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National Treasure

The first National Treasure presented Freemasonry in a positive light. In this decade alone,
movies about Freemasonry and the Illuminati are increasing rapidly. Jerry Bruckheimer
produced the film. The new tactic of Hollywood and some secret orders is to give the
public a distorted view of Secret Societies, while its real history is omitted publicly. The
good news is that the Internet, books, Cds, and other medium have shown the truth into
a wider audience. Like any movie some of it about Masonry was true (like many Masons
involved in the American Revolution, the secrecy of Masonry, and it being a powerful group).
Other things were false like Masonry creating a secret code in the Constitution, etc. Other
symbols include a pyramid, the Masonic Square and Compass (with the letter G in the middle of it.
The G represents Generation or the act of reproduction as found in Masonic literature), the triqueta,
etc. are present in first National Treasure film. The triqueta symbol has been used by New Agers,
Wiccans, and other pagans. It means reincarnation, witchcraft, and involved spiritualism
according to Dr. Cathy Burns. Dr. Cathy Burns said that the triskele image was used to
exorcise evil spirits. Even the NKJV’s logo, World Future Society, and the Trilateral
Commission’s logos are the triqueta. The first National Treasure” is a movie that delves into
Freemasonry’s influence in the creation of the Declaration of Independence and America. The
cover of the DVD has the pyramid, all Seeing Eye, and Nicholas Cage in a stance similar to a triangle.
Nicholas Cage plays Benjamin Franklin Gates, Jon Voight plays Patrick Henry Gates, Diane Kruger
(plays Dr. Abigail Chase, head of the Preservation Department of the National Archive) is
Benjamin Gates’ love interest in the film, and other characters abound. The movie is about the Gates’
family guarding the Secret of a hidden treasure of the Knights Templar found in the Declaration of
Independence as a code. The movie portrays the Knights Templar as finding a huge treasure
underneath Solomon’s Temple and it was lost for a thousands years after they’ve brought the treasure
back into Europe. The story shows Ben gates looking through the red lens. He sees a sun image on
the back on the Declaration of Independence with rays out there. The sun to the ancients
representation the All Seeing Eye, the masculine influence in the Mysteries, and other meanings...
FBI Agent Sadusky almost arrested Gates in the first National Treasure film, because he
stolen the original copy of the Declaration of Independence. It’s true that modern Freemasonry
had influences from the Knights Templar, because the York Rite of Freemasonry mimic much of the
concepts of the Knights Templar. The Knights Templar were accused by heresy (like worshipping
Baphomet) and degeneracy. Eliphas Levi was a real French Freemason who not only supported
magic, but believed he can manifest demons in the real world. Levi would draw his image of

Freemasons and many historians deny this charge about the Knights Templar to this day. John J.
Robinson’s book of “Born of Blood: The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry” believes that the
Freemasonry/Knights Templar connection is very real. Not to mention that the Demolay Masonic
children’s group is named after the burnt Knight Templar Jacques de Molay. Even Freemasons love
this book, so it has no bias. The first National Treasure film believes that Ancient Egypt influenced
modern Freemasonry (even before the existence of the Knights Templar. The movie also shown how
the Knights Templar found the treasure stored underneath the Temple of Solomon). Ironically, an
early name for the Knights Templar in real life is Pauperes commilitones Christi Templique
Solomon (which is Latin for the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of
Solomon). That ancient Egyptian connection to Masonry is true since some of Egyptian symbolism
and doctrine did in fact influence modern Freemasonry’s literature and doctrine. This isn’t just
expressed by me, but high level Freemasons have expressed this view. For example, Mason S. R.
Parchment states in his book, Ancient Operative Masonry:

“…The hierophants of the universal science and sublime philosophy taught in the
Great Mysteries of Egypt, India, Persia, Chaldea and other nations of antiquity,
revealed certain secrets pertaining to the finer forces of nature to such candidates as
were worthy and well qualified. These faithful ones were also instructed in the
doctrine of universal Brotherhood, and finally initiated into the "I am that I am"
consciousness. These ideals are the landmarks, traditions and glyphics of Ancient
Operative Freemasonry--nothing more…”
I personally believe this movie series is trying to make the public to respond to Masonry in a good
light when Masonry isn't a holy organization (through its promotion of Revolution, Albert Pike’s
promotion of deception in the Blue Degrees, the death oaths, murder of William Morgan, occultism,
etc.). According to Alice Bailey (whose husband Foster was a Mason. Cutting Edge Ministries said that
a demon called “Master” D.K. used automatic writing on Alice):

“…the Masonic home of the Mysteries, and the seat of the
initiation...It is a far more occult organization than can be realized and is intended to be
the training school for the coming advanced occultists... Mysteries will be restored to
outer expression through the medium of the Church and the Masonic
Fraternity...When the Great One comes with His disciples and initiates, we shall have
the restoration of the Mysteries..." (“Externalisation of the Hierarchy” pg. 511)
This image is from the First National Treasure movie. You can notice that this is an early
scene of Gates’ grandfather telling the story about the Treasure. The scene has a transition
effect between the face of his eye and the Great Pyramid of Gizeh. The Great Pyramid was
built to line up with the belt of Orion. The Orion constellation was associated with the
Egyptian god Osiris. By the last frame, you can see that his Eye looks similar to the All
Seeing Eye of the Great Architect. This image is found in the back of the One Dollar Bill.
This film series is definitely in support of the controversial Secret Society of Freemasonry.
The First National Treasure has the treasure found underneath First Trinity Church in NYC.
The movie includes agents from the FBI when the FBI has been influence by Freemasons
(like J. Edgar Hoover), Knights of Malta, and Jesuit-trained elites for decades. Jesuit-
Temporal Coadjutor Hoover was allied with Cardinal Cushing and Cardinal Spellman for

It’s certainly true that many Secret Societies like Rosicrucians, Freemasons, and even the
Jesuits had influence on creating the American government (while Christians also had their
influence in American society back then). Rosicrucian Sir Francis Bacon desired the North
American continent to be a New Atlantis (where a democratic commonwealth would
exist). Bacon wrote of this New Altantis with scientists, skyscrapers, underwater
vechiles, and flying machines. This describes America exactly in the 21st century.
America certainly was mapped out a long time before 1776 indeed. A Masonic
propaganda site pointed out historical errors in the film. According to Alice Bailey, the Anti-Christ
(or the "Great One") will restore the Mysteries, that was preserved by the Masonic Lodge. This first
National Treasure movie was a great propaganda tool to familiarize adults and children with Masonry
and other occult Mysteries. By the end of the First National Treasure film, Benjamin Franklin Gates
and his friends find the Templar Treasure. The treasure is so huge that Gates allows museums to
own it worldwide. A person attempting to kill Gates is sent into jail by the police (one FBI agent in the
film is a Freemason). The new National Treasure: Book of Secrets is more interesting. National
Treasure: Book of Secrets came out on DVD. I saw the movie and it was sponsored by Disney
(a film company known for its derogatory characters decades ago and trying to brainwash
children into accepting an extreme form of mental conformity). It's interesting to note that Walt
Disney had real world treasure hunts in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and NYC to promote the
movie. All three treasure hunts ended at Scottish Rite temples. The movie was equal to the first
movie of National Treasure in its storyline, but the Second one had more action in it. Nicholas
Cage is the main actor from the film. I just figured out more information about the movie. It
appears the Cage is bounded in support of Freemasonry. That's probably one of the reasons
why Freemasonry is given a positive light in the National Treasure film series. In fact, Richard
E. Fletcher, a 33º Scottish Rite Freemason hinted at a Masonic connection to the film. Richard Elliot
Fletcher was Grand Master of Masons in Vt., 1983–85, and has served as Executive
Secretary/Treasurer of the Masonic Service Association of North America since 1988.
Fletcher said that he met Nicholas Cage and Cage admires Albert Pike. Cage even quotes from
Pike's literature in his discussions with Richard. Fletcher writes that part III of the National
Treasure series might have even more symbolisms of Freemasonry in it. This is what Richard
Fletcher said: "..."At the premier we met the star, Nicolas Cage, and learned that he respects and
admires Albert Pike. He even quoted Pike in our discussions. There's sure to be a third movie in this
successful franchise, and I'm hoping there will be even more Freemasonry in it." What are some
more Masonic connections to the film already. Well, the film was released in December 21,
2007. That day wasn't only the time of the winter equinox. It was the date of St. John the
Evangelist's Day. St. John the Evangelist and St. John the Baptist are considered to be the 2
patrons of Freemasonry. St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist are symbolic of the
tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. In the 25th degree, these tropics are referred to as the "Gates
of the Sun" in the 25th degree lecture. Masons regularly give unnecessary praise of the sun.
Pagans worship the sun. For example, 33rd Degree Freemason Manly P. Hall wrote about the
sun as:

"The sun, as supreme among the celestial bodies visible to the astronomers of
antiquity, was assigned to the highest of the gods and became symbolic of the
supreme authority of the Creator Himself ... The tenet of a Triune Divinity is not
peculiar to Christian or Mosaic theology but forms a conscious part of the greatest
religions of both ancient and modern times ... In every instance these represented
the threefold form of one Supreme Intelligence ... All the Gods of antiquity resolved
themselves into the solar fire ..." (Manly P. Hall, "The Secret Teachings of All Ages",
p. XLIX)

