o-lay-ale-lo-ya ..........somebody is listening .... ......Pharaoh reincarnates as Maitreya-Buddha in a modern Pyramid !! (( In another perspective , .... that is how transition towards transformations happen. when few symbols are repeatedly flashed as in branding in marketing ............> .1.,.2. : new example India is in the midst of a unique identity revolution. After years of consuming imported products, the youth here is rising to define their own needs and wants. They still want the western appeal but desire the Indian look. This concept is Indianization )) ____________________________________________________________________ .1.) The Great Pyramid of Giza is arguably the most enduring symbol of Ancient Egypt. It is probably the most famous ancient structure in the world and the only one of the "seven wonders" which is still standing. It is also an architectural marvel. Although it was not the first true pyramid, in terms of its size (it was the tallest structure on Earth until the nineteenth century AD), technical development and

accuracy of measurement it is the most spectacular. Today, with modern building techniques and equipment we would be hard pressed to build such an enduring and enigmatic monument. .2.) Nature is Energy. The more time one spends in nature, the more energy one draws. Encircled by hills and forests, The Vishwalayam campus is ideally located for venturing into nature on short and long treks. The varying contours of Vishwalayam campus itself makes, a trip around the campus, a great experience.Plantation and natural greenary development is a routine activity taken up in the Valley with active participation from visitors ____________________________________________________________________ India is in the midst of a unique identity revolution. After years of consuming imported products, the youth here is rising to define their own needs and wants. They still want the western appeal but desire the Indian look. This concept is Indianization ........this is a query ??? .1 day ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @Dr. krishna cys : Kudos for the positive and vibrant post! I am seeing them rarely in this discussion! @Karthikeyan: I think a new wave of Indian "Identity Evolution" is yet to start. The modern day Indian "intellectual" is a disoriented rambling pessimist who prefers to talk more and do less! 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Mohanakrishan I could sense it but see it bit late :) ......Pharaoh reincarnates as Maitreya-Buddha in a modern Pyramid !! ........this is a query ???

( addon , ) .23 hours ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan ,Green & Sustainability Fish......> Tech conversion: India's richest shrine goes green "" the executive officer of the temple trust. "While we currently use a mix of conventional and non-conventional energy sources, our aim is make the place more reliant on sustainable sources of energy," he says "Most of our devotees are progressive. In a religious place like Tirumala, we can set the example by going green. Probably the impact will be much more than normal government advertisements or publicity." ........ To fuel India's growth, there is an increasing demand for alternative sources. Whilst the temple might be one small step, the hope is that this could be a model that is replicated across the country."" .23 hours ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz and did they know...! Love love love all you need is love ! Lanto Chohan Master of the Second Ray Lanto was an ancient Chinese master who lived about 400 B.C. He is said to have accomplished more than any other master of earth. He developed the light in his heart to such a degree that it shone like a golden sun through his flesh. I love you all you sweet ones ! 22 hours ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Confucius ?! .22 hours ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz Karthik Man are you good or God ? confucius is next up great harmonie and knowdledge all of a sudden ?! thanks 21 hours ago Like Follow shailendra shailendra kumar just remember you are on a short visit. be a good guest . follow the etiquette of a good guest .(respect the host: the earth, commune with fellow guests :all living beings, enjoy the generous hospitality:air water,sunlight,natural beauty etc., take minimum essential :earths resources, hurt none; make peace not war, be warm; live happy ; talk nicely to all: socialize, get a gift : your talents, and so on and lastly do not delay departure ). live and leave happily. 21 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Confucius, an exemplar of human excellence, serves as the ultimate model, rather than a deity or a universally true set of abstract principles. For these reasons, according to many Eastern and Western commentators, Confucius' teaching may be considered a Chinese example of humanism. Zi gong (a disciple of Confucius) asked: "Is there any one word that could guide a person throughout life?" The Master replied: "How about 'shu' [reciprocity]: never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself?" .............looks similar to Gandhi's famous quote ,

Be the first man to change , the change you want to see in this world .21 hours ago Follow shailendra shailendra kumar why worry whether someone knows of our existence or not ? if communication occurs then existence matters . i just look around and find that so many do not exist for so many right on this planet earth itself. it's the limitation of human brain that it is not yet evolved enough to assimilate the concept of existence of universe probably because it does not affect his existence. or may be it does , but he doesn't know. 21 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Some comments ( back in the thread ) on Objectivism may be of interest . "" The heroes of Objectivism are achievers who build businesses, invent technologies, and create art and ideas, depending on their own talents and on trade with other independent people to reach their goals. "" .20 hours ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz Great Master Confucius Born in 551 B.C., he had to support his mother after his fathers early death. He was educated in music, history, poetry and sports, and was a gentleman as well as a scholar. After his mothers death, and at the end of his morning period, he became a teacher of the 6 disciplines - poetry, music, history, government, etiquette and divination. Eventually he became the Chief Justice in his State, as was known as K'ung Fu-Tse in China. He later received a prestigious post that allowed him to spend the rest of his life compiling his writings, which are now called Confucian Classics. Confucianism arose from his teachings, the essence of them being to strive for perfect virtue in every thought, word and deed. 20 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .-

Was an early incarnation of ........................:) _______________ Syncretism (English pronunciation: /skrtzm/) is the combining of different (often contradictory) beliefs, often while melding practices of various schools of thought. Syncretism may involve the merger and analogising of several originally discrete traditions, especially in the theology and mythology of religion, thus asserting an underlying unity and allowing for an inclusive approach to other faiths. "" Yang and yin, the two great cosmological principles whose combination generates the ten thousand things of nature, may be associated, respectively, with the West and the East, the proactive and receptive cultural hemispheres. They may also be associated with two great teachers: Western Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and Eastern Confucius. Yang and yin are not opposites, but complements. They merge together, each becoming the other, in the revolving diagram of the tai chi or absolute (yinYang). So also Blavatsky and Confucius, like West and East, interact, each articulating the same Ancient Wisdom, though with different accents. Theosophists know a lot about Blavatsky, but less about Confucius, though he greatly merits our attention."" ______________ "" Confucius also claimed that he enjoyed a special and privileged relationship with Heaven and that, by the age of fifty, he had come to understand what Heaven had mandated for him and for mankind. (Lunyu 2.4). Confucius was also careful to instruct his followers that they should never neglect the offerings due Heaven. (Lunyu 3.13) Some scholars have seen a contradiction between Confucius' reverence for Heaven and what they believe to be his skepticism with regard to the existence of the spirits. But the Analects passages that reveal Confucius's attitudes toward spiritual forces (Lunyu 3.12, 6.20, and 11.11) do not suggest that he was skeptical. Rather they show that Confucius revered and respected the spirits, thought that they should be worshipped with utmost sincerity, and taught that serving the spirits was a far more difficult and complicated matter than serving mere mortals. "" .20 hours ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Hide & Seek _______________________________ 01 February 2012 03:23AM .................................................................................................................... Confucianism arose from his teachings, the essence of them being to strive for perfect virtue in every thought, word and deed. Was an early incarnation of Posted by Peter Stutz

Who cut the Tail :) .20 hours ago Follow arlene arlene delgado God made us in his image, adam and eve was prohibited from eating the forbidden fruit, he made us mold in his image and give the paradise, temptation comes that both eat the forbidden fruit ,he give everything but our ancestor is a sinner and heavenly god send his son to save is upto you if you follow the bad or the good one,no one cansave you from the burning fire except yourself. 19 hours ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Arlene, the question relevant for now is what's the forbidden fruit in the present context. Do we continue to eat them. Or isn't it not forbidden any more? What have we learnt from our ancestors? Its nice to feel that someone else did a mistake and that is why we are all suffering and it will be someone else who will save us. Won't it be better to see what mistakes we are doing and how we can hold ourselves responsible for them and how we can salvage ourselves? 17 hours ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R arlene delgado: Old Testament, Genesis 2:16-17 says "And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." We believe that the "knowledge of good and evil" is the birthright of every human being and not just a priestly privilege. I do not believe in such gods who send their sons as emissaries to remove the "knowledge of good and evil" from the people. So it is up to us to believe that whether we should desist from acquiring knowledge and remain as good boys in the eyes of the so called GOD and do what is good for the progress of the humanity as a whole and remain as "Satanic Forces". 15 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ..* Syncretism (English pronunciation: /skrtzm/) is the combining of different (often

contradictory) beliefs, often while melding practices of various schools of thought. Syncretism may involve the merger and analogising of several originally discrete traditions, especially in the theology and mythology of religion, thus asserting an underlying unity and allowing for an inclusive approach to other faiths..* At least this site is clear in it's interpretation of Gita, Good .. Evil .. Satan , can see in all four streams .15 hours ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R " is upto you if you follow the bad or the good one,no one cansave you from the burning fire except yourself.........." In clear words this means everyone other than a Christian is doomed to hell. When a particular group of people consistently preach such ideals the so called "Syncetism" is just meaningless babble. 13 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .My point is that .... " that is what all the Four Streams Interpretation of Gita Echoes " as indicated in the referred article and that is Syncretism . .....and of course one can decide what is source / destination as per their wish , no harm done !! .13 hours ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Gita never talks of "Sin" in the sense the word is used by others. It has no concept of Satan. Lucifer has been described as a "Rebel". In the sense of Gita there can be no "rebels" in the realm

of God. Gita dispenses with the concept of Good, evil etc. It preaches duty, Karma which transcend attributes like Good or Evil. Above all your reference does not even use the word syncetism. Everybody has his or her own set of dogma or faith. But nowhere in either the Vedas or Upanishads, there is even a single word to the effect What I say is correct and the others are fools, sinners or believers in "phantoms and mandrakes who are in centuries old comics and myths". Some of the later Puranas after Ramayana, Mahabharata and Bhagavata at times echo a few bigoted and fundamentalist ideas here and there. That is why most Indians do not even know the names of many such Puranas. What Gita says is the basic fabric of the culture of the of this ancient country. Anyone who is not happy with this culture can get out. 12 hours ago Like Follow Jeemon Jeemon Thomas God, who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands. Nor is He worshiped with mens hands, as though He needed anything, since He gives to all life, breath, and all things. And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and have our being" Acts 17:24-28 12 hours ago Like 1 Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Jeemon,very similar to ideas in Upanishads and Gita,and perhaps Induism[as a mind imagery purification and refinement process,in general] inspired such thoughts in many religions,and also could be that there is only one knowledge,as truth,to be shared,though expressed differently,in many metaphors and symbols. True insight and understanding is needed,and is evidently lacking in many renderings,including in Hinduism,Christianity etc 12 hours ago Like 1 Follow David David Wittenberg Mohan, you bring up the concept of duty. Two thoughts:

1) Where does duty come from? As with purpose, which must come from a purpose giver, if there is any duty, it comes from a duty demander. (The word duty comes by way of French from the Latin for obligation or debt.) Whom does the Gita propose as the assigner and demander of duty? 2) A devout Hindu friend once told me that rights are a Western concept, whereas duty is an Eastern concept. Later, it occurred to me that a believer in duty does not deny rights at all. Both Westerners and Easterners believe in rights. The difference is this: To the Westerner, most rights to an individual's time, efforts and resources belong to the individual. To the Easterner, the rights to an individual's time, efforts and resources belong to someone else who uses those rights to demand that the individual perform a duty. 12 hours ago Like 1 davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar It is everybody's duty to get educated and educate others to behave like humans and not like animals. it is everybody's responsibility to understand and maintain the ethics and morality in the society. there may exist some difference of opinion better understand and go ahead for maintaining the peace, harmony and serenity in this world. if not what is the sanctity that one is human. 12 hours ago Like 2 Follow Narendra Narendra Nath I fully agree with the comments of Mohanakrishnan, as he has quoted correctly from the Gita. It contains the practical essence of the Vedas and Upanishads in real life situation, as existed on the battle field of Mahabharata between the relatives! Karthy as usual is missing the point. Casual studies and promptness to comment without assimilating knowledge through 'vivek' based on inner conscience, results in comments for the sake of showmanship/name and fame associated. Our ancient scriptures are based on revelation received by the early saints based on 'Tapasya' . Nothing good can be achieved through short term attitudes/gains, as casual commentators show on today's websites. Ours is not a materialism based culture like that of the west. Technology status has not brought them peace of mind and smiles. The Indian poor has both these in sufficient measure, in spite of being unsure about daily and essential needs. There deep down lie our Samskaras and essence of the depth of our culture. 12 hours ago Like 1 Follow Peter Peter Stutz @ Karthik Karma cathes up some time fast, and some time it takes a bit longer. I wish yuo could at least see what you can bring to others by your anger. How did you became so Intellectualy negative, all by your self or is there more of such ? In all means you are chasing the wrong

ones as most of them have a heart, and now where it is. Learn to be fair to yourself and teach out of your soul and expierence. some of the brightes light in the entire Cosmos is in a dark hole ,so where do those the master of darkness fit in. are they here with in us ? 12 hours ago Like 1 Follow Peter Peter Stutz Confucius The Life of Confucius Of all eastern philosophers, Confucius, born in 550 B.C., is considered the greatest. His teachings are foundational to Asian cultures. His writings, The Five Classics, the collection of ancient Chinese literature, and The Four Books, a collection of Confucius' and his disciple's teachings, was for centuries the standard curriculum for Chinese education. Confucius' teachings and biography were written many years after his death and were edited by his disciples. Although historians present various accounts of his life, there are some basic facts that we are reasonably sure of, and from which we can outline the major events of his life. Confucius was born in the province of Lu, in northern China. He was born into a family of humble circumstance, and his father died at a young age. He began studying under the village tutor and at the age of fifteen he devoted his life to study. At twenty, he married but soon divorced his wife and had an aloof relationship with his son and daughter. In his twenties, he became a teacher and gathered a group of loyal disciples. Confucius lived during the Chou Dynasty (1100 B.C. to 256 B.C.). At this time, the land was divided among feudal lords. The moral and social order was in a state of decay. Confucius sought a way to restore the cultural-political order. He believed that reform would come through educating the leaders in the classics and in his philosophy. He therefore sought a political position of influence, from which he could implement his principles. Tradition teaches that the Duke of Lu appointed him to a cabinet position at the age of fifty. Several historians believe he eventually ascended to higher positions of public office. Due to political disagreements and internal conflicts, he resigned his post at fifty-five and left the province of Lu. He then traveled for thirteen years from state to state seeking to persuade political leaders to adopt his teachings. Although many lords respected him, no one gave him a position. Discouraged from the response, he devoted his final years to teaching and writing. Before his death in 479 B.C., he expressed his discouragement and disillusionment regarding his career. However, his disciples were able to gain significant positions in government after his death. They modified his teachings and added their own insights. Centuries later, Confucianism became the official religion of China, shaping Chinese culture. The values he espoused--education, family loyalty, work ethic, value of traditions, conformity to traditional standards, honoring of ancestors, and unquestioning obedience to superiors--remain entrenched in Asian culture.

There is much to appreciate regarding the life and teachings of Confucius. Christians would agree on several points with his philosophy of ethics, government, and social conduct. However, there are some major differences between Christianity and Confucian thought, which we will investigate in the following sections. 12 hours ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz The Metaphysics of Confucius Confucianism, as its founder taught, is not a religion in the traditional sense. It is an ethical code. Chinese culture was steeped in the religion of animism, a belief that gods and spirits dwell in natural formations. Along with an animistic worldview, there was a belief in ancestor worship. The spirits of the dead needed to be honored and cared for by the living family members. However, in his teachings, Confucius avoided spiritual issues. He can be categorized as an agnostic who believed in spirits and the supernatural but was not interested in them. He was humanistic and rationalistic in his outlook. "His position on matters of faith was this: whatever seemed contrary to common sense in popular tradition and whatever did not serve any discoverable social purpose, he regarded coldly."{1} The answer to the cultural and social problems was found in humanity itself, not in anything supernatural. A disciple of Confucius wrote, "The master never talked of prodigies, feats of strength, disorders or spirits." (Analects 7:20) Confucius himself stated, "To devote oneself earnestly to one's duty to humanity, and while respecting the spirits, to keep aloof from them, may be called wisdom." (Analects 6:20) "Our master's views concerning culture and the outward insignia of goodness, we are permitted to hear; but about man's nature and the ways of heaven, he will not tell us anything at all." (Analects 5:12) Confucius occasionally mentions the "Mandate of Heaven." He appears to interpret this to mean the natural law or moral order within things. Men must seek to live within this order. One must be careful not to violate the will of heaven. Confucius wrote, "He who put himself in the wrong with Heaven has no means of expiation left." (Analects 3:13) In the Confucian system, a divine being does not have a significant role; his philosophy is man-centered and relies on self-effort. Man is sufficient to attain the ideal character through education, self-effort, and self-reflection. The goal of life was to live a good moral life. After his death, Confucianism evolved, combining with Chinese traditional religions and Buddhism to add a spiritual component. In contrast, Christianity is God-centered. It is built on a relationship with a personal God who is involved in the world. Confucius focused on life here on this earth. Jesus focused on life in eternity. For Jesus what happens in eternity has ramifications for life here on earth. In Matthew 6:19 Jesus stated, "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasure in heaven where moth and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal." Here we see the basically different perspectives of Jesus and Confucius. The Ethics of Confucius

11 hours ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz The Ethics of Confucius Three key principles are emphasized in Confucius' teachings: the principles of Li, Jen and Chun-Tzu. The term Li has several meanings, often translated as propriety, reverence, courtesy, ritual or the ideal standard of conduct. It is what Confucius believed to be the ideal standard of religious, moral, and social conduct. The second key concept is the Principle of Jen. It is the fundamental virtue of Confucian teaching. Jen is the virtue of goodness and benevolence. It is expressed through recognition of value and concern for others, no matter their rank or class. In the Analects, Confucius summarizes the principle of Jen in this statement, often called The Silver Rule: "Do not do to others what you would not like them to do to you." (Analects 15:23) Li provides the structure for social interaction. Jen makes it a moral system. The third important concept is Chun-Tzu, the idea of the true gentleman. It is the man who lives according to the highest ethical standards. The gentleman displays five virtues: self-respect, generosity, sincerity, persistence, and benevolence. His relationships are described as the following: as a son, he is always loyal; as a father, he is just and kind; as an official, he is loyal and faithful; as a husband, he is righteous and just; and as a friend, he is faithful and tactful. If all men would live by the principles of Li and Jen and strive to the character of the true gentleman, justice and harmony would rule the empire. The Christian would find himself in agreement with many of Confucius' ethical principals and virtues. A Christian would also agree with many of the character qualities of the true gentleman and seek to develop those qualities. What accounts for the similarity in ethics in Confucianism and other religious systems is what Paul states in Romans 2. Within every man there exists a God-given conscience or natural law that guides our moral conduct. This is because we are created in the image of God, and so we reflect His character. However, similarity in ethical codes does not mean the religions are the same. The key difference can be illustrated this way. Confucian law is summarized by The Silver Rule. Jesus summarizes his teachings this way, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:38) Confucius believed that in order to truly achieve the principles of Li, Jen, and the character of the true gentleman, one must look within oneself. Jesus takes his teaching a step further. All His principles revolve around a relationship with God first. Only then can we truly love our fellow man. 11 hours ago Like

Follow Peter Peter Stutz Nature of Man The Confucian philosophy is built on the foundational belief that man is basically good. The Analects state, "The Master said, 'Is goodness indeed so far away? If we really wanted goodness, we should find that it was at our side.'" (Analects 7:29) Confucian disciple Mencius further develops this, stating, "Man's nature is naturally good just as water naturally flows downward." (Chan 52) This innate goodness could be developed and actualized through education, self-reflection, and discipline. Study in the six arts, which include ceremony, music, archery, charioteering, writing, and mathematics would develop one's character.

However, despite man's natural goodness, Confucius faced reality honestly. He questioned if it was possible to ever truly attain the level of the true gentleman. Confucius stated, "I for my part have never yet seen one who really cared for goodness, nor one who really abhorred wickedness." (Analects 4:6) He said of himself, "As to being a divine sage or even a good man, far be it from me to make any such claim" (Analects 7:33). "The Master said, 'The Ways of the true gentleman are three. I myself have met with success in none of them.'" (Analects 14:30) However, if man by nature is good, why can we not attain what should be natural to us? The Bible has built on a contrasting view of man. It teaches that man is created in the image of God, and that man was originally good. However, because of the fall in Genesis 3, man is now sinful and in rebellion against God. Therefore, his natural tendency is to disobey the commandments of God, and he is driven to please himself. Paul states in Romans 7:18, "I have the desire to do good, but I cannot carry it out." Of the two views, Confucius and the Bible, which one represents the true reality of human nature? Do we naturally think of pure and holy thoughts, or if left to wander, do our minds naturally lust in the flesh and crave material riches? Which comes naturally to us, the tendency to dwell on noble things or selfish things? What has personal experience and history shown? 11 hours ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz According to the Bible, good education is a positive step toward helping man change, but it stops short. Man is in need of a heart transformation. Life transformation occurs when a person enters into a personal relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ. One's nature is transformed because God's Spirit indwells an individual. Although the Christian is not capable of living out the principles of God's law flawlessly, he is not left to himself to live a holy life. God provides man with the indwelling of His Holy Spirit to enable man to live in obedience to His law. A Final Critique Most people of Asian descent may not be strict adherents to Confucianism, but they are all influenced by his philosophy. Anyone seeking to serve in Asian cultures would find it worthwhile to read his works. Confucianism preaches many good principles of ethics. It is very adaptable and fluid in its structure. That has been a weakness but also a strength of the system, since it allows itself to join other inclusive religious systems. However, there are some deficiencies in the system.

Confucius taught a very pragmatic and utilitarian system. However, people are not able to survive for an extended period in this kind of system. Soon they will need a metaphysics that supports the ethical system, that gives them ultimate meaning for their existence, and offers them hope when facing unjust suffering and evil. Confucianism falls short as a comprehensive life view, because it fails to address several key issues. First, the Confucian system leaves one spiritually void, because it does not answer the question of what is the nature of the religious ultimate? Man is a spiritual being. Augustine said that within every man there is a God-shaped vacuum that only God can fill. The longing for spiritual answers is not a western issue, but is essential to all men. Chinese culture has always shown a desire to fill this spiritual void. Chinese animism and ancestor worship has never been erased. Confucian thought eventually combined with Chinese animism. When Buddhism introduced the cosmology of reincarnation, it was eagerly adopted into the Confucian system. Second, the Confucian system does not answer the key question of "Why does the universe exist, and what explains its origin?" A related question is, "Where did I come from?" This leads to the following questions, "What is the meaning of mankind's existence in the universe?" and "What is the ultimate meaning of my existence?" Third, the Confucian system does not answer the question "What happens after death?" Death is a universal dilemma for all mankind, and this question must be answered. What happens after death has tremendous ramifications as to how we will live here on earth. Is there a reward or punishment after life on earth? What determines the state of a person after death? Without any explanations on this, Confucianism cannot offer any real hope to those who have experienced evil or unjust suffering. Finally, Confucianism is built on a faulty foundation that man is innately good. Experience, history, and the Bible make it clear: man by nature is sinful and naturally seeks to please himself. Christianity offers a comprehensive life view, for it explains the nature of God, our relationship to Him, the origin of creation, and what happens after death. Jesus offers us meaning in life and an eternal hope that death cannot overcome. that is with out cutting the tail of Confusion agreat excable of a Superior Being under us ! 11 hours ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R David: "Duty" is determined by Karma in Hindu faith. Karma is determined only by your own acts and not by any external agency like GOD.. "Duty" is to your chosen occupation, the people around you and above all whatever you do every moment. There is no "duty giver". Hence you can safely replace the word "duty" with what ever you do and when you do it. The only caveat is when you "do" something, just do it and do not bother about anything else. This is what Gita means when it says do your work and leave the results to GOD. When you plan to attain a particular goal, just plan and do not think about execution. When you execute do not revisit planning. Obviously if you have done your planning as Gita prescribes, you never need to revisit it when you execute it. This applies to every activity, be it

brushing your teeth or eating your breakfast. When you start thinking of doing something for "yourself" your deed will result in something you have not contemplated. Action without emotions or ego is the mantra of Gita. When you think of your own rights when you do you never achieve even a "selfish" goal you have thought of for your own benefit. As Hindus believe they are one with GOD, acting for GOD is acting for oneself. This is a very difficult idea to put into practice. But at least let us keep the ideal. 11 hours ago Like 1 Follow Peter Peter Stutz Karma is a world order ....just that we are clear ...trought out the entire world, Karma is present and used by all Poeple of all colors !! 11 hours ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Peter Hide & Seek _______________________________ 01 February 2012 03:23AM .................................................................................................................... Confucianism arose from his teachings, the essence of them being to strive for perfect virtue in every thought, word and deed. Was an early incarnation of Posted by Peter Stutz Who cut the Tail :) _______________________________________________________ Mohanakrishnan So, this stands True "" My point is that .... " that is what all the Four Streams Interpretation of Gita Echoes " as indicated in the referred article

and that is Syncretism . .....and of course one can decide what is source / destination as per their wish , no harm done !! "" .11 hours ago 1 Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Karthikeyan: I just said according to my opinion your point is wrong. The four streams of Good, Evil, Sin, Satan whatever it is do not figure in Gita. Gita does not have a "Satan". The interpretations of Good, evil, Sin etc are totally different in Gita 11 hours ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .As usual you have over looked what I meant by 4 streams , ( 4 Interpretations by different schools / streams ) of verses in Gita in which these concepts creeped in, ie : Good .. Evil .. Satan , ........... """ At least this site is clear in it's interpretation of Gita, Good .. Evil .. Satan , can see in all four streams""" .11 hours ago 1 Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Peter Stutz,thanks for that tiresomely long yet tidy piece on Confucius,and for the explanations and observations.May be you are true,but historically Chinese philosophy antedated Confucius,and had similar tenets in it,particularly on aspects related to vital energy aspects as it impinges on spirituality and its practices.In that sense it has parrallels with not just Induism but also Christianity and for that matter Judaism and Islam. The concept of original sin is reflective of ancient Indian metaphysics that prevailed since long,and overlaps that of the veil of maya as consisting in mental images as Karmic residues.

Gita clearly asserts that Karma has evolved from Brahma,and from it has arose intentionality and action in nature and world ,as yajna,and all of this is connected through the breath as the expression of vital energies. Phenomenologists have developed their thread of process philosophy deriving from such ancient concepts that underlies almost all religions. We differ just in terms of verbal expressions ,and symbolic language. Read in Bible that the fruit in the middle tree was eaten by Adam and eve,as prompted by satan,and there was original sin and descent from the happines of heaven. The three trees represent the 3 gunas of Indian metaphysics,and the worldly impulse oriented one is Rajas or the middle one[satva,rajas and tamas] The serpent is our own world focussed thoughts which undulate like a snake,and Satan is Kafir[Islam] ,and Kurus[Mahabharatha]-all symbolise the worldly images which cause illusion and ignorance. Prana and Apana when in union take us to blissful heavenly states,and these when cut asunder under the influence of worldly images in mind cause the descent to the world of Karmas,through original sin. Adam[Prana] and Eve[Apana] or Rama and Sita needs to be reunited. For that we need to refine the Karma through vital energy refocus and inner yajna,as part of a going back through ourselves,for a ressurrection or redemption. All of us carry this cross of Karma in our 3 guna bound existence,and that is how we derive our original sin and intentionality,as part of the phenomenology of the spirit,as impelled by the 3 gunas. There is no difference in the fundamntal ideas and ideals of religions and their spiritual philosophies and practices. We make it thru our petty knolwdge and passion for fights 10 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Narendra " The Indian poor has both these in sufficient measure, in spite of being unsure about daily and essential needs. There deep down lie our Samskaras and essence of the depth of our culture. " So " Indra " or may be some other Cosmic entity has cursed them..., remain in the veil of happiness but poor for ever :) .10 hours ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz What I have placed is a historically interesting subject. The teaching around the world are different to their People with different aspects. As the world becomes a Global Village we must learn to understand the deeper meaning of such in oder to become Global Partners.

Many of you have exactly that issue with your own believe. You can only function under your own laws and order. The Chinese Egyptians and many more are know ahead by all means because they are much more adaptable then the Indian cultures. Yet you all now Gita but cannot apply correctly the new world order. Karthik seems to me the best example here. 9 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Hide & Seek , Who cut the Tail :) ,........ few are left out ??? .9 hours ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz Lord let him recieve ' Om' ..' Om' santhi ...santhi .... santhi ............. Om santhi ...santhi .... santhi Om ..' Om' santhi ...santhi .... santhi Om ....Om ....Om ....... ' Om' 9 hours ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz they where copy paste your postings ? hope back to the discussion 8 hours ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Prof.Suresh Kumar: 1.Please tell me where does the Gita tells that ".......Karma has evolved from Brahma,....." Not only Gita, no Hindu scripture says so anywhere. Gita treats all deities other than Krishna as just names. As per Gita

"Krishna" is "Brahman". As per Hindu belief even GOD is not exempt from Karma. You see many instances in Puranas where Gods are born as humans to expiate some sin. As per later Puranas "Sin" is Karma which results in bad things. As per Vedanta "Good" or "Bad" is "relative"----"one mans food is another's poison!. 2.Vedas describe Yajna as ritualistic sacrifice. Nowhere in Vedas or Upanishads the words have been used to indicate any connection with Karma. Some early schools of Hindu thought believe that "Yajnas" can help one to transcend Karma. This is known as Karma Kandi belief, which all the three Vedantic beliefs condemn. 3.Can you cite even a single story in Vedas, Upanishads or in any of the multitudes of later Puranas which even remotely resembles the Christian story of "Original sin"? 4.The tri gunas Satva, Tamas and Rajo gunas are just "attributes" in Hindu metaphysics with no adjective "Good" or "Bad" attached to them. No Christian will ever accept that these Trigunas are the three trees in the old testament. Hindus do not care whatever you say as they are used to distortions of their faith. 5."he serpent is our own world focussed thoughts which undulate like a snake," where does the Bible say so? 6."Satan is Kafir[Islam] ,and Kurus[Mahabharatha]". This is the greatest joke I have heard so far. At least you should accept "Kafir" is an Arabic world. Any Arabic-English dictionary will tell you that the term simply means "Non-Muslim". The word does not even connote "Good" or "Bad". It is a different story that some modern day Muslim fundamentalists have twisted the term for derogatory use and the English language has retaliated in the same spirit. Where is the question of "Non-Muslims" is Mahabharata? There should be a limit to stretching text. In Arabic both Pandavas and Kauravas, why even Krishna is a Kafir. Satan's sin was "challenging" GOD as per the Bible. Did Kauravas challenge any GOD? In fact whether Kauravas or Pandavas they are depicted as offering regular prayers to different deities. 7. "Prana" in Vedantic metaphysics is the life force. "Cit" (Life) becomes "Acit" without Prana. At least if you say that it is like Tao "Chi" there is some ground to accept. As per Vedanta "Prana" is imparted into "Acit" (Matter) to make it "Cit" (Life) by "Ishwara" (The Controller or Divine). All Vedantic Philosophies say that "Brahman" comprises of the three elements "Cit", "Acit" and "Iswara". Advita says that Cit and Acit are just different words for the same Brahman. Vishishthadvita says that they are parts of the Brahman and the Brahman is no longer Brahman if any part is missing. The word "Apana" connotes wastes arising out of Cit or living matter. It has no metaphysical significance in Vedanta. As per Vedanta Apana is also Acit. Your statement "Adam is Prana and Eve is Apana"- I do not need to translate the statement. It will be uncomplimentary. I leave it to our Christian friends to respond. But I will definitely say that the statement "Rama is Prana and Sita is Apana" is preposterous to the limit and blasphemous.- The vulgar translation for Apana can even be "Shit"! Even biology does not say that you should reunite with your waste! Please do not twist or contort ancient wisdom in any manner you want. We are too small to impute our own shades of meanings to what was written by people far greater than us.

Unfortunately the Hindu intelligentsia vilify their own faith by such meaningless semantic exercises. 8 hours ago Unlike 1 Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Mohankrishnan,some people have a problem understanding and assimmilating views different from theirs,since they hold themselves autrhorities on topics where understanding varies even among learned people. If you understand Gita properly then you may also get what I mean,and that applies to Bible too,since a learned Vicar general once remarked to me after a long dialogue that he has rarely come across people who have rightly understood both Gita and Bible. So there is no argument,and you be content with your limited knowledge and views,which you may hold as the ultimate,and many may think as biased. So,too I will argue based on my knowledge which I consider as more deeper in insight and knowlege,and hence there is just not much room for a consensus,unless of course you try to decipher what the other say,without getting confounded with one`s own views ,biased or otherwise. That is problem in all such discussions,as I have always experienced,and some do really understand,and appreciate,and others tend to argue and counter,and both end up thinking the other is right or wrong,as the case maybe. So I dfo not see much point in trying to expalin it over and again,since by the very nature of dialogue from ,you are least likely to be convinced whatever the proof. So let us leave it there,that is wiser 8 hours ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz @ group please read There are two distinct ways of life - materialistic and spiritualistic. The former is mainly physical and followed extensively in the Western hemisphere and the latter is mainly mystic, prevalent in the Eastern hemisphere. Occidental materialism denies the independent existence of spirit and maintains that there is but one substance -MATTER. Oriental spiritualism, on the other hand, emphasizes that the spirit (or soul clothed with the sheaths of the mind) has a real, perhaps the only lasting existence apart from matter. The core of materialism is science, the quest of material TRUTH with the aid of a laboratory, while the core of spiritualism is Mysticism, the scientific art of realizing eternal TRUTH (Creator or Soul, call it what you may) and its message. These two ways of life, one harping only on the creation and the other the Creator, are incomplete and the pages of history have proved beyond doubt their inadequacy to solve the vital problems of life and usher in the millennium. The scientific West has mastered the forces of the physical plane but is yet not happy, groping in the dark for PEACE, material and mental. On the other hand the mystic East which has produced Buddhas, Christs, Ramakrishnas and Sages has badly neglected the material aspect of existence

to be subjugated and exploited by powerful material nations and denied their birthright of freedom which has prevented them for centuries from playing their rightful part in deciding the destiny of the globe. It is with pleasure we note the change for the better in world thought today. The impact of western materialism on eastern spiritualism is profound and deep. Oriental politics is waking up from its age long slumber and westerners have started sitting meekly at the feet of mystic Masters in quest of eternal peace and bliss. Very slowly but steadily the world is taking to SCIENTIFIC MYSTICISM which is another name for Kriya Yoga. 8 hours ago Unlike 2 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .TEAMWORK : Recharge your battery! .7 hours ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz Super video super message just to bad they only point out the US as problem Great Music as well 7 hours ago Like Follow Dr. Usha Dr. Usha Krishna 1. Man progresses in the domain of his wisdom from 'just a human being' to 'enlightened human being'. 2. The journey from a being 'human' to 'Enlightened Being' takes many lives. There are different stages of wisdom through which one has to pass. It is like one class, second, third and so on. 3. There may be many differences of opinions in our discussion emanating from the above differences. I have no right to disbelieve what Mohan or Peter or x......y.....z..... says. What each one of us is saying comes from one's enlightenment, or his wisdom. 4. since we are not computers, we needn't copy and paste everything it in our mind. we should be at least tolerant of others, even if they are not correct according to us.

5. It is up to each one of us to discern the secret of life, universe ................and Truth. 7 hours ago Unlike 1 Follow Peter Peter Stutz @Dear Dr. Usha Krishna Please do not get caught up with / in our poltering : every Master descript to me... has polterd when needed to represent; the Cosmic Law and Order, in order to wake the sleeping beauty's 7 hours ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Prof Suresh: I am talking from what I actually found in the religious text in its original not written in an alien language. If you say that your interpretations are better than the original, so be it. Still I do not have any specific answer to the questions I have raised. So be it! 6 hours ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar There are five types of modulations of the mind: * Wanting proof for everything - including their own life due to ignorance * Lack of comprehension - there is no meaning and purpose in their living the present life * Imagination - No creativity at all * Sleep - lethargic and lazy to understand that even when their own health is at stake * Memory - no memory at all as there is no tradition or custom is followed 6 hours ago Like 1 Follow Peter Peter Stutz there are no aliens except in fiction living in our Cosmos ! 6 hours ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .db .........> That is when real yoga is happening and you are with yourself. Tado drashtuhu swarupe avasthanam * Patanjali Yoga Sutra #3 Means the seer then rests or remains in his/her own nature. Discipline is to unite yourself, to unite all the loose ends of your existence. Vrutti sarupyamitaratra * Patanjali Yoga Sutra #4 Means you identify yourself with the modulations of the mind all the time. What this means is that your mind is engaged in the outside world all the time. With eyes open in the waking state you are caught up in all that you see, smell, hear, touch, taste. If not, you return to sleep or to the state of dreaming where you are completely shut off from the world. .In dreams at least if one does not see aliens ......... unimaginative soul, ' IT ' is :) .6 hours ago Follow Narendra Narendra Nath Karthi, we do not need your quotations of Slokas from Yoga Sashtra of Patanjali and your interpretations, as i find your verbosity not in tune with your writings/comments in actual actions on the websites here. Special words/ sentences lose all meanings if these are repeated or pronounced by people who do not know how to implement the same in their living actions! The Art of Living authority is Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. I would rather have the same directly from that source, using my own 'vivek' too, as some religious/ spiritual authorities may also err in today's times! 4 hours ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Narendra ... you can have lessons even from Taj Mahal too :) "" What India Inc can learn from Taj Mahal or Time Warner "" .4 hours ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Indian Fish......> Well , an article .....something to be proud off :) ( even if it is distant and far off from another country) "" ...Indian ideas power US business innovations After lagging for years, India has now taken a lead in the business of ideas. Over 50% of total patents filed for industrial innovations in the US have Indian brains behind them, says a study by Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad (IIM-A ). Foreign firms, including research and development (R&D ) centres, have increased their dependence on all-Indians teams - a trend reflected in the number of Indian inventors in patent applications filed by foreign companies in India and abroad in recent years"" .more ....> .4 hours ago davulooriUnfollow

davuloori bheemeswar we are ourselves aliens on this planet if do not behave like humans with other humans, for which one has to know his/her own purpose of the life, that comes only by following some principles and having better understanding among ourselves and maintaining ethics and moral. please do not use this open forum for any personal verbosity. 3 hours ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Perhaps I have lost all sense of proportion about verbosity. Perhaps one should agree with statements like ".........Prana and Apana when in union take us to blissful heavenly states.....", (The intermixing of life with excreta will take us to "blissful heavenly states") to be called "tolerant" or "generous"! 3 hours ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Is it that we shoot and shout because we live not what we preach ? or are we all in a battlefield having no time to think before reacting ? or maybe because of guilt living in comfort on others shoulders ? Cask or have we just last / lousing our minds because of the emends pressure of the world not performing or maybe we dont love because we cannot love ? Whatever it maybe we all are under one roof and have our heart connected to the one single source giving it the pulse! Lets get together and get joy as that gets to easily forgotten 3 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Indian Fish ( struggling ) What does it take to create successful IT product companies in India? ""This thought keeps bothering me off late. Many have beaten this debate to death. I am still not at peace. What does it take to create more successful, innovative indigenous IT product companies in India ? Approximate guess says that we have less than 1% successful, innovative IT product companies in India. Enough hypothesis, conjunctures and theories have proven that product based solutions (due to replication of effort and automation) provides significantly higher bang per dollar invested than services based solutions. Scaling of services is resource intensive and puts strain on economies of scale and scope. Why are we not there yet? What happened ?

Are we genetically at a disadvantage ? Are we less risk prone ? Is it a geo-political conspiracy ? Are we capital averse ? Is service mentality ingrained in our culture ? Argumentative Indians, by virtue of our intellectual pluralism have wisely concluded that Services-for-Life leads to Nirvana ?.................................>................................"" .2 hours ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Karthik the rate at which you are introducing new subjects is quite fishy...what are you upto... Peter I wonder if you are using a language translator. Watch out...quite a few errors in spellings... 2 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .I will delete it if you wish so problems at all :) .1 hour ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz @chiranjeevi you have never considered to answer my question appropriately.... how come ? About the 3 question in one Title ! have u undertsood the Kumara text ? 1 hour ago Like Follow PS Bhaskar PS Bhaskar Jha Well, an interesting question !! The purpose of life on earth is to carry out all of the natural processes that lead to the beautification of Mother Nature, in short. Well, for the second part of the question you need to understand your concept and the way you define 'the universe'. For the third

part, you see - we already have the evidence of dry ice on mars. Prof. Stephen Hawking do suggest the existance of life, but we are yet to confirm it. Apart from these, UFOss presence have been recorded.... . 1 hour ago Peter Stutz @ Chiranjeevi As you are working for LNRMI you have some answers already Im sure, to your own questions of the last part on your title (Does anyone or anything else knows about existence other than us? (by the way is this proper english)? Please explain yourself why you are asking such! With your knowledge you know more than many here! I dont have access to satellites and the present experience report's ! Thanks 2 days ago Like

davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar yes dear Peter, we are all in the battle field fighting for our own existance the name of that battle field is Kurukshethra. Where the seedlings of the humans fight for dharma and adharma, that is for righteous and virtuous path of life with that of satanical minds. The fight is there every day and every second between those five elements which control our body and mind, which make us behave like animals or satanically whether one likes it or not. Whether one is educated or not this fight goes on and on as far as the humans exists only due to the draining of their brains. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Look well unto this day, For it is life, the very life of life. In its brief course Lie all the verities and realities of your existence: The bliss of growth The glory of action The splendor of beauty

For yesterday is but a dream And tomorrow only a vision But today well lived makes yesterday a dream of happiness And tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore to this day. Such is the salutation to the dawn. . - Kalidasa Written sometime between 170BC and 634AD .1 day ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Hi Peter, sorry if my message sounded a bit offensive and Karthik to you too. It was just to share my observations. I am not claiming a great hold on English. I envy the flow that I see in others' messages. I aspire to be there at that level of communication in English. Typos are OK because one writes in a flow but in your case I felt the errors were machine made, not yours, hence my query. Its not necessary that everyone in the world should speak English. Its just a medium for communication. I have learnt German but I cannot communicate fluently. Its really great that you can speak so many languages. Coming back to the question, why all the three questions. I am sure if one's thoughts were to proceed further on those lines there will be many more such questions but the relationship among the three questions may not be that obvious. So I will try to share my thought process. It was a reflection on the damage caused to human life and other assets in times of natural disasters like a Tsunami, I was especially thinking of the recent Tsunami that hit Japan. Like ants which keep coming back to the same site despite being wiped out many times, we seem to think that what happened once won't repeat or we think now we have learnt from our experience and taken all precautions so the damage won't be repeated. But the nature also seems to be watching what we are doing and coming back with new ways to hit us. This triggered my first question, are we going against the purpose of life on earth? Are natural disasters ways of correcting our path and thinking so that we actually discover our real purpose on earth? This thought process triggered the next question about the existence of the Universe. While we may think that we exist and hence the universe, it may be the other way round. May be we exist because the universe wants us to exist. If so, there must be a greater purpose, then what is it?

The third question is a follow up to the above, if the universe wants us to exist then someone must know about our existence other than just us. Who/what are they? While the underlying thought process for these questions was mine, I have discovered many ways to look at these questions through discussions in the group. I have also learnt the many different reasons that people might have to ask these same questions. There were some who connected these questions to reasons like depression. I hope I have answered your first question. About my answers to these questions, I would say I am still searching for answers. I have only beliefs that yes we do exist for a reason, yes someone else not known to us knows about our existence and yes the universe itself has many unknown secrets which when revealed will give us a peek into its reasons for existence. 1 day ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Chiranjeevi,the self -other dichotomy is a pre-existing thesis to our human existence,since without a bodily consciousness and its limited self notions we cannot have an ego to manage our worldly affairs and involve the senses or the reason. Gita specifically refers to this when it clearly declares that Kshatram has evolved from Brahaman,through the Trimurthis as the basic operators of fundamental actions in universe,and through that Karma has evolved as the action domain in mind,and yajna or action in nature from it invovling the elements as the vector principles of a fundamntal quality field. So,spirit as the power or energy principle in nature ,as its essence or Sat got embedded in nature as it evolved from the basic nature in Brahaman,as above. Nature is the asat or Sthree and Spirit ,as ParaBrahman,the energy principle in Brahman is the Purusha. Life force is sustained by this energy principle as spirit,and appears or expresses as Breath in us. Hence one can say that breath is of sat and body of asat. Our bodily consciousness is hence asat,and pure consciousness is of sat.When our asat self is watching us we have self -other or in-out differentiation in gross nature,and when our sat self is ,in our subtle nature, we are one with the universe in a state of unitariness. A superficial undrstanding may give a different world view from deep and essential knowledge,which is generally lacking,as revealed often. I am surprised that a few like David have fairly deep knowledge of essential truths,and its formal reason,though they do not try to evolve to the stage of actual experience of these truths in oneself. Otherwise it remains just an intellectual exercise with its own limitations. A few others have very broad knowledge,though not grasping the essence,and that often cause to take a counter position to the unification thesis or synergistic views that all religions and spirituality actually promotes in its esential form.That is only logical,and spiritual eventually So who is watching us is important in deciding our purpose or world views 1 day ago Like 1

Follow Peter Peter Stutz @ Chiranjeevi Tallapragada I'm most grateful to you and the very profound explanation from you! thank you. I have already made Paintings in the 80's Title ''Mother Earth breaks out here self! To me the answer of Earthquakes and other natural causes are clear signals of stretching the unhealthy behavior to far till ''Mother'' can no longer hold on to it. My answer is Yes because I have felt some most powerful earthquakes in Californias modern History documented, and that energy is most definitely controlled by some greater Being! Interesting was that a total of only 58 People have died in an area of more the 4,5 million. Im still interested, do you or do you know of reports of Kumara's or other beings arriving and leaving Earth ? where could we gain access to such information ..if ? (Environment space agent) kind regards and god bless you 1 day ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz @ Dear Davuloori Bheemeswar Im not sure if you are aware of 2 times having achieved great Golden Areas here on Earth. However the third one stands before us. That is why so many keep reminding us to be Humble. Im looking forward to change these habits soon. God bless the Light in us. 1 day ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Somethings cannot be explained adequately enugh and only known thru experience as is the bliss of union of the vital breaths at BruMadhya[the center of eyebrows]indicating the focal point in brain[and for the inexperienced soul as good or as bad as Amedhya or excreta,in which he may live and thrive,without being aware of the difference,with what is medhya,and always present in him] That is the heaven of union that yoga praise in its salient essence[which bookish knowledge and broad reading and shouting matches cannot provide,except for some braod superficial stuff,helping us to shout louder] 1 day ago Like 1 Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R There is nothing wrong in speculations whether feasible or not, logical or not.

Speculation is the seed of faith and faith can never be "rational". It is beyond logic. One may call the others speculation just a myth and people who peddle speculations and contorted "truths" should put up with reasonable skepticism that such speculation gives rise to. But for heavens sake do not claim the authority of the scriptures. The scriptures are what is specifically written and the only person who is the ultimate authority for approving "interpretations" is the author. In the case of the Vedas and the Upanishads the authors are too many to count. Hence the "interpretations" are just speculations of the loud mouth contortionists. They are OK as long as the speculator owns responsibility for his speculation and does not hide behind the scriptures which he hopes the others have not read. Islam solves this problem beautifully. On all issues what is written in the Koran is the ultimate authority. In the event of doubt one may refer to "Hadiths", the transcripts of interactions between the prophet and his contemporaries. Over and above Hadiths, everything else is a speculation and the author should not claim the authority of the Koran. Panini has prescribed a similar set of rules which I am not sure the "creative thinkers" have ever read or not. "What cannot be explained" is just speculation and one speculation is no better than another. 1 day ago Like Follow Ashutosh Ashutosh Kumthekar There is no purpose no hell no heaven...just live every day as it comes........y r people wasting time in all these debates...u have time and money...please spend it on those less fortunate.... 1 day ago Like 1 Follow Sundaresh Sundaresh Biligi S Well, Interesting debate and very much an innate urge for most individuals who are through with the ups and downs of life, done their bit for society and move on in search of the known unknown :-) when I say known, I mean our ancestral knowledge and 'search' is for our relentless effort to reinvent... The little I have read indicates that the Sankara philosophy answers most of these questions with elan. And its a humbling experience to feel those words which equates all beings, and non beings too as a part of the great universe To me It looks obvious that Earth can not be the only gifted planet to have life in the vastness of this universe... 1 day ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Indian Fish .....> Got fishy because of that being a ' School of Fish ' instead of a single One . But the Purpose ( message conveyed ) is Singular . Teamwork funny .1 day ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz a real good one thanks Karthi 1 day ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz This is a clear understanding of what is spiritual ! take your time to watch her message ! Bless the Light with in us now and forever ! 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Fishy Fish .......the Indian Fish ........> ... any spiritual Journey which answers this Reality should be Interesting !! __________________________________________________________________ "" ..Are we genetically at a disadvantage ?

.. Are we less risk prone ? ..Is it a geo-political conspiracy ? ..Are we capital averse ? ..Is service mentality ingrained in our culture ? ..Argumentative Indians, by virtue of our intellectual pluralism have wisely concluded that Services-forLife leads to Nirvana ?...."" ________________________________________________________________ ......................Spirit & Reality ........... , does meet somewhere or NO ? .1 day ago Follow Raju Raju Ramakrishnan Yes. There are things beyond us. They all exist for us to enjoy. Purpose of life is Let us enjoy whatever is existing and let others alos enjoy 1 day ago Like 1 Follow Hillol Hillol Sarkar Purpose of life 21st century is changing for Middle Class from the pack of 7 Billion people. It is not a good idea to create guidelines. We need to create financial success. That will take us to better art of living. I feel following equation may work. Full Life = A+B+C A = fulfill needs of healthy Life -food shelter and education B= Art & Entertainment to reach higher elevation of knowledge C= Emergency support - Natural disaster & Economic crisis We are driven by products and instant pleasures. People do not enjoy work, but they enjoy money.

1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Interesting and a Solid Outlook ! .1 day ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz Philosophy is only in gain for you yourself, and not for the whole of others, as the whole is made up by many individuals. The Truth, only your truth lies within you and the cosmic energy, as master plan as such, for you and only for you. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ....Killing Innovation !! Gods must be Crazy .....NO... Cosmos must be Crazy :) imho. .1 day ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz the whole thing is grazy much fun !!! 1 day ago Like

Follow Peter Peter Stutz Nasa just found // better said had to release finaly the information on the Super Earth found, just they need to work on the name a bit // Name = GJ 667Cc 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .That is great news. See some forward looking Politicians want a base camp in Moon and they promise IT. Experts say Gingrich moon base dreams not lunacy "" Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich wants to create a lunar colony that he says could become a U.S. state. There's his grand research plan to figure out what makes the human brain tick. And he's warned about electromagnetic pulse attacks leaving America without electricity. To some people, these ideas sound like science fiction. But mostly they are not. Several science policy experts say the former House speaker's ideas are based in mainstream science. But somehow, Gingrich manages to make them sound way out there, taking them first a small step and then a giant leap further than where other politicians have gone."" ( more ...> ) .1 day ago 1 Follow alekh alekh mallick we are accidental byproduct from cosmic dust making a significant presence dont know what else might be comments keeping me as if hero of universe... there is no god.. what is that.... we may face big crunch later and vanish into the blues .. we are insignificant.. donot know if something more grand is happenning or to happen... yeah i may be at a very insignificant stage of developement 1 day ago Like

Follow Hillol Hillol Sarkar Must differentiate Local and Global issues. In USA we have think Tanks. They can do anything they like. At the same time we have a tactical team in USa concern about Oil flow. We have many such problems. We use brute force in USA to solve problems due to lack of patience. We can not search for solutions out side solar system to solve our problems. Today our problem is wrong allocation of resources. Why : IAS officers makes decision in India and in USA we elect bible friendly congress man. Things will change drastically in USA moving forward. I will not go any further than this. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .The 147 Companies That Control Everything "" Three systems theorists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich have taken a database listing 37 million companies and investors worldwide and analyzed all 43,060 transnational corporations and share ownerships linking them. They built a model of who owns what and what their revenues are and mapped the whole edifice of economic power. They discovered that global corporate control has a distinct bow-tie shape, with a dominant core of 147 firms radiating out from the middle. Each of these 147 own interlocking stakes of one another and together they control 40% of the wealth in the network. A total of 737 control 80% of it all. The top 20 are at the bottom of the post. This is, say the papers authors, the first map of the structure of global corporate control."" .1 day ago 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan ...........( one add on ) The Rise of the New Global Elite "" F. Scott Fitzgerald was right when he declared the rich different from you and me. But todays superrich are also different from yesterdays: more hardworking and meritocratic, but less connected to the nations that granted them opportunityand the countrymen they are leaving ever further behind................................................... .................................................................................................................

And, ultimately, that is the dilemma: America really does need many of its plutocrats. We benefit from the goods they produce and the jobs they create. And even if a growing portion of those jobs are overseas, it is better to be the home of these innovatorsnative and immigrant alikethan not. In todays hyper competitive global environment, we need a creative, dynamic super-elite more than ever. "" single_page=true .1 day ago davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar some time back I read an article on Kirthisheshulu meaning those who got name and fame after their soul leaving of the present body, they are of two types 1) those who stand by their dharma as humans and 2) those who go by their materialistic aspects only. Everybody remembers both type of people. As per the article when remember those virtuous person who were on righteous path their stay in the heave gets prolonged. And for those who were after the materialistic aspects go to hell and their stay gets prolonged there. But to my knowledge both these hell and heaven are there on this earth itself, people with satanical mind always make hell for others and those who have divine mind always try to make heaven even for those who are satanical in mind and nature. Since everybody got some education and also may be knowing the value of tradition and customs it is left with individuals what to do or which path to chose. Only then their deed do tell us whether they are living for any purpose or not. 1 day ago Like Follow Hillol Hillol Sarkar Elite -information age will create innovation from non elite. We have proven this theory in USA. That is why old boys want to censor internet. 23 hours ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Gingrich needs the moon he can sell it back to China! Thats the only way he will get the US, lost Financial Power back from China. He is not a bit interested to be there himself. Please have you looked at the Moon? ''Dust and Lonlyness'' ? What is important now is to get Creative mind set into India. Build confidence and have finally the old generation step down for good. There are so many old leaders /which hold back your young force from developing creativity as they are all tools to ''do what I say'' commands ! This is the biggest challenge India has today! Old New rich Members of large businesses want all to become Princes / but fail badly!

One more thing: India needs time: IT as such has only being allowed since the 90tis to go function outside of India because of the government regulations of Trade agreements. So it was a close India Business environment. You are now just in the 22 Year of evolving on doing business on international terms !! 19 hours ago Like Follow Hillol Hillol Sarkar India signed a Strategic partnership with France for Nuclear Reactors and Fighter Planes. I have talked many universities. They are not ready for serious R&D. Universities are key source of talents. The GDP trajectory in India is not based on sound planning. There are no capital for start up Companies. GoI can not understand why India need Risk fund..Progress will depend on foreign collaboration. France is a good partner. As Peter pointed out, India need to empower young people. Need to build technology road map and fund several small Companies. Example: Qualcomm has Broad Band license but they do not invest early stage companies. That is not acceptable. There are political parties in India, they get elected but has not vision for India. 18 hours ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz In the IT Nasscom environment you need to change all heads( they are completely lost and misrepresenting the New IT India to the rest of the World), change to the youngest brightest of all ! In the federal government you need to get the Universities overruling of the old princes and get them removed. Think entire India, not States, You need to remove the Kings and use the Castles as Cultural meeting places for all with joy. Remove all Cultural differentiators of Cask / as you all know better but do not act on behalf. Finally learn to have fun doing all this....that is a state of mind. Build confidence within! 18 hours ago Like davulooriUnfollow

davuloori bheemeswar Dear Sarkar, the civilized people have to learn what is meant by civilization from uncivilized ones, most of the tribes do follow that with more ethics and moral than the so called democratic persons. 17 hours ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar U.S. Economy: Are Coops the Answer? "Whether producer- or consumer-owned, coops are not only here to stay, they might just be the next big thing. As the old system falls apart at the seams, let's see how cooperatives could step up to the plate." The United Nations General Assembly declared 2012 as the International Year of the Cooperatives. In the first of a monthly series, Talkback Senior Editor Francesca Rheannon wonders whether coops can indeed rejuvenate the U.S. economy by addressing inequality, targeting hunger and encouraging environment stewardship. Perhaps they look forward to learning a few lessons 16 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Fishy Fish .......the Indian Fish ........> ... any spiritual Journey which answers this Reality should be Interesting !! _________________________________________________________________ Excellent points with Focus from HS. "" The GDP trajectory in India is not based on sound planning. There are no capital for start up Companies. GoI can not understand why India need Risk fund..Progress will depend on foreign collaboration. France is a good partner. As Peter pointed out, India need to empower young people. "" ______________________________________________________________________ Likewise it will be wise to address specific questions beautifully raised by the Gentleman in the http://emerge.nasscom, .1.) Is service mentality ingrained in our culture ? .2.) Argumentative Indians, by virtue of our intellectual pluralism have wisely

concluded that Services-for-Life leads to Nirvana ?... .15 hours ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Fishy ..Fishy again ...Fishy !! Earlier it was ' Simputer ' along with IISC and now it is another IIT, "" The future tendering and procurement of the improved version of the world's cheapest tablet PC, Aakash will be taken away from IIT Rajasthan and will be handed over to public sector undertakings. The decision comes in the wake of a row between IIT-Rajasthan and the tablet's current maker Datawind, over the issue of enhanced specification demands.........................................."" .MURALIKRISHNA SUNDARESWARAN Question: What is the purpose of life on earth? Answer: It is the result of an accident. Question: Why does the universe exist? Answer: It was, is & will be there. Knowledge which is the collection of accepted imagination of humans does not know why as also how? Question: Does anyone or anything else knows about existence other than us? Answer: In consequntial infomation. 3 days ago Like

Follow Ajit Ajit Vidyadharan There is no given purpose of life on earth. We, as we live life, find a purpose for ourselves. The universe provides a platform for our existence. Anyone / anything else knowing about our existence -- scientists are still exploring. 3 days ago Like Follow Satheesh Satheesh Amilineni Friends,

GOD knows everything as he is the creator! I hope all religions says same thing! If we spend time on exploring 'Aham Bramhasmi' then at certain point each one will be a GOD. Once we are GODs then no need to explore traveling fast because we can reach anywhere in the universe in fraction of a second. That's the prime reason all are expected to explore themselves. Yoga keeps body fit. If body is fit, one can do Pranayama. If one can do Pranayama then they are ready for Meditation. Pranayama is to control breath. If one can control breath (thought is due to breath and everything is due to thought) then thought is under control. In Meditation one can first explore step by step ... one need a master (Guru) to know more and proceed. People who did meditation by reading books and following some fools are in Mental Hospitals. :-) Human to God transformation is only a change and that requires one to be in thought less state and pursue to learn 'What is Eternal'! All the best :-) 3 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @Satheesh Amilineni: "Aham Brahmasmi" is a Vedantic quote. Vedanta believes that the universe was not "created". It existed, it exists and it will exist. Hence your assertion that "All religions say that GOD is the creator" is false. Advita says that the GOD and everything else are the same. The differences you perceive are just "illusions". By the way even Patanjali does not say that you will realize GOD through his methods. He just says that these systems will help you to sharpen your perceptions, which will be of great help in realizing GOD. You should be aware that some Asura exponents of all Yogic Siddhis never cared about anything other than themselves. Yoga is just a "Tool". It is your business what you do with it. If you make use of the skills so acquired to realize GOD, well and Good. @Ajit Vidyadharan: Sensible post. Define your "objective". There is no such thing as "common objective". As such there is no common purpose. Only individual purpose. Whether one understands or not universe existed, exists and will exist. What is the point in asking why it exists. Why should we care whether anybody knows of our existence or not? 3 days ago Like Follow Satheesh Satheesh Amilineni Everybody has their own version of understanding Vedas, Yoga, illusions, etc. People has to understand what is the use of Yoga ... some people think it is for good health and some think it is for good body structure and some think Yoga is for flexible muscles. But I think it is a requirement for next level that is Pranayama and sitting in Meditation for longer duration. I don't care what Advaita says or Patanjali says but I feel above (Yoga -> Pranayama -> Meditation -> Self Realization -> GOD) is more logical than anything else.

Start learning from thyself. 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .'" People who did meditation by reading books and following some fools are in Mental Hospitals. :-) " :) .3 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz If there are 7 billion People (ways) to get there then go your path not others. Most definitely respect the 7 Billions ways (people). If you really consider to have the answer for those 7 billion Trails, you are all fools and not close to the answer to the Creation of the Creator (Gods) and you will become a destructive Force to all those, looking for trail. 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ."" you are all fools and not close to the answer to the Creation of the Creator (Gods)"" D o . G o d s . C r e a t e . F o o l s ..:) .3 days ago Follow Candice Candice Morrissey I agree with Avadhesh Varshneya, Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda gives you insight to many of life's questions. I recommend that anyone wanting to enlighten themselves and take up a Spiritual path in order to become a part of the solution to the world's problems should look in to Self Realization Fellowship and request to receive the lessons that were a gift from Paramahansa Yoganada to the world. He brought the teachings of India to America (and all around the

world) and incorporates the spiritual teachings of India with Christianity and created a way for westerners to understand and practice a path that leads to an understanding of all things. I have read the Bhagavad Gita and the Bible and many other books from India's great gurus and masters and can honestly say that my life has changed in ways that I never thought possible. Through meditation, prayer and Kriya yoga my life is now filled with happiness, bliss and most of all God Consciousness and I know that it is the presence of God in EVERYTHING that makes life worth living. I believe that He created everything and has given us freewill to chose our own path and make our own decisions on what we do and do not believe in. I also believe that we do in this life will have a direct effect on us in this life and our next life. I pray for all and may your life be filled with the love of God and blessings. 3 days ago Like 1 Follow Abdul Abdul Khader To love human beings in a right way 3 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Mohan sir, I do not agree that collective purpose is not necessary for a meaningful living. Also I do not agree that one need not bother to know why the universe exists. How would it be if there is only one person living, no animals, no other human beings etc. Can one just follow the routine of eating, sleeping and for how long? Since we cannot live that way we should be glad that there are others and other things in this world. Yes, one has to find one's own purpose but that purpose has to be viewed as a part of the collective purpose. 3 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @Satheesh Amilineni: It is good that you have your own goals with Yoga. That is what Yoga is for. But let us understand the views of the person who evolved that system so that we may not be misled by the tall claims of pseudo spiritual Gurus and those who confuse science with religion. The word Yoga means Yoke, that is control. Control is for body, breath, inner organs and mind. Patanjali simply says these controls are necessary to focus all your resources into whatever objectives you want to realize. Trying out Yoga without reference to Patanjali is like plunging into something with your eyes closed. For your info Patanjali was a very ardent advocate of Samkhya philosophy of Rishi Kapila, which denies "Iswara" or the divine principle, while accepting the Vedas. It accepts only two eternal principles "Purusha" (In short Consciousness) and "Prakirti" (matter). But it may not be necessary for the practitioners of Yoga to believe in everything Patanjali believed. @Chiranjeevi: Collective purpose is "social purpose" and one has to discharge his social responsibility to the society in which he lives and the environment that supports him. It is immaterial whether one believes

in whatever social responsibility the society has agreed upon. At the gross level, social responsibility is codified into laws. Social purpose is just secondary to personal purpose. It may not be possible for one to realize the personal purpose without the stability and peace social purpose is expected to offer. Just because one does not waste his time in ethereal speculations and circular discussions it does not mean he just "eats and sleeps". Many path breaking achievements can be credited to focused people who just strove to achieve their own personal purpose and not to those who pay lip service to GOD, Paramatma, Jeevatma etc. 3 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Agree Mohan sir, honestly speaking these forums are a waste for someone who knows what to do, when and why. They are better off being on their own. But I see that there is a collective learning that happens with people like you sharing your knowledge and insights. Each of us is at different levels of confusion as we can see from our postings. Sometimes that could be annoying but the fact of the matter is that people do live with their confusions and also die. Regarding the social responsibility, I think there is a slight difference, purpose precedes laws. If the purpose is not defined correctly laws can be of very little use except when they are made so stringent that no one can escape them. 3 days ago Like Follow Satheesh Satheesh Amilineni Its not my goals I was talking ... I was talking why Yoga is there in that place. Looks like you know theory but don't know what's that used for! :-( Reading books and remembering who said what is good but not learning essence is bad! 3 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz The fool part Not God makes fools We make fools our of our self Besides even fools are within the perfection thats how generous God (the Creation is with its Creations) Stop telling, start sharing your personal experiences and you will all grow together and not apart. Shooting is not allowed as we are all living in Peace only gaining Harmony if so. Understanding, loving, joy, reasoning, and great own experiences are needed to change our habits in order to grow our inner within. 3 days ago Like

Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla Satheesh - When Mr. Mohan did his Bachelors, we weren't even born. If you have gone through his posts in this thread and with his multi-faceted wisdom, it is not hard to derive that he not only knows the theory, but had seen it in reality a lot more than most of us. It is rare to see people of his kind not only here in the forums, but in our country as well. So, there is no need to be shameful in accepting his acumen. There are thousands of interpretations and everyone can come up with his/her own on these matters. I have even seen people interpreting 'Aham' in "Aham Brahmasmi" as arrogance or ego or to remove ego and arrogance to feel inner-consciousness. I simply laugh at them myself. My intepretation is - Aham - The inner-consciousness is nothing but Brahmasmi -universal consciousness, but the confusion comes when one tries to realize his/her 'Aham' because it has to be felt through our mind. Yoga, Meditation etc., can at best limit the 'interference of our mind', but can't nullify it completely through people hallucinate it so. If we are successful in removing the 'interference of mind', then we are dead because mind is required to control the body. Many times I have seen people becoming unconscious during the meditation and in rare occassions I have seen people dying too. When I was an youngster, I really thought I had felt Brahman when I reached the peak of Kundalini. Only later I realize that the same experience is nothing but of the mechanics of brain. Someone in some other thread said that his relative suffering with high B.P almost met with death multiple times and experienced the after-life phenominon like floating in the air etc., Even if it was to be believed, it can be easily explained.. People on drugs do experience simiilar phenominon because brain is effected (in a wrong way). I am not at all saying that the spiritual stuff doesn't exist, but it is subjected to one's own interpretation and understanding than proclaiming it as universal truth. 3 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Satheesh Amilineni: Do you know anything at all about me other than my name. How are you so sure that I do not practice Yoga? I have told you time and again that Yoga can be used for any purpose like a Gun which both the police and the terrorists equally use. If you read the Puranas you may know that most Asuras had achieved extraordinary Yoga Siddhis. For what purpose did they use it? By the same token the Siddhas were also exponents of Yoga Siddhis. You know for what purpose they used it for. Likewise I use a tool to achieve a purpose I have in mind. Yoga is in its place not just for reasons you say, reasons which may or may not be correct from the perspective of others. If you do something without reason, you will never be good at doing it and will achieve nothing out of it. It is better to say that I practice Yoga for health or for better consciousness, or to endow me with super consciousness for Atma sakshatkara or for playing tennis better or something like that. Otherwise you can never tailor your practice to your needs. By the by have you said anything at all in your earlier post as to "What Yoga is for"? I just said whatever you think need not necessarily valid from the perspective of the founder of the system.

@Chiranjeevi: A good law by theory should be based on sound social purpose. When social purpose itself is variable, the law should also vary. It has to be stringent at times and liberal at times as the need dictates. 3 days ago Like Follow Satheesh Satheesh Amilineni My comments were not personal but in general. I don't need to know about a person when I am in discussion about any topic. Forgetting goal and beating around the bush is happening. My answer is directed towards the topic in discussion. People who can answer the question can give the direction in finding the answer but cannot push to find the answer. 3 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @Satheesh: If you do not know a person you are not expected to comment whether somebody knows only theory or practice. Your comments were neither general nor personal but vague. Do you think in all your posts you answered even one clause of the question posed? @Chiranjeevi:and Peter: If this forum restricted itself to sharing "personal experiences" I have no grounds to say anything. This has been essentially used for empty bandying of words, sometimes religious preaching, sometimes assertion of falsehoods, sometimes as platform for propagating perceptions under mistaken premises. and sometimes just for display of verbosity. Sometimes people did not even want to own their opinion and were hiding behind wrongly quoted scriptures and science. What is your belief or purpose is essentially "personal". Knowledge is neutral and impersonal. There is no point in sharing something personal. Whereas knowledge is to be shared the receiver simply should use such knowledge, wherever applicable in his or her personal pursuits. What is your choice, simply keep on saying something or the other about doing something are just doing what you think is right? 3 days ago Like Follow Satheesh Satheesh Amilineni Why replying personally to my views? All replies were directed in commenting on others answers/views rather than explaining ones own answer. All the direction is trying to convince others or gushing their own views into others ears. :-(

Always one should convince others by telling how they are correct and not how others are wrong! 3 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Thats what you still think after not getting any ware? Just babbling along is really slowing the process down. so become humble and read between the line as well.? Many of them got very quite because of attacks and ponderings. So the exchange will lame if we keep going that direction. read the above mail as well ! When speaking about sharing then I understood the gesture of giving becomes the priority !! 3 days ago Like Follow Rajesh Rajesh Menon Life does have to exist outside earth, otherwise it will be such a waste. I mean, so many stars, galaxies, universes just for us. Are we that important? 3 days ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Some Gems Fished out here !! A. "" you are all fools and not close to the answer to the Creation of the Creator (Gods)"" "" D o . G o d s . C r e a t e . F o o l s ..:) "" " We make fools our of our self " B. '" People who did meditation by reading books and following some fools are in Mental Hospitals. :-) " C. Dilemma ? ' Something is better than Nothing ' ...or ...' Nothing is better than Anything ' .-

2 days ago Follow Narendra Narendra Nath As usual, Karthi is commenting for its sake. I wish to just add that both meditation and yogic kriyas do require established and recognized Perceptors to see that one is doing these correctly. However, the best test is to examine oneself critically. There is absolutely no tiredness at all after a good session. In fact, one should observe an increase in energy as well as enthusiasm to what ever jobs lie ahead. 2 days ago Like Follow Narendra Narendra Nath Add alertness level increase too! 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Thanks for the compliments :) .2 days ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada I think when someone answers a question first time they have the highest enthusiasm. It is hard for them when their ideas get shot down immediately. We have veterans here who have been reading and discussing a lot of different ideas. This virtual world has many different ideas floating and sometimes clashing with each other. I have seen how many new entrants made themselves part of the group and earned the right to express themselves. Silence here is not golden, not to say verbosity is but to be able to express and retreat and recover is the way to go here. Karthik tries to always make us look in the direction that we are not looking. He therefore sounds a bit mysterious. He has contributed very valuable ideas and expressed his opinions very subtly. That is his style. Each of us here have our own style and personalities. Yes, we need not know each other personally to respond to each others' postings but we do inevitably get to know each other.

2 days ago Like 1 Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Narendranath Sab: Ordinary exercise, breathing and meditation techniques of Patanjali are extensively documented and have been tested time and again for centuries. The Astha,mahasiddhis find only passing mention in Patanjali Yoga Shastra. But there are certain more ancient Yoga techniques like Kundalini Yoga which is not dealt extensively in the Vedas and records of ancient trials are missing. There are around 108 Upanishads while only 7 have become popular because of Vedanta. Some of the remaining 101 are almost secular and one of them talks of Kundalini Yoga. Woodcraft, a Britisher ferreted out a few of these techniques and wrote a small article on the subject that attracted the attention of many. The first structured text on Kundalini Yoga was written by Swami Sivananda in 1935, in English. He gathered all the material scattered throughout the Vedas and some of the lesser known Upanishads. The moral of the story is that such techniques are very open and distortions cannot be ruled out. If this means just losing some money it is OK. But the prescriptions of quacks may at times lead to serious mental or physical risk. Most of meditation techniques of Kundalini Yoga involve intense concentration at narrow points in the body. Patanjali's meditation techniques define meditation as the opposite of concentration and advises against concentration. In modern psychiatry this type of concentration is an ailment called "Hyperfocus" and people suffering from ADD (Attention deficit disorder) usually engage in hyperfocus and require treatment At times you may escape with just headaches and at times the effects may be similar to narcotic effects. Hence artificially introducing a risky element like hyperfocus into your mind is a serious matter about which one should be extremely careful. Patanjali meditation techniques like Gayatri Japa or transcendental meditation are harmless as long as you do not try to force concentration. You can mentally repeat the mantra without forcefully suppressing extraneous thoughts. If extraneous thoughts replace the mantra so be it. Mantra will restore after some time. In due course the mantra will progressively drive out extraneous thoughts. After some time even the mantra will drop out and you enjoy total mental silence. By forcing concentration even normal meditation techniques may provide undesirable results. The message is that you do not try lesser known Yoga techniques unless you are sure of your guru and you do not feel any bad effects. Karthikeyan was right when he said that people have landed in lunatic asylums through improper practice of meditation and rare yoga techniques.

2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Mohanakrishnan Beautiful , neat and crystal clear exposition .....many ..many Thanks !. .2 days ago Follow Peeyush Peeyush Agrawal Chiranjeevi........After 1500+ comments, can you summarize what is the purpose of life on earth ? 2 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Just to make sure we understand Your text: The message is that you do not try lesser known Yoga techniques unless you are sure of your guru and you do not feel any bad effects. Is this your interpretation of your own experience?? My experience it has not been as I grow my awareness in a constant process (every Day) towards that what my inner findings are, not what any Guru may unveil ! Your text : Karthikeyan was right when he said that people have landed in lunatic asylums through improper practice of meditation and rare yoga techniques. This text is lost just like it says, it has/ads, little but no meaning to the discussion. Is this what you have understood happen to Karthik ?? Therefore he can explain to others that they are all on the moon! Cosmos / Live is a Giant Electric Field where everything living is connected to, Electricity transcends into, Wood, Fire, Metal, Water, Stone, Air, all under a Magnetic Field. Light and at its finest of them all. The trail to this is not to connect to you or him but to the Source.

What brings you to a stronger connect, is whether the Mantras nor the Yoga practices but the reflection of your Love within by practicing such. That brings a higher state of inner harmony (happiness) and those feelings guide you to experience the Source. As you practice that feeling (yoga prayer meditation today many more such of techniques) you enhance the touch of your most inner Being growing your potential Love within. Which guides you ultimately to the spiritual source. 2 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Peter: Your first question- I started learning Patanjali Yoga (Common Yoga, Pranayam and meditation) nearly 50 years ago and but for brief stretches I am also in continuous practice. My source is hereditary. My grandpa taught my father, I learned from my father initially and later in proper schools. I have seen many accidents happen even in such schools. I remember a boy cramped his stomach and his diaphragm got locked in the rib cavity even in a very common Kapala Bharti pranayam. Thanks to the alert teachers they immediately did a massage and relieved the lock. After that the boy had to take painkillers and observe dietary restrictions for nearly a week. Artificially induced hyperfocus has its own risks. I have seen people getting splitting headaches after staring at the computer screen with single minded attention for hours. Some of them even totter while getting up. Thank god I have not seen worse accidents personally. But I cannot rule them out. After years of hyperfocus people can even develop chronic migrane. Purgative can be a medicine. But loose motion is a disease. Using purgative is artificially inducing loose motion. If you do not take adequate care while using purgative you can even die of hypoglycemia and dehydration. Remember hyperfocus is an ailment in modern psychiatry. Using yogic practices to achieve hyperfocus is like taking purgative. Do it with care or suffer. Intellectually yes, you can be on your own. But in physical things proper teacher is necessary. Meditation is also a physical process which affects not only your mind but also your body. Hospitals have proved that it is possible to lower your BP immediately through meditation and pranayam. One London based Yoga Guru even induced cardiac arrest through yogic maneuvers and restored himself to normal after a few minutes. Try hardening your hand from DIY kits. You may end up cracking your bones. But through a karatee school even small boys learn it in a few days. "This text is lost just like it says, it has/ads, little but no meaning to the discussion. "---I would say the same thing about 70% of what you post! The idea of quoting Karthikeyan is just to endorse his views on possible risks though he has exaggerated a little bit.. The rest of what you write is disputable speculation many may not accept. In normal Yogic meditation the Mantra is just a syllable or two which drops of automatically to result in natural progression to risk free hyperfocus. If you force yourself to concentrate on the mantra do it at

your own risk. It should permeate your mind naturally and drop of naturally to lead to a thoughtless state. Try doing Padahastana, Bruce Lee style in the first shot. You will be visiting an Orthopedic doctor for the rest of your life! 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Peter '" People who did meditation by reading books and following some fools are in Mental Hospitals. :-) " .... the above statement is actually an output from ' Satheesh Amilineni ' 23 hrs ago. It reappeared with " Some Gems Fished out here !! " C. Dilemma ? ' Something is better than Nothing ' ...or ...' Nothing is better than Anything ' _______________________________________________________________________ Incidentally one political campaign itself is based on assuring the Citizens ...............Occupation of the Lunatic Soil ( Lunar soil - Moon )................................... Experts say Gingrich moon base dreams not lunacy "" Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich wants to create a lunar colony that he says could become a U.S. state. There's his grand research plan to figure out what makes the human brain tick. And he's warned about electromagnetic pulse attacks leaving America without electricity. To some people, these ideas sound like science fiction. But mostly they are not. Several science policy experts say the former House speaker's ideas are based in mainstream science. But somehow, Gingrich manages to make them sound way out there, taking them first a small step and then a giant leap further than where other politicians have gone."" .2 days ago

Follow Peter Peter Stutz Really ----- really both of you made me smile. and crack me up ! The explanation of artificially induced hyper focus is great and yes Im sorry for those who had to go true this. However every sport I have learned has had some effects to my body and if I stretch my limits to the point of passing out then yes it is better having someone with you to probably safe your life. But do you both think or have a feeling they are here with us in this discussion? Now just to clarify: I have had many great Gurus and there learnings are immense before they became teachers. The statement above in my text is no theory. Have you all seen e-mail's, electricity, or Picture flying true the air while sending MMS. So not everything which you can touch doesnt exist. Meditation also has its own safety feature (firewall): As you know best ! So get real please and lets talk about your heart findings and not a collection of 50 Yoga or meditation practices, most definitely if you have learned any by meditation, you all should know how to react to those who dont know! The Lunar text is even better and yes my answer was Gingrich wants to sell the Moon to China to get his financial issues resolved and gain back his last capital power from China. 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Who owns the Moon as per Cosmic Love :) .2 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz the Creator owns even your heart Karthi, not just the moon ! 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Lot of people are yet of know , Creator Owns everything .. --- least of all , the Court will not agree:) Interesting thesis,

"" Creating a Practical Legal Framework for the Commercial Exploitation of Mineral Resources in Outer Space To substantiate this hypothesis, the thesis begins by establishing the economic necessity and technical feasibility of space mining today, an estimate of the financial commitments required. This is followed by a risk analysis of a typical commercial mining venture in space, identifying the economic and legal risks. This leads to the recognition that the legal risks must be minimised to enable such enormous financial commitments to be made. What then follows is a detailed analysis of the legal framework for such activities as well as identifying the inadequacies of space law for the commercial exploitation of celestial resources. This is achieved through a discussion of the general principles of international space law, particularly dealing with state responsibility and international liability, as well as some of the issues arising from space mining activities. Much detail is devoted to the analysis of the content of the common heritage of mankind doctrine in international law and the effect of international disagreement over its application to celestial bodies."" ( that is forward thinking and obviously first is the Moon ..gear up to get few Grounds ) .2 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Peter: People who believe in Vedanta do not believe in the concept of "creator". If he is so sacred for you we may honor your sentiment and not statement. Two of the three Gurus who wrote the recent treatises on Vedanta do not talk about the "creator". To them everything existed, exists and will exist though in different states. When somebody says drive carefully, he does not say you can never avoid an accident. But you are responsible while you drive and your teacher is responsible when you learn driving. 2 days ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar It is true that only a few know the real technique and the path ,and what is commonly practised is just postures or breathing techniques that cannot be clled Yoga. It is also true that wrong practices can lead to mental and physical illness,as even excess practice even if right can also bring about. It is also true that concentration automatically comes when the breath is properly internalised and mind refined of its ego images [in the fire of the spirit,in a true baptism] Finally it is alos true that there is no substitute for experience and knowledge that is true to reality which will never come to one on the wrong path or deeply or superficially learning from texts. Masthaka knowledge is needed and not Pusthaka[bookish]knowledge.

