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Professional work

1. Introduction
The classrooms goal is to bring students to the point where they can begin to use outside world for further acquisition, to where they can begin to understand the language used the outside.1

We live in a world where information are dominant above all. The amount of information that appears in one day is bigger than entire amount of information from the beginning of the world until the Middle Ages. Entire human knowledge doubled between 1900 and 1950, but now it doubles every 5-8 years. Knowledge becomes a crucial resource of society and innovations and generation of that knowledge are the basis for future learners. About 85% of the children born after 1982, so called Millennial generation, have their own computer since they are five, and even 25% of them have two computers. They use Internet 11 hours a week, 41% of these children communicate with their teachers, 81% use e-mail to communicate with friends, and 56% have an access to the Internet from their schools. All these facts clearly show that the new generations of students are growing up with technologies. They use it mostly to communicate and entertain themselves and these facts should be reasons for including modern technologies in the classrooms. Communication and motivation are very important for language classroom so that schools and teachers need to implement new technologies in order to achieve these goals. Children are very familiar with computers, Internet, cell phones and various other technological devices and they enjoy communicating, playing games and learning new skills. Consequently teachers should take advantage of new technology tools for educational purposes and teach students the way they learn best. Educational institutions all around the world started using modern technologies a few decades ago and it brought considerable success in learning process. Every country works on implementation of new technologies into the educational system in order to improve process of learning so today in America 84% of schools have multimedia computers and approximately 24 students use one computer. In our country 19 students use one computer, and according to some projects until 2015, it will be 10 students per one

Stephen Krashen, Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition, University of Southern California, 1982

Primary school Radoje Toi Srdanov Grob, Pljevlja

Professional work computer and every school will be equipped with computers and Internet. Surveys in many foreign countries showed a huge success in a learning process. Many statistics indicates that using new technologies improved students attendance, increased their motivation, confidence and comprehension, and showed taking more responsibilities for their learning. My personal experience in the classroom confirms all of these statements. As a teacher who works in era of computers and technologies, I started implementing some technological tools in my classroom. First, I brought some internet materials, DVDs and games. I found a great enthusiasm in children playing these games (e.g. Sebran for younger learners, Amazing pyramids for elder) or watching some videos from YouTube for children. I divided students to work in pairs and saw that technology using made my English class more fun, exciting, and it stimulated students creativity so that they were more interested in the language and prepared to work more without complaining. But in the beginning I was not certain whether they will learn anything new or not, and I decided to experiment. Younger students (1-3 grades) learnt some letters from the Alphabet, some new words, and others learnt more complex words and phrases and some grammar rules. Something that encouraged me mostly was the fact that my students started to improve their skills: they spread their vocabulary and they became more patient when they listen to some audio/video because they managed to hear better and to understand what it is about. Thanks to these new classroom devices, after a few months I noticed that they were inspired to speak in English more and to read more confidently. Then I realized my experiment was successful, and I decided to continue the teaching process in this way. Modern technologies and modern world need modern educational system. It brings many opportunities and challenges for teachers and students. As time changes, educational system must change. Traditional classrooms are long gone because students today need a contact with real world. So closed with real people and real facts students are motivated to grab more and more information and according to that to learn more. Consequently we have to find the best ways of integrating the new technologies in our curriculum and classrooms. It takes a great effort on both sides students and teachers to learn and to use technologies properly, but the benefits will be worth the effort. 2.

History of technologies in education

Primary school Radoje Toi Srdanov Grob, Pljevlja

Professional work New technologies became a part of every day life all around the world and they found a crucial use in education. Foreign language teaching represents a very dynamic area prone to changes and suitable for implementation of new teaching methods and resources. In 1918, Clarke pointed out that phonograph might bring about some benefits with regard to motivation, given the novelty of the teaching tool and that increased interest stimulates memory as the same phrases repeated by himself or heard from the teacher can never do.2 The pedagogical use of radio was perceived as an extension of the benefits previously advanced for the use of phonograph. Several decades later distance learning brought some new pedagogical challenges. In 1972 Garfinkel said that radio had the technological resources to supply any language classroom no matter how remote, with a wealth of stimuli from all over the world. Then, in 1973, as for pedagogical application, Mohr and Lally suggested the implementation of a canonical two-step sequence for the use of radio broadcasts. Students wrote down part of the material presented orally and subsequently written portions of the material were shown with an overhead projector. A decade later Wipf emphasized pedagogical use of shortwave broadcasts and offered a list of 13 major benefits such as an extended range of second language expressions and a variety of dialects, contextualized teaching of grammar, listening to the target language spoken at normal speed, increased motivation by listening to original broadcasts, and development of an international perspective on topics selected for classroom discussions, as well as increased levels of independent learning. Also using telephone in telephoneassisted program proved that it can be used effectively to learn foreign language. After these technological devices, TV, films and videos were used as new teaching tools. Swaffar and Vlattan (1997) proposed the pedagogical implementation of video-based activities in a sequence of five stages: 1) initial silent viewing of the film to identify story structure 2) silent viewing to identify cultural differences 3) verbalization of visual themes 4) identification of minimal linguistic differences correlated to differences in meaning

Taken from The use of Technology for Second Language Learning and Teaching: A Retrospective by M. Rafael Salaberry, The Modern Language Journal, Vol. 85, No. 1, Spring 2001, // sici=0026-7902%28200121%2985%3A1%3C39%3ATUOTFS%3E2.0.CO%3B2-W

Primary school Radoje Toi Srdanov Grob, Pljevlja

Professional work 5) students production in the form of role plays and group discussions based on the topics identified in the video One of the most conspicuous technological devices has been the language learning laboratory. The instant spread of the language learning labs was a consequence of two major developments in the field: legislative support and new learning theories. Since enactment of the 1958 National Defense Education Act, installation of the language labs has mushroomed all over the USA. Then, audiolingualism became the language learning theory of the time. In 1964 Anderson stated that the main objective of the language lab was to afford a type of learning experience that will produce unhesitating, automatic oral responses with little or no reliance upon analytical crutches.3 The real usage of modern technologies starts in 1980s with appearance of computers and Internet. Since 1990s these two phenomena became a crucial part of every language classroom. Some teachers agreed that computers enable students to learn more in a shorter time than is usual. Many surveys about using computers in classrooms were carried out and all of them proved their pedagogical value.