The first scene of the movie Book of Secrets occurs in the George Washington Masonic
Memorial in Alexandria, Virginia. George Washington is a famous Freemason. The Teutonic
Cross featured in the 32nd Scottish Rite degree is used in the movie's advertising material.
Mount Rushmore (which includes the images of Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln)
depicts two Masonic presidents, George Washington, and Theodore Roosevelt. The sculptor
of the Mount Rushmore in South Dakota was named Freemason Gutzon Borglum. His son was
a sculptor and another Freemason. Gutzon was raised in Howard Lodge #35 in New York
City and served as its Master in 1910-1911. After Gutzon died, his son Lincoln was assigned
the task of completing the Mount Rushmore Memorial. Lincoln Borglum was raised in Battle
River Lodge #92 Hermosa, South Dakota. National Treasure: Book of Secrets delves into the
Civil War and the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. National Treasure exposes how the
Knights of the Golden Circle murdered Ben Gates’ ancestor, because they wanted a code that
Gates’ ancestor deduce. According to Mark A. Lause, who is from the Department of History
at the University of Cincinnati, the KGC were Confederate sympathizers. Many British
agents supported the Confederacy as “National Treasure: Book of Secrets” accurately pointed
out. They were also rumored to have amassed a “vast treasure” to fund future war plans. Roy
Sylvan Dunn writing in a 1967 edition of the Southwestern Historical Quarterly notes that the
KGC’s activities diminished when the Civil War ended. There is one scene where Nicholas
Cage’s character is standing near the Washington Monument. The Monument and the pool
looks similar to the effect of “As above, So Below.” That is an occult concept that man is a
miniature version of the Universe and vice versa. The microcosm is oneself, and the
macrocosm is the universe. The macrocosm is as the microcosm, and vice versa; within each
lies the other, and through understanding one (usually the microcosm) you can understand the
other. It means also that life in small size is related to large size version of life. This principle
is found in Hermeticism. The “treasure” that Freemasonry and other Secret Societies want
deals not with gold or archaelogy finds. They desire the Kabbalah, occult sciences,
Gnosticism, alchemy, and immorality of the human soul (in order for man to achieve higher
knowledge) in order to achieve enlightenment or “illumination.” The FBI Inspector in the
first National Treasure wears a Masonic ring meaning that he is a Freemason. Cage pleads
with the Inspector that he doesn‘t want to go to jail, so the other robbers (who didn’t even
steal the Declaration of Independence) go into jail.

It's been established that the Lincoln assassination was a conspiracy. John Wilkes Booth
worked with John Surratt and other people to murder Abraham Lincoln. CT Wilcox's new book
points to additional Vatican/Jesuit involvement in Lincoln's death, because many of those hung were
Roman Catholics.John Surratt hid in the Vatican when he tried to escape justice. The Vatican
back in the 1800's hated the concept of a republic and some of their leaders issued decrees
condemning the Constitution. The film talks about Albert Pike. Pike was a Confederate General
in the war who soon became the head of Scottish Rite Freemasonry in the late 1800's. Albert
Pike was convicted of treason by the American government. He was pardoned
by his Brother Freemason President Andrew Johnson (as Johnson pardoned
other convicted traitors as well). He was buried in Washington D.C.'s House of the
Temple Building. A statue of Albert Pike exists to this day in Washington, D.C. Pike is a
controversial figure whom his views are expressed in the Morals and Dogma book. Pike is a
figure of the Civil War, and other issues consume him. In the film, they show the eagle and the
scroll, which was really the eagle emblem (meaning freedom, but the eagle from esoteric times
existed as well. Some believe that the eagle looks similar to the Phoenix meaning resurrection)
from the Great Seal of the United States of America. It has many meanings and one simple
meaning of the 13 leaves, etc. represents the 13 colonies of America. Secret Societies either
approved of or were involved in the creation of the Great Seal. For example, Rosicurcian &
Freemason Benjamin Franklin was an early contributor to the Seal design of the First
Committee. Now, Charles Thompson is the one who basically contributed mostly to the Great
Seal that we see today. 32nd Degree Freemason President Franklin Roosevelt placed the Great
Seal symbol on the One Dollar Bill officially in the 1930's. The Raiders of the Lost Ark is a new
movie coming out about the crystal skull. The end of National Treasure: Book of Secrets
outlines the mystery behind page 42 of the President’s book of Secrets. The director Jon
Turteltaub said that the filmmaking team will take its time on another National
Treasure sequel. Therefore, the National Treasure series isn’t over. Dan Brown’s
literature on Secret Societies is similar to National Treasure. They mix truth with
error in getting their points across.

Dan Brown's "The Lost Symbol" is very popular. One good thing is that people can learn
more about American history even by looking at the “Riddles and Stones” film made by
Chris Pinto, and Cutting Edge Ministries. Unfortunately, Dan Brown approves and publicly
supports Freemasonry and its agenda. Brown was asked to address the 2009 Biennial Session
of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction in Washington DC, October 4-6,
2009, but because of his schedule, he could not be there. Dan Brown did write a letter to
the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Brown in the letter
supports Freemasonry since Masons believe in Universalism, syncretism, and
brotherhood among those of even false faiths. Freemasonry is heavily influenced by the
occult as found in the Kabbalah and the rest of the Mystery Religion. In the Mysteries,
symbols have multiple levels of meanings. Symbols in that realm can relate to Sacred
Geometry (which is about the manipulation of legitimate shapes or images and place spiritual
meaning to them). The big picture is that Dan Brown issues disinformation about what Secret
Societies like Masonry is all about. Some of these occultists in various group perform their
rituals in Groves (as admitted by ex-German Chancellor Helmut Schmitz that he likes the
Bohemian Grove to discuss about world politics). Some point to a Mormon, Masonry, and
the Lost Symbol book connection. Dan Brown visited Salt Lake City in 2005 and had an
interest in the Masonic symbols on the Salt Lake Temple. The Mormon Temple in Salt Lake
has a star, Pentagrams, moons, stars, etc. Joseph Smith was a Mason in the midst of the anti-
Masonic movement (after ex-Mason William Morgan was murdered in 1826 for publishing
secrets). Smith published his Book of Mormon. Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum copied
Masonic rituals in May 4, 1842 in order to create the Mormon endowment ceremony to 9
men. According to Brigham Young, the endowment is a sacred ritual where
Mormons receive ordinances "to enable [them] to walk back to the presence of
the Father, passing the angels who stand as sentinels, being enabled to give them
the key words, the signs and tokens, pertaining to the holy Priesthood." Other early
Mormons would be apart of a Masonic Lodge. The Nauvoo Lodge was suspended of it
charter by October 2, 1842. Smith used a Masonic distress sign and was still murdered.
Brigham Young accused the Masons of killing Brigham Young. Ironically, the Lost Book
have clue on the jacket of the Da Vinci Code contained the phrase "Is there no help for the
widow's son." That phrase is a known Masonic term of distress. Mormons and Masons had
tensions in the late 1800's. Some Mormons left into Utah with Brigham Young as its leader.
Utah's Masonic fraternities banned Mormons from joining the Masons from 1925 until 1984.
Yet, Dan Brown's "The Lost Symbol" only mention Joseph Smith 2 times (in reference to the
baptism of the dead and the translation method of the Book of Mormon).
A lot of people have exposed how Dan Brown supports Freemasonry and promotes
his "Lost Symbol" book. Some believe that the book tries to disagrees with Riddles in
Stone, because Riddles doesn't agree with the Mystery religion filled order of
Freemasonry. Brown writes in the book that: "... The plot centers in part on an
"unfair" anti-Masonic video that "conspiracy theorists would feed on … like sharks…"
That description can be easily deduced to be describing the great DVD of “Riddles in
Stone: The Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C.“ Dan Brown wants his book to
recruit people into Freemasonry because of its syncretic view of religion. Brown is
pro-Gnostic and believes in multiple ways or religions into achieving salvation.
Riddles in Stones was so accurate that many Masons tried to sue Cutting Edge
Ministries, but they didn't. The reason is that tons of evidence in court would
exist exposing tons of the secrets of Freemasonry if a lawsuit occured. The
book of “The Lost Symbol” uses information from the New Atlantis book
series. On pg. 272 of the Lost Secret, it admits that Sir Francis Bacon wanted an
Utopian Vision of America being a New Atlantis, which is true historically. The Lost
Symbol talks about Freemasonry's blood oaths in its first 3 degrees (called the Blue
Lodge). George Washington is called a demigod in pg. 83. This refers to the
Apotheosis painting of George Washington in the Capitol building that portrays the
heresy of human godhood (as embraced by occultists and numerous Freemasons
even Mormons). The book on pgs. 160-1 accurately points out the capstone missing
in the Great Seal pyramid is about America's unfilled destiny (which prophecy
researchers believe that the capstone refers to the Antichrist or the Masonic Christ).
"Lost Symbol" shows true historical facts, but mixes it with its support of
Freemasonry in order to promote Ecumenicalism and the New Age Mysteries. So,
Dan Brown was slick, but we are on to his game.