For the soul so illumined many knowledge streams dawn in the masthaka[head]including the fundamntals of Ayurveda and Jyothisha[which also do not come from book knowledge] The fact that Kundalini yoga,Hatha Yoga and Raja yoga,Karma Yoga and Jnana Yoga are one are lost on many ill informed or semi informed souls ,with perusal knowledge and no real knowledge or expertise,as abound every where in all fields and mislead amany. If you do not know that yoga is about the union of prana and apana,the two main vital breaths in the body[could be refferred to as in/up going breath or down/out going breath]. These vital breaths have been described as the positive and negative charges in the life force field of Jiva,and well explained in almost all the upanisads and the Gita. Gita even describes how to unite these vital breaths thru an internalisation process,and that is the essence of all yogas. HA[Prana]THA[Apana] and yoga[union] is achieved by HATHA which also means internalising the Havis[or the vital energy that goes out to create the phenomenology of spirit for you]In fact phenomenologists like Heidegger and Process philosophers like Russell and Whitehead,the famed mathematicians have borrowed heavily from this knowledge,since they have understood the essence[and not merely confined to superficial learning] Again Gita describes the effect of Karma yoga as seeing Karma in Akarma,and Karma is throught defined as meaning that part of the mind with its ego domain that compels us to action.In fact Akarma is pureconscviousness that is one with the Brahman,as some Upanisads also clearly propound,and certain stanzas in Gita too[if you can understand the essence,and definitely not with bookish knowledge]. The process described is very similar to vital energy internalisation techniques as for Hatha,plus apt action in the world[and not abandonment,as some yogis do in recluse]. Jnana is the result and that is also the essence of RajaYoga [Raja means the mind]where the mind is purified and refined of its ego images and unite with the Atman. Now this is described as Samadhi,and the physical effect in the body is that of bliss plus a power that rises thru the spine to unite with the breath,as Prana and Apana are united.That has been reffered to as Kumdalini. 2 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada I wonder what would be the state of mind of a person who regularly practices Yoga in the correct way. Does ego come in the way of discovering the true purpose of life? How does ego serve us in achieving our purpose? 2 days ago Like 1 Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Dear Piyush, I wish I could answer your question briefly. Without going into all the side discussions, the essence of these postings can be categorised into 3 basic beliefs, one based on religion, second based on science, third based on personal beliefs. The religious beliefs again differ in terms on defining the purpose, whether it is to lead a pious life and hence reach heavens or to realize the

god within each one of us. According to scientific arguments used here, life on earth is an accident (though some of the links provided take us to experiments that may be trying to prove otherwise) and it has been continuously evolving. The purpose of life is to perpetuate itself. Many also interpret it to define the purpose of life is not to look for the purpose but to live, enjoy and be happy and make others happy. The last two questions are not so much dealt with as they seem to fall more in the realm of future scientific research. Most of the ongoing discussions now are about how different methods like yoga, meditation etc., and relics can be used to find a meaningful purpose and live a healthy life. I hope I haven't misinterpreted the essence of discussions here. 2 days ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar It is true that ego is refined ,and many negative mental images will be chastised away in the tapas[or fire of the spirit,as it is]and that is also achieved thru Kumbh which one automatically attains as the vitel breaths are internalised and united,as the practice evolves,and refines the mind. But still for one who is materially engaged[as a Karma Yogi has to be]even after all the refinement,pure consciousness state experience,bliss and iner light and true knowledge or jnan[which gradually matures]thee is still a vestige of ego,as part of the pheneomenology of spirit or enagae ment with world and its objects,which entails some lose of vital energies. Though much of your worldly illusions are gone,still some left overs are there and needed to manage worldly affairs. Too much of practice is possible as go and karma gets further reduced,and then one may not be in a mood to engage with world,even with the right practice. So moderation in practice in the midst of the world is adivesd,since the practitioner tend to overdo as bliss descends on him from within. The purpose is of course the inner bliss and knowledge and finally the Jiva Parama Atman union within,and slowly one can leave the body meged in the bliss and light[jyoti]that abounds,as one times out in this world 2 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz All I can say is that we are in connect, definitely with the source and elements as such. In the end no nead of Religion Yoga Meditation or any others means as the path is the message and importance of the whole to become. The Playground of the cosmos depend upon its safety and stability. Karthi; was it not you who listed the temples of the 5 elements? How come if this is not relevant to you

are you visiting them? Also I have noticed that you only speak of India Practices and there you believe not know what and who is representing ? Maybee this is only in the West possible ? and some chosen India poeple are very lucky ! I have said all along speak from your heart not copy paste articles and others saying as, that or this. Narrow down your thought and comunicate one feature at the time. you seem so electric after all those 50 Years of meditation. The cosmos has its Creator and is not just very vast but also infinite. I can so not speak against what you have noticed but you can most definitely not speak for others, as it only fits India. The result to put India in your state of mind resolve to the following. It seems that if you cannot touch it doesnt exist. such as the Creator, Electricity, Mobil solutions, Magnetic resonance Light-Vibration Sound -Vibration in conjunction too the 5 elements. Moha : There is complete disconnect on what you preach and what you are stating. If the creator is in no existence why are you mentioning such practices, and are worried for all those who are in practice with such? The fact that Kundalini yoga,Hatha Yoga and Raja yoga,Karma Yoga and Jnana Yoga are one are lost on many ill informed or semi informed souls ,with perusal knowledge and no real knowledge or expertise, as abound everywhere in all fields and mislead many. Any one looking ofr the answer is in connect and in surch, so how could you approve to such, as we dont no the state of those within the Masterplan. I was never believing in any other preachers, but learned by my experiences out of what they are committing. What I most definitely not do is worry of others if I know the score as I have won the game. 2 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Dear Peter, your questions are good, we learn so many things in our life are we practicing all of them only few. in Vedanta each and every person went in their own way and got some wisdom, the same thing they tried to express in words and that is the reason there so many varieties. It left with individual which one suits to him or her, it is only to get some wisdom and realization of the self so as best can be done for the society. For example if one follows Kundalini yoga one need not get full power about that Kundalini, the same person may get some wisdom in Hata yoga or others or in

combinations thereof. All these are for good health of your self and to free in thinking for, more creativity to do better. Probably some other may get good health by other methods like praying or simply singing some songs etc. It is also to be noted all these practices are not for benefits. They are also not to be used to build egos like I did this and you have done anything. Just like in sciences some people may be saying entire world is full of chemistry as he she has done only chemistry, but there are so many variations even in the same chemistry, it is not just for ridiculing others for their ignorance. Only try to make aware and proceed further in union to make the atmosphere peaceful. in harmony and serene. 2 days ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Peter, Take Gita for example, ( a legend or myth if you prefer to call so ) Arjuna had Darshan of the Cosmos just before the war through the cunning benevolence of Krishna and still he could never loose his EGO . ' Nagaastra ' fired from Karna and he was helpless crying to Krishna " what to do " . The one who is suppose to be the epitome of Dharma, violated his promise and pulled chariot below the ground level to save Arjuna. Then he fires arrows on a man who was standing unarmed . The conveyed message is very clear , Dilemma ? ' Something is better than Nothing ' ...or ...' Nothing is better than Anything ' Ego does not start getting killed through Yoga . It is just that Ego splits and and sees itself and starts laughing . The process starts and Yoga slowly kills the Yogi . Dilemma ? .... one has to make the correct choice :) .............................' Nothing is better than anything ' ........................................... That is straight flight to Venus,. No Yoga meditation . simple adherence to Karma Discover IT . .2 days ago Follow Satheesh

Satheesh Amilineni That is as per his own functional specification. Execution as per a pre-planned plot! :-) 2 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Looks like all problems start and end with the mind. Look at the animals. No purpose, no sense of right and wrong but still don't harm anyone or anything without a reason. Growth of intelligence seems to have caused more problems than solved for not only human beings but also for everything else in the world. 2 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz many Yogis preach and so has every God of followers. yet Cosmos can not preach and never has, or will preach in the future. Just like a creek ..sit still and listen ! 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Peter, What is your Karma :) .2 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz To acceleration enlightenment in everything I touch 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .-

No wonder that you assume the role of the blessed ones !! God Bless .2 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz Karthi.... is that all you cant be serious ! 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .I am very much serious, down to earth. Karma : 'To acceleration enlightenment in everything I touch' Implication: " assume the role of the blessed ones" what blessed ones won't do : ( 1 day ago ) "" you are all fools and not close to the answer to the Creation of the Creator (Gods)"" //make such statements // .....Let God bless to bless others sincerely here after ! .2 days ago FollowPeter Peter Stutz of course your are blessed ......or you would not be here. my statement about fool's was '' the Creation even loves the fools'' thats how generous it is ! Have you not noticed that so far ? 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .:)

.2 days ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjevi Tallapragada 'fool' is a relative idea. What we don't understand sometimes looks foolish to us. For instance if there is no purpose this whole creation looks to me like a foolish idea. You don't produce a machine to reproduce itself continuously. 2 days ago Like 1 davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Anyone who tries to tell you that you're not quite as important as you think you are right at the moment will be set straight immediately by you and your quite important ego. Before you get to work on that, consider that this, too, will probably pass. Be accommodating.If they don't understand what you're up against and how hard you're trying to please two masters -- with very little sleep -- they're not worth it.Your self-importance knows no bounds, but that won't matter. Tone it down just a touch if you're around someone you'll want to keep on your team. 1 day ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Peter: On the other hand I find your thoughts rambling and purposeless. Short of talking about the "holy union" of breath and fart you have peppered your post with non existent "facts". I have told this a zillion times in this forum that a majority of Hindus claim that they follow Vedanta schools of Philosophy and as per Vedanta Philosophy there is no "creator". But we cannot ignore people who follow the other schools of Hinduism like Polytheistic and Bhakti schools which recognize the concept of creator "Brahma". So please do not be too liberal with your prescriptions which are biased towards the opinion of a microscopic part-Hindu movement which very few outside chennai have even heard of. The logical method is just state all the myriad perceptions and if warranted which one of those you prefer. Just do not state one perception and say that is everything. Please state the exactly what is written in the scriptures and follow with your speculations. But do not presume that others have not read anything and think that you can get away with writing anything. I am amused by some who have read or heard from one or two people and think what they have heard is everything.

"...The fact that Kundalini yoga,Hatha Yoga and Raja yoga,Karma Yoga and Jnana Yoga are one are lost on many ill informed or semi informed souls ,with perusal knowledge and no real knowledge or expertise, as abound everywhere in all fields and mislead many....." Again one more of the too numerous examples of your self proclaimed expertise, which is just a speculation about other speculations. Can you cite the basis for your opinion other than your guru or the literature of your society? Kundalini Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga are real structured practices which exactly prescribe processes using body, mind and breath. Bending your body to touch your knee cap or breathing in with the left nostril and breathing out with the right is no philosophic speculation. Kundalini Yoga talks of Kriyas like isotonic exercises (Like cardio workouts) while there is no significant concept like that in Hatha Yoga. Hatha Yoga is biased towrds isometric exercise formats. To compare the two is just like comparing tennis and cricket. Kudalini Yoga and Hatha Yoga can never be the same. Hatha Yoga is the Physical exercise part of Patanjali's Raja Yoga sytem. Raja Yoga does not even contain any philosophic pretensions. It does not talk of GOD, GODS Brahman MUkthi Moksha or such things. Gnana Yoga, Karma yoga are not even yogic practices. They are philosophical speculations, not defined in the Vedas, Upanishads or the three poorva puranas. Later on some people started using these words in a very approximate sense to abstract and represent some of the ideas from Bhagavat Geeta and Sankaras writings. These two are different methods with the same underluing purpose. But they are not the "same". In logic there is a rule called "ejusdem generis". When more than one word is used in an illustrative sense there should be some strong interconnection between the ideas portrayed by those words. In most laws the rule is mandatory and words that do not fit in the group shall be ignored by the courts. You yourself admit your gaseous substance through "......I was never believing in any other preachers, but learned by my experiences out of what they are committing. What I most definitely not do is worry of others if I know the score as I have won the game. .........." Then do not assert that this is the Veda or this is the Upanishad! 1 day ago Like 1 Follow Peter Peter Stutz moha I can say that your are only preaching ! As your heart is lost! learn to listen as many say here in this forum !

1. If a spiritual practice is only for Chennai but it was by your statement earlier in your text from Bangalore as well? Please explain yourself. 2. Are you sure thats what you are practicing. (That should come out as solution driven) or not? 3. I feel great today your piece is from Chennai and my piece is the cosmos you really make me feel wonderful and I thank you generously! Are you part of the main problem in India, or are you the solution to India? I thank you for your copy paste texting and all the concerns you have for me and others true out this exchange! 1 day ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Peter: 1.This is not a forum to preach what I practice. My problem with you is that the so called "spiritual practice" assume what Theosophical society of Chennai says is true and the rest are false. This quite contrary to your "Cosmos" claim. Even here you are confused. Your own self found enlightenment does not confirm strictly to any known faith. I have no problem as long as you own this fact rather than hiding behind what various scriptures do not say. 2.So far you have not made it clear what you really practice. 3.Mine is also a mixed perception. I believe in Vedanta. I do not believe in God the creator or boss. I practice Yoga. I chant the Vedas and Upanishads everyday. I also follow certain rituals and temple worship, though vedanta says that these are OK but not mandatory. 4. I do not have any concerns for you personally. But nothing can prevent me from saying that as for as I am concerned what you preach is baseless. 1 day ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz we are clear..... I love you sincerely as you are blessed by the complete Cosmos to be ! keep preaching internet copy paste and several different practices even no one is asking to do so ! however then dont tell others off. so read copy paste: The Upanishads (Sanskrit: , IAST: Upaniad, IPA: [upnid]) are philosophical texts considered to be an early source of Hindu religion. Traditionally, these texts are considered to be authorless, and are categorized as ruti. The Upanishads are found mostly the concluding part of the Brahmanas and in the

Aranyakas.[1] All Upanishads have been passed down in oral tradition. My meditation is based on one of his highness of Meditation out of India for the whole of the World and Im not a bit confused in that fact. The cosmos tells me different: In the end no need of Religion, Yoga, Meditation or any others means as the path is the message and importance of the whole to become. 1 day ago Like Follow Narendra Narendra Nath I agree with the above comments of Peter Stutz. Are you located in Germany or Austria? it will be nice to interact with you directly through Internet <> 1 day ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz In a time where Astrology finds its new way I know the Philosophy and Physic as well as Politics and Cosmic Consciousness is moving along without being able to hold on to old values. It is a most exciting time for of all us who hold the future as a bright star in front of their eyes. 1 day ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar All the people are stars as they have taken birth under their own auspicious star, and they have a say in each and every persons life for ups and downs. As we receive a lot of cosmic energy, which is cooked in the outer layer of our earths atmosphere and each and every material receives it in one way or other including the life. That energy along with what we consume finally makes what we are. Only those who know what it is for by self realization with positive attitude shine like their own stars. That knowledge that makes us to realize is called as wisdom of light. Entire Indian philosophy of Vedanta and other scriptures are all about that wisdom and how to use it for betterment of life on this earth for maintaining peace, harmony and serenity. 1 day ago Like 1 Follow Peter Peter Stutz This is the way I like to hear an Indian Man speak of his country and wisdom.

That is acceleration pure thank you Davuloori 1 day ago Like Follow Satheesh Satheesh Amilineni Comments are in bad taste; comments are directed in dividing people. I would consider such people as narrow-minded and pure skulks. Instead of reacting to others methods ... better you post what you are doing ... and don't force convince others to follow your theory. Indians has better knowledge of Yoga than anybody else as we follow as part of our culture. We Indians may follow different approaches to realize but that doesn't mean we are divided. 1 day ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Dear Satheesh India is very divited and yes that is a fact Yoga teaches united, Meditation teaches united, Cosmos teaches united, your text needs to teach united In Love with the whole forever Thanks Peter 1 day ago Like 1 Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Peter Stutz: I do not need to "copy paste" from the internet. Show me just one line in all my posts where I have copied and posted from the internet. If at all I have copied and posted I have done so only with posts I want to comment upon. You do not even realize that I have copied and pasted from your own posts when I discuss them. Your method is saying something arbitrary and cite a totally irrelevant resource. Yoga techniques and objectives are different and so with meditation. Nobody who knows the subject will ever say Kundalini Yoga and Patanjali Raja Yoga are the same. These differences are the essence of Hinduism. It provides different perspectives and allows you to mix and match them to your requirements. That is unity in diversity. 1 day ago Like

Follow Peter Peter Stutz Dearest Moha I just need to respect you for not giving up and I do so ! However I do realize very well when you copy my text. The last text just above comes from your heart even do you hurt a bit, as I can read your text well I except your apology. Unity is not a Chennai thing it is a world thing. Diversity only works when you allow others as well. I have tried to have you humble down and tried to make sense from another voice, others have tried the same. I personally know that if you stood in front of me the first thing I do is give you a big hug. You need sincere love and recognition and I have no problem with that at all. In peace and harmony we should go, because of respect not shooting, before looking exactly, to what we are! 1 day ago Like Follow Sona Sona Jha This is very fair question but answer could come from self only.I don't think any answer can satisfy you.So many books and lot many our ancestor preached about it but still we are searching this fundamental question of existence.only self......I m also one of them..... 1 day ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @Peter Stutz: I simply do not know what for I owe you an apology and how I have hurt you. @Sona Jha: "Existence of only self" is one perspective out of so many. It is not mandatory for you to believe it. If you do not feel convinced just leave it. I am not even sure whether answering that question is a matter of utmost importance. If you have the leisure and inclination you can weigh the different prescriptions and arrive at your own conclusion. Heavens are not going to fall even if your conclusion is wrong! 1 day ago Like 1 Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada True Sona, the answers, if there are any, have to come from Self. That is the idea behind these questions, each one trying to locate their purpose in the context of the whole. The answer is like an atom or even smaller unit which is common to all things and beings. It is there in everyone and everywhere. We need to build it up as well as break it down to get the answer correctly. 1 day ago Like

Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Somehow Peter I am not able to share your enthusiasm about future, we are losing what we have built faster than what we are building. Religions seems to have lost their way, science seems to have lost its way basically because humans have lost their way. I wonder where you are getting that positive hope about the human race and their future. Look at the way our discussions are progressing. We are trying to humble each other rather than being humbled by discovering what we don't know. 1 day ago Like 1 Follow Peter Peter Stutz Sona Jha my suggestion is simple be beautiful to all those which you can, but be gracious to all others, unless the try to shoot your values down. Then you may use the Attraction of the Cosmic Law and Order. Moha: I have stated thanks for your apologie as you are hurting out of your texting. I got the Cosmic energy in place and order and you have now Chennai confused all together. Why are you giving advice to Sona with Heavens are not going to fall even if your conclusion is wrong........ if you dont believe in Heavens. . It still seems you should listen much more and respect Mankind, Jung and Old as no one with your knowledge can escape. 1 day ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Chiranjeevi Man has its own destiny and lucky my destiny is long given. The comfort I have and Joy of life lies within my Peace and Harmony. Yet I have the power of living at its best standards and thats why I share. I have noticed that you also answer only the points of which you chose and have the tendency not to be happy at most. Could you explain your suffer. Where is the question not being answered to you as you have food water job family and even entertainment? If you smoke eat meat drink alcohol I can understand, however is this holding you back from noticing your own path in Live. Life is most precious but of course only if you notice. Go hiking, travel, meet with Mother Earth in person, see nature and you be at peace with your inner self. There is a refining on spirituality and all sciences which is very unique; jasmine revolution is going not just on in the Arabic states but around the world. This is my cause of excitment pure. Joy is around the corner for all of us shortly.

1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .No one sees some purpose in getting few grounds in Moon to start with, ...and then in the outer space ...... not bad but disheartening !! .1 day ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Thanks Peter, Yes I think you are right. Not being able to be out with the nature is the reason for my personal unhappiness. I also feel bad that everywhere individuals are just focused on promoting themselves rather than questioning. What for? I have lived in Heidelberg which is almost like the ultimate for someone who loves nature but then after a while even nature can get on your nerves. I think too much of anything is not good. Balance, change and contentment all are needed, this is what makes life complex and hence interesting, I guess. 1 day ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Peter "Heavens are not going to fall" is a simple English idiom which I believe even people who do not believe in heaven can use. If you are a vegetarian are you not allowed to use the word "beef"? 1 day ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Chiranjeevi I thank you sincerely for your answer. Balance is the key and the body needs it more then we think, but many of us are headstrong denying this! I play Tennis every week I go walking my Dog every day and ones a week up to 6 hours nature pure. Every day I look the sun into its face and thank her for bringing me the joy I notice to come. If the sun is not available one day, I say the sun shines always above the clouds. Im a lucky guy and therefore I love to share it with all I touch if possible. I like to be an accelerator to all as all is an accelerator to me, even if it those not always seem that way. I paint, I play Music, and I love singing, dont watch TV 1 day ago Like

Follow Peter Peter Stutz moha I love your humor !! that a good one ! 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .interesting case here, ' just focused on promoting themselves rather than questioning. What for? ' .--------( this just tip of the iceberg, how many such wars within the scientists / bureaucrats ) "" The murky controversy raging over damning debar on former Indian Space Research Organisation ( ISRO) chief and secretary of Department of Space ( DOS) G Madhavan Nair and three other scientists refuses to blow away. Many scientists have come out in protest at damning of the finest space scientists in this manner, while Dr R G Nadadur, a 1980 batch IAS officer of Karnataka cadre who got a voluntary retirement early last month, has brought out how Dr Madhavan Nair became a victim of the " massive witch- hunt" mounted by his successor Radhakrishnan who took over from him in 2009. He says he was totally devastated and demoralised by the guns turned on him in September and October " when I was painted as one of the chief architects of the so- called scam." His only crime was that he had tried to persuade the ISRO chief, who is also Secretary of DOS to desist from " a massive witch- hunt to 'fix'all those who did not support him in his earlier years in ISRO." While Nadadur, who served the organisation for over nine years, exited quietly without making any public issue with Radhakrishnan, two emails he sent out to his batch- mates and friends on January 6 and 7 show the rotten state of affairs."" .................. the chances for an Indian citizen to buy few plots in moon / space is going for a remote possibility ..........!! .1 day ago Follow dipak

dipak M. Chiranjeevi, Purpose of life on earth- to fight Why does the universe exist- Because we are yet to destroy it. Does anyone or anything else knows about existence other than us- Do we really exist? 1 day ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz We are a Spirit experiencing a Body Not a Body experiencing a Spirit 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Impressive history......> ...should last to see an Indian Camp in the Moon ! "" The setting up of the Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station in 1963 marked the beginning of the Indian space program. The Space Commission and the Department of Space (DOS) were established by the Government of India in 1972 to promote unified development and application of space science and technology for national objectives. The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) was set up as the research and development wing of DOS and is responsible for the execution of India's national space program. The Indian space program has made pivotal strides, since its inception, and is comparable to the best there is in its areas of focus. It enjoys unflinching political support due to the space programs emphasis on applications for improving the * quality of life here on Earth *................>..........................Vision 2020.. xxxxx predicted that India will construct giant solar collectors in orbit and on the moon, and will mine helium-3--an incredibly rare fuel on Earth, but one whose unique atomic structure makes power generation from nuclear fusion potentially feasible--from the lunar surface. India's scramjet RLV, xxxxx asserted, will provide the "low-cost, fully reusable space transportation" that has previously "denied mankind the benefit of space solar-power stations in geostationary and other orbits." " ... "Twenty years from now, when space travel is likely to become mundane like airline travel today, we don't want to be buying travel tickets on other people's space vehicles." - Dr. G. Madhavan Nair, Chairman, ISRO (Source: BBC Article: Indias growing strides in space, 2 May 2008) .1 day ago

Follow Narendra Narendra Nath Comment of Peter are absolutely correct, it is the spirit that senses the body, which loses any substance without it. As usual, Karthi's comments are totally off the mark. In my view, the purpose of life and the existence of the Universe contain the great design and logic of the Creator, whom we need not designate as we truly are incapable, being His products. However, the purpose is clear is to look for the design and logic of creation and thereby understand the truth behind the purpose of creation! A look at the magnanimity of the Universe and our insignificance therein, we can visualize that intelligent species may well exist else where too in this universe where conditions on some planet of other stars may be amiable for existence of life. That search is already on and a suitable satellite revolving around a unique twin star system has been discovered not too far from our location! Mystery and science will continue to drive us towards better and better understanding in the times to come. Dreaming and looking into present mysteries are a must for the growth of science. 1 day ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar To go from the body to the spirit is the ultimate challenge,and not easy,even thru or inspite of all the HATHA/KARMA-RAJA/JNANA YOGAS,untill you reach the stage of BHAKTHI AND KARMA SANYASA YOGA,after the first two stages ,as above. That is when we establish ourselves in the spirit rather than the body,and become a chiranjeevi transcending the embodied self. To engage with the world,even after this transcendence is truly exciting to say the least,and serves verily as the great and noble purpose of human existenc,or all existence for that matter.May be for all life forms anywhere,in whatever format,as the conditions permit and foster. Life is everywhere,and the boundary between life and non life is thin and diffuse,as even sconce and bilogy now admits. Scientists like Schrodinger too anticipated so ,and his book what is life touches on that 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Schrodinger wrote: Vedanta teaches that consciousness is singular, all happenings are played out in one universal consciousness and there is no multiplicity of selves. I doubt all will agree to this ?? .1 day ago

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .This is again Schrodinger , Nirvana is a state of pure blissful knowledge.. It has nothing to do with individual. The ego or its separation is an illusion. The goal of man is to preserve his Karma and to develop it further when man dies his karma lives and creates for itself another carrier. ...........but this one is nearer !! ________________________________________________________________ Rudimentary version below ( posted earlier ), Dilemma ? ' Something is better than Nothing ' ...or ...' Nothing is better than Anything ' .*Ego does not start getting killed through Yoga. It is just that Ego splits "and and" sees itself and starts laughing . The process starts and Yoga slowly kills the Yogi .** Dilemma ? .... one has to make the correct choice :) .............................' Nothing is better than anything ' ........................................... That is straight flight to Venus,. No Yoga meditation . simple adherence to Karma Discover IT . .1 day ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Yesterday's Hindu carried a science news where it talks about an experiment which recorded the plants talking. It seems a plant when gets attacked warns its neighbours. Now, I wonder what we should eat, may be we need to live on milk and some vitamins (:-) 1 day ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar I am not saying the obvious-only that some intutively arrive at similar

conclusions,where as others go in the opposite direction,reading books,and perhaps not knowing or experiencing the truth intutively or otherwise,as a few comments here reveal. Of course,Schrodinger,anyone for that matter may not be the final word,and what is important is personal experience of reality and its true knowledge,and not just bookishness,or logical exercises,as a few try to demonstrate getting nowhere,and not helping anyone 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Chiranjeevi There is strong belief that medicinal herbs and flowers need to be plucked at certain times only and for herbs people say some mantra and pluck it for its efficacy . May be as we start losing our mother tongue with interference / adoption of a foreign language , human ability to talk to plants & animals might have been lost over those long period of civilization . Vikramaditya stories are popular and there are few others quoting some Rishis / Siddhas with such abilities , befriending animals & plants . .. 1 day ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Right Karthik..I have also heard about it..In fact Pranic healing talks about drawing energy (prana) from the plants. Because of things like black magic etc., positive things also are brushed aside as nonsensical. There is this story about young girls decorating their feet (with Latika) and touching the trees with them to launch them into bloom. Don't know if this is poetic or actual practice. 1 day ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Anything you touch, using the purity of Light and Love in Vibration you will awake, no matter if it is Human, Animal, Trees, Plants, Air, Water, Steel or Fire, or the Cosmic Rays. The only thing we cannot do is to send the light to our self as such. Therefore we need our loved ones to do so. So go out there and touch them so you can be touched as well.

1 day ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Chiranjivi,that is right,as I am practicing traditional medicine,though my formal education,traing and experence is elsewhere-some such practices help to balance the vata-pitha-kapha in the syatem[some herbs ned to be plucked in a particular direction and at particular locations and time to have proper effects,again because of the dosha balance requirement,as well as for certain elemental effects,in addition to vital energy aspects] As part of my spiritual practice,I have come to know and experience many of these,and give this knowledge to even accomplished traditional vaids and practitoners who come to consult me on very complicated cases. In certain cases you can find whether a herb is good for a particular ailment or person by looking at the shape,size,colour,smell,season when it grows,and blloms etc. There is a whole lot of subtle knowledge that one gets as intutive enlightenment as one goes up in spirituality thru the right path which is very narrow,specific and singular,in that it synergises many things told metaphorically and differently in our ancient texts. Even some experts in the field come to me for clarifications,since without actual experience of truth and reality in oneself,it is very difficult to understand the essence and commonality of vedas ,upanisads,yogas and Gita. If even experts find it difficult to assimilate and synergise,what is the pouint in arguing with people who comment variously based on mere bookish knowldge thru their `learned` posts 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Even a ' soul ' can be destroyed by Dilemma :) .1 day ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Schrodinger just made a statement of fact about Vedanta. Looking at this discussion people talk about "Creator", "Spirit" etc., wrongly placing external concepts in the context of Vedanta. It may be an indication that many, at least in this discussion do not "believe" Vedanta. Hence my response to Karthikeyan is that many may not agree with Schrodinger. Karthikeyan's second quote of Schrodinger is not based on Vedanta. Perhaps that is why he has not attributed this segment of his belief to Vedanta. We have seen many talk of the "creator" and "aham brahmasmi" in the same breath. At least the good scientist has proved himself to be a man of science.

The words that one should "preserve" and "develop" Karma seem to be missing something. The Karma "creates for itself another carrier" is also not as per Hindu perspective. The prerequisite for Nirvana is expiation of all Karma. One should "develop" Karma perhaps in the sense that he should do such acts which annul past Karma. As per Advita there is no "another carrier". "Moneism" (Not monotheism) does not recognize entities other than Brahman. Yoga just sharpens your faculties and offers them a great range. What you use these skills for is your own choice. Yoga can also make a man extraordinary powerful, which may result in "pride", multiplying his ego manifold so that he can do incalculable harm to others at will. That is what the Auras did. Perhaps that is why our Puranas never condemn any Asura to "hell" to honor his efforts in acquiring those skills in the first place. 1 day ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada To me bookish knowledge is not bad or even secondary to experiential knowledge. If one is not sensitive enough experiences can do little to one's learning. I have seen this in an art of living class when people went through the motions without experiencing the spirit. Analysing and logically deriving and verifying what's written in books is one way of research because what's written in books is also from personal experiences though of someone else. Not everything can be read in books at the same time not everything could be from experience only. For instance as Prof. Suresh says some of these things first need belief then a bit of practice and top of it all spiritual ability to experience. And experiences cannot be tested because they are very personal. To me learning is a cyclical process reading, experiencing and reflecting and again reading. 1 day ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar The churning of the ocean of milk is the best metaphor for the spiritual process in all of us where the prana and apana vital fields are used through the serpent power of life force field in the nerves and vital centers. First thing to come up is the venom in all of us,and that is part of the purification process ,and the spiritual power in you can handle that ,as represented by Shiva taking the poison in and Prvati catching hold of the neck. So an accomplished spirtual practitioner has his ego too which he can manage,while he synergises the devas and asuras in his body and that is how he realises the subtle powers to serve self and society thru spirit. So ego consciousness is refiend by pure consciousness and not extinguished as many think in their own `wisdom` lacking perhaps practical experience of these subtle powers. That goes beyond mere hallucination since the materiality is perceptible not just to you but also others who interact with you and the perceptibel ones. In fact in the true path one swiches from the ergotropy of perception-emotion-hallucination[in which

most of us dwell whether they are aware of it or not] and goes to the perception -meditation continuum to the right of the former.Some brain biology studies have indicated empirical evidence for this,as reported] So long as you have a gross body and its materiality the asuras too exist along with devas[apana and prana] in their own domains even in the most acomplished practitioner till he leaves the gross body for subtle realms. This knowledge is purely experiential,as perceptible to the knowledgeable few 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .PSK You may be a Chief Scientist & Good at traditional medicines but enough on Yoga , Spirit ...etc . how many times repeat the same thing, in the same thread even after people saying that ' 'what your conveying is well of the mark and sometimes funny too !! That is sincerely funny :) .1 day ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Nothing here is funny for me. I think each one of us is sincerely sharing what we think is right. We may disagree with others but not ridicule each other. We may be right about a point and others may be wrong but we shouldn't judge people on that basis. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Asuras too, many are blessed in ( Hinduism sense ! ) , they are given exalted positions- to be by side of the God as attendants or something of that sort . May be ( again may be ! ) Asura sakthi is the Karma ( strict adherence ) performed to perfection in line with the ' Maya ' . Devilish nature of Asuras looks like later day's satanic interpretations . .1 day ago

Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena What could be the purpose of Creation? Does God also falls under the draconian karma rules and regulations? If God is all knowing then it implies that everything is pre-destined or pre-planned by God. So if somebody/everybody has good/bad karma then it could mean that God has pre-planned it, otherwise it would mean that God is not aware of what individuals will do during their stint in Earthly life. This would contradict the premise that God knows everything. 1 day ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Better than off the mark irrelevant and spurious stuff still,repeated ad infinitum sometimes ad nauseum.I know that some devdelop no sense despite all sense around,however repeated,still 1 day ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada When we get upset with others is it because of our ego or because of our knowledge? 1 day ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar It is because of the ignorance from both the sides ego adds to that. more over nobody would like accept that the knowledge they have is actually nothing. it is all the brama (Maya/magic) of the brains. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .God ........each god knows about IT's jurisdiction . .When........Timely & the Right Question .-

1 day ago davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Do you mean Intra Terrestrial (IT) or High Tea. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .As you wish :) .1 day ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz Dear Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Do take some 30-40 time-out to watch this very honest information. I just got this yesterday!! There are 4 parts As you open the Link below you will find the rest in 1-3 parts (part 3-4 most incredible information on illnesses and Power of neglected government doings. This is truly what we like to tell just cannot express in words as we are feeling the pressure. I like to advice that it probably is better not to comment; as this is bringing all of us 400 years of spiritual Peace after 2019 / However 2013 will be the divided! And it started already in 2009. There will be many more such messages coming shortly and that not for none sense. 1 day ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Chiranjeevi,the fact is that appearances can be deceptive,since we tend to measure the other based on our own levels of both ego and knowledge. I am not in fact getting irritated any time,but sometimes you have to give answers,so that someone may

get the sense despite the ego and its illusions of ignorance. You cannot change a person and his notion by advise or admonition or criticism or caustic commnets,though at times it may have some effect if the listener is intent on truly knowing.If u praise me some one may not like and he may comment and then you have to spot it aptly reply,without an overdo though occassionally an overkill may be needed,provided the person is perceptive enough. You may see reason after a few comments and another may see it earlier but his ego may not permit. His comment will tell,and sometimes you can even get thought waves[people may not accept this,but it is an experiential reality,to the extent that sometimes you may even know what the other person is going to do or what is the future,though it may not happen always.All of us have this to some or greater extent,and spirituality can definitely refine it. Many who comment here are really knowledgweable people,and some are refined,others not so,and yet speaking fact many times,may be learnt from books or having some practice and experience. When I spot gross errors in understanding I may make a comment,and the person may get upset and may or may not react,and some do understand,though they may not admit. Some who criticise you most may be understanding sometimes more than others ,and then their ego provokes them.It is all in the game.I have gone for many such discussions with much more learnt and renowned people in the field,though I would not like to exaggerate or publicise much. Even people like well known gurus and swamijis are in that list.Initially some may be very furious when i explain,and counter them-that is because they feel i am right ,and they are learning,which they cannot admit at first,though eventually they[many]come around. Some have even started bringing their own disciples to me for advanced training in spirituality.SO IF SOMEONE GETS ME IT IS GOOD FOR BOTH,and that may mean repetition,at times and appearances of arguments at other times. Even rebuke may be called for under duress,eventually for the good of all,provided you have no hard feeling in you 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Peter, Good Video . But my doubts, " how will someone so powerful receive Atom Bomb over their heads " ..... Karma ?? .1 day ago Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena What is the boundary between karma and free will? If the next life depends upon current karma then it means everything is getting pre-planned. All actions the person will take will depend upon past karma. If a person does bad karma then in next life he would be born into a bad and difficult environment & hence the possibility of doing more bad karma increases. The poor thing will fall into an

infinite loop of bad karma. Good and bad is also situational. Killing a person is bad. But millions of people have been killed in wars. Since they have been killed in war they would kill the persons who killed them in next life. Unless and until they listen to the inner voice the status quo will be maintained for ever. Is listening to the inner voice part of the free will where God has no idea whether the person will listen positively and do some good karma or not? If God has an idea then it would mean that even listening to free will is pre-destined. 1 day ago Unlike 1 Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R My teachers used to say that to make it a habit to deviate from recorded wisdom is either a mark of genius or a sign of utmost foolishness. To flaunt such eccentric deviations is just a mark of perverted ego. It would suffice to say that I have not encountered any "genius" here in this discussion. Claims of "Intuition" or "personal experience" are mostly masks covering "ignorance". I never eat a leaf or a fruit just because I feel good about its looks! The Vaidyas who prescribe such plants should be great "geniuses". Perhaps they themselves do not eat such plants! @Sanjay Saxena: Our Puranas say that even "Gods" are not exempt from Puranas and suffer the consequences. Have you not heard stories of even Gods and Goddesses born on the earth to atone for some bad act they have committed? Hence GOD ca never exempt you from your own Karma. The maximum God does is to show you the way to organize your Karma for the best possible results. Remember GOD is just a concept and Karma is day to day reality! 1 day ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Sanjay,truly deep philosophical questions,and brilliant thought process. Karma is of course defined by the mental images as you rightly put it and is derived from our worldly experiences and leads to intentionality for future actions and experiences.So we are bounded by the fate that Karma implies. In that context free will appears as a chimera,since the unconscious predetermines and influences the conscious as proven in sciences too ,of late.The karmic domain of the unconscious inflences the free will domain of the conscious rendering fee will meaningless. It becomes meaningful only when you try and search for and learn correctly the process of taming the karmic images,refining them in the power of your spirit[and breath] and attain back to Brahamn and its pure consciousness,since karma has evolved from it. That is the true field of free will,and that naturally happens as part of the evolution which not only means a going forth and growing gross but also a going back to subtler states 1 day ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .' boundary between karma and free will? ' ..... just a logical attempt :) ..1.) E = mc2 an accepted Equation but every research attempt is ( especially) there to prove it wrong . .2.) .........................( Soul + Maya + Brain ) < = > ( Mind ) ................................... ( this just as sample for the message) ________________________________________________________________ ... The Veda and other spiritual /religious theories arrive at some such equation to fit / define all beings & universe under some scheme of things ...On going effort .. the purpose is simply to keep (spiritual ) research going in an attempt to disprove the current theory . But this is clearly stated in the Vedas and as per the subcontinent's belief / faith . Two axillary statements: Om is expounded from one to other only in the Ears the Legend goes !! " one who has seen the unseen is never seen in the Earth ." .1 day ago Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Some who swear by their teachers think that the recorded wisdom is what they know while others more perceptive and knowledgeable and experienced souls may see the recorded wisdom differently and have wisdom that reside in the teachings. What the recorded wisdom says appear differently depending on one`s levels of knowledge ,and sometimes fouled by misconceptions that flow from ill informed teachers too,by the by. All who call themselves as teachers do not teach well and right,as I have often found from my own experiments with truth. You can see the recorded wisdom truly and well if you have apt teachings and experience

1 day ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R I do not think I am great enough to put entirely different ideas behind the words of truly great people who wrote the scriptures. If somebody thinks he is so great he should do three things. 1.Faithfully summarize recorded wisdom giving due credits. 2.Dispute them through a logical process. 3.Do not shroud himself in the flaunted veils of "intuition" and "Enlightening experience". Even Buddha never called himself by any name other than Siddharta. The world called him Buddha later. If some people chose to call them "Buddha" I personally will never acknowledge such spurious claims and most will just ignore him. 1 day ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Karthi If you would have taken the time to watch all 4 clips you would have had the answer ? 1 day ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz moha Please start loving yourself, so you can start soon enjoying others as well! 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Peter The answer is here, India . Why go all the way to Japan :) Oh ... you might call me closed / narrow minded then ???? ..' Om' santhi ...santhi .... santhi .... Om

..' Om' ...santhi ...santhi .... santhi Om ....Om ....Om ....... .1 day ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Worth recalling to feel the undercurrent ...........> .*( this just tip of the iceberg, how many such wars within the scientists / bureaucrats )*

"" The murky controversy raging over damning debar on former Indian Space Research Organisation ( ISRO) chief and secretary of Department of Space ( DOS) G Madhavan Nair and three other scientists refuses to blow away. Many scientists have come out in protest at damning of the finest space scientists in this manner, while Dr R G Nadadur, a 1980 batch IAS officer of Karnataka cadre who got a voluntary retirement early last month, has brought out how Dr Madhavan Nair became a victim of the " massive witch- hunt" mounted by his successor Radhakrishnan who took over from him in 2009. He says he was totally devastated and demoralised by the guns turned on him in September and October " when I was painted as one of the chief architects of the so- called scam." His only crime was that he had tried to persuade the ISRO chief, who is also Secretary of DOS to desist from " a massive witch- hunt to 'fix'all those who did not support him in his earlier years in ISRO." While Nadadur, who served the organisation for over nine years, exited quietly without making any public issue with Radhakrishnan, two emails he sent out to his batch- mates and friends on January 6 and 7 show the rotten state of affairs."" .................. the chances for an Indian citizen to buy few plots in moon / space is going for a remote possibility ..........!! .1 day ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz Karthi

just a bit respectless and lost ! why are you here in this forum ? to pull KARMA to you ! this is your text ; " how will someone so powerful receive Atom Bomb over their heads " ..... Karma ?? wow karthi you really did it again shame on you all the way my child ! 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Thanks " Oh ... you might call me closed / narrow minded then ???? " ...instead it is ' Shame ' ;) ...................... why are you here in this forum ? Good question , one is Karma and the other, you can read the comments from the start , Discover IT. :) .1 day ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @Sanjay Saxena: Please distinguish between Karma the basic axiom and religious interpretations of Karma. The rule that for whatever one does there will be an effect and that effect will cause some other act. This chain is continuous and can logically never end. This is the axiom of "cause and effect". Hindus and Buddhists call it Karma. Any act you do will definitely result in something. Even if God does something there will be an effect. This is derived from the axiom of Karma. It is immaterial whether you do something knowingly or inadvertently. Fire will burn you if you touch it irrespective of the fact whether you knew in the first place that fire will burn or not. But sometimes the effect may not be instantaneous. If you sow a seed it may not spout immediately but after sometime. If you plant a sapling it may not even grow into a tree in your lifetime. Sometimes the effects may be more numerous than the cause. Sometimes the effect is just not restricted to you. It may occur on others apparently unconnected with your act. If you let sewage out from your house somebody else may get infected whether you get infected immediately or not and your neighbor's friend may break your leg. Here the seed act is your letting out sewage and one of the intermediate effects implemented by someone

you do not know is the fracture of your leg. Karma occurs because of owns own acts whether conscious or not. Hence Karma is a result of "free will" and not "destiny". The religious interpretations of Karma are numerous. The Eastern question was if karma is infinite how it can react with everything that is finite. Semitic religions answer this question with "heaven" and "hell". Many Eastern beliefs answer this question with "after birth". While these concepts are speculations, Karma by itself is axiomatic in character. From the Vedantic point of view since Brahman is indivisible Karma can only change the views of the indivisible whole. It cannot change the whole permanently. Hence "Maya" is a result of "Karma". The timing differences between cause and effect are dealt with in different manners by different systems of faith. Let us not go into these nuances in this discussion. Karma is independent of GOD. GOD is again a speculation and Karma is observable reality. If you chose not to believe God you may not have all the confusions you have voiced about Karma. Some faiths say that GOD can release you from the Karmic cycle, in other words he can pardon all your sins. If you chose to believe this you must naturally have absolute faith in GOD. The general Hindu view is GOD can only guide you in your acts to overcome the effects of your Karma prospectively and not retrospectively. In other words you can arrange your future acts in such a way that the effects of the past acts together with those out of your present acts get nullified. Your doubts regarding situational compulsions is correct. Again different faiths answer this question differently. But remember death, punishment and retribution are not the limited consequences of an act of killing in a war situation. You yourself have cited other possible consequences. Each of these consequences seed further acts some of which you may perceive as good and some as bad. 1 day ago Unlike 1 davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar It has already happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a lot got infected and died or w I can use perished due to maniacs. Even with chemical/ biological bombs some survived. Those who have been working in nuclear plants also got affected and a lot are still surviving. But I do not think so anybody who are more maniac in nature are going to use such atomic bombs, just to satisfy their fanatical or racial feelings including them selves perish. 23 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Tank for a ( Human ) Fish ....>

""An isolation tank is a lightless, soundproof tank inside which subjects float in salt water at skin temperature. They were first used by John C. Lilly[1] in 1954 to test the effects of sensory deprivation. Such tanks[2] are now also used for meditation and relaxation and in alternative medicine. The isolation tank was originally called the sensory deprivation tank. Other names for the isolation tank include flotation tank, John C. Lilly tank, REST tank, sensory attenuation tank, and think tank. ...... Latest research New research undertaken at the Human Performance Laboratory at Karlstad University Sven-ke Bood[11] concludes that regular flotation tank sessions can provide significant relief for chronic stressrelated ailments. Studies involving 140 people with long-term conditions such as anxiety, stress, depression and fibromyalgia found that more than three quarters experienced noticeable improvements. Dr. Bood commented: "Through relaxing in floating tanks, people with long-term fibromyalgia, for instance, or depression and anxiety felt substantially better after only 12 treatments". Research targeted the effectiveness of floatation treatment with regard to stress related pain and anxiety over the period of seven weeks. 22 percent of the participants became entirely free of pain and 56 percent experienced clear improvement. Broken down to various symptoms, the results were as follows: 23 percent slept better, 31 percent experienced reduced stress, 27 percent felt less agony and 24 percent became less depressed or got rid of their depression altogether. The research also confirms the findings of an earlier thesis that flotation, after only twelve sessions, substantially improves sleep patterns leaving users more optimistic and with reduced nervousness, tension and pain. Relaxing in a weightless state in the silent warmth of a flotation tank activates the body's own system for recuperation and healing, said Sven-ke Bood. What researchers find particularly gratifying is that the positive effects were still in evidence 4 months after the floating treatment ended..........> ( nice thesis is available from the university ) .23 hours ago Follow Hussain Hussain Shaikh its true is like a can lead it as you choose your own way...some choose evil route some may opposite......Purpose of life is to examine each and every individual, his or her attitute, way of the end you will b judge with your you spend your life on earth? So make this earth a peaceful place to live peacefully with all our good deeds.... 23 hours ago Unlike

1 Follow Peter Peter Stutz Karthi just a bit respectless and lost ! why are you here in this forum ? to pull KARMA to you ! this is your text ; " how will someone so powerful receive Atom Bomb over their heads " ..... Karma ?? wow karthi you really did it again shame on you all the way my child ! 22 hours ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada We have here very knowledgeable members, all of you. We need to just follow some simple rule of not calling each other names, directly or indirectly or we are better off not having this discussion. Language including mine is sometimes offensive and deriding. We really don't need it. If we are now running into just each other more often than into the subject, may be we can close this thread. 22 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Om .... The answer is here, India . Why go all the way to Japan :) Om ...santhi ...santhi .... santhi .. Om Om ....santhi Om .21 hours ago davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar It is all out of love and affection to each other after so much interactions it may

not matter, it is just to be more childlike where the creativity is more. 20 hours ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar EVERYBODY HAS THE RIGHT TO REALIZE THEIR SELF IN THAT PROCESS SOME INTERACT DIFFERENTLY LET ALL THOSE FEELINGS GO OUT BECOME A CHILD WHO HAVE MORE CREATIVITY AND WANT TO LEARN MORE AND MORE THE PRESENT EDUCATION HAS PUT BARRIERS AMONG US BY DIVIDING WITH WHAT EVER BE REASONS KNOWN ONLY TO THOSE WHO HAVE DONE IT MADE US TO FEEL WE DO NOT HAVE ANY PURPOSE IN OUR LIFE ONCE YOU VENT OUT WHAT EVER BE THE FEELINGS THEN THE PURPOSE OF THE LIFE MAY COME OUT EVEN THE EGO HAS TO GO OUT THE ARROGANCE HAS TO GO OUT AND THEN ONLY IGNORANCE THE DARK PATCH BECOMES FULL OF WISDOM LET THAT BLOOM IN EVERY PERSON TO MAKE US DRIVE TOWARDS THAT PATH OF PEACE, HARMONY AND SERENITY FOR THE SAKE OF LIFE AND OTHER UNIVERSAL ELEMENTS. LET US PRAY TO THAT ALMIGHTY TO GIVE US THE STRENGTH TO MOVE FORWARD AND SHOWER US WITH THE LIGHT OF THAT WISDOM SOON. 20 hours ago Like 1 Follow Peter Peter Stutz Karthi The answer is here and there and everywhere as we are a global village to go to the next level of excitement together. You do stay back if youre not to learn from others. I have asked not to comment just watch / not even that my child was able to do. So be it shout and shoot just dont expect to receive the love you needed ones necessary. The world need's healing just you dont,..... it seems to the rest. Love and love and I love you even more now as ever before. Your Karma is my Karma and thats why no one can understand your standpoint as you humiliate all of us in a constant. 19 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Om

..' Om' santhi ...santhi .... santhi .... Om ..' Om' ...santhi ...santhi .... santhi Om ....Om ....Om ....... .19 hours ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz receive OM dont shout it I will happy sending to you Om ..' Om' santhi ...santhi .... santhi .... Om ..' Om' ...santhi ...santhi .... santhi Om ....Om ....Om ....... 19 hours ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Mohanakrishnan R Your text is a great contra of its self in a constant. You would not realize if a Genius would bit you that it was one, so loud you are in a constant ''honk when passing'' mood ! read your text please : My teachers used to say that to make it a habit to deviate from recorded wisdom is either a mark of genius or a sign of utmost foolishness. To flaunt such eccentric deviations is just a mark of perverted ego. It would suffice to say that I have not encountered any "genius" here in this discussion. Claims of "Intuition" or "personal experience" are mostly masks covering "ignorance". I never eat a leaf or a fruit just because I feel good about its looks! The Vaidyas who prescribe such plants should be great "geniuses". Perhaps they themselves do not eat such plants! @Sanjay Saxena: Our Puranas say that even "Gods" are not exempt from Puranas and suffer the consequences. Have you not heard stories of even Gods and Goddesses born on the earth to atone for some bad act they have committed? Hence GOD ca never exempt you from your own Karma. The

maximum God does is to show you the way to organize your Karma for the best possible results. Remember GOD is just a concept and Karma is day to day reality! 18 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Om Revenge of the Frog Om .18 hours ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz have you recieved allready ! My loving child your still screaming after nurishment ! 18 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .:) .18 hours ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Now I think we are really turning into children. Locking horns with one or the other is something we need to avoid deliberately. Lets forget and move on. Karthik I wonder who the frog bit. It can't bite the ants because they are virtual. In another thread Nimu asked a question about revenge where many said its not worth it. In the real world we can avoid one another but in the virtual world we would be stuck forever unless we forgive. 17 hours ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Chiranjeevi, It is the problem with Repetition and not at all revenge from my end ( to a large extend) The Frog must have been enacted piece , not real action . ................................. Here is an inspirational story posted in other thread., We are all cracked pots. Dont be afraid of your flaws. A water bearer in India had two large pots, each hung on each end of a pole which he carried across his neck. One of the pots had a crack in it, and while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water at the end of the long walk from the stream to the masters house, the cracked pot arrived only half full. For a full two years this went on daily, with the bearer delivering only one and a half pots full of water in his masters house. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments, perfect to the end for which it was made. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it was able to accomplish only half of what it had been made to do. After two years of what it perceived to be a bitter failure, it spoke to the water bearer one day by the stream. I am ashamed of myself, and I want to apologize to you. Why? asked the bearer. What are you ashamed of? I have been able, for these past two years, to deliver only half my load because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your masters house. Because of my flaws, you have to do all of this work, and you dont get full value from your efforts. The pot said The water bearer felt sorry for the old cracked pot, and in his compassion he said, As we return to the masters house, I want you to notice the beautiful flowers along the path. Indeed, as they went up the hill, the old cracked pot took notice of the sun warming the beautiful wild flowers on the side of the path, and this cheered it some. But at the end of the trail, it still felt bad because it had leaked out half its load, and so again the Pot apologized to the bearer for its failure. The bearer said to the pot, Did you notice that there were flowers only on your side of your path, but not on the other pots side?

Thats because I have always known about your flaw, and I took advantage of it. I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back from the stream, youve watered them. For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate my masters table. Without you being just the way you are, he would not have this beauty to grace his house. Each of us has our own unique flaws. We are all cracked pots. Dont be afraid of your flaws. Acknowledge them, and you too can be the cause of beauty. Know that in our weakness we find our strength. .17 hours ago 2 Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena @Mohankrishnan, God is a concept. Lets take this first. That means there is no creator whatsoever and the Universe just exists. Coming to Humans it is quite clear that during the existence of Dinosaurs no humans existed. After extinction of Dinosaur, humans came into existence. Life comes from inanimate matter. Some proteins, DNA comes together and under some auspicious condition life came into existence. Highly complex machinery called Man is created all by itself accidently and then offcourse it evolves. So if I pound a Mercedes car into several pieces (inanimate matter) and throw it all over the place then after a million years the various parts will accidently start forming into nozzles, engine, headlight, and lo and behold I get a complete car all by itself. Then this car evolves all by itself and turns into supersonic jet engine. That is not all, this car and supersonic jet also has soul which also seems to evolve. Everything happened accidently without any design or pre-planning whatsoever. So I believe this what you are saying in other words. Who created Karma and why? Did it also came into existence accidently? Who records karma and how? How such a balance sheet of credits/debits is maintained? Who checks and decides what is good karma and what is bad karma? 17 hours ago Like Follow Satheesh Satheesh Amilineni What is the purpose of life on earth? Why does the universe exist? Does anyone or anything else knows about existence other than us? Uhmmm ... how about this idea on above question! There was one life on earth letz call it as parent thread (something like a Java program ;-) ). During the process of evolution (like program execution) it has created lot of child threads. These threads created threads and the process is going on. Some of the threads are reporting back to the Parent thread after completion of their task (can we call this as Moksha?) and some of the threads are taking rebirth to redo the leftover job as part of whole program. Something silly!!! I am surely Peter will have some comment with respect to Love on this idea ;-) 16 hours ago Like

1 Follow Gk Gk Meditation the purpose of life can be better understood when a person activates his/her third eye.third eye is our inbuilt power just like hands and ears(all sensory perception) we are using for physical limit activities for which we have given training properly from childhood. regarding purpose of the universe is to create/platform for learning, enjoyment and expansion of consciousness.regarding other universes and other existences third eye completion is the only answer. its a pure hard core spiritual science matter. books by richard bach,tarkom,lobsang rampa,linda, seth only can give very good information. more over the answer for these kind of question needs both direct evidences and indirect evidences. so one has to do constant meditation and read books to get well satisfied answers. 13 hours ago Like 2 Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Good story Karthik...looks like better to be a cracked pot than a perfect pot :-) god sure has better purpose in making cracked pots otherwise there won't be so many of us :-) Good line of thinking Satish...someone did talk about us being a programme in God's computer or a virus. It seems there are flowers (in Himalayas and Thailand) which look exactly like a female. We also know some flowers which look like serpent's head. Hard to believe that all this creation is just an accident. (:-) 8 hours ago Like Follow Hillol Hillol Sarkar Cross-Cultural Business Behavior - Richard R Gesteland - Lot of data collection but review is not satisfactory. Good for raw data. It will give statistical analysis. 8 hours ago Like Follow tejinder tejinder bedi To live life purposefully! 6 hours ago Like

Follow Narendra Narendra Nath There is a theoretical physicist, Klingman in USA, who has put in consciousness as a mathematical operator and along with gravitational operator. He has then build the Physics to explain the Universe and what happens therein. In our present discussion, brain is mere an organ that thinks, memorize and stores information. Mind however gives these capabilities to us without being an organ. It is a part of our individual consciousness/awareness in a crude sense. This is what that interacts with others as well as with the entire cosmos depending on its level of strength. We are born with it first even before the body develops in the womb of the mother.It acts as the interface with what we call the soul, that actually identifies our true-self. Thus, consciousness is all that exists in this universe and inanimate matter is also a kind of lowest consciousness state thing. Then follows the higher living matter with humans at the highest created level. Creator has the highest possible level. With the above suppositions we can work out the purpose of universe and all matter within, including possibilities of other universes, non-interacting with one another! 6 hours ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Sanjay,your thought processes are brilliant,and answer to the loud mouths and rote learners,as well as jokerboys who find truth really funny. GK I liked the part on the third eye-the sushumna netra,or the spiritual sun in all of us ,the focal point or subtle spot in brain that induces the breath as evidence of life and mind as consciousness in us. That eye is covered by the veil of imagery and its illusions.Cut it asunder through your breath,Aswamedha is about breath in to your head[another funny thing for jokerboys perhaps,and noble truth for the aspirants in the true path] I cannot blame anyone for this state of learnt ignorance,as it is imparted and interpreted and transmitted as so-called recorded wisdom. There is a lot of lock in and path dependency due to this`knowledge`as ignorance-that is true not only in spirituality and philosophy but also in science and technology. I once,long ago,had an occasion to interact prsonally with the famed Swami Chinmayananda,when he was in trivandrum,at an aunt`s house ,and one of her relatives close to the swami had aranged it on my request. When i asked him how Karma is being interpreted as action when it is clearly told[for those who can catch the essence]in Gita and upanishads that karma is part of mind with its ego images,and intentionality for thought and action. He simply smiled and said`I know,but if I say that in my lectures,it goes against the accepted and blindly transmitted and learnt `wisdom`,and I will be rejected. I will slowly bring people to theright sense` But he did pass away before he could do that. Another man tried to do so many rears ago and he became the christ to be crucified. I can tell another story from sciences later 6 hours ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan ..... may be Swami could have got the clue from Schrodinger :) 6 hours ago Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena @Satheesh, So that means somebody designed the multithreaded Java program. I am sure the program cannot be created accidently. Perhaps a massive project called Universe was planned. Then the high level architecture of the Universe was developed. Universe was divided into several sub systems such as Galaxy, Planets, stars, black holes etc and with some 20 critical physical constants. One small but very interesting sub module called Planet Earth was also designed. So they came up with a detailed low level design such as classes called Man, Women, Animals, Non living things with relationships such as associations, and compositions, and inheritance. As you know classes are just templates having attributes and behavior. The instances of class is an object, so the instance of class Man means objects in memory (The environment) such as Ram, Shyam, Ghanshyam, Tom, Dick ,Harry etc. All interaction these objects do are recorded and stored into a database. Objects which are in memory but inactive for a long time would be taken away be garbage collector. So the so called karma could be recorded and after the life cycle of the object is complete,performance evaluation could be done. Some objects say Dick who call themselves Mystics have the ability to talk to Ghosts, departed souls or even God are able to do so because they talk via adaptors or ESB (Enterprise service bus). So you see we can actually simulate a whole earth in a computer. :-) 6 hours ago Like 1 Follow Rajesh Rajesh Menon @Sanjay Saxena Good one ... 5 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Human < = > " Objects in the Memory " Could you extend it to properties of the Objects or Object Classifiers .... :) .5 hours ago

Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Narendra,true to a large part,and spirit or life coexists with mind is what Ramayana also tend to convey thru Rama[Prana/spirt]and Lakshmana[mind]which runs after illusory images[maricha,the deer]and the vital energy of the body,as Sita[apana]gets enslaved by ego as Ravana[the ten heads denoting 5 sense organs and 5motoer organs controlling or controlled by ego]The Hanuman as the son of Vayu[breah power]thru an internalisation chastises the Ego and its veil of images to cause the union of rama and sita at ayodhya[and the self attains peace in mind despite and beyond the wars of the world] This makes sense to those who truly perceive the essence,or is lost otherwise. Preserve it since the times demand it[ro keep on sayingIT IT every time and do nothing about IT] 5 hours ago Like Follow Rajesh Rajesh Menon Does life have a purpose? 5 hours ago Like 1 Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Peter Stutz,it could be true.Cross represents also the 3gunas,which we all carry as part of our gross and subtle body and the karma nad ego domains in us.That propels and guides us to action,and Jesus is the life force evidenced thru the breath that helps us in our ressurrection thru the croos[and the process symbolising Karma yoga,symbolically,in a different metaphor,for those who really know] Ressurrection represents hence the emancipation of the soul,such that the son[jiva ataman]is united with the father in Heaven[ayodhya/hasthinapu] that is jiva and param atman union or oneness with cosmic being. That is the essence of self realization as purpose RAJESH ,I liked the blog,and our puranas ,particularly the garuda purana also seems to mention astrologically planetary configurations around the end of 2012,that suggests the possibility for a major change. May be true. Anyway this world order is bound to undergo drastic changes anywhere between 2012 and 2015,and be prepared for that,perhaps. Esoteric knowledge being hidden largely so far will need to be revealed for the sake of the times,and not as a egoistic demonstration of knowledge or whatever ,under repetition 5 hours ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz 2012. - 2013 -- the Divide of evil forces and the Divine forces... then it stabilizes to 2019

After that we all have 400 Years of Global Peace in a new Golden Area and it is true for sure !! 5 hours ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Mr.Saxena: It was not my intention to enter into a detailed debate on God and religious interpretations of Karma. I just stated what is the concept and what various religions say.Now you have to make up your own mind. Ultimately GOD and religions are just a matters of faith, which can never be proven. Whatever you say there are many to counter it.Hence "Faith" is beyond discussion and such discussions are just a waste of time. What I say need not necessarily be what I believe. I was just stating certain prevailing perceptions. GOD is definitely a "concept". Concept is a creation of human mind. Man was puzzled by so many things and was afraid of some of them. Some man deduced the concept of GOD which has evolved into various religions. "There is no alternative" concept is no conclusive proof. As far as Karma the axiom is concerned, logically it is unnecessary to go beyond what is stated. Each action has its own reaction, which follows as a matter of course.There is no need for an "accountant" concept. We already have a surfeit of concepts. If you plant a seed it should grow because it is a seed unless some other action is performed to either prevent or stall its growth. The acts of every being animate or inanimate creates Karma. If you do not seed, nothing grows. A Mercedes car is a result of man's action. It is not primordial or organic matter. They are like chalk and cheese. In theoretical physics there are two contending theories. Both accept that the universe is created out of primordial matter and energy. Einstein has proved that matter and energy are inter convertible and hence the same. Big Bang theory says that the world was "created" in an identifiable "moment". Here you can think of God. Steady state theory says that matter has been there all over the universe and it mutates itself into different states, offering different views every moment. No concept of GOD can be derived out of this. People are still arguing which of the two is correct. Both have scientific basis. Beyond this is the question of who created the primordial matter. There is no scientific answer. Different religions or philosophies answer this question differently and you are free to support either of the factions. 5 hours ago Like 1 Follow Peter Peter Stutz there is a distinct difference between man made god's by Religions and politics,

and the Creation itself. The Creation (Complete Cosmic energies exist for good and within that there is a Master plan just like an Architect needs the Plan to build a Pyramid or a Mercedes. The creation is so complex that we can only except or deny // Ying or Yang Ying being in exceptance Yang being in denial the totality of each individual is its own gatherings from life experience. That's why I love you all 4 hours ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz there was a repetion in my text so I have places the new version; Last night my Father came by, in a Light of Clothes even he has past a way more then 2 years a go he was most beautifully dressed all in Blue's in Blue. His appearance was in his full most beautiful desired look all in Blue colors of Light. he could not touch me but I could feel him well and gave a big hug. He came and Kist me on my Lips and I could feel his breath as the only thing from him. In the days after his dead he came by in the Golden Ray of Cosmos. Gold in Gold in Gold on Gold with the entire constellation of Angels, He was in the Cosmic Wagon of Maria's Dress which you can find in many Churches as highest symbol. The dress was coded with the Lille the Fleur. (secret message ) 1. on the Dress and 2 on each of his shoes. I can assure from my many experiences such as the cross as well that Last night my Father came by in a Light of clothes even do he has past a way 2 years a go, he was most beautifully dressed all in Blue. Hes appearance was in his full most beautiful desired look all in Blue colors. The Cross represents 4 elements and the 5 as center but the most important part is the Vertical lines which represent your Spirit EXIT and entry and the Horizontal line which represent the Silver Core and the family string of all ancestors. Those I can share in short for you to understand my own knowledge is not from know here. India and many other Spiritual elevated Country in specific the Egyptian have the knowledge and the tools / Egypt has the most profound of them all as they have studied officially Life after Death. We have many such symbols here on earth being hidden for long from us. The Cross represents 4 elements and the 5 as center but the most important part is the Vertical lines which represent your SPIRIT and EXIT and ENTRY POINT and the Horizontal line which represent the SILVER CORE and the FAMILY STRING of all ancestors. Those I can share in short for you to understand my own knowledge is not from know here. In India, Japan, China, and the West but in particular Egypt there are so many more Symbols to use for us still kept secret. Egypt has the most profound studies after Dead and will rise to new Heights shortly after the Jasmine revolution has past Im sure. 4 hours ago Like

Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena @Mohankrishnan, Mercedes example was just an analogy. Human is much more advanced machinery than a Mercedes. So how can it just evolve all by itself was my question without any design whatsoever. So as such you agree that we do not know anything with 100% surety. But still you say with 100% surety that God is a concept without any valid proof. It is a accepted fact that life was created from inanimate matter. There is also evidence of evolution. We do not know how life comes into existence from inanimate matter. Darwins theory does not explain this. So if we consider only the evolution process then it means that there is some intelligent mechanism which studies the environment and the existing drawbacks in the design and does necessary correction. What is that intelligent mechanism which studies the environment and comes with solution? 4 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Tough question . It could be distributed Intelligence without a Grandiose Scheme ?? ......>.......As per latest findings the difference between animate and inanimate are getting unearthed . That means Rocks & Stones have Life and may not be the same one as we perceive with animate objects, and it is just the translation ( memory objects terms ) & transformation ( material terms )......>......... After all Idol's made in special stones , shape, form and Energized might get Life !! .4 hours ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz Everything we ever touch or see is pure cosmic energy, it is connected by all to all as Cosmic Electricity, Light ,magnetic influences and Space at vast to hold the content ! The brightest Light you will find in the Black Holes as they can only collect Light and not distribute! those are so called Pillars of the vast space ! yet no Light visible to us !Every black hole holds a thousand times our Sun of Light in a space of 20-40 Kilometers in diameters. The best example I find in Brahmas story; Create life (Spirituality) in such large Horizons, to be able to lock back at itself in order to recognize and steer the happenings of the reflection (Intention) its self. And therefore Ying and Yang in Good. and Ying and Yang in evil happenings. It is about the experience as such for the creation to be of Value. Now one of our Planetary problems is, that the Mother Earth is in great Danger to be completely destroyed by the evil force of Mankind, and thats why the change is to come, not just to safe Earth but to safe a large part of Cosmos. 3 hours ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Climate change: this is the worst scientific scandal of our generation Our hopelessly compromised scientific establishment cannot be allowed to get away with the Climategate whitewash, says Christopher Booker......... .2 hours ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Only the author of a book can confirm whether a metaphor exists in a particular sentence of his book or not. He is the ultimate authority. A metaphor is "implied" only when it is obvious, like when the author compares a mans shoulder to a mountain. Otherwise no Tom, Dick and Harry can assume "metaphors" or "allegories" or "symbolism". The logical course is just to read what is written. The Bible, Upansihads or Vedas do not spin any sort of yarn like what some people are doing here. Let them state whatever they want on their own and stand scrutiny instead of making preposterous and unfounded claims of their own "superior wisdom" are "spiritual experience" or "enlightenment"! Even truly exalted souls like Buddha never claimed any "enlightenment" or "wisdom" till their end, the way many very very ordinary people here seem to do! Sanjay Saxena: "Examples" can never model the "real". Many evolutionists state categorically that primordial matter morphed into simple life, which evolved into humans over a period of time. This is proven scientific fact. That is what Darwin said. Whether this evolution was due to some divine "mater Plan" or not is "religious speculation". As of now "the master plan" is out of frame and nobody has unearthed it! Till 100% of people are 100% sure of something, that something is only a "concept". That is the definition of the term "concept". If you want to define "concept" in any other way you are welcome. But nobody is likely to follow your prescription. If there is "valid proof" nobody could be denying god now! Evolutionists and Vedanta put a full stop at primordial matter. They do not question who created such primordial matter. Matter evolved into life and the energy required is supplied by matter itself through mutation (Science) You will say GOD "created" primordial matter (Speculation). If I ask you who created GOD you have no

answer. The only answer you can give is GOD is "eternal". You are putting a full stop at GOD. What is the difference between saying primordial matter is eternal or GOD is eternal? Just semantics. Somebody will say X created GOD and will put his full stop at X. Somebody else will go the level of creator of X. Where is the end to this process? While primordial matter is fact, GOD, X, Y, Z etc are all just speculative concepts. That is why I say that these speculations are useless waste of time. There will be no end for these pointless discussions. If you believe GOD do so right earnestly without asking any questions. 2 hours ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Personally I have avoided anything including meditation, spiritual discourses and even science etc., which could potentially take away my ability to be detached from everything or make me dependent on something completely and blindly. I believe that when we go on a path too long it becomes difficult to retreat or even change the path. To check everything but not get attached to anything is I feel my way of dealing with thoughts that come across my way. Also focussing on details and events might sometimes get us to believe that they are the truth, where as they are just some pieces of truth, which when constructed completely, if at all, might be completely different from the small pieces of it. 2 hours ago Like Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena @Mohankrishnan, I just asked a question, What is that intelligent mechanism which studies the environment and comes with solution? This intelligent thing seems to scrutinize the environment and does comparison followed by innovation and at certain times even does invention.Darwin just explains the process of evolution and gives evidence how it takes place. But it does not explain who does the innovation and why? Why there is a need to survive and what kind of mechanism has given such kind of inbuilt survival skill? I am just looking for answer. It may be God or it may not be. I am just trying to find answer. 2 hours ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Chiranjeevi With your last posting , it could be taken as leading a very simple , non complicated life with simple adherence to daily chores as already enshrined by customs & traditions , no dilemma . That is what majority of the people do and they are convinced it is their Karma . Lot among them are certainly ensured better vision of their own self and in turn higher levels like god or enlightened ones . No ( special ) Yoga ( special ) meditation . simple adherence to Karma ..imho. .1 hour ago Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Chiranjeevi,some one`s Karma can include search for spirituality,and practices of self realisation too ,as part and parcel of his or her daily chores and routine,and because of the bliss and benefits he may get attached to it,as is his or her wont. While I was a student of Enginnering no body thoguht I would become so intense in my spiritual quest,because I was a very materially and worldly oriented person involved in so many activities and associated with many organisations.I was doing it for my satisfaction of whatever,again as part of karma drive. Then suddenly I find the meaninglessness of it all,and intensify my search for the true path to spirituality,and started experimenting with many. Then destiny has it that I find a guide who advises me on a path which appealed to me because of the science and its logic that synthesised and synergised multiple streams and thoughts.That is again my Karma,since another person need not follow. Initial days of practice were difficult ,alongwith worldly life and routines,and my IIT days gave me an ooportunity to concentrate on my spirituality and study various philosophies in depth.That is part of the Karma since no body else was forcing me to do that. Then I started gettting the benefits and bliss from the practice and of course the essential knowledge and some subtle or mystic moments and its empowerment,so that I sustain thru more intense practice. May be I am more attached there,but not at the cost of my worldly activities and duties as per my situation and karma.May be I could have bbeen more material and following only routine worldly acts. Thats is again Karma.May be according to one`s status and situation,which is again Karmic. So no body can say who is more right or wrong,since each one s in a different stage of evolution,and learns from experience and thru life and its processes,which will finally include spirituality in all its gradations.You are not fixing that purpose,but nature and spirit are expressing thru you,beause of the intrinsic flux and its inherent power 1 hour ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .( posted earlier ) "" Colorful ... but a Controversial Fish !! Radical Theory Explains the Origin, Evolution, and Nature of Life, Challenges Conventional Wisdom " ScienceDaily (Jan. 26, 2012) Earth is alive, asserts a revolutionary scientific theory of life emerging from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. The trans-disciplinary theory demonstrates that purportedly inanimate, non-living objects -- for example, planets, water, proteins, and DNA -- are animate, that is, alive. With its broad explanatory power, applicable to all areas of science and medicine, this novel paradigm aims to catalyze a veritable renaissance. " utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed ."" IMPLICATIONS : Tough question . It could be distributed Intelligence without a Grandiose Scheme ?? ......>.......As per latest findings the difference between animate and inanimate are getting unearthed . That means Rocks & Stones have Life and may not be the same one as we perceive with animate objects, and it is just the translation ( memory objects terms ) & transformation ( material terms )......>......... .1 hour ago davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar It seems you are always mesmerized by any color of fish, enjoy it. When the actual pralaya(disataster) comes it is the fish which may rescue the life on this earth. That fish shall guide all who are on the path of righteous and virtuous. 27 minutes ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .What do you want Davuloori ? In fact ,

.1.)...........Mesmerizing is momentary Paralysis !! .2.) Matsya .... is gone .... Kalki ...........> suppose to be coming :) .17 minutes ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Karthik, to me maintaining a healthy dose of scepticism about everything is essential. May be I would never attain Nirvana because I am not willing to let go off my self. The bliss I enjoyed when I did my AOL course was a bit scary, felt artificial, like may be a drug induced. To me life is as much about being happy as about being sad and unhappy. May be god made us humans so that we experience all these emotions. To eternally stay in a state of bliss doesn't sound realistic to me. I feel that is also an addiction. Prof, I feel so blessed to be among such learned people like you all. It is a great learning to know the life journeys of people who have been in search of true purpose. I really miss Jayendra. Its been a great journey to have met you all. I hope we will continue these discussions in the most productive way and meet many more enlightened people on the way. 7 minutes ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Chiranjeevi Thanks for a good feed back . ......." feeling that it was artificial ".................. I do not want to go in to further details (?!) but with simple words , ..... IT cannot be inserted in to anyone's Life .......... IT happens :)

Mohanakrishnan R @Sanjay Saxena: How can one presume an "intelligent mechanism" that is external? Evolution says what elements join and under what conditions to form single cell life. Then it has also traced successive evolutions of various life forms. Till the point elements combine to form unicellular life forms it is chemistry. Once life forms it regulates itself, rightly or wrongly using its own resources and making its own choices depending on the environment. The axiom of causality says that these choices determine the outcomes. The outcomes lead to further choices and evolution goes on. That is why Hindu religion attributes life to Karma. It is the "freewill" of the beings that manifests itself in different life forms. The fact that some put some unconnected external agency on top of this is just a matter of religious speculation. There is not even a trace of evidence indicating anything like that. Perhaps it is the Vedantic "self" that does the trick!

Karmic Vedic philosophies like Samkya and Buddhism put Karma above everything. Buddhism prescribes methods for regulating your day to day activities for the best results without any reference to GOD. This situation changed with the advent of Mahayana Buddhism, where Buddha and some pre Buddha images were converted into "Buddhist Gods"! Let us first document the "how" of this process correctly and completely before asking "Why". 15 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Free will ..... Karma ....> If possible , Wish to have some further thoughts . .1.) As I understand from classical literature " past deeds " force some thoughts in to the minds of individuals at the critical time in their current Life Journey , which makes them to realize the fruits of the past deeds , here in other words ' Karma ' .2.) Could it be taken then , Free will at non-critical times or how to interpret !! Hope, I am clear with the question . .15 days ago

Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena @Mohankrishnan, But I never said that the intelligent mechanism is external. It could be very much internal. The question is from where does all this intelligent mechanism come from? Did anyone designed or thought about it or did it just come out by accident. If we do not know the answer then we can say that either God created it or we can also say that it just exists and Vedas also says so. So that means do not explore further. The other interesting things are the value of the physical constants which are precise and if any of them changes slightly then it would produce a physical reality incomptabile with the complex chemical processes that sustain life.So who set this physical constants? Was this an accident? Where does Will come from? and why? Why is the life the way it is? Why is the Universe following some precise preset rules? Since everything is following some predefined rules and processes, where does the question of freewill come?