Change in Student and Teacher Roles

Change does not necessarily assure progress, but progress implacably requires change. Education is essential to change, for education creates both new wants and the ability to satisfy them4

When students are using technology as a tool or a support for communicating with others they have an active role of recipient of information transmitted by a teacher, textbook or broadcast. The student is actively making choices about generating and displaying information. Technology allows students to think actively about information making choices, executing skills, performing authentic tasks and evaluating their own progress. The teachers role changes as well. The teacher is no longer the dispenser of information but rather a facilitator, providing guidelines and resources, and support for student activities. Through using technology students improve their self-esteem and are

Paraphrased from The use of Technology for Second Language Learning and Teaching: A Retrospective by M. Rafael Salaberry, The Modern Language Journal, Vol. 85, No. 1, Spring 2001, // sici=0026-7902%28200121%2985%3A1%3C39%3ATUOTFS%3E2.0.CO%3B2-W

Henry Steele Commage, taken from, accessed on July 23, 2011

Primary school Radoje Toi Srdanov Grob, Pljevlja

Professional work excited about coming to school, learn how to work cooperatively and to help friends who have troubles in solving tasks. This change in roles of student and teacher involves the change in classroom. It changes from teacher-centered to student-centered classroom. Instead of rote practice and response now we have critical analysis, and individual responsibility transforms to group work and cooperative learning.


Modern technologies in educational system

In the early stages of development humans used spoken language in education (the

Socratic method), then manuscripts (early monastic education), then books and now we use computers. A computer is a new teaching tool or help in the learning process and makes that process more motivating and suitable for students. Former surveys show that learning through multimedia is 30% more efficient than the traditional lecture because concentration of students is on a higher level. Unlike traditional approach based on memorizing, multimedia approach promotes active participation in learning process. Knowledge is gathered from different resources, it is processed, understood and acquired. The result is rapid growth of knowledge and active application of it in real situations.


Types of technologies in the classroom today

One mark of a great educator is the ability to lead students out to new places where even the educator has never been5

Today there are highly effective technological tools that can be used in the learning process from the Internet with almost all the information, to search and research tools for sorting out what is true and relevant, to analysis tools for helping make sense of it, to creation tools for presenting ones creations in a variety of media, to social tools for networking and collaboration with students around the world.

Computers are being used in the classrooms all around the world for the last three decades. Their significance is very remarkable because they help teachers to demonstrate a new lesson, present a new material and show new websites. can provide distinct advantages over more traditional approaches. The use of


Thomas Groome, taken from, accessed on July 23, 2011

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Professional work

Picture 1 6

a computer for listening exercises often provides not only sound, but also visual input providing students with more contextual clues. Students interacting with a computer are also using motor skills as well, which can have a strong reinforcing effect on the learning process by connecting physical actions with desired results. Students are also allowed more control over their own learning process as they make the decisions when to repeat questions, exercises and sequences based on their own progress. They are also very helpful for increasing students motivation and creativity. Computers and software are important cognitive devices that can help students nurture higher-order thinking skills such as critical thinking, analysis and problem solving. Class website can serve many communication functions. It is an easy way to display students work. Students get really excited about it because here teachers could display students short stories, poems, homework, some games, helpful information and results of their own projects. There is no limit to the amount of information that can be displayed, so that it is a good tool for helping parents get an in-depth look at classroom teaching and learning.

Image taken from, accessed on August 11, 2011

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Professional work

Picture 27

Blogs, chat and wikis allow students to run a dialogue, to express their thoughts, ideas or discuss assignments with their friends. Blogs are websites where students create a log of entries that can be read by other users, such as in journal. Wikis are collaborative websites that allow users to freely create and edit web page content (e.g. Wikipedia). Through these technologies students can accomplish interaction with native speakers of the foreign language and in a great deal develop fluency in the target language. Social networking sites are online social networks for communication of people who share interests and activities (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, MySpace). Most of the sites for social networking are used for educational purposes. About 60% of students said that they use these sites to talk about education, and more of 50% use it to talk about specific schoolwork. Students there communicate assignments and make class discussions. Through the site students are able to continue discussion outside the classroom via the discussion board, and share ideas and work online. Through these discussions students can improve their writing skills. Also, this is an incredible tool for students who have lack of patience and social anxiety disorder. Wireless classroom microphones are a very useful devise because students are able to hear teachers more clearly. It is revolutionizing education with growing evidence that lightweight, wireless microphones create more efficient classrooms, more motivated and engaged students, and ultimately increased student performance. This system is especially beneficial for large groups and classrooms. There is also a benefit for teachers they no longer lose their voices at the end of the day.

Image taken from, accessed on August 11, 2011

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Professional work

Picture 38

Mobile devices such as clickers or smartphone enhance the experience in the classroom by providing the possibility for teachers to get feedback.