*The lesson here that the deception of Freemasonry is slick. It’s apparent that the
National Treasure film series is pro-Freemasonry and Freemasons are using the film
series in order to promote their organization. Yet, God is very powerful and can
reveal the truth to his followers. Jesus Christ said: “…“I am the vine, ye are the
branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for
without me ye can do nothing.”(John 15:5). God calls to send the Gospel unto all people:
“…Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of
the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have
commanded you..” (Matthew 28:19-20).
Appendix A: One of my greatest debates on the issue of Freemasonry

*KYCougar is a Masonic propagandist. Back years ago, I’ve refuted him in the
summer of 2003. I was 19 years old at the time. I was young, so, some of my
words back in those days were different than today. I’m much more strong
mentally and I’m comfortable in my own skin as a man. KyCougar attacked not
only those that legitimately disagree with Freemasonry, but those who expose
the evil new world order agenda. Therefore, I’ve presented his words and my
words to educate people on how Masons think and how to refute them in an
accurate, strong fashion. I will edit my response from time to time to make it
more accurate.

-By Timothy

KYCougar’s comments are in the following words:

The only thing being exposed here, is your obsession, which is quite apparent to the astute and
discerning reader. Freemasons do not worship Satan. There ARE however many Satanists in the
world. What do you suppose should be done about that? I have a picture of Demi Moore, with her
head shaved, wearing the uniform of a Navy SEAL. Does that make her a SEAL? I used to live next
door to a queer who dressed like a woman. Did that make "him" a woman? I have driven a Mercedes
Benz, does that make me rich? An antiMasonic hate site. Hate sites and objectivity go together like oil
and water. You are blaming Freemasonry for a World War? I hope you have credible evidence to
back up that assertion. So you endorse information from a source you claim is evil simply because it
happens to coincide with your agenda? Typical antiMasonic tactic. Is anyone missing the words "told"
and "alleged." Are you familiar with the word "Hearsay?" By the way, any Mason that wants to leave
the Fraternity is more than welcome to do so; there is no death penalty. Occasionally Masons do leave
the Fraternity, just like some Christians leave the church, some swimmers leave the Y, and some
actors leave the SAG.

The Federal Reserve is a private institution, whose only relationship with government is that of
contracted business procurement. Foreign relations are not served in the long term by waging war, as
present day sentiment against the U.S. is clear testimony thereof. I suppose you have evidence so
support the allegation that the Illuminati purpetrated the Great Depression? Shriners are 32nd degree
Masons. You may think this is nitpicking, but it isn't. All Masons can enter the 32nd degree, but the
33rd degree is by invitation only, to those Masons who have made outstanding contributions to the
Fraternity. It can take a lifetime of hard work and sacrifice to gain such an honor, and it is not a given.

The fact that we were in a state of crisis, speaks to the timing of the declaration, a mere 48 hours after
taking office. Hitler who was also an occultist, hated Freemasons, and wanted them all dead. This has
nothing to do with Masonry. Goodness, me. Be still my beating heart. There are people deployed to
Iraq at this very minute who are Freemasons. This accusation has never been proven. If Freemasons
were so powerful why could they not prevent the deaths of their Brothers at the hands of that maniac?
All this proves is that Freemasons were victimized, and have had to bear intense persecution.
Forced? The only way a president can "force" anything is to write an executive order, and then the
order has to be consititutional. Please cite the executive order whereby alleged Masonic symbols were
ordered to be placed upon U.S. legal tender. And although many died, how many more millions would
have died had he not dropped the bomb? Playing with numerology, eh? Earlier you remarked that
Marx was a Mason and a communist, thereby inferring that Masory endorses communism, yet here,
you contradict that inferrence by indicating that another Mason tried to contain it.

More on Zionists, when are you going to break out in a refrain about the "Zog machine?" I see the
tactic which you are employing, here. You attach a "tag" to everything you can, to tear down any
credibility and perform what I like to call the double-d (dehumanize and demonize) This is how wars
are waged, you psyche the troops, convince them that the enemy is not just the enemy, but are less
than human, to assauge any guilt, give them a weapon, and send them to the front.

So now you are an expert on the tactics of naval warfare. Johnson was the Commander in Chief,
meaning he had final say as to who went where. Any president can issue a lawful order to dispatch a
military vessel anywhere in the world where U.S. interests are threatened. I would also like you to
explain how his involvment in the Vietnam War was related to his standing in Freemasonry. No he
was "Watergated" out of office because of the Watergate break in. How did it not ruin him? In what
capacity did he serve or work after he resigned from office? You wanted an example of libel, what you
just said fits the bill. NEVER was there any proof introduced to show that the assassination of
Kennedy was a Masonic conspiracy.

The reason he was shot, WHERE he was shot, is because of the tactical advantage of triagulated
gunfire. The reason he was shot WHEN he was shot is because that was the time he was there. Make
up your mind. Was it the Illuminati? The Masons? Little green men? Masonic pattern? If so many
people were involved, then you must have been someone who told what really happened. History is
proof of this, because if 3 people know a secret, eventually 4 know it, due to human nature. Hmmm, I
thought you said it was the Illuminati. So where is the Masonic conspiracy? Where is the Masonic
assassin? There is no conclusive proof to show his assassination was a Masonic conspiracy, either.
MK-Ultra? The man hated black people, and he did not want MLK Jr obtainig rights for the blacks. He
simply was a racist who was threatened by the thoughts that a black man might be considered equal
to him.
That's an awfully big operation just to kill someone in the back of a convertable. This is where I make
the comparison of the Coyote buying acme rockets and fishing rods to build a contraption to chase
down the Roadrunner. If he had just got a gun and shot him... mission accomplished. This same
reductive theory can be applied to any assassination. The mechanics of political assassination are

1. Choose your assassin, a "true believer" if you will.

2. Give him a well thought out plan, one that can convince him the plan will work.
3. Once he carries out the assassination, have him killed.

"according" to this source, they planned a murder in a greasy spoon, out in the open, where any
casual observer could have overheard. That is an excellent definition of "outrageous." This does not
prove that the conspiracy was Masonic. Inferrences are not evidence, no matter how many you make.
It wasn't a they, it was a he, and "he" simply was intimidated by the fact that MLKJr wanted equality for
all citizens. Racists do not believe in quality, and this one was willing to kill because of that belief. Mind
control was abandoned by the CIA decades ago because subjects are not truly controllable. Pump
someone full of LSD, show him movies of his target doing terrible things, and give him a gun, he is
just as likely to kill his handler. There was just too much that could have gone wrong. No true
conspiracy would ever be so complicated. The timing could have screwed up, some kid could have
found the gun first, MLK could have messed the whole thing up by being somewhere else speaking
with his many admirers. That's preposterous. Army troops were plan B in a conspiracy to murder
King? Where are these soldiers now? Why have none of them come forward? Interesting assertion, I
suppose you have credible evidence in support of this? The CIA has spies in every foreign
organization. The handlers may not have been allowed in Mecca, but the agents would have surely
followed his movements if he was indeed under surveillance.

Neither the KKK nor the NOI are Masonic. I know some militant black Muslims who would work you
over good for even mentioning their name and the KKK in the same sentence. You think your tactic is
missed. You slowly sew together associations, then suddenly is no longer the FBI or NOI, but the
Masonic FBI and Masonic NOI. As far as the FBI infiltrating antiwar groups, that has been going on
since the incept of the organization. There is nothing Masonic about it. Sounds like they are blaming
everyone, not just Masons. You know, the Masons would never have to assassinate Malcolm X
because the contraversy he generated caused his assassin to simply be formulated by the laws of
statistics. He simply p1ssed off a lot of people, and it was inevitable that he p1ssed off someone who
would kill in retaliation. Those men were not Masons, nor were they employed by Masons. Geez, and
you accuse me of propagating rhetoric.

Since you mention 9/11, I will remind you that the hijackers were Saudi nationals... who should we
have been angry with? The Russians? And precisely where is the Masonic conspiracy? No, Saddam
provoked the war by invading Kuwait. Glaspie was voicing his opinion, not U.S. policy. GHB in
cooperation with dozens of other nations helped to expel Saddam from Kuwait, and I think it was the
right thing to do. As for our supplying Saddam with weapons, those weapons were for use against
IRAN not KUWAIT. They paid the price, and Freemasonry doesn't even apply to that situation. There
you go playing the numerology game again. The no fly zone is WHERE it is, because that represented
where an Iraqi presence would constitute a threat against her neighbors. Waco happened at Waco,
because that is where the Davidians had their Compound. Why don't you talk about Koresh's
penchant for calling all couples adulterers, demanding that their wives sleep with him? The man was
no Christ, and he was no hero. I'm truly sorry that all those people died, but there is no Masonic
conspiracy against him. He was a crackpot who suckered people in, and some of them died as a
consequence of following him.