15 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Hai Karthi after kalki it is again Matsya only. And there shall be new Manu for new generations and again all these Yugas do repeat. If I remember it. For your information that's how every life has born, it is really fishy, sperm running through the oceans of nava rasas sitting in that padmam (flower) then growing to a new life. 15 days ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .That is great News to me , Thanks. :) .15 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz @ Dear Chiranjeevi Tallapragada 1. My recommendation to your challenge of Life as well as the how you are looking at this, is following; Become creative, more so become creative true discipline for your own Sake. every day of your Life. I have started Drawing when Jung. Today I own 16 plus books of Drawings in a diary of way. When I get back to them I can see a string of growing and thinking of my own doings. This is most incredible because it reflects so much information I became Rich. Rich not in Money but in confidence toward my own findings. 2. Use Nature as Guide as already discuss. Nature heals and pleases the heart. I can understand that the situation in India cannot make you just smile, but that is all over the same just the reflections are different. 3. guide others to Heal by Love. This is an easy one for you and you should be doing it at a constant. Dont heal the Poor as they have the biggest heart of us all, but go touch the ones which never expected from you to come to them. This will awake your spirit to joy for the rest of your internal Journey into the Infinite and back. 4. We are the spirit visiting a Body.... do not let the Body visit the Spirit. It is in your reach to become Rich, just like I am ... in our Heart! 15 days ago Like

Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Thanks Peter and thank you Davuloorigaru. 15 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @Sanjay Saxena: You can peel further. But so far the experience has been that unless you stop at a particular point you will only end up in generating more and more arbitrary halting points like God, God's ancestors, spirits, supreme spirits and so on and so forth, without any end destination in view. That is where faith comes in. From a certain arbitrary point as you chose, you start trusting something. Certain Hindu schools of philosophy call that "something" GOD". Hope I have made my point re God being a concept clear. The fact that "faith" is just a compromise does not reduce its value anyway. As of now that seems to be the only way out! Apparently the Universe does not seem to follow any predictable pattern of behavior. That is why there are so many scientific theories like "General Relativity". What you call as intelligence may just be the result of the innate property of the material you are referring to. @Karthikeyan: Yes sometimes past experiences or education may guide your present action. But you are also free to ignore your accumulated perceptions and wisdom and meet a particular situation you may encounter. Hence even relying on accumulated experience and education is also a matter of "freewill". 15 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Thanks Mohanakrishnan. That ( may! ) proves the point , .* Individual through One's " Wisdom / Intellect" could decide one's Destiny and win over Fate.*.....................................( Free Will )............................................................... .15 days ago davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Dear patrons of this forum: For all of your information there are lot of people in

India by blood and education what ever they got, believe in GOD and feel that he or she shall rescue them. Whether it is blind faith or sentiments it does not matter, and most of them are all living their life in utter miserable conditions, yet still like the peace, harmony and serenity. That's why they bear what ever other people do to them and leave it to their fate. Only few revolt and became terrorists or naxals or etc. here also they were exploited for the personal gains of others who are in less in number, but these people do control the government machinery for their own self interests. I think it is the same case with other countries also. out side nobody may agree. but their agony and mental condition do tell a lot by reading their faces. Because they do not have any other means to run their families may be bearing it all. In these columns so far I have seen only personal frustrations and ignorance of their own self by some of the persons. To my knowledge to take birth as human it self is blessed one to be in that bliss, by helping others and educating them to be on that righteous and virtuous path for the sake of life on this earth to continue it's journey for ever. Those who are ignorant of this may do nonsense and also talk nonsense and also write nonsense or may give misleading and misinterpreted statements. As far I am concerned I am least bothered about those sadistic people. 15 days ago Like 1 Follow Peter Peter Stutz Dear Davuloori There is a saying in the west which actually comes from India. Karma takes care of all whether ignorance or Loving tender. We all become ILL after 2 Years the latest because of the god will, to save our own sake from complete distruction. So lets see, as that is not to choose nor judge for us Humans ! Stay safe and trouble yourself not to deep trying to understand the hurt of others! Send them light and they may get better that is all we can do and are supposed to do........''the rest is in the Creations Hand and Heart''! lest celebrate the opportunity to know what respect means and to be on top of it, as Ying will carry the Light for those who are able to recieve the Light ! enjoy that there is a Yang with a bit of white on the dark side ! just the love will awake them ! 15 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .So, this statement is not True !! * Individual through One's " Wisdom / Intellect" could decide one's Destiny and win over Fate.*.....................................( Free Will )............................................................... .-

15 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz show me just one thing of free will within you ! 15 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz here some interest of incredibility to share ! Mercury, Lotus, an initiate in the Luxor Mystery School, and Thoth, the ibis-headed Egyptian god of scribes, narrate these stories of ancient Egypt. Hermes Trismegistus, ancient Egyptian sage, was called the "scribe of the gods." Hierarch of Second Ray - The Matrix Synthesizer Focal Point - Long Stone, Isle of Wight, England - Hermes - Hierarch of the Second Ray Hermes, a God with Greek and Egyptian origins, who was most noted for his swift consciousness, was later portrayed by the Romans as the winged footed Mercury. The skillful and dexterous patron of alchemists, commerce, esoteric scholars, gymnasts, and travellers, he carried the caduceus rod with entwined serpents. A philosophical intellectual, contemplative mystic, arcane writer, mysteries theologian, intuitive magician, pious sage, and wisdom psychologist, Hermes is an extremely complex, mutable, and versatile individual with a penchant for solving puzzling perplexities and for transforming by reconciling opposites. (Hermes was the Greek name for the Egyptian Thoth ) The offspring of Hermes are believed to be Pan, Abderus and Hermaphroditus 15 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Free Will < = > " Wisdom / Intellect" of an Individual or Free Will < = > Free Mind Which one is agreed or both are wrong or both are right ??? .14 days ago

Follow Peter Peter Stutz thats what I said Ying and Yang are Cosmic depended ! all in a matter of energie .... so where is the Free Mind come in ? 14 days ago Like Follow KRISHNAN KRISHNAN DESIKACHARI The purpose of life as per Vedic science is as follows. The whole cosmic manifestation is created for the living entities to realize that there is a bigger power who has created this massive cosmos and managing it flawless. We have to realize that we have absolutely no control over any of the objects and we have to follow what is in store for us. One practical issue I wish to highlight is that nature will find its balance if we allow them to sustain themselves. Hence stop cutting trees , no pollution ....etc. Let's enjoy the nature in its natural way with out spoiling it. Carry out our responsibilities and accept what is in store for us the natural way Humble views 14 days ago Like Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena A person doesnt decide where they will take birth, which family, what kind of genes, socio-economic status, which country, the prevailing political & economic situation of the country and so on. All these are major factor in shaping the Mind. We also have no knowledge of when we die, where and under what condition. So it looks like there is no free will. This premise however needs further exploration. Any belief that cannot be defended by logic, proof or evidence is protected by hurt feeling (and) if needed expressed by violence - Javed Akhtar in TOI. Universe follows predictable pattern and that's precisely the reason scientists can create theory or laws followed with a mathematical formulae. 14 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz I love you too ! and thanks for the support however Vedic is not a ''science'' as such ! Vedic is a High- -Standart to have a Path to go ! 14 days ago Like

Follow Peter Peter Stutz Dear Sanjay Saxena Please be aware it was your and every ones choice under the Cosmic Law to come here, just many get lost even they were clearly warned of the difficult Path to come ! 14 days ago Like 1 Follow Peter Peter Stutz Free Will / outcome based / on input of Mind ! Free Mind / outcome based / on input of none ! Free mind would mean / no collection of 5 elements / Cold or Warm / Body and soul / any other impact on doings / therefore no need of doing / no good or bad / no scarres or joy / and most definitly no contact to any other inputs / Free Will depends only on the state of Mind ! so no reason to repeat the above ! Just like a PC what you put in /comes out if your lucky in programing the correct way, or the confusion is perfect ! 14 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ..1.) Nice point there " ' Birth ' is where ? " , is definitely unanswered by modern science . .2.) Birth or genetic makeup decides more than 60 percent of our personality traits and hence what do we do with our Mind . . 3.) Then it is a nice catch 22 ( Free will or No Free Will ) .4.) Once free will is not accepted , the theory( concept ) which looks more possible to be valid one is Karma . ( Vedic Science / other sub continent's philosophies ) .5.) Interesting article in relation to this arguments ,

Neuroscience vs philosophy: Taking aim at free will Scientists think they can prove that free will is an illusion. Philosophers are urging them to think again. .(( Personally I am convinced it was Vedic science ( and it should be that ) Thanks Krishnan for reinforcing the thoughts )) .14 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz Modern Science is a open book and has more open questions then answer all based on the surroundings of the depending Environment Birth is described in Vedic and in many other scripts! most definitely under the Cosmic Law ! 14 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ." Birth is described in Vedic and in many other scripts! most definitely under the Cosmic Law ! " 100%, I agree with the above statement , but I will prefer some more thoughts on "Cosmic Law ". .14 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz Karhi and KRISHNAN DESIKACHARI That is great get going we all need some more Thoughts and discipline on such subject ! Happy to Learn and I just did so Vedic can be a used under the Term general Social Science !

Science (from Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge") is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe. In modern use, "science" is a term which more often refers to a way of pursuing knowledge, and not the knowledge itself. It is "often treated as synonymous with natural and physical science, and thus restricted to those branches of study that relate to the phenomena of the material universe and their laws, sometimes with implied exclusion of pure mathematics. This is now the dominant sense in ordinary use."[4] This narrower sense of "science" developed as a part of science became a distinct enterprise of defining "laws of nature", based on early examples such as Kepler's laws, Galileo's laws, and Newton's laws of motion. In this period it became more common to refer to natural philosophy as "natural science". Over the course of the 19th century, the word "science" became increasingly associated with scientific method, a disciplined way to study the natural world including physics, chemistry, geology and biology. This sometimes left the study of human thought and society in a linguistic limbo, which was resolved by classifying these areas of academic study as social science. Similarly, several other major areas of disciplined study and knowledge exist today under the general rubric of "science", such as formal science and applied science. 14 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @Sanjay Saxena: The family you are born and other environmental factors are limitations you have to overcome. Do not think that the other people do not have such limitations. They have their own limitations whether like or unlike yours. People who come up, overcome such hurdles. Such conquest requires making right choices and right choice is a matter of nothing but proper exercise of "free will". "......Universe follows predictable pattern and that's precisely the reason scientists can create theory or laws followed with a mathematical formulae. ....." I am afraid you are wrong. Beyond certain levels cognizable to human perceptive senses, "science" is also full of "theories", Theory of relativity, Quantum Theory etc. Quantum physics does not even have a "formula" for detecting the position and momentum of a sub atomic particle. It goes by probabilistic tables which may appear as mathematical formulas, but are actually "speculations" or "guesstimates" in a different garb! As per Vedantic belief it is possible to exercise your freewill in a fail safe manner only after you realize that you are the same as Brahman. Peter Stutz: According to whatever I heard of Tao beliefs, Yin and Yang are antipodal but complementary elements present in different proportions in different things. Tao also talks of a third element "Chi" the "energy". Chi permeates the universe. But its total magnitude is constant. The amount of Chi anything draws depends in turn on the Yin-Yang proportion of that particular thing. Since the Yin-Yang balance keeps changing as different things in the universe react inter se, there is constant energy transfers back and forth that keeps everything including the universe functioning. This sounds more like Vedanta! I do not see these concepts supporting even one of your posts in this discussion so far! 14 days ago Like

Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena I think Vedic is largely science laced with philosophy. But then philosophy is the science of all sciences :-).. The karma effect looks more convincing since all babies are not born under similiar conditions. Why is that so? Also genetic makeup decides more than 60 percent of our personality traits and I think the rest is dependent on the environment which is again not dependent upon free will as person cannot decide where they will take birth. Free will is an illusion. We cannot change our past. We cannot change our future bacause as of now it does not exist. we can live only in the present.We can try to change the present to make the future better but there is no gurantee. Who knows the person may die the next instance. Nevertheless we need to explore from different angle as to whether there is free will. A inner voice does warns us if anybody tries to do something bad. 14 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Ready references are Wiki & Stanford and few others for the word '" Free Will " But still preferably in our own words ( say 4 - 7sentences ) , we could ( few of us a least ) come out with a brief that should do wonders for further Clarity . .14 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz great questions! Qi or ch'i refers to Vitality such as..... to have reaction's or not so reactiv , to be a busy (not so Busy) Painter, or how much your doing sport, and so on, with the amount of Vitality you been given at Birth. Vitality is a small Part of the Ying and Yang within the cosmic range. Otherwise the entire Cosmos would be full of life at any given time. I will turn the question to you Moha. Have you noticed the look alike of you towards your parents, grandparents and so on. (l will call this Pattern on a Fabric) That is the Pattern you can find on your Vertical Silver Core (lining) and allows you to connect to all your ancestors.

Now Ch'i is only the vitality part, you have transmitted from them. However Ying and Yang is the complete Cosmic Family Stamp on your challenges in Live for them and yourself to resolve. If it is not you to resolve those family Challenges, the next member of your Family Branch has the exact same challenge as you have given by entry of Life. So Ch'i supports you having the power (energie) to do so. There is ways to influence Ch'i if connected via Horizontal Spiritual Gain . 14 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Dear Peter do not jump to conclusions just like that so far nothing has been lost only we need to reorient our selves make it priority to rebuild human ethics and morality. There us also a prover jo dargaya vo margaya. Meaning those who are afraid of are already dead. But we Indians live with a kaphan on our head. We are not afraid of death, it does not mean that we just jump into well or a pit. Coming to karma whether it is good or bad one has to bear it himself/herself in this birth or in the next. Ones own consciousnesses knows what they have done to others. 14 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Hello Dear Davuloori I agree just wanted to help not to get wet feet because of emotions being handled strongly. Im fully recognized the Knowledge of India and the rest of us. As I have my great Divine Guru in my Heart forever. I drive the car most likely in acceleration of Joy and remind others to do as well. As we need to share and remind that we .... all here are very lucky considering many others ! 14 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ." Free Will " ............> our own words ( say 4 - 7sentences ) ( Note ; I could only reproduce best of the lot ) "" On the topic of free will, Libet said (1999) What we have achieved experimentally is some knowledge of how free will may operate. But we have not answered the question of whether our consciously willed acts are fully determined by natural laws

that govern the activities of nerve cells in the brain, or whether acts and the conscious decisions to perform them can proceed to some degree independently of natural determinism. The first of these options would make free will illusory. The conscious feeling of exerting ones will would then be regarded as an epiphenomenon, simply a by-product of the brains activities but with no causal powers of its own. Determinism has on the whole, worked well for the physical observable world. That has led many scientists and philosophers to regard any deviation from determinism as absurd and witless, and unworthy of consideration. But there has been no evidence, or even a proposed experimental test design that definitively or convincingly demonstrates the validity of natural law determinism as the mediator or instrument of free will. . . . My conclusion about free will, one genuinely free in the non-determined sense, is then that its existence is at least as good, if not a better, scientific option than is its denial by determinist theory. Given the speculative nature of both determinist and nondeterminist theories, why not adopt the view that we do have free will (until some real contradictory evidence may appear, if it ever does). Such a view would at least allow us to proceed in a way that accepts and accommodates our own deep feeling that we do have free will. We would not need to view ourselves as machines that act in a manner completely controlled by the known physical laws. "" .14 days ago Follow Hillol Hillol Sarkar I do not need to go to Harvard business school to update. This link is more than sufficient. First many thanks for such exciting discussion. One small point let us not use statistical curve fitting based on our old knowledge. Please check before and after Landing on Moon. If we can land there we can land next level. Also intelligence may not be in the form of human shape as human shape is based on resources available in solar system. We use this logic in technology. We call it t+. This + is our IP. 14 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Sanjat Saxena: Genetic makeup decides mostly physical traits like your propensity to certain diseases, appearance and DNA imprints etc. If you call this 60%, I think you are wrong. It has been conclusively proved in various psychiatric tests, the genetic make up does not play any significant role in the persons thought process. Family environment in formative years is the biggest villain of the show. It affects people more than anything else. Perhaps this may be Karma. Education need not necessarily from college.

All said and done any person should have a clear picture of his innate shortcomings before the teenage sets in. You still have a lot of time starting from your teen age to reorient your Karma for the best results. It is only your present that becomes "Past". Hence "I had no control over my past" is just farce. Your future is bound to be good if you live your present meaningfully. 14 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada May be I am a bit lost but I see two streams of discussion going on. One is about Karma and its role and linked to it something about free will. Can someone combine both the streams or they are different? I just want to say that we can use our past and present to shape our future. Everyone is born with some karma but most of it is earned in the present birth. So what we do now matters a lot in terms of what we get in life. Sometimes our karma may not lead to what we expect because of the interactions with others' karmas. But I don't know if this is the reason Krishna asked us not to focus on the results. Free market has the same philosophy of each individual trying to maximize his/her welfare leading to the over all welfare of the society. The difference is in the focus. While the former urges us to do the right karma the latter is also concerned about the results. But today's times neither of the philosophies seems to work. 14 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz thats what I said Ying and Yang are Cosmic depended ! all in a matter of energie .... so where is the Free Mind come in ? 14 days ago Like Follow KRISHNAN KRISHNAN DESIKACHARI The purpose of life as per Vedic science is as follows. The whole cosmic manifestation is created for the living entities to realize that there is a bigger power who has created this massive cosmos and managing it flawless. We have to realize that we have absolutely no control over any of the objects and we have to follow what is in store for us. One practical issue I wish to highlight is that nature will find its balance if we allow them to sustain themselves. Hence stop cutting trees , no pollution ....etc. Let's enjoy the nature in its natural way with out spoiling it.

Carry out our responsibilities and accept what is in store for us the natural way Humble views 14 days ago Like Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena A person doesnt decide where they will take birth, which family, what kind of genes, socio-economic status, which country, the prevailing political & economic situation of the country and so on. All these are major factor in shaping the Mind. We also have no knowledge of when we die, where and under what condition. So it looks like there is no free will. This premise however needs further exploration. Any belief that cannot be defended by logic, proof or evidence is protected by hurt feeling (and) if needed expressed by violence - Javed Akhtar in TOI. Universe follows predictable pattern and that's precisely the reason scientists can create theory or laws followed with a mathematical formulae. 14 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz I love you too ! and thanks for the support however Vedic is not a ''science'' as such ! Vedic is a High- -Standart to have a Path to go ! 14 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Dear Sanjay Saxena Please be aware it was your and every ones choice under the Cosmic Law to come here, just many get lost even they were clearly warned of the difficult Path to come ! 14 days ago Like 1 Follow Peter Peter Stutz Free Will / outcome based / on input of Mind ! Free Mind / outcome based / on input of none ! Free mind would mean / no collection of 5 elements / Cold or Warm / Body and soul / any other impact

on doings / therefore no need of doing / no good or bad / no scarres or joy / and most definitly no contact to any other inputs / Free Will depends only on the state of Mind ! so no reason to repeat the above ! Just like a PC what you put in /comes out if your lucky in programing the correct way, or the confusion is perfect ! 14 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ..1.) Nice point there " ' Birth ' is where ? " , is definitely unanswered by modern science . .2.) Birth or genetic makeup decides more than 60 percent of our personality traits and hence what do we do with our Mind . . 3.) Then it is a nice catch 22 ( Free will or No Free Will ) .4.) Once free will is not accepted , the theory( concept ) which looks more possible to be valid one is Karma . ( Vedic Science / other sub continent's philosophies ) .5.) Interesting article in relation to this arguments , Neuroscience vs philosophy: Taking aim at free will Scientists think they can prove that free will is an illusion. Philosophers are urging them to think again. .(( Personally I am convinced it was Vedic science ( and it should be that ) Thanks Krishnan for reinforcing the thoughts )) .14 days ago

Follow Peter Peter Stutz Modern Science is a open book and has more open questions then answer all based on the surroundings of the depending Environment Birth is described in Vedic and in many other scripts! most definitely under the Cosmic Law ! 14 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ." Birth is described in Vedic and in many other scripts! most definitely under the Cosmic Law ! " 100%, I agree with the above statement , but I will prefer some more thoughts on "Cosmic Law ". .14 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz Karhi and KRISHNAN DESIKACHARI That is great get going we all need some more Thoughts and discipline on such subject ! Happy to Learn and I just did so Vedic can be a used under the Term general Social Science ! Science (from Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge") is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe. In modern use, "science" is a term which more often refers to a way of pursuing knowledge, and not the knowledge itself. It is "often treated as synonymous with natural and physical science, and thus restricted to those branches of study that relate to the phenomena of the material universe and their laws, sometimes with implied exclusion of pure mathematics. This is now the dominant sense in ordinary use."[4] This narrower sense of "science" developed as a part of science became a distinct enterprise of defining "laws of nature", based on early examples such as Kepler's laws, Galileo's laws, and Newton's laws of motion. In this period it became more common to refer to natural philosophy as "natural science". Over the course of the 19th century, the word "science" became increasingly associated with scientific method, a disciplined way to study the natural world including physics, chemistry, geology and biology. This sometimes left the study of human thought and society in a linguistic limbo, which was resolved by classifying these areas of academic study as social science. Similarly, several other major areas of disciplined study and knowledge exist today under the general rubric of "science", such as formal science and applied science. 14 days ago Like

Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @Sanjay Saxena: The family you are born and other environmental factors are limitations you have to overcome. Do not think that the other people do not have such limitations. They have their own limitations whether like or unlike yours. People who come up, overcome such hurdles. Such conquest requires making right choices and right choice is a matter of nothing but proper exercise of "free will". "......Universe follows predictable pattern and that's precisely the reason scientists can create theory or laws followed with a mathematical formulae. ....." I am afraid you are wrong. Beyond certain levels cognizable to human perceptive senses, "science" is also full of "theories", Theory of relativity, Quantum Theory etc. Quantum physics does not even have a "formula" for detecting the position and momentum of a sub atomic particle. It goes by probabilistic tables which may appear as mathematical formulas, but are actually "speculations" or "guesstimates" in a different garb! As per Vedantic belief it is possible to exercise your freewill in a fail safe manner only after you realize that you are the same as Brahman. Peter Stutz: According to whatever I heard of Tao beliefs, Yin and Yang are antipodal but complementary elements present in different proportions in different things. Tao also talks of a third element "Chi" the "energy". Chi permeates the universe. But its total magnitude is constant. The amount of Chi anything draws depends in turn on the Yin-Yang proportion of that particular thing. Since the Yin-Yang balance keeps changing as different things in the universe react inter se, there is constant energy transfers back and forth that keeps everything including the universe functioning. This sounds more like Vedanta! I do not see these concepts supporting even one of your posts in this discussion so far! 14 days ago Like Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena I think Vedic is largely science laced with philosophy. But then philosophy is the science of all sciences :-).. The karma effect looks more convincing since all babies are not born under similiar conditions. Why is that so? Also genetic makeup decides more than 60 percent of our personality traits and I think the rest is dependent on the environment which is again not dependent upon free will as person cannot decide where they will take birth. Free will is an illusion. We cannot change our past. We cannot change our future bacause as of now it does not exist. we can live only in the present.We can try to change the present to make the future better but there is no gurantee. Who knows the person may die the next instance. Nevertheless we need to explore from different angle as to whether there is free will. A inner voice does warns us if anybody tries to do something bad. 14 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .-

Ready references are Wiki & Stanford and few others for the word '" Free Will " But still preferably in our own words ( say 4 - 7sentences ) , we could ( few of us a least ) come out with a brief that should do wonders for further Clarity . .14 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz great questions! Qi or ch'i refers to Vitality such as..... to have reaction's or not so reactiv , to be a busy (not so Busy) Painter, or how much your doing sport, and so on, with the amount of Vitality you been given at Birth. Vitality is a small Part of the Ying and Yang within the cosmic range. Otherwise the entire Cosmos would be full of life at any given time. I will turn the question to you Moha. Have you noticed the look alike of you towards your parents, grandparents and so on. (l will call this Pattern on a Fabric) That is the Pattern you can find on your Vertical Silver Core (lining) and allows you to connect to all your ancestors. Now Ch'i is only the vitality part, you have transmitted from them. However Ying and Yang is the complete Cosmic Family Stamp on your challenges in Live for them and yourself to resolve. If it is not you to resolve those family Challenges, the next member of your Family Branch has the exact same challenge as you have given by entry of Life. So Ch'i supports you having the power (energie) to do so. There is ways to influence Ch'i if connected via Horizontal Spiritual Gain . 14 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Dear Peter do not jump to conclusions just like that so far nothing has been lost only we need to reorient our selves make it priority to rebuild human ethics and morality. There us also a prover jo dargaya vo margaya. Meaning those who are afraid of are already dead. But we Indians live with a kaphan on our head. We are not afraid of death, it does not mean that we just jump into well or a

pit. Coming to karma whether it is good or bad one has to bear it himself/herself in this birth or in the next. Ones own consciousnesses knows what they have done to others. 14 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Hello Dear Davuloori I agree just wanted to help not to get wet feet because of emotions being handled strongly. Im fully recognized the Knowledge of India and the rest of us. As I have my great Divine Guru in my Heart forever. I drive the car most likely in acceleration of Joy and remind others to do as well. As we need to share and remind that we .... all here are very lucky considering many others ! 14 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ." Free Will " ............> our own words ( say 4 - 7sentences ) ( Note ; I could only reproduce best of the lot ) "" On the topic of free will, Libet said (1999) What we have achieved experimentally is some knowledge of how free will may operate. But we have not answered the question of whether our consciously willed acts are fully determined by natural laws that govern the activities of nerve cells in the brain, or whether acts and the conscious decisions to perform them can proceed to some degree independently of natural determinism. The first of these options would make free will illusory. The conscious feeling of exerting ones will would then be regarded as an epiphenomenon, simply a by-product of the brains activities but with no causal powers of its own. Determinism has on the whole, worked well for the physical observable world. That has led many scientists and philosophers to regard any deviation from determinism as absurd and witless, and unworthy of consideration. But there has been no evidence, or even a proposed experimental test design that definitively or convincingly demonstrates the validity of natural law determinism as the mediator or instrument of free will. . . . My conclusion about free will, one genuinely free in the non-determined sense, is then that its existence is at least as good, if not a better, scientific option than is its denial by determinist theory. Given the speculative nature of both determinist and nondeterminist theories, why not adopt the view that we do have free will (until some real contradictory evidence may appear, if it ever does). Such a view would at least allow us to proceed in a way that accepts and accommodates our own deep feeling that we do have free will. We would not need to view ourselves as machines that act in a manner

completely controlled by the known physical laws. "" .14 days ago Follow Hillol Hillol Sarkar I do not need to go to Harvard business school to update. This link is more than sufficient. First many thanks for such exciting discussion. One small point let us not use statistical curve fitting based on our old knowledge. Please check before and after Landing on Moon. If we can land there we can land next level. Also intelligence may not be in the form of human shape as human shape is based on resources available in solar system. We use this logic in technology. We call it t+. This + is our IP. 14 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Sanjat Saxena: Genetic makeup decides mostly physical traits like your propensity to certain diseases, appearance and DNA imprints etc. If you call this 60%, I think you are wrong. It has been conclusively proved in various psychiatric tests, the genetic make up does not play any significant role in the persons thought process. Family environment in formative years is the biggest villain of the show. It affects people more than anything else. Perhaps this may be Karma. Education need not necessarily from college. All said and done any person should have a clear picture of his innate shortcomings before the teenage sets in. You still have a lot of time starting from your teen age to reorient your Karma for the best results. It is only your present that becomes "Past". Hence "I had no control over my past" is just farce. Your future is bound to be good if you live your present meaningfully. 14 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada May be I am a bit lost but I see two streams of discussion going on. One is about Karma and its role and linked to it something about free will. Can someone combine both the streams or they are different? I just want to say that we can use our past and present to shape our future. Everyone is born with some karma but most of it is earned in the present birth. So what we do now matters a lot in terms of what we

get in life. Sometimes our karma may not lead to what we expect because of the interactions with others' karmas. But I don't know if this is the reason Krishna asked us not to focus on the results. Free market has the same philosophy of each individual trying to maximize his/her welfare leading to the over all welfare of the society. The difference is in the focus. While the former urges us to do the right karma the latter is also concerned about the results. But today's times neither of the philosophies seems to work. 14 days ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar There is a lot of meta reason that goes into making of acience as philosophers,and scientists themselves,and of course sociologists of science have argued. Nothing is more conspious as a proof for this than bilogy and cosmic physics.Both the Big Bang and steady state theorists agree on what stephen hawkin first proposd as primordial vacuum and its energy fluctuations from which mass and spacetime was born.Then the BigBang was inspired by the book of genesis,but left many chinks in its armour like the puzzle of the neighbourhood related to sighting of certain quasara in nearby galaxies[which is not expalined fully satisfactorily even now despite all the gravity lensing and dark matter argumentation] In fact the famed astronomer Arp was thrown out of his prestigious laboraory for questioning the Big Bang based on the puzzle,but satisfactorily expalined by a modified steady state theory now being called as quasi steady state theory which mediates or try to mediate the best of both worlds,somewhat successfully. But the overwhelming support is for the BigbANG PARTICULARLY SINCE IT FIRST PREDICTED THE cOSMIC mICROWAVE bACKGROUND,THOUGH later on the QST could accommodate it too,while expalining many more problems more satisfactorily. Then with dark energy and cosmological constant concepts BigBang is again in center stage,and theories influence observations and measurement,as Einstein argued and Heisenberg established at least physically. Psychologically also what is in our minds influence the way we observe and measure,and the present and fury of the future are projections of these images of the past,in sectioned time. 14 days ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar At a more micro or subtle level this sectioned time is repalced by a blocktime or timescape where future influences the present and established by scientiifc experimentation even for mesoscopic systems.Einstein could not support views since the ywere counter intutive,as is non-locality and teleportation effects proven in quantum science even at larger than microscales now,and probably for macrosystems very soon. So our Kantian notions of space time with its concepts of past,present and future are only illusions in mind through the mental images and its Karmic Maya. We rise beyond that and transcend the limitations of brain and the fact thatmeasurement invariant truth is not possible thru either reason or senses.

We have to develop our sushumna netra and purify the subtle kring nerve at the focus of brain where spirit and mind induces life breath and consciousness in us. Neuroscience has not pinpointed this but come someway near since it has located a control for both breathing and emotions and memory and ego core at the base of the thalamocortical pathways. Science may not reach there exactly because of our inherent subjectivity.As for biology the noise levles in our genetic systems is not yet deciphered and that may provide a more vital clue than genomics or proteomics. That is the knowledge that we intutively perceive thru science that true spirituality enables about micro and macro systems,about physics and physiology,or mind and metaphysics. Perhaps only true spiritual proceeses may take us there and that is or need to be our purpose eventually 14 days ago Like Follow Hillol Hillol Sarkar Do not know much about Karma. Today world is looking for better world order where lot of freedom will be given. Good and bad issues are very controversial. Another note, genetics is not perfected yet. Too early to make any judgement. Full Genome sequencing may give us more data. Then we can decode maladies. So future is very bright from technology point of view. Social order is no longer an isolated issue. Anyway, we are making transition to information age where higher limits can be set by using deterministic approach. Transition - Probabilistic to deterministic doctrine 14 days ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Chiranjeevi,your questions are very perceptive and relevant philosophically in the present world. As even science has come to agree now,free will is often predetermined by unconscious influences.We do not have much control over this normally but thru true spiritual processes we can refine the unconscious[or our Karma].Thus we can develop our conscious capacities for free will. Without that there is not much point in asking someone to control his thoughts or change his approach and attitude. Positive thinking is not possible for highly negative or depressed personality,as we all know and have experienced.Even some positive thinking preachers are reported to have committed suicide in their depressed psychosis. Another important dimension you raised is about relationality and its influence on our actions.In fact it is this universal relationality that is implied or implicit in destiny or fate or karma concepts,metaphysically. That is very real and we can develop the free will consciously by vital energy methods that some spiritual proceeses truly enable. But more than our DNA the and its information the signal that is now termed as genetic noise is crucial to determining our personality and the possibilites for or potential for refinements thru free will in the real sense.

So it is very relevant in modern world.and science and spirituality thru its synergy can take us there. Then Krishna[the one who has awakened his kring nerve-see my post above]has only said you refine your karmic domain of mind thru the spirit,and understand that your inner most and true self is not getting attached,but only your basic nature and senses and intellect is getting involved thru the egoconsciousness,and your true self is transcendent. There is again no point in this mantra and knowledge unless you can experince it in your self,and that calls for spiritual traing in the true way 14 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Its like an ocean out there, science, philosophy, spirituality and so on....wonder how much of it we can fathom in this thread...I would only urge you all to go little slow, make them small bites so that people like me can understand it and benefit...I am excited at the same time anxious because I don't know what I am getting and what I am missing... 14 days ago Like Follow Bharat Bharat Khanna We take birth as many times as assigned to our account to fulfil the responsbilities assigned to us by the Power who controls this Universe. Each person is there to affect the other lives in turn ensuring that the desired result is produced for completion of the responsibility or produce that `karma' which is desired of him. To learn the secret of life and the complete `chakra' every `Yug' has a Sadguru or He himself who takes human form to show the path of fulfillment . Many a times we feel that our lives don't have a meaning but we forget the impact one is supposed to make on other lives is as important, as the discharge of responsibility cannot be completed without the team effort. Hence yes we all exist with a purpose which is not visible to our mortal,ordinary minds and need more help to discover the truth. 14 days ago Like Follow Hillol Hillol Sarkar Ocean is a good example in this discussion. We have to deal with present problems. We had a breakthrough last week to solve Alzheimer. Information is not a barrier today. It gives us tremendous confidence to solve complex problems. I have some collection. You are welcome to use it, if there is any value. 14 days ago Like

Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R "........future influences the present and established by scientiifc experimentation.........." To my knowledge there has been no proof to that effect so far. Perhaps there may be unproven speculations. " is non-locality and teleportation effects proven in quantum science ............" To my knowledge there is no such proof in quantum science. If Prof.Suresh is talking of Bells Theorem, many scientists (perhaps majority) consider Bell's experiments to be farce. 14 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz I really like the discussion as such thank you all !! Horizontal = Spirituality connect // Spiritual ancestor's and Masters Transcendence Vertical = Silver Core / see Buddha's Flame Families and Families stamp ( Job to do ) Center of the cross the 3rd Eye // direct connect of Body and Soul as well as Cosmic Transmission This builds the spiritual Cross above your Eyes Height. All which connects to the Cosmos at its own / or as whole depending on your Harmonization. You are a drop of water falling until you hit the Ocean then your back to be the complete water. Within the fall you will gain... and shape / = the life experience As the drop of water That is why your path as it is, is perfect / as such // however Ch'i the vitality, allows you to feel yourself effectively, Ying Yang allows you to choose the effects of the Environment to the shape you are, and need to become, as it enforces you of the particular need. The 3 rd Eye allows you to do all the above and feel and read the other drops in your surroundings as well. (Reading Auras understanding the spiritual symbols, to choose your Spiritual Masters and so on) Coming back as drop of your Journey falling into to the Ocean (Lake Earth River Creek) you will become complete with the Creation.(again) So if you have not accomplished to evolve as described above you where just a Drop of Water. 14 days ago Like

Follow Peter Peter Stutz Dear Mohanakrishnan R Please Remember What works for them must not necessarily work for you so no more shouting please ! and that is part of the Cosmic Plan ! 14 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Karma is nothing but free will if ones karma is good he gets a free will to chose his date like Bhishma, in Mahbharata. In Legal term those who give free will go to dogs if others missutilize that free will. I am not sure whether Karthy is talking about freedom of speech/expression what ever comes to mind or what I mentioned above. 14 days ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar One`s knowledge also depends on reading manistream science journals which people from other fields may not frequent,since though a few have superficial knowledge of science as revealed by their discussions on big bang,quantum physics etc,it so happens that they convey misinformation thru that. So one cannot take one`s knowlegdr as a reference point for commenting on what is already reported in mainstream science that scientists have to read and understand as their part of job,and others may feign knowledge,i ,particularly if they do not get to read and understand that. Evidently some of the comments reveal this lack of in-depth knowldege on scientific topics,and I agree with Peter Stutz that on such occasions better not shout based on partial knowledge,as a few are wont to frequently do on such threads. Definitely they do not know that and will never admit,but it is our job to let them know,at least once By the by there are many recent experiments,and Bell is too outdated for at least scientists,though may not be so for others. Do not judge and measure others by your own limited knowledge which is quite misleading often,and sorry to tell that 14 days ago Like Follow Panduranga Panduranga Narasimharao Complete freedom from everything is what we need to achieve. This is said in many philosphies. In fact we are limited by our own body and mind. When we are limited we cannot

understand the infinite. When we play a game we need to follow those rules. Similar thing for coming to earth. We accept the rules before we come here. Even the great realised souls need to accept the rules of the game on earth. That is why we see great souls also suffer. Read Autobiography of an Yogi which gives more ideas. In Bhagvat Gita Lord Krishna also tells about (in the tenth chapter if I remember correctly) how great souls (even after achieving completer freedom) need to accept the duality principles of earth before descending to earth. You can view an video "Stroke of Insight - Nirvana". Which may give you some idea about freedom. Yes there are many more things whcih we as common man with our limited capacity may not be able to understand. How Adi Shnkaracharya was able to master so many things at a very young age. THere is some purpose for everyone of us. What I feel is what we see here is not real. THere is some thing more to the reality and truth. How we can find this? THere is one question Chandrasekhar (Astrophysicist and Nobel prize winner) had put to Karan SIngh. What ever the present scientific developments with great instruments and technologies were able to see was seen by our ancient rushis long back. The answer he gave was - 'intuition'. THis is a great power which we need to develop. How we develop this - there are many techniques. You need to go to a right teacher and should have right attitude to practice these techniques. The technologies and scientific principles used earlier were different. Otherwise how can you explain Mayan civilisation? How we can explain great things done ealier (including some of the engineering marvels)? I personally feel that we need to develop our own selves. What is necessary is protect us from ourselves (our moods, biological secretions, habits, trivial thoughts etc). Narasimharao 14 days ago Like 1 davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Complete freedom comes only in dreams or after death or leaving this present physical body. It is only those who realized their sole purpose in this life and strictly adhere to righteous and virtuous path shall have that freedom, The present educational and philosophical system never allow one to have that freedom, as everybody is in that ignorance and living in totally chaotic life, almost hand to mouth situations running after the mirages and illusions and living only for their own self interests. What I meant to say a lot of people are living hardly with any purpose or meaning. That's the reason why the human society has degraded ethically and morally. 14 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar For all of your information Indian philosophy and sciences are totally different kind, chiefly based on the observations over the nature of life and their purpose for meaningful life as humans for humanity sake. Those who developed it by toiling and sacrificing their lives by living miserably and swallowed any humiliation given by others. One of the recent examples is Mahatma

Gandhi who brought Independence by living with principles for the sake of humans, and Swami Vivekananda and his guide Sree Ramakrishna have shown the world what is meant by spirituality. Another example is Buddha by rejecting all worldly comforts lived like a beggar. such people only go for nirvana. They know that taking birth as human is to toil and struggle and lead others to peace, harmony and serenity on this earth. 14 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Only when creating your own reality, you can learn to live in total reality ! 14 days ago Like Follow Hillol Hillol Sarkar Good discussion: Business Intelligence software is used to create knowledge based systems. Here we look for information from many databases. Many new software companies are working on similar system for education also. Present Robots has lot of intelligence to perform surgery replacing expert surgeon. 14 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Business Intelligence altogether is a great subject learning mechanism. 14 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Prof: Suresh: Before start passing judgments about the knowledge of others start looking at yourself. 90% of the occasions I find that even your facts are wrong and first get them right before you post anything! If you are so confident of your "knowledge" and contemptuous of that of others why you did not answer my specific question posted last? Perhaps you do not know! If you want to trade in speculations and myth and keep talking of bizarre "holy unions" do not others to just sit back and listen. Peter will you stop all this crap? When and where did I shout? 14 days ago Like

Follow Peter Peter Stutz I call this shouting .... however you may not ...consider Bell's experiments to be farce ?? Moha come down a bit the discussion has been great again for some time now ! 14 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Peter: Many theoretical physicists do consider Bell's Experiments to be farce for various reasons. "Farce" here is not your English dictionary farce. A defective experimental platform is supposed to render the whole experiment a "farce". The position and momentum of a sub atomic particle are matters of speculation as per quantum physics as no human can sense the truth and what appears to your eyes is not necessarily correct. Hence this data is always expressed as a matrix of probabilities. Bell created another set of his own probabilities to assess what is already a probabilistic data.In order to overcome quantum limitations he used polarized light as an analogue and assumed so many things against known theories of Physics. In the philosophic sense Bell's theorem is often cited as "proof" for denying the concept of "freewill". I am not going into the philosophers interpretations of a Physics experiment. I was just stating that the so called "physics authenticity" of Bells theorem itself is highly questionable as per prevailing scientific opinion. 14 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Chiranjeevi Thanks for a very clear query . Karma < = > Free will The attempt is to bring clarity and common understanding , what those words mean in different context and then how they are affecting each other . 14 days ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Hillol Sarkar

Thanks for adding some points and as well your collection for ready reference. .14 days ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Mohanakrishnan This statement is only from already proven facts "" .2.) Birth or genetic makeup decides more than 60 percent of our personality traits and hence what do we do with our Mind . "" .14 days ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Thanks Karthik...Karma I think I understand, what is free will? Is it the ability to get over one's fate or destiny? 14 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Good opening , "" Panduranga Narasimharao .* Complete freedom from everything is what we need to achieve* "" Current focus with this ..................... " Karma < = > Free will " .................................. is only to find out how far that is achievable or a feasibility .14 days ago

Follow Narendra Narendra Nath The comments of P. Narsimharao about 2 hours back are impressive and convincing here and other commentators may kindly give a close study. Peter and Mohan's interaction above concerning Bell's Paradox also seems unnecessary. The topic here is more philosophical and conjectures made logically may be freely allowed. We do not know the final answer and how will it emerge! 14 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Karthikeyan that genetic makeup determines ones personality to the extent of 60% has never been "proved". It is only a speculation. No mainstream scientific research body will accept a sporadic inductive proof as "conclusive proof". I think you are referring to an internet link you posted sometime back in some other context. Re Karma, your past Karma "was" a matter of freewill. As of today it is not so as what has been done is done. You can only recompense your doing and not "rectify" it. Exercise of your own discretion is the essence of freewill. But as you yourself have said many are often influenced by precedents, past experiences or external advice. Most of the time these peripheral perceptions make you forget to exercise your "freewill". Freewill exists only if you decide to use it. There are so many things which prevent you from doing so. In Vedantic terms this is Maya. If you overcome Maya then you can definitely exercise your freewill. Though feasible, it is a very tall order. 14 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Chiranjeevi ' Free Will ' is in the Operation Theater :) and to make a clear cut statement at present is difficult and wish many possess Free Will to participate !! Best peek preview is this , ___________________________________________________________________ "" My conclusion about free will, one genuinely free in the non-determined sense, is then that its existence is at least as good, if not a better, scientific option than is its denial by determinist theory. Given the speculative nature of both determinist and nondeterminist theories, why not adopt the view that we do have free will (until some real contradictory evidence may appear, if it ever does). Such a view would at least allow us to proceed in a way that accepts and accommodates our own deep feeling that we do have free will. We would not need to view ourselves as machines that act in a manner completely controlled by the known physical laws. "".......................Libet said (1999)

_____________________________________________________________ and one more / last final call , " Free Will " ............> our own words ( say 4 - 7sentences ) .14 days ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Mohanakrishnan I can pump literature on that ( already done in relation to intelligence/ innovation / leadership / creativity / genius in other threads ) You can take it for granted confidently . ( or reduce the percentage to 50 ; 50) .... let us move on to " Free Will " .14 days ago Follow Praveen kumar Praveen kumar Atmakur 1) Purpose of life is to LIVE! Further to understand that no other life form can have this question! then to realise that this form alone can help you find the answer for the question and go behind that quest! 2) Universe is a word formed by mankind to bring all the EXISTANCE together! One need to understand that EXISTANCE is neither born nor would die. In our ancient language universe is called as JA GAT. Meaning, THAT WHICH IS MOVING OR TRANSFORMING. But there is no end to it! As long as one tries to understand this Creation as somebody is sitting some where and doing this, one cannot get satisfying answers UNLESS one ends up with some BELIEF OR FAITH. Good luck Chiranjeevi. Hope you will know one day that you are a Chiranjeevi.

Namaste 14 days ago Like 1 Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Brilliant Praveen. Lucid and on dot. I like your definition of Ja Gat, never thought about that word in that way. Thank you...may be I am. 14 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @Narendra Nath: Please go through the earlier exchanges between myself, Prof Suresh and Peter S. It was only in that context we had to talk of Bells Theorem. Moreover any discussion of Freewill is incomplete without considering non-conventional views like Bells Theorem. 14 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Praveen , Thanks. Yes , Ja Gat is " THAT WHICH IS MOVING OR TRANSFORMING " _____________________________________________________________________ In general , Buddhist Monk's ( Nagarjuna's Work) is the most sort after and widely read text to explain that in details. ( as I understand ) One axiom from another philosopher , ....................*.. one cannot step in to the same river twice..*............................

Simple implication to ' Karma' or " Cause / Effect " is that there is " No Eraser " When there is " No Eraser " should an Individual consider , ......................." Free Will " or take it for granted ???.

.14 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz @ Dear Praveen 1. where have you been I have not touched you for long !Nice to have you back by all means ! Here I find even you in contradictions In our ancient language universe is called as JA GAT. Meaning, THAT WHICH IS MOVING OR TRANSFORMING. But there is no end to it! As long as one tries to understand this Creation as somebody is sitting some where and doing this, one cannot get satisfying answers UNLESS one ends up with some BELIEF OR FAITH. This is not complete please explain rather then I do it myself 14 days ago Like Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena The degree of free will seems to be more apparent in rich and advanced nations as compared to poor and underdeveloped nations, communist nations and countries ruled by religious fundamentalists. In the latter case obviously the people are completely under the control of govt, corrupt and criminals, mafia, poverty, illiteracy, false pride and prestige, dreams, weaknesses, and other social evils. The rich and advanced nations face an issue of different kind. However they have more choices open for say selecting their profession based on their interest and passion, and can live a freer and less stress free life if they maintain a control over their desires and ambition. However the free will is controlled and nobody can say that they have complete freedom. A person is bound by national/international laws & regulations, the prevailing cultural & societal commitments and expectations, etc. One way to live a completely free life is to live like Buddha. Is it advisable or feasible for everybody to live like Buddha? No. Why not? Because if everybody do so then human race will get extinct as everybody will attain moksha. So we have to live in the society and make comprises and an adjustment which clearly shows that there is no complete free will. There could be some degree of free will perhaps depending upon karma possibly. 14 days ago Like Follow Peter

Peter Stutz Dear Sanjay * Every Country faces the problem they produce // all of them have many ! In Switzerland the jealousy is immense and in the USA you would get killed for that showing jealousy like the people do here. * face the challenge where you are. If in prison you still have to be on top of it or you are the underdog and so on. * achieving Buddhas state of harmonies which is not possible for you as you are Sanja (assume you could and we all could) the next door to the Cosmic playground will open. So no to your question. The master plan allows you to be ignorant to your own Spirit that is the only escape you ever will have. Remember every architect starts building with a foundation and so those the cosmic Plan. 14 days ago Like Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena Dear Peter, I never denied that advanced nations do not have problem but said that their problems are of different nature. However they have more choices in life than a underdeveloped nation. So that gives an illusion that degree of free will is more in comparison. 14 days ago Like Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena @Mohankrishnan, Your point that universe follows no predictable pattern is really amusing. I am surprised. I am sure you are joking. Humans will find it difficult to survive if universe does not follow any patterns whatsoever. Regarding Bell's theorem - i think there is a need to know which scientist says it a farce. 14 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Sorry for my miss. No and still no Sanjay you have a job to do ........ so if you would wanted another Job at the time of choice you still would ask the same question. The Intelligence lies in the Cosmos and not at school or university and there is the connect. Every challenge is to be dissolved / not resolved! You chose to get them done, or the next member makes the same promise, with the same problem. theyre we will be a stand still and that is your only choice in Life, holding all others back because of your promise but no score ! 14 days ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .SS ' Free will ' as understood / used in the political / economic disciplines in few sentences will be good help to this discussion . .14 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz Moha just found this for your information // Space is not = Space An equivalent problem is more commonly mentioned in textbooks. This is the problem of Born rigid motion. Rather than ask about the separation of spaceships with the same acceleration, the problem of Born rigid motion asks, "What acceleration profile is required by the second spaceship so that the distance between the spaceships remains constant in their proper frame?" The accelerations of the two spaceships must in general be different.[6][7] In order for the two spaceships, initially at rest in an inertial frame, to maintain a constant proper distance, the lead spaceship must have a lower proper acceleration. [7] As a matter CERN has been shooting light at light speed and there are particle arriving befor the Light does // Is Einstein now a flop ! Einstein has also said the anything traveling light speed will be infinty in weight ! both theories where in his life time contert ! 14 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Yes, the dancer is dancing there :) "" The statue of Nataraja, the Cosmic Dancer, Dr. Aymar, DG of CERN, Dr. Anil Kakodkar, Chairman of the Indian Atomic Energy Commission and Secretary to the Government of India ................"" .14 days ago

davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar It is good article at this juncture of time and year of changing fortunes. Only one thing I know from my birth is that bliss is every where inside us as well as out side us. The Paths what we may chose may be different and the education what we have never tells any thing about it as the methods do differ for each and everybody. Most of the cases people do dwell in ignorance of their own self and run after illusions. And become disillusioned about life and become totally dejected., 14 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Sanjay Saxena: Whatever behavior of the universe we see is not what it really is. This is relativity. You can never determine the location and velocity of a sub atomic particle. Only probabilistic guesswork is possible-Quantum Physics. Re. Bells theorem many claim that the entire experimental framework is not a representative model of what he sought to study through simulation. EPR postulates refute Bells concepts about non-locality. THe number of scientists who dispute the very basis of Bells experiments are too numerous to name. If you are so inclined you can get a college perspective of objections to the methodology in You may do a Google search on the topic and you will be flooded with results. This is not the platform for discussing advanced Physics.If you want we can do it between ourselves. But it will take quite long to explain everything. @Peter Stutz: The first part of your post is answered by simple Lorentz transformation. What all Einstein said was that velocities greater than that of light are imperceptible to human senses. If somebody claims "sensing" velocity > light, the question is "How". There is no such technology presently available. The second problem is mass energy inter convertibility. At high energy exchanges some energy can get converted into particles all of a sudden. Hence a particle you "see" "now" may not be the particle you started "observing". The results of recent CERN experiments are still being debated. But I doubt seriously whether any conclusion is possible considering the limitations of technology and human sensory perceptions. At present people are busy confirming the veracity of the observation itself! Again in this forum Physics may be used for illustration only. If you want to discuss Physics in detail please start another discussion. 14 days ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .One axiom from another philosopher ,

....................*.. one cannot step in to the same river twice..*............................ Implications on Free Will ( * just an exploration in relation to Economic discipline but not ruling out connection with others * ) Story : The moment the Individual knows the fact there is only one Bus for his next Journey .. there is very chance busfare will go up .. Crowding .. .. .. the Bus owners may restrict the no. buses , to keep the fair high There is an information exchange between the Supplier & Consumer .... and there come parties who sell even those Information ( later date in the long run ) The idea ( message ) is that people make informed rational choices and it is from their Free Will to choose !. ! . !! Is that an Illusion ? .14 days ago Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena @KA, Man proposes, God Disposes :-) in a single line. 14 days ago Like Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena The very fact that we have no idea of what this Universe is all about and our purpose for living is enough to prove that there is no free will. 14 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .SS

Thanks and no escape that way :) God proposes and then man proposes ( illusion ) ...... we can go ON and ON !! .14 days ago Follow Ramakrishna Ramakrishna Viswanadha There are many scientists who say we have created or reached nearer to so many things or technologists who claims to have created big comforts for us but believe me none is no where nearer than hundreds of billion miles if we to compare our achievements over the creativity of god in terms of distance 14 days ago Like Follow Ramakrishna Ramakrishna Viswanadha Can a new born know his purpose of birth? You had no purpose, you are destined to come back. but create a noble purpose now. The best thing you can do is love and respect all and live and let live, do not even kill a mosquito, 14 days ago Like Follow Ramakrishna Ramakrishna Viswanadha yes it on for many centuries ,till we understand that we can't propose and simply abide by his wish. 14 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Good points ! ..... but ......... What is his wish :) .14 days ago Follow Peter

Peter Stutz his wish is your wish just do have a wish ! 13 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Good , Rhyming .. O ... Rhyming ! Hymns & Sruthis Vis-a-Vis .13 days ago Follow Ramakrishna Ramakrishna Viswanadha I create few paintings with rubbish colors and themes that i only can understand, but i want people to praise my creations(Me). I talk nonsense and wish the whole forum follow me then what is wrong in admiring, praising and submitting to this great artist who created nature and uncountable number of spices.even if we see the god as artist he deserves admiration and following. 13 days ago Like Follow Ramakrishna Ramakrishna Viswanadha As a creator of few small softwares i think i am intellectual and highly egoistic, then what should be the level of god's ego creating and controlling the whole spices and nature? His wish is to you realize and accept him as the sole creator (just be out of illusion that i invented air crafts, televisions, mobile phone or cloning) and avoid the cycle of births and rebirths, attaining the real enjoyment (if you don't think sex ,money and fame are the enjoyment). Not an easy path but every one has a chance over a period of time and many have attained it too.Truly speaking i am billions of miles away. 13 days ago Like Follow Ramakrishna Ramakrishna Viswanadha In spite of knowing one will die yet prays for longevity.knowing that nothings goes with him want to amass wealth, happy with mating and producing eggs. that is the beauty of god's cinema. even after the end slide you still wait for some miracle to happen. 13 days ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Implications on Free Will .........> ( * just an exploration in relation to Economic discipline but not ruling out connection with others * ) Is that an Illusion ? Dan Ariely asks, Are we in control of our own decisions? "" Behavioral economist Dan Ariely, the author of Predictably Irrational, uses classic visual illusions and his own counterintuitive (and sometimes shocking) research findings to show how we're not as rational as we think when we make decisions. "" .13 days ago Follow Ramakrishna Ramakrishna Viswanadha wish, wish, wish that is what i was doing all through, can there be any thing better? 13 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Something better than Wish is Desire .....> The probability of getting the Wish fulfilled increases when it becomes a Desire ! .13 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz you cant desire if you have it all..........its all here already ! keep dreaming or go recieve it 13 days ago Like

Follow Peter eter Stutz the 2nd option look for Pangaea, Panga, or Pangea ( /pndi/ pan-jee-;[1] from Ancient Greek pan "entire", and Gaia "Earth", Latinized as Ga) is hypothesized as a supercontinent that existed during the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras, forming 300 million years ago[2] and beginning to break up approximately 200 million years ago, before the component continents were separated into their current configuration. 13 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Living in this Earth and still ..........No Desires ! That is just not Dream , must be Illusion with in the Dream !! Yes Peter, I think single mass theory is almost accepted by everyone .Pangaea Anyway the number is fascinating 5 Continents , 5 Boothas , 5 Fingers .... As well what geo- bio - chemistry tells about Life , ( just for info - not for arguments ) Life arose on the young Earth as a natural chemical process. More than half a century of experimental research has underscored the dynamic interactions of atmosphere, oceans, and rocks that fostered this ancient transition from geochemistry to biochemistry. Researchers on the origin of life now conclude that rocks and minerals must have played key roles in virtually every phase of lifes emergencethey catalyzed the synthesis of key biomolecules; they selected, protected, and concentrated those molecules; they jump-started metabolism; and they may even have acted as lifes first genetic system. .13 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz I think that is the most precious thing from you I have seen stated by you Karthi ! Thank you and I can say wow and yes. ! Thanks I have always loved the Idea if Pangaea. And we as one to be! this was my deepest Desire since I

meditate! 13 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Peter I should thank you for the lead / trigger to discover this Fact :) What is IT ?? .13 days ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Siddhantha Fish .......> The tip of India ' Cape Comerin' or Kanyakumari ( ) ..... the meaning of the name is " eternaly Virgin Young Girl " , and have a look in to this Projection ______________________________________________________________________ "Pangea Ultima" will form 250 million years in the Future ____________________________________________________________________ .* India remains young & beautiful in the same shape & form after 250 million years *. .13 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz well we are here to be together for the better and worst ... but mostly for the better ! Great Map indeed

13 days ago Like Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena @Mohankrishnan, Whatever behavior of the universe we see is not what it really is. This is relativity. This is a philosophical statement. General relativity says that heavy objects such as Stars, planets cause space-time curvature. Due to this distortion of the space-time, time runs slowly whereverthere is a curvature as compared to a place where is there is no curvature, meaning just empty flat space. Gravity is the effect of this space-time curvature and hence it is defined in terms of geometry rather than as a force by Newton. Inside a black hole the space time curvature is infinite so it means the time comes to a standstill. So in this Universe time runs differently in different pockets of this vast Universe. Since there is a pattern it can be mathematically described by an equation. Einstein theory has been experimentally verified. So it proves the point that Universe has predictable pattern. 13 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Sanja Very well said and most definitely correct; just as there is new space founded faster the Light speed .....rules change depending on the expansion of the cosmic stretch. Which will prove Einsteins theory only to be partly correct in our own environment. As said he tried to prove all matter as fast as Light would be infinite heavy and that is not so. We just found out that the cosmic expansion is faster the light going from us away in all directions at the same time. Now if that would be true there would be only one big gap of black hole within the universe. lucky for us is the density of black holes 20-40 kilometers in diameter and a mass of a 1000 x are own sun crushed into a very small space. Our sun for example could never become such at it would be too small to start a Black hole including our solar systems mass! 13 days ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Behavioural economics is a proven fact now,since we are not as rational as we think we are.Depending on our subjectivity inherent in our self sytems and notions and associated brain states,and according to the observational processes and methods and devices including deficiencies in sensory apparatus and reasoning faculty we project different world views. Science and its theories are no exception,and philosophies and economics That is why Popper said falsification is the proof of science. Perennial truths are perceived thru the objectivity of spiritual science only That is why the essence of ancient wisdom gets proven time and again despite all the observational vacillations from time to time 13 days ago Like

Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Does god reside in a black hole or is black hole the god because that is where it seems the time stands still and I suppose there is also no space. 13 days ago Like Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena Bells inequalities have been violated by quantum physics experiments, which mean it seems to be display non-locality. In a very rough way what it means is that when two entangled particles having opposite spins is separated by a great distance and if the spin of particle B is changed then particle A reacts instantaneously and changes its spin. In other words, somehow a message gets transmitted from particle B to particle A instantaneously even though they are seperated by great distance. How can a message gets transmitted faster than light is baffling the scientists. Again this has been verified and hence there is no question of it being farce. 13 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada is too enticing....almost as bewitching as a mystery... 13 days ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Sanjay,apt presentation,and very true. Chiranjeevi,scientits are now talking of black holes in the same breath as dark energy stars,since from a distance due to relativity and quantum efects both appear to be the same.I may not be able to go nto the details here since its being studied intensely of late and the jury is not out yet. In fact ,in our ancient texts there are references to worlds like what fit the description for a dark energy star,though not exactly the black hole. While a dark energy star has its energy density coming from the repulsive gravity of vacum energy[or vayu vitality,as per our ancient texts],attractive gravity of mass accretion prevails in a black hole. From a dark energy universe our own matter universe appears as a black hole. These are some tricks that relativity plays and affecting our measuremnts,and observational knowledge and its uncertainties thru quantum effects 13 days ago Like

Follow Peter Peter Stutz Dear Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Black Holes are the Pillors of the space as such, so yes there is a great possibility that Life as such of the Wholy Spirit is within such great force but most definitly not the Creation as such. We are insight of a Divine Great Central Sun which we call Comsos ! 13 days ago Like Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena Does god reside in a black hole? Logically No. because it contradicts the definition that God is omnipresent. The only thing that is omnipresent is atoms or sub-atomic particles. So as per the definition of God sub atomic particles qualifies to be the God. (IMHO). Atoms are omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient and it can be both particles as well as waves. Even in vacuum, virtual particles pop in and out. 13 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Gods reside in people's Hearts ! Hence it cannot be a Black Hole :) .13 days ago Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar According to vedic wisdom heart is that which we know,and it is at the center of Space. May be it could mean the core center of brain[chit akash] or the dark energy star or white hole at the center of universe. Speculation based on spiritual experiential wisdom and enlightenment can be elucidative as well as elusive 13 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Very well / god reside's in are Hearth's !

And the Creation is the complete happening so called Cosmos + X factor of constant expansion ! === the Divine Great Central Sun !! 13 days ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Peter,very insightful 13 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Thank you Professor the world is ours to become heavenly within us ! 13 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Zero Brahmagupta's Brahmasphuasiddhanta is the very first book that mentions zero as a number, hence Brahmagupta is considered as the man who found zero. He gave rules of using zero with negative and positive numbers. Zero plus a positive number is the positive number and negative number plus zero is a negative number etc. The Brahmasphutasiddhanta is the earliest known text to treat zero as a number in its own right, rather than as simply a placeholder digit in representing another number as was done by the Babylonians or as a symbol for a lack of quantity as was done by Ptolemy and the Romans. In chapter eighteen of his Brahmasphutasiddhanta, Brahmagupta describes operations on negative numbers. He first describes addition and subtraction, There must be Cosmos+ and Cosmos - ,...... may be Zero is Black Hole ?? (... again it is not logical) , presumptuously there are many Black Holes Many or multiple Zeros , ..... difficult to grasp or visualize :) .13 days ago

Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Why isn't heart one more organ like a hand or something else. Similarly the brain. Even when the heart is functioning, the brain dead people are dead except for their physical functioning. May be heart is more related to the body than to the spirit. Spirit may be something that cannot be conceived by the heart nor by the brain...may be the sixth sense is what perceives the spirit. Sounds stupid :-) 13 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Karthik why not 0+ and 0- black holes. The whole + whole = whole. when there can be more than one whole, there can be as many zeros as well. :-) 13 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Heart for Love & Gods is just a metaphor ! One needs to do soul searching to locate the soul inside the body , ........may not be fruitful too :) .13 days ago 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Chiranjeevi " why not 0+ and 0- black holes " Thanks for asking a very simple question ?! The best thing , that too I can try is that to locate '" Brahmagupta or his Incarnation " :) .13 days ago

Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Saxena: I have already told you I do not intend converting this discussion to a Physics class. So no need to talk of GR or SR. The seed for the whole relativity concept is the relative perception of time. It is not possible for you and me to sense velocities > c. Since you use your vision that also works with velocity c, "now" "then" as perceived are incorrect. Spatial relativity was already known. Everything is a result of these relativities and the relationships are empirical relationships expressed as math functions, some of which have been proved till date and some not. What you call as "distortions" in space time are observed realities. All math functions try to estimate what is correct. Re. Bells theorem you feel the way you do. Many feel the other way. Nobody knows what is correct. For your info in none of Bells experiments did anybody observe the "spin" of any particle. It was done through circuitous optical analogues. The basic assumption of posterior probabilities based on unsubstantiated facts is also considered scientifically wrong. Re CERN experiments and velocity >c, even CERN has not validated its experimental result so far. The method used to eliminate relativistic and quantum distortions is still under scrutiny. 13 days ago Like 1 Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena @Mohankrisnan,I had asked you which scientist opposes Bells Theorem. You said many. Well the most famous of them was, Einstein himself. He remarked this phenomenon as Spooky action at a distance. He was vehemently opposing quantum mechanics too and said God does not play Dice. To which one of the scientist, Bohr said Dont ask God what to do? But in 1982 it has been experimentally verified. QM is one of the most successful theory. It is the ego of some scientist getting hurt who seems to be showing great humility from outside but are extremely arrogant from inside and it is very visible from their actions and words. Special relativity is just that a special case. General relativity is more meaningful. Space-time distortions cannot be directly observed. The theory predicts that light will bend wherever there is a curvature and this has been verified. 13 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Quantum information embedding by Quantum entanglement ( memory/history) requires coherence / the same source ( as I understand in simple words ) and that is still a tricky issue to make it truly practical for various applications . One interesting paper on those lines picked up from another friend ( reasonably knowledgeable

person ) ... may be useful to our Deterministic Physics here ! "" Approximate Decoherence of Histories and t Hoofts Deterministic Quantum Theory" ABSTRACT: In the decoherent histories approach to quantum theory, sets of histories are said to be decoherent when the decoherence functional, measuring interference between pairs of histories, is exactly diagonal. In realistic situations, however, only approximate diagonality is ever achieved, raising the question of what approximate decoherence actually means and how it is related to exact decoherence. This paper explores the possibility that an exactly decoherent set of histories may be constructed from an approximate set by small distortions of the operators characterizing the histories. In particular, for the case of histories of positions and momenta, this is achieved by doubling the set of operators and then finding, amongst this enlarged set, new position and momentum operators which commute, so decohere exactly, and which are close to the original operators. Two derivations are given, one in terms of the decoherence functional, the second in terms of Wigner functions. The enlarged, exactly decoherent, theory has the same classical dynamics as the original one, and coincides with the socalled deterministic quantum theories of the type recently studied by t Hooft. These results suggest that the comparison of standard and deterministic quantum theories may provide an alternative method of characterizing emergent classicality. A side-product is the surprising result that histories of momenta in the quantum Brownian motion model (for the free particle in the high-temperature limit) are exactly decoherent."" .13 days ago 1 Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla A lot of wisdom has been churned out in the last few days, so it raked up few questions in my mind. @Prof. Suresh Kumar - /*Speculation based on spiritual experiential wisdom and enlightenment can be elucidative as well as elusive */ In fact, I agree with it and that's what my (limited) thought process has been all along and have been looking for opportunities to change it. In fact, I myself realized that mine was just a speculation when I mentioned that the "Avatar"s represent the evolution of human life. So, how can we be sure of others when they speak about self-realization and enlightenment?. /*May be it could mean the core center of brain[chit akash] or the dark energy star or white hole at the center of universe.*/

You also said before /*.Cross represents also the 3gunas,which we all carry as part of our gross and subtle body and the karma nad ego domains in us.That propels and guides us to action,and Jesus is the life force evidenced thru the breath that helps us in our ressurrection thru the croos[and the process symbolising Karma yoga,symbolically,in a different metaphor,for those who really know] */ Are the above just speculations or is there a reality behind it?. /*vedic wisdom*/ Is there an agreed and approved wisdom so that we can use it as an universal reference?. Lastly, may I request you to please narrate your experience (to the best you can) of 'self realization' or 'enlightenment' as I understood through your passionate discussion that you went through it before? As I see you being the most experienced person spiritually and acadamically as well, I am positive that I can get a rewarding answer. 13 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @Sanjay Saxena: Nothing has been "proved" either in QM or GR. Bits and pieces of experimental observations from an assumed frame of reference, using sensory perceptions and technology that are still limited by relativity just appear to prove one small element or the other of either of the theories. Taken together they contradict either the macro scale model or the micro one. That is why attempts are still in progress to reconcile the two views and arrive at TOE. If you want more detailed discussion start one which deals only with physics, with no philosophical overtones. @Karthikeyan: Even as per the reference you have cited "decoherence" appears to be the rule. In my opinion, philosophically "decoherence" is freewill and coherence is destiny, Entropy is freewill and order is destiny. 13 days ago Like 1 Follow Peter Peter Stutz there is Matter which we can see and touch and assume in Galactic forms. there is anti Matter which we presume of black holes / that is Matter crusched to the most infinite of Space so it is only pure force as no matter can be under such pressure. it becomes pure static force. 13 days ago Like

Follow Dr.R.P.Ilangho Dr.R.P.Ilangho MD FRCP DTRD @ Mohanakrishnan: Thanx for that great link of Bell`s Theorem. It has links to Einsteins,Bells & Aspect`s ORIGINAL papers; and allied ones too . WOW ! 13 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Mohanakrishnan I did not give the paper for argument and it is only for added clarity ( if possible ) But you do not escape with your Free Will ? Until you state that ' what is it in ( 4-7 ) sentences ' .. it is only escape .o. escape :) .13 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz Ascended Masters, in the Ascended Master Teachings is derived from the Theosophical concept of Masters of the Ancient Wisdom or "Mahatmas", though they differ in important aspects. They are believed to be spiritually enlightened beings who in past incarnations were ordinary humans, but who have undergone a process of spiritual transformation originally called Initiation in Theosophy but in the Ascended Master Teachings it is referred to as Ascension.[1] The term "Ascended Master" was first introduced in 1934 with the publication of Unveiled Mysteries [2] by Guy Ballard in The "I AM" Activity.[3] This concept was further popularized by authors such as Baird T. Spalding during the 1930s, and in books like The Bridge to Freedom (1951),[4] The Summit Lighthouse (1958),[5][6] and various other organizations such as the White Eagle Lodge 13 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar What I understand from most of the discussions is that again the "Poornam adam poornam idam" is true A hole which is full of something in it and another one without any thing in it, when both are coupled it can be anything, it appears to be nothing but some thing filled it. It also implies to me that either woman's or man's head must be filled with either fully or without anything for their creativity. It is also understood from the history some persons do achieve the creativity all of a sudden, probably by that time it might have been filled. those who does not have go on beating their own self drums every where and show all negative aspects like arrogance, egoism etc.