Picture 49

Clickers allow teachers to ask questions and gather students' responses during a lecture. They are also commonly called Classroom Response Systems or Student Response Systems. Students use a device (a clicker) that looks like a TV remote to answer questions posed by the teacher in a specially-designed PowerPoint presentation. Summaries of student responses can be shown in real time to both teachers and students. Answers are also stored electronically for later viewing. A smartphone is a mobile phone that has almost the same features as a computer provides. It is especially suitable for classroom with lack of technology equipment (computers, lap tops). Students can solve tasks, find necessary textbooks or attend some online courses. Also with the help of a smartphone

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Image taken from, accessed on August 11, 2011 Image taken from, accessed on August 11, 2011

Primary school Radoje Toi Srdanov Grob, Pljevlja

Professional work connected to the internet, parents may access a database with their kids' marks and presences. Interactive whiteboards provides touch control of computer applications. This is enormous help in visual learning but also students can draw, write or manipulate images on it. It is ideal for larger groups of students. According to some research interactive whiteboards are currently the biggest technology revolution in classroom. There are over 1.2 million of them installed across the world.

Picture 510

Online media are streamed video websites that can enhance a classroom lesson. The examples are Wikipedia, United Streaming, Teacher Tube, etc. Digital games are a very common device that children use since the early childhood. But today the field of educational games has been growing significantly. Now the games are provided as tools for the classroom and have a lot of positive feedback including higher motivation of students.

Picture 611


Image taken from, accessed on August 11, 2011 11 Image taken from, accessed on August 11, 2011

Primary school Radoje Toi Srdanov Grob, Pljevlja

Professional work Researcher Patricia Marks Greenfield argues that habitual playing games results in development of new cognitive abilities that translate into the key skills for our transformed world: the ability to process information very quickly, to determine what is and is not of relevance to them, to process information in parallel at the same time and from a range of sources, to access information through imagery and then use text to clarify, expand and explore, an to experiment with surroundings as a form of problem-solving. 12 The examples of a very powerful educational games are: Civilization IV which allows players to increase collaboration and strategy efforts, to learn about history and gain advanced terminology and knowledge of geography and language; Lure of the Labyrinth enhances pre-algebra mathematics and improve literacy; Diplomacy teaches students about skills of negotiation, how to solve problem collaboratively and to be mindful in their actions. All in all, it is important for every language teacher to chose the most suitable game for achieving lesson goals because through this educational entertainment teachers do not teach students content of the game but have an opportunity to teach them what ever they want. Podcast is a series of digital media files, audio or video that students publish on the Internet. It is a great tool for learning language inside and outside the classroom. Podcast can sharpen students pronunciation, editing, public speaking and presentation skills. They can also learn skills that will be valuable in the working world such as communications, time management or problem-solving. Today there are various computer software that are made for educational purposes. Authoring tools are a very important aspect for learning foreign language. They allow direct communication between student and the system. The system demands from a student to solve tasks in an area which the student learn, estimates the level of his knowledge, gives the student some further instruction if he asks for, etc. These systems give preference to dialogue in the process of learning and stimulate post-reflection (lead a student to think of tasks even after using the system) and metacognitive activities (learning a process of solving problems through already solved ones). The pedagogical advantages of these systems are numerous: tasks can be adjusted to students needs, traditional exercises can be advanced with multimedia components; new types of exercises encourage students creativity and constant thinking about grammar and

Internet source, accessed on July 20, 2011

Primary school Radoje Toi Srdanov Grob, Pljevlja

Professional work lexical problems; constant feedback follow every step of students activities and helps them to find a solution, and the result is valuated objectively. The important part of every educational software is an intelligent tutor or pedagogical module that contains detailed diagnostic routine of students mistakes and misunderstandings. Essentially, an intelligent tutor manages communication between student and the system based on integrated strategies of teaching. It is also important to underline that these systems are extremely well psychologically adjusted for students so that many people from educational system such as professional psychologists and pedagogues are very interested in these software.13 Experts agree that authoring tool represents a perfect teaching tool when teachers want to expand a range of their pedagogic initiatives. These software provide the adequate frame for realization of learning process in which student, in his own pace, leads the process to acquiring knowledge. The Authoring Suite enables language teachers to write their own computer assisted language learning materials. This programme combines 7 well-established authoring programmes into a single integrated package. 1) Storyboard (the classic text reconstruction program) 2) Testmaster (students type in full answers to questions where alternative permutations of correct answers are allowed for) 3) Gapmaster (teachers remove items from longer or shorter texts and the students have to fill the gaps) 4) Matchmaster (the program jumbles up matching pairs of words or sentences and the students have to match them up) 5) Choicemaster (a multiple choice creation program where each distractor can have its own comment) 6) Vocab (ix different language games are generated by the computer from lists of keywords, definitions and example sentences entered by the teacher) 7) Pinpoint (match a short text up with its correct title. Includes a text jumbler) The similar software is Fun with texts. It also contains some programmes useful for language learning. 1) Closewriter (text completing)

Translated from Informacione i internet tehnologije-racunari u obrazovanju,, accessed on July 17, 2011

