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Submitted To:

Dr.Hafeez-Ur-Rehman Sb

Submitted By:




Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad


An ethnographic study is the central focus of Anthropological research .In ethnographic research we try to discourage the culture of particular community according to their own point of view .In ethnographic research we try to see the people according to their eyes as described by david L.sills The ethnographer writes not only to rely upon published outlines and questionnaire.he shuns interviews with informants carried out in artificial settings .and he avoids premature quantification are over differentiated measurements .Initially at least flexibility ,curiosity ,patience and experimentation with many alternatives devices and procedures are desirable. (1979,P.175) Ethnographic Research carries all aspects related to our specific research or locale. Ethnographic research is very important because it carries qualitative and quantitave both features In my research I will focus on marriage pattern of village lasoori khar .I will try to explore the marriage pattern of that particular village .My study will highlight the culture of village lasoori khar.

Statement of the Problem

In this study I will try to describe the way of life of village lasoori khar.My speciality will remain on the marriage pattern on that particular village. I will try to explore that how they celebrate marriage ceremonies .The main problem of my study is the marriage pattern in village lasoori khar.Every society in the world have the own pattern of marriage. Marriage is an old experience of human beings. My focus will remain on the some particulars aspects of marriage pattern celebrated in village lasoori khar.I will also elaborate the basic functions of marriage exchange of goods in marriage, bride wealth, transfer of property etc.

Review of Literature
I will take the support of relevant literature to clear my topic in front of me and for readers .literature view will help to clarify my research topic and it will enhance the authenticity of my research .

There are five basic institution to unite any society which are family ,religion,education,economic and politics.In these five institutions family is major institution come into existence when to spouses meet together.Legally relation of these spouses is called marriage. Marriage is a social institution as determined by culture. (Hoebel,1966:P.332) Marriage is legally and culturally organized relation between male and female. after marriage they have right to establish sexual relation and grow their family. They marriages are performs so that the society remain organized and fulfill social functions. Marriage may be defined as publiclicaly recognized and culturally sectioned union between a male and female which intended to be enduring to give primary sexual rights in each to the couple and to fulfill further social functions (David E. Hunter and phillip Whiten 1976 p.257) Marriage is the basic of any society .Marriage is very important for existence and growth an any society. Marriage define the status of family members such as father,mother,sister and brothers. Marriage established the family a group constituting of mated spouses and related rules and expectations governing the relation of nuclear group as spouse ,parents ,offspring and siblings.It define their status and rules in relation to wider group of kins men.Marriage is institution the family is the group or body of personnel ,whose actions are directed toward fulfilling the aim of institution . (Hoebel:1949 P:356) The marriage also play an important role in the solidarity of different groups .The different groups set up relation between each other through marriage ,and the cohesion of these groups became strong. It is the system of kinship and marriage that plays an important role in maintain group and solidarity and in oriented the individuals ,members to the social maze. (Fred,Eggen :1968,P 390) In any society marriage is basic step to organized any kinship group.Due to marriage different kinship groups became close to each other and make a social bond.

Kinship and marriage are considered the most basic social bond (Fox :1967,P 27) In any society or family marriages an important occasion because after marriage the person steped into his social life and start work for his own future life.Marriage is the first step to constitute the family. Marriage defines the manner of establishing terminating such a relationship, normatic behavior and reciprocal obligation written in it and locally accepted restrictions upon its personnel . (Murdock, 1965 P 47) Every society have their own norms and customs in their culture and the people spend their lives regarding to these culturly norms.They have relation with different people or domestic groups .These relations create marriages.after marriage these relations enter in a new directions.These relations made an other domestic groups and this way the society spread and preformed its functions . On the one hand,kinship norms and to domestic groups of relationships create marriage and that marriage on the other hand creat domestic groups and sustained and kinship system (Melfered E.Spiro 1977 P 146) Marriage is a social event it is held by the help of both families .it is not only relate to both person that are joint in marriage but it also relate to both families . Stake found an elaborative kin and friendship based exchange network in member of extended families shared housing resources and household tasks. Economic factor tended to have the most significant influence on the size ,structure and membership in these kin and friend support network (Stage 1974 P. 62 to 92)

The relation of marriage enhance the alliances between both families they support each other at every event perform in the society .

The findings of significant relationship between the family variables and receipt of support is some what consistent with other research that examine integrational transfer of assistant . (Bengston & Hadded 1976 P.237) The relation created through marriage may be positive relation or negative realtion .Positive relation always create a good alliances between both families while negative relation create problem between both families . The negative relationship between age and receipt of support is consistent with other research .Previous work indicates that age inversely related to frequency of interaction with kin. (Croog et al 1972 P34)

Objectives of the study

1: To describe the history of village lasoori khar. 2: To describe the special marriage pattern of village lasoori khar. 3: Perception of locale people about marriage pattern. 4: To study transfer of property through marriage. 5: To document the different ceremonies which occur during marriage.

Significant Of Study
My study will helpful for those people who are interested to have information about village lasoori khar and their special marriage pattern.This study will helpful for researcher and student.This study will also helpful for Government agencies.

The aim of the research methodology lies in seeking the answers to question and find out true, useful information about particular phenomena in the universe. There are many techniques and method available for observing relevant phenomena. Rural anthropology has developed its own method and technique. I will use a variety of anthropological techniques for conducting the present research.

