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c0ttfGE 0F

EDUCATIOII I student Academic Affairs 0ffice



LAS Undergraduate Teaching Programs

Secondary Education Minor

& Bachelor of Afts in Teaching Foreign Language

Hours Verilicatio n F orm


one part of the highly compedtive admissions process for LAS teacher educadon programs, you must veri$ compledon of at

least 50 hours of academic tutoring of middle school or high school students in a public or private school seaing. These hours must be completed after you graduate &om high school and must be supervised by an educator, such as a tcacher or guidance 'W'e want you to have academic experiences counselor, or a professional adminisrator. This requirement serves sweral purposes.

interacting with students of a similar age and stage of development to those you plan to teach. Also, w want you and your supervisor to realistically assess your interest and commitment to education and your ability to handle responsibiliry . "Foreign
Language majors are strongly enco*rnged. to


students studying the appropriate hnguage.

Note: In order to complete a roral of 50 hours, an LAS student may have to f,utor more than one semester in more than one school location/serting, Srudena should, however, try to limic their experiences to no more dran two locations. Admissions Commitrces also recommend that srudents complete no more t{ran 25 hours of their reguired experience in dreir "home" school dis*ict, but instead aim for more &verse experiences. Submit a copy ofthis form for each experience.


Name: Deborah Rapson



Name of School where you tutored: Jeffetson Middle School

School Stres Address: f I 15 S. Crescent


City: Champaign
School orAgency Phone



Statq IL

Indicare Middle School or High School


Middle School


Foreign Language Majors






Dates you began and ended rhis academic tutoring experience


September 2010 - December 2010

In addition to tutoingin an acadanic seningr-f*tip knguage majors may ako complzn such knguage acpdences as uorkinguitb migrantfamiQ Programs, at counsehrs in intensiae hnguage camps, or in otbo ESL settings. Irrifuatinn oftbese expericnces must


Addttional inlormation and signaturc requlred on lollowing page

Et t L r N o r s I z'r7.333.2W I r3ro S. 6th St., Champaign, lL 61820


Type (or Print) All Informadon

Briefly describe the school setting (e.g., V'ho attended? !7hat were the puqposes?) and why you seleced rhis site.

I tutored in rwo sixth-grade Eng[ish Language Arrs classrooms in a middle school in Champaign, IL through the program rica Reads/America Counm. I worked mosdy one-on-one with a student, sometimes working wirh rwo or three srudents. them write papers, read with them, and assisted them with grammar/vocabularyworksheets. I often worked with {rho were behind in cheir worh needed extra assisance, or were having trouble focusing in class.

Briefly reflect on what you have learned from this experience.

have gained so much

from my experience atJefferson. The most imponant insight I've gained, to me, is that every one of the I worked with was unique and had thcir own in&vidual way of leaming I had to implement a vatiety of strategies and

methods when dealingwith very different and &verse s$dents. Becausc I tutored in a school during school hours, I able to observe how this panicular school was organizd and some of thc methods that the teachers used. I believe thar I am a teacher mFself, I will remember the strategies that I observed co be succcssfrrl and use those in my own classroom.

be responsible

I go through the secondary educacion program, I will work in environments with more trhan one $rudenr and as a teacher for many srudents; I will be able to use what I've learned from having one-on-one e4perience with students in to treat all my future scudents as in&viduals.

This section to be completed by school representative

Briefly assess this etudenfs perfotmance under your supewision:

Ms Kryson hrts Vwxt pwnr,futl


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were completed sadsfactorily and that the studentt description accurately represenm his/her experience.


rulq lzoro

c0ttfGE 0F

EDUCATIOII I student Academic Affairs 0ffice



LAS Undergraduate Teaching Programs

Secondary Education Minor

& Bachelor of Afts in Teaching Foreign Language

Hours Verilicatio n F orm


one part of the highly compedtive admissions process for LAS teacher educadon programs, you must veri$ compledon of at

least 50 hours of academic tutoring of middle school or high school students in a public or private school seaing. These hours must be completed after you graduate &om high school and must be supervised by an educator, such as a tcacher or guidance 'W'e want you to have academic experiences counselor, or a professional adminisrator. This requirement serves sweral purposes.

interacting with students of a similar age and stage of development to those you plan to teach. Also, w want you and your supervisor to realistically assess your interest and commitment to education and your ability to handle responsibiliry . "Foreign
Language majors are strongly enco*rnged. to


students studying the appropriate hnguage.

Note: In order to complete a roral of 50 hours, an LAS student may have to f,utor more than one semester in more than one school location/serting, Srudena should, however, try to limic their experiences to no more dran two locations. Admissions Commitrces also recommend that srudents complete no more t{ran 25 hours of their reguired experience in dreir "home" school dis*ict, but instead aim for more &verse experiences. Submit a copy ofthis form for each experience.


Name: Deborah Rapson



Name of School where you tutored: Jeffetson Middle School

School Stres Address: f I 15 S. Crescent


City: Champaign
School orAgency Phone



Statq IL

Indicare Middle School or High School


Middle School


Foreign Language Majors






Dates you began and ended rhis academic tutoring experience


September 2010 - December 2010

In addition to tutoingin an acadanic seningr-f*tip knguage majors may ako complzn such knguage acpdences as uorkinguitb migrantfamiQ Programs, at counsehrs in intensiae hnguage camps, or in otbo ESL settings. Irrifuatinn oftbese expericnces must


Addttional inlormation and signaturc requlred on lollowing page

Et t L r N o r s I z'r7.333.2W I r3ro S. 6th St., Champaign, lL 61820


Type (or Print) All Informadon

'Who Brie0y describe the school seming (e.g, atrended? Whar were tlre puqposes?) and why you selecred this site.

rutoredin rwo sixth-gradeEnglish LangsagrArts classroomsin a middle schoolin Champaign, ILthrougbthe program Reads/America Counts. I worked mosdy one-on-one with a studenq somedmes vrorking with two or three students. them wrire papers" read with t'hem, and assisted them with grammar/vocabulary worksheets. I often worked with who were behind in rheir work, needed excra assisrance, or were having crouble focusing in class.

Briefly reflect on what you have learned from this experience.

have gained so much from my experience atJefferson. The most important insight Ite gained, to me, is that every one of the I worked with was unique and had their own individual way of learning I had to implcmcnt a variety of strategies and merhods when deding wirh very different and diverse studens. Becausc I tutored in a school during school hours, I able to observe how this panicular school was organized and some ofthe methods that the teachers used. I believe that when am a rcachcr mysclf I urill remember che sratqies that I observed ro bc successfirl and use those in my own cla.ssroom. Also, as I

drrough the sccondary education program, I will work in environments with more than one student and as a teacher will be for many students; I will be able to use what I ve learned from having one-on-one experience with students in order treat all myfuture students as in&viduals.

This section to be compteted by school representatlve


this student's perfotmance underyout supewieion:

DeboraK rl.ra-s a-tw-?t 6^- tin<- c-l\d- u)a5 6. S<t{-Starter)" t{eS h" i ,*np<-A riolLf , n" o n L'tp;n1 f fud't'v'*s tl *a*,(tofr r sh< JFf'-+iuct'X Io'*qht {,!-[* Uterfla-*iv< rzlctt*qh+ t^A;vidcrct( S+')detr'*s :o , at'-

I verify

ett i"if, ytot



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completed sadsfactorily and that the srudentt description accurately represenm his/her experience.

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