McVeigh was no victim and there was a daycare center full of children in that building he blew up. I'm
glad he's dead, and hope he's happy in Hell. An examination of the explosion pattern and damage
radius shows that the explosion was external only. There was no outward radiating shrapnel striations
to indicate any explosives were set inside the building. Where is the evidence? Because you said so,
doesn't pass muster. On any given day, there is more than likely a significant event with Masonic
connections. So do jewelers. So do map makers. Part of the CIA's mission including killing enemies
of the Unitied States. They are not a formal branch of the military, but an appendent organization
charged with spying on our enemies. Then everything is as it should be.
Cuttingedge is a hate site. More antiMasonic propaganda. There is no evidence to back up such
libelous claims. You are parroting propaganda, innuendo, and rhetoric.

Gotta run back out again... but I can assure you, "I'll be back************************************


My Rebuttal:

In my opinion, KY Cougar’s words are probably some of the best responses Masons
and pro-Masonic propagandists like him use in order ignore the truth. I’ve made this
response years ago. Yet, in 2010, my views have evolved better. I modified some of
this article to outline my better, more real, more tolerant, and more accurate views
on various issues. Yet, my core convictions about conspiracies existing in the world,
my dissent with Freemasonry & all Secret Societies, and that fiery dedication to
embrace the real truth surrounding events will never be relinquished in my life. Now
here’s my response to them. Freemasonry readily relies on mythology and legends.
These Masonic authors realize that the ceremonies are only based on Myths or
Fables. Collier's Encyclopedia states: "Masonry fosters an elaborate Mythology
. . ." (Collier's Encyclopedia, op. cit., p. 338). But since they have turned from the truth,
there is only the False left. W.L. Wilmshurst, a Mason, points out: "It
matters nothing whether
the prototype be one whose historical actuality and identity can be
demonstrated, or whether he can be regarded Only as Legendary or Mythical .
. . In Egypt the prototype was Osiris, who was slain by his malignant brother
Typhon, but whose mangled limbs were collected in a coffer from which he
emerged reintegrated and Divinized. In Greece the prototype was Bacchus,
who was torn to pieces by the Titans. Baldur in Scandinavia and Mithra in
Graeco- Roman Europe were similar prototypes. In Masonry the prototype is
Hiram Abiff . . ." (Wilmshurst, op. cit., p. 142). I’ve numbered my sources so there
can be no excuse or accusations made by KyCourgar (of lying by saying I show no
sources or I have no evidence whatsoever to back up what I say). One good thing
about these debates in 2003 was that it made me a much better debater today in
2010. I fear nothing, but God alone. We do know that Freemasonry’s agenda is to
promote mysticism under the cover of Theism, some want the rebuilding of
Solomon’s Temple, and they endorse Religious Universalism. Masonic conspiracies
are real from the French Revolution, the murder of William Morgan, the
assassination of the Archduke of Ferdinand, the attempted murder of Ed Decker, the
P2 Lodge nefarious acts, and the promotion of the “new order of the ages.”
KYCougar, Theron Dunn, Christopher Hodapp, and all of the other Masons can’t
refute these facts at all.

Many Masons Worshipping Satan Defended:

Now, this great classic refutation begins. I don’t have an obsession with evil or deceptive groups. I do
have a love of God and the truth. I've exposed some Masons’ Satanism and for a while now. As I
indicated before, all Masons don't worship Satan, but many do and I have evidence to back myself up
like always. You say what should be done about Satanists? Expose them. Mentioning Satanists aren't
hindering God's will and exposing the truth would lead many Masons out of the Fraternity. That
procedure can lead Satanists and Masons led to the Lord Jesus Christ. One such Mason who
worshipped Satan was Eliphas Levi [who was initiated at the Lodge Rose du Porfait Silence of the
Grand Orient of France on 14 March, 1861 in Paris. M. Caudet was the Venerable (Worshipful
Master) at Levi's Masonic initiation]. Levi influenced Albert Pike and high level Freemason & Satanist
Aleister Crowley. Here are Eliphas Levi’s comments:

""What is more absurd and more impious than to attribute the name of Lucifer to the devil, that is, to
personified evil. The intellectual Lucifer is the spirit of intelligence and love; it is the paraclete, it is the
Holy Spirit, while the physical Lucifer is the great agent of universal magnetism." (1)

Eliphas Levi's comment I might add can be found in the Supreme Council Temple in D.C. In
Freemasonry, anyone who believes in one God can join it and if a Satanist believes in his god as
Satan (which is wrong of course), he can join ,so theoretically a Mason can be a Satanist. Before
moving forward, something has to be mentioned. For the last couple of years, Masonic-propagandist
sites have said that Lucifer isn't Satan and Lucifer, but is even God or represents special knowledge.
Eliphas Levi wrote about and promoted ritualized magic.
This lie is refuted by simple logic. The early church like Origen, Tertullian, the Bible [The Bible in
Isaiah 14:12-15 mentions Lucifer falling from Heaven and is validated by Christ saying Satan fell like
lightning in Luke 10:18 and 12 showing Lucifer or Satan as a being who came down from Earth after
condemnation from ALmighty God making them both the same being], and even dictionaries defines
Lucifer as "n [ME, the morning star, a fallen rebel archangel, the Devil, fr. OE, fr. L, the morning star,
fr. lucifer light bearer]: Devil, Satan." (2)

So this Freemason has no refutation involving Lucifer not being Satan. Satanists would readily tell you
that Lucifer is Satan and the being of (false) light. It has nothing to do with Christianity or Judaism,
since no verse in the OT or NT calls Almighty God or special knowledge Lucifer. Not to mention that
pagan Greek and Latin societies denoted Lucifer as the planet Venus making that pagan along with
Satanic; therefore, that Mason is not a Christian and is a Satanist.

Manly Palmer Hall was a 33rd Degree Freemason initiated

in the Jewel Lodge No. 374 at Novermber 22, 1954. Manly P. Hall was also a member of the
Rosicurican Order and the founder of the Philosophical Research Society [Both groups are occultic-
orientated therefore unChristian]. The Scottish Rite Journal called him "The Illustrious Manly P. Hall"
in September 1990 and "Masonry's Greatest Philosopher." Now, all of his quotes existed in the 20th
century so Masonry can't use the Taxil-lie on him since Taxil lived only in the 19th century. He said:

""I hereby promise the Great Spirit Lucifuge, Prince of Demons, that each year I will bring unto him a
human soul to do with as it may please him, and in return Lucifuge promises to bestow upon me the
treasures of the earth and fulfill my every desire for the length of my natural life. If I fail to bring him
each year the offering specified above, then my own soul shall be forfeit to him. Signed.....
{ Invocant signs pact with his own blood } " (3)

Another Satanist Mason would include the famous female Mason of Sister Helena Petrovna
Blavastsky of the 32nd Degree. [Yes, females can be Masons as part of the Eastern star or part of a
co-Mason along with their husbands]. According to her own Scrapbook, vol. III, p. 256, on January
1878, she recieved a diploma of the 32nd Degree in the Ancient and Primitive Rite of England and
Wales. She said :

"Lucifer represents..Life..Thought..Progress..Civilization..Liberty..Independance..Lucifer is the

Logos..the Serpent, the Savior." (4)
"It is Satan who is the God of our planet and the only God." (5)

********and here's the smoking gun!!!!!!!!!*******

""The Celestial Virgin which thus becomes the Mother of Gods and Devils at one and the same time;
for she is the ever-loving beneficent Deity...but in antiquity and reality Lucifer or Luciferius is the name.
Lucifer is divine and terrestial Light, 'the Holy Ghost' and "Satan' at one and the same time." (6)

The Bible says that using 2-3 sources will establish a fact and these 3 basic
evidences establish the fact of some Masons worshipping Satan. To deny
these proofs is either ignorance or desperation. Take your pick KYCougar. It's
all transparent for everyone in here and throughout the internet and the world
to see. Now on to Aleister Crowley. The picture of him wearing the Baphomet (The Masonic symbol
of Satan readily utilized by Eliphas Levi. Although, the Baphomet has many interpretations) which is
found in the photo section of John Symonds and Kenneth Grant's The Confessions of Aleister
Crowley. He was initiated into the 33rd Degree, 90th Degree (of the Rite of Mizraim), and the 95th
Degree (of the Rite of Memphis) by John Yarker (who was a Mason himself part of the Quatour
Coronati Lodge, No. 2076) in the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Freemasonry, but he still remained in
the Craft.

His insignia is specialized to those high up in the craft, so a forged inscription is highly unlikely
especially back in the early 1900's. He's also part of the O.T.O. or the Ordo Templi Orientis which is a
Black Magic secret society and was a Satanist by his oath to Satan:

"The Oath of Fealty. I bind my blood in Satan's hands, All this lieth betwixt my hands, To thee, the
Beast, and thy control, I pledge me; body, mind, and soul." (7)

I don’t follow hearsay. I follow logic, sources, and other forms of concrete evidence to accurate
deduce a point. Like you have said, Masons leaving the Fraternity is perfectly with me. So, I've
conclusively explained these early situations, so I'm moving on.
Masonry does play some role in the beginning of WWI. First, the assassin which triggered the First
World War was Gavrillo Princip, a member of the Black Hand , a Masonic related group in Serbia.
Even though Princip wasn't 21 years old (so, he wasn‘t a Freemason), he did confessed that Masonry
had a role in the Archduke Ferdinand's death, by: "During the trial of Archduke Ferdinand's killer,
Gavrillo Princep testified that his colleague, Ciganovitch, told me he was a Freemason and on
another occasion told me that Heir Apparent had been condemned to death by a Freemason's
Lodge. Moreover, another of the accused assassins, Charbrinovitch, testified that Major
Tankositch, one other plotters, was a Freemason."