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Professional work 2) Enigma (puzzles) 3) Scrambler (reorganization of sentences) 4) Prediction (guessing the end of the story) 5) Textsalad (reorganization of text) 6) Copywrite (reconstruction of text) Authoring tools became as a result of educational practice. The idea was to gather all four skills, including vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation, and to practice them and develop using computer. The purpose of these educational programs is not creating courses which will substitute a teacher, but creating interesting materials that will follow and enrich teaching material, and will make learning more fun and effective. The Internet is the biggest resource of information for students and teachers ever. Internet helps students to find some e-books, articles, videos, or in one word, everything they need for classes, because there is a wealth of information open to them. Of course, availability of numerous information can be confusing for students. In that case, teachers must help them determine whether the information is from reliable source or not. Schools and classrooms are dynamic and interactive places, where teachers and students communicate, share information, and challenge each other's ideas. Teachers guide the learning process by posing tasks, encouraging students to ask questions, and offering opportunities for them to find solutions. Teachers always make decisions about what resources students have access to and which resources will help them reach the educational objectives of the lesson they are studying. The Internet basically expands the resources available and increases the time in the classroom that could be used for some other activities. It is a tool that can be used with almost any educational theory. It makes additional information resources available, it enhances dynamic communication, and it makes collaboration easier by reducing the need for teachers and students to be in the same place at the same time. Away from school, students can ask questions that come to mind by sending e-mail to friends or teachers. They can research materials at various Web sites, and they can submit their work for review from anywhere at any time. The potential to expand students learning time is tremendous. The Internet allows teachers and students to think about the completed project as something that can be viewed by people around the world, and that can be potentially add

Primary school Radoje Toi Srdanov Grob, Pljevlja

Professional work to the Internet itself as a useful resource. Since publication of student material online provides a much larger audience for it, it gives an additional reason for students to do their best. The Internet can help them be more productive. The opportunity to create a Web site and make their ideas public is very attractive for many students. When they are excited about learning and expressing their ideas, their performance almost always improves. Still other critics complain of the possibility of student access to inappropriate and distracting information. While most schools use filtering systems to keep out inappropriate materials, many of them sometimes block sites that are useful and allow sites that are harmful. Teachers should carefully supervise their students using the Internet. In order to that here are some useful instructions for students safety while using the Internet: Students should never give any personal information, including their name, address They should not correspond with anyone that they have not already met in person They should never meet somebody they have met online People online may not be who they say they are Parents should monitor students Internet activities All in all, the Internet is an ideal mechanism for encouraging students to take responsibility for their own learning. As students find different learning resources on the Internet, they become active participants in their quest for knowledge. Students becomes able to define their learning needs, find information, assess its value, build their own knowledge base, and communicate their discoveries. Effective use of the Internet will improve teachers creativity as well as reduce the time that is required to plan units or lessons and at the same time involve students in an immersive whole language learning environment14 The Internet is especially beneficial for English foreign learners because 35% of internet and web pages is in English, so these students have opportunity to practice the language in a many different ways using only one tool the Internet. Actually, English language is so spread all around the world that we surely can say that it is some kind of new mass media itself.

or phone number in any type of chat room or social networking site


Primary school Radoje Toi Srdanov Grob, Pljevlja

Professional work

4.5. Web 2.0

Web 2.0 technologies provide teachers with new ways for engaging students in a meaningful way. The lack of participation in a traditional classroom stems more from the fact that students receive better feedback online. Traditional classrooms have students do assignments and when they are completed, they are just that, finished. However, Web 2.0 shows students that education is a constantly evolving entity. Whether it is participating in a class discussion, or participating in a forum discussion, the technologies available to students in a Web 2.0 classroom does increase the amount they participate. It offers many opportunities for students: 1) Socialization through socialization students can use the language and skills they are learning to build networks and develop relationships with real people 2) Collaboration they can work together with others to construct and share real knowledge 3) Creativity students create genuine products, an a wide range and combinations of media that will have a real audience 4) Authenticity the tasks and activities they do and the people they communicate with are real and motivating 5) Sharing students can share what they create and learn from each other Penzu is a program for creating a personal journal. Here students can add titles, text and images and share it with friend. Teachers can create digital materials, write portfolio or professional development journal, set written homework, use it for lesson summary, model process writing, learners diary, image based narrative or action research feedback. These all activities could remain as a record of students progress or achievement. ( ) Voxopop is an audio tool that enables recording speaking for others to listen and respond to. It allows teachers and students to build up threaded audio discussion online. Teacher can record a series of continuous statements and ask students to respond to each one (discussion point); record the first sentence of a narrative and ask students to listen to it and add sentences to the story (narrative building); can record their own dictation or some pronunciation drills and students will practice Primary school Radoje Toi Srdanov Grob, Pljevlja

Professional work pronunciation repeating these recordings. This tool allows communicative speaking and listening practice. ( ) Listen and Write is a dictation exercise tool. There are many dictation but teachers could create their own. There are also a number of support features such as hints (which give the next letter in a word) or auto complete (which helps to finish words after a number of letters). This can help to reduce frustration caused by spelling problems. Teachers can set listening for homework, let students select the listening or create own activities. ( ) Dvolver movimaker is used for creating own animated cartoons by selecting different characters and adding own dialogue text bubble. Through it students can practice social expressions, vocabulary, create conversations, tell jokes, demonstrate concepts (express ideas like happiness, fear, etc.) or time relationships (for learning tenses) and can organize a film festival in classroom. ) 280 slides is similar to Power Point and can include video, audio and images. It is very suitable for online presentation, listening and viewing tasks and student video projects. ( ) Eyeplorer is a research and study tool built around Wikipedia. Students search and cross reference terms in order to find and collate notes and references in preparation for writing assignments. In this way they develop writing skills. Teachers could use it for essay tasks, creating notes and find relevant references. ( ) Wordle serves for creating colourful graphics representation of text based on words from any given text. Teachers use this tool for revision of texts, prediction, dialogue reconstruction, short poems, topic research tasks, etc. The results are very visually stimulated. ( ) Tokbox is a free video communication platform for creating videos, recording messages and adding text, or making conference. It is very suitable for class survey, interactive video learning diary, distance learning or face-to-face interactions, video interviews, video lesson with conferencing or video dictation. This tool enables Primary school Radoje Toi Srdanov Grob, Pljevlja (