13 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Hello Davuloori could you text this so I can understand what you are saying // thanks so much ! 13 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Free Will along with Free Wheel .........> .............. Safe Road Trains for the Environment ( Entertainment )..........> The project aims to encourage a step change in personal transport usage by developing of environmental roadtrains called platoons. .13 days ago Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena Nothing has been proved so far may be pessimistic thinking. Both the theories are great and they have to be integrated. They give the correct results. Science never claims that they have answer to everything and slowly and steadily builds up its knowledge base and making corrections whenever required. As such nothing is proved. But there is one thing that is proved which is that everything is made of atoms. Humans have progressed a lot due to advances in science, quantum mechanics, laws of thermodynamics & so on. Even TOE would be just a theory and for that matter everything from religion to science to philosophy does not really prove anything but it proves humans quest for acquiring knowledge and truth. 13 days ago Like Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena Since everything is made of atoms, it shows that universe has predictable patterns and also some kind of uniformity in diversity. Hence it is proved that Universe has predictable patterns :-) 13 days ago Like

Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Karthikeyan: 'Freewill' is the ability to do what one wants taking ones' own decisions. In an ideal world everybody should exercise freewill whether they actually do or not. 'Destiny' is your being forced to do something consciously or unconsciously due to external factors. 'Freewill' is technically possible though there may be many barriers to exercise of freewill like relativity, limitations of sensory perceptions, knowledge, experience etc. etc. Philosophically Vedanta in my opinion implies that action arising out of true 'freewill' should always be correct and such freewill is a matter of "Atmasakshatkara". @Saxena: In the glossary of science everything is just a theory if it is not proved beyond even 1% doubt. It is like Criminal Law. Accused is never culpable unless culpability is proved 100%. Even one small microscopic defect in prosecution acquits the accused. "Theory" relies on "preponderance of probabilities". Again there is no specific standard for preponderance. Will you accept a probability matrix derived from another probability matrix as in Bell's theorem? Many do not and very few do! Dalton as well as early Vedic (Not Vedantic) philosophies like Samkhya, Nyaya, Vaiseshika along with Buddhism say that the atom is the "smallest indivisible identifiable particle" which resides in everything. The Physics atom keeps on getting subdivided with no end in sight! Further no sub atomic particle is identifiable as most of them have ephemeral life. We cannot even find its position and momentum inside a given atom with any certainty. As regards your hopes of TOE, I also earnestly hope such breakthrough. Someday such a breakthrough should definitely happen. But that is possible only through "Karma" and not through "destiny"! 13 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Moha you really should look at the movie listed below ! v=U9HtZFb_VtM&feature=results_main&playnext=1&list=PLE806198CABE4C9F1 this should help understand your need as well as the handcufs others ! be aware this will change your life for good if you watch it !! it will take 30 Minutes !! 13 days ago Like Follow Sanjay

Sanjay Saxena So what it means is that everything is not made of atoms and atomic bombs have nothing to do with atoms whatsoever and poor atomic/nuclear scientists really do not know what they are working with but somehow everything just works. I am not sure how many will agree with this idea. BTW we can find the position or momentum precisely of an atom. But we cannot accurately measure both simultaneously. There is a minimum for the product of the uncertainties of these two measurements given by Heisenberg Uncertainty principle as position X momentum > h/2. This is not a statement about the inaccuracy of measurement instruments, nor a reflection on the quality of experimental methods; it arises from the wave properties inherent in the quantum mechanical description of nature. Even with perfect instruments and technique, the uncertainty is inherent in the nature of things. 13 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Dear Sanjay Become ''a Modern Alchemist'' And you will have the thousand answers in a glimpse of Time. To the Point above; every Matter has atomic particles as they are the consciousness of the Thing each carries its own signature (stamp) and reason. The atom is a basic unit of matter that consists of a dense central nucleus surrounded by a cloud of negatively charged electrons. The atomic nucleus contains a mix of positively charged protons and electrically neutral neutrons (except in the case of hydrogen-1, which is the only stable nuclide with no neutrons). The electrons of an atom are bound to the nucleus by the electromagnetic force. Likewise, a group of atoms can remain bound to each other, forming a molecule. An atom containing an equal number of protons and electrons is electrically neutral, otherwise it has a positive charge if there are fewer electrons (electron deficiency) or negative charge if there are more electrons (electron excess). A positively or negatively charged atom is known as an ion. An atom is classified according to the number of protons and neutrons in its nucleus: the number of protons determines the chemical element, and the number of neutrons determines the isotope of the element.[1] The name atom comes from the Greek (atomos, "indivisible") from (a-, "not") and (temn, "I cut")[2], which means uncuttable, or indivisible, something that cannot be divided further.[3] The concept of an atom as an indivisible component of matter was first proposed by early Indian and Greek philosophers. In the 17th and 18th centuries, chemists provided a physical basis for this idea by showing that certain substances could not be further broken down by chemical methods. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, physicists discovered subatomic components and structure inside the atom, thereby demonstrating that the 'atom' was divisible. The principles of quantum mechanics were used to successfully model the atom.[4][5] Atoms are minuscule objects with proportionately tiny masses. Atoms can only be observed individually using special instruments such as the scanning tunneling microscope. Over 99.94% of an atom's mass is concentrated in the nucleus,[note 1] with protons and neutrons having roughly equal mass. Each element has at least one isotope with unstable nuclei that can undergo radioactive decay. This can result in a transmutation that changes the number of protons or neutrons in a nucleus.[6] Electrons that are bound to atoms possess a set of stable energy levels, or orbitals, and can undergo transitions between them by absorbing or emitting photons that match the energy differences between the levels. The electrons

determine the chemical properties of an element, and strongly influence an atom's magnetic properties. 13 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Peter: Just do not restrict yourself to protons, neutrons and electrons alone. In the "standard model" alone the following types of sub-sub-atomic particles have been discovered so far. Six "flavors" of quarks: up, down, bottom, top, strange, and charm Six types of leptons: electron, electron neutrino, muon, muon neutrino, tau, tau neutrino Thirteen gauge bosons (force carriers): the graviton of gravity, the photon of electromagnetism, the three W and Z bosons of the weak force, and the eight gluons of the strong force. The permutations of the three groups can result in quite a large number. Apart from these thousands of ephemeral particles have been discovered. These are not counted, but ignored as probable results of intermediate mass-energy conversions. What you are talking of is the basic Rutherford model. We have crossed more than a century since Rutherford postulated the model you are describing. 13 days ago Like karthikyan arumugathandavan .Thanks Mohanakrishnan. Free Will ; ' as I understand from your last posting ' .a) ' One's own ability to make decision on things he want to do ' <=> Free Will Perception + Senses error could malfunction and hence such ones are NOT considered as violations on the Free Will implementation or actualization .b) Atmasakshatkara"., is self realization or mind visualizing the Soul and decision taken at that state amounts to individual's freewill .c) Destiny as I understand from your statement is opposite of free will (meaning if one could exercise Free will , one decides his destiny __________________________________________________________________ So just taking a & b alone, it comes to mean more or less Free will is exercisable only by highly alert /

conscious or Self realized ( elevated ) Individuals . Hence commonly it could be a rare item . Correct me if I am wrong . .12 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz moha have you watcht the movie ? listed above ! Im aware of what you are listing is just a tinie tynie part of the Cosmic picture belonging to are Solarsystem only .....and it was a explenation to Sanjay .... my statement would look different from that. so I agree with whatr you say ! just alone the electrone part would fill many pages ! 12 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Free will ! Cannot exist / unless Free space in unconditional Environment! Not even if highly alert / consciousness or Self realized as it depends on the environmental Laws /surroundings and if we see the movie listed above then you will be most definitely clear with my statement: as it depends also on your DNA structure ! 12 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Karthikeyan: Yes you are right. That is what I mean. Peter: Yes. Human intelligence perceiving the cosmos is double extra difficult, but still achievable under right conditions. This should at least be a theoretical ideal if human beings need to continue their march to progress. 12 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .* Individual through One's " Wisdom / Intellect" could decide one's Destiny and win over

Fate.*.....................................( Free Will )............................................................. With Free Will as defined in previous post ( a.,.b., -c ) the above statement stands TRUE . Meaning , Individual has the capacity /capability to excercise his " Free Will " and one of the main opponent is one's own Karma or past deeds . .12 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz I have no issue if you say can you be of free will if youre spiritually harmonized in a environment of stability! No Media / No News / no Family which brings home god or bad news / and so on Which is most definitely not the case on Earth ! This is why we needed so many masters to learn in a constant on how to communicate such in a ever changing challenging environment. That why Meditation, as Yoga, or any other means of spiritual grows, is most important for us and will stay that way, until we become Light in our most inner being, = with all surroundings. The Ideal is to become the Light Torch / Carrier for others / just like all great Spiritual Masters proven us. 12 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Karthi I understand where you are coming from. But lets take an example. We pay with Money. The money says a Value. The value is excepted as it states. Yet it is a piece of Paper. This is therefore a Illusion. Free will in such environment is an elusive challenge and thats exactly why we miss the Puck. no life no matter where is of free will. Depending constant on the surroundings, Electrons Atoms, Magnetic influences and so on, not even touching the Silver Lining of your ancestors. In physic this is greatly explained in many ways / even spiritual metamorphosis depends on it. 12 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .More or less it is done.........derived / arrived with our efforts :) Soul + Maya + Karma <=> Mind ...drop the two luggages Maya and Karma

Soul <=> Mind What one's Mind wills and wishes are from the Soul ( metaphorically Heart ) ...> ....Only Love flows from pure Soul ....> ....When one's action are always guided by Love ? .* Desires disappear *. ( may not be Buddha stage but compassionate, loving ,caring and ready to appreciate and share with others ) One's mind will not love it's own Soul but laugh at IT ........>>. .12 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz perfect statement One's mind will not love it's own Soul but laugh at IT therfore no free Will or free Mind 12 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Sorry, I cannot / should not answer , .........refer back to the derivation :) .12 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Karthikeyan: Conquer Karma with "counter Karma"-Act to correct past mistakes or work around. For theists GOD is the "Marga Darshi", the person who shows the way. The best attribute of GOD in my reckoning. Have you heard Grandmas saying "Oh GOD (Put "Appane Muruga", "Ambike" anything) you alone can show me the way". Peter: ".....I have no issue if you say can you be of free will if youre spiritually harmonized in a environment of stability! No Media / No News / no Family which brings home god or bad news / and so

on...."-Why is it not possible to attain this state internally? This is what Vedanta calls "unattached intellect"-intellect free of emotions. intellect free of experience and so on and so on.("Nish Kamya) Many people say that Siva's mystical portrayal symbolizes this detachment. Ashes instead of perfumes, Snakes instead of necklace, loin cloth of hide instead of designer costume, matted instead of groomed hair-Practically he has given up everything-Still he is dancing in perfect bliss-bliss that keeps the universe moving! In a practical scale sacrifices are necessary to achieve a higher purpose like giving up the pleasure of TV serials for an outstanding examination performance. Freewill can never come without the required sacrifice. You are denying all known currency theory. Currency is the nominal representation of a proportion of GDP (Real goods and Services). The proportion is expected to remain unchanged in a stable economy. "One's mind will not love it's own Soul but laugh at IT"-I think this is a rather cynical statement in my opinion! 12 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ." Conquer Karma " ( I was about to move there ) The obvious next question is how to drop those two luggages Maya + Karma Best option is to turn them against each other to the extend possible .?? .or. .1.).Beg,pray, plead please the ' Mayavi ' Bakthi Marg . .2.) Do lot of good deeds to make Karma ( negative ) ( yoga-kriyas or simply good duties in excess ) "One's mind will not love it's own Soul but laugh at IT" ...' Cynical ' , no issues at all :) .12 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Maya unfortunately is the result of Karma as per Vedanta. Every act changes the state of the Whole (Brahman) while Brahman remains the same. Different state means different view-

Like the lamp glows when you light it and stops glowing when you extinguish it, all the remaining the same lamp. Hence one should ignore Maya and "engineer" Karma-that is act properly every time. 12 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Maya taken in to this equation has outline of it with it's limitation ( given earlier ) and it definitely has no connection to *one's own Karma* , ' Karma ' presently lumped . .12 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R I do not understand you. In may opinion it is impossible to separate "One's own karma" and "Karma". If you buy a toffee for your child it is your karma (Act). When your child eats it it is its Karma (Act). Your Karma has resulted in somebody else's Karma. Likewise somebody else's Karma may involve you, many a time without your APPARENT knowledge! 12 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz In a cricket game this is the greatest phenomenon there is. the ball comes to a Catcher he is aligned and has had this experience many time's to catch the Ball perfectly. The ball has its curve and comes with over 120 Miles an Hour / only out of his natural reflex he will catch the ball better than ever/ as soon as his Intellect Headstrong / own Mind// moves in front of him trying to catch the ball he will miss it. this is what I wanted to say. The cosmic Intelligence so the Natural Instinct is driven not from Free Mind nor Will but his natural Connect to the reflex carrying out the task. Headstrong we learn to be in school but a baby is not // so a Baby is completely freed of what Masters achieve only in complete isolation such as a Dessert / and thats the conclusion. We think we can have free will and free mind to do things, but that is an illusion just like the Money not being just a piece of Paper. We are bound to live with illusions but yet we need to stop this soon. Imagine the day where Money has no value but Paper, we will all be equal our without money, just it is easier to achieve without Illusions or money. Headstrong, we are only so we tell each other, how it should be / without that (headstrong) we could be honored to know each other and would grow so fast spiritually together in appreciation and Trust. 12 days ago Like

1 Follow Peter Peter Stutz Soul + Maya + Karma <=> Mind ...drop the two luggages Maya and Karma Soul <=> Mind ///// how cn that qual the same as the above ! this really is not feassable to me please explain other than that ! thanks 12 days ago Like Follow Praveen kumar Praveen kumar Atmakur Dear Peter, To my knowledge..... Soul is a wrong word to be used as ATMA to explain Vedantic equations. It has its roots more in Biblical explanations. Which is no proper and a single definition. Atmost it can be taken as Jeeva. But not as Atma. Jeeva itself is a result of Atma + Agnjyanam (Ignorance). Karma exists due to Ignorance. Mind is nothng but a tool for the human being. It has no paapam or punyam. Just like a knife. It results as a weapon or tool depending on the person utilising it. Without mind one cannot even think of having Gjyanam! It is the sole predominant difference from Animals to Humans. So I would not buy the statements of No mind status or similar junk! 12 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @Praveen Kumar: You are correct. Though other schools of Hinduism like polytheistic schools and Bhakti, talk of soul spirit etc. in Vedanta (Advaita, Visisthadvita and Dvaita) there is no place for the concept of school. But remember there are Hindus who believe in school. Peter is a votary of Theosophy, a semi Hindu faith. Theosophy believes in soul, spirit etc. All the three Vedantic schools believe in "Brahman", which comprises of "Cit" (Sentinel beings), Acit (Non-sentinel Beings) and Ishwara (The Divine or the "energy component). Advaita says the subdivision of Brahman is wrong and Brahman is the "indivisible whole". Brahman is Cit, Brahman is Acit and

Brahman is Ishwara and vice versa. Visisthadvaita says that though the three components are different, one cannot exist independent of the other two. Dvaita does away with the concept of Ishwara. It says that Cit and Acit are created, sustained and destroyed by the Brahman at his will. Re. Karma I think Vedanta never says that Karma is done due to "ignorance". Karma is just "Act". An "act" need not necessarily be due to "ignorance". In fact "Mukti" that is escape from the Karmic cycle is believed to be possible only through "corrective" Karma. An enlightened person always "acts" (Performs Karma) for the benefit of the universe at large, incidentally serving his own interest also. So he is beyond the pale of all problems arising out of wrong Karma. 12 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Hello Praveen seems your explaining this to the Karthi not me read the treath and see in any case thank's for the answer. Kind regards Moha Peter is a Child of the most deepest Light touching the Cosmos and not what some other claims ! Peter is a Modern Alchemist to be and become internally Enlighted every Day and soon even more so ! Spirirt is a true standart of the Creation as such / Body Mind and Spirit in the triangle sitting in the center of the Cross holding the third Eye. The Cross: The Horizontal Line of the cross representing all spirituality and all connects to greater Divine Masters. The Vertical Line representing all Silver Lining Familie members as well as my Job to do. Love it all and send Light to all that deserve. The Center representing the deepest of all points the Cosmic Intelligents. 12 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz the spiritual Cross is in every Mankind, this Cross is slightly above their eyes with it we can direct connect to all Cosmic reality ! if trained well to use all times ! 12 days ago Like

Follow sanjay sanjay aggarwal Dear Ones Chennai incident of teacher stabbing by his student. This shows how aggressive our present system and students could be because of any reason. Hope we can make a difference to our society. After Painting Competition, Clean Delhi Drive and Educators Meet its time to register schools for Novice - The Art of Living's Project schools. Nurturing of Values in Children Everyday (NOVICE) is a complete package offered to schools which includes workshops for parents,teachers,and students. School of 100 or more students are signing up for NOVICE, we are able to get connected to families and needed people for their utmost desire to have a great knowledge of Art Of Living. For improving life for themselves and people around them. Kindly advice if You like to discuss further for Your kids school workshop. Art of living, ORG New Delhi, India 9811088041 12 days ago Like 1 Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla Peter /*The Cross: The Horizontal Line of the cross representing all spirituality and all connects to greater Divine Masters. The Vertical Line representing all Silver Lining Familie members as well as my Job to do. Love it all and send Light to all that deserve.*/ Can you prove the above?. If not, I suggest you qualify it as your belief and we will all keep quiet. Please do not speak as if they are universal truths because I will have to come up with my own interpretation of the cross and you will not like it. And please.. do not preach love through 'hatred'. Your messages are full of personal hatred for those who do not agree with your view point. 12 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz My Dearest Sridhar Bhaskarla

not again ! please ! yes I can prove it and have had the experience many folds yet ... you speak of hate ! so sorry for you not able to share with others. if you go back in the trail of this forum you find it / my assumption is that youre not serious at all in knowing any, but thats your own lost ! As we know that you are searching..... Do not judge others on your Ego. Watch to your Karma better. Well Grown Men as yourself should become Masters, as you dont have a choice. as a matter you have been disagreeing with your own behavior so much .... let me ask you / how is your familys life doing / how balanced are you day by day / is it helping to talk about hate of others / are you in line with the nature / or are you honking just like others passing ? Not hearing the creeks when passing them ? my little bit of advice ...dont get ill here and concentrate on your most inner Job to do. Love yourself! For that that you can share that love with others! The Cross is well represented in the Vedics as well so learn before shooting and shouting. 12 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Nobody can conquer the karma, but can negotiate it by their practical approach for better one. For that one needs to realize thy self. The maya or mysticism or the brama of the mind due to thinking of they only have the brain, this brain of humans shall never allow anybody to have even understanding with each other. To my surprise a lot of people in these columns also are trying to show that. 12 days ago Like Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla Peter - If you can, prove it. that's all I am asking. Your messages are offending. I have my own masters and I do not consider Cross behind them. If you can't prove what you are saaying , then you can say it. I don't care if you come back with personal comments and judgements. 12 days ago Like

davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar One thing is to be understood that what we learnt is nothing and what we are nothing before so many living beings, only our good karma if any makes one to be with that bliss, which is again a big maya or mystic in nature. Even a half hearted brama makes karma to go revers way. The present educational system is making only emotional slaves more even without any intelligence or emotional quality. Even entire social system is rotten with petty politics without any ethics and moral. 12 days ago Like Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla Peter - If you can post - please post another message. Do not modify the previous message as you wish. Your last post contained only few sentences. Secondly, do not delete your message as it can confuse other by-standers. I do not need you to teach me all the gyan you wrote, please keep it with you. Don't you worry about me, my family or my surroundings. I choose my Guru, not the other way. All I am looking for is evidence for what you said. If the evidence is 'interpretation' or personal experiences, then there is no point. Everyday I watch all Bhakti channels and people come up with all kinds of interpretations. For ex., Cross can be seen as Om symbol with vertical and horizantal lines. A lot of such. If there is any concrete evidence in Vedic science, please show it. If we make any statement, we need to take responsibility. 12 days ago Like Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla And Peter - Next time you post, I suggest you please stick to the 'evidence' I asked because what you said was offending to my faith. Dissecting my personality and solutions to it may be of interest to you, but is not the subject matter of discussion. 12 days ago Like Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla OK Peter. For my first message, you came back within 6 minutes. Now I have been waiting 30 minutes to hear the evidence from you. I have other work to do, so I am stepping out.

But I am not expecting you to be around all the time. So, you can take your time to respond. I will check back again in the night. Hoping to see some concrete evidence behind what you said particularly /*The Cross is well represented in the Vedics as well so learn before shooting and shouting. */ Yes. It is about learning only. If our ears are too sensitive, even murmuring can be heard as screaming. Dear other good samaritans - I request you to please let Peter enlighten me with the evidence. 12 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Learning is not shooting before you lock at your shooting at! as you can not send your own light to you you must learn to recieve it by others You need to learn a lot based on you texting and many here would agree with that fact. you use words I never have or like to use / it is your choice to shout not my choice. (Karma) I have my heart on the same place then your's is ... it is now your job to notice that. 12 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Text from Prof.Suresh Kumar to ....Peter Stutz, it could be true.Cross represents also the 3gunas,which we all carry as part of our gross and subtle body and the karma nad ego domains in us.That propels and guides us to action,and Jesus is the life force evidenced thru the breath that helps us in our ressurrection thru the croos[and the process symbolising Karma yoga,symbolically,in a different metaphor,for those who really know] Ressurrection represents hence the emancipation of the soul,such that the son[jiva ataman]is united with the father in Heaven[ayodhya/hasthinapu] that is jiva and param atman union or oneness with cosmic being. That is the essence of self realization as purpose RAJESH ,I liked the blog,and our puranas ,particularly the garuda purana also seems to mention astrologically planetary configurations around the end of 2012,that suggests the possibility for a major change. May be true. Anyway this world order is bound to undergo drastic changes anywhere between 2012 and 2015,and be prepared for that,perhaps. Esoteric knowledge being hidden largely so far will need to be revealed for the sake of the times,and not as a egoistic demonstration of knowledge or whatever ,under repetition 12 days ago Like

Follow Peter Peter Stutz so the only proof I have for you my dear Sridhar is Take your PC a Part and loock for the Bits and Bites when you find them show them to me so I can trust you better then now. 12 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .<........"One's own karma" and "Karma".......> That is the key ? I agree the Soul, Atman, Inner most Self and few other words , depending on the context could be replaced , exchanged .....> ' Mayavi ' .. The Great Maya...( as shakti ) ....the Mayoan .... all or anyone gives ' Maya ' The interesting question then is ....relation between these words, .**....' Avidya ' ......' Ignorance ' ....... ' Maya ' ...... ' Illusion ' ...** How does that relate to KARMA ??? .12 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Peter: Nobody can prove 'faith". Faith is beyond discussion. The minute you start discussing "faith", it is no longer faith. It is not necessary that other people should believe in what you believe. Can you show a single line either in the Vedas or other Hindu scriptures even making a passing reference to the "Cross". Also to my knowledge the Bible does not interpret the Cross as you do. By writing all sorts of things about cross and citing the Vedas wrongly, I am afraid you are showing scant respect for two great faiths. Let us face it, what all you have written about "cross" is your own speculation or "faith" with no backing from the symbolism of any major religion. It may be better that we always state our "faith" with a qualifying clause that it is our personal faith. Avoid referring to the scriptures unless you are seeing them as adherents to that religion do.

In your veneer and facade of the "love" drivel you do display a sneering and condescending attitude towards others. I will never find fault with those who pay you back in the same coin. 12 days ago Like 1 KesavaUnfollow Kesava Somayajula mind is not your enemy. It is the mindset which is your enemy. It is the mindset which created dogmas . Atheism is also a mindset. Religion is a mindset. In fact, "I am a spiritual person" is also a mindset. We act according to our mindset. The purpose of life when someone is at 25 is totally different from the purpose at 40. It keeps changing as the mindset changes with age and experiences. The purpose of life is a mystery like mind itself as the question originates from mind. The only answer to the question that occurs to me is "We don't know". 12 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ."" Soul <=> Mind ///// how cn that qual the same as the above ! "" ( the Soul, Atman, Inner most Self and few other words.... ,) The Idea is simply that ...........each reflect on the other , and engage in no other Activity or Purpose .12 days ago Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Sridhar Bhaskarla,thanks for the comment ,and this is w.r.t your following post`Lastly, may I request you to please narrate your experience (to the best you can) of 'self realization' or 'enlightenment' as I understood through your passionate discussion that you went through it before? As I see you being the most experienced person spiritually and acadamically as well, I am positive that I can get a rewarding answer.`

I have been receiving quite a few private mails on the above.As Ihave been telling,there is a process of vital breath internalisation which one need to learn from a self realised soul as guide.Breath is the essence of life in us,and that is the governing principle embedded in nature.Nature has evolved from the basic stuff and its flux in Brahman,thru its Trimurthi field,activated by the energy field of ParaBrahman or Purusha.So in fact our breath is part of yhe universal spirt and its being.By the internalisation process our Karma field[ego images]which has proceeded from Brahaman,gets refined and the veil of imagery is cut asunder.As it happens,we get inner light and in that light,true knowledge.That illumines every thing,and is the essence of vedic and upanisadic knowledge,which one can never understand based on mere learning without this enlightenment.As this happens,the Prana [in/up going breath]and Apana[out/down going breath] are united at BruMadhya or the focal point in brain.That is called the sushumna eye where the unrefined ego casts its veil and hide true knowldege from us.There is subtle kring nerve there[Krishna is one who has awakened this],and that is the spot where the spirit and mind induces life-breath and consciousness in us.[I have earlier discussed tentative and indicative or approx proof for most of this in science,and am not repeating here]I have also rlatedto metaphysical wisdom in my earlier posts which u might have read-so that is the essence of our ancient wisdom 12 days ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Then,as prana and apana are in union[ha-tha yoga]the life force field is united with the mind[Raja yoga].This calls for internalised breathing processes of an advanced kind,where the breath sets up a rhythm of its own and a beautiful sound[mantra]and that is not external chanting-mantra is this breath that is united with the mind[mana thrana-manthra] This is an extremely blissful state and almost a sblimation of the sexual bliss[but without the loss of energy or any imagination/hallucination or its physicality] We know it is for real from experince since many pieces of information and subtle knowledge are revealed in such mystic moments,many of which are proven thru subsequent experience. Ayurveda and jyotisha gets revealed in its essence and subtle basics which evn the practitioners may not be aware as I have personally experienced thru interactions] Our food intake also comes down because of the vital energy internalisation. We also get to know about subtle forms and powers in nature and its secrets which realy empower us not only spiritually but also materially. But we have to wield that knoweldge and power with great circumspection since it hurts both ways like a sharp sword. We also need to live life as a normal person,interacting normally with people with normal attire for the material situation,and lead ahouseholders life and work in the world,so as to refine our sushms karma, [which is not fully refined by burning in the fire of spirt alone-that is the essence of karma yoga] It is possible that you get attached more to your spiritual life because of the inner blisful states and with jiva-para union,which is the essence of self realisation. But that does not mean you cease to live your material life though it may get disciplines and confined to the esentials Practice makes you perfect,but excess practice may cause psychophysical disturbances particularly if you do not observe the food discipline,in the midst of your material exigencies 12 days ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan ."We don't know". The reality goes against the statement. :) There are many Guruji's who claim that ' they now ' and are ready to teach others ' how to know ' ... have Opened many ..many SHOPs called Ashrams and people are flocking in huge numbers . That is a historical fact and many / most people fall in to some school of thought Know what we may not know in the faith that it is knowable ............. Faith is the key to Learn this thread it was concluded quite some time back.!! .12 days ago Follow Narendra Narendra Nath Peter, Prof Suresh , Mohan Krishnan has contributed exhaustively to the discussion here. I do not remember but i may have put in some comments earlier on. This topic relates to the basic question 'who am I, why i am here and what is this universe all about?? The opinions are bound to vary depending upon the level of awareness or may i say ' consciousness ' one happens to reach in this life. Cosmology indicates that the humans appeared only about 50,000 years back in the history of universe 14 billion years old. Also, other life forms preceded us, shrubs, plants, animals/birds, trees, etc. Thus, human being arrived at a comfortable time when conditions were nice from the point of view of survival, comfort and what human mind comprehends as desirable. The other species fought for their survival without the type of queries we humans have had. Indian scriptures about 3 to 5 thousand years old dealt with these queries intensively. The gist is that we only can comprehend the Creation and possibly the Creator. It is surely not our predecessor! We called It, The Almighty/God/Allah or what not. Why this creation? IT was 'feeling' lonely as cosmic consciousness and wanted some plays and scenes to be enacted for IT to enjoy in " dispassionate'' way! There was no duality for IT, as it is for the rest of the Creation. Let us that one who gets born has to die too. Thus, IT is permanent, all pervasive, omnipotent and what not? It is the cosmic consciousness. Our individual consciousness is just a tiny winy part of IT. Thus, our objective becomes to merge with IT and feel totally content. Yes, other universes may well exist too. But all these will have to be independent in Nature. These may well have different science rules/regulations being followed. The interesting query arises if the two of these interact even a tiny bit. That will become an anomaly worth our top most consideration. For example, time scales, nature of space, speed of communication, etc. may all be different. Another aspect arises as to what can not be sensed / observed. No vibrations, no existence, no sensing. There lies the significance of both space and time.

The above comments are not mine but these are the outcome of my life of nearly 80 years till now! Love and compassion needs to rule the universe and its constituents.... 12 days ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .....continued The reality goes against the statement. :) ( mind , mind set ) ..........> ' Null set ' is always defined for computational purposes ( abstract ) and that may not mean many ( all ) times such a thing exists in Reality . .12 days ago davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar who am I, what am I, where I am, why I am here and what is this universe all about? All these questions do arise when one is young. all these questions do lead for self awareness and to be in that bliss. feel young keep young the creativity is high, other wise nobody does the things differently now thinks differently, if not so there are limitations in thinking as well behavioral aspects. Be pragmatic as far as possible. None of the theory can substitute for practical observation of either physical or mental ones. The mind observations are better cones only by consisting practice, people may call it as intuition, imagination or sixth sense etc. But is a sense for all. Mind only can view beyond physical aspects, go into that state of education which is unlimited and totally blissful. 12 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Labeling the Human Fish .....> Shyness, grieving soon to be classified as mental illness "" Millions of healthy people - including shy or defiant children, grieving relatives and people with fetishes - may be wrongly labeled mentally ill by a new international diagnostic manual, specialists said on Thursday. In a damning analysis of an upcoming revision of the influential Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of

Mental Disorders (DSM), psychologists, psychiatrists and mental health experts said its new categories and "tick-box" diagnosis systems were at best "silly" and at worst "worrying and dangerous." "" Read more: ( Courtesy : Hillol Sarkar ) .12 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz Sorry been playing Tennis and had some great fun and matches. To what I need to mentioned is the movie listed a while back. Who actually has watched it ? If so please comment! The movie talks about a great deal of whats to come and what and why Human is in great disconnect with the cosmic Light. (IT is a Wake up call) Now to make things simple / every creation here on earth has the same challenge. = bring Love and the Vibration of Light to all others you touch / but be aware there are Sinister forces out there. The 2nd point to make; And I have many of such tools to use, are the Cosmic Tools. These tools allow one to become within great and kind to all which deserve it. Such as the Violet Flame Such as the Cosmic Eye (third Eye ) Chakra and many more secret tools, Chi, Ying and Yang and many more, Meditation Yoga Prayers the Lille the fleur and so on. Many of these I use personally every day // however,, My Mantra is I am the attraction of the Cosmic Light, Love , Law and Order, this allows me to become a MODERN ALCHEMIST // WHICH TRANSLATES / become refined in you being every day stronger . It works for me and I know a lot of People which feel the same. The Movie listed below will change your Life view so be AWARE ! 30 Minutes of your time will change this topics for good ! v=U9HtZFb_VtM&feature=results_main&playnext=1&list=PLE806198CABE4C9F1 12 days ago Like

Follow Peter Peter Stutz One more thing I do share of interest..... not to ask you to do so !! do what you need to do.! Yet we all have the same job as we promised this to are ancestors and to our own spiritual Body !! 12 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .( MODERN ALCHEMIST // WHICH TRANSLATES) ........Labeling the Human Fish ......>...........< .....Labeling the Human GODS ....... Duality ...........> .1.) Yin Yang , Siva Sakthi , Atama Paramatma ..... etc...>. are one grouping .2.) Deva Asura, God Satan, Religion Science , Humanity Illuminati ....etc ..>. are another grouping .12 days ago Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla Peter - You continued to disappoint me by continuously sticking to comment on me than on the 'evidence' I requested behind your proclamations. I was really looking forward to hear from you on the evidence. Thank you for your little bit of advice. Let me return a small favour to you back - A suggestion only because you sincerely seem to be believing in 'universal love'. This is purely my view, not a universal truth so it is purely upto you to take it or leave it. There is thing called Maya which has been discussed in details here which people say as it fills us with

ego, arrogance etc., which is one side of it. Another side of it is about us perceiving others as egoistic, arrogant etc.,. So, you seem to have been stuck with this Maya so your love is disappearing as soon as you see someone questioning you. Secondly about "Love" which you seem to have been propagating, it is certainly good for humanity and will help everyone to live in peace and harmony. In 'my view', it is not a universal purpose, because universe is not about 'humans' alone. This indicates more or less the 'selfish' nature of our 'human race'. If we are talking about 'cosmic love', then this love must be for everything in the universe including other living and non-living things. But is this possible?. Can I love the virus attacking me and leave it to do it's purpose which is just to consume my organs?. We may all die in Dec 2012 who cares?. Things do extinct and why should we think that we are exception to it? After a million years later, another 'race' may start and think about 'intelligent animals' called humans. Thirdly, I guess your messages are more required for other countries so I suggest you spend your energies elsewhere. For ex., India can use the money that has been deposited with love in the banks of Swiss and you could help with the love theorum there against those banks and the government. At least here in India, we have our local culture and heritage that promotes tolerance and diversity. You may find exceptions like me, but we are very minority in nature. We are not martyrs anyway. 12 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Karthikeyan: I do not remember this forum "concluding" that "Faith is the key to Learn ". If you define "faith" as faith in GOD or faith in some religion, there are many who have not only "learned" much but have also achieved a lot without such faith. Host of Maharishis like Satya Kama Jabali, Kapila and Cahrvaka did not openly profess any "faith". Samkya, Meemamsa and Nyaya are patently atheist philosophies. Still the people I named are "Rishis", "purveyors of knowledge". As per Panini, the word "Astika" (Roughly translated in English as Theist) is derived from the word "Asti" that is "Exists". Panini says that this "exists" refers to Vedas and not to GOD. Vedas in turn means just "knowledge". The famous Nasadiya Sukta in Rigveda (Hymn of Creation) sounds agnostic. See the ppt presentation of the translation in Listen to the original chant in Sanskrit in One of the stanzas has been translated by some European Philosopher as Whence was it produced? Whence is this creation? The gods came afterwards, with the creation of this universe.

Karma, Maya etc are Hindu concepts. Hence we will be wrong in interpreting them only from the perspective of "faith". I do not imply by this post that I am an atheist. But our religion discusses atheism also with equal respect. If you are talking of faith in a discrete manner, yes there have been people who have started with an untested empirical premise as a matter of "faith" (Say intuition), start thinking about it and either confirm or reject the premise. In my glossary this is not "faith" per se. I am unable to figure out your "Null Set". Null set is simply a set without any elements. Obviously it cannot be zero because set is neither a number nor a function. The only plausible conception of a null set means a "meaningless set"-A set where elements have been placed without any logical sense. Usually in math null sets are used to express intermediate results from where an "abnormal end" (Abend in Computer Sc) is presumed. One common example of a null set is {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, ...} {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, ...} = Null (The symbol is a "o" with a diagonal cross) I do not know how null set is relevant in whatever you say. 12 days ago Like Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla Thank you Prof Suresh Kumar for narrating your experience. I sincerely appreciate you taking time in explaining it in detail. 12 days ago Like Follow Teri Teri P. The purpose of life on earth is for human beings to express our creator in concrete, definite form; each of us came with something we do best. i am not talking about just earning a living. It is our duty to bring more and more of the Creator's ideas into concrete manifestation upon the earth. This is what evolution is but Darwin failed to emphasize that you must first create a thing before it can evolve. The reason we don't live as archangels is because we live in "survival mode" which is not creative but destructive. This is what I teach in my workshops, I tell the "why", Why are we in survival mode. In looking at truth, I believe Robert Browning's poem, "Paracelsus", tells it best..."Truth is within ourselves......" 12 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Mohanakrishnan

.1.) Faith is a must before learning , you can check back :) If somebody's Faith is different it is not the headache of FAITH , the process of Learning . .2.) Do not mix/ mess up , Null Set it is for this mind , mind set + ' we do not know ' .12 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Karthikeyan: I do not believe that faith is a "must" for learning. One can check only facts and not beliefs. Logically there is no basis that "faith" is a sine-qua-non for learning. There are many brilliant minds who are atheists. I think I am a believing Vaishnavite full of faith. But still many whom I consider much more knowledgeable than me are confirmed agnostics, or at least create such impression on me. 11 days ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar The karma yogi who has united his vital breaths in him thru true hatha yoga and thus at least partially opened his sushumna netra,and who is leading a normal life [family and work]and not living life in ashram or as a recluse ,ascends to jiva-para atman union,and true inner knowledge or jnana,and to bhakthi yoga. Bhakthi denotes containiment of the spirtual fire within,and the self realised soul starts seeing the nature and Brahman operating thru him powered by Purusha,and slowly he becomes a part of it. Those who do not come to experience this can never know the essential truths. So devotion is not blind faith 11 days ago Like 1 davulooriUnfollow

davuloori bheemeswar It is all mind set which depends on the faith, what we learn and the influence of the society, time and circumstances. The other way saying it is all perception one has. If there is aptitude and attitude for positive direction there is no problem. Just remove the negative influences from the brain, of course that is difficult to do but there is no other go. If one wants a well developed society where each and every human can practice what he/she believes and has faith with freedom, without disturbing others. Then only peace, harmony and serenity shall prevail on this earth. For that one has to think as a human and think that all others are humans for the sake of humanity. Here i would like to tell one more thing philosophy does not depend on dictionary meanings only, the meaning depends on the usage and the the way it is expressed. It is much more dominant in Indian literature, where the poetic version is used, the meanings do depend on from where one starts reading to infer the message, even though everybody reads them from first line. For example: Uppu karpurambu nokka polikanundu chooda chooda ruchulu veraya Purushulandu punyapurushulu veraya viswadhabhi rama venira vema It tells that Vemana was telling that entire world should listen to dhabhi rama who has said that there two type of people one with positives and other with negatives just like when we view salt and camphor both look white, but their taste and smell are different, the same way in the people those who are with good qualities spread like camphor vapours and make the people of the world feel good in peace, harmony and serenity. The same way Poornam adam poornam idam poornarth poornam udachyathe pooranam asyah poornam adayam sishyathe the last sentence also can be read as poornam asyah poornamevava sishyathe o my disciples one full thing that is positive and the other full negative combines to make one full, but it is not full, what is full is ones health that is the characteristics of the life on this earth. or with changed version the last meaning is the new life that has been created by those positives and negatives. this last sloka can be attributed to all the materials and also to life and also to universal elements, which ever change to new characteristics by absorbing or releasing the energy. That means always there is some newness in each and every thing in this universe, only those who have that universal vision can visualize that source, which makes all these do happen. Our entire education what ever be the route is for finding the truth behind that, for which we have to see that life continues on this earth, for which one needs a lot of courage to be on the positive side. as for every thing the positive is inside only. But most of them spoil it by adding the negatives create problems for themselves and for others, which is only due to their own ignorance which they do not know how to accept. 11 days ago Like 1

Follow Peter Peter Stutz The knowledge is hear to experience and learn,and then to share for those who can learn, I can say and say'd before much lies in the hands of the Great Divine Cosmic energie. No reason to change what faith one has jus that there is many ways to the Divine at least 7 Billion at the time. 11 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar But most of them spoil it by adding the negatives create problems for themselves and for others, which is only due to their own ignorance which they do not know how to accept. The moment one realizes it and becomes positive mentality they are all children only, 11 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Looking at this from a Medical term The Chinese Medicine is using many ways to heal ones illness with the Basic Knowledge of CH'i (vitality) there is the Western Medicine which cannot work as such. Today the Medicine finally became a melting Pot. There are great reasons for such as in particular as the Western Medicine has had no method for some Healings which the Chinese had no problem solving and Vis Versa. One thing which I come to see now often is People whom believe to practice some believe but never learn to know them self. That to me is like a NO-NO. So if learning some practices, even to do so. means that you are doing it from your Point of Present and not your Yogi God is doing it for you. 11 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Thanks Mohanakrishan for clearly stating it. The process of learning anything ( not only theology ) needs before hand a level of confidence in the learner that something positive coming or good outlook or a level confidence on the outcome and that is the Faith . ( in my usage ) and we did leave that way when faith came last time here ( thread ) as an issue. ( may be a open conclusion statement was not there .) Additionally for clarity on usage of the word Faith,

. Lore worth learning, learn flawlessly Live by that learning thoroughly. At the first level ' - worth learning ' is generally picked on faith . .11 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz The Cross This is not the Cross you think of // The cross which Jesus has represented is not the Cross of the Catholic Churches but your Cross. (every Man Child and Woman has it ) The Cross is Buddha's Flame in a Vertical Line the Horizontal Line is the spirituality and the Center is the third Eye. Yes it works and it really boost you to a clear understanding of the Comsic Light and Love of Vibration = Energie . 11 days ago Like Follow Narendra Narendra Nath Too many wise comments, i need a long pause to contemplate further on the comments given earlier by me on this forum.. 11 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ." your Point of Present and not your Yogi God is doing it for you." Yes , ( Faith *square ) Faith on Faith is neither good nor advised by any good Yogi / Rishi and subcontinent's philosophies. Faith + Wisdom ......> ... over a period of time ' Faith ' is what the individual has discerned for oneself .

.11 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz Faith is the Pattern of the Spiritual Fabric within you. However having said that, the complete Faith can only be used in a complete state of Consciousness and in Quite silence environment. I have never said, by being attacked I can hold my spirit so high not to look if there is no/a bulled coming. 11 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Peter I watched the movie. It is quite impressive, for a while I was flowing with it but after a while it was a bit like movie story. This is what happens with me with any of these spiritual experiences. They look unrealistic because we can't live in them for ever unless we move out of this world completely. Those who live in both the worlds also look Hippocratic to me. I know this is very rude and very childish for me to talk like this but this is what I feel. All the god men, gurus I like what they say and it gives me lot of peace reading what they tell us and feel very good listening to them but if you ask me to believe in them, its impossible for me. Same way all this talk about cosmic love sounds true but if you ask me to believe that this is the truth, I am not sure. 11 days ago Like 1 Follow Peter Peter Stutz Dear Chiranjeevi Tallapragada There are some messages which need to be evaluated by each of us independently. For example what I not like It is like a Movie. Yes of course I feel the same way, yet it has one great message: you got a job to do!! This is the most important for me! You are a Light being robbed by the busy being you are of your true purpose. So always take what fits and go on. Just like I do. This is not the answer as the answer is Infinity. As discuss with you earlier you already have the answer for your hearted need. Go out to the nature and make yourself feel good remember without doing it you cannot charge the battery!! We are Childern of the Creation so childish is not bad at all. Be like a child and you are lucky to be. This movie is not a spiritual experience,.... as that you need to produce yourself within. It is a WAKE UP CALL bless you Peter 11 days ago Like

Follow Teri Teri P. Childish is not bad if you are a child! Childlike is what we need to be as adults...when I was a child I thought like a child... The real question is- why aren't we naturally that way? If you can answer that you have solved the problem. 11 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Every one has its aswer for the challenge hi/she has, within just like a stamp ! 11 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .As a child generally Judgments are reserved , ....meaning they rarely do / make it . As grown ups, many make judgements then & there and there is always a store of law books ( bias) in the head to aid Judgements . .... the results are obvious :) .11 days ago Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Bhakthi means containment of the vital energies [the root Bhak-thi denotes that]. Similarly devotion also denotes that which is related to subtle energy that is bright in you. [The root De means light and Deva also means that which is of a vital ,lightful,shining and subtle nature] So it is the culmination of the vital energy internalisation proces by which one attains to god consciousness from ego consciousness[sudra to brahmin]and more than childlike but with knowledge and wisdom[it is a beautiful combination of the child and the man with its empowerment and joyfulness as well as discriminative wisdom[that comes when the chit is purified in the fire of the spirit] There is a sublimation of sex too in the blissfulness and enlightenment of spiritual joy and happiness. One gets to know the true essence of happiness in oneself. You cannot get it from anywhere else other than within,and that is true and accessible within oneself. But so long as you have a body you have a material life with its vestiges of needs and actions,though disciplined and rfined-so one is not perfect till one leaves the body to be chiranjeevi. Chiranjivi is one who has experienced god consciousness by internalising the vital energies in the life force for emancipation of soul,while he is live in his gross body in his material life and in the midst of it.

But he attains to immortality once he fulfills his matrial life and leaves to the spirtual sun with his subtle body. So realise yourself to be a true and real chiranjivi,casting aside your illusions that stem from mental imagery,and burn it in the fire of your spirt[as breath-chi] 11 days ago Like 1 Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Thank you all for being patient with my comments. It is a true dilemma which keeps me from pursuing the spiritual path every time. I think Teri asked why do I find it unnatural. This I said earlier, jealousy, likes, dislikes and many more good and bad traits make up the personality one is. To me being aware of these traits is possible but to permanently rid some of these traits and keep only the good ones is not something possible. If someone says I am rid of my attachments with the worldly affairs then I feel he/she is attached to this feeling. I think you can't rid yourself of something without getting attached to something else. Otherwise, as Karthik said before there will be void inside. Not many can handle void. May be that is the reasons Bhakthi marga is the easiest to follow because you actually attach your self to god and experience all your human emotions in relation to God. This is fine because it is a one way communication, whatever you do in Bhakthi there is no reaction. So your Karma's don't lead to more Karmas as someone else has said in this forum. 11 days ago Like Follow Praveen kumar Praveen kumar Atmakur Namaste Mr. Mohanakrishna, The unfortunate hybrid generation of India today is neither in a position to speak English better nor their own languages better. And end up using inappropriate translations. It is a pity to quote that a European translation for a Rig Veda! How at all he can understand Rig veda, the way it has to mean! Rig veda is not mere Sanskrit. If that was the case, all the Sanskrit scholars would have been well versed in VEDANTA but which is not the case. FAITH FOR LEARNING: Please try to understand the paradox in FAITH and LEARNING. Both does not go together! There is a word in our culture and languages "Sradha" the meaning is to be understood well before using the word FAITH as its meaning.

It is a SIMPLE BENIFIT OF DOUBT GIVEN TO GURU AND SASTRA IN THE PROCESS OF ACQUIRING KNOWLEDGE! If one repeats the same thing for even million times the result will not differ. Unless he starts changing his or her perception! That perception is taken from the GURU and SASTRA. IT does not mean that the Student ends up in a belief. The PERCEPTION IS SUBJECTED TO VERIFICATION! This is SRADHA in learning! It is a process adapted by the Indian Rishis. It comes a PARMAPARA (Lineage) GURU SISHYA PARAMPARA. Sradha is necessary to learn! Coming to the Hindu concept of KARMA and MAYA! one need to understand the words before commenting on them! For understanding one need to have learnt through a GURU from a PARAMPARA. More over NOBODY from Hindu tradition begs others to adapt their perecption! It has no mandate as others to convert! It says you need nothing to solve your problem. Neither a belief nor Guilt of being a SInner nor need to wait untill some body comes to save. This is only tradition in the entire Human history, which believes in accepting others the way they are! It says you are already Brahman, weather you accept or does not accept it. The truth that you are brahman will not change on one,s acceptance nor on inacceptance. It never says " Either my way or no way". "Either my way or no way" is the reason for all the wars in past present and future. 11 days ago Like Follow Praveen kumar Praveen kumar Atmakur Namaste TERI.,.... /// The real question is- why aren't we naturally that way? If you can answer that you have solved the problem. /// Being child like in adulthood is a soltion is a new concept! For what would the nature allow you to grow. Let it be either physically or mentally!

This is a mere denial of the maturity! 11 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Dear Prof.Suresh Kumar your last statement is wonderful and most thoughtful ! Yet the creation says one more thing and that hinders as all many fold, from being from a child on,..... a Child forever. The Mexican Christianity uses the highest symbol the Child ''el NINO'' of God and so I found the Child in many Temples of India in God. He says bring me your experience in a suitcase when coming back. This challenge is most beautiful as you can turn around and be released of most responsible things happen around you at any instant. As they are Gods doing! For you it is actually to choose what Vibration at what time to use, or how to handle each situation. As more do you know the more forgiving you are to all // no matter ! there is a Firewall build in, to make you stronger on every attack if you handle or/and face it. That results that you can free /rid of / at any instance if knowing the Cosmic Source, no matter what or which place you are at the moment. The best example is dead itself. When people die, the relief is so immense that the Spiritual happiness overcomes because of that effect. So we need to learn this while we are at life, in order to forgiving. There are many great tools for such and that fills your suitcase. So spiritually stay like a Child free from the shadow world Live life as a grown up even as a child Fill yourself with wisdom and spiritual Tools And travel well after you leave your Body (dead) God bless the Light within us, into eternity 11 days ago Like

Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Chiranjeevi,that is very sensible and thoughtful Of course one need to be attached somewhere,since the vestiges of bodily conscoiusness and its ego demands that -and that is true even for a self realised soul,who lives amongst us,and is materially engaged[jivan muktha] But that attachement can be to the poojya,and not to be in a void,as true experience will alone convince. The concept of poojya is not just merely the equivalent of zero and its void but also the subtlety of a venerable fullness[as poojya means and denotes in essence] N doubt quantum physicists say that the vacuum is the most energetic state in universe,thoguh in the most subtle sense,with its nergy density being potentially enough to to blow apart the matter universe[10 to the power 120 times,based on vacuum energy calculations]Scientist as yet have no clue to expalin the paradox. So getting attached to spirituality is like connecting with this poojya,and is most rewarding in terms of happiness,empoerment,and knowledge in its most essentail and inner sense. Every one cannot be eithr fortunate enough to be born in an exalted stae so as to experience spirituality merely by his/her being,as some people are[thogu a few attain jada samadhi even without any spirtual practices of the kind I have described,or any other for that matter] Nor cn ube lucky enough to gt the right guide and the tue path despite the search and the interest[thoguh evntually one will land there across the reincarnation cycles] 11 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @Praveen: Thanks for the comments. In the first place you do not know me and what I have learned and I am afraid my English is as good as yours. I also do not belong to the "hybrid" generation whatever you may mean by that term. For Your info I have undergone formal religious instruction in Sanskrit and I do not talk from translated books. I have learned from "proper" Gurus and Vedic scholars, observing all the necessary formalities. Secondly the language of RigVeda is different from the Sanskrit used in the other books. I gave an European translation of the last two lines of the first segment of Nassadiya Sukta, because I think that the translation is apt. Word per word it is appropriate. If you want to speculate and attribute other meanings, it is your business and I do not do it. If I speculate I do tell that I am speculating. If you want to verify the translation I had also given a link to the Sanskrit text. Technically yes, faith and learning do not go together with reference to a single subject matter. If you believe that a buffalo is white there can be no more "learning" about the color of Buffalo skin. But given that faith nothing prevents you from learning say mathematics. Even when it comes to God, nobody starts believing in God till he at least gets to know the concept of God. God my become faith later but the "learning" precedes faith. Did you not read what I wrote to Karthikeyan in the same post where I quoted the Rig Veda

"f you are talking of faith in a discrete manner, yes there have been people who have started with an untested empirical premise as a matter of "faith" (Say intuition), start thinking about it and either confirm or reject the premise. In my glossary this is not "faith" per se." I have said the same things you say now, but in different words. Henceforth before commenting please read fully. Re the rest of your post can you tell me from my earlier posts where we differ. 11 days ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar It is upto us to make best use of your present birth,and its situations and circumstances. Involvement and attachment are or can be diferent,as I have experienced based on my spirituality. One may have to go fairly deep into many areas of science and technology as part of work life,and delve sometimes into philosophy,management,cognitve science nd psychology based on own training and interests,as part of research,and its outputs and outcomes. But that invovlement may not exactly develop to an attachemnt of a materil kind,provided one is spirtually attached. Similarly one can be invovled in family life and enjoy it as an householder,or apparently without getting too attached,more than what is situationally mandated.[best of both spirtuality and materialism is posible with the discipline and esssential happiness that spirtuality brings Spirtual attachment can free you from many other attachemnts and bondages and lead to emancipation in its true sense,based on certain vital energy processes for most There is some sense in what most say on this forum,thoguh ne has to have a holistic view based on such true spiritual experiences and knowledge,when everything falls in place ,mostly 11 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz God is within you at all times / having to learn about God is a Religio's way of doing. no sense to learn a religion, for many, as they can feel God within them. (That is Humble to be) closer you are with the parents guiding You / the pattern of the spiritual Fabric / you will be freed of such Believes ! Believes translate from hearing what others say, and you exept because you became Lazy, and that most often is missrepresented, at in the end of life in frustration. However touching Religions in a way for you to learn wrong and right is very important as it make's you to be yourself (CH'I) so the challenge of Chiranjeevi Tallapragada is very unique as she is very careful with her own self presents ..not to ditch to deep into believing (natural Firewalling ) 11 days ago Like

Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada As a lot of people here said it is like layers of consciousness one needs to peel off before one touches the core of self that is God. Its a long journey that has to go on without interruptions because interruptions put you back where you were. Unfortunately spiritual journey is not a game you put on hold while you play some other game and start again where you left it. In fact it becomes increasingly difficult to reach the stage where you were previously.May be some point in time one will be able to devote such a time and attention to this journey before it is too late. Meanwhile one is just aware that there is this unfinished game one has played a while ago or keep learning from others who have successfully continued on this path. 11 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Your are right Peter, the natural firewall, it sometimes stops the non-spam messages also. (;-) 11 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Peel off sound's difficult to me Just become the Present brings you only the future, the past is to remember as such ! careful Hot can burn / or if its very cold outside - 10 degrees dont put your tongue on steel or you stick / drive careful and conscious because you can hurt others/ and so on / Every Day you are the rising SUN within yourself! 11 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Childishness is coming to conclusions without checking or not knowing how to check the reality. Everyone behaves childishly in something or the other until someone who is kind hearted and knowledgeable to understand your anxieties and also has the patience to put you on the right path comes along. That will be your mentor. I agree with Mohan sir that all of us are first introduced to the concept of God by our mothers/grandmothers or fathers. Then you develop the concept based on what you here from others and reading from books and also through your own experiences. The concept evolves continuously. I am sure what was god to us as a child is not what he/she is today. I think experience is what converts the concept into a faith. Faith when becomes very strong becomes fanatism (now excuse me for this drastic conclusion. I am sure a lot of you will not agree to it.) Please feel free to argue.

11 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @Chiranjeevi Tallapragada: I am sorry, there is no "short cut"! You are on your own and so is everybody. Are you sure you can locate "......others who have successfully continued on this path"? How do you know that the "path" taken by X or Y is right when you yourself do not know the destination or there is no such destination at all. If you assume that you are the destination or part of the destination can you traverse the path by an external contrivance like automobile or Airplane? 11 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz you have chosen a short cut if you believe in a religion / and not the other way around, find your self within, is the target.... how you get there is every bodys own path ! 11 days ago Like Follow Praveen kumar Praveen kumar Atmakur @Chiranjeevi /// Faith when becomes very strong becomes fanatism (now excuse me for this drastic conclusion. I am sure a lot of you will not agree to it.) /// In my view when FAITH left unverified MIGHT turn to FANATISM. It is not strong faith, which creates the PROBLEM. Faith needs to be STRONG. 11 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz no no and no Faith within / this by Religio's Learning's / of many or a single source, as well as own learnings is to know your source ! Faith believing in others such as Religion's or groups, becomes Fanatism and ends in frustration ! as said above: Believes translate from hearing what others say, and you exept because you became Lazy, and that most

often is missrepresented, at in the end of life in frustration. 11 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R History stands testimony to the fact "faith" has been the bone of contention that has caused so many wars and atrocities against fellow humans. I do not mean just religious faith but even "faiths" involving concepts like "rationalism", "Communism" et all. If "faith" is everything, there is no need for this discussion. Faith should be personal and non invasive. Personal faith should be absolute. Faith should be kept out of public discussions. Faith should not be a vehicle of pedantry. A person of absolute and unqualified faith does not keep discussing his faith with all and sundry. Otherwise he or she runs the risk of adverse reactions, which are the flash points of strife. That is why "Mantropadesha" the initiation into a specific faith is done confidentially between the Guru and the disciple. The purpose is not to deny knowledge but to safeguard against disagreements and consequences there after. 11 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz But we should agree that a forum is to exchange of all whether Faith of believes or not. You have been repeating some interesting knowledge which Preachers preach. This depends on the learnings only : Otherwise he or she runs the risk of adverse reactions, which are the flash points of strife. So no value to me what so ever! The Cosmic Light and Love will never hide behind such Walls ! 11 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Light is truly a Cosmic Matter .....> But for the fact when humans started their own Cosmic Source, ' Light Bulb ' and F.Faiths that were willing to convert everyone with their inventions / innovations to sell the Bulb :) Interesting take on the architectural arrangement in the places of Worship ! ( and indirectly it addresses the Vocabulary issue too )

..*..Appropriate vocabulary for a Hindu Temple design in Auckland..*.. ABSTRACT - DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The Temple provides a deep insight into the spiritual and social aspects of the Hindu religion. With advancement in technology and communications, settlement patterns and Temple worship have undergone radical changes. So have the lifestyle and the attitude of people in general. However in the recent past there seems to be a general tendency to re-establish ones spiritual communion through Temple worship. The locals and the migrants seem to prefer to be in close contact with their culture and establish their place of worship wherever they are...............more ....> sequence=1 ( note : references inside the paper will lead anyone interested in to Light Matter ) .11 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz Karthi this is remarkable the link as well as the studys thanks for placing ...... the day we find the Center of Earth a true Temple we will united completly ! 11 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz wonderfuly shown is the inside of the ISKCON Temple in Bangalore ! 11 days ago Like Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla Peter /*But we should agree that a forum is to exchange of all whether Faith of believes or not.*/ You are absolutely right and there is no disagreement. When someone talks about his/her faith, he/she should qualify it as his faith. Another caution is when we talk about our faith, we have to keep other faiths in view. For ex., I can say "According to my HIndu faith, Lord Krishna is only the God for me",

but I can't publicly say "Lord Krishna is only the God and rest all the Gods are false", though it may be my faith or experience or wisdom or any such revered thing. 11 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Totaly agree just I personally never talk about my God, or rearly / but about our Creation / the Cosmic Source of Light and Source of Love and Life. 11 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Karthikeyan: Temple architecture and rituals are more as per the Agamas contained in the Vedas than Vastu Shastra, whose origin is not Vedas. So if you are interested in Temple Architecture you may also read what the Agamas say. Most ancient temples (>1000 years old) exist today in South India only. Foreign invaders have destroyed almost all the ancient temples in the north. Most classical South Indian temples have been built strictly as per the Agamas. These sites are more Agama oriented. By the by what is the point in talking of temples here where there are people who think that people who worship in temples are fools! 11 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Let them be fools , what is the problem ? .11 days ago Follow Teri Teri P. Wow! What great and thought provoking conversations; this to me is indicative of what is really on people's minds even when they discuss business instead of faith. It is all about the "Macrocosm and the Microcosm." In childhood, the parent is the power greater than yourself, whether you call that power

God or not; later, from what is learned or not, a mature sense of your faith you become. I agree this is outside of any learning or what we call religion. That parent relationship can produce a believer, an agnostic or an atheist. These are not bad labels, they are just fear-driven. The agnostic simply says, "I don''t know enough to decide, the believer says, "I feel good when I believe" and the atheist says. "I believe in nature or effect but not cause." What do they all have in common? They are all saying the same thing, "I didn't get enough to be sure." The error to combat is you can't have effect without cause and even if you believe you were created from a star, it begs the question, "who created the star? 11 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ."who created the star?" As per the legend stars are ' Rishis' , example ' Saptha Rishis ' . Saptarishis is constellation of Great Bear (Ursa Major) The stories go to highlight Human beings become Rishis and then stars /celestial bodies , and an alternative version Rishi's are created from Brhama's Mind . The safest answer is " the same process which created beings created Stars too " :) .11 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Hindu legends do not say that Rishis created stars. Some Puranas say that some Rishis became stars. I will interpret it to say that the higher magnitude stars in Ursa Major have been named after Rishis. 11 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Read before commenting, what is different in this :) " As per the legend stars are ' Rishis' , " ..and this has no contradiction , .* .The safest answer is "the same process which created beings created Stars too" .*.. .-

10 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz Remember First came the creation / only after 7 days the world was created, after that we went true 2 Golden Areas before we ended up in this troubled life. The truth lies in Chennai and not in Bangalore as the Temple is in Chennai. God's were created by Mankind just like the Evil was. It is a product of Mankind to chain us to be believers. There was a great reason for that and will be,..... until we stop the foolishness. If working on your true spirituality you really know better than that. All Life is under the Cosmic Ray and blessings unless you turn away from its spiritual Light. India will never become united and we all keep buying Light bulbs forever if we keep imposing wrong and right to each other. I expect from you, become at least international in your God's believes. If Humans would become free, in becoming Cosmic Light beings under the Law and Order of the Cosmos we would become so independent that it scares all sinister forces. the best example was Lanto - Chohan of the Second Ray - Lanto was an ancient Chinese master who lived about 400 B.C. He is said to have accomplished more than any other master of earth. He developed the light in his heart to such a degree that it shone like a golden sun through his flesh. Who Created stars ? and who created the life is one as it is his Playground of his reflection/ you are part of it but a tiny part. I recommend not so serious, but with open eyes!! all Temples are here to worship yet the Cosmos is the greatest temple of all with a incredible exception to all Temples here on earth....... no judgment just Joy. by the way Karthi's posting from the Temple in Aukland is Joyful Infomation to all of us: 10 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R @Graham: Your beliefs and say so or do not rant about SHOUTING if somebody else calls this all drivel! 10 days ago Like

Follow Peter Peter Stutz all masters say the same learn to know the light ! how big the inner light may be depends on your space of Love 10 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Light is truly a Cosmic Matter .....> Individual's connection with the cosmic beings / celestials are facilitated in Temples and any places of worship of all religion so to say . Here treatment of light as one traverses from outer to the inner makes the cosmic journey within the premises more meaningful and as well of Utility value . Many ancient scriptures detail them, though not directly as simple equation but through restrictions / guidelines for different architectural components which goes in to the design of the same . Generally gradual darkness ( here positive - absence of light ) engulfs the environment as an individual proceeds in to the sanctum . But as already pointed out in the earlier article ( with technology development, especially and availability of high power light sources ) the construction today are a compromise from what is enshrined in the ancient scriptures . Here is one case study and it is actually a unity Temple , highlights the ' Lights ' Frank Lloyd Wrights Treatment of Light in Unity Temple: Digital Model and Simulations Abstract : "" The objective of this paper is to illuminate and discuss Frank Lloyd Wrights original lighting design in Unity Temple (1906), and to account how the Temple became a creation of interior space in light (Wright 1931)2. Wright believed that . The sun is the great luminary of all life (Wright 1954), and therefore the Sun-acceptance in building means wall-surfaces that eagerly take the light and play with it, break it up and render it harmless or drink it in until sunlight blends the building into place with the creation around it. (Wright in Aitken, 1998). This belief ties in with other scholars who posited that light has the power to calm, relax, revere, and inspire (Clarahan 2004), and to offer a hopeful sanctuary in a shadowy void, a safe-haven in the ontological night, a friendly harbour in the cosmic sea (Plummer 1987). These attributes of light make lighting design a vital part of the worship space. Moreover, since light is perceived as representation of the deity, it creates a space where heaven and earth are melting into one another "".........> more and another version .10 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz Karthi you keep blowing my mind with your knowledge sharing just great and wonderful. thanks Frank Lloyd Wright has touched me in very early stage of life as I have lived in NY.NY. building some great copys of his design's for some New York residence. His knowledge of Light an Lines in Buildings as well as the furniture have compelling line's of purity. Guggengheim museum was one of my favorit of them all so far. Even do I did miss the opportunity to walk away from the Paintings in a straight line which is not possible in the museum. The building has great natural Light from top to bottom. 10 days ago Like Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla Peter - Your statements are continuoulsy attracting me and I only wish there is substantial acceptable evidence behind them. /*Remember First came the creation / only after 7 days the world was created, after that we went true 2 Golden Areas before we ended up in this troubled life.*/ How are we sure about the above?. Which are these two golden areas (I assume eras)? We know that after the world was created and ruled by dinosaurs for several million years and we didn't care/dare to occupy this earth for such long. 10 days ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Many people have been asking me about how we know we are on the right path in spirituality-that is a genuine doubt with a myriad versions of spirituality and techniques on the horizon. All ways will finally lead to the the one way that leads up there,as extolled in ancient texts and scriptures,as you enhance the knowledge and get to the core,with right experience too. First experience is of Akashgaman,which is a kind of inner space travel,as the chit akash gets rid of its

imagery and subtle material burden. This has nothing to do with the astral experiences described by many,or dream like states. In true akshgaman,the subtle body ascends into the chit aksh which correspond with the natural world and its space outside,particularly in respect of the atmosphere heavenly bodies,moon,stars and sun. This is an incredible journey where your subtle self traverses the serene waters of chit [manasarovar and aksh ganga] into the celestial sphere,and the moon and the statrs. The Saptarshi Mandal refers to the sublimation of saptadhatus in us,and stars that have an influence so.In fact in Ayurveda this aspect is emphasised for not only cures but also as pat of determining the cures [and known to some old practitoners,though lost on the run of mill production line that prevail these days,barring a few devoted ones who try to learn from the wise] The experince of immense light within is the hall mark of spiritual experience and enlightenment truly refers to this inner light,as one travels to the spiritual sun within,shining bright,and like nothing we have seen so far. I know that there is not much point in telling these merely,since they sound incredible to the inexperienced souls,unless and until one experiences thru Bhakthi[Bhak-thi means containment of vital energy within and not blind faith in some idol or temple] Deva means the shining subtle ones ,and that is what powers and control the senses ,as its subtle nerve centers and vital spheres of power. Devotion also refers to light[De as the root for light and Vo for the vital sphere] In fact Viswas[the sanskrit for belief] refers to and denotes vital energy[the root vi and breath[swas] If you do not know nad have no such experience you may not understand,an think differently,and sit in judgement in a `lighter` vein[that is also light,in a way] 10 days ago Like 1 Follow dr. musarath dr. musarath T. excellent discussion mr jayendra , you seem to have in depth knowledge...whatever you have expressed is all present in our manual... I recomend all to read the only one manual of man which in detail has the contents about evolution , world , man , and God the creator or maker --THE QURAN..... Like for every appliance you buy there is a guidance, instructions manual or brochure as to how to use , what its made up , its charecters etc..what do we do when we buy ,first read it carefully to use it in a very precautious way as to succeed our buy ie keep it in a conditioned way by regular servicing , then the way to dispose it, in a proper way, some to be burned & destroyed , some to be recycled and reused etc ,,then what is the process taking after disposal? the fate of the appliance?this process it undergoes is not mentioned in the manual ... is it not true... Similarly we humans too have a brochure or a instructions manual written down by our maker showing our evolution, origin ,charecteristics , properties , limits, capacity,gurantee , the right way of disposal and fate after disposal in the own language of the maker or ARABIC. addressed to us as FOR YOU WE HAVE etc .....if we dont understand the original scripture we read the translation in our language to understand . The total way of life to live in all situations, conditions, in all ages , from birth to death. A book ,an instruction manual ,a brochure ,for the product ,human being, whole mankind,---The Quran Everything else in nature has a limit or fixed rule and no freedom to adapt to his wishes.. And only man has a reasoning power& freedom to execute or adapt to his wishes..

Adapting to his wishes means whichever is beneficial to better.. If we dont read and understand our manual we will not be what we should be... If a human being doesnt behave or exhibit his charecters as should be he will be something else. .eg if a lion isnt a carnivore and doesnt roar he will not be a lion anymore, eg if water doesnt exhibit its charecters and properties then its not water , its something else. There are set properties for recognition or for identity of a creation , and not all are same, but unique.. Hence the purpose of life is to recognise our maker, creator who made us ,created us for a purpose that is to obey HIM which pleases him to reward us -the fate after our disposal or death...which maybe recycled ie ressurrected and given bliss or ressurrected and dumped for waste..All depends on the usage proper or improper usage... WHAT YOU SOW SO YOU REEP.. 10 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Light is truly a Cosmic Matter .....> The role of the sun in the Pantheons design and meaning Abstract Despite being one of the most recognisable buildings from ancient Rome, the Pantheon is poorly understood. While its architecture has been well studied, its function remains uncertain. This paper argues that both the design and the meaning of the Pantheon are in fact dependent upon an understanding of the role of the sun in the building, and of the apotheosised emperor in Roman thought. Supporting evidence is drawn not only from the instruments of time in the form of the roofed spherical sundial, but also from other Imperial monuments, notably Neros Domus Aurea and Augustuss complex of structures on the Campus Martius his Ara Pacis, the Horologium Augusti, and his Mausoleum. Hadrians Mausoleum and potentially part of his Villa at Tivoli are drawn into this argument as correlatives. Ultimately, it is proposed that sun and time were linked architecturally into cosmological signposts for those Romans who could read such things. more...> .10 days ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Dear Ms. Tabassum, thank you for sharing your views. Jayendra stopped commenting in this thread. So he may not respond to the posting.

I like what you say about identity. I know a lion has to keep its identity different from all the other animals and humans but what about other lions. They all share the same qualities so will there be much identity issue there? It is good that long ago when things were almost constant someone took care to instruct us how to live a good life. May be if everyone follows those instructions there won't be much change. But it is not so. There are so many other manuals and guides and today each person is creating his/her manual using a combination of these available manuals. So it is but natural that people and life will move on. Now the question is how do we update this manual to make it relevant to current problems? I know you might say that we need to change ourselves according to the manual because that is the standard operating system but is it feasible? I will be really interested if you can send me any URLs where we can read discussions about Quran in English. 10 days ago Like 1 Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena When did karma cycle begin? Did it begin as soon as the Big Bang happened? Did it begin when amoeba came into existence? Did it begin when Dinosaurs came into existence or when hominids came into existence? When Dinosaurs became extinct what happened to their collective and individual karma? Was it written off or was it carried over? Isnt it possible then bad karma is introduced by default otherwise if everyone had done only good karma then life would not have survived for so long? We are talking about human survival on one hand and moksha on the other. If there are no bad people then how do we understand the value of good and bad? When a lion kills another animal for food, is it committing a sin? Should all animals become vegetarian? If all people become very pious and godly then will business survive? If there is no business then there will be no production of goods and there will be no exchange. Will humans survive in such a condition? What would be the cascading effect on the livelihood of people if we imagine that next day everyone will become good and pious? What will happen to Police dept, Law & Order Machinery, Military, Judges, Lawyers, Crime Dept, CID, FBI, CBI, pentagon etc? They will lose their job and they will have only one option left which is attaining moksha ASAP. 10 days ago Like KesavaUnfollow Kesava Somayajula We have loads of manuals enough to confuse us for generations. If we are not following manuals, we are following our mindset which is based on experiences and impressions. Mind is kind of a manual whose instructions get updated with new set of instructions easily by experiences if not arguments. It is common to think that we are free from manuals dictating us when we are free from religions. But are we sure that we are totally free following our mind whose state of thinking is based on our own surroundings , experiences and impressions which is only a chance?

Is it not better to behave without mindset (Bias) and be the original mind that we got when we were born? How about we gain knowledge but shed mindsets? We desire because others desire. We compete because others compete. Is this not following rules dictated by peers? We fall into the busy competitive world just because because we attach our mind to that world. So, it is mind's attachment that is creating purpose of life. 10 days ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .' ASAP, Karma ' Nice query above but there again scriptures are scrupulous, Such query or thought only occurs to a person moving towards Moksha ....others are busy with their Karma :) .10 days ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan .'' it is mind's attachment that is creating purpose of life. " that is a perfect statement as per my view too. .10 days ago Follow S.Bramwel S.Bramwel Chandrakumar Everyone should find a re life in Jesus Christ on this world to have Eternal lone with Jesus for ever. 10 days ago Like Follow Praveen kumar

Praveen kumar Atmakur @ Chandrakumar, How in the world having LOVE WITH JESUS would give answers to the questions asked in this FORUM! Sorry that I am incapable of understanding the relevance! Mandate of conversion should not turn to be OCD that you dropin like a AD in the middle of the discussion "with no relevance"! 10 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz probably some confusion with the spiritual cross I have mention every person has within ! 9 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .may be , .... just may be, this is the confusion :) ..................()()....................................................()()................... ..................()()....................................................()()................... ..................()()....................................................()()................... ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()...............()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() ..................()()....................................................()()................... ..................()()....................................................()()................... ..................()()....................................................()().................... ..................()()....................................................()()................... ..................()()...............................................()..........().................... ..................()()............................................()................()................... ..................()()........................................().........................()................ ..................()()......................................()..............................().............. ..................()().....................................()()............................()().. ..................()()......................................()..............................()............... ..................()().....................................................()()................... .9 days ago

Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Sanjay Very good posts. If a person search for answeres to your questions, will lead to the right path. I see mysterious invisible forces working behind the scene. 9 days ago Like Follow Bhavin Bhavin Shah only because, you can this question to the world ??? Love and Regards Bhavin Shah Ask this to yourself only, nobody will be able to give you answer, whatever they are saying is their point of view of life, nothing else. If you ask begger, he will tell you to beg, If you ask to person like Ambani, they will say to make money, If you ask to spiritual person, they will tell, for MOX, If you ask to singer, they will tell you to sing, If you ask to your mom and dad, they will tell you "to create you" so its like that dear...... 9 days ago Like Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena A whole lot of industry as well as good people around the world are thriving and growing because of the evil forces around. Apart from being the source of livelihood for so many people the evil forces also throws challenges to the good people and gets the best out of them. It makes them brave, innovative, outstanding and more responsible people. Without this force these good talented people would have become complacent. We would not have Ram without Ravana around, no Buddha had there been no sadness or dukha around and no Jesus if there were no evil empire around. It is the evil forces which generates or create a demand for God. On the other hand had there been only evil forces then we would not have survived so long. It is this fierce tandav (dance) of good and evil which is teaching humans the lessons of all kinds. 9 days ago Like 2 KesavaUnfollow Kesava Somayajula There is harmony in creation and there is harmony in destruction too. Death becomes a necessary act for creation. If GOD is all powerful, who else can be responsible for anything good or bad? If GOD is responsible for creation, he must be responsible for destruction too. How dare someone else be responsible for destruction considering the power of GOD? How can someone else can ever out power

GOD and cause destruction? I can go a step further and say, if GOD is everything, how can we be separate from him? We must be HIM. 9 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Sanjay very well said there is a .but as well Cosmic Love and Cosmic Light is a given thats why we do not need either or. God's are making you comfortable and evils to. They comfort in many ways for you not to keep developing every single Day. In the Hinduism in Christens, Muslims Buddhism and in many other believes the Churches and temples are keeping the real secrets behind theyre wall locket up very well. There are an immense true spiritual knowledge in Tools. If you recognize them you can use them. in order to really use them you must free yourself from believing and learn to know. The spiritual cross in all Humans is one of them/ again not what the Christens show you but your cross, connecting to your 3 eye. Buddha has the flame remember! Tell me about the tools of Hinduism ! 9 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Dear Kesava Somayajula We are not even a sand corn of the creation but still we take are self so serious ! God's is fiction just like the Sinister force made up by Human to chain you and others to become believers ....however the Creation is real! The Creation is about Ying and Yang otherwise no experiment as Playground! So within the Creation and destruction are present, however destruction in Cosmic size only exists by the need of new Life forms. 9 days ago Like KesavaUnfollow Kesava Somayajula Here is the paradox If someone created us, who created that someone? If we are comfortable with the idea that GOD created us, why not be comfortable with the idea that we (I mean not just human beings, we including universe) are what that ever existed? The creative force is within the universe, the destructive force is within the universe. There is nothing else ever existed other

than this universe. No external GOD. It is because of the mindset of religions of creation stories that made us believe that we are created and there is a creator. 9 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz No Creator has never created itself but has created infront of his presence ! 9 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz as long as you speak from God and I from the Cosmic Force / (Creation) we are not speaking the same language ! 9 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Dear Karthi and Group !!!! a must see just will blow your mind its not in the contest but must be shared !!!!!! the future is bright ! 9 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Thanks Peter , for 3D video .. That is suppose to be the good example for next disruptive technologies - 3D printer or Additive Manufacturing. __________________________________________________________

Here some more collection of related articles, .1.) and .2.) There is a food printer too on the pipeline, and Cornucopia , also .3.) Additive manufacturing .4.) Not only Printing , full factory setup itself goes for a revolution here, and Exciting days are ahead .... look forward :) .9 days ago Follow Narendra Narendra Nath Peter and Karthi are the depository of wisdom and let them prevail as the website discussions are concerned. Arguments they offer do not win a well lived life. Losers are far better than winners many a time as losses give the wisdom needed to win most of the 'wars' later in life. People in a hurry and lack self critical in depth analysis are losers in the long run of life. 8 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Dear Narendra Nath read your text and see that you read ours after (Karma) you may understand that you are way off the Game plan ! enjoy sharing the good news has never hurt any of us and should not you either ! bless your Hearth and Health ! 8 days ago Like

Follow Narendra Narendra Nath Please continue with your game as i am not all in that game play. Prevail as you may wish and so also your colleague Karthi. Let me live with contradictions so that i get a clearer path later on. Wisdom given without demand from the seeker can be bad for the poor seeker like me, as i continue to live with my ignorance in order to learn something worthwhile! 8 days ago Like Follow Ramakrishna Ramakrishna Viswanadha Does any one now about existence of others than us? Do not we see millions of creatures around us. 8 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Hi Narendra, How is the sales at Taj Mahal :) .8 days ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Cosmic Architecture...........> Pervading the earth on every side and filling a space ten fingers wide, The Purusa is all that yet has been and all that is to be. All creatures are one-fourth of him; The other three-fourths have eternal life in heaven. ...more ...>

( wealth of information inside for the asking ) .8 days ago Follow Jayesh Jayesh Vyas Q.>What is the purpose of life on earth? A.> To give back or share what you have either willingly or forcefully when you die so develop the joy of sharing and giving. Q.> Why does the universe exist? A.> Universe exist because of you, me & others - if we were not there no one would have raised this question and it is very simple to ask question for every existing thing then find answer for it. Q.> Does anyone or anything else knows about existence other than us? A.> Yes! anything and everything is possible in this universe so i strongly believe there is existence of other then us, it is just a matter of time and we(our generation) may be lucky to know it. 8 days ago Like 2 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Joke Fish ...........> God is sitting in Cosmos when a scientist says to Him, Lord, we dont need you anymore. Science has finally figured out a way to create life out of nothing. In other words, we can now do what you did in the beginning. Oh, is that so? Tell me replies God. Well, says the scientist, we can take dirt and form it into the likeness of You and breathe life into it, thus creating man. Well, thats interesting. Show Me. So the scientist bends down to the earth and starts to mold the soil. Oh no, no, no interrupts God, Get your own dirt. .-

8 days ago 1 Follow Teri Teri P. Funny but quite telling of man's attitude towards God today, LOL 8 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Well said Kesava, it is the mind's attachment that is creating purpose. But it is also Karma which leads to more Karma which actually keeps the circle going. I know one feels that way that we compete because the others are competing, but again the thought is ours not others'. What conditions us to think that way. Guess it is to some extent the nature of the person and to some extent the surroundings. 8 days ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Upanayana,Samavartna and Brahma Sutra are mentioned in our ancient texts as pweful tools in refining the mind and its karma and attaining to spiritual evolution and true emancipation[that is the essence of all religions and not the ritualistic worships and places-nevertheless some are architectural marvels,like Taj Mahal ] Upanayana [moving towards inner eye ]is for the Brahmachari[meaning one who moves towards the Brahma thru within]. People misunderstand Brahmacharya with celibacy but the truth is that anyone who moves[charya]towrds Brahman is so,and upanayana is for that[in upanayana one is actually learning to vitalise himself thru breath] Even for a householder and married man some discipline in matters of food and sex and worldly acts will do him good,and more so in the path of the spirit. So he/she evolves to be a Grihastha[or one who has internalised his vital energy in his body,which is the real Griha] That is when he becomes a practitioner of Samavartna where he learns to equilibriate his vital energies[and there is an equalised and rhythmic movement of breath within with its musicality,like Mantra]Mantra is Man Thrana or that which purifies and powers the mind. Thus united in spirit and mind thru the refining processes of breath,and the fire of spirit,one attains to Brahamsutra,where the blisful union is experienced[true valentine] One enters the Brahama Yoni[the spirit and chit Akash of pure mind as the jypthir lingam or phalanx] That is the way to Moksha as a most blissful,empwered and truly knowledgeable state ,where one meets his or her most sublime Valentine. There is a sublimation process by which one comes to experience Divine love,which slowly replaces physical one[that is why 60 is considered a ripe old age to be really wise and rich]Materially too that may

be true to some extent but the essence is in spirituality 8 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .... a bit of it looks like promotion by seniority as in govt. & bureaucracy :) .8 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz The path well descript by Suresh Kumar ! The search will go on as there are many steps before us ! In all essence you yourself need to find and remind yourself to get back on the Spiritual path every day in order to become rich within. 8 days ago Like Follow dr. musarath dr. musarath T. What I want to tell is whatever is being discussed above is all present in the Holy Quran.. This can be read by buying a copy or getting a free copy from a DAWA CENTRE in English or which ever language translation a person can understand .. The beauty of this Book is it explains all matters upto date from the birth of the creation to its end scientifically with proofs .. eg the big bang theory was already proved 1400 yrs back , which we are learning in the sciencesubject and many more things.. That's why we call it a miracle . You can be more enlightened by hearing Dr Zakir Naiks diicussions.. The book can be read for knowledge ..don't fear that just by reading u will be converted , but read for knowledge and then it's your conviction with scientific it.. We Muslims already know that there is another creation of God other than humans in this world , we know about their existance their charecters , shape and their purpose of creation which also is the same as us humans. They are scattered in the universe like us.. God has mentioned that he has created 8 earths alike with the same creation . ,, etc there is a lot of knowledge about space , like black holes galaxies , all about universe earth , man , and only if we read it In detail we will understand everything about the universal TRUTH...Finally it's the only one book which is not changed and the original manual on the earth which contains all in detail..,only thing is we have to open to see what is inside it.... 7 days ago Like KesavaUnfollow Kesava Somayajula How are we sure that GOD wrote or inspired book? So many others also claimed

that GOD wrote inspired other books. Why he chose to communicate 1400 yes back or 2000 yrs back but decided to stop communicating after that? If someone created us, who created that someone? 7 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Thank you Dr. Tabassum for patiently explaining about what is in Quran. It will be nice to know more from you regarding what is in Quran. You are right to know something new is not to dump what you already know. We can all adhere to our faiths still have the curiosity to learn about other faiths. Every discussion about religion need not end in one party or the other getting upset. I have been thinking of reading Quran for quite some time but honestly I am yet to read Bhagavad Gita. So, hopefully I will be able to read the philosophies of different religions in the near future, Insha Allah. 7 days ago Like Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Kesava, I am not responding to posts here anymore as I found that when we are in a debate mood, nothing much learned as the goal is to win the debate. But, I have to respond to sincere questions like yours. Manifestations of God are present everywhere in nature. Scientists admits that there must be a reason behind everything. So there must be a reason behind nature and the universe. Nature is revealing without word or speech the creator behind it. This is the basic level of revelation. Also God has given a desire for man to search the creator and think about God. All religions are the result of God's interaction in that search at different levels of revelation with cultural differences in it. So there are threads of Truth in all religions, though corruption creeped in to religious practices and rituals over a long period of time. Your question is genuine as to who created God. It is the Glory of God to cover up things and reveal at the right time. If you choose not to reveal certain aspect of your character, there is no way to find that out. Our knowledge of God is limited to what God has revealed to us through nature and the different World Religions. 7 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .-

Different Gods are in continuous communication with different Individuals and many beings as well . Look for it , it evades but it will come looking for everyone . .7 days ago KesavaUnfollow Kesava Somayajula Hmmm. I am not really someone who want to win debates. I want the true knowledge and unbiased analysis to be won. I know debates don't take us anywhere. Particularly debates on religion which a faith. But debates help the people who are intellectually honest. In fact there is nothing to debate about religion. If you say GOD created this universe, I can not disprove and you cannot prove. One only strongly believes and one does not. The way you feel about GOD, people from every other religions feel the same way about their GOD. It is just a chance that your birth or your experiences made you believe what you believe now. Fear of hell and greed of heaven plays a role here. Please understand that your belief is only subjective truth not objective like gravity. People don't want some answers. Many of us in the world grew out of religions and people need convincing answers. 7 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Agnostics will be there in all religions, I feel it is a religion by itself :-) Now, if suddenly one is to discover that one actually does not belong to the religion that one has been believing one did but actually belonged to some other religion, what would happen to one's faith. Does it change, fade or stay the same. It is not good to be very possessive of one's religion because when a person is born he/she is just a human being. Rituals make us belong to one or the other religion. An Indian born in USA becomes a US citizen and behaves as such. It will be nice if we could see what is common to us as human beings rather than as a person belonging to one rligion or the other. 7 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .-

Good one Chiranjeevi . Is that called ' Cosmic Wisdom ' instead of a of a regular Cosmetic One :) .7 days ago Follow Ninan Ninan Mathullah @Kesava, Faith is subjective. Then you take the subjective experince and insight of the founders of your religion as objective when you believe it as truth. If you are looking for proof for God in a test tube, you are like a blind man looking for a black cat in a dark room that is not there. Better we stop the search in that direction right here. If you are looking for the truths in different religions, it is more udeful.. 7 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Possible Karthik, though I feel I am still far from proclaiming any wisdom. Ninan, do you agree that there can be more than one truth, your truth and Kesava's truth. Calling someone a blind man (even as a metaphor) does not win his heart nor his mind. I think we have better ways of conveying our arguments. This I am saying to all including myself. Let us not get provoked nor provoke others because you don't see our Gods having done it. Has any God spoken against any other God. They just made their point and left it to people to follow or forget. I don't know why we should be more possessive than our Gods about their philosophies. 7 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Dear To all after UPA + AYAN = UPANAYAN only one is called as Brahmin or in English we can call it as BAPTIZED. the sacred thread one is having controls the nava nadies ( nine nerves), that represent nine rasa or emotional feelings. It also gives the gnanam of panhendriya's Five senses that control's the human body. Such a person is supposed to be more nearer to nature. There are others who also wear it for their creativity in the filed of art they got skill traditionally. It has no value for those who do all the negatives. 7 days ago Like KesavaUnfollow Kesava Somayajula The very reason we are discussing here is because we did not have objective

answer to the question. I don't have any harm not believing any GOD of any religion but I cannot dare disbelieve gravity. This is the difference between subjective truth and objective truth. Faith cannot be superior or inferior. It is like mother's love. No body ever says "my mother's love is superior to your mothers love" or "you will go to hell for not believing my mother's love". What we are discussing here is purpose of life and we definitely have to go beyond religion if we ever want to arrive at an answer. 7 days ago Like Follow Mahesh Mahesh Shanbhag Be a part of Nature & enjoy the Nature.Preserve & serve the Nature 7 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Wisdom is a deep understanding and realization of people, things, events or situations, resulting in the ability to apply perceptions, judgements and actions in keeping with this understanding. It often requires control of one's emotional reactions (the "passions") so that universal principles, reason and knowledge prevail to determine one's actions. Wisdom is also the comprehension of what is true or right coupled with optimum judgment as to action. Synonyms include: sagacity, discernment, or insight. so Karthi is correct in his statement ! 7 days ago Like 1 Follow Krishna Krishna Garg Dear Mussarat Tabassum- Science and religions never meet. You can believe in both but cannot ever talk of scientific proof for religious statements and conclusions. Very often, we fall to the temptation of quoting science in support of religious beliefs but that should be avoided 7 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Dear Krishna Garg Religion is a Science, and is the 2/both building a synthetic environment all depending on the

Environment of the presence and therefore ever changing. Therefore both become continuously absolute Yours and our Intellect is the biggest handicap of them both As they, allow the complete disconnect in Mankind to the one and only Cosmic Intelligence. 7 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar The present science is off spring of the religions, the same has now bifurcated according to needs and purposes and now become more and more specific and specialized. But earlier the sciences used to teach all the sciences together, that too only to those who can use it for the betterment of the humans and other lives. Even though they do not have so much experts but a few had better understanding than the present experts and used the skills very rarely. Due to shortage of the people of sufficient people this type of education which used to come down the tree as tradition has gone to dogs. Also due lack of support most of the books also went into obsolete conditions. No new authors who can understand give netter interpretations is also one of the root of extinction of such knowledge. But those religious texts do have more about emotional feeling and how to control them and also how to develop them. Those who are devoted also devoted to work they undertake most of the cases as they are more ethical and also take morale responsibility and lead others also. But is the motives are only materialistic aspects such people never come forwards as it demoralizes the society and nobody does follow ethics. Which are essential for any societal development. Then only peace, harmony and serenity shall prevail. There are enough people who sacrificed their lives for this but still people with satanic minds who are after materialistic aspects down graded this society. 7 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .what happens if some one does ' UPA + AYAN = UPANAYAN ' to ' satanic minds ' ... may be modern science & later day religions can have a happy going with each other and as well all in all peace & prosperity ?! .7 days ago Follow Sanjay Sanjay Verma PRINCE2 Practitioner Try to know: - Who I am. - Why I am the way I am. - Try to un-earth the simple mathematics on probablity ( to start with, put all the building material in a box, and blast it with dynamite, a beautiful 10 store building should be the result of the explosion),

otherwise start looking for someone who was present even at ground zero. - and ultimately, what is the way out. 7 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz All Mankind values as such as Sciences Philosophy's Religions Mathematics Technologies Astrologist Librarians must come here to drink Water, yet they only drink water. Keep forgetting to breathe Cosmic Air and keep ignoring that They/We drink Cosmic Water. When looking at the Stars we always have the same questions. Why is that.? The Stars have the answer ....... we are cosmic substance in a Cosmic Energy and so has the Sun the answer as well. With this in mind there cannot be an existence, such as, much longer. Paper Money / Religious differentiators / Stock exchange / depreciation in any kind / Values, good / bad against others and most of all Intellectual Properties. As mankind is just rediscovering the cosmos and has never created anything new, it lies in our hands to change those facts. 7 days ago Like 1 Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R I am not getting into any argument with anybody about the interpretations of the UPanayanam ceremony. Upa means secondary and Nayan means vision. Vedas do not attach any spiritual significance to the word. Contrary to who says what, the secondary vision signifies "education". The first sacred thread is worn at the commencement of education. A person is not expected to marry before completion of education. But nowadays the second sacred thread is taken at the time of marriage. Marriage has become "de facto" completion of education! Till about a century back the symbolic ceremony was compulsory for all Hindus except the Dalits. It is nothing more than the convocation cap! 7 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Mohanakrishnan, Thanks for clarification . Just building on the above ' Nayam' ..... ( No arguments :))

- could actually be used in all this context : ...................................aesthetic, beauty , smooth ,flow , ease ,grace and hence it is the Education/ learning which makes one acquire skills or expertise, to perform activities ( any / many ) with . .... and in a lighter vein, But many people learn Life's Lessons only after marriage , may be that is another or different matter :) .7 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R People are supposed to educate themselves through out their lives, not just after marriage. Perhaps that is why the thread is burned along with the body after death! By the by I was talking of Nayanam, the Sanskrit word for the eyes. But your twist sounds nice! 7 days ago Like Follow Jeganathan V Jeganathan V Venkatasamy The purpose of this life on earth is to work out Karma we had accumulated over our past births and come out clean as pure lights of consciousness and be delivered from the cycle of birth and death for ever. But do we do that ? 7 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .No arguments again, ..... but , + an + am , means creating mesmerizing effects and eye is the powerful tool for the same . nayanam meaning to bring. ( to bring the expertise with in ) as with many other interpretations, this is the sorry state of affairs in utilizing of ancient knowledge base ?! .7 days ago

davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Nothing shall happen only people like ravansur, jarasandh, dhuryodhana, kumbhkarana, narakasura, kamsa, hiranyakshap etc shall be ruling and harassing all those who work hard for their own self comforts, then another nar + ayan has to come to the rescue of all the people. Then people like who think they are only very clever also shall be there just like narada. It is all fun and enjoyment to look at those who are ignorant about humanity and human considerations even after so much education. 7 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .............doine^........doine^........doine^.......doine^........doine^........doine^...... .100% True ! ..doine^...... .6 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R karthikeyan arumugathandavan: Don't worry, I am not going to judge you as a "Hiranyakahyap" for your own spinning of religious text! Many people do the same and call themselves "angels". Chastising is the job of "enlightened" people. In Sanskrit "Sandhi" is the method of joining words either as an adjective or adverb. A word starting with a vowel transforms the last consonant of the preceding word as per the vowel. Thus Nayam+an+am is Nayamanam. Moreover Nayam is a purely a Tamil word. Hope you have learned about "salvation" from this grammatical gimmick! Post something more like this "entertain"! 6 days ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Mohanakrishnan, more for entertainment :)

"" + an + am , means creating mesmerizing effects and eye is the powerful tool for the same . nayanam meaning to bring. ( to bring the expertise with in ) as with many other interpretations, this is the sorry state of affairs in utilizing of ancient knowledge base ?! "" an , am in you change in tamil and I presumed with itself instead "" of message is conveyed. I do not Joke when I said it :) here is additional one for your reference !! , a medicine for the eye. , language of the eyes. , amorous look; 2. eyesight. , a poem in praise of the eyes of a lady, in ten verses. , communicating sight to an idol. ( Note : The key lies in ' , amorous look; 2. eyesight.' for the truth seeker ?) .6 days ago davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Most of the idols are sculpted by viewing living models that are available or to improve those who are existing by the creativity of their brain work, who or which have moved the heart and mind. It is nothing wrong showing the feeling of expression which moved the heart or mind or both, it is also known from history such mesmerizing persons were kept away for some time hidden some where keeping away for some time so as the best creativity comes out. It is done only to increase the output by those who know the value of the creativity. There are few emotional feelings which makes the people who have creativity more and more which makes the history and gives thrust for more creativity. Specially those who know the art creativity do not sit idle they go on thinking or doing some thing to keep them engaged other wise they are wasting their creativity, for such people to divert for more creativity those who know the value of that do it and later encourage give rewards and also give solace to those people who create master pieces. Other wise there would not been any monuments or any literature that moves the heart and mind of all. If all is well it ends also well, if it is taken with the right spirit it is heart moving history for others so as the ethics and moral is kept high. It those who know the value of the spirituality go on encouraging it and guiding time to time. That's how India is known as spiritual country. If Krishna was not there there would not have been Arjuna and vice verse is also true. That means NAR and AYAN always work in tandem or other wise Narayan works independently. Here Nar means human and Ayan means the spirit that runs the life. Those who realized their own self are spiritual leaders,

provided they follow ethics and moral and maintain the momentum as humans for the sake of humanity. 6 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan . .........> ................... ................... , . .6 days ago KesavaUnfollow Kesava Somayajula Entire message flow in one paragraph - Davuloori Smiley faces and special characters - Karthi Strong and straightforward messages - Mohankrishnan Messages with cosmic level language --- Peter Stutz :) 6 days ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .:) .6 days ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan ... continued Ancient Architects ........> Ancient Islamic architects created perfect quasicrystals A researcher in the US reports to have found the first examples of perfect quasicrystal patterns in Islamic architecture. Her upcoming paper also describes how the designers were creating these geometric patterns from as early as the 12th century CE using nothing but rudimentary tools. It was not until the 1970s that academics began to develop mathematics that could explain these striking patterns seen in nature. .................................>Mesmerizing patterns,Various people from both scientific and design fields have noted the similarity between quasicrystal structures and certain forms of Islamic decorative art. These mesmerizing geometric patterns, often located in *places of worship* , comprise repetitive patterns that reveal different features depending on whether you look at small sections or larger regions of the design. .............> more .6 days ago davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Good analysis Somayajulu, we can see these designs in the mosques as well as some fine arts what they produce, specially the domes which give very cooling as well good lighting which is good for the human body, that too in those deserts it is must for good ventilation as well lighting. In our temples the vimanas or gupuras are also constructed to give some of these effects plus light from the idol with it's paraphernalia. Even those crystals are used in BC also. 6 days ago Like

Follow Sanjay Sanjay Saxena @Kesava, Analysis from a different angle. All persons have Parent, Adult and child in them. Karthi - Child is very prominent. Spontaneous Davuloori - Extreme Parental Mode MohanKrishnan - Mix of Parent and Adult Mode. Peter - Need to define some new Mode ...Saint Mode, Yogi Mode etc :-) 6 days ago Like 1 KesavaUnfollow Kesava Somayajula :) good one Sanjay. Glad to be part of this discussion. Interaction with a group of people with vast knowledge and experience. No university offers this kind of knowledge. Endaro Mahanubhavulu . Andariki Vandanamulu (Salutations to all those great men in this world) 6 days ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Child Fish .......> .1. In every real man a child is hidden that wants to play. ~Friedrich Nietzsche .2. To speak truly, few adult persons can see nature. Most persons do not see the sun. At least they have a very superficial seeing. The sun illuminates only the eye of the man, but shines into the eye and heart of the child. The lover of nature is he whose inward and outward senses are still truly adjusted to each other; who has retained the spirit of infancy even into the era of manhood. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson . 3. When childhood dies, its corpses are called adults and they enter society, one of the politer names of hell. That is why we dread children, even if we love them, they show us the state of our decay. ~Brian Aldiss .4.

