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Religion and Culture notes China Shang (1600-1046 BCE)->Western Zhou (1046-771 BCE)->eastern zhou (770-256 BCE) Divination

Shangdi- main deity, unconcerned with people's morals Heaven Mandate of Heaven- heaven has given power cause we're morally good. Others lost it cause they're bad ru- intellectuals who are political philosophers junzi- morally ideal person. Rulers should strive to be. Confucianism- proper social hierarchy will lead to peaceful society Late Yao to Ming (1368-1644)- rise of warring factions red turbans- were v there is a future buddha who will establish ideal society, but to come, we need to get rid of corrupt leaders, formed a band and rebelled mellenarian- there is a golden age about to come, but we have to push it forward confucian moral education to rule Yellow turbans- mellenarians in the 2nd century. Daoist. Did the same thing Zhu Yuanzhang gets power, emphasizes confucian moral education -mellernarian when trying to get power, confucian when he has it Japan 6th century arrival of Buddhism- came over cause of Korean diplomacy afraid it would anger gods, allowed 1 clan to be buddhist- Soga got powerful, people weren't afraid of it. Emperor decides he can enhance power by establishing buddhist temples Nara (710-794) establishment of Buddhism to support state Todaiji- buddhist temple Heian (794-1185) buddhism spreads among people, no longer just for state honji-suijaku old deities are valid because they are manifestations of buddhist deities Kamakura (1185-1333) Rise of Pure Land, Zen, and Nichiren ---most asians, don't meditate, they recite Zen- silent and koan meditation Pure Land- recitation of nenbutsu as act of devotion namu amida butsu a pure land is a paradise people are born into Nichiren- Japan only- if we just focus on lotus sutra, we will achieve buddhahood -namu horenge kyo homage to the lotus sutra Zen + Pure Land are dominant in China and Japan souhei japanese warrior monks 16th century battle between military leaders and buddhist institutions christianity introduced did okay in beginning, then persecuted and expelled

China persecutes too, but not nearly as bad

3 religions in china- none were ever dominant overall laymen- usually daoist folk stuff beuracrats- mostly confucian and during qing rulers were mostly buddhist japan- shinto was connected with the laymen -relation between buddhism and shinto was largely integration buddhism dealt with funerals, had a priesthood, used similar texts ^both countries shinto was relition of fertility and life. Buddhism terms in china/japan Japan- Lotus Sutra, Pure Land Buddhism, honji suijaku, ikkou, Mt. Hiei, nembutsu, Soga, souhei, Todaiji, Zen, Bodhisattva, koan, nichiren, Pure Land, Zen, mahayana, nirvana, picture, maitreya(yes, but less than china), nara, Honen, Shinra, danka system (Tokugawa gov mandated everyone join a buddhist temple- make sure there are no christians and to watch population) China- Mahayana, Lameist, Ming, Red Turbans, Yuan, Zen, Nirvana, Zhu Yuanzhong, Lotus sutra, bodhisattva, Ten Oxherding Picture-(zen), white lotus movements, cakravartin-(ideal buddhist leader, buddha-like figure who rules, often supported buddhist priests) white lotus movements movements between 14th and 19th centuries- millenial movements in china, buddhist in orientation, but contain daoist and confucian elements -in mahayana there is a future buddha who will appear on earth, and will bring an ideal society with him. Maitreya- future buddha, will return and we have to prepare the way, by getting rid of immoral people and unjust rulers *Buddhism in Japan is not related to millenial movements, largely used to support governments Christian terms in China/Japan Japan Francis Xavier, Jesuits, Kakure kirishitan, Oomura(daimyo, converted to christianity, allowed jesuits to work freely in his area), 1549- missionary work, Tokugawa Ieyasu, danka, efumi(trampling on christian things) China- Pope Clement XI (catholics should not participate in confucian ancestral rites), mateo ricci(missionary), jesuits, Taiping Rebellion (Hong Xiuquan- failed scholar, had vision, believes he is Jesus's younger brother, and will establish a reign of peace based on christian ideals, starts a revolution, conquers much of what was the Qing dynasty, 1850s/early 1860s he ruled a lot of china, gov broke down), Kangxi (interested in ideas of Jesuit missionaries) 1577- missionaries do missionary work why christianity failed in china- initially successful, jesuits were intellectuals, targeted confucian scholars with their lanaguage, tried to integrate, then didnt.- franciscans thought they conformed too much. So chinese thought not allowing confucian ideals was barbaric