According to Paul A. Fisher "Not mentioned by the Scottish Rite Journal [New Age] was the fact that
the alleged assassins of the Archduke were members of the Black Hand, a South Slav revolutionary
organization which was a progeny of Freemasonry." (9) The eye can clearly see a Masonic
involvement in World War I and there's that explanation. Those Masons were on trial and were
convicted for their crime. And you say I can’t use that pro-Catholic site for my information. It isn’t a
tactic, because just because the Catholics are wrong on tons of issues & they are a heretical
organization, doesn’t mean they’re wrong on all things. They are not wrong on this issue because the
Black Hand is Masonic and Masons did have a role in the creation of WWI.

I've already know that the Federal Reserve was a private institution and it's not government orientated.
It's totally illegal and many Presidents like Andrew Jackson, Lincoln, and JFK with his Executive Order
of 11110 at June 4, 1963 attempted to end that monopoly system of injecting the economy of $56
billion in interest-free United States Notes, which was some feel was one of the reasons he was
assassinated. I don’t seek to demonize and dehumanize, which is a lie on your
part. I believe in the humanity of all people, but you want to use ad-hominem
attack to promote the deception and lies founded in Freemasonry.

The Great Depression

It could be reasonable to say that the international banking elite (who some call the leaders of
them the Illuminati) is behind it to strip wealth from people and then create bursts and
bubbles. Bursts and bubbles transpired by internationalists for thousands of years (as
documented in films like William T. Still’s book “New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret
Societies” including the Money Masters DVD). The Great Depression, as it became known, was
engineered by the numerous internationalists or the Oligarchs (interrelated to the City of
London according to Webster Tarpley) to take money from the people, and to make them
dependent on Wall Street for economic vitality. The Government increased its role heavily
through the subsequent New Deal programs of Roosevelt. Some feel that the government had
no other choice to do this or people would starve to death literally. Others disagree with this
view. Regardless, actions ought to be made to help end the Great Depression. Congressman
Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee said: "It was no
accident. It was a carefully contrived occurrence...The International Bankers sought to bring
about a condition of despair here so they might emerge as the rulers of us all." The website of will give you
more information on the Communist/Illuminati invention of the Great Depression.

I've already knew that Freemasonry at the 33rd Degree is a special privilege and Shriners are at the
32rd Degree (and that invitations are made to those who desire to be apart of the 33rd degree of
Freemasonry). Adolf Hitler was an occultist as you say. Hitler hated Freemasonry, but that was all part
of the Freemasons' plan. According to John Daniel's The Scarlet and the Beast, Hitler was used kill
French Freemasonry or Freemasonry on continental Europe only. Have you ever noted that Masonry
in America and England wasn't effected by laws passed in the US-UK banning Freemasonry or
persecutions of Masonry in US-UK? No. Masons from the US and UK aided the Third
Reich like Thomas Watson, Henry Ford, Montagu, etc. It's not right to see any
innocent Freemasons dead in WWII, but Hitler's Thule Society was invented by
Freemason Rudolf von Sebettendorff as outlined in the “Occult Roots of
Nazism: Secret Aryan Cults and Their Influence on Nazi Ideology” by Nicholas
Goodrich-Clark (an Oxford University Ph.D.) even though Hitler hated
Masonry. Hitler even used literature from Masons like Bailey and Blavatsky in
his occult rituals, etc. Masonry is extremely powerful but many Masons are sacrificed by secret
societies to achieve goals like the Mason Garfield being assassinated, etc. I've mentioned the Catholic
influence on Hitler, because it's the truth and there is nothing wrong with showing background
information on a subject or showing non-Masonic information in a Masonic expose. What does having
troops in Iraq who are Masons have do with Roosevelt and Winston Churchill? None, them being
Masons is just the truth. You use a typical tactic of creating items out of thin air.

Now to Pearl Harbor. Roosevelt did knew of Pearl Harbor before it came to face America to fight
Japan and Germany since much of America was isolationist and would not be apt for combat. Pearl
Harbor is nothing more than a mirror image of 9/11. One book that shows this is “Pearl Harbor: The
Mother of All Conspiracies.” The book [an explosive book that's 424 pages exposing this conclusively]
was written by Mark Everson Willer. Professor Robert Kelso calls this book "Mother of all
Conspiracies is a sensational book that will change the face of America." Without being too elaborate,
11 days prior to the attack, a telephone call between Churchill and FDR are recorded at Nov. 26, 1941
showing FDR's foreknowledge of Pearl Harbor without warning any of his soldiers in the vicinity of
Hawaii. To see a timeline of his involvement, you can go to

On the seal of dollar bills, it was Henry Wallace (Secretary of Agriculture) and 32nd Degree
Freemason proposed the seal on the back of the U.S. one Dollar Bill. Roosevelt soon accepted it by
1935. Wallace was also pro-Communist. Arthur Schelesinger said that the Great Pyramid was part of
Wallace's esoteric fellowship and his occultic beliefs according to his 1958 book "The Coming of the
New Deal" Henry Agard Wallace was again a pro-Communist, Mason, New Ager , and mystic. No
executive order was necessary to do this so far as I could see, because this is just a one-dollar bill. An
executive order is just as necessary as changes on the 20 dollar bill recently, etc. Truman, by the
atomic bomb, did kill innocent people and that action was controversial since you have to weigh in by
the decision moral right and military necessity. That isn't a lie and deserves no further comment. Just
as many creditable scholars have said that the atomic bomb was or wasn't necessary to end WWII.
That deserves no further comment. I've just explained the terrible event and the Masons have used
numerology for eons. The event ironically of Hiroshima was related to the numbers of 33 and 13.

Truman really dealt with communism in Korea in a controversial fashion. By withholding MacArthur's
strategy in Korea, Korea, China, and other areas in Asia have been encamped of a communist
system. The USA tied in the Korean War and we loosed Vietnam, so Truman is a part of that and
that's a fact. Masonry has endorsed revolutions and history shows that Masons have fought on many
names and groups. (i.e. John Brown was an ex-Mason and fought against slavery and Albert Pike was
a Confederate general in the Civil War, Alexander Kerensky was a 32nd Degree Grand Orient Mason
and he opposed the Tsar government of Russia, and Garfield was a Mason and a capitalist). I once
believed that Karl Marx was a Freemason, but now I don’t. This doesn’t mean that Masons who were
pro-Communist didn’t exist. They did. Similar to a Hegelian Dialectic, secret orders like Freemasonry,
etc. would aid or fund many ideologies like cartel-capitalism and Communism in order to not benefit
the common man, but to endorse the centralization of wealth unto the elite. Many groups use
difference faces to get goals done similar to the Jesuits using different faces (as exposed in the Jesuit
Oath) in promoting their nefarious agenda (of trying to destroy the Protestant Reformation).
There's no contradiction, because just because Masons propel a concept like communism, doesn't
mean every single Mason will accept or go by that or any other system. Why not talk about the
Zionists? Some Zionists are sincere in what they believe in and are peaceful. Some Labor Zionists are
in league with the elite. All Zionists aren’t monolithic in their outlook or agenda. This has nothing to do
with racism or bigotry as I don’t hate Jewish people or Arabic people at all. Look at WWII. Some tied
with the Labor Zionists betrayed their own race at the expense of 6 million Jews being dead.
According to Lenni Brenner's book "Zionism in the Age of Dictators" at Chapter 7, the Zionist party
was the only political party in Nazi Germany that enjoyed a measure of freemason, and could publish
a newspaper. Some of the Zionists (not all Zionists of course) cooperated with the Nazis to try to
make a push for the Jews to go into Palestine mainly: "The cooperation which existed between
Hevdrich's Gestapo and the Jewish self-defense league in Palestine, the militant Haganah,
would not have been closer if it was not for Eichmann who made it public...Polkes, the
underground fighter, got in writing this assurance from Eichmann: "A body representing Jews
in Germany, will exert pressure of those leaving Germany emigrate only to Palestine. Such a
policy is in the interest of Germany and will be executed by the Gestapo." (10)

I will always maintain that the Jewish people collectively are not the head of the conspiracy but many
Labor Zionists are subordinate to the elite (as found in the Vatican, the City of London, the Pilgrim,
high level bloodlines, etc.). I use no tactic. I just classify information that's the truth and it is the truth
that many Supreme Court justices were Freemasons back then not in proportion with the United
States' population of them in this country. Today, most Supreme Court Justices are Roman Catholics
in 2010. You have no refutation, but only use a false characterization against me, so I’m moving on.