There are children playing in the streets who could solve some of my top problems in physics, because they have modes of sensory perception that I lost long ago... J. Robert Oppenheimer ... goes on & On ...> ( ... forced to blow the child's Trumpet :)..) .6 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz There are no new rules for Saints and MASTERS! Cosmic mood is childrens mood as well! Thanks for the loving, always great pleassure when someone thinks of you ! The title is perfect of the link as it is only some Great-dream for some! Become a modern Alchemist by taken the time to be serious about your soul! remember it is easy to shoot any one, but to restore him/she you will take longer then a life time and so it is for others as well. Karma ! so go find your masters here on the link below ! you will find him and many others all connect to the Great DIVINE Cosmic Energie! LOVE 6 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada There are two types of parent ego states - nurturing parent and controlling or criticizing parent. In the child also there are three types, Adaptive child, little professor and Natural child. Now you may be able to identify more of these types in our groups :-) 5 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Interesting discussion here on the Child & Creativity

Why are children more creative than adults ? Is it becuase : .1) They have no boundaries between what is real and unreal .2) They are not burdened with having to prove things or create value .3) Their mind is not compartmentalized .4) They are not creative - they are just day dreamers ______________________________________________________________________________ Interesting presentation, Some Extracts : " We are at the dawning of the Age of Imagination! Michel Foucault stated that knowledge is power. In the 21st century, imagination is power! The power to bring beauty into being! The power to catalyze curiosity! The power to connect complexities! The power to enact the equitable distribution of power itself! The power to fracture fear! The power to harness history! The power to heal! The power to leverage learning! The power to play! The power to rationalize the risk we must take! Imagination is the synapse that fires between curiosity, creativity, possibility and need. " by Sara Diamond, President, Ontario College of Art & Design .5 days ago 1 Follow Sanjay Sanjay Negi The laws laid down in the Anthropic Principles make it very very clear that the purpose of life....all life, not just to continuously evolve to be able to one day completely understand the every step in that direction is fruitful...keep developing your understanding and also that of

your next generation....keep adding to human knowledge in whatever field you happen to would have met the purpose for which you were born.... 5 days ago Unlike 2 Follow Vigneshwar Vigneshwar Raj There's no purpose ... !!! Its just a mistake collision of powerful elements in the universe.... !!! Life begins with a mistake and ends by mistake.... !!! We have to survive the whole thing.... Darwin's "Survival of the fittest" is the solution ! And coming to existence ... no answer for it !! But one thing is proved... After getting quite deeper into einstein's and stephen hawking's theory, We can say there's no existence of Super power god ! :-) 5 days ago Like 1 davuloorinfollow davuloori bheemeswar Yes Vigneswar Raj, People due to their brains do mistakes, but those who comes over those mistakes only can be called as humans. 5 days ago Like 1 Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Vigneswar,true since in life purpose merges with purposelessness and progress is sometimes like going in circles within wheels.The wheel moves inspite of us propelled by nature and its essential powers,and we see purposeless purposes in the midst of this going in crcles within wheels on which we have apparently no control.Parts of what appear as linear are in fact circular from a larger perpective which is not available to us due to illusions of self in brain and its narrowing confinement. The self referential thoughts and frameworks and its space time perspectivities provide purposes that are often purposeless.We may have moments of self realisation in our internalisation processes that counter the incessant externalisation urges from within.But these are short spells and we plunge back into our self confinements . We tend to revel in the meaninglessness of statistical superiorities and exhibitionism that makes no sense as we truly know. Life is almost like a game where the rules are preset and and the frame is set,and we move the cursor to continue,where the options are limited ,and still we feel we are in control,till we have the overview. So to get to there is the purpose amdst the apparent purposelessness 5 days ago Like 1

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Sanjay Negi, Nice views there . .5 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz I have painted the steps to heaven ! 1X1 Meter in Oil ! Guess what, Purposness is the greatest step of them all as you stand still for a moment. The great awakening will be like Steve Jobs last word on his dead bed .....WOW WOW WOW his sister. Who is it to say what is your next step ! Just that the ones taking steps can share and they should share in times as such! And you may want to make sure your light is burning when you have the need to be recognized or you will be waste ! 5 days ago Like 1 KesavaUnfollow Kesava Somayajula Kids are free from mindset. That is why they process what is happening now and react to now. They are free from the though that I am right and you are wrong. They are free from the thought that I need to change the world They are free from the thought that I am knowledgeable. They are free from the thought that I have a purpose in life and I have to run after that. We think that we learn as we grow :). As we grow, we learn to limit our mind's capacity. We can be like kids by consciously freeing up ourselves from mindset. 5 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Dear Chiranjeevi Tallapragada There are two types of parent ego states - nurturing parent

and controlling or criticizing parent. In the child also there are three types, Adaptive child, little professor and Natural child. Now you may be able to identify more of these types in our groups :-) I challenge you on that : what are you when spiritual awake ? what are you when a sleep ? and what are you when padded by your loved ones ? what are you taking to your children or parents ? we should most definitely not to take a sport of it, pointing out the one you are right now, as that is the Moment of the environment your in ! it goes all in one being made by Cosmic Light and Love ! 5 days ago Like Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla Nice postings from Sanjay and Vigneswar. Little respite from usual mela. Mind can be made to do miracles with the body as it's guinea pig. Let us hope that people don't get lost in 'self-hypnotization' while trying to find their 'purpose'. 5 days ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Child Fish....> Slowly we come to know and be aware that there are so many things in the world , which are already created by others and especially the Nature , which were our childhood fantasies. As we grow, Practicality in terms of materials / equipments / methods & availability and affordability comes in to picture in clear terms . Many resign and a few pursue ........ ( Like one Steve Jobs ! ) Incidentally he was in India on a revitalizing sojourn during his bad times and as well used to enjoy the Iskcon meals in US . .5 days ago

Follow Peter Peter Stutz Nice posting and yes the vibration of India is awsome ! as it spreads over the entire Globe ! 5 days ago Like Follow Santakar Santakar Chelapila To find out the reason of our existence in each of the beautiful things in the reation is the very reason of our existence . Let the search be on and on without any concluding remarks. The moment we reach the conclusion Truth , the meaning of our existence would no more be needed . There would be no more questions . Till then realise the beauty of life and spread it across . 5 days ago Unlike 1 Follow Peter Peter Stutz in almost.... In unlimited beauty there is unlimited hunger of knowledge for it. No reasoning can stop such. If one needs to know the truth then only possible in present state of mind, one second past of that, the next step (challenge) to take is here..... to learn. If people are critical it has its reason and grows me enormously. So personal y Im thankful for the critical aspect of life, not just the beauty of it. The rest, if not constructive criticism, is the others Karma. 5 days ago Like Follow Santakar Santakar Chelapila and the real beauty lies in facing the challenges than running away from it . Beauty does not confine itself with the definitions in the specified brackets . Lets expand our horizon of realising the true spirit of beauty . There is beauty in the sun shine and also in the perfect darkness . 5 days ago Like 1 Follow Paul

Paul Cumberbatch Jr, MSc, DRP There is an original force, creator, being whether we call him, God, Yahweh, Allah, or something else. We were created to have a relationship with a higher being whatever we decide to call him, and this is the purpose of life in my understanding. If we live here simply to procreate, and exist, then we would be no better that wild animals, with no direction. This is a wonderful question, and each human being asks this, at some point during their lives, though depending on who, you ask, when you ask, i.e. at what age and mental development in life, and which intellectual doctrine, you subscribe to will determine which answer that you find. If you are looking for God, ask, him to reveal himself to you, in some unique way, and he will. Take Care, God Bless 5 days ago Like 1 davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Yes dear Kesav. they try to learn and also try to be more innovative, just like what we teach to a parrot which can speak depending on the type of coaching it has. the same way the kinds, that influence and the life's experience makes their mind set and most of the cases pampered and that ego makes the deference in different behavioral aspects. If people develop some good reading and also how to read in between the sentences makes one to go for greater heights and shall never feel of that life has no purpose. It is those who run after materialistic and making the gangs for that makes the difference in the society. As they do not follow any ethics or any moral. Their purpose is to plunder others and enjoy, but for the great souls it is serve others and treat others also as humans. 5 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Paul Cumberbatch Jr, MSc, DRP : What about people of many Hindu, Buddhist and Tao schools of faith, which do not believe in "creator", though they may believe God, falling under a totally different concept? What about atheists and agnostics? Do you mean to say that they have no purpose in life, while many epoch achievements can be attributed to such people? 5 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Beauty Fish ...> ....may be it is worth probing the statement,

" Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder" ? .5 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz ask yourself is there a greater temple then the cosmos ? for you ? 5 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Yes there it is the brain in-between the two temples, that everybody has, if the negatives are thrown out the difference can be felt; then what is meant by cosmic mystery and what causes the human misery is known. This can be felt only by internal self realization. 4 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Just extending the PAC concept to religions and cultures, would we also have some cultures which are very nurturing parent types, some which are controlling parent type, some very adult and some different type of child types? I think religions and religious beliefs could be classified into the two parent and adult types. Some warn you, watch you and try to control you, some let you choose and some are very forgiving and trying to mentor you. Cultures also are like that. Some cultures have very strong notions of right and wrong, some are quite fun loving and experimenting some are quite serious and very logical and analytical. 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ..........some are simple and beautiful , an African Proverb : " It takes the whole village to bring up a Child " .4 days ago

1 Follow KRISHNAN KRISHNAN DESIKACHARI Dear all , I wish to add a very small point . When we are young , we believe in our muscle power and say that we can control anything that happens to us or around us. When slowly we grow older and the limbs don't listen to us , we start realizing that we are unable to control our own selves and what to talk of controlling the surroundings , that's the time we realize that nothing is in our control and some thing else is controlling us. A mundane example , when some one says when shall we meet , we say confidently tomorrow 11 am , who knows what's up the next moment , that's our limitation in this massive cosmic manifestation where trillions of coordinated activities happen every millionth of a second. 4 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz it takes an entire globe to become grow up. but the stars are here to reach.... ones your there ! 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Beauty Fish ...> The philosopher Denis Dutton identified six universal signatures in human aesthetics: .1. Expertise or virtuosity. Humans cultivate, recognize, and admire technical artistic skills. .2. Nonutilitarian pleasure. People enjoy art for art's sake, and don't demand that it keep them warm or put food on the table. .3. Style. Artistic objects and performances satisfy rules of composition that place them in a recognizable style. .4. Criticism. People make a point of judging, appreciating, and interpreting works of art. .5. Imitation. With a few important exceptions like abstract painting, works of art simulate experiences of the world. .6. Special focus. Art is set aside from ordinary life and made a dramatic focus of experience.

.*.The list is fine but here is his radical thought or the root cause for sensing beauty ?! TED collaborates with animator Andrew Park to illustrate Denis Dutton's provocative theory on beauty -that art, music and other beautiful things, far from being simply "in the eye of the beholder," are a core part of human nature with deep evolutionary origins. Denis Dutton is a philosophy professor and the editor of Arts & Letters Daily. In his book The Art Instinct, he suggests that humans are hard-wired to seek beauty. .4 days ago Follow Paul Paul Cumberbatch Jr, MSc, DRP Mohanakrishnan R: Did you believe in gravity before you knew that it existed? When you were a young babe, and you knew that you were hungry, did you know that a farmer somewhere grew the cow, who produced the milk that you needed to sustain your existence? Yes all of these religions, expressions, are valid, and have a very important purpose, and yes, God created them too, or those individuals that choose to follow them. I don't believe that there is one religion that is better than the other, for all are trying to obtain a perception and a relationship with a higher being, no matter what you call him. If there were no God, then, the richest individual in your society would be the greatest, for they had the most power, money, influence, and might. If you believe in God, then believe. If you choose not too then that is your choice, and one day you will come to meet the creator, and you will find out for yourself. 4 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Those of us who believe in God don't know that if God wanted someone to believe in him he would have easily made him do that? May be God wills it this way that some believe in him some don't and we have discussions like this :-) BTB it is more important to believe in Good than in God I guess. Those who believe in science

sometimes don't believe in God, so what, science is their God, like ours it too has everything that gives them a constant nurturing. 4 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Dear Krishnan, you are right, it is so difficult to learn from others. When someone is helpless we help them but never realize that we ourselves could be there someday. I guess it is the nature's Maya that we need to grow slowly and with time. Trees go through changes every season but I guess it is a new experience for them every time. Memory may be our boon as well as bane that it doesn't let us be where we are. Most of us either live in the past or think of the future, never live the present. 4 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Paul Cumberbatch Jr, MSc, DRP: You are confusing between various issues. I just said that there are some faiths which do not believe in the "creator" but believe God. That is God is not the creator. There are some faiths bordering on agnosticism. For example Buddhism says, ignore all metaphysical nuances of God, but follow a virtuous daily regimen. Some people are downright atheists. TO say that they will "realize" when they meet the "creator" one day is nothing more than condemning opinions contrary to your faith. Not that those people care, they are equally happy in their own way. One of our Tamil language hymns put your idea in a very sophisticated manner. "If "he" is there, He is there. If not he is not there as per different perceptions of different people. But "he" loves and blesses everybody whether they believe "Him" or not"! Achievements are not restricted to believers only. Many nonbelievers have also substantial achievements to their credit, if we look into world history till date. Even with wide belief in God certain Mammon Oligarchs in every society are more equal than the others, for they have the most power, money, influence, and might. They also quote the same "creator"! By the by "Gravity" was originally conceived as a "force". As per theory of relativity it is the result of natural geometry of the warped time-space. That means "Gravity" does not exist. . 4 days ago Like Follow Dr. Usha

Dr. Usha Krishna 'Om Tat Sat' Om represents the beginning, present and the end of existence or universe. Tat represents the above Sat represents the Truth. one's presence is truth. one's absence is truth nature, science, religion, philosophy, art and beauty and literature is truth. Cognizance of the moment of truth is truth. It is ultimately realization that will make one believe. 4 days ago Like 1 davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Before that one needs to believe in oneself, the knowledge what one has is nothing even if we put the knowledge of all the people in this world together it would be nothing before the worldly knowledge. This is the same meaning what Karthy has put in. In India also most of the tribes do follow that and also when they rear others children they do in the same way each one teaching some thing or another. Most of the schools earlier days had this practice, pupils are sent out to see the world and get some knowledge which is practical one like collecting wood, collecting food items etc and also doing the service for other pupils in the school. Finally the student shall be taught in the art he/she may shine. Now a days such education is not available as well as such scholars also, who have proficiency in the subjects. So some of the pupils can take them as examples and go forward. Now we have all expert cooks but good in nothing nor any expertise built up, even cooking they do not know. In these columns I have seen a lot of self doubts from elders as well younger ones, which has caused some tensions but now each and every one came on line and matching frequencies. Unless until one interacts with others and tries to understand a purpose can not be defined. We have to be happy and safe first then we can see that others also safe and those who follow us tomorrow if not today. There is no other thing more than this that we live with a meaning and make our coming generations to lead and live with that wisdom. 4 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R "'Om Tat Sat"-The exact word by word translation is "Om" "That" "Truth". Since Om represents Brahman in Vedanta and Tathata in Buddhism, we can at the maximum interpret this phrase as "Brahman is truth". Brahman is "Poornam", that is everything. Hence I agree with Dr.Usha Krishna. There is truth in everything including atheism and agnosticism! davuloori bheemeswar: To expect "those who follow us tomorrow if not today." (not my words) is nothing short of intellectual arrogance. What if tomorrow there are people with better brains than us? 4 days ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan ." " this that phenomena but filled everywhere with moving oscillating matter ( waves ) but OM is Om....................... God only knows :) .4 days ago Follow Dr. Usha Dr. Usha Krishna valuable resource for understanding meaning of OM It is Shivaratri -auspicious day. Wishing you all happy celebrations and joy on this occasion and pray for getting answers to three most easy/difficult questions raised in the group. 4 days ago Like 1 Follow Raghuraman Raghuraman Narasimmalu To investigate myself. Search and Ask question every day who I am? I believe from a beggar to rulers of the world, every one comes to this world with a purpose. Without coming to this world like an ante or Mosquito. Every time ask the question my self. Why was I born as human? I must try to find an answer to that question. That search is investigation. That investigation will lead me to realize my responsibility. My life purpose is served only when I complete that responsibility. When I complete that responsibility I will get real Satisfaction in my life. So the meaning of life. I have born in this world. To achieve something and when leave from this world, I have to leave my Food prints for this life. Also to serve (help) people if not possible to help at list. Do not give problems for others. To run the life needed money, but money is not life. In life to have the fear. But always fear is not life. The fear it will give me, honesty, sincerity, concentration and dedication also other things. Also I never fear for every thing. To fear only for god. I try to full fill my family Basic requirements. So when I dont expect more, also to do my duties properly. I will realize my life Responsibility clearly one day. Also I will reach my destiny. 4 days ago Like

Follow Peter Peter Stutz Om is the sound of the expanding Cosmos The Violet light the deepest light in the Cosmos all within a constant expanding Great DIVINE COSMIC SUN 3 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Poverty becomes a marvelously beautiful thing when the mind is free of society. One must become poor inwardly for then there is no seeking, no asking, no desire, no - nothing! It is only this inward poverty that can see the truth of a life in which there is no conflict at all. Such a life is a benediction not to be found in any church or any temple. by; Krishnamurti 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Beauty / Aesthetics is .................*..Satyam Sivam Sundaram..*.......... "" In the Pan Indian philosophic thought the term 'Satyam Shivam Sundaram' is another name for the concept of the Supreme. 'Sat' is the truth value, 'Shiv' is the good value & 'Sundaram' is the beauty value. Man through his 'Srabana' or education, 'Manana' or experience and conceptualization and 'Sadhana' or practice, through different stages of life (Asramas) comes to form and realize the idea of these three values to develop a value system. This Value-system helps us to develop two basic ideas 1) that of 'Daksha' or the adept/expert and 2) of Mahana/Parama or the Absolute and thus to judge anything in this universe in the light of these two measures, known as 'Adarsha'. A person who has mastered great amounts of knowledge of the grammars, rules, & language of an art-form are adepts (Daksha), whereas those who have worked through the whole system and journeyed ahead of these to become a law unto themselves is called a Mahana. Individuals idea of 'Daksha' and 'Mahana' is relative to one's development of the concept of 'Satyam-Shivam-Sundaram.' For example, Tagore's idea of these two concepts should be way above any common man's and many perceive Tagore as a 'Mahana' Artist in the realm of literature. This concept of Satyam-Shivam-Sundaram, a kind of Value Theory is the cornerstone of Indian Aesthetics "" ______________ ...... _________________.....___________________

Incidentally , Krishnamurti died as a popper and his collaborator while seeking poverty became rich , DB. Essentially KM became a failure in his own mold , ....... unfinished agenda ??? .3 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Different people have different interpretations of Om. Preaching the virtue of "poverty" appears to be a pretense for a person like Jiddu Krishnamoorthy who owned valuable real estate and seemingly unlimited supply of money, to make more of what he already possessed! 3 days ago Like 1 Follow Peter Peter Stutz That is not what he said ! in order to understand such we need to turn inside of ourself ! Poverty is the greatest wealth ! That means that Poverty has the greatest loving heart of all ! why do we judge what we dont understand ? maybe because we became wealthy !! ? 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Like Krishna was to Kamsa , KM was to Hinduism .... but unfortunately for his molders , Mind danced over the Matter and the episode became .....yet another ' Kalinga Narthanam ' .........................concept of " Satyam-Shivam-Sundaram " prevails ........................... .3 days ago

Follow Peter Peter Stutz Karthi Ask yourself how many souls have we brought from dark to Light per day living ? how do we compare with any of such great impacts ! in the end its all about the doings and deeds of one and only the one ! if it would be for us to judge we be gods and thats scarry ! 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Peter It is the headache ( sorry , duty :) ) for the Real Gurus to worry about lifting the Soul of their ' True Shisyas ' and in turn their Own . First and foremost for any being is then " Who am I " in ..........the context of being a ' Shisya ' !!! KM , .. assumed / presumed that he is all knowing and questioned the concept of GURU ?? The intend is clear and hence .. .....yet another ' Kalinga Narthanam ' Om Santhi , santhi . santhi Shanthi OM ! .3 days ago 1 davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Dear Mohanakrishna, I am very sorry, take it positively. Indian philosophy is like that. And entire Indian History + literature gives us the clues, to decipher all that one needs ..... . In your own words Om Tada Satyam, meaning OM is always about the truth, Or we can take it that The philosophy of Om is about the truth of the existence of life. Also it can be taken as the tatvam of om is truth, here om means Shiva who is the life giver and taker. 3 days ago Like

davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Dear Peter, A learned person like you becoming desperate is never expected. Try and try one day you can change a lot your self and have the capacity to change others also. It is the ignorance that makes one feel that oneself is in dark or we are ignorant of how to make them think positively and come out that darkness of ignorance. 3 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Davuloori Saab: The exact wording in Devnagari script is , It is not "Om Tada Satyam", where the meaning is entirely contorted. "Interpretation" does not mean "invention" of what was not written. The words figure prominently in some pre Vedantic Brahmanas, But it gained its popularity thorough Bhagavat Geeta, Chapter 17 Verse 23, the translation of which (Without any "between the line additions") is From the beginning of creation, the three syllables--om tat sat--have been used to indicate the Supreme Absolute Truth [Brahman]. They were uttered by brahmanas while chanting Vedic hymns and during sacrifices, for the satisfaction of the Supreme. Though the origin of the Phrase was in a ritualistic context, it acquired Vedantic shade much later. Wherever the phrase is quoted, it is quoted in Vedantic context, which recognizes only the Nirguna (Or Sampoorna Guna) Brahman, who can be addressed by any name you want like Shiva, Narayana etc. Vedanta does not believe in "Creator". It says that the Universe is or is part of Brahman, which has no beginning or no end. Your own interpretations are welcome as long as you explicitly state so. By the what has this got to do with the topic under discussion? 3 days ago Like Follow Narendra Narendra Nath Mohan some 10 hours back commented adversely on Judu Krishnamurthi 's ' immense wealth'. He never used it for his self needs. It today runs Krishnamurti Foundation Internationally, including 3/4 schools/colleges in India, including one at Rajghat, Varanasi. Any one having any doubts about J. Krishnamurti may please contact <> who is Secretary at Rajghat, Varanasi establishment. 3 days ago Like

Follow Arun Arun Sharma Jayendra that were a set of wise postings which I enjoyed reading. Gauthama Buddha was talking to a crowd of his admirers and a mischevous person in the audience wanted to test Buddha. He caught a small flying bug from the air and asked Buddha "What do I have in my hand? Is it alive or dead? Buddha kept quiet and did not answer for some time. The bug was perhaps biting the mischief's closed palm, and the man became restl ess and asked again." Answer me quickly. Is it dead or alive in my hand?" Now Buddha said "It is up to you!" If he answered that it is alive, the man could crush and show a dead bug proving Buddha wrong. If he said it is dead, he could have opened his palm and let the bug fly away alive proving Buddha wrong. Similarly, it is all up to each one of us to see the purpose of our life in this world. If you see this world as a place of misery, we can have it that way as long as we live complaining about anything and everything. If we say that it is a place full of opportunities, we can keep trying to use every moment of our life to learn and progress a little more at every minute of our life. We can keep imagining a place called hell and heaven and keep working for what we love to do or be unmindful of what our life is going to bring us If we consider this life as a trap, we can keep seeking the way to get out of this cycle of birth and death. We can lead our present life in a manner that it promotes others lives. 3 days ago Like 1 davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar I am sorry again Mohankrishanan, neither you understand the logic nor any reasoning, it is not the dictionary meaning alone the way it is constructed. That's why I said Indian philosophy is different, to understand it one needs to know the usage of the words and their synonyms better. The digging out the meaning of the philosophy and making a meaning for the purpose of life continuation is called as killing the Hiranyakshar ( the fellow who took entire philosophy and made demeaning and life miserable on this earth) and making the earth fertile, meaning again giving a new direction and better life for the humans. And churning it in the mind using the brain over the consciousness and giving the gist of it and making others happy. For your all others kind information OM is the word that is used for the one which vibrates or makes one move into resonance, that gives the life or all the characteristics are all associated to that, that is presently nothing but the light and so is the sound. When the light energy associated with sound makes the all the things in this universe. 3 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Arun Sharmaji nice comments, for good example. for the same reason Karna got punishment from his Guru, in Mahabharata, which changed entire picture of Karana, who lost all his wisdom of weaponry at the nick of time while he is supposed show his prowess in the battle field. This is the punishment given to him for his jealousy, ego and arrogance, but other wise was very good person at

heart. 3 days ago Like Follow Dr Surinder Kumar Dr Surinder Kumar Sharma Chiranjeevi, I am following up this discussion for a few weeks. I could not see any emerging clarity or consensus. I believe, after 3 months and >2000 comments, you might have got some new insight. It will be a great deed if you sum up your understanding, on the answers to the questions you raised. 3 days ago Like Follow Candrasekhar Chandrasekhar Lakshmanan What is the purpose of life on earth? To discover the laws and principles affecting the life on earth, to evolve, to elevate to a higher mental plane as human beings. Living things on earth have their own limitations though. Nothing happens on earth in a whimsical manner. Why does the Universe exist? Creation and evolution are part of a continuous cosmic process and the species initially created are required to multiply and graduate to higher forms of life through progressive evolution. Energy or Matter cannot be created or destroyed as they are eternal and can only change form. Till date, Humans have so far known only to convert Matter to Energy and is yet to know the reversal of the process by which Energy can be converted into Matter. The quantum of Energy and Matter in the Universe is always constant and unalterable and by no stretch of imagination, they can either increase or decrease. This infallible truth in regard to eternal life energy is intangible. This is laid down in verses 11 to 30 of Srimad Bhagwad Gita, and the Upanishads. (E=mc2) Does anyone or anything else knows about our existence in the Universe? Yes. It cannot be denied that those who have highly developed Extra Sensory Preception (ESP) have the ability to acquire information which is shielded from the ordinary senses. Any student of parapsychology will tell us that telepathy and clairvoyance allows the mind to acquire knowledge and information by means other than normal perceptual processes. Also, Precognition, Psychokinesis along with Telepathy and Clairvoyance helps to acquire information and interact with creatures outside the solar system. This is reiterated in the Mahabharata and Upanishads. To sum up, those living things who have highly developed receptor neurons in their bodies will have the ability to use the exteroceptors and interoceptors that respond to stimuli in the external and internal environment to their body. This raises their consciousness and leads to apperception. Medical science also states that it because we human beings have not fully known or have not yet fully discovered how the human mind works and therefore, not all the parts of the human mind is fully utilised, the flow of

information from the universe and other creatures found in the universe is limited and this has resulted in mankind's ignorance and we to continue brand our ignorance about the Universe as "Unknown" or "Mysterious". To be ignorant of one's ignorance is the greatest malady of ignorance, which has affected Mankind in its quest for understanding their own bodies and also the Universe. 3 days ago Like 2 Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R davuloori bheemeswar: I have no objection to "interpretation" as such. Just show the source of the interpretation-yourself, some guru or some Shaman, it does not matter. Writing as if what you say is actually in the text of what you quote is a deliberate attempt to mislead. I consider it nothing short of intellectual dishonesty. I consider the persons who wrote what you quote as far greater beings than you or me. The final authority on any interpretation is the author. As most authors are dead perhaps other writings of the same author may be referred to or you can go by other writings on similar subject by other contemporary authors. Beyond that whatever you say is just your own yarn. There are specific rules in quoting Hindu scriptures, any violation of which de-links what you say from the source you claim. In Sanskrit exact "synonyms" are quite few. The language ensures that most of its vocabulary consists of words with their own specific meanings. You always write as if that your "understanding" is better or more mature than that of others. I find most of your "understanding" to be nothing more than your own thatch you weave. 3 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Dr. Sudhir, that is a more difficult task than answering these three questions :-) To be honest the discussions many times go above my head but it does not mean that they are not relevant to the above questions. I experience levels of consciousness and levels of understanding in these deliberations here. Sometimes I catch the wave length sometimes it alludes me. I have couple of times provided summaries of discussions based on my understanding. Without getting into the danger of contradicting myself, I would only say that there have been many streams of arguments and at a time one or two get deeply probed and then the discussion switches to the others. There is also sometimes some comments aimed more at fun. God, religion, philosophy, science everything got covered here. Some believe that God exists and hence there must be a purpose to life. Some say God is a concept and part of human's evolution just as life and science are. These are the two broad answers I guess we find in all these discussions. 3 days ago Like

Follow Dhrubo Dhrubo Mukherjee Why milk, which called a liquid of life, is sold on credit by our milkman. On the other hand, Alcohol is sold on cash, no credit? Recommend, we do not think so much, as we may become Gautam Buddha. Some times I wonder, what religion is followed by Mr. Carlos Slim or Mr.Bill Gates, I guess, just plain and simple "be good, and do good ?" 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Knowing or Not knowing or Ignorance or All knowing or ..Avidya or.......> ( Interesting article/paper ) IS PERCEPTION A PROPOSITIONAL ATTITUDE? "" Abstract : It is widely agreed that perceptual experience is a form of intentionality, i.e., that it has representational content. Many philosophers take this to mean that like belief, experience can be true or false. I accept that perceptual experience has intentionality; but I dispute the claim that it has propositional content. This claim does not follow from the fact that experience is intentional, nor does it follow from the fact that experiences are accurate or inaccurate. I end by considering the relationship between this question and the question of whether experience has non-conceptual content "" and link it with ' DKIW ' model and related ideas / concepts Maya engulfs Vidya and when the mind deciphers Karmic Code .....> ..... Vidya Blossoms Discover IT :) .3 days ago Follow Sukhmeet

Sukhmeet Channey 'Who' is asking this Question, has to be identified first. 3 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Who is asking the question is not the criteria, how good one is at the interpretation and arriving at some reasonable and logical conclusions which may make some sense. We are all learned one way or other must be having some wisdom. Utilize it properly for that there is no need of quoting the Guru's or books, all the Indian Philosophy is well known and there are so many authors for the same work, each one contributing one way or other and showing their prowess and creativity. More over a lot of authors trying to popularize this philosophy made it easier in prose form or cartoon form or folk songs etc. It also be noted that from the type of question one can arrive at what sort of mindset they have. The main question for which there are so many variations and I am happy to note all the comments are good. Actually it is brain storming question and has also generated a lot of peripheral questions. To my knowledge every body's life's sole purpose is to live happily. with what we have either knowledge wise or otherwise. Along with other human beings in harmony and trying to maintain serenity. 3 days ago Like KesavaUnfollow Kesava Somayajula Who is asking the question in fact is the most important Davuloori Sir. If we don't have what we have that asks the question "what is the purpose", what else can ask the question? In fact, what else can perceive and understand anything in the universe at at all? Understanding what is in us that is asking the question is the only thing to understand in fact. Rest of the stuff originates from that. 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Budding Fish .....> 'The Scale of the Universe,' by Two Teenage Brothers "" "My seventh grade science teacher showed us a size comparison video on cells, and I thought it was fascinating. I decided to make my own interactive version that included a much larger range of sizes," said Cary in an email forwarded by his mother. "It was not a school project -- just for fun. However, my science teacher loved it so much she showed [it] to the class! My brother, Michael, helped me put it on the internet.......................................................................................

Asked if he thought there was a lesson to be learned from the project, Cary wrote, "I would like to say that humankind is a very small part of the universe we live in. There could be so much more out there, but we just don't know it yet." '' Who is Who listing matters anyway :) .2 days ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada :-) Kesava you are right. The question could also be put as why am I interested in this topic? There can be hundreds of different answers. We are like vessels, filled to different capacities and also filled with different substances. Unless we are some solid rock or sand everyone can see one's reflection in the other. Sometimes the image may be blurred, sometimes it may be very clear. This forum is one mirror where we see our selves and reflect back. This question has been raised and answered many times in terms of why these questions? Karthik has very nicely answered this question above. 2 days ago Like Follow Kumar Kumar Lakshmipathy Survival 2 days ago Like Follow Kumar Kumar Lakshmipathy Existence 2 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar So far good, some these questions can be asked one by self, probably some thing

would have come out in the form of self realization. 2 days ago Like Follow Pramod Pramod N G 1) Realizing our Original Character(which is unique to us) & its strength and working towards its manifestation to full scale is the PURPOSE of human life. 2) Although many claim/guess why the Universe exist,Only GOD will really know y it exists. 3) Obviously GOD knows about this creation and he is the creator. 2 days ago Like Follow Avdhesh Avdhesh Shukla Hello, Though all these question have a bearing on every mind which takes a journey towards conciousness. And it might come from a frustrated or betryed heart as well...since during these times one starts to think all these relatively more important things. Anyways my answer is: Purpose- To live every moment conciously (Its difficult but can be achieved with practice) Existence of Universe: I would see it as if Its the existence of God... Third Question: The answer is.....why are you bothered about others, think about yourself if you know and have realized the existence then it exist and if you have not then it does not. I tried to answer you as best as possible but I recommend you to read The Holy Geeta, Ashtavakr Geeta (Ashtavakr Samhita) and Upnishadas for better understanding. 2 days ago Like Follow Sandeep Sandeep Manudhane Thousands of years ago, some humans realised, as some in each generation before and after that also must have, that this Universe is ultimately nothing more than primal energy spread throughout. Mass or matter as we see, is a temporary construction, that comes out of energy and goes back to energy form. Einstein too discovered that later. People who visit funerals often feel this first-hand - the utter senseless of material pursuits of mankind, the utter futility of it all. This primal energy form is what Hindus called the "Shiv" form. It is present throughout, knows everything, and we all are a part of that energy stream itself. Due to our extremely limited brains which create extremely limited minds, we start approximating everything to suit our limited perceptional faculty. If we did not do that, life would become too difficult, perhaps impossible. So, we create a concept of time that suits us, a concept of work, job, life, family etc.

that suits a modern evolving life. Remember that although the universe does not stop us from doing that, it gives us no special credit for doing so. The universe has nothing to do with our reasoning. It is flowing smoothly since ever, for perhaps ever. Our presence is for a split second, and will go unnoticed no matter what we do or achieve! Three important things: 1) If we realise that we are part of this Universe itself and not separate from it, a tremendous sense of responsibility and peace can be slowly achieved; 2) If we realise that all religions fundamentally talk of the same omnipresent Lord, world peace can be imagined, and 3) If we accept that our minds are extremely limited, create illusions constantly to suit our modern way of life, and fool us into believing simplistic versions of reality, then we can begin to develop our higher and deeper aesthetic and spiritual selves. And all this need not be done by resigning from active lives. It does not need wearing a sadhu's dress, nor does it call for retiring to the hills and forests. That's the beauty of human minds - always fooling, always ready to learn :) 2 days ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Good One . ...I.....( O>I<O )..I..( o>I<o )..I..( O>I<O ).....I.....( O>I<O )..I..( o>I<o )..I..( O>I<O ).....I... .2 days ago Follow bps bps consultants It is said, average life of a person is 100 years, for the first half you spend serving your parents and the balance 50 years you spend serving your childern and grand childern. Every one knows about me, except myself, if I am poor they feel pity about my deficencies, if I am rich they are zealour about my manipulations. 2 days ago Like

Follow Avdhesh Avdhesh Shukla @Sandeep Sir: Enlightening elaboration... just loved it. I am still in love with your elaborations and oratory skills which I fell into during my PT Indore days. Thanks Avdhesh 2 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Yes Sandeep, it is only reinvention of the wheel; with English as media of communication. some where the translations went wrong and so main meanings have demeaning effect, the society which ethically and morally together now down graded entire spirituality has gone to dogs. 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Swarnat Vijaya Vidmahe Sula Hastaya Dhimahi Tanno Kala Bhairavaya Prachodayat .2 days ago davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Very good reverse word poem of Om bhurbhuvah. But thanks for the citation Karthy, which is need of the hour. 1 day ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz The perfection is within and always was within the beholder of the eyes and body! Nothing has been going to dogs as we are now just challenged even more! Our own mind has failed, too are self discipline, many times! We can think the entire day of food and drink But we last and lack often 5 minutes of concentration of spiritual Divine just coming out of the Temple ! 1 day ago Like

Follow Raj Raj Tarani Purpose of life on earth is to be happy and make others happy. 1 day ago Like Follow Saurab Saurab Pandey Purpose of life is to live and to live lively. The universe exist because it is there as a core existence and existence can never be defined or may be the total existence can not be defined by a part of it. 1 day ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Yes dear Raj and Saurab, then only peace, harmony ans serenity shall come into life of humans whose brains went out of gear with out any mind and heart for others, and became individuals, and lost their own identity as humans. Dear Peter, it is fear of tomorrow makes and the emotional feelings with in the family and outside family makes the life miserable, then how one can concentrate. It is all due to ignorance that makes all these. Humans are social animals, if that culture is lost, dependency is lost so is the faith and trust in one self and on others. Divinity comes in-between the temples of humans, through self realization due to wisdom, if that wisdom is lost there is no divinity. Here gone with the winds or currents does not help, one should have will power, should be able to distinguish and judge well what they hear and read, should be able to concentrate only to move forward with positive attitude of let what ever it may be, then with patience and perseverance and lastly working hard shall make one successful in realizing the self. All these five essential qualities are required for all the humans along with determination power behind it. Try and try one day one can achieve success. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Parasitic Fish ....> Turning minds Out of Gear "" How Your Cat Is Making You Crazy Jaroslav Flegr is no kook. And yet, for years, he suspected his mind had been taken over by parasites that had invaded his brain. So the prolific biologist took his science-fiction hunch into the lab. What hes now

discovering will startle you. Could tiny organisms carried by house cats be creeping into our brains, causing everything from car wrecks to schizophrenia? ..."" .1 day ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Hello Saurab, I resonate with "the total existence can not be defined by a part of it." So true whatever we understand is with our own limitations of brain and five senses, may be sixth sense also has a limitation :-) Karthik, now don't make us schizophrenics :-) Raj, unfortunately many make themselves happy at the cost of others' unhappiness. I am not so sure whether being happy should be the purpose of life, if it is then at least half the people have lost their purpose in life or the other way round. To me happiness, sadness all the nesses are part of life and they come and go on your way to reach your purpose, which sometimes one discovers or takes from someone. 1 day ago Like Follow Chandrasekhar Chandrasekhar Lakshmanan I would like to continue from my earlier comment in this tread. The initial answers were given to the three queries put forth by the queriest. The question is how are we to find an answer to the basic question in regard to the source and origin of life on earth. Whether it was Creation or Evolution? Some answers can be got after we lay our hands in the authentic translations of Indian scriptures such as Upanishads and later on the Bhagwad Gita or even the Bibical Account of Genesis on the process of Creation. The scientific community has tried their best to find out the veracity of these statements. Most of the time, the events of the Universe follow from natural laws. But every now and then, things happen not contrary to those laws of nature but outside them. Things happen which could just as easily have happened differently. This is where we find answers in our scriptures where we say there is a SUPREME POWER that is beyond the human senses that controls the Universe and its activity. (If we take the help of Bhagwad Gita, Lord Krishna gives the answer to Mankind when he speaks about his Vishwarupa. Neither scientist nor religious scholar has been able to corroborate and verify this aspect of the vastness of Universe)

One of the things that makes the world livable is the fact that the laws of nature are precise and reliable, and always work the same way. Our human bodies are livable not because they defy laws of nature, but precisely because they obey them. Natural disasters are not "acts of God" as we lawyers state in contracts. It is in fact, an act of Nature. There as some natural laws which we human beings do not understand that are at work. It is the result of the laws of nature and not the cause that makes our experience meaningful and for some others empty and destructive. For example, two of the most painful moments for a human being is 'giving birth' by a woman and the other is passing of a kidney stone. While the woman giving birth to her offspring treats the labour pain as creative pain which she has driven her body to reach a goal; it transcends her pain and contemplates repeating that experience, the other pain of passing a kidney stone is natural malfunction in our body and this pain is the price the human being pays for being alive. No person would like to have another experience of this pain. I give another example- We might wish for a longer life or a happier one, but how could any of us endure a life that went on forever? For many of us, we will come to a point where death will be the only healer for the pain which our lives will have come to entertain and contain. Mortality in general, is good for people in general. But do not dare try to do that by trying to tell someone who has lost a near and dear one that death is good. It would be cruel and thoughtless. All we can say to someone at a time like that is that vulnerability to death is one of the given conditions of life. Hence the purpose of the Universe and life on earth is a big question ....... the answer lies within one own self.............because words will not suffice to express what the human mind contemplates considering the vastness within and around its body. An aimless life is always a miserable life. Every one of us should have an aim; but let us not forget that on the quality of our aim, will depend the quality of our life on earth. The great use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it. It is thought, and thought alone, that divides the Right from the Wrong. It is thought, and thought only, that elevates or degrades human deeds and desires. By nature all human beings are alike, but , by education and experiences in life, and our reaction to education and experiences / application to life, they become different. A human being cannot cling to anything unless (s)he believes in it; belief always precedes action, therefore a man's deeds and life are the fruits of his/her belief. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .That is really splendid . Natural Laws obey nothing and no one knows about IT and then why have Aim in Life :)

.1 day ago Follow Chandrasekhar Chandrasekhar Lakshmanan @ KarthikeyanThe answers to why Natural laws obey nothing and the reason why no man knows it? - is given by Lord Krishna in Chapter 10 of the Bhagwad Gita. ( Kindly refer verse 10.16, 10.19 and 10.32 and 10.39 to 10.43 in particular). As regards the need to have aim in life? - please refer Chapter 3 of the same text. Thanks. :)) 1 day ago Like Follow Raman aman . Well such a question like this was expected to touch on spirituality and religion. But if you really want to know the reason, you have to search within you, and not outside. Once you start to hear the silence your questions would be answered. And to hear the silence you have to focus on your existence and not materialistic existence. once you feel the breath moving inside your body parts, you would have all the answers and you would in fact tell others the answers. An even simple answer for you is, once you start to be selfless, you can see lot more than others. 23 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Chandrasekhar , This is my ( narrow ) view on Gita and many others contribution in the thread follow suit . .1.) One liner .* every being sees & experiences, What it is supposed to see & experience in that life *. .2.) .......... That is beauty of a philosophical treatise ........ . We can read , reread ,... debate N number of times and still each individual can draw his likes / dislikes of

characters portrayed ............still never get tired off IT !! Discover IT :) ..... others,_____________________________________________________________ .O1. Questionout of so many human beings who are suffering, there are a few who are actually inquiring about their position, as to what they are, why they are put into this awkward position and so on. Unless one is awakened to this position of questioning his suffering, unless he realizes that he doesn't want suffering but rather wants to make a solution to all suffering, then one is not to be considered a perfect human being. Humanity begins when this sort of inquiry is awakened in one's mind. In the Brahma-sutra this inquiry is called brahma jijnasa. Athato brahma jijnasa. Every activity of the human being is to be considered a failure unless he inquires about the nature of the Absolute Truth. .O2. I am not too good with philosophy but I thought Bhagavad Gita is all about that: " Philosophy in practice." Today we use some of the philosophy without knowing the real meaning behind it. For instance we do our job and not bother about the consequences. Unfortunately though this seems to be something similar to what the Gita says like don't worry about the results...somewhere I think there is a little difference. .O3. and as for Gita preaching kartas to act without worrying about result,it was only for the doubting Thomases,and as Arjuna was one--he was told to do his duty as a self respecting warrior,to uphold truth and justice ,and exterminate evil--but his doubt was whether it was worth it,whether it was really right on his part to kill so many of his own ilk .O4. "" In the Gita, Krishna says "Hato va Praapyasi swargam, jito va praapyasi mahim". I have always wondered how this sentence has had two opposite effects on people of different psyche. For Hindus it was all about the neccessity of killing in a just battle. DharmaYuddha For some others it became a call for cruel killings in jihad, where people kill for the hoors either of heavenly or earthly variety! For the Taliban use the verisame battle doctrine! But see where it has taken them...only to ignominy"" .O5. In fact Gita's origin owes to a practical question of whether to kill my brother to get my kingdom

.21 hours ago Follow Ashish Ashish Bhasin This Question haunts most of us and seen lot of answers citing Gita or other religious books including Koran/Bible where answer is written in cryptic language. Our forefathers have been trying to solve this mystery without any answers but with advise. My 2 cents -->Purpose of Life is nothing. Living beings are nothing but form of energy; it is made of 5 substances which get converted into other forms. This energy is being controlled by creator. Creator shows us that I control you and I am supreme but shows you path when required. --> Universe doesnt exist. Its created by imagination of Human being. Why worry about things which we dont control? We have tendency to revolve our life in 5 W (Why what when whom where ) and 1 H (how). We never actually appreciate the surroundings which give us support to flourish. We are always on hunt to kill and show our supremacy to others. Does anyone exist or not it should not matter to us? Only thing that matter is in the stage of life, I perform my duties and ensure that I help others to get on stage and deliver their responsibility. A time would come when I exit from the stage with pride and transform myself into other form. /Cheers, Ashish 20 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ." forefathers left .....but with advise " ...........beautiful statement ! .20 hours ago davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Yes Ashish, nice one. to that five elements add five bhoothas, five prethas, five gunas and five ganas. All these five pentagolets controlling our brain and so thinking and making humans useless under the emotional feelings and also hindering our progress as humans. It does not matter one needs a good reasoning and logic to understand all these and also good education to decipher all the knowledge available. Finally it comes to one thing one should live with certain principles and stand as an example to others then the rest follow, for that one has to struggle a lot in the life from other ignorant humans, what ever be

their position or educational level. That's the order of the life of humans. A lot followed Buddha, Jesus, Mohammad and so on. Unfortunately or fortunately all these spiritual leaders are from Asian countries. Probably due to sun rises in the east, so also the son also rises in the east or middle east. 13 hours ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Four distinct types of selves are quite evident,and so too even on this limited forum,as could be judged from comments. 1.the physical self,focussed on the empty superficial,superflous,and the senseless,and concerned more with something for the sake of it,or for statistical superiority,and sharing irrelevant stuff,often,and creating more noise than signal,blaming without base 2.thinking self,more analytical and reasoning,and logical,but missing thecore,and more often lacking in essential knowledge,as wisdom,but very argumentative ,and commenting more on others,than correcting self 3.the existential self,more philosophical and wise and tending to watch and observe and learn from practical wisdom,rather than making much noise or even sensible comments,as signal,and quite reticent and frugal in comments 4.the spiritual self,whick seeks to get to the core and essence ,and may span all the above ,as situation demands,but focussed more on the roots and quintessence based both on learning,searching ,sharing and practicing. Their purposes evidently vary,as the case may be,and is also sometimes clear on this forum. The first and last categories are far and few,and the majority belong to the second and third categories,a subject of inquiry and thought by philosophers like Descartes and Heidegger[from more ancient to more recent] All the four types are differently described in our ancient texts too 11 hours ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Karthik...good effort to cull out the comments on Gita and put them together in one place. Prof, just trying to extend your idea, suppose we take this forum as mini earth, each of us come to it with different purposes and bring different experiences. May be our experiences are like our karmas, which we are not able to overcome. Our karmas clash with those of the others and we create a world full of conflict. Now, is this the purpose for which we have come here. Absolutely not. We came here perhaps to meet others, enjoy ourselves, share what we believe in and help others through our experiences. But many times we forget the original purpose and tend to flow with life. Like Karthik says we have all sorts of fish. Our world view depends on which fish we like and which fish we pick. Rather than we hooking the fish, the fish hook us here. Reverse mentoring in life :-) 11 hours ago Like

Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R There is a fifth distinct type, which seem to display little knowledge of whatsoever it is talking about, be it Physics or Philosophy, often misquoting everything, is not bold enough to own its own comments and try to fudge everything in the name of "creativity" and "personal experience"-A tentative argumentative type which will lead you nowhere through its verbosity and jingoism! 10 hours ago Like 1 Follow Chandrasekhar Chandrasekhar Lakshmanan @ Chiranjeevi- Refering to your above post. Please find some of these "gems"from Mahabharata epic for this discussion thread: 1. No virtuous man is strong enough to live in virtue at all times, nor is any sinner bad enough to exist in one welter of sin. Life is a tangled web and there is no one in the world who had not done both good and bad. 2. Our best wisdom is vain against fate, and if destiny is kind, our own follies turn to our advantage. Human plans, therefore require divine sanction. 3. When calamities are imminent, the first thing to be destroyed is judgement. 4. Kunti tells Lord Krishna after the war- "You dwell inside and outside all beings. Invisible and Imperishable as You are. You cannot be seen by a person of perverted vision. May calamities befall us for it is in adversity alone that we can think of You, who is the wealth of those who have no sense of possession. None can know what You intend doing when You act like a man. Your prowess is Infinte". 5. By perpetuating the sense of ego within self, human beings would continue to experience indefinitely the illusion of seperateness that exists between human beings and between the individual and the Universe. It is tragic that these limitations are not self existent but they are self imposed by human beings. 6. It is the law of Nature that a person constantly remembers the object the person loves most. Our dilemma is that we human beings always try to find a solution to its problems, but this Universe is so designed that these solutions never come. (Bhishma to Pandavas after the war) 7. God is a circle where the centre is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere. "However mankind approach Me even so I greet them as Mine own: for all the paths mankind take from any side are Mine, verily Mine" (Krishna to Arjuna). 8. It is the human mind that can make or mar that human's destiny.(Krishna to Arjuna) 9. If a person forsakes a certainity and depends upon the uncertainity, that person will lose both the certainity and the uncertainity.

9 hours ago Like Follow Floy Floy Scott First, we need to know and understand who we are as individuals......... then understand and appreciate the world. As individuals our pathways are set differently where we cross at a point. We can listen, read and learn from different mediums but our journey through life is only complete when we exit. So is our purpose really being fulfill at the end, do we ever realize our true purpose as we travel this journey? We all play different roles............. 9 hours ago Like Follow sunny sunny bhojwani Proverbs 23:17

Let not thine heart envy sinners: but be thou in the fear of the LORD all the day long.

The world exalts and promotes sinners. Movie stars, athletes, performing artists, business tycoons, royalty, politicians, and other rich and famous sinners are pushed at you every day. Solomon, with wise parental love, warned his son against envying worldly sinners (24:1,19). He knew the fear of God instead should be his only ambition (Eccl 12:13-14). Every generation, of every nation, has had heroes and stars; but only recently can the images and words of these popular sinners be thrown at you all the time. If this warning was important in Solomons day, it is more important today. These sinners are all going down, and every saint must fully believe it and live like it (23:18; Ps 37:1-3). There are 10,000 sinners to envy, for every saint to emulate. Every age, both male and female, and all temperaments, finds certain sinners to be temptations. They imagine how wonderful life could be, if they had the abilities, looks, success, spouse, or circumstances of their idol. He might be a product of Hollywood; she might be a classmate or neighbor. The fear of the Lord is far better. Every sinner, no matter how rich or famous, will die and go to hell (Ps 49:6-20). So fearing the Lord is mans whole duty (Ec 12:13-14). With Gods blessing and favor, even obscurity and poverty are better than the dysfunctional, hopeless lives and eternal suffering of the wicked (15:16; Ps 37:16). Believe it, reader!

Moses did not envy Pharaoh or his rising peers; he chose the reproach of Jesus Christ to be of much greater value, for he saw his and their eternal future (Heb 11:24-26). Asaph described in wonderful terms the wisdom of looking past the glitter to the grave (Ps 73:1-28). While Demas loved this present world, Paul loved a future world (II Tim 4:7-8,10). A morgue teaches the future of glamour girls. Yesterdays goddesses are feeding todays worms. Better yet, visit a cancer ward. Before they rot in the grave, they take on a ghastly and ghostly look! And then comes hell! Young girls envying models is one thing; adult women envying models is twice as vain! But the virtuous woman, shunning this worlds enticements to seek Christ, will live in pleasant splendor forever (23:18; I Tim 2:15). Reader! Why read magazines glamorizing them? Why see them on television? The world shows enticing features of its idols: you dont often see them drunk, divorced, depressed, dying, or dead. Why daydream about them? Your deceitful heart dwells on their seducing traits: it lies to you about their present troubles and future judgment, and you believe it! Far better it would be to envy the righteous and covet their character and reputations! Your constant thought must be to fear the Lord, which is to hate evil and keep His commandments (8:13; 14:2; Ps 112:1; 128:1). Fearing the Lord is not a mindset for devotions, for times of trouble, for prayer, for Sunday worship, or the Lords Supper it is the lifestyle, perspective, and worldview that saints follow every minute all day long. Envy for sinners cannot have even a second to get a toehold in your heart or soul! 7 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .An Elevator to meet the Celestials.....> One Society has taken building " vahanas " for the entire Human beings ............ as their Karma or Duty . ( incidentally more than 80% of US enjoy their " Karma " :) )

"" Construction firm aims at space elevator in 2050 It may be possible to travel to space in an elevator as early as 2050, a major construction company has announced. Obayashi Corp., headquartered in Tokyo, on Monday unveiled a project to build a gigantic elevator that would transport passengers to a station 36,000 kilometers above the Earth. For the envisaged project, the company would utilize carbon nanotubes, which are 20 times stronger than steel, to produce cables for the space elevator. .5 hours ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Every guy who has been successful in some walk of life is a"Sinner"! Every saint is a pauper! Fear the Lord! Fear should be "lifestyle"! All just cynical beliefs in my opinion! 4 hours ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .There are ' all sorts of Fish ' and Cynical Fish .........> Philosophy ' Cynicism ' is one of the most striking of all the philosophies. It offered people the possibility of happiness and freedom from suffering in an age of uncertainty. Although there was never an official Cynic doctrine, the fundamental principles of Cynicism can be summarised as follows: .1. The goal of life is happiness which is to live in agreement with Nature. .2. Happiness depends on being self-sufficient, and a master of mental attitude. .3. Self-sufficiency is achieved by living a life of Arete. .4. The road to arete is to free oneself from any influence such as wealth, fame, or power, which have no value in Nature. .5. Suffering is caused by false judgments of value, which cause negative emotions and a vicious character. .4 hours ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Good ones Chandrasekhar. Very useful for this thread. I especially liked what Kunti says to Krishna that he is the " wealth of those who have no sense of possession." I can't fathom the

depth of this sentence. I would like to differ with one statement i.e of Bhshma that is the world is made so that there are no solutions. May be it is meant at a very different level. But I have always believed that even before a problem is born the solution is already there. It is just that we need to discover it. I have immensely enjoyed these quotations. Thank you. 4 hours ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Karthik...big bouncer :-) 4 hours ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada I like the space elevator concept. Safer than spaceships. Unfortunately 2050 is too far. 3 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Chiranjeevi , Thanks. Basically we should admire their ' Karma / Duty ' to keep coming out with new Vision or new Products to serve the rest of the Humanity and in turn their own Survival / Profits . Pretty much a clear Purpose :) .3 hours ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R karthikeyan arumugathandavan: Do not try to elevate cynicism to the level of Philosophy. Have we ever heard of "cynical" faiths? Cynicism in my opinion is an attempt not to harmonize ourselves with nature. It is advocating "dependence" arising out of fear of something for selling adherence to the ideas of some individuals. Peddlers of such faith better be insurance agents! 3 hours ago Like

Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada See that is the thing.....people are creating purposes, not searching for purpose or bothered to check whether this is the purpose. 3 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Mohanakrishnan I am worried, in case I have stolen your property ' Cynicism ' :) .2 hours ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Karthikeyan, "cut and paste ism" is another form of "cynicism", where you are cynical of your own original intelligence! Chiranjeevi Tallapragada: If you are sure of your "purpose" you should not be bothered about the "purpose" of others. I genuinely see no purpose in anybody warning me in the name of GOD to sell Jesus and Moses! 2 hours ago Like Follow Robert Robert Sessler Going back to the discussion title. Just one of those questions at a time is hard enough, thanks. 1 hour ago Like Follow Akashdeep Akashdeep Kaushal If the answer is "there is a purpose", then it is faith or religion which asks us to believe in something greater than us. If there answer is "there is no purpose", then it is nihilism. We work between these two extremes. But there are no exact rights or wrongs. About if anybody else knows about it, there is a higher probability of having another planet with life than either of the planet's organisms know about each other's existence. If a be a probability that another planet

like us exists, b is the probability that they are conscious about existence of another planet or searching for it, c is the probability that they have the technological advancement to create some kind of transmitter, d be the probability that the signal reaches us, e be the probability that we are able to receive it, f is the probability that we are comprehend it. The resulting probability of finding each other is much less compared to the probability of existence of another planet with life. 1 hour ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Mohanakrishnan " where you are cynical of your own original intelligence! " That is what I said long back ( Original ) ...............................Soul <=> Mind , ....................laughs at one's own :) .1 hour ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Mohan sir, when we talk about Gita or Upanishads or anything that we call as scriptures, we are not trying to promote Hindu religion. If I belong to some other religion obviously I refer to my own scriptures. As long as I am sure about my purpose of being here, I need not be disturbed by others' purposes of being here. You are one of the best authorities when it comes to our scriptures. I know everyone here values you for that and are learning something or the other. I guess we need to do more of what we are good at. karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Communication Fish ....> "" Communication is actually a Game of Translation..... ? " Chris Bliss: Comedy is translation Every act of communication is, in some way, an act of translation. Onstage at TEDxRainier, writer Chris Bliss thinks hard about the way that great comedy can translate deep truths for a mass audience....."" ..more ...> .5 days ago

Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar If you tell a person without nose,and who breathes thru some hole in his head,that the rose smells,he will definitely not believe,since he has no knowledge or experience as such,and will tell that he who tells the rose smells is leading people astray and telling lies or concocted stories for that. Such people ,who really,know the will pity the `man with a hole in his head` for that or treat him well ,if given the chance. But the greater pity is that the hole headed ones believe that they are right,all the time. What purpose it serves,when we have quite a few of them around,alas,perhaps stop our communication 5 days ago Like 1 Follow Robert Robert Sessler @Prof. Suresh. Is there anything at all we can KNOW for certain? Herein is the power and importance of faith. More a pity not to have faith and not communicate and remain ignorant. Despite the lying, cheating and stealing we see around us each day which should turn all of us into cynics and disbelievers, I for one choose to believe in the honest man. 5 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .True, Some day that realization should come for anyone, at least after being bestowed with a Honorary Doctorate " F......., S........, ....... etc for their contribution !! " 5 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan

Mohanakrishnan R At least people with the hole in the head do not beleive in the holy communion between breath and fart! 5 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .:) .5 days ago Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Robert,u r right,faith is important but it should come from union of the vital breaths in one physically,which ignoramuses with their hole headedness may treat as fartish as themselves,to the wise ones. The fartish ones relish the Moorish[or imaginative-mohish] idea of paupersh spirituality while the ones who have transcended the fartishness seethe in the wealth and richness of the spirit. For one whose very breath is fartish,as for the holish ones,the holist is just a fairly tale at best or a worthless wish like their fartish souls 5 days ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar 5 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz if the answer is within you .... you will not find it out here ! if the answer is in Nature as you are you will find the reflection out there ! as all here have the same questions ........ it is a Spiral of self learning for all ! the most inner Light you will find only within yourself ! 5 days ago Like 1

Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R What sort of "enlightened" ones will preach the union of excreta with vital signs of life and to insult an ancient culture by quoting their own concoctions scriptures in support of such nonsense? Perhaps only those who treasure excreta inside their head. Peddle all drivel, but never expect all others to listen to such drivel with any sort of respect. 5 days ago Like Follow Robert Robert Sessler Hey, you guys -- Mr. Mohanankrishnan, Prof. Suresh and Mr.'re all buddies, right? Am I right? 5 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Dear Mohana do you meant say those who have in the brains center a Hol is it are holist, are they may be just saying how list. It does not matter, it is all the energy levels that one has, it is those who have energy blocks do show a lot of egoism. arrogance and never take any thing positively. Any life is for enjoyment and to be happy, but not at the cost of others. Whether one Holist or wholist it does not matter only one has to take positively. 5 days ago Like Follow Pankaj Pankaj Mall Everyone has a Different Purpose of Life, serving yourself , family and society is one of them . I wonder sometimes why people wonder so much about the existence and what would they do if they know the answer, what changes it would bring into our Life, We are aware of many things in our life still ignorant towards them ... It may be our relationship, Our contribution towards the development of the nation, Our parents, or any person who needs a helping hand, we see them and ignore them and say why me... Its not My job... However I have those experiences which ,at times cannot be completely defined by the science , everyone will decode their own purpose . 5 days ago Like Follow Robert Robert Sessler Nicely put Pankaj. 5 days ago Like

Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada You are right Pankaj. It is true that knowing the greater purpose may or may not bring change in our lives nevertheless once in a while one wonders, right. Like when you wake up you try to see what kind of a day you have ahead and what you want to do with your time. Again when you go to bed you might reflect on how the day went off, whether it was worth whatever you did during that time. While you may attend to matters that you feel important you would also like to see how others are conducting their life. Many times we think of beyond the day only when we are confronted with a major problem. Some think of it and apply the thinking through out their life. Such people actually shape the life for the rest of us. Values, philosophies, spirituality are all matters beyond the day to day fire fighting. 5 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R I did not start this in the first place and I never mentioned anybody by name. 5 days ago Like Follow Robert Robert Sessler Absolutely no offense meant to anyone!!! 5 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Karthik...nice talk by Chris. Really enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing it. He is so right, comedy travels faster than fear. We could definitely use more comedy in our communication :-) As he says there seems to be science behind comedy in communication. It does seem to make feedback more acceptable. 5 days ago Like Follow Peter

Peter Stutz Mohanakrishnan R remebember the truth lies in Chennai or in the text of the beholder / Karma ? What sort of "enlightened" ones will preach the union of excreta with vital signs of life and to insult an ancient culture by quoting their own concoctions scriptures in support of such nonsense? Perhaps only those who treasure excreta inside their head. Peddle all drivel, but never expect all others to listen to such drivel with any sort of respect. 4 days ago Like Follow Ravi Ravi Lama As per Buddhism, our bodies are impure bodies which is exposed to innumerable sufferings all throughout life irrespective of how well we think we might be doing. Buddhism talks about taking refuge until enlightenment is reached. The teaching further the merit of generosity and other virtues, may I attain Buddhahood for the sake of beings. May I become a glorious guide for beings. It says, life is precious...everything around us which breathes has life in it. Why are humans so gifted? It's so because we have knowledge and wisdom. Let's use it to make it a better planet. I concur with Ujjwal's expectancy rate in India has increased from < 40 years to > 60 plus years and will further increase owing to better living standards, nutrition and healthcare facilities. 4 days ago Like Follow Robert Robert Sessler Lovely Mr. Ravi. All cultures have beautiful, motivating and important words, thoughts and teachings with India being one of the richest repositories. Why then do we allow ourselves to be polluted by bollywood, lollywood, tollywood, hollywood, consumerism and so on and so forth? I don't get it. 4 days ago Like Follow Ravi Ravi Lama Favorable demographics, increase in disposable income, urbanization will continue to drive consumerism in India. Consumerism is good for the economy as it creates a self sustainable market even during global crisis. 4 days ago Like Follow Robert Robert Sessler I agree if we are consuming what we need. The problem I'm addressing is that these

media vehicles are designed to create needs in us we didn't even know we had so we wind up wanting what we never needed in the past but suddenly, now, need. Otherwise we won't find happiness. This type of consumerism is all tied to being happy, and if we don't buy more and more and possess more and more we won't ever be happy. Should I assume that you'd trade in a freshly squeezed orange juice or carrot juice for a glass of bitter colored water loaded with sugar because then you can feel that you're part of the in crowd, the coke crowd? I hope not and of course if you do it's not for me to judge. It's your right to purchase and drink what you will, and I'm the first to support your right to do so. But when you make a marketing choice with your hard earned roupees to buy that soft drink and not buy the orange juice from the street peddler who is feeding his family and supporting the family of the guy who sold him the oranges and down the line to the farm, you are contributing to the pollution whether you like to hear it or not. 4 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz The sinistor force's as such as Media / goverments of all kind have immense impact off/on the finding of ourselfs !! Totaly agree Robert ! 4 days ago Like 1 Follow Robert Robert Sessler Thanks, Peter. 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Communication Fish.....> Media is no doubt used to create ( creation needs destruction at / many times ) space for marketable but unwanted products ?? It is worth having glance at the research efforts to Create Cultures for the same :) ""Geographies of the Japanese Cultural Economy : Innovation and Creative Consumption " Abstract ( Nobuoka, J. 2010. Geographies of the Japanese Cultural Economy. Innovation and Creative

Consumption. ISBN 978-91-506-2140-2.) What is the role of the consumer in the contemporary cultural economy? Where are cultural economy innovations and competitiveness created? This thesis aims to provide tentative answers to these questions by focusing on some illustrative examples from the Japanese cultural economy. However, rather than primarily describing firm strategies or industrial dynamics, emphasis is put on the places and practices of users. The thesis is based on a series of qualitative studies carried out between 2007 and 2009. In these studies various forms of interaction between consumption, innovation and space are highlighted. In the first article, media mix is analyzed. Media mix is the space in which media, images and narratives interact: a space where the user contributes to the introduction of new innovation into already existing concepts, and thereby, plays a crucial role in creating the mix. In the second article, the Akihabara district in Tokyo is analyzed. This is a place where consumers enable high technology and popular culture to merge and where new trends and consumer cultures are created. In the third article, the mega event Comiket is analyzed. Comiket is a market for amateur artists involved in Japanese popular culture. It is a space where plagiarism and provocation by mainstream Japanese popular culture are driving factors for creativity. The thesis concludes by suggesting that the role of the consumer needs to be further emphasized in research on the cultural economy, as many users are active innovators, and create trends and practices that shape global consumer cultures."" .4 days ago Follow Romeo Romeo Haokip Based on our upbringings the question throws open a world of answers. According to New Testament Christianity......the purpose of existence is to do the do the will of God for the purpose He's sent us into this world. Jesus said you're not of this world, though you're in the world-meaning your values and principles will collide with the systems of this world. Its like passing through time from eternity and exiting back to eternity. So as long as we're bound by time we're to live from a place of eternal identity and being guided from eternal perspective. Jesus said, my food is to to do the will of the Father and finish it. Nothing else mattered to Him. So basically everyone has a calling and giftings from God to perform duties on earth. As for the Universe the book of Psalms says, the heavens( universe) declare the glory of God and firmaments His handiwork. As for the existence of other beings, the Bible is clear on heavenly beings of angels, Cherubims, seraphims and the Devil and his host of demons.