japan- appeal was toward samurai, military class. Samurai suddenly decided it wasn't conducive to their power, and suppressed it Overview of religious history in Japan -religion in 6th century when buddhism arrives many local gods called kami kami concerned with fertility (eg harvests), kami also are kinda like greek gods- personified mythology of powerful clans claim divine ancestry imperial family claims descent from sun goddess, amaterasu how we know: archeology and 8th century texts, particularly the kojiki -by 8th century the emperor-centered state promotes state buddhism imperial family now dominant family prayer temples built for divine blessings that will maintain social harmony hub-spoke distribution of temples- a network of temples connected to that main temlpe -it can then regulate all the little temples. Hub at todaiji in capital, spokes are provincial temples buddhism regulated by state (no preaching to masses) -9th century- rise of esoteric buddhism (tendai and shingon) rise of idea that all sentient beings have Buddha nature buddhism shifts to concerns for state to helping individauls in this life and after **buddhism is not primarily about enlightenment for vast majority of people honji suijaku- theory that kami and buddhist deities are the same -10th through 15th century kami worship remains popular: for blessings kami worship done by buddhists rise of single-practice centered buddhist schools -pure land- focus on nembutsu- recitation of amida's name Zen- focus on seated meditation Nichiren- focus on recitation of lotus sutra title zen institutions supported by samurai class zen spreads among people because of its funerals (not meditation) 3 main power factions: warrior class, aristocratic households, major buddhist temples by late 15th century warrior and buddhist temples hold power -16th century military conflict between major temples and warrior class warrior class rises to uncontested dominance christianity introduced by Jesuits (european), then outlawed 1600 to 1868: Tokugawa Period Japan closes borders to everyone(except dutch on a small island) all families must join a buddhist temple. Part of danka system some christians called kakure kirishitan persevere in hiding resentment against buddhism rises -monopoly buddhism has over their families nativist emphasizes kami worship- shinto nativist look to kojiki and early texts for essence of japanese 1860s US and European countries demand Japan open borders to trade gov opens borders, local familes rise against tokugawa 1868-1912 meiji period

meiji restoration- restoring emperor as center of state shinto is emphasized as relition of japan between 1868-1872 buddhist temples and images destroyed, priests forced to become laymen buddhists adopt shinto and nationalist ideology while reforming image of buddhism -kami worship and buddshism were never mutaully exclusive; admitted it was corrupt -needed to create and restore true buddhism, which was corrupted According to robert sharf, how and why zen is commonly misunderstood in north america today list of top selling books on zen remove institutions for pure part of religion 9/20 Japan was afraid of being colonized. AT the end of the 19th centurty other conteries were colonizing less 'civilized' ones. Japan was searching for the 'essence' of buddhism. It was boiled down to a philosophy. So to the west, it was a rational philosophy and seen as progressive, whereas in Japan it was old, feudalistic, regressive, a thing of the past. Both sides agree it was corrupt. Japanese buddhists hit an idea: show western buddhists they have a rational religion, they can show japanese culture is equal to other countries, then tell own people buddhism is something we can be proud of Zen priests go to america and western europe and not preach as an institutional religion, but as a philosophy that transcends religion, a more evolved religion, no problem with science 1893- world ____ of religion. Zen priests go, real attraction for American and european intellectuals, they propagate zen in west as being about experience and enlightenment, and to do it, silent seated meditation **about being philosophical, about enlightenment and experience, and divorced from institutional idea of true self developes in west, told that you can find true self by engaging in zen cause it's not religion but a technique for finding true self Japan and china went to war. When japan won, they saw themselves as spiritually superior, Chinese saw themselves as spiritually weak How is religion related to nationalism in east asia? Britain selling China opium, causes drug problem, China tries to get britain to stop, britain won't missionaries come into china again, believed chinese not evoled enough to unerstand things in rural villages, blamed all sorts of shit on christian missionaries militias develop and attack westerners boxers apocalyptic vision get rid of westerners for great new age westerners see massacre and are holy shit these people are barbaric qing gov supports boxers, western powers get pissed and send in lots of troops. Massacre them. Chinese see this, feel angry, insulted, start questioning selves when people get angry and insulted they either get violent or question themselves Kang Youwei- turn temples into schools- thousands of temples converted into schools to learn about western technology and 'useful things' (will it make us more powerful) Lu Xun characture Ah Q- made fun of Chinese peasants- thought himself better than others despite being poorer and stupider than most. Came to represent spiritually weak chinese for other chinese

Japan is now ready to be the colonizers, colonize huge parts of northern china, and korea build shinto shrines in these places, and say as subjects of japanese it's a good thing to worship the evmperor chinese and koreans very resentful after wwi allied powers gave land to japanese that was german may 4th movement protested that Japan was china's no. 1 enemy for about 25 years, until 1945 Chiang Kai-shek- NOT a communist leader- looks to strengthen chinese people using new life movement to spiritually strengthen themselves -it's telling the chinese how to behave both Chiang Kai-shek and Mao Zedong fight against Japanese Japan loses ww11 and leaves china mao becomes leader after that mao uses political/economic idealogy to unite people, not religion Japan sees themselves as a holy nation because the sun goddess chose japan to put her descendants in charge of kojiki no longer religious story, but historical story yasukuni shrine- bult in late 19th century for shinto funerals- soldiers would be turned into sacred beings at yasukuni shrine and heros there chinese pissed because murdering thugs praised there. New religions: yiguandao mixture of buddhism and daoism and folk religion, with maitreya buddha elements soka gakkai- large- nichiren buddhist movement- after ww2 korean war starts 1950-53, chinese communists go down into it, battle between american, korean and chinese forces, because of this american support japanese economy, explodes in 50's and up, so people chanted lotus and got wealthier aum shirikyo-small, apocalyptic japanese religion. Mixed hinduism and buddhism, leader ran for political office, lost, took as evidence as how corrupt japan was, so with apocalyptic preaching, he turned it into we need to bring on apocalypse, take poisonous gas into tokyo subway system 1995- 12 died, thousands went to hospital

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