Professional work different modes of communication as well as multiple channels to support understanding. ( ) Forvo is a multilingual user generated pronunciation dictionary used for pronunciation research or demonstration of different accents. ( ) ESL video is used for creating web based interactive quizzes based around online videos, multiple choice type questions, add transcripts or translation, notes, etc. It is used for video task for homework or student created tasks. ( ) Wallwisher is a virtual sticky notice board, where can be posted stickers with text images, links to websites or videos. Teachers can post video tasks, treasure hunt, share resource links, image based tasks, create debate, grammar wall, wishing walls. This wall is very suitable for collaboration. ( ) 15

4.3. Digital stories

Digital stories are combinations of stories and variety of available multimedia tools including graphics, audio, video animation and web publishing. They are very useful technological tools for teaching English language. They are particularly suitable for students of 7-10 years of age. Computer animations that follow these stories help children to enhance acquisition of simple knowledge and grammatical base. Digital stories involve students in active learning and increase their motivation. Understanding through listening plays the key role in learning foreign language, especially to younger students. Well-chosen sites may give many opportunities for learning English through development of listening skills, understanding and literacy (e.g. ). In the early phase children learn to understand the context and learn some new words, and later they recognize phrases, linguistic forms and grammar. These verbal information are connected with nonverbal, like images that help children to reconstruct the story. Digital stories represent a very efficient teaching material, because they are interactive and involve students active participation in the learning process. Students can learn in their

Internet source, accessed on July 23, 2011

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Professional work own pace which require a high level of self-control. Repeating the stories leads to gradual learning the language, better understanding and improved speaking skills. All these processes enhance students better concentration, develop self-esteem and independent learning. There is need to encourage teachers to use these and similar technology materials more often because the results are on immensely higher level comparing with traditional teaching approach.

4.4. E-learning
It is an expert system which learns from its users and does systematization of knowledge. E-learning is essentially the computer and network-enabled transfer of skills and knowledge. The term will still most likely be utilized to reference out-of-classroom and in-classroom educational experiences via technology, even as advances continue in regard to devices and curriculum. E-learning is naturally suited to distance learning and flexible learning, but can also be used in conjunction with face-to-face teaching. Content is delivered via the Internet, audio or video tape, satellite TV, and CD-ROM. It can be selfpaced or instructor-led and includes media in the form of text, image, animation, streaming video and audio. It allows mobility of students and teachers because a student chose time and space for learning. It is suitable for courses and for connecting people and information. There are three types of interaction: Synchronous student and teacher are online in the same time and communicate take part in audio or video conferencing, share applications or do online quizzes. Asynchronous communication takes place and time when it suits best for users by e-mails, blogs, tests, quizzes, hypermedia, etc. Online knowledge test

Advantages of e-learning E-learning allows simultaneous participation of huge number of students no matter how distant they are. Completely modernized e-classroom is open 24 hours a day so that participants can choose the time when to access the learning process. E-learning provides

Primary school Radoje Toi Srdanov Grob, Pljevlja

Professional work dynamic interaction between teachers and students, and each person contributes to the learning process by collaboration in discussions on certain topic. Disadvantages of e-learning This process inquires students certain level of knowledge and skills. Without considerable digital literacy, teaching materials integrated in the electronic learning system becomes useless. E-learning also involves good and expensive electronic equipment. The prefix e in this term does not only include meaning electronic. It can also refer to experience, everywhere, enhanced and extended learning.

4.5. Blended learning in a language environment

Blended learning is the most appropriate solution for teachers working in traditional classrooms who want to make use of digital technologies as an aspect of their practice. It is a mixture of different learning environments. It consists of using online tools to communicate, collaborate and publish, to extend the school day to develop the 21stcentury skills students need. It combines traditional face to face classroom methods with computer-mediated instruction and discovery learning opportunities. It is difficult to separate the teaching of language from technology because technology enables the traditional classroom to be connected to the real world. Blended learning creates a more integrated approach for both teachers and learners. Learners and teachers work together to improve the quality of learning and teaching. The main goal of blended learning is to provide realistic practical opportunities for learners and teachers to make learning independent, useful, sustainable and ever growing. Blended learning provides a good mixture of technologies and interactions, resulting in a socially supported, constructive learning experience. This is especially significant given the profound effect that it could have on distance learning. Also there are a few advantages of this type of learning approach: pedagogical richness, access to knowledge, social interaction, cost effectiveness, and ease of revision. Constructivist approach supports blended learning and many educators find themselves in the role of a facilitator of learners independent and autonomous learning.

Primary school Radoje Toi Srdanov Grob, Pljevlja

Professional work Learning activities that otherwise would have taken place during classroom time can be moved online. Online resources may be used as activities, students can communicate through social media, or interact with distance learners in other classrooms or learning environments. There are three modes of blended learning: 1) A dual track approach involves a teacher-led part of the learning process running parallel with the self study part. These separate components could be stand-alone or made to work together more closely. 2) In integrated approach students are given work as consolidation or as pre-class activity. Students are expected to use appropriate technologies between each of the face-toface classes. They may choose whether to do these tasks or not. 3) An embedded approach is performed in the classroom, as with the fixed interactive whiteboard which allow an internet connection and access to web 2.0 tools such as blogs and wikis, etc. There are many online resources (e.g. text chat, blogs, audio chat, video chat) that enrich the authenticity and collaborative nature for language learners that can include: Traditional Computer Applications (teacher produces documents, sound files, quizzes, web pages) Interactive Learning Environment (forums, wikis, chats, blogs, e-mail, Google docs, Elluminate) Learning Management Systems (Prospero Learning Works, OLAT, Desire2Learn, Saba, Sum Total, Atutor) The facilitator can combine two or more methods of teaching. A typical example of blended learning methodology would be an integrated combination of technology-based materials and face-to-face sessions to present content. A teacher can begin a course with a well-structured introductory lesson in the classroom, and then proceed with online activities. Blended learning can also be applied to the integration of e-learning using computers in a physical classroom, along with face-to-face instruction. Guidance is suggested early in the process, to be used more moderately as learners make progress.