Just adding a Biblical point of view here. 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Thanks Romeo . If you could look back , you will appreciate Faith is always honored and taken as every Individual's Free will and later the discussion is moving towards general mundane purposes in life , ....... Survival & Growth . :) .4 days ago Follow Sreenivasa Sreenivasa Rao As per Dalai lama, the purpose of life is to be happy. 4 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Dear Romeo, thanks for the good communication, it is the same even as per the Bhaghavathgeetha or even the entire Indian philosophy is all centered about it. It also states that only those self realized souls know what for that GOD has sent them to this earth for that passage of the time, and those realized souls shall lead others towards a peaceful, harmonious and serene conditions and also enlighten them with their wisdom. Then only everybody shall be happy. That's where Buddha shown that even others spite on your face do not show any reaction, Even if one abuses and tells all the lies in front of others better is to keep quite, that one is showing only the ignorance, after everything is over just say thanks or say I never new I have such qualities for helping and guide you you have given a good reward. 4 days ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Peter Stutz,u said it and thanks one can be a new sage in this news age ,if one can transcend the maya [and mohas]while being in the midst of them,like the lotus leaf of yore

4 days ago Like Follow Jacob Jacob Devaraj The Purpose of our Existance, in this Planet Earth is for 'True Expression' of Self, that too, through the only one thing, We, Homosapiens have 'Unquestioned Control' - Our Thoughts .... Remember !!!! Thoughts are 'THINGS' 4 days ago Like Follow Ananth Ananth kumar The purpose of life is to realize your true self and to know that the driving force beneath the cosmos is nothing but you. 4 days ago Like Follow Aqj Aqj Aga LIFE-its purpose ( A partial collections of GOD's Revelations as recorded in THE Quran) [51.56] I (Allah says) created the jinn and humankind only that they might worship Me. [98.05] And they have been commanded no more than this: To worship Allah, offering Him sincere devotion, being true (in faith); to establish regular prayer; and to practise regular charity; and that is the Religion Right and Straight. [3.185] Every soul shall have a taste of death: And only on the Day of Judgment shall you be paid your full recompense. Only he who is saved far from the Fire and admitted to the Garden will have attained the object (of Life): For the life of this world is but goods and chattels of deception. [35.39] He it is that has made you inheritors in the earth: so he who disbelieves, his disbelief be on his own self. Their disbelief but adds to the odium for the unbelievers in the sight of their Lord: their rejection but adds to (their own) loss. [18.07] That which is on earth we have made but as a glittering show for the earth, in order that We may test them - as to which of them are best in conduct. [67.02] Who has created life and death that He may try you which of you is best in conduct; and He is the Mighty, the Forgiving, [25.20] And We have not sent before you any messengers but they most surely ate food and went about in the markets; and We have made some of you a trial for others; will you bear patiently? And your Lord is ever Seeing. [22.05] O people! if you are in doubt about the Resurrection, then surely We created you from dust, then from a sperm, then from a clot, then from a lump of flesh, complete in make and incomplete, that We may make clear to you; and We cause what We please to stay in the wombs till an appointed time, then We bring you forth as babies, then that you may attain your maturity; and of you is he who is caused to die, and of you is he who is brought back to the worst part of life, so that after having knowledge he does not

know anything; and you see the earth sterile land, but when We send down on it the water, it stirs and swells and brings forth of every kind a beautiful herbage. [5.03] Today have I perfected your religion for you, and have bestowed upon you the full measure of My blessings, and willed that self-surrender unto Me shall be your religion. As for him, however, who is driven [to what is forbidden] by dire necessity and not by an inclination to sinning -behold, God is much-forgiving, a dispenser of grace. If any one of you need to discuss or get more quotations from the Holy Quran please feel free to contact me at Bye A.Q.J.Aga 4 days ago Like 1 Follow Peter Peter Stutz poeple seem still to miss the puck Creation = us and Cosmic substance Creator = all the above and the Maker of all ! No limits no religion can touch the Unlimitles supplyer ! as the clue lies in the respect of all + Unlimitles Love to Create ! Ying and Yang ! 4 days ago Like Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla Yes Peter. We, mortals are so busy serving our life purpose that we are missing each other's puck. 3 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Thank you Mr. Aga for the quotations. Truly I have very little knowledge about Quran so I won't know what I could learn from Quran. May be you could let us know some quotations on human values from Quran. I am brought up as a Hindu so I am exposed to mostly Hindu way of thinking. It will not be easy for me to understand the Islamic values and thinking. So pardon me if my response is inappropriate. 3 days ago Like

Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Jacob and Ananth, though coming from two different faiths have very similar purpose i.e expression of self and discover true self. Just that the later precedes the former. 3 days ago Like Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla I am sorry Chiranjeevi. I don't see the statements of Ananth and Jacob as faith driven. If the 'faith driven' statements are to be compared, then we have to consider Aga's, Sunny's or Chandrashekar Lakshmanan. 3 days ago Like Follow Subodh Subodh Pandit (as per philosophers) "play",and "rest"..and then play and rest, and it goes on....(wave like) 3 days ago Like 2 Follow Robert Robert Sessler Thanks Subodh...a refreshing comment! Nicely put. 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Faith is mysterious to start with and curious logic & reasoning along with experience (Wisdom) demystifies the initial Faith in to discovery !! Discover IT :) .3 days ago

Follow Peter Peter Stutz Shridar thanks find the light within and speak of it .........or play and rest and play and rest ............. most definitly stop judging others ......if you have nothing to say ! you have promised and dont keep ! 3 days ago Like Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla Peter - /*poeple seem still to miss the puck */ Who is judging whom here?. Be clear in your sentences. When you say 'people', I considered myself part of it, hence my comment. For me it sounded like you felt yourself quite *above* the people here which is one reason why I do not believe in the self-proclaimed 'spiritual' Gurus. I promised about ignoring silly comments which I am still keeping. /*find the light within and speak of it*/ Luckily I am neither spiritual nor philosophical to 'maintain' the 'wisely' stature. So, let me give you the taste of the same language that you normally use against those who disagree with you. Stop being a self-appointed teacher here thinking that 'people' are clueless and fall in line for baseless theories. 3 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada True Sridhar, even though it didn't occur to me, I didn't say their purposes were driven by their faiths. I simply noticed that they belong to different faiths yet they have found the same purpose. May be the point to be noted is that individual purposes need not be faith driven. 3 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Just came across the below. Bit long one but on Vedas. HMV Company had once published a pamphlet giving the history of > gramophone record. Gramophone was invented by Thomas Alva Edison in > the 19th century. Edison, who had invented many other gadgets like > electric light and the motion picture camera, had become a legend even in his own time. When He invented the gramophone record, which could record human voice for posterity, he wanted to

record the voice of an eminent scholar on his first piece. For that he chose Prof. Max Muller of Germany, another great personality of the 19th century. He wrote to Max Muller saying, "I want to meet you and record your voice. When should I come?" Max Muller who had great respect for Edison asked him to come on a suitable time when most of the scholars of the Europe would be gathering in England . Accordingly, Edison took a ship and went to England . He was introduced to the audience. All cheered Edison 's presence. Later at the request of Edison , Max Muller came on the stage and spoke in front of the instrument. Then Edison went back to his laboratory and by afternoon came back with a disc. He played the gramophone disc from his instrument. The audience was thrilled to hear the voice of Max Muller from the instrument.They were glad that voices of great persons like Max Muller could be stored for the benefit of posterity. After several rounds of applause and congratulations to Thomas Alwa Edison, Max Muller came to the stage and addressed the scholars and asked them, "You heard my original voice in the morning. Then you heard the same voice coming out from this instrument in the afternoon. Did you understand what I said in the morning or what you heard this afternoon?" The audience fell silent because they could not understand the language in which Max Muller had spoken. It was `Greek and Latin' to them as they say. But had it been Greek or Latin, they would have definitely understood because they were from various parts of Europe. It was in a language which the European scholars had never heard. Max Muller then explained what he had spoken.He said that the language he spoke was Sanskrit and it was the first sloka of Rig Veda, which says "Agni Meele Purohitam." This was the first recorded public version on the gramophone plate. Why did Max Muller choose this? Addressing the audience he said, "Vedas are the oldest text of the human race. And Agni Meele Purohitam is the first verse of Rig Veda. In the most primordial time, when the people did not know how even to cover their bodies and lived by hunting and housed in caves, Indians had attained high civilization and they gave the world universal philosophies in the form of the Vedas. Such is the illustrious legacy of our country! When Agni Meele Purohitam was replayed the entire audience stood up in silence as a mark of respect for the ancient Hindu sages. This verse means: "Oh Agni, You who gleam in the darkness, To You we come day by day, with devotion and bearing homage. So be of easy access to us, Agni, as a father to his son, abide with us for our well being." 3 days ago Like Follow Harpal Harpal SANDHU PURPOSE OF LIFE TO FUNCTION AT SAME FREQUENCY LEVEL AS NATURE WHICH IS INVISIBLE AS DARK MATTER. 3 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Srinivas Rao garu, I don't mean to demean what you have quoted but it is a genuine doubt if the purpose is to be happy, how many can actually attain that purpose? And if one's happiness blocks someone else's means to be happy, could it still be a universal purpose? 3 days ago Like

Follow LUIS LUIS VAZQUEZ At the beginnig, the perception of the purpose of life was just survival. Then some humans, more than other, developed an expanded consciuos and asked theirselves "what else besides survival?". Some began to ask themselves about the inmaterial or spiritual world, some asked themselves about the material world beyond earth...and the research for the purpose of life goes on. Obviously each one "sees" his own purpose of life and all I can tell is that the more the conscious is expanded, the wider is the view about the purpose of life..beyond just accumulating physical wealth. In physical terms, the human being will be able to survive happy and in peace to the extend that does colide with other humans and with the natural world through a solidary attitude which is not just a religious concept but a physical concept. 3 days ago Like 1 Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Thanks Mr. Sandhu. Very nicely put. Does nature, which is invisible as dark matter ensure that we function at its frequency? If not how are we to know whether we are functioning at what frequency? 3 days ago Like 1 Follow Surender Surender Yadav The earth gives life to all living or not living and then devours its own children thru metamorphosis , withering, ageing , cycling and the 'jiva jivasya bhojnam' . Similarly the Black hole gives life to stars and planets and susequently It would continue to devour till there is zero heat in the universe. That is the significance of Dark 'Mother Kali' - creator , preserver and Destroyer. It is a trough and crust with us ( all panch bhoot prani ) as particles riding the wave. we all are fortunate and shall be recycled by the virtue of universal Mother Ma kali. Keep performing the 'sukarma' to be an obedient child. regards 3 days ago Like

Follow Chandrasekhar Chandrasekhar Lakshmanan After seeing the flood of responses I just would like to share (for the THIRD AND LAST TIME) with this discussion thread forum what I learnt, understood and reflected over the years. I am still learning.............. What is the purpose of life on earth? Life on earth is derived from the Sun and all living things are dependant not just the Sun but also other planets which are part of the Solar system starting from Sun i.e. Mercury, Venus, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn etc. The purpose of life is acquisition of broad based knowledge and utilisation of the same for the welfare of mankind. The whole teaching of ancient philosophy / religion / sciences which have passed on to this generation is that it was targeted towards the end result: that a living being cannot be separated from the Supreme (Universe) and that the physical sense of being an identity apart from the Supreme / Universe is an sensory illusion. The living entities as 'separate' parts and parcels of the Supreme / Universe have a purpose to fulfil. Having forgotten that purpose of "unity in consciousness" since time immemorial, humanity has lost track about the purpose of its existence on earth. All ancient literature lays emphasis on acquisition of broad based and complete knowledge and the Brhad aranyaka Upanishad 4.4.22 states that when one is in complete knowledge; all reactions both 'a priori' and 'a posteriori' are consumed. It is also cautioned that in the pursuit of knowledge of the Supreme/Universe, we are required to beware of self-interested people who have a goal of personal glorification who deviate others from the actual path of acquisition of real and complete knowledge of the Supreme / Universe. Thanks. Cheers.:)) 3 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Chiranjeevi Tallapragada: You can read your story in Read more about the sloka and the overall approach of RigVeda in

3 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Been only questioning others. Let me share what I feel about purpose of life. Purpose of life for me is to find purpose, which keeps changing from time to time. It is not a static thing. It is a moving target. I think one thing common to everything in nature is the ability to learn, from experience and from each other. Levels may be different but every being is given the ability to learn. That I feel is the essence of life. Why does the universe exist? We are yet to learn about it. Eventually we will learn about it. From Vedas, we made a lot of progress. So we will make progress in understanding this universe and eventually the reasons for its existence. What would man do with that knowledge? Perhaps lead a better life, more purposeful, more harmonious with nature as well as other beings. Coming to the question, does anyone else know about existence. Yes, everything we touch or that touches us knows about existence. 3 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Thank you Mohan sir for both the references. They are useful. I will explore the second URL. 3 days ago Like Follow Aqj Aqj Aga ,Dear Chiranjeevi, The idea of sending the quotes from Quran was to let you know what quran says about the Purpose of Life. Quran's central theme is ' man' and his individuality. Man is raised to a level above, even that, of the angels; just because' man' has been endowed with Knowledge . Man alone is responsible for his actions and gets rewarded or punished accordingly in strict conformity to justice The corner stone for running this Universe is Justice [.....maintaining His creation with justice...(3,18)]; and HE commands man to do likewise [ O you who believe! Be maintainers of justice, bearers of witness of Allah's sake, though it may be against your own selves or (your) parents or near relatives; if he be rich or poor.....(4.135)] There are many more quotes I can give..... 1) On Man and self [53.38] no bearer of burdens can bear the burden of another. [17.15] Whoever goes aright, for his own soul does he go aright; and whoever goes astray, to its detriment only does he go astray: nor can the bearer of a burden bear the burden of another, nor do We chastise until We raise an apostle.

[2.233] No human being shall be burdened with more than he is well able to bear: neither shall a mother be made to suffer because of her child, nor, because of his child, he who has begotten it.. [6.152] . We do not impose on any soul a duty except to the extent of its ability;. [2.281] And fear the Day when ye shall be brought back to Allah. Then shall every soul be paid what it earned, and none shall be dealt with unjustly. [2.286] God does not burden any human being with more than he is well able to bear: in his favour shall be whatever good he does, and against him whatever evil he does.. [45.15] If any one does a righteous deed, it ensures to the benefit of his own soul; if he does evil, it works against (his own soul). In the end will you (all) be brought back to your Lord. [91.07-10] By the Soul, and the proportion and order given to it; And inspired it (with conscience of) what is wrong for it and (what is) right for it. Truly he succeeds that purifies it, And he will indeed fail who corrupts it. [49.13] . Verily the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things) . II) On 3 stages of Man's soul Inciting Self [12.53] And I do not declare myself free, most surely (man's) self is wont to command (him to do) evil, except such as my Lord has had mercy on, surely my Lord is Forgiving, Merciful. Reproving Self [75.02] Nay! I swear by the self-accusing soul. Contented Self [89.27,28] O soul that art at rest! Return to your Lord, well-pleased (with him), well-pleasing (Him), Bye A.Q.J.Aga 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Faith Fish ........> Here is another meaning for the HMV Hymn Hymn1:1-1 Rig Veda "" Agnim iile purohitam yajjnasya devam ritvijam / hotaram ratnadhaatamam We worship the adorable God, the high priest of cosmic activities, the divine , the one who works through the eternal laws, and who feeds and sustains all that is divine and luminous. *Ta. aaknim ellee puroohitam yajnasya teyvam urutubiijam/ uu-taaram iratntaatu tamam

Thus collectively we can render the meaning as follows: Homage to that Brilliant Light that is productive of all, that Deity which brings joy to all during the festivals of Light and provides food and material riches in the form of precious stones. "" ________________________________ Faith is mysterious to start with and curious logic & reasoning along with experience (Wisdom) demystifies the initial Faith in to discovery !! Discover IT :) .3 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz If the universe was divided I could understand the division of truth and religions! this is not the case so we need to be able to find consensus together ! Bless the Light within ourselves to find the peace together we live ! 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .When small earth is pieced in to pieces for exploitation where is the One Universe :) ""What is now understood as globalisation has a critical background in the world historical involvement of the non-European sphere from the Early Modern Period up and into the period of decolonisation. No European country remained exempt all directly or indirectly participated in the colonial division of the world. The Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) put global power thinking into words that perceived of colonial possessions as a political, economic and cultural right, last not least even as an obligation to a civilizing mission that was only definitively shaken with the independence of India in 1947.1 These two dates mark the start and decline of a key problem in the history of Europe, perhaps even its most momentous, that the always precarious colonial rule caused complex competitions among Europeans just as much as among the indigenous population in the colonies, that it was able to simultaneously create cooperation and close webs of relationships between conquerors and the conquered, and that it was never at any time free of violence and war, despotism, arbitrariness and lawlessness. This turns the simultaneity and multitude of European colonialisms and imperialisms into a border-bridging experience. Few transnational specifics of European history illustrate the diversity of a European consciousness this clearly.''" ..more .........>

.3 days ago Follow dr. musarath dr. musarath T. It's theeeee ...excellent and onlyyyyyy answer to this wonderful question.. My attention to cheeranjivi......Iwas weak in providing you the URLs & links about Quran . But here Mr Aga has provided much proofs and stanzas (ayaths) from the Holy Quran .. Once the Holy Quran is read in which God (whose beautiful name is ALLAH which is his identity)has addressed to the whole human race or mankind or the human beings in his own language ie Arabic (which our souls will speak to Him after our death , its a universal language of the soul which we have forgotten in this sinful world because we have been gifted with the power of reasoning, from distinguishing good from the bad ..My sincere dua for him is may he succeed in his wordly life which is but a life for sometime ie temporary & the life of the hereafter which is the permanent eternal life. for all the mankind be it Muslims or Christians or Hindus or any other religion. ...Amen Dear friends please open your eyes ,,revert back to the true light failing which you will be in darkness and loss. Don't repent and hold us responsible for not taking you with us on the judgement day..This too is mentioned in the Holy Quran..That the misled ones will hold the right ones responsible for being with them and guiding them to the right path . Oh !!! my misled brothers & sisters come back to the right path of truth for Satan is our open declared enemy is misleading one and all from the right direction for his success to multiply his army and take us with him according to his challenge to God. When Allah(swt) created human being he asked (satan) to prostrate before us but he didn't and was jealous and arrogant, so Allah cursed and punished him for his disobedience ) to HELL which is his final abode .May Allah (swt) save us and protect us from the nets of the satan who is the cursed enemy of God Almighty!!!! With tears rolling from my eyes I call back my lost brothers and sisters to revert back to the place of our real origin.. from the lost wilderness's but a satanic trap , be wise to judge for yourself....look back and trace your tracks to the original place of your belonging .. May Allah (swt) shower us with his divine guidance and blessings in abundance .... Ameen !!!! My sincere call for my lost loved ones!! Aaa Laut ke aaja mere meeth.... 3 days ago Like Follow James James Weigand I agree with Jayendra on the point he just made. Syed's answer, for me, is just too simple. Like Jayendra, I can not praise a god who created me and tells me I have free will. But, if my free will allows me to make a choice that this creator doesn't like, I burn in hell for all eternity. The god of the monotheists is not so loving, not so merciful as we are lead to believe. If I have a son and he disobeys me, I will correct him. I would not inflict physical pain upon him but explain to him what is wrong and what is right (and why) and assign him to sit and think about what he did and what I said. Why would an entity capable of creating life destroy it and threaten to destroy so that the creature lives in obedience of his will. This god who sends floods and pestilence is not god. This god is referred to as our "father." How could that be? He is a father who causes his children to live in fear of his divine retribution. Why should a god be at odds with his creation? Religions that assign human emotions to a creator are lacking. Why

would a god be jealous of something he created. Why would he insist he is the one true god and only he is to be worshipped? Perhaps this god is not the only god? Why we are here, why does the universe exist - like Ujwal says, that's the question of the ages. I cannot tell you because I cannot find it for myself. I may not know the answer but I know what it is not. 3 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Thank you Mr. Aga for introducing me to the essence of Quran. If you don't mind, given my weakness for analytical thinking, my mind starts thinking and applying whatever I lean to day to day life. The question that came to my mind is in whatever the Quran says to us, there is an assumption (or truth) about the human beings. If you agree to this, may be you could elaborate on how Quran views human beings and hence teaches how they should be? Quran talks about justice, Gita talks about Dharma. If you know about Dharma, would it be possible to compare justice and Dharma and explore the difference in implications in practice. These questions are absolutely out of intellectual curiosity. May not be bothered about. Thank you. 3 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada I think I missed the first point which was well explained by Mr. Aga that "Man alone is responsible for his actions and gets rewarded or punished accordingly in strict conformity to justice The corner stone for running this Universe is Justice." I think the only difference I find between what Quran says and what I believe Hindus believe is that the rewards and punishments are all experienced here on the earth. Common to all religions is the concept of hell and punishments for wrong doings. Religion in its origins primarily played the role of disciplining the human societies so that the conflicts are minimized. Religions laid down rules, which became belies or faith, based on the situations it had to control. If this is the truth, there is a very good purpose behind religions and it is but necessary that different groups of human being in different geo-social etc., environments needed different rules or conditioning. So, while common thing is human good, religions evolved based on the transitions or interpretations that happened within different contexts. Religion is something that teaches the little babies to grow into ordered and disciplined adults. So it gets ingrained very strongly and we cannot so easily transcend it when we look at the world. My only assurance to sincere believers in every religion is not to worry for followers of other religions because they too have a guide and guidance to be good human beings. I think what all of us have to worry about is about those who don't care for any religion nor about following basic rules of being a good human being. Such people could be there anywhere. Unfortunately they will be more powerful because

very conveniently for them majority of us believe in god and goodness of god. 3 days ago Like KesavaUnfollow Kesava Somayajula There are many proofs that Alice went to wonderland in the book "Alice in wonderland". How can we not believe that? 3 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Kesava...what's wrong in believing that if it can do some good to you :-) 3 days ago Like Follow Harpal Harpal SANDHU Very good question,Ego is a trap to identify with solidity on planet. Infinite Intelligence is always assisting us but we have to be in present moment to connect with ultimate existence to let the energy flow. More than 99% universe exists in dark matter and energy but visible universe did not connect with infinite intelligence so got into vicious circle of what we call birth and death. Consciousness is a phenomenon in all self- organizing systems when trillion of connections take place as in ants or beehive world in amazon forests .Lot of research is being done in this field at Santa Fe Institute 3 days ago Like KesavaUnfollow Kesava Somayajula Absolutely. Faith gives us piece of mind until we start questioning. Believing is the first idea towards spirituality. But we cannot get stuck in faith. What is the difference between faith and philosophy? Faith is like getting stuck with an old idea of philosophy. What religious preacher do? they can only elaborate old ideas for hours. They try to fit contemporary ideas like science and quantum physics in their idea faith rather than questioning the faith. Will we appreciate our 16 year old kid coming to us and saying "I believe in tooth fairy". Philosophy involves intellectual talent.

There is a huge difference between "I got a spiritual guidance from my faith book" and "My life and everyone's life should be totally based on my faith book". 3 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada me there is no harm in anyone saying anything until everyone starts saying the same thing. As long as we have diversity in thinking, the world is safe. I am more afraid of not having difference in beliefs/faiths/opinions than of differences in beliefs/faiths/opinions. This not only applies to religions but also to science, philosophy etc. The world if at all is safe today is because thank god we have these differences. 3 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Thank you Mr. Sandhu...will be interested to know if the research could be accessed by general public, like is there any site where we can generally know what subjects are probed in this area In Santa Fe. 3 days ago Like Follow Dr. Usha Dr. Usha Krishna This is not the answer to the questions raised in the forum, as the discussion has progressed ...... further.... A few thoughts on this sunday might help connect a few dots like what is the relationship between the terms like dharma, duty, justice, and consciousness of being Truth. Dharma to me is the the process through which one becomes Truth. The concept is very difficult to be internalized, because our cognitive ability is a part of becoming. When brain loses duality, it is the pinnacle of being in the state of dharma. Such a person does good to others even when he may be apparently doing wrong like killing someone in order to be helpful to humanity (Krishna had to cojole Arjuna for enlightening him on duty). However, very few people understood the philosophy of Geeta. People got stuck to good Karma and bad Karma because it was easier to understand the action, and not the intention behind the action. Those who are on the path of becoming the Truth or in other words 'dharmaatma' know that the process of purifying karma is the non-duality. One can attain the non-duality through losing one's narrow individuality e.g. becoming a drop in the ocean). Karmas of such a person become as powerful as the force of ocean itself. So an individual may act as a force of the ocean by realizing the power of the ocean within or as an atomic individual. Once the atomic nature is dropped by the becoming the part of the whole, one becomes blissful, happy and enjoys. Karma, in other words is the duty one is performing becomes dharma. cond 3 days ago Like

Follow Dr. Usha Dr. Usha Krishna So karma in other words 'duty' is very important as we all work in a loop. My actions as a teacher affect the pupil, my pupil's become tomorrows teachers. There is continuity in which my actions will not only have an immediate impact, but an impact for the posterity. Actions of Individuals differ in quality. Actions or duty done for the sake of duty or earning money alone, may affect the humanity adversely. Dharma sensitizes people to do their duty that will have benediction for society. that are non connected to the force of ocean and behave as atomic units of the ocean feel that the ocean is aggressing them back and forth. In order to realize the importance of being a part of the whole makes one powerful. Those who realize it, do their duty as such whereas those who feel shy of being a drop in the ocean, never realized that the power of the drop with the whole ocean is as strong as the ocean itself. The ocean is supposed to remain in its place, it cannot tress-pass. Individuals also should remain without crossing the boundaries of dharma otherwise they can be dangerous. When ocean tries to breach its boundaries, earth is shattered. Human being while doing their duty without the realization of dharma can be as dangerous too. Just as ocean in its fury can bring devastation to the land, individuals in their fury can do the same to humanity. Till such a time every single person on this earth is not doing one's duty properly, all their actions have a bearing on rest. It is the duty of good people to fight. The so called 'dharmadhikaris' are responsible for the actions of their fellows, because it is their duty to transform or annihilate such actions from the face of earth (Geeta sloka yada yada hi dharmasya glani bhawati.....). Thereby if we are a part of the whole, it is the duty of every dharmadikari to enlighten others for transformation. 3 days ago Like Follow Dr. Usha Dr. Usha Krishna And duty becomes important link in this sense; duty towards own self. family, society nature and so on. If one has done one's duty with the consciousnes of being a part of the whole, one has to justify one's actions were beneficial for humanity, and how. When I am not the doer like a drop only ocean is responsible, I am not. One can justify anything like an ocean and the drop. The question is what is justice then? Whom does one justifying his actions? If one's actions had a positive outcome for the whole or not? Duty and justice are interlinked. We work in loops. Milkman produces milk for children, adults, patients. If he has he done his duty well, it will benefit all, If not, someone has to warn the milkman that he is not supplying good milk. After a few warnings, one has to report to police. Police has to do their duty properly by enquiring from food and drug authorities if the milk that milkman supplies is authentic? If not, let the court pronounce him guilty of negligence of duty by sending the milkman to jain. This is the fight for which all sane people should be ready. Do we fight when duty is not performed well? The question is if we do not raise our voice who do we expect to raise voice for us? This the common link between duty and justice. Geeta or Kuran or Gurbani have this streak of fearlessness to fight built in them. Thereby different philosophies of dharma, karma or justice are intertwined as far as the concepts are concerned. Geeta tries to remove this fear, Gurbani does so, and so does Kuran, but still we are timid in the garb of goodness. Yes. That is what Geeta is all about. Kill your kins if they are wrong doers. Our

timidity prevents us from becoming a just society. As long as we feel powerless like a drop in the ocean and not the ocean itself, our inaction to exploitation will continue. We will remain an unjust society exploited by those who act for our inaction. Kuran and Geeta are the behavioral treatises for fearless action. Before kaam, krodh, madh, moha and ahankar, we have to place dar (fear). Timidity has resulted in an unjust society where dharma is replaced is under the garb of inaction or non-performance of duty or in other words adharma. Action is important link that determines just and unjust, dharma and adharma, joy and unhappiness. All of us are sitting on the fence and watching the evolution, the dance and annihilation of the drop in the ocean and the cycle of life and death. 3 days ago Like 1 Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Dr. Usha thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on Dharma. They make me think about ahimsa, like Budha and Gandhi, (may be Jain mahaprabhu also) upheld the virtue of nonviolence not only in deeds but also in words, thoughts etc. While Gita might say that killing is justified as long as it is to save Dharma, Gandhi (I can connect to him better) on the other hand opposed violence for what ever cause. I guess his philosophy is not based on any one religious text. This is based on a very strong empathy for all human beings and a strong will power to control one's own thoughts and emotions. There is a slight difference in what Krishna advocates to Arjuna, he was asked to control his emotions because it was obstructing the delivery of justice or upholding of Dharma. My guess is that Krishna wouldn't have provoked or instigated Pandavas to fight for their share of the kingdom. But having once made their decision, Arjuna's emotions were but a temporary reaction. Krishna as his mentor and guide had to pull him up and get him ready for the fight. No one asked Krishna whether they should in the first place go for the war. Now Krishna had two choices to stay neutral or take the side of either parties. Could he have stayed neutral? I don't know. If he could, why did he not, again I have no answer. I don't know if this proves the culpability of Krishna in abetting the war. But I don't think Krishna asked people to get into wars causing so much blood shed because there is no reference to his starting such wars. 3 days ago Like Follow Dr. Usha Dr. Usha Krishna Hi, I said that Geeta is difficult to comprehend. In today's world war is neither feasible nor should one think of war with weapons.

War against corrupt or those who do not do their duties properly.That is why linking the state of being "dharmic" by performing one's duty to humanity perfectly can provide justice. Non-violence has lead to an unjust society. Buddhists have been exiled. Kashmiri's have been exiled. Palestine and Israel are fighting a war, it has not ended, and may result into a full blown war soon. The concept of non-violence is best recourse to timidity that has allowed aggression to prevail on this earth. When aggression prevails how can there be justice. One has to be fearless in pointing out "you can't do that, follow the laws of land". 3 days ago Like 1 KesavaUnfollow Kesava Somayajula Dharma is about doing the right thing at the right time. Rules are not important... the principles are. Dharma is difficult concept to understand but not impossible. Take stories Ramayana and Bharata. Rama followed all rules and Krishna broke all rules. But both are worshiped as GODs because both upheld Dharma. Non violence as a rule is not good but non violence as principle is Dharma. Follow non violence until the opposite is utterly needed. We cannot talk about non violence when the lives of our people are at stake. That is Adharma. 3 days ago Like 1 Follow Dr. Usha Dr. Usha Krishna @Keshava - absolutely right when the lives of people are at stake non-violence will wipe out the good leaders like Gandhi in India. He had been the moral consciousness of the then leaders of the country. However....... The rules and principles both are important in performance on one's duties in a right manner. When we talk about dharma, it is beyond set rules and principles. World is ever changing and so the rules and principles also change with time. We cannot equate the time factor when we talk about the stories of Ramayana or Mahabharata or Veda, the contexts are different. As the times change, the consciousness also evolves making the old rules and principles not so relevant in immediate context. New rules and principles evolve. Dharma is the guiding force behind all rules and principles. For example Equality, liberty, and justice are the basic principles of any democratic society.

Dharma is the force of evolution of human beings to higher consciousness. Again and again, I emphasize the importance of duty. Duty is the link that makes us advance in our consciousness. And doing our duty morally and to the benefit of the humanity and environment is important. To me, nothing is more contextual to Time and space and 'dharma' as the duty performed by individual - aligned to dharma or non-aligned to dharma. Whether our duty challenges us to greater heights in our evolutionary process or dumps us to retrograde. 3 days ago Like Follow Ranisha Ranisha kannamvayal very interesting discussion...i am also trying to find an answer for dis qstn for many years... Indian upanishads and vedas are giving a clear answer for dis wer i got a satisfied answer........ 3 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar It all depends on how one loves the humans around, a person who knows how love others and also self, forgives and forgets others mistakes and then shows the doors where everybody can enjoy in peace, harmony and serene conditions. Every interaction is important especial for person. 3 days ago Like 1 Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla Given the intellectual festivity which has been going on for sometime and recently, here are my two more cents to put the purpose of the discussion back on the burner. I am still baffled with the approach of applying our own ( humans) purpose to the universe. For me, it means, we are not considering other things which is disrespect to the nature. My suggestion is to bring everything known in the universe under the view than 'humans' alone. Let us consider few cases here 1. More than 1.5 Billion people are striving to serve their 'purpose' of earning their daily bread in the world of which around 500 millions are in India. 2. Zimbabwes, Chads, Somalias etc., as whole countries are struggling for the 'survival'. 3. Zillion of Zillion number of living species other than humans on the earth and elsewhere in the universe are busy serving their 'purposes' without searching for their 'creator' or being bound by their 'own manifestations'. 4. Gazillion of Gazillion unfathomable number of non-living items in the universe - Purpose is still to be

discovered. I strongly feel that Maslow's hierarchy does come into picture here to determine the universally applicable 'purpose' covering everything in the universe. I would say that the 'primary purpose' remains in the lowest level 'the survival' with the objective being 'contended' or 'happy' and rest of the purposes are built on top of it. In Maslow's hierarchy the priority of 'love' comes only after satisfying one's physical and safety needs. A stomach-full lion does respond to our love, but not a hungry one. Sitting comfortably in the higher levels, particularly at the esteem level, we can come up all kinds of 'derivative individual purposes' and can spend our lifetime in discussing, debating and dividing ourselves into religions, castes and creeds. And then comes the death which differentiates no one normalizing every purpose. 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Very much coherent thoughts in full steam ....> ..... thanks from my end for the contributors ! some add on , .1. Duty is from I , community, society , region, Country ..... up to Aliens in the Space . Essentially for one who is bothered to discern his/her duty , the work starts with ' Wisdom ' already enshrined in scriptures " Faith " . Later one's own determined efforts for discovery of that Faith yields ' DUTY' which will be and should be more Humanistic ?.............For example , One community cheating another in the name of cultural refinement at the Cost of peacefully living Communities . People involved in such research and media propaganda and especially the founders are very much convinced it is their Duty to do so !! .2. Lessons from Gita .......> ..... specifically how could we apply it to the just past Human History (1800-1947 ) in which most of the individuals ( who were colonized ) failed in their " duty / dharma " or they were in a Dilemma whether to fight or flight or surrender like Arjuna ??? Incidentally this exactly fits ( equivalent ) the demand for 14 Villages :) .*.The Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) put global power thinking into words that perceived of colonial possessions as a political, economic and cultural right, last not least even as an obligation to a civilizing

mission that was only definitively shaken with the independence of India in 1947.1..*. .3 days ago Follow Dr. Usha Dr. Usha Krishna Duty does not mean aggression, division or trespassing the laws of dharma which gives the wisdom to discern appropriateness of duty. The basis of dharma is kindness, charity, purity leading to wisdom. It is said, "Daya dharma ka mool hai, paap mool abhimaan, tulsi daya hi keejiye jab lag ghat main pran". Translation: Kindness is the basis of dharma, ego is the basis of sin. So long as one is alive, it is better to be kind than egoist. One should be able to discern what is good for I, culture, country, race etc. etc. Aggression through religious path, economic means or be it politically motivated does not do any good to any one. Man has become wiser with the historical events having taken place. So long as the events have made man wiser, that is the evolutionary process of development. 3 days ago Like Follow Robert Robert Sessler The most important thing for us, human beings, comes to us free, no charge. What is this thing? IT IS LIFE. Life breath (prana) comes to us every moment, every hour, every dayit is GIVEN. It is given to ALL living things, animal, vegetable, germ And given to people good and bad, young and old, all over this planet earth regardless of our differences. This one thing LIFE, binds us all, to one another and makes us the SAME. Then comes Sun and Rain and Earth. These were at one time, ALSO FREE. Now, we own Land and Water but not, yet, the Sun. Food we must work for to either, Pluck, Gather, Grow, Hunt or Fish for. Shelter we must work for, we must make shelter to provide Protection from Too much HeatToo much ColdToo much Rain... To much Windand Danger. At one time there were no words and Mans purpose was to Survive and Reproduce. Man and God did not speak in words but were together.

Mans Mind developed and he Began to Question. He asked Is there a purpose other than Surviving and Reproducing? When man asked that question God answered. God said, your purpose is what you CHOOSE it to be...You have Free Will. I will guide youIf you ask meif you believe in me. But YOU will DECIDE, if you will follow Good or follow EVIL. AND THATS IT. The END and the BEGINNING. The rest is thousands of years of history and talks, discussions And Millions and Millions of Words Written in every Language ALLabout the same thing. RIGHT and WRONGGOOD and EVIL. We CHOOSEALONE and all by ourselves and when we pass we go ALONE and by ourselves. Each of us is unique and there has never been in the history of the world another one exactly like YOU, similar to, yes, exactly like, NO. THE only PURPOSE is to decide your OWN PURPOSE and LIVE that life. Because you will surely live and die that choice. NOW, you can begin the discussion about what should I do and where do I come from Does God exist? Do Aliens exist? What Happened to yesterday? What is Time? Will the Hadron Collider reveal the God Particle? What is Money? Is God good or bad? Does the Devil exist? Can I be Just a little bit Good but not so Good? Is there Life after Death? Are there really 15 dimensions and not just four? Can there be Order In nature without Chaos? Whose God words have more meaning? Which religion is best, Hindu, Islam, Buddhist, Christian, Shinto, Taoist, Ayahuasco, Maya? and so on and so forth.. Just as Humanity has done for Thousands of Years. In the end, when you are within a microsecond of your last breath It will ALL have been about the CHOICES YOU MADE and nothing else. Were you a good or a bad personliving YOUR LIFE by principles of Right and Wrong? 3 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi

Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Only thing I know is that Dharma, justice, ahimsa are all principles that guide one's behaviour. If that behaviour has to be guided by others' behaviour what big deal. I think Gandhi's life is a demonstration of this fact that I apply my principles to myself and follow them under all circumstances. Today if there is so much corruption and so much violence it is because everyone has someone else to point out as the reason. Once we start pointing fingers to ourselves, the world will change in a jiffy. Life Rama also clearly demonstrates this fact. His behaviour was never guided by others' behaviour. Kaikeyi got him exiled and it was not a fair deed but he never had any sense of hatred towards her. For him the duty was to honour his father's word because at that time he was just Dasaratha's son. He fought Ravana because he was Sita's husband so to protect her was his duty. When he became a king, he had to protect Dharma and the welfare of his people. There was a hierarchy of responsibilities that needed to be honoured and he did it. Everyone liked him because he was mentally not involved in any of these acts. It was the duty of his physical body which took so many forms like son, husband, king, father etc that he was discharging. If he did any of these out of his own free will, then there would have been a scope for some liking him and some disliking him. I think Gandhi tried to emulate this in his life that is why today most of the people world over take inspiration from him. 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .If there is no EGO , there is no sense of Duty ............. reference here .3 days ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Very nice point Dr. Usha. Dar, fear. Yes we should not have fear, but not when it comes to killing others. Not to have Dar when it is your life that is at stake. Gandhi's going and sitting in the midst of riots, i.e, what I call lack of Dar. That strength comes automatically when you know that you are not doing something to hurt somebody but to change somebody. Within our own families especially with our own children we hardly take recourse to legal action. We strive to change them. Pray to god to help change them. But when it comes to someone else it is much easier to make hard decisions. Our ministers can lose patience for very small errors of their subordinates but when it comes to their own children even big crimes will be forgiven very easily. Yes, we need to be bold to look at our own faults

and to correct ourselves first, before we start correcting others. 3 days ago Like Follow Robert Robert Sessler If you have never tasted an Apple you will never know The Taste of Apple By talking, discussing, reading or imagining. YOU MUST take that apple, put it in your mouth and eat it. Now, that you KNOW what an Apple tastes like. You will never be able to convey that to anyone else By talking, discussing, reading or imagining. You cannot PUT the taste of Apple into someone elses experience. YOU MUST take that Apple and put it in the mouth of the other person For them to taste and understand...if they let youAND if they choose to want to, taste the Apple. Things ARE this way and nothing will change that. If you know God, have experienced a miracle, spoken with the Divine reached Niravana, you have been blessed and are very lucky. Now, you are 100% certain of your God and no one can shake that truth from you. If you want to teach others how to share in your God experience, others will follow you If they have faith in God, first, faith in you that you can teach them, second and faith that what you say youve experienced is in fact true and true for them, third. But, even, You, cannot give or put that experience into anyone else. Why not? Because the law of the Divine Nature doesnt let you. Otherwise we would all be seeing Miracles and showing one another miracles and other proofs of the existence of the Divine. Again it all comes down to individual choicefor each and everyone of usone by one. We choose our purpose and what we want to tasteexperience of the Divine on earth and in our lives. 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .That is real beauty of life !

Apple , Orange , Mango , .... all Fruits no one can experience . People generally start with a known fruit and fearless they then move to the exotic Fruits . What is known for an ' I ' again starts with Faith. .Faith is mysterious to start with and curious logic & reasoning along with experience (Wisdom) demystifies the initial Faith in to discovery !! Discover IT :) .3 days ago Follow Robert Robert Sessler Yes, Karithikeyan! The Apple is a miracle which everyone should taste as are Orange and Mango. We are surrounded by heaven BUT don't choose to see it. 3 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada I feel that anyone who believes in God, in whichever form or name, does so because he/she has actually experienced his kindness. I also strongly believe that my experience of God is no more miraculous than someone else's experience. There is no need to question anyone's faith because everyone's faith is true because it is based on his/her own experience. In my own personal case, God has showered his kindness and gave me peace and solutions from my childhood. And my god's have changed in name and form since my childhood. I guess it didn't make a difference to him/her that I called out to him differently every time. But even today when I pray to god in a particular form I tend to think that there are gods in other forms. But the thought sometimes does cross my mind that there is but only one God. I realize that it is but my comfort in praying to a god in a particular form or name and God really doesn't mind my being comfortable. 3 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R By and large Dr.Usha's explanation of concept of Dharma is what Hindu scriptures say. But she adds a qualifying "prime mover" clause to the concept, which is debatable. The scriptures

and the Geeta define Dharma in different ways. The Rig veda defines Dharma as adherence to "Rta", which can be translated as "cosmic order". This definition is no less prescriptive than the Bible or Koran and includes even such mundane things as set rituals, dogmas, social order, institutions and ethical code. Subsequent Vedantic thought says that Dharma should change from place to place, society to society and time to time as what is "moral" at one time or in one place may be immoral in another place or another time. Hence by definition it is an elusive concept and different people can say different things about it. @Harpal SANDHU: ".....More than 99% universe exists in dark matter and energy...", is still a scientific "speculation" rather than "principle". 3 days ago Like

Follow Robert Robert Sessler Don't confuse faith and certainty. If you have certainty then you don't need faith. You're waiting for someone to come. They are running late. Will they come or not? Doubt sets in. Time passes and still nothing, no call and mobile is off. You have no certainty now that the person is coming. You think. This person has never done this before, good. It is not possible they won't come. I'll wait. Why? Because I now have faith, but not certainty. Faith in God and certainty in God is not the same thing. Knowing God with certainty and completely is Nirvana, is it not? If you're in Nirvana there's no need for faith. You're there - Inside certainty. I can't speak for others, but I have not reached that state of being. Until then I have faith, not certainty. But I do know that we can never reach God or know the taste of that Apple without Faith. 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Dharma ....>

( from there one derives his duty ) It should be ( hopefully ) easy to dig deep with well known stories and interpretation from there on . Arjuna's feeling of ' Dharma ' woke up after he saw who all he had to destroy to win the war . Subsequently Krisha's magic or miracle or Maya destroyed Arjan's Ego ( nearly ) towards the surrender and later what followed was a shame from a third person's perspective . (...say professional Dharma ). He had to kill the most who could not be conquered by normal combat ethics but by cheating or manipulating . His honor as great one with his ' Kanteepa ' definitely became sarcastic in the name of Dharma or listening to the words of Krishna . What if Arjuna had not listened and walked out of war , !! ... say like Buddha , may be a better enlightenment for the individual personally and no destructive war for the benefit of the whole humanity. .2 days ago Follow Robert Robert Sessler Mohanakrishnan - I heard this before and it really is confusing, moral in one place but not another. Someone once told me when I asked him about what it means to tell the truth and if he was telling me the truth - I am telling you the truth to the best of my ability to understand it at this time. He actually said this to me! I said OK, you're very nice and nice to have met you. In my mind the relationship was not going very far. What he meant to say was that telling the truth to me depends... and he would decide what "depends" means according to his situation at the time. I return to right and wrong Good and evil. There is no depends about these words or the understanding of these words. Is it right to steal? No. Depends means that under certain conditions it's OK. No it isn't. Even a poor person won't steal but will ask. I've known many, many impoverished people around the world who WILL NOT STEAL. It is very clear and it is true. Stealing is NOT right under any conditions. If you want to try to philosophize this question and try to find some condition under which stealing is ok, of course do so. That doesn't make it right. Don't you think that criminals have come up with all of the reasons already?

So now we are back to choice and choosing to live by principles of right and wrong. You choose. But if you make an excuse to steal and you do it, you are simply wrong. 2 days ago Like KesavaUnfollow Kesava Somayajula There are some people looking to kill a person who is hiding in your house and you know that he is hiding. Now the people ask you, where is the guy, what would you do? Tell a lie or tell the truth? This is when Dharma comes into picture. 2 days ago Like Follow Narendra Narendra Nath Dharma consists of actions we perform to fulfill our duties towards family, community, society and finally towards consonance with nature and ultimately the universe entirely.The final stage is the state of highest consciousness that humans may acquire. The distinctions of all sorts disappear and one sees the Self as One with existence as a whole. That is Trueself or Moksha. Cosmic consciousness takes within Itself our individual consciousness and complete the cycle of birth, life and death. Interestingly it also provides the meaning to dynamics of time that lies with life itself, starting with birth, one's life and its death. Dr. Usha has provided long comments in the same spirit above and Mohanakrishna and Chiranjeeva has elaborated some aspects with their expert knowledge of relevance to this topic. It is the basic question and the simplest answer lies with emergence and merging from/with the source. Thus, all aspects of the topic get covered. 2 days ago Like Follow Robert Robert Sessler Good question. Here's the answer. Let's go back to right and wrong. Telling a lie is falsifying information. Stealing is an act, behavior. Obviously you will want to protect the man so you will lie. You have lied but you have saved a life which is the greater good. But if they said to you. If you lie and we find out then we will kill your family. Now, you will not lie to save your family.

You've put the life of your family over the life of the man. But this does not mean that you can steal 1 roupee but not steal 1,000 roupees because 1000 is more than one. The principle is that stealing is wrong. If you don't see the difference then I can't help you. You must want to see a difference. However the court does make a distinction between stealing more or less and how you steal it with or without a weapon makes a difference to the degree of your punishment. Why is this? Because we are not perfect human beings and not a perfect society. Now, let's go back to your original example. I can invent that to and probably another 100 such examples. BUT, what did this man do in his life before this event that brought the man to hide in his home, the kind of man that others want to kill, and what happened that the killers came to the man's house? And what did you do that they want to kill you when they could easily search the house themselves and find the man? Perhaps if he was already living a life of principle these events would not have occurred in the way you describe. Perhaps he would have made the decision at the door knowing that allowing the man in would put his family in danger. Perhaps he would have called the police. Perhaps many other things. So, again it is your choice to do what's right or wrong. My story about the lying was to say that if he lies now he will lie later and if you are a liar then you may also be a thief and a cheat. Would I lie to save the life of my son or daughter, of course I would. Would I steal in order to feed them. No I wouldn't, I would pick up a sweeper and look for someone who would pay me something or give me food to sweep. If no one wanted sweepers I'd look for something else to do. I see people every day doing anything and everything and most of them are hardworking, God loving people, honest and straight, not all of course, but most. I have been greatly inspired by people with very little who will not compromise their principles and greatly shocked by people with much who run rampant over principles and rules and ethics in the pursuit of money. I've also known wealthy people who are equally moral, straight, honest, generous loving and giving. In the end it's always only you making the decisions in your life. 2 days ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Person Hiding ....> good story and it is always better to get finer points with a simple story or ancient fables :) Here the question is again play with words, .................................... what is Truth !! to explain what is Dharma !! .2 days ago Follow Robert Robert Sessler In my ignorance, because I am the first to admit that I am ignorant, I am reading the mixing up of words and action. Words are meaningless without action. The doctors words will not cure the sick. He must act to effect the cure. I love you, is just words if you don't act with love. Dharma means nothing if you don't live it. If you have passed, no amount of words said over you will matter to you. Just saying one is pure and loves God and is righteous does not mean much unless that person acts that way in their life. Does hiding behind beautiful thoughts and words and scriptures matter much to anyone else besides yourself? If these words and thoughts and scriptures help you to become a better person and satisfy what you want from life then all well and good. So you will be a happy person because you have many words in your head. Why is it that Dharma cannot be defined in words, truly? Because is like the apple, it is the apple that must be experienced and cannot be described in words. Once again back to living, acting behaving through a life of what is right and wrong. 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Person Hiding ....> " " Tell a lie or tell the truth? "...> This is when Dharma comes into picture. ...>" " .*Here the question is again play with words, .................................... what is Truth !! to explain what is Dharma !! .*

( the above statement in * star is related to the one above in Quotes .) ________________________________________________________________The ancient fables & stories from some great epics have very big depth with many interconnections , one can pick a strand and try to get the message conveyed with many many interpretations ......... but coming out with a similar story , an all encompassing one is a big task and there words matter a lot , .Certainly Truth & Dharma are not the same, though in many places / contexts it could be used interchangeably . .2 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Robert Sessler: No fixed yardstick for ethics and moral is sacrosanct. Polyandry is "moral" in some tribal societies in India and Immoral elsewhere. There are certain conditions wherein one faces the problem of choosing between two evils. Obviously choosing the less of the two evils is the best recourse. One can go and on. Hence a rigid moral code or Dharma dictated by "God" and purveyed many centuries back by some X, Y or Z need not be valid now or in my place. While Hindu scriptures seem to suggest that Dharma is the necessary discipline for the peaceful co-existence of people with other people or entities animate or inanimate, they do not provide a uniform definition of Dharma. This may require a different prescription at different times. As per my teachers, this is what Mahabharata is about. No character in the poem is "good" or "bad" by any absolute yardstick, At time "Karna" appears to be good and at times bad depending on the reader's perspective. Same is true with all dramatist-prsonae. The message is clear. There is no "black" or "white", but many shades of gray. This is what Taoism also says. "Yin" and "Yang" exist in different proportions in different things. 2 days ago Like Follow Dinakar Murthy Dinakar Murthy Krishna Dear Chiranjeevi, I believe that the purpose of life on earth is to just be aware of what we are sensing and experience all that happens without any judgements so that our energy units can return to the central energy source to further perfect the system. I believe we or our energy units would have chosen the life before departing the central energy source. With my identification of energy source and units makes me believe that each one of us can communicate not only with the energy source but also other energy units, provided we learn the art of just being aware and to experience the cosmos without any judgements. 2 days ago Like 1

Follow Robert Robert Sessler You may be surprised to learn that I agree with you Mohanakrishnan! Not being perfect beings we cannot be right all the time even if we tried to. The question is do we want to? Not all of us do. I am by no means promoting "my opinion". I mean it when I say I consider myself to be ignorant. Rather I'm saying that action, even better, Right action, as much as each of us can, given the circumstances, as you rightly put it, is a better course than wrong action - FOR ME. Whether I happen to think that this action also brings me closer to my perception of God is also a highly personal thought. It is not for me, being imperfect myself, to judge or criticize others. However, I am arrogant enough to point out injustice when I perceive it and to mention wrongs when I see them being done. 2 days ago Like Follow Markandey Markandey Singh The purpose of life is to attain absolute happiness and retain it for ever,since every soul (Atma) is part of God(Param Atma-Absolute Soul) and one of the many names of God is Paramanad(Absolute Happiness).That is why everyone wants happiness only and that too for always,no one can ever desire sorrow in the life.Now how to achieve it ? It is very simple but we do not opt it due to our own habbit and that is 'Live only and always for others'-always think and act for welfare of others.With this life will become full of happiness for always.This should be the ONLY purpose of life. Now why does Universe exist ? The creation and existence are only and only Natural Phenomenon.If we believe that some super power has done it,then the creation and exiistence are the thought and desire of that Super power which we call it as GOD-which means G-Generator,O-Operator,D-Destroyer which we call as TRIDEV- Brahma,Visnu and Mahesh. About knowing-what we know about universe is nothing and we will NEVER know many many things.It is the Great Mystery and it will always remain so. 2 days ago Like 1 Follow Robert Robert Sessler @ Markandey...Action - Not words. "It is very simple but we do not opt it due to our own habbit and that is 'Live only and always for others'always think and act for welfare of others" Thanks. 2 days ago Like

Follow Peter Peter Stutz Robert we are here to learn to be together the text above yours is a copy paste . many of us need the touch of the contraversy to learn, as when we show the spiritual experiences, no one here can handle such. (why he and not me) We all use Electricity but yet they all ask you to bring it to them ! Sprituality is not simple, it is Life but only for those which been blessed with it, as they have decided a long way back for theme self ! I rememeber the dreams of the sinister forces triyng to cath me yet it has never worked and never will. But sharing such is with mankind almost not possible ! 2 days ago Like 1 Follow Robert Robert Sessler I've enjoyed reading your posts Peter, and I think you've hit the nail on the head - to learn to be together, which also means not being completely self-absorbed, but actually participating - through good deeds and giving of oneself. I, for one, accept that sinister forces exist, are very real and affect our lives in subtle ways. Taking a stand against them and simply doing what's right is one of the most powerful things we can do to defend ourselves. 2 days ago Like 1 Follow Harpal Harpal SANDHU Harpal SANDHU Very good question,Ego is a trap to identify with solidity on planet. Infinite Intelligence is always assisting us but we have to be in present moment to connect with ultimate existence to let the energy flow. More than 99% universe exists in dark matter and energy but visible universe did not connect with infinite intelligence so got into vicious circle of what we call birth and death. Consciousness is a phenomenon in all self- organizing systems when trillion of connections take place as in ants or beehive world in amazon forests .Lot of research is being done in this field at Santa Fe Institute 2 days ago Unlike 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Culture Fish ......> culture is central to human success Our ability to learn and transmit ideas has been vital in our rise to dominance on Earth

"" You argue that culture exercises a sort of mind control over us? Some people think culture is a virus that infects our minds and controls us in ways that don't serve us but serve it; I actually think we've tamed it so that it serves us quite exquisitely. We've actually evolved to embrace our cultures and allow them a degree of mind control over us in return for the prosperity and protection they give in return. "" .2 days ago Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar As Peter and others point out the prevailing `learned `ignorance as cultural embodiments of information age can be quite misleading and misinforming when its comes to understanding the truth,and serving the true purpose of learning 2 days ago Like 1 Follow Shamal Shamal Baliga With a strong belief that everything (living and non-living) is unique, I think your 3 basic questions have infinite answers; each one answering according to their thoughts/knowledge/persepctives/experience/beliefs! Generations after generations, the philosophers have tried answering these questions in their own way that might have been liked by their followers sometimes knowingly and sometimes unknowingly. However end of the day, I think, nobody has understood it well. So it is very confusing and complex universe and discussing the purpose of life. Interestingly, I also find the purpose of the life keeps changing depending upon our mental state, age, surroundings and several different factors. With this context, I think the purpose of life is nothing but to pass time and be happy while growing in terms of knowledge and doing what My inner self wants Me to do without worrying for any outcomes. I am part of the Universe and I like connecting with the Center (Param Atma)! 2 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar All the three questions are unique in triggering a wide range of views and counter views. "The truth is to be in bliss that never perishes nor it diminishes for that one has to realize the self and do continuous practice with the principles of life. Let what ever it may happen be stand by that principles.

Even if one struggles in the life due to ignorance of others that bliss never leaves them. Only those with ignorance are away from that bliss. Bliss is NATURE and a human has to be along with nature and should know how to live as human for the humanity sake". "A mountain is composed of tiny grains of earth. The ocean is made up of tiny drops of water. Even so so is the life of humans is also made up of bliss, but it is an endless series of little details, actions, speeches, and thoughts. And the consequences whether good or bad of even the least of them are having farreaching affects on the humans. Better be on the positive side with an aptitude and attitude for doing better. As each and every element is made up of bliss, you can enjoy it as a human". "Only bliss knows that we are existing at this passage of time". 2 days ago Like Follow Aqj Aqj Aga Dear Chiranjeevi, I feel an entire set of integrated systems of thought and philosophy is required to get to a cohesive answer. Lets me try to put forward to you the one I believe in The Quranic point of view- ; I will try to briefly draw the picture of the entire system it envisages ; for the sake of brevity I will quote only few references : Part I God our Lord is One and The Only One- No partners or competitors does HE have. [59.23.24] Allah is He, besides Whom there is no other god;- the Sovereign, the Holy One, the Source of Peace (and Perfection), the Guardian of Faith, the Preserver of Safety, the Exalted in Might, the Irresistible, the Supreme: Glory to Allah! (High is He) above the partners they attribute to Him. He is Allah, the Creator, the Evolver, the Bestower of Forms . To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names: whatever is in the heavens and on earth, do declare His Praises and Glory: and He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise. He has intelligent but preprogrammed Angels to do HIS biddings with no choice of refusal. He also created Jinn ( from Fire and from whom one became the Satan the cursed one)and mankind ( from Clay) differently and with choice to follow His commandment or to reject it. He gave mankind the addition power of greater Knowledge over His other creations and for this He gave Man a higher status compared to the Jinn and also the Angels. With such a creation endowed with choice to accept or reject , He send the first man and women (Adam & Eve) along with their misguider(temptor) the Satan to earth with provisions and for a fixed time : [2.38,39] We said: Go forth from this (state) all; so surely there will come to you a guidance from Me, then whoever follows My guidance, no fear shall come upon them, nor shall they grieve. And (as to) those who disbelieve in and reject My communications, they are the inmates of the fire, in it they shall abide. contd: part II 1 day ago Like

Follow Aqj

Aqj Aga Dear Chiranjeevi, Contd from Part I : God laid down the reward and punishment rules and nominated some among the mankind as His messengers( all are to be respected and not differentiated) to convey the rules from time to time as guidance and warning. He maintains the earth on strict Principles of Justices and also with lots of Mercy. Forgiveness for any sincere repentance ( that which will not be repeated willfully again) is the hallmark of His Forgiveness. The most detestable of the crimes is associating partners or substitute or deputy to God ( Allah is ONE and The ONLY one: 112.01). Even this greatest of the crime is forgivable if there is sincerity in repentance well before the dying moments.( see what happened to Pharoah of Egypt) The final set of guidance has already reached mankind in the form of Quran. In its 6340 odd verses is laid out the entire system of do and donts as guidance to mankind with a proviso of take it or leave it : [50.45] Fully aware are We of what they [who deny resurrection] do say; and you can by no means force them [to believe ]. Yet none the less, remind, through this Quran, all such as may fear My warning. Exploring the world, striving for more knowledge of all the creations are part of the commandments. Every one of the mankind will be responsible for his/her action and will be accountable for exactly that: [6.164] Say: What! shall I seek a Lord other than Allah? And He is the Lord of all things; and no soul earns (evil) but against itself, and no bearer of burden shall bear the burden of another; then to your Lord is your return, so He will inform you of that in which you differed. Truth will prevail and [2.42,43] And do not mix up the truth with the falsehood, nor hide the truth while you know (it). And keep up prayer and pay the poor-due and bow down with those who bow down. Dharma mentioned by Dr. Usha and Robert lies not just by upholding the truth but also by applying the principle of reward and punishment as per the situation prevalent . Example of such dharma administration : During the rule of 2nd Caliph Hadrat Umar(ra),in 640sA.D., during a near famine situation, a boy was caught robbing foodgrains; when this case was brought to the notice of the Caliph he ruled that in this state of draught, the Government could not give the citizens the minimum required stock of grains, the robber will not have his hand cut , which was the punishment for such a crime, while the person was taken under the states care for work and pay. Justices was on the basis of proven guilt with true eyewitness for any major crime. Any false witness was punished with 80% of the punishment for which he/she gave the false witness for. The principles of Justices were : Let there be no harm initiated /reciprocated to inflict any pain; The prevention of harm takes precedence over the drawing of benefits Punishment or retaliation is due only to the one who wrongs and only limited to the a maximum of the extend of wrong done. The oppressed and the wronged will have a right to retaliate , but are told that forgiving is a virtue worthy of reward from God the Almighty. Finally ,death is not a curse or a punishment; it is only end of your limited earthly existence. You will definitely be reborn to be shown in all minute details, all your actions and intentions in this world. The reward of Heavenly abode will be given to the one who believes in the One and the Only God and who has been doing righteous deeds the rest will get in the hellfire to remain there for ever. DO we still wonder why we are on this earth? AQJ. AGA 1 day ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan

Mohanakrishnan R We Hindus do not believe in branded Gods and Prescribed scriptures. Mr.Aqi Aga what all you say is your personal faith and do not expect everybody to view it as the universal truth. Please avoid using this forum for religious propaganda or any form of sales promotion. 1 day ago Like 1 Follow ARINDOM ARINDOM BORAH Well said, Mohahanakrishnan.. I must say that I fail to understand the relevance of Cheeranjivi's question in this forum on leadership, just as I fail to understand the point Mr Aga wants to make in writing that longish post about blah..blah..It just may be so that Mr. Aga wants to physically show what not to do, to be a leader. 1 day ago Like 1 Follow Robert Robert Sessler Arindom - Don't think you're the only one who has asked him or herself this same question. But we have all nonetheless added our 2 cents, and overall it has been interesting with some good things shared. 1 day ago Like Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla AQJ. AGA - /*DO we still wonder why we are on this earth? */ Yes. The following questions are still unanswered. 1. Looks like he is focussing entirely on humans as it doesn't explain why he created start V12 in Galaxy NGC 4203 one million light years away. Well, the intention behind ad infinitum of universe. 2. It doesn't explain why created Dinosaurs to lead the earth for so many billions of years. 3. Why did he create Neondarthals ahead of us, then destroyed them? Design issues? 4. Even for us, the homesapiens, why did he leave many lands to evolve independently without having his presence known There are a lot of other questions, but I guess clarifications for the above will help for the time-being. However, thank you for proving the point that not 'all religions' teach the same which some wise people have been trying to portray here. 1 day ago Like

Follow Robert Robert Sessler AQJ - I'm genuinely interested to know if you have an answer to the following questions. From the little that I have studied about Islam, Mohammed was Allah's most recent prophet on earth. Although, the Quran acknowledges all of the other prophets in the Christian bible, Mohammed being the most recent is, therefore, the most modern and applicable to today. Am I right so far...more or less? My questions are these: Does the Quran foretell the coming of a new prophet who will take the place of Mohammed? If not then that ends my questions. If so, then when is that expected, more or less. And how will this new prophet be known by Muslims around the world? 1 day ago Like Follow Thiyagarajan Thiyagarajan V "Sa Ekaha" Is repeated in Vedas so many times telling us all that there is only one Brahman (or Abraham or Ibrahim?) on whose basis everything exists in Universe. Srimad Bhagavatham even talks about creation of universe from Big Bang to Big Crunch and repetion of the same. World exists as a play ground of Brahman and we all have some role to play. 1 day ago Like 1 Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Well Mr. Borah, everyone has a choice. There are many more interesting and relevant questions raised in this forum related to leadership. I know many of the contributors to this thread have also made very good contributions to those other threads. Thank God we have a choice :-) Mr. Aga, you have a very strong faith in your religion and in Quran. On the other hand most of us here are used to questioning and analysing not only our own religious beliefs and texts but also those of others as well as scientific theories. This is the reason this thread has been going on for so long. It is very difficult to come up with any answer that will satisfy everyone. As for me, as I said earlier, I have been raised as a Hindu. I do believe that there is God but I am not sure about anything else. Your example about Dharma and justice is very illustrative of the thinking behind the concept. Sometimes, these rules are used by selfish people to control other human beings by doing favours or threatening with retribution. Who ever delivers justice in the name of God has to be really selfless to be

able to do real justice. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .-"" Faith is mysterious to start with and curious logic & reasoning along with experience (Wisdom) demystifies the initial Faith in to discovery !! Discover IT :) "" Unfortunately no other religion will allow a philosophical Inquiry in to any of their scriptures like this ( below ) and it will be classified blasphemous and build ill will towards one another !? Dharma ....> ( from there one derives his duty ) It should be ( hopefully ) easy to dig deep with well known stories and interpretation from there on . Arjuna's feeling of ' Dharma ' woke up after he saw who all he had to destroy to win the war . Subsequently Krisha's magic or miracle or Maya destroyed Arjan's Ego ( nearly ) towards the surrender and later what followed was a shame from a third person's perspective . (...say professional Dharma ). He had to kill the most who could not be conquered by normal combat ethics but by cheating or manipulating . His honor as great one with his ' Kanteepa ' definitely became sarcastic in the name of Dharma or listening to the words of Krishna . What if Arjuna had not listened and walked out of war , !! ... say like Buddha , may be a better enlightenment for the individual personally and no destructive war for the benefit of the whole humanity. .1 day ago Follow Mohan Mohan Thomas 1 day ago Like Follow Robert Robert Sessler No offense meant Karthikeyan and perhaps you did not know... your comment

"Unfortunately no other religion will allow a philosophical Inquiry in to any of their scriptures like this ( below ) and it will be classified blasphemous and build ill will towards one another." My answer: North and South America and Europe, all have what are called Theological Colleges and Universities which specialize in the study of all religions and history related to religion. All the great texts and scriptures are available in the original languages and in translations. They do not necessarily promote one religion over another but rather foster higher study into whatever the individual is interested to learn about. A Catholic Universities, such as Notre Dame, for instance, in the USA has a high number of Catholic students and teachers but does not prohibit anyone no matter what religion they believe in from attending the University. Jesuit seminaries where men will study to become Jesuit Priests are all very well stocked with scriptures from all of the religions of the world. Jesuits are ordained by the church and permitted to perform a mass only after 12-15 years of training and study. Many monks - men dedicated to a religious life, will not participate in the community but prefer to isolate themselves in retreats, monasteries where they often live out their lives in study, prayer and service to the Monastery. So, there is no restriction at all on what holy books or scriptures can be read, studied or discussed. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan> Oh .. avidly looked for something interesting , but back to the beginning ... no problems and here is a part from the very early debate in this thread / discussion "" Nothing is absolute , everything else is null & void ... nothing is never null & void Where is the absolute ? "" .1 day ago Follow Antunez Antunez William Every human being has his/her own purpose. At times those purposes collide, however I dont think there is an absolute answer to this question as its rather objective. While science has given us some direction on why we are or the universe is here, only we can find and seek a purpose in our own lives.Once you strip yourself from superstition and philosophies, you are left with logical

thinking and facts. 1 day ago Like Follow Robert Robert Sessler Antunez - "left with logical thinking and facts"...which are what, forinstance, if you don't mind? 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Robert I am clear in my statement and there is not much of extra fitting .:) " What happens if I doubt human origin as explained in any of the scriptures !" Hope & wish you get the point I am driving home . ..........many others too have already vouched the philosophical amenability & vulnerability of all the subcontinent's scriptures. .1 day ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Mohan Thomas: What do you want to say? You want people to go through an insipid prologue and long video to understand yr. view point? Robert Sessler: Christianity as a religion prescribes "my way or hell". That is what the Bible tells, no matter what academic institutions discuss about such faith. Not long ago Christianity practiced methods which may put modern day Islamic Jihadists to shame in the name of the holiest of the holies. But the Eastern scriptures contain rebuttals and voices of skepticism and lengthy arguments pro and con about whatever is written in them. That is the difference between the Eastern and the Semitic faiths. You can never deny Christ and remain a Chistian. But you can deny Brahman and still remain a Hindu. Our scriptures do not have provisions for stifling dissent. We are not talking about people who profess to practice various faiths. There may be Hindu or Buddhist bigots and very liberal Christians or Muslims. But we are talking of what the different faiths say in their official "manuals" (Not my word but Aqi Aga's)!.

1 day ago Like Follow Robert Robert Sessler Whoa! M - I'm not promoting. I just understood K to mean something I obviously didn't understand...and still don't! And you're right, but I'd put it differently. Christian belief is that you get one chance to do everything right and live a good life. You'll make mistakes, so through God's grace, which you must seek and believe in, you'll be forgiven for those mistakes as you go along with your life.Not much different than what mother and father do in family life. But yes, if you choose an evil path and hurt others throughout your life and turn away from God, then, you will not enter into heaven. The belief is that whatever needs to be done must be done in this one life because you won't get another life or another chance. Not being a expert I'd say that this is one fundamental difference. What hell and heaven mean I really couldn't tell you. Some people I know think that the concept of heaven means that you will come back for another chance to live a good life. But this is not Catholic Church doctrine and I'm really going beyond my limits now, because I am not a priest, a sadhu or a holy man. 1 day ago Like Follow Robert Robert Sessler Another thing Mohanakrishan looking back at history, no one is free from having committed horrendous acts of inhumanity against other human beings except I'd venture to say the Tibetans. Most religious texts about history are filled with battle, blood, and gore. Again, just to be straight. I didn't join this discussion to promote, judge or criticize. Do I have an opinion, yes, and I'm entitled to that. Am I expressing my opinion, yes I am, and I've learned many interesting things through this interaction. 1 day ago Like KesavaUnfollow Kesava Somayajula If the door is half open, it is half closed. So, If the door is fully open, it is fully closed. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .In a lighter vein :)

What about French Windows or Rolling Shutters ?? .1 day ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz Depending on the beholder the door must be the opportunity or not / whether close or open ! The above is an Equation of a spiritual calculation! State of mind allows us to always make an opportunity or not = what you came for and/or have come for you always searched for the opportunity or not = this stimulates the growing of your spiritual awareness = the outcome of whether your happy with your achievement, or drill even deeper into the spiritual spiral of your journey! The journey is only exciting with the ChI within you which can be tranquility / or / eagerness no matter which side of the coin you are on it can grow your spirituality as long as you serve the server ! 1 day ago Like Follow Kutty Kutty Padmini Hi regarding ur query we took the human form only to help the need if one cant serve and help the there is no purpose life of a human love and share must b ur manthra hope its clear padmini 1 day ago Like Follow Sumit Sumit Mathur I sincerely believe that we are here on mother earth with some purpose....everything that happens to us...good or bad is due to our Karma in past, I personally believe that just play your role well, try to find happiness in what we have with us, thank Almighty for what we have, try to give your best shot in case we aspire for anything and leave the rest to God...if we get what we set out for..thank Almighty and if we do not get what we aspire for...still thank Almighty for providing us that opportunity to gain I strongly believe that we only get what is there in our destinty...nothing less...nothing more....but that doesn't mean that we do not aspire for anything and leave everything to destiny....bottom line "do your best and leave the rest to God and find happiness in what we have"... 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .-

Cosmic Rationality ..........> Cosmic Piety and Ecological Rationality "" the growth of new forms of worship as embodied in the ecological veneration of the cosmos. It shows how cosmic piety is becoming an essential component of modern culture in the current context of globalization, which frequently incorporates some crucial forms of rationality. Very often, the sacralization of nature appears to be a necessary precondition for the practice of ecological rationality given certain cognitive limitations and everyday anxieties of large populations in the contemporary world. There is rise and fall of an ecocentric or cosmocentric mythology , together with its consequences for societal adaptation to global environmental change. "" ...more ....> .1 day ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Robert Sessler: I never ever implied that your are "promoting" Christianity the way some people do or did in this very discussion. Mine was a purely academic view point. If some Hindus perpetrate atrocities against fellow humans, they can never justify any of their acts by citing the Vedas or the Upanishads. We do not even have words for "Heathen", "Pagan" or "Kafir" in Sanskrit! Unfortunately the Bible gave the moral authority to Christian bigots. They could say those who not believe Bible or accept Christ are Heathens and have to be "redeemed". This is de jure recognition for "chastising" or "reforming", sectarian violence in other words. Europe outgrew Christianity because of very strong Hellenistic influences which sprouted again during the Renaissance period. There is ample support from Bible for such acts. Any such argument put forward by a Hindu can be trounced through the Hindu scriptures. This was an intended effect chiseled through thousands of years of effort and thinking. That is the reason why I vehemently oppose those who advocate "reading between the lines" of Hindu scriptures and "creativity". 1 day ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Faith, Love, Affection, sincerity and integrity are all very good words. If one has faith in one self, do love one self, shows affection towards other lives, sincere by heart and rock like solid integrity and stands as a living example for others to follow. then forgetting and forgiving qualities added up makes the purpose of the life more beautiful and happier to all in peace, harmony and serenity.

1 day ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Even with only real rudimentary knowledge of the science of spirituality one can realise the unity in many ancient religions,that it is about the refinement of mind and its images ,thru the vital breath as the expression of life as spirit in man,and the governing principle or god in universe. Some who assert `authority`based on rote learning ,and no understanding proper of the lines[leave alone reading between and creatively learning]claim divergences of a spuroius nature based on misunderstanding and misinterpretation ,which is quite wide,since in this information age ,as many have pointed out,`learned`ignorance is very wide,and sometimes even accountant ants may speak `authoritatively`of science and its deep precepts nd conceptsas if scientists themselves who formulated them may feel they are wrong. That is the culture of the times that information age tends to promote,and in one way it is good,since there is some awareness of all too many things,but the problem is when ignoramuses assume the role of authorities,as with some too often[and on top of that they just shout,in spite of their `learned`ignorance,and sit stupidly in judgement. So,it finally ill serves the true purpose,and it becomes folly to be wise 1 day ago Like Follow Mohan Mohan Thomas This is what true people are doing. see and 1 day ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Interpretations as such need not be harmful unless they are used to create and perpetuate hatred among people. Brahminism in Hindu religion has many good attributes like bringing objectivity, impartiality and rigour to religious discussions. But it has also been used to perpetuate the intellectual hegemony of a group of people. Right or wrong, wider interpretations help greater participation and hence a greater sense of belongingness. Learning does not always happen only by learning the right things, it also happens by trying to defend a view point, right or wrong. 1 day ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Chirnjeevi,u just hit the nail on the head,and who ever interpreted `godan` as wealth of a cow rather than as wealth thru the word or breath has definitely a vested material interest ,no doubt ,in popularising the `right `interpretation,as a group or class[but serving the wrong pupose entirely]

Some `p`undits` have so eroded and continue to shout and erode the true meanings of the great and perrennial and all binding truths[as in most religions] 1 day ago Like Follow Aqj Aqj Aga Mr.Sridhar, yeh, lots of questions still left; but then why do you think we have been endowed with such intellect as no other creature has? we are supposed to use it to explore and find out... as time passes we will InshaAllah get all these answers. In Quran there are more than 35 times God has used the words like.. 'Do you not ponder?.'....... .Do you not understand?'...... ' Do you not think? ' Many a times Allah commands that we go travel and see what the earlier people did and what were the consequences; to go and see how other creations are made etc etc....... So lets explore or........ wait till the experts among us give as a plausible reason 1 day ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz there is no religion to be opposed by any nor rejected as they bring some value or the other. Instead of beeting the bushes go collect the seeds of it so you have something to spread around ! 1 day ago Like 1 Follow Harmohan Harmohan Kawatra I think, nothing is as complicated as we try to make it to be. Purpose of life and of Universe is very very simple. CREATE and ENJOY LIFE and help others ENJOY LIFE. Creativity is the most important faculty of man!!! 1 day ago Like Follow Aqj Aqj Aga Hi Robert, Thanks for you question. Yes you are right that Mohammed(sas) was the most recent of all the Prophets and messengers that have come He is also the last of the Prophets .[33.40] Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Apostle of Allah and the Last of the prophets; and Allah is cognizant of all things. With as the last, the series of revelations from God also comes to completion and stops there: [5.03]

......Today have I perfected your religious law for you, and have bestowed upon you the full measure of My blessings, and willed that self-surrender unto Me shall be your religion......... If you are refering to re appearance of Christ (sas)at a later date ....that a different subject matter needing different explaination 1 day ago Like Follow Robert Robert Sessler Hi Aqj - Thanks for answering. No, I wasn't thinking of Christ particularly. It could be anyone. I was just curious to know if that possibility of a future prophet for Muslims is predicted or suggested in the Quran. 1 day ago Like Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla Thank you Mr. Aga for your time. For me, it has been quite interesting to see that these holy books explain mundane things so much in detail for ex., even when to take bath, how to eat etc., which our intellect could have easily figured out. When it comes to these intricate and complex things, they leave us to our own imagination and interpretation.. 1 day ago Like KesavaUnfollow Kesava Somayajula Any texts from any religion can only be taken as valuable spiritual experiences of our past generations. There is definitely something that we can learn from the texts but blind belief on these texts may make us fanatic and intolerant. 1 day ago Like Follow Aqj Aqj Aga Hi Thiyagarajan , Thats a good bit of info you gave about ",,, only one Brahman ... on whose basis everything exists in Universe. Srimad Bhagavatham even talks about creation of universe from Big Bang to Big Crunch and repetion of the same."

So very true it is to the concept of One and Only One GOD and [21.30] Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before we clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe? [51.47] The heaven, We have built it with power (might), verily, We are expanding it or [30.11] It is Allah Who begins (the process of) creation; then repeats it; then shall ye be brought back to Him We should try to collate all the points which are agreeable to all of us and realise that we have very many common lines of thinking and friendship. 1 day ago Like Follow Robert Robert Sessler Of course we so have many common lines of thinking and friendship and that is very important for peace between nations. Unfortunately, these same words are often twisted for political aims and to pit us one against the other. Sad that. 1 day ago Like KesavaUnfollow Kesava Somayajula But that Brahman is us too. He is us not separate from us. 1 day ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Mr.Aqi Aga: Curiosity is natural human intuition and we do not need the Koran to exhort people to ponder or explore. At this rate you will start saying that you drink water because Kran says so and not because you are thirsty.That prophet is the "Last" "prophet" is just what the Koran says. There are many who believe neither in "Prophet" nor in their "Chronology". Hindu scriptures talk about so many things and describe various streams of thought. But they do not "prescribe" any single idea and say that "Here is the "truth" as revealed by A to X. If you do not believe in this you are a Kafir condemned for ever to the hell fire". One of the older beliefs of Hinduism talks about GOD the creator, who can create or destroy at his will. Majority of the participants in this discussion seem to believe in the Vedanta concept of abstract Brahman, which is beyond all characteristics or attributes and every being is either the same as Brahman or forms part of the Brahman. Secondly the Hindu scriptures are the Vedas and the Upanishads and not the Puranas like Bhagavatam. Puranas are just illustrative stories inspired by the scriptures. We do not need to have "common" "Points" of "Beliefs". We will continue to exist and cooperate with each other without anything in common between our respective beliefs.

Vedantic Hindus believe neither in Heaven not in Hell but say that there will be some effect for whatever you do with or without knowledge or with or without "divine sanctions". By the by where does Bhagavatam talk of "Big Bang" and "Big Crunch" (appears to be a concept you have coined!) 1 day ago Like 1 Follow Robert Robert Sessler Mohanakrishnan - What would Vedantic Hindus say to my comment - live by principles of right and wrong. If one chooses a life of wrong do Vedantic Hindus believe there is some punishment for wrongful deeds and wrong against others?? 1 day ago Like Follow Shamal Shamal Baliga I think the religious preachings are just meant to make everybody live orderly, without hurting others Hence, I believe,.while it is good to follow the rules that help the society/nature and hence required to be taught to the children/ignorant or those who accept that they do not know,and hence are willing to learn, such rules of the Life create serious issues and excesses in the society that comprises of living beings of different faiths. People become insensitive to others' pains caused by their forceful actions even though that might be followed per their faiths. . BTW, what does one do after reaching Heaven or Hell after leaving the materialistic world? 1 day ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada There is no need for finding commonalities among religions. Respect is enough. Why do we need to respect different religions? Every religion has followers and some of them have lot of followers. Respect to that religion means respecting the wisdom of all those people who follow that religion. Scientists and great philosophers are there from every religion. If a religion is not good how does that happen. Or why do such intelligent, wise people follow bad religions. There is a reason behind every word that is spoken. Future generations may look at our documentation and laugh at the detailing we did for every stupid code we have written or every stupid machine we invented or every stupid business we did. Much sophisticated technology may come which may make most difficult tasks today, baby's play tomorrow. 1 day ago Like

Follow Dr. Usha Dr. Usha Krishna Actually, to understand a religion is difficult. Following a religion gives purpose for those who have nothing to fall back upon- it could be MA, ALLAH, OM, JESUS........ However, fundamentalism has done more harm to society than good. I am reminded of the hindi song, "To hindu banega na musalman banega, insaan ki aulad hai insaan banega..... Allah ne to bakshi thi ek hi dharti, hamne kahi ..... ....banaya". Religion has been the biggest force for uniting the atomic individuals into believing in one God, and strangely also dividing them into many faiths.......probably that is the way God wanted it to be. .... Coming back to the purpose of life, according to Mr. Harmohanji, "I think, nothing is as complicated as we try to make it to be. Purpose of life and of Universe is very very simple. CREATE and ENJOY LIFE and help others ENJOY LIFE. Creativity is the most important faculty of man!!! " Most of us want our "VANSH" to continue.... Vansh includes Ansh. When we are gone our ansh continues in another form. That brings continuity to our existence in the form of our "ansh". Hence we continue to live in spite of being dead, and sometime through punarjanma as per Hindu philosophy. Carl Gustav Jung, believed that when a woman is carrying a baby in her womb, if she dreams of an ancestor, who is no more, is reborn. Therefore, continuity may be one of the purposes of life. 1 day ago Like Follow Robert Robert Sessler I don't have the answer. In order to respect you need to want to understand unless you will live in a shell and never venture out into the world. If I travel to the middle east, I need to know that I must never sit next to any man's wife and certainly not touch her arm by mistake. That person should know that if I do something offensive, perhaps I did not know and should be excused because I am a foreigner. So, respect is, partially, my knowing about him and him knowing about me and we both respecting one another. I also know we had no choice but to build that first computer which took up and entire room and wasn't even as powerful as a handheld mathematical calculator today, to be able to have made the achievements we have made in computer technology. So, from this point of view, yes the detail is necessary, vital even. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Chiranjeevi "" There is ( no ) need for finding commonalities ................ Respect is enough ! "" That is a beautiful statement .