John F. Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon

I don't claim to be an expert of naval warfare, but explaining a moment in history isn't some cardinal
sin. Yes, I already know that Johnson was the Commander in Chief, but no President is perfect and all
Americans have a right to criticize a President's policies or actions. It's common knowledge today that
the Gulf of Tolkin attack on August 2, 1964 was fabricated by the U.S. purely to deceive the American
people in order to win their support for additional military action. That has been exposed before by
CBS' 60 Minutes in the 1970's by anchor Morley Safer and his producer Joe Wersh blowing the
whistle on the phony Gulf of Tolkin attack. The Gulf on Tonkin incident was when the
government said that North Vietnam attacked U.S. warships in the Gulf of Tonkin. In
response, LBJ ordered air strikes against North Korea. Congress passed a joint resolution to
do it under Johnson, but it was done without a congressional declaration of war. In 2005, the
National Security Agency declassified a number of documents revealing the Gulf of Tonkin
incident was a fabrication. “The parallels between the faulty intelligence [sic] on Tonkin Gulf
and the manipulated intelligence used to justify the Iraq War make it all the more worthwhile
to re-examine the events of August 1964 in light of new evidence,” writes National Security
Archive research fellow John Prados. You should of heard of this information and not criticize this
fundamental truth. Vietnam was a war carried out by the elite and it has little to do with his standing in
Masonry and I've never said that. I did say that many Masons & Vatican agents (like Cardinal
Spellman) are involved in that situation. You're trying to put words in my mouth. Nixon wasn't ruined,
because Gerald Ford manifested the policy to pardon him. Ford's efforts existed to quiet temporarily
the mass legitimate suspicion of people against the American government. Nixon just worked silently
in the political scene. He wasn't really that noticed until him working in public events. Yes, he was
Watergated out of office by the Watergate break-in. Nixon was a crook and he tried to create his new
policy of Vietnamization. The elite wanted to carry on the Vietnam War. Many of the burglars (like
Martinez, Hunt, Gonzales, Rodriquez, etc. are all part of the Bay of Pigs operation, so these people
are connected with the Bay of Pigs Operation and some feel the JFK assassination and the Bay of
Pigs operation as well.)

The JFK assassination has Masonic involvement (especially in the cover up). Some writers (although
this isn’t verified conclusively yet) believe that the execution being utilized as apart of the Masonic
ceremony called the "Killing of the King." It's explained as this:

"* Kennedy was murdered during the 11th month [November]

* Kennedy was murdered on the 22nd day [11 x 2]
* Kennedy was murdered at the 33rd parallel [11 x 3]
Kennedy was murdered in the Masonic Dealey Plaza, the site of an old Masonic Lodge during the time
of the Texas revolution designed to free Texas from Mexican control" (20)

""President Kennedy was wounded in the exact three same spots as Hiram Abif, who was murdered in
the Masonic initiation, representing the persecution of the Templars on Friday, the 13th, in the year
1307, where Hiram Abif is struck in the back, and in the throat, and in the head. Dealey Plaza is just a
very few short miles from the 33rd parallel. The highest degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry,
the Meritorious Degree, the Degree of the Illuminati, whose motto is "Ordo Ab Chao" or "Out of Chaos
Comes Order"--which literally means if they break down the existing structure and cause the
population to cry out for order, they will emerge as the rulers and will have the world that they seek."

The shooting was a triangulated fire according to Jim Marrs and other writers who reject the official
story revolving around the JFK assassination. Dealey Plaza is also shaped like a pyramid with a
capstone missing. The 3 major men involved in the cover up of the JFK assassination were Allen
Dulles, 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemason J. Edgar Hover, and 1st Degree Freemason Lyndon
Johnson. Each disagreed with John F. Kennedy by threatening to end the CIA, decrease involvement
inside Vietnam, taking on the Mafia, changing radically on policy in dealing with the FED, and
reforming the FBI. Many legitimate scholars came to that same conclusion like Dr. John Coleman's
great book "Committee of 300", Colonel Prouty, an ex-CIA agent Robert Morrow's "First Hand
Knowledge", Colonel Jones Gritz, Jim Marrs' Crossfire, etc. so KYCougar isn’t expert enough with
thousands of documents locked away by the government to assume these men are phonies or that
there is no Masonic involvement since many of the highest men in the intelligence community are
Masons or Jesuits (Knights of Malta like Cartha DeLoach). Just because an organization is higher
than another organization doesn't mean that the other organization isn't implicated in it. The
mechanics of assassination are more complex than the 3 points you have raised. You need to
decipher that logic.

According to many witnesses (like E. Howard Hunt, Frank Strugis, Marita Lorenz, etc.) reported
that more than one shooter was involved in the assassination. Even In 1979, The House Select
Committee on Assassinations concluded that there was a "probable conspiracy" in the murder
of JFK and that organized crime members "possibly" were involved. With JFK's policy getting
rid of tax allowances for oil transnational corporations (plus his war against the Mafia), he
angered the status quo of Big Banking, Big Oil, Organized Crime, and the Military Industrial
Complex. The Secret Service (against their wishes) were forced to stand down in Dallas. They
were prevented from standing near the vehicle where JFK was sitting on. This was against
Secret Service protocol. Colonel Fletcher Prouty said of this in a video. The support of the
Army was cancelled. He's the Pentagon Lisaon to the Secret Service and the CIA. Motorcycled
police didn't ride beside the limousine also when it made that sharp turn in a slow speed. The
only power structure with that power to act that way would exist in the highest levels of the
U.S. government and intelligence agencies globally (These entities are controlled by groups
like the Knights of Malta, the Pilgrim Society, high level Freemasonry, and the Pilgrim Society.
These groups are further controlled by the Vatican/Jesuits and the City of London). The
Jesuits like Saurez advocated assassinated when necessary: 'If the public cause cannot
meet with its defense in the death of a tyrant, it is lawful for the first who arrives, to
assassinate him.' [Defensio Didei, Jesuit Suarez, Book VI. C 4, Nos. 13, 14].
Permindex apparently funded those connected with those who opposed JFK's agenda and the
JFK assassination. Frank Sturgis, E. Howard Hunt, and NYPD Detective Jim Rothstein all are
either claim to be conspirators in the JFK assassination (except Rothstein) or they have
claimed to knew details of it. All 3 sources believe that elements of the CIA were involved in
John F. Kennedy's death. KyCougar, you can’t refuted these people at all. Hunt goes into LBJ
as a key co-conspirator in the events of the assassination, especially the cover up (although,
LBJ is a puppet. He's under the establishment).
I received a lot of the information about MLK from William F. Pepper's "An Act of State: The Execution
of Martin Luther King" from which is a very creditable site. MLK’s harassment, etc.
was Masonic in its cover up by virtue of J. Edgar Hoover (33rd Degree Freemason) and his constant
lying campaign against him. The CIA have used mind control programs even today by former U.S.
Army Lt. Col. in the DIA's Psychological Warfare Division Michael Aquino (a self-confessed Satanist
involved in the Temple of Set in mind Control) and Fritz's research into mind control proving it exists
today along with the modern HAARP technology which can be used to change people's minds. Even
Jesse Ventura’s “Conspiracy Theory” series shown evidence of the federal government
including the CIA using mind control experiment way after the 1960’s or in modern times
recently. shows some possible scenarios of the
logistics of the King assassination. It's definitely true that Martin Luther King was illegally stalked by
the FBI. 33rd Degree Freemason J. Edgar Hoover harbored hatred for King. Dr. King's home was
tapped and his phone conversations were monitored. Dr. William Pepper (a friend of the King family
and a civil rights attorney) represented James Earl Ray. Pepper subscribed to the view that the
government, Lloyd Jowers, and others were involved in a conspiracy to assassinate Dr. Martin Luther
King. This isn't without merit since it's strange that a poor criminal like Ray could travel from America
to Canada, to London and on his way to then Rhodesia in 1968. Even the Deputy Director of the FBI,
William Sullivan, who led the investigation into the assassination, believed that there was a conspiracy
to kill King.
Malcolm X
You're saying many things again that I already know of. Again, I already know that the FBI infiltrated
other groups and the FBI also infiltrated the NOI by John X. Ali and other people in the 1960's.
There is a connection with the KKK and the Nation of Islam. Let many NOI members become
angry and learn this truth. I have no fear of nothing but God and no militant NOI will work over me
good by my comments since Malcolm X and others said these comments for 40+ years. You'll feel
silly that the:

"The NOIs relationship with the White Right was first revealed by Malcolm X, soon after his departure
from the organization. At the height of the Civil Rights Movement across the South, many white racists
and ultraconservatives came to the conclusion that the racially separatist views of Elijah Muhammad
were clearly preferable to the integrationism of Martin Luther King, Jr. The NOIs key go-between with
the white supremacists was John X Ali, identified by authors Louis Lomax and Karl Evanzz as the
FBIs top informant within the organization. Soon after John X. Ali had been named the NOIs national
secretary in early 1960, Texas millionaire H.L. Hunt began to send funds to the NOI. According to
Evanzz, John X. Ali suggested that the Nation establish a dialogue with the Ku Klux Klan and the
American Nazi Party, which might lead to the purchase of land in the deep south. According to FBI
records, on January 28, 1961, a meeting between Ku Klux Klan representatives and the Nation,
including Malcolm X, was held in Atlanta. Also in 1961 at a NOI rally in Washington, DC, American
Nazi George Lincoln Rockwell sat in the front row with a few dozen storm troopers. When it came time
for the collection, Rockwell cried out: "George Lincoln Rockwell gives $20." So much applause
followed that Malcolm X remarked, "George Lincoln Rockwell, you got the biggest hand you ever got,
didnt you?" In 1962, at the NOIs annual Saviors Day in Chicago, Rockwell was a featured speaker. He
stated, "I believe Elijah Muhammad is the Adolph Hitler of the black man," and ended his speech by
pumping his arm and shouting "Heil Hitler." (12)
In society hate groups have always worked together to forment more hate, but this isn't reported to the
media for obvious reasons. Another meeting was in 1985 that :

"In 1985 Tom Metzger, Grand Dragon of the California KKK was personally invited to attend a NOI
rally in Los Angeles and donated $100. Metzger afterwards spoke at length about the basis for the
KKK-NOI alliance. He stated that "he and other white nationalists have shared intelligence data with
the Black Muslim organization and have been doing so for some time." (13)

It's something that's strange, but true and Malcolm X directly exposed the
KKK-NOI connection at when: "Six hundred people attend OAAU rally from
8:15 -10:15 P.M., at Audubon Ballroom; Benjamin X opens; Malcolm X speaks
of February 14 firebombing and NOI conspiracy with KKK." (14)
So I'm not lying about Malcolm X and I can back up anything I can say on this specific issue. The FBI
is Masonic since one early head of the FBI was a 33rd Degree Freemason, it uses secrecy like
Masonry, and many of their agents are as well. The FBI infiltrated NOI members leading to the death
of Malcolm X by using 3 trained NOI members to execute the action. That's a simple historical fact,
yet you deny it and are always objective in terms of Masonry being always propelled in a positive light
by your opinion.

You use a typical tactic of deception KYCougar. The KKK is Masonic for the founder of the
KKK was Nathan Bedford Forest and he was a 1st degree Mason. Albert Pike was a Judicial
Officer of the KKK (according to its critics) and he's a Mason (Masons strongly deny this, but
historians like Walter Flemming, Claude Bowers, Susan Lawrence Davis, and others all say
that Pike was part of the KKK and the KKK was revitalized by Imperial Wizard William Joseph
Simmons in 1919 who was another Freemason of the Blue Lodge and also a Knights Templar).
Albert Pike was a General in the Confederate Army. He was convicted of a war
crime and was pardoned by his Brother Freemason Andrew Johnson. SO, KYCougar,
you can't refute that unless you discredit the histories of those 3 people which you can't at all.
Klansmen recruited in Masonic lodges. Masons were told desegregation was a
Communist plot, and that it was their duty to "protect Southern heritage" or "defend
America" against Communism by subverting federal rulings ordering the integration of
schools. Attacking the Civil Rights movement and its leaders was attacking
Communism, Klan leaders claimed. In reality, they were attacking and subverting
federal law.

The NOI has Masonic ties by virtue of it being infiltrated by the FBI and the NOI's sayings, order, hand
signals (one Masonic Handsign looks similar to the hand sign of the jewel of the 33rd Degree Scottish
Rite of Masonry), and infrastructure somewhat emulating Freemasonry. Now, Wallace Fard was the
founder of the Nation of Islam. According to the FBI, Fard had as many as 27 different aliases and
was sometimes a petty criminal. Fard joined the Moorish Science Temple. That was a quasi-Masonic
and pseudo-Islamic organization. Some accuse him of killing its leader Noble Drew Ali. David
Livingstone writes in his article called “The Nation of Islam and the Freemasons” that: “…Fard
finally got in trouble when one of his followers committed murder to, in his own
words, "bring himself closer to Allah." He had quoted from Fard's booklet titled
Secret Rituals of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam. Although not charged with any
crime, Fard was asked to leave Detroit in early 1933 and to never return. He finally
disappeared without a trace in 1934. But he had already initiated a devoted follower,
Elijah Mohammed, to whom he taught Masonic superstitions dressed in Islamic
themes, and who went on found the Nation of Islam, and claimed that Fard was God.
We already know of the corruption that was discovered by Malcolm X…” Therefore, the
Masonic FBI and the quasi-Masonic Moorish Science Temple-influenced Nation of Islam killed
Malcolm X. Malcolm X angered people, but he did changed his earlier beliefs and at least tried to
improve society which we all should be thankful for.

Since, you provided no evidence on your part; therefore by your ignorance of Waco, let me enlighten
you on Waco. Over 100 innocent people were killed at Waco. The best way to end that situation
was a simple warrant and simple swat team round up of the people to end that conflict. None was
done. None. They illegally killed them, because they had no warrant to intrude on their property, they
used U.S. military equipment against them in 1993 violating the Posse Comitatus Act (It's against the
law for U.S. Army equipment to be used against U.S. civilians. The equipment included were
tanks and specialized helicopters which is totally illegal). Never did I mention this incident as a
Masonic conspiracy at all.

This has been admitted by Brig. Gen. Peter Schoomaker :

"Similar concerns about military involvement in the raid were raised by two senior special
operations Army officers shortly the end of the siege. On April 14, 1993, then- Brig. Gen.
Peter Schoomaker and then-Col. William Boykin were called to the Justice Department to
meet with Attorney General Janet Reno. Both men had previously commanded Army
special forces and were highly experienced in counter-terrorism and hostage rescue
operations. Reno wanted their assessment on the FBI proposal to end the siege.
Schoomaker had toured the site by helicopter the day before. While they offered some
technical advice on the effects of using tear gas, Schoomaker has told ABCNEWS he
declined to formally review the plan because it was not a military operation. Schoomaker,
who is now a four-star general and the commander of the U.S. Special Operations
Command has said it was inappropriate for him to get involved." (21)

It was ordered by DeMolay President Clinton, Hillary, and Reno. Clinton has a Masonic connection
since Clinton is a DeMolay Freemason and his early preacher was a Freemason. Wesley Clark is a
war criminal as with Hillary, Bill Clinton, Reno, and the BATF.
explains this much further than I can. David Koresh was a cult leader (He was wrong for calling
himself God), but he could of been easily arrested in June 1992 and even in 1993, when he regularly
walked across his Compound. These murderers used CS gas and "CS gas banned under the Paris
Convention chemical warfare. The US. could not use it in war. It is illegal, but they would use it against
their own citizens." (15)

The committee Republicans, despite their criticism of federal abuses, concluded that one of the
"lessons" of Waco was the need to increase the size of the FBI's Hostage Rescue Team. Republican
Rep. Steven Schiff (N.M.), writing a dissent based in part on information provided by Rep. Bob Barr
(R.-Ga.) (both Schiff and Barr are former federal prosecutors), declared that : no rational person can
conclude that the use of CS gas under any circumstances against children, would do anything other
than cause extreme physical problems and possibly death.... I believe the deaths of dozens of men,
women and children can be directly and indirectly attributable to the use of this gas in the way it was
injected by the FBI." (22)

There is so much evidence to convict the government in this, that to criticize me on this is not
only appalling, but disrespectful to the families of Waco. You must be a brainwashed sheep
Mason believing in the lies of the media. The people in Waco were never deserved this. Koresh
though to me is a fraud and probably did mess with women, but the authorities should of
arrested him within the bounds of the law and don't kill innocent people using illegal force in
the process. FBI Director William Sessions denied that child abuse had anything to do with it.
Nothing brings out the raw courage of heavily armed federal agents like killing eccentric
religious people minding their own business in a rural area. Koresh wasn't perfect and I don't
consider him a hero so you're putting words in my mouth again. The real heroes are the
children mainly in Waco.

There is a lot of evidence to point to the bombing was internally exploded by many reasons. One man
who sent a letter to Senator Don Rickles showing evidence of an internal explosion was Air Force
Brigadier General Partin (Retired). This Air Force person said that among other things It is absurb
says Partin, to hold that truck bomb blast was powerful enough to take down large steel-reinforced,
concrete columns and still leave sheet rock, furring strips, and other light, decorative materials virtually
unfazed. (16) has information that

promotes that internal explosions might of occurring in the Oklahoma City bombing also. There are
more evidence of internal explosions since the Truck could of produced such a damaging quality
alone. You need to show more valid evidence than shrapnel striations. McVeigh wasn’t a hero, but he
was an exploit ex-military agent with ties to Elohim City (and some believe that he was used as an
agent provocateur). Tim McVeigh is a murderer no doubt, but it’s bigger than him.

