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To sponsor a bulletin, please send an email to ShomreiTorahEmailer@gmail.

com, along with the requested week

Benjamin Yudin, Rabbi 6 Tishrei 5772, September 22, 2012 Andrew Markowitz, Assistant Rabbi Erev Shabbat Candle-lighting: 6:37 PM Mincha: 6:42 PM Daf Yomi Berachos 52 8:00AM Shacharit 7:45/ 8:45/ 9:00AM Sof Zman Kriyas Shema: 9:46AM Rabbi Yudins Shabbos Shuva Drasha "Discovering the Hidden Treaure in Mitzvot" is dedicated by Ann and Joel Pogolowitz in memory of Maurice Pogolowitz AH 5:15 :. PM Mincha: 6:25PM Dvar Torah at Seudah Shlishit w/ Rabbi Wally Greene Shabbos Ends: 7:48 PM Parsha: Artscroll: p1094 The Living Torah: p1018 Hertz: p887 / Haftorah: Artscroll: p1205 The Living Torah: p1251 Hertz: p904 Kiddush is sponsored by: Kiddush Upstairs: follows davening Young Couples Kiddush: will be a Seudah Hodaya, sponsored by Howard Eisenstadter, commemorating the 3rd anniversary of miracles. All are sincerely invited. Youth Kiddush: Seudah Shlishit : follows mincha Mazal Tov to: Beth and David Berman on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter Deena. Mazal tov to the Grandmothers Lillian Berman and Edythe Dauber Thank You to: The Sisterhood would like to thank the people who helped pack the honey bears, scrolls and shul calendar: M. Blatt, A. Fogelman, A. Kranson, L. Mentzel, E. Reinheimer, L. Tepp, and S. Yudin. Thank you also to Pam Mazurek who set up the routes and to the many volunteers who delivered the packages. A special thank you to Rodney Grundman for going above and beyond on the preparation of this years Yizkor Booklet Patrice and Marc Schoenbrun for providing the Break Fast refreshments after Yom Kippur The Baal Kriah Upstairs Y. Leitman Young Couples- G. Bannett Youth .C. Berman, Z. Jarashow
Refuah Shelaimah to: Faiga bas Yita Rivka, Selma Gelman (Shulamit bat Guta), Evelyne Hait (Esther Frimmet bat Raizel), Ceil Heller (Tzivia Rivka bat Naomi Chedvah), Regina Klepfisz (Rivka bat Tzipporah Sima), Jeff Packard (Chayim Zelig ben Sarah Rivkah), Stuart Schochet (Shimon Yaakov HaKohen ben Chava Sheindel), Zvi Yerachmel ben Shaindel, Lola Weisfeld (Leah Devorah bat Priba Tziral), Talya bat Yehudit Shlomit & Avichai ben Rivka.

In Our Shul: SCRIP is available for Fairway, ShopRite, Pathmark, Food Showcase, Perfect Pita, Petaks, Zaidies, Glatt Express, Best Glatt, Maadan, Dunkin Donuts, Staples, AMC Movies, Bed Bath & Beyond (Harmon's), Lowes, Home Depot, iTunes and more. To purchase Scrip and for more information contact Milty Frank directly at 201 796-8260 or at for immediate delivery. To see all the Scrip that can be purchased go on line As part of the OU Reflections on Teshuva Program, Rabbi Ezra Schwartz the Rav, of the Mount Sinai Jewish Center will be speaking in Shomrei Torah between mincha / maariv on Sunday September 23. Mincha at 6:30PM, Maariv at 7:15PM. Rebecca Belizon will be giving a Pre-Yom Kippur Shiur Rachav, The Paradigm of Teshuva Sunday Sept 23 @ 8:15PM Yamim Noraim Mens Mikvah hours: Erev Yom Kippur Tuesday September 25: 6AM-3:30PM. Mikvah closes promptly. $20 per person / $35 per family. Bring your own towels. We appreciate your cooperation. Shomrei Torah is once again sponsoring a Car Raffle for a Brand New Hyundai Sonata GLS. Only 360 raffles will be sold. The Raffle drawing will be on Motzei Shabbos, November 10, 2012 during the Torah Tuesday November to Remember. Please mail your raffle stubs and check to Shomrei Torah or drop off in shul lock box. Please make your pledges / donations to the Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur Yizkor appeals now prior to the holidays. We would like to strive for 100% participation from our members. Forms have been sent by e-mail and the US mail. Thank you. Arba Minim are for purchase via the Shomrei Torah website at or by calling Artie Weinstein at (201) 791-1841. Sets are $70, with a discount available for joining the Mens Club. See the flyers for more details. Pick up is on Thursday September 27 at 8:00PM Ed Kutin is the Financial Secretary and all questions regarding shul bills should be directed to him at TEHILLIM LIST: Our shul's Tehillim List is now on our website. The list is automatically updated as names are added or removed. To add or remove a name, please e-mail Call Phyllis Gershon with any questions. The Hashomer deadlines for the rest of the year are Chanukah 11/25/12, Purim 2/10/13, Pesach 3/10/13, Shavout 4/29/13. Please email articles to Any questions, please contact Joel Lelonek at 201-966-7187.