.1 day ago 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Many times what happens in any knowledge building efforts as a society - more than a single individual or a community is the fact who owns it finally and who has selective access to the same ??? Lifting some good original thoughts from one to another and assimilating the same by coining another word in some exotic language is an ongoing effort / drama :) .....the defense is the Culture and hence many times the Culture comes under attack . Incidentally from " Cosmic Piety and Ecological Rationality " if one could look deep and between the lines, one could sense the socioeconomic benefits and the cultural integration very well ingrained in the sub-continent's culture and what is current and would be loss by alignment with some norms . .1 day ago 1 Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Robert Sessler: Yes one should live by what is right or wrong. There is no doubt about it. But the perspective of right or wrong may vary depending upon the circumstances, time and the society at large. These circumstances should be reviewed and re documented constantly, instead of saying so and so said that such and such thing is wrong, x commuted that "some act" and so let us punish him. Moreover Karma is emphatic that for whatever you do consequences will definitely follow, may be in your present life itself. These consequences may be perceived as "good" or "bad" in a different manner by different people under different circumstances. 22 hours ago Like Follow Robert Robert Sessler Thank you Mohanakrishnan.

21 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Culture Fish ....> The ChIndian Century ""Introducing India's 3 Idiots to a Chinese audience won't make the cut of epic attempts to break down barriers between cultures. But it does tap into a spreading consciousness that China and India and their people share a special place among today's nations a tandem locomotive pulling the global economy while much of the rest of the world is a train wreck. You've heard the drumbeat: stupendous growth rates; ever richer consumers; geopolitical clout a new order trumpeted by mega-events and extravagant slogans like the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing and "Incredible India" at Davos. "The rise of India and China," writes Robyn Meredith in her seminal book, The Elephant and the Dragon, "has caused the entire earth's economic and political landscape to shift before our eyes." Indian politician Jairam Ramesh sums up the phenomenon in a neologism: Chindia."",28804,2099180_2099179_2099178,00.html #ixzz1nggL429B .21 hours ago Follow Vijay Vijay Naik I think the answer to this is very complex.The deeper we go into it, it becomes more interesting but confusing.The ultimate answer I think I came to a conclusion is that everthing is zero.Everything is an illusion.You cannot see or hear it.The only way is to experience it is thru meditation.Everything has a cycle.It is born,sustained and destroyed just like the energy.Being born as the highest and most intellectual human being,we might want to play our part (just like in a drama) with the utmost perfection and love and finally amalgate with the supreme energy. 21 hours ago Like Follow Dr. Usha Dr. Usha Krishna Evolutionary Process should reveal the ultimate answer. The answer may be very far from our present day understanding. 21 hours ago Like

1 Follow Robert Robert Sessler If I'm not mistaken it was the Buddha, Siddartha who said something like, "The answers to all the questions in the universe lie within yourself." 21 hours ago Like 1 Follow Robert Robert Sessler Vijay - "Everything has a cycle.It is born,sustained and destroyed just like the energy" Physics shows us that energy cannot be destroyed, merely transformed. 21 hours ago Like 1 Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Dr.Usha Khanna: When you are unsure of the answer itself and have no clue what it may be, how can you say that it "may be very far from our present day understanding". How can you describe something you do not know?Robert Sessler: "Physics shows us that energy cannot be destroyed, merely transformed". Do not be so sure when worm theories and Back holes are still under investigation. 21 hours ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan ...Understanding . .>.... subsequently Knowledge building ..>.. Wisdom one very good visualization here, .20 hours ago Follow Abhimanyu

Abhimanyu Kapoor I like to see refreshing discussions like this. My two cents on this: - Purpose of human life is self enlightenment or nirvana or brahmgyaan - Can't be sure about "why" does the universe exist but my take is that God wants something to play with too. He wants living beings to evolve and reach the state of self enlightenment which is the state of God himself - Yes, there are many other plants which have life as per our shastras. You can't prove it using "modern science" you can prove it via human capacities which are beyond material 19 hours ago Like ChandrashekarUnfollow Chandrashekar Tamirisa Purpose of life on earth is indeed its continued existence in its form. When the form changes The Bhagavad Gita holds answering the second question. We don't yet know who knows about existence other than us. Then does the Universe exist if we don't if it is merely perception? 19 hours ago Like ChandrashekarUnfollow Chandrashekar Tamirisa The nature of reality as perceived by us contains the element of truth that the universe exists. 19 hours ago Like ChandrashekarUnfollow Chandrashekar Tamirisa What are right and wrong? Why are they so? 19 hours ago Like ChandrashekarUnfollow Chandrashekar Tamirisa There is no purpose for life, anywhere. Universe was, is, will be. I am it (The Bhagavad Gita). 19 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ." Universe exist if we don't if it is merely perception "

Could we dig weather the statement is Right or Wrong ?? :) .19 hours ago 1 Follow Vijay Vijay Naik If we exist then life exists,if life exists then universe exists and if universe exists then galaxies exists! 18 hours ago Like Follow Shai Shai Vashist Indeed a difficult question Chiranjeevi. My suggestion is to invite some experts outside this network. 18 hours ago Like Follow Rbert Robert Sessler Shai - You mean you think there actually IS one answer? 18 hours ago Like Follow Robert Robert Sessler Vijay Naik - Rene Descartes - French Philosopher, 16th century. "I Think, Therefore I Am." 16 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .That is ..I..n t e resting ....:) .-

13 hours ago KesavaUnfollow Kesava Somayajula But after knowing about Advaitha, philosophers now say, "I am, therefore I think" 10 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Check Wiki , the statement itself is debunked !! .10 hours ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada The experts are all here. To me the answers we provide here are not for others but for our own selves. I am sure most of us read and attend the expert discourses on these questions. What comes out here is how we understand them and how we interpret them from our own framework. Its a work in progress, we discuss, we read, we share and again we read. 9 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Chiranjeevi, Absolutely Yes :) Getting one's own mind Frame ( right ) is the ultimate Purpose as advised by many Scriptures ! ( mind < = > soul ) .9 hours ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R "Wiki" is not the ultimate authority on anything. Where people post without any

responsibility, quoting it as the exclusive support for any argument is nothing but sacrilege. 9 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Now I understand , many other authorities are there :) "I Think, Therefore I Am." is it debunked ?? .9 hours ago ChandrashekarUnfollow Chandrashekar Tamirisa Chiranjeevi Tallapragada: Thanks for inviting me into this extraordinary group of forward-looking people. Shai Vashist, are you well connected in the Mumbai area? Let us bring in the experts into this network. I am in the network. I am looking for likeminded experts. 8 hours ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Dear Chandrashekhar, I am nobody to welcome anyone here. I hope this is no call for 'war" :-) 8 hours ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar With so many view points ,some diverging somewhat,but many converging,essentially,this forum has definitely proved to be an expert one,definitely with contributions from many people ,some of who have given real expert comments,worthy of any wiki. Chiranjeevi can even edit a whole book amalgamising the converging and diverging strands to get a whoesome picture ,and a best selling book. Some time back some one like Mike did something like tht and had a good seller 8 hours ago Like

Follow Robert Robert Sessler Chiranjeevi - Whether you know it or not and whatever your motives were in the beginning, you deserve to feel satisfied that this discussion topic has generated such a comprehensive, interesting and diverse compilation of contributions. Thank you for dreaming it up and having the courage to start it. 8 hours ago Like Follow Robert Robert Sessler Prof. Suresh - I'm chuckling to myself because unknowingly, we seem to have crossed similar brain waves within minutes of one another. Cheers to Chiranjeevi. 8 hours ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Robert,that happens often ,to me,and perhaps others too,since many a time what i think in mind seems to be expressed by some one else,as if guided by some universal consciousness 7 hours ago Like Follow Robert Robert Sessler I agree Prof. Suresh and who's to say all of us who, brought together, have contributed to this discussion, have not been affected by that same universal consciousness? 7 hours ago Like KesavaUnfollow Kesava Somayajula I don't think if I am not there. I don't think in deep sleep but I am there to wake up next morning. 7 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Child Fish ........> Want to Be More Inventive? Think Like a Fifth Grader

"" A cognitive psychologist has developed a toolkit to help anyone be more inventive by shedding their preconceived ideas and thinking like a kid. The evidence from McCaffrey's lab is that this ability to see the obscure and unusual can be taught, and he's developed a tool kit to do just that. The techniques in the toolkit, McCaffrey says, are geared towards helping break us out of habitual thinking and return us to the fresh perspective we had when we were young:"" ....more........> .6 hours ago Follow Deepak Deepak Mahajan It is not important here who is the most informed here. In fact few comments are so difficult to understand so would request all to use a simple method. We all know that the answers to these are still not available but there is no harm in a genuine try. Everything I know about me and GOD has come to me automatically with simple logic and question which I have asked myself. 1.Whether you call GOD or some higher species, we had been designed by them as eyes, nose , ear etc and many body parts perform various function and we need to have food and water to survive and again we have expiry period with age. So all these things cannot happen without any purpose or design behind this. 2.The system on which universe operates is continuously monitoring us but no one is doing it manually. If we as species can develop such big technologies like Bluetooth and more then think about who actually created us. When I asked myself what actually connects us to that system and make us under supervision or control and the answer is Oxygen (air), there is not a place where we dont find air and in absence we have a permissible time limit to survive so we are connected through oxygen which is everywhere. 3.I give you as very example when you open your desktop and go to your CD Rom, right click and say eject then you soon find that that CD Rom is coming out, you have just given an instruction which was not mechanical but that was able to perform mechanical work so same way our body is capable of doing many things. Above are few random thought which keep coming in my minds and I just shared with you. I welcome if someone actually have more clarity. I am not sure but we may be a part of experimentation but our owner or that higher species is well justified to our actions and reactions. regards

5 hours ago Like Follow Aqj Aqj Aga MohanaKrishnan, What ever gives you idea that I am enforcing my view on you?? When God The Almighty has send us on earth to make our own choices how can any one else do anything to the contrary? Please read my earlier postings without any preconceived idea about me or my faith; you will be nearer to the actual meaning of the words mentioned therein Again your tendency to come to conclusions without reading properly the message is evident when you question "Srimad Bhagavatham even talks about creation of universe from Big Bang to Big Crunch and repetion of the same. " Firstly if you read my notings with care you will find it is not my saying or my quotation. It is someone else who quoted that and my response was to that person" Read it again and you might understand. 4 hours ago Like Follow Abhimanyu Abhimanyu Kapoor Kool, I like these examples Deepak..........very apt. Vedas and Vedanta is the ultimate authority on Universe Engineering Technology 4 hours ago Like 1 Follow Aqj Aqj Aga Dear Chirajeevi, Thanks for starting this topic. You had written to me that you have no idea about my faith; so in response to you and others I have been giving you that perspective sticking to the translations with refrences since that is at best, only 2nd best to directly reading the message in original language. Hope you have some idea of what Quran says. These are perspectives for us to understand and take a choice... no compulsion or force can one do on other......" [2.254] Let there be no compulsion in religion: ........ " I do not like to quote without refrence specially the religious sayings. Each one of us have to decide for ourself and look forward to its consequences. This is the central theme of what I wanted to convey in my 3 previous responses... yet at least one among us felt I am forcing my views on him ...God bless us all. Thanks to you all out there.I am available for any one to one discussion or clarification at:. BTW I have bought a copy of the Bhagwat Gita and read it a few years back. I like to read the original as far as possible Thanks once again to you all 4 hours ago Like

Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla Mr. Aga - I have a traslated copy of Quoran from Dr. Syed Vickar Ahamed According to his translation Sura 2.254 says the following "O you who believe! Spend from (the gifts) We have given to you, before the Day comes when no bargaining, no friendship, no praise (or intercession will be useful). And those who reject Faith- They are the wrongdoers. " So, which is the original? Can you please narrate the Suras 2.7, 2.10,2.13,2.15,2.17,2.18 as per your reference? 3 hours ago Like Follow Deepak Deepak Mahajan Thanks Abhimanyu .. you are honest and that is what matters to connect to our ultimate creator but i simply love him for being so innovative and magical ..... 2 hours ago Like Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla Abhimanyu - /*Vedas and Vedanta is the ultimate authority on Universe Engineering Technology */ Is there an evidence for the above which you like to show us?. If it is true, then computer, car etc., would have been invented many years ago? 2 hours ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Prof and Robert thank you for your appreciation. Why not, I will think about it and may be some of us here could collaborate on that. I need to know how to download all the comments in one place. Any ideas about it. Kesava, very good argument about I am so I think or the other way round. Interested to know Karthik's response.

Mr. Aga and Sridhar, I am so happy to know that you have indeed read the two great epics (don't know if I am right about calling them epics.) Mohan sir is very strict. He is particular about being right in the process he helps us learn how to argue back. Otherwise, we would all be just sharing our view points without any feedback. 2 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Chiranjeevi , no change ! "" Check Wiki , the statement itself is debunked !! "" .2 hours ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Abhimanyu and Deepak, I would be happy to know more about your views on these questions. 2 hours ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Sridhar and Mr. Aga, I think there would be a lot written in our religious texts, what we would practice will depend upon our own upbringing, family values and our own personalities. I feel we shouldn't feel defensive about what's written in the religious texts. This has been my line of thinking. Why should we be more possessive about these texts than their originators themselves were. In fact I might change my opinions 10 years down the line. If somebody else tries to defend my views of now after 10 years, how would it look. So, best thing is to take what is appropriate for the present and let the rest be there, not throw away but know that it served its purpose. I am not saying that we should change our values to adjust to the present but actually choose those advices from the past which actually address today's problems. 2 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .-

Heuristics Fish .....> (Although many may not agree / get to the line of thought ) " Present Problems <= > Past Texts " is one latest research paper , Homo Heuristicus: Why Biased Minds Make Better Inferences Gerd Gigerenzer, Henry Brighton Abstract Heuristics are efficient cognitive processes that ignore information. In contrast to the widely held view that less processing reduces accuracy, the study of heuristics shows that less information, computation, and time can in fact improve accuracy. We review the major progress made so far: (a) the discovery of less-is-more effects; (b) the study of the ecological rationality of heuristics, which examines in which environments a given strategy succeeds or fails, and why; (c) an advancement from vague labels to computational models of heuristics; (d) the development of a systematic theory of heuristics that identifies their building blocks and the evolved capacities they exploit, and views the cognitive system as relying on an adaptive toolbox; and (e) the development of an empirical methodology that accounts for individual differences, conducts competitive tests, and has provided evidence for peoples adaptive use of heuristics. Homo heuristicus has a biased mind and ignores part of the available information, yet a biased mind can handle uncertainty more efficiently and robustly than an unbiased mind relying on more resource-intensive and general-purpose processing strategies. .1 hour ago Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla Chiranjeevi - If one says that it is his/her belief/opinion, I will not have interest to ask for the reference. Abhimanyu mentioned as if it was a universal truth, hence I was curious to know his reference. For Mr. Aga, I found a difference between what I refer and what he mentioned. He might be true about 'no compulsion of belief', but some of the suras may not approve (in my opinion) that statement. So, I am eager to see what he has as per his reference. 1 hour ago Like Follow Robert Robert Sessler Chiranjeevi - Thank you, for thanking, me for thanking you. I say this with all due respect and sincerity - Have you thought of working in the Diplomatic Service?

1 hour ago Like Follow Raj Kumar Mishra Raj Kumar Mishra Google Analytics Certified Consultant God created us and send on earth to be human, i think all people will understand this thing all the issues will be short out automatically. i do not believe in religion, tradition, culture but i believe to be helpful and ready to feel the pain of others. 27 minutes ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Sridhar Bhaskarla: All theoretical expostulations about amity and "common platform" apart, I have found in my experience that it is the best policy to avoid discussions about "Faith". That was the reason why I tried to stop Mr.Aga and Mr.Ninan right in the beginning. Nobody who disagrees with you, will ever like your deterministic assertions, even if you are talking of your own faith to your own people. We see many Babas and self proclaimed saints aver that they are God and those who do not believe them are "fools", despite Vedantic assertions to the contrary. If you try to argue with all people who hold such beliefs, the only result will be an unpalatable end taste. Let us accept the differences between people and protest only when such individual faiths conflict with public good and other people's personal freedom. karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Vedanta Fish ......> I thought Vedas are the earliest prehistoric .........................................but modern Wiki type Collection of thoughts :) .4 days ago

KesavaUnfollow Kesava Somayajula If this is an opinion poll, we just post and do not comment each others comments at all. If this is a debate, we will have to ask questions and expect questions with an open mind. We are expected to present reasonable proof justifying our statements.

At the end of the debate , we may not change our takes but there is every chance that we get to know new perspectives. We may discover ourselves to be frogs in the well. 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Frog Fish ........> " We may discover ourselves to be frogs in the well. " or " I may discover myself to be a frog in the well " Which statement is correct :) .4 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Kesava Somayajula: Whatever propositions that one may put forward in answer to the questions posed in this discussion from a religious perspective can ever be "proved". What you will consider as proof? Something written in some book? I can dispute the book and this can go on and on. Unless you are a professional theologian it serves no purpose in learning various faiths. Your time is better spent learning more productive subjects! Karthikeyan: Early Vedas are far different from later vedanta and is full of so many things like ritualistic animal sacrifice, personal prejudices, prototyping and unsubstantiated dogmas. Do you agree with everything? The greatness about the Vedas is that they portray the evolution of the Hindu faith from a collection of tribal beliefs to ultimate, transparent and sublime metaphysics. If Vedas had said that "this is the end and nothing more to say", later streams of thought could never have evolved and you may have nothing to be proud about. By the by have you not seen Wiki collections of Ghost Busting? 4 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Kesava, the world is definitely round, we came back to the 'Frog in the well' statements.

Robert you made me chuckle because someone else said the same thing sometime back (guess out of frustration). Looks like, I should seriously consider that career :-) What ever is correct for you Karthik :-) 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .This is real Ghost busting . Getting one's own mind Frame ( right ) is the ultimate Purpose as advised by many Scriptures ! ( mind < = > soul ) Veda is not an Individual Property ?? .1. "" We see many Babas and self proclaimed saints aver that they are God and those who do not believe them are "fools", despite Vedantic assertions to the contrary. "" The Collection of Chants : A There is a fifth distinct type, which seem to display little knowledge of whatsoever it is talking about, be it Physics or Philosophy, often misquoting everything, is not bold enough to own its own comments and try to fudge everything in the name of "creativity" and "personal experience"-A tentative argumentative type which will lead you nowhere through its verbosity and jingoism! B Do not try to elevate cynicism to the level of Philosophy. Have we ever heard of "cynical" faiths? Cynicism in my opinion is an attempt not to harmonize ourselves with nature. It is advocating "dependence" arising out of fear of something for selling adherence to the ideas of some individuals. Peddlers of such faith better be insurance agents! C "cut and paste ism" is another form of "cynicism", where you are cynical of your own original intelligence! D "Wiki" is not the ultimate authority on anything. Where people post without any responsibility, quoting it as the exclusive support for any argument is nothing but sacrilege. There are some more directed at many others but no energy to collect :) .4 days ago

Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla Mr. Mohan - I have no intention to stir up debates on faith/opinions/beliefs. My intention here is to share my views and learn from others if possible. I don't feel myself qualified to teach others unless someone 'forces' me to learn. This being 'leadership' network, I attach credibility to everyone. In addition, I also look at their profiles before asking them the follow-up questions. So, when 'such' someone posts something as a 'universal truth' (without qualifying them as his/her belief, faith or view), then my curiosity goes up. There are few things where one can only 'opine' and they can't be questioned. But, there are always few areas where opinions are to be backed up. For ex., someone cannot say it as his/her opinion that India has 90% rich people. So, I tend to explore *only such* opinions too and will provide data/reasoning if I see it differently. Mr. Aga said that there was no compulsion of faith as per his holybook, so I had to clarify it myself having had a glimpse of Quran. I am sure everyone feels responsible when they make statements here. For ex., it was said that "Moses was behind the greatness of spirituality in India and it was kept as a secret". This person didn't mind offending the inheritors of an ancient culture but in no time got offended when asked for evidence and he was all over. People do get offended with the questions, but I do not believe we are here on a mission to get appeased all the time anyway. Thank you for your suggestion. 4 days ago Like ChandrashekarUnfollow Chandrashekar Tamirisa As an aside, born and growing up in India I rarely, including in school, addressed anyone "sir". I notice that this English habit is becoming more common both in India and in the United States. 4 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada I know it Chandrasekhar, but I don't mind using it as I have a meaning for it. I use it only for selected people whom I see in a mentor position. 3 days ago Like

1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan ......another reason may be this .....160 years time gap between US Independence & Indian Independence .!? .3 days ago ChandrashekarUnfollow Chandrashekar Tamirisa I have consciously dropped the usage from my vocabulary completely, even for a world leader should I speak to them directly in person. 3 days ago Like Follow Robert Robert Sessler In my work with government officials, most times I'm older and wiser. However, I use Sir ALL the time. Two things to point out. I'm respecting the rank, the position and the authority. If you lose that respect then the structure becomes undermined. Sir, is no more than a greeting of respect and should be used. Sometimes a word as simple as this makes a difference to the respect you show to others and the respect they will show to you. People I've known for years and who are friends, I'll address by their maiden name outside the office, but if I am in their office surrounded by their juniors and seniors, I will NEVER forget to use Sir. I hope you take this as good advice and not as telling you what to do. 3 days ago Like 1 Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada I agree with Robert. Besides, my choice of using Sir would also be based on other person's comfort. I kind of sense things, sometimes I could be wrong. 3 days ago Like

KesavaUnfollow Kesava Somayajula Mohan Krishan, I agree with you. Nope, nobody can prove. If someone says "GOD created us". What is there to prove or disprove? Moreover, people show what is there in the text as proof. That is why I took Alice in wonderland example in my previous posting . It is a circular logic. Why believe in book? Because GOD wrote it. Why believe in GOD, because it there in the book. Debating on such thing can not take us anywhere. What I meant was that just saying the statements from the book doesn't prove anything. It has be followed some valid reasoning. 3 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Go On Doing your part as human as you have taken birth as a human for the sake of humanism. What ever work you take up put your efforts and creativity and just do it. All dogs wag their tail for the person who gives them some food, other wise a dog tail is always curling up and indicating I am great, but it is confined to only it's locality which is limited. Take any animal or bird they all do that due to love and affection in one way or other. But not humans, because of the brain they have, every human has limitations with their brain due to ignorance, to accept that they are ignorant makes all the problems due to so many other reasons. Those who live with principles Go On Doing their works whether some body likes it or not they just keep on the momentum going. They never lose their energy on unnecessary arguments even if they do there must be some purpose and strategy behind it. As most of the people do argue even without using their brains as they feel they are well educated and others should give attention to their useless and unnecessary arguments. Just like a dog is faithful to it's master who gives the food and shelter, a human must be grateful to the persons who give them birth, education and other things for their usage. But that faith should not be misused for creating emotional problems or others take advantage and break the family and then the tradition that was coming down the goes down ethically and morally also handicapped totally. The skills that were developed are all lost, entire society breaks down and then the humanism around which all the religions and races or regions do work gone into disarray. 3 days ago Like 1 ChandrashekarUnfollow Chandrashekar Tamirisa A critical part of that karma is the inviolability of the self. 3 days ago Like

Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R "Humility" should be a conviction. Rather than questioning how far ignorant the others are one must introspect how far ignorant I am. Enlightenment dawns when one conquers his own ignorance and errors of perception. What others do is none of anybody's business unless such actions harm or jeopardize others. If we keep attributing motives to what others do we never end up minding our own business effectively. Let each individual take care of himself or herself. Moralizing is quite easy and any Tom, Dick or Harry can do it. Self development is subjective and requires real and not apologies for effort. What one does for self development is his own business and not that of others. Such people never preach. Effort is not ego. Lack of effort is indolence. Karma extolls effort and independent thinking and bold action. @Chandrashekar Tamirisa: Can you please explain why you think that a "Critical part of Karma is inviolability of the self". 3 days ago Like Follow Deepak Deepak Mahajan Kesava Somayajula you actually put it in a right prospective that it is not debate platform and if someone didnt answer then there could be many justified reason. Me and Abhimanyu are not experts but I just made a point that, be simple when approaches spirituality or GOD or I believe anything. The examples I have quoted had been emerged automatically when I started challenging the existence of GOD and How we are always stay connected. I would again say these are difficult question and a lifetime is too short to know about it but there is no harm in a genuine try. I am benefited highly by this brainstorming as always wishing to read all Vedas but never find me to interest but now I would for sure. Why dont we make a small team and start researching more? I would love if people can gather more studies already progressed so far in this regard. Regards 3 days ago Like Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla Deepak - Personally, I like the posts like yours as they contribute to the thought processes of others in neutral manner as they do not hide behind religious texts or such inferences. Though they may have been

directly/indirectly influenced by one's upbringing which may include religion, they do not give the *superiority* or *racial* feeling that "because my religion/faith/text says so, it is true" or "my religion/faith is great". People do make statements on faith etc., which can't be debated and they do no harm as long as they do not offend/invite others for further discussions. 'Let anyone say anything, I will not engage' is a typical 'good' and 'tolerant' mindset, I generally see around. I do not see these forums as elsewhere where 'anyone' without frills, can masquerade, mock and massacre others. If someone, supposed to be a leader, can't take ownership of clarifying the statements he/she makes and engages in a debate, I don't see any reason to shy away from them. But that's my personal opinion and choice. 3 days ago Like Follow Deepak Deepak Mahajan Sridhar Bhaskarla , Thanks for being so open and honest. you had made you point. I have read many of your comments in other post. All shows that you are not biased and not self centered. I am the same. What I was trying to say that this topic is beyond debate (You have to build self experience exercises.) As if I ask a simple question. who created god and then who had created god who created that and the list is endless.Beleive me if you can, that supreme power had made a limitation in all humans mind to not to reach beyond a level of clarity or we need to experience lot of other things beyond an ordinary life and I am too small to even recommended those ways..but would love to explore if got a chance. It is very nice to have a person like you on the forumGood day. 3 days ago Like Follow Ananth Ananth kumar The goal of life is to self awareness. 3 days ago Like Follow Ramesh Ramesh Kumar It has been put in correct words. It does not require any back up of quotes. 3 days ago Like

Follow Robert Robert Sessler Anyone - please help me with this in a simple way. 1. What is self awareness? 2. I'm aware of myself now, granted on a lower level. So what is the level of self awareness I should want to reach? 3. Once I get there, if ever, will I be in a state of being that is beyond words to describe? 4. Is Nirvana the name of that state of self awareness? 5. If it is, is Nirvana describable? 3 days ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar A core self may not be inviolable,but still very tenacious,and a central element of Karma. When one evolves thru spirituality to an experience of Akarma,or the state of being beyond the core self as bound y karma,then one has attained the oneness with the true being or Brahman.In that sense the core self transmutes itself thru the spiritual process,as it is in the fire of the vital force,even as it maintains an essential deep nature. So ,one can say,in a sense,there is an exaltation or refinement of the ego,to a satvic state,and then beyond,to the Gunathitha[meaning beyond qualities] That is where one experiences the equivalence of the Trimurthis,as the vectors of the quality field,and as the basic nature which operates the self,and thru it,as part of phenomenology in this world. The whole world thus becomes an expansion of the karma and self thru one`s spirit-that is why each one of us lives in his own world,and has his own world views which he thinks as true,and even science is not beyond entirely of such subjectivity[thru the measurement framework,the act and its nature] 3 days ago Like Follow Robert Robert Sessler Prof Suresh - Is one name of that state of being you describe Nirvana? Is it a state of being that really cannot be described in words? 3 days ago Like Follow Narendra Narendra Nath Dear Bob, may i venture to respond to your comment above. Nirvana is a word used by

Buddha to describe a state of being where you lose your body self to the entirety of existence in the universe and thus live in a state of Oneness, no worldy dualities that one encounters all the time,viz. good and bad, happiness and sadness, right and wrong, etc. As Prof. Kumar refers, it is a state of egolessness beyond the three states of Gyana ( Sattva ), Karma ( Rajasva ) and Tamasva (total worldliness of dualities). Bset philosophy of living accordingly is to do one's duties through Actions, without any attachment to the fruits thereof. Ofcourse acts should be performed with due thought and introspection, called 'viveka' in Sanskrit language. 3 days ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Robert,definitely it is a state of blissfulness,and you are bathed in light of an ethereal kind and beauty.Then there are some mystic experiences which I would not like discussing in an open forum like this,for obvious reasons.Truth of it all is borne out from some empirical experience and its evidence. It is largely describable,though the state of bliss may not be really so,since it is unlike anything we have known thru the senses or emotion or imagination or narcotics or artificially induced,since it is a synergy of,and essential extraction and abstraction of all things pleasant and bright and beautiful 3 days ago Like 1 Follow Aqj Aqj Aga Dear Sridhar, Thanks for pointing out my mistake.I typed a wrong verse no . I should have just' copy and paste' to avoid such mistakes... well the right one is 2.256-" Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy handhold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things." Translations are nearest to the Original but cannot be a original itself. I refer to a site which gives me 40 odd translations verse by verse.... yet some times I find the need to go to original language and to the root of any specific word to get the real meaning. I can send you details about the other verses you asked (or the site I refer to), if you let me have your emailID as it is not within the topic of discussion here Thats also the reason I did not send a full answer to Robert for his specific question to me. Bye 3 days ago Like Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla Thank you Mr. Aga. It was only a request, no compulsions.

3 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Robert Sessler: The answers I give are text book answers with no addition or deletions from my side. 1. What is self awareness? 2. I'm aware of myself now, granted on a lower level. So what is the level of self awareness I should want to reach? Vedanta believes that all the three elements of the universe, that is, matter, life and divine or energy are either one and the same or inseparable. This unified whole is called the Brahman. The Advaita philosophy says that Brahman alone is truth and the rest are just illusions.Since you belong to the "life" category, you are also Brahman and the Brahman is yourself. Realization of this fact at the conscoius and sub conscious level is 'Self Awareness". In that state you view the whole and there are no grounds for any illusion or "relative" perceptions. he self awareness you are talking about is different from the Vedantic self awareness. Your self awareness is vis-a-vis yourself. You are but an infinitecimal part of the Brahman. Hence being aware of just yourself can never you the correct answers for your questions. Vedantic self awareness is vis-a-vis the Brahman. You elevate yourself to the level of the Brahman by clearly understanding that you are nothing but Brahman. Your acts will be no different from the acts of the Brahman. In very rough terms you become God, though God is not exactly Brahman. 3. Once I get there, if ever, will I be in a state of being that is beyond words to describe? Theoretically yes. Approximately, Brahman is all encompassing and at the same time resides in everything. Why approximate? Saying that you will be like "Brahman" is separating yourself from the Brahman. At this level of awareness you perceive everything correctly without distortions caused by "illusions" (Maya). As your cognitive senses are not adequate to reach this stage, and "Language", a mere tool created by your cognitive senses, it cannot describe this state. 4. Is Nirvana the name of that state of self awareness? If it is, is Nirvana describable? Nirvana is the release from all links that bind you to things which may restrict self-awarness. The theory is if you transcend certain attributes like ego, greed, emotion, attachment etc., you are better prepared for self realization or self awareness. Nirvana is a condition that precedes self awareness. Buddhism says that it is enough you obtain Nirvana and identification with any other principle is superflous. Yes Nirvana is describable. When you see two people totally unconnected with you fight each other, you are in a better position to judge which party is correct. This happens because you are not bound to them in anyway. This is called a state of intellect detached from emotion. There are so many phraseologies like this, precribed as route to Nirvana.

3 days ago Like 2 Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar very true experientially too since these are real philosophies beyond the subjectiveobjective divergences,or rather a coalescence great understanding,to say the least,if just intellectual,to learn from books alone I am inclined to think that no one can be so close to reality merely based on an intellectual exercise or philosophical conjecture alone 3 days ago Like 2 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Flash Back .........> Some times Gems flow out of Original thinking , taking obviously in to consideration the current knowledge as espoused in many texts & scriptures Here is one good , but a bit early comment : "" ' Purpose of Life: To experience Living and death. ' This is a practical answer since everybody who is alive is experiencing something/manything & sooner or later experience death too. If the experience is bad then one can strive to improve their experience by defining or aiming for the kind of experience they want & strive for it. That becomes the purpose for those who are unhappy with the current state of affairs. Happy people who are satisfied and enjoying life may not have the time to think about such questions. But wait it cant be all that simple. What about God? Transcendental stages, connecting with Inventor & all that mumbo-jumboWell out of 1 lakh ILN members only 2 people could claim to achieve it. Success rate is extremely poor or even negligible. You can imagine the success rate when we consider 6 billion people. Moreover what happens after achieving a state or connecting with people? Can you solve the problems of the world? Can you eradicate poverty, hunger & other social problem? Perhaps not. So what purpose does this spiritual mumbo-jumbo serve? We can be better off learning Moral science & Humanity without religion. It will help us to stay disciplined & also avoid religious conflicts. "" The query generated from there is ' Stages of an Individual .... at the Present ' . ( in my view )

.3 days ago Follow Robert Robert Sessler Thank you Gentlemen for your reponses. 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .This is actually a Buddhist text but the needy & curious could see similarity / equivalence in other scriptures too. The main point is that ' Nirvana ' is the ultimate or near ultimate beyond ' X' number of stages Ten characteristics of a Buddha .1.thus gone, thus come (Skt: tathgata) .2.worthy one (Skt: arhat) .3.perfectly self-enlightened (Skt: samyak-sabuddha) .4.perfected in knowledge and conduct (Skt: vidy-caraa-sapanna ) .5.well gone (Skt: sugata) .6.unsurpassed (Skt: anuttara) .7.knower of the world (Skt: loka-vid) .8.leader of persons to be tamed (Skt: purua-damya-srathi) .9.teacher of the gods and humans (Skt: sta deva-manuya) ....> the Blessed One or fortunate one (Skt: bhagavat)[5] The tenth epithet is sometimes listed as "The World Honored Enlightened One" (Skt. Buddha-Lokanatha) or

"The Blessed Enlightened One" (Skt. Buddha-Bhagavan) .000. or 10 :) .3 days ago Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Recently I had occasion to discuss Upanisads with a Muslim young man who had great attraction towards learning and knowledge ,and who as part of that ventured deep into upaisads which he found very intriguing,informative and exalting ,and where he could also find some parallels with concepts from other religions. His clear understanding was surprising,and he even could follow a pra tice that is widel but variously described in upanisads,and even camouflaged often thru metaphors and symbolism,for the essentail message,to be conveyed only to the searching aspirant and the esoteric crowd in the discipline. HE DEMONSTRATED the process which is supposed to be taught by a guru to a sishya,and he could understand that as the very essence of Indfian metaphysics and spirituality,at a practical level. He just wanted to check whether what he was doing based on textual understanding was right or wrong,and he was surprisingly very cl;ose That was a bolt of astonisment for me,since he felt he should ask me,and check for correctness Some of these go beyond your assumptions and expectations-so there is continual learning even as you experience true and ultimate knowledge 3 days ago Like 1 Follow Shamal Shamal Baliga Interestingly many a times, the interpreters or sopposedly the most knowledgeable/philosophers/pundits are the ones who create the problems to the society sometimes knowingly and sometimes unknowingly! I also feel that the most of religions were born to overcome some societal/ritual concern at that particular timeframe. So today, we find several religions (or should I say interpretations?) contradicting each other on some major points so much so that a common man gets totally confused about. Secondly, with due respect to all, after reading the comments of many in this forum, I continue to feel that everybody is right and everybody is wrong, same time. I continue to feel that the 3 basic questions have infinite answers and actually nobody has got understood the real answers to any one of them. The species have lived and evolved generations after generations And I think the doubts about the purpose of life are everlasting despite one generation passed their knowledge/learning to next one! 3 days ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Flash Back .........> ( continued ) Another interesting thing with flash back of comments is that ' It is a way to look at the * Self where is IT in different stages for any Individual ' 000. 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9....000 It is one's own * Mind which is convinced and pens that statements of thoughts . * Self ( soul ) < = > * Mind Ongoing Oscillations to keep One moving up the Ladder towards higher Stages . Discover IT :) .3 days ago ChandrashekarUnfollow Chandrashekar Tamirisa Mohan Krishnan: There is more than one explanation. If the distinction between the self and the other is non-existent (oneness with the divine and hence oneness with the other), violence against the self is also violence against the other. Violence against the other, conversely, is also violence against the self. Still, violence is justified in war. Why? It takes us back to the question of the determinants of good and bad (value judgments) in existence as we are (human form). More simply, violation of the self removes the basis for all else in karma. The missing actor cannot act upon coming into being. You are aware that you are because of your senses. Enlightenment is an experience. 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Chandrashekar , Agreed . it is indicative to drive home the other message !

* Self ( soul ) < = > * Mind Ongoing Oscillations to keep One moving up the Ladder towards higher Stages . .3 days ago Follow Dr. Usha Dr. Usha Krishna Nice discussion: So the life at highest spiritual level, the life at mundane level, and life as a mix of spiritual and mundane levels are the stages. Within these stages oscillations take place. Some are satisfied with life at mundane level and have no spiritual aspirations. Others are ritualistic and do not bother about achieving highest spiritual level. Some are trying to find the meaning, others have no time to bother. For some life is purposeless. Some reach the old age and wish, "Oh had I been given one more chance!!! " Some get sick and diseased and the purpose of their life to get rid of their disease. There are others who age like aged wine. There are some who live a short life and do a lot for everyone. There are some who live for a full life without doing anything for anyone else. What all can at least do is to pray, seek, and achieve whatever is within their limits and leave all worries 2 days ago Unlike 2 Follow Shamal Shamal Baliga Yes, I think it is quite complex and confusing to study the pattern as how one thinks and what they do during their entire lifetime. There are quite many people that I have studied, lost their interest in the spirituality due to some major events in some points of time. And other way also. I think it is also not an uncommon observation that the same person reacting differently for the same event at different points of time. I think we find some events in our life where we do not find any logics/reasons working.

2 days ago Like Follow Vijay Vijay Naik GOD BLESS US ALL 2 days ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Vijay Why this uncertainty and that is suppose to be the duty of the Entity :) .2 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz The Creator has blessed the creation with us to become the reflection of the highest state of physical independence yet. As you/we become the reflection of the spiritual exchanges it becomes the highest exchange of Love in an evolution process ! All that energie captured in Light, as a transparent synthesizer..... in order to exchange all vibration of Life back to the cosmos, as exchange for the independence ! 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Independence <.x.> Free Will .....?? .2 days ago Follow Peter

Peter Stutz The Yang / atheist // independece is a individual choice in how long you will take to get going in order to serve the server // Ying / spirituality is a growing spiral of Life and ultimatly becomes light within. Any of the challenges can be hadled so called independent/Yang of course under the roof of cosmic energie or as Ying for the purpose of Life ! 2 days ago Like Follow Susmita Susmita Barua Your purpose is to find the purpose and devote yourself wholly to it. - BuddhaTo find the way is to know the self. To know the self is to forget the self. To forget the self is to be enlightened by 10,000 things. - DogenTo follow the Tao is to harmonize the yin and yang energies within our being and body-minds!"There is one thing in this world which you must never forget to do. Human beings come into this world to do particular work. That work is their purpose, and each is specific to the person. If you forget everything else and not this, there is nothing to worry about. If you remember everything else and forget your true work, then you will have done nothing in your life." - Jelauddin Rumi 2 days ago Like 2 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Susmita.... good one and that is already Occam's razor applied . let me do the second iteration :) ' Karma Yogi ' .2 days ago 1 Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Chandrashekar Tamirisa: In the first place I am not concerned about "explanations". "Explanation" should be personal given a particular text. To the extent possible I tried to reproduce excerpts from the texts of Upanishads in response to Reobert Sessler's questions. Mine was just a verbatim translation which I did to the best of my ability and knowledge. What message you derive from it or whether to believe it or not is exclusively your look out. I do not believe in preaching. What I write herein below is my perspective of what Vedanta specifically says.

A self actualized person can never be fooled by deceptions or Maya because of the supreme state of his consciousness. At that level of consciousness there can be no "violence". "War" in most instances results from mismatch of perceptions by different sets of people and their attachments to something be it something material or conceptual. If all people are self actualized the seed for any war may never be sown at all. The problem is such ideal levels of universal consciousness do not seem to exist in the day to day world. In rare instances "War" may become necessary to avert what people think is "larger evil". Self actualized people, by definition are always expected to arrive at such conclusions using their super consciousness and their decission should not be wrong. Agreed "Enlightenment" transcends cognitive perceptions and may be a matter of personal "experience". But where the exercise of cognitive perceptions should stop and where super consciousness should take over is a very moot point. As you know up to a particular level classical Newtonian Physics is valid and beyond which you think of Relativity and quantum Physics. But if you are consistently late in going to your office saying that there is no absolute "Time", do not blame your employer if he sacks you. 2 days ago Like 2 Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Just a thought in the morning. Like the energy, the (non physical) results of our deeds cannot be destroyed. This has already been proclaimed by all religions in one form or the other. While some results are seen immediately most are seen only in the long term. The long term results we fail to connect back to something we did in the past. Religions try to make us think of them by threatening of consequences like hell and heaven. Some religions talk about carrying these results to the next birth in the form of karma. I think the energy we spend comes back to us after sometime or the other, the form it takes may be same or completely different from the form in which we spent it. End of it I think we balance the energy levels within us. We cannot get rid of the negative energy by spending it on outside things. Probably spirituality helps us increase the positive energy and reduce the negative energy. Completely positive energy may be god. So as we go on spiritual path we may be on our path to reach the state of god. What's the impact of positive and negative energies that we spend into this world. While we think that we are impacting this world in fact we may be impacting just ourselves. But the whole world exists for us to play with these energies or become aware that it is all illusion and only the self is the real thing and focus on self cleansing. huh...still with the illusion. 2 days ago Like

2 ChandrashekarUnfollow Chandrashekar Tamirisa Mohanakrishnan R: you have elaborated on what I am saying from your translations, as you state, of extracts from the interpretive Upanishads. Please read my comments in this discussion above. A sound test is to read the scripture and experience enlightenment. I humbly insist that it is a transcedental experience without expectatin or effort, twice in my life, at least in my case, when going about my day. I can only relate to you what I experienced: a state of gender transcending, colorless, formless complete and total unity with all else. Try this as an experiment: sit in a busy mall and observe suspending judgment. If you can see beauty in everything around you, you are there. 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .War Dilemma !! There are Gods not much in Hinduism ..... ......who is not glorified for his / her prowess in the battle field . That leads to the proposition God itself is not enlightened or self actualized ?! .2 days ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan .War Fish ......> These days the wars are not fought with poisoned arrows or even nuclear weapons... .....Guess , it is just Information Warfare . "" Bill Gates, Monsanto, and Eugenics: A Corporate takeover of global agriculture After it was exposed that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the philanthropic brainchild of Microsoft founder Bill Gates, purchased 500,000 shares in Monsanto back in 2010 valued at more than $23 million, it became abundantly clear that this so-called benevolent charity is up to something other than eradicating disease and feeding the worlds poor ( It turns out that the Gates family legacy has long been one of trying to dominate and control the worlds systems, including in the areas of

technology, medicine, and now agriculture........."" more .....> .2 days ago 1 Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Chandrashekar Tamirisa: Unless you have a basic idea of what it should be like in an "enlightened state", you can never claim that you have reached such a state. There is no benchmark to compare. Every person has his or her experiences and what matters is whether such individual felt good himself/herself or not. The label can follow only when the world is able to perceive the effects of your self actualized states. Only results speak! By the by There can be no "interpretative" Upanishads". Only we interpret them. After all Sankara and Ramnuja interpreted Upanishads. But all are not Sankaras and Ramanujas. Karthikeyan: There is no concept of "God" in later Hinduism. We have only Brahman, which includes God. Brahman is "impersonal" and transcends all forms and attributes. (Nirguna or Sakhala Klayana Guna Sampanna). Early personified "Gods" like Indra, Vayu, Agni, Varuna of the Vedas are expired brands. Later evolution of the concept of God in the Puranas and in the Bhakti movement never deny Brahman. They personified Gods for easier comprehension and attribute Karma to God only as illustrations to state what happens because of ones' acts and omissions. 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Mohanakrishnan, Why the trouble, you are the Authority on Hinduism & Vedanta ( wholesale ) more than Bill Gates domination over the market ! Isvara, Krishna , Muruga , Durga ....... all are whom ? Let us move on to next subject :) War Fish ......> These days the wars are not fought with poisoned arrows or even nuclear weapons...

.....Guess , it is just Information Warfare . .2 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz Chiranjeevi Tallapragada the finding are within to let go of all values in which you are holding on to ! only then the Energy is pure I did like your last statement still with the illusion many of us have the problem that if you cannot hold it, it cant be ! let me give you a great tip ! next time you see your mom / dad or any of your family take their hand into you yours and say nothing ! that is the power of Love you will notice that energy transmitting your purity is worth one million of words or gifts : if you become spiritual in your own findings we must remind our self that this is a gift we can actually learn to grow ! Nature has some very interesting examples we keep missing. A fountain / a creek any water speaks to you only if you take the intention to listen. Thats spiritual awareness learning. you must not believe but find yourself and learn to know how to grow ! 2 days ago Like Follow Praveenben Praveenben K To know who you are and to be yourself. Your consciousness is the only existence and nothing else. The following Quote answers your question. My above answer is simplified version of Marianne Williamson. You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. Marianne Williamson, Return to Love 2 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Good one Praveen. I like it. Bit difficult to practice but should get used to being so. Good way to live. 2 days ago Like

Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada I wish I could transform just like that and become happy and stay like that for ever. Happiness is so elusive. Good nature is so elusive. It is there now and it is gone. Some people are lucky in that they are naturally made that way. Everyone else struggles but cannot sustain the results. So best is to be one's natural self and bear with the joys and sorrows and what not. I give up. 2 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Iswara as Siva - Muruga - Krishna - Durga : Not main deities in the Vedas. Refer whatever you want and scour the internet Karthikeyan! They are deities from the Puranas and the much later Bhakri moment. At least I know a little more than what you do as I do not owe my knowledge to Wikipedia! 2 days ago Like Follow Sandip Sandip Ray When we have answer, we call it Science and when we don't have, we call it Religion. 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Mohanakrishnan I have shown you what ever needs to be shown or told , rest is your own Fun and I am not party to it ., enjoy :) .2 days ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Chiranjeevi If one could look in to the ' Bakthi ' Songs especially from Nayanmars & Alwars , many of them will be longing for the missing happiness in the absence of lord's company .

They had felt his presence few times but not permanent and they literally start crying beautifully through the songs for the permanence of that Bliss . Some even claim , " since that I have arrested you in my heart where else you can go to attend other Bakthas " Looks like the proverb is true, " Crying child gets attention " even from the Gods . Unfortunately not many are able to Cry Beautifully ! .... oh I forgot, one needs his Blessings :) .2 days ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada True Karthik...nice examples. I guess to most of us God is like an ATM machine. We think we can ask him anything. Unfortunately we ask the same things that we ask an ATM. We are still like babies worried about our next meal. 2 days ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Sandip,I agree,though intutively u come to know the answers,though you may not be convinved 2 days ago Like Follow Praveen kumar Praveen kumar Atmakur @Chiranjeevi, Good one but, Tell me who is that, who is worried about the next meal? If GOD is not an ATM then What is GOD? @ Praveenben K, You first sentence ("I am Consciousness") is quite understandable for me but the second one, where GOD is with in us and We are children of some GOD!!! is a little bit confusing and contradicting the first statement that "I am Consciousness".

If you are consciousness, the concept learnt that GOD is some manifestation and he or she needs some GLORY is also with in your conscious. 2 days ago Like KesavaUnfollow Kesava Somayajula The mind desires, until the desire is fulfilled, the mind torments. Once fulfilled , the tormenting is gone and mind interprets that as happiness. This give us an idea that the happiness is in fulfilling the desires. When you finish a good meal (impression in mind), the mind desires to have many such good meals and doesn't want to lose a chance to miss such good meal in future. So, we start accumulating wealth . This entire world is busy doing this. We find a purpose according to our magnitude of desire and live for it. The desire is so strong that we don't want to miss comforts ever after death. So we invented GOD and heaven. What else can it be called? Mahamaya. 2 days ago Like 2 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .War Fish ........> Info. war , not that harsh but what is the alternative work or purpose - READ Books ( I am not sure that amounts to info.war :)) What was the greatest invention of the industrial revolution? Hans Rosling makes the case for the washing machine. With newly designed graphics from Gapminder, Rosling shows us the magic that pops up when economic growth and electricity turn a boring wash day into an* intellectual day of reading* . Read Hans Roslings lively chat about this talk in TED Conversations Hans Rosling and the magic washing machine .2 days ago

Follow Chao Chao Xiong It is the experiment started by somebody but out of his/her/their control finaly. That somebody has left because of the fighting, the environmental pollution, the cheating, the ethicless, the immorality, etc. That somebody may come back with solutions.Or that somebody might have already forgotten the matter as he/she/they are enjoying something else at some other place we donot know. Therefore, all of us are just under test for something or for nothing. 2 days ago Like 2 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Chao That is different and if you do not mind , what is the far -nearest school of thought or philosophy; so that it could be probed further . If it is original of yours then...... The nearest the thread came to that on the whole is., .....Dilemma ! Something is better than nothing or Nothing is better than anything . .. led to free will .. to ...Theological Determinism ... to ....Logical Determinism ' Karma' ..War ( info war ) - which is better, .. to..... washing your clothes or reading something Staying doing nothing is not that easy and as well nobody is going to allow it anymore ? .2 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz Chiranjeevi Tallapragada the key for one to test! its free! please go under the largest blue sky in your area and shout out your quest ! I have done so and it works only one quest per day at first ! please let me know the outcome a few days later ! The sky is the windows to heaven...... always in cosmic responce pleas try it ! 2 days ago Like

Follow Peter Peter Stutz Chao your very close to the totality of the whole..... as the division is being placed as we speak ! 2 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Peter Stutz: To find the "largest" blue sky near where I live I have to go the Marina beach of bay of Bengal some 5 K.M away and it is always overcrowded. Finding a smog free day is another problem. If I "shout out" there the cops may book me for public nuisance! :) 2 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz thats a other story If you can not find the peace you may need to travel within ! 2 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz there you find the litle Mohan this one you can travel to any place you like and find the biggest sky there is ! you can heal all wounds and you can see others in peace ! 2 days ago Like Follow Chao Chao Xiong Mr. Karthikeyan Arumugathandavan,thank you for still remembering me. Yes,it is from me but I forgot to claim copyright and I hope it is not too late. In fact, if you just open the fairy tales or reivew the origin of the universe from many religions, the world or the human beings are created just by accident or as toys. And if my story is ture, you are 100% right that it will be difficult to stay doing nothing as each of us has the role to play even though the director may not be along with us and we couldnot even have a playscript to follow. Thanks, Peter.

2 days ago Unlike 1 Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Its like know you are a prince or princess but presently locked up in the body of a frog. You want to transform and be the prince or the princess and you want the magic potion, everyone says exists and within your reach. Some say I have been drinking and it is working for me. And you are like still searching for that magic potion. You know you are sleeping but you cannot break out of this dream. Someone else says he/she is awake and quite happy. Some say my dream is quite good I don't have to wake up. Some say I know how to control my dream. Some say what is to be awakened. And the day breaks and the drop of snow flake melts and disappears. 2 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Peter if I could go under the largest blue sky I don't even have to scream. What fills me is peace and silence. I guess all this need for shouting and screaming is because we can't do it. Look at small children, they just love to run. They don't know where to but they want to run away from wherever they are. When there are elders around them they run in the direction opposite to where the elders are otherwise direction really doesn't matter to them. 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ." director may not be along with us and we could not even have a play-script to follow. " Good one , Chao.. .Now that you are a Star philosopher , clear our few doubts :) Neglecting one's regular / necessary work , reading any book ( however bad/good it may be ) is it worth it ? .2 days ago

ChandrashekarUnfollow Chandrashekar Tamirisa Mohanakrishnan R: It is a state as I described it. There is no value judgment relative to other human beings attached to it. 1 day ago Like Follow Robert Robert Sessler Chao - Where did that person go and how go we get there? 1 day ago Like Follow Vijay Vijay Naik Director(The Supreme power) has created the characters(we) and stage(earth) to play/run His Drama/Play.Everyone is assigned a role as per his capability or knowledge.Some are small roles and some are big roles.Everyone has to play their characters with the best of their ability to make The Play a success.Once we all play our part then we go and join The Director. Therfore Karthik neglecting your role or not to play your role with the best of your ability will only make His Play unsuccessful. 1 day ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Peace is a state of mind and you are much too silent with your self the little Chiranjeevi inside you can do the same without the shout. The shout is important for the release of the true wish no one can shout a untrue wish ! its not possible ! Thats why the shout ! If there is many excuses to who is God and how not to speak to him then we will fail receiving that which we are here for. The prayers in silence have been plenty already with lots of agony and little success! If I can let you know a window to heavens then I have, and whenever your heart is tired you may use it. Blue is also a healing color in the charts of colors !?! 1 day ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Vijay, Thanks. Very much neat, clear and straight forward but ends in a catch 22 :) .1. So I need not worry about someone else headache . .1a I am not bound either to bother my role or ( in case ) knowing it , play it right .1b I should have faith in the Play/ Drama that it is also for my emancipation ( a win win ) .2. This is one part and part two is no single director and his off springs but many directors and many many in this earth fighting as soldiers on behalf of the directors . ( some where around the middle of this thread ' Aliens ' we had many thoughts around it ) .1 day ago Follow Vijay Vijay Naik Karthik, Good question! 1.Well you have to worry about others to play your part with perfection.A play will be successful if all characters play their parts right!We have to think this is His wish and paly it right or else He will assign another rolr(as per karma!). 2.Are you saying there are many directors! I thought He(God) was only one.He is just called different by different characters! 1 day ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Karthi you know better than that Yang is the sinister force which can catch up with any of us if not firewalled correctly. Ying is the light you have because of you and your ancestors and it protects from all. The nationalisms is close to religion it cannot allow any individual thinking or they fail. Look at the USA there are many who kill for salary. That is the Sinister force and its power at best. Yet lucky enough all mankind in particular the ones who where in wars are protected under the cross of

Honor. Go spread the light and the Light only as you are a chosen lucky one and work on bringing comfort to those who are not. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Vijay We are going in to loop / cycle as for as this thread and this point is concerned - No problems as long as some authorities do not land in as Guardians of respective Faiths ' Pantheon of Gods ' - what was there before 2000 years , all of them may not have vanished in one fine ' day ' of a Human being . I heard some people saying that day for some celestials are like thousands of years and few keep themselves steadfast beyond few ' yugas ' too . Well may be we can hit a century as a Human being , if the drama/play is such that we may become God too, who knows where one will be in the Galaxy and which galaxy. In case you have not seen this , The Pluralistic Universe ---- by Nathan Schneider Science has a handle on the age of the universe. Now multiverse theorists are asking a vexing question: Which one? One universe is baffling enough.. .1 day ago Follow ARINDOM ARINDOM BORAH What is the supreme Power Mr Naik? I had this kinda old fashioned idea that the world came into being by something known as evolution. 1 day ago Like Follow ARINDOM ARINDOM BORAH Chiranjeevi- well you got your position -that of the most influencing member this

week. BTW, karthikeyan..there is no purpose..why are human beings so concerned to find out the purpose of everything. What is the purpose that you are Varthikeyaan..or Raarthikeyan..for that matter. Why karthikeyan??? 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Peter, Sincere Thanks , but still.... You are always leaving me as a Target in the eyes of the Guardian Angels , who are going to jump on me :) For a balloon to be blown Big it needs the right skin , else it will burst . I think I can only handle very little pressure . ( In a lighter vein, ) Why do not you try some different analogies for cosmic forces & cosmic bureaucracy from some other domain say Civil or Mechanical instead of usual Client, server , cloud and fire wall - we will enjoy it more . .1 day ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan .ARINDOM You came for a discussion or to learn a, b , c , d ... :) .1 day ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz Karthi no way I love the every bits and bites of you 1 day ago Like

Follow Peter Peter Stutz Terminology is a tickle of the sense of others defence is a mechanics Im Cosmic will have to live with it ! Cosmic substances are cosmic and yes the most modern technologies such as IT reflects the dreams and many functionalitys of ourselves! The rest of all you have mentioned ....would not be here but in a mechanical world ! 1 day ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Cosmic substance is a pure energie and connect's all, at all instances ! thats a server ! I have never used Cloud, nor Client in my text !! All Sinister force is part Mechanical !! see the wars and all the forces which try to proof other against the cosmic energy ! 1 day ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz By the way Universes are many as there are billions of galaxies having billions of suns. Cosmos are many more than we could ever imagine.... space is unlimited space, within space . The central sun expands our cosmos in speed of Light ...but whats out there and above is a lot more. part of proof to that, is the at the edge of expansion there are constantly building new galaxies of recycled Matter where would such come from except from outer space of our cosmos !!!! 1 day ago Like Follow Raman Raman Kannan The purpose of life is to grow and help others grow. enrich others lives in whatever way that is possible. Universe exists to show how insignificant we are any level. Even the entire Milky way is insignificant only in comparison to visible universe which is 14 B light years. in extent. No one knows what is beyond that. So we are truly insignificant. even the most vile snake is made of stardust and so are all the downtrodden. We are star material. These concerns are very valuable if we can translate them into being service to someone ... rescue a

prostitute girl, educate some one who is very poor and so on. Otherwise these are mere intellectual curiosities. No use. 1 day ago Like 2 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Thanks Raman . Very intersting thoughts . Do we have to involve in social service or be humanistic just because we are insignificant ! .1 day ago 1 Follow Raman Raman Kannan We cannot grow if we are thinking about ourselves. Only when we get involved with others and to help them we will grow. The insignificant part is to quell the natural tendency to become arrogant. Nothing more. We are at the end of the day Much Ado Nothing. Nothing we do matters anything beyond our immediate space. 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ." The insignificant part is to quell the natural tendency to become arrogant." Now the purpose is clear :) Our scriptures have taught and tried to teach enough , ...... what ? .1 day ago ChandrashekarUnfollow

Chandrashekar Tamirisa Raman Kannan: Is India growing? How is your business with India, setting aside philosophical cliches. Retain me for a fees if you need help. 1 day ago Like Follow Robert Robert Sessler we get to the true purpose... 1 day ago Like Follow Chao Chao Xiong Dear Robert, I am also thinking about it. At least there should be a big time difference since it is even difficult for me to catch up with your discussion. 1 day ago Like Follow Chao Chao Xiong Maybe we could change the questions into another way: What has awaken you up in the morning? What has called you back at home? What have you dreamed at night or during day time? Where do your passions come from? For whom are you crying or applausing? Why did you join LinkedIn, this group and the discussion here? Why did somebody respond to your ideas? Sorry, can some friends help me add more questions? Thanks in advance. 1 day ago Like 1 Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Mr. Borah, thank you. BTW I believe its not me who is most influencing, its the topic. I think they can change the title that way. You have indirectly contributed to the purpose of ILN. May be the ILN moderators should consider changing it that way. 1 day ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar If there is a liquidity factor deep in the recesses of universe and its space,then it is possible to have multiple images of a mirror like effect,the same as when two oppositely positioned mirrors reflect images mutiply and give the effect of an illusion of expanded space.

This universe could as well foot that bill,with all its inflated existence as an illusion. I am not alone in this conjecture,since some other astronomers have voiced this[and as such there is scanty evidence,and may not throw up in a rudimentary search,even with all the information,including junk ones,at finger tips] The starting point was of course some experimental evidence from mocr spatial domins,while high particle collision experiemnts were carried out to probe vacuum,and presto there was what could be considered as evidence for a sort of liquid like factor deep in vacuum The microspace model is somewhat playing itself out in some science models for the cosmic dimensions too,not just in Indian metaphysics and philosphy 1 day ago Like 2 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Indian ( Gold ) Fish.......> .18. Indian Minds Who Are Doing Cutting Edge Work The wheels have been set in motion to win back some of the finest minds of Indian origin to align forces with their country of origin more ..> .1 day ago Follow Narendra Narendra Nath We need not win any body from USA specially if they have been born and educated in India and then left shores to earn money and gain status for their selfish objectives. We should rather accept and invite people from USA on their merit provided we feel they will contribute positively to the nation's growth and more so if it is of international level significance. It is the selflessness that should attract a person here and not selfishness. Personally, i do not see anything remarkable in the cited US citizens of Indian origin, except for the utilization of facilities and infrastructure available in USA. I make these comments after having served in USA and UK for 6 years. In those days they use to offer their citizenship by invitation. These days our people seek this status through applying for it! A relationship works only when it is on equitable basis only. 1 day ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .True to some extend but marginal and here is an example of a selfless Gem :) Bangalore-based Institute Shows The Way to Innovation "" Get in the best scientists, give them creative freedom, and innovation will happen. A scientific institute in Bangalore is showing the way To lead inStem, for instance, NCBS and DBT (which funded inStem with Rs. 203 crore), wanted someone who could bridge the gap between research and application, a gaping hole in Indian research. They identified S. Ramaswamy, associate dean of research at Iowa medical school. A Ph.D in biophysics from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Ramaswamy had vowed never to come back to India. In 1994, he had applied for jobs at 40 places in India, but there were few jobs then and they were reserved for those whose mentors were powerful, he says. Ramaswamy was all set to join New York University as associate dean of research when he received an email from Vijayraghavan. ...."" .1 day ago Follow Sanjay Sanjay Maroo The purpose of the Universe / Life is to know about yourself. The entire universe is created for you to know yourself. In fact the entire universe is in your mind. 1 day ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Dear Prof.Suresh Kumar and Sanjay Maroo In the meditation I have come across my own model of some of the answer. The third eye allows you to look out of in all directions at the same time just like a sun visualize a ball of Light which sees in all directions now! This allows you to become Indefinitely small and unlimited big at the most, of the exact same time ! (Presence)

I have tried to bring such into a visual effect ever since as it is the outmost of our unlimited dimension we can see in our self. That is Cosmos as well, as it feels itself, it feels the complete vacuum of such descript, but at the same time unlimited expansion of its body of Cosmic energy. The outmost incredible dimension ever noticed by myself to this Day. 1 day ago Like Follow Vinay Vinay Singh Books Yes, one of the purposes of life as mentioned by Venugopal is to keep the species going. Autobiography of a Yogi recommended by Avadesh will answer few more queries. Dr Brian Weiss in his books (Many Lives Many Masters, Messages from The Masters & few more) comes out with few more answers. The books tell us perception/ truth of the author. Ancient Indian Knowledge Jayendra Upadhye comes very close with Nasadiya Sukta. Again his statement we wont accept it even if someone were to tell it is very relevant & their lies the hint Will we accept , if told ? The answer may be lying in few books or could be told by a mystic, who can travel in time & seen it all. Science Lets make an attempt to guess what % of visible phenomenon in the universe, Science has learned so far. Most of my friends guessed it to be approximately 1% and the most cynical one & supporter of Science also could not guess it to be more than 10%. So could Science as on date provide some help in answering Why. Where is answer then? Mystics say that all the knowledge is inside us. Only a connection to tap this infinite source is required. Only a direct experience can satisfy any/ all of our queries. Till then it is all others Baaten & Kiaben (words & books). Now question is How to find a method to have such experience? All the best for your Quest. 1 day ago Like Follow sanjay sanjay sangwan My views are at "Interplay of Energies" 1 day ago Like

Follow LUIS LUIS VAZQUEZ I respect all religions as well as sciences since to understand life and its purpose we need all possible input. In this context there is a view that I would like to share with you and it relates to a "natural design" whereby human being behavior is being recorded and encoded in our gens right from the begining of our species.Such information is transmitted from generation to generation through the DNA encoded in each one of our cells. In the course of our life each individual "activate" the recorded behaviors each time the circumstances of our life are similar to the recording. This is another view of the karma concept based on concepts of science that do not negate karma but provides just anothe view of the same. The more awareness of the "automatic" behaviors, the more conscious is an individual enhancing his chances to avoid behaviors that are negative to his existence. In summary what I am trying to say that everyone perceives his purpose in life depending on the degree of awareness of who we are, so I would say that the first challenge to us is to try to know who we are and how our mind works because it is our mind that answers the question. Best Regards 22 hours ago Like 2 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .a small thought, Knowledge is an indefinite reservoir an individual's mind can tune in to collect or utilize that Source depending on the Purpose at hand . knowing exactly who we are definitely helps to accelerate the identification & accomplishment of the purpose too .21 hours ago 1 Follow Peter Peter Stutz Every Woman/Man has its most wonderful temple within The Temple has a precious garden. The Garden has some precious Flowers. The Flowers drink the precious water of the temple

/ till the owner gets emotional / then the temple loses its charm / the Garden loses its fun and the flowers are dying away as the water becomes polluted with fear, hate and worry. 14 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Good morning Peter . I thought someone has landed here from Himalayas :) .14 hours ago Follow rowlind rowlind love very2 interisting abot this topic 12 hours ago Like Follow Palaniappan Palaniappan Subbaiah I can comment few things to you. I hope you will learn something. 1. Our Earth is a Planet. There are so many Planets around our Earth. 2. Each human being is different, according to their face and action. Likewise each Planet has various "Lives (may be different face looking than us)" in them. 3. When you fly in a flight above the Earth, you will see the Earth as a small ball. By this, you can understand that the Earth we live is not a big one in the Space. 9 hours ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Karthi did it shake ? that was me ! the next city of Light is being build as we speak the SAHARA Northern mountains. It will be the 3rd 1. Himalaya 2. Grand Teton

3. Sahara Africa northern part of (soon to be announced) 5 hours ago Like Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla Peter - You are seriously believing this stuff. Aren't you?. Not sure if this is the same "Light" concept you are talking about, but I would like to share a bit related to this theory of 'Light" and it's connection to December 2012. There is one Guru in this part of the world who has been propagating this theory that we should all start eating and drinking Light as the conventional food will no more be available post December 2012. Only those who master this art of consuming Light will only survive and rest will perish. He wrote quite a few books and gathered a lot of herd. He also talks about "Kalki" being already born in Shambala. He also talks about he being guided and 'prepared' by SapthaRishis and Light workers. He also talks quite interestingly about second sun, the galactic alignments, photon belts etc., etc., All that is good read, but there are couple of issues already surfaced 1. He says that the process starts in January 2012. It should have already started. Yet to see something happening. We are hardly 9 months away. 2. He keeps asking people to start practicing to live on eating and drinking light. Unfortunately, none of his disciples have the courage to ask him to 'demonstrate'. 3. He attributed the latest natural calamities such as tsunamis, valcanao erruptions etc., as the signs of December 2012. 4. There used to a small girl in 2008-09 in Andhra Pradesh by name Shambhavi who was revered as a Goddess. There was also a connection established to her with this theory as she was all quoting the predictions of Veerabrahmendra Swamy (similar to Nostradamus). People later found that Shambhavi was an innocent girl, being puppetted by her mother who was working on the predictions of Veerabrahmaendraswamy. Just a friendly sharing. 5 hours ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Sridhar I love you but do not and never underestimate Mankind, as it is the Creation itself ! look at your searching and yes the cosmic rays have changed us, to become our own Queens and King's finall`y!

no examples can descrip the cosmic plan ! bless you 2 hours ago Like Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla I am struggling to find the relavence between what I wrote and what you responded back. I thought that sharing might help you. 2 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ..1. The most interesting fun fact is the fact when IPCC said " Himalayan Glaciers will disappear shortly " and they took a hasty retreat later :) .2. Sahara Dessert The Poor Hot Soul is getting two toppings and icings a. All waste water from other continents will be used to green the Desert b. No Ray will be allowed to land in the desert , as Desertec intends to convert them to Electricity and Export it for the benefit of the Sahara ...more...> .1 hour ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R The ongoing ENCODE project of genetic engineering defines Gene as under A proposed updated definition There are three aspects to the definition that we will list below, before providing the succinct definition: A gene is a genomic sequence (DNA or RNA) directly encoding functional product molecules, either

RNA or protein. In the case that there are several functional products sharing overlapping regions, one takes the union of all overlapping genomic sequences coding for them. This union must be coherenti.e., done separately for final protein and RNA productsbut does not require that all products necessarily share a common subsequence. This can be concisely summarized as: The gene is a union of genomic sequences encoding a coherent set of potentially overlapping functional products. ENCODE is a project sponsored by Genetic Research, an internationally acclaimed periodical that lists up to date info on the subject. Obviously one may not find anything sensational from such respectable academic resources. Their view suggests that Genes have nothing to do with "non-molecular", that is non-physical traits. After all you anger or faith is not a matter determined by any molecule. It is the mind that determines such things. Well it is up to different people to believe ethereal and wayward things about genes and even define Karma through this concept. But I find it difficult to accept such speculations as science. 1 hour ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Gene Fish .........> yes, good learning material there , and additionally on the latest developments, all along the research or much of the data set is available for " *negative selection " and very little for "* positive selection " . The moment positive selection too is detected or discovered , well we have exciting days ahead . .* ."Constructing genomic maps of positive selection in humans: ...........................................................Where do we go from here? " Abstract ; " Identifying targets of positive selection in humans has, until recently, been frustratingly slow, relying on

the analysis of individual candidate genes. Genomics, however, has provided the necessary resources to systematically interrogate the entire genome for signatures of natural selection. To date, 21 genome-wide scans for recent or ongoing positive selection have been performed in humans. A key challenge is to begin synthesizing these newly constructed maps of positive selection into a coherent narrative of human evolutionary history and derive a deeper mechanistic understanding of how natural populations evolve. Here, I chronicle the recent history of the burgeoning field of human population genomics, critically assess genome-wide scans for positive selection in humans, identify important gaps in knowledge, and discuss both short- and long-term strategies for traversing the path from the low-resolution, incomplete, and error-prone maps of selection today to the ultimate goal of a detailed molecular, mechanistic, phenotypic, and population genetics characterization of adaptive alleles. "" .47 minutes ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan .War Fish ....> the Information war Himalayan glaciers: The big picture is a montage "" Unusual miscarriages of science (1, 2) recently rocked climate change science and glaciology. An infamous paragraph, uncharacteristic of the rest of the contribution of Working Group II to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment, claimed that Himalayan glaciers would disappear by 2035 (1). In such a monumental report, errors can be expected. However, this error, explicated in ref. 3, shredded the reputation of a large and usually rigorous international virtual institution. The gaffe by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change helped to trigger a global political retreat from climate change negotiations, and it may prove to have been one of the more consequential scientific missteps in human history. An equally incorrect claim, on a different timescale, was that large Himalayan glaciers may be responding today to climate shifts 6,00015,000 y ago (2). However, both mistakes (1, 2) and some solid scientific reporting on Himalayan glacier dynamics (410) highlight large gaps in the observational record. In PNAS, Fujita and Nuimura (11) competently reduced the knowledge gap. Fujita and Nuimura (11) have shown a globally relevant point in reference to the Himalayas. Climate change is heterogeneous, oscillatory, and trending; consequently, glacier responses are heterogeneous, oscillatory, and trending as well. "" .38 minutes ago Follow Mohanakrishnan

Mohanakrishnan R Let us wait and see what are the results of "Positive selection". 22 minutes ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Outlook for Sahara .......> (continued ) Africa: Greening of the Sahara Africa: a hot spot of non-linear atmosphere-vegetation interaction "" North Africa is a fascinating example of a hot spot of atmosphere-vegetation interaction. Theory and model experiments suggest that this interaction is highly non-linear. It presumably affects Sahelian rainfall variability. Moreover, palaeoclimatic changes cannot be fully understood, when atmospherevegetation interaction is ignored. Whether North Africa will become greener again, as our stone-age ancestors have witnessed, cannot be forecasted because of model uncertainty and because socioeconomic boundary conditions are not known for the next centuries. There is some theoretical evidence that the Sahara could become greener, but direct anthropogenic land-cover change in North Africa is likely to be much more important than greenhouse gas induced climate change in this respect "" There are many initiatives and here is one, "" An ambitious project that aims to turn arid desert land into a green oasis took a step closer to becoming reality last week when an agreement was signed on the rights to develop a pilot system in Jordan. The Sahara Forest Projects (SFP) first facility will be located on a 2,000,000 square meter (21,527,821 sq. ft.) plot of land in Aqaba, a coastal town in the south of Jordan where it will be a test bed for the use of a combination of technologies designed to enable the production of fresh water, food and renewable energy in hot, arid regions. "" .Peter Stutz Not to underestimate the changes of the magnetic Poles (fields) to come. The world is becoming more subtropical all together ! 16 days ago Like

Follow Peter Peter Stutz Sridhar The Light beings are presently here in a multitude and have an immense job to do. There are all Great Masters on the way to complete with us the changes into the Age of the Golden

Area /following 10'000 years of peace. Just that the is a giant hurdle to take first which is probably underestimated by us Human . The predicted 3 rd world war. This will kill about half of the entire World population in Europe Asia and USA. The Magnetic pole changes will stop all that war, as the change will have 3 Day's of total chaos and 30 Hours of total darkness. The ones and only the ones who consider the Light within will half a future on this planet in later days to come. I hope I understood your question better Bless the Light within us 16 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Happy Fish ....> Who else , the Indians on the Top ! "" The Secrets Of The Happiest Countries In The World Despite what appears to be a dismal outlook, global happiness is actually on the rise. But some countries are clearly happier than others? Where are people the most satisfied? Not necessarily where you would think. "" more ....> .15 days ago Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Organized religions have caused sufficient damage by vending various superstitions and obscurantist ideas. Now we get a new crop of prophets vigorously adding on to the list some times masquerading the ideas as "scientific". Time has come to put a full stop. Though we cannot undo what the organized religions have done, at least let us desist from perpetuating the malady. Otherwise the world will die sooner because of the pall of gloom pervading the minds of its denizens, before natural imbalances can even start their work.

15 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .. .15 days ago davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Silence is everything. Nothing is everything. From that some thing nothing that comes out is nothing it is all silence. Silence is more powerful that any thing and also that nothing is also powerful than something. Do your things silently means put your what ever be humdred percent on it. While talking maitaining silence means think twice before one talks. Look for pros and cons. wisdon is there in it. smilling when others are angry at you means you maintain silence. Love and affection are always silent but are more powerful than any thing. People who are having intelligence do have wisdom, they maintain silence as well create brainstorms. People with the ignorance of their own do not know what to do. All the above can be done only by those know the art-of -living which is their part-of-living. They do know kartha, kriya and karma. All the vads do tell the same, one should inculcate the culture of that kartha, kriya, and karma and leave to the nature to take care of it. Those people who are having shed their ignorance do follow them to the greener pastures, so as life continues on this earth. Only those people know what the nature needs and wants as they live with the nature and for the nature and by the nature. Bliss is silent so as the nature is silent but yet powerful to show it's presence. Just shed your ignorance and move as humans for the sake of humanism, silently for the peace, harmony and serenity of this earth. 15 days ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar Peter Stutz,it is argued in science too that there are possibilties for and evidence of magnetic pole reversals,though the exact mechanism is as yet not know,which fact though does not preclude its scientific possibilties,and there are opinioins like cpapcitor like charge build up in poles as the earth`s iron cuts solar magnetic fields,or due to interacting geo and helio magnetic fields.Such charge build up al;so could possibly lead to pole reversals,thru some migration or tunnelling as it is.Scintists are exploring various probabilties ,which to a person nmot trained in the sciences will apparently look like witch hunting,since such people become authorities once scientists have done their ground work and provided all the evidence,or at leat much of it. Till such time as mainstream science has accepted such tentative theories and opinions which are part of the scientitfc process,the lay public will consider all such ruminations as unscientific,though overnight they shout on science,as soon as the scientific process is comlplete. Till such time these will remain more or less as scientic speculations to scientists and imaginative

conjectures and unscientific to the lay public. Also about your suggestions on light as entities or beings,these are analogous to the concept of devas [since deva means divyathi],or the bright and light ones]. Even the vital energies of our senses have been personified as Indra,or the lord of devas,in Indian metaphysics of religion. As one ascends in the spiritual realms and its vital energies thru the esential spiritual process of internalisation,then one become aare of subtle forces and powers and may even be able to leverage thru such subtle nature around. But these are only for the truly self aware people ,and not for public consumption since again for the layman it will create all types of superstitiuos beliefs,since he has no true awareness or knowledge or experience. So even as I think alongwith u on some of these,I also tend to hold the view that it is better not discuss these mystic aspects of spiritual experience [where the subjective coalesces with the objective,and transcends the mundane,and the gross]so publicly,since for the gullible and the lay people it would be tantamount to superstition. The bane of all religions has been the externalisation,idolisation and ritualistic observances and the blind beliefs. In that context the science of religion is only for the truly evolved ones spiritually and not for the run of mill,who may equate with hallucinations,imaginations,or superstitons. Peter and Sridhar,I too share the concerns about a possible major war between nations from the north and south and east or west,between 2012 and 2015 ,and by 2018-2020 a changed order may be in place after chaos and catastrophe for a major part and population of the worlds. But these cannot be held scientific untill after the event,when ti will be too late 15 days ago Like 1 Follow Peter Peter Stutz Dear Suresh I can with trust say the change will happen as it is written in many books and the Light beings are present in Multitude. Dictations of such are being released of the last information before the begin of change. However the change as such can be protected only by not going to war before! The sinister forces have ruled this world since long and will live us for good as there are no new such being aloud to be born at this time. this is a great chance at the same time to grow within as many Light beings are here to protect the world from complete destruction. My own emotion tells me that we are very lucky to be in such times here on the planet as such is long awaited freedom to come. One big reason of Home run Discussions such as this one is a sign for me which is a clear indicator of change to stand before us.

the sharing of spiritual experience come now to be allowed and more so understood more and more by all which search and that is like having a tropical garden in a Northern hemisphere all of a sudden some great fruits on the trees. Im not here to black paint the wall but to make us think and learn fast within, for the benefit of us all. 15 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R "Jihad" in the offing? Is this the wish of "spiritual" "enlightened" people? Peter, we had enough of such drivel! 15 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Happy Fish ....> The Secrets Of The Happiest Countries In The World Instead of that the message / subject of the survey should have been how to hold on to the Happiness .... away from loose .... gain ..... loose.... gain .... Cycle :) .15 days ago 1 Follow Peter Peter Stutz Once when Buddha was traveling he was confronted by a demoness with a sword in her hand, Buddha! Your love must submit today to my envy. Your life will end today. Buddha answered her, with a smile: I will not submit to envy or hatred. I am not affected by praise or blame or ridicule, I love even you who bear such ill will toward me. When the demoness heard these words, she turned into a dove and vanished. 15 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz The day we will not trow the stones but hold it in our hands for the joy of sending Light into it we will have eternal Peace with this planet !?!