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Professional work

Picture 716

Teachers must focus on literacy instruction, using both technology and face-to-face instruction, in order to develop independent learners so they can interact with the texts in meaningful ways. The role of the teacher is critical as this requires a transformation process to that of learning facilitator. The facilitators role can be divided into the following four categories: developing online course content and structure; communication; guiding and individualizing learning; and assessing, grading and promoting. Some possible problems that arise in a blended learning language environment are:

Students have less time to practice their speaking skills Body Language communication is difficult to learn/teach Evaluation is more difficult Books can do what computers can do Computer instruction takes up valuable time Computer equipment is expensive Everyone learns differently

However, Blended Learning in a Language Environment seems to be well received by most language teachers, language learners, and researchers.

4.6. Integrating technology in the classroom

There are many difficulties in this process because modern educational system requires much effort, knowledge and money. There are many obstacles to overcome before technology could be integrated into the curriculum. The first task that should be done is

Image taken from, accessed on August 15, 2011

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Professional work developing digital literacy skills of teachers, professors and administrators. Schools should provide professional development training for them because they must be able to use new technologies and to pass that knowledge to students, and also to make them aware of effective ways technology can be integrated into the curriculum. Special training is vital for ensuring the effective integration of technologies in the classroom. The second problem is a variety of technological materials on the internet or limited access to a sufficient quantity of a resource. Teachers should be well introduced with various internet materials and choose the most suitable for the lessons and implement them into the curriculum. When the quantity of computers or other technology devices for classroom use is not enough to meet the needs of the entire classroom then tasks could not be accomplished. Technology implementation can be time consuming, or technology failure may occur during the activity and as a result teachers must have an alternative lesson ready. But educators must endeavor to maximize the use of technologies in the classroom, but should find a balance between available media and classroom needs. Because of these disadvantages of modern educational system teachers must increase collaboration with their colleagues from other schools or countries and consult them for advice. Educators also should ask for support from community, cooperate with companies and industry in order to upgrade educational software and adjust it to different ages of students. These software should teach information and not only contain lots of graphics. Educators have to continue to seek outside sources of funding, especially to obtain more equipment. Since technology is not an end goal of education, but rather means by which it can be accomplished, educators must have a good grasp of technologies being used and its advantages over traditional methods. New technologies in the classroom are different techniques and tools for modern and creative learning which should provide: 1) Long-life learning as main demand of modern world 2) Opportunity for learning and working in the same time 3) Distance learning for persons who are not able to attend regular schooling 4) Erasing physical boundaries It is obvious that modern educational system requires much effort, knowledge and money but its evolution is unavoidable. Benefits of modern educational system will be seen

Primary school Radoje Toi Srdanov Grob, Pljevlja

Professional work in a very near future, and it will allow improvement of efficiency of learning, saving time and money in unlimited physical conditions. Properly used technologies in the classroom could be an asset, but if it is used improperly could become an obstacle to achieving intended goals. As educators continue to explore and expand these technologies the educational system as a whole will grow its collective body of knowledge of best practices with them. Students will further critical thinking and independent learning, expand individual exploration, create an environment of learning, experimenting, doing and enjoying, expand time for other classroom activities.17 Guidelines for teachers Carefully consider goals (teachers should carefully decide which goals they want to achieve during the class and what students should acquire, and according to that to arrange computer activities) Think about integration (learning activities should bring about sufficient linguistic and cognitive environment for the students; effective activities that are based on technologies should be integrated into the curriculum) Do not take complexities for granted (equipment malfunctions should be managed before the class; consider that not all students can use technologies and provide the necessary help for them) Provide the necessary tools or support (guidance and support could be accomplished through writing detailed handouts, technology training sessions, instructions how student can receive help inside or outside the classroom) Include students in decisions (class discussions or anonymous surveys can give students opportunity to express their opinions) Wide availability of different technological resources changes the processes of teaching and learning, but in the same time it makes difficult choosing satisfactory and suitable technological devices. For that reason, integration of technologies has to:

Satisfy wide range of educational goals and needs Be available to different groups of students

Internet source, accessed on July 26, 2011

Primary school Radoje Toi Srdanov Grob, Pljevlja

Professional work Enable collaboration and cooperation Enable evaluation Students should get proper education because they are the central figure in society which should allow them to develop their potentials. Many teachers resist being taught to use
technology but their role should not be a technological one, but an intellectual one. They should guide and educate the students, and pass technology into students hands. Teachers

should teach students to use technologies as a way to expand their minds, and not as a way to avoid work. It would be realized when quality of education increases and educators manage to integrate new technologies in the standardized curriculum. Introducing technologies into the curriculum needs to have clear guidance and to be done in a systematic way. Then there will be formed modern educational system which will satisfy the following tasks: Collecting, organizing and keeping of educational material in the form of records Electronic administration of entire teaching process, including creating and implementation of teaching curriculum, evidence of students and teachers, knowledge test, communication between teachers and students, and creating and implementing schedule of all teaching activities Electronic classrooms that appear in two types: 1) classroom with computers and all necessary technology devices; 2) distance learning which provides, through Internet connection, the access to teaching materials, maintenance of lectures and knowledge tests for distant learners, as well as providing assistance in the learning process Using digital libraries for educational purposes and their integration into the specialized educational software Automatic electronic exchange of teaching materials between institutions locally as well as globally Technology is very useful in language learning when it is explorative for learning purposes not less than fun purposes, and can be extremely important element if used adequately and in the right quantity. Properly used technology can enhance the achievements of all