Making a purchase on Help Shomrei Torah earn money just by connecting to through the Shomrei Torah website! Visit just a click away! Please note the following Simcha Kiddushim dates Oct 20, Nov 17, Dec 15, Jan 12, 2013, Feb 9, Mar 9, April 13, May 11, June 15 - Graduation Kiddush.To sponsor a Simcha Kiddush, please contact Alla Kavesh 201-703-9721 or Lina Fleyshmakher 201-703-2381 To sponsor a Seudah Shlishit please call Esther Silvestri at 201 741-5341 Important Mikva notice. Please note the following change of schedule: 1. Beginning Sunday, September 9, 2012, weekday mikva hours will be 8:00 P.M. - 9:30 P.M. 2. On Motzei Yom Kippur only, September 26, mikva hours will be 9:00 P.M. - 10:30 P.M. 3. The mikva continues to be open on Motzei Shabbat and Motzei Yom Tov 1 hour 15 minutes after Shabbat or Yom Tov ends, and stays open for 1 hours. 5. Any arrival after hour before closing will be charged an additional late fee of $25. Please call the mikva tape regularly for updates and important information. Please call Dossy Brandstatter with any questions or concerns 201-796-5839." Please remember not to park in the Mikvah spots when coming to the 9:00/ 10:00 PM maariv minyanim. When leaving shul after 9:00/ 10:00 PM maariv please do not exit shul from back entrance. In Our School: LSNS enjoyed the Shofar Factory this week! We also worked on the theme of friendship, and read the story of Yonah and the fish. Each class worked on art for Yom Kippur, including slippers for shul and a giant classroom sparkling fish. Next week, we will have music and movement, and Rabbi Yudin will share his thoughts and stories about Sukkot with the children. In Our Community: This Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012, we visit the Daughters of Miriam. Selichos and Davening starts at 8:30 AM followed by breakfast and Bikur Cholim! Chesed hours available to all who need them!! Meet at Shomrei Torah at 8:00 AM. Contact Sam Heller at, or for information. Desperately looking for a few good men -- to help make a minyan at the Federation Apartments in Paterson this Yom Kippur, either to sleep over Yom Kippur night or to walk Yom Kippur morning. Contact David Berman or Sam Heller. Selichot Motzei Shabbos Mon is at 12:50AM and will also precede Shacharit for every Minyan. Schedule reflects start times for Selichot. Shacharit starts immediately at conclusion of selichos
DAVENING TIMES SUN Sept 23 7 Tishrei MON Sept 24 8 Tishrei 5:51AM 9:47AM 5:05/ 6:00/ 7:15AM 6:30PM 1:20PM 7:00/ 9:00 / 10:00PM TUES Sept 25 9 Tishrei Erev Yom Kippur 5:52AM 9:47AM 5:35/ 6:15/ 7:30AM Mincha: 2/3/4 PM Candles: 6:20PM Kol Nidre 6:30PM Kol Nidre: 6:30PM WED Sept 26 10 Tishrei Yom Kippur 9:47AM 8:00AM Yizkor 11:00AM Mincha: 4:45PM Fast Ends 7:41PM THURS Sept 27 11 Tishrei 5:54AM 9:48AM 5:45/ 6:30/ 7:45AM 6:30PM 1:20PM 7:00/ 9:00/ 10:00PM FRI Sept 28 12 Tishrei 5:55AM 9:48AM 5:55/6:30/ 7:45AM Candlelighting: 6:25PM Mincha 6:30PM SHABBOS Sept 29 13 Tishrei Ha'Azinu 9:48AM 7:45/8:45/9:00AM Mincha: 6:15PM Shabbat Ends: 7:36PM

Earliest Tallis & Tephilin: 5:50AM SOF ZMAN K SHEMA: 9:47AM

Shacharit Mincha: (Earliest) Maariv


6:00/6:30/7:30/ 8:30AM 2PM/ 6:30PM 7:15PM 9:00PM


SUN 9/23

MON 9/24
8:00PM w/ Zvi Loewy

TUES 9/25

WED 9/26

THURS 9/27
6:30AM 8:00 PM w/ Rabbi Yaakov Langsner 7:30AM 9-10AM: Torah Tuesday on Thursday 9:15- 10PM Parsha Chumash and Rashi w/ Rabbi Yudin Beis Medrash 8:15-10PM

FRI 9/28
6:30 AM 7:30AM

8:00 AM

GEMORAH MONDAYS: 9-11:00AM: Torah Tuesday on Monday 7:30PM Ladies Tehillim 8-9PM: Basics in Judaism w/Rabbi Yudin Beis Medrash 8:15-10PM


Rabbis Shiur 5:30PM

Pachim KTanim from Rabbi Yudin : In honor of Parashas Vayeilech and the forthcoming Yom Tov of Yom Kippur: The Talmud Taanis (25b) teaches that Rebbe Akiva prayed the Tfila of Avinu Malkenu and the severe drought they were experiencing ended. This prayer has become a mainstay on fast days, during the Aseres Yemei Teshuvah (except Shabbos), and on Yom Kippur. In fact, we close Yom Kippur with the 5 Chosmeinu, not inscribe us but seal us in the 5 respective books. Our commentaries note, that there is a deeper level of understanding to these 5 books. Certainly, we wish to be sealed in the book of Good Life, but in addition, it refers to the book of Bereishis- which teaches us what is and how to live a good life. The book of Redemption and Salvation is not only for us individually and collectively today, but may we connect to the book of Shemos, our initial redemption. The book of Parnasa is a petition not only for our allowance, but to the book of Vayikra which teaches that our offerings and prayers insure our sustenance. The book of Merits is as important today as it was in the desert Bamidbar where reward and punishment were not only studied but

actualized. Finally, the book of Forgiveness and Pardon is current as well as the source of Teshuvah stems from Sefer Devarim. May this prayer be fulfilled on both levels for all of Klal Yisrael.

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