15 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Dear Mohan Is it that you have misread my text, or is it that you cannot respect others in your creation of view. Remember we are all Gods Creation to learn here together. As I stated sinister forces are here to leave forever ........and the ones to learn about the real Light within are here to stay to enjoy 10'000 years Peace of the 3rd Golden Age on Earth to be! Joy for all who love. Now whats the problem with such ? If you dont mind become constructive in your text and not destructive and if both not adequate silence would be best for your Karma ! Bless the Light within us ! 15 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R Dear Peter: Perhaps it is quite easy for "enlightened" "spiritual" people to brand the entire or most parts of the world as "sinister" and yet talk about "love". These words from your pen look more like tag words which web traffic builders tout, totally lacking conviction. Buddha never called Angulimal a "sinister" or "disruptive" force-refer to your half reported Buddhist parable. Nor did Buddha ever prescribe a disruptive "war" which "will kill about half of the entire World population in Europe Asia and USA" as a precondition for "everlasting" peace.. You seem to be as bigoted as the biggest of the biggest bigots when it comes to your tentative and superstitious beliefs. If this drivel is your Karma, I am entitled to think that it is not mine. Naturally "destructive" "non-enlightened" people like me will shut up if you do so! 15 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Dear Mohan The 3rd World war is predicted not by me but by many scriptures ! I have only made possible to read it here I thank you for the kind words and read your text as compliment to those who can function proper after

such text In all of us there is hope as Buddha says ! I did not want to insult you but merely bring some awakening in others and yourself as this is a Prediction as stated ! Bless the Light within us! Perfection is in the eye of the beholder, and I can see it in you ! 15 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz I'am not Buddha as you know or I would ascend and not be here ! Im here to learn to find the most inner Light of Love within just like you ! 15 days ago Like Follow satya satya dev First of all we have to find out the reasons and ways of creation of this universe /earth. The reply is not in single line or in a para but there are huge literature,Scriptures, Spiritual Books in Hindu Ideology/Religion and the answer will not be in one book.We have to study all these 15 days ago Like Follow Narendra Narendra Nath Bheemeshwar and Peter Stutz have commented to my likes in this discussion. My earlier comments along with their's cover my working philosophy. Silence contains all the noise we make when we speak. Emptiness has given rise to this entire Universe with whatever variety one can think of and much much more. i empty myself with this short comment! 15 days ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Good one there short, sweet and empty . .15 days ago Follow Chiranjeevi

Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Peter. I want to understand something. You said they stopped sending bad people onto the earth and we are all good people. What I really believe is that good and bad are part of every person. There is no one who is completely bad and same way there is no one who is completely good. So there is no question of stopping bad people from entering the earth. Secondly, predictions about 3rd world war, I believe that it is in our hands to make these predictions happen or not happen. If even after two world wars, we have to be discussing the third world war its a shame on humanity. I guess animals are better learners. There have been talks of third world war whenever the economics went bad. But they didn't happen. And this too won't happen. I have trust in us. The good in all of us is much more than our collective bad. Yes, we will fight for our markets, for our bread and butter but we also help each other when there is suffering. Enlightenment won't happen in one day, it is a process and there will be ups and downs in that process. Its like the download, sometimes faster, sometimes dead slow but the process is infinitely long. 15 days ago Like 1 Follow Peter Peter Stutz Chiranjeevi 1. part please watch ! I believe she explians well what needs to happen ! 15 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Peter Unfortunately near China Border who is specialized for mass production , India has Himalayan centers for mass production of Gurus , a very steady and a regular stream, exported world wide front of which ......Ramtha appears in a very bad shape /form /content and it is my humble opinion ! .15 days ago Follow Peter

Peter Stutz 1. part take your time and watch them all // 4 parts of it 2-4 on the right side after each session ! and again it is a Prediction ! It is the awakening upon us which saves us and most definitely needed too ! All Sinister forces are most part Mechanical however they occur as Human as well ! The only save guidance we have is to call the Masters upon them if any doubt of ! By the way Avatar was produced to get us soft on the beings of Universe other then sinister as there are 7 Major Planets with beings using the Earth as a cosmic connect like a Galaxie crossing ! so away from fiction to reallity soon ! Coming to the question of can we live of Light and leave the Food behind, my aswer is yes very soon we can as that depency is the biggest of them all to have us chase the Puck $ and not your own Spiritual Need ! both are theories however to be taking preety serious ! 15 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Karthi that sounds great but in order to move soon what message is better ! that is the american way, as we need all the same stream of Light sooner or later ! 15 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Karthi If you have a tropical fish tank there are two options to see how warm the water really is put your finger in it or trust the thermometer I prefer both ! and you see what happen :!!?!! 15 days ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Great question Peter and here is my rant ? a.Realization should come within individuals that this Life has no meaning and there is an endless cosmic journey upwards not feasible with the body . b.No body but life floats freely ( one should want it ) c.Cosmic hosts will take care of the rest :) loose the cycle of birth ( a ) , there is certain requirement and there are sufficient Gurus for the propulsion provided there is inkling and faith within the individuals. Om Shanthi . .15 days ago 1 Follow Peter Peter Stutz the 3 . part RSA animation ! and this one is for all of us 15 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz So the purpose of Life is to take a real step towards loving all Creations here on Earth and outmost those you touch personally as that becomes your Creation as well. Creativity is therefore a given and necessary to stay in balance with your Karma. Ch'I your vitality, should be to understand your Opportunity, with your Vertical connect of the Life Spiral Learnings and your job to do.

The Ying and Yang, brings you the most powerful Horizon within your Spirituality and capabilities of doing the Job with your Principals intact. 14 days ago Like Follow P.K P.K Jha Purpose of life is life of purpose as life is gift of god and its purpose is simple happiness , peace , harmony and keeping earth intact 13 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .' keeping earth intact ' ....... that is an interesting subject actually ! What if one country is planning to usurp the common property of the human beings for themselves but all in the name of saving the Planet :) Giant Arctic iron ore mine "" Britain's richest man is planning a giant new opencast mine 300 miles inside the Arctic Circle in a bid to extract a potential $23bn (14bn) worth of iron ore. The "mega-mine" which includes a 150km railway line and two new ports is believed to be the largest mineral extraction project in the Arctic and highlights the huge commercial potential of the far north as global warming makes industrial development in the region easier............................................................... ........But the wildlife group WWF, describes the planned mine as a "game changer" and a test case that could affect all future industrialisation of the far north. "It is certainly ... of a scale that would be massive anywhere in the world," said Martin von Mirbach, a director of the Arctic programme at WWF in Canada. WWF is demanding the company proceeds with extreme caution. "" ...more .....> .13 days ago davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar I have a doubt now after a long period, The purpose of the life looks different the way the comments are going on in this columns. Eat well, sit in comforts do nothing and go on arguing

for the sake argument seems is the only sole purpose of life. Even without understanding what for the epics are there or stories or even Bible or Quron is for. The tradition which have initiated all these have gone into oceans and only misleading and misinterpreted things are available and some perverted people are trying give in their own way. Yes once gain I agree with Jha we being human should know how to live as humans for humanity sake for peace, harmony and maintaining the serenity of the earth. All the texts what I mentioned above do tell the same in one way or other. 13 days ago Like 2 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Happy now :) .13 days ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan .( ....continued....>) Arctic natural resources in a global perspective "" Large and population-rich developing countries have experienced rapid economic growth in recent years, and we see the footprint of this development in rising demand for raw materials even in remote areas where reserves are available as in the Arctic. The Arctic is endowed with petroleum, minerals, fish and forests that increasingly attract the interest and mobilize the purchasing power of the emerging economies. The Arctic is also of interest to many industrialized countries trying to find secure supplies of many natural resources. In this chapter, we examine the Arctic contribution to global production of some major raw materials. Typically, we will depict production in the natural resource extraction sector in the Arctic as a share of world production. Further, we indicate the Arctics share of world reserves for some core resources. "" ..more ...> .13 days ago Follow Shamal

Shamal Baliga I think for an attached, the purpose of the life is to gain more tangible power (muscle, knowledge, resources, money) and for a detached it is to be closer/connected with Almighty/Omnipotent (and may be to gain some form of power!). Everybody wants to be happy but confused about the right path to choose from in the longer run. For many some events act as enablers to rethink of or change their paths.So accordingly some people keep saying the life is like this or like that. So I think broadly that there are infinite views/opinions. I believe at the end of the day we gain nothing by mere thinking of these 3 questions. Just a timepass! 13 days ago Like Follow Anil Anil Sharma In my opinion, the purpose of life is to live like a human being with values of dignity of life and respect for each other. The objective is to create value while we are on this earth for limited period of time. For example if you give rice to animals, they can only eat but if you give the same rice to human beings, they can make 10000 dishes out of it. Same is true for life as well. Each one of have one special ability or unique purpose that only we can fulfil. The purpose is to identify and fulfill that goal to the best of our ability. 13 days ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .There is a famous saying in china, A fall in the pit, and a gain in your wit. .13 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz one of the biggest challenge we actually face is the constructive turnaround of our positive thinking together. Karthi any info on such ? how to develop a discussion as such into a fruitful gain for us all ? 13 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .One simple suggestion ..... repeat ' suggestion / opinion ' only . Interested people from all those who have participated will collect their own comments from the start and

see it in light of the respective context , see it's utility value in terms of the fact what they have successfully transmitted to others for consideration at least and the admiration, the best ! Give a short, sweet summary in not more than 10 lines , clear cut categorical statements and also , preferably covering the Purpose of life as they see it as their own Future . This may aid others to see their own, a sort of case study ! May be then, there could be some mutual professional match making or any other understandings between people for a common theme. Nevertheless the fact remains, everyone has to find / discover their purpose. Every one has a unique purpose for sure as we have Unique biometric ID :) .13 days ago 1 Follow Anup Kumar Anup Kumar Sinha there are four purusharthas (objectives of life): dharma, Artha, kama and moksha. all our objectives, purpose of this life and lives of future can be categorised under these four. 12 days ago Like 1 Follow Dinesh Chandra Dinesh Chandra Pandey To know the answer of raised questions(AVIDYA) you have to go long way to experience yourselves. Else its merely JIGYASA.Our Dwait BUDHHI wants to konw other things but not itself.When one is in SWAROOP he says that what ever i wanted to know i have learnt that. No more knowledge is required. This is the beauty of ATMADARSHAN. No body can explain it in popular languages as the matter is beyond INDRIYAS.That is why after this one becomes "question less" and "speechless". Pandey D C 11 days ago Like 3 Follow Natarajan Natarajan Nagarethinam BLR I am absolutely delighted with this discussion. All the Great people like Ramana Maharishi tried to put seekers into Chara viyuh(a).

asking people to think WHO AM I? Then they will take one through ADVAITHA and DWAITHA loop. Tell you are a Travelling ATHMA.... and a lot of cock-and-bull stories. This is the right question... Why am I here? Who is my manufacturer? What benefit does he gets? Then you find your creator and Universe. Like to get answer for all these???? Read my Science of Spirituality (or) Shake hands with the creator (Bhramma). . Just drop an email with your personal ID I will send you a PDF file. I made 25 versions. Only the 25 th version some could understand. The 26 th I have made it interactive version - Juddu Krishnamoorthy style., It clicked..... Like to read and comment.... Good wishes NATARAJAN natarajan, Or want to have a gist? then 11 days ago Like Follow Gnanaguru Gnanaguru Sattanathan Whatever, I have a different opinion on this Hell and Heaven. Since Syed raised it. So ultimately.. Heaven is pleasure & Hell is pain. How can a pain and pleasure can be felt. Will a soul can feel it ? No ! because its virtual ! Some medium is required to feel it. So we have been given with a body into a life. So heaven and hell present in our life in earth. We can feel the pleasure through our body and by the way we can feel the pain the same way. Its all about how we can use our sixth sense to guide our brain to do good or bad. So good gives pleasure and bad gives pain. so Pleasure is heaven and Pain is hell. And watever we give to others the we get back. Its all about giving. If we are noble, Life will be noble to us and Viceversa. And there is nothing called GOD, HEAVEN, HELL outside. Its all the belief. We created it. So just we

have to live the way the best we can. 11 days ago Like Follow John Bedford John Bedford Solomon Purpose of Life on Earth : Play Football ..... What a silly question. Why does the universe exist? So that there can be football fields. Does anyone or anything else knows about existence other than us? I have seen enough cock roaches, rats , mice, lizards , monkeys , list goes on......and they have seen me. 11 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Well said Solomon. Thanks for spending your valuable time in sharing your views. 11 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Good answers for a Silly question is the beauty of Life :) .11 days ago 1 Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Good suggestion Karthik. I think I will do that with my comments. Hi Gnana, appreciate your views. I agree with your views and philosophy of life. Thank you Natarajanji for sharing your work. 11 days ago Like Follow Gnanaguru

Gnanaguru Sattanathan ;) I got a good place to share my views. Since nothing is spoken junk here. I appreciate your views and effort. If you are going to compile and create a work with this, Please let me know after the release ! 11 days ago Like Follow Gnanaguru Gnanaguru Sattanathan And Natrajan Sir, I accept this. When we dont know something, People call it superpower, God !. When everything in the world is explored, Then God will be inside a science fact ! Hope to see your work soon. Thanks ;) 11 days ago Like KesavaUnfollow Kesava Somayajula Can GOD exist without us? He exists only in our thoughts. So, who am I is more important than who is GOD. Though we cannot imagine a common purpose, understanding "Who am I" takes us in the right direction finding the answer to the question. 11 days ago Like Follow Natarajan Natarajan Nagarethinam BLR There are two issues on discussion, Just a time-pass. Just throw all your fancy ideas and be done with it. It is nice to have fun with Foot ball field, FOOD BALL COURT. ... Other an opportunity to know from others. I dont find the second and ideal object never approach. Scientists / leading researchers can guide people living models to explore unknown. Without which you cannot learn anything worth while. It is true, when I started my journey into spirituality I understood the gods and iworships are merely Socio-philosophical mumbo jumbos to meek the most people in any socieity (Majority) live in peace without hurting each other. After 35 years of exploration I am still learning and found most of the religous institutions are not mere socio-philosophical schools but more than that. I doubt if all those who discuss in this forum have done any exploration very seriously. There are tons of material available in the internet space.. No one has a patience, inclination to LEARN.....That is what

exactly your creator wants you do. Dont learn so that you will remain in any of the various fields agricultural field, food ball field , electromagnetic field, electric field and so on. CAn any one who has had some serious learning on easten thoughts where KARMA, rebirth Athma paramathma etc are dealt. The three schools and the hole in those theories? If the same person knows a little of physics then he would find what really Upanishads talks about. TO know God yourself and universe is something an exciting journey. I was reqally happy with the QUESTION. unfortunately, most of you toss it around do no serious thinking, good luck 11 days ago Like Follow Natarajan Natarajan Nagarethinam BLR I have the answer to the question from Shri Kesava.... My model of universe help me conclude, the god cannot exist with us, not as an individual but as the entire humanity. We are more indispensable to god than the otherway around. Most part of the humanity always under utter poverty diseases and so on.. Is God a Sadist to create affluent healthy one hand and poor and pathetic on the other? Form questions like this and seek answer, you will find the God, the way i found it. Good wishes 11 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Kesava, just something I want to share with you. I have done some experiment and realized that we can put a thought in the other person's mind just by conceiving it in our own brain. Do you think God could do the same :-) Make us think about him and also think that he doesn't exist outside our thought :-) Now I know you will ask me why will he do that. The problem is that is the precise question we are asking, why all this creation, why all this drama :-) 10 days ago Like Follow Vijay

Vijay Naik Yes Karthik, Good answers for a Silly question is the beauty of Life :) but some people just have limited field and they cannot imagine or think beyond a football field. 10 days ago Like Follow Advertising Display Advertising Display Manufacturer Supplier can anyone told ... in simple language ... / short version 10 days ago Like Follow Vijay Vijay Naik Chiranjeevi, You gave the answer.It is a drama.You play your part and merge once again with God.God gave us brains to think.It is for us to use it in the right direction or wrong.You use it in the right direction you will achieve Nirvana and if not you will be still roaming around without any direction.Putting your thoughts into others is tellypathy but once you attain a certain stage where you or someone or God all become one.May be God likes to enjoy all these calamities on earth. 10 days ago Like Follow Gnanaguru Gnanaguru Sattanathan @Chiranjeevi . I am specific about your latest comment. There are three things which I got a insight from a book. Instincts, Intellect & Intuition. Instincts work with our body for the physical well being, Intellect is the brain, The thought process which made you raise this question. And the intuition is the answer. Which lies above the instinct and intellect. This intuition can be achieved 100% in us, If we can control our intellect. Brain is a tool for our functioning, But it is not in our control. It will allow us to attain our thought idea. As you said, It is highly possible to do lot of things with others. It is possible if we can follow on our intuition. If we can achieve by feeling our intuition. We will stop thinking, The nature will take us in its way. That might be the ultimate goal. But don't ask me how to feel into the intuition. That cannot be explained in words, It must be felt. I will share you more, If I find something else significant. I got this idea from two books which may help you. " Jonathan Livingston Seagull & Intuition by osho ". Finally the social conditioning is the factor which controls our thoughts, If we can come out of that box. We can do miracles ! Regards, Guru 10 days ago Like Follow Natarajan Natarajan Nagarethinam BLR Don't you all realise that you are going away from the main issue.

10 days ago Like Follow Gnanaguru Gnanaguru Sattanathan :( 10 days ago Like Follow Dhruv Dhruv Gaur Our purpose is to leave this earth better than what our parents handed to us for the next generation because it is not ours but simply something we borrowed from our Children. Be civil to fellow human beings and nature. Be kind. Stand up for what is right and for those who cannot stand up for themselves. Protect rights of others to express themselves even you do not agree with their expression. I read the Autobiography of a Yogi and I could not believe people want to trust it as a source to life's answers. There is a part where Yogi claims an amulet appears to him out of nowhere. In this day and age can we believe that? Even in Vedantas the intelligent people who wrote it questioned the existence of so called almighty. If we were not passed on concept of religion and God from one generation to another we would be no such concept. We just tend to believe it because it came from source of authority, our parents. Remember not long ago moon was a heavenly body and a God but now we know it is nothing but a piece of rock. But do we ever stop and about concept as abstract as God. So did he/she exist before big bang, does he/she follows the laws of nature and physics. Why would an entity create us, for his/her own Cosmic amusement? What was he/she doing before we were created for the very first time. Do not over think this. We were a mere accident in this Universe and evolution came along and made us humans. And when we die it is exactly like what it was 14 billion years ago, before the big bang, silent. 10 days ago Like 1 Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Thanks Gnana. Very interesting stuff. Just want to think if we are to develop more and shut down another facility, why would we be given three faculties. May be the best thing is to balance and use each appropriately. For instance when it comes to research a problem may come up as an intuition then we will apply our brain to understand, analyse and may be resolve the problem. We also need to believe our sixth sense sometimes to know whether we are probing in the right direction. So, a combination may be needed to run our life smoothly. Natarajanji, I think what we do here is go with the natural flow of thought process. We could deliberately bring us back to the problem or let it come back at an appropriate time. One could always help with bringing the focus back :-) 10 days ago Like

Follow Gnanaguru Gnanaguru Sattanathan Yes. Its all about keeping our eyes open always ( eyes: insight ). And by balancing all the three we can do ultimate in this worldly life. But for achieving the significant thing, Intuition is greatly enough. Its apart from knowledge, thoughts, society & education. And as you said, You can notice Steve Jobs. I know some part of his story. The way he brought apple to top might be the mixture of all the three you specified. And with the top layer, Intuition can do lot of miracles. Which cannot be explained ! Regards Guru 10 days ago Like Follow Natarajan Natarajan Nagarethinam BLR Don't you all realise that you are going away from the main issue. There should some purpose served by the existence of species/// not only human but other life forms as well..... The thinkers of all kind put us on a loop with some fund (Each contradicting the other - Jaavathma paramathma etc). That never asnwers the main question. If God or any force you want to call by any name has made us, why did he or it made us. There cannot be an existence just for the heck of it. Some religion wants us believe that he wanted some specie to sing praise of itself. So praise and pray and you get paid. Is God such a lowly creature to produce only to sing... like aRadio or TV entertainment... Why dualities createed. I wish to put your thought in another direction.... Why you produce a Car ? For running your live with it. Why do you get married and produce children? To run your life with it (Otherwise life will be boring, even though paying heft school fees, controlling and bringingup children with great mental torture)? Marriage is not a blissful institution. IT is a rarest of rare situation any couple spend one fll day in Only Pleasure. Still why [people marry .IT is known for ages, Yet people marry. Why. Without that life cannot have speed to run. Why God produced Criminals, Bad guys? along side Gandhi Buddha Anna Hazare and their likes? The duality is a must for running.

The battery would not drive a flash light or torch life if both ends of it as positive or both ends negative, right. The creator has created all that mess without which the universe would stop the run. With the RUN he is benefitted . These are the clues to think on a diemensions who may not have thought of. Good wishes Natarajan -------------------------------------------------------------10 days ago Like Follow Narendra Narendra Nath One purpose of our life here is to serve selflessly in activities that benefit human community at large while protecting the natural environments around us. Money and materials should not over weigh with us and need to be used as mere tools! 10 days ago Like Follow Gnanaguru Gnanaguru Sattanathan Thank you Natarajan Sir. @Chiranjeevi , Inspite of our exploration into the intuition stuffs. Which we can discuss with a pause. As he said, He has given a good ping. Natarajan Sir, The same questions and thoughts which you posted were running in my mind all the time, I used to discuss about this. I am clear on what all you said. My doubt is at this line " The creator has created all that mess without which the universe would stop the run. With the RUN he is benefitted " I dont believe in something which is testing or benefiting from the case study/drama of running this universe with humans, animals, nature. I think you can give us clear picture for our questions. And you also pointed out the ' CLUES '. I need to follow it and find it out. Feed our interest in this. It could be a good insight for everyone of us ! 10 days ago Like

Follow Deepak Deepak Baboota use the process of reaching answer by removing the incorrect choices, SO. answer first. .! WHAT is not the purpose of life. and remove the incorrect answers. USE tge same for what is not the reason for UNIVERSE. to exist. you then get some of the correct answers. dont take a short cut to find AN answer 10 days ago Like Follow Gnanaguru Gnanaguru Sattanathan @Deepak: Cool. Will try this out ! :) Regards, Guru 10 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Somebody amazed at the skills of Indian Crafts men making Elephants out of Wood, Stone ... asked him how is that he makes such realistic & beautiful pieces and the man's answer was simple , ' I just remove all materials that does not make it look like an Elephant ' .10 days ago 1 Follow Boby Boby Eranimose God existed always and exists....God Created human beings......made them custodian of earth....all beings on earth under his command.....He gave purpose and order for everything on earth so that they co-existed in harmony. One has to respect that order and live life and fulfill the purpose. When one understands the purpose for which each person was brought here, life becomes easy. The common purpose: Out of his love God created everything, He created humans, endowed with them qualities to appreciate the supreme completeness (love, holiness, intelligence,.) of God. This life is a pilgrimage and the destination is God and eternity. Finally, on judgment day, each person will be judged and will either return to God and be with him and enjoy eternity or go to into the eternal fire and be lost for ever. 10 days ago Like 1

Follow Pavan Pavan Singh rtsp:// SBXdhdGNoYOjJqaWzm5TrTgw=/0/0/0/video.3gp 10 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Marketing Presentation on Brand Amul by Pavan Singh Part 2.wmv .10 days ago Follow Simmy Simmy Kataria To leave a mark in society! To take pride in ourselves - to do good! 9 days ago Like Follow Simmy Simmy Kataria its all in your own mind what you think and percieve - we are so unique 9 days ago Like Follow Simmy Simmy Kataria You are what you think! 9 days ago Like Follow Simmy Simmy Kataria Purpose of Life is find the God in us! 9 days ago Like

Follow Simmy Simmy Kataria To be happy! 9 days ago Like Follow Simmy Simmy Kataria We can develop our infinte mind to do what ever it takes to get it done! We have it all whether we are challenged or not! There are always ways to overcome obstacles 9 days ago Like Follow Simmy Simmy Kataria To create sustanable legendry Value 9 days ago Like Follow Natarajan Natarajan Nagarethinam BLR I am glad you are all doing a good mental exercise. Discussions stimulate thoughts and give raise to new ideas. Some time in future, when you seriously taking a spiritual path, some startling facts would emerge. Which will include: (1) the Idea - I think - is the greatest of illusions,.We think what the layer above us Call it by any name, makes us think. Assume that a Car thinks to take a left turn and then it turns, The Driver, in fact is the original thinker and what he things is transferred to other thinking entities down the line. This chain continues. Why the driver thought he had to turn left? Because his master / company thought to send to Car to XVZ's house and commanded the driver accordingly. The thought of the Driver is the result of the thought of the layer above him, that is his master.... Do you see a flaw in this.... So what we do is a result of our thoughts. But what we think depend on the laywer above us which thinks and so we think and so we act. Why don't you think about what I thought which again .................. Good wishes 9 days ago Like 1

Follow Natarajan Natarajan Nagarethinam BLR I am glad you are all doing a good mental exercise. Discussions stimulate thoughts and give raise to new ideas. Some time in future, when you seriously taking a spiritual path, some startling facts would emerge. Which will include: (1) the Idea - I think - is the greatest of illusions,.We think what the layer above us Call it by any name, makes us think. Assume that a Car thinks to take a left turn and then it turns, The Driver, in fact is the original thinker and what he things is transferred to other thinking entities down the line. This chain continues. Why the driver thought he had to turn left? Because his master / company thought to send to Car to XVZ's house and commanded the driver accordingly. The thought of the Driver is the result of the thought of the layer above him, that is his master.... Do you see a flaw in this.... So what we do is a result of our thoughts. But what we think depend on the laywer above us which thinks and so we think and so we act. Why don't you think about what I thought which again .................. Next the men of modern day science would know well that, there are species which are small instects microbes which does what we all are doing. Birth Growth reproduction aging and dying... They exist and live their life through because they can think. There is a perception band for every life. All exist in one space called universe which is vaguely described by us containing several universes. It is our perception. But there can be no definite partitions in the universe of universes. Every life because it thinks can feel its importance, its culture, its prestiege, anger happiness and unhappiness. Do the goats and chicken we grow in our farms would ever understand that its purpose of esistence is merely for the food for humans? Because of perception restrictions their thinking is also restricted. So ours too. Good wishes 9 days ago Like 1 Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada While it is important to know what is the truth about God, I think it is even more important to see how these beliefs about God influence our thinking about purpose of life and sense of right and wrong. There are a couple of news items in today's Hindu, one is about two brothers who left their careers in other fields and made name in the fashion world at the same time creating livelihood for the Tsunami affected in TN and AP. There is one more news item about a Pakistani singer leaving music

and dedicating himself to religious cause. So it is immaterial whether one believes in God or not as long as our belief helps us find serious purpose in life. To me all the three people have discovered a real purpose for their talent and life, a definite direction. This is what perhaps is self actualisation. Divinity lies in everything that we do with devotion. 9 days ago Like 2 davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar Neither fire nor wind, birth nor death can erase our good deeds - Buddha But for that one needs a good heart and free mind, those qualities do come only by controlling the emotional feelings and observing the surroundings and also feelings of others. For that we need will power to stand on princilpes of life ( Dharmam. everybody is human and has the right to live and practice what they feel is good, but importance should be given to tradition as the tradition imparts skills, Look always positive means go forward depending on ones capability, listen to all the sounds of heckles and beckls, show patience and also no desparity. When dealing with humans of different kinds do understand the background and the traditons and customs they came out, if they are innocent there is no problem but if hey are ignorant and show teeth better avoid if they still pester just give it back in their way. But never keep any thing in the mind or heart when you meet first such peeple just greet them curteously if any venom left should go out if not just do not mind or just ignore them. It is all the false prestige they have due to education or positional arrogance or due to the way they were brought up makes all the difference. 9 days ago Like Follow Mohanakrishnan Mohanakrishnan R The Pakisthani Singer in Chiranjeevi's story left his profession because he suddenly started feeling that as per the Koran Music is Sin and all those who sing, play or listen music are sinnersHaramzade! The news item in 'The Hindu" specifically states that he did not become a religious preacher or got involved in religious activities. What a nice example to follow! 9 days ago Like Follow Simmy Simmy Kataria Each to his/ her own! Just do not disturb anyone else and bother the neighbour. Be good responsible citizens! 9 days ago Unlike 1

Follow Gnanaguru Gnanaguru Sattanathan So ! The car. We should maintain our car in good condition with beauty. Such that, Noble drivers will take care to good places for good reason. What level our car is, Our driver becomes the same. And the vice versa.... Might be the driver becomes good and noble when getting into the car. So finally. There are really chances, WE CAN TAKE CHARGE OF THE DRIVER. FOR BECOMING A GOOD AND VERY GOOD DRIVER, WE SHOULD SHAPE US WELL. Might be thats the objective. Natrajan Sir, Add in if you get more ideas from my point ! Since you can make it clear from my sentences with dilemma. 9 days ago Like Follow Natarajan Natarajan Nagarethinam BLR Good Bad ugly beautry are all dualities which is created by ourselves, because the layerabove us think so. Take another example. The owner of a fleet of cars think. The result is several cab drivers think a portion of it to run their cars. When the driver thinks and the car thinks, down below the engine, pistons, petrol,a lot of gears - may be some 60000 parts also thing. The sum total of thinking of all small parts are effective one thought of the Driver. The sum total of all cab drivers become the single thought of the executibe manning the fleet.... I think (???? When ever I use the word I laugh profusedly myself....and enjoy that word because it forms the root of the universe's existence..........) Donot get into dualities. Robinhood was a god for the poor but a thief / robber for the state ( Governent / society) Will he go to heaven or hell,y if you are the deciding authority. You cannot classify and rule differently for the same crime, in a society/ So forget thinking of dualities. The driver will maintain the car good or bad depending upon what hits master thinks. The result of the thinking is what will lead to the driver's thinking and the car will be maintained or not as per that thought. Depending on the thought of the driver the condition of the car would be. The parts will think and act as how the Car th inks. The thoughts cannot be classified as per the prev example

These are relative terms. Has no absolute meaning.

You all will think a portion of my thought and develop your own thoughts to blossom. Glad some one is picking threads... Good wishes 9 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Convoy of Cars or ' Safe Road Trains for the Environment ' "" SARTRE Road trains - tests with several vehicles in high speed Video describing the current project phase in SARTRE. Scenes from testing of road train with 3 and 4 vehicles in up to 90 km/h at Hllered proving ground in Sweden. Scenes from stakeholder dialogue discussing how to implement road trains. "" ...more....> .8 days ago Follow Gnanaguru Gnanaguru Sattanathan @Natarajan Sir, Got your point ! No absolute words to explain it. Yes. Thank you 8 days ago Like Follow Narendra Narendra Nath Natarajan ji is saying more or less what i commented upon regarding dualities of the world and unity of the Creator. i agree with him. 8 days ago Like davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar The difference between men and animals is the difference. Men do not have all the seasons for them and animals have only one season. While animals get satisfied what little they get

but surrender to the nature. But not men they become wolfish for every thing. 8 days ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar It is found that wakeful thought is unified with dream state The 19th century psychologist William James observed, "All our life ... is but a mass of habits."Ad men in the 20th century took this aphorism to heart. It wasn't enough to simply sell a product; the goal was to hook consumers and keep them coming back. In his new book, The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business, Charles Duhigg, a business reporter for The New York Times, explains how some companies have achieved enormous success by altering people's habits. By luck or design, they've been tapping into a powerful psychological pattern: the "habit loop." The habit loop is a three-part process. First, "there's a cue, which is kind of a trigger for an automatic behavior to start unfolding," Duhigg tells Morning Edition's Renee Montagne. "There's a routine, which is the behavior itself ... and then there's a reward, which tells our brain whether we should store this habit for future use or not." Toothpaste is a perfect example of how companies put the habit loop to use. About a hundred years ago, says Duhigg, no one in America brushed his or her teeth. But when one of the nation's most prominent advertising executives, Claude C. Hopkins, heard about a new toothpaste called Pepsodent, he thought he could make a killing. 8 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Dear Suresh You must be aware that a dream stage is only the front door of deep dive. People actually only dream when; Drinking alcohol or taking drugs before the sleep. Deep dive is a Divine connect which goes into the infinity of the divines Cosmic energy. So no one actually sleeps unless death. Habits therefore evolve only by believers not living in their presence. There is a saying, when sending light into the substance of food or usable items they change for the purpose of ''clean substance'' protection. So that would be the next step of the 3 part process. 8 days ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Selfish , Wolfish , Goofish ....and All Fishes ........> Wisdom of the Indian Fish ...> First ever compulsory licensing case is decided in India Natco wins compulsory license from Bayer for cancer drug ""Compulsory license allows a generic drug maker, Natco in this case, to manufacture and sell a copy of the innovator's drug, Bayer in this case, on paying a royalty. "The compulsory license, first of its kind granted, enables Natco to sell the drug at a price not exceeding Rs 8,880 for a pack of 120 tablets (one month's therapy) as against Rs 284,428 being the cost of Nexavar sold by Bayer," it said. The order also makes it obligatory for Natco to supply the drug free of cost to at least 600 needy patients per year."" ..more....> .8 days ago Follow Sharon Sharon Kunz I believe we exist to create a positive environment for those around us and the ones we can reach. If each of us strive to do this and show a connected focus on our world and the resources in it, we can leave behind a better place for generations to come. Leave this and the future can be endless. 8 days ago Like Follow Badarinath Badarinath Chitti There three planes of operation in each individual -- knowingly or unknowingly. Socail - Intellectual - Spiritual Society-Your faculities - your self when alone or in deepsleep... Some wise people said...Whether or not we agree, everybody's fundamental goal is to be HAPPY ALWAYS. The purpose of life to know the source of life-happiness-peace-thoughts--and merge into that

source, so that you are always happy and peaceful. While the GOAL is known, each individual including the ants--all entities who feel they are born, would always keep working towards to trace back to the source. Humans are believed to have like advanced mind, intellect, expressive faculties and decision making capability to choose to do and not to do, think and not to think, etc., there by have a control on action and reactions and hence they find out a way lead his course of life towards eternal peacefull and happy state. It is as simple as -- everybody or alteast most of individuals coming out of home to work place or on a tour, wants to go back also find out YOUR REAL HOME AND STAY IN THAT HAPPY HOME 7 days ago Like Follow John Bedford John Bedford Solomon What is the purpose of life on earth - FOR SACHIN ? To play Cricket Why does the universe exist ? - FOR SACHIN ? So that there can be Cricket Pitches. Does anyone or anything else know about SACHIN's Existence other than Him ? ..... Are You Kidding.... What does SACHIN Drive ? A Ferrai What is Sachin's Annual Income ? Billions The above is for those people who think a cricket field and a football field are very small things. Life is given by GOD to you to achieve something . So Play Football or Cricket. Instead of asking 1. Why is the BAT made of wood ? 2. Why is BALL round ? They are good questions. But Keep Playing the game and ask those questions. Probability of a player answering those questions is greater than a non-player. 7 days ago Like ChandrashekarUnfollow Chandrashekar Tamirisa Feed the IIT professor first. India does not spend tax payer rupees on subsidizing the education of smart kids at 18 to do hunger strikes. Go to Mumbai with the professor raise money and clean up the river by creating jobs, schnucks. Raise hell in Delhi. 7 days ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Creative Fish .....> Are Creative People More Dishonest? "" The Evil Genius is a familiar trope. Its everywhere from Mephistopheles in Goethes Faust to Ernst Stavro Blofeld, the James Bond villain known as Number 1. Recent research indicates that a psychological truth may underlie the stereotype. Studies conducted by Francesca Gino of Harvard Business School and Dan Ariely of Duke University suggest that creativity fuels dishonesty and that dishonest behavior triggers creativity. It may be a cycle that reinforces itself, says Gino. You could have a situation in which creativity initially pushes you across the line and then dishonesty heightens creativity, which might make it easier to cheat again. Its a downward spiral. ...........................................>...................................................................... In recent months, Gino has begun looking at the other side of the equation: how dishonest behavior influences creativity. Her preliminary findings from a study in December indicate that cheating itself may inspire and enable creative thinking. She plans to run subsequent studies to better understand the phenomenon. We think whats happening is that after youve cheated, youre trying to justify cheating and if youre asked to perform a task, youll probably going to be more creative, she says."" .more....> .7 days ago 1 ChandrashekarUnfollow Chandrashekar Tamirisa Bernanke's war for civilization, Jewish Diaspora is a view of one world: Eden to Babylon to Rhodes to America, to Russia & China. 6 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada You are right Solomon and why only cricket and football grounds, take music, how the world would have been if those great maestros were not born or found their purpose. All those people who make not only their own generation but the generations to come happy have indeed greatly contributed to the purpose of humanity. There were also certain type of people who thought beyond the happiness that one gets through the five senses and created thoughts or philosophies that guide

generations to come, like the Christ, Budha or any other enlightened individual. Don't you think their contribution is also necessary for the humanity. Lot of people believe in doing but even in management philosophy thinking is given equal importance not only in terms of what to do in future but also on what we did in the past. I guess who ever is contributing here is not an idle person. I am sure each of us is also pursuing our own goal in life. Its just that through our sharing of thoughts we are generating an invisible product called consciousness. 6 days ago Like 1 KesavaUnfollow Kesava Somayajula This is a copy paste but a very interesting one from the works of Prof John McKim Malville and Prof Rana P. B. Singh _______ We first investigated the structure of shrines along the pilgrimage circuit of Mt. Kailash in Tibet, the most sacred mountain of south Asia by measuring the positions of the 54 major shines of its kora with GPS. We found evidence for self-organization in the presence of a power law in the spacing of adjacent shrines. The frequency distribution of separation varies with a power of 1.5. We extended our measurements to the 108 shrines of the Panchakroshi yatra and found a similar distribution with a power of 1.4. Further measurements of all of the shrines along the four inner yatras of Varanasi, a total of 324 shrines, gave a distribution with a power of 1.5. The recurrent power law in these two major pilgrimage circuits of Asia is a remarkable result. Although a power law is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for self-organization, these results do suggest pilgrimage landscapes can mimic the natural world. It provides a fascinating new perspective on an issue that has challenged philosophers for millennia (Prigogine 1997). The old dualistic concept of a fundamental difference between nature with its laws and humans with their creativity finds no support in these pilgrimage landscapes. When people become pilgrims and behave in a spontaneous manner as members of a self-interacting group, they become one with nature. In contrast, when a pilgrimage tradition is taken over by authority or rigid tradition, it loses its spontaneity and its characteristics of self-organization. There should be a full range of pilgrimage landscapes across the world, some self-organized and others with imposed structures, some remaining open to newness, spontaneity, and self-discovery, and others closed by rigid tradition ____________________________________________________ The entire universe acts as as a single organism. We are part of it. The universe has a purpose, not us individually . Maybe :)

5 days ago Like 2 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .The authors are a bit confused or confusing themselves !! .5 days ago davulooriUnfollow davuloori bheemeswar The power of a person depends on the circumstances and also on the geographical conditions which all change due to power changes in the atmosphere which ever changes. Not only that each and and every individual has some power which also may cause positively or negatively. Each temple or shrine is constructed in such a fashion for utilizing that power that is available in the atmosphere based on the principles that light energy when mixed up with sounds that is vibrations do give positives to the most negative one but they also change the positives to negatives even if one negative is present in that human. The interesting point in all these aspects is that if any animal like Cow/Ox/Dog they can sense the negatives and make the atmosphere positive or indicate the negatives by different ways. As they can see the aura of the person better than other humans. Generally the person who has the better aura is always in the mode of the positive direction always. That is works for the betterment of the society probably even without expecting any returns. 5 days ago Like Follow Simmy Simmy Kataria To discover your own unique mission! 5 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .' bit confused or confusing ' ..FISH .........> "" The Story of Indian tradition: Networking/Remote sensing vs. Worknetting/Intimate sensing The Indian Scenario Having a strong historical and cultural base India possesses a dilemma between the continuity of traditions and superimposition of techno-modernity. The inside realities are very hard! The only approach we need is Humanistic: by the human being, of the humanity, and for the human peace.

Which turning we should follow? The Indian masses have to think and take turn while coping with the processes of globalisation and without any loss to their identity. India is a country of contrasts and diversities, e.g. presently there are thirty-six states, embracing 190 religious groups with 1,652 language and dialects in 12 language families with 24 different scripts, and 3,742 castes and sub-castes further grouped into 4,635 communities. Says Nobel laureate Amartya Sen (1996: 3, 7), The internal diversities in India offer a great opportunity to learn from each other. We must also note that India has much to learn from India itself. This is a great dilemma that even after fifty years of independence, the Indian government is unable to fix the minimum daily wages for the 25 per cent of labour force at the bottom --- those living below poverty line, mostly agricultural labourers and their dependants. Does India have no resource, no economic capacity, or no development strategy for the solution of such tragic situation? By an example India's potentiality and requirement can be explained. Based on National Sample Survey in 1993-94, it was estimated that for enhancing the life of those living below poverty line a subsidy of at least Rs 2,750 for rural poor and Rs 3,175 for urban poor was required. By this scale the total money required would had been:..."".....more..........> Discover IT :) .5 days ago Follow Terry Terry Murray As an American leader, I just wish to acknowledge how significant it is, from a Westerner's eyes, how mindful this discussion thread is...American leaders are, for the most part, unconscious. A thread like this would never emerge on a U.S. leadership group discussion. I find that I am somewhat atypical in the West. Through my practice and work with horses I have experienced several mystical experiences, one of which, answered every spiritual question I ever had in my life. Having gone from believing what the meaning of my life is, to knowing what it is has freed my mind and heart from worry. I know I am here to serve my fellow sentient beings, to hold the space for them and to lift the flickering lamp of illumination for their own conscious awakening. We, as humans, have the capacity of embracing our own consciousness, and in doing so, can awaken to Universal Consciousness. For me, what is so exciting is to see how the science of quantum physics is demonstrating what was already known thousands of years ago in your culture. The Upanishads, the Vedas, the Buddha all pointed to what is now being explored in science...the non-locality of consciousness, tangled hierarchy, etc. I cannot express how much respect I have for the tenor of your culture, the Indian entrepreneurial spirit and where your entire nation is heading. If America was the story of the 20th century, it will be India that writes the history of the 21st. Standing next to you, Americans are foolish children that have squandered our blessings. Spiritually, educationally, psychologically, we, as a nation, are lost. 5 days ago Unlike

6 Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Hello Terry, thank you so much for freely expressing your appreciation. I feel proud to be inheriting such heritage which is respected worldwide. I hope that we will not squander our wisdom in the pursuit of the routine and mediocrity. Just a thought I wanted to share here. Could we avoid cruelty while pursuing non-vegetarianism. Today I was forced to bear witness such an incident. Our neighbours brought a goat and kept it whole day in the neighbourhood with a plan to sacrifice it in the night. I had fought with them but they didn't bother. The goat kept bleating which was like pleading with everyone and someone to save it. I was helpless. I can't blame my neighbours because they believe it is a normal thing. But, what I feel is if we have to eat meat do we need to subject the animals to such agony? Its a momentary thing for us. In next three hours we will be again hungry, do we need to be so cruel for keeping ourselves satiated for just 3 hours? Its the same thing about rape. For a man its a momentary hunger, for that does he have to subject another fellow human being to life long torment and pain? Somehow, I felt animals and women have the same fate when it comes to cruelty. They have no choice because they are weak. 5 days ago Like 1 Follow Dr. Usha Dr. Usha Krishna Chiranjeevi, You have steered my mind and I like your comments made here. You have equated the baser needs with cruelty very beautifully. The sentiments echoed by you were echoed by Tulsidas, "Dhol, Gawar, Sudra, Pashu, Nari, sabhi tadana ke adhikari". You know "Hindi", but for those who do not know, let me translate: "Tulsi Das equated a Drum, an illiterate, a sub-caste person, an animal and a lady worthy of beatings (sub-human treatment)". Till date I used to think, how he could equate a lady with drum, illiterate, a sub-caste? Now that you equated the animal sacrifice and an act of rape as cruelty, Tulsi Das makes sense to me. So far I had a bad opinion of Tulsi Das. However, he had been probably moved by the condition of women in the society, that made him write the above verses. Thank you very much for clearing my mind. However, on the point of vegetarianism, Hinduism does not consider eating meat, or alcohol as "dosha" or sin. Hinduism has the most non-fundamentalist approach to the way of life. Do not think I am trying to justify cruelty against animals. Consider a situation when there are no vegetables in places which are covered with snow for 9/12 months. Probably the Shiva's abode Himalayas, would not offer much choice in terms of food for vegetarians. Since there was no other choice but to eat lamb or goat etc., Hinduism

did not prevent anyone from taking meat or alcohol. The point is that God does not want us to feel guilty. It would not amount to sin if we take meat when there is no other choice. In fact there are some places of worship where meat and alcohol is offered to God. And you know that animal sacrifice is popular among hill, and north east people. Having said so, I do not justify eating meat and being cruel to animals when vegetables and cereals are available. I propagate vegetarianism. 4 days ago Like Follow Vijay Vijay Naik Hi Terry.We appreciate your bold opinion of the westerner's drawback and also thank you for appreciating the Indian culture.However it is amazing to see all Ameicans from all over the world with different religions staying united and practicing their own religions independently.I think Americans are the most friendliest nation in the whole world.You will hardly come across any American who will not nod,smile or greet even if they did not know you.As per an Indian this is not the case.Although we have very deep culture it has been lost over the years.The westereners have seen there is no happiness in the materilistic world and to find happiness they have started looking into other cultures.It is amazing to see some Americans going so deep into Indian culture and practicing all its rituals that put Indians to shame also.The human value as well as the animal value is still to be seen in Americans.If Indians progress in the materialistic world but looses spirituality and the humanitarian background then is it worth it!We still have a long way to go. 4 days ago Like 1 Follow Peter Peter Stutz Dear Dr. Usha Krishna I am a bit worried of your last statement. Intellect eats meat Intelligence will never do so ! Intellect drinks alcohol Intelligence will never do so ! The precipitation of all is possible as such, just try it out instead of overruling your intelligence. only the lack of knowing is missing in us but excusing any of such will never get us there. 4 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .-

The risk of infection through meat is high in comparison to a pure vegetable diet, and there is high content of various nutrients in meat in comparison, again yes . It is a very simple fact and there is no need for guilt at all , that is how is the Nature . .4 days ago Follow John Bedford John Bedford Solomon @VIJAY . QUOTE The human value as well as the animal value is still to be seen in Americans UNQUOTE. Are you joking? Walk into a slum in India . Humans live like animals. And the so called other SPIRITUALLY evolved INDIANs care a damn. Most are trying to get to America.... Most. Am I right? NGO's working there probably trying to get some western funds. ? That's a reality check for you. Lets get practical dudes. Once you feed your family. You ought to think of feeding your neighbourhood. Then the world. Thats the greatness of the American spirit (Its a concept not a place not a bunch of people). Then lets feed the DOGS then come the GODS. Thats my order of doing things. Tll then we live in a DOG eat DOG world. Where one DOG says being vegetarian is next to GODLINESS ? Hypocrisy strange word for the Spiritually evolved... Weird eh! 4 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz You are what you Eat ! 4 days ago Like 1 Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Wow, wow Solomon....Dogs are no less than Gods. Please continue feeding your Dogs but don't bite. 4 days ago Like 1

Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Its not a question of being vegetarian or non-vegetarian but being cruel in the process. This goat sounded like it was panicking as if it new its fate. This is what I feel could have been avoided. Eating meet is different from sacrificing. It is like I want to ward off the evil by killing someone or some animal. In A.P these days there is a fever of treasure hunting. Small children are abducted and killed in the name of sacrifice. How different is sacrificing an animal from sacrificing a human. We don't understand when the animals cry but does it mean that they are so stupid not to know what's going to happen to them. I don't know which is the best way to kill an animal but I find sacrifices are the crudest and most inhuman. 4 days ago Like 1 KesavaUnfollow Kesava Somayajula Terry, Your very comment is the reflection of American honesty. Americans are known for their intellectual honesty. Most Americans don't blindly believe in any ideology. If Americans lack culture (as the country is young compared to India), they have civilization. If Indians have culture, they lack (lost rather) civilization. To be very honest, many Americans have directly or indirectly influenced many Indians to dig deep into their scriptures of spirituality. Indians who lived in US will understand what I am saying. 4 days ago Like 1 Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Americans are honest and Indians are modest :-) We flog ourselves for all our short comings...I want to enjoy the moment of pride that Terry's mail highlighted. 4 days ago Like 1 Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Solomon, dog eat dog is a western expression, competition is a western concept. Indians feed cows and other animals on a regular basis. Indian's respect plants also. The culture

has incorporated bio diversity into every aspect of life. We have Dog gods, rat gods, elephant gods, peacocks etc., etc. So let us feed them all why only Dogs. We have festivals where we give back to goddess earth also. I think it is first important to fully understand our culture before criticising it. I agree with you that most humans live in conditions worse than that of animals. We need to work on removing these income gaps by paying better wages to services and works from the informal sector. We would rather spend our money in discos and bars than pay a Re extra to a hard working person. If this changes there will be a lot more improvement in the lives of the poor than the act of feeding them once in a while. 4 days ago Like 2 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Indian Civilization ........> .*..The culture is such in the Indian sub-continent , people are naturally resource sensitive and sustainability is an embodiment in the customs & traditions it self ..*. Another observation from a Gentleman "" INDIA ***, Scott francisco @Atul, "" I skipped straight from your post to this comment (without reading the other remarks) Your post is so brilliant and important, and I did not want to loose the feeling of it... I traveled to India 18 years ago as a young architect and it changed my life.. my whole thinking about design, "engineering," innovation and social change. It exposed me to the role of 'culture' as a system for solving life problems; a holistic approach so different than the technocratic, optimizing, fast, growthoriented strategies that tend to rule in the west. I wish everyone could see through the eyes of a passionate young designer... through the windows of a "second class sleeper" railway car - floating through a new but ancient world - one that behaved so differently than the one I grew up in. Here were people plowing fields with oxen and wooden plows, in 1994! People working together in direct contact with the earth. I landed in Calcutta and learned about recycling on the streets, where every 'thing' that we call garbage has some value. And that there are skills, habits, knowledge and values that must work together to make all this happen. It was not always beautiful (although often it was!) but it was visible, direct, sometimes raw, always engaging the mind, the body and the community. I learned that roles and dignity are important in all types of work and that if a culture can maintain these, then there are 'human' approaches to solving most problems - approaches that can employ people (in the fullest sense) with beauty, humor, craftsmanship and community and still get the job done in amazing and economical fashion.

Perhaps the climax of the trip (and one of the most awe inspiring sights of my life) was the construction site of the Canadian Embassy Building in New Delhi. The design was Canadian, meeting all Canadian building codes and standards. The construction was by all Indian labor. Now picture this... walk with me past the "saw pit" where two-man 10' long hand-saws are used to cut mahogany logs, bark still on, into dimensional lumber. Now, watch the boards being hand-planed into the profiles needed to make custom thermal windows, from scratch on site. Now look 20 feet to the left and see men burning the wood scraps in small fires, to heat soldering irons used to create complex HVAC ducts... or watch two-man teams, barefoot in a lungi only, cutting massive steel beams with cold-chisel and sledge hammer (or sometimes a hack saw). Over here are the women, lithe, strong, in beautiful bright saris, carrying concrete, in woven baskets, on their heads, up a ramp to complete the "continuous pour" for a massive complex 'waffle-slab' floor. Virtually no electricity being used. Having worked on many construction projects before and since, I could see the kind of skills, knowledge and values that were necessary to make all this happen. Unlike what I was used to at home, here energy (fossil fuel) was not assumed to be cheap, and it was assumed that it's better to have a person do a job rather than a machine if possible. This is the power of culture to solve problems resourcefully and frugally. Now working in NYC on challenging urban problems, I am often taken back to India in my mind, and I ask myself: what would these people have done, with constrained material resources, but determination and creativity in solving problems? We can learn so much from India. "" ..more ...> .4 days ago 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .From Curiosity to Identity............> "" The self is a project not yet completed; it is only finished when we are dead. Accepting the not-yetcompeted character of one's identity means that one is much more likely to learn constructively from experiences which do not fit well with previous or present conceptions of who we are. Instead of distorting the experience to make it fit with preconceptions of ourselves, or distorting the self-image arbitrarily to make it consistent without essential change, the possibility exists of a creative solution in which one moves forward in becoming a new well integrated identity that nevertheless continues in being the same person. A new order is developed out of the old through the acceptance of new experiences which are inconsistent with the old self. One needs to be able to recognize the conflict, rather than deny its reality or reduce it with minimal effort. To grow from the experience one must take the time and make the effort to do a thorough job of reconstruction and integration of the new with the old. Satisfying and stable solutions are reached that way. This is the same process at the level of the organisation of whole person as the cognitive processes of curiosity at the task level when a strange, unexpected or novel event

disturbs our cognitive map of the world. It should not be surprising if the same things happen in the understanding of ourselves, for we are after all most interesting objects of our own curiosity. And when it is done there is the same sense of wonder. "" ......more .........> .4 days ago Follow Simmy Simmy Kataria To recognize the beauty in yourself and others 4 days ago Like Follow LUIS LUIS VAZQUEZ Terry, you have expressed a lovely and sincere thought that I share. I spent more than thirty years as a finance executive for large international corporations and there was a point in my life when I asked myself if there was something else besides our continuos search for physical survival and in some cases for recognition and power. Then my passion to learn about the deep nature of human beings started years ago and that is why I adhered to the Indian Leadership Network where I found a forum were the social and economic challenges are blended with the study of human nature which to me is the right thing to do. Science has realized that "matter" is made of atoms and at the sub-atomic level there is just energy waves i.e. no-matter....So each one of us, most of the time behave as if we were just matter and in rare ocassions we behave as immaterial beings. I believe we don't need to put one thing against the other if we are material and immaterial beings, at the same time. I hope people from Inida keep searching for the best of technology while keeping their appraisal for the human nature and values and I thank you for letting me being part of the forum. 4 days ago Like 1 Follow Vijay Vijay Naik Solomon,Living in India is a confused man.I said Americans still have the human as well as animal value then where the question of Indians living in slums come!You and I know about Indian conditions.That is why I said we have a long way to go.However one thing is certain that Indians have great tolerence,patience and resistance power.Even in these conditions they try to live happily.On the contrary if Americans have to go thru a little trouble they would be in a panic.When the foreigners visit India they are surprised as to how people live,how traffic maneuvers and how the whole country

runs.This is because of the Indian culture and the rituals and the faith people have in God.There are millions of spiritual deitys who are emitting strong and positive vibrations which keeps this country going.One thing is certain that once Indians achieve literacy,honesty and get psycologically uplifted then along with Indian culture they can rule the world. 3 days ago Like 1 Follow Peter Peter Stutz the story of eating meat The family sits down at the table after a many hours cooking. Dad gets the biggest slices The second oldest gets the 2nd biggest if not he is angry ! The rest of the family is watching and locking exactly what they get on theyre plate When moms serves here plate she takes the last cutting a small peace. And no one is happy about what they got except Dad Have you ever recognized the politics of food when sharing the Meat ? The story of eating vegetables All is plenty and all is good and no one is assaulted or offended by the plate he /she gets. This means you spoil your food with Meat by politics in your own house? Think about it, someone died for it and you are not happy!? 3 days ago Like 2 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Peter , If one has to go by that logic , laws of gravity would have been found out long back by someone else waiting under a Vegetable plant for the Birinjal or Ladysfinger to fall , plants have life too :) .3 days ago 1 Follow Beatrix Beatrix Grund Peter 's comment is are comming from one of this super modern countrys? That female and male sitting together on table and taking a meal not in seperate rooms is really future fiction. ..

3 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz When eating a fruit to you cut the tree ? 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Generally trees are cut to take care of the after effects of eating :) .3 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz perfect and the entire animal is killed before eating part of it We should remember, you are what you eat ! Spiritually Mentally and consciously I grow vegetables and only remove the plant after it has been dying of from frost at Fall. to beatrix what a lost, of man and woman making love, but cant enjoy eating together There was not a Day in my life where my family has not enjoyed doing so. Even Today I invite my Mom every Sunday to enjoy our social gathering of the meal at Lunch. In India I was eating with any in the large Mensas and it was always a great joy for me. 3 days ago Like Follow Hari Hari Misra Purpose of life on earth? We do not even fully know how it got created. As we traverse from highly complex organisms such as humans, other mammals to birds, reptiles, and fish, and further to insects, bacteria, trees, plants, algae, we finally arrive at viruses where our definition of life seems to get stretched. The boundary separating animate and inanimate world is, at best, blurred at our current level of knowledge. What is the purpose of mountains, rivers, clouds and seas on earth? They simply exist. Life, though it seems a great riddle in our anthro-centric mindset, is just a manifestation of Nature. Why does the universe exist? The second question clearly brings out the hidden assumption in the first

one. It is: Nothing can exist without a purpose. On a lighter note, we humans want every action or incident or happening to have a purpose. Why do I write here? What is the purpose? Nothing! I enjoy the act and that's it. The third question also betrays the ill-placed pride of human race in its existence. We, the humans as well as the life as it exists on this earth is just a mini blip in the enormous cosmos. Let us keep trying to unravel the mystries of the Universe, but let us have the wisdom and humility to accept that human mind is a micro-micro subset of the cosmos. The part can never understand the whole! 3 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz The universe is the playground for the spirits of creation and all is spirit 3 days ago Like Follow Natarajan Natarajan Nagarethinam BLR I feel Mr Hari is coming with an answer closer to the main question, Most other digress a lot. The right question to get launched on to Spiritual path. Not the typical WHO AM I? You focus on the main question. But your thinking cap. Then comeout sharply. This will supply you a lot of data to build a reasonably good model to understand yoourself, your creator and the universe. I could think like this. You dont produce a car just for fun. You grow animals to feed on it. One of the greatest thought provoking sentence I read during my initial days on Spiritual path (I did not know that I am in it) is, Everything in the universe is being devoured by some thing else, non-stop. This is one of the beautiful thought towards understanding God or yourself. This is one of the perspective and it could be very well true. It is a statement like, we get water from the rains. You geter wat from rivers too, you get from the well as well. Rain may be filling all these sources for our use. Some one is benefited by our existence. Who is that? I guess, the one whom we call - the creator. Which is Possibly? The way, how we are benefitted by farming. rearing animals There are billions of species without our body. Bones, fleshes, nerves skin all are a society of species. Every cell in our body is living. The definition of life is -- born,

grow, reproduce, degenerate and die. Every life does that. In that process, Now you all tie them together and comeup...with your model. Good wishes 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Water comes from the Cosmos ........... wake up :) .3 days ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz this is for you my friends please make this day your speziell day today, as it is a very special Day today. 3 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz all comes from the Cosmos yes are waking up ! we are cosmos we are the creation ! and we are loved by the cosmic Light and its vast expanding space. 3 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Good One , Peter . .3 days ago 1

Follow Peter Peter Stutz here a Link to the mystical experiences of great Masters please watch part 3+4 3 days ago Like Follow Vijay Vijay Jadhwani To be Blissful and spread Bliss 3 days ago Like Follow Prof.Suresh Prof.Suresh Kumar John Bedford,Like there is a tide in the affairs of men,there is one for civilisations too,and cultures.The Kondratieff waves for economic and technological cycles span 50-70 years,whereas the cultural cycles may span an order more,say 500 -700 years or so. So the tide is now coming back to the east and south ,as Obama himself has pointed out,and India and China are again in the center stage,as they were 500 years or so ago,when the Europeans[the north and the west]tried to usurp that position thru plundering and exploiting the natural mildness and civility of the south and the east then. They were also philsophically superior since the eastern philosophies have later on inspired much of the threads in the west. So the cultural cycle is back ,and India is set to conquer not thru military and might and force,but thru spirit and mind That is the purpose of India as the world Guru,going to unfold soon,and the evidential bits are already in plce ,and acknowledged widely,despite the aspersions here and there. Indian spirit of yore is the salvation for th world as it is engulfed in the chaos that is descending on it on its own making,where the role of the west and north has been predominant in bringin about this fall,based on consumerism,competiton ,and coercive tactics 2 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Lets say almost With no doubt India is the front runner of all you descripts, but there was always a reason for such. The positive vibration itself, similar to the USA they had it and lost it within 500 years. Noticing the vibration is changing all over the world and the Ying and Yang is winning its Balance true all the Great Light beings around the world. This is the Vital need for coming uprising for all of us and ultimately and especially for India. India has lost a tremendous initial esteem by the confusion of Religious differences. This becomes more and more obsolete now. God bless the world so that the changes can be fast and enlighten for as many as possible yet the divide is

coming and believe me I have been meeting many great Indian Leaders which have failed in all of ethics even do I gave them many changes. 2 days ago Like Follow Narendra Narendra Nath Indian's civilization has a rich heritage but we individually are very poor in practicing it in our actions. This aspect fails our country's development too. Verbals need to be followed with action on ground realities! 2 days ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz I trust the world has this change in front of, by bringing the Light beings to large numbers of all mankind and communicating the correct Values back to the world. World leaders must be Masters of the Spiritual Light in the future to come. 2 days ago Like Follow Jacob Jacob Devaraj We are existing in this universe, in Earth .... and the Universe is consisting of billions of Stars, their Galaxy of Planets and as all of know very well, that, not only that these Billions of Stars of vrious Diameters and their Planets are Rotatating among its invisible Axis, in a 'Break Neck Speed, but also Travels, in its designated Paths / Orbits, for Billions of Years .... Time immemorial, there doesn't was a collution of any kind, either between these Light emmiting Stars nor their surrounding Planets .... And Why ???? .. Because, eveything in this universe, is operating in a well deciplined, Timely and Organised Manner .... or else, there will be Chaoes .... and A strong possibility, that, the Life, itself becomes extint .... Jacob Devaraj, Pondicherry, INDIA. 2 days ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada We can identify three streams of thought on the main part of the question that is the purpose of life on earth. One which believes that there is a creator and he has a purpose behind his creation. We as his creation have to take guidance from the religions, enlightened individuals and the philosophies. One most recurring thought is that the ultimate purpose is to become one with God, that happens through self discovery or inward looking or to know that we are but one with the God the duality is a maya, which we need to tear off to realize the truth. The other major thought is that as humans we are supposed to follow the path laid out by the God, help others, live with morals as there is a judgement day

and you are answerable for your behaviour on the earth. The other main stream of thought is that life on earth is just an accident and there is nothing like after life. There is no big deal about human beings because we are nothing in comparison to the universe. So as long as we are on this earth have some goals, find your happiness, make yourselves and others happy. The third main stream of thought is why bother about all these questions, its a waste of time. Do what you believe in and live life rather than sitting and contemplating on all these questions. They argue that there is no point in thinking about all these questions because there are no answers to these questions and even if there are answers they are not going to change anything in one's life. Everyone agrees that science, religions and philosophers have been asking these questions from times immemorial and we are yet to find any satisfactory answer. What we have are working hypotheses or assumptions that help us run our lives with some sense and meaning. 2 days ago Like Follow Sridhar Sridhar Bhaskarla Not sure if I can relate with the above summary, one more view, the 'agnostic' has been overlooked/ignored in the excitement of encouraging the flurry of posts disseminating gyan to others. It says 'Don't get tricked with mind's hallucination that we have found the answer, because there is a lot still to be explained and linked, so keep searching". It does bother about the questions but doesn't come to conclusions. 2 days ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .' Mind is ( full ) made of Hallucinations ' ..............True ! .2 days ago karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Interesting series of articles , Demystifying the Mind A three-part series on the scientific struggle to explain the conscious self

"" Consciousness has posed a special challenge to scientists, but new ways of studying the brain may finally yield a deeper understanding. Science News describes the latest thinking on consciousness in this three-part special report. The human brain is very good at figuring things out, except about itself. ...."" .more ......> .2 days ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Thanks Sridhar for your reminder. Yes, there is also the agnostic's perspective which is summarized by Sridhar. I am sure there are some more views I forgot to cover, please go ahead and add. Thank you. 2 days ago Like Follow Vaijayantee Vaijayantee Belle This blog might answer some questions. 2 days ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .So the Person who was good at heart , was mesmerized by a Cosmic Video Clip :) "" I am the one who kills and you are just a weapon, and that they are already dead, in the dimension you have just visited. "" .2 days ago 1 Follow Peter Peter Stutz Dear Chiranjeevi Tallapragada

what Iam very much interested is, how did this topics move you and towards what ? 1 day ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada That's a good question Peter, makes one reflect back on one's learning. To me the gain was mostly in terms of all the scientific and philosophic discussions that threw light on many things I didn't know before. A lot of material to read in the form of blogs, ebooks etc. Current thinking on the subject and different perspectives from different religions (I think mostly I was aware of them but a few were a revelation.) I also learnt to listen and be patient and to respond not to react. My belief that there is a purpose to life on earth got strengthened. It was incidental but I am now connected to an initiative which takes care of the street children. I thought it was God's posting to my question :-) 1 day ago Like 1 Follow Simmy Simmy Kataria The simple question is WHAT is GOD then? Let's united and ask what is our unique purpose and sing a praise of six pence wiht pocket full fo foeses! 1 day ago Like KesavaUnfollow Kesava Somayajula searching a purpose outside in the materialistic world has many implications. We don't make anything, we take from mother earth. Our comforts always hurt nature. The more we need materialistic comforts, more tress will go. more CO2. The more chemicals in water and air. pollution. It only hurts us in the end. By not having any purpose in life, By just sitting idle, may be we are doing real good to nature and mother earth :). 1 day ago Like 1 Follow Simmy Simmy Kataria To eradicate what does not exist - leave behind a legend! Learn and unlearn and learn

again. What kindness is in the there when people do not think of themselves and others as if it was their own! What is left behind is still matterful but the new is what counts. So what is the overall purpose - I ask - lets have a purposeful day and lets all participate to make a single difference to one person's life we do not know! 1 day ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Create a website and then take rest ;) .1 day ago Follow Simmy Simmy Kataria The fundamental meaning is life is to make a difference - if all today every min - can't you imagine what great place this world would be- its like a network chain that spreads goodness at a speed of light! Transmitting and Transmitting through out the light years! 1 day ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz In the end it is all answerd by your own Greatfulness to the complete as is, no matter what or who or when you are ! 1 day ago Like Follow Joseph Joseph Smith I Believe that Anyone Who Pretend to Know The Answer to That Question is a Liar and A Fraud ! 1 day ago Like 1 Follow PRASADU

PRASADU MANNAVA DO GOOD AND DELIVER GOOD so you too receive GOOD 1 day ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada True Kesava...the problem today is one can't sit idle. Even resting has come down and lost its value in today's times. One has so many avenues to pollute without realizing one's contribution, your proposal is highly impossible. Reducing the activity level through nature friendly time pass like may be bird watching (not by driving into the woods but around your house) kind of activities may be the solution. But you have hit the nail on the head. 1 day ago Like Follow Simmy Simmy Kataria PURPOSEFULLNESS! 1 day ago Like KesavaUnfollow Kesava Somayajula Chiranjeevi, We may end up doing the same after we realize that Nature always prevails. 1 day ago Like Follow Dr. Usha Dr. Usha Krishna @ Karti, (on the lighter side) I wish my children dont read this!!! nice ideas!! 1 day ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Simmy, the question is why it doesn't happen.....each sees a different purpose and those purposes come in the way of others' purposes. One of the reasons why the purposes are not

aligned with each other is because we lost the original purpose. Today, competition, materialism define our purpose, which don't even lead to economic alignment because recessions and economic breakdowns are quite recurrent. So the loss of original purpose and the universal adoption of new values has led to economic and environmental disasters. Now you would ask me what's the original purpose is but that is my question. What's that original purpose which would align the life on earth to over all benefit and in line with the nature's objective of generating life on earth. 1 day ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Prasad, Gita says do (good) your duty but don't expect anything in return or rather don't worry about consequences. What do you say to that? Why do you think Gita says that? 1 day ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Nice one Karthik..I would have missed it if Dr. Usha didn't comment on it. Hmm...I hope he was sleeping without the fan, heater/ac running :-) 1 day ago Like KesavaUnfollow Kesava Somayajula If insects don't exist, the life on earth goes extinct as they are at the bottom of the food chain. If humans do not exist, life would flourish on earth. 23 hours ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz The Great Master of Jesus, = Maitreya Maitreya, whose name is derived from the Sanskrit maitri, meaning universal love, is known to Buddhists as the embodiment of loving kindness. Some believe this planetary master was Krishna, and that he inspired the life of Jesus. Maitreya is a Buddha, working diligently behind the scenes to enlighten humanity and birth the age of light. He is the planetary Christ who overlit Jesus during his lifetime and is the head of the Great White Brotherhood. Lord Maitreya was an incarnation of Krishna. He works to enlighten humanity and bring in the new Golden Age.

Lord Maitreya is the being who holds the office of the Christ-Grid frequency for our planet. This is the new grid system of higher evolution. He is the head of the Spiritual Hierachy and is often called the "Master of Masters". He has served this position for 2500 years and is an aspect of Jesus/Sananda. 23 hours ago Like Follow Simmy Simmy Kataria Thats well said! Kudos! Its such a pleasure to know that people outside India know more about India than Indian Indians. We have come a long way! God Bless America for its detailed research value and due diligence. 21 hours ago Like 1 karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Flashback......> ............When one is born , physical form as a human being - what all does one bring along with them. Nothing !! or they just appear in a preexisting space because mountains , oceans sun, moon ... all exist before and after their life time -. do they at least come with knowledge / information of such paces ............ they can always leave a dent in the space , effects which could be felt for a long time to come how do people collectively build spaces or clear off each other's space for fun one builds one's space to keep it's form , should it destroy other ones forms & space does one and one & all have thought space too.............................. Life is an empty space ! ( 4 months back) .13 hours ago

Follow Peter Peter Stutz Dear Member the purpose is to share ! here a great Link of the Sistine Chapel in Rom, please take the trip ! 10 hours ago Like Follow Simmy Simmy Kataria be the changeyou want to be be the change you want to be - be the change you want to be! Transform, Transfer, Tell, Take, Token,Tribute, Tag it! 9 hours ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Tesla was convinced that everything in the Universe , of galaxies and electrons have consciousness, that the Kosmos is One Intelligent Living Organism. (Super Consciousness) 9 hours ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Dear Simmy, I see a pattern in your comments not only in this thread but in others also but I am yet to decipher it :-) BTW it will be interesting to know the thought process behind your postings. 9 hours ago Like Follow Simmy Simmy Kataria The thought process is simple - Become what you wish to become - Transform. Take a stock of it! Tell others about it - share with kindness and good spirit that touches the heart! Tribute to the creator yourself and others who exchanged and then Tag it! which means pin it down! or pen it down! Pattern is the same - mapping is the same - because the propagation is same! BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE! Change is beautiful, change is kind, change is good, change is better, CHANGE IS THE BEST! Face your fears, remove the darkness and blinders in your heart, mind, soul and spirit! Salute yourself every step of the way! You have moved mountains! Great Duty: Simmy! :) 8 hours ago Like

1 Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Kesava, I guess there were times when humans didn't exist and nature flourished and that's how the humans emerged :-) 8 hours ago Like 1 Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Yes, Simmy, makes sense. 8 hours ago Like

Follow Simmy Simmy Kataria Thanks for your feedback! I am glad and happy for your understanding! 8 hours ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Simmy go get it ,as it is waiting for you and all which have the courage ! Tesla was convinced that everything in the Universe , of galaxies and electrons have consciousness, that the Cosmos is One Intelligent Living Organism. (Super Consciousness) 8 hours ago Like Follow Simmy Simmy Kataria Go for what? What is waiting for me? Thanks 7 hours ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .... what is what is a meaningless philosophical question, ..... so let us try what is CHANGE !! .7 hours ago Follow Simmy Simmy Kataria On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 2:31 PM, India Leadership Network < 7 hours ago Like Follow Simmy Simmy Kataria C; Cultivate H: However A: Absolutely N: Nonetheless G: Given E: Exactly!, Eternally, Evverlastingly, Empoweingly, Engagingly and Energizingly! Does that answer your question? 7 hours ago Like Follow Peter Peter Stutz Dear Simmy this is go get it...... every day a bit more :....... The thought process is simple - Become what you wish to become - Transform. Take a stock of it! Tell others about it - share with kindness and good spirit that touches the heart! Tribute to the creator yourself and others who exchanged and then Tag it! which means pin it down! or pen it down! Pattern is the same - mapping is the same - because the propagation is same! BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE! Change is beautiful, change is kind, change is good, change is better, CHANGE IS THE BEST! Face your fears, remove the darkness and blinders in your heart, mind, soul and spirit! Salute yourself every step of the way! You have moved mountains! Great Duty: Simmy! :) 7 hours ago Like

karthikeyan arumugathandavan .This is real change ,.............just another answer :) C razy H ippocratic A narchy N utty G rievance E rratic .7 hours ago Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada C: ChallengeH: HypothesesA: ArticulateN: NewG: GetE: Enlightenment:-) 6 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan ... a small directional change for Impact ! C hallenge H ypotheses A rticulate N ew G et E nlightenment :-) .6 hours ago 1 ChrisUnfollow Chris Styles Just reading all these inputs really made me stop and think deeply about this. I must openly admit that there is much to this which I just can't answer - try as I might - it is, what it is. I can only attempt to take a stab at "what is the purpose of life on earth"? Could it possibly be as simple

as "to make us grow"? Have a wonderful day all and thank you for the learnings which this discussion has afforded me. 6 hours ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Chris , "to make us grow" ............. that is real stabbing :) Nature just conveys ' keep growing ' ! .6 hours ago Follow Peter Peter Stutz Just pure Love out to the world it needs it 5 hours ago Like Follow Simmy Simmy Kataria WORDS DON'T SPEAK LOUDER THAN ACTIONS 5 hours ago Like Follow Badarinath Badarinath Chitti Is there a need to to moderate this discussion and bring back the FOCUS onto the main topic that is to be discussed. 4 hours ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada The main topic seems to be so big that it sometimes is difficult to trace where

we are. :-) 4 hours ago Like Follow Vijay Vijay Naik You are right.Already covered universe,galaxies,earth,god,sprituality,vegitarianism,philosophy,world,sociolism,curiosityidentity,civilizat ion,culture,life,science,humans,animals,spirits,discussions,arguments, ignorance,focus,nature,words,speak,senses,change,people... Add more. 1 hour ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada Friends I am sure we have all enjoyed thinking on this universal questions and sharing our thoughts. I think its a good time to close this thread. Thank you all who have contributed to this thread and hopefully we will continue to think on these questions. 15 minutes ago Like Follow Chiranjeevi Chiranjeevi Tallapragada How do I close this thread? Delete? Karthik help me. 14 minutes ago Like karthikeyan arumugathandavan .Chiranjeevi, Since that it is a thread started by you , you can delete it any time you like :) In the ' *more ' button above ( click it ) ___________________________________________________________________ Like ........ Comment ........ Unfollow ....... Flag .......... *More ____________________________________________________________________

You alone ( thread owner ) will get the option to ' Delete ' Just give me 10 minutes allowance to copy paste the last few days comment Many thanks to you Bye to all & Cheers .2 seconds ago

Add on signing offf 21.03.12

Somtime to say good-bye, somewhere to go, some questions to discuss, some people to remember, something to do further. May all of you enjoy every new moment, new question and every new thing.
Posted by Chao Xiong

Dear Bee, it is not easy for me to close this thread but as it happens in life we all have to leave things behind and move on. I am sure this is not the only thread which discusses this topic. I have seen many threads which in some way or the other are connected to these same questions. I am sure there will always be opportunities to share your thoughts and learn from others in various forms.

Karthik has the word document with all the comments and I have a serious thought to connect the dots and make a product out of it and share it with you all somehow or the other. Thank you for your kind words about the thread and your suggestion to keep it going. I think at this point it is better to let it go. See you Bee in some other thread.
Posted by Chiranjeevi Tallapragada

My last thoughts on this topic: If this thread had its own life and death, I am its creator, you are all the people life meets during its journey. You have seen the purpose of this thread from your own perspective, used it to achieve your purposes and enriched it with your contributions. Seen as its creator, what was my purpose behind creating this thread? Many of your tried to understand, many of you wanted to be precise with your answers to meet the purpose of this thread, many of you felt free to interpret it the way you understood the questions. Many of you also felt, its a waste of time asking and answering such questions. To me as a creator everything was acceptable. Did I have any specific

purpose, guess not. It was a question posed to myself. I felt happy with the various forms it took and various interpretations it was subjected to. I am not saying that I feel like God, but I wonder if God feels the same way with whatever we do. Is it upto us to see the world the way we want to and put it to the uses that we want to. Did he create the world out of his own mind's meanderings? May be, may be not. We leave the world wondering what happened to all that we did in our life time, I guess. With this I sign off.
Posted by Chiranjeevi Tallapragada

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