Primary school Radoje Toi Srdanov Grob, Pljevlja

Professional work students, improves teachers skills, increase parents involvement in their childrens schooling, and improve school administration and management. Making the students comfortable with the technology Computers and technology are effective teaching tools but they should not have the centered position in the classroom. They should serve like powerful aid in the learning process but not occupy the whole time in the classroom. Students are basically introduced with computers and other technology devices but there are some of them who need help. So, teachers should do the following tasks in order to make each student feels comfortable in the technology classroom:

The computer should always be turned on, and the program loaded before the class begins. In this manner, students focus on doing the task at hand rather than getting to the point where they can do the task.

Students who are not comfortable using computers should be placed with students who are. These students should not be forced to use the mouse or type at the keyboard. When they become more familiar with the technology, they will play a more active role.

Students more comfortable with the computer should be strongly discouraged from using other resources available in the program itself. These students should be encouraged to explore these resources on their own by taking advantage of selfaccess programs.

Use of the computer should be gradual - instead of introducing a complex series of exercises to be done for a lesson, teachers should begin by doing a limited amount of work with the computer 18

Educational values of technology o Learning occurs in context Using technologies students experience the real world, meeting different people or places related with the lesson topic. o Learning is active

Internet source, accessed on July 29, 2011

Primary school Radoje Toi Srdanov Grob, Pljevlja

Professional work Through different learning activities students begin to generate ideas and construct meanings on their own. Computers enable them to work with information and to communicate with others. o Learning is social Using the Internet students can collaborate on lessons, post ideas on a topic, read and respond to the notes of others. o Learning is reflective When students get a feedback about their thinking, learning is facilitated. It does not matter if the feedback comes from a teacher or other student in a chat room.

4.7. Educational Technology

Educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources. Last years there were many surveys that speak in favour of this study. The researches indicate that inquiry and project-based approaches, combined with a focus on curriculum, effectively supports the implementing of educational technology into the teaching and learning processes.19 Classic examples of technologies used by teachers and Educational Technologists include Bloom's Taxonomy. Learning experiences such as comprehension and knowledge, that are at the lowest level at blooms Taxonomy do not require face-to face interaction with teacher. These learning experiences can be achieved by self-paced technology solutions that students can use on their own. They can include dual-language speaking dictionaries, animated illustrations or basic reading with links. More involved learning processes at the top of the taxonomy such as evaluation, synthesis and analysis require guidance in the form of directed threaded discussions over face-to face sessions in the classroom. Properly motivated and self-disciplined students should be able to learn lower-order elements on their own while the teacher can provide support for the students evolving understanding. The leading theory of educational philosophy today is constructivism which developed in the 1990s. Constructivist learning environment requires students to utilize

Internet source, accessed on August 15, 2011

Primary school Radoje Toi Srdanov Grob, Pljevlja

Professional work their prior knowledge and experience to create new, related or adoptive concept in learning. Teacher provides guidance and becomes a facilitator and learners construct their own knowledge as they interact with real world or others with different perspectives. Problembased learning and inquiry-based learning are active learning, student-centered and involving information from the real world, and students are actively engaged in critical thinking activities. Benefits of educational technology Student motivation - Computer-based instruction can give feedback to students and explain correct answers. Moreover, a computer is non-judgmental which can give student motivation to continue learning. Students usually learn more in less time when receiving computer-based instructions and they like classes more. Easy-to-access course materials teachers can post materials or important information on the website, which means that students can study at a time and place they prefer and can obtain the study material very quickly Wide participation learning material can be used for long distance learning and are accessible to a wider audience Improved student writing - According to some studies, the students are better at critiquing and editing written work that is exchanged over a computer network with other students Subject made easier to learn - many educational software help students in learning process Differentiated instructions - Educational technology provides the means to focus on active student participation and to present differentiated questioning strategies. It broadens individualized instruction and promotes the development of personalized learning plans. Students are encouraged to use multimedia components and to incorporate the knowledge they gained in creative ways.20

4.8. Pedagogical approach

Introduction technologies into educational system involved many questions, opposed opinions and different pedagogical approaches. Modern educational system has not been

Internet source, accessed on July, 26, 2011

Primary school Radoje Toi Srdanov Grob, Pljevlja

Professional work formed yet because it is in a turning point between old traditional approach and new technological approach. Many pedagogues are trying to explain new pedagogy approach, but neither of these theories is not final because there is few teachers who do not apply new technologies is their classrooms so it is hard to find some final pedagogic solution. We all must agree that technologies have an impact on pedagogy in practice. The common thinking of today pedagogy is that teachers gradually reject an old traditional way of teaching, and accept new role of a facilitator or a guide in learning process. Prior teaching approach of simple delivering instructions changes to the process of producing learning. Now it is not very important what and how teachers teach, but what and how students learn. Technology is an effective device which we should put in students hands because through using these tools they learn, and teacher guide them through the learning process. The whole educational system must give priority to the quality of teaching and learning, and educators must understand the pedagogical relevance of technologies. They must use the different methods that match the learning needs of students and learning objectives from the curriculum. The most conspicuous approach of modern pedagogy is constructivism which emphasizes students role in knowledge acquisition through experience, puzzlement, reflection and construction. But the problem of defining a concrete pedagogical approach concerning technology still exist because there are no strict metric parameters for defining the impact of new technologies on teaching and learning processes.

Strategy of development of Montenegrin educational system (2009-2013)

5. Rapid development of society and introduction of information and communicative technologies (ICT) in all fields of human lives, caused the need for adjustment of Montenegrin educational system to that environment. The goals that should be achieved until 2013 are: Computer and Internet systems will be implemented in every school In schools with large number of students there will be one more equipped computer classroom

Primary school Radoje Toi Srdanov Grob, Pljevlja

Professional work In every town there will be one school with a system for distance learning All faculty institutions will be connected on academic web, and high schools will be connected by lateral connection The activities for legalizing software will be continued Integrated information system of e-learning should be the main mechanism in development of modern educational system in Montenegro. In that way there will be provided: Evidence and almost complete automation of all processes in education on all levels, including evidence of resources and school staff, evaluating teaching process, administrative and financial management Simple, easy and fast communication and exchange of information between all entities of the system Simplicity and availability of getting information for all subjects in the system (educators, students, parents, employees in Ministry of Education, etc.) including possibility of using mobile technologies Understanding positive and negative trends in education based on files of different segments of the system Involvement concept of e-Government in e-learning Managing and evaluation of qualities in Montenegrin educational system.21 Very important part of future Montenegrin educational system is implementing new technology resources and ideas into the curriculum. From that reason, there should be formed a group of educators, pedagogues, and other relevant people who would work on research and systematization of the materials into one entity, the official curriculum. In that process should be considered curriculum frameworks of some other countries such as Australia, New Zealand, or California. Also, educators should work on acquisition of didactic e-materials and software as soon as possible.

6. A classroom without walls


Paraphrased and translated from Strategija razvoja informatickog drustva u Crnoj Gori od 2009-2013

Primary school Radoje Toi Srdanov Grob, Pljevlja

Professional work The modern classroom is a blend of traditional learning methods and technological laboratory. It enables students to learn when they want with the ability to put the knowledge and skills in use very quickly. The future classroom will be advanced informational centre. In 30 years computer technology will be cheap and invisible in the classroom. When students and teachers enter the classroom technology will be as automatic as a chalk. Computers will be as common as television, with interlinked networks covering the globe. Teleconferencing and videoconferencing will open up a movable feast of educational opportunities for students, teachers and parents. Students will interact and collaborate with students all over the world through virtual journeys via the Internet. They will visit other schools in England, America, etc. and practice their English chatting with the students from those schools. The teacher will be guide on their journey, not just a lecturer. Consequently, a class from the physical classroom will be moved to a classroom without dimension, without walls. The classroom walls will become more permeable, boundaries between community and school reduced. Schools still will be important social places but distance learning will be more representing due to constant mobility of society. Classes will be similar, with traditional interaction with teachers but students will be given the opportunity to be taught by teachers from some other schools or countries. Teachers will give students assignments and they will do research in library or study centre. Textbooks will be still in use but they will be supplemental to computers. Many educators and researchers are concerned that technologies can be misused. Dr. Terry Crane, Apple computers senior vice president of education says: In an effort to deliver a healthy combination of both education and entertainment, teachers hold the key. If we can inspire them to embrace technology as a tool for creating, expressing and communicating their ideas, they in turn will inspire students.22


Internet source, accessed on July 21, 2011

Primary school Radoje Toi Srdanov Grob, Pljevlja

Professional work

7. Conclusion
Ones work may be finished someday, but ones education never.23

Integrating technologies in the classroom is an inevitable task of modern educational system. Technology became the part of every sphere of human life so it could not be separated from education as well. Computers and technological devices are modern teaching tools for modern classroom, just as pencil or calculator were in the past. Surveys have not pointed out the exact benefits of using technologies in the classroom, but the progress in learning will be accomplished in a very near future. It is obvious that for implementing new technologies into classroom and curriculum takes much effort and

Quotation of Alexander Dumas

Primary school Radoje Toi Srdanov Grob, Pljevlja

Professional work money and due to that the whole society should take part in this process. Industry and informational companies could be of great benefit for providing financial support, and the rest is on educators. As technology must be integrated and used properly, educators and administrative need compulsory professional development in order to achieve certain level of digital literacy. All the changes in educational system bring the change in roles of teacher and student. The teacher becomes a facilitator who guides students through the process of active learning. Using computer, laptop, the Internet, mobile devices, games and other tools students are surrounded by real world, involved in creative thinking and forced to make responsible choices about the learning process. They become aware of the given opportunities and eager to search new sources of knowledge and to produce it. The final aim is motivated student who is prepared for real life situations. Educators have a huge opportunity for achieving that goal and should teach student to use technology properly for educational purposes. Since the appearance of technology in education, there is developed educational technology, a very important area of educational system. This study explains advantages of using technologies such as student increasing motivation, wide range of learning materials, different instructions. Using technologies involves new types of learning, so now we can use blended learning, e-learning, distance learning, virtual learning, etc. All these types of learning provide education anytime anyplace and any pace, which is very important for current and future learners. Based on these facts, classroom also changes its dimension and opens its door to the real world and information. All these efforts are made in purpose of creating atmosphere for Long Life learning environment. The system of Long Life learning is necessary because the number of information grows from day to day, and need for knowledge and acquiring that new knowledge grows as well. Industry and businesses are in constant progress so educators have to teach students how to keep pace with all these changes. These are some reasons for necessity of integrating new technologies in the modern educational system. The educators have a huge obligation and responsibility to recognize and methodize technologies useful for education, and to introduce them in educational

Primary school Radoje Toi Srdanov Grob, Pljevlja

Professional work programs and curriculum. Only then, we will have a well educated student, prepared to face with different challenges in future life.

Primary school Radoje Toi Srdanov Grob, Pljevlja

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