The number significance is all true and so your commentary on it deserves no further comment since
you office no refutation of it at all but criticize it. A refutation I mean to refute the locations and areas
that I have existing with those numbers and you shown 0 to refute that at all. Masonry is bad and was
convicted before me or you were ever born. Everything doesn’t have Masonic connections and that’s
so silly that no comment is needed on it. I do have evidence on the Waco-OKC connection, because
during that time, investigations were occurring about the issue of Waco and immediately after the
OKC bombing, the investigation of Waco stonewalled and Clinton passed his Crime and Terrorism
Bill. Also, many federal agents were missing along with documents of Waco, drug trade, etc.
implanted in the building. McVeigh said that he was involved in response to Waco, which wasn’t
justified at all. The FBI has been caught infiltrating Elohim City and Elohim City is where the OKC
bombing plot was hatched and carried out. Many witnesses saw more than one man near the Ryder
Truck running when the bombing occurred in 1996 as well.

The Map Issue & 911

The Map issue from Cutting Edge ministries is indeed controversial. Some agree with it and some
disagree with it. What is true is that some international events have been orchestrated in a process of
a conspiracy from the assassination to Julius Caesar to the bombing of Madrid. The images deserve
further investigation as well. It’s also true that Satanists exist and they promote evil in the world isn’t a hate site, but shows dissents among all secret societies and I don’t see a
problem with that. You can disagree with groups and organization without using personal invective
against human beings. It regularly exhorts Masons, Catholics, and even Satanists to come to Jesus
Christ. That isn’t a representation of hate, but it’s an out pouring of love instead that’s love. It only that
people like us hates sin and evil not the people in those groups and yet again you still maintained a
distorted view of hate. Dissent isn’t necessarily hate.

On 9/11, you are using propaganda again. I didn’t say that 9/11 was a Masonic conspiracy per se. I do
mention that there is no evidence that Osama bin Laden made Building Number Seven fall by itself,
that he made NORAD standdown by itself, and that he flown the planes to the Twin Towers at all.
First, the U.S. government had complete foreknowledge of the attacks. Evidence is from these

1). President Bush receiving classified intelligence briefings at his Crawford, Texas ranch indicating
that Osama bin Laden might be planning to hijack commercial airlines. (17)

2). Newsweek twice reported that top Pentagon officials had got a warning of the impending
attack on September 10th, and cancelled their flights for the next day. This confirms that these
officials knew both the locations of the imminent attack and the method of using jetliners as

"On Sept. 10, NEWSWEEK has learned, a group of top Pentagon officials suddenly cancelled
travel plans for the next morning, apparently because of security concerns."

"NEWSWEEK has learned that while U.S. intelligence received no specific warning, the state of
alert had been high during the past two weeks, and a particularly urgent warning may have
been received the night before the attacks, causing some top Pentagon brass to cancel a trip.
Why that same information was not available to the 266 people who died aboard the four
hijacked commercial aircraft may become a hot topic on the Hill." (18)

3). From July 4-14th 2001, Osama bin Laden was tried for a kidney infection in the American Hospital,
Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Osama met several times with CIA station chief Larry Mitchell, even
though Osama was accused of the Kenyan bombing during that time. Bin Laden gave Mitchell precise
information regarding an imminent attack on the U.S. He returns to the CIS headquarters at July 15.

4). Dr. Garth Nicholson, Ph.D., a foremost researcher of the Gulf War Syndrome investigators
reported to Pentagon officials that he had confirmed intelligence indicating that on September
11, 2001, a terrorist strike against the Pentagon would be made. It was passed to the National
Security Council, Condoleezza Rice, but it was ignored. (23)

These are only 4 irrefutable evidences of government foreknowledge of 9/11. Now to involvement.
Involvement of 9/11 by the U.S. government is named by 2 sources out of hundreds of real sources.
One is Dr. Pierczenik (a PhD., CFR members, and a management of world crisis) who said that Bush
administration had foreknowledge of 9/11 and this war on terrorism is a false invention plus Thierry
Meyesson, a French author. Both can be found at . There is so
much evidence conclusive evidence on this Issue that its no longer a controversial subject for truth
seekers now. This is easy common knowledge.

You have shown anti-conspiracy truth propaganda and have little to no evidence to back your
criticism. I’ve listed sufficient sources and logical arguments to refute you entirely by your propaganda,
innuendo, rhetoric, distortion, and half-truths.
The Persian Gulf War:

On this war, KYCougar, your half-truths are laughable again. Here’s the facts refuting
your propaganda. The war started because of misunderstandings and impatience by
both parties. At, 1989, Kuwait launched an unprovoked economic aggression against
its much larger neighbor, Iraq. It cost Iraq $14 billion in lost revenues. Saddam at first
wanted a peaceful solution by complaining to the League of Arab States at May 28-
30 1990. Saddam also accused Kuwait of stealing Iraq’s Rumaylah oil fields from July
15-17 before its invasion so Kuwait isn’t some saint nation also. Iraq invaded Kuwait
and because of that risking U.S. oil profits, the U.S. (and its European allies) fought
the Gulf War. You talk about the Iran/Iraq war. Both sides on that war were run by ruthless dictators
that are heavily aided by the West in their histories, so there is no moral equivalency with the evil acts
of Iraq or Iran. The US government is guilty of sending aid to Iraq during that Iraq/Iran war during the
1980‘s. The U.S. even supplied Iraq with Anthrax according to William Thomas book entitled,
“Bringing the War Home” giving 19 containers of Anthrax bacteria supplied to Iraq in 1988 by the
American Type Culture Collection company, located near Fort Detrick, MD, the site of the U.S. Army’s
high security germ warfare labs. Even Dr. Pieczenik said that Cheney is a criminal having gotten 35
million sweetheart deal for Haliburton and blatantly violating the embargo on Iraq. The U.S. worked
with other nations, because of the roadblocks Iraq received and impatience. The 33rd Parallel is
where the no-fly zones is located and that’s a fact (George H.W. Bush and Saddam were allies I might
add. Bush is a honorary Knight of Malta) Ironically, in Freemasonry, the 33rd Degree is the highest
degree in Scottish Rite Freemason but other degrees are higher than the 33rd Degree. Iraq even
in the 1990’s was no threat to their neighbors even with the no fly zone. Iraq in
that time experienced sanctions by the UN and the West that killed more than
1 million Iraqis (via starvation, etc.). Also CFR member Madeleine Albright said
that the murderous sanctions were worth it. That’s a disgrace. Iraq wouldn’t
invade other nations in that time since her neighbors had more military power
and will be more than willing to invade Iraq or bomb it heavily. So, your
criticism to that is just bogus.
Its explaining a fact and has nothing to do with the numerology fame. Glaspie was speaking the truth
here since the US worked with Iraq in the 1980s when our government were involved in giving
Hussein supplies (as apart of government policy) to kill innocent men, women, and children.

On the RFK assassination, you don’t even show an elaborate refutation, but an unbiased accusation
of rhetoric. Anti-Arabic agitation isn’t justified regardless of your support of it, because many of the so-
called terrorists have ties to the CIA, Muslim Masonic terrorists, and the USA government basically
with other foreign networks not just Arabic people. Masonic Muslims isn’t far fetched because you
need to learn something called the Muslim Brotherhood which is a terrorist organization that’s
Masonic. Early founders of the Muslim Brotherhood were Freemasons. To see more elaborate proof
go to showing over 100 sources of the Masonic Muslim terrorists as
documented by Dr. Peter Goodgame.

You are hereby refuted by me and I‘m way younger than you. Bye.

(1). Eliphas Levi, The Mysteries of Magic., page 428.
(2). The Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Home and Office Edition, by Merriam-Webster Incorporated.,
Copyright c. 1998.
(3). Manley Palmer Hall 33rd Degree, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, page CIV.
(4). Sister Helena Petrovna Blavastsky 32nd Degree, Ancient and Accepted Primitive Rite, Grand
Orient of France, The Secret Doctrine, pages 171, 225, 255 (Volume II).
(5). Ibid., pages 215, 216, 220, 245, 255, 533, (VI)
(6). Ibid., page 539.
(7). Aliester Crowley, Satanic Extracts, Black Lodge Publishing, 1991.
(8) Mary Edith Durham, The Sarajevo Crime, pages 85-86, George Allyn Unwinn, Ltd. London, 1925.
(9). Paul A. Fisher, Behind the Lodge Door, pgs. 217-218, 1988.
(10). Donne de Grorde, Barbarians inside the Gates, the Black Book of Bolshevism, p. 149 (2000)
(quoting Henre ke Kadrel, Adolph Hitler: Founder of Israel (1997).
(11). United States Presidents and the Masonic Power Structure, by Robert Howard (2001-2003),
HardTruth Website.
(12) Chicago Free Weekly Reader, April 11, 1986
(13). Washington Times, Nov. 5, 1985, Nation of Islam Forges Links to Gangs , Radicals.
(15). The Washington Times, April 23, 1993
(17). CBS News; CNN, May 15, 2002
(18). Sources-Newsweek September 24th- Newsweek September 13th
(19). Le Figaro, October 31, 2001
(21). ABC News December
17, 2000
(22). The Fires of Waco Are Still Burning by James Bovard, March 1998 from also
(23). Vatican Assassins-NY Attack.
Like I’ve mentioned before, I’ve refuted Masons and
their propagandists for over 7 years. Their history of
deception and obfuscation of history have been exposed
for all to see. The truth is out in 2010 and it will not
be contained or diminished at all. This is dedicated to
all truth lovers.

By Timothy

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