Rapport building Observation Participant observation Key informant Interview Sampling Photography and Recordings Questionnaire Case study Daily diary

Rapport establishment is very important in anthropological research because this method provides key to use other method such as interview and it also provides chances to get the emic ideas of the natives. Rapport establishment is also compulsory for the utilization of participant observation. H. Russell says It (Participant observation) involves establishing rapport in a community. I know that I am native this area but rapport is compulsory because people of this area is not ready to give information and interviews about their life and family but through rapport I will fill the censes form and get the information about my research topic. Moreover I will also develop the trust that my research is not harmful for community and their lives but also be beneficial in future.

Observation is a process through which an event situation is kept to see and to watch carefully and note and remember its a thoughtful process. It is a process to gather data through vision. Alarm says; Direct and careful watching of a phenomena or situation to collect real ad concrete information about the problem.

(Alam, 2007) Goode and Hatt say; Observation is a careful and systematic watching of facts as they occur in nature with regard to the cause and effect mutual relations.

Participant observation will be helpful for me to get the confidence of respondents .It will helpful to reduce the distance between me and respondents. H .Russell Burnard (1994) says, Participant observation is the foundation of anthropological research, and yet it is the least well defined methodological component of our discipline. I will utilize this method during my research. During this period I will meet the people face to face and note their topic related activities and capture the disparity in natives theory and practices regarding to related topic.

Key informants prove to be a valuable source of data. They must be chosen with care as they should be from the community being studied and are required to have a significant amount of knowledge about the community in order to help understand the local peoples perspectives. Key informants play a role of bridge between researcher and respondents. Key informants are the persons who are capable of verbally expressing cultural information. Key informants are those individuals of the community under study who provide the investigation with detailed knowledge and information. I will also select key informants during research field for better collection of the data. I select those key informants which have better knowledge about my research topic.

To get inside of someone thinking thoughts and explanations is interviewing its not only to know what one see but hidden. It is the discussion between the researcher and respondent to have specific objectives. Interview is a conversation with a purpose to get information. There are three types of interviews; structured, unstructured and semi structure interviews. Structured interviews are those that have been formulated in a pattern whereas unstructured are those that are based on a set plan but do not have a regular patterns. Semi structures interviews are lying between structured and

unstructured. I will use all the types in data collection to gain information from the respondents. I will use both the open and close ended questions. During few initial meeting I will make use of unstructured interviews and afterward I will make use of structured interviews.

Number of people involve in research process are called samples. The process to select these samples is called sampling Complete target population is not possible to cover in a short time so samples are selected from target population through different sampling techniques. I will use random sampling, snowball sampling and purposive sampling techniques. On the contrary, it is argued that sampling provides a better option since it addresses the survey population in a short period of time and produces comparable and equally valid result.

Photography and Recordings

Photography and recording techniques are modern techniques in the research. I will use both techniques to collect valid data. Photographic technique will help in giving the ethnographic detail of locale. Recordings techniques will use to record the focus group discussion and other important gatherings of native people.

Surveys Questionnaires
It is important method to collect data in field. It is type of survey method to collect data. In questionnaire method written questions are given respondents by hand or through mail. It is called self-administer questionnaire. There are three types of questionnaires, structure, unstructured and semi structure questionnaire. structured questionnaire are use in quantitative research and un structured questionnaires use in qualitative. I will develop comprehensive questionnaire to cover all the aspects relevant to the research topic and they quite often are mistakenly taken to be the method of social research.

Case Study
Case study technique will help to record related events an important way of getting into depth of interviews of the living individuals. These case studies will help me to understand of my objectives. Main advantage of case study lies in the richness of its description as the subject is deeply study all data in detail. I will use this technique during field work to get detailed and reliable data.

Daily Diary And Field Notes

Writing diary is simple and effective in which one record the experiences and facts daily find in field, its a memorable and quite helpful when analyzing data after the field. It will be the daily record, time and important events relevant to the field. I will took field notes and write diary daily to keep my research recall. I will use diary to write down my schedule of whole day in the field. These two will help me for data analysis.

1: When did originate this village? 2: Why this village is known as Lasoori? 3:Which are the main ethic group in village? 4:Which group is dominant in this village? 5:What is the major source of their income? 6:What is the rate of education in village? 7: What is the role of politics in village? 8:Which things you give in dowry? 9:How you celebrate your marriage ceremonies ? 10: Do you prefer exogamy or endogamy ? 11: Why do you prefer exogamy? 12: Why do you prefer endogamy? 13: Are you satisfy with your marriage system ? 14: What is the difference between marriage of poors and riches? 15:What are the activities which perform to arrange marriage ceremonies ? 16: What the age limit of groom and bride? 17:What is logic behind teenage marriage?


Hoebel E.Adamson 1967 (Manpower and Administration ,department of labour Washington P.332) David E.Hunter and Phillip Whitten 1976 (Encylopedia of Enthropology Harper and Row publishers new York hagers town P.257) Hoebel E.Adamson 1949 (Manpower and Administration department of labour washinton p .356) Eggan 1968 (Kinship and Marriage C Nicholls and Company Ltd P.390) Wolf for (Encylopedia of social science London-Press p.27) Murdock ,George Petee 1965 (Social Struture New York free publish p.47) Spiro .E Melford 1977 (Kinship and Marriage in Burma reprints of the University of California P.146) Stake,Carol 1976 (All our Kin.New York .Harper and Row P.62) Bengtson ,Vern L 1976 (The generation gap and aging family members toward a conceptual model P. 237) Booth ,Alan 1972 (Sex and social participation American Sociological review